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Staff Graded Assignment XBlock for the edX platform


Folders and files, repository files navigation, staff graded assignment xblock.

This package provides an XBlock for use with the open edX platform which provides a staff graded assignment. Students are invited to upload files which encapsulate their work on the assignment. Instructors are then able to download the files and enter grades for the assignment.

Note that this package is both an XBlock and a Django application.


Devstack installation (for local development).

Since this involves changing version-controlled files in edx-platform , it's a good idea to create a branch in that repo for all SGA development. All of the edits below refer to edx-platform files or configuration files in devstack. No files in the edx-sga repo need to be edited to install and use the SGA XBlock in devstack.

Configure file storage

For file storage, SGA uses the same file storage configuration as other applications in edX, such as the comments server. devstack defaults to local storage, and fullstack defaults to S3. Using local file storage is the easiest option for hacking on and debugging SGA locally.

To configure SGA to use local storage, edit lms/envs/ to include these settings (and create the file if it doesn't exist yet):

You can also configure S3 to be used as the file storage backend. Ask a fellow developer or devops for the correct settings to enable this. If you're using ansible to provision devstack, you may want to refer to this edX article on configuring data storage .

Add SGA to the Advanced Module List for your course in Studio

Open Advanced Settings for your course in Studio ("Settings" drop down in the top nav > "Advanced Settings"), and add "edx_sga" to the "Advanced Module List" value (i.e.: the value for "Advanced Module List" should be a JSON list, and that list should include "edx_sga" ).

If necessary, add SGA to installed Django apps

NOTE: This is only needed if edx_sga is not somehow included in INSTALLED_APPS already. In edx-platform, an app can make its way into INSTALLED_APPS in a few different ways, so the easiest thing to do is grep your edx-platform branch for 'edx_sga' and see if it appears in INSTALLED_APPS / OPTIONAL_APPS /etc. All releases of edx-platform since Dogwood already include edx_sga , so this step is likely unnecessary.

If SGA is not already an installed app, add this as a top-level setting in /edx/app/edxapp/lms.env.json and /edx/app/edxapp/cms.env.json :

Also in /edx/app/edxapp/cms.env.json , add this to the FEATURES object:

Add the package as a dependency (or install manually)

If you want devstack to install a local branch of edx-sga and use any local changes that you make, you'll need to do the following:

Find any requirements files that list an edx-sga dependency and comment out those lines (there are many requirements files in the edx-platform repo, and they're all .txt files, as is convention with pip). Note that the app as it's recognized by Django is edx_sga with an underscore, but the repo is edx-sga with a dash.

Sync/mount your edx-sga repo directory to the Docker container or Vagrant VM (depending on which method you use to run devstack on your machine).

In Vagrant, you can add this to the Vagrantfile within the Vagrant.configure block (after running vagrant up or vagrant reload , the directory will be mounted).:

Add the mounted edx-sga repo directory as a dependency in requirements/private.txt (creating the file if necessary):

You should now be able to work with SGA blocks when you run LMS or Studio, and any local changes you make to SGA should be seen if you restart the server.

If the steps above don't suit your purposes (or they simply don't work), you may also try installing SGA manually ( NOTE: These are old instructions ):

Production Installation

Create a branch of edx-platform to commit a few minor changes:

Add SGA to the platform requirements

In requirements/edx/github.txt , add:

Add appropriate edx_sga settings

  • In both cms/envs/ and lms/envs/ , add 'edx_sga' to OPTIONAL_APPS
  • In cms/envs/ , add 'edx_sga' to ADVANCED_COMPONENT_TYPES

In production, the edx-platform uses S3 as the default storage engine. If you want to use file storage see the devstack/full instructions above. To configure S3 storage properly in the platform, set the following values in your /edx/app/edxapp/lms.auth.json file or, preferably, in your additional yaml overrides in your edx/configuration setup.

Course Authoring in edX Studio

Change Advanced Settings

  • Open a course you are authoring and select "Settings" ⇒ "Advanced Settings
  • Navigate to the section titled "Advanced Module List"
  • Add "edx_sga" to module list.
  • Studio should save your changes automatically.

The Advanced Module List section in Advanced Settings

Create an SGA XBlock

  • Return to the Course Outline
  • Create a Section, Sub-section and Unit, if you haven't already
  • In the "Add New Component" interface, you should now see an "Advanced" button
  • Click "Advanced" and choose "Staff Graded Assignment"

buttons for problems types, including advanced types

Write a question with an SGA response

Since the Staff Graded Assignment doesn't support text within the problem, it is recommended to precede the SGA XBlock with a Text or HTML XBlock with instructions for the student. We recommend something using the following template:

Note that any file type can be uploaded. If you expect a particular file type from your students, you should specify it in the instructions. If you wish students to upload multiple files, you can recommend they zip the files before uploading.

display_name : The name appears in the horizontal navigation at the top of the page

Maximum Score : Maximum grade score given to assignment by staff

Problem Weight : Defines the number of points each problem is worth.

Show Answer : Specifies if and when the student will see the correct answer to the problem.

Solution : The solution that is shown to the student if Show Answer is enabled for the problem.

sga settings

Grading Policy

SGA XBlocks inherit grading settings just like any other problem type. You can include them in homework, exams or any assignment type of your choosing.

Course Authoring in XML

XML for an SGA XBlock consists of one tag with the five attributes mentioned above. It is recommended to also include a url_name attribute. For example:

You can specify the following values for the show answer attribute.

  • correct_or_past_due

Staff Grading

Navigate to the student view (LMS) of the course and find the vertical with your Staff Graded Assignment. (If you are in Studio, click "View Live").

If you are Course Staff or an Instructor for the course, you will see a "Grade Submissions" button in the lower right corner of the XBlock (Be sure you are in "Staff View" indicated by a red label in the upper right corner of the page; if it says "Student View" in green, click on it once.)

Staff view of LMS interface

When you click "Grade Submissions" a grid of student submissions will display in a lightbox. Columns for username, (full) name, Filename and Uploaded (time) will be filled in.

Staff view of grading grid

Click the filename in any row to download the student's submission. If it can be displayed in your browser, it will.

Click the Enter grade link to bring up an interface to enter grades and comments.

Enter grade interface

The grades and comments will appear in the grid. Use the "Upload Annotated File" button to upload a file in response to the student's submission. The student will be able to view the file along with her grade.

Instructor view of grading grid after a submission has been graded.

Course staff can enter grades, but they are not final and students won't see them until they are submitted by an instructor. When a grade is waiting for instructor approval, it appears in the submissions grid with the text (Awaiting instructor approval) after it.

Detail of Staff Member view of grading grid after a submission has been graded and it is awaiting approval.

After a course staff member has submitted a grade, the instructor will see a link to Approve grade instead of Enter grade .

Detail of Instructor view of grading grid after a submission has been graded and it can be appproved.

Clicking Approve grade will open the same grading dialog box where, in addition to approving the grade, she can change the grade and the comment.

Once the instructor has approved or entered a grade, course staff members cannot change it. However, the instructor can always change a grade.

After the grade has been approved, the student will be able to see it inline and also in her progress page. Annotated files, if any, will be available for download.

Student view of graded assignment with annotated instructor response

Assuming edx-sga is installed as above, integration tests can be run in devstack with this command:

To run tests on your host machine (with a mocked edX platform):

To get statement coverage (in devstack):

  • JavaScript 85.6%
  • Python 12.7%

Answers for Quizzes & Assignments that I have taken

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Choosing when learners can see problem answers in Open edX

You may have noticed in the LMS that there's a little button labelled  Show Answer in the bottom right of each problem.

edx graded assignment answers

What's the deal with that? Can we decide when that appears? The short answer is yes - let's take a look at how it's done.

edx graded assignment answers

  • Always - Always display the button
  • Answered - Display the button when the learner has correctly answered the problem
  • Attempted - Display the button when the learner has attempted the problem (regardless of whether they got it right or wrong)
  • Closed - Display the button if all attempts have been used or the due date has passed
  • Finished - Display the button if they have answered correctly, all attempts have been used, or the due date has passed
  • Correct or Past due - Display the button if they have answered correctly or the due date has passed
  • Past due - Display the button only after the due date has passed
  • Never - Never display the button
  • Save your changes and publish them to see them in the LMS

It is important to note that whenever you view the LMS as a Staff member, you will typically be able to see the Show Answer button regardless of this setting. If you want to check your questions are configured correctly, make sure you view the course as a student by selecting Student from the ' View this course as: ' dropdown menu at the top of the LMS.

edx graded assignment answers

Setting the default

You may find while building your course, that you want to set the default state for this setting to something other than Finished , which is the normal default. To do this, enter Studio and select Settings > Advanced Settings from the menu at the top

edx graded assignment answers

Once on the advanced settings page, press Command/CTRL (Depending on operating system) and the F key and search the page for the words " Show Answer ", or simply scroll down the page until you see the Show Answer setting. The page is alphabetical, so it appears considerably towards the bottom of the page.

edx graded assignment answers

Simply change the word "finished" to another value as written beneath the field, for example to set the default to Always , this value should be "always" , in lower case, including the quotes. Once you're done, hit the Save Changes button that appears at the bottom of the page to finalize your changes.

edx graded assignment answers

From this point on, any problem you insert will by default have the Show Answer setting set to the state you have chosen. If you have any issues with this feature, as always, feel free to contact Support by using the link below.

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This AI Tool Cut One Teacher’s Grading Time in Half. How It Works

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It usually takes Aimee Knaus, who has been teaching computer science for more than two decades, upwards of two hours to grade a classful of coding projects.

This school year, she cut that time roughly in half, with the help of an AI teaching assistant developed by, a nonprofit organization that aims to expand access to computer science courses, and the Piech Lab at Stanford University in Palo Alto, Calif.

Knaus, who teaches middle school in Kimberly, Wis., was one of twenty teachers nationwide who tested the computer science grading tool’s capability on about a dozen coding projects also designed by, as part of a limited pilot project.

Beginning today, is inviting an additional 300 teachers to give the tool a try.

In early testing by Knaus and other teachers, the tool’s assessment of student work closely tracked those of experienced computer science teachers, said Karim Meghji, the chief product officer at If that trend holds through this larger trial, the nonprofit hopes to make the tool widely available to computer science teachers around the country, he said.

Meghji would ideally like the tool to become widely available by the end of the calendar year, but the timeline will depend on the results of the broader testing.

‘I worry AI couldn’t push my students to the next level’

Many educators see helping teachers tackle time-consuming but relatively rote tasks— like grading —as a huge potential upside of AI. Curriculum company Houghton Mifflin Harcourt’s Writable tool, Essaygrader, Gradescope, and others have already been released . And some teachers have experimented with using ChatGPT, an AI-powered writing and research tool, to grade papers.

But others are wary of outsourcing grading—especially on assignments that call for making subjective decisions about students’ writing or ideas.

“After all these years, I’ve worked to perfect my feedback and my process,” said Carly Ghantous, a humanities instructor at Davidson Academy Online, a private virtual school. “I worry that the AI wouldn’t be able to push my students to the next level of writing” as well as an experienced teacher could.

By contrast, the criteria for grading the coding projects that the computer science tool examined are cut and dry, Meghji explained.

The AI tool must determine whether a student’s coding project contains certain requirements—for instance, whether there are at least two changeable elements. That’s something the technology figures out quickly and accurately.

Megjhi predicts that, down the road, AI tools could frequently be tapped to help grade student work. Given the technical nature of computer science, it makes sense that the subject would be among the first out of the gate, he added.

“I think we have a unique situation with computer science and coding,” he said. “I do think that assessment will become an AI-assisted task for teachers across multiple subjects. I can’t say what that’s gonna look like for English or for social studies or other subjects. But I can tell you that I do think based on what I’ve seen in computer science that there is there’s definitely an opportunity for broader application.”

‘I had the answer key, but I didn’t know what I was doing’

Grading computer science tasks can be particularly tricky —and time consuming, Meghji said, which is why was interested in exploring possible AI solutions.

Many teachers who lead computer science courses don’t have a degree in the subject—or even much training on how to teach it—and might be the only educator in their school leading a computer science course.

Kevin Barry, a former social studies teacher, was tapped to teach computer science at his southern Maryland high school by a principal who noticed Barry’s facility with technology. Barry, who is one of a hundred educators who gave information to inform the development of its tool, hasn’t yet tested the product for himself.

Still, he already wishes that something like it had existed when he first stepped into the computer science teaching role nearly ten years ago.

Back then, “it took me even longer to grade because I didn’t know what I was grading,” said Barry, who teaches at La Plata High School. “I was learning it as I was doing it with the students. I had the answer key, but I didn’t know what I was doing.”

These days, the tool could help him challenge his highest flyers—giving Barry extra time to help those who may be struggling.

In his classes, “I’ve had the captain of the robotics team [and a] kid who lives on a farm and barely knows what the power buttons are,” along with 28 other students whose abilities are somewhere in between those extremes, Barry said.

“I have more advanced students that want to go on” to trickier projects, Barry said. If the tool was able to examine their work, “they can be working three assignments down the road.”

‘We should still always be the ones in control’

Knaus agrees that the tool could be a huge time-saver for teachers. She’s interested in seeing it go beyond grading, offering real-time feedback or assistance to students as they work on coding assignments.

Knaus was surprised by how in sync the tool’s assessment of student work seemed to be with her own. But if she disagreed with the tool’s estimation of an assignment, she wouldn’t hesitate to ignore the AI tool’s recommendation.

“I don’t know that it necessarily is going to always be completely accurate,” Knaus said. “When we think about AI, I think it’s really important for humans to understand that we should still always be the ones in control.

“I don’t think we want to get to the point where we trust AI” over our own knowledge, she concluded.

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    Coursera and edX Assignments. This repository is aimed to help Coursera and edX learners who have difficulties in their learning process. The quiz and programming homework is belong to coursera and edx and solutions to me. AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Professional. DevOps on AWS Specialization.

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    Coursera and edX Assignments. This repository is aimed to help Coursera and edX learners who have difficulties in their learning process. The quiz and programming homework is belong to coursera and edx and solutions to me. AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Professional. DevOps on AWS Specialization. Open Source Software Development, Linux and ...

  19. Choosing when learners can see problem answers in Open edX

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  25. 19.3. Learner Grades and Grading

    Click the score for the assignment that you want to modify. The Edit Grades dialog opens, displaying the assignment name, the learner's user name, and the current grade for the assignment. In the Adjusted grade field, enter the new grade for the learner on this assignment and select Save Grade.