essay about project watch

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essay about project watch

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  • Salve R. Palo. Project W.A.T.C.H: Its Contexts, Inputs, Processes and Products in the Department of Education. American Journal of Educational Research . Vol. 10, No. 5, 2022, pp 332-341. ">Normal Style
  • Palo, Salve R.. 'Project W.A.T.C.H: Its Contexts, Inputs, Processes and Products in the Department of Education.' American Journal of Educational Research 10.5 (2022): 332-341. ">MLA Style
  • Palo, S. R. (2022). Project W.A.T.C.H: Its Contexts, Inputs, Processes and Products in the Department of Education. American Journal of Educational Research , 10 (5), 332-341. ">APA Style
  • Palo, Salve R.. 'Project W.A.T.C.H: Its Contexts, Inputs, Processes and Products in the Department of Education.' American Journal of Educational Research 10, no. 5 (2022): 332-341. ">Chicago Style

Project W.A.T.C.H: Its Contexts, Inputs, Processes and Products in the Department of Education

This study aimed 1.) to describe how the teachers live or manifest the core values of honesty and punctuality in implementing Project WATCH along with Advocacy, Training/Orientation, Curriculum Integration, WATCH Club Activities, and Awards and Recognition using the CIPP Model of Evaluation. 2.) to develop an advocacy and implementation model on how Project WATCH core values could build punctuality and honesty among public school teachers. Regarding Project WATCH implementation, On the Context level focused on Advocacy, most of the respondents were not well informed about the goal, mission, and vision of the WATCH program. On the Input level, investigated the training/orientation and curriculum Instruction. Project WATCH activities were not well implemented because there was no budget allocation from the MOOE; they did not include it in the Annual Implementation Plan or School Improvement Plan. Most of the respondents said they have no specific training for Project WATCH. The process level focused on the description of the WATCH Club Activities. Most schools had WATCH Club for pupils only to manage the activities in school guided by the School Project WATCH Coordinator and the School Head. When it comes to teachers, there was no Organized WATCH Club. There was no Training and Orientation on Project WATCH, which was supposed to be one of the essential activities to be managed or spearheaded by WATCH Club Officers. The product level described the Program's outcome, which is awards and recognition. From the findings, most schools did not give awards to teachers. Most schools implemented Project WATCH, They did Advocacy through the hanging of tarpaulin inside the school premises, but most of the schools launch in June or any month of the year to implement the project. There was no budget allocated for this Program teacher and parents shared the expenses for the activities, and they did no evaluation done at the end of the year.

1. Introduction

Punctuality and honesty are core values that everyone should possess. If these values are developed at home, there will be no problem in school and the community when it comes to coming on time in any appointments and being truthful in every undertaking.

Being punctual gains respect from your colleagues. Coming up on time shows other people you are respectable and can be trusted, it teaches you that you can rely on yourself. The more you keep being on time, the more your self-confidence will grow.

Being on time in every activity means punctuality. If someone wants to succeed in life he/she should always be on time in reporting, in meetings or assemblies, in payments, and any other activities. From Wikipedia, punctuality is defined as the characteristic of being able to complete a required task or fulfil an obligation before or at a previously designated time. “Punctual” is often used synonymous with “on time” or right time. It is also acceptable that punctual can also, be related to talking about grammar, which means “to be accurate”.

Punctuality demonstrates your willingness to get up early, plan and make every effort to complete your work on time. It is a sign of professionalism and helps you stand out as a reliable and trustworthy employee. Being punctual helps you establish your reputation as a dependable and consistent worker. Honesty and punctuality are the foundation of being a good citizen and leader. Both of these core values are essential in the organization to become successful. It goes without saying that businesses need people to show up on time to get the job done. Although this seems like common sense, you will probably encounter a few employees who are chronically late. For business leaders, tardiness needs to be addressed because it affects productivity and – ultimately – the reputation of an organization (Kimberly Leonard 2019) People miss work for a variety of reasons. Much of the time, when employees take time away it is for planned vacation or personal days. However, when unexpected circumstances require unplanned time off, the impact of absenteeism can weigh heavily on productivity, employee experience and ultimately profits.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the absence rate from work for full-time employees is 2.9 percent. The impact of absenteeism is certainly a big enough problem that organizations should understand how it affects individual, team and organizational performance (Bill Cushard, 2017). Absenteeism contradicts with punctuality and sometimes result to dishonesty.

Both terms, honesty and integrity are to be held in high regards being absolutely essential for success in all the areas of life including profession. Having honesty and integrity not only creates value in every communication, but it also leads to build the foundation of trust and confidence. Honesty does not just imply refusal to lie, but it does to live life with fairness and straightforwardness, whereas, integrity implies the quality of possessing and steadfastly adhering to high moral principles. McFarland 1 stated that employees might be dishonest by taking credit for someone else’s idea or to cover up for a mistake. A lot of employees think that telling a small lie is justified because they feel like they deserve a reward, whether that be a raise or promotion. However, to lie to get ahead unjustly disadvantages other employees, especially those that are honest. Tshifhiwa Yandheya Rasila 2 stated that it is a well-established fact that trust, is an important element in the employment relationship and any form of deception in the workplace has an impact on the employee-employer relationship. Employers must be able to trust their employees, without fear and worry of monitoring the employees’ conduct. Therefore, traditionally any form of dishonesty in the workplace has always been viewed as an offence. An offence so serious which usually results in a dismissal. In cases where an employee has stolen from the employer, judges and arbitrators have accepted that such dishonesty, by its very nature, has rendered continued employment intolerable. As such intolerability is the employee's breach of the trust relationship, as dishonesty damages the employer's ability to trust the employee. James D. Kondopulos 3 stated in his article that dishonesty on the part of an employee casts a dark shadow on the employment relationship and may throw the ongoing viability of that relationship into serious question, especially if the dishonesty involves theft or is premeditated, intentional, or sustained over a period of time. In some industries and for specific jobs, honesty is of paramount importance and an employee’s dishonest conduct can result in summary termination of employment for just cause. CSC, 19 April 2021 - Government employees who misrepresent education, experience, training, and eligibility qualifications to qualify for a particular position will be charged with serious dishonesty. This was stressed by the Civil Service Commission as it issued Resolution No. 2100079 or the Revised Rules on the Administrative Offense of Dishonesty. The new resolution aims to further clarify and define the parameters of the classifications of dishonesty in order to aid disciplining authorities in charging the proper offense. Dishonesty refers to the “concealment or distortion of truth, which shows lack of integrity or a disposition to defraud, cheat, deceive or betray and an intent to violate the truth.” Along with misrepresenting qualifications, the submission of fake and/or spurious credentials relative to one’s employment is also considered serious dishonesty under the resolution.

Tardiness in schools by teachers has two forms: tardiness for school and tardiness for classes throughout the school day and either way if left unchecked can create serious systemic problems. The length of class periods will be shortened and leave students unsupervised for a substantial period time and these students are then free to misbehave and disturb nearby classes. More so, it encourages students to come to classes late by knowing the teacher will also be late. Failure to address this practice will lead to a marked decline in the academic climate and performance of the institution

In the Philippines, being late and starting things late has always been part of Filipino culture. Many Filipinos seem to either practice it or accept it, so much that the term “Filipino Time” was coined 4 . To correct this culture, Republic Act 10535 was enacted requiring government offices, private televisions, and radio stations to calibrate and synchronize their time devices with the Philippine Standard Time to ensure the same time reference of punctuality.

Mool Raj 5 , found out from his study that there is a significant difference in the teachers’ opinions towards the use of a bio-enabled attendance system with regards to their residential background and medium of teaching. There is no significant difference in the opinion of the teachers towards the use of a bio-enabled attendance system concerning their gender, computer training and teaching subjects. The results also show that the bio-enabled attendance system contributes towards improving the punctuality of teachers as it is effective, accurate, time-saving and checks the proxy system for marking the attendance. David McGuire 6 expressed from his article that teachers attendance is directly related to the academic outcomes of their students. Not only does it affect the academic achievement of students but it also affects the overall running of the building. DR.N.V. Srinivasa 7 , stated that being absent, as a teacher, affects a lot of people in the school and causes more disruption. Punctuality helps the people to build their career. Generally, a person who is punctual for all his activities will be respected by everyone all great men had got a time schedule for every day. DepEd Memorandum No. 410s, 8 dated September 18, 2009, entitled “Guidelines on the Establishment of WATCH SCHOOL” (We Advocate Time Consciousness and Honesty) aims to strengthen the value of punctuality and honesty among the DepEd officials and employees.

Concerning this, Her Excellency President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo issued Presidential Proclamation No. 1782 dated May 31, 2009 9 , entitled “Declaring the Month of June as W.A.T.C.H. Month and Enjoining all Schools, Colleges, Universities and Local Government Units to Undertake Programs of Activities Thereto Every Second Week of June. Its purpose is to inculcate the two core values of a Filipinos that should be developed, the Honesty and Punctuality.

The purpose of the establishment of the Project “We Advocate Time Consciousness and Honesty (WATCH) program is to advocate time consciousness and honesty as a significant campaign for core values development of the individual to minimize the corruption of time by the Department of Education employees and to ensure quality education. Punctuality and honesty are values that should be developed of every employees in their workplace.

This study described the Project WATCH, Its context Input, Process and Product in the Department of Education. Specifically this study sought to answer the following objectives:

1.) To describe on how the teachers live or manifest the core values in Project WATCH, punctuality and honesty, along the following parameters: Advocacy, Training/Orientation, Curriculum integration, WATCH Club Activities, and Awards and Recognition using CIPP Model.

2.) To develop an advocacy and implementation model on how the teachers could build punctuality and honesty.

The respondents of this study were 11 school heads and 11 teachers of San Jose District, Division of Camarines Sur. It started on March 2020 and was completed on June 2021. It dealt with the description of how the teachers live or manifest the core values of Project WATCH which are punctuality and honesty along Advocacy, Training/Orientation, Curriculum integration, WATCH Club Activities and Awards and Recognition in San Jose District.

The result of this study can be applied to all schools in the entire Division in compliance with the DepEd Memorandum No. 410s, 8 , entitled “Guidelines on the Establishment of WATCH School”, supported with the Presidential Proclamation Number 1782 which was issued by Her Excellency Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, entitled “Declaring the Month of June as WATCH Month”and Enjoining all Schools, Colleges, Universities and Local Government Units to Undertake Programs of Activities Thereto Every Second Week of June. Its purpose is to inculcate the two core values of a Filipinos that should be developed, the Honesty and Punctuality.

The purpose of this study is to strengthen/enhance the implementation of Project WATCH among teachers and school heads as the role model to the young learners, how they can bring change to everyone, manifest the habit of coming on time in every activity and being truthful in every dealings and to see how the teachers show punctuality and honesty. School heads should monitor their teachers whether their teachers are practicing these two values punctuality and honesty.

The primary function of the school head is to assure the implementation of the programs and projects of the Department of Education geared toward quality education. Project WATCH is one of the projects of the department aimed to strengthen the values of punctuality and honesty among the DepEd officials and employees (DeEd Memo. Nos. 160 and 387s. 10 ) as a significant step in bringing about fundamental change and transformation of the society.

essay about project watch

  • Figure 1. Theoretical Framework for the Project WATCH Evaluation

CIPP (Context, Input, Process, Product) evaluation model is a program evaluation model which was developed by Daniel Stufflebeam and colleagues in the 1960s. CIPP is an acronym for Context, Input, Process, and Product. This evaluation model requires the evaluation of context, input, process, and product in judging a program’s value. According to Robinson (2002), CIPP is a decision-focused approach to evaluation and emphasizes the systematic provision of information for program management and operation. The CIPP model is unique as an evaluation guide as it allows evaluators to evaluate the program at different stages, namely: before the program commences by helping evaluators to assess the need and at the end of the program to assess whether or not the program affected.The CIPP framework was developed as a means of linking evaluation with the program’s decision-making. It aims to provide an analytic and rational basis for the program’s decision-making, based on a cycle of planning, structuring, implementing, and reviewing, and revising decisions, each examined through a different aspect of evaluation –context, input, process, and product evaluation. This is an attempt to make evaluation directly relevant to the needs of decision-makers during the phases and activities of a program. Stufflebeam’s context, input, process, and product (CIPP) evaluation model is recommended as a framework to systematically guide the conception, design, implementation, and assessment of service-learning projects, and provide feedback and judgment of the project’s effectiveness for continuous improvement. This model is best understood when its four aspects are explained.

Context Evaluation. CIPP begins with Context Evaluation which answers the question; what needs to be done? Vs. were important needs addressed? It establishes the goals of the program 11 . At this stage, the beneficiaries and their needs are also identified, along with potential resources available on hand, and potential problems that will need to be overcome. Hashaw 11 clarified that Context in CIPP refers to the group of considerations that center on needs assessment, available resources, problems to be solved, any background issues and the overall environment for the program. This is a planning phase in the cycle. The Context phase focuses primarily on the intended goals for a program. This phase clarifies what needs to be accomplished and any specific needs to be addressed. The context really envelops a program because it defines the circumstances within which the program will be operating. Stufflebeam, the proponent of this model said that the results of a context evaluation are intended to provide a sound basis for either adjusting or establishing goals and priorities and identifying needed changes. One suggested use of context evaluation is a means for a school to communicate with the public to achieve a shared understanding of the district’s strengths, weaknesses, needs, opportunities, and pressing problems. Other uses are to convince a funding agency of the worth of a project, to develop objectives for staff development, to select schools for priority assistance, and to help parents or advisers focus on developmental areas requiring attention. Context evaluation is a situational analysis – a reading of the reality in which the individuals find themselves and an assessment of that reality in light of what they want to do. It continues to furnish baseline information regarding the operations and accomplishments of the total system. It also assesses the environment where evaluation takes place. The aggregate data and information gathered serve as a basis for curriculum decisions and the subsequent development of objectives. Therefore, context evaluation includes: policy, surroundings, needs assessment, at the least. Evaluation “contexts” focus on the environment which is the change will occur and problems will appear. The evaluation context is used to give a rational reason a selected program or curriculum to be implemented. A wide scale, context can be evaluated on: the program's objectives, policies that support the vision and mission of the institution, the relevant environment, identification of needs, opportunities and problems specific diagnosis. This evaluation aspect can also serve as the “planning-decisions” aspect.

Input Evaluation. The second stage of the model, input evaluation answers the question: How should it be done? Vs. was a defensible design employed? And is designed to provide information and determine how to utilize resources to meet program goals. Input evaluators assess the school’s capabilities to carry out the task of evaluation; they consider the strategies suggested for achieving program goals and they identify how a selected strategy will be implemented. Input evaluates specific aspects of the curriculum plan or specific components of the curriculum plan. An important component of this analysis is to identify any barriers or constraints in the client’s environment that may influence or impede the operation of the program. In other words, the purpose of Input Evaluation is to help clients consider alternatives in terms of their particular needs and circumstances and to help develop a workable plan for them. Input Evaluation carries the idea that stakeholders will need to be engaged in the implementation of the program and suitable strategies for the program execution should be identified. Competing or conflicting strategies may also be identified to strengthen the program implementation. That is why this aspect serves as the “structuring decisions” aspect.

Process Evaluation. The focus of process evaluation is the implementation of a program or a strategy. It answers the question: Is it being done? Vs. Was the design well executed? The main purpose is to provide feedback about needed modifications if the implementation is inadequate. Besides, process evaluation should provide a comparison of the actual implementation with the intended program, the costs of the implementation, and participants’ judgments of the quality of the effort. Process evaluation includes three strategies. The first is to detect or predict defects in the procedural design or its implementation stage, the second is to provide information for decisions and the third is to maintain a record of procedures as they occur. This stage, which includes the three strategies, occurs during the implementation stage of the curriculum development. It is a piloting process conducted to debug the program before district-wide implementation. From such evaluation, project decision makers obtain the information they need to anticipate and overcome procedural difficulties and to make decisions.

Product Evaluation. Stufflebeam who is the proponent of this model stated that the primary function of product evaluation is to measure, interpret, and judge the attainments of a program. It answers the question: Is it succeeding? Vs. Did the effort succeed? Product evaluation, therefore, should determine the extent to which identified needs were met, as well as identify the broad effects of the program. This product evaluation stage measures outcomes 11 . This aspect has three significant terms. They are the impact, effectiveness, and sustainability. These three will help assess the product of the implemented program. The impact will answer whether or not WATCH reaches its targeted audience. Effectiveness is assessed through the efficacy of the WATCH program in terms of its quality and significance by evaluating its positive and negative outcomes. The findings will be used by all stakeholders to determine whether the implementation is a success or a failure. On the other hand, sustainability will be measured through its findings and will find out whether the WATCH program should be continued or not. This evaluation should document both intended and unintended effects and negative as well as positive outcomes. The primary use of product evaluation is to determine whether a program should be continued, repeated, and/or extended to other settings. However, it should also provide direction for modifying the program to better serve the needs of participants and to become more cost-effective. Finally, product evaluation is an essential component of an “accountability report”. Product evaluation measure and interpret the achievement of goals. Evaluation of the products also come to: the measurement of the impact of the expected and unexpected. The evaluation is conducted: during and after the program. Stufflebeam and Shinkfield suggest product evaluation conducted for the four aspects of evaluation: impact, effectiveness, sustainability, and transportability. The decision making process is done by comparing the findings / facts contained in context, input, process and product standards or criteria that have been set previously.

The foregoing researcher’s theory tried into account for the Manifestation of punctuality and honesty among public school teachers in the Department of Education through proper implementation of Project WATCH that will lead to quality education.

The Trait Theory of K. Cherry (2016) stated that it is important to know that good leadership is being honest, forward-looking, inspiring, and competent. Leaders that have these skills are the enthusiastic motivators of the group and they have an intense desire to lead others to reach shared goals. Their followers always look upon them because they have high levels of effort, ambition, energy, and initiative. Leaders are also known to have charisma, creativity, self-confidence, intelligence, integrity, sociability, determination, and flexibility.

Self-Determination Theory (SDT) suggested that people are motivated to grow and change by three innate and universal psychological needs. This theory suggested that people can become self-determined when their needs for competence, connection, and autonomy are fulfilled. Self-determination theory grew out of the work of psychologists Edward Deci and Richard Ryan, who first introduced their ideas in their 1985 book Self-Determination and Intrinsic Motivation in Human Behavior.

According to Deci and Ryan, extrinsic motivation is a drive to behave in certain ways based on external sources and it results in external rewards (1985). Such sources include grading systems, employee evaluations, awards and accolades, and the respect and admiration of others.

On the other hand, intrinsic motivation comes from within. There are internal drives that inspire us to behave in certain ways, including our core values, our interests, and our personal sense of morality.

It might seem like intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation are diametrically opposed—with intrinsic driving behavior in keeping with our “ideal self” and extrinsic leading us to conform with the standards of others—but there is another important distinction in the types of motivation. SDT differentiates between autonomous motivation and controlled motivation (Ryan & Deci, 2008). Autonomous motivation includes motivation that comes from internal sources and includes motivation from extrinsic sources for individuals who identify with an activity’s value and how it aligns with their sense of self. Controlled motivation is comprised of external regulation—a type of motivation where an individual acts out of the desire for external rewards or fear of punishment. On the other hand, introjected regulation is motivation from “partially internalized activities and values” such as avoiding shame, seeking approval, and protecting the ego.

When an individual is driven by autonomous motivation, they may feel self-directed and autonomous; when the individual is driven by controlled motivation, they may feel pressure to behave in a certain way, and thus, experience little to no autonomy (Ryan & Deci, 2008).

The Pickle Jar Theory of Shadav Mohammad Ansari,is a time management solution that is simple and works. The Pickle Jar theory is based on the idea that time, like a pickle jar, time is limited. Our life is the jar and what is in it, the volume or space is limited. Every day, everyone fills out time with important, less important, and unimportant activities. It helps you to set your priorities for daily life and plan tasks in such a way, that you have time to spare instead of too few hours in the day. This Theory is popular for time management. The Theory is about a big glass pickle jar that is filled with a large number of fist-sized rocks, pebbles, and a lot of sand. Rocks, pebble, and sand have a purpose in the Pickle Jar Theory. The pickle jar itself represents our daily life, what keeps us engage and how we divide our time and activates during the day. The Pickle Jar Theory helps us visualize our priorities, as well as the amount and size of tasks that can be done realistically on a given day. The Pickle Jar Theory provides a deep understanding of our schedule and offers opportunities to make an effort to put our most important tasks at the top of the list every day. The deep understanding becomes even clearer by working with to-do lists. By carefully considering what tasks still need to be done in advance, you will be able to treat the most important tasks as ‘rocks’ and put them on your list.Through the theories presented that were related to Project WATCH Program, its context, input, process, product and implementation model on how DepEd core values could build punctuality and honesty among public school teachers was developed and served as the final output.

The output will be implemented and cascaded in the field to attain and bring change, to practice punctuality and honesty and be manifested by the teaching and non-teaching personnel in the Department of Education in which the main goal is quality education among learners.

essay about project watch

  • Figure 2. Conceptual Framework for the Project WATCH Evaluation

From the Figure 2 , Project WATCH was assessed along with advocacy, Training or Orientation, WATCH Club activities, curriculum integration, and the awards and recognition and identified which are the context, input,process and product

Context-Input-Process-Product (CIPP) Model is used in the evaluation of this Project WATCH implementation to measure, translate and authenticate the progress of the program. This model does not only illustrate the overall evaluation framework but also relates to the research questions of this study. This is also used to identify the weaknesses and the strengths of the WATCH program. Through CIPP, each area will be scrutinized.

In the Context Evaluation aspect, the questions “what needs to be done vs. were important needs addressed?” will be answered. There will be an assessment of the Context of WATCH implementation concerning the core values punctuality and honesty as the core values in Project WATCH. In this evaluation process, problems and needs in Project WATCH implemented in San Jose District, Division of Camarines Sur were diagnosed and assessed. This help in planning decisions by describing on how the teachers manifest or live in terms of the implementation of Project WATCH. This evaluation process aims to understand the value of punctuality and honesty in the context of the development of a better Filipino Character.

Input evaluation involves examining potentially the relevant approaches and strategies to strengthen Project WATCH implementation in San Jose District, Division of Camarines Sur. If Context evaluation serves as planning decisions, this aspect is in structuring decisions. For it structures alternative strategies to meet the needs of the objectives of WATCH. It generally answers the question “how should the implementation be done Vs. was a defensible design employed?”

Process evaluation focuses on how the objectives of WATCH were done. This shall see and scrutinized the weaknesses of the program. It will study the WATCH implementation adjustments other than the monitoring problems. This process evaluation shall get and provide additional information for changes, document the process, and will run regular monitoring on WATCH implementation. If context evaluation serves as planning decisions, while input evaluation is in structuring decisions, this one is different. It serves as implementing decisions as it offers information during the WATCH implementation process. It also helps in decision-making and contributes ideas on what else could be done to strengthen WATCH implementation.

Product Evaluation assesses the impact, effectiveness, and sustainability of Project WATCH implementation. The impact tells us whether WATCH reaches its targeted audience. This is very significant to all stakeholders for it gives an assurance that the WATCH program truly reaches its intended and right beneficiaries. The findings will be used by all stakeholders to determine whether the implementation is a success or a failure.

In this study, the existing CIPP model of evaluation of Project WATCH (We Advocate Time Consciousness and Honesty) was used to describe on how the teachers live or manifest the core values punctuality and honesty along Advocacy, training/orientation, curriculum integration, WATCH club activities and Awards and Recognition as the parameters to evaluate on how teachers and stakeholders support and participate in the said project. Through the findings in the evaluation the researcher should be able to develop an advocacy and implementation model on how the core values could build punctuality and honesty among public school teachers.

2. Methodology

The research method and design, the sampling technique, the data collection technique, and how the findings were presented and discussed to come up with valid results were discussed in this chapter.

This study employed a qualitative research design, and it started with collecting data through Focus Group Discussion. It does not use data that do not indicate ordinal values. It is descriptive because its process starts with a description based on observation (Lomax, 2013) and is inferential to help assess the strength of the relationships between and among variables and to establish shreds of evidence to understand the impact and effectiveness of the input to the outcomes, evaluations were used to provide sound information that will help DepEd officials regularly assess and improve services and make effective and efficient use of resources, time, and technology to serve the beneficiaries and targeted needs. 

The researcher purposively chose San Jose District in the Division of Camarines Sur as the area of her study because she is also from this District advocating Project WATCH( We Advocate Time Consciousness and Honesty) and her focus of interest is to describe how the teachers live or manifest punctuality in terms of implementing the said project along with advocacy, training/orientation, curriculum integration, WATCH Club Activities and Awards and Recognition using contexts, inputs, processess and products analysis.The respondents were Eleven teachers and eleven school heads who were randomly chosen. This research was conducted in the second semester of the academic year, 2019-2020. Data collection in problem number one was through Focus Group Discussion (F.G.D.) participated in by the 22 representatives of every school and discussed activities, practices, ideas, and other concerns on the Advocacy, Curriculum Integration, Training/ Orientation, WATCH Club Activities, and Awards and Recognition by analyzing the context, input, process, and product of Project W.A.T.C.H. The researcher also applied the Archive method, wherein she used questions and documents that focused on the past. She also used Contact Method, wherein there was a group interview or focus group interview. Further, five experts were consulted to test the content validity and reliability of the responses or data. Suggestions and comments were collated and considered to refine the process in the Focus Group Discussion. The data gathered were transcribed and thematically analyzed to satisfy the questions of this study. These data in the transcript were the responses to the questions to the respondents during Focus Group Discussion.

3. Results and Discussion


From the data presented it was found out that the respondents have no idea about the goal, vision and mission of Project WATCH.


It was found out that schools conducted activities to inform the implementers about the program, most schools conducted launching every month of June the rest they conducted in any month of the year. During the launching, some schools had their parade around the Poblacion to make people aware about the Programs and projects in the school. They distributed fliers in the community. Most schools had their Bulletin boards for Project WATCH. They distributed fliers in the community.


It was found out that there was no specific curriculum guide for Project WATCH for punctuality and honesty. However they confirmed that the two core values was integrated in Edukasyong Pagpapakatao (EsP) and Edukasyong Pangkabuhayan at Pantahanan (EPP) when they prepare learning or lesson plan.


It was found out that Project WATCH was not included in the budget allocation in the School Improvement Plan (SIP) or Annual Implementation Plan(AIP). There was no Action Plan and Training Proposal that pertains to Project WATCH.


WATCH Club activities were not fully implemented in some schools. There were no Watch Club Officers for teachers and no training/orientation initiated by the WATCH Club Officers.


It was found out that the school heads and teachers made strategies on how to mobilized and got support just to implement the project. Some teachers donated an amount for the expenses during the activities of Project WATCH. School Heads and School Coordinators tap the stakeholders to support and participate in the activities in school. School Heads and Teachers donated an amount for the expenses of the WATCH activities.


It was found out that most of the Teachers were not given awards and Recognition for the entire year. There was no School or District Memorandum on Search for Outstanding Teacher of the year. There was no organized Committee on Awards and Recognition. Award and Recognition were only for learners and parents.


It was found out that there was no specific guidelines for Awards and recognition for teacher at the district and school level.

4. Conclusions

Project WATCH was not given importance by the school heads because it is not academic. Some school heads focus on the academic activities. Hence, there was no proper orientation regarding to Project WATCH. They were not aware of the legal basis like memorandum for Project WATCH.

Information dissemination is very much needed in an organization. Teachers need more information regarding the programs and project of the Department of Education.

Punctuality and honesty values can be found in the Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC) for Edukasyong Pagpapakatao (EsP) and Technology and Home Economics and was integrated in some learning areas during the teachinglearning process.

Expenses in any activities and projects in school can be incurred from the School MOOE if it is reflected in the School Improvement Plan or Annual Implementation plan. Hence, there was no training provided to teachers because of non inclusion to the School Improvement Plan or Annual Improvement Plan and Work Financial Plan.

Due to insufficient knowledge on the goals, vision and mission and memorandum related to Project WATCH, there was no organized WATCH Club for teachers and parents.

School Heads and School Coordinators tap the stakeholders to support and participate in the activities in school. School Heads and Teachers donated an amount for the expenses of the WATCH activities.

Awards and recognition is given after the result of the Evaluation. Thus, there was no Awards and Recognition for teachers because Monitoring and Evaluation was not done at the school level. There were no allocated funds for awards and recognition for teachers. Monitoring activities are essential in every activity to track positive outcomes and weaknesses. The identified weaknesses should be given intervention, improvement, or modification, and the strength must be sustained and enhanced. Activities should be assessed in terms of teachers' effectiveness and participation in the implementation of Project WATCH in school.

The learners have guidelines for Recognition and it was included in the budget which is reflected in the Work Financial Plan and in the Annual Implementation Plan. The teachers’ awards and recognition was not included in the budget and there was no specific guidelines at the school level.

5. Recommendations

There is a need for the School Heads to furnish copy of the DepEd memorandum No.410s 8 so that teachers will. School Head should intensify the Project, discuss the goals, vision and mission of Project WATCH.

School Heads should provide the DepEd Memorandum anent to Project WATCH and should discuss those memorandum during the conference. There is a need to intensify the implementation of Project WATCH and the school head should extend their support to the School WATCH Coordinator. School Heads need to know, understand and disseminate Project WATCH especially its advocacy, goal, mission, and vision. The School head can invite speakers who were the winner as Best implementers on Project WATCH. They can also benchmark from other schools who implemented the above mentioned program. School Heads should suggest to their teachers to use internet and search about the project.

School Heads should check the learning Plan of the teachers whether they integrate punctuality and honesty and should organized School Subject Matter Experts to prepare learning materials or lesson plan integrating the core values of Project WATCH.

School Heads need to allocate a budget by including in the School Improvement Plan(SIP)or Annual Implementation Plan(AIP) for the conduct of workshops or training and other activities or look for stakeholders that will support and help promote punctuality and honesty. Teachers need to be capacitated on the objective of the programs and projects. Hence, Teachers need Training and Orientation. There is a need for the School Project WATCH coordinator to Prepare an Action Plan every year before the start of classes to guide or direct what activities will be implemented. School head should give full support to this project to encourage the teachers.

It is highly recommended that School Heads should monitor the integration of punctuality and Honesty. Teachers should regularly submit their Weekly Home Learning Plan for checking. Lesson Plans should always have values integration.

There is a need to organize WATCH Club for teachers and parents to support and guide the pupils in the process. There must be an allocation of budget thus Project WATCH should be included in the School Improvement Plan(SIP) or Annual Implementation Plan. When there is no budget or fund the activities will not be possible. However the teachers donated an amount to pursue the activities of Project WATCH.

There’s a need for the School Head to Organize Resource Mobilization Committee to be incharge for fund raising activity to support Project WATCH programs and activities. There is also a need to allocate budget for the implementation of Project WATCH through including in the School Improvement Plan(SIP) or Annual Implementation Plan and School Work Financial Plan.

It is recommended that the School Heads should create committee on awards and recognition that will craft for the contextualized guidelines on awards and recognition at the school level because not all teacher has the chance to be recognized in the higher level. The parents also should be given awards to increase the participation rate of parents.

It is recommended that the school head need to create School Monitoring and Evaluation team headed by the school head to conduct monitoring and evaluation at the school level. So as with the district, Public Schools District Supervisor should also create Monitoring and Evaluation Team headed by the District Supervisor. Awards and Recognition or Selection Committee should also be organized from the District down to School level.

Published with license by Science and Education Publishing, Copyright © 2022 Salve R. Palo

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Message of Deputy Speaker Loren Legarda: PROJECT W.A.T.C.H. (We Advocate Time Consciousness and Honesty)

I would like to laud the Mapulang Lupa National High School – Valenzuela, the Department of Education, and the JCI Senate Philippines in advocating for the importance of time consciousness and honesty.

Strengthening the values of punctuality and honesty boosts a person’s integrity and contribute in one’s successes. We have to complement our academic achievements with these virtues for us to be truly successful in life.

I believe that these virtues do not come naturally.  Instead, these are gradually imbibed and learned through experiences, teachings and a process of socialization. Thus, it is the responsibility of parents, teachers, and adults to instill in and reinforce among the youth the importance of punctuality and honesty in creating a culture of integrity and respectability.

Our youth are our country’s hope. They are our future leaders and movers. Programs like Project WATCH play a pivotal role in giving opportunities for our youth to develop their character and uphold moral ethics that can influence in shaping their qualifications as leaders of tomorrow.

The values of punctuality and honesty are even more important in these difficult times.  The pandemic has compromised the ability of some individuals, organizations, and even the government’s integrity and productivity, leading to troubling issues that continue to challenge our society as we adjust to new realities amid our fight against COVID-19 and natural disasters.

A punctual and honest governance is what we truly need for us to end up victorious over these health and environmental crises. We have to ensure that services and assistance to the people especially to the marginalized communities are provided without delay. Information dissemination on current status of the COVID-19 and appropriate health and safety protocols should be relayed to the public on time. Vaccination roll-out should be unhampered.

As we find solutions to the current pandemic, there is also a need to address the widespread of so-called infodemic, which results from manipulated facts and disinformation that cause uncertainties and affects the public’s trust and perception of the government’s pandemic response.

Moreover, the public should also uphold honesty and transparency at all times considering that every decision and action that they make may directly impact the rest of the population. It is our moral responsibility to actively participate in contact tracing since this is one of the basic mechanisms needed to mitigate the increase in COVID-19 cases. A successful response to the pandemic requires coordinated efforts from the public, the government and the private sector.

Again, I would like to commend the Department of Education, JCI Senate Philippines, and all the schools that committed their full support in advocating for time consciousness and honesty.

It is through this effort that we strengthen the country’s defense against unprecedented threats and crises. We have to continuously uphold these values and bolster decisive implementation of programs for our country to thrive and succeed in achieving a sustainable and equitable growth and recovery.

Thank you and keep safe.

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Strengthening the values of time consciousness and honesty.

The major goal of Project W.A.T.C.H. is to push forward the recognition of punctuality and honesty as two core values in promoting national renewal and development.

To undertake effective programs, projects and other activities to enhance the importance of punctuality and honesty as elements of success in our daily lives.

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The health benefits of being punctual

When you are late or you are waiting for others who are late, stress builds up inside, from a slow sizzle to a rolling boil. Your mood gets ruined, your schedule messed up. You may miss a flight, miss an event, ruin a relationship, cancel a deal, or lose a promotion. All because of being unmindful of time.

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DepEd Kalinga implements Project WATCH

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We Advocate Time Consciousness and Honesty – June 2023

We Advocate Time Consciousness and Honesty runs throughout the month of June every year. It is a cause and advocacy that promotes time, talent, and resources management as well as honesty in all dealings, meeting commitments, and personal life goals. Did you know internet users worldwide spend approximately 144 minutes a day on social media?

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Message of Deputy Speaker Loren Legarda: PROJECT W.A.T.C.H. (We Advocate Time Consciousness and Honesty)

I would like to laud the Mapulang Lupa National High School – Valenzuela, the Department of Education, and the JCI Senate Philippines in advocating for the importance of time consciousness and honesty.

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DepEd Kalinga implements Project WATCH

The Department of Education (DepEd), Division of Kalinga supports Project We Advocate Time Consciousness and Honesty (WATCH) as mandated in Administrative Order No. 225, s. 2009.

After a series of advocacies to the Local Government Units and to other non-government agencies, the Division WATCH Advocates urge all elementary and secondary schools in the province to establish their WATCH school under the advisorship of the Career Guidance Designates and the Values Education Departments.

Pursuant to Deped Memo No. 410, s. 2010 on the Guidelines of the Establishment of a WATCH School, JCI Senate Philippines shall conduct an   annual search for the Best WATCH School Implementer. But, there shall be division and regional searches prior to the national level search.

Romulo Galnawan, Chief of Curriculum Implementation Division, expressed imperatively   during the initial information dissemination, targeting the division office personnel to start implementing the project in the division office foremost.

“Do not think that we cannot do it; we have to implement it and we have to start it in our office,” Galnawan said.

Project WATCH is a joint Values advocacy movement of the JCI Senate Philippines with JCI Senator Cesar Ochoa as the Founding Chairman, Department of Education (DepEd), Commission on Higher Education (CHED), TechnicalEducation and Skills Development Authority (TESDA), and Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities (PACU). It is a program that aims to restore back and strengthen the values of punctuality and honesty among the youth and government workers.

What is a Video Essay - Best Video Essays Film of 2020 - Top Movie Video Essay

What is a Video Essay? The Art of the Video Analysis Essay

I n the era of the internet and Youtube, the video essay has become an increasingly popular means of expressing ideas and concepts. However, there is a bit of an enigma behind the construction of the video essay largely due to the vagueness of the term.

What defines a video analysis essay? What is a video essay supposed to be about? In this article, we’ll take a look at the foundation of these videos and the various ways writers and editors use them creatively. Let’s dive in.

Watch: Our Best Film Video Essays of the Year

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What is a video essay?

First, let’s define video essay.

There is narrative film, documentary film, short films, and then there is the video essay. What is its role within the realm of visual media? Let’s begin with the video essay definition. 


A video essay is a video that analyzes a specific topic, theme, person or thesis. Because video essays are a rather new form, they can be difficult to define, but recognizable nonetheless. To put it simply, they are essays in video form that aim to persuade, educate, or critique. 

These essays have become increasingly popular within the era of Youtube and with many creatives writing video essays on topics such as politics, music, film, and pop culture. 

What is a video essay used for?

  • To persuade an audience of a thesis
  • To educate on a specific subject
  • To analyze and/or critique 

What is a video essay based on?

Establish a thesis.

Video analysis essays lack distinguished boundaries since there are countless topics a video essayist can tackle. Most essays, however, begin with a thesis. 

How Christopher Nolan Elevates the Movie Montage  •  Video Analysis Essays

Good essays often have a point to make. This point, or thesis, should be at the heart of every video analysis essay and is what binds the video together. 

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interviews in video essay

Utilize interviews.

A key determinant for the structure of an essay is the source of the ideas. A common source for this are interviews from experts in the field. These interviews can be cut and rearranged to support a thesis. 

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Utilizing first hand interviews is a great way to utilize ethos into the rhetoric of a video. However, it can be limiting since you are given a limited amount to work with. Voice over scripts, however, can give you the room to say anything. 

How to create the best video essays on Youtube

Write voice over scripts.

Voice over (VO) scripts allow video essayists to write out exactly what they want to say. This is one of the most common ways to structure a video analysis essay since it gives more freedom to the writer. It is also a great technique to use when taking on large topics.

In this video, it would have been difficult to explain every type of camera lens by cutting sound bites from interviews of filmmakers. A voice over script, on the other hand, allowed us to communicate information directly when and where we wanted to.

Ultimate Guide to Camera Lenses  •  Video essay examples

Some of the most famous video essayists like Every Frame a Painting and Nerdwriter1 utilize voice over to capitalize on their strength in writing video analysis essays. However, if you’re more of an editor than a writer, the next type of essay will be more up your alley. 

Video analysis essay without a script

Edit a supercut.

Rather than leaning on interview sound bites or voice over, the supercut video depends more on editing. You might be thinking “What is a video essay without writing?” The beauty of the video essay is that the writing can be done throughout the editing. Supercuts create arguments or themes visually through specific sequences. 

Another one of the great video essay channels, Screen Junkies, put together a supercut of the last decade in cinema. The video could be called a portrait of the last decade in cinema.

2010 - 2019: A Decade In Film  •  Best videos on Youtube

This video is rather general as it visually establishes the theme of art during a general time period. Other essays can be much more specific. 

Critical essays

Video essays are a uniquely effective means of creating an argument. This is especially true in critical essays. This type of video critiques the facets of a specific topic. 

In this video, by one of the best video essay channels, Every Frame a Painting, the topic of the film score is analyzed and critiqued — specifically temp film score.

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Of course, not all essays critique the work of artists. Persuasion of an opinion is only one way to use the video form. Another popular use is to educate. 

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Video analysis essay

Visual analysis.

One of the biggest advantages that video analysis essays have over traditional, written essays is the use of visuals. The use of visuals has allowed video essayists to display the subject or work that they are analyzing. It has also allowed them to be more specific with what they are analyzing. Writing video essays entails structuring both words and visuals. 

Take this video on There Will Be Blood for example. In a traditional, written essay, the writer would have had to first explain what occurs in the film then make their analysis and repeat.

This can be extremely inefficient and redundant. By analyzing the scene through a video, the points and lessons are much more clear and efficient. 

There Will Be Blood  •   Subscribe on YouTube

Through these video analysis essays, the scene of a film becomes support for a claim rather than the topic of the essay. 

Dissect an artist

Essays that focus on analysis do not always focus on a work of art. Oftentimes, they focus on the artist themself. In this type of essay, a thesis is typically made about an artist’s style or approach. The work of that artist is then used to support this thesis.

Nerdwriter1, one of the best video essays on Youtube, creates this type to analyze filmmakers, actors, photographers or in this case, iconic painters. 

Caravaggio: Master Of Light  •  Best video essays on YouTube

In the world of film, the artist video analysis essay tends to cover auteur filmmakers. Auteur filmmakers tend to have distinct styles and repetitive techniques that many filmmakers learn from and use in their own work. 

Stanley Kubrick is perhaps the most notable example. In this video, we analyze Kubrick’s best films and the techniques he uses that make so many of us drawn to his films. 

Why We're Obsessed with Stanley Kubrick Movies  •  Video essay examples

Critical essays and analytical essays choose to focus on a piece of work or an artist. Essays that aim to educate, however, draw on various sources to teach technique and the purpose behind those techniques. 

What is a video essay written about?

Historical analysis.

Another popular type of essay is historical analysis. Video analysis essays are a great medium to analyze the history of a specific topic. They are an opportunity for essayists to share their research as well as their opinion on history. 

Our video on aspect ratio , for example, analyzes how aspect ratios began in cinema and how they continue to evolve. We also make and support the claim that the 2:1 aspect ratio is becoming increasingly popular among filmmakers. 

Why More Directors are Switching to 18:9  •  Video analysis essay

Analyzing the work of great artists inherently yields a lesson to be learned. Some essays teach more directly.

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Writing video essays about technique

Teach technique.

Educational essays designed to teach are typically more direct. They tend to be more valuable for those looking to create art rather than solely analyze it.

In this video, we explain every type of camera movement and the storytelling value of each. Educational essays must be based on research, evidence, and facts rather than opinion.

Ultimate Guide to Camera Movement  •  Best video essays on YouTube

As you can see, there are many reasons why the video essay has become an increasingly popular means of communicating information. Its ability to use both sound and picture makes it efficient and effective. It also draws on the language of filmmaking to express ideas through editing. But it also gives writers the creative freedom they love. 

Writing video essays is a new art form that many channels have set high standards for. What is a video essay supposed to be about? That’s up to you. 

Organize Post Production Workflow

The quality of an essay largely depends on the quality of the edit. If editing is not your strong suit, check out our next article. We dive into tips and techniques that will help you organize your Post-Production workflow to edit like a pro. 

Up Next: Post Production →

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Guest Essay

I Hope to Repeal an Arcane Law That Could Be Misused to Ban Abortion Nationwide

A photo illustration shows a pill against a white background with a red circle hovering over it.

By Tina Smith

Ms. Smith is a Democratic senator from Minnesota and a former Planned Parenthood executive.

A long discredited, arcane 150-year-old law is back in the news in 2024, and that should terrify anyone who supports reproductive freedom. Last week at the Supreme Court, the Comstock Act of 1873 was referenced on three separate occasions during oral arguments in a case dealing with access to mifepristone, one of two drugs typically used in medication abortions.

Anti-abortion activists like to bring up the Comstock Act because one of its clauses prohibits sending through the mail “every article, instrument, substance, drug, medicine or thing” that could possibly lead to an abortion. Even if the Supreme Court doesn’t take the bait, a newly re-elected President Trump could order his Department of Justice to start interpreting that line to mean that it is illegal to mail mifepristone — a safe, effective, Food and Drug Administration-approved drug — to doctors and pharmacies, as well as to patients directly. The same could go for medical supplies that are used in performing surgical abortions. That could effectively make abortion impossible to access even in places like Minnesota, which has affirmatively protected a woman’s right to choose by passing reproductive freedom laws.

In response, I’m prepared to fight back — including by introducing legislation to take away the Comstock Act as a tool to limit reproductive freedom.

Let me take a step back and explain how ridiculous it is that we’re even talking about this legislative relic today. The Comstock Act hasn’t been broadly enforced since the 1930s. The Biden administration considers it utterly irrelevant. Many legal experts consider it dead letter law. And once you know its back story, it becomes clear why no one has paid much attention to it in nearly a century.

Back in the 1860s, a former Civil War soldier from rural Connecticut named Anthony Comstock moved to New York City for work. He was shocked and appalled by what he found. Advertisements for contraception! Open discussions of sexual health! It all struck Comstock as terribly lewd and anti-Christian.

So he made it his mission to clean up society, creating the loftily named New York Society for the Suppression of Vice and gathering evidence for police raids on places that distributed material he thought was obscene or promoted indecent living. In the early 1870s he took his crusade to Washington, lobbying for federal legislation that would empower the post office to search for and seize anything in the mail that met Comstock’s criteria for being “obscene,” “lewd” or just plain “filthy.” Morality, as determined by Comstock, would be the law of the land, and Comstock himself would be its enforcer, appointed by Congress as a special agent of the post office.

In a fit of Victorian puritanism, Congress passed the Comstock Act into law. But it quickly became apparent that Comstock’s criteria were unworkably vague. In its broad wording, the law not only made it illegal to send pornography through the mail, it also outlawed the sending of medical textbooks for their depictions of the human body, personal love letters that hinted at physical as well as romantic relationships, and even news stories.

The whole thing was very silly and impracticable, and that’s why the Comstock Act was relegated to the dustbin of history.

But conservative activists recently revived it from obscurity as part of their playbook for a potential second Trump term: The 887-page plan nicknamed Project 2025 being promoted by groups like the Heritage Foundation explicitly calls for a newly elected second-term President Trump to use this zombie law to severely ratchet back abortion access in America without congressional action.

Legislation to repeal Comstock could take many forms, and we need to do it the right way. That’s why I’ve begun reaching out to my colleagues in the House of Representatives and the Senate to build support and see what legislation to repeal the Comstock Act might look like. Anti-abortion extremists will continue to exploit any avenue they can find to get the national ban they champion, and I want to make sure my bill shuts down every one of those avenues. Once the Supreme Court has had its say (and many legal analysts speculate that the mifepristone case heard last week should be thrown out on procedural grounds, and may well be), I’ll be ready to have mine.

Here’s the bottom line: We can’t let anyone — not the Supreme Court, not Donald Trump and certainly not a random busybody from the 19th century — take away Americans’ right to access medication abortion. We must protect the ability of doctors, pharmacies and patients to receive in the mail the supplies they need to exercise their right to reproductive care.

As the only former Planned Parenthood executive serving in the Senate, I feel I have a special responsibility to protect not just abortion rights but also abortion access.

Very few Republicans will admit to wanting to see a total, no-exceptions ban on abortion in all 50 states, but the Comstock Act could allow them to achieve that in effect, if not in so many words.

Americans deserve better. The Constitution demands better. And common sense dictates that we stop this outrageous backdoor ploy to eliminate abortion access in its tracks.

Tina Smith is a Democratic senator from Minnesota and a former Planned Parenthood executive.

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Essay on My Watch

Students are often asked to write an essay on My Watch in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on My Watch


My watch is a special possession. It’s not just a device to tell time, but a companion that helps me manage my day.

Design and Features

My watch has a sleek, black strap and a silver dial. It’s waterproof, has an alarm feature, and even shows the date.

Role in My Life

My watch plays a crucial role in my life. It helps me maintain punctuality, reminds me of important tasks, and even serves as a fashion accessory.

Despite the digital age, my watch remains a valuable tool. It’s more than a time-keeper, it’s a symbol of discipline and style.

250 Words Essay on My Watch

My watch, an object of both practicality and sentimentality, serves as an embodiment of time’s relentless march, reminding me of the fleeting nature of our existence. More than just a timekeeping device, it is a symbol of discipline, responsibility, and the delicate balance between past, present, and future.

The Aesthetics

Aesthetically, my watch is a marvel of craftsmanship. Its sleek design, the intricately woven mesh band, and the minimalist dial, all contribute to its timeless beauty. It is not ostentatious; instead, it exudes an understated elegance that complements any attire, subtly communicating my personality.

Symbolically, my watch is a constant reminder of the importance of time management. It ticks away, second by second, mirroring life’s transience and the urgency to make every moment count. The rhythmic ticking sound it produces is a symphony that orchestrates my day, keeping me on track and focused.

Emotional Connection

Emotionally, my watch holds significant sentimental value. It was a gift from my father on my eighteenth birthday, symbolizing a rite of passage into adulthood. Every glance at it evokes a sense of nostalgia, reminding me of my roots, my journey, and the values instilled in me.

In conclusion, my watch is more than just an accessory. It is a tangible representation of time, a symbol of my identity, and a link to my past. It serves as a constant reminder of the fleeting nature of time, urging me to seize the day and make every moment count. Indeed, my watch is a silent yet profound storyteller, narrating tales of life’s impermanence and the significance of cherishing every second.

500 Words Essay on My Watch

The essence of time: my watch.

Time, as they say, waits for none. It is a relentless force that constantly moves forward, shaping our lives in ways we may not always comprehend. One of the most tangible manifestations of this abstract concept is a watch. This essay delves into the significance of my watch, exploring its symbolism, function, and personal connotations.

Symbolism of My Watch

My watch, a simple yet intricate device, is a symbol of the ceaseless march of time. It serves as a constant reminder of life’s ephemeral nature, urging me to make the most of each fleeting moment. The rhythmic ticking of its hands, a metaphor for the human heartbeat, resonates with the transient nature of existence, instilling a sense of urgency and purpose.

Functionality and Design

Beyond its symbolic resonance, my watch is a marvel of engineering and design. Its complex mechanism, encapsulated within a sleek exterior, exemplifies the fusion of form and function. The precision with which it measures time is a testament to human ingenuity and our quest for accuracy and order in a chaotic world. Each component, from the smallest gear to the largest hand, plays a critical role in maintaining this precision, reflecting the interconnectedness of elements in a system, much like the various aspects of our lives.

Personal Significance

On a personal level, my watch serves as a silent companion, accompanying me through the highs and lows of life. It has borne witness to countless moments of joy, sorrow, triumph, and defeat. The scratches and dents it has acquired over time are not mere imperfections; they are a testament to the experiences it has shared with me. It is a chronicle of my journey, a tangible link to my past, and a compass guiding me towards my future.

My Watch as a Life Lesson

The watch also serves as a life lesson, teaching me the importance of balance. Just as the watch maintains a steady pace, neither rushing nor lagging, I too must strive to maintain balance in my life. It reminds me to allocate time judiciously, ensuring that I devote sufficient time to my studies, hobbies, relationships, and self-care. It teaches me that time, once lost, cannot be regained, reinforcing the importance of mindfulness and presence.

In conclusion, my watch is more than a mere timekeeping device. It is a symbol, a companion, a teacher, and a testament to human ingenuity. It is a constant reminder of the relentless march of time and the need to make the most of each moment. As I navigate the complexities of life, my watch serves as a grounding force, reminding me of the importance of balance, mindfulness, and the appreciation of the transient beauty of existence.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

  • Essay on I Am a Watch
  • Essay on Watch
  • Essay on Washing Machine

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

Happy studying!

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Project Management Essay

Why study project management? This essay gives an answer to the question. It explains the importance and benefits of planning as a business process and a research topic. Write an A+ essay on product management with this example!


Project management phases.

  • Strategic Management

Project management is a discipline of planning, controlling, securing and organizing resources to attain specific objectives. A project can be perceived as an impermanent endeavour with a defined starting and end, undertaken to convene unique objectives and goals, normally to bring about useful change.

The impermanent nature of projects differs from business to business. In some cases it can be permanent, or semi permanent, repetitive functional actions to produce services or products. “A project is a unique endeavour to produce a set of deliverables within clearly specified time, cost and quality constraints” (Westland 2).

All projects can be thought of as a series of phases that have specific beginnings and defined endpoints. Project management life cycle has mostly four phases namely project initiation, project planning, project execution and project closure. All of the phases of the project life cycle have lot of activities to play. These are described in the following segment.

Project Initiation:

This is the initial phase of the project life cycle, which, in turn, has a group of activities which are to be carried out prior to the planning stage. In this phase, the scope and purpose for initiating it and the solution to be found are described.

Project Planning:

In the project planning step, all the project management planning tasks, which are required to complete the project on time and within budget are explained.

Project Execution:

The next phase of project life cycle is project execution. In this phase, the physical deliverables are presented for the consumer. It is the most significant phase in the project life cycle and it utilizes a set of energy and resources.

Project Closure:

Project closure is the final phase of the project life cycle, which properly concludes the project and reports the whole achievement in terms of pre-defined objectives.

The job of the Project Manager is to prepare, execute and decide projects according to the given parameters and within financial plan. This includes obtaining resources and managing the plans of group and third-party consultants so as to distribute projects according to the plan.

The Project Manager will also describe the project’s aim and manage quality control all through its life cycle. McGraw-Hill and Irwin, in their book, “Project Management: The Managerial Process,” claim that “Project Management strikes a balance between the technical and human aspects of managing projects. It is suitable for a course in project management and for professionals who seek a project management handbook” (Gray & Larson).

The Role of Strategic Management in a Project

Strategic Management method contains the process of selecting, directing and calculating project outcomes to ensure best value for a business. Every project undertaken by a business has to meet certain criteria set up by the company’s management. This is intended to ensure alignment with the planned vision of the business.

The four important Strategic Management Processes are: ensure that every project is strategically associated, make a Project Management centred culture, apply Strategic Project Management best practices and to evolve a strategic project measurement scheme.

Project Scope Management, on the other hand, contains the procedures necessary to ensure that the project encompasses all the work required, but only the works necessary to complete the project effectively. Managing the project scope mainly concerns with controlling and defining what is and is not contained in the project.

Project management must be viewed as a technique that enables the organisations to successfully execute selected projects efficiently and effectively. However, the use of this technique alone does not automatically guarantee project achievement.

Gray, Clifford F. & Larson, Erik W. Project Management . McGraw-Hill Publishing Limited. 2000. Web.

Westland, Jason. The Project Management Life Cycle: A Complete Step-by-Step Methodology for Initiating, Planning, Executing & Closing a Project Successfully . Kogan Page Limited. 2006. Web.

Project Management Essay FAQ

  • Why is project management important? Project management aims to plan and lead a project to successfully complete it. It involves several phases, each of which brings direction to a project, be it in the sphere of business, charity, or art.
  • Why study project management? Project management is an exciting job that might lead to a fulfilling career in many spheres. Project management skills that imply the ability to successfully lead a project from its beginning to the conclusion, are always in demand in any company.
  • What is scope in project management? Project scope means a common understanding between the project stakeholders about its boundaries, goals, and essential milestones. It is crucial to define the project scope and its key elements before you start working.
  • What is crashing in project management? Crashing is a method in project management used to speed up the project’s timeline without changing its overall scope. Project crashing implies adding more resources to reach the highest possible efficiency level.
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IvyPanda. (2023, October 30). Project Management Essay.

"Project Management Essay." IvyPanda , 30 Oct. 2023,

IvyPanda . (2023) 'Project Management Essay'. 30 October.

IvyPanda . 2023. "Project Management Essay." October 30, 2023.

1. IvyPanda . "Project Management Essay." October 30, 2023.


IvyPanda . "Project Management Essay." October 30, 2023.

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  • How to Watch Television, Second Edition

In this Book

How to Watch Television, Second Edition

  • Ethan Thompson
  • Published by: NYU Press

A new edition that brings the ways we watch and think about television up to the present We all have opinions about the television shows we watch, but television criticism is about much more than simply evaluating the merits of a particular show and deeming it “good” or “bad.” Rather, criticism uses the close examination of a television program to explore that program’s cultural significance, creative strategies, and its place in a broader social context. How to Watch Television, Second Edition brings together forty original essays—more than half of which are new to this edition—from today’s leading scholars on television culture, who write about the programs they care (and think) the most about. Each essay focuses on a single television show, demonstrating one way to read the program and, through it, our media culture. From fashioning blackness in Empire to representation in Orange is the New Black and from the role of the reboot in Gilmore Girls to the function of changing political atmospheres in Roseanne , these essays model how to practice media criticism in accessible language, providing critical insights through analysis—suggesting a way of looking at TV that students and interested viewers might emulate. The contributors discuss a wide range of television programs past and present, covering many formats and genres, spanning fiction and non-fiction, broadcast, streaming, and cable. Addressing shows from TV’s earliest days to contemporary online transformations of the medium, How to Watch Television, Second Edition is designed to engender classroom discussion among television critics of all backgrounds. To access additional essays from the first edition, visit the "links" tab at

Table of Contents

restricted access

  • Title Page, Copyright, Dedicaotion
  • Preface to the Second Edition
  • Introduction: An Owner's Manual for Television
  • Ethan Thompson and Jason Mittell
  • Part I.: TV Form: Aesthetics and Style
  • 1. Better Call Saul: The Prestige Spinoff
  • Jason Mittell
  • 2. Empire: Fashioning Blackness
  • Racquel Gates
  • 3. House: Narrative Complexity
  • Amanda D. Lotz
  • 4. Looking: Smartphone Aesthetics
  • Hunter Hargraves
  • 5. Mad Men: Visual Style
  • Jeremy G. Butler
  • 6. Nip/Tuck: Popular Music
  • Ben Aslinger
  • 7. One Life to Live: Soap Opera Storytelling
  • Abigail De Kosnik
  • 8. The Sopranos: Episodic Storytelling
  • Sean O’Sullivan
  • Part II: TV Representation: Social Identity and Cultural Politics
  • 9. 24: Challenging Stereotypes
  • Evelyn Alsultany
  • 10. Bala Loca: Producing Representations
  • David Miranda Hardy
  • 11. Being Mary Jane: Cultural Specificity
  • Kristen J. Warner
  • pp. 108-116
  • 12. Buckwild: Performing Whiteness
  • Amanda Ann Klein
  • pp. 117-125
  • 13. Glee/House Hunters International: Gay Narratives
  • pp. 126-134
  • 14. Grey's Anatomy: Feminism
  • Elana Levine
  • pp. 135-143
  • 15. Master of None: Negotiated Decoding
  • Ritesh Mehta
  • pp. 144-152
  • 16. Orange Is the New Black: Intersectional Analysis
  • Mary Celeste Kearney
  • pp. 153-162
  • Part III: TV Politics: Democracy, Nation, and the Public Interest
  • 17. The Amazing Race: Global Othering
  • Jonathan Gray
  • pp. 165-173
  • 18. America's Next Top Model: Neoliberal Labor
  • Laurie Ouellette
  • pp. 174-182
  • 19. East Los High: Televised Empowerment
  • Mary Beltrán
  • pp. 183-192
  • 20. The Eurovision Song Contest: Queer Nationalism
  • pp. 193-202
  • 21. Fox & Friends: Political Talk
  • Jeffrey P. Jones
  • pp. 203-212
  • 22. Full Frontal with Samantha Bee: Feminist Comedy
  • pp. 213-220
  • 23. The Hunt with John Walsh: True Crime Storytelling
  • Amanda Keeler
  • pp. 221-229
  • 24. Parks and Recreation: The Cultural Forum
  • Heather Hendershot
  • pp. 230-238
  • Part IV: TV Industry: Industrial Practices and Structures
  • 25. The Ernie Kovacs Show: Historicizing Comedy
  • pp. 241-249
  • 26. Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life: TV Revivals
  • pp. 250-259
  • 27. I Love Lucy: The Writer-Producer
  • Miranda J. Banks
  • pp. 260-268
  • 28. Modern Family: Product Placement
  • Kevin Sandler
  • pp. 269-277
  • 29. The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills: Franchising Femininity
  • Suzanne Leonard
  • pp. 278-286
  • 30. Roseanne: Programming Flow
  • Taylor Cole Miller
  • pp. 287-296
  • 31. Tales from the Crypt: Content Regulation
  • Luke Stadel
  • pp. 297-306
  • 32. The Toy Box: Transmedia and Transgenerational Marketing
  • Derek Johnson
  • pp. 307-316
  • Part V: TV Practices: Medium, Technology, and Everyday Life
  • 33. Battlestar Galactica: Fans and Ancillary Content
  • Suzanne Scott
  • pp. 319-328
  • 34. Everyday Italian: Cultivating Taste
  • Michael Z. Newman
  • pp. 329-336
  • 35. Gossip Girl: Transmedia Technologies
  • Louisa Stein
  • pp. 337-345
  • 36. High Maintenance and The Misadventures of Awkward Black Girl: Indie TV
  • Aymar Jean Christian
  • pp. 346-354
  • 37. Monty Python's Flying Circus: Layered Comedy
  • Philip Scepanski
  • pp. 355-362
  • 38. NFL Broadcasts: Interpretive Communities
  • Melissa A. Click, Holly Willson Holladay, and Amanda Nell Edgar
  • pp. 363-371
  • 39. Pardon the Interruption: Sports Debate
  • Ethan Tussey
  • pp. 372-381
  • 40. The Walking Dead: Adapting Comics
  • Henry Jenkins
  • pp. 382-390
  • Acknowledgments
  • pp. 391-392
  • About the Contributors
  • pp. 393-400
  • pp. 401-406

Additional Information

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essay about project watch

Projectr: A Unique Streaming Platform for Library Patrons and Students

by Isadora Lambert

May 16, 2023

The popularity of streaming services has skyrocketed in recent years with many individuals turning to online platforms for entertainment and education. However, finding high-quality content that aligns with the values and goals of libraries and universities can be a challenge. That's where Projectr comes in.

Projectr is a new streaming service produced by Grasshopper Film that provides users with a wide selection of independent and educational content. This article delves into the reasons behind Grasshopper's decision to establish Projectr, the target audience it seeks to reach, the content available on the platform, and the various ways in which Projectr enhances classroom materials, library programming, and film screening events.

Why Projectr Was Created

Distributors at Grasshopper Film saw firsthand how many exciting and important films have been overlooked by standard streaming platforms. They decided to launch Projectr to rectify this problem and create an approachable platform for both casual and adventurous film viewers. The platform not only features well-known documentaries and independent titles but also offers deeper curation for viewers interested in exploring specific subjects, filmmakers, current issues, or fields of study. By collaborating with local distributors, international companies, producers, and filmmakers, Projectr brings an incredible array of illuminating and thought-provoking films to viewers' screens—allowing them to create their own personalized cinematheque.

Target Audience

Projectr primarily caters to students, faculty, and library patrons. By positioning itself as a streaming platform for these individuals, Grasshopper aims to provide educational institutions and public libraries with a rich repository of films that can enhance learning experiences and cater to the diverse interests of their patrons.

Content Offered by Projectr

Projectr boasts a meticulously curated collection of acclaimed movies, award-winning documentaries, classic restorations, and short films. The platform ensures that viewers have access to a wide range of content that is both intellectually stimulating and artistically enriching. Every week, new content is added, ensuring a continuous influx of fresh and engaging films.

Exclusive Projectr Titles

Most of the titles on the platform are not available anywhere else. This includes titles and collections such as: 

  • Rewind and Play  is an extraordinary documentary on Thelonious Monk featuring never-before-seen footage and performances.
  • Ascension , Academy Award nominee for Best Documentary Feature
  • Pacifiction , from filmmaker Albert Serra starring Benoit Magimel, this acclaimed thriller is the winner of two 2023 Cesar Awards (for Best Actor and Best Cinematography) and an official selection of the Cannes Film Festival.
  • St. Louis Superman , Academy Award nominee, Best Documentary Short Subject, and Winner, Best Short Documentary, Critics' Choice Documentary Award
  • The Sudu Connexion Collection – This is an incredible collection of short films and documentaries directed by filmmakers from Africa and its Diaspora. It is not available anywhere else in the US, neither academic nor consumer streaming platforms.
  • The Canyon Cinema Collection : This collection includes over 100 films from the renowned San Francisco-based collective which traces the vital history of the experimental and avant-garde filmmaking movements from 1921 to the present.

Recommended Projectr Titles

With an extensive catalog of films, Projectr offers a multitude of options for viewers. The platform features a "Movie Picks" section where recommendations from renowned filmmakers, writers, and artists are showcased. These recommendations, provided by personalities such as Chloe Sevigny, Sara Driver, and Lucy Sante, among others, serve as valuable insights into the must-watch films available on Projectr.

Expanding Collections and Content Library

Projectr aims to continually expand its collections and content library. By collaborating with exceptional content partners such as MTV Documentary Films, Women Make Movies , and Kino Lorber , the platform strives to ensure a diverse and comprehensive selection of films. Grasshopper's goal is to provide a platform that remains relevant and continually evolves to meet the ever-changing needs and preferences of its audience.

Accessibility and Subscriptions

To ensure accessibility, Projectr can be accessed by faculty, students, and library patrons  on their website . Libraries, colleges, and universities can obtain unlimited streaming access for their patrons, students, and faculty by paying a single annual fee, eliminating the need for individual subscriptions.

Public Performance Rights and Classroom Learning

Many of the films on Projectr include Public Performance Rights for Public Libraries. So libraries cannot only offer streaming for their patrons, but can quickly and easily put together film festivals, thematic screenings, or other kinds of events supplemented with screenings at their branches.

Many titles include supplementary materials such as filmmaker interviews, study guides, or film festival conferences—making them ideal for classroom learning.

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Essay Samples on Watch

History of the swiss watchmaking.

In widespread culture, the European nation is synonymous with clock making and watchmaking. The tradition of Swiss clock creating craft dates back to the sixteenth century, and Whereas, the second warfare saw watchmakers in different countries limiting production and supporting the wareffort, Swiss neutrality gave...

The Invention Of The Pocket Watch During The Renaissance Period

“The Renaissance was a period in European history, covering the span between the 14th and 17th centuries and marking the transition from the Middle Ages to modernity. The traditional view focuses more on the early modern aspects of the Renaissance and argues that it was...

  • Renaissance

The Impacts Of Quartz Crystals On The Watchmaking

Introduction Time is an essential component of our day-to-day lives and watches are perhaps the first instrument that allowed us to keep the track time, with the flip of our wrists. Before the invention of mechanical watches in the 14th century, time was kept track...

  • Engineering

Watch Quality Identification Method and Customer Rights

With the advancement of technology, the quality of watches has changed a lot from the past to the present. In theory, a few seconds of error will occur in a few hundred years. What are the methods for quality identification of watches? Nowadays, there are...

  • Customer Service

The Chopard Watch and Its Simple Beauty

Chopard, the famous Swiss watch and jewellery brand, was founded in 1860 by Louis-Ulysse Chopard in the Jura region of Switzerland, and is known for its pocket watches and precision watches. Chopard's watchmaking process is superb and enjoys an outstanding reputation in the gold pocket...

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The Main Features and Innovations of the Apple Smart Watches

Here it is. It's the new Apple Watch Series 5. It's-- you know what, it's great. I've used a lot of different smartwatches in my life, and this one is the best. If you have an iPhone and you can afford the $399 starting price,...

Best topics on Watch

1. History Of The Swiss Watchmaking

2. The Invention Of The Pocket Watch During The Renaissance Period

3. The Impacts Of Quartz Crystals On The Watchmaking

4. Watch Quality Identification Method and Customer Rights

5. The Chopard Watch and Its Simple Beauty

6. The Main Features and Innovations of the Apple Smart Watches

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Final Essay Project

The final essay project.

The final essay project for the seminar combines the well-established format of the research paper with the affordances of Web media. The final essay can be the key learning project i n a graduate course , enabling you to synthesize concepts, methods, and approaches in your own way, and the essay will be used to evaluate how you can work the major topics and concepts of the seminar.

You will follow the argumentative essay structure for presenting your argument and hypotheses with the evidence,  examples, research data, and cases that you can interpret and analyze to support your points and overall thesis. ( Disciplines  and sciences vary in the specifics of expected form, but follow the same expectations for argument and interpretation.)  Unlike using a flat text, however, you will also be able to support your argument and ideas with “rich media” content for references, links, and embedded media (images, graphics, video, music).

What you are NOT Doing

You are not writing a “blog post” or a Wiki article . (WordPress is our content platform, not a blog.)

What You are Doing in the Final Essay

Like all research papers, your essay must be motivated by a  research question or thesis  with your own  argument  and  interpretive framework supported by evidence, examples, cases and/or research data. 

It’s always good to begin with the motive to figure something out, go deeper into the research, problems, questions, and interpretive frameworks for a topic that we began exploring in the seminar.

In your  Bibliography  or  Works Cited / Works Consulted  at the end, document all sources, references, and background on your topic, examples, and evidence.  Your reference “bibliography” can include any relevant form of media that supports your argument. (Use embedded media only to support your argument or as key examples in your research.)

General Instructions

Using the approaches, theories, and methods in the seminar, develop a topic for an extended essay with examples or cases to interpret or apply your ideas. Your essay should present evidence and argument that draws on the research literature(s) of the relevant fields. Interdisciplinary work requires a statement of methods being used and combined.

In developing your thinking as a graduate student, it’s especially important to work out your own synthesis of theories, methods, approaches, and concepts that allow you to make discoveries and connect your work the larger conversation and questions that define the research communities you participate in.

Your essay should be about the equivalent of about 15 pages of traditional writing, and with a fully developed set of references and links to relevant sources. Be as creative as possible with the Web environment of your essay.

Required Structure for Presenting Your Argument

For the structure of your argument in a professional research essay (in any format), refer to my  Writing to be Read: A Rhetoric For Writing in the Post-Digital Era .  Follow the guidelines there for a successful structure to the presentation of your argument and research.  This is the main required structure: 

  • Abstract:  Most journal articles in all fields now require an abstract for a summary view of main points and findings. It’s good practice to get into the habit of writing an abstract for every paper. (Writing the abstract comes toward the end of the research and writing process for a project, and will help clarify your thinking and tighten up the written presentation.) In 5-6 sentences, state your (1) your research question in a brief context of the field(s) you are working in; (2) your main point(s) or hypothesis, (3) key concepts, methods, and/or approaches you use; (4) the evidence, examples, and/or research data you will interpret.
  • Introduction:  establishing your topic and approach, stating your research question, and your main thesis [what the essay is about]. It’s good practice to summarize your main sources and methods that provide the framework for your thesis. Your thesis is a summary of your conclusion.
  • Main body of the essay:  paragraphs organized to support your argument with analysis, interpretation of cases, examples and/or evidence.
  • Conclusion:  wrap up your main point and significance of your work, how it connects to questions in the field you are working in.
  • List of Web sources and links  (you can combine with the whole bibliography if preferred)
  • Bibliography, References, or Works Cited/Consulted List:  all the relevant materials you have considered or want to reference to support your essay in a standard citation style (see below).

References and Citations

Like all research papers, you must use research sources that would be recognized in the field. This means, you cannot cite or quote Wikipedia articles or a non-specialist’s personal blog as references. (Wikipedia may be OK for basic fact checking, but it is not a primary source for research.)

Use the documentation format of either the humanities or social sciences. Refer to the following online guide for a quick summary of citation styles:

  • Diana Hacker’s Bedford-St. Martins Guide  (good guide to MLA or APA citation styles)
  • Georgetown University Library Citation Guides

 The Web Space for Your Essay

To set up your essay, simply create a new “post” and choose the “Final Essay”  Category for your final project. Read other students’ essays from earlier semesters for good models: the essays that stand out will be those with a good structure to the argument and good use of research material and sources. You may also find references that you can use in your own research.

Using and Maintaining Your Essay After You Finish the Course

Your essay and the fixed URL for your page will remain available for reference, for linking (blogs, social media), and for job or academic applications in the future. You will be able to update and revise your essay for as long as you have access to the Georgetown Digital Commons with your GU NetID and password.

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essay about project watch

Angel Reese Bids Farewell to LSU, College Basketball With Heartfelt Video Essay

  • Author: Karl Rasmussen

In this story:

Angel Reese announced Wednesday morning that she intends to enter the 2024 WNBA draft following LSU's season-ending defeat against Caitlin Clark and Iowa in Monday's Elite Eight .

Shortly after her announcement, Reese bid farewell to the Tigers and all of her fans across the country on a more personal level, sharing a heartfelt video essay to her social media accounts. In the video, Reese thanked her supporters and expressed her gratitude to those who helped her along her journey.

"I'm leaving college with everything I've ever wanted," Reese said. "A degree. A national championship. And this platform I could have never imagined. This is for the girls that look like me, that's going to speak up on what they believe in, it's unapologetically you. To grow up in sports and have an impact on what's coming next.

"This was a difficult decision, but I trust the next chapter because I know the author. Bayou Barbie, out."

Grateful for these last four years and excited for this next chapter. #BAYOUBARBIEOUT — Angel Reese (@Reese10Angel) April 3, 2024

Reese played two seasons at LSU after transferring from the University of Maryland. With the Tigers, she racked up a multitude of accolades and won a national championship last season, vaulting herself into the national spotlight in the process. Across 69 games for LSU, Reese averaged 20.9 points and 14.4 rebounds.

After wrapping up a legendary college career and bidding an emotional farewell to her fans, Reese has officially declared her intention to enter the WNBA draft, where she projects as a first-round pick in what figures to be a loaded draft class.

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Saudi Arabia's futuristic $500 billion Neom megacity just got a lot smaller ... for now, report says

  • Saudi Arabia has cut estimates for people living in its $500 billion Neom project.
  • Its government hoped the futuristic "The Line" city would hold 1.5 million by 2030.
  • Now, fewer than 300,000 are expected to live there by then, officials said, per Bloomberg.

Insider Today

Saudi Arabia has cut estimates for the number of people living in its Neom megacity project by 2030.

Its government had previously said it wanted 1.5 million residents to be moved into the project's futuristic city, "The Line," by then, Bloomberg reported.

But that number is now likely to be fewer than 300,000, the Bloomberg report said, citing an unnamed person familiar with the matter.

Billed as a "cognitive city," The Line is set to stretch over 170 kilometers (roughly 105 miles) of desert to the Red Sea in the northwest of Saudi Arabia.

But just 2.4 kilometers (around 1.5 miles) of that is expected to be completed by 2030, the person familiar with the matter told Bloomberg.

Related stories

The $500 billion Neom megacity, which will cover 26,500 square kilometers (just over 10,200 square miles), is part of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman's Vision 2030 plan to diversify the kingdom's economy away from oil and pivot toward tech and innovation.

But Neom is just one of several "gigaprojects" underway as part of this plan.

The country's Public Investment Fund (PIF), its sovereign wealth fund, has long shouldered the large financial burden imposed by such projects — which are estimated to run at tens of billions of dollars each.

But the PIF said in January that its cash as of September had dropped to the lowest level since December 2020, The Wall Street Journal reported.

And that has forced the government to turn to a tactic it hasn't used for a long time to boost its funds — borrowing, per the report. It has also been reported that the kingdom plans to sell more shares in the state oil company Saudi Aramco this year.

Alongside these megaprojects, Saudi Arabia has also thrown money into other areas, such as sports.

The Guardian estimated in July 2023 that the kingdom had spent at least $6.3 billion on sports deals since 2021, from funding a giant merger between the PGA Tour and LIV Golf to prying a host of global soccer stars away from European leagues on huge salaries.

"It's mind-boggling the amount of stuff that's trying to be done here," Tim Callen, a visiting fellow at the Arab Gulf States Institute think tank, told The Journal.

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Apple Lays Off 600+ Employees After Canceling Car Project

Apple this week filed a required notice with the state of California, confirming plans to permanently lay off more than 600 employees. Under California law, employers must give employees and state representatives a 60-day notice before a mass layoff event.

Apple car wheel icon feature yellow

Apple officially ended development on the Apple Car in March. Approximately 2,000 employees working on the Apple Car were told that the project was winding down at that time, and Apple began the process of moving some of them to work on artificial intelligence under John Giannandrea and in other relevant departments.

Other employees were given 90 days to apply for open positions within the company, but Apple hired hardware engineers and car designers while working on the Apple Car, and these employees may not have had skills applicable to other projects.

Apple also recently ended development on in-house microLED displays, so some of the layoffs might also be related to the decision to discontinue that work.

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vegetassj4 Avatar

This is the first time in decades that I can recall hearing about an Apple mass layoff event.

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