Essay Outline Template

Senior project’s research paper phase 1: outlining.

The Purdue OWL: Sample Outlines

Senior Project Outline Rubric

Senior Project Final Paper Rubric

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MLA Guidelines:

For documenting sources, taking notes and outlining your paper:

For submitting your research paper:

To begin: Thesis Statement: Above Roman numeral I, specifically state your thesis. Then begin your outline based upon the structure below.

I. Introduction

  • Get the reader’s attention by asking a leading question or relaying something enticing about the subject in a manner that commands attention (“a hook”). Start with a related quote, alluring description, narration or a germane anecdote.
  • State the thesis of the paper, the causes and effects to be discussed, a comparison of subject X and subject Y, your proposal (if applicable), and the main points that will develop your argument.

II. Body Paragraphs: The Subtopics That Support Your Thesis

     Remember: Only one topic is discussed within a single paragraph.

  • Supporting evidence (examples, facts, statistics, quoted authorities, details, reasons, examples) with proper citing
  • Supporting evidence with proper citing
  • Supporitng evidence with proper citing

Key points about the body paragraphs section:

  • Repeat the body paragraphs format each time you introduce a new subtopic, assigning it the next Roman numeral in the sequence
  • Every paragraph must finish with a “clincher sentence,” the final statement which brings the paragraph to satisfying conclusion and bridges the next paragraph.
  • Check your work: If at any point you have a sentence(s) that is not relevant to the paragraph’s topic sentence, GET RID OF IT. By including this sentence, you give this section irrelevancy.
  • When you use information found in one of your sources in the body of the paragraph, make sure to include the citation immediately after that sentence.

III. Conclusion

First, put as much time into the conclusion paragraph as you did in the introduction and body paragraphs.

Your conclusion is your chance to have the last word on your Senior Project paper subject. The conclusion allows you to have the final say on the issues you have raised in your paper, to summarize your thoughts, to demonstrate the importance of your ideas, and to propel your reader to a new view of the subject. It is also your opportunity to make a good final impression and to end on a positive note. The conclusion pushes beyond the boundaries of the thesis and allows you to consider broader issues, make new connections, and elaborate on the significance of your findings. Your conclusion gives your reader something to take away that will help them see things differently, appreciate your topic in personally relevant way, and can suggest broader implications that will not only interest your reader but also enrich your reader’s life in some way.

Here are some techniques to help you write the conclusion portion of your outline:

  • Go through your research once again. Was there a piece of information that was really good but didn’t quite fit into the introduction or body paragraphs? See if it’s applicable/useful in your conclusion paragraph and use it here.
  • Return to the theme or themes in the introduction. This strategy brings the reader full circle. For example, if you begin by describing a scenario, you can end with the same scenario as proof that your essay is helpful in creating a new understanding. You may also refer to the introductory paragraph by using key words or parallel concepts and images that you also used in the introduction.
  • Synthesize, don’t summarize: Include a brief summary of the paper’s main points, but don’t simply repeat things that were in your paper. Instead, show your reader how the points you made and the support and examples you used fit together. Pull it all together.
  • Include a provocative insight or quotation from the research or reading you did for your paper.
  • Propose a course of action, a solution to an issue, or questions for further study. This can redirect your reader’s thought process and help her to apply your info and ideas to her own life or to see the broader implications.
  • Point to broader implications.

Avoid these conclusion pitfalls:

  • Beginning with an unnecessary, overused phrase such as “in conclusion,” “in summary,” or “in closing.” Although these phrases can work in speeches, they come across as wooden and trite in writing.
  • Stating the thesis for the very first time in the conclusion.
  • Introducing a new idea or subtopic in your conclusion.
  • Ending with a rephrased thesis statement without any substantive changes.
  • Making sentimental, emotional appeals that are out of character with the rest of an analytical paper.
  • Including evidence (quotations, statistics, etc.) that should be in the body of the paper.

By following the techniques above, the writing of the conclusion paragraph for the paper should be a breeze!

(Additional sources used: Capitol Community College Foundation, St. Helen’s K-12 School District, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Writing Center.)

Phase 1 Outlining

(Sources: The Owl at Purdue University and Writer’s, Inc.)

Outlining: Why Outline?

  • Aids in showing the hierarchical relationship or logical ordering of information
  • Aids in the process of writing
  • Helps to organize ideas
  • Presents material in a logical form
  • Shows the relationships among ideas in your writing paper
  • Constructs an ordered overview of your writing
  • Defines boundaries and groups
  • Helps to alleviate writer’s anxiety (“writer’s block”) as the information is now directly in front of you.

Outlining: How to Create an Outline

  • Determine the purpose of your paper
  • Determine the audience for whom you are writing
  • Develop the thesis of your paper
  • Brainstorm : list all of the ideas that you want to include in your paper
  • Organize : group related ideas together
  • Order : arrange material in subsections from general to specific or from abstract to concrete
  • Label : create main and subheadings

Outlining: Types of Outlines…There are three types to consider:

  • Alphanumeric
  • Full sentence
  • Senior Project will use alphanumeric

Outlining: Alphanumeric

The alphanumeric format of outlining is the most recognizable and follows a very specific structure:

  • Roman numerals (I, II, III, etc.)
  • Capitalized letters (A., B., C., etc.)
  • Arabic numerals (1., 2., 3., etc.)
  • Lowercase letters (a., b., c., etc.)

Again, this is the only format accepted by Senior Project.

Outlining: Dividing the Information

Each of the segments of the alphanumeric mode of outlining has a specific purpose:

  • Roman numerals represent the heading of each section (the main ideas). These are the most general.
  • Capitalized letters represent the first level of specificity (these are more specific than the Roman numerals).
  • Arabic numerals and lowercase letters are the true specifics of your information.

Outlining: Structure

The structure of an outline is based upon a downward slant or slash as follows:

image of the outline structure

(The line is for illustrative purposes only – don’t draw it!)

Ok, let’s look at the example that is provided to you for better understanding.

Bibliography: For the bibliography, use

Four Main Components for Effective Outlines

Summary: This resource describes why outlines are useful, what types of outlines exist, suggestions for developing effective outlines, and how outlines can be used as an invention strategy for writing. Ideally, you should follow these four suggestions to create an effective outline. Four Main Components for Effective Outlines by the OWL at Purdue:

Purdue OWL Sample Outlines

Alphanumeric Outline

________________ The College Application Process

I. Choose Desired Colleges __ A. Visit and evaluate college campuses __ B. Visit and evaluate college websites ____ 1. Look for interesting classes ____ 2. Note important statistics II. Prepare Application __ A. Write personal statement ____ 1. Choose interesting topic ______ a. Describe an influential person in your life _________ (1) Favorite high school teacher _________ (2) Grandparent ______ b. Describe a challenging life event ____ 2. Include important personal details ______ a. Volunteer work ______ b. Participation in varsity sports __ B. Revise personal statement III. Compile Résumé __ A. List relevant coursework __ B. List work experience __ C. List volunteer experience ____ 1. Tutor at foreign language summer camp ____ 2. Counselor for suicide prevention hotline

Full Sentence Outline

__ I. __ Man-made pollution is the primary cause of global warming. _____ A. __ Greenhouse gas emissions are widely identified by the scientific ________ community to be harmful. __________ 1. __ The burning of coal and fossil fuels are the primary _____________ releasers of hazardous greenhouse gases.

Full sentence outlines are often accompanied with an APA reference list on a separate page. Quotes within the outline must also utilize APA in-text citations.

Decimal Outline

__ 1.0 _ Choose Desired College _____1.1_Visit and evaluate college campuses _____1.2_Visit and evaluate college websites ________1.2.1_Look for interesting classes ________1.2.2_Note important statistics

The outline provides a skeleton of basic ideas upon which the writer adds flesh. The careful listing of subtopics under main topic headings focuses the writer’s attention and identifies any areas which need more development.

There are two types of outlines – topic and sentence. The first type, which consists of phrases, requires fewer words and is easier to construct. The second type is constructed out of whole sentences which can be lifted in their entirety and placed in the body of the essay. Either style has its merits.

image of a sample outline

The Sentence Outline

The sentence outline contains not only the major points to be covered, but also lists many of the important supporting details as well. It is used for longer, more formal writing assignments; each point should, therefore, be written as a complete sentence. The sentence outline is especially useful when you find yourself asking others for help with your composition. It will be much easier for them to understand an outline written in complete sentences than one written using single words and phrases. (See sample essay.)

Image of a sentence outlline

Paper Dimension: Development of Argument and Perspective – Thesis is supported by research from multiple sources – Includes different perspectives

EXCEPTIONAL – 35-32 (A’s):

  • Clear, informed, masterful support of thesis
  • Insightful perspective gained from skillful synthesis of multiple sources
  • Considers, questions, and responds to counterarguments

COMMENDABLE – 31-28 (B’s)

  • Logical, reasonable argument supporting thesis
  • Research deepens readers’ understanding of subject
  • Acknowledges and responds to counterarguments

COMPETENT – 27-25 (C’s)

  • Viable but unconvincing argument
  • Thesis in need of refining, more support, or more clarity
  • Heavy reliance on research with little commentary/analysis

PASSING – 24, 23 (D’s)

  • Obvious/simplistic thesis
  • Sporadic/limited support of thesis
  • In need of more or better sources
  • Minimal coverage of counterarguments
  • Altogether not well-developed

UNACCEPTABLE – 22 and below (F’s)

  • Summary without thesis
  • Overuse of unsupported personal opinion
  • Never mentions other perspectives

Paper Dimension: Language Usage and Grammar – Author has a unique voice – Engaging, compelling, convincing Use of diction, detail, sentence structure, tone, etc.

  • Lively, provocative writing
  • Captures audience
  • Mechanics of paper enhance the whole
  • Paper moves audience to change, adopt, modify, or continue a belief/action
  • Interesting, informative writing
  • Sensitive to audience
  • Mechanics of paper are good
  • Paper might move audience to change, adopt, modify, or continue a belief/action
  • Limited appeal due to language usage and grammar problems, which detract from the whole piece
  • Tone lacks authority
  • Audience is neutralized by argument
  • Serious issues with language usage result in lifeless tone and inability to connect with audience in a positive way
  • Paper is unclear
  • Errors are so severe that they hinder communication and audience understanding

Paper Dimension: Organization and Flow

  • Compelling intro
  • Clear thesis
  • Logical organization
  • Smooth transitions
  • Consistent focus on thesis throughout
  • Structured, insightful conclusion
  • Appropriate intro
  • Clear organization
  • Has transitions
  • Focuses on thesis
  • Conclusion addresses thesis without repeating it
  • Too brief or long intro
  • Has a thesis
  • Loosely organized
  • Missing some transitions
  • Repetitive conclusion
  • Use of irrelevant details throughout
  • Redundant intro
  • May have a thesis, but organizationis hard to follow
  • No transitions
  • Conclusion is simplistic or absent
  • Little or no recognizable organization

Paper Dimension: Format Requirements – MLA format – 7-10 pages in length

  • Nearly flawless use of MLA
  • Meets length requirements
  • Some MLA errors
  • Meets length requirement
  • Many MLA errors
  • Careless use of MLA
  • No citations
  • MLA guidelines are ignored
  • Length requirement is not met
  • Warwick Valley High School Senior Project Handbook
  • What is Senior Project? (The 4 P’s)
  • Hints Regarding Senior Project
  • The Project
  • The Portfolio
  • The Presentation
  • Senior Project Paper Requirements
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Rubric for evaluating senior research, from the department of geology at bates college.

The senior thesis experience at Bates is a two-semester research project required by all geology majors. Seniors collect, analyze and interpret data throughout their senior year and have weekly one-on-one meetings with their faculty advisor to review/discuss specific techniques, datasets, publications, thesis chapters, etc. Additionally, all seniors attend a weekly group meeting, where they take turns making formal presentations on their project and receiving feedback/handling questions from other seniors and all of the geology faculty. Students complete a senior thesis and, in the case of an Honors thesis, defend the thesis to a committee of four faculty, one of whom is an examiner from outside of Bates College. The senior thesis is designed to facilitate independent and critical thinking, and to teach students how to lead themselves to new knowledge, to execute independent research, and to communicate their work (both orally and in written form).


Paper copies of the grading rubric and list of student/professor responsibilities are given to the seniors and faculty at the first group meeting at the beginning of each semester.

Use of the Data

The data gathered using this rubric are used to provide feedback to the students on their progress and to assign grades.


The geology faculty meet as a group to discuss and assign grades to each student. Mid-semester grades are given to the students so that areas of weakness can be identified and improved upon prior to the end-of-semester evaluation. Overall, we find that the rubric is quite effective at allowing us to assess what is important for the senior thesis experience.

Download the Student/Faculty Handout for Senior Thesis (Microsoft Word 37kB Feb12 09)

See more Assessment Instruments »

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senior research paper rubric


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  3. Research Paper Grading Rubric Template

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    senior research paper rubric


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  1. Example 1

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  2. iRubric: Senior Research Paper rubric

    Only with iRubric tm . iRubric R97B25: Research paper: The topic of this paper is at the discretion of the teacher. It may include a traditional argumentative paper, action research, or a blend of oral history with outside support. Students may include relevant charts, graphs, or images as long as these elements are cited correctly.

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    Style/Voice ____. Grammar/Usage/ Mechanics ____. *exceptional introduction that grabs interest of reader and states topic. **thesis is exceptionally clear, arguable, well-developed, and a definitive statement. *paper is exceptionally researched, extremely detailed, and historically accurate. **information clearly relates to the thesis.

  4. PDF Research Paper Grading Rubric

    Research Paper Grading Rubric. For your research paper, every component of the entire assignment (outline, drafts, etc.) is subdivided into two grading schemes: content and presentation. 70% of the allotted points for the assignment are for the content of your submission, and 30% is for the presentation of the content.

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    Contents. All required information is discerned with clarity and precision and contains all items listed in Meets category. Contains: application, abstract, research paper, lab report, observation log, reflective essay, guide and rubrics. Contains 5 - 6 of criteria for meets; and /or poorly organized.

  6. iRubric: Senior Research Paper rubric

    iRubric Z38X85: Research one of the three approved topics. Submit 2-3 typed pages publishing the results of your research. Include a Works Cited page with at least 4 sources used researching the paper. Paper will be graded on quality of research, effective use of information gained through research, credibility of sources, and relevance of included information.

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    Holistic scoring is a quick method of evaluating a composition based on the reader's general impression of the overall quality of the writing—you can generally read a student's composition and assign a score to it in two or three minutes. Holistic scoring is usually based on a scale of 0-4, 0-5, or 0-6.


    SENIOR PROJECT GUIDELINES I. INTRODUCTION A. General philosophy. As stated in the Academic Bulletin, the Senior Project "is not a mere report or semester paper, but a significant piece of independent study, research, or creative work." Indeed, a mandatory comprehensive senior research project is unusual among liberal

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  10. PDF Research Paper Grading Rubric

    Introduction 12 points. Demonstrates that student has outstanding understanding of the research subject matter. Provides the reader with the necessary information to understand the present study. Piques the readers interest and makes the importance of the question real. Gives appropriate information to previous studies that has an impact on the ...

  11. PDF Senior Research Paper Rubric

    Senior Research Paper Rubric . MLA formatting requirements for the paper and the Works Cited page are not listed on this rubric because they are not qualitativein nature. Last updated 5/31/2018 . Element Distinguished Proficient Basic Below Basic CONTENT Opening/ • Thesis Statement . Engaging opening •Compelling thesis •Formulaic opening

  12. iRubric: Senior English Research Paper Rubric

    iRubric TX3C682: Use MLA th edition format. Paper must be 6-8 typed pages and include a Works Cited page with at least 8 sources. Only one source may be an "internet" source (used for attention getter only). Paper graded on: quality of research, effective use of information gained through research, credibility of sources, and relevance of included information.

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  14. The Paper : Warwick Valley Central Schools

    Senior Project Outline Rubric. Senior Project Outline Rubric . Senior Project Final Paper Rubric. Senior Project Final Paper Rubric. Paper Dimension: Development of Argument and Perspective - Thesis is supported by research from multiple sources - Includes different perspectives. EXCEPTIONAL - 35-32 (A's): Clear, informed, masterful ...

  15. Example 9

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    Holistic scales, checklists, rating scales, and analytic scales can be used in rubrics. • Holistic scales allow the rater to assign a single score based on an overall judgment of the student work. The holistic scales include global indicators, but may lack specific feedback needed to target student growth.

  17. PDF Senior Research Paper Rubric

    Senior Research Paper Rubric . MLA formatting requirements for the paper and the Works Cited page are not listed on this rubric because they are not qualitative in nature. Last updated 8/21/2017 . Element Exemplary Good Acceptable Unacceptable CONTENT.

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    This rubric must be used to assess research papers in all history courses . except for the critical thinking assignment in HIS 491A Senior Seminar . History Research Papers Rubric . Performance Element Exemplary L4 Proficient L3 Developing L2 Emerging L1 Score Analysis and Evaluation . The essay contains a clear thesis statement, the analysis ...

  19. Bates Rubric for Senior Research

    Paper copies of the grading rubric and list of student/professor responsibilities are given to the seniors and faculty at the first group meeting at the beginning of each semester. Use of the Data. The data gathered using this rubric are used to provide feedback to the students on their progress and to assign grades. Effectiveness

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  21. Senior Research Project

    Dear Parent or Guardian, Your student is required to complete a research paper project for the British Literature. It is vital that your student completes the research paper, as well as each assignment that correlates with this project. Your student may fail the semester if this project is not completed. Please note that this paper will require ...

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  23. iRubric: Senior English Research Paper Rubric

    iRubric YX3A95B: Research an author to determinw the cultural and literary influences that have affected his or her style (and subjects) of writing. Use MLA format for the heading, body, parenthetical notes, works cited, etc. Submit 3-5 typed pages of publishing the results of your research. Include a Works Cited page with at least 5 sources used researching the paper.