Q1. Add 10 and 20

To solve this problem we will take a variable sum and set it to zero. Then we will take the two numbers 10 and 20 as input. Next we will add both the numbers and save the result in the variable sum i.e., sum = 10 + 20. Finally, we will print the value stored in the variable sum.

Algorithm (in simple English)

  • Initialize sum = 0 (PROCESS)
  • Enter the numbers (I/O)
  • Add them and store the result in sum (PROCESS)
  • Print sum (I/O)

flowchart - exercise

Q2. Find the sum of 5 numbers

In this question we are asked to find the sum of 5 numbers. So, we will take two variables - sum and count and set both of them to zero. The sum variable will store the result while the count variable will keep track of how many numbers we have read.

To solve this problem we will use the concept of loop. In loop or iterative operation, we execute some steps repeatedly as long as the given condition is TRUE. In this case we will keep reading the input till we have read 5 numbers.

So, we first initialize sum and count to zero. Then we will take the input and store it in a variable n. Next we will add the value stored in n to sum and save the answer in sum.

i.e., sum = sum + n

Then we will increment count by 1 and check if count is less than 5. If this condition is TRUE then we will take another input. If the condition is FALSE then we will print the value stored in variable sum.

  • Initialize sum = 0 and count = 0 (PROCESS)
  • Enter n (I/O)
  • Find sum + n and assign it to sum and then increment count by 1 (PROCESS)
  • Is count < 5 (DECISION)
  • if YES go to step 2 else Print sum (I/O)

flowchart - exercise

Q3. Print Hello World 10 times

This problem is also solved using the loop concept. We take a variable count and set it to zero. Then we print "Hello World" and increment count by 1.

i.e., count = count + 1

Next we check if count is less than 10. If this is TRUE then we again print "Hello World" and increment the variable count. On the other hand if the condition if FALSE then we will stop.

  • Initialize count = 0 (PROCESS)
  • Print Hello World (I/O)
  • Increment count by 1 (PROCESS)
  • Is count < 10 (DECISION)
  • if YES go to step 2 else Stop

flowchart - exercise

Q4. Draw a flowchart to log in to facebook account

This problem can be solved in many ways so, we will encourage you to think and draw a flowchart for this problem using your imagination.

To log in to facebook account we first enter the facbook URL www.facebook.com in our browser like Google, Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer etc. This request is sent to the facebook server and it responds by sending us the home page of facebook.

Next, we enter our registered Email ID and Password and click the Login button.

Then our login credential is checked. If it is correct, we are show our profile. On the other hand, if the login credential is wrong then an error occurs and we are prompted to re-enter our Email ID and Password.

  • Enter www.facebook.com in your browser. (I/O)
  • facebook Home page loads (PROCESS)
  • Enter your Email ID and Password (I/O)
  • Is Email ID and Password Valid (DECISION) if NO then Log in error (PROCESS) go to step 3 else Display facebook Account (I/O) Stop

flowchart - exercise

Note! As there are many ways to solve a given problem so there are many ways to draw a flowchart.

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Problem Solving Flowchart

Wenn wir beim Entwickeln von Algorithmen von „Knobelaufgaben“ sprechen, so meinen wir damit Aufgaben, zu deren Lösung Kreativität notwendig ist: Der Weg zu einer korrekten Lösung ist weder offensichtlich noch durch ein bekanntes Verfahren vollständig beschrieben. Dennoch ist man beim Arbeiten an solchen Aufgaben nicht auf Herumstochern und das zufällige Finden einer Lösung angewiesen, sondern kann sich durch strukturiertes Arbeiten einer Lösung Schritt für Schritt annähern. Eine Möglichkeit für eine solche strukturierte Herangehensweise stellen wir in diesem Video vor.

Hier gibt es das Problem Solving Flowchart zum Herunterladen und Ausdrucken.

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Algorithm Engineering

Our research focus is on theoretical computer science and algorithm engineering. We are equally interested in the mathematical foundations of algorithms and developing efficient algorithms in practice. A special focus is on random structures and methods.

22.04.2024 | Two Papers accepted at IJCAI

For this year's edition of the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) on 3-9 August in Jeju, … > Go to article

18.04.2024 | Two Papers accepted at ICALP and PODS

Recently, two papers by our group members have been accepted for publication: Together with a group of researchers from … > Go to article

23.02.2024 | Two Papers accepted at ICAPS and PAKDD

We are glad to announce two recently accepted papers. The first paper Incremental Ordering for Scheduling Problems was … > Go to article

02.01.2024 | Three Papers accepted at AAAI, AAMAS and IPEC

For the start of the year we are proud to announce three accepted papers! The first paper was accepted at the 38th … > Go to article

30.11.2023 | HPI team qualifies for 2024 ICPC European Championship

In the Northwestern Europe Regional Contest (NWERC), a competiitve programming contest by ICPC, three HPI student teams … > Go to article

30.10.2023 | Three Papers accepted at SODA, GD and ISAAC

Recently, our group had three more accepted papers: The first paper, Tree Containment Above Minimum Degree is FPT was … > Go to article

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Problem-Solving Flowchart: A Visual Method to Find Perfect Solutions

Lucid Content

Reading time: about 7 min

“People ask me questions Lost in confusion Well, I tell them there's no problem Only solutions” —John Lennon, “Watching the Wheels”

Despite John Lennon’s lyrics, nobody is free from problems, and that’s especially true in business. Chances are that you encounter some kind of problem at work nearly every day, and maybe you’ve had to “put out a fire” before lunchtime once or twice in your career.

But perhaps what Lennon’s saying is that, no matter what comes our way, we can find solutions. How do you approach problems? Do you have a process in place to ensure that you and your co-workers come to the right solution?

In this article, we will give you some tips on how to find solutions visually through a problem-solving flowchart and other methods.

What is visual problem-solving?

If you are a literal thinker, you may think that visual problem-solving is something that your ophthalmologist does when your vision is blurry. For the rest of us, visual problem-solving involves executing the following steps in a visual way:

  • Define the problem.
  • Brainstorm solutions.
  • Pick a solution.
  • Implement solutions.
  • Review the results.

How to make your problem-solving process more visual

Words pack a lot of power and are very important to how we communicate on a daily basis. Using words alone, you can brainstorm, organize data, identify problems, and come up with possible solutions. The way you write your ideas may make sense to you, but it may not be as easy for other team members to follow.

When you use flowcharts, diagrams, mind maps, and other visuals, the information is easier to digest. Your eyes dart around the page quickly gathering information, more fully engaging your brain to find patterns and make sense of the data.

Identify the problem with mind maps

So you know there is a problem that needs to be solved. Do you know what that problem is? Is there only one problem? Is the problem sum total of a bunch of smaller problems?

You need to ask these kinds of questions to be sure that you are working on the root of the issue. You don’t want to spend too much time and energy solving the wrong problem.

To help you identify the problem, use a mind map. Mind maps can help you visually brainstorm and collect ideas without a strict organization or structure. A mind map more closely aligns with the way a lot of our brains work—participants can bounce from one thought to the next defining the relationships as they go.

basic mind map

Mind mapping to solve a problem includes, but is not limited to, these relatively easy steps:

  • In the center of the page, add your main idea or concept (in this case, the problem).
  • Branch out from the center with possible root causes of the issue. Connect each cause to the central idea.
  • Branch out from each of the subtopics with examples or additional details about the possible cause. As you add more information, make sure you are keeping the most important ideas closer to the main idea in the center.
  • Use different colors, diagrams, and shapes to organize the different levels of thought.

Alternatively, you could use mind maps to brainstorm solutions once you discover the root cause. Search through Lucidchart’s mind maps template library or add the mind map shape library to quickly start your own mind map.

Create a problem-solving flowchart

A mind map is generally a good tool for non-linear thinkers. However, if you are a linear thinker—a person who thinks in terms of step-by-step progression making a flowchart may work better for your problem-solving strategy. A flowchart is a graphical representation of a workflow or process with various shapes connected by arrows representing each step.

Whether you are trying to solve a simple or complex problem, the steps you take to solve that problem with a flowchart are easy and straightforward. Using boxes and other shapes to represent steps, you connect the shapes with arrows that will take you down different paths until you find the logical solution at the end.

project development decision tree

Flowcharts or decision trees are best used to solve problems or answer questions that are likely to come up multiple times. For example, Yoder Lumber , a family-owned hardwood manufacturer, built decision trees in Lucidchart to demonstrate what employees should do in the case of an injury.

To start your problem-solving flowchart, follow these steps:

  • Draw a starting shape to state your problem.
  • Draw a decision shape where you can ask questions that will give you yes-or-no answers.
  • Based on the yes-or-no answers, draw arrows connecting the possible paths you can take to work through the steps and individual processes.
  • Continue following paths and asking questions until you reach a logical solution to the stated problem.
  • Try the solution. If it works, you’re done. If it doesn’t work, review the flowchart to analyze what may have gone wrong and rework the flowchart until you find the solution that works.

If your problem involves a process or workflow , you can also use flowcharts to visualize the current state of your process to find the bottleneck or problem that’s costing your company time and money.

manufacturing flow example

Lucidchart has a large library of flowchart templates to help you analyze, design, and document problem-solving processes or any other type of procedure you can think of.

Draw a cause-and-effect diagram

A cause-and-effect diagram is used to analyze the relationship between an event or problem and the reason it happened. There is not always just one underlying cause of a problem, so this visual method can help you think through different potential causes and pinpoint the actual cause of a stated problem.

Cause-and-effect diagrams, created by Kaoru Ishikawa, are also known as Ishikawa diagrams, fishbone diagrams , or herringbone diagrams (because they resemble a fishbone when completed). By organizing causes and effects into smaller categories, these diagrams can be used to examine why things went wrong or might go wrong.

cause-and-effect diagram example

To perform a cause-and-effect analysis, follow these steps.

1. Start with a problem statement.

The problem statement is usually placed in a box or another shape at the far right of your page. Draw a horizontal line, called a “spine” or “backbone,” along the center of the page pointing to your problem statement.

2. Add the categories that represent possible causes.

For example, the category “Materials” may contain causes such as “poor quality,” “too expensive,” and “low inventory.” Draw angled lines (or “bones”) that branch out from the spine to these categories.

3. Add causes to each category.

Draw as many branches as you need to brainstorm the causes that belong in each category.

Like all visuals and diagrams, a cause-and-effect diagram can be as simple or as complex as you need it to be to help you analyze operations and other factors to identify causes related to undesired effects.

Collaborate with Lucidchart

You may have superior problem-solving skills, but that does not mean that you have to solve problems alone. The visual strategies above can help you engage the rest of your team. The more involved the team is in the creation of your visual problem-solving narrative, the more willing they will be to take ownership of the process and the more invested they will be in its outcome.

In Lucidchart, you can simply share the documents with the team members you want to be involved in the problem-solving process. It doesn’t matter where these people are located because Lucidchart documents can be accessed at any time from anywhere in the world.

Whatever method you decide to use to solve problems, work with Lucidchart to create the documents you need. Sign up for a free account today and start diagramming in minutes.

Lucidchart, a cloud-based intelligent diagramming application, is a core component of Lucid Software's Visual Collaboration Suite. This intuitive, cloud-based solution empowers teams to collaborate in real-time to build flowcharts, mockups, UML diagrams, customer journey maps, and more. Lucidchart propels teams forward to build the future faster. Lucid is proud to serve top businesses around the world, including customers such as Google, GE, and NBC Universal, and 99% of the Fortune 500. Lucid partners with industry leaders, including Google, Atlassian, and Microsoft. Since its founding, Lucid has received numerous awards for its products, business, and workplace culture. For more information, visit lucidchart.com.

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What is a Problem-Solving Flowchart & How to Make One

By Danesh Ramuthi , Aug 10, 2023

What is A Problem Solving Flowchart

Problem-Solving Flowcharts, contrary to what many believe aren’t just aesthetic wonders — they’re almost like magical blueprints for troubleshooting those pesky problems that many of us face.

Flowcharts take business challenges and turn them into a navigable pathway. In this post, I will guide you on key aspects of problem-solving flowcharts such as what it is, the advantages of problem-solving flowcharts, how to create one and more.

Besides, you’ll also discover how to create problem-solving flowcharts with the help of Venngage’s Flowchart Maker.

And for those of you thinking, “I’m no designer, how can I create one?” worry not! I’ve got you covered. Just hop on Venggage’s Flowchart Templates and you’ll be charting your way to problem-solving glory in no time.

Click to jump ahead:

What are problem-solving flowcharts?

When to use problem-solving flowcharts, what are the advantages of flowcharts in problem-solving, what are the 7 steps of problem-solving flowcharts.

  • 5 different types of problem-solving flowcharts

Best practices for designing effective problem-solving flowcharts

How to make a flowchart using venngage , problem-solving flowcharts faqs.

  • Final Thoughts

Problem-Solving Flowcharts is a graphical representation used to break down problem or process into smaller, manageable parts, identify the root causes and outline a step-by-step solution. 

It helps in visually organizing information and showing the relationships between various parts of the problem.

This type of flowcharts consists of different symbols and arrows, each representing different components or steps in the problem-solving process. 

By following the flow of the chart, individuals or teams can methodically approach problem, analyze different aspects of it and come to a well-informed solution.

Problem Agitate Solution Flow Chart Template

Problem-Solving Flowcharts is a versatile tool that can be used in various scenarios. Here’s when to consider utilizing one:

  • Complex Problems: When faced with a multifaceted issue that involves multiple steps or variables, flowcharts can help break down the complexity into digestible parts.
  • Team Collaboration: If you’re working with a team and need a common understanding of problem and its potential solutions then a flowchart provides a visual that everyone can refer to.
  • Analyzing Processes: In a situation where you need to understand a particular process, whether it’s within a project or a part of regular operations then mapping it out in a flowchart can offer clarity.
  • Decision Making: When various paths or decisions might be taken, a flowchart can outline the potential outcomes of each aiding in making an informed choice.
  • Training and Onboarding: Flowcharts can be used in training materials to help new employees understand complex processes or procedures which makes the learning curve smoother.
  • Identifying Root Causes: If you’re looking to identify the underlying causes of problem then a flowchart can facilitate a systematic approach to reaching the root of the issue.

Related: How to Use Fishbone Diagrams to Solve Complex Problems

Problem-solving flowcharts can offer several benefits to the users who are looking to solve a particular problem. Few advantages of flowcharts in problem solving are: 

Visual Clarity

When you’re dealing with multifaceted problems or processes, words alone can make the situation seem even more tangled. Flowcharts distill these complexities into easily understandable visual elements. 

By mapping out each phase or component of problem, flowcharts offer a bird’s eye view enabling individuals to grasp the bigger picture and the finer details simultaneously.

Sequential Representation

Flowcharts excel in laying out the sequence of events or actions. By indicating a clear starting point and illustrating each subsequent step, they guide users through a process or solution path methodically. 

This linear representation ensures that no step is overlooked and each is executed in the right order.  


Problem-solving often requires team effort and flowcharts are instrumental in fostering collaborative environments. 

When a team is discussing potential solutions or trying to understand problem’s intricacies, a flowchart serves as a collective reference point. 

It aids in synchronizing everyone’s understanding, minimizing miscommunications and promoting constructive discussions. 

Read more about: Flowcharts Symbols and Meaning

Website User Flow Diagram

1. Define the Problem  

Before anything else, it’s essential to articulate the problem or task you want to solve clearly and accurately. By understanding exactly what needs to be addressed you can ensure that subsequent steps align with the core issue.

2. Identify the Inputs and Outputs  

Determine what inputs (such as data, information or resources) will be required to solve the problem and what the desired outputs or outcomes are. Identifying these factors will guide you in structuring the steps needed to reach the end goal and ensure that all necessary resources are at hand.

3. Identify the Main Steps  

Break down the problem-solving process into its main steps or subtasks. This involves pinpointing the essential actions or stages necessary to reach the solution. Create a roadmap that helps in understanding how to approach the problem methodically.

4. Use Decision Symbols  

In problem-solving, decisions often lead to different paths or outcomes. Using standard symbols to represent these decision points in the flowcharts allows for a clear understanding of these critical junctures. It helps visually present various scenarios and their consequences.

5. Add Descriptions and Details  

A well-designed flowcharts is concise but clear in its labeling. Using arrows and short, descriptive phrases to explain what happens at each step or decision point ensures that the flowcharts communicates the process without unnecessary complexity. 

6. Revise and Refine  

Creating a flowcharts is not always a one-and-done process. It may require revisions to improve its clarity, accuracy or comprehensiveness. Necessary refinement ensures that the flowcharts precisely reflects the problem-solving process and is free from errors or ambiguities.

7. Use Flowchart Tool  

While it’s possible to draw a flowcharts manually, using a flowcharts tool like Venngage’s Flowchart Maker and Venngage’s Flowchart Templates can make the process more efficient and flexible. These tools come with pre-designed templates and intuitive interfaces that make it easy to create, modify and share flowcharts. 

Root Cause Analysis Flow Chart

5 different types of problem-solving flowcharts 

Let’s have a look at 5 most common types of flowcharts that individuals and organizations often use. 

1. Process Flowchart s

A process flowcharts is a visual representation of the sequence of steps and decisions involved in executing a particular process or procedure. 

It serves as a blueprint that showcases how different stages or functions are interconnected in a systematic flow and it highlights the direction of the process from its beginning to its end.

Proposal Process Flowchart

Process flowcharts are instrumental in training and onboarding, sales process , process optimization, documentation, recruitment and in any scenario where clear communication of a process is crucial.

Simple Recruitment Process Flowchart

2. Flowcharts Infographic 

A flowcharts infographic is a great way to showcase the process or a series of steps using a combination of graphics, icons, symbols and concise text. It aims to communicate complex information in a clear and easy-to-understand manner, making it a popular tool for conveying information, data and instructions in a visually engaging way.

Icon Competitor Process Infographic Template

For example, you can use this flowchart to illustrate a health insurance process that visually explains the steps involved from finding a provider to paying for your healthcare provider. 

Flowchart Infographic Template

3. Circular Flowcharts

A circular flowcharts is used to illustrate the flow of information, goods, services or money within a closed system or process. It gets its name from its circular shape, which emphasizes the continuous and cyclical nature of the flow. 

Marketing Life Cycle Circular Flowchart Diagram

Circular flowcharts are widely used in various fields such as economics, business, engineering and process management to help visualize and understand complex systems.

In a circular flowcharts , elements are represented using various shapes and connected with arrows to indicate the direction of flow. The circular arrangement indicates that the process is ongoing and repeats itself over time.

Quad Life Cycle Flowchart

4. Swimlane flowcharts

Swimlane flowcharts , also known as cross-functional flowcharts are a specific type of flowchart that organizes the process flow into lanes or “swimlanes.” 

Each lane represents a different participant or functional area involved in the process and the flowchart shows how activities or information move between these participants. 

Swimlane Process Flow

Swimlane flowcharts are particularly useful for illustrating complex processes that involve multiple stakeholders or departments.

In a swimlane flowcharts, the process is divided horizontally into lanes and each lane is labeled with the name of the department, person or role responsible for that part of the process. Vertically, the flowchart displays the sequence of steps or actions taken in the process.

bavarian problem solving flowchart pdf

5. Decision Flowchart s

Decision flowcharts, also known as decision trees or flow diagrams are graphical representations that illustrate the process of making decisions or solving problems. 

They are widely used in various fields such as computer science, business mapping , engineering and problem-solving scenarios. 

Vibrant Decision Flowchart Template

Decision flowcharts help break down complex decision-making processes into simple, sequential steps, making it easier to understand and follow.

A decision tree is a specialized flowchart used to visually represent the process of decision-making. 

Businesses and other individuals can employ a decision tree analysis as a tool to aid in evaluating different options and the possible consequences associated with each choice.

Decision trees Infographics can be used to create a more nuanced type of flowchart that is more informative and visually appealing by combining a decision flowchart and the flowchart infographic. 

Decision flowcharts are valuable tools for visualizing decision-making processes, analyzing complex problems and communicating them effectively to others.

Illustrative Decision Flowchart Template

Designing effective problem-solving flowcharts involves careful consideration of various factors to ensure clarity, accuracy and usability. Here are some best practices to create efficient and useful problem-solving flowcharts:

  • Understand the problem first & clearly define it
  • Keep it simple
  • Use standard & recognizable symbols
  • Ensure that the flowchart follows a logical and sequential order
  • Clearly label each decision point, action and outcome
  • Verify the flowchart’s accuracy by testing it
  • Clearly state the decision criteria that lead to different branches
  • Provide context when the flowchart is part of a larger process or system
  • Review and revise the flowchart

Creating problem-solving flowchart on Venngage is incredibly simple. All you have to do is:

  • Start by Signing Up and Creating an Account with Venngage
  • Choose a flowchart template that best suits your needs from our library.
  • Start editing your flowchart by choosing the desired shapes, labels and colors.
  • You can also enhance your flowchart by incorporating icons, illustrations or backgrounds all of which are readily available in our library.
  • Once done, you will have 2 options to choose from, either sharing it online for free or downloading your flowchart to your desktop by subscribing to the Premium or Business Plan. 

Is flowchart the representation of problem solutions?

Flowcharts are not the representation of problem solutions per se; rather, they are a visual representation of processes, decision-making steps and actions taken to arrive at a solution to problem.

What are the 3 basic structures of flowcharts?

3 Basic Structures of Flowcharts are:

  • Sequence: Simplify Complexity
  • Selection (Decision): Embrace Choices
  • Repetition (Loop): Emphasize Iteration

What are the elements of a good flowchart?

A good flowchart should exhibit clarity and simplicity, using consistent symbols and labels to depict a logical sequence of steps. It should be readable, with appropriate white space to avoid clutter while eliminating ambiguity through well-defined decision criteria and paths.

Can flowcharts be used for both simple and complex problem-solving?

Yes, flowcharts can be used for both simple and complex problem-solving scenarios. Flowcharts are versatile visual tools that can effectively represent various processes, decision-making steps and problem-solving approaches regardless of their complexity.

In both cases, flowcharts offer a systematic and visual means of organizing information, identifying potential problems and facilitating collaboration among team members.

Can problem-solving flowcharts be used in any industry or domain?

Problem-solving flowcharts can be used in virtually any industry or domain. The versatility and effectiveness of flowcharts make them applicable to a wide range of fields such as Business and Management, Software Development and IT, Healthcare, Education, Finance, Marketing & Sales and a lot more other industries. 

Final thoughts

Problem-solving flowcharts are a valuable and versatile tool that empowers individuals and teams to tackle complex problems with clarity and efficiency.

By visually representing the step-by-step process of identifying, analyzing and resolving issues, flowcharts serve as navigational guides simplifying intricate challenges into digestible parts.

With the aid of modern tools like Venngage’s Flowchart Maker and Venngage’s Flowchart Templates , designing impactful flowcharts becomes accessible to all while revolutionizing the way problems are approached and solved.

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Flowchart Tutorial (with Symbols, Guide and Examples)

A flowchart is simply a graphical representation of steps. It shows steps in sequential order and is widely used in presenting the flow of algorithms, workflow or processes. Typically, a flowchart shows the steps as boxes of various kinds, and their order by connecting them with arrows.

Flowchart example

What is a Flowchart?

A flowchart is a graphical representations of steps. It was originated from computer science as a tool for representing algorithms and programming logic but had extended to use in all other kinds of processes. Nowadays, flowcharts play an extremely important role in displaying information and assisting reasoning. They help us visualize complex processes, or make explicit the structure of problems and tasks. A flowchart can also be used to define a process or project to be implemented.

Flowchart Symbols

Different flowchart shapes have different conventional meanings. The meanings of some of the more common shapes are as follows:

The terminator symbol represents the starting or ending point of the system.

Flowchart symbol: Terminator

A box indicates some particular operation.

Flowchart symbol: Process

This represents a printout, such as a document or a report.

Flowchart symbol: Document

A diamond represents a decision or branching point. Lines coming out from the diamond indicates different possible situations, leading to different sub-processes.

Flowchart symbol: Decision

It represents information entering or leaving the system. An input might be an order from a customer. Output can be a product to be delivered.

Flowchart symbol: Data

On-Page Reference

This symbol would contain a letter inside. It indicates that the flow continues on a matching symbol containing the same letter somewhere else on the same page.

Flowchart symbol: On page reference

Off-Page Reference

This symbol would contain a letter inside. It indicates that the flow continues on a matching symbol containing the same letter somewhere else on a different page.

Flowchart symbol: Off page reference

Delay or Bottleneck

Identifies a delay or a bottleneck.

Flowchart symbol: Delay

Lines represent the flow of the sequence and direction of a process.

Flowchart symbol: Flow

When to Draw Flowchart?

Using a flowchart has a variety of benefits:

  • It helps to clarify complex processes.
  • It identifies steps that do not add value to the internal or external customer, including delays; needless storage and transportation; unnecessary work, duplication, and added expense; breakdowns in communication.
  • It helps team members gain a shared understanding of the process and use this knowledge to collect data, identify problems, focus discussions, and identify resources.
  • It serves as a basis for designing new processes.

Flowchart examples

Here are several flowchart examples. See how you can apply a flowchart practically.

Flowchart Example – Medical Service

This is a hospital flowchart example that shows how clinical cases shall be processed. This flowchart uses decision shapes intensively in representing alternative flows.

Flowchart example: Medical services

Flowchart Example – Simple Algorithms

A flowchart can also be used in visualizing algorithms, regardless of its complexity. Here is an example that shows how flowchart can be used in showing a simple summation process.

Flowchart example: Simple algorithms

Flowchart Example – Calculate Profit and Loss

The flowchart example below shows how profit and loss can be calculated.

Flowchart example: Calculate profit and loss

Creating a Flowchart in Visual Paradigm

Let’s see how to draw a flowchart in Visual Paradigm. We will use a very simple flowchart example here. You may expand the example when finished this tutorial.

  • Select Diagram > New from the main menu.

Create flowchart

  • Enter the name of the flowchart and click OK .

Create flowchart start symbol

  • Enter Add items to Cart as the name of the process.

Create other flowchart processes

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Solved assignment problems – algorithms and flowcharts.

An algorithm is defined as sequence of steps to solve a problem (task) . The steps must be finite, well defined and unambiguous. Writing algorithm requires some thinking. Algorithm can also be defined as a plan to solve a problem and represents its logic. Note that an algorithm is of no use if it does not help us arrive at the desired solution

Algorithm characteristics

  • It should have finite number of steps . No one can be expected to execute infinite number of steps.
  • The steps must be in order and simple
  • Each step should be defined clearly i.e. without un-ambiguity (without doubtfulness)
  • Must include all required information
  • Should exhibit at least one output

A flowchart is a pictorial (graphical) representation of an algorithm . A flowchart is drawn using different kinds of symbols. A symbol is used for a specific purpose. Each symbol has name.

Different algorithms have different performance characteristics to solve the same problem. some algorithms are fast. some are slow. some occupy more memory space. some occupy less memory space. some are complex and some algorithms are simple..

Logically algorithm, flowchart and program are the same.

Q1 . Create a program to compute the volume of a sphere. Use the formula: V = (4/3) *pi*r 3 where pi is equal to 3.1416 approximately. The r is the radius of sphere.  Display the result.

bavarian problem solving flowchart pdf

Q2 . Write a program the converts the input Celsius degree into its equivalent Fahrenheit degree. Use the formula: F = (9/5) *C+32.

bavarian problem solving flowchart pdf

Q3 . Write a program that converts the input dollar to its peso exchange rate equivalent.  Assume that the present exchange rate is 51.50 pesos against the dollar. Then display the peso equivalent exchange rate.

bavarian problem solving flowchart pdf

Q4 . Write a program that converts an input inch(es) into its equivalent centimeters. Take note that one inch is equivalent to 2.54cms.

bavarian problem solving flowchart pdf

Q5 . Write a program that exchanges the value of two variables: x and y.  The output must be: the value of variable y will become the value of variable x, and vice versa.

bavarian problem solving flowchart pdf

Q6 . Design a program to find the circumference of a circle. Use the formula: C=2πr, where π is approximately equivalent 3.1416.

bavarian problem solving flowchart pdf

Q7 . Write a program that takes as input the purchase price of an item (P), its expected number of years of service (Y) and its expected salvage value (S). Then outputs the yearly depreciation for the item (D). Use the formula: D = (P – S) Y.

bavarian problem solving flowchart pdf

Q8 . Swapping of 2 variables without using temporary (or 3 rd variable).

bavarian problem solving flowchart pdf

Q9 . Determine the most economical quantity to be stocked for each product that a manufacturing company has in its inventory: This quantity, called economic order quantity (EOQ) is calculated as follows: EOQ=2rs/1 where: R= total yearly production requirement S=set up cost per order I=inventory carrying cost per unit.

bavarian problem solving flowchart pdf

Q10 . Write a program to compute the radius of a circle. Derive your formula from the given equation: A=πr², then display the output.

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Algorithm and flowchart explained with examples, what is algorithm and flowchart.

Algorithm and flowchart are programming tools. A Programmer uses various programming languages to create programs. But before actually writing a program in a programming language, a programmer first needs to find a procedure for solving the problem which is known as planning the program. The program written without proper pre-planning have higher chances of errors. The tools that are used to plan or design the problem are known as programming tools. Algorithm and flowchart are widely used programming tools.

algorithm and flowchart

The word “algorithm” relates to the name of the mathematician Al- khowarizmi , which means a procedure or a technique. Programmer commonly uses an algorithm for planning and solving the problems.

An algorithm is a specific set of meaningful instructions written in a specific order for carrying out or solving a specific problem.

Types of Algorithm:

The algorithm and flowchart are classified into three types of control structures.

  • Branching(Selection)
  • Loop(Repetition)

According to the condition and requirement, these three control structures can be used.

In the  sequence structure, statements are placed one after the other and the execution takes place starting from up to down.

Whereas in branch control, there is a condition and according to a condition, a decision of either TRUE or FALSE is achieved. In the case of TRUE, one of the two branches is explored; but in the case of FALSE condition, the other alternative is taken. Generally, the ‘IF-THEN’ is used to represent branch control.

Write an algorithm to find the smallest number between two numbers

Write an algorithm to check odd or even number.

The Loop or Repetition allows a statements or block of statements to be executed repeatedly based on certain loop condition. ‘While’ and ‘for’ construct are used to represent the loop structure in most programming languages. Loops are of two types: Bounded and Unbounded loop. In bounded loop, the number of iterations is fixed while in unbounded loops the condition has to satisfy to end the loop.

An algorithm to calculate even numbers between 20 and 40

Write an algorithm to input a natural number, n, and calculate the odd numbers equal or less than n.

Characteristics of a good algorithm.

  • The Finite number of steps:

After starting an algorithm for any problem, it has to terminate at some point.

  • Easy Modification.

There can be numbers of steps in an algorithm depending on the type of problem. It supports easy modification of Steps.

  • Easy and simple to understand

A Simple English language is used while writing an algorithm. It is not dependent on any particular programming language. People without the knowledge of programming can read and understand the steps in the algorithm.

An algorithm is just a design of a program. Every program needs to display certain output after processing the input data. So one always expects the result as an output from an algorithm. It can give output at different stages. The result obtained at the end of an algorithm is known as an end result and if the result is obtained at an intermediate stage of process or operation then the result is known as an intermediate result. Also, the output has to be as expected having some relation to the inputs.

The first design of flowchart goes back to 1945 which was designed by John Von Neumann . Unlike an algorithm, Flowchart uses different symbols to design a solution to a problem. It is another commonly used programming tool.

In general, a flowchart is a diagram that uses different symbols to visually present the flow of data. By looking at a flow chart one can understand the operations and sequence of operations performed in a system. This is why flowchart is often considered as a blueprint of a design used for solving a specific problem.

A flowchart is defined as a symbolic or a graphical representation of an algorithm that uses different standard symbols.

Flowchart Symbols:

flowchart symbols

Guidelines for drawing a flowchart.

  • The Title for every flowchart is compulsory.
  • There must be START and END point for every flowchart.
  • The symbols used in flowchart should have only one entry point on the top. The exit point for symbols (except for decision/diamond symbol) is on the button.
  • There should be two exit points for decision symbol; exit points can be on the bottom and one side or on the sides.
  • The flow of flowchart is generally from top to bottom. But in some cases, it can also flow to upward direction
  • The direction of the flow of control should be indicated by arrowheads.
  • The operations for every step should be written inside the symbol.
  • The language used in flowchart should be simple so that it can be easily understood.
  • The flowlines that show the direction of flow of flowchart must not cross each other.
  • While connecting different pages of the same flowchart, Connectors must be used.

Some examples of algorithm and flowchart.

Example1: To calculate the area of a circle

Step1: Start

Step2: Input radius of the circle say r

Step3: Use the formula πr 2 and store result in a variable AREA

Step4: Print AREA

Step5: Stop Flowchart:

flowchart to find the area of a circle

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