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Backstroke: Overview and Swimming Technique

By Author Christophe Keller

Posted on Last updated: March 13, 2021

The backstroke, or back crawl, uses alternating and opposite arm movements. As one arm pulls through the water from an overhead position to the hip, the other arm recovers above the water from the hip to the overhead position and vice versa.

The legs perform a  flutter kick , similar to the one used in the front crawl .

The backstroke is, as the name suggests, the only one of the four competitive swimming strokes swum on the back.

On a sunny morning, a young man swims backstroke in an outdoor pool while steam rises from the water.

In terms of speed, it is slower than the front crawl and butterfly but faster than the breaststroke .

Backstroke Swimming Video

Below is a video in slow-motion demonstrating backstroke:

Backstroke Swimming Technique

In the next section, we will describe the swimming technique of the backstroke.

Body Movement

Close-up of a backstroke swimmer.

The backstroke is swum in a horizontal position on the back . However, the body rolls a little from side to side, following the arm movements.

As a consequence, the shoulder of the arm that is currently pulling back in the water is lower than the shoulder of the arm that is recovering forward above water.

While the body rolls from side to side, the head remains in a neutral position, face up. Ideally, it should be possible to swim backstroke with a small bottle on your forehead without it falling off.

You can learn more about body movement in backstroke here.

Arm Movement

Close-up of the arm of a backstroke swimmer during the arm recovery.

In the backstroke, the arms perform alternating and opposite movements .

One arm pulls backward in the water, from an extended forward position to outside the shoulder and then to the hip, performing an S-shaped movement and providing propulsion.

The other arm recovers above water, moving from the hip to the extended forward position in the water, performing a semi-circular movement. The arm is kept straight during the recovery.

The arms then alternate their movements, and so on. Per swimming stroke cycle, each arm pulls once in the water and recovers once above the water.

You can learn more about arm movement in backstroke here.

Leg Movement — Flutter Kick

Close-up of the legs of a backstroke swimmer.

The backstroke uses a flutter kick . The legs perform alternating and opposite movements. While one leg moves up, the other leg moves down, and vice versa.

The legs are moved up and down in quick succession with compact movements. The feet are stretched while the hips and knees bend slightly.

In backstroke swimming, a six-beat kicking pattern is used almost universally, with each foot kicking three times per stroke cycle, for a total of six kicks.

The flutter kick provides some propulsion in addition to the propulsion generated by the arms. The kick also helps to stabilize the body in relation to the arm movements.

You can learn more about the flutter kick in backstroke here .

Breathing Technique

Close-up of the face of a backstroke swimmer while she breathes in.

Breathing is not restricted when swimming backstroke , because you are on your back and your face is above the water.

However, this requires that you have a relatively good balance in the horizontal position on your back. Otherwise, it is possible that the head will submerge, which, of course, leads to problems.

It is also possible for water to splash into the face during the recovery of the arm stroke. Therefore, it makes sense to synchronize breathing with the movement of the arms.

For example, you can always inhale on one arm while exhaling on the other arm if it is always the same arm that splashes water in your face.

Or inhale during the ascending part of the arm recovery and exhale during the descending part of the arm recovery.

You can learn more about breathing during the backstroke here.

Learn to Swim Backstroke

Close-up of a female backstroke swimmer recovering her arm forward.

With our series of swimming drills , you can learn the backstroke step by step. The series can be divided into the following stages:

1) First, you practice the flutter kick on your back while holding on to the edge of the pool.

2) Next, you practice balance by floating on your back and sides and using the flutter kick to move forward.

3) Then you practice the underwater and above water arm movements separately with each arm.

4) Finally, you practice both arm movements simultaneously.

Go to our series of swimming drills for backstroke .

How to Avoid Bumping into the Wall

A child swimming backstroke and headed towards the wall.

The problem with the backstroke is that you cannot see what is happening in front of you. That’s why our reader, Suzanne, is afraid to bang her head into the wall at the end of the pool.

This is a legitimate fear to have and especially so for beginners. Therefore, I describe some strategies you can use to avoid swimming into the wall .

Elementary Backstroke

A swimming instructor who demonstrates elementary backstroke.

Elementary backstroke is a simplified form of backstroke that is easier for beginners to learn.

The body is in a supine position in the water. This enables unrestricted breathing. However, it is necessary to have a reasonably good balance on the back .

The arms perform identical and synchronous movements in the water.

At first, the arms are straight along the body. The hands are drawn from the hips, along the body to the armpits, then moved outwards at shoulder level until the arms are straight and extended sideways.

Finally, the straight arms are moved back to the hips, pushing against the water and thus providing propulsion.

Leg Movement

The legs also perform identical, synchronous movements in the water, that are similar to the breaststroke kick , except that the body is turned up instead of down in the horizontal position.

At first, the legs are stretched out and held together. Now, the knees bend, the legs are spread, and the feet move toward the buttocks.

When the feet are close to the buttocks, the legs are extended again and brought together. Thereby, the inner sides of the legs and feet press against the water and provide propulsion.

Breathing is unrestricted, but it makes sense to synchronize breathing with the arm and leg movements, i.e., inhale when the arms move toward the shoulders and extend sideways, and exhale when the arms are brought back to the sides.

You can learn more about the elementary backstroke here .

Related Pages

You may also be interested in the following articles that cover the backstroke’s swimming technique:

  • Backstroke Swimming Technique – Overview
  • Backstroke Swimming Technique – Body Position and Head Position
  • Swimming Backstroke – Arm Technique and Movements
  • The Backstroke Kick – Swimming Technique
  • Swimming Backstroke – Breathing Technique and Tips
  • Elementary Backstroke: Swimming Technique and Tips
  • Swimming Backstroke: How to Avoid Bumping into the Wall with the Head
  • Learn To Swim Backstroke: Drills and Exercises
  • Overview of Common Swimming Strokes / Styles
  • Enjoy Swimming Home

Wednesday 16th of August 2023

My favourite stroke among all.

Gabriele Muellenberg

Tuesday 11th of September 2012

The backstroke swim style helps when you recover from most back surgery, as well. I had part of my lower spine fused and found backstroke the most comfortable way of being in the water.

However, I was always good at backstroke. Meantime, it took me 10 years to feel 100% in the water.

I shouldn't take on big waves ever again, though. Doctors orders. I know it is true, as a spine which is not totally elastic anymore is not to be taken lightly.

However, swimming is still one of the best sports after surgeries. Mind that physiotherapy in the swimming pool is tops for the same reason.

Sunday 18th of December 2016

Thanks for the tip.

I have been swimming freestyle for years. I had 2 back surgeries. Trying the backstroke is hard because I also had neck surgery.


Mastering the Backstroke Swimming: the Techniques and Benefits of this Efficient Swimming Style

Are you ready to dive into the world of backstroke swimming? In this comprehensive guide, we will unravel the techniques, benefits, and intricacies of this highly efficient swimming style. Whether you’re a beginner looking to improve your form or an experienced swimmer seeking to enhance your performance, mastering the backstroke is a skill worth honing. So, let’s jump in and explore the ins and outs of this graceful and powerful stroke.

The History of Backstroke Swimming: Tracing its Origins and Evolution

In order to truly appreciate the art of backstroke swimming, it is essential to delve into its rich history. Backstroke can be traced back to ancient times, with depictions of swimmers floating on their backs found in ancient Egyptian and Greek artwork. However, it wasn’t until the late 19th century that backstroke began to emerge as a distinct swimming style.

A significant milestone in the evolution of backstroke was the development of the “Trudgen” stroke by John Trudgen in the 1870s. This stroke involved a combination of arm movements, with one arm executing a double overarm pull while the other arm performed a regular sidestroke. Although the Trudgen stroke was eventually banned in competitive swimming, it laid the foundation for the modern backstroke technique.

As the sport continued to evolve, backstroke gained recognition and was officially included in the Olympic Games in 1900. Over the years, various modifications were made to improve efficiency and speed. Notably, the introduction of the “shoulder roll” technique in the 1930s revolutionized backstroke swimming by allowing swimmers to generate more power and maintain a streamlined body position.

Today, backstroke is a highly refined and technically demanding swimming style. It has become a staple in competitive swimming events, showcasing the skill and prowess of athletes worldwide. With its fascinating history and continuous evolution, backstroke remains a captivating discipline that continues to captivate swimmers of all levels.

Understanding the Basics: Body Position, Arm Movement, and Leg Action

Mastering the fundamentals is crucial for developing a strong backstroke technique. Let’s dive into the key elements that contribute to a successful backstroke.

1. Body Position:

Achieving the correct body position is paramount in backstroke swimming. Lie flat on your back with your body aligned horizontally in the water. Keep your head in a neutral position, eyes focused on the ceiling or sky. Engage your core muscles to maintain a stable and streamlined body position throughout the stroke.

2. Arm Movement:

The arm movement in backstroke involves an alternating motion. As one arm extends forward, the other arm sweeps backward in a semicircular motion. When the arm reaches the hip, initiate the recovery phase by lifting it out of the water and extending it back to the starting position. Maintain a steady and rhythmic arm movement to maximize propulsion.

3. Leg Action:

Efficient leg action plays a vital role in backstroke swimming. Your legs should execute a flutter kick, with your toes pointed and legs straight. Generate power from your hips, allowing your legs to kick in an up-and-down motion. Avoid excessive knee bending or wide leg movements, as they can hinder your speed and efficiency in the water.

By focusing on these fundamental aspects of backstroke swimming, you can establish a solid foundation for further skill development. Practice these techniques with patience and precision, and you’ll be well on your way to becoming a proficient backstroke swimmer.

Perfecting Your Backstroke Technique: Tips and Drills for Improved Performance

Refining your backstroke technique is essential for maximizing your performance in the water. Here are some valuable tips and drills to help you perfect your backstroke:

1. Focus on Rotation:

A proper shoulder rotation is crucial for an efficient backstroke. As your arm enters the water, initiate a slight roll of your body to the opposite side, allowing your shoulder to lead the way. This rotation helps increase your reach and power during each stroke cycle.

2. Develop a Strong Kick:

Your kick plays a significant role in propelling you forward. To improve your kick, incorporate kickboard drills into your training routine. Focus on maintaining a steady and consistent flutter kick, ensuring that your legs remain close together with minimal splashing.

3. Enhance Arm Recovery:

The recovery phase of your arm movement should be smooth and efficient. Practice drills that emphasize a relaxed and controlled recovery, allowing your arm to glide effortlessly over the water’s surface. Avoid unnecessary tension or excessive splashing during this phase.

4. Utilize Underwater Dolphin Kicks:

To gain an extra burst of speed during backstroke, master the technique of underwater dolphin kicks. As your arms recover, execute a series of powerful dolphin kicks, propelling yourself forward underwater. This technique is particularly effective during starts and turns.

By incorporating these tips and drills into your training regimen, you can fine-tune your backstroke technique and elevate your performance to new heights. Remember to practice consistently and seek feedback from coaches or experienced swimmers to further refine your skills.

Common Mistakes to Avoid: Troubleshooting Your Backstroke Form

Even the most experienced swimmers can fall into bad habits or make common mistakes in their backstroke technique. By identifying and correcting these errors, you can significantly improve your form and overall performance. Here are some common mistakes to watch out for:

1. Sinking Hips:

One of the most prevalent mistakes in backstroke is allowing your hips to sink too low in the water. This can create drag and hinder your forward momentum. Focus on engaging your core muscles and maintaining a horizontal body position to keep your hips at the water’s surface.

2. Crossing Arms:

Some swimmers have a tendency to cross their arms over their body during the recovery phase. This can lead to inefficient arm movement and reduce your stroke’s power. Ensure that your arms follow a straight and parallel path, entering and exiting the water at shoulder-width apart.

3. Overkicking or Underkicking:

Striking the right balance with your kick is crucial in backstroke. Overkicking with large, exaggerated movements can cause excessive splashing and waste energy. On the other hand, underkicking with weak leg action can result in reduced propulsion. Aim for a steady, moderate flutter kick that complements your arm movements.

4. Incorrect Head Position:

Keeping your head tilted too far back or too far forward can disrupt your body’s alignment and affect your stroke efficiency. Maintain a neutral head position, with your eyes focused straight up or slightly forward to maintain a streamlined body position.

By being aware of these common mistakes and actively working to correct them, you can refine your backstroke technique and enhance your overall swimming performance. Remember, practice and attention to detail are key to overcoming these challenges and swimming with improved form.

Advanced Backstroke Techniques: Exploring Underwater Dolphin Kicks and Shoulder Rotation

For those looking to take their backstroke to the next level, incorporating advanced techniques can greatly enhance your speed and efficiency in the water. Let’s delve into two key techniques: underwater dolphin kicks and shoulder rotation.

1. Underwater Dolphin Kicks:

Mastering the art of underwater dolphin kicks can give you a significant advantage in backstroke races. After completing your arm pull, submerge yourself underwater and execute a series of powerful dolphin kicks. This undulating motion generates propulsion and allows you to maintain your speed during transitions and turns. Practice proper timing and coordination between your arm strokes and kicks to maximize the effectiveness of this technique.

2. Shoulder Rotation:

To enhance your arm pull and increase your stroke power, focus on incorporating shoulder rotation into your backstroke. As your arm enters the water, initiate a slight rotation of your body to the opposite side, allowing your shoulder to lead the movement. This rotation allows for a longer and more powerful stroke, enabling you to generate more propulsion and maintain a streamlined body position. Practice drills that specifically target shoulder rotation to improve your execution and efficiency.

It’s important to note that mastering these advanced techniques requires practice, patience, and guidance from experienced coaches or instructors. Gradually incorporate them into your training sessions, focusing on proper form and technique. With dedication and persistence, you can unlock the full potential of your backstroke and elevate your swimming performance to new heights.

Developing Strength and Endurance for Backstroke: Dryland Exercises and Training Regimens

Building strength and endurance is essential for excelling in backstroke swimming. In addition to pool training, incorporating dryland exercises can help improve your overall fitness and performance. Let’s explore some effective exercises and training regimens to enhance your backstroke:

1. Core Strength:

A strong core is crucial for maintaining stability and generating power in backstroke. Incorporate exercises such as planks, Russian twists, and flutter kicks to target your abdominal muscles, obliques, and lower back. Strengthening your core will improve your body position and enhance your stroke efficiency.

2. Upper Body Strength:

Developing upper body strength is vital for a powerful backstroke. Include exercises like pull-ups, lat pulldowns, and bent-over rows to strengthen your back, shoulders, and arms. These exercises will improve your pull phase and overall stroke power.

3. Cardiovascular Endurance:

Backstroke races require sustained cardiovascular endurance. Incorporate aerobic exercises like swimming, running, cycling, or rowing into your training regimen. Aim for longer durations at a moderate intensity to build your stamina and improve your ability to maintain a consistent pace throughout a race.

4. Flexibility and Mobility:

Improving flexibility and mobility can enhance your range of motion and contribute to a more fluid backstroke technique. Incorporate stretching exercises that target your shoulders, hips, and back. Consider activities like yoga or Pilates to improve your overall flexibility and body alignment.

Design a well-rounded dryland training program that includes a mix of these exercises and regimens. Consult with a qualified trainer or coach to tailor the program to your specific needs and goals. By incorporating dryland exercises into your training routine, you can enhance your physical strength, endurance, and overall performance in backstroke swimming.

Backstroke vs. Other Swimming Styles: A Comparative Analysis

Backstroke is just one of the four major swimming styles, each with its own unique characteristics and techniques. Let’s compare backstroke to other popular swimming styles and explore their similarities and differences:

1. Freestyle (Front Crawl):

Freestyle, also known as front crawl, is characterized by its continuous alternating arm movements and flutter kick. Unlike backstroke, freestyle is swum on the stomach, with the face in the water. Both backstroke and freestyle rely on rhythmic arm and leg coordination, core engagement, and a streamlined body position.

2. Breaststroke:

Breaststroke is distinct from backstroke in terms of its arm and leg movements. Breaststroke involves a simultaneous arm pull followed by a frog-like kick. Unlike backstroke, breaststroke requires a coordinated glide phase and the head remains above the water throughout the stroke cycle.

3. Butterfly:

Butterfly is perhaps the most physically demanding swimming style. It features a symmetrical arm movement known as the “butterfly pull” and a dolphin kick. Unlike backstroke, butterfly requires simultaneous arm movement and an undulating body motion. Both backstroke and butterfly require a strong core, good body control, and precise timing.

While backstroke shares some similarities with other swimming styles, it has its own distinct characteristics that make it a unique discipline. Understanding the similarities and differences between backstroke and other styles can help you appreciate the diversity of swimming techniques and choose the style that best suits your preferences and abilities.

The Importance of Breathing: Strategies for Efficient Oxygen Intake in Backstroke

Breathing is a critical aspect of backstroke swimming, as it ensures a steady supply of oxygen to fuel your muscles and maintain your performance. Let’s explore the importance of proper breathing techniques and strategies for efficient oxygen intake in backstroke:

1. Rhythmic Breathing:

Establishing a consistent breathing pattern is key to maintaining a steady rhythm in backstroke. Most swimmers prefer to breathe every other stroke, allowing them to alternate between the left and right sides. Find a breathing pattern that works for you and practice maintaining a steady rhythm throughout your swim.

Timing is crucial when it comes to breathing in backstroke. Ideally, you should start your breath as soon as your recovering arm exits the water and your body starts to rotate. This allows for a smooth and efficient inhalation without disrupting your stroke rhythm or body position.

3. Head Position:

Keeping your head in the correct position is vital for effective breathing in backstroke. As you rotate your body, slightly lift your chin toward the chest to clear the water’s surface. Avoid lifting your head excessively, as it can disrupt your body alignment and increase drag.

4. Exhalation:

Proper exhalation is often overlooked in backstroke, but it is just as important as inhalation. Exhale continuously and steadily through your mouth or nose while your face is in the water. This ensures efficient exchange of gases and prepares you for a quick inhalation during the breathing phase.

By focusing on these breathing strategies and techniques, you can optimize your oxygen intake, enhance your endurance, and maintain a smooth and efficient backstroke. Practice these skills during your training sessions and gradually incorporate them into your swim routine for improved performance in the water.

Backstroke Racing Strategies: Tactics to Gain the Competitive Edge

When it comes to backstroke racing, employing effective strategies can give you a competitive advantage over your opponents. Let’s explore some key tactics to enhance your backstroke racing performance:

1. Fast Starts:

A powerful and streamlined start sets the tone for a successful backstroke race. Practice your backstroke starts to ensure a quick and explosive push-off from the wall. Maintain a tight streamline position and execute crisp underwater dolphin kicks to maximize your initial speed.

2. Tempo Control:

Controlling your stroke tempo is crucial in backstroke racing. Find a pace that allows you to maintain consistency throughout the race without sacrificing speed. Avoid starting too fast and burning out early or starting too slow and struggling to catch up. Practice maintaining a steady stroke rate during training to develop a good sense of tempo.

3. Strategic Turns:

Efficient turns are vital in backstroke racing. Approach the wall with a strong and controlled backstroke arm pull, followed by a swift rotation onto your stomach. Execute a powerful underwater dolphin kick off the wall to maximize your propulsion and maintain momentum during each turn.

4. Strong Finish:

Finish the race with a burst of speed and determination. As you approach the wall for the final touch, increase your stroke rate and kick intensity to give it your all. Practice sprinting the final meters of your backstroke races during training to build your finishing strength and endurance.

By incorporating these racing strategies into your backstroke training and races, you can gain a competitive edge and improve your chances of achieving your goals. Experiment with different tactics, analyze your performance, and adapt your strategy based on the specific race conditions and competition level. Remember, consistent practice and attention to race strategies can make a significant difference in your backstroke racing performance.

Benefits of Backstroke Swimming: Enhancing Fitness, Flexibility, and Posture

Backstroke swimming offers numerous benefits that go beyond its competitive nature. Let’s explore how incorporating backstroke into your swimming routine can improve your overall fitness, flexibility, and posture:

1. Full-Body Workout:

Backstroke engages multiple muscle groups simultaneously, providing a comprehensive full-body workout. It targets your back, shoulders, core, arms, and legs, helping to build strength, endurance, and overall muscle tone.

2. Cardiovascular Fitness:

Backstroke is an excellent cardiovascular exercise that elevates your heart rate and improves cardiovascular health. Regular backstroke swimming can increase your lung capacity, enhance oxygen utilization, and boost overall cardiovascular fitness.

3. Joint-Friendly Exercise:

Unlike high-impact activities, backstroke swimming is a low-impact exercise that puts minimal stress on your joints. This makes it a suitable exercise for individuals with joint conditions or those recovering from injuries.

4. Improved Flexibility:

Backstroke requires a high degree of flexibility, particularly in the shoulders and hips. Regularly practicing backstroke can help improve your range of motion, enhance flexibility, and reduce the risk of muscle imbalances and stiffness.

5. Posture Correction:

Swimming backstroke can help correct poor posture caused by sedentary lifestyles or desk-bound jobs. The constant extension of the spine and engagement of the back muscles in backstroke swimming can contribute to better posture alignment over time.

By incorporating backstroke into your swimming routine, you can reap these incredible benefits and improve your overall physical health and well-being. Whether you swim competitively or simply enjoy recreational swimming, backstroke offers a rewarding and effective way to stay fit and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

In conclusion, mastering the art of backstroke swimming can greatly enhance your swimming abilities and overall fitness. By understanding the history, techniques, and advanced strategies of backstroke, you can refine your form and improve your performance in the water. From perfecting your body position and arm movement to incorporating advanced techniques like underwater dolphin kicks and shoulder rotation, there are endless opportunities for skill development and improvement.

Additionally, focusing on dryland exercises, such as core strength training and cardiovascular endurance workouts, can further enhance your backstroke swimming abilities. Moreover, comparing backstroke to other swimming styles provides valuable insights into the diversity and uniqueness of each technique.

Remember to pay attention to breathing techniques, implement effective racing strategies, and reap the numerous benefits that backstroke swimming offers, including improved fitness, flexibility, and posture. Whether you swim for competition or leisure, backstroke is a versatile and rewarding swimming style that can contribute to your overall health and well-being.

So, dive into the world of backstroke swimming, embrace the challenges, and enjoy the journey of becoming a proficient backstroke swimmer. With consistent practice, dedication, and a focus on continuous improvement, you can unlock your full potential and make a splash in the water.

Sarah Choate

As a passionate water enthusiast, I’ve spent my life exploring the depths of swimming and sharing my experiences with the world. Stroke Swimming is more than just a blog; it’s a deep dive into the world of swimming. Here, you’ll find a treasure trove of information, tips, and insights to help both beginners and seasoned swimmers enhance their skills, knowledge, and appreciation for this timeless art.

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How To Swim Backstroke With Perfect Technique

backstroke swimming essay

Backstroke can be a challenge. It’s the only stroke that requires you to be entirely on your back, which raises a few questions — how are you supposed to swim straight? What’s the best way to stay afloat?

We’re breaking down six key aspects of backstroke technique to help every swimmer — from beginner to elite — feel more confident on their backs and swim faster with less energy!

What Makes Backstroke Different?

backstroke swimming essay

  • Long-Axis Stroke: Like freestyle, backstroke is a long-axis stroke, meaning you’re rotating along an invisible axis that runs from the tip of your head down through your toes. If you’re good at breaststroke, you may find that backstroke feels more challenging for you.
  • Pinky Finger Entry: The optimal backstroke catch involves entering the water “pinky first.” This key mechanical difference sets backstroke apart from the 3 other strokes.
  • Breathing: Perhaps the most obvious is breathing! In backstroke, you’re able to breathe 100% of the time.

5 Mistakes To Avoid in Backstroke

Elements of Perfect Backstroke

Ready to swim your best backstroke ever? Keep these 6 factors in mind during your next workout.

1. Body Position

Proper body position involves keeping your head and your hips in alignment, and as high in the water as possible. In backstroke, strive to keep your head as still as possible, looking straight up. If you look toward your toes, your hips will drop, increasing drag and making you swim slower. Thinking about keeping your belly button “dry” will encourage your hips to stay high, too.

backstroke swimming essay

Related: Learn to Float in 10 Minutes or Less!

To keep your head in alignment, try the backstroke cup drill! Simply fill a plastic cup with water, place it on your forehead, and swim backstroke without letting the cup fall. It’s a challenge!

We know many swimmers like to use fins, but we recommend laying off of them until you have proper body position down, especially for backstroke. Fins allow you to slack on proper posture, which can cause your hips to sink. The fins help propel you through the water, so you may not notice the issue.

The backstroke pull begins with your hand exiting the water thumb-first. Keeping your arm straight, lift it out of the water, slowly rotating your hand so that your pinky enters first when your arm reaches the water again. 

Related: What is Early Vertical Forearm?

backstroke swimming essay

As you lift your arm, rotate your body away from the lifted arm so your shoulder comes out of the water. When your hand re-enters the water, rotate toward that arm to reduce drag created by your shoulders.

This pinky-first entry is key to setting up a proper Early Vertical Forearm catch. From this point, the pull will feel similar to a high-elbow freestyle pull. 

Backstroke kick is a flutter kick, just like freestyle. It’s short and fast, and your toes should be pointed. Your kick shouldn’t be super wide — no more than 12 to 18 inches. The smaller and faster your kick, the faster you will go!

backstroke swimming essay

Related: How Ryan Murphy Swims Backstroke So Fast

The kick should be driven from your hip flexors rather than from your knees. Your legs should be pretty straight, with just a slight bend at the knee.

4. Rotational Momentum

When it comes to backstroke rotation, there are 2 schools of thought that can work for swimmers:

backstroke swimming essay

  • Hip-Driven Backstroke: Backstroke rotation isn’t quite as hip driven as freestyle, but swimmers with really powerful kicks can drive their stroke mainly with their hips. 
  • Shoulder-Driven Backstroke: For swimmers with a weaker kick, driving the rotation from the shoulders can be more effective for increasing stroke tempo and speed. 

Related: How to Swim Perfect Freestyle

Whichever rotation philosophy resonates with you, don’t over-rotate in backstroke — it’ll slow you down! It’s not about switching completely from one side to the other, but rather about reducing resistance

5. Underwaters

Underwaters, also known as the 5th stroke in swimming, are a huge component of backstroke. You want to work your underwater both off the start and the turns, ensuring you have a tight streamline and a strong dolphin kick.

backstroke swimming essay

In streamline, stack your hands on top of each other and squeeze your biceps by your ears.

Related: How to Swim Breaststroke with Perfect Technique

Maintaining this arm position, make sure your underwater dolphin kick has a strong up and down component. Often we neglect the “up” kick and lose out on extra power! To strengthen the “up” kick, work on strengthening your hamstrings, glutes and lower back with dryland training .

Fast backstroke tempo comes down to arm speed. But it can be challenging to get your arms going fast while swimming on your back! Spin drill can help.

Related: More Backstroke Drills to Try

In spin drill, you’ll swim backstroke and try to move your arms as fast as possible, not worrying about catching water, rotating or keeping your hips up. Practicing spin drill can teach your arms to move more quickly when it comes time to race!

Related: How to Swim Butterfly with Perfect Technique

Improper rotation and kicking can interfere with your tempo. If you over-rotate and kick too much or too big, your tempo can slow. There’s no one rotation or kicking sweet spot for good tempo, though. Each swimmer is different!

Drills To Improve Your Backstroke

Improve Power: Dolphin Kick, Backstroke Arms

Improve Rotation: Single Arm Backstroke 2,2,2

We recommend using fins for this drill!

Fix Over-Rotation: Double Arm Backstroke

Get more backstroke Drills and Workouts in the MySwimPro app ! Try MySwimPro Coach to begin your Personalized Training Plan.

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Great tips! Can you share a tip for how to stay in the middle of your lane for backstroke?

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Hi Anita! Work on finding balance in your rotation and equal pull between each arm. It’s also important to make sure your head stays nice and still, and that you’re looking straight up to the sky/ceiling. Your body tends to follow your head, so if your head is moving, your body will too!

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Hi Fares, great tips! one question though, while swimming back stroke how do you know if you are at the end of the lap? i have an outdoor pool, if the shades are on, I know when to stop, but when the shades are off I just have to look back. please advice

Hi there! It’s helpful to count your strokes during each lap, so you will know when you’re getting close to the wall. Hope that helps!

Thanks Taylor, Yes, I do count strokes. but sometimes strokes vary from -2 – +2 depending on how fresh the body is.

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Thank you for sharing this. I have a question, how to position your mouth and nose when doing the underwater component so the water does not go in?

Hi Pam, You can squeeze your lips closed to keep water out of your mouth, and exhale through your nose to keep water from going in! You will still get some water in your nose, though, so it takes some getting used to. You can also purchase a nose clip to keep your nostrils closed!

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The Backstroke Swimming Start: State of the Art

Karla de jesus.

1 Centre of Research, Education, Innovation and Intervention in Sport, Faculty of Sport, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal.

Kelly de Jesus

Ricardo j. fernandes.

2 Porto Biomechanics Laboratory, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal.

João Paulo Vilas-Boas

Ross sanders.

3 Centre for Aquatics Research and Education, Institute for Sport, Physical Education, and Health Sciences, The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK.

4 Exercise and Sport Science, Faculty of Health Sciences, The University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia.

As sprint swimming events can be decided by margins as small as .01 s, thus, an effective start is essential. This study reviews and discusses the ‘state of the art’ literature regarding backstroke start biomechanics from 23 documents. These included two swimming specific publications, eight peer-reviewed journal articles, three from the Biomechanics and Medicine in Swimming Congress series, eight from the International Society of Biomechanics in Sports Conference Proceedings, one from a Biomechanics Congress and one academic (PhD) thesis. The studies had diverse aims, including swimmers’ proficiency levels and data collection settings. There was no single consensus for defining phase descriptions; and kinematics, kinetics and EMG approaches were implemented in laboratory settings. However, researchers face great challenges in improving methods of quantifying valid, reliable and accurate data between laboratory and competition conditions. For example, starting time was defined from the starting signal to distances as disparate as ∼5 m to 22.86 m in several studies. Due to recent rule changes, some of the research outcomes now refer to obsolete backstroke start techniques, and only a few studies considered the actual international rules. This literature review indicated that further research is required, in both laboratory and competition settings focusing on the combined influences of the current rules and block configuration on backstroke starting performances.


The total swimming race time is the sum of the starting, stroking and turning times ( Guimarães and Hay, 1985 ). The start is the swimming race fastest part ( Thow et al., 2012 ) and, if performed effectively, can influence race finishing position ( Arellano et al., 2003 ; Cossor and Mason, 2001 ; Girold et al., 2001 ; Thanopoulos et al., 2012 ). In fact, nearly all the small temporal differences in the short distance events (i.e., 50 m and 100 m) might be explained by the starting efficiency ( Ikuta et al., 2001 ). For instance, at 15 m after the start, the second-place finisher of men’s 100 m backstroke at Barcelona 2013 Swimming World Championships was 0.20 s slower than the eventual winner, and the final race time difference was 0.19 s. The importance of the start is emphasized further in that the time differences between individual international level swimmers at 15 m after the start can vary by 0.30 s in the same race ( Vantorre et al., 2010 ).

Backstroke is the only competitive swimming technique in which the swimmer starts in the water. In accordance with the backstroke start rules at the Federation Internationale de Natation (FINA) from earlier 1960s to 2005, swimmers grasped the handgrips and placed their entirely immersed feet on the wall. Gripping one’s toes on the pool gutter was not allowed. FINA backstroke start rules for feet positioning were modified by the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) from the early 1960s to 1990 to allow swimmers to curl their toes over the starting wall gutter. However, from 1991 to 2006 the feet positioning was restricted to underwater. This modification was made to prevent injuries in competitive swimming involving backstroke starts (Cornett et al., 2011). From 2005, FINA established that swimmers must position their hands on the starting grips and their feet totally or partially immersed or entirely out of the water without using the gutter (SW 6.1, FINA, 2005–2009). The alleged advantages of feet placed high on the wall to generate greater horizontal take-off velocity ( de Jesus et al., 2011a ; 2013 ; Nguyen et al., 2014 ), vertical peak force ( Nguyen et al., 2014 ), and consequently faster start times ( Nguyen et al., 2014 ), might be considered the main reason for the respective rule adaptation. After the 2008 Olympic Games, the FINA approved a new designed starting block (OSB11, Corgémont, Switzerland), which included a back plate and three different backstroke start handgrips (i.e., two horizontal and one vertical) (FR 2.7, FINA 2009–2012). Recently, a non-slip wedge was authorised by FINA for feet placement during backstroke starts (FR 2.7, FINA, 2013–2017).

Despite the controversies between ruling authorities, and considerable swimming and facility backstroke start rule changes recently authorized by FINA, researchers have mainly attempted to analyse the ventral start biomechanics (e.g. Takeda et al., 2012 ). The greater quantity of ventral start studies is firstly justified by the greater quantity of events that begin from a starting block rather than in water ( Theut and Jensen, 2006 ). Also, prior to recent rule changes, some controversies were possible with the dorsal, in-water start positions performed under the FINA rules ( Vilas-Boas and Fernandes, 2003 ) and the difficulties concerning the underwater experimental set-up arrangements. Cornett et al. (2011) mentioned the non-existence of documented catastrophic injuries in competitive swimming backstroke starts as one reason for the scarce research. The backstroke start has been considered a more difficult and complex movement than the ventral techniques ( de Jesus et al., 2011a ; 2013 ; Nguyen et al., 2014 ; Takeda et al., 2014 ). It involves different skills to achieve the mechanical goals ( de Jesus et al., 2011a ; 2013 ; Maglischo, 2003 ; Nguyen et al., 2014 ; Takeda et al., 2014 ) and more scientific evidence is required.

The importance of swimming starts for enabling backstrokers to improve overall performances due to swimming rule changes and starting block modifications, makes it a valuable process to synthesise the scientific knowledge relating to backstroke starts. Literature reviews published regarding ventral start techniques were conducted by Vilas-Boas and Fernandes (2003) and Vantorre et al. (2014) . This paper reviews the ‘state of the art’ regarding the biomechanics of backstroke starts. It underscores the gaps in and limitations of existing knowledge, and presents topics for future research to enable coaches and swimmers to better refine backstroke start training.

Material and Methods

Search strategy.

The literature search was performed using PubMed, SportDiscus™, Scopus and ISI Web of Knowledge electronic databases, only for English written documents published before March 2014. Key words including “swimming”, “backstroke” and “start” were used to locate documents. Besides the electronic databases, the identified reference lists in the articles were also used to ensure, as far as practically possible, that all appropriate studies were considered for inclusion. Searches were carried out from the Proceedings of the Scientific Conferences of Biomechanics and Medicine in Swimming (BMS), the International Society of Biomechanics in Sports (ISBS), and the International Society of Biomechanics (ISB) from 1980 to 2013.

Inclusion and exclusion criteria

Included studies were experimental biomechanical approaches in the laboratory or during competitions with able-bodied swimmers. The documents that were available only as abstracts and duplicated studies from original investigations were excluded.

Results and Discussion

General findings.

Eighty-seven references were obtained from the preliminary search. Ultimately, 23 studies met the inclusion criteria: (i) two from swimming specific journals; (ii) eight peer-review journal articles; (iii) three from the proceedings of the BMS conferences; (iv) eight from proceedings of the ISBS conferences; (v) one from proceedings of an ISB Biomechanics Conference, and (vi) one doctoral thesis ( Table 1 ).

Descriptive analysis of the 22 included studies with the authors, main aim, swimmer’s sample proficiency and data collection setting

Table 1 reveals a large variation in experimental designs that were used. Most of the studies analysed the different backstroke start variations performed under FINA rules (86.5%). Overall, studies included Olympic, International and National backstroke swimmers, who were able to master the aspects of the already tested backstroke starting techniques. The research settings included laboratory and competition analyses performed in the Commonwealth Games ( Miller et al., 1984 ), Olympic Games ( Arellano et al., 2001 ; Cossor and Mason, 2001 ; Chatard et al., 2003 ; Girold et al., 2001 ; Ikuta et al., 2001 ), Youth Olympics ( Arellano et al., 2003 ), Age Group Swim Meeting (Cornett et al., 2011), and European Championships ( Siljeg et al., 2011 ). The biomechanical settings in high calibre events might be more advantageous than the laboratorial conditions to obtain valid performance outcomes ( Toubekis et al., 2013 ; Schwameder, 2008 ). Otherwise, the competition rules often hamper the use of biomechanical methodology, thereby narrowing the possibility of obtaining accurate and reliable data ( Schwameder, 2008 ).

The above mentioned factors, along with a limited number of existing studies, restrict quantitative assessments of the backstroke start variables. Therefore, a qualitative description was developed on relevant backstroke start evidence. This included the separate features of the starting phases, the biomechanical approaches used, and the start techniques and variations for which the main findings have been reported.

Backstroke starting phases

The hands-off, take-off and flight are the most common aerial starting phases studied ( Figure 1 ). However, the respective descriptions vary in the literature, with disparities that hamper communication among biomechanists, coaches and swimmers. In fact, breaking down a swim-start into its component parts can be challenging as each phase is not always clear cut ( Vantorre et al., 2014 ). The hands-off and take-off phases are characterised by actions performed when swimmers are in contact with the starting wall. The beginning of the hands-off phase is determined by the starting signal ( Figure 1 ) ( de Jesus et al., 2011a ; 2013 ; Green, 1987 ; Hohmann et al., 2008 ; Miller et al., 1984 ) and the swimmer’s first observable movement ( Hohmann et al., 2008 ). Considering the take-off phase, authors determined the starting signal ( Cossor and Mason, 2001 ; Hohmann et al., 2008 ; Miller et al., 1984 ; Nguyen et al., 2014 ; Stratten, 1970 ; Takeda et al., 2014 ), and the hands-off ( de Jesus et al., 2010 ; 2011a ; 2011b ; 2013 ; Green, 1987 ; Hohmann et al., 2008 ) ( Figure 1 ) as the instant of the beginning phase. This was also observed in ventral start studies ( Takeda et al., 2012 ; Thanopoulos et al., 2012 ; Vantorre et al., 2010 ), where the hands-off was less analysed than the take-off in backstroke start studies.

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The most common starting phases and respective initial and final instants reported in the included studies, the starting signal, swimmer’s hands-off, swimmer’s feet take-off, swimmer’s fingertip water contact, swimmer’s full body immersion and beginning of lower limbs propulsive movements

The beginning of the flight phase was unanimously described as the instant of take-off by the feet ( Cossor and Mason, 2001 ; de Jesus et al., 2011a ; 2013 ; Green, 1987 ; Hohmann et al., 2008 ; Miller et al., 1984 ; Nguyen et al., 2014 ; Takeda et al., 2014 ) ( Figure 1 ). However, authors differed regarding the conclusions for flight. These included: the instant that the head contacted the water ( Cossor and Mason, 2001 ; Nguyen et al., 2014 ), the instant of the hip entry ( Hohmann et al., 2008 ) and fingertip water contact ( de Jesus et al., 2010 ; 2011a ; 2013 ; Green, 1987 ; Miller et al., 1984 ; Takeda et al., 2014 ) ( Figure 1 ). According to Maglischo (2003) , the fingertip water contact is widely used to determine the end of the flight phase ( Vantorre et al., 2014 ). The head and/or fingertip water contact could be a more appropriate reference point than the hip entry, since swimmers could immerse the hips before the hands/head contact the water ( Takeda et al., 2014 ).

Aerial/In water and underwater phases

The entry and glide are the commonly studied aerial/in-water and underwater phases, respectively ( Figure 1 ). As previously reported in ventral start studies, these phases have been less analysed than the aerial phases, even though they contribute to reaching a considerable distance from the wall at the beginning of a race ( Vantorre et al., 2014 ). Further, contradictory definitions were found for some specific points of measurement.

The beginning of the entry phase corresponds to the final instant of the flight; and, for which, definitions differ among authors ( de Jesus et al., 2011a ; Green, 1987 ; Hohmann et al., 2008 ). The end of the entry phase is defined as the maximum feet depth from the first downward underwater kicking by Hohmann et al. (2008) but the full body immersion by de Jesus et al. (2011a) and Green (1987) . Full body immersion is considered to be the end of the entry phase in ventral start studies ( Vantorre et al., 2010 ) ( Figure 1 ).

Authors have defined the glide phase as beginning at the instant entry ends until the maximum feet depth of the second downward underwater kick is reached ( Hohmann et al., 2008 ), the hands reach the 5 m mark ( de Jesus et al., 2011a ; 2013 ), and/or the instant before underwater kicking commences ( Green, 1987 ). In competition, Miller et al. (1984) defined the glide phase as being from when the fingertips made first water contact, until the first hand which came out of the water at the end of the glide, re-enters the water. Cossor and Mason (2001) considered the entry, glide and undulatory underwater movements as one combined parameter.

In previous ventral start studies, authors divided the underwater phase into two parts: the glide ( Guimarães and Hay, 1985 ; Thow et al., 2012 ; Vantorre et al., 2010 ) and the undulatory underwater swimming ( Vantorre et al., 2010 ). This convention was adopted by de Jesus et al. (2012) for the backstroke start. The glide phase does not include lower limb propulsive movements ( Guimarães and Hay, 1985 ; Thow et al., 2012 ; Vantorre et al., 2014 ) ( Figure 1 ). Hence, future studies should examine if the underwater kicking observed by Hohmann et al. (2008) as soon as the feet entered the water, provides any advantage over a period of motionless gliding during the start.

Biomechanical approaches and parameters assessed

Despite some authors using immediate feedback devices such as stopwatches ( Green et al., 1987 ; Stratten, 1970 ) and velocimeters ( de Jesus et al., 2012 ), 82.6% of the studies assessed backstroke start kinematics using video-based techniques ( Arellano et al., 2001 ; Arellano et al., 2003 ; Chatard et al., 2003 ; Cornett et al., 2011; Cossor and Mason, 2001 ; de Jesus et al., 2010 ; 2011a ; 2013 ; Girold et al., 2001 ; Green, 1987 ; Hohmann et al., 2008 ; Ikuta et al., 2001 ; Miller et al., 1984 ; Nguyen et al., 2014 ; Rea and Soth, 1967 ; Siljeg et al., 2011 ; Takeda et al., 2014 ; Theut and Jensen, 2006 ; Wilson and Howard, 1983 ). Only Green (1987) used a three-dimensional (3D) dual-media setting via cinematographic cameras.

Most studies used digital cameras to provide independent aerial, underwater or combined dual-media analysis. In competition settings, cameras were positioned 18 m above the swimming pool ( Arellano et al., 2001 ; Cossor and Mason, 2001 ; Girold et al., 2001 ; Ikuta et al., 2001 ) and along the side of the pool, 15 m from the starting block wall ( Arellano et al., 2003 ); or underwater at 6.5 m from the starting block wall (Cornett et al., 2011). Studies conducted under laboratory conditions, used aerial and underwater cameras positioned at 6.78 m ( de Jesus et al., 2010 ; 2011a ; 2013 ) and 7.5 m ( Takeda et al., 2014 ), both from the primary swimmer’s plane of motion, and 30 cm above- and below-water surface ( de Jesus et al., 2010 ; 2011a ; 2013 ). Takeda et al. (2014) also described the dual-media cameras as positioned above the pool side deck and 1 m below the water surface; while Theut and Jensen (2006) implemented the same above-water camera position but the underwater camera in the corner of the swimming pool. Hohmann et al. (2008) and Nguyen et al. (2014) did not provide further details about the dual-media camera positions.

Quantitative data processing from digital cameras usually requires a coordinate scale and prevents immediate results due to the need for manual digitising ( de Jesus et al., 2011a ; 2013 ; Hohmann et al., 2008 ; Nguyen et al., 2014 ; Takeda et al., 2014 ; Theut and Jensen, 2006 ). Furthermore, the digitisation and reconstruction errors associated with this procedure require authors to measure the errors. However, only de Jesus et al. (2011a ; 2013 ) and Takeda et al. (2014) displayed these values. In competition settings, challenges increase because the competition regulations make it difficult to use the most accurate biomechanical methodology ( Schwameder, 2008 ) which requires researchers to use parts of the swimming pool to create a digitising scale ( Miller et al., 1984 ). The automatic tracking motion analysis systems have been considered highly reliable for 3D underwater analysis ( Kudo and Lee, 2010 ). However, further validation and reliability testing is required to establish its viability for studying dual-media backstroke starts.

Most of the kinematics approaches mentioned in the backstroke start studies above provide biomechanical performance indicators instead of specifying how swimmers should organize body segments movements to optimise their performance. Performance indicators are less time-consuming for coaching feedback and hinder technique analysis method to be wide-used in backstroke start studies. Table 2 outlines the kinematic variables measured at the most common backstroke starting phases and for the overall start. In fact, 69.5% of the studies measured the starting time, which ranged from the signal to the first fingertip contact with the water ( de Jesus et al., 2011a ; 2013 ) and the time to 22.86 m ( Green et al., 1987 ). Following Guimarães and Hay (1985) , starting time has been often measured for ventral start studies ( Vantorre et al., 2010 ), but, there is no clear consensus as to what distances are best for assessing the most effective start, yet.

The kinematic parameters studied at the overall starting and during the hands-off, take-off and flight phases.

Table 2 indicates that most backstroke start studies have measured only linear displacement and velocity parameters, despite swimming starts not being exclusively rectilinear motions ( Bartlett, 2007 ). Authors have considered the swimmer as a rigid body to calculate the horizontal distance (Cornett et al., 2011; Cossor and Mason, 2001 ; Miller et al., 1984 ; Theut and Jensen, 2006 ) and the velocity during a backstroke start ( Arellano et al., 2003 ; Chatard et al., 2003 ; Giroldi et al., 2001 ; Theut and Jensen, 2006 ). Although these variables provide important information in training and competition environments, the curvilinear motions in the backstroke start need to be quantified. Some authors have studied translational kinematic parameters of the centre of mass or hip vectors during the overall backstroke start ( Green, 1987 ) and during starting phases ( de Jesus et al., 2010 ; 2011a ; 2013 ; Green, 1987 ; Nguyen et al., 2014 ; Takeda et al., 2014 ), as have been conducted for ventral starts ( Guimarães and Hay, 1985 ; Takeda et al., 2012 ).

As humans do not have rigid bodies and display combinations of rotational and linear motions ( Bartlett, 2007 ), multi-segmental models have been used to analyse segmental positions ( Nguyen et al., 2014 ; Takeda et al., 2014 ); and joint angles from upper ( Green et al., 1987 ; Wilson and Howard, 1983 ) and lower limbs ( de Jesus et al., 2010 ; de Jesus et al., 2011a ; Green et al., 1987 ; Nguyen et al., 2014 ; Takeda et al., 2014 ; Wilson and Howard, 1983 ); and trunks ( de Jesus et al., 2013 ; Wilson and Howard, 1983 ) at different starting phases ( Table 2 ). The study of the coupling relationship between segments is required to provide insight into the optimal movement strategies underlying backstroke starts.

There is a paucity of evidence concerning the parameters in the aerial/in-water and underwater phases. In fact, research usually has highlighted the importance of assessing entry ( Vantorre et al., 2010 ; Vantorre et al., 2014 ) and underwater phase kinematics ( de Jesus et al., 2011a ; Vantorre et al., 2010 ; Vantorre et al., 2014 ; Thow et al., 2012 ) for ventral starts. Only Green (1987) and de Jesus et al. (2011a) have calculated the centre of mass displacement and velocity, during the entry and glide phases; and the time and frequency of some undulatory underwater swimming cycles of the backstroke start ( de Jesus et al., 2012 ). In competitions, authors have measured the combined time from the entry until the swimmer’s head resurfaced ( Cossor and Mason, 2001 ) and the beginning of the first arm stroking cycle ( Miller et al., 1984 ).

Despite several studies having used kinematics, few studies of backstroke starts have included kinetic data. Kinetics requires higher costs than image based systems and presents technical difficulties when attaching the kinetic devices to the starting block and pool wall. However, de Jesus et al. (2010 ; 2011a ; 2013) successfully lowered, then elevated pool water levels so as to position a strain gauge force plate at two heights on the pool wall. Also, they instrumented the handgrips with a strain gauge load cell which was sequentially repositioned to remain at the same distance above the water surface. The dynamics between the lower limbs and the pool wall were studied using a 3D piezoelectric force plate ( Hohmann et al., 2008 ; Nguyen et al., 2014 ). The strain gauges are more commonly used due to their lower costs and highly accurate static and transient load measurement capabilities than via a 3D piezoelectric force plate.

The instrumentation of starting blocks for analysing backstroke starts has helped to verify how the respective movements are generated ( de Jesus et al., 2013 ; Hohmann et al., 2008 ; Nguyen et al., 2014 ). The horizontal force exerted by swimmers’ lower limbs on the pool wall is the main research topic of backstroke start kinetics ( de Jesus et al., 2013 ; Hohmann et al., 2008 ; Nguyen et al., 2014 ). The horizontal swimmers’ lower limbs force-time curve profiles ( Figure 2 ) registered during backstroke start performances were similar among these three studies reporting two distinguished peak forces. Researchers stated that swimmers should optimise the force-time distribution during the take-off phase ( de Jesus et al., 2011a ; 2013 ; Guimarães and Hay, 1985 ; Hohmann et al., 2008 ; Nguyen et al., 2014 ; Vantorre et al., 2014 ). To obtain further insight into the mechanics of the backstroke start, de Jesus et al. (2011a ; 2013 ) analysed the horizontal forces exerted on the handgrips and noted that the role played by the upper limbs was to drive the centre of mass above the water surface.

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Mean lower limbs horizontal force-time curves for backstroke start with feet immerged (continuous line) and emerged (dashed line) ( de Jesus et al., 2013 )

Despite the understanding about the horizontal force profile generated by backstroke swimmers to propel themselves off the wall ( de Jesus et al., 2011a ; 2013 ), coaches also recommended that swimmers endeavour to accelerate the centre of mass upwards to clear the water surface because the air presents less resistance than water ( de Jesus et al., 2013 ; Nguyen et al., 2014 ; Takeda et al., 2014 ). In fact, the external kinetics involved in backstroke starts should be analysed and interpreted, to consider the magnitude and timing of horizontal and vertical propulsive force vectors applied by the swimmer’s muscular actions to the handgrips and pool wall. Hohmann et al. (2008) and Nguyen et al. (2014) have assessed 3D resultant forces on swimmers’ lower limbs; but only Nguyen et al. (2014) measured the vertical force component. These authors found that altering feet positions at the start resulted in a significant change in peak horizontal and vertical forces. In 2013, FINA approved the use of a new starting platform to prevent the backstroke swimmers sliding down the wall at the start; previously a reasonably common mishap, with disastrous results for the competitor. Therefore, future research analyses are required to ascertain and confirm any advantages that could result from the increased vertical forces backstroke swimmers might achieve and could be translated into a faster racing start.

The instrumented starting blocks used in the previous research referred to the above are few and are now obsolete following the recent FINA facility rule changes approved in 2008 and 2013. The new hand and foot grips now available for backstroke starts have not been instrumented and used in research studies to date. Hence, sport biomechanists and engineers are urged to develop a 3D kinetic system in the new block configuration. Then, one could identify independently how the right and left, upper and lower, limbs contribute to propelling backstroke swimmers during the start.

Beyond the linear kinetics, Green (1987) and Takeda et al. (2014) used angular kinetics principles to study the resistance of the swimmers’ bodies and separated segments to change angular motion during backstroke starts. In previous ventral start studies, swimmers were advised to generate enough angular momentum to make a clean entry into the water ( Vantorre et al., 2010 ). Despite the unique and valid attempt to assess the swimmers’ reluctance to generate angular motion during backstroke start, a number of kinetic and kinematic variables also are required to explain how much rotation is occurring in the sequential starting phases. Takeda et al. (2012) and Takeda et al. (2014) suggested that a combination of kinetic and kinematic measurements are needed for greater clarification of important swimming start components.

Electromyography (EMG)

As for kinetics, specific EMG studies of swimming starts are few. To measure the muscle activity of backstroke swimmers during the start, a cable EMG system with surface electrodes was used by Hohmann et al. (2008) and de Jesus et al. (2011a ; 2011b ). This approach requires methodological adaptations to record accurate measurements ( Clarys and Cabri, 1993 ) such as immobilisation of cables and water proofing electrodes. De Jesus et al. ( 2011a ; 2011b ) used a complete swimming suit for electrode insulation and cable immobilisation. The full body swimming suit appeared to be suitable for immobilising cables but these had to exit via holes in the suit resulting in potential places for leaks. Further, the use of full body swimming suits is no longer allowed in competition. Insulation to cover electrodes was provided by adhesive bandages ( de Jesus et al., 2011a ; 2011b ; Hohmann et al., 2008 ). Knowledge of specific muscle activity is an important factor in understanding neuromuscular coordination and effective force production during the different phases of the backstroke start. Overcoming these challenges would greatly assist in determining the most effective techniques and optimise training drills.

The average and integrated EMGs, as amplitude signals, were calculated by Hohmann et al. (2008) and de Jesus et al. (2011a ; 2011b ), respectively; to provide trunk, and upper and lower limb muscle activation. Muscle intensity data are only one element of motor activity; and the sequential pattern in which the muscles are engaged in a complex backstroke start movement is a more important element ( Clarys and Cabri, 1993 ). In fact, the EMG also provides information on timing of muscle activities in human movements ( Bartlett, 2007 ); nevertheless, only Hohmann et al. (2008) have been concerned about the muscle activation sequence during the backstroke start. According to these authors the backstroke start is initiated by the Deltoideus Anterior that had been very active fixing the body in a high set starting position. Despite this initial undertaking, Hohmann’s research group did not provide detailed descriptions of the criteria used to determine the muscles involvement along a continuum from strongly active to an inactive state. The lack of standard methodologies to define the EMG activity makes comparisons between studies difficult.

By studying the sequencing of muscle activation, one can focus on several factors relating to skill; including the timing and overlap of agonist and antagonist activity ( Bartlett, 2007 ). The agonist and antagonist activation in backstroke starts has not been studied yet, due to the swim start acyclic pattern. Nevertheless, Hohmann et al. (2008) mentioned that joint stabilisation occurred during flight and entry phases to overcome the high water resistance. Therefore, simultaneous activation of muscles surrounding joints should be investigated during the backstroke start ( Clarys and Cabri, 1993 ). Seven muscles were commonly studied ( Hohmann et al., 2008 ; de Jesus et al., 2011a , 2011b ); namely, the Biceps Brachii , Triceps Brachii , Deltoideus Anterior , Erector Spinae Longissimus , Rectus Femoris , Gluteus Maximus and Gastrocnemius Medialis . Authors confirmed the crucial function of the lower limbs to generate the impulse during the take-off phase; however, they disagreed about the main muscle activities of the upper limbs. Studying the above-mentioned biarticular muscles ( de Jesus et al., 2011a , 2011b ; Hohmann et al., 2008 ) has highlighted the need to clarify how the mechanical functions vary, depending on the different backstroke start variations and phases (e.g. hip flexor and knee extensor moments for the Rectus Femoris ). As backstrokers are required to coordinate multiple muscles and joints to propel themselves rigorously out of the pool wall, more studies should couple EMG, kinetic and kinematic approaches to dictate how better backstroke start performance can be achieved.

Synchronisation methods

The selected studies used a voice command ( Stratten, 1970 ), starting pistol ( Rea and Soth, 1967 ; Miller et al., 1984 ; Wilson and Howard, 1983 ), or the official competition timing systems for backstroke start synchronisation ( Arellano et al., 2001 ; Arellano et al., 2003 ; Chatard et al., 2003 ; Cornett et al., 2011; Cossor and Mason, 2001 ; de Jesus et al., 2011a , 2011b , 2013 ; de Jesus et al., 2012 ; Girold et al., 2001 ; Green, 1987 ; Green et al., 1987 ; Hohmann et al., 2008 ; Ikuta et al., 2001 ; Nguyen et al., 2014 ; Siljeg et al., 2011 ; Takeda et al., 2014 ; Theut and Jensen, 2006 ).

The competition timing systems were used to simultaneously produce the starting signal and export a light to the video images ( Arellano et al., 2001 ; Arellano et al., 2003 ; Chatard et al., 2003 ; Cornett et al., 2011; Cossor and Mason, 2001 ; de Jesus et al., 2011a ; 2013 ; Hohmann et al., 2008 ; Ikuta et al., 2001 ; Nguyen et al., 2014 ; Siljeg, 2011 ; Takeda et al., 2014 ; Theut and Jensen, 2006 ); and a trigger pulse for the kinetics ( de Jesus et al., 2011a ; 2013 ; Hohmann et al., 2008 ; Nguyen et al., 2014 ) and EMG synchronisation ( de Jesus et al., 2011a ; 2011b ).

Alternative synchronisation methods have been implemented as the use of force instants to record the swimmer’s handgrip release ( de Jesus et al., 2011a ; 2013 ) and feet take-off ( de Jesus et al., 2012 ) for the starting signal definition. Considering that a small temporal and spatial misalignment between different biomechanical devices can lead to large errors in the variables assessed, future studies should use a common system with consistent low trigger delay.

The backstroke start techniques, variations and main research findings

The main objective of swim-start research has been to identify the most effective start technique in terms of performance ( Vantorre et al., 2014 ). From the selected studies, 65% have established comparisons using backstroke start techniques and variations ( Table 1 ). Researchers have used different distances to assess the effectiveness of each one ( Table 3 ).

The set distance for the backstroke start variations performance assessment

Considering the backstroke start studies conducted with variations performed under the NCAA rules, both had used the 6.09 m distance to assess start time. According to Stratten (1970) the most efficient variation was performed when the swimmer’s trunk was positioned upright just in front of the block, and hands holding the horizontal hand-grips; and, the respective mean start time seems to be shorter than the one presented by Rea and Soth (1967) . This finding could be explained by the sample sizes and proficiency levels. Rea and Soth (1967) studied one specialist in backstroke start who performed with the trunk inclined forward over the top of the starting block and hands holding a bar mounted over the block. Stratten (1970) included 13 swimmers of different proficiency levels who completed a training period for familiarisation purposes. Yet, it is quite likely that previous experience with a technique may have an impact on start variables and performance ( Vantorre et al., 2014 ). The feet positioned over the pool gutter allowed swimmers to clear the water from the starting position to the beginning of entry by generating greater vertical reaction force; and considered a crucial aspect for better backstroke start performances ( de Jesus et al., 2013 ; Nguyen et al., 2014 ; Takeda et al., 2014 ). These statements corroborate other findings where the starts that were performed with shorter horizontal take-off velocities, implied greater aerial trajectory and shorter start time than the variation with a flatter profile ( Green et al., 1987 ) ( Table 3 ).

Most research considered backstroke starts performed under FINA old rules and measured the starting effectiveness using distances from 5 to 15 m ( Table 3 ). Miller et al. (1984) and Arellano et al. (2003) assessed mean start times; although, only the latter specified the set distance. Siljeg et al. (2011) measured the 15 m start time considering the pre and post period of FINA rule changes for feet positioning (FINA 2005–2009, SW. 6.1), which explains the maximum 0.55 s mean difference from the Arellano et al. (2003) findings. Indeed, Nguyen et al. (2014) noted that since the FINA rule changed for feet positioning, many backstrokers have obtained advantages from altering their starting technique to place the feet completely out of the water. To achieve a great start-time performance at 7.5 m, elite backstrokers displayed considerable intraand inter-variability of the upper limbs trajectory during the flight phase ( Hohmann et al., 2008 ; Wilson and Howard, 1983 ). The upper limb pathways over the centre of mass and close to the body allow the trunk to follow a greater parabolic flight than using a lateral path ( Bartlett, 2007 ; Green, 1987 ; Maglischo, 2003 ). According to de Jesus et al. (2013) , Nguyen et al. (2014) and Takeda et al. (2014) , a greater parabolic flight path assists in minimising drag and optimising propulsion underwater. Since a clear water entry depends on preceding actions performed during the wall and flight phases ( Thow et al., 2012 ), Theut and Jensen (2006) identified the effects of the feet submerged and positioned parallel to each other or staggered (i.e., one above the other) on backstroke start horizontal distance and average velocity. Anecdotal evidence suggested that the feet staggered position prevented swimmers from slipping down the wall; nevertheless, findings did not confirm that difference between variations ( Theut and Jensen, 2006 ). The backstroke start ledge (FINA FR. 2.7, 2013–2017) is pointed out to avoid the slippage; however, further studies are needed to describe in detail how technique must be changed to improve backstroke start performance.

Backstroke starts are performed now under the current FINA rule (adopted in 2005) and only de Jesus et al. ( 2010 ; 2011ba ; 2011ba ; 2013 ) and Nguyen et al. (2014) compared the variations with the feet parallel, and entirely submerged and out-of-water. Considering the 5 m start time ( Table 3 ) for both variations, shorter values seem to be displayed by the latter research group, which is mainly explained by the swimmers’ greater proficiency level. The variation with feet entirely submerged seems to register lower horizontal take-off mean values in both studies; and the values presented by de Jesus et al. (2013) seem lower than those of Nguyen et al. (2014) . Although this finding was not significant, the trend might be explained by the use of a fixed point to indicate the swimmer’s centre of mass. Takeda et al. (2014) verified that backstroke swimmers specialists used a feet-partial-out-of-the-water start, and tended to register greater mean 5 m start time than participants of Nguyen et al. (2014) . This might indicate superiority of the variation performed with feet entirely out-of-the-water over the method with partially emerged. De Jesus et al. have not displayed performance differences during above- (2013) and underwater phases (2012), between the variation with feet entirely out and under the water; thereby disagreeing with the Nguyen et al.’s findings (2014). These contradictions might be explained by the larger sample size and greater swimmers’ preference for feet positioned out of the water displayed by Nguyen et al. (2014) . De Jesus et al. (2011a ; 2013 ) and Nguyen et al. (2014) stressed that swimmers should generate greater horizontal and vertical take-off velocities when the feet were positioned out of the water to achieve the most appropriate aerial trajectory ( de Jesus et al., 2013 ). The inclusion of the new device for backstroke starts potentially improves the parabolic flight trajectory due to minimised take-off friction force. However, since greater vertical flight trajectory implies deeper water entry, future research should also examine underwater phase variables which can indicate risk of injury, as previously pointed out during youth competitions (Cornett et al., 2011).

Summary and future directions

The main research findings can be summarised as follows: (1) the phase definitions used in analysing backstroke starts are inconsistent and unclear. Hence, this makes it difficult to determine how many changes over time can be attributed to a real change, or mere differences between definitions; (2) studies conducted in laboratory settings have adopted kinematics, kinetics and EMG; however, many research challenges remain in both settings to improve the methods of quantifying valid, reliable and accurate data; (3) the temporal variables, particularly the starting time, were most studied; and backstroke start movements were predominantly described using linear kinematics; (4) most of the experimental and competition research findings are now out of date since the backstroke start rules have been recently changed, and the studies were completed under swimming rules which are now obsolete.

Future research would help coaches and swimmers by exploring issues not yet fully addressed in the literature. For example: (1) determination of a consistent observational model for categorisation and study of the backstroke start technique; (2) development of appropriate biomechanical measurements and research methodologies as standard tools; for scientific purposes and training support, competition preparation and analysis; (3) reinforcement of more holistic and process-oriented biomechanical approaches in laboratory procedures: involving interactions of kinematics, kinetics and EMG variables; from aerial, aerial/in-water and underwater phases; definitions for more detailed parameters which better describe the overall backstroke start in competitions, beyond the starting time; (4) focusing on studies based on the actual FINA rules and the new starting block configurations.


This research was supported by CAPES (BEX 0761/12-5/2012-2014), Santander Totta Bank (PP-IJUP2011-123) and FCT (EXPL/DTL-DES/2481/2013).

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Mastering the Waves: a Dive into Swimming Techniques and Strokes

This essay about swimming techniques and strokes provides an insightful overview of the four primary strokes: freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke, and butterfly. It discusses the unique mechanics, advantages, and challenges associated with each stroke, highlighting their relevance in both competitive and recreational swimming. The essay details how freestyle is valued for its efficiency and speed, backstroke offers continuous breathing and a unique perspective, breaststroke is known for its gentle, health-friendly approach, and butterfly stands out as the most physically demanding stroke. It also touches on the importance of mastering these strokes for diverse swimming needs, from racing and fitness to leisure and health benefits. Through exploring these techniques, the essay sheds light on the intricate balance of speed, strength, and grace in swimming, and how understanding these strokes can enhance a swimmer’s performance and enjoyment in the water.

On PapersOwl, there’s also a selection of free essay templates associated with Swimming.

How it works

Swimming, a skill that intertwines the elegance of human movement with the natural resistance of water, showcases a variety of techniques and strokes, each with its unique mechanics, advantages, and challenges. From the competitive lanes of the Olympic pool to the serene waters of a lake, understanding the nuances of these strokes can enhance both performance and enjoyment. This essay explores the four primary swimming strokes: freestyle (front crawl), backstroke, breaststroke, and butterfly, delving into the art and science behind each.

Freestyle, often referred to as the front crawl, is celebrated for its efficiency and speed, making it a favorite among competitive swimmers. Characterized by an alternating arm motion, flutter kick, and rhythmic breathing, it demands coordination and strength but rewards swimmers with swift movement through the water. The stroke’s versatility and speed make it not only a staple in races but also a preferred choice for fitness and recreational swimming.

Backstroke, as the name suggests, is performed on the back and is unique among the strokes for allowing swimmers continuous breathing. Its windmill-like arm action combined with a flutter kick propels swimmers with stability and speed. While offering a different perspective of the swimming environment, it challenges swimmers to navigate without the visual cues available in other strokes. In competitive swimming, backstroke starts are distinct, as swimmers launch from the water rather than the pool deck, adding an element of precision to the stroke’s mastery.

Breaststroke, the oldest of the competitive strokes, is known for its distinctive frog-like kick and simultaneous arm movement. This stroke is often lauded for its gentleness on the body, making it a favored choice for all ages and skill levels. Despite its slower pace compared to freestyle and backstroke, breaststroke provides a rigorous workout due to its resistance-heavy technique. It requires precise timing and coordination, challenging swimmers to synchronize their movements for efficient propulsion.

Butterfly, arguably the most physically demanding stroke, showcases a simultaneous overwater recovery of the arms combined with a powerful dolphin kick. This stroke is a testament to strength and endurance, producing a wave-like motion that is both beautiful and challenging. The butterfly demands excellent breath control, upper body strength, and timing, often making it the last stroke mastered by competitive swimmers. Despite its difficulty, mastering the butterfly stroke can significantly improve overall swimming performance and technique.

Each of these strokes offers a unique set of benefits and challenges, catering to different swimming needs and preferences. Freestyle and backstroke are often favored for their speed and efficiency, making them popular choices for long-distance swimming and triathlons. Breaststroke, with its slower pace and gentle motion, is suited for beginners and those swimming for relaxation and health benefits. Butterfly, while challenging, provides a high-intensity workout, appealing to those seeking to push their limits.

In conclusion, the world of swimming techniques and strokes is as diverse as it is fascinating. Whether for competitive racing, fitness, or leisure, understanding and mastering these strokes can enhance one’s swimming experience, offering a blend of speed, strength, and grace. As swimmers continue to refine their techniques and push the boundaries of what is possible in the water, the evolution of swimming strokes will undoubtedly continue, inspiring both current and future generations of swimmers to dive in and explore the depths of their potential.


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Mastering the Waves: A Dive into Swimming Techniques and Strokes. (2024, Mar 01). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/mastering-the-waves-a-dive-into-swimming-techniques-and-strokes/

"Mastering the Waves: A Dive into Swimming Techniques and Strokes." PapersOwl.com , 1 Mar 2024, https://papersowl.com/examples/mastering-the-waves-a-dive-into-swimming-techniques-and-strokes/

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"Mastering the Waves: A Dive into Swimming Techniques and Strokes," PapersOwl.com , 01-Mar-2024. [Online]. Available: https://papersowl.com/examples/mastering-the-waves-a-dive-into-swimming-techniques-and-strokes/. [Accessed: 22-Apr-2024]

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10 Backstroke Drills for Your Next Practice

backstroke swimming essay

  • Training & Technique

Backstroke is a unique swimming style that many people avoid due to the body position backstrokers must maintain. The stroke may seem very different from the popular front crawl stroke performed during freestyle swim events, but with knowledge of proper backstroke technique, plus backstroke drills for training, you can come a long way to improve your backstroke. 

After reading this article, you will understand the fundamentals of how to swim backstroke. We will cover body position, body rotation, arm pull, kicking, and breathing techniques. Then, we will provide you with 10 backstroke drills for you to practice, each one including a short video so you can view the proper form used for the drill.

Focus On Good Body Position

backstroke swimming essay

Good swimming technique starts with excellent body position. The first step to developing good backstroke technique is to understand how your body should move through the water. Keeping proper body position during the backstroke drills will allow you to swim faster and longer because your body will be in a hydrodynamic position.

The appropriate body position for backstroke is to be nearly parallel with the surface of the water, with your legs pointing slightly downward to the bottom of the pool. The downward angle through your legs should be just enough to keep your feet from breaking the surface of the water while you kick. Do not let your hips drop too low, as this will cause unnecessary resistance as you move through the water.

Your neck and head position should be neutral so that you are looking upward. Do not look down toward your feet because this will cause discomfort in your neck muscles and create drag. Imagine that your head is resting in the water, somewhat like when you float on your back. Your ears should be right around the surface of the water to just underneath it.

Find the Right Amount of Body Rotation

You will want to rotate your shoulders and hips as you swim backstroke. Visualize yourself rotating around the line of your spine so that your hips and shoulders rotate in unison. Like swimming freestyle, the right amount of shoulder rotation will help you generate the necessary force through your arms to propel you through the water. 

According to USA Swimming , the right amount of shoulder rotation is just under 30 degrees from the surface of the water. Make sure you do not rotate too much, as this will harm the efficiency of your stroke. Keep body rotation in mind as you perform your backstroke drills.

Concentrate on Arm Pull During the Backstroke Drills

Sideview shot of a swimmer doing backstroke drills

The arm pull for backstrokers is somewhat different than the technique used in the front crawl stroke. It is essential to focus on the mechanics of your pull because this is where you will generate large amounts of force to propel you across the water.

When you take your stroke, your hand should enter the water with your little finger first. Your pinky should break the surface of the water on the same line that your shoulder is on. 

As you begin to pull toward your thigh, your arm will start to bend. Now is when you start the power phase part of the stroke: Make sure your wrist and hand are open and facing toward the direction your feet are pointing. Begin to pull along the side of your body toward the outer part of your thigh. Focus on a strong and steady pulling motion all the way through to your leg.

Once your arm reaches your thigh, you will want to lift it straight up, leading with your thumb, out of the water to begin your arm recovery phase before taking your next stroke. Keep a straight arm through the recovery phase into your next stroke.

Focus on the way each arm moves through the water. It is natural for your body to have bilateral imbalances, so you will want to make sure that each arm performs the technique appropriately. The single-arm backstroke drill mentioned below is excellent for training one side of the body at a time.

Practice Your Backstroke Kick

A good backstroke kick can make or break the efficiency of your stroke. For backstroke swimming, you will use a flutter kick with the tops of your feet facing the surface of the pool rather than the bottom.

When you practice your backstroke drills, focus on your kick and the position of your feet relative to the surface of the water. One mistake many new backstrokers make is that their feet are too close to the surface. When this occurs, you run the risk of having the end of your kick finish outside the water, resulting in a loss of propulsive force.

Instead, you’ll want to ensure your feet are slightly angled down toward the bottom of the pool, as we mentioned above. This will guarantee that your kick will not break the water’s surface so that you can maximize the amount of water displaced with each kick.

Besides being aware of how you kick in the water, you will want to train your legs both in the pool and during dryland training . 

In the pool, you should train your backstroke flutter kick with a kickboard when you practice the rest of your kick drills. Don’t just kick on your back though; train on your stomach and both sides as well to develop well-rounded strength in your legs. 

On land, you should train your legs for strength and flexibility (be sure to consult your swim coach or another physical training professional before beginning new strength and flexibility routines).

Pay Attention to How You Breathe

Swimmer doing the backstroke

Unlike other swimming strokes, your mouth and nose are always out of the water during backstroke. That does not mean you should try swimming with irregular breathing though. Try to regulate your breathing when you perform the backstroke drills below.

A good backstroke breathing pattern is to inhale as the right arm begins its entry into the water and to exhale when the left arm starts its entry into the water or vice versa, if you prefer. This breathing pattern will provide consistency during training and races.

10 Backstroke Drills for You to Practice

Here are some simple exercises that can improve your swim stroke with regular practice. Remember to perform each exercise at least twice with 15-20 seconds of rest between each lap.

1. Using a kickboard: Holding a kickboard in your hands with your arms extended and lying on your back, swap hands after every stroke. Perform four strokes holding the kickboard at hip height and four with it extended above your head.

2. One-arm drill: Swim the backstroke using just one arm, keeping the other alongside your body.

3. Breaststroke legs: Swim backstroke inserting a breaststroke leg kick at the end of each set of arm strokes (breathe in while moving your arms and breathe out during the leg kick).

4. Glass placed on your forehead: Swim backstroke with a glass placed right in the middle of your forehead, making sure it does not fall off.

5. Closed-fist drill: Swim the backstroke with your fists clenched.

6. Front crossovers: Take a short pause after every three arm strokes. Leave one arm at your side and the other extended behind your head. At this point, without your arms going underwater, switch your arm positioning using a semi-circle motion so that the arm by your side is now above your head and the arm above your head is now by your side. Repeat the action three times, so your original leading arm is now by your side. Repeat the steps from the beginning.

7. With a low pullbuoy: Swim the backstroke holding a pullbuoy between your knees.

8. Alternating: Pause for two seconds as one hand enters the water and wait for the other hand to come around. Continue your stroke and then kick with your arms at your sides before starting again.

9. Seated: Swim the backstroke attempting to adopt a seated position and keeping your arm cadence extremely high (perform this exercise for just a few seconds, alternating with the double-arm backstroke).

10. Swap over: Swim the backstroke with one arm holding a pullbuoy in front of your face. As your arm swings past, swap hands and continue your stroke using the hand that was holding the pullbuoy.

Keep Up the Good Work on Your Backstroke Drills

Now that you have some new swimming tips and drills to practice backstroke, you can get some laps at the pool. Once you feel like you have the hang of the backstroke swimming fundamentals, don’t forget to improve other areas of your backstroke , like starts and turns.

Remember to always focus on proper technique while you train. Keep in mind the appropriate body position during your backstroke drills: legs not too high and hips not too low. Rotate your shoulders and hips at just under 30 degrees, and make sure your arms are moving through the water with good form. Keep your breathing consistent and your kick strong. Do these things during all your backstroke drills and you are sure to see improvement.


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Backstroke Swimming - How to do it? A Step-by-Step Guide to Beginners

Backstroke Swimming - How to do it? A Step-by-Step Guide to Beginners

Learn the backstroke, which is a fantastic swimming technique for fitness and fun. Read the article to know the steps involved.

backstroke swimming essay


For some beginners, learning the backstroke can be intimidating. You might be a swimmer who experiences a sinking sensation halfway down the pool. Are there any areas where your backstroke swimming technique needs work?

Look nowhere else! In this article we will discuss how to learn the backstroke in an easier way. It’s not just good for your fitness but also a great way to have fun. 

What is backstroke technique?

The front crawl, or freestyle, the breaststroke, and the butterfly are some of the competitive swimming strokes. The backstroke technique, which is also referred to as the back crawl, is one of the competitive swimming strokes . When trying backstroke, the swimmer floats face-up in the water, kicks their legs continuously in a flutter kick while moving their arms asynchronously.

How to swim backstroke (Steps involved)

The backstroke can be learned step-by-step. The following stages can be used to categorize the series:

  • The body should be as horizontal and simplified as possible; the head must be in line, the eyes must be fixed upward, and the body must be steady at all times.
  • The hip serves as the point of origin for the alternating leg kick, which stays within the body's width.
  • With each kick, the knees slightly flex while the ankles are relaxed and the toes are pointed.
  • The kick's upbeat phase, which ends as the toes split the water's surface, is powered by the knee bend.
  • The hands are placed in the water little-finger first, palms out, and the upper arm is positioned so that it just touches the ear.
  •  The arm drags through an S-shaped pathway, coming to rest with the palm facing down at the hip.
  • As the other arm regains control over the water's surface, one arm starts to pull.
  • Breathing ought to be regular and timed with the stroke's effort phase.
  • While holding a fixed head position, the leg kick and arm behaviour should be controlled and steady.
  • Every action should be fluid, continuous, and laid back.

Head position

Maintaining proper body position involves getting as high in the water as you can while keeping your head and hips in line. Keep the head as still and your eyes as straight up as you can while doing the backstroke. Your hips will drop if you look at your toes, increasing drag and slowing you down as you swim. Your hips will remain high if you think about keeping your belly button "dry."

Try the backstroke cup exercise to keep your head straight! Simply place a plastic cup on your forehead, fill it with water, and swim faster backstroke while keeping the cup from falling. It's difficult!

Although many swimmers enjoy using fins, we advise against using them until you have perfected your body position, particularly for backstroke. With fins, you can relax your posture, which may result in your hips sinking. You might not notice the problem because the fins help you move through the water.

Arm movement 

Performing an S-shaped motion and providing propulsion, one arm pulls backward in the water from a prolonged forward position outside the shoulder and then towards the hip.

The other arm raises above the water, making a semi-circular motion from the hip to the prolonged forward position. Throughout the recovery, the arm is kept straight.

Next, the arms move back and forth alternately, and so forth. Each arm pulls once into the water and recovers when above the water during a swimming stroke cycle.

There are two schools of thinking that swimmers can use for backstroke rotation:

Backstroke rotation is somewhat less hip-driven than freestyle, but swimmers with exceptionally strong kicks can propel their stroke primarily with their hips.

Swimmers with a weaker kick may find that driving the rotation from the shoulders will increase the tempo and speed of their strokes.

Whichever way you prefer to rotate, remember that doing so in the backstroke will make you slower. Reduced resistance is the goal rather than switching totally from one side to the other.

Your hand emerges from the water with the thumb first to start the backstroke pull. Lift your arm out of the water while keeping it straight, slowly rotating your hand so that the pinky goes in first when your arm re-enters the water.

Lifting your arm while turning your body away from it will cause your shoulder to emerge from the water. Rotate toward that arm as soon as your hand re-enters the water to lessen the drag your shoulders cause.

It's crucial to enter with your pinky first to set up a good Early Vertical Forearm catch. The pull will feel like a high-elbow freestyle pull from this point on.

Like freestyle, the backstroke kick is a flutter kick. Your toes must be pointed because it is brief and swift. The width of your kick shouldn't exceed 12 to 18 inches. You'll move more quickly the smaller and quicker your kick is! Instead of kicking with your knees, you should drive the kick with your hip flexors. Your knees should only be slightly bent and your legs should be relatively straight.

Benefits of backstroke swimming

As a swimming stroke, the backstroke has some definite advantages. It is accessible to both beginners and experts and is a good form of exercise. Other advantages are:

  • The backstroke gives you a full-body workout

Your entire body will benefit from the backstroke, but your latissimus dorsi (also referred to as the "lats") muscle in particular. Additionally, it tones your core, glutes, arms, legs, and chest. These main muscle groups will get stronger with regular backstroke swimming. As your strength grows, you'll also probably notice that your muscles start to look attractively toned.

  •  Build Your Heart Up Without High Impact

Swimming is regarded as a low- to medium-impact exercise that can provide an excellent cardio workout. The backstroke is much softer on the body than high-impact cardiovascular exercise like running or circuit training because the water supports your weight as you swim. Swimming is an exercise you could be able to safely do even if you've been told not to jog or run because you never strike the ground hard while doing it. 

  •  Burning calories with the backstroke is enjoyable

When you backstroke vigorously for 30 minutes, you can burn between 240 and 355 calories. Your likelihood of burning more calories during this time depends on your body weight. For comparison's sake, this is similar to how many calories you'd expend playing basketball, beach volleyball, or running at 8 km/h.

  •  Straighten Shoulders and Boost Posture

The backstroke can aid in addressing the rounded shoulders posture issue. The backstroke, when performed correctly, can help restore the shoulders' natural alignment, which can be soothing for posture. Additionally, it aids in the development of other muscles that support the shoulders and spine.

  •  Quickly gain muscle

When compared to other forms of exercise, swimming often helps people gain muscle faster. Swimming is an exercise that uses resistance to build muscle, much like weightlifting. When you backstroke, the water's resistance is greater than the air's resistance when you perform standard exercises on land.

Quick tips to swim backstroke

It can be beneficial to observe competitive swimmers in action and incorporate their impeccable backstroke technique into your own training. Think about the following advice:

  •  Give importance to the rotation of your hips. Your torso will sway from side to side as you swim the backstroke due to the alternating arm cycle. An increase in rotation can reduce efficiency.
  •  Take the initiative. Your hands must enter the water pinkie first, as opposed to the other major strokes. Understanding this positioning can improve your effectiveness.
  •  Exercise spinning drills. Spin drills can be beneficial because backstroke arm movements can take some getting used to.
  •  Although breathing is not constrained, it makes sense to time it with arm and leg movements. For example, breathe in when your arms move toward your shoulders and stretch sideways, and breathe out when they are brought back to your sides.

In order to increase your speed, you must move your arms as fast as you can while paying no attention to your hips or the other parts of your body. Holding the wall while practising your kick technique while gaining strength and coordination is yet another backstroke drill to practice.

To conclude, these are the top things you need to know about backstroke swimming if you are a beginner. You must keep in mind how to balance every part of your body. If that is done, there is no way anyone can stop you from being a good backstroke swimmer. 

  • What is the most important part of backstroke?

Making sure the shoulders and hips are rotating in unison is one of the most crucial aspects of the backstroke. Any lag or mistake in timing your rotation will reduce the effectiveness of your stroke because rotation drives the pace of the arms.

  • What is the main purpose of backstroke?

Its primary function is to enable you to stop swimming in open water at any time to catch your breath and slow your heart rate. Your race experience can be made more pleasurable and relaxed by using a stroke apart from freestyle occasionally.

  • Why is it called backstroke?

Swimming backstroke emerged from the front crawl as swimmers imitated the overarm stroke on their backs. Australian swimmers started bending their arms for the underwater portion of the stroke in the late 1930s, which was one of the most significant developments in backstroke history. 

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  • Research Note
  • Open access
  • Published: 19 February 2024

Streamlining performance prediction: data-driven KPIs in all swimming strokes

  • Craig A. Staunton 1 ,
  • Michael Romann 2 ,
  • Glenn Björklund 1 &
  • Dennis-Peter Born 2 , 3  

BMC Research Notes volume  17 , Article number:  52 ( 2024 ) Cite this article

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This study aimed to identify Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for men’s swimming strokes using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Multiple Regression Analysis to enhance training strategies and performance optimization. The analyses included all men’s individual 100 m races of the 2019 European Short-Course Swimming Championships.

Duration from 5 m prior to wall contact (In5) emerged as a consistent KPI for all strokes. Free Swimming Speed (FSS) was identified as a KPI for 'continuous' strokes (Breaststroke and Butterfly), while duration from wall contact to 10 m after (Out10) was a crucial KPI for strokes with touch turns (Breaststroke and Butterfly). The regression model accurately predicted swim times, demonstrating strong agreement with actual performance. Bland and Altman analyses revealed negligible mean biases: Backstroke (0% bias, LOAs − 2.3% to + 2.3%), Breaststroke (0% bias, LOAs − 0.9% to + 0.9%), Butterfly (0% bias, LOAs − 1.2% to + 1.2%), and Freestyle (0% bias, LOAs − 3.1% to + 3.1%). This study emphasizes the importance of swift turning and maintaining consistent speed, offering valuable insights for coaches and athletes to optimize training and set performance goals. The regression model and predictor tool provide a data-driven approach to enhance swim training and competition across different strokes.

Peer Review reports


Competitive swimming encompasses four primary techniques: the front crawl or freestyle (FR), breaststroke (BR), backstroke (BA), and the butterfly (BU). Swimmers often specialize in specific strokes or distances, showcasing their expertise in the water [ 1 ]. Identifying Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for each stroke becomes crucial for coaches and athletes to guide training strategies and optimize performance [ 2 ].

It's evident that KPIs can vary significantly between strokes, given the distinct characteristics and techniques involved. For example, prior research has revealed different key somatic features of the 4 swimming strokes [ 3 , 4 ]. Further, strokes with alternating arm movements, like freestyle and backstroke, may have different KPIs compared to those with continuous stroke actions, such as the butterfly and breaststroke [ 5 ]. Additionally, the nuances of turning, (i.e. tumble turn for alternating and touch turn for continuous swimming strokes), play a substantial role in influencing KPIs across different strokes [ 6 ].

With the ever-evolving landscape of competitive swimming and interdisciplinary experts involved in the support system, a wealth of performance data accompanies both training and competitions [ 7 ]. As advancements in technology continue to provide more sophisticated race analysis and greater accessibility to performance data, the challenges of managing 'big data' in this field are growing. Despite this, some more recent research has used advanced statistical techniques in order to model swimming performance [ 8 , 9 , 10 ]. Furthermore, it is foreseeable that the future will bring increased prevalence of automated tracking systems and motion sensors integrated with swimmers. However, sifting through these data to discern its significance can be challenging for coaches and athletes. Data reduction techniques, such as Principal Component Analyses (PCA), provide a valuable means of extracting essential information that explain the most significant variances in performance and eliminate redundant variables that capture similar information (for more information about PCA please see the following reviews [ 11 , 12 ]). For example, PCA has been utilised previously within sports such as swimming [ 13 ], skeleton [ 14 ] or rugby [ 15 ] to help with data reduction. When complemented by Multiple Regression Analysis, these techniques enable the identification and comparison of KPIs specific to each stroke.

With these complexities in mind, this study's primary objective is to explore the nuances of men’s swimming strokes. By employing data reduction techniques like PCA and Multiple Regression Analysis, we aim to achieve two key goals. Firstly, we seek to uncover KPIs across the four swimming strokes, offering deeper insights into each stroke's unique intricacies. Secondly, our study aims to develop a performance prediction tool that can be used practically by coaches and athletes to monitor performance.

Material and methods


Participants included all men’s individual 100 m races of the 2019 European Short-Course Swimming Championships in Glasgow, Scotland. Races included the FR, BA, BR and BU (FR: N = 74; swimming points = 782 ± 79; BA: N = 62; swimming points = 801 ± 84; BR: N = 47; swimming points = 826 ± 82; BU: N = 61; swimming points = 775 ± 78). All swimmers that participate at events hosted by the European Swimming Association LEN (Ligue Européenne de Natation) agree to be video monitored for television broadcasting and race analysis of the participating nations. The study was pre-approved by the leading institution’s internal review board (registration number: 098-LSP-191119) and was in accordance to the latest version of the code of conduct of the World Medical Association for studies involving human subjects (Helsinki Declaration).

Data collection

A twelve-camera system (Spiideo, Malmö, Sweden) was employed to monitor all races. Ten cameras followed each individual swimmer and two fixed-view cameras monitored the start and turn sections of all swimmers. Split times, stroke rate (SR), distance per stroke (DPS), and the duration from the starting beep to the head passing the 5 m, 10 m, and 15 m marks (start5, start10, start15) were post processed by manual digitalization by a single assessor who was an expert race analyst (Kinovea 0.9.1; Joan Charmant & Contrib., https://kinovea.org/ ). Similarly, the duration from 5 m prior to the moment of wall contact (in5), the duration from the wall contact to the head passing the 5 m after the turn (out5), and the duration from the wall contact to the head passing the 10 m after the turn (out10) was determined for every turn. Free-swimming speed (FSS) was calculated from the middle 10 m section of each lap from the difference between split time, out10 and in5. FSS was not calculated for the first lap given the influence of the start on swimming speed. The average of each metric was calculated across all laps for each race. Reliability of the data analysis has previously been determined with an intra-class correlation coefficient of 0.98 ± 0.04 [ 16 , 17 , 18 ].

Development of the potential predictor

A practical tool was developed using Microsoft Excel (Additional file 1 ) further referred to as the Potential Predictor. The Potential Predictor was designed to utilise the identified KPIs for each stroke type allowing coaches to estimate race performance times using KPIs and compare athlete performances against predicted outcomes based on these thresholds. Race times were categorised into distinct classifications based on performance outcomes: Did Not Qualify (DNQ): swimmers who did not progress beyond the heats and did not qualify for any further rounds; Qualified (Q): swimmers who successfully qualified for either the semi-final (QSF) or the final (QF); Medallists (M): swimmers who achieved podium positions and won medals in their respective events. Mean swimming time and KPIs for the performance classifications for all stroke types are displayed in Additional file 2 : Table S1. To use this tool effectively, coaches should carefully consider the specific KPIs associated with each stroke type. These KPIs should be collected under optimal conditions, such as selecting the best results from multiple trials. Subsequently, these gathered KPIs can be entered into the Potential Predictor to ascertain an individual swimmer’s potential along with the lower and upper 95% LOA. Coaches can manipulate one or more KPIs to assess their impact on future race outcomes.

Statistical analyses

To assess variables with a high degree of covariance (≥ 0.8), a covariance matrix was computed for all z-scored data. A Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was conducted on all variables with high covariances. The Kaiser–Meyer–Olkin measure was used to verify the sampling adequacy of the data, with a value of 0.5 used as a threshold for acceptability [ 19 ]. The Bartlett test of sphericity was also used to determine the suitability of the data for PCA, with significance accepted at an α level of P  ≤ 0.05. Principal Components (PCs) with Eigenvalues greater than 1 were extracted. Orthogonal rotation (varimax) was used to improve the identification and interpretation of factors [ 20 ]. The most heavily loaded (most strongly related) variable to each component were then retained, along with the original variables which did not display a high degree of covariance, to be used as predictors for swim time (criterion) in a stepwise multiple linear regression analysis. Entered variables remained in the model if a significant R 2 change ( P  < 0.05) was reported and the unstandardized β coefficients were used to form the prediction equations. The agreement between the predicted and actual swimming performances, along with the 95% limits of agreement (LOA), were subsequently analysed using methods described by Bland and Altman [ 21 ]. All statistical analyses were performed using SPSS Statistics (Version 29; IBM Corporation, NY).

PCA revealed two PCs with Eigen values > 1 for all swimming strokes. The variables which had the highest component loadings to each PC are displayed in Table  1 . PC1 was most strongly correlated with Start15 for the Freestyle, Start10 for the Backstroke and Out10 for both the Breaststroke and Butterfly. PC2 was most strongly correlated with SR from the Freestyle, Backstroke and Butterfly and with Start10 for the Breaststroke.

Stepwise multiple linear regressions revealed the KPIs for each stroke type. The unstandardized β coefficients were then used to form the following regression equations:

The results Bland and Altman plots indicate a consistently very strong agreement between predicted and actual swimming performance for all strokes, with a mean bias of 0% (Fig.  1 ). Specifically, for BA, the mean bias was -0.001% with 95%LOAs from − 2.3 to + 2.3% (or −1.2 to + 1.2 s; Fig.  1 A). For BR, the mean bias was -0.001% with 95% LOAs from − 0.9 to + 9.9% (or − 0.5 to + 0.5 s; Fig.  1 B). For BU, the mean bias was 0.003% with 95% LOAs from − 1.2 to + 1.2% (or − 0.6 to + 0.6 s; Fig.  1 C) and for FR, the mean bias was 0.02% with 95% LOAs from − 3.1 to + 3.1% (or − 1.5 to + 1.5 s; Fig.  1 D).

figure 1

Bland and Altman plots with 95% limits of agreement displaying the agreement between predicted and actual swim time for the Freestyle (Panel A ), Backstroke (Panel B ), Breaststroke (Panel C ) and Butterfly (Panel D ) freestyle races

This study sought to uncover KPIs across various swimming strokes using data reduction techniques and multiple regression. The main findings of this study were: (1) in5 was identified as a KPI for all strokes; (2) FSS was a KPI for the ‘continuous’ swimming strokes (Breaststroke & Butterfly) but not for the ‘alternating’ strokes (Freestyle & Backstroke); (3) Out10 was identified as a KPI for the strokes involving a touch turn (Breaststroke and the Butterfly); and (4) the regression model provides a reliable method to predict swim time based on the underlying KPIs.

One of the central findings of this research is the consistent identification of in5 as a KPI for all four swimming strokes. The last 5 m leading up to the wall (in5) are intrinsically linked to FSS and holds particular significance in Freestyle and Backstroke, where in5 encapsulates the critical aspects of the tumble turn. Precisely timing the initiation and optimizing rotation velocity within these last 5 m significantly influences the outcome of in5 [ 22 ]. As such, these findings underscore the critical role of swift swimming speeds for all swimming strokes, but also efficient timing of tumble turns for the Freestyle and Backstroke for optimising performance. These findings extend prior research that has demonstrated the importance of fast turning for optimal performance in short-course swimming [ 16 , 17 , 18 ]. Although, swimmers perform numerous turns during their daily training routine [ 23 ], coaches should place particular attention to race pace specific turns in order to optimize timing during the wall approach.

While in5 is associated with FSS as swimmers approach the pool wall, it’s noteworthy that for 'continuous' swimming strokes like Breaststroke and Butterfly, FSS, alongside in5, emerged as a significant KPI. This finding underscores the difference in KPIs between 'continuous' swimming strokes (Breaststroke and Butterfly) and 'alternating' strokes (Freestyle and Backstroke). In essence, it suggests that these variations in KPIs align with the inherent differences in these distinct swimming techniques. Recognizing FSS as a KPI for continuous swimming strokes is consistent with earlier research showing the impact of intra-cyclic variation in horizontal velocity on overall swimming speed [ 5 ]. These findings collectively emphasize the importance of maintaining consistent speed and minimizing 'breaking forces,' especially in Breaststroke and Butterfly. In contrast, Freestyle and Backstroke generally exhibit lower intra-cyclic variation in horizontal velocity [ 5 ], potentially making FSS less distinguishing for overall swimming performance, at least in the 100 m event.

In strokes involving a touch turn, namely Breaststroke and Butterfly, our analysis has identified Out10 as a KPI. This further underscores the vital role of quick and efficient turning in optimizing performance for short-course swimming. Specifically, in the context of touch turns, Out10 encompasses a 180-degree body rotation following the initial wall contact. Furthermore, the recognition of Out10 as a KPI underscores the importance of a powerful push-off from the wall during the turn. Past research has already established the significance of tailored strength and conditioning programs on land to enhance the push-off from the pool wall and gain a competitive advantage [ 24 ]. Moreover, mastering undulating kicking is a crucial skill for preserving maximum velocity from the push-off during the underwater phase [ 25 ]. Coaches and athletes can leverage this knowledge to refine training strategies and technique development, ultimately paving the way for enhanced performance.

The regression model effectively predicts swim times based on identified KPIs, aiding coaches and athletes in informed decision-making, goal setting, and personalized training plans. Incorporating individual performance data into the model offers insights into factors influencing swim times and rankings. The 95% Limits of Agreement (LOAs) define performance range, guiding the understanding of prediction variability. Coaches and athletes must consider these LOAs to assess acceptable variability. It’s notable that the freestyle race has wider LOAs, signifying lower prediction accuracy. This information empowers coaches and athletes to make informed decisions and adjustments in their training approaches, especially in cases where predictive certainty may be lower, such as in freestyle races.

In conclusion, this study has unveiled essential insights into the performance determinants for men's swimming strokes, revealing the unique intricacies of each stroke and identifying specific KPIs. Specifically, the study highlights the importance of swift turning across all strokes and minimising speed variations and swimming efficiency, in particular for continuous swimming strokes, as well as a powerful push from the wall when turning. The regression model and predictor tool empower coaches and swimmers with the knowledge of KPIs and the ability to predict 100 m race times across different strokes.


The KPIs identified in this study are based solely on their statistical significance using the specific statistical methods employed in this study.

This does not imply that other metrics or variables are insignificant in achieving successful performance.

A holistic approach still considers multiple factors for comprehensive evaluation.

KPIs cannot be assessed independently. Larger effort put into one race section may interfere with performance in another phase of the race.

The data set and predictor tool only provide data for short-course races and should be expanded to long-course races.

Availability of data and materials

Data are available on request by the corresponding author.



Distance per stroke

Free Swimming Speed

The duration from 5 m prior to the moment of wall contact

  • Key performance indicators

Limits of agreement

Principal component analysis

The duration from the wall contact to the head passing the 5 m after the turn

The duration from the wall contact to the head passing the 10 m after the turn

Stroke Rate

The duration from the starting beep to the head passing the 5 m mark

The duration from the starting beep to the head passing the 10 m mark

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We would like to express our gratitude to all competitors of the 2019 European Championships.

There were no specific grants or funding for the present study.

Author information

Authors and affiliations.

Swedish Winter Sports Research Centre, Department of Health Sciences, Mid Sweden University, Östersund, Sweden

Craig A. Staunton & Glenn Björklund

Department for Elite Sport, Swiss Federal Institute of Sport, Hochschule Lärchenplatz, 2532, Magglingen, Switzerland

Michael Romann & Dennis-Peter Born

Section for High-Performance Sports, Swiss Swimming Federation, Bern, Switzerland

Dennis-Peter Born

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DPB and MR collected the data; DBP, MR and CS developed study design; CS and DPB analyzed and interpreted the data; and CS prepared the manuscript with editorial assistance from DPB, GB and MR. All authors read and approved the final version of the manuscript.

Corresponding author

Correspondence to Dennis-Peter Born .

Ethics declarations

Ethical approval and consent to participate.

The study was approved by the institutional review board of the Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen (registration number: 098-LSP-191119) and conducted in accordance to the Declaration of Helsinki. No consent for participation is required, as all swimmers that participate at events hosted by the European Swimming Association LEN (Ligue Européenne de Natation) agree to be video monitored for television broadcasting and race analysis of the participating nations.

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Not applicable as data as anonymised.

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The authors have no competing interest.

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Supplementary Information

Additional file 1..

Performance Predictor Tool.

Additional file 2.

Mean swimming time and KPIs for the performance classifications for all swimming strokes.

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Staunton, C.A., Romann, M., Björklund, G. et al. Streamlining performance prediction: data-driven KPIs in all swimming strokes. BMC Res Notes 17 , 52 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1186/s13104-024-06714-x

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Received : 10 November 2023

Accepted : 05 February 2024

Published : 19 February 2024

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1186/s13104-024-06714-x

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  • Competitive swimming
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  • Performance prediction
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BMC Research Notes

ISSN: 1756-0500

backstroke swimming essay


Essay on Swimming

Students are often asked to write an essay on Swimming in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Swimming

Introduction to swimming.

Swimming is a fun and healthy activity. It is both a sport and a way to relax. People swim in pools, lakes, and oceans.

The Art of Swimming

Swimming involves moving your body through water. You use your arms and legs to push yourself forward. There are different styles like freestyle, backstroke, and butterfly.

Benefits of Swimming

Swimming is great for your health. It strengthens your muscles and heart. It also helps you stay fit and can be a great way to make friends.

Swimming is a wonderful activity. It’s fun, healthy, and a great skill to learn.

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250 Words Essay on Swimming


Swimming, a seemingly simple yet complex activity, is a multifaceted discipline that combines physical exertion, mental fortitude, and technical proficiency. It is not merely a recreational pursuit but also an essential life skill and a competitive sport.

The Art and Science of Swimming

The beauty of swimming lies in its effortless synchronization of body movements, breath control, and rhythmic coordination. It is a symphony of physics, biology, and artistry. The swimmer, acting as a lever, uses the water’s resistance to propel forward, demonstrating Newton’s third law of motion in action. Biologically, it engages multiple muscle groups, enhancing cardiovascular health and overall fitness.

Swimming as a Life Skill

Swimming is more than a sport; it’s a crucial survival skill. According to the World Health Organization, drowning is the third leading cause of unintentional injury death worldwide. Therefore, swimming education is not a luxury but a necessity, underscoring the importance of making it accessible to all.

Competitive Swimming

In the realm of competitive swimming, athletes push their physical and mental boundaries to achieve remarkable feats. It’s a test of endurance, speed, and technique. Swimmers train rigorously, perfecting their strokes, starts, and turns, and strategizing their races.

In conclusion, swimming is a versatile discipline that intertwines physical fitness, mental resilience, and technical finesse. Its significance extends beyond recreation, offering life-saving skills and a platform for athletic competition. Thus, it deserves recognition not just as a sport or hobby, but as a comprehensive discipline with far-reaching implications.

500 Words Essay on Swimming

Swimming, an activity often associated with leisure, holds a multifaceted significance in human life. It is not just a means of entertainment or a competitive sport, but a life skill and a form of physical exercise that promotes health and wellbeing.

Swimming is a perfect blend of art and science. The artistry in swimming is evident in the fluid, rhythmic movements of the body, the synchronization of breath with strokes, and the ability to maintain buoyancy. The science of swimming, on the other hand, is deeply rooted in principles of physics and biology. Understanding the concepts of drag, buoyancy, and propulsion can help swimmers improve their technique and efficiency.

Recognizing swimming as a life skill is crucial. It is not just about being able to enjoy a day at the pool or beach, but also about ensuring personal safety. Drowning is a leading cause of accidental death worldwide. Hence, learning to swim can be a potentially life-saving skill. In addition, swimming also fosters self-confidence, discipline, and a sense of achievement, especially in young learners.

Swimming and Health

Swimming offers a plethora of health benefits. It provides a full-body workout, improving cardiovascular fitness, muscle strength, and flexibility. It is a low-impact exercise, making it suitable for individuals of all ages and fitness levels. Moreover, swimming can help manage weight, reduce stress, and improve mental health.

Swimming as a Competitive Sport

Swimming has a significant place in the world of sports. It is one of the most popular events in the Summer Olympics, showcasing different styles like freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke, and butterfly. Competitive swimming requires rigorous training, strategic planning, and mental resilience. It fosters a spirit of sportsmanship, teamwork, and perseverance among athletes.

Environmental Considerations

While swimming offers numerous benefits, it’s important to consider its environmental impact. Chlorinated pools can have detrimental effects on the environment. Ocean swimming can disturb marine ecosystems if not done responsibly. Therefore, swimmers should strive to minimize their environmental footprint by following sustainable practices.

In conclusion, swimming is much more than a recreational activity. It is a life skill that ensures safety, a form of exercise that promotes health, and a competitive sport that fosters discipline and resilience. However, as we enjoy the benefits of swimming, we must also be mindful of our responsibility towards the environment. By embracing swimming in its entirety, we can enhance our physical and mental wellbeing while contributing to a sustainable future.

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Adam Peaty of London Roar turns during his 50m breaststroke during day one of the International Swimming League London meeting.

Backstroke and beats: The International Swimming League hits town - a photo essay

London has just played host the International Swimming League, with some of the biggest names in swimming - including Adam Peaty, Sarah Sjöström, Cate Campbell and Chad le Clos - on show. We were given exclusive access to the fast-paced event which featured pyrotechnics, music and back-to-back races

T he meeting at London Aquatics Centre was the sixth of the seven meetings that comprise the ISL’s inaugural season. The league involves teams of 24 (12 men and 12 women) competing in short-course sprint, relay and skins races for team points. There are play-offs and finals, individual and club prize money, as well as appearance money for clubs.

The league consists of eight teams – four from Europe and four from the USA – though there are plans to expand the league next season to 12 sides, with two further teams from both Europe and the USA and the series running from September to April as opposed to the current season of October to December. Despite the teams being based on two continents not all the swimmers are American or European; the teams comprise of swimmers from all over the world.

ISL’s founder, owner and financial backer Konstantin Grigorishin has said he is investing more than £17m in the new venture and a zero-tolerance policy on drugs has been widely welcomed. No swimmer who has ever tested positive for banned substances has been allowed to sign up, and there is also equal prize money for men and women.

Konstantin Grigorishin, the Ukrainian businessman who is owner and founder of the ISL, gives a TV interview.

Grigorishin has said “the IOC [International Olympic Committee] and international federations … don’t respect athletes, they don’t consider them like partners”. He says the new league is about “putting power back into the hands of athletes … championing the right of professional swimmers to make [the] living they deserve, and to have a greater say in the way their sport is run”.

The ISL wants to make its events media-friendly, achieve a viewing audience of at least 100 million people over five years, attract sponsors, bring an entertainment component, and work on fan engagement, including merchandising.

It’s about how we target ourselves to a new audience and how we grow the sport because swimming is one of the most watched sports at the Olympics. We need to fill that gap between every four years and make it every winter and every season - whatever it takes – Adam Peaty of London Roar

Duncan Scott, Adam Peaty and James Guy, British members of the London Roar team, warm up before racing.

Duncan Scott, Adam Peaty and James Guy, British members of the London Roar team, warm up before racing.

A London Roar swimmer training before the International Swimming League meeting.

A London Roar swimmer training and Belarus’s Ilya Shymanovich of the Energy Standard team, practices his breaststroke despite being heavily strapped up. Members of the London Roar team, including Cate Campbell and Adam Peaty, do a question and answer session for a local club that had to cancel its usual training time in the pool to make room for the Roar training before the International Swimming League meeting.

Members of the London Roar team, including Cate Campbell and Adam Peaty, do a question and answer session for a local club that had to cancel its usual training time in the pool to make room for the Roar training before the International Swimming League meeting.

The Aqua Centurion team, wearing identical suits to keep warm, perform a routine as they are introduced to the crowd (top). Waiting in the call room before the women’s 100m butterfly are Energy Standard’s Sarah Sjöström of Sweden (centre) the current Olympic 100m butterfly champion and multiple world record holder, next to teammate Anastasiya Shkurdai of Belarus (left) and Marie Wattel of France and London Roar. Cate Campbell of London Roar walks out to compete with teammate Emma McKeon (right).

Cate Campbell of London Roar walks out to compete in the women’s 100m freestyle with teammate Emma McKeon.

The league’s seven swimming meets take place in seven cities around the world. The regular season started in October has seen action in Indianapolis, Lewisville and Maryland in the United States, Budapest in Hungary and Naples in Italy ahead of this meet in London, the final meet of the regular season.

Each team competes three times during the season, twice in regular competition against fellow teams followed by a “derby match” (of which the London event was one) against their regional rivals. The top two European teams secure a place in the finals in Las Vegas in December.

Members of London Roar and Team Iron wait for their races.

Members of London Roar and Team Iron wait for their races (above), Anton Chupkov a Russian swimmer for Energy Standard team walks out in front of Great Britain’s Adam Peaty of London Roar for the men’s 200m breaststroke ( left) and Ranomi Kromowidjojo of Holland and Team Iron adjusts her goggles before competing in the women’s 100m butterfly (right).

The start of the mens 200m backstroke.

The start of the mens 200m backstroke (top) and members of the London Roar team including captain Cate Campbell of Australia (centre) start a thunder clap to support their team in the men’s 4x100m freestyle relay.

Adam Peaty of London Roar competing in the mixed 4x100m freestyle relay, a stroke he’s never competed in before.

Adam Peaty of London Roar competing in the mixed 4x100m freestyle relay, a stroke he’s never competed in before. The 50m and 100m breaststroke world record holder had mixed fortunes in those events – winning the 100m breaststroke, continuing his six-year run of unbroken victories in that distance but coming fourth in the 50m race. “Don’t get me started on that 50m,” he said. “You make a mistake in the 50m, especially short-course, and you are out of the game. I made two or three mistakes. It’s the first time in a long time that I have come fourth but it’s good for the sport and me. When I lose, I come back faster.”

Guilherme Guido of Brazil and London Roar starts the backstroke leg of the men’s 4x100m medley relay.

Guilherme Guido of Brazil and London Roar starts the backstroke leg of the men’s 4x100m medley relay (left), Chad le Clos of South Africa, the Energy Standard captain, dives in to start the men’s 100m butterfly (right) and spray flies as the women start their 100m backstroke race (below).

Spray flies as the women start their 100m backstroke race.

With the races coming thick and fast there is little recovery time for the racers. Duncan Scott, from Scotland and London Roar, looks exhausted as he climbs out of the pool after the men’s 4 x 100m freestyle relay.

Back to back racing means lot of races taking place in a short amount of time, so tactics come into play as coaches swap their lineups around during the evening. Below Emma McKeon gets some post race advice from David Lush, one of the Roar coaching team, before she heads off to prepare for her next race.

Emma McKeon from Australia and team London Roar gets some post race advice from David Lush, one of the Roar coaching team, before she heads off to prepare for her next race.

Margherita Panziera from Italy and the Aqua Centurion team, though given her tattoo maybe she should have been appearing for London Roar (above), and Max Litchfield of GB and Energy Standard competes in the backstroke leg of the men’s 400m individual medley.

Max Litchfield of GB and Energy Standard competes in the backstroke leg of the men’s 400m individual medley.

Adam Peaty, above chanting with his London Roar teammates, said: “I think London smashed it. This is one of the main markets because we are so passionate about sport. It is appealing for that younger audience: straight action, no heats, everything at risk and hopefully this is the start to build proper profiles for these athletes. Without the fans you have got nothing and swimming is a sport for everyone.”

Many of the swimmers at the London event talked about how they absolutely loved being part of this revolution in their sport despite many of them being in the middle of hard blocks of training (always the focus is on the Olympics) and how they are loving being part of a team instead when they usually compete as individuals.

The Women’s 200m butterfly was won by Hungary’s triple Olympic gold medallist Katinka Hosszu, of Team Iron, in a time of 2:03.94.

The Women’s 200m butterfy was won by Hungary’s triple Olympic gold medallist Katinka Hosszu, of Team Iron, in a time of 2:03.94 (above). Freya Anderson of Great Britain and the Italian Aqua Centurions team, high fives teammates after competing in the women’s freestyle skins race (right).

Freya Anderson of Great Britain and the Italian Aqua Centurions team, high fives teammates after competing in the women’s freestyle skins race.

Minna Atherton from Australia of London Roar celebrates after victory in the women’s 100m backstroke.

Chad le Clos of South Africa and the Energy Standard team on his way to winning the mens 200m butterfly.

Chad le Clos’s hat-trick of victories in the men’s 200m butterfly (above), 100m butterfly and men’s 4x100m medley relay contributed to his award of the match’s MVP (most valuable player) beating his teammate Sarah Sjostrom by half a point. Their efforts helped Energy Standard triumph over London Roar. The result means that just days before Christmas both teams will head to the final in Las Vegas alongside US-based squads LA Current and Cali Condors in a competition that will hand out more than £3m to swimmers.

Le Clos, below being carried by his team, was back at the venue where he so memorably beat Michael Phelps in the 200m butterfly final at the London 2012 Olympics. “It was a really emotional night,” said the South African. “I think any other pool and I would probably have lost that race. I was holding back the tears coming out. Remembered the same sensations, with Phelps behind me. It was special – a bit of destiny.”

London are such a great team and they’re going to add a lot more strength and depth to their field for Vegas. But, we were confident in our strategy, I didn’t change my tactics once, and we’ve got a great team – Energy Standard head coach James Gibson

The Energy Standard team celebrate overall victory by carrying their captain and the match MVP (most valuable player) Chad le Clos.

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