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Data analyst practice test number 1.

  • Post published: July 28, 2022

This is an Excel Data Analyst exam, you will be challenged to solve various data analysis issues that Excel Data Analysts face in their everyday work!

You will be using functions such as:

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Tutorial: Data Analysis in Excel

  • Written by John Terra
  • Updated on February 23, 2024

Data Analysis in Excel

Our world today is awash in the rising tide of data. We use data analysis to deal with the daily flood of big data, hoping to make sense of it and turn it into actionable insights. Microsoft Excel, a venerable presence in our digital world for years, is one of the most popular data analysis applications. Excel is an all-in-one data management application that lets you easily import, explore, analyze, clean and visualize your data.

This article discusses data analysis in Excel, especially the different data analysis methods available in the application. We will explore conditional formatting, pivot tables, ToolPak and more. We’’ also share a way to get practical experience working with this powerful tool through online data analytics training .

So, let’s get started.

How to Use Data Analysis in Excel

Charts are a great way to present a narrative with graphics. Charts summarize data so data sets are easier to understand and analyze. Since Excel is well known for its ability to organize and compute numbers and a chart is a graphical depiction of a set of facts, it’s easy to see why this application fits so well.

Charts are visual depictions of data using symbols like bars in a Bar Chart or lines in a Line Chart to represent data. Excel provides users with various chart types to pick, or they can select the Excel Recommended Charts option and examine charts tailored to their data.

Excel charts are ideal for helping with data analysis by emphasizing one or several of a report’s components. Analysts can use Excel charts to filter out unnecessary “noise” from the story they’re trying to convey and instead focus on the most vital parts of the data. Analysts can quickly create columns, pie charts, lines or bar charts by navigating to the Insert tab and choosing the Charts command group.

Here’s how to create these charts:

  • Choose a data range
  • Select Insert > (pick desired chart type from icons)
  • Modify the inserted chart as needed

And now, let’s continue our exploration of data analysis in Excel by looking at different methods you can use.

The Various Methods for Data Analysis in Excel


=FIND/=SEARCH is suitable for locating specific text inside a data source. Both commands are mentioned here because =FIND yields a case-sensitive match (for example, if you query “Big,” you will only get Big=true results), while a =SEARCH for “Big” matches with Big or big, expanding the query. This is very useful when searching for abnormalities and unique identifiers.



CONCATENATE is one of the most straightforward yet powerful formulas for data analysis. Text, numbers, dates, and other data from many different cells can be combined into one. This is an excellent method for generating product SKUs, Java queries and API endpoints.

  • =CONCATENATE(SELECT the cells you would like to merge)

=COUNTA determines if a cell is empty. Data analysts often encounter incomplete data sets. COUNTA allows them to examine gaps in the dataset without restructuring it.


COUNTIF is a commonly used Excel function that counts cells in a range that satisfies a single condition.

  • =COUNTIF (range, criteria)

=LEN quickly returns the number of characters in each cell. The =LEN formula can be used to decide the number of characters in a cell, distinguishing two kinds of product Stock Keeping Units (SKUs). LEN is particularly important when determining between Unique Identifiers (UIDs) since these are sometimes long and must be in the proper sequence.


The SUMIF function gives the sum of the cells that fulfill a single condition.

  • =SUMIF (range, criteria, [sum_range])

This fantastic, versatile function eliminates all spaces from a cell except for single spaces between words. TRIM is often used to eradicate trailing spaces, usually when the material is copied from a different source, or users enter spaces at the end of the text.

  • =TRIM(piece of text)

AVERAGEIFS, like SUMIFS, lets you take an average based on one or more parameters.


How to Perform Conditional Formatting

Conditional formatting helps highlight patterns and trends in your data, and you can create rules that define the cell formats on their values. Conditional formatting can be applied to an Excel table, a range of cells that is either a selection or a named range, or even a PivotTable report in Excel for Windows.

Just follow the steps below to perform conditional formatting.

  • If you want to change values in individual cells, you can do so. Select the Highlight Cells Rules or Top/Bottom Rules, then choose the option corresponding to your needs.
  • The color scale shows the cell’s color intensity, which corresponds to the value’s placement at the top or bottom of the range and emphasizes the relationship between the values in a cell range. Point to Color Scales, then click the desired scale.
  • If you want to emphasize the relationship of values within a cell range, point to Data Bars, then click the desired fill, creating a colored band across the cell.
  • If you want to highlight a cell range with three to five sets of values, each having its threshold, point to Icon Sets, then click a set. For example, you could use three icons to emphasize cells indicating sales of less than $90,000, $50,000, and $30,000. Alternatively, you can assign a 5-point rating system to autos and then use five icons.

Types of Data Analysis in Excel

Let’s look at a sample of how Microsoft Excel handles different types of data analysis.

Sorting data is an essential part of data analysis. You can sort Excel data by multiple or a single column in ascending or descending order. When sorting data in a spreadsheet, you can rapidly rearrange the data to discover values. It’s possible to sort a range or table of data on one or more columns of data. For example, you can rank personnel by department and last name.

Data analysts use filtering when they want to get data that will match specific conditions. You may use the FILTER function to filter data sets that depend on your provided criteria. This filter feature is currently only available to Microsoft 365 users.

Conditional Formatting

Conditional formatting lets you highlight cells with a specific color based on the cell’s value.

A simple Excel graphic can convey more information than a statistics page, and it’s easy to make charts in Excel.

Datasets are collections of contiguous cells in an Excel worksheet that contain data to be analyzed. If you want to make the software plugin Analyse-it work with your data, follow a few simple guidelines when structuring the data on your Excel worksheet:

  • Your title should adequately describe the data. The dataset name defaults to its cell range if you don’t supply a title.
  • Use header rows with configurable labels. Each variable needs a distinct name. Measurements can be incorporated into a label by placing them in brackets after the name.
  • Rows carry information for each instance, and Excel only limits the number of rows.
  • Columns carry data for each variable.

Pivot Tables

Pivot tables are considered Excel’s most powerful and purposeful feature. Data analysts use them to summarize data stored in a table. The table organizes and rearranges statistics (or “pivot”) to highlight vital and valuable facts. Pivot tables can take an extensive data set and display the needed relevant data in a crisp, easy and manageable way.

Explaining the What-If Analysis with Solver

What-If Analysis changes values to try different values (or scenarios) for formulas. You may use different sets of values in one or multiple formulas to investigate all the possible results.

A solver is an add-in program for Excel that’s helpful on many levels and ideal for what-if analysis. You can use it to locate an optimal (either a maximum or minimum) value for a formula in a single cell, known as the objective cell. This process is subject to certain limits or constraints on the values of other formula cells.

Solver works with groups of cells called decision variables or just variable cells and is used to compute the formulas in objective and constraint cells. Solver also changes the decision variable cells’ values to work on the constraint cells’ limits.

The Data Analysis ToolPak

Here’s how to use the data analysis ToolPak:

  • Click the File tab, click Options, then click the Add-Ins category
  • Select Analysis ToolPak, then click the Go button
  • Check Analysis ToolPak, then click OK
  • Finally, click on Data Analysis on the Data tab in the Analysis group, and you’re on your way!

Data Analysis in Excel: Descriptive Statistics

Descriptive statistics are a data set’s most basic, fundamental ‘must know’ information. It gives you insights on:

  • Mean, median, mode, and range
  • Variance and standard deviation.

To generate a descriptive analysis, follow these steps:

  • Go to the Data tab > Analysis group > Data analysis
  • Select Descriptive Statistics, then click OK
  • Select your input range
  • Select the range from where you’d like to display the output
  • Check summary statistics
  • Your descriptive statistics are ready!

There are still so many functions, types, charts, and methods of using Excel in data analysis that we haven’t touched on, which speaks of its sheer versatility. For a tool that’s been around since 1985, it still has a prominent place in the science of data analysis!

Do You Want to Study Data Analytics?

If data analysis and analytics appeal to you, why not pursue a career in these fields? If that interests you, then check out this data analytics bootcamp . This online course will train you in the skills you need to pursue a career in data analytics and round out your data analysis skillset.

The job site shows that data scientists typically earn an average yearly salary of $129,198. Try the analytics bootcamp and get those data skills current!!

Caltech Data Analytics Bootcamp

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Excel Data Analysis with Statistics

In this article, we are going to look at how Data Analysis with Statistics can be done efficiently through the use of Microsoft Excel.

Excel Data Analysis: Statistics

I’m just gonna say it. Without statistics, your Excel data would just be a sea of columns and rows, swimming with potentially useless words and numbers. 

data analyst excel assignment

Why do I say “useless?” Because anyone viewing that data would be hard-pressed to draw any conclusions, understand the information, or take any confident action based on it without some attempt by you to show people what trends, commonalities, and anomalies can be found within the data. These values are known as  statistics , and they include:

  • simple totals and averages 
  • the results of more subjective averaging 
  • percentages 
  • data comparison values

All of these statistics make your data clearer, more accessible, and best of all, useful.

First Things First: Cleaning Up Your Data

Rather than diving right in to the statistical analysis functions I want to share with you, we’re going to start with a series of functions that will help you make sure your data is free from extraneous spaces, are properly formatted for use in calculations, and therefore more useful to your data’s audience.

TRIM Dreaded Spaces from Your Data

The TRIM function lets you get rid of spaces – the enemy of many functions that require criteria to be found within the data in order to complete their calculations. 

Why are spaces so bad? Well, imagine you’ve set up a COUNTIF function to count how many Yes responses to a survey can be found in a given column. If some of the cells in the column also contain a space – either before or after the word “Yes” – then those responses won’t be counted. Running TRIM on that column will solve the problem. 

As shown here, we’ve counted the Yes votes to a question that 25 people answered. The COUNTIF function tells us that 8 people voted Yes, and 11 voted No. But there were 25 responses, and 11 + 8 equals 19. So why were 6 of the votes not counted? Spaces. looks for “Yes” – note by the placement of the quotation marks, it’s not looking for the word with a space before or after it – the votes entered as Yes_ (with the space typed by the person doing data entry) are not counted. It’s a common mistake, by the way, to type those spaces. We get into the habit of typing a space after every word when we type text into a document, and we forget not to do that when typing words into Excel worksheet cells.

looks for “Yes” – note by the placement of the quotation marks, it’s not looking for the word with a space before or after it – the votes entered as Yes_ (with the space typed by the person doing data entry) are not counted. It’s a common mistake, by the way, to type those spaces. 

data analyst excel assignment

We get into the habit of typing a space after every word when we type text into a document, and we forget not to do that when typing words into Excel worksheet cells looks for “Yes” – note by the placement of the quotation marks, it’s not looking for the word with a space before or after it – the votes entered as Yes_ (with the space typed by the person doing data entry) are not counted. It’s a common mistake, by the way, to type those spaces. We get into the habit of typing a space after every word when we type text into a document, and we forget not to do that when typing words into Excel worksheet cells.

Because the Criteria (see the formula bar in the image ) looks for “Yes” – note by the placement of the quotation marks, it’s not looking for the word with a space before or after it – the votes entered as Yes_ (with the space typed by the person doing data entry) are not counted. It’s a common mistake, by the way, to type those spaces. We get into the habit of typing a space after every word when we type text into a document, and we forget not to do that when typing words into Excel worksheet cells.

TIP -  A very cool thing about TRIM is that it won’t get rid of spaces between words in a cell. So, if the cell currently contains the text, John Smith, it won’t turn it into JohnSmith. It will only get rid of any spaces before or after the entire cell’s contents. What’s another cool thing about the TRIM function? No error results if none of your cells contain extraneous spaces. So, it’s a safe function to run on any data, even if you’ve had no evidence of unwanted spaces so far. Just use it as a safeguard against future issues. 

data analyst excel assignment

The TRIM function, shown in the formula bar in the adjacent image, has one argument – (text). This argument should be the cell or range of cells you want to rid of spaces. This video demonstrates the entire process, including the replacement of the source data with the data trimmed of spaces. 

Converting and Extracting Numbers with VALUE

Moving on from TRIM, which gets rid of spaces to clean up your data, let’s look at another function – or actually a pair of functions – that we can use together to get rid of unwanted content in one column and then move it to another column. Of course, it works in rows, too, but as this is an article about data analysis, and data is typically stored in columns. 

data analyst excel assignment

Combining Cells with CONCATENATE

Now let’s go back the other way! We just used the VALUE and RIGHT functions together to pull numbers out of a string of text, placing them in a separate column. In this example of how to make your data more useful, we’ll put together things that are currently separated. 

Why would we need to do that? Well, imagine one of the most common types of data we store – names and addresses. We all know the benefit of storing last and first names in separate fields (columns), but what if someone wants to see the person’s full name, in First Name, Last Name order? When you want to combine two or more fields into a single value, with its components separated by spaces, dashes or any symbol you want, it’s CONCATENATE to the rescue. 

data analyst excel assignment

Getting Started with Simple Stats

Now that your data is cleaned up, it’s time to generate some useful numbers. Sometimes all it takes is a total at the foot of a column or the end of a row can speak volumes. Or an average can give perspective to your data, helping people to interpret the numbers more realistically. There’s a reason SUM and AVERAGE are the most commonly-used functions by Excel users. 

But wait! There’s more!

If we look at any range of numbers, especially when there are too many to tally in one’s head, a SUM makes all the difference. The SUM enables the viewer to say, “We have almost twice as much income from insurance policies in Michigan than we have from our policies in Maine!” 

But what’s even more useful? Comparisons. Comparing data is a great way to make it more useful. Knowing the goal, you can compare your SUM to the goal value by subtracting where you are from where you want to be, and you can easily see how you’re progressing.

data analyst excel assignment

TIP -  Do you have access to last year’s data? Comparing values as of today this year to the same date last year can let you – and your audience – know if you’re on track and compare the performance of products, projects, events, and campaigns. If it’s sales data, registrations, enrollments, or subscribers you’re tracking, knowing if you’re doing as well as or better than last year can tell a valuable story for your marketing and sales people.

Calculating Percentages

I would be willing to bet that there isn’t anyone with a television, smartphone, or a car who can go a single day without seeing or hearing a percentage. 

  • “Save 20% on your electric bill!” 
  • “The candidate is leading her opponent by 12% according to the latest polls.” 
  • “Eating more fruit and vegetables can reduce your risk of disease by 15%!”
  • “Wouldn’t you like see your mortgage drop by 5%?”

Here, using the insurance policy data we were just looking at with regard to using SUM and viewing comparative data, is that same data with the addition of a percentage, making it clear how close to (or far from) our goal we are. 

data analyst excel assignment

Whether informational or inspirational , percentages distill data down to numbers that people can relate to. Saying “8 out of 10 people” is less compelling than saying “80% of people” agree with a particular statement. Going back to the registrations data I referred to earlier, people will love hearing “We’re at 71.4% of goal as of today!” much more than “We just need 143 more registrations to meet our goal!” They’ll want to know exactly how many registrations are still needed, but that percentage drives home that fact that you’re really closing in on the goal. 

Calculating percentages is easy. As shown in this video, it’s simply a matter of taking two numbers and dividing them by each other and then changing the format of the resulting number to a Percentage, using the Number Format tools on the Excel ribbon. 

AVERAGE Isn’t Always an Insult

Most of us would rather be known as “above average” in terms of our abilities, appearance, income, you name it. But in a database, “average” isn’t a quality, but a quantity. Knowing the average income across all the cities in a particular state or the average age of people who gave a particular answer to a question in a survey are valuable statistics, giving useful perspectives on the data overall, and especially to those particular pieces of the data. 

Assuming you know how to do a simple AVERAGE function, we’re going to look at some variations on averaging your data. 

TIP -  The IF versions of SUM and AVERAGE allow you to specify which cells include in the SUM or AVERAGE, by asking you to supply criteria to look for within your data. =SUMIF(C10:C20,D10:D20,”>40”) would look in cells C10 through C20 for people whose age is over 40, and then total their incomes in cells D10 through D20. The incomes of people younger than 40 would not be included in the SUM. Make sense? Not sure? Check out this video to find out more:

TIP -  SUMIFS and AVERAGEIFS simply allow you to apply multiple sets of criteria to more than one range of cells. This means you can seek sums and averages based on the presence in your data of given words or numbers, found within the data, throughout a database – but without the cells you want to look in having to be in contiguous ranges. These functions provide real power and unleash creative views of your data. Check out this video to learn more:

Taking Averaging to the Next Level

The AVERAGE function is very popular because it puts things in perspective. If your child gets an 80 on their history test, you might be disappointed – until you find out that the class average for that test was 72, in which case, as you always knew, your child is “above average!” 

AVERAGE is just the tip of the iceberg, however, when it comes to getting perspective on numeric data. 

Weighted Averages with SUMPRODUCT

So, what’s a “weighted average”? An average that’s divided by the sum of related values giving the average more insight. Thinking again about student grades, if you average the grades on a series of assignments in a class and weight them based on the value of each assignment, the average has more meaning, more weight. However, you never see the word “average” in the process – you see two functions:

SUMPRODUCT calculates the average of one range of cells – also known as an array – based on another. 

data analyst excel assignment

SUM, as you know, totals a range of cells, but in this case, the SUMPRODUCT is divided by the SUM. 

TIP -  Note that SUM does not have to be nested with the SUMPRODUCT , if the SUM by which the SUMPRODUCT is divided has already been calculated.

In the function and arguments below, “SELECT CELL” refers to either the cell containing the SUM or can be replaced by a SUM function:


Let’s look at the arguments in detail:

  • Array1 is the first range for which you want to create a weighted average.
  • Array 2 is the range that you want compared to the first – in our example, the values of each graded item.
  • Select Cell can be the SUM of the values in Array 2, or if the SUM has already been calculated, it’s the cell containing that result. 

So, using our grades for the students in the Medieval History 201 course, we can weight the average score per student based on the value of each grade earned by each student. Each essay, project, and exam has a different value across the entire course, as shown in row 3 (cells D3 through I3), so weighting the average to reflect the value of each grade given to the students makes the weighted averages more valuable. Why? Because presumably, the grades that are “worth more” – reflective of a greater percentage of the total grade for the course – are the ones to which the students would devote more time and energy. 

RANK-ing Your Data

Rank is a tried-and-true Excel function, essential for data analysis. It lets you show how various values in your data rank, in ascending or descending order – without having to sort the records by any given value in the records. Looking at our Final Exam grades for our 5 students, ranking those scores could be done “by eye” – but if we had 50 students or 500 instead, that wouldn’t be so easy. RANK would be required, in such a case, to put the students in order based on their final exam grade. 

The function, as shown in the image here, includes 3 arguments:


TIP -  Note that ORDER is optional , as indicated by the square brackets.

data analyst excel assignment

Let’s look more closely at the arguments:

  • Number is a required argument, and it’s the number you want to rank amongst the others in that field for your records. 
  • Ref is also required, and it’s all the other values in that same field that you want your record ranked against.
  • Order is optional, and determines if the rank values are in ascending or descending order. For example, if you choose Ascending (by not entering anything for this argument), 1 is the highest rank. If you enter a 0, for Descending order, 5 is the highest rank.

That’s a Wrap

There are many more functions that give your data more insight and more perspective – from various COUNT functions that isolate unique or repeated values to VLOOKUP and XLOOKUP, that just as their names indicate, allow you to find very specific data in a sea of words and numbers.

Check out these videos for more information:

  • To COUNT how many times a value appears in the data – showing frequency of survey responses, test results, or any value you’re tracking:

  • To find one value from a particular field in your data, from prices to names, use XLOOKUP, the newest lookup function, revealed in Office 365:

How to Learn Data

Master data analytics, data science, and data visualization with hands-on training. Learn tops tools for working with data, including Python for data science and software like Excel, Tableau, and SQL.

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Data Analyst Training Course

Your search for a career without coding ends right here. ExcelR's Data Analyst Course with Excel, Tableau, MySQL, Power BI, and more relevant tools and skills is the perfect career choice, and comes with intensive interview preparation from Day 1, to prepare you to secure your dream job with our network of 2000+ hiring partners.


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  • Top class trainers from various MNCs
  • 60+ case studies/assignments to ensure hands on experience
  • Real life data projects
  • Dedicated placement assistance
  • Network of 350+ corporate companies
  • Jumbo pass - Attend unlimited number of classroom/Live online batches for 1 year
  • Steinbeis Certification Cost is Additional

Combo Offer

Course description, what does the course offer .

The Data Analyst Course covers technologies like Excel, Advanced Excel, Tableau, SQL, Power BI, Basics of R & Python. Apart from the theory classes, there are hands-on assignments and projects that help you apply the concepts that are learnt by a student.

Program Highlights

ExcelR DevOPs training

Top-Notch Faculty

Trainers at ExcelR are passionate about training, and carry 12+ years of industry experience.

ExcelR DevOPs training

Exhaustive Course Curriculum

Our industry-relevant course curriculum is tailored to provide practical exposure with the theory.

ExcelR Data Analyst training

Real-life Projects and Bootcamps

Learners will work on real-life data analytics scenarios from various domains to get application knowledge.

ExcelR DevOPs training

Job Readiness

Intensive interview preparation from Day 1 to prepare candidates for interviews with our network of 2000+ hiring partners.

Skills Covered

Skills covered in Data Analytics - ExcelR

Tools and Technologies

Tools covered in Data Analyst course - ExcelR

Data Analyst Project Life Cycle

Phase 1 - data collection.

  • After carefully evaluating the business case in a particular domain, data will be collected surrounding it.

Phase 2 - Data Preparation

  • Using SQL, a database will be created to store the data collected in the previous step.

Phase 3 - Insights Generation and Dashboard Building

  • Establish a connection between the database and Tableau/Python/R tools to extract the required data. Generate user-friendly reports according to the business needs and develop the dashboard using Tableau/Power BI.

Analysis of Patient Data (Domain: Healthcare)

  • This project requires learners to analyze the patient data of those suffering from different diseases across various summaries. The facility, chain organizations, and dialysis stations analysis is required to be carried out where the patients are undergoing dialysis. The project also focuses on the payment mode aspect wherein if any discounts or reduction in payments have happened then those are analyzed.

Loan of Customers (Domain: Banking and Finance)

  • In this project, learners analyze the loan given by a financial institution to different customers of varied grades and sub-grade levels. The analysis needs to consider the loan disbursement reasons, funded amount, and revolving balance values for every customer in different states and geolocations. The project requires the customers payment modes and the last payment values.

Employee Retention (Domain: HR analytics)

  • This HR-related project considers the attrition rate of employees working at an organization at different levels. The attrition rate analysis is done with respect to different factors such as monthly income, last promotion year, job role, and work-life balance of every employee of different departments.

Industrial Combustion Energy Use (Domain: Energy)

  • The project requires learners to analyze the usage of different fuels in different facilities in different applications by finding the MMBTu and GWHt values. The fuels used for different geo-locations and for different primary titles are also taken into consideration while doing analysis.

Flights delay analysis (Domain: Aviation)

  • The primary aim of the project is to determine the different reasons behind the delay of flights of various airlines. The analysis needs to consider the number of flights in operation, the number of flights cancelled, and the statistical summary of week-wise, state-wise, and city-wise flight distributions.

Olist Store Analysis (Domain: eCommerce)

  • The market for a certain product is analyzed by considering a particular retail outlet which sells these products. The project involves statistical analysis on the payment distribution from different customers with the different modes of transactions across different product categories. The feedback from customers with respect to shipping days and other factors also needs to be considered while carrying out the analysis.

Learning Path

DA Learning Path - ExcelR

Industry-Based Course Curriculum

ExcelR DevOPs training

Value Adds: Python Programming, Fundamentals of R, Business Statistics, SAS and ChatGPT

ExcelR DevOPs training

Work Hands-on With 50+ Labs, 30+ Assignments, and 1500+ Interview Preparation Questions

ExcelR DevOPs training

Dedicated Placement Cell

ExcelR DevOPs training

Support through WhatsApp, Calls, & Emails

ExcelR DevOPs training

Lifetime eLearning Access

Course Curriculum

Topics to be covered.

  • Excel: Basics to Advanced
  • MS office Versions(similarities and differences)
  • Interface(latest available version)
  • Row and Columns
  • Keyboard shortcuts for easy navigation
  • Data Entry(Fill series)
  • Find and Select
  • Clear Options
  • Formatting options(Font,Alignment,Clipboard(copy, paste special))
  • Mathematical calculations with Cell referencing(Absolute,Relative,Mixed)
  • Functions with Name Range
  • Logical functions:IF,AND,OR,NESTED IFS,NOT,IFERROR
  • Usage of Mathematical and Logical functions nested together
  • Combination of Arithmatic
  • Lookup functions
  • Data Validation(with Dependent drop down)
  • Number Formatting(with shortcuts)
  • CTRL+T(Converting into an Excel Table)
  • Formatting Table
  • Remove Duplicate
  • Advanced Sort
  • Advanced Filter
  • Conditional formatting(icon sets/Highlighted colour sets/Data bars/custom formatting)
  • Charts:Bar,Column,Lines,Scatter,Combo,Gantt,Waterfall,pie
  • Pivot Reports:Insert,Interface,Crosstable Reports;Filter,Pivot Charts,
  • Slicers:Add,Connect to multiple reports and charts
  • Calculated field, Calculated item
  • Dashboard:Types,Getting reports and charts together, Use of Slicers.
  • Design and placement: Formatting of Tables,Charts,Sheets,Proper use of Colours and Shapes
  • Power Query: Interface, Tabs
  • Connecting to data from other excel files, text files, other sources
  • Data Cleaning
  • Transforming
  • Loading Data into Excel Query
  • Using Loaded queries
  • Merge and Append
  • Insert Power Pivot
  • Similarities and Differences in Pivot and Power Pivot reporting
  • Getting data from databases, workbooks, webpages
  • Add Developer Tab
  • Record Macro:Name,Storage
  • Record Macro to Format table(Absolute Ref)
  • Format table of any size(Relative ref)
  • Play macro by button
  • as command(in new tab)
  • Editing Macros
  • VBA:Introduction to the basics of working with VBA for Excel: Subs, Ranges, Sheets
  • Comparing values and conditions
  • if statements and select cases
  • Repeat processes with For loops and Do While or Do Until Loops
  • Communicate with the end-user with message boxes and take user input with input boxes, User Form
  • Introduction to Databases
  • Introduction to RDBMS
  • Explain RDBMS through normalization
  • Different types of RDBMS
  • Software Installation(MySQL Workbench)
  • Types of SQL Commands (DDL,DML,DQL,DCL,TCL) and their applications
  • Data Types in SQL (Numeric, Char, Datetime)
  • Usage of Case When then to solve logical problems and handling NULL Values (IFNULL, COALESCE)
  • Having Clause
  • COUNT String Functions
  • Date & Time Function
  • Primary key
  • Foreign Key (Both at column level and table level)
  • Full outer join
  • Update & Delete
  • Data Partitioning
  • Indexes (Different Type of Indexes)
  • Views in SQL
  • Procedure with IN Parameter
  • Procedure with OUT parameter
  • Procedure with INOUT parameter
  • User Define Function
  • Window Functions
  • Union, Union all
  • Sub Queries, Multiple Query
  • Handling Exceptions in a query
  • CONTINUE Handler
  • EXIT handler
  • Triggers - Before | After DML Statement
  • What is Tableau ?
  • What is Data Visulaization ?
  • Tableau Products
  • Tableau Desktop Variations
  • Tableau File Extensions
  • Data Types, Dimensions, Measures, Aggregation concept
  • Tableau Desktop Installation
  • Data Source Overview
  • Live Vs Extract
  • Overview of worksheet sections
  • Bar Chart, Stacked Bar Chart
  • Discrete & Continuous Line Charts
  • Symbol Map & Filled Map
  • Text Table, Highlight Table
  • Formatting: Remove grid lines, hiding the axes, conversion of numbers to thousands, millions, Shading, Row divider, Column divider
  • What are Filters ?
  • Types of Filters
  • Extract, Data Source, Context, Dimension, Measure, Quick Filters
  • Order of operation of filters
  • Apply to Worksheets
  • Need for calculations
  • Types: Basic, LOD's, Table
  • Examples of Basic Calculations: Aggregate functions, Logical functions, String functions, Tablea calculation functions, numerical functions, Date functions
  • LOD's: Examples
  • Table Calculations: Examples
  • What is Data Combining Techniques ?
  • Joins, Relationships, Blending & Union
  • Combined Axis
  • Donut Chart
  • Lollipop Chart
  • KPI Cards (Simple)
  • KPI Cards (With Shape)
  • What are Groups ? Purpose
  • What are Bins ? Purpose
  • What are Hierarchies ? Purpose
  • What are Sets ? Purpose
  • What are Parameters ? Purpose and examples
  • Reference Lines
  • Overview of Dashboard: Tiled Vs Floating
  • All Objects overview, Layout overview
  • Dashboard creation with formatting
  • Actions: Filter, Highlight, URL, Sheet, Parameter, Set
  • How to save the workbook to Tableau Public website ?

Power BI 

  • Understanding Power BI Background
  • Installation of Power BI and check list for perfect installation
  • Formatting and Setting prerequisits
  • Understanding the difference between Power BI desktop & Power Query
  • Getting familiar with the interface BI Query & Desktop
  • Understanding type of Visualisation
  • Loading data from multiple sources
  • Data type and the type of default chart on drag drop.
  • Geo location Map integration
  • Finanical sample data in Power BI
  • Preparing sample dashboard as get started
  • Map visual Types and usages in different variation
  • Understanding scatter Plot chart with Play axis and the parameters
  • Understanding the use of AI in power BI
  • AI analysis in power bi using chart
  • Q&A chat bot and the use in real life
  • Hirarchy tree
  • Understanding Column Chart
  • Understanding Line Chart
  • Implementation of Conditional formating
  • Implementation of Formating techniques
  • Loading data from folder
  • Understanding Power Query in detail
  • Promote header, Split to limiter, Add columns, append, merge queries etc
  • Loading multiple data from different format
  • Understanding modelling (How to create relationship)
  • Connection type, Data cardinality, Filter direction
  • Making dashboard using new loaded data
  • Power Query Custom Column & Conditional Column
  • Manage Parameter
  • Introduction to Filter and types of filter
  • Trend analysis, Future forecast
  • Understanding Tool tip with information
  • Use and understanding of Drill Down
  • Visual interaction and customisation of visual interaction
  • Drill through function and usage
  • Button triggers
  • Bookmark and different use and implementation
  • Navigation buttons
  • Introduction to DAX
  • Table Dax, Calculated column, DAX measure and difference
  • Eg:- Calendar, Calendar auto, Summarize, Group by etc
  • Calculated Column
  • Related, Lookup value, switch, Datedif,Rankx,Date functions
  • Dax Measure and Quick Measure
  • Remove filters, Keep filters, All, Allselected, Time Intelligence Functions,Rolling average,YoY, Running total
  • Custom visual and understanding the use of custom
  • Loading custom visual, Pinning visual
  • Loading to template for future use
  • Publishinhg Power Bi
  • Introduction to
  • Schedule refresh
  • Data flow and use power bi from online
  • Download data as live in power point and more

Value Added Courses

Business Statistics

Fundamentals of r, fundamentals of python.

  • SAS(Self Paced)
  • Data Types, Measure Of central tendency, Measures of Dispersion
  • Graphical Techniques, Skewness & Kurtosis, Box Plot
  • Random Variable, Probability, Probility Distribution, Normal Distribution, SND, Expected Value
  • Sampling Funnel, Sampling Variation, Central Limit Theorem, Confidence interval
  • Introduction to Hypothesis Testing
  • Hypothesis Testing (2 proportion test, 2 t sample t test)
  • Anova and Chisquare
  • Data Cleaning(Invalid cells,Blanks,Outliers,Null values)
  • Imputation Techniques(Mean and Median)
  • Scatter Diagram
  • Correlation Analysis
  • Data types(Numeric,Char,Logical,Complex,Vector,List,Matrix,Factor,Array,Dataframe),Relational operators,Logical operators
  • If,Ifelse,For loop,While loop,Repeat,Functions
  • Merging dataframes,Analyzing Iris Dataset using apply functions,dplyr package(Filter,Sel,Arrange),Data visualization using ggplot2,Scatterplot,Histogram,Boxplot
  • Variables,data types(integer,Boolean,Float,List,tuple,string),Opearators in python
  • Dictionaries,Sequence methods,Concatenate,Repetition,len,min,max functions,Index position,Addition and deletion of elements,Reverse,Sorting
  • Sets,re module(findall,search,split,match),if,elifGetting input from user,Identity Operators
  • For,While loops,Functions,Lambda functions,Math module,Calender module,Date & time module
  • Data frame creation using different methods,Using Pandas anlysis on Universities,Salary data sets,Visualization using Matplotlib and Seaborn,Numpy introduction

Introduction to ChatGPT and AI

  • What is ChatGPT?
  • The history of ChatGPT
  • Applications of ChatGPT
  • ChatGPT vs other chatbot platforms
  • Industries using ChatGPT
  • The benefits and limitations of ChatGPT
  • Future developments in ChatGPT technology
  • Ethical considerations related to ChatGPT and AI

Types of AI and Chatgpt architecture

  • What is AI?
  • Types of AI
  • What is Machine Learning?
  • Neural Networks
  • Deep Learning
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP)
  • Computer Vision
  • Robotics and AI

ChatGPT Functionalities and Applications

  • How does ChatGPT work?
  • ChatGPT Functionalities
  • Drafting emails and professional communication
  • Automating content creation
  • Resume and Cover letter creation
  • Research and information gathering
  • Brainstorming ideas and creative problem solving
  • Best Practices for Using ChatGPT

ChatGPT Prompt Engineering

  • What is Prompt Engineering?
  • Types of Prompts
  • Crafting Effective Prompts
  • Using ChatGPT to generate prompt

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IBM – Excel Basics for Data Analysis – Detailed Review

Jason Glover

excel basics for data analysis review

This is the second course in the IBM Data Analyst Professional Certificate program. In IBM’s Excel Basics for Data Analysis, you will learn about how spreadsheet software can be used to work with databases. Despite its apparent simplicity, Excel is actually a very powerful and useful program that can be used to perform numerous essential data analysis tasks. The course includes video lectures, short readings, multiple choice quizzes, labs, and one final assignment.

Table of Contents

What you will learn, ratings summary, detailed ratings, other information, pros and cons, summary of each module (week).

In IBM’s Excel Basics for Data Analysis, you will learn:

  • The pros and cons of spreadsheet software
  • The terminology used to identify locations of data in Excel
  • Spreadsheet formatting
  • Functions (built in mathematical and qualitative formulas that allow users to perform calculations or modifications on large datasets)
  • Data cleaning techniques such as removing empty values, duplicate values, and case inconsistencies
  • Filtering techniques
  • Sorting techniques
  • IF functions (functions that allow analysts to filter data based on specific conditions)
  • VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP functions (functions that allow analysts to “lookup” specific values)
  • Pivot tables (tables that can be “pivoted”, filter, and sorted based on numerous characteristics)
  • General information about data quality and privacy

Overall Rating

IBM’s Excel Basics for Data Analysis is a good course for learning many of the foundational skills required to clean and analyze data in Excel. The course is interesting and the content quality is high.

The most interesting thing about IBM’s Excel Basics for Data Analysis is discovering just how powerful spreadsheets are. Excel has over 400 formulas organized into specific categories. These formulas can be instantly applied to thousands of lines of data. Another especially interesting thing about this course is working with “Pivot Tables”. Pivot Tables make it very easy to analyze large dataset without the need for complex formulas or tables: the tables and formulas can be created automatically by the Pivot Table.

Depth of Content

For a 12 hour course, there is actually quite a bit of information about Excel. This course focuses almost exclusively on Excel; as a result, the instructors are able to cover a substantial amount of detail. My only complaint, in regards to depth, is that I think the course started off too slow and too easy. More content could have been included if the instructors had spent less time on the first two modules.

Variety of Content

Regarding variety of content, IBM does not disappoint. In addition to covering many of the most relevant features of Excel, this course also allows students to explore many different databases. Each database file can be downloaded and permanently kept by students so they can continue to practice what they’ve learned indefinitely. Visualizations aren’t covered; however, that’s only because it will be covered in the next course.

The videos are clear, coherent, and feature many helpful examples. There are two types of content in this course’s videos: informational slides and guided tutorials.

Informational Slide Example


Guided Tutorial Example

vlookup tutorial example

Both content types include a voice describing the content; however, you rarely see a speaker. In fact, the only time you see a speaker is during “Viewpoint” videos. Viewpoint videos are short videos where industry professionals provide advice and information about their profession. “Viewpoint” videos only make up a small portion of the videos so if seeing the speaker is something that interest you, this may not be the best course for you.

The labs give students a chance to apply what they’ve learned from the lectures. Typically, students will need to download an Excel database file then perform various calculations and related activities to complete the lab. The labs were one of my favorite features of the course because, for me, applying knowledge is more effective than listening to lectures. Lectures and labs are necessary; however, it’s the labs that really help to solidify one’s knowledge. In addition, the database files can be limitlessly explored so one can acquire additional knowledge beyond what the labs teach. Each lab can be downloaded as a pdf file so you can keep a permanent archive of how to complete various tasks. If you’re just starting the course, you may be disappointed with how simple the labs are; however, they do increase in difficulty and usefulness as the course progresses.

The readings are short and mostly just summarize the material contained in the lecture videos.

There is nothing confusing about this course. All the content works as expected, the lectures are clear and coherent, and the learning platform works seamlessly.

Technology Choices

Excel is an excellent choice for spreadsheet software. Excel is, by far, the most popular spreadsheet software used by data professionals. If you don’t own Microsoft software, you have nothing to worry about: detailed instructions are provided regarding how to use the free web version of Excel.

The quizzes were somewhat disappointing. Rather than testing students on their ability to analyze data, the quizzes mostly just require them to remember specific features like where to find a specific button on Excel. The quizzes are multiple choice and untimed; in addition, you can retake the quizzes up to 3 times every 8 hours


The last module of IBM’s Excel Basics for Data Analysis course requires students to complete a peer-graded final assignment. In the final assignment, you will have to apply what you’ve learned by converting, cleaning, and analyzing an equipment inventory database. If you’ve completed the labs, this final assignment will be relatively easy. The most difficult thing about this lab is precision: Part of your grade includes finding exact calculations and flawless data cleaning. Nonetheless, the tasks are not difficult; it just requires one to be meticulous. It should take you about an hour or two to complete this final assignment. Peer-reviewed rather than instructor-reviewed is not ideal; however, subjectivity and grading errors are limited since the grading rubric is very specific. Regarding the time required to receive a peer review, my assignment was reviewed about an hour after I submitted it.


The listed instructors for this course are Sandip Saha Joy and Steve Ryan. Sandip Saha Joy is currently a Data Scientist for IBM. He specializes in machine learning, deep learning, statistical modeling, computer vision, and digital image processing. His past jobs include undergraduate research assistant and teaching assistant. Steve Ryan works in the United Kingdom for Skill-Up Technologies. He has been an instructional designer and content developer for 19+ years. Despite being listed as the primary instructors, students do not see or interact with them; instead, we only see the content they’ve created.

The presenter’s (narrator’s) name is Bella West. She is clear, coherent, and speaks neither too fast nor too slow. She doesn’t waste time with fluff or filler; instead, she always remains on topic and delivers the information in a concise manner. Lastly, there are several data professionals who make brief appearances in this course. They answer career related questions about the profession.

Learning Platform

IBM’s Excel Basics for Data Analysis is hosted on Coursera. Coursera is one of the most popular e-learning platforms in the world. It was established in 2012 by Stanford University professors Andre Ng and Daphne Koller. Coursera has many courses and collaborate with leading universities and companies such as Google, Stanford University, IBM, and Meta.

Free Audit Version

The free audit version is impressive. With the free audit version, you can view all the content. You can view videos, read articles, take and submit practice quizzes, use the discussion forum, view graded quizzes, and view peer-graded assignments. The only things you cannot do is submit graded quizzes, submit the peer-graded assignment, and receive a verified certificate. To enroll in the free audit option , make sure to look for a small “Audit the course” option on the bottom of the “Step 2 of 2” window during enrollment.

Unrestricted Free Trial

The unrestricted free trial is 7 days long and allows students to have full access to all the content. You may cancel before the free trial ends; however, if you don’t cancel, you will automatically be charged each month until you cancel.


The first module of IBM’s Excel Basics for Data Analysis introduces students to some of the most basic features of spread sheets. This module is designed so that even the most inexperienced spreadsheet users will be able to get started. The reading and lab assignments in the section help students set up and explore a free Excel cloud environment available through (Microsoft).

In the second module, you will begin by learning various shortcuts and useful features for navigating data in Excel. For example, you will learn about formulas and the power of the “fill handle”. The fill handle allows users to instantly duplicate data and entire formulas across many rows and columns of data. Regarding formulas, Excel features over 400 built-in functions that are organized by categories such as financial, math, statistics, and logical. This module’s lab requires students to download various databases and use functions such as average, min, and sum to perform various calculations

Module 3 of IBM’s Excel Basics for Data Analysis discusses data quality, data privacy, importing files, and cleaning data. Understanding comma separated values (.csv) files is an essential skill for data analysts since those files are ubiquitous. Fortunately, Excel makes it very easy to import these files. Most of this module is dedicated to data cleaning. Data cleaning improves the quality of data by removing duplicates, deleting white space, resolving case inconsistencies, correcting spelling errors, et cetera. In Excel, data cleaning is accomplished by using built in features like “Find & Select” and functions. The lab for this module allows you to practice what you learned by cleaning the data of a sales database.

If you have programming experience, you will appreciate much of the content covered in Module 4. Like traditional programming, IF statements are ubiquitous in Excel and allow users to have significant control over how data is display, filtered, and analyzed. IF, COUNTIF, and SUMIF are just a few of the many IF statements that are available in Excel. If you’re not familiar with these concepts, don’t worry; the instructor provides guided examples of how and when these functions should be used. In addition to functions, Excel also features numerous filter and sort options that utilize the Excel ribbon (menu).

Of course, no Excel class would be complete without including VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP functions. These functions allow analysts to “lookup” specific values related to specific names or other characteristics. The last portion of this module introduces students to Pivot Tables. Pivot Tables allow user to take existing tables and create numerous dynamic, custom tables that utilize a huge range of filters, sorting features, and calculations. This module includes 2 important labs. I say important because the depth and difficultly of the material in this section is quite a bit more significant than the previous modules. In this module, the labs are essential to comprehending the material.

The last module of IBM’s Excel Basics for Data Analysis course requires students to complete a peer-graded final assignment. In the final assignment, you will have to apply what you’ve learned by converting, cleaning, and analyzing an equipment inventory database. See the “assignments” section for additional details. In addition to completing this assignment, you must also grade a fellow student’s assignment.

IBM’s Excel Basics for Data Analysis teaches students some of the most essential skills necessary to analyze data using spreadsheets. The course is interesting and allows students to apply their knowledge to a variety of unique databases. If you’re uncertain about the course, I recommend you enroll in the free audit option . The audit option allows you to access nearly all the content for free.

data analyst excel assignment

data analyst excel assignment

Analyze Data in Excel

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Analyze Data in Excel empowers you to understand your data through natural language queries that allow you to ask questions about your data without having to write complicated formulas. In addition, Analyze Data provides high-level visual summaries, trends, and patterns.

Have a question? We can answer it!

Simply select a cell in a data range > select the Analyze Data  button on the Home tab. Analyze Data in Excel will analyze your data, and return interesting visuals about it in a task pane.

If you're interested in more specific information, you can enter a question in the query box at the top of the pane, and press Enter . Analyze Data will provide answers with visuals such as tables, charts or PivotTables that can then be inserted into the workbook. 

If you are interested in exploring your data, or just want to know what is possible, Analyze Data also provides personalized suggested questions which you can access by selecting on the query box. 

Try Suggested Questions

Just ask your question

Select the text box at the top of the Analyze Data pane, and you'll see a list of suggestions based on your data.

Analyze Data in Excel will give you suggested questions based on an analysis of your data.

You can also enter a specific question about your data.

Analyze Data in Excel answering a question about how many Locks or Helmets were sold.

Analyze Data is available to  Microsoft 365 subscribers  in English, French, Spanish, German, Simplified Chinese, and Japanese. If you are a Microsoft 365 subscriber,  make sure you have the latest version of Office . To learn more about the different update channels for Office, see:  Overview of update channels for Microsoft 365 apps .

The Natural Language Queries functionality in Analyze Data is being made available to customers on a gradual basis. It may not be available in all countries or regions at this time.

Get specific with Analyze Data

If you do not have a question in mind, in addition to Natural Language, Analyze Data analyzes and provides high-level visual summaries, trends, and patterns.

You can save time and get a more focused analysis by selecting only the fields you want to see. When you choose fields and how to summarize them, Analyze Data excludes other available data - speeding up the process and presenting fewer, more targeted suggestions. For example, you might only want to see the sum of sales by year. Or you could ask Analyze Data to display average sales by year. 

Select  Which fields interest you the most?

Analyze Data pane with the link to specify what fields to use.

Select the fields and how to summarize their data.

Select which fields you want to include and update to get new recommendations.

Analyze Data offers fewer, more targeted suggestions.

Analyze Data pane showing customized suggestions.

Note:  The Not a value  option in the field list refers to fields that are not normally summed or averaged. For example, you wouldn't sum the years displayed, but you might sum the values of the years displayed. If used with another field that is summed or averaged,  Not a value works like a row label, but if used by itself,  Not a value counts unique values of the selected field.

Analyze Data works best with clean, tabular data.

Sample Excel Table

Here are some tips for getting the most out of Analyze Data:

Analyze Data works best with data that's formatted as an Excel table . To create an Excel table, click anywhere in your data and then press Ctrl+T .

Make sure you have good headers for the columns. Headers should be a single row of unique, non-blank labels for each column. Avoid double rows of headers, merged cells, etc.

If you have complicated, or nested data, you can use Power Query to convert tables with cross-tabs, or multiple rows of headers.

Didn't get Analyze Data? It's probably us, not you.

Here are some reasons why Analyze Data may not work on your data:

Analyze Data doesn't currently support analyzing datasets over 1.5 million cells. There is currently no workaround for this. In the meantime, you can filter your data, then copy it to another location to run Analyze Data on it.

String dates like "2017-01-01" will be analyzed as if they are text strings. As a workaround, create a new column that uses the DATE or DATEVALUE functions, and format it as a date.

Analyze Data won't work when Excel is in compatibility mode (i.e. when the file is in .xls format). In the meantime, save your file as an .xlsx, .xlsm, or .xlsb file.

Merged cells can also be hard to understand. If you're trying to center data, like a report header, then as a workaround, remove all merged cells, then format the cells using Center Across Selection. Press Ctrl+1 , then go to Alignment > Horizontal > Center Across Selection .

data analyst excel assignment

Analyze Data can't analyze data when Excel is in compatibility mode (i.e. when the file is in .xls format). In the meantime, save your file as an .xlsx, .xlsm, or xslb file.

Analyze Data works best with data that's formatted as an Excel table . To create an Excel table, click anywhere in your data and then click Home > Tables > Format as Table .

We're always improving Analyze Data

Even if you don't have any of the above conditions, we may not find a recommendation. That's because we are looking for a specific set of insight classes, and the service doesn't always find something. We are continually working to expand the analysis types that the service supports.

Here is the current list that is available:

Rank : Ranks and highlights the item that is significantly larger than the rest of the items.

Line chart showing Payroll with noticeably higher Spend

Trend : Highlights when there is a steady trend pattern over a time series of data.

Line chart showing Spend increasing over time

Outlier : Highlights outliers in time series.

Scatter chart showing outliers

Majority : Finds cases where a majority of a total value can be attributed to a single factor.

Donut chart showing People accounting for the majority of Spend

If you don't get any results, please send us feedback by going to File > Feedback .

Microsoft Privacy Policy

Because Analyze Data analyzes your data with artificial intelligence services, you might be concerned about your data security. You can read the Microsoft privacy statement for more details.

Licensing information for Analyze Data

Analyze Data uses material from third-parties. If you'd like to read the details, see Licensing information for Analyze Data .

Need more help?

You can always ask an expert in the Excel Tech Community  or get support in  Communities .


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  • Excel Macros & VBA: Student Efficiency in Assignments

Excel Macros and VBA: Automating Tasks for Efficiency

James Farrell

Microsoft Excel, a versatile spreadsheet software, stands as a cornerstone in various fields such as data analysis, financial modeling, and project management. Despite its rich set of built-in functionalities, users frequently encounter the need to perform repetitive tasks, especially when handling extensive datasets or intricate calculations. In response to this challenge, Excel offers a robust solution through Excel Macros and Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), empowering users to automate tasks and elevate their overall efficiency. Whether you require assistance with your Excel assignment or seek to streamline your workflow through automation, understanding Excel Macros and VBA can significantly enhance your productivity and proficiency in Excel.

In the realm of data-driven tasks, Excel Macros and VBA serve as indispensable tools, enabling users to streamline processes and reduce manual effort. Whether it's cleaning and analyzing data or creating custom functions to meet specific requirements, the integration of these automation tools enhances the capabilities of Excel, making it an invaluable asset for students tackling assignments with repetitive or complex elements. As we delve into the intricacies of Excel Macros and VBA, we discover a world of possibilities that can revolutionize the way students approach and conquer their academic challenges.

Excel Macros and VBA Automating Tasks for Efficiency

Understanding the Basics of Excel Macros

1: what are excel macros.

Excel Macros serve as invaluable tools, comprising sequences of instructions meticulously crafted to streamline and automate diverse tasks within the Excel environment. Facilitated by the robust Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) programming language, these macros empower users to transcend the limitations of conventional Excel functionalities. Whether tackling rudimentary formatting chores or orchestrating sophisticated calculations and data manipulations, Excel Macros prove their versatility.

In the realm of simplicity, macros effortlessly replicate sequences of formatting steps, expediting mundane tasks with a single command. Conversely, their prowess extends to the orchestration of intricate operations, offering a dynamic solution for complex calculations and meticulous data manipulations. Excel Macros, thus, emerge as the bridge between manual effort and automated efficiency, providing users, especially students, with a potent means to enhance productivity and proficiency in managing Excel tasks.

2: How to Record a Macro

Recording a macro in Excel is a user-friendly process that serves as an entry point to task automation. To initiate this, begin by navigating to the "Developer" tab, a tab that might need activation through Excel's settings if not visible. Once on the "Developer" tab, locate and enable the "Record Macro" feature. After activation, execute the specific actions within Excel that you wish to automate. It could involve anything from formatting cells to performing complex calculations. Upon completing the desired actions, stop the recording. Excel, in response, generates VBA code reflective of the recorded steps. This generated code encapsulates the sequence of actions, transforming them into a reusable script. This script, when executed, reproduces the recorded tasks, providing a quick and efficient way to replicate complex processes with just a single click. Such an approach not only saves time but also empowers users to automate repetitive tasks seamlessly.

Introduction to Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)

Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) is an integral component of Microsoft Excel, offering users a powerful means to extend the software's functionality through custom automation. Embedded within the Excel environment, VBA allows for the creation of macros, enabling users to automate repetitive tasks, enhance data manipulation, and create personalized functions.

At its core, VBA is a robust programming language that utilizes a syntax similar to other programming languages. Users can access the VBA editor by pressing ‘Alt + F11’, where they can write, edit, and execute VBA code. This opens a realm of possibilities for users, as they can interact programmatically with Excel's objects and properties, facilitating the creation of tailored solutions for diverse tasks.

Understanding VBA becomes essential for those seeking to harness the full potential of Excel, especially students working on assignments requiring advanced data processing or intricate calculations. As students delve into the world of VBA, they gain not only a deeper understanding of Excel but also a valuable skill set that extends to other Microsoft Office applications. The versatility of VBA empowers users to go beyond the standard Excel features, making it a pivotal tool for anyone seeking efficiency and customization in their spreadsheet endeavors.

What is VBA?

Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) stands as a versatile programming language meticulously crafted by Microsoft for the purpose of automation across the Microsoft Office suite, with a particular focus on Excel. VBA serves as a dynamic tool empowering users to not only create personalized functions but also automate recurrent tasks and interact seamlessly with Excel objects through programmatic means. In essence, VBA acts as a robust bridge, extending the inherent capabilities of Excel and transforming it into a customizable, automated powerhouse tailored to individual needs and specific workflows.

Getting Started with VBA

Embarking on the journey of utilizing VBA begins with the simple act of opening the Visual Basic for Applications editor, easily accessed by pressing Alt + F11. Within this editor, users find themselves in a creative space to write and edit VBA code. However, diving into the realm of VBA necessitates a foundational understanding of fundamental programming concepts. Mastery of variables, loops, and conditional statements is imperative for crafting VBA macros that are not only effective but also efficient. Fortunately, an abundance of online resources and tutorials await students, providing a helping hand in grasping the fundamental principles of VBA programming and propelling them towards proficiency in leveraging this powerful tool.

Practical Applications of Excel Macros and VBA

Understanding the practical applications of Excel Macros and Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) can significantly enhance a student's ability to tackle assignments efficiently. One key application is automating data cleaning and analysis processes. For instance, a student can create a macro that standardizes the formatting of date columns, removes duplicates, and performs necessary calculations, streamlining the often time-consuming task of preparing data for analysis.

Another valuable application is the creation of custom functions using VBA. Students dealing with specific mathematical or statistical requirements in their assignments can design tailored functions that go beyond the capabilities of Excel's built-in functions. This customization not only adds a layer of flexibility to data manipulation but also allows students to meet assignment requirements more precisely.

By exploring and mastering these practical applications, students can transform Excel into a dynamic tool that not only simplifies their workload but also provides a platform for creative problem-solving in the realm of data analysis and manipulation.

Automating Data Cleaning and Analysis

One pivotal application of Excel Macros and VBA lies in the realm of automating data cleaning and analysis tasks, providing students with a formidable advantage in managing assignments efficiently. An illustrative example involves crafting a macro to standardize the formatting of date columns, eliminate duplicates, and execute common calculations seamlessly. This dynamic automation not only expedites the process but also establishes a foundation for consistency, especially when handling extensive datasets. Through the strategic implementation of Excel Macros and VBA, students can circumvent the tedious aspects of data manipulation, empowering them to focus more on the analytical aspects of their assignments, fostering a streamlined and effective workflow.

Creating Custom Functions with VBA

In the academic landscape, students often encounter assignments demanding specific mathematical or statistical analyses that extend beyond Excel's inherent capabilities. Here, VBA emerges as a potent ally, granting users the ability to forge custom functions tailored to their distinctive needs. This facet proves invaluable as students navigate intricate assignments, allowing them to transcend the limitations of pre-existing functions. By harnessing the flexibility of VBA, students can mold Excel into a personalized tool, enhancing their problem-solving prowess and delivering solutions that align precisely with the nuanced requirements of their academic tasks. This not only signifies efficiency but also underscores the adaptability and versatility that Excel Macros and VBA bring to the academic forefront.

Tips for Efficient Excel Automation

As students delve into the realm of Excel Macros and VBA for automating tasks, mastering efficiency becomes paramount. Here are essential tips to elevate your Excel automation prowess.

1: Write Clear and Readable Code

Crafting clear and readable code is akin to creating a roadmap for oneself and others. Choose meaningful variable names, employ consistent formatting, and insert comments where necessary. This not only simplifies understanding during the creation phase but also facilitates collaboration and future modifications. A well-organized codebase enhances maintainability, ensuring that the automation remains a valuable asset over time.

2: Test and Debug Regularly

Thorough testing and debugging are integral steps in the automation journey. Before deploying a macro or VBA script in a live environment, conduct rigorous testing on sample data. Use the debugging tools available in the VBA editor to identify and rectify errors promptly. Regular testing not only ensures functionality but also builds confidence in the reliability of your automated solutions.

3: Embrace Modular Design

Break down your automation tasks into modular components. This modular design approach enhances maintainability and scalability. If modifications are required, addressing specific modules is more straightforward than navigating a monolithic script. Additionally, modular design facilitates code reuse, saving time in future automation projects.

4: Document Your Processes

Comprehensive documentation is a cornerstone of effective automation. Document the purpose, workflow, and expected outcomes of your Excel Macros or VBA scripts. This documentation not only serves as a reference for future use but also aids in knowledge transfer, allowing others to understand and build upon your work.

In conclusion, the integration of Excel Macros and VBA into the toolkit of Microsoft Excel offers a robust solution for automating tasks and enhancing efficiency. These tools empower students to optimize their workflow, especially when confronted with assignments demanding repetitive or intricate calculations. Proficiency in Excel Macros and VBA is not only a time-saving skill but also a strategic asset in navigating the complexities of data manipulation.

By delving into the foundational aspects of Excel Macros and VBA, students can acquire a solid understanding of their capabilities. As they explore practical applications, from automating data cleaning to crafting custom functions, they gain a nuanced perspective on the versatility these tools bring to data analysis. Adhering to best practices, such as writing clear and readable code and rigorous testing, ensures that students unlock the full potential of Excel, transforming it into a dynamic and adaptable ally for academic success. Through this mastery, students not only meet the demands of assignments efficiently but also develop a valuable skill set applicable across diverse professional landscapes.

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January 2024 Data Snapshot

  • Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Excel Basics for Data Analysis

Take some time this New Year to become more proficient in Microsoft Excel. Coursera offers a 11 hour course (which you can enroll for free) to gain a working knowledge of Excel for data analysis. You will learn how to import and clean data, perform spreadsheet tasks and analyze data.

Learn more and enroll

One Seattle Data Strategy

The City of Seattle in Washington recently released a new comprehensive data strategy to optimize the city's use of data to make better decisions, enhance collaboration, protect privacy, standardize best practices and address the complex challenges faced by the city.  The strategy recognizes that data is one of the most critical assets public sector leaders have.  Although it is a city level strategy, it offers an example to learn from.

Access the One Seattle Data Strategy

US GAO Report on Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence is rapidly changing the world and could improve government operations. For example, federal agencies can use AI to analyze drone photos and large datasets. But safeguards are needed to manage AI risks.

Access the GAO Report

Data Spotlight

Closed discrimination complaint cases in iowa .

Department of Inspections, Appeals & Licensing

This dataset contains information on discrimination complaint cases processed by a local agency, the Iowa Civil Rights Commission or the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) in Iowa. Data includes type of closure, dates when case was opened and closed, and basis of complaints received.

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January Online Live Data Skills Training

All courses are 60 to 90 minutes in length.  Go to the data & insights training portal to sign up for the following courses as well as on-demand training.

Scott Vander Hart

The image shows Data Analysis results in the worksheet.


  1. Excel Data Analysis Tutorial

    data analyst excel assignment

  2. A Comprehensive guide to Microsoft Excel for Data Analysis

    data analyst excel assignment

  3. Use of Excel in Data Analysis: A Complete Guide

    data analyst excel assignment

  4. Excel Basics For Data Analysis

    data analyst excel assignment

  5. How to Do Basic Data Analysis in Excel

    data analyst excel assignment

  6. MS Excel

    data analyst excel assignment


  1. How To Add Data Analysis in Excel (2023)

  2. Data Analysts, Do You ACTUALLY Know Excel?

  3. How to Add Data Analysis Button & Solver Butten into Excel

  4. Excel-R Excel Assignment-1.1 l Data analytics l Data scientist l Assignment and Project completion

  5. 3 Essential Excel Tips for DATA ANALYSTS!

  6. Excel-R Excel Assignment (Lookup)


  1. Find all ExcelR Data Analyst Assignment Solution Here 1. Advanced Excel

    Find all ExcelR Data Analyst Assignment Solution Here 1. Advanced Excel 2. MySQL 3. Python 4. Tableau 5. Power BI - shanuhalli/Data-Analyst-Assignment. ... For more details on the Advanced Excel assignment, check out the Advanced Excel Assignment section. 2. MySQL.

  2. Data Analyst Practice Test number 1

    Data Analyst Practice Test number 1. July 28, 2022. This is an Excel Data Analyst exam, you will be challenged to solve various data analysis issues that Excel Data Analysts face in their everyday work! You will be using functions such as: COUNTIF. TRIM.

  3. Mastering Data Analysis in Excel

    There are 7 modules in this course. Important: The focus of this course is on math - specifically, data-analysis concepts and methods - not on Excel for its own sake. We use Excel to do our calculations, and all math formulas are given as Excel Spreadsheets, but we do not attempt to cover Excel Macros, Visual Basic, Pivot Tables, or other ...

  4. Fundamentals of Data Analysis in Excel

    There are 8 modules in this course. Excel is the most widely used analysis tool in the world and a great starting point for diving into data analysis. In this course, you'll apply Excel's native tools to structure your data into spreadsheets and tables. You'll then analyze and produce insights from that data using pivot tables.

  5. Excel Skills for Data Analytics and Visualization Specialization

    The first course: Excel Fundamentals for Data Analysis, covers data preparation and cleaning but also teaches some of the prerequisites for this course like tables and named ranges as well as text, lookup and logical functions. To get the most out of this course we would recommend you do the first course or have experience with these topics.

  6. Advanced Excel for Data Analysis

    Select Analysis ToolPak from Add-ins and click on the Go. 5. Select the checkbox for the Analysis ToolPak and click OK. To access Analysis ToolPak Click on the Data tab and then from the Analysis group click On Data Analysis. The Analysis ToolPak adds the following functionality to Excel: · Anova: Single Factor.

  7. Microsoft Excel: Data Analysis with Excel Functions 2024

    ABOUT THE INSTRUCTOR. This course is published by Kingsley Agbo- a Coach and data analyst, teaching data analysis techniques, MS Excel, Power Query, Microsoft Power BI, with courses average over 4.7 stars out of 5. ABOUT THE COURSE. Learn Data Analysis with Microsoft Excel Functions with consolidated and easier features.

  8. Tutorial: Data Analysis in Excel

    Here's how to use the data analysis ToolPak: Click the File tab, click Options, then click the Add-Ins category. Select Analysis ToolPak, then click the Go button. Check Analysis ToolPak, then click OK. Finally, click on Data Analysis on the Data tab in the Analysis group, and you're on your way!

  9. Excel Data Analysis with Statistics

    Excel is a powerful tool for data analysis and statistics, offering a range of functions to help clean up and analyze data. Additionally, it provides skills that are valuable in a variety of careers, including data analysis, project management, and finance. ... if you average the grades on a series of assignments in a class and weight them ...

  10. Microsoft Excel: Data Analysis with Excel (Updated)

    Minimum technical skills required to get an entry-level job as a data analyst are;⁣. 1. Microsoft Excel. 2. SQL. 3. Power BI or Tableau. With these technical skills, you can gain an entry level data analyst job in any organization.⁣ So, I want to help you get started with my Data Analysis with Microsoft Excel course.⁣.

  11. Data Analyst Course Training

    The Data Analyst Course covers technologies like Excel, Advanced Excel, Tableau, SQL, Power BI, Basics of R & Python. Apart from the theory classes, there are hands-on assignments and projects that help you apply the concepts that are learnt by a student.

  12. Excel Fundamentals for Data Analysis

    What you'll learn. Use Excel tools and functions to clean and prepare data for analysis. Use Named Ranges and Tables to automate your analysis. Understand the different types of data in Excel and use appropriate functions to work with them. Use logical and lookup functions to transform, link and categorise data.

  13. Excel Basics for Data Analysis

    In this module, you will learn about the fundamentals of analyzing data using a spreadsheet, and learn how to filter and sort data. You will also learn how to use some of the most useful functions for a data analyst, and how to use the VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP reference functions. In addition, you will learn how to create pivot tables in Excel, and ...

  14. Fundamentals of Data Analysis in Excel

    Fundamentals of Data Analysis in Excel Learning Objectives. Upon completing this course, you will be able to: Analyze a dataset using native Excel tools. Apply Excel tools and formulas to transform and structure your data. Create pivot tables to slice and dice your data. Visualize data with pivot charts and Excel Charts.

  15. IBM

    Module 1. The first module of IBM's Excel Basics for Data Analysis introduces students to some of the most basic features of spread sheets. This module is designed so that even the most inexperienced spreadsheet users will be able to get started. The reading and lab assignments in the section help students set up and explore a free Excel ...

  16. 65 Excel Interview Questions for Data Analysts [2024 Prep Guide]

    65 Excel Interview Questions for Data Analysts [2024 Prep Guide] Interviewing for a role as a data analyst is a skill that requires both experience and practice. It is by no means a given that all good data analysts will give good interviews. Explaining data succinctly is part of the job, but explaining the software and tools that data analysts ...

  17. Analyze Data in Excel

    Analyze Data in Excel empowers you to understand your data through high-level visual summaries, trends, and patterns. Simply click a cell in a data range, and then click the Analyze Data button on the Home tab. Analyze Data in Excel will analyze your data, and return interesting visuals about it in a task pane.

  18. Excel Basics for Data Analysis

    There are 5 modules in this course. Spreadsheet tools like Excel are an essential tool for working with data - whether for data analytics, business, marketing, or research. This course is designed to give you a basic working knowledge of Excel and how to use it for analyzing data. This course is suitable for those who are interested in pursuing ...

  19. Excel Macros & VBA: Student Efficiency in Assignments

    One pivotal application of Excel Macros and VBA lies in the realm of automating data cleaning and analysis tasks, providing students with a formidable advantage in managing assignments efficiently. An illustrative example involves crafting a macro to standardize the formatting of date columns, eliminate duplicates, and execute common ...

  20. January 2024 Data Snapshot

    Excel Basics for Data Analysis. Take some time this New Year to become more proficient in Microsoft Excel. Coursera offers a 11 hour course (which you can enroll for free) to gain a working knowledge of Excel for data analysis. You will learn how to import and clean data, perform spreadsheet tasks and analyze data. ...

  21. Preparing Data for Analysis with Microsoft Excel

    Data analysts and business intelligence analysts both help drive data-driven decision-making in their organizations. Data analysts tend to work more closely with the data itself, while business intelligence analysts tend to be more involved in using the results of data analysis to address business needs and recommend solutions.The Power BI data analyst is a combination of both of these roles.


    The image shows Data Analysis results in the worksheet. Copyright © 2020, 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

  23. 10 Excel Functions for Data Analysis

    In contrast, financial data analysts might use functions such as ACCRINT (returns accrued interest) or DB (returns depreciation of an asset's value). Read more: What Does a Data Analyst Do? Your Career Guide. 10 top Excel functions in data analysis. While Excel has hundreds of built-in functions, you might gravitate to a few common ones more ...