Exercises and Materials for Teaching Math

Gina Wilson All Things Algebra Answer Key | Gina Wilson All things Algebra 2015

In the realm of mathematics education, finding reliable resources that support effective learning can be a challenging task. However, Gina Wilson All Things Algebra is a comprehensive platform that provides educators and students with valuable tools to enhance their mathematical knowledge. One of the key features of this platform is the availability of the answer key, which serves as a vital resource for learners seeking to validate their solutions and progress in their mathematical journey. In this article, we will delve into the benefits of Gina Wilson All Things Algebra and explore how the answer key can be accessed and utilized effectively.

Expansions factorisations

 Expansions factorisations

Expansions factorisations printable math worksheet

Print here >

Linear equations

 Linear equations

Linear equations printable math worksheet


Logs printable math worksheet

Order of operations

 Order of operations

Order of operations printable math worksheet

Quadratic formular

 Quadratic formular

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Remainder theorem

 Remainder theorem

Remainder theorem printable math worksheet

Simultaneous equations

 Simultaneous equations

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Subject of formula

 Subject of formula

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Financial arithmetic

 Financial arithmetic

Financial arithmetic printable math worksheet

Converting decimals to fractions

 Converting decimals to fractions

Converting decimals to fractions printable math worksheet

Converting fractions to decimals

 Converting fractions to decimals

Converting fractions to decimals printable math worksheet

Converting fractions to percents

 Converting fractions to percents

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Converting percentage to decimals

 Converting percentage to decimals

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Decimal addition

 Decimal addition

Decimal addition printable math worksheet

Decimal division

 Decimal division

Decimal division printable math worksheet

Decimals multiplication

 Decimals multiplication

Decimals multiplication printable math worksheet

Decimals subtraction

 Decimals subtraction

Decimals subtraction printable math worksheet

Pre algebra adition decimals

 Pre algebra adition decimals

Pre algebra adition decimals printable math worksheet

Pre algebra adition decimals 3

 Pre algebra adition decimals 3

Pre algebra adition decimals 3 printable math worksheet

Pre algebra adition decimals2

 Pre algebra adition decimals2

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Adding fractions

 Adding fractions

Adding fractions printable math worksheet

 Converting fractions to percents

Equivalent fractions

 Equivalent fractions

Equivalent fractions printable math worksheet

Fractions addition

 Fractions addition

Fractions addition printable math worksheet

Fractions multiplication

 Fractions multiplication

Fractions multiplication printable math worksheet

Fractions simplification

 Fractions simplification

Fractions simplification printable math worksheet

Fractions subtraction

 Fractions subtraction

Fractions subtraction printable math worksheet

Impropper fraction comparisons

 Impropper fraction comparisons

Impropper fraction comparisons printable math worksheet

Circumference area

 Circumference area

Circumference area printable math worksheet

Complementary supplementary angles

 Complementary supplementary angles

Complementary supplementary angles printable math worksheet

L shapes perimeter area

 L shapes perimeter area

L shapes perimeter area printable math worksheet

Perimeter area of squares

 Perimeter area of squares

Perimeter area of squares printable math worksheet

Surface area of complex figures

 Surface area of complex figures

Surface area of complex figures printable math worksheet

Triangle perimeter area

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Triangle perimeter area printable math worksheet

Volume of cylinder

 Volume of cylinder

Volume of cylinder printable math worksheet

Linear inequalities

 Linear inequalities

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Absolute values

 Absolute values

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Add divide multiply intergers

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Adding integers

 Adding integers

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Comparisons printable math worksheet

Integer equations

 Integer equations

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Ordering intergers

 Ordering intergers

Ordering intergers printable math worksheet

Cm mm scale

 Cm mm scale

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Metric system converting scales

 Metric system converting scales

Metric system converting scales printable math worksheet

Us metric system

 Us metric system

Us metric system printable math worksheet

Decimal number patterns

 Decimal number patterns

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Mixed decimal number patterns

 Mixed decimal number patterns

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Mixed decimal number patterns2

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Mixed patterns

 Mixed patterns

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Number patterns

 Number patterns

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Number patterns higher

 Number patterns higher

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Greatest common factor

 Greatest common factor

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 Greatest common factor

Least common multiple

 Least common multiple

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Number system

 Number system

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Percents of numbers

 Percents of numbers

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Ratio percent decimals fractions convertions

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Ratios printable math worksheet


Powers printable math worksheet

Powers exponents

 Powers exponents

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Scientific notation 2

 Scientific notation 2

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Scientific notation 3

 Scientific notation 3

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Scientific notation 1

 Scientific notation 1

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Square roots

 Square roots

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Number problems

 Number problems

Number problems printable math worksheet

Pre algebra adition

 Pre algebra adition

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Pre algebra division decimals

 Pre algebra division decimals

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Pre algebra multiplication addition

 Pre algebra multiplication addition

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Pre algebra subtraction 1

 Pre algebra subtraction 1

Pre algebra subtraction 1 printable math worksheet



Probability printable math worksheet


Sets printable math worksheet

Triangle sides pythagorean theoream 6

 Triangle sides pythagorean theoream 6

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Triangle sides pythagorean theorem 1

 Triangle sides pythagorean theorem 1

Triangle sides pythagorean theorem 1 printable math worksheet

Triangle sides pythagorean theorem 2

 Triangle sides pythagorean theorem 2

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Triangle sides pythagorean theorem 3

 Triangle sides pythagorean theorem 3

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Triangle sides pythagorean theorem 4

 Triangle sides pythagorean theorem 4

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Triangle sides pythagorean theorem 5

 Triangle sides pythagorean theorem 5

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Triangle sides pythagorean theorem 7

 Triangle sides pythagorean theorem 7

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Percents and ratios

 Percents and ratios

Percents and ratios printable math worksheet

Coordinate geometry

 Coordinate geometry

Coordinate geometry printable math worksheet

Coordinates 1

 Coordinates 1

Coordinates 1 printable math worksheet

Coordinates 2

 Coordinates 2

Coordinates 2 printable math worksheet

Coordinates 3

 Coordinates 3

Coordinates 3 printable math worksheet

Data on graph

 Data on graph

Data on graph printable math worksheet

Graphing linear equations

 Graphing linear equations

Graphing linear equations printable math worksheet

Graphs locate in x y

 Graphs locate in x y

Graphs locate in x y printable math worksheet

Ploting graphs

 Ploting graphs

Ploting graphs printable math worksheet

Table of data 1

 Table of data 1

Table of data 1 printable math worksheet

Table of data 2

 Table of data 2

Table of data 2 printable math worksheet

Table of data 3

 Table of data 3

Table of data 3 printable math worksheet

What is Gina Wilson All Things Algebra?

Gina Wilson All Things Algebra is an educational platform developed by Gina Wilson, an experienced mathematics educator. It offers a wide range of resources, including curriculum materials, lesson plans, activities, and assessments, designed to promote a deeper understanding of algebraic concepts. The platform caters to both teachers and students, providing them with the necessary tools to excel in algebraic reasoning and problem-solving.

Benefits of Using Gina Wilson All Things Algebra

  • Comprehensive Content: Gina Wilson All Things Algebra covers a vast array of algebraic topics, ensuring that learners have access to a rich collection of materials that encompass various levels of difficulty.
  • Clear Explanations: The resources provided by Gina Wilson are known for their clarity and concise explanations. Students can easily grasp complex concepts and apply them to solve mathematical problems.
  • Engaging Activities: The platform incorporates interactive activities that foster student engagement and promote active learning. These activities make the learning process enjoyable and encourage students to develop a deeper interest in algebra.
  • Differentiated Instruction: Gina Wilson All Things Algebra offers materials that cater to learners with different abilities. This ensures that each student can progress at their own pace and receive the appropriate level of support.
  • Aligned with Standards: The resources provided by Gina Wilson are aligned with common core standards and state-specific curriculum frameworks, making them a reliable choice for educators seeking to meet educational requirements.

How to Access the Answer Key

To access the answer key on Gina Wilson All Things Algebra, users need to have an account on the platform. Once logged in, they can navigate to the desired resource or worksheet and locate the answer key section. The answer key provides step-by-step solutions to the exercises, allowing students to verify their work and gain a better understanding of the mathematical concepts involved.

Exploring the Answer Key Features

The answer key on Gina Wilson All Things Algebra offers various features that enhance the learning experience. Some notable features include:

  • Detailed Solutions: The answer key provides comprehensive and detailed solutions to the exercises, enabling students to identify any errors and learn from them.
  • Multiple Approaches: In many cases, the answer key offers alternative approaches to solving problems, encouraging students to think critically and explore different problem-solving strategies.
  • Common Mistakes: The answer key highlights common mistakes made by students, helping them identify potential pitfalls and misconceptions.
  • Additional Notes: Alongside the solutions, the answer key may include additional notes or explanations to clarify key concepts and provide extra guidance.

How to Make the Most of Gina Wilson All Things Algebra

To maximize the benefits of Gina Wilson All Things Algebra, here are some tips to consider:

  • Regular Practice: Consistent practice using the resources available on the platform will reinforce mathematical skills and boost confidence.
  • Collaborative Learning: Encourage students to work in groups or pairs, discussing and solving problems together. This fosters collaborative learning and the exchange of ideas.
  • Utilize Feedback: When using the answer key, pay attention to the feedback provided. Understand the mistakes made and use them as learning opportunities to improve problem-solving skills.
  • Seek Clarification: If any concepts or solutions remain unclear, reach out to teachers or fellow students for clarification. Effective communication is key to resolving doubts and gaining a deeper understanding of algebra.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • The cost varies depending on the subscription plan chosen. It is best to visit the official website for detailed pricing information.
  • Absolutely! The platform caters to both classroom use and self-study, providing learners with the flexibility to learn at their own pace.
  • Yes, most resources on the platform have accompanying answer keys to facilitate self-assessment and understanding.
  • Yes, the platform is accessible on various devices, including smartphones and tablets, ensuring convenience and flexibility.
  • Yes, Gina Wilson All Things Algebra provides technical support to address any issues or concerns users may encounter. Reach out to their support team for prompt assistance.

Gina Wilson All Things Algebra is a valuable resource that empowers both educators and learners in the realm of algebra. The answer key, with its comprehensive solutions and additional features, serves as a powerful tool to validate understanding and promote mathematical growth. By utilizing the platform effectively, students can enhance their problem-solving skills, deepen their conceptual knowledge, and unlock the path to mathematical success.

The Birth of All Things Algebra 2015

All Things Algebra 2015 was born out of Gina Wilson's desire to provide teachers with a comprehensive and easy-to-use curriculum that would help them engage their students and promote deep understanding of mathematical concepts. Recognizing the need for high-quality resources, Gina Wilson set out to create a platform that would serve as a one-stop-shop for educators seeking effective teaching materials.

Key Features of All Things Algebra 2015

1. comprehensive curriculum.

All Things Algebra 2015 offers a comprehensive curriculum that covers a wide range of topics in mathematics. From basic algebra to advanced calculus, Gina Wilson's resources cater to various grade levels and learning objectives. The curriculum is carefully designed to ensure a logical progression of concepts, allowing students to build a solid foundation in mathematics.

2. Engaging Activities and Worksheets

One of the standout features of All Things Algebra 2015 is its collection of engaging activities and worksheets. Gina Wilson understands the importance of hands-on learning and provides educators with a wealth of interactive resources that make math come alive in the classroom. These activities and worksheets not only reinforce concepts but also promote critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

3. Differentiated Instruction

Recognizing that students have different learning styles and abilities, Gina Wilson has integrated differentiated instruction into All Things Algebra 2015. Teachers can easily adapt the resources to meet the diverse needs of their students, ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to succeed. Whether it's through tiered assignments or alternative assessments, Gina Wilson's approach to differentiation empowers teachers to create inclusive learning environments.

4. Online Support and Community

All Things Algebra 2015 goes beyond just providing resources. Gina Wilson has fostered a strong online community where educators can connect, collaborate, and seek support. Through forums, discussion boards, and social media groups, teachers can share ideas, ask questions, and gain valuable insights from their peers. This sense of community enhances the overall teaching experience and encourages professional growth.

5. Continuous Updates and Improvements

To stay at the forefront of mathematics education, Gina Wilson continuously updates and improves All Things Algebra 2015. She actively seeks feedback from teachers and students, incorporating their suggestions into future releases. This commitment to ongoing development ensures that the resources remain relevant, aligned with current standards, and reflect the evolving needs of educators.

Success Stories and Testimonials

All Things Algebra 2015 has garnered praise from educators and students worldwide. Teachers have reported increased student engagement, improved test scores, and a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts. Students have expressed appreciation for the clarity of the resources and the opportunity to learn at their own pace. These success stories and testimonials serve as a testament to the impact of Gina Wilson's work.

In conclusion, Gina Wilson and her creation, All Things Algebra 2015, have revolutionized mathematics education. Through a comprehensive curriculum, engaging activities, differentiated instruction, online support, and continuous updates, Gina Wilson has provided teachers with the tools they need to inspire and empower their students. The impact of All Things Algebra 2015 extends beyond the classroom, shaping the way mathematics is taught and learned.

1. Can All Things Algebra 2015 be used in homeschooling?

Absolutely! All Things Algebra 2015 is a versatile resource that can be used in various educational settings, including homeschooling. Its comprehensive curriculum and engaging activities make it an ideal choice for homeschooling parents.

2. Are the resources in All Things Algebra 2015 aligned with curriculum standards?

Yes, all resources in All Things Algebra 2015 are meticulously aligned with curriculum standards. Gina Wilson ensures that the content remains up-to-date and meets the requirements of various educational frameworks.

3. Is there a free trial available for All Things Algebra 2015?

Unfortunately, there is no free trial available for All Things Algebra 2015. However, you can access a wide range of sample resources on the website to get a sense of the quality and effectiveness of the materials.

4. Can I customize the resources in All Things Algebra 2015 to suit my students' needs?

Yes, you can easily customize the resources in All Things Algebra 2015 to meet the specific needs of your students. The differentiated instruction approach allows for flexibility and adaptation.

5. How often are new resources added to All Things Algebra 2015?

Gina Wilson is dedicated to continuous improvement and regularly adds new resources to All Things Algebra 2015. Updates are released periodically to enhance the curriculum and address emerging educational trends.

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Expressions and Properties (Math 6 Curriculum – Unit 4) | All Things Algebra®

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Also included in.

unit 4 homework 6 answer key


This Expressions and Properties Unit Bundle includes guided notes, homework assignments, two quizzes, a study guide, and a unit test that cover the following topics:

• Evaluating Expressions

• Translating Expressions

• Writing Expressions from Real World Scenarios

• Parts of an Expression

• Simplifying Expressions by Combining Like Terms

• Simplifying Expressions using the Distributive Property

• Simplifying Expressions Completely (Distribute and Combine)

• Factoring Expressions (Numerical and Algebraic) using a GCF

• Equivalent Expressions

• Properties (Commutative, Associative, Distributive, Identity, Inverse, Property of Zero)

NOTE: There are two versions of this unit included. Version 1 contains positive integers only; Version 2 contains positive and negative integers. This is to accommodate those who do and do not teach operations with negative integers in sixth grade. Choose the version that best fits the needs of your students.


(1) Links to Instructional Videos: Links to videos of each lesson in the unit are included. Videos were created by fellow teachers for their students using the guided notes and shared in March 2020 when schools closed with no notice.  Please watch through first before sharing with your students. Many teachers still use these in emergency substitute situations. (2) Editable Assessments: Editable versions of each quiz and the unit test are included. PowerPoint is required to edit these files. Individual problems can be changed to create multiple versions of the assessment. The layout of the assessment itself is not editable. If your Equation Editor is incompatible with mine (I use MathType), simply delete my equation and insert your own.

(3) Google Slides Version of the PDF: The second page of the Video links document contains a link to a Google Slides version of the PDF. Each page is set to the background in Google Slides. There are no text boxes;  this is the PDF in Google Slides.  I am unable to do text boxes at this time but hope this saves you a step if you wish to use it in Slides instead! 

This resource is included in the following bundle(s):

Math 6 Curriculum

More Math 6 Units:

Unit 1 – Whole Numbers and Operations Unit 2 – Integer Operations

Unit 3 – Rational Numbers Unit 5 – Equations and Inequalities Unit 6 – Proportional Relationships and Percents Unit 7 – Measurement and Geometry

Unit 8 – Data and Statistics

LICENSING TERMS: This purchase includes a license for one teacher only for personal use in their classroom. Licenses are non-transferable , meaning they can not be passed from one teacher to another. No part of this resource is to be shared with colleagues or used by an entire grade level, school, or district without purchasing the proper number of licenses. If you are a coach, principal, or district interested in transferable licenses to accommodate yearly staff changes, please contact me for a quote at [email protected].

COPYRIGHT TERMS: This resource may not be uploaded to the internet in any form, including classroom/personal websites or network drives, unless the site is password protected and can only be accessed by students.

© All Things Algebra (Gina Wilson), 2012-present

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unit 4 homework 6 answer key

6.4 Dividing Fractions

In this unit, students examine how the relative sizes of numerator and denominator affect the size of their quotient when numerator or denominator (or both) is a fraction. They acquire the understanding that dividing by \(\frac{a}{b}\) has the same outcome as multiplying by \(b\) , then by \(\frac{1}{a}\) . They compute quotients of fractions. They solve problems involving lengths and areas of figures with fractional side lengths and extend the formula for the volume of a right rectangular prism to prisms with fractional edge lengths and use it to solve problems. They use tape diagrams, equations, and expressions to represent situations involving partitive or quotitive interpretations of division with fractions. Given a multiplication or division equation or expression with fractions, they describe a situation that it could represent. They use tape diagrams and equations in reasoning about situations that involve multiplication and division of fractions.

Making Sense of Division

  • 1 Size of Divisor and Size of Quotient
  • 2 Meanings of Division
  • 3 Interpreting Division Situations

Meanings of Fraction Division

  • 4 How Many Groups? (Part 1)
  • 5 How Many Groups? (Part 2)
  • 6 Using Diagrams to Find the Number of Groups
  • 7 What Fraction of a Group?
  • 8 How Much in Each Group? (Part 1)
  • 9 How Much in Each Group? (Part 2)

Algorithm for Fraction Division

  • 10 Dividing by Unit and Non-Unit Fractions
  • 11 Using an Algorithm to Divide Fractions

Fractions in Lengths, Areas, and Volumes

  • 12 Fractional Lengths
  • 13 Rectangles with Fractional Side Lengths
  • 14 Fractional Lengths in Triangles and Prisms
  • 15 Volume of Prisms

Let's Put It to Work

  • 16 Solving Problems Involving Fractions
  • 17 Fitting Boxes into Boxes
  • Kindergarten
  • Greater Than Less Than
  • Measurement
  • Multiplication
  • Place Value
  • Subtraction
  • Punctuation
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  • 2nd Grade Reading
  • 3rd Grade Reading
  • Cursive Writing
  • Alphabet Coloring
  • Animals Coloring
  • Birthday Coloring
  • Boys Coloring
  • Buildings Coloring
  • Cartoons Coloring
  • Christmas Coloring
  • Country Flag Coloring
  • Country Map Coloring
  • Disney Coloring
  • Fantasy Coloring
  • Food Coloring
  • Girls Coloring
  • Holidays Coloring
  • Music Coloring
  • Nature Coloring
  • New Year Coloring
  • People Coloring
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  • Toys Coloring
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  • Valentine Day Coloring

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Thank you for taking the time to submit your feedback! We value our users’ loyalty greatly and our team is always dedicated to improving the quality of your experience.
This app is horrible. I expected to be accurate it wasn’t. For starters, I downloaded this app so it could help me with my math. I wanted to be sure is was accurate so I took a picture of a old math problem and see if it would work. I looked at the answer key with the answer. For example, let’s say the answer from this app was 26. The answer key said it was 78. It was confusing so it has a respond feature and I typed this is not accurate. Then it gave me a complete different answer and the new answer was 12! I was puzzled. So I solved the question on my own and the answer key was correct. I took a another photo and the same answer, 12. I searched up on google the problem and it was 78. I paid $6.99 for this trash.
We apologize for any issues you've encountered while using our app. Our team is currently working on enhancing the app, so please keep an eye out for the upcoming update.

My honest opinion

It’s a good app, but most of the time you have to re-take a photo, or the answer is wrong. 40% of the time the app doesn’t want to work, or closes on me when I’m using it. It’s a good app for easy, quick, answers.. but not so much big ones. I do like that it works for questions with pictures.. and it has a specific mode for math questions. Would I recommend you download it.. yes. It is a good app, maybe just needs a couple of updates/bug fixes.

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Math Expressions Answer Key

Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 6 Lesson 4 Answer Key Mixed Numbers and Fractions Greater Than 1

Solve the questions in Math Expressions Grade 4 Homework and Remembering Answer Key Unit 6 Lesson 4 Answer Key Mixed Numbers and Fractions Greater Than 1 to attempt the exam with higher confidence. https://mathexpressionsanswerkey.com/math-expressions-grade-4-unit-6-lesson-4-answer-key/

Math Expressions Common Core Grade 4 Unit 6 Lesson 4 Answer Key Mixed Numbers and Fractions Greater Than 1

Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 6 Lesson 4 Homework

Write the equivalent fraction.

Unit 6 Lesson 4 Mixed Numbers And Fractions Greater Than 1 Question 1. 6\(\frac{2}{5}\) = _____________ Answer: 6\(\frac{2}{5}\) = \(\frac{30}{5}\) + \(\frac{2}{5}\) = \(\frac{32}{5}\)

Mixed Numbers And Fractions Greater Than 1 Unit 6 Lesson 4 Question 2. 2\(\frac{3}{8}\) = _____________ Answer: 2\(\frac{3}{8}\) = \(\frac{16}{8}\) + \(\frac{3}{8}\) = \(\frac{19}{8}\)

Mixed Numbers And Fractions Greater Than 1 Grade 4 Math Expressions Question 3. 4\(\frac{6}{7}\) = _____________ Answer: 4\(\frac{6}{7}\) = \(\frac{28}{7}\)  + \(\frac{6}{7}\) = \(\frac{34}{7}\)

Unit 6 Lesson 4 Math Expressions Answer Key Question 4. 8\(\frac{1}{3}\) = _____________ Answer: 8\(\frac{1}{3}\) = \(\frac{24}{3}\)  + \(\frac{1}{3}\) = \(\frac{25}{3}\)

Unit 6 Lesson 4 Math Expressions Answer Key Question 5. 3\(\frac{7}{10}\) = ____________ Answer: 3\(\frac{7}{10}\) = \(\frac{30}{10}\) + \(\frac{7}{10}\) = \(\frac{37}{10}\)

Fraction Greater Than 1 Grade 4 Unit 6 Lesson 4 Answer Key Question 6. 5\(\frac{5}{6}\) = ______________ Answer: 5\(\frac{5}{6}\) = \(\frac{30}{6}\) + \(\frac{5}{6}\) = \(\frac{35}{6}\)

Fractions Greater Than 1 Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 6 Lesson 4 Question 7. 7\(\frac{3}{4}\) = _____________ Answer: 7\(\frac{3}{4}\) = \(\frac{28}{4}\)  + \(\frac{3}{4}\) = \(\frac{31}{4}\)

Question 8. 1\(\frac{4}{9}\) = ______________ Answer: 1\(\frac{4}{9}\) = \(\frac{9}{9}\) + \(\frac{4}{9}\) = \(\frac{13}{9}\)

Write the equivalent mixed number.

Question 9. \(\frac{50}{7}\) = ______________ Answer: \(\frac{50}{7}\) = 7\(\frac{1}{7}\)

Question 10. \(\frac{16}{10}\) = ______________ Answer: \(\frac{16}{10}\) = 1\(\frac{6}{10}\)

Question 11. \(\frac{23}{4}\) = ______________ Answer: \(\frac{23}{4}\) = 5\(\frac{3}{4}\)

Question 12. \(\frac{50}{5}\) = ______________ Answer: \(\frac{50}{5}\) = 9\(\frac{5}{5}\)

Question 13. \(\frac{21}{8}\) = ______________ Answer: \(\frac{21}{8}\) = 2\(\frac{5}{8}\)

Question 14. \(\frac{11}{3}\) = ______________ Answer: \(\frac{11}{3}\) = 3\(\frac{2}{3}\)

Question 15. \(\frac{60}{9}\) = ______________ Answer: \(\frac{60}{9}\) = 6\(\frac{6}{9}\)

Question 16. \(\frac{23}{5}\) = ______________ Answer: \(\frac{23}{5}\) = 3\(\frac{8}{5}\)

Solve. Show your work.

Question 17. Castor brought 6\(\frac{3}{4}\) small carrot cakes to share with the 26 students in his class. Did Castor bring enough for each student to have \(\frac{1}{4}\) of a cake? Explain your thinking. Answer: Yes, Castor brought enough cake for each student to have \(\frac{1}{4}\).

Explanation: Quantity of cake Castor brought = 6\(\frac{3}{4}\) Number of students to share the cake = 26. Quantity of share the cake to each student in the class = \(\frac{1}{4}\) Total quantity of cake students got = Number of students to share the cake × Quantity of share the cake to each student in the class = 26 × \(\frac{1}{4}\) = 6\(\frac{2}{4}\)

Question 18. Claire cut some apples into eighths. She and her friends ate all but 17 pieces. How many whole apples and parts of apples did she have left over? Tell how you know. Answer: Number of apples left over = 7.

Explanation: Number of apple pieces she and her friend ate = 17. Number of whole apples = 3. Total pieces of three apples = 8 × 3 = 24. Number of apples left over = Total pieces of three apples – Number of apple pieces she and her friend ate = 24 – 17 = 7.

Math Expressions Grade 4 Unit 6 Lesson 4 Remembering

Write and solve an equation to solve each problem. Draw comparison bars when needed.

Question 1. Brigitte fostered 14 dogs this year, which is 5 less than last year. How many dogs did Brigitte foster last year? Answer: Number of dogs Brigitte fostered last year = 19.

Explanation: Number of dogs Brigitte fostered this year = 14. Brigitte fostered 14 dogs this year, which is 5 less than last year. => Number of dogs Brigitte fostered last year = Number of dogs Brigitte fostered this year + 5 = 14 + 5 = 19.

Question 2. Rema has two jobs. In one year, she worked 276 hours at her first job. In the same year. she worked 3 times the number of hours at her second job. How many hours did Rema work that year at her second job? Answer: Number of hours she worked at her second job = 828.

Explanation: Number of hours she worked at her first job = 276. In the same year. she worked 3 times the number of hours at her second job. => Number of hours she worked at her second job = Number of hours she worked at her first job × 3 = 276 × 3 = 828.

Question 3. How many milliliters are equal to 21 L? Answer: 21 Liters = 21,000 milliliters.

Explanation: 1 Liter = 1000 milliliters. => 21 Liters = 1000 × 21 = 21,000 milliliters.

Question 4. How many milligrams are equal to 9 g? Answer: 9 g = 9,000 milligrams.

Explanation: 1 gram = 1000 milligrams. => 9 grams = 1000 × 9 = 9,000 milligrams.

Question 5. How many grams are equal to 400 kg?. Answer: 400 kg = 400,000 grams.

Explanation: 1 kilogram = 1000 grams. => 400 kilograms = 1000 × 400 = 400,000 grams.

Question 6. \(\frac{3}{4}\) – \(\frac{1}{4}\) = __________ Answer: \(\frac{3}{4}\) – \(\frac{1}{4}\) = \(\frac{2}{4}\)

Question 7. \(\frac{2}{9}\) + \(\frac{3}{9}\) = ___________ Answer: \(\frac{2}{9}\) + \(\frac{3}{9}\) = \(\frac{5}{9}\)

Question 8. \(\frac{7}{8}\) – \(\frac{1}{8}\) = _____________ Answer: \(\frac{7}{8}\) – \(\frac{1}{8}\) = \(\frac{6}{8}\)

Question 9. Stretch Your Thinking Harrison says that to convert a mixed number to a fraction greater than 1, he thinks of it this way: 4\(\frac{2}{5}\) = \(\frac{5}{5}\) + \(\frac{5}{5}\) + \(\frac{5}{5}\) + \(\frac{5}{5}\) + \(\frac{2}{5}\) = \(\frac{22}{5}\). Does his strategy work? Explain. Answer: His strategy works because to convert a mixed number to a fraction greater than 1, what he writes is correct.

Explanation: Equation Harrison says that to convert a mixed number to a fraction greater than 1: 4\(\frac{2}{5}\) = \(\frac{5}{5}\) + \(\frac{5}{5}\) + \(\frac{5}{5}\) + \(\frac{5}{5}\) + \(\frac{2}{5}\) = \(\frac{22}{5}\).

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