year 2 spelling words homework

Spelling in Year 2 (age 6–7)

In Year 2, your child’s knowledge of spelling is assessed by their teacher. There is also an optional spelling, punctuation, and grammar ( SPaG ) test that schools can use to help them gauge children’s understanding. Find out more about the test on our Key Stage 1 SATs page .

What your child will learn

Segmenting spoken words into phonemes and writing them out with graphemes.

Phonics is a way of teaching children to read and spell. English is made up of around 44 different sounds. We call these sounds phonemes .

Like most languages, English has a code for how we write these sounds down. Each phoneme can be represented by one or more letters, called graphemes . A grapheme might be a single letter representing one sound (such as ‘m’ or ‘f’) or it might be more than one letter (‘ay’ or ‘igh’).

Find out more about how phonics works:

Your child will learn to segment in order to spell words. This means that they will break words down to their phonemes, and then figure out which graphemes represent them. They will then write down the graphemes to spell out the word.

For a full list of the sounds that children will learn to spell in Year 2, take a look at the National Curriculum spelling appendix .

Learning new spellings for phonemes, alongside some new words for each new spelling

In Year 2, your child will use phonics to read and spell new words. They will continue to learn different ways of representing the same sound (for example, the -le used at the end of ‘table’ and the less-common -el used in ‘squirrel’). A full list of the sounds your child will learn to spell in Year 2 can be found in the National Curriculum spelling appendix .

Homophones are words that are spelled differently and have different meanings, but are pronounced in the same way. They are often confused in children’s writing. In Year 2, children will be taught the difference between:

there/their/they’re here/hear see/sea bare/bear one/won sun/son to/too/two be/bee blue/blew night/knight

Spelling common exception words

In some English words, the spelling of the word doesn’t appear to fit with the phonemes that your child has learnt so far. These are often called ‘common exception words’ or ‘ tricky words ’. In Year 2, your child will learn to spell lots of exception words often used in writing. They include:

door, floor, poor, because, find, kind, mind, behind, child, children, wild, climb, most, only, both, old, cold, gold, hold, told, every, everybody, even, great, break, steak, pretty, beautiful, after, fast, last, past, father, class, grass, pass, plant, path, bath, hour, move, prove, improve, sure, sugar, eye, could, should, would, who, whole, any, many, clothes, busy, people, water, again, half, money, Mr, Mrs, parents, Christmas

To practise spelling common exception words, download our Year 2 common exception words worksheet .

Spelling more contractions

In contractions, the apostrophe shows where a letter or letters would be if the words were written in full (for example, don’t  instead of do not ).

It’s means it is (for example, ‘ It’s raining’) or sometimes it has (‘ It’s been raining)’, but the apostrophe is not used for the possessive (‘The car parked in it’s space’ would not be correct; the correct form would be ‘The car parked in its space’). Common contractions used in Year 2 include: can’t , didn’t , hasn’t , couldn’t , it’s , I’ll .

Learning the singular possessive apostrophe

Apostrophes are used for two main purposes, both of which will be taught to children in Year 2:

  • Showing contractions (missing letters). For example, ‘I’m’ for ‘I am’ or ‘shouldn’t’ for ‘should not’.
  • Showing possession, who or what something belongs to. For example, ‘Paul’s bike’ or ‘the girl’s voice’.

Adding suffixes like -ment, -ness, -ful, -less, and -ly to spell longer words

Suffixes are morphemes (groups of letters that mean something on their own) that are added at the end of a root or root word to change the meaning. Prefixes are morphemes added at the front of a word. Over the course of Year 2, your child will learn about some of the most common suffixes to spell longer words, including: -ment , -ness , -ful , -less, -ly .

How to help at home

There are lots of ways you can help your Year 1 child with spelling. Here are our top ideas.

1. Practise phonics

Phonics  is the main way your child will learn to spell at the start of primary school. You can use phonics by encouraging your child to spell a word by breaking it up into individual sounds and then matching those sounds to the letters of the alphabet.

Reminding children to segment ‘frog’ into its four sounds – ‘f’ ‘r’ ‘o’ ‘g’ – sounds like such a basic way of supporting spelling, but practising it is very important if it is to become second nature. Take a look at our  phonics page  to find out more.

Video: What is phonics?

2. help with spelling homework.

Some schools send spelling words home to learn in Year 2, while others just use   phonics   sessions at school to teach spelling. If words do come home as a list to learn (perhaps for a spelling test), then helping your child to learn them can be really helpful. If they are struggling to remember them, you might:

‘which letters are making the ‘ay’ sound here? Yes, it’s the ‘ai’, just like in ‘gain’ and ‘Spain’. That’s different to the ‘ay’ sound in ‘play’, isn’t it?’
  • Use over-pronunciation. So for  Wednesday , encourage children to say  Wed-nes-day  as they write. There are lots of words which feature sounds that aren’t always pronounced clearly (such as words ending in   -ed ), and over-emphasising these while spelling them out can help fix the spelling in your child’s memory.
  • Ask your child to write down the words that they need to remember how to spell. The physical act of writing the words by hand helps to anchor the spelling in children’s memories and encourages them to think about the letters that represent the sounds in the word. Typing the words into a PC or tablet isn’t as effective.
  • Focus your child’s attention on the tricky bits in a word by asking them to highlight them. For example, show them that   said   has ‘ai’ in the middle and ask them to write the word, and then highlight or underline this part to help them remember. There are few resources more motivating than a highlighter pen for primary-aged children!

3. Play spelling games

Video playlist: how can i help my child with spag.

Charlotte Raby offers her expert advice for helping your child develop their grammar, punctuation, and spelling skills at home.

For example, your child may have to learn ‘room took hoop foot book’. They could make up a silly sentence such as ‘The boy took his book across the room but got his foot caught in a hoop’. Why not draw illustrations to go with the sentences?

4. Find the right resources

Year 2 common exception words.

year 2 spelling words homework

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Home » Spelling » Year 2

Spelling Year 2

year 2 spelling words homework

Spelling Year 2 KS1. Support on spelling for kids with Super Brainy Beans. Primary homework help with worksheet downloads and online games.

Pick a level

If you find the spellings difficult in your year then try starting with spellings from the year below. It's ok to work lower than the year you are on and fill the gaps rather than struggling at your level without understanding the basics.

Take the Year 2

Check what your spelling level is with our online test.

Start Year 2 Spelling Test

Download all Year 2 spelling worksheets

Download and print out our spelling worksheets for Year 2. 450 words especially selected for kids in Year 2, KS1.

  • Uses the Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check method.
  • Covers all the essential words to learn in Year 2.
  • Print at home.

Download Year 2 Spelling Worksheets

Learning spellings

Practice your spellings for four days then get someone to test you on the fifth day without looking at the words first.

Learn spellings video

Spell all 200 common words

Throughout Year 2 children are expected to learn how to spell the first 200 words which are commonly used in reading and writing.

Top Tip

Vowels & Consonants

There are five vowels in the alphabet.

All the rest of the letters of the alphabet are called consonants.

b c d f g h j k l m n p q s t v w x y z

Slient letters w

Silent w comes before r .

w rite w rong w rist w riggle

Slient letters k & g

Some words have silent letters. Words with silent k or g always have n flowing the silent letter.

k now k nock g nomes g nat

Words with j sound

Words with the j sound are spelt by added ge or dge .

bri dge ba dge hu ge a ge

Spell Zone games

Words ending with y

Words ending with y can make the sound igh .

fl y sh y terrif y

Plurals - words ending with y

If a word ends in y there are two ways to spell it as a plural.

If the letter before the y is a vowel (a, e, i, o, u), just add s .

monkey > monkey s holiday > holiday s

If the letter before the y is a consonant (any other letter), change the y into ies .

fl y + i + es = fl i es bab y + i + es = bab i es

Remember: Change the y into i and add es .

Adding ed er & est to words ending y

If the word ends with y , change the y into i and add the ending.

repl y + i + ed = repl i ed funn y + i + er = funn i er dr y + i + est = dr i est

Adding ed spelling video

Adding ing to words ending y

If the word ends with y just add ing .

cry > cry ing stay > stay ing

Adding ing spelling video

Adding ing ed er est & y

If the word ends with a vowel + consonant then repeat the last letter then adding ing, ed, er, est or y .

trip + p + ing = trip p ing hop + p + ed = hop p ing pat + t + er = pat t er sad + d + est = sad d est fun + n + y = fun n y

Words with ey

These words have the ee sound, spelt ey .

k ey donk ey turk ey

Spelling Games

Little Bird Spelling game play

Suffixes ment ness & ful

Suffixes are groups of letters that can be added to a root word. Suffixes change the meaning of a word to make a new word.

enjoy ment kind ness play ful

Suffixes less & ly

If the word end with y , change the y into i and add less or ly .

fear less hope less happ y + i + ly = happ i ly

Suffixes tion

ac tion direc tion

Contractions 't

A contraction is when a word is made shorter by removing one or more letters. The letter is replaced with an apostrophe ' . can not > can ' t did not > didn ' t would not > wouldn ' t

Homophones are words that sound the same but mean different things. It's important which spelling you should use.

new / knew right / write one / won

Homophones video

Here are some common homophones.

Your coat is over there . (a place) Their coat is by the door . (belonging to someone) They're playing outside . (short for 'they are')

BBC Bitesize There Their

Where are you going? (a place) Were you at school today? (past tense of are) We're going to the cinema . (short for 'we are') I am going to wear my boots . (meaning to be dressed in something)

Your cat is outside . (belonging to someone) You're my best friend . (short for 'you are')

I'm off to the seaside today . (to show direction) I'm going too .(also) That is too much ice cream! (more of something) My brother is two today . (the number)

BBC Bitesize to too two

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year 2 spelling words homework

  • Year 2 Spelling Words The Best Worksheets And Resources For Ks1 Spag

Year 2 spelling words – 13 of the best worksheets and resources for KS1 SPaG

year 2 spelling words homework

Help young learners get a good grasp on spelling before they get to KS2 with these activities, ideas, games and more…


National Curriculum English Programme of Study

Pupils should be taught to

  • segmenting spoken words into phonemes and representing these by graphemes, spelling many correctly
  • learning new ways of spelling phonemes for which one or more spellings are already known, and learn some words with each spelling, including a few common homophones
  • learning to spell common exception words
  • learning to spell more words with contracted forms
  • learning the possessive apostrophe (singular) [for example, the girl’s book]
  • distinguishing between homophones and near-homophones
  • Add suffixes to spell longer words, including –ment, –ness, –ful, –less, –ly

(If you’re looking for Year 3 and 4 spelling list resources , we’ve got you covered.)

1 | Year 2 spelling workout worksheets

year 2 spelling words homework

These review worksheets, covering the Year 2 homophones and near-homophone list from the English Programme of Study, are an excellent way to revise and practise these words.

This comprehensive set of teaching, practice and revision activities cover the statutory word lists and spelling patterns for Year 2, encouraging children to master rules and exceptions, identify misspelt words and apply their spellings creatively in context.

The worksheets include five different activities in which children look at spelling patterns, identify misspelt words and apply their spellings in context.

Check them all out here.

2 | Year 2 common exception words worksheet packs

year 2 spelling words homework

These Y2 common exception word (CEW) packs allow pupils to practise reading and spelling a selection of the 64 tricky words .

Each of the 6 worksheets includes two or three words for Key Stage 1 pupils to read, spell and understand, with an opportunity to develop letter formation using handwriting line guides.

Find them all here.

3 | Year 2 common exception words – Word mat and word cards pack

year 2 spelling words homework

This Key Stage 1 pack has been put together to support you in ensuring that children are familiar with the Y2 common exception words, both for reading and for spelling.

The words are presented on cards for display; and as mats (in alphabetical and non-alphabetical order) that can be used for table work.

Get this pack here.

4 | One-syllable word families spelling activities

year 2 spelling words homework

Looking for activities for Year 2 spellings? The resources in this spelling games KS1 word family pack will help children in KS1 to practise recognising letter patterns through interactive wall displays and card sorting activities.

This pack is great for covering KS1 spellings because there are 20 word families to look at.

Get this resource here.

5 | Interactive spelling games

year 2 spelling words homework

Give these offline and online  spelling games  a go to consolidate spelling skills and eradicate common mistakes.

6 | 7 ways to boost spelling in primary

year 2 spelling words homework

Greater accuracy will free children to write fluently, at greater length and to include more challenging vocabulary, so try these tips from Kirstie Hewett.

Check them out here.

7 | Year 2 spelling patterns classroom display packs

year 2 spelling words homework

Enhance your KS1 classroom displays with these sets of 14 colourful posters based around Year 2 spelling patterns.

Each poster shows the spelling pattern surrounded by 8 eye-catching images illustrating words that use that pattern.

As well as the completed posters, the packs include:

  • posters where the example illustrations aren’t labelled, so children can be challenged to identify the missing words;
  • posters showing the spelling pattern only, so children can add their own example words and pictures;
  • individual elements of the posters, which can be cut out and assembled as part of any larger wall display, and added to by the children.

Click here for pack 1 and here for pack 2 .

8 | Year 2 spellings word-sorting activity pack

year 2 spelling words homework

This Year 2 spelling words PDF pack contains a variety of Key Stage 1 spellings split into different Year 2 spelling rules and patterns.

Children can be given sets of word cards and asked to discuss the common spelling patterns, before sorting the cards into groups.

Get it here.

9 | Memorable strategies and games to make spelling stick

year 2 spelling words homework

Does your class learn how to spell words one week, only to forget the next? It’s time for more-memorable strategies, and Rachel Clarke offers six of her favourites here.

Click here to check them out.

10 | Great speller and reader certificates

year 2 spelling words homework

These free printable certificates are for giving out a ‘Great Reader Award’ and one ‘Great Speller Award’.

Use them in class or in school-wide competitions and literacy initiatives.

Print them out here.

11 | Year 2 spelling bingo

year 2 spelling words homework

This spelling Bingo game is a fun way to support children in Y2 and above to practise and master key spelling patterns, and can be played as a class or in small groups.

It includes a 21-page PDF of bingo cards and caller sheets, as well as teacher notes.

And you can get it here.

12 | Year 2 spelling patterns word search revision pack

year 2 spelling words homework

This Y2 spelling revision pack contains 25 PDF worksheets, each covering a different Key Stage 1 spelling pattern.

The children are asked to find hidden words in the letter grid, then identify the spelling pattern they share. Further questions on the spelling pattern are included on the second sheet. The hidden words are listed at the bottom of the page to help children with their search.

Two versions of each sheet are included – one with the list of words that children need to find, and one without for children who need more challenge.

Answer sheets for all the word searches are also included.

13 | Custom word lists

year 2 spelling words homework

At SpellingFrame you pick a year group, then a spelling rule, then get a word list to either view, print or test yourself with online.

So, for example, you can choose from adding suffixes beginning with vowel letters to words of more than one syllable, words with the /s/ sound spelt sc, homophones and near-homophones, and more.

In the interactive tests, children can opt to have the entire sentence read out, or just the word they need to spell.

Head to to check out all the options.

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Year 2 Spelling: Worksheets and Activities

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In Year 2, students will start digging deeper into phonic terminology, methods, and rules. For example, they might focus on one particular pattern or sound within a word and see if there are any other words with the same pattern/sound:

Friend ly Happi ly Faithful ly Love ly

The similarity in these words is the sound “ly” makes at the end of words. For students to understand this, they must have daily exposure to phonics.

Spelling as part of the national curriculum:

Remembering what students have done in the past year is essential before introducing new words. Therefore, teachers go over Year 1 material so students can apply it in their new class.

The statutory requirements vary. You should refer to the National Curriculum for more detailed information.

What Year 2 focuses on:

There are so many areas of spelling and phonics teachers will focus on to help Year 2 students become confident spellers.  

What is learnt:

Students will learn how to segment words, so they can spell them correctly. If you’d like to see the complete list of sounds students are expected to learn, please refer to the National Curriculum.

These are pairs of words that sound the same but are spelt differently. For more information on homophones, check out our blog .

Common exception words

Also known as tricky words. These words are those whose spelling doesn’t follow its phonetic sound. For example: pass, climb, improve…

For more information on common exception words, click here .


Contractions are missing letters that are shown by an apostrophe. “They’re” means “they are”. “It’s” means “it is.”

In Year 2, students will learn the singular possessive apostrophe. The reason we use apostrophes is to either show missing letters (contractions) like for example “I am” becomes “I’m”, or showing possession, for example: “Emile’s shoes”

For more on apostrophes, click here.

Suffixes are morphemes – which are a group of letters that can mean something on their own – that are added at the end of words. Those words are known as root or root words. Whereas, prefixes are morphemes that are added at the start of a word.

Common suffixes include: -ing, -er, -y, -ly, -ness, -es, -ed… etc.

How spelling is taught

Phonics is a way that students learn spelling, they do this by learning all forty-four different sounds the English language has, they’re known as phonemes. Teachers will start by going over previously learnt words from the Year 1 spelling curriculum, meanwhile introducing new words.

Students will be given weekly spelling lists to learn at home, although they are also included in the classroom for maximum retention. Because of student’s young age, they are set 8-10 words a week to learn, this is to ensure they are learning but not overwhelmed.

Some new spellings include:

Badge, energy, race, table, camel, metal, pencil, fossil, cry, copied, patting, enjoyment, etc…

For the complete, national curriculum list. Please click here .

Correct the spelling

You can use your interactive whiteboard, or the worksheets provided for this activity. Simply show your students words that they know, however they are spelt incorrectly. It is up to the students to decide on the correct spelling.

You could ask them if they can spot the spelling mistake, and if they do, to point it out. Then, ask your students to swap their work with another classmate. They can then mark each other’s work.

PDF version includes answers.

Worksheets with Emile

Worksheets are a classic way of helping students spell better. Following the “look, say, cover, spell, and check” method, students can fully learn the required words given by the government on the National Curriculum. Download your free worksheets below!

Other Years: 

Interactive Spelling games

A good way to engage your students with spelling is by using interactive games. Learning with Emile has been designed by teachers for teachers and students. Learning with Emile has tons of resources, especially for spelling and phonics.

If you haven’t tried Learning with Emile, why not request your free demo today!

Spelling Menu

This great idea is credited to Windy Nook Primary School . The goal of this exercise is to get students to explore their words for the week in different ways. Through the use of repetition, students will not only remember how the word is spelt, but they will have also understood why it is spelt that way.

Make use of Lego’s

Using Lego’s are a fantastic way to get your students excited to learn their spelling. There are so many activities that you and your class can take part in, here are a few ideas:

  • Write one letter per small Lego and get your students to create words from them.
  • You can also write words on bigger pieces of Lego and ask your students to form simple sentences.
  • Mix up letters and words and get your students to create more complicated sentences.

More Spelling and Phonics Blogs

  • Year 5 And 6 Spelling List: Brilliant Games And Activities!
  • Fun Compound Words Worksheets And Activities For Your KS1 Classroom
  • Phonics Lesson Plans: Brilliant Structure For KS1 Lessons
  • 10 Superb Homophone Games To Engage Your Class!
  • 10 Fun Phonics Games To Help Your Students With Phonics!

Phonics Screening: The Best Ways To Prepare Your Students

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Spelling in Year 2

Spelling in Year 2

In Year 2, children take a more in-depth look at the phonic rules and patterns of different words. For example, they may look at one particular sound and then see how it is represented in different words.

year 2 spelling words homework

In these four words, the same sound is made by a different group of letters: 'dge', 'g', 'ge' and 'j'. 

To make this clear to children, teachers may give them various words to look at and ask them to underline the recurring sound. They may be given ten or more words and asked to group them according to their spelling patterns (so 'hedge' would be grouped with 'badge', 'gem' with 'giant', 'village' with 'charge' and 'join' with 'jet').

year 2 spelling words homework

Year 2 spelling patterns

In their weekly spelling lists, children will cover various spelling patterns, including the following:  

  • Silent letters k, g and w (as in 'knock', 'gnat' and 'write')
  • Words ending le, el, al and il (as in 'meddle', 'tunnel', 'animal', 'pencil')
  • Verbs ending y which then changes to ies and ied (as in 'copy', 'copies' and 'copied')
  • Dropping the e off the end of a word when adding -ing, -ed, -er (as in 'hiking', 'hiked' and 'hiker')
  • Words which need a consonant to be doubled before adding -ing, -ed (as in 'pat', 'patting', 'patted')
  • Unusual uses of vowels, such as 'o' being used for the 'u' sound ('other') and 'a' being used for the 'o' sound ('warm')
  • Words containing suffixes (groups of letters added to the end of a word) including -ly, -ment, -ful, -ness and -less
  • Words where apostrophes are used to show contractions, such as: 'do not' changing to 'don't'
  • Words ending -tion such as ('fiction')
  • Homophones , which are pairs of words that sound the same, but are spelt differently (such as: 'hear' and 'here')

Year 2 exception words

Children will also learn another group of  common exception words  (or tricky words). These are words commonly found in the English language, but which do not follow the phonic rules that have been taught so far. Examples of these in Year 2 are: 'sugar' and 'boxer'.

How spelling is taught in Year 2

Teachers will give children lists of spellings to learn at home, but will also need to provide various activities for them to do at school. They may be given their spelling words to do as handwriting practice. They may also be given worksheets in which certain words are missing and need to be filled in, given the context of a sentence. Children may be given cards to match up (for example, root words and suffixes). 

Preparing for the weekly spelling test also becomes a permanent homework task for most Y2 children.

Year 2 spelling worksheets

Look through our selection of Y2 spelling worksheets to find activities to help your child practise the Y2 spelling patterns they're learning, or download our Y2 spelling tests pack for ten lists of words and a final-year test.

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Year 2 Spellings Words Lists - New Curriculum

Year 2 Spellings Words Lists - New Curriculum

Subject: English

Age range: 5-7

Resource type: Lesson (complete)


Last updated

30 May 2022

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Year 2 spelling

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30 Spelling Activities for ANY List of Words

  • March 6, 2020

We work hard to teach our students the correct way to spell words.  We spend countless hours creating spelling practice activities that are fun and not just writing the word multiple times.  Are you ready to get some of those hours back?!  Take a look at these fabulous EDITABLE Spelling Activities we have created for your students to practice their word lists.

Our Spelling Activities are super simple to use!!!

  • Enter your spelling list into the first page of the packet.
  • Choose the activities you want to use that week.  (We have 150+ different pages  to choose from!)
  • Print those activities.

These spelling activities can be sent home as homework, used in a word work center, or as independent practice. You can find all of our editable spelling activities, (general, seasonal, and holiday-themed) on Education to the Core Premium. Join today as a monthly or annual member for instant access to this resource and thousands more.

year 2 spelling words homework

* Spelling Activity Line-Up *

1. spelling list.

This is the page where you will type in your spelling words (up to 15 words).  It can be sent home for students to study during the week, as well as for parents to cut apart and use as flashcards.


Write each spelling word in white crayon, then color over with a marker to watch them “magically” appear.


Write each spelling word in ABC order.


year 2 spelling words homework


year 2 spelling words homework


year 2 spelling words homework


Roll the dice to see which way you are going to practice your spelling words.  Which number did you roll the most?

year 2 spelling words homework


Students choose 4 different spelling words to illustrate. As an extension, can they write a sentence to go with the picture?


Practice each word as you trace it with different writing tools.


year 2 spelling words homework


year 2 spelling words homework


year 2 spelling words homework


year 2 spelling words homework


year 2 spelling words homework


year 2 spelling words homework


year 2 spelling words homework


Students practice separating their spelling words into syllables. Count on fingers, clap your hands, or stomp your feet to see how many syllables are in each word. Then circle the corresponding number.


year 2 spelling words homework


year 2 spelling words homework


year 2 spelling words homework


year 2 spelling words homework


For your higher-level kiddos, this word search is great! They write their words either across, down, or as a challenge, diagonal on the grid. Then place random letters among the words. Share with a partner to see if they can find all of your “hidden” words!


year 2 spelling words homework


How many spelling words can your students include in a story? Write a short story that makes sense and illustrate it.


year 2 spelling words homework


Everybody loves dot markers! Grab a few different colors and stamp your spelling words as you read them.


For a more challenging activity, connect spelling practice with vocabulary work by finding a synonym and antonym for each spelling word.


year 2 spelling words homework

29. How Many Sounds

year 2 spelling words homework

30. Tic-Tac-Toe Spelling

Perfect for partner spelling activities. Your students can each take a color and play tic-tac-toe with their spelling words.

year 2 spelling words homework

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Written By: Janessa Fletcher & Emily Garcia

year 2 spelling words homework

Welcome! I’m Emily, Founder of Education to the Core. We are all about helping K-2 teachers by providing unlimited access to affordable printables for every subject area.   

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  2. Year 2 Term 1A Spelling / Phonics Homework

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  3. Top 100 List of Year 2 Spelling Words

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    2. Help with spelling homework. Some schools send spelling words home to learn in Year 2, while others just use phonics sessions at school to teach spelling. If words do come home as a list to learn (perhaps for a spelling test), then helping your child to learn them can be really helpful. If they are struggling to remember them, you might:

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  3. Year 2 Common Exception Words Worksheets

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    8 | Year 2 spellings word-sorting activity pack. This Year 2 spelling words PDF pack contains a variety of Key Stage 1 spellings split into different Year 2 spelling rules and patterns. Children can be given sets of word cards and asked to discuss the common spelling patterns, before sorting the cards into groups. Get it here.

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  13. How to Teach Year 2 Spelling

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    ppt, 279.5 KB. New curriculum Year 2 Spellings words lists, worksheets and dictation sentences. Each file has a PDF version and an editable version. There are also 3 versions of the worksheets: 1) plain text (2) cursive, without lead-in strokes and (3) cursive, with lead-in strokes. You can find more resources like these on the Save Teachers ...

  16. Spelling Activity Grid

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  17. Year 2 Spelling: High Frequency Words and Common Exception Words

    Common Exception Words are words that are spelt in a way that don't follow normal spelling rules. Some of these words are used frequently, hence the name 'common'. Examples of common exception words include: The, they, there, school, house. Here, there, where, come, some. Could, should, would, improve, money.

  18. Year 2 Common Exception Words Worksheets

    A fantastic pack of Year 2 spelling Go Respond activity resources to engage children using a variety of different devices. This 'Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check' practice sheet to send home in year 2 will support learning of the Year list of common exception words. It includes opportunities to practice using the words in sentences. Also includes guidance for parents.

  19. Year 2 Spelling Teaching Resources

    This resource is a FULL YEAR of Weekly Spelling Word Lists for Grade 2 students. There are 40 spelling lists total- more than you would need for a typical school year! Each word list has 15 spelling words that strengthen understanding of digraphs and blends. These lists increase in difficulty from the first to last lists to challenge students.

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  21. Year 2 Spelling Activities 1 (teacher made)

    These excellent spelling activities will help your children with their spelling! Year 2 Spelling Activities 1 contains: Year 2 Spelling Activities 1 Black and White [PDF] Year 2 Spelling Activities 1 Black and White Wordsearch Answers [PDF] Year 2 Spelling Activities 1 Wordsearch Answers [PDF] Year 2 Spelling Activities 1 [PDF] Twinkl Key Stage ...

  22. 30 Spelling Activities for ANY List of Words

    2. MAGIC WORDS. Write each spelling word in white crayon, then color over with a marker to watch them "magically" appear. 3. ALPHABETICAL ORDER. Write each spelling word in ABC order. 4. RAINBOW SPELLING. Write each spelling word across the rainbow.

  23. Year 2 Common Exception Words Activities

    Please let us know if the video is no longer working. Use this fantastic activity book to help children review and practice reading and writing more of the Year 2 Common Exception Words. Full of fun crosswords, word searches, stories and poems, this would work brilliantly as a morning starter, homework task, time filler or guided reading activity.