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280+ M Words, Phrases, Sentences, and Reading Passages

As promised here are the words for your unlimited use .

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Initial M by Syllables


marching band


Mother's Day



Mexican food





major general


manual training



Memorial Day








Medial M by Syllables


sledge hammer

summer school

climbing safety











Final M by Syllables

dining room

Hall of Fame

living room

reading room

family room

SEE ALSO:   The Best Free App for Speech Therapy

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Initial M Phrases and Sentences

friendly mailman

wooden match

side view mirror

paper money

hairy monkey

bright moon

black moose

little mouse

funny movie

brown muffin

She is mad at her friend.

The mailman delivered the letters.

He found the city on the map.

Wear a mask to the party.

Please light the match and start the fire.

A glass of milk is good for you.

I checked my side view mirror.

My mom gave me a hug.

He put the money in his pocket.

The monkey is looking for food.

The moon was shining bright.

The moose has big antlers.

The mouse wanted some cheese.

She has white teeth in her mouth.

We are going to the movie at 7 o'clock.

She is walking in the mud.

That chocolate muffin looks good.

His muscle is so big.

Medial M Phrases and Sentences

ark animals

humpback camel

digital camera

brick chimney

rock climber

rock drummer

happy family

pink flamingo

juicy hamburger

metal hammer

new lawnmower

colored numbers

smart plumber

swimming fast

kitchen timer

pretty woman

There were lots of animals on the ark.

The camel is in the desert.

She has a digital camera.

The chimney is made of brick.

The rock climber used ropes.

He is a drummer in a band.

The family was very happy.

The flamingo was walking by the shore.

Let's get a hamburger for dinner.

Hit the nail with the hammer.

He cut the grass with a lawnmower.

He squeezed lemon on his fish.

Put the numbers in order.

The plumber fixed the leaky pipe.

She is swimming under water.

Set the timer for 5 minutes.

Cut up one tomato and add it to the stew.

She is a happy woman.

Final M Phrases and Sentences

tiled bathroom

tidy bedroom

girl's bedtime

clam shells

cold ice cream

white mushroom

loud scream

soccer team

The bathroom had marble tile.

I always keep my bedroom tidy.

They read a book at bedtime.

The clam shells are open.

She likes to climb a rock wall.

She likes to comb her hair.

Each gumball costs one dime.

They are playing a fun game.

We had ham for dinner.

We see dad when we get home.

Here is your bowl of ice cream.

The lamb is so cute.

We saw a mushroom in the grass.

He is holding her palm up.

She can scream really loud.

He likes to swim in the lake.

The team has their first game today.

She gave him a thumbs up.

M Reading Paragraphs

Lemon ice cream.

Have you ever had lemon ice cream? Matt, his brother Mason, and their whole family loved it. But Matt's family is not a typical family. They are a family of monkeys. They live in the metro zoo in Maine. They always make a mess when they eat ice cream, but Mac the zookeeper gives it to each member of the family on their birthday.

Today was Matt's birthday and he couldn't wait to get his lemon ice cream. Last night, at bedtime, he couldn't sleep. All he could think about was the cold, yummy, lemon flavor in his mouth.

When Matt first saw Mac, he moved closer to him to see if he had the ice cream. When he saw Mac's face he got worried.

"Sorry Matt," said Mac, "I couldn't get any lemon ice cream for you. They were all out. I'll make it up to you though. Don't worry!"

Matt was sad and mad. He wanted to scream but he knew that wouldn't help anything. Just then Mac pulled a shiny object out of his pocket.

"Here ya go," said Mac, "Here is a dime."

This would make a great addition to his collection of shiny objects. Matt was happy with his birthday dime and smiled at Mac to say thank you.

Clam Hamburgers

Mel had the perfect idea for a new restaurant. He wanted to make and sell clam hamburgers. If everyone loved clams as much as he did, his restaurant would be a success.

And that would only be the start. He would make clam muffins, clam ice cream, and clam tomato pie. He told his friend, Michael, about the idea. Michael told him he should ask some people if they would eat those types of food.

Mel started talking to everyone he met. He talked to the plumber, the mailman, a woman at the store, some people on the swim team, family members, and a drummer in the park.

He asked all of them if they would pay money for a delicious clam hamburger. All of them said, "No."

Mel couldn't believe it.

"Doesn't everyone love clams as much as me?" he thought.

Later that day Mel talked to his mom. She told him not to give up on his dream and that the right idea would come to him. Mel thanked his mom and followed her advice.

The next day he had more ideas and started making plans to work on them.

Travel Dreams

Mindy wanted to travel more. She watched a movie about someone who traveled the world and that is what she was going to do.

She told her family and left home with her camera, comb, a map, and some other belongings. There were so many things she wanted to do and see.

She wanted to see a flamingo, a moose, masks from other countries, a camel, and a tomato the size of a watermelon. She wanted to climb the highest mountain, swim in the ocean, and see the bathroom in a king's palace. She would have so many stories to tell.

When she got to the bus station and was ready to buy a ticket, she realized...she didn't have any money. "They didn't show that in the movie," she thought as she walked home, "I'm sure I can solve this problem."

This list of functional words was professionally selected to be the most useful for a child or adult who has difficulty with producing the "M" sound.

We encourage you to use this list when practicing at home.

Doing home practice will help your child make much faster progress toward correct production.

Speech-Language Pathologists (SLPs) are only able to see students/clients 30-60 mins (or less) per week.

This is not enough time  for your child to overcome an articulation disorder with the "M" sound. But with high caseloads...

...it's all SLPs can do.

There's  only so much time  in the day.

Every day that your child goes without practice  it becomes more and more difficult  to correct an "M" error because he/she continues to say it incorrectly. 

SEE ALSO:   The Best Books for Speech Therapy Practice

Speech therapy books for targeting multiple goals

We know life is busy , but if you're reading this you're probably someone who cares about helping their loved one as much as you can.

Practice 5-10 minutes whenever you can, but try to do it on a consistent basis (daily).

Please, please, please use this list to practice.

It will be a great benefit to you and your loved one's progress.

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Parent's Academy › Speech Disorders › Speech Sound Disorders › Articulation Therapy: The Mighty M Sound

Articulation Therapy: The Mighty M Sound

Stacie bennett.

Speech-Language Pathologist , Trenton , New Jersey

Jan 15, 2022 The M sound is one of my favorites to teach because it’s one of the sounds that children start to play with when babbling is started.


“Ma, ma, ma, ma” is one of the first sound/syllable combinations that occur with kids because it’s made by bringing the lips together – one of the initial motor skills our children learn. Professionally, speech therapists call this m sound articulation, which means just being able to say the M sound. Not being able to pronounce this might mean your child has an articulation disorder. If your child is having difficulty forming the M sound, here are some suggestions to help!       ‘  ’

How to Elicit the /m/ Sound:

  • Model the sound yourself and encourage your little one to imitate you. Repeat the sound three times (no more or they will get frustrated). 
  • Put your child’s hand on your mouth while you are making the sound so they can feel the vibrations, then put their hand on their own mouth and encourage them to try to make the sound. 
  • Have them watch themselves in the mirror to make sure they are bringing both lips together. You can also point to your mouth to make them look at how you are producing the sound. I do this all of the time with my son (10 months) to get him to focus on my mouth. 
  • Try some lip exercises , if they have difficulty bringing their lips together because of low muscle tone. If you are interested in learning more about oral motor exercises , let us at Speech Blubs know and we will give you some suggestions!

Practice the /m/ Sound in Syllables:

Put the /m/ sound in front of all the long and short vowels, may, me, my, mow, and moo.  Then practice the /m/ sound at the end of the vowels, um, am, im, om, em, and finally in the middle of the vowels, imo, aymu, ema, omee . . . you get the idea. This is done by practicing animal sounds and by singing nursery songs! Be silly and fun with this activity because it’ll keep your child’s attention. 

If your child can successfully say the /m/ at the beginning of syllables then they are ready to practice the sound at the beginning of words.

Practice the /m/ Sound in Words:

If your child can say the syllables above with a nice /m/ sound then he is ready to move them into words. You can Google /m/ in the beginning, middle, or ending of words and you will see a ton of resources to use! Play games like “Go Fish” or matching to work on these words. Make sure you work on the sound in ALL positions of words!

Show Visual and Audio Cues with the Help of Speech Blubs 

The Speech Blubs App  has multiple activities that you can use to target specific speech sounds. The games are fun and highly engagable so your child won’t even realize that they are working on speech sounds!

Boost Your Child’s Speech Development!

Improve language & communication skills with fun learning!

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To practice making the M consonant here is the list of sections and words in them that you can practice with your child:

  • Wild Animals: Mouse.
  • Early Sounds: Muuu, Meow.
  • Petting ZOO: Mouse.
  • Outdoor Wonders: Moon, Map, Autumn, Summer, Storm.
  • Yummy Time: Watermelon, Milk, Muffin.
  • Toy Box: Marbles, Locomotives.
  • When I grow up: Farmer, Lumberjack, Plumber, Fireman, Policeman.
  • We are Family: Mom, Grandma, Family.
  • Get into Shapes: Diamond.
  • School Rocks: Gym. 
  • This is my Body: Mouth.
  • Ride your Wheels: Motorcycle. 
  • Universe: Mercury, Mars, Moon, Comet.

How to Play Articulation Bingo?

  • Use the button below to download our Articulation Bingo Board,
  • Print out the board and give it to your child or cut out the pictures and put them into a bag,
  • Let your child pick a word from the board/bag, 
  • Find the word in Speech Blubs App and practice it, play with fun filters, and watch educational videos,
  • Your child is a winner when he practices three pictures in a row (across, down, or horizontally) or the entire board.

Articulation Bingo M Sound

Move the /m/ Sound into Sentences

If your child can say the /m/ sound in the beginning of words then practice the initial /m/sound in sentences . For example, “Mail me a  _________.” Fill in the blank with the initial /m/ words you have been practicing, “Mail me a moose, or Mail me a mermaid . . . .”

If your child can say the /m/ sound at the end of words then practice the final /m/ sound in sentences. For example, “_________ come home.” Again filling in the blank with the final /m/ words you practiced.

If your child can say the /m/ sound well in the middle of words then practice the medial /m/ in sentences. For example, “Sammy has a  __________.”

Move the /m/ Sound into Stories

Create short stories with the picture cards you have been practicing.  Have your child practice retelling them.  For example, “The mummy went to the mountains and ate marshmallows and macaroni.  Then he met a mermaid and shared milk and muffins . . . .”  Be creative with this, the most important thing is to create an opportunity for your child to get as much practice with the sounds as possible.

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Move the /m/ Sound into Conversation

If your child is successful with the /m/ sound while retelling the stories you have created he is ready to move the /m/ sound into conversation. It is at this point you can correct your child if he forgets to pronounce the /m/ correctly in conversation.

If your child has difficulties with other sounds, here are the articles that can help you with speech therapy and articulation activities ideas:

Articulation Therapy: An All-in-One Guide for Parents

  • B Sound Articulation Therapy
  • H Sound Articulation Therapy
  • JJ and CH Sounds Articulation Therapy
  • L Sound Articulation Therapy
  • Lisp Articulation Therapy
  • N Sound Articulation Therapy
  • NG Sound Articulation Therapy
  • R Sound Articulation Therapy
  • S Sound Articulation Therapy
  • SH Sound Articulation Therapy
  • T and D Sounds Articulation Therapy
  • W Sound Articulation Therapy

These blogs can help you help your young children with any speech problems they may have. Stay tuned for more helpful blogs!

Free Assessment!

Take this quiz and get a report on your child’s milestones and a personalized learning plan.

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The author’s views are entirely his or her own and may not necessarily reflect the views of Blub Blub Inc. All content provided on this website is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for independent professional medical judgement, advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.

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How to Teach the “M” Sound

Image source: clearspeechtherapy.blogspot.com

Babies often begin their initial explorations with sounds with the “M” sound. If your baby’s first word was “mama,” he’s not alone. Most children have command over this sound by the time they are two or three, if not earlier. If you think that your child might be displaying difficulties with the “M” sound, consult a speech-language pathologist (SLP) sooner rather than later. Although your child may not yet be old enough to go to school, you can still take advantage of free speech therapy with the Early Intervention program.

The “M” Sound

The “M” sound is nasal. This means that air travels through the nose, rather than the mouth. It is also a bilabial sound, like the “P” sound, which means that it is formed by closing the lips. Say “Mama.” Now try to say it without closing your lips for the second “m.” It turns into an “N,” doesn’t it?

Tactile Demonstration

It is often helpful for a child to learn sounds by engaging several senses. He can look at you for a visual demonstration and hear a verbal demonstration of the sound. He can also learn a sound with the sense of touch. To conduct a tactile demonstration of the “M” sound, have your child place his hand on your throat. Make the “M” sound. Your child will be able to feel your vibrating vocal cords. When you encourage him to make the sound himself, instruct him to place his hand lightly on his own throat to feel his vibrating vocal cords.

Image source: icanteachmychild.com

Visual Demonstration

During a time when your child is well-rested, sit down with him. Have a handheld mirror handy. Engage him in a game of “monkey see, monkey do.” Instruct him to copy your actions. Close your lips and point to them. Wait for him to do the same. Hold up the mirror so that he can see his closed lips.

Verbal Demonstration

While your child is looking at his closed lips in the mirror, verbally demonstrate the “M” sound for him. Make the “Mmmmm” sound with your closed lips, as if you were praising a particularly tasty recipe. If your child appears to be losing his interest, make a funny face and laugh at yourself. Encourage him to make the “Mmmm” sound, followed by his own funny faces.

Verbally demonstrate whole words that begin with “M.” Start with simple words like “mama” and “moo” and progress to words like “melon,” “magic,” and “motor.” Gradually, as your child masters single words, begin to demonstrate them in short, simple sentences. For example, say, “Mama bought milk and melons.” Begin demonstrating words that do not begin with “M,” but that incorporate the letter elsewhere. Say words like “yummy,” “tummy,” and “summer” and encourage your child to repeat them.

Image source: chron.com

Daily Activities

In addition to sitting down with your child regularly to practice the “M” sound, incorporate speech therapy into everyday activities. Children who might become bored with endless word repetitions might be more apt to practice the sound in a song. Search your local library for sound recordings of alphabet songs or create your own silly song. For example, sing about a monkey at the zoo who wanted to eat meatballs and marshmallows.

Ask your child to help prepare dinner. Make a game out of finding as many ingredients that start with “M” as possible. When dinner is ready, praise it by saying “Mmmmm! Yummy in my tummy!” On your next family road trip, make a game out of pointing out all the objects with the letter “M” that you and your child see. Point out moving vans, mountains, mailboxes, and machines for road repairs. In addition to these simple activities, ask your child’s speech therapist about games that she uses in speech therapy so that you can do them at home as well.

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  • Mar 31, 2020

"M" Practice and Resources

Here you will find words, phrases, sentences, paragraphs, and tongue twisters for the "m" sound. Many of the lists are taken from the Home Speech Home site. The "m" sound is very visual and so it is helpful to learn and practice the sound with a mirror in front of both you and the child so the child can look at you and then look at themselves. Per usual, here is a video to help with correctly producing this sound.


"M" Picture Words Initial "m" Medial "m" Final "m"

"M" Phrases Initial "m" Medial "m" Final "m"

"M" Word Lists Initial "m" Medial "m" Final "m"

"M" Sentences Initial "m" Medial "m" Final "m"

"M" Paragraphs

"M" Tongue Twisters Mummies munch much mush. Monsters munch much mush. Many mummies and monsters must munch much mush. I miss my Swiss miss and my Swiss miss misses me. A missing mixture measure. Much mashed mushrooms.

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Free M Sound Articulation Words Flashcards

Free M sound articulation words flashcards for autism and speech therapy. Initial, medial and final word lists download printable PDF worksheets. The “m” sound, known as a voiced bilabial nasal, is produced by bringing the lips together and allowing the sound to pass through the nose. These picture flashcards provide visual cues that aid autistic and speech delayed children helps to learn producing the “m” sound accurately. Targeting different word positions through flashcards helps to practice the proper production of the “m” sound.

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Initial M Words

Download Printable PDF

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Medial M Words

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Final M Words 

Interactive m words audio flashcards.

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Word Lists For Articulation & More!

It is handy to have word lists for speech therapy at your fingertips for extra articulation practice or for a quick game during therapy.

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Click on a letter below to take you to the corresponding FREE list, Google Drive version, free handouts, quick cues, and activities that require NO device or Flashcards! Remember the letters represent a sound.

Word Lists For Speech Therapy By Sound:

L    blends, r    blends, s    blends, vowels .

Let's not forget about vowels! I have word lists for ALL vowels here!

How to Practice Articulation:

Are you wondering how to use these word lists effectively? Are you still learning what articulation practice is all about? Don’t worry, click on   articulation practice overview using these word list s.

We can help explain the process with research-based information!

Articulation Materials & Guide

If you need home practices, articulation cards, cariboo cards, sentence level practice sheets, and teaching cue cards/materials, please click the image below. All materials use high-frequency words (aka, words that kids actually say!)

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  • Free Worksheets

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I created these free speech and language worksheets so you can easily download and print them out to use as part of your speech therapy program.  Just scroll down the page to view the worksheets by topic.  You will find free speech therapy worksheets for articulation, vocabulary , grammar, holiday articulation and language games…and lots of other miscellaneous speech therapy creations that I love!  If you would like more information on what articulation therapy is you might like to read a post I have written called  Teaching Speech Sounds: The Process of Traditional Articulation Therapy

Parents:  If you are a mommy or a daddy (or grandma or grandpa) who wants to work with your child at home, you can use these speech therapy activity pages for extra practice.  Just choose the sound position to work on (initial, medial, or final) and click on the corresponding link to view and print the worksheets.  To help make practice more fun, you can print out two of the same page so you have pairs, cut them out, and use them to play a game of memory or go fish. You can also use them as flashcards.  You will find free speech therapy worksheets by sound and at a variety of levels; word level, phrase level and sentence levels!

Articulation Worksheets

Speech Sounds in Syllable Wheel

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/th/ Sound Voiceless

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/th/ Sound Voiced

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Grammar Worksheets

Regular past tense.

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Irregular Past Tense

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Third Person Singular

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Vocabulary Worksheets – Holiday and Seasonal Themed 

Fall & autumn memory game, christmas vocabulary 1, christmas vocabulary 2, summer vocabulary, summer vocabulary companion, grammar bingo games – holiday and seasonal themed, grammar bingo games.

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Vocabulary BINGO Games – Holiday and Seasonal Themed

Vocabulary bingo - winter, concepts bingo - christmas, conceptual vocabulary bingo - back-to-school, conceptual vocabulary bingo - fall, conceptual vocabulary bingo - spring & easter, lemonade stand bingo - summer, 4th of july vocabulary bingo - summer.

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Articulation Therapy: Teaching M and N sounds

Teaching M and N sounds- The sounds /m/ and /n/ are voiced nasals . Nasals refer to the way the sounds are produced with air flowing through the nose.

If these sounds are misarticulated, a speech therapist can assist in bringing an understanding of how the sounds are made and then establish them, followed by strengthening and generalizing them at different levels (such as sounds, words, sentences).

1. How are the sounds produced?

When saying the /m/ sound , both lips need to be lightly pressed and air flows through the nose. The tongue is relaxed at the bottom of the mouth.

The sound /m/ is one of the first few sounds for a child to produce with words such as ‘mama’ being said earlier on. However, the sound /n/ may take a little longer to establish. Therefore, the sound /m/ can be focused on earlier with the sounds /p/ and /b/. The sound /n/ can be taught thereafter.

How is the sound /m/ established?

  • Use a mirror to let the child see how the lips move when the sound /m/ is said. You can use a simple touch of the lips (touch cue) to help press the lips together lightly to produce the sound.
  • Enact humming . Take a simple song or just a continuous tone and let the child hear and feel it (on the throat and nose).
  • Play a game of – back and forth . Here you and the child will take turns to hum /m/ sound. It can be by imitation of the same length of the sound e.g. mmm . Additionally, it can be a competitive game of humming the sound longer than the other. For example -Adult: mm Child: mmmm Adult: mmmmm. Continue to assist the child to use voicing as well as have lips closed lightly

* Note: Before establishing the production of this sound, a speech therapist may work on getting the child to listen and identifying (or differentiating) the sound from others, such as /p/ and /b/. Take guidance from your speech therapist about the need for this and how to work on the same.

3. How to establish the sound /n/?

Like the /m/ sound, the /n/ sound needs voicing. Get ideas on how to teach ‘voicing’ here ( link is here ). The sound can be established using these activities:

  • Teach the child to place the tongue behind the upper front teeth. Use some food that can stick and place it at the appropriate place. Assist the child to use the tongue to remove the item with the tongue. Let the child get aware of the placement through this activity.
  • Once the child knows the placement (from the activity above), encourage the child to let air through the nose. Let the child feel the air coming out by placing a finger under the nose. This can be tricky at times and requires visual feedback (using a mirror) as well as tactile feedback (using the finger at the nose) consistently.

* Note: Before establishing the production of this sound, a speech therapist may work on getting the child to listen and identifying (or differentiate) the sound from others, such as /m/ and /th/. Take guidance from your speech therapist about the need for this and how to work on the same.

4. How to build the sound at syllable, word, sentence and conversational level.

Once the sounds /m/ and /n/ are established in isolation, there is a need to join them to vowels and then consonants (to form syllables). Forming syllables (i.e. the sound along with other a vowel) are the first steps towards using the sounds in longer utterances. Articulation training requires training with syllables, at words,  Teaching M and N sounds in sentences and paragraphs and lastly within running speech/ conversation.

In Syllables.

  • Build meaningful syllables with the sound /m/ or /n/ by associating them with picture Such as the sound /m/ with /o/ can become /mooo/ and associated with a picture of a ‘cow’. Similarly /n/ and /e/ sounds like the words ‘knee’. Similarly, the vowel /i/ with /n/ can be the action ‘in’.
  • Fun meaningless sounds can also be made. Use a microphone and pretend to sing different syllables. Let the child imitate them e.g. mi, im, am etc.

Teaching M and N sounds

  • Lay 2 to 3 hoola hoops horizontally in front of the child. Place words (from the words list) with the target sound /m/ or /n/ in each. Throw a ball or bean bag into the hoola hoops by taking turns. The person throwing has to say the words in which the bean bag or ball falls.
  • Binocular game. Paste words on a wall on one end of the room. The words can be taken from the word list with the target word (m or n). By using a binocular, the child has to find words on the wall and say them out loud. If the child can not read, use pictures or allow the child to imitate after you.

In Sentences.

If the child can use the sounds well within words, then move on to practicing sentences. At first, short sentences should be used – two to three-word sentences. Follow this with longer sentences and paragraphs/stories .

Create a list of sentences with the sounds for the child to practice. For example, when practicing the sound /n/ – (1) Nine noses. (2) My niece has seen many menus. (3) New neighbors are nice to know and meet.

Make practice fun. Play games when strengthening articulation at the sentence level. Here are two such games:

  • Hopscotch with a twist . Draw hopscotch boxes on the floor. Number them. Keep a list aside with sentences coinciding to the numbers. When the player hops on a specific number, they have to read the sentence. The sentences should be those with the target sound. For children who cannot read, they may imitate an adult reading it out.
  • Draw it out. Specific to a target phrase, a drawing can be made. The child will make sentences using the same. For instance, for the sound /m/ ‘monkey-eating mangoes’ can be the phrase that is drawn out. The phrase can be used to make more sentences with the child. For instance – The many monkeys were eating mangoes. The monkeys were eating their mangoes and moving around…etc.

A few books available in bookstores that can encourage the /m/ and /n/ sounds are – Hand hand finger thumb (Al Perkins), Goodnight Moon ( Margaret Wise Brown) , Five little monkeys sitting in a tree ( Eileen Christelow )

In Conversation .

Once the child is comfortable using the target sound within practiced sentences, it is crucial to move towards more independent and spontaneous utterances- that is conversations.

During the daily life conversations, you would like the child to be aware of his/her articulation. Provide guidance to the child when s/he falters. If there are too many mistakes in conversations, it is prudent to move a step back and practice sentences and paragraphs once again.

A fun way to talk spontaneously can be through a maze game . Prepare a maze from a starting point to a house. You can also use ready-made mazes for this. Here, you want to child to ‘talk’ and tell you how to get to the house. The child will use directional cues as well as descriptions. This should be done in a conversational style, wherein the adult can ask for clarifications (e.g. ‘I didn’t get that, can you repeat yourself.’) or even question the child further (e.g. ‘where next?’ ‘ are you sure?’).  The adult can also create opportunities for the child to extend his conversation – by making mistakes.

There are several ways to build on these sounds. Hope this article provides guidance to begin improving sounds /m/ and /n/.

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Chicago Speech Therapy

How to Teach the M Sound by Chicago Speech Therapy

The /m/ sound is a nasal sound, which means that all passage through the mouth is blocked and air instead has to travel through the nose. It is also a voiced (vs. unvoiced) sound, which requires the vibration of vocal cords. Closing your mouth and lips and using your voice to make a sound creates the /m/ sound. The lips are important for this bilabial sound. Try making the sound with your lips open – it becomes the /n/ sound instead.

The /m/ sound is among the earliest sounds your child will make. Many babies’ first word is “mama” and 2 year olds love announcing that things are “mine.” Your child should easily master this sound by at least 2 or 3 years old. If you notice a delay or absence in your little one’s ability to say /m/, it is best to contact a professional speech therapist immediately to help correct the delay and prevent future language development issues.

Speech-language therapists recommend many tricks to help your child practice the sounds they are developing. These tips also serve as away to gauge your child’s ability and to recognize a problem sooner rather than later. Try these techniques with your little one when practicing the /m/ sound:

  • Verbal cues

/m/ is a fun sound to demonstrate for your child because it is so expressive. You can make the sound “mmmm” last for as long as you like and incorporate different volumes and tones. However, be sure the sound is still clear enough to be accurate. Once your child can make the sound herself, start to say it with vowels for her: “ma ma ma”, “moo moo moo”, “me me me.”

  • Visual Cues

Use a mirror with your child so that he can see that his lips are fully closed to make the sound. Indicate your own closed lips, and encourage your child to do the same with his own lips. Pinching your index and thumb fingers together next to your mouth also helps illustrate a fully-closed mouth.

  • Tactile Cues
  • Awesome /m/ Activity

The /m/ sound can be musical! Pick a note within your vocal range and hold out the /m/ sound—“mmm.” Then encourage your kiddo to pick a higher note and do the same. Together you can create some pretty harmonies and practice the /m/ sound at the same time.

Are you concerned about your child’s progress in speech and language development?

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M words | words beginning with m | speech therapy resources | pdf.

Eliciting sounds in speech therapy. Flash cards with M at the beginning. Initial M speech sound. M phonic for teachers. Ultimate speech sounds book. DARA by Resourceible, Kate Beckett.


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Words beginning with  M . Instant PDF download! ✅  Supplied in two sizes - 5 and 8 cm cards ✅ Both supplied with and without words ✅ 48 flashcards in total

High-quality images on a white background make them easy to use even for the youngest learners.  A must-have M word resource for speech therapists and teachers to use again and again! 

Appealing, bright, and educational. Use these words that begin   with M to help learn the M sound. There are x12 M words, each supplied in two sizes, and with/without the written word giving 48 flashcards in total.

M words are also available with the M sound at the end and in the middle of the word.

Supported by free   YouTube  tutorials as part of the DARA series (Digitised Automated Realistic Articulator).

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Specialist SLP

Kate Beckett Founder of Resourceible, Specialist SLP, Author of Ultimate Speech Sounds Eliciting Sounds Using 3D Animation.

Kate Beckett

Founder, SLP & Author

Kate is the founder of Resourceible and creator of DARA® (Digitised Automated Realistic Articulator). She is a Specialist SLP who studied Speech and Language Therapy and Nursing at the University of Limerick, Ireland. Kate is an experienced practitioner and fully registered in Ireland, the UK, and America with their respective Speech Therapy Associations, IASLT, RCSLT, and ASHA. She also holds full registration with the Health and Social Care Professional Regulator (CORU). She has clinical experience working in New Zealand, England, and Ireland across both community and acute hospital settings, in the public and private sectors and with adult and pediatric students.

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Speech-language pathologists (SLPs) incorporate games as an essential component of therapy, using them to enhance learning through play. Building Rapport and Overcoming Unfamiliarity: Establishing a connection with the child is crucial at the beginning of therapy, especially when there may be initial hesitancy due to unfamiliarity with the SLP. Playing games proves to be an effective way to ease this hesitation, fostering a sense of fun and laughter. Sense of Accomplishment: Games provide children with a platform to experience success during therapy. Through errorless learning, children can feel a sense of control, particularly when they take on the role of teaching the SLP how to play. This dynamic encourages confidence and active participation. Addressing Challenges: Confronting speech or language difficulties can be daunting for children who fear making mistakes. Games contribute to creating a positive balance by infusing an element of enjoyment into the learning process. Beyond Therapy Goals: Games offer an avenue for additional learning beyond the specific therapy goals, encompassing social skills and turn-taking, contributing to holistic development. Enhancing Motor Skills: Many games involve the manipulation of small pieces, providing the additional benefit of practicing fine motor skills while engaging in enjoyable activities.

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Potty mouth president: 3 takeaways on Trump's 'bloodbath' rhetoric

R epublican Donald Trump has been open about deliberately using inflammatory words to attract attention in the 2024 presidential race.

If you don't use certain language "that maybe are not very nice words, nothing will happen," the former president said in a March interview with Fox News host Howard Kurtz.

Trump employed that signature tactic during his infamous June 2015 announcement speech when he described some Mexican immigrants as criminals and rapists, which he later admitted was planned .

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It is a style that excites his conservative base as a leader who rejects the supposed political correctness imposed by liberal Democrats. But it is something that alarms detractors and frightens experts who described it as an authoritarian-leaning campaign, especially in the aftermath of the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol led by Trump supporters.

"Wake up people. This is an emergency. This is what authoritarian thugs and terrorists do," Ruth Ben-Ghiat, a history professor at New York University and author of "Strongmen: Mussolini to the Present," wrote in a March 29 post on X .

She was referring to Trump sharing a video this past week of a pickup truck that had a decal with President Joe Biden hogtied .

Yet that use of language and imagery is something Trump has intensified in his increasingly personal grudge rematch against Biden this year.

"Your victory will be our ultimate vindication, your liberty will be our ultimate reward and the unprecedented success of the United States of America will be my ultimate and absolute revenge," Trump said during this year's Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in February.

With the campaign now shifting to general election mode, more attention is being paid to Trump's rhetoric on the campaign trail and the use of macabre imagery online to convey his ideas.

Here are some key takeaways.

Metaphor or nah, Trump uses this sort of language — a lot

Sometimes it's direct and profane ; other times it is suggestive enough to give the presumptive GOP nominee wiggle room to deny Democratic claims.

But it's always meant to get a reaction, whether from allies or critics, especially on hot-button topics such as immigration and crime.

In March alone, Trump raised eyebrows when he said some undocumented migrants coming to the U.S. were "not people." That outrage was matched a few weeks later by those furious when he said Jewish Americans who vote Democratic hate Israel and "their religion."

One of the more pronounced backlashes from liberals this month, however, appeared to play into Trump's hands.

At an Ohio rally, he said the nation would face a “bloodbath” should he lose this November. That remark sent Democrats through the roof, but it was in the context of his call for a strict tariff on Chinese-made cars to protect the U.S. automakers.

"We're going to put a 100% tariff on every single car that comes across the line, and you’re not going to be able to sell those guys if I get elected," Trump said.

"Now, if I don’t get elected, it’s going to be a bloodbath for the whole – that’s gonna be the least of it. It’s going to be a bloodbath for the country. That’ll be the least of it."

The Jan. 6 anxiety

Part of the reason Democrats, anti-Trump Republicans and political observers pounce on every word out of Trump's mouth is a broader anxiety about the state of American democracy.

This is primarily based on the 2021 Capitol riot, which saw roughly 140 police officers injured and hundreds of other Trump-aligned individuals charged with trying to overturn the 2020 election.

That Trump was the "central cause" of the attack, according to a 2022 House investigative committee report, is often lost in the day-to-day campaign coverage.

It also links backs to his ongoing refusal to admit losing the last presidential contest, which has become a GOP litmus test and further fuels much of the concern about his rhetoric.

As far back as 2016, Trump alluded to " riots " by supporters if he didn't win the Republican nomination. Since then, he often brings up potential violence or uses violent images when either discussing political issues or his multiple court cases.

Trump raised the possibility of "bedlam" overtaking the country in the face of legal challenges to his candidacy and "potential death (and) destruction" when the Manhattan district attorney was pursuing the ongoing hush-money case. He also shared images of himself carrying a baseball bat near Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg's head in a since-deleted Truth Social post.

Potty mouth presidents

One thing that is different about this era of politics is swearing in public is far more acceptable.

When speaking about Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis, who's prosecuting the Georgia election fraud case against Trump , the former president mocked her name during the Ohio rally, for instance.

"It's spelled ‘fanny,’ like your a--, right?" Trump said . At other times he has dropped four-letter words and worse .

As USA TODAY has noted, Trump has helped usher in a new era of foul-mouthed elected officials and candidates who would have made previous generations blush.

At a rally in Georgia, for example, Trump  said everything  Biden touches “turns to sh--."

Biden has joined in using expletives, too, but behind the scenes, according to a February report in Politico which said the president called Trump a "sick f---."

A 2019 Harris X survey found 64% of Americans said it's inappropriate for public officials to use obscene language in public.

When the same polling firm asked a similar question in 2022 about whether Americans were bothered hearing profanity in public, just 49% said a lot or some .

This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Potty mouth president: 3 takeaways on Trump's 'bloodbath' rhetoric

Former President Donald Trump gestures to the crowd after speaking at a campaign event in Rome, Georgia, on March 9, 2024.

Prosecutors say Trump team trying to 'rewrite indictment' in bid to dismiss Georgia election case

The judge did not make a ruling at the end of arguments in Thursday's hearing.

Attorneys for Donald Trump said that Trump's comments "calling into question" the election of 2020 were "the height of political speech," in arguments seeking the dismissal of the former president's Georgia election interference case Thursday.

Trump's lawyers were back in a Fulton County courtroom, where they argued that the election interference charges against Trump should be dismissed because his actions related to the 2020 election were "political speech advocacy that lie at the heart of the First Amendment."

Fulton County Judge Scott McAfee ended the hearing without making any rulings on the motions.

MORE: Fani Willis vows nothing 'will derail' Trump's election interference trial

"I don't think there's any question that statements, comment, speech, expressive conduct that deals with campaigning or elections has always been found to be at the zenith of protected speech," Trump attorney Sadow argued, saying that even if Trump's statements were false, they are protected as a valuable contribution to public discourse.

"The only reason it becomes unprotected in the State's opinion is because they call it false," Sadow said.

But prosecutor Donald Wakeford fired back, telling the court that the former president's speech was part of a conspiracy to commit crimes.

"It's not just that he lied over and over and over again," Wakeford said. "It is that each of those was employed as part of criminal activity with criminal intentions. "

PHOTO: Attorney Steve Sadow, representing former US President Donald Trump, speaks during a hearing on a motion to dismiss the election interference charges against Trump, at the Fulton County Courthouse on March 28, 2024, in Atlanta.

Arguing that Trump was part of a "criminal organization," Wakeford said that his speech was not protected by the First Amendment because he was using his words to commit crimes.

"It's not that the defendant has been hauled into a courtroom because the prosecution doesn't like what he said," Wakeford said. "What he is not allowed to do is employ his speech and his expression and his statements as part of a criminal conspiracy, to violate Georgia's RICO [racketeering] statute, to impersonate public officers to file false documents, and to make false statements to the government."

Wakeford also argued that Trump's motion to dismiss was premature and that it failed to form a basis to dismiss the indictment.

"What we have heard here today is an attempt to rewrite the indictment to take out the parts that are inconvenient and only say, 'Well, it's all speech ... and he was just a guy asking questions,'" Wakeford said. "All of this is an effort to get Your Honor not to look at the basic fact that this speech, this expression, all this activity is employed as part of a pattern of criminal conduct."

John Floyd, an expert on racketeering laws with the DA's office, argued that Trump's election comments could still be part of a criminal conspiracy even if they could be considered free speech.

"It doesn't matter whether that's First Amendment conduct or not ... this is a RICO conspiracy case," Floyd said. "It could be First Amendment protected conduct that also shows there's a conspiracy in operation."

Attorneys for Trump co-defendant and former Georgia Republican Party Chair David Shafer, meanwhile, asked the court to strike several phrases from the indictment, including "duly elected and qualified presidential electors," "lawful electoral votes" and "false Electoral College votes."

Shafer's attorney Craig Gillen argued that the so-called fake electors cannot be defined as "public officers."

"Just because the fact that they were nominated by their party doesn't make them a public official," Gillen said. "This particular count is flawed for the very purpose of these electors cannot be under Georgia law, public officers."

"By law, by federal law, they did not have the authority," Gillen said.

A prosecutor for the DA's office argued that "anything that purports to be someone acting by authority of the government" is a public officer.

"It doesn't even have to be a real public officer, it doesn't have to be a state officer," the prosecutor said. "Anything that purports to be someone acting by authority of the government is a public officer, and that's certainly what presidential electors do."

Gillen also sought to have the team "fake elector" removed from the indictment, saying, "They want to have ingrained in the minds of the community and of jurors a concept that if you are not Democratic elector on December the 14th ... then you are a fake elector. That is a pejorative term, not necessary for the charges, and should be stricken."

"The phrase fake elector does not exist in this indictment," a prosecutor responded.

The hearing in Fulton County, Georgia, marked the first time that the parties in the case returned to court since the failed disqualification effort against Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis. Trump and several co-defendants in the case received permission last week to appeal that decision .

Trump himself did not attend the proceedings.

Trump and 18 others pleaded not guilty last August to all charges in a sweeping racketeering indictment for alleged efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election in the state of Georgia. Four defendants subsequently took plea deals in exchange for agreeing to testify against other defendants.

Earlier this month, Judge McAfee dismissed six of the counts against Trump and his co-defendants, for soliciting the oath of a public officer, due to a technical fault in the indictment. McAfee ordered Thursday's hearing to consider three motions from lawyers for Trump and Shafer related to the dismissal of the indictment.

In their motions, Trump's lawyers argued that the First Amendment protects the former president's conduct related to the 2020 election, and makes the indictment "categorically invalid."

"President Trump enjoys the same robust First Amendment rights as every other American," Sadow argued in a filing before the hearing. "The indictment here does not merely criminalize conduct with an incidental impact on protected speech; instead, it directly targets core protected political speech and activity."

"Every charge and overt act alleged against President Trump rests on core acts of political speech and advocacy that lie at the heart of the First Amendment," the filing said.

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Kate Middleton 'Wrote Every Word Herself' in Speech Revealing Her Cancer Diagnosis, Source Says

The Princess of Wales shared her health news in a video released on Friday

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BBC Studios

Kate Middleton 's announcement revealing her cancer diagnosis came from the heart.

“She wrote every word herself,” a palace source confirms to PEOPLE of the Princess of Wales' video speech, which was released on Friday and filmed two days prior in the gardens of Windsor Castle.

A family friend adds, “She wrote the words herself, delivered it personally and wanted to decide when the time was right to hit the world with this news.”

On Friday, Kate, 42, shared her cancer diagnosis in an emotional video message . She said she received the diagnosis following her abdominal surgery in January after post-operative tests "found cancer had been present” and is now in the “early stages” of treatment.

Prince William is said to be “extremely proud of his wife for the courage and strength she has shown not just this week, but since her surgery in January," a royal source says.

The insider added that William, 41, is protective of his family, stating, “Now more than ever he’s focused on ensuring his wife has the privacy she needs to fully recover and that his children are shielded from the understandable interest in the news that has been shared.”

On Saturday, the Prince and Princess of Wales said they were grateful for the wide support they’ve received following the princess’ cancer diagnosis announcement.

A Kensington Palace spokesperson said in a statement that Kate and William "are both enormously touched by the kind messages from people here in the U.K., across the Commonwealth and around the world in response to Her Royal Highness’ message."

Max Mumby/Indigo/Getty

"They are extremely moved by the public’s warmth and support and are grateful for the understanding of their request for privacy at this time," the spokesperson added.

In her speech on Friday, Kate began by thanking well-wishers for their support over recent weeks.

She then called her diagnosis a "huge shock" and said that she and William "have been doing everything we can to process and manage this privately for the sake of our young family," referring to their three children: Prince George , 10, Princess Charlotte , 8, and Prince Louis , 5.

Can't get enough of PEOPLE's Royals coverage?  Sign up for our free Royals newsletter  to get the latest updates on Kate Middleton, Meghan Markle and more! Princess Kate added that "it's taken us time to explain everything" to their kids "in a way that is appropriate for them, and to reassure them that I am going to be okay."

The royal concluded her speech by acknowledging those also dealing with cancer. "At this time, I am also thinking of all those whose lives have been affected by cancer. For everyone facing this disease, in whatever form, please do not lose faith or hope. You are not alone." she said.

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One Briton is confirmed dead in an Israeli strike that killed seven aid workers earlier but there are reports that as many as three Britons may have been killed.

The Associated Press cites hospital records as saying the dead include three Britons, an Australian, a Pole and an American-Canadian dual citizen.

Sky News has been unable to verify these reports.

The workers were volunteers for World Central Kitchen travelling in a three-car convoy when they were killed.

They had just unloaded more than 100 tonnes of humanitarian food aid brought to Gaza by sea, the charity said.

Rishi Sunak says he is "shocked and saddened" by reports that seven World Central kitchen aid workers, including one Briton, were killed in Gaza last night.

Speaking during a visit to the North East of England, Mr Sunak said: "We are asking Israel to investigate what happened urgently, because clearly there are questions that need to be answered.

"My thoughts are with their friends and family.

"They are doing fantastic work bringing alleviation to the suffering that many are experiencing in Gaza.

"They should be praised and commended for what they are doing.

"They need to be allowed to do that work unhindered and it is incumbent on Israel to make sure they can do that."

His comments echo those by Lord Cameron, the foreign secretary, earlier.

In words reported by state media, Ali Khamenei has said Israel would regret its attack on the Iranian consulate in the Syrian city of Damascus.

An adviser to Khamenei said the US has responsibility, whether Washington was aware of the attack or not.

The strike killed two Iranian generals and five officers.

Israel rarely acknowledges strikes against Iranian targets and said it had no comment on the latest attack in Syria.

The Kremlin has also weighed in, saying the strike was an act of aggression.

Spokesman Dmitry Peskov said such attacks violated all the foundations of international law.

Lord Cameron says news of the deaths of seven aid workers is "deeply distressing".

The aid workers were working in Gaza for charity World Central Kitchen.

The charity said earlier that one Briton was among the dead but Lord Cameron's statement talks about news of "British nationals" being killed in the attack.

"British nationals are reported to have been killed, we are urgently working to verify this information and will provide full support to their families," he said.

"These were people who were working to deliver life-saving aid to those who desperately need it. It is essential that humanitarian workers are protected and able to carry out their work.

"We have called on Israel to immediately investigate and provide a full, transparent explanation of what happened."

Al Shifa is no longer able to function as a hospital in any shape or form, the World Health Organisation has said.

Earlier today, Israel ended its two-week raid on Gaza's largest hospital, leaving it mostly gutted.

The WHO said the destruction amounted to "ripping the heart out" of the Palestinian health system.

WHO spokesperson Margaret Harris said: It was the place people go to for the kind of care that a really good health system provides, that we in all our societies expect to have, should we be in need."

Israel said it launched the raid because senior Hamas operatives had regrouped there and were planning attacks.

Some 200 militants were killed in the operation, the IDF said, although the claim that all of them were militants has not been independently confirmed. Palestinians found civilian bodies at the site, according to a report by the Associated Press.

Israel has commented on the strike that killed seven aid workers in Gaza earlier.

IDF spokesperson Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari offered "deepest condolences" to the founder of the charity World Central Kitchen over the "tragic" deaths of its aid workers.

"We also express sincere sorrow to our allied nations who have been doing and continue to do so much to assist those in need," he added.

Mr Hagari insisted the IDF is "a professional military committed to international law", adding that the incident is being reviewed "at the highest levels to understand the circumstances of what happened and how it happened".

He praised World Central Kitchen as doing "critical work... on the frontlines of humanity", also noting the charity had been among the first to help Israelis after the massacre of 7 October.

"We will get to the bottom of this and we will share our findings transparently," he said.

An Israeli has told of the moment he was rescued after more than four months being held by Hamas.

Luis Har, 71, was taken hostage in Hamas's 7 October attack on southern Israel.

He and four relatives, including his partner's teenage niece who brought her dog, were grabbed at gunpoint from a house in Kibbutz Nir Yitzhak and taken to Gaza.

The three female hostages were released during the week-long November truce but Mr Har and his partner's 61-year-old brother were kept in Rafah until they were rescued in February.

He was woken by an explosion in the middle of the night on 12 February, and he sought cover, thinking the building was under attack.

There was gunfire and someone shouted his name, adding: "It's the IDF - we've come to take you home."

He the experience was surreal, telling Reuters: "On the way I even asked one of the soldiers - 'Tell me, are you sure we're not in a movie?'

"Because I wasn't sure. So much had happened. Is it real, is it not real?

"Even today, I don't know what is real and what is not."

He said he had passed his days in captivity by talking with his partner's brother about what they wanted to cook or where they would travel after their release.

Sometimes they were depressed and silent and that was when he imagined talking to and playing with his grandchildren, he said. And he would imagine being hugged by them.

"I felt it, on my body," he said. "And then the tears would start to flow."

He said he still wakes up in the night thinking of his experience, and noises can trigger memories.

"It's impossible to just forget about it, like 'now I'm in Israel and we're done' - no, it's inside."

Palestinians are expected to send a letter in the next few days with a request for full membership in the United Nations.

The news comes from UN Security Council president, Malta's UN ambassador Vanessa Frazier.

Ms Frazier, whose country took over the rotating president role this week, said the letter is likely to be discussed in a closed meeting after it is received.

Back in September 2011, Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas delivered the Palestinian Authority’s application to become the 194th member of the United Nations to then Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.

That bid failed because it did not get the required support of nine of the security council's 15 members. Even if it had managed this, the US - Israel's closest ally and a veto power in the council - had vowed to veto any resolution backing Palestinian membership.

Poland's foreign affairs ministry has expressed "sincerest condolences" to the family of the Polish volunteer killed in what appears to have been an Israeli airstrike in Gaza.

The volunteer, who has not yet been named, was working with World Central Kitchen to bring food to the people of Gaza, where so many have been pushed to the brink of famine.

Six other aid workers were killed in the strike, including a Briton and an Australian.

Poland's foreign affairs ministry said in its post: "Poland objects to the disregard for international humanitarian law and the protection of civilians, including humanitarian workers."

Former Foreign Office official Charlie Gammell has told Sky News that Israel's attack on the Iranian consulate in Damascus could be an attempt to get the US back on side.

"There is something within Israel that says 'if we can expand this war, if we can peg this war to a broader conflict with Iran, that is going to get America back on our side'," he says.

But he adds: "Embassies are sovereign territory and the attack on a diplomatic premises in another country is tantamount to attacking another nation's soil."

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The Man Who Helped Redefine Campus Antisemitism

In government and as an outsider, Kenneth Marcus has tried to douse what he says is rising bias against Jews. Some see a crackdown on pro-Palestinian speech.

Kenneth Marcus sits in front of a dark bookcase, dressed in a suit and striped tie.

By Vimal Patel

In the early 2000s, as the uprising known as the second intifada instilled fear in Israelis through a series of suicide bombings, Kenneth Marcus, then an official in the U.S. Department of Education, watched with unease as pro-Palestinian protests shook college campuses.

“We were seeing, internationally, a transformation of anti-Israel animus into something that looked like possibly a new form of antisemitism,” Mr. Marcus recalled in an interview, adding that U.S. universities were at the forefront of that resurgence.

Ever since, Mr. Marcus, perhaps more than anyone, has tried to douse what he sees as a dangerous rise of campus antisemitism, often embedded in pro-Palestinian activism.

He has done it as a government insider in the Bush and Trump administrations, helping to clarify protections for Jewish students under the 1964 Civil Rights Act and broadening the definition of what can be considered antisemitic.

He has also been an outside agitator, filing and promoting federal claims of harassment of Jews that he knows will garner media attention and put pressure on college administrators, students and faculty.

The impact of his life’s work has never been more felt than in the last few months, as universities reel from accusations that they have tolerated pro-Palestinian speech and protests that have veered into antisemitism.

Since the Oct. 7 Hamas attacks on Israel, the Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights has opened dozens of investigations into allegations of antisemitism at colleges and K-12 schools, a dramatic increase from previous years.

The bar for starting an investigation is low, but the government has opened cases into institutions as varied as Stanford, Wellesley, the New School and Montana State University.

Mr. Marcus’s nonprofit, the Brandeis Center, initiated only a handful of these complaints, but his tactics have been widely copied by other groups.

Mr. Marcus is “the single most effective and respected force when it comes to both litigation and the utilization of the civil rights statutes” to combat antisemitism, said Jeffrey Robbins, a visiting professor at Brown University, who once served on the Brandeis Center board.

Few, if any, would take issue with the Office for Civil Rights extending protections to students facing antisemitic harassment. But critics say that Mr. Marcus’s larger ambition is to push a pro-Israel policy agenda and crack down on speech supporting Palestinians.

His complaints have often included ugly details, like swastikas being scrawled on doors, and a university’s indifference to them. Those claims, however, have been mingled with examples of pro-Palestinian speech, which some critics say is not antisemitic, even if it makes Jewish students uncomfortable.

One recent complaint against American University includes an example of a student who said that she overheard suite mates “accusing Israel of committing genocide against the Palestinians.” In November, his center filed a complaint against Wellesley College, stating that panelists at an event “minimized the atrocities committed by Hamas.”

The whole point, free-speech supporters contend, is to stir the pot and put colleges under the microscope of a federal investigation. Many universities have since taken an aggressive stance against some forms of speech and protest, moves often decried by academic freedom groups. Columbia, Brandeis University and George Washington University have suspended their chapters of Students for Justice in Palestine.

“These complaints are having the impact that they were designed to achieve,” said Radhika Sainath, a lawyer with Palestine Legal, a civil rights group. “Not to win on the merit, but to force universities to investigate, condemn and suppress speech supporting Palestinian rights, because they are so fearful of bad press and donor backlash.”

Mr. Marcus said the complaints stand on their own merit, but he nodded to their larger impact.

“We realize that the value achieved by these cases is far greater than the narrow resolution might be,” he said.

The goal, he added, is “about changing the culture on college campuses so that antisemitism is addressed with the same seriousness as other forms of hate or bias.”

Interning for Barney Frank and Reading Ayn Rand

Mr. Marcus, 57, said that he had not intended to devote his career to fighting antisemitism.

Growing up in Sharon, Mass., a small town south of Boston, he ran into children who hurled rocks at him and yelled, “Go back to your Jew town,” he said.

But Sharon also had a sizable Jewish population, and he said that he thought of antisemitism as a “relic of the past.”

His Depression-era parents adored Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and in high school, Mr. Marcus worked as an intern for Representative Barney Frank, the liberal congressman.

Mr. Marcus’s politics began to change at the local library, where he read books by conservative thinkers, such as Thomas Sowell and Ayn Rand. While studying at Williams College and the University of California, Berkeley, School of Law, he became captivated by the conservative legal movement. And as a young corporate litigator, he took on First Amendment cases, which drew him into civil rights work.

By 2004, he was the interim leader of the Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights, where he helped reframe how the department considered antisemitism cases.

Back then, the office declined to take those cases. That is because it was charged with enforcing Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, which prohibits discrimination based on race, color or national origin — but not religion.

But in an official letter , Mr. Marcus wrote that the agency’s Title VI enforcement would include ancestry — meaning students who are harassed because of their ethnic and religious characteristics, including “Arab Muslims, Jewish Americans and Sikhs.” In 2010, the Obama administration endorsed and clarified that interpretation of Title VI.

The complaints involving shared ancestry began with a trickle. The first, filed a month after Mr. Marcus’s 2004 letter, was by the Zionist Organization of America against the University of California, Irvine. The complaint included accusations of antisemitism related to the Middle East conflict, such as a sign by a student group that said, “Israelis Love to Kill Innocent Children.”

In those early years, Mr. Marcus and the Z.O.A. were the main ones pushing the Title VI antisemitism cases, said Susan Tuchman, an official at Z.O.A.

She recalled that an official of one major Jewish advocacy group, which she declined to name, yelled at her over the phone, saying that her complaint was counterproductive and targeted speech protected by the First Amendment.

Mr. Marcus “understood when few others did,” she said, “that campus antisemitism was a serious problem and that Jewish students didn’t have the legal protections that they needed.”

His independent advocacy began in earnest in 2011, when Mr. Marcus started the Brandeis Center, based in Washington (and unaffiliated with Brandeis University in Massachusetts).

There were larger, more established Jewish groups, like the Anti-Defamation League, but Mr. Marcus said he wanted his nonprofit to focus on campus legal work.

Media attention was an important part of his strategy. He explained his rationale in a 2013 column in The Jerusalem Post , after President Obama’s Office for Civil Rights had dismissed an early wave of such complaints, including the Irvine case, saying they involved protected speech.

“These cases — even when rejected — expose administrators to bad publicity,” Mr. Marcus wrote, adding, “If a university shows a failure to treat initial complaints seriously, it hurts them with donors, faculty, political leaders and prospective students.”

Mr. Marcus said the complaints create “a very strong disincentive for outrageous behavior.”

“Needless to say,” he wrote, “getting caught up in a civil-rights complaint is not a good way to build a résumé or impress a future employer.”

In 2018, his tactics led some liberal groups to oppose his appointment as the civil rights chief of the Department of Education.

The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, a coalition of liberal groups, wrote in a letter to senators that Mr. Marcus had sought to use the complaint process “to chill a particular political point of view, rather than address unlawful discrimination.”

The letter also accused Mr. Marcus of undermining policies, like race-conscious admissions, that shielded other groups. The Senate narrowly confirmed him on a party-line vote.

Antisemitism, Redefined

After he took office in 2018, Mr. Marcus did not try to make peace with his critics.

He promptly reopened a Title VI case, brought by the Zionist Organization of America against Rutgers University in New Brunswick, N.J. The Z.O.A. had appealed the dismissal of its case for insufficient evidence.

He used the Rutgers case to embrace, for the first time, a definition of antisemitism put forth by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance, which includes holding Israel to a “double standard” or claiming its existence is a “racist endeavor.”

To Mr. Marcus, the definition helped pressure colleges to stop tolerating behavior against Jews that would be unacceptable if directed at racial minority groups or L.G.B.T.Q. students.

But to pro-Palestinian supporters, Mr. Marcus was using the definition to try to crack down on their speech. They said that the Education Department already had the power to investigate and punish harassment, and this new definition just confused administrators about what was allowable.

“No one says we need the I.H.R.A. definition so we can go after Nazis talking about killing Jews or classic antisemitic tropes about Jews and media and banks,” said Lara Friedman, the president of the Foundation for Middle East Peace. The definition, rather, “is about getting at this other supposed antisemitism.”

The next year, the Trump administration issued a sweeping executive order on combating antisemitism and instructed all agencies to consider the I.H.R.A. definition in examining Title VI complaints.

The complaints seem to be affecting campus culture — for better or worse depending on whom you ask. The Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights said it has opened up 89 shared ancestry investigations into colleges and K-12 schools since Oct. 7, making up more than 40 percent of such cases opened since 2004.

Education Department officials in the Biden administration have said there is no tension between the First Amendment and Title VI. They said universities can prevent hostile learning environments without curbing free expression by, for example, properly investigating complaints, creating support services for students or condemning hateful speech.

But academic freedom supporters counter that administrators will go out of their way to avoid complaints altogether, especially now that the department has accepted the I.H.R.A. definition. The executive order remains in effect, and the Biden administration is considering a regulation on the matter.

Last month, Debbie Becher, a sociology professor at Barnard College, wrote in the student newspaper that the school’s president asked her to “pause” the showing of “Israelism,” a documentary critical of Israel.

In their meeting, the president, Laura Rosenbury, cited worries about Title VI and pointed out that the film was cited in a lawsuit accusing Harvard of antisemitism. Ms. Rosenbury did not respond to interview requests.

“My arguments that this was overt censorship, a violation of academic freedom, and dangerous for Barnard’s culture fell on deaf ears,” wrote Dr. Becher, who went forward with the event.

Mr. Marcus continues to press his case. The Brandeis Center, which started as a one-man operation, now has 13 litigators.

He said he is happy there but would not rule out another stint in a future Trump administration.

“I’ve spent my career focused on this battle,” he said, “and it seems sometimes as if it’s all been leading up to this very moment.”

Vimal Patel writes about higher education with a focus on speech and campus culture. More about Vimal Patel

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Cash-strapped Trump is now selling $60 Bibles, U.S. Constitution included

Rachel Treisman

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Then-President Donald Trump holds up a Bible outside St. John's Episcopal Church in Washington, D.C., during a controversial 2020 photo-op. Brendan Smialowski/AFP via Getty Images hide caption

Then-President Donald Trump holds up a Bible outside St. John's Episcopal Church in Washington, D.C., during a controversial 2020 photo-op.

Former President Donald Trump is bringing together church and state in a gilded package for his latest venture, a $60 "God Bless The USA" Bible complete with copies of the nation's founding documents.

Trump announced the launch of the leather-bound, large-print, King James Bible in a post on Truth Social on Tuesday — a day after the social media company surged in its trading debut and two days after a New York appeals court extended his bond deadline to comply with a ruling in a civil fraud case and slashed the bond amount by 61%.

"Happy Holy Week! Let's Make America Pray Again," Trump wrote. "As we lead into Good Friday and Easter, I encourage you to get a copy of the God Bless The USA Bible."

Why Trump's Persecution Narrative Resonates With Christian Supporters

Consider This from NPR

Why trump's persecution narrative resonates with christian supporters.

The Bible is inspired by "God Bless the USA," the patriotic Lee Greenwood anthem that has been a fixture at many a Trump rally (and has a long political history dating back to Ronald Reagan). It is the only Bible endorsed by Trump as well as Greenwood, according to its promotional website .

The Bible is only available online and sells for $59.99 (considerably more expensive than the traditional Bibles sold at major retailers, or those available for free at many churches and hotels). It includes Greenwood's handwritten chorus of its titular song as well as copies of historical documents including the U.S. Constitution, Declaration of Independence and Pledge of Allegiance.

"Many of you have never read them and don't know the liberties and rights you have as Americans, and how you are being threatened to lose those rights," Trump said in a three-minute video advertisement.

"Religion and Christianity are the biggest things missing from this country, and I truly believe that we need to bring them back and we have to bring them back fast."

'You gotta be tough': White evangelicals remain enthusiastic about Donald Trump

'You gotta be tough': White evangelicals remain enthusiastic about Donald Trump

Trump critics on both sides of the aisle quickly criticized the product, characterizing it as self-serving and hypocritical.

Conservative political commentator Charlie Sykes slammed him for "commodifying the Bible during Holy Week," while Democratic Sen. Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota critiqued him for "literally taking a holy book and selling it, and putting it out there in order to make money for his campaign."

Trump says the money isn't going to his campaign, but more on that below.

Klobuchar added that Trump's public attacks on others are "not consistent with the teachings of the Bible," calling this "one more moment of hypocrisy." Tara Setmayer, a senior adviser for anti-Trump Republican PAC the Lincoln Project, called it "blasphemous ."

And former Rep. Liz Cheney, a Republican from Wyoming, trolled Trump with a social media post alluding to his alleged extramarital affairs.

"Happy Holy Week, Donald," she wrote. "Instead of selling Bibles, you should probably buy one. And read it, including Exodus 20:14 ."

Christianity is an increasingly prominent part of his campaign

Trump has made a point of cultivating Christian supporters since his 2016 presidential campaign and remains popular with white evangelicals despite his multiple divorces, insults toward marginalized groups and allegations of extramarital affairs and sexual assault.

And his narrative of being persecuted — including in the courts — appears to resonate with his many Christian supporters.

Trump has increasingly embraced Christian nationalist ideas in public. He promised a convention of religious broadcasters last month that he would use a second term to defend Christian values from the "radical left," swearing that "no one will be touching the cross of Christ under the Trump administration."

He made similar comments in the Bible promotional video, in which he warned that "Christians are under siege" and the country is "going haywire" because it lost religion.

What to know about the debut of Trump's $399 golden, high-top sneakers

What to know about the debut of Trump's $399 golden, high-top sneakers

"We must defend God in the public square and not allow the media or the left-wing groups to silence, censor or discriminate against us," he said. "We have to bring Christianity back into our lives and back into what will be again a great nation."

Trump himself is not known to be particularly religious or a regular churchgoer. He long identified as Presbyterian but announced in 2020 that he identified as nondenominational .

A Pew Research Center survey released earlier this month found that most people with positive views of Trump don't see him as especially religious, but think he stands up for people with religious beliefs like their own.

Trump said in the promotional video that he has many Bibles at home.

"It's my favorite book," he said, echoing a comment he's made in previous years. "It's a lot of people's favorite book."

The Impact Of Christian Nationalism On American Democracy

Trump's relationship to the Bible has been a point of discussion and sometimes controversy over the years.

In 2020, amid protests over George Floyd's murder, he posed with a Bible outside a Washington, D.C., church, for which he was widely criticized. U.S. Park Police and National Guard troops had tear-gassed peaceful protesters in the area beforehand, seemingly to make way for the photo-op, though a watchdog report the following year determined otherwise .

That same year, a clip of a 2015 Bloomberg interview, in which Trump declines to name his favorite — or any — Bible verse resurfaced on social media and went viral.

Bible sales are unlikely to solve Trump's financial problems

An FAQ section on the Bible website says no profits will go to Trump's reelection campaign.

"GodBlessTheUSABible.com is not political and has nothing to do with any political campaign," it says.

However, the site adds that it uses Trump's name, likeness and image "under paid license from CIC Ventures LLC."

Trump is listed as the manager, president, secretary and treasurer of CIC Ventures LLC in a financial disclosure from last year.

Here's what happens if Trump can't pay his $454 million bond

Here's what happens if Trump can't pay his $454 million bond

Trump's sales pitch focuses on bringing religion back to America.

"I want to have a lot of people have it," he said at one point in the video. "You have to have it for your heart and for your soul."

But many are wondering whether Trump has something else to gain from Bible sales while facing under mounting financial pressure.

There's his presidential reelection campaign, which has raised only about half of what Biden's has so far this cycle. Trump acknowledged Monday that he "might" spend his own money on his campaign, something he hasn't done since 2016.

There's also his mounting legal expenses, as he faces four criminal indictments and numerous civil cases. Trump posted bond to support a $83.3 million jury award granted to writer E. Jean Carroll in a defamation case earlier this month, and was due to put up another $454 million in a civil fraud case this past Monday.

Trump is on the verge of a windfall of billions of dollars. Here are 3 things to know

Trump is on the verge of a windfall of billions of dollars. Here are 3 things to know

His lawyers had said last week that they had approached 30 companies for help making bond, but doing so was a "practical impossibility" — prompting New York's attorney general to confirm that if Trump did not pay, she would move to seize his assets . On Monday, the appeals court reduced the bond amount to $175 million and gave Trump another 10 days to post it.

Trump has evidently been trying to raise money in other ways.

The day after the civil fraud judgment was announced, he debuted a line of $399 golden, high-top sneakers , which sold out in hours . The company behind his social media app, Truth Social, started trading on the Nasdaq exchange on Tuesday, which could deliver him a windfall of more than $3 billion — though he can't sell his shares for another six months.

  • Donald J. Trump
  • sales pitch
  • Christianity


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    The letter M can be traced by to Egyptian hieroglyphs where it meant "water.". It was used in multiple languages, including Phoenician, Etruscan, Greek, and Latin M is usually pronounced "em" or "muh.". There are many words that start with M, some of which include: monkey, mother, music, market, marathon, mountain, magician, museum ...

  18. Teaching M and N sounds

    Teaching M and N sounds. In Words. Build a word list and practice imitation of the words with the child. Read about how to build a word list in a previous article here. Practice a word list through fun games. Here are a couple of game ideas: Lay 2 to 3 hoola hoops horizontally in front of the child. Place words (from the words list) with the ...

  19. How to Teach the M Sound by Chicago Speech Therapy

    Closing your mouth and lips and using your voice to make a sound creates the /m/ sound. The lips are important for this bilabial sound. Try making the sound with your lips open - it becomes the /n/ sound instead. The /m/ sound is among the earliest sounds your child will make. Many babies' first word is "mama" and 2 year olds love ...

  20. All 1,202 Positive Words With M (With Meanings & Examples)

    Here Are All 1,202 Positive & Impactful Words That Start With the Letter M. Quick info for you on how to navigate our fully filterable list: In the diverse landscape of English grammar, words are categorized into various groups based on their functions within sentences.These groups, referred to as 'part-of-speech,' constitute the building blocks of language, enabling you to communicate ...

  21. M Words

    A must-have M word resource for speech therapists and teachers to use again and again! Appealing, bright, and educational. Use these words that begin with M to help learn the M sound. There are x12 M words, each supplied in two sizes, and with/without the written word giving 48 flashcards in total.

  22. All 129 Positive & Impactful Words With M to Describe an Experience

    Some of the most used positive & impactful words with M to describe an experience include magical, memorable, mesmerizing, marvelous, mind-blowing, motivating, mirthful, majestic, mellow, and monumental. There are many dozens of these majestic words, ranging from 4 to 18 characters in length. Join us as we delve into the beauty and significance ...

  23. Potty mouth president: 3 takeaways on Trump's 'bloodbath' rhetoric

    Story by Phillip M. Bailey, USA TODAY • 1d R epublican Donald Trump has been open about deliberately using inflammatory words to attract attention in the 2024 presidential race.

  24. Prosecutors say Trump team trying to 'rewrite indictment' in bid to

    Attorneys for Donald Trump said that Trump's comments "calling into question" the election of 2020 were "the height of political speech," in arguments seeking the dismissal of the former president ...

  25. Kate Middleton 'Wrote Every Word Herself' for Cancer Speech (Source)

    Kate Middleton 'Wrote Every Word Herself' in Speech Revealing Her Cancer Diagnosis, Source Says. The Princess of Wales shared her health news in a video released on Friday. By. Escher Walcott.

  26. Middle East latest: Aid group 'coordinated movements' with IDF before

    Seven aid workers, including one from the UK, have been killed in an IDF strike in Gaza. Meanwhile, the Iranian consulate in Damascus, Syria, has been "destroyed", with two senior Iranian ...

  27. Ocasio-Cortez, in House Speech, Accuses Israel of 'Genocide'

    In a speech on the House floor, Ms. Ocasio-Cortez, a New York Democrat, forcefully called on President Biden to cut off U.S. military aid to Israel unless and until it begins to allow the free ...

  28. The Man Who Helped Redefine Campus Antisemitism

    The whole point, free-speech supporters contend, is to stir the pot and put colleges under the microscope of a federal investigation. Many universities have since taken an aggressive stance ...

  29. Donald Trump is selling a 'God Bless the USA' Bible for $60 : NPR

    Former President Donald Trump is bringing together church and state in a gilded package for his latest venture, a $60 "God Bless The USA" Bible complete with copies of the nation's founding documents.