Regex issue - "unbalanced parenthesis at position"

Hope everyone of you are having a great day.

my line of coding is below ( and this worked without any issue ),

checker = re.compile(".*s$")

but now I am dealing with a bracket after the letter “s” and when I coded as below :

checker = re.compile(".*s)$")

I am getting the below error,

“unbalanced parenthesis at position”

Can someone please be kind enough to help me out.

That’s because parenthesis can have special meaning inside of regex pattern. To use it or other characters that are special in regex, in their typical meaning, they need to be escaped with \ . In case of ) , escaped version would be \) .


Thanks a lot, May you be guided in your life.

Take care bud.

P.S - I am a self learner so I do not understand much of the basics. Thank you again.

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  • 4.6 Simple Balanced Parentheses
  • 4.7 Balanced Symbols (A General Case)
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  • 4.5. Implementing a Stack in Python" data-toggle="tooltip">
  • 4.7. Balanced Symbols (A General Case)' data-toggle="tooltip" >

4.6. Simple Balanced Parentheses ¶

We now turn our attention to using stacks to solve real computer science problems. You have no doubt written arithmetic expressions such as


where parentheses are used to order the performance of operations. You may also have some experience programming in a language such as Lisp with constructs like

This defines a function called square that will return the square of its argument n . Lisp is notorious for using lots and lots of parentheses.

In both of these examples, parentheses must appear in a balanced fashion. Balanced parentheses means that each opening symbol has a corresponding closing symbol and the pairs of parentheses are properly nested. Consider the following correctly balanced strings of parentheses:

Compare those with the following, which are not balanced:

The ability to differentiate between parentheses that are correctly balanced and those that are unbalanced is an important part of recognizing many programming language structures.

The challenge then is to write an algorithm that will read a string of parentheses from left to right and decide whether the symbols are balanced. To solve this problem we need to make an important observation. As you process symbols from left to right, the most recent opening parenthesis must match the next closing symbol (see Figure 4 ). Also, the first opening symbol processed may have to wait until the very last symbol for its match. Closing symbols match opening symbols in the reverse order of their appearance; they match from the inside out. This is a clue that stacks can be used to solve the problem.


Figure 4: Matching Parentheses ¶

Once you agree that a stack is the appropriate data structure for keeping the parentheses, the statement of the algorithm is straightforward. Starting with an empty stack, process the parenthesis strings from left to right. If a symbol is an opening parenthesis, push it on the stack as a signal that a corresponding closing symbol needs to appear later. If, on the other hand, a symbol is a closing parenthesis, pop the stack. As long as it is possible to pop the stack to match every closing symbol, the parentheses remain balanced. If at any time there is no opening symbol on the stack to match a closing symbol, the string is not balanced properly. At the end of the string, when all symbols have been processed, the stack should be empty. The Python code to implement this algorithm is shown in ActiveCode 1 .

This function, parChecker , assumes that a Stack class is available and returns a boolean result as to whether the string of parentheses is balanced. Note that the boolean variable balanced is initialized to True as there is no reason to assume otherwise at the start. If the current symbol is ( , then it is pushed on the stack (lines 9–10). Note also in line 15 that pop simply removes a symbol from the stack. The returned value is not used since we know it must be an opening symbol seen earlier. At the end (lines 19–22), as long as the expression is balanced and the stack has been completely cleaned off, the string represents a correctly balanced sequence of parentheses.

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Check for Valid Balanced Parentheses in Python (with code)

  • May 31, 2023
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  • By Shivali Bhadaniya

Check for Valid Balanced Parentheses in Python (with code)

Valid Parentheses (or Balanced Parentheses) play a crucial role while dealing with any programming language and hence, a programmer must understand it completely. Checking the valid parentheses in an expression is one of the commonly asked questions during technical interviews. So, to help you get the job in your dream company, let us discuss solutions using different approaches in Python.

But before that, let us understand the valid parentheses problem below. 

What is the Valid Parentheses Problem?

Parentheses are said to be balanced if each left parenthesis has its respective right parenthesis to match its pair in a well-nested format. In computer science, valid parentheses are a notation used to simplify expressions written in an operator-precedence parser by allowing the programmer to explicitly mark the operator precedence and associativity of a given expression. 

Here is the problem statement: Given a string s containing just the characters '(', ')', '{', '}', '[', and ']', determine if the input string is valid or not.

Note that an input string is valid if:

  • Open brackets must be closed by the same type of brackets
  • Open brackets must be closed in the correct order

Now that you understand the problem statement correctly let us jump to understanding the solution of the problem in detail below. 

Algorithm for Valid Parenthesis Solution

Checking if a string of brackets is "valid" is a typical coding challenge known as the valid brackets problem. A string of parentheses is considered legitimate if each opening parenthesis is followed by a matching closing parenthesis in the appropriate placement.

The valid brackets problem can be solved using the following algorithm:

  • Make a stack that is empty.
  • Go through each character in the input string iteratively.
  • Push the character onto the stack if it is an opening parenthesis, such as "(," "," or "[."
  • Pop the top element from the stack if the current character is a closing parenthesis (such as ')', '', or ']'.
  • The string is invalid if the element that pops up is not the proper opening parenthesis.
  • The string is legitimate if the stack is empty after iterating over all of the characters in the string.

The Python code for this algorithm is provided here:

An empty stack and a mapping from closing brackets to corresponding opening brackets are the first things we define in this code. The algorithm's steps are then carried out iteratively, one step per character in the input string.

The function returns True if the string is legitimate. Otherwise, False is returned.

How to Check Balanced Parentheses in Expression?

Below are 3 methods by which you can check for Balanced parentheses in expression:

1) Using the Brute Force approach

The first thing that comes to your mind while solving the valid parentheses problem is by using the brute force approach. In this approach, you can make use of recursion , i.e., conditional statements and loop to match the parentheses, and if it returns true, the parentheses are valid; otherwise, not.

Here we make use of the while loop to check the sequence of parentheses and return the output of whether the parentheses are valid or not.

Check out the below Python code for checking valid parentheses using the brute force approach:

2) Checking Valid Parentheses using Stack

To solve a valid parentheses problem optimally, you can make use of Stack data structure.

Here you traverse through the expression and push the characters one by one inside the stack. Later, if the character encountered is the closing bracket, pop it from the stack and match it with the starting bracket. This way, you can check if the parentheses find their respective pair at the end of the traversal and if not, the parentheses are not valid.

Here is the algorithm for this optimal approach:

  • 1Declare stack S.
  • if the current pointer is at the opening bracket ('(' or '{' or '[') then push it to stack S.
  • if the popped bracket is the matching opening bracket then brackets are valid
  • else brackets are not valid.

After complete traversal, if there is some starting bracket left in the stack then "not valid"

Here is the code to check for balanced parentheses using stack in Python:

The time complexity to check the valid parentheses using the optimal solution is O(n), where 'n' is the total number of characters in the expression. It is because we traverse through the sequence only once, and hence, the time complexity is linear in nature.

Similarly, the space complexity for this solution is O(n) as we require the stack of size 'n' to fit the characters of the expression.

To better understand it, let us consider the below expression for understanding the solution of the valid parentheses problem using stack.

Valid Parentheses example

Initially, we will start traversing through the expression and push the open brackets inside the stack data structure, as shown in the below image.

 Start traversing through the expression

Keep repeating the same process until all the opening brackets are pushed inside the stack, and the pointer reaches forward.

Opening brackets are pushing inside the stack

As soon as the pointer reaches the closing brackets, check the top of the stack if the respective opening bracket is the same kind or not. Pop the opening bracket from the stack for matching the pair of parenthesis as shown in the below image.

Pop the opening bracket from the stack

Keep repeating the same process until all the closing brackets are visited by the pointer as shown in the below image.

Closing brackets are visiting by the pointer

At last, if there is any bracket left inside the stack, it means that there is one matching pair of parenthesis left and the expression does not contain the valid parentheses. If all the brackets are popped out of the stack, it means the expression contains valid parentheses, as shown in the below image.

String is Valid Parantheses

3) Valid Parenthesis Solution without Stack

The valid brackets issue can also be resolved without the aid of a stack data structure. One method is to count the number of opening and closing brackets using a counter. The string is known to be invalid if the counter ever turns negative. We check the counter at the conclusion of each loop to see if the string is still valid.

The Python code to resolve the valid parentheses issue without utilizing a stack is shown below:

When a string s is passed to the is_valid function, it will either return the boolean value True or False, depending on whether or not the text has a valid set of brackets.

In order to count the opening and closing brackets in the string, the function initializes a counter variable count to zero. The function then employs a for loop to iterate through each character in the input string, s.

Brackets play a primary role while programming in any language, especially in array indexing. They are also used in general denotation for tuples, sets, and many other data structures. In this article, we studied different approaches to check whether the expression is valid parentheses or not along with implementation in Python.

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Shivali Bhadaniya

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Checking for Balanced Parentheses in Python

October 7, 2023

Checking for balanced parentheses in Python involves ensuring that every opening parenthesis has a corresponding closing parenthesis in the correct order. It’s a common problem in programming and can be solved using a stack data structure.

In this page, we will guide you through the process of checking for balanced parentheses in python, offering you a clear understanding and practical examples to empower your programming skills.

Balanced of Parenthesis in Python

Understanding the Importance of Balanced Parentheses

Before we dive into solving the Balanced Parenthesis Problem, let’s understand why it’s crucial in the realm of programming. Parentheses, brackets, and curly braces are used extensively to group and structure code. Whether you are writing a simple mathematical expression or a complex algorithm, maintaining the balance of these symbols is essential.

What Are Balanced Parentheses?

Balanced parentheses refer to the correct pairing of opening and closing parentheses, brackets, or curly braces in your code. Each opening symbol should have a corresponding closing symbol, and they should be properly nested within one another.

Let’s illustrate this concept with an example:

In the first example, the parentheses are balanced, while in the second, they are not, resulting in a syntax error.

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Techniques for Balancing Parentheses in Python

Now, let’s explore various techniques for balancing parentheses in Python.

Example Usage : Checking for Balanced Parentheses in Python

Let’s illustrate the usage of our ‘is_balanced’ function with some examples:

What Happens When Parentheses Are Unbalanced?

Imagine you are writing a Python script to perform complex calculations, and due to an oversight, you forget to close a parenthesis. Here’s what can happen:

  • Syntax Errors: Python will raise syntax errors, halting the execution of your program. This can be frustrating, especially when you’re trying to pinpoint the issue.
  • Incorrect Results: If your code runs despite the unbalanced parentheses, it may produce incorrect results. This is a nightmare for anyone relying on accurate computations.
  • Debugging Challenges: Locating the source of the problem can be time-consuming and challenging, especially in large codebases.

In conclusion, ensuring balanced parentheses in Python is a critical skill that every programmer should master. By following the algorithm we’ve outlined and using the ‘ is_balanced’ function, you can confidently check for balanced parentheses in your Python code. This knowledge will not only help you avoid syntax errors but also contribute to writing more robust and error-free programs.

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Unbalanced Parenthesis in a for loop in batch

@echo off FOR /l %%A in (0,1,30) do ( set /a results=1600 + !RANDOM! %% (1900 - 1600 + 1) echo %%A--!results! )

When I run this I keep getting error "Unbalanced parenthesis" in windows xp and when I run this in win 7 I get error "Missing operator".

Need Help for newbie.

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  • This question might be more relevant on Stack Overflow, since it's a programming question. –  Anderson Green Nov 20, 2013 at 1:30

I escaped the ( ) that were within the for loop, then no error.

but to notice there was a problem I did echo set /a ...... and the output had lines like set /a results=1600 + 14199 (1900 - 1600 + 1 so I could see it looked like maybe the ) was getting eaten up and taken to be a closing parenthesis of the for loop. So I thought to escape them.

also the setlocal line was required(at least with enabledelayedexpansion).. so that !RANDOM! would come out right, otherwise you also get an error.

^^ tested in windows 7.

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Check for balanced parentheses in Python

Given an expression string, write a python program to find whether a given string has balanced parentheses or not.

Approach #1: Using stack One approach to check balanced parentheses is to use stack. Each time, when an open parentheses is encountered push it in the stack, and when closed parenthesis is encountered, match it with the top of stack and pop it. If stack is empty at the end, return Balanced otherwise, Unbalanced. 

Time Complexity: O(n), The time complexity of this algorithm is O(n), where n is the length of the string. This is because we are iterating through the string and performing constant time operations on the stack. Auxiliary Space: O(n), The space complexity of this algorithm is O(n) as well, since we are storing the contents of the string in a stack, which can grow up to the size of the string.

Approach #2: Using queue First Map opening parentheses to respective closing parentheses. Iterate through the given expression using ‘i’, if ‘i’ is an open parentheses, append in queue, if ‘i’ is close parentheses, Check whether queue is empty or ‘i’ is the top element of queue, if yes, return “Unbalanced”, otherwise “Balanced”. 

Time Complexity: O(n) Auxiliary Space: O(n)

Approach#3: Elimination based In every iteration, the innermost brackets get eliminated (replaced with empty string). If we end up with an empty string, our initial one was balanced; otherwise, not. 

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I know it's boering to find but I have unbalanced left parenthesis error in my script here is the module I've been working on

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You can't do this . . .

. . you need an && or || in there . . probably &&

still the very same problem on it when I add it to the ea here is the new code

So I suggested you needed && and so you add {} braces ????

OrderSelect returns true of false so use it as part of your if statement . . .

I misunderstood you then sorry about that I gie it a try right away sir.

Check this (

seem now to be working I'm gonna shoot it to a metatrader see if there are anything that goes wrong.

thank you for helping me trough this you have really been some good help

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Check the balance of parenthesis in java.

' src=

Last Updated on June 1, 2023 by Mayank Dham

unbalanced parenthesis

To check balanced parentheses is a simple interview question in which we are asked to determine whether or not the given string (of brackets) is balanced. The traditional method is to use stacks, but we can also find it by using standard programming techniques. The different brackets are (), [], and. A question can be asked of any type of bracket or of all types of brackets.

Algorithm to check the Balance of Parenthesis Using Stacks in Java

  • Establish a character stack.
  • Now go through the expression string exp.
  • Push the current character to stack if it is a starting bracket (‘(‘ or ” or ‘[‘)..
  • If the current character is a closing bracket (‘)’, ”, or ‘]’), pop it from the stack; otherwise, if the popped character is the matching starting bracket, the brackets are not balanced.
  • If there is some starting bracket left in the stack after traversal, then "not balanced."

Pseudo code to check the Balance of Parenthesis Using Stacks

Java code to check the balance of parenthesis using stacks, algorithm to check the balance of parenthesis without using stacks in java.

  • Begin with a counter variable ‘count’ set to 0.
  • From left to right, traverse each character ‘ch’ in the input expression.
  • If ‘ch’ is an opening parenthesis ‘(‘, the ‘count’ is increased by one.
  • If ‘ch’ is a closing parenthesis ‘)’, the ‘count’ is decremented by one.
  • Check to see if the ‘count’ ever becomes negative during the traversal. If it does, return false to indicate unbalanced parentheses.
  • Check if the ‘count’ is equal to 0 after traversing the entire expression. If it is, return true to indicate that the parentheses are balanced. Otherwise, return false.

Pseudo code to check the Balance of Parenthesis without Using Stacks

Java code to check the balance of parenthesis without using stacks.

Conclusion In programming interviews, checking the balance of parentheses is a common task. Stacks have traditionally been used to solve this problem, but there are other approaches available. This article presented two methods: one that used stacks and one that did not. Pushing opening parentheses onto the stack and popping matching opening parentheses for closing parentheses is the stack-based approach. If there is a mismatch or the stack is empty, the parentheses are unbalanced. To keep track of opening and closing parentheses, the stack-less approach employs a counter variable. The balance of parentheses is determined by incrementing and decrementing the counter. A negative or non-zero count indicates that the parentheses are unbalanced. For both approaches, pseudo code and Java code examples were provided. The stack-based code made use of the 'Stack' class from 'java.util,' whereas the stack-less code relied on arrays. Both methods work well for checking the balance of parentheses, allowing you to determine whether or not an expression has balanced parentheses. Choose the approach that suits your requirements and coding style.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. How do you balance paranthesis? Given a parenthesized string s that only contains the letters '(' and ')'. A parentheses string is balanced if each left parenthesis '(' has two consecutive right parenthesis '))'. The left parenthesis '(' must come before the two consecutive right parenthesis '))'.

Q2. What is an example of a balanced parentheses? ( 2+5 ) * 4

Q3. What are function balanced parentheses? Valid brackets (balanced brackets) are a notation used in computer science to simplify expressions typed in an operator-precedence parser by allowing the programmer to explicitly identify a particular expression's operator precedence and associativity.

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*Except Fisheye and Crucible

When logging in using an LDAP user account, the following error occurs:

The following appears in the atlassian-fisheye-YYYY-MM-DD.log :

User Object Filter requires that the value be enclosed in parentheses.  By default this is not an issue as the default values already include parentheses.

  • Versions of Fisheye prior to 4.0 allowed the  User Object Filter to be specified without parentheses.

Add parentheses to the value of User Object Filter.

unbalanced parenthesis

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Why do I get the error message 'Unbalanced or unexpected parenthesis or bracket' ?

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  • ParenthesisExpected.m

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  1. Unbalanced Parenthesis correction

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  2. [Solved] Unbalanced parenthesis python

    unbalanced parenthesis

  3. Resolving unbalanced parenthesis

    unbalanced parenthesis

  4. Resolving unbalanced parenthesis

    unbalanced parenthesis

  5. General Use of Parentheses in Academic Writing

    unbalanced parenthesis

  6. Checking parentheses balance using Stack!

    unbalanced parenthesis


  1. Th e parenthesis are my version 😔✌🏻

  2. 22. Generate Parenthesis

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  4. Parenthesis and Square root is kick the ball on the Gave

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  1. python regex error: unbalanced parenthesis

    You need to escape the key using re.escape():. somedata = re.sub(re.escape(key), 'newvalue', somedata) otherwise the contents will be interpreted as a regular expression. You are not using regular expressions at all here, so you may as well just use:

  2. Regex issue

    sanity December 7, 2021, 12:35pm 2. That's because parenthesis can have special meaning inside of regex pattern. To use it or other characters that are special in regex, in their typical meaning, they need to be escaped with \. In case of ), escaped version would be \). J.Rambo December 7, 2021, 12:44pm 3. It worked.

  3. Check for Balanced Brackets in an expression (well-formedness)

    The idea is to put all the opening brackets in the stack. Whenever you hit a closing bracket, search if the top of the stack is the opening bracket of the same nature. If this holds then pop the stack and continue the iteration. In the end if the stack is empty, it means all brackets are balanced or well-formed. Otherwise, they are not balanced.

  4. c

    4. Below source code is my solution of the K&R exercise 1-24. Exercise 1-24. Write a program to check a C program for rudimentary syntax errors like unbalanced parentheses, brackets and braces. Don't forget about quotes, both single and double, escape sequences, and comments. (This program is hard if you do it in full generality.)

  5. 4.6. Simple Balanced Parentheses

    The ability to differentiate between parentheses that are correctly balanced and those that are unbalanced is an important part of recognizing many programming language structures. ... If a symbol is an opening parenthesis, push it on the stack as a signal that a corresponding closing symbol needs to appear later. If, on the other hand, a ...

  6. Balanced Parentheses in Java (with code)

    Code Blocks and Control Flow: Parentheses are used to define code blocks within conditional statements and loops. A well-balanced structure ensures that the appropriate code is executed based on the condition's outcome. Incorrectly balanced parentheses can lead to logical errors or unintended program behavior.

  7. Check for Valid Balanced Parentheses in Python (with code)

    Parentheses are said to be balanced if each left parenthesis has its respective right parenthesis to match its pair in a well-nested format. In computer science, valid parentheses are a notation used to simplify expressions written in an operator-precedence parser by allowing the programmer to explicitly mark the operator precedence and ...

  8. Checking for Balanced Parentheses in Python

    Incorrect Results: If your code runs despite the unbalanced parentheses, it may produce incorrect results. This is a nightmare for anyone relying on accurate computations. Debugging Challenges: Locating the source of the problem can be time-consuming and challenging, especially in large codebases.

  9. 正则表达式-re.error: unbalanced parenthesis at position 7

    文章浏览阅读1w次,点赞9次,收藏7次。. 无法处理小括号,在模式中需要转义。. #模式中出现小括号需要转义,否则解释器会当做分组处理pattern = '.*, (.*)\)'_re.error: unbalanced parenthesis at position 7.

  10. Unbalanced Parenthesis in a for loop in batch

    but to notice there was a problem I did echo set /a ..... and the output had lines like set /a results=1600 + 14199 (1900 - 1600 + 1 so I could see it looked like maybe the ) was getting eaten up and taken to be a closing parenthesis of the for loop. So I thought to escape them.

  11. Check for balanced parentheses in Python

    Approach #1: Using stack One approach to check balanced parentheses is to use stack. Each time, when an open parentheses is encountered push it in the stack, and when closed parenthesis is encountered, match it with the top of stack and pop it. If stack is empty at the end, return Balanced otherwise, Unbalanced. Time Complexity: O (n), The time ...

  12. Unbalanced Parenthesis

    -this is an order management script to do sorta a martingale into my orders and close when enough profit is reach. Check this ( seem now to be working i'm gonna shoot it to a metatrader see if there are anything that goes wrong

  13. algorithms

    $\begingroup$ Finding unbalanced opening parentheses is incorrect. I.e. if your arr is "())", p is 2 and p+1 falls outside of the arr boundary. Just an idea - to find unbalanced opening parentheses you could reverse arr and use part of algorithm to find unbalanced closing parentheses (of course, with reversely adapted indexes). $\endgroup$

  14. Check the Balance of Parenthesis in Java

    Pushing opening parentheses onto the stack and popping matching opening parentheses for closing parentheses is the stack-based approach. If there is a mismatch or the stack is empty, the parentheses are unbalanced. To keep track of opening and closing parentheses, the stack-less approach employs a counter variable.

  15. LDAP Error "Unbalanced parenthesis"

    Caused by: org.springframework.ldap.InvalidSearchFilterException: Unbalanced parenthesis; nested exception is Unbalanced parenthesis; remaining name... Cause. User Object Filter requires that the value be enclosed in parentheses. By default this is not an issue as the default values already ...

  16. Why do I get the error message 'Unbalanced or unexpected parenthesis or

    Count the number of left parentheses and right parentheses on the line of code. Verify that the quantity of the two types of parentheses are equal. Add in an appropriate number of right parentheses or remove extraneous left parentheses.

  17. regex

    I was originally missing a parentheses on line 15 column 1 # extension word part at the beginning which I needed for the numbers regex to work and to balance the parenthesis. - neoraiden Apr 30, 2019 at 23:05

  18. Balanced Parentheses in Java

    Balanced Parentheses in Java with java tutorial, features, history, variables, programs, operators, oops concept, array, string, map, math, methods, examples etc. ... It is an unbalanced input string because the pair of round brackets, "()", encloses a single unbalanced closing square bracket, "]", and the pair of square brackets ...

  19. Unbalanced Parenthesis Error with re.Compile

    1 Answer. Your expression is almost unreadable, and most of the \ backslashes are actually meaningless. Those that do have meaning though are the \ [, \ ( and \) combinations, most of which look like they should not be there at all. For example. the part \ [^\<] is broken, as the escaped \ [ makes the ] bracket unbalanced.