Cystic Fibrosis

cystic fibrosis case study nursing

May, a mother of a 1-month old baby, noticed that her baby has a foul-smelling, bulky stool . Later on, the baby developed a nonproductive cough , and though May has already seek the pediatrician’s advice, the cough continued for 2 months more. The pediatrician ran some tests on the infant, and diagnosed her with cystic fibrosis .

Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a hereditary and progressive genetic disorder that primarily affects the respiratory and digestive systems. This life-limiting condition results from a faulty gene that affects the production of a protein responsible for regulating salt and water movement in the body’s cells. As a result, individuals with CF experience thick and sticky mucus buildup in the lungs , pancreas, and other organs, leading to recurrent respiratory infections, digestive problems, and other complications.

Table of Contents

  • What is Cystic Fibrosis? 


Statistics and incidences, clinical manifestations, assessment and diagnostic findings, pharmacologic management, nursing assessment, nursing diagnosis, nursing care planning and goals, nursing interventions, documentation and guidelines, what is cystic fibrosis.

  • Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a disease of exocrine gland function that involves multiple organ systems but chiefly results in chronic respiratory infections, pancreatic enzyme insufficiency, and associated complications in untreated patients.
  • Cystic fibrosis is an autosomal recessive disorder, and most carriers of the gene are asymptomatic.
  • Pulmonary involvement occurs in 90% of patients surviving the neonatal period.
  • End-stage lung disease is the principal cause of death .

Cystic fibrosis is caused by defects in the cystic fibrosis gene.

  • Cystic fibrosis is caused by defects in the cystic fibrosis gene, which codes for a protein transmembrane conductance regulator ( CFTR ) that functions as a chloride channel and is regulated by cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP).
  • Mutations in the CFTR gene result in abnormalities of cAMP-regulated chloride transport across epithelial cells on mucosal surfaces.
  • Defective CFTR results in decreased secretion of chloride and increased reabsorption of sodium and water across epithelial cells.
  • The resultant reduced height of epithelial lining fluid and decreased hydration of mucus results in mucus that is stickier to bacteria, which promotes infection and inflammation.
  • Secretions in the respiratory tract, pancreas, GI tract, sweat glands, and other exocrine tissues have increased viscosity, which makes them difficult to clear.
  • In individuals with cystic fibrosis, the lungs are normal in utero, at birth, and after birth, before the onset of infection and inflammation (except possibly for the presence of dilated submucosal gland ducts in the airways).
  • Shortly after birth, many persons with cystic fibrosis acquire a lung infection, which incites an inflammatory response.
  • Infection becomes established with a distinctive bacterial flora.
  • A repeating cycle of infection and neutrophilic inflammation develops.

Cystic fibrosis is an autosomal-recessive disease.

  • In the United States, the incidence is about 1 in 3, 300 in white children and in 1 in 16, 300 in African American children
  • Its estimated heterozygote frequency in white people is up to 1 in 20; each offspring of 2 heterozygote parents has a 25% chance of developing cystic fibrosis.
  • In the United States, the prevalence is as follows: whites of northern European origin have 1 case per 3,200-3,500 population; hispanics have 1 case per 9,200-9,500 population; african americans have 1 case per 15,000-17,000 population; and asian americans have 1 case per 31,000 population.
  • Compared with males, females with cystic fibrosis have greater deterioration of pulmonary function with increasing age and younger mean age at death.

Cystic fibrosis is an autosomal recessive disease caused by defects in the CFTR gene, which encodes for a protein that functions as a chloride channel, and also regulates the flow of other ions across the apical surface of epithelial cells.

  • CFTR mutations. CFTR mutations result in abnormalities of cAMP-regulated chloride transport across epithelial cells on mucosal surfaces; the failure of chloride conductance by epithelial cells and associated water transport abnormalities result in viscid secretions in the respiratory tract, pancreas, GI tract, sweat glands, and other exocrine tissues.
  • Environmental factors. The incomplete correlation of genotype with phenotype suggests either an environmental component of organ dysfunction or modifying genes that are only recently being characterized; the role of modifier genes is supported by the fact that neonates with cystic fibrosis who have intestinal obstruction most commonly have abnormalities in 2 or more CFTR modifier genes; in contrast, older children develop obstruction mostly as a result of environmental factors, such as introduction of pancreatic enzymes causing a stricture.

The age at diagnosis varies widely, however, as do the clinical presentation, severity of symptoms, and rate of disease progression in the organs involved. Clinical manifestations vary with the patient’s age at presentation.

  • Meconium ileus. Meconium ileus is the presenting symptom of CF in 5% to 10% of the newborns who later develop additional manifestations.
  • Absence of pancreatic enzymes. Depletion or absence of pancreatic enzymes before birth results in impaired digestive activity, and the meconium becomes viscid (thick) and mucilaginous (sticky).
  • Intestinal obstruction. Bile-stained emesis may result from obstruction of the intestines, as well as a distended abdomen, and an absence of stool.
  • Chronic cough. A hard, nonproductive chronic cough may be the first sign, and it may later become frequent bronchial infections.
  • Lack of oxygen. Development of a barrel chest and clubbing of fingers indicate chronic lack of oxygen.
  • Pancreatic insufficiency. Patients with pancreatic insufficiency have fat-soluble vitamin deficiency and malabsorption of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates (however, malabsorption of carbohydrates is not as severe as that of fats and proteins); patients present with failure to thrive (despite an adequate appetite), flatulence or foul-smelling flatus, recurrent abdominal pain , and abdominal distention.
  • Steatorrhea. Malabsorption results in steatorrhea, characterized by frequent, poorly formed, large, bulky, foul-smelling, greasy stools that float in water.
  • High electrolyte concentrations. The tears, saliva, and sweat of children with CF contain abnormally high concentrations of electrolytes , and most such children have enlarged submaxillary salivary glands.
  • Sterility. Males with CF who reach adulthood will most likely be sterile because of the blockage or absence of the vas deferens or other ducts; females often have thick cervical secretions that prohibit the passage of sperm.

The diagnosis of cystic fibrosis (CF) is based on typical pulmonary manifestations, GI tract manifestations, a family history, and positive sweat test results.

  • Noninvasive CFTR analysis. Noninvasive CFTR analysis involves a technique for recovering DNA from cells obtained by buccal brushing; this technique can be used to determine the carrier status of the parents of a fetus with suspected CF based on sonographic findings of meconium ileus.
  • Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis. When only one or neither parent has an identified CF mutation but the couple has a previous child with CF, the status of the fetus can be predicted by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis; genetic material from both parents, the affected sibling, and the fetus must be available for RFLP testing.
  • Newborn screening . Newborn screening for CF is universally required in the United States.
  • Sweat chloride test. The principal diagnostic test to confirm CF is a sweat chloride test using the pilocarpine iontophoresis method to collect sweat and perform a chemical analysis of its chloride content is currently considered to be the only adequately sensitive and specific type of sweat test.
  • Radiography. On chest radiography , initial changes are hyperinflation and peribronchial thickening. Progressive air trapping with bronchiectasis may be apparent in the upper lobes.
  • Genotyping. Genotype testing is recommended for individuals with a positive family history and for couples planning a pregnancy.

Medical Management

As a result of the complex and multisystemic involvement of cystic fibrosis (CF) and the need for care by specialists, treatment and follow-up care at specialty centers with multidisciplinary care teams (ie, cystic fibrosis centers) is recommended.

  • Diet. In general, a normal diet with additional energy and unrestricted fat intake is recommended; a high-energy and high-fat diet, in addition to supplemental vitamins (especially fat soluble) and minerals, is recommended to compensate for malabsorption and the increased energy demand of chronic inflammation.
  • Exercise. Regular exercise increases physical fitness in patients with cystic fibrosis; upper body exercises, such as canoe paddling, may increase respiratory muscle endurance.
  • Monitoring. Patients are monitored in the CF clinic every 2-3 months to achieve maintenance of growth and development, maintenance of as nearly normal lung function as possible, intervention and retardation of the progression of lung disease, clinical assessment to monitor gastrointestinal tract involvement, and monitoring for complications and their treatment .
  • Vaccines. Routine vaccinations are indicated in patients with cystic fibrosis, including seasonal influenza vaccination.

Medications used to treat patients with cystic fibrosis may include pancreatic enzyme supplements, multivitamins (particularly fat-soluble vitamins), mucolytics , antibiotics (including inhaled, oral, or parenteral), bronchodilators , anti-inflammatory agents, and CFTR potentiators.

  • Pancreatic enzymes. These agents aid digestion when the pancreas is malfunctioning; current pancreatic enzyme preparations are derived from porcine extracts and contain various proportions of lipase, amylase, and protease.
  • Vitamins. Vitamins are organic substances required by the body in small amounts for various metabolic processes; they may be synthesized in small or insufficient amounts in the body or not synthesized at all, thus requiring supplementation; vitamins A, D, E, and K are fat soluble while biotin, folic acid, niacin, pantothenic acid, B vitamins (ie, B-1, B-2, B-6, B-12), and vitamin C are generally water soluble.
  • Bronchodilators. In children with CF, the use of bronchodilators must be evaluated; children with bronchiectasis may have a paradoxic bronchodilation in response to beta-adrenergic agents; pulmonary function testing before and after bronchodilators is suggested to avoid these counterproductive effects.
  • Mucolytics. Mucolytics, such as dornase alfa, an enzyme that hydrolyses the DNA, are used in patients with CF to improve airway clearance .
  • Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR). Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) potentiators are the first available treatment that targets the defective CFTR protein, which is the underlying cause of cystic fibrosis.
  • Antibiotics. Antibiotic therapy has been found to be related to the greater likelihood of recovery after acute decline in FEV 1 .

Nursing Management

Management of a child with cystic fibrosis should be holistic and meticulous.

The collection of data on the child with CF varies depending on the child’s age and the circumstances of the admission.

  • Interview the caregivers. Conduct a complete parent interview that includes the standard information, as well as data concerning respiratory infections, the child’s appetite and eating habits, stools, noticeable salty perspiration, history of bowel obstruction as an infant, and family history for CF, if known.
  • Assess caregiver ‘s knowledge. Also determine the caregiver’s knowledge of the condition.
  • Assess vital signs. When collecting data about vital signs, include observation of respirations, such as cough, breath sounds, and barrel chest, and signs of pancreatic involvement.
  • Assess skin condition. Examine skin around the rectum for irritation and breakdown from frequent foul stools.

Based on the assessment data, the major nursing diagnoses are:

  • Ineffective airway clearance related to thick, tenacious mucus production.
  • Ineffective breathing pattern related to tracheobronchial obstruction.
  • Risk for infection related to bacterial growth medium provided by pulmonary mucus and impaired body defenses.
  • Imbalanced nutrition :less than body requirements related to impaired absorption of nutrients.
  • Anxiety related to hospitalization.
  • Compromised family coping related to child’s chronic illness and its demands on caregivers.
  • Deficient knowledge of the caregiver related to illness, treatment, and home care.

Main Article:  5 Cystic Fibrosis Nursing Care Plans

The major goals for the child include:

  • Relieving immediate respiratory distress.
  • Maintaining adequate oxygenation.
  • Remaining free from infection.
  • Improving nutritional status.
  • Relieving anxiety.

Implementation of the following goals include these interventions:

  • Improve airway clearance. Monitor the child for signs of respiratory distress; teach the child to cough effectively; examine and document the mucus produced; increase fluid intake; and encourage the child to drink extra fluids.
  • Improve breathing. Maintain the child in a semi- Fowler’s position; use pulse oximetry; maintain oxygen saturation higher than 90%; administer oxygen as ordered; administer mouth care every 2 to 4 hours; perform chest physiotherapy every 2 to 4 hours as ordered; plan nursing and therapeutic activities and diversional activities; and teach them to exercise to help loosen the thick mucus.
  • Prevent infection. Good handwashing techniques should be practiced by all; practice and teach other good hygiene habits; monitor vital signs every 4 hours; restrict people with an infection from contact with the child; and administer antibiotics as prescribed.
  • Maintain adequate nutrition. Greatly increase the child’s caloric intake; provide the child with high-calorie, high protein snacks, such as peanut butter and cheese; administer pancreatic enzymes with all meals and snacks; encourage the child to eat salty snacks; report any changes in bowel movements; and weigh and measure the child.
  • Reducing the child’s anxiety. Provide age-appropriate activities to help alleviate anxiety and boredom; encourage the family caregiver to stay with the child; allow the child to have familiar toys or mementos from home.
  • Provide family support. Give the family and the child opportunities to voice fears and anxiety; respond with active listening techniques; and provide emotional support throughout the entire hospital stay.

Goals are met as evidenced by:

  • Relief of immediate respiratory distress.
  • Maintainance of adequate oxygenation.
  • Freedom from infection.
  • Improvement of nutritional status.
  • Relief of anxiety.

Documentation for a child with CF includes:

  • Impact of condition on personal image and lifestyle.
  • Current or recent antibiotic therapy.
  • Plan of care.
  • Teaching plan.
  • Responses to interventions, teaching, and actions performed.
  • Attainment or progress towards desired outcomes.
  • Modifications to plan of care.

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nursing diagnosis for cystic fibrosis

Cystic Fibrosis Nursing Diagnosis and Nursing Care Plan

Last updated on May 15th, 2022 at 02:56 pm

Cystic Fibrosis Nursing Care Plans Diagnosis and Interventions

Cystic Fibrosis NCLEX Review and Nursing Care Plans

Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a genetic disorder that primary affects the lungs and the digestive system. CF involves a defective gene that triggers the body to secrete mucus via exocrine glands. This causes digestive juices and sweat in a thick and sticky consistency.

Normally, these secreted liquids are used by the body as lubricants, but if they become thick, they block the ducts, passageways, and tubes.

These result to lung and pancreatic problems. CF has no cure and is progressive in nature, so the treatment is mostly focused on the control of symptoms and the prevention of infections and other complications.

Signs and Symptoms of Cystic Fibrosis

  • chronic productive cough
  • nasal congestion and/or inflammation
  • activity intolerance
  • recurrent lung infections
  • Recurrent sinusitis
  • greasy and foul stools
  • growth retardation in children
  • poor weight gain
  • chronic or severe constipation which may cause rectal prolapse
  • intestinal blockage (meconium ileus in newborn babies)

Causes and Risk Factors of Cystic Fibrosis

CF is caused by the mutation of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene. This gene is associated with the change in the protein that is responsible for controlling the movement of salt to and from the cells.

Cystic Fibrosis is an autosomal recessive disorder meaning that the patient received one mutated gene from each parent. Usually, parents who are carriers do not have signs and symptoms for CF.

With the increased level of salt in sweat, sticky and thick mucus in the respiratory, digestive, and reproductive organs can occur.

Some Risk factors for CF also include family history of CF and North European people.

Complications of Cystic Fibrosis

Respiratory problems : CF can cause bronchiectasis, a long-term lung condition wherein there is scarring and widening of the bronchial tubes, causing difficulty of breathing and productive cough with clear mucus.

CF can also lead to chronic respiratory infections, as thick mucus can be a breeding ground for pathogens such as bacteria and fungi.

Pneumonia , bronchitis , and sinusitis can be recurrent in patients with CF. Because of the chronic and recurrent nature of the infections, the bacteria may eventually become antibiotic resistant.

Other respiratory issues include nasal polyps, acute exacerbation, pneumothorax , and hemoptysis or coughing up of blood. The most common cause of death of CF patients is respiratory failure.

Digestive problems : Nutritional deficiency is common with CF patients due to the blockage of the tubes that connect the pancreas to the intestines.

The pancreatic enzymes could not reach the intestines, causing the proteins, fats, and vitamins to be unabsorbed.

This results in undernourishment and delayed growth in children, as well as weight loss and pancreatic inflammation.

Patients with CF may also develop diabetes due to the inability of the insulin to travel from the pancreas due to block tubes.

Liver and gallbladder problems may also occur due to blockage and inflammation of the bile’s passageway from these organs to the small intestine.

Intestinal obstruction can also happen in CF patients.

Infertility: Most men with CF are infertile because of the blockage of the vas deferens, but surgical procedure may help to fix this reproductive problem.

Women with CF may have reduced fertility, but some can still conceive and experience successful pregnancy .

Other complications can include:

Dehydration and electrolyte imbalance

Osteoporosis and arthritis

Mental health challenges

Nursing Tip:

Remember that Cystic Fibrosis is an exocrine gland dysfunction which affects:

  • Bronchi of the lungs: leading to bronchial obstruction causing chronic bronchial pneumonia, obstructive emphysema , and pneumothorax.
  • Pancreatic Ducts: leading to malabsorption syndromes.
  • Small Intestine: leading to intestinal obstructions in newborns .
  • Bile Ducts: leading to portal hypertension.

Diagnosis of Cystic Fibrosis

Newborn screening – a blood test that shows high levels of the chemical immunoreactive trypsinogen (IRT) indicate the need for a confirmatory diagnosis of CF; sweat test for infants aged 2 weeks old and above to check for salt levels in the sweat; genetic testing may also be done.

Physical examination – checking for presence of nasal polyps or signs of lung problems; imaging tests such as Xray, MRI, and CT scan may be done to help with the diagnosis

Treatment for Cystic Fibrosis

Medications: There is no cure for CF, so the treatment is usually focused on symptom control and infection prevention. Antibiotics may be given to treat recurrent lung infections.

Mucolytics may be prescribed to thin out the mucus and help improve lung function. Bronchodilators can help with breathing problems by keeping the airway open.

Anti-inflammatory drugs can be used to reduce swelling of the airways.

Other symptom-control medications include stool softeners, antacids , and diabetic medications as indicated.

The doctor may also prescribe targeted medication called Tikafta, a combination of three drugs (elexacaftor, ivacaftor, and tezacaftor), to target gene mutations in CF patients age 12 years and older.

Chest physical therapy (CPT): Also known as airway clearance techniques, CPT can help loosen the thick mucus in the lungs, reduce inflammation in the airways, and lower the risk of pulmonary infections.

Pulmonary rehabilitation: This is a long-term program that focuses on the improvement of the CF patient’s lung function, nutrition, and overall health.

Surgical procedures: A CF patient who has developed severe pulmonary disorders (such as bronchiectasis) or respiratory failure may require a lung transplant.

Nasal polyps can be removed surgically.

Diet: CF patients are given a high calorie high protein diet to meet energy and growth needs. Vitamins A,D,E, and, K are needed to replace the deficiency of fat soluble vitamins. Deficiency of these vitamins can cause anemia , bleeding, and bruising.

Nursing Diagnosis for Cystic Fibrosis

Nursing care plan for cystic fibrosis 1.

Nursing Diagnosis: Impaired Gas Exchange related to airway and alveolar inflammation secondary to cystic fibrosis, as evidenced by shortness of breath, oxygen saturation of 82%, restlessness, and reduced activity tolerance

Desired Outcome: The patient will demonstrate adequate oxygenation as evidenced by an oxygen saturation within the target range as set by the physician/ respiratory team.

Nursing Care Plan for Cystic Fibrosis 2

Ineffective Airway Clearance related to increased mucopurulent production secondary to cystic fibrosis, as evidenced by shortness of breath , wheeze, SpO2 level of 85%, chronic productive cough, respiratory rate of 24, difficulty to expectorate phlegm

Desired Outcome : The patient will be able to maintain airway patency and improved airway clearance as evidenced by being able to expectorate phlegm effectively, respiratory rates between 12 to 20 breaths per minutes, oxygen saturation within the target range (as set by the physician), and verbalize ease of breathing.

Nursing Care Plan for Cystic Fibrosis 3

Imbalanced Nutrition: Less than Body Requirements

Nursing Diagnosis: Imbalanced Nutrition Less than Body Requirements related to chronic malabsorption secondary to cystic fibrosis as evidenced by abnormal stool patterns, hypoalbuminemia and deficit of 10 to 20% of ideal body weight.

Desired Outcomes:

  • The patient will be able to demonstrate healthy weight gain and maintenance of adequate nutritional status.
  • The patient will be free from clinical manifestations of malabsorption.

Nursing Care Plan for Cystic Fibrosis 4

Deficient Knowledge

Nursing Diagnosis: Deficient Knowledge related to ineffective education in the past secondary to cystic fibrosis as evidenced by anxiety related to hospitalization and verbalization of misconceptions

Desired Outcome: The patient and his significant others will be able to verbalize understanding of the disease process, necessity of the treatment regimen and importance of adherence to goals of therapy.

Nursing Care Plan for Cystic Fibrosis 5

Risk for Infection

Nursing Diagnosis: Risk for Infection related to the potential of acquisition of new pathogens commonly associated with cystic fibrosis.

Desired Outcome: The patient will be able to show improvement in infection as evidenced by decrease in cough episodes, improvement in respirations, lowering of body temperature and normalization of white cell blood counts.

Nursing References

Ackley, B. J., Ladwig, G. B., Makic, M. B., Martinez-Kratz, M. R., & Zanotti, M. (2020).  Nursing diagnoses handbook: An evidence-based guide to planning care . St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.  Buy on Amazon

Gulanick, M., & Myers, J. L. (2022).  Nursing care plans: Diagnoses, interventions, & outcomes . St. Louis, MO: Elsevier. Buy on Amazon

Ignatavicius, D. D., Workman, M. L., Rebar, C. R., & Heimgartner, N. M. (2018).  Medical-surgical nursing: Concepts for interprofessional collaborative care . St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.  Buy on Amazon

Silvestri, L. A. (2020).  Saunders comprehensive review for the NCLEX-RN examination . St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.  Buy on Amazon


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3 Sample Cystic Fibrosis Nursing Care Plans |Nursing Diagnosis | Nursing Interventions


Last updated on December 28th, 2023

Here we will formulate sample Cystic Fibrosis nursing care plans based on a hypothetical case scenario.

It will include three cystic fibrosis nursing care plans with NANDA nursing diagnoses , nursing assessment, expected outcome, and nursing interventions with rationales .

Cystic Fibrosis Case Scenario

A 16-year-old female presents to the ED accompanied by her father with complaints of shortness of breath, cough, fever, and weight loss.

The patient has a history of cystic fibrosis. She reports struggling with a lung infection for the last few days. While initially mild, the infection progressed to a hacking cough, yellow sputum, and a fever of 38.2 ˚C.

The patient’s father says she hasn’t been able to eat for the last 2 days due to a lack of appetite. Despite aggressive care at home, the patient’s shortness of breath worsened and they decided to seek medical care.

Upon assessment, the patient is diaphoretic and appears malnourished. She weighs 45.3 kg and her BMI is 15.

Her temperature is 38.3 ˚C, heart rate is 117 BPM, blood pressure is 121/79 mmHg, respiratory rate is 29 breaths per minute, and oxygen saturation is 89% on room air.

Upon auscultation, crackles and expiratory wheezes are heard. The patient has a hacking cough and dark yellow, thick sputum is noted.

The patient’s blood work reveals elevated white blood cells at 16.8 K/mcL.

A chest x-ray is ordered and reveals bronchiectasis and hyperinflation consistent with cystic fibrosis, as well as bilateral lobar consolidations consistent with pneumonia.

Blood and sputum cultures are sent to the lab for analysis.

The patient is admitted for an exacerbation of Cystic Fibrosis.

#1 Sample Cystic Fibrosis Nursing Care Plan – Ineffective airway clearance

Nursing assessment.

Subjective Data:

  • The patient complains of shortness of breath and cough.

Objective Data:

  • Yellow, thick sputum is noted.
  • Crackles are auscultated.
  • Oxygen saturation is 89% on room air.

Cystic Fibrosis Nursing Diagnosis

Ineffective airway clearance related to abnormal mucous production secondary to genetic disorder as evidenced by thick, yellow sputum, adventitious lung sounds, and oxygen saturation of 89%.

Goal/Desired Outcome

Short-term goal: The patient will utilize airway clearance techniques and the patient’s lung sounds will improve.

Long-term goal: The patient and her family will be able to list several airway clearance techniques, with the proper equipment and resources to continue this treatment at home.

Cystic Fibrosis Nursing Interventions with Rationales – Ineffective airway clearance

#2 sample cystic fibrosis nursing care plan – impaired gas exchange.

  • Expiratory wheezes are auscultated.

Impaired gas exchange related to progressive lung disease as evidenced by adventitious lung sounds and low oxygen saturation.

Short-term goal: With the assistance of oxygen, the patient will maintain an SPO2 > 94% and will receive bronchodilators to assist with breathing.

Long-term goal: The patient will return home free of infection and independent of supplemental oxygen.

Cystic Fibrosis Nursing Interventions with Rationales – Impaired gas exchange

#3 sample cystic fibrosis nursing care plan – imbalanced nutrition: less than body requirements.

  • The patient hasn’t been able to eat for the last 2 days.
  • The patient appears malnourished.
  • She weighs 45.3 kg and her BMI is 15.

Imbalanced nutrition: less than body requirements related to anorexia secondary to active lung infection and chronic disease as evidenced by lack of appetite and low BMI.

Short-term goal: By the end of the shift the patient will feel well enough to eat something and will maintain normal blood sugar.

Long-term goal: With the help of a dietician, the patient will eat a balanced diet and maintain a healthy weight and BMI.

Cystic Fibrosis Nursing Interventions with Rationales – Imbalanced nutrition: less than body requirements

Related cystic fibrosis nursing diagnosis.

Additional cystic fibrosis nursing diagnoses are listed below.

  • Activity intolerance related to imbalance between oxygen supply and demand.
  • Anxiety related to difficulty in breathing, feeling of suffocation, oxygen deprivation.
  • Disturbed body image related to changes in physical appearance (e.g.; barrel chest, clubbing, low body weight), chronic illness.
  • Chronic sorrow related to chronic progressive disease condition.
  • Risk for infection
  • Risk for deficient fluid volume
  • Deficient knowledge
  • Compromised family coping
  • Impaired home maintenance

To conclude, here we have formulated a scenario-based sample nursing care plan for Cystic Fibrosis. Prioritized nursing diagnosis includes ineffective airway clearance, impaired gas exchange , and imbalanced nutrition: less than body requirements .

Additionally, these sample cystic fibrosis nursing care plans comprise nursing assessment, NANDA nursing diagnosis, goal, and interventions with rationales.

Recommended Readings & References

Ackley, B., Ladwig, G., Makic, M., Martinez-Kratz, M., & Zanotti, M. (2020). Nursing Diagnoses Handbook: An Evidence-based Guide to Planning Care (12th ed.). Elsevier.

Comer, S. and Sagel, B. (1998). CRITICAL CARE NURSING CARE PLANS. Skidmore-Roth Publications.

Herdman, T., Kamitsuru, S. & Lopes, C. (2021). NURSING DIAGNOSES: Definitions and Classifications 2021-2023 (12th ed.). Thieme.

Swearingen, P. (2016). ALL-IN-ONE CARE PLANNING RESOURCE (4th ed.). Elsevier/Mosby.

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Meeting the Physical Therapy Needs of Children, Third Edition

Chapter 19:  Case Study: Cystic Fibrosis

Julie M. Skrzat; Carole A. Tucker

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  • Examination: Age 2 Months
  • Evaluation, Diagnosis, and Prognosis
  • Intervention
  • Conclusion of Care
  • Examination: Age 8 Years
  • Examination: Age 16 Years
  • Recommended Readings
  • Full Chapter
  • Supplementary Content

C ystic fibrosis (CF) is an autosomal recessive condition affecting approximately 30,000 Americans and 70,000 people worldwide. According to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation ( Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, 2019a ), approximately 1,000 new cases are diagnosed yearly in the United States, with a known incidence of 1 per 3,900 live births. The disease prevalence varies greatly by ethnicity, with the highest prevalence occurring in Western European descendants and within the Ashkenazi Jewish population.

The CF gene, located on chromosome 7, was first identified in 1989. The disease process is caused by a mutation to the gene that encodes for the CF transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) protein. This mutation alters the production, structure, and function of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP), a dependent transmembrane chloride channel carrier protein found in the exocrine mucus glands throughout the body. The mutated carrier protein is unable to transport chloride across the cell membrane, resulting in an electrolyte and charge imbalance. Diffusion of water across the cell membrane is thus impaired, resulting in the development of a viscous layer of mucus. The thick mucus obstructs the cell membranes, traps nearby bacteria, and incites a local inflammatory response. Subsequent bacterial colonization occurs at an early age and ultimately this repetitive infectious process leads to progressive inflammatory damage to the organs involved in individuals with CF.

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Nursing Geeks

Cystic Fibrosis Case Study

The role genetics plays in the disease. Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is a disease that is inherited and affects the mucus and sweat production by those glands (McCance & Huether, 2018).  How it is inherited is that parents of children with CF both have to be carriers of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator (CFTR) mutation gene (McCance & Huether, 2018).  Parents do not have to have CF for their children to have CF; they just have to be carriers of the mutation gene (Tabori et al., 2017).  It is very common for people of European descent to inherit CF (McCance & Huether, 2018).     Why the patient is presenting with the specific symptoms described. The symptoms described in the case study scenario that contributed to the CF diagnosis were thought of possible colic, baby has had many episodes of crying after eating, despite having a good appetite baby is not gaining weight (failure to thrive, FTT), baby’s belly “gets all swollen sometimes,” the baby tastes “salty” when the mother kisses the baby, and sibling has had multiple episodes of “chest congestion” and was hospitalized once for pneumonia (Abid et al., 2017). The human body is protected against bacteria by first and second lines of defense (McCance & Huether, 2018).  Physical, mechanical, biochemical, and normal flora make up the first lines of defense (McCance & Huether, 2018).  Examples of the physical and mechanical barriers are skin and mucus membranes; antibacterial properties of mucus secretions, tears, saliva, sweat, and other secretions are examples of biochemical barriers; normal flora are good bacteria that protects the human body by preventing bad bacteria from taking over in places like the gut (McCance & Huether, 2018). CFTR protein pushes chloride ions into secretions to help draw water into these secretions (mucus) to loosen (thin) them (McCance & Huether, 2018).  CFTR protein absence leaves excess chloride ions on the skin.  The thin and slippery mucus protects the sac that lines the lungs, stomach, tissues and organs (McCance & Huether, 2018).  The missing CFTR protein does not leave a way for the body to thin out the mucus (Abid et al., 2017), leaving the body to only make thick and sticky mucus that build up, leading to blockages, frequent infections, and damages in the affected organs (McCance & Huether, 2018). The pancreas cannot release any digestive enzymes to the small intestine when it is blocked with thick mucus making nutrients and fat not absorbable, leading to FTT (not gaining weight despite good appetite and looking malnourished (McCance & Huether, 2018).  Other gastrointestinal symptoms include fatty stools (McCance & Huether, 2018), abdominal pain after eating due to poor intestinal malabsorption (Tabori et al., 2017), abdominal bloating, constipation, and flatulence (McCance & Huether, 2018).  CFTR also helps the skin regulate sodium ions and fluid absorption; so, in someone with CF, there is less fluid absorption to dilute the sodium ions, leaving the salty taste on the skin (McCance & Huether, 2018). The second line of defense is the body’s response to damage known as inflammation (McCance & Huether, 2018).  Symptoms are redness, swelling, pain, and heat, collection of fluid at the site, leukocytosis and fever (McCance & Huether, 2018).  In the presence of CF, inflammation causes damage to lungs and pancreas in particular, but other organs as well (McCance & Huether, 2018).  A child or young adult, or their sibling, with a history of severe and recurrent bronchitis, pneumonia, pancreatitis, and hemoptysis is suspect for further CF testing.     The physiologic response to the stimulus presented in the scenario and why you think this response occurred. In CF, abnormally thick mucus in the airways does not have the same germ-killing properties of normal mucus leading to frequent infections that hampers attempts at treating (clearing) the infections, resulting in a loop of continuous inflammations, scarring, and death (McCance & Huether, 2018).  Viral and bacterial infections, especially culprits like Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, and Hemophilus influenzae, manifest inflammatory responses that are extreme (McCance & Huether, 2018).  Excessive signals are sent from cells with a defective CFTR protein, resulting in the complement system of antigen-antibody being activated (McCance & Huether, 2018); bacteria, leukocytes (white blood cells) and phagocytes (neutrophils).     The cells that are involved in this process. The mast cell activates the inflammatory response through the release of mediators such as histamine (McCance & Huether, 2018).  Antigens of the bacteria are presented to helper T cells, who release cytokines, resulting in accumulation of neutrophils (to initiate phagocytosis of the bacteria), signaling or resulting in inflammation (McCance & Huether, 2018).   How another characteristic (e.g., gender, genetics) would change your response. While some people with CF get severe symptoms or life-threatening complications, others have few signs and symptoms (Tabori et al., 2017), such as with the baby and older sibling in the case study scenario.  Siblings with only one parent in common who is a carrier will not acquire CF.  Abid et al. (2017) reported estrogen hormone elevations disrupt chloride ion and water balance (p. 2). They also measured nasal epithelial Calcium ion-activated Chloride-secretion in women with CF during their menstrual cycle with results that women with CF cannot clear build-up of airway secretions, a hallmark of CF, effectively (Abid et al., 2017).     References   Abid, S., Xie, S., Bose, M., Shaul, P., Terada, L., Brody, S.,…Jain, R. (2017). 17β-Estradiol Dysregulates Innate Immune Responses to Pseudomonas aeruginosa Respiratory Infection and Is Modulated by Estrogen Receptor Antagonism. Infection and immunity, 85(10), e00422-17. Https:// McCance, K. & Huether, S. (2018). Pathophysiology: The biologic basis for disease in adults and children (8th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby/Elsevier. Tabori, H., Arnold, C., Jaudszus, A., Mentzel, H., Renz, D., Reinsch, S.,…Mainz, J. (2017). Abdominal symptoms in cystic fibrosis and their relation to genotype, history, clinical and laboratory findings. PloS one, 12(5), e0174463. Https://   response    I enjoyed reading your post, it was very detailed and very interesting. I like how you presented the discussion. We all know by now that Cystic fibrosis is an inherited disease and the most common life-shortening autosomal recessive disease among Caucasian populations, with a frequency of 1 in 2000 to 3000 live births. The median predicted survival for CF patients in the United States was 39.3 years (95% CI, 37.3-41.4) according to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation 2014 Registry Report (Katkin, 2020). As in your discussion, it was common in people of European descent to inherit CF (McCance & Huether, 2018).   Over the years, Cystic Fibrosis (CF) has had significant improvements for early diagnoses and better management for delayed disease progression. The treatments recently are specifically seeking ways to target the genetic mutation causing the disease (Huether & McCance, 2017). Specifically, the correction of the misprocessing of the CFTR protein is helping trial new drugs. Understanding the pathophysiology of the disease can assist in the best treatment plan. For example, Ataluren is now used in research trials, which helps restore the function of mutation in the gene and aids in correcting the chloride channel transport by targeting CFTR protein (Brown, White, & Tobin, 2017).   I wanted also to point out in response to the mother on her 23 mos. We can also educate the mom and the husband of advanced teaching to them, we can give options regarding the CF screening and the disease itself. It will be beneficial for the mother and her husband to contemplate if they choose to have another kid. Newborn screening is universal in the US.  Ideally, when a family member has confirmed CF, other family members should be screened by the same laboratory that tested the affected relative. The screening panel should include familial mutations previously identified as well as the mutations in the standard panel. Genetic counseling should also be available to them and take also into consideration. Researchers have shown that females are more likely to succumb to this disease than men. Although this gender disparity is not researched often, it has been hypothesized that the disease is hormone mediated. This could account for the 23-month-old to not show symptoms as soon as the 6-month-old (Harness-Brumley, Elliot, Rosenbluth, Raghaven, & Jain, 2014). With mother already having two children with CF, it would be beneficial for her and her partner to undergo carrier screening, if not already performed. If considering, genetic counseling would also be of assistance. If both partners are positive for the CF mutation, there are options such as accepting the risk, adoption, and in vitro fertilization, with the use of preimplantation genetic diagnosing (The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, 2017). As providers, it is our responsibility to keep the patient informed upfront regarding any future pregnancies. Again, thank you for your great post.   References   Brown, S. D., White, R., & Tobin, P. (2017). Keep them breathing: Cystic fibrosis pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment. Journal of the American Academy of PAs, 30(5), 23-27. doi: 10.1097/01.JAA.0000515540.36581.92

Harness-Brumley, C.L., Elliot, A.C., Rosenbluth, D.B., & Jain, R., (2014). Gender differences In outcomes of the patient with cystic fibrosis, Journal of Women’s Health, 23(12). Pp 1012-1020

Huether, S. E., & McCance, K. L. (2019) Pathophysiology: The biologic basis for disease in adults and child ( 8th Ed.) St. Louis, Missouri: Elsevier

Katkin, J. (2019) Cystic Fibrosis: Clinical manifestation and Diagnosis. Up to Date. Retrieve 10 October 2019 from https// The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. (2017, June). FAQs171. Retrieved from Women’s Health Care Physicians:

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Case Report

Diagnosis of cystic fibrosis in a patient of egyptian background.

Cystic fibrosis (CF) is the most common genetically inherited condition in European-derived populations. However, it is being increasingly recognised in other populations, including people of Asian, Black African and Caribbean descent. We present a case detailing the diagnosis of CF in a 12-year-old patient of Egyptian background who had been treated for difficult asthma. In doing so, we aim to highlight the importance of considering CF in all patients, regardless of ethnicity.

Cystic fibrosis (CF) is an autosomal recessive disease caused by a mutation in the CFTR (cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator) gene on chromosome 7. It affects 1 in 2500 babies born in the UK and is more common among people of European-derived populations. 1 Although previously presumed to be rare, CF is being increasingly recognised among non-Caucasian populations and is thought to be underdiagnosed in these patient groups. 2 Newborn screening for CF was introduced in the UK in 2007. However, screening will still miss a proportion of the population and vigilance must be maintained for those born prior to 2007 or born abroad who will not have been screened.

Case presentation

A boy aged 12 years presented to the tuberculosis clinic (TB) with a several year history of a chronically productive cough with associated shortness of breath and wheeze. He also reported of lethargy, night sweats and weight loss. He had been screened for TB, with a negative Mantoux test, 5 years previously. Initially, the patient had been managed by his GP who had referred him on to secondary care with suspected asthma. At this point, he was started on a budesonide with formoterol preventer inhaler (Symbicort) and terbutaline sulfate turbohaler (Bricanyl) to variable effect. Owing to his ongoing symptoms, a chest X-ray was performed which revealed bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy, resulting in a referral to the TB clinic.

Born in the UK in 2002 at 38 weeks gestation, he was the fourth infant of non-consanguineous parents of Egyptian background. He had been fully immunised, including the BCG vaccination, and had had no known TB contact. The only positive family history was of atopy. His parents report he developed a cough soon after birth which persisted for most of his life. He was first acutely unwell with a productive cough and weight loss at the age of 5 years while on holiday in Egypt. On return to the UK, he was hospitalised and improved following a course of intravenous antibiotics. It was 3 years after this episode that he was started on asthma treatment following the development of a chronic cough.

On initial examination at the TB clinic, his chest was clear on auscultation and he had several small submandibular lymph nodes. His height and weight were on the 9th centile for his age. Repeat TB investigations, including Mantoux, T-spot and sputum AFB, were negative. His sputum culture grew Staphylococcus aureus and he was treated for a lower respiratory tract infection with 2 weeks of coamoxiclav (amoxicillin with clavulanic acid).

At follow-up, he was still symptomatic with a chronically productive cough and poor appetite. Further questioning revealed abdominal pain and steatorrhoea. Examination at this point revealed finger clubbing ( figures 1 and ​ and2), 2 ), prompting further investigations into an underlying chronic respiratory condition.

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.
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Clubbing of the thumbs.

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Finger clubbing left hand.


High-resolution CT chest showed widespread bronchiectasis with evidence of mucus plugging ( figure 3 ). Sweat test revealed a high chloride level of 81 mmol/L, with >60 mmol/L reflecting a likely diagnosis of CF. Subsequent genetic testing confirmed CF with a c.1040G>C p mutation and Exon 14b deletion present. Lung function tests at the time of diagnosis revealed an FVC (forced vital capacity) of 73% predicted and an FEV1 (forced expiratory volume in 1 s) of 54% predicted. There was also evidence of pancreatic insufficiency, as his faecal elastase level was <15 μg.

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High-resolution CT chest showing bronchiectasis and mucus plugging.

Differential diagnosis

For a patient presenting with chronically productive cough, the differential diagnoses would include CF, asthma, tuberculosis, primary ciliary dyskinesia, immune deficiencies as well as gastro-oesophageal reflux disease and recurrent aspiration. Subtle signs such as finger clubbing and nasal polyps may help guide towards a diagnosis of CF.

Following the above investigations, the patient was started on regular pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy, fat-soluble vitamins, nebulised DNase and prophylactic flucloxacillin. He was also seen in the multidisciplinary CF clinic, receiving dietetic and physiotherapy input. He had his first isolation of pseudomonas several months after diagnosis which led to a 2-week admission for intravenous antipseudomonal antibiotics. Following this, he was started on regular nebulised colistimethate sodium.

Outcome and follow-up

After the initiation of treatment, the patient's long-standing symptoms, including cough and loss of appetite, improved. His weight and height increased to between the 9th and 25th centile. In addition, his lung function improved with an FVC of 89% predicted and FEV1 of 90% predicted following his admission for intravenous antipseudomonal antibiotics. He remains under regular review at the CF clinic.

In the last few decades, CF has been increasingly diagnosed in Latin America, the Middle East and in those from the Indian subcontinent. 2 There are little available data on the incidence of CF in Egypt. One of the only studies attempting to evaluate the number of patients with CF in the country was conducted in 1993 and involved over 18 000 newborns. It estimated the prevalent rate of CF in Egypt to be 1 in 2664. 3 Supporting this, a study from neighbouring Jordan estimated the incidence of CF to be 1 in 2560. 4 In a more recent study, 100 patients who were clinically suspected of having the disease were recruited for CF screening. CF was diagnosed in more than one-third of patients, suggesting that the condition may be going undetected due to a low index of suspicion. 5

The growing recognition of CF in non-Caucasian populations, as supported by these studies, has implications for how CF is viewed among clinicians. The perception of CF as a condition solely attributed to people from European-derived populations must change to reflect our current understanding. Our case reported a patient with CF who was from an Egyptian background and had the classic signs and symptoms of CF. We wanted to highlight the importance of considering CF as a differential diagnosis in people regardless of their ethnic origin.

Learning points

  • Look for clubbing in all patients with a chronic cough.
  • Consider other diagnoses in patients diagnosed with asthma who are not responding to treatment.
  • Be aware that although newborn screening exists since 2007, this is not 100% sensitive and may have missed older children and those not born in the UK.
  • Consider a diagnosis of cystic fibrosis in patients presenting with appropriate symptoms regardless of ethnic origin.

Contributors: Research and original writing conducted by RY. Revised by BR.

Competing interests: None declared.

Patient consent: Obtained.

Provenance and peer review: Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.

The Cystic-Fibrosis Breakthrough That Changed Everything

The disease once guaranteed an early death—but a new treatment has given many patients a chance to live decades longer than expected. What do they do now?

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T hey call it the Purge.

You have experienced, in a modest way, something like it in the waning days of a bad cold, when your lungs finally expel their accumulated gunk. The rattle in your chest quiets. Your sinuses clear. You smell again: the animal sweetness of your children’s hair, the metallic breeze stirring a late-summer night. Your body, which oozed and groaned under the yoke of illness, is now a perfectly humming machine. Living is easy—everything is easy. How wonderful it is to breathe, simply breathe.

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Imagine, though, that you had never been able to simply breathe. Imagine that mucus—thick, copious, dark—had been accumulating since the moment you were born, thwarting air and trapping microbes to fester inside your lungs. That you spent an hour each day physically pounding the mucus out of your airways, but even then, your lung function would spiral only downward, in what amounted to a long, slow asphyxiation. This was what it once meant to be born with cystic fibrosis.

Then, in the fall of 2019, a new triple combination of drugs began making its way into the hands of people with the genetic disease. Trikafta corrects the misshapen protein that causes cystic fibrosis; this molecular tweak thins mucus in the lungs so it can be coughed up easily. In a matter of hours, patients who took it began to cough—and cough and cough and cough in what they later started calling the Purge. They hacked up at work, at home, in their car, in bed at night. It’s not that they were sick; if anything, it was the opposite: They were becoming well. In the days that followed, their lungs were cleansed of a tarlike mucus, and the small tasks of daily life that had been so difficult became unthinkingly easy. They ran up the stairs. They ran after their kids. They ran 10Ks. They ran marathons .

Cystic fibrosis once all but guaranteed an early death. When the disease was first identified, in the 1930s, most babies born with CF died in infancy. The next decades were a grind of incremental medical progress: A child born with CF in the ’50s could expect to live until age 5. In the ’70s, age 10. In the early 2000s, age 35. With Trikafta came a quantum leap. Today, those who begin taking the drug in early adolescence, a recent study projected, can expect to survive to age 82.5—an essentially normal life span.

CF was one of the first diseases to be traced to a specific gene, and Trikafta is one of the first drugs designed for a specific, inherited mutation. It is not a cure, and it doesn’t work for all patients. But a substantial majority of the 40,000 Americans with CF have now lived through a miracle—a thrilling but disorienting miracle. Where they once prepared for death, they now have to prepare for life. “It’s like the opposite of a terminal diagnosis,” Jenny Livingston told me.

Jenny spent her 20s in and out of the hospital for CF-related lung infections. During her frequent weeks-long stays, she made some of her best friends in the CF ward, only to watch them succumb, one by one, to the disease that she knew would eventually kill her too. More than anything, she hoped to live long enough to see her daughter graduate from high school.

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Today, Jenny is 36. Four years into taking Trikafta, she’s the healthiest she’s been in her adult life. Her daughter is 14, a lanky high-school freshman. They’re both obsessed with Harry Styles, and after Jenny started on Trikafta, they flew together to see him live —twice. They learned to hunt deer with Jenny’s partner, Randy. They often go up into the aspen- and fir-topped mountains that overlook their little town in central Utah. Jenny’s last hospitalization—four years ago, just before she started Trikafta—is now more distant in time than her daughter’s future graduation.

Having lived one life defined by cystic fibrosis, Jenny wonders: What is she going to do with her second life?

Jenny was born in 1987, the youngest of her parents’ five children together and the third to have cystic fibrosis. Given the family history, the doctors knew to test her as an infant, wrapping her forearm in plastic until a sheen of sweat appeared on her skin: the classic “sweat test” for cystic fibrosis. The faulty protein in CF cannot control the balance of salt and water in the body, which results in mucus that is unusually thick and sweat that is unusually salty. In medieval Europe, centuries before anyone understood why, a proverb foretold the fate of children with salt on their skin: “Woe to the child who tastes salty from a kiss on the brow, for he is cursed and soon will die.”

The 1980s, suffice it to say, were not the Middle Ages. By the time Jenny was born, her two older sisters with cystic fibrosis—Shannan, 8, and Teresa, 7—were on a strict schedule of mucus-clearing chest therapy and medications that had kept them alive past toddlerhood. Shannan wasn’t diagnosed until she was 13 months old. “I knew when she was born that there was something wrong,” their mother, Lisa, told me. As a newborn, Shannan projectile vomited and blew out her diapers constantly. When she got older, she was often so insatiably hungry that she would cry when a spoon scraped the bottom of a near-empty food jar. She scarfed down five pancakes at a time. In the baby photos in Lisa’s scrapbook, she is all skinny legs and big, swollen belly—a classic sign of malnutrition.

Shannan was starving, it turned out. Food was passing through her body undigested because her pancreas had been damaged as a result of thick mucus blocking the ducts that release digestive enzymes. Cystic fibrosis was originally named, in fact, for the fibrous cysts that a 1930s pathologist saw in the pancreases of babies who had died. An early epiphany helped doctors overcome the malfunctioning pancreas, though: The missing enzymes could be replaced with pills. By the time of Shannan’s diagnosis, CF was known as a disease of the lungs, in which sticky mucus made fertile ground for bacteria, and the cycle of infection and scarring, infection and scarring would eventually cause the lungs to fail.

Lisa relayed the news of Shannan’s diagnosis over the phone to her husband, Tom, who was at work. As she repeated the doctor’s words, their awful meaning sank in. Their daughter would not live long. They would watch her die. In that moment, the two of them broke down on the phone, the physical distance between them collapsed by grief.

Shannan died when she was 14. “I remember the sound of her oxygen machine more than her voice,” Jenny told me. The rumble and puff of the machine had run in the background of their home, punctuated by chronic coughs from all three girls with CF. But neither Teresa nor Jenny was ever as sick as Shannan was in childhood—due perhaps to chance or to being diagnosed and starting treatments earlier in life. Even when they were newborns, their mother coaxed applesauce sprinkled with enzymes into their mouth, so they could absorb nutrients from their milk.

Not long after Shannan died, Lisa and Tom divorced—their marriage had been strained even before the loss of their daughter—and they both eventually remarried. Despite the upheavals in her family, Jenny remembers her childhood as quite normal. Yes, she had to take the enzymes with every meal, and she had to clear her lungs of mucus every day—first by having her parents pound on her chest and back and later by using an oscillating vest that shook her body. As inhaled CF drugs were developed, they were added to her daily regimen. She went to the hospital for annual preventive “tune-ups,” but she was never sick enough to need emergency hospitalizations, and CF did not seem to hold her back.

Lisa thinks of Jenny as her sassy daughter. Her youngest was always stubborn, always a go-getter. Through the Make-A-Wish Foundation, she was able to get a horse, which she entered in local shows and rode through the foothills just outside town. In the summer, the salt from the dried sweat on her arms became crystals that glimmered in the sun, a subtle reminder of the disease still inside her. The invincibility of youth, however, made her think she had perhaps escaped her oldest sister’s fate.

At 19, Jenny married a local boy she had fallen in love with, and at 21, she was shocked to find herself pregnant: “A very, very happy surprise.” She had always longed to be a mother. As a young girl, she once drew a picture proclaiming that she would grow up to have six children. The drawing “broke my heart,” says her stepmother, Candy. Even if Jenny lived long enough, cystic fibrosis often causes fertility issues—in many women, thickened cervical mucus is thought to prevent pregnancy, and in almost all men, sperm ducts never develop because of blockages that occur in utero. And at the time, doctors often recommended against pregnancy for health reasons.

But Jenny pushed the worries out of her mind. She was simply happy. She set up a crib and painted the nursery. In retrospect, the fevers and shortness of breath she began to feel were not just the normal discomforts of pregnancy, but she didn’t clock it then. She had an uneventful labor, and gave birth to a healthy baby girl. They named her Morgan.

The trouble started in the following months. Six weeks after giving birth, Jenny went back to work. Between nursing and soothing and diapering a newborn, she could no longer keep up her treatment routine. She sometimes also skipped medications when she couldn’t afford them with the pay from her job as a bank teller and her husband’s as a welder.

Then she caught a bug. It was 2009, the year of swine flu, so it could have been that or a more mundane cold, but either way, it triggered something deep in her lungs. She started feeling short of breath. By the time she got to a CF specialist at a hospital two hours away, in Salt Lake City, she could not walk from the car to the front door. She was too weak to stand for her lung-function test. She collapsed into her hospital bed, and for the next several days, she was unable to use the toilet or shower on her own. Convinced that she would die 100 miles from her three-month-old daughter, she had a terrible revelation: “This is why they said ‘Don’t have kids.’ ”

This was Jenny’s first CF pulmonary exacerbation, when lung function plummets from an acute infection. Doctors inserted her first PICC line, a catheter that runs from the upper arm to the heart, delivers antibiotics, and stays in place longer than an IV. She recovered, but just months later, she was back in the hospital with another exacerbation. Then another and another, and on this went for the next several years. Jenny counted for me the PICC-line scars still visible as white dots on each arm—at least 10 on the left, 16 on the right. When the veins in her arms started to reject PICC lines, doctors placed a port under her right collarbone for easy access to her central vein.

2 photos: patients in scrubs with cucumber slices on eyes and face masks lie upside down on hospital bed; woman in hospital bed with blonde toddler in pink onesie

Each infection scarred her lungs; each exacerbation eroded her lung function. The disease that had been a minor plot point in her life became one of its major storylines, and the people in the hospital became recurring characters. At the University of Utah’s CF center, she met Warren, one of her best friends, whom she came to know so well, she could identify his cough through the hospital walls. He was “so dang funny,” Jenny said, unafraid of joking about the death that would befall them both. Where she was a rule follower, he was a troublemaker. Once, he commandeered a hospital floor scrubber, waving at patients in their rooms as he drove past. Another time, he managed to procure a bootleg copy of The Avengers . Stuck in the hospital over the film’s opening weekend, he and the other CF patients organized a movie night. James brought his Xbox to play the bootleg DVD. Heather (“the biggest Swiftie”) and Angie (“gorgeous, tall blonde”) joined too. They found a waiting room with a TV, and the nurses passed around microwave popcorn.

Jenny and her friends made sure to sit several feet apart. People with cystic fibrosis have had to practice social distancing since long before COVID, because they are considered a danger to one another. Their lungs harbor destructive and often antibiotic-resistant bacteria that can become impossible to uproot once established. Certain names are spoken with an air of doom: Burkholderia cepacia , Pseudomonas aeruginosa . When doctors in the 1990s realized that people with CF were infecting and killing one another by simply gathering, they stopped allowing patients to go within several feet of one another unmasked. Camps for children with cystic fibrosis, which Jenny still remembers fondly , were all shut down. In the hospital, she once again found a community in the disease that was taking over her life. But many of those friendships ended too soon: Of the five people at the Avengers movie night, Jenny is the only one alive today. Warren, James, Heather, and Angie have all died.

As Jenny struggled with her health, the new reality of chronic illness took a toll on her marriage. She and her husband eventually divorced. After a particularly harrowing hospitalization in 2012, her doctors encouraged her to stop working and go on disability. Something in her life had to give, they told her, or it would be her body. Her disease and her daughter became her whole world.

Even as a young child, Morgan could sense when her mom was heading toward another exacerbation. If she noticed that Jenny was more tired than usual or coughing more than usual, she began to dread their coming separation. When she was 3 years old, she asked, “Do all mommies live in the hospital sometimes?” When she was 6, after Warren’s death, she asked, “Can you die from CF?” She understood that their existence together was fragile.

Jenny answered truthfully: Yes. But she assured her daughter that she was taking care of herself as best she could. Still, she made plans for what was probably inevitable. If she died, her daughter would live with her aunt and uncle. If she died, she wanted a funeral just like Warren’s, with music, candy, and an open mic for everyone to share their favorite memories.

A cure for cystic fibrosis had supposedly been imminent since 1989, when Jenny turned 2. That year, scientists identified the recessive gene behind cystic fibrosis, which encodes a protein called CFTR that controls the flow of salt and water. The discovery seemed so explosive that a Reuters reporter rushed to publish the scoop more than two weeks before the scientific papers were due to come out; two press conferences followed.

In the decades after, however, researchers came to understand the wide gulf between identifying a genetic problem and knowing how to solve it. Early attempts in the ’90s at using gene therapy to fix mutations failed again and again, both for CF and for other genetic conditions that once seemed tantalizingly close to a cure.

Then, CF researchers changed tack: Instead of correcting the gene, why not correct the mutated protein itself with small fixer molecules? This had never been done before—with any disease—but the nonprofit Cystic Fibrosis Foundation deemed the strategy promising enough to strike an unusual venture-philanthropy agreement with a company that would attempt it, which was eventually bought by Vertex Pharmaceuticals. The foundation funded the research in return for a share of the revenue.

The move paid off. In 2012, Vertex released a drug called Kalydeco that worked stunningly well—improving lung function and erasing many symptoms in the small group of CF patients who could take it. That was the catch: The FDA approved Kalydeco only for the roughly 4 percent of people with CF who carried a rare and specific mutation. Still, it provided a jolt of optimism. Kalydeco was the first drug ever tailored to a person’s inherited genetic mutation, and the breakthrough portended a new age of “personalized medicine.” It also inspired other patient-advocacy groups to copy the venture-philanthropy model. In 2014, the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation sold the rights to royalties from Kalydeco and future Vertex CF drugs for $3.3 billion, which it could invest in new research.

After Kalydeco, the next CF mutation to target was obvious. About 1,700 unique mutations have been found in people with CF, but some 90 percent of patients—including Jenny—carry at least one copy of a mutation, known as F508del, that leaves their protein channels too seriously distorted for Kalydeco alone to correct. Fixing this shape would be a much bigger task. In 2013, Jenny joined the clinical trial for a two-drug combination from Vertex, made up of Kalydeco plus a second fixer molecule. It failed to especially improve her symptoms, though it did work enough to stabilize her falling lung function. “It seemed to push pause,” she said. She stopped getting sicker, but she was still sick. The research went on.

A few years later, word began spreading of a forthcoming three-drug combination from Vertex. In clinical trials, neither patients nor doctors are told who is on the placebo and who is on the experimental drug. But in this trial, everyone could tell. The triple combo made patients’ lung function jump by a shocking 10 percentage points. Overnight, they woke up smelling for the first time the distinctive scent of their home. They could even taste their sweat becoming less salty. This was Trikafta.

In the fall of 2019, Trikafta was approved by the FDA just 10 days before a large annual gathering of CF experts in Nashville. Doctors who attended told me the atmosphere was electric. Jenny happened to be there to speak on an unrelated panel, and she remembers seeing the geneticist Francis Collins walk onstage with a guitar. Collins is best known as the longtime director of the National Institutes of Health, where he oversaw the sequencing of the human genome in the ’90s (he has since retired from the NIH). But he had made his name in 1989 as one of the scientists who discovered the gene for cystic fibrosis.

In those long years when progress was halting, Collins, who is also an amateur musician, wrote a song to inspire a gathering of CF researchers. He sang “ Dare to Dream ” again that day in Nashville, his baritone raspier with age. When he got to the verse that he had rewritten for this occasion—“That triple treatment has taken 30 years”—cheers broke out in the convention center. In the crowd were people who had waited their whole career, even their whole life, for this moment. We dare to dream, dare to dream. As they swayed to the music, perhaps no one quite understood the magnitude and velocity of the change to come.

Jenny received her first box of Trikafta on November 17, 2019, at the end of yet another two-week hospital stay. She had gotten sick again in Nashville. Actually, she had been fighting off a cold before she left, and despite assiduously staying in her hotel room to keep up her treatment routine, she felt an infection settling into her lungs. At the conference, she heard a lot about Trikafta, but she didn’t expect to get it so quickly. CF centers were being inundated with calls from patients asking for the new drug.

In the hospital in Utah, she recorded a video that she sent to her sister with CF, Teresa, who now lived in Ohio. She is sitting on her hospital bed. “My Trikafta is here,” she says, her voice shaking and her eyes tearing up. The miracle drug she had been promised her whole life was now in her hands.

Teresa was also able to start the drug not long after. For her, Trikafta’s impact was immediate and unmistakable. The Purge started on the drive back from the doctor’s visit where she took the first dose. The mucus coming up was so thin that she was confused; it was nothing like the sticky gunk she’d had to work so hard to cough up. A month later, she went back for a sweat test, and her salt level was normal. Based on the results, you would not know she had cystic fibrosis.

photo: red-haired woman sits cross-legged on armchair in living room inhaling from medical apparatus with long gray tubes

“I think of it like, ‘Oh, back when I used to have CF,’ ” Teresa said on a recent call with Jenny and me. “I don’t feel like I have CF. I feel completely normal.” She has been able to stop using her vest and inhaled medications, freeing up that time for her adopted children and the farm where she lives with her family. Before Trikafta, every small exertion was a negotiation with her lungs. Should she go upstairs? How many breaths would that take? Now she’s running around milking the goats, trimming their hooves, throwing 30 bales of hay into the barn.

On that same call, the sisters got to talking about an upcoming trip to see their grandmother, and Teresa asked Jenny a question that would have been inconceivable before Trikafta: Could they stay in the same hotel room? To avoid infecting each other with the bacteria in their lungs, the two had not shared a room since Teresa left Utah 15 years earlier. At family gatherings, they kept their distance. They didn’t even touch the same serving utensils, sending their partners to get their food. Now, Jenny told her sister, “I would totally stay in the same hotel room.”

When Jenny started Trikafta, it took her longer than it took Teresa to notice much change. She didn’t have the dramatic capital- P Purge because, she thinks, the hospitalization had already temporarily cleared her lungs. But two months after she started the drug, when a snowstorm blanketed their town, her family drove out to their favorite sledding hill. Jenny had never liked sledding; she would stand in the cold while everyone else ran around having fun, their easy breaths turning into white puffs in the air. This time, her nephew called out and she jogged over.

It wasn’t until she got to him that she realized she had jogged up —all the way to the top of the hill. “I don’t run, and I don’t climb hills. And I just ran up a hill and felt super fine,” she says in a video she took right after. “I’m going to see if I can do it again. Ready?”

“Yes,” her daughter, Morgan, answers next to her. They take off. “Mom!” Morgan shouts a few seconds later, as the distance between them grows larger. “You’re beating me, Mom!” At the top of the hill, Jenny looks back to see Morgan still catching up.

Jenny went down the hill and ran back up again, simply to prove that she could. “At one point, I just plopped up here on my bum and cried,” she told me during my visit in October, pointing to the spot on the hill where it had all hit her. In front of us, big gray mountains jutted into the blue sky. The sledding hill, she admitted, did not look that impressive. But for all of Morgan’s life, Jenny had been on the sidelines. She’d watch as Morgan swam in the lake or rode her bike, her low-grade fever making her too tired to join. That day on the hill, they finally ran together.

From there, Jenny began noticing changes in her body, big and small. The tips of her fingers, which had always been slightly swollen and round—a sign of low oxygen—thinned out as her lungs improved. She didn’t need as many enzyme pills to digest her meals. Her chronic cough disappeared. She hadn’t realized how much she had always suppressed her laughter to avoid triggering her cough. Now she can laugh—big belly laughs that match the warmth of her personality. “Oh my gosh, my laugh drives her crazy,” she told me in the car, laughing, after picking up Morgan from school. “That’s because you laugh at stuff that’s not funny,” her daughter shot back. Jenny laughed again.

Trikafta had effects that even doctors did not anticipate. In the months after the drugs became widely available, some patients unexpectedly got pregnant; the drug that thins lung mucus, it turns out, also thins cervical mucus. Then, patients started trying to get pregnant. The drug made many people with CF feel so healthy that they no longer worried about the physical toll of pregnancy and parenthood or the agony of leaving behind young children. Doctors began speaking of a Trikafta baby boom.

Doors opened to other once-impossible futures. A 22-year-old told me he decided to train as an aircraft mechanic, a job that would have been far too physically demanding when he was being hospitalized multiple times a year. One woman started dating. “I don’t want to fall in love with somebody, knowing that I’m not going to be around very long,” she had thought. Now she and her boyfriend have been together for four years. A father who was being evaluated for a lung transplant before Trikafta felt healthy enough to spend the summer of 2020 tearing down and rebuilding his family’s deck, and now expects his CF lungs to see him through graduations and grandkids.

Trikafta is a lifelong medication, and it is not meant to undo organ damage that has already occurred. But the earlier treatment begins, the healthier one stays. A handful of pregnant women have now used Trikafta to treat their unborn children with cystic fibrosis. Last fall, I corresponded with one such expecting mother, who does not have CF but whose son was diagnosed by genetic testing. She started Trikafta at 26 weeks. When her son was born in October, his lungs and pancreas were perfectly healthy.

Officially, Trikafta is approved in the U.S. for patients as young as 2. Unofficially, some parents give their newborns Trikafta, either indirectly through breast milk or directly by grinding up the pills into tiny doses. So long as they stay on the medication, these children may never experience any of the physical ravages of the disease. Recently, Make-A-Wish announced that children with CF would no longer automatically be eligible for the program, because “life-changing advances” had radically improved the outlook for them.

CF centers these days are unusually quiet. Fewer patients need once-routine weeks-long hospitalizations. Instead of thinking about lung function, more and more are worrying about the maladies that come with middle and old age—colon cancer, high cholesterol, heart disease. Obesity has been a confounding new issue . Before Trikafta, patients were usually underweight, and they were told to cram as many calories in as possible, by whatever means possible. Every additional pound was a small victory. One patient described microwaving pints of Ben & Jerry’s to drink mixed with heavy cream; when even that failed to make her gain weight, she got a feeding tube. Now people on Trikafta worry about getting too many calories.

In February, Vertex announced the results of a clinical trial for a next-generation triple-combination therapy, which may be even more effective than Trikafta. All of these changes have made for an existential moment for doctors, too: The disease they were trained to treat is no longer the disease most of their patients have.

Doctors told me they could think of only one other comparable breakthrough in recent memory: the arrival of powerful HIV drugs in the 1990s. Like Trikafta, those drugs were not a cure, but they transformed AIDS from a terminal illness into a manageable chronic one. Young men got up from their deathbed, newly strong and hale. AIDS hospices emptied—and then went bankrupt.

This was a remarkable turn of events. But it elicited a complicated mix of emotions, not all of them joyful. Some patients who were no longer dying grew depressed, anxious, and even suicidal at the thought of living. This phenomenon became known as “Lazarus syndrome.”

Death is an end, after all. Life comes with problems: Patients who spent lavishly during what were supposed to be their last days now had no money to live on. Those who stayed with a lover in sickness found that they could not actually stand them in health. They fretted about insurance and paperwork and chores, everyday annoyances that would no longer be obliterated by imminent death. In 1996, the writer Andrew Sullivan, who is HIV-positive, described life after the advent of the HIV drugs in his essay “ When Plagues End ”:

When you have spent several years girding yourself for the possibility of death, it is not so easy to gird yourself instead for the possibility of life. What you expect to greet with the euphoria of victory comes instead like the slow withdrawal of an excuse. And you resist it. The intensity with which you had learned to approach each day turns into a banality, a banality that refuses to understand or even appreciate the experience you have just gone through.

For some HIV patients, their reversal of fortune seemed unreal. “He doesn’t trust what’s happening to him,” one doctor said about a patient who had made a dramatic recovery, yet found himself in psychological distress.

Doubts like these crept into the minds of many people on Trikafta, too. What if the new drug stopped working? Or had horrible side effects? Or stopped being covered by insurance? Trikafta’s sticker price is more than $300,000 a year. Insurance typically covers most of that cost—minus what can be significant co-pays and deductibles—and Vertex offers co-pay assistance. But patients’ lives ultimately depend on decisions made by nameless bureaucrats in rooms far away: Insurance plans can suddenly change what they cover, and in 2022, Vertex announced that it would substantially reduce its financial assistance.

A 43-year-old woman I interviewed asked not to be named, because she feared that speaking about her improved health would cause her to lose disability benefits, which would also get her kicked off the government insurance that pays for Trikafta. Her health has not improved as dramatically as others’ has, and she still has frequent infections and occasional bleeding in her lungs. If she returns to work but her health declines, it could take a long time to get back on disability—time she would have to go without Trikafta. She would also need a job with health insurance good enough to cover the expensive drug—but could she even get one as a 40-something with no recent employment history?

For other patients, new health granted new independence, which could be scary too. As a child, Patrick Allen Brown was sick enough to miss long stretches of school. His parents didn’t expect him to do chores, let alone support himself with a job one day. So much of his life was spent in the hospital that movies became his way of understanding the outside world. In his teens and 20s, he drank heavily.

After Trikafta restored Brown’s physical health, he was no longer a chronically ill adult who lived with his parents. He was a pretty healthy adult who still lived with his parents. He was 32, and hadn’t finished college. Now he had to budget, commit to a career. He decided to get sober. When one of his parents needed back surgery recently, their roles flipped: He became the caretaker. Brown has now graduated from culinary school and found work as a chef, but he feels as if he is still catching up to his peers.

2 photos: sunlit hill with trees, fence, and partially cloudy blue sky; red-haired woman hugs blonde girl looking at camera with sky and mountains in background

The great blossoming of possibilities on Trikafta also dredged up regret about decisions too late to undo. Kara Hansen, 41, has a daughter who was adopted, and she had always wanted another child. But in 2016, she had to be repeatedly hospitalized: in April, then again in May, July, and August. She gave up on having a second child—how could she, if she couldn’t even guarantee living for the daughter she already had? Then, in 2018, she joined the original trial for Trikafta, becoming one of the first people in the world to experience its miraculous effects. If she had known her health would improve so dramatically and hold steady six years on, she would have tried to get pregnant, but she feels like it’s too late now. To plan for such a miracle would have been foolish, but to live in its unexpected aftermath can still be painful.

After a year on Trikafta, Jenny told Teresa something that she acknowledged sounded “insane” but that her sister understood immediately: “To no longer be actively dying kind of sucks,” she said. The certainty of dying young, she realized, had been a security blanket. She’d never worried about retirement, menopause, or the loneliness of outliving a parent or a partner.

Cystic fibrosis had defined her adult life. Now what? For so long, she’d just been trying to see her daughter graduate from high school. Now she faced seeing Morgan go off and live her own life. What then? Jenny had become active in patient advocacy, and soon after the start of the pandemic, she volunteered to moderate an online patient forum on mental health for her CF center in Utah. It went so well that her longtime social worker at the center felt compelled to give some career advice: Try social work.

From the October 2022 issue: Sarah Zhang on why so many kids need glasses now

Jenny enrolled in an online master’s program in 2022, and this past fall she chose a practicum with a hospice agency. Having watched the death of so many friends and contemplated her own, she felt prepared to shepherd people through the sadness and awkwardness and even humor that accompany the end of life. She understood, too, the small dignities that mean the world when your body is no longer up to the task of living. One hospice patient, she noticed, often had trouble understanding conversations because his hearing aids were never charged correctly. She got the situation fixed, and on a recent visit, he wanted to listen to music, playing for her the favorite songs of his youth. On another man’s shelf, she recognized a birding book, and she made plans for a window feeder to bring birds to him.

Jenny doesn’t share the details of her life with patients, but in their experiences with death, she has seen her own refracted. One hospice patient, a devout elderly woman, was estranged from her adult son, who no longer believed. Jenny herself grew up religious—Mormon, in her case—but she is not anymore. Her family is still Mormon, as is virtually everyone in the town she has lived in since childhood, which has 3,500 people, several Mormon churches, and a Mormon temple. She is liberal, whereas most of her relatives voted for Donald Trump.

Still, Jenny has made a point of staying close to her large, tight-knit family. Knowing she would die young had long ago clarified that she wanted to leave with no regrets, no grudges, and no words left unsaid to the people she loved. In the foothills outside town one day, she pointed in the direction of her house, her brother’s house, her mom’s house, her dad and stepmom’s house, all minutes away from one another.

Although Trikafta looks to be a very safe drug for most people, it does have side effects. It can cause cataracts as well as liver injury. More perplexing, Trikafta may affect the brain.

For Jenny, starting Trikafta coincided with a wave of intense insomnia, brain fog, and anxiety. For months, she could sleep only two or three hours a night. She’d lose her phone and find it in the freezer. Her lungs were so much healthier, but her brain was going haywire. Soon, she realized that other CF patients had begun sharing stories online of depression, anger, or suicidal thoughts that emerged at the same time they started taking Trikafta.

Doctors sometimes chalked up these symptoms to the existential unease of no longer dying, or the fear and isolation everyone felt in the early days of the pandemic. But Jenny’s doctor took the side effects she reported seriously enough to suggest that she halve her Trikafta dose, and soon after, they subsided. (Some of her CF symptoms did return, but they were muted enough that she could pare down her regimen of treatments.)

The link between Trikafta and these symptoms in the brain is still not fully proven or understood. “We’ve done an in-depth analysis of the preclinical data, clinical data, and real-world-evidence data, and we don’t find any causal relationship,” Fred Van Goor, a vice president and the head of CF research at Vertex, told me in January. And an analysis co-authored by the company’s scientists last year found similar rates of depression and suicidality in CF patients with or without Trikafta. But in November, a group of scientists published a review arguing that the possible neuropsychiatric effects of Trikafta deserved a “serious research effort.” The protein behind CF is found in cells throughout the body, including the brain. Trikafta could be acting on the brain directly, the authors hypothesized, or it could be acting indirectly via changes to inflammation throughout the body or specifically in the gut. The drug may affect different subsets of patients differently, says Anna Georgiopoulos, a psychiatrist at Massachusetts General Hospital who co-authored the review. She believes that neuropsychiatric side effects afflict only a “small minority” of people on Trikafta, but says that studies are needed to know exactly how many.

In the meantime, some patients have quit Trikafta altogether, their neuropsychiatric symptoms too debilitating even on a lower dose. “Physically I was feeling the best I’ve ever felt,” says Aimee Lecointre of her time on the drug, but mentally, “I felt on the verge of a panic attack almost every day.” The contradiction confused her: How could she be so anxious and depressed when her health was getting so much better? When she finally decided to try stopping Trikafta, the nervous energy that had filled her body all day long dissipated. But her CF symptoms came back. During our phone conversation, she paused every few minutes to cough.

She and Jenny have known each other for years, going back to their mutual hospitalizations. The three of us were supposed to meet over apple-cider floats when I was in Utah, but Lecointre had health issues come up at the last minute, the kind of disruption that happens all the time for people with a chronic illness. For a while, her Instagram feed filled with people on Trikafta whose lives were transforming while hers stayed the same; she had to delete social media from her phone. She still feels sad, sometimes, that Trikafta didn’t work out for her. But she was able to go back to one of Vertex’s two-drug combos, and although it is less effective than Trikafta, she feels so much better. There is more to cope with, but the coping is easier.

For another group of CF patients, Trikafta simply does not work. About 10 percent lack the F508del mutation that the triple combination was specifically designed to fix. Over time, though, scientists have found that some less common mutations are similar enough to F508del that those who carry them still benefit from Trikafta. And in late 2020, word got out that the FDA would soon approve the drug for additional mutations.

Gina Ruiz remembers waiting and waiting for the list of new mutations that fall. She had spent the past year watching her peers on Trikafta be handed what she thought of as a “reverse Uno card”—reverse weight loss, reverse lung decline, reverse CF—while her own health continued to worsen. She was sitting in a car when she saw the list, and she scrolled through the 177 new mutations hoping to find hers. She was crushed when she did not. Ruiz and most people in the 10 percent have mutations that leave their CFTR protein too garbled or incomplete to correct with any combination of fixer molecules. Treating these mutations will require a different strategy altogether.

The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation continues to fund research into a cure for all, and scientists, including those at Vertex, are once again exploring genetic therapies, applying the lessons of past failures. But a genetic-therapy breakthrough specific to CF is still years, if not decades, away. After Vertex created that first drug for the 4 percent, the path toward Trikafta was clear. After Trikafta, terra incognita.

Ruiz is wary of getting her hopes up again. At age 29, she can no longer work. She lives with her parents. Her lung function has fallen to 30 percent. And in December, her weight reached a new low of 89 pounds. “I went to Target last night and I was beyond exhausted,” she told me the following month. Her knees hurt too, another complication of CF. As she’s watched her peers on Trikafta get married and chase after toddlers, her own world has shrunk. Halfway through the store, she got so tired that she had to rest in a chair in the home-goods section before she could go on.

Other patients with rare mutations told me the CF communities they once relied on for support have become quiet, as the 90 percent have gotten on with their lives. “It’s extremely isolating,” says Steph Hansen, who was steeling herself for another hospitalization when we spoke in January. She describes it as a one-two punch: Her health is no better, yet she has lost the community that once buoyed her. She’s connected with a handful of other patients who can’t take Trikafta, but CF is already a rare disease, and they are the rarest of the rare.

photo of group of 12 people standing in line, some hugging, on grassy field with mountains and sky in distance

The F508del mutation is most common in people of European ancestry, so people with mutations ineligible for Trikafta in the U.S. are disproportionately Black or Latino. Globally, the proportion of people ineligible is higher in Latin America, Asia, and Africa, where diagnosis and treatment for CF also lag . In most developing countries, even eligible patients cannot get Trikafta—because Vertex currently does not sell its expensive drug outside a few dozen countries, concentrated in Europe and the English-speaking world. (Vertex says it has a pilot program that “provides Trikafta at no cost to people with CF in certain lower income countries.”) Its patents also block other companies from making a cheaper generic version. In early 2023, activists asked four countries to revoke or suspend patents for Trikafta in a coordinated campaign. One of the countries was India, where The New York Times wrote about a father named Seshagiri Buddana. His son would have been able to take Trikafta if he lived in the U.S., but he died in December 2022 one day before he would have turned 9.

All of this weighs on Jenny. What makes her different from those who have died, other than the luck of being born at the right time, in the right place, with the right mutations?

Two days after my visit to Utah, Jenny’s father, Tom, had a heart attack while chopping firewood. He felt short of breath, and a trip to the hospital revealed that his major arteries were 90 percent blocked.

When Jenny texted me the news, she said she had been replaying our recent conversations about life and death. She was glad to feel, upon learning her father might die, that nothing between the two of them was left unsaid or unresolved. I thought of what Tom had told me in his living room. Before we had gone over to his house that day, Jenny had warned me that her dad was a jokester, not a man prone to earnest reflection. But when the conversation shifted to the impact of Trikafta, he turned to me, completely serious. “I was going to bury my kids. And I’m not. They get to bury me, which is the way it’s supposed to be.”

We all fell silent for a moment, as we felt the weight he had been carrying all those years. After burying his eldest daughter at 14, Tom could no longer watch movies in which children die. In Jenny’s years of sickness, he had often driven her two hours to the hospital in Salt Lake City, but he rarely set foot inside. Hospitals are places where people go to be born or to die, he’d say, and all my children have already been born.

After his heart attack, Tom needed an emergency quintuple-bypass surgery. He did well, and came home to recover. He spent the time rethinking his priorities. Just before falling ill, he had skipped a family outing to an amusement park to work. Now he regretted it. He’s become more open about his emotions; still a jokester, he’s taken to saying that his heart has been opened in more ways than one since the surgery.

It’s interesting, Jenny says. Her father has lived a longer and very different life from her own, but she recognizes what he is going through. People die from this, he started saying. I could have died from this. He got close enough to see death’s shadow, only to be pulled back to a life whose familiarity suddenly felt unfamiliar. What would he do with his unexpected life? “Hey,” Jenny told her dad. “I get it.”

This article appears in the April 2024 print edition with the headline “After the Miracle.”


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    26 terms averyqui Preview HESI Cystic fibrosis Case Study Darla Teacher 25 terms Preview Nursing 116 FINAL EXAM 170 terms Exam #5 (Nursing 101) 76 terms NU373 Week 4 HESI Case Study: Cystic Fibrosis - 26 questions 26 terms HESI: Cystic Fibrosis and Rationale 26 terms Nursing interview Qs 25 terms Lecture 10: POC 9 terms amandakyle53

  17. Cystic Fibrosis Case Study

    Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is a disease that is inherited and affects the mucus and sweat production by those glands (McCance & Huether, 2018). How it is inherited is that parents of children with CF both have to be carriers of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator (CFTR) mutation gene (McCance & Huether, 2018).

  18. Cystic Fibrosis Case Study

    Cystic Fibrosis Case Study for Nursing Students. Course. nursing (110) 108 Documents. Students shared 108 documents in this course. University West Coast University. Academic year: 2020/2021. Uploaded by: Anonymous Student. This document has been uploaded by a student, just like you, who decided to remain anonymous.

  19. Case Report: Diagnosis of cystic fibrosis in a patient of Egyptian

    PMID: 27797861 Case Report Diagnosis of cystic fibrosis in a patient of Egyptian background Rie Yoshida and Bobby Ruge Author information Article notes Copyright and License information PMC Disclaimer Go to: Abstract Cystic fibrosis (CF) is the most common genetically inherited condition in European-derived populations.

  20. Cystic Fibrosis Case Study Flashcards

    suggest that they add extra salt to debbie's diet and watch her for dehydation. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Which statement by the mother supports the diagnosis of CF, which documentation further supports the diagnosis of CF, what information will the nurse include when teaching about the sweat test and more.

  21. Pediatric Nursing HESI Case Study Cystic Fibrosis Flashcards

    Pediatric Nursing HESI Case Study Cystic Fibrosis. 4.0 (1 review) Which assessment supports the diagnosis of CF? -A fever of 102 ºF (38.9 ºC), inflammed larynx with exudate. -Eyes with redness and yellow exudate. -Weight loss and delayed growth despite a hearty appetite. -A brassy cough with inspiratory stridor. Click the card to flip 👆.

  22. Cystic fibrosis Case Study

    Case Study Nick and Meghan have a newborn baby boy whose diagnosis of cystic fibrosis (CF) was recently confirmed after routine newborn testing. How are newborns tested for CF? (1 Point) First through a newborn screening blood test via a heel stick, then CF is confirmed by a sweat test which tests the babies sweat for increased levels of chloride

  23. The Cystic-Fibrosis Breakthrough That Changed Everything

    The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation continues to fund research into a cure for all, and scientists, including those at Vertex, are once again exploring genetic therapies, applying the lessons of past ...

  24. Renowned cystic fibrosis expert honored with 2024 Impact Award

    Patrick Flume, M.D., the Powers-Huggins Endowed Chair for Cystic Fibrosis at MUSC, was honored with the prestigious 2024 Impact Award by the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation at its second annual Breath of Life Celebration in Charleston, South Carolina. More than 300 leaders and colleagues gathered at the annual gala event on Feb. 23 to celebrate Flume's achievements.