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Grade, Return, and Delete Assignments

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How to Grade, Return, and Delete Assignments in Google Classroom

Grade, Return, and Delete Assignments

After you create assignments, they show up for students on the Classwork page. It's their responsibility to complete and turn them in by the due date. You can check the progress of an assignment on the Classwork page by clicking the assignment. This gives you an at-a-glance view of how many students have turned it in and how many additional students it's assigned to. When it’s time to review and grade assignments, you’ll do that from the Grades page.

Grade and Return Assignments

Here you see a table with each assignment listed at the top and separate cells to add a grade for every student in the class. If the assignment is past the due date, it displays as Missing for any students who didn't turn it in.

  • Click the More button in the cell where you want to enter a grade.

Create Assignments

The completed assignment opens in a new browser tab. You can add a comment to the file using the icon on the left side of the Files pane. Or, view the file in a new browser tab without any of the grading options by clicking the icon to the right of the file name in the Files pane.

  • Add a grade for the assignment.
  • (Optional) Add a comment and click Post .

Create Assignments

The dialog box notifies you that the student will now be able to view their grade.

Create Assignments

Once the assignment is graded, you can close the tab with the assignment to return to the gradebook.

Delete Assignments

If an assignment is no longer needed, simply delete it. Deleting an assignment removes it, along with any associated grades or comments, from Classroom. However, any files or attachments created in Google Drive will still remain. You’ll need to manually delete those in Drive if you don’t want to retain copies.

Be aware that deleting an assignment is permanent. There is no way to undo the deletion.

  • On the Grades page, click the More button for an assignment.

Create Assignments

The dialog box notifies you that any grades and comments associated with the assignment will also be deleted.

Create Assignments

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8 Google Classroom tips every teacher should know

Apr 17, 2024

[[read-time]] min read

Google Classroom offers a suite of tools for teachers to tailor lessons, engage students, monitor progress, and provide support.

  • General summary

Google Classroom offers a range of features to enhance teaching and learning. Teachers can tailor lessons, encourage feedback with rubrics, and gain insights into student progress using analytics. Practice sets provide real-time feedback and support, while interactive questions for YouTube videos enhance learning. Importing and sharing resources saves time, and flexible assignment options cater to diverse needs. Screencast allows teachers to record lessons with embedded videos and automatic transcripts. These tips empower educators to create personalized and engaging learning experiences for their students.

  • Bullet points
  • Tailor lessons: Create assignments for specific students or groups.
  • Encourage feedback: Use rubrics to set expectations and grade assignments.
  • Get early insights: Use analytics to monitor student progress and identify areas for improvement.
  • Offer support: Use practice sets to provide students with additional support and resources.
  • Help students learn at their own pace: Use interactive questions for YouTube videos to engage students and track their progress.
  • Import and share: Share practice sets, video activities, and classes with other teachers.
  • Add flexibility: Give students more time to submit assignments or mark assignments as excused.
  • Record your screen: Use Screencast to create video lessons and provide students with a personalized learning experience.
  • Shakespeare-ish

In Google's realm, a Classroom doth reside, Where teachers thrive, with knowledge as their guide. Eight tips revealed, to aid their noble quest, To teach and guide, with passion and zest.

Tailor lessons, to each student's need, With rubrics clear, their progress shall proceed. Analytics deep, insights they shall bestow, To intervene and help their students grow.

Practice sets, with AI's guiding hand, Support they offer, where students stand. YouTube's videos, with questions interspersed, Engage young minds, their learning is immersed.

Import and share, resources rich and vast, Collaboration blooms, the future unsurpassed. Flexibility in grading, a teacher's grace, Screencast's recordings, a diverse embrace.

With these tips in hand, teachers shall soar, In Google's Classroom, learning evermore.

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A colorful illustration of students and a teacher reaching out of a Chromebook and using Classroom tools

Get the most out of Google Classroom with these top tips and tricks to help teachers and students adapt to new ways of learning — and succeeding — in the classroom.

1. Tailor your lessons for your students

In most classrooms, students have different preferences, levels and abilities when it comes to learning. While an article might work for some, a video could be better for others. Meeting students where they are is essential to helping them learn, but isn’t always easy to scale.

Classroom can help get the right lesson to the right student. Under the “Classwork” tab, click “Create” to create an assignment for your students. Select which students in the class will receive it by unselecting “All students” and choosing the specific students for that lesson. From there, create as many assignments as you need for groups or individuals. In the next few months, we will be making this even easier by enabling educators to create groups of students to organize their class and deliver personalized instruction. Educators can create or update student groups right from the assignment creator so they no longer need to manually find each individual student (available with the Google Workspace for Education Plus edition or Teaching & Learning Upgrade).

2. Encourage a feedback loop with rubrics

When creating an assignment, you can make, reuse or import a rubric so students can understand expectations and their grades. This information makes it easier to have a conversation with students based on their assignments. You can even share rubrics with other educators to save time or weigh certain criteria differently. Simply choose the “Create rubric” option when creating your next assignment. Students will see the rubric before turning in their work, and you’ll be able to grade against the rubric when returning it to them.

3. Get early insights into student learning

With Classroom analytics , you can get a birds-eye view of how your class and students are doing. You can see how students are performing in terms of grades, assignment completion rates, how many missing assignments they have, or how often they’re accessing Classroom on their own. As we add more analytics capabilities to this page, you’ll get more insights about how to support all your students, when you might need to intervene, and how you can differentiate your instruction. To view analytics for your class, click the “Analytics” icon on a class card on the homepage or in the header bar in a class. Available with the Google Workspace for Education Plus edition or Teaching & Learning Upgrade.

4. Use practice sets to offer support where students need it, at scale

Practice sets help teachers provide students with a way to engage more deeply with a subject when they need a little extra support. Unlike the experience of a static worksheet or PDF, students can see in real time whether they got an answer correct. Teachers can also provide a bank of resources specific to each problem for when students get stuck, like a text hint (“Remember to isolate the variable”) or a YouTube video that reviews the underlying concepts to the problem. Students can show their work using the keyboard or stylus, with teachers receiving snapshots of that work each time a student attempts a problem.

It’s easy to get started with practice sets. First, import an existing Google Form or PDF to instantly transform it into an interactive practice set, or start fresh by creating your first problem. Add a problem question (multiple choice, or short answer, or something else) and tag each problem with a learning skill. AI will suggest learning skills and additional resources as you build your practice sets. An insights dashboard shows how students performed on every practice set assignment, with helpful details and insights like how many tries it took for each student to arrive at the correct answer, or how many students struggled with a particular question. Available with the Google Workspace for Education Plus edition or Teaching & Learning Upgrade.

5. Help students learn at their own pace with interactive questions for YouTube videos

YouTube is a common learning tool in Classroom today and with interactive questions for YouTube videos , it’s never been easier to use. Add questions at any timestamp and the video will pause and prompt students to answer. They’ll receive real-time feedback and can go back and rewatch segments to help them arrive at the right solutions. Like with practice sets, you’ll get an insights dashboard with details about how students engaged with the video. Soon, educators will be able to test out AI-suggested questions, making interactive videos a snap. Available with the Google Workspace for Education Plus edition or Teaching & Learning Upgrade

6. Don’t start from scratch — import and share

Want to share practice sets, video activities and classes with a fellow teacher or use something you loved from a previous year? No problem. Enable link sharing for your practice set, video activity or an entire classwork page to share directly with other teachers in your organization. From there, they can import classwork or make a copy of your practice sets or video activities to use for their students. Available with the Google Workspace for Education Plus edition or Teaching & Learning Upgrade.

7. Add flexibility to your assignments and grading

Give students one last shot to get in any missing assignments, or disable submissions after the due date. On your dashboard, go into “Assignments” and uncheck “Close submissions after the due date.” You can always go in and add a final due date to close out the assignment for good when you’re ready.

There might be times when you want to have more control over what counts toward a student’s final grade. By marking an assignment as “excused,” you can prevent it from counting toward the average in times when you don’t want it to. Under the “Grades” tab, click the three dots and select “Excused.”

Screen from Google Classroom choosing a due date and selecting ”close submissions after due date”

8. Record your screen with Screencast to meet your class’s diverse needs

If you’re using Classroom on a Chromebook, take advantage of the Screencast app. Screencast allows you to record your screen with your own video embedded, so your students can see you and your screen. Screencast provides an automatic transcript and AI-enabled editing tools. Don’t love how a specific 14 seconds came out? Simply trim it away by deleting the transcript text.

Once you have that video lesson recorded there are endless possibilities to provide students with an effective and personalized experience. For example, upload your recording as an unlisted YouTube video and assign it as an interactive questions video in Classroom. Pause after key moments of the lesson to prompt your students with questions and get insights about their performance and engagement, all while helping them learn at their own pace.

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How to submit an assignment in Google Classroom, or retract a submission, on a computer or mobile device

  • You can submit an assignment in Google Classroom under the "Classwork" section on the desktop site or mobile app. 
  • To submit an assignment in Google Classroom, you must first "View assignment" and then select the "Add or create" option under the "Your work" menu. 
  • Links and Google Drive attachments, including a document, slide, sheet, drawing, or PDF file, can all be uploaded and submitted in Google Classroom.
  • You can upload multiple files, unsubmit assignments, and leave notes for your instructor in Google Classroom.  

You've logged in to Google Classroom , have joined a class, and accessed class materials. Now, it's time to submit an assignment. 

To submit an assignment in Google Classroom, you'll first need to navigate to the "Classwork" section. You can then find your assignment and attach your work. 

From there, it's as easy as turning it in. Google Classroom also allows users to unsubmit their assignments if you need to make changes or leave a private comment for a teacher about the status of your work. 

It's important to note that if you don't click "Turn in" after you attach your work, it won't be submitted. To verify the status of your assignment, double-check to see if it is labeled as "Turned in." 

When submitting assignments to Google Classroom on mobile, you'll also need to make sure you have the iPhone or Android app installed. You can search and download Google Classroom through the app store on your phone. 

Here's how to submit an assignment on Google Classroom. 

How to submit an assignment in Google Classroom on desktop

1. Open your web browser and go to classroom.google.com . 

2. Select your class. 

3. At the top of your dashboard, choose "Classwork." 

4. Click on an assignment, then select "View Assignment."

5. Under "Your Work," choose "Add or Create."

6. From there, click "Google Drive" to attach a document you've already created and saved in your Drive by selecting it from the file window that appears. If you have multiple documents, attach them all this way.

  • Note: You can add a link to a Drive document or attach a file from your computer. You may also start an assignment here by creating a new document, slide, sheet, or drawing on this page. 

7. To leave a private comment for your teacher, enter it in the appropriately labeled text box on the right. Then click the small triangular "paper airplane" icon to post it. 

8. Next, click "Turn in" or "Mark as done" to confirm your submission and change the assignment status to "Turned in."

  • Note: If your teacher has assigned a collaborative document that you worked on or another kind of outside assignment, you may see "Mark as done" instead of "Turn in."

How to unsubmit an assignment in Google Classroom on desktop

If you've submitted a document, but find that you need to edit out errors or add in missing content, Google Classroom offers a way to retract your submission. Navigate to the page you turned your assignment in, click "Unsubmit," and confirm. You can always turn it in again by following the above steps. 

How to submit an assignment in Google Classroom on the mobile app

1. Open the Google Classroom app on your device. 

2. Tap on your class.

3. Choose "Classwork" from the bottom of the app screen.

4. Select the assignment and expand the "Your work" card. 

5. Tap "Add attachment" in the "Your work" card.

6. From there, click "Drive" to attach a document you've already created in Drive. 

7. Tap "Turn in" or "Mark as done" and re-confirm. 

How to unsubmit an assignment in Google Classroom on iPhone or Android 

If you turned in the wrong thing or need to go back and add something to the assignment, you can unsubmit it. Navigate to the assignment, expand the "Your work" card, tap "Unsubmit," and confirm. You can always turn it in again the same way you did first.

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how to recover google classroom assignment

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Google Classroom Cleanup: Archiving and Deleting Classes and Users

how to recover google classroom assignment

2020 has been a remarkable year for education. Moving from in-person instruction to remote learning is a huge change. You’ve taken amazing steps to ensure your students and teachers have uninterrupted learning. Congratulations on a job well done. 

As the calendar year and semester are about to change, it’s time to look forward to next semester. your teachers will want to begin the semester without old classes cluttering google classroom. to cleanup classroom, you’ll archive their old classes and delete provisioned classes, if you have any. you’ll also delete user accounts of teachers who have left. here’s a reminder, once a class ends, you can archive it. deleting a class is a little different. you can’t revive deleted classes. you should only delete declined and provisioned classes. , archiving and deleting classes one-by-one isn’t the best way to go about it. we’ve outlined the most efficient way for you to archive and delete classes. you’ll do this in a bulk action., let’s get started making sure google classroom is clean and organized. first, let’s review the differences between an archived and deleted class., what happens to an archived class, archiving a class removes it from teachers’ and students’ classroom homepage. the class moves to a separate area to preserve class materials, student work, and posts.  , teachers and students can still view an archived class. to use the class again, the teacher can restore it., teachers and students can access class materials for an archived class within the  google drive folder., students can’t unenroll from an archived class., google calendar retains the class calendar for teachers and students. users can remove the calendar from view or permanently delete it., an archived class stays in google classroom unless the primary teacher deletes it. , what happens to a deleted class, deleting a class removes it from google classroom. you can’t restore a deleted class., teachers and students can no longer access class posts or comments. assignment grades are lost., timing your google classroom cleanup, because of what happens to classes, the timing of your archive is important. you don’t want to archive or delete classes that are still in session. the best time to archive classes is after teachers have finished submitting grades for the semester., archiving classes in google classroom, in google classroom, teachers can individually archive their classes from the classes page.  they can restore these classes at any time and re-use class content in future classes., archiving classes using little sis, in little sis’ classroom explorer, you can perform a bulk archive across your domain, or for selected teachers. you’ll find this in the bulk actions drop-down at the top of the page. this opens the bulk classroom cleanup wizard. the wizard helps you identify active classes by date, school, or teacher. once you run the wizard, selected classes move from the homepage in google classroom. the classes move to the archived classes section. you can opt to send the primary teacher an email when you run this action. it is your way to let them know they have an archived class., teachers can restore these classes and re-use class content in their new classes., archiving classes using gam, if you’re a google apps manager (gam) user, you can download a list of all your classes using the print courses command . then filter down to the list of classes you want to bulk archive. if you want to skip the filtering and return only active classes, use the print courses state active command. next, you’ll use gam to ingest this list. finally, you’ll run the update course action to change the status of these classes to archived. you can do this by course id or alias. you’ll want to reference the bulkoperations gam wiki page for instructions on running this as a bulk task via csv or text file., deleting provisioned classes, there is no way to undo deleting a class. be cautious when using this function. , as you create classes, with a synching solution or gam, you may end up with provisioned classes on your domain. these classes are not active. teachers never accepted them and there is no work assigned. also, students can’t see provisioned classes on their homepage in classroom. since the semester has ended, provisioned classes are no longer needed. you don’t want to confuse teachers next year by showing them old classes in google classroom the best course of action is to delete these classes., deleting provisioned classes using little sis, in little sis’ classroom explorer, you’ll run bulk delete classes. you’ll find this in the bulk actions drop-down at the top of the page. this opens the bulk classroom cleanup wizard. the wizard helps you identify active classes by date, school, or teacher. once you run the wizard, selected classes no longer appear on the teachers’ classroom home page., deleting provisioned classes using gam, if you’re a google apps manager (gam) user, you can download a list of all your classes using the print courses command . then filter down to the list of classes you want to bulk delete . if you want to skip the filtering and return only provisioned classes, use the print courses state active command. next, you’ll use gam to ingest this list. finally, you’ll run the delete course action to remove the provisioned classes from the domain by class id or alias. , transferring ownership before deleting users, as a part of your classroom cleanup, you may want to remove user accounts. if a teacher has left and you don’t want to keep their account, you can delete it. there are some steps to take before you delete a user so you don’t end up with orphaned classes. an orphaned class is one where a deleted user owns the class. once you have an orphaned class, it is difficult (if not impossible) to remedy the situation., let’s look at a problematic scenario. if you delete a teacher account and there are students in the class they can still interact with each other. if the class lets students post to the stream, they can continue to post after deleting the teacher. without a teacher, there is no one to supervise the interaction., there are some simple steps you can take to avoid orphaning a class. first, transfer ownership of the class before you delete the teacher account. you can transfer these classes to a service account or another user in the domain. this could be the teacher taking over for the one who has left the district. regardless, keep in mind that transferring ownership acts as an invitation. only once the new teacher accepts the invitation should you delete the primary owner’s account.  , another option is to suspend rather than delete teacher accounts. with a suspended account, you can still transfer the classes they own to another user. once transferred, the class retains the primary owner as a co-teacher in the classroom. the new owner can later remove them., transferring classes using little sis, in the little sis classroom explorer, you can filter by the primary teacher.  this is how you identify all active classes for the teacher account. once you’ve located the classes, select them and use the bulk actions wizard to change the primary teacher. with little sis, you can opt to send messages to the former and new owner of the class. this is your way of alerting the former primary teacher of a transferred class. the new owner’s message prompts them to log in to google classroom and accept ownership. when active class ownership changes, the new owner becomes a co-teacher. they are co-teacher until the new owner accepts the invitation to take ownership of the class., transferring classes using gam, if you’re a gam user, you can change ownership of classes using the update course command.  the same stipulations apply. the class must be active and currently owned by a non-deleted user on the domain., about little sis and gam, if you’re a newbie to gam, feel free to take a stab at using it on your domain. the getting started guide in github is a great resource for new users. this is also where all the referenced commands in this article are located. gam can do much more than classroom management. it’s a great tool to have if you do bulk operations in g suite. you must be a super admin to use gam. you must also have to enable google cloud platform to use the api commands., little sis for classroom is a paid tool from amplified it, but you can use it free for 30 days with a quote. you’ll have to be a super admin to get up and running with the tool. as a super admin, you can delegate the bulk actions to other users on your domain. head on over to the little sis website to get a quote for your domain and start your trial. take some time to visit our help center . it has the getting started guide and knowledge base articles on bulk actions and more, melanie long customer success lead, about the author:.

Melanie lives in Virginia and is based in Amplified IT’s home office located in Norfolk. One of the first members to join the Amplified IT team, Melanie has worn many hats at the company. She most enjoys interfacing with customers and helping them implement tools that solve common pain points and frustrations. Today she leads the onboarding and interfacing with Labs tool clients, making lives easier and breezier one implementation at a time.

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delete or reorder

How to Delete or Reorder Assignments in Google Classroom

Good news – you can delete or reorder assignments in your Google Classroom. Often when you are building a course or preparing for a class you can make a mistake – and then not know how to undo it. It is easy to panic, fearing that your students are going to see the wrong information. Or worse, you start to worry that things are such a mess you need to delete the entire class and just start over.

It may not be obvious how to delete or reorder assignments once created in Google Classroom . However, these instructions will guide you through the steps. If you have some time, it is also a good idea to read our recent article, Be Stress Free With a Google Classroom Test Class , which encourages teachers to play around before creating their first “real” class.

How to Delete an Assignment in Google Classroom

If you make a mistake and you want to remove an assignment, this can be done from the Grades tab. The Grades tab contains an electronic grading book that organizes class assignments in a table. It can be used to calculate class average, track student progress, and record grades…it can also be used to remove unwanted assignments.

IMPORTANT! If you cannot see any assignments under the Grades tab, this is because you have no students in the class yet. To resolve this issue, join a “fake” student to the class . Now you will be able to see the assignments.

  • From the Grades tab, click the  More  button beside the assignment you want to remove.
  • Select  Delete .
  • A notification states that any grades and comments will also be deleted. Click  Delete .

delete an assignment

How to Reorder an Assignment in Google Classroom

The Classwork tab organizes assignments. It is best to keep the posts sequenced by due date. Sometimes, if you are building a course in advance, you might forget to create an assignment and need to add it later. Alternatively, you might be in the middle of instruction and realize your students need an extra review. Thankfully, ordering assignments on the Classwork tab is simple.

IMPORTANT! If you cannot reorder your assignment, this is because it is not listed under a Topic heading . To learn more refer to the tip below.

  • Select the Classwork tab.
  • Beside the desired assignment, click the  More  button.
  • Select  Move up  or  Move down .

delete or reorder assignments in google classroom

TIP – Categorize each Assignment by Topic Assignments can only be sequenced within a Topic. It is a good idea to organize assignments by Topic if you plan to teach multiple curriculum units throughout the school year to the same class. If your Assignment is not categorized by a topic it is not too late: 1. Select the Assignment. 2. Click the More button and select Edit. 3. From the right pane, select an existing topic or create a new one. 4. Click Save .

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how to recover google classroom assignment

Along with instruction and assessment, assignments form the foundation of the teaching and learning process. They provide opportunities for students to practice the skills and apply the knowledge that they have been taught in a supportive environment. It also helps the teacher gauge how well students are learning the material and how close they are to mastery.

Because of the nature of assignments, managing them can get hectic. That’s why its best to use a platform like Google Classroom to help you manage assignments digitally. In today’s tip, we will discuss 48 ways that you can use Classroom to manage student assignments.

  • Assignment Status – Easily check how many students turned in an assignment as well as how many assignments have been graded by going to the Classwork tab and clicking on the title of the assignment.
  • Assign to Multiple Classes – Post an assignment to multiple classes by using the “for” drop-down menu when creating an assignment.
  • Brainstorm – Use Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, or Drawings to brainstorm for class assignments.
  • Calendar of Due Dates – Link a Google Calendar with due dates for assignments, tests, and other important dates into Classroom.
  • Check Homework – Classroom makes checking homework easy with a quick glance at the assignment page. If more detailed grading is needed, just access the grading interface for the assignment.
  • Choice Boards – Give students a choice in how they demonstrate what they know by creating a choice board and uploading it as an assignment. Choice boards allow students to choose between several assignments and can be created directly in Classroom, using Google Docs, or with third-party apps.
  • Co-Teach Classes – Invite others to co-teach in your Classroom. Each teacher is able to create assignments and post announcements for students.
  • Create Questions Before a Socratic Seminar – Create an assignment for students to develop questions before a Socratic seminar. During the collaborative process, students can eliminate duplicate questions.
  • Detention Assignment Sheet – Create a detention assignment sheet using Google Docs. The assignment sheet can then be shared with the detention teacher and individual students privately through Classroom.
  • Differentiate Assignments – Assign work to individual students or groups of students in Classroom.
  • Differentiate by Product – Differentiate by product in Classroom by providing a challenge, variety, or choice or by using a continuum with assignments.
  • Digital Portfolios – Students can create digital portfolios of their work by uploading documents, pictures, artifacts, etc. to Classroom assignments.
  • Directions Document – Use Google Docs to create instruction documents for assignments in Classroom.
  • Distribute Student Work/Homework – Use Classroom to distribute student assignments or homework to all students, groups of students, or individual students.
  • Diversify Student Submissions – Create alternative submission options for students through the assignment tool. For example, one group of students may be required to submit a Google Doc while another group is required to submit a Slides presentation.
  • Do-Now Activities – Use Classroom to post Do-Now Activities.
  • Draft Assignments – Save posts as drafts until they are ready for publishing.
  • Feedback Before Student Submits – Provide feedback to students while their assignment is still a work in progress instead of waiting until submission. This will help the student better understand assignment expectations.
  • Get Notified of Late Assignments – Select notification settings to get notified each time an assignment is turned in late.
  • Global Classroom – Partner with international teachers to create a co-teaching classroom without borders where students can work on collaborative assignments.
  • Graphic Organizers – Upload graphic organizers for students to collaborate on assignments and projects.
  • Group Collaboration – Assign multiple students to an assignment to create a collaborative group. Give students editing rights to allow them access to the same document.
  • HyperDocs – Create and upload a hyperdoc as an assignment.
  • Link to Assignments – Create links to assignments not created in Classroom.
  • Link to Class Blog – Provide the link to a class blog in Classroom.
  • Link to Next Activity – Provide a link to the next activity students must complete after finishing an assignment.
  • Make a Copy for Each Student – Chose “make a copy for each student” when uploading assignment documents to avoid students having to share one copy of the document. When a copy for each student is made, Classroom automatically adds each student’s name to the document and saves it to the Classroom folder in Google Drive.
  • Move to Top/Bottom – Move recent assignments to the top of the Classwork feed so students can find new tasks more quickly.
  • Multiple File Upload – Upload multiple files for an assignment in one post.
  • Naming Conventions for Assignments – Create a unique naming system for assignments so they can be easily found in the Classroom folder in Google Drive.
  • Offline Mode – Change settings to allow students to work in offline mode if internet connections are weak. Once an internet connection is established, students can upload assignments to Classroom.
  • One Student One Sheet – In Google Sheets, assign one tab (sheet) per student for the student to complete the assignment.
  • One Student One Slide – In Google Slides, assign one slide to each student to present findings on a topic or to complete an assignment.
  • Organize Student Work – Google Classroom automatically creates calendars and folders in Drive to keep assignments organized.
  • Peer Tutors – Assign peer tutors to help struggling students with assignments.
  • Protect Privacy – Google Classroom only allows class members to access assignments. Also, it eliminates the need to use email, which may be less private than Classroom.
  • Provide Accommodations – Provide accommodations to students with disabilities in Google Classroom by allowing extra time to turn in assignments, using text to speech functions, and third-party extensions for colored overlays.
  • Reorder Assignments by Status – Instead of organizing assignments by student first or last name, organize them by status to see which students have or have not turned in work.
  • Reuse Posts – Reuse post from prior assignments or from other Classrooms.
  • See the Process – Students don’t have to submit their assignments for you to see their work. When you chose “make a copy for each student” for assignments, each student’s work can be seen in the grading tool, even if it’s not submitted. Teachers can make comments and suggestions along the way.
  • Share Materials – Upload required materials such as the class syllabus, rules, procedures, etc. to a Class Resources Module, or upload assignment materials within the assignment.
  • Share Resources – Create a resource list or a resource module for students.
  • Share Solutions to an Assignment – Share solutions to an assignment with a collaborator or students after all assignments have been turned in.
  • Stop Repeating Directions – By posting a directions document to assignments, the need to continually repeat directions is lessened, if not eliminated altogether. Keep in mind that some students will still need directions to read orally or clarified.
  • Student Work Collection – Use Classroom to collect student work from assignments.
  • Summer Assignments – Create summer assignments for students through Classroom.
  • Templates – Create templates for projects, essays, and other student assignments.
  • Track Assignments Turned In – Keep track of which students turned in assignments by going to the grading tool.

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In this article

  • What happens when a Google Classroom is deleted?
  • What happens when a student is deleted from the Classroom?
  • Google Classroom data retention management

A Complete Guide to Google Classroom Data Retention

10 min read.

Google created Google Classroom – a free learning platform – to simplify the process of creating, distributing, and grading assignments. It allows teachers to create an online classroom where they can manage all the documents that their students need. As of 2021, around  150 million  students, educators, and school leaders around the world rely on Google Classroom. Widespread use of Google Classroom also means there is an increase in risk of data loss due to a wide variety of reasons. The absence of recycle bin in Google Classroom makes it tricky for IT administrators to retain Classroom data.  

1. What happens when a Google Classroom is deleted?

google classroom retention-user error

2. What happens when a student is deleted from the Classroom?

3. google classroom data retention management, 3.1 archiving.

Teachers and co-teachers can archive a class, but only the primary teacher can delete it.

3.1.1 What happens to an archived class?

The archived classroom disappears from your active classroom list.

The archived classroom will be placed under the ‘Archived Classes’ section.

The teachers and students will be able to view the archived class from the ‘Archived Classes’ section.

Archived classes cannot be modified by teachers or students unless they are restored.

If you want to use an archived classroom, you will have to restore it.

Teachers and students will be able to access any class materials in their respective Google Drive.

Students will not be able to unenroll from an archived class.

The class calendar will remain in the teacher’s and student’s Google Calendar. You will have to delete the calendar separately if you don’t need it anymore.

3.1.2 How can you archive a Google Classroom?

Step 1: Go to https://classroom.google.com/ .

Step 2: On the respective class card, click on the three dotted lines and select ‘Archive’

google classroom retention- archive

3.1.3 How can you view an archived Classroom?

Step 2: Click on the menu at the top left corner.

Step 3: Click on ‘Archived Classes.’

google classroom retention - archived classes

Step 4: Select the class you want to view.

3.1.4 How can you restore an archived Classroom?

Step 2: Click on Menu at the top left corner.

Step 4: Click ‘More’ on the class card that you want to restore.

Step 5: Click 'Restore.'

google classroom retention-restore

3.2 Transfer ownership

3.2.1 for teachers.

If your primary teacher account is deleted before you transfer ownership of your classes, some of the class features won't work. Who can you transfer ownership to?

If you use Classroom with a Google Workspace or Google Workspace for Education account:  You can only transfer ownership to a co-teacher in your domain.  

If you use Classroom with a personal Google account:  You can only transfer ownership to a co-teacher who uses Classroom with a personal Google Account. Who owns class materials after the transfer?

The class Google Drive folder

Materials in the class templates folder

Turned-in student work How to transfer class ownership?

Step 2: Click the respective class and click on ‘People.’

Step 3: Next to the teacher's name, click ‘More ‘and click on ‘Make class owner.’

Step 4: Click 'Invite'.

3.2.2 For Google Workspace administrators Who can you transfer ownership to? 

As an administrator, you can transfer the ownership of a class to any teacher in your domain using the  Classroom API . Who owns class materials after the transfer? 

Before you delete a teacher's account, confirm that the teacher's classes are no longer in use by students or co-teachers. If not, all the classes associated with the teacher’s account gets deleted permanently.

Because of the absence of a recycle bin, Google Classroom data gets deleted permanently. Google Classroom does not provide any native features to recover Google Classroom data and hence, recovering deleted Google Classroom data can get tricky. Click here to check our in-depth article to recover permanently deleted Google Classroom data using Google Workspace native features and third-party tools.

3.3 Third-party Google Classroom backup tools

While the native features offered by Google are helpful in retaining your Google data to a large extent, they do not serve as a backup solution. Google is not responsible for backing up your data. Here is what Google says in their  Terms of Service : 

"When permitted by law, Google, & Google’s suppliers and distributors, will not be responsible for lost profits, revenues, or data, financial losses or indirect, special, consequential, exemplary, or punitive damages."  

3.3.1 Why should you have a third-party backup solution?

Limitations of native retention settings: The limited native data native retention capability offered by Google Classroom is a serious risk for educators and schools. Having a third-party backup solution for Google Classroom is critical.

Easy restoration: Third - party tools such as SysCloud, can restore Google Classroom data easily so students and teachers can continue without interruption.

Fast backups: Take faster backup even for large classrooms

Protection against ransomware And phishing: Third-party applications like SysCloud secures your data during ransomware and phishing attacks by automatically identifying a safe backup snapshot to restore the affected file(s).

3.3.2 How SysCloud offers advanced data retention and recovery options for Google Classroom

Restore assignments, questions, materials, announcements, calendar, people, and grades back to the user account in just a few clicks.

Directly restore data back to its previous location with all sharing permissions and folder structure still intact.

Restore data to another user’s account.

Permit teachers/staff to restore their own files to facilitate faster recovery.

Receive regular reports on the status of your backup, restore, and usage reports.

Define retention rules for an unlimited period of time.

Locate and recover Google Classroom data within the backup archives using advanced search options.

3.3.3 What does SysCloud restore?

3.3.4 syscloud vs native google classroom retention, recommended content.

23 Dec 2021

15 min read

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Can you restore a deleted Assignment?

One of our teachers has accidently deleted an open Assignment from one of their class Teams. A number of students had submitted work but I've been able to recover this using our third party cloud-to-cloud backup system.

Is it possible to fully restore/reinstate an Assignment after it's been deleted so that it appears back in the Assignment tab of the Team?

Many thanks,

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  • Assignments
  • Edit or delete assignments
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  21. Archive or delete a class

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  22. Recover assignments accidentally deleted?

    This help content & information General Help Center experience. Search. Clear search

  23. Can you restore a deleted Assignment?

    One of our teachers has accidently deleted an open Assignment from one of their class Teams. A number of students had submitted work but I've been able to recover this using our third party cloud-to-cloud backup system. Is it possible to fully restore/reinstate an Assignment after it's been deleted so that it appears back in the Assignment tab ...