15 Customer Service Buzzwords & When to Use (or Avoid) Them

Clint Fontanella

Updated: June 24, 2022

Published: September 21, 2020

Buzzwords, slang, jargon; whatever you want to call it, it's common for brands to create their own vocabulary and use special words or phrases to describe things that are unique to their industry.


Customer service is no exception, as there plenty of buzzwords that support and success personnel use with each other as well as with customers. These words typically help employees explain concepts faster or more efficiently, usually by giving them nicknames or casual descriptions.

Most of the time, customer service buzzwords help team members communicate more effectively, speeding up response times and reducing confusion and miscommunication. When overused, this vernacular spills into customer conversations, which can quickly confuse people who aren't familiar with the terminology. Or worse, you might be overusing this language so much that customers not only know what these words mean, but they're tired of hearing them over, and over again.

In this post, we'll help you find the right balance when using customer service buzzwords by gathering up a list of the most trendy ones and explaining when you should use or avoid them.

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Customer Service Buzzwords

  • Case Escalation
  • Customer-Centric
  • Active Listening
  • Multi-Channel Customer Service
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Quality Control
  • Customer Lifecycle
  • Proactive Customer Service
  • Social Listening
  • Gamify or Gamification
  • WAD (Working As Designed

1. Case Escalation

A case escalation occurs when a frontline service rep either can't solve a problem on their own or if a customer asks to speak to a manager. In this situation, the rep will hand the case off to a colleague or to someone of higher authority who can assist the customer.

When to Use It:

You should only describe a service case as an escalation when speaking to your support colleagues. Telling the customer that, "you're going to escalate their case," tells them that they either have a serious problem or that the rep thinks they're getting agitated or frustrated. For a smoother customer experience, it's better to treat escalations like routine transfers, so the customer doesn't feel like their problems are escalating as well.

Alternatives: Case Transfer, Case Reassignment

2. Customer-Centric

Being customer-centric means that your business puts customer's needs before its own convenience. Rather than cutting corners to save an extra buck, customer-centric companies go the extra mile and do everything they can to delight their customer base .

Almost every business claims to be customer-centric. So, be mindful that when you proudly use this term to describe your business, your support team needs to actually back up the hype. If you've truly built a business that prioritizes customers, then you should have no problem meeting the high expectations that this buzzword creates.

Alternatives: Customer-Driven, Customer-First, Customer-Focused

3. Active Listening

Active listening means that when a person is talking, you're making a clear effort to show that you're listening. This means being conscious of both your body language and your vocabulary when you're responding to the customer. The more that you can prove that you understand their problem, the more likely they are to trust your advice.

Customer service managers should use this term when they're teaching or training employees. While you wouldn't want to tell a customer that you're actively listening to them, management should be instructing reps to practice this technique to provide better support.

Alternatives: Two-Way Communication, Conscious Listening

4. Multi-Channel Customer Service

Multi-channel customer service is exactly what it sounds like. When you offer support across two or more communication channels (phone, email, live chat, etc.), you have a multi-channel customer service system.

Multi-channel customer service is often confused with omnichannel customer service . The difference between the two is that multi-channel customer service simply means that you offer support across two or more channels. With omnichannel customer service, you not only offer support across multiple platforms, but these channels are integrated so customers can transition between them seamlessly.

Alternatives: Multi-Channel Support, Cross-Channel Customer Service

5. Artificial Intelligence (AI)

According to Oxford Languages , AI can be defined as any "computer systems able to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence." While some of us may have an image of humanoid droids in our minds, the reality is that AI describes a wide range of technology. Some are simple workflows that save employees extra time, others are complex algorithms that power core products and services.

When talking about AI, it's easy to fall into the trap of labeling all new technology as artificial intelligence. We need to be careful, though, because in customer service not everyone is as excited about new technology as your support team is. Some customers are more dubious and will put up a "red flag" as soon as they hear the words "artificial intelligence." For these people, it's better to be more specific about the technology you're using and call the tool by its proper name, if possible.

Alternatives: *Name of Product/Technology*, Smart Technology, Automation

6. Quality Control

Quality control is the section of your business that's responsible for delivering products that meet your customers' expectations. This department makes sure there aren't any flaws in product development and that feedback is gathered shortly after a product is released or when a new order is shipped. If there are any issues, quality control reports back to product development so changes can be made immediately.

Quality assurance is a better term to use than quality control because assurance shows the customer that you're confident in your ability to meet their expectations. Quality control sounds reactive — like you're trying to control a part of your business that can sometimes go awry. But, quality assurance tells the customer that while problems may pop up, you're going to deliver a high-quality product regardless.

Alternatives: Quality Assurance

7. Customer Lifecycle

The customer lifecycle describes every interaction a person has with your business from start to finish. This includes the moment where they discover your brand and extends beyond their point of purchase. Mapping this journey out gives businesses an idea of what customers go through when they buy something from that company.

Since customer interactions are rarely cyclical, "customer journey" is becoming a better term to describe a brand's long-term relationship with a customer. While some people may buy from your brand again, their experience with your business is going to be different the second, third, and fourth time they shop with you. Referring to their combined experiences as a journey highlights how these relationships change over time and how the buying process can become smoother for customers as they continue to buy from your business.

Alternatives: Customer Journey, Customer Lifetime

8. Live Chat

Live chat is a text-based communication medium similar to instant messaging. Customers type out their questions, as they would for email support, but unlike email, they're answered within minutes or seconds. The image below shows what this might look like.


While most of us are familiar with this tool, many get confused when the term "live chat" is used. That's because live chat is a fairly technical term, so if you don't work in sales or customer service, you might not have heard someone use its proper name before. For most, we'll just call live chat, "chat," or "messaging" to describe this communication channel.

Alternatives: Chat, Messenger, Customer-Initiated Conversations

Chatbots are forms of artificial intelligence that can respond to customer inquiries via live chat. When a customer submits a question, the chatbot identifies the correct pre-written response and automatically forwards it to the customer. This helps customers get a speedy solution to their problems without the need of a human support agent.

Before using the term, "chatbot," it's important to know the difference between chatbots and other forms of virtual assistants. For example, while chatbots are limited to strictly live chat, interactive virtual assistants (IVAs) can overlay augmented reality elements to further support customers. If you have this type of advanced software, you're selling it short if you're telling customers that it's just a simple chatbot.

Alternatives: Bots, Automated Assistant, *Personalized Name (ex. HubBot)*

10. Case Queue

A case queue can either refer to the number of cases that an individual rep is managing, or it can refer to the total number of support cases that a service team is working on.

Most customers won't understand what you're talking about if you bring up your case queue. That's because most people don't see how your business operates internally and what goes into running your customer service team. They may just think calls are taken one by one until a solution is provided, then reps go back to sitting by the phone waiting diligently for it to ring.

Alternatives: Caseload, Workload, The/My Queue

11. Proactive Customer Service

Proactive customer service is anything you do to support customers before they bring a problem or question to your team. This can be as simple as sending an email alerting them to a product update or calling to check in if you notice they haven't engaged with your brand for a while. The idea behind this approach is to remove roadblocks for customers before they even know they're there.

Proactive customer service is a buzzword that you should be using quite frequently. It helps you prioritize customer success and keeps your team constantly looking for opportunities to add more value to the customer experience.

Alternatives: Customer Success, Proactive Support

12. Social Listening

Social listening is a trendy buzzword that describes social media customer service . More specifically, it refers to what your brand does to monitor social media mentions and follower engagement across different accounts and platforms. The faster and more reliable your responses are, the more you can leverage social media as a powerful support channel.

Since social listening is a relatively new term, the average person likely won't know what you're talking about if you use it in conversation. Unless you're speaking with someone with a marketing or customer service background, then they may have an idea of what social listening is and how brands use it to support customers. However, if you don't interact with someone with this level of expertise, then you might want to use a more direct phrase, like one of the alternatives below.

Alternatives: Social Monitoring, Social Media Customer Management

13. Case Quota

Your case quota is the number of support tickets that you're expected to field or solve within a given day. While this is typically one of many metrics that customer service personnel are measured by, it's usually one of the most important ones that represent a rep's performance.

This is a phrase that you really don't want to use with customers or with other employees. You shouldn't use it with customers because it can make them feel like a means to an end. They might think that you're trying to resolve their case as fast as you can, so you'll complete your workload with extra time to spare.

You also don't want to use this phrase with your coworkers because it creates a culture that revolves around number-based goals instead of customer success . When everyone is focused on the quantitative side of work, it's easy to overlook the importance of high-quality customer service.

Alternatives: Goal, Benchmark

14. Gamified or Gamification

Gamification takes a menial or dull task and adds gaming elements to it to make it more exciting. An excellent example of this is the game, Jeopardy , which takes simple question-and-answer trivia and turns it into a competitive game show where contestants are rewarded for their intelligence. Without the points, final scores, and "Daily Doubles," Jeopardy would be nothing more than a very dedicated study group.

Since gamification has proved to be effective, it's becoming a very popular trend in many different industries. With that in mind, you'll want to make sure that you don't overuse the term and risk tiring customers out to it.

Alternatives: Updated, Revolutionized, Redesigned

15. Working As Designed (WAD)

WAD is an acronym that stands for "working as designed." This is a phrase that support reps use when talking about a product that isn't broken. It may mean that the customer mistook a new feature for a glitch, or that the issue that was reported is no longer present. Whatever it was, the product is now functioning normally and is working as designed.

This is a phrase that should only be used internally by your customer service team. If you say this to customers, they may think you're pushing back against their input or that you don't believe there was a problem in the first place. It's important to always empathize with the customer's position, even if they're convinced a working product isn't behaving normally.

Alternatives: Working as Expected, Working as Intended, Behaving as Expected

For more trendy buzzwords, check out these customer service phrases .

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340+ Resume Action Verbs & Power Words [For 2024]

Background Image

Language matters in a resume.

Imagine this:

You’re a busy HR manager, and you read hundreds, even thousands, of resumes every day.

And every single one of them sounds the same.

“Responsible for”

“Critical Thinker”

“Team Player”

You’re bound to see these words on just about every single resume.

And guess what? They’re boring.

That’s where power words come in. They make your responsibilities and achievements really pop!

So, do you want your resume to really stand out? Use some of these 340+ action words:

  • Why Power Words Matter

How to use Resume Action Words [+Examples & Tips]

340+ resume action verbs and power words [w/ examples].

  • Resume Power Adjectives
  • Resume Buzzwords to Avoid

Why Power Words Matter 

Power words help show off your top achievements in the best way possible.

Don’t believe us? Let’s compare an example with and without power words.

  • Spearheaded company X’s content marketing operations.
  • Responsible for content marketing at company X.

See the difference?

Both of these examples say exactly the same thing .

The main difference is that the second wording makes you seem a LOT more competent.

Something to keep in mind - power words, action words, action verbs, and so on are synonyms. So, don’t be surprised to see that we use them interchangeably in this article!

Other than allowing you to stand out, action words can also be used to say one thing in different ways. We’ve seen way too many resumes that have “Responsible for” all over the place!

So, instead of:

  • Responsible for managing company X’s Instagram account.
  • Responsible for connecting with influencers in the niche.

You could say:

  • Managed company X’s Instagram account.
  • Connected with popular influencers in the niche.

In this article, we have conveniently grouped 340+ action words to help you upgrade your resume descriptions:

  • Resume Power Words for Team Work and Communication
  • Resume Action Words Management and Leadership Achievements
  • Resume Power Words to Showcase your Creativity

Resume Power Words for Problem Solving Accomplishments

Resume action verbs for research, analysis, and planning.

  • Resume Power Verbs for “Support”
  • Resume Power Words to Use Instead of “Improved”
  • Resume Power Words to Use Instead of “Responsible For”

Resume Action Words to Use Instead of “Worked On”

  • Resume Action Verbs that Mean “Use”

job search masterclass novoresume

Action words can really spice up your resume if done right.

Now, we’re going to explain all the do's and don’t of using power verbs...

Which power words should you use? 

The type of power words you use will depend on the position you are applying for. 

Do a detailed scan of the job posting and single out the key responsibilities and requirements. 

Determine which of your abilities and experiences apply to those job requirements. 

Then, look for power words in our list that describe those achievements. 

Pretty straightforward, right?

Although the power words will be specific to the position you are applying for, there are some general rules to follow: 

  • Choose resume power words that can be measured . This way you can follow the power word with a tangible achievement, for example: “ enhanced customer base by 35%.”
  • Don’t use subjective words . “I’m amazing at” , “I’m incredible at” aren’t as pleasing to hear as you might think. These statements make you appear self-involved, which recruiters find appalling. Don’t tell them you’re amazing, show them with a measurable power word!

How often should you use power words? 

Sadly, just like with anything good in life, action words will lose their value if you overdo it. Instead of power words, they’ll just look like sprinkled mambo-jumbo that doesn’t mean anything.

Also, your resume is swamped with power words, your hiring manager might get turned off and think you’re trying too hard. 

A good rule to follow is to not add more than one or two action verbs in a sentence.  

Use them appropriately and moderately. 

Resume Power Words for Teamwork and Communication

If your job was to give guidance or communicate information to a team, you:

  • 2. Advocated
  • 3. Clarified
  • 4. Corresponded
  • 6. Gathered
  • 8. Informed
  • 9. Interpreted
  • 10. Persuaded
  • 11. Publicized
  • Gathered external data for the project-planning personnel and advised on the implementation of capital projects. 

When you were part of a team:

  • 13. Enabled
  • 14. Encouraged
  • 15. Facilitated
  • 16. Fostered
  • 17. Inspired
  • 18. Supported
  • 19. Collaborated
  • Made a $6M merger through collaboration with an international team.

When you supervised a team: 

  • 21. Evaluated
  • 22. Instructed
  • 23. Mentored
  • 24. Motivated
  • 25. Regulated
  • Mentored 5 startup founders in the last 2 years. 

Resume Action Words for Management and Leadership Achievements

When you reach a goal:

  • 27. Achieved
  • 28. Attained
  • 29. Strengthened
  • 30. Initiated
  • 31. Coordinated
  • 32. Developed
  • 33. Managed
  • 34. Orchestrated
  • Coordinated data integrity within the company’s applicant tracking system. 
  • Strengthened the sales and service culture through coaching and guidance. 

When you gave a different approach to solving a problem:

  • 35. Implemented
  • 36. Recommended
  • 37. Overhauled
  • 38. Improved
  • 39. Streamlined 
  • 40. Prioritized
  • Improved and tuned networking equipment and overall computer network. 

When you worked with other people:

  • 41. Motivated
  • 42. Supervised
  • 43. Delegated
  • 44. Chaired
  • Supervised and motivated a team of 5+ sales associates. 

Resume Action Words to Showcase your Creativity 

When you helped the company innovate or launch something new:

  • 45. Conceptualized
  • 46. Designed
  • 47. Devised
  • 48. Determined
  • 49. Drafted
  • 50. Formulated
  • 51. Introduced
  • 52. Initiated
  • 53. Launched
  • 54. Originated
  • 55. Spearheaded
  • Designed a new feature on a mobile equation solving app. 

When you worked on an established idea:

  • 56. Adapted
  • 57. Applied
  • 59. Condensed
  • 60. Customized
  • 61. Fashioned
  • 62. Integrated
  • 63. Modified
  • 64. Patched
  • 65. Piloted
  • 67. Revitalized
  • Built the company sales processes ground-up.

When you introduced a finished project:

  • 68. Displayed
  • 69. Modeled
  • 70. Launched
  • 71. Performed
  • 72. Pioneered
  • Launched an e-commerce website to take the company business online. 

When you worked with data, statistics or numbers: 

  • 73. Audited
  • 74. Budgeted 
  • 75. Calculated
  • 76. Converted
  • 77. Crafted
  • 78. Documented
  • 79. Estimated
  • 80. Inventoried
  • 81. Programmed 
  • 82. Projected 
  • 83. Recorded
  • 84. Verified
  • Calculated monthly and quarterly investment forecasts.

When you corrected mistakes and errors:

  • 85. Debugged
  • 86. Diagnosed
  • 87. Established
  • 89. Rectified
  • 90. Lessened
  • 91. Reconciled
  • 92. Remodeled
  • 93. Rebuilt
  • 94. Upgraded
  • 95. Corrected
  • Debugged internal operating system issues, reducing company cost by 15%

When you kept company processes flowing seamlessly: 

  • 96. Conserved
  • 97. Maintained
  • 98. Operated
  • 99. Regulated
  • 100. Refined
  • 101. Simplified
  • 102. Standardized
  • Maintained design production under an extremely tight budget. 

When you prepared or helped prepare an event:

  • 103. Assembled
  • 104. Conducted
  • 105. Organized
  • Organized meetings and handled all correspondence for the Scranton branch.

When you analyzed a new idea:

  • 106. Experimented
  • 107. Detected
  • 108. Discovered
  • 109. Measured
  • 110. Mapped
  • 111. Probed
  • 112. Searched
  • 113. Surveyed
  • 114. Studied
  • Surveyed and documented weekly performance reports on a new marketing strategy.

When you analyzed existing practices and ideas:

  • 115. Analyzed
  • 116. Assessed
  • 117. Clarified
  • 118. Checked
  • 119. Examined
  • 120. Explored
  • 121.Evaluated
  • 122. Investigated
  • 123. Quantified
  • 124. Reviewed
  • 125. Tested
  • 126. Tracked
  • 127. Convert
  • Converted data into actionable insight, boosting revenue by 5%

When you contributed to solving a problem:

  • 128. Critiqued
  • 129. Diagnosed
  • 130. Identified
  • 131. Invented
  • 132. Proved
  • 133. Solved
  • Provided an extraordinary customer service experience, solved customer issues and upsold other products or services. 

Resume Power Verbs to Use For “Support”

When you were supportive of others through words: 

  • 134. Advised
  • 135. Answered
  • 136. Clarified
  • 137. Motivated
  • 138. Collaborated
  • 139. Fielded
  • 140. Guided
  • 141. Intervened
  • 142. Referred
  • 143. Resolved
  • Motivated co-workers by rewarding positive behavior, encouraging optimism and stimulating teamwork.

When you were supportive of others through actions: 

  • 145. Assisted
  • 146. Contributed
  • 147. Provided
  • 148. Volunteered
  • Volunteered in 3 non-profit social organizations.

When you taught others:

  • 149. Coached
  • 150. Counseled
  • 151. Demonstrated
  • 152. Educated
  • 153. Informed 
  • Consulted 5 startups that became successful scaleups in Europe and together received investments of over €28 million.

Resume Power Words to Use as a Replacement for “Improved”

Did you leave the company you worked for better than when you came in? 

That’s cool, but if you say you “improved” something four times in a row, it loses its impact.

Use the list below to mix it up:

  • 154. Amplify
  • 155. Boosted 
  • 156. Converted
  • 157. Customized
  • 158. Elaborated
  • 160. Integrated
  • 161. Lifted
  • 162. Merged
  • 163. Overhauled
  • 164. Raised
  • 165. Redesigned
  • 166. Refined
  • 167. Remodeled
  • 168. Reorganized
  • 169. Restructured
  • 170. Revamped
  • 172. Slashed
  • 173. Streamlined
  • 174. Strengthened
  • 175. Updated
  • 176. Upgraded 
  • Boosted the AdWords click-through rates (CTR) from 25% to 37% without additional costs, which increased monthly sales by $5,000. 

Resume Power Words to Use Instead of “Responsible for”

Using “responsible for” in a resume gets old fast. Instead, use these alternative verbs that *pop*:

  • 177. Accomplished
  • 178. Acquired
  • 179. Achieved
  • 180. Acted As
  • 181. Completed
  • 182. Created
  • 183. Executed
  • 184. Finished
  • 185. Forged
  • 187. Navigated
  • 188. Negotiated
  • 189. Operated
  • 190. Partnered
  • 191. Performed
  • 192. Prepared
  • 193. Produced
  • 194. Secured
  • 195. Succeeded In
  • 196. Undertook
  • Navigated three simultaneous projects between 3 departments within the budget limit. 

Most of your job descriptions will be describing things you contributed to. This makes it tough to be original and show value.

In this case, you should try to be as specific as possible by giving details about your accomplishments. 

Here’s a list to help you replace the overused “worked on” and show value:

  • 197. Arranged
  • 198. Compiled
  • 199. Composed
  • 200. Constructed
  • 201. Created
  • 202. Developed
  • 203. Engaged In
  • 204. Fashioned
  • 205. Forged
  • 206. Formulated
  • 208. Made Progress On
  • 209. Operated
  • 210. Organized
  • 211. Perfected
  • 212. Prepared
  • 213. Pursued
  • 214. Put Together
  • 215. Set-Up
  • 216. Undertook
  • Created over 25 professional logos for companies in multiple industries, from small startups to large corporations.

Resume Action Verbs that Mean “Use” 

Instead of “utilize” or “use” replace them with these power words:

  • 219. Deploy
  • 220. Employ
  • 222. Handle
  • 223. Mobilize
  • 224. Operate
  • 225. Promote
  • 226. Profit by
  • 227. Put to Use
  • 228. Restore
  • 229. Revive
  • 230. Resort to
  • 231. Specialize in
  • Handled full sales cycle for the company’s three biggest clients.

Resume Power Adjectives [w/ Examples]

Power adjectives have the same function as power verbs, but instead, they are…you guessed it: adjectives .

Unlike power verbs, you can use power adjectives beyond describing Professional Experience.

In this section, we'll cover how to use power adjectives in your resume summary, professional experience, and skills.

Then, we’re going to give you a complete list of the best power adjectives you can use in your resume.

Using Buzz Adjectives in the Resume Summary Section

The resume summary section is a short pitch to your prospective employer. You use it to summarize your most relevant experience, skills, and achievements.

When done right, adding some power adjectives can help your resume summary stand out.

Take a look at these examples:

  • Caregiver with 5+ years of extensive experience. Recognized for providing heartfelt emotional support to clients. 
  • Loving caregiver who has been working in an elderly home for 5 years. The perfect choice for delivering emotional support to clients.

The first example focuses on the candidate’s personal qualities, rather than her skills. Whereas the second example is professional and leaves a much more powerful impact. 

Want to know how to write the perfect summary for your resume?

Check out our complete guide, filled with professional examples and practical tips!

Using Power Adjectives in the Professional Experience Section

When you are describing your professional experience, power adjectives should be used sparingly. 

You already have plenty of action verbs in there, so don’t double down on the power words by adding an adjective. It’s either one or the other. 

Take a look at this example on how they can be strategically placed in a job description:

  • Developed harmonious relationships with 70% of the patients, resulting in higher overall patient happiness.
  • Developed relationships with 70% of the patients, resulting in overall patient happiness.

Using Power Adjectives in the Skills section

Don’t use power adjectives as a skill on their own. Don’t list “Intelligent” or “Professional” as a skill. Those are subjective personal traits.

Instead, use power adjectives only when they affirm your competency in another skill.

For example:

French and German vs Fluent in French and German 

Management skills vs Strong Management Skills 

The Best Power Adjectives [Divided by Category] 

Power adjectives for analytical thinking.

Are you constantly doing work that calls for putting your thinking hat on? 

This list is perfect for describing the detailed, calculating tasks you complete on a daily basis. 

They’re usually valuable for industries that require complicated critical thinking: IT , finance , telecommunications, engineering . 

  • 232. Astute
  • 233. Insightful
  • 234. Methodical
  • 235. Practical
  • 236. Calculating
  • 237. Intelligent
  • 238. Meticulous
  • 239. Shrewd
  • 240. Complex
  • 241. Investigative
  • 242. Objective
  • 243. Strategic
  • 244. Discerning
  • 245. Logical
  • 246. Perceptive
  • 247. Thoughtful

Power Adjectives for Creativity 

Use the adjective list below to describe creative work: 

  • 248. Cutting-edge 
  • 249. Imaginative 
  • 250. Novel 
  • 251. Sophisticated 
  • 252. Elegant 
  • 253. Ingenious 
  • 254. Progressive
  • 255. Unique 
  • 256. First-class 
  • 257. Innovative 
  • 258. Revolutionary 
  • 259. Unprecedented 
  • 260. Groundbreaking 
  • 261. Inventive 
  • 262. Robust 
  • 263. World-class

Power Adjectives for Productivity

  • 264. Accomplished 
  • 265. Economical 
  • 266. Instrumental
  • 267. Skilled 
  • 268. Adept 
  • 269. Expert 
  • 270. Productive 
  • 271. Skillful 
  • 272. Advanced 
  • 273. Fluent 
  • 274. Proficient 
  • 275. Strong 
  • 276. Competent 
  • 277. Ideal 
  • 278. Profitable 
  • 279. Superior 
  • 280. Constructive 
  • 281. Industrious 
  • 282. Significant 
  • 283. Qualified 
  • 284. Cost-effective 
  • 285. Influential 
  • 286. Smooth 
  • 287. Quality

Power Adjectives for Dedication

Recruiters love seeing genuine interest from a candidate. The words below are great for showing your dedication and high-spirits:

  • 288. Committed
  • 289. Devoted 
  • 290. Genuine
  • 291. Sincere 
  • 292. Dedicated 
  • 293. Earnest 
  • 295. Spirited 
  • 296. Determined 
  • 297. Energetic 
  • 298. Passionate 
  • 299. Wholehearted

Power Adjectives to Describe Hard Work

Are you a diligent and driven person? Are you prepared to pull up tiring all-nighters to complete important projects? 

Here are some adjectives that compliment your hard work: 

  • 300. Alert 
  • 301. Driven 
  • 302. Motivated 
  • 303. Thorough 
  • 304. Attentive
  • 305. Enterprising 
  • 306. Persistent 
  • 307. Tireless 
  • 308. Concerted 
  • 309. Focused 
  • 310. Studious 
  • 311. Vigorous

Power Adjectives to Describe You as Organized and Systematic

  • 312. Businesslike
  • 313. Detail-oriented
  • 314. Smooth
  • 315. Systematic 
  • 316. Controlled 
  • 317. Orderly 
  • 318. Step-by-step 
  • 319. Timely 
  • 320. Detailed 
  • 321. Precise 
  • 322. Structured

Power Adjectives for Communication and Teamwork 

Being friendly, understanding and sociable are key qualities for anyone working in a team setting or with customers and clients on a daily basis. 

Use these words to help describe your skills:

  • 323. Amiable
  • 324. Cheerful 
  • 325. Cooperative 
  • 326. Personable 
  • 327. Amicable 
  • 328. Clear 
  • 329. Cordial 
  • 330. Pleasant 
  • 331. Articulate 
  • 332. Coherent 
  • 333. Courteous 
  • 334. Positive 
  • 336. Cohesive 
  • 337. Diplomatic 
  • 338. Respectful 
  • 339. Charming 
  • 340. Conscientious 
  • 341. Harmonious 
  • 342. Team-minded

Resume Buzzwords to Avoid 

Buzzwords are the opposite of power verbs.

They’re boring, overused, and hated by managers world-wide .

Here are some of the most popular buzzwords you should avoid:

  • Hard worker
  • Strategic thinker
  • Outside the box
  • Responsible for
  • Specialized in
  • Results-driven
  • Team Player
  • Detail Oriented
  • In charge of 

Key Takeaways

Here’s everything we learned in this article:

  • You can use power words to spice up your resume and add variety to your language. They are mostly verbs but can also be adjectives.
  • To decide which power words to use, do a detailed scan of the job listing and identify the key responsibilities the employer is looking for. Your power words will be emphasizing how you have shown these traits. Be careful not to use more than one power word per sentence.
  • Try using power verbs more often than power adjectives. It’s all about action!

Looking for more ways to improve your resume?

Suggested readings:

  • How to Pick the Best Resume Format [+ Examples]
  • How to List Education On a Resume [13+ real-life examples]
  • What’s the Best Resume Font, Size, and Format [for 2024]

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customer service buzzwords resume worded

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26 Customer Service Resume Examples for 2024

Stephen Greet

Customer Service Resume

  • Customer Service Resumes by Experience
  • Customer Service Resumes by Role
  • Writing Your Customer Service Resume

As the face of the organization, the customer service team is instrumental in building and maintaining a business’s reputation.

To be a successful customer service professional, you must have a wide-ranging skillset—patience, empathy, critical thinking, and detailed knowledge of your company’s products or services.

With such a tall order, you shouldn’t also have to be an expert at  building a resume . Our easy  resume tips  are available at your fingertips!

We’ve analyzed countless resumes and  chosen the 26 best customer service resume samples to help you land your next job in 2024 .

Furthermore, we’ll share our recommendations and advice so you can put your best foot forward on your resume; before you know it, you’ll also be ready to tackle your  customer service cover letter !

or download as PDF

Customer Service resume example with 10 years of experience

Why this resume works

  • The best way to do this is by making your points concise and highly relevant to the job to which you’re applying. If you include a  resume summary , tailor it to the business to which you apply. As a rule of thumb, the more you customize and  fine-tune your resume  for each job application, the more likely you are to get an interview. 

Entry-Level Customer Service Resume

customer service buzzwords resume worded

  • Choose two tastefully contrasting fonts: one for your section headers, and one for your body text. 
  • Leverage white space throughout your resume to give it a clean, easy-on-the-eye, professional feel.
  • We suggest bold (but not garish) colors in the header and titles to draw attention.
  • Say goodbye to excess white space by adding some relevant projects you’ve worked on.
  • Just make sure they relate to the  customer service job description  and emphasize your most relevant skills.

Customer Service Associate Resume

Customer Service Associate Resume Example with 5 years experience

  • Something very impressive on a  customer service associate resume  is when you’ve gone the extra mile to be certified. Definitely include any licenses or certifications you have in a dedicated “Certifications” section.
  • Our  user-friendly resume templates  and  Google Docs resume templates  allow you to quickly add a section just for certificates and licenses.
  • For example, “Handled an average of 40+ customer complaints per day with a 93% customer satisfaction rate.”

Customer Service Manager Resume

Customer Service Manager Resume Example with 9 years experience

  • Don’t worry though! You can easily tailor it by mentioning the specific job title you’re seeking, the company’s name, and any position-specific skills you’ve learned.If these kinds of details paralyze you, take a breath; now, start off your  resume-building  adventure with one of our  free resume templates  or  Google Docs interactive resumes  that already have sections laid out for your objective.
  • Though including a  resume objective  is optional, we recommend one if you’ve had a career change, are entry-level, or simply need to effectively fill a little space on your resume.
  • If you choose to add it, make sure it’s unique and personalized for every application you submit. That’s right. Every single one.

Customer Service Lead Resume

Customer service lead resume example with 8 years of experience

  • Also, a technical support specialist position might have refined your problem-solving skills and technical knowledge, essential for resolving issues beyond the first line of support. A moment or two when your leadership stance shone brightly is a welcome addition to your customer service lead resume.

Airline Customer Service Resume

Airline customer service resume example with 4 years of experience

  • In the same line, use larger fonts to draw the hiring manager’s attention to different essential parts of your resume. For example, role titles should be in a larger font and title case format, while terms accentuating your skills, hobbies, contact information, and education should be in uppercase.

Customer Service Call Center Resume

Customer service call center resume example with telemarketing experience

  • It’s fine even if you mention them in other unrelated job roles. Just ensure that you clearly state how your assistance helped customers in a particular scenario.
  • If you run out of room in your resume, remember that a cover letter generator can help you expound quickly on the details you care about sharing.

Customer Service Bank Resume

Customer service bank resume example with 4 years of experience

  • Even if it’s only a short stint, mention how you went beyond resolving technical issues at a desk by adding your ability to make personalized follow-ups, maintain high-data accuracy rates, and implement any customer feedback provided.

Insurance Customer Service Resume

Insurance customer service resume example with 11 years experience

  • Remember that expertise in communication efficiency, accurate responses align well with the requirements of the role since you will be handling customers.

Client Service Manager Resume

Client service manager resume example with 11 years experience

  • And if you may, add your metrics on improving customer satisfaction to further prove your potential.

Customer Service Specialist Resume

Customer Service Specialist Resume Example with 10 years experience

  • Luckily, customer service is typically a metric-heavy role. From sales to customer reviews to retention, there’s a lot of numbers you can draw upon, such as customer satisfaction scores, how many customers you helped, and sales targets you exceeded.
  • Metrics draw the eye of the resume reader and increase the length of time they’ll review your  customer service specialist resume , which increases your likelihood of getting an interview. Since a hiring manager will, on average, spend six seconds reviewing your resume, hooking their attention quickly is key.

Retail Customer Service Clerk Resume

Retail Customer Service Clerk Resume Example with 2 years experience

  • The structure of your  retail customer service resume  can either help or hurt the flow of the employer’s reading experience and affect whether or not you get that interview.
  • We suggest you experiment with an array of  resume templates  and go for the one that zooms in on your greatest selling points.
  • Sprinkle in impressive numerical metrics such as team headcounts, sales targets met, and payment processing accuracy percentages whenever possible.

Customer Success Manager Resume

Customer Success Manager Resume Example with 10+ years experience

  • Challenge yourself to prove your impact with metrics.
  • For example, how much time did you save in labor hours? How much did you increase profits for the company? Provide any details that show how quickly you could boost numbers at the next business that’s smart enough to hire you. 
  • Striking a good balance between hard and soft skills is tricky, but doable—the  skills section on your resume  can emphasize the soft skills that made those impressive numbers happen in the first place.

Bilingual Customer Support Resume

Bilingual Customer Support Resume Example with 7 years experience

  • For example, you can mention the number of reward program members you signed on, the number of customers you helped per shift, the number of performance-based awards you earned, and the percentage of bilingual clients who specifically returned to you for assistance.
  • Pass the automated tracking system filter by peppering your skills section with relevant keywords you’ve taken the time to mine from the  job description .
  • Just be sure the keywords you glean from the job description truly match the skills you possess! Better to be a master of a few talents than have a surface knowledge of many.

Customer Service Consultant Resume

Customer Service Consultant Resume Example with 20+ years experience

  • Having trouble breaking up with the roles you had in high school? You can save old positions in a separate document, just in case. Just reassure yourself that you can discuss this expertise during an interview.
  • Rather than cramming your work experience down to microscopic font size, try honing in on your most relevant work history. 
  • Since you probably have plenty of experience, you may want to consider including a  resume summary , which can give a valuable overview of your skills and how they’ve driven results over the course of your lengthy (10+ years for a summary) career. 

Customer Service Agent Resume

Customer Service Agent Resume Example with 7 years experience

  • As long as you’re not distracting from the content of your resume, go ahead and get a little creative. 
  • Do this by  organizing your resume  into distinct sections (subheadings are your friend), and use an unexpected pop of color to draw on your personality. Who said your resume has to be boring? 
  • Focus on adding hard skills, like Zendesk, Salesforce, and Microsoft Word.

Customer Service Success Specialist Resume

Customer Service Success Specialist Resume Example with 5 years experience

  • Hiring managers in the customer service field often have less than a minute to review your resume, so it’s important that you place the most relevant information where they’ll see it! 
  • Emphasize growth in your career by ordering your work experience in a  reverse-chronological resume format , meaning that your most recent experience will be listed at the top of the page. 
  • Including numbers in your work experience bullet points shows the employer that you’re great at your job! Ultimately, they’re looking for specialists who can perform the job well, and numbers prove that you can. 

Customer Service Coordinator Resume

Customer Service Coordinator Resume Example with 8 years experience

  • That’s right. Your resume doesn’t need to look computer-generated to command respect. In fact, using a sprinkle of color can demonstrate your confidence and individuality, making you an even more appealing candidate. 
  • A word of caution: While more companies are valuing the individuality and flair of applicants, there are times when toned-down colors (like deep navy, slate gray, or hunter green) may be more appropriate. This can be especially true if you’re applying to a larger corporate business. Determine what’s best by investigating the  customer service job description’s  work culture.

Customer Service Advisor Resume

Customer Service Advisor Resume Example with 13 years experience

  • Now, that doesn’t mean you need to bring the entire color wheel to your resume. Instead, focus on grabbing recruiters’ attention by using one or two colors for your section titles. You can start from scratch to find a visually-appealing color, or use a  resume template  if you’re not artistically inclined. 
  • Take your resume personalization to the next step by adding a  career summary  section if you’re a total pro in the field with more than a decade of experience. Use this section for some humble bragging and tell hiring managers about your biggest accomplishments over the course of your career. Because if there’s any good time to brag, it’s on your resume, right?

Customer Service Technician Resume

Customer Service Technician Resume Example with 4 years experience

  • It’s surprisingly easy! Using hard numbers throughout your resume makes hiring managers slow down and read more carefully, plus using metrics supercharges your resume clout and indicates that you know your value (literally). 
  • Don’t be afraid to highlight your  hobbies and interests on your resume .
  • But, please, please ensure you can relate them to the job. If you’re including a super interesting hobby, a hiring manager is almost certainly going to ask you all about it. You better 1.) actually do that hobby, and 2.) be able to relate that hobby to relevant customer service tech job skills. 

Customer Service Representative Resume

Customer service representative resume example with 5 years experience

  • So, instead of simply adding ‘Sales’ as a skill in your customer service representative resume , use an example of where and how you used said skillset. Try, “Boosted high-end electronic sales by 34% through deep product knowledge and personalized demonstrations.”

Call Center Customer Service Resume

Call center customer service resume example with 5 years experience

  • Format your resume so that your most recent experience and achievements are at the top of your call center customer service resume . By doing this, you’re presenting those highlights in a way that they’re the very first thing a recruiter will probably look at.

Professional Customer Service Resume

Professional customer service resume example with 10+ years experience

  • Let’s say you have a Certified Customer Service Professional (CCSP) certification on your professional customer service resume—it immediately lets a potential employer know you’re well-equipped and ready to provide exceptional customer service.

Customer Service Supervisor Resume

Customer service supervisor resume example with 3 years experience

  • If you know your way around a specific CRM or management software, don’t miss the opportunity to add it to your customer service supervisor resume and show an employer you’re a well-rounded candidate.

Remote Customer Service Resume

Remote customer service resume example with 2 years experience

  • By using a remote customer service resume template that’s clutter-free and spotlights what’s really important, you can show a recruiter what they need to see to form a positive opinion of you.

Customer Service Sales Resume

Customer service sales resume example with 3 years experience

  • Let’s take the poetry writing, portrait sketching, and vector illustration mentioned in this customer service sales resume . They convey that you have a knack for being creative, understanding design, and paying attention to detail—all of which will come in handy in your professional role.

Related resume guides

  • Receptionist
  • Sales Associate
  • Front Desk Receptionist

4 Tips to Improve Your Customer Service Resume Today

Recruiter points with yellow chalk to job skills and qualifications list on blackboard

Customer service resumes have gone beyond a simple list of experiences and education that prove your worth. Now, they’re as varied as the candidates themselves. Before writing a resignation letter and applying for your next job, check out BeamJobs’ list of recommendations to make your resume sound professional, look neat, and prove without a doubt that you’re the best candidate. We’ll cover:

  • Customer service skills
  • Formatting your customer service resume
  • Quantifying your previous impact
  • Customizing your resume for each job

customer service buzzwords resume worded

Tip 1: Confidently choose your customer service skills

The  skills section of a resume  might be short, but it packs a punch. This is where you sell what you’re capable of and what you can do. This section is especially important for ATS to keep you in the running, so it’s crucial to pay attention to what skills you possess.

You should list both hard skills (like Microsoft Office Suite, HubSpot, or HelpDesk) and soft skills (like organization, problem-solving, and interpersonal communication). The best place to find applicable skills would be the job description itself—see what’s required for the tasks listed, and then use those tasks to steer you in the right direction.

Let’s say you run across a  customer service job description  requesting bilingual support like this:

  • Answer telephone calls and emails promptly in Spanish and English
  • Maintain and extend client base through positive customer interaction
  • Excellent verbal and written skills in both Spanish and English
  • Strong organizational and analytical skills 
  • Flexible—must be able to work independently AND with a team daily

Based on the job description, it’s clear this company values a bilingual, organized individual who is an effective communicator. These skills (as long as they accurately define you) should serve as the foundation of your skills section. And a word to the wise—don’t apply for a job if you can’t honestly say you own the skill set required. 

Now, it’s time to tailor your skills section to the job description, which could look like this:

  • Bilingual (Spanish and English)
  • Organized 
  • Strong verbal and written communication 
  • Proven customer success 
  • Empathetic 
  • Methodical and thorough documentation 
  • CRM (HubSpot)

Not every customer service job description will look like the one above, so your skills section should reflect the role for which you’re applying.

The following skills would be great additions to other customer service positions:

  • Data analysis
  • Metrics-driven
  • Customer service reporting
  • Self-motivated
  • Social media
  • Creative problem-solver
  • Inquisitive

customer service buzzwords resume worded

Tip 2: Format your resume for the ATS and recruiters 

When you open the pages of a book, what’s more inviting: dense blocks of text with little color or short paragraphs with headings, indents, and plenty of white space? The latter is easier to read and, thus, more inviting. Your customer service resume needs to follow the same principle since it’s your first impression. Make the recruiter’s job as easy as possible by being neat, easy to read, and understandable. 

There are multiple ways to achieve this, but one of the easiest is to put things in  reverse-chronological format . This helps recruiters know immediately where you’re coming from. (For example, if you recently worked as a customer service representative, you’ll have a shorter adjustment period. And even if you were a customer service rep a few years ago, the reverse-chronological order will help recruiters quickly assess your qualifications.)

Further suggestions for keeping your resume easy to read: 

  • Bullet points rely on keywords, essential for making your resume ATS-friendly. The condensed structure and repetitive points also relieve eye strain when reading.
  • Place the customer service title beneath your name to make it easier for the recruiter to keep that specific job in mind as they scan your resume. This is especially crucial when a company is hiring for multiple positions.
  • The average time a recruiter spends looking at a resume is six to seven seconds, which means you should only include necessities. Anything else that’s relevant can be brought up in the job interview.
  • Some companies see them as antiquated, but others like knowing exactly what you’re aiming for. Scan resumes in the job field to see if others include them, and consider reaching out to current employees on LinkedIn for advice.
  • Primarily, fancy icons or images may confuse the ATS. Beyond that, leaving them off your resume looks more professional; plus, it leaves room for more important things, like skills or awards.

Objective or summary for your customer service resume?

Objectives and summaries  are a hot topic for resumes. It’s up to you to decide if an objective or summary is needed for your customer service resume. Typically, objectives/summaries are a good idea if you’re changing careers, you’re an entry-level applicant, or if you want to customize them for each application. Otherwise, it would be best to leave space for other things.

The difference between objectives and summaries rests in their purpose and your level of experience. Both are roughly two to three sentences, but  an objective describes your interest and qualifications for the job while a summary highlights your past work . If you have limited experience, you should choose an objective to sell why you’re the best candidate, but if you’re years into customer service, you could include a summary to describe your unique background.

No matter if it’s a summary or an objective, it should always be concise, informative, and personal ; this is your chance to show your personality and skills before the interview, so make it count.

When you write your objective, communicate your reason for applying and why you’d make a great candidate. Avoid making it generic, flat, or too casual: 

  • College graduate looking for work in the customer service industry to start a life-long career. I’m hardworking, great with people, and skilled with computers.

Instead, your objective should be specific, detailed, and unique to both you and the job description. Try something that highlights your skills regardless of your experience level:

Customer service resume objective

For those who have 10+ years of experience, a summary is the best way to go. Poor summaries have limited and vague information:

  • I’m a manager who is seeking further professional growth. I’m good at resolving conflicts, handling money, and writing reports; looking for a job that will give me experience and career options.

Rather, a summary should be a highlight reel of your accomplishments and expertise. To further showcase your talent, add metrics here, too:

Customer service resume summary

This summary is tailored to the position and outlines the candidate’s experience and skills while being personable and not too formal. By carefully crafting your objective or summary, you can rise above the competition in just two to three sentences.

customer service buzzwords resume worded

Tip 3: Leverage metrics on your customer service resume 

Leveraging metrics is all about avoiding generality and demonstrating success. Most job description bullets don’t describe how successful, friendly, or efficient you were. However, saying, “Assisted 200+ customers weekly with technical questions with a 98% customer satisfaction rate,” tells the recruiter the specifics of your talents and abilities. 

Writing metrics for every single bullet point isn’t necessary, but including an estimate when you can is better than staying vague.

Some customer service metrics to add to your resume include:

  • Customer satisfaction (CSAT) score: The core aspect of customer service is keeping customers happy, so providing high CSAT scores based on your interaction with customers is bound to get recruiters noticing.
  • Net promoter score: Just like the CSAT, this gives an insight into how happy customers are with the company. 
  • Employee retention rate: This statistic works well if you’re in a management position with a tight-knit group. That means your leadership has a direct effect on how many customer service reps leave or stay.
  • Resolution rate: By showing a percentage of solved cases, you demonstrate your effective problem-solving skills and care for the customer.
  • Customer effort score: This shows how much effort it took to get an issue resolved. Less effort means you’re easier to work with and more effective, which is why a low CES score is useful to add to your resume.
  • Customer/employee numbers: Providing the number of teammates, employees, or customers you’ve helped or served is a great way to show your capability in helping large volumes of people.

Now that you know what kind of metrics to include, below are some examples of how you can use them in practice. If you have trouble calculating some of the aforementioned metrics,  HelpCrunch  or  Kustomer  have some helpful formulas. 

  • Assisted over 250 patrons with technological questions monthly with a consistent 86 CSAT score based on interactions
  • Extended the client base through positive, empathetic communication, resulting in a net promoter score of over 50
  • Led a group of 20 employees through conflict resolution training, and updated onboarding processes that improved employee retention by 23%

Tip 4: Customize your customer service resume for the job 

Just as every company is different, no customer service position is identical. So, why would you submit the same resume for multiple customer service job applications? Tailoring your resume shows you have researched the job and helps corroborate your candidacy.

Check the following list for advice on how to customize sections of your resume:

  • Mention the company by name and what you hope to accomplish. Check the “job details” section of the job description to see what the company hopes to achieve, whether it’s boosting customer loyalty or increasing customer satisfaction.
  • Many customer service jobs require similar skills, but that doesn’t mean your skills should stay stale. Check the job description’s qualifications to scan for skill keywords to use. Keep it under 10 to avoid being excessive.
  • Include the job description requirements in your resume as much as you can. If the job description says they’re looking for someone who will “standardize quality customer service through positive customer interactions,” mimic that wording on your resume to describe your past achievements. This helps make your resume ATS-friendly while highlighting your skills.
  • No matter the customer service role you’re seeking, there are many ways to  write your resume  so that it’s relevant and unique to every application:

Customer service resume

  • All of these are good ways to customize your job description points.
  • Include a concise objective that mentions the company by name, and highlight why you’re qualified for the job.
  • Have you assisted large volumes of customers or boosted overall customer numbers? Have you increased efficiency or used specific software discussed in the job description? 

Customer service rep resume

  • Outcomes like increased sales or error reductions are great metrics to include.
  • Highlight skills like empathy, friendliness, and negotiation in your skills section and job description bullets.
  • Include your goals for your interactions with customers, like “established lasting relationships” to draw attention to your interpersonal skills.

Customer service manager resume 

  • Use verbs like “directed,” “led,” or “modeled” to demonstrate productive leadership.
  • Include a summary to showcase the success of your career so far and what you can bring to your new job.

Entry-level customer service resume

  • For example, if you were a lab assistant, you had to be highly organized and a great problem-solver, which would work well in a customer service resume.
  • Stress your ability to work well with people—include any courses,  extracurricular projects , or volunteer efforts where you interacted with people consistently. 

Retail customer service resume

  • Include past experience where you solved problems, troubleshot issues, or resolved disagreements.
  • Anything relating to product management would be an excellent addition—think of past jobs that dealt with marketing or sales, especially if you can provide metrics like increased revenue or reaching sales targets.

Customer success manager resume

  • CSMs must be able to see trouble coming and steer clear, so include responsibilities where you proactively and positively improved the customer’s experience.
  • Resilience and tenacity are two core elements of the customer success journey, so long-term projects and goals are solid additions to prove you’re willing to spend the time to get something done right. 

Bilingual customer support resume

  • Include all languages in which you’re fluent in the skills section. Also, make sure to highlight your bilingual (or multilingual) abilities in your objective or summary.
  • Mention how you improved your customer service strategies or practices as this will show you actively make customer experiences better for everyone.

Customer service consultant resume

  • CSCs are also great advocates for both the customer and the company. They see things from both the customer’s perspective and the company’s, so keep your resume balanced between your advancements for the company and your success with customers.

The keys to your customer service resume

Resumes are your first impression, so it’s important you make a good one. By taking the extra time to customize and adjust your customer service resume, you’ll catch the eye of hiring managers. With your list of relevant skills, professional formatting, specific job metrics, and customized additions, your resume is sure to stand out from the competition.

Upload your resume to our  resume checker  to see if your resume meets our AI-powered recommendations. If you’re starting from scratch, use our  resume builder , which allows you to create resumes from the ground up with helpful hints and tools from BeamJobs. If you’ve made it this far, it’s safe to say you’re well on your way to crushing your customer service resume!

Create my free resume now

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The definitive list of customer service buzzwords, and what they really mean


Buzzwords. Those terms that everyone uses, that sound exciting or impressive, but not everyone is quite sure exactly what they mean. 

Unfortunately, buzzwords are surprisingly prominent in the customer service sector.

When was the last time you saw a business proudly announcing how seamless their customer experience is?

How often have you heard brands talking about leveraging multiple touchpoints or embracing omnichannel strategy?

And what exactly is customer alignment anyway?

It seems that there’s a customer service buzzword around every corner.  So, to help remove ambiguity, here’s our definitive list of customer service buzzwords, and what they really mean.

"Accessible customer service" 💬

As customer service buzzwords go, ‘ accessible customer service ’ is one of the more straightforward terms. It refers to how easy it is for your customers to reach your business and access your customer service, at any time, via any preferred channel.

"Customer acquisition" 💬

In a nutshell, this is a term for winning customers. ‘Customer acquisition’ refers to the efforts and processes undertaken to convince a customer to buy from you. You should also watch out for its common supporting prefaces: ‘aggressive’ and ‘intent-driven’.

"Customer-centric" 💬

Perhaps one of the most (over)used customer service buzzwords is ‘ customer-centric ’. This term is commonly bandied as an adjective describing company cultures and practices. Customer centricity simply refers to placing your customer in the centre of the service experience and prioritising their needs.

"Customer effort" 💬

Customer effort is a metric for how much time, resource or irritation a customer must invest to reach their desired result. Assessing customer effort helps businesses see where they need to speed or simplify the experience, helping ‘minimise pain points’ and ‘drive an ethos of customer satisfaction’. (To steal another few customer service buzzwords.)

"Customer experience" 💬

Occasionally shortened to CX, customer experience refers to the entirety of interactions a customer has with a company and its services. This starts right from the moment the customer becomes aware of you, to instances of contacting support, to advocacy and the end of the customer relationship. Again, this term is commonly prefaced by other customer service buzzwords such as ‘streamlined’, ‘holistic’ and ‘immersive’.

"Customer relationship management (CRM)" 💬

CRM, or customer relationship management, defines the management system of your customer data. It relates not only to the organisation and storage of customer data, but also its strategic use to offer informed, tailored service . With a CRM system in place, every key detail about every customer is immediately available. (If you use it correctly, that is.)

"Customer alignment" 💬

Customer alignment is the extent to which a business’s goals and products are oriented to the values and needs of the customer . As a rule, strong customer alignment means that a business is highly invested in meeting customer values and requirements.

"Knowledge base" 💬

A knowledge base is the content on your site that supports customers that want to serve themselves. It’s the library of content that offers advice and instruction to help customers fix a problem without contacting your service team. For this reason, ‘knowledge base’ is usually found beside customer service buzzwords like ‘customer empowerment’ and ‘the connected customer’.

"Personalised experience" 💬

Personalisation , or personalised experience, is one of the most hotly used customer service buzzwords you’ll hear. It refers to the use of personal preferences to make the journey unique to each customer. From using the customer’s name, to delivering relevant content, to marketing based on behaviours and interests – a personalised experience is one data-driven to feel tailored. (In fact, data-driven also deserves a buzzword nod.)

"Customer retention" 💬

Customer retention determines the ability to keep customers with a business, and encourage them to return for repeat purchases. Essentially, it's what happens after customer acquisition. First you get the customer onboard, then you try your best to keep them there. You’ll also find 'customer retention' used alongside its cousin customer service buzzwords: ‘lifetime value’, ‘customer loyalty’ and ‘leveraging customer relationships’.

"Omnichannel and multichannel service" 💬

Omnichannel and multichannel are customer service buzzwords describing your methods of offering customer service. Multichannel, or ‘many channel’, is the idea that there are multiple ways for a customer to contact your business. Omnichannel is a further extension of this. It means that customers can not only contact through any means they like, but also swap and change between contact channels fluidly.  Expect to find alongside words like ‘seamless’ and ‘synergy’.

"Service awareness" 💬

Don't confuse brand awareness with service awareness. Service awareness is the measurement of how aware a company is regarding the impact of their service on the customer. So, it can help customer support teams know when to go the extra mile for a customer, and the effect that doing so will have.

"Touchpoints/point of contact" 💬

These customer service buzzwords simply refer to when and how a customer interacts with your business. ‘Touchpoint’ or 'point of contact' describes the moment that a customer comes into contact with your business. A touchpoint can be active or passive.  Active interactions include a  live chat session or phone call,  for example. Meanwhile, passive contact includes seeing a review or landing on your website.

"Voice of the customer" 💬

The voice of the customer is the accumulated insight gained through customer feedback . Acquiring these ‘mission-critical customer insights’ provides information on where customer service is failing and succeeding. Listening to the voice of the customer enables support teams to adjust their service to ‘exceed customer expectations’ and ‘deliver exceptional frontline service’. (To play customer service buzzwords bingo.)

"Agent empowerment" 💬

Agent empowerment is all about giving customer service representatives the freedom and range to make their own decisions about how they help customers. It's a move away from "computer says no" service, and a move towards a more flexible approach.

"CX Devops" 💬

CX DevOps is a buzzword double whammy. In a nutshell, it means integrating CX teams, goals, and practices into the DevOps cycle. So, there's a fixed CX focus in DevOps tasks. Or, more simply, you think about the customer and their experience right from the development stage.

"Customer experience hub" 💬

A customer experience hub is a digital-first contact centre. (In contrast to a traditional, on-premises contact centre.) It's full of the tools and resources that support companies whose core measure of success is CX.

Understanding customer service buzzwords

Certainly, customer service buzzwords can sound impressive. They pepper business speech and add pizzazz to plain conversations. (Even if, perhaps, not everyone in the room is quite clear on definitions.)

But behind this flashiness is the foundation for great customer service. So, don't simply hide behind words. By taking the time to understand and incorporate the concepts behind key industry terms, you give your customer service practices a boost.

Are there any customer service buzzwords that we missed? If so, drop us a  tweet and let us know.

Useful links

  • - Chatbot terminology: a working handbook
  • - Omnichannel and multichannel: know your terminology
  • - Conversational commerce explained
  • - What does it mean to offer a customer-centric experience?
  • - The difference between first and second line support
  • - Is CX DevOps more than just a buzzword?

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The Best Buzzwords For Your Resume

Michael Gardon

Table Of Contents

What are resume buzzwords , what do you accomplish by adding buzzwords to your resume , how to use buzzwords on your resume, 201 resume buzzwords, achieved: these words imply that you have a track record of success and can deliver results., assisted: these words highlight your ability to work well with others and contribute to a team., communicated: these words suggest that you have strong communication and interpersonal skills, and can reach mutually beneficial agreements., created: these words suggest that you have created something new or improved upon an existing process or system., decreased: these words suggest that you have made effective changes towards productivity., experienced: these words imply that you have successfully put a plan into action and achieved results., improved: these words suggest that you have made positive changes and contributed to growth or success in a previous role., increased: these words imply that you have a creative and forward-thinking approach to problem-solving., led / managed: these words highlight your abilities to take charge, manage teams, and make decisions., researched: these words suggest that you have the ability to collect and analyze data to make informed decisions., skilled: these words suggest that you have the ability to think critically and make decisions based on long-term goals., utilized: these words suggest that you made practical and effective choices in your past roles., worked on: these words imply your positive efforts and improvements that you made in previous roles., buzzwords to leave off your resume, the bottom line.

You can spend days working on your resume, guessing what hiring managers want to see or you can just try TopResume for free and save time from thinking of buzzwords.

Imagine a hiring manager sitting at their desk with a giant pile of resumes waiting to be read. How much time do you think is spent reviewing each one? Crafting your resume may have taken you weeks, but your resume only has a brief moment to make a lasting impression on a potential employer. Including the best buzzwords in your resume can help set you apart from other candidates.

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This article explores what resume buzzwords are, where to include them in your resume, and which buzzwords to avoid.

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Resume buzzwords are terms commonly used to capture the attention of individuals reviewing resumes for potential candidates. When hiring managers have to scour through dozens of resumes, buzzwords are designed to help you stand out from the rest of the pile. They aren’t specific to an industry or job role. Instead, they can describe a host of skills and achievements.

When used correctly, buzzwords can have a significant impact on your success in landing job interviews and, ultimately, a job. Likewise, overusing or misusing buzzwords can hurt your chances of moving forward in your job search.

One reason buzzwords are important is that they can help you get past applicant tracking systems (ATS) that many companies use. These systems are now used by over 98 percent of Fortune 500 companies. ATS are software systems that assist in analyzing resumes and other tasks within the hiring process. They mine data from your resume to convert it into easily consumable information for hiring managers. Applicant tracking systems allow companies to select keywords and other criteria of value and even rank job candidates.

By adding the right buzzwords, you can create an attractive ATS resume that beats the bots and moves you up towards the top of the resume ranks.

If you’re applying with a company that doesn’t use ATS, buzzwords are still a valuable tool. Instead of software catching your keywords, it’s a human. Either way, you may only have a brief moment to make a lasting first impression. The language you use in your resume is almost as important as your skillset and experience. Hiring managers are looking for a resume (and candidate) that won’t blend into the paper pile. Want to know where employers are posting jobs? Check out our list of the top job posting sites .

Try to use buzzwords throughout your resume whenever possible. Buzzwords will give life and depth to your experiences, skills, and achievements.

A perfect starting point is your past job experience. Use buzzwords to describe what you accomplished in your specific job role. Turning your accomplishments into quantifiable actions goes a long way with recruiters and hiring managers. You can do that by adding numbers whenever you have concrete evidence to support your claims.

If you were a manager or supervisor, use buzzwords to describe how you managed. For example, you could use buzzwords like coordinate, initiate, oversee, spearhead, guide, or pilot to describe your role in particular projects or roles for past employers.

You can use buzzwords anywhere in your resume where you describe something you’ve accomplished or achieved. You can also use them to express your personality and work traits.

Here’s a look at some of the best buzzwords to use in your resume. The buzzwords listed can breathe life into your resume and make it pop. Explore the list below to find the right buzzwords to describe your skills and achievements adequately. We’ve broken the list down into categories to simplify the process.

customer service buzzwords resume worded

  • Accelerated
  • Accomplished
  • Demonstrated
  • Collaborated
  • Facilitated
  • Corresponded
  • Illustrated
  • Established

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  • Consolidated
  • Sophisticated
  • Superlative
  • Reorganized
  • Restructured
  • Revitalized
  • Streamlined
  • Strengthened
  • Transformed
  • Capitalized
  • Initialized
  • Orchestrated
  • Coordinated
  • Investigated
  • Constructed

Be selective with buzzwords on your resume. Omit buzzwords that are vague and focus on demonstrating your skills and accomplishments instead. Here are some buzzwords to avoid using:

  • Hard worker
  • Outside the box
  • Responsible for
  • Results-driven
  • Specialized in
  • Team player

When using buzzwords in your resume, ensure they are relevant and not overused. Use concrete examples to highlight your qualifications and achievements. Customize your resume for each job application to showcase the most relevant buzzwords. The right buzzwords can help you stand out, so choose them carefully. Consider using a professional resume writing service for extra assistance. There are several resume writing services available that can help you craft a more powerful resume.

Michael Gardon

Mike is our Founder, career coach, and resident expert on all things resume, hiring and work-life. He is author of The Break newsletter and host of The Break Podcast on Careercloud. He has seen everything from being hired (and fired) to hiring and managing hundreds of people over his career. Mike has also successfully navigated many career pivots. He is a former derivatives trader turned corporate consultant turned entrepreneur who also holds a Bachelors' Degree from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and an MBA from DePaul University in Chicago. Mike is often interviewed and quoted on career topics in major publications such as Business Insider, Forbes, USA Today, Yahoo Finance and Fox News. Mike resides in the beautiful midwest where he built a life around his family. Connect with Mike to talk purpose, career change, entrepreneurship and side hustles like Quotebook , which he built with his kids!

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9 Customer Service Buzzwords for Success

  • January 5, 2024

customer service buzzwords resume worded

Have you ever found yourself puzzled by the term omnichannel ?

You’re not alone. In customer service, omnichannel is more than just a buzzword; it offers a seamless customer experience across various platforms, whether through a phone call, a website chat, or social media. But this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Just like omnichannel, customer service buzzwords are everywhere. They’re the shorthand that professionals use to communicate complex ideas quickly and efficiently. However, when these terms spill over into customer conversations, they can cause more confusion than clarity.

So, before we delve deeper, we’re curious: Have you encountered any customer service buzzwords that left you puzzled?

In this blog, we’re diving into 9 customer service buzzwords everyone should know. We aim to simplify these terms and help you understand when and how to use them effectively.

The Impact of Customer Service on Brand Loyalty

Before we delve into these customer service buzzwords, it’s crucial to understand their significance. A staggering 95% of consumers say customer service is key to their loyalty to a brand, emphasizing the importance of easy access, self-service options, and professional agents.

This statistic underscores the value of mastering these buzzwords, as they are not just jargon but tools for enhancing customer relationships and loyalty.

9 Customer Service Buzzwords: 9 Key Term

9 Customer Service Buzzwords

In customer service, certain buzzwords frequently pop up. While these phrases are common in internal discussions among customer service teams, their use in customer conversations can sometimes lead to misunderstandings. Let’s explain these customer service buzzwords and how they can be effectively used.

1. Customer-Focused Approach

A customer-focused approach means prioritizing the customer’s needs above the company’s convenience. This approach involves going the extra mile to ensure customer satisfaction, rather than just focusing on cost-saving measures.

This customer service buzzword is often used to describe a company’s ethos and should be backed by actual customer-focused actions. It’s important to ensure that your team meets the expectations set by claiming to be customer-centric.

  • We’ve extended our support hours to better accommodate our customers’ schedules.
  • To make sure we are meeting their needs, customer feedback has a significant impact on our product development.

2. Engaged Communication

Engaged Communication in customer service involves fully concentrating on the customer, understanding their message, responding thoughtfully, and remembering what is being communicated. It’s about hearing the words, paying attention to non-verbal cues and showing empathy.

This technique is crucial for customer service representatives and should be a key focus in training and coaching sessions. It’s more about internal practice than something you would explicitly state to a customer.

  • A customer service rep nods and summarizes the customer’s issue to confirm understanding before providing a solution.
  • The rep uses phrases like “I understand how that could be frustrating” to show empathy and understanding of the customer’s feelings.

III. Case Escalation

Case escalation occurs when a service representative, facing a complex issue or a customer’s request to speak to a manager, transfers the case to a more experienced colleague or a higher authority. This process ensures that someone with the right expertise or decision-making power addresses the customer’s concern.

Using the term “case escalation” internally within the support team is advisable. Avoid using this term directly with customers, as it might imply that their problem is unusually severe or perceived as difficult. Instead, frame it as a routine part of the process to keep the customer at ease.

  • I’m transferring your case to our technical team for further assistance. (Instead of saying escalating your case)
  • Let me connect you with our manager, who can provide more detailed information on this matter.

IV. Multi-Channel Customer Service

Multi-channel customer service, another essential term in the lexicon of customer service buzzwords, refers to offering support through various independent channels such as phone, email, live chat, and social media.

This approach differs from omnichannel service, which is known for integrating these channels to create a seamless customer experience. In contrast, multi-channel service maintains these channels as separate entities.

The multi-channel approach is particularly beneficial for businesses aiming to provide customers with a variety of contact options, yet may not have the resources or capability to integrate these channels fully.

It allows companies to cater to diverse customer preferences without the complexity of channel integration.

  • A customer sends an email inquiry and receives a prompt response, and later, they can call the customer service hotline for further assistance.
  • A business offers support through social media messaging and live chat on its website, catering to customer preferences.

V. Artificial Intelligence 

AI in customer service refers to using computer systems capable of performing tasks that typically require human intelligence. This includes various technologies, from simple automated responses to complex algorithms that enhance customer interactions. AI can streamline processes, provide quick answers, and predict customer needs.

It’s important to be judicious when discussing AI with customers. Not everyone is comfortable or familiar with AI; some may react negatively. In such cases, it’s better to refer to the specific function or benefit of the technology rather than using the blanket term ‘AI.’

  • Our chatbot, ‘HelpMate,’ can quickly guide you to the right information on our website.
  • We use automated sorting of customer inquiries to ensure faster response times.

VI. Quality Control and Assurance 

Quality control in customer service ensures that every aspect of the service meets certain standards and expectations. It involves checking for flaws, gathering feedback, and making continuous improvements. However, the term quality assurance is often preferred, as it implies a proactive commitment to maintaining high standards rather than a reactive fixing of problems.

Use quality assurance to communicate a proactive approach to maintaining high service standards. It reassures customers that you are committed to delivering quality consistently.

  • Our quality assurance team regularly reviews customer interactions to ensure our service standards are consistently met.
  • We have a dedicated process for incorporating customer feedback into service improvements as part of our quality assurance program.

VII. Live Chat

Live chat, a prominent term among customer service buzzwords, refers to an instant messaging tool used in customer service for providing real-time support. This tool stands out from email due to its ability to offer immediate responses.

Customers can type their queries and receive answers within moments, making live chat an efficient method for quickly addressing customer concerns.

While the term live chat is well-known in the sales and customer service sectors, it might be less recognized outside of these professional circles. In everyday conversations, it’s often more practical to describe it simply as chat or messaging.

This approach makes the concept more accessible and easier to understand for those who might not be familiar with industry-specific terminology.

  • Our website offers a chat feature for immediate assistance with queries.
  • If you have any questions while browsing our site, feel free to use our messaging service for quick support.

VIII. Chatbots

Chatbots are AI-driven tools that provide automated responses to customer inquiries through live chat. They are programmed to recognize customer queries and deliver pre-set answers, facilitating speedy and efficient customer service without always needing human intervention.

It’s important to distinguish between basic chatbots and advanced virtual assistants, like interactive virtual assistants, offering more sophisticated features. When discussing these tools, being specific about their capabilities provides a clearer understanding and avoids underestimating their functionality.

  • Our chatbot, ‘AskMe,’ can quickly answer common questions about our services.
  • For basic inquiries, our automated assistant is available 24/7 to help you find the information you need.

IX. Proactive Customer Service

Proactive customer service, a key term among customer service buzzwords, is about assisting customers before they even realize they need help. This forward-thinking approach focuses on anticipating and addressing customer needs preemptively.

In practice, proactive customer service can range from updating customers about new product features to reaching out when there’s a noticeable shift in their interaction with your brand. The primary aim is to identify and resolve issues before they escalate into significant obstacles for the customer.

Incorporating proactive customer service into your strategy is essential. It goes beyond mere problem-solving; it’s about elevating the overall customer experience. By adopting a proactive stance, you’re not just addressing issues – you’re showing your customers that you value and prioritize their satisfaction, a core principle in the realm of customer service buzzwords.

  • Sending an email to customers about an upcoming software update that addresses known bugs, along with a guide on installing it.
  • Reach out to a customer who has recently purchased a product with tips on how to get the most out of it, or check in to see if they have any questions.

These customer service buzzwords are key to effective communication and enhanced support in any customer-focused industry. They are essential tools for improving interactions and ensuring a positive customer experience.

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Unlock Customer Service Excellence with INSIDEA's Expertise

Understanding and effectively utilizing these customer service buzzwords is crucial for anyone in the field. By familiarizing yourself with these concepts, you can improve communication, streamline service processes, and ultimately enhance the customer experience. Remember, the right use of these buzzwords not only aids in internal communication among team members but also plays a vital role in how customers perceive and interact with your service. Stay informed and adept at using these terms to ensure your customer service remains top-notch and responsive to the evolving needs of your clientele.

Are you ready to transform your customer service and take your customer experience to the next level? INSIDEA is here to guide you through every step of the way, ensuring that your support team is empowered to deliver exceptional service.

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Using Buzzwords on Your Resume

When it comes to interviewing new talent, hiring managers are looking for clear, concise, authentic resumes that having meaning and purpose. But in job markets where there are hundreds of applicants applying for each position, it takes something special to catch a hiring manager’s attention. This article will discuss buzzwords, including how and why to include them on your resume.

What are resume buzzwords?

Resume buzzwords are words that describe job applicant qualities to match the requirements for the job position. For instance, if someone was applying for a medical position, they might write, ‘Mentored medical assistants and launched a training program for summer intern group.’

The first part of this sentence tells the hiring manager that the person is a team player. They show initiative and that they will actively support others in their workplace who might need assistance or help on the job. The second part of this sentence shows initiative and drive. This person saw a need that wasn’t being met and decided to take initiative to see that it was filled. Both of these qualities are ideal for medically-based careers and show employers in very tangible ways that a job applicant can fit well in their workplace.

To make sure you land your dream job, you need to choose these words carefully and intentionally. Make sure your buzzwords match up with the job qualifications and the duties that will be required within the role. Remember, these words are meant to show the hiring manager that you are a better fit for the position than other candidates in their immense pile of applications.

Benefits of using buzzwords on your resume

Try using buzzwords as the best way to show hiring managers you’re the best fit for the role. Hiring managers want to see that you have the skills to succeed in the role long before you even enter an interview because it’s their job to ensure great candidates come through the door. Buzzwords can make or break the impact of your resume when a hiring manager is holding it against a pile of other applications.

For instance, instead of saying you’re passionate about creating an inclusive workspace, write on your resume that you developed and managed a diversity and inclusion group at the previous company you worked for. Instead of saying you are a team player, write that you launched an initiative at your last job which brought team members together each month to build community.

What’s the difference between keywords and buzzwords?

While subtle, there is a difference between the role keywords versus buzzwords play on your resume. Buzzwords are specific to characteristics job candidates should have, whereas keywords are more industry-specific. Keywords can include words related to specialized skills, education or experiences that you have for the role. Buzzwords, on the other hand, show what character qualities you will bring to the position.

Establishing a tone that allows the reader to feel like they know you could launch your new career. The beauty of buzzwords is that if you use the right ones, you’ll have the attention of your reader. These buzzwords could point to leadership skills, creativity, innovation or having initiative. You should be mindful of which you use, however, so that these words don’t give a negative impression to the hiring manager.

Best buzzwords to use on your resume

Try these buzzwords to show a hiring manager that you are the candidate they’ve been looking for:

  • Increased/Decreased

Since buzzwords are not industry-specific, you should be able to match similar words to resumes being submitted for jobs in various industries. Remember that these words are meant to show intentionality and innovation in a way that draws the reader in.

Buzzwords you should avoid using on your resume

Try to keep these words off your resume to help you move on to the next hiring round:

  • Think outside of the box
  • Go-to person
  • Results-driven
  • Team player
  • Hard worker
  • Detail-oriented
  • Experienced

Buzzwords you should avoid are the words that have been overused and feel forced and worn out. When you read many of these words, you will probably be able to understand why they aren’t favorites of hiring managers.

With a limited amount of time to determine who should be moved forward in the interview process, hiring managers can sometimes rely on buzzwords to help them gauge the authenticity of an applicant. Unfortunately for some applicants, they may disqualify themselves without even knowing that it came down to the negative effect of a phrase they used on their resume.

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Resume Worded   |  Proven Resume Examples

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  • Relationship Manager Resume Guide & Examples

Customer Relationship Manager Resume Examples: Proven To Get You Hired In 2024

Hiring Manager for Customer Relationship Manager Roles

Customer Relationship Manager Resume Template

Download in google doc, word or pdf for free. designed to pass resume screening software in 2022., customer relationship manager resume sample.

Customer relationship managers are the people who try to build customer loyalty by offering personalized and friendly service to customers. In this position, you will invite and welcome new customers, answer any questions they may have about the company or its products, help with any issues they may be having making a sale, and encourage them to renew their subscriptions or otherwise continually return as customers. This position requires excellent communication, persuasion, and problem-solving skills. The best way to highlight these soft skills is by showing their effect on the bottom line using metrics. Recruiters are also likely to favor applicants with customer-relationship and managerial previous positions so limit your experience section to those two roles. Here is a recruiter-approved resume sample.

A customer relationship manager resume sample that highlights the applicant’s strong skill set and successful experience.

We're just getting the template ready for you, just a second left.

Recruiter Insight: Why this resume works in 2022

Tips to help you write your customer relationship manager resume in 2024,    use leadership action verbs to show your expertise..

Using powerful action verbs may seem like a small tweak but it makes a big difference in framing your resume. Show recruiters that you are a leading force in the profession by using powerful leadership action verbs. These words may include ‘mentored’, ‘supervised’, and ‘trained’. This applicant has used action verbs very effectively.

Use leadership action verbs to show your expertise. - Customer Relationship Manager Resume

   Balance your resume between client relationships and management roles.

You need to show recruiters that you are excellent at building relationships with clients, but you also need to show that you are excellent at managing teams. So ensure your experience section is balanced in showing your expertise in both functions. Your skills and tools section should also serve both functions equally. This resume is a great example of that balance.

Balance your resume between client relationships and management roles. - Customer Relationship Manager Resume

Customer Success Manager Resume Sample

Client relationship manager resume sample, account manager resume sample, customer experience manager resume sample.

  • Customer Relationship Manager Resume Tips

As a hiring manager who has recruited customer relationship managers at companies like Salesforce, HubSpot, and Zendesk, I've seen countless resumes over the years. The best resumes that catch my attention are the ones that effectively showcase the candidate's skills, experience, and impact in a clear and concise manner. Here are some tips to help you craft a strong resume that will stand out to hiring managers in the customer relationship management field.

   Highlight your customer service skills

Emphasize your customer service skills and experience throughout your resume. This is a critical aspect of the customer relationship manager role.

  • Resolved an average of 50 customer inquiries per day, consistently exceeding the team's target of 40 inquiries per day
  • Maintained a customer satisfaction score of 95% or higher for 12 consecutive months
  • Trained and mentored 5 new customer service representatives, resulting in a 20% increase in team productivity

Avoid being vague or generic when describing your customer service experience. Instead, use specific examples and metrics to demonstrate your impact.

  • Handled customer inquiries
  • Provided excellent customer service

Bullet Point Samples for Customer Relationship Manager

   Showcase your relationship-building abilities

As a customer relationship manager, your ability to build and maintain strong relationships with customers is crucial. Highlight examples of how you've successfully built and nurtured customer relationships.

  • Developed and implemented a customer loyalty program that increased repeat business by 30%
  • Built and maintained relationships with a portfolio of 50+ key accounts, resulting in a 95% customer retention rate
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to address customer pain points, leading to a 25% reduction in customer churn

Avoid simply stating that you have strong relationship-building skills without providing any supporting evidence.

  • Strong relationship-building skills
  • Able to build rapport with customers

   Demonstrate your problem-solving abilities

Customer relationship managers often face complex challenges and need to be skilled problem-solvers. Showcase examples of how you've successfully tackled difficult customer issues.

  • Resolved a long-standing issue with a high-value client, resulting in a contract renewal worth $500K
  • Investigated and resolved a complex billing issue that affected 200+ customers, preventing potential revenue loss of $100K
  • Developed a new process for handling customer complaints, reducing resolution time by 50% and increasing customer satisfaction scores by 20%

Avoid using generic statements that don't provide any insight into your problem-solving abilities.

  • Good problem-solving skills
  • Able to handle customer complaints

   Highlight your industry knowledge

Demonstrate your knowledge of the industry and the specific products or services your previous companies offered. This shows hiring managers that you have a deep understanding of the market and can effectively support customers.

  • Developed and delivered product training sessions for 50+ sales representatives, resulting in a 20% increase in sales of new product line
  • Created and maintained a knowledge base of 100+ articles on company products and services, which reduced customer support inquiries by 30%
  • Stayed up-to-date on industry trends and competitor offerings, sharing insights with the team and making recommendations for product improvements

Avoid simply listing the companies you've worked for without providing any context about the products or services they offer.

Customer Relationship Manager, ABC Company, 2018-2021

   Show your leadership and collaboration skills

Many customer relationship manager roles require leading teams and collaborating with cross-functional departments. Highlight any leadership experience you have and provide examples of successful collaboration.

  • Led a team of 10 customer service representatives, increasing team productivity by 25% and reducing average call handling time by 20%
  • Collaborated with the product development team to provide customer insights and feedback, resulting in the successful launch of 3 new features with high customer adoption rates
  • Partnered with the sales team to develop and implement a new upselling strategy, resulting in a 15% increase in revenue from existing customers

Avoid using vague statements about your leadership or collaboration abilities without providing any supporting examples.

  • Strong leadership skills
  • Able to collaborate with other departments

   Tailor your resume to the specific job

Customize your resume for each job you apply to, highlighting the skills and experiences that are most relevant to that particular role.

For example, if the job description emphasizes customer retention, focus on your experiences in reducing churn and increasing customer loyalty:

  • Implemented a customer feedback program that increased customer satisfaction scores by 30% and reduced churn by 15%
  • Developed and executed targeted retention campaigns for at-risk customers, resulting in a 95% success rate in preventing cancellations

On the other hand, if the role focuses more on upselling and cross-selling, highlight your successes in driving revenue growth:

  • Identified and capitalized on upselling opportunities, increasing average revenue per customer by 20%
  • Collaborated with the sales team to develop bundled service packages, resulting in a 25% increase in cross-sell revenue

Avoid submitting a generic resume that doesn't speak directly to the specific requirements and responsibilities of the role you're applying for.

Skills For Customer Relationship Manager Resumes

Here are examples of popular skills from Customer Relationship Manager job descriptions that you can include on your resume.

  • Sales Management
  • Logistics Management
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
  • Operations Management
  • Merchandising

Skills Word Cloud For Customer Relationship Manager Resumes

This word cloud highlights the important keywords that appear on Customer Relationship Manager job descriptions and resumes. The bigger the word, the more frequently it appears on job postings, and the more likely you should include it in your resume.

Top Customer Relationship Manager Skills and Keywords to Include On Your Resume

How to use these skills?

Similar resume templates, customer service.

An exemplary resume for an Entry Level Customer Service Representative role.

Customer Success

An Onboarding Manager resume template showcasing business experience and technical skill set.

Sales Associate

Car Sales Rep resume emphasizing sales record and customer service skills.

  • Director of Sales Resume Guide
  • Account Manager Resume Guide
  • Sales Coordinator Resume Guide
  • Retail Resume Guide
  • Sales Engineer Resume Guide

Resume Guide: Detailed Insights From Recruiters

  • Relationship Manager Resume Guide & Examples for 2022

Improve your Customer Relationship Manager resume, instantly.

Use our free resume checker to get expert feedback on your resume. You will:

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Customer Relationship Manager Resumes

  • Template #1: Customer Relationship Manager
  • Template #2: Customer Relationship Manager
  • Template #3: Customer Success Manager
  • Template #4: Client Relationship Manager
  • Template #5: Account Manager
  • Template #6: Customer Experience Manager
  • Skills for Customer Relationship Manager Resumes
  • Free Customer Relationship Manager Resume Review
  • Similar Relationship Manager Resume Templates
  • Other Sales Resumes
  • Customer Relationship Manager Interview Guide
  • Customer Relationship Manager Sample Cover Letters
  • Relationship Manager - 2024 Resume Guide
  • Alternative Careers to a Customer Service Manager
  • All Resumes
  • Resume Action Verbs

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  1. 14 Customer Service Resume Examples for 2023

    customer service buzzwords resume worded

  2. 5 Customer Service Resume Examples for 2022

    customer service buzzwords resume worded

  3. Customer Service Manager Resume Example For 2022 Resume Worded

    customer service buzzwords resume worded

  4. Skills Buzzwords For Customer Service Resumes

    customer service buzzwords resume worded

  5. Customer Service Buzz Words Resume

    customer service buzzwords resume worded

  6. 43+ Best buzzwords for resume That You Can Imitate

    customer service buzzwords resume worded



  2. Startup BUZZWORDS Explained

  3. resume worded chatgpt and linkedin


  1. Customer Service Resume Keywords and Skills (Hard Skills)

    The most common skills and keywords we found on Customer Service resumes and job postings were Customer Service, Sales, Microsoft Access, Teamwork, Customer Satisfaction, Transportation, Negotiation and International Logistics. Skills like Troubleshooting, Teaching, Jira, Technical Support and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) also ...

  2. 100+ Good Resume Buzzwords to Use in 2024

    One of the best ways to make your resume is by filling out one of our free resume templates. All our templates are designed by experts and free to download for Microsoft Word or Google Docs. 5. Creative. Employers want you to be creative, especially in fields like graphic design that require innovation and artistry.

  3. Customer Service Keywords for Your Resume

    Targeting your resume keywords for customer service. Check out Jobscan's list of the top 500 resume keywords. To personalize your keywords for the job, try Jobscan's skills comparison tool. Just upload your resume and paste in a job description to see which resume keywords you're missing (among many other resume checks). Trista Winnie has ...

  4. Best Customer Service Keywords

    This should come as no surprise as customers are the central focus of the position. You can use this word in a variety of areas from previous experience to skills. Even upselling could be framed using the word 'customer.'. For example, 'Practiced upselling to customers and increased sales of special items by 14%.'.

  5. How to Use Keywords to Showcase Your Customer Service Experience

    Identify the main requirements and expectations, and look for words or phrases that describe the skills, tasks, goals, and values they're seeking. Common keywords for customer service roles ...

  6. Customer Service Representative Must-Have Resume Skills and Keywords

    The Resume Checklist will help you make sense of whether or not employers are also demanding these skills. Communication Skills, Cashier, and Data Entry represent a very decent share of skills found on resumes for Customer Service Representative with 25.23% of the total. At 24.61%, Technical, Detail Oriented, Microsoft Excel, and Multi Tasking ...

  7. 15 Customer Service Buzzwords & When to Use (or Avoid) Them

    Customer Service Buzzwords. 1. Case Escalation. A case escalation occurs when a frontline service rep either can't solve a problem on their own or if a customer asks to speak to a manager. In this situation, the rep will hand the case off to a colleague or to someone of higher authority who can assist the customer.

  8. 280+ Resume Buzzwords to Use and Clichés to Avoid in 2024

    Outdated Resume Buzzwords and Clichés to Avoid in 2024. Hard worker: don't say you work hard—prove it with examples of your work. Creative: present examples of your original ideas instead of using that word. Responsible for: being responsible for something doesn't mean being good at doing it.

  9. 340+ Resume Action Verbs & Power Words [For 2024]

    In this article, we have conveniently grouped 340+ action words to help you upgrade your resume descriptions: Resume Power Words for Team Work and Communication. Resume Action Words Management and Leadership Achievements. Resume Power Words to Showcase your Creativity. Resume Power Words for Problem Solving Accomplishments.

  10. 26 Customer Service Resume Examples for 2024

    26 Customer Service Resume. Examples for 2024. Stephen Greet March 27, 2024. As the face of the organization, the customer service team is instrumental in building and maintaining a business's reputation. To be a successful customer service professional, you must have a wide-ranging skillset—patience, empathy, critical thinking, and ...

  11. The definitive list of customer service buzzwords, and what they really

    These customer service buzzwords simply refer to when and how a customer interacts with your business. 'Touchpoint' or 'point of contact' describes the moment that a customer comes into contact with your business. A touchpoint can be active or passive. Active interactions include a live chat session or phone call, for example.

  12. The Best Buzzwords For Your Resume

    For example, you could use buzzwords like coordinate, initiate, oversee, spearhead, guide, or pilot to describe your role in particular projects or roles for past employers. You can use buzzwords anywhere in your resume where you describe something you've accomplished or achieved. You can also use them to express your personality and work traits.

  13. The Top 500 ATS Resume Keywords of 2024

    Example #2-The job title buzzword fad (ninjas, gurus, rock stars, etc…) is thankfully dying out, but you still have "Customer Service Wizard" on your resume from a previous job. Unless a job description asks for actual sorcery skills, you should change the job title to reflect the new job for which you're applying.

  14. Best Resume Keywords for 2024 [for Use to Pass the ATS]

    Keywords for the Resume Skills Section. Add skills for those that you have no way of quantifying. List relevant skills to show them how broad your skill set is for their industry: Now, time to learn why resume keywords really matter. 5. Resume Scanner Keywords & the ATS.

  15. 9 Customer Service Buzzwords for Success

    2. Engaged Communication. Engaged Communication in customer service involves fully concentrating on the customer, understanding their message, responding thoughtfully, and remembering what is being communicated. It's about hearing the words, paying attention to non-verbal cues and showing empathy.

  16. 137 Action Verbs and Power Words To Use on Your Resume

    With action words: "Responsible for" becomes "Improved…". "Worked with" becomes "Collaborated on a team that..". "In charge of" becomes "Directed 20 employees to…". Rather than describe your job, resume action verbs paint a vivid picture of your expertise and professional wins. Pro tip: Try to switch up your power ...

  17. Resume Skills for Call Center Specialist (+ Templates)

    Go through the Call Center Specialist posting you're applying to, and identify hard skills the company is looking for. For example, skills like Informatics, Telecommunications and Typing are possible skills. These are skills you should try to include on your resume. Expand. 2.

  18. Using Buzzwords on Your Resume

    While subtle, there is a difference between the role keywords versus buzzwords play on your resume. Buzzwords are specific to characteristics job candidates should have, whereas keywords are more industry-specific. Keywords can include words related to specialized skills, education or experiences that you have for the role.

  19. 70 Sales Keywords To Include on Your Resume

    Here is an example resume for a sales resume incorporating industry-specific keywords and skills: Jane White 555-985-4555 [email protected] Professional summary Sales professional with demonstrated history and experience in both call center and retail workplaces seeking opportunity to use strong communication, customer service, negotiation ...

  20. Customer Relationship Manager Resume Examples for 2024

    A recruiter-approved Customer Relationship Manager resume example in Google Docs and Word format, with insights from hiring managers in the industry. Updated for 2024. Resume Worded | Proven Resume Examples ... Led a team of 10 customer service representatives, increasing team productivity by 25% and reducing average call handling time by 20% ...