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About Me Slides: How to Introduce Yourself in a Presentation

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From conference talks to client demos, it’s always essential to include an About Me slide in any presentation you are giving. Introducing yourself early into the presentation helps build a better rapport with the audience.

You can start with several fun facts about me slide to break the ice or go for a more formal professional bio to explain your background and what makes you qualified to talk about the topic at hand. At any rate, your goal is to get the audience on your side by revealing some of your personality. 

How to Introduce Yourself in a Presentation: 4 Approaches 

It’s a good practice to include self-introduction slides at the beginning of your presentation. If you are looking to answer how to introduce yourself professionally, typically somewhere after the title, opening slide , and the main agenda. However, the presentation structure will be somewhat different depending on whether you are presenting to a new audience or a group of people familiar with (e.g., your team, clients, or business partners). 

Here are four about me slide ideas you can try out, plus an About me template you can use to present yourself in a presentation. 

presentation about me and my family

1. Mention Your Name and Affiliations

Start with the introduction basics. State your name, company, title/position, and several quick facts about who you are and what you do. Even if you present to a familiar audience, a brief recap is always welcome. 

To keep things a bit more engaging, consider adding some lesser-known facts about yourself. For example:

  • Your interests 
  • Recent accomplishments
  • Testimonial/quote from a team member 
  • Fun nicknames you got 

The above can be nice ice breakers for less formal team presentations, project updates, or catch-ups with clients. 

Here are several unique About Me examples you can try out:

For a client case study presentation : 

“Hi, I’m Lynda, Chief Customer Success Specialist with Acme Corp. (Also, someone you thought was a chatbot for the first few encounters)

47 NPS | 15% Churn Rate | 40% repeat purchase rate”

For a team after-action review presentation :

Mike, Project Manager at Cool Project

(aka Maximizer)

Personal Project stats:

387 Slack messages answered

56 cups of coffee consumed

Project profit gross margin: $1.2 million 

2. Work On Your Elevator Pitch 

One of the best ways to introduce yourself in a presentation is to share a punchy elevator pitch. This works extra well if you are presenting to a new audience. 

An elevator pitch is a concise statement (1-2 sentences) that summarizes your unique strengths, skills, and abilities and explains how these can benefit your listener. 

It’s nice to have one ready for your presentations and networking in general since it helps you immediately connect with new people and communicate your value. 

Writing a solid elevator pitch may require several attempts and iterations. But the sooner you start — the faster you’ll arrive at the best formula! 

To get your creative juices flowing, here are several elevator pitch ideas you can incorporate in an introduction slide about yourself. 

For professionals: 

“Certified Salesforce Administrator, data visualization specialist, and analytics for top SaaS brands. I help businesses make more sense of their data to drive better outcomes”.

For a mentor :

“Adjunct professor of creative writing at Columbia University, published author, former lifestyle editor at Esquire, the New York Times. I can teach you how to find, shape, pitch, and publish stories for web & print.”

For a student: 

“Third-year Marine Biology student at Denver State Uni. Volunteer at Lake Life Protection NGO, climate change activist, looking to expand my research about water conservation”.

3. Answer Popular Questions or Assumptions 

If you are a frequent presenter , chances are you get asked a lot of the same “About Me questions” after your speeches and during the networking bits. So why not address a roaster of these in your About Me slide? Select 4-5 most common questions and list them as quick FAQs on your slide deck. 

4. Focus on Telling a Story 

Strong introductions are personable. They are meant to offer a sneak-peak into your personality and the passion behind your work. That’s why for less formal presentations, you can (and should!) start with a short personal story. 

Remember: reliability is important to “click” with your audience. 

For instance, neuroscience research of political ads recently found that ads featuring real people performed better than those with genetic stock footage. Among viewers, emotional engagement and memory encoding (recall) increased dramatically when political ads showed relatable people. 

The same holds true for commerce. In 2015, GE launched a viral “What’s the Matter With Owen?” video ad series to attract more young talent to the company. The clips featured a relatable protagonist, struggling to explain what his work at GE entails e.g. that the company isn’t building railroads, but actually does some very innovative pilots. Many engineers related to the promo and work applications to GE shoot up by 800% ! 

As the above examples show, a good relatable story can go a long way. So think about how you can make a PowerPoint presentation about yourself more representative of who you really are as a person. 

How to Give a Presentation About Yourself: 4 Fool-Proof Tips

On other occasions, you may be asked to give a full-length “about me” presentation. Typically, this is the case during a second interview, onboarding , or if you are in attending a training program or workshop where everyone needs to present themselves and their work. 

Obviously, you’ll need more than one good about me slide in this case. So here’s how to prepare a superb presentation about me. 

What to Put in a Presentation About Yourself?

The audience will expect to learn a mix of personal and professional facts about you. Thus, it’s a good idea to include the following information: 

  • Your name, contact info, website , social media handles, digital portfolio .
  • Short bio or some interesting snippets. 
  • Career timeline (if applicable).
  • Main achievements (preferably quantifiable).
  • Education, special training.
  • Digital badging awards , accolades, and other types of recognition.
  • Something more personal — an interest, hobby, aspiration. 

The above mix of items will change a bit, depending on whether you are giving an interview presentation about yourself or introduce yourself post-hiring. For example, in some cases a dedicated bio slide may be useful, but other times focusing on main achievements and goals can be better.

That being said, let’s take a closer look at how to organize the above information in a memorable presentation. 

P.S. Grab an about me slide template to make the design process easier! 

presentation about me and my family

1. Create a List of “Facts About Me”

The easiest way to answer the “tell me about yourself” question is by having an array of facts you can easily fetch from your brain. 

When it comes to a full-length about me presentation , it’s best to have a longer list ready. To keep your brainstorming process productive, organize all your ideas in the following buckets: 

  • Key skills (soft and hard)
  • Educational accolades, training
  • Accomplishments and other “bragging rights”
  • Personal tidbits (a.k.a. fun facts ) 

Once you have a list, it gets easier to build a series of slides around it. 

2. Think Like Your Audience 

Most likely you’d be asked to make a presentation about yourself by a recruiter. There’s a good reason why many ask this — they want to determine if you are a good “cultural fit” for their organization. 

After all, 33% of people quit within the first 3 months of accepting a new job. Among these:

  • 43% of employees quit because their day-to-day role was different than what they were told it would be during the hiring process.
  • 32% cite company culture as a factor for leaving within the first three months. 

About me presentations often serve as an extra “filter” helping both parties ensure that they are on the same page expectations- and work style-wise. Thus, when you prepare your slide deck, do some background company research. Then try to align the presentation with it by matching the company tone, communication style, and cultural values. 

3. Include Testimonials and Recommendations

Use the voice of others to back up the claims you are making in your presentation. After all, trumping your own horn is what you are expected to do in such a presentation. But the voices of others can strengthen the claims you are personally making. 

Depending on your role and industry, try to sprinkle some of the following testimonials: 

  • LinkedIn recommendations
  • Quotes from personal or professional references
  • Social media comments 
  • Data metrics of your performance
  • Funny assessments from your colleagues/friends 

The above not just strengthen your narrative, but also help the audience learn some extras about you and your background. Testimonial slides can be of help for this purpose.

4. Include a Case Study 

One of the best ways to illustrate who you are is to show what you are best in. Remember, an about me presentation often needs to “soft sell” your qualifications, experience, and personality. 

One of the best ways to do that is to showcase how you can feel in a specific need and solve issues the business is facing. 

So if you have the timeframe, use some of the ending slides to deliver a quick case study. You can present: 

  • Short retrospective of a past successful project
  • Before-after transformations you’ve achieved 
  • Spotlight of the main accomplishments within the previous role 
  • Main customer results obtained
  • Specific solution delivered by you (or the team you’ve worked with) 

Ending your presentation on such a high note will leave the audience positively impressed and wondering what results you could achieve for them.

To Conclude 

It’s easy to feel stumped when you are asked to talk about yourself. Because there are so many things you could mention (but not necessarily should). At the same time, you don’t want to make your introduction sound like a bragging context. So always think from the position of your audience. Do the facts you choose to share benefit them in any way? If yes, place them confidently on your About Me slides! 

1. Personal Self Introduction PowerPoint Template

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Use This Template

2. Self Introduction PowerPoint Template

presentation about me and my family

3. Meet the Team PowerPoint Template Slides

presentation about me and my family

4. Introduce Company Profile PowerPoint Template

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5. Modern 1-Page Resume Template for PowerPoint

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6. Modern Resume Presentation Template

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Introduce Yourself, Introduction, Presentation Ideas Filed under Presentation Ideas

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presentation about me and my family

How to Prepare an Oral Presentation for My Family and My Life

Terrance karter.

Brown wooden bookshelf and book lot.jpg

Oral presentations are often important parts of education because not only do they provide a chance for students to develop and create a speech, they also allow students to express themselves, take pride in their families and personal lives and be proud of who they are. Creating an oral presentation about your family and personal life lets you take control over what people think of you and allows you to present yourself in a more meaningful light.

Explore this article

  • Review the requirements
  • Write a short description of your family
  • Include a few
  • Talk a little bit about your ethnicity and your background
  • Move on to information

1 Review the requirements

Review the requirements for the oral presentation on your syllabus or project sheet. Highlight or jot down the length or amount of time your presentation should be, what information should be included and whether or not you are required to use visual aids. Having this information handy will help you develop your oral presentation fully.

2 Write a short description of your family

Write a short description of your family, and include a few talking points about each member. The family portion of your oral presentation should include the names and ages of the people you live with, as well as a few facts about each of them such as what they do for a living or what grade in school they are.

3 Include a few

Include a few captivating facts about your family in general. Do you have pets? Is there a particular vacation that you take every year? Does your family do something together, like a weekly game night, that you think is unique? Add in a few details about something your family does or something about your family that makes it stand out from all of the other families.

4 Talk a little bit about your ethnicity and your background

Talk a little bit about your ethnicity and your background, especially if that is important to your family and your life in general. You don't have to include information like religion or ethnicity, but you can if it is important to you and you want to include it.

5 Move on to information

Move on to information about your life. Most of your class will know about you and how you are in school, so prepare information about your personal life, such as your hobbies, your favorite sports or games, or even what you would like to be when you grow up.

About the Author

Terrance Karter has served as a reporter, reviewer and columnist for "The Exponent," as well as a contributor to the "Shelterbelt," both based in northeast South Dakota. Karter holds a Bachelor of Arts in history from Northern State University in South Dakota.

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How to Talk About Your Family in English

presentation about me and my family

Talking about your family should be one of the easiest things to do in English.

These people are your family, so you should know them very well. Talking about your family for over five minutes should be no problem for you.

But many students stumble over this topic and just don’t know what to say.

In this guide, I have mapped out several things you can talk about — from describing who they are and what they look like to the activities you like to do together to future plans and stories.

Just follow all the steps below and you will find that you can talk about your family for several minutes.

Table of Contents

How many people in your family? And who are they?

When you first start introducing your family, you just need to say some basic simple things about them.

presentation about me and my family

How many people are there in your family? And who are these people?

The listener needs to get an overall general picture of who your family is before you go into any details.

Let’s say you come from a family of four people — mum, dad, older sister and you. You could say:

There are four people in my family — me, my mum and dad, and my older sister.

Now we have a very clear general picture of your family and who they are.

Other variations of a basic introduction of your family could be:

I come from a small family — there are just three of us. Me, my mother and father.

My family is very big. There are seven of us. Me, my mum and dad, my three brothers and our little sister.

Sometimes people might say nuclear family to describe the size of their family. This is used to describe a family of four people — two parents and two children.

I come from a nuclear family — my mum and dad, me and my big brother.

Nuclear Family — while we used this term in the past, today it is a little antiquated. But you can still use it.

Some families may just have one parent. How to talk about this?

In my family, it’s just me and my mum. I don’t have any brothers or sisters.

There’s just me and my dad in my family. No brothers, no sisters.

And some families have two dads or two mums.

In my family, there are three people — me and my two dads.

One term I have heard used in IELTS tests is ‘family members’. For example;

I have four family members.

Please do not use this phrase!

It sounds very strange in English.

Your family are the people closest and dearest to you — they are not members.

We only have members of a club or a society.

Where Do All Your Family Live?

To create a bigger picture in your introduction, you should talk about where your family live .

Which city? In a house? In an apartment?

presentation about me and my family

Let’s look at some options.

We all live in a small city in Thailand. We live in a house — it’s a small house but big enough for all the four of us.

I live with my family in Beijing. We live in an apartment. There are only three of us, so there is plenty of room for us.

Other than the city and country where you live, and the type of home you live in, you don’t need to say much more than this.

But maybe one person in your family does not live with you. How to talk about this?

We all live in a house in the suburbs of Kuala Lumpur. But my sister doesn’t live with us. She is at college in Canada, so she lives there. I think she lives in a student dormitory, but I’m not sure.

Me and my family live in an apartment in Tokyo. My older brother is married though and has his own family now. They live in their own apartment — it’s not too far from us.

Who Are All The People In Your Family?

This is where you provide a little detail about each person in your family. You can say their name and what they do — job or student.

At this stage, that is all you need to talk about.

presentation about me and my family

Let’s take a look at some things to say:

Well, there’s my dad — he works for a construction company. I think he’s a manager of some kind. And my mum — she does some work at home, writing articles.

And my sister, Chloe, she’s at university — she’s studying marketing in Australia.

And then me. I’m still at school.

So, my dad — he’s a teacher — he teaches computer stuff there. And my mum works in a kindergarten. My older brother, Sam, is working — but I can’t remember what he does. My younger brother, Luke, is in middle school, and I am in high school.

Usually, when we are talking about our parents in English, we don’t give their names. We know their names, but we don’t use them — and we don’t tell other people their names unless they ask.

But we do tell other people the names of our brothers and sisters.

What Do They Look Like? What Kind Of People Are They?

As you are describing all your family , you just need to give a brief description of each person.

In terms of a brief description, you can just talk about their height, their body shape, and some other general features like hair colour and distinguishing features. If you were talking about each person for any length of time, then you could go into more detail — but for the sake of your family, just keep things simple.

presentation about me and my family

The same applies to their personality — no need to give too much detail. A general overview is enough.

Let’s look at some ideas…

My dad is pretty tall and thin. His hair is dark brown, but he is losing it now, so he has very little hair. He’s kind of quiet most of the time.

My mum is short — actually much shorter than my dad — and she has a lot of energy. She is always active and doing things. She’s funny too — she has a great sense of humour.

Then there’s my big sister — she’s beautiful and has long hair and green eyes. But she is always angry these days — and not just with me, with everyone. We just stay out of her way.

My dad is a little bit fat, and he wears glasses. He is pretty strict with me and my brother, especially about studying. If he catches us playing computer games when we should be doing our homework, he will lose his temper.

My mum is more easy-going. She thinks studying is important, but she lets us do things we like to do too. She used to have black hair, but it’s gone a little grey in the last few years. She is always singing around the house.

My dad always seems busy — he works a lot. He is about the same height as me, but he is fat. He doesn’t have time for sport. My mum is slim though — she goes running every morning, and she only eats healthy food. Unlike my dad.

My little sister is very cute. She is always playing tricks on me and likes to joke around. She has long black hair and a cheeky smile.

In this part, all you need to do is give a brief description of what they look like and an idea about their personality.

Check my article on describing people – How to Describe Someone’s Physical Appearance in English .

What Do You Like To To Together?

Most families enjoy doing some activities together. Even if it is just the simple act of eating together — there are some things that families always do together.

What do you do with your family?

Are there some things you only do with certain people in your family?

presentation about me and my family

These are some ideas for you to look at:

My mum always insists that the family sits together and has Sunday lunch together. It is very important to her. We have a big lunch and it is a good time to talk together and share things about our lives.

We always go on holiday every year together. My dad loves to plan this big holiday — he makes me and my sister join him at the dinner table and we go over travel destinations.

Then about one week before we go, we start preparing what to take. It’s always a really great time, and I look forward to it every year.

Me, my brother and my dad like to go fishing together. To be honest, my dad really enjoys fishing — me and my brother just like to go and look around by the river and the boats.

Think about the things you like to do with your family — or some of your family — and then talk about that.

Maybe you have an interesting story to tell from when you did something with your family.

Who Are Your Extended Family?

Your extended family are people outside of your immediate family. Usually, we mean people like grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins.

presentation about me and my family

You can introduce these people in the following ways:

I only have my grandfather on my mum’s side and my grandmother on my dad’s side who is still around. The others have passed away.

On my dad’s/mum’s side — this means the relatives that come from your father’s family or mother’s family.

Still around — this is a polite and more sensitive way to say still alive. In English, we prefer to use very sensitive words and expressions when talking about death.

Passed away — this is a more acceptable way of saying they have died.

Be careful when talking about the subject of death in English.

People often talk about how many cousins they have.

I have a lot of cousins — I think around thirty or more. If we have a big family get together, the house is very crowded.

I have three cousins. One of them I see all the time, we are like sisters. But the others live far away, so I don’t see them very often.

And we might talk about aunts or uncles that we have.

When I was very young, I went to see a football game with my uncle and cousins. My uncle is a lifelong fan of Arsenal football club.

One of my aunts likes to read the same kind of books I like. So I like to talk to her about books she has read to get some ideas of other things to read.

In English, we can often say one word to refer to many of our relatives.

These words include:

  • Grandfather
  • Grandmother

I know that in many other languages — particularly Asian languages — there are different words for each person in the family.

This is not the same in English.

What Do You Like About Your Family?

And what do you not like?

They are our family — of course, there are many things we like about them. And there are many things we don’t like about them too.

presentation about me and my family

You can talk about these when introducing your family.

My dad has got a really great sense of humour — he says really funny things at times. But he has this annoying habit of whistling around the house. It drives all of us insane, but he cannot stop doing it.

My sister is really good at maths. If I ever have trouble with my maths homework, I know I can rely on my sister to help me. She thinks maths is easy. But one thing that drives me mad about her is her music. She plays loud rock music from her room. It sounds terrible!

If you say one or two things you like about someone from your family followed by one thing you dislike about the same person, it will make your English sound more rounded and fluent.

Future Plans For Your Family

None of us can tell what the future will bring.

But try to imagine what the future could be for your family. Maybe there are already some plans in store — your sister planning to go abroad to study or your older brother getting married.

You could also talk about your family’s hopes and dreams.

My sister is going to Australia next year. She will start college and study there. She is very excited about it.

My brother is planning his wedding right now. He will marry his girlfriend in a big ceremony. All of my cousins, aunts and uncles will be there. My dad is really worried about how much it will cost!

My mum hopes I will do well in my high school tests. Then she wants me to go to university. She said she wants me to be a doctor — but I would like to be a writer.

Tell Stories About Your Family

One of the best things you can do when talking about your family is to tell a story about them.

This can really help to describe your family in a great way.

presentation about me and my family

All you have to do is tell the story in the right chronological order and try to make it sound interesting.

When me and my brother were little kids, dad used to take us to the forest near where we lived. There was a boating pond there, and we used to run around exploring things and looking for frogspawn.

As we ran around, my dad used to bury coins in the bank of the pond. And when me and my brother got back from running around, he would tell us that pirates buried their treasure beside the pond.

This would be impossible! But we never thought about this…

So we dug the banks of the pond looking for treasure and we found the coins my dad buried there.

We thought we had found gold and silver!

The story can be funny, sad, exciting. It can be about a dangerous incident or something that made you feel very happy.

Think about a story about your family — you should have many stories to tell.

I hope I have given you some things to think about when introducing your family.

You should find there are many things to talk about — they are your family after all.

Just go through each section above and try to think of ways to talk about your family using the same exercise. If you follow all the above patterns clearly, you could probably talk about your family for over ten minutes!

And please — let me know in the comments below!

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10 thoughts on “how to talk about your family in english”.

' data-src=

In fact talking about the family is one of the most popular topics in many cultures where everything revolves around the family. I like the way the article starts from the concrete and works into the abstract. That is always a good way to approach any topic. Start with the physical description and weave up to telling stories about the person.

' data-src=

Thanks Leona! I’m glad you liked it.

' data-src=

I love your way, it helped me a lot, I hope I’m good at English someday.

Thanks for your kind comment, Trang! Keep trying and you will find success. Never give up!

' data-src=

Excellent work sir, even we all know about our family literally we dont know how to frame those mind words . Thank you .

Many thanks, Kusuma! I am glad this article is helpful to you. Best wishes!

' data-src=

Thanks a lot. I am a teacher. This article helped me a lot when prepairing my lesson about describing people. You have got a unique style of presenting!

Thank you very much! I take that as a very high honour!

' data-src=

Very nice, well structured and detailed piece of writing about family

Hi Saumen! Many thanks!

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Top 10 Templates for Presentation About Myself with Samples and Examples

Deepika Dhaka


As a job seeker or professional, you are all too familiar with the classic icebreaker question, “Tell me about yourself.” This four-word question is hard to answer every time you hear it.

Perhaps because we are complicated and we’re asked (on the spot) to make ourselves sound simple yet smarter! At that point in time, you are just able to say, “Hi, my name is XYZ, and I am the Marketing Executive at ABC.” But who are you beyond that?

Why is it that one of the most basic elements of business communication becomes one of the most complicated ones? As you ponder this timeless puzzle, just remember that introductions are important for your professional life. They are like your new business card and are the fuel of the first interaction that creates someone’s perception of you. These interactions create an impression that impacts your relationship with your clients, leads, colleagues, and employers.

Your first impression has the potential to make or break a business connection. It’s just too easy to make a bad first impression on someone; you don’t even have to try hard. Making a good first impression, however, is that much more difficult. Hence, you must put some extra effort into your introductions to become the interviewing panel’s first choice or submit your CV to yet another company.

Presentation About Myself Template

Wondering how to make a strong first impression and leave an everlasting impact? The solution is to have it prepared. Don’t wing it, and have an introduction prepared for any professional occasion. You'll discover some of the most powerful ‘Presentations About Myself’ in this blog that you can use to introduce yourself to other professionals at the workplace and top management after having aced that interview.

All these PowerPoint Presentations are customizable to your needs. Let’s explore these content-ready presentations now!

Template 1: Sample Presentation About Myself

If you want to build your personal branding as an individual and want your audience to get to know you better, this presentation about myself is exactly what you need. It includes all important components of a personal introduction, such as: About me; my career; my own SWOT analysis; achievements & training; skillset; hobbies; and much more. Plus, there's plenty of space for other details your introduction should include. Download it today to introduce yourself in the most impressive way possible!

Sample Presentation About Myself

Download this presentation

Template 2: Presentation About Myself Example

Whether you're applying for a new job or pitching your services to a potential client, it's essential to present yourself in a professional and engaging way. This PowerPoint Presentation About Myself Template is the perfect way to do just that! It includes exclusive slides with graphics such as graphs, tables, timelines, and roadmaps so you can present details in an impressive manner. You can also include a case study on your past experience to showcase your expertise. Get this presentation template today and stay ahead of the competition!

Presentation About Myself Example

Template 3:  PPT Presentation About Myself

Creating a presentation about yourself may seem like a daunting task. After all, talking about yourself is a nerve-racking experience for even experienced speakers. But when you take the help of this ‘Presentation About Myself Sample’ to prepare and plan ahead, you can nail it. With this content-ready template, you can present a compelling demonstration about yourself. This PPT deck sets include a special slide for the agenda and also contains graphics and visuals for describing hobbies, career, skill set, and more. Also containing a SWOT analysis, this PowerPoint Template is meant for long-lasting impact and immense recall value.

PPT Presentation About Myself

Template 4: Best Presentation on Myself

Introducing one of the best presentations on myself to help you land your dream job or seal the deal with the desired client. From conference talks to client demos, you can use this design to pitch about yourself in a fool-proof manner, and it will help you build a rapport with the audience. This PPT Presentation is created using blue hues with a splash of red to give your slideshow a professional appearance. Get it today to give your career a perfect head-start.

Best Presentation on Myself

Template 5: 10 Minutes Presentation About Myself

If you're struggling to find a new job, look no further! We have the perfect solution for you. Our 10-minute presentation about myself is what you need to promote yourself in interviews and business meetings. With some basic components of an introduction, it also entails additional elements. This content-ready PPT Template will help you stand out. This download includes complementary slides for languages known, portfolios, career roadmaps, hobbies, and other self-marketing documents. Get it now and make your presentation look professional and informative. Hurry up!

10 Minutes Presentation About Myself

Template 6: Presentation About Myself Template

Use this self-introduction presentation to demonstrate your professional talents and abilities to your interviewer. This PPT design includes infographic slides that you may use to emphasize your SWOT analysis, educational background, work experience, training, internships, skill sets, and language proficiency. To showcase your case studies and project experience, you can employ this infographic layout and bring your viewer's attention to your expertise areas. Elaborate on your career advancement over the years with a mention of your key achievements on the career roadmap. Download now!

Presentation About Myself Template

Template 7: Presentation About Myself for Interview

If you consider yourself an expert in a particular field and want to move one step ahead at a senior position, then this template is for you. This consolidated layout can give a chance to your future employer to assess your abilities and analyze your competencies. You can present your skills and experience using this visual resume-like PPT layout. You can include any project experiences you wish and place a good picture of yours to showcase your personality. Grab it today to start your climb up the ladder to success.

Presentation About Myself for Interview

Template 8: Presentation of Yourself

Want to save time and have your introduction ready on an urgent basis? Try this basic presentation to introduce yourself and develop a killer personal USP that will get you the job you want. Using this template with minimal design, you can showcase your personal statement as a message that echoes throughout the stages of recruitment. It encompasses the elements of a perfect introduction and sets a tone of professionalism. Download it today for a quick five-minute presentation about yourself!

Presentation of Yourself

Template 9: Presentation About Yourself

In a meeting or an interview, you might get asked, “What differentiates you from others.” What could be a better answer than this powerful ‘Presentation About Yourself’ to answer this complex question? You must explore this framework to grab your audience's attention and describe your professional achievements in a convincing manner. Professionals, worldwide, have used it to great impact. Don’t miss out on this helpful resource. Download today!

Presentation About Yourself

Template 10: PowerPoint Template for Presentation About Myself

Employers want to know one thing from you: How hiring you will benefit them? With this example Presentation About Yourself, you get an opportunity to describe the advantage of hiring yourself in an influencing manner. Use this powerful template to convince them how you can save their time, money, and effort. Recruiters love facts and figures, and this design just lets you showcase these with the help of graphs, charts, tables, and diagrams. Download this PPT Presentation to include a bunch of statistics to enhance your appeal as an employee!

PowerPoint Template for Presentation About Myself

Download this presentation .

No 2 nd Chance in First Impression

People buy people, but what they're really buying is your personal brand. Your brand informs others about who you are, what you offer, and how distinct you are from everyone else.

Considering you never get a second chance to make a first impression, you should begin SlideTeaming your details to get a prominent "Presentation About Myself" today to ace all your future meetings, conferences, and interviews.

Download any of these PowerPoint Templates once and make them yours forever. You can customize these anytime, depending upon what people in the board room expect from you.

PS If you wish to present your achievements in an unforgettable way, here’s an amazing collection of Autobiography Templates to assist you.

FAQs on ‘Presentation About Myself’

What should a presentation about myself include.

An ideal presentation about myself should include the following information about the person:

  • A bit about the kind of person you are
  • Own SWOT Analysis
  • Achievements and training
  • Qualification
  • Language Skills

Adding these details will help you create an impactful introduction about yourself for any interview or meeting.

How to introduce yourself in an interview?

Introducing oneself in the proper way may significantly enhance your chances of being hired by a firm. A well-structured "Presentation About Myself" Template is one of the most effective ways to succeed at this activity. Using a pre-designed template will assist you in creating an impressive introduction and will provide you with valuable graphics to present the data and information in an attractive way.

How to introduce yourself as a manager to a new team?

As a new manager, establishing rapport with your staff is critical. The following ideas can assist you in making a terrific first impression.

  • Learn about your team.
  • Stay positive.
  • Dress appropriately for the job.
  • Pay attention to your team.
  • Share your story
  • Be clear about your expectations from the team.
  • Identify roadblocks.
  • Ask them questions, or let them ask you the questions.
  • Prepare a presentation about yourself.

What are the tips for introducing yourself in a professional setting?

In the case of a professional setting, you should take care of the following things:

  • Talk about who you are and what you do.
  • Make it relevant
  • Talk about your contribution
  • Stick to the context
  • Go beyond what your title is
  • Take care of body language
  • Wrap up on a positive note

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Top 10 personal introduction slide templates to make yourself unforgettable.

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  • A2 speaking

Talking about your family

Sam wants to play Game of Kings, but Jack is more interested in Sam's family.


Do the preparation exercise first. Then watch the video and follow the instructions to practise your speaking.


Jack: Hi Sam. How’s it going? Sam: Good. How are you? Jack: Fine, thanks. Hey, is that the new version of Game of Kings? Sam: Yeah, do you want to play? It’s great! Jack: Oh! You can’t buy that here! Where did you get it? Sam: From my brother. He sent it to me. Jack: What? Charlie? Sam: No, my other brother, Rob. He lives in the States ... in New York. Jack: Really? I didn’t know you had another brother! Sam: Yeah! Well, he’s my half-brother. Jack: But ... I don’t get it ... Sam: He’s my dad’s son. My dad went to New York to study and married an American. Jack: Your mum’s American?! Sam: No, no, not my mum. That was ages ago ... before he met my mum. Jack: Ah, OK, I get it now. Wow, I didn’t know that! So, how old is your half-brother? Sam: Er, he’s five years older than me, so he’s twenty-three. Jack: Cool. And do you see him often? Sam: Not very often ... I’ve been to visit him twice. Well, three times, but the first time I don’t remember because I was really little. But we speak on Skype a lot. Jack: And have you met Rob’s mum? Sam: Yeah. She’s really nice. She’s from Mexico originally. She’s married to someone else now. Jack: And what does your mum think? Sam: Er ... she’s fine about it! She knew my dad was divorced and had a son. Jack: Huh ... OK. Sam: OK, enough questions. Do you want to play Game of Kings or what? Jack: Yeah, cool.

Jack: Hi Sam. How’s it going? Sam: Good. H__ are you? Jack: Fine, thanks. Hey, is that the new version of Game of Kings? Sam: Yeah, d__ you want t__ play? It’s great! Jack: Oh! You can’t buy that here! Where did you get it? Sam: From m__ brother. He sent it to m__. Jack: What? Charlie? Sam: No, my other b______, Rob. He lives i__ the States ... in New York. Jack: Really? I didn’t know you had another brother! Sam: Yeah! Well, he’s my half-b______. Jack: But ... I don’t get it ... Sam: He’s my dad’s s__. My dad went to New York to study and m______ an American. Jack: Your mum’s American?! Sam: No, no, not my m__. That w__ ages ago ... before he met m__ mum. Jack: Ah, OK, I get it now. Wow, I didn’t know that! So, how old is your half-brother? Sam: Er, he’s five y____ older t___ me, so h__ twenty-three. Jack: Cool. And do you see him often? Sam: Not very often ... I’ve b___ t__ visit him twice. Well, three times, but the first time I d___ remember because I w__ really little. But we speak on Skype a lot. Jack: And have you met Rob’s mum? Sam: Yeah. She’s r_____ nice. She’s f___ Mexico originally. She’s married t__ someone else now. Jack: And what does your mum think? Sam: Er ... she’s fine about it! She knew my dad w__ divorced and h__ a son. Jack: Huh ... OK. Sam: OK, enough questions. Do you w___ to p___ Game of Kings or what? Jack: Yeah, cool.

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What is your family like?

presentation about me and my family

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Wonderful World English

Meet My Family – Free Lesson Plan & PPT for ESL Teachers

presentation about me and my family

Meet  David De’ Ath , co-founder, editor, and writer at Wonderful World English. With his extensive background as an English teacher, David provides valuable insights and practical tips on ESL for students and teachers alike.

If you’re an English as a Second Language (ESL) teacher or a teacher of young learners looking for some tips and materials on teaching the subject of families and family trees, you’re in the right place!

This lesson is an important aspect of English language learning, especially for young learners, as it helps them build comprehension of everyday family words.

From basic words like “me,” “mom,” and “dad” to terms like “family tree” and “baby cousin,” this lesson is a must for any young learner in an ESL curriculum.

Teachers should include materials and visual prompts to teach a lesson on families and family trees effectively. The goal is for students to understand and produce the vocabulary and be able to answer the question, “Who’s this?”. Teachers can use TPR well and keep the lesson fun and engaging.

I am an experienced ESL teacher who has taught this lesson to families many times; it is good fun and great to have in a student’s English toolkit.

I have provided the materials I use for this lesson, along with the PPT and lesson plan for you below, for free!

Feel free to use these materials in your classroom; you can add or take away anything to your class however you see fit.

Let’s jump in!

presentation about me and my family

Family Tree ESL Lesson

This lesson is a staple in any English curriculum.

Learners need to understand the vocabulary associated with family members at a basic level before moving on to more complicated areas.

Students typically love to get involved and discuss their parents or siblings, so this lesson can be a lot of fun.

With the right mix of games and activities, songs, and movies, this will surely be a success.

Below, we will look at the lesson plan on the subject of families for a 45-minute class for young ESL learners, as well as some materials and games to include.

Here is the lesson plan:

1. Lesson Plan

This lesson is focused on the key sentence: “How does it taste?”, and teaches students to reply with “It’s sour,” “It’s spicy,” “It’s sweet,” or “It’s salty.”

This lesson is for very basic-level English learners, so I don’t overwhelm them.

If you believe your students can handle a little more, then go ahead and include more vocabulary, such as “it’s bitter” or “it’s delicious,” for example.

This plan should be used as a guide to accompany the PPT supplied below:

presentation about me and my family

Meet My Family

Objective: To teach ESL students family-related vocabulary, foster comprehension, and enable them to talk about their family in English.

You will need An interactive whiteboard for the PPT, a whiteboard/blackboard to keep score of points, paper, pencils, and flashcards of family vocabulary (optional).

1. Introduction (5 minutes):

  • Greetings and classroom rule review.
  • Split the class into teams (e.g., boys vs. girls or by the row they are sitting in).
  • Review content from your previous lesson (if applicable).

2. New Topic Introduction (3 minutes):

  • Introduce the new topic: “Family.”
  • Show a basic family tree diagram and explain the concept.

3. Family Vocabulary (8 minutes):

  • Introduce family vocabulary words like mother, father, sister, brother, etc.
  • Show pictures of family members and ask, “Who is this?”

4. Family Tree Exploration (3 minutes):

  • Show a more detailed family picture and explain relationships like grandparents, aunts, and uncles.
  • Encourage students to identify relationships on the family tree.
  • Invite students to point at the family member and produce the language; give points to whoever does this well.

5. Play movie (4 minutes):

  • Play a relevant movie to boost comprehension.

6. Make a family tree (8 minutes):

  • Show students a family tree and discuss.
  • Hand out blank pieces of paper and have students fill in the names or pictures of their family members.

8. Present (10 minutes):

  • Select a few students to come to the front and present their family tree to the class.
  • Ask questions related to the family tree and award points for correct answers.
  • Students can produce sentences such as “This is my mom. She is beautiful,” for example.

9. Wrap-up and Rewards (4 minutes):

  • Review all the new language and relationships discussed in the lesson.
  • Congratulate the winning team; small rewards such as stickers can be an excellent token of appreciation.

If you’re looking for some great ideas for games and activities that you can include within your lesson plan for this lesson or any other, the guide below is for you!

Related Article:  Fun Classroom Games to Play – Teacher’s Guide

presentation about me and my family

2. Free PPT

Below is the PPT I made for you to use in your class; you can download this and use it as it is with the lesson plan above, or you can edit it however you would like:

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3. Materials

Some great materials are available on the subject of families and family trees.

You can use  YouTube , copyright-free images on sites like Canva, or check out useful platforms such as  Teachers Pay Teachers .

Make sure to use appropriate and relevant resources to make sure your class is fun and engaging.

It is great to make the most of flash cards and props in ESL lessons.

You can show an image of your own family and discuss this with your students; they will surely find this interesting.

And if your school has materials you can use, be sure to make the most of them!

The video below is great for teaching the subject of families and has all the key vocabulary needed for this lesson:

Any eye-catching video or song on the subject will keep your students captivated and more receptive to retaining the newly learned language.

Another key lesson is “How does it taste?” check out the link below for more free materials!

Related Article: How Does it Taste? – Free Lesson Plan & PPT for ESL Teachers

presentation about me and my family

“Meet My Family” is a delightful theme that allows students to delve into family vocabulary and relationships, which are integral parts of everyday life.

This lesson opens a window for students to talk about their families, promoting a personal connection to the English language.

Utilize this guide’s lesson plan and PPT as a springboard if you’re seeking inspiration for your teaching journey.

Feel free to personalize the PPT by adding or removing slides to seamlessly align with your lesson objectives.

Incorporating enjoyable games, activities, and materials will undoubtedly make your lesson engaging and memorable.

If this material aids your teaching venture, we’d be thrilled if you could share this post and follow us on the platforms mentioned below.

Your support propels us forward!

Cheers to impactful teaching and the joy of learning.

Have a wonderful day!

Image Attribution: All images licensed via canva.com

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me and my family

Me and my family

Nov 21, 2014

480 likes | 1.58k Views

Me and my family. This is me. My name is Bart. This is my mother. Her name is Marge. This is my father. His name is Homer. This is my sister. Her name is Lisa. This is my sister. Her name is Maggie. And this is my family :. Mother, father, sister, brother, Come along with me.

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Presentation Transcript

This is me. My name is Bart.

This is my mother. Her name is Marge.

This is my father. His name is Homer.

This is my sister. Her name is Lisa.

This is my sister. Her name is Maggie.

And this is my family :

Mother, father, sister, brother, Come along with me. Mother, father, sister, brother, That‘s my family.

Bye bye, girls and boys!

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presentation about me and my family

Serena's blog

Just another one of those esl blogs, b1 speaking practice: family and relationships.

Here’s a presentation where you can practise speaking about families and relationships.

There are so many things we could say about this complex issue, but to start with, some people don’t feel comfortable when they have to speak about private matters in front of the class. On some occasions, some students even get a bit upset because they have been asked to talk about an argument or something they would much rather avoid dragging out into the light. For this reason I’ve tried to keep this presentation sort of light-hearted. Anyway, remember that if you don’t want to speak about something, you can always say something like ‘I’m sorry, but I’d rather not answer that question (or something along those lines).

For the time being, here are eight sheets to get your tongues wagging (I’m joking 🙂 ). There’ll be more soon so stick around.

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 Let me introduce my family. My family is small. We are four of our family: my father, my mother, my brother and I. My name is Farhad, my surname is.

Published by Martin Hunt Modified over 8 years ago

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Speech on My Family – My Family Speech in English for Children and Students

February 17, 2022 by Study Mentor 12 Comments

The best gift God has given to all living beings on earth is a family. Getting a happy family is a blessing because not everyone in the world has it. The pleasure of living with your parents, fighting over petty with your siblings can just make you smile the moment you think about it.

My family has always supported me without any claim, from the moral teachings to love and support. For me, my family is like a strong pillar on which I can rely blindly whenever I need support. My family is always there to inspire and support me to overcome all life challenges and accomplish things. A relation is a unique kind of love that gives you all the lessons you need to live a healthy lifestyle.

My family is one of the world’s craziest families. We ‘re four members, my mother, my father, my younger brother, and me. While my dad is the one who works for a living, my mom is the boss of the house. My dad is a humble person. He doesn’t scold us. But, just the opposite, our mother. She needs us to remain vigilant, and she quite often scolds us.

  • I have a wonderful family, and I love every member of my family.
  • My family is made up of four members- father, mother, brother, and myself.
  • My dad is an engineer, and my mother, by profession, is a school teacher.
  • Every member of my family loves, respects, and cares for one another.
  • My family goes there once every two weeks for a picnic.
  • After dinner each night, we all like to spend time with each other.
  • My family has taught me strong lessons about our love, solidarity, and cooperation.

Table of Contents

Why family is important?

Families are wealth, which not everyone is lucky enough to have. Sometimes, those who have don’t value this gift. Families are important because they assist in our development. They grow us all into a full-fledged human with individual identity. They always offer us a sense of comfort and a safe place to flourish within. We learn to socialize and develop our intellect through our families. Studies demonstrate that people who live with their families tend to be happier than those who live alone. In times of trouble, they serve as your pillar.

When the entire world questions you, families are the only ones who believe in you. Similarly, they ‘re the first to cheer you up when you’re down and out. Having a supportive family by your side is a great blessing. In ups and downs, my family has always been at my side. They taught me how to be a better human being. I will be grateful to my family forever for what they did to me. Without them, I can’t imagine my life. They are my first instructors and friends.

The atmosphere in my family

We have a peaceful environment at home. After school, we spent our time studying, playing and watching TV, which our mother certainly doesn’t like. Like other partners, my mum and father rarely fight. In reality, as soon as we see an argument coming up, one of them just withdraws, and a heated debate between them is just rare to see. That’s what I like most about them because I feel my parents are so sweet. It is just my brother and me who enjoy competing with each other.

However, we know that it is truly our love for one another that holds us together behind those battles. I just enjoy spending time at home with my parents and my brother. I feel like how bad it will be when we go on with our professional lives tomorrow, and we won’t be able to spend a lot of time together.

My family values

My family values are what I care so much about because they have made me what I am today, and I intend to pass on these great values in the future to my children. Every family has those things, acts, and values that they hold in high regard and so much appreciation

My Family Values include –

This is a strongly secured concept within my family. Since my childhood, my family has made me learn how to be honest and the benefits that lie inside

My mom believes that if the world and everyone in it shows love and kindness to each other, there will be no hatred, and wars will be wiped out.

This is a concept passed down in my family from generation to generation. My dad would say the best legacy you can give a child is education.

I don’t want to be wrongly addressed and give the wrong impression. So, the way we dress and our appearance matters a lot to us.

Why do I love my family?

My father is the world’s best father. I am looking a lot at my father because I want to take a lot of his habits and make them mine. He taught me to be satisfied with everything that I have. My mum is the world’s greatest chef. Without my mum, I don’t know where I will be today. I owe her quite a deal.

My brother is one of the greatest presents that I’ve received. He is the last kid, so if you know what I mean, this gives him the potential to be irritating.

Each family has one thing or the other, which they hold in high regard and continue to pass from one generation to another. That is what makes a family a single group not because blood binds us but because we share the same beliefs. We always have one reason to love our family. I love my family because it’s the best gift I’ve ever been able to ask for and the fact they’ve been there for me through the good, bad, and fun times. They are a complete word for me. They are always to support me during my tough times.

My Family Speech – Essay 2

Good morning/afternoon to everyone.

My name is John and I am here to present a speech on ‘ My Family ’. I love my family. I have my father , mother and a younger sister in my family. They take great care of me. A family is the most important and complete unit of a society.

This requires a lot of effort into building relationships with everyone belonging to your family. And I’m so glad to acknowledge the great support and affection I derive from my family that builds me up as a unique creation of God and encourages me to follow my dreams and passions.

Father is the head of the family and he is supposed to lead everyone because we all look up to him. My father is a much disciplined man. Henceforth, he wants to keep us all in strict discipline.

‘Early to bed, early to rise makes a person healthy, wealthy and wise’

And that’s kind of the principle of our family. My daddy makes us go to sleep early and wakes us up early. Sometimes, very early! Although it seems so disruptive at the moment when I can’t get to be lazy sometimes but I know that he does it for our good and I respect him for that.

My daddy is my role model . He is more special to me than Superman and Spiderman because he can do what no one can. His sweet affection is so dearly communicated while we sit every night at the dinner table and talk about our day. My daddy also taught me to pray.

So whenever I am afraid I close my eyes and pray to God and I feel peace in my heart. Well, yes I am very naughty and I get spankings from him sometimes. Like, when I disturb him during work hours or I disrespectfully yell at people. He teaches me to respect my elders.

my family paragraph

He initiates me into things I don’t understand. He always pushes me to work harder, to go an extra mile even when I don’t think I can, I do it anyway! He always emphasizes the importance of education.

He makes me believe that I have powerful capabilities and I dream to be a very wonderful, successful and brave person as he is, full of integrity. He tells me every day how much he loves me and I’m ever thankful for him.

My mother is my favourite. She is the sweetest person on earth. She doesn’t scold me much; instead she even saves me from daddy’s spankings sometimes because she’s very kind. She is also very beautiful. She doesn’t go out for work because she has to take care of my younger sister.

She takes out time for me every day no matter how tired she is and helps me with my homework and talks about a whole lot of sensible things that teach me to be a person of strong moral character. She is a wise woman. Unlike many others, she is a good steward and she likes to spend her money very wisely.

She maintains order in the house and makes our house look so beautiful. Although sometimes when I leave my room so messed up she scolds me but then she cleans it and makes it so tidy that I’m hardly able to recognize it any more. She makes me so happy that sometimes I dance around to show off me elegance and she joins me.

Little things like that make my heart rejoice and make my day. She cooks the most delicious food in the world. I dread those days when I will have to leave my home someday to go away for studies; I don’t know how I will survive without her. She is God’s most wonderful gift to me.

My younger sister has not started school yet but she’s very mischievous just as I am. We are kind of click together. Sometimes I playfully irritate her and she cries to mummy and then I feel bad. So I try to take good care of her too.

I love my family very much and I’m so grateful for my parents.

Reader Interactions

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February 5, 2020 at 9:26 pm

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February 5, 2020 at 10:52 pm

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April 7, 2020 at 1:22 pm

awesome and fantabulous

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July 12, 2020 at 5:33 pm

Excellent work 👍👍

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November 16, 2020 at 12:19 pm

November 16, 2020 at 12:38 pm

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How to Make a “Good” Presentation “Great”

  • Guy Kawasaki

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Remember: Less is more.

A strong presentation is so much more than information pasted onto a series of slides with fancy backgrounds. Whether you’re pitching an idea, reporting market research, or sharing something else, a great presentation can give you a competitive advantage, and be a powerful tool when aiming to persuade, educate, or inspire others. Here are some unique elements that make a presentation stand out.

  • Fonts: Sans Serif fonts such as Helvetica or Arial are preferred for their clean lines, which make them easy to digest at various sizes and distances. Limit the number of font styles to two: one for headings and another for body text, to avoid visual confusion or distractions.
  • Colors: Colors can evoke emotions and highlight critical points, but their overuse can lead to a cluttered and confusing presentation. A limited palette of two to three main colors, complemented by a simple background, can help you draw attention to key elements without overwhelming the audience.
  • Pictures: Pictures can communicate complex ideas quickly and memorably but choosing the right images is key. Images or pictures should be big (perhaps 20-25% of the page), bold, and have a clear purpose that complements the slide’s text.
  • Layout: Don’t overcrowd your slides with too much information. When in doubt, adhere to the principle of simplicity, and aim for a clean and uncluttered layout with plenty of white space around text and images. Think phrases and bullets, not sentences.

As an intern or early career professional, chances are that you’ll be tasked with making or giving a presentation in the near future. Whether you’re pitching an idea, reporting market research, or sharing something else, a great presentation can give you a competitive advantage, and be a powerful tool when aiming to persuade, educate, or inspire others.

presentation about me and my family

  • Guy Kawasaki is the chief evangelist at Canva and was the former chief evangelist at Apple. Guy is the author of 16 books including Think Remarkable : 9 Paths to Transform Your Life and Make a Difference.

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Mishal Husain, wearing a green headscarf and coat, and standing next to her mother, Shama, who is also wearing a coat and headscarf, and sitting on an upholstered bench outside a domed and decorated mausoleum

‘A sense of wonder enveloped my mother and me’: Mishal Husain on her eye-opening journey through Uzbekistan in search of an ancestor

The broadcaster knew she had a link to the central Asian country she first visited on her gap year 30 years ago. But retracing her steps, this time with her mother in tow, she made a big discovery about their family

‘C an you read what it says?” It was 1992 and I was standing in Samarkand’s impressive Registan Square, looking up at Arabic inscriptions on 15th- and 17th-century buildings, when an Uzbek man approached me, speaking in Russian. The Soviet Union had just collapsed, but he had lived his life in a period when Cyrillic script had been dominant and Islamic learning discouraged. Now, seeing a stranger trying to decipher the words on the buildings of his city, he wanted to know if I could explain them to him.

Back then, I was on my gap year and living in Moscow teaching English at a specialist language school, where many of my pupils were the children of officials, diplomats and – almost certainly – KGB agents. It was a time of political transition and widespread hardship, including rising prices and struggles to access food, even through the black market. The six of us who had come from the UK were largely protected from that, as whatever we had from home was in sterling, precious hard currency, rather than roubles. When the school had a spring holiday that March, we decided to fly nearly 2,000 miles south-east and see something of Uzbekistan, then emerging from decades as one of the Soviet socialist republics.

Mishal Husain, in 1992, with four young men standing in a square with richly decorated, arched and domed buildings behind them

For me, the journey came with a sense of personal connection to central Asia, as I was aware that the cities of Samarkand and Bukhara had been important in Islamic history and culture, and, more vaguely, that my mother’s family had links to the region, somewhere back in time. This was through her father, who knew he had a 14th-century ancestor who had lived in what is now Uzbekistan. As I was setting off from Moscow, he was in Pakistan, hoping that the post-Soviet opening up of the country would allow him to travel there himself for the first time.

It was not to be. He and my grandmother made plans to go from Islamabad to Tashkent in 1992, shortly after direct flights began, but as they waited on the runway for their plane to take off, the trip was abandoned. A sudden surge in fighting in Afghanistan made it too dangerous to fly through its airspace, and the plane turned back towards the terminal. He never made it; he died the following year.

As I researched the 20th-century history of my family for a book, I found myself thinking afresh about my grandfather’s frustrated voyage. It occurred to me that my mother and I could complete his quest, and perhaps even track down the tomb of the forefather. Today, we would have many more tools to access local and ancient history than he had, or indeed than I had on my previous trip, three decades ago.

M y mother, Shama, and I don’t live far from each other in London, but I knew from previous weekend trips together that there is something completely different in the quality of the time we share when we are both away from the demands of our own environments. The phone is not ringing, there are no errands to run, emails are less pressing and – much as she loves my three teenage boys – it is time for the two of us, and she gets a more relaxed version of me. We have much in common, but she is sunnier and more sociable than I am, and the only aspect of previous trips that has made me eye-roll on occasion is her tendency to strike up conversation with strangers, whether on trains, planes, or in queues. But this is part of who she is, ever interested in other human beings, and absorbing some of it is probably what led me to journalism and interviewing. I think she will forgive me for including here that she is almost 80, and I did wonder about how demanding the trip would be, with lots of walking in and around monuments coming after a long journey to reach Uzbekistan, and train journeys within. But Ama, as I call her, was game, and so we made plans.

Mishal Husain and her mother, Shama, walking between buildings with wooden balconies, with a richly decorated blue dome in the background, in Samarkand

In preparation, I looked up my photographs of the 1992 trip, as well as the Uzbekistan part of the diary I kept that year. “The plane was absolutely packed,” I had written of the flight from Moscow to Tashkent. “Most people brought all their luggage on board, as Aeroflot has a bad reputation for pilfering from checked baggage.” We had been required to check in via Intourist, I recorded – the Soviet-era agency that dealt with foreigners’ travel – and that meant access to “a separate, much more comfortable waiting room, equipped with a hard-currency bar”. Memories of that year flooded back: how privileged we were, as our money from home went a long way in those inflationary times.

The 2024 trip, from London, had none of these issues but still involved some complexity. There are a few direct flights a week between the UK and Uzbekistan, but we wanted to fly into Urgench, in the west, and then travel between the key cities of Khiva, Bukhara, Samarkand and Tashkent by train. That meant changing planes in Istanbul on our way in and out of the country, and friends recommended a Tashkent-based travel company, Advantour, to make the train and hotel bookings and help us with a detailed itinerary. They included a guide in each of our four destinations,

and initially I was dubious: this was a mother-and-daughter trip, and I was reasonably confident that with modern travel infrastructure, guidebooks, maps and apps, plus bits of my school Russian coming back to me, we would get by on our own. But meeting the four women who introduced us to their cities turned out to be a memorable aspect of the trip, each one sharing not only their knowledge, but parts of their family stories, often revealing difficult aspects of how the Soviet Union and its disintegration affected lives in the 20th century.

I also wanted to make sure we were heading to the right place for my mother’s ancestor. All we had to go on was a name – Amir Kulal – who appears about halfway through a family tree which begins with the prophet Muhammad in the sixth century in Arabia, and continues through generations who moved to central Asia and then Afghanistan and India. “Amir” means prince, or leader, but Amir Kulal had not ruled: instead, as far as I could work out from research online, he had been called that as a mark of respect, on the basis of his knowledge of Islam and his standing in the community.

Mishal Husain wearing a dark green scarf and jacket, walking between two intricately tiled buildings, with blue domed buildings seen at the end of the alleyway

He lived in the time of Timur, the empire-builder known in the west as Tamerlane, who dominated the 14th century as he conquered lands far from his native region. My mother and I had initially thought that Amir Kulal’s tomb was located in Timur’s birthplace near Samarkand, but when we tried to confirm this before the trip, all the online references pointed instead to Bukhara. To travel all that way and end up in the wrong place was not a happy thought – we could not risk a wild goose chase. The family tree had no locations, nor even dates, but I went back to the travel company with more names from it, adding in “our” Amir Kulal’s father and his son. An answer came back promptly: the Bukhara guide could confirm that he was buried just outside her city and we would be able to reach the tomb easily by car.

We began though in Khiva, which had not been part of my 1992 trip, and where the atmospheric Itchan Kala – the inner city – provided the perfect start. We had opted to stay in a historic 19th-century madrasa within its walls, and, even though we arrived at night, the tiled, half-built minaret next to it was lit up and the blue-green colours shone out against the dark sky. I am sure there are more comfortable places to stay in Khiva, for these hotel rooms are the old students’ quarters set around a courtyard: narrow rooms, the only natural light coming from small windows above the doors. They set a tone, though, for the week ahead, where much of what we would see would underline the importance of education in Uzbekistan’s history.

A highly decorated tiled interior in dark blue and gold

Once we reached Samarkand, I could compare what I saw with my photographs from 1992. Back then, my diary entry recorded that we had arrived in the city late in the day, and reached Registan Square after the monuments had closed. A “friendly old caretaker allowed us in anyway, because we had come from so far away”, I had written – and I wondered if I might now be of the very age I had then classed as “old”. Here, the madrasas on three sides of the square were as I remembered, and I learned from our guide Valentina that we were fortunate in 1992: significant restoration work had already taken place through a major project that began in the early 1970s. She took us also to the extraordinary Shah-i-Zinda, a line of small and beautifully decorated tombs of figures connected to successive rulers, including sisters, a wet nurse and, legend has it, a cousin of the prophet Muhammad. Timur himself is buried in a stand-alone complex, the Gur-e-Amir, while another landmark of Samarkand, the Bibi-Khanym mosque, built by his wife, revealed to me how much reconstruction as well as restoration has taken place in Uzbekistan since I was last there. In 1992, Bibi-Khanym was largely a ruin, and I was not impressed. “The woman at the gate still charged us the entrance fee, to look around something that was little more than glorified rubble,” I had written petulantly in my diary. Today, that has changed, and the work shows the scale and ambition of what was first erected at the end of the 14th century.

W e were on the move a lot over the week, but a sense of wonder enveloped my mother and me as we absorbed the beauty of the sights. She has so much more knowledge relating to our heritage and faith than I do, and often I was tapping into that and asking her questions: could she decipher a particular bit of calligraphy, or put what we were seeing into the context of Timur’s descendants, the Mughal emperors in south Asia? Or even – which came first, the central Asian samsa or our own samosa? (Answer: the samsa, an easily transportable snack for travellers, which thus arrived in India.)

We were conscious everywhere we went not only of the layers of history but also of the different communities who have been part of it.

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Mishal Husain standing in an arch inside a richly tiled building

In Samarkand, we went to see one of the two remaining synagogues, after Valentina arranged it with the rabbi: he came along on his bicycle and unlocked the wooden door in a sidestreet, showing us a domed building built in the local style at the end of the 19th century. It was bittersweet: the congregation is now very small because younger people started to move away when travel restrictions were lifted with the end of the Soviet Union. Rabbi Josef looked to be in his 70s, and said he was the youngest of the community; there are no more weddings or barmitzvahs to look after. And yet, from pictures of gatherings in New York I could see that traditions of central Asian dress continue on special occasions for those who can trace their roots here.

Uzbekistan is as yet unspoiled by mass tourism and much less discovered by visitors from the UK than by those from other European countries: we saw French and Italian groups, but no British ones. The food can feel somewhat monotonous, and the Uzbek rice dish plov is, to my mind, not as good as pullao , its south Asian equivalent. But the minced kebabs are tasty, especially in Tashkent’s Chorsu bazaar, where our guide Dilya took us to the area where women cook, serve and run the show, and there are some very good Uzbek red wines. A delicious tomato and herb salad – achichuk – is served everywhere, and I had forgotten how moreish chai slimonon is – Russian-style black tea flavoured with slices of lemon and copious amounts of sugar.

When I travelled between Samarkand and Bukhara in 1992, it had involved a long and dusty bus journey, through towns then called Lenin and Communism, but this time we were on a high-speed train, covering the distance in two hours and in comfort. At Bukhara station I was amazed to spot Amir Kulal’s name on a billboard, advertising a pilgrimage-style route around the tombs of the “Seven Saints of Bukhara”: the first suggestion that this ancestor had a modern-day influence and presence that we had not expected. The city itself retains an old-world charm I had found captivating on my first visit, and we stayed in a small hotel just off a square I realised I had photographed back then, capturing men in fur hats sitting around tables at an outdoor chai khana or tea house. This time, while the wooden tables and benches, teapots and bowl-shaped cups were as I remembered, the scene was more mixed – including women, children and family groups – and much less sleepy, with a number of nearby shops and souvenir stalls.

From here we walked past bazaars and more madrasas – including one built by a grandson of Timur, who also endowed an extraordinary observatory and mapped the stars from Samarkand – towards Bukhara’s central square. Here the Po-i-Kalyan minaret is all that was spared by Genghis Khan when he took Bukhara in 1220. “In between the clusters of old buildings there is only waste ground,” I had written in my diary, but now there was more activity and more commercial life. Bukhara also has a great diversity of architectural styles within a relatively small geographical area, from the fine brickwork of the 10th-century mausoleum of the Samanid dynasty to a modern memorial to Imam Bukhari, the scholar who sifted through the reported sayings of the prophet and preserved only those he considered to be from trustworthy sources – a factchecking approach of which I could approve.

And so to Amir Kulal, my forefather, who would have known the streets of Bukhara as they were more than 600 years ago – and could not have imagined that later generations of his family would live far to the south, thanks to Timur’s descendant Babur venturing into India. It was on our last morning in Bukhara that our guide Makhsuma took us to the tomb, on a site which has been developed as part of a 25-year effort to rediscover and honour seven Sufi Muslim saints who lived in this area. These were Bukhara’s Masters of Wisdom, men who lived between the 10th and 16th centuries, each one passing devotional knowledge and learning on to their pupils. Amir Kulal himself came from a clan known for their work as potters, who had come from Arabia and settled to the north of Bukhara in the 12th century, where it seems their lineage back to early Islam meant they were held in high esteem. He himself rose to be head of the clan, but continued to be embedded in the family craft and worked with his hands.

Richly decorated domes and buildings of Shah-i-Zinda in Samarkand, seen through an ogee arch

This made me feel connected in a new way to the beauty of the tilework we had seen throughout our days in Uzbekistan, but Amir Kulal himself did not have a notable mausoleum after his death. Makhsuma explained that what is now a walled compound to the east of Bukhara, with a mosque and carefully laid-out garden alongside a blue-domed tomb, used to be a simple graveyard. Local people knew that Amir Kulal was buried there, and, as Uzbekistan began looking afresh at its heritage, the area around the grave became established as part of a network of seven shrines.

We arrived on a bright spring morning, walking along a path lined with small trees and stone plaques inscribed with Amir Kulal’s sayings. “Allah will not open the secrets of tariqah [a spiritual path] to the one who does not put attaining perfection as his main aim,” read one, and I felt rather unworthy when Makhsuma generously said it was her privilege to bring “the family of Amir Kulal” to his shrine. Either side of the tomb were open verandas, with benches for seating and wooden pillars carved in the traditional style we had seen many times by then. As we approached, a few families were listening to an imam reciting prayers, and we sat with them before entering the tomb itself and paying our respects in the traditional Muslim way at a grave, with the opening lines of the Qur’an.

T he quest over, I was certain of two things: that my grandfather would have been very happy to think of us reaching Amir Kulal, and that it would have been impossible for him to do so, even if his plane had made it to Uzbekistan in 1992. In that turbulent period, he would have been lucky to find people with enough knowledge of the Sufi masters’ history in the region to guide him, and to pinpoint the grave in the old cemetery then on the site. Uzbekistan was still emerging from a time of uneasy coexistence between communism and Islam, which is why I had been so struck by the sight of a madrasa in operation in Bukhara that year. “It really does seem that time has stood still in this place,” I wrote in my diary after peering into the courtyard and spotting small boys sitting cross-legged, reading. On this trip, too, there were moments when the same sentiment washed over me, even in the most-visited sites.

Mishal Husain and her mother, Shama, sitting on wooden benches either site of an intricately carved arched door in Bukhara

While Uzbekistan’s monuments first hit the visitor with grandeur and colour, they also reward those prepared to linger and to look for subtler messages in the decoration and carving. These are places where walls and doors are almost talking to you, if you are able to stop and decipher the messages and inscriptions, as the man in Samarkand wanted me to do for him all those years ago. As I passed through the door of one Bukhara madrasa, carved with the prophet’s words on how the pursuit of knowledge is a duty on every Muslim male and female, I wished Afghanistan’s Taliban could see it, or at least think about it.

Throughout, I was grateful for the guides who brought the richness of these cities to life for us. My mother and I were on a journey back into our family history, but we became conscious of what the families of those we met had lived through, from forced relocation and purges under Stalin, to acute hardship and going without food in the post-Soviet economic transition. In this centuries-old setting, the disruption and pain of the last one is yet another layer of history. A journey in search of a forefather turned into a week-long experience of female companionship and it rewarded us in more ways than we expected. At the very least, my mother can use a new line of authority on her grandchildren, with a decent claim to have some saintly blood.

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  • Mishal Husain
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Advice | Ask Amy: Where I grew up, this would be…

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Advice | Ask Amy: Where I grew up, this would be considered alarming

Surprise, there are family members on the doorstep.

Portrait of Columnist Amy Dickinson in the Tribune Studio on Friday, 27 June 2014 for the new web portraits.   (Bill Hogan/Chicago Tribune)  B583831731Z.1 ....OUTSIDE TRIBUNE CO.- NO MAGS,  NO SALES, NO INTERNET, NO TV, CHICAGO OUT, NO DIGITAL MANIPULATION...

Dear Amy: My husband and I live near his parents. They are very nice people, but they have a terrible habit of showing up at our house uninvited. Like they’re out doing errands and then they just stop in.

Honestly, I do not like this at all.

I grew up in a small town with lots of family around, but we would never do this. We might call when we were on the way and ask if we could pop by, but I don’t think in my whole life I ever had a family member show up at my house without any prior notification. If they did, I would think there was an emergency.

Last weekend they showed up and because we weren’t expecting company, our house was a complete shambles. We mainly keep it neat, but on this day it was awful. I was so embarrassed.

What should I do?

– Upset Wife

Dear Upset : You should tell them, “You really do need to call first if you want to stop in. I want to spend time with you, but could you please call first to give us a choice about whether it’s a good time for us?”

Ask the question and wait for their answer. If they don’t say yes, ask it again in a way that demonstrates that for you, this is not really negotiable.

Dear Amy : My brother and I are both in our 70s. We’ve only spoken once in the last three years.

For much of our lives, we lived miles apart but still kept in touch. After our father passed, our mother sold their home. My father had previously told my brother that when they sold the house, he wanted to give a certain amount of money to each of us.

Our mother did not honor our father’s wishes. She gave each of us a smaller amount.

Years later she deposited a good sum of money into my brother’s account and asked him not to tell me. (I wouldn’t have cared at all.) Mom later called the bank and asked for the money back. My brother was angry but approved it, and then stopped speaking to her.

My mother moved closer to me, and I was her sole caretaker for seven years until she moved into assisted living. She spent the rest of her money paying for her care.

My brother thinks I got more money from her than he did, which is not true.

He also expected me to give him money from the sale of my home because I had gotten more than the asking price. I sent him $1,000 at that time, plus more than $5,000 when he needed emergency dental work.

I wondered why he never returned my calls, until I found out from his estranged wife that he had expected to receive a lot more money from me from the sale of my house. I wrote him a letter, reminding him of the money I had given him.

Two years later I went to visit him, and he told me he thought my daughter and I had gotten more money from our mother. I explained that wasn’t the case, and I thought we had come to an understanding.

That was more than a year ago. I haven’t heard from him since.

When our uncle died, I called to let him know but could only leave messages. I flew back for the funeral and expected to see my brother, but he didn’t show. I know he is alive and well.

My friends tell me I’ve done my part and now the ball is in his court. What do you think?

– Confused Sibling

Dear Confused: I agree with your friends. Your repeated efforts to connect with your brother only seem to bring up new and unfounded charges about money he claims he is entitled to. Your assertions and kind corrections and reassurance seem to have no positive affect on him. Your periodic bids to connect go unanswered.

Yes, the ball is in his court. You should not expect him to pick it up and toss it to you, however. Now is the time for you to reckon with this loss.

Your advice was fine, but mainly I was pleasantly surprised to read about what sounded like an old-fashioned, modest wedding. A rarity these days.

Dear Relieved: I felt the same way. I hope it’s a trend (but I fear it is not).

You can email Amy Dickinson at [email protected] or send a letter to Ask Amy, P.O. Box 194, Freeville, NY 13068. You can also follow her on Twitter @askingamy or Facebook.

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Heroes for Life ceremony held to honor organ donors

WICHITA FALLS, Texas (KAUZ) - April is donate life month, and United Regional partnered with Southwest Transplant Alliance to honor organ donors.

The Heroes for Life ceremony is an event held every year to honor those who have given the gift of life.

Twelve Wichita Falls area donors and their families were honored through the special presentation.

“Today is about life, and honoring life. You know, the best thing someone can do is register to be an organ donor to really honor in those last moments,” Southwest Transplant Alliance Chief Operating Officer, Doug Butler said.

“My son was given the gift of life, a heart transplant when he was 3-months-old, and that was why I continue this work, and I know what it’s like to be on the other side of it, and to receive the gift of life, and I’m so very grateful to be here,” Southwest Transplant Alliance Hospital Services Coordinator, Bonnie Bolin said.

The ceremony was held at One-Life Community Church, and the first guest speaker was a girl who was given an organ transplant when she was 6 years old.

Tomorrow, April 27, is her senior prom, and the 12 year anniversary of her life saving surgery.

Copyright 2024 KAUZ. All rights reserved.

(Source: MGN)

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I’m an NFL Draft 2024 top pick – my brothers inspired me to become an athlete and follow in their sporting footsteps

  • Ryan Sanudo , Sports Reporter
  • Published : 10:00 ET, Apr 27 2024
  • Published : Invalid Date,

ONE of the 2024 NFL Draft top picks will hope to continue his family legacy.

New England Patriots quarterback Drake Maye, 22, comes from a family of brothers who inspired him to be the athlete he is today.

North Carolina quarterback Drake Maye has a family full of athletes

Maye was drafted No. 3 overall by the Pats on Thursday night.

He was the ACC Player of the Year and ACC Offensive Player of the Year in 2022.

During his three seasons at North Carolina , Maye completed 64.9 percent of his passes for 8,018 yards along with 63 passing touchdowns and 16 interceptions.

The 22-year-old can attribute his abilities to his father, Mark, who also played quarterback at North Carolina.

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A family tradition.

Drake can also thank his brothers for being by his side before his sensational college career.

He's the youngest of four brothers, three of whom - Luke, Beau, and Cole - brought athletics to the table.

Beau and Luke played college basketball at UNC.

The latter hit a game-winning buzzer-beater against Kentucky in the 2017 Elite Eight as the Tar Heels went on to later winning the NCAA national championship.

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Luke has always noticed his youngest brother Drake's abilities from a young age.

"[Drake] was always an athlete,"  he told Sporting News in 2022 .

"He was always a person who dominated his age group, and he played up quite a bit.

"We definitely toughened him up a bit, but I'm just so proud of him. I just love him to death."

Luke went on to average more than 14.0 points per game for the next seasons and finished his collegiate career earning two All-ACC honors.

As for Beau, he left the UNC program in 2022 after dealing with numerous knee surgeries.

Drake's older brother Cole (pictured right) played college basketball at Florida

Cole, meanwhile, chose the baseball route.

He played college baseball at Florida and contributed to the team's College World Series win in 2017.

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When it's all said and done, Drake has the chance of being the best athlete in the Maye family.

The Patriots have a clear need at the quarterback position as only Bailey Zappe, Jacoby Brissett, and Nathan Rourke remain on the roster at signal-caller.

Three of the Maye brothers went to North Carolina

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