Home Blog Business How To Create a Project Presentation: A Guide for Impactful Content

How To Create a Project Presentation: A Guide for Impactful Content

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Corporate, academic, and business meetings share one common factor: successfully delivering project presentations. This is one skill professionals should harness in terms of articulating ideas, presenting plans, and sharing outcomes through an effective project presentation.

In this fast-paced reality where new tools and frameworks make us question the human factor value, we believe there’s much to be said about how working towards building presentation skills can make a difference, especially for making a project stand out from the crowd and have a lasting impact on stakeholders. We can no longer talk about simply disclosing information, the manner in which the narrative is built, how data is introduced, and several other factors that speak of your expertise in the subject.

This article will explore the art of project presentation, giving insights to presenters to deliver a memorable project plan presentation. Whether you are new to this experience or a seasoned presenter, this article promises to give you valuable information on how to build and present a project presentation that resonates with your target audience and will convert into your expected results for the project. Let’s get started.

Table of Contents

  • Who is the audience of a project presentation?

Executive Summary

Project overview, the project process model, the project scope, the project resources, the project roadmap, the project activities plan, the project risks, quality control, project execution and monitoring.

  • The Project Team

What Is a Project Presentation?

A project presentation is a business activity that brings together stakeholders and team members to oversee a project from execution to completion. During a project presentation, one or two people present a document or slide deck with an overview of all the project’s details.

During a project presentation, the project manager highlights key data about the project initiation and planning activities, like the project scope, requirements gathering, a deliverable list, timelines, and milestones.

The first instance of a project presentation is right before the execution of the project itself. Then, during the project process life cycle, you present it again with timely updates and news about the progress.

Who is the audience of a project presentation? 

A project-related audience is made up of stakeholders – all individuals and entities that affect or are affected by the project’s existence.

Discuss the project presentation with team members that’ll work on the project so they know what’s at stake and what’s expected of them. They’ll need information like requirements, the roadmap, the work breakdown structure, and deliverables.


Present your project to the stakeholders that can authorize resources and expenditures. Show them how the project will offer the solutions they want under the conditions they impose in a set amount of time. 

Stakeholders want to know details like project scope, budget breakdowns, timing calculations, risk assessments, and how you plan to confront these risks and be ready for changes. 

The Structure of a Project Presentation

Project presentations follow a standard structure covering all critical elements. Follow this guideline to ensure that you cover everything with the slides, the speech, and the discussion.

In the next section, we describe a project presentation structure you can build with SlideModel templates or working with our AI PowerPoint generator . As you will see, most sections in the structure are summaries or overviews of project management practices completed during initiation and planning. 

At the start of your presentation, add an executive summary slide . This section is meant to welcome the viewer to the presentation and give an idea of what’s to come. To differentiate your executive summary from the project overview that comes right after it, use the opportunity to place the project into context. 

In an executive summary , show how this particular project fits into the overall strategy for the company or the section it belongs to. If, for example, your project is about TikTok Marketing, offer information as to how it fits in the overall marketing strategy.

Continue the presentation with a project overview to show the audience what to expect. This section covers one slide or a combination of slides depending on the layout. The project overview slide serves as the introduction to a project presentation and what’s inside.

Include these items:

  • An Introduction with a brief background about the project. 
  • A short explanation of the project’s objectives and completion goals.
  • A quick overview of the timeline with start and end dates.

Project Overview representation in a Project Presentation

The project life cycle is the series of phases that a project goes through from its inception to its completion. The project process model is the group of knowledge areas, processes, and their relationships that will guide the activities along the project lifecycle. The next slide should display the chosen project process model and explain how it’ll be carried out along the different lifecycle phases. Project process models examples include Waterfall, Scrum, and V Model for software development, and Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) and Swimlane for general business-related projects.

Process models are important for the team to understand execution processes. Stakeholders need to see the process model to understand the systematic process of activities and how long they will take. 

Use one slide for the model, show only high-level components, and offer details during the presentation if the audience asks for them.

The scope is a crucial element of any project and needs its own section in the presentation. The scoping process begins with requirements gathering and includes the creation of a work breakdown structure , an analysis of what’s in and out of scope, plus validation and scope management plans. 

One or two slides are enough to highlight key scope details in a dashboard-style layout mirroring the information on your project scope statement. Preferably, place the scope slides towards the start of the project presentation close to the process model and project resources.

Stages of a Project Scope

Every project needs resources, and that assessment must be included in the project presentation as well. In a general sense, all resources are what make up the overall budget for the project. In turn, you’ll need to show a budget breakdown that shows high-level resources.

Like many aspects of a project presentation, what you include depends on the industry you’re working for. Construction projects use constructors, materials, machinery, etc. Software projects use programmers, designers, software licenses, computers, etc.

Budget breakdown slide in a project presentation

Time is the main resource of any project. During project planning, the project management team estimates the required effort needed to complete the defined scope. Using the Project Process Model, Scope, and Resources, a plan is built. Present a roadmap to highlight the expected time for project completion and where each milestone falls along that line.

Roadmaps can be constructed with an infinite variety of visual layouts, from highly creative and illustrative to structured formats resembling spreadsheets and tables with color-coded roadmaps across the cells. Use one slide to show the roadmap highlighting time estimates, constraints, and projections. For updated project presentations, mark where the project is on the roadmap at that particular moment in time.

Project roadmap

Every phase of the roadmap is broken down into action plans . Action plans list activities, their duration, allocated resources (human, material, and financial), and the relationship between activities.

Present your project activities plan with a Gantt Chart and a Costs Report. The Gantt Chart will show the activities to execute, how long they will take, and who (person or team) will be responsible for them. The costs reports will show how much the execution of activities will cost.

During the presentation, you’ll spend the most time on this section, as this is when and where your entire plan is outlined. To show more detail than the roadmap overview, use a few slides to show specific sections of the main Gantt chart and show key activities per phase or milestone.

Project activities plan

All projects present risks, and to control them, they must be identified, assessed, evaluated, and mitigated . Visualize your risk assessment with a risk matrix and include it in the project presentation. 

Use this slide to explain to stakeholders how you plan to mitigate the identified risks. Share with team members what’s expected of them in order to keep the risks under control. Risk management is a critical component of project management and something stakeholders will always be looking at.

Risk matrices formats

Controlling the quality of project deliverables is critical for positive project outcomes and continued success with the deliverable. This process is called quality control or quality assurance.

The project process model includes which quality control techniques the team will use and when. Some quality assurance (QA) techniques include statistical process control (SPC), Six Sigma, ISO 9000, and Total Quality Management (TQM). Use one slide to visualize the process and your plan to execute it.

Once the project starts, the project plan is a living entity and evolves over time. This section will need to be regularly updated with progress reports, performance KPIs, and status updates.

Across these slides, explain how activities will be monitored and deliverable outcomes measured. Show exactly how you will determine if the project is on course or has deviations. Visualize all execution activities with a Gantt chart to show the current progress. Use big numbers and data points to highlight performance metrics. Use a comparison slide to visualize the completeness percentage vs. planned progress and budget consumption vs. planned budget.

Explain all monitoring activities for the execution phase using a calendar or schedule that shows on what days activities will take place and who is involved.

how to make ppt presentation for project

The Project Team 

When presenting a project, include a stakeholder map to describe the management team, the sponsors, the main stakeholders, and the implementation team or teams. Depending on the size of the project, this will be an org chart or multiple org charts across a few slides.

Why is it important to present the project team to the stakeholders and vice versa? So that everyone involved knows the other parties and their responsibilities.

Another use for the team slide or slides is to present the next person who will speak during the project presentation. This gives the audience some background on that person’s role in the project.

Visual org chart of the project team

Case Study – Project Presentation Example

Using the structure we present above, we outlined a case study of a realistic project and how the project manager puts together the project presentation using SlideModel templates. The project presentation example is based on a complex project of building a bridge (Cline Avenue Bridge). For the educational purpose of this article, we are not delivering all the elements of the project presentation, as it is out of scope. Still, we illustrate the more representative slides of each section, show how to prepare a PowerPoint Presentation for a project and how simple it is to adapt the templates to the content that needs to be presented. As a disclaimer, all information we present is an adaptation and reinterpretation of the real project, modified by SlideModel to fit the use case learning goals. This information and presentation should not be considered a source of information related to the Cline Avenue Bridge Project.

In this slide, the presenter summarises the project highlights in a project charter style. The Project Manager can extend this introduction all over the project lifecycle, and the speech can jump from different knowledge areas without the need to change slides or get deeper into details. Specifically, in the Cline Bridge Project, the objective is narrated, the location is just mentioned and linked to a map for further details, and a set of important facts are presented (Building Information Modelling Process, Budget, Duration, Sponsor, and Constructor). Key Highlights of the final deliverable are listed (Segmental Bridge, Material Concrete, 1.7 miles of length and 46 feet of width)

Project Presentation Project Overview Slide

Process Model

The Process Model slide illustrates the framework for the project lifecycle, processes, planning, and execution. In this slide, the Project Manager will describe the model and how it is tailored to the specifics of the project. In this case, for the development and construction of the Cline Bridge, the builder has defined the use of BIM (Building Information Modelling) as the process model. During this slide, the presenter can describe the lifecycle phases (Design, Production, Construction, Operation, and Planning) and drill down one level over the knowledge practices involved. For example, the initial stage consists of “Design”, which has two main knowledge areas, Conceptual Design, and Detailed Design. The project manager is able to explain this definition without the need to outline detailed processes and activities within them.

building information modelling project process model

The Scope section of the presentation generally involves several slides, as the content layout is a list of “requirements.” Based on this fact, a table layout is suggested to make good use of space. It is important to avoid abusing the “list” and present the group of requirements rather than specific requirements. Otherwise, the project manager ends up transcribing the requirements document.

In this project presentation example, we present 10 groups of requirements traversing different stages of the project lifecycle. 

  • Design Standards: Bridge design must comply with local, national, and international design standards, including relevant engineering and safety codes
  • Load Capacity: The bridge must be designed to safely carry a specific maximum load, which would include the weight of the bridge itself, traffic, pedestrians, wind, and other factors.
  • Seismic Design: The design must account for seismic loads. 
  • Aesthetic Design: The bridge must be designed to meet certain aesthetic criteria aligned with the artists and architects.
  • Accessibility and Use Requirements: Requirements for pedestrian walkways, bike lanes, vehicle lanes, load restrictions for vehicles, clearance heights for boats if over a waterway, etc.
  • Regulatory Approvals: The project must secure all necessary permits and approvals from relevant local and national regulatory bodies.
  • Environmental Impact: The project must take steps to minimize its environmental impact during construction and the operation of the bridge, including implementing erosion and sediment controls.
  • Materials Simulation: Materials should comply with regulations and usage expectations for current and future expected requirements.
  • Site Preparation: The project must include preparation of the construction site, including any necessary land clearing or grading.
  • Foundations Construction: Foundations will need to support materials weight and traffic expected for the next 30 years.
  • Site Acquisition: Acquire site and terrain for building and logistics.

build bridge project presentation scope slide

Building a bridge involves a high level of resource usage. In an executive meeting of a project presentation, the recommendation is to structure this section as a Financial table with only one level of detail. Further details are delegated to specific resources and cost analysis presentations.

The resources list presented is:

  • Professional Services
  • Construction Labour
  • Quality Assurance
  • Contingency
  • Waste Disposal and Cleanup
  • Subcontractors

In order to break the style of table after table during the project presentation, we suggest using visual elements as icons and colors metaphorically related to each of the elements listed.

project presentation resources slide template

Project Roadmap

As explained earlier in the article, the project roadmap serves to offer a comprehensive overview of the significant milestones that will happen over the course of time. Given the magnitude of a bridge construction project and its prolonged duration, it is advisable, particularly for such extensive endeavours, to present a roadmap that aligns milestones with corresponding lifecycle phases in a discernible manner. This approach enables the audience to mentally envision the sequential progression of the construction process.

Aligned with previous slides, in the example we created a roadmap with the following high level milestones, and sub componentes:

  • Project Budgeting and Financing
  • Land Purchase & Renting
  • Conceptual Design
  • Detailed Design
  • Access Routes
  • Waste Disposal
  • Simulations
  • Materials Tests
  • Seismic Tests
  • Fabrication
  • Preparation of Modular Pieces
  • Build and Assembly
  • Test under Acceptance Criteria
  • Stress Test
  • Operation and Maintenance

As you can see, the Project Manager decided over a sequential roadmap, presented with little detail in timings, with start and end dates to picture dimension over the diagram.

project roadmap template case study build a bridge

Action Plan

In the bridge construction project of the example, there will be plenty of activity plans. All along the project several of these slides will be created and updated. The most suitable option for presentation tasks, durations, precedence relationship and resource allocation is the Gantt Chart Template. We present the first Quarter of the project, over the Conceptual Design Activities. 

As displayed in the PowerPoint Slide , the subtitle clarifies the number of slides that will be used for this purpose.

The activities presented are:

  • Site Analysis
  • Feasibility Analysis
  • Design Concepts
  • BIM Model Creation
  • Model Revision
  • Environmental Impact
  • Present Design

action plan conceptual design project presentation

Project Risks

Risk management is an iterative process all over the project life cycle. When presenting your projects, the risks will vary depending on the progress over the roadmap. For this specific example we decided to present the risks being discussed during the Ideation stage, where the developer is exchanging risks with contractors and the company that will build the bridge.

Our suggested layout for this kind of information is a simple table, where the risks are clearly readable and visible, while the description is a hint for discussion rather than an in depth explanation.

It is very important to classify the presented risks, at least with two dimensions; “Impact” and “Probability”. This will generate quality conversations around them. 

Outlined Risks during the Initiation Phase:

  • Design Errors
  • Construction Delays
  • Budget Overruns
  • Regulatory Changes
  • Site Conditions
  • Equipment Failures
  • Health and Safety Incidents

As the reader can spot, the risks outlined, are very high level, and each of them will trigger specific Risk Analysis Reports.

project presentations risks outline slide powerpoint template

The quality control section of the project presentation may vary depending on the quality process adopted. For large scale companies with a uniform portfolio of projects , it is common to see a continuous improvement quality model, which iteratively builds quality over the different projects (for example software companies) For construction companies like the example, the situation is not different, and the quality control model is aligned with the specific building process model. In this specific case, the project manager is presenting the quality control process to be applied over the BIM model and the Quality Control process to be followed for the physical construction of the bridge:

project presentation case study quality control BIM process model

Execution and Monitoring

During the project, several status meetings will be carried out. During the project presentation the manager can establish the pattern to be used along the project.

For this example, we set a basic progress dashboard where the project manager can present : 

  • The current timeline
  • Top 5 issues
  • Current Burndown
  • Top 5 risks.

project presentation case study PowerPoint dashboard

The art of project presentation goes beyond listing data in random slides. A project presentation is a powerful tool to align stakeholders and foster an environment of trust and collaboration over factual information.

With a structured approach, all members involved in the project design and execution can understand the direction that’s being taken and the importance behind certain decisions. We hope these insights can turn your project into a powerful presentation that inspires and deliver results.

how to make ppt presentation for project

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How to Make a PowerPoint Presentation (Step-by-Step)

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In this beginner’s guide, you will learn step-by-step how to make a PowerPoint presentation from scratch.

While PowerPoint is designed to be intuitive and accessible, it can be overwhelming if you’ve never gotten any training on it before. As you progress through this guide, you’ll will learn how to move from blank slides to PowerPoint slides that look like these.

Example of the six slides you'll learn how to create in this tutorial

Table of Contents

Additionally, as you create your presentation, you’ll also learn tricks for working more efficiently in PowerPoint, including how to:

  • Change the slide order
  • Reset your layout
  • Change the slide dimensions
  • Use PowerPoint Designer
  • Format text
  • Format objects
  • Play a presentation (slide show)

With this knowledge under your belt, you’ll be ready to start creating PowerPoint presentations. Moreover, you’ll have taken your skills from beginner to proficient in no time at all. I will also include links to more advanced PowerPoint topics.

Ready to start learning how to make a PowerPoint presentation?

Take your PPT skills to the next level

Start with a blank presentation.

Note: Before you open PowerPoint and start creating your presentation, make sure you’ve collected your thoughts. If you’re going to make your slides compelling, you need to spend some time brainstorming.

For help with this, see our article with tips for nailing your business presentation  here .

The first thing you’ll need to do is to open PowerPoint. When you do, you are shown the Start Menu , with the Home tab open.

This is where you can choose either a blank theme (1) or a pre-built theme (2). You can also choose to open an existing presentation (3).

For now, go ahead and click on the  Blank Presentation (1)  thumbnail.

In the backstage view of PowerPoint you can create a new blank presentation, use a template, or open a recent file

Doing so launches a brand new and blank presentation for you to work with. Before you start adding content to your presentation, let’s first familiarize ourselves with the PowerPoint interface.

The PowerPoint interface

Picture of the different parts of the PowerPoint layout, including the Ribbon, thumbnail view, quick access toolbar, notes pane, etc.

Here is how the program is laid out:

  • The Application Header
  • The Ribbon (including the Ribbon tabs)
  • The Quick Access Toolbar (either above or below the Ribbon)
  • The Slides Pane (slide thumbnails)

The Slide Area

The notes pane.

  • The Status Bar (including the View Buttons)

Each one of these areas has options for viewing certain parts of the PowerPoint environment and formatting your presentation.

Below are the important things to know about certain elements of the PowerPoint interface.

The PowerPoint Ribbon

The PowerPoint Ribbon in the Microsoft Office Suite

The Ribbon is contextual. That means that it will adapt to what you’re doing in the program.

For example, the Font, Paragraph and Drawing options are greyed out until you select something that has text in it, as in the example below (A).

Example of the Shape Format tab in PowerPoint and all of the subsequent commands assoicated with that tab

Furthermore, if you start manipulating certain objects, the Ribbon will display additional tabs, as seen above (B), with more commands and features to help you work with those objects. The following objects have their own additional tabs in the Ribbon which are hidden until you select them:

  • Online Pictures
  • Screenshots
  • Screen Recording

The Slides Pane

The slides pane in PowerPoint is on the left side of your workspace

This is where you can preview and rearrange all the slides in your presentation.

Right-clicking on a slide  in the pane gives you additional options on the slide level that you won’t find on the Ribbon, such as  Duplicate Slide ,  Delete Slide , and  Hide Slide .

Right clicking a PowerPoint slide in the thumbnail view gives you a variety of options like adding new slides, adding sections, changing the layout, etc.

In addition, you can add sections to your presentation by  right-clicking anywhere in this Pane  and selecting  Add Section . Sections are extremely helpful in large presentations, as they allow you to organize your slides into chunks that you can then rearrange, print or display differently from other slides.

Content added to your PowerPoint slides will only display if it's on the slide area, marked here by the letter A

The Slide Area (A) is where you will build out your slides. Anything within the bounds of this area will be visible when you present or print your presentation.

Anything outside of this area (B) will be hidden from view. This means that you can place things here, such as instructions for each slide, without worrying about them being shown to your audience.

The notes pane in PowerPoint is located at the bottom of your screen and is where you can type your speaker notes

The  Notes Pane  is the space beneath the Slide Area where you can type in the speaker notes for each slide. It’s designed as a fast way to add and edit your slides’ talking points.

To expand your knowledge and learn more about adding, printing, and exporting your PowerPoint speaker notes, read our guide here .

Your speaker notes are visible when you print your slides using the Notes Pages option and when you use the Presenter View . To expand your knowledge and learn the ins and outs of using the Presenter View , read our guide here .

You can click and drag to resize the notes pane at the bottom of your PowerPoint screen

You can resize the  Notes Pane  by clicking on its edge and dragging it up or down (A). You can also minimize or reopen it by clicking on the Notes button in the Status Bar (B).

Note:  Not all text formatting displays in the Notes Pane, even though it will show up when printing your speaker notes. To learn more about printing PowerPoint with notes, read our guide here .

Now that you have a basic grasp of the PowerPoint interface at your disposal, it’s time to make your presentation.

Adding Content to Your PowerPoint Presentation

Notice that in the Slide Area , there are two rectangles with dotted outlines. These are called  Placeholders  and they’re set on the template in the Slide Master View .

To expand your knowledge and learn how to create a PowerPoint template of your own (which is no small task), read our guide here .

Click into your content placeholders and start typing text, just as the prompt suggests

As the prompt text suggests, you can click into each placeholder and start typing text. These types of placeholder prompts are customizable too. That means that if you are using a company template, it might say something different, but the functionality is the same.

Example of typing text into a content placeholder in PowerPoint

Note:  For the purposes of this example, I will create a presentation based on the content in the Starbucks 2018 Global Social Impact Report, which is available to the public on their website.

If you type in more text than there is room for, PowerPoint will automatically reduce its font size. You can stop this behavior by clicking on the  Autofit Options  icon to the left of the placeholder and selecting  Stop Fitting Text to this Placeholder .

Next, you can make formatting adjustments to your text by selecting the commands in the Font area and the  Paragraph area  of the  Home  tab of the Ribbon.

Use the formatting options on the Home tab to choose the formatting of your text

The Reset Command:  If you make any changes to your title and decide you want to go back to how it was originally, you can use the Reset button up in the Home tab .

Hitting the reset command on the home tab resets your slide formatting to match your template

Insert More Slides into Your Presentation

Now that you have your title slide filled in, it’s time to add more slides. To do that, simply go up to the  Home tab  and click on  New Slide . This inserts a new slide in your presentation right after the one you were on.

To insert a new slide in PowerPoint, on the home tab click the New Slide command

You can alternatively hit Ctrl+M on your keyboard to insert a new blank slide in PowerPoint. To learn more about this shortcut, see my guide on using Ctrl+M in PowerPoint .

Instead of clicking the New Slide command, you can also open the New Slide dropdown to see all the slide layouts in your PowerPoint template. Depending on who created your template, your layouts in this dropdown can be radically different.

Opening the new slide dropdown you can see all the slide layouts in your PowerPoint template

If you insert a layout and later want to change it to a different layout, you can use the Layout dropdown instead of the New Slide dropdown.

After inserting a few different slide layouts, your presentation might look like the following picture. Don’t worry that it looks blank, next we will start adding content to your presentation.

Example of a number of different blank slide layouts inserting in a PowerPoint presentation

If you want to follow along exactly with me, your five slides should be as follows:

  • Title Slide
  • Title and Content
  • Section Header
  • Two Content
  • Picture with Caption

Adding Content to Your Slides

Now let’s go into each slide and start adding our content. You’ll notice some new types of placeholders.

Use the icons within a content placeholder to insert things like tables, charts, SmartArt, Pictures, etc.

On slide 2 we have a  Content Placeholder , which allows you to add any kind of content. That includes:

  • A SmartArt graphic,
  • A 3D object,
  • A picture from the web,
  • Or an icon.

To insert text, simply type it in or hit  Ctrl+C to Copy  and Ctrl+V to Paste  from elsewhere. To insert any of the other objects, click on the appropriate icon and follow the steps to insert it.

For my example, I’ll simply type in some text as you can see in the picture below.

Example typing bulleted text in a content placeholder in PowerPoint

Slides 3 and 4 only have text placeholders, so I’ll go ahead and add in my text into each one.

Examples of text typed into a divider slide and a title and content slide in PowerPoint

On slide 5 we have a Picture Placeholder . That means that the only elements that can go into it are:

  • A picture from the web

A picture placeholder in PowerPoint can only take an image or an icon

To insert a picture into the picture placeholder, simply:

  • Click on the  Picture  icon
  • Find  a picture on your computer and select it
  • Click on  Insert

Alternatively, if you already have a picture open somewhere else, you can select the placeholder and paste in (shortcut: Ctrl+V ) the picture. You can also drag the picture in from a file explorer window.

To insert a picture into a picture placeholder, click the picture icon, find your picture on your computer and click insert

If you do not like the background of the picture you inserted onto your slide, you can remove the background here in PowerPoint. To see how to do this, read my guide here .

Placeholders aren’t the only way to add content to your slides. At any point, you can use the Insert tab to add elements to your slides.

You can use either the Title Only  or the  Blank  slide layout to create slides for content that’s different. For example, a three-layout content slide, or a single picture divider slide, as shown below.

Example slides using PowerPoint icons and background pictures

In the first example above, I’ve inserted 6 text boxes, 3 icons, and 3 circles to create this layout. In the second example, I’ve inserted a full-sized picture and then 2 shapes and 2 text boxes.

The Reset Command:  Because these slides are built with shapes and text boxes (and not placeholders), hitting the  Reset button up in the  Home tab  won’t do anything.

That is a good thing if you don’t want your layouts to adjust. However, it does mean that it falls on you to make sure everything is aligned and positioned correctly.

For more on how to add and manipulate the different objects in PowerPoint, check out our step-by-step articles here:

  • Using graphics in PowerPoint
  • Inserting icons onto slides
  • Adding pictures to your PowerPoint
  • How to embed a video in PowerPoint
  • How to add music to your presentation

Using Designer to generate more layouts ideas

If you have Office 365, your version of PowerPoint comes with a new feature called Designer (or Design Ideas). This is a feature that generates slide layout ideas for you. The coolest thing about this feature is that it uses the content you already have.

To use Designer , simply navigate to the  Design tab  in your Ribbon, and click on  Design Ideas .

To use Designer on your slides, click the

NOTE: If the PowerPoint Designer is not working for you (it is grey out), see my troubleshooting guide for Designer .

Change the Overall Design (optional)

When you make a PowerPoint presentation, you’ll want to think about the overall design. Now that you have some content in your presentation, you can use the Design tab to change the look and feel of your slides.

For additional help thinking through the design of your presentation,  read my guide here .

A. Picking your PowerPoint slide size

If you have PowerPoint 2013 or later, when you create a blank document in PowerPoint, you automatically start with a widescreen layout with a 16:9 ratio. These dimensions are suitable for most presentations as they match the screens of most computers and projectors.

However, you do have the option to change the dimensions.

For example, your presentation might not be presented, but instead converted into a PDF or printed and distributed. In that case, you can easily switch to the standard dimensions with a 4:3 ratio by selecting from the dropdown (A).

You can also choose a custom slide size or change the slide orientation from landscape to portrait in the Custom Slide Size dialog box (B).

To change your slide size, click the Design tab, open the slide size dropdown and choose a size or custom slide size

To learn all about the different PowerPoint slide sizes, and some of the issues you will face when changing the slide size of a non-blank presentation,  read my guide here .

 B. Selecting a PowerPoint theme

The next thing you can do is change the theme of your presentation to a pre-built one. For a detailed explanation of what a PowerPoint theme is, and how to best use it,  read my article here .

In the beginning of this tutorial, we started with a blank presentation, which uses the default Office theme as you can see in the picture below.

All PowerPoint presentations start with the default Microsoft Office theme

That gives you the most flexibility because it has a blank background and quite simple layouts that work for most presentations. However, it also means that it’s your responsibility to enhance the design.

If you’re comfortable with this, you can stay with the default theme or create your own custom theme ( read my guide here ). But if you would rather not have to think about design, then you can choose a pre-designed theme.

Microsoft provides 46 other pre-built themes, which include slide layouts, color variants and palettes, and fonts. Each one varies quite significantly, so make sure you look through them carefully.

To select a different theme, go to the  Design tab  in the Ribbon, and click on the  dropdown arrow  in the  Themes section .

On the Design tab you will find all of the default PowerPoint templates that come with the Microsoft Office Suite

For this tutorial, let’s select the  Frame  theme and then choose the third Variant in the theme. Doing so changes the layout, colors, and fonts of your presentation.

Example choosing the Frame PowerPoint theme and the third variant of this powerpoint presentation

Note: The theme dropdown area is also where you can import or save custom themes. To see my favorite places to find professional PowerPoint templates and themes (and recommendations for why I like them), read my guide here .

C. How to change a slide background in PowerPoint

The next thing to decide is how you want your background to look for the entire presentation. In the  Variants area, you can see four background options.

To change the background style of your presentation, on the Design tab, find the Background Styles options and choose a style

For this example, we want our presentation to have a dark background, so let’s select Style 3. When you do so, you’ll notice that:

  • The background color automatically changes across all slides
  • The color of the text on most of the slides automatically changes to white so that it’s visible on the dark background
  • The colors of the objects on slides #6 and #7 also adjust, in a way we may not want (we’ll likely have to make some manual adjustments to these slides)

What our PowerPoint presentation looks like now that we have selected a theme, a variant, and a background style

Note: If you want to change the slide background for just that one slide, don’t left-click the style. Instead, right-click it and select Apply to Selected Slides .

After you change the background for your entire presentation, you can easily adjust the background for an individual slide.

You can either right-click a PowerPoint slide and select format background or navigate to the design tab and click the format background command

Inside the Format Background pane, you can see you have the following options:

  • Gradient fill
  • Picture or texture fill
  • Pattern fill
  • Hide background

You can explore these options to find the PowerPoint background that best fits your presentation.

D. How to change your color palette in PowerPoint

Another thing you may want to adjust in your presentation, is the color scheme. In the picture below you can see the Theme Colors we are currently using for this presentation.

Example of the theme colors we are currently using with this presentation

Each PowerPoint theme comes with its own color palette. By default, the Office theme includes the Office color palette. This affects the colors you are presented with when you format any element within your presentation (text, shapes, SmartArt, etc.).

To change the theme color for your presentation, select the Design tab, open the Colors options and choose the colors you want to use

The good news is that the colors here are easy to change. To switch color palettes, simply:

  • Go to the  Design tab in the Ribbon
  • In the Variants area, click on the  dropdown arrow  and select  Colors
  • Select  the color palette (or theme colors) you want

You can choose among the pre-built color palettes from Office, or you can customize them to create your own.

As you build your presentation, make sure you use the colors from your theme to format objects. That way, changing the color palette adjusts all the colors in your presentation automatically.

E. How to change your fonts in PowerPoint

Just as we changed the color palette, you can do the same for the fonts.

Example of custom theme fonts that might come with a powerpoint template

Each PowerPoint theme comes with its own font combination. By default, the Office theme includes the Office font pairing. This affects the fonts that are automatically assigned to all text in your presentation.

To change the default fonts for your presentation, from the design tab, find the fonts dropdown and select the pair of fonts you want to use

The good news is that the font pairings are easy to change. To switch your Theme Fonts, simply:

  • Go to the  Design tab  in the Ribbon
  • Click on the  dropdown arrow  in the  Variants  area
  • Select  Fonts
  • Select  the font pairing you want

You can choose among the pre-built fonts from Office, or you can customize them to create your own.

If you are working with PowerPoint presentations on both Mac and PC computers, make sure you choose a safe PowerPoint font. To see a list of the safest PowerPoint fonts, read our guide here .

If you receive a PowerPoint presentation and the wrong fonts were used, you can use the Replace Fonts dialog box to change the fonts across your entire presentation. For details, read our guide here .

Adding Animations & Transitions (optional)

The final step to make a PowerPoint presentation compelling, is to consider using animations and transitions. These are by no means necessary to a good presentation, but they may be helpful in your situation.

A. Adding PowerPoint animations

PowerPoint has an incredibly robust animations engine designed to power your creativity. That being said, it’s also easy to get started with basic animations.

Animations are movements that you can apply to individual objects on your slide.

To add an animation to an object in PowerPoint, first select the object and then use the Animations tab to select an animation type

To add a PowerPoint animation to an element of your slide, simply:

  • Select the  element
  • Go to the  Animations tab in the Ribbon
  • Click on the  dropdown arrow  to view your options
  • Select the  animation  you want

You can add animations to multiple objects at one time by selecting them all first and then applying the animation.

B. How to preview a PowerPoint animation

There are three ways to preview a PowerPoint animation

There are three ways to preview a PowerPoint animation:

  • Click on the Preview button in the Animations tab
  • Click on the little star  next to the slide
  • Play the slide in Slide Show Mode

To learn other ways to run your slide show, see our guide on presenting a PowerPoint slide show with shortcuts .

To adjust the settings of your animations, explore the options in the  Effect Options ,  Advanced Animation  and the  Timing  areas of the  Animation tab .

The Animations tab allows you to adjust the effects and timings of your animations in PowerPoint

Note:  To see how to make objects appear and disappear in your slides by clicking a button,  read our guide here .

C. How to manage your animations in PowerPoint

You can see the animations applied to your objects by the little numbers in the upper right-hand corner of the objects

The best way to manage lots of animations on your slide is with the Animation Pane . To open it, simply:

  • Navigate to the  Animations tab
  • Select the  Animation Pane

Inside the Animation Pane, you’ll see all of the different animations that have been applied to objects on your slide, with their numbers marked as pictured above.

Note: To see examples of PowerPoint animations that can use in PowerPoint, see our list of PowerPoint animation tutorials here .

D. How to add transitions to your PowerPoint presentation

PowerPoint has an incredibly robust transition engine so that you can dictate how your slides change from one to the other. It is also extremely easy to add transitions to your slides.

In PowerPoint, transitions are the movements (or effects) you see as you move between two slides.

To add a transition to a slide, select the slide, navigate to the transitions tab in PowerPoint and select your transition

To add a transition to a PowerPoint slide, simply:

  • Select the  slide
  • Go to the  Transitions tab in the Ribbon
  • In the Transitions to This Slide area, click on the  dropdown arrow  to view your options
  • Select the  transition  you want

To adjust the settings of the transition, explore the options in the  Timing  area of the Transitions tab.

You can also add the same transition to multiple slides. To do that, select them in the  Slides Pane  and apply the transition.

E. How to preview a transition in PowerPoint

There are three ways to preview a transition in PowerPoint

There are three ways to preview your PowerPoint transitions (just like your animations):

  • Click on the Preview  button in the Transitions tab
  • Click on the little star  beneath the slide number in the thumbnail view

Note:  In 2016, PowerPoint added a cool new transition, called Morph. It operates a bit differently from other transitions. For a detailed tutorial on how to use the cool Morph transition,  see our step-by-step article here .

Save Your PowerPoint Presentation

After you’ve built your presentation and made all the adjustments to your slides, you’ll want to save your presentation. YOu can do this several different ways.

Click the file tab, select Save As, choose where you want to save your presentation and then click save

To save a PowerPoint presentation using your Ribbon, simply:

  • Navigate to the  File tab
  •  Select  Save As  on the left
  • Choose  where you want to save your presentation
  • Name  your presentation and/or adjust your file type settings
  • Click  Save

You can alternatively use the  Ctrl+S keyboard shortcut to save your presentation. I recommend using this shortcut frequently as you build your presentation to make sure you don’t lose any of your work.

The save shortcut is control plus s in PowerPoint

This is the standard way to save a presentation. However, there may be a situation where you want to save your presentation as a different file type.

To learn how to save your presentation as a PDF, see our guide on converting PowerPoint to a PDF .

How to save your PowerPoint presentation as a template

Once you’ve created a presentation that you like, you may want to turn it into a template. The easiest – but not technically correct – way, is to simply create a copy of your current presentation and then change the content.

But be careful! A PowerPoint template is a special type of document and it has its own parameters and behaviors.

If you’re interested in learning about how to create your own PowerPoint template from scratch, see our guide on how to create a PowerPoint template .

Printing Your PowerPoint Presentation

After finishing your PowerPoint presentation, you may want to print it out on paper. Printing your slides is relatively easy.

The print shortcut is control plus P in PowerPoint

To open the Print dialog box, you can either:

  • Hit Ctrl+P on your keyboard
  • Or go to the Ribbon and click on File and then Print

In the Print dialog box, make your selections for how you want to print your PowerPoint presentation, then click print

Inside the Print dialog box, you can choose from the various printing settings:

  • Printer: Select a printer to use (or print to PDF or OneNote)
  • Slides: Choose which slides you want to print
  • Layout: Determine how many slides you want per page (this is where you can print the notes, outline, and handouts)
  • Collated or uncollated (learn what collated printing means here )
  • Color: Choose to print in color, grayscale or black & white

There are many more options for printing your PowerPoint presentations. Here are links to more in-depth articles:

  • How to print multiple slides per page
  • How to print your speaker notes in PowerPoint
  • How to save PowerPoint as a picture presentation

So that’s how to create a PowerPoint presentation if you are brand new to it. We’ve also included a ton of links to helpful resources to boost your PowerPoint skills further.

When you are creating your presentation, it is critical to first focus on the content (what you are trying to say) before getting lost inserting and playing with elements. The clearer you are on what you want to present, the easier it will be to build it out in PowerPoint.

If you enjoyed this article, you can learn more about our PowerPoint training courses and other presentation resources by  visiting us here .

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How to Create a Successful Project Presentation?

A project presentation is a perfect opportunity to highlight the tasks initiated and finished by project managers and their teams. To truly excel in creating a project presentation, it's important to understand that a successful presentation involves several key elements that work in harmony. Here are more details.

How to Create a Successful Project Presentation?

In any business, project managers need to be able to communicate a project strategy to clients effectively. It can bring in new, long-term clients to your agency if done correctly. However, doing so incorrectly could seriously undermine your efforts to acquire or retain clients. One thing that unites business, academic, and corporate meetings is making a project presentation look good. 

Professionals need this skill when effectively communicating ideas, outlining goals, and sharing project results. Creating and delivering a project presentation that connects with your target audience will lead to the project’s anticipated outcomes, regardless of your level of presentation experience. This blog will walk you through the art of presenting a project and offer business professionals advice on making their project plan presentation stand out. 

What is a Project Presentation?

A project presentation is a business activity where team members and stakeholders come together to supervise a project from start to finish. It is a formal submission of a project to stakeholders for discussion of a topic and acceptance. One or more business professionals provide a document or slide deck summarizing every project detail during a presentation.

The project manager presents essential information regarding the start of the project and its preparation, including the project scope, requirements collection, deliverables list, schedule, and milestones. A project management presentation is typically made for the first time before the project’s implementation. Then, as the project progresses, you reintroduce it to the stakeholders with timely updates and news.

How to Create a Successful Project Presentation?

Who is the Audience for Your Project Presentation?

Team members and organizations involved in the project’s success or failure comprise stakeholders and other team members:

Show the project presentation to the team members who will be working on the project so they are aware of the expectations and the risks involved. Information such as the requirements, the work breakdown structure, the plan, and the deliverables will be required.


Show your project to the people who can approve funds and resources, i.e., the stakeholders. Demonstrate to them how the project will provide the desired solutions for the problems they raise within the specified time frame. 

The stakeholders are interested in the project’s scope , budget breakdowns , scheduling computations, risk assessments, and your plans for mitigating those risks and adapting to changes. Hence, they are the ideal audience for your project management presentation.

How to Successfully Create a Project Presentation?

Before jumping onto how to present a project, let us see what steps you should follow to create a successful project presentation:

Establish Objectives for Your Project

  • Layout your Plan
  • Outline the Problem and Solution
  • Keep the Slides in your Presentation Brief
  • Use More Images and Less Text

Utilize Good Quality Diagrams, Presentation Aids, and Visuals

  • Pay Attention to Design
  • Begin with a Template for your Presentation

How to Create a Successful Project Presentation?

Before delving into the essentials of your project presentation, you should respond to the following queries:

  • What goals does your project aim to accomplish?
  • Why is it crucial that you and your group meet your objectives?
  • How are you going to let your audience know what your objectives are?  

Your project is already doomed to failure if it lacks specific goals. It’s common for project managers  to skip the goal-setting stage. However, this is not advised. That’s because you can make things easier for yourself to fail. Stakeholder buy-in can be achieved once project goals are well-defined.

The question now is: How do you set and accomplish project goals? Using the SMART goal-setting process is one way to do that. 

SMART project goal-setting:

  • “SMART” is an abbreviation for the words “specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound”.  
  • Setting and carrying out effective project plans need the use of SMART targets . It requires a closer examination of the more minor elements that matter most to your audience.

How to Create a Successful Project Presentation?

Layout Your Plan

Outlining your strategy for achieving your goals is a crucial next step after setting them. Putting your idea into an executable plan with steps for execution is a great place to start. 

You may be wondering why this is a necessary stage in making a project presentation that works. Well, p lanning a project , no matter how big or small, is easier when you have a thorough strategy, structure, and layout. It eliminates ambiguity and makes it easier for your audience to understand the project roadmap without missing anything.

Both technical and non-technical project aspects should be included in your plan layout. As a result, you should use a project presentation template that outlines all the procedures and activities in detail to offer yourself an advantage. Additionally, the structure of your PowerPoint or Google Slides presentation should be straightforward and understandable.

Depending on the kind of project, your plan might contain important information like:

  • The earlier-described aims and objectives
  • Your project’s framework, technique, and scope
  • Project deliverables, acceptance criteria, and milestones
  • Timeline and schedule for the project 
  • Estimates of resources and budget, etc.

You can use a pre-made customizable project management presentation template available online, like SlideUpLift . You can make this presentation template uniquely yours by modifying it.

When creating a project plan, there are no hard and fast rules. However, you should divide it into three sections if you want to develop an engaging approach that will stick with your audience:

  • Introduction
  • Conclusion and key takeaways

Outline the Problem and its Solution

You have just finished drafting your project action plan . It’s time to let your audience know about your project’s objectives and plan. It’s your responsibility to hold your audience’s attention from the beginning to the end, whether you’re pitching a project plan to clients or an investor deck.

Emphasizing your audience’s problems is one of the best strategies to get their attention.  Having stunning slides highlighting your outstanding product features and project activities is insufficient. Ensure that your project presentation is set up to:

  • List the problems that your audience is facing.
  • Stress how your initiative, offering, or service helps them with their problems.
  • Describe the advantages of using your product or contributing to your project for them.
  • Simply put, your audience should understand how your project improves their lives. As soon as they know this, they will pay attention to your suggestions and act accordingly.
  • Avoid assuming anything about your audience in general. 

If you want the audience on board, discuss their issues and potential solutions in a separate presentation. Make sure they know how your initiative will help them.

Keep the Slides in Your Presentation Brief

Prioritize quality over quantity while designing project presentations. Make sure your slides are brief and easy to understand. Your audience will appreciate that you respect their time when you do this. 

The following justify why you should keep your presentation short:

  • Not only may concise presentation slides be effective, but they may also be memorable.
  • There is a noticeable decline in attention span after 30 minutes during project or business presentations. You run the risk of losing the interest of your audience midway through if you make long speeches. 
  • No one wants to spend hours watching you flip a ton of slides. Focus your audience’s attention and get them to pay attention to the material by using shorter slides.

Use More Images and Less Text  

Using more images and less text in your presentations is another excellent method to keep them engaging but succinct. Recall that your slide show should support, not take the place of, your spoken presentation. Therefore, you want to avoid cramming too much data onto a single presentation. 

Adding too much text to your presentation could: 

  • Bore and overwhelm your audiences.
  • Draw the audience’s focus to the text, which will lessen the impact of your presentation.

When information is presented visually and in bite-sized portions, people remember it better. This holds for corporate leaders, project managers, both B2B and B2C audiences.

Presenting projects successfully requires the use of visuals. Visual aids help viewers retain 95% of a message, drawing them in and holding their interest. However, they maintain just approximately 10% when exchanged by text. 

You can employ a wide range of visual aids in your presentations, such as:

  • Pictures Videos 
  • Charts and graphs
  • Maps of heat and choropleth
  • Dispersion charts 

Your chances of gaining audience engagement and encouraging answers to your call-to-action (CTA) will increase if you include images and videos. Mind maps, Gantt charts , and whiteboard drawings are excellent tools for visualizing project plans in their early stages. Using maps, graphs, charts , and trees, you can display the architecture for projects, including technology. 

How to Create a Successful Project Presentation?

Pay Attention to Design  

Your project presentation may succeed or fail based on its design. Whether you are a rookie or an expert designer, design tools offer you an advantage. In minutes, you can produce visually striking presentation designs for your company.

The good news is that creating eye-catching project presentations doesn’t have to break the cash. Millions of breathtaking royalty-free photos and lovely pre-made layouts are available for your slides. 

These are some pointers to keep in mind when creating your slides.

  • Make Use of a Proper Color Scheme 

Use color sparingly in your presentations if you want them to look appealing. Everyone loves color, so we get it. However, using too many colors may make your presentations disorganized and unpleasant.

  • Make Use of Clearly Identifiable Typography 

Changing your font can influence readers’ understanding of your words. Therefore, ensure that your slides convey the intended content and look professional and well-organized. 

Begin With a Template for Your Presentation

Making powerful project presentations can take much time, regardless of experience level. Suppose you are facing an impending deadline. Writing your project plan, making your slide notes, creating your slides, finding and including images, and other tasks would be on your plate. Creating these things from scratch could take longer and result in messy presentations. 

Using presentation templates might relieve all of your worries. They make it quick and simple for you to create project presentations that appear professional. Because the slides are pre-designed, there will be space for you to add any type of content you would require. The design is present in every form—progress bar, chart, graph, table , video , or image. All you have to do is enter text, add data, or add an image. And just like that, your presentation is set to go. 

Case Study For a Project Presentation

The Cline Avenue Bridge is an example of a difficult project that serves as the basis for the project presentation example. Since it is outside the purview of this article, we are not providing all of the presentation’s components for instructional purposes. Nevertheless, we demonstrate how to create a PowerPoint presentation for a project, how to customize the templates to the content to be presented, and how to show the more typical slides of each component. 

This is a case study of a real project and how the project manager uses templates to put together the project presentation using the structure we presented above.  Here’s how to create a PowerPoint presentation for a project, along with some project presentation ideas.

How to Create a Successful Project Presentation?

Project Overview:

The presenter provides a project charter-style summary of the project’s highlights on this slide. The project manager can expand upon the introduction throughout the project lifespan, and the speech can seamlessly transition across several knowledge domains without requiring a slide change or in-depth discussion. 

In particular, the Cline Bridge Project narrates its goal, briefly mentions its location, provides a link to a map for additional information, and presents several key statistics (Building Information Modelling Process, Budget, Duration, Sponsor, and Constructor). The final deliverable’s salient features—a concrete segmental bridge measuring 1.7 miles in length and 46 feet in width—are enumerated.

Process Model:

The framework for the project lifecycle, processes, planning, and execution is shown in the Process Model presentation. In this slide, the project manager will discuss how the model is customized to the project’s particulars. In this instance, the builder has specified the use of BIM (Building Information Modelling) as the process model for the design and construction of the Cline Bridge. 

During this slide, the presenter might further detail the knowledge practices involved in each lifecycle phase—Design, Production, Construction, Operation, and Planning. Conceptual and detailed design are the two primary knowledge areas that make up the first stage, for instance, “Design.” 

Since the content arrangement for the scope section of the presentation consists of a list of “requirements,” it typically consists of multiple slides. This information leads to a recommended table arrangement that maximizes available space. It’s crucial to portray the set of needs rather than the individual requirements and to refrain from misusing the “list.” If not, the requirements document is transcribed by the project manager.

This example project presentation shows ten categories of requirements covering various project lifecycle stages. 

  • Conceptual Design
  • Construction
  • Construction Logistics

Utilizing a lot of resources is necessary when building a bridge. Organizing this component of a project presentation as a single-level financial table at an executive meeting is advised. Specific resources and cost analysis presentations are tasked with providing more information.

The list of available resources is as follows:

  • Expert Services
  • Construction labor, land machinery, materials, and quality assurance
  • Backup Subcontractors for Waste Disposal and Cleaning

We recommend incorporating visual elements, such as icons and colors that are symbolically tied to each of the items stated, to break up the monotony of table after table throughout the project presentation.

Project Schedule:

The purpose of the project roadmap , as previously mentioned in the article, is to provide a thorough overview of the critical turning points that will occur over time. Owing to the size of a bridge-building project and its extended duration, it is recommended to provide a roadmap that clearly matches milestones with relevant lifespan stages, especially for such large-scale undertakings. This method helps the viewers visualize the step-by-step development of the building process.

In keeping with earlier slides, we developed a roadmap in the example that included the following high-level benchmarks and subcomponents:

  • Project Start-Up
  • Contracts, Clearances, Budgeting, and Financing for Projects
  • Buying and Renting of Land
  • Initial Design Detailed Design Conceptual Design
  • Site Setup: Clearing, Grading, and Access Routes
  • Waste Management Examination
  • Tests of Materials
  • Site Evaluations
  • Tests for seismic activity
  • Manufacturing Fabrication
  • Assembly of Modular Components
  • Building, Assembling, and Construction
  • Test of Quality under Acceptance Standards
  • Stress Exam
  • Management and Upkeep

As you can see, the project manager chose a step-by-step plan that was given with minimal scheduling specifics and start and end dates to provide context for the diagram.

Project Hazards:

Throughout a project, risk management is an iterative process. The risks you face while presenting your initiatives will change based on how well they proceed along the roadmap. In this particular instance, we have chosen to showcase the risks deliberated about at the ideation phase, wherein the developer trades risks with contractors and the bridge construction business.

Our recommended structure for this type of material is a straightforward table with easily readable and visible risks and a description that serves more as a starting point for conversation than a thorough explanation.

It is crucial to categorize the risks given, if just in terms of their “impact” and “probability.” This will lead to some really interesting discussions about them. 

Risks outlined in the first phase:

  • Mistakes in Design
  • Building Hold-Ups
  • Overspending on the Budget
  • Modifications to Regulations
  • Conditions of the Site Equipment Failures
  • Incidents about health and safety

The hazards listed are highly serious, as the reader can see, and each will result in a different Risk Analysis Report.

The project presentation’s quality control component may change depending on the quality process used. A continuous improvement quality approach, which iteratively improves quality over many projects, is typical for large organizations with a consistent portfolio of projects (for example, software businesses). The scenario is the same for construction organizations , such as the example, and the quality control model aligns with the building process model. In this instance, the project manager is outlining the quality control procedure to be used on the BIM model as well as the procedure to be adhered to during the bridge’s actual construction:

Using a simple dashboard, we created in this example, allowing the project manager to show: 

  • The Existing Chronology
  • Top 5 Problems
  • Present-Day Burnout
  • Top 5 Risks

How to Present a Project Management Presentation?

A project plan is an official document that follows a set format and flow. Your presentation should follow this flow for maximum impact. 

To present a project plan , you should go over the following eight steps:

  • Give an overview. Provide a brief overview of the project, outlining its goals and rationale. 
  • Examine the key results and objectives, or OKRs. Talk about the main deliverables and anticipated deadlines. Before starting a project, what crucial information should you obtain from a client? Think about this before engaging in conversation.
  • Describe the exclusions and expectations. Make assumptions clear and restate anything that is outside the project’s scope. You might be wondering when to show a client the project cost. This is the right moment to ensure both of you have clear expectations.
  • Give a high-level timetable. Use a Gantt chart to show the important milestones and dependencies in the project schedule. 
  • Give a brief introduction of your group. Present the customer to coworkers with whom they will be working closely, as well as anyone whose experience will strengthen your reputation (such as a seasoned subject matter expert.)
  • Explain communications. Make sure your client is aware of the collaborative process. Mention how they can contact you with any queries or issues and how they will be updated.
  • Talk about the unexpected. Examine the procedure you’ll use to address requests for changes and problems when they come up.   
  • Q&A. To make sure nothing was missed, conclude with a Q&A session. 

Top 5 Project Management Presentation Templates From Slideuplift

Here are some templates which will help you make your desired presentations. These will also give you project presentation ideas. Feel free to click on the images to download SlideUpLift’s templates.

  • WBS Project Management PowerPoint Template:

How to Create a Successful Project Presentation?

Streamline project planning with this template focused on Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) , offering clear visual guidance for breaking down complex projects into manageable tasks.

  • Scrum Agile Project Management PowerPoint Template:

How to Create a Successful Project Presentation?

Perfect for Agile enthusiasts, SlideUpLift’s Scrum Agile Project Management template provides visually engaging slides explaining the Scrum framework, roles, ceremonies, and critical components to enhance Agile project communication.

  • Circular Project Management PowerPoint Template:

How to Create a Successful Project Presentation?

Enhance project visualization with this template featuring circular diagrams and charts, ideal for representing project cycles, feedback loops, and continuous improvement processes.

  • SIPOC Project Management PowerPoint Template:

How to Create a Successful Project Presentation?

Optimize process mapping using this template designed for SIPOC (Supplier, Input, Process, Output, Customer) models, facilitating the illustration of information and resource flows in projects or processes. 

  • Risk Management PowerPoint Template:

How to Create a Successful Project Presentation?

Navigate project uncertainties seamlessly with this template tailored for Risk Management . Expect insightful slides on identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks, providing a comprehensive overview to keep your projects on track.

Questions To Ask The Client Before Starting The Project Management Presentation

The client project focus ensures that your client’s business goals are sufficiently handled and that transparency is maintained throughout the project. Objectives, milestones, acceptance criteria, etc., are frequently discussed beforehand.

You might still need to ask a few questions, though, and these are the top five:

  • Who are the project stakeholders in your organization? What authority and interest levels do the people who intend to be associated with the project have? 
  • Have you already worked on projects similar to this one? How did you overcome the obstacles, if any? 
  • What characteristics, outputs, or specifications should we constantly focus on?
  • Are you having trouble sleeping at night because of anything related to this project? If yes, what would it be?
  • Do you have any questions about risks, difficulties, or other project parts we haven’t yet covered? 

Questions the Client Might Ask During a Project Presentation and How To Answer Them

For new speakers, the Q&A section can often be their biggest worry. The most difficult part of being ready for this is that you never know what queries a client may have. 

Client inquiries frequently revolve around their worries about potential problems. You’ll be able to anticipate their questions more accurately when you know about their priorities. Assume that your client has a tight deadline for finishing the project. Among the queries they might have are:

  • How are you going to guarantee that the project is completed on time?
  • How would you respond if deadlines begin to elude you?
  • Which risks could cause the project to be delayed?

You can prepare well-reasoned responses to their questions by considering their priorities and potential issues beforehand. But what about those unexpected queries that come out of nowhere? 

Three pointers to help you handle unforeseen queries from clients during a project presentation are as follows:

  • Firstly, thank them for raising the question. Encourage your client to speak with you and express their worries upfront. 
  • Find out what motivates the question. Ask why a question is being asked if it appears pointless or strange. Perhaps the client possesses knowledge that you are unaware of. You will also have extra time to consider your response as a result.
  • Put it on the table for later. Inform the customer that you will investigate and get back to them if you are unsure of the response. Give your client a timeframe during which they can anticipate receiving your response.  

Establishing objectives and having a well-thought-out plan to reach them are the first steps in producing an effective project presentation. It also calls for effective delivery, careful attention to design, and the creation of captivating content.  

A strong pitch deck that explains the specifics of your idea and its potential for success is essential if you want to seal those transactions. Using a user-friendly project presentation program such as SlideUpLift can be a game changer. 

The ideal design tool for producing eye-catching and captivating project presentations is something SlideUpLift specializes in.  You can use various features and tools with SlideUpLift to assist you in achieving your ideas for your projects.  

To help your presentation succeed, SlideUpLift offers hundreds of presentation templates , graphic components, font styles, data visualization tools, and pre-installed stock photos and videos.  

You now have all the advice and resources you need to ace the project presentations for the future. With the presentation templates from SlideUpLift, get tips and tricks on standing out when presenting, go ahead and amaze your audience!

How do I effectively present my project?

To present your project effectively, focus on clear communication, use visuals, and tailor your message to your audience’s level of understanding.

How can I present my project as a project manager?

As a project manager, presenting a project involves clear communication of goals, methodologies, and outcomes while addressing potential risks and solutions.

What are the best ways to present a project?

The best ways to present a project include engaging visuals, storytelling, and addressing key points such as objectives, timelines, and potential challenges.

Are there templates for project management presentations?

Several platforms, including SlideUpLift, offer templates specifically designed for project manager presentations .

What are effective ways to present my project to clients?

Effective ways to present your project to clients include emphasizing value, addressing their specific concerns, and showcasing project outcomes.

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6 Simple Parts for Beginners to Create a PowerPoint Presentation

Last Updated: December 19, 2022 Fact Checked

Creating a New PowerPoint

Creating the title slide, adding a new slide, adding content to slides, adding transitions, testing and saving your presentation.

This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Darlene Antonelli, MA . Darlene Antonelli is a Technology Writer and Editor for wikiHow. Darlene has experience teaching college courses, writing technology-related articles, and working hands-on in the technology field. She earned an MA in Writing from Rowan University in 2012 and wrote her thesis on online communities and the personalities curated in such communities. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 4,318,171 times. Learn more...

Do you want to have your data in a slide show? If you have Microsoft 365, you can use PowerPoint! PowerPoint is a program that's part of the Microsoft Office suite (which you have to pay for) and is available for both Windows and Mac computers. This wikiHow teaches you how to create your own Microsoft PowerPoint presentation on a computer.

Things You Should Know

  • Templates make it easy to create vibrant presentations no matter your skill level.
  • When adding photos, you can adjust their sizes by clicking and dragging in or out from their corners.
  • You can add animated transitions between slides or to individual elements like bullet points and blocks of text.

Step 1 Open PowerPoint.

  • If you don't have a Microsoft Office 365 subscription, you can use the website instead of the desktop app. Go to https://powerpoint.office.com/ to use the website version.
  • You can also use the mobile app to make presentations, though it's easier to do this on a computer, which has a larger screen, a mouse, and a keyboard.

Step 2 Select a template.

  • If you don't want to use a template, just click the Blank option in the upper-left side of the page and skip to the next part.

Step 3 Select a theme if possible.

  • Skip this step if your selected template has no themes available.

Step 4 Click Create.

  • If you're creating a PowerPoint presentation for which an elaborate title slide has been requested, ignore this step.

Step 2 Add a title.

  • You can change the font and size of text used from the Home tab that's in the orange ribbon at the top of the window.

Step 3 Add the subtitle.

  • You can also just leave this box blank if you like.

Step 4 Rearrange the title text boxes.

  • You can also click and drag in or out one of a text box's corners to shrink or enlarge the text box.

Step 1 Click the Insert tab.

  • On a Mac, you'll click the Home tab instead. [1] X Research source

Step 2 Click New Slide ▼.

  • Clicking the white slide-shaped box above this option will result in a new text slide being inserted.

Step 3 Select a type of slide.

  • Title Slide
  • Title and Content
  • Section Header
  • Two Content
  • Content with Caption
  • Picture with Caption

Step 4 Add any other slides that you think you'll need.

  • Naturally, the title slide should be the first slide in your presentation, meaning that it should be the top slide in the left-hand column.

Step 1 Select a slide.

  • Skip this step and the next two steps if your selected slide uses a template that doesn't have text boxes in it.

Step 3 Add text to the slide.

  • Text boxes in PowerPoint will automatically format the bulk of your text for you (e.g., adding bullet points) based on the context of the content itself.
  • You can add notes that the Presentation will not include (but you'll still be able to see them on your screen) by clicking Notes at the bottom of the slide.

Step 4 Format the slide's text.

  • You can change the font of the selected text by clicking the current font's name and then clicking your preferred font.
  • If you want to change the size of the text, click the numbered drop-down box and then click a larger or smaller number based on whether you want to enlarge or shrink the text.
  • You can also change the color, bolding, italicization, underlining, and so on from here.

Step 5 Add photos to the slide.

  • Photos in particular can be enlarged or shrunk by clicking and dragging out or in one of their corners.

Step 7 Repeat this for each slide in your presentation.

  • Remember to keep slides uncluttered and relatively free of distractions. It's best to keep the amount of text per slide to around 33 words or less. [2] X Research source

Step 1 Select a slide.

  • Slide content will animate in the order in which you assign transitions. For example, if you animate a photo on the slide and then animate the title, the photo will appear before the title.
  • Make your slideshow progress automatically by setting the speed of every transition to align with your speech as well as setting each slide to Advance . [3] X Trustworthy Source Microsoft Support Technical support and product information from Microsoft. Go to source

Step 1 Review your PowerPoint.

  • If you need to exit the presentation, press Esc .

Step 5 Make any necessary changes before proceeding.

  • Windows - Click File , click Save , double-click This PC , select a save location, enter a name for your presentation, and click Save .
  • Mac - Click File , click Save As... , enter the presentation's name in the "Save As" field, select a save location by clicking the "Where" box and clicking a folder, and click Save .

Community Q&A

Community Answer

  • If you save your PowerPoint presentation in .pps format instead of the default .ppt format, double-clicking your PowerPoint presentation file will prompt the presentation to open directly into the slideshow view. Thanks Helpful 5 Not Helpful 0
  • If you don't have Microsoft Office, you can still use Apple's Keynote program or Google Slides to create a PowerPoint presentation. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

how to make ppt presentation for project

  • Your PowerPoint presentation (or some features in it) may not open in significantly older versions of PowerPoint. Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 1
  • Great PowerPoint presentations avoid placing too much text on one slide. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

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  • ↑ https://onedrive.live.com/view.aspx?resid=DBDCE00C929AA5D8!252&ithint=file%2cpptx&app=PowerPoint&authkey=!AH4O9NxcbehqzIg
  • ↑ https://www.virtualsalt.com/powerpoint.htm
  • ↑ https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/set-the-timing-and-speed-of-a-transition-c3c3c66f-4cca-4821-b8b9-7de0f3f6ead1#:~:text=To%20make%20the%20slide%20advance,effect%20on%20the%20slide%20finishes .

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8 tips to make the best powerpoint presentations.

Want to make your PowerPoint presentations really shine? Here's how to impress and engage your audience.

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Table of contents, start with a goal, less is more, consider your typeface, make bullet points count, limit the use of transitions, skip text where possible, think in color, take a look from the top down, bonus: start with templates.

Slideshows are an intuitive way to share complex ideas with an audience, although they're dull and frustrating when poorly executed. Here are some tips to make your Microsoft PowerPoint presentations sing while avoiding common pitfalls.

It all starts with identifying what we're trying to achieve with the presentation. Is it informative, a showcase of data in an easy-to-understand medium? Or is it more of a pitch, something meant to persuade and convince an audience and lead them to a particular outcome?

It's here where the majority of these presentations go wrong with the inability to identify the talking points that best support our goal. Always start with a goal in mind: to entertain, to inform, or to share data in a way that's easy to understand. Use facts, figures, and images to support your conclusion while keeping structure in mind (Where are we now and where are we going?).

I've found that it's helpful to start with the ending. Once I know how to end a presentation, I know how best to get to that point. I start by identifying the takeaway---that one nugget that I want to implant before thanking everyone for their time---and I work in reverse to figure out how best to get there.

Your mileage, of course, may vary. But it's always going to be a good idea to put in the time in the beginning stages so that you aren't reworking large portions of the presentation later. And that starts with a defined goal.

A slideshow isn't supposed to include everything. It's an introduction to a topic, one that we can elaborate on with speech. Anything unnecessary is a distraction. It makes the presentation less visually appealing and less interesting, and it makes you look bad as a presenter.

This goes for text as well as images. There's nothing worse, in fact, than a series of slides where the presenter just reads them as they appear. Your audience is capable of reading, and chances are they'll be done with the slide, and browsing Reddit, long before you finish. Avoid putting the literal text on the screen, and your audience will thank you.

Related: How to Burn Your PowerPoint to DVD

Right off the bat, we're just going to come out and say that Papyrus and Comic Sans should be banned from all PowerPoint presentations, permanently. Beyond that, it's worth considering the typeface you're using and what it's saying about you, the presenter, and the presentation itself.

Consider choosing readability over aesthetics, and avoid fancy fonts that could prove to be more of a distraction than anything else. A good presentation needs two fonts: a serif and sans-serif. Use one for the headlines and one for body text, lists, and the like. Keep it simple. Veranda, Helvetica, Arial, and even Times New Roman are safe choices. Stick with the classics and it's hard to botch this one too badly.

There reaches a point where bullet points become less of a visual aid and more of a visual examination.

Bullet points should support the speaker, not overwhelm his audience. The best slides have little or no text at all, in fact. As a presenter, it's our job to talk through complex issues, but that doesn't mean that we need to highlight every talking point.

Instead, think about how you can break up large lists into three or four bullet points. Carefully consider whether you need to use more bullet points, or if you can combine multiple topics into a single point instead. And if you can't, remember that there's no one limiting the number of slides you can have in a presentation. It's always possible to break a list of 12 points down into three pages of four points each.

Animation, when used correctly, is a good idea. It breaks up slow-moving parts of a presentation and adds action to elements that require it. But it should be used judiciously.

Adding a transition that wipes left to right between every slide or that animates each bullet point in a list, for example, starts to grow taxing on those forced to endure the presentation. Viewers get bored quickly, and animations that are meant to highlight specific elements quickly become taxing.

That's not to say that you can't use animations and transitions, just that you need to pick your spots. Aim for no more than a handful of these transitions for each presentation. And use them in spots where they'll add to the demonstration, not detract from it.

Sometimes images tell a better story than text can. And as a presenter, your goal is to describe points in detail without making users do a lot of reading. In these cases, a well-designed visual, like a chart, might better convey the information you're trying to share.

The right image adds visual appeal and serves to break up longer, text-heavy sections of the presentation---but only if you're using the right images. A single high-quality image can make all the difference between a success and a dud when you're driving a specific point home.

When considering text, don't think solely in terms of bullet points and paragraphs. Tables, for example, are often unnecessary. Ask yourself whether you could present the same data in a bar or line chart instead.

Color is interesting. It evokes certain feelings and adds visual appeal to your presentation as a whole. Studies show that color also improves interest, comprehension, and retention. It should be a careful consideration, not an afterthought.

You don't have to be a graphic designer to use color well in a presentation. What I do is look for palettes I like, and then find ways to use them in the presentation. There are a number of tools for this, like Adobe Color , Coolors , and ColorHunt , just to name a few. After finding a palette you enjoy, consider how it works with the presentation you're about to give. Pastels, for example, evoke feelings of freedom and light, so they probably aren't the best choice when you're presenting quarterly earnings that missed the mark.

It's also worth mentioning that you don't need to use every color in the palette. Often, you can get by with just two or three, though you should really think through how they all work together and how readable they'll be when layered. A simple rule of thumb here is that contrast is your friend. Dark colors work well on light backgrounds, and light colors work best on dark backgrounds.

Spend some time in the Slide Sorter before you finish your presentation. By clicking the four squares at the bottom left of the presentation, you can take a look at multiple slides at once and consider how each works together. Alternatively, you can click "View" on the ribbon and select "Slide Sorter."

Are you presenting too much text at once? Move an image in. Could a series of slides benefit from a chart or summary before you move on to another point?

It's here that we have the opportunity to view the presentation from beyond the single-slide viewpoint and think in terms of how each slide fits, or if it fits at all. From this view, you can rearrange slides, add additional ones, or delete them entirely if you find that they don't advance the presentation.

The difference between a good presentation and a bad one is really all about preparation and execution. Those that respect the process and plan carefully---not only the presentation as a whole, but each slide within it---are the ones who will succeed.

This brings me to my last (half) point: When in doubt, just buy a template and use it. You can find these all over the web, though Creative Market and GraphicRiver are probably the two most popular marketplaces for this kind of thing. Not all of us are blessed with the skills needed to design and deliver an effective presentation. And while a pre-made PowerPoint template isn't going to make you a better presenter, it will ease the anxiety of creating a visually appealing slide deck.

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Tips on How to Make PPT for Final Year Project

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Last Updated: 26 May 2023

how to make ppt presentation for project

Your final year project is the culmination of all your academic efforts and plays a crucial role in your academic career. It's a chance to showcase your knowledge, skills, and research abilities to peers and faculty members.

However, presenting your work can be daunting, and this is where a well-designed PPT comes in. A good PPT for the final-year project can help you communicate your research findings and conclusions to your audience clearly and effectively. It can help you present complex information in an easy-to-understand format, leaving a lasting impression on your audience.

That's why we have prepared this blog post for you. In this post, you will learn expert tips on making PPT for your 3rd-year project from top faculties:

  • How to plan and prepare your presentation.
  • How to design and format your slides.
  • How to deliver and communicate your message.

And as a bonus, we have also included some free final-year project presentation ppt samples approved by top faculty members and helped students get exceedingly good marks in their presentations. These templates are designed to suit different projects and audiences and are easy to customise and use.

Download Final-Year Project Presentation PPT Samples 

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So what are you waiting for? Discover how to ace your final year project presentation with these tips and templates!

Here are a few tips on how to create a final year project PPT and solutions for your doubts about how to make the PPT for a project in the college final year.

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Tips for making an effective ppt for final year project.

how to make ppt presentation for project

1. Start With a Clear Outline

Creating an outline is easy and helps you plan your presentation effectively. Start by identifying the key points you want to cover in your presentation and then arrange them logically. This will help you create a flow of ideas that your audience can follow easily.

Once you have your outline, you can begin designing your slides and adding content. Remember to keep your slides concise and use bullet points wherever necessary. This will make it easier for your audience to follow your presentation and understand your key points.

2. Use Appropriate Fonts and Colours

When selecting fonts, it's important to choose a style that is easy to read, such as Arial or Calibri. Avoid using fancy or decorative fonts, as these can be difficult to read and distract your audience from your message.

Colours can also play an important role in your PPT design. Choose colours that complement each other and that are easy on the eyes. Avoid using too many bright colours or high-contrast combinations, as these can be distracting and difficult to read.

Remember, the goal is to create a visually appealing and professional-looking PPT that is easy to read and understand. So, choose your fonts and colours carefully, and use them consistently throughout your presentation.

3. Keep the Design Simple and Consistent

4. use high-quality images and visuals.

When selecting images and visuals, choose ones that are relevant to your presentation and are of high quality. Ensure they are large enough to be seen by your audience and are clear and well-defined.

In addition, consider using graphs, charts, and diagrams to present your data or findings. This can help make your presentation more dynamic and help your audience better understand your research.

Finally, avoid using too many images or visuals, as this can distract you from your message. Use them sparingly and strategically, and ensure they add value to your presentation.

5. Use Bullet Points instead of Lengthy Paragraphs

When creating your PPT, consider breaking your content into short, easy-to-read bullet points. This will help you convey your message more effectively and make it easier for your audience to understand.

In addition, use bullet points to highlight the most important information or key takeaways from your research. This will help you emphasise your findings and conclusions and ensure that your audience remembers the most important aspects of your presentation. Finally, avoid using too many bullet points, making your presentation cluttered and difficult to read. Use them strategically, and only include the most important information.

Also Read:  How to Give Killer Project Presentation

how to make ppt presentation for project

Guidelines for the Content of YourPPT For Final Year Project 

1. include a brief introduction and overview of the project.

Your introduction should be engaging and capture the reader's attention. Use simple language and avoid technical jargon to make your introduction accessible to a wide audience.

In your overview, briefly outline your project's main goals and objectives, as well as the key findings and conclusions you have reached. This will give your audience an idea of what to expect from the rest of your presentation and help them follow along more easily.

2. Present the Problem Statement and Research Question

Your problem statement should explain the specific issue or challenge that your project aims to address. Use concrete examples and data to illustrate the problem and why it matters. Your research question should be a clear and concise statement of the specific question you are trying to answer. 

Use bullet points to break down your problem statement and research question into manageable sections, making it easier for your audience to understand and follow along.

3. Explain the Methodology Used to Conduct the Research

Use bullet points to break down the steps of your methodology and explain why each step was important. If you used specific tools or techniques, such as surveys or interviews, explain how and what you learned from them. 

It's also important to explain any limitations or challenges you encountered during your research, and how you addressed them.  By explaining your methodology clearly and engagingly, you can help your audience understand the depth and rigour of your research, and why your findings are important.

4. Present the Findings and Results in a Clear and Concise Manner

If you used any visual aids, such as graphs or charts, make sure they are easy to read and interpret. It's also important to explain any patterns or trends from your data and discuss the significance of your findings. 

By presenting your findings clearly and concisely, you can help your audience understand the impact and relevance of your research.

5. Highlight the Contributions and Significance of the Project

You can also discuss the potential impact of your research on society, and how it can inform future research or policy decisions. Use bullet points to break down your contributions and significance into manageable sections, and explain why they are important. 

6. Provide a Conclusion and Future Directions

Use bullet points to break down your conclusion into manageable sections, and highlight key takeaways. In addition, provide suggestions for future research or directions for your project. This can help your audience understand your research's potential impact and relevance beyond your current project. 

By providing a clear and engaging conclusion and future directions, you can leave a lasting impression on your audience and inspire further discussion and exploration of your research topic.

Top-Performing Students Reveal Their Project Format: Learn The Format That Impresses Evaluators! 

Here is a slide-by-slide guide for what to include in your final-year project presentation:

Slide 1: Title Slide

  • Include the title of your presentation, your name, and the date.
  • Use a clear and legible font, and choose a background that complements your topic.

Slide 2: Introduction

  • Provide an overview of your project and explain its importance.
  • State your research question and explain how you conducted your research.

Slide 3: Literature Review

  • Summarise the existing research on your topic and highlight any gaps or inconsistencies.
  • Provide a clear and concise summary of the literature you reviewed, and explain how it informs your research.

Slide 4: Methodology

  • Explain the methodology you used to conduct your research.
  • Provide details on your sample size, data collection methods, and analysis techniques.

Slide 5: Results

  • Present your results in a clear and organised manner.
  • Use charts, graphs, or tables to illustrate your findings.
  • Explain what your results mean and how they contribute to the field.

Slide 6: Discussion

  • Interpret your results and explain what they reveal about your research question.
  • Discuss any limitations or challenges you encountered during your research.
  • Offer suggestions for future research on the topic.

Slide 7: Conclusion

  • Summarise the key points of your presentation.
  • Reiterate the significance of your findings and their contribution to the field.
  • Explain the implications of your research and how it can be applied in the real world.

Slide 8: Acknowledgments

  • Acknowledge anyone who helped you with your research or supported you during your project.
  • Provide a brief statement of gratitude.

Slide 9: References

  • List all the sources you used in your research.
  • Use a consistent citation style and provide full bibliographic information.

how to make ppt presentation for project

How to Present Your PPT for a Project in the Final Year?

It is a common thing among students to have some doubts while they are preparing their PPT for a project. The main reason behind it is that they are unsure how to present their work in an appealing and concise way. But before we start discussing the best ways to present your PPT for a project in the final year, let’s look at what presentation software you should use when presenting your PPT.

Now that you know to prepare a winning PPT for the project for your final year, let’s look at what you need to keep in mind when presenting it.

It is best to determine an effective way to present the project to an audience and plan the situation. This is because no matter how good the content of your slides are, the way you explain them also plays a crucial role in making a lasting impression on the evaluators and audience. Here are a few things you need to keep in mind:

  • Your body language should reflect confidence.
  • Ensure your voice is loud enough and clear for the audience to understand.
  • Engagingly explain the content to keep the audience interested.
  • Keep a balanced posture and do not make too many hand movements that can distract the audience.
  • Finally, practice how to present your PPT to hone your presentation skills.

How to Prepare for Project Presentation: Division of Time Make sure the PPT is not too long or short. Ensure the entire presentation lasts around 20 to 25 minutes, divided into the following:

  • Preparation - 5 minutes
  • Presentation - 10 to 15 minutes
  • Question and Answer Session - 5 minutes

how to make ppt presentation for project

Most Common Final Year Project PPT Mistakes That Ruin Your CHnaces To Score High Marks  

It's important to avoid common mistakes that can detract from the quality and effectiveness of your presentation. Here are some tips to avoid common mistakes:

1. Overloading Slides with Text

  • Adding too much text to your slides can overwhelm your audience and make it difficult for them to follow along.
  • Keep your text concise and use bullet points or short phrases instead of full sentences.
  • Use images or diagrams to illustrate your points instead of relying solely on text.

2. Choosing Inappropriate Colour Schemes and Fonts

  • Choosing appropriate colours and fonts is important for making your presentation look professional and engaging.
  • Choose colours that complement each other and use fonts that are easy to read.
  • Avoid using too many colours or fonts in your presentation, which can be distracting and unprofessional.

3. Failing to Rehearse your Presentation

  • Rehearsing your presentation can help you identify improvement areas and ensure you are comfortable with the material.
  • Failing to rehearse can result in stumbling over your words or forgetting important points.
  • Practice your presentation before a friend or family member to get feedback and improve your delivery.

4. Ignoring the Audience's Needs

  • Tailor your presentation to your audience's needs and expectations.
  • Failing to do so can result in your presentation not resonating with your audience or failing to communicate your message effectively.
  • Consider your audience's background, interests, and knowledge when creating your presentation.

5. Not Using Images or Visual Aids

  • Using images or visual aids can help to break up text and make your presentation more engaging.
  • Avoid using too many images or visual aids, which can be distracting.
  • Use high-quality images relevant to your presentation and help illustrate your points.

6. Reading Directly from the Slides

  • Avoid reading directly from your slides, as this can make your presentation seem robotic and unengaging.
  • Use your slides as a visual aid to support your presentation, not as a script to read from.
  • Practice your presentation enough time so that you are comfortable with the material and can present it naturally.

Learn How to Prepare a PPT for Final Year Project with Us

TOPS Technologies is one of the leading IT Training Institutes that has placed over 10,000 students in well-known IT companies across India. We provide project training to students and ensure they have a bright future in their chosen fields. Our tutors will ensure you prepare and present it successfully. 

TOPS has offices in all major cities of Gujarat, including Ahmedabad, Vadodara, Rajkot, Surat, Gandhinagar, and Nagpur. You can visit the nearest branch to learn more about our courses.

For further inquiries regarding the TOPS Technologies Course, reach out to us at [email protected] or call us at +91 – 7622011173 for a free demo. Contact us today for Final year project training and learn how to make a ppt for the final year project review. 

General Questions About Making PPT for Your Final Year Project

Here are a few questions that we typically get from students about the final year project presentation format and how to present the PPT:

Can These Templates Be Used for Computer Science Final Year Project Presentation PPT Sample?

Can I Use These Tips for Project Presentation PPT for Final Year Engineering?

How much time should I spend on making the PPT?

What software should I use for the PPT?

What topics should I choose for my final year project & PPT?

What basics should I consider for my final year PPT?

What should be the ideal flow of a final year presentation?

What should be included in a final-year project presentation?

While creating a presentation for a senior year project, you should consider including the following:

  • Introduction: Provide an overview of your project, its purpose, and its significance.
  • Background: Describe the context and background of your project, including relevant theories and concepts.
  • Methodology: Explain the research methods used to conduct your project and analyze your findings
  • Results: Present your findings clearly and concisely, using visual aids such as graphs and charts if applicable.
  • Conclusion: Summarize your key findings and their implications for your field.
  • Future Directions: Suggest possible future directions for research in this area.

How long should a final-year project presentation be?

In general, it's important to keep your presentation focused and concise, highlighting the key aspects of your project and the most important findings or outcomes. Make sure to structure your presentation clearly and logically, with a clear introduction, main body, and conclusion.

Remember, your presentation is an opportunity to showcase your work and demonstrate your understanding of the subject matter. Practice your presentation beforehand and be prepared to answer any questions.

How should I structure my final year project presentation?


  • Start with a brief introduction to your project topic and objectives
  • Provide some background information to give context to your project
  • State the purpose of your presentation and what the audience can expect to learn

Literature review

  • Explain the existing knowledge and research related to your project
  • Summarize the key points from relevant literature
  • Explain how your project builds on existing knowledge and what gap it fills


  • Explain the methodology you used to conduct your project
  • Describe the data collection process and any tools or techniques you used
  • Provide details on any experiments or simulations you conducted
  • Present the results of your project
  • Use graphs, charts, and other visuals to help illustrate your findings
  • Provide statistical analysis where relevant
  • Summarize the key findings and their implications
  • Interpret the results of your project
  • Discuss the implications of your findings
  • Compare your results to the existing literature
  • Address any limitations or challenges you faced during your project
  • Summarize the key points of your project
  • Restate the purpose of your presentation
  • Explain the contributions and significance of your project
  • Discuss the potential future directions for your project


  • Offer recommendations for future research or improvements to your project
  • Discuss any potential applications or practical implications of your work

How should I prepare for my final year project presentation?

Here are some steps you can take to prepare:

  • Revisit your project: Review your work and refresh your memory of what you did, how you did it, and what you found.
  • Rehearse: Practice your presentation several times. This will help you develop a smooth flow and identify areas you may need to improve.
  • Organize your material: Organize your material into a logical structure that flows well, ensuring that your presentation is coherent and easy to follow.
  • Use visual aids: Incorporate visual aids such as slides or charts to illustrate your work and make it easier for your audience to follow.
  • Anticipate questions: Consider the types of questions your audience may ask and prepare responses in advance. This will help you to be better prepared during the Q&A session.
  • Time management: Make sure you manage your time effectively during your presentation to cover all key points without rushing or exceeding your allotted time.
  • Dress appropriately: Dress professionally for the presentation. This will help you to appear more confident and competent.
  • Get feedback: Seek feedback from peers or instructors to improve your presentation skills.

how to make ppt presentation for project

What are some tips for delivering an effective final-year project presentation?

  • Beginning with a hook: Start your presentation with a hook that grabs the audience's attention. This may be an intriguing fact, challenging inquiry, or personal story.
  • Talk confidently and clearly: Speak slowly and clearly, so your audience can comprehend you. Maintain eye contact and project your voice to your listeners
  • Concentrate on essentials: Concentrate on essential aspects of your job and avoid becoming mired down in excessive detail.
  • Be prepared: Ensure that your presentation has a clear and logical framework that flows smoothly and is simple to follow.
  • Practice, practice, practice: Repeatedly rehearsing your presentation can make you feel more comfortable and competent with the topic.
  • Maintain the time limit: Ensure that you effectively manage your time during your presentation to cover all of the main points without hurrying or going over the given time.
  • Answer questions effectively: Be ready to handle inquiries from your audience by delivering clear and concise responses.
  • Finalize with a conclusion: Your presentation should conclude with a concise and clear summary of your project and important takeaways.

By adhering to these guidelines, you can produce an excellent presentation for your senior thesis that highlights your hard work and exhibits your subject-matter knowledge.

Tips on How to Make PPT for Final Year P...

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Top 10 Project Overview Templates with Examples and Samples

Top 10 Project Overview Templates with Examples and Samples

Kavesh Malhotra


Before anything else, preparation is the key to success.

- Alexander Graham Bell

Before beginning work on any project, you need to make a plan to execute it better. Planning is the very first step in starting any project. It allows the process to run smoothly without any obstacles. Moreover, while planning, you can also predict possible outcomes and strategize how to tackle these better beforehand. That is why managers create a project overview to stay organized and ahead.

What is a project overview? Simply put, a project overview summarizes the project or its blueprint. It allows for planning the project by incorporating essential details such as project timeline, team members, roles, project duration, cost, scope, and expected outcomes.

Not only is it beneficial in executing the project, it also acts as a reference until completion. A large amount of information can be summarized and presented to help the members understand it better. Apart from that, a project overview allows managers to keep track of progress. Every project overview has its objectives and reasons. But a good one answers all the questions about the project and provides clear and resourceful information. No matter what your industry is, a project overview is vital to reach your goal.

Now that we understand the importance of a project overview, the question arises: How do we create one? Well, creating a project overview can be cumbersome and take time. But you need not worry as we are here with the right solution. SlideTeam brings you project overview templates using which you can create an overview of your upcoming project in no time. All these templates are content ready and 100% customizable, making it more accessible than ever to create the project overview that meets your requirements.

Check out our list of our top 10 project overview templates.

Template 1: project scope overview powerpoint presentation slides.

Our Project Scope Overview PowerPoint Presentation Slides allow you to plan every detail of your project such as inputs, tools, and technique. It assists in distinguishing what is and what is not part of the project and controls what is allowed or removed when the project is executed.

You can execute all processes when you know exactly what you need to make your project successful. Using this template, you can manage your team and determine the number of employees required to complete the project as well.

Project Scope Overview

Download Now!

Template 2: Project Brief Summary PowerPoint Presentation Slides

If you are looking for a template that allows you to provide a concise description of your project, then this PPT Layout is for you. Using these 20-Slide template, you can provide complete information about the project to your audience. It allows you to pinpoint key risks and issues and the paths to tackle them. Apart from this, other details, such as the project budget and benefits, can be represented. Get this template and keep track of processes and ensure that the project is completed on time.

Project Brief Summary

Template 3: Digitalization Strategy to Accelerate Project Overview for Digital Transformation

A business's online presence is vital, but brands must execute it strategically. If you want to digitize your business, this amazing template is proven to be beneficial. This template allows your audience to understand the project in detail and helps you implement digital transformation. The slides incorporate project description, location, budget, and objectives to create an excellent project overview. In addition, you can dispense project duration by providing an expected end date and ensuring you complete the project on time by downloading this template.

Project Overview for Digital Transformation

Template 4: Determine Charter for Project Overview Project Management Playbook

Before the project begins, it is vital to ensure that your team members and project associates have a shared understanding of the objectives, resources required, the people needed, and their roles. With Determine Charter for Project Overview Project Management Playbook, you can provide your audience with a map about how the project needs to progress. Using this template, you can provide information on stakeholders involved, project constraints, and various deliverables.

Determine Charter for Project Overview

Template 5: Feasibility Study Templates for Different Projects Construction Project Overview

Starting a commercial project is a good decision, and by using this template, you can make a better decision for your company. Before starting any business, it is vital to understand whether it will work practically. So, feasibility study becomes essential. With our Feasibility Study Template, you can outline the project's viability and know whether or not you should proceed. In addition, using this construction project overview, you can provide information on essential features of required commercial sites.

Construction Project Overview

Template 6: Project Overview IT Change Execution Plan

Executing change is about bringing theoretical planning into practice. This change execution can either make or break your project. It is a risky and costly step. It would help if you planned out the project overview to avoid any mistakes. Using Project Overview IT Change Execution Plan, you can summarize the transition by providing information regarding the purpose, key deliverables, budgets, risks, and issues. It also covers the employees' details and the estimated time to complete the project.

Project Overview

Template 7: Program Charter Showing Project Overview Management Team and Milestones

If you are looking for a template that helps create a precise and effective project overview, then this template is for you. This unique template offers the three-stage processes: Program Charter, Project Charter, and Project Management to Project Overview. It helps provide you with the project overview, from purpose, scope, and key deliverables to resources, tools, and budget. You can represent milestones and demonstrate the status of ongoing projects. Get this template to ensure that your project is on the right track.

Program Charter Showing Project Overview…

Template 8: Current Network Strategic Alignment Project Overview Knowledge Organization

Strategic alignment, together with appropriate organizational skills, is essential for the success of your project or business. However, it can derail if the execution is not planned. This PPT template can help you strategically organize your current network to use the available organizational skills. In addition, this graphical template, with its distinctive visual appeal, allows you to engage your audience and convey your message and incorporates seven planning stages.

Current Network Strategic Alignment Project Overview Knowl…

Template 9: Project Brief Objectives PPT Summary Example Introduction

Team members working on any project need to know about it and its expected outcomes to work more efficiently. Using this template, you can create an engaging and informative project overview and a clearer picture of the outcomes, making every choice simpler and faster. It lets you brief your audience on the project, describe the objectives, and show the status. Download this template and your team will know where to focus.

Project Brief

Template 10: One Page Project Overview Charter Presentation Report Infographic PPT PDF Document

Do you want a crisp and precise project overview? Then you must download our following striking and functional PPT Template to brief your project. Using this template, you can make your team members understand their roles, the scope of the project, and how it will be carried out. This template also represents delegation of authority. You can define the milestones of the project, the performance of employees, and the project status. This template will help you plan and monitor all the steps and processes of the project; download right away.

One Page Project Overview Charter

Plan Your Success 

Planning is essential to starting any project, whether big or small. It creates a clearer picture for you and your employees. Thus, it helps you achieve your expected goals more effectively and smoothly. Choose the template that suits your requirements and download it now to create an outstanding project overview.

FAQs on Project Overview

What is a project overview report.

A project overview report is the summary of the project. It includes the project's purpose, objectives, budget, deliverables, project location, cost, and duration. By planning the project ahead of time, you can assess various risks and issues associated with it and strategize a plan to tackle them. No matter what industry, big or small, it is essential to create a project overview. You can use SlideTeam's templates and build a breakthrough project overview.

What is the project overview example?

A project overview example is SlideTeam's groundbreaking templates with samples that offer a detailed project description. They provide a brief on the project goals and objectives in a striking format and help formulate the outline of necessary resources and tools to achieve your goals.

Why is a project overview important?

Having a project overview is important because:

● It helps represent essential details and elements of the project, providing clarity to your team members. ● It acts as a roadmap and guides the members through project stages. ● It saves time, accelerates the process, and improves the success rate.

What should we write in a project overview?

A project overview is simply a brief of the entire project. Elements that you should incorporate in the project overview are:

● Project Timeline ● Major Deadlines ● Project Budget ● Project Status ● Deliverables ● Team Members and their Roles ● Project location, cost, duration, scope ● Project brief/summary ● Expected outcome ● Status

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how to make ppt presentation for project

Create a presentation

Create a presentation in powerpoint for the web.

Your browser does not support video. Install Microsoft Silverlight, Adobe Flash Player, or Internet Explorer 9.

With PowerPoint for the web running in your web browser, you can:

Create presentations that include images, videos, transitions, and animations.

Get to your presentations from your computer, tablet, or phone.

Share and work with others, wherever they are.

If you're using the desktop version of PowerPoint on a Windows PC, see the PowerPoint Quick Start .

If you're using the desktop version of PowerPoint on a Mac, see Office for Mac Quick Start Guides and PowerPoint for Mac Help .

Create, open, and name a presentation

Go to powerpoint.office.com .

The app launcher icon in Office 365

Select New blank presentation , open a Recent file, select one of the themes , or start with a presentation template .

To name the presentation, select the title at the top and type a name.

If you need to rename the presentation, select the title and retype the name.

Create a presentation

Add a slide

Select the slide you want your new slide to follow.

Select Home > New Slide .

Select Layout and the you type want from the drop-down.

Slide Layouts in PowerPoint

When working in PowerPoint for the web, your work is saved every few seconds. You can select File > Save a Copy to create a duplicate copy in another location.

Or choose File > Download As to save a copy to your device.

Use Download a Copy to save the presentation to your computer

When you're online, AutoSave is always on and saves your changes as you work. If at any time you lose your Internet connection or turn it off, any pending changes will sync as soon as you’re back online.

The AutoSave Toggle in Office

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Microsoft 365 Life Hacks > Presentations > How to create an educational presentation

How to create an educational presentation

Using presentations can be an effective way to teach lessons and ensure that your audience can retain new facts. With visual aids, video and animated clips, and even interactive quizzes, you can use presentation software like Microsoft PowerPoint to dazzle your students.

A group of people having a conversation over coffee

The advantages of PowerPoint presentations in education

Students have different learning styles : some are visual learners, who retain images and videos more effectively than speech. Some take to audio and sound more easily. Others prefer to interact with their lessons—which usually refers to holding physical objects but can also be directly related to guessing answers and responding to questions.

Fortunately, PowerPoint’s versatility means that it can appeal to all of these diverse learning styles. You can embed multimedia elements such as videos, audio clips, and interactive graphics, creating a multi-sensory experience. PowerPoint can also be helpful when considering any visual impairments that your audience members may have so that you can present with different forms of media to cater to all learning styles.

Tell your story with captivating presentations Banner

Tell your story with captivating presentations

Powerpoint empowers you to develop well-designed content across all your devices

Before diving into PowerPoint, consider the following factors to help your audience retain as much information as possible:

  • Define lesson objectives: Set a goal for what kind of lesson you want to impart to your audience. What do you want students to learn? You can answer this question by outlining your lesson objectives and clearly defining your goals, which will also guide the structure and content of your presentation.
  • Organize your content: Divide your lesson into key points and organize them into a logical sequence that builds in complexity. Start with basic points or even a review of previous concepts before diving into more intricate or complicated aspects of your lesson. Each point should be presented on a separate slide to maintain clarity and focus.
  • Use visuals effectively: Enhance your presentation with relevant visuals such as images, videos, audio clips, or interactive simulations to cater to different learning preferences and keep the presentation engaging. These can convey complex information more efficiently than text alone. At the same time, it can be easy to be carried away by inundating your audience with too many visual elements, so ensuring smooth flow and transitions is key.
  • Encourage interaction: Foster active participation by including interactive elements like quizzes, polls, or discussion prompts to prompt student engagement. After you introduce a new concept in your lesson, these interactive elements can reinforce them and make them stick.
  • Practice delivery: Public speaking isn’t always easy. One of the most effective ways to sound confident is to practice delivering your presentation before the day of your lesson. Familiarize yourself with the content and also the way that it’s presented: pacing, transitions, and interactive elements. This preparation will boost your confidence, ensure a smooth flow, and help you address any potential challenges during the actual presentation.

Staid lessons can be livened up thanks to the power of presentation! No matter what you’re teaching—the ABCs to a kindergarten class, or nuclear physics to a graduate department—you can check out more tips for effective presenting such as how to create compelling presentation designs , using the 10-20-30 rule for presenting, or discovering the history of PowerPoint .

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PowerPoint Presentation Tips Every Student Should Know

how to make ppt presentation for project

In college, being able to nail your PowerPoint presentations can make a big difference in your grades and your overall success. But let's face it, creating a killer presentation can be tricky. That's why in this article, we're going to break down some essential PowerPoint presentation tips for college students you should know. Whether you're presenting a project, sharing research findings, or pitching ideas, these tips will help you create slideshows that impress your professors and peers alike. So, get ready to learn how to design engaging slides, deliver your message effectively, and boost your confidence when presenting in front of others. Let's dive in!

What Is the 10 20 30 Rule of PowerPoint Presentations

The 10-20-30 rule of PowerPoint presentations is a guideline popularized by venture capitalist Guy Kawasaki. It suggests that a presentation should have no more than 10 slides, last no longer than 20 minutes, and use a font size of at least 30 points. If you’re struggling with this assignment, simply say, ‘ write my essay for me ,’ and our writers will tackle any task for you quickly.

The rule advises keeping presentations concise by limiting the number of slides. This helps to focus on key points and prevents overwhelming the audience with too much information.

Keeping the presentation under 20 minutes ensures it remains engaging and doesn't lose the audience's attention. This timeframe is considered optimal for conveying information effectively without dragging on.

  • 30-point font

Using a minimum font size of 30 points helps make the text on slides clear and readable, even from a distance. This is particularly important in large presentation venues or when the audience may have difficulty seeing smaller text.

Overall, the 10-20-30 rule encourages presenters to be concise, engaging, and considerate of the audience's needs for clarity and attention span. However, it's worth noting that while this guideline can be helpful, it's not a hard and fast rule and may need to be adjusted based on the specific context and content of the presentation. Now, let’s dive into some effective tips for a good PowerPoint presentation.

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Essential PowerPoint Presentation Tips

PowerPoint presentations are an integral part of college education for several reasons. Firstly, they serve as a practical tool for students to organize and present complex information in a structured and visually appealing format, helping to enhance their communication skills. 

Secondly, presentations provide students with valuable opportunities to showcase their understanding of course material, critical thinking abilities, and research findings to professors and peers, fostering active engagement with the subject matter. Additionally, by requiring students to deliver presentations, colleges aim to prepare them for future academic and professional endeavors, where effective communication and presentation skills are often essential for success in various fields.

Essential PowerPoint Presentation Tips

Chunk Information

Consider using a storytelling approach when breaking down complex ideas. Introduce each chunk with a compelling narrative or anecdote to capture your audience's attention and provide context for the information. Use visual aids such as diagrams, flowcharts, or timelines to clarify relationships between concepts further and enhance understanding. Having trouble at such an early stage? Instruct our writers, saying, ‘ do my PowerPoint presentation ,’ and they will handle the assignment for you. 

Use Slide Transitions Wisely

Align slide transitions with the flow of your narrative. The transition between slides occurs during natural breaks in your speech or when introducing a new topic or idea. Avoid excessive animation effects that may distract or overshadow your message. Instead, focus on transitions that subtly guide your audience's attention and maintain their engagement.

Practice Timing and Pacing

One of the best PowerPoint presentation tips for students is to rehearse your presentation multiple times to fine-tune your timing and pacing. Practice speaking slowly and clearly to ensure that every word is understood, especially if you tend to speak quickly when nervous. Use visual cues, such as a timer or slide notes, to help you stay on track and smoothly transition between topics.

Include Real-Life Examples

Choose real-life examples that resonate with your audience's interests, experiences, or industry. Among the top tips for PowerPoint presentations is personalizing your examples whenever possible to make them more relatable and memorable. Encourage audience participation by asking questions or prompting them to share their experiences related to the topic, fostering a sense of connection and engagement. Expert PowerPoint presentation writers always include real-life examples in their slides. 

Utilize White Space

Embrace the power of white space to create visual balance and emphasize key elements. Use a minimalist design approach to keep your slides clean and uncluttered. Experiment with different layouts and spacing techniques to find the optimal balance between content and white space, ensuring your message is clear and easy to digest.

Provide Clear Navigation

To give you more effective PowerPoint presentation tips, we recommend enhancing navigation by structuring your presentation with a clear storyline or roadmap. Preview the agenda at the beginning of your presentation to set expectations and guide your audience through the flow of topics. Use slide transitions, animations, or interactive elements strategically to signal transitions between sections and maintain momentum. Consult these essay topics to draw inspiration for your presentation.

Check for Accessibility

Prioritize accessibility by designing your slides with inclusivity in mind. Ensure that text is legible and colors are distinguishable for visually impaired audience members. Provide alternative formats for content, such as transcripts or accessible PDFs, to accommodate diverse learning needs. Test your presentation with accessibility tools and solicit feedback from individuals with disabilities to identify and address potential barriers. Consider capstone project ideas for your next assignment as you finish your slides.

Maintain Eye Contact

Here are some more tips for a good PowerPoint presentation. Develop strong eye contact skills by practicing in front of a mirror or recording yourself speaking. Make a conscious effort to engage with individual audience members throughout your presentation, scanning the room and making eye contact with different sections of the audience. Use body language cues, such as gestures and facial expressions, to convey enthusiasm and confidence, reinforcing your verbal message and enhancing audience connection. 

Solicit Feedback

Actively seek feedback from various sources, including peers, mentors, and audience members. Encourage honest and constructive feedback by asking specific questions about content, delivery, and overall impact. Consider conducting a post-presentation survey or feedback session to gather insights and identify areas for improvement. Use feedback as a learning opportunity to refine your presentation skills and enhance future performances.

Have a Backup Plan

Prepare for technical glitches or unforeseen interruptions by having backup equipment and materials readily available. Pack essential items such as a spare laptop, projector cables, and extension cords to address common technical issues. Create a contingency plan for power outages or internet connectivity issues, outlining alternative presentation formats or delivery methods. When making a PowerPoint presentation, think of your backup plan to build confidence and ensure a seamless presentation experience under any circumstances. Just in case, our academic essay writing service also supports PPT presentations.

PowerPoint assignments in college are super helpful for life after graduation. They teach you how to take complicated stuff and explain it in a simple, interesting way using slides. You learn to organize your thoughts, tell a good story, and make things look nice with pictures and graphs. These skills are not just for school - they're super useful in jobs, too! Making awesome presentations can help you impress your bosses, win over clients, and share your ideas effectively in meetings. So, the PowerPoint presentation tips for students you’ve just learned are like training for real life, helping you ace your future career presentations. If you need more time to finish your slides, opt for custom essays to meet all the deadlines.

Have Technical Tobules with Your Presentation?

Allow our PowerPoint expert to troubleshoot your slides so they run smoothly on all devices.

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AI presentation maker

When lack of inspiration or time constraints are something you’re worried about, it’s a good idea to seek help. Slidesgo comes to the rescue with its latest functionality—the AI presentation maker! With a few clicks, you’ll have wonderful slideshows that suit your own needs . And it’s totally free!

how to make ppt presentation for project

Generate presentations in minutes

We humans make the world move, but we need to sleep, rest and so on. What if there were someone available 24/7 for you? It’s time to get out of your comfort zone and ask the AI presentation maker to give you a hand. The possibilities are endless : you choose the topic, the tone and the style, and the AI will do the rest. Now we’re talking!

Customize your AI-generated presentation online

Alright, your robotic pal has generated a presentation for you. But, for the time being, AIs can’t read minds, so it’s likely that you’ll want to modify the slides. Please do! We didn’t forget about those time constraints you’re facing, so thanks to the editing tools provided by one of our sister projects —shoutouts to Wepik — you can make changes on the fly without resorting to other programs or software. Add text, choose your own colors, rearrange elements, it’s up to you! Oh, and since we are a big family, you’ll be able to access many resources from big names, that is, Freepik and Flaticon . That means having a lot of images and icons at your disposal!

how to make ppt presentation for project

How does it work?

Think of your topic.

First things first, you’ll be talking about something in particular, right? A business meeting, a new medical breakthrough, the weather, your favorite songs, a basketball game, a pink elephant you saw last Sunday—you name it. Just type it out and let the AI know what the topic is.

Choose your preferred style and tone

They say that variety is the spice of life. That’s why we let you choose between different design styles, including doodle, simple, abstract, geometric, and elegant . What about the tone? Several of them: fun, creative, casual, professional, and formal. Each one will give you something unique, so which way of impressing your audience will it be this time? Mix and match!

Make any desired changes

You’ve got freshly generated slides. Oh, you wish they were in a different color? That text box would look better if it were placed on the right side? Run the online editor and use the tools to have the slides exactly your way.

Download the final result for free

Yes, just as envisioned those slides deserve to be on your storage device at once! You can export the presentation in .pdf format and download it for free . Can’t wait to show it to your best friend because you think they will love it? Generate a shareable link!

What is an AI-generated presentation?

It’s exactly “what it says on the cover”. AIs, or artificial intelligences, are in constant evolution, and they are now able to generate presentations in a short time, based on inputs from the user. This technology allows you to get a satisfactory presentation much faster by doing a big chunk of the work.

Can I customize the presentation generated by the AI?

Of course! That’s the point! Slidesgo is all for customization since day one, so you’ll be able to make any changes to presentations generated by the AI. We humans are irreplaceable, after all! Thanks to the online editor, you can do whatever modifications you may need, without having to install any software. Colors, text, images, icons, placement, the final decision concerning all of the elements is up to you.

Can I add my own images?

Absolutely. That’s a basic function, and we made sure to have it available. Would it make sense to have a portfolio template generated by an AI without a single picture of your own work? In any case, we also offer the possibility of asking the AI to generate images for you via prompts. Additionally, you can also check out the integrated gallery of images from Freepik and use them. If making an impression is your goal, you’ll have an easy time!

Is this new functionality free? As in “free of charge”? Do you mean it?

Yes, it is, and we mean it. We even asked our buddies at Wepik, who are the ones hosting this AI presentation maker, and they told us “yup, it’s on the house”.

Are there more presentation designs available?

From time to time, we’ll be adding more designs. The cool thing is that you’ll have at your disposal a lot of content from Freepik and Flaticon when using the AI presentation maker. Oh, and just as a reminder, if you feel like you want to do things yourself and don’t want to rely on an AI, you’re on Slidesgo, the leading website when it comes to presentation templates. We have thousands of them, and counting!.

How can I download my presentation?

The easiest way is to click on “Download” to get your presentation in .pdf format. But there are other options! You can click on “Present” to enter the presenter view and start presenting right away! There’s also the “Share” option, which gives you a shareable link. This way, any friend, relative, colleague—anyone, really—will be able to access your presentation in a moment.

Discover more content

This is just the beginning! Slidesgo has thousands of customizable templates for Google Slides and PowerPoint. Our designers have created them with much care and love, and the variety of topics, themes and styles is, how to put it, immense! We also have a blog, in which we post articles for those who want to find inspiration or need to learn a bit more about Google Slides or PowerPoint. Do you have kids? We’ve got a section dedicated to printable coloring pages! Have a look around and make the most of our site!

How to Record PowerPoint Presentation with Audio and Video

Sometimes it is necessary to record not only the sound of the speaker over presentation slides but also their face via a web camera. Learn how to easily do it!

how to make ppt presentation for project

How to record yourself presenting a PowerPoint

The more people work from home, the more online meetings happen. Teams discuss work on projects, put forward their ideas, and share presentations containing essential information. However, problems with the latter can sometimes arise – watching a presentation only might be pretty boring. But this is not the case when the user adds a video recording of them presenting as well.

If you were in such a situation, you may have wondered how to record yourself presenting a PowerPoint slideshow. Actually, with the help of our editing tool, it's not that hard at all! Using it, you can record a web camera video and PowerPoint presentation at the same time on Windows 10 and 11, as well as Mac.

For the rest of the process, follow the steps below:

Start the project

Open Clideo’s Online Video Editor and click "Get started".

Video editor to record presentation with audio and video

To record a presentation and video of yourself at the same time, scroll down the navigation sidebar, click "Record", then "Screen & Camera". If prompted, allow your browser to access your camera and microphone.

Record presentation with audio and video

You can select a specific camera and microphone and turn them on/off in the next pop-up window via the "Gear" icon at the bottom right.

Screen and webcam settings to record presentation

Record the screen

Check that you look fine in the webcam, click the red circle to start a recording session, and select a window with your PPT in the pop-up screen. Then, click "Share" to start presenting.

Start to record presentation with audio and video

Go to the tab with your presentation and do your best. If you return to the Clideo tab, you will see that you cannot move the video window from your camera now, but you can do that while editing your video later.

PowerPoint presentation with audio and video

While recording your presentation, you can at any moment go to the Clideo tab and click the "Pause" button to pause the process, then click it again and go back to the presentation screen to continue the demonstration. To redo the recording and discard the current one, click the "Retake" button to the left.

Stop to record presentation with audio and video

When you are ready to stop and save the recordings, in the Clideo tab, click the "Stop" button or hit the "Stop sharing" button on your presentation screen.

In the next pop-up window, you can review, rename, redo, and add the files to your project timeline or "Uploads". Both cases will add the screen and camera recordings as separate files.

Save presentation with audio and video

After every file is manually or automatically placed on the timeline, you can edit each one by one – just click them and adjust the available settings. Resize the camera recording if necessary, cut out the sections you do not need, or add captions.

Edit presentation with audio and video

When you finish editing, click "Export" at the top right and choose your preferred option.

Export video of presentation with audio and video

Save the result

When the video is processed, watch the playback to see how it looks. If you like the result, click "Download" to save the screen recording to your device or cloud storage.

Download presentation with audio and video

If you need more information about the latest state of video editor options and features, you can find details in our Help Center .

Interesting articles

Upgrade your account, get unlimited storage time and create projects without watermarks.

how to make ppt presentation for project

Professional PPT Design for Project Proposal

Paid on delivery

I'm looking for an experienced designer to enhance my PowerPoint presentation professionally. My goal is to inform and educate the audience. Given this, here are my expectations:

• Incorporate superior graphic design elements to subtly enrich the existing content.

• Analyze my previous presentation (which will be provided) and improve the text and graphics.

• Generating unique infographics would be an additive, to emphasize critical points.

Skills required:

• Proficiency in PowerPoint

• Strong graphic design skills

• Ability to create informative infographics

• Effective communication and comprehension skills

• Attention to detail, to accurately represent the educational content.

This job would be best suited to someone who has a knack for visual storytelling and an understanding of how to use design to simplify complex content. If you can visualize information engagingly and compellingly, don't hesitate to make your bid.

Powerpoint Graphic Design Infographics Photoshop Adobe InDesign

About the project

Looking to make some money, benefits of bidding on freelancer, awarded to:.

Hello, MY PORTFOLIO: [login to view URL] I specialize in crafting premium PowerPoint presentations that feature modern and sleek designs, guaranteed to captivate your audience. With over 4 years of experienc More

60 freelancers are bidding on average $41 for this job

As a seasoned Creative Designer - proficient in the Adobe Suite, and specifically an authority with PowerPoint design - I am confident in my ability to fulfill your project needs. Enhancing visual communication and sim More

Hello Boss I am available to do PPT for you. I am experienced with designed slides and infographics. You can award me the project and I will do the job quickly with high quality work

Hi there, Your job listing for 'Professional PPT Design for Project Proposal' captured my attention due to its alignment with my skill set. After a thorough review of the requirements, I am certain that I can delive More

Hello, I have read through project details and I think my skills are a good match for the work you need to be done. " High quality design services ---- Multiple options ----- Final designs provided in AI/Vector forma More

Hi, I am very interested in this project and can do this work efficiently because I have 10 years experience. Please ping me for further communication. If needed, I will complete the first page. After that, you will aw More

I am well-equipped to enhance your PowerPoint presentation professionally, ensuring audience engagement and education. I will enrich content with superior graphic design, improve text and graphics based on your previou More

I'm Subhajit Shome, an experienced designer with a specialization in Graphic Design and Photoshop that uniquely position me to meet your needs for PPT Design and more. Having thrived in the online scene for over a deca More

Hello, With expertise in PowerPoint and graphic design, I'll enhance your presentation with superior design elements, improved text and graphics, and unique infographics to effectively inform and educate your audience More

Hi bro..to save your time...my offer is that i will start immediately with 2 slides for free ..and only if u r satisfied 100 not 99 percent award me to complete the project..this because i have designed hundreds of pow More

Hi there, We are skilled "Graphic designer" with 5 + years of experience and I'd love to have the opportunity to work on your project. I've taken a look at your project Description regarding "Professional PPT Design " More

Hello there, Eagles, I am a highly skilled professional in graphic design and the MS Office Suite (Word, Excel, and PowerPoint). I am excited to express my interest in enhancing your PowerPoint presentation for your p More

Greetings Are you looking for a Unique, experienced designer to enhance your PowerPoint presentation professionally? Then you are in the right place., I guarantee that the result will be top-notch. Kindly come to the More

Hello, My name is Sneh, and I am happy to introduce myself as a professional with extensive experience in creating impressive PowerPoint (PPT) designs. I can create designs that not only look good but make your conten More

Hello. I read your requirement i will do that. Please come on chat we will discuss more about this. I will waiting your reply.

Hello, I understand that you are seeking a skilled designer to elevate your PowerPoint presentation to a professional standard. With expertise in Graphic Design, Photoshop, Powerpoint, Adobe InDesign, and Infographic More

As a graphic design specialist with vast experience in projects varying from logo and visual identity creation, through to brochure and leaflet designing, I believe I am perfectly positioned to excel at completing your More

As an experienced designer, my approach to your PowerPoint project aligns seamlessly with your requirements. I understand how important it is to pack powerful yet digestible information in presentation form, and I have More

Hi, I can do it in the next few hours by working on it right now. Message me for detailed discussion. Thanks and Looking forward:). For more information, visit my profiles and reviews for assessing my credibility. You More

As a professional Digital Marketer with over a decade of experience in traditional and 2 years specifically focused in social media, I know how vital visual storytelling is to engage and inform the audience - an essent More

Hi, give me two days to bring your PowerPoint presentation to life. If high accuracy and attention to detail are important to you, give me your project. I have designed many PowerPoint projects for different jobs and t More

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  1. How To Create a Project Presentation: A Guide for Impactful Content

    The Project Risks. All projects present risks, and to control them, they must be identified, assessed, evaluated, and mitigated. Visualize your risk assessment with a risk matrix and include it in the project presentation. Use this slide to explain to stakeholders how you plan to mitigate the identified risks.

  2. How to Make a PowerPoint Presentation (Step-by-Step)

    To do that, simply go up to the Home tab and click on New Slide. This inserts a new slide in your presentation right after the one you were on. You can alternatively hit Ctrl+M on your keyboard to insert a new blank slide in PowerPoint. To learn more about this shortcut, see my guide on using Ctrl+M in PowerPoint.

  3. How to Create a Successful Project Presentation

    2 Lay Out Your Project Plan. Once you've set your goals, the next big step is to outline how you'll achieve them. An excellent place to start is by organizing your project into an actionable plan and steps for execution. You might wonder why this step is important for creating a successful project presentation.

  4. How To Create A Successful Project Presentation?

    A project plan is an official document that follows a set format and flow. Your presentation should follow this flow for maximum impact. To present a project plan, you should go over the following eight steps: Give an overview. Provide a brief overview of the project, outlining its goals and rationale.

  5. How to Make Professional PowerPoint Presentations (w/Templates

    To customize the text in this template, you can work with the built-in text placeholders. To start, click into any text box. Then, press Ctrl + A ( Cmd + A on Mac) to select all the text inside. Type over the text placeholders in a premium professional presentation so that the slides tell your story.

  6. 25 PowerPoint Presentation Tips For Good PPT Slides in 2022

    Get your main point into the presentation as early as possible (this avoids any risk of audience fatigue or attention span waning), then substantiate your point with facts, figures etc and then reiterate your point at the end in a 'Summary'. 2. Practice Makes Perfect. Also, don't forget to practice your presentation.

  7. How to create a presentation in PowerPoint

    In PowerPoint, you can create a presentation from scratch, or from a theme with built-in graphics, fonts, and placeholders for your text, images, and content...

  8. Create a presentation in PowerPoint

    Create a presentation. Open PowerPoint. In the left pane, select New. Select an option: To create a presentation from scratch, select Blank Presentation. To use a prepared design, select one of the templates. To see tips for using PowerPoint, select Take a Tour, and then select Create, . Add a slide.

  9. 60 Effective PowerPoint Presentation Tips & Tricks (Giant List)

    Here's another one of our top PPT tips: tap into Envato Elements' unlimited stock photo library. People are more likely to take you seriously if your presentation is visually appealing. Users view attractive design as more usable. Similarly, they'll view a more attractive PowerPoint as more effective. 11.

  10. How to Create a PowerPoint Presentation: A Step-by-Step Guide

    1. Open PowerPoint. Click or double-click the PowerPoint app icon, which resembles an orange box with a white "P" on it. This will open the PowerPoint templates page. If you don't have a Microsoft Office 365 subscription, you can use the website instead of the desktop app.

  11. PowerPoint 101: The Ultimate Guide for Beginners

    Microsoft PowerPoint is a presentation design software that is part of Microsoft 365. This software allows you to design presentations by combining text, images, graphics, video, and animation on slides in a simple and intuitive way. Over time, PowerPoint has evolved and improved its accessibility to users.

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    Tip 4: Make use of charts and graphs. We all love a good stat. Charts and graphs are a great way to present quantitative evidence and confirm the legitimacy of your claims. They make your presentation more visually appealing and make your data more memorable too. But don't delve too deep into the details.

  13. 8 Tips to Make the Best PowerPoint Presentations

    A good presentation needs two fonts: a serif and sans-serif. Use one for the headlines and one for body text, lists, and the like. Keep it simple. Veranda, Helvetica, Arial, and even Times New Roman are safe choices. Stick with the classics and it's hard to botch this one too badly.

  14. How to make a project plan presentation for clients and stakeholders

    Step 2: Create a timeline in Excel using the scatter chart function. To create a timeline in Excel you will need to use a scatter chart. Add your data to the scatter chart then follow approximately 25 steps to format it so it looks like a timeline presentation, as shown below.

  15. Tips on How to Make PPT for Final Year Project

    5. Use Bullet Points instead of Lengthy Paragraphs. Using bullet points instead of lengthy paragraphs is a key tip for creating an effective PPT for your final year project. Bullet points make your presentation more concise and easier to read, allowing your audience to quickly grasp your key points.

  16. Top 10 Project Overview Templates with Examples and Samples

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  18. Free Online Presentation Maker

    With Visme's Presenter Studio, you can record your presentation and share it with your audience. Record your screen, audio, and video, or switch off your camera for an audio-only presentation. Present asynchronously on your own time, at your own pace. Let your colleagues watch it at their convenience. Create Your Presentation.

  19. How to Use PowerPoint for Project Management: Detailed Guide

    1. Introduce the Project with a Project Plan Slide. PowerPoint is powerful project management software! You can use it to build an array of project management slides on any topic. The first step is to introduce your project with a project plan slide. Slide #2 in our template is a great choice for this.

  20. Free Google Slides & PPT templates for project management

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  21. 51 Best Presentation Slides for Engaging Presentations (2024)

    Use clear and legible fonts, and maintain a consistent design throughout the presentation. 2. Visual appeal: Incorporate visually appealing elements such as relevant images, charts, graphs, or diagrams. Use high-quality visuals that enhance understanding and make the content more engaging.

  22. Free online presentation maker and editor

    Free online presentation maker. Try our new tool to edit this selection of templates for people that want to let their creativity run free. Create interactive resources easily, quickly and without the need for any software. A really useful tool for teachers and students. Move the content, add images, change colors and fonts or, if you prefer ...

  23. Create a presentation in PowerPoint for the web

    Notes: If you're using the desktop version of PowerPoint on a Windows PC, see the PowerPoint Quick Start.. If you're using the desktop version of PowerPoint on a Mac, see Office for Mac Quick Start Guides and PowerPoint for Mac Help.

  24. How to create an educational presentation

    The advantages of PowerPoint presentations in education. Students have different learning styles: some are visual learners, who retain images and videos more effectively than speech.Some take to audio and sound more easily. Others prefer to interact with their lessons—which usually refers to holding physical objects but can also be directly related to guessing answers and responding to ...

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  26. Free AI presentation maker

    AI presentation maker. When lack of inspiration or time constraints are something you're worried about, it's a good idea to seek help. Slidesgo comes to the rescue with its latest functionality—the AI presentation maker! With a few clicks, you'll have wonderful slideshows that suit your own needs. And it's totally free!

  27. How to Record PowerPoint Presentation with Audio and Video

    Actually, with the help of our editing tool, it's not that hard at all! Using it, you can record a web camera video and PowerPoint presentation at the same time on Windows 10 and 11, as well as Mac. For the rest of the process, follow the steps below: Start the project. Open Clideo's Online Video Editor and click "Get started".

  28. Professional PPT Design for Project Proposal

    • Analyze my previous presentation (which will be provided) and improve the text and graphics. • Generating unique infographics would be an additive, to emphasize critical points. Skills required: • Proficiency in PowerPoint • Strong graphic design skills • Ability to create informative infographics

  29. How Custom Presentation Services Enhance Agencies' Services

    Luckily, when talking about presentations, 24Slides has the perfect solution for both agencies and their customers: Our Projects and Rebranding services. By appointing a 24Slides Custom Project, agencies can offer their customers a more complete, well-rounded service while maintaining total control of their creative work.