Essay on Environment for Students and Children

500+ words essay on environment.

Essay on Environment – All living things that live on this earth comes under the environment. Whether they live on land or water they are part of the environment. The environment also includes air, water, sunlight, plants, animals, etc.

Moreover, the earth is considered the only planet in the universe that supports life. The environment can be understood as a blanket that keeps life on the planet sage and sound.

Essay on Environment

Importance of Environment

We truly cannot understand the real worth of the environment. But we can estimate some of its importance that can help us understand its importance. It plays a vital role in keeping living things healthy in the environment.

Likewise, it maintains the ecological balance that will keep check of life on earth. It provides food, shelter, air, and fulfills all the human needs whether big or small.

Moreover, the entire life support of humans depends wholly on the environmental factors. In addition, it also helps in maintaining various life cycles on earth.

Most importantly, our environment is the source of natural beauty and is necessary for maintaining physical and mental health.

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Benefits of the Environment

The environment gives us countless benefits that we can’t repay our entire life. As they are connected with the forest, trees, animals, water, and air. The forest and trees filter the air and absorb harmful gases. Plants purify water, reduce the chances of flood maintain natural balance and many others.

Moreover, the environment keeps a close check on the environment and its functioning, It regulates the vital systems that are essential for the ecosystem. Besides, it maintains the culture and quality of life on earth.

The environment regulates various natural cycles that happen daily. These cycles help in maintaining the natural balance between living things and the environment. Disturbance of these things can ultimately affect the life cycle of humans and other living beings.

The environment has helped us and other living beings to flourish and grow from thousands of years. The environment provides us fertile land, water, air, livestock and many essential things for survival.

Cause of Environmental Degradation

Human activities are the major cause of environmental degradation because most of the activities humans do harm the environment in some way. The activities of humans that causes environmental degradation is pollution, defective environmental policies, chemicals, greenhouse gases, global warming, ozone depletion, etc.

All these affect the environment badly. Besides, these the overuse of natural resources will create a situation in the future there will be no resources for consumption. And the most basic necessity of living air will get so polluted that humans have to use bottled oxygen for breathing.

a short essay about environment

Above all, increasing human activity is exerting more pressure on the surface of the earth which is causing many disasters in an unnatural form. Also, we are using the natural resources at a pace that within a few years they will vanish from the earth. To conclude, we can say that it is the environment that is keeping us alive. Without the blanket of environment, we won’t be able to survive.

Moreover, the environment’s contribution to life cannot be repaid. Besides, still what the environment has done for us, in return we only have damaged and degraded it.

FAQs about Essay on Environment

Q.1 What is the true meaning of the environment?

A.1 The ecosystem that includes all the plants, animals, birds, reptiles, insects, water bodies, fishes, human beings, trees, microorganisms and many more are part of the environment. Besides, all these constitute the environment.

Q.2 What is the three types of the environment?

A.2 The three types of environment includes the physical, social, and cultural environment. Besides, various scientists have defined different types and numbers of environment.

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Essay on Environment

essay on environment

Here we have shared the Essay on Environment in detail so you can use it in your exam or assignment of 150, 250, 400, 500, or 1000 words.

You can use this Essay on Environment in any assignment or project whether you are in school (class 10th or 12th), college, or preparing for answer writing in competitive exams. 

Topics covered in this article.

Essay on Environment in 150-200 words

Essay on environment in 250-300 words, essay on environment in 500-1000 words.

The environment is our natural surroundings, encompassing air, water, land, and diverse ecosystems. It sustains life on Earth, providing essential resources and habitats for all living beings. However, human activities such as deforestation, pollution, and climate change are posing significant threats to the environment and its delicate balance.

Protecting the environment is crucial for our well-being and the planet’s sustainability. It requires collective action and individual responsibility. We must adopt sustainable practices, reduce pollution and waste, conserve resources, and support conservation efforts. By valuing and preserving the environment, we ensure a healthier and more prosperous future.

Governments, businesses, and individuals must work together to address these environmental challenges. Promoting renewable energy, implementing effective policies, and raising awareness about the importance of environmental conservation are key steps to protect our planet.

Preserving the environment is not just an obligation but also an opportunity to enhance our quality of life and ensure a sustainable future for generations to come. Let us embrace this responsibility and work towards creating a harmonious relationship with nature, respecting its intrinsic value and preserving its abundance for future generations.

The environment is the natural world around us, comprising the air we breathe, the water we drink, the land we live on, and the diverse ecosystems that support life. It encompasses everything from the smallest microorganisms to the largest forests and oceans. This essay briefly discusses the importance of the environment and the need for its protection.

The environment plays a crucial role in sustaining life on Earth. It provides us with essential resources, such as clean air, water, and food, and offers habitats for countless species. It regulates the climate, supports biodiversity, and contributes to the overall well-being of human beings and the planet.

Unfortunately, human activities have had a detrimental impact on the environment. Deforestation, pollution, habitat destruction, and climate change pose significant threats to ecosystems and biodiversity. These activities have resulted in the loss of species, degradation of ecosystems, and disruption of natural cycles.

To ensure a sustainable future, it is imperative that we take collective action to protect and preserve the environment. This includes adopting sustainable practices, reducing pollution and waste, conserving natural resources, promoting renewable energy sources, and supporting conservation efforts.

Individual actions, such as reducing carbon emissions, recycling, and conserving water, can make a significant difference. Additionally, governments, businesses, and organizations must implement policies and initiatives that promote environmental sustainability.

By valuing and protecting the environment, we not only safeguard the well-being of future generations but also enhance our own quality of life. Preserving the environment is essential for maintaining the balance of ecosystems, combating climate change, and ensuring a healthy planet for all living beings.

In conclusion, the environment is of utmost importance for the well-being of both humans and the planet. It provides essential resources, supports biodiversity, and regulates the climate. Protecting the environment is a shared responsibility that requires individual and collective action. By adopting sustainable practices and supporting conservation efforts, we can contribute to the preservation of our environment and ensure a sustainable future for generations to come.

Title: Environmental Conservation – Protecting Our Planet for Future Generations

Introduction :

The environment is the foundation of life on Earth, encompassing the air, water, land, and ecosystems that support all living beings. It provides us with vital resources, regulates the climate, and sustains biodiversity. This essay explores the significance of environmental conservation, the threats it faces, and the urgent need for collective action to protect our planet.

Importance of Environmental Conservation

The environment is vital for our well-being and the sustainability of the planet. It provides us with clean air to breathe, safe water to drink, and nutritious food to eat. Ecosystems support biodiversity and provide habitats for countless species, contributing to the overall health of our planet. The environment also plays a crucial role in regulating the climate, preserving natural cycles, and mitigating the impacts of natural disasters.

Environmental Threats

Human activities have led to various environmental threats that endanger ecosystems and biodiversity. Deforestation for agriculture, logging, and urbanization destroys habitats and contributes to climate change. Pollution from industrial activities, transportation, and improper waste disposal contaminates air, water, and soil. Climate change, primarily caused by the excessive release of greenhouse gases, results in rising temperatures, melting ice caps, and extreme weather events. These threats have far-reaching consequences for both the environment and human societies.

Conservation Strategies

To protect the environment, proactive conservation strategies are necessary. Sustainable practices, such as reducing waste, conserving resources, and promoting renewable energy sources, are key to mitigating environmental impacts. Reforestation and afforestation efforts are crucial for restoring habitats and combating climate change. Conservation initiatives, including protected areas, wildlife sanctuaries, and marine reserves, help preserve biodiversity and ensure the long-term sustainability of ecosystems.

Individual and Collective Responsibility

Environmental conservation is a shared responsibility that requires both individual and collective action. Individuals can contribute by adopting sustainable lifestyles, reducing their carbon footprint, and supporting eco-friendly initiatives. Governments play a vital role in implementing policies and regulations that promote environmental protection, investing in renewable energy infrastructure, and fostering sustainable practices in industries. International cooperation is essential to address global environmental challenges and promote knowledge-sharing and technology transfer.

Benefits of Environmental Conservation

Environmental conservation yields numerous benefits. Preserving ecosystems and biodiversity supports the health of our planet and ensures the availability of vital resources for future generations. Conservation efforts contribute to climate change mitigation, reducing the risks of extreme weather events and preserving natural carbon sinks. Protecting natural areas enhances opportunities for eco-tourism, generating economic benefits for local communities. Conservation also fosters a sense of connection to nature and promotes physical and mental well-being.

Conclusion :

Environmental conservation is crucial for the well-being of both humans and the planet. It is our responsibility to protect the environment, mitigating threats such as deforestation, pollution, and climate change. By adopting sustainable practices, supporting conservation initiatives, and advocating for effective policies, we can ensure a healthier and more sustainable future for all. Environmental conservation is not just an obligation; it is an opportunity to preserve the beauty and abundance of our planet for future generations. Let us strive to live in harmony with nature, valuing and protecting the environment that sustains us. Together, we can create a better, more sustainable world for ourselves and for future generations.

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  • Environment Essay


Essay on Understanding and Nurturing Our Environment

The environment is everything that surrounds us – the air we breathe, the water we drink, the soil beneath our feet, and the diverse flora and fauna that inhabit our planet. It's not just a backdrop to our lives; it's the very essence of our existence. In this essay, we'll explore the importance of our environment, the challenges it faces, and what we can do to ensure a sustainable and thriving world for generations to come.

Our environment is a complex and interconnected web of life. Every living organism, from the tiniest microbe to the largest mammal, plays a crucial role in maintaining the balance of ecosystems. This delicate balance ensures the survival of species, including humans. For instance, bees pollinate plants, which produce the oxygen we breathe. Nature is a masterpiece that has evolved over millions of years, and we are just one small part of this intricate tapestry.

Importance of Environment  

The environment is crucial for keeping living things healthy.

It helps balance ecosystems.

The environment provides everything necessary for humans, like food, shelter, and air.

It's also a source of natural beauty that is essential for our physical and mental health.

The Threats to Our Environment:

Unfortunately, our actions have disrupted this delicate balance. The rapid industrialization, deforestation, pollution, and over-exploitation of natural resources have led to severe environmental degradation. Climate change, driven by the increase in greenhouse gas emissions, is altering weather patterns, causing extreme events like floods, droughts, and storms. The loss of biodiversity is another alarming concern – species are disappearing at an unprecedented rate due to habitat destruction and pollution.

Impact of Human Activities on the Environment

Human activities like pollution, deforestation, and waste disposal are causing environmental problems like acid rain, climate change, and global warming. The environment has living (biotic) and non-living (abiotic) components. Biotic components include plants, animals, and microorganisms, while abiotic components include things like temperature, light, and soil.

In the living environment, there are producers (like plants), consumers (like animals), and decomposers (like bacteria). Producers use sunlight to make energy, forming the base of the food web. Consumers get their energy by eating other organisms, creating a chain of energy transfer. Decomposers break down waste and dead organisms, recycling nutrients in the soil.

The non-living environment includes climatic factors (like rain and temperature) and edaphic factors (like soil and minerals). Climatic factors affect the water cycle, while edaphic factors provide nutrients and a place for organisms to grow.

The environment includes everything from the air we breathe to the ecosystems we live in. It's crucial to keep it clean for a healthy life. All components of the environment are affected by its condition, so a clean environment is essential for a healthy ecosystem.

Sustainable Practices:

Adopting sustainable practices is a key step towards mitigating environmental degradation. This includes reducing our carbon footprint by using renewable energy, practicing responsible consumption, and minimizing waste. Conservation of natural resources, such as water and forests, is essential. Supporting local and global initiatives that aim to protect the environment, like reforestation projects and wildlife conservation efforts, can make a significant impact.

Education and Awareness:

Creating a sustainable future requires a collective effort, and education is a powerful tool in this regard. Raising awareness about environmental issues, the consequences of our actions, and the importance of conservation is crucial. Education empowers individuals to make informed choices and encourages sustainable practices at both personal and community levels.

Why is a Clean Environment Necessary?

To have a happy and thriving community and country, we really need a clean and safe environment. It's like the basic necessity for life on Earth. Let me break down why having a clean environment is so crucial.

First off, any living thing—whether it's plants, animals, or people—can't survive in a dirty environment. We all need a good and healthy place to live. When things get polluted, it messes up the balance of nature and can even cause diseases. If we keep using up our natural resources too quickly, life on Earth becomes a real struggle.

So, what's causing all this environmental trouble? Well, one big reason is that there are just so many people around, and we're using up a lot of stuff like land, food, water, air, and even fossil fuels and minerals. Cutting down a bunch of trees (we call it deforestation) is also a big problem because it messes up the whole ecosystem.

Then there's pollution—air, water, and soil pollution. It's like throwing a wrench into the gears of nature, making everything go wonky. And you've probably heard about things like the ozone layer getting thinner, global warming, weird weather, and glaciers melting. These are all signs that our environment is in trouble.

But don't worry, we can do things to make it better:

Plant more trees—they're like nature's superheroes, helping balance everything out.

Follow the 3 R's: Reuse stuff, reduce waste, and recycle. It's like giving our planet a high-five.

Ditch the plastic bags—they're not great for our landscapes.

Think about how many people there are and try to slow down the population growth.

By doing these things, we're basically giving our planet a little TLC (tender loving care), and that's how we can keep our environment clean and healthy for everyone.

Policy and Regulation:

Governments and institutions play a vital role in shaping environmental policies and regulations. Strong and enforceable laws are essential to curb activities that harm the environment. This includes regulations on emissions, waste disposal, and protection of natural habitats. International cooperation is also crucial to address global environmental challenges, as issues like climate change know no borders.

The Role of Technology:

Technology can be a double-edged sword in environmental conservation. While some technological advancements contribute to environmental degradation, others offer solutions. Innovative technologies in renewable energy, waste management, and sustainable agriculture can significantly reduce our impact on the environment. Embracing and investing in eco-friendly technologies is a step towards a greener and more sustainable future.


Our environment is not just a collection of trees, rivers, and animals; it's the foundation of our existence. Understanding the interconnectedness of all living things and recognizing our responsibility as stewards of the Earth is essential. By adopting sustainable practices, fostering education and awareness, implementing effective policies, and embracing eco-friendly technologies, we can work towards healing our planet. The choices we make today will determine the world we leave for future generations – a world that can either flourish in its natural beauty or struggle under the weight of environmental degradation. It's our collective responsibility to ensure that it's the former.


FAQs on Environment Essay

1. What is the Environment?

The environment constitutes the entire ecosystem that includes plants, animals and microorganisms, sunlight, air, rain, temperature, humidity, and other climatic factors. It is basically the surroundings where we live. The environment regulates the life of all living beings on Earth.

2. What are the Three Kinds of Environments?

Biotic Environment: It includes all biotic factors or living forms like plants, animals, and microorganisms.

Abiotic Environment: It includes non-living factors like temperature, light, rainfall, soil, minerals, etc. It comprises the atmosphere, lithosphere, and hydrosphere.

Built Environment: It includes buildings, streets, houses, industries, etc. 

3. What are the Major Factors that Lead to the Degradation of the Environment?

The factors that lead to the degradation of the environment are:

The rapid increase in the population.

Growth of industrialization and urbanization.

Deforestation is making the soil infertile (soil that provides nutrients and home to millions of organisms).

Over-consumption of natural resources.

Ozone depletion, global warming, and the greenhouse effect.

4. How do we Save Our Environment?

We must save our environment by maintaining a balanced and healthy ecosystem. We should plant more trees. We should reduce our consumption and reuse and recycle stuff. We should check on the increase in population. We should scarcely use our natural and precious resources. Industries and factories should take precautionary measures before dumping their wastes into the water bodies.

5. How can we protect Mother Earth?

Ways to save Mother Earth include planting more and more trees, using renewable sources of energy, reducing the wastage of water, saving electricity, reducing the use of plastic, conservation of non-renewable resources, conserving the different flora and faunas, taking steps to reduce pollution, etc.

6. What are some ways that humans impact their environment?

Humans have influenced the physical environment in many ways like overpopulation, pollution, burning fossil fuels, and deforestation. Changes like these have generated climate change, soil erosion, poor air quality, and undrinkable water. These negative impacts can affect human behavior and can prompt mass migrations or battles over clean water.  

7. Why is the environment of social importance?

Human beings are social animals by nature. They spend a good amount of time in social environments. Their responsibility towards the environment is certainly important because these social environments might support human beings in both personal development goals as well as career development goals.

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Environment Essay

Environment Essay | Essay on Environment for Students and Children in English

Environment Essay: The world environment day is celebrated every year on 5th June. The environment represents the living and non-living elements present on the earth. It additionally alludes to a specific topographical region. The plants, air, water, creatures, individuals, and other living things exist in the environment. Climatic interaction, Geomorphic measure, Hydrologic measure are the variables influencing the environment. The Biotic cycle includes living life forms. Living beings are firmly associated with the environment which is known as Ecology.

An environment is a nature that supports our life on the earth. Everything which we feel, inhale, and eat in our life comes from the environment. Like land, plants, water, air, daylight, timberlands, food, waterways, and other common things draw near the environment. In addition, the earth is viewed as the solitary planet known to man that upholds life. The environment can be perceived as a cover that keeps life in the world-wise and sound.

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Short Essay on Environment 300 Words in English

The environment is all the things around us on the earth. What we see, feel, inhale, eat establishes the environment. The trees, the air, the food, the waterways, the streets, the plant life, the pastries, the deforested patches of ground, every one of them goes in close proximity to what we call the environment.

The environment upholds our day-to-day routines and the existences of different species. Also, it is a finished cycle that empowers living conceivable on the earth. The characteristic marvels encompass the endurance of species, there’s a requirement for understanding the environment we are altogether depending on. The natural way of life, the cycle of photosynthesis, and so on are the vital cycles behind the endurance of plants and correspondingly, plants are the purposes for our endurance.

Contamination is about the tainting of the environment we live in, it is likewise the human species that is solid, answerable for causing significant contamination, pollution, and damage to the environment. The manipulative methods of utilizing the assets have caused exhaustion in the accessibility of the assets. The supreme illustration of the equivalent is existing and going to be a significant water emergency.

The smoke from production lines, vehicles, cars, and so on becomes a significant explanation for air contamination. Also, diseases like commotion contamination, water contamination, a dangerous atmospheric deviation, ozone consumption, water spills, and so on have become exceptionally urgent at this point.

There is a requirement for getting the message out about the mischief the environment is going through. The laws on environmental care ought to be stringently carried out as well. The utilization of poisonous plastics ought to be cut, individuals ought to partake more in planting trees and seeing to it that the environment stays spotless and sterile around. Indeed, even Mahatma Gandhi would dream of a contamination-free, foulness-free India.

Long Essay on Environment

It is vital to comprehend that the environment will be environment, tidiness, contamination and the absolute amount of the tree. Which is straightforwardly identified with our everyday life and influences it. Because of logical advancement, the quantity of plants, industrial facilities, and vehicles has expanded so much that these days ecological issues have emerged.

People and the environment are subject to one another. In the event that there is a slight change in our environment, its immediate impact begins showing up on our bodies. Assuming the virus is more, we get cold. However, on the off chance that the warmth is more, we can’t bear it.

The environment is the regular habitat that assists with developing, feeding and annihilating the earth. The regular habitat assumes an incredible part in the presence of life on Earth and it helps in creating people, creatures, and other living things. Individuals are influencing their current circumstances with a portion of their negative quirks and exercises.

What is the Environment?

Environment alludes to the environment around us and the components contained in it and the living creatures in it. We incorporate air, land, water, creatures, birds, plants, and so forth surrounding us in our current circumstances. The manner in which we are influenced by our current circumstance, the manner in which our current circumstance is influenced by the demonstrations we do.

The trees cut down for the wood are finishing the backwoods and the finish of the woodlands is influencing the existence of the animals living in the timberland. Numerous types of creatures have become wiped out and numerous species are very nearly extinct. Today, it is exceptionally normal for lions or cheetahs to enter the town and damage individuals living there.

Yet, for what reason is this event? This is going on the grounds that we have removed their home from these animals and now these creatures are compelled to move towards towns and urban areas and are hurting people for their living. environment implies the environment around us as well as our social and conduct environment. Every one of the components which influence humans is remembered for the environment, social, social, affordable, organic and physical.

Reasons for Environmental Pollution

There are numerous explanations behind natural contamination which influences our current circumstance without a doubt. Deposits from man-caused production lines contaminate our current circumstance. Yet, it is likewise unrealistic that in this race of advancement, we ought to disregard our improvement to ensure our current circumstances.

We can save our current circumstance from pollution by remembering a couple of things. The fireplaces of the manufacturing plants are low, because of which the smoke radiating from them spreads to the environment around us. In the present time, the house doesn’t have many individuals as there are more vehicles. The small kid of the house additionally prefers to drive at the spot of the bike.

Smoke and harmful gases emerging from plants, production lines, and business regions have made ecological issues. There is a lot of smoke and harmful gas emerging from transports, charges, trucks, siphons, because of which the issue of contamination is getting more genuine.

Sewer soil gets stirred up in the water of the streaming waterways so that the drinking water of people and creatures gets grimy because of which both become casualties of shortcoming, illness, and genuine infections. Inhabitants of ghettos in large urban areas have made this issue truly.

Urbanization and modernization are significant reasons for ecological contamination. It has gotten normal for people to disregard the environment for their own convenience. Man has been chopping down trees without considering anything, however, he doesn’t believe that we get air from these trees to carry on with life.

Expanding the populace is an extremely significant reason for contamination in our current circumstances. The issue of living and eating in a country where the populace is persistently expanding is additionally expanding. Man doesn’t offer significance to the environment for his conveniences, however, he fails to remember that without the environment, his solace is just for quite a while.


Preventive Measures to Save Environment

The environment wherein we live is getting progressively tainted. We need to keep up and secure our current circumstances appropriately. In our country, the custom of ecological assurance has been continuing for a long time. Our predecessors have ensured them by thinking about different animals as riding divine beings and goddesses in different trees.

Natural assurance is an interaction of improving the connection between people and the environment that has two purposes. The first is the administration of exercises that cause harm to the environment. Second, to make the way of life of the individual predictable with the characteristic arrangement of the environment, so the nature of the environment can be kept up.

Smoke and substances from plants ought to be discarded appropriately. Diagnosing the issue of contamination and foulness is particularly expected to ensure our current circumstance. Plants ought to be introduced in all plants, industrial facilities, and business regions to control contamination.

Smoke and harmful gases should be ousted straightforwardly into the sky through these plants. There ought to be an appropriate course of action for the support of transports, vehicles, trucks, bikes in huge urban areas and normal checking of them ought to likewise be finished. Green plants ought to be planted and large trees ought to be ensured.

Boisterous clamors ought to be restricted and controlled for quiet living. All men, ladies, and youngsters should give their full help to secure the environment. There ought to be an arrangement of severe laws for the removal of poisonous and risky squanders. Public mindfulness ought to be made for the best utilization of assets.

There ought to be less utilization of compound pesticides in horticulture. Backwoods the board should build wood regions. Prior to beginning the advancement designs, their effect on the environment ought to be surveyed. The man should attempt to decrease this issue with his endeavors.

Industrial facilities that have been set up can’t be set up at different spots, yet now the public authority should take care that any new processing plants that are open ought to be away from the city. The contamination brought about by plants ought not influence individuals of the city. The man should attempt to diminish the contamination brought about without anyone else.

Vehicles ought to be utilized as little as could be expected. This issue can likewise be diminished by utilizing public vehicles. Endeavors ought to be made by our researchers to control the smoke. The felling of woods ought to be seriously rebuffed and new trees ought to be planted.

Governments have likewise passed a few laws to ensure the environment is safe. A Ministry is working for the insurance of the environment under the Central Government. For the arrangement of this issue, public help can end up being useful and valuable. The absence of improvement and advancement measures likewise presents difficulties. The quest for a more reasonable future may just be significant with regards to an extremely incredible endeavor to wipe out the improvement of methods for the end.

FAQ’s on Environment Essay

Question 1. How to write an environmental essay?

Answer: Start with an introduction, define the environment, factors causing environmental pollution, how to protect the environment, preventive measures are taken by the government, conclusion.

Question 2. What is the meaning of environment?

Answer: The biological system that incorporates every one of the plants, creatures, birds, reptiles, bugs, water bodies, fishes, people, trees, microorganisms, and a lot more are essential for the climate. Moreover, all these establish the environment.

Question 3. What is the importance of the environment?

Answer: Environment assumes a significant part in solid living and the presence of life on planet earth. Earth is a permanent place to stay for various living species and we as a whole are subject to the climate for food, air, water, and different necessities. Accordingly, it is significant for each person to save and ensure our current circumstances.

612 Environment Essay Topics & Examples

Looking for interesting environment essay topics? This field is really exciting and worth studying!

🏆 Best Environment Essay Examples & Topics

👍 interesting environment topic ideas, 🎓 simple & easy environment essay titles, 🥇 easy environment essay topics, 📌 more topics on environment, 💡 good research topics about environment, ❓ environment essay questions.

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  • Tourism – Environment Relationships Relationship between tourism and the environment There is a great dependency of tourism on the environment as described by Holden and Fennel’s book The Routledge Handbook of Tourism and Environment.
  • The Effect of Plastic Water Bottles on the Environment In addition, the proponents of plastic use have argued that recycling is an effective method of mitigating the effects of plastic to the environment.
  • Environment and Human Attitude Towards It Although the issue of attitude towards the environment can address most of the predicaments affecting humanity today, there are various actions and initiatives that can be undertaken to transform the situation and reduce people’s ecological […]
  • Environmental Abuse and Its Adverse Effects The poor are often the most affected by environmental abuse, as they are the least able to protect themselves from the harmful effects of pollution and other environmental hazards.
  • Human Impact to the Environment – Cuba Deforestation Issue One of the most significant aspects during the political eras in the nation that characterized the political development was the fluctuation in deforestation.
  • Environmental Pollution and Its Effect on Health In climate change, due to air pollution, the main force to prevent environmental disasters need to change the approach to the production of substances from fossil fuels.
  • Green Buildings and Environmental Sustainability This paper scrutinizes the characteristics that need to be possessed by a building for it to qualify as green coupled with questioning the capacity of the green movements across the globe to prescribe the construction […]
  • Food Production and The Environment So all aspects of production – the cultivation and collection of plants, the maintenance of animals, the processing of products, their packaging, and transportation, affect the environment.
  • Importance of Environmental Studies for Society It is upon the people to take care of the planet and understanding how human activities affect the environment is a critical step in that process.
  • E-Waste Management for the Local Environment The negative consequence of poor e-waste management, such as poor e-waste disposal, might cue the thoughts of the locals on the need to improve on their environmental awareness, thus joining the local environmental organization proposed.
  • Fog and Its Effects on the Environment Depending on where and how the cooling effect takes place, the appearance and lasting duration of fog are affected and using this scientists have been able to categorize fog into various groups namely steaming fog, […]
  • Mining and Environment in Papua New Guinea In line with this commitment, the company implemented some of its strategies as indicated in the 2017 report on its operations in Chile.
  • The Concept of Environmental Ethics Environmental ethics is concerned with the ethical relationship of human beings with the environment. Human beings must relate ethically with all other living organisms.
  • Food Contamination and Adulteration: Environmental Problems, Food Habits, Way of Cultivation The purpose of this essay is to explain reasons for different kinds of food contamination and adulteration, harmful contaminants and adulterants and the diseases caused by the usage of those substances, prevention of food contamination […]
  • Construction Solutions in Saline Environment The researcher concluded that, indeed, salinity is one of the major causes of concrete disintegration and reduces the durability of buildings in saline environments.
  • Environmental Assessment – Environmental Management Systems Additionally, a good EMS is usually structured in a manner that allows the identification of the impact of the organization on the environment.
  • Disney’s Representations of Nature At the end of the films, man’s relation to nature shows a strong sense of commitment to conservation. It is the swamp which ultimately leads Snow White to a teeming life of the forest.
  • Are Electric Vehicles Better for the Environment? This article reviews and evaluates the energy efficiency and environmental impact of electric vehicles with rechargeable batteries. Electric cars meet these requirements and provide opportunities for people to create transport that is safe for the […]
  • The Nestle Company’s Environmental Sustainability Efforts What I like about Nestle’s environmental sustainability efforts: Nestle’s environmental sustainability efforts are concise and clear towards the company’s sustainability plans, that is, clear goals and objectives which are time bound. The company’s sustainability efforts […]
  • Negative Impact on the Environment The fact that human activity and industrial development negatively affect the environment is not debated because the sad reality shows that oceans, soil, and air are polluted, and many species are endangered. Overall, the main […]
  • Importance of Recycling in Conservation of the Environment This piece of work looks at the different aspects associated with the process of recycling with much emphasis being given to the history of recycling and the facts associated with recycling process.
  • Environmental Pollution: Causes and Solutions The consequences that have risen as a result of neglecting to take care of the environment have now become a reality to the whole of mankind.
  • Hairy Frog’s Adaptations and Environment It releases the claw by contracting the muscles in its rear feet and causing the claw to appear by piercing the frog’s skin.
  • Environmental Initiative: Reducing Plastic Waste In this presentation, it has been proposed to reduce the use of plastic products despite their wide popularity.
  • Environmental Impacts and Solutions: Solid Waste The objective of solid waste management is to reduce the amount of solid waste disposed on land and lead to the recovery of material from solid waste through various recycling efforts.
  • Expanding Oil Refinery: Environmental and Health Effects Thus, this analytical treatise attempts to explicitly discuss the environmental and health consequences of locating the proposed oil refinery near the human settlement of Utah. Therefore, refinery of oil and production of gases is expected […]
  • Overpopulation Effects on the Environment In comparison to the population in 2000, the population in 2050 is predicted to rise by 47 percent. The aim of this research is to describe the effects of overpopulation on land, air, and food […]
  • The Impact of Food Habits on the Environment The topic of this research is based on the issue of human-induced pollution or another environmental impact that affect the Earth and dietary approaches that can improve the situation.
  • Environmental Impact of Bottled Water The process of manufacturing the water bottles, such as the dependence on fossil fuels, is causing a lot of direct as well indirect destructing to the environment.
  • A Study of the Brine Shrimps and Their Natural Environment Brine shrimps can be used as environmental indicators and this is because one of the fundamental requirements in the breeding them is a salty environment.
  • Plastic Reusable Bags for Green Environment Studies have also shown that the production process of these bags does less harm to the environment as compared to plastic or paper bags.
  • E- Commerce and the Environment Introduction Reliance on the internet and mobile devices to do business leads to the so-called E-commerce. The term is hardly old, based on its adoption in the 2000s after the internet revolution. E-commerce is a real force in the present and future business world due to several facets. For example, the invention’s capacity to eliminate […]
  • Endangered Species: Modern Environmental Problem Some of the activities which cause danger to these species include the following; This refers to loss of a place to live for the animals and can also be expressed as the ecosystem or the […]
  • Environmental Pollution: Causes and Consequences The essay will provide an overview of pollution and proffer solutions to combating pollution for a sustainable environment and health. Preventing pollution lowers the cost to the environment and the economy.
  • The Importance of Saving the Environment Toxins and contaminants pollute the environment and consequently interfere with the health of man and other animals. In other words, the future is guaranteed if the environment can be safeguarded and preserved at the current […]
  • Network Organizations and Environmental Processes The contractor has the right to coordinate the work of the partners and determines the basic requirements for the fulfillment of the tasks set, but the individual characteristics of partners’ activities remain inviolable.
  • Tundra Biome: Environmental Impacts on Organisms The major difference between the alpine and the arctic tundra is that the alpine grounds are not covered by the permafrost.
  • Wood and Its Importance for Environment Support Despite the intentions to use wood in a variety of ways without thinking about consequences, wood has to be considered as a helpful natural resource with many positive impacts on the environment, human health, and […]
  • Social, Economic and Environmental Challenges of Urbanization in Lagos However, the city’s rapid economic growth has led to high population density due to urbanization, creating social, economic, and environmental challenges the challenges include poverty, unemployment, sanitation, poor and inadequate transport infrastructure, congestion in the […]
  • A Role of Human Beings in Protecting the Environment This attitude would be informed by the notion that humans are engaging in actions intended to transform the planet and the natural environment in order to suit them.
  • Culture and Leadership in a Safe Industrial Environment To begin with, staff involvement enabled the health and safety professionals to incorporate the expectations of the employees in the goals and objectives of the EHS program.
  • Historical Relationship of the Choctaws, Pawnees, and Navajos and How It Is Changing the Environment To begin with, the hunting practices of this native group, as well as the invasion of the European into their land, led to a great decline in the herds of the white-tailed deer in the […]
  • Environmental Impacts of Tourism The sphere of tourism is reliant on the environment of the sites in which the visitors are interested. The industry of invasive tourism continues to grow people are becoming more and more interested in traveling […]
  • Environmental Health Factors: Positive & Negative Additionally, it will expound on the impacts of nutrition, globalization, and observance of human rights to an individual’s health. Some of the positive environmental factors include adequate sources of nutrition, availability of safe water, presence […]
  • Carbon Taxes in Environmental Protection In addition, application of the strategy extends to the use of fuels and the amount of carbon emitted in the process of production.
  • Environmental Protection and Waste Management The analysis also focuses on the intellectual behaviour of people regarding the environmental effects of waste. There is lack of strong basis for scientific findings and current guidance is causing the environmental challenges to become […]
  • Technology Impact on Society and Environment It is possible to think of a variety of effects of technology. Availability of food also adds to the increase of people’s lifespan.
  • Environment: Endangered Species Global warming also increases the risk of storms and drought, affecting food supply, which may cause death to both humans and animals.
  • Environmental Factors in the Emergence of the Egyptian Civilization Importantly, the physical composition of the land and natural resources alongside artifacts of ancient Egypt had a substantial impact on the country’s growth and development.
  • Environmental Perils: Climate Change Issue Many people have been lamenting over the issue of the climate crisis, For instance, Mindy Lubber, a former regional administrator of the United States Environmental Protection Agency, delivered a speech in October 2008 at a […]
  • Human-Environment Interdependence The problem of the environment change and the attitude of people to their own culture remains one of the most curious and urgent problems of modern time.
  • Environmental Problem of the Ok Tedi Copper Mine In this case, the agreement achieved by the BHP and the government of Papua New Guinea cannot be discussed as ethically appropriate and effective because the decision to continue operations without the significant changes in […]
  • Natural Resources and the Environment For example, the use of natural gas, oil, and coal leads to the production of carbon dioxide, which pollutes the environment.
  • Moral Obligations in Environment Synergy between the four components of the environment is crucial to the stability of the environment. In this regard, the lack of moral obligation in human beings when interacting with land amounts to a violation […]
  • The Impact of Green Energy on Environment and Sustainable Development Traditional methods of receiving the necessary amount of power for meeting the needs of the developed cites and industries cannot be discussed as efficient according to the threat of the environmental pollution which is the […]
  • The Effect of Polymers on Environment vs Glass One of the first pioneers in the application of polymers was Joseph Priestley who in 1770 made a remarkable discovery that led to the use of natural rubber as an eraser.
  • Food Web and Impact of Environmental Degradation In the course of this paper, ‘conservation’ refers to the preservation of natural resources that are, in any way, involved in the functioning of the food web.
  • Environmental Impact of Livestock Production The implications of the article were concerned with the need to bring the attention of the public to the issue that the livestock sector requires the use of a large number of natural resources while […]
  • Eating Habits and Environmental Worldviews The prioritization of organic food will be a significant contribution to sustainable food consumption with potential benefits in the long-term perspective of the planet and nature.
  • Environmental Policy Recommendation Furthermore, the policymakers need to be fully supported by the relevant agencies such as the ministry of environment to eliminate the existing and the projected obstacles that will prevent the full implementation of renewable energy […]
  • Air Cargo Impact on the Environment Consequently, the intensity of emissions by air cargo is less than that of other forms of transport such as road and ship.
  • Environmental Factors and Health Promotion: Indoor and Outdoor Air Pollution This presentation offers some information about the damage of air pollution and presents a health promotion plan with helpful resources and evidence from research.
  • Islamic Architecture: Environment and Climate The work of Erzen explains that the development of architectural styles and methods of innovation in the various regions of the world is often the result of responses to the natural environment.
  • Environmental Law in New South Wales The most important aspect of environmental protection is the use of laws, which define the interaction between human beings and the natural environment.
  • Business Obligations With Respect to Environment The analysis focuses on the ethical concerns faced by Virgin Blue Holdings which is one of the major airline company’s in Australia, and how the management deals with these issues within the environmental setup.
  • Capitalism and Its Influence on the Environment The characteristic will be determined by both benefits to the environment and the overall result for the company, as companies should implement the changes willingly. The results are expected to be a set of suggestions […]
  • Animal Testing and Environmental Protection While the proponents of animal use in research argued that the sacrifice of animals’ lives is crucial for advancing the sphere of medicine, the argument this essay will defend relates to the availability of modern […]
  • America’s Major Environmental Challenges The government has to acknowledge that the US and the international community still require fossil fuels and therefore regulation procedures as well as policies governing new technologies like coal-to-liquids conversion plants have to be reviewed […]
  • The Aral Sea’s Environmental Issues Prior to its destruction, the Sea was one of the biggest water bodies, rich in different species of flora and fauna; a case that is opposite today, as the sea is almost becoming extinct.
  • Impact of Emirates Airlines’ Operations on the Environment This makes it difficult for Emirates to develop policies that can have a direct influence on the environmental performance of the aircrafts.
  • Water and Environment Engineering The village is situated in the Northwestern part of the state, near the seacoast. However, one of the village residents made an offer to the turtle and the latter allowed humans to use water from […]
  • Environmental Sustainability Audit: The Oman Environmental Services Holding Company The government used to handle the task of waste management in the Sultanate but with the establishment and legalization of Be’ah, the task of such is delegated to the said company.
  • Application of Geography (GIS) in Biotechnology in Field of Agriculture and Environment According to Wyland, “the ability of GIS to analyze and visualize agricultural environments and work flows has proved to be very beneficial to those involved in the farming industry”.
  • Importance of Environment Schlosberg believes that all the terms has only led to confusion with little help, he says “Yet all of these developments in justice theory, very little has been applied in environmental justice movement”.
  • Current Environmental Health Issues Considering the effects these bacteria may result in the following consequences should be remembered, the production of the lethal toxins in the intestine, the development of the clinical disease and succumb to the infection, the […]
  • Wireless Power Transmission Implication for the Environment Designing the coils would form the trickiest task, since they have to be adjusted to the right frequency relying on the distance of the wire, the amount of loops in the wire and the capacitor.
  • The Role of Man in Environment Degradation and Diseases The link between environmental degradation and human beings explains the consequences of the same in relation to the emergence of modern-age diseases.
  • Impact of Full Moon Party on Environment The disreputable occasion in Thailand that attracts millions of tourists around the globe is known as the Full Moon Party. According to Uysal and Williams, the full moon party has shocking and direct effects on […]
  • Approaches to the Environmental Ethics The ethical approach Victor expresses is the one that humanity has used for centuries, which made the planet convenient for people, but it also led to the gradual destruction of the environment. The benefit of […]
  • Environment in the Novel “Ishmael” by Daniel Quinn The arguments made by the gorilla have enabled me to understand that humankind should not be separated and categorized as superior to the rest of living organisms.
  • The Impact of the Food Industry on the Environment The food industry is a vital and integral part of the functioning of modern society and the economy. In addition to recognizing and combating this fact, it is necessary to identify what is the most […]
  • The Genus Rosa’s Adaptation to the Environment Alternative hypothesis: The abundance and distribution of stomata, storage, transport, and floral structures have a substantial influence on the adaptation of the genus Rosa to its environment.
  • Influence of Car Emissions on the Environment Emissions from cars are also damaging to the environment, destroying the surrounding through adding to the green house effect damaging the quality of the air as well as depleting the ozone.
  • US Government and Environmental Concerns Although the levels of these six pollutants are consistently declining since the 1980s, the EPA admitted in their latest report that “ground-level ozone and fine particle pollution continue to present challenges” in numerous US cities.
  • Fish Farming Impacts on the Environment To begin with, according to Abel and Robert, fish farming has been generalized to have adverse effects on the environment, which ranges from the obliteration of the coastal habitats which are sensitive in the environment, […]
  • Relationship Between Population and the Environment The results revealed after the statistical analysis was performed that there is a negative relationship between the population increase and the emissions of carbon dioxide in the case of developed countries while on the other […]
  • Human Impact on the Environment The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the impacts of logging on the forest resources in Uganda and offer recommendations that can be used to mitigate and manage the identified impacts.
  • Environmental Management: Green Taxes The most common environmental tax is connected with the task of ensuring that these polluters are fined appropriately for their harmful emissions to the atmosphere.
  • Impacts of Alternative Energy on the Environment The term “alternative energy” refers to energy sources other than fossil fuels, including renewable sources, such as solar and wind energy, as well as nuclear energy.
  • UAE Laws and Regulations for Environmental Protection In the meantime, specialists point out that the activity of UAE’s focused on the environment preservation has become more consistent and efficient within the past decades. The principal governmental structure responsible for the problems of […]
  • Australian Fires and Their Environmental Impact Mass fires continued for almost six months on the territory of the country, which destroyed the region, commensurate with the area of some European countries. The purpose of this essay is to analyze the consequences […]
  • Social and Eco-Entrepreneurship for Environment Social entrepreneurship is a field that deals with the recognition of social problems in society and using entrepreneurial concepts, operations, and processes to achieve a social change.
  • The Upper Big Branch Mine Disaster and Environment When the accident occurred, coal mining was at the peak of its popularity, providing the country with half of the electricity generated nationwide.
  • How Solar Energy Can Save the Environment? Over the past few decades, the level of greenhouse gasses in the environment has been on the rise. The only cost in the production of solar energy is making the solar panels.
  • Thailand Issues: Environment, Child Prostitution, and HIV/AIDS The intensification of child prostitution is largely associated with the growing industry in Thailand, the relegated position of women in the Thai society due to Thai Buddhism and the culture of recreational sex.
  • Mercury: Environmental Concerns and Economic Value The environmental concerns tied to production of mercury Mercury is widely used in the gold mining. Mercury has been limited to use of obsolete technology and require the use of the high technology to reduce […]
  • Nutrition and Its Impact on the Environment One of the crucial challenges is the need to find solutions that are effective for millions of different producers on the one hand and unique to each farm on the other.
  • Greenwashing: Full Environmental Sustainability? For companies, to be 100% sustainable and ethical would mean that each time they are presented with a decision, they would make people or nature their priority.
  • Environmental Issues of Rwanda Extensive farming, as well as animal husbandry, is a common phenomenon in the country, hence leading to serious environmental degradation on the land. Deteriorating quality of water and extinction threat to wetlands in the country […]
  • The Roles of Environmental Protection Agencies As a personal response to the argument; the individual’s involvement in environmental conservation is not enough as there is need for policy and regulation enforcement where he can only give advice to the federal government […]
  • Environmental Pollution and Increased Birds Death The increase in the population of different animals may also cause the death of birds. This leads to the extinction of some animals and birds hence massive death.
  • Papua New Guinea Environmental Analysis The following report aims at determining the suitability of Papua New Guinea as a target market for introducing our product environmental measuring equipment for monitoring and logging the quality of water in waterways around the […]
  • Is Recycling Good for the Environment? Recycling is good for the environment and should be included in the daily routine of any person that cares about the planet and the future of our children.
  • Water Cycle and Environmental Factors The phrase “water cycle” refers to the continuous movement of water from the surface of the Earth to the atmosphere, and then back to the surface of the Earth.
  • Human Behavioral Effects on Environment Environmental cues shape human behaviors because they make people perceive a certain environment in a given way and behavior in a manner that fits that environment. In addition, environmental cues may force people to change […]
  • Environmental Issue – Climate Change If the right measures are put in place, our environment will be regenerated and the continued alterations to the climate will eventually stop.
  • Organisms in Terrestrial and Aquatic Environments Water is a dense medium, and thus plants living in water have a weak shaft for supporting the foliage and the upperparts of the plant.
  • The Needs of People and the Needs of the Environment The central question that these readings pose is how the needs of people can be reconciled with the needs of the environment.
  • Human Interaction With the Surrounding Environment However, this paper tries to explain the meaning of environmental psychology with the help of two principal theories; the Learning Theory and the Motivational Theory.
  • The Relationship Between Psychology and the Preservation of the Environment To make sure that the relation between conservation and psychological sciences is understood, it is important to consider the meaning of the notion conservational psychology. Why is the relation of the conservation to psychology that […]
  • Population Growth and Its Impacts on the Environment High population growth is destructive to the society and the environment. In the US and Germany, the rate of population growth is estimated to be 0.
  • Environment and Business in “Bidder 70” Documentary The story of brave environmental activist Tim DeChristopher proves that non-violent revealing measures in contrast to radical ones are the only way to unite the people in the fight for the prosperity of the Earth.
  • Environmental Science: Smart Water Management Among the essential elements in human life is water, which is required for maintaining the water balance in the body and for cleanliness, as well as for many economic sectors, from agriculture to metallurgy.
  • Packaging and Protection of Finished Goods and the Environment Moreover, the paper views what concerns the problem creates and identifies preventive measures so as to contribute to the development of safety in the environment and society.
  • Microbial-Environmental Interactions in HIV & AIDS The virus manifests in two subtypes, HIV-1 and HIV-2, and the severity of infection depends on the type of viral attack.
  • Environmental Sustainability on a Global Scale Compared to the world at the beginning of the 21st century, it required perceptional changes toward nature, biodiversity, and ecosystems, as well as reforms in agriculture and management of water, energy, and waste.
  • Does Recycling Harm the Environment? Recycling is the activity that causes the most damage to the environment. Summarizing the above, it is necessary to state that waste recycling has a negative connotation in relation to nature and the environment.
  • Industrial Meat Business and Environmental Issues According to Goodman, it is essential to consider the ethical implications of our food choices and their impact on animals, the environment, and society. By choosing to consume meat, individuals are complicit in the perpetuation […]
  • The Environmental Impacts of Exploratory Drilling Overall, the purpose of this report is to identify the environmental impacts of exploratory drilling, the financial benefits of this activity, and the relevant political regulations.
  • Fast Fashion’s Negative Impact on the Environment And this is the constant increase in production capacity, the low quality of the product, and the use of the labor of the population of developing countries.
  • Globalization in the Environmental Sphere To date, the problem of globalization is relevant, and with it the question of the impact of globalization on the environmental sphere is also of great interest.
  • Climate Change, Economy, and Environment Central to the sociological approach to climate change is studying the relationship between the economy and the environment. Another critical area of sociologists ‘ attention is the relationship between inequality and the environment.
  • Participatory Action Research on Canada’s Environment This discussion shows that a nationwide recycling PAR is required to combat worries about people’s lack of interest in environmental stewardship to preserve the environment.
  • Global Climate Change and Environmental Conservation There may be a significantly lesser possibility that skeptics will acknowledge the facts and implications of climate change, which may result in a lower desire on their part to adopt adaptation. The climate of Minnesota […]
  • Mining in Canada and Its Environmental Impact The following critique of the article analyzes the author and his qualifications and looks at the article to establish its relevance and quality of research.
  • Eco Businesses’ Effect on the Environment Businesses that aim to make a social impact and positively influence the stability of the environment affect people and their minds.
  • Environmental Pollution and Human Health The effects of sprawl on health workers are discussed in the article by Pohanka. It is similarly essential to take social justice and fairness into account because the effects of sprawl on population health are […]
  • Consumer Relationship With Pro-Environmental Apparel Brands The paper has presented a questionnaire to understand how consumers’ intention to buy from a pro-environmental brand is impacted by their knowledge of the effect of apparel and their overall skepticism toward climate change.
  • An Environmental Communicator Profile The Environmental Defense Fund is an organization working to create awareness, research and resources to the effort of safeguarding the planet. In particular, much of the messaging is designed to encourage local action and the […]
  • Technology’s Role in Environmental Protection: The Ocean Cleanup Proponents of The Ocean Cleanup technology emphasize the fact that the devices have the capacity to effectively address oceanic plastic pollution.
  • Water Pollution as a Crime Against the Environment In particular, water pollution is a widespread crime against the environment, even though it is a severe felony that can result in harm to many people and vast territories.
  • Human Activity: Impact on the Environment The evaluation is based on the principle that the human impact on the environment can be measured by the amount of land and resources required to support a particular lifestyle or activity.
  • Genetic and Environmental Impact of the Chornobyl Disaster The ecological impact of the explosion on the lands surrounding Chornobyl comes first. Chornobyl remains the worst in human history due to radioactive contamination.
  • Risk Factor Analysis and Environmental Sustainability This project was evaluated using a methodical process that included listing ten potential dangers, followed by a risk assessment matrix and an explanation of how the dangers would be managed.
  • Negative Environmental Impacts and Solutions The diversity of the planet’s wildlife is among the crucial resources to conserve, and it is essential for non-domesticated species to proliferate and develop at their own pace, with minimal external invasion.
  • Environmental Ethics of Pesticide Usage in Agriculture For example, pesticides are responsible for the destruction of the soil and harm to the overall ecosystem. The soil, water, and air resources are at a high risk of contamination from the toxins that are […]
  • Carbon Offsets: Combatting Environmental Pollution I think that using other organizations or projects to offset an entity’s carbon footprint avoids the main goal of any present environmental protection efforts sustainability.
  • The Formation of the Environmental Protection Agency
  • Protecting the Environment Against Climate Change
  • Environmental Pollution: Waste Landfilling and Open Dumping
  • Thermodynamics: Application to Environmental Issues
  • How Bottles Pollute the Environment
  • Environmental Problems in China and Japan
  • Exploring Environmental Issues: Marine Ecotourism
  • Influence of Technology on Environmental Concerns
  • Environmental Legislation in Texas
  • Middle East and North Africa Region: Environmental Management
  • Is Humanity Already Paying for Environmental Damage?
  • Environmental Injustice Impeding Health and Happiness
  • Environmental Impact of Wind Farms and Fracking
  • The Dangers of Global Warming: Environmental and Economic Collapse
  • The Effects of Gold Mining in the Amazons on the Environment and the Population
  • Environmental Racism: The Water Crisis in Flint, Michigan
  • Environmental Justice: Pollution
  • Environmental Illnesses and Prevention Measures
  • Environmental Psychology: The Impact of Interior Spaces on Childhood Development
  • Sea Foods in the Environment Protection Context
  • Deforestation Impact on Environment and Human
  • Market-Based Approaches to Environmental Law
  • Social and Environmental Problems in Oakland and Detroit
  • Coates Chemicals: Environmental, Sustainability, and Safety
  • Environmental and Ethical Problems
  • Environmental Feedback Loop and Ecological Systems
  • A Corporation’s Duties to the Environment
  • Demography, Urbanization and Environment
  • How to Fight Environmental Imbalances
  • Environmental Issues, Psychology, and Economics
  • Environmental Impacts During Pregnancy
  • Attaining Sustainability in the Environment
  • Achieving Environmental Sustainability
  • Pesticide Utilization Impact on Environment and Health
  • Pesticide Resistance for Environment and Health
  • Environmental Protection: Pollution and Fossil Fuels
  • Environmental Anthropology and Human Survival at The Arctic Biome
  • Environmental Problems: Care of the Planet
  • Intermodal Transportation Impacts on Environment
  • Cats’ and Dogs’ Influences on the Environment and the Ecosystem
  • Is Tap Water Better and Safer for People and the Environment Than Bottled Water?
  • Environmental Impact Assessment as a Tool of Environmental Justice
  • Australia’s State of the Environment
  • Environmental Policy’s Impact on Economic Growth
  • Business Ethics in Decisions About the Environment
  • Marine Environment Protection and Management in the Shipping Industry
  • Environment: Miami Area Analysis
  • Agriculture: Environmental, Economic, and Social Aspects
  • Toxicity of Mercury: Environmental Health
  • The Impact of Atmospheric Pollution on Human Health and the Environment
  • Analysis of Culture and Environmental Problems
  • Science and the Environment: Plastics and Microplastics
  • Impact of the Exxon Valdez Spill on the Environment
  • Aeon Company and Environmental Safety
  • Impending Environmental Disaster in Van Camp’s “Lying in Bed Together”
  • Resolution of International Disputes Related to Environmental Practices
  • Environment and the Challenges of Global Governance
  • Reducing Personal Impact on the Environment
  • Coal Usage – The Effects on Environment and Human Health
  • Ancient Egypt: Geography and Environment
  • Environmental and Genetic Factors That Influence Health
  • Limits on Urban Sprawl. Environmental Science
  • Geography and Environmental Features of Machu Picchu
  • The Green New Deal: An Environmental Project
  • Climate Change: Causes, Impact on People and the Environment
  • Restorative Environmental Justice and Its Interpretation
  • The United Nations Environmental Program and Sustainable Development Goals
  • Property Laws Facilitate Environmental Destruction
  • The Go-Green Programs: Saving the Environment
  • Measuring Exposure in Environmental Epidemiology
  • Environmental Marine Ecosystems: Biological Invasions
  • Gamma Ray Spectroscopy Analysis of Environmental Samples: a Literature Review
  • Environmental and Global Health Issues: Measles
  • Fabric Recycling: Environmental Collapse
  • Environmental Research – Radon Gas
  • Environmental Justice Movement
  • Racial Politics of Urban Health and Environmental Justice
  • Environmental Discrimination in Canada
  • Environmental Worldviews & Environmental Justice
  • Flint Water Crisis: Environmental Racism and Racial Capitalism
  • Environmental Injustice Among African Americans
  • Cancer Alley and Environmental Racism
  • Building a School in the Polluted Environment
  • India’s Environmental Health and Emergencies
  • Climate Change: Sustainability Development and Environmental Law
  • Cancer Alley and Environmental Racism in the US
  • Avocado Production and Socio-Environmental Issues
  • Environmental Philosophies and Actions
  • Bipartisan Strategies for Overcoming Environmental Disaster
  • Pope Francis’s Recommendations on Environmental Issues
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Fracking: An Environmental Study
  • Non-Govermental Organizations in Environmental Changes
  • Green Management and Environmental Auditing
  • The Environmental Movement in the US
  • Mega-Events and Environmental Sustainability
  • Health and Environment: The Impact of Technology
  • Environmental Health of Patient With Respiratory Illness
  • Dubai Aluminium Company Ltd: Environmental Policies
  • Environmental Science: The Ozone Layer
  • The Current Environmental Policy in the USA
  • Aspects of Environmental Studies
  • The Environment and Its Effects
  • Paper Recycling: Environmental and Business Issues
  • Cruise Liners’ Environmental Management and Sustainability
  • Environmental Effect & Waste Management Survey
  • Great Cities’ Impact on Ecology and Environmental Health
  • Geology and Environmental Science
  • Environmental Degradation Impacts of Concrete Use in Construction
  • Environmental Management for Construction Industry
  • Airlines and Globalisation: Environmental Impact
  • The Business Ethics, Code of Conduct, Environment Initiatives in Companies
  • Environmental Features of the Sacramento City
  • How “Making It Eco Friendly” Is Related to Information Technology and the Environment
  • Coal Seam Gas Industry Impact: Environmental Epidemiology
  • A Relationship Between Environmental Disclosure and Environmental Responsiveness
  • Environmental Biotechnology: “Analysis of Endocrine Disruption in Southern California Coastal Fish”
  • Eco-Labels: Environmental Issues in Business
  • Sustainable Environmental Policy: Fight the Emerging Issues
  • Environmental Regulations Effects on Accounting
  • The Introduction of Environmental Legislation
  • Environmental Sustainability of Veja
  • Environmental Assessment
  • Environmental Law: The Aluminium Smelting Plan
  • The National Environmental Policy Act
  • Environmental Biology: Hydraulic Fracturing Technology
  • Environmental Policies Statements Response
  • Environmental Accounting in Dubai
  • Community Environmental Exposure in Bayou Vista and Omega Bay
  • Environmental Audit for the MTBE Plant
  • Taking Back Eden: Environmental Law Goes Global
  • Environmental Risk Report on Nanoparticles
  • Lancelets’ Adaptation and Environment
  • Reaction Paper: Valuing the Environment Through Contingent Valuation
  • Environmental Geotechnics: Review
  • Environmental Challenges Caused by Fossil Fuels
  • Water for Environmental Health and Promotion
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IvyPanda. (2023, November 30). 612 Environment Essay Topics & Examples.

"612 Environment Essay Topics & Examples." IvyPanda , 30 Nov. 2023,

IvyPanda . (2023) '612 Environment Essay Topics & Examples'. 30 November.

IvyPanda . 2023. "612 Environment Essay Topics & Examples." November 30, 2023.

1. IvyPanda . "612 Environment Essay Topics & Examples." November 30, 2023.


IvyPanda . "612 Environment Essay Topics & Examples." November 30, 2023.

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Essay On Environment In English [Short & Long]

Essay On Environment – No doubt Nature’s intelligence is supreme and can’t be questioned. Our Mother Nature has gifted all living beings with the best environment they could have.

But for the sake of greed, humans have exploited natural resources to such an extent that led us to an altered and unfit environment. Even if mankind has developed a man-made environment, the natural environment is responsible for the existence of life on Earth.

Short Essay On Environment | 250 Words


An environment refers to our surroundings combined. It consists of air, water, land, sunlight, animals and plants. Every living being whether they live on land or in water comes under the environment. It is the most important factor for the execution of life on earth.

It is a source of every need of human beings be it food, shelter, oxygen and everything. Unfortunately, we do not value its true worth. We are just misusing it for the sake of instant gratification. Day by day we are just making it dirty and unsuitable for life. There are many ways of doing so. Even, we are not fully aware of what makes it imperfect for us.

Essay On Environment | Introduction

Our Duties For The Environment

If this exploitation of natural resources continues, the environment of our planet will become unfit for supporting life. So it is our duty to spread awareness for the same. We must keep it clean and life-friendly. We don’t have to do much. We can practise little activities to support our environment.

Some of these practices are placing garbage into the dustbin, never spitting on roads, using bicycles over fueled vehicles, and planting more trees. Also, the Government should also take steps to spread awareness among people. It should encourage people to keep the environment clean and healthy.

Deforestation should be stopped and a heavy penalty should be imposed on those found doing so. Apart from these, our environment is being affected by the Greenhouse effect, pollution and global warming. We should find the proper remedies for those.

Concluding, We get to an end that the environment is a precious aspect of life. We can not repay its contribution to life. But today it needs our support to support us and we should take care of it so that upcoming generations can lead a healthy and comfortable life.

Long Essay On Environment | 500 Words

An environment is a set of physical and natural conditions we are surrounded by. It includes air, water, land, temperature, humans, animals, villages, cities, communication, transportation etc. But in this essay, we are going to discuss the natural environment only.

From birth to the last breath, We all are supported by the natural environment. It provides us with every small or big necessity in life. The fundamental needs like air, water, food, clothes, shelter, oxygen etc. are provided by the environment. In fact, we are alive all because it supports us.

Unfortunately, we do not value its true worth. We are just misusing it for the sake of our bottomless greed. Day by day we are just making it dirty and unsuitable for life. There are many ways of doing so. Even, we are not fully aware of what makes it imperfect for us.

It is a very obvious point that the environment is the most important factor for every living being. What we are surrounded by, impacts us more than anything else. from our physical appearance to our internal strength, is a gift of our environment.

If we talk about it as a whole, it is more valuable because our environment maintains an ecological balance that makes all organisms interdependent. For example, we depend on trees for oxygen and trees depend on us for carbon dioxide. We really can not estimate the real value of the environment but we can observe it to some extent.

The environment provides us with infinite benefits that we can’t repay for our entire life. As they are combined with the forest, trees, animals, water, and air. The forest and trees purify the air and consume harmful gases. Plants purify water, decrease the chances of floods maintain natural stability and many others.

The environment manages several natural cycles that occur daily. These cycles assist in preserving the natural balance between living beings and the environment. The distress of these things can ultimately influence the life cycle of people and other living beings.

The environment has supported us and other living beings to prosper and grow for thousands of years. The environment provides us with productive land, water, air, livestock and numerous fundamental things for survival.


Hundreds of factors are responsible for environmental degradation. Some are natural and some are man-made. For natural ones, we can’t control much but for manmade reasons, we can take some reasonable resolutions. here below is a list of factors that causes environmental degradation.

A. Pollution- It is one of the most main causes of environmental degradation. With the increase of industries, it has increased rapidly.

B. Greenhouse Gases- Greenhouse gases are the second cause that affects our climate and environment drastically. These gases are mainly responsible for the increased temperature of our planet.

C. Ozone Depletion- The layer that protects the earth from the ultraviolet rays of the sun is depleting slowly and it is also a cause of environmental degradation.

How to Protect the Environment

We comprehend nearly all the causes of environmental degradation. So it is time to discuss the resolution side of the query. We need to take steps that will help us combat this problem.

A . Reforestation- As we know that air plays an important role in the environment, so reforestation can be proven a full-fledged solution to revert the issue back to normal.

B. 3 R’s formula- First “R” is about Reduce which means to reduce the production of unnecessary products. The second “R” talks about Reuse which means to use the available things efficiently. And the last one refers to Recycling things to make them reusable.

Final Words

To sum it up, The environment is our companion from birth to death. It takes care of us like no one other. But human activities are altering the environment in a direction where it can impact us negatively. So, there is a need to support the environment by performing environmental-friendly activities.

Essay On Environment | Conclusion

What is called the environment ?

The surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates.

What is the true meaning of environment?

The term  environment  is derived from the French word “Environia” which means to surround. It refers to both the Abiotic (physical or non-living) and Biotic (living) environments.

How many different environments are there?

There are two types of environments. 1. Geographical environment 2. Man-made environment.

Are nature and the environment the same?

Nature refers to the physical world and also life but environment refers to external elements and conditions by which an organism is surrounded, affected and influenced.

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Environment Essay

500+ words essay on environment.

Every year, on the 5th of June, we all celebrate World Environment Day. All living beings and non-living beings present on the Earth represent the environment. Plants, creatures, water, air, and other living things exist in our environment. Our environment gets influenced by climatic interaction, geomorphic measures, and hydrologic measures. The life of humans and animals is entirely dependent on climate. Our environment supports life on Earth. Everything we inhale, feel, and energy comes from the environment. The environment is considered a cover that helps sustain life on Earth. Among all the planets, it is our planet Earth that supports life.

Importance of Environment

Everyday, we get to hear about threats to the environment. Our environment includes everything from the forests to the oceans, which impacts our everyday life. It can be deforestation, pollution, soil erosion, etc., which needs to be addressed seriously.

1. Livelihoods of People depend on the Environment

Billions of people depend on the environment for their livelihood. For example, over 1.5 billion people depend on forests for food, medicine, shelter and more. Farmers turn to the woods when their crops fail. Almost two billion people earn a living from agriculture, and the other three billion people are on the ocean.

2. Environment Strength Food Security

Many negative consequences are encountered due to biodiversity loss, but weakened food security is extensive. If we lose our precious animals and plant species, we become more vulnerable to pests and diseases. Due to this, our health is at a greater risk of related illnesses like diabetes and heart disease. So, we should protect our oceans and forests to ensure food for every human being.

3. Trees Clean the Air

Pollution is a crucial issue, and every year, 7 million people die due to pollution. Polluted air impacts our health and lifespans, including behavioural problems, developmental delays, and diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. The trees work as a filter to remove air pollutants like carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide and sulphur dioxide while releasing oxygen.

Benefits of the Environment

Our environment provides us with enormous benefits which we can’t repay in our entire life span. The environment includes animals, water, trees, forest and air. Trees and forests filter the air and take in harmful gases, and plants purify the water, maintain natural balance and many others.

The environment keeps a regular check on its functioning as it helps regulate the vital systems essential for the ecosystem. It also helps in maintaining culture and quality of life on Earth. The environment regulates natural cycles that occur daily. These natural cycles balance living things and the environment. If we disturb these natural cycles, it will ultimately affect humans and other living beings.

For thousands of years, the environment helped humans, animals, and plants flourish and grow. It also provides us with fertile land, air, livestock, water and essential things for survival.

Cause of Environmental Degradation

Human activities are the primary cause of environmental degradation because most humans somehow harm the environment. The activities of humans that cause ecological degradation are pollution, defective environmental policies, chemicals, greenhouse gases, global warming, ozone depletion, etc.

Due to the industrial revolution and population explosion, the demand for environmental resources has increased, but their supply has become limited due to overuse and misuse. Some vital resources have been exhausted due to the extensive and intensive use of renewable and non-renewable resources. Our environment is also disturbed by the extinction of resources and the rapidly rising population.

The waste generated by the developed world is beyond the absorptive capacity of the environment. So, the development process resulted in environmental pollution, water, and the atmosphere, ultimately harming the water and air quality. It has also resulted in an increased incidence of respiratory and water-borne diseases.

To conclude, we can say that it is the environment that is keeping us alive. Without the blanket of the environment, we won’t survive.

Moreover, the environment’s contribution to life cannot be repaid. Besides, what the environment has done for us, we only have damaged and degraded it.

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Frequently Asked Questions on Environment Essay

How can we protect the environment around us.

The first step is to change our mindset and stop littering public places. Take steps to reduce plastic usage as it is one of the biggest threats to our environment. Remember the slogan ‘Reduce, reuse and recycle’ and take a bold step towards protecting the environment. At all costs, avoid pollution of water, soil, and air.

How does the proper maintenance of the environment help human beings?

Human beings derive most of their daily needs from the environment. Moreover, environmental pollution can lead to increased risk of diseases, illness.

What are the main reasons for environmental pollution?

Over-usage of environmental and natural resources, reduction in environmental protection, destruction of natural resources are the main reasons for environmental pollution.

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Study Paragraphs

Short Essay & Paragraph On Environment And It’s Importance

The environment is not just a mere backdrop to our lives; it is the very foundation of our existence. From the air we breathe to the water we drink, the environment plays a crucial role in sustaining life on Earth. Let’s delve into why the environment is of paramount importance and why it is our collective responsibility to protect and preserve it.

Table of Contents

Essay On Environment And Its Importance: Nurturing Our Home for a Sustainable Future

1. Life Support System: Think of the environment as Earth’s life support system. It provides us with essential resources such as air, water, soil, and sunlight that are indispensable for the survival of all living beings, including humans. Without a healthy environment, life as we know it would cease to exist.

2. Biodiversity: The environment is a treasure trove of biodiversity. It is home to a dazzling array of plant and animal species, each with a unique role in keeping the delicate balance of ecosystems. Biodiversity ensures that ecological processes function smoothly, and disruptions to it can have far-reaching consequences.

3. Climate Regulation: Our environment plays a vital role in regulating the climate. Through processes like photosynthesis, oceans absorbing carbon dioxide, and forests acting as carbon sinks, the environment helps stabilize the climate and counteract the impacts of global warming.

4. Abundant Natural Resources: Nature provides us with invaluable natural resources like water, minerals, timber, and energy sources. These resources fuel our industries, economies, and daily lives. However, overexploitation and unsustainable practices threaten their availability.

5. Economic Value: The environment contributes significantly to the economy through various industries. Tourism, for instance, thrives on the natural beauty of places, while agriculture and forestry rely on fertile soil and biodiversity for sustenance.

6. Health and Well-being: A clean and healthy environment is fundamental to human health and well-being. Access to clean air, safe drinking water, and nutritious food are vital for thriving communities and preventing diseases.

7. Cultural and Aesthetic Value: The environment holds profound cultural and aesthetic value. Natural landscapes, diverse flora and fauna, and traditional practices are part of our cultural heritage. They not only connect us to our roots but also instill a sense of awe and appreciation for the natural world.

8. Sustainable Development: For a sustainable future, we must prioritize environmental protection and conservation. By adopting eco-friendly practices and sustainable development, We can fulfill the requirements of the current era without threatening the capacity of coming generations to fulfill their own needs.

What are some specific ways in which human activities impact the environment?

Human activities such as deforestation, pollution, overfishing, and greenhouse gas emissions significantly impact the environment, leading to climate change, loss of biodiversity, and degradation of natural resources.

What are some practical steps individuals can take to protect the environment?

Individuals can take several actions, such as reducing waste, conserving water and energy, using eco-friendly transportation, supporting sustainable products, and participating in community clean-up efforts.

How can governments and businesses work to reduce their impact on the environment?

Governments can enact and enforce environmental regulations, promote renewable energy, and invest in green technologies. Businesses can adopt sustainable practices, reduce emissions, implement recycling programs, and prioritize environmentally-friendly operations. Collaboration between governments, businesses, and individuals is crucial in creating a greener and more sustainable future.

In conclusion

The environment is the lifeblood of our planet and the sustainer of all life forms. It provides us with resources, supports biodiversity, regulates climate, and enriches our lives culturally and aesthetically. We must recognize its significance and take immediate action to protect and preserve it. Embracing sustainable practices and making conscious choices in our daily lives can collectively make a difference. It is only through responsible stewardship of the environment that we can secure a sustainable future for generations to come.

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Short Essay: Environmental Consciousness

In today’s world, environmental consciousness has become an increasingly important topic. People from all walks of life are recognizing the urgent need to protect and preserve our planet for future generations. Writing an essay on environmental consciousness provides an opportunity to explore various aspects of this critical issue, raise awareness, and propose solutions to address environmental challenges. In this guide, we will outline the key elements to consider when writing such an essay and provide some helpful tips to ensure your writing is informative, persuasive, and impactful.

Table of Contents

Environmental Consciousness Essay Tips

Choose a Compelling Topic: Begin by selecting a specific aspect or subtopic of environmental consciousness that interests you. It could be climate change, pollution, deforestation, wildlife conservation, sustainable practices, or any other area related to the environment. Choosing a focused topic allows you to delve deeper into the subject matter and provide a more comprehensive analysis.

Conduct Thorough Research: Before you begin writing, gather relevant information and data from reputable sources. Consult scientific studies, scholarly articles, reports from environmental organizations, and government publications. This research will provide you with a solid foundation of knowledge to support your arguments and strengthen the credibility of your essay.

Develop a Clear Thesis Statement: Craft a strong thesis statement that clearly states the main argument or position of your essay. It should encapsulate the central idea or message you want to convey about environmental consciousness. Ensure that your thesis is concise, specific, and debatable, as it will guide the entire essay.

Structure Your Essay: Organize your essay into an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. In the introduction, provide background information on the importance of environmental consciousness and present your thesis statement. The body paragraphs should present your arguments, supporting evidence, and examples. Each paragraph should focus on a single main point and be logically connected to the overall argument. Finally, the conclusion should summarize your main points, restate the thesis, and leave the reader with a strong call to action or thought-provoking statement.

Support Your Arguments: Use facts, statistics, case studies, and examples to support your arguments throughout the essay. Incorporate evidence from reliable sources to reinforce your claims and make your essay more persuasive. Be sure to cite your sources properly using the appropriate citation style, such as APA, MLA, or Chicago.

Address Counterarguments: Acknowledge and address potential counterarguments to strengthen your position. Anticipating and refuting opposing viewpoints demonstrates that you have considered different perspectives and strengthens the overall credibility of your essay.

Propose Solutions: Offer practical and feasible solutions to the environmental challenges discussed in your essay. Present innovative ideas, policies, or individual actions that can contribute to environmental conservation and sustainability. Explain how these solutions can be implemented and the potential benefits they can bring.

Conclude with Impact: End your essay with a memorable and impactful conclusion that reinforces the importance of environmental consciousness. Summarize your main points, restate your thesis, and leave the reader with a compelling call to action or a thought-provoking question that encourages further reflection.

Revise and Edit: Review your essay for clarity, coherence, and grammar. Ensure that your arguments flow logically and that your writing is concise and engaging. Eliminate any spelling or grammatical errors to present a polished and professional final draft.

Environmental Consciousness Essay Example #1

Environmental consciousness is a vital concept in today’s world as we face escalating environmental challenges. It refers to the awareness and understanding of the interdependence between human actions and the environment. This essay explores the significance of environmental consciousness, its impact on our planet, and the role of individuals and society in preserving and protecting our natural resources.

Environmental consciousness plays a crucial role in addressing the complex environmental issues we face today. By recognizing the impact of our actions and making informed choices, we can collectively work towards a sustainable and resilient future.

Preservation of biodiversity is a key aspect of environmental consciousness. By understanding the intricate web of life and the importance of diverse ecosystems, we can strive to protect and restore them. Conserving habitats, supporting endangered species, and promoting sustainable land use practices are all essential actions driven by environmental consciousness.

Moreover, environmental consciousness is closely linked to mitigating climate change. By embracing sustainable practices, such as reducing our carbon footprint and promoting renewable energy sources, we can contribute to the global efforts of greenhouse gas emission reduction. Small changes in our daily lives, such as using energy-efficient appliances, reducing waste, and opting for sustainable transportation, can make a significant impact.

Individual actions are at the heart of environmental consciousness. Each one of us has the power to make a difference through conscious choices. By adopting sustainable consumption patterns, embracing the principles of reduce, reuse, and recycle, and making informed decisions about the products we use, we can minimize our environmental impact.

However, environmental consciousness extends beyond individual actions. It is a collective responsibility that requires collaboration between individuals, communities, governments, and businesses. Governments can play a crucial role by implementing policies and regulations that promote sustainability, invest in renewable energy, and protect natural resources. Businesses, too, can contribute by adopting sustainable practices, reducing waste generation, and integrating environmental considerations into their operations.

Environmental consciousness is a powerful force that can shape a sustainable future for our planet. By understanding the interconnectedness of our actions with the environment, we can make informed choices, promote sustainable practices, and advocate for change. Through collective efforts, we can preserve biodiversity, mitigate climate change, and ensure the availability of natural resources for future generations. Let us embrace environmental consciousness and work together to create a harmonious and sustainable world.

Environmental Consciousness Essay Example #2

Environmental consciousness plays a pivotal role in addressing the pressing environmental challenges facing our planet today. It refers to the awareness and understanding of the impact of human actions on the environment and the responsibility we bear to protect and preserve it for future generations. This essay explores the significance of environmental consciousness, its impact on our surroundings, and the role of individuals and collective action in fostering a sustainable future.

Environmental consciousness is crucial in promoting sustainable practices and addressing environmental issues at both local and global scales. By embracing this awareness, individuals can make informed choices and take actions that contribute to a greener and more sustainable world.

One of the key aspects of environmental consciousness is the recognition of our interconnectedness with the natural world. Understanding the delicate balance of ecosystems and the interdependence of all living organisms encourages a sense of responsibility towards environmental stewardship. By appreciating the value of biodiversity, we can actively work towards preserving and protecting fragile ecosystems and endangered species.

Environmental consciousness also encompasses the recognition of the detrimental effects of human activities, such as pollution and deforestation, on the environment. By understanding the consequences of these actions, individuals are motivated to adopt sustainable practices that minimize their ecological footprint. This includes reducing energy consumption, recycling and reusing materials, and choosing environmentally friendly products.

Furthermore, environmental consciousness plays a vital role in mitigating climate change. Recognizing the impact of greenhouse gas emissions, individuals can contribute to carbon reduction efforts through actions such as using renewable energy sources, supporting sustainable transportation options, and advocating for climate-friendly policies. By embracing sustainable practices, we can collectively work towards a low-carbon future and mitigate the adverse effects of climate change.

Individual actions are paramount in driving environmental consciousness, but collective action is equally important. Communities, organizations, and governments play a crucial role in promoting sustainable policies and practices. Environmental education and awareness campaigns can empower individuals to make informed choices and inspire others to adopt environmentally friendly behaviors. Additionally, governments can implement regulations and incentives that support renewable energy, encourage sustainable land management, and promote conservation efforts.

Environmental consciousness is a powerful force that can shape a sustainable future for our planet. It involves the awareness of our impact on the environment and the responsibility we have to protect and preserve it for future generations. By promoting sustainable practices, embracing renewable energy sources, and advocating for environmentally friendly policies, we can collectively foster a greener and more sustainable world. Let us prioritize environmental consciousness in our daily lives and work together to create a harmonious coexistence between humans and the natural world.

Environmental Consciousness Essay Example #3

Environmental consciousness is a crucial mindset in our modern world, as it encompasses the understanding of the impact of human actions on the environment and the responsibility we have to protect and preserve it. This essay explores the significance of environmental consciousness, its impact on our surroundings, and the role of individuals in fostering a sustainable future.

Environmental consciousness is the recognition that our choices and behaviors have consequences for the environment and that we have a duty to minimize negative impacts and promote sustainability. It is a mindset that drives us to make informed decisions and take responsible actions.

One of the key aspects of environmental consciousness is the preservation of natural resources. By understanding the finite nature of resources such as water, forests, and minerals, individuals are motivated to adopt sustainable practices. This includes reducing waste, conserving energy, practicing responsible consumption, and supporting initiatives that promote resource conservation and regeneration.

Furthermore, environmental consciousness plays a crucial role in mitigating climate change. By acknowledging the link between human activities and greenhouse gas emissions, individuals can take steps to reduce their carbon footprint. This can be achieved through actions such as using energy-efficient appliances, choosing renewable energy sources, reducing reliance on fossil fuels, and supporting policies that prioritize climate action.

Environmental consciousness also extends to the preservation of biodiversity. By recognizing the intrinsic value of diverse ecosystems and the importance of protecting endangered species, individuals can contribute to conservation efforts. This can involve supporting habitat restoration projects, advocating for protected areas, and making choices that minimize harm to wildlife and their habitats.

Individual actions driven by environmental consciousness can have a significant impact when combined with collective efforts. By spreading awareness and inspiring others to adopt sustainable practices, individuals can create a ripple effect that leads to broader change. This can involve engaging in community initiatives, collaborating with local organizations, and participating in environmental campaigns and movements.

Environmental consciousness is a fundamental mindset that empowers individuals to make sustainable choices and take responsible actions. By understanding the interconnectedness of our actions with the environment, we can contribute to the preservation of natural resources, the mitigation of climate change, and the protection of biodiversity. Through individual efforts and collective action, we can nurture a sustainable future for ourselves and future generations. Let us embrace environmental consciousness and work together to create a harmonious coexistence between humans and the natural world.

About Mr. Greg

Mr. Greg is an English teacher from Edinburgh, Scotland, currently based in Hong Kong. He has over 5 years teaching experience and recently completed his PGCE at the University of Essex Online. In 2013, he graduated from Edinburgh Napier University with a BEng(Hons) in Computing, with a focus on social media.

Mr. Greg’s English Cloud was created in 2020 during the pandemic, aiming to provide students and parents with resources to help facilitate their learning at home.

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a short essay about environment

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The Environment – 10 Lines, Short & Long Essay For Children

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Key Points To Note: Essay On The Environment For Lower Primary Classes

10 lines on the environment for kids, a paragraph on the environment for children, short essay on the environment in 150 words for children, long essay on the environment in english for kids, what will your child learn from this essay.

The term ‘Environment’ is basically the surroundings in which one lives. It includes both living and non-living things. The environment is responsible for providing human necessities, namely food, clothing, and shelter. Moreover, the main feature that differentiates earth from other planets in the universe is its environment’s ability to support human life. But human activities are impacting the environment negatively, which needs to be stopped as early as possible so that the future generation can lead a happy and healthy life. This article will help students write a fantastic essay on the environment in English, who are future citizens to understand the significance of the environment and the need to preserve the same. Given below are many templates for writing an effective essay on the environment for class 1, 2 and 3 kids.

Most people struggle to start with an essay. Are you also wondering how to write an essay about the environment? Don’t fret. Here we present you some key points to remember while writing our environment essay:

  • Start the essay with a brief introduction to what the ‘environment’ actually is.
  • Prepare an essay outline with a list of headings you wish to cover.
  • Remember to maintain a logical order of headings to give the essay a proper flow.
  • Give a detailed explanation of each title.
  • Summarise your thoughts in the conclusion part.

The environment is the key to the existence of life on earth, and thus kids need to know about its importance as they are the future pillars of the world. Here we present 10 lines on environment essay for class 1 and 2 kids.

  • The environment is a gift that needs a lot of nurturing. 
  • The environment is the surrounding in which we live.
  • It consists of both biotic and abiotic elements.
  • A clean environment is essential for the peaceful and healthy survival of humans.
  • Human activities negatively affect the environment. It includes pollution, global warming, extinction of species, etc.
  • Government and citizens alike should take steps to protect our environment.
  • We must spread the message on the importance of the environment to everyone.
  • More trees must be planted to balance the ecosystem.
  • The usage of plastic bags that harm the environment must be stopped.
  • The use of recycled products must be promoted.

Every species on this planet is dependent on the environment. We, humans, are also a part of it, and our primary responsibility is to protect the environment and teach future generations. The following short paragraph on the environment will guide kids to write an effective essay:

The environment plays a vital role in the existence of life. It consists of plants, animals, food, natural resources, water, and so on. Ancient humans lived in a natural environment and hence led a healthy life. But in recent times, the environment has been highly harmed due to human selfishness and greed. If this continues, it may endanger human existence. Thus every citizen must protect our environment. There are plenty of little things to do daily to help preserve our environment, such as using public transport instead of private ones to control pollution, preserving natural resources, using eco-friendly products and services, planting more trees, etc.

All life on earth is dependent on the environment for its survival and basic needs. We utilise all the resources provided by nature and benefit from them but fail to protect the same. Given below is a short essay for class 1, 2 and 3 students about the environment:

Mother Earth is the home of many living creatures. But we are destroying it little by little due to mindless behaviour. To prevent further damage, we must control pollution, preserve natural resources, plant more trees and reduce the use of harmful chemicals and plastics. To create awareness about this, ‘World Environment Day’ is celebrated every year on June 5. We must never forget that it is an individual and a collective responsibility to preserve our environment so that we and our future generation can lead a happy and healthy life. There are so many ways we can contribute to saving our environment. We can use cloth bags instead of plastic ones. We can opt for public transport than using our private vehicle to cover short and long distances. Planting more trees and mindfully availing of natural resources are steps towards a sustainable environment. Our thinking today will secure the future for upcoming generations.

“Nature is the art of God”. But the need to protect it is vital now. In this article, let’s learn about the significance of the environment and explore what we can write in an essay for class 3 about this topic. Here is a descriptive essay about the environment:

What Is The Environment?

Everything surrounding us comes within the scope of the environment. It includes biotic and abiotic elements, which together help maintain ecological balance and make human survival possible.

Significance of Environment

  • Warehouse of natural resources:  The environment provides us with all the necessary resources to carry on our day-to-day routine. It is a life support system for all living beings.
  • Medium of livelihood:  The livelihood of billions of people depends on the environment. Most of them are engaged in agriculture to earn income; others rely on different water bodies.
  • Provide food:  The environment provides food, one of the basic necessities of life. 
  • Provide medicine:  Nature is a rich source of medicine. In ancient times, people got treatment mostly from plants. More than one-third (39.1%) of all FDA-approved drugs are of natural origin. Many scientific studies also reveal that spending time in nature can increase one’s lifespan.

Major Causes Of Environmental Degradation

Environmental degradation refers to the depletion of natural resources and the ecosystem, and it can happen due to two causes – natural and manmade. Natural causes are beyond our control. But we can prevent human causes. Pollution is mainly caused by exhaust gas emitted from factories and vehicles. Due to the industrial boom, a demand-supply imbalance of environmental resources is there. Human’s surge in urbanisation and increased demand for wood has led to rapid deforestation. It further leads to an imbalance of oxygen and CO2 in the atmosphere. Excessive generation of non-biodegradable waste and increased use of chemical pesticides have led to degradation of land quality and soil erosion.

Measures To Protect The Environment

Following are the simple steps to safeguard our environment:

  • Planting trees is one of the most popular and effective methods to preserve the environment.
  • Minimise water use by reducing bath time, recycling, etc.
  • Conserve electricity by switching off electrical appliances while not in use. Use energy-saving appliances.
  • Consider using eco-friendly products.
  • Environmental education and awareness must be given top priority.

Apart from assisting you in writing your essay, this article will help your children understand how precious their environment is and ways to safeguard it. Mother Earth has provided us with enormous benefits, and we must protect our environment.

From the above points, it is clear that the natural environment is a treasure to humanity. But due to our irresponsible actions, we are continuously harming nature without knowing its consequences. Thus we must learn to respect and protect the environment before it is too late. Change must begin from us by setting a positive example for our future generation to follow and enjoy the innumerable benefits of nature.

 “A better environment ensures a better tomorrow.”

Essay on Save The Environment for Children Essay on Environmental Pollution for Kids How to Write An Essay On World Environment Day for Children

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Environment Essay In English For School Students

Everything that lives and exists on Earth is considered part of the environment, whether it resides on land or in water. Explore more about it with the environment essay provided here.

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November 19, 2023

Environment Essay

Table of Contents

Environment Essay: Ever think about how everything around us, like the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the trees and animals, all work together to make life awesome? Well, sometimes, we’re not taking very good care of our planet, and that’s causing problems like pollution and climate change. So, these essays are like cool guides to help us understand what’s going on. We’ll talk about things like planting trees, using less energy, and why it’s super important for all of us to take care of our planet together. Let’s learn, have fun, and make our world a better place.

Long and Short Environment Essay in English

A Clean environment is essential for a peaceful and healthful life. Unfortunately, our surroundings are progressively becoming polluted due to human negligence. This is a matter that everyone, especially our children, should be aware of. The ensuing essays on the environment are crafted with simple language to assist kids and children in completing their school projects or essay writing competitions. The goal is to make the content easily understandable, fostering awareness and understanding of environmental issues among children.

Environment Essay in 100 words

The surroundings we inhabit encompass everything, from living organisms to non-living elements. This environment, vital for sustaining life on Earth, furnishes the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we consume. It is also a nurturing ground for a rich variety of plant and animal species. Unfortunately, human actions have caused environmental deterioration, marked by issues such as pollution and deforestation. Taking on the responsibility to foster a sustainable environment is imperative for the well-being of our planet and the prosperity of generations to come. It is to honour, adopt and integrate sustainable practices into our daily lives. 

Environment Essay 150 words

Below is an Environment Essay in 150 words.

The environment includes the backdrop of our living space, comprising the air, water, soil, plants, and animals. It is a complex web of interconnected ecosystems that support life on Earth. Unfortunately, human activities such as industrialization, deforestation, and pollution have taken a toll on the environment. The increasing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere contribute to climate change, affecting weather patterns and causing global warming.

Conserving the environment is crucial for the well-being of present and future generations. We must promote sustainable practices, reduce our carbon footprint, and protect biodiversity. Planting trees, reducing waste, and using renewable energy sources are simple steps we can take to contribute to a healthier environment.We should all contribute to the well-being of the planet by making decisions that promote its health.We can do this by using things that don’t harm the environment and by being mindful of how we live each day. 

Environment Essay 200 words

The environment is a delicate balance of various elements that sustain life on Earth. It includes the atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, and biosphere. These components work together to create a suitable habitat for a diverse range of organisms. However, human activities have disrupted this balance, leading to environmental problems such as pollution, deforestation, and climate change.

Pollution is a major threat to the environment. Air pollution, caused by the release of harmful gases and particles into the atmosphere, affects the quality of the air we breathe. Water pollution, resulting from the discharge of pollutants into water bodies, poses a threat to aquatic life and human health. Soil pollution, caused by the accumulation of toxic substances in the soil, affects plant growth and can contaminate the food we eat.

Deforestation, the clearing of forests for agriculture and urbanization, contributes to habitat loss and the decline of biodiversity. Climate change, driven by the increase in greenhouse gas emissions, leads to rising temperatures, extreme weather events, and disruptions in ecosystems.

To address these challenges, it is essential for individuals and communities to adopt sustainable practices. This includes reducing the use of fossil fuels, conserving water, practicing responsible waste management, and supporting conservation efforts.

Environment Essay 250 words

Below is an Environment Essay in 250 words.

The environment is a complex and interconnected system that sustains life on Earth. It encompasses the atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, and biosphere. Each of these components plays a crucial role in maintaining the delicate balance that allows diverse forms of life to thrive.

The atmosphere, composed of gases such as nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide, creates a protective layer around the Earth. However, human activities, particularly the burning of fossil fuels, release large amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. This leads to the enhanced greenhouse effect, trapping heat and causing a rise in global temperatures. The consequences of climate change include melting ice caps, rising sea levels, and more frequent and severe weather events.

The hydrosphere includes all water bodies on Earth, from oceans and rivers to lakes and groundwater. Water pollution, primarily caused by industrial discharge, agricultural runoff, and improper waste disposal, threatens the health of aquatic ecosystems and the availability of clean water for human consumption.

The lithosphere, or the Earth’s solid outer layer, is essential for supporting plant and animal life. Deforestation, driven by the expansion of agriculture and urban areas, results in habitat loss and the depletion of biodiversity. Soil erosion, caused by unsustainable farming practices, further degrades the quality of the land.

The biosphere comprises all living organisms, from microscopic bacteria to towering trees and majestic animals. Biodiversity, the variety of life on Earth, is essential for the stability and resilience of ecosystems. However, human activities, including overexploitation, habitat destruction, and pollution, have led to a significant loss of biodiversity.

Environment Essay in 300 words

The environment is a precious gift that sustains life on Earth. It encompasses the air we breathe, the water we drink, the soil that nourishes plants, and the diverse ecosystems that support a variety of species. However, the rapid pace of industrialization, urbanization, and modern lifestyles has taken a toll on our environment, leading to various environmental issues.

Air pollution is a pressing concern, with emissions from vehicles, industrial facilities, and other sources releasing pollutants into the atmosphere. These pollutants, including carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, and particulate matter, have detrimental effects on air quality and human health. Respiratory problems, cardiovascular diseases, and other health issues are linked to prolonged exposure to air pollution.

Water pollution is another critical issue affecting our environment. Industrial discharges, agricultural runoff, and improper waste disposal contaminate water bodies, posing a threat to aquatic life and endangering the availability of clean water for human consumption. The pollution of rivers, lakes, and oceans has far-reaching consequences, impacting ecosystems and the livelihoods of communities dependent on water resources.

Deforestation, driven by the expansion of agriculture and logging, leads to the loss of vital forest ecosystems. Forests play a crucial role in regulating climate, providing habitat for countless species, and maintaining biodiversity. The destruction of forests contributes to habitat loss, soil erosion, and an increase in greenhouse gas emissions.

Climate change is a global phenomenon resulting from the accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. The burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, and industrial processes contribute to the release of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. The consequences of climate change include rising temperatures, altered precipitation patterns, and more frequent and severe weather events.

To address these environmental challenges, there is an urgent need for collective action at local, national, and global levels. Individuals can contribute by adopting sustainable practices in their daily lives, such as reducing energy consumption, conserving water, and minimizing waste. 

Environment Essay in 400 words

The environment, comprising the air, water, soil, and ecosystems, is the foundation of life on Earth. However, human activities have placed immense pressure on this delicate balance, leading to widespread environmental degradation. It is imperative that we recognize the severity of the issues at hand and make concerted efforts to mitigate the impacts for the sake of our planet and future generations.

Air pollution, a consequence of industrialization and the burning of fossil fuels, poses a severe threat to both the environment and human health. The release of pollutants such as carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen oxides into the atmosphere leads to the formation of smog and acid rain. This not only degrades air quality but also harms plant life and contributes to respiratory diseases in humans.

Water pollution is another critical concern that demands immediate attention. The discharge of industrial effluents, agricultural runoff containing pesticides and fertilizers, and improper waste disposal contaminate rivers, lakes, and oceans. This pollution not only endangers aquatic ecosystems but also compromises the availability of clean water for human consumption. The impact of water pollution extends beyond immediate health concerns, affecting the livelihoods of communities dependent on water resources for agriculture and other activities.

Deforestation, driven by the clearing of forests for agriculture, logging, and urbanization, has far-reaching consequences. Forests are vital for maintaining biodiversity, regulating climate, and providing habitat for countless species. The loss of forests contributes to habitat destruction, soil erosion, and a decline in biodiversity. Moreover, the reduction of forested areas exacerbates the effects of climate change, as trees play a crucial role in absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen.

Climate change, fueled by the increase in greenhouse gas emissions, is perhaps the most significant environmental challenge we face today. The burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, and industrial processes release carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, trapping heat and causing a rise in global temperatures. This leads to melting ice caps, rising sea levels, and more frequent and intense weather events. The consequences of climate change are far-reaching, affecting ecosystems, agriculture, and the livelihoods of communities around the world.

To address these environmental challenges, a multifaceted approach is required. Individuals must embrace sustainable practices in their daily lives, such as reducing energy consumption, minimizing waste, and supporting eco-friendly initiatives. Governments play a pivotal role in enacting and enforcing environmental policies that promote sustainable development, regulate pollution, and protect natural habitats.

The environment is a precious and interconnected system that sustains life on Earth. The challenges we face, including air and water pollution, deforestation, and climate change, require urgent and coordinated efforts. By adopting sustainable practices, promoting environmental awareness, and implementing effective policies, we can work towards creating a healthier and more sustainable future for our planet and all its inhabitants. The responsibility to protect and preserve the environment lies with each one of us, and together, we can make a significant impact on the well-being of our planet.

Environment Essay FAQs

The environment includes everything around us, both living and non-living, such as air, water, soil, plants, and animals.

The environment is vital as it provides us with essential resources like air, water, and food, supporting life on Earth.

Environmental threats include pollution (air, water, soil), deforestation, climate change, and loss of biodiversity.

Activities like industrialization, deforestation, and pollution from various sources contribute to harming the environment.

Individuals can protect the environment by adopting sustainable practices, reducing waste, conserving energy, and supporting conservation efforts.

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Essay on Pollution In English For Students

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Short Essay on Environment – 2 Essays

Category: Environment , Essays and Paragraphs On February 21, 2019 By Team Work

Environment – Short Essay 1

The word environment is referring to the conditions, which is surrounding the ecosystem or the community of living things. These conditions will include many factors like temperature and climate of the area, type of soil, availability of water and what animals and other living things are present over there.

The factors, which are affecting the environment, are falling under four main headings like hydrologic processes, geomorphic processes, and atmospheric processes . This all processes are closely related with each other, and sometimes they are overlapping with each other.

The biotic process is mostly involves the living organisms. Different living organisms are having different effects on the environment, for example, the roots of plants will help in anchoring the soil while burrowing animals like a rabbit will move it around. The different proportions of plants and animals in different environments will affect the environment as the whole.

Geomorphic processes are shaping the land. This will include the processes of erosion, weathering, transportation, and deposition . Weathering happens when the rocks are broken by chemical, mechanical or biotic means.  

Benefits of a Healthy Environment

  • Healthy environment refers to pure air, water and greenery with a peaceful and serene atmosphere.
  • For children having a good environment means all of the above and additionally the factors of safety and happiness always present .
  • For animals providing good environment also means good air, water, safety from human encroachment in their habitat along with serenity in their space.
  • The environment is a big determinant in the development of an individual or a society.
  • These days with growing awareness in protecting the environment, people are taking steps in the right direction in preserving nature .
  • These steps involve planting more trees , protesting against pollution and cutting down carbon emissions from vehicles, disposing trash in the proper place and cutting down the use of plastic.
  • Encouraging the use of public transport and making laws against loud sounds or setting a limit to it are ways of improving the quality of the environment.

Having realized the damage our actions have done, it is the need of the hour to contribute to restoring the environment.

Environment – Short Essay 2

Environment comes from the French word ‘environ’ which means surroundings. The environment means natural world and its surroundings: the air, the water and the earth.

Environment refers to the surrounding (both living and non-living) of the livings species. The human-beings, plants, animals and other living beings operate in the environment. Environment is also sometimes referred to as habitat.

Environment may refer to the entire world, or any part of it such as particular geographical area. It consists of both living and non-living things.  Living things such as animals, plants, flora, fauna, etc. interacts with both other living and non-living things. Similarly, non-living things such as soil (land), landscape, water (ocean, seas, ponds, lakes, rivers), weather, climate, temperature, sunlight, air, etc. interacts with other non-living and living things.

There is a close relationship between living organisms and environment . Ecology is the branch of science that studies the interaction between organisms and their environment.

The interaction of living beings, including human-beings, brings changes in the environment. Similarly, livings beings also display changes within them with the change in the environment.

Thus, the environment can be thought of in a way that is:

  • General: the whole natural world can be referred to as ‘the environment’.
  • Specific: an animal’s environment is their particular habitat, where they thrive.
  • More abstract: a term that refers to the delicate ecology of planet earth.

Our natural environment consists of land (soil), water (rivers, lakes, seas, oceans, ponds), atmosphere (weather, climate, temperature), living organisms (animals, plants), non-living

Adverse effects of human activity on environment

Human activity has caused several adverse effects on the Environment.

  • The discharge of untreated industrial wastes, and other unsafe substances into water bodies has caused water pollution .
  • The air is contaminated because of the uncontrolled release of harmful industrial and vehicular smokes into the air.
  • Our environment also suffers from soil and noise pollution .
  • The excessive emission of greenhouse gases has caused an increase in surface temperature of planet earth and ultimately leading to a situation called Global warming .

Also read: Short Paragraph on Environment

Save environment

It’s time to take care of our environment. Human-beings and other living creatures depend upon environment and natural surroundings. The activities of human beings cause severe harm to the environment. The following measures can save our environment:

  • Pollution control laws should be imposed strictly. 
  • Restriction on the use of fossil fuels should be imposed. When we burn fossil fuels, it releases harmful gases into the environment and pollutes it. In its place, the usage of non-conventional sources of energy should be encouraged.
  • Emission of carbon-dioxide and other greenhouse gases should be reduced to save our environment from the threat of Global warming.
  • We should all put effort to conserve natural fresh water , where-ever possible. Besides protecting the various ecosystems that depend on fresh-water, the preservation of fresh water also reduces the costs involved in re-processing the water to make it re-usable.
  • We can plant more trees and support the afforestation and reforestation projects .
  • Waste reduction and waste recycling can have a positive impact on the environment.

Also read:  Short Paragraph on Save Environment

World Environment Day

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Environment Essay

Environment is nothing but everything that surrounds us. It actually includes both the manmade and natural components. In general terms, it refers to natural elements like air, water, soil, rivers, lakes, etc.

Short and Long Essay on Environment in English

In the essays given below we will through several aspects of the environment and damages to it under various words limit of 100 – 120 Words, 250 Words, 400 Words, and 600 Words with the related FAQs for your easiness:

Environment Essay 10 Lines (100 – 150 Words)

1) All the living and non-living creatures, air, water, etc makes the environment.

2) Environment is the home to all living things.

3) Natural and Artificial are the two types of environment.

4) The valuable resources like air, water, trees, etc are provided to us by the environment.

5) A healthy environment is necessary for a healthy life.

6) Due to human activities, the environment is getting polluted.

7) Every year the globe celebrates World Environment Day on 5 th June.

8) Pollution, global warming, etc are damaging the environment.

9) Survival on the Earth can only be possible if we protect our environment.

10) It is necessary to save the environment by seeing its importance.

Essay on Environment (300 Words)


The environment is the natural area where people, plants, and animals live together. It includes the air we breathe, the water we drink and also the ground we live. The environment is a key part of keeping life going on Earth, and keeping it healthy is important for the future of our world.

Importance of Environ ment

Our health and survival depend on a healthy ecosystem. It provides us with all the necessary resources such as food, water, and shelter. The environment also plays a crucial role in maintaining the balance of ecosystems and biodiversity. A healthy environment can maintain the proper ecological balance, preventing the species from extinction and resource depletion. Also, clean and healthy environments are essential for physical and mental well-being.Humans rely on the environment for everything they need to stay alive.

Dangers to the Environment

Despite the importance of environment, it is still facing numerous threats today. The rapid growth of urbanization and industrialization has led to the depletion of natural resources and increased pollution levels. Deforestation is causing the loss of flora and fauna and contributing to climate change. The burning of fossil fuels to meet our energy demands leads to the emission of greenhouse gases, contributing to global warming. Additionally, pollution from industrial activities, agriculture, and waste disposal is contaminating the air, water, and soil, leading to severe health consequences for humans and wildlife.

The preservation and protection of the environment are vital for the survival of all living beings on Earth. We must implement sustainable practices in various sectors to reduce the harmful impact on the environment. It’s up to all of us to work together and make decisions that will protect the environment and make the world a better place for us and future generations.

Essay on Environment (250 Words)

Our environment includes everything that surrounds us. The environment is an essential requirement for humans and other species to survive on the planet. Without a clean and pure environment, it would be difficult for life to exist.

Self Sustainable Environment

The environment that we live in is capable of sustaining not only humans but also millions of other species of plants, animals, reptiles, insects, etc. Though, there is one requirement that human interference with the environment should be at its lowest.

Our environment has an ample supply of water, food, air, and other valuable resources as of now. It has sustained all the needs of species for millions of years. The continuous process of evaporation and rain, year after year, gets our rivers running and ponds swelled. Trees live for hundreds of years, giving a fresh supply of oxygen and fruits every season.

The soils also produce new vegetation and immediately get ready for the other. There could be no better example of self-sustainability than the environment we live in. Moreover, it also has an exceptional ability to repair itself up to a certain extent.

But, despite all its sustainability and repairing abilities, the environment also has a limit. Human interference in the form of pollution, habitat destruction, resource depletion, and others is taking a heavy toll on the environment.

Though the environment is self-sustainable and could repair its damages, it depends up to a large extent on how humans treat it. The way we treat our environment, the same we will get in return. The message is clear, treat the environment well and it will shower you with goodies. Mistreat it and be prepared to be mistreated as well.

Essay 2 (400 Words) – What are Environmental Damages done by Human

Everything around us that have been put up by nature constitutes our environment. It includes trees, forests, oceans, rivers, grasslands, ravines, hills, etc along with millions of living species of birds, insects, marine and land animals. Today, the environment is threatened due to a number of human activities.

Interconnected Environment

We must acknowledge the fact that everything in the environment is interconnected or interrelated and any effect on one is bound to make an impact on others and on the environment as a whole. For example, if forests are cut, it affects several animals, birds, and other living species, snatching from them their habitation and breeding ground. But this didn’t end here, but humans living miles away from that forest will get affected in some way or the other. Animals will encroach upon human settlement then there will be a change in climate and other natural resources.

Environmental Damages

There are several environmental damages initiated by humans. They affect almost all the elements of the environment – air, water, forest, species, etc. Below are some of the main environmental damages caused by humans.

  • Global Warming

It is a big term that threatens the very existence of life on the planet. The main reason behind global warming is the excessive use of fossil fuel by humans, resulting in an escalated greenhouse effect. It causes the earth’s temperature to sore beyond an acceptable limit, causing climate change and other significant geological changes.

  • Habitat Destruction

Uncontrolled construction by humans is threatening the well being of the environment by decreasing the natural habitat of other living species. According to a study, nearly 77% of the land has been changed due to human activities and only 23% remains untouched.

  • Species Depletion

The interference of humans with the environment has some serious consequences on the number of species on the planet. With the loss in their natural habitat and other degrading factors, many species of plants and animals, those don’t adapt well to the changes, are getting depleted fast. According to a study conducted by a reliable source, we might be losing at least 10,000 species every year.

Pollution is another significant factor that threatens the purity of the environment. Pollution has many faces – land pollution, air pollution, water pollution, sound pollution, soil pollution, and even light pollution. Any kind of pollution is human-generated and also degrades the overall quality of the environment.

Environment is our most precious resource and we must take all the necessary steps to save it from any kind of damage. The future of the planet and our own depends on how we treat our planet and its environment.

Environment Essay

Essay 3 (500 – 600 Words) – Environment is Precious for Life on Earth

Environment refers to everything natural that surrounds us. Today this natural environment is threatened by human activities. Trees, forests, lakes, rivers, are some of the prime constituents of the natural environment while building roads, factories, and concrete structures, etc are examples of environment encroachment. Due to human interference, the natural environment that surrounds us is getting depleted.

Environment is Precious

‘Environment is precious’; there are at least two main explanations to substantiate this claim. First is that the natural environment we live in today i.e. the rivers, lakes, forests, hills, groundwater resources, etc has taken thousands or even millions of years to come to the present stage. The second argument to validate the preciousness of the environment is that it is super essential for healthy and happy living. Let me elaborate a little.

Any forested area that you know has been there since your childhood, has probably evolved in thousands of years. It takes so many years for a natural forest to come in its full glory and to support all that biodiversity. But when a forest is cut down for commercial objectives, things never remain the same, even if the forest is given a fair chance to grow again. Sadly, the loss of biodiversity can never be regained, no matter how hard we try.

Same is the case with other elements of the environment. The groundwater that we so dearly use every day, has been build up over a span of thousand years. It means that any waste of groundwater will take centuries to be refilled.

Life and Environment

We are so engrossed in the daily engagements that we don’t realize the real force behind all that commotion, which gives us the strength to face the challenges. We think that our desires and ambitions drive us, but that is only half the truth. Ambitions are nothing but mind goals that we set for ourselves, but we are able to achieve those goals, only because, our environment supports us in health.

It provides us with all the essential requirements for life – oxygen, water, food, air, and other vital resources. We can’t afford damage to the environment beyond a specified limit. Because, if we do so, there would be no life on earth, forget about a difficult one.

Fortunately, the air that we breathe still has 20% of oxygen by concentration, while humans require around 19.5% of oxygen concentration to breathe or to be more specific – ‘to live’. However, the rate at which we are damaging our environment, the tables may turn quickly enough, leaving no room for a repair.

The loss of marine oxygen from the oceans is already threatening the existence of fishes and other marine species. The factors responsible for the depletion of ocean oxygen levels are climate change and nutrient pollution. Climate change is primarily an outcome of human activities and it also threatens the environment as a whole.

These changes are probably the alarm calls warning humanity against the damages it does to the environment. Without a clean and safe environment, it would be fruitless to even think of any kind of life on the planet. All the beauty of the earth will just vanish if the damage to the environment continues.

It is established beyond doubt that c is essential for life on the planet and as long as remains in its original form and size, life will thrive. But, if it gets damaged beyond a certain level then slowly the land and marine life will come to an end, making the planet lifeless. It is, therefore, our foremost responsibility to check the environmental damage and take necessary steps in this regard.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions on Environment

Ans . The Environment Protection Act was passed in India in 1986.

Ans . The Kyoto Protocol was created by United Nation to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases by different countries.

Ans . It was observed first time on 5th June in 1974.

Ans . Qatar is the country in the world with the lowest forest cover.

Ans . The theme for the World Environment day 2021 was “Ecosystem Restoration”.

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Essay on Environmental Pollution: 100 Words, 200 Words

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  • Apr 1, 2024

essay on environmental pollution

One of the biggest risks to life as we know it is environmental degradation. The water we drink, the air we breathe, and the ecosystems on which we depend are all impacted by pollution. People, animals, and plants will decline if pollution levels continue to rise since they won’t be able to adapt to a significantly altered environment. Are you struggling to write an essay on environmental pollution? If the answer is yes, then this blog will help you get some ideas to write an effective essay. Keep reading further to know more!

This Blog Includes:

What is environmental pollution, essay on environmental pollution – 100 words , essay on environmental pollution – 250 words , essay on environmental pollution – 500 words .

The phenomenon of undesirable changes in the surroundings that are harmful to animals and plants, and leads to environmental degradation is known as environmental pollution. These changes can occur because of the solid, liquid or gaseous pollutants. For example, DDT, plastic, and heavy materials take more time to degrade and are known as notable pollutants. For the determination of risk assessment of public health, concentration of pollutants is measured.

The presence of contaminants in the environment is referred to as pollution. Gases like Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and Carbon Monoxide (CO), among others; solid pollutants like plastic, sewage, etc.; and chemicals like fertilisers, as well as those produced as byproducts in manufacturing, transportation, etc., are a few examples of polluting substances.

The immediate result of pollution is that it makes the world’s natural resources useless or toxic to use, as well as leads to the extinction of species and ecological imbalance. To stop more harm from occurring to the earth and its inhabitants due to environmental pollution, it is imperative to take proactive precautions.

Also Read: Essay on Pollution in Hindi 

When undesired elements, or pollutants, are present in the environment, it is said to be polluted. The environment is severely harmed by pollution, which poses a direct threat to it. Although the world has begun to understand the importance of addressing pollution if the planet and its biodiversity are to be conserved there is still a long way to go.

Everything that makes up the environment, including the air, water bodies, flora, and wildlife, is impacted by pollution in one way or another. There are four main types of pollution – Air Pollution, Water Pollution, Noise Pollution and Soil or Land Pollution . Additionally, pollution contributes to global issues including acid rain, global warming, and greenhouse gas consequences. A rise in the planet’s average surface temperature is referred to as global warming, and it causes starvation, floods, and droughts.

Environmental pollution has a wide-ranging impact. In addition to the current effects of pollution, a lack of effective pollution prevention measures also imperils the future of various species. The pollution is causing harm at a far faster rate than it can be healed. Reversing the environmental harm we have caused could take generations, and even then, it won’t be simple. It will require tight discipline and commitment to stop pollution.

The best ways feasible are being used by various nations to respond to these catastrophes. More efforts are being launched to raise public awareness about the dangers of pollution and the importance of preserving our ecosystem. Greener lifestyles are gaining popularity; examples include using wind and solar energy, new climate-friendly cars, and energy-efficient lighting. 

Also Read: Environmental Conservation

Pollution is the term used to describe the entry of pollutants into the environment. Noise, water, and air pollution are only a few of the several types of pollution. There is a direct relationship between the rise of pollution levels and illnesses among people. Therefore, it is important for everyone to be knowledgeable about pollution, its impacts, and effective ways to eliminate it. Our environment needs a balanced combination of all components, just like our body requires a balanced diet. The environment is polluted by any substance that is present above that limit for example rise in the levels of nitrogen oxides and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere causes harm to human health due to poor air quality. 

All forms of pollution, whether in the air, water, soil, or noise, have a negative impact on living things. Deadly diseases that are brought on by the contamination of soil, water, air, or sound affect organisms.

Among the most common disorders brought on by air pollution are acute lower respiratory infections in children, ischemic heart disease, stroke, lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and lung cancer. Air pollution is a major contributor to a number of ailments in India, including strokes, bronchitis, heart attacks, lung diseases, cancer, and early mortality from heart disorders. The most pressing issue in the world now is global warming, which is caused by air pollution.

Around the world, poor drinking water quality is the reason behind 50% of child deaths and 80% of illnesses, including more than 50 different diseases. Water pollution causes diarrhoea, skin diseases, malnutrition, and even cancer, as well as other issues that are related to it.

 Every day, noise pollution has an effect on millions of people. The most frequent result of this is noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL). Loud noises have the potential to cause stress, high blood pressure, heart disease, and sleep difficulties. Children in particular are prone to these health issues across the board in terms of age groups. Noise pollution is extremely harmful, and it’s especially deadlier for people with heart issues. 

Use of the 3Rs, or reduce, reuse, and recycle, is the first step in reducing pollution. People should use air conditioners less since they generate noxious gases, such as ozone-depleting chlorofluorocarbons, which will minimise air pollution.

Reducing the number of vehicles on the road will also help to clean up the planet’s air. The more often cars are used, the more dangerous chemicals like sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, and hydrocarbons that contribute to major air pollution are released into the atmosphere.

Increasing public awareness is a further means of reducing pollution on Earth. Through programmes like the “Go Green” campaign, which urges people to plant more trees and use recyclable materials in their daily lives, awareness can be raised about the significance of eliminating pollution on Earth. The “Earth Hour” is another globally recognised event that calls for everyone to turn off all lights for one hour in order to raise awareness of the significance of reducing electricity usage in order to minimise pollution on Earth.

The government’s obligation to maintain national laws is one way to reduce pollution on Earth. Offenders should be subject to harsh penalties, such as increased fines and longer prison terms, which will force them to reconsider their influence on the environment and serve as a message to those who are not currently involved but who might be in the future.

Must Read: Essay on Pollution: Elements, Type, Format & Samples

Related Reads

Light Pollution  Radioactive Pollution  Soil Pollution  Water Pollution  Air Pollution  Thermal Pollution  Noise Pollution 

Mentioned below are some of the ways to control environmental pollution:  Walk or ride a bicycle to work instead of driving. While replacing a car go for a fuel-efficient vehicle.  When leaving the room turn off the lights and television to save energy.  Buy energy-efficient appliances. 

There are many things that cause pollution such as by-products of coal-fueled power plants, vehicle emissions, fumes from chemical production, etc.  

We hope you got some ideas to write an effective essay on environmental pollution. To read more informative articles like this one, keep following Leverage Edu . 

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Essay on Environment for Students and Children

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Table of Contents

Essay on Environment: The environment means the things that surround us. It is everything that makes up our surroundings and affects our ability to live on the earth. The air, water, land, plants, animals, solid wastes and other things that are surrounding us constitute our environment. Man and environment are closely intertwined and interact with each other. Man cannot exist without environment and environment cannot exist without man.

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Target Exam ---

Ancient humans lived closer to the natural environment and therefore they lived healthier and longer. But today we are surrounded by the artificial environment that we have created for ourselves – buildings, air conditioned rooms, streets, shopping complexes, vehicles emitting poisonous gases, dust etc.

It would hardly require a second thought to conclude that this self made artificial environment of ours is a harmful creation. Not only we are breathing pollution but also doing considerable damage to nature, in our expedition to grow materialistically, further aggravating the situation. The more we move away from our natural environment, the more we move away from health and longevity. In the following essays we will discuss in details, the meaning and significance of environment and how it could be protected.

Long and Short Essay on Environment in English

A clean environment is very necessary to live a peaceful and healthy life.

But our environment is getting dirty day by day because of some negligence of human beings.

It is an issue which everyone must know about especially our kids.

Use following Environment Essay for your kids and children to help them in completing their school project or essay writing competition.

Following Essay on Environment are written using very simple word and easy to understand English Language so that your children can easy understand it.

Environment Essay in 100 words

An environment is the natural surroundings which help life to grow, nourish and destroy on this planet called earth. Natural environment plays a great role in the existence of life on earth and it helps human beings, animals and other living things to grow and develop naturally. But due to some bad and selfish activities of the human beings, our environment is getting affected. It is the most important topic that everyone must know how to protect our environment to keep it safe forever as well as ensure the nature’s balance on this planet to continue the existence of life.

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Environment Essay 150 words

As we all are well familiar with the environment, it is everything which surrounds us naturally and affects our daily lives on the earth. Everything comes under an environment, the air which we breathe every moment, the water which we use for our daily routine, plants, animals and other living things, etc around us. An environment is called healthy environment when natural cycle goes side by side without any disturbance. Any type of disturbance in the nature’s balance affects the environment totally which ruins the human lives.

Now, in the era of advance living standard of the human being, our environment is getting affected to a great extent by the means of air pollution, noise pollution, deforestation, water pollution, soil pollution, acid rain and other dangerous disasters created by the human beings through technological advancement. We all must take an oath together to protect our natural environment to keep it safe as usual forever.

Environment Essay 200 words

Environment means all the natural surroundings such as land, air, water, plants, animals, solid material, wastes, sunlight, forests and other things. Healthy environment maintains the nature’s balance as well as helps in growing, nourishing and developing all the living things on the earth. However, now a day, some manmade technological advancement spoiling the environment in many ways which ultimately disturbs the balance or equilibrium of nature. We are keeping our lives in danger as well as existence of life in future on this planet.

If we do anything in wrong way out of the discipline of nature, it disturbs the whole environment means atmosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere. Besides natural environment, a man made environment is also exists which deals with the technology, work environment, aesthetics, transportation, housing, utilities, urbanization, etc. Man made environment affects the natural environment to a great extent which we all must be together to save it.

The components of the natural environment are used as a resource however it is also exploited by the human being in order to fulfill some basic physical needs and purpose of life. We should not challenge our natural resources and stop putting so much pollution or waste to the environment. We should value our natural resources and use them by staying under the natural discipline.

Environment Essay 250 words

An environment includes all the natural resources which surround us to help in number of ways. It provides us better medium to grow and develop. It gives us all things which we need to live our life on this planet. However, our environment also need some help from all of us to get maintained as usual, to nourish our lives forever and to never ruin our lives. The elements of our environment are declining day by day because of the man made technological disaster.

We need to maintain the originality of our environment to continue the life on the earth, the only place where life is possible till now in the whole universe. World Environment Day is a campaign being celebrated for years every year on 5 th of June in order to spread the public awareness all over the world towards the environment safety and cleanliness. We must participate in the campaign celebration to know the theme of celebration, to know ways of saving our environment and to get aware about all the bad habits which declining the environment day by day.

We can save our environment in very easy manner with the little step taken by every person on the earth. We should reduce the amount of waste, throwing wastes properly to its place only, stop using poly bags, reuse some old things in new ways, repair and use broken things instead of throwing it away, see how much it would take to repair them, use rechargeable batteries or renewable alkaline batteries, make use of fluorescent light, rain water conservation, reduce water wastage, energy conservation, minimum use of electricity, etc.

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Environment Essay 5 (300 words)

An environment is gifted by the nature to nourish the life on the earth. Everything which we use to continue our lives comes under the environment such as water, air, sunlight, land, plants, animals, forests and other natural things. Our environment plays a very significant role in making possible the existence of healthy life on the earth. However, our environment is getting worse day by day because of the manmade technological advancement in the modern era. Thus, environmental pollution has become the biggest problem we are facing today.

Environmental pollution is affecting our daily lives negatively in various aspects of life such as socially, physically, economically, emotionally and intellectually. Contamination of the environment brings lots of diseases which human being may suffer whole life. It is not a problem of community or city, it is a worldwide problem which cannot be solved by the effort of one. If it is not addressed properly, it may end the existence of life a day. Each and every common citizen should involve in the environmental safety programme launched by the government.

We should correct our mistakes and selfishness towards our environment to make healthy and safe from the pollution. It is hard to believe but true that only a little positive movements by everyone may bring a huge change in the declining environment. Air and water pollution is leading our health on danger by causing various diseases and disorders. Nothing can be said healthy now a day, as what we eat is already affected by the bad effects of artificial fertilizers which reduces and weakens our body immunity to fight disease causing microorganisms. That’s why, anyone of us can be diseased anytime even after being healthy and happy.

So, it is a major worldwide issue which should be solved by the continuous efforts of everyone. We should participate in the World Environment Day campaign to actively participate in the environment safety event.

Environment Essay 400 words

All the natural things which makes life possible on the earth includes under an environment like water, air, sunlight, land, fire, forests, animals, plants, etc. It is considered that earth is the only planet in the universe having required environment for the life existence. Without environment we cannot guess life here so we should keep our environment safe and clean to ensure the life possibility in future. It is the responsibility of each and every individual living on the earth worldwide. Everyone should come forth and join the campaign for environment safety.

There are various cycles which happen regularly between environment and living things to maintain the nature’s balance. However, by any means if such cycles gets disturbed, nature’s balance also gets disturbed which ultimately affects the human lives. Our environment helps us and other forms of existence to grow, develop and flourish on the earth for thousands of years. As human beings are considered as the most intelligent creature made by the nature on the earth, they have lots of eagerness to know things in the universe which lead them towards the technological advancement.

Such technological advancement in everyone’s life put the life possibilities on the earth in danger day by day as our environment is destroying gradually. It seems that one day it becomes so harmful for life as the natural air, soil and water are getting polluted. Even it has started showing its bad effects on the health of human being, animal, plants and other living things. Artificially prepared fertilizers by using harmful chemicals are spoiling the soil which indirectly getting collected into our body through the food we eat daily. Harmful smokes created from the industrial companies on daily basis are polluting the natural air which affects our health to a great extent as we breathe it every moment.

In such busy, crowded and advanced life we must take care of such types of small bad habits on daily basis. It is true that only a small effort by the end of everyone can bring a major positive change towards our declining environment. We should not use the natural resources in wrong ways for just our selfishness and fulfil our destructive wishes. We should grow and develop science and technologies for the betterment of our lives but always be sure that it would not ruin our environment in future in anyways. We should be sure that new technologies would never disturb the ecological balance.

All the environment essay given above are written by the professional content writer under various words limit to help students. All the essay on environment are written very simply so that students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, etc can easily learn and successfully use in exam or essay writing competition. We have provided environment essays under the category of environmental issues. You can get essay on other environmental issues under same category such as.

Essay on Environment FAQs

What is the environment short essay.

A short essay about the environment explains its importance and how it affects our lives.

What is environment in 10 lines?

The environment is everything around us, including air, water, animals, plants, and the Earth itself. It supports life and needs protection.

What is environment 5 points?

The environment includes our surroundings, air, water, ecosystems, and the planet. It's essential for our well-being and must be conserved.

What is called environment?

The environment refers to the natural world around us, comprising everything in our surroundings, from the air we breathe to the land and creatures we share our planet with.

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AEM 2500 Environmental and Resource Economics

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Course information provided by the Courses of Study 2023-2024 . Courses of Study 2024-2025 is scheduled to publish mid-June.

This course uses microeconomics to understand the causes and how to devise solutions to environmental and natural resource problems. Subjects include valuation, benefit-cost analysis, policy design and property rights. The course relies on these concepts to explore major current policy issues such as economic incentives in environmental policy, air and water pollution, depletion of renewable and nonrenewable resources, and global warming. Students are evaluated based on problems sets, short essays, 3 quizzes and 3 prelims.

When Offered Fall.

Permission Note Enrollment preference given to: Dyson students and E&S majors. Prerequisites/Corequisites Prerequisite: ECON 1110. Forbidden Overlaps Forbidden Overlap: due to an overlap in content, students will not receive credit for both AEM 1500 and AEM 2500.

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  Regular Academic Session.   Combined with: ENVS 2500

Credits and Grading Basis

3 Credits Stdnt Opt (Letter or S/U grades)

Class Number & Section Details

 8522 AEM 2500   LEC 001

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  • TR 8:40am - 9:55am To Be Assigned
  • Aug 26 - Dec 9, 2024


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  1. Essay on Environment for all Class in 100 to 500 Words in English

    a short essay about environment

  2. write essay on save environment

    a short essay about environment

  3. Environment Essay: Example, Sample, Writing Help ️ BookWormLab

    a short essay about environment

  4. Essay on Environment Protection (1000+ words)

    a short essay about environment

  5. Essay on save environment in English || environment essay

    a short essay about environment

  6. Write a short essay on Environment

    a short essay about environment



  2. save environment essay in english

  3. Environment speech short simple speech on environment, essay


  5. Short Essay On Holi Festival

  6. Environmental issues / writing task 2 / to what extent essay with ideas


  1. Essay on Environment for Students and Children

    500+ Words Essay on Environment. Essay on Environment - All living things that live on this earth comes under the environment. Whether they live on land or water they are part of the environment. The environment also includes air, water, sunlight, plants, animals, etc. Moreover, the earth is considered the only planet in the universe that ...

  2. Essay on Environment: Examples & Tips

    Essay on Environment (200-250 words) Environment means all the natural things around us such as land, air, water, plants, animals, solid materials, garbage, sun, forest, and other things. These maintain a balance of healthy nature and make the survival of all living things on earth possible.

  3. Essay on Environment: 150-250, 500-1000 words for Students

    Essay on Environment in 250-300 words. The environment is the natural world around us, comprising the air we breathe, the water we drink, the land we live on, and the diverse ecosystems that support life. It encompasses everything from the smallest microorganisms to the largest forests and oceans.

  4. Essay on Save Environment: 5 Long & Short Samples

    Sample Essay 2. Essay on Save Environment. As human beings, we exist because of environmental support. Had there be no air, no freshwater, no other natural resources, our existence would have been impossible. It is because of innumerable trees around us, we are able to breath fresh air. We eat when the process of photosynthesis takes place in ...

  5. Environment Essay for Students in English

    The environment is everything that surrounds us - the air we breathe, the water we drink, the soil beneath our feet, and the diverse flora and fauna that inhabit our planet. It's not just a backdrop to our lives; it's the very essence of our existence. In this essay, we'll explore the importance of our environment, the challenges it faces ...

  6. Environment Essay

    Essay on Environment: The environment is the real world that has the living as well as non-living types of surroundings on the earth. It also refers to a particular geographical area. The plants, air, water, animals, human beings, and other living things exist in the environment. Atmospheric process, Geomorphic process, Hydrologic process are ...

  7. Environment Essay

    Short Essay on Environment 300 Words in English. The environment is all the things around us on the earth. What we see, feel, inhale, eat establishes the environment. The trees, the air, the food, the waterways, the streets, the plant life, the pastries, the deforested patches of ground, every one of them goes in close proximity to what we call ...

  8. 612 Environment Essay Topics & Examples

    Protecting the Environment. Protecting the environment is the act of taking care of natural resources and using them rationally to prevent annihilation and pollution. Mining and Its Impact on the Environment. The purpose of this paper is to describe and discuss the effects of mining on the environment.

  9. Essay On Environment In English [Short & Long]

    Short Essay On Environment | 250 Words Introduction. An environment refers to our surroundings combined. It consists of air, water, land, sunlight, animals and plants. Every living being whether they live on land or in water comes under the environment. It is the most important factor for the execution of life on earth.

  10. Essay on Environment

    Water is another essential resource for life. About 71% of the earth's surface is covered with water; however, just 1% of that is usable freshwater. Hence, conservation of water is important. It helps to reduce the energy required to process and deliver water. Another important aspect of the environment is the food web.

  11. Essay On Environment

    An environment short essay is writing the essay with a limited word count, however the details mentioned should be in brief but in detail. How important is our environment for us? Human health is intimately linked to the state of the environment. Good quality of natural environments provide basic needs, in terms of clean air and water, fertile ...

  12. Environment Essay For Students In English

    All living beings and non-living beings present on the Earth represent the environment. Plants, creatures, water, air, and other living things exist in our environment. Our environment gets influenced by climatic interaction, geomorphic measures, and hydrologic measures. The life of humans and animals is entirely dependent on climate.

  13. Short Essay & Paragraph On Environment And It's Importance

    1. Life Support System: Think of the environment as Earth's life support system. It provides us with essential resources such as air, water, soil, and sunlight that are indispensable for the survival of all living beings, including humans. Without a healthy environment, life as we know it would cease to exist. 2.

  14. Short Essay: Environmental Consciousness

    Environmental Consciousness Essay Example #1. Environmental consciousness is a vital concept in today's world as we face escalating environmental challenges. It refers to the awareness and understanding of the interdependence between human actions and the environment. This essay explores the significance of environmental consciousness, its ...

  15. The Environment

    Short Essay On The Environment In 150 Words For Children. All life on earth is dependent on the environment for its survival and basic needs. We utilise all the resources provided by nature and benefit from them but fail to protect the same. Given below is a short essay for class 1, 2 and 3 students about the environment: ...

  16. Environment Essay In English For School Students

    Environment Essay 150 words. Below is an Environment Essay in 150 words. The environment includes the backdrop of our living space, comprising the air, water, soil, plants, and animals. It is a complex web of interconnected ecosystems that support life on Earth. Unfortunately, human activities such as industrialization, deforestation, and ...

  17. Short Essay on Environment

    Environment - Short Essay 2. Environment comes from the French word 'environ' which means surroundings.The environment means natural world and its surroundings: the air, the water and the earth. Environment refers to the surrounding (both living and non-living) of the livings species. The human-beings, plants, animals and other living beings operate in the environment.

  18. Essay on Environment for all Class in 100 to 500 Words in English

    Environment Essay 10 Lines (100 - 150 Words) 1) All the living and non-living creatures, air, water, etc makes the environment. 2) Environment is the home to all living things. 3) Natural and Artificial are the two types of environment. 4) The valuable resources like air, water, trees, etc are provided to us by the environment.

  19. Essay on Environmental Pollution: 100 Words, 200 Words

    Essay on Environmental Pollution - 500 Words . Pollution is the term used to describe the entry of pollutants into the environment. Noise, water, and air pollution are only a few of the several types of pollution. There is a direct relationship between the rise of pollution levels and illnesses among people. Therefore, it is important for ...

  20. Essay on Environment for Students in English

    Environment Essay 5 (300 words) An environment is gifted by the nature to nourish the life on the earth. Everything which we use to continue our lives comes under the environment such as water, air, sunlight, land, plants, animals, forests and other natural things. Our environment plays a very significant role in making possible the existence ...

  21. Why Conservation is Failing

    Jamieson is the author of Reason in a Dark Time: Why the Struggle to Stop Climate Change Failed--and What It Means For Our Future (Oxford, 2014), Ethics and the Environment: An Introduction (Cambridge, 2008; second edition due out in 2023), Morality's Progress: Essays on Humans, Other Animals, and the Rest of Nature (Oxford, 2002), and most ...

  22. Class Roster

    The course relies on these concepts to explore major current policy issues such as economic incentives in environmental policy, air and water pollution, depletion of renewable and nonrenewable resources, and global warming. Students are evaluated based on problems sets, short essays, 3 quizzes and 3 prelims. When Offered Fall.