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Research Guides

Multiple Case Studies

Nadia Alqahtani and Pengtong Qu


The case study approach is popular across disciplines in education, anthropology, sociology, psychology, medicine, law, and political science (Creswell, 2013). It is both a research method and a strategy (Creswell, 2013; Yin, 2017). In this type of research design, a case can be an individual, an event, or an entity, as determined by the research questions. There are two variants of the case study: the single-case study and the multiple-case study. The former design can be used to study and understand an unusual case, a critical case, a longitudinal case, or a revelatory case. On the other hand, a multiple-case study includes two or more cases or replications across the cases to investigate the same phenomena (Lewis-Beck, Bryman & Liao, 2003; Yin, 2017). …a multiple-case study includes two or more cases or replications across the cases to investigate the same phenomena

The difference between the single- and multiple-case study is the research design; however, they are within the same methodological framework (Yin, 2017). Multiple cases are selected so that “individual case studies either (a) predict similar results (a literal replication) or (b) predict contrasting results but for anticipatable reasons (a theoretical replication)” (p. 55). When the purpose of the study is to compare and replicate the findings, the multiple-case study produces more compelling evidence so that the study is considered more robust than the single-case study (Yin, 2017).

To write a multiple-case study, a summary of individual cases should be reported, and researchers need to draw cross-case conclusions and form a cross-case report (Yin, 2017). With evidence from multiple cases, researchers may have generalizable findings and develop theories (Lewis-Beck, Bryman & Liao, 2003).

Creswell, J. W. (2013). Qualitative inquiry and research design: Choosing among five approaches (3rd ed.). Los Angeles, CA: Sage.

Lewis-Beck, M., Bryman, A. E., & Liao, T. F. (2003). The Sage encyclopedia of social science research methods . Los Angeles, CA: Sage.

Yin, R. K. (2017). Case study research and applications: Design and methods . Los Angeles, CA: Sage.

Key Research Books and Articles on Multiple Case Study Methodology

Yin discusses how to decide if a case study should be used in research. Novice researchers can learn about research design, data collection, and data analysis of different types of case studies, as well as writing a case study report.

Chapter 2 introduces four major types of research design in case studies: holistic single-case design, embedded single-case design, holistic multiple-case design, and embedded multiple-case design. Novice researchers will learn about the definitions and characteristics of different designs. This chapter also teaches researchers how to examine and discuss the reliability and validity of the designs.

Creswell, J. W., & Poth, C. N. (2017). Qualitative inquiry and research design: Choosing among five approaches . Los Angeles, CA: Sage.

This book compares five different qualitative research designs: narrative research, phenomenology, grounded theory, ethnography, and case study. It compares the characteristics, data collection, data analysis and representation, validity, and writing-up procedures among five inquiry approaches using texts with tables. For each approach, the author introduced the definition, features, types, and procedures and contextualized these components in a study, which was conducted through the same method. Each chapter ends with a list of relevant readings of each inquiry approach.

This book invites readers to compare these five qualitative methods and see the value of each approach. Readers can consider which approach would serve for their research contexts and questions, as well as how to design their research and conduct the data analysis based on their choice of research method.

Günes, E., & Bahçivan, E. (2016). A multiple case study of preservice science teachers’ TPACK: Embedded in a comprehensive belief system. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 11 (15), 8040-8054.

In this article, the researchers showed the importance of using technological opportunities in improving the education process and how they enhanced the students’ learning in science education. The study examined the connection between “Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge” (TPACK) and belief system in a science teaching context. The researchers used the multiple-case study to explore the effect of TPACK on the preservice science teachers’ (PST) beliefs on their TPACK level. The participants were three teachers with the low, medium, and high level of TPACK confidence. Content analysis was utilized to analyze the data, which were collected by individual semi-structured interviews with the participants about their lesson plans. The study first discussed each case, then compared features and relations across cases. The researchers found that there was a positive relationship between PST’s TPACK confidence and TPACK level; when PST had higher TPACK confidence, the participant had a higher competent TPACK level and vice versa.

Recent Dissertations Using Multiple Case Study Methodology

Milholland, E. S. (2015). A multiple case study of instructors utilizing Classroom Response Systems (CRS) to achieve pedagogical goals . Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (Order Number 3706380)

The researcher of this study critiques the use of Classroom Responses Systems by five instructors who employed this program five years ago in their classrooms. The researcher conducted the multiple-case study methodology and categorized themes. He interviewed each instructor with questions about their initial pedagogical goals, the changes in pedagogy during teaching, and the teaching techniques individuals used while practicing the CRS. The researcher used the multiple-case study with five instructors. He found that all instructors changed their goals during employing CRS; they decided to reduce the time of lecturing and to spend more time engaging students in interactive activities. This study also demonstrated that CRS was useful for the instructors to achieve multiple learning goals; all the instructors provided examples of the positive aspect of implementing CRS in their classrooms.

Li, C. L. (2010). The emergence of fairy tale literacy: A multiple case study on promoting critical literacy of children through a juxtaposed reading of classic fairy tales and their contemporary disruptive variants . Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (Order Number 3572104)

To explore how children’s development of critical literacy can be impacted by their reactions to fairy tales, the author conducted a multiple-case study with 4 cases, in which each child was a unit of analysis. Two Chinese immigrant children (a boy and a girl) and two American children (a boy and a girl) at the second or third grade were recruited in the study. The data were collected through interviews, discussions on fairy tales, and drawing pictures. The analysis was conducted within both individual cases and cross cases. Across four cases, the researcher found that the young children’s’ knowledge of traditional fairy tales was built upon mass-media based adaptations. The children believed that the representations on mass-media were the original stories, even though fairy tales are included in the elementary school curriculum. The author also found that introducing classic versions of fairy tales increased children’s knowledge in the genre’s origin, which would benefit their understanding of the genre. She argued that introducing fairy tales can be the first step to promote children’s development of critical literacy.

Asher, K. C. (2014). Mediating occupational socialization and occupational individuation in teacher education: A multiple case study of five elementary pre-service student teachers . Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (Order Number 3671989)

This study portrayed five pre-service teachers’ teaching experience in their student teaching phase and explored how pre-service teachers mediate their occupational socialization with occupational individuation. The study used the multiple-case study design and recruited five pre-service teachers from a Midwestern university as five cases. Qualitative data were collected through interviews, classroom observations, and field notes. The author implemented the case study analysis and found five strategies that the participants used to mediate occupational socialization with occupational individuation. These strategies were: 1) hindering from practicing their beliefs, 2) mimicking the styles of supervising teachers, 3) teaching in the ways in alignment with school’s existing practice, 4) enacting their own ideas, and 5) integrating and balancing occupational socialization and occupational individuation. The study also provided recommendations and implications to policymakers and educators in teacher education so that pre-service teachers can be better supported.

Multiple Case Studies Copyright © 2019 by Nadia Alqahtani and Pengtong Qu is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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Case study is often defined in different ways, reflecting evolving practice. What is important then is to define the concept for yourself, and explain to your audience how you are using the term.

Some definitions

Case study involves a detailed in depth analysis of an organisation, person, a group, an event, allowing an understanding of complex phenomena, such as organisations. A case study generally involves looking at a single case (which already exists), an object of study which is easily identified and separated (a bounded system) from other similar objects e.g. an organization, a place, an illness in one patient. Case study is a useful methodology for focusing on relationships connecting everyday practices in natural settings, placing attention on a local situation (Stake, 2006).

The case study is useful to investigate an issue in depth and ‘provide an explanation that can cope with the complexity and subtlety of real of life situation’ (Denscombe, 2010, p. 55).

Research questions revolve around ‘How?’ or ‘Why?’ and may be explanatory, exploratory or descriptive in nature (Yin, 2003).

Case study can be used to develop theory. Yin (2003, p. 1) notes that a case study is a way to ‘contribute to our knowledge of individual, group, organisational, social, political and related phenomena’ Case study can be used to test theory: what is it supposed to do and does it do that? Case studies can be used to trace a process, developing an understanding and then test it (Bennett, Andrew).

  • 1 Data collection
  • 2 Multiple case studies
  • 3 References and resources

Data collection [ edit | edit source ]

Case studies generally use a combination of data collection methods.

Multiple case studies [ edit | edit source ]

In multiple cases, research single cases are meaningful in relation to the other cases cited. Multiple case study research needs to use cases that are similar in some ways. The cases become "members of a group or examples of a phenomenon" (Stake, 2006, p. 6). This allows examination of what is similar and dissimilar about the cases. The researcher is looking for patterns and uniqueness, particulars and generalizations in the cases developed.

References and resources [ edit | edit source ]

Denscombe,Martyn (2010)(4th ed). The good research guide for small scale social research projects . Maidenhead: Open University Pres McGraw Hill

Dufour, S. & Foutin, V., ‘Annotated bibliography of case study method’, Current Sociology vol.40/1, 1992, pp.166-181.

Fidel, R. (1984). ‘The Case Study Method: A Case Study’, Library and Information Science Research vol.6/3, pp.273-288.

Garson, G.D. (2008). Case Studies , available from http://faculty.chass.ncsu.edu/garson/PA765/cases.htm

Gerring, J. (2007). Case Study Research: Principles and Practices , Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Gilbertson, D. W. & Stone, R. J. (1985) (2nd ed). Human resources management: cases and readings . Sydney: McGraw-Hill, 1985.

Giving, L. M. (2008) (ed.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Qualitative Research Methods, Los Angeles: Sage.

Hossain, Dewan Mahboob (2009). 'Case Study Research' Social Science Research Network http://ssrn.com/abstract=1444863

Marshall, C. & Rossman, G.B. (2006) (4th ed). Designing qualitative research , Thousand Oaks: Sage.

Merriam S. (1998). Qualitative research and case study application in education . San Francisco: Jossey Bass.

Ragin, C.C. & Becker, H.S. (1992), What is a Case? Exploring the foundations of social enquiry , Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Sadler, D. Royce (1985). ‘Evaluation, Policy Analysis and Multiple Case Studies: Aspects of focus and sampling’, Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis , vol.7/2, pp.143-149.

Simons (2009). Case study research in practice . London: Sage

Stake, R. E. (1995). The art of case study research . Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.

Stake, R.E. (2006), Multiple Case Study Analysis, New York & London: The Guildford Press.

Soy, Susan K. (1997). The case study as a research method . Available from http://www.ischool.utexas.edu/~ssoy/usesusers/l391d1b.htm

Stoecker, R., ‘Evaluating and rethinking the case study’, The Sociological Review vol.39, no.1, February 1991, pp.88-112.

Yin, R.K. (1989). ‘Case study research design and method’. Applied Social Research Methods Series 5. Newbury Park: Sage

Young, Raymond (2010). Case study research http://ise.canberra.edu.au/raymond/?s=case+study

Zach, L. (2006), ‘Using multiple case studies design to investigate the information-seeking behaviour of arts administrators’, Library Trends vol.55/1, pp.4-21.

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A multiple case study is a research method that uses multiple research sites to gain a more comprehensive understanding of a particular phenomenon. It examines multiple cases in order to analyze patterns and the relationships between variables. This type of research method is used in management to gain a deeper understanding of a particular problem or issue. It is a systematic approach to gathering and analyzing data from multiple different sources such as individuals, organizations, or communities. The multiple case study approach allows researchers to gain greater insight into complex problems by considering a variety of perspectives, contexts, and sources of information .

  • 1 Example of multiple case study
  • 2 When to use multiple case study
  • 3 Types of multiple case study
  • 4 Steps of multiple case study
  • 5 Limitations of multiple case study
  • 6 Other approaches related to multiple case study
  • 7 References

Example of multiple case study

  • A multiple case study example could be a study of different companies in the same industry in order to analyze the differences in their strategies and performance. For instance, a researcher may examine three companies in the automotive industry and determine what strategies have been successful and which have not. They may then compare the results of these three companies in order to determine which strategies are most effective.
  • Another example of a multiple case study could be an examination of how different countries have responded to the COVID-19 pandemic. In this case, the researcher could look at different strategies adopted by countries worldwide and analyze the results of those strategies. They could then compare the results in order to determine which strategies have been most successful in mitigating the spread of the virus.
  • A third example could be a study of different schools and how they have adapted to the online learning environment . The researcher could look at the successes and failures of different schools in order to determine which strategies are most effective in transitioning to remote learning. They could then use these findings to suggest changes and improvements to the schools’ policies and procedures .

When to use multiple case study

A multiple case study approach is a useful tool for researchers looking to gain a deeper understanding of complex issues. This method can be used in a variety of contexts, such as studying organizational management , social phenomena, or public health interventions. It can provide a more comprehensive understanding of the problem by considering a variety of perspectives, contexts, and sources of information. Examples of when multiple case studies can be used include:

  • Examining the effectiveness of a particular policy or program in multiple contexts.
  • Exploring the dynamics of organizational change across different settings.
  • Investigating the impact of a cultural or social phenomenon on different communities.
  • Analyzing the differences in responses to a public health intervention between populations.
  • Understanding the dynamics of an issue in order to inform the development of new policies or practices.

Types of multiple case study

  • Exploratory multiple case study: An exploratory multiple case study is used to explore a research problem in greater detail. It is used when the research question or problem is not well-defined, or when the researcher is uncertain about the best approach to study the problem. This type of multiple case study is often used to generate new ideas and to identify potential research topics.
  • Explanatory Multiple Case Study: An explanatory multiple case study is used to explain a research problem in detail. It is used when the researcher is looking to explain the cause of an event or phenomenon. This type of multiple case study is used to identify patterns and relationships between variables, and to identify potential explanations for the phenomenon being studied.
  • Descriptive Multiple Case Study: A descriptive multiple case study is used to describe a research problem in detail. It is used when the researcher wants to provide a comprehensive overview of a particular topic or phenomenon. This type of multiple case study is useful for providing a detailed description of a particular event or phenomenon and its context.
  • Comparative Multiple Case Study: A comparative multiple case study is used to compare two or more research sites. It is used when the researcher wants to compare and contrast a phenomenon across multiple sites. This type of multiple case study is useful for examining similarities and differences between different research sites.
  • Embedded Multiple Case Study: An embedded multiple case study is used to embed a single case study within a larger research project . It is used when the researcher wants to incorporate a single case study within a larger research project. This type of multiple case study is useful for exploring the complexities of a particular research problem, and for providing an in-depth understanding of a particular phenomenon.

Steps of multiple case study

A multiple case study is a research method that uses multiple research sites to gain a more comprehensive understanding of a particular phenomenon. The multiple case study approach allows researchers to gain greater insight into complex problems by considering a variety of perspectives, contexts, and sources of information. The following steps are necessary for conducting a successful multiple case study:

  • Selecting the research sites : The first step in a multiple case study is to select the research sites. This requires careful consideration of factors such as the size and scope of the problem, the availability of data and resources, and the accessibility of the research sites.
  • Gathering data : After selecting the research sites, the next step is to gather data. This can be done through interviews, surveys, focus groups, and other data collection methods .
  • Analyzing the data : Once the data has been gathered, it must be analyzed in order to identify patterns and relationships between variables. This requires careful analysis of the data and may involve using statistical methods such as regression and factor analysis.
  • Drawing conclusions : After the data has been analyzed, the next step is to draw conclusions. This involves synthesizing the data and making sense of it in order to answer the research question.
  • Reporting the results : The final step is to report the results of the multiple case study. This can be done through a written report, a presentation, or a multimedia format.

Limitations of multiple case study

Multiple case studies have some limitations that should be taken into consideration when using this method. These limitations include:

  • The multiple case study approach can be time consuming and resource intensive, as researchers must collect and analyze data from multiple different sources.
  • It can be difficult to identify patterns and relationships between variables when studying multiple cases.
  • The data collected from multiple cases may be difficult to generalize to a larger population.
  • The multiple case study approach is limited to studying phenomena in limited contexts, and does not provide a holistic picture of a phenomenon.
  • It can be difficult to control for all variables in a multiple case study, which can lead to inaccurate results.

Other approaches related to multiple case study

A multiple case study is a research method that uses multiple research sites to gain a more comprehensive understanding of a particular phenomenon. Other approaches related to multiple case studies include:

  • Qualitative research : Qualitative research is an empirical research approach which focuses on understanding the perspectives, experiences, and beliefs of people in their contexts. It typically involves interviews, observations, and other forms of data collection.
  • Grounded Theory : Grounded theory is an inductive research method that examines how social processes are created, maintained, and changed. It involves the systematic collection and analysis of data to generate new theory.
  • Action Research : Action research is a type of research that involves the active participation of stakeholders in the research process . It focuses on identifying and resolving practical problems in an organization or community.
  • Gustafsson, J. (2017). Single case studies vs. multiple case studies: A comparative study .
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Home > ETDS > Dissertations and Theses > 3378

Dissertations and Theses

Wiki-based collaborative creative writing in the esl classroom.

Rima Elabdali , Portland State University Follow

Portland State University. Department of Applied Linguistics

First Advisor

Nike Arnold

Date of Publication

Fall 12-12-2016

Document Type

Degree name.

Master of Arts (M.A.) in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages

Applied Linguistics

Creative writing (Higher education) -- Study and teaching -- Foreign speakers, English language -- Study and teaching -- Foreign speakers, Wikis (Computer science), Students -- Attitudes, Second language acquisition, Group work in education


Physical Description

1 online resource (xi, 166 pages)

Despite the growing number of L2 studies examining digitally-mediated collaborative writing, the vast majority of these studies have focused on academic writing tasks. This study examined the dynamics and perceptions of groups of ESL students who used wikis to write collaborative short stories. The study also compared the short stories written in groups with posttest short stories written individually in terms of creativity, accuracy, and complexity. The study involved nine students taking a Creative Writing course in an intensive English program at a large university in the U.S. It followed a multiple case study design; the students were divided into three pairs and one triad (four case studies). For three weeks, the groups engaged in a series of wiki-based and creative writing activities and produced four collaborative short stories. During the following three-week period, the students wrote nine individual short stories using a similar writing prompt to the one used in the collaborative task. For each student, the collaborative and individual writing samples were compared on the three dimensions of creativity, accuracy, and complexity to examine whether collaboration influenced the quality of the product. Further, the dynamics of collaboration were explored through analyzing the wiki discussions and revision histories for each group. Finally, students' perceptions of the task were surveyed through individual interviews and self-assessment questionnaires. While there was not a clear effect of collaboration on the creativity and accuracy of the short stories, the complexity was slightly higher for the majority of the informants. The analysis of the short stories also indicated that ESL students faced difficulty writing in a genre that does not have a strict pre-established outline. Analysis of the wiki discussions and revision history showed trends of group dynamics in the four case studies. Further analysis of perception data revealed that although the majority of the informants had a negative perception of the collaborative task, they expressed a positive attitude toward the individual creative writing task.

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Recommended Citation

Elabdali, Rima, "Wiki-based Collaborative Creative Writing in the ESL Classroom" (2016). Dissertations and Theses. Paper 3378. https://doi.org/10.15760/etd.5269

Since February 02, 2017

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Designing Physical Interaction Platforms pp 151–157 Cite as

Research Approach: Multiple-Case Study

  • Maximilian Perez Mengual 5  
  • First Online: 13 October 2023

70 Accesses

Part of the book series: Markt- und Unternehmensentwicklung Markets and Organisations ((MAU))

To investigate innovation and reconfiguration happening in brick-and-mortar retail during the COVID-19 crisis, a multiple-case comparative research strategy was applied (Eisenhardt, 1991). In general, case studies use different perspectives and data sources to illustrate complex phenomena in a real-world context. With the COVID-19 crisis and its impact on retail business models, a unique phenomenon is investigated, making a qualitative, case-based approach highly suitable (Siggelkow, 2007).

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Nürnberg, Germany

Maximilian Perez Mengual

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© 2023 The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH, part of Springer Nature

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Perez Mengual, M. (2023). Research Approach: Multiple-Case Study. In: Designing Physical Interaction Platforms. Markt- und Unternehmensentwicklung Markets and Organisations. Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-41920-2_25

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-41920-2_25

Published : 13 October 2023

Publisher Name : Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden

Print ISBN : 978-3-658-41919-6

Online ISBN : 978-3-658-41920-2

eBook Packages : Business and Economics (German Language)

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Man suffering over existence of 2 of his fingers has them surgically amputated, study says

FILE -- Researchers said a man experienced emotional relief after he had two of his fingers...

(Gray News) – A 20-year-old man who suffered distress over two fingers on his left hand successfully relieved his stress by amputating them, according to experts.

The surgery results were published March 27 in the medical journal Clinical Case Reports .

According to researchers, the unnamed 20-year-old suffered from body integrity identity disorder (BIID), a condition which causes a person to have the distressing belief that a particular body part should not exist. Experts said this could potentially lead to self-amputation attempts that could put their lives at risk.

Researchers said the 20-year-old who experienced BIID regarding the fourth and fifth fingers on his left hand experienced immediate relief after the amputations. Some of the symptoms he was relieved from included nightmares and emotional distress and he also had improved functionality after the surgery.

The decision to move forward with the amputation was made despite ethical concerns because doctors had the patient’s desire and consent for the procedure. The results would also mitigate the risks of self-harm from the patient.

Researchers said the procedure’s results suggest that amputation should be carefully considered to help relieve the distress caused by BIID in patients.

Copyright 2024 Gray Media Group, Inc. All rights reserved.

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1923  Actor Cole Brings Plenty Found Dead After Being Named a Suspect in Domestic Violence Case

The actor, who played Pete Plenty Clouds on the show, went missing on April 2

Charlotte Phillipp is a Weekend Writer-Reporter at PEOPLE. She has been working at PEOPLE since 2024, and was previously an entertainment reporter at The Messenger.

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Frazer Harrison/Getty

The body of 1923 actor Cole Brings Plenty was discovered in Kansas, days after he was named a suspect in a domestic violence case and reported missing, authorities said.

The Johnson County Sheriff's Office announced in a press release that Brings Plenty, 27, was discovered in a rural area of Kansas on Friday, April 5 at around 11:45 a.m. after deputies received reports about an unoccupied car.

"Deputies checked the area and discovered a deceased male in a wooded area away from the vehicle," the sheriff's office wrote in the release, noting that the car was discovered at the area of 200th and Homestead Lane. "The deceased male has been identified as Cole Brings Plenty, 27."

Emerson Miller/Paramount+

Brings Plenty, the nephew of  Yellowstone  star Mo Brings Plenty and recurring actor on the show’s spinoff series,  1923, was first reported missing on April 2.

Mo, 54, shared a  missing persons poster  of his nephew on Instagram at the time, announcing that Cole had been last seen on Sunday evening in a white Ford Explorer. According to the poster, he missed an appointment with his agent for a TV show, which was "uncharacteristic" for him, and this raised alarm bells for his family.

Cole, who played sheepherder Pete Plenty Clouds in  1923 , was last seen leaving Lawrence, Kansas, in his car in the “early morning hours” on Sunday, per the poster.

Hours after the  Yellowstone  star shared the missing person poster, the Lawrence Police Department released a  statement naming Cole as a suspect in an incident that "involves allegations of domestic violence."

According to the release, authorities "responded to reports of a woman screaming for help" in an apartment on Sunday morning. After an investigation identified Brings Plenty as a suspect, "traffic cameras showed him leaving the city immediately after the incident."

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In addition to being named a suspect, the police said they "have probable cause for his arrest, and issued an alert to area agencies." However, the authorities kept details of the incident to a minimum due to the sensitive nature of the allegations.

Representatives from Paramount did not immediately respond to PEOPLE's request for comment.

The release added that the investigation is ongoing. Anyone with information should reach out to the Johnson County Sheriff's Office at 913-782-0720.

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