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capstone project powerpoint presentation examples

A Comprehensive Guide on High School Senior Capstone Projects (With Examples)

female student working on laptop

Reviewed by:

Rohan Jotwani

Former Admissions Committee Member, Columbia University

Reviewed: 3/8/24

As you near the end of your high school journey, it's time to explore the world of senior capstone projects.

If you're a high school student, especially in your senior year, you're likely gearing up for the culmination of your academic journey: the senior capstone project. 

In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through everything you need to know about capstone projects, complete with examples to spark your inspiration and help you succeed. Whether you're just starting to explore project ideas or fine-tuning your plans, you've come to the right place!

What Is a Capstone Project?

A capstone project is like the grand finale of your academic or personal journey. It's a focused effort that you tackle within a set timeframe, bringing together everything you've learned or accomplished. Unlike a passion project , which you can work on whenever you feel like it, a capstone project has a clear deadline.

For instance, let’s say you're a culinary arts student nearing graduation. Your passion lies in sustainable cooking practices, and for your capstone project, you decide to create a cookbook featuring locally sourced, eco-friendly recipes. 

Your cookbook project demands months of research, recipe development, testing, and layout design. It's a big commitment that demonstrates your expertise in culinary arts and your dedication to sustainable food practices.

Similarly, in school, a capstone project could take various forms, such as conducting research on a scientific topic, developing a business plan, or creating a multimedia presentation. These projects all reflect your broader interests and passions, demonstrating your skills and knowledge in a specific area.

Overall, your capstone project in high school is a major milestone, allowing you to demonstrate your expertise, creativity, and dedication. It's a chance to bring everything you've learned together and show what you're capable of achieving.

Different Between Capstone and Passion Project

Capstone projects are typically a mandatory part of a school or college program. They're serious business involving thorough research, problem-solving, and often collaboration with teachers or experts. The goal is to demonstrate your mastery of the subject matter and readiness to tackle real-world challenges.

On the other hand, passion projects are all about following your interests and doing something you love. You could focus on writing a novel, starting a community project, or diving into a hobby—passion projects are driven by personal motivation rather than academic requirements. They're more flexible and allow you to explore your passions on your own terms.

So, while both capstone and passion projects are valuable ways to dive deep into a topic you're passionate about, capstone projects are more structured and tied to academic goals, while passion projects offer more freedom and personal expression.

How to Find Ideas for Capstone Project

Looking for capstone project ideas? Let's take a look at some effective strategies to spark inspiration and find the perfect project for you.

Follow Your Interests

Think about what excites you the most. Do you love helping the environment or dreaming up better ways to teach? Pick a topic that really speaks to you. When you're passionate about what you're working on, you'll stay motivated and focused from start to finish.

Use What You've Learned

Consider the subjects you've learned in school. Think about how you can use that knowledge to solve real-life issues. For example, if you've studied marketing, you could create a marketing plan for a nearby business. Or, if you're good at finance, you could analyze a company's finances and propose ways to make them better.

Don't hesitate to reach out to your professors, advisors, or mentors for guidance. They've been through similar experiences and can offer valuable insights and suggestions. They might even be able to connect you with industry contacts or organizations that could provide support or resources for your project. Their feedback can help you refine your ideas and ensure you're on the right track.

Check Feasibility

As you narrow down your options, it's crucial to assess the feasibility of each potential project idea. Consider factors such as the availability of resources, the complexity of the task, and your own time constraints. 

While you want to choose a project that's challenging and meaningful, it's also essential to be realistic about what you can accomplish within the given timeframe. Setting achievable goals will increase your chances of success and prevent unnecessary stress along the way.

Identify Current Issues

Keep up to date with the latest news and trends in your field of study or topics that interest you. Identify important issues or new challenges that you could focus on for your capstone project. By addressing relevant and current topics, you can actively contribute to important discussions and possibly have a bigger impact with your project.

Consider Community Needs

Consider the issues that matter most to your local community or a specific group of people. Is there a problem or something missing that you could help with through your project? By talking to people in your community through volunteer work or doing surveys, you can find project ideas that match real needs and make a positive impact.

Broaden Your Horizons

Think outside the box! Don't stick to just one subject for your capstone project. Instead, think about how you can mix ideas from different areas. By combining different perspectives, you can come up with creative and innovative solutions that you might not have thought of otherwise. This can make your project stand out and bring new insights to your work.

Look for Inspiration from Previous Projects

When searching for ideas for your capstone project, take a look at projects completed by students who came before you. Looking at successful past projects can give you helpful ideas about topics, methods, and how big your project should be. 

Remember, it's important not to copy someone else's work exactly, but you can use it to inspire your own unique ideas and ways of doing things.

Think About Long-Term Goals

Think about how your capstone project can help you achieve your long-term goals, both in school and beyond. Are there particular skills you want to improve or experiences you want to have during the project? By making sure your project connects to your bigger plans, you can make it even more meaningful and helpful for your future journey.

Stay Flexible and Open-Minded

Stay open to exploring new directions and adjusting your project as you learn and receive feedback. Sometimes, the best projects come from unexpected changes or improvements along the way. Stay flexible and welcome the chance to learn and develop throughout your capstone project. 

By blending your interests, what you've learned in school, and advice from mentors, you can create a capstone project that shows off your abilities and makes a difference in your field or community.

Tips on How to Execute Capstone Project

Ready to tackle your capstone project head-on? Here are some practical tips to guide you through the execution process smoothly.

Junior Fall

Brainstorm Ideas : This is your chance to explore a wide range of topics and ideas that pique your interest. Consider what issues or subjects you're passionate about, what challenges you want to address, or what questions you want to explore further. Keep an open mind and jot down any potential project ideas that come to mind, even if they seem unconventional at first.

Set Goals : Once you've generated some project ideas, it's time to clarify your objectives. Think about what you want to accomplish with your capstone project and break it down into smaller, actionable goals. Consider both short-term goals, such as completing research or gathering resources, and long-term goals, such as presenting your findings or implementing a solution.

Junior Spring

Recruit and Fundraise : Depending on the scope of your project, you may need additional support from teammates or financial resources. Reach out to classmates, friends, or faculty members who share your interests and might be interested in collaborating on the project. Additionally, explore fundraising opportunities to secure funding for project-related expenses, such as materials, equipment, or travel.

Hit Milestones : As you begin working on your project, set specific milestones to track your progress and stay on schedule. These milestones could include completing research, conducting experiments or surveys, drafting project proposals or reports, or presenting preliminary findings to peers or advisors. Regularly assess your progress and adjust your approach as needed to ensure you're meeting your goals.

Rising Senior Summer

Stay Busy : Although summer break is a time for relaxation, don't let your momentum wane. Dedicate consistent time each week to work on your capstone project, whether it's conducting research, analyzing data, drafting project documents, or refining your presentation skills. Establish a schedule and stick to it to maintain progress and prevent last-minute rushes.

Stay Connected : While you may be physically distanced from campus during the summer months, stay connected with your advisors, mentors, or project collaborators through email, phone calls, or virtual meetings. Keep them updated on your progress, seek their input or feedback when needed, and leverage their expertise to overcome any challenges you encounter.

Senior Fall

Keep Pushing : As the new school year begins, ramp up your efforts and focus on achieving your project goals. Set new objectives for the upcoming semester and prioritize tasks that will bring you closer to project completion. If your project involves organizing events, conducting experiments, or presenting findings, plan and execute these activities with diligence and attention to detail.

Senior Spring

Plan Ahead : As you approach the final months of your capstone project, take time to reflect on your accomplishments and consider the next steps. Evaluate the impact of your project, gather feedback from stakeholders or participants, and identify any areas for improvement or follow-up activities. Prepare for project completion by documenting your findings, finalizing project deliverables, and communicating your results to relevant audiences.

By following these guidelines and staying committed to your goals, you'll be well-equipped to execute your capstone project successfully and make meaningful contributions to your field of study or community.

Common Mistakes

Let's take a look at nine common mistakes students make in their capstone projects, along with tips on how to sidestep them.

Choosing a Topic That’s Too Broad

Your topic should be relevant to your field of study, but many students make the mistake of selecting broad topics that lack focus. To avoid this, consult with professors or career advisors to narrow down your focus and ensure your topic is both relevant and manageable.

Choosing a Topic You Don’t Really Care About

Passion is key to success. If you're not genuinely interested in your topic, your motivation and enthusiasm will dwindle over time. Select a topic that excites you and aligns with your interests to stay engaged throughout the project.

Not Doing Your Research Properly

Research is the backbone of your project. Skipping this step or relying on inaccurate information can derail your project. Take the time to conduct thorough research, cite credible sources, and ensure the accuracy of your findings.

Not Writing Your Paper in the Correct Format

A well-structured paper is essential for clarity and coherence. Follow a standard format, including sections such as introduction, literature review, methods, results, and conclusion, to ensure your paper is organized and easy to follow.

Not Taking Advantage of All the Resources Available

Don't overlook the resources at your disposal, whether it's the library, the internet, peers, professors , or academic advisors. Utilize these resources for research, guidance, feedback, and support throughout your project.

Not Proofreading Thoroughly Enough

Typos, grammatical errors, and formatting inconsistencies can undermine the credibility of your project. Take the time to proofread your work multiple times, or enlist the help of a peer or professional proofreader to ensure your paper is error-free.

Forgetting to Reference Your Sources

Proper citation is essential to avoid plagiarism and give credit to the original sources of information. Ensure you cite all sources accurately and consistently throughout your paper, following the required citation style guidelines.

Poor Presentation

Your presentation is the final show of your hard work. Neglecting to prepare adequately or rushing through your presentation can detract from the quality of your project. Practice your presentation, create engaging visuals, and rehearse your delivery to captivate your audience.

Waiting Until the Last Minute to Start Writing Your Paper

Procrastination is a common pitfall that can lead to rushed and subpar work. Start early, create a timeline, and break down your project into manageable tasks to avoid last-minute stress and ensure a polished final product.

By steering clear of these common mistakes and approaching your capstone project with diligence and dedication, you'll set yourself up for success and leave a lasting impression with your academic masterpiece.

Ideas and Examples of Capstone Projects

Need some capstone project ideas for high school? Let’s take a look at some high school capstone project examples. 

  • Study green marketing strategies that promote sustainability and environmental responsibility.


  • Develop a system to detect red traffic lights using image processing for safer roads.
  • Create a solar panel system with adjustable angles to maximize energy capture.
  • Analyze how social media can be used to effectively engage and retain customers through content marketing strategies.
  • Design educational programs for nurses on asthma care and point-of-care testing protocols for accurate diagnosis and treatment.

Computer Science

  • Develop a smartphone interface for managing medical records to improve accessibility and patient engagement.
  • Design a web-based survey system for collecting feedback and analysis in academic or business settings.
  • Evaluate the impact of project management practices on the success of political campaigns.
  • Assess how technology influences accounting practices and the effectiveness of accounting software in improving financial reporting.
  • Explore the benefits of virtual classrooms and digital engagement strategies for remote learning.

Information Technology

  • Investigate cybersecurity issues and propose solutions to protect against threats like intrusion and data breaches.
  • Create object recognition systems using machine learning for security surveillance and image analysis.

Looking to gain clarity on your senior capstone project? Here are some frequently asked questions to guide you through the process.

1. How Does a Capstone Project Differ from Other High School Projects?

A high school capstone project typically involves more in-depth research and interdisciplinary exploration compared to other projects.

2. How Do I Choose a Topic for My High School Capstone Project?

To choose a topic for your high school capstone project, consider your interests, skills, and academic goals, and seek advice from teachers or mentors.

3. Are High School Capstone Projects Required for Graduation?

High school capstone projects are not always required for graduation and can vary depending on the school or program.

4. Can High School Capstone Projects Be Related to Extracurricular Activities?

Yes, high school capstone projects can be related to extracurricular activities and allow students to integrate their interests and experiences into their academic projects.

Final Thoughts

In short, high school senior capstone projects are your chance to shine. By picking the right topic, steering clear of common pitfalls, and tapping into available resources, you can leave a lasting mark. Whether it's in marketing, engineering, education, or any other field, capstone projects let you show off your skills and get ready for what's next.

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Capstone PowerPoint Presentation – Expert Guidelines on Creating

Capstone presentation – basic guidelines to remember.

Once the academic program ends, students must present their results, showing what skills, abilities, and knowledge they gained during the program. And a capstone project is what helps them do it. In turn, a capstone PowerPoint presentation is another stage of defending skills obtained by demonstrating learning outcomes, research abilities, and readiness to investigate a particular field.

A capstone presentation is not just a mandatory task but an opportunity for an individual to introduce themselves as a specialist. It helps one show how deeply they understand the subject, how far they’ve come with their research, and their ability to build relationships with others.

Some people think preparing a PowerPoint capstone project is easy as pie, but it has several nuances and details. So, to help students complete the task and deliver a well-done presentation, revealing it to the institution officials and faculty members, we bring essential information and important tips.

capstone powerpoint presentation

Some General Recommendations

The preparation of a capstone presentation is different from the process of creating a capstone project. Now, you literally describe your paper, using the visualization to demonstrate results and provide evidence of the research. To make such a task successful, it’s essential to follow some steps that allow you to make an outstanding PowerPoint presentation.

  • Focus on a narrow topic

Your capstone has a specific topic, so keep sticking to it while making a PowerPoint presentation. Don’t make it too wide. Consider focusing on the problem/-s that were addressed in the project, showing how ones were addressed and what conclusions were made. Summary, problem, solutions, and lessons – that’s what your capstone project presentation should be focused on.

  • Use project outcomes

Determine what was expected to learn on the course, and build your PowerPoint presentation around it. For example, if you are interested in continuing learning after finishing the program, consider adding a section into your capstone presentation PowerPoint with the topics and directions you expect to investigate in the future. The awareness of the results allows you to remember the goals of a capstone course and foster learning, earning higher marks.

  • Prepare before defending the presentation

Feeling supremely confident in your room or the moment before entering the classroom may not be enough. The oral presentation should be well-prepared and organized; you should provide the audience with all the needed information, but do it according to the time frame. The ideal capstone project PowerPoint presentation should be 5 to 7 minutes long.

Remember that the institution officials will watch your performance and pay attention to everything you say and show in the PowerPoint visualization, so take time and practice before the first step up to the audience.

Before You Get Started With PowerPoint Capstone Project

After talking about general pieces of advice, it’s time to focus on technical aspects. The PowerPoint capstone project requires more than just creating numerous slides with images. Each part of the task should be informative and concise as you move slightly from between the slides. Below are some tips you may consider.

  • The title slide contains the project name, the author’s name, the date, and other important information that should be mentioned in the opening.
  • The presentation should be easy to follow. If your topic contains comprehensive information, clarify it or remove it if it’s not critical. Also, avoid distracting colors and don’t add too much text to the capstone PowerPoint presentation.
  • The slides should be simple. Once you illustrate the paper’s core points, create variety using bulleted lists, graphics, and images. Make them visually appealing by changing the background or adding PowerPoint effects.
  • Don’t hesitate to add transitions and animations, but do it carefully to add value to the capstone project PowerPoint. The slides not just replace one another with blinks but smoothly change themselves.

Remember that such a project is only an addition to what you will tell the audience. Whether the presentation has enough visual content, delivering the information to the audience is much easier.

Tips on Capstone Presentation PowerPoint Content Creation

Content is the most significant part of the PowerPoint presentation, as the author should present the summary of the capstone experience, revealing the insights gained about the topic. However, as you should only add some information about the capstone, you need to structure it, find the key points, and decide what to focus on in the presentation.

In capstone project PowerPoint examples students showcase the bigger picture, demonstrating the appropriate background. Consider highlighting the most interesting and surprising moments while working on the project. Describe goals you set at the beginning of the project and what you’ve achieved.

Tell about skills and knowledge you have learned. What difficulties did you face during the work process? How did you manage to overcome them? What was the most important experience? Mention how the gained experience helped you with your plans. It may help if you explore ready-made capstone project presentation examples and find some exciting insights on working with your information.

Add the Q&A segment after the central part. The audience will probably have questions about the PowerPoint presentation, so you should be ready to answer. Revise the information about the project carefully not to miss core points.

Best Capstone Presentation Examples to Assist You

If you are still deciding what to include in the task, check other capstone project PowerPoint presentation examples to see others handle similar assignments. Depending on the program and subject, the presentation could be more or less detailed with an accent on the text, mixing images with paragraphs and theses. Sometimes students add a video to the PowerPoint presentation, but only if it’s 5 minutes or shorter.

The audio fragments could be added as well. If they help the audience better understand the project, feel free to add some audio.

Get Help With Capstone Project PowerPoint Presentation

Creating of a capstone project PowerPoint presentation requires time and patience to revise a pile of information and choose the most relevant fragments to analyze. Moreover, you may need some good visuals as well as background colors. Sometimes people struggle to do tasks in PowerPoint themselves, so asking for professional help may be a good option.

Our experts have already helped countless customers to get their capstone presentation examples done, finishing the task according to all requirements. Moreover, your order will be delivered on time or earlier as our experts meet the tightest deadlines.

Let our writing experts take care of the final stage of your capstone, preparing the best PowerPoint presentation for project defense!

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Nursing Capstone

Nursing capstone presentation, premium google slides theme and powerpoint template.

In medical contexts, a capstone is often the final course in a nursing degree, a project of vital importance. It’s very demanding, so if you need help with the presentation, use this free professional template. Leave the design to us and focus on your data!

You’ll be more than satisfied with these slides, and here’s why. For starters, the gray backgrounds combine perfectly with the green resources and titles, which convey a strong sensation of growth and it’s usually related to health. To illustrate your points and reinforce the concepts, we’ve opted for some medical pictures. As for the layouts, you’ll notice that they’re easy and straightforward, leaving no room for misunderstandings. Everything is customizable, so turn this template into your capstone presentation and steer your medical career toward the right direction!

Features of this template

  • A professional template with medical-themed pictures and simple layouts
  • 100% editable and easy to modify
  • 26 different slides to impress your audience
  • Available in different colors
  • Contains easy-to-edit graphics and maps
  • Includes 1000+ icons and Flaticon’s extension for customizing your slides
  • Designed to be used in Google Slides and Microsoft PowerPoint
  • 16:9 widescreen format suitable for all types of screens
  • Includes information about fonts, colors, and credits of the free resources used

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Capstone PowerPoint Presentation: Outline, Examples & Tips

Are you looking for some help with capstone powerpoint presentation? Find more info here https://www.capstoneproject.net/

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O U T L I N E , E X A M P L E S & T I P S

you preparing a capstone <strong>PowerPoint</strong> presentation?<br />

Are<br />

gathered some tips and tricks on how to make it<br />

We’ve<br />

effective and memorable. Learn how to engage<br />

more<br />

audience using our tips on how to create a<br />

your<br />

presentation outline and present in front of<br />

capstone<br />

them.<br />

how do you make a capstone presentation outline?<br />

So,<br />

are several presentation requirements you should<br />

There<br />

and comply with for the best results. In general,<br />

follow<br />

will be presenting it to a group of faculty members,<br />

you<br />

with your mentor and parents. The requirements<br />

along<br />

such presentation include:<br />

for<br />

presentation should be at least eight minutes of<br />

The<br />

duration.<br />

student should turn in the capstone service hours<br />

at least 40 hours of service.<br />

presentation should have at least four pictures,<br />

videos are also allowed with at most three<br />

but<br />

in length.<br />

minutes<br />

text limit on every slide must be adherent to the 3<br />

5 rule, but there must not be more than three text<br />

x<br />

Each line must not be more than five words.<br />

lines.<br />


HOW<br />


project’s description: It should contain information<br />

what this capstone project involved, its location,<br />

of<br />

was served and who the people you worked with.<br />

who<br />

must also include ways you knew this capstone<br />

It<br />

was needed.<br />

project<br />

description of reasons this project was selected:<br />

are the opportunities you discovered or you<br />

What<br />

presented? What was your thought process?<br />

were<br />

of your concerns, fears and expectation<br />

Description<br />

had before you started the capstone project<br />

of your mentor’s role in this project<br />

of your project’s impact on those that you<br />

served<br />

of the significant lesson learned<br />

of things you’d do differently if you’re to start<br />

Details<br />

again<br />

of advice you’d like to give someone that<br />

Piece<br />

to take over the capstone project<br />

wanted<br />

if you would like to keep working on the<br />

Explanation<br />

and reasons to or not to<br />

the following, let us discuss how to create a capstone<br />

In<br />

<strong>PowerPoint</strong> presentation.<br />



TIPS<br />

the slide or scene length: One thing to<br />

Determine<br />

– avoid too much text or it will kill the PPT.<br />

know<br />

the rule stated earlier. Instead of putting too<br />

Follow<br />

text, focus on eye contact and building rapport.<br />

much<br />

explaining what each slide is all about in your<br />

And<br />

words.<br />

use more than 10 slides for an effective<br />

Don’t<br />

Just as said earlier, you should present<br />

presentation.<br />

at least eight minutes but not more than 20<br />

minutes.<br />

listeners retain info you’re sharing by being<br />

Make<br />

As they say, info without emotion is not<br />

genuine.<br />

Be 100% sure of what you’re saying and<br />

retained.<br />

with your heart. Connect to your<br />

communicate<br />

audience.<br />

good fonts and graphics.<br />

Choose<br />

presentation more visually appealing and less<br />

for the eyes.<br />

tiring<br />

on the value of your presentation. Know<br />

Concentrate<br />

the audience wants and needs to figure out how<br />

what<br />

you’d take a look at a good capstone presentation<br />

If<br />

you can figure out what to avoid in making the<br />

example,<br />

Some of the blunders to avoid include the<br />

following:<br />

They can make<br />

to add value to your presentation.<br />


engaging the audience<br />

Not<br />

smiling Not<br />

being ready for surprises<br />

customized presentation<br />

too many things on the PPT slide<br />

Having<br />

practicing<br />

your back or looking at your laptop all the<br />

Turning<br />

time<br />

from creating a capstone presentation outline, you<br />

Aside<br />

also learn how to prepare for the presentation in<br />

should<br />

Tell stories. After all, humans respond to them because<br />

1.<br />

are with emotions. These stories also help them to<br />

they<br />

attention to what you’re saying and to recall things<br />

pay<br />

say. you<br />

Connect with the audience. There is no better way to<br />

2.<br />

and make the audience listen than to connect<br />

engage<br />

them. Look at them in the eye. You must also let<br />

with<br />

passion for the subject shine through. Be at your<br />

real self. Be honest and enthusiastic.<br />

best<br />

Focus on the audience’s wants and needs. What value<br />

3.<br />

they get from the presentation? Focus on what they<br />

can<br />

to know and what they need.<br />

want<br />




front of your audience. Here are some tips to use.

Concentrate on the core message. Don’t say things<br />

4.<br />

won’t contribute to your main message.<br />

that<br />

Keep smiling to build rapport and make the<br />

5.<br />

more personal.<br />

presentation<br />

these tips and tricks and create a memorable<br />

Remember<br />

project <strong>PowerPoint</strong> presentation that will wow<br />

more ideas? Visit our website for an<br />

Need<br />

capstone presentation example<br />

amazing<br />

your audience.<br />

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Why Nursing Capstone Project Are so Popular?


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  • Page 4 and 5: the slide or scene length: One thin
  • Page 6: Concentrate on the core message. Do

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capstone project powerpoint presentation examples


  1. Capstone Project PowerPoint Presentation Slides

    capstone project powerpoint presentation examples

  2. Capstone PowerPoint Presentation: Outline, Examples & Tips

    capstone project powerpoint presentation examples

  3. Capstone Project PowerPoint Template

    capstone project powerpoint presentation examples

  4. Capstone Project PowerPoint Presentation Slides

    capstone project powerpoint presentation examples

  5. PPT

    capstone project powerpoint presentation examples

  6. PPT

    capstone project powerpoint presentation examples


  1. PowerPoint Module 3 Textbook Project

  2. Research Capstone Project Product Presentation

  3. Capstone Part IV PowerPoint Video

  4. Strategy Individual Capstone Project PowerPoint Presentation

  5. 4600 capstone reflection PowerPoint

  6. 20240315 084656 The Anti-Kickback Statute


  1. Create Memorable Capstone PPT with Outline Tips

    Create Memorable Capstone PPT with Outline Tips. This document provides tips for creating an effective capstone presentation. It outlines the requirements, including presenting for 8 minutes and including 4 pictures. The presentation should include descriptions of the project, why it was selected, lessons learned, and advice.

  2. PDF Guidelines for Creating and Presenting Capstone POWERPOINT Presentations

    presentations. Students can use a maximum of 12 slides for their capstone presentation. This should result ina presentation of approximately 8 minutes, followed by a question and answer exchange with attendees. The purpose of the following guidelines is to help you make an impressive, professional presentation of your research in the time allotted.

  3. PDF Designing and Writing an Effective Capstone Presentation

    Image source: adapted by CTLT from M. Kelley. (2008). Bringing uninsured children into Medicaid and SCHIP. Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Capstone Presentation. 5 Structure and Organize your Presentation Divide your presentation into logical parts Devote a slide at the beginning of your presentation for the outline

  4. How to Write a Capstone Project Outline Guide with Examples

    Step 7: Go over your paper one more time. Review and make necessary revisions to your paper. Check for clarity, completeness, and coherence. Ensure that your outline reflects the scope and depth of your project. 💡 Extra tip: Seek feedback from your capstone project supervisor, peers, or mentors.

  5. Capstone Powerpoint Presentation

    Capstone Powerpoint Presentation. Apr 16, 2010 • Download as PPTX, PDF •. 5 likes • 35,526 views. C. colleenbarrett. Final presentation for Doctoral Capstone project. 1 of 40. Download now. Capstone Powerpoint Presentation - Download as a PDF or view online for free.

  6. Capstone Project Presentation

    Education Technology. 1 of 14. Download now. Download to read offline. Capstone Project Presentation - Download as a PDF or view online for free.

  7. Capstone PowerPoint Presentation: Outline, Examples & Tips

    The presentation should be at least eight minutes of duration. The student should turn in the capstone service hours for at least 40 hours of service. The presentation should have at least four ...

  8. PPTX Towson University

    Towson University | Maryland's University of Opportunities

  9. PDF capstone powerpoint presentation

    The presentation should be at least eight minutes of. duration. The student should turn in the capstone service hours for at least 40 hours of service. The presentation should have at least four pictures, but videos are also allowed with at most three minutes in length. The text limit on every slide must be adherent to the 3 x 5 rule, but there ...

  10. Capstone PowerPoint Presentation: Outline, Examples & Tips

    Capstone Project Follow. This document provides tips for creating an effective capstone presentation. It outlines the requirements, including presenting for 8 minutes and including 4 pictures. The presentation should include descriptions of the project, why it was selected, lessons learned, and advice. It recommends including no more than 10 ...

  11. How to prepare your capstone presentation

    About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright ...

  12. Capstone Project PowerPoint Presentation Slides

    Download our 100% editable Capstone Project PowerPoint template to showcase the steps for writing a capstone project and its structured timeline in an aesthetically pleasing visual. Capstone Project PowerPoint Presentation Slides - PPT Template

  13. A Comprehensive Guide on High School Senior Capstone Projects (With

    If you're a high school student, especially in your senior year, you're likely gearing up for the culmination of your academic journey: the senior capstone project. In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through everything you need to know about capstone projects, complete with examples to spark your inspiration and help you succeed.

  14. Healthy Capstone Proposal Google Slides theme & PPT template

    Free Google Slides theme and PowerPoint template. It's the final stretch now! The capstone is the final project a medical student has to complete, so proposing a topic where you can show your best is a good idea. Let us help you with this template, containing illustrations of doctors, lots of graphs and tables and, overall, a casual look.

  15. Create Top Capstone PowerPoint Presentation with Expert Help

    In capstone project PowerPoint examples students showcase the bigger picture, demonstrating the appropriate background. Consider highlighting the most interesting and surprising moments while working on the project. ... Creating of a capstone project PowerPoint presentation requires time and patience to revise a pile of information and choose ...

  16. Nursing Capstone Google Slides Theme & PowerPoint Template

    Premium Google Slides theme and PowerPoint template. In medical contexts, a capstone is often the final course in a nursing degree, a project of vital importance. It's very demanding, so if you need help with the presentation, use this free professional template. Leave the design to us and focus on your data! You'll be more than satisfied ...

  17. Make a Great End of Internship Presentation (Ideas & Examples)

    Consider your internship experience PowerPoint presentation as a capstone. It pulls together all that you've done during an internship into a neatly-packaged slide deck. It's your last, best chance to show what you have learned. ... For example, if your project improved a process efficiency by 20%, show this in a chart.

  18. Capstone PowerPoint Presentation: Effective Guide

    7. There are some requirements that you have to follow while preparing your capstone presentation: - It must be not less than 8 minutes in length; - It must include at least 4 pictures related to your project; - It can include the video that is less than 3 minutes in length; - Each slide must contain 3 lines of text with 5 words in each line capstoneproject.net

  19. Capstone PowerPoint Presentation: Outline, Examples & Tips

    project's description: It should contain information<br /> The<br /> what this capstone project involved, its location,<br /> of<br /> was served and who the people you worked with.<br /> who<br /> must also include ways you knew this capstone<br /> It<br /> was needed.<br /> project<br /> description of reasons this project was selected:<br ...

  20. 7 Best Capstone Project-Themed Templates

    7 Best Capstone Project-Themed Templates. CrystalGraphics creates templates designed to make even average presentations look incredible. Below you'll see thumbnail sized previews of the title slides of a few of our 7 best capstone project templates for PowerPoint and Google Slides. The text you'll see in in those slides is just example text.

  21. Capstone Projects Samples PowerPoint PPT Presentations

    Capstone Project Selection Amir Niroumand [email protected] 604-782-4407 Course Objective Research, design, build, and test a device Integrate what you have learned ... | PowerPoint PPT presentation | free to download. Capstone Project Selection - Research, design, build, and test a device.

  22. PDF Graduate Research Symposium

    Capstone Projects of our graduate students in Instructional Technology. Their project ... *Presentations for the American Studies Program are scheduled between 3:30pm ... Results: The sample consisted of 28 university nursing students who completed the pre- and post-intervention

  23. Capstone Project Powerpoint Presentation Examples

    Capstone Project Powerpoint Presentation Examples. offers a great selection of professional essay writing services. Take advantage of original, plagiarism-free essay writing. Also, separate editing and proofreading services are available, designed for those students who did an essay and seek professional help with polishing it to perfection.

  24. Capstone Project Powerpoint Presentation Examples

    TOP writer. If you want your order to be completed by one of the best writers from our essay writing service with superb feedback, choose this option. Your preferred writer. You can indicate a specific writer's ID if you have already received a paper from him/her and are satisfied with it. Also, our clients choose this option when they have a ...