Assignment vs. Delegation

What's the difference.

Assignment and delegation are two different ways of distributing tasks and responsibilities within a group or organization. Assignment refers to the act of allocating specific tasks or projects to individuals or teams based on their skills, expertise, or availability. It involves providing clear instructions and expectations to the assigned person, who then becomes solely responsible for completing the task. On the other hand, delegation involves entrusting someone with the authority to make decisions and take actions on behalf of the delegator. It involves not only assigning tasks but also granting the necessary power and autonomy to the delegatee to accomplish the assigned tasks. While assignment focuses on task distribution, delegation emphasizes the transfer of authority and decision-making power.

Further Detail


When it comes to managing tasks and responsibilities, two common approaches are assignment and delegation. Both methods involve distributing work among individuals or teams, but they differ in terms of authority, control, and accountability. In this article, we will explore the attributes of assignment and delegation, highlighting their key differences and benefits.

Assignment refers to the act of allocating specific tasks or projects to individuals or teams. It involves providing clear instructions, setting deadlines, and defining the expected outcomes. Assignments are typically made by a person in a position of authority, such as a manager or supervisor, who has the power to distribute work among subordinates.

One of the key attributes of assignment is the level of control it offers to the assignor. By assigning tasks, the assignor retains a significant degree of authority over the process and outcome. They have the power to dictate how the work should be done, provide guidance, and make decisions along the way. This level of control can be beneficial in situations where strict adherence to guidelines or standards is crucial.

Another attribute of assignment is the clear accountability it establishes. When tasks are assigned, the assignee becomes responsible for completing them within the given timeframe and meeting the specified requirements. This accountability ensures that individuals are held responsible for their work and can be evaluated based on their performance.

Furthermore, assignment allows for a structured approach to task distribution. The assignor can carefully assess the skills, capabilities, and workload of each individual or team before making assignments. This enables a more efficient allocation of resources and ensures that tasks are assigned to the most suitable individuals or teams.

However, assignment also has its limitations. The assignor may become overwhelmed with the responsibility of distributing tasks and overseeing their progress. This can lead to micromanagement and a lack of autonomy for the assignees. Additionally, if the assignor is unavailable or lacks the necessary expertise, it may result in suboptimal task allocation.

Delegation, on the other hand, involves entrusting a task or responsibility to another person or team while retaining overall accountability. It is a process that empowers individuals or teams to make decisions, take ownership, and exercise their judgment in completing the delegated tasks.

One of the key attributes of delegation is the level of autonomy it provides to the delegatee. Unlike assignment, delegation allows individuals or teams to have more control over the process and decision-making. They are given the authority to determine how the task should be accomplished, which can foster creativity, innovation, and a sense of ownership.

Another attribute of delegation is the opportunity for skill development and growth. By delegating tasks, the delegator can empower individuals or teams to take on new challenges, learn new skills, and expand their capabilities. This not only benefits the delegatee but also helps in building a more versatile and resilient workforce.

Furthermore, delegation can enhance collaboration and teamwork. When tasks are delegated, it encourages individuals or teams to work together, share knowledge, and support each other in achieving the common goal. This collaborative approach can lead to improved communication, increased efficiency, and a stronger sense of camaraderie.

However, delegation also comes with its own set of challenges. The delegator needs to carefully select the right individuals or teams to delegate tasks to, considering their skills, experience, and availability. Inadequate delegation can result in tasks being mishandled or not completed to the desired standard. Additionally, the delegator needs to strike a balance between providing guidance and support while allowing the delegatee to exercise their autonomy.

Now that we have explored the attributes of assignment and delegation, let's compare them to understand their differences more clearly.

Authority and Control

Assignment provides a higher level of authority and control to the assignor. They have the power to dictate how the work should be done and make decisions along the way. In contrast, delegation empowers the delegatee with more autonomy and decision-making authority, allowing them to determine the best approach to completing the task.


Both assignment and delegation establish accountability, but in different ways. In assignment, the assignee is directly responsible for completing the task within the given timeframe and meeting the specified requirements. In delegation, while the delegatee is responsible for the task's execution, the delegator retains overall accountability for the outcome.

Task Allocation

Assignment follows a structured approach to task distribution, where the assignor assesses the skills and workload of individuals or teams before making assignments. Delegation, on the other hand, requires the delegator to carefully select the right individuals or teams based on their skills, experience, and availability.

Level of Autonomy

Assignment limits the autonomy of the assignee, as they are expected to follow the instructions and guidelines provided by the assignor. In contrast, delegation grants a higher level of autonomy to the delegatee, allowing them to exercise their judgment, make decisions, and determine the best course of action.

Development and Growth

While assignment focuses on task completion, delegation provides an opportunity for skill development and growth. By delegating tasks, the delegator empowers individuals or teams to take on new challenges, learn new skills, and expand their capabilities.

Collaboration and Teamwork

Assignment primarily focuses on individual tasks, whereas delegation encourages collaboration and teamwork. Delegated tasks often require individuals or teams to work together, share knowledge, and support each other in achieving the common goal.

Assignment and delegation are two distinct approaches to task distribution, each with its own attributes and benefits. Assignment provides control, clear accountability, and a structured approach to task allocation. On the other hand, delegation empowers individuals or teams with autonomy, fosters skill development, and enhances collaboration. The choice between assignment and delegation depends on the nature of the task, the level of control desired, and the development opportunities sought. By understanding the attributes of assignment and delegation, managers and leaders can make informed decisions to optimize task distribution and achieve organizational goals.

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How to Give Assignments to Team Members

Last updated on: March 21, 2024

The project has been divided into milestones, goals and objectives broken into tasks, and now it’s time to assign them. But as you open the project management platform, you’re faced with the unflattering process of wording the tasks, and choosing whom to assign them to.

Well, in this article, we offer advice on how to make that jumbled first moment a little clearer. There are actionable tips, learning the difference between allocating and delegating tasks, and suggested criteria on how to choose the best person for the job.

For a more precise overview, here’s a table of contents:

Table of Contents

How do you assign employees tasks?

We normally think that assigning tasks is a time-consuming process that focuses on clearing out task lists to keep the project going. However, task assignment should actually be a more employee-oriented process that requires additional dedication and effort, which yields incredible results. But what do we mean by that?

Properly assigned tasks push your employees, projects, and the overall company forward. Here’s how.

  • They strengthen accountability and trust between managers and employees;
  • They help teach new skills and perfect old ones;
  • They allow employees to get familiar with other teams and avenues of work;
  • It becomes easier to make project estimates;
  • Makes for great bases for performance reviews, etc.

The list could go on, but we’ll stop there for now.

Of course, such long-term benefits don’t come without some proverbial blood and sweat in the planning stage. Let’s take a look at the general ideas on assigning employee tasks, and specific steps you can take.

Motivation comes from knowing the bigger picture

When we talk about the bigger picture in project management, we talk about each team member’s task affecting their peer’s down the line. Since all tasks are usually small pieces of the puzzle, it helps to remind employees how their work contributes. For example:

  • A high-quality draft can make a great foundation for the final version, and it can be completed more quickly.
  • A well-prepared presentation can shave time off unnecessary questions and additional email inquiries.

It comes as no surprise that people work better and are more productive, when they know that their work has an impact on the company level.

And so, when you assign tasks, try to emphasize how they fit in the bigger picture. Simply saying: “ You doing X will help with Y and Z ” and how it reflects on the project as a whole will let an employee know that the task they were assigned is important.

Get your employees excited to commit

Telling people about the bigger picture and showing them what’s possible can only get them so far. It’s enough to ignite the initial spark, but for them to fully commit to the task, you need to define what that task entails.

They should be able to picture how to go about the work, what skills to use, and how to reach the desired result. The clearer the instructions, the more motivated they will be to work.

Simply put, give directions on how the task should be done, and make sure they understand. You can’t read each other’s minds, so it’s important everyone is on the same page.

Ask for task transparency

One of the best practices a company can employ is transparency among coworkers.

This is achieved by having everyone input their tasks for the day in a timesheet. The purpose of timesheets is to get an accurate idea of what everyone is working on at any given time.

When people know who works on what tasks, it’s easier for them to know if a person is available or busy, how far along they are with a task, etc.

So, when you give assignments to employees, label them with deadlines. Alternatively, you can ask for employees’ assessments on how long the work would take them, and use those timeframes.

clocked-in activity screenshot in Team Dashboard

Source: Clockify team timesheet

Timesheets are a great way to keep an eye on tasks and the people doing them. You get to:

  • see who struggles with what (helps assess people’s skill sets);
  • who burns through their workload and is available for additional tasks;
  • whether your time estimates need correction;
  • identify any wasted time.

💡 If your employees are insecure about keeping public records of their tasks, here are a few resources that can help:

  • How to create order in your daily work tasks
  • How to be more efficient with your tasks

Keep a crystal clear timeframe

While we’re discussing timesheets and deadline transparency, it’s important to mention that the times you set for task completions need to be clear-cut.

As we’ve mentioned, the safest way to assign deadlines is to consult the employees. They are better at assessing how long it will take them due to the tasks’ difficulty, overall deadlines, the standards that need to be met, and the skill required to complete it.

When they get a say in how long they should be doing an assignment, people tend to feel more accountable for the whole process. They will do their best to finish in time, since they actively participated in setting the deadline.

Set very clear expectations

Assigning a task should always include your (the supervisor’s) expectations pointed out. For example:

  • Does a logo pitch need as many drafts as possible, or just a few finished pieces?

If you ask a designer to make some drafts for a logo pitch, you must specify the kind of quality you’re looking for. Explain whether you are looking for some sketches and drafts for a brainstorming meeting, or if you want clean, presentable pieces to show.


  • How many pieces should the designer do?
  • Is there a specific color palette they need to follow?
  • How important is the task? Is this the day they finally decide on a logo, or is it still in the brainstorming stage? (decides on the quality of the work itself)

Assigning the task using the above questions, you help the designer understand how much effort precisely they need to invest. They become more motivated with clear instructions, as they know what is expected of them. There’s no fear of having their work criticized for something that wasn’t communicated in the beginning. And on your end, it prevents breached deadlines or subpar results.

Avoid creating dependency by being less involved

It’s not unusual for employees to ask their supervisors for their opinion on a certain task, or their performance.

The problem arises when a supervisor makes themselves too involved with the process. When they feel like the project might fall apart if they don’t have their eyes on every moving part all of the time. And when you have, say, 20 people waiting for that person’s approval, advice, or consultation, the workflow runs into a gridlock.

And wait time is wasted time.

Plus, people lose motivation, patience, and grow frustrated, as they could be doing other things.

So, learn not to jump in every time people call for your aid. Assign reliable people who can address smaller issues, while you handle the big picture. Learn how to expend your own energy where it is needed more.

For example – making a pitch presentation for potential investors keeps getting put off because one person needs you to check a client email they want to send, another wants your signature on a form, and the third wants to ask something about employee feedback that’s coming up.

In order to not be stretched thin, and have your time wasted on menial tasks, here’s where you can start:

How to mitigate the risk of being over-involved when assigning

  • Remember that you match tasks to people

Which means that, by matching the right people with the right tasks, your involvement will be minimal. Take time to carefully choose who gets to do what. What is the point of assigning tasks if they can’t be done without you?

  • Have a 10-point scale to judge the importance of items

How important are certain aspects of your leadership role? Are you absolutely necessary in every meeting, or during every call? Which tasks need your approval, and which ones can be approved by someone under you?

Rank these items on a scale of 0 to 10, based on their importance to you and the project. Top priority tasks should get your undivided attention. And what can be delegated, should be.

  • Analyze your schedule

Your energy and time are needed on a much broader scale. The best way to spot if you’re wasting time being too involved is to look at your schedule. Identify how much time you’ve spent on low-priority items, and assess which issues could’ve been solved without you.

  • Take into account priorities and deadlines

Step in only when absolutely necessary. You are in charge of things getting done on time, by people most qualified for assigned tasks. Determine what your priorities are for each project, and concern yourself only with those issues, unless there is a risk of breaching a deadline.

  • Formulate a list of dependable people

If you know your employees (or team members) well enough, then you should be able to single out those who are more dependable and ready to take on a little more responsibilities. Write out the reasons how they could help by getting involved on low-priority items instead of you. When the time comes, rally them and present them with the idea, keeping in mind that this solution helps push the project forward. When authority is delegated to several people, there’s fewer chances of a hold-up in the workflow.

This also falls into the realm of task delegation , which we’ll get into later.

How do you decide what tasks to assign to which employees?

1. assign based on priority.

Naturally, some tasks will be more important than others. When you break down a project into tasks , spend some time assessing their priority level.

High-priority tasks should be the first on your list to allocate. Whether it’s because they’re time-sensitive, or require more effort and dedication.

Low priority tasks can be allocated as fillers to the first available person.

2. Assign based on employee availability

Another factor to consider when assigning tasks is who is available at the moment.

As the project moves along, new tasks will be added. You will have to allocate new work, but odds are you won’t always be able to pick who you want. Especially if a deadline is approaching, the person with the smallest workload should be your first choice.

Overloading an already busy individual just because they’re more skilled or you have faith in them the most puts an unnecessary strain on them. It’s cause for frustration, poorer results, and decreased productivity.

And as we’ve mentioned, if you have a timesheet with an overview of all the tasks and employees working on them, it’ll be much easier to spot who is free and who isn’t.

3. Assign based on employee skill level

High-priority tasks should go to employees with more experience in a given field or skill. However, you should occasionally give such tasks to other employees as well, to help them grow and become just as dependable. Giving people challenging tasks that can boost their experience is essential to productivity and morale.

Not to mention you get to have multiple high-skilled employees.

Low-priority tasks can be assigned to anyone, despite their experience level. They’re a good opportunity to practice, pick up new skills, or get smaller tasks out of the way to make room for more important ones.

4. Assign based on preference

Last, but not the least, preference can also play a big part in how you assign tasks.

It’s a given that some employees will prefer certain tasks over others. So it could be good to assign tasks at a meeting with the team. As you discuss priorities, deadlines, and availability, ask them which tasks they would like to work on.

If someone shows interest in a specific type of work, they should (with some consideration), be allowed to take it. After all, people are more productive when they’re assigned to something they find new or exciting.

Note: Apply this rule with caution. Letting people do only the tasks they want can stunt their career growth. Getting out of our comfort zones and occasionally doing tasks that we don’t like is how we develop and learn. So, don’t forget to document assignments as you hand them out, to spot these potential issues early on.

Allocating vs delegating tasks

While semantically similar words, delegation and allocation in terms of tasks are two different things.

When you allocate tasks , you are assigning tasks without giving the employees much authority, challenge, or room to grow. It includes you keeping all of the responsibility – writing out the tasks, making deadlines, providing resources, tools, etc. These are usually recurring tasks that can become repetitive.

When you delegate tasks , you allow for some of that responsibility to fizzle out from your fingers. All you think about are the objectives, while letting the employees figure out the details and means to get there.

However, that doesn’t mean delegation is right and the allocation is wrong.

Task allocation has its own place. It is just as important, as a lot of tasks come down to repeated processes that are still vital to the project progress. Task delegation is just a good opportunity for employees to learn, challenge themselves, and assess their skills and performance.

When should you allocate tasks?

Management and BizDev consultant Artem Albul shared his concept on task assignment, which he dubbed an “algorithm”. He emphasized how these criteria are useful only and only when you wish that employees perform the tasks based on your guidelines and instructions (aka allocation).

Here is how Albul broke down the algorithm:

algorithm - assignments

Source: Artem Albul, TWA Consulting

As we can see, task allocation, while the more “controlling” of the two, also gives in-depth instructions and asks for confirmation on task clarity. A lot of it comes down to everyone being on the same page, leaving little to no room for misinterpretation (but also creative freedom).

How should you allocate tasks?

With all that we’ve mentioned in the previous section, here’s how your task allotment could look like, step by step.

  • Break down your project

Detail out the goals, objectives, and some individual tasks (not all, be careful not to start micromanaging). Place the most important deadlines.

  • Prioritize tasks and sort them

It’s important to know what tasks need to be done faster/better, to properly allocate your resources and manpower from the start.

  • Make a list of teams and team members

Assign team leaders (if you don’t have them), and alternatively, ask for their input on individual employees skills, for a more informed decision on who gets what.

  • Schedule a meeting

Make a meeting with the team leads and go through the points above. Assign tasks according to each team’s availability, interest, and skill required to successfully push the project forward.

  • As team leads – assign tasks further down the pipeline
  • Track task completion and make necessary changes along the way

Whether it’s pushing deadlines, reassigning tasks, or shifting around resources. This is perfectly fine and expected, so long as it doesn’t happen on every task you’ve assigned. Then, it is an indicator of poor pre-planning.

  • Offer feedback and write performances

Don’t forget to track the progress and make notes of important details that might help the next task allocation/delegation process. It’s also a useful piece of information for the employees on what they need to improve on.

Allocating tasks is somewhat more complicated than we want it to be. But, this kind of thorough research and preparation will make projects run more smoothly. Employees will also be more satisfied with their work, and there will be less hurdles as deadlines approach.

When should you delegate tasks?

Delegation is a great practice in trust for both the employer/supervisor and the employee. The employer learns how to give away some of their control over the process, while the employee learns how to take more accountability for their work.

This lets you focus on big-picture aspects of your job, since you deal less with assignments that are low-priority for you. You save time and energy, while helping others move up in their careers.

How do you effectively delegate tasks as a leader?

As we’ve mentioned, delegating includes more employee independence. There are some additional components which make this type of task assignment more appealing than allocation, with great opportunities for growth.

Focus on delegating objectives instead of actual tasks

When you delegate, you focus on the objective that needs to be done. You shouldn’t give employees a “color by numbers” instruction on how to complete a task.

Communicate clearly what the end result should be and what expectations you (or the higher-ups) have. Leave the means for reaching that end goal to the employees themselves. Because how you solve a task may be completely different to how they will. And that is perfectly fine, so long as the result is the one you are looking for.

Keep the objectives challenging

When the objectives you’re delegating are too easy, chances are the person will either procrastinate, or feel like you don’t trust them enough. And if they’re too difficult, they get frustrated, anxious, and begin to panic.

It’s a good idea to be aware of an employee’s skill level, so you can gauge how much challenge and responsibility they can take on. For them to be the most productive and achieve great results, they need to enter “the state of Flow”.

Graph - in flow

Source: Optimal Experience , M. Csikszentmihalyi

💡 We’ve discussed the state of Flow in more detail in an article on time organization.

Encourage discussion and feedback

Let employees voice their opinions on the topic.

They should ask anything about the task, the goals, or the overall impact their work will have on the later stages or others’ workflow. It means they are interested in the task, and getting involved.

And if they aren’t asking questions themselves, you can always nudge them into proactivity.

  • Is there something you’d like me to clarify?
  • Do you already have any ideas on how to go about the task?
  • Is the time we agreed upon enough for you?
  • Will you need other resources, tools, or support?
  • Do you see any problems or risks?

Questions like these help them feel valued, their efforts acknowledged, and let them know you care about the task and how well they perform. Just be careful not to overdo it, or you’ll start to look like a micromanager.

Give employees free rein, but offer support

Speaking of micromanaging, delegation means you let people problem-solve their way out on their own. There should be no reason for a manager to step in and control or supervise any step of the process, unless absolutely necessary.

However, what you should do is let them know you’re available for any advice should they feel stuck. Just because employees get authority on a certain task, and are left to their own devices, doesn’t mean the project has to suffer until they pull themselves up.

From time to time, ask them if they need anything from you, and make sure they know you’re there for any kind of support, consultation, or mediation. ANother good practice is to also give them additional learning opportunities – such as training, conferences, courses, etc.

Delegate objectives that move people forward

Choose assignments that boost the skills and employ all of their experiences, instead of something that simply needs to be done. For example:

  • Tasks that require they brush up on their team communication skills;
  • Learning how to allocate smaller tasks;
  • Supervising others’ work and doing quality control;
  • Learning to work with a new tool;
  • Holding a meeting (or more), etc.

Find out which skills your employees may want or need to develop, and then plan your delegations accordingly. You want them to complete the task while having learned something new at the same time.

How to choose who to delegate to

Paul Beesley, senior director and consultant at Beyond Theory proposed a nifty checklist for when you’re choosing an employee to delegate to. It’s meant to simplify and speed up the process.

To successfully complete the delegated task, your chosen employee needs:

S – the skill to perform and complete a task

T – the time to complete the task, and if needed, learn the required skill

A – the authority to handle everything concerning the task

R – the necessary level of responsibility

R – the recognition for successfully completing the task

This list is a set of important criteria that should be covered when you consider who to assign to a specific task. However, depending on your niche, type of service, company size and the project at hand, the criteria are likely to change. And it should accommodate your needs, not the other way around.

Common task delegation mistakes to avoid

With all being said, there are some common mistakes managers and employers make, sometimes without even realizing it.

  • Being too vague concerning deadlines (using: as soon as possible, when you get to it, I need it by yesterday). It creates unnecessary pressure.
  • Being unavailable for questions and concerns. While you shouldn’t micromanage, you should still be present for support if an employee feels stuck. Ignoring them or handing them over to someone else could cause distrust. However, if you are usually swamped with work, set consultation hours each day or week.
  • Having unclear directions. Specifying the allotted time for task completion and expectations should be the bare minimum when delegating tasks.
  • Not providing feedback. No feedback is worse than bad feedback. Employees need to be aware when they’re doing good work, as well. In one company I worked for, the mantra was: “If no one is complaining about your work, that means you’re doing good”. And while it sounds like sound logic, it actually caused a lot of frustration. We were left directionless, and simply “floating” from task to task, never knowing if any of them had a positive impact on our performance.
  • Not listening to employees. Take into account how they feel about a task or the objective. Let them give you feedback and if there are potential problems from the get-go.
  • Assigning other people to the same task. If you notice a person struggling, the first instinct should be to ask them how they’re faring, and if they need any help. Some managers tend to assign other employees to help them without consultation, which leaves a sore taste. The employee will feel even more incompetent and will be less likely to take on a similar task in the future.
  • Assuming people will know what you mean. This is one of the biggest problems. When you’re formulating a task, be as clear as possible about the goals and expectations. Oftentimes managers think that these things are implied, but the truth is – no one is a mind reader. To avoid having information misconstrued or misunderstood, communicate clearly and directly.

There could be more mistakes, especially for every different field and industry. If at all possible, identify the most common ones, made either by you or your peers. Note down all the instances where certain tasks weren’t up to par, and see what you could have changed in your assignment process to fix it. Maybe there wasn’t enough time or resources, you were unclear, or the employee wasn’t ready for such responsibility. Use the same procedure in all future task delegations. It’s the only way to learn and make the process quicker.

To conclude

Task assignment should be a very careful, thought-out process. It’s not just about reaching milestones in time. It’s about helping employees learn new skills, feel more satisfied with their position in the company, strengthen the trust between you and them, and ultimately help you refocus on the big picture.

By following the advice we’ve gathered, you will be on the right track to make some effective, healthy long-term changes to your company.

✉️ Have you found these tips helpful? Is there something we could have covered in more detail? What are your experiences with assigning tasks?

Send your answers, suggestions, and comments to [email protected] and we may include them in this or future posts.

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Marijana Stojanovic is a writer and researcher who specializes in the topics of productivity and time management.

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Module 14: Organizational Structure

What is organizational structure, learning outcomes.

  • Discuss the elements of organizational structure

An empty organizational chart with multiple levels.

Organizational structure defines how job tasks are formally divided, grouped, and coordinated. The structure of an organization usually features six different elements:

  • Work specialization


  • Chain of command
  • Span of control
  • Centralization and decentralization


Practice question.

Now that we understand just what organizational structure is, let’s take a look at each one of its elements, so we can better understand how organizations choose to structure themselves to maximize productivity.

Work Specialization

Earlier, we studied Frederick Winslow Taylor, who researched time and motion and determined the most efficient ways for workers to do their tasks. Taylor’s “one right way” was the birth of work specialization. When Henry Ford conceived the assembly line, he tossed aside “one best way” and viewed work specialization with an eye toward continued improvement. Work specialization describes the degree to which activities in the organization are divided, and then subdivided, into separate jobs.

If you put one worker on the task of building an automobile, he might still be building it a month or two later. But if you have one worker that’s focused on installing right front tires, and another who is focused on left front fenders, then those tasks become standardized. Employees learn to do them quickly with practice.

By the 1940s, most manufacturers were practicing work specialization, or “division of labor” as it’s sometimes called. Work specialization was ideal from a task point of view—easy tasks could be done by unskilled labor, and those tasks that required more skill could be separated out and addressed by employees that possessed those skills. Those skilled employees weren’t wasting their time on tasks they didn’t have to be doing.

Work specialization was also ideal from a productivity point of view. Installation of brake pads requires different tools than the installation of a tire, and when workers were assigned to one of those tasks instead of both, tools didn’t need to be taken out and put away. Employees could cheaply be trained to do one specific task, and many employees, each trained to do their specific task, could assemble highly complex machinery quicker and easier than one highly trained employee that possessed all the skills to complete the assembly.

Manufacturers continued to tinker with and fine-tune worker specialization to increase productivity until the 1960s, when it became clear that a good thing could be taken too far. Boredom, stress, low productivity, increased absenteeism and turnover offset higher productivity. Manufacturers responded by enlarging worker specialization, including more tasks within a position to increase engagement.

Once jobs are divided up through work specialization, those jobs need to be combined together to coordinate common tasks. Departmentalization is the basis by which jobs are grouped together. Jobs can be grouped in the following ways.

  • Function. This is among the most popular way to group activities. Corporations might have a supply chain function, a finance function, a human resources function. All the worker specializations for those areas are grouped together, and people with common skills work in common units.
  • Product. A large manufacturing company might group its common tasks together by product. A paper products manufacturer might have a department for office paper, and other department for bathroom tissues, and yet another for cartons. The major advantage of organizing common tasks this way is to increase employee accountability for the success of those products.
  • Geography. If an organization’s customers are scattered over a geographic region, an organization might choose to group common tasks geographically. A company that has a South, Midwest, and Eastern sales function is organizing around territory, or geography.
  • Process. A manufacturing plant might choose to organize common tasks around process. A tubing plant might organize departments around casting, pressing, finishing, packaging, etc. Each department specializes in one particular part of the manufacturing process. The same kind of departmentalization is true of the Department of Motor Vehicles, where you proceed from one area to another to renew your license plates or your driver’s license.
  • Customer. A business might choose to combine tasks around the type of customer it serves. For instance, a service like has free file sharing and cloud storage for its individual users, but there is also a department of Dropbox that services business clients.

Large corporations can use any or all of these types of departmentalization to organize themselves. They might have a manufacturing area that organizes itself around process, but then a sales department that is organized geographically and a corporate support center that’s organized functionally.

Chain of Command

decorative image

Two additional concepts go along with the idea of chain of command. The first, authority, describes the rights inherent in a managerial position to give orders and to expect the orders to be obeyed. The second, unity of command, describes the concept that a subordinate should only have one superior to whom he or she is directly responsible. If unity of command doesn’t exist, there’s a likelihood that a subordinate will be responding to commands from different people and experiencing a dilemma of competing priorities, which isn’t productive.

We learned about Henri Fayol and his theories around management, particularly chain of command and unity of command. These principles used to be a cornerstone of organizational structure, but advancements in technology and the trend toward empowering employees makes this less relevant today, but the chain of command element is not going to disappear any time soon.

Span of Control

Span of control deals with the number of subordinates a manager can effectively direct. The wider an organization can make its managers’ spans of control the more efficient it will be. Wider spans of control save money.

Two pyramids showing different organizational structures. In pyramid one, there are 7 levels. Level 1 has 4096 individuals, level 2 has 1024 individuals, level 3 has 256 individuals, level 4 has 64 individuals, level 5 has 16 individuals, level 6 has 4 individuals, and level 7 has 1 individual. This organization has a total of 1365 managers. In pyramid two, there are 5 levels. Level 1 has 4096 individuals, level 2 has 516 individuals, level 3 has 64 individuals, level 4 has 8 individuals, and level 5 has one individual. This organization has a total of 585 managers.

Consider the span of control of the company represented in the drawing above in blue. The blue company has 5,461 employees and six levels of managers to manage them (all but the bottom layer of 4,096). Let’s say those managers make $50,000 apiece. The total payroll for 1,365 managers making $50,000 apiece is $68,250,000.

If we look at the green company, we still have a bottom layer of 4,096, but less managers overall managing them. If the green company’s 585 managers each make $50,000, the green company’s total payroll for those managers is $29,250,000. That’s a huge savings.

Small spans of control are not only expensive, but they tend to complicate communication up and down the organization. The more layers, the more the message has to travel from manager to manager. Narrower spans of control also encourage overly tight supervision and less employee creativity and empowerment. In recent years, the trend has been toward wider spans of control.

Centralization and Decentralization

Centralization refers to the degree to which decision making is concentrated at a single point in the organization.

In a decentralized organization, employees are empowered to make decisions, so action can be taken quickly to solve problems, and employee input is considered. The more lower-level employees have the power to make decisions, the more decentralized an organization is.

In a centralized organization, upper management makes all decisions and lower management is there to carry those decisions out.

Formalization refers to the degree to which jobs within the organization are standardized. An employee in a highly formalized job has little input as to how that job is done, when it’s done or how it should be done.

A worker on the assembly line is probably in a highly formalized job, where he doesn’t have much say in how he does his job. An accounts payable associate also doesn’t have a lot of say in how those many invoices are processed, but her job is probably a little less formalized than the assembly line worker. A sales associate, out calling on customers, may have very little formalization in his job.

Now that we understand the six elements that figure into organizational structure, let’s take a look at some common configurations of organizational structure and in what instances they are used.


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Assigning Tasks: How to Delegate Effectively

There are certain projects that could never be completed if they weren’t broken down into individual tasks, especially those of a certain size and complexity. As soon as your team grows bigger than one or two people, you need to make use of the ability to assign tasks to achieve your goals. 

December 21, 2022

8 mins read

There are some customer service superheroes out there who seem to be able to complete all the tasks themselves. But the reality is that most of us need to learn the skill of assigning tasks to others, especially if we are in positions of responsibility in busy customer service teams. This is to ensure that no single person is burdened with the workload, or high-performers are being unfairly assigned a larger proportion of the work available. 

Assigning tasks is essential for high-performing customer service teams that must juggle multiple priorities. 

Anyone who has any experience working in a customer service team understands task assignments, which helps you to get projects completed, customer queries solved and objectives fulfilled. It’s naturally much quicker and more efficient to have multiple employees working on different tasks that make up a project, utilizing their unique skills and experiences to come up with creative solutions. 

Without assigned tasks, projects would never get completed because teams are not working to their full capacity. Some customer problems could never be resolved because they require the contributions of different customer service representatives . Assigning tasks needs to be deliberate since it requires the coordination of multiple members of a team. 

What is task assigning?

Task assigning means allocating and delegating tasks to members of your team for effective project management. The task assigner is aware of the various strengths and weaknesses, skills and experience of individuals and can assign them tasks in pursuit of greater productivity. 

You need to be able to break down projects into component parts so that each individual may contribute to the greater whole. Usually, you will use task tracking or project management tools that can help your team manage their assigned task, and can even offer customer service automations that make assigning tasks easier. 

When assigning tasks is implemented effectively, each team member knows who is responsible for what and when tasks are due. This helps prevent conflicting priorities. Each task must come full circle, with each assignee receiving constructive feedback on how well they have completed the task. 

Even if you assign a task to another team member, they are still reporting into the task owner for approval. 

The importance of efficient task assignments

Efficient task assignment means that customer service teams can work to their full productivity, since each team member understands what they are responsible for. Your task description can break each task down so service reps fully understand the steps they need to take to complete the task, and have access to the resources they might need to be successful. Employees perform better when they are trusted with tasks that help them stretch and grow. 

The entire purpose of a team is to enable different employees to work together effectively and create outcomes that are greater than the individual contributions. Customer service teams that have a plurality of perspectives from multiple people are more creative. A diversity of perspectives contributes to more creative solutions as people with different backgrounds collaborate together. 

Projects are completed much more quickly when you have multiple team members handling all your employee tasks, instead of one person trying to do everything on their own. Task assignment means team members who have both the time and experience necessary to complete the task can all have a role to play. 

Effectively assigning tasks to individual team members gives them a chance to stretch themselves and engage in more professional development. New tasks give more junior customer service reps the opportunity to step outside of their comfort zone, and complete different types of work that may otherwise not come across their path. 

There are many benefits to task assignment, not least because it allows the entire team to share the workload. 

The difference between assignment and delegation

While they might at first glance seem to be similar, there is a big difference between task assignment and delegation. Assignment means you assign tasks to a team member and explain exactly how you want things to be done, with clear-cut instructions. Delegation means you are transferring responsibility for the task to your assignee and giving them more autonomy for how that task gets completed. 

Assigning tasks is often repetitive but it nevertheless contributes to the overall completion of the project. A delegated task is more free and gives your team members the opportunity to grow as they figure out how to produce the desired results. Task delegations are based more on outcomes than specific instructions, with the employee figuring out how to complete the task on their own. 

Although task delegation is more autonomous, it nevertheless still requires support from the manager to ensure that the employee has adequate direction. Delegating a task doesn’t mean the manager no longer has anything to do with it, but simply that they are trusting their assignee to take ownership. 

Choosing whether or not to assign or delegate a task means understanding the complexity of the task to be assigned. 

How to assign tasks to team members

Try to remove yourself from the approval process.

When a supervisor assigns tasks to employees, they themselves can become a bottleneck as service reps turn to them for approval during every stage of completing the task. When multiple team members are waiting for sign-off from the same customer service manager, you find that you haven’t actually reduced your workload and you end up micromanaging your assignees. 

When managers are too involved, projects lose momentum as the individual contributors end up waiting around for approval when they could be spending their time on more productive tasks. Customers are kept waiting as individual queries can’t progress without the authority of a manager. 

In order to avoid this problem, you can select a group of dependable people who are responsible for the approval process. Delegating responsibility means that you can be more hands-off in the task completion process, while being assured that the work is being completed to a high standard. Schedule regular team meetings to go over the progress of each task and keep your eye on the ball. 

Effective teamwork only happens when customer service supervisors feel secure enough to let the task go.  

Make your expectations explicit

Unfortunately, we can all fall into the trap of assuming that other people are mind-readers. In reality though, if you don’t give clear instructions to your team members then you’re unlikely to get the result you want. You need to look at your task titles and outlines from the perspective of an outsider in order to formulate clear instructions. 

If you want to better formulate tasks for your team members, break the task down into steps and give time estimates for each step. The more information the better, if you want to empower employees to complete tasks on their own. When employees are informed, they don’t have to waste time referring back to you for more clarity. 

There’s a fine line between clarity and micromanaging. Once you have assigned the task, don’t keep pestering your service rep to check whether they are doing it right. If you’ve given clear instructions, they should be able to complete the task to the best of their ability. 

At the same time, ensure that your employee knows they can always turn to you for help during the task, to guard against failure. 

Set an objective time frame for completion

When employees are assigned tasks, they need to be made aware of the deadline for completion or the task could run on forever. It’s not enough to vaguely say “As soon as you get to it” because some critical customer issue is bound to come along. 

It’s best to actively involve your customer service reps in their time frame for completion, since they are the ones who know best how long it will take them to finish certain tasks. When employees are involved in setting their own deadlines, they are more accountable and more likely to make an effort to meet it. 

If an employee is aware of a deadline, they can let you know if competing priorities have materialized and whether the deadline may need to be reevaluated. It’s best to flag these issues as soon as possible, before they affect the overall progress of the project. 

Without hard deadlines, projects will never get finished as every step gets continually put off until tomorrow. 

Hold your employees accountable

When assigning tasks to employees, make sure that they can account for their working hours somewhere that is publicly accessible to the team. You can use time tracking software that will help other team members understand exactly how someone is progressing with their task and hold that individual accountable. 

If employees are held responsible for their tasks, the project is much less likely to get derailed since you as the customer service manager can become aware if someone is falling behind. If your employee’s current progress looks like they might not meet their deadline, then you can ask them if they need extra help or support. 

Tracking your team’s performance can also help you identify the high-performers and who might be available for extra work. You might also see when team members are spending time on unnecessary tasks that don’t contribute to the progress of the project. Teams will be more efficient when they know exactly where time is being spent. 

If you don’t track your team’s hours, you won’t have visibility into your projects and their rate of completion. 

Assign tasks to the right person

There are several reasons why you might choose a particular person to assign a task to, starting with their relevant skills and experience. When assigning tasks to someone, you want to know that they have the right capabilities to complete the task without too much support from the manager. 

Secondly, you want to know that the person you assign the task to has enough time to complete the task. It’s no good assigning tasks to someone who is already overburdened with customer tickets and won’t be able to give your task the due care and attention. 

Thirdly, you might consider assigning tasks to someone who is in need of development opportunities. Perhaps there might be someone more skilled for the task out there, but you want to give this service rep a chance to learn new skills. In this case, you can assign the task while offering extra support for their professional development. 

Multiple factors come into play when it comes to deciding which person to assign a task to, so make sure you give each one enough consideration. 

Relate each task to a wider perspective

When an employee is assigned a task, it might seem insignificant and menial which will cause them to lose motivation. In order to keep employees excited about completing tasks, relate it to the wider perspective and explain how it helps to meet overall objectives. No task is too small or you wouldn’t be including it in your project in the first place. 

Showing employees how their work has an impact influences them to become more committed to the task. Employees are more engaged and happier at work when they understand how their contribution has a place, and that they are improving the lives of others in their team or of their customers. 

If you can’t see how each task fits into the bigger picture, then perhaps it shouldn’t be included at all. Every task should advance your goals and contribute to the progress of the project. 

If it’s not clear how a task fits into the broader picture, try to imagine what would happen if that task was left incomplete. 

Offer feedback on tasks

Every customer service rep needs to understand their performance, whether the feedback is positive or negative. If an employee has no feedback, they have no idea how their work has impacted the team or whether their task has been successful. Without feedback, employees can’t improve and become more productive members of the team. 

Providing your service reps with feedback means they can move onto progressively harder tasks that help them with their development. Even negative feedback can provide motivation to improve as the employee understands exactly what they did wrong with the task. 

While providing feedback does take some time on the part of the customer service manager, it’s the only way that your team members can become more effective, able to take on more complex tasks that would normally go to more senior members of the team. 

Be sure to phrase your feedback constructively to avoid demoralizing the team. 

Wrapping up

Customer service teams that master the art of effective task assignment are more productive, more creative, and have better solutions than their counterparts who can’t assign tasks. In an efficient customer service team, everyone should know what is expected of them and how their work contributes to the whole. 

Task assignments should be clear, detailed and accountable, with hard deadlines for completion. 

Effective teamwork means you can accomplish more than you could as individuals, and assigning tasks is a big part of working together. With transparency and accountability, managers can monitor how everyone is adding to the project. 

Catherine is a content writer and community builder for creative and ethical companies. She often writes case studies, help documentation and articles about customer support. Her writing has helped businesses to attract curious audiences and transform them into loyal advocates. You can find more of her work at

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how to effectively assign tasks to team members to increase productivity?

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Picture this: It's Monday morning, and your team is buzzing with excitement, ready to take on the week. But wait! Who's doing what? Does everyone know their roles and responsibilities? Ah, the perennial challenge of assigning tasks . If this rings a bell, worry not. We've all been there. Have you ever felt the sting of mismatched roles? Like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole? Assigned tasks play a pivotal role in the smooth functioning of any team. And guess what? There are methods and tools that make this process easier. Let’s dive in.

As a leader in the workplace, it is essential to ensure that everyone in the team gets the appropriate amount of work. Sometimes, it's tempting to give an employee more tasks than others, especially if he/she finishes the tasks faster. But keep in mind that as managers, you must be fair. You must learn how to effectively assign tasks to your team members . 

Although it may seem like a simple management function, assigning tasks to your team is actually challenging. As said by Liane Davey, cofounder of 3COze Inc. and author of  You First: Inspire Your Team to Grow Up, Get Along, and Get Stuff Done , You are “juggling multiple interests” in the pursuit of optimal team performance.

Task distribution among various departments might vary from person to person. For efficient delegation, it is vital to consider guidelines while distributing duties to team members.

Tasks that are delegated effectively move your people, projects, and the entire business forward. It increases management and staff trust and accountability, helps in refining and teaching new abilities, enables personnel to become acquainted with various groups and areas of employment, and is an excellent foundation for performance reviews, etc.

How do you assign tasks to your employees? 

Assigning tasks is typically perceived as a time-consuming activity that focuses on removing items from task lists in order to keep the project moving forward. Task assignment, nevertheless, ought to be a more employee-focused procedure that calls for extra commitment and work, which produces excellent outcomes. 

Here are some tips to effectively assign tasks to your employees:

1. Delegate Positively

Don't just throw work at someone and expect them to deliver when they might not be qualified for that particular assignment. Maintain a mindset of doubting every assignment you gave and go over your personnel roster to see whether anyone else is capable of completing it as effectively as you can. They will be more likely to believe that they can do the assignment in the manner that the leader desires if they have a positive outlook. Employees won't feel inspired to start their assignment if you adversely assign them or have doubts about their competence. A little encouragement will make their day happier and encourage them to confidently do the tasks given to them.

2. Set Clear Goals and Objectives

To understand how your team performs, you should set clear goals and objectives before entrusting them with any responsibilities. When goals and objectives are not defined, it'll be harder for your team to see the big picture and perform tasks in a particular manner. 

3. Assign the Right Task to the Right Employee

This is the key to productivity. Who has the most expertise and experience should be given priority, but don't give that individual too much work. You should also think about who needs to develop their sense of responsibility. Also, take into account the passage of time and their eagerness to seize the opportunity. To do this, the manager should create a delegation plan that considers the various skill sets of each employee and assign tasks that are properly suited to each individual. On the other hand, when a task requires an extraordinary employee and there is a talent shortage, the leaders themselves should do the assignment in an emergency or without a workforce.

4. Obtain Inputs from Your Team and Set Up Meetings if Possible

Get suggestions from your team on what should be modified, who you could include, and how outcomes should be defined. Engage with the specific managers of the sub-teams if you are in charge of a large team or organization. A meeting with the entire team is necessary before assigning tasks to team members. You may obtain a clear picture of who is responsible for what and how purposefully they can do the assignment. Getting suggestions from your team members ensures that each of them will contribute to the task's accomplishment.

5. Conduct Training and Supervision

A project's completion necessitates the blending of various delegation techniques, a high degree of team member commitment, and effective planning and execution. It is essential to teach the team members and meet with the team every day in order to produce a skilled workforce. The training includes free access to resources for developing skills, such as courses from Upskillist ,  Udemy , or  Coursera . Following the training phase, the work must be supervised by a professional to ensure that the team learned from the training provided. Before and throughout the task assignment and execution among several team members, training and supervision are equally crucial.

6. Communicate Constantly

It doesn't mean that when you're done delegating the tasks, everything's good. No, it doesn't work that way. Constant communication is also the key to unlocking productivity. You need to collaborate with your team . Professionals at work must keep a close watch on their team members to learn about any challenges or issues they may be having.  For the task to be completed and the status of each team member to be tracked, communication is essential. Following up on tasks you assign to your employees helps them manage pressure and boost job productivity since problems like stress and pressure may tangle them and slow them down. Employee burnout is a result of micromanagement, which is not a good concept. It is best to let staff go free by following up casually.

7. Know who to Handover Authorization and Control

Decentralized power relieves employers of job management. Make sure to provide your staff some authority when you delegate tasks to them using management apps such as Trello , Asana , Edworking , Slack , and the like. Employees become empowered and responsible for completing tasks as a result of the control transfer. Giving them too little authority can cause issues because they lose interest in their work while giving them too much control might overwhelm them and cause them to forget basic responsibilities. The key to the team's success is giving each member the authority they rightfully deserve while also soliciting input.

8. After the project, assess the results

Ask yourself how you as the manager could support the success of your team members more effectively. Give constructive criticism and accept it in return.

The most vital phase in job completion is assigning tasks to team members. Due to the frequent mistakes made while delegating duties, it is imperative to use management tools when giving your team responsibilities. Project management solutions provide better work allocations by incorporating features like marketing automation. Employee development and time tracking are made easier by the task assignment guidelines, which also help keep workers interested. 

Allocating Vs. Delegating Tasks 

Now that you've learned about some tips to properly assign tasks, you may also have questions like, "what's the difference between allocating and delegating tasks?" 

As stated by Abhinav in a published article on LinkedIn, "The imbalance of responsibility and accountability is the main difference between Delegation and Allocation." What does it mean? Delegation gives a real opportunity for your team to upskill, grow, and develop. Allocating tasks is merely assigning tasks without the goal of helping your team grow.

Although assigning tasks has its merits, delegating tasks offers significant advantages in terms of employee growth and engagement. Because delegation when done well delivers diversity and other intrinsic motivational incentives that make work so much more meaningful, it will be even more rewarding for the manager and team members.

Task Tips and Best Practices 

In order to accomplish our objectives and SMART goals, we define a particular number of tasks that we must do each day. We frequently take on more than we can handle in the fight to remain at the top of our game and maintain our competitive edge.

Even while everything appears to be of the utmost importance, something is off in your struggle to finish everything while maintaining your composure. Some of us have a lengthy list of things we want to get done before a given age or period. Others devote so much effort to honing a particular skill that by the time it shines, it is no longer relevant.

Time management and balancing workload are not just skills of project managers or superiors. In reality, these abilities should be embraced at every level, particularly when working in a team. Research by Cornerstone found that when workers believe they don't have enough time in the day to do their jobs, work overload reduces productivity by 68%. What tips and best practices should you do so you don't only allocate tasks but delegate them effectively?

1. Prioritize. Make a to-do list according to the order of priority

Even if to-do lists are classic, they are still more efficient and effective than ever. People used to keep handwritten notes for ideas and tasks back in the day.  There are smart to-do lists apps and software that provide notifications and reminders prior to the task's due date. 

2. Maximize productivity and minimize procrastination

To start, delegate the tasks to the right people. Don't do it tomorrow or the next day. Do it today. Having a lot to accomplish may be stressful, which is sometimes worse than the actual task. If you struggle with procrastination, it's possible that you haven't come up with a good task management strategy. You might express your lack of starting knowledge by procrastinating. It could not be laziness, but rather a matter of setting priorities.

3. Be motivated

Procrastination and a lack of motivation are closely correlated. When you lack motivation, you tend to get distracted. If you want to meet milestones and deadlines, be motivated.

4. Delegate and be involved

The reality of being overburdened can have a negative impact on productivity if it is not properly managed. At the end of the day, we're still just humans. When it comes to having patience, resilience, working under pressure, or finishing a task quickly, each one of us possesses a certain set of skills. So, delegate the right tasks to the right person in your team, and don't just stop there. Be involved. Leaving the stadium just because you're done delegating is a big no. Keep in touch with them and follow up on the progress of the tasks assigned.

Task Vs. Subtask 

Tasks and subtasks are quite similar. The only difference is that a subtask should be completed as an element of completing a larger and more complex task.

For example, the task is to increase your company's social media presence. So, what should you do to accomplish those tasks? That's when you have subtasks such as creating optimized posts and content on various social media platforms, scheduling them, interacting with your audience in the comment section, etc. 

The additional stages that make up a task are called subtasks. They are essential while working on large projects with a wide range of tasks. In some task management tools, You may create as many subtasks as you need in the task view, but you must first choose the parent task before you can create a subtask.

Why You Should Assign Tasks Effectively to Team Members

Enhance team productivity.

Efficient task assignment can work wonders for your team's productivity. When each team member knows their role and is well-suited for their tasks, they can focus on delivering high-quality results. Imagine a well-oiled machine, with each cog spinning smoothly and in harmony - that's your team at peak productivity!

Consider these points:

  • Match tasks to individual skills : Ensure tasks align with your team members' unique abilities and expertise.
  • Set clear expectations : Be transparent about deadlines, deliverables, and objectives.
  • Foster collaboration : Encourage communication and collaboration among team members.

Nurture a Sense of Ownership

Assigning tasks effectively helps to in still a sense of ownership and responsibility within your team. When individuals understand their role in a project, they are more likely to take pride in their work and strive for excellence. It's like planting a seed - with proper care and attention, it'll grow into a strong, thriving tree.

Key elements to foster ownership:

  • Encourage autonomy : Allow team members to make decisions and take charge of their tasks.
  • Provide feedback : Offer constructive feedback and celebrate successes.
  • Support development : Invest in your team members' growth through training and development opportunities.

Reduce Work Overload and Burnout

Nobody wants to be buried under an avalanche of tasks. By allocating work effectively, you can prevent team members from feeling overwhelmed and burned out. Just as we can't run on empty, neither can our team members - so, let's ensure they have a manageable workload.

Strategies to avoid overload:

  • Balance workloads : Distribute tasks evenly and consider individual capacities.
  • Encourage breaks : Promote a healthy work-life balance and remind your team to take breaks.
  • Monitor progress : Regularly check in with your team members to assess their workloads and stress levels.

Boost Employee Engagement

An engaged employee is a happy and productive one. When you assign tasks effectively, you're laying the groundwork for increased engagement. Think of it as a dance - with the right choreography, everyone knows their steps and performs in harmony.

Steps to enhance engagement:

  • Align tasks with goals : Ensure tasks contribute to the overall goals of your team and organization.
  • Offer variety : Mix up tasks to keep things interesting and provide opportunities for growth.
  • Recognize achievements : Acknowledge hard work and accomplishments.

Improve Overall Team Morale

Finally, effective task assignment can lead to a happier, more cohesive team. When everyone feels valued and supported, team morale soars. Imagine a choir, each voice blending harmoniously to create a beautiful symphony - that's a team with high morale.

Ways to uplift team morale:

  • Empower decision-making : Encourage team members to contribute their ideas and be part of the decision-making process.
  • Foster a positive atmosphere : Cultivate an environment of open communication, trust, and support.
  • Celebrate successes : Acknowledge both individual and team achievements, and celebrate them together.

Tools to Simplify Task Assignments in Teams

Microsoft outlook: not just for emails.

Yes, you heard that right. Beyond sending emails, Outlook has task features that allow managers to assign work to team members. You can set deadlines, prioritize, and even track progress. Think of it as your digital task manager. How cool is that?

Google Docs: Collaboration Made Easy

A favorite for many, Google Docs allows real-time collaboration. Need to distribute tasks ? Create a shared document, list down the tasks, and voila! Everyone can view, edit, or comment. Ever thought of using a simple shared document as a task distribution board?

Trello: Visual Task Management

For those of us who are visual creatures, Trello is a game-changer. Create boards, list assigned duties , and move them across columns as they progress. Remember playing with building blocks as a kid? It’s pretty much that, but digital and for grown-ups!

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Assigning tasks effectively is a skill that every leader must master to ensure team productivity and employee satisfaction. While the tips provided earlier can help you get there, being aware of common mistakes in task assignment is equally crucial. Avoiding these pitfalls can save you from derailing your projects and hampering your team's morale.

1. Overburdening Skilled Employees

It's tempting to give the bulk of the work to your most skilled team members, but this can lead to burnout and decreased productivity in the long term.

2. Lack of Clarity in Instructions

Vague or unclear instructions can result in misunderstandings, leading to poor quality of work or project delays. Always be specific and clear about what is expected.

3. Micromanaging

While it’s essential to oversee the progress of tasks, hovering over your team members can undermine their confidence and create a stressful work environment.

4. Failing to Prioritize Tasks

Not all tasks are created equal. Failing to prioritize can lead to poor allocation of resources, with less important tasks taking away time and energy from critical objectives.

5. Ignoring Team Input

Ignoring suggestions or feedback from your team can result in missed opportunities for more effective delegation and stronger team cohesion.

6. One-Size-Fits-All Approach

Remember that each team member has unique skills and limitations. Assigning tasks without considering these factors can lead to ineffective results and frustrated employees.

7. Neglecting Follow-Up

Assigning a task is not the end but part of an ongoing process. Failing to follow up can result in delays and could indicate to your team that the task wasn’t that important to begin with.

8. Fear of Delegating

Sometimes managers avoid delegating tasks because they feel that no one else can do the job as well as they can. This not only increases your workload but also deprives team members of growth opportunities.

A significant aspect of a leader's duties is delegating assignments to team members effectively. The secret to a manager's team functioning like an efficient machine is wise delegation.

Because of delegation, you won't have to spend hours on work that someone else can complete more quickly. Trying to handle everything on your own can quickly wear you out, regardless of your knowledge or expertise. Effectively delegating tasks enables you to keep on top of your own work while assisting team members in acquiring new abilities and developing a sense of comfort with taking ownership of tasks. 

Proper delegation of tasks also provides managers and team members with a learning opportunity since it enables everyone to build trust and become accustomed to exchanging comments and showing each other respect and appreciation.

Less is more when attempting to boost your team's output. Your team may become burned out if you try to increase their production too rapidly. In contrast, if you're too aggressive, your team can lose interest in their work and productivity might drop. Keep in mind that everyone will be more productive if they are part of the decision-making and execution process.

If you want to delegate tasks with ease and convenience, go for Edworking . This management tool lets you assign tasks and oversee your team's progress in a specific task. You can also conduct meetings to meet your team.`

Know that productivity greatly matters. With the right knowledge of assigning tasks to your team members, you can maximize productivity. Thus, achieving the goals and objectives of your organization.

What is the best way to assign tasks to team members?

Recognizing and understanding each member's unique strengths and expertise is paramount. Instead of assigning tasks randomly, it's always better to match each job with the individual’s skill set. Consider open dialogue, seek feedback, and ensure the assigned tasks align with both team and individual goals. It's a bit like giving everyone their favorite role in a play; wouldn't they shine brighter?

How do you assign tasks to a team in Teamwork?

In Teamwork, tasks can be assigned effortlessly. Start by creating a task list, then add individual tasks. Within each task, there's an option to 'Assign To.' Simply choose the team member you wish to assign the task to. Think of it as passing the baton in a relay race – each person knows when to run and when to pass it on!

Why is it important to assign tasks to your team members?

Assigning specific tasks helps in streamlining the workflow, ensuring accountability, and reducing overlaps or gaps in responsibilities. It also empowers team members by giving them ownership of their work. Have you ever seen a football team where everyone runs after the ball? Without clear roles, it's chaos!

How do you politely assign a task?

Start by acknowledging the individual's capabilities and expressing confidence in their ability to handle the task. Then, clearly explain the job's scope, expectations, and its importance in the overall project. Think of it as offering a piece of cake, not dumping a plate on their lap!

How do short term goals differ from long term goals?

Short-term goals act as stepping stones towards achieving long-term goals. While short-term goals focus on immediate challenges and tasks (think weeks or months), long-term goals look at the bigger picture and can span years. It's like comparing a sprint to a marathon. One's quick and intense, the other's about endurance and the long haul.

article cover

10.1 Organizational Structures and Design

  • What are mechanistic versus organic organizational structures?

First, an organizational structure is a system for accomplishing and connecting the activities that occur within a work organization. People rely on structures to know what work they should do, how their work supports or relies on other employees, and how these work activities fulfill the purpose of the organization itself.

Second, organizational design is the process of setting up organizational structures to address the needs of an organization and account for the complexity involved in accomplishing business objectives.

Next, organizational change refers to the constant shifts that occur within an organizational system—for example, as people enter or leave the organization, market conditions shift, supply sources change, or adaptations are introduced in the processes for accomplishing work. Through managed change , leaders in an organization can intentionally shape how these shifts occur over time.

Finally, organizational development (OD) is the label for a field that specializes in change management. OD specialists draw on social science to guide change processes that simultaneously help a business achieve its objectives while generating well-being for employees and sustainable benefits for society. An understanding of OD practices is essential for leaders who want to maximize the potential of their organizations over a long period of time.

Together, an understanding of these concepts can help managers know how to create and direct organizations that are positioned to successfully accomplish strategic goals and objectives. 1

To understand the role of organizational structure, consider the experience of Justin, a young manager who worked for a logistics and transportation company. Their success at leading change in the United States gave their leaders the confidence that Justin could handle a challenging assignment: organize a new supply chain and distribution system for a company in Northern Europe. Almost overnight, Justin was responsible for hiring competent people, forming them into a coherent organization, training them, and establishing the needed infrastructure for sustained success in this new market.

If you were given this assignment, what would you do? How would you organize your employees? How would you help them understand the challenge of setting up a new organization and system? These are the kinds of questions that require an understanding of organizational structure, organizational design, organizational change, and organizational development.

One of the first issues Justin will need to address deals with how they will organize the system. “The decisions about the structure of an organization are all related to the concept of organizational design. There are two fundamental forms of structure to remember when designing an organization.

To address these questions, we need to be familiar with two fundamental ways of building an organization.

The formal organization is an officially defined set of relationships, responsibilities, and connections that exist across an organization. The traditional organizational chart, as illustrated in Exhibit 10.2 , is perhaps the most common way of depicting the formal organization. The typical organization has a hierarchical form with clearly defined roles and responsibilities.

When Justin sets up the formal organization, they will need to design the administrative responsibilities and communication structures that should function within an organizational system. The formal systems describe how flow of information and resources should occur within an organization. To establish the formal organization, they will identify the essential functions that need to be part of the system, and they will hire people to fill these functions. They will then need to help employees learn their functions and how these functions should relate to one another.

The informal organization is sometimes referred to as the invisible network of interpersonal relationships that shape how people actually connect with one another to carry out their activities. The informal organization is emergent, meaning that it is formed through the common conversations and relationships that often naturally occur as people interact with one another in their day-to-day relationships. It is usually complex, impossible to control, and has the potential to significantly influence an organization’s success.

As depicted in Exhibit 10.3 , the informal organization can also be mapped, but it is usually very different than the formal organization. The chart you see in this example is called a network map, because it depicts the relationships that exist between different members of a system. Some members are more central than others, and the strength of relationships may vary between any two pairs or groups of individuals. These relationships are constantly in flux, as people interact with new individuals, current relationships evolve, and the organization itself changes over time. 2

The informal organization in Justin’s design will form as people begin interacting with one another to accomplish their work. As this occurs, people will begin connecting with one another as they make sense of their new roles and relationships. Usually, the informal organization closely mirrors the formal organization, but often it is different. People quickly learn who the key influencers are within the system, and they will begin to rely on these individuals to accomplish the work of the organization. The informal organization can either help or hinder an organization’s overall success.

In sum, the formal organization explains how an organization should function, while the informal organization is how the organizational actually functions. Formal organization will come as Justin hires and assigns people to different roles. They can influence the shape of the informal organization by giving people opportunities to build relationships as they work together. Both types of structures shape the patterns of influence, administration, and leadership that may occur through an organizational system.

As we continue our discussion of structure and design, we will next examine different ways of understanding formal structure.

Types of Formal Organizational Structures

Now, Justin will need to choose and implement an administrative system for delegating duties, establishing oversight, and reporting on performance. They will do this by designing a formal structure that defines the responsibilities and accountability that correspond to specific duties throughout an organizational system. In this section, we’ll discuss the factors that any manager should consider when designing an organizational structure.


One of the most common frameworks for thinking about these issues is called the bureaucratic model . It was developed by Max Weber, a 19th-century sociologist. Weber’s central assumption was that organizations will find efficiencies when they divide the duties of labor, allow people to specialize, and create structure for coordinating their differentiated efforts, usually within a hierarchy of responsibility. He proposed five elements of bureaucracy that serve as a foundation for determining an appropriate structure: specialization, command-and-control, span of control, centralization, and formalization. 3


The degree to which people are organized into subunits according to their expertise is referred to as specialization —for example, human resources, finance, marketing, or manufacturing. It may also include specialization within those functions. For instance, people who work in a manufacturing facility may be well-versed in every part of a manufacturing process, or they may be organized into specialty units that focus on different parts of the manufacturing process, such as procurement, material preparation, assembly, quality control, and the like.


The next element to consider is the reporting and oversight structure of the organization. Command-and-control refers to the way in which people report to one another or connect to coordinate their efforts in accomplishing the work of the organization.

Span of Control

Another question addresses the scope of the work that any one person in the organization will be accountable for, referred to as span of control . For instance, top-level leaders are usually responsible for all of the work of their subordinates, mid-level leaders are responsible for a narrower set of responsibilities, and ground-level employees usually perform very specific tasks. Each manager in a hierarchy works within the span of control of another manager at a level of the organization.


The next element to consider is how to manage the flows of resources and information in an organization, or its centralization . A highly centralized organization concentrates resources in only one or very few locations, or only a few individuals are authorized to make decisions about the use of resources. In contrast, a diffuse organization distributes resources more broadly throughout an organizational system along with the authority to make decisions about how to use those resources.


The last element of bureaucracy, formalization , refers to the degree of definition in the roles that exist throughout an organization. A highly formalized system (e.g., the military) has a very defined organization, a tightly structured system, in which all of the jobs, responsibilities, and accountability structures are very clearly understood. In contrast, a loosely structured system (e.g., a small, volunteer nonprofit) relies heavily on the emergent relationships of informal organization.

Mechanistic and Organic Structures

Using the principles of bureaucracy outlined above, managers like Justin have experimented with many different structures as way to shape the formal organization and potentially to capture some of the advantages of the informal organization. Generally, the application of these principles leads to some combination of the two kinds of structures that can be seen as anchors on a continuum (see Table 10.1 ).

On one end of the continuum is mechanistic bureaucratic structure . This is a strongly hierarchical form of organizing that is designed to generate a high degree of standardization and control. Mechanistic organizations are often characterized by a highly vertical organizational structure , or a “tall” structure, due to the presence of many levels of management. A mechanistic structure tends to dictate roles and procedure through strong routines and standard operating practices.

In contrast, an organic bureaucratic structure relies on the ability of people to self-organize and make decisions without much direction such that they can adapt quickly to changing circumstances. In an organic organization, it is common to see a horizontal organizational structure , in which many individuals across the whole system are empowered to make organizational decision. An organization with a horizontal structure is also known as a flat organization because it often features only a few levels of organizational hierarchy.

The principles of bureaucracy outlined earlier can be applied in different ways, depending on the context of the organization and the managers’ objectives, to create structures that have features of either mechanistic or organic structures.

For example, the degree of specialization required in an organization depends both on the complexity of the activities the organization needs to account for and on the scale of the organization. A more organic organization may encourage employees to be both specialists and generalists so that they are more aware of opportunities for innovation within a system. A mechanistic organization may emphasize a strong degree of specialization so that essential procedures or practices are carried out with consistency and predictable precision. Thus, an organization’s overall objectives drive how specialization should be viewed. For example, an organization that produces innovation needs to be more organic, while an organization that seeks reliability needs to be more mechanistic.

Similarly, the need for a strong environment of command-and-control varies by the circumstances of each organization. An organization that has a strong command-and-control system usually requires a vertical, tall organizational administrative structure. Organizations that exist in loosely defined or ambiguous environments need to distribute decision-making authority to employees, and thus will often feature a flat organizational structure.

The span of control assigned to any specific manager is commonly used to encourage either mechanistic or organic bureaucracy. Any manager’s ability to attend to responsibilities has limits; indeed, the amount of work anyone can accomplish is finite. A manager in an organic structure usually has a broad span of control, forcing her to rely more on subordinates to make decisions. A manager in a mechanistic structure usually has a narrow span of control so that they can provide more oversight. Thus, increasing span of control for a manager tends to flatten the hierarchy while narrowing span of control tends to reinforce the hierarchy.

Centralization addresses assumptions about how an organization can best achieve efficiencies in its operations. In a mechanistic structure, it is assumed that efficiencies will occur in the system if the resources and decisions flow through in a centralized way. In an organic system, it is assumed that greater efficiencies will be seen by distributing those resources and having the resources sorted by the users of the resources. Either perspective may work, depending on the circumstances.

Finally, managers also have discretion in how tightly they choose to define the formal roles and responsibilities of individuals within an organization. Managers who want to encourage organic bureaucracy will resist the idea of writing out and tightly defining roles and responsibilities. They will encourage and empower employees to self-organize and define for themselves the roles they wish to fill. In contrast, managers who wish to encourage more mechanistic bureaucracy will use tools such as standard operating procedures (SOPs) or written policies to set expectations and exercise clear controls around those expectations for employees.

When a bureaucratic structure works well, an organization achieves an appropriate balance across all of these considerations. Employees specialize in and become highly advanced in their ability to perform specific functions while also attending to broader organizational needs. They receive sufficient guidance from managers to stay aligned with overall organizational goals. The span of control given to any one manager encourages them to provide appropriate oversight while also relying on employees to do their part. The resources and decision-making necessary to accomplish the goals of the organization are efficiently managed. There is an appropriate balance between compliance with formal policy and innovative action.

Business Structures

Aside from the considerations outlined above, organizations will often set structures according to the functional needs of the organization. A functional need refers to a feature of the organization or its environment that is necessary for organizational success. A business structure is designed to address these organizational needs. There are two common examples of functional structures illustrated here.

Product structures exist where the business organizes its employees according to product lines or lines of business. For example, employees in a car company might be organized according to the model of the vehicle that they help to support or produce. Employees in a consulting firm might be organized around a particular kind of practice that they work in or support. Where a functional structure exists, employees become highly attuned to their own line of business or their own product.

Geographic structures exist where organizations are set up to deliver a range of products within a geographic area or region. Here, the business is set up based on a territory or region. Managers of a particular unit oversee all of the operations of the business for that geographical area.

In either functional structure, the manager will oversee all the activities that correspond to that function: marketing, manufacturing, delivery, client support systems, and so forth. In some ways, a functional structure is like a smaller version of the larger organization—a smaller version of the bureaucracy that exists within the larger organization.

One common weakness of a bureaucratic structure is that people can become so focused on their own part of the organization that they fail to understand or connect with broader organizational activities. In the extreme, bureaucracy separates and alienates workers from one another. These problems can occur when different parts of an organization fail to communicate effectively with one another.

Some organizations set up a matrix structure to minimize the potential for these problems. A matrix structure describes an organization that has multiple reporting lines of authority. For example, an employee who specializes in a particular product might have both the functional reporting line and a geographic reporting line. This employee has accountability in both directions. The functional responsibility has to do with her specialty as it correlates with the strategy of the company as a whole. However, her geographic accountability is to the manager who is responsible for the region or part of the organization in which she is currently working. The challenge is that an employee may be accountable to two or more managers, and this can create conflict if those managers are not aligned. The potential benefit, however, is that employees may be more inclined to pay attention to the needs of multiple parts of the business simultaneously.

Concept Check

  • What is an organizational structure?
  • What are different types of organizational structures?
  • What is organizational design?
  • What concepts should guide decisions about how to design structures?

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  • Authors: David S. Bright, Anastasia H. Cortes
  • Publisher/website: OpenStax
  • Book title: Principles of Management
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How to Assign Tasks and Responsibilities to Team Members

As a manager or team leader, it’s important to effectively assign tasks and responsibilities to team members in order to ensure that work is completed efficiently and effectively.

This can be a challenging task, especially if you have a large team, are working on a complex project, or are leading a team with no experience .

In this blog post, we will provide tips and best practices for assigning tasks and responsibilities to team members in a way that helps your team succeed.

We’ll cover topics such as setting clear expectations, delegating tasks appropriately, and providing support to team members as they complete their work.

By following these guidelines, you can create a productive and collaborative work environment that helps your team achieve its goals.

Setting Clear Expectations

One of the key elements of effective task assignments is setting clear expectations for team members.

This includes outlining the specific tasks that need to be completed, as well as any deadlines or goals that need to be met. It’s also important to communicate the purpose of the tasks and how they fit into the overall goals of the project or organization.

This helps team members understand the context of their work and why it’s important.

To set clear expectations, it’s a good idea to create a written document or task list that outlines the specific responsibilities of each team member.

This can be a simple spreadsheet or project management tool, or a more detailed project plan. Make sure to include details such as the task description, any necessary resources or tools, and any deadlines or milestones.

It’s also a good idea to discuss the task assignments with team members individually, to ensure that they understand their responsibilities and have any questions answered.

By setting clear expectations, you can help team members stay organized and focused as they complete their work.

Delegating Tasks Appropriately

Effective task assignment also involves delegating tasks to the right team members.

This means considering the skills, experience, and workload of each team member, and assigning tasks that are appropriate for their abilities and capacity. Delegating tasks appropriately helps to ensure that work is completed efficiently and effectively, and helps to avoid overloading any one team member or causing delays due to a lack of resources.

To delegate tasks appropriately, it’s important to have a good understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of each team member. This may involve reviewing their previous work or having candid conversations about their interests and capabilities.

It’s also important to consider the workload of each team member and ensure that they are not taking on more work than they can handle.

Another key aspect of effective task assignments is empowering team members to take ownership of their work . This means giving them the autonomy to complete tasks in their own way, within the parameters set by the project plan or task list.

Empowering team members to take ownership of their work can help to foster a sense of ownership and responsibility, and can lead to higher quality work and greater job satisfaction.

Providing Support to Team Members

Effective task assignment also involves providing support to team members as they complete their work.

This includes making sure that team members have the necessary resources and tools to complete their tasks, as well as offering guidance and assistance when needed. Providing support helps to ensure that team members are able to complete their work efficiently and effectively, and can also help to foster a sense of teamwork and collaboration within the team.

There are several ways that you can provide support to team members as they complete their work. This may include offering training or development opportunities, providing access to necessary resources or tools, and offering feedback and guidance as needed.

It’s also important to be available to team members if they have questions or need assistance with their tasks. By providing support and assistance, you can help team members to feel more confident and capable as they complete their work.

In conclusion, effective task assignment is an important element of managing a team or project. By setting clear expectations, delegating tasks appropriately, and providing support to team members, you can create a productive and collaborative work environment that helps your team succeed.

Communicating Task Assignments and Updates

Effective task assignment also involves effective communication with team members.

This includes not only clearly outlining the tasks and responsibilities that need to be completed, but also keeping team members informed of any updates or changes to the tasks or project plan. This can help to ensure that team members are aware of their responsibilities and are able to stay on track with their work.

There are several ways that you can communicate task assignments and updates to team members. This may include using a project management tool or task list to keep track of assignments and deadlines, as well as regularly holding meetings or check-ins to discuss progress and address any issues that may arise.

It’s also important to be available to team members if they have questions or need clarification on their tasks.

Effective communication is key to ensuring that team members are able to complete their work efficiently and effectively.

By keeping team members informed and providing clear guidance, you can help to ensure that work is completed on time and to the required standards.

Assessing and Adjusting Task Assignments

Effective task assignment also involves ongoing assessment and adjustment of task assignments as needed. This means regularly reviewing the progress of team members and the overall project, and making adjustments to tasks or responsibilities as needed to ensure that work is completed efficiently and effectively.

To assess and adjust task assignments, it’s important to regularly check in with team members and review their progress.

This may involve holding meetings or check-ins, as well as reviewing any project management tools or task lists that you are using to track progress. If you notice that a team member is struggling with their tasks or is unable to complete them on time, it may be necessary to adjust their assignments or provide additional support.

Similarly, if you notice that a team member has extra capacity or is particularly skilled in a certain area, you may want to consider reassigning tasks or increasing their responsibilities.

By regularly assessing and adjusting task assignments, you can ensure that work is completed efficiently and effectively, and that team members are able to make the most of their skills and abilities.

Encouraging Team Input and Feedback

Effective task assignment also involves encouraging team input and feedback.

This means soliciting ideas and suggestions from team members and actively listening to their concerns or issues related to their tasks or the project as a whole. Encouraging team input and feedback can help to foster a sense of ownership and engagement among team members, and can also lead to better decision-making and problem-solving.

There are several ways that you can encourage team input and feedback. This may include holding regular team meetings or check-ins, as well as setting aside time for open discussion and brainstorming sessions.

It’s also a good idea to create a culture of open and honest communication within your team, where team members feel comfortable speaking up and sharing their ideas or concerns.

By encouraging team input and feedback, you can create a more collaborative and inclusive work environment that helps your team succeed.

Providing Recognition and Rewards

Effective task assignment also involves providing recognition and rewards to team members who excel in their work. This can help to motivate team members and encourage them to continue performing at a high level, as well as foster a positive work culture.

There are many ways that you can provide recognition and rewards to team members. This may include offering verbal praise or written feedback, as well as more tangible rewards such as gift cards, paid time off, or additional responsibilities.

It’s important to consider the preferences and motivations of individual team members when deciding on recognition and rewards, as different people may respond differently to different forms of recognition.

By providing recognition and rewards to team members who excel in their work, you can show appreciation for their efforts and help to motivate and inspire them to continue performing at a high level.

Wrapping Up

Effective task assignment is an important element of managing a team or project.

It involves setting clear expectations for team members, delegating tasks appropriately, and providing support and assistance as needed.

Effective task assignment also involves ongoing communication and assessment, as well as encouraging team input and feedback and providing recognition and rewards for excellent performance.

By following these guidelines, you can create a productive and collaborative work environment that helps your team succeed.

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Principles Of Management > Chapter 8 > Flashcards

Chapter 8 Flashcards


organization chart

  • The reporting structure and division of labor in an organization
  • The chart provides a picture of the reporting structure (who reports to whom) and the various activities that are carried out by different individual
  • Two fundamental concepts around which organizations structure are differentiation and integration.

Conventional Organization Chart

  • The boxes represent different work.
  • The titles in the boxes show the work performed by each unit.
  • Reporting and authority relationships are indicated by solid lines showing superior-subordinate connections.
  • Levels of management are indicated by the number of horizontal layers in the chart. All persons or units that are at the same rank and report to the same person are on one level.


  • an aspect of the organization’s internal environment created by job specialization and the division of labor
  • means that the organization is composed of many units that work on different kinds of tasks, using different skills and work methods.
  • for example, differentiation is created through division of labor and job specialization.
  • differentiation is high when an organization has many subunits and many kinds of specialists who think differently.
  • all the specialized tasks in an organization cannot be performed completely independently.
  • because the different units are part of the larger organization, some degree of cooperation must exist among them.
  • is achieved through structural mechanisms that enhance collaboration and coordination.
  • any job activity that links different work units performs an integrative function

division of labor

  • The assignments of different tasks to different people or groups
  • Means the work of the organization is subdivided into smaller tasks.
  • various individuals throughout the organization perform different tasks


  • The degree to which differentiated work units work together and coordinate their efforts
  • these differentiated units are put back together so that work is coordinated into an overall product.


  • A process in which different individuals and units perform different tasks


  • the procedures that link the various parts of an organization for the purpose of achieving the organization’s overall mission


Board of directors major set of duties

1) Selecting, assessing, rewarding, and perhaps replacing the CEO. 2. Determining the firm’s strategic direction and reviewing financial performance. 3. Ensuring ethical, socially responsible, and legal conduct. - in corporations, the owners are the stockholders. But because there are numerous stockholders and the individuals generally lack timely information, few are directly involved in managing the organization. - stockholders elect a board of directors to oversee the organization. - The board, led by the chair, make major decisions affecting the organization, subject to corporate charter and bylaw provisions.

  • The legitimate right to make decisions and to tell other people what to do
  • traditionally, Authority resides in position rather than in people.
  • in private business enterprises, the owners have ultimate authority. In most small, simply structured companies, the owner also acts as a manager. Sometimes the owner hires another person to manage the business and its employees. The owner gives this manager some authority to oversee the operations, but the manager is accountable to – reports and defers to – the owner.

corporate governance

  • The role of a corporation’s executive staff and board of directors in ensuring that the firms activities meet the goals of the firms stakeholders
  • The authority levels of the organizational pyramid
  • The CEO occupies a top position and is the senior member of the top management.
  • The top managerial level also include president and vice president; they are the strategic managers in charge of the entire organization.
  • The second broad level of the organization is middle-management; at this level, managers are in charge of plants or department
  • the lowest level is made up of lower management and workers; it includes office managers, sales managers, supervisors, and other first-line managers as well employees who report directly to them.

span of control

  • The number of subordinates who report directly to an executive or supervisor
  • holding size constant, narrow spans build a tall organization that has many reporting levels; wide spans create a flat organization with fewer reporting levels; the span of control can also be too narrow or too wide.
  • the optimal span of control maximizes effectiveness because it is : 1. Narrow enough to permit managers to maintain control over subordinates. 2. Not so narrow that it leads to overcontrol and an excessive number of managers who oversee a small number of subordinates.
  • actually, the optimal span of control depends on a number of factors; the span should be wider when: 1. The work is clearly defined and unambiguous. 2. Subordinates are highly trained and have access to information. 3. The manager is highly capable and supportive. 4. Jobs are similar and performance measures are comparable. 5. Subordinates prefer autonomy to close supervisory control.
  • If opposite condition exists, a narrow span of control may be more appropriate.
  • subdivisions of an organization
  • The assignment of new or additional responsibilities to a subordinate
  • it often requires the subordinate to report back to his or her boss about how effectively assignment was carried out.
  • delegation is perhaps the most fundamental feature of management because it entails getting work done through others.
  • The process can occur between any two individuals in any type of structure with regard to any task.


  • the assignment of a task that an employee is supposed to carry out
  • when delegating work responsibilities, the manager also should delegate to the subordinate enough authority to get the job done
  • ironically, it is quite common for people to have more responsibility than authority; they must perform as well as they can through informal influence tactics instead of relying purely on authority.


  • The expectation that employees will perform a job, take corrective action when necessary, and report upward on the status and quality of their performance

centralized organization

  • Organization in which high-level executives make most decisions and pass them down to lower levels for implementation
  • centralization may be valuable when department have different priorities or conflicting goals, which need to be mediated by top management

decentralized organization

  • an organization in which lower-level managers make important decisions


line departments

  • units that deal directly with the organization’s primary goods and services
  • line managers typically have much authority and power; they have the ultimate responsibility for making major operating decisions and also are accountable for the bottom-line results of their decisions.

staff departments

  • units that support line departments
  • they include research, legal, accounting, public relations, and human resources departments.
  • each of these specialized units often has its own vice President, and some are vested with a great deal of authority, as when an accounting or finance group approves and monitors budgetary activities.
  • that manager seems more focused on protecting the company from risks.


  • subdividing an organization into smaller subunits

- Basic approaches to departmentalization are functional, divisional, and matrix.

functional organization

  • departmentalization around specialized activities such as production, marketing, and human resources
  • is common in both large and small organizations. Large companies may organize several functional groupings, including groupings unique to their businesses.
  • advantages : 1. Economies of scale can be realized. When people with similar skills are grouped, more efficient equipment can be purchased, and discounts for large purchases can be used. 2. Monitoring of the environment is more effective. Each functional group is more likely attuned to developments in its own field and therefore can adapt more readily. 3. Performance standards are better maintained. People with similar training and interests may develop a shared concern for performance in their jobs. 4. People have greater opportunity for specialized training and in-depth skill development. 5. Technical specialists are relatively free of administrative work. 6. Decision-making and lines of communication are simple and clearly understood.
  • disadvantages : 1. People may care more about their own function than about the company as a whole, and their attention to functional tasks may make them lose focus on overall product quality and customer satisfaction. 2. Managers develop functional expertise but do not acquire knowledge of the other areas of the business; they become specialists but not generalists. 3. If the organization becomes fragmented, it may have difficulty developing and bringing new products to market and responding quickly to customer demands and other changes.

divisional organization

  • departmentalization that groups units around products, customers, or geographic regions
  • Organizations may restructure to group all functions into a single division and duplicate the function across all of the divisions.
  • all functions that contribute to a given product are organized under one manager. In the product organization, managers in charge of a function for a particular product report to a product manager.
  • advantages : 1. Information needs are managed more easily. Less information is required because people work closely on one product and need not worry about other products. 2. People have a full-time commitment to a particular product line. They develop a greater awareness of how their jobs fit into the broader scheme. 3. Task responsibilities are clear. When things go wrong in a functional organization, functional managers can pass the buck (“That other department is messing up, making it harder for us to do our jobs.”). In a product structure, managers are more independent and accountable because they usually have the resources they need to perform there. Also, the performances of different divisions can be compared by contrasting their profits and other measures. 4. People receive broader training. General managers develop a wide variety of skills, and they learn to be judged by results. Many top executives received crucial early experience in product structure.
  • disadvantages : it is difficult to coordinate across product lines and divisions; and although managers learn to become generalists, they may not acquire the depth of functional expertise that develops in the functional structure.
  • Customer and Geographic divisions :
  • the primary advantage is the ability to focus on customer needs and provide faster, better service. However, duplication of activities across many customer groups and geographic areas is expensive

matrix organization

  • an organization composed of dual reporting relationships in which some employees report to two superiors – a functional manager and a divisional manager
  • Linkage of employees at all levels and in all functions to the company’s goals and strategy.
  • more information shared across functions.
  • Communication fostered – especially valuable for complex assignments where different groups depend on each other.
  • greater responsiveness to customers from bringing together information about customer needs and organizational capabilities.
  • creative ideas from cross functional work.
  • loyalty to the organization as a whole rather than to a function or division.
  • unclear responsibilities and competing priorities.
  • violation of the unity of command principle.
  • accountability difficult to define.
  • accountability for results under other matrix members’.
  • possible conflict and stress for employees who must manage a dual reporting role.
  • additional time required for meetings and other communications to coordinate work.
  • extensive collaboration needed but not always easy to reward.

unity-of-command principle

  • A structure in which each worker reports to one boss, who in turn reports to one boss
  • reporting to two superiors can create confusion and a difficult interpersonal situation unless steps are taken to prevent these problems from arising.

network organization

  • A collection of independent, mostly single function firms that collaborate on a good or service
  • describes not one organization but the web of relationships among many firms.
  • network organizations are flexible arrangement among designers, suppliers, producers, distributors, and customers where each firm is able to pursue its own distinctive competence yet work effectively with other members of the network.
  • often, members of the network communicate electronically and share information to be able to respond quickly to customer demand.
  • in effect, the normal boundaries of the organization becomes blurred or porous as managers within the organization interact closely with network members outside it.
  • The network as a whole, then, can display the technical specialization of the functional structure, responsiveness of the product structure, and the balance and flexibility of the matrix.
  • very flexible network organization is the dynamic network
  • The firm must choose the right specialty. It must be something (good or service) that the market needs and that the firm is better at providing than other firms.
  • The firm must choose collaborators that also are excellent at what they do and that provide complementary strengths.
  • The firm must make certain that all parties fully understand the strategic goals of the partnership.
  • Each party must be able to trust all the others with strategic information and trust that each collaborator will deliver quality products even if the business grows quickly and makes heavy demands.

dynamic network

  • temporary arrangements among partners that can be assembled and reassembled to adapt to the environment
  • also called the modular or virtual corporation
  • The members of the network are held together by contracts that stipulates results expected (market mechanisms) rather than by hierarchy and authority.
  • such arrangements are common in the electronics, toy, and apparel industries, each of which creates and sell trendy products at a fast pace.
  • dynamic networks also are suited to organizations in which much of the work can be done independently.
  • A person who assembles and coordinates participants in a network
  • Broker/managers serve several important boundary roles that aid network integration and coordination: 1. Designer role : The broker serves as a network architect who envisions a set of groups or firms whose collective expertise could be focused on a particular good or service. 2. Process engineering role : The broker serves as a network co-operator to take the initiative to lay out the flow of resources and relationships and makes certain that everyone shares the same goals, standards, payments, and the like. 3. Nurturing role : The broker serves as a network developer who nurtures and enhances the network (like team building) to make certain the relationships are healthy and mutually beneficial.



  • establishing common routines and procedures but apply uniformly to everyone
  • constrains actions and integrates various units by regulating what people do.
  • people often know how to act – and how to interact – because standard operating procedures spell out what they should do.


  • The presence of rules and regulations governing how people in the organization interact
  • simple, often written, policies regarding attendance, dress, and decorum, for example, may help eliminate a good deal of uncertainty at work.
  • but an important assumption underlying both standardization and formalization is that the rules and procedures should apply to most (if not all) situations.
  • these approaches, therefore, are most appropriate in situations that are relatively stable and unchanging.
  • in some cases, when the work environment requires flexibility, coordination by standardization may not be very effective.

coordination by plan

  • interdependent units are required to meet deadlines and objectives that contribute to a common goal
  • does not require the same high degree of stability and routinization required for coordination by standardization.
  • interdependent units are free to modify and adapt their actions as long as they meet the deadlines and target required for working with others.

coordination by mutual adjustment

  • units interact with one another to make accommodations to achieve flexible coordination
  • involves feedback and discussion to figure out jointly how to approach problems and devise solutions that are agreeable to everyone.
  • The popularity of teams today is in part because they allow flexible coordination; teams can operate under the principle of mutual adjustment.
  • hashing out every issue takes time and may not be the most expedient approach for organizing work.
  • at the same time, it can be very effective when the problems are novel and cannot be programmed in advance with rules, procedures, or plans.
  • particularly during crises, in which rules and procedures don’t apply, mutual adjustment is likely to be the most effective approach to coordination

Managing High Information-Processing Demands

  • creating slack resources : are simply extra resources in which organizations can rely on in a pinch so that if they get caught offguard, they can still adjust; examples include inventory, employees
  • creating self-contained tasks : refers to changing from a functional organization to a product or project organization and giving each unit the resources it needs to perform its task; information processing problems are reduced because each unit has its own full complement of specialties instead of functional specialties that have to share their expertise along a number of different product teams; communications then flow within each team rather than a long a complex array of interdependent groups.
  • an organization may take the approach of increasing it’s information processing capability.
  • it can invest in information systems, which usually means employing or expanding computer systems; but increasing an organization’s information processing capability also means knowledge management – capitalizing on the intellect and experience of the organization’s human assets to increase collaboration and effectiveness
  • One way to do that is by creating horizontal relationships between units to foster coordination; such horizontal relationships are effective because they increase integration.
  • as uncertainty increases, the following horizontal processes may be used, ranging from the simplest to the most complex: 1. Direct contact (mutual adjustment) : among managers who share a problem. In a university, for example, a residence hall advisor might call a meeting to resolve differences between two feuding students who live in adjacent rooms. 2. Liaison roles : or specialized jobs to handle communications between the two departments. A fraternity representative is a liaison between the fraternity and the interfraternity council, the University, or the local community. 3. Task forces : or groups of representatives from different departments, brought together temporarily to solve a common problem. For example, students, faculty, and administrators may be a member of a task force charged with bringing distinguished speakers to campus for a current events seminar. 4. Teams, or permanent interdependent decision-making groups. An executive Council made up of department heads might meet regularly to make decisions affecting a college of engineering or liberal arts. 5. Product, program, or project managers : who Direct interdisciplinary groups with a common task to perform. In a college of business administration, a faculty administrator might head an executive education program of professors from several disciplines. 6. Matrix organizations: composed of dual relationships in which some managers report to two superiors. Your instructors, for example, may report to department heads in their respective disciplines and to a director of undergraduate or graduate programs.

Explain how differentiation and integration influence an organization.

  • Differentiation means that organizations have many parts.
  • Specialization means that various individuals and units throughout the organization perform different tasks.
  • The assignment of tasks to different people or groups often is referred to as the division of labor.
  • But the specialized tasks in an organization cannot all be performed independently of one another.
  • Coordination links to various tasks to achieve the organization’s overall mission.
  • An organization with many specialized tasks and work units is highly differentiated; the more differentiated the organization is, the more integration or coordination is required.

Summarize how authority operates.

  • Authority is the legitimate right to make decisions and tell other people what to do.
  • Authority is exercised throughout the hierarchy because bosses have the authority to give orders to subordinates.
  • Through the day-to-day operation of authority, the organization proceeds towards achieving goals.
  • Owners or stockholders have ultimate authority.

Define the roles of the Board of Directors and the chief executive officer.

  • Boards of directors report to stockholders.
  • The board of directors controls or advises management, considers the firm’s legal and other interests, and protects stockholders’ right.
  • The chief executive officer reports to the board and is accountable for the organizations performance.

Discuss how span of control affects structure and managerial effectiveness.

  • Span of control is the number of people who report directly to a manager.
  • Narrow span create tall organizations, and wide span creates flat ones.
  • No single span of control is always appropriate; the optimal span is determined by characteristics of the work, the subordinates, the manager, and the organization.

Explain how to delegate effectively.

  • Delegation – the assignment of tasks and responsibilities – has many potential advantages for the manager, the subordinate, and the organization.
  • But to be effective, the process must be managed carefully.
  • The manager should define the goal, select the person, solicit opinions, provide resources, schedule checkpoints, and discuss progress periodically.

Distinguish between centralized and decentralized organizations.

  • In centralized organizations, most important decisions are made by top managers.
  • In decentralized organizations, many decisions are delegated to lower levels.

Summarize ways organizations can be structured.

  • Organization structure on the basis of function, division (product, customers, or geographic), matrix, and network.
  • Each form has advantages and disadvantages.

Identify the unique challenges of the matrix organization.

  • The matrix is a complex structure with a dual authority organization.
  • A well-managed matrix enables organizations to adapt to change.
  • But it can also create confusion and interpersonal difficulties.
  • People in all positions in the matrix – top executives, product and function managers, and two-boss employees – must acquire unique survival skills.

Describe important integrative mechanisms.

  • Managers can coordinate interdependent units through standardization, plans, and mutual adjustment.
  • Standardization occurs when routines and standard operating procedures are put in place.
  • They typically are accompanied by formalized rules.
  • Coordination by plan is more flexible and allows more freedom in how tasks are carried out but keeps interdependent units focused on schedules and joint goals.
  • Mutual adjustment involves feedback and discussions among related parties to accommodate each other’s needs.
  • It is at once the most flexible and simple to administer, but it is time-consuming.

What components make up an organization’s structure?

What is the difference between a bureaucracy and a matrix organizational structure?

What is a boundaryless organization? What is the purpose of creating one?

What characteristics compose a virtual organization?

What is the difference between organic structural models and mechanistic structural models?

QUIZ The three levels of the organizational hierarchy include: (A) top, strategic, and lower levels (B) top, first-line, and final levels (C) top, operational, and frontline levels (D) top, middle, and operational levels (E) functional, divisional, and matrix levels

(D) top, middle, and operational levels

(B) divisional departments

QUIZ The optimal span of control should be narrow when: (A) The manager is highly capable and supportive. (B) Subordinates prefer autonomy. (C) The work is clearly defined. (D) Jobs are similar. (E) Subordinates are inadequately trained.

(E) Subordinates are inadequately trained.

(D) specialization

(C) Defining the goal

(E) formalization

(C) division of labor

QUIZ Which of the following is an advantage of functional departmentalization? (A) Employees are able to focus exclusively on customer satisfaction. (B) It encourages managers to become generalists. (C) Decision making and lines of communication are simple and clearly understood. (D) It is most useful in a complex environment. (E) It is the most flexible organization form.

(C) Decision making and lines of communication are simple and clearly understood.

QUIZ Coordination refers to : (A) need for specific tasks in the functional fields (B) procedures that link the various parts of the organization (C) Authority levels in the organizational pyramid (D) division of labor within an organization (E) performance of specific tasks by specific people

(B) procedures that link the various parts of the organization

QUIZ Delegation occurs : (A) in any kind of organizational structure (B) only when a functional organization structure exists (C) only when a divisional organizational structure exists (D) only when there is unity of command (E) at top level management alone

(A) in any kind of organizational structure

(E) decentralized authority

QUIZ A matrix organization is an overlap of: (A) line and staff organizational forms (B) functional and divisional organizational forms (C) top and middle level organizational forms (D) customer and geographic organizational forms (E) strategic and tactical organizational forms

(B) functional and divisional organizational forms

QUIZ One of the major tasks paper formed by the board of directors in a corporation is : (A) monitoring and supervising first line employees (B) recruiting front-line employees (C) selecting and recruiting the CEO (D) providing support to line departments (E) acting as a link between the tactical and frontline employees

(C) selecting and recruiting the CEO

(B) standardization

QUIZ Authority is defined as the: (A) narration of a set of future conditions (B) assignment of additional responsibility to a subordinate at a lower level (C) legitimate right to make decisions and to tell people what to do (D) assignment of a task that an employee is supposed to carry out (E) expectation that employees will perform a job, take corrective action, and report upward on the status of their performance

(C) legitimate right to make decisions and to tell people what to do

(B) reduce the need for information

(E) network

QUIZ Which of the following is true of line departments? (A) They provide specialized skills to support staff departments. (B) They focus more on requirements and procedures rather than products and customers. (C) They include research, legal, accounting, and human resource departments. (D) They focus on safeguarding the company from risks. (E) They deal directly with the organization’s primary goods and services.

(E) They deal directly with the organization’s primary goods and services.

QUIZ An organization chart: (A) Evolves from the mission and vision of a company (B) is the long term direction and strategic intent of the company (C) Depicts the products an organization deals with (D) summarizes all information related to organizational planning (E) depicts the positions in a firm

(E) depicts the positions in a firm

(E) vertical dimension

(B) hierarchy

(A) staff departments

(B) centralized

QUIZ Which of the following is an advantage of delegating? (A) It eliminates the manager’s accountability for the task. (B) It is a means for managers to escape from their responsibilities. (C) It allows managers to accomplish more than they could alone. (D) It is a means for a manager to reduce the risks involved performing tasks himself. (E) It helps the employee to take credit for what should have been the manager’s work.

(C) It allows managers to accomplish more than they could alone.

(A) decentralized

(C) governance

(C) differentiation

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Table of Contents

Guideline for Assigning Tasks to Team Members

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Assignment of tasks is part of daily office life for meeting organizational goals. When the project manager delegates work to the task receiver, the receiver reacts to the delegated task.

Assigning tasks can differ from person to person concerning different offices. For this reason, it is necessary to look into guidelines when assigning tasks to team members for effective delegation.

Assigning tasks is one of the processes of major importance in an organization. When the members fail to assign tasks legitimately, you cannot expect good results from the delegated task.

Assigning tasks requires understanding, direction, focus, and answerability to doubts within a certain time with a step-by-step guide.

The biggest secret lies in the task assigner and task receiver’s understanding of the delegated task. 

Why is Assigning Tasks to Team Members Important?

Importance of Assigning Tasks to Team Members

Every team is strong when members work together with trust and team spirit. The different types of tasks need division and distribution and knowledge of the capacity of each team member .

Here are some reasons why task assignment is important for assigning tasks to team members:

1. Improvement in Project Efficiency

Tedious tasks are divided among different team members, then the overall efficiency of the team increases.

Without task distribution, the project is unmanaged and vague without effective delegation.

2. Improvement in Project Productivity

When the correct tasks are assigned to team members, each project sector is looked after as responsibilities are divided.

This situation aids in enhancing productivity from every member’s side to complete the task with time management.

3. Highly Developed Morale

Assigning duties to each individual makes them happy, accepts responsibility, and works confidently to reach better goals for delegating effectively.

Project management software with a project management tool helps the project manager assign tasks to team members.

4. Habit of Consideration

The Duties assignment teaches the whole team to consider different situations while completing a project.

Each member earns to support the other, building a stronger team for better outputs and delegating effectively.

Some Guidelines to Assign Tasks To Team Members

Some Guidelines for Assigning Tasks To Team Members

A team lead cannot assign tasks to team members without proper planning and experience and the habit of providing feedback .

Task assigners need a good experience of previous task assignments, and the new members can showcase their ability in different types of tasks. 

Another major concern is the impact of employee engagement , for which task holders need interest and passion to continue the work assigned. Some guidelines for assigning tasks to team members are:

1. Assign Tasks Positively

Assigning tasks to employees requires positivity and when you ask them to do a certain task, provide them with details.

A positive attitude will help them know that it is possible to conduct the task in the way the leader wants them to.

If you assign common tasks negatively or doubt their capability, employees will feel demotivated to begin their task.

A hint of positivity will brighten their day and make them complete assigned tasks with full confidence.

2. Be Clear of Goals and Objectives

Before assigning any duties to employees, the assigner needs to know the work’s goals and objectives to know how employees perform. Task givers need to understand what they want and expect from the work process.

When goals and objectives are unset, the task giver is confused due to lack of vision and cannot command the task completers to do a role in a certain way. The task providers need to set clear ways and methods with proper delegation strategies.

3. Right Task to Right Employee

Allotting the right task to the right employee is the key to productivity and needs a step-by-step guide.

But before dividing and designating the work for employees, the role provider needs to know the type of each employee.

The leader should build a delegation strategy including the different capacities of different employees and give duties that fit the employees perfectly .

When a task demands an exceptional employee and a lack of talent, the leaders themselves should conduct the task without a workforce or emergency.

4. Get Ideas and Hold Meetings

Before giving away responsibilities to team members, a discussion with all members is essential.

The team lead can ask each employee to express their assigned duties and get ideas via unlimited access to team meetings.

After attending the meeting with employees, you can get a vivid idea of who is responsible for what and how deliberately they can finish the task.

Getting ideas from employees assures the lead of the task completion from every team member’s side.

5. Communicate Efficiently

There are situations in which employees may let go of duties given. The reasons may include lack of employee engagement , absenteeism, and presenteeism.

When assigning tasks, you should figure out how to deal with lazy employees. Project management tools allow proper communication between team members.

Communication is a great way to improve employee engagement and advise lazy employees to know how employees perform.

If you wish to change plans in the middle of a project process, you can re-explain the team members. Communication also decreases the chance of conflict in an organization.

6. Mark Deadline with Timeline

The best way to finish a work in a team is by properly planning the entire resources like cost, time, and workforce.

When you make a timeline and ask others to conduct work, you can give them deadlines—management software helps track employees’ time.

When each employee finishes the task at the right time, the project takes off smoothly. Assigning tasks with deadlines to follow a timeline is a very good organizational practice that helps in reducing organizational risks.

7. Track Progress and Ask Feedbacks

After task distribution, you cannot just throw tasks away and let the employees handle everything else.

Proper task assigning also includes getting feedback from employees during work processes and tracking their progress.

Tracking productivity with different tools is an easy process. Productive employees yield better results and complete tasks on time.

So it is essential to stay in touch with employees’ progress and know their situation while working.

8. Train and Supervise

Completing a project requires the fusion of different delegation skills and a high level of dedication from team members with proper planning and implementation.

For producing a skilled workforce, there is a necessity to train the team members and meet the team daily.

The training includes unlimited access to skill-enhancing resources like courses from Udemy or Coursera.

After the training phase, the work conduction requires supervision from the expert to check up on the application of skills learned via the project management tool.

Training and supervision are equally important before and during the task assignment and completion among multiple people.

9. Follow up to Stay Connected

It is essential for work professionals to follow up on their team members to get notified of the obstacles and problems faced by the group workers.

It is important to stay connected with each member to check on work progress and complete the task.

Issues like stress and pressure can tangle the employees and slow them down, so following up on common tasks helps them cope with pressure and increase work productivity.

Micromanagement is not a good idea as it leads to employee burnout. It is better to set employees free by casual follow-ups.

10. Authority and Control Handover

Decentralization of authority relieves an employer for managing tasks. When you assign duties, make sure you allocate a certain amount of power to the employees via management apps.

The control handover makes employees empowered and responsible for finishing tasks.

Providing very little power can result in problems as employees lose interest in the work while giving too much power can overpower employees, making them forget basic duties.

The strength lies in giving enough power to each member that only deserves it and providing feedback.

11. Respect and Support

Every employee in an organization deserves equal respect and support. Each role has its significance, and without equal respect from the employer’s side, it is impossible to reflect the same behavior from the employee’s side.

Respect is mutual, and when working, it is important to let go of judgments and unnecessary assumptions about each other.

Acceptance is a way to help each other during any technical, moral, emotional, or skill-related difficulties.

Supporting and working along in a team is a great idea for completing a task. The task assigner is responsible for setting such a culture, keeping in mind the importance of time management.

12. Learn from Last Project

Before planning for the upcoming project, it is essential to reflect upon the past projects and learn from the delegation’s mistakes.

Leading other team members requires experience and, more than that demands the idea of accepting mistakes and learning from them while assigning responsibility.

When you assign new team members, use the same strategies and ideas you did in the previous project.

If there were errors in the previous try, assign tasks to correct the previous ones and accept the changes as a stepping stone for success.

13. Evaluate Project Post-Assigning

After all, employees are done with their tasks, and it is time for you to evaluate the quality of work and check if all the criteria are fulfilled. Sometimes some tasks are incomplete, and some are full of bugs.

You will have to re-assign the same tasks to members due to lack of perfection and inefficiency to deliver proper output by tracking time.

It is better to analyze the task output and ask the responsible person to fill gaps in the work provided. 

14. Brain-map to Assign Tasks Again

All projects have different tasks and require different approaches to reach goals. Task assigners must detect which approach is better for a certain project, i.e., which methodology to follow, like the agile model or the waterfall project method .

The research for the new project includes ideas for task division and finding the best employees.

The leader needs to brainstorm accordingly so that the newer ideas are included. The foremost task of assigning tasks to others runs smoothly for the overall conduction of the project in a directed and glorious way.

Some More Guidelines for Task Assignment

Team members require extra care and a lot of patience to understand the objective of common tasks and delegation strategy.

When conflict arises, it is upon the person to solve the matter. Soft skills with proper guidelines help assign employee tasks and remedy conflict resolution.

Some other guidelines for assigning tasks to team members are mentioned below:

15. Focus and Direction

After tedious tasks are provided to every team member, it is important to know where each member is heading with their duties.

In the first place, the task giver should have clear ideas of responsibilities and follow directions. 

Secondly, it is upon the task to stay focused and move in the correct direction of task competition.

The team leader’s responsibility is to guide the employees in the correct direction so they don’t lose focus and get distracted by unnecessary things during office time.

16. Avoid Stressing and Pressure

When you distribute tasks, ensure you don’t stress employees without beginning the task. Complications during task completion are common, but a good leader does not pressure the employees for task assignments.

You must understand the situation of employees and take steps accordingly. Working under stress and pressure may decrease workers’ productivity as they cannot deal with such complications . This situation hampers the employee’s well-being and wellness.

17. Be Answerable to Doubts

Questions can arise anytime regarding the task completion, and it is upon the task provider to clear doubts and queries of the seekers.

When you fail to deliver the correct answer or provide what the employees are seeking, that may harm the process of task completion. 

As team managers, it is upon you to remove the veil of doubts from their minds in the bigger picture, so they conduct the work with dedication and enthusiasm .

It is bad to leave employees confused as a confused state is a dormant state that hampers the speed of work completion and demotivates multiple people.

18. Honest Feedbacks to Employees

Speaking softly and not hurting others is a good virtue, but there are times when you have to act abruptly and state the employees’ mistakes.

It is essential to give honest feedback to employees who need to work on their mistakes.

If you don’t give them honest feedback before assigning tasks, there is no hope for completion. Honest feedback helps employees rise in their respective works and provides a great chance for improvement in their careers.

19. Do Not Assign Same Task to Different People

Assigning the same task to different people is a waste of time and resources unless you want to compare the results of two task receivers.

It is better to plan the task division than mess up assigning tasks to team members at the last moment.

Healthy competition between the team members is a good idea but make sure you don’t hurt the feelings of any of them.

Working and learning are part of every employee’s journey, and it is important to keep them interested in any task.

20. Listen to Your Employees

When you assign tasks, it is equally necessary for you to listen to your employees. Some employees may not be sure about a certain task and can ask you to switch tasks with other members.

So it is needed for the team leader to understand each member and listen to them from the beginning of a task to the end of a work assignment.

Assigning tasks to team members is the most important step for task completion. Delegation mistakes are common while managing tasks, and so it is important to take help from management apps while assigning responsibility to employees.

Marketing automation and other features are provided by project management tools that help in better task assignments.

The guideline for task assignment helps in employee development and setting aside time tracked; employees remain engaged.

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Intro to Business chapter 8


  1. Ch. 8 Flashcards

    The assignment of different tasks to different people or groups is the: A. Strategic plan B. Organization structure C. Division of labor D. Value chain E. Responsibility chart C. Division of labor A process in which different individuals and units perform different tasks is: A. Accountability B. Authority C. Responsibility D. Specialization E ...

  2. Business Final Flashcards

    The separation of a manufacturing process into distinct tasks and the assignment of different tasks to different individuals is called. ... a currency devaluation. When the U.S. government will not allow meat from another country to be marketed in the United States, it is imposing a(n) embargo. The IDB, ADB, and EBRD are all examples of ...

  3. Intro to Business Ch. 7 Flashcards

    A group of two or more people working together to achieve a common set of goals. ... The separation of all organizational activities into distinct tasks and the assignment of different tasks to different people. ... The systematic shifting of employees from one job to another. Departmentalization. The process of grouping jobs into manageable units.

  4. Chapter 7 Flashcards

    the assignment of different tasks to different people or groups. Specialization. a process in which different individuals and units perform different tasks. Coordination. the procedures that link the various parts of an organization to achieve the organization's overall mission. Authority.

  5. Assignment vs. Delegation

    Accountability. Both assignment and delegation establish accountability, but in different ways. In assignment, the assignee is directly responsible for completing the task within the given timeframe and meeting the specified requirements. In delegation, while the delegatee is responsible for the task's execution, the delegator retains overall ...

  6. 7.1 Building Organizational Structures

    After a company divides the work it needs to do into specific jobs, managers then group the jobs together so that similar or associated tasks and activities can be coordinated. This grouping of people, tasks, and resources into organizational units is called departmentalization. It facilitates the planning, leading, and control processes.

  7. How to Give Assignments to Team Members

    Make a meeting with the team leads and go through the points above. Assign tasks according to each team's availability, interest, and skill required to successfully push the project forward. As team leads - assign tasks further down the pipeline. Track task completion and make necessary changes along the way.

  8. What Is Task Assigning? (With Definition and Steps)

    Task assigning involves defining responsibilities and allocating resources for team members to complete a project effectively. While workplace leaders can assign tasks to team members in different departments, managers typically assign tasks to their department's members. Discovering each team member's strengths, potential, and expertise can ...

  9. What is Organizational Structure?

    Organizational structure defines how job tasks are formally divided, grouped, and coordinated. The structure of an organization usually features six different elements: Work specialization. Departmentalization. Chain of command. Span of control. Centralization and decentralization. Formalization.

  10. Assigning Tasks: How to Delegate Effectively

    Delegation means you are transferring responsibility for the task to your assignee and giving them more autonomy for how that task gets completed. Assigning tasks is often repetitive but it nevertheless contributes to the overall completion of the project. A delegated task is more free and gives your team members the opportunity to grow as they ...

  11. How To Effective Assign Tasks To Team Members?

    Getting suggestions from your team members ensures that each of them will contribute to the task's accomplishment. 5. Conduct Training and Supervision. A project's completion necessitates the blending of various delegation techniques, a high degree of team member commitment, and effective planning and execution.

  12. 10.1 Organizational Structures and Design

    The formal organization is an officially defined set of relationships, responsibilities, and connections that exist across an organization. The traditional organizational chart, as illustrated in Exhibit 10.2, is perhaps the most common way of depicting the formal organization. The typical organization has a hierarchical form with clearly ...

  13. How to Assign Tasks and Responsibilities to Team Members

    Setting Clear Expectations. One of the key elements of effective task assignments is setting clear expectations for team members. This includes outlining the specific tasks that need to be completed, as well as any deadlines or goals that need to be met. It's also important to communicate the purpose of the tasks and how they fit into the ...

  14. Business: A Changing World

    An organization must first determine what activities are required to achieve its objectives and then break these activities down into specific tasks that can be handled by individual employees. This division of labor into small, specific tasks and the assignment of employees to do a single task is called specialization. The rationale for ...

  15. Chapter 8 Flashcards by Jamie Hilty

    Specialization means that various individuals and units throughout the organization perform different tasks. The assignment of tasks to different people or groups often is referred to as the division of labor. But the specialized tasks in an organization cannot all be performed independently of one another.

  16. Guideline for Assigning Tasks to Team Members

    The different types of tasks need division and distribution and knowledge of the capacity of each team member. Here are some reasons why task assignment is important for assigning tasks to team members: 1. Improvement in Project Efficiency. Tedious tasks are divided among different team members, then the overall efficiency of the team increases.

  17. Solved The assignment of different tasks to different people

    Question: The assignment of different tasks to different people or groups is the:a) Strategic planb) Organization structurec) Division of labord) Value chaine) Responsibility chart. The assignment of different tasks to different people or groups is the: a) Strategic plan. b) Organization structure. c) Division of labor.

  18. Flashcards

    Job Rotation. the systematic shifting of employees from one job to another. Departmentalization. the process of grouping jobs into manageable units. Responsibility. the duty to do a job or perform a task. Authority. the power, within an organization, to accomplish an assigned job or task. Accountability.

  19. Chapter 7 Flashcards

    The separation of all organizational activities into distinct tasks and the assignment of different tasks to different people. What is The Rationale for Specialization? it's efficiency: It minimizes the time lost when workers shift from one task to another, and it facilitates training.

  20. Solved The separation of all organizational activities into

    The separation of all organizational activities into distinct tasks and the assignment of different tasks to different people is called job _ _ _ _ _ _ _. Here's the best way to solve it. Powered by Chegg AI. Share Share. The correct answer is: job specialization Job specialization refers to the process of dividing work ... View the full answer.

  21. Business and Marketing Vocabulary Flashcards

    the separation of a manufacturing process into distinct tasks and the assignment of the different tasks to different individuals business the organized effort of individuals to produce and sell, for a profit, the goods and services that satisfy society's needs

  22. Solved The assignment of different tasks to different people

    The assignment of different tasks to different people or groups in the organization is known as:a) strategic planb) degree of formalityc) division of labord) value chaine) decentralization

  23. Solved The separation of all organizational activities into

    Question: The separation of all organizational activities into distinct tasks and the assignment of different tasks to different people is called job _____. a. specialization b. enrichment c. rotation d. organization e. enlargement