माझे आवडते ठिकाण महाबळेश्वर निबंध My Favourite Place Essay in Marathi

My Favourite Place Essay in Marathi – My Favourite Place Mahabaleshwar Essay in Marathi माझे आवडते ठिकाण महाबळेश्वर मराठी निबंध खरंतर, जेंव्हा मी सातवीच्या वर्गात शिकत होते, तेंव्हा आमच्या प्राथमिक शाळेची सहल लोकप्रिय असलेल्या महाबळेश्वर याठिकाणी गेली होती. तिथं गेल्यावर मला ते थंड हवेचं ठिकाण इतकं आवडलं की आज मी इतकी मोठी होऊन देखील दरवर्षी अगदी न चुकता महाबळेश्वरला जाते. मित्रहो, सह्याद्रीच्या डोंगररांगांमध्ये वसलेल्या महाराष्ट्र राज्याच्या सातारा जिल्ह्यातील एक थंड हवेचे ठिकाण आणि नामांकित असलेले प्रेक्षणीय स्थळ म्हणजे महाबळेश्वर होय.

येथे पर्यटक खासकरून पावसाच्या हंगामात किंवा थंडीच्या दिवसांत हमखास भेट देतात. याशिवाय, पूर्वी आपल्या भारत देशावर राज्य केलेल्या ब्रिटीश सत्ताधाऱ्यांच्या काळापासून महाबळेश्वरला लाभलेले उत्कृष्ट दर्जाचे  गिरीस्थान हे लौकिक आजही तितकेच कायम आहे.

तसेच, समुद्रसपाटीपासून साधारणतः १३७२ मीटर इतक्या उंचीवर असलेले आणि पश्चिम घाटांच्या रांगेत वसलेले महाबळेश्वर हे अतीथंड अथवा गार हवेचे क्षेत्र, माझ्यासारख्या पर्यटकांचे निसर्गरम्य ठिकाण सुद्धा आहे. शिवाय, हे ठिकाण महाराष्ट्राचे नंदनवन म्हणून देखील ओळखले जाते.

my favourite place essay in marathi

माझे आवडते ठिकाण महाबळेश्वर मराठी निबंध – My Favourite Place Essay in Marathi

My favourite place mahabaleshwar essay in marathi.

महाबळेश्वरच्या भौगलिक परिस्थितीचा विचार केला तर आपल्या लक्षात येईल की, हे ठिकाण पुणे शहराच्या पश्चिम-दक्षिण बाजूस १२० किमी.आणि मुंबई शहरापासून जवळजवळ २८५ किमी इतक्या अंतरावर आहे. तसेच, १५० वर्ग किमी. क्षेत्रफळ असलेले आणि आकाराने खूप मोठे दिसणारे हे पठार आहे, शिवाय त्याच्या सर्व बाजूंनी खूप खोलवर असलेल्या दर्‍या देखील आहेत.

मित्रहो, याशिवाय या पठारावरील, समुद्रसपाटीपासून अगदी  सर्वात उंचवर असलेले म्हणजे साधारणतः १४३९ मी. इतकी उंची असलेले एक ठिकाण आहे जे विशेषतः ‘विल्सन अथवा सनराईज पॉइंट’ या नावाने सगळीकडे ओळखले जाते. यांखेरीज, मळकोम पेठ, जुने क्षेत्र महाबळेश्वर आणि शिंडोलचा भाग, अशा एकूण तीन खेडेगावांपासून हे शहर निर्माण झालेले आहे.

शिवाय, याच ठिकाणी पवित्र मानल्या जाणाऱ्या कृष्णा नदीचा उगम झालेला आहे आणि पुढे कृष्णा नदी येथून तेलंगणा, कर्नाटक, महाराष्ट्र आणि आंध्र प्रदेश या राज्यांमधून वाहत जाते.

याखेरीज, कृष्णा नदीच्या उगमाबद्दल एक पौराणिक कथा खूप प्रचलित आहे. या कथेनुसार पूर्वीच्या काळी महाबळेश्वरमध्ये स्थित असलेल्या एका पुराणकालीन महादेव मंदिराच्या जवळील ‘गो’ मुखातून या नदीचा उगम झाला असावा असे मानले जाते. शिवाय, याबद्दल अशीही दंतकथा प्रसिद्ध आहे की एकदा सावित्री मातेने विष्णू देवाला शाप दिला आणि त्यामुळे, विष्णूचे रूपांतर कृष्णा नदीमध्ये झाले.

तसं पहायला गेलं तर कृष्णा नदीच्या वेण्णा आणि कोयना या दोन प्रमुख उपनद्या आहेत, ज्यांना शिव आणि ब्रम्हा असे देखील म्हटले जाते. याशिवाय, महाबळेश्वर येथील अजुन एक नवलाईची बाब म्हणजे कृष्णा नदी सोडून येथे आणखीन चार नद्या त्याच ‘गो’ मुखातून उगम पावलेल्या आहेत.

परंतू, या नद्यांमध्ये फरक फक्त एवढाच की त्या कृष्णा नदीला मिळण्याअगोदर आधी काही अंतरावरून वाहतात. मित्रहो, या नद्यांची नावे अनुक्रमे; कोयना , वेण्णा, सावित्री आणि गायत्री ही आहेत. खरंतर, महाबळेश्वर येथील थंड हवामान हे स्ट्रॉबेरीच्या उत्पादनासाठी योग्य आहे.

त्यामुळे, महाबळेश्वर याठिकाणी स्ट्रॉबेरीचे उत्पादन खूप मोठ्या प्रमाणावर घेतले जाते. एकंदरीत, आपल्या भारत देशातील एकूण स्ट्रॉबेरी उत्पादनापैकी जवळजवळ ८५% स्ट्रॉबेरीचे उत्पादन हे येथे होते. याशिवाय, आपणा सर्वांना माहीत आहे की महाबळेश्वर हे ठिकाण अतिशय सुंदर असे पर्यटन स्थळदेखील आहे.

मित्रांनो, महाबळेश्वर येथील महादेवाचे मंदिर हे यादव राजा सिंघनदेव याने इसवी सनाच्या तेराव्या शतकामध्ये बांधले होते. शिवाय, या मंदिराचे खास वैशिष्ट्य म्हणजे शिवरायांच्या काळात मावळ्यांनी अफझलखानाच्या तंबूवरील कापून आणलेला सोन्याचा कळस हा छत्रपती शिवाजी महाराजांनी महाबळेश्वरच्या या मंदिरास अर्पण केला होता.

महाराष्ट्राच्या सह्याद्रीच्या कुशीत वसलेल्या या सुंदर ठिकाणी खूप चांगली घनदाट वनश्री देखील आहे. त्याचबरोबर, महाबळेश्वर येथील महाबळेश्वर मंदिर असो किंवा त्याला लागून असलेले जावळीचे खोरे आणि प्रतापगड किल्ले इत्यादी सर्व स्थळांना शिवरायांच्या नावाचा व कर्तृत्वाचा ऐतिहासिक संदर्भ जोडला गेलेला आहे.

मित्रांनो, महाबळेश्वरला पावसाचे प्रमाण खूप जास्त असल्याने पावसाळयामध्ये हा संपूर्ण परिसर जलमय होऊन जातो. त्यामुळे, येथील बहुमोल निसर्गसौंदर्य हे खंडाळा , लोणावळा अथवा माथेरान यांच्याप्रमाणे खूप आकर्षक बनते. तसेच, विल्सन पॉइंट, आर्थर सीट पॉइंट, लॉडविक पॉइंट इत्यादी पॉइंट म्हणजे महाबळेश्वर येथील प्रसिद्ध डोंगरकडे असून, यांठिकाणी देखील पर्यटकांची खूप गर्दी असते.

खरंतर, महाबळेश्वर येथील महादेवाच्या मंदिरातून कृष्णा, वेण्णा, कोयना, सावित्री आणि गोवित्री अशा पाच नद्या उगम पावतात. त्यामुळे, येथे पंचगंगेचे देऊळ स्थापन करण्यात आले आहे. शिवाय, यांतील ‘सावित्री’ ही नदी पश्चिमवाहिनी आहे, तर बाकीच्या चार नद्या या पूर्णपणे पूर्ववाहिनी आहेत. महाबळेश्वर येथील ‘वेण्णा तलाव’ म्हणजे जास्तीत जास्त पर्यटकांचे विलक्षणीय असे आकर्षक केंद्र आहे.

यासोबतच, याठिकाणी ‘वाघाचे पाणी’ या नावाचा मोठा जलाशय देखील स्थित आहे. येथे अनेक वाघ पाणी पिण्यासाठी येत असल्याने, या जलाशयाला वाघाचे पाणी असे नावं देण्यात आले असावे, असा यामागचा एक समज आहे. मित्रांनो, महाबळेश्वर येथे स्ट्रॉबेरी, रासबेरी, जांभळाचा मध, लाल मुळे आणि गाजरे खूप प्रचलित आहेत.

यांखेरीज, महाबळेश्वर येथील मध खूपच गोड असल्याने, ते खूप प्रसिद्ध आहे. तसेच, याठिकाणी गुलकंद देखील मोठ्या प्रमाणावर उपलब्ध होते. एकंदरीत मित्रांनो, महाबळेश्वरची बाजारपेठ ही खूप नावारूपाला आलेली आणि प्रचलित असलेली एक बाजारपेठ आहे. कारण, येथे लोकरीचे कपडे, स्वेटर, चमड्याचे पट्टे अथवा चमड्याची पाकीटे इत्यादी.

वस्तू अगदी निरनिराळ्या व्हरायटीमध्ये मिळतात. शिवाय, महाबळेश्वरच्या बाजारपेठेतील चणे-फुटाणे मोठ्या प्रमाणावर खाल्ले जातात. पर्यटकांसाठी जुन्या महाबळेश्वरपासून साधारणतः ७ किमीच्या अंतरावर अनेक प्रेक्षणीय ठिकाणे आहेत.

  • नक्की वाचा: महाबळेश्वरची संपूर्ण माहिती 

शिवाय, येथे अशी पाच मंदिरे आहेत जी पर्यटकांना खासकरून पूर्वीच्या काळातील भारतीय वास्तुकलेचे दर्शन घडवितात. त्याचबरोबर, याठिकाणी नैसर्गिकरित्या तयार झालेले अनेक दर्शनीय पॉईंट्स देखील आहेत. मित्रांनो, विशेष म्हणजे ब्रिटिश राजवटीमध्ये अनेक ब्रिटिश लोक येथे विश्रांतीसाठी येतं असतं, त्यावेळी त्यांनी विविध स्थळांना तेथील वैशिष्ट्यानुसार अनेक नावे दिली.

यांतील, ‘मंकी पॉइंट’ या ठिकाणाला असे नाव दिलेले आहे, कारण नैसर्गिकरित्या येथे तीन मजबूत दगड अशा पद्धतीने स्थित आहेत जे पाहणाऱ्या व्यक्तीला, अगदी माकडांप्रमाणे एकमेकांच्या समोरासमोर बसलेले आहेत असे भासतात. शिवाय, मित्रांनो हे तीन दगड आपल्याला आपल्या महात्मा गांधीजींच्या शब्दांची आठवण देखील करून देतात.

हे चित्र पाहण्यासाठी आपण जर येथील खोल दरीत थोडेसे डोकावून पाहिले की आपल्याला असे दिसेल की एका मोठ्या, मजबूत पाषणामध्ये तीन हुशार मंकी एकमेकांच्या अगदी समोरासमोर बसलेले आहेत. खरंतर, ‘आर्थर सीट पॉइंट’ ला जाण्याच्या मार्गावर हा पॉइंट स्थित आहे. अशा प्रकारे, महाबळेश्वर हे ठिकाण पर्यटकांचे मन वेधून टाकणारे आणि त्यांना स्वतःकडे आकर्षित करणारे एक विलोभनीय असे स्थळ आहे.

 तेजल तानाजी पाटील

                         बागीलगे, चंदगड.

आम्ही दिलेल्या my favourite place essay in marathi माहितीमध्ये काही चुकीचे आढळल्यास आपण तत्काळ आम्हाला comment box आणि email लिहून कळवावे तुम्ही दिलेली माहिती योग्य असल्यास आम्ही त्यामध्ये नक्की बदल करू.

मित्रानो तुमच्याकडे जर माझे आवडते ठिकाण महाबळेश्वर निबंध  बद्दल अधिक माहिती असेल तर आम्हाला कंमेंट बॉक्स मध्ये कळवा आम्ही ते या my favourite natural place essay in marathi या article मध्ये upadate करू, मित्रांनो हि my favourite historical place for class 8 essay in marathi माहिती जर तुम्हाला आवडली असेल तर तुमच्या मित्र मंडळींमध्ये my favourite natural place essay in marathi wikipedia Share करायला विसरू नका धन्यवाद अधिक माहितीसाठी भेट द्या : इनमराठी.नेट

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मी पाहिलेले पर्यटन स्थळ मराठी निबंध | Tourist Destination essay in marathi

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My Favourite Place Mahabaleshwar | Essay

January 14, 2018 by Study Mentor 2 Comments

India is surely a popular tourist destination, not only among our own countrymen but also among the international traveler, who consider our country as one of their favorite destinations. The reasons for this choice are many. India is well known for its pilgrimage spots, ancient caves, sightseeing places, weekend getaways, museums, popular monuments, hill stations and the list goes on.

People who have a religious bent of mind prefer visiting temples and other pilgrimage places to offer their prayers, hill stations are more popular amongst the younger crowds.

Monuments and archaeological sites are a favorite for the inquisitive traveler who wants to dig deep into our country’s historical roots. Sightseeing spots and picnic places are for those who want to have fun during the weekends after a long week at work.

The reason why hill stations are so popular among the youth is because they provide a relaxing holiday to the people after they have spent an entire week tirelessly at work. Nature appears at its best in any hill station and that’s the reason people get away to hill stations to enjoy the calm, serene nature.

The beauty and magnitude of nature’s powers can be felt in the calm mountain ranges; a stroll in the nearby lake provides soothing effects to the mind. Honeymoon travelers prefer hill stations as it gives them lot of privacy to spend time with their spouses and experience the beauty of nature.

The cool greenery all around gives a soothing effect to the mind and makes one wonder about the magnificent nature in all its grandeur.   

Some of the most popular hill stations of India are Ooty, Darjeeling, Mount Abu, Nainital, Shimla, Kodaikanal, Yercaud, Lonavala, Mahabaleshwar, Matheran, Waynad, Mussorie, and many more.

The scenic beauty of nature can be experienced in all these hill stations and the connectivity provided to reach them is also good, hence they are very popular and preferred places.

There are certain months of the year when one should visit when it’s ideal time to visit and also certain other times when the weather becomes unfavorable, hence best to avoid at those times.

Hill stations are usually very calm during the summer season and that’s when most of the children have vacations at schools and colleges.

So people prefer going out at summers to these hill stations to beat the summer heat in cities and escape to a cooler and much quieter place.

During winters, the weather becomes very chill and intolerable for those not used to variations in weather so it’s practically best to avoid visiting in such seasons. But every place has its own story to offer and hence its best to contact the concerned tourism department housed at the particular location before planning a journey.   

Table of Contents

T he  S eat   of   P ower    

Mahabaleshwar is a serene and quiet hill station, located in Satara district of Maharashtra state. The hill station can be located in the beautiful Sahyadri hill range that offers spectacular views of nature and beauty unlimited of the hill area. Let us now understand the connection of Mahabaleshwar with ancient mythology.

Image Credit: Source (Lodwick Point Main, Mahabaleshwar)

The name Mahabaleshwar can be split into three parts namely – Maha, bala and Eshwar.

Maha means something that is huge and magnificent, bala means strength or power, Eshwar is the other name given to Lord Shiva. In short, the place signifies a very magnificent seat of almighty’s power.

In olden days, Britishers chose to visit the place as a summer getaway when they could not bear the scorching summer heat and had their own grand stays at the hill station.

In fact, like many kings who choose to have a different summer capital during the summer days, the British heads too preferred a cooler place to beat the heat and the rulers of the province of Bombay chose Mahabaleshwar as their ideal summer capital and the preferred destination for a few summer months.

The valley of Mahabaleshwar is as beautiful as any other scenic landscape and offers highly spectacular views from different places. The very ancient Mahadev temple located in this hill station is what gave the name to the small town.

It is very famous for being the powerful source of divinity and sacred truths that brought the name Mahabaleshwar to the hill station.

River Krishna finds its source in this hill station and starting from here, the river can be seen sharing its waters across the states of its own home state Maharashtra first of all, further continuing towards Karnataka, and then to the Telugu regions of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh.

People usually converse in Marathi as it is the local language of the region. We may also find Hindi speakers mainly for business purposes. The town of Mahabaleshwar consists of three villages – Malcolm Peth, village of Shindola and also Old Mahabaleshwar where one can visit the Mahadev temple.   

The Land of Strawberries

The hill station of Mahabaleshwar is covered by beautiful valleys all around where strawberries are grown in abundance. Our country receives the maximum production of strawberries from this region as the cool climate makes it favorable for the cultivation of strawberries.

The government of India bestowed upon the Mahabaleshwar strawberries, the pride of this place, with a GI or Geographical Indication tag and brought glory to the region and the growers of strawberry. It gave them a reason to be proud of their cultivation and the intellectual property rights gave them legal rights for its cultivation and production.

As we know the place is famous for strawberries, one can have plenty of ice-creams, milkshakes, jams and jellies prepared from the fruit.

One can enjoy the delicious variety of milk shakes and ice creams that are on offer at various stalls during the tourist season. One can even go shopping for purchasing strawberry preparations and delights and can take home many packs with them.  

Popular places to Visit  

Some very famous viewpoints that offer high risen and spectacular view points of the entire valley are Wilson point, Parsi point, Elephant’s point and Babington point. The Wilson point is quite popular and everyone chooses to visit this point without fail as it gives the most spectacular views of both sunrise and sunset that one can’t afford to miss when at this place.

The other points are also very popular choices as they offer high altitude and elevated views to experience the beauty of the valley. The Pratapgadh fort is a very old, ancient fort where the battle of Pratapgadh was fought. This fort was built in the 17 th  century and it draws lots of tourists from all over the country today.

A beautiful lake stands still among the valleys of Mahabaleshwar that was once built by Appasaheb Maharaj in 1842 and named Venna Lake. The Chinaman and Lingmala waterfalls offer mesmerizing views from the top, adding to the beauty of the valley.   

Image Credit: Source (Sunset Point, Mahabaleshwar)

Sir Arthur used to sit a point with his wife to enjoy the breathtaking views of Krishna river from a point, now famously known as the Arthur point, named after him. It needs a little climbing up to the actual point and there are many points from this main point and require around two to three hours to actually view and enjoy all the surrounding points from there.

Next, let’s look at how to reach Mahabaleshwar. Mahabaleshwar is easily connected by road and rail transport systems. The nearest railways station from Mahabaleshwar is the Wathar station, which is about 60 kilometers from the place. The other nearest point to Mahabaleshwar would definitely be Pune.

Government services offer plenty of bus transport services from Pune and Mumbai to Mahabaleshwar and one can easily hire a taxi to reach the place. There are plenty of restaurants offering both vegetarian and non-vegetarian food at the hill station.

Tourists can go shopping at the town bazaar that offers many varieties for shopping lovers. A nearby hill station that one should not miss when at Mahabaleshwar is the Panchgani hill station. It is a 37 kilometer drive from Mahabaleshwar to Panchgani through the Mahabaleshwar-Panchgani road and one can enjoy various breathtaking points and views along the journey.

Reader Interactions

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January 19, 2022 at 2:34 pm

amazing essay that you write i like it.Thank you for writing such a nice essay on hill station.

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February 6, 2022 at 5:39 pm

This is the worst site and worst essay I ever went through. I expected something good to have as suggestion for my essay, but this just turned out to be bad.

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Short Essay on My Favorite Place (Goa)

Short Essay on My Favorite Place (Goa) मराठीत | Short Essay on My Favorite Place (Goa) In Marathi

Short Essay on My Favorite Place (Goa) मराठीत | Short Essay on My Favorite Place (Goa) In Marathi - 800 शब्दात

    गोव्याने मला         बोलावल्यासारखे         वाटते .     मी जेव्हा जेव्हा 'गोवा' म्हणतो तेव्हा माझ्या संपूर्ण आत्म्यात उत्साहाची ठिणगी पेटते.     गोवा हे असे         रमणीय         ठिकाण आहे.     नावानेच माझ्या कफजन्य मनःस्थितीला उद्दामपणा         येतो         .     जेव्हा लोक भारतात सुट्टीसाठी जाण्यासाठी चांगल्या ठिकाणांबद्दल बोलतात तेव्हा मी गोव्याबद्दल बोलण्यास विरोध करू शकत नाही.    

    गोवा निसर्गाच्या कुशीत वसलेला आहे आणि         शांतता         निर्दोष आहे.     ठिकाण खूप शांत आणि सुखदायक आहे.     म्हणूनच         गोवा हे माझे आवडते ठिकाण आहे.         जुन्या इमारती आणि वास्तू निसर्गाशी कसे मिसळून जातात हे मला आवडते.     रस्ते पर्यटकांनी भरलेले असतात आणि रस्त्यावरून फिरणे नेहमीच अनोखे असते.     या ठिकाणची विलक्षण आभा मला माझ्या हॉटेलमध्ये कधीही राहू देत नाही आणि मी संपूर्ण दिवस बाहेर घालवतो.    

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Short Essay on My Favorite Place (Goa) मराठीत | Short Essay on My Favorite Place (Goa) In Marathi

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5 Best Written Essays on My favourite Place For Students [ 2024 ]

The favourite place is one where you love to go, enjoy and get relax. The Favourite place can be like school, beach, taj mahal, island, any natural place, one’s house, goa, room etc. I have written the following essay on topic My favourite place. This short & long essay on topic my favourite place is very helpful for children & students.

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Read the essay in detail, in points, notes, 10 lines, 100,200 words for children & students

Essay on My Favourite Place | My Favourite Place My Grand Mother’s Home Essay For Children & Students

Everyone has a favorite place to go where he feels comfortable and safe. The one place which changes our mood instantly and makes us forget all our concerns. A place that free sour mind from any kind of stress and we love to sit there.

My Favorite Place Essay

My most favorite place is my grandparent’s house. It is located in a village. It only has 5 rooms but it is very well constructed.

The walls of the house are painted with white color and from inside, it is very colorful. My grandfather personally took part in building this house and he made this house with so much love.

This house also has backyard where my grandma used to grow fruits and vegetables. I have always been more excited to spend my summer holidays at this place.

I spend all my summers there and that is the best time of my life. I play on the yard, climb the trees to pick fresh fruits and eat fresh vegetables. I also help my grandma to plant seeds in the garden.

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There are countless reasons to explain why this place is so important for me. There is something very special about that house. I feel comfortable and relaxed there. I also forget all my worries there.

Firstly, this house has a very different atmosphere like I feel complete warmth there. It is located in a village so it is free of any noise or air pollution. It is also free of traffic jams.

I get up early in the morning to go for a walk and breathe fresh air. The fresh air makes my body and mind fresh. My grandmother makes breakfast for me enriched in vitamins.

Evenings are most fun there. My grandfather makes tea, we sit together and then we share our life stories. My grandparent’s place is a place for family gatherings.

There is a big dinner prepared on weekends and everyone is expected to come. All my relatives get there to spend time together. Our talk sessions are always fun and full of laughter.

In summers, everything is blossoming there and there are fresh flowers everywhere. Nature’s beauty at my village is at extreme point and one cannot remove his eyes from the beautiful views.

There is a pond behind the house. I go to the pond to catch fishes and sit with my cousins. On the left side of my grandparent’s house, there is a small garden too which is covered with luscious green grass.

There are swings in the garden too. I also play many fun games with my cousins there like water war or fighting water balloons.

At night, I usually sit on the roof looking up at the sky and beautiful stars. I feel so calm to feel the gentle breeze and the moon light shining down on me.

Life in village is very simple and healthy. People are always available and they do care for each other. They care about the cleanliness of the place and keep it clean.

I anxiously wait for my summers holidays so that I can go and spend time with my grandma and grandpa. They are the humblest people I have ever known.

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It is good to have a favorite place where one can make special memories. My grandparent’s place is indeed a great place to spend holidays there.

It is my favorite place in the whole world and I cannot wait to go there again to spend my next summer holidays. This house will always remain my favorite place because it has a special place in my heart.

My Favorite place in school essay:

As a student, I have spent countless hours within the walls of my school. While some may find this mundane and uninteresting, there is one particular place that has always stood out to me – the school library.

The library holds a special place in my heart as it not only provides a quiet space for studying and reading, but also offers a wide range of books and resources for students to explore and expand their knowledge.

The moment I step into the library, I am greeted by the familiar smell of books and the peaceful atmosphere. The shelves are filled with books of various genres, from classic literature to modern fiction, and everything in between. I can spend hours browsing through these shelves, discovering new authors and stories to dive into.

But the library is not just a place for books. It also offers comfortable seating areas, perfect for studying or discussing group projects with classmates. The librarians are always happy to assist students in finding the resources they need and offer helpful advice on research techniques.

What I love most about the library is that it serves as a sanctuary from the hustle and bustle of school life. Whenever I feel overwhelmed or just need a break, I know that I can come here and find solace in the pages of a book.

Moreover, the library organizes various activities and events throughout the year, such as book clubs, author talks, and reading challenges. These not only promote a love for reading but also provide opportunities for students to interact with their peers who share similar interests.

In conclusion, my favorite place in school is the library. It has not only helped me academically but has also provided a peaceful and welcoming environment for personal growth and exploration. I am grateful to have such a wonderful resource within the walls of my school.

My Favorite place essay 100-200-250 words:

Everyone has a special place that holds a significant meaning in their heart. For me, that special place is none other than my ancestral house, nestled amidst the lush greenery and scenic beauty of the countryside.

My love for this place knows no bounds as it brings back fond memories of my childhood days spent playing hide and seek with my cousins in the sprawling gardens, listening to grandma’s stories under the starlit skies, and savoring delicious homemade meals cooked by my mother.

The house itself is a beautiful blend of old-world charm and modern amenities. The veranda with its swinging chair, overlooking the endless fields of paddy, has always been my go-to spot for relaxation and introspection. The vibrant colors of the blooming flowers, the sweet chirping of birds, and the fresh air make me feel rejuvenated and at peace with myself.

What makes this place even more special is its historical significance. It has been standing tall for over a hundred years, witnessing the ups and downs of our family and preserving countless memories within its walls. The rusted antique artifacts, the black and white photographs adorning the walls, and the creaky wooden staircase all add to its charm.

Visiting my favorite place always fills me with a sense of nostalgia, making me feel connected to my roots. It’s a place where time stands still, away from the hustle and bustle of city life. I am grateful for this serene haven that has given me countless happy moments and continues to be a source of solace for me.

In conclusion, my favorite place holds a special place in my heart. It’s not just a physical space, but a sanctuary where I can escape from the chaos of daily life and connect with myself. It’s a reminder of simpler times and cherished memories, making it truly priceless to me. So, whenever I get a chance, I make sure to visit my favorite place and bask in its tranquility and serenity. There’s no place like home! It will always be my favorite place – the perfect blend of love, peace, and happiness.

10 Lines Essay on my favorite Place For Class 1, 2:

As a child, I have always looked forward to visiting my favorite place. It is a serene and beautiful location that has captured my heart since the first time I stepped foot there. Every time we plan a trip to this place, my excitement knows no bounds.

The journey to my favorite place is itself an adventure. We drive through winding roads surrounded by lush green hills and valleys, passing by quaint little villages and glistening streams. The fresh air and scenic views provide a sense of tranquility that I can never get enough of.

When we reach our destination, my heart always skips a beat with excitement. My favorite place is located on the banks of a crystal clear lake surrounded by tall trees. The water is so pure and inviting that I cannot resist jumping in for a swim. The sandy beach, with its warm and golden sand, is the perfect spot to relax and soak up the sun.

One of my favorite activities at this place is going on nature trails. There are countless paths that lead into the heart of the forest, each one offering a different experience. I am always fascinated by the diverse flora and fauna that I encounter during these walks. It is truly a nature lover’s paradise.

Apart from the natural beauty, my favorite place also has various recreational activities. We often rent bicycles and go on long rides around the lake, stopping at different viewpoints to take in the breathtaking scenery. There are also options for boating, kayaking, and fishing which add to the excitement of our trip.

My favorite place also has many cozy cafes and restaurants that offer delicious local cuisine. I always look forward to trying new dishes and flavors, and this place never disappoints. There is something special about enjoying a hot meal while surrounded by nature’s beauty.

My Favorite Place Essay in Marathi:

माझे आवडते स्थळ

मला आवडतं स्थळ हा माझ्या गावाचं छोटं सर्वसाधारण खुर्दीचं मार्ग आहे. तो माझ्या आवडत्या दिलेल्या जागांपैकी आहे. मला ह्या छोट्या स्थळाची सोबत अनेक आठवणी आहेत.

या स्थळाची एक विशेषता आहे. त्याच्या चारचुका दिलेल्या गावाच्या माझ्या घराच्या जवळच्या आहे. त्याच्या आवडत्या पाडव्यामुळे माझ्या जवळच्या गावात अत्यंत चिकण्या सुखाची वात आहे. सणांच्या दिवशी त्या वाताच्या ताटाने खेळणारे बालक अत्यंत आनंदी आहे.

या स्थळाच्या जवळच्या जंगलाच्या कासवाच्या पिशव्यामुळे एकदम निर्मितीच्या अनुभवात आनंद होतो. अशाच अनेक सर्वसाधारण आणि चिरपरिणामी क्षणांसाठी आवडतं स्थळ हा माझ्या बचपनाच्या खुप आठवणीला घेऊन आलंय.

माझ्या आवडत्या स्थळाच्या आत्मिक सौंदर्यामुळे, त्याच्या प्राकृतिक सौंदर्यामुळे माझ्या आवडत्या स्थळाच्या खोलीत विचारल्यावर, तो एकदम सुंदर, शांत, आणि सुखकर असलं ल

  • Describe the place in detail.
  • Explain why it’s your favorite.
  • Share personal experiences and emotions.
  • Use vivid language and sensory details.
  • A favorite place is somewhere you feel a strong connection to, often due to positive memories, emotions, or personal significance.
  • An essay of place is a written work that focuses on describing and sharing one’s experiences, emotions, and observations related to a specific location, such as a city, park, or a personal favorite place.
  • State your favorite place.
  • Explain what makes it special, like memories or its beauty.
  • Share how it makes you feel and why you enjoy it.

Essay on My Favourite Place For Students

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Marathi Read

माझे आवडते ठिकाण मराठी निबंध । My Favourite Place Essay in Marathi

माझे आवडते ठिकाण मराठी निबंध । My Favourite Place Essay in Marathi

मित्रांनो आपल्या भारत देशामध्ये पर्यटनासाठी वेगवेगळी प्रसिद्ध असे ठिकाणी आहोत.

तसेच आपल्या भारत देशातील बहुतांश ठिकाणांना निसर्गाचा वारसा देखील लाभलेला आहे. जन्माला आलेल्या प्रत्येक व्यक्तीला फिरायला आवडते वेगवेगळ्या ठिकाणी जाऊन तेथील ऐतिहासिक तसेच निसर्गमय ठिकाणाचा आनंद घ्यायला आपल्यातील सर्वांनाच आवडत असेल!!

आपल्या भारत देशात नवनवीन ठिकाणी फिरायला आणि तेथील ठिकाणाचा आनंद घेण्यासाठी विविध पर्यटनस्थळे आहेत. ज्या ठिकाणी जाऊन आपण आपले दुःख विसरून थकवा विसरून जीवनाचा खरा आनंद घेऊ शकतो. परंतु मी आज पर्यंत पाहिलेल्या सर्व पर्यटन स्थळांपैकी माझे आवडते ठिकाण म्हणजे महाबळेश्वर होय.

महाबळेश्वर हे ठिकाण महाराष्ट्रातील सातारा जिल्ह्यातील एक थंड हवेचे ठिकाण म्हणून पर्यटकांसाठी प्रसिद्ध आहे. निसर्गाचा सुंदर असा वारसा लाभलेल्या या ठिकाणाला वर्षभरामध्ये लाखो पर्यटक भेट देतात. त्यामुळे महाबळेश्वरला महाराष्ट्राचे नंदनवन म्हणून ओळखले जाते.

ब्रिटिश काळापासूनच महाबळेश्वरला उत्कू गिरीस्थान म्हणजेच डोंगराळ भाग लाभलेला आहे आणि तो आज देखील कायम आहे. चोही बाजूने डोंगराळ भागाने वेढलेले हे महाबळेश्वर पर्यटकांसाठी खरंच एक आकर्षणाचं ठिकाण आहे.

महाबळेश्वर हे ठिकाण समुद्रसपाटीपासून सुमारे 1 हजार 372 मीटर उंचीवर असून पश्चिम घाटाच्या डोंगराळ रांगेत वसलेले अतिशय थंड हवेचे ठिकाण आहे.

महाबळेश्वर हे ठिकाण पुणे शहरापासून सुमारे 120 किलोमीटरच्या अंतरावर स्थित आहे. उत्तर मुंबई पासून महाबळेश्वर हे 285 किलोमीटरच्या अंतरावर आहे.

मित्रांनो महाबळेश्वरला विल्सन पॉइंट या नावाने देखील ओळखले जाते. निसर्गरम्य असलेले ठिकाण मळकोम पेठ, जुने क्षेत्र महाबळेश्वर आणि आणि सिंडोल चा भाग अशा तीन खेडे गावांची मिळवण्यात महाबळेश्वर या शहराची निर्मिती झाली.

महाराष्ट्रातील मुख्य नद्या पैकी एक असलेली नदी म्हणजे कृष्णा नदीचा उगम हा महाबळेश्वर या ठिकाणाहून झाला त्यामुळे महाबळेश्वरच्या सुंदर्ते मध्ये आणखीन भर पडली आहे. याशिवाय महाबळेश्वरचे हवामान हे स्ट्रॉबेरी या फळाची साठी सर्वोत्कृष्ट आहे, त्यामुळे महाबळेश्वर येथे स्ट्रॉबेरीचे उत्पादन मोठ्या प्रमाणामध्ये केले जाते. भारत देशाच्या एकूण स्ट्रॉबेरी उत्पादनापैकी सुमारे 85 टक्के स्ट्रॉबेरीचे उत्पादन एकट्या महाबळेश्वर या ठिकाणाहून होते.

पर्यटनाच्या दृष्टीने अतिशय सुंदर असलेले महाबळेश्वर या ठिकाणी महादेवाचे मोठे मंदिर आहे. या मंदिराची निर्मिती यादव राजा सिंघनदेव याने तेराव्या शतकात केली असावी.

तसेच डोंगराळ प्रदेशात असलेल्या महाबळेश्वर या ठिकाणी घनदाट वनश्री देखील आहे. महाबळेश्वर चे सुंदर रूप पाहायचे असेल तर पावसाळ्याच्या दिवसांमध्ये महाबळेश्वर शहराला नक्कीच भेट द्यावी. महाबळेश्वर या ठिकाणी पावसाचे प्रमाण जास्त असल्याने पावसाळ्याच्या दिवसात येतील प्रदेश जलमय दिसतो. महाबळेश्वर येथील निसर्गसौंदर्य खंडाळा-लोणावळा, युवा माथेरान सारखे असलेले येथील पॉईंट्स महाबळेश्वर याला आणखीच सौंदर्य प्राप्त करून देतात.

महाबळेश्वर या ठिकाणी असलेल्या निसर्गमय पॉईंट्स मुळे महाबळेश्वर हे पर्यटकांच्या दृष्टीने एक आकर्षणाचे केंद्र बनले आहे. पर्यटकांसाठी आवडीचे असलेले फळ स्ट्रॉबेरी, रासबेरी आणि जांभळाचा मध व व लाल मुळे हे महाबळेश्वर या ठिकाणी खूप प्रसिद्ध आणि लोकप्रिय आहेत.

त्यातल्या त्यात महाबळेश्वर या ठिकाणी मिळणारा मध तर खूपच चविष्ट आणि प्रसिद्ध आहे तसेच या ठिकाणी मिळणारे गुलकंद देखील देशभरामध्ये प्रसिद्ध आहे.

तसेच महाबळेश्वर येथील बाजारपेठेमध्ये येणाऱ्या पर्यटकांसाठी लोकरीचे कपडे, स्वेटर, चामड्याचे पट्टे, चण्याचे पाकीट इत्यादी वस्तू मोठ्या प्रमाणात मिळतात. तसेच महाबळेश्वर येथील चणे- फुटाणे देखील खूप प्रसिद्ध आहेत.

तसेच महाबळेश्वर येथील कृष्णा, कोयना, गायत्री, सावित्री वेंना सरस्वती आणि भागीरथी या पाच नद्यांचे उगम स्थान पर्यटकांसाठी बघण्यासारखे आहे.ं

तसेच मित्रांनो तुम्ही कधी महाबळेश्वर या ठिकाणी गेलात तर तेथील मंकी पॉईंट, आर्थर सीट पॉइंट, नीडल हॉल पॉइंट, एलिफंट हेड पॉईंट आणि विल्सन पॉइंट हे पॉइंट पाहणे कधीही विसरू नका.

तसेच महाबळेश्वर पासून महाड रस्त्याने 21 किलोच्या अंतरावर प्रतापगड आहे. त्यामुळे महाबळेश्वर या ठिकाणाला भेट द्यायला आलेले पर्यटक प्रतापगड किल्ल्याला भेट देण्यासाठी नक्कीच जातात. त्या प्रमाणेच महाबळेश्वर या ठिकाणी असलेला लिंगमळा धबधबा हासुद्धा पर्यटकांच्या आकर्षणाचे एक मुख्य स्थान आहे. हा धबधबा साधारणता सहाशे फूट उंचीवरून थेट वेंना तलावात पडतो.

तसेच पर्यटकांसाठी आणखी एक बघण्यासारखे ठिकाण म्हणजे जुना महाबळेश्वर या ठिकाणापासून सात किलोमीटरच्या अंतरावर खूप प्रेक्षणीय ठिकाणे आहेत त्यामध्ये पाच जुनी मंदिरे आहेत जी जुन्या काळातील भारतीय वास्तुकलेचे दर्शन घडवितात.

महाबळेश्वर हे ठिकाण नैसर्गिकरीत्या अतिशय सुंदर असे ठिकाण आहे. पर्यटकांच्या दृष्टीने महत्त्वाचे आणि निसर्गाच्या दृष्टीने अग्रेसर असलेले हे ठिकाण माझे आवडते ठिकाण आहे.

मित्रांनो भविष्यात तुम्हाला देखील महाबळेश्वर या ठिकाणाला भेट देण्याची संधी मिळाली तर नक्कीच भेट द्या आणि तेथील निसर्गाचा आणि वेगवेगळ्या पॉईंट्स चा आनंद घ्या.

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हे पण अवश्य वाचा =

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Essay on Tourist Places in India

Students are often asked to write an essay on Tourist Places in India in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Tourist Places in India


India, a country known for its diverse cultures, has many beautiful places to visit. These include historical monuments, natural wonders, and vibrant cities.

Historical Monuments

Monuments like the Taj Mahal, Qutub Minar, and Red Fort showcase India’s rich history. They are popular attractions for both local and international tourists.

Natural Wonders

India’s natural beauty is seen in places like Kerala’s backwaters, Rajasthan’s Thar Desert, and the snow-capped peaks of the Himalayas. These spots offer breathtaking views.

Vibrant Cities

Cities like Mumbai, Delhi, and Bangalore are bustling with life. They offer a mix of traditional and modern attractions, from temples to shopping malls.

250 Words Essay on Tourist Places in India

India, a land of diverse cultures, traditions, and landscapes, is a paradise for travelers. From the snow-capped peaks of the Himalayas to the serene backwaters of Kerala, the country offers an array of tourist destinations that cater to all kinds of travelers.

The Northern Expanse

The northern region of India is home to the majestic Himalayan range. Destinations like Ladakh, Shimla, and Manali offer breathtaking views, adventure sports, and spiritual retreats. The state of Rajasthan, with its rich history and grand architecture, offers a glimpse into India’s royal past. Cities like Jaipur, Udaipur, and Jodhpur are famous for their forts, palaces, and vibrant culture.

The Southern Serenity

The southern part of India is a haven for nature lovers and beach enthusiasts. Kerala, known as ‘God’s Own Country’, offers serene backwaters, lush green landscapes, and exotic wildlife. Goa, on the other hand, is a party destination with beautiful beaches and a vibrant nightlife. The ancient temples of Hampi and Madurai are a testament to the architectural brilliance of the bygone era.

The Eastern Heritage

The eastern part of India is rich in cultural heritage. Kolkata, the cultural capital of India, is known for its literature, arts, and colonial architecture. The Sun Temple of Konark and the Jagannath Temple in Puri are famous pilgrimage sites. The Kaziranga and Sunderbans National Parks offer unique wildlife experiences.

The Western Charm

The western region of India is a blend of tradition and modernity. Mumbai, the financial capital, is known for its bustling markets and Bollywood industry. The Ajanta and Ellora caves in Maharashtra showcase ancient Indian art and culture.

In conclusion, India, with its diverse landscapes and rich heritage, offers a myriad of experiences for every traveler. Its tourist destinations are a reflection of its cultural diversity, historical richness, and natural beauty.

500 Words Essay on Tourist Places in India

India, a country rich in its diverse culture and splendid traditions, is famous worldwide for its beautiful tourist destinations. It is a land where history, nature, and modernity coexist in harmony, offering an array of tourist spots that cater to different tastes and interests. From the snow-capped peaks of the Himalayas to the sun-kissed beaches of Goa, from the sacred Ganges to the sands of the Thar Desert, India is a treasure trove of unique experiences.

The Majestic North

The northern part of India is a paradise for nature lovers and adventure enthusiasts. The Himalayan range offers breathtaking landscapes and thrilling experiences. Destinations like Leh-Ladakh, Shimla, Manali, and Uttarakhand are renowned for their scenic beauty. The region also boasts of historic sites like the Golden Temple in Amritsar and the Taj Mahal in Agra, a UNESCO World Heritage site and one of the Seven Wonders of the World.

The Cultural Heartland

Central India is the cultural heartland, with places like Varanasi, known for its spiritual significance, and Khajuraho, famous for its ancient temples and erotic sculptures. Madhya Pradesh, the geographical center of India, is home to numerous heritage sites like the Sanchi Stupa and rock shelters of Bhimbetka.

The Vibrant West

Western India offers a blend of history, culture, and modernity. Rajasthan’s royal palaces, Gujarat’s white desert, and Maharashtra’s bustling city life, including Mumbai, the entertainment capital of India, are major attractions. The region is also known for its wildlife sanctuaries, such as the Ranthambore National Park in Rajasthan and the Gir National Park in Gujarat.

The Serene South

The southern region of India is known for its serene beaches, backwaters, and hill stations. Kerala, known as ‘God’s Own Country,’ offers a unique experience with its houseboat cruises in the backwaters of Alleppey. The intricately carved temples of Tamil Nadu, the IT hub Bangalore, and the historical city of Mysore in Karnataka, and the Charminar in Hyderabad, Telangana, are other notable attractions.

The Mystical East

The eastern part of India is a blend of spirituality, nature, and culture. The Sun Temple at Konark and the Jagannath Temple at Puri in Odisha, the ancient city of Nalanda in Bihar, and the tea gardens of Assam are must-visit places. The region also offers natural beauty with places like Darjeeling and Sikkim in the lap of the Himalayas.

India, with its vast geographical and cultural diversity, offers a myriad of tourist destinations. Each region has its unique charm and attractions, promising an unforgettable experience to travelers. The country’s rich heritage, vibrant traditions, and scenic beauty make it a must-visit destination on every traveler’s list.

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My Favourite Place Essay

my favourite tourist place essay in marathi

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My Favourite Place Essay: Everyone has a favorite place that holds a special meaning in their heart. It may be a serene beach, a hidden garden, or the comfort of a childhood home. Sharing the magnetism and importance of one’s favorite place is an invitation to treasure our personal refuges and cherish unforgettable moments experienced within their embrace. In this blog, we will provide sample essays of different lengths – 150, 250, 300, and 500 words – to capture the essence of this beloved location.

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These sample essays aim to convey the essence of a favourite place in various lengths, capturing the essence of these beloved locations – the serenity, nostalgia, and joy they provide. Whether it’s an essay of small word count of 150 words or a longer one of 500 words, these sample pieces help you with all you need.

My Favourite Place Essay 1: 100 Words

My favourite place is a cozy beachside cafe where time slows down, and relaxation takes center stage. The moment I step onto the sandy shore, a soothing sense of calm engulfs me. The rhythmic sound of the crashing waves, the salty ocean breeze, and seagulls soaring overhead create a serene symphony that rejuvenates my weary soul. As I sit on a wooden deck chair, sipping my favorite coffee, I watch as the sun bids adieu, offering a breathtaking view of the horizon painted in hues of orange and pink. This sanctuary allows me to reflect, unplug, and simply be present in the moment – a haven where my worries melt away and my spirit finds solace.

My Favourite Place Essay 2: 200 Words

Set amidst rolling hills and majestic mountains, my favourite place is an enchanting valley that leaves me spellbound. As I venture deep into the valley, the crisp, fresh air fills my lungs, rejuvenating both my body and mind. The panoramic vistas of cascading waterfalls, meandering rivers, and gentle meadows covered in wildflowers unfold before me like a masterpiece created by Mother Nature herself.

The solitude and peace I find here are unparalleled, allowing me to delve into introspection and reconnect with my inner self. The valley’s rich biodiversity provides a haven for various wildlife species, and occasionally, I am lucky enough to spot a deer trotting gracefully or hear the distant echo of a bird’s song.

At the heart of this ethereal valley lies a sparkling turquoise lake, reflecting the surrounding mountains like a mirror. Its calm and serenity are simply awe-inspiring, leaving me in awe of nature’s unmatched beauty. Sitting by the lake’s edge, I watch as the sun paints the sky in a breathtaking palette of hues during sunset, bidding farewell to another day.

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My Favourite Place Essay 3: 250 Words

My favourite place is my childhood home, a charming house nestled in a quaint little village. Surrounded by lush green fields and with a view of the sea in the distance, it exudes warmth and nostalgia. Every corner of the house holds cherished memories, from family gatherings in the cozy living room to lazy afternoons spent playing in the sprawling backyard.

Entering through the handcrafted wooden door, I am greeted by the scent of freshly baked cookies, a testament to my mother’s love and nurturing. The aroma wafts through the air, instantly transporting me back to my carefree childhood days. The creaky staircase, worn with time, echoes the laughter and footsteps of bygone times.

As I walk into my old room, memories unfold before my eyes. The walls adorned with my colorful artwork, the shelves lined with beloved storybooks, and the familiar view of a tree outside my window – all bring a sense of comfort and familiarity. The room is a sanctuary where my dreams were nourished, my creativity flourished, and self-discovery was nurtured.

The lush garden that surrounds my childhood home is a testament to my father’s green thumb. The vibrant blooms that carpet the landscape, the melodious chirping of birds among the trees, and the gentle rustling of leaves in the breeze all create an orchestra of natural serenity. This oasis is where I spent countless hours exploring, reading, and finding solace in the midst of nature’s embrace.

My Favourite Place Essay 4: 500 Words

Nestled in the heart of a bustling city, my favourite place serves as an escape from the chaos that surrounds it. The local botanical garden offers a haven of lush greenery and colorful blossoms that instantly lighten my mood. As I stroll along the winding pathways, my senses are greeted by the intoxicating scents of nature, while the melodious chirping of birds provides a symphony in the background. The garden offers various nooks to unwind, from secluded benches under the shade of towering trees to charming gazebos adorned with climbing vines.

With each visit, my eyes are delighted by the vibrant blooms – an ever-changing canvas of nature’s beauty. In this place, time seems to stand still, allowing me to appreciate the simple wonders of life. It is here where my worries dissipate, and my mind finds clarity. This sanctuary is not only an escape; it is a reminder to slow down and appreciate the world’s natural splendor.

The botanical garden is not just a visual feast; it is also a hub of activity for various forms of wildlife. Butterflies flutter gracefully from flower to flower, their delicate wings adding a touch of elegance to the surroundings. Bees buzz busily, going about their pollination duties, contributing to the garden’s continuous cycle of growth and renewal. The presence of these creatures reminds me of the interconnectedness of all living beings and the importance of preserving and nurturing our natural environment.

As I continue my exploration, I am captivated by the diverse ecosystems within the garden. A pond teeming with lily pads and koi fish offers a tranquil oasis, while a miniature waterfall provides a soothing soundtrack to my thoughts. The presence of water adds a soothing ambiance to the already calming atmosphere of the garden, and I find myself drawn to its refreshing embrace.

In this haven of serenity, I am able to disconnect from the demands of daily life and reconnect with myself. Whether I am enjoying a quiet moment of solitude or sharing the beauty with loved ones, the botanical garden offers a space to reflect, rejuvenate, and find inspiration. I often bring a book or a sketchpad, finding a peaceful spot to indulge in my favorite pastimes while surrounded by nature’s wonders.

During different seasons, the garden undergoes a metamorphosis, showcasing the cyclical nature of growth and change. In spring, cherry blossoms paint the landscape in delicate shades of pink, while in summer, roses bloom in vibrant hues, filling the air with their intoxicating fragrance. Autumn brings a tapestry of fiery orange and red leaves, and in winter, a sprinkle of frost adds a magical touch to the dormant plants.

Leaving the garden, I am revitalized and ready to face the bustling city once again. The experience has reminded me of the importance of finding balance in life, of taking the time to appreciate and nurture the natural world around us. The botanical garden serves as a constant source of solace and inspiration, and I am grateful for its existence amidst the chaos of the city.

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FAQs on My Favourite Place Essay

How do i write about my favorite place.

When it comes to writing about your favorite place, the most important thing is to tap into your emotions and memories. Start by brainstorming all the reasons why this place holds a special place in your heart - perhaps it evokes a sense of peace, has breathtaking views, or is filled with fond memories.

Why is home my favourite place?

Home is my favorite place because it provides a sense of comfort and familiarity that cannot be replicated anywhere else. Home is not just a physical structure; it embodies the love, warmth, and security that allow me to fully relax and be at peace.

How do you answer what is your favorite place?

I would say my favorite place is probably the cozy little coffee shop down the street from my apartment. There's something about the warm, rustic atmosphere and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee that instantly puts me at ease

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My Favourite Place Essay

A favourite Place is one where a person enjoys spending the majority of their time. Each person has a different favourite place. The only place we can go to forget all of our sorrow. It depends on what they like and are interested in. Here are a few sample essays on my favourite place.

100 Words Essay On My Favourite Place

Each of us has a favourite location where we can find fulfilment and happiness. I also have a favourite place where I enjoy spending the majority of my time. My house is where I like to be. I enjoy spending my time there. It has a lovely and tranquil environment. My house is in the centre of a city. I live with my mother, father, two brothers, and two sisters. We each have our room. There isn't a place more significant than my house, in my opinion. I enjoy being at home. It energises me and lifts my spirits. Whenever I'm at home, I enjoy myself.

My Favourite Place Essay

200 Words Essay On My Favourite Place

Everybody has a favourite location, such as a garden, a house, a playground, etc. My hometown, though, is my favourite place, and I love being in my home.

My Hometown

My town is my entire world. I was raised there. I have a lot of lovely and endearing memories of it. I used to play there with my friends and cousins during my early years. In my community, everyone is cordial. My town has many trees. I can only think of one spot where I enjoy spending time - my town. My visits home provide me with much delight and satisfaction. In my town, practically every amenity is available, and the roads and bridges are macadamized.

Additionally, the community has access to medical facilities. The local government also provides excellent maintenance for the public transportation system. In my community, emphasis is placed primarily on education. Everyone wants access to high-quality education, regardless of gender. The neighbourhood helps out with the needs of poor kids. I hold this place- My Town, in high regard.

Everyone has a distinct favourite location. It is in keeping with their preferences and interests. Similarly, my favourite location reflects my interests, and I love being at my favourite place.

500 Words Essay On My Favourite Place

My grandmother's house in my village has often been one of my favourite places to be. Everyone has always held a special place in their hearts for their grandmother's home. We spent numerous summers with our granny when we were younger. Her home appeared to stand out from the rest in some way that made it special.

Enjoyment time

I enjoy playing outside while picking fresh fruits from the trees and eating freshly prepared vegetables. Frequently, I help my grandmother sow seeds in the garden. There are several reasons why I value this place so highly. There is something incredibly unique about the house. I feel at ease and relaxed here.

Why I Love My Grandmother’s House

First of all, the atmosphere at my grandmother’s house is distinctly different. I am at peace here. There is no noise or pollution because it is in a village. Additionally, there are no traffic jams here. I always wake early so that I can go for a walk and take in some fresh air. My body and mind are both revitalised by the fresh air. My grandmother makes me a delicious breakfast. In the evening, my whole family gathers to share our life stories as our grandfather makes tea.

My grandparents' home also has a small garden with grass that is a vibrant green colour. In the garden, there are swings as well. There, we also like playing entertaining games with our relatives, including water fights. We frequently spend the evenings sitting on the roof, looking up at the stars.

Holidays At Grandmother’s House

Over the holidays, there is always a lot of laughing and playing games at grandma’s house. Uncle's loud, recognisable giggle may be heard for miles. My aunt never misses an opportunity to comment on his laughter. The living room of our grandmother's home is where she regularly can be seen sitting and gazing out the window, close to the front entrance. She sits at this location to read the newspaper daily and sip on her old-fashioned steaming black coffee.

She can lose hours watching the birds fly to the feeder next to the window in her living room. Most birds have names that our grandmother is familiar with and recognises. She never skips a chance to observe the squirrels. Everything blossoms, and there are fresh flowers everywhere throughout the summer. In our town, the natural beauty is at an all-time high, and it's impossible to keep your eyes off the stunning surroundings. A pond is located behind the house. My cousins and I go fishing in the pond.

The village's residents lead simple, healthy lives. People care for one another and are always available. They make a lot of effort to maintain the facility's cleanliness because they care about it. We always look forward to our summer vacation so we may visit Grandma and Grandpa. Anyone who has met them will attest to their humility. All of this adds up to why I love my grandparents house and why it is my favourite place.

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Data Administrator

Database professionals use software to store and organise data such as financial information, and customer shipping records. Individuals who opt for a career as data administrators ensure that data is available for users and secured from unauthorised sales. DB administrators may work in various types of industries. It may involve computer systems design, service firms, insurance companies, banks and hospitals.

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A career as ethical hacker involves various challenges and provides lucrative opportunities in the digital era where every giant business and startup owns its cyberspace on the world wide web. Individuals in the ethical hacker career path try to find the vulnerabilities in the cyber system to get its authority. If he or she succeeds in it then he or she gets its illegal authority. Individuals in the ethical hacker career path then steal information or delete the file that could affect the business, functioning, or services of the organization.

GIS officer work on various GIS software to conduct a study and gather spatial and non-spatial information. GIS experts update the GIS data and maintain it. The databases include aerial or satellite imagery, latitudinal and longitudinal coordinates, and manually digitized images of maps. In a career as GIS expert, one is responsible for creating online and mobile maps.

Data Analyst

The invention of the database has given fresh breath to the people involved in the data analytics career path. Analysis refers to splitting up a whole into its individual components for individual analysis. Data analysis is a method through which raw data are processed and transformed into information that would be beneficial for user strategic thinking.

Data are collected and examined to respond to questions, evaluate hypotheses or contradict theories. It is a tool for analyzing, transforming, modeling, and arranging data with useful knowledge, to assist in decision-making and methods, encompassing various strategies, and is used in different fields of business, research, and social science.

Geothermal Engineer

Individuals who opt for a career as geothermal engineers are the professionals involved in the processing of geothermal energy. The responsibilities of geothermal engineers may vary depending on the workplace location. Those who work in fields design facilities to process and distribute geothermal energy. They oversee the functioning of machinery used in the field.

Database Architect

If you are intrigued by the programming world and are interested in developing communications networks then a career as database architect may be a good option for you. Data architect roles and responsibilities include building design models for data communication networks. Wide Area Networks (WANs), local area networks (LANs), and intranets are included in the database networks. It is expected that database architects will have in-depth knowledge of a company's business to develop a network to fulfil the requirements of the organisation. Stay tuned as we look at the larger picture and give you more information on what is db architecture, why you should pursue database architecture, what to expect from such a degree and what your job opportunities will be after graduation. Here, we will be discussing how to become a data architect. Students can visit NIT Trichy , IIT Kharagpur , JMI New Delhi . 

Remote Sensing Technician

Individuals who opt for a career as a remote sensing technician possess unique personalities. Remote sensing analysts seem to be rational human beings, they are strong, independent, persistent, sincere, realistic and resourceful. Some of them are analytical as well, which means they are intelligent, introspective and inquisitive. 

Remote sensing scientists use remote sensing technology to support scientists in fields such as community planning, flight planning or the management of natural resources. Analysing data collected from aircraft, satellites or ground-based platforms using statistical analysis software, image analysis software or Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is a significant part of their work. Do you want to learn how to become remote sensing technician? There's no need to be concerned; we've devised a simple remote sensing technician career path for you. Scroll through the pages and read.

Budget Analyst

Budget analysis, in a nutshell, entails thoroughly analyzing the details of a financial budget. The budget analysis aims to better understand and manage revenue. Budget analysts assist in the achievement of financial targets, the preservation of profitability, and the pursuit of long-term growth for a business. Budget analysts generally have a bachelor's degree in accounting, finance, economics, or a closely related field. Knowledge of Financial Management is of prime importance in this career.


An underwriter is a person who assesses and evaluates the risk of insurance in his or her field like mortgage, loan, health policy, investment, and so on and so forth. The underwriter career path does involve risks as analysing the risks means finding out if there is a way for the insurance underwriter jobs to recover the money from its clients. If the risk turns out to be too much for the company then in the future it is an underwriter who will be held accountable for it. Therefore, one must carry out his or her job with a lot of attention and diligence.

Finance Executive

Product manager.

A Product Manager is a professional responsible for product planning and marketing. He or she manages the product throughout the Product Life Cycle, gathering and prioritising the product. A product manager job description includes defining the product vision and working closely with team members of other departments to deliver winning products.  

Operations Manager

Individuals in the operations manager jobs are responsible for ensuring the efficiency of each department to acquire its optimal goal. They plan the use of resources and distribution of materials. The operations manager's job description includes managing budgets, negotiating contracts, and performing administrative tasks.

Stock Analyst

Individuals who opt for a career as a stock analyst examine the company's investments makes decisions and keep track of financial securities. The nature of such investments will differ from one business to the next. Individuals in the stock analyst career use data mining to forecast a company's profits and revenues, advise clients on whether to buy or sell, participate in seminars, and discussing financial matters with executives and evaluate annual reports.

A Researcher is a professional who is responsible for collecting data and information by reviewing the literature and conducting experiments and surveys. He or she uses various methodological processes to provide accurate data and information that is utilised by academicians and other industry professionals. Here, we will discuss what is a researcher, the researcher's salary, types of researchers.

Welding Engineer

Welding Engineer Job Description: A Welding Engineer work involves managing welding projects and supervising welding teams. He or she is responsible for reviewing welding procedures, processes and documentation. A career as Welding Engineer involves conducting failure analyses and causes on welding issues. 

Transportation Planner

A career as Transportation Planner requires technical application of science and technology in engineering, particularly the concepts, equipment and technologies involved in the production of products and services. In fields like land use, infrastructure review, ecological standards and street design, he or she considers issues of health, environment and performance. A Transportation Planner assigns resources for implementing and designing programmes. He or she is responsible for assessing needs, preparing plans and forecasts and compliance with regulations.

Environmental Engineer

Individuals who opt for a career as an environmental engineer are construction professionals who utilise the skills and knowledge of biology, soil science, chemistry and the concept of engineering to design and develop projects that serve as solutions to various environmental problems. 

Safety Manager

A Safety Manager is a professional responsible for employee’s safety at work. He or she plans, implements and oversees the company’s employee safety. A Safety Manager ensures compliance and adherence to Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) guidelines.

Conservation Architect

A Conservation Architect is a professional responsible for conserving and restoring buildings or monuments having a historic value. He or she applies techniques to document and stabilise the object’s state without any further damage. A Conservation Architect restores the monuments and heritage buildings to bring them back to their original state.

Structural Engineer

A Structural Engineer designs buildings, bridges, and other related structures. He or she analyzes the structures and makes sure the structures are strong enough to be used by the people. A career as a Structural Engineer requires working in the construction process. It comes under the civil engineering discipline. A Structure Engineer creates structural models with the help of computer-aided design software. 

Highway Engineer

Highway Engineer Job Description:  A Highway Engineer is a civil engineer who specialises in planning and building thousands of miles of roads that support connectivity and allow transportation across the country. He or she ensures that traffic management schemes are effectively planned concerning economic sustainability and successful implementation.

Field Surveyor

Are you searching for a Field Surveyor Job Description? A Field Surveyor is a professional responsible for conducting field surveys for various places or geographical conditions. He or she collects the required data and information as per the instructions given by senior officials. 

Orthotist and Prosthetist

Orthotists and Prosthetists are professionals who provide aid to patients with disabilities. They fix them to artificial limbs (prosthetics) and help them to regain stability. There are times when people lose their limbs in an accident. In some other occasions, they are born without a limb or orthopaedic impairment. Orthotists and prosthetists play a crucial role in their lives with fixing them to assistive devices and provide mobility.


A career in pathology in India is filled with several responsibilities as it is a medical branch and affects human lives. The demand for pathologists has been increasing over the past few years as people are getting more aware of different diseases. Not only that, but an increase in population and lifestyle changes have also contributed to the increase in a pathologist’s demand. The pathology careers provide an extremely huge number of opportunities and if you want to be a part of the medical field you can consider being a pathologist. If you want to know more about a career in pathology in India then continue reading this article.

Veterinary Doctor

Speech therapist, gynaecologist.

Gynaecology can be defined as the study of the female body. The job outlook for gynaecology is excellent since there is evergreen demand for one because of their responsibility of dealing with not only women’s health but also fertility and pregnancy issues. Although most women prefer to have a women obstetrician gynaecologist as their doctor, men also explore a career as a gynaecologist and there are ample amounts of male doctors in the field who are gynaecologists and aid women during delivery and childbirth. 


The audiologist career involves audiology professionals who are responsible to treat hearing loss and proactively preventing the relevant damage. Individuals who opt for a career as an audiologist use various testing strategies with the aim to determine if someone has a normal sensitivity to sounds or not. After the identification of hearing loss, a hearing doctor is required to determine which sections of the hearing are affected, to what extent they are affected, and where the wound causing the hearing loss is found. As soon as the hearing loss is identified, the patients are provided with recommendations for interventions and rehabilitation such as hearing aids, cochlear implants, and appropriate medical referrals. While audiology is a branch of science that studies and researches hearing, balance, and related disorders.

An oncologist is a specialised doctor responsible for providing medical care to patients diagnosed with cancer. He or she uses several therapies to control the cancer and its effect on the human body such as chemotherapy, immunotherapy, radiation therapy and biopsy. An oncologist designs a treatment plan based on a pathology report after diagnosing the type of cancer and where it is spreading inside the body.

Are you searching for an ‘Anatomist job description’? An Anatomist is a research professional who applies the laws of biological science to determine the ability of bodies of various living organisms including animals and humans to regenerate the damaged or destroyed organs. If you want to know what does an anatomist do, then read the entire article, where we will answer all your questions.

For an individual who opts for a career as an actor, the primary responsibility is to completely speak to the character he or she is playing and to persuade the crowd that the character is genuine by connecting with them and bringing them into the story. This applies to significant roles and littler parts, as all roles join to make an effective creation. Here in this article, we will discuss how to become an actor in India, actor exams, actor salary in India, and actor jobs. 

Individuals who opt for a career as acrobats create and direct original routines for themselves, in addition to developing interpretations of existing routines. The work of circus acrobats can be seen in a variety of performance settings, including circus, reality shows, sports events like the Olympics, movies and commercials. Individuals who opt for a career as acrobats must be prepared to face rejections and intermittent periods of work. The creativity of acrobats may extend to other aspects of the performance. For example, acrobats in the circus may work with gym trainers, celebrities or collaborate with other professionals to enhance such performance elements as costume and or maybe at the teaching end of the career.

Video Game Designer

Career as a video game designer is filled with excitement as well as responsibilities. A video game designer is someone who is involved in the process of creating a game from day one. He or she is responsible for fulfilling duties like designing the character of the game, the several levels involved, plot, art and similar other elements. Individuals who opt for a career as a video game designer may also write the codes for the game using different programming languages.

Depending on the video game designer job description and experience they may also have to lead a team and do the early testing of the game in order to suggest changes and find loopholes.

Radio Jockey

Radio Jockey is an exciting, promising career and a great challenge for music lovers. If you are really interested in a career as radio jockey, then it is very important for an RJ to have an automatic, fun, and friendly personality. If you want to get a job done in this field, a strong command of the language and a good voice are always good things. Apart from this, in order to be a good radio jockey, you will also listen to good radio jockeys so that you can understand their style and later make your own by practicing.

A career as radio jockey has a lot to offer to deserving candidates. If you want to know more about a career as radio jockey, and how to become a radio jockey then continue reading the article.


The word “choreography" actually comes from Greek words that mean “dance writing." Individuals who opt for a career as a choreographer create and direct original dances, in addition to developing interpretations of existing dances. A Choreographer dances and utilises his or her creativity in other aspects of dance performance. For example, he or she may work with the music director to select music or collaborate with other famous choreographers to enhance such performance elements as lighting, costume and set design.

Social Media Manager

A career as social media manager involves implementing the company’s or brand’s marketing plan across all social media channels. Social media managers help in building or improving a brand’s or a company’s website traffic, build brand awareness, create and implement marketing and brand strategy. Social media managers are key to important social communication as well.


Photography is considered both a science and an art, an artistic means of expression in which the camera replaces the pen. In a career as a photographer, an individual is hired to capture the moments of public and private events, such as press conferences or weddings, or may also work inside a studio, where people go to get their picture clicked. Photography is divided into many streams each generating numerous career opportunities in photography. With the boom in advertising, media, and the fashion industry, photography has emerged as a lucrative and thrilling career option for many Indian youths.

An individual who is pursuing a career as a producer is responsible for managing the business aspects of production. They are involved in each aspect of production from its inception to deception. Famous movie producers review the script, recommend changes and visualise the story. 

They are responsible for overseeing the finance involved in the project and distributing the film for broadcasting on various platforms. A career as a producer is quite fulfilling as well as exhaustive in terms of playing different roles in order for a production to be successful. Famous movie producers are responsible for hiring creative and technical personnel on contract basis.

Copy Writer

In a career as a copywriter, one has to consult with the client and understand the brief well. A career as a copywriter has a lot to offer to deserving candidates. Several new mediums of advertising are opening therefore making it a lucrative career choice. Students can pursue various copywriter courses such as Journalism , Advertising , Marketing Management . Here, we have discussed how to become a freelance copywriter, copywriter career path, how to become a copywriter in India, and copywriting career outlook. 

In a career as a vlogger, one generally works for himself or herself. However, once an individual has gained viewership there are several brands and companies that approach them for paid collaboration. It is one of those fields where an individual can earn well while following his or her passion. 

Ever since internet costs got reduced the viewership for these types of content has increased on a large scale. Therefore, a career as a vlogger has a lot to offer. If you want to know more about the Vlogger eligibility, roles and responsibilities then continue reading the article. 

For publishing books, newspapers, magazines and digital material, editorial and commercial strategies are set by publishers. Individuals in publishing career paths make choices about the markets their businesses will reach and the type of content that their audience will be served. Individuals in book publisher careers collaborate with editorial staff, designers, authors, and freelance contributors who develop and manage the creation of content.

Careers in journalism are filled with excitement as well as responsibilities. One cannot afford to miss out on the details. As it is the small details that provide insights into a story. Depending on those insights a journalist goes about writing a news article. A journalism career can be stressful at times but if you are someone who is passionate about it then it is the right choice for you. If you want to know more about the media field and journalist career then continue reading this article.

Individuals in the editor career path is an unsung hero of the news industry who polishes the language of the news stories provided by stringers, reporters, copywriters and content writers and also news agencies. Individuals who opt for a career as an editor make it more persuasive, concise and clear for readers. In this article, we will discuss the details of the editor's career path such as how to become an editor in India, editor salary in India and editor skills and qualities.

Individuals who opt for a career as a reporter may often be at work on national holidays and festivities. He or she pitches various story ideas and covers news stories in risky situations. Students can pursue a BMC (Bachelor of Mass Communication) , B.M.M. (Bachelor of Mass Media) , or  MAJMC (MA in Journalism and Mass Communication) to become a reporter. While we sit at home reporters travel to locations to collect information that carries a news value.  

Corporate Executive

Are you searching for a Corporate Executive job description? A Corporate Executive role comes with administrative duties. He or she provides support to the leadership of the organisation. A Corporate Executive fulfils the business purpose and ensures its financial stability. In this article, we are going to discuss how to become corporate executive.

Multimedia Specialist

A multimedia specialist is a media professional who creates, audio, videos, graphic image files, computer animations for multimedia applications. He or she is responsible for planning, producing, and maintaining websites and applications. 

Quality Controller

A quality controller plays a crucial role in an organisation. He or she is responsible for performing quality checks on manufactured products. He or she identifies the defects in a product and rejects the product. 

A quality controller records detailed information about products with defects and sends it to the supervisor or plant manager to take necessary actions to improve the production process.

Production Manager

A QA Lead is in charge of the QA Team. The role of QA Lead comes with the responsibility of assessing services and products in order to determine that he or she meets the quality standards. He or she develops, implements and manages test plans. 

Process Development Engineer

The Process Development Engineers design, implement, manufacture, mine, and other production systems using technical knowledge and expertise in the industry. They use computer modeling software to test technologies and machinery. An individual who is opting career as Process Development Engineer is responsible for developing cost-effective and efficient processes. They also monitor the production process and ensure it functions smoothly and efficiently.

AWS Solution Architect

An AWS Solution Architect is someone who specializes in developing and implementing cloud computing systems. He or she has a good understanding of the various aspects of cloud computing and can confidently deploy and manage their systems. He or she troubleshoots the issues and evaluates the risk from the third party. 

Azure Administrator

An Azure Administrator is a professional responsible for implementing, monitoring, and maintaining Azure Solutions. He or she manages cloud infrastructure service instances and various cloud servers as well as sets up public and private cloud systems. 

Computer Programmer

Careers in computer programming primarily refer to the systematic act of writing code and moreover include wider computer science areas. The word 'programmer' or 'coder' has entered into practice with the growing number of newly self-taught tech enthusiasts. Computer programming careers involve the use of designs created by software developers and engineers and transforming them into commands that can be implemented by computers. These commands result in regular usage of social media sites, word-processing applications and browsers.

Information Security Manager

Individuals in the information security manager career path involves in overseeing and controlling all aspects of computer security. The IT security manager job description includes planning and carrying out security measures to protect the business data and information from corruption, theft, unauthorised access, and deliberate attack 

ITSM Manager

Automation test engineer.

An Automation Test Engineer job involves executing automated test scripts. He or she identifies the project’s problems and troubleshoots them. The role involves documenting the defect using management tools. He or she works with the application team in order to resolve any issues arising during the testing process. 

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    5 Best Written Essays on My favourite Place For Students [ 2024 ] The favourite place is one where you love to go, enjoy and get relax. The Favourite place can be like school, beach, taj mahal, island, any natural place, one's house, goa, room etc. I have written the following essay on topic My favourite place.

  13. Essay on my favorite place in marathi

    Essay on my favorite place in marathi See answers Advertisement ... My favourite place: My favorite is Ooty, it's a great tourist destination. It is located in southern Tamil Nadu. The third is constituency and beautiful. India is one of the hottest gardens and boat houses in the heat of the country, and there have been many fatal and fatal ...

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    Pune has a population of over 3.8 million. Besides, it is also known as the Queen of the Deccan. Since Pune is also known as the second biggest city, it is widely known for its monuments, foods, and so on. Pune is very popular for its Maratha culture and beauty. Back in ancient times, Pune was ruled by the well-known Rashtrakutas and Shivaji.

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