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fractions problem solving nz maths

New Zealand Mathematics Curriculum

Being able to round and estimate numbers enables people to perform calculations in their head quickly and without using a calculator. Math Games motivates students to practice and hone this important skill by blending learning with play in its appealing online games!

Pupils can use our resources to practice:

  • Understanding, identifying and comparing fractions of numbers and shapes
  • Making equivalent fractions and reducing fractions
  • Performing calculations with fractions and mixed numbers
  • Converting between fractions, percents, decimals and mixed numbers

Other resources for teachers and parents include downloadable worksheets and apps, and a digital textbook. We have activities for every grade and ability level, and all of them are aligned with the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics. Choose a skill to start playing!

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Fractions Problems

fractions problem solving nz maths

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Learning the basics of fractions

fractions problem solving nz maths

Year 5 New Zealand School Math Fractions

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Cambridge University Faculty of Mathematics

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Number and algebra

  • The Number System and Place Value
  • Calculations and Numerical Methods
  • Fractions, Decimals, Percentages, Ratio and Proportion
  • Properties of Numbers
  • Patterns, Sequences and Structure
  • Algebraic expressions, equations and formulae
  • Coordinates, Functions and Graphs

Geometry and measure

  • Angles, Polygons, and Geometrical Proof
  • 3D Geometry, Shape and Space
  • Measuring and calculating with units
  • Transformations and constructions
  • Pythagoras and Trigonometry
  • Vectors and Matrices

Probability and statistics

  • Handling, Processing and Representing Data
  • Probability

Working mathematically

  • Thinking mathematically
  • Mathematical mindsets
  • Cross-curricular contexts
  • Physical and digital manipulatives

For younger learners

  • Early Years Foundation Stage

Advanced mathematics

  • Decision Mathematics and Combinatorics
  • Advanced Probability and Statistics

Fractions KS2

This collection is one of our Primary Curriculum collections - tasks that are grouped by topic.

fractions problem solving nz maths

Fraction Match

A task which depends on members of the group noticing the needs of others and responding.

fractions problem solving nz maths

Here is a picnic that Petros and Michael are going to share equally. Can you tell us what each of them will have?

fractions problem solving nz maths

Tumbling Down

Watch this animation. What do you see? Can you explain why this happens?

fractions problem solving nz maths

Linked Chains

Can you find ways to make twenty-link chains from these smaller chains? This gives opportunities for different approaches.

fractions problem solving nz maths

Fractional Triangles

Use the lines on this figure to show how the square can be divided into 2 halves, 3 thirds, 6 sixths and 9 ninths.

fractions problem solving nz maths

Bryony's Triangle

Watch the video to see how to fold a square of paper to create a flower. What fraction of the piece of paper is the small triangle?

fractions problem solving nz maths

A4 Fraction Subtraction

This task offers opportunities to subtract fractions using A4 paper.

fractions problem solving nz maths

Matching Fractions

Can you find different ways of showing the same fraction? Try this matching game and see.

fractions problem solving nz maths

Round the Dice Decimals 2

What happens when you round these numbers to the nearest whole number?

fractions problem solving nz maths

Fractional Wall

Using the picture of the fraction wall, can you find equivalent fractions?

fractions problem solving nz maths

Would You Rather?

Would you rather: Have 10% of £5 or 75% of 80p? Be given 60% of 2 pizzas or 26% of 5 pizzas?

fractions problem solving nz maths

Round the Dice Decimals 1

Use two dice to generate two numbers with one decimal place. What happens when you round these numbers to the nearest whole number?

fractions problem solving nz maths

Fraction Lengths

Can you find combinations of strips of paper which equal the length of the black strip? If the length of the black is 1, how could you write the sum of the strips?

fractions problem solving nz maths

Light Blue - Dark Blue

Investigate the successive areas of light blue in these diagrams.

fractions problem solving nz maths

A4 Fraction Addition

Try adding fractions using A4 paper.

Forgot the Numbers

On my calculator I divided one whole number by another whole number and got the answer 3.125. If the numbers are both under 50, what are they?

fractions problem solving nz maths

Andy's Marbles

Andy had a big bag of marbles but unfortunately the bottom of it split and all the marbles spilled out. Use the information to find out how many there were in the bag originally.

fractions problem solving nz maths

More Fraction Bars

What fraction of the black bar are the other bars? Have a go at this challenging task!

fractions problem solving nz maths

Fractions in a Box

The discs for this game are kept in a flat square box with a square hole for each. Use the information to find out how many discs of each colour there are in the box.

fractions problem solving nz maths

Extending Fraction Bars

Can you compare these bars with each other and express their lengths as fractions of the black bar?

fractions problem solving nz maths

Route Product

Find the product of the numbers on the routes from A to B. Which route has the smallest product? Which the largest?

fractions problem solving nz maths

Matching Fractions, Decimals and Percentages

Can you match pairs of fractions, decimals and percentages, and beat your previous scores?

fractions problem solving nz maths

Doughnut Percents

A task involving the equivalence between fractions, percentages and decimals which depends on members of the group noticing the needs of others and responding.

There are three tables in a room with blocks of chocolate on each. Where would be the best place for each child in the class to sit if they came in one at a time?

fractions problem solving nz maths

[FREE] Fun Math Games & Activities Packs

Always on the lookout for fun math games and activities in the classroom? Try our ready-to-go printable packs for students to complete independently or with a partner!

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Fraction word prob.

Fraction word problems

Here you will learn about fraction word problems, including solving math word problems within a real-world context involving adding fractions, subtracting fractions, multiplying fractions, and dividing fractions.

Students will first learn about fraction word problems as part of number and operations—fractions in 4 th grade.

What are fraction word problems?

Fraction word problems are math word problems involving fractions that require students to use problem-solving skills within the context of a real-world situation.

To solve a fraction word problem, you must understand the context of the word problem, what the unknown information is, and what operation is needed to solve it. Fraction word problems may require addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division of fractions.

After determining what operation is needed to solve the problem, you can apply the rules of adding, subtracting, multiplying, or dividing fractions to find the solution.

For example,

Natalie is baking 2 different batches of cookies. One batch needs \cfrac{3}{4} cup of sugar and the other batch needs \cfrac{2}{4} cup of sugar. How much sugar is needed to bake both batches of cookies?

You can follow these steps to solve the problem:

Fraction Word Problems 1 US

Step-by-step guide: Adding and subtracting fractions

Step-by-step guide: Adding fractions

Step-by-step guide: Subtracting fractions

Step-by-step guide: Multiplying and dividing fractions

Step-by-step guide: Multiplying fractions

Step-by-step guide: Dividing fractions

What are fraction word problems?

Common Core State Standards

How does this relate to 4 th grade math to 6 th grade math?

  • Grade 4: Number and Operations—Fractions (4.NF.B.3d) Solve word problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions referring to the same whole and having like denominators, e.g., by using visual fraction models and equations to represent the problem.
  • Grade 4: Number and Operations—Fractions (4.NF.B.4c) Solve word problems involving multiplication of a fraction by a whole number, e.g., by using visual fraction models and equations to represent the problem. For example, if each person at a party will eat \cfrac{3}{8} of a pound of roast beef, and there will be 5 people at the party, how many pounds of roast beef will be needed? Between what two whole numbers does your answer lie?
  • Grade 5: Number and Operations—Fractions (5.NF.A.2) Solve word problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions referring to the same whole, including cases of unlike denominators, e.g., by using visual fraction models or equations to represent the problem. Use benchmark fractions and number sense of fractions to estimate mentally and assess the reasonableness of answers. For example, recognize an incorrect result \cfrac{2}{5}+\cfrac{1}{2}=\cfrac{3}{7} by observing that \cfrac{3}{7}<\cfrac{1}{2} .
  • Grade 5: Number and Operations—Fractions (5.NF.B.6) Solve real world problems involving multiplication of fractions and mixed numbers, e.g., by using visual fraction models or equations to represent the problem.
  • Grade 5: Number and Operations—Fractions (5.NF.B.7c) Solve real world problems involving division of unit fractions by non-zero whole numbers and division of whole numbers by unit fractions, e.g., by using visual fraction models and equations to represent the problem. For example, how much chocolate will each person get if 3 people share \cfrac{1}{2} \: lb of chocolate equally? How many \cfrac{1}{3} cup servings are in 2 cups of raisins?
  • Grade 6: The Number System (6.NS.A.1) Interpret and compute quotients of fractions, and solve word problems involving division of fractions by fractions, e.g., by using visual fraction models and equations to represent the problem. For example, create a story context for \cfrac{2}{3} \div \cfrac{4}{5} and use a visual fraction model to show the quotient; use the relationship between multiplication and division to explain that \cfrac{2}{3} \div \cfrac{4}{5}=\cfrac{8}{9} because \cfrac{3}{4} of \cfrac{8}{9} is \cfrac{2}{3}. (In general, \cfrac{a}{b} \div \cfrac{c}{d}=\cfrac{a d}{b c} \, ) How much chocolate will each person get if 3 people share \cfrac{1}{2} \: lb of chocolate equally? How many \cfrac{3}{4} cup servings are in \cfrac{2}{3} of a cup of yogurt? How wide is a rectangular strip of land with length \cfrac{3}{4} \: m and area \cfrac{1}{2} \: m^2?

[FREE] Fraction Operations Worksheet (Grade 4 to 6)

[FREE] Fraction Operations Worksheet (Grade 4 to 6)

Use this quiz to check your grade 4 to 6 students’ understanding of fraction operations. 10+ questions with answers covering a range of 4th to 6th grade fraction operations topics to identify areas of strength and support!

How to solve fraction word problems

In order to solve fraction word problems:

Determine what operation is needed to solve.

Write an equation.

Solve the equation.

State your answer in a sentence.

Fraction word problem examples

Example 1: adding fractions (like denominators).

Julia ate \cfrac{3}{8} of a pizza and her brother ate \cfrac{2}{8} of the same pizza. How much of the pizza did they eat altogether?

The problem states how much pizza Julia ate and how much her brother ate. You need to find how much pizza Julia and her brother ate altogether , which means you need to add.

2 Write an equation.

3 Solve the equation.

To add fractions with like denominators, add the numerators and keep the denominators the same.

4 State your answer in a sentence.

The last step is to go back to the word problem and write a sentence to clearly say what the solution represents in the context of the problem.

Julia and her brother ate \cfrac{5}{8} of the pizza altogether.

Example 2: adding fractions (unlike denominators)

Tim ran \cfrac{5}{6} of a mile in the morning and \cfrac{1}{3} of a mile in the afternoon. How far did Tim run in total?

The problem states how far Tim ran in the morning and how far he ran in the afternoon. You need to find how far Tim ran in total , which means you need to add.

To add fractions with unlike denominators, first find a common denominator and then change the fractions accordingly before adding.

\cfrac{5}{6}+\cfrac{1}{3}= \, ?

The least common multiple of 6 and 3 is 6, so 6 can be the common denominator.

That means \cfrac{1}{3} will need to be changed so that its denominator is 6. To do this, multiply the numerator and the denominator by 2.

\cfrac{1 \times 2}{3 \times 2}=\cfrac{2}{6}

Now you can add the fractions and simplify the answer.

\cfrac{5}{6}+\cfrac{2}{6}=\cfrac{7}{6}=1 \cfrac{1}{6}

Tim ran a total of 1 \cfrac{1}{6} miles.

Example 3: subtracting fractions (like denominators)

Pia walked \cfrac{4}{7} of a mile to the park and \cfrac{3}{7} of a mile back home. How much farther did she walk to the park than back home?

The problem states how far Pia walked to the park and how far she walked home. Since you need to find the difference ( how much farther ) between the two distances, you need to subtract.

To subtract fractions with like denominators, subtract the numerators and keep the denominators the same.


Pia walked \cfrac{1}{7} of a mile farther to the park than back home.

Example 4: subtracting fractions (unlike denominators)

Henry bought \cfrac{7}{8} pound of beef from the grocery store. He used \cfrac{1}{3} of a pound of beef to make a hamburger. How much of the beef does he have left?

The problem states how much beef Henry started with and how much he used. Since you need to find how much he has left , you need to subtract.

To subtract fractions with unlike denominators, first find a common denominator and then change the fractions accordingly before subtracting.

\cfrac{7}{8}-\cfrac{1}{3}= \, ?

The least common multiple of 8 and 3 is 24, so 24 can be the common denominator.

That means both fractions will need to be changed so that their denominator is 24.

To do this, multiply the numerator and the denominator of each fraction by the same number so that it results in a denominator of 24. This will give you an equivalent fraction for each fraction in the problem.

\begin{aligned}&\cfrac{7 \times 3}{8 \times 3}=\cfrac{21}{24} \\\\ &\cfrac{1 \times 8}{3 \times 8}=\cfrac{8}{24} \end{aligned}

Now you can subtract the fractions.


Henry has \cfrac{13}{24} of a pound of beef left.

Example 5: multiplying fractions

Andre has \cfrac{3}{4} of a candy bar left. He gives \cfrac{1}{2} of the remaining bit of the candy bar to his sister. What fraction of the whole candy bar does Andre have left now?

It could be challenging to determine the operation needed for this problem; many students may automatically assume it is subtraction since you need to find how much of the candy bar is left.

However, since you know Andre started with a fraction of the candy bar and you need to find a fraction OF a fraction, you need to multiply.

The difference here is that Andre did NOT give his sister \cfrac{1}{2} of the candy bar, but he gave her \cfrac{1}{2} of \cfrac{3}{4} of a candy bar.

To solve the word problem, you can ask, “What is \cfrac{1}{2} of \cfrac{3}{4}? ” and set up the equation accordingly. Think of the multiplication sign as meaning “of.”

\cfrac{1}{2} \times \cfrac{3}{4}= \, ?

To multiply fractions, multiply the numerators and multiply the denominators.

\cfrac{1}{2} \times \cfrac{3}{4}=\cfrac{3}{8}

Andre gave \cfrac{1}{2} of \cfrac{3}{4} of a candy bar to his sister, which means he has \cfrac{1}{2} of \cfrac{3}{4} left. Therefore, Andre has \cfrac{3}{8} of the whole candy bar left.

Example 6: dividing fractions

Nia has \cfrac{7}{8} cup of trail mix. How many \cfrac{1}{4} cup servings can she make?

The problem states the total amount of trail mix Nia has and asks how many servings can be made from it.

To solve, you need to divide the total amount of trail mix (which is \cfrac{7}{8} cup) by the amount in each serving ( \cfrac{1}{4} cup) to find out how many servings she can make.

To divide fractions, multiply the dividend by the reciprocal of the divisor.

\begin{aligned}& \cfrac{7}{8} \div \cfrac{1}{4}= \, ? \\\\ & \downarrow \downarrow \downarrow \\\\ &\cfrac{7}{8} \times \cfrac{4}{1}=\cfrac{28}{8} \end{aligned}

You can simplify \cfrac{28}{8} to \cfrac{7}{2} and then 3 \cfrac{1}{2}.

Nia can make 3 \cfrac{1}{2} cup servings.

Teaching tips for fraction word problems

  • Encourage students to look for key words to help determine the operation needed to solve the problem. For example, subtracting fractions word problems might ask students to find “how much is left” or “how much more” one fraction is than another.
  • Provide students with an answer key to word problem worksheets to allow them to obtain immediate feedback on their solutions. Encourage students to attempt the problems independently first, then check their answers against the key to identify any mistakes and learn from them. This helps reinforce problem-solving skills and confidence.
  • Be sure to incorporate real-world situations into your math lessons. Doing so allows students to better understand the relevance of fractions in everyday life.
  • As students progress and build a strong foundational understanding of one-step fraction word problems, provide them with multi-step word problems that involve more than one operation to solve.
  • Take note that students will not divide a fraction by a fraction as shown above until 6 th grade (middle school), but they will divide a unit fraction by a whole number and a whole number by a fraction in 5 th grade (elementary school), where the same mathematical rules apply to solving.
  • There are many alternatives you can use in place of printable math worksheets to make practicing fraction word problems more engaging. Some examples are online math games and digital workbooks.

Easy mistakes to make

  • Misinterpreting the problem Misreading or misunderstanding the word problem can lead to solving for the wrong quantity or using the wrong operation.
  • Not finding common denominators When adding or subtracting fractions with unlike denominators, students may forget to find a common denominator, leading to an incorrect answer.
  • Forgetting to simplify Unless a problem specifically says not to simplify, fractional answers should always be written in simplest form.

Related fractions operations lessons

  • Fractions operations
  • Multiplicative inverse
  • Reciprocal math
  • Fractions as divisions

Practice fraction word problem questions

1. Malia spent \cfrac{5}{6} of an hour studying for a math test. Then she spent \cfrac{1}{3} of an hour reading. How much longer did she spend studying for her math test than reading?

Malia spent \cfrac{1}{2} of an hour longer studying for her math test than reading.

GCSE Quiz True

Malia spent \cfrac{5}{18} of an hour longer studying for her math test than reading.

GCSE Quiz False

Malia spent \cfrac{1}{2} of an hour longer reading than studying for her math test.

Malia spent 1 \cfrac{1}{6} of an hour longer studying for her math test than reading.

To find the difference between the amount of time Malia spent studying for her math test than reading, you need to subtract. Since the fractions have unlike denominators, you need to find a common denominator first.

You can use 6 as the common denominator, so \cfrac{1}{3} becomes \cfrac{3}{6}. Then you can subtract.

\cfrac{3}{6} can then be simplified to \cfrac{1}{2}.

Finally, you need to choose the answer that correctly answers the question within the context of the situation. Therefore, the correct answer is “Malia spent \cfrac{1}{2} of an hour longer studying for her math test than reading.”

2. A square garden is \cfrac{3}{4} of a meter wide and \cfrac{8}{9} of a meter long. What is its area?

The area of the garden is 1\cfrac{23}{36} square meters.

The area of the garden is \cfrac{27}{32} square meters.

The area of the garden is \cfrac{2}{3} square meters.

The perimeter of the garden is \cfrac{2}{3} meters.

To find the area of a square, you multiply the length and width. So to solve, you multiply the fractional lengths by mulitplying the numerators and multiplying the denominators.

\cfrac{24}{36} can be simplified to \cfrac{2}{3}. 

Therefore, the correct answer is “The area of the garden is \cfrac{2}{3} square meters.”

3. Zoe ate \cfrac{3}{8} of a small cake. Liam ate \cfrac{1}{8} of the same cake. How much more of the cake did Zoe eat than Liam?

Zoe ate \cfrac{3}{64} more of the cake than Liam.

Zoe ate \cfrac{1}{4} more of the cake than Liam.

Zoe ate \cfrac{1}{8} more of the cake than Liam.

Liam ate \cfrac{1}{4} more of the cake than Zoe.

To find how much more cake Zoe ate than Liam, you subtract. Since the fractions have the same denominator, you subtract the numerators and keep the denominator the same.

\cfrac{2}{8} can be simplified to \cfrac{1}{4}. 

Therefore, the correct answer is “Zoe ate \cfrac{1}{4} more of the cake than Liam.”

4. Lila poured \cfrac{11}{12} cup of pineapple and \cfrac{2}{3} cup of mango juice in a bottle. How many cups of juice did she pour into the bottle altogether?

Lila poured 1 \cfrac{7}{12} cups of juice in the bottle altogether.

Lila poured \cfrac{1}{4} cups of juice in the bottle altogether.

Lila poured \cfrac{11}{18} cups of juice in the bottle altogether.

Lila poured 1 \cfrac{3}{8} cups of juice in the bottle altogether.

To find the total amount of juice that Lila poured into the bottle, you need to add. Since the fractions have unlike denominators, you need to find a common denominator first.

You can use 12 as the common denominator, so \cfrac{2}{3} becomes \cfrac{8}{12}.  Then you can add.

\cfrac{19}{12} can be simplified to 1 \cfrac{7}{12}. 

Therefore, the correct answer is “Lila poured 1 \cfrac{7}{12} cups of juice in the bottle altogether.”

5. Killian used \cfrac{9}{10} of a gallon of paint to paint his living room and \cfrac{7}{10} of a gallon to paint his bedroom. How much paint did Killian use in all?

Killian used \cfrac{2}{10} gallons of paint in all.

Killian used \cfrac{1}{5} gallons of paint in all.

Killian used \cfrac{63}{100} gallons of paint in all.

Killian used 1 \cfrac{3}{5} gallons of paint in all.

To find the total amount of paint Killian used, you add the amount he used for the living room and the amount he used for the kitchen. Since the fractions have the same denominator, you add the numerators and keep the denominators the same.

\cfrac{16}{10} can be simplified to 1 \cfrac{6}{10} and then further simplified to 1 \cfrac{3}{5}.

Therefore, the correct answer is “Killian used 1 \cfrac{3}{5} gallons of paint in all.”

6. Evan pours \cfrac{4}{5} of a liter of orange juice evenly among some cups.

He put \cfrac{1}{10} of a liter into each cup. How many cups did Evan fill?

Evan filled \cfrac{2}{25} cups.

Evan filled 8 cups.

Evan filled \cfrac{9}{10} cups.

Evan filled 7 cups.

To find the number of cups Evan filled, you need to divide the total amount of orange juice by the amount being poured into each cup. To divide fractions, you mulitply the first fraction (the dividend) by the reciprocal of the second fraction (the divisor).

\cfrac{40}{5} can be simplifed to 8.

Therefore, the correct answer is “Evan filled 8 cups.”

Fraction word problems FAQs

Fraction word problems are math word problems involving fractions that require students to use problem-solving skills within the context of a real-world situation. Fraction word problems may involve addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division of fractions.

To solve fraction word problems, first you need to determine the operation. Then you can write an equation and solve the equation based on the arithmetic rules for that operation.

Fraction word problems and decimal word problems are similar because they both involve solving math problems within real-world contexts. Both types of problems require understanding the problem, determining the operation needed to solve it (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division), and solving it based on the arithmetic rules for that operation.

The next lessons are

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Problem solving activities

The Ministry is migrating nzmaths content to Tāhurangi.             Relevant and up-to-date teaching resources are being moved to Tāhūrangi (tahurangi.education.govt.nz).  When all identified resources have been successfully moved, this website will close. We expect this to be in June 2024.  e-ako maths, e-ako Pāngarau, and e-ako PLD 360 will continue to be available. 

For more information visit https://tahurangi.education.govt.nz/updates-to-nzmaths

Problems for students to solve, accompanied by a suggested teaching sequence, extensions to the problem, and the problem’s solution.

Resource logo

Create A Question

  • Use their mathematical knowledge to invent problems.
  • Solve other students' problems.

Go Negative

  • Perform calculations with negative fractions.
  • Devise and use problem solving strategies mathematically (e.g. be systematic, draw a picture).

The clumsy tiler B

  • Handle smaller and smaller fractions.
  • Devise and use problem solving strategies to explore situations mathematically (make a drawing, use equipment).
  • Multiply large numbers by 8.
  • Find and describe patterns in numbers.

Fuel Saving

  • Find a percentage of a quantity.
  • Devise and use problem solving strategies (be systematic, work logically).
  • Solve problems involving fractions and percentages.
  • Devise and use problem solving strategies (guess and check, be systematic, look for a pattern, make a table).
  • Explain a meaning of a million.
  • Make sensible estimates of numbers using powers of 10 up to a million.
  • Multiply and divide with numbers up to a million (using a calculator).

Tennis and golf players

  • Find a percentage of a given quantity.
  • Perform calculations using basic percentages.
  • Find lowest common multiples (extension).
  • Use Venn diagrams to represent intersecting sets.
  • Devise and use problem solving strategies (draw a diagram).

Triangle sums

  • Think logically about the sums of single digit numbers.
  • Devise and use problem solving strategies (guess, and check work systematically).

Decimal magic squares

  • Use addition with decimals.
  • Know the idea of, and be able to construct, magic squares.


  1. Fractions Problem Solving

    fractions problem solving nz maths

  2. Year 2 Problem Solving Fractions by niallmclaughlin

    fractions problem solving nz maths

  3. Mastery in maths

    fractions problem solving nz maths

  4. Finding Fractions

    fractions problem solving nz maths

  5. problem solving about fractions for grade 6

    fractions problem solving nz maths

  6. Year 2 Problem Solving Fractions

    fractions problem solving nz maths


  1. 5/6-2/4 . subtraction of fractions , substrac 5/6 minus 2/4

  2. Simple method of add fractions/fraction addition/ Addition of fractions/adding fractions


  4. Fractions Word Problems & Problem Solving




  1. Fractions

    Fractions. The Ministry is migrating nzmaths content to Tāhurangi. Relevant and up-to-date teaching resources are being moved to Tāhūrangi (tahurangi.education.govt.nz). When all identified resources have been successfully moved, this website will close. We expect this to be in June 2024. e-ako maths, e-ako Pāngarau, and e-ako PLD 360 will ...

  2. Fractions

    Math Games motivates students to practice and hone this important skill by blending learning with play in its appealing online games! Pupils can use our resources to practice: Understanding, identifying and comparing fractions of numbers and shapes. Making equivalent fractions and reducing fractions. Performing calculations with fractions and ...

  3. PDF Fractions

    Convert between fractions, decimals, percentages, rates and ratios Fractions Number Milestones: Understanding fractions: models, diagrams, order, estimate, join, separate, compare, add, subtract, multiply, divide NZC: New Zealand Curriculum: Mathematics and Statistics Read and write fractions Solve problems involving fractions Add and subtract ...

  4. Fractions Problems Fifth Grade

    The worksheets cover a range of fraction operations, from adding and subtracting fractions to working out fractions of numbers and ratio problems. Riddles are additional problems that get children to know the language of fractions, order mixed numbers, and fractions, and solve problems involving more than one criterion.

  5. Fractions

    Problem: "List all the fractions less than 1 whole that can be made using only 3, 7, and 11."(Answer: 3/7, 3/11, 7/11.) Discuss which of those fractions is the smallest (3/11) and the largest (7/11). Examples: Make the smallest fraction possible from two of these numbers:


    The home of mathematics education in New Zealand. Māori content. Toggle navigation. Primary links. Home Supporting professional practice. e-ako PLD 360; ... Use double number lines, ratio tables, and converting to equivalent fractions to solve percentage problems. Use a calculator to solve problems with percentages. Equivalent Fractions. Level ...

  7. IXL

    Welcome to IXL's year 8 maths page. Practise maths online with unlimited questions in more than 200 year 8 maths skills. ... Add, subtract, multiply and divide fractions and mixed numbers: word problems G.23. Evaluate numerical expressions involving fractions Rational numbers. H.1. ... Solve word problems involving two-variable equations T.4.

  8. Fractions Problems

    Welcome to our fraction problems section. Here you will find a range of fraction problems to help your child understand what fractions are and practice their fraction learning. The worksheets cover a . Over 4,500 free worksheets available to learn and practice math. Designed by experts and adapted to the demands of each country and school grade.

  9. Year 5 New Zealand School Math Fractions

    Fractions problems, practice, tests, worksheets, questions, quizzes, teacher assignments | Year 5 | New Zealand School Math

  10. Fractions KS2

    Fractions in a Box. Age 7 to 11. Challenge Level. The discs for this game are kept in a flat square box with a square hole for each. Use the information to find out how many discs of each colour there are in the box.

  11. Fraction Word Problems

    Common Core State Standards. How does this relate to 4 th grade math to 6 th grade math?. Grade 4: Number and Operations—Fractions (4.NF.B.3d) Solve word problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions referring to the same whole and having like denominators, e.g., by using visual fraction models and equations to represent the problem.

  12. Stage 7 (Phase 2-3) : Fractions and Decimals Booklet

    Use this Fractions and Decimals activity booklet to support stage 7 learners to master some of the key ideas at this level. This booklet can be worked through as part of your fractions, decimals and percentages teaching, as independent practice or as the basis for your guided group teaching. Included are the answers for all 10 pages for students to mark their work independently or with a buddy ...

  13. Maths KS1 Easy and Simple Fractions Worksheets

    KS1 Simple Fractions Worksheets for Kids. Here you can find a variety of simple fractions worksheets, activities and games to help your year 1 and 2 kids understand how to work out fractions, percentages and ratios. With our help, fractions are made easy to understand and use, in maths lessons and in everyday life.

  14. Level 1 Problems

    The problems have been grouped below by strand. Hover over each title to read the problem. Choose a problem that involves your students in applying current learning. Remember that the context of most problems can be adapted to suit your students and your current class inquiry. Read more about using these problem solving activities.

  15. Problem Solving

    Stages 5 to 6 (Phase 2) Differentiated Addition and Subtraction Word Problems. 4.9 (11 Reviews) Year 7-8 The Mystery of the Missing Skeleton Maths Mystery. New Zealand Maths Week: Rich Tasks Booklet (Level 3 & 4) 4.2 (4 Reviews) The Case of the Stolen Penguin Maths Mystery. 4.5 (2 Reviews) Level 3-4 Maths Problem Solving Challenge Cards.

  16. Problems and solutions for students

    Problems and solutions for students. The Ministry is migrating nzmaths content to Tāhurangi. Relevant and up-to-date teaching resources are being moved to Tāhūrangi (tahurangi.education.govt.nz). When all identified resources have been successfully moved, this website will close. We expect this to be in June 2024.

  17. Problem solving activities

    The home of mathematics education in New Zealand. Māori content. Toggle navigation. Primary links. Home Supporting professional practice. e-ako PLD 360; ... Solve problems involving fractions and percentages. Devise and use problem solving strategies (guess and check, be systematic, look for a pattern, make a table).