Top 12 Medical Social Worker Skills to Put on Your Resume

In the dynamic and emotionally demanding field of medical social work, showcasing a robust set of professional skills on your resume can significantly enhance your marketability to potential employers. This article outlines the top 12 skills that are essential for medical social workers, enabling you to present your qualifications effectively and stand out in this vital and challenging profession.

Top 12 Medical Social Worker Skills to Put on Your Resume

Medical Social Worker Skills

  • Intervention
  • Documentation
  • Collaboration
  • Crisis Management
  • Discharge Planning
  • Cultural Competence
  • HIPAA Compliance
  • Electronic Health Records (EHR)
  • Case Management

Empathy in the context of a Medical Social Worker is the ability to understand and share the feelings of patients and their families, enabling effective support and guidance through their healthcare experiences.

Why It's Important

Empathy is crucial for Medical Social Workers as it fosters trust and understanding, enabling them to effectively address patients' and families' emotional and practical needs, ultimately enhancing care and support outcomes.

How to Improve Empathy Skills

Improving empathy, particularly for a Medical Social Worker, involves active listening, being present, practicing self-awareness, and continuously learning about diverse life experiences. Here are concise strategies:

Active Listening : Focus entirely on the speaker, acknowledging their feelings without immediate judgment or advice. Mayo Clinic offers insights on enhancing this skill.

Being Present : Commit to being in the moment with clients, which helps in understanding their emotional states. The Mindful website provides guidance on cultivating presence.

Self-awareness : Reflect on your own emotions and biases. Understanding yourself better can prevent personal biases from affecting empathy. Psychology Today discusses developing self-awareness.

Continuous Learning : Educate yourself about the diverse backgrounds and experiences of others. This could include reading, workshops, or online courses. Harvard's Project Implicit offers tests to explore personal biases.

Improving empathy is an ongoing process that enriches both professional practice and personal growth.

How to Display Empathy Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Empathy Skills on Your Resume

2. Advocacy

Advocacy in the context of a Medical Social Worker involves actively supporting patients to ensure they receive appropriate resources, care, and services, safeguarding their rights and well-being within the healthcare system.

Advocacy is crucial for a Medical Social Worker as it ensures patients' rights are protected, their needs are met, and they have access to necessary healthcare and resources, ultimately promoting their well-being and dignity.

How to Improve Advocacy Skills

To improve advocacy as a Medical Social Worker, focus on:

Enhancing Communication Skills : Strengthen both verbal and written communication skills to articulate patient needs effectively. Communication Skills

Building a Strong Network : Cultivate relationships with healthcare professionals, legal resources, and community organizations to support your advocacy efforts. Networking Tips

Staying Informed : Keep up-to-date with healthcare policies, social welfare programs, and resources. Healthcare Policies

Engaging in Continuous Education : Participate in workshops, seminars, and courses related to medical social work and advocacy. Continuing Education

Empowering Clients : Educate and empower clients to advocate for themselves when possible, providing them with the necessary tools and resources. Client Empowerment

By focusing on these areas, Medical Social Workers can enhance their advocacy efforts, ensuring better outcomes for their clients.

How to Display Advocacy Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Advocacy Skills on Your Resume

3. Assessment

Assessment, in the context of a Medical Social Worker, is the process of gathering and analyzing information about a patient's physical, emotional, social, and environmental needs to develop an effective plan for support and intervention.

Assessment is crucial for a Medical Social Worker as it helps in understanding a patient's social, emotional, and financial needs, enabling personalized support plans and interventions to enhance their well-being and facilitate optimal healthcare outcomes.

How to Improve Assessment Skills

Improving assessment as a Medical Social Worker involves several key strategies aimed at enhancing the accuracy, efficiency, and comprehensiveness of evaluations to better support patients and their families. Follow these concise steps:

Continuing Education : Stay updated on the latest in social work practice, medical knowledge, and assessment tools through reputable sources. National Association of Social Workers and The New Social Worker Online are excellent resources.

Utilize Technology : Incorporate digital tools and software designed for healthcare assessments to streamline processes and improve data accuracy. Explore platforms like for resources.

Interdisciplinary Collaboration : Work closely with healthcare professionals to gain multiple perspectives and ensure comprehensive assessments. This approach can be learned through resources at the Society for Social Work Leadership in Health Care .

Cultural Competence : Continuously improve your understanding of different cultures and backgrounds to better assess and address the needs of diverse populations. The National Association of Social Workers provides guidelines and resources on cultural competence.

Feedback Mechanisms : Implement and encourage feedback from patients and colleagues on the assessment process to identify areas for improvement. Tools and strategies for effective feedback can be found through academic publications in the Journal of Social Work Education .

Ethical Considerations : Always adhere to ethical guidelines in assessments to protect patient confidentiality and rights. The Code of Ethics by the National Association of Social Workers serves as a guide.

By focusing on these areas, Medical Social Workers can enhance their assessment processes, contributing to better patient outcomes and healthcare experiences.

How to Display Assessment Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Assessment Skills on Your Resume

4. Intervention

In the context of a Medical Social Worker, an intervention refers to a planned action or set of actions aimed at addressing a specific health-related issue or social problem affecting a patient. This can include providing counseling, connecting individuals with community resources, coordinating care services, or advocating for the patient's needs to improve their overall well-being and quality of life.

Intervention is crucial for a Medical Social Worker as it enables them to address and manage a patient's social, emotional, and environmental issues that impact their health outcomes, ensuring holistic care and support towards recovery and improved quality of life.

How to Improve Intervention Skills

Improving intervention as a Medical Social Worker involves several key strategies aimed at enhancing the effectiveness, efficiency, and patient-centered nature of your interventions. Here are concise steps to follow:

Continuous Education : Stay updated with the latest research and advancements in social work and healthcare. National Association of Social Workers offers resources and continuing education opportunities.

Interdisciplinary Collaboration : Work closely with healthcare providers, therapists, and other professionals. Understanding their perspectives can enrich your interventions. The Society for Social Work Leadership in Health Care is a good platform for networking and learning.

Patient-Centered Approach : Tailor your interventions to meet the specific needs and preferences of each patient. The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute provides resources on incorporating patient-centered approaches.

Cultural Competence : Develop an understanding of the cultural backgrounds of your clients to provide respectful and effective support. The National Association of Social Workers offers guidelines and resources on cultural competence.

Utilize Technology : Incorporate technology, such as telehealth and electronic health records, to enhance accessibility and coordination of care. provides information on the latest in health information technology.

Evaluation and Feedback : Regularly evaluate the outcomes of your interventions and seek feedback from patients and colleagues to identify areas for improvement. The American Evaluation Association offers resources on effective evaluation methods.

Self-Care : Engage in self-care practices to maintain your well-being and prevent burnout, ensuring you can provide the best support to your clients. The New Social Worker has valuable tips on self-care for social workers.

By focusing on these areas, Medical Social Workers can significantly enhance the quality and impact of their interventions, leading to better patient outcomes and more effective support systems.

How to Display Intervention Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Intervention Skills on Your Resume

5. Documentation

Documentation in the context of a Medical Social Worker refers to the detailed and systematic recording of a patient's personal information, medical history, social circumstances, assessments, interventions, and outcomes of care. This process ensures continuity of care, legal compliance, and supports effective communication among healthcare team members.

Documentation is crucial for Medical Social Workers as it ensures continuity of care, legal protection, accurate billing, and facilitates communication among healthcare team members, ultimately enhancing patient outcomes.

How to Improve Documentation Skills

Improving documentation as a Medical Social Worker involves enhancing accuracy, clarity, and compliance with relevant guidelines. Here are concise steps with external resources:

Stay Updated : Continually refresh your knowledge on current documentation standards and legal requirements. National Association of Social Workers offers a range of resources and guidelines.

Be Clear and Concise : Document assessments, interventions, and outcomes clearly. Use simple language that can be understood across disciplines. The American Psychological Association provides excellent tips on clear writing.

Maintain Confidentiality : Always adhere to HIPAA guidelines to protect patient information. The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services offers resources on HIPAA compliance.

Use Technology : Implement Electronic Health Records (EHR) and other digital tools to improve the efficiency and accuracy of documentation. The site has useful information on EHR systems.

Continuous Education : Attend workshops, webinars, and courses on effective documentation practices. The Society for Social Work and Research often hosts relevant learning events.

Peer Review : Engage in peer review sessions to get feedback on your documentation practices. This can highlight areas for improvement and share best practices.

Self-Audit : Regularly review your own documentation for completeness and compliance. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services provides guidelines that can help in self-auditing.

By focusing on accuracy, clarity, confidentiality, and compliance, Medical Social Workers can significantly improve their documentation practices, ultimately enhancing patient care and legal compliance.

How to Display Documentation Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Documentation Skills on Your Resume

6. Collaboration

Collaboration, in the context of a Medical Social Worker, involves working jointly with healthcare professionals, patients, and families to develop and implement comprehensive care plans that address medical, psychological, and social needs.

Collaboration is crucial for a Medical Social Worker as it ensures comprehensive care by combining diverse expertise, facilitating effective communication among healthcare providers, and addressing the multifaceted needs of patients for improved health outcomes and well-being.

How to Improve Collaboration Skills

Improving collaboration, especially for a Medical Social Worker, involves enhancing communication, fostering mutual respect, and leveraging technology for efficient coordination. These steps are crucial in delivering holistic patient care and ensuring the well-being of clients.

Enhance Communication : Clear and consistent communication is vital. Utilize secure messaging platforms and regular meetings to keep all parties informed. American Psychological Association offers insights on effective communication strategies.

Foster Mutual Respect : Understand and value the roles of different professionals within the healthcare team. The National Association of Social Workers provides resources on professional collaboration.

Leverage Technology : Use electronic health records (EHRs) and collaborative tools to share information securely and efficiently. The site discusses the benefits of EHRs in healthcare collaboration.

By focusing on these areas, Medical Social Workers can significantly enhance their collaboration with healthcare teams, ultimately improving patient care outcomes.

How to Display Collaboration Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Collaboration Skills on Your Resume

7. Crisis Management

Crisis management, in the context of a Medical Social Worker, involves the identification, assessment, and intervention strategies applied to address acute distress, trauma, or emergencies affecting patients and their families, ensuring timely support and resources to navigate healthcare and psychosocial challenges effectively.

Crisis management is crucial for a Medical Social Worker as it enables prompt, effective response to unexpected events, ensuring patient safety, emotional support, and continuity of care during emergencies, ultimately minimizing harm and facilitating recovery.

How to Improve Crisis Management Skills

Improving crisis management, especially for a Medical Social Worker, involves a multi-faceted approach focusing on preparation, communication, and continuous learning. Here's a concise guide:

Enhance Knowledge and Skills : Stay updated with the latest in crisis intervention techniques and health policies. Participating in continuous education and training programs can be beneficial. The National Association of Social Workers (NASW) provides resources and training for professionals.

Develop a Comprehensive Crisis Plan : Identify potential crises and create detailed response plans. This includes understanding the resources available within your community and how to access them swiftly. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) offers guidelines for developing a comprehensive crisis plan.

Strengthen Communication Skills : Effective communication is crucial during a crisis. This includes not only direct communication with the patient and their family but also with healthcare providers and other stakeholders. Training offered by organizations such as the American Psychological Association can enhance communication skills.

Build a Support Network : Establish and maintain a network of professionals, including other social workers, healthcare providers, and community resources. This network can provide support, advice, and resources during a crisis. The Society for Social Work Leadership in Health Care is an excellent resource for networking opportunities.

Practice Self-Care : Recognize the importance of self-care to prevent burnout. Engaging in regular self-care practices ensures that you remain effective in your role as a crisis manager. Resources on self-care are available through the NASW .

Utilize Technology : Leverage technology to enhance crisis management efforts. This can include electronic health records for quick access to patient information, as well as crisis management apps and software. The American Medical Informatics Association provides insights into the latest technology in healthcare.

Learn from Past Crises : Conduct debriefings after crises to identify what worked well and what didn't. This reflective practice ensures continuous improvement in handling future crises. Resources on best practices can be found through Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and other health organizations.

By focusing on these areas, Medical Social Workers can significantly improve their crisis management capabilities, leading to better outcomes for their clients and communities.

How to Display Crisis Management Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Crisis Management Skills on Your Resume

8. Discharge Planning

Discharge planning, in the context of a Medical Social Worker, involves creating a coordinated and comprehensive plan for a patient's transition from hospital care to home or another care facility, ensuring continuity of care and support for the patient's medical, social, and psychological needs.

Discharge planning is crucial for a Medical Social Worker because it ensures a smooth transition for patients from hospital to home or another care setting, aligns resources and support systems to meet ongoing healthcare needs, and reduces the risk of readmission by addressing potential challenges and coordinating care effectively.

How to Improve Discharge Planning Skills

Improving discharge planning, especially from the perspective of a Medical Social Worker, involves several key strategies aimed at ensuring a smooth transition for patients from hospital to home or another care setting. Here are concise steps to enhance discharge planning:

Early Assessment : Start discharge planning upon admission. Assess the patient's needs, support system, and potential challenges post-discharge (Source: CMS).

Interdisciplinary Collaboration : Work closely with healthcare professionals, including doctors, nurses, and therapists, to create a comprehensive discharge plan that addresses medical, social, and psychological needs (Source: NCBI ).

Patient and Family Education : Ensure patients and their families are educated about the condition, medication, follow-up care, and any necessary lifestyle changes. Use clear, understandable language (Source: AHRQ).

Resource Coordination : Identify and arrange for any required post-discharge services early, such as home health care, medical equipment, or community resources (Source: SAMHSA).

Follow-Up : Set up a follow-up plan to assess the patient's condition post-discharge, adjust the care plan as necessary, and ensure continuity of care (Source: WHO).

Documentation : Keep detailed, accurate records of all aspects of the discharge process, ensuring all involved parties have access to the necessary information (Source: Joint Commission).

Feedback and Improvement : Regularly solicit feedback from patients and families regarding the discharge process and use this information to make continuous improvements (Source: IHI ).

By following these steps, Medical Social Workers can significantly contribute to an effective and patient-centered discharge planning process.

How to Display Discharge Planning Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Discharge Planning Skills on Your Resume

9. Cultural Competence

Cultural competence in the context of a Medical Social Worker involves the ability to understand, respect, and effectively interact with patients from diverse cultural backgrounds, ensuring that social services and healthcare are provided in a manner that is responsive to their cultural and linguistic needs.

Cultural competence is crucial for a Medical Social Worker as it enables the provision of respectful and effective care tailored to diverse patients' cultural beliefs, practices, and linguistic needs, ensuring equitable access to quality healthcare services and improving patient outcomes and satisfaction.

How to Improve Cultural Competence Skills

Improving cultural competence as a Medical Social Worker involves understanding and respecting the diverse cultural backgrounds of patients to provide effective and personalized care. Here are concise steps to achieve this:

Education and Training: Continuously educate yourself on various cultures, health beliefs, and practices. Participate in cultural competence training programs specific to healthcare. The National Institutes of Health offers resources and courses on cultural competence in healthcare settings.

Self-Awareness: Reflect on your own cultural background and biases. Understanding your own perspective can help mitigate unconscious biases. The American Psychological Association provides tools for self-assessment in cultural competence.

Active Listening: Encourage open communication with patients and their families. Practice active listening to understand their unique needs and preferences. This fosters trust and respect. The Institute for Healthcare Communication emphasizes the importance of communication skills in healthcare.

Community Engagement: Engage with different cultural groups within your service area. Understanding community resources and establishing partnerships can enhance support for patients. The National Association of Social Workers is a good resource for networking and community engagement strategies.

Policy Advocacy: Advocate for policies within your organization that promote cultural competence and address health disparities. This includes supporting interpreter services, culturally sensitive health education, and diverse staff recruitment. The Health Resources and Services Administration provides guidelines on culturally competent care.

By focusing on these areas, Medical Social Workers can enhance their cultural competence, leading to improved patient outcomes and reduced health disparities.

How to Display Cultural Competence Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Cultural Competence Skills on Your Resume

10. HIPAA Compliance

HIPAA Compliance, in the context of a Medical Social Worker, refers to adhering to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, which entails protecting the privacy and security of patients' health information and ensuring confidential handling of medical records and communication.

HIPAA Compliance is crucial for Medical Social Workers to ensure the protection of patients' private health information, maintain trust, and avoid legal penalties, thereby fostering a secure and confidential healthcare environment.

How to Improve HIPAA Compliance Skills

Improving HIPAA compliance as a Medical Social Worker involves several key steps focused on safeguarding Protected Health Information (PHI). Here's a concise guide:

Stay Informed: Regularly update your knowledge on HIPAA regulations. The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services offers resources and updates.

Secure Communication: Use encrypted methods for sharing PHI. Services like Hushmail or Paubox provide secure email solutions.

Data Protection: Ensure electronic and physical PHI is secure. Implement strong passwords, encryption, and secure storage solutions. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) provides guidelines on encryption and data security.

Training: Regularly train and refresh your knowledge and that of your team. HIPAA Training offers courses specifically designed for healthcare professionals.

Privacy Policies: Review and update your privacy policies and procedures regularly. Ensure they are compliant with the most current HIPAA regulations.

Patient Rights: Be knowledgeable about patients' rights under HIPAA and ensure they can easily access, request corrections to, and understand how their PHI is used.

Incident Management: Have a clear, prompt response plan for potential breaches or violations. The Office for Civil Rights (OCR) provides guidance on breach notification rules.

By focusing on these areas, a Medical Social Worker can significantly improve HIPAA compliance, protecting both their patients' privacy and the integrity of their practice.

How to Display HIPAA Compliance Skills on Your Resume

How to Display HIPAA Compliance Skills on Your Resume

11. Electronic Health Records (EHR)

Electronic Health Records (EHR) are digital versions of patients' paper charts, containing comprehensive health information such as medical history, diagnoses, medications, treatment plans, immunization dates, allergies, radiology images, and laboratory test results. For Medical Social Workers, EHRs facilitate coordinated care by providing easy access to accurate and up-to-date patient information, enabling more informed decision-making and efficient support for patients’ health and social needs.

Electronic Health Records (EHR) are crucial for Medical Social Workers as they provide immediate, organized access to a patient's comprehensive health history. This enables timely, informed decisions about care coordination, support services, and resource allocation, significantly enhancing patient care and outcomes.

How to Improve Electronic Health Records (EHR) Skills

Improving Electronic Health Records (EHR) for Medical Social Workers involves enhancing data accessibility, ensuring interoperability, and integrating social determinants of health. Here’s a concise guide:

Enhance Data Accessibility : Ensure EHR systems are user-friendly and provide medical social workers with easy access to patient information. This involves training on EHR navigation and customizing interfaces for social work needs (

Ensure Interoperability : Work towards EHR systems that can communicate across different healthcare settings, allowing for seamless sharing of patient information. This is crucial for coordinated care ( Interoperability ).

Integrate Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) : Advocate for EHR systems that include fields for SDOH, as these factors significantly impact patient health outcomes. Incorporating these determinants can aid in holistic patient care planning ( CDC on SDOH ).

By focusing on these areas, Medical Social Workers can significantly contribute to the improvement of EHR systems, leading to enhanced patient care and outcomes.

How to Display Electronic Health Records (EHR) Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Electronic Health Records (EHR) Skills on Your Resume

12. Case Management

Case management, in the context of a Medical Social Worker, involves coordinating care and resources for patients to ensure their medical, social, and emotional needs are met efficiently and effectively, facilitating optimal health outcomes and quality of life.

Case management is crucial for a Medical Social Worker as it ensures the coordination of healthcare services tailored to an individual's needs, facilitating access to necessary medical, social, and emotional support. This process enhances patient care continuity, improves health outcomes, and optimizes the use of resources.

How to Improve Case Management Skills

Improving case management, especially for a Medical Social Worker, involves several targeted strategies focused on enhancing efficiency, communication, and patient care. Here are concise tips for improvement:

  • Implement Technology : Use Electronic Health Records (EHR) for better information sharing and coordination.
  • Continuing Education : Stay updated with the latest in social work and healthcare through resources like the National Association of Social Workers .
  • Effective Communication : Foster clear communication channels with patients and healthcare teams. The Joint Commission offers guidelines and resources.
  • Patient-Centered Approach : Prioritize patient needs and preferences, engaging them in the decision-making process. The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute provides resources on patient-centered care.
  • Time Management : Optimize workflows and prioritize tasks. Tools like Trello or Asana can help manage caseloads and deadlines.
  • Interdisciplinary Collaboration : Work closely with other healthcare professionals. The American Interprofessional Health Collaborative offers resources on team-based care.
  • Advocacy and Resource Mobilization : Be proactive in connecting patients with community resources. The Community Tool Box is a helpful resource.

Implementing these strategies can significantly enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of case management in the context of medical social work.

How to Display Case Management Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Case Management Skills on Your Resume

Related Career Skills

  • Social Worker Assistant
  • Social Service Worker
  • Social Worker
  • Clinical Social Worker
  • Psychiatric Social Worker
  • School Social Worker


Medical Social Worker Resume Examples

Want to use this resume?

City, State, Zip Code

Home: 000-000-0000 | Cell: 000-000-0000

[email protected]

Exceptionally sensitive and thorough Medical Social Worker with a stellar patient service record. Adept at fostering and sustaining productive and positive relationships with patients families and medical staff. Able to explain complicated medical and social work procedures in a clear and professional manner to a variety of professional and non-professional audiences.

  • Extensive medical social work experience
  • Strong familiarity with medical issues specific to the elderly
  • Exceptional skills in cultivating productive relationships with patients and physicians
  • Superior expertise in a wide variety of clinical duties and procedures
  • Good skills in patient evaluation and accurate documentation
  • Outstanding oral and written communication abilities
  • Oversaw managed care unit operations and conducted case management screening procedures.
  • Provided support in crisis and emergency patient situations.
  • Performed psychosocial patient assessments as necessary.
  • Participated in designing and organizing quality enhancement initiatives.
  • Strove to maintain a safe and secure clinical environment for patients and medical staff.
  • Provided short-term counseling and crisis intervention services as necessary.
  • Functioned as hospital liaison to various community resource programs.
  • Participated in interdisciplinary clinical team activities on a regular basis.
  • Consulted with a variety of facility educational and support services.
  • Conducted patient home follow-up visits as required.

There are plenty of opportunities to land a Medical Social Worker job position, but it won’t just be handed to you. Crafting a Medical Social Worker resume that catches the attention of hiring managers is paramount to getting the job, and LiveCareer is here to help you stand out from the competition.

View All Worker Resumes

Related Skills

  • Visiting patient homes
  • Quality of life guidelines
  • Social history intake procedures
  • Disease management standards
  • Admitting processes
  • Networking with staff
  • Assessing needs
  • Goal Setting
  • Planning and Coordination

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Medical Social Worker resume examples for 2024

A career in social work as a medical social worker requires a variety of skills that stand out on a resume. These include specialized training and certifications, cultural responsiveness, proficiency in different languages, and assessment and evaluation skills. In addition, a social worker's ability to work with individuals, families, and groups from different backgrounds, as well as case management, resource management, advocacy, and documentation, are important. As Dr. Dianna Cooper , Associate Professor at Campbellsville University, puts it, "Several things stand out on a social worker's resume. First, social workers should highlight that they graduated from a CSWE accredited program." This program ensures that the social worker has been trained in the nine competencies that serve as the foundation of social work, including practice with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.


Medical Social Worker resume example

How to format your medical social worker resume:.

  • The job title on your resume should match your application for the role.
  • Ensure your work experience focuses on achievements, rather than responsibilities.
  • Recruiters and hiring managers suggest fitting your resume on one page.

Choose from 10+ customizable medical social worker resume templates

Choose from a variety of easy-to-use medical social worker resume templates and get expert advice from Zippia’s AI resume writer along the way. Using pre-approved templates, you can rest assured that the structure and format of your medical social worker resume is top notch. Choose a template with the colors, fonts & text sizes that are appropriate for your industry.

Medical Social Worker Resume

Medical Social Worker resume format and sections

1. add contact information to your medical social worker resume.

Medical Social Worker Resume Contact Information Example # 1

Montgomery, AL 36043| 333-111-2222 | [email protected]

2. Add relevant education to your medical social worker resume

Your resume's education section should include:

  • The name of your school
  • The date you graduated ( Month, Year or Year are both appropriate)
  • The name of your degree

If you graduated more than 15 years ago, you should consider dropping your graduation date to avoid age discrimination.

Optional subsections for your education section include:

  • Academic awards (Dean's List, Latin honors, etc. )
  • GPA (if you're a recent graduate and your GPA was 3.5+)
  • Extra certifications
  • Academic projects (thesis, dissertation, etc. )

Other tips to consider when writing your education section include:

  • If you're a recent graduate, you might opt to place your education section above your experience section
  • The more work experience you get, the shorter your education section should be
  • List your education in reverse chronological order, with your most recent and high-ranking degrees first
  • If you haven't graduated yet, you can include "Expected graduation date" to the entry for that school

Check More About Medical Social Worker Education

Medical Social Worker Resume Relevant Education Example # 1

Master's Degree In Mental Health Counseling 2017 - 2018

Argosy University Orange, CA

Medical Social Worker Resume Relevant Education Example # 2

Master's Degree In Social Work 2014 - 2015

New York University New York, NY

3. Next, create a medical social worker skills section on your resume

Your resume's skills section should include the most important keywords from the job description, as long as you actually have those skills. If you haven't started your job search yet, you can look over resumes to get an idea of what skills are the most important.

Here are some tips to keep in mind when writing your resume's skills section:

  • Include 6-12 skills, in bullet point form
  • List mostly hard skills ; soft skills are hard to test
  • Emphasize the skills that are most important for the job

Hard skills are generally more important to hiring managers because they relate to on-the-job knowledge and specific experience with a certain technology or process.

Soft skills are also valuable, as they're highly transferable and make you a great person to work alongside, but they're impossible to prove on a resume.

Example of skills to include on an medical social worker resume

Patient care entails the diagnosis, recovery, and control of sickness as well as the maintenance of physical and emotional well-being through the use of healthcare providers' services. Patient care is described as services provided to patients by health practitioners or non-professionals under guidance.

The branch of secondary healthcare which is responsible for giving short-term care to patients recovering from severe injuries or urgent medical problems is known as acute care. Acute care comprises multiple domains like; emergency care, urgent care, short-term stabilization, pre-hospital care, critical care, and trauma care.

Mental health is the state of wellbeing in which an individual can cope with the regular stresses and tensions of life, and can work productively without having any emotional or psychological breakdown. Mental health is essential for a person of any age and helps them make the right decisions in their life.

Community agencies stand for the organizations operated to provide human service in the community.

Top Skills for a Medical Social Worker

  • Social Work , 24.0%
  • Patients , 19.1%
  • Home Health , 10.6%
  • Other Skills , 39.8%

4. List your medical social worker experience

The most important part of any resume for a medical social worker is the experience section. Recruiters and hiring managers expect to see your experience listed in reverse chronological order, meaning that you should begin with your most recent experience and then work backwards.

Don't just list your job duties below each job entry. Instead, make sure most of your bullet points discuss impressive achievements from your past positions. Whenever you can, use numbers to contextualize your accomplishments for the hiring manager reading your resume.

It's okay if you can't include exact percentages or dollar figures. There's a big difference even between saying "Managed a team of medical social workers" and "Managed a team of 6 medical social workers over a 9-month project. "

Most importantly, make sure that the experience you include is relevant to the job you're applying for. Use the job description to ensure that each bullet point on your resume is appropriate and helpful.

  • Communicated effectively with parents and site coordinators, including organizing and leading meetings.
  • Updated and monitored SharePoint Communication and Calendar.
  • Determined eligibility for State and Federal programs such as Food Stamps and Medicaid.
  • Followed established incident management procedures by identifying, categorizing priority and recording incidents.
  • Determined eligibility and processed TANF, Food Stamps, and Medicaid applications.
  • Interviewed and counseled established and prospective adoptive parents.
  • Worked as a DCFS licensed child welfare worker and mandated reporter.
  • Worked with school guidance department staff, attendance and school administration to enforce county truancy policies.
  • Managed family and children cases under the Department of Children & Family Services (DCFS).
  • Implemented kindergarten and preschool testing to determine readiness for school.
  • Supervised second year MSW students and ran bi-weekly student support group.
  • Provided extended full time coverage on Oncology, OB, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, and Pediatric units.
  • Revitalized Hospice Volunteer Program through in-services to petition community participation.
  • Ensured that 2728 forms and admission paperwork was completed for each patient applying for ESRD Medicare and Kidney Healthcare.
  • Served as an agency presenter in several hospice educational seminars.
  • Petitioned the court for guardianship of individuals who were unable to make decisions, or care for themselves.
  • Conducted Adoption Home Studies, That includes finger printing, SCR clearance and out of state CPS clearance.
  • Provided in-home protective and supportive services to children & families in an effort to prevent out of home placement
  • Explained policy & Medicaid guidelines related to Medicaid Eatate Recovery.
  • Facilitated meetings between CPS case mangers and parents/caregiver.

5. Highlight medical social worker certifications on your resume

Specific medical social worker certifications can be a powerful tool to show employers you've developed the appropriate skills.

If you have any of these certifications, make sure to put them on your medical social worker resume:

  • Certification in Forensic Social Work (CFSW)
  • Academy of Certified Social Workers Credential (ACSW)
  • Medical Assistant
  • Certified Nurse Assistant (CNA)
  • Certified School Social Work Specialist (C-SSWS)
  • Basic Life Support (BLS)
  • Certified Medical Interpreter - Spanish (CMI)
  • Diplomate in Clinical Social Work (DCSW)
  • National Clinical Supervision Endorsement (NCSE)
  • Advanced Certified Hospice and Palliative Social Worker (ACHP-SW)

6. Finally, add an medical social worker resume summary or objective statement

A resume summary statement consists of 1-3 sentences at the top of your medical social worker resume that quickly summarizes who you are and what you have to offer. The summary statement should include your job title, years of experience (if it's 3+), and an impressive accomplishment, if you have space for it.

Remember to emphasize skills and experiences that feature in the job description.

Common medical social worker resume skills

  • Social Work
  • Home Health
  • Patient Care
  • Crisis Intervention
  • Social Services
  • Rehabilitation
  • Mental Health
  • Community Agencies
  • Emotional Factors
  • Discharge Planning
  • Substance Abuse
  • Comprehensive Psychosocial Assessments
  • Medical Care
  • Palliative Care
  • Emotional Support
  • Hospice Care
  • Child Abuse
  • Psychosocial Issues
  • Community Resources
  • Nursing Home
  • Financial Assistance
  • Chronic Illness
  • Anticipatory Grief
  • Community Referrals
  • Terminal Illness
  • Community Services
  • Support Services
  • Referral Services
  • Emergency Room
  • Medical Professionals
  • Psychosocial Support
  • Domestic Violence
  • Family Dynamics
  • Bereavement Services
  • Senior Care
  • Durable Medical Equipment
  • Psycho-Social Assessments
  • Psychosocial Evaluations

Medical Social Worker Jobs

Links to help optimize your medical social worker resume.

  • How To Write A Resume
  • List Of Skills For Your Resume
  • How To Write A Resume Summary Statement
  • Action Words For Your Resume
  • How To List References On Your Resume

Medical Social Worker resume FAQs

What skills do you need to be a medical social worker, search for medical social worker jobs.

Updated March 14, 2024

Editorial Staff

The Zippia Research Team has spent countless hours reviewing resumes, job postings, and government data to determine what goes into getting a job in each phase of life. Professional writers and data scientists comprise the Zippia Research Team.

Medical Social Worker Related Resumes

  • Behavioral Health Specialist Resume
  • Case Worker Resume
  • Clinical Social Worker Resume
  • Community Health Counselor Resume
  • Counselor Resume
  • Foster Care Worker Resume
  • Licensed Social Worker Resume
  • Mental Health Counselor Resume
  • Mental Health Specialist Resume
  • Psychiatric Social Worker Resume
  • School Social Worker Resume
  • Service Counselor Resume
  • Social Services Specialist Resume
  • Social Work Case Manager Resume
  • Social Work Internship Resume

Medical Social Worker Related Careers

  • Alcohol And Drug Counselor
  • Behavioral Health Specialist
  • Case Worker
  • Clinical Social Worker
  • Community Health Counselor
  • Family Counselor
  • Foster Care Worker
  • Licensed Social Worker
  • Mental Health Counselor
  • Mental Health Specialist
  • Program Counselor
  • Psychiatric Social Worker
  • School Social Worker
  • Service Counselor

Medical Social Worker Related Jobs

Medical social worker jobs by location.

  • Medical Social Worker Aberdeen
  • Medical Social Worker Albuquerque
  • Medical Social Worker Christiansburg
  • Medical Social Worker East Meadow
  • Medical Social Worker Fort Wayne
  • Medical Social Worker Gloucester
  • Medical Social Worker Kettering
  • Medical Social Worker Lacey
  • Medical Social Worker League City
  • Medical Social Worker Milwaukee
  • Medical Social Worker Minneapolis
  • Medical Social Worker Napa
  • Medical Social Worker South Pasadena
  • Medical Social Worker Tulsa
  • Medical Social Worker Waco
  • Zippia Careers
  • Community and Social Services Industry
  • Medical Social Worker
  • Medical Social Worker Resume

Browse community and social services jobs

  • Medical Social Worker Resume Example

Resume Examples

  • Common Tasks & Responsibilities
  • Top Hard & Soft Skills
  • Action Verbs & Keywords
  • Resume FAQs
  • Similar Resumes

Common Responsibilities Listed on Medical Social Worker Resumes:

  • Assess patient and family needs related to medical and psychosocial issues
  • Provide counseling and support to patients and families
  • Develop and implement care plans to address patient and family needs
  • Provide crisis intervention and short-term counseling
  • Coordinate with other healthcare professionals to ensure continuity of care
  • Make referrals to community resources and services
  • Provide education to patients and families about medical and psychosocial issues
  • Advocate for patient rights and access to services
  • Monitor patient progress and adjust care plans as needed
  • Document patient care activities and progress
  • Participate in interdisciplinary team meetings

Speed up your resume creation process with the AI-Powered Resume Builder . Generate tailored achievements in seconds for every role you apply to.

Medical Social Worker Resume Example:

  • Developed and implemented a comprehensive care plan for a patient with complex medical and psychosocial needs, resulting in a 50% improvement in their overall well-being and a reduction in hospital readmissions by 30%.
  • Collaborated with a multidisciplinary team to coordinate and facilitate a successful transition from hospital to home care for a high-risk patient, ensuring continuity of care and reducing the risk of complications.
  • Educated patients and families about available community resources and services, resulting in a 40% increase in utilization of support programs and improved access to necessary resources.
  • Conducted thorough assessments of patients and families to identify their specific needs and developed individualized care plans, resulting in a 25% improvement in patient satisfaction scores and increased engagement in their own healthcare.
  • Provided crisis intervention and short-term counseling to patients and families in high-stress situations, effectively managing their emotional well-being and reducing the risk of adverse outcomes.
  • Collaborated with healthcare professionals and community organizations to make appropriate referrals for patients, ensuring they received necessary support and resources, resulting in a 20% increase in patient access to essential services.
  • Advocated for patient rights and access to services by actively participating in interdisciplinary team meetings and collaborating with healthcare professionals, resulting in improved patient outcomes and a 15% increase in patient satisfaction scores.
  • Monitored patient progress and adjusted care plans as needed, effectively managing their ongoing care and achieving a 20% reduction in hospital readmissions.
  • Documented patient care activities and progress accurately and efficiently, ensuring comprehensive and up-to-date medical records and facilitating effective communication among healthcare providers.
  • Comprehensive patient assessment
  • Care plan development and implementation
  • Multidisciplinary team collaboration
  • Patient and family education
  • Knowledge of community resources and services
  • Crisis intervention
  • Short-term counseling
  • Effective referral coordination
  • Patient advocacy
  • Interdisciplinary team participation
  • Patient progress monitoring
  • Medical documentation
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Conflict resolution
  • Cultural competence
  • Ethical decision-making
  • Case management
  • Therapeutic communication
  • Patient rights protection
  • Time management
  • Empathy and compassion
  • Problem-solving
  • Adaptability
  • Active listening
  • Critical thinking.

Top Skills & Keywords for Medical Social Worker Resumes:

Hard skills.

  • Assessment and evaluation
  • Treatment planning
  • Counseling and therapy
  • Discharge planning
  • Resource coordination
  • Documentation and record-keeping
  • Cultural competency
  • Medical terminology

Soft Skills

  • Empathy and Compassion
  • Active Listening
  • Communication Skills
  • Cultural Competence
  • Problem Solving
  • Critical Thinking
  • Collaboration and Teamwork
  • Time Management
  • Flexibility and Adaptability
  • Emotional Intelligence

Resume Action Verbs for Medical Social Workers:

  • Collaborated
  • Facilitated
  • Coordinated
  • Implemented

Generate Your Resume Summary

medical social worker resume skills

Resume FAQs for Medical Social Workers:

How long should i make my medical social worker resume, what is the best way to format a medical social worker resume, which keywords are important to highlight in a medical social worker resume, how should i write my resume if i have no experience as a medical social worker, compare your medical social worker resume to a job description:.

  • Identify opportunities to further tailor your resume to the Medical Social Worker job
  • Improve your keyword usage to align your experience and skills with the position
  • Uncover and address potential gaps in your resume that may be important to the hiring manager

Complete the steps below to generate your free resume analysis.

Related Resumes for Medical Social Workers:

Entry level social worker, hospital social worker, licensed social worker, social worker, healthcare recruiter, hr recruiter, staffing recruiter, talent acquisition specialist.

medical social worker resume skills

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medical social worker resume skills

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9 Social Worker Resume Examples That Worked in 2024

Stephen Greet

Social Worker Resume

  • Social Worker Resumes by Experience
  • Social Worker Resumes by Role

Writing Your Social Worker Resume

Social workers protect vulnerable populations, support families, and help people solve and cope with problems in their everyday lives, all within different settings.

Since social workers support numerous communities, work in various environments, and develop different scopes based on their licensure, creating your social worker resume  to target the right job for your career goals can be challenging. (It’s also why  social worker job descriptions  tend to be rather vague.)

We’ve analyzed hundreds of social worker resume samples from all populations, environments, settings, and licenses to  attract the attention of a hiring manager or recruiter so you can get more interviews in 2024 . We created nine resume samples to help you  build an eye-catching resume  and  check your resume  using AI-powered tips. 

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Social worker resume example with 10 years of experience

Why this resume works

  • Make sure to mention the facility settings where you’ve worked, whether it’s a hospital, school, rehabilitation center, group home, or community facility, so hiring managers see your expertise.
  • Social workers typically have high volumes of cases to manage, so you should highlight the number of cases you managed per day/week/month.
  • If your case management included court documentation and appearance, be sure to discuss this in your social worker resume. 

Social Work Student Resume

Social work student resume example

  • As a social worker, you’ll interact with people from all walks of life. List any experiences that exposed you to diverse backgrounds on your social work student resume to show that you’re prepared to work with complex clients.

Social Work Intern Resume

Social work intern resume example with 3 years of family support work experience

  • An advanced degree in social work and volunteer involvement prove that you chose this career mindfully.

Entry-Level Social Worker Resume

Entry-level social worker resume example with 3 years of internship experience

  • In your  resume skills section , include skills like “verbal communication,” “case assessment,” “and counseling” to reassure employers of your abilities.
  • If you’ve participated in any internships, include those over other positions. The goal is always to include the most relevant experience if at all possible.
  • Don’t discount any administrative or supportive tasks; hiring managers understand (and want to see) that everyone starts somewhere.  

Associate Social Worker Resume

Associate social worker resume example with 2 years of experience

  • Consider including work-related projects, activities, or  hobbies on your resume  to demonstrate your abilities.
  • Start strong with a  resume objective  that immediately shows the reader who you are as a professional.
  • If you choose to use an objective, always tailor it to the specific role and  job description .

School Social Worker Resume

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School social worker resume example with 10+ years of experience

  • In your work experience bullets, mention your areas of expertise ( for example, ADHD, grief counseling, teenage pregnancy) to create a targeted  school social worker resume  that will gain a recruiter’s interest.
  • Within the experience of your school social worker resume, be sure to focus on the programs you implemented or supported. This will support the statements made in your resume objective.

Clinical Social Worker Resume

Clinical social worker resume example with 10+ years of experience

  • Be sure to discuss how your responsibilities and leadership abilities resulted in  positive changes  at your workplace.
  • If you have a license designation, put it after your name in your contact header so recruiters can immediately see your expertise. 
  • Your  resume summary  should list also the settings where you’ve worked or the clinical settings you want to target for your next clinical social worker role. 

Nursing Home Social Worker Resume

Nursing home social worker resume example with 7+ years of experience

  • Include the patient types you worked with, such as end-of-life/hospice or memory care patients, and mention how you demonstrated collaboration and communication in your work experience since those are vital skills for nursing home social workers.
  • Highlight your experience educating patients and their families, as well as any community initiatives you implemented, to improve the nursing programs you supported.  
  • Be sure to  check your resume  to ensure there aren’t any grammar, punctuation, or spelling errors so you can put your best foot forward. 

Medical Social Worker II Resume

Medical social worker ii resume example with 10+ years of experience

  • Only include three to four positions in your work experience, and focus on your expertise from the most recent ten years of jobs and training.
  • If you can, keep your bullet points solely about achievements or responsibilities that benefited the company.
  • It should be just two or three sentences long to keep it brief. Include the name of the company to which you’re applying, and finish strong with a closing sentence tying directly to the role you’re targeting.

Related resume guides

  • Social work cover letter
  • Medical Receptionist

Overwhelmed job seeker at desk with hands in air questions how to write job materials

A  well-formatted resume  is your first impression to potential employers, so formatting is your golden ticket to securing an interview. Hiring managers sift through countless applications daily, so readable and  comprehensive resumes  have the best chance of moving forward.

Present your achievements, competencies, and education in a logical way that responds to your prospective employer’s criteria. When  crafting your social worker resume , you must consider:

  • Reverse-chronological, functional, or combination/hybrid formatting
  • Contact information and header presentation

ATS and readability

medical social worker resume skills

Reverse-chronological format, functional format, and combination/hybrid format

There are several acceptable ways to present your professional experience like a narrative. Hiring managers accept the following  resume formats :

  • The reverse-chronological format lists your employment experience, achievements, and education, beginning with the most recent.
  • The functional format emphasizes your skills instead of your work experience. You place the most relevant achievements or skills near the top to highlight your abilities for the position you’re pursuing.
  • A hybrid format blends the reverse-chronological and functional approaches. If you’ve changed industries or have ample parallel experience, you should present the most recent relative aspect toward the top of your resume.

Within the social work industry, recruiters respond best to the reverse-chronological format because it highlights the evolution of your career through progressive acquisition of skills and professional development.

medical social worker resume skills

Contact info and header

Your social worker resume explains your qualifications and credentials for the job you’re seeking, but if recruiters don’t know how to contact you, nothing you write will matter. As a result, you need to write and format your contact header effectively. This section should include:

  • Title of the position you’re applying for (taken directly from the job description)
  • Your city and state

Notice the customized header that lists the job posting title below the name.

Contact header for a social worker resume

Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) are computer programs that filter out low-quality, irrelevant, and unreadable resumes. However, they’re not infallible. Sometimes they toss out relevant resumes based on a lack of keywords. Adhering to a few simple conventions, which our  resume builder  helps with, will ensure you pass the inevitable ATS filter. 

Beat the ATS with a few simple tips.

  • Fonts and font sizes: ATS systems need to be able to scan your resume easily, so keep fonts simple and sizes consistent.
  • Header: Adding headers makes your resume easier for the ATS to read.
  • Save your resume in multiple formats and confirm that each version looks correct.
  • Names: Your name must appear prominently with the associated contact info to make it beyond the ATS.
  • Skills: the ATS scans for keywords, so you need to carefully read the job description to include the right terminology.
  • Logical Order: A reverse-chronological order is the easiest for the ATS to scan; other formats may be misread.
  • Length: Typically, the ATS will toss any resume that’s longer than one page.

medical social worker resume skills

How to write your social worker resume

Social workers require licensure, soft skills, and clinical abilities to perform their jobs effectively. Presenting that breadth of experience in an easy-to-read and tight  resume format  can be challenging.

Luckily, you’re familiar with tricky situations. So, assess your experience and determine your desired job competencies to help you write an effective resume.

Consider the following aspects of your social worker resume:

  • A resume objective or summary

Work experience

Crafting your bullet points.

  • Quantifying your impact with numbers and statistics
  • Top social worker skills

Education, licenses, and specialized training

  • Adding projects, interests, or hobbies
  • Customizing your resume each job
  • Eliminating errors

medical social worker resume skills

When to include a resume objective or summary in your social worker resume

Resume objectives  and  resume summaries  are optional, but they can be an eye-catching aspect of your social worker resume. If used effectively, they can be a deal-breaker that grants you an interview.

They should sell your value to the company within two to three sentences. This is the first section of the resume, so it must be compelling and informative to justify its inclusion.

  • Above all, your objective should convey how your skills and abilities align with your prospective employer’s mission.
  • “I hope to obtain a position to grow and utilize my education. I want to leverage my skills to help clients.”
  • This objective is generalized, which isn’t helpful to any employer.
  • Instead, tailor your objective to each job to which you apply.
  • It should highlight your abilities and show off your specializations to prove you can make the next step in your career.
  • “My current and former positions have enabled me to grow as a clinician and widen my knowledge base. I have progressive experience that qualifies me to supervise.”
  • This summary is bland and provides no insight into the applicant’s experience or details about their qualifications.
  • “LCSW-R with 10+ years of experience working with homeless populations, seeking opportunity with Seek and Save. I designed a job skills program to help clients develop interview skills. It helped 1,200 individuals obtain entry-level employment.”
  • This summary highlights the applicant’s licensure and depth of experience, while noting a quantifiable achievement and mentioning the targeted employer by name.

Employers will notice you’ve taken the time to mention their company by name, as seen here.

Social worker resume career objective

You should be comprehensive, but use space wisely. Generally speaking, focus on recent jobs relative to the work you’re seeking: limit your positions to the last two to four jobs you’ve held. This provides enough space to give substantive details about your accomplishments.

medical social worker resume skills

Each bullet point in your social worker resume tells the story of your experience and qualifications. To make sure your bullet points are effective and easy-to-read,  choose active verbs  that are specific to social work,  use a consistent tense , and  use sentence fragments  without ending punctuation. 

Examples of bullet points include:

  • This uses a generic verb and provides no detailed insight into the client population.
  • There is no information to describe the scope or extent of this achievement.
  • This fails to highlight particular clinical skills or describe the client population.
  • This specifies exactly what the applicant did and the community they served.
  • This highlights specific skills applicable to social work and quantifies their volume.
  • This highlights a soft skill with an active verb and specifies the nature of the work.

medical social worker resume skills

Quantify your impact with numbers and statistics

Recruiters value statistics because they’re tangible proof of your performance and accomplishments. However, quantifying results in social work is difficult, and it doesn’t always reflect the humanistic nature of the practice. So, include metrics and statistics when you can, but don’t stress about including them in every bullet point. A good rule of thumb is to have 60 percent of your bullet points include metrics.

  • Saw 25 clients weekly for CBT and check-ins
  • Designed and implemented a revised onboarding system for new client intake with file integration in 6 weeks
  •   Completed and submitted necessary documentation tracking for patient reimbursement at a 100% conversion rate

medical social worker resume skills

Top social worker skills to mention

Social work positions require very specific skill sets, like particular diagnoses, treatment methods, and clinical theories. Review the job description carefully to see what skills they need for the position and thus, what you should include on your resume. Use these terms throughout your social worker resume (when they’re applicable) to catch the eye of any recruiter.

Top social work skills in 2024 include:

  • Soft skills: Empathy, active listening, collaboration, critical thinking
  • Clinical positions: CBT, evidence-based practice, intake, assessment, treatment planning, discharge
  • Management/Oversight positions: Program development, community organizing, budgeting, compliance, supervision

Here’s a solid list of additional soft skills you might include:

Social worker resume skills

Listing your education reverse-chronologically is the best way for recruiters to see your most recent level of experience. Depending on your highest level of education, the section will descend from Ph.D. to MSW to BSW.

Be sure to list any licensures, continuing education certifications, or specialized training, either in the education section or in a separate licenses/certifications section.

If you still need licensure, there are an array of licenses available to those entering the social work field. While license requirements vary by state, most require a bachelo’rs degree. Candidates can earn certifications as a licensed social worker (LSW), a licensed independent social worker (LISW), a licensed clinical social worker (LCSW), or a licensed independent clinical social worker (LICSW) in most states.

Each level requires more education and training, with the LSW being the least demanding and LICSWs being the most stringent and intensive.

Notice the easy-to-read reverse-chronological style highlighting an evolving education.

Social worker resume education

Should you add projects, interests, or hobbies?

You should omit these optional sections unless you are a recent graduate or applying for an entry-level position. These sections provide color to your resume, but they’re generally considered excessive for higher-level positions. Highlighting and quantifying your professional accomplishments is far more important to recruiters.

If you choose to include  hobbies on your resume , they should exhibit your suitability for the position. Social workers should also consider including relevant volunteer experience. If you’re applying for a school social work position, describing volunteer experience with a children’s literacy program would be more suitable than listing your participation in a food pantry.

Customize your resume to each job

Generic social worker resumes sent out for multiple jobs isn’t the way to go. Job postings are highly detailed and reflect the values and mission of their respective companies. As a result, you should tailor your resume directly to the open position.

Read job postings carefully to parse out the active verbs and terminology the recruiter will expect to see. You should  check your social worker resume  to ensure it mirrors their language and speaks directly to the company you wish to join.

medical social worker resume skills

Eliminate errors

Typos and grammatical errors can grab attention  as much as an excellent objective statement or well-crafted bullet points. Always double-check your resume for grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors.

Ask relatives, friends, or classmates to review your social worker resume for misspellings, awkward phrasing, and punctuation errors. 

medical social worker resume skills

Go land your next job!

A resume that addresses your potential employer’s desired skills is your best chance to land an interview for your new social work position. While  crafting your social worker resume , be sure to:

  • Strive for a logical and readable format that appeals to both recruiters and ATS
  • Communicate your skills and achievements by highlighting how they directly relate to your desired position
  • Quantify your performance whenever possible to show measurable achievements
  • Customize your resume for each position to assure employers you are passionate about their business

When you’re ready to submit your resume to potential employers, it’s time to start learning how to write a resignation letter to plan a smooth exit from your current role and launch into your dream job.

Create my free resume now

Resume Builder

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Medical Social Worker Resume Samples

The guide to resume tailoring.

Guide the recruiter to the conclusion that you are the best candidate for the medical social worker job. It’s actually very simple. Tailor your resume by picking relevant responsibilities from the examples below and then add your accomplishments. This way, you can position yourself in the best way to get hired.

Craft your perfect resume by picking job responsibilities written by professional recruiters

Pick from the thousands of curated job responsibilities used by the leading companies, tailor your resume & cover letter with wording that best fits for each job you apply.

Create a Resume in Minutes with Professional Resume Templates

Resume Builder

  • Develops culturally sensitive assessment that reflects departmental standards & includes: reasons for referral; source of referral; informant name; physical/medical issues; interpersonal & social relations; emotional/psychiatric/adjustment issues including assessment of depression; role performance/social transition; community planning/resources (as indicated); legal/protective issues (as indicated)
  • Utilizes FMS Ultra Care patient education programs, established social work theory and methods and quality of life measurement instruments as part of assessment and care planning to resolve barriers and meet patient treatment goals
  • Participates in care planning in collaboration with the patient and healthcare team to identify effective interventions that will help the patient meet rehabilitation, treatment goals, and improve quality of life
  • Participates in quality and performance improvement measures
  • Records in a timely manner evaluation data, progress notes, and interventions including client and family's response to interventions in the electronic medical record
  • Knowledge of community resources and social systems impacting children, including but not limited to DSHS, DCFS, Educational systems, Birth to Three developmental centers, Division of Development Disabilities, is helpful
  • Works collaboratively with Case Managers and the health care team in formulating and facilitating patient hospital discharge plans
  • Ongoing case management
  • Maintains and develops contracts with public and private agencies as resources for patient and personnel
  • A graduate of a Master’s program in social work accredited by the Council on
  • Assists family and patient in planning for funeral arrangements, financial, legal, and health care decision responsibilities
  • Provide social work services to patients and families consistent with plan of care developed based on initial and ongoing psychosocial assessment
  • Social Work consults with providers: physicians, nurses, psychotherapists, patient service representatives, etc
  • Participates in the development of the individualized plan of care, involving the patient and family, and attends regularly scheduled interdisciplinary group meetings, assisting the team in recognizing the effects of the psychosocial stresses on the symptoms of the terminal illness
  • Educate and instruct patients, family members, or other patient representatives in community resources to promote the patient's health, safety, well-being, and independent living
  • Develop and maintain contracts with public and private agencies as resources for the patient
  • Provides usual care and/or Social Work Intensive to address non-adherence and quality of life concerns for all patients
  • Provides information and assists the team and patient with referral to community resources (home health services, vocational rehabilitation, etc.) to facilitate optimal treatment outcomes
  • Provides supportive and goal directed counseling to patients who are seeking transplant
  • Will provide general information about Do Not Resuscitate Orders and Advanced Directives
  • Assesses patient awareness of advance directives; assists with accessing advance directive forms/information and facilitates discussion of advance directive wishes, if necessary, with the healthcare team and the patient's family/support persons
  • Knowledge of psycho-social factors impacted by illness and disability and intervention techniques
  • Knowledge of psychiatric disorders, chemical dependency/substance abuse, and basic psychopharmacology
  • Strong knowledge and experience with PTSD patients, both general trauma as well as military related trauma
  • Basic computer knowledge
  • English Language Proficiency. Be proficient in spoken and written English
  • Strong clinical psychosocial skills with ability to conceptualize clinical situations and demonstrate application of theory appropriate to specific age groups
  • Knowledge of county, state and federal regulations regarding healthcare funding, civil commitments, child abuse, vulnerable adults, etc
  • Knowledge of community resources available for children's development, emotional therapy and/or support
  • Strong attention to detail
  • Strong organizational, written and oral communication skills

12 Medical Social Worker resume templates

Medical Social Worker Resume Sample

Read our complete resume writing guides

How to tailor your resume, how to make a resume, how to mention achievements, work experience in resume, 50+ skills to put on a resume, how and why put hobbies, top 22 fonts for your resume, 50 best resume tips, 200+ action words to use, internship resume, killer resume summary, write a resume objective, what to put on a resume, how long should a resume be, the best resume format, how to list education, cv vs. resume: the difference, include contact information, resume format pdf vs word, how to write a student resume, licensed medical social worker resume examples & samples.

  • Licensed Social Worker and a graduate with a Masters Degree from an accredited school of Social Work
  • ACHA Level II Background clearance
  • Able to deal tactfully with customers and the community
  • Demonstrates good communication and public relations skills

PRN Medical Social Worker, Lmsw Resume Examples & Samples

  • Maintains collaborative relationships with organization personnel to support patient care
  • Participates in the development of the total plan of care and case conferences as required
  • Graduate with a Master’s Degree from an accredited school of Social Work
  • Possess a current, valid and unrestricted LMSW in the state of residence
  • Sensitivity to cultural diversity

Medical Social Worker Resume Examples & Samples

  • Active New York State Medical Social Worker license
  • 2 years of experience in clinical practice; in direct client care to acute and chronically ill clients in outpatient and inpatient settings
  • Experience in managed care and/or care management
  • Experience with geriatric population or long term care services
  • Evidence of progressive leadership and advanced teaching and communication skills
  • Working knowledge of Medicaid entitlements and eligibility requirements
  • Demonstrated ability to use teaching, learning, and counseling skills
  • Demonstrated knowledge and skills necessary to provide service appropriate to the age of the patient
  • 1+ year of related work experience within a Medical Facility (Hospital, Clinic, Rehabilitation Center, etc.)
  • Graduate of a School of work approved by the Council of Social Work Education with a Master's Degree
  • MA Medical Social Worker (MSW) license
  • Able to multitask efficiently and effecitvely
  • Academy of Certified Social Workers (ACSW) or be in the process of acquiring certification
  • Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker (LICSW)
  • Interviews clients and relatives to obtain social history relevant to medical problems and history
  • Refers clients to appropriate agencies and physicians
  • Serves as a liaison between medical and nursing staff, clients, relatives and appropriate outside agencies
  • Arranges transportation for clients to physicians' appointments
  • Bachelor degree in Social Work, Counseling or in a closely related discipline
  • Preferred: Master degree in Social Work from a school approved by the Council on Social Work Education
  • Required: One year of directly relevant experience
  • Required: Licensed Baccalaureate Social Worker (LBSW) or Licensed Master's Social Worker (LMSW) by the Texas State Board of Examiners

Senior Medical Social Worker Resume Examples & Samples

  • Assesses each client during initial contact
  • Documents progress after client visits
  • Answers client calls and assesses need for services
  • Plans a course of treatment or refers clients to appropriate agencies and physicians
  • Conducts independent psychotherapies to assist patients in achieving positive psychological or social adjustments
  • Performs other job related duties as assigned
  • Required: One year of directly relevant experience after receiving Master degree in Social Work

Medical Social Worker Adult Medicine Clinic Resume Examples & Samples

  • Mental health crisis intervention including suicide risk assessment
  • Interpersonal violence
  • Chemical dependency
  • Systems advocacy and intervention
  • Information and referral to appropriate community resources>

Medical Social Worker Temp Resume Examples & Samples

  • Provide psychosocial assessment and treatment planning for patients from ages 18+ hospitalized on all psychiatric units
  • Work with patients and support systems on discharge planning including housing, outpatient psychiatric treatment, chemical dependency treatment programs, finances, patients/support system education, and crisis intervention
  • Establish solid working relationships with representatives from the public community mental health systems to facilitate patient entry into these systems
  • Observe Social Work Department policies/procedures, and legal mandates in carrying out social work role
  • Complete all supporting social work documentation and appropriate forms adhering to confidentiality and Harborview Standards
  • Provide vacation leave, sick and temporary staff coverage as needed/requested
  • MA Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW)
  • MSW from an accredited graduate school of social work
  • One to three years in a medical or health care setting preferred
  • Assessment and brief goal directed counseling skills
  • Masters degree (MSW) from accredited school of social work required
  • Current licensure as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) in the State of California preferred
  • Minimum one year clinical experience required
  • One year medical social work experience (utilization management, discharge planning)preferred
  • Knowledge in health care financial environment, and requirements and eligibility parameters for all payor types is needed. Data entry and retrieval (MIDAS), and other basic computer skills are necessary

Medical Social Worker Lcsw Day Shift Short Hour Resume Examples & Samples

  • Complete a minimum 15 contact hours in supervision training. (Course must be taken through an accredited or approved school, a state agency, or an approved Continuing Education Provider. A course taken through an online approved provider will also be accepted.)
  • Two years experience in a healthcare setting; one year acute care hospital experience. Experience in crisis intervention; short term counseling, coordination of complex discharge planning needs, leading support groups
  • Previous experience in utilization review or discharge planning in an acute care setting highly preferred
  • Have practiced psychotherapy or directly supervised associates or marriage and family therapist interns or trainees who perform psychotherapy as part of their clinical practice in two of the past five years immediately preceding the commencement of supervision. NOTE: ASWs/MSW’s are required to obtain 1,700 hours of the total 3,200 hours of post-master’s degree experience under a LCSW to qualify for licensure
  • Strong clinical psychosocial assessment skills, with the ability to conceptualize clinical situations and demonstrate application of theory, appropriate to specific age groups, in psychotherapeutic and case management activities
  • Support Area Offices in ensuring that youth have medical screenings, comprehensive examinations, health maintenance visits (“physicals”) and dental care within required timeframes; Ensure that all available relevant medical information is documented in agency database – FamilyNet
  • Track data and metrics to help increase compliance with agency policy
  • Ensure appropriate coordination of healthcare services from the time youth enter DCF custody
  • Establish and maintain effective relationships between the agency and healthcare providers statewide by collaborating, identifying barriers to access, and ensuring that care coordination is established for all youth
  • Identify cases in which further medical consultation should be conducted with the Regional Nurses
  • Collaborate with the Medical Director, the HMST Supervisor, Area Offices and other specialty units (Regional Nurses, Central Office Medical Social Workers, Substance Abuse Coordinators, Domestic Violence Specialists and Mental Health Specialists), on individual cases regarding children with complex medical conditions and care coordination
  • Assist DCF staff with identifying youth who need HIV testing, accessing the testing and documenting the results in agency database - FamilyNet
  • Support agency staff with pharmacy issues, including Medication Administration Program (MAP) issues when youth are entering group home placements; follow-up on issues around prior-authorization for medication and contact prescribers to inquire if the prior authorization request has been submitted
  • Provide appropriate referrals to community-based healthcare providers; Assist staff with discharge planning
  • Expedite referrals to agency specialists and hospital Child Protection Teams as needed in individual cases
  • Coordinate with agency Area Office staff, Lead Agencies and substitute caretakers to ensure that staff and care providers have appropriate and relevant healthcare information about youth entering custody
  • Identify healthcare trends, staff training needs and barriers to accessing healthcare services
  • Evaluate and guide social work practice issues in the development, revision and implementation of healthcare-related policies and practices
  • Utilize the Medicaid Management Information System (MMIS) to help resolve Medicaid and Managed Care Organization barriers to youth accessing healthcare services
  • Facilitate agency trainings for Area Offices in regards to healthcare-related policies or directives
  • Skilled in coordinating medical and behavioral healthcare services for children who have acute and chronic healthcare conditions
  • Knowledge of the behavioral health and healthcare needs of children who have been abused or neglected and those with complex medical conditions
  • Prior experience as a Social Worker
  • Experience in trauma-informed social work practice
  • Ability and proficiency in working with community healthcare providers
  • Familiarity of principles and practices of child welfare, industry trends/developments
  • Thoroughness, independence and excellent written and oral communication skills
  • Ability to maintain accurate records and exercise discretion in handling confidential information
  • Record of working in multidisciplinary teams
  • Proficient usage of Microsoft Office products including Word, Outlook, Excel and PowerPoint
  • Comprehensive understanding of rules and regulations of facility
  • Familiarity with long term care standards on state and federal level
  • Geriatric population and psychiatric issues affecting the care of vulnerable adults
  • Understanding of and sensitivity to cultural differences and mores of diverse populations
  • Basic understanding of the purpose and operations of the MDS system
  • Basic human needs, theories of social psychology and family relationships
  • Geriatric population and geriatric disease processes
  • Side effects of psychotropic medication
  • Long-term care billing standards and federal and state survey standards
  • Verbal and written communication skills
  • Interpersonal skills and ability to deal with all levels of staff and Veteran/Members
  • Computer skills in the following programs: Microsoft Word, Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Outlook and Internet Explorer
  • Case Management
  • Employment of community resources in meeting Veteran/Member needs
  • Program planning and organizational skills
  • Perform resident assessments and develop care plans from this operation
  • Employ community resources in meeting staff needs
  • Assist in problem solving
  • Learn the IT manipulation and recording of assessments and care plans of facility’s IT program
  • Governmental policies and programs
  • Long term care standards on the state and federal levels
  • Geriatric population and disease processes
  • Psychiatric issues affecting the care of vulnerable adults
  • Cultural differences
  • General purpose and operation of the MDS system
  • Psychotropic medication
  • Verbal and written communication
  • Establish and maintain interpersonal relationships at all organizational levels and Veterans/Members
  • Using a computer and associated software (e.g., Microsoft Office Suite)
  • Decision making
  • Perform resident assessments and develop care plans
  • Learn the automated internal systems in order to record assessments and care plans
  • Provide psychodynamic interventions, crisis intervention, grief/bereavement counseling, problem solving, stress reduction & developing healthy coping strategies in individual/family/group settings. Provide counseling for disease acceptance & understanding
  • Completes psychosocial assessments. Partners w/ patient to identify needs & develop & implement individual treatment plan based on mutually agreed upon treatment plan
  • Assist patient & family w/ care planning & discharge plans
  • Identifies appropriate levels of care & facilities for referred patients, were applicable
  • Assist in coordinating communication between regional offices, clinics, hospitals, & field staff, triaging of phone calls from members'/families
  • Provide psychodynamic interventions, crisis intervention, grief/bereavement counseling, problem solving, stress reduction & developing healthy coping strategies in individual/family/group settings
  • Completes biopsychosocial strengths based assessments
  • Provide psychodynamic interventions, crisis intervention, grief/bereavement counseling, problem solving, stress reduction & developing healthy coping strategies in individual/family/group settings. Provide counseling to help patients cope w/ acute/chronic/terminal illnesses
  • Responsible for developing & implementing individual Plan of Treatment which assist patients & families to cope &/or restore social, emotional, financial & environmental factors which affect &/or affected by illness
  • Completes biopsychosocial strengths based assessments. Partners w/ patient to identify needs & develop & implement individual treatment plan based on mutually agreed upon treatment plan
  • Discuss options for care proactively including Kaiser resources & external community/government resources to assist patient/family in developing short & long term care plans as appropriate. Team w/ other disciplines in assessing, planning & providing services for patients utilizing biopsychosocial information
  • Assist patient in advocating for self to receive appropriate services w/in Kaiser & community. Assist patient & family in placing patient in higher level of care as determined by team & patient, if applicable
  • Identifies appropriate levels of care & facilities for referred patients, where applicable
  • Step I: Less than two (2) years' social work experience (M.S.W. field work not included)
  • One (1) year experience providing direct service in medical or home health related setting - MSW internship considered
  • Home Health - Title 22 Requirement: "Social worker" means a person who has a masters of social work degree from a school of social work accredited or approved by the Council on Social Work Education and having one year of social work experience in a health care setting
  • Hospice - California standards: "Social worker" means a person who has a master of social work degree from a school accredited by the Council on Social Work Education and clinical experience relevant to the counseling and case work needs of patients and families
  • Masters in Social Work accredited by the Council of Social Work Education
  • California Driver's License required
  • BLS required
  • Demonstrated ability to work on a multidisciplinary team
  • Knowledge of chronic and acute disease and how it impacts patient and family functioning
  • Demonstrated excellent oral/telephone communication skills and written documentation
  • Must demonstrate ability to effectively and efficiently handle demanding workload involving multiple tasks
  • Must be able to master detailed and complex information regarding benefits and coordination of care
  • Also refer to Position Specifications outlined in the appropriate collective bargaining agreement
  • Provide psychodynamic interventions, crisis intervention, grief/bereavement counseling, problem solving, stress reduction and developing healthy coping strategies in individual/family/group settings
  • Provide counseling for disease acceptance and understanding
  • Responsible for developing and implementing individual Plan of Treatment which assist patients and families to cope and/or restore social, emotional, financial and environmental factors which affect and/or affected by illness
  • Completes psychosocial assessments
  • Assist patient and family with care planning and discharge plans
  • Responsible for completion of required documents in a complete and timely manner
  • Identifies appropriate levels of care and facilities for referred patients, were applicable
  • Determines application of Kaiser, Medicare and Medi-Cal benefits to specific patient situations
  • Participates in Utilization Management and Quality Assurance
  • Assists in coordinating communication between regional offices, clinics, hospitals, field staff, members/families
  • Step I: Less than two (2) years of social work experience (M.S.W. field work not included)
  • At least one (1) year post MSW experience in a health care setting preferred- MSW internship may be considered in lieu of this requirement
  • BLS if Hospice or Home Health position

Medical Social Worker, / Lcsw Resume Examples & Samples

  • Upholds KP's Policies & Procedures, Principles of Responsibilities, & applicable state, federal & local laws
  • QUALITY OF CLINICAL SRVS: The Medical Social Worker III provides quality srvs by assessing patient/family system needs then developing & implementing treatment plans in accordance w/departmental & medical center policies
  • Quality of clinical srvs is indicated by QM findings, documentation review, case presentations, staff & patient feedback & supervisory discussions
  • Provides appropriate crisis intervention/treatment to adults, children & families in emergent situations including assessment, counseling, information/referral & providing consultation to physicians & healthcare team
  • Performs relevant patient & family advocacy srvs w/in KP & the community
  • Utilizes formal & informal education opportunities to increase professional knowledge base as demonstrated by attendance at appropriate & approved programs/workshops/in-srvs/etc
  • Demonstrates the integration of clinical social work theory into practice by appropriately utilizing clinical knowledge of bio-psychosocial development stages, personality development, human behavior, etc., to formulate assessment, direct treatment, & provide consultation & education to other team members
  • Demonstrates an interdisciplinary approach, competent follow-up & communication of accurate information to team members
  • As measured by established standards, maintains good rapport w/Peers & colleagues. Community. Physicians
  • Utilizes supervision & consultation appropriately as indicated by regular attendance at supervisory/consultation sessions, identifying & discussing problem cases/situation w/supervisor & seeking consultation w/peers
  • Attends & occasionally facilitates staff/education meetings
  • Avoids unscheduled absences, arrives at work at scheduled times & takes action to avoid recurring absences
  • Plans & submits elected time off in advance
  • Depression Care Program experience preferred
  • QUALITY OF CLINICAL SRVS: The Medical Social Worker III provides quality srvs by assessing patient/family system needs then developing & implementing treatment plans in accordance w/departmental & medical center policies. Quality of clinical srvs is indicated by QM findings, documentation review, case presentations, staff & patient feedback & supervisory discussions
  • Provides appropriate crisis intervention/treatment to adults, children & families in emergent situations including assessment, counseling, info/referral & providing consultation to physicians & healthcare team
  • Demonstrates knowledge of & observes Dept polices & procedures
  • INTERDICIPLINARY FUNCTIONS: Functions as an effective team member, consultant, & liaison to medical, nursing, ancillary staff, & to community agencies. This is measured by staff feedback, observation by supervisor, QM evaluations, & written communications
  • Demonstrates an interdisciplinary approach, competent follow-up & communication of accurate info to team members
  • As measured by established standards, maintains good rapport w/A. Peers & colleagues, Community, Physicians, Other health care team members. Educates physicians & staff regarding the role of the social worker & the importance of addressing biopsychosocial issues for quality patient care & srvs
  • Participates in Quality Management activities based on member needs, organizational goals, & professional standards
  • Exhibits standards of professional behavior in compliance w/Regional Quality of Srv Guidelines
  • PRODUCTIVITY: Maintains patient access, & meets established standards for effectiveness & efficiency. Prioritizes, plans & organizes workload need w/in assigned hours
  • Minimum one (1) year of experience working as a MSW in medical acute care seting or as part of a medical team. MSW internships will be considered as part of experience

Medical Social Worker, Emergency Department Resume Examples & Samples

  • Takes, reviews, evaluates & prioritizes written & oral referrals
  • Coordinates exchange of information between Kaiser, families, members & skilled nursing facilities
  • Determines application of Kaiser, Medicare & Medi-Cal benefits to specific patient situations
  • Perform other related duties as necessary. Hospice/Home Health
  • Partners w/ patient to identify needs & develop & implement individual treatment plan based on mutually agreed upon treatment plan
  • Upholds Kaiser Permanente's Policies and Procedures, Principles of Responsibilities, and applicable state, federal and local laws
  • Quality of Clinical Services The Medical Social Worker II provides quality counseling services by assessing patient/family system needs then developing and implementing treatment plans in accordance with departmental and medical center policies, and in compliance with the I standards of the social work profession
  • Performs a bio psychosocial assessment interview with patient, family, and/or significant other according to department policy and standards. Provides appropriate crises intervention/treatment to adults, children and families in emergent situations including assessment, counseling, information/referral and providing consultation to physicians and healthcare team
  • Provides a professional interpretation of patient's condition and recommends appropriate psycho social intervention(s) and/or treatment plan
  • Performs relevant patient and family advocacy services within KP and the community
  • Provides patient education on subjects related to psycho social adjustment to medical illness, individually, in classes or groups
  • Professional Knowledge The Medical Social Worker II takes responsibility for implementation of social work knowledge and values, standards of practice and enhancement of professional skills as demonstrated by chart reviews, case presentations, staff and patient feedback, supervisory discussions and attendance at conferences/classes
  • Assessment demonstrates ability to interpret the social, emotional and behavioral problems/elements as they relate to the patient's medical condition and treatment. Knowledge of availability of KP and community resources consistent with treatment goals
  • Utilizes professional knowledge in facilitating staff and other meetings
  • Demonstrates knowledge of and observes department policies and procedures
  • One (1) year of experience in a health care environment preferred
  • Conduct comprehensive psycho-social assessments
  • Patient Education/Advocacy, serves as an advocate for the patient/ family and support them to find resources internally and in the community
  • Provides emotional support and counseling for patients and families who are in difficult transitions of care

Medical Social Worker, Weekend, Grade W Resume Examples & Samples

  • Discuss options for care proactively including Kaiser resources and external community/government resources to assist patient and family in developing short and long term care plans as appropriate
  • Team with other disciplines in assessing, planning and providing services for patients utilizing biopsychosocial information
  • Takes, reviews, evaluates and prioritizes written and oral referrals
  • Liaison between patient and Kaiser maintaining positive relationship with Kaiser and providing for continuity of care
  • Works w/ referral sources to clarify/complete clinical and psychosocial information
  • This position has no supervisory responsibilities
  • Step II: Two (2) to four (4) years of social work experience within the last five (5) years (M.S.W. fieldwork not included)
  • Step III: Four (4) or more years of social work experience within the last ten (10) years (M.S.W. fieldwork not included)
  • Master's in Social Work accredited by the Council of Social Work Education
  • Must be willing to work in a Labor Management Partnership environment
  • Please Note: Two positions (one vacancy in each office)
  • Van Wart - 112 Industry Avenue, Springfield, MA 01104
  • Springfield - 140 High Street, 4th Floor, Springfield, MA 01105
  • Education, licensure and certifications will be verified in accordance with the Human Resources Division’s Hiring Guidelines
  • Previous experience with psychosocial assessment and crisis intervention
  • Recent Clinical Social Work experience in an acute care hospital preferred
  • Working knowledge/experience in utilization management, managed care and payer issues

Licensed Clinical Medical Social Worker Resume Examples & Samples

  • Knowledge of Medicare, MediCal , State and Federal regulations
  • Previous experience in Discharge Planning preferred
  • Good interpersonal and communications skills

Medical Social Worker, WK Resume Examples & Samples

  • Partners with patient to identify needs and develop and implement individual treatment plan based on mutually agreed upon treatment plan
  • Assist patient in advocating for self to receive appropriate services within Kaiser and in the community
  • Maintains documentation, records and data collections
  • Provides information and referral to community resources as requested
  • Coordinates exchange of information between Kaiser, families, members and skilled nursing facilities
  • Must have solid psychosocial assessment skills
  • Must be computer-literate and, preferably, experienced in automated clinical information systems
  • Demonstrated ability to function independently as a collaborative, supportive team member
  • In collaboration with the multidisciplinary team, develops and implements safe and timely discharge plans
  • Provides care coordination for patients with complicated social and medical histories
  • Provides case management in specialized programs
  • Provides counseling services in specialized programs
  • Makes timely referrals to hospital and/community agencies
  • Observes mandatory reporting laws such as child and vulnerable adult abuse
  • Maintains appropriate documentation
  • Participates in practicum instruction of social work students and/or provides work direction to Social Work Assistant(s) or other assigned staff

Medical Social Worker, / III Resume Examples & Samples

  • Provides appropriate crises intervention/treatment to adults, children & families in emergent situations including assessment, counseling, information/referral & providing consultation to physicians & healthcare team. Provides a professional interpretation of patient's condition (i.e., situation, affect, behavior & verbal content) & recommends appropriate psycho-social intervention(s) &/or treatment plan
  • Develops culturally sensitive assessment that reflects departmental standards & includes: reasons for referral; source of referral; informant name; physical/medical issues; interpersonal & social relations; emotional/psychiatric/adjustment issues including assessment of depression; role performance/social transition; community planning/resources (as indicated); legal/protective issues (as indicated)
  • Disclaimer: The above statements are intended to describe the general nature & the level of work being preformed by the individuals assigned to this position & as such are not intended to be construed as an exhaustive list of responsibilities, duties & skills required of personnel so classified
  • LCSW preferred
  • Minimum 2 years of work related experience in a hospital or health care setting, crisis intervention and treatment skills, clinical assessment skills, and knowledge of community resources
  • Excellent written, verbal and interpersonal skills. Computer experience in Microsoft Office (Word/Excel)
  • Excellent organizational skills including effective time management, collaboration, priority setting and process improvement
  • Must be able to maintain objectivity and deal sensitively with diverse patient population
  • Minimum of two years experience in a Health Care setting and one year acute care hospital experience required
  • Knowledge and understanding of individual, child and family development, human behavior and communication, discharge planning and the influence of culture and values in social environments
  • Ability to plan and implement an effective discharge plan for patients and families
  • Knowledge of Medicare , MediCal , State and Federal regulations
  • Knowledge of Community resources and hospital contracts
  • Knowledge of Hospital Policy and Procedures
  • Computer skills, including Microsoft Office applications
  • Time management skills
  • Assessment demonstrates ability to interpret the social, emotional & behavioral problems/elements as they relate to the patient's medical condition & treatment
  • Ability to work without close supervision in fast paced environment
  • Minimum one (1) year post MSW in medical setting working as part of a multidisciplinary team
  • Will consider successful completion of a KP MSW internship in lieu of postmasters experience
  • Ability to interpret social, emotional/behavioral problems as related to medical condition
  • Ability to provide crisis management in a group, family or individual format
  • Demonstrated excellent customer service, verbal and written communication skills

Medical Social Worker, SH Resume Examples & Samples

  • Responsible for completion of required documents in a complete & timely manner
  • Functions as part of the Skilled Nursing Facility Team to assure appropriate, timely placement of Kaiser members in nursing facilities
  • Collaborate w/ internal & external resources in Kaiser & the community to meet mutually agreed upon goals & objectives
  • Provides information & referral to community resources as requested
  • Coordinates exchange of information between Kaiser, families, members & skilled nursing facilities. Determines application of Kaiser, Medicare & Medi-Cal benefits to specific patient situations

Medical Social Worker, ED SS Resume Examples & Samples

  • Discuss options for care proactively including Kaiser resources & external community/government resources to assist patient & family in developing short & long term care plans as appropriate
  • Assist patient in advocating for self to receive appropriate services w/in Kaiser & in the community
  • Maintains documentation, records & data collections
  • Liaison between patient & Kaiser maintaining positive relationship w/ Kaiser & providing for continuity of care
  • Obtains placements, where applicable
  • Works w/ referral sources to clarify & complete required clinical & psychosocial information
  • Participates in Quality Assurance activities as assigned
  • Perform other related duties as necessary

Medical Social Worker, Lcsw Resume Examples & Samples

  • Provides patient education on subjects related to psycho-social adjustments to medical illness, individually, in classes or groups
  • The Medical Social Worker III takes responsibility for implementation of social work knowledge & values, standards of practice & enhancement of professional skills as demonstrated by documentation reviews, case presentations, staff & patient feedback, supervisory discussions, & attendance at conferences/classes
  • Utilizes professional knowledge in facilitating staff & other meetings
  • Demonstrates knowledge of & observes Dept policies & procedures
  • ADULT: Abuse/Neglect Reporting, Substance Abuse, Adequacy of Self-Care, Developmental Milestones, Sexuality, Family Responsibilities
  • GERIATRIC: Elder Abuse/Neglect Reporting, Substance Abuse, Adequacy Of Self Care, Support System, Developmental Milestones, Mental Status/Competency, Mortality
  • The above statements are intended to describe the general nature & the level of work being performed by the individuals assigned to this position & as such are not intended to be construed as an exhaustive list of responsibilities, duties & skills required of personnel so classified
  • INTERDICIPLINARY FUNCTIONS: Functions as an effective team member, consultant, & liaison to medical, nursing, ancillary staff, & to community agencies
  • Assumes responsibility for patient, staff & system problems as indicated by requests for involvement
  • Contributes & shares community resource w/colleagues
  • Identifies improvement opportunities for the Dept or work area & communicates ideas to supervisor
  • Maintains confidentiality regarding patient &/or family issues in accordance w/the Medical Center policy & professionals standards
  • Demonstrates knowledge of & complies w/Fire & Safety, Disaster, Universal Precautions & Infectious Disease policy & procedures
  • Prioritizes, plans, & organizes workload need w/in assigned hours
  • Responds to referrals w/departmentally delineated time frames
  • Documents interventions in appropriate formats, legibly & w/in Dept time frames
  • Disclaimer: The above statements are intended to describe the general nature & the level of work being performed by the individuals assigned to this position & as such are not intended to be construed as an exhaustive list of responsibilities, duties & skills required of personnel so classified

Medical Social Worker, BH Resume Examples & Samples

  • Hospital/Clinic
  • Team w/ other disciplines in assessing, planning & providing services for patients utilizing biopsychosocial information
  • Participates in Utilization Mgmt/Quality Assurance activities
  • Assist patient & family in placing patient in higher level of care as determined by team & patient, if applicable
  • Functions as part of the Home Health/Hospice Team to assure appropriate, timely placement of Kaiser members in nursing facilities
  • Identifies appropriate levels of care & facilities for referred patients, where applicable. Obtains placements, where applicable

Medical Social Worker, / Lcsw Oncology Resume Examples & Samples

  • Performs a bio-psychosocial assessment interview w/patient, family, &/or significant other according to Dept policy & standards
  • Provides a professional interpretation of patient's condition (i.e., situation, affect, behavior & verbal content) & recommends appropriate psycho-social intervention(s) &/or treatment plan
  • Develops culturally sensitive assessment that reflects Dept standards & includes: reason for referral; source of referral; informant name; physical/medical issues; interpersonal & social relations; emotional/psychiatric/adjustment; issues including depression; role performance/social transition; community planning/resources/social transition; legal/protective issues (as indicated)
  • Provides appropriate counseling srvs to patient &/or family based on clinical assessment & consistent w/patient's on-going medical condition/needs
  • Assessment demonstrates ability to interpret the social, emotional & behavioral problems/elements as they related to patient's medical condition & treatment
  • Knowledge of availability of KP & community resources consistent w/treatment goals
  • NEONATES: Substance Abuse, Parent/Infant Bonding, Family Relationships, Safety, Developmental Milestones, Parental Coping/Acceptance, Birth/death
  • PEDIATRICS: Child Abuse/Neglect Reporting, Substance Abuse, Safety, Legal, Parent/Guardian/Child Relationships, Developmental Milestones, Family Relationships, Peer Group, School/Academic Performance
  • ADOLESCENT: Abuse/Neglect Reporting, Substance Abuse, Developmental Milestones, Family Relationships, Peer Group Relationships, Sexuality, Education
  • This is measured by staff feedback, observation by supervisor, QM evaluations, & written communications
  • Demonstrates awareness of the Dept's mission, scope & vision in the context of the Medical Center's structure
  • Other health care team members
  • Educates physicians & staff regarding the role of the social worker & the importance of addressing biopsychosocial issues for quality patient care & srvs
  • PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT: Demonstrates professional behavior & interventions are consistent w/departmental policies & procedures, JCAHO, Title22, & NCQA legal mandates, professional standards, NASW, ABECSW, & other Medical Center Guidelines
  • Represents the Dept in appropriate medical center &/or community committees
  • Participates in Quality Mgmt activities based on member needs, organizational goals, & professional standards
  • Identifies & participates in the solution to system problems
  • Exhibits standards of professional behavior in compliance w/Reg’l Quality of Srv Guidelines
  • Works in a self-directed manner as demonstrated by requesting assistance when clinical case or situation is beyond experience or abilities
  • May provide mentorship &/or clinical supervision for SW II, new worker or graduate student
  • PRODUCTIVITY: Maintains patient access, & meets established standards for effectiveness & efficiency
  • Case finds & screens high-risk patients according to Dept protocol
  • Spends at least 70% of time in direct srv activity
  • Completes & submits statistics in accordance w/departmental policies & procedures
  • Minimum one (1) year of experience working as a MSW in medical acute care setting or as part of a medical team. MSW Internships will be considered as part of experience
  • Hematology/Oncology experience preferred
  • Assess patient and family psychosocial needs and develop a plan of care in concert with patient, physicians, nurses, and other members of the departmental team
  • Link patient/ family to appropriate community resources including but not limited to, information/ referral to sources of financial assistance, transportation, support groups, and other community services
  • Document patient/ family status, treatment plans, goals, and interventions, evaluation results, observations and progress in medical record
  • Serve as patient advocate and liaison with physicians, families, insurance company, and community agencies, to ensure continuity of care
  • Support discharge planning based on meeting identified goals of the treatment plan
  • Master's Degree or Higher plus current
  • Unrestricted LCSW, CAPSW, APSW, CSW, or LICSW Licensure
  • 2+ years of experience, post Master's Degree, in a behavioral health role
  • 2+ years of experience in a related medical environment
  • Working knowledge of Word, Outlook, and the Internet
  • Medicare experience
  • One year of experience as an MSW in a health care setting required by Title XXII and Medicare Conditions of Participation
  • Experience working with patients/families dealing with life threatening illness, death and grief
  • Recent home health and hospice experience preferred
  • Experience with long term care of geriatric patients
  • Ability to recognize the emotional, psychosocial, economic, spiritual needs and concerns of people during difficult times
  • Knowledge of community resources. Knowledge of inter-professional relationships in the implementation of patient services and programs
  • Knowledge of death, dying, grief and bereavement processes
  • Strong interpersonal relationship skills
  • Ability to maintain positive relationships in dealing with a multidisciplinary team and community resources
  • Ability to organize and use time efficiently
  • Ability to be open, flexible
  • Provides assistance with evaluation and referral in situations of possible abuse/neglect for adult and pediatric patients
  • Hospice and Samaritan Home Health: This job requires the incumbents to operate a INTEGRIS-owned vehicle OR personal vehicle (non INTEGRIS-owned) and therefore must have a current Oklahoma State Drivers License as well as a driving record which is acceptable to our insurance carrier
  • 5 50 Care Coordination Only
  • LSW designation preferred. Candidates completing licensure within 12 months will be considered. Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) or Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) considered
  • Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree from a school of social work accredited by the Council on Social Work Education
  • 2+ years recent clinical social work experience in an outpatient health care setting, preferably in the Portland Metro area
  • Knowledge of medical office processes – primary care clinic setting preferred
  • Command of medical terminology and common medical abbreviations
  • Familiarity with OSHA and HIPAA regulations
  • Competency and proficiency with windows-based EMR software (Intergy preferred), as well as Word, Excel and Outlook
  • Proficient English language skills (speaking, reading, writing, understanding)
  • Excellent written/verbal communication skills (grammar, spelling, sentence structure)
  • Impeccable customer service skills
  • Stable work history, with verifiable employment references
  • Collaborate with Providers and staff in identifying patients for care management
  • Assist with the development of the Plan of Care to deal with personal, financial and environmental difficulties that may interfere with the patient’s health and wellness
  • Assist the Providers and other team members to understand the significance of social and emotional factors related to the patient’s care
  • Provide social work services in accordance with the Provider’s Plan of Care, assisting and counseling patients and families with health-related financial, social and emotional concerns
  • Identify community resources to assist the patient in coping with those health-related financial, social and emotional concerns
  • Develop relationships with, and maintain liaison with, intake workers at community resources to maximize access for our patients
  • Coordinate services performed by those community resources to maintain continuity of patient care
  • Coordinate care management with Providers and other clinic staff, initiating team/case conferences as needed
  • Develop, prepare and maintain individualized patient care progress records with accuracy, timeliness and according to policies
  • Perform comprehensive initial psychosocial evaluations, assessing social and emotional factors in order to help the patient and their family to cope with problems in daily living and to help them follow medical recommendations
  • Provides superior customer services to internal and external clients, customers and patients
  • Assumes accountability for own professional practice in achieving patient outcomes
  • Accurately, promptly and thoroughly documents patient care observations, interventions and evaluations
  • Accountable for managing a caseload of patient to achieve optimum patient outcomes
  • Identifies primary diagnosis, reasons for home care, and problems based on assessment, which includes patient demonstration of functional status; then develops a plan of care that will best meet patient outcomes
  • Responsible for initiating, evaluating and updating patient plan of care to achieve desired outcomes
  • Provides therapeutic care and patient education; makes appropriate referrals based on identified needs that will maximize independence and patient/family participation
  • Collaborates with the physician and other members of the health care team to ensure care is safe, effective and coordinated
  • Attends and participates in multidisciplinary team meetings to promote quality patient care, as scheduled by clinical supervisor
  • Meets weekly with Clinical Manager to review patient caseloads, assessing the quality of care, coordination of all disciplines involved and appropriate allocation of resources
  • Collaborates with Performance Improvement staff
  • Collaborates, communicates and cooperates as appropriate with other health care providers to ensure qualify and continuity of care
  • Serves as a patient advocate, within the limits of the law
  • Ensures effective communication by checking voice mails twice per day and downloading PDA twice daily
  • Collaborates with scheduling department to ensure patients are visited according to treatment plan, and fulfilling any productivity expectation
  • Assumes accountability regarding communicating changes on patient schedules to Clinical Scheduler, and works with scheduling to maintain productivity levels if scheduled patient visits drop off
  • Attends and participates in clinical in-services, trainings, etc
  • Must possess current Massachusetts Social Worker licensure
  • Must possess a current, valid driver's license
  • Knowledge of community resources and long term care issues is required
  • Graduate of an accredited school of social work with a Bachelor of Science degree in social worker
  • Must have demonstrated competence and satisfactory performance in the delivery of social work services in the medical field for a minimum of three years
  • NYS Licensed Medical Social Worker (LMSW) and/or Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC)
  • Previous experience working with the Pediatric / Young Adult and/or Mental Health population
  • Solid assessment, clinical, and documentation skills

Home Health Medical Social Worker Resume Examples & Samples

  • Provide rehabilitative and support casework geared to restoring residents to their optimum level of social health adjustment
  • Help residents utilize the resources of their families and the community
  • Assist residents and their families with personal and environment difficulties, which predispose them toward illness or interfere with obtaining maximum benefits
  • Consult with the physician and other members of the care team for the purpose of assisting them to understand significant social, emotional and environmental factors related to the patient’s health problems
  • Graduate of a school of social work approved by the Council of Social Work Education with a Master’s Degree
  • 1 year of experience in a medical facility (hospital, clinic, rehabilitation center, etc.) where the team approach to treatment is utilized; home health experience
  • Active license in good standing within the state
  • Ability to seek out new methods and principles and be willing to incorporate them into existing social services
  • Computer skills with Microsoft programs as well as specialized software
  • Assesses the psycho-social status of patients related to the patient’s illness and environment and communicates findings to the registered nurse
  • Maintains and develops contracts with public and private agencies as resources for patient and organization personnel
  • Other duties as delegated by the Director of Nursing /Supervisor
  • Graduate of Master's program
  • Minimum of one year's experience in health care
  • Experience in a home health or Hospice preferred
  • Demonstrates good verbal and written communication, and organization skills
  • Advance care planning (care needs, legal & financial documents, caregiver support)
  • Behavioral health services addressing patient behavior and caregiver education/support
  • A Master of Social Work Degree from a program accredited by the Council on Social Work Education AND Two years’ experience working with older adults, or equivalent, as well as experience with geriatric mental health assessment, diagnosis, crisis intervention and treatment planning
  • Two years’ experience working in outpatient mental health case management, home health, or equivalent
  • Experience in the development of social work roles in a healthcare setting, or equivalent
  • Must be eligible for credentialing through Harborview Credentialing Committee for Allied Health Practitioners
  • Experience monitoring adherence to Antidepressant Medications, Problem Solving Treatment (PST) and Behavior Activation is required
  • Deomonstrated knowledge of program managment and quality metrics
  • Experience in mental health, psychiatry, and/or adult primary care is required
  • Directs all daily patient social service operations including providing direct oversight of the establishment and implementation of social service policies
  • Ensures compliance with all state, federal, and Joint Commission social service regulatory requirements
  • Directs the implementation of improved work methods and procedures to ensure social services are delivered in accordance with policy
  • Ensures seamless home care service delivery by providing direct oversight of coordination of care with other clinical service providers
  • Assists the Executive Director/Administrator in the preparation of an annual budget for the social service department and monitors allocation of resources according to budgetary limitations
  • Recruits, selects, orients, and directly manages members of the social service team
  • Assures proper documentation of social services in clinical records in compliance with state, federal, and Joint Commission standards
  • Provides leadership in strategic planning including identifying opportunities for additional or improved services to address unmet customer needs
  • Maintains comprehensive working knowledge of the field of social work and shares information with appropriate organization personnel
  • Maintains comprehensive working knowledge of River Valley Hospice contractual relationships and ensures that social services are delivered according to contract provisions
  • Maintains comprehensive working knowledge of community resources and assists referral sources in accessing community resources should services not be provided by River Valley Hospice
  • Plans and implements in-service and continuing education programs to meet the development needs of social service personnel
  • Actively participates in quality assessment performance improvement teams and activities
  • Provide rehabilitative and support casework geared to restoring patients to their optimum level of social health adjustment
  • Help patients utilize the resources of their families and the community by either referring patients or acting as intermediary on behalf of the patients in their dealings with other health and welfare agencies
  • Consult with the physician and other members of the care team for the purpose of assisting them to understand significant social, emotional and environmental factors related to the patient's health problems
  • Assist patients and their families with personal and environment difficulties, which predispose them toward illness or interfere with obtaining maximum benefits from medical care
  • Master's degree in social work; approved by the Council of Social Work Education
  • Minimum of one (1) year experience in a medical facility (hospital, clinic, rehabilitation center, etc.) where a team approach to treatment is utilized
  • Must have Florida MSW License

Medical Social Worker On Call Variable Shift Resume Examples & Samples

  • Knowledge of child, elder, domestic, and dependent adult abuse reporting requirements and other significant regulations affecting medical social work practice
  • Knowledge and understanding of individual, child and family development; human behavior and communication; psychotherapy; case management; and the influence of culture and values in social work practice
  • Broad knowledge of community resources, Medicare and Medi-Cal regulations, contract regulations, and legal policies is required
  • Must be available for scheduled coverage and flexing of work hours, as necessary

Medical Social Worker FTE Resume Examples & Samples

  • Knowledge of child, elder, domestic and dependent abuse reporting requirements
  • Knowledge of Hospital Policy and Procedures Computer skills, including Microsoft Office applications
  • Two years’ experience in a Health Care setting and one year acute care hospital experience
  • Ability to work under the supervision of the Supervisor of Social Services
  • Strong clinical assessment and critical thinking skills
  • Ability to facilitate Group Therapy sessions
  • Provides information and referral services for Organization patients and families/caregivers regarding practical and environmental needs
  • Provides information to patients or families/caregivers and community agencies
  • Maintains collaborative relationships with Organization personnel to support patient care
  • Adhering to the organization’s documentation and care procedures and standards of personal and professional conduct
  • Provide consultation to other health care staff and health care teams regarding psychosocially focused aspects of client/patient care
  • Participates in formal and informal teaching of health care professionals, health sciences students and the general community
  • Coordinates elements of research studies and projects
  • Participates in or chairs departmental program development activities or committees
  • Perform related duties as assigned/required
  • Must be a licensed Registered Nurse (RN) in the state of Kentucky
  • A minimum of one year experience as a Registered Nurse is required
  • Possess the ability to transfer, maneuver, and lift incapacitated clients in the home setting

Medical Social Worker Academic Medical Centers Resume Examples & Samples

  • Provide discharge planning and care coordination services to include community resource coordination and delivery of bio-psychosocial protocols for patients
  • Implement the full range of social work clinical protocols for adult patients and their families/social supports,
  • Provide therapeutic social work intervention to individuals, families and groups ranging from diagnostic assessment, short term counseling, crisis intervention, community resource referrals, patient advocacy, support, outreach, follow-up, and intra-/inter-agency consultation
  • Connect with departments including Volunteer, Patient and Family Centered Care Programs, Spiritual Care, Palliative Care and others to ensure collaboration
  • Collaborate with outpatient providers to ensure continuity of care for patients/families after discharge
  • Assess patient/family support systems, emotional/social strengths, major life changes due to illness, hopes/concerns for the present and future, additional stressors placed on family system due to illness
  • Provide supportive counseling, grief counseling to patient/family
  • Demonstrate knowledge of Medical Social Work protocol
  • Assist other team members, patient and / or family members in the understanding of the social and emotional factors related to the patient’s health
  • Provide short term counseling and community resource planning and crisis intervention
  • Responsible for submitting a visits schedule to the Agency and notifying of any changes in the visits schedule
  • Participate in case conferencing
  • Interpret Medicare guidelines. Responsible to obtain prior authorizations as required by third party payers
  • Participate in effective interdisciplinary care coordination and adherence to Plan of Care
  • Demonstrates a clear understanding of the Mission, Purpose and Philosophy
  • Adheres to ethical business practices by striving to perform in a manner that conforms to the highest standards of ethical behavior, integrity and honesty
  • Takes initiative and responsibility for decisions as an individual and as a company. Exhibits commitment to personal and company-wide goals
  • Places needs of the patient first at all times. Care management and service delivery are developed with the goals of the patient’s healing and support in mind. Strives to deliver lasting value to our patients in the comfort of their home
  • Treats employees, patients, and business partners with respect. Fosters teamwork by trusting and supporting each other while encouraging collaboration at all levels of the organization. Embraces diversity and demonstrates the ability to work together
  • Promotes a safe and efficient working environment by adhering to agency policies and procedures
  • Adheres to departmental and agency dress codes as observed by supervisor
  • Communicates information effectively both verbally and in writing
  • Attends and participates in staff meetings, required in-services, agency PI activities and other meetings as requested
  • Utilizes material, equipment and time in a safe, beneficial, and cost effective manner
  • Organizes workload to complete responsibilities in an appropriate and timely manner
  • Observe infection control and standard precautions
  • Current license / registration by state of hire as a Medical Social Worker
  • Must be familiar with the entitlement programs in state of hire
  • Ability to read and write in English
  • Able to lift up to 50 pounds, perform one person transfer under routine and emergency situations, reposition a bedbound patient alone and able to sit, stand, bend, stoop, kneel, pull, climb, reach, lift ,and perform repetitive movements of the upper extremities
  • May be exposed to unsanitary conditions in some work home settings
  • Endure exposure to weather and temperature extremes

Cboc Medical Social Worker Resume Examples & Samples

  • Knowledge and practice of mental health therapy techniques and interventions and provision of individual, group and family therapy as needed, in conjunction with other VA behavioral health providers
  • Oversees clinic adherence to TJC (The Joint Commission) standards with the Nursing Supervisor
  • Citizenship of the United States
  • Have a master’s degree in social work from a school of social work fully accredited by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE). Graduates of schools of social work that are in candidacy status do not meet this requirement until the school of social work is fully accredited. A doctoral degree in social work may not be substituted for the master’s degree in social work
  • Must be licensed or certified by a state to independently practice social work at the master’s degree level
  • English Language Proficiency.Be proficient in spoken and written English

Medical Social Worker / MSW / Home Health Resume Examples & Samples

  • Assessment of the patient’s psychosocial status and report findings to the patient’s physician and the Agency case manager or supervisor
  • Participate in the development of the patient’s Plan of Care, problem identification, goal setting and discharge plans and make recommendations for revisions based on changes in patient status and / or needs
  • Involve the patient, patient’s family, and other team members in the Plan of Care and provide clear and accurate instructions to the caregivers
  • Document in the clinical record all evaluation data, treatments and patient’s responses to interventions in a timely manner and according to the standards of the Agency and fiscal intermediary
  • Utilize appropriate community resources and provide information to patient / family
  • Provide information and in-service education to other staff members as needed
  • Participates in the ongoing development of competencies, capabilities, technology and the resources needed to achieve high standards of efficiency and effectiveness. Approaches everything with the passion and desire to meet the highest standards
  • Strives to help lead the industry through vision, technology, innovation, and customer service
  • Strives to make a difference in the lives of our employees, patients, and community
  • Encourages a positive environment and experience for co-workers and patients
  • Maintains confidentiality of all agency and patient related information. Protects patient rights as defined in the patient Bill of Rights
  • Maintains proper attendance and punctuality to ensure that the department is operated in an efficient and cost effective manner
  • One (1) year experience in social work environment
  • Prior home care experience preferred
  • May be exposed to high crime areas within the service community
  • Ability to travel day-to-day within assigned geographic areas
  • Regional Requirement
  • Reviews and maintains knowledge of regulations related to HIPAA, Patient Bill of Rights, EMTALA, HINNS, discharge planning compliance, etc
  • Provides the necessary Emergency Department Social Services coverage support which is in alignment with employees scope of practice capabilities, competencies, license, and certification (s)
  • Coordinates social work psychosocial support; assessment of psychosocial needs and implement other referred actions for ED patients prior to discharge
  • Discharge or Transitional Planning: Refers ED patients to appropriate community-based agencies or resource systems, as appropriate
  • Performs follow-up phone calls, as appropriate to ensure post-ED discharge plans success and or identify any barriers post – ED visit; designated targeted high risk patient population, when appropriate
  • Ensure primary care physician alignment and follow-up on identified patients at risk, when appropriate
  • A Master's Degree in Social Work, or other related field
  • Must possess and maintain a current Basic Life Support (BLS) certificate
  • Eligible for licensure as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker or a Marriage Family Child Counselor through the California Board of Behavioral Science Examiners
  • One-year prior experience in a health care setting

Medical Social Worker Lcsw Resume Examples & Samples

  • Master’s Degree in Social Work (MSW) Licensed as a Social Worker (“Advanced” or “Independent Clinical”) in the State of Washington (both are LW credentials), or licensed as a Counselor in the State of Washington while completing supervision requirements toward the Social Worker license
  • 2 to 4 years of experience in the field or in a related area
  • Able to listen, read, speak and write using English language
  • State license to practice clinical social work
  • Experience with patient and family assessment with underserved populations to include the chronically ill
  • Current Social Worker license with the State of Alaska
  • Knowledge of medical terminology and procedures, ability to communicate effectively both verbally and in writing
  • Two (2) or more years Social Worker experience in a hospital setting experience
  • � Assesses a patient’s social, emotional, environmental, financial, and support needs
  • Develops a Plan of Care for approval by the primary care provider
  • Works with the patient’s family and other service provider agencies to implement the plan for care of the patient in his or her home or other living arrangement in a timely manner
  • Documents care and services provided
  • Communicates with other members of the health care team about these factors, which may affect the patient’s health and well-being
  • Communicates effectively with patients, families, physician, hospital and home care staff and community resource groups and agencies
  • Demonstrates knowledge of and adherence to Home Health Agency policies and procedures
  • Performs other related duties as assigned by supervisor
  • 712 Mercer Street , Princeton, WV 24740-3114 USA

Licensed Medical Social Worker Per Diem-rehab Without Walls Resume Examples & Samples

  • Works under general supervision
  • Instructs, treats, observes and evaluates patients exhibiting significant social and emotional problems affecting their health status
  • Assists the physician and other health team members in understanding the significant social and emotional factors related to the patient’s health problems
  • Observes, records and reports changes in patients' condition and response to treatment to Clinical Manager and the physician
  • Participates in the discharge planning process
  • Instructs/counsels patients and families in treating and coping with social and emotional response connected with illnesses
  • Attends, participates in and/or conducts internal staff development programs, obtains continuing education as required by Company policies and regulations
  • Shares information only when recipient's right to access is clearly established and the sharing of such information is in the best interest of the patient
  • Reviews and adheres to all Company policies and procedures and the Employee Handbook
  • Attend compliance training and adhere to the organization standards of conduct, policies and procedures
  • Continually develop professional skills by assuming responsibility for on-going continuing education
  • Evaluates the social, environmental and emotional factors to establish the patient's capacity and potential to cope with problems of daily living and reports results to attending physician
  • Focus on customer and continually strives to perform the duties of their job in a manner that will result in optimal patient satisfaction
  • Identify, develop and participate in process improvement opportunities within the home health agency that will enhance the quality of services we provide
  • Maintains and completes all documentation promptly and accurately including visit assessment on the laptop device or in written documentation within the agency and regulatory standards. Data syncs (transmits) information same day
  • Perform duties and job responsibilities in a fashion which coincides with the service management philosophy of UPMC/Jefferson Regional Home Health, L.P. towards patients, visitors, staff, peers, physicians and other departments within the organization
  • Masters degree from school of social work accredited by the Council on Social Work Education required
  • Two (2) years in social work experience in hospital, outpatient clinic, medical rehabilitation center or mental health program required
  • Act 33 Child Clearance
  • Act 34 Criminal Clearance
  • Automotive Insurance
  • Basic Life Support or Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation
  • Master's degree in Social Work from a school approved by the Council on Social Work Education
  • One year of directly relevant experience after receiving Master's degree in Social Work
  • Licensure as a Master Social Worker (LMSW) by the Texas State Board of Examiners
  • § Master’s Degree Required
  • § LMSW, LMSW-AP, or LCSW Certification Required
  • § 1 Year Experience Required

Hospice Medical Social Worker Resume Examples & Samples

  • Referral for community resources to patients and families
  • Short-term counseling and/or pre-therapy
  • Provide Social Work services to Hospice patients in line with department policies and procedures
  • Assist in development of Social Services program
  • Assist in other areas of the Social Services program as assigned
  • Identify the patient’s and families psychosocial needs
  • Develop and implement a plan of care consistent with initial and ongoing psychosocial assessment
  • Enhance the responsiveness of the environment and connecting the patient, family and caregiver with community resources as needed
  • Provide interventions for symptom relief (e.g., fear, grief, depression, anger, etc.)
  • Screen for psychopathology and intervening accordingly
  • Enhance the strengths of the family’s system
  • Assess and refer for ongoing services
  • Document problems, psychosocial assessment, appropriate goals, care provided, interventions and patient, family and caregiver response to each intervention
  • Support the patient’s unique spiritual and cultural beliefs
  • Provide holistic family-centered care across treatment settings
  • Consult and collaborate with the interdisciplinary team and partners in care
  • Provide care consistent with Standards of Practice for hospice programs, Medicare Conditions of Participation and HealthPartners policies, procedures and compliance
  • Implement care to achieve outcomes of comfortable and safe dying, self-determined life closure, and effective grieving for patient and family
  • Assist with Advanced Care Planning
  • Assist patients and caregivers in anticipating, providing for and gaining confidence in meeting needs and achieving goals throughout illness and death
  • Masters in Social Work from a CSWE accredited program and State of Minnesota Licensure or license eligible
  • MN Licensure at the LISW level or actively working on obtaining MN Licensure at the LISW level
  • Minimum of two years’ experience working in long-term care, home care, and/or hospice
  • Working knowledge of, and experience with, family systems theory, individual and family counseling, and group process
  • Knowledge of Community Resources including Medicare / Medicaid, financial aid, county, state, and private social service agencies
  • Ability to work well with interdisciplinary team
  • Ability to work independently, take initiative and think creatively
  • Demonstrated oral, written and interpersonal communication skills
  • Current MN Driver’s License and daily access to reliable, insured vehicle
  • MN licensure at the LICSW level
  • Five or more years of relevant professional Social Work experience, at least two of which are directly related to hospice or palliative care

Supervisor, Medical Social Worker Resume Examples & Samples

  • Provide leadership and facilitation in program development, including participation in formulation and implementation of policy, procedures, education, and supervision to improve SW practice and accountability
  • Assists members in developing member centered and cost effective health care. Utilize professional assessment, coaching, and supportive counseling using evidence based tools to optimize the member's personal resources. Assist patient and or family in connecting to community and Kaiser Permanente resources and programs. Document services and plan of care per departmental policy
  • Provide leadership to the multi-disciplinary team(s) providing care to vulnerable members
  • Maintains thorough knowledge of Kaiser Permanente services/benefits, public/private community resources, and federal/state laws which effect health care planning
  • Minimum one (1) year of previous experience as a supervisor or a "lead" worker
  • Minimum three (3) years of professional Social work experience in a hospital, medical clinic, home health, hospice/palliative care, or long term care
  • Minimum three (3) years of working with a geriatric population
  • Minimum one (1) year of project management experience
  • Experience clinical program development or providing clinical education
  • Familiar with computer programs such as Excel, power point, and Word
  • Working knowledge of Kaiser Permanente services and benefits
  • Working knowledge of current social work evidence based practice and research
  • Fluent in Motivational Interviewing

Medical Social Worker H Resume Examples & Samples

  • Maintains a working knowledge of national, state, institutional, community and mental and behavioral health resources needed to provide patients with continuity of care
  • Collaborates with the PMHNP and psychiatrist on issues of patient treatment, referral and transition
  • Provides direct behavioral health care through individual counseling sessions and by leading group sessions related to mental illness, substance abuse and tobacco cessation for the patient populations at the PATH and Heart Failure Clinics
  • Will work as a member of the IPCP team to implement quality improvement initiatives
  • Responsible for the supervision of trainees
  • Actively participates in daily clinic team huddles, meetings, and project evaluations
  • Facilitates access to needed primary and specialty care by assisting patient to complete enrollment process
  • Assesses and identifies other support services for patient
  • Collaborates with grant PI, clinic personnel and other team members in the development and writing of reports, publications, and professional presentations related to the IPCP Behavioral Health Integration model at the PATH and Heart Failure Clinics
  • Assures PATH and Heart Failure Clinic compliance with all UAB regulations, including HIPAA and privacy issues
  • Performs other related duties as directed to support the mission of the NEPQR Behavioral Health Integration project and the IPCP model at the PATH and Heart Failure Clinics
  • Acts in a caring and courteous manner toward all users/visitors in the following ways: uses positive interpersonal skills to alleviate concerns and frustrations of patients, students, other staff, and faculty; provides assistance in a timely manner, references appropriate procedures in a calm and courteous way; acts always in a professional and confidential manner with respect to all information and records
  • Ethical conduct is a fundamental expectation for every UAB community member. All employees must abide by the standards of behavior outlined in the UAB Enterprise Code of Conduct. Upon hire new employees are required to attest to the Code by completing the online training that is assigned to them. Behaviors inconsistent with the Code may result in appropriate consequences
  • Performs other related duties as directed to support the missions of the School of Nursing
  • Master’s Degree from accredited school of Social Work or related field
  • One (1) year experience as Social Worker in a health care setting
  • Must possess and maintain valid CPR certification while employed in a clinical role
  • Masters degree in Social Work
  • Effective interpersonal and communication skills, skills in group facilitation, individual, family and group treatment modalities
  • Experience working in a hospital setting required preferably inpatient psychiatric setting
  • LCSW certification
  • One to three years' psychiatric/medical social work experience
  • Knowledge of medical terminology and electronic documentation preferred
  • Bilingual (English/Spanish)
  • Current valid California Driver’s License
  • 5 years of clinical social work experience
  • Excellent communication, documentation, and problem solving skills
  • One year of experience working in a hospital
  • Experience working in the maternal/child setting
  • Bilingual; Spanish
  • One-Five years experience working in acute hospital setting
  • Demonstrated discharge planning knowledge
  • Assessment, counseling, and case management skills
  • California Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW)
  • Crisis intervention and work with Oncology Patients
  • Oncology certification eligible
  • Current CA LCSW license
  • Current BLS certification for Healthcare Providers
  • Two years' experience with dual diagnosis
  • Culturally competent with military population is necessary
  • Knowledge and experience in family systems
  • Knowledge and training in the Seeking Safety Model, DBT model
  • Office hours are 8 to 5, weekdays only
  • Knowledge of the principles of management required to establish program goals and objectives, to plan and administer a program, coordinate associated activities, evaluate program accomplishments, redefine priorities and modify objectives
  • Display respect and compassion towards clients and colleagues
  • LMSW or Baccalaureate degree in social work from an institution accredited by the Council on Social Work Education or a baccalaureate degree in psychology, sociology, or other field related to social work (must be supervised by an MSW)
  • One year documented clinical experience appropriate to the counseling and casework needs of the terminally ill is required
  • Must possess a minimum of one year of documented clinical experience appropriate to counseling and casework needs of the terminally ill
  • Must possess a demonstrated ability in casework and group work as well as general knowledge of medical social work theory and practice

Acute Care Medical Social Worker Resume Examples & Samples

  • Occasional travel may be needed to and from Dayton VAMC to Wright Patterson AFB for trainings and/ or meetings
  • Ability to independently conduct psychosocial assessments and provide psychosocial treatment to a wide variety of individuals from various socio-economic, cultural, ethnic, educational and other diversified backgrounds. This requires knowledge of human development and behavior (physical and psychological) and the differential influences of the environment, society and culture
  • Ability to provide consultation services to other staff about psychosocial needs of patients and the impact of psychosocial patterns on health care and compliance with treatment
  • Ability to independently evaluate his/ her own practice through participation in professional peer review case conferences, research studies or other organized means
  • Demonstrates clinical experience in a hospice or home health setting or similar healthcare setting with references verifying the ability to function with a high degree of independence and clinical competence, required
  • One year social work experience in a healthcare setting, required
  • Completion of Hospice Orientation Program, required
  • CPR/BLS, required
  • A willingness to comply with the mission and philosophy of Dignity Healthcare and the ethical and religious directives for Dignity Health
  • Demonstrates a working knowledge of principles, standard practices, and procedures utilized in clinical medical social work
  • Ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing
  • Ability to assume an active role on patient-care teams and to be an advocate for quality patient care. computer skills
  • Travel may be needed to and fron Dayton VAMC to Wright Patterson AFB for trainings and/ or meetings
  • Resume/CV (Required)
  • Any other applicable documents such as a copy of College Transcripts (if using education to qualify), DD-214, SF-15, and etc. (Submit if applicable) *Use Checklist Below*
  • Three years of professional social work experience
  • Strong assessment and counseling skills
  • Excellent communication, problem solving, and documentation skills
  • Experience in home health, hospice, or a hospital setting
  • Utilizes medical record and consultation with interdisciplinary staff to screen patients for service needs, provide information regarding Social Work activity and to coordinate care as part of an interdisciplinary team
  • Assesses for the psychosocial and disposition planning needs of patients and when appropriate, their support systems, and develop appropriate interventions to address such needs
  • Provides patient-centered care by treating patients and their support systems with respect and dignity, involving them in their care whenever possible
  • Serves as liaison between medical staff and patients/families, providing support and advocacy as needed
  • Maintains positive working relationships within the department, with UWMC staff, and with community providers by effective oral and written communication
  • Participates in activities that enhance the performance of the department and the UWMC, as appropriate
  • Provides education to other health care providers and staff, patients and their support systems on psychosocial issues, community resources, and the role of social work
  • Responds to crisis situations and emergency codes, as appropriate, and participates in implementation of departmental and UWMC disaster plans in the event of internal and external disasters
  • Provides consultation and cross-coverage as needed to other members of the department
  • Documents pertinent clinical activity and statistical data in a timely manner, to meet professional standards, departmental and UWMC policies and regulatory requirements
  • Current California LCSW license
  • Current BLS certification for HealthCare Providers
  • Excellent clinical and communication skills
  • Two years of experience with the CBT model and knowledge of DBT skills
  • Ability to work closely with an interdisciplinary treatment team
  • Able to document clearly and precisely (documentation to include but is not limited to psycho-social assessments, treatment plans, group notes, treatment updates and progress notes)
  • Provides social work services consistent with agency policy, state practice acts, and applicable state and federal regulations as directed by the patient's physician
  • Activities include assessment of social and emotional factors related to the patient's illnesses, financial and community resources and patient safety
  • Develops and implements an individualized care plan, utilizing department and community resources in a cost effective manner
  • Actively participates in multidisciplinary care planning to facilitate coordination of care
  • Assures personal competency through maintaining working knowledge of current social work practice, available community services, member benefits and resources and regulatory standards
  • Utilizes Kaiser Permanente Continuing Care Services departmental and community resources in a cost-effective manner
  • Consults with other interdisciplinary team members and shares social work expertise and perspective
  • Actively participates in quality management and quality improvement activities within the department including, but not limited to, clinical record review, occurrence reporting, focused studies, process and outcome measurement, peer review and continuous quality improvement projects
  • One (1) year of experience in a health care setting
  • Basic Life Support (BLS) for Health Care Providers required within 90 days of hire/transfer
  • National Provider Identifier (NPI) required prior to employment start date
  • One to two (1-2) years of experience as a medical social worker in a home care setting
  • Experience with interdisciplinary team function
  • Previous work in a medical setting
  • Have obtained a certification as a licensed clinical social worker in Oregon State
  • Working knowledge of the managed care industry
  • Knowledge of Medicare regulations/requirements
  • Excellent time management, problem solving and customer service skills
  • Kaiser Permanente and community resources
  • Family dynamics
  • The dying process
  • Able to work autonomously and manage patient case load
  • Operational knowledge of computerized clinical documentation and office application systems including the use of laptop/notebook
  • Masters Degree in Social Work or related field
  • Current Basic Life Support (BLS) for Health Care Provider through the American Heart Association
  • Current LA City Fire Care within 30 days of hire
  • One-year experience in a medical setting
  • Assesses the psychosocial status of patients and families/caregivers related to the patient's terminal illness and environment and communicates findings to the registered nurse and other members of the interdisciplinary group. Provides an assessment in the patient's identified residence and assistance when this is not safe and another plan is required
  • Carries out social evaluations, including family dynamics, caregiver abilities, communication patterns, high-risks for suicide, neglect or abuse and plans intervention based on evaluation findings. Counsels patient and family/caregivers as needed in relationship to stress, and other identified coping difficulties. Provides crisis intervention when necessary
  • Assesses for, and educates interdisciplinary group, on any special needs related to the culture of the patient and family. Includes communication, role of family, space, and any special traditions or taboos
  • Educates patients and families on, and assists in, preparation of advanced directives
  • Provides information to patients and families/caregivers and community agencies
  • Serves as liaison between patients and families/caregivers and community agencies
  • Assists physician and other team members in understanding significant social and emotion­al factors related to health problems and death/dying issues
  • Participate in an on call rotation for MSWs and Chaplains, as directed by management to help meet patient care needs nights, weekends and holidays
  • Other duties as delegated by the Clinical Supervisor
  • A graduate of a Master’s program in social work accredited by the Council on
  • Minimum of one (1) year's experience in health care, hospice experience preferred. Understands hospice philosophy, and issues of death/dying
  • Experience in a hospice care preferred
  • Possesses and maintains current CPR Certification
  • Must be a licensed driver with an automobile that is insured in accordance with state/or organization requirements and is in good working order
  • Holistic, complementary and/or alternative modality training and experience preferred
  • Master's degree in social work from a Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) accredited university required
  • Experience with computers for access to patient information required
  • Experience with copiers and faxes required
  • Certified Social Worker (CSW) by Nebraska law OR Provisional Certified Master of Social Work (PCMSW) required
  • Prior healthcare experience preferred
  • Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) preferred
  • Make home visits to clients in designated geographic territories
  • Identify appropriate community resource referrals to address the client’s and the family’s practical and environmental needs
  • Act as an advocate for both the client and the family, to navigate the patient through the community system
  • Educate and instruct patients, family members, or other patient representatives, in community resources to promote the patient's health, safety, well-being and independent living
  • Accurately document observations, interventions and evaluations pertaining to patient care management and services provided utilizing a state-of-the-art touch pad tablet
  • A Master’s Degree in Social Work
  • Accreditation by the Council on Social Work Education, as demonstrated by school transcript or degree
  • A minimum of one year experience in social work in a health care setting
  • Demonstrated ability to read, write, and effectively communicate in English
  • Ability to travel to cases, as assigned
  • Making home visits to clients in designated geographic territories
  • Participate in the development of the total plan of care with the multidisciplinary team of BAYADA clinicians, as appropriate
  • Accurately document observations, interventions, and evaluations pertaining to patient care management and services provided utilizing a state-of-the-art touch pad tablet
  • A minimum of a Masters in Social Work, with at least 2 years of community-based experience
  • Must be a Licensed Social Worker
  • Home care experience a plus
  • Solid computer skills; prior experience with electronic medical records (EMR) preferred

MSW, Licensed Medical Social Worker Resume Examples & Samples

  • Assist our team in understanding the social and emotional factors related to our clients’ health problems
  • Provide clinical social evaluations and plan appropriate interventions based on evaluation findings
  • Act as an advocate for both the client and the family to navigate the patient through the community system
  • Educate and instruct patients, family members, or other patient representatives in community resources to promote the patient's health, safety, well-being, and independent living
  • Must be a Licensed Social Worker (LSW) with a minimum of a Masters in Social Work, with at least 2 years of community-based experience
  • Ability to work independently and manage time effectively
  • Master's degree in Social Work from an accredited school of social work
  • Previous experience providing social services to an adult population preferred
  • Previous experience successfully applying social work principles in a patient care setting for at least 2 years preferred

Licensed Medical Social Worker, Hospice Resume Examples & Samples

  • Graduation from an accredited school of social work
  • Master's degree in social work required
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills required
  • One (1) year experience as a social worker in a healthcare setting, preferrably hospice

Medical Social Worker, Hospice Resume Examples & Samples

  • Masters of Social Work. Completion of Hospice Orientation Program, required
  • CPRBLS, required
  • Current CPR certification California driver’s license and proof of liability insurance for automobile being used, required
  • Self-motivated and able to achieve results through good organizational skills. Demonstrates ability to organize and prioritize work efficiently
  • Ability to work independently and be a functional team member in a multidisciplinary clinical environment. Works comfortably with a multidisciplinary team
  • Provide direct social work services: screening, psychosocial assessment, interdisciplinary care planning, support services and discharge planning to patient population
  • Provide interventions to target population including patients with chemical dependency and mental health issues
  • Assist patients needing general resources including transportation and housing and referrals to community resources
  • Provide telephone information and referral to individuals and agencies calling for information or consultation
  • Provide informal orientation/training to interdisciplinary staff and providers
  • Provide Behavioral Health consultation/crisis Intervention coverage in the Emergency Department as needed
  • Provide Social Work support to the Inpatient Psychiatry Service as needed
  • Create safe and appropriate discharge plans for assigned patients and complete the concrete tasks needed to put discharge plans into effect - this includes accurate bio-psychosocial assessment of patient and patient support systems, screening for Safety/Risk factors, assuring proper benefits (legal, financial, housing, etc...) have been assessed for, and setting up timely and clinically appropriate aftercare (e.g. make appropriate arrangements/referrals for community based mental health services, Visiting Nurse Services, Skilled Nursing Facility placements, etc.)
  • Provide therapeutic interventions drawing upon a wide range of treatment modalities
  • Work closely with related social service providers and community agencies
  • Participate in weekly Inpatient Psychiatry rounds
  • Participate in Emergency Department Clinical Team Meetings as scheduled
  • Participate, as part of an interdisciplinary team in developing ongoing treatment and/or discharge plans including informing other team members of relevant Social Work concerns
  • Provide psycho-education and information about community resources to patients and families to help them understand the nature of the patient's illness, need for ongoing treatment and new ways of coping in order to integrate successfully back into the community
  • Facilitate/participate in group and individual sessions with patients and families as needed/appropriate
  • Attend Social Work and Psychiatry Departmental Educational Presentations, as required
  • Assesses the psychosocial status of patients related to the patient’s illness and environment
  • Maintains collaborative relationships with Organization agency personnel to support patient care
  • Maintains and develops contracts with public and private agencies as resources for patient and agency personnel
  • Minimum of one year’s experience in health care
  • One year of hospital or long-term care experience
  • Discharge planning experience
  • Computer fluency
  • Excellent communication, organizational and interpersonal skills
  • Knowledge of electronic medical records
  • Two years working in an inpatient or outpatient mental health facility
  • Two years of experience facilitating group therapy
  • Demonstrated ability to develop positive working relationships with physicians, treatment team, and other departments
  • LCSW Licensure
  • Master’s degree in Social Work and 1 year of experience
  • Minimum of 1 year of post- licensure experience
  • Current licensure by state in which agency services
  • Provides own transportation and auto insurance and abides by all laws, rules and recommendations for safe driving while on duty
  • Maintains a valid driver’s license
  • Demonstrates ability to work independently and execute own workload
  • Working knowledge of human behavior/development and theories of social work process
  • Must be able to use and operate medical and/ or office equipment, including Point of Care devices
  • Expected to take night and weekend calls, and make home visits and/or work in office during the evening, night, weekend and/or holiday hours as required
  • Accountability to the Care Manager in relation to Utilization Practices
  • Current CPR certification required
  • Previous experience in medical social work with home care preferred
  • Develops a comprehensive list of services that are available to residents living at the center and accessible to residents when they discharge into the community (such as dentists and eyeglass repair shops that accept Medicaid). The list is available for use by center staff in obtaining needed services for residents and by residents and families upon discharge
  • Works, as directed by Social Worker, with the resident, family/significant other and other team members to outline goals of stay at admission, educational materials, access to services, such as Medicaid, the plan to meet those goals and discharge, as appropriate
  • Facilitates interdisciplinary review and reduction attempts of psychotropic drug use
  • Collaborates with Activities Department to develop activities and psychosocial interventions that support resident independence and recovery

Medical Social Worker Supervisor Resume Examples & Samples

  • Rules, regulations, policies, procedures of section and work unit
  • Veterans Administration, CMS and State regulatory standards
  • Social Services programs and principles of social work
  • Geriatric population’s psychiatric issues that affect care
  • Geriatric disease processes
  • Side effects of psychotropic medications
  • Physical and chemical restraints
  • Community resources
  • Governmental policies and programs that affect our clientele
  • Long-term care billing standards
  • Personnel Rules
  • Interpersonal
  • Counseling skills
  • Case management
  • Resident assessment
  • Developing care plans
  • Program planning and organization
  • Basic computer
  • Supervisor/managements
  • Plan, delegate, review work of others
  • Evaluation issues, explain rules and regulations
  • Experience in a hospital setting working in various units including OB, telemetry, acute care, emergency department and long-term care
  • Familiarity with unfunded populations and complex discharge planning needs
  • Psychiatric disorders, chemical dependency/substance abuse
  • One to three years' medical social work experience or social work intern experience in an acute care, hospital setting
  • Experience working with the Chula Vista patient population
  • Knowledge of medical terminology and electronic documentation
  • Cerner experience
  • Experience in a hospital setting
  • Familiarity with unfunded population and complex discharge planning needs
  • Effective interpersonal and communication skills, skills in group facilitation, individual and family group treatment modalities
  • One to three years' medical social work experience or experience as an intern in a hospital environment
  • 1 year social work experience
  • Bachelors in Social Sciences degree or related field
  • 2 years of acute care hospital experience or a combination of hospital and other experience which provides for ability to fulfill the duties of this position
  • Knowledge of the values, principles and methodologies of social work
  • Ability to integrate social, medical and psychotherapeutic data to make psychosocial assessments and implement social work treatment plans
  • Knowledge of psychiatric, psychosocial, and chemical health diagnoses based on DSM IV-TR classification
  • Knowledge of social work treatment methodologies
  • Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationship with patients, families, co-workers and community organizations
  • Sensitivity to cross-cultural issues
  • Support and educate other disciplines when appropriate
  • Ability to work as part of an interdisciplinary team
  • Receives referrals on an assigned medical service; reviews medical and social information; makes assessment and documents findings in patient's medical record
  • Interviews patients and their families for social study and diagnosis; analyzes background data to determine the factors involved in the patients' emotional problems; develops a plan of treatment and sets treatment goals; obtains psychiatric evaluation and diagnosis where necessary
  • Meets with selected patients individually or in groups for regular therapeutic interviews; guides the patient in understanding the nature of his illness; confers with patients and their families to prepare for the patients' discharge; encourages patients to develop realistic plans and advises on community resources and facilities; makes referrals and other arrangements for housing and general medical after-care; acts as liaison between the department and public and private agencies
  • Participates in making rounds with the hospital medical staff; interprets the social factors affecting patients and assists the medical staff by indicating the degree and severity of emotional factors adversely affecting the patients; consults with individual medical persons to discuss specific patients
  • In public health programs, reviews past health and medical records; assesses clients' needs including psychosocial, physical status and medical care, living arrangements and vocational assessments; identifies individuals who meet program eligibility criteria at various points of entry such as clinics, hospitals, treatment centers, etc.; develops individual care plans; encourages participation in health care system through counseling; assesses and helps remove barriers to client's utilization of health services; refers client to community resources; monitors and tracks client status; represents the client's needs and rights to providers and community in a variety of settings; maintains written client record; attends team meetings to provide case consultation; provides outreach to individual clients and the community which serves the target population
  • Prepares case reports; documents treatment plan, progress notes and discharge summary related information as required by Medicare, medical, Title 22 and other mandated regulations according to Department standards; prepares correspondence regarding social evaluation of patient, patient follow-up and the like; keeps required statistics

Medical Social Worker Connected Home Health & Hospice Resume Examples & Samples

  • Part-time/on-call
  • Compensation based on experience
  • Serving patients in Portland metro and surrounding areas
  • Assesses the psychosocial status of patients and families/caregivers related to the patient's illness and environment and communicates findings to the registered nurse and other members of the interdisciplinary group
  • Performs social evaluations and plans interventions based on evaluation findings
  • Provides an assessment in the patient's identified residence and assists with alternative plans to enhance patient safety and wellbeing, participate in discharge planning
  • Provides information and referral sources to patients and families/caregivers regarding practical and environmental needs
  • Maintains and develops network contracts with public and private agencies as resources for patient and personnel
  • Participates in the development of the individualized plan of care and attends regularly scheduled interdisciplinary group meetings and case conference
  • Assists physician and other team members in understanding significant social and emotional factors related to health problems and death/dying issues
  • Intermediate knowledge of Microsoft Excel, Word, and Outlook
  • Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW)
  • Outpatient experience in a managed care environment
  • Bilingual (English/Spanish/Tagalog)
  • Master's level, Independently Licensed Social Worker. License must be current and unrestricted in Missouri
  • Must live within a commutable distance (50 minutes or 50 miles) of the greater St Louis, MO area
  • Experience working with elderly population
  • DSNP experience
  • Master’s Degree in Social Work (MSW) Licensed as a Social Worker (“Advanced” or “Independent Clinical”) in the State of Washington (both are LW credentials) or licensed as a Counselor in the State of Washington while completing supervision requirements toward the Social Worker license
  • Basic Life Support (BLS) certification within 90 days of hire
  • LICSW is preferred (required to obtain within one year of hire)
  • Prefer two years experience in an ambulatory health care setting
  • Experience working with patients who have co-occurring mental health, substance abuse and physical health problems
  • LCSW licensure
  • Two years working in an Inpatient or Outpatient Mental Health facility
  • Two years with group therapy experience
  • Demonstrated ability to develop positive working relationships with physicians, treatment team and other departments
  • Assesses, documents, and follows up on patient's psychosocial distress related to oncology care
  • Formulates, documents, implements and evaluates patient's continuing care plans
  • Performs direct short-term problem solving and counseling, focused on identified problems. Assesses patients and families reception to social work and community support services (e.g., guardianship, abuse/neglect, appropriate community resources) and proceeds with counseling accordingly. Documents intervention, outcomes and follow-up
  • Provides crisis intervention (within fifteen minutes of receiving the call or referral) in the Emergency Department. Initiates appropriate contacts with the Professional and Nursing Staff, Hospital Ancillary Staff and Community Agencies. Documents intervention outcomes and follow-up
  • Monitors therapeutic interventions and regimens of the oncology patient population. Maintains an effective therapeutic relationship with patient/family as demonstrated by professional boundaries, identifying transference and counter transference issues, expression of cultural sensitivity and patient/family responses
  • Promotes patient self-determination by keeping patient informed of choices. Encourages patient communication of his/her wishes to the healthcare team. Communicates consistently in a manner that demonstrates a positive and cooperative attitude and maintains clear role expectations
  • Assists patients with securing transportation to and from oncology care appointments
  • Participates in hospital wide education efforts involving interdisciplinary teams and physicians
  • Complies with Hospital Principles, Hospitality Rules, Department Goals and other Department programs and policies
  • Performs Quality Assessment and improvements activities as directed
  • Maintains knowledge of and utilizes current information regarding appropriate community resources, legal codes and mandates
  • Performs appropriate liaison and public relations functions to enhance hospital services and community awareness including participating in appropriate meetings and committees
  • Consults with the Manager, Case Management concerning policies, procedures and care problems and assists in planning, implementing and evaluating social work policies and procedures
  • Performs and maintains accurate case records and case data
  • Establish priorities among cases and assignments
  • Educates Professional Staff and appropriate Hospital personnel to continuing care activities
  • Provides employee assistance counseling and referrals as necessary
  • Accepts referrals of patients/clients from health care staff and a wide range of public and private agencies
  • Interviews patients/clients of SCVHHS and other health systems departments
  • Obtains and assesses information provided by patient/client and other provider referral sources
  • Works collaboratively with patients/clients and their family toward meeting the need or resolution of the bio-psycho-social issues identified
  • Interprets available programs to patient/client and/or families
  • Educates patients/clients and their families on various programs and/or health-related issues
  • Advocates for the patient/client by helping them to navigate the health and hospital system
  • May act as a resource specialist in a particular area as appropriate
  • Documents assessment and intervention plan in patient's/client's record
  • Interprets rules, regulations, policies and programs for patients/clients, their families and the public
  • Establishes and maintains effective casework relationships and participates as a team member with health and hospital systems staff
  • Prepares case records, documents, reports and correspondence in a timely manner, as required
  • Makes financial eligibility determinations based upon documentation provided
  • Performs related work as required
  • Principles, techniques and objectives of social work
  • Individual and group behavior
  • Human growth and development
  • Family relationships and systems
  • Bio- psycho-social-economic factors affecting individuals and families
  • Community organization and resources
  • Basic health and hospital systems organization
  • Laws and regulations common to social work practice in the State of California
  • Establish and maintain rapport with patients/clients and their families
  • Assess a family's/client's adjustment to their condition by conducting a bio-psycho-social assessment
  • Maintain objective, appropriate professional relationships with patients/clients and their families
  • Utilize social work techniques and community resources
  • Advocate on behalf of the family/client
  • Work in close collaboration with physicians and other members of the health care team to further their understanding of significant social and emotional factors underlying the patient's/client's health issues
  • Prepare and present written and oral reports
  • Work within the written procedures and guidelines of the Health and Hospital System and/or program regulations
  • Maintain accurate records of social work intervention with patients and their families
  • Keep statistics on professional activities

Home Health Medical Social Worker PRN Resume Examples & Samples

  • Masters degree in social work from an institution accredited by the Council on Social Work Education
  • Must possess a valid and active unrestricted license to practice social work in the State of Mississippi and in good standing with the Mississippi Board of Examiners for Social Workers and Marriage and Family Therapists (MBOE)
  • One year documented clinical experience in a healthcare setting, preferably in home health
  • Computer, verbal and written skills to perform tasks as required
  • 1-3 years Social Work
  • 2 years social case management desired in hospital setting, Professional Counseling, Marriage, Family & Child Counseling
  • BSW/MSW, Colorado licensure eligible
  • Physical Requirements
  • Sedentary Work - prolonged periods of sitting and exert/lift up to 10 lbs. force occasionally)
  • Light Work - exert/lift up to 20 lbs. force occasionally, and/or up to 10 lbs. frequently)
  • Completes an initial assessment of patient and family to determine home care needs. Provides a complete physical assessment and history of current and previous illness (es)
  • Regularly re-evaluates patient nursing needs
  • Initiates the plan of care and makes necessary revisions as patient status and needs change. (Specific to behavioral health issues)
  • Uses health assessment data to determine nursing diagnosis
  • Develops a care plan which establishes goals, based on nursing diagnosis and incorporates therapeutic, preventive, and rehabilitative nursing actions. Includes the patient and the family in the planning process
  • Initiates appropriate preventive and rehabilitative nursing procedures. Administers medications and treatments as prescribed by the physician
  • Counsels the patient and family in meeting nursing and related needs
  • Provides health care instructions to the patient as appropriate per assessment and plan
  • Identifies discharge planning needs as part of the care plan development and implements prior to discharge of the patient
  • Graduate of an accredited school of nursing. One to two years of recent acute care experience in mental health setting
  • Current licensure in State, CPR certification and valid driver’s license
  • Associate’s degree required with one year of home health care experience
  • Excellent observation, verbal and written communication skills, problem solving skills, basic math skills; nursing skills per competency checklist
  • Prolonged or considerable walking or standing. Able to lift, position or transfer patients. Able to lift supplies and equipment. Considerable reaching, stooping, bending, kneeling or crouching. Visual acuity and hearing to perform required nursing skills
  • Master's degree from an accredited college or university with major course work in a field related to Social Work OR
  • Graduation from an accredited four-year college or university plus two (2) years of experience in a field related to counseling individuals in crisis/trauma situations
  • Please be sure to detail on the application all previous employment that you wish to be considered as part of your qualifications
  • A detailed, complete employment application is required. It helps us to better evaluate your qualifications and will be used to determine salary if you are selected for this position. Be sure to provide job title and employment dates for all jobs you wish to be considered
  • A résumé is required, but will not substitute for a complete employment application. Please include contact information from previous employers
  • A cover letter is also required. In the cover letter candidates should describe, in concise detail, their interest in this position and highlight any prior experience that is relevant to this position
  • When completing the City of Austin employment application, any gaps in employment must have an explanation and dates of unemployment. Work experience listed must include month, year and a verifiable Supervisor or Human Resources phone number
  • Incomplete applications will not be considered
  • Each individual who submits an Application as provided in the Municipal Civil Service Rules and meet the Minimum Qualifications for a Competitive Position shall be considered a Candidate for that Position. Employees, in Good Standing, who are Candidates within the Department or division that the Position resides in and who meet the Minimum and Preferred Qualifications (if any) of the Position will be included in the initial interview
  • Consult with health care team to further their understanding of patient social and emotional factors
  • Review work for accuracy and completeness
  • Interview clients and/or their families to assess their psychosocial and/or resource needs
  • Develop and implement individual social work treatment plan
  • Compile data/information for reports, cost estimates, etc
  • Write informational reports
  • Refer citizens to appropriate agency or program
  • Record data on appropriate form/log, etc
  • Attend meetings as section representative
  • Seek and evaluate alternative funding sources
  • Attend meetings/seminars to stay current in job practices
  • Counsel individuals and/or their families to increase their understanding and acceptance of treatment, etc. and to help patient adjust after treatment
  • Perform other tasks as required
  • Knowledge of theoretical constructs of human development
  • Knowledge of community resources available for children's development, emotional therapy and/or support
  • Knowledge of crisis intervention and counseling techniques used in trauma, grief, or crisis situations
  • Knowledge of social work theory and techniques
  • Knowledge of the requirements for categorical assistance programs
  • Knowledge of federal and state program requirements for services to children, adolescents and their families
  • Knowledge of health education assessment, instructions and evaluation methods
  • 2 years of clinical or family work experience. Home care or hospice experience preferred
  • Meets established productivity standards
  • Complies with standard precautions, infection control, and safety procedures
  • Assesses of the client's psychosocial status, emotional factors related to illness, environmental resources and obstacles to maintaining safety, the patient/family psychosocial status and response to psychosocial interventions, family dynamics and communication patterns, potential for risk of suicide and/or abuse or neglect
  • Participates in effective interdisciplinary care coordination, identification of problems, development of a plan of care, adherence to the plan of care and discharge planning
  • Provides social work services including short-term individual counseling, community resource planning and crisis intervention counseling, community resource planning and crisis intervention
  • Provides assistance to other team members in understanding the social, ethical and emotional factors related to health problems
  • Develops and maintains collaborative relationship with the co-workers and the personnel of public and private agencies
  • Assesses special needs related to cultural diversity including communication, space, role of family members and special traditions
  • Identifies and utilizes appropriate community resources and assesses patient/family ability to access them. Evaluates patient/family response to interventions when referred to community agency and satisfaction of the services provided
  • Assists patient/family in assessing financial resources when appropriate
  • Involves the family in the treatment plan addressing patient/family questions or issues, as appropriate, and based on caregiver's functionality
  • Identifies obstacles to compliance and assists in understanding goals of interventions
  • Assists in providing information and preparation of advance directives
  • Records in a timely manner evaluation data, progress notes, and interventions including client and family's response to interventions in the electronic medical record
  • Supervises Licensed Bachelor's in Social Work
  • Participates in agency peer record review, peer field observations and inservices as appropriate
  • Employees with e-mail are required to maintain proficiency in the basic functions of the program and are also required to regularly check email and keep calendars up to date
  • Performs all other duties and responsibilities as assigned
  • Master’s degree in social work from a school of social work accredited by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE)
  • MO LMSW or MO LMSW eligible (LMSW eligible Social Workers must obtain linesures by completion of the introductory period of employment – or within 90 days)
  • Knowledge of theory and practice of social work at the MSW level and have basic research skills
  • Must have the ability to work as part of a multidisciplinary team and with patients of various ages and cultural backgrounds
  • Must have excellent written/verbal communication skills
  • Previous health care experience preferred
  • Experience in medical social work in a hospital setting
  • Experience working as a member of a multidisciplinary medical team
  • Experience working with a high-risk patient population with intense psychosocial needs for assistance with housing, utilities, transportation, food, insurance, medical care, medications, in-home services and outside agency support
  • Experience managing cases involving abuse, neglect and intimate partner violence

Medical Social Worker PRN Resume Examples & Samples

  • Ability to move about the hospital to meet with patients and/or families in the patient care units
  • Basic Word Processing Skills
  • Demonstrates excellent human relation skills including verbal and written communication, problem solving, advocacy, assertiveness and empathy skills
  • Has a customer service orientation
  • Ability to communicate clearly and effectively, both verbally and in writing, as a demonstration of the function of effective process and relationships with the patient and members of the interdisciplinary team
  • Demonstrates effective interviewing, problem-solving and critical thinking in providing services to patients
  • Regularly utilizes effective negotiation and conflict resolution skills as needed
  • Must have received training and experience in conducting at least one trauma-informed, evidence-based treatment
  • Must speak fluent Spanish
  • Strong communication, collaborative, and organizational skills are required
  • Must be licensed (LMSW) by the Texas State Board of Examiners
  • Oversee and manage operations of clinic including intake, waitlist, and clinician caseloads
  • Develop and implement clinic procedures and protocols aimed at ensuring high quality and efficient patient care is provided
  • Monitor clinic performance and elicit feedback from clinic staff and families to identify areas for improvement
  • Provide guidance to staff in making clinical decisions about patient appropriateness for clinic and possible referrals
  • Maintain treatment room cleanliness, accessible materials, and availability
  • Conduct thorough assessment interviews of patients and/or research participants using evidence-based, trauma- and grief-informed assessment procedures
  • Prepare detailed report of assessment scores and determine appropriate plan for patient to be provided to families at thorough feedback appointment
  • Provide assessment driven evidence-based treatments based on diagnostic criteria, including Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) and Trauma and Grief Component Therapy (TGCT)
  • Facilitate case referrals to appropriate professionals, institutions or agencies when necessary to ensure that patients receive appropriate treatment
  • Participate in multidisciplinary team meetings, involving close collaboration with clinical investigators to support ongoing evaluation and treatment of traumatized and/or grieving youth
  • Participate in ongoing clinically-relevant training to ensure treatment fidelity and knowledge of innovative trauma- and grief- informed treatments
  • Provide training and supervision to fellows and students completing rotations in the clinic, as well as community clinicians on how to implement evidence based assessment
  • Must have current social work license, LMSW by the Texas State Board of Examiners

Lead Medical Social Worker Resume Examples & Samples

  • LCSW License
  • Five years of clinical experience
  • Two years of clinical experience in an inpatient setting
  • Supervisor experience
  • Experience in an acute care, hospital setting, SNF
  • Skills in group facilitation, individual, family and group treatment modalities
  • Excellent communication skills and effective interpersonal communication skills
  • One to three years medical social work experience or social work intern experience with Chula Vista population

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medical social worker resume skills

Medical Social Worker Resume Example

Nilda Melissa Diaz, CPRW

  • 30% higher chance of getting a job
  • 42% higher response rate from recruiters

Medical Social Worker Resume Example

Medical social workers have an incredibly important job. They work with clients who are currently in medical centers or hospitals to provide quality care that helps improve the experience of each patient. Medical social workers need to be problem solvers with strong social and customer service skills. It’s their job to help patients through incredibly stressful and overwhelming situations, which means they have to be ready for anything. If you’re ready to change the lives of patients, it’s time to craft an unforgettable resume that will help you land a position you’ll love.

Medical social workers have a lot of responsibilities. They have to coordinate access to resources for patients, supervise other social workers, interact with medical staff, and ensure that the families of patients stay informed. Your resume for a medical social worker position needs to reflect that you’re comfortable working in high-stress situations, but it also needs to demonstrate that you’re detail-oriented and a meticulous record-keeper. Make sure you highlight specific examples that demonstrate your strong communication skills, as well.

When you’re ready to get started, use your medical social worker resume templates to help you craft a compelling resume.

medical social worker resume example

Show Resume Text

Kathy Cates

123 Fake Street City, State, Zip Code Cell: 000-000-0000 [email protected]

Patient focused Medical Social Worker with career experience in both small community hospitals as well as major medical centers. Effective at integrated the needs of individual patients with available resources. Adept at being an active member of a patient care team.

  • Outstanding communicator
  • Proactive problem solver
  • Well-honed people skills
  • Detail oriented
  • Meticulous record keeper
  • Team player

Work Experience

March 2010 to October 2012 Company Name–City, State Medical Social Worker

  • Responsible for coordinating access to appropriate resources for patients at major medical center.
  • Worked with different members of the hospital professional and administrative staff.
  • Served as primary informational conduit between hospital and a patient’s family members.
  • Engaged in regular meetings with individual patients to ensure satisfaction and appropriate access to resources.

October 2012 to January 2014 Company Name–City, State Medical Social Worker

  • Supervised team of three social workers at community medical center.
  • Responsible for hiring and training new social work staff members.
  • Primary liaison between hospital generally and patient family members.
  • Recruited new staff members for social work team.

January 2014 to Present Company Name–City, State Medical Social Worker

  • Managed social work staff at major urban medical center in California.
  • Oversaw team of seven social workers and an additional support staff of five professionals.
  • Responsible for ensuring that all patients accessed appropriate resources within the medical center.
  • Assisted in developing protocols for effective transition of patients out of medical center.

2009 University of California, City, State Master’s Degree, Social Work

Related Skills

  • Disease management standards
  • Networking with staff
  • Assessing needs
  • Visiting patient homes
  • Quality of life guidelines
  • Admitting processes
  • Social history intake procedures
  • Goal Setting
  • [Type] Software Proficiency
  • First Aid/CPR

More Resume Examples for the Next Step in Your Social Services Resume Career

  • Behavior Technician Resume
  • Behavioral Therapist Resume
  • Case Manager Resume
  • Case Worker Resume
  • Child Protection Social Worker Resume
  • Community Development Worker Resume
  • Community Health Worker Resume
  • Community Outreach Specialist Resume
  • Community Service Coordinator Resume
  • Counselor Resume
  • Disability Support Worker Resume
  • Domestic Violence Counselor Resume
  • Drug And Alcohol Counselor Resume
  • Human Service Worker Resume
  • Humanitarian Aid Worker Resume
  • Job Coach Resume
  • Life Coach Resume
  • Juvenile Probation Officer Resume
  • Rehab Aide Resume
  • Social Worker Resume
  • Volunteer Resume

More Cover letter Examples for the Next Step in Your Social Services Cover letter Career

  • Case Manager Cover Letter
  • Drug And Alcohol Counselor Cover Letter
  • Group Leader Cover Letter

More Cv Examples for the Next Step in Your Social Services Cv Career

  • Child Protection Social Worker CV
  • Community Manager CV
  • Counsellor CV
  • Domestic Worker CV
  • Life Coach CV
  • Probation Officer CV
  • Program Officer CV
  • Social Worker CV
  • Youth Worker CV

Pair your Resume with a Matching Cover Letter

Pair your Resume with a Matching Cover Letter


Medical Social Worker Resume Examples and Templates

This page provides you with Medical Social Worker resume samples to use to create your own resume with our easy-to-use resume builder . Below you'll find our how-to section that will guide you through each section of a Medical Social Worker resume.

Medical Social Worker Resume Sample and Template

What do Hiring Managers look for in a Medical Social Worker Resume

  • Empathy and Compassion: Ability to provide emotional support and connect with patients.
  • Clinical Knowledge: Proficiency in medical and mental health issues to address patients' needs.
  • Communication Skills: Strong interpersonal and communication skills for effective patient counseling and collaboration with healthcare teams.
  • Assessment and Planning: Capability to assess patients' social and emotional needs and develop care plans.
  • Advocacy: Advocating for patients' rights and coordinating community resources for their well-being.

How to Write a Medical Social Worker Resume?

To write a professional Medical Social Worker resume, follow these steps:

  • Select the right Medical Social Worker resume template.
  • Write a professional summary at the top explaining your Medical Social Worker’s experience and achievements.
  • Follow the STAR method while writing your Medical Social Worker resume’s work experience. Show what you were responsible for and what you achieved as a Medical Social Worker.
  • List your top Medical Social Worker skills in a separate skills section.

How to Write Your Medical Social Worker Resume Header?

Write the perfect Medical Social Worker resume header by:

  • Adding your full name at the top of the header.
  • Add a photo to your resume if you are applying for jobs outside of the US. For applying to jobs within the US, avoid adding photo to your resume header.
  • Add your current Medical Social Worker position to the header to show relevance.
  • Add your current city, your phone number and a professional email address.
  • Finally, add a link to your portfolio to the Medical Social Worker resume header. If there’s no portfolio link to add, consider adding a link to your LinkedIn profile instead.
  • Bad Medical Social Worker Resume Example - Header Section

Rayna 19 Adams Street Lorain, OH 44052 Marital Status: Married, email: [email protected]

  • Good Medical Social Worker Resume Example - Header Section

Rayna Walton, Lorain, OH, Phone number: +1-555-555-5555, Link: linkedin/in/johndoe

Make sure to add a professional looking email address while writing your resume header. Let’s assume your name is John Doe - here is a formula you can use to create email addresses:

For a Medical Social Worker email, we recommend you either go with a custom domain name ( [email protected] ) or select a very reputed email provider (Gmail or Outlook).

How to Write a Professional Medical Social Worker Resume Summary?

Use this template to write the best Medical Social Worker resume summary: Medical Social Worker with [number of years] experience of [top 2-3 skills]. Achieved [top achievement]. Expert at [X], [Y] and [Z].

How to Write a Medical Social Worker Resume Experience Section?

Here’s how you can write a job winning Medical Social Worker resume experience section:

  • Write your Medical Social Worker work experience in a reverse chronological order.
  • Use bullets instead of paragraphs to explain your Medical Social Worker work experience.
  • While describing your work experience focus on highlighting what you did and the impact you made (you can use numbers to describe your success as a Medical Social Worker).
  • Use action verbs in your bullet points.

Medical Social Worker Resume Example

Medical Social Worker

  • Conducted comprehensive psychosocial assessments of patients and their families, identifying their unique needs and challenges.
  • Developed individualized care plans and interventions to address emotional, social, and environmental issues affecting patients and caregivers.
  • Advocated for safe discharge plans, ensuring that patients could return home or access appropriate community resources.
  • Offered resources, education, and materials to support patients and families in managing their healthcare needs and improving their overall well-being.
  • Conducted psychosocial assessments and provided crisis intervention, supportive counseling, and case management services in multiple hospital units, including the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Family Care Center, and medical surgical units like the ICU and CCU.
  • Worked with a diverse urban population, utilizing both hospital and community resources to facilitate safe and timely discharges for patients, with a focus on establishing strong connections to post-acute follow-up services.
  • Supervised MSW interns and actively participated in various departmental projects, including attending NICU palliative care committee meetings and Chaplaincy board meetings.
  • Conducted psychosocial assessments, crisis intervention, supportive counseling, case management, family conferences, and discharge planning in various hospital units, including the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Family Care Center, and medical surgical units such as the ICU and CCU at both campuses.
  • Collaborated with a diverse, primarily urban population, utilizing hospital and community resources to facilitate safe and timely discharges while establishing robust connections to post-acute follow-up services.
  • Took on additional responsibilities, including supervising MSW interns, participating in NICU palliative care committee meetings, attending Chaplaincy board meetings, and contributing to various departmental projects.

Top Medical Social Worker Resume Skills for 2023

  • Social work assessment and evaluation
  • Biopsychosocial assessment
  • Patient and family counseling
  • Crisis intervention techniques
  • Mental health assessment and support
  • Substance abuse assessment and counseling
  • Case management and care coordination
  • Patient advocacy and support
  • Care planning and treatment coordination
  • Palliative care and end-of-life support
  • Grief counseling and support
  • Patient education and resource referral
  • Health insurance navigation
  • Healthcare ethics and confidentiality
  • Cultural competence in healthcare
  • Multidisciplinary team collaboration
  • Medical record documentation and reporting
  • Electronic health record (EHR) systems
  • Discharge planning and transitions of care
  • Crisis hotline and helpline support
  • Medical social work intervention planning
  • Crisis response and trauma support
  • Crisis communication and de-escalation
  • Suicide risk assessment and intervention
  • Child protection and advocacy
  • Elder abuse detection and intervention
  • Domestic violence support and resources
  • LGBTQ+ healthcare support
  • HIV/AIDS counseling and resources
  • Substance use disorder treatment planning
  • Mental health treatment planning
  • Substance use disorder resources and referrals
  • Mental health resources and referrals
  • Child and adolescent mental health support
  • Adult and geriatric mental health support
  • Home healthcare services coordination
  • Healthcare support groups coordination
  • Community resource mapping
  • Patient empowerment and self-advocacy
  • Crisis response protocols
  • Healthcare policy knowledge
  • Public health initiatives and programs
  • Continuous learning in social work best practices
  • Trauma-informed care
  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) techniques
  • Motivational interviewing (MI)
  • Interpersonal therapy (IPT)
  • Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)
  • Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT)
  • Solution-focused brief therapy (SFBT)

How Long Should my Medical Social Worker Resume be?

Your Medical Social Worker resume length should be less than one or two pages maximum. Unless you have more than 25 years of experience, any resume that’s more than two pages would appear to be too long and risk getting rejected.

On an average, for Medical Social Worker, we see most resumes have a length of 2. And, that’s why we advise you to keep the resume length appropriate to not get rejected.

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  • Medical Social Worker

5 Amazing medical social worker Resume Examples (Updated 2023) + Skills & Job Descriptions

Build your resume in 15 minutes, medical social worker: resume samples & writing guide, george ingram, professional summary, employment history.

  • Collaborate with other healthcare professionals to ensure continuity of care
  • Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of services
  • Maintain accurate and timely clinical documentation
  • Develop and implement educational programs for the community
  • Develop and maintain relationships with community partners
  • Participate in program planning and evaluation activities
  • Provide psychosocial assessments and interventions for individuals, families, and groups
  • Facilitate referrals to appropriate resources and services

Do you already have a resume? Use our PDF converter and edit your resume.

Andrew Allen

  • Develop and implement policies and procedures related to social work services
  • Educate clients and families on community resources and services
  • Participate in interdisciplinary team meetings
  • Maintain knowledge of current trends and best practices in the field
  • Develop and implement individualized care plans for clients
  • Advocate for clients to ensure access to needed services
  • Provide crisis intervention and counseling services

Not in love with this template? Browse our full library of resume templates

medical social worker resume skills

Table of Content

  • Introduction
  • Resume Samples & Writing Guide
  • Resume Example 1
  • Resume Example 2
  • Resume Example 3
  • Resume Example 4
  • Resume Example 5
  • Jobs Description
  • Jobs Skills
  • Technical Skills
  • Soft Skills
  • How to Improve Your Resume
  • How to Optimize Your Resume
  • Cover Letter Example

medical social worker Job Descriptions; Explained

If you're applying for an medical social worker position, it's important to tailor your resume to the specific job requirements in order to differentiate yourself from other candidates. Including accurate and relevant information that directly aligns with the job description can greatly increase your chances of securing an interview with potential employers. When crafting your resume, be sure to use action verbs and a clear, concise format to highlight your relevant skills and experience. Remember, the job description is your first opportunity to make an impression on recruiters, so pay close attention to the details and make sure you're presenting yourself in the best possible light.

medical social worker

  • Patient and caregiver counselling.
  • Psychosocial evaluation of patients and caregivers.
  • Grief counselling.
  • Enforcing and monitoring patient centered holistic approach in treatment.
  • Provide crisis intervention to patients when difficult situations occur at hospital.
  • Responsible for conducting patient visits and to ensure good patient relation.
  • Handle counseling activity for financially backward patients.
  • Manage patient relationships along with counselling services to the patients
  • Handling Case Assessment, Group Therapy and Case history analysis of patients.
  • Medical Social Work
  • Patient Administration
  • Service Related Works
  • Served as a team member in case assessments and development of multidisciplinary approaches to assist both patients and families.
  • Coordinated program referrals for community-based resources.
  • Delivered social work services to both In patients (IPD) & Out patients (OPD) Department a tertiary care Hospital setting.
  • Updated treatment plans on monthly basis with latest intervention strategies and progress notes.
  • Worked with medical teams, patients and families to implement effective treatment plans.
  • Coordinated individualized discharge plans to manage safe transition back into community and home environments.
  • Preserved and prepared reports and treatment records.
  • Completed psycho-social evaluations and needs assessments.
  • Provided ongoing counseling to help patients deal with conditions and processes
  • Documented case notes daily and coordinated follow-up for seamless case management.
  • Managed care for post-operative patients from initial recovery through discharge.
  • Managed caseload of 20 plus clients, providing education, treatments, IV administration and wound care.
  • Assisted in resolving and satisfying client requests and internal operational issues.
  • Facilitated on-going assessment of patient and family needs and implementation of interdisciplinary team care plan.
  • Developed system of staff communication, enabling quicker implementation of treatment plans and improved comprehensive patient care. 

medical social worker Job Skills

For an medical social worker position, your job skills are a key factor in demonstrating your value to the company and showing recruiters that you're the ight fit for the role. It's important to be specific when highlighting your skills and ensure that they are directly aligned with the job requirements, as this can greatly improve your chances of being hired. By showcasing your relevant skills and experience, you can make a compelling case for why you're the best candidate for the job.

How to include technical skills in your resume:

Technical skills are a set of specialized abilities and knowledge required to perform a particular job effectively. Some examples of technical skills are data analysis, project management, software proficiency, and programming languages, to name a few. Add the technical skills that will get hired in your career field with our simple-to-use resume builder. Select your desired resume template, once you reach the skills section of the builder, manually write in the skill or simply click on "Add more skills". This will automatically generate the best skills for your career field, choose your skill level, and hit "Save & Next."

  • Data Analysis
  • Computer Literacy
  • Technical Writing
  • Quality Assurance
  • Database Management
  • Project Management
  • Risk Management
  • Troubleshooting
  • Process Improvement
  • Business Acumen
  • Financial Management
  • Visualization
  • Regulatory Compliance
  • Electronic Medical Records
  • Medical Terminology
  • Healthcare Administration
  • Medical Billing
  • HIPAA Compliance
  • Insurance Verification.

How to include soft skills in your resume:

Soft skills are non-technical skills that relate to how you work and that can be used in any job. Including soft skills such as time management, creative thinking, teamwork, and conflict resolution demonstrate your problem-solving abilities and show that you navigate challenges and changes in the workplace efficiently. Add competitive soft skills to make your resume stand-out to recruiters! Simply select your preferred resume template in the skills section, enter the skills manually or use the "Add more skills" option. Our resume builder will generate the most relevant soft skills for your career path. Choose your proficiency level for each skill, and then click "Save & Next" to proceed to the next section.

  • Communication
  • Interpersonal
  • Time Management
  • Problem Solving
  • Decision Making
  • Critical Thinking
  • Adaptability
  • Organization
  • Public Speaking
  • Negotiation
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Attention to Detail
  • Self-Motivation
  • Stress Management
  • Collaboration
  • Strategic Thinking
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Flexibility
  • Reliability
  • Professionalism
  • Customer Service
  • Presentation
  • Written Communication
  • Social Media
  • Supervisory
  • Documentation
  • Relationship Management.

How to Improve Your medical social worker Resume

Navigating resume pitfalls can mean the difference between landing an interview or not. Missing job descriptions or unexplained work history gaps can cause recruiters to hesitate. Let's not even talk about the impact of bad grammar, and forgetting your contact info could leave your potential employer hanging. Aim to be comprehensive, concise, and accurate.

Unexplained Year Gaps and Missing Job Experiences are a No-no

Gaps in your resume can prevent recruiters from hiring you if you don't explain them..

  • It's okay to have gaps in your work experience but always offer a valid explanation instead of just hiding it.
  • Use the gap to talk about positive attributes or additional skills you've learned.
  • Be honest and straightforward about the gap and explain it using a professional summary.

How to Optimize Your medical social worker Resume

Keep an eye out for these resume traps. Neglecting to detail your job roles or explain gaps in your career can lead to unnecessary doubts. Grammar blunders can reflect negatively on you, and without contact information, how can employers reach you? Be meticulous and complete.

  • Provide crisis intervetion and counceling servies.
  • Colaborate wit othar healthcar profesionals too ensur contunity of care.
  • Develp and implemetn eductaional programms for teh comunity.
  • Maintein inaccuarate annd timeley clinicle documenttion.
  • Paricipate in interdiciplinary team meetins.
  • eduacate clents and familes on commuinty resourses and servies
  • Parcticipate in programm planing and evalution activites.
  • Develp and implement policies nd procedurs related to social work servies.
  • Advocat for clients too ensur access too needed servises.

Avoid Spelling Mistakes and Include your Contact Information

Missing contact information prevents recruiters from understanding you're the best fit for the position..

  • Make sure you're not missing contact information on your resume. That should include your full name, telephone number and email address.
  • Make sure to use a professional email address as part of your contact information.
  • Highlight your contact information and double check that everything is accurate to help recruiters get in touch with you.

medical social worker Cover Letter Example

A cover letter can be a valuable addition to your job application when applying for an medical social worker position. Cover letters provide a concise summary of your qualifications, skills, and experience, also it also gives you an opportunity to explain why you're the best fit for the job. Crafting a cover letter that showcases your relevant experience and enthusiasm for the Accounts Payable role can significantly improve your chances of securing an interview.

US Department of Agriculture Hiring Team

I am writing to express my interest in the Senior Medical Social Worker role at US Department of Agriculture. As a Medical Social Worker with 15 years of experience in the Government field, I am confident that I have the necessary skills and expertise to succeed in this position.

As someone who has always been curious and eager to learn, I have pursued my education and gained experience in areas like Political Science to develop my skills in my work. This experience has given me the opportunity to lead major projects and provide my input in diverse areas, which have helped me gain a deeper understanding of the industry. I am excited to bring my passion and expertise to the role at this company and work towards achieving your organization's goals.

I am elated about the opportunity to join a team that shares my passion for this field, and values collaboration and innovation. I am confident that together we can overcome whatever tests and challenges are put on our way.

Showcase your most significant accomplishments and qualifications with this cover letter. Personalize this cover letter in just few minutes with our user-friendly tool!

Related Resumes & Cover Letters






Looking to explore other career options within the Government field?

Check out our other resume of resume examples.

  • Campaign Manager Resume
  • Canvasser Resume
  • City Manager Resume
  • Social Worker Resume



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  • • Administered psychological evaluations and crisis interventions to over 200 individuals, resulting in improved mental health outcomes.
  • • Developed and monitored treatment plans for 100+ clients, ensuring progress towards recovery.
  • • Maintained accurate clinical records consistent with organizational standards, resulting in effective case management.
  • • Performed 50+ 27-10 (M-1) 'mental health hold' evaluations, applying strong diagnostic techniques.
  • • Managed caseload of 80+ youth, providing therapy and implementing individualized treatment plans.
  • • Connected clients with appropriate community resources, facilitating optimum service utilization.
  • • Served as key communication point between psychiatric team, enhancing collaborative care and treatment efficiency.
  • • Actively aided in the psychological development, social development, and rehabilitation of 60+ individuals with persistent mental illness.
  • • Worked with moderate to severe mentally ill populations, adapting to diverse needs and tailoring interventions accordingly.
  • • Assisted in the supervision of student volunteers as determined appropriate, fostering learning and growth.

5 Clinical Social Worker Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

Your clinical social worker resume must highlight your educational background and licensure. Include your degrees, certifications, and state-specific licenses that qualify you for clinical practice. Demonstrate your experience with detailed accounts of your clinical interventions and client outcomes. Make sure to emphasize your proficiency in evidence-based therapies and your ability to manage a diverse caseload.

All resume examples in this guide

medical social worker resume skills

Resume Guide

Deciphering the best format for your clinical social worker resume, strategies for crafting your clinical social worker resume experience section, highlighting your clinical social worker skills, detailing your education and top clinical social worker certifications on your resume, summary or objective: maximizing the impact of the top third of your resume, additional clinical social worker resume sections for a personalized touch, key takeaways.

Clinical Social Worker resume example

One challenge that Clinical Social Workers often face when creating resumes is effectively conveying the breadth and depth of their client-facing experiences, which can range from crisis intervention to long-term care planning. Our guide specifically helps address this issue by providing structured templates and actionable tips on how to articulate such experiences using concise, impactful language, while also highlighting relevant skills and accomplishments in social work.

Dive into our clinical social worker resume guide to:

  • Explore top-tier resume examples, offering insights into the industry's best practices.
  • Enhance sections like experience, education, and achievements with expert advice.
  • Articulate your technical prowess and personal attributes, setting you apart from other candidates.
  • Sharpen your focus on the distinct skills that make your clinical social worker resume resonate with recruiters.

Recommended reads:

  • Physical Therapist Assistant resume
  • School Social Worker resume
  • Hospital Pharmacy Technician resume
  • CVS Pharmacy Technician resume
  • Social Work Student resume

To craft an impactful clinical social worker resume, start by thoroughly analyzing the job description.

Your chosen resume format should seamlessly align your experience with the role's requirements.

Consider these four pivotal elements:

  • Present your experience effectively. If you boast a wealth of pertinent experience, employ the reverse-chronological resume format , listing roles by date, beginning with the most recent.
  • Maintain brevity. Limit your resume to a maximum of two pages, focusing on your most salient attributes.
  • Headers serve a purpose. A well-crafted header ensures recruiters can swiftly access your contact details and professional portfolio.
  • Opt for PDF. Typically, submit your clinical social worker resume in PDF to preserve its layout. However, always adhere to specific job application guidelines.

Upload your resume

Drop your resume here or choose a file . PDF & DOCX only. Max 2MB file size.

Choose a functional resume template that offers ample space to showcase your unique clinical social worker expertise.

Essential sections for a standout social work intern resume:

  • The top section should combine your header—with accurate contact details—and a concise summary or objective that encapsulates your professional achievements.
  • An experience section that chronicles your career trajectory and how each role contributed to your professional development.
  • Highlight significant achievements that demonstrate the practical application of your skills, leading to tangible results.
  • Include industry-recognized certifications to underscore your technical proficiency or interpersonal skills.
  • Detail your educational background relevant to the field.

What recruiters want to see on your resume:

  • Advanced degree and licensure: Evidence of a Master's in Social Work (MSW) and state licensure for clinical social work.
  • Clinical Experience: Detailed descriptions of clinical practices, including assessment, diagnosis, treatment planning, and crisis intervention.
  • Specialized training or certifications: Specific trainings or certifications in areas such as mental health, substance abuse, trauma, or children and families.
  • Communication skills: Ability to communicate effectively with clients, families, and multi-disciplinary teams.
  • Ethics and confidentiality: Understanding of ethical guidelines and demonstrated commitment to maintaining client confidentiality.
  • Types of Resumes

When detailing your clinical social worker resume experience , it's essential to pair responsibilities with tangible achievements.

Consider including:

  • Key responsibilities, emphasizing their significance to your role, team, or organization.
  • Experiences that have fostered your technical acumen or professional growth.
  • Metrics that underscore your contributions and successes.
  • Challenges you've addressed and the solutions you've implemented.
  • Strategies you've devised and their measurable impact on growth.

Your experience section is pivotal in making a lasting impression on recruiters. To inspire you, we've curated real-world clinical social worker examples:

  • Conducted individual assessments and developed treatment plans for diverse populations, resulting in improved mental health outcomes.
  • Facilitated therapeutic group sessions addressing trauma, addiction, and interpersonal issues, fostering a supportive and healing environment.
  • Collaborated with multidisciplinary teams to coordinate comprehensive care plans and ensure client needs were met holistically.
  • Provided crisis intervention services to individuals experiencing acute mental health crises, ensuring their safety and well-being.
  • Implemented evidence-based treatment modalities, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy and dialectical behavior therapy, to support clients' emotional and behavioral growth.
  • Advocated for clients' rights and connected them to community resources, increasing their access to essential services.
  • Managed a caseload of 50+ clients, consistently meeting productivity targets while providing high-quality clinical services.
  • Led a team of social work interns, providing supervision and guidance in their professional development.
  • Developed and implemented a trauma-informed program for at-risk youth, reducing behavioral incidents by 30%.
  • Conducted home visits and collaborated with families to assess and address child protection concerns, ensuring the safety and well-being of vulnerable children.
  • Facilitated support groups for parents, offering psychoeducation and promoting healthy parenting practices.
  • Advocated for children within the foster care system, ensuring their needs were met and their voices were heard.
  • Provided counseling and crisis intervention services to survivors of domestic violence, empowering them to regain control of their lives.
  • Collaborated with legal professionals to develop safety plans and secure protective orders for clients, ensuring their physical well-being.
  • Implemented trauma-focused interventions, such as EMDR therapy, resulting in a significant reduction in clients' PTSD symptoms.
  • Conducted comprehensive psychosocial assessments for individuals with complex mental health needs, informing treatment planning and intervention strategies.
  • Provided clinical supervision to social work interns, supporting their professional growth and adherence to ethical standards.
  • Developed and facilitated customized workshops on self-care and stress management for healthcare professionals, enhancing staff well-being and resilience.
  • Delivered culturally competent counseling services to immigrant and refugee populations, addressing acculturation challenges and trauma-related issues.
  • Collaborated with community organizations to develop and implement a mental health outreach program for underserved communities, reaching over 500 individuals annually.
  • Conducted training sessions for healthcare providers on cultural sensitivity and cross-cultural communication, improving service delivery for diverse populations.
  • Led a team of social workers in an acute psychiatric setting, ensuring the provision of timely and quality mental health services.
  • Developed and implemented evidence-based treatment protocols for mood disorders, resulting in a 20% reduction in hospital readmissions.
  • Collaborated with insurance providers to advocate for clients' coverage of necessary mental health treatments, increasing access to care.
  • Provided crisis intervention and counseling services to individuals affected by natural disasters, facilitating their emotional recovery and resilience.
  • Assessed community needs and coordinated disaster response efforts, partnering with government agencies and nonprofit organizations.
  • Designed and implemented trauma-focused workshops for first responders, equipping them with tools to support survivors and mitigate secondary traumatic stress.
  • Managed a specialized caseload of older adults with mental health issues, addressing age-related challenges and promoting independent living.
  • Collaborated with geriatric healthcare providers to develop integrated care plans, enhancing coordination and continuity of services.
  • Conducted educational presentations on mental health and aging for community organizations, reducing stigma and increasing help-seeking behaviors among seniors.

Quantifying impact on your resume

  • Include the number of patients you managed daily or weekly, demonstrating your ability to handle a demanding workload.
  • Specify the size of the teams or groups you've supervised or worked within, showcasing your teamwork and leadership skills.
  • Quantify improvements in patient outcomes that were directly related to your interventions, indicating your effectiveness and expertise.
  • List the number of cases you've successfully handled, showing your experience and competency in social work.
  • Report the percentage of case reports you submitted on time, illustrating your reliability and dedication to punctuality.
  • Highlight the number of complex cases you worked on, which can reflect your problem-solving abilities and resilience.
  • Detail any budgetary responsibilities you had, including the amount of funds you managed, demonstrating your financial acumen.
  • Indicate how many multidisciplinary meetings or panel discussions you participated in, as this can display your communication and collaboration skills.

Lacking experience? Here's what to do.

Candidates with limited experience often fall into two categories:

  • Recent graduates aiming for a clinical social worker role
  • Professionals transitioning from a different field

Both can still land a job in the industry. Here's how to optimize the experience section of your clinical social worker resume:

  • Highlight your strengths, especially if they align with the job requirements.
  • Remove unrelated experiences. Your resume should tell a story that resonates with the clinical social worker role.
  • Showcase your personality. Traits like ambition and diligence can make you an attractive candidate.
  • Align your experience with the job requirements, ensuring your resume speaks directly to the role.
  • Resume Buzzwords
  • Resume Action Verbs

If your experience section doesn't directly address the job's requirements, think laterally. Highlight industry-relevant awards or positive feedback to underscore your potential.

Recruiters look for a mix of technical and personal skills in your clinical social worker resume.

Technical or hard skills are specific tools or software you use for the job. They're easy to spot through your education and work achievements.

On the other hand, soft skills like communication or adaptability show how you work with others. They come from both your personal and work life.

To showcase your skills:

  • Have a skills section for technical abilities and another for personal strengths.
  • Be clear about your skills. Name the exact tools you use and describe how you've used your soft skills.
  • Avoid common terms like "Microsoft Office" unless the job specifically asks for them.
  • Choose up to ten key skills and organize them in different sections of your resume.

Make your resume pop with top technical and personal skills that recruiters value.

Top skills for your clinical social worker resume

Clinical Assessment

Crisis Intervention

Case Management

Knowledge of Medical Terminology

Treatment planning


Behavioral Health Interventions

Knowledge of Mental Health Laws

Documentation Skills

Knowledge of Healthcare Systems

Communication Skills

Problem-Solving Skills

Interpersonal Skills

Active Listening

Ethical Decision Making


Time Management

Don't go all over the place with your skills section by listing all keywords/ buzzwords you see within the ad. Curate both hard and soft skills that are specific to your professional experience and help you stand out.

Your education section can reflect a variety of skills and experiences relevant to the position.

  • List post-secondary qualifications, noting the institution and duration.
  • If you're currently studying, mention your expected graduation date.
  • Exclude qualifications unrelated to the role or industry.
  • If relevant, delve into your educational background, especially if it was research-intensive.

Including both relevant education and certifications on your clinical social worker resume can set you apart. It not only showcases your qualifications but also your commitment to the profession.

When listing these on your clinical social worker resume, make sure to:

  • Highlight degrees and certificates relevant to the role.
  • Mention the awarding institution for credibility.
  • Include the start and end dates, or if the education/certification is ongoing.
  • If relevant, incorporate a few keywords from the job advert within the description of the certification or degree.

If you have additional certifications not directly related to the role, consider placing them towards the end of your resume. This way, they can be viewed as personal interests rather than core qualifications.

For a quick update, check out our list of popular clinical social worker certifications curated by the Enhancv team.

Best certifications to list on your resume

  • Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) - National Association of Social Workers
  • Certified Social Work Case Manager (C-SWCM) - National Association of Social Workers
  • Clinical Social Worker in Gerontology (CSW-G) - National Association of Social Workers
  • Certified Advanced Children, Youth, and Family Social Worker (C-ACYFSW) - National Association of Social Workers
  • Certified School Social Work Specialist (C-SSWS) - National Association of Social Workers
  • Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC) - The Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP)

The reputation of the institution or organization granting your certification or degree can bolster your credibility. Prioritize recognized and respected credentials.

  • Major Minor on Resume
  • Incomplete Degree on Resume

The top third of your clinical social worker resume is crucial. It's often the first thing recruiters see and can set the tone for the rest of your application.

Whether you choose a resume summary or a resume objective , make it count. The former is great for showcasing career highlights, while the latter balances your achievements with your future aspirations.

Both should be tailored to the role, as there's no universal approach to crafting the perfect clinical social worker summary or objective. Use the examples below as a starting point.

Resume summary and objective examples for a clinical social worker resume

  • Compassionate Clinical Social Worker boasting 10-year track record in managing mental health and substance abuse cases. MSW certified, demonstrating exceptional skills in crisis intervention and group therapy program development. Notable success in reducing homelessness in the San Francisco Bay area by 30% over a three-year period.
  • Experienced Healthcare Professional transitioning into Clinical Social Work, bringing a deep understanding of patient advocacy from a decade-long career as a Registered Nurse. Equipped with strong interpersonal skills honed in high-pressure environments, aiming to leverage medical background to provide comprehensive psychosocial support and contribute positively to mental health outcomes.
  • Eager to apply knowledge gained during a Bachelor's degree in Psychology in a Clinical Social Worker role. Passionate about improving community wellbeing and mental health, aspiring to utilize excellent communication skills and academic knowledge to provide empathic patient care and foster positive change.
  • Dedicated Clinical Social Worker possessing over 15 years of experience in child welfare and family services. LCSW-certified professional with proven expertise in case management, mental health assessment, and individualized treatment planning. Led a community outreach program in New York, significantly reducing truancy rates by 40%.
  • Former School Counselor keen on transitioning to Clinical Social Work, offering profound insights into adolescent psychology and behavioral challenges. Holds an MSW degree and aims to combine counseling proficiency with social work principles to build a healthier and safer environment for at-risk youth.
  • Ambitious recent graduate with a Master’s degree in Social Work, seeking an opportunity to integrate academic learnings into practice. Aim is to leverage excellent active listening and problem-solving skills to assist individuals, families, and groups cope with problems they’re facing and improve their well-being.

To further personalize your clinical social worker resume, consider adding sections that reflect your unique qualities and achievements.

Popular choices include:

  • Projects to showcase significant work achievements.
  • Languages to indicate proficiency levels.
  • Awards to celebrate industry recognitions.
  • Hobbies and Interests to share personal passions.
  • Keep your clinical social worker resume clear and organized with key sections.
  • Only include relevant details. Space is limited.
  • Support your achievements with both hard and soft skills.
  • Detail your experience, focusing on your industry expertise.
  • Highlight the most relevant certifications to show your dedication to the field.

clinical social worker resume example

Looking to build your own Clinical Social Worker resume?

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How to Ask For a Raise (With Template)

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Resume Worded   |  Resume Skills

Skill profile, social worker, improve your resume's success rate by using these social worker skills and keywords ..

  • Hard Skills and Keywords for your Social Worker Resume
  • ATS Scan : Compare Your Resume To These Skills
  • Sample Resume Templates
  • How To Add Skills
  • Social Worker More Resume Templates

Resume Skills and Keywords from Related Jobs

Browse skills from similar jobs, frequently asked questions.

  • 3. Effective Action Verbs for your Resume

Get a Free Resume Review

Looking for keywords for a specific job search for your job title here., © 2024 resume worded. all rights reserved., social worker resume keywords and skills (hard skills).

Here are the keywords and skills that appear most frequently on recent Social Worker job postings. In other words, these are the most sought after skills by recruiters and hiring managers. Go to Sample Templates ↓ below to see how to include them on your resume. Remember that every job is different. Instead of including all keywords on your resume, identify those that are most relevant to the job you're applying to. Use the free Targeted Resume tool to help with this.
  • Case Management
  • Social Work
  • Crisis Intervention
  • Mental Health
  • Social Services
  • Child Welfare
  • Community Outreach
  •  Find out what your resume's missing
  • Nonprofit Organizations
  • Individual Counselling
  • Program Development
  • Mental Health Counseling
  • Counseling Psychology
  • Psychotherapy
  • Community Development
  • Group Therapy
  • Facilitation
  • Family Therapy
  • Psychosocial
  • Motivational Interviewing
  • Child Protective Services
  • Public Sector
  • Safeguarding Children
  • Child Development
  • Looked After Children
  • Local Government
  • Public Policy
  • Working With Children
  • Risk Assessment

Resume Skills: Counselling Techniques

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
  • Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT)
  • Trauma-Informed Care
  •  Match your resume to these skills

Resume Skills: Tools

  • TherapyNotes
  • Microsoft Suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
  • Google Docs

Resume Skills: Programs & Management

  • Child Family Services Planning

Resume Skills: Languages

  • Spanish (Fluent)

Resume Skills: Case Management

  • Individual and Family Service Planning
  • Case Monitoring
  • Case Evaluation

Resume Skills: Administrative

  • Document Control Software
  • MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
  • Data Entry Software (SpeedBase, Devolutions)

Resume Skills: Medical

  • Medical Terminology
  • Public Health
  • Diagnosis Assessment

Resume Skills: Therapeutic Techniques

  • Solution-Focused Therapy
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
  • Narrative Therapy
  • Emotionally Focused Therapy

Resume Skills: Software

  • My Clients Plus
  • SimplePractice

Resume Skills: Assessment Tools

  • Beck Depression Inventory
  • Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory
  • Draw-A-Person Test
  • Rorschach Inkblot Test
  • Thematic Apperception Test
  Where on my resume do I add these buzzwords? Add keywords directly into your resume's work experiences , education or projects. Alternatively, you can also include a Skills section where you can list your technical skills in order of your proficiency. Only include these technical skills or keywords into your resume if you actually have experience with them.
   Does your resume contain all the right skills? Paste in your resume in the AI Resume Scan ↓ section below and get an instant score.

Compare Your Resume To These Social Worker Skills (ATS Scan)

Paste your resume below and our AI will identify which keywords are missing from your resume from the list above (and what you need to include). Including the right keywords will help you get past Applicant Tracking Systems (i.e. resume screeners) which may scan your resume for keywords to see if you're a match for the job.

Sample Social Worker Resume Examples: How To Include These Skills

Add keywords directly into your resume's work experiences , education or skills section , like we've shown in the examples below. use the examples below as inspiration..

  Where on my resume do I add these buzzwords? Add keywords directly into your resume's work experiences , education or projects. Only include these technical skills or keywords into your resume if you actually have experience with them.

How do I add skills to a Social Worker resume?

Go through the Social Worker posting you're applying to, and identify hard skills the company is looking for. For example, skills like Social Work, Case Management and Child Welfare are possible skills. These are skills you should try to include on your resume.

medical social worker resume skills

Add other common skills from your industry - such as Nonprofit Organizations, Crisis Intervention and Community Outreach - into your resume if they're relevant.

medical social worker resume skills

Incorporate skills - like Mental Health Counseling, Group Therapy and Working With Children - into your work experience too. This shows hiring managers that you have practical experience with these tools, techniques and skills.

medical social worker resume skills

Try to add the exact job title, Social Worker, somewhere into your resume to get past resume screeners. See the infographic for how to do this.

medical social worker resume skills

Word Cloud for Social Worker Skills & Keywords

The following word cloud highlights the most popular keywords that appear on Social Worker job descriptions. The bigger the word, the more frequently it shows up on employer's job postings. If you have experience with these keywords, include them on your resume.

Top Social Worker Skills and Keywords to Include On Your Resume

We also found variations and further specializations to your job title. Browse through the related job titles to find additional keywords that you can include into your resume.

  • Medical Social Work
  • Grief Counseling
  • End-of-Life Care
  • Palliative Care
  • Advance Directives
  • Hospice & Palliative Medicine
  • Hospice Care
  • Discharge Planning
  • Behavioral Health
  • Clinical Supervision
  • Post Traumatic Stress
  • Trauma Therapy
  • Mindfulness
  • Clinical Research
  • Interventions
  • Dual Diagnosis

Get your Resume Instantly Checked, For Free

Upload your resume and we'll spot the issues in it before an actual social worker recruiter sees it. for free., social worker resume templates.

Here are examples of proven resumes in related jobs and industries, approved by experienced hiring managers. Use them as inspiration when you're writing your own resume. You can even download and edit the resume template in Google Docs.

Resume Example Senior Social Media Manager

An effective Description of the templates...

Senior Social Media Manager Resume Sample

Download this resume template

As a senior social media manager, you’ll likely be leading and managing a team of employees on top of your social media projects. The applicant notes that they “Improved employee retention by 87%” while managing both contractors and full-time employees. This shows the hiring manager that the applicant has expertise in both social media and management.

Tips on why this template works

   selected social media project experience.

If you’re looking for a senior level role, most other applicants will have plenty of experience in the social media space, just like you. This template sets the applicant apart by focusing on select projects where their skills stand out. In this example, the template details their leadership in boosting online sales with SEO and highlights a successful product launch. When selecting project experience, we suggest you choose projects where your skills and experience align closely with key words and responsibilities outlined in the job posting.

Selected social media project experience - Senior Social Media Manager Resume

   Skills, certifications and awards in social media

Managing social media campaigns at the senior level requires deep expertise and technical skills. This resume lists the applicant’s skills and certifications in various social media academies and analytics software, demonstrating their extensive knowledge in this area.

Skills, certifications and awards in social media - Senior Social Media Manager Resume

Resume Example Entry Level Social Media Manager

Entry Level Social Media Manager Resume Sample

Many students seeking their first entry level job may feel like they have little to no experience in their desired industry, or that they don’t stand a chance among the sea of applicants. If you feel that way, don’t worry -- everyone starts somewhere. Having a strong academic history or experience in relevant projects can effectively demonstrate your strong analytical skills, or even just an interest in social media that many recruiters often look for at the entry level.

   Previous experience in social media manager

Even though this template doesn’t detail an extensive work history, the applicant demonstrates their interest in social media with their previous work as a social media manager intern. Additionally, their other activities and experience, such as their social media work in their community project, showcase their ability and understanding of organic social media growth.

Previous experience in social media manager - Entry Level Social Media Manager Resume

   Education in related fields

When applying to your first entry level position, leading with your educational history and highlighting relevant coursework, such as data analysis, can communicate those abilities you’ve developed outside of your work history to your recruiter.

Education in related fields - Entry Level Social Media Manager Resume

Resume Example Child and Family Social Worker

Child and Family Social Worker Resume Sample

A child and family social worker mediates instances of abuse and neglect as well as places children in safe environments. Being assigned such a role involves arranging adoptions and foster homes, assisting families through such processes, and reuniting dissected families and children. A skilled social worker keeps track of case files and notes improvements accordingly while understanding their clients’ needs and efficiently solving their issues. This resume illustrates a social worker of 5-year experience. It lists experience on a case-by-case basis with a success rate, a B.A. in the relevant field of social work, and the executions of each role - treatment programs, maintaining resources, and managing case files.

   Include metrics like participant and case success rates.

Notice how this resume highlights the number of cases dealt with as well as their participation and success rates. You should always include this information to show recruiters your efficiency in managing simultaneous case files as well as your work ethic in each one’s success rate.

Include metrics like participant and case success rates. - Child and Family Social Worker Resume

   Highlight the specifics of each role.

Notice how this resume explains each responsibility in detail - “organized meetings / maintained community resources”. It is important that you list those to show that you understand the dynamics and nature of the work.

Highlight the specifics of each role. - Child and Family Social Worker Resume

Resume Example Mental Health Social Worker

Mental Health Social Worker Resume Sample

A mental health social worker is mainly responsible for spotting, treating, and preventing mental and behavioral issues. Such a social worker cultivates relationships with clients, provides coping tools, addresses urgent needs, and provides support. This resume is that of a mental health social worker. As seen, there’s a strong base of a B.S. in social work with highlights on individual and group treatments, conflict resolution, and crisis intervention. There’s sufficient experience in counseling and community. This resume portrays a strong work diversity and a success rate in treatment and progression.

   Underscore client-success results.

Notice how this resume underscores client relations and societal reintegration. You should list your involvement in clients’ success in conquering their mental health issues to show recruiters your capacity of helping, empathy, and improvement of peoples’ lives.

   Highlight the social categories of your clients.

Notice how this resume lists their diversity of working with clients - children, infants, and pregnant women. This shows a wide range of interpersonal skills and dynamic work needed for this role.

Resume Example Clinical Social Worker

Clinical Social Worker Resume Sample

A clinical social worker is focused on the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of mental and behavioral issues. Their work ranges from individual to group therapy. This role may seem similar to psychology but it’s more complex in that it deals with socioeconomic, cultural, and familial impacts on people. This resume portrays a highly qualified social worker, with several years of experience and an M.A. in Science. It begins with an internship and a volunteering capacity which shows drive and work ethic. 10 years of experience are listed in many areas ranging from mental health counseling to clinical social work.

   Mention any internship and volunteering experience, if applicable.

Notice how this resume highlights internships and volunteering capacity. You should include any extra work you’ve executed since this portrays the value of your capacity to take initiative.

Mention any internship and volunteering experience, if applicable. - Clinical Social Worker Resume

   Highlight relationships with clients.

Notice how this resume mentions work with families and individuals alike. It emphasizes the continuation of communication and safety through upheld relationships. This shows recruiters the interpersonal and social skills that are needed for the job.

Highlight relationships with clients. - Clinical Social Worker Resume

As an entry-level social media manager, you'll be responsible for creating, scheduling, and monitoring content on various platforms. The role has evolved in recent years, with a greater emphasis on data-driven strategies and community engagement. When crafting your resume for this position, emphasize your familiarity with current industry trends, such as influencer marketing and the use of analytics in content planning. Additionally, highlight any practical experience you have in creating and managing social media content, even if it's on a smaller scale. It's important to demonstrate that you're up-to-date with the latest platform features and tools. Showcase your knowledge of best practices for optimizing reach and engagement, as well as your ability to learn new techniques and adapt quickly. Employers will be looking for candidates who can keep up with the ever-changing social media landscape and bring fresh ideas to the table.

   Emphasize platform proficiency

As an entry-level social media manager, you need to show you are adept at using multiple social media platforms. Highlight your experience with each platform on your resume, mentioning any specific features you have worked with, such as Facebook Ads Manager, Instagram Stories, or Twitter Analytics.

   Showcase content creation skills

Your resume should emphasize your ability to create engaging content. Detail any experience with designing visual assets (graphics, GIFs, or short videos) or writing compelling captions and hashtags. If you have a personal blog or social media presence with a noteworthy following, consider mentioning that as well.

Showcase content creation skills - Entry Level Social Media Manager Resume

What skills do hiring managers want to see on a Social Worker resume?

Some popular Social Worker hard skills are Case Management, Social Work, Crisis Intervention, Mental Health, Social Services, Child Welfare, Community Outreach and Nonprofit Organizations. Depending on the job you apply to, skills like Working With Children, Community Development, Group Therapy, Public Sector and Mental Health Counseling can also be good to include on your resume.

What are the differences in resume skills between a Hospice Social Worker and a Medical Social Worker?

What are good resume skills to include for different social worker roles and job titles.

Depending on the specific role you apply to, you may need to emphasize different skill sets. Here are a few examples:

  • Clinical Social Worker : Psychotherapy, Mental Health, Crisis Intervention, Group Therapy and Mental Health Counseling
  • Medical Social Worker : Medical Social Work, Case Management, Social Services, Psychosocial and Social Work
  • Hospice Social Worker : Grief Counseling, End-of-Life Care, Palliative Care, Healthcare and Advance Directives
  • Psychiatric Social Worker : Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Family Therapy, Behavioral Health, Motivational Interviewing and Psychology

Target your Resume to a Job Description

While the keywords above are a good indication of what skills you need on your resume, you should try to find additional keywords that are specific to the job. To do this, use the free Targeted Resume tool. It analyzes the job you are applying to and finds the most important keywords you need on your resume. It is personalized to your resume, and is the best way to ensure your resume will pass the automated resume filters. Start targeting your resume
Most resumes get auto-rejected because of small, simple errors. These errors are easy to miss but can be costly in your job search. If you want to make sure your resume is error-free, upload it to Score My Resume for a free resume review. You'll get a score so you know where your resume stands, as well as actionable feedback to improve it. Get a free resume review

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Find out what keywords recruiters search for. These keywords will help you beat resume screeners (i.e. the Applicant Tracking System).

   get a resume score., find out how effective your resume really is. you'll get access to our confidential resume review tool which will tell you how recruiters see your resume..

medical social worker resume skills

Thank you for the checklist! I realized I was making so many mistakes on my resume that I've now fixed. I'm much more confident in my resume now.

medical social worker resume skills

Medical Social Worker Resume Samples

A Medical Social Worker will work in areas of care management and assist the patients in understanding well the patient conditions and treatments. The most common work activities mentioned on the Medical Social Worker Resume include the following – helping patients and their families develop coping strategies; assessing the patient needs, assisting in developing treatment plans, providing emotional and mental assessments on patients, offering bereavement counseling, assisting with patient discharge, and handling in-home care services.

To become successful in this role, the following skills and abilities are needed – strong oral and written communication skills, the ability to work independently and as a team member; coordinating skills to coordinate various healthcare services; and a good understanding of federal, state and local healthcare standards and regulations. Although a bachelor’s degree in social work is enough to obtain an entry-level job, most facilities prefer a Master’s degree.

Medical Social Worker Resume example

  • Resume Samples
  • Medical Social Worker

Medical Social Worker Resume

Summary : Driven and compassionate health care professional with 15 years hands-on experience in fast-paced residential and hospital environments. Accountable and responsible with a strong focus on patient wellness. Dedicated Medical Social Worker adept at public and community relations, staff development and project management.

Skills : Social Work, Team Coordination, Case Management, Management

Medical Social Worker Resume Sample

Description :

  • Implemented standards and methods to measure the effectiveness of agency activities.
  • Cooperate with other health-related agencies and organizations in community activities.
  • Actively maintain up-to-date knowledge of applicable state and federal laws and regulations.
  • Monitored the nursing and operation of support departments to ensure that resident needs were met and the facility is properly maintained.
  • Established and maintained positive relationships with government regulators, residents, and families, other area health care providers, physicians and community at large.
  • Observe strict confidentiality and safeguarded all patient-related information.
  • Provide administrative and clinical leadership to the nursing and therapy staff.
  • Routinely evaluate the overall resident care within the facility and diligently enforce high standards.
  • Incorporated evidence-based care into practice environment to ensure high-quality care for patients and their families.

Medical Social Worker II Resume

Objective : A creative position in the health care industry utilizing my extensive and diverse Social Work and care management experience, specializing in chronic disease management, hospice, preventative and managed health care, education and quality assurance.

Skills : Case Planning And Management, Excellent Verbal And Written Communication, Client Advocacy, Self-directed

Medical Social Worker II Resume Sample

  • Documenting every participant's behavior, participation level in the hour-long daily social work support group that facilitates.
  • Monitor all participant's mood and orientation while implementing care plans that specifically create for each participant and implement interventions while overseeing the social work department.
  • Develop appropriate interventions for each impairment that was deemed moderate to severe and create measurable goals for each measured impairment.
  • Coordinate with caregivers, psychiatrists, and family members to ensure any changes in behavior requiring their attention is conveyed.
  • Communicate effectively with a wide range of individuals with different needs and objectives.
  • Implemented depression and anxiety inventory scales which have been proven to be effective in my assessments so each care plan and intervention is appropriate and effective as possible.
  • Provided group and individual education to physicians about the role of social workers in a hospital setting.

Objective : Health care and social work position leveraging my prior information technology experience as well as my Certificate in Aging Studies and Masters in Social Work. Specifically interested in working with seniors as well as working aged disabled by leveraging knowledge of Medicare, Medicaid, insurance counseling, hospice and other life planning tools and tools.

Skills : Suicide Prevention, Compassion Fatigue And Burnout Prevention, Working With Challenging Families: Team Approach

Medical Social Worker Resume Example

  • Provided initial psychosocial assessment for all new patients/family members within five calendar days.
  • Acquired copy of medical and financial power of attorney document and do not resuscitate forms.
  • Provided education to a patient with forms such 5 wishes, Virginia advanced directive, post (physician-signed scope of treatment), financial power of attorney, guardian or conservator forms.
  • Closely communicated with eight nurses, home health aides, chaplain, bereavement counselor, and volunteer coordinator.
  • Coordinated with a patient, hospice rn, family, skilled nursing facility and coordinate transportation for medicare respite stay for 5 days.
  • Followed plan of care and updated plan if and when patient needs changed.
  • Assisted in discharge planning when patients were no longer appropriate for hospice services.
  • Assisted in training and additional social worker by providing training of system and shadowing until employee ready to perform the duties independently.

Senior Medical Social Worker Resume

Summary : Over 23 years of Social Work experience. 15 yrs in medical social work and 8 yrs in community mental health. However, very refreshed and ready to return to social work practice feeling much better than ever. Previously, worked for 15 years as a home health social worker seeing home bound patients at risk for re hospitalization due to chronic health conditions.

Skills : Fluent In Haitian Creole, Case Management, Crisis Intervention, DSM-IV Knowledgeable, Social Work Child Welfare System, Domestic Violence/Substance Abuse, Florida Safe Families Network, Structure Decision Making Model

Senior Medical Social Worker Resume Sample

  • Performed psychosocial assessments; collaborated with an interdisciplinary team consisting of a physician, nurses, nurses aids, physical and occupational therapists.
  • Develop a plan of care for the promotion of improved health status/ recovery; made home visits to implement care plans; provided evaluation of goals met and performed discharge planning.
  • Performed comprehensive assessments of elderly/ disabled individuals, consulted with Medicaid for authorization, developed service plans.
  • Performed monthly home and phone case management visits to ensure care needs were being met in a safe and adequate manner.
  • Ensured patients safety needs were being met by working with companies to obtain medical equipment like bath chairs, ambulation devices.
  • Served as educator, facilitator, therapist, counselor, advocate, broker, mediator, supporter. And many other roles to home health patients and their families.
  • Worked with difficult, non-compliant patients whom nurses and physicians could not get through to.

Summary : To work with clients and families providing services, to include case management, in order to assist them reach an optimal level of functioning. To provide counseling and case management services in a community and/or medical setting.

Skills : Hospice Philosophy/education, Case Management, Counseling, Working Independently W/ Laptop & Smartphone, Financial Abuse Investigation

Medical Social Worker Resume Format

  • Develop and implement crisis plan(s), behavior management plan(s) and clinical treatment plan(s).
  • Coordinate efforts with outside service providers; ensure the quality of work and service delivery.
  • Provide referrals to families for early intervention programs and maternal child programs.
  • Organized a case management resource/ maternity resource file for colleagues mentor MSW students seeking a profession in the social work field.
  • Informed decisions regarding medical care, discharge planning, advance directives and end of life care including actively participating in the guardianship process when appropriate.
  • Facilitate adoption and surrogate cases incorporating the use of legal services and any other services that may be needed to assure the discharge of infant to adoptive/surrogate parents.
  • Provide resources to biological parent (s) to assist them with the placement of the infant with adoptive parents.

Headline : Seeking a position as a Social Worker specializing in the mental health/medical field allowing myself to make a strong commitment to serving the needs of the disadvantaged. Obtaining a role to improve my skills in order to make effective contributions to my job while also earning the opportunity for professional growth by utilizing my abilities developed through my work experiences and education.

Skills : Providing Individual And Group Clinical Supervision To LGSW Co-workers

Medical Social Worker Resume Sample

  • Collaborates as a member of the health care team to develop, implement and evaluate on-going patient care plans.
  • Demonstrates a willingness to help patients; acknowledges and responds to the patient's needs promptly and appropriately.
  • Facilitates new patients and their families, admission and orientation to dialysis care; addressing patient and family member needs in their adjustment to the dialysis regimen.
  • Assists patients in making applications for appropriate insurance coverage and welfare benefits prior to admission whenever possible.
  • Assists patients in coordinating arrangements for transportation to/from dialysis care.
  • Makes referrals for resources in the community; advocating for patient access to services such as vocational rehabilitation, in-home care, housing, hospice, etc.
  • Provides supportive brief counseling interventions, including crisis interventions, for stresses stemming from dialysis and chronic disease and its impact.
  • Develops and facilitates support groups or psychoeducation meetings for patients whenever a need is indicated.
  • Assists patients with making traveling/transient arrangements as needed.

Administrator/ Medical Social Worker Resume

Summary : Dedicated and service focused professional, with extensive experience in counseling, planning, implementing and monitoring support services for diverse populations. Emphatic advocate with strong knowledge and background on volunteer and social work, and providing community based social services to identified groups.

Skills : Currently Hold License Number 5047B To Practice Social Work In The State Of AL

Administrator/ Medical Social Worker Resume Sample

  • Provide emotional support and counseling as well as grief support and counseling.
  • Consistently maintain appropriate documentation and review medical charts.
  • Build and maintain community relationships for marketing and ongoing support.
  • Be an assertive member of the interdisciplinary team daily and during weekly meetings.
  • Support patients and families dealing with ethical issues, disability and terminal illness.
  • Perform initial assessments that include social, cultural, psychological, physical and functional needs to determine discharge plan.
  • Collaborate with the interdisciplinary team to facilitate discharge planning and transitioning for patients to either home or the next level of care within the community.

Medical Social Worker I Resume

Summary : Licensed Social Worker with over 8 years of professional experience working in area of mental health and substance abuse.To provide counseling and case management services in a community and/or medical setting.

Skills : Social Work, Case Management, Licensed Social Worker

Medical Social Worker I Resume Model

  • Provides medical social services to patients and their families/caregivers in relation to the terminal illness.
  • Assist the patient and family in minimizing the stress and problems that arise from the terminal illness, related conditions and the dying process.
  • Assessment and re-assessment of the patient, family/significant other/caregiver.
  • Establish interventions and goals to meet the psychosocial needs of the patient, family/caregiver.
  • Assist, when necessary, in finding financial and entitlement programs for patients and families.
  • Assist patient/families with referrals or linkage to community or agency resources, when indicated.
  • Provide crisis intervention as safety issues or suicide risks are present acts as an advocate for the rights, dignity, autonomy, and self-determination of the patient.
  • Participates in discharge planning (for reasons other than death) and secures needed resources for continued care.

Medical Social Worker/Part Time Resume

Summary : Over 16 years experience as a caring and compassionate Social Worker in a hospital setting. Hard-working, dependable and the ability to multi-task will enable me to be a valuable asset. Outstanding communication and interpersonal skills, both one-on-one and with a group. Extensive experience in counseling patients and their families to prepare for discharge or transfer. Utilize my contacts and knowledge of community resources and agencies to assist with continuation of mental health needs after discharge.

Skills : Microsoft Office, Family Therapy, Documentation

Medical Social Worker/Part Time Resume Example

  • Evaluate all pertinent data to determine clients psychosocial situation and identify existing needs.
  • Develop individualized plans for social work intervention and assess proper treatment.
  • Provide supportive counseling and case management to clients as needed as well as follow-up on referrals to ensure services are rendered.
  • Educate clients on all aspects of their health/medical condition, many of which are complex.
  • Collaborate with a multi-disciplinary team and community agencies regarding care and follow-up of clients.
  • Organize and maintain documentation in electronic medical records as well as statistical and other written reports in compliance with the Brooklyn hospital center and other regulatory agencies.
  • Participate in educational programs, seminars, and conferences within and outside the Brooklyn hospital center.

Summary : Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker (LGSW 8+ years of experience with direct client care and therapy in community, home and hospital settings. Significant experience providing support, crisis intervention and counseling with individuals and families facing life crises, dealing with health and mental illness, and coping with various forms trauma.

Skills : Licensed Social Worker, Computer, Microsoft Office, Bilingual In Mandarin And English

Medical Social Worker Resume Format

  • Communicates and uses appropriate customer relation skills with physicians, patients, families, and healthcare team in person and via telephone.
  • Formulate appropriate and realistic discharge plans working with a patient, family, other members of the healthcare team and available community-based organizations.
  • Works closely with utilization review specialist as well as other health care team members to coordinate and implement discharge plan.
  • Ensures continuity of patients cares by acting as a resource for patient information.
  • Facilitate/coordinate transfers to other facilities including acute rehab, ltac, and skilled nursing facilities.
  • Attends and participates in interdisciplinary team meetings and conferences.
  • Coordinate resources for patients and families as identified by the interdisciplinary care team.
  • Maintain documentation required by Medicare and other insurance agencies.

Table of Contents

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  1. Medical Social Worker Resume Samples

    medical social worker resume skills

  2. Medical Social Worker Resume Samples

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  3. FREE 9+ Sample Social Worker Resume Templates in PDF

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  4. Medical Social Worker Resume Samples

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  5. Medical Social Worker Resume Samples

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  6. 3 Medical Social Worker Resume Examples & How-To Guide for 2023

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  1. Top 12 Medical Social Worker Skills to Put on Your Resume

    Cultural Competence. HIPAA Compliance. Electronic Health Records (EHR) Case Management. 1. Empathy. Empathy in the context of a Medical Social Worker is the ability to understand and share the feelings of patients and their families, enabling effective support and guidance through their healthcare experiences.

  2. Professional Medical Social Worker Resume Examples

    Medical Social Worker. 6/1/2007 - 5/1/2011. Company Name. City, State. Provided short-term counseling and crisis intervention services as necessary. Functioned as hospital liaison to various community resource programs. Participated in interdisciplinary clinical team activities on a regular basis.

  3. 3 Medical Social Worker Resume Examples For 2024

    Here are some solid examples: Supplied education and counseling services in areas of grief and end-of-life issues for over 112 patients, increasing patient satisfaction by 46%. Co-managed a caseload of 143 patients with three case managers, increasing productivity by 38%. Provided psychosocial counseling to 176+ patients and families ...

  4. 23 Social Work Skills To Highlight on Your Resume

    The skills section of a social work resume is particularly important because it is a place for people to showcase their ability to succeed as a social worker. The job is highly interpersonal by nature and requires a strong set of soft skills like empathy, compassion, deescalation and the ability to remain impartial. ...

  5. 15 Medical Social Worker Skills For Your Resume

    Here's how medical social workers use compassion: Provided counseling on issues such as grief, adjustment issues, compassion fatigue, and the process of physical death. Provide comfort, care, and compassion to patients and families during the death, dying, and bereavement period. 15. Substance Abuse.

  6. Resume Skills for Medical Social Worker (+ Templates)

    On top Medical Social Worker resumes, skills like Medical Social Work, Case Management, Social Services, Crisis Intervention, Mental Health, Psychotherapy, Psychosocial and Social Work appear most often. Depending on the exact role you're applying to, skills like Family Therapy, Community Outreach, Discharge Planning, Healthcare and Program ...

  7. Medical Social Worker Resume Examples & Samples for 2024

    Medical Social Worker Resume Examples. Medical Social Workers help patients cope with chronic or terminal illnesses. Skills relevant to this position and found on applicants' resumes include completing psychosocial assessments and plans of care, assisting patients in adjusting to dialysis, establishing short-term therapy intervention for the ...

  8. Medical Social Worker Resume Examples & Writing Tips (2024)

    Medical Social Worker Resume example Complete guide Create a Perfect Resume in 5 minutes using our Resume Examples & Templates. ... CV skills example: the backbone of your resume. Your CV skills section is a great place to optimize for the ATS! It's also an optimal section for pinpointing the attributes and skills you have that make you ...

  9. 10 Medical Social Worker Resume Examples For 2024

    Medical Social Worker Resume Relevant Education Example # 2. Master's Degree In Social Work 2014 - 2015. New York University New York, NY. 3. Next, create a medical social worker skills section on your resume.

  10. 2024 Medical Social Worker Resume Example (+Guidance)

    The best way to format a Medical Social Worker resume is to create a clear and well-organized document that effectively highlights your skills, experience, and qualifications. Here are some tips and recommendations for formatting your resume: 1. Consistent formatting: Maintain consistency in font size, typeface, and spacing throughout your resume.

  11. 9 Social Worker Resume Examples That Worked in 2024

    Examples That Worked in 2024. Stephen Greet February 27, 2024. Social workers protect vulnerable populations, support families, and help people solve and cope with problems in their everyday lives, all within different settings. Since social workers support numerous communities, work in various environments, and develop different scopes based ...

  12. Medical Social Worker Resume Samples

    Medical Social Worker Resume Examples & Samples. Masters degree in Social Work. Knowledge of psychiatric disorders, chemical dependency/substance abuse, and basic psychopharmacology. Effective interpersonal and communication skills, skills in group facilitation, individual, family and group treatment modalities.

  13. 12 Must-Have Skills for Clinical Social Workers

    Here are 12 distinct competencies current and prospective clinical social workers should focus on developing to foster success in their careers: 1. Technical knowledge. Clinical social workers must have a certain level of technical knowledge in order to perform their roles as mental health and social service professionals.

  14. Medical Social Worker Resume Example

    Build my resume. Kathy Cates. 123 Fake Street. City, State, Zip Code. Cell: 000-000-0000. [email protected]. Summary. Patient focused Medical Social Worker with career experience in both small community hospitals as well as major medical centers. Effective at integrated the needs of individual patients with available resources.

  15. Medical Social Worker Resume Examples and Templates

    What do Hiring Managers look for in a Medical Social Worker Resume. Empathy and Compassion: Ability to provide emotional support and connect with patients. Clinical Knowledge: Proficiency in medical and mental health issues to address patients' needs. Communication Skills: Strong interpersonal and communication skills for effective patient counseling and collaboration with healthcare teams.

  16. Medical Social Worker Resume Sample & Tips

    Build your Resume in 15 minutes. Give yourself the best chance of standing out from the competition! You may have completed a master's in social work, and perhaps you acquired experience as a social worker in various capacities. If you want to progress in medical social work, remember that while your MSW qualifies you to work in numerous ...

  17. Medical Social Worker Must-Have Resume Skills and Keywords

    Clinic, Psychosocial, and Collaboration represent a very decent share of skills found on resumes for Medical Social Worker with 29.24% of the total. At 34.35%, Facilitation, Crisis Intervention, Hospice Care, and Hospital appear far less frequently, but are still a significant portion of the 10 top Medical Social Worker skills and ...

  18. Clinical Social Worker Resume Examples for 2024

    A recruiter-approved Clinical Social Worker resume example in Google Docs and Word format, with insights from hiring managers in the industry. ... Medical Social Worker Resume Sample. Your Name. Medical Social Worker. City, Country • ... • Find the Clinical Social Worker skills your resume is missing. It's instant, free and trusted by 1 ...

  19. 5 Clinical Social Worker Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

    Resume summary and objective examples for a clinical social worker resume. Compassionate Clinical Social Worker boasting 10-year track record in managing mental health and substance abuse cases. MSW certified, demonstrating exceptional skills in crisis intervention and group therapy program development.

  20. Resume Skills for Social Worker (+ Templates)

    Resume Worded - Los Angeles, USA March 2018 - December 2021. Clinical Social Work er. Introduced an innovative platform for mental health counseling, reducing psychological distress in patients by 20%. Incorporated a proactive approach in crisis management, achieving a 25% decrease in emergency service callouts.

  21. Medical Social Worker Resume Samples

    Medical Social Worker/Part Time Resume. Summary : Over 16 years experience as a caring and compassionate Social Worker in a hospital setting. Hard-working, dependable and the ability to multi-task will enable me to be a valuable asset. Outstanding communication and interpersonal skills, both one-on-one and with a group.