
Teach Creative Writing In High School With 10 Fun Activities

Creative writing is a meaningful aspect of literature that mandates you to utilize your expertise, ingenuity, and story to depict a critical message, emotion, or plot. It defies the traditional bounds of other forms of writing and is completely subjective to our preferences and experiences. In creative writing, it’s all about imaginativeness!

Using creative imagination and originality to convey feelings and concepts in a unique way is at the heart of creative writing. Simply stated, it’s about infusing your own ‘flair’ into your writing, moving beyond academic or other technical kinds of literature. 

In this post, we will explore the various activities which would be advantageous for a high schooler who wishes to indulge in creative writing!

high school creative writing club

What Happens When Creative Writing Is Put To Use?

Creative writing is any form of writing that deviates from traditional professional, investigative journalism, educational, or technological forms of literature. It is typically distinguished by emphasizing narrative craft, character development, literary tropes, or various poetic traditions.

Here are the few ways how high schoolers can benefit from creative writing –

1. Imagination

When you write creatively, you expand your imagination by creating new environments, scenarios, and characters. This way, you are also boosting and stretching your imagination, as well as “thinking out of the box.” This allows you to concentrate your energy on many other things and improve your ability to find fresh ideas and alternatives to problems you’re having. Whether you’re a researcher or a businessman, creative writing will increase your imagination and help you think more creatively, and push the boundaries.

2. Empathy and Communications skills

When you create characters, you’ll be constructing emotions, personalities, behaviors, and world views that are distinct from your own. Writers must conceive personalities, emotions, places, and walks of life outside of their own lives while creating universes with fictional characters and settings.

This can give children a good dose of empathy and understanding for those who aren’t like them, who don’t live where they do or go through the same things they do daily. Writers are better equipped to communicate when they have a greater understanding of other points of view. They can come up with creative ways to explain and debate subjects from multiple perspectives. This ability is crucial in both professional and personal situations. 

3. Clarification of Thoughts 

Creating structures in creative writing allows you to organize your impressions and emotions into a logical procedure. You may express both your thoughts and your sentiments through creative writing. For example, if you’re a marketing executive, you could create a short tale in which your clientele reads your promotional emails. You can guess what they’re up to, where they’re seated, what’s around them, and so on.

This enables you to focus on the language and strategies you employ. Alternatively, if you’re a technical writer writing on a new desktop platform, you could create a creative scenario in which a user encounters a problem. 

4. Broadens Vocabulary and gets a better understanding of reading and writing

You’ll learn a larger vocabulary and a better understanding of the mechanics of reading and writing as you begin to practice writing exercises regularly. Even if you’re writing a budget report, you’ll know when rigid grammar standards work and when they don’t, and you’ll know what will make your writing flow better for your readers. Exploring different ways of expressing yourself when writing creatively allows you to extend your vocabulary.

You’ll notice a change in your use and range of language as you improve your writing over time, which will be useful in any professional route and social scenario. You’ll be able to bend and break the rules when you need to, to utilize your voice and make what you’re writing engaging without coming off as an amateur, dull, or inauthentic once you’ve grasped the fundamentals of writing professionally and creatively.

5. Building Self-Belief 

When you write creatively, you’re actively involved in an activity that allows you to fully develop your voice and point of view without being constrained. You have a better chance to investigate and express your feelings about various issues, opinions, ideas, and characters. And you’ll feel more at ease and secure stating your thoughts and perspectives in other things you write as a result of this.

Writers who don’t write creatively may be concerned about appearing authoritative or trustworthy. They accidentally lose their voice and sound like drones spouting statistics by omitting to include their perspective on the topics they’re writing about. As a result, they miss out on using their distinct voice and presenting themselves as an expert with real-world expertise.

Creative Writing Activities That Will Strengthen Your Writing Skills  

Short spurts of spontaneous writing make up creative writing activities. These writing exercises push a writer to tackle a familiar topic in a new way, ranging from one line to a lengthy tale. Short, spontaneous projects are common in creative writing programs, but any writer should make them a regular practice to extend their abilities and learn new tactics to approach a series of stories.

These activities must be performed for ten minutes at a time, several times a week – by creative writers. They’re designed to help you improve your writing abilities, generate fresh story ideas, and become a better writer.

1. Free Writing

Writing is the first and foremost activity that is going to give your creative writing a boost. Start with a blank page and let your stream of thoughts and emotions flow. Then simply begin writing. Don’t pause to think or alter what you’re expressing. This is known as “free writing.” This writing activity is referred to as “morning pages” by Julia Cameron, the author of ‘The Artist’s Way.’ She recommends that authors do this every day when they first wake up. Stream of consciousness writing can provide some intriguing concepts.

Allow your intellect to take the lead as your fingers type. Or write a letter to your younger self.  Consider a topic you’d like to discuss, such as a noteworthy event, and write it down. Give guidance or convey a message that you wish you had heard as a youngster or a young adult.

2. Modify a Storyline – Read

Most of us like to read. However, just reading won’t really help augment your creative writing skills. While reading bestows insight into the deeper meanings of numerous things, you need a more concrete approach to better your aptitude. To do this, you can modify any storyline. Take an episode from a chapter, if you’re feeling brave—from one of your favorite books and recreate it. Write it from the perspective of a different character. Swap out the main character in this exercise to examine how the story may be conveyed differently.

Take Percy Jackson’s thrilling conclusion, for instance, and rework it with Annabeth as the primary character. Another way to approach this creative activity is to keep the primary character but switch viewpoints. Rewrite a scene in the third person if the writer has told a story in the first person. 

3. Add Creative Writing Prompts or Create Flash Fiction

Use writing prompts, often known as narrative starters, to produce writing ideas. A writing prompt is a sentence or short excerpt that a writer uses to start composing a story on the spot. You can look up writing prompts online, pick a sentence out of a magazine at random, or use a brilliant line from a well-known work as the start of your short scene.

high school creative writing club

Another thing you can do to accentuate your writing is to create flash fiction. Sit down at your desktop or pick up a pen and paper and write a 500-word story on the spur of the moment. This isn’t the same as just writing whatever comes to mind. With no fixed guidelines, free writing generates a stream of consciousness. All of the basic components of a story arc, such as plot, conflict, and character development, are required in flash fiction, albeit in a shortened form.

4. Create a Fictitious Advertisement

Pick a random word from a nearby book or newspaper and create a fictitious commercial for it. Write one ad in a formal, abbreviated newspaper classified format to require you to pay special attention to your word choice to sell the item. Then write one for an online marketplace that allows for longer, more casual text, such as Craigslist. Describe the item and persuade the reader to purchase it in each one.

5. Engage in Conversations 

Engaging in conversations with your friends/family – or simply communicating can help brush up your writing skills. Talk to your loved ones about their hobbies, career, views on societal issues – any suitable topic for that matter. This helps implement others’ points of view and expands your mental ability. Another useful thing that you can do is – make another person’s tale and create it by implementing your own thoughts. Then talk about it in an impeccable manner. Also, talk in complete sentences. This goes to show your Linguistic intelligence proficiency – and helps augment your creative writing skills.

6. Create Your Own Website/Blog

Start your search for blogging. There are a million writing suggestions out there, but they all boil down to the same thing: write. Blogging is excellent writing practice because it gives you a place to write regularly.

high school creative writing club

To keep your fingers and mind nimble, write a post every day. Like most bloggers, you’ll want to restrict your subject—perhaps you’ll focus on parenting or start a how-to site where you can tell stories from your point of view.

7. Participate in Debates/Extempores  

Participating in debates, extempores – anchoring for your school function, giving a speech, all of these activities help boost your creative spirit. These group events make you understand what other people are envisioning, which in turn helps you generate new ideas, approaches, and methods. Not only do they improve your articulation and research skills, but they also develop critical thinking and emotional control abilities. All of these promote a better creative writing aptitude.

8. Start a YouTube Channel or Podcast 

Starting a YouTube channel or podcast will definitely level up your creative game. YouTube is a never-ending platform, covering myriads of topics. Choose a particular niche for your channel.

high school creative writing club

Then do your topic research, create content, manage SEO, approach brands, talk to clients and influencers – do all the good stuff. Communicating with other influencers and creating content will take your creative writing skills to another level. Starting a podcast will have a similar impact. 

9. Love them? Say it with your words!

We have many festivals, occasions, birthdays, parties, anniversaries and whatnot! You can employ these special days and boost your creative writing skills. You can make a token of love for them – writing about your feelings. You can also make gift cards, birthday cards, dinner menus, and so on. So let’s say, it’s your mother’s birthday, you can write her a token of love, elucidating your feelings and letting her know what all she’s done for you and that you’re grateful. Do this for all your near and dear ones. This not only spreads positivity and love but helps you develop your creative aptitude.

10. The What-if Game

The What-If game is an incredible way to upgrade your creative abilities. You can play this game with your friends, cousins, relatives, or solo. Here, you need to find links to many interesting hypothetical questions. For instance, what if the sun doesn’t rise for a week? What if there’s no oxygen for one minute? Play it with your peeps, or ask these questions to yourself. It can be anything random but concrete. If you don’t know the answers to the questions, look them up on Google. This way, you’re training your mind to learn new concepts all the while enhancing your visualization process. 

We can conclude that creative writing encourages students to think creatively, use their imaginations, imply alternatives, expand their thinking processes, and improve their problem-solving skills. It also allows the child to express themselves and grow their voice. Besides, it enhances reasoning abilities. The principle behind the creative writing concept is that everyone can gain the qualities that are needed to become a successful writer or, rather become good at writing. Creative writing is all about using language in new and innovative ways.

high school creative writing club

Sananda Bhattacharya, Chief Editor of TheHighSchooler, is dedicated to enhancing operations and growth. With degrees in Literature and Asian Studies from Presidency University, Kolkata, she leverages her educational and innovative background to shape TheHighSchooler into a pivotal resource hub. Providing valuable insights, practical activities, and guidance on school life, graduation, scholarships, and more, Sananda’s leadership enriches the journey of high school students.

Explore a plethora of invaluable resources and insights tailored for high schoolers at TheHighSchooler, under the guidance of Sananda Bhattacharya’s expertise. You can follow her on Linkedin

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Creative Writing Opportunities for High School Students

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If you’re a high school student interested in creative writing, you may or may not have a number of broad extracurricular options to pursue during the school year, depending on your school. You might be a part of your school’s literary magazine, or participate in creative writing workshops. Maybe you are lucky enough to attend a school with dedicated creative writing classes or poetry electives.

But what if your school doesn’t seem to offer much for students who want to pursue creative writing? Or what if you don’t even know where to begin looking? How can you keep your momentum headed towards your goal or otherwise use your time productively if you passionate about creative writing?

There are many activities available to high school students who enjoy creative writing. Some might be available through your school, but many are out there waiting for you to pursue them independently.

In this post, we’ll outline how you can take the initiative to pursue multiple creative writing opportunities both in and out of school. Keep reading to learn more about what opportunities are out there for high school-aged creative writers.

Why Pursue Creative Writing?

There are many reasons to pursue extracurriculars in general. They can serve to strengthen your academic profile, they allow you to pursue interests not otherwise available through traditional classwork, and they can provide valuable, real-world experience.

Creative writing is an extracurricular that is closely tied with your academic coursework in English and Language Arts and in fact is probably a partial requirement of at least some of your English classes. Pursuing it further exemplifies your commitment to the craft and gives you some insight into writing as a possible career path.

It might be easy to think of creative writing as nothing more than a hobby, but in reality many careers exist in which strong writing skills are coveted. By pursuing creative writing, you become well equipped for a career as not only an author or poet, but also in many other fields. We’ll discuss these more in depth at the end of this post.

Opportunities to Pursue Creative Writing

Literary magazine:.

This is the most obvious and most common way to study and produce creative writing in a formal setting at school. Many schools already have a literary magazine established and likely have regular meetings and a faculty adviser equipped to lend insight and advice.

You can usually join your school’s literary magazine at the beginning of a new school year, though you may also be able to join mid-year in some circumstances. Contact the editor or faculty advisor if you want to become involved. Over time you may even be able to take on a leadership role yourself. To learn more about the importance of this, check out CollegeVine’s Your Resume, Revamped: Securing Leadership Positions and Perfecting Your Extracurricular Profile . 

Another way to be involved with the literary magazine, even if you aren’t a part of its team, is to become a regular contributor. This isn’t always easy; some schools have highly competitive literary magazines or only produce one printed edition per year. If this is the case at your school, don’t get discouraged. Submit your best work, learn from feedback, and keep trying.

If your school does not have a literary magazine, you might consider starting one. Begin by talking to other students who have expressed interest in creative writing. Once you have a strong group of interested students, approach a member of your school’s faculty who would make a good adviser.

Your faculty adviser should be someone who has worked closely with you in the past and has some level of expertise in creative writing. Be clear what sort of commitment you are asking for from this person. You may need him or her to be present at every meeting, or you might simply need his or her signature and sporadic stamp of approval. Also remember that you will have some associated costs so having a faculty adviser who can help with fundraising could be important.

Literary magazines provide students interested in creative writing with some general insights into a formal writing publication, a glimpse at the process for submitting work and receiving feedback, and the opportunity to have their writing published for all to see.

Creative Writing Club:

If your school does not have a literary magazine or you are interested in pursuing creative writing in a less formal setting, a creative writing club might be a good bet for you.

These clubs generally operate as regular writing workshops during which students respond to prompts or practice free-writing, and then share their work and offer feedback to others. It is often similar to the submissions approval process at a literary magazine without the stress of possible rejection.

In addition, a creative writing club does not generally produce a publication, though some might print a collection of work at the end of the school year. Again, this differs from the traditional literary magazine because work is selected by the author rather than submitted for acceptance or rejection.

If your school does not have a creative writing club, it is easy to start one. Because there is no associated publication as in the case of a literary magazine, the process is generally less formal. You could meet before or after school and sometimes you don’t even need a faculty adviser; you just need a teacher who’s willing to share classroom space outside of school hours.

Alternatively, you could form a writing club that is completely independent of your school by meeting at the library or a friend’s house. Simply gather creative writing exercises from books or online searches and then gather on a regular basis to respond to them, share work, and offer constructive criticism.

A creative writing club can also be an important accountability tool for students who are working on independent creative writing projects. If you’re writing a longer piece or even a novel, or working on a collection of poetry, meeting regularly with like-minded writers can help to keep you on track and provide outside feedback that might otherwise be unavailable.

Creative Writing Tutor:

If creative writing is your passion and you want to share it with others, you might consider becoming a creative writing tutor for younger students.

Contact a local elementary school and ask if you might be able to volunteer. If so, arrive prepared to lead a small writer’s workshop. Bring any handouts you might need and practice your oral presentation ahead of time. If you need some inspiration for activities, check out the Creative Writing for Children page at PBS parents or the Story Starters page at Scholastic . These kid-friendly writing prompts are sure to inspire even the youngest authors.

If you can’t find a volunteer position at an elementary school, you could try reaching out to other local organizations. Girl or boy scout troops, community centers, or the local library are all possibilities.

Leading a creative writing group for younger students is a great way to hone your own thinking about creative writing, to practice your teaching and leadership skills, and to give back to your community.

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Writing Contests:

If you’re looking for more direction for your writing, and the idea of fame and fortune intrigues you, you should consider entering some writing contests. There are many to choose from, and most offer either cash prizes or scholarship money. Some are also quite prestigious.

For a list of some of the most respected writing contests open to high schoolers, check out The CollegeVine Ultimate Guide to High School Writing Contests .

Summer Programs:

As is now the case for most extracurriculars, there are many strong summer programs to choose from if you’d like to pursue creative writing during your school break. These programs can be competitive to get into and you will usually be required to submit a writing portfolio as a part of your application.

Programs such as these also strengthen your college application and reinforce your commitment to writing. A few of the strongest are:

  • Interlochen
  • Kenyon Review Young Writer’s Workshop
  • California State Summer School for the Arts (Primarily for California residents, but a small number of non-residents are accepted each year.)

Many of these programs have scholarships available, so if finances are a concern, be sure to research a few options before ruling anything out.

In addition, many colleges offer summer programs in creative writing as well. These are usually similar in format to any of the aforementioned summer programs, with the added bonus of allowing you to build connections at colleges or universities that you might wish to attend. 

See if any schools on your list of potential colleges or universities offer summer programs and look into attending those. Otherwise, consider one of the following, which are known for their high quality instruction:

  • Duke Young Writer’s Camp
  • Carleton College Summer Writing Program
  • Stanford Summer Institutes
  • Lewis and Clark Fir Acres Workshop
  • University of Iowa Young Writer’s Studio

Start a Blog

If you find that you are writing often but have nowhere to showcase your work or have trouble holding yourself accountable for producing work on a regular basis, starting your own blog might be a good fit. A blog is a great way to share your writing on a public platform, it can act as an informal portfolio of your work, and it helps to hold you accountable to a larger audience.

Many blogs are easily set up and hosted for free on websites such as WordPress , Blogger , LiveJournal , or Weebly . Share a link to your blog on your social media accounts or send out a group email to let friends and family know about it. As is the case any time you add to your online presence, be sure to discuss your plans with a parent or guardian ahead of time. 

Get Published Elsewhere

A blog isn’t the only platform for publishing your work. Many magazines and periodicals accept submissions from high school students. A long list of publications reviewing high school submissions can be found in the NewPages Young Authors’ Guide . 

You can also check with local publications like newspapers, smaller regional magazines, or even blogs you follow that might accept a guest post.

There are a myriad of ways to get your work to a bigger audience, and if that’s something you’re interested in doing, don’t be shy about asking or even sending unsolicited submissions. All it takes is one person to take a chance on you before you can call yourself a published author.

Career Aspirations for the Creative Writer

It’s easy to think of creative writing as the entry point to becoming a novelist or poet. You might even think that these are your only long-term career options should you choose to pursue creative writing seriously.

This is definitely not the case. Many, many career paths incorporate writing, and while you may not be writing fictional works the entire time, that does not mean that you won’t be incorporating your background in creative writing. All strong writing benefits from creativity.

Writers are especially valued in the fields of:

  • Advertising
  • American Literature
  • Digital Media
  • Educational and Instructional Technology
  • Media Studies
  • Public Relations
  • Radio and Television
  • Sports Communications
  • Technical and Business Writing
  • Webpage and Multimedia Design    

Remember, pursuing creative writing doesn’t necessarily mean you have to write a novel or publish a collection of poetry. Writers have valuable skills that can be applied broadly depending on their others skills and interests.

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How to Start a Creative Writing Club

Last Updated: March 3, 2024 References

This article was co-authored by Ashley Pritchard, MA . Ashley Pritchard is an Academic and School Counselor at Delaware Valley Regional High School in Frenchtown, New Jersey. Ashley has over 3 years of high school, college, and career counseling experience. She has an MA in School Counseling with a specialization in Mental Health from Caldwell University and is certified as an Independent Education Consultant through the University of California, Irvine. This article has been viewed 35,162 times.

Do you have a passion for creative writing that you want to take to the next level? A great way to grow your writing skills is to start a creative writing club, where you can share your work with others who are invested in cultivating the same craft. Working with people who share similar interests to you is both fun and incredibly rewarding!

Things You Should Know

  • If you’re a student, talk to your favorite English teacher and ask them to sponsor the club; the odds are extremely high that they’ll be thrilled by the idea!
  • If you’re running the club, remember that different members are likely there for unique reasons—include a variety of poetry, fiction, non-fiction, and screenwriting activities.
  • For a younger crowd, include a writing activity with every meeting and encourage members to share their work—be super supportive!
  • Make sure that if you’re doing any workshop-style discussions that the members understand that critiquing someone’s work does not mean criticizing them as people.
  • Clubs with older members will likely attract a good number of experienced writers, so you may want to start meetings by asking members if they’ve been working on anything they’d like feedback on before going into activities, lectures, or discussions.

Forming Your Club

Step 1 Name your club.

  • Possible locations include your house, public park, an open classroom, or anywhere else you can meet and converse without disturbing others.

Step 3 Recruit and invite members.

  • Word of mouth: Invite friends and acquaintances, and ask them to spread the word and bring their friends! Talk openly and excitedly about your club: your enthusiasm will help draw the interest of others. It’s a good idea to invite very broadly to begin with: the people who are truly invested in your club will show up and stick around.
  • Posters and fliers: Design a cool flier and post it around school or your workplace! This is a nice way to draw attention to your club.
  • Social media: For example, you can create a Facebook Event for the first meeting and share it widely with your friends!

Step 4 Consider searching for and recruiting an advisor.

  • If you do decide to ask someone to be your advisor, be considerate of their time and respectful when making your request. Sending them an introductory email explaining your plans (in as much detail as you can) will allow them to make an informed decision. It is also courteous to offer to meet in person or talk over the phone/Skype so that they can ask any questions they might have before they make their decision.
  • Advisors can be involved in a variety of ways, and this should be a conversation that you have directly with your potential advisor. Will they attend meetings? Will they offer guidance from afar? These are questions that are best to ask early on.

Step 5 Fill out and submit any necessary registration forms.

  • This is related to possibly need an advisor: some schools require an advisor's signature on club registration forms. Once again, just be sure to research your school, university, or organization's requirements.

Step 6 Decide your genre.

Holding for Your First Meeting

Step 1 Prepare the agenda.

  • You can choose an icebreaker that is relevant to the theme (if applicable) of your club, or you choose something entirely random. The point of this activity is to lighten the mood and help your members get to know each other and feel more comfortable opening up and sharing their work. Classic icebreakers like " Two Truths and Lie " (where everyone shares two true facts and a lie about themselves, and others guess the fabrication) and the "Name Game" (where each person has to find an adjective to describe themselves that starts with the same letter as their name) can be great simple options. [2] X Research source

Step 3 Include a creative writing exercise.

  • Write about an animal of your choice.
  • Open up a dictionary, pick a word, and write what it means to you.
  • Create a poem or story that starts with "Hello."
  • Write a piece that's inspired by a conversation you've recently overheard.
  • Write about something you dread or fear.

Step 4 Decide if you want to appoint club officers.

  • If voting proves too messy (this might be the case, especially if you have many members), an easy and neutral online tool that may help you decide when to hold meetings is (or other similar scheduling applications).

Step 6 Define your club's mission.

  • Is your main goal as a group to spark new writing ideas together and actually practice writing during the meetings, or to critique and improve one another's written works? Alternatively, you may want to operate as more of a social/support group for writers, where you talk about your craft and hold one another accountable for your personal writing goals. Decide your focus together, and build that into your mission. [4] X Research source

Step 7 Talk about the structure of your club.

  • Bringing a large sheet of paper and pens (or whiteboard markers if your location has a whiteboard) can be a nice way of involving members in this process. Members can take turns suggesting and writing ideas. You can keep this piece of paper as a reminder for future meetings, or you can take it, type it up, and print it and share copies (or a combination).

Keeping Your Club Going

Step 1 Clearly communicate contact information.

  • It is helpful to bring a notebook to meetings so that new members can share their e-mails and/or phone numbers, and so that you can then add them to any groups or lists.

Step 2 Keep club members informed about future meetings and events.

  • It's a good idea to start an e-mail list, a Facebook group, and maybe a group chat so that you can add members and keep them informed and up to date on club meetings and activities. It's all up to you, but clear communication will help your club flourish.

Step 3 Consider how you will handle writing partners.

  • If you do choose to have writing partnerships be a part of your club structure, you may want to consider assigning writing partners randomly as well as have people change partners periodically. It's a good idea to try to prevent cliques from forming for many reasons: so that no one feels left out, so that members are receiving feedback on their work from multiple perspectives, and so that people are establishing many connections with many different members of different style, backgrounds, and personalities.
  • Give members ideas of how to connect with their writing partner. Suggest accessible practices such as, "After you've written your piece, share it with your partner via Google Docs so that you can read each other's work. Then, coordinate a time to meet and discuss one your work in person." Encourage members to do whatever feels most comfortable to them.

Step 4 Gather ongoing feedback from your members.

  • One way to do this is creating and sharing the link to a standing Google Form that is specifically designed for feedback. Creating an anonymous Google Form (or whatever type of digital survey works best for you) will encourage members to voice their opinions. It's good to establish protocol for how this feedback will be dealt with, early on: will you (as the leader) check the responses regularly, and will suggestions be discussed at meetings?
  • Another way to gather feedback is to designate an allotted amount of time during meetings to open up the discussion for feedback and suggestions.
  • If you and your members do decide that you want to discuss feedback weekly (however you choose to gather it, whether electronically or during meetings), you may also want to discuss the format of this discussion. Will it be an informal discussion? Will people vote? Will it depend on the feedback? These are good points to consider early on when determining club guidelines.

Step 5 Make sure that you have a plan moving forward.

  • Let members know what they should bring to the next meeting (i.e. laptop, notebooks, pens, etc.).
  • Ideally, set at least a loose agenda for your next meeting, before you wrap up your first one. Your goal should be to get right down to writing and club discussions in your subsequent meetings, now that you've set some ground rules and expectations. [6] X Trustworthy Source University of North Carolina Writing Center UNC's on-campus and online instructional service that provides assistance to students, faculty, and others during the writing process Go to source

Community Q&A

Community Answer

  • Bringing snacks can be a fun addition to any meeting. But be sure to communicate any allergens (nuts, dairy, etc.)! This will help incentivize people to come to the meetings, and—particularly if your club is hosted during lunch or after school—makes sure that no one is hungry entirely. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Bringing some extra notebooks and pens to the first meeting (or first few meetings) is always a good idea, just in case someone forgets their own. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Try this fun activity: Pass sheets of paper around so everyone has one. Have everyone write the beginning of a story, pass the sheet to the person on their right, and have them continue the story (then folding the sheet over so the next person can only see the most recently added sentence, not any of the previous sentences). It's sort of like the game "telephone," and you can theme it around a particular topic! Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

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Young Writers

Lighthouse's Young Writers Workshops are designed to foster creativity, self-expression, and excitement about writing. There are no grades here, just the stories. We offer workshops at Lighthouse including afterschool and weekend workshops, the Young Authors Collective, and summer camps, as well as youth outreach in schools, at juvenile residential treatment centers, and in collaboration with other arts organizations.

For the latest on workshops and events,  sign up for our Young Writers Program e-newsletter . 

high school creative writing club

Lighthouse connects kids and teens to words, new friends, and a writing community. We offer workshops in poetry, fiction, nonfiction, playwriting, screenwriting, and many other genres and topics. Our classes are taught by published authors and are designed to foster creativity, self-expression, and excitement about writing.

high school creative writing club

Summer Writing Camps

Lighthouse's Young Writers Camps are led by published and award-winning writers, and each workshop is designed to foster creativity, self-expression, and excitement about writing in young writers aged 8 to 18. Registration for half-day camp and applications for full-day camp will open on January 1, 2019.

high school creative writing club

School Outreach

The Young Writers Program offers creative writing workshops in public and private schools as well as juvenile residential treatment centers throughout the Denver metro area. Led by working, published writers with a passion for sharing their craft, our outreach workshops provide access to our innovative creative writing programming for young people who cannot come to Lighthouse.

high school creative writing club

The Young Authors Collective, or YAC, is a group of talented, word-obsessed high school writers dedicated to experimenting with new creative forms, collaborating with other arts organizations, and writing a ton. We meet once a week at Lighthouse to generate new pieces, give friendly feedback, and work towards publication.

high school creative writing club

Support Young Writers

Our Future Scribes Depend on Your Support. Nearly all of the workshops and projects that will engage 2,300 students this year are free to attend, and for the sessions that do have tuition, such as summer writing camp, financial aid is available for any student who needs it. We want all young people who want to write to be able to do so and for them to be nurtured by the best instructors and mentors available. This only happens with the support of generous donors like you.

high school creative writing club

Craft or Commodity? The ‘Paradox’ of High School Creative Writing Competitions

By propelling winners to elite colleges and empowering them to pursue writing, these competitions can change the course of students’ lives. But the pressure to win can also stunt young writers’ growth and complicate their relationship with their craft and themselves.

One story of his — which went on to win a national award for flash fiction — begins as a dispassionate description of household events, but turns by the end into a heart-wrenching account of a child dealing with the aftermath of his parents’ divorce. In writing it, Heiser-Cerrato says he was inspired by the struggles of friends who had experienced divorce.

He also wrote it to enter into national creative writing competitions.

In other disciplines, high schoolers compete in elite programs that can serve as pipelines to top colleges. Students interested in STEM fields often strive to qualify for the International Science and Engineering Fair, while those hoping to go into law and politics can apply for the U.S. Senate Youth Program or compete in the national championships for speech and debate.

For students like Heiser-Cerrato, a number of creative writing contests now serve as a similar path to elite college admissions.

Heiser-Cerrato, who won multiple national awards for his prose and poetry, submitted creative writing portfolios to Harvard, Princeton, and the University of Pennsylvania, and he’s sure his creative writing is what propelled him to Harvard.

“It was my main hook,” he says.

Competitions like YoungArts and the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards have skyrocketed in selectivity and prestige over the past few decades, becoming a quantifiable way for colleges to identify rising literary stars. The winners of top competitions disproportionately go on to attend elite universities.

However, selecting the nation’s top storytellers is more complicated than selecting its top scientists. Competitions can’t score poems in the same objective way they score students in a Math Olympiad. Instead, who wins these competitions often comes down to taste. Several former high school creative writers say that specific styles and topic areas disproportionately win national writing competitions. Top competitions, they say, incentivize writers to dredge up traumatic experiences or commodify their cultural backgrounds.

By propelling winners to elite colleges and empowering them to pursue writing, these competitions can change the course of students’ lives. But the pressure to win can also stunt young writers’ growth and complicate their relationship with their craft and themselves.

Creative writing contests aim to promote self expression and foster a new generation of artists. But does turning creative writing into a competition for admissions erode its artistic purpose?

‘The Most Important Experiences of My Life’

H eiser-Cerrato went to a “sports high school” where it was difficult for him to receive the mentorship he needed to improve his writing or find a creative community. With so few fellow writers at his high school, he had no way to judge his talent beyond the confines of his English classes.

Creative writing competitions were founded for students like Heiser-Cerrato. Even a century ago, Maurice Robinson — the founder of Scholastic — was surprised at the gap that existed in recognizing students interested in the arts. In 1923, he hosted the first national Scholastic Art and Writing Competition.

By the 2000s, Scholastic no longer had a monopoly on creative writing competitions. YoungArts was founded in 1981, and the Foyle Young Poets Competition held its inaugural competition in 1998. After the Adroit Journal and Bennington College launched their annual creative writing competitions in the 2010s, competing in multiple creative writing competitions became common practice for aspiring poets and novelists.

When students started finding out about competitions through the internet, competitions like Scholastic doubled in size. The Covid-19 pandemic drove submissions to competitions like Foyle Young Poets up even more. Last year, the Scholastic awards received more than 300,000 entries, up from the 200,000 some entries received in 2005.

Collectively, these contests now receive more than 315,000 creative writing entries a year in categories like poetry, prose, and even spoken word. Students submit individual works of writing, or in some cases portfolios, to be judged by selection panels often consisting of professors and past winners. They are assessed on criteria like “originality, technical skill, and personal voice or vision.”

The Scholastic Art and Writing Awards boasts an impressive list of alumni who have gone on to win the highest literary prizes in their fields. Past winners include lauded writers Stephen King, Sylvia Plath, Joyce Carol Oates, and Amanda S. Gorman ’20.

Hoping to perhaps join this illustrious group, Heiser-Cerrato began applying to competitions his sophomore year. Spurred on by his high school English teacher — who incorporated contest submissions into assignments — Heiser-Cerrato felt the concrete nature of competition deadlines helped hold him accountable.

“When you’re trying to do something creative and you have no feedback loop or deadline, you can get very off track and not develop,” he says. “I never would have done that if there wasn’t a contest to submit to, because then there was no opportunity to get feedback.”

While Heiser-Cerrato went on to win some of Scholastic’s top honors — a National Silver Medal and Silver Medal with Distinction for his senior portfolio — even some who fare less well appreciate the feedback competitions provide.

“I think a lot of people are very cautious to give negative feedback to younger writers,” says Colby A. Meeks ’25, a former poetry editor of the Harvard Advocate. “I think getting rejections from certain contests and losing certain competitions did help me grow as a writer insofar as tempering an ego that I think young writers can very easily get from English teachers.”

Heiser-Cerrato views his experience with the Adroit Journal Summer Mentorship Program — a program that pairs high schoolers with established writers — as “pretty instrumental to my growth.” After applying during his senior year, Heiser-Cerrato met bi-weekly with his mentor, discussing works of other authors and workshopping two stories of his own.

Similarly, when Darius Atefat-Peckham ’23, then a student at the Interlochen Center for the Arts, won a National Silver Medal in the Scholastic competition, he became eligible to apply to the National Students Poet Program. From a pool of finalists submitting more than 23,000 works, Atefat-Peckham was selected as one of five National Student Poets.

“It led me to probably the most important experiences of my life. As a National Student Poet, I got to travel the Midwest and teach workshops to high schoolers and middle schoolers,” he says. “That pretty much set me on my trajectory for wanting to be a teacher someday, wanting to apply myself in the ways that I would need in order to get to a prestigious institution.”

‘If You’re Going to Apply to Harvard…’

W hen Daniel T. Liu ’27 opened his Harvard application portal, he knew exactly why he’d gotten in.

“My application to college was almost solely based on writing,” Liu says.

In high school, along with serving on the editorial staff of multiple literary magazines and attending creative writing summer camps, Liu won dozens of contests — including becoming a YoungArts winner and a 2022 Foyle Young Poet of the Year.

“I actually read my admissions file, and they did mention camps that they know, summer camps like Iowa and Kenyon, which are big teen writing summer programs,” says Liu. “They pointed that out.”

According to The Crimson’s analysis of publicly available data and interviews with multiple students, there is a clear link between high school creative writing contest success and enrollment at highly selective colleges.

From 2019 to 2022, among students with publicly available educational history who won Scholastic’s Gold Medal Portfolio — the competition’s highest award — just over 50 percent enrolled in Ivy League universities or Stanford. Fifteen percent more received writing scholarships or enrolled at creative writing focused colleges.

From 2015 to 2020, 55 percent of the students who won first, second, or third place in the Bennington Young Writers Awards for fiction or poetry enrolled in Ivy League universities or Stanford.

“My application to college was almost solely based on writing,” Daniel T. Liu says.

As Atefat-Peckham reflects back on his college application, he knows his creative writing successes were essential in complementing his standardized test scores. While he was proud of his ACT score, he did not believe it would have been enough to distinguish him from other qualified applicants.

Since 2018, three recipients of YoungArts’ top-paying scholarship — the $50,000 Lin Arison Excellence in Writing Award — have matriculated to Harvard. Other winners attended Brown, Swarthmore, and Wesleyan. Recent recipients include Stella Lei ’26, Rhodes Scholar-Elect Isabella B. Cho ’24, and Liu.

Creative writing competitions’ prominence in the college admissions process comes during the most competitive college application environment ever. Harvard’s Class of 2025 received a record-high number 57,435 applicants, leading to the lowest admissions rate in College history.

Eleanor V. Wikstrom ’24, a YoungArts winner and Rhodes Scholar-elect, described YoungArts as “super cool” in allowing her to meet other artists. She also recognized the importance of her participation for college applications.

“I can’t lie: If you think that you’re going to apply to Harvard, it’s very helpful to have some kind of national accolade,” she says.

The ‘Paradox’ of Competitive Art

I n 2021, an anonymously written document accusing student poet Rona Wang of plagiarism made waves in the competitive creative writing community. Wang — who had won awards from MIT and the University of Chicago, was affiliated with Simon & Schuster, and had published a book of short stories — was accused of copying ten works written by other student poets.

According to Liu, this behavior isn’t unprecedented. Several years ago, Liu explains, an “infamous” scandal erupted in the high school creative writing world when a student plagiarized Isabella Cho’s poetry and entered it into competitions.

Liu says more students are beginning to apply to writing competitions out of a desire to have awards on their resume, rather than because of a genuine interest in creative writing.

While creative writing contests can provide valuable opportunities for feedback and mentorship, several students look back on their time in the competitive creative writing circuit with ambivalence. The pressure to write in service of a contest — writing to win, not just to create — can pressure writers to commodify their identities and cash in on their painful experiences, turning a creative outlet into a path to admissions or quest for outside validation.

Liu says he regrets that creative writing competitions are becoming a pipeline to elite college admissions. He’s worried competitions like Scholastic and YoungArts are becoming too similar to programs like the International Science and Engineering Fair.

“Math, science, all these competitions, they all have some aspect of prestige to them,” says Liu. “What makes it so difficult in that regard is that writing isn’t math. It requires a level of personal dedication to that craft.”

“It kind of sucks because a lot of artistic practice should come out of personal will,” says Liu. “To compete in art is paradoxical, right?”

Sara Saylor, who won a gold portfolio prize for her writing, told the New York Times in 2005 that “the awards came to mean too much to me after a while.”

“Whenever Scholastic admissions time rolled around, we began to get very competitive and more concerned about winning the contest than we should have,” she says.

Indeed, students at elite creative high schools like the Interlochen Center for the Arts are pushed by teachers to enter competitions. Hannah W. Duane ’25, who attended the Ruth Asawa San Francisco School of the Arts as part of the creative writing department, was required to submit to three creative writing competitions every six weeks.

(These competitions are dominated by schools like Duane’s. In 2019, 23 Interlochen students received national Scholastic awards for their creative writing — a distinction typically awarded to less than 1 percent of entries.)

Though Liu wasn’t required to submit to contests, he felt a different kind of obligation. Liu says writing competitions pushed him to write almost exclusively about his heritage, keeping him from exploring other narratives.

“From the start, I applied with a lot of cultural pieces, like pieces about my family history,” says Liu. “Those were the ones that won. And so it built me into a cycle where I was only writing about these areas — heritage.”

Liu’s experience wasn’t uncommon. When looking at other winning pieces, he noticed a similar trend.

“The competitions — Scholastic, YoungArts, those two big ones — definitely prioritize writing about your heritage,” says Liu. “Part of the reason behind that is for a lot of the students, that’s a very unique aspect of them.”

“In a hyper-competitive environment, what you can write better than anyone else is what’s gonna make you stand out,” he adds.

In an emailed statement, YoungArts Vice President Lauren Slone wrote that YoungArts winners in writing “must demonstrate a sense of inventiveness, show attention to the complexities and technical aspects of language, and have a clear, original, and distinct point of view.”

Chris Wisniewski ’01, Executive Director of the nonprofit that oversees Scholastic, wrote in an email that the competition has been “welcoming to works across many styles, subjects, and points of view” and does not give “implicit or explicit guidance” to jurors or competitors about the content or style of winning pieces. He added that “on the national level, each piece of writing undergoes at least three separate readings from jurors to diversify the views on its adherence to the program’s original and sole criteria.”

Ryan H. Doan-Nguyen ’25, who received a Scholastic Gold Key and won the New York Times’s Found Poem Contest, notes another way young writers try to distinguish themselves.

“Students feel compelled to embellish or to write about really painful things,” says Doan-Nguyen, a Crimson News Editor. “It does tend to be really heavy hitting topics that make the page.”

According to him and multiple others, the creative writing circuit pushes students to expose deeply personal, sometimes traumatic experiences for academic points. (Students make similar claims about the college admissions process .)

Doan-Nguyen was hesitant to publicly open up about vulnerable experiences, so he shied away from writing about traumatic memories of his own. But he fears this reluctance held him back.

“Maybe that’s why I did not win more contests,” he says. “I was always too afraid to be so vulnerable and raw.”

Duane recalls the competitions being dominated by sobering personal narratives: often stories about authors’ experiences with racism, abuse, or sexual assault. However, her school worked to insulate its students from the pressure to sensationalize.

“The constant refrain we would hear is, ‘Writing is not your therapy. Get that elsewhere,’” she says.

Liu says writing contests not only changed his content — they also pushed him and other competitors to write in the specific style of past winners. He says many successful pieces were reminiscent of the poet and novelist Ocean Vuong.

Writers would cut their lines off at odd places “to give the illusion of mystery when there’s no real thought behind it besides, ‘Hey, it should look like this because it looks pretty like this,’” says Liu. He also recalls writers, especially young poets, using “a lot of language of violence.” Liu worries this overreliance on stylistic imitation can stunt young writers’ growth.

He questions whether the existence of creative writing competitions is helping young writers at all.

“If writing is supposed to be a practice of self-reflection, you’re not doing those things when you plagiarize. You’re not doing those things when you submit just a draft of someone else’s style,” says Liu. “It doesn’t align with what it should be as an artistic practice.”

‘I Will Always Be Writing’

S ince coming to Harvard, Heiser-Cerrato has begun writing for a very different purpose. He joined the Harvard Lampoon, a semi-secret Sorrento Square social organization that used to occasionally publish a so-called humor magazine.

With the structure and pressure of creative writing competitions behind them, he and other past winners are taking their writing in new directions.

“My high school writing was very sentimental and very focused on trying to be profound,” Heiser-Cerrato says. “But here, I’ve been more interested in the entertainment side of things.”

When writing for competitions, Heiser-Cerrato says it was difficult for him to define his goals. But for the Lampoon, he says he just wants to make others laugh. There, Heiser-Cerrato has finally found the sense of community he lacked in high school.

Meeks joined the Harvard Advocate, where he critiques poetry instead of writing it. In high school, Meeks appreciated competitions as an avenue through which to receive feedback on his writing. Now, he works to give those who submit work to the Advocate similar guidance.

“Often, submitting to a literary magazine feels like you’re sending something into a void,” Meeks says. “And I really wanted as much as possible, as much as it was manageable timewise, to make sure that people were getting some feedback.”

Like Meeks, Wikstrom and Doan-Nguyen are also members of campus publications. Wikstrom is the former editorial chair of The Crimson, and Doan-Nguyen is a Crimson News and Magazine Editor.

Wikstrom, who was the Vice Youth Poet Laureate of Oakland in high school for her spoken word poetry, says she loved spoken word poetry in high school because of its capacity to spark action. At Harvard, she saw The Crimson’s Editorial Board as another way to speak out about important issues.

“It’s a really interesting middle ground for creative writing, because you do have the commitment to factual accuracy,” she says. “But you also have more leeway than perhaps news to be injecting your personal voice. And also that urgency of, ‘I feel very strongly about this. And other people should feel strongly about this, too.’”

Unlike Heiser-Cerrato, Atefat-Peckham wasn’t drawn to any existing organization on campus. Though he attended Interlochen and succeeded in highly selective contests while in high school, Atefat-Peckham disagreed with the cutthroat, commodifying incentive structure and believed campus literary organizations like the Advocate and Lampoon were too selective.

When Atefat-Peckham returned to campus after the pandemic, he helped form the Harvard Creative Writing Collective, a non-competitive home for creative writing on campus.

Liu is a member of the Creative Writing Collective and the Advocate. But most of his writing at Harvard has been independent. Instead of writing for competitions, Liu says he’s transitioned to writing for himself.

And though Doan-Nguyen is not sure what he wants to do after college, he — along with Liu, Meeks, Heiser-Cerrato, Wikstrom, and Duane — is sure writing will play a role in it.

“It’s a big part of my life and always has been, and I think it’s made me see so much about the work that I wouldn’t have seen otherwise if I didn’t put my pen to paper,” says Doan-Nguyen.

“I know that no matter what I end up doing, whether that’s going to law school or journalism or just doing nonprofit work, I will always be writing. Writing and writing and writing.”

Correction: February 13, 2024

A previous version of this article included a misleading quote attributed to Ryan Doan-Nguyen.

— Magazine writer Cam N. Srivastava can be reached at [email protected] .

— Associate Magazine Editor Adelaide E. Parker can be reached at [email protected] .

Creative Writing Club

Club leader:  Sahithi Shabada

Faculty advisor: 

Meeting Date, Time, and Location:  Thursdays at 2:45 in room 118

Club description:  Glenelg High School’s new Creative Writing Club is a place where aspiring authors and creative writers of all kinds can come together to share their work and use peer feedback to improve together. If you already have a story you are writing, you can use this as a scheduled time to write and get feedback from others. If you don’t already have a story or you are new to creative writing, we will have many prompts available for you to get started and learn how to express yourself through writing.

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Creative writing – How to nurture your young authors

Child doing creative writing

Get pupils into the scribbling spirit with these ideas for the classroom and after-school clubs…


Get children excited about creative writing and use it to get to know your students better with this advice from teachers and education experts…

Use creative writing to get to know your pupils

How to run your own creative writing club, creative writing year 6 project.

A whimsical fantasy landscape

Want to learn more about your class? Just let them write, says teacher Simon Hunt…

It’s remarkable what you can discover as a teacher when children have the freedom to express themselves in their writing.

At the beginning of term, I use creative writing to understand where a child is academically and to help me get to know all the children in my class.  

Why not just give them a test, you ask? Well, you can learn a surprising amount about a child from a piece of their creative writing. 

Interests and passions 

The choice of topics and themes in their writing can unveil children’s interests and passions, which is an incredibly valuable thing to know. Whether it’s street dance, football or dogs, you can use this knowledge to help spark their interest in maths, science, or any other subject by tailoring examples to suit them. 

Emotional expression 

Creative writing also provides an avenue for children to express their emotions and thoughts, which will allow you to understand more about their feelings and concerns. It can unveil a child’s depth of insight and emotional intelligence that they may be hesitant to express verbally. This will really help you choose the right support for them through the school year. 

Confidence and oracy 

Reading aloud is an important part of writing stories, as it gives children the opportunity to practise their oracy skills: pitch, tone, and intonation. And, vitally, hearing them read out loud will allow you to baseline their reading fluency. Presenting their writing to an audience can be very intimidating though, so should be handled sensitively. 

Some children naturally have quieter voices and may avoid volunteering to read aloud, as they are aware that not everyone can hear them. In class, we have a pass-around microphone that children use when reading.

The microphone is connected to a speaker, meaning that everyone can hear them. The simple act of holding the microphone can significantly impact a child’s focus when reading aloud – often serving as a sort of comfort blanket, boosting their confidence.

Ultimately, the important thing to note is that stories are meant to be read and heard, and anything we can do to encourage that nurtures children’s literary and communication skills. 

Imagination and creativity 

Creative writing reveals a child’s imaginative abilities, giving insights into their capacity for original thinking and storytelling. It can be surprising to see the children that excel at this and can help to highlight an aspect of a child’s personality that might otherwise not have come to light until later in the term. 

How to make it work 

If we want children to be excited about creative writing, we have to be too, so think about how you introduce the lesson. 

I often begin by telling my new class about how I felt about writing as a child. I loved reading books, but I struggled at school with spelling and grammar (in fact I still do).

Sharing how creative writing helped me overcome my fear of writing allows me to explain how I realised that what was important was the imagination and creativity I could bring to my story. 

As a published children’s author, I show them the books I’ve written and connect them back to what I learnt at school. I hope this helps them to overcome their worries about spelling and grammar – I’ve found post pandemic that more children feel anxious about ‘getting things wrong’.

Of course SPAG is still incredibly important but in creative writing I really want them to tell me a good story. 

There are so many ways to understand the children in your class and what makes them tick and, as teachers, we’re attuned to gathering this information from day one. However, I think creative writing is one of the best because it gives us the basics but also tells us so much more about the child. 

Simon Hunt is a Year 3 & 4 teacher at an inclusive school in Greater Manchester and education consultant for 500 Words 2023, the UK’s most successful children’s story writing competition hosted on BBC Teach. He also advises on 500 Words Live Lesson, which you can  watch online .

high school creative writing club

Would you rather fly, or be invisible? Explore endless impossibilities and get pupils into the scribbling spirit with these ideas…

If you could wish for one thing, knowing that it would definitely come true, what would it be? A million pounds? To fly? Talk to animals? Live in a tree house? Travel the world at the click of a finger?

I’ve asked this question hundreds of times to thousands of pupils, and their answers are always imaginative, normally well thought-out, and quite often, impossible . 

I then follow it up with the question, “What if you could experience that thing right here, right now?” Cue eyes widening, ears pricking and backs straightening. “All you need is… a pencil.” 

Creative writing club

Before becoming an author, I ran creative writing clubs in 30 schools a week for almost a decade. I hired over 100 tutors, won some awards, teamed up with publishers to arrange author events, and even had requests from teachers in Europe, Dubai and Australia asking to launch a club in their schools.

There were long waiting lists in almost every setting, and teachers, parents and librarians would ask on a weekly basis, “How have you turned that reluctant reader/writer into someone that actually wants to do more writing after school?”   

Just another writer

The secret? First and foremost, I planned workshops that were FUN. I knew if I enjoyed running them, pupils would enjoy taking part.

I was just another writer in the room who talked about the books I was reading, collaborated on ideas, and asked for feedback on stories in the same way they asked me.

At this point I wasn’t a published author – just someone that loved to invent characters and write about fantastical, magical worlds.

I wrote alongside the students, making mistakes, scribbling over anything I didn’t like, and asking for help whenever I got stuck.

Everyone knew this was just ‘rough’ work. There was no pressure. No marking. No tests. And we didn’t have to share our ideas if we didn’t want to.

Jumping-off points

I genuinely looked forward to every single workshop I ran, and I know the students felt the same when they came racing into the classroom and didn’t want to leave at the end (yes, even the ones who ‘hated’ writing to begin with!).  

Of course, I couldn’t rely on pupils simply coming up with new ideas each week for enjoyment. I had to provide them with inspiration, jumping-off points, and exciting writing hooks, too.

For this, I turned to the experts – children’s authors. I chose five ‘Authors of the Term’ that I knew would enthuse and inspire the students, and designed workshops around their books.

This was always a fun part of the process – I looked for books that had wide appeal, simple concepts, and an excitable element that made my inner child say ‘ oooh!’.  Here are a few examples . . . 

Writing for pleasure

I used Abi Elphinstone’s Rumblestar to write fast-paced adventure stories. We plotted our adventures on maps, devised the main action in ‘cloud planners’, and focused on exciting ‘world-crossing moments’ to start our stories.

At Halloween, I chose books like Guy Bass’ Stitch Head and Joseph Coelho’s Zombierella , and ended each workshop with a spooky storytelling session where we turned off the lights, closed the blinds, and sat on the floor as if we were gathered around a campfire!  

The most successful workshops were the simplest. I used L.D. Lapinski’s Strangeworlds series and copied what happened to the protagonist when she jumped inside a suitcase and travelled to another world.

Pupils planned their new setting, focused on the five senses, and described the first thing they noticed when they arrived.

Their stories were thrilling, fast-paced, hugely descriptive, and completely individual, because they had the freedom to take their ideas in any direction they chose. 

I normally scheduled two sessions around each book – the first session involved planning and starting stories (or poems / diary entries / letters, etc), and the second session involved extending, improving, or continuing them.

I also added one ‘paint a picture’ session (using images for inspiration) and ‘free writing’ at the end of each term to give pupils a chance to finish their favourite piece of work.   

Remember, if you want to boost writing for pleasure, pupils should know that they can write about anything. Nothing is off limits, impossible or ‘wrong’.

And if you’re not sure how to start your first session, why not ask your pupils that if there was one thing they could wish for, knowing that it would definitely come true… what would it be?

Creative writing activities

1) distraction.

Beware: pupils love this game so much, they might ask to play it every week! The idea is simple. Children write for 10 minutes, in silence, and if they speak / laugh / stop writing for an extended period of time, they get a ‘strike’.

If a table gets three strikes, they risk not being allowed to read their work out. The twist? It’s your job to distract them!

Shake tables and shout ‘EARTHQUAAAAKE!’, steal their pens, use rulers as drumsticks, play songs they’ll want to sing along to, bust out the YMCA and get caught by a bemused headteacher.

Between the giggling and dancing in their seats, pupils will write so much in these 10 minutes, and it’s a great way to get them writing without overthinking.

2) Where am I?

Give students a setting (e.g. a library / the moon / horse stables / a rocket ship) and challenge them to describe it without saying where it is.

They should focus on the five senses. They must give at least three clues before the class can guess where it is, and the person who guesses correctly gets the next go.

The winner is the person who gets the most correct answers or the person that comes up with your favourite description.

3) Five-minute challenge

Tell pupils that most adults can write two lines in one minute, and then challenge them to write 10 lines in five!

Give constant time reminders, walk around the room shouting out ideas or words of encouragement, and watch their competitiveness soar.

This is a great game to play if, like me, you spend most of the lesson talking about books and story ideas, and realise there’s not much writing time left!

4) One-word game

This game is a great way to warm up imaginations at the start of a workshop. Ask pupils to stand behind their chairs and give them an opening line such as, ‘I was walking through the haunted castle when . . .’.

Walk (actually, it’s more of a run) around the room, pointing at each pupil in turn, and asking them to add one word to the story.

It must make sense and they have three seconds to answer. If they can’t think of a word, if it doesn’t make sense, or if they take too long, they are out and must sit down.

The winner is the last person standing. Note: when they get really good, try introducing a one-second hesitation rule – it’s hilarious!

5) What’s your problem?

Remind students that every story needs a problem to make it exciting.

Then ask them to stand behind their chairs and each give one problem like, ‘aliens invaded Earth’ or ‘I broke a fingernail’.

Problems can be big or small, but they must give an answer in three seconds, and they can’t repeat anything that’s already been said. The winner is the last person standing. 

Mel Taylor-Bessent is the author of The Christmas Carrolls and the director of the award-winning educational website, Authorfy . See more of Mel’s work at . Browse more creative writing prompts .

high school creative writing club

Combine twisting tongues and paperback publishing to produce an exciting writing project that allows pupils to make their very own book …

Have you ever tried to get your class excited about a writing exercise, only for them to pipe up with “But what’s the point?”.

We’ve all been there, and it can be incredibly frustrating when you don’t have an answer lined up.  

Well, with this project, the outcome is both evident and impressive!

As part of a workshop, we decided to show children the amazing process of publishing, while adding in some humour, and – of course – essential literacy skills…  

We visited Helen and her Y6 class for a morning, and explained to the children that we would do some writing that would lead to the publication of their very own paperback book.

We’d act as their agents, editors and publisher; they would have full control over all other aspects of the process.   

The class settled on tongue twisters as our subject, and began by inviting children to try out some old favourites.

After much twisting of tongues and accompanying laughter, we showed the children probably the best-known English example: the one featuring Peter Piper. Most knew the first line but didn’t know there were three more: 

Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled pepper.  

A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked.  

If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,  

Where’s the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?   

We challenged the class to compose 26 brand-new twisters, each following the  alliteration  pattern of that original but finding their own vocabulary.  

Dictionary skills

Helen organised the class into pairs or threes, and each group was given two letters of the alphabet to work on, ensuring no group got two of the trickier letters.

Armed with dictionaries, the children got to work, and by breaktime had produced some impressively inventive twisters.

Here’s an example, cleverly coping with one particularly difficult letter: 

Xavier Xmas x-rayed an extra-terrestrial xylophone.  

An extra-terrestrial xylophone Xavier Xmas x-rayed.  

If Xavier Xmas x-rayed an extra-terrestrial xylophone,  

Where’s the extra-terrestrial xylophone Xavier Xmas x-rayed?  

Although writing was the focus of the project, there were clear opportunities throughout for lots of worthwhile speaking and listening, too.

The pupils engaged in planning their tongue-twisters, and shared drafts in small groups.

Next, the groups came together to swap ideas and ask for opinions, and, finally, children read aloud their contributions and again asked for feedback.

Reading comprehension KS2

As the children worked, they giggled a lot, but the seriousness and concentration they brought to the task was impressive throughout.

The talk was easily focused, because, in  National Curriculum  terms, pupils were ‘discussing writing similar to that which they [were] planning to write’.

There was also a clear need for writers to read the original text very carefully, which was built into their discussion and planning for their own verses.

This focus was nicely balanced by the eager and sustained use of dictionaries and the need for creativity in their word-hunting, showing their ‘enjoyment and understanding of language, especially vocabulary’. 

Throughout, the process was always collaborative; writers understood they were working towards a shared, larger whole, and to tight deadlines, with a clear need for some ‘speedy writing’!

Once drafts were complete, all the children had to do some editing, and lots of proofreading. 

Paperback publishing

After breaktime, we explained that once we were gone, they, the writers, would be in charge. All 26 twisters must be typed up and emailed to us by the end of the week. For the book, they must write a blurb and an introduction, and choose a title.

We explained how easy and low-cost it is to self-publish; the only cost came with the ordering of actual copies and so they must settle on a price per copy and crucially decide how many they would like to order (sneaking in a bit of economics!).

The children listened with real attention to all this and asked a good number of questions after, showing a remarkably mature commitment to the task.   

Helen reported that the children very much liked the novel approach to writing.

They enjoyed their shared creativity and loved being entrepreneurs, relishing the involvement and control they had over the tasks, the decision-making, and the purpose.

For that short time, they had turned their classroom into a genuine publishing house and experienced purposeful writing for a real-world outcome – we won’t soon forget the looks on their faces when they saw their books for the first time.  

David Horner was a writer-in-schools for over twenty years. Mike Jackson is a former primary school headteacher. 

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St. Anthony's High School

Creative Writing Club

high school creative writing club

Many students enjoy expressing themselves through original writing.  Whether that writing takes the shape of poetry, prose or short stories, students’ creativity in encouraged in this club, and once the pieces are completed, the authors are invited to share their work with other members.

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High School Creative Writing Club: Exercise the Mind, Stretch the Imagination


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high school creative writing club

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School Start and Dismissal Times:

high school creative writing club

Creative Writing Club

The Creative Writing Club is a safe place for students to share their creative writing ideas in any genre they choose.

Meeting Times

Students meet weekly from 3-4pm on Tuesdays in E-8, Ms. Crumb's room. Students stay as long as they can or want.

Currently, club members have broken up into small groups to collaborate on a group spook mystery story for Halloween. Typically, the president or vice-president brings writing ideas, and students write and share their work. We are always open to new ideas.

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35 Exciting High School Club Activity Ideas To Engage & Inspire 

June 10, 2023 //  by  Lauren Du Plessis

Are you looking for some fantastic club activities to captivate and inspire your high school students? Look no further! We’ve got you covered with a list of 35 unique and engaging ideas that will make your clubs the talk of the school. Whether your students are passionate about art, science, sport, or community service, there’s something here for everyone. Jump right in and explore the abundance of club activities that we’ve rounded up for your students! 

1. Lights, Camera, Action

high school creative writing club

Lights, camera, action! In this club, students will unleash their creativity and learn the ins and outs of filmmaking. From scriptwriting to directing and editing, they’ll collaborate to produce their own short films. Get ready for movie magic! 

Learn More:

2. STEM Explorers

high school creative writing club

Calling all science enthusiasts! In this club, students will dive into the exciting world of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). Through hands-on experiments, interactive projects, and field trips, they’ll have an opportunity to unravel the mysteries of the scientific world and discover the endless possibilities of STEM careers.

Learn More: Seattle Pi

3. Wordsmiths Unite

high school creative writing club

If your students have a way with words, this club is perfect for them! They can use different forms of writing, such as poetry, short stories, and journalism. From creative writing workshops to publishing their own literary magazine, this club will nurture their writing skills and ignite their imaginations.

Learn More: Tweet Speak Poetry

4. Sports Extravaganza

high school creative writing club

This club is all about promoting physical fitness and sportsmanship so get ready to unleash the team spirit! This club is all about sports-  whether it’s basketball, soccer, volleyball, or any other athletic pursuit. Students can practice their skills, compete in friendly matches, and bond through teamwork.

Learn More: College Vine

5. Eco Warriors

high school creative writing club

Let’s make a positive impact on the environment! In this club, students can explore sustainability, conservation, and eco-friendly practices. From organizing recycling initiatives to creating a school garden, they’ll learn how to be responsible stewards of the planet and inspire others to join the green movement.

Learn More: San Diego Zoo

6. Community Service Champions

high school creative writing club

This club is all about making a positive impact in the community. Students can organize and participate in various service projects, such as volunteering at local shelters, organizing food drives, or cleaning up the neighborhood. They’ll develop empathy, compassion, and a sense of civic responsibility while helping others.

7. Cultural Exchange Society

high school creative writing club

Celebrate diversity and promote cultural understanding in this club! Club members can explore different cultures through music, dance, cuisine, and traditions. They can organize cultural festivals, international movie nights, or language exchange programs to foster appreciation and respect for diverse backgrounds.

Learn More: Moonpreneur

8. Coding and Robotics League

high school creative writing club

Ignite the tech-savvy minds in this club! Students can delve into the world of coding and robotics, learn programming languages,  and even design robots. They can participate in coding competitions, build autonomous machines, and organize coding workshops for younger students.

Learn More: ID Tech

9. Artistic Expressions

Unleash the creativity of your students in this art-focused club. From painting and drawing to sculpting and photography, they’ll get to explore different art forms and express themselves through their creations. Hosting art exhibitions, collaborating on murals, or designing costumes for school events are just a few inspiring ideas to get your learners started!

Learn More: College Express

10. Future Entrepreneurs

high school creative writing club

Encourage your students’ entrepreneurial spirit in this club! They’ll get to learn about business concepts, develop innovative ideas, and even launch their own small ventures. From organizing pop-up shops to pitching their business plans, this club will empower students to become future leaders and innovators.

Learn More: Empowerly

11. Debate and Public Speaking Society

high school creative writing club

Help students find their voice and hone their communication skills in this club. They can engage in debates, practice their public speaking, and improve their critical thinking abilities. Hosting mock debates, organizing TEDx-style talks, or participating in Model United Nations conferences are great opportunities for growth.

Learn More: The Teen Magazine

12. Music Band

high school creative writing club

Calling all musicians! In this club, students can form their own music band, jam together, and showcase their talent at school events. They can explore various genres, learn new instruments, and compose their own music. This provides an excellent platform for collaboration and self-expression.

Learn More: Bosco

13. Health and Wellness Warriors

high school creative writing club

Promote healthy habits and well-being in this club. Students can engage in activities like yoga and meditation, or even organize fitness challenges. They can also learn about nutrition, mental health, and stress management; empowering themselves and others to live a balanced and healthy lifestyle.

14. Drama Club

high school creative writing club

This club is perfect for aspiring actors and actresses. Students can participate in drama productions, improv workshops, or scriptwriting competitions. It’s a platform to unleash their creativity, boost self-confidence, and create unforgettable performances.

Learn More: EF Academy Blog

15. Photography Enthusiasts

high school creative writing club

Capturing the world through a lens is a very special talent. In this club, students will learn the art of photography, get to experiment with different techniques and tell stories through their images. They can organize photo exhibitions or collaborate on a school yearbook; capturing memories that will last a lifetime.

Learn More: Expert Photography

16. STEM Outreach

high school creative writing club

Inspire younger students and ignite their interest in STEM! Students in this club will organize interactive workshops, science fairs, or coding boot camps for elementary or middle school students. They’ll ultimately become mentors and role models; fostering a passion for science and technology in the next generation.

Learn More: Palisades High School

17. Chess Club

high school creative writing club

Calling all strategic thinkers! This club is for students who love the game of chess. They can sharpen their critical thinking, problem-solving, and planning skills through friendly chess matches and tournaments. It provides a great opportunity to meet fellow chess enthusiasts and challenge their minds.

Learn More: Moonprenuer

18. Yearbook Committee

high school creative writing club

This club is all about capturing memories to create a lasting keepsake of the school year! Students in this club will work together to design and produce a school yearbook. They’ll take photographs, conduct interviews, and showcase the highlights and achievements of the student body.

Learn More: Classroom Synonym

19. Fashion Club

high school creative writing club

This one’s for all the fashionistas and trendsetters! Students can explore the world of fashion; from design and styling to runway shows and fashion photography. They can organize fashion shows, create their own clothing lines, or collaborate on a fashion magazine.

Learn More: The SHS Courier

20. Creative Writing Circle

high school creative writing club

Nurture the love for writing in this club! Students can share their creative writing pieces, give feedback, and participate in writing exercises to enhance their storytelling skills. They can even publish a literary magazine or organize poetry slams to showcase their talents. 

Learn More: Twinkl

21. Mock Trial Team

high school creative writing club

Bring courtroom drama to life in this club! Students will simulate legal cases, act as attorneys, witnesses, and judges, and engage in mock trials. This club provides excellent opportunities to develop public speaking, critical thinking, and legal knowledge in a fun and competitive environment.

22. Science Olympiad

high school creative writing club

Ignite the scientific curiosity of your students in this club! They’ll get to participate in Science Olympiad competitions, conduct experiments, solve problems, and showcase their knowledge in various scientific disciplines. This club provides an opportunity to demonstrate a passion for both science and teamwork.

Learn More: Science Olympiad Inc.

23. Language Exchange Club

high school creative writing club

Foster language learning and cultural exchange in this club. Students can pair up to practice different languages, organize language-themed events, or create language-learning resources. It’s an opportunity for students to embrace diversity, develop linguistic skills, and celebrate different cultures.

Learn More: Relearn a Language

24. Investment and Finance Club

high school creative writing club

Empower students with financial literacy and investment knowledge in this club. Members can learn about personal finance, and stock market investing, and even create virtual investment portfolios. It’s a chance for students to gain valuable financial skills and prepare for their future.

Learn More: Street Fins

25. Volunteer Firefighter Cadets

high school creative writing club

Prepare students for a career in firefighting and emergency response in this club. They can receive basic training, participate in simulated drills, and learn about fire safety and first aid. Members even have an opportunity to develop their leadership skills and contribute to their community’s safety.

Learn More: Action Training

26. STEM Robotics Team

high school creative writing club

Bring robotics to life in this club that’s dedicated to building and programming robots. Students can participate in robotics competitions, develop innovative designs, and solve engineering challenges. It’s a chance for them to enhance their problem-solving and teamwork skills while exploring the exciting world of robotics.

Learn More: Code Wizards HQ

27. Community Journalism Club

high school creative writing club

Give your learners a platform to voice their opinions and report on local news in a journalism club! They can create a school newspaper or online blog, conduct interviews, and write articles on various topics. 

Learn More: Journalism at Kristu Jayanti College

28. Astronomy Society

high school creative writing club

Explore the wonders of the universe in a club that’s dedicated to astronomy. Students can observe celestial objects, learn about space exploration, and even organize stargazing events. Joining forces in this club provides a chance for students to delve into the mysteries of the cosmos and ignite their passion for astronomy.

Learn More: Slide Share

29. Political Awareness Club

high school creative writing club

Engage students in discussions about current events, politics, and social issues in this club. In a political awareness club, they can organize debates, invite guest speakers to talk or participate in community advocacy projects. The club provides an opportunity for students to develop critical thinking, and communication skills, and ultimately become active citizens.

Learn More: University of North Carolina at Greensboro

30. Sewing Club

high school creative writing club

In this club, students can learn about fashion design, pattern-making, and sewing techniques. They can create their own clothing designs, organize fashion showcases, or participate in wearable art projects. 

31. History Enthusiasts Society

high school creative writing club

Dive into the past with a club that’s dedicated to history. The club provides an opportunity for students to develop a deeper understanding and appreciation for the lessons of history. Students can engage in historical research, organize history-themed events, or create exhibits to showcase different eras. 

32. Global Outreach Club

high school creative writing club

Make a difference on a global scale in a club that’s focused on international humanitarian efforts. Students can fundraise for charitable organizations, organize awareness campaigns, or participate in service trips abroad. This collaboration provides an opportunity for students to develop empathy, and cultural understanding, and contribute to making the world a better place.

Learn More: The Cardinal Chronicle

33. Creative Writing Society

high school creative writing club

Nurture the creative minds in a club dedicated to writing. Students can participate in writing workshops, share their work, and even create a literary magazine. Furthermore, they can explore different writing genres, develop their storytelling skills, and express their unique voices.

34. Culinary Arts Club

Ignite a passion for cooking and culinary arts in this club. Members will learn cooking techniques, experiment with recipes, and organize food-related events. Students have an opportunity to develop their culinary skills, discover new flavors, and embrace the joy of creating delicious dishes.

Learn More: SSWW

35. Outdoor Adventure Club

high school creative writing club

Take your learners on exciting outdoor adventures in this club. They can participate in hiking trips, and camping excursions, and engage in team-building activities. It’s a chance for students to connect with nature, develop resilience, and foster a love for outdoor exploration.


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    high school creative writing club

  2. Creative Writing Club

    high school creative writing club

  3. Creative Writing Club begins its second year at Palatine High School

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  4. Writing Club

    high school creative writing club

  5. Creative Writing Club

    high school creative writing club

  6. High School Creative Writing

    high school creative writing club


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    Do not write in creative writing club. Instead focus on club things: publication, peer sharing, contests, performance, recruitment, and readings. High school writers gain little from writing exercises. They should be encouraged to continue writing regularly, but a weekly meeting is little use for this.

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  3. Creative Writing Opportunities for High School Students

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  4. Creative Writing Activities for High School

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  5. How to Start a Creative Writing Club (with Pictures)

    You can initially publicize your club with a simple name, like a "Creative Writing Club" or "Romance Writing Club.". 2. Choose when and where you will hold the first meeting. At this first meeting, you can brainstorm as a group and make decisions about when and where to meet long-term. Possible locations include your house, public park ...

  6. Young Writers

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  8. Creative Writing Club

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  12. Creative Writing Program

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  13. Top 10 Creative Writing Club Ideas

    If you'd like to try this activity with your creative writing club, then we recommend checking out this Fantasy Story Chain Game. It provides a handy template for writing a story chain, and you can even fold your writing sheets together to create a finished fantasy story book. Fantasy Story Chain Game (Ages 7 - 11)

  14. Creative Writing Club

    Club leader: Sahithi Shabada Faculty advisor: Meeting Date, Time, and Location: Thursdays at 2:45 in room 118 Club description: Glenelg High School's new Creative Writing Club is a place where aspiring authors and creative writers of all kinds can come together to share their work and use peer feedback to improve together.If you already have a story you are writing, you can use this as a ...

  15. Creative writing

    However, I think creative writing is one of the best because it gives us the basics but also tells us so much more about the child. Simon Hunt is a Year 3 & 4 teacher at an inclusive school in Greater Manchester and education consultant for 500 Words 2023, the UK's most successful children's story writing competition hosted on BBC Teach.

  16. Creative Writing Club

    Creative Writing Club. Many students enjoy expressing themselves through original writing. Whether that writing takes the shape of poetry, prose or short stories, students' creativity in encouraged in this club, and once the pieces are completed, the authors are invited to share their work with other members.

  17. High School Creative Writing Club: Exercise the Mind, Stretch the

    This class gives students an opportunity to practice writing, share their stories and build their ideas together. The sessions follow the same weekly format where Kayla Stierwalt provides an exercise as a starting point, students brainstorm and write, share their stories and receive feedback and continue the stories.

  18. Sandpoint High School

    Sandpoint High School. Creative Writing Club. Purpose. The Creative Writing Club is a safe place for students to share their creative writing ideas in any genre they choose. Meeting Times. Students meet weekly from 3-4pm on Tuesdays in E-8, Ms. Crumb's room. Students stay as long as they can or want.

  19. Novi High SchoolCreative Writing Club

    Welcome to the Novi High School Creative Writing Club Website! Club Description: This club provides monthly opportunities for students of all grade levels and writing abilities to write, share ideas, and collaborate with other clubs/students throughout the building. Additionally, a positive, productive, and creative forum is established in ...

  20. 35 Exciting High School Club Activity Ideas To Engage & Inspire

    33. Creative Writing Society. Nurture the creative minds in a club dedicated to writing. Students can participate in writing workshops, share their work, and even create a literary magazine. Furthermore, they can explore different writing genres, develop their storytelling skills, and express their unique voices. Learn More: College Vine. 34.

  21. Events

    Collage Club Dates: September 1st, Oct 6th, Nov. 3rd, Dec. 1st, Feb.2nd, March 1st, April 5th, May 3rd. $10 per session and per person *All ages are welcome, but anyone under 18 needs to be accompanied by an adult. Join Teaching Artist Shanda Stinebaugh for this months prompt Mix it up! to get your creative juices flowing. We will provide all ...

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    Moscow High School seniors Nicole Xiao and Devon Conway jumped into action by working with the ID Sierra Club staff and organizing Moscow's first Climate Justice League into action. After coordinating a climate story writing workshop, student activists hit the streets, attending Sustainable Environment Commission meetings, meeting with ...

  23. Arts

    The purpose of the Arts Commission is to enrich the community by celebrating and cultivating the expression of all forms of art and culture. Fulfillment of this purpose shall be based upon the following values: Recognition and promotion of artists' value by creating opportunities for work to be experienced. Facilitation and promotion of the ...

  24. Home

    North Pocono Intermediate School Library. Apr 8 2024. Early Dismissal - 11 am Secondary/12:15 pm Elementary-After school activities canceled. all day. Apr 8 2024. Board of Education Work Session. 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM. North Pocono Intermediate School Library. Apr 11 2024.