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  • What Is Total Quality Management?
  • Understanding TQM
  • Primary Principles
  • How to Implement TQM
  • Pros and Cons
  • Industries Using TQM

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What Is Total Quality Management (TQM) and Why Is It Important?

why total quality management is important essay

Yarilet Perez is an experienced multimedia journalist and fact-checker with a Master of Science in Journalism. She has worked in multiple cities covering breaking news, politics, education, and more. Her expertise is in personal finance and investing, and real estate.

why total quality management is important essay

What Is Total Quality Management (TQM)?

Total quality management (TQM) is the continual process of detecting and reducing or eliminating errors in manufacturing. It streamlines supply chain management , improves the customer experience, and ensures that employees are up to speed with training. Total quality management aims to hold all parties involved in the production process accountable for the overall quality of the final product or service.

Key Takeaways

  • Total quality management (TQM) is an ongoing process of detecting and reducing or eliminating errors.
  • Total quality management is used to streamline supply chain management, improve customer service, and ensure that employees are properly trained.
  • The focus is to improve the quality of an organization's outputs, including goods and services, through the continual improvement of internal practices. 
  • Total quality management aims to hold all parties involved in the production process accountable for the overall quality of the final product or service.
  • There are often eight guiding principles to TQM that range from focusing on customers, continually improving, and adhering to processes.

Investopedia / Katie Kerpel

Understanding Total Quality Management (TQM)

Total quality management is a structured approach to overall organizational management. The focus of the process is to improve the quality of an organization's outputs, including goods and services, through the continual improvement of internal practices. The standards set as part of the TQM approach can reflect both internal priorities and any industry standards currently in place.

Industry standards can be defined at multiple levels and may include adherence to various laws and regulations governing the operation of a particular business. Industry standards can also include the production of items to an understood norm, even if the norm is not backed by official regulations. Acceptance sampling might be used to check the progress toward the TQM goal.

Example of Total Quality Management

Perhaps the most famous example of TQM is Toyota's implementation of the  kanban  system. A kanban is a physical signal that creates a chain reaction, resulting in a specific action. Toyota used this idea to implement its just-in-time (JIT) inventory process.

The company decided to keep just enough inventory on hand to fill customer orders as they were generated to make its assembly line more efficient. All parts of Toyota's assembly line are therefore assigned a physical card that has an associated inventory number.

The card is removed and moved up the supply chain right before a part is installed in a car, effectively requesting another of the same part. This allows the company to keep its inventory lean and not overstock unnecessary assets. Effective quality management resulted in better automobiles that could be produced at an affordable price.

History of Total Quality Management

TQM's history often dates back to the early 1900s when Walter A. Shewhart introduced modern quality control. Shewhart produced a landmark piece of industrial work entitled Economic Control of Quality of Manufactured Product in 1931. This exposition is considered one of the founding and basic principles of manufacturing quality control.

Further developments in Shewhart's work introduced new standards in quality management decades later. Joseph M. Juran published a book called What Is Total Quality Control? The Japanese Way . in 1954. The work was based on Juran's experience of being invited to Japan by Japanese scientists and engineers. Juran later co-authored Quality Planning and Analysis , another bestseller in TQM.

Another prominent figure in TQM history is W. Edwards Deming. Also posted in Japan after the Second World War, Deming became involved with the Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers (JUSE). His career work included several TQM frameworks (Deming's 14 Points, Deming's Seven Deadly Diseases of Management, and The Deming Wheel).

The exact origin of the phrase total quality management is not known, but several parties mentioned above are credited for helping develop the general concept.

Primary Principles of Total Quality Management

TQM is considered a customer-focused process that focuses on consistently improving business operations management . It strives to ensure that all associated employees work toward the common goals of improving product or service quality, as well as improving the procedures that are in place for production. There are several guiding principles that define TQM.

Focus on Customers

Under TQM, your customers define whether your products are high quality. Customer input is highly valued because it allows a company to better understand the needs and requirements in the manufacturing process. Customer surveys may reveal insufficient durability of goods. This input is then fed back into TQM systems to implement better raw material sourcing, manufacturing processes, and quality control procedures.

Commitment by Employees

Employees must buy into the processes and system if TQM is going to be successful. This includes clearly communicating across departments and leaders what goals, expectations, needs, and constraints are in place. A company adopting TQM principles must be willing to train employees and give them sufficient resources to complete tasks successfully and on time. TQM also strives to reduce attrition and maintain knowledgeable workers.

Improve Continuously

A company should gradually evolve and strive for incremental, small improvements as it learns more about its customers, processes, and competition. This concept of continuous improvement helps a company adapt to changing market expectations. It allows for greater adaptability to different products, markets, customers, or regions. Continuous improvement also drives and widens the competitive advantage that a company has built over related companies.

Adherence to Processes

TQM's systematic approach relies heavily on process flowcharts, TQM diagrams, visual action plans, and documented workflows . Every member engaged in the process must be aware and educated on their part of the process to ensure proper steps are taken at the right time of production. These processes are then continually analyzed to better understand deficiencies in the process.

Strategic and Systematic Approach

A company's processes and procedures should be a direct reflection of the organization's vision, mission , and long-term plan. TQM calls for a system approach to decision making that requires that a company dedicate itself to integrating quality as its core component and making the appropriate financial investments to make that happen.

Data Utilization

The systematic approach of TQM only works if feedback and input is given to evaluate how the process flow is moving. Management must continually rely on production, turnover, efficiency, and employee metrics to correlate the anticipated outcomes with the actual results. TQM relies heavily on documentation and planning, and only by utilizing and analyzing data can management understand if those plans are being met.

Integrate Systems

One way to utilize data is to integrate systems. TQM strategies believe systems should talk to each other, conveying useful information across departments and making smart decisions. When goods or inventory are used in one area, another department should have immediate access to that ERP information. TQM strives to allow everyone to be on the same page at the same time by linking data sources and sharing information across systems.


Data may transfer between departments freely, but there is a human element to coordinating processes and making sure an entire production line is operating efficiently. Effective communication plays a large part in TQM to motivate employees, educate members along a process, and avoid process errors whether it is normal day-to-day operations or large organizational changes.

Successful TQM requires a company-wide buy-in of every principle. The benefits of TQM quickly diminish if a company does not receive complete buy-in.

How to Implement Total Quality Management

TQM is a unique process. There is not a specific formula for implementing a system that suits every business and each type of industry. But you can create a checklist of issues that might suit your enterprise and proceed with them in chronological order. Some may suit your business while others will not. Select those that you think will provide an advantage.

  • Identify your company’s existing culture, its core values, and its systems.
  • Use this information to create a system that will serve as your master plan.
  • Establish what your customers and clients want and what they expect from your business. Determine how to best meet these expectations and needs.
  • Create a team of management and employees to guide and implement your goals and include these efforts in your daily business management process.
  • Consistently gather feedback from both employees and customers to gauge your progress.

TQM is not a speedy process. Expect to dedicate an extended period of time to your efforts.

Advantages and Disadvantages of TQM

TQM results in a company making a product for less when it's implemented correctly. Companies that engage in TQM provide more consistent products that yield stronger customer loyalty when they emphasize quality and minimize waste.

As TQM touches every department across an organization, a company may reap substantial savings from materials sourcing, production, distribution, or back-office functions. Companies that successfully implement TQM can usually react more quickly to change and proactively plan ahead to avoid obsolescence.

A company must fully engage TQM principles to fully reap the benefits of TQM. This requires substantial buy-in from every department across an organization. This level of commitment is very difficult to achieve, requires substantial financial investment, and necessitates all levels of management to engage in TQM.

The conversion to TQM may be lengthy, and workers may feel resistant to change. A company may be required to replace processes, employees, equipment, or materials in favor of an untested, partially developed TQM plan. More skilled workers may decide to leave the company if they feel TQM processes don't appropriately utilize their skill sets.

Total Quality Management

Delivers stronger, higher quality products to customers

Results in lower company-wide costs

Minimizes waste throughout the entire production and sale process

Enables a company to become more adaptable

May require substantial financial investment to convert to TQM practices

Often requires conversion to TQM practices over a long period of time

May be met with resistance to change

Requires company-wide buy-in to be successful

Industries Using Total Quality Management

TQM originated in the manufacturing sector, but its principles can be applied to a variety of industries. It provides a cohesive vision for systemic change with a focus on long-term change rather than short-term goals. TQM is used in many industries with this in mind, including but not limited to manufacturing, banking and finance, and medicine.

These techniques can be applied to all departments within an individual organization. This helps ensure that all employees are working toward the goals set forth for the company and improving function in each area. Involved departments can include administration, marketing, production, and employee training.

What Does Total Quality Management Do?

TQM oversees all activities and tasks that are necessary to maintain a desired level of excellence within a business and its operations. This includes the determination of a quality policy, creating and implementing quality planning and assurance, and quality control and quality improvement measures.

What Are the Principles of TQM?

Various iterations of TQM have been developed, each with its own set of principles. Certain core elements persist nonetheless. These include good leadership, emphasis on quality, customer priority, error correction and improvement as an ongoing process, and job training.

What Is a TQM Diagram?

A TQM diagram is a visual depiction of the business and process layout. The diagram usually shows different processes or steps, allowing management to see a process, analyze weaknesses or risks in the flow, and strategically adjust how things are done.

Total quality management is the strategic framework that encourages everyone in an organization to focus on quality improvement. The theory holds that customer satisfaction will increase by being operationally excellent. Many principles drive TQM, but the overall purpose is to eliminate errors, streamline processes, and maximize efficiency.

Toyota. " Section 4. Plant Construction and Expansion Item 4. Development and Deployment of the Toyota Production System ."

American Society for Quality. " Walter A. Shewhart ."

American Society for Quality. " Joseph M. Juran ."

British Library. " W Edwards Deming ."

why total quality management is important essay

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118 Total Quality Management Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Inside This Article

Total Quality Management (TQM) is a management approach that focuses on continuous improvement and customer satisfaction. It involves all employees in the organization working together to improve processes, products, and services. TQM has become increasingly important in today's competitive business environment, as companies strive to deliver high-quality products and services to meet customer needs.

If you are studying TQM or are interested in learning more about it, you may be tasked with writing an essay on a TQM-related topic. To help you get started, here are 118 total quality management essay topic ideas and examples that you can use as inspiration:

  • The impact of TQM on organizational performance
  • Implementing TQM in a small business
  • TQM tools and techniques: a case study
  • The role of leadership in TQM implementation
  • TQM and employee empowerment
  • TQM in the healthcare industry
  • TQM in the manufacturing sector
  • The benefits of TQM for customer satisfaction
  • TQM and supply chain management
  • TQM and continuous improvement
  • TQM and Six Sigma: a comparison
  • TQM and ISO certification
  • TQM and total productive maintenance (TPM)
  • TQM and lean manufacturing
  • TQM and innovation
  • TQM and quality control
  • TQM and customer feedback
  • TQM and team building
  • TQM and performance measurement
  • TQM and organizational culture
  • TQM and customer loyalty
  • TQM and employee motivation
  • TQM and process improvement
  • TQM and cost reduction
  • TQM and risk management
  • TQM and project management
  • TQM and change management
  • TQM and benchmarking
  • TQM and quality assurance
  • TQM and strategic planning
  • TQM and customer relationship management
  • TQM and business process reengineering
  • TQM and organizational learning
  • TQM and knowledge management
  • TQM and performance appraisal
  • TQM and employee training
  • TQM and organizational structure
  • TQM and technology adoption
  • TQM and sustainability
  • TQM and corporate social responsibility
  • TQM and risk assessment
  • TQM and customer service
  • TQM and Six Sigma: a case study
  • TQM and innovation: a case study
  • TQM and supply chain management: a case study
  • TQM and lean manufacturing: a case study
  • TQM and customer feedback: a case study
  • TQM and team building: a case study
  • TQM and performance measurement: a case study
  • TQM and organizational culture: a case study
  • TQM and customer loyalty: a case study
  • TQM and employee motivation: a case study
  • TQM and process improvement: a case study
  • TQM and cost reduction: a case study
  • TQM and risk management: a case study
  • TQM and project management: a case study
  • TQM and change management: a case study
  • TQM and benchmarking: a case study
  • TQM and quality assurance: a case study
  • TQM and strategic planning: a case study
  • TQM and customer relationship management: a case study
  • TQM and business process reengineering: a case study
  • TQM and organizational learning: a case study
  • TQM and knowledge management: a case study
  • TQM and performance appraisal: a case study
  • TQM and employee training: a case study
  • TQM and organizational structure: a case study
  • TQM and technology adoption: a case study
  • TQM and sustainability: a case study
  • TQM and corporate social responsibility: a case study
  • TQM and risk assessment: a case study
  • TQM and customer service: a case study
  • The evolution of TQM
  • The future of TQM
  • Best practices in TQM
  • Common challenges in TQM implementation
  • TQM success stories
  • TQM failures: lessons learned
  • The role of TQM in crisis management
  • TQM and organizational resilience
  • TQM and customer retention
  • TQM and employee retention
  • TQM and organizational agility
  • TQM and business ethics
  • TQM and corporate governance
  • TQM and strategic partnerships
  • TQM and mergers and acquisitions
  • TQM and international business
  • TQM and cultural diversity
  • TQM and cross-functional teams
  • TQM and virtual teams
  • TQM and performance feedback
  • TQM and conflict resolution
  • TQM and employee engagement
  • TQM and workplace diversity
  • TQM and gender equality
  • TQM and work-life balance
  • TQM and organizational justice
  • TQM and organizational citizenship behavior
  • TQM and organizational politics
  • TQM and emotional intelligence
  • TQM and organizational change
  • TQM and organizational development
  • TQM and organizational behavior
  • TQM and organizational communication
  • TQM and organizational conflict
  • TQM and organizational commitment
  • TQM and organizational trust
  • TQM and organizational performance
  • TQM and organizational effectiveness
  • TQM and organizational innovation
  • TQM and organizational leadership
  • TQM and organizational strategy
  • TQM and organizational growth
  • TQM and organizational sustainability

These are just a few ideas to get you started on your TQM essay. Feel free to explore different topics and examples to find the one that interests you the most. Good luck with your essay!

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Total Quality Management: Importance, Components, Pros & Cons

  • Pragya Soni
  • Apr 29, 2022

Total Quality Management: Importance, Components, Pros & Cons title banner

Quality is defined as conformance to requirements, not as ‘goodness’ or ‘elegance’. - Crosby’s Principle

Quality is an essential term for all products and services. Total Quality Management abbreviated as TQM is the set of principles that is responsible for balancing the link between the customers and employees. In this blog, we will read a detailed note related to total quality management and its importance for the customers.

What is Total Quality Management ?

The word  TQM comprises three terms Total, Quality and Management. Let us expand each term separately,

Total: Total means including all.

Quality: Quality refers to excellence.

Management: Management is the art of maintaining and completing the task.

In simple words, total quality management or TQM is defined as a management approach to deliver long term product success and success satisfaction. In TQM all members of the organization work together to improve the processes, products, services and the culture of their workplace.

Thus, in scientific terms Total Quality Management is defined as a customer-oriented process. Total quality management aims at the regular enhancement of the business. TQM ensures that all components of the industry work together with a united goal to improve the quality of its services and products. 

Total quality management usually focuses on enhancing the production process and process of rendering of services. The whole process focuses on the performance to govern the progress of the organization.

Also Read | Statistical Quality Control

History of Total Quality Management

The concept of Total Quality Management (TQM) was first given by W. Edwards Deming, A.V. Feigenbaum, and Joseph Juran. It was developed for the manufacturing section only, but nowadays, TQM is utilized by all the sectors of the industry, including its employees too. TQM is beneficial for both the organization as well as the customers.

Though, even when the term TQM was officially coined and its foundations were set. TQM has been utilized in the different stages of an organization. The process of TQM in organization can be identified by different processes such as Inspection, Quality Control, and Quality Assurance.

Philosophy of TQM

Different quality leaders have defined total quality management in different ways. The common points between the two are as follows:

Policing or inspection is never the right answer to quality improvement.

Quality always comes before the schedules.

For the commitment of quality, it is essential to involve the top management team and quality leaders.

A quality program requires organization-wide efforts and long-term commitment along with proper investment.

Quality management is always a cheaper thing to implement on the very first instance.

Performance measurement is measured in the cost of quality.

Quality is considered as an inherent characteristic of a product and not an added extra.

The performance standard while implementing quality management should be zero defects.

Prevention is always better than cure.

A good leader will always implement better quality standards.

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Characteristics of Total Quality Management

The process of total quality management is characterized by some rigid features. The key identity elements of Total Quality Management are as follows:

Total quality management focuses on customer satisfaction and needs. Customers are the first priority for the TQM process.

An ideal TQM process involves 100% employee focus and dedication towards the organization.

An ideal TQM is a never-ending process.

TQM continuously works for the improvement of performance, speed, and features of the intermediate process of organization.

Principles of Total Quality Management

The Total Quality Process is a rigid and disciplined process. A minute error in organization can lead to a huge loss to the organization. The key principles of TQM are as follows:

Commitment from the partners.

Continuous improvement.

Employee empowerment.

Customer Focus.

Importance of Total Quality Management

As the name total quality management itself suggests that TQM is essential for implementing quality products and processes within the organization. Here are the other functions of TQM except quality delivery.

It establishes the product quality specifications and detailed specification of products.

It makes the written obligations and necessities of an intermediate process available for the employees, easing the entire process for them.

The principles of TQM help in characterizing the material quality designs and approval guidelines.

TQM also helps in infrastructure design and construction. It also helps in the selection of efficient equipment.

TQM also provides proper training to the employees ensuring them to discharge their duty in a proper manner.

TQM principles also control the shipping and handling of products using inventory control systems.

Quality assurance and quality control are the prime functions of total quality management.

TQM allows the organization to approve the services only after assessing and being assured that the entire process has been completed in a satisfactory manner.

TQM balances a healthy environment between the employees and the organization.

TQM serves the sensitive needs of customers and makes the industries respond to the complaints and needs of the customers.

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Primary Components of Total Quality Management

Total quality management is summarized as a customer-oriented management system. A system that employs strategies, data, discipline, and effective communication just to improve the growth of an organization in a continual approach.

The key  components of Total Quality Management are as follows:

Key elements of Total quality management: 1. Customer focused 2. Total employee involvement 3. Process-centered 4. Integrated system 5. Strategic and systematic approach 6. Continuous improvement 7. Fact-based decision making 8. Lag-free communication

Primary components of TQM

Customer Focused

It is ultimately the customer who defines the worth of an organization. The benchmark of a brand is ultimately set up by the customers. All the efforts of the employee and organization are governed and validated by the customers only. Hence, it is important for the organization to identify its variety of customers and their needs.

Total Employee Involvement

For any successful company’s growth, it is essential for employees to be faithful and dedicated towards the company’s and its name. all employees of the organization should work with a common approach and goal. 

Total employee commitment and dedication can be obtained only when an organization provides them with a proper culture and healthy work environment.


Total quality management is a process centered process. It involves technical thinking. A TQM process is a series of steps. It takes inputs from suppliers and transforms them into outputs that are delivered to its customers. 

A TQM process needs to be well-defined. The performance measures of the process need to be continuously monitored to avoid unexpected variation.

Integrated System

TQM is an integrated work approach. An organization consists of different departments and functional units. These units are usually horizontally connected to each other. 

Total quality management executes the role in an integrated way. It combines up all the small and large processes. Integrated system helps the organization to achieve excellence in its products.

Strategic and systematic approach

Systemic approach is a critical part of the management quality. A strategic and systematic approach helps the organization to achieve excellence and deliver its target.  Strategic development helps in achieving the vision, missions, and goals of the industry. It helps in developing quality as the core component of the process.

Continuous Improvement

Continuous improvement is the core element of total quality management. Quality is a never-ending process. It builds the organization in both analytics and strategic management. Continuous improvement brings competitiveness in the market and helps in meeting expectations of the stakeholders and customers.

Fact-based Decision Making

Total quality management helps the organization to participate in logical and technical decision making. Logical decision making further assists the organization to take accurate performance measures against the data and process. It helps in improving the accuracy and precision in targets.

Lag-free Communications

To facilitate total quality management, lag-free communication between the different components and departments of industry is essential. Communication plays a large role in maintaining effective communication, bringing timeliness in the project delivery and motivating employees at all levels.

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Working and Example of Total Quality Management

In a pharmaceutical industry the principle of total quality management is implemented at different level in following ways:

Handling of containers: The container should be opened carefully in an approved manner. And, highly sensitive material should be handled in separate production areas. For example, penicillin and cephalosporins. 

The manufacturing region of API should be sterilized and isolated from the other area. Handling of all containers takes place in such a way to avoid contamination.

Storage of material: The storage material should be revised at regular intervals. Storage facilities should be designed in such a way that it doesn’t compromise the quality of the pharmaceutical products. 

It should be clean, tidy and pest free. Different drugs require different criteria of storage, and it is essential to follow it to preserve the quality.

Packaging of containers: Organization should ensure the correct packaging material for packing purpose. The packaging material should not react with the raw material or API used in the product, else it will destroy the quality of products and will make it vulnerable for the customers too. 

The packing label should be durable and provide sufficient information for the identification and usage of the product.

Facilities and equipment: The location and construction should be well-defined. It should be free from contamination and population. The surface of apparatus and equipment should be in such a way that it doesn’t react with the API decreasing its therapeutic effect and actions.

Sterile area: The entire campus of a pharmaceutical industry should be a sterile area with no or zero contamination. The personnel suffering from an infection disease like lesions should be distanced from the production area to avoid quality compromise. 

Activities like smoking, drinking, eating or chewing are strictly avoided in production and packing regions to keep the quality check under control.

Labeling of containers: Each pharmaceutical label is filled with the name of the chemical used, batch code, expiry, manufacturing and other important details. This makes the understanding of the product essential for both the customers and producers.

Computerized systems: Employment of computerized systems in the pharmaceutical industry helps in maintaining the data integrity and data ethics within the organization. 

Computer system of the industries should be designed and formulated in such a way that it operates in an efficient way and prevents unauthorized entries or changes to the program. There should always be a second level check to verify the data details. The system also possesses some back-up systems.

Also Read | Inventory Management

Pros and Cons of Total Quality Management (TQM)

The merits and demerits of TQM are summed up as:

Advantages of Total Quality Management

Minimize the possibility of errors.

Improves the reputation faults.

Spot and solve the problems at a quicker speed.

Higher employee morale workers.

Motivate the extra responsibility, team work, and decision-making within the organization.

Cost and time optimization.

Satisfied customers and quality.

Disadvantages of Total Quality Management

Implementation of total quality management is higher.

Workers are not ready to bring the change.

It takes more than a few years to see the changes in the organization.

Also Read | Business Process Mapping

Overall, implementing quality management is an essential thing for all kinds of organizations despite its size and level as it will return the industry more profits, high reach, versatile audience and satisfied customers.

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why total quality management is important essay

The Importance of Total Quality Management

The Importance of Total Quality Management in Supply Chains

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The importance of Total Quality Management (TQM) is best understood when viewed as the 'teamwork' ethos that drives sports franchises to win year after year. Every player has a role to play, proper equipment and training, and, ultimately, a goal to rise to the top and be part of a winning culture.

For businesses, the equivalent goals are to: 1) win a share of the market; 2) grow that share over time; and 3) create a winning culture around their success.

A Total Quality Management system encompasses both the philosophy and the playbook for company success. 

In this article we will focus on the importance of Total Quality Management, and offer four essential steps for successfully implementing a TQM system.

The Importance of Total Quality Management

Total Quality Management is a unified approach to managing and continuously improving all aspects of production, such as raw material sourcing, fabrication, distribution, and sales.

Developed in the second half of the 20th century, the idea of Total Quality Management continues to be relevant today because of its compelling emphasis on detailed supply chain monitoring and continuous reevaluation of its processes, all in an effort to:

  • Reduce product defects,
  • Minimize production waste, and
  • Discover potential areas for improvement and innovation.

At its core, TQM's impetus is sustainable customer satisfaction, achieved through continuous improvement. The process of implementing a successful TQM system should reflect this.

4 Essential Steps to Implementing a Successful TQM

Sustainable customer satisfaction and continuous improvement should be behind every step of a successful implementation of TQM.

Here are four important steps for businesses looking to implement Total Quality Management principles in their operations:

1. Gain Commitment and Understanding from Employees and Suppliers

Comprehensive quality efforts must be initiated by the management, but require dedicated effort and buy-in at every level. Your first step is to garner commitment to the company vision among your employees. Your company’s vision can be communicated through your mission statement, company standards, and expectations -- but it’s even more important that you practice what you preach. Words without actions behind them won’t get you far.

Furthermore, you should be able to provide your teams and suppliers with all necessary training tools and materials, which will give them the skills and knowledge to bring your vision to life. Committed suppliers with a complete understanding of your standards and best practices will gain confidence in your company as a reliable business partner, and in their ability to continuously improve their operations.

2. Develop a Quality Improvement Culture

Through the implementation of the Plan-Do-Check-Adjust (PDCA) method at every phase of production and distribution, on-site managers can take performance improvement into their own hands.

An ongoing feedback loop relying on analysis and iterative action is an effective way to adjust to the evolving market conditions, drive continuous improvement, as well as discover breakthrough methods that could really enhance quality and efficiency.

3. Focus on Customer Requirements

If you think customers only care about cheap products, then you may make a sale -- but making a sale is not the endpoint of your journey. For thriving businesses, each new sale is a potential beginning of a long relationship with a loyal consumer, one that will bring you repeat business and, ideally, promote your brand through valuable word-of-mouth advertising.

To win such loyalty, you need to remember that many of today’s consumers are willing to spend a little extra for product quality, on-time delivery, and, increasingly, proven ethical production practices. Achieving TQM’s ultimate goal of sustainable consumer satisfaction requires incorporating these customer requirements into your standards and processes -- and using the principles of TQM to ensure they are met.  

4. Maintain Effective Quality Control Measures

Technically, delivering customer satisfaction over the short term is possible even without effective TQM. However, if you want your business to continue operating at a profit, your goal should be to establish efficient production practices that will enable you to deliver products of consistently high quality, drive innovation, and become more competitive. 

Regular quality control inspections are instrumental for maintaining and improving product quality. Furthermore, all relevant quality data points should be captured in real time, stored, consolidated, and analyzed to pinpoint present and future problem areas, as well as opportunities for improving production methods.

How Can QIMAone Help?

At QIMA , we understand the important of Total Quality Management, and know that being the leader of a winning business team requires vision, execution, and communication.

The QIMAone quality and compliance software offers an intelligent platform to unify all parts of your supply chain and help your business meet these requirements to success.

Through real-time communication, powerful quality control inspection features and readily available training tools, you can empower every link of your supply chain to deliver high-quality products consistently, efficiently, and transparently.

Our software enables complete supply chain mapping for a detailed, 360-degree view of all supply chain functions, locations, and performance levels, allowing you to better understand how to help your sourcing partners meet your standards and customer expectations.

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What Is Total Quality Management?

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What Is Total Quality Management?

If you’ve played dominoes, you’ve probably observed how pushing one small tile creates a chain reaction and knocks over every subsequent tile. This chain reaction is popularly known as the domino effect.

Similarly, organizations rely on multiple dominoes (factors) to achieve desired business outcomes. Employee satisfaction, customer happiness, minimized costs and proper utilization of resources impact its overall performance. It’s safe to say that the overall quality of an organization’s performance is influenced by its individual components. Total Quality Management ensures the supervision and development of every single component. Let’s look at the meaning of total quality management and understand its advantages.

TQM or Total Quality Management is a structured management approach based on the belief that an organization’s continuous effort can contribute to its long-term success. When every member is dedicated to improving the quality of work, it seamlessly aligns the overall objectives of a company.

Management consultants W. Edwards Deming, Armand V. Feigenbaum and Joseph M. Juran jointly developed the TQM concept. They helped Japanese industries rebuild their businesses post World War II. TQM was developed to solve the manufacturing industries’ problems but over time it’s become a universal management framework that benefits all kinds of businesses. The approach is beneficial for everybody involved—the organization, its employees and the customers/clients.

Total quality management uses a PDCA cycle (Plan, Do, Check, Act) for continuous control and improvement of business outcomes.

Planning Phase

This is the most crucial phase of TQM; it requires individuals to list down action items for various challenges or problems. Employees need to get to the root of the problem(s) and find solutions through adequate research and data collection.

Doing Phase

In this phase, employees find a solution to the problems they’ve identified. They devise strategies that address a problem’s source. A solution’s or strategy’s effectiveness depends upon how well someone has defined a problem and identified the root cause.

Checking Phase

This phase is reserved for analysis. People check for a solution’s effectiveness by monitoring the progress that’s been made. Assessed data becomes an input for the subsequent step in the PDCA cycle.

Acting Phase

People document their results after meeting their goals. They use the cycle’s results to identify and address challenges in other fields, therefore standardizing the TQM method.

Elements Of Total Quality Management

What is TQM without the successful implementation of its underlying factors? Here are the core elements or principles that influence the success of TQM:

Customer Focus

Businesses should understand their target markets or customers. By identifying customers’ needs, organizations can allocate their resources for initiatives or strategies that’ll improve customer satisfaction. They can find new ways to exceed customer expectations. When in doubt, remember Bill Gates’ words of wisdom, “Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.”

Good leaders build effective teams and give people a sense of direction. In addition to motivating, leaders provide guidance on setting personal goals that align with an organization’s mission and vision. Positive leadership boosts productivity and efficiency. Strong leaders help people stay driven, find meaning in their work and concentrate on larger goals.

Process Approach

Organizations achieve their desired business results when related activities and resources are properly managed. Toyota Motors for example, made its assembly line more efficient by keeping just enough inventories open in order to fulfill customers’ orders. TQM emphasizes the need for improving efficiency, effectiveness and consistency to speed up production process, delivery and/or performance.

System Approach

TQM creates a standardized system that helps identify, understand and manage interrelated processes that contribute to an organization’s success. It stresses the importance of several independent processes including the quality of products, employee satisfaction, consumer satisfaction and better utilization of resources.

Approach To Decision-Making

TQM facilitates a factual approach in decision-making. Decisions are based on data collected from in-depth research and analysis. Facts, figures and statistics can help anyone understand the product/service and marketplace in detail. Businesses make clear decisions based on objective data.

Focus On Solutions

People often make the mistake of remedying a problem in the short-term. Instead of eradicating the source of the problem, they treat symptoms. For example, if an organization faces problems with shipping goods, managers should figure out whether the problem is related to the entire shipping process.

Importance Of Total Quality Management

Quality can be defined as an attribute that differentiates a product or service from its competitors. Total quality management makes an organization stand apart from the rest. Let’s look at some of the other advantages of TQM that drive customer satisfaction and business success.

Cost Reduction & Increased Profitability

TQM helps reduce total quality costs. In other words, it aims to produce superior quality products and services so that no additional costs are borne later. Many companies like Motorola implemented TQM techniques to reduce manufacturing costs, saving billions of dollars.

Enhanced Productivity

Some organizations offer superior quality resources, high-end infrastructure and excellent technology—all of which are instrumental in motivating employees. With improved standards of work and better working conditions, employees are encouraged to maximize their output.

Lesser Redundancy

Every organization aims at improving productivity and profitability. TQM uses a systematic approach to reduce any duplication of tasks, therefore saving time and fully utilizing available resources.

Improved Innovation Process

As we’ve already established, TQM includes a research phase. Organizations collect data about any current challenges or problems to devise effective solutions. Some organizations rely on unique strategies to get to the root of a problem. For example, businesses often use the A/B testing method to compare two versions of the same strategy and implement the one that produces better results.

Continual Improvement

.TQM tools like progress-trackers help businesses monitor their employees’ performance at all times. There are internal as well as external gains from continuous improvement. External gains include better product quality, increased market share and productivity. Internal gains include effective teamwork, increased job satisfaction and better workplace culture.

Effective Communication

TQM techniques push individuals to collaborate and support each other for the greater benefit of an organization. Increased teamwork and cross-functional collaboration prompt everyone to strive for continuous improvement. For example, clear communication enables a  production chain that functions seamlessly because everyone is on the same page.

Holistic Approach To Management

Many organizations struggle with low employee engagement. TQM helps workplaces bring behavioral changes by facilitating self-development , teamwork and improved employee engagement. Individuals show more interest in their roles because the organization prioritizes their well-being and job satisfaction.

Increased Goodwill

Organizations can establish quality standards for goods/services using TQM. Internal stakeholders (employees and investors) get lucrative incentives and profitable return on investment. External stakeholders (customers and clients) get superior quality products and services. The result: positive brand image and goodwill in the long-run.

With increased competition and globalization, total quality management has become a common practice of modern-day businesses. Individuals (especially managers and leaders) use this tool to improve a product’s design, ensure increased revenue, eliminate wastage and defects, and enhance the market image. Most of all, they help employees find meaning in their work, in addition to encouraging collaboration and teamwork.

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The Bruce Tuckman Model will guide you through the various stages of team formation and growth. The GRIN Framework will help you understand the fundamental characteristics of an effective team. The quality or success of an organization depends on its employees. So, build an employee-first culture and master the art of continuous improvement!

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What Is Total Quality Management (TQM) and Why Is It Important?

Total Quality Management (TQM) is the rulebook that leads businesses toward perfection in their products and services.

In this blog post, we'll understand the concept of TQM, its principles, methodologies, and the impact it can have on a business’s operations.

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  • Total Quality Management Definition (TQM)

The Total Quality Management definition is a simple one. Total Quality Management (TQM) is an overall and systematic way of looking after and improving the quality of:

  • Operations of a manufacturing business.

Total Quality Management lets continuous improvement be the priority. Workers at all levels have the freedom to help improve services. The basic rule of Total Quality Management is simple - quality shouldn't come later. Rather, it should become a main part of all processes, goods, and services throughout. It means constant progress with a great focus on client requirements. This is the most important total quality management meaning one needs to understand. It ultimately leads to:

  • Customers happy with product quality
  • Lower defects
  • Long-term success in today's business environment.
  • How Does Total Quality Management (TQM) Work?

Total Quality Management considers all parts of the business process, not just the goods or the services. Total Quality Management works keeping in mind customers, employees, business name, and profit. Total Quality Management works on many key rules and practices:

Customer-Centric Approach: The first step in Total Quality Management is to understand the note down the client's needs, expectations, and choices. This is the step of Total Quality Management that is achievable through surveys, discussions, and market research.

Continuous Improvement: An important part of Total Quality Management is choosing to improve continuously. This improvement should cover all departments of the business. Continuous review, feedback, and changes for improvement of the production process and goods.

Worker Involvement: Total Quality Management is successful only when businesses understand the value of each employee. Workers play a big role in making sure of quality. It gives them the idea of participating at all business production levels. It also lets staff members be responsible for their jobs and make improvements.

Data-driven Decision Making: Analytics and data are necessary for Total Quality Management. Businesses gather and analyze data to make the best decisions, pinpoint areas for improvement, and track whether they are meeting their quality goals. This process increases the importance of total quality management, further.

Process Optimization: Total Quality Management strongly focuses on simplifying internal processes to reduce waste, and defective materials and promote productivity. These goals become reachable using business strategies like Six Sigma and Lean

Supplier Relationships: Total Quality Management ideas are very important for suppliers in the quality chain. Total Quality Management extends its ideas to them. Strong working connections with suppliers help to guarantee the good quality of raw materials.

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Total Quality Management (TQM) Examples

There are quite a few total quality management examples worldwide. They include:

Toyota was one of the first to apply Total Quality Management. This famous manufacturer has continuously produced quality vehicles. They have paid attention to continuous improvement, employee interaction, and just-in-time manufacturing .

2. McDonalds:

McDonalds is probably the most famous fast-food chain in the world. It applies Total Quality Management rules to maintain the same level of quality across its international operations. McDonald's success depends on:

  • Standard internal processes
  • Quality assurance systems
  • Customer-focused outlook.

Ford's commitment to Total Quality Management is reflected in its slogan, "Quality is Job 1." This car manufacturing giant uses Total Quality Management practices to:

  • Increase customer happiness
  • Reduce defects
  • Improve product quality.

These examples show how Total Quality Management is relevant to a variety of industries and how it can raise the quality of goods and services. You can find a helpful Total Quality Management PDF online to talk about these businesses.

Read Also What Is Prime Cost?

Principles of Total Quality Management (TQM)

The Total Quality Management principles remain the same throughout the world. These serve as the foundation for its use.

Customer Focus: The ultimate goal of Total Quality Management is to meet client/customer expectations. The choices and feedback of the customer make up a big part of decision-making.

Leadership Commitment: Total Quality Management requires strong leadership quality and active interaction with clients/customers. Leaders should lead by example and supply the necessary resources for adopting Total Quality Management.

Strong Workforce: Workers who feel stronger are more likely to take responsibility for their jobs and contribute to their progress. Total Quality Management promotes participation and training at all levels.

Continuous Improvement: The Total Quality Management process never ends. To be competitive, businesses must constantly look for ways to improve their operations and goods.

Process-Centric Approach: Total Quality Management simplifies processes to cut down on waste, faults, and lack of experience.

Data-Driven Decision Making: Metrics and data are important for examining and increasing quality. Gathering and analyzing data is necessary for businesses looking to make wise decisions.

Supplier Relationships: To guarantee the continuous flow of good quality raw materials and components, healthy working ties with suppliers are important.

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  • Benefits of Total Quality Management (TQM)

Total Quality Management rarely has any negatives. Businesses can make a total quality management ppt on the following points if they ever need to convince everyone to adopt this process.

Implementing TQM can result in a wide range of benefits for business, including:

Product Quality Improvement: Total Quality Management helps reduce defects and mistakes, resulting in higher-quality goods or services.

Customer Satisfaction Increase: Businesses can increase customer happiness and loyalty by meeting customer needs and expectations.

Cost Decrease: Improving processes and reducing waste can lower costs and increase profit.

Better Worker Morale: Increasing employee strength can raise spirits and motivation, increasing output.

Competitive Advantage: Delivering quality and customer-centred services through Total Quality Management can give businesses a competitive edge.

Market Expansion: Customers who are happy with a business are more likely to recommend it to others, increasing its market reach.

Sustainability: Total Quality Management practices reduce a business's harmful effects (if any) on the environment and increase long-term viability.

  • Total Quality Management: The Key to Becoming a Leader

Total Quality Management (TQM) is a practice that is an important part of any business culture and management. Putting quality first and welcoming continuous improvement ideas lies at the centre of Total Quality Management.

TranZact automates important checks and combines basic operations, including material planning, production, and inventory management. It also provides complete goods quality testing and digital audits to improve quality management throughout the business.

1. What is Total Quality Management? (TQM)?

Total Quality Management focuses on the inclusion of quality into all parts of operations within a business. It takes a detailed approach to managing business quality standards and processes. Total Quality Management is a culture shift towards constant quality improvement rather than only a method.

2. How does Total Quality Management work?

Total Quality Management identifies and addresses customer demands, then uses Six Sigma and Lean to improve processes continuously. Worker involvement builds a culture of excellence and accountability. 3. Can Total Quality Management find its application in any industry? Many industries, including manufacturing , services, and healthcare use TQM. This allows businesses to meet customer expectations and deliver high-quality products continuously.

4. What are the Total Management Quality Principles?

The Total Quality Management principles focus on:

  • A customer-centric approach
  • Committed leadership
  • Increasing worker involvement
  • Continuous process improvement
  • Data-driven decision-making

Developing healthy relationships with cooperative suppliers.

These rules act as the basis of Total Quality Management's success in improving quality

5. What are the benefits of implementing Total Quality Management?

There are multiple benefits to Total Quality Management. They include:

  • Improvement in product quality
  • Increase in customer satisfaction
  • Cost decrease
  • More detailing in processes
  • Better worker happiness and productivity,
  • Competitive advantages in the market
  • Better market reach
  • Achieve sustainable practices6. Is Total Quality Management a one-time initiative, or is it ongoing?

Total Quality Management is a continuous process. It calls for a life-long dedication to customer satisfaction and improvement. It is a cultural habit within a business. It aims at quality improvement. It is not a one-time initiative.

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Quality Management in Organizations Essay

Introduction, thesis statement, six-sigma approach to quality management, benefits, obstacles, and future of six sigma application.

In manufacturing as well as the service industry, among the critical success factors includes building in addition to sustaining high performance in organizations. If an organization implements an effective quality management strategy, there is a significant likelihood that the organizational success will be underpinned.

Contemporary organizations have realized the significant number of benefits presented by incorporating an aspect of quality management. The profitability as well as the competitiveness associated with the modern organizations can be largely attributed to quality management.

Antony, Escamilla and Caine (2003, p. 40) identifies quality management as an approach whose main focus is to improve, not only quality but performance as well in an effort towards meeting or even exceeding the expectations of the customers. Generally, quality assurance entails four major aspects, which include quality assurance, quality control, quality planning in addition to quality improvement.

An organization that employs quality management tends to focus on quality and the way in which the quality can be achieved. Therefore, in quality management, not all the four aspects are utilized. Instead, only quality assurance and quality control are emphasized on (Antony, Escamilla & Caine 2003, p. 41).

The purpose of this paper is to review the manner in which quality management frameworks can generally contribute to the success of an organization. In addition to this, the paper will also focus on identifying and analysing critically how quality management frameworks are applied in an organization.

This analysis will be based on management as well as technical systems. Further, the paper will access both the benefits as well as the problems that are likely to be encountered by an organization with application of six-sigma quality management in the future.

How quality management framework facilitates the success of an organization

Foremost, in order to understand how this success comes around, the top management of the organization must ensure that they understand this concept fully. As such, quality management framework is a term commonly used in total quality management to refer to a tool used to facilitate the successful delivery of both products as well as services across the enterprise.

Guided by the quality management framework, an organization that has implemented total quality management in its system usually operates to its full capacity. On the other hand, an organization that has not yet realized the necessity of quality management does not operate to its full potential (Shenawy, Baker & Lemak, 2007 p. 442). Below are some of the ways in which quality management frameworks facilitate success to an organization.

Standardization of processes

An organization employing the aspect of total quality management is known to standardize the internal in addition to the external processes. This implies that quality management frameworks provide an allowance of increased efficiencies, that is, faster processes in addition to fewer costs, with regards to introducing new products to the customers.

Further, the standardized processes add up to strengthen the techniques used in the supplier management. Moreover, standardized processes, through quality management, enable an organization to effectively control the robust costs. This implies that the overall profits of the organization will be greatly improved.

PCI and security compliance

In their research, Shenawy, Baker and Lemak (2007, p. 460) found out that quality management framework, when implemented, serves as a key success factor. The reason for this is that through it, an organization is able to ensure that the PCI in addition to security across the lifecycle of a project is entirely complied with.

Defining the Lifecycle of a project to be undertaken by an entity helps in coming up with the most viable framework and as such; it helps greatly in implementing the robust security policy. This in turn guarantees success to an organization. When quality management framework is adopted by an entity while making use of artefacts, which have been designed specifically for robust security policy, it follows that there will be an achievement of meaningful improvements in the organization and this implies continued success.

Fit for purpose processes

Organizations implement quality management frameworks to ensure that the both the internal as well as the external processes are fit for use. The essence of quality management is continuous improvement of processes. This involves continuous checking of the processes and thereby identifying the cause of any flaw within the processes. Through this continuous checking, it implies that the processes will always be free from flaws and this in turn ensures that the processes are always fit for purpose.

When an organization’s processes are always fit for purpose, there is no instance where questionable quality of products or under productivity will be reported and this guarantees success in addition to maintaining the competitive advantage of the organization.

Sufficiently robust processes

Implementation of quality management frameworks ensures that the internal as well as the external processes of an organization are sufficiently robust. This means that the scope or the coverage of the production processes is extensive thus the organization is able to capitalize on any opportunities while identifying problems.

Further, robust processes utilize the full capacity and potential of the organization while observing the quality and thus maximization of returns. This in turn helps the organization to establish itself among the most financially stable and hence attracting investors at the same time consolidating its credit worthiness status to the financiers.


An organization that has not realized the usefulness of quality management in most cases succumbs due to unproductiveness, inadequate quality as well as constant losses owing to burdensome processes. However, implementing quality management process minimizes or entirely wipes these burdens and hence restoring the competitiveness of an organization.

How quality management frameworks are applied in an organization

Quality management frameworks, when applied in an organization, entirely focus on the satisfaction of the expectations of the customers, detection of problems, commitment building in addition to promoting contribution of ideas from the employees for the purpose of decision making.

Quality management frameworks applies several analytical tools including check sheets as well as statistical chards with an aim of collecting data regarding the activities practiced within the organization. Several techniques are used and these include; brainstorming, nominal groupings in addition to forming of consensus in an effort towards facilitating both the decision making process as well as the communication process (Juran 1995, p. 87).

Several organizations have been practicing quality management framework application since it was discovered. However, this has been limitedly done. The process of integrating quality management frameworks not only do it enhance but complements the methodologies used in standard program and assessment model as well. These methodologies are indeed vital as they are considered as mechanisms necessary to establish the strategic directions for an organization.

With model standards available, an organization is therefore provided with a rational method in which it can assess its stipulated goals in addition to its potentials with regards to products or service outcomes.

An organization that applies quality management frameworks tends to put its entire focus on work processes. In this kind of a focus, several techniques are applied with an aim of improving the production process of the organization and these include both behavioural as well as analytical techniques. Application of quality management frameworks involve use of a series of flow diagrams and therefore aiding in identifying the steps followed in the production process of an organization.

Further, the factors perceived to be the chief contributor to delays in the process are also identified. Apart from this, application of quality management frameworks allows an organization to not only identify but try various steps to improve the production process in addition to monitoring the results in an effort towards the attainment of improvements, which is continuous in nature.

In this kind of an application, there is a fundamental challenge surfaced and this concerns the utilization of internal standards of performan and Lemak (2007, p. 471) established that, while the utilization of standards of performance is considered to be the initial point of total quality management, quality management process, which is continuous a continuous process, surpasses the conformity to standards of management.

Application of quality management frameworks requires the top management conduct a systematic analysis of the entire work performed by the employees in and for the organization. During this analysis, the emphasis point should be the horizontal integration of both the services as well as products across the present program areas in the organization.

The process improvement is usually based not only on processes but outcomes as well. An organization must exhibit that it has the capabilities of improving the problem solving capacity in a constant manner while making use of leverages such as performance standards during the process of improvement (Henderson & Evans, 2000, p. 260).

Application of quality management frameworks requires that the intended change be based on both the needs as well as the desires of the organization’s customers as in addition to the needs of the employees involved in the entire organizational process. The application also requires that all personnel levels participate actively.

Particularly, the application of these frameworks in an organization requires the top management respond to the ideas suggested by the participating personnel quite rapidly and in a thoughtful manner.

The quality management framework’s application requires that the participating personnel have a clear in addition to precise understanding of the process of the work involved as well as how it relates to the larger system. It is necessary that there be an analysis of the process and it should be done in a rigorous manner.

Also, evaluation of each and every activity should be done provided that the organizational process is ongoing. The application of the framework further requires the recognition in addition to application of all the underlying psycho-social principles which, according to the findings of Wyper & Harrison (2000, p. 720), affects individuals as well as groups in an organization.

Quality management frameworks require the acceptance of the fundamental assumption that most problems faced in organizations does not arise out of errors by employees but due to the inability of the system, which the entire personnel of the organization must function within, to perform sufficiently.

While model standards put strategic production outcomes objectives as the major focus in addition to stakeholders as the ultimate organization clients, quality management frameworks are used to examine each and every link in the production process involved in order to attain production objectives (Sila 2007, p. 100).

In the application of quality management frameworks, the main challenge to the top management team is to spend both time as well as energy extensively rather than assuring adherence to stipulated performance standards in an effort towards facilitation in addition to assurance of continued improvements with regard to the various interrelated production processes that are the duties of the various departments in the organization (Henderson & Evans, 2000, p. 275).

Six-sigma, as used in quality management, is used to describe a measure of quality known to drive an organization to reach near perfection state. Usually, it is an approach, which is disciplined in addition to being data driven. Further, it entails methodologies through which defects and flaws in a process are eliminated.

Wyper & Harrison (2000, p. 727) acknowledged that six-sigma approach to quality management involves an aspect of quality management that is project driven in an effort towards improving both the products as well as the services of an organization in addition to processes used in producing them. The approach focuses entirely on reducing the defects in an organization in a continuous manner.

It is referred by many analysts as a business strategy that advocates the improvement of understanding of all the customer requirements. Further, the approach also tends to focus on improvement of a business system, the productivity of the business and the performance especially the financial performance.

The benefits of applying six-sigma approach to quality management vary with different sectors.

Manufacturing sector

Application of six-sigma approach to quality management causes both savings as well as reduction of defects in several processes. For instance, it causes a great reduction of defect levels in the manufacturing process. With regard to aircraft integration systems, the time allocated for the maintenance of the depot is also ideally reduced.

In organizations involved with leasing business, the turnaround time spent at repair facilities are also reduced significantly (Lin 2007, p. 315). For businesses involved with shipments, the time for concept-to-shipment cycle is also reduced.

Financial sector

For businesses in the financial sector, application of six-sigma quality management leads to increased savings (Lin 2007, p. 320).

Health sector

The principles of six sigma approach to quality management match absolutely well with health care service. This is because; health care encompasses an aspect of zero tolerance with regard to mistakes as well as medical errors.

Engineering and construction field

Implementation of six-sigma approach to management leads to savings in this sector. These savings are realized due to the effective identification as well as prevention of reworks and defects in each and every construction process ranging from designing to on-time delivery of the payrolls to the employees (Gloet 2006, p. 405).

Research and development

In the research and development sector, the goals mainly focused include reduction of costs and speed to market increase in addition to the improvement of research and development processes. In order to identify the degree of the effectiveness of six-sigma, it is necessary that the organization puts a focus on reviews, which are data driven, as well as integration of research and development into the stipulated work processes among other focus aspects.

There are several problems associated with implementation of six sigma approach to quality management.

Problems in strategy

For a considerable time, six-sigma has been under criticism and subject to controversies. Indeed, some critics call it Quality management on steroids. Critics argue that there is nothing innovative new ideas advanced by the approach. Instead, it is only a rendition of traditional techniques associated with quality.

Indeed, this kind of an approach is not really the answer to the entire diverse issues that face a business. In order to ensure that the approach is sustainable for a considerable period of time going into the future, an organization must not only analyse the approach’s strengths and weaknesses but accept them as well.

Problems in the culture of an organization

Rather than just concentrating on monitoring quality at the manufacturing phase, there is a need to embed quality concept into the designing phase. In quality management, change of organizational culture is the most important point to consider since it waylays quality into planning (Evans & Lindsay, 1995, p. 59). There is no point of addressing only those issues that can be easily corrected and then claim that six-sigma approach to quality management is viable. Indeed, this is a clear deception.

There is a big likelihood of failure for those organizations whose management has not fully understood the problems of the approach. A strong commitment in addition to support as well as leadership exhibited by the top management team are among the vital considerations to effectively deal with cultural differences or issues, which are largely associated with the implementation of the six-sigma approach (Evans & Lindsay, 1995, p. 55).

Issues evident in training

In the implementation of this approach to quality management, training serves as an essential aspect. Indeed, it should be incorporated as part of an integrated approach during the implementation process. The training program ought to be customized in order to have both the managerial as well as economic benefits incorporated.

According to the findings of a research conducted by Johnson & Swisher (2003, p. 12), it was established that challenges that surface during the implementation of six-sigma projects are responsible for the selection of employees identified by having less capabilities.

From this analysis, it is evidently clear that the aspect of quality management, if implemented in an organization, plays a significant role in ensuring that the organization maintains its competitive nature while enjoying superior returns on investments, that is, profits.

In order to comprehensively in addition to successfully implement quality management so that the underlain benefits can be realized, the organization should be centered on the customer while accepting the fact that employees are not a means to an end but rather assets to the company. Focus on the customers can only be done through ensuring improvements throughout the organization and therefore deriving quality which a customer desires (Antony, Escamilla & Caine 2003, p. 42).

Quality management entails improvement of the production process. As such, according to this analysis and as Johnson & Swisher (2003, p. 15) found out, it is only through detection of flaws in the production process that improvements can be made. He further assets that the detection of problems should be a continuous process and ultimately, a great deal of quality will have been ensured and the benefits of quality management will have surfaced.

Antony, J, Escamilla, JL & Caine, P 2003, ‘Lean Sigma’, Manufacturing Engineer , Vol. 82 no. 4, pp. 40–42.

Evans, JR & Lindsay, WM 1995, The management and control of quality , West Publishing, New York, NY.

Gloet, M 2006, ‘Knowledge Management and the Links to HRM Developing Leadership and Management Capabilities to Support Sustainability’, Manage. Res , Vol. 29 no. 7, pp. 402-413

Henderson, KM & Evans, JR 2000, ‘Successful implementation of six sigma: benchmarking general electric company benchmarking’, An International Journal , Vol. 7 no. 4, pp. 260–281

Johnson, A & Swisher, B 2003, ‘How six sigma improves R&D’, Research Technology Management , Vol, 46 no. 2, pp. 12–15.

Juran, JM 1995, A History of Managing for Quality , ASQC Quality Press, Milwaukee, WI.

Lin, HF 2007, ‘Knowledge sharing and firm innovation capability: an empirical study’, Int. J. Manpower , Vol. 28 no. 4, pp. 315-332

Shenawy, EE, Baker, I, & Lemak, DJ 2007, ‘A metal-analysis of the effect of TQM on competitive advantage’, Int. J. Qual. Reliability Mange , Vol. 24 no. 5, pp. 442-471

Sila, I 2007, ‘Examining the effects of contextual factors on TQM and performance through the lens of organizational theories: An empirical study’, American Journal of Management. Vol, 25 no. 1, pp. 83-109

Wyper, B & Harrison, A 2000, ‘Deployment of six sigma methodology in human resource function: a case study’, Total Quality Management and Business Excellence , Vol. 11 no. 4, pp. 720–727.

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IvyPanda. (2023, December 6). Quality Management in Organizations. https://ivypanda.com/essays/quality-management-in-organizations-essay/

"Quality Management in Organizations." IvyPanda , 6 Dec. 2023, ivypanda.com/essays/quality-management-in-organizations-essay/.

IvyPanda . (2023) 'Quality Management in Organizations'. 6 December.

IvyPanda . 2023. "Quality Management in Organizations." December 6, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/quality-management-in-organizations-essay/.

1. IvyPanda . "Quality Management in Organizations." December 6, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/quality-management-in-organizations-essay/.


IvyPanda . "Quality Management in Organizations." December 6, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/quality-management-in-organizations-essay/.

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