How to Write a Geography Essay Step by Step


Table of Contents

Introduction to Geography Essays

Importance of essay writing in geography.

Essay writing in geography is crucial as it allows students and researchers to explore complex environmental, physical, and societal issues. It enables the synthesis of empirical data and theoretical frameworks, fostering critical thinking and communication skills.

Brief Overview of Common Types of Geography Essays

Geography essays come in various forms, each serving a different purpose:

  • Research Papers: These involve in-depth analysis of geographic phenomena using primary and secondary data.
  • Comparative Essays: They examine the similarities and differences between two or more geographic entities.
  • Argumentative Essays: These essays present a stance on a geographic issue, supported by evidence and logical reasoning.

Understanding the Essay Question

How to interpret essay prompts.

To correctly interpret essay prompts, one must read the question carefully, noting any specific instructions or scope defined. Break down the prompt to understand what the examiner is asking for.

Identifying Key Terms and Directives

Key terms are the concepts central to the question, while directives are action words like “discuss,” “compare,” or “analyze” that dictate the approach to be taken. Identifying these helps in aligning your essay with the expectations of the question.

Research and Sources

Finding reputable sources for geographic data and theories.

Utilize academic databases, government publications, and verified online resources to gather reliable geographic data and theoretical perspectives. Libraries and academic journals are also invaluable sources.

Evaluating and Citing Sources Properly

Assess the credibility of sources by checking the author’s credentials, publication date, and the publisher’s reputation. Cite sources using the appropriate academic style guide to avoid plagiarism.

Balancing Quantitative Data with Qualitative Insights

Incorporate statistical data to support claims while also providing qualitative observations for a well-rounded argument. This balance ensures a comprehensive exploration of geographic issues.

Planning the Essay

Creating an outline to structure thoughts and research.

An outline serves as a roadmap for your essay. Start with the introduction, then detail each body paragraph’s main idea, and conclude with a summary of your argument and findings.

The Significance of a Thesis Statement

A thesis statement is the centerpiece of your essay. It should clearly express the main argument or claim of your essay and guide the development of your supporting points. It is usually placed at the end of the introduction.

Writing the Essay

Crafting an engaging introduction.

Begin with a hook that captures the reader’s interest. Provide context for your topic, and establish the relevance of the essay. End the introduction with a clear thesis statement that outlines your argument or perspective.

Body Paragraphs

Each paragraph should begin with a topic sentence that introduces the main idea. Build your argument by integrating evidence, data, and geographic models or theories. Ensure each piece of evidence is analyzed and connected back to your thesis.

Concluding Effectively

The conclusion should restate your thesis, summarize the main points of your body paragraphs, and highlight the broader implications of your findings. Avoid introducing new information; instead, close the essay by reflecting on its significance.

Referencing and Bibliography

Overview of citation styles common in geography.

Geography papers commonly use APA or Chicago citation styles. Familiarize yourself with the one required for your essay, as each has specific rules for formatting in-text citations and bibliography entries.

Importance of Avoiding Plagiarism

Always credit the original authors of your sources. Use quotations for direct citations and paraphrase information with proper attribution. Plagiarism undermines your credibility and can have serious academic consequences.

Editing and Proofreading

Strategies for effective editing.

Review your essay multiple times, focusing on different aspects: content, structure, and clarity. Check for coherence in your arguments and the seamless integration of evidence.

Tips for Grammar, Punctuation, and Stylistic Consistency

Use tools like grammar checkers, but also manually review your essay. Pay attention to sentence structure, punctuation, and ensure stylistic consistency throughout the document.

Presentation and Submission

Adhering to format guidelines.

Follow the specified guidelines for font size, margins, spacing, and headers. Consistent formatting contributes to the professionalism and readability of your essay.

Importance of Visual Elements in Geography Essays

Visual elements like maps and graphs are crucial. They should be clear, well-labeled, and referenced in the text. Ensure they are relevant and enhance the reader’s understanding of your argument.

Examples and Resources

Examples of strong thesis statements and well-structured paragraphs.

  • Thesis Statement: “The impact of climate change on coastal cities is multifaceted, leading to not only physical changes but also socio-economic challenges.”
  • Paragraph Structure: Start with a clear topic sentence, followed by evidence and analysis, and conclude with a sentence that ties back to the essay’s thesis.

List of Resources for Further Support

  • Writing Centers: Many educational institutions offer writing support services.
  • Online Tools: Grammarly for proofreading, Zotero for managing citations, and Purdue OWL for style guidelines.
  • Academic Journals: Access through your institution’s library for examples of scholarly work.

Remember, writing a geography essay is as much about showcasing your knowledge as it is about effective communication. Ensure that each part of your essay works towards clearly presenting your findings and analysis.

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How to Write a Geography Essay that Transcends Borders

how to write geography assignment

Have you ever found yourself floating effortlessly in the Dead Sea, that magical stretch of water between Israel and Jordan? It's the saltiest lake globally, turning you into a buoyant bobber without much effort. Now, just as geography unveils such fascinating quirks about our planet, writing an essay on this subject can be an equally intriguing venture.

Let's take a stroll through the world of geography essays together. We'll start by figuring out what exactly makes up a geography essay definition and then dive into the secrets of writing a great one. Along the way, we'll share some helpful tips, break down the important parts, and talk about why geography matters in today's world. Whether you're a student trying to do well in your geography class or just curious about why geography is important, this article is here for you. Let's get started!

Ready to Turn Your Passion for Places into an Epic Essay?

Geography geek or not, we've got your back. Let us craft your custom essay that's as intriguing as it is insightful!

Essential Factors When Writing a Geography Essay

A great essay comes from a good understanding of the topic. Let's share some tips to help you create an impressive essay.

  • Stick to What You Know : Pick geography topics that you're familiar with.
  • Think Global : Show how your chosen topic connects to bigger issues like climate change or cultural diversity.
  • Grab Attention : Choose a topic that interests you and your readers.
  • Show with Examples : Use real examples to explain geography concepts in your essay.
  • Stay on Track : Make sure everything in your essay relates to the main message.
  • Use Sources : Share your thoughts based on what reliable sources say.
  • Make it Real : Describe landscapes in a way that brings them to life for your readers.

In the next parts, our skilled writers, who you can buy essay from, will share a simple guide to help you write essays successfully!

Exploring What Is a Geography Essay

In simple terms, a geography essay is a well-organized explanation of geographic topics and ideas. It's more than just listing facts—it's a chance for you to showcase what you understand about geographical principles, processes, and their real-world impacts.

what is geography essay

  • Keep it Focused : Your essay should revolve around a specific topic or question in geography. This focus helps you stay on track and make your writing clear and relevant.
  • Grasp the Concepts : Geography essays should include important geographical ideas like spatial relationships, scale, location, and interactions. These concepts give you the tools to understand and explain the world.
  • Use Data : Geography relies on data and evidence. Bring in facts, maps, visuals, and statistics to support your points and show geographical patterns.
  • Think Critically : A good essay doesn't just share information; it digs into the details. Explore the nuances, root causes, and broader impacts to give a deeper insight. ‍
  • Connect to Reality: These essays often link theory with real-world issues. Whether you're talking about global warming, urbanization, cultural landscapes, or geopolitical shifts, these essays show why geography matters in our interconnected world.

How to Start a Geography Essay

Starting your essay in the right way not only grabs your readers' attention but also sets the stage for a well-organized and interesting exploration of your selected geography research paper topics .

  • Establish the Geography : Kick-off by placing your topic in a geographic context. Explain where and why this topic matters, considering both local and global perspectives.
  • Spark Interest : Draw your readers in by asking a thought-provoking question or sharing a surprising statistic related to your geography essay topics.
  • Give Background Info : Provide a quick overview of the subject to make sure your readers have the basic knowledge needed to follow your arguments.
  • Include a Quote : Think about using a fitting quote from a well-known geographer, researcher, or historical figure to add depth and credibility to your introduction.
  • Set the Tone : Decide on the tone of your essay—whether it's informative, analytical, or persuasive—and let that tone shine through in your introductory language and style.

Select a Subject You're Comfortable Discussing

Picking the right research paper topic in geography is a big deal—it can really shape how the whole writing journey goes. One smart move to kick off your research paper well is to go for a subject you genuinely feel comfortable talking about. Here's why it matters:

  • Expertise Shines : When your research paper topic matches what you already know and enjoy, your expertise shines through. You can use what you know to analyze and explain the subject better.
  • Stay Motivated : Choosing a topic that genuinely interests you, like doing a geography essay about earthquakes, can be a great source of motivation. This inner drive helps you stay engaged during the whole research and writing process, leading to a better end result.
  • Research Efficiency : Knowing your topic makes the research process smoother. You know where to find good sources, what keywords to use, and how to tell if information is reliable.
  • Confident Analysis : Understanding your topic well, say, when dealing with a geography essay about global warming, gives you confidence. This confidence comes through in your analysis, making it more convincing.
  • Boosted Creativity : Being comfortable with your topic can boost your creativity. You're more likely to come up with new ideas and unique perspectives when you're discussing something you're familiar with.

Let's explore a range of research topics that provide plenty of chances for thorough investigation and analysis. Feel free to choose the one that aligns with your interests and fits the particular focus of your research.

  • Microclimates in Urban Spaces: Analyzing Local Community Impacts
  • Geopolitics of Water Scarcity: Transboundary Water Conflict Case Study
  • Ecotourism in Unexplored Territories: Balancing Conservation and Development
  • Digital Cartography's Influence on Public Perception of Geographic Information
  • Role of Indigenous Knowledge in Sustainable Resource Management
  • Urban Heat Islands: Assessing Heat-Related Risks in Growing Cities
  • Climate Change Impact on Traditional Agricultural Practices in Vulnerable Regions
  • Geography of Infectious Diseases: Spatial Analysis of Disease Spread
  • Patterns of Renewable Energy Adoption: A Global Comparative Study
  • Cultural Landscapes in Transition: Globalization's Impact on Local Identities

Geography Essay Example

For a closer look at how to structure and compose an effective geography essay, we've put together a compelling example for your review. As you go through it, you'll discover the essential elements that contribute to making an essay both informative and engaging.

Exploring the Impact of River Dams on Ecosystems


Rivers are the lifeblood of many ecosystems, shaping landscapes and sustaining diverse forms of life. This essay delves into the intricate relationship between river dams and ecosystems, aiming to unravel the multifaceted consequences that altering natural watercourses can bring. By examining case studies and ecological principles, we seek to shed light on the complex web of interactions that define the impact of river dams on the environment.

River dams significantly modify the natural flow of water, creating reservoirs and altering the hydrological patterns downstream. This transformation often leads to changes in habitat availability for aquatic species. Case studies from various dam projects will be explored to illustrate the tangible effects on biodiversity and ecosystem structure.

Furthermore, many fish species rely on river systems for migration and spawning. Dams can present barriers to these natural processes, affecting fish populations and, consequently, the predators and prey in the broader food web. This section will examine how dams disrupt fish migration and explore potential mitigation strategies to minimize ecological consequences.

What's more, the alteration of river flow caused by dams influences water quality and sediment transport downstream. Sediment accumulation in reservoirs can have cascading effects on aquatic ecosystems. This part of the essay will delve into scientific studies highlighting changes in water quality and sedimentation patterns due to dam construction.

Beyond the ecological realm, the construction of river dams often has social and economic repercussions. Local communities dependent on rivers for their livelihoods may face challenges due to altered water regimes. Investigating case studies, we will explore the human dimension of the impact of river dams on communities and economies.


In summary, the complex interplay between river dams and ecosystems demands thoughtful reflection. This essay has offered a glimpse into the diverse outcomes that come with changing natural watercourses, underscoring the importance of a comprehensive grasp of the ecological, social, and economic aspects at play. By delving into the intricate realm of river dam impacts, we acquire valuable insights into the nuanced equilibrium between human progress and environmental sustainability.

How to Write a Geography Essay: Insights and Pointers

When it comes to writing geography essays, it's not just about throwing out facts and figures. It's about digging deeper into geographical ideas, understanding how things relate, and sharing your findings in a way that makes sense. Our paper writing service experts are here to give you some handy tips:

  • Dig Deep with Research: Start by really getting into your topic. Collect data, look at maps, and read up on what others have to say about it.
  • Sort Your Thoughts: Organize your essay so it's easy to follow. That usually means having an intro, some main parts, and a wrap-up at the end. Keep it logical.
  • Think and Talk Analysis: Get into the nitty-gritty of your analysis. Use geography ideas to explain your data and give your own take on things.
  • Show Your Proof: Back up what you're saying with proof. Throw in maps, charts, or stories to make your points and show patterns.
  • Question Everything: Think hard about different opinions and what your findings might mean in the big picture. Don't be afraid to question things and see where it takes you.

Breaking Down the Geography Essay Structure

A well-formatted geography essay structure is like a well-organized map – it guides readers through your analysis with clarity and purpose. To effectively break down the structure, consider the following key insights:

  • Geographical Essence: Always consider the geographical context when framing your essay format . How does the landscape influence the subject, and in turn, how does it fit into the broader global narrative?
  • Tailored Tone for Audience: Reflect on your audience. Are you speaking to geography enthusiasts, educators, policymakers, or the general public? Adjust your language and explanations to match their level of familiarity and interest.
  • Conciseness and Wordplay: Maintain clarity by adhering to word limits and embracing conciseness. Focus on delivering pertinent information with a touch of engaging wordplay to captivate your readers.
  • Innovative Perspectives: Aim for innovation in your analysis. While leveraging existing research, offer a fresh viewpoint or a unique twist on the topic to keep your essay from blending into the background.
  • Ethical Dimensions: If your research involves human subjects, sensitive data, or fieldwork, be conscientious of ethical considerations. Seek necessary approvals, ensuring that your research adheres to ethical standards.
  • Geographic Fluency: Demonstrate a keen grasp of geographic fluency in your essay. Showcase not just knowledge of concepts but an understanding of the interconnectedness of regions, adding depth to your exploration.
  • Visual Appeal: Consider incorporating visual elements such as maps, charts, or images to enhance your essay's visual appeal. A well-chosen visual can often communicate complex geographical information more effectively.
  • Future Implications: Extend your analysis to contemplate the future implications of the geographical factors you're discussing. How might current trends shape future landscapes, and what role does your topic play in this evolving narrative?

Geography Essay Introduction

The introductory paragraph is the starting point of your essay, where you contextualize, captivate your audience, and introduce your central thesis statement.

For instance, if your essay explores the effects of rising sea levels on coastal communities, your introduction could commence with a striking observation: ' In the coastal realms, where communities have thrived for generations, the encroaching rise of sea levels is transforming the very landscapes that have long shaped human existence. This unsettling shift is a direct consequence of global warming, a phenomenon casting profound implications across the globe .'

The core section of your essay, the main body, encompasses several paragraphs that house your analysis, arguments, evidence, and illustrations.

Within a segment examining the consequences of industrial pollution on river ecosystems, you might assert: ' Industrial effluents discharged into rivers represent a significant contributor to pollution. As evidenced by studies [cite], the toxic chemicals and pollutants released into water bodies pose severe threats to aquatic life, disrupting ecosystems and endangering the delicate balance of river environments. '

Geography Essay Summing Up

When wondering how to write a conclusion for an essay , remember that it acts as the final chapter, summarizing crucial findings, reiterating your thesis, and offering concluding insights or implications.

In a conclusion addressing the impact of desertification on agricultural communities, you might recapitulate: ' Surveying the intricate interplay between environmental degradation and agricultural sustainability in regions affected by desertification reveals a nuanced narrative. Despite the adversities posed, there exists an imperative for innovative solutions and adaptive strategies to ensure the resilience of agricultural communities in the face of advancing desertification. '

More Tips for Writing a Geography Essay

Here are some special tips on writing a geography essay that can enhance the depth and sophistication of your entire piece, showcasing a thorough grasp of geographic concepts and methods.

  • Embrace diverse viewpoints – consider cultural, economic, and environmental angles for a richer analysis.
  • Use geospatial tools like maps and satellite imagery to visually enhance your essay and emphasize spatial relationships.
  • Bolster your arguments with real case studies to illustrate the practical application of your geographical analysis.
  • Integrate recent global events into your essay to showcase relevance and stay aligned with the dynamic nature of geography.
  • Explore intersections with other disciplines, providing a more comprehensive understanding of your topic.
  • Highlight how local phenomena contribute to broader global narratives, emphasizing interconnectedness.
  • If you're writing a cause and effect essay , compare urbanization trends in different cities to show the reasons and outcomes.

Why Geography Matters as a Subject of Study

Geography goes way beyond just maps and names of places; it's a lively and important field that helps us make sense of the world. Here's why geography matters:

why geography matters

  • Knowing Spaces: It helps us understand how places, regions, and landscapes connect. This understanding is crucial for making smart choices about things like where to put resources, plan cities, and handle emergencies.
  • Being a Global Citizen: It encourages us to appreciate different cultures and how we're all connected. It helps us see how big events, like climate change or pandemics, affect countries locally and globally.
  • Taking Care of Nature: This subject gives us insights into environmental problems and solutions. It teaches us about issues like cutting down forests, losing habitats, and climate change so we can make choices that help our planet.
  • Thinking Smart: Geography makes us think critically. It involves looking at complex information, considering different opinions, and drawing smart conclusions. These skills are handy in lots of jobs.
  • Fixing Real Problems: What we learn in geography helps us solve actual problems – from designing better roads to managing water wisely and dealing with natural disasters.
  • Making Rules and Plans: It has a say in making rules and plans. It guides decisions about how to use land, build things, and take care of resources.
  • Loving Different Cultures: Geography helps us appreciate all kinds of cultures and how they relate to the environment. It lets us understand why places are important and how their histories have shaped them.

Ready to Explore the World without Leaving Your Desk?

Let our expert writers be your guides on this geographical voyage and map out your academic success together!

To sum it up, geography gives you the knowledge and skills to navigate our complex and connected world. Writing a geography essay helps you make smart choices, promote sustainability, and face global challenges. Whether you're exploring local landscapes or looking at global issues, geography lays the groundwork for understanding our planet and its diverse inhabitants through the art of essay writing.

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Help with writing assignments

You can improve your skills at writing assignments for your subject area in a number of ways: 

  • Read the guidance or view the online tutorial on this page.  They both go through the TIME model (Targeted, In-depth, Measured, Evidence-based) to explain what's required in academic writing.
  • Come along to one of our Succeed@Tees workshops. We run a workshop on academic writing, as well as on other types of writing (including critical writing, reflective writing, report writing).  See Succeed@Tees Workshops  for more information, including a list of dates and times.
  • Book a one-to-one tutorial with a learning advisor  at the Learning Hub. We can provide guidance on your structure and writing style.

Guidance on academic writing


  • Bringing it all together
  • Finally ...

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  • Writing an assignment takes time, more time than you may expect.  Just because you find yourself spending many weeks on an assignment doesn’t mean that you’re approaching it in the wrong way.
  • It also takes time to develop the skills to write well, so don’t be discouraged if your early marks aren’t what you’d hoped for.  Use the feedback from your previous assignments to improve.
  • Different types of assignments require different styles, so be prepared for the need to continue to develop your skills.

We’ve broken down TIME into 4 key elements of academic writing: Targeted, In-depth, Measured and Evidence-based.

time togos

  • What is an academic piece of work

Target logo

Your assignment needs to be targeted .  It should:

  • Be focused on the questions and criteria
  • Make a decision
  • Follow an argument
  • How to be targeted
  • Academic keywords or clue words

in-depth logo

Your assignment needs to be in-depth .  You should consider your questions and criteria thoroughly, thinking about all possible aspects, and including the argument both for and against different viewpoints.

You should:

  • Identify topic areas
  • Plan your assignment
  • Think about your introduction and conclusion
  • How to be in-depth
  • How to read quickly

measured logo

An academic writing style is measured. By this, we mean that it’s:

  • Emotionally neutral
  • Formal – written in the third person and in full sentences
  • How to be measured

evidence-based logo

Your assignment needs to be evidence-based . You should:

  • Reference all the ideas in your work
  • Paraphrase your evidence
  • Apply critical thinking to your evidence
  • How to be evidence-based
  • How to paraphrase

Once you’ve found all your evidence, and have decided what to say in each section, you need to write it up as paragraphs.  Each paragraph should be on a single topic, making a single point.  A paragraph is usually around a third of a page. 

We find Godwin’s (2014) WEED model very helpful for constructing paragraphs.

W is for What

You should begin your paragraph with the topic or point that you’re making, so that it’s clear to your lecturer.  Everything in the paragraph should fit in with this opening sentence.

E is for Evidence  

The middle of your paragraph should be full of evidence – this is where all your references should be incorporated.  Make sure that your evidence fits in with your topic.

E is for Examples

Sometimes it’s useful to expand on your evidence.  If you’re talking about a case study, the example might be how your point relates to the particular scenario being discussed.

D is for Do

You should conclude your paragraph with the implications of your discussion.  This gives you the opportunity to add your commentary, which is very important in assignments which require you to use critical analysis. 

So, in effect, each paragraph is like a mini-essay, with an introduction, main body and conclusion.

Allow yourself some TIME to proofread your assignment.  You’ll probably want to proofread it several times. 

You should read it through at least once for sense and structure, to see if your paragraphs flow.  Check that your introduction matches the content of your assignment.  You’ll also want to make sure that you’ve been concise in your writing style. 

You’ll then need to read it again to check for grammatical errors, typos and that your references are correct.

It’s best if you can create some distance from your assignment by coming back to it after a few days. It’s also often easier to pick out mistakes if you read your work aloud.

  • How to proofread

Online tutorial for writing assignments

We have an online tutorial to support academic writing. Click on the image below or go to Academic Writing to view the tutorial.

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Further Reading

Cover Art

School Guidelines for Academic Writing and Presentation of Assessed Written Work

  • School of Health & Life Sciences Student Guidance for the Presentation of Assessed Written Work (2021)
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How to Write a Geography Paper

Last Updated: April 30, 2019

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, volunteer authors worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 15,839 times.

Writing a geography paper can sometimes be a challenge. Read this article to find out how to easily write a geography paper.

Step 1 Choose your topic.

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  • Revise your paper more than once. This way, you can see mistakes that you may have missed in the last revision. Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0
  • Type your paper if you are allowed to. This way, you can easily research more info as well as easily spellcheck your paper. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Make sure that you know your teacher's guidelines for the paper. When you write, try to have a list of the guidelines in front of you. If you weren't given a sheet, then take notes on a sheet of paper when he gives the guidelines so you can have them as a reference. If you don't know the guidelines, you might risk getting an "F". Thanks Helpful 9 Not Helpful 0

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Assignment Assignment overview

How to achieve maximum marks in the Higher Geography assignment

Part of Geography Exam and assignment

Assignment overview

The assignment is worth 27% of your overall mark. It is worth 30 marks in total and your write-up time is 1 hour 30 minutes .

You will have to demonstrate your ability to apply your skills, knowledge and understanding to research and reach a conclusion on a geographical topic of your choice.

This may be linked to something you have studied in class, or you may choose to research any relevant Geographical topic or issue. It may be a physical or human topic, or a local, national or global issue. It could also be a topic of personal interest, such as a geographical development or change in your local area.

The Higher Geography Assignment has two stages :

  • Research and processing information gathered
  • Assessment: writing a report under supervision

Assignment topic

A good research topic for your assignment will enable you to gather information in different ways; this should allow you to process your data in various ways – such as annotated maps , graphs , and diagrams . Ideally, this research should be fieldwork-based to enable you to develop field study skills .

You can describe the information collected and explain it using your knowledge and understanding from your background research.

You can then use this information to reach conclusions , which are based on your own findings. This will allow you to write a report on fieldwork that was conducted first-hand by yourself.

Remember: you must have a clear idea of what you are trying to find out; this might be a research question or statement that you try to prove or disprove.

Think about the aims of your research or different viewpoints. This will allow you to focus on what you need to find out. Choose your assignment topic carefully as this will influence the information that needs to be gathered.

More guides on this topic

  • Exam advice
  • Types of exam question

Related links

  • BBC Weather
  • BBC News: Science, Environment
  • BBC Two: Landward
  • SQA: Higher Geography
  • Planet Diary
  • Scotland's Environment
  • Greenhouse Gas Online
  • Geograph British Isles

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Writing in geography and urban planning, what is geography.

Geography integrates the study of people, places, and environments to better understand the world and improve decision-making in sustainable development, urban and regional planning, and geospatial science.

Geography is literally and figuratively a worldview—exploring space, place, landscape, region, and environment—to better understand our changing planet, communicate that understanding, and apply it to decision-making. The geographical perspective is integrative, but is focused through specialized subfields like urban geography, cultural/development geography, biogeography, and physical geography, among others. These differ in their object of study, methodology, regional focus, and application, and align with professional fields like urban planning, sustainable development, and environmental science.

Geographical research methods are also integrative yet diverse. They can be qualitative or quantitative (or a mix), including: field measurement and landscape interpretation; surveys and interviews; remote sensing, archival research, and content analysis; and geospatial analysis and mapping. Data sources or methods depend on the kind of research questions asked and who the intended audience is.

People are surprised both by the interdisciplinary breadth of geographical thinking and its relevance to understanding and impacting the world through fields like planning, sustainable development, and geospatial science. While geographers and planners are diverse, they share an emphasis on some key ideas (or threshold concepts):

  • spatial processes and patterns are interdependent and linked across scales;
  • landscapes and environments are dynamic across time and space;
  • places reflect and reinforce patterns of unevenness and inequality; and
  • individual actions have the power to transform the world.

But each geographical subfield also has its own threshold concepts. Human/social geographers emphasize the social production of space, development geographers the unevenness of development, physical geographers the dynamism of environmental processes and change, and urban geographers the mutually reinforcing link between transportation and land use.

Geographers and planners are united by many core values like the importance of curiosity and exploration, integrative thinking about interconnected phenomena, reflexivity and self awareness, engaging diverse people and places and the problems they face, and the power of the visual and graphical communication. Geographical thinking values synthesis over reductionism. And while many use laboratory or archival methods, field research is a priority. Because geography is so diverse, debates inevitably arise around differences in theories and methods as well as relative merits of different approaches (physical sciences vs. social science vs. humanism, etc.). But we value such diversity and debates, and pride ourselves in our ability to communicate across sub-disciplinary boundaries.

What Do Geographers and Planners Value in Writing?

Our values, goals, threshold concepts, and methods of study are all embodied in what and how we write.

We communicate—textually and often graphically—in genres like:

  • place-based description/field reporting , including site reports, landscape interpretations, map and geovisual description and interpretation, travel writing and journalistic reporting, or existing conditions analysis;
  • graphical thinking and communication , including maps, visual renderings, multimedia website, video, and diagrams, etc.;
  • independent research , including literature reviews, research papers, scholarly articles and monographs;
  • professional, collaborative reports , which include policy analyses/white papers, reports, and plans; and
  • public communications , including presentations, posters, social media posts, and written correspondence.

The writing processes within each genre can vary:

  • When reviewing literature we identify a topic scope, keywords, and research question. Searching for relevant sources by keyword is followed by a summary of individual sources and synthesis—seeing connections and contrasts, putting individual sources in context. We construct a narrative about the state of current knowledge and ongoing debates.
  • Analyzing geographic phenomena entails identifying a research question; synthesizing relevant literature; systematically applying an appropriate research method to gather data; and presenting, analyzing, and summarizing findings.
  • When writing plans or reports we define a problem and goals, review existing literature and knowledge (typically including best practices), evaluate alternative problem-solving strategies, and suggest policy solutions.
  • Communicating graphically includes the visual depiction of spatial data or analysis through tools like mapping, artistic rendering, or diagramming. This involves choices about symbolic representation, and information to help viewers interpret them (e.g., map descriptions and keys).
  • When presenting to wider audiences we make careful choices about how to concisely organize complex information for particular audiences, including choices about appropriate media and presentation styles.

What Makes Good Writing in Geography and Urban Planning?

In general, geographers and planners value writing that is clear and understandable. We look for logical structure, active voice, a sense of place, carefully framing and contextualization, support through visually rich (where relevant) evidence, and demonstration of methodical analysis and communication rooted in evidence. We also want to see authors acknowledge the limitations of their individual perspective.

As an integrated social and natural science, professional writers in our field must provide evidence for their claims. We gather data from across the world—whether that be field measurements or archived texts—to draw conclusions and develop recommendations. Professional writers in our field are credible when they:

  • outline a compelling and relevant topic;
  • acknowledge and cite current knowledge and debates;
  • outline a clear methodology, whether qualitative and/or quantitative;
  • communicate concisely and illustrate their claims with evidence; and
  • draw conclusions or make recommendations grounded in evidence.

They are often not seen as credible when they do not or are not able to include supporting evidence.

The citation practices we use in our field also embody our goals, values, and conventions. In the Department of Geography, we primarily use author-date in-text citation style(s), which puts authors more front-and-center than in other fields. Often we chose the American Psychological Association (APA) citation style, simply because it is widely used and documented.

In some cases, plan and report writers will use note-based styles like footnotes. This places the bibliographic information below the cited information on the same page, so that it’s easy for the reader to refer to. We discourage the use of endnote-based styles, since they place key bibliographic information at the end where it is slower to access.

Whatever the citation style, whenever you make written claims that depend on outside information, you must cite the source(s) of that information. Readers must be able to quickly understand where you are getting information from. This requires:

  • citing the source immediately upon first reference to that data;
  • using textual cues in the same paragraph to make clear that information that follows also comes from the same source, but otherwise not repeating the same citation multiple times in the same paragraph;
  • and including the page numbers if quoting material from a text with pages.

Keep in mind, however, that geographers and planners cite a wide range of data, including:

  • demographic or economic development statistics from the United Nations, World Bank, or US Census Bureau;
  • maps and geovisual representations of data;
  • arguments from scholars and other experts about the state of knowledge that frames our work conceptually;
  • interviews, portions of which we will often incorporate as quotations in social scientific and humanities-based work;
  • various kinds of documents (including historical) that more humanities-oriented geographers in particular will incorporate, often as quotations to evaluate more subjective ideas, opinions, and reflections.

When deciding when to paraphrase versus directly quote information, generally you should only quote if the source of the quote is particularly significant and the specific wording strengthens the clarity of your claims. Like most disciplines, we prefer you explicitly specify in the text the quotation source, rather than to use “blind” quotes.

We follow all of these guidelines because this is how we document the evidence that supports strong arguments, and without it, we have no real basis for our claims.

How Do We Incorporate Writing in Our Courses?

Because writing styles and genres vary across Geography and Urban Planning, students develop different writing skills across the curriculum. Our major curricula prioritizes good written and graphical communication, but developing those skills happens in different ways in different classes.

  • Undergraduates taking Miami Plan or electives in the Department of Geography should recognize the interdisciplinary and space/place grounding in our writing and try to understand this when they write for us. We think this will be useful to them later even if they are not our majors because this framing will help to broaden their world view.
  • Undergraduate majors in Urban and Regional Planning or Geography and Sustainable Development should recognize spatial reasoning and evidence-based arguments and try to practice integrative thinking and analytical reasoning when they write. Over time they will need to become skilled at posing, answering, and communicating geographic research questions to prepare them for career success, lifelong learning, and informed civic engagement.
  • Graduate students in Geography should recognize the disciplinary and scholarly underpinnings of our writing and must learn to articulate geo-spatial relationships when they write for us. By graduation, they need to be able to design and carry out an independent thesis-driven research project to prepare them for professional advancement and career success.

Overall, when students are learning to write and read in our field, they will benefit from a better understanding for the dynamism of human and physical relationships over time and space.

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Academics Hub: What Is Geography Assignment? How Do You Write an Assignment for Geography?

What Is Geography Assignment? How Do You Write an Assignment for Geography?

Do you want to learn about geography assignment ? Do you know how to write an assignment for geography? Well! Geography is the study of our planet, its weather conditions, the various landforms on Earth, and thus the various natural occurrences. It entails the abstraction analysis of human and natural phenomena, the exploration of earth sciences, and thus the investigation of the relationship between nature and human life. Geography is the study of social, economic, and environmental processes that have an impact on nature. Studying geography is important because it is necessary to understand the most important aspects of the world and to understand what is going on in the universe. Due to the immense importance, the subject is being taught in academic institutes. Universities have introduced geography as a subject in students’ academic career so they can learn about the earth and the environment in which they live.

Your professor assigns you multiple tasks during your academic life to check your understanding level of the subject matter and evaluate how well you grasp the concepts. You might get assigned multiple geography assignments during the semester. It is essential for students to understand and complete assignments on time to get good grades. But, not every student can perform well in their academic life due to multiple reasons. Some students don’t know how to write an assignment for geography, some don’t find time to complete it, and some students can’t understand the geographical concepts, so they look for geography homework help from online experts. If you need writing assistance in this regard, hire geography homework help service providers to get the geography assignment solution.

What Is Geography?

Geography is the study of places and how people interact with their surroundings. Geographers study the physical properties of the Earth’s surface and the human societies that inhabit it. They also investigate how human culture interacts with the natural environment and how locations and places influence people. Geography studies where things are found and how they evolve and change over time.

Some points provide an overview of the information contained in this subject:

  • The relationship we have with the world and the society in which we live.
  • The environment in which we work.
  • Local and global changes are caused by human behaviour.
  • To learn about the significance of location and landscape.

What Is Geography Assignment?

how to write geography assignment

Geography is the branch of science that studies everything about people and places and their interactions. Geography is concerned with the environment in which we live and the people who inhabit it. This branch generally provides knowledge and detail about the physical properties of the overall earth’s surface and features of individuals, societies, and everything else. The branch covers almost all the details about people’s interactions with environmental factors and the effects that these places and locations have on these environmental issues in general. This subject is vast and provides knowledge of the physical properties of the earth and the surrounding environment. Due to the increased significance of the subject, this is being taught by academic institutes. Geography assignment is a part of your studies. Through geography assignments, your professor evaluates what you learned during your course session. It is a way to express to your teachers what you have learned.

It is possible that many of you are already aware of geography assignments. However, academic tasks assigned to students by their university professors and tutors to develop writing, logic, analytical, and research skills in the field of geography are what a geography assignment is. Through assignments, your professor’s find out what you’ve learned, how capable you are, and in which topic you are lacking in. Most importantly, students learn and reflect on various ideas, concepts, events, and questions related to the curriculum’s specific topic. Throughout their academic careers, students are given numerous assignments that they must understand to complete their degree. Students can get geography homework help to complete their tasks without stress.

how to write geography assignment

How to Write an Assignment for Geography? Geography Homework Guide!

A geography assignment is a paper that requires students to write in a formal advanced style in order to meet the tutor’s or academic institution’s requirements. Humanities subjects require students to write assignments on a regular basis. The content should be well-researched and written in a formal style to earn good grades.

Examine the Geography Assignment Topic and Conduct Research

The first step is to select and comprehend a problem. It may appear obvious, but identifying the central concept in the question is critical for developing the best research strategy. The supporting evidence you present to qualify the authenticity of your points is what counts in an assignment, not your creativity.

Conduct Background Research

how to write geography assignment

To gather enough information for your paper, you should conduct research from a variety of sources. Your geography assignment will be reliable, credible, and appealing to read if you have thoroughly researched it from credible sources. The following are some of the best places to look for information for your geography assignment:

  • Books on the subject
  • Print and electronic journal articles
  • Web resources using advanced features such as Google Scholar. Limit your search to reputable sources.
  • Encyclopedias are good sources of information.

Introduction to Geography Assignment

Write an introduction that provides background information on the subject. It should be a general orientation that provides background or context to the topic so that readers can get a general understanding of what you’re about to discuss. Your introduction should include an outline of the issues you will address in your assignment, but without going into too much detail. Finally, introduce your thesis statement, the main idea you will write about in response to the assignment question.

Write Body Text of Your Geography Assignment

Body paragraphs should contain your content. Here you convey the main ideas you want to convey and back them up with evidence. Write a paragraph for each main idea, which should be the most important thing to discuss. The main idea is not any content you discovered during your research but rather more about the subject you are discussing.

Plan your paragraphs carefully and use appropriate words. A good assignment should not overwhelm the readers with difficult words. Every word should be used where the linguistic usage and context allow. Choose an approach that allows you to discuss your ideas in the most effective way. For example, you could list some ideas, compare and contrast different authors’ points of view, or describe causes and effects. You can also describe issues and solutions.

Allow each of your assignment’s body paragraphs to contain one main idea. Structure your paragraphs as follows for easy reading:

Topic Sentence: The first one in the paragraph to identify the point.

Supporting Sentences: These sentences back up the main point of research and reference.

Conclusive Sentence: Ends the paragraph by returning to the point made in the introduction and the thesis statement.

Consider the key points you are making as you write to determine the idea that recurs at various points in your assignment. You can make it a theme by connecting ideas between paragraphs. Use linking words to let readers know whether your discussion is about similar ideas or when you compare and contrast. Make it clear to the reader what direction your paper is taking.

Write Conclusion for Your Assignment

how to write geography assignment

To summarise your assignment, describe the main points or linkage of ideas in general terms. Include any new information at this point because it will only confuse the reader. The goal of the conclusion is to provide your reader with food for thought and to make them remember your paper. Finish with an intriguing comment, resolution, or proposal for future research on your topic.

Acquire Professional Geography Assignment Help for Students Online!

Are you stuck with your geography assignment? Are you looking for someone who can help you complete your assignment on time? Get the professional geography assignment help from an online pool of professional writers and researchers who are well versed in the field. Online academic writing service providers help students in composing their assignments and help them score well in their academia. Writing is a daunting task that students find difficult to complete because it demands good research skills, analytical skills and time to compose a perfect assignment. That is why students ask for online help to get the desired assignment solution.

Most of the time, students seek out experts to provide with the best do my geography homework services. The main reason for this is that geography is a difficult subject. It covers a wide range of topics, and students must be intelligent enough to handle them. Apart from that, students must have detailed analysis skills to comprehend geographical topics. Furthermore, in order to master geographical concepts, students must have critical thinking skills. It assists students in thoroughly understanding the problem. However, mastering these concepts is not easy for students. Doing geography homework is also a time-consuming and daunting task for students. But by seeking geography homework help, you can rest assured that you can score high in your academia.

This blog is aimed to provide information about geography assignments and how you can write an assignment for geography. Geography assignments are assigned by professors to check the understanding of students on a subject matter. However, composing assignments in such a vast discipline seems difficult to students. Thus, they ask for geography assignment help online from authentic websites to get the solution of their assignments.

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How to Write a Geography Essay: A Comprehensive Guide For 2024

how to write geography assignment

Sourav Mahahjan

how to write geography assignment

What is a geography essay?

A geography essay can be defined as a scientific paper that provides information regarding physical geography and human geography. This helps explain the different factors responsible for creating different types of land-forms and the impacts of human activities on natural resources. It also helps in explaining different features and occurrences related to nature. 

Steps for starting a geography essay

To write an excellent essay paper, setting a tone for the essay is essential. The first and foremost step in writing an attractive geography essay is to provide an attractive introduction section. The introduction section creates the first impression regarding the essay in the reader's mind. The introduction section should contain the following points.

  • Explain about the content of the paper.
  • Brief background regarding the essay 
  • Provide parameters used in the essay 
  • Providing information regarding the main arguments in the essay

Steps for starting a geography essay

Things to  remember when writing a geography essay

To write an excellent geography essay, it is essential to remember some of the essential things that should be excluded. 

  • It is advisable not to use explicit essay words in the essay. 
  • It is also essential to avoid repeating the same questions in the essay.
  • No new points should be included in the conclusion of the essay.
  • Geography essays should not be written in the first person. 
  • It is advisable to provide a grand statement for the topic to support the statements.
  • Use only one idea in one paragraph. Each different should have a separate paragraph in the essay.
  • It is essential to refrain from those ideas and arguments which are not related to the topic.

Valuable tips for geography essay

The most significant and valuable tip for writing a good-quality geography essay is conducting in-depth research on the main topic. As geography uses irrefutable facts, the writer needs to collect a vast amount of information regarding the topic of the essay. Secondly, it is also essential to take care of how the writer presents the arguments and ideas in the essay to the readers. It is essential to follow a definite structure for the essays, which provides a continuous flow of the information present in the essay. This helps in making the essay attractive and attention-grabbing for the readers. A flow is essential as it helps the readers connect to the next topic in the essay. 

Some of the important factors when writing a geography essay

The quality of a geography essay depends on the amount of information incorporated in the essay regarding the topic of the essay. Some of the significant factors that help in developing a quality geography essay 

  • Embrace familiarity: selecting a topic based on the writer's existing knowledge is essential. 
  • Global relevance:  It is always essential to select a globally relevant and vital topic in the global context. Also, the essay should discuss broader concepts such as climate change and cultural heritage, which have global value and importance. 
  • Should ignite the interest of the readers:  The topic of the geography essay should be exciting and help motivate the readers towards the information provided in the essay.
  • Use examples: Using authentic examples and case studies to provide information regarding the topic discussed in the essay is also advisable. 
  • Avoid irrelevance: it is also essential to include information in the essay which is relevant to the core topic of the essay. This helps in making the essay highly informative. 
  • Synthesise and source:  It is crucial to analyse the different facts collected during the essay from credible sources for completing the essay. 
  • Creating an image: It is important to include visual descriptions easily as it helps create an image regarding the information provided in the essay and helps increase the readers' interest. 

Structure of a Geography Essay  

Structure plays a vital role in making the essay relevant and informative. The basic structure of a geography essay consists of the following sections.

  • Introduction:  It is one of the most critical parts of any essay and provides a glimpse of information in the body of the essay. The introduction should include a brief regarding the topic. The introduction should include the problem related to the topic, the background of the topic and the importance of the topic for the reader. 
  • Body:  The body of the essay should include the main arguments and statements made by the writer regarding the topic of the essay. The body also contains various facts and figures, which can help validate the writer's statements in the essay. The total number of paragraphs used in an essay depends on the length of the topic. However, every paragraph of an essay should include only one idea and the following paragraph for the next idea related to the topic. The first sentence in each paragraph should provide the main point or argument regarding the essay, and the rest should include information supporting the essay's main argument. 
  • Conclusion: The conclusion in a geography essay is generally used for wrapping the writer's main ideas and arguments. It includes the verdict of the writer regarding the topic. The section is essential for summarising the writer's central argument and helps provide evidence of the verdict given by the writer. However, it is essential to remember that the conclusion should not include any new information regarding the topic, as it disturbs the flow of information and makes the essay incompetent. The final sentence made in the conclusion should be brief and related to the topic discussed in the geography essay. 

More tips for writing geography essay 

  • Use different types of maps and graphs to increase the visualisation of the essay.
  • The writer should conduct fieldwork before incorporating information in an essay as it helps make the essay more relevant and informative. Fieldwork includes surveys and observations regarding the topic. 
  • Evaluating the changes happening in the natural landscapes is also a critical part of writing an attractive and informative geography essay. Using historical maps and data can be very helpful for highlighting the changes happening over time.

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How to write a geography assignment.

Geography assignment is a paper that requires students to write in a formal advanced style to meet the requirements of the tutor or academic institution. Humanity subjects require students to write assignment once in a while. The content should be well-researched in a beautiful writing style as this is what generates good grades.

Evaluate The Geography Assignment Topic and Research

The first step is to choose and understand an issue. It might seem obvious, but it is crucial to identify the central concept in the question to prepare the best research strategy. An assignment is not about creativity but the supporting evidence you present to qualify authenticity of your points.

Perform background research

You should research from various sources to find much information for your paper. When you have well-researched from credible sources, your assignment will be reliable, credible and appealing to read. Below are some of the best sources to comb through for information to include in your geography assignment:

  • Books on related subject
  • Journal articles in print and electronic form
  • Web sources. Restrict your search to reputable sources using advanced features such as Google Scholar
  • Background sources such as encyclopaedia

See why our best Geography Essay Assignment writing services are rated most among all the online help companies.

Geography Assignment Introduction

Write an introduction that provides general information on the topic. It should be a general orientation providing background or context to the topic for readers to get a general understanding of the subject you are going to discuss.Your introduction should have an outline of issues that you will explore in your assignment but without much details. In the end, you should introduce your thesis statement, the main idea you will write on in response to the assignment question.

Geography Assignment Body

Fit your content into body paragraphs. It is here that you convey the main ideas you intend to communicate and support them with evidence. Write a paragraph for each main idea which should be that important thing you need to discuss. The main idea is not any content that you found during research but more of the subject you are discussing.

Plan your paragraphs accordingly and use the deserving words. A good assignment does not have to bombard the readers with difficult words. Use every word where the linguistic usage and context are proper. Take an approach that provides the best way to discuss your ideas. For example, you can list some ideas, compare and contrast views of different authors or describe causes and effects. You may also describe problems and their solutions.

When writing the body paragraphs of your assignment, let each of them have one main idea. Structure your paragraphs in this way for simple reading:

Topic sentence: The first one in the paragraph that identifies the point

Supporting sentences: Supports the main point of research and reference

Conclusive sentence: Closes the paragraph by linking back to the point in the opening paragraph and the thesis statement.

As you write consider the key points you are making to determine the idea that recurs at different points of your assignment. You can make it a theme from linking ideas between the paragraphs. Use these linking words to signal to readers whether your discussion is about similar ideas or when you compare and contrast. Make the direction that your paper is taking to be clear to the reader.

Write The Geography Assignment Conclusion

Describe the main points or linkage of ideas in general terms, to sum up, your assignment. Do not include new information at this juncture as it will only confuse the reader. The purpose of the conclusion is to leave your reader with something to mull over and remember your paper after that. End with an interesting comment, resolution or suggestion for future research on your topic.

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75 Best Geography Topics For A Top-Notch Project

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Geography is an exciting subject. You get to see different parts of the world without having to step a foot outside. It is also a broad subject that cuts across various disciplines. Many geography research topics may come to your mind but do you know how to choose the best geography topic for you? We also discovered that geography topics are often scattered all over the place, making it hard for students to review their options.

So, we provided a solution to these problems. In this article, there is a short guide on how to choose the best geographical project topics. We have also compiled all the different geography project ideas that we could find for you. You would find it easier to choose a geography research topic after you finish reading. Let’s dive in!

Selecting Relevant Geography Research Topics

Cultural geography topics, physical geography topics, human geography topics, world geography topics, popular geography topics.

Writing geography essay topics is a part of studying the course that you cannot escape. However, you can ensure that it is not stressful by choosing interesting geography research paper topics. This factor is the first step in selecting a good research topic. You need to ensure that you find the subject interesting.

  • All geography paper topics can be exciting, but you can’t just pick randomly . There is still more to be considered than your passion for the subject, though. You need to check on the available information sources on the subject.
  • You need to ensure that your topic has been well-researched before . It would make it easier for you to find references and evidence for your research. However, if you choose a relatively new field of study, you might have difficulty putting all your resources together for the paper.
  • There are different aspects of geography . Therefore, there are different types of geography topics for research. You might have found that there are differences between cultural geography topics and physical geography topics. Human geography research topics also differ from world geography topics.

How do you then choose the aspect you want to focus on? Well, you can use our compilation of topics in the different fields to determine what you like. Ready to explore some interesting geography topics prepared by our geography experts ? Let’s get started!

Writing on cultural geography essay topics would enable you to explore how cultures and geography mix. You would learn more about the effects of culture on geography and vice versa. You can start by exploring these examples that we have provided and see if any appeals to you.

  • What is the most representative food of your country?
  • A study of the informal economic activities and income of women in a particular area
  • What are the characteristics and role of the aging population in a chosen location?
  • An analysis of the role of culture and arts in the urban change in your country
  • How contemporary urban issues have changed your country’s geography
  • A study of the waste management practices in selected households
  • An analysis of the perception of urban beautification programs
  • A social analysis of homes situated near a mast: Focus on its effects on residents
  • A geographical study of the causes of traffic congestion and its effects on residents in the environs
  • Why people live on homes built at crossroads – A social analysis
  • The effects of global warming on cultural choices
  • The socio-economic impact of population growth on people in a locale
  • An analysis of domestic solid waste management programs and strategies
  • A study of the perceived factors affecting students in a geography examination
  • The impact of information technology on the study of geography
  • An empirical study of the commuting behavior of public transport users
  • A comparative analysis of how rural or urban locations can influence sexual preferences

Physical geography research topics help you take a close look at your physical environment. You also stand a chance to proffer solutions to the anomalies that you find. We have provided some topics to point you in the direction of what physical geography is all about.

  • A study of key concepts in physical geography
  • Understanding the causes and effects of floods – A case study of a chosen location
  • A study of the corrosion inhibition of aluminum in an acidic medium
  • The laboratory analysis of the physio-chemical properties of clay
  • A technical study of the effects of solar radiation
  • A geophysical delineation of aquifer depths and their characteristics
  • A study of the effects of gully erosion
  • The effectiveness of drainage networks to combat floods
  • Sedimentology and reservoir quality analysis of outcropping sediments
  • The determination of the flowing bottom-hole pressure from a well-head data

Whether you are looking for AP human geography topics or simple human geography topics, you would find something in the examples we have provided. Check out these human geography essay topics today!

  • A study of the geomorphic and human influence on land resources
  • An analysis of socio-economic variations in an urban area
  • An analysis of how field studies affect the performance of geography students
  • The effects of runway capacity on flight delay or efficiency
  • The human geography of any choice location
  • The impact of the plantation age on the present age
  • The influence of planning on housing development projects
  • A study of the relationship between aircraft movements and airfares
  • An assessment of how cargo delivery can be improved in your country
  • How has the government helped in the supply of potable water
  • Causes and effects of road traffic crashes
  • The consequences and impact of child labor on the demography and economy
  • The effects of holding excursions on geography students
  • Study of the effects of rainfall on farming communities

World geography is a fascinating aspect of geography. You get to look at the bigger picture instead of focusing only on what is happening in your locale. If that sounds exciting to you, then you might want to consider these world geography project ideas below.

  • Ecosystems – The Phenomenon, What and Why everyone should know
  • Are deserts an abnormality or a pattern on the earth?
  • How do the different types of dwelling depend on the environment?
  • How do floods influence the lives of people?
  • Are there possibilities of volcanoes in our nearest futures?
  • Can we have enough eco-friendly food to feed the entire world’s population?
  • What ecological crisis have we had on the earth before?
  • Are the actions of a man responsible for climate change?
  • Deforestation – Analysis, Causes, and Effects
  • How has man aided the extinction of sea wildlife?

If you didn’t find any of the above geography topics interesting, you don’t have to worry. We still have more for you. Check out these geographical research topics for inspiration.

  • The history of cartography
  • Ho does wet, and cold summers affect food production?
  • How do volcanoes affect land fertility?
  • How to control galley erosion in your chosen location
  • The environmental and socio-economic impact of oil exploration
  • Emerging trends in grassland agriculture that you should know
  • How have modern farming methods improved agricultural production?
  • Landslide hazard mapping with proffered solutions to the problem
  • Demographic changes in your chosen location
  • How does weather relatively contribute to native grassland vegetation?
  • The rise of industrialization in Africa
  • A detailed insight on the United States’ political geography
  • How do water bodies contribute to the climate?
  • How the atomic bomb blasts affected Nagasaki and Hiroshima
  • How do glaciers form?
  • How does global warming affect geography?
  • Coastal Erosion – What are the causes and effects?
  • How do earthquakes form natural reservoirs?
  • Do floods have an advantage?
  • What are the alternatives to dumping or burning waste?
  • How was the Amazon basin formed?
  • What is the process of continental drift (from Pangaea till today)?
  • How did public housing programs affect the housing industry?
  • Causes and effects of wildfire eruption in the chosen location

Writing a geography paper can be either exciting or tiresome based on the geographical topics you choose. Follow our guide and use our comprehensive list to find the best topic for you! Also, we have environment research topics . Don’t hesitate to check them out.

earth science topics

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how to write geography assignment

What to Write In a Geography Assignment

As a student, you all have studied geography in the classroom. That time you only had a little piece of it but in college life, it is definitely not the same. Especially when you are pursuing a degree program in the geography. As a student, it may sound frustrating for you to write assignment papers, but you have to do it one way or another as it contains lots of grades. So now when have made your about doing it then let�s start with the introduction part. For geography assignment help you can visit BookMyEssay.

What is Geography Assignment?

Geography assignment is a paper that requires a university student to write in a format style to meet the requirement of the tutor or the university. Students with humanity stream require to write geography assignment once in a while during their course. The content you write in the assignment should be well-researched and should be generous writing style to generate good grades.

Evaluate the Assignment Topic and Research

The next step comes in assignment writing is an evaluation of the assignment topic and research. You can spend some time understanding the topic. Once done you can focus on the research part identifying the topic and preparing a research strategy. As a student, you must know that an assignment is not all about creativity but supporting evidence to represent your point.

What are the Branches of Geography?

Before starting up with your assignment another question that arises is the topic you have chosen belong to which branch of geography? As geography is divided into two main branches first branch is: human geography and the second branch is: physical geography. Let�s read in detail about these branches.

Geography Assignment Conclusion

Describe the main points you have written in your assignment and try to not put information that which will confuse the reader. The purpose of writing the conclusion to leave a reader with an expression to think about and remember your assignment.

In case if it is too late to read this blog as you are near to deadline and have not started working on it then only BookMyEssay can save you and your grades. You can visit the site for geography assignment writing help or buy an assignment which is ready to submit.

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40+ Best Higher Geography Assignment Topics for an A+ Grade

Higher Geography Assignment Topics by Assignment Desk

Table Of Contents

  • Why Is Geography Important for Students' Learning?

Difficulties in Choosing Geography Assignment Topics

40+ best higher geography assignment topics, facing problems in selecting a topic get expert help.

“Geography prepares for the world of work – geographers, with their skills of analysis, are highly employable!”

So with the above quote, you will understand that Geography is one of the subjects that help to study the physical and human features of the earth. It assists students in studying the environment and ecology as well as all the economic activity on the earth. Geography is one of the academic subjects that people of all ages study. It is one of the popular subjects in universities and colleges.

Why Geography is Important for Students' Learning

Several reasons specify that Geography is essential for students because it assists them in understanding the world around us. It is considered crucial for learning. By studying Geography, students can better understand the earth's physical characteristics, human characteristics, and all economic activities. And if they face problems, then they seek assignment help UK .

Geography is crucial for education since it aids in understanding the ecology and the environment. In addition, it aids in our comprehension of the effects of humans and the environment on one another.

Studies in geography focus on the environment, locations, and people. It primarily focuses on researching the enormous landforms, seas, environments, and ecosystems on earth. It discusses the effects of human activity on the earth's physical characteristics and atmosphere. Because it's about learning about our nature, every learner has to be familiar with it. Additionally, enrolling in a school in this area may open up intriguing job prospects.

Below mentioned are some of the difficulties that are faced by the students while choosing the higher Geography assignment ideas . Let's have a look at the below-mentioned points:

Topic Ignorance

It may seem easy to choose an "easy" topic, such as lunch menus, hourly salaries, or school uniforms, but if authors are not passionate about their topic, it will show in the final report. Therefore, before starting a research assignment, students should ask themselves, "What am I interested in?" For instance, you could just be interested in something.

Absence of Questions

Even though many researchers omit this significant part of the research process, asking questions is one of the most natural methods to get information, or students can buy assignments online . First, consider what you already know about your issue and what you still need to learn before you begin your investigation. Then, write down your findings from your brainstorming, either as a graph or a list of bullet points.

Not Enough Reading

Students frequently struggle while writing research papers since they don't read enough on the subject. Consider a circle of 10 people discussing various facets of the same problem to remind yourself that every issue has multiple sides. Researchers become aware of the larger picture when they read or listen to about each component.

Broad Subjects

Choose the subject that resolves the world's pressing problems in five to ten pages. The key to writing about a topic well is focusing on it as much as possible. If you are not able to do so, then pay for assignments . The issue here is that many students think that making a topic more specific devalues it. But this is not true. It happens the opposite. When students narrow down their topic, they must write for a focused, specific audience, so the issue becomes most important for the selected group of people.

Also Read:  Get an Insight into the Best Higher Modern Studies Assignment Topics

  • Which dish best represents your nation?
  • An investigation of the earnings and unofficial economic activities of women in a given region
  • What traits and responsibilities do older people in a particular area have?
  • Examine how culture and the arts have influenced urban development in your nation.
  • How have urban challenges impacted the landscape of your nation?
  • Research on waste management techniques in a sample of families
  • A study examines how urban beautification initiatives are perceived
  • A sociological examination of residences next to a mast, emphasizing the impact on locals
  • A regional analysis of the factors that contribute to traffic congestion and how it affects locals
  • A sociological examination of why individuals reside in homes constructed at intersections
  • An examination of crucial physical geography ideas
  • Understanding flood origins and effects: A case study of a selected area
  • A study of aluminum's resistance to corrosion in an acidic medium
  • Laboratory examination of clay's physiochemical characteristics
  • A scientific investigation on the effects of sun radiation
  • A delineation of aquifer depths and properties using geophysics
  • Research on gully erosion's impacts
  • How well do drainage systems operate to prevent flooding
  • Outcropping sediments' sedimentology and reservoir quality study
  • Calculating the flowing bottom-hole pressure using data from a wellhead
  • The impact of runway capacity on efficiency or delay of flights
  • The area's population demographics
  • The effects of the plantation era on modern society
  • Planning's impact on home construction projects
  • A research project looking at the connection between flight patterns and prices
  • How can freight transportation in your nation be made better?
  • How has the government assisted with the supply of drinkable water?
  • Causes and consequences of traffic accidents on the road
  • The effects of child labor on the population and the economy
  • How does taking field trips affect geography students
  • Research on how rainfall affects farming communities
  • How does geography affect global warming?
  • What are the causes and impacts of coastal erosion?
  • How can earthquakes create natural reservoirs?
  • Are floods advantageous?
  • Are there any options for disposing of rubbish or burning it?
  • How did the Amazon basin come into being?
  • How does continental drift work from Pangaea to the present?
  • What impact did public housing initiatives have on the housing market?
  • The origins and consequences of the chosen location's wildfire outburst

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Geography Grade 12 Research Tasks (Topics) and Memos (SBA)

Geography Grade 12 Research Tasks (Topics) and Memos

Geography Grade 12 Research Tasks (Topics) and Memos for: term 1, Term 2, Term 3 and Term 4

Assessment is a continuous planned process of identifying, gathering and interpreting information about the performance of learners, using various forms of assessment. It involves four steps: generating and collecting evidence of achievement; evaluating this evidence; recording the findings and using this information to understand and assist with the learners’ development to improve the process of learning and teaching. Assessment should be both informal (assessment for learning) and formal (assessment of learning). In both cases regular feedback should be provided to learners to enhance the learning experience.

School-based assessment (SBA) is a purposive collection of learners’ work that tells the story of learners’ efforts, progress or achievement in given areas. The quality of SBA tasks is integral to learners’ preparation for the final examinations.

This booklet serves as a resource of four exemplar SBA tasks to schools and subject teachers of Geography. SBA marks are formally recorded by the teacher for progression and certification purposes. The SBA component is compulsory for all learners. Learners who cannot comply with the requirements specified according to the policy may not be eligible to enter for the subject in the final examination.

The formal assessment tasks provide the teacher with a systematic way of evaluating how well learners are progressing. This publication includes tests, a project and a case study. Formal assessment tasks form part of a year-long formal programme of assessment. These tasks should not be taken lightly and learners should be encouraged to submit their best possible efforts for final assessment.

The teachers are expected to ensure that assessment tasks are relevant to and suitable for the learners being taught. Teachers should adapt the tasks to suit learners’ level of understanding and should be context-bound; however, they should also take cognisance of the requirements as set out in the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) document.

Table of Contents

Geography Grade 12 Research Tasks

Term 2 2024 research tasks.

  • Geography Grade 12 Term 2 2024 Research Tasks

Term 2 2023 Research Tasks

  • Geography Grade 12 Research Task Term 2 Project 2023 Answer Guide: Limpopo

Video Guide

What Skills are Assessed for Research Tasks in Grade 12

The following skills are assessed. Some/All of these skills may be tested in any external examination:

  • Gathering data
  • Interpreting data
  • Analysing data
  • Comparing different sets of data
  • Representing data in written, graphic or mapped format
  • Problem-solving
  • Drawing conclusions
  • Hypothesis statements

Research framework for assessment (Guideline on administration of research task)

how to write geography assignment

Step 1: Formulating a hypothesis/problem statement.

Guideline: geography grade 12 research tasks.

Step 1: Formulating a hypothesis/problem statement. As Geographers we seek to understand and explain the interactions amongst humans, and between humans and the environment in space and time. This is achieved by asking questions or making informed geographical decisions. This entails the development of a hypothesis or a problem statement to be tested.

  • You have to choose a specific area of study where a geographical problem exists.
  • During this stage, a geographical question showing a problem is asked.
  • Identify the problem from a local area.
  • Formulate a hypothesis or a problem statement. (Hypothesis research is used to prove that certain variables are dependent on or independent of each other. Problem statement research is only to highlight that a specific problem exists in a specific community.)
  • You should then follow the steps of research to ensure that the geographical question is answered.

how to write geography assignment

Geography Research Project Topics for Grade 12 South Africa

  • The value of property along north-facing slopes is higher than the value of property along south-facing slopes in Meyersdal, Gauteng (choose local area).
  • The cause of rural-urban migration in Ndwedwe, KwaZulu-Natal (choose local area), is the lack of service delivery in the health sector.
  • Climate change will impact negatively on grape farming and related industries in the Western Cape.
  • The closing down of many primary schools in Lusikisiki (Eastern Cape) (choose a local area) is due to a decline of the population in the age group 7 to 15 years.
  • The poor condition of roads (specify the names of the roads) leading to/in Harrismith, Free State (choose local area), is due to the lack of proper planning by the local municipality.
  • The impact of building a dam along the Jukskei River in Gauteng (choose local area) upstream of Alexandra will reduce flooding and the subsequent loss of life in Alexandra.
  • The e-toll system will impact negatively on the economic position of people using private transport in Gauteng.
  • The e-toll system will impact positively on traffic flow to the major urban centres in Gauteng.
  • Informal settlements in the Vhembe district of Limpopo have low levels of development due to the lack of provision of basic needs (choose ONE informal settlement in your local area.)
  • Overcrowding of informal settlements is due to the lack of proper planning by the local government (choose local area).

Step 2: Background information about an area of study

  • You must explain where in South Africa the study area is located. (This can be indicated on the map.)
  • Describe the study area in terms of its exact position (degrees, minutes and seconds).
  • Provide relevant information about the area, for example population of the area or climate of the area.

Step 3: Mapping

  • You must provide a map of the area in question.
  • During this stage you must create a buffer zone around the area where the geographical problem exists.
  • The map should have a clear legend/key and must be drawn to scale. The scale must be indicated on the map.
  • If the map used covers a wider area, buffer zones around the area of study should be created.
  • The map used should be the most recent map of the study area

Step 4: Methods of data collection


  • The use of questionnaires
  • Observations
  • Field trips


  • Newspaper articles
  • Government department statistics

Step 5: Analysis and synthesis of data

• Learners must use collected data now to formulate a discussion around the existing geographical problem. • At this stage learners should represent some of the information graphically where necessary, for example graphs and sketches. • Learners must analyse graphic information during this stage.

Step 6: Recommendations and possible solutions

• Learners should now make recommendations to solve the geographical problem in question. • Learners should present their original and realistic opinions as far as they possibly can.

Step 7: Conclusion – accept or reject the hypothesis

  • Learners should now take a decision to either ACCEPT or REJECT the hypothesis.
  • Learners must give reasons for either ACCEPTING or REJECTING the hypothesis

Step 8: Bibliography

  • Learners must include a comprehensive bibliography.
  • Learners must list websites in full.
  • Learners must include annexures of questionnaires and interviews conducted

View all # Geography-Grade 12 Study Resources

We have compiled great resources for Geography Grade 12 students in one place. Find all Question Papers, Notes, Previous Tests, Annual Teaching Plans, and CAPS Documents.

More Geography Grade 12 Resources

  • Why do Tropical Cyclones Develop in Late Summer?
  • What is the impact of coriolis force and latent heat on the development of tropical cyclones? 
  • Geography 2020 Past Papers
  • Geography 2019 Past Papers

Grade 12 Geography Exam Papers and Memos for 2019 September and November

  • Geography Grade 12 Research Tasks (Topics) and Memos

Useful Links

  • Mid Latitude Cyclones Notes Grade 12

Geography Grade 12 2019 Exam Papers and Memos

Geography Grade 12 2020 Past Papers and Memos

Geography Mind the Gap study guide: Grade 12 Download

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University Of Connecticut *

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    A GUIDE TO WRITING GEOGRAPHY PAPERS. The purpose of this guidebook is to aid students in writing research papers in introductory college-level geography courses. Consult instructions provided by your Geography professor for guidelines concerning individual assignments.

  2. How to Write a Perfect Geography: Complete Guide

    Introduction to Geography Essays Importance of Essay Writing in Geography. Essay writing in geography is crucial as it allows students and researchers to explore complex environmental, physical, and societal issues. It enables the synthesis of empirical data and theoretical frameworks, fostering critical thinking and communication skills.

  3. How to Write a Geography Essay Like a Cartographer of Ideas

    Grab Attention: Choose a topic that interests you and your readers. Show with Examples: Use real examples to explain geography concepts in your essay. Stay on Track: Make sure everything in your essay relates to the main message. Use Sources: Share your thoughts based on what reliable sources say.

  4. PDF Geography Essay Writing Guidelines

    Geography Essay Writing Guidelines _____ 4 Use the term anonymous where it is unclear who has written a particular document. This can be contracted to Anon. in the in text referencing e.g.: (Anon., 1999) The first time the name of an organisation is used in the text it should be written in ...


    GUIDELINES FOR WRITING GEOGRAPHY ESSAYS. The following guidelines must be followed precisely. It would be a mistake to decide that one of the requirements stated here is not really important. If you are unsure of the precise meaning of any of these guidelines, consult the instructor. It is in your interest to get the essay right the first time.

  6. LibGuides: Geography and Geology: Writing Assignments

    Writing an assignment takes time, more time than you may expect. Just because you find yourself spending many weeks on an assignment doesn't mean that you're approaching it in the wrong way. It also takes time to develop the skills to write well, so don't be discouraged if your early marks aren't what you'd hoped for.

  7. How to Write a Geography Paper

    Steps. 1. Choose your topic. Make it as specific as possible. For example, "The Mississippi River" is more specific than just "Rivers". It should also be a topic that you know a lot about, because you'll have an easier time with the paper. 2. Do your research for the paper.

  8. Let's Learn How to Write a Geography Essay

    When we say a professional piece of essay writing, we don't just mean the tone to be professional. We're saying the structure of your paragraphs and the length should be relatively similar. Do not write excessively long paragraphs, followed by a shorter one. Keep the length the same with the same font size and design.

  9. Assignment overview

    Assignment overview. The assignment is worth 27% of your overall mark. It is worth 30 marks in total and your write-up time is 1 hour 30 minutes. You will have to demonstrate your ability to apply ...

  10. LibGuides: Science

    How to write an Essay; Searching Instructions; Login to Online Resources; Past Exam Papers; Prescribed & Recommended Print Books; Quick References; Databases: Finding articles; Lean Library; Reference Techniques; Reference Techniques: Video Tutorials; Online Books: UJ Library Tutorials

  11. Writing in Geography and Urban Planning

    Geography integrates the study of people, places, and environments to better understand the world and improve decision-making in sustainable development, urban and regional planning, and geospatial science. Geography is literally and figuratively a worldview—exploring space, place, landscape, region, and environment—to better understand our ...

  12. How to write a Geography Essay- Expert Guidelines

    Understanding the definition of "how to write a geography essay" is critical if you are just starting off. So go ahead and read the next part to find out what it means. Let's Try to Learn What a Geography Essay Is. A geography essay is, at its core, a planned and organized presentation of geographical subjects, concepts, and ideas.

  13. What Is Geography Assignment? How to Write Assignment for Geography?

    A geography assignment is a paper that requires students to write in a formal advanced style in order to meet the tutor's or academic institution's requirements. Humanities subjects require students to write assignments on a regular basis. The content should be well-researched and written in a formal style to earn good grades.

  14. How to Write a Geography Essay: A Comprehensive Guide For 2024

    The first and foremost step in writing an attractive geography essay is to provide an attractive introduction section. The introduction section creates the first impression regarding the essay in the reader's mind. The introduction section should contain the following points. Explain about the content of the paper.

  15. How to Write A Geography Assignment

    Geography assignment is a paper that requires students to write in a formal advanced style to meet the requirements of the tutor or academic institution. Humanity subjects require students to write assignment once in a while. The content should be well-researched in a beautiful writing style as this is what generates good grades.

  16. Top 75 Geography Topics

    We have provided some topics to point you in the direction of what physical geography is all about. A study of key concepts in physical geography. Understanding the causes and effects of floods - A case study of a chosen location. A study of the corrosion inhibition of aluminum in an acidic medium.

  17. Geography Essay Topics: 30+ Interesting Ideas to Explore

    Geography Extended Essay Topics. The Geography extended essay is an assignment that requires you to conduct independent research on a topic of your choice. You then have to write a 4,000-word report on your finding, followed by three reflections to show your engagement and commitment to the research. Here are some ideas worth investigating:

  18. Geography Extended Essay Topics: 30+ Ideas to Get You Started

    The areas of the world that are most likely to be affected by the effects of global warming. Creating a disaster management strategy that is the most effective possible. Examine the size, location, and population density of cities all across the world and draw some conclusions. Talk about the mountains, rivers, deserts, plains, forests, and ...

  19. What to Write In a Geography Assignment

    Geography Assignment Body When you write body paragraphs of assignment make sure to follow a closed format. Structure your paragraphs in the following way for simple yet effecting reading:- Topic Sentence: - the first sentence of the paragraph identifies the point. Supporting sentence: - the supportive sentence support the main point of ...

  20. 40+ Higher Geography Assignment Topics

    It is considered crucial for learning. By studying Geography, students can better understand the earth's physical characteristics, human characteristics, and all economic activities. And if they face problems, then they seek assignment help UK. Geography is crucial for education since it aids in understanding the ecology and the environment.

  21. Geography Grade 12 Research Tasks (Topics) and Memos (SBA)

    Geography Research Project Topics for Grade 12 South Africa. Step 2: Background information about an area of study. Step 3: Mapping. Step 4: Methods of data collection. Step 5: Analysis and synthesis of data. Step 6: Recommendations and possible solutions. Step 7: Conclusion - accept or reject the hypothesis. Step 8: Bibliography.

  22. SQA

    Higher Geography - assignment Assignment 2023 (All links open as PDF files) Do the environments of an inner-city housing estate and a suburb differ? Candidate 1 Evidence; Why are Singapore and Chad at different levels of development? Candidate 2 Evidence; Candidates 1 and 2 Commentaries . Assignment 2019 (All links open as PDF files)

  23. 200+ Interesting Geography Assignment Topics

    Geography is the study of the physical and human features of the earth. It includes the study of the environment and ecology, as well as the economic activity that takes place on the earth. Geography is an academic subject that is studied by people of all ages. It is a popular subject in school, and many people continue to study it in college ...

  24. Research TASK Grade 12 2024

    THE RESEARCH TASK A HYPOTHESIS TESTING APPROACH TO RESEARCH TASKS IN GEOGRAPHY FET Table 1: Research Activity and Due Date Steps Marks Descriptor(s) Term Formulation of the hypothesis Due Date: 1 10 Hypothesis (Must be in the form of a statement including - what, where and impact of geographical issue) Term 1 & 2 2024 Geographical Mapping ...

  25. GEOG Map Assignment 1.pdf

    GEOG Map Assignment 1. Uploaded by ConstableThunder12824 on Map Exercise #1 Name: Taylor Murphy GEOG 2200-001 Human Geography Spring 2023 Student ID: 2943287 All responses to the following questions must be derived from the course's textbook (No Internet sources) Type or mark your responses in the space provided.