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Solve linear assignment problem using LAPJV

Use the algorithm of Jonker and Volgenant (1987) to solve the Linear Sum Assignment Problem .

Matrix of costs.

LAPJV() returns a list with two entries: score , the score of the optimal matching; and matching , the columns matched to each row of the matrix in turn.

The Linear Assignment Problem seeks to match each row of a matrix with a column, such that the cost of the matching is minimized.

The Jonker & Volgenant approach is a faster alternative to the Hungarian algorithm (Munkres 1957) , which is implemented in clue::solve_LSAP() .

Note: the JV algorithm expects integers. In order to apply the function to a non-integer n , as in the tree distance calculations in this package, each n is multiplied by the largest available integer before applying the JV algorithm. If two values of n exhibit a trivial difference -- e.g. due to floating point errors -- then this can lead to interminable run times. (If numbers of the magnitude of billions differ only in their last significant digit, then the JV algorithm may undergo billions of iterations.) To avoid this, integers over 2^22 that differ by a value of 8 or less are treated as equal.

Jonker R, Volgenant A (1987). “A shortest augmenting path algorithm for dense and sparse linear assignment problems.” Computing , 38 , 325--340. doi:10.1007/BF02278710 . Munkres J (1957). “Algorithms for the assignment and transportation problems.” Journal of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics , 5 (1), 32--38. doi:10.1137/0105003 .

Implementations of the Hungarian algorithm exist in adagio , RcppHungarian , and clue and lpSolve ; for larger matrices, these are substantially slower. (See discussion at Stack Overflow .)

The JV algorithm is implemented for square matrices in the Bioconductor package GraphAlignment::LinearAssignment() .

C++ code by Roy Jonker, MagicLogic Optimization Inc. [email protected] , with contributions from Yong Yang [email protected] , after Yi Cao

Solve linear assignment problem using LAPJV


Use the algorithm of Jonker and Volgenant (1987) to solve the Linear Sum Assignment Problem .

The Linear Assignment Problem seeks to match each row of a matrix with a column, such that the cost of the matching is minimized.

The Jonker & Volgenant approach is a faster alternative to the Hungarian algorithm (Munkres 1957), which is implemented in clue::solve_LSAP() .

Note: the JV algorithm expects integers. In order to apply the function to a non-integer n , as in the tree distance calculations in this package, each n is multiplied by the largest available integer before applying the JV algorithm. If two values of n exhibit a trivial difference – e.g. due to floating point errors – then this can lead to interminable run times. (If numbers of the magnitude of billions differ only in their last significant digit, then the JV algorithm may undergo billions of iterations.) To avoid this, integers over 2^22 that differ by a value of 8 or less are treated as equal.

LAPJV() returns a list with two entries: score , the score of the optimal matching; and matching , the columns matched to each row of the matrix in turn.

C++ code by Roy Jonker, MagicLogic Optimization Inc. [email protected] , with contributions from Yong Yang [email protected] , after Yi Cao

Jonker R, Volgenant A (1987). “A shortest augmenting path algorithm for dense and sparse linear assignment problems.” Computing , 38 , 325–340. doi:10.1007/BF02278710 . Munkres J (1957). “Algorithms for the assignment and transportation problems.” Journal of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics , 5 (1), 32–38. doi:10.1137/0105003 .

Implementations of the Hungarian algorithm exist in adagio , RcppHungarian , and clue and lpSolve ; for larger matrices, these are substantially slower. (See discussion at Stack Overflow .)

The JV algorithm is implemented for square matrices in the Bioconductor package GraphAlignment::LinearAssignment() .

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Linear sum assignment problem solver using Jonker-Volgenant algorithm.

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Linear Assignment Problem solver using Jonker-Volgenant algorithm

This project is the rewrite of pyLAPJV which supports Python 3 and updates the core code. The performance is twice as high as the original thanks to the optimization of the augmenting row reduction phase using Intel AVX2 intrinsics. It is a native Python 3 module and does not work with Python 2.x, stick to pyLAPJV otherwise.

Blog post

Linear assignment problem is the bijection between two sets with equal cardinality which optimizes the sum of the individual mapping costs taken from the fixed cost matrix. It naturally arises e.g. when we want to fit t-SNE results into a rectangular regular grid. See this awesome notebook for the details about why LAP matters: CloudToGrid .

Jonker-Volgenant algorithm is described in the paper:

R. Jonker and A. Volgenant, "A Shortest Augmenting Path Algorithm for Dense and Sparse Linear Assignment Problems," Computing , vol. 38, pp. 325-340, 1987.

This paper is not publicly available though a brief description exists on sciencedirect.com . JV is faster in than the Hungarian algorithm in practice, though the complexity is the same - O(n 3 ).

The C++ source of the algorithm comes from http://www.magiclogic.com/assignment.html It has been reworked and partially optimized with OpenMP 4.0 SIMD.

Tested on Linux and Windows. macOS is not supported, please do not report macOS build errors in the issues. Feel free to PR macOS support, but I warn that it will be a rough ride.

Refer to test.py for the complete code.

The assignment matrix by row is row_ind : the value at n-th place is the assigned column index to the n-th row. col_ind is the reverse of row_ind : mapping from columns to row indexes.

Note: a bijection is only possible for sets with equal cardinality. If you need to map A vectors to B vectors, derive the square symmetric (A+B) x (A+B) matrix: take the first A rows and columns from A and the remaining [A..A+B] rows and columns from B. Set the A->A and B->B costs to some maximum distance value, big enough so that you don't see assignment errors.

Illegal instruction

This error appears if your CPU does not support the AVX2 instruction set. We do not ship builds for different CPUs so you need to build the package yourself:

NAN-s in the cost matrix lead to completely undefined result. It is the caller's responsibility to check them.

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Linear Assignment Problem — A Javascript implementation of R. Jonker and A. Volgenant’s algorithm (LAPJV)

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Repository files navigation, linear assignment problem — algorithm by r. jonker and a. volgenant.

“A shortest augmenting path algorithm for dense and sparse linear assignment problems,” by R. Jonker and A. Volgenant, Computing (1987) 38: 325. doi:10.1007/BF02278710

Ported to javascript by Philippe Rivière, from the C++ implementation found at https://github.com/yongyanghz/LAPJV-algorithm-c

Added an epsilon to avoid infinite loops caused by rounding errors.

In the Linear Assignment Problem , you have n agents and n tasks, and need to assign one task to each agent, at minimal cost.

First, compute the cost matrix: how expensive it is to assign agent i (rows) to task j (columns).

The LAP-JV algorithm will give an optimal solution:

Here agent 0 is assigned to task 0, agent 1 to task 2, agent 2 to task 1, resulting in a total cost of 1 + 1 + 2 = 4 .

Cost callback

For performance and usability reasons, the lap function now accepts a cost callback cost(i,j) instead of a cost matrix:

The algorithm runs in O(n^2) . You can run it directly or as a javascript worker, as in the following example:

linear assignment problem jonker volgenant

In the example above, we assign n points to a grid of n positions. costs[i][j] is the square distance between point i 's original coordinates and position j 's coordinates. The algorithm minimizes the total cost, i.e. the sum of square displacements.

Comments and patches at Fil/lap-jv .

  • JavaScript 100.0%

A shortest augmenting path algorithm for dense and sparse linear assignment problems

Ein Algorithmus mit kürzesten alternierenden Wegen für dichte und dünne Zuordnungsprobleme

  • Contributed Papers
  • Published: December 1987
  • Volume 38 , pages 325–340, ( 1987 )

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  • R. Jonker 1   nAff2 &
  • A. Volgenant 1  

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We develop a shortest augmenting path algorithm for the linear assignment problem. It contains new initialization routines and a special implementation of Dijkstra's shortest path method. For both dense and sparse problems computational experiments show this algorithm to be uniformly faster than the best algorithms from the literature. A Pascal implementation is presented.


Wir entwickeln einen Algorithmus mit kürzesten alternierenden Wegen für das lineare Zuordnungsproblem. Er enthält neue Routinen für die Anfangswerte und eine spezielle Implementierung der Kürzesten-Wege-Methode von Dijkstra. Sowohl für dichte als auch für dünne Probleme zeigen Testläufe, daß unser Algorithmus gleichmäßig schneller als die besten Algorithmen aus der Literatur ist. Eine Implementierung in Pascal wird angegeben.

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On the Quadratic Shortest Path Problem

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Present address: Koninklyke/Shell-Laboratorium, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

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Faculty of Actuarial Sciences and Econometrics, University of Amsterdam, Jodenbreestraat 23, 1011 NH, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

R. Jonker & A. Volgenant

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About this article

Jonker, R., Volgenant, A. A shortest augmenting path algorithm for dense and sparse linear assignment problems. Computing 38 , 325–340 (1987). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02278710

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Received : 06 May 1986

Issue Date : December 1987

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02278710

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Jonker-Volgenant global nearest neighbor assignment algorithm


[ assignments , unassignedrows , unassignedcolumns ] = assignjv( costmatrix , costofnonassignment ) returns a table of assignments of detections to tracks using the Jonker-Volgenant algorithm. The JV algorithm finds an optimal solution to the global nearest neighbor (GNN) assignment problem by finding the set of assignments that minimize the total cost of the assignments. The Jonker-Volgenant algorithm solves the GNN assignment in two phases: begin with the auction algorithm and end with the Dijkstra shortest path algorithm.

The cost of each potential assignment is contained in the cost matrix, costmatrix . Each matrix entry represents the cost of a possible assignments. Matrix rows represent tracks and columns represent detections. All possible assignments are represented in the cost matrix. The lower the cost, the more likely the assignment is to be made. Each track can be assigned to at most one detection and each detection can be assigned to at most one track. If the number of rows is greater than the number of columns, some tracks are unassigned. If the number of columns is greater than the number of rows, some detections are unassigned. You can set an entry of costmatrix to Inf to prohibit an assignment.

costofnonassignment represents the cost of leaving tracks or detections unassigned. Higher values increase the likelihood that every existing object is assigned.

The function returns a list of unassigned tracks, unassignedrows , and a list of unassigned detections, unassignedcolumns .

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Assign Detections to Tracks Using Jonker-Volgenant Algorithm

Use assignjv to assign three detections to two tracks.

Start with two predicted track locations in x-y coordinates.

Assume three detections are received. At least one detection will not be assigned.

Construct a cost matrix by defining the cost of assigning a detection to a track as the Euclidean distance between them. Set the cost of non-assignment to 0.2.

Use the Auction algorithm to assign detections to tracks.

Display the assignments.

Show that there are no unassigned tracks.

Display the unassigned detections.

Plot the detection to track assignments.

linear assignment problem jonker volgenant

The track to detection assignments are:

Detection 1 is assigned to track 1.

Detection 2 is assigned to track 2.

Detection 3 is not assigned.

Input Arguments

Costmatrix — cost matrix real-valued m -by- n.

Cost matrix, specified as an M -by- N matrix. M is the number of tracks to be assigned and N is the number of detections to be assigned. Each entry in the cost matrix contains the cost of a track and detection assignment. The matrix may contain Inf entries to indicate that an assignment is prohibited. The cost matrix cannot be a sparse matrix.

Data Types: single | double

costofnonassignment — cost of non-assignment of tracks and detections scalar

Cost of non-assignment, specified as a scalar. The cost of non-assignment represents the cost of leaving tracks or detections unassigned. Higher values increase the likelihood that every object is assigned. The value cannot be set to Inf .

The costofnonassignment is half of the maximum cost that a successful assignment can have.

Output Arguments

Assignments — assignment of tracks to detections integer-valued l -by-2 matrix.

Assignment of detections to track, returned as an integer-valued L -by-2 matrix where L is the number of assignments. The first column of the matrix contains the assigned track indices and the second column contains the assigned detection indices.

Data Types: uint32

unassignedrows — Indices of unassigned tracks integer-valued P -by-1 column vector

Indices of unassigned tracks, returned as an integer-valued P -by-1 column vector.

unassignedcolumns — Indices of unassigned detections integer-valued Q -by-1 column vector

Indices of unassigned detections, returned as an integer-valued Q -by-1 column vector.

[1] Samuel S. Blackman and Popoli, R. Design and Analysis of Modern Tracking Systems . Artech House: Norwood, MA. 1999.

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lap is a linear assignment problem solver using Jonker-Volgenant algorithm for dense (LAPJV) or sparse (LAPMOD) matrices.

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  3. Performance of Jonker-Volgenant algorithm

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  5. Figure 1 from The Jonker-Volgenant algorithm applied to click-train

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  6. solve linear programming problem using graphical method

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  1. PDF A shortest augmenting path algorithm for dense and sparse linear

    The linear assignment problem (LAP) is useful as a relaxation for difficult combinatorial optimization problems like quadratic assignment, and traveling ... (n4), but later 0 (n 3) versions were developed (Lawler [231). Jonker and Volgenant [20] give some simple, but effective improvements. Bertsekas [31 also presents a primal-dual algorithm ...

  2. Jonker-Volgenant Algorithm for Linear Assignment Problem V3.0

    The Jonker-Volgenant algorithm is much faster than the famous Hungarian algorithm for the Linear Assignment Problem (LAP). This Matlab implementation is modified from the original C++ code made by Roy Jonker, one of the inventors of the algorithm. It is about 10 times faster than the munkres code (v2.2) of the author.

  3. lapjv · PyPI

    Linear Assignment Problem solver using Jonker-Volgenant algorithm. This project is the rewrite of pyLAPJV which supports Python 3 and updates the core code. The performance is twice as high as the original thanks to the optimization of the augmenting row reduction phase using Intel AVX2 intrinsics.

  4. Hungarian algorithm

    The Hungarian method is a combinatorial optimization algorithm that solves the assignment problem in polynomial time and which anticipated later primal-dual ... variants is the Jonker-Volgenant algorithm. Ford and Fulkerson extended the method to general maximum flow problems in form of the Ford-Fulkerson algorithm. The problem Example ...

  5. lapx · PyPI

    lap: Linear Assignment Problem solver. lap is a linear assignment problem solver using Jonker-Volgenant algorithm for dense (LAPJV [1]) or sparse (LAPMOD [2]) matrices. Both algorithms are implemented from scratch based solely on the papers [1,2] and the public domain Pascal implementation provided by A. Volgenant [3].

  6. Linear Assignmment Problem solver using Jonker-Volgenant ...

    Linear Assignment Problem solver using Jonker-Volgenant algorithm This project is the rewrite of pyLAPJV which supports Python 3 and updates the core code. The performance is twice as high as the original thanks to the optimization of the augmenting row reduction phase using Intel AVX2 intrinsics.

  7. Solve linear assignment problem using LAPJV

    The Linear Assignment Problem seeks to match each row of a matrix with a column, such that the cost of the matching is minimized. The Jonker & Volgenant approach is a faster alternative to the Hungarian algorithm (Munkres 1957) , which is implemented in clue::solve_LSAP(). Note: the JV algorithm expects integers.

  8. GitHub

    R. Jonker and A. Volgenant, "A Shortest Augmenting Path Algorithm for Dense and Sparse Linear Assignment Problems," Computing, vol. 38, pp. 325-340, 1987. According to that paper, it is notably faster than the Hungarian algorithm (a.k.a. Munkres' algorithm) and several other linear assignment algorithms.

  9. PDF A shortest augmenting path algorithm for dense and sparse linear

    and sparse linear assignment problems Roy Jonker Ton Volgenant The linear assignment problem (LAP) is useful as a relaxation for difficult combinatorial optimization problems (quadratic assignment, travelling sales­ man). Theoretical developments for the LAP can often be extended to prob­

  10. R: Solve linear assignment problem using LAPJV

    The Linear Assignment Problem seeks to match each row of a matrix with a column, such that the cost of the matching is minimized. The Jonker & Volgenant approach is a faster alternative to the Hungarian algorithm (Munkres 1957), which is implemented in clue::solve_LSAP() . Note: the JV algorithm expects integers.

  11. lapjv 1.3.24 on PyPI

    Linear Assignment Problem solver using Jonker-Volgenant algorithm. This project is the rewrite of pyLAPJV which supports Python 3 and updates the core code. The performance is twice as high as the original thanks to the optimization of the augmenting row reduction phase using Intel AVX2 intrinsics.

  12. GitHub

    In the Linear Assignment Problem, you have n agents and n tasks, and need to assign one task to each agent, at minimal cost.. First, compute the cost matrix: how expensive it is to assign agent i (rows) to task j (columns).. The LAP-JV algorithm will give an optimal solution:

  13. Linear assignment procedures

    The Linear Assignment Problem (LAP) is both useful itself as well as a relaxation for difficult combinatorial optimization problems like quadratic assignment and the Traveling Salesman Problem. ... Jonker and Volgenant (1987). In an adapted form LAPJV can also be used on LAPs with incomplete cost matrices, i.e., sparse problems. Hao and Kocur ...

  14. lapjv: Solves a linear assignment problem using the Jonker-Vogenant

    The assignment of rows to columns as a vector. References. R. Jonker, A. Volgenant (1987). A shortest augmenting path algorithm for dense and sparse linear assignment problems. Computing, pages 325-340. A. Volgenant (1996). Linear and Semi-Assignment Problems: A Core Oriented Approach. Computer Ops Res., pages 917-932.

  15. A shortest augmenting path algorithm for dense and sparse linear

    A shortest augmenting path algorithm for the linear assignment problem that contains new initialization routines and a special implementation of Dijkstra's shortest path method is developed. We develop a shortest augmenting path algorithm for the linear assignment problem. It contains new initialization routines and a special implementation of Dijkstra's shortest path method.

  16. LAPJV : Solve linear assignment problem using LAPJV

    The Linear Assignment Problem seeks to match each row of a matrix with a column, such that the cost of the matching is minimized. The Jonker & Volgenant approach is a faster alternative to the Hungarian algorithm \insertCiteMunkres1957TreeDist, which is implemented in clue::solve_LSAP(). Note: the JV algorithm expects integers.

  17. Improving the Hungarian assignment algorithm

    A broad survey of recent polynomial algorithms for the linear assignment problem uses Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm directly or indirectly and finds that all use essentially alternating trees and/or strongly feasible trees. ... A shortest augmenting path algorithm for dense and sparse linear assignment problems. R. Jonker Ton Volgenant ...

  18. Jonker-Volgenant Algorithm for Linear Assignment Problem V3.0

    The Jonker-Volgenant algorithm is much faster than the famous Hungarian algorithm for the Linear Assignment Problem (LAP). This Matlab implementation is modified from the original C++ code made by Roy Jonker, one of the inventors of the algorithm. It is about 10 times faster than the munkres code (v2.2) of the author.

  19. A shortest augmenting path algorithm for dense and sparse linear

    We develop a shortest augmenting path algorithm for the linear assignment problem. It contains new initialization routines and a special implementation of Dijkstra's shortest path method. For both dense and sparse problems computational experiments show this algorithm to be uniformly faster than the best algorithms from the literature. A Pascal implementation is presented.

  20. Jonker-Volgenant global nearest neighbor assignment algorithm

    The JV algorithm finds an optimal solution to the global nearest neighbor (GNN) assignment problem by finding the set of assignments that minimize the total cost of the assignments. The Jonker-Volgenant algorithm solves the GNN assignment in two phases: begin with the auction algorithm and end with the Dijkstra shortest path algorithm. ...

  21. Optimising the Volgenant-Jonker algorithm for ...

    Fast but suboptimal approaches have thus risen to prominence [15], in which GED is approximated by solving a linear sum assignment problem. Of those algorithms proposed for solving this problem, the Volgenant-Jonker (VJ) algorithm [10] is the most efficient. This paper takes VJ as the starting point, and explores how it can be improved for ...

  22. lap05 · PyPI

    Linear Assignment Problem solver (LAPJV/LAPMOD). lap is a linear assignment problem solver using Jonker-Volgenant algorithm for dense (LAPJV) or sparse (LAPMOD) matrices.

  23. Combinatorial Reinforcement Learning of Linear Assignment Problems

    Recent growing interest in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and platform-based autonomous fleet management systems support the algorithmic research of new means for dynamic and large-scale fleet management. At the same time, recent advancements in deep and reinforcement learning confirm promising results by solving large-scale and complex decision problems and might provide new context sensitive ...