
Nature’s Secrets: Top 200 Ecology Research Topics

Ecology Research Topics

Welcome to the world of Ecology, where the study of nature evolves like an interesting story. Ecology helps us solve the complex relationships between living organisms and their environments. In this fascinating journey, we will see ecology research topics that reveal the secrets of ecosystems, biodiversity, and the delicate balance of nature. 

From understanding how different species react to the impact of human activities on our planet, Ecology offers insights that go beyond the ordinary. 

So, whether you’re fascinated by the web of life in a forest, the dynamics of a coral reef, or the challenges of conservation, these research topics will guide you into the heart of ecological wonders. Let’s start this adventure of knowledge, discovering the hidden secrets that shape the world around us.

What Is Ecology?

Table of Contents

Ecology is the study of how living things interact with each other and their environment. It explores relationships between plants, animals, and their surroundings, helping us understand how nature works and how different elements in ecosystems connect.

What Are The 6 Topics Studied In Ecology?

Ecology studies the relationships between living things and their environment. Here are six topics studied in ecology:

term paper topics for ecology

  • Ecosystems: Examining how living organisms, like plants and animals, interact with each other and their non living surroundings, such as soil, water, and air.
  • Biodiversity: Analyzing the variety of life in different ecosystems, including the number and types of species present.
  • Population Dynamics: Understanding how the numbers of individuals in a species change over time, including factors like birth rates, death rates, and migration.
  • Community Interactions: Exploring how different species in a specific area interact with each other, such as through competition or cooperation.
  • Ecological Succession: Studying the increasing changes in ecosystems over time, including how new communities of plants and animals replace older ones.
  • Conservation Biology: Focusing on protecting and preserving ecosystems and species, especially those facing threats or endangerment.

Top 200 Ecology Research Topics

Now the wait is over and here we will be listing top 200 ecology research topics. And they are as:

Top 10 Ecology Research Topics On Biodiversity Conservation

  • Conservation Genetics and its Role in Biodiversity Preservation
  • Ecological Consequences of Habitat Fragmentation on Biodiversity
  • Monitoring and Assessing Biodiversity in Changing Landscapes
  • Conservation Strategies for Endangered Species
  • The Significance of Protected Areas in Biodiversity Conservation
  • Ecosystem Services and Biodiversity Conservation
  • Citizen Science Initiatives in Biodiversity Monitoring
  • Integrating Indigenous Knowledge in Biodiversity Conservation
  • Climate Change Impacts on Biodiversity and Conservation Measures
  • Human-Wildlife Conflict and its Implications for Biodiversity Conservation

Top 10 Research Topics On Climate Change Impacts

  • Climate Change Effects on Biodiversity and Ecosystems
  • Influence of Climate Change on Global Water Resources
  • Rising Sea Levels and Coastal Ecosystem Vulnerability
  • Climate Change Affects on Agriculture and Food Security
  • Extreme Weather Events and their Ecological Consequences
  • Ocean Acidification: Ecological and Marine Life Impacts
  • Changes in Species Distribution by Climate Change
  • Climate Change and Migration Patterns of Wildlife
  • Effects of Climate Change on Polar and Alpine Ecosystems
  • Climate Change and Human Health: Ecological Perspectives

Top 10 Ecology Research Topics On Habitat Restoration

  • Ecosystem Recovery after Habitat Disturbance
  • Effects of Restoration Techniques on Soil Health
  • Ecological Succession in Restored Habitats
  • Invasive Species Management in Restoration Projects
  • Role of Native Plant Species in Habitat Restoration
  • Impact of Restoration on Wildlife Communities
  • Community Engagement in Urban Habitat Restoration
  • Restoration of Wetland Ecosystems and Biodiversity
  • Historical Ecology and its Role in Habitat Restoration
  • Evaluating Long-Term Success of Habitat Restoration Projects

Top 10 Research Topics On Ecosystem Services

  • Valuation of Ecosystem Services for purpose of Sustainable Resource Management
  • Biodiversity’s Role in Providing Ecosystem Services
  • Climate Change Impacts on Ecosystem Services
  • Urban Ecosystem Services and Green Infrastructure
  • Cultural Ecosystem Services: Linking Nature and Well-being
  • Watershed Services: Sustainable Water Resource Management
  • Forest Ecosystem Services and Sustainable Forestry Practices
  • Marine Ecosystem Services: Conservation and Management
  • Agricultural Practices and Ecosystem Service Delivery
  • Restoration Ecology for Enhancing Ecosystem Services

Top 10 Ecology Research Topics On Wildlife Ecology

  • Behavior and Social Structure of Wild Animal Populations
  • Conservation Genetics in Wildlife Management
  • Human-Wildlife Conflict and Mitigation Strategies
  • Wildlife Habitat Use and Selection
  • Effects of Climate Change on Wildlife Ecology
  • Wildlife Disease Ecology and Emerging Infectious Diseases
  • Predator-Prey Dynamics in Natural Ecosystems
  • Movement Ecology and Migration Patterns
  • Wildlife Monitoring Techniques and Technology
  • Restoration Ecology for Wildlife Habitat Enhancement

Top 10 Ecology Research Topics On Marine Ecology

  • Coral Reef Resilience and Conservation
  • Marine Biodiversity in Deep-Sea Ecosystems
  • Ocean Acidification & its Impact on Marine Life
  • Fisheries Management for Sustainable Marine Ecology
  • Marine Protected Areas and Conservation Strategies
  • Plastic Pollution & its impact on Marine Ecosystems
  • Seabird Ecology and Conservation
  • Mangrove Ecosystems: Function and Conservation
  • Climate Change Impacts on Marine Ecosystems
  • Seagrass Ecology and Restoration efforts in Coastal Areas

Top 10 Research Topics On Urban Ecology

  • Urban Biodiversity and Conservation Strategies
  • Green Spaces & Ecosystem Services in Urban Environments
  • Urban Heat Island Effect and Mitigation Measures
  • Urban Wildlife Ecology and Human-Wildlife Interactions
  • Sustainable Urban Planning and Design for Ecosystem Health
  • Urban Agriculture: Impacts on Biodiversity and Food Security
  • Air Quality and Urban Tree Canopy: A Nexus in Urban Ecology
  • Stormwater Management and Ecological Solutions in Urban Areas
  • Urbanization Effects on Microbial Communities in Soil
  • Citizen Science Contributions to Urban Ecology Research

Top 10 Ecology Research Topics On Forest Ecology

  • Old-Growth Forest Ecology and Conservation
  • Forest Fragmentation and its Impact on Biodiversity
  • Fire Ecology: Natural Processes and Human Intervention
  • Forest Carbon Sequestration and Climate Change Mitigation
  • Dynamics of Tree-Soil Interactions in Forest Ecosystems
  • Invasive Species Management in Forested Landscapes
  • Forest Restoration Ecology and Reforestation Strategies
  • Effects of Logging and Timber Harvesting on Forest Ecology
  • Microbial Communities in Forest Soils: Diversity and Function
  • Ecological Consequences of Climate Change in Forested Regions

Top 10 Research Topics On Invasive Species Management

  • Ecological Impacts of Invasive Species
  • Mechanisms of Invasion Success
  • Early Detection and Rapid Response Strategies
  • Effects of Climate Change on Invasive Species Dynamics
  • Management Strategies for Aquatic Invasive Species
  • Biological Control of Invasive Species
  • Evolutionary Responses in Invasive Species
  • Community-Level Impacts of Invasive Species
  • Economic Costs and Benefits of Invasive Species Management
  • Restoration Ecology After Invasive Species Removal

Top 10 Ecology Research Topics On Conservation Genetics

  • Genetic Diversity and Conservation of Endangered Species
  • Population Genetics of Rare and Threatened Plants
  • Conservation Genomics in Wildlife Management
  • Genetic Adaptation to Changing Environments
  • Genomic Approaches in Assessing Inbreeding Depression
  • Landscape Genetics and Habitat Connectivity
  • Genetic Monitoring for Effective Conservation
  • Genomic Tools in Studying Hybridization and Introgression
  • Conservation Genetics of Migratory Species
  • Genetic Markers for Non-Invasive Monitoring of Wildlife

Top 10 Research Topics On Landscape Ecology

  • Spatial Patterns and Dynamics in Landscape Ecology
  • Connectivity and Fragmentation of Landscape
  • Urbanization and its Impact on Landscape Structure
  • Landscape Heterogeneity and Biodiversity Conservation
  • Ecosystem Services in the Context of Landscape Ecology
  • Remote Sensing and GIS Applications in Landscape Ecology
  • Modeling Landscape Change and Future Scenarios
  • Landscape Ecology and Climate Change Impacts
  • Land-Use Change Effects on Landscape Patterns
  • Resilience and Sustainability in Landscape Ecology

Top 10 Ecology Research Topics On Agroecology

  • Sustainable Farming Practices for Agroecosystem Health
  • Agroecology and Biodiversity Conservation in Agricultural Landscapes
  • Soil Health and Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems
  • Organic Farming Systems: Ecological Impacts and Benefits
  • Agroecological Approaches to Pest Management
  • Agroforestry Systems and Ecosystem Services
  • Climate-Resilient Agriculture in Agroecological Frameworks
  • Indigenous and Traditional Agro Ecological Knowledge
  • Integrating Livestock into Agroecosystems for Sustainability
  • Socioeconomic Dimensions of Agroecological Transition

Top 10 Research Topics On Ecological Modeling

  • Spatial and Temporal Dynamics in Ecological Models
  • Integrating Climate Change in Ecological Modeling
  • Agent-Based Modeling in Ecological Studies
  • Ecological Network Models: Structure and Dynamics
  • Predictive Modeling for Conservation Planning
  • Individual-Based Models in Animal Behavior Ecology
  • Dynamic Energy Budget Models in Population Ecology
  • Bayesian Approaches in Ecological Modeling
  • Ecological Niche Modeling for Species Distribution
  • Coupling Ecological and Economic Models for Sustainability

Top 10 Ecology Research Topics On Environmental Pollution

  • Affects of Air Pollution on Ecosystems and Human Health
  • Microplastics in Aquatic Ecosystems: Sources and Effects
  • Soil Pollution and its Consequences for Terrestrial Ecology
  • Noise Pollution and its Effects on Wildlife Behavior
  • Heavy Metal Contamination in Urban Ecosystems
  • Emerging Contaminants: Pharmaceuticals in the Environment
  • Pesticide Pollution and Agricultural Ecosystems
  • Oil Spills and Marine Ecosystems: Recovery and Resilience
  • Plastic Waste in Marine Environments: Ecological Impacts
  • Urbanization and its Role in Environmental Pollution

Top 10 Research Topics On Ecotourism Impact

  • Ecotourism and Biodiversity Conservation
  • Socioeconomic Impacts of Ecotourism on Local Communities
  • Sustainable Practices in Ecotourism Operations
  • Wildlife Disturbance and Ecotourism: Balancing Conservation
  • Ecotourism and Cultural Heritage Preservation
  • Assessing the Environmental Footprint of Ecotourism
  • Ecotourism and Sustainable Resource Management
  • Community Involvement in Ecotourism Development
  • Monitoring and Mitigating Ecotourism Impacts on Fragile Ecosystems
  • Ecotourism Certification and Standards for Responsible Tourism

Top 10 Ecology Research Topics On Plant Ecology

  • Plant-Animal Interactions and Mutualistic Relationships
  • Impacts of Climate Change on Plant Communities
  • Plant Functional Traits and Ecosystem Functioning
  • Plant-Insect Interactions: Pollination and Herbivory
  • Dynamics of Plant Communities in Disturbed Habitats
  • Plant Defense Mechanisms Against Herbivores
  • Allelopathy: Chemical Interactions among Plants
  • Plant Invasions and their Ecological Consequences
  • Influence of Soil Microbes on Plant Health and Diversity
  • Role of Mycorrhizal Fungi in Plant Ecology

Top 10 Research Topics On Evolutionary Ecology

  • Adaptation and Evolutionary Dynamics in Changing Environments
  • Coevolutionary Interactions between Species
  • Evolutionary Consequences of Mutualistic Relationships
  • Evolutionary Ecology of Life History Strategies
  • Evolutionary Responses to Anthropogenic Stressors
  • Evolutionary Ecology of Invasive Species
  • Historical Biogeography and Evolutionary Patterns
  • Evolutionary Ecology of Plant-Animal Interactions
  • Evolutionary Drivers of Biodiversity
  • Evolutionary Consequences of Climate Change

Top 10 Ecology Research Topics On Freshwater Ecology

  • Biodiversity and Conservation of Freshwater Ecosystems
  • Aquatic Macroinvertebrates as Bioindicators of Water Quality
  • Effects of Climate Change on Freshwater Ecology
  • Nutrient Cycling in Freshwater Environments
  • Impact of Invasive Species on Freshwater Ecosystems
  • Dynamics of Aquatic Food Webs in Lakes and Rivers
  • Restoration Ecology of Freshwater Habitats
  • Ecological Consequences of Dams and Water Management
  • Microbial Communities in Freshwater Environments
  • Threats to Freshwater Ecosystems: Pollution and Habitat Loss

Top 10 Research Topics On Microbial Ecology

  • Microbial Diversity in Natural Environments
  • Microbial Interactions in Soil Ecosystems
  • Human Microbiome and Health
  • Microbial Ecology of Extreme Environments
  • Microbes in Aquatic Ecosystems: Dynamics and Roles
  • Microbial Communities in Plant Rhizospheres
  • Microbial Biogeography and Distribution Patterns
  • Impact of Climate Change on Microbial Ecology
  • Microbial Responses to Pollution and Environmental Stress
  • Microbial Roles in Biogeochemical Cycling

Top 10 Ecology Research Topics On Sustainable Agriculture

  • Agroecological Practices for Sustainable Farming
  • Soil Health Management in Sustainable Agriculture
  • Water Conservation Strategies in Agricultural Systems
  • Organic Farming: Impacts on Ecology and Sustainability
  • Integrated Pest Management for Sustainable Agriculture
  • Biodiversity Enhancement through Crop Rotation
  • Agroforestry: Integrating Trees into Agricultural Landscapes
  • Climate-Smart Agriculture Approaches
  • Efficient Nutrient Management in Sustainable Farming
  • Sustainable Livestock Farming Practices

Top 50 Ecology Essay Topics

In addition to the above topics we are giving you a bonus of top 50 ecology essay topics based on different categories and they are as:

Top 10 Essay Research Topics On Environmental Sustainability

  • Climate Change Impacts and Mitigation Strategies
  • Biodiversity Conservation and Ecosystem Restoration
  • Sustainable Agriculture Practices
  • Renewable Energy Solutions
  • Waste Management and Circular Economy
  • Urban Planning for Sustainable Cities
  • Water Conservation and Management
  • Environmental Policies and Governance
  • Corporate Social Responsibility in Sustainability
  • Indigenous Knowledge and Practices in Environmental Sustainability

Top 10 Essay Research Topics On Social Justice and Equity

  • Racial Inequality and Systemic Racism
  • Gender Equality and Women’s Rights
  • LGBTQ+ Rights and Inclusivity
  • Economic Disparities and Poverty
  • Access to Education: Challenges and Solutions
  • Criminal Justice Reform and Fair Policing
  • Disability Rights and Inclusion
  • Indigenous Rights and Land Sovereignty
  • Immigration Policies and Human Rights
  • Healthcare Disparities: Addressing Equity in Access and Treatment

Top 10 Essay Research Topics On Technology and Society

  • Ethical Implications of Artificial Intelligence
  • Digital Privacy and Security Concerns
  • Impact of Social Media on Society
  • The Role of Technology in Education
  • Automation and the Future of Work
  • Cybersecurity Challenges and Solutions
  • Internet of Things (IoT) and Smart Cities
  • Biotechnology and Bioethics
  • Technology and Healthcare: Advancements and Concerns
  • Accessibility and Inclusivity in Technological Innovations

Top 10 Essay Research Topics On Health and Wellness

  • Mental Health Stigma and Awareness
  • Healthcare Disparities in Underserved Communities
  • Impact of Technology on Mental Health
  • Lifestyle Factors and Chronic Disease Prevention
  • Access to Affordable Healthcare
  • Public Health Strategies for Disease Prevention
  • Global Health Challenges and Solutions
  • Integrative Medicine and Holistic Health Approaches
  • Nutrition and its Role in Overall Wellness
  • Aging Population: Health Challenges and Innovations

Top 10 Essay Research Topics On Global Economic Trends

  • The Impact of Globalization on Economic Inequality
  • Sustainable Development Goals and Economic Growth
  • Technological Advancements and Economic Transformation
  • Trade Wars and their Effects on Global Economies
  • The Rise of Gig Economy and Changing Workforce Dynamics
  • Financial Inclusion and Economic Empowerment
  • COVID-19 Pandemic’s Impact on Global Economic Trends
  • Green Finance and Environmental Sustainability in Economics
  • Economic Policies for Post-Pandemic Recovery
  • The Role of Emerging Markets in Shaping Global Economic Trends

As we conclude our exploration of Ecology Research Topics, we’ve uncovered a big collection of subjects into the wonders of our natural world. From studying Biodiversity Conservation to researching Microbial Ecology, these topics offer a deeper understanding of the balance of our ecosystems. 

In addition to these research topics, we’ve provided a bonus of 50 Ecology Essay Topics, adding more layers to your knowledge. Remember, Ecology is like solving nature’s puzzle, and each topic contributes to revealing its secrets. 

We’ve also touched upon the six fundamental topics in Ecology, providing a foundation for your ecological journey. So, let curiosity be your guide, and explore the mysteries that our planet holds.

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50 best ecology topics for your research paper.

ecology topics

Finding the right ecology topics is not the easiest thing in the world. Because topics within the field of ecology vary widely, it may be difficult to make a choice. However, with the list of ecology topics in this article, you’ll find it easier to make a choice. These topics in ecology will help you get ecology project ideas for your ecology research, presentation, etc. So without further ado, let us explore some interesting ecology topics!

Ecology refers to the study of how ecosystems function. It refers to the relationships between living organisms and their environment. Most ecological processes occur very slowly. Sometimes, they could happen rather rapidly. Ecology remains crucial in studying ecosystems and is important for survival.

Ecology Research Paper Topics

We have some interesting ecology research topics spanning many aspects of ecology. With these ecology topics for research paper , you’ll be able to carry out meaningful research. Let’s delve into some of the ecology paper topics we have for you!

  • Novel ways to introduce new predators into an area
  • The discovery of manure and its impact on plant growth
  • The effect of acid rain on trees
  • Effective strategies to reduce the emission of carbon dioxide into the environment
  • Proven strategies to make the environment more sustainable

Evolutionary Ecology Research Topics

The following ecology topics will be sure to get you top grades in your evolutionary ecology research.

  • How maternal structures evolved functional roles to ensure the survival of offspring.
  • How invaders affect the evolution of soil fungal communities.
  • How social complexity in humans evolved.
  • How climate change affects the evolutionary change in natural and managed biodiversity.
  • Transcriptomic changes that allow the successful evolution of plant species from aquatic habitats terrestrial habitats

Human Ecology Topics

Being able to relate humans and our impact on ecology and vice versa is important. What influence do humans have on the environment? The following human ecology topics are sure to get you an A+ in that research!

  • Can people safely live in Megacities?
  • How can Ecologists effectively protect marine species that are at risk?
  • Overconsumption and its effect on the environment
  • Physiological ecology and its importance to us
  • An exhaustive description of the agrarianism philosophy
  • Fast food and possible problems it poses to the environment.
  • Human macroevolution and the future
  • Similarities between Cultural and Genetic Evolution

Ecology Research Project Ideas

Ideas rule the world. However, ideas are not easy to come by. Do you have to come up with an interesting ecology project but have hit the wall? Are you short on ideas? Well, we’ve got some ecology research project ideas and topics that you can explore.

Are you in college and need an ecology project idea? It is no news that college professors require students to have more in-depth information on various subjects. If you want to wow your college professors, then these ideas for ecology project will let you stand out! The listed ideas contain some ecology project ideas for college students. Come, and let’s explore some worthwhile ecology project topics for you!

  • An analysis of the effect of climate change on plant species
  • Green roofs: The working design and why they should be in use
  • Exploring the benefits of natural green effects
  • Mirroring the environment: freeing the environment from toxins
  • How to completely adopt renewable sources of energy.
  • The Principle of competitive exclusion and advantages
  • Novel methods of recycling waste paper more effectively
  • Analyzing the effectiveness of various weed killers

Environment and Ecology Research

Carrying out environment and ecology research is not the easiest research area. However, researching environment-related concepts could be very rewarding. Environmental and ecology research covers areas such as biodiversity, biogeography, ecosystem ecology, wildlife management, and so on.

Here are some interesting topics for ecology papers that will help you in your environmental ecology research. Feel free to discover more environment topics .

  • Climate change and the migration of Polar Bears
  • A look into the major changes in the ecosystem
  • Wind energy: How the environment can help in energy conservation.
  • Analyzing the growth or decline of farming in the last five years
  • Analyzing the impact of fracking on the environment
  • The best methods for measuring worldwide climate change.
  • Are human damages to the environment irreversible?

Ecology Issues

More than ever, the ecosystem is beginning to feel the impact of humans. Most of the activities and actions of humans have negative effects on the environment. These effects are growing every day and becoming increasingly undeniable. We are endangering the lives of future generations of all species!

Many people are still unaware of how their activities bring about negative changes to the ecosystem. Although terms such as “genetic modification” and “climate change” seem commonplace, many cannot connect the dots to see why they actually matter.

Would you like to shed some more light on pressing issues in ecology? Well, we shall provide you with a list of ecological problems you can start with! Here, we shall examine some of the biggest environmental problems we face on our planet today. Explore these ecology issues now!

  • Climate change and the availability of natural resources
  • Presence of reactive nitrogen in the environment
  • Air pollution and its effect on the ecosystem
  • Polluted freshwater ecosystems
  • Conservation of forests

Ecology Experiment Ideas

When you have a solid idea for an experiment, it becomes more fun than ever! Here are some ecology lab ideas that are not only interesting but also practical!

  • Exploring the effects of acid rain on aquatic life
  • How can plants help to measure tap water quality?
  • Hydrogen peroxide and plant roots: the effect
  • Common invasive plants and why they are ubiquitous
  • Effect of fertilizers on the aquatic environment
  • Novel ways to neutralize hazardous waste in the environment

Ecology Topics for Presentation

Are you confused on what to talk about in your next ecology presentation in a group or class? Well, you don’t have to worry anymore! Here are some of the best ecology topics for presentations!

  • How do species survive the harshest of conditions?
  • Why do we have salt marshes?
  • Dead zones in seas: the causes
  • Why human exploration is having negative impacts on the environment
  • Which species is the most successful?
  • Latest technologies to make hazardous waste harmless

We have provided you with 50 well-researched ecology topics and ideas for your ecology research, project, presentation, experiments, and lots more. Use these topics to get that much-needed A+. Our academic writers are always happy to help you. Never forget to do something remarkable always!

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122 Best Ecology Topics To Sparkle Your Writing

ecology topics

Global warming, climate change, and environmental conservation are the center of discussion worldwide; ecology is undoubtedly a fascinating academic field.

However, selecting ecology research topics that you can comfortably handle, find a wide range of relevant sources, and earn stellar grades can be a painstaking process for many college students.

Yet, there are several sources of inspiration for your ecology essay topics. You can evaluate your coursework to find ecology research ideas that will impress your educator. Similarly, you are free to refer to daily life events or check out different news items. If you are struggling to develop a good topic, do not lose heart. We have put together a great list of ecology topics just for you.

Top Ecology Research Paper Topics

  • Discuss practical ways to curb the emission of carbon dioxide into the environment
  • What are some of the proven methods to make the environment more sustainable?
  • Look into how climate change impacts the evolutionary change in managed and natural biodiversity.
  • Examine how ecologists can effectively keep safe marine species that are at risk of extinction
  • What is psychological ecology, and what are some of its importance to humans
  • Analyze the impact of climate change in plant and animal species in the 21 st century
  • Exploring green roofs: Break down their working design and look at why they need to be incorporated.
  • In what ways can we ultimately adopt renewable sources of energy
  • Break down the principles of competitive exclusion and highlight its advantages
  • What are the main methods of recycling waste paper more effectively
  • Herbicides: Evaluate the effectiveness and potential side effect of various weed killers
  • What are the best approaches to measure and evaluate the impact of climate change?
  • Pollution: Find out whether human damage to the environment is reversible
  • Analyze the magnitude of fracking on the environment
  • Explore the impact of acid rain on aquatic life

First-Class Ecology Topics For Presentation

  • What are some of the latest technologies incorporated in making hazardous waste less harmful?
  • Highlight how different species can survive the harshest conditions created by pollution.
  • Are fertilizers worth it? Discuss the detrimental impacts of fertilizers on the aquatic environment
  • How can plants help to measure tap water quality?
  • What is the correlation between intelligence in animal and the efficiency of social foraging
  • Outline examples of highly altruistic behavior in lions and how it affects their fitness levels.
  • Look into how environmental factors and population affect desertion rates in birds.
  • Economic dependability as the central aspect of behavioral ecology: the imbalance in the cost and benefits as the cause of territorial behavior
  • Prove the theory that killing the cubs of a new pride enables females to start reproducing at a fast rate
  • Look into the link between population and the choice of parenting style among animals.
  • What are the main reasons why animals make signals to share food sources and attract direct members of their species?
  • Animal communication and neural process: Discuss the importance of traits like participation in cooperation activities in animal groups
  • Examine whether the processes impact the life cycle of migratory birds’ species if habits they choose to live in

Latest Ecology Project Ideas For College

  • What are the differences between mating strategies in lions, and how does it impact producing offspring?
  • Outline patterns used by birds to navigate, respond to the environment effectively and transmit vital information.
  • Evolutionary ecology and climate change: a case study of adaptive evolution of sexually selected traits in eagles
  • Evaluate the best methods of studying tolerance
  • Study evolutionary ecology forces that affect the coevolution and coexistence of the pollinator and the fig
  • What is the implication of humans frequently feeding wild birds on their population size and transition to urban environments?
  • Effects of natural calamities on genetic diversity and gene flow in endangered animal species
  • Impacts of extreme desert temperatures on the fertility of male and female ostriches
  • What measure can ensure turtles do not incur significant clutch losses
  • Observe the relationship between the regulatory of fluctuations in population size and specific activities among predators
  • Highlight the main reason for instability in mortality rates among passerine birds
  • What forces determine fecundity in aquatic plants?
  • Highlight ways to market an eco-friendly product in the modern-day
  • What are the major ecological problems impacting the African savanna today
  • Discuss ways by which human consumerism is detrimental to the environment
  • What are the leading causes of dead zones in seas
  • Explain the formation of different types of reefs
  • Break down the formation of salt marshes
  • Examine eutrophication and its implications
  • Outline the bright side if the natural green effect
  • Discuss the difference between the nitrogen cycle and the phosphorus cycle

Ecological Topics For Environmentalists

  • Evaluate the principle of competitive exclusion and mention valid examples
  • Evaluate the implications of pollution on the tundra
  • Highlight the effects of hydrogen peroxide in a plant’s root
  • Explain different methods used by ecologists to protect marine species that are at risk
  • Describe the philosophy behind agrarianism
  • Outline the primary methods used to measure the impact of climate change in the world.
  • Examine how climate change has impacted the migration pattern of monarch butterflies
  • Break down the evolution of human social complexity
  • What are the adverse effects of high atmospheric CO2 content on plants
  • Examine how human activities bring about an imbalance in biogeochemical cycling
  • What is the link between the migration of species and global warming?
  • What are the implications of mosquito eradication on the environment?
  • Point out the effects of overharvesting on the environment
  • Discuss the concept of extinction debts and their causes
  • Explain the principle of competitive exclusion
  • Explain the importance of preventive engineering strategy on industrial ecology
  • What is ecological footprint, and how is it measured?
  • What is eco-efficiency?
  • Define biodiversity and explain its importance to the environment
  • What is conservation biology, and how important is this field?

Human Ecology Topics

  • Evaluate different types of symbiotic relationships
  • Point out the primary sources of air pollution
  • Highlight the key reasons why a country may ignore serious environmental concerns
  • What are the indirect and direct values of biodiversity?
  • Discuss sustainable agroecology in temperature ecosystems
  • What is the origin and application of social ecology?
  • Outline the significant components of gastric macrobiotic
  • What is estuary ecology
  • Study black smokers and outline their importance to marine life
  • Evaluate the ecology of Chinese megacities and explain if they are safe for the human population
  • Discuss the long term environmental implications of the Chernobyl disaster
  • How can we control plastic pollution in the sea?
  • What is media ecology, and how important is it in environmental conservation?
  • Discuss diversity and stream morphology
  • Break down the hydrologic cycle
  • Is it possible to do away with non-renewable energy sources entirely?

Top-Rated Ecology Research Paper Topics

  • Examine whether the deep ecology movement can be a religion
  • What methods can combat ecological catastrophes
  • What is the link between the Columbian exchange and ecology
  • Highlight strategies that can solve overconsumption
  • What is the purpose of factorial ecology?
  • Investigating endangered species and possible ways to alter their extinction
  • Studying evolutionary systems and the process of a microorganism
  • Analyze how the destruction of natural habitats by humans affects the rates of the sixth mass extinction
  • What are the significant reasons why less than ten percent of plastic ever produced is recycled?

Creative Ecology Research Project Ideas

  • Explain why some genetics and taxonomy specialists claim each organism can only be classified if its genotype is available
  • What is the importance of thiamine and its availability to conserve and protect animal species in the northern hemisphere?
  • Discuss the significance of Charles Darwin’s works considering the implications of biodiversity on ecosystem health for modern functional ecology
  • Examine why functional ecology helps in the classification and detection and how it differs from other approaches
  • Analyze the link between railroad construction in the Amazon rainforest and climate change as it relates to carbon sink status
  • Outline the leading artificial and natural causes of floodplains build-up in land elevation
  • Water pollution: movement of genes and degradation of the compounds from rare species into more common ones in lakes with organic toxins
  • Is it necessary for the US to ban the use of plastics to protect delicate ecosystems?

Ecology Issues Topic Ideas

  • Do governments need to enact new laws to curb the use of energy produced by fossil fuels?
  • Tectonic movements: What impacts do they have on the environment?
  • Investigate whether global warming is a part of a natural cycle of the earth or a result of human activity
  • Why do humans try to prevent the extinction of endangered species?
  • Examine deep-sea mining and whether it is safe for oceans or aquatic life
  • What brings about groundwater contamination? How can it be detected and prevented?
  • What is the role of volcanoes in the development of modern earth?
  • Is it possible to reinforce the ozone layer?
  • What is the importance of small water bodies like lakes and ponds?
  • How can humans harness the greenhouse effect?
  • Global warming: What is likely to happen if glaciers melt?
  • How did the Fukushima and Chernobyl disasters affect worldwide ecology?
  • Study types of clouds, their formation, and their importance
  • What are eco-villages, and how effective are they?
  • Highlight some of the new animal and plant species seen in the last two years
  • What is the influence of diversity in ecosystem function?
  • Examine the importance of herbivore in preventing competitive exclusion
  • Discuss the role of competition in determining the community composition of different ecosystems
  • Meta-analysis of multidecadal biodiversity trends in Europe
  • An Ecophysiological evaluation of salinity tolerance in olive

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Educational Research Topics

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Ecology Essay Ideas

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  • M.Ed., Education Administration, University of Georgia
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Ecology is the study of the interactions and reciprocal influence of living organisms within a specific environment. It's usually taught in the context of biology, though some high schools also offer courses in Environmental Science which includes topics in ecology.

Ecology Topics to Choose From

Topics within the field can range broadly, so your choices of topics are practically endless! The list below may help you generate your own ideas for a research paper or essay.

Research Topics

  • How are new predators introduced into an area? Where has this happened in the United States?
  • How is the ecosystem of your backyard different from the ecosystem of another person's backyard ecosystem?
  • How is a desert ecosystem different from a forest ecosystem?
  • What is the history and impact of manure?
  • How are different types of manure good or bad?
  • How has the popularity of sushi impacted the earth?
  • What trends in eating habits have impacted our environment?
  • What hosts and parasites exist in your home?
  • Pick five products from your refrigerator, including the packaging. How long would it take for the products to decay in the earth?
  • How are trees affected by acid rain?
  • How do you build an ecovillage?
  • How clean is the air in your town?
  • What is the soil from your yard made of?
  • Why are coral reefs important?
  • Explain the ecosystem of a cave. How could that system be disturbed?
  • Explain how rotting wood impacts the earth and people.
  • What ten things could you recycle in your home?
  • How is recycled paper made?
  • How much carbon dioxide is released into the air every day because of fuel consumption in cars? How could this be reduced?
  • How much paper is thrown away in your town every day? How could we use paper that is thrown away?
  • How could each family save water?
  • How does discarded motor oil affect the environment?
  • How can we increase the use of public transportation? How would that help the environment?
  • Pick an endangered species. What could make it go extinct? What could save this species from extinction?
  • What species have been discovered within the past year?
  • How could the human race become extinct? Describe a scenario.
  • How does a local factory affect the environment?
  • How do ecosystems improve water quality?

Topics for Opinion Papers

There is a great deal of controversy about topics that link ecology and public policy. If you enjoy writing papers that take a point of view , consider some of these:

  • What impact is climate change having on our local ecology?
  • Should the United States ban the use of plastics to protect delicate ecosystems?
  • Should new laws be enacted to limit the use of energy produced by fossil fuels?
  • How far should human beings go to protect ecologies where endangered species live?
  • Is there ever a time when natural ecology should be sacrificed for human needs?
  • Should scientists bring back an extinct animal? What animals would you bring back and why?
  • If scientists brought back the saber-toothed tiger, how might it impact the environment?
  • The Definition of a Marine Ecosystem
  • Cultural Ecology
  • What Is Physical Geography?
  • The National Geography Standards
  • 67 Causal Essay Topics to Consider
  • Writing a Paper about an Environmental Issue
  • Is There Any Upside to Global Warming?
  • High School Science Fair Projects
  • Endangered Species Lesson Plans
  • Elementary School Science Fair Projects
  • What Is a Research Paper?
  • How to Write a Research Paper That Earns an A
  • 10 Easy Ways to Help Protect Marine Life
  • 100 Persuasive Speech Topics for Students
  • Seven Things You Need to Know About the Ocean
  • Social Studies Warmups: Exercises to Get Students Thinking

Ecology Research Paper Topics

Academic Writing Service

  • Alternative energy sources
  • Biodegradable
  • Biodiversity
  • Carbon cycle
  • DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane)
  • Endangered species
  • Environmental ethics
  • Eutrophication
  • Food web and food chain
  • Gaia hypothesis
  • Greenhouse effect
  • Hydrologic cycle
  • Indicator species
  • Nitrogen cycle
  • Organic farming
  • Paleoecology
  • Pollution control
  • Rain forest
  • Waste management

Ecological relationships are always reciprocal (shared) relationships. In the example of the cactus, elements of the physical environment, such as air and water, have an impact on the cactus. But, at the same time, the cactus affects its physical surroundings. For example, it releases water vapor and oxygen into the air, changing the composition of the surrounding atmosphere.

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Living relationships are also reciprocal relationships. The cactus may provide food, shelter, and shade for animals that live in or near it. But animals also contribute to the life of the cactus, by distributing its seeds, for example.

The Subject Matter of Ecology

Although mostly a biological subject, ecology also draws upon other sciences, including chemistry, physics, geology, earth science, mathematics, computer science, and others. As the impact of humans on the environment increases, the subject matter of ecology expands. Ecologists may be asked to decide whether a desert should be left in its natural state or opened to certain forms of human development. As a result, ecologists increasingly find themselves confronted with social, economic, political, and other nonscientific issues. Because it draws upon knowledge and information from so many disciplines, ecology is a highly interdisciplinary field.

That ecologists focus on biological subjects is apparent from the fact that most ecologists spend much of their time engaged in studies of organisms. Examples of common themes of ecological research include: (1) how organisms adapt to their environment, (2) how the numbers and distribution patterns of organisms in an area are influenced by environmental factors, and (3) changes in the number of organisms in a area over time and how the environment influenced these changes.

Energy and Productivity

One of the major areas of interest in ecology is the flow of energy through an ecosystem. (An ecosystem, or ecological system, is a collection of communities of organisms and the environment in which they live.) The source of almost all life on Earth is energy from the Sun, in the form of sunlight. That energy is captured by green plants in the process known as photosynthesis. When herbivorous (plant-eating) animals consume plants, they incorporate solar energy stored in those plants into their own bodies. Later, carnivorous (meat-eating) animals consume the herbivores, and solar energy is passed another step through the living world. Eventually, plants and animals die and are consumed by organisms known as decomposers. The complex of ecological relationships among all of the plants, animals, and decomposers is known as a food web.

The Ultimate Goal of Ecology

The ultimate goal of ecology is to understand the nature of environmental influences on individual organisms, their populations and communities, on landscapes and, ultimately, the biosphere (all life on Earth). If ecologists can achieve an understanding of these relationships, they will be able to contribute to the development of systems by which humans will be able to wisely use ecological resources, such as forests, agricultural soils, and hunted animals such as deer and fish. This goal is a very important one because humans are, after all, completely reliant on ecological goods and services as their only source of life support.

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Research Topics & Ideas: Environment

100+ Environmental Science Research Topics & Ideas

Research topics and ideas within the environmental sciences

Finding and choosing a strong research topic is the critical first step when it comes to crafting a high-quality dissertation, thesis or research project. Here, we’ll explore a variety research ideas and topic thought-starters related to various environmental science disciplines, including ecology, oceanography, hydrology, geology, soil science, environmental chemistry, environmental economics, and environmental ethics.

NB – This is just the start…

The topic ideation and evaluation process has multiple steps . In this post, we’ll kickstart the process by sharing some research topic ideas within the environmental sciences. This is the starting point though. To develop a well-defined research topic, you’ll need to identify a clear and convincing research gap , along with a well-justified plan of action to fill that gap.

If you’re new to the oftentimes perplexing world of research, or if this is your first time undertaking a formal academic research project, be sure to check out our free dissertation mini-course. Also be sure to also sign up for our free webinar that explores how to develop a high-quality research topic from scratch.

Overview: Environmental Topics

  • Ecology /ecological science
  • Atmospheric science
  • Oceanography
  • Soil science
  • Environmental chemistry
  • Environmental economics
  • Environmental ethics
  • Examples  of dissertations and theses

Topics & Ideas: Ecological Science

  • The impact of land-use change on species diversity and ecosystem functioning in agricultural landscapes
  • The role of disturbances such as fire and drought in shaping arid ecosystems
  • The impact of climate change on the distribution of migratory marine species
  • Investigating the role of mutualistic plant-insect relationships in maintaining ecosystem stability
  • The effects of invasive plant species on ecosystem structure and function
  • The impact of habitat fragmentation caused by road construction on species diversity and population dynamics in the tropics
  • The role of ecosystem services in urban areas and their economic value to a developing nation
  • The effectiveness of different grassland restoration techniques in degraded ecosystems
  • The impact of land-use change through agriculture and urbanisation on soil microbial communities in a temperate environment
  • The role of microbial diversity in ecosystem health and nutrient cycling in an African savannah

Topics & Ideas: Atmospheric Science

  • The impact of climate change on atmospheric circulation patterns above tropical rainforests
  • The role of atmospheric aerosols in cloud formation and precipitation above cities with high pollution levels
  • The impact of agricultural land-use change on global atmospheric composition
  • Investigating the role of atmospheric convection in severe weather events in the tropics
  • The impact of urbanisation on regional and global atmospheric ozone levels
  • The impact of sea surface temperature on atmospheric circulation and tropical cyclones
  • The impact of solar flares on the Earth’s atmospheric composition
  • The impact of climate change on atmospheric turbulence and air transportation safety
  • The impact of stratospheric ozone depletion on atmospheric circulation and climate change
  • The role of atmospheric rivers in global water supply and sea-ice formation

Research topic evaluator

Topics & Ideas: Oceanography

  • The impact of ocean acidification on kelp forests and biogeochemical cycles
  • The role of ocean currents in distributing heat and regulating desert rain
  • The impact of carbon monoxide pollution on ocean chemistry and biogeochemical cycles
  • Investigating the role of ocean mixing in regulating coastal climates
  • The impact of sea level rise on the resource availability of low-income coastal communities
  • The impact of ocean warming on the distribution and migration patterns of marine mammals
  • The impact of ocean deoxygenation on biogeochemical cycles in the arctic
  • The role of ocean-atmosphere interactions in regulating rainfall in arid regions
  • The impact of ocean eddies on global ocean circulation and plankton distribution
  • The role of ocean-ice interactions in regulating the Earth’s climate and sea level

Research topic idea mega list

Tops & Ideas: Hydrology

  • The impact of agricultural land-use change on water resources and hydrologic cycles in temperate regions
  • The impact of agricultural groundwater availability on irrigation practices in the global south
  • The impact of rising sea-surface temperatures on global precipitation patterns and water availability
  • Investigating the role of wetlands in regulating water resources for riparian forests
  • The impact of tropical ranches on river and stream ecosystems and water quality
  • The impact of urbanisation on regional and local hydrologic cycles and water resources for agriculture
  • The role of snow cover and mountain hydrology in regulating regional agricultural water resources
  • The impact of drought on food security in arid and semi-arid regions
  • The role of groundwater recharge in sustaining water resources in arid and semi-arid environments
  • The impact of sea level rise on coastal hydrology and the quality of water resources

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Topics & Ideas: Geology

  • The impact of tectonic activity on the East African rift valley
  • The role of mineral deposits in shaping ancient human societies
  • The impact of sea-level rise on coastal geomorphology and shoreline evolution
  • Investigating the role of erosion in shaping the landscape and impacting desertification
  • The impact of mining on soil stability and landslide potential
  • The impact of volcanic activity on incoming solar radiation and climate
  • The role of geothermal energy in decarbonising the energy mix of megacities
  • The impact of Earth’s magnetic field on geological processes and solar wind
  • The impact of plate tectonics on the evolution of mammals
  • The role of the distribution of mineral resources in shaping human societies and economies, with emphasis on sustainability

Topics & Ideas: Soil Science

  • The impact of dam building on soil quality and fertility
  • The role of soil organic matter in regulating nutrient cycles in agricultural land
  • The impact of climate change on soil erosion and soil organic carbon storage in peatlands
  • Investigating the role of above-below-ground interactions in nutrient cycling and soil health
  • The impact of deforestation on soil degradation and soil fertility
  • The role of soil texture and structure in regulating water and nutrient availability in boreal forests
  • The impact of sustainable land management practices on soil health and soil organic matter
  • The impact of wetland modification on soil structure and function
  • The role of soil-atmosphere exchange and carbon sequestration in regulating regional and global climate
  • The impact of salinization on soil health and crop productivity in coastal communities

Topics & Ideas: Environmental Chemistry

  • The impact of cobalt mining on water quality and the fate of contaminants in the environment
  • The role of atmospheric chemistry in shaping air quality and climate change
  • The impact of soil chemistry on nutrient availability and plant growth in wheat monoculture
  • Investigating the fate and transport of heavy metal contaminants in the environment
  • The impact of climate change on biochemical cycling in tropical rainforests
  • The impact of various types of land-use change on biochemical cycling
  • The role of soil microbes in mediating contaminant degradation in the environment
  • The impact of chemical and oil spills on freshwater and soil chemistry
  • The role of atmospheric nitrogen deposition in shaping water and soil chemistry
  • The impact of over-irrigation on the cycling and fate of persistent organic pollutants in the environment

Topics & Ideas: Environmental Economics

  • The impact of climate change on the economies of developing nations
  • The role of market-based mechanisms in promoting sustainable use of forest resources
  • The impact of environmental regulations on economic growth and competitiveness
  • Investigating the economic benefits and costs of ecosystem services for African countries
  • The impact of renewable energy policies on regional and global energy markets
  • The role of water markets in promoting sustainable water use in southern Africa
  • The impact of land-use change in rural areas on regional and global economies
  • The impact of environmental disasters on local and national economies
  • The role of green technologies and innovation in shaping the zero-carbon transition and the knock-on effects for local economies
  • The impact of environmental and natural resource policies on income distribution and poverty of rural communities

Topics & Ideas: Environmental Ethics

  • The ethical foundations of environmentalism and the environmental movement regarding renewable energy
  • The role of values and ethics in shaping environmental policy and decision-making in the mining industry
  • The impact of cultural and religious beliefs on environmental attitudes and behaviours in first world countries
  • Investigating the ethics of biodiversity conservation and the protection of endangered species in palm oil plantations
  • The ethical implications of sea-level rise for future generations and vulnerable coastal populations
  • The role of ethical considerations in shaping sustainable use of natural forest resources
  • The impact of environmental justice on marginalized communities and environmental policies in Asia
  • The ethical implications of environmental risks and decision-making under uncertainty
  • The role of ethics in shaping the transition to a low-carbon, sustainable future for the construction industry
  • The impact of environmental values on consumer behaviour and the marketplace: a case study of the ‘bring your own shopping bag’ policy

Examples: Real Dissertation & Thesis Topics

While the ideas we’ve presented above are a decent starting point for finding a research topic, they are fairly generic and non-specific. So, it helps to look at actual dissertations and theses to see how this all comes together.

Below, we’ve included a selection of research projects from various environmental science-related degree programs to help refine your thinking. These are actual dissertations and theses, written as part of Master’s and PhD-level programs, so they can provide some useful insight as to what a research topic looks like in practice.

  • The physiology of microorganisms in enhanced biological phosphorous removal (Saunders, 2014)
  • The influence of the coastal front on heavy rainfall events along the east coast (Henson, 2019)
  • Forage production and diversification for climate-smart tropical and temperate silvopastures (Dibala, 2019)
  • Advancing spectral induced polarization for near surface geophysical characterization (Wang, 2021)
  • Assessment of Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter and Thamnocephalus platyurus as Tools to Monitor Cyanobacterial Bloom Development and Toxicity (Hipsher, 2019)
  • Evaluating the Removal of Microcystin Variants with Powdered Activated Carbon (Juang, 2020)
  • The effect of hydrological restoration on nutrient concentrations, macroinvertebrate communities, and amphibian populations in Lake Erie coastal wetlands (Berg, 2019)
  • Utilizing hydrologic soil grouping to estimate corn nitrogen rate recommendations (Bean, 2019)
  • Fungal Function in House Dust and Dust from the International Space Station (Bope, 2021)
  • Assessing Vulnerability and the Potential for Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) in Sudan’s Blue Nile Basin (Mohamed, 2022)
  • A Microbial Water Quality Analysis of the Recreational Zones in the Los Angeles River of Elysian Valley, CA (Nguyen, 2019)
  • Dry Season Water Quality Study on Three Recreational Sites in the San Gabriel Mountains (Vallejo, 2019)
  • Wastewater Treatment Plan for Unix Packaging Adjustment of the Potential Hydrogen (PH) Evaluation of Enzymatic Activity After the Addition of Cycle Disgestase Enzyme (Miessi, 2020)
  • Laying the Genetic Foundation for the Conservation of Longhorn Fairy Shrimp (Kyle, 2021).

Looking at these titles, you can probably pick up that the research topics here are quite specific and narrowly-focused , compared to the generic ones presented earlier. To create a top-notch research topic, you will need to be precise and target a specific context with specific variables of interest . In other words, you’ll need to identify a clear, well-justified research gap.

Need more help?

If you’re still feeling a bit unsure about how to find a research topic for your environmental science dissertation or research project, be sure to check out our private coaching services below, as well as our Research Topic Kickstarter .

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term paper topics for ecology

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100 Interesting Ecology Topics For a Research Paper

ecology topics

Choosing the right ecology topics provides a chance for students to get the top grades. Ecology is one of the fields that have captured the attention of many people today. That’s because almost everybody is interested in environmental conservation today. Nevertheless, choosing a topic for ecology research is not easy. Essentially, learners should choose interesting topics that they can comfortably research and write about.

Perhaps, a great way to find brilliant topics is to evaluate coursework or content. This will enable a student to determine what they can research and write about to impress the educator. The same case should apply when choosing ecology lab ideas. You can also check out news items. Daily life events can be great sources of inspiration when searching for ecology experiment ideas and topics for academic papers.

Ecology Topics for Analytical Research Papers

Ecology research topics for comparison and contrast papers, evolutionary ecology research topics, interesting ecology topics for essays, ecology project ideas for definition papers and essays, argumentative ecology research paper topics, aquatic ecology paper topics, human ecology topics.

But, if you still can’t come up with a great topic for your paper or experiment, don’t worry, our thesis writers prepared 100 topics for you. Here is a list of great ideas to consider if you’re struggling to find environment and ecology research topics.

Do you want to write an analytical research paper? If yes, consider ecology research project ideas in this category. Here are some of the topics to consider in this category.

  • What are the major components of gastric microbiota?
  • Describe the origin of social ecology
  • How is social ecology applied?
  • Discuss the ecology of magnetotactic bacteria
  • Describe the evolution of magnetotactic bacteria
  • Discuss the ecological problems facing African savanna
  • What is sustainable agro-ecology?
  • Discuss sustainable agro-ecology for temperate ecosystems
  • Discuss the indirect and direct biodiversity values
  • Discuss the effects of natural green and its role in an ecological system
  • Describe changes in the polar bears’ ecology over the last 40 years
  • Describe the best ways teachers can help their students understand different ecology issues and improve their thinking
  • What are the major values of biodiversity
  • What are the principles of population ecology?
  • What are the measurements of species richness in community ecology?
  • Discuss the major marketing strategies for an environmentally friendly product
  • Why are critical ecological and environmental issues ignored by some countries?
  • Describe the best technologies for treating hazardous wastes
  • What causes air pollution?
  • How can nations prevent the impacts of air pollution on ecological systems?

Perhaps, you want to compare and contrast some concepts in your paper. In that case, you need ecology paper topics that allow you to consider different viewpoints. Here are examples of such topics.

  • Compare and contrast nuclear and fossil fuel energy
  • Compare and contrast the effects of hurricanes and tornados
  • How does an earthquake compare and contrast with a tsunami?
  • Compare and contrast the reformist environmentalism and deep ecology movement principles
  • Compare and contrast 3 categories of symbiotic relationships
  • Compare and contrast the phosphorous cycle and nitrogen cycle
  • Compare and contrast limnetic, benthic, and littoral zones in a lake
  • Compare and contrast opportunistic and equilibrium populations
  • Compare and contrast at least 3 terrestrial ecosystems
  • Compare and contrast non-sustainable and sustainable society

Compare and contrast topics in ecology require a great deal of time and effort. That’s because writing a paper or essay about a topic in this category entails research and writing about different topics. Therefore, be ready to research extensively if you choose your ecology project topic from this category.

Maybe you want to conduct extensive research about evolutionary ecology. In that case, you need evolutionary ecology topics for research paper to choose from. Here are the topic samples to consider.

  • What are the functional roles of maternal structures for the survival of an offspring?
  • What are the major transcriptomic changes when it comes to the transition of plant species from aquatic to terrestrial habitats?
  • Define population variation with carnivores’ population structure in mind.
  • Discuss the human social complexity evolution
  • Discuss the effects of social fungal communities invaders

Your educator may have asked you to choose an interesting topic and write a great essay about it. Here is a list of ecology topics from which you can choose what to write about.

  • Discuss the diversity and functioning of an ecosystem
  • What role does competition among species play in evolution?
  • Discuss the differences between sexual and vegetative reproduction
  • How does sleep facilitate evolution?
  • How do wolves help in population control in a forest?
  • What cause black holes and what are their effects
  • How does human activity impact glaciers?
  • What causes new infections?
  • Are endangered species worth protecting?
  • What are the potential effects of re-introducing an extinct species?
  • Discuss the latest technology for making hazardous waste safe
  • Define ecological footprint
  • Explain the number of bugs under the feet of a person at any given time
  • Discuss the use of moss in determining the North

Your educator may have asked you to write a definition essay or paper. This might be the reason why you’re looking for ecology project ideas for college essays and papers. Here are some of the topics that you can consider.

  • Define conservation biology
  • What is the purpose of conservation biology?
  • Define factorial ecology
  • What is the major tool for factorial ecology?
  • Define biodiversity
  • How important is biodiversity for an environment?
  • Define biome
  • Describe the seven biomes on the planet
  • Define the tragedy of commons’ concept
  • How can the overconsumption problem be solved?
  • Define mutualism
  • Discuss the major categories of mutualism
  • Define the Columbian exchange
  • How does Columbian exchange relate to ecology?
  • What is eco-efficiency?
  • What is sustainable manufacturing?
  • Describe the preventive engineering strategy and its importance
  • Discuss the principle of competitive exclusion
  • Define extinction debts- What are its major mechanisms?
  • Discuss how green roofs decrease the ecological footprint

Do you want to argue about some ecology concepts? If yes, consider the following ecology topics for presentation or research paper.

  • How can an ecological catastrophe be prevented by volunteer organizations?
  • Is ecology an individual or governmental responsibility?
  • Should schools teach environmentally friendly behaviors?
  • Discuss the most important biochemical interactions between animals and plants
  • Do the media cover ecological problems sufficiently?
  • Is there real, irreversible damage done to the earth by humans?
  • Is consumerism the major ecological problem?
  • Is deep ecology movement a religion?
  • Is artificial filling of unoccupied niches in an ecosystem ethical?
  • Can non-renewable energy sources be abolished completely?

If you’re pursuing an ecology program that deals with aquatic issues, you will find topics in this category quite interesting. Here sample topics to consider in this category.

  • What is involved in stream ecology study?
  • Discuss the salt marshes ecological phenomenon
  • Describe the hydrologic cycle
  • What is the importance of the hydrologic cycle in an ecosystem?
  • Define eutrophication and its causes
  • Describe the problems and effects of water ecology in the Caribbean
  • What is the importance of water consumption habits for ecology?
  • Discuss diversity and stream morphology
  • Describe sampling of Macro-invertebrate in aquatic ecology
  • What is estuary ecology?

Maybe you want to research human ecology. In that case, consider the following ecology project topics.

  • What are the major aspects of physiological ecology?
  • What are the consequences of overconsumption for ecology?
  • How can social ecology be regulated in a classroom?
  • What is the origin or media ecology?
  • Discuss the purposes and methods of media ecology
  • How safe is ecology in megacities in China?
  • What is agrarianism? –Discuss the principles of agrarianism philosophy
  • Describe a restaurant business that can be considered ecologically friendly
  • Are humans a part of an ecological world?
  • How to make a house sustainable

In addition to these categories of ecology research project ideas, you can also consider biology topics , as well as, problems and solutions topics. Nevertheless, take your time to find topics for ecology papers that you will be comfortable researching and writing about.

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50 Best Ecology Topics For Your Academic Papers In 2023

ecology topics

Are you looking for the latest and most interesting ecology topics? Great choice! Simply by trying to find the best ecology research topics, you are improving your chances of getting a top grade. We know ecology research is not easy and we also know that writing an ecology paper can be a daunting task.

This is why we’re here to help you with your project or thesis about environment . And the best way to do that is to give you a list of interesting, original topics. You will also find some information about the easiest way to write the academic paper further down the page.

Why Choose Only the Best Ecology Topics?

Choosing topics in ecology can be difficult. Why? Well, think of it this way: everyone in your class is scrambling to find the best ecology research project ideas. And almost everyone is using Google to find topics. There is a great chance that your project will be 90% similar to at least one other project in your class. Your professor is tired of reading the same ecology project ideas over and over again.

This is precisely why we recommend you to spend as much time as possible to find original ecology research project ideas. Of course, the topic of your paper should also be interesting. You need to capture the attention of your professor. Remember to always start the introduction with a hook. Make it punchy!

Blow, you will find a list of topics for ecology papers that we’ve prepared for 2023. They are unique at the time of writing, but we can’t guarantee they will be original by the time you get to them. This is why we recommend you to get in touch with us if you need 100% original topics or ecology lab ideas. Our skilled academic writers can help you in minutes.

Our List of 50 Excellent Ecology Research Topics

Evolutionary ecology research.

When you need to do extensive evolutionary ecology research and want to make sure you get a top grade, you definitely need one of the following ecology topics:

  • Maternal structures: they functional roles for offspring survival.
  • The transcriptomic changes of plant species when transitioning from an aquatic to a terrestrial habitat.
  • Define among population variation in relation to the population structure of carnivores.
  • The evolution of human social complexity. (one of the more difficult ecology topics)
  • The impact of invaders on soil fungal communities.
  • The impact of climate change on biodiversity (both natural and managed).

Environment and Ecology Research Essays

Writing environment and ecology research papers is not easy. However, you may find that doing research about our environment is actually a very rewarding activity. Here are some interesting topics for you:

  • Three ways climate change has affected the migration of the Monarch butterfly.
  • Describe 5 major changes in your area’s ecosystem.
  • Here is how we save resources by harnessing the power of wind.
  • Analyze the growth of the black bear population over the course of 5 years.
  • How can we minimize the damage done by fracking? (one of the best ecology project topics)
  • The five reliable methods used to measure climate change worldwide.

Human Ecology Topics

Interested to learn how humans have influenced the environment? Want to shed light on some ecological problems we are facing today? Choose any of the following human ecology topics and get that A+:

  • Are mega cities really safe for people to live in?
  • What does agrarianism mean? Describe this philosophy.
  • What is physiological ecology and why is it important?
  • Are humans above the ecological world?
  • The problems posed by fast food to our environment.
  • How does our overconsumption affect the environment?
  • Methods used by ecologists to protect at-risk marine species.

Ecology Experiment Ideas

Conducting ecology experiments is always a great activity. However, you may not know what to experiment with. Here are some ecology experiment ideas that will surely sound interesting to your professor:

  • How does acid rain affect aquatic life?
  • What kind of plants grow in your backyard?
  • Using water plants to measure the quality of tap water.
  • What does hydrogen peroxide do to plant roots? (one of the most interesting ecology topics for research paper)
  • Is Roundup (a weed killer) really as effective as it’s advertised to be?
  • Find the invasive plants in your backyard.
  • Does fertilizer affect the aquatic environment?

Ecology Project Ideas for College Students

Need something a bit more complex to write about? College professors demand more in-depth information. They want to see dedication and originality. Here are some ecology project ideas for college students that you will surely appreciate:

  • Analyzing the impact of climate change on the tundra.
  • Explain the principle of competitive exclusion (with examples).
  • Here is how green roofs work and why they need to be on every house.
  • The differences between the phosphorous cycle and the nitrogen cycle.
  • The main benefits of the natural green effect.
  • Can we completely eliminate nonrenewable energy sources? (one of the most pressing ecology issues)
  • Three interesting ways the environment frees itself from toxins.
  • What is eutrophication and what causes it?

Ecology Topics for Presentation

Do you need to create a presentation for class or for one of your ecology groups? No problem, we can help you with this as well! Here are some of the best ecology topics for presentation from our skilled academic writers:

  • How are salt marshes formed?
  • How do different types of reefs form?
  • What causes dead zones in our seas?
  • Our consumerism is severely affecting the environment.
  • Let’s describe gastric microbiota.
  • The five major ecological problems faced by the African savanna.

Interesting Ecology Topics

Want to awe your professor? Want to get extra bonus points for originality? You definitely need our help. Here are some interesting ecology topics that will catch your professor’s eye in 2023:

  • The latest technology that makes hazardous waste harmless.
  • How did magnetotactic bacteria evolve?
  • Let’s define the term “ecological footprint”.
  • How many bugs are under your feet right now?
  • How to use moss to figure out which way is North.

Easy Ecology Paper Topics

Do you want to write an exceptional essay but don’t want to spend too much time doing it? Yes, you can write a great paper on a relatively simple topic, as long as the topic is interesting. Have a look at a few easy ecology paper topics:

  • How can you make a restaurant eco-friendly?
  • How does a compost heap work?
  • How does one market an eco-friendly product these days?
  • Three ways to make your house more sustainable.
  • Is the damage done by humans to the planet already irreversible?

The Five Paragraph Paper Structure

We believe that interesting ecology research paper topics alone are not enough. If you want to get an A+ or at least an A, you need a bit more help. To greatly improve your grade, you should learn how to use the five paragraph paper structure effectively. Here is how it looks like:

  • Introduction . It contains the hook, the thesis statement and some background information about the topic.
  • Three body paragraphs. Each paragraph will discuss an important idea or point of view. Don’t forget to use transitions between paragraphs.
  • Conclusion. This is where you wrap everything up, summarize the most important ideas, and – optionally – insert a call to action.

A good list of ecology topics and excellent use of the five paragraph essay structure almost guarantee you a good grade. But remember, you must start early and focus on providing quality, accurate information. Finally, don’t hesitate to get in touch with an academic writer if you need any help.

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253 Ecology Topics for Research, Presentation, & Other Assignments

Ecology is an excellent topic for a heated dispute today. Giving rise to numerous discussions, the environment is of great interest to everyone living on this planet. It means you won’t have any difficulties choosing a topic for an ecology essay.

Check out topics in different subfields of ecology below. 10 categories, 190+ topics!

Are you ready? Let’s go!

  • 🔥 Hottest Ecology Topics for 2024
  • 🗂️ Taxonomic Ecology

⛏️ Applied Ecology

  • 🏜️ Terrestrial Ecology

🐛 Organismal Ecology

📝 ecology topics for assignment.

  • 🚵 Human Ecology
  • 🪵 Ecology Topics
  • 🌳 Plant Ecology
  • 🕵️ Resources

🔥 Hot Ecology Topics: 2024

Here, you can find a hand-picked list of the most relevant topics in ecology worthy of your attention. Those questions have emerged over the last few years but still require close attention.

  • Economies expansion and carbon emissions.
  • Greenhouse gas emissions issue.
  • Environmental breaches .
  • Food insecurity and waste.
  • Destruction of natural habitats by humans.
  • Transport industry’s input to global warming .
  • Why less than 10% of plastic ever produced is being recycled ?
  • How to decrease the amount of microplastic in the oceans?
  • Atmospheric pollution: Causes and effects .
  • How to decrease the deforestation levels?
  • What are the effects of dust storms in Europe?
  • Accounting for corporate accountability: Pollution allowances .
  • Air pollution and the risks of mortalities related to COVID-19.
  • How much freshwater is used to grow meat for one hamburger?
  • Health effects of environmental change .
  • What is the impact of using lab-grown meat on the environment?
  • Effects of greenhouse gas emissions and rising temperature.
  • Nuclear power and its effect on the environment .
  • Renewable energy projects against global warming.
  • Environmental effects of global migration.
  • Tourism and environment in conflict .
  • Melting on the Greenland ice sheet.
  • The harm of fertilizers on fresh drinking water.
  • UAE nuclear power and environmental obstacles .
  • The results of tilling and fertilizing in the US.
  • The main food systems strategies in Europe.
  • Air pollution: Sources, effects, and prevention .
  • How soon will we run out of fresh water?
  • Overfishing as an environmental issue.
  • Radioctive waste management .

However, you probably would like to study some more specific issues in detail. We have selected a wide range of ecology subfields that you might be interested in. You just need to look through all the ecology essay topics in the lists and pick one!

Don’t forget that you can alter the topics as you wish.

🗂️ Taxonomic Ecology Research Topics

Taxonomy is the study aiming to classify all living and extinct organisms. That’s a lot, right?! However, there are particular methods in this field to make the process easier. The systems of botany and zoology divide all organisms into groups, which forms hierarchies. Moreover, there are internationally accepted systems, such as binominal nomenclature . Each of the living and dead bodies has its place in this system.

  • Historical analysis: What was the role of classifying medicinal plants in China in the later hydrological studies? It is not a surprise to the experts that creating catalogs goes back to ancient China. The main focus was on the most useful plants since they were used for medical purposes . However, it appears that such an approach also allowed some further hydrological studies.
  • How did Carolus Linnaeus develop his classification system known as nomenclature, and how is it different from Aristotle’s approach? If you look back to Aristotle’s attempts to classify all living organisms and compare them to the Linnaeus system, you can see that there is a catch. Linnaeus binomial nomenclature was a result of quite a few failures. Therefore, your main task for this essay would be to try and find out how the founder of modern taxonomy worked.
  • What are the main reasons that so many living organisms and their groups are still not identified and poorly studied? It may be hard to believe, but the vast majority of living things are not studied thoroughly. To make it more shocking, even more of them are not classified yet! As a specialist who wishes to do research or write a paper on taxonomy, your task will be to determine the main reasons for such occurrences.
  • Suggesting the course of specimen’s evolution: How successful usually the last step of the taxonomical method is? Modern taxonomical methods consist of several simple steps. It all begins with finding a specimen and then comparing it to the existing ones. The purpose is to find a suitable place for it in nomenclature. You need to see what of the available evidence helps identify the course of evolution and how accurate it usually is.
  • What are the reasons to believe that numerical taxonomy would be more effective and what may be the difficulties while using it? Some ecologists have a faith that numerical taxonomy can be somehow more effective. For this essay, you should be able to recognize the reasons they have for such claims. However, no method is perfect. There are a lot of contradictions around this one.
  • How different is the code for cultivated plants from the rest of them, and why it had to be established separately?
  • The differences between collecting and preserving techniques of two groups of organisms of your choice and difficulties of their observation.
  • Why do some taxonomy and genetics specialists say that each organism can only be classified if its genotype is available?
  • Classifying fossils : What appears to be the main issues if little is known about a fossil , and how does it result in phenetic classification?
  • The most effective ways to classify viruses as the organisms whose evolution and ancestral forms cannot be identified correctly.

Applied ecology, like any other applied discipline, uses knowledge to address real problems. These problems are not necessarily only ecological but rather combine aspects of different fields.

Applied Ecology Research Topics

Unlike some of the more theoretical subfields of ecology, applied ecology is where all the action happens. It studies how the newest ecological findings can be used for real-world issues. It appears that this area of research is also closely related to conservation ecology. Besides, applied ecology focuses on habitat and agroecosystem management, restoration ecology, and ecosystem restoration. This field is worth digging into, so we prepared some of the most interesting ecology topics in this section!

  • How much attention should be brought to the non-consumptive use of biota such as tourism in applied ecology? Applied ecology does not only focus on managing the natural resources that we need for survival. As humans, we use a lot of biota for recreational reasons. What is the perspective of applied ecology on such a use? Your task is to engage in the discussion on this topic!
  • What is the role of explicit timescales in applied ecology , and how are the management decisions are made under the pressure of time? Everyone knows that time is money. However, sometimes, much more important things depend on the time available. In applied ecology, specific time frames affect a lot of decisions and options. If you decide to choose this topic, you would need to focus on the issues that arise whenever there are strict time frames
  • Landscape-scale: How does the perspective change the methods used in applied ecology, and what is the use of large-scale view? It appears that a lot of things vary depending on the perspective. Applied ecology is not an exception. For example, when the specialists deal with forestry, they need to consider this aspect. In this case, many management issues are related to the processes found in relatively large areas.
  • Historical analysis: Where did the concept of carrying capacity originate from, and what does it have to do with cattle production on rangeland? This term is used in both basic and applied ecology and means the maximum population size that a particular environment manages to sustain. Many other definitions might highlight quite different aspects. However, your main task for this topic would be to look into the origins of this term in applied ecology.
  • The importance of studying the long-term environmental changes as they influence the higher levels of biological organization. By now, you can probably see how many vital issues applied ecology has to deal with daily. The topic of environmental changes is one of them. However, you might want to narrow it down and choose a specific species to consider. Moreover, if you need a more complex research topic, pick a particular environmental change.
  • Air pollution and how to solve this problem .
  • Limited information as one of the main challenges in applied ecology when making effective management decisions.
  • Global warming: Realities, challenges and solutions .
  • How useful are diatoms as the tools for exploring and interpreting applied ecology problems, and how are they used?
  • The soft-path approach for sustainable water management .
  • Waterfowls’ role in wetland habitats as the means of wetland restoration designs that can also benefit multiple other species.
  • Water treatment system for saline bores in Cape York .
  • A case study of the impact of specific pollutants that affect pollinator activity in road verges and how it concerns other species.
  • Sustainable gas production in the UAE .
  • Environment-friendly freight: An overview .
  • Renewable energy and sustainable development .
  • Climate change: How Exxon misled the public .
  • Eight methods of raw water purification .

Conservation Ecology Topics for Research

This branch of ecology had only recently started developing but already found some useful applications in the field. Conservation ecology deals with the means of preservation of biodiversity and natural resources. You may have heard about the current sixth extinction. Well, conservation ecology is one of the ways humanity uses to slow it down. This field uses other disciplines such as biogeography, environmental ethics, and even genetics. If you want to work with some of the most critical topics in ecology, check out the list below!

  • What agricultural practices have been presented as climate-smart but do not meet the requirements for helping climate change issues? Climate-smart agriculture techniques have been used in conservation ecology for a while now. The primary efforts are focused on supporting farmers by increasing productivity while reducing greenhouse gases and adapting to climate change. However, recently some of the climate-smart solutions that do not address those issues have been claimed to do so.
  • The influence of positive and negative framing in the campaigns that encourage people to support conservation ecology projects . When people tune in to the news about the ecological situation regarding biodiversity, all they hear is negativity. The predictions are quite discouraging since we are doomed to lose so many species, and the rates of extinction are increasing. However, what if the perspective was on the brighter side? Some organizations focus on the positive future that we can achieve by taking action right now.
  • What tools are used in marine protected areas to support sustainable use of that environment and the role of marine spatial planning in it? People do not usually associate marine spatial planning with the protected areas. However, this method helps analyze the marine space and inform the responsible divisions. It also appears that the areas that are vital for conservation reasons come as some of the most common data layers within the marine plans.
  • The conflict between the new and old approaches to conservational ecology and its effect on other academic disciplines. The specialists and supporters of conservation to protect nature have been divided into two groups. It seems like the new conservationists see this field as more adjustable and ready for changes. Simultaneously, the traditional values supporters prefer to stick to their established methods of managing ecosystems.
  • What methods can conservational ecology use to determine when and why a specific ecosystem reaches a critical resilience threshold? Ecosystems are adaptive structures, and they can bounce back after the disturbances and regain their functions. However, human activities cause ecosystems to become more vulnerable. The resilience is getting worse due to environmental thresholds such as biodiversity decrease and climate change . In your essay, you should study this question in detail.
  • From the perspective of conservational ecology, is it more important to focus on maintaining the evolutionary capacity or preserving current levels of diversity?
  • Global warming: Effects on the wildlife and conservation initiatives .
  • Changes in animal responses to climate and natural disturbances should now be considered normal and regular events during conservation projects.
  • What is the importance of thiamine and its availability to protect and conserve some species in the northern hemisphere?
  • The genetic pesticide control approach and the potential threats it may bring on the nontarget species.
  • Laser beams as the innovation aimed to help catch ocean fish and the issues with the speed of fish replenishing their populations.
  • Genetically modified organisms in farming .

Functional Ecology Topics

Functional ecology studies how ecosystems function. However, it is not the whole truth. The thing is that this subfield focuses on how different species influence the environment they inhabit. Special attention is brought to their natural traits. For example, the specialists would study how some plants’ defense mechanisms alter the way their ecosystems operate.

  • The significance of Charles Darwin’s works considering the effects of biodiversity on ecosystem health for modern functional ecology. Even though this topic has some historical hint to it, you would be mainly working on linking Charles Darwin’s works with the study of functional ecology how we know it today. Try to find some of his writings that directly connect to this issue and pick the main one. For example, On the Origin of Species might be a great start!
  • Case study: What are the reasons why, in some situations, diversity shows an adverse effect and slows down ecological productivity? In general, biodiversity is a good thing. It positively impacts the productivity of an ecosystem. Not only it regulates the most effective and efficient exchange of energy and matter, but it also helps produce extra resources useful for humans. However, nothing is perfect. Sometimes, it happens that diversity causes more issues than brings profits.
  • What are the benefits and potential threats of implying complex functional diversity models in larger scales in functional ecology? It seems like most of those models are usually applied on small scales. However, it is suggested that more functional groups of a particular species can positively affect the ecosystem functions. On the other hand, it is the idea that has some limitations. Your task would be to analyze those potential issues that may or may not occur.
  • How does functional ecology help in species detection and classification, and how is it different from other approaches? When the specialists try to detect a species, they measure and analyze its unique traits. However, the likelihood of a minor mistake is always there due to the limitation of such data. Therefore, some other approaches should be used instead of or in combination during such research. Functional ecology is a great help in this case.
  • Functional ecology and de-extinction: What aspects do researchers consider while planning on reintroducing an extinct species into an ecosystem? The science of de-extinction is very delicate . A full functional analysis needs to be performed before placing a species into the ecosystem that previously assisted in its extinction — no wonder the specialists need to include many aspects into such research. Your task for this topic is to look into them.
  • Functional ecology: The importance and applications of the understanding of ecosystems with the help of functional diversity.
  • Explaining climate science in the modern world: The role of humans in climate change .
  • What are the benefits and disadvantages of using screening and empiricism to study the species traits in functional ecology?
  • Genetically modified animals and their implications .
  • Functional ecology as the field at the crossroads of genetics, ecology, and evolutionary biology and the combination of the features those disciplines provide.
  • Genetically modified organisms in Canadian agriculture .
  • Functional ecology in nitrogen-limited grassland: How are plant species traits analyzed to check resource production capacity?
  • Evolution and natural selection in Darwin’s finches .
  • What is functional ecology in ecological preservation and restoration based on a chosen species considered ecosystem engineers?

🏜️🌊 Ecosystem Ecology

An ecosystem is a complex of living organisms. Ecosystem ecology studies not only the organisms themselves but also their physical environment. A significant focus of this subfield is all the interactions and dependencies that happen in a specific ecosystem.

Terrestrial Ecology Topics

The science of living organisms deals with massive areas. Terrestrial ecology is all about ecosystems based on land.

For example, a desert and a rainforest are in the focus of its study. However, terrestrial ecology covers a lot more details than you might expect. The experts look into all the living organisms in the chosen area, their interactions, and their role in the cycles.

  • The effects of extensive farming that led to the destruction of the vast majority of prairie grasslands in North America in the twentieth century.
  • Urban problems: environmental pollution .
  • Tall trees: How soon will all redwoods die out , and what would be the leading causes of their extinction?
  • Plant-herbivore and plant-plant interactions in trait-mediated ecology and their effects on a plant community structure in the Amazon rainforest.
  • Extreme weather patterns and climate change .
  • The correlation between the railroad construction in the Amazon rainforest and climate change regarding the carbon sink status.
  • Brazilian government reducing Amazon’s deforestation .
  • What are the leading natural and human-made causes of the floodplains’ build-up in land elevation, and how is this process explained?
  • Agriculture and global warming effects .
  • How are humans utilizing the cloud forest ecosystems, and what are the potential dangers that lead them to be endangered?
  • What are the pros and cons of building a road on the edge of the Amazon River from the perspective of survival of the great mahogany trees?
  • Transboundary pollution caused by oil and gas production .
  • The most effective way to protect the Amazon rainforest from the dangers of the construction of oil and gas blocks.
  • Terrestrial ecology marvels: how does the unique location and variations in elevation help the Madrean Archipelago stay biologically rich?
  • Consequences of the disposal of medical waste on the environment .
  • Deciduous trees in the cold northern taiga’s harsh area: What helps the larch survive extreme temperatures ?
  • The use of studying plastic waste that ends up in the US’s terrestrial environments and the application of the results.
  • Effects of animal reburial on soil structure and water .
  • The negative influence of the rising temperatures and delayed snowmelt on sub-Arctic plants’ vegetative phenology, and ways to prevent them.
  • Impact of acid rain on environment .

Aquatic Ecology Topics

This sub-field is a counterpart of the terrestrial ecology.

Aquatic ecology is the study of ecosystems located in the different kinds of water. It focuses on the interactions of all the living organisms found in the bodies of water. Besides, aquatic ecology also considers the effects of temperature, oxygen, and nutrient concentration as the factors that directly affect the habitat. We would not be surprised if this section appears to contain some of the most interesting ecology topics!

  • Climate change in developing countries : The cost-effective tools aimed to help sustain freshwater ecosystem services as a replacement for standard conservation efforts.
  • Environmental economics: Water scarcity in Australia .
  • The case study comparing biodiversity in tropical and boreal streams with the intent to identify the differences in the patterns of beta diversity.
  • Climate change crisis and ocean threats .
  • How aquatic biota reacts to drivers while taking into consideration local scale variables and large-scale climatic ones.
  • Mars company and water sustainability issue .
  • How reliable can the bioindicators in freshwaters be, and what are the main environmental quality disruptors that can affect them?
  • The case study of the Baltic Sea area: Diatom functional biogeography from a trait-based approach.
  • Water pollution and treatment methods .
  • The arctic pond ecosystem diversity assessment and the main aspects influencing it, such as climate and catchment.
  • China’s rapid economic growth and its impact on water resources .
  • A research of the aquatic invertebrate digestion that gets helps from gut microbes and develops resistance to toxins related to gut fauna.
  • Water pollution : Movement of genes and degradation of the compounds from rare species into more common ones in lakes with organic toxins.
  • Oceans and coasts under climate change impacts .
  • The examples of trade-offs that may be involved in guarding native species in regulated rivers by trying to copy natural water discharge patterns.
  • The issue of plastic pollution affecting the ocean .
  • The main differences between fluxes and compartments in water cycles, and the kinds of units often used to describe them.
  • Analysis of the types and causes of water pollution .
  • A case study of conservation of aquatic resources in the US and its dangers from the economic perspective.
  • What organisms may be responsible for the unwanted methane production found in anoxic sediments in most aquatic habitats?
  • Impact of the global water crisis .

Microbial Ecology Research Topics

Even the tiniest living organisms influence our planet. Microbial ecology looks into microorganisms’ processes and how their communities colonize abiotic surfaces. Moreover, it is fascinating to learn how they interact with each other in that environment. The study of microbial ecology is quite broad. It covers micro-flora in animal and human guts, prokaryotes and eukaryotes with complex yet exciting relationships, and even genotypically complicated biofilms. Find out what other ecological topics you can study in this field!

  • What is the connection between antibiotics used by humans for medicinal properties and microbial communities in soil and freshwater?
  • Zika virus as a public health threat .
  • Microbial species distributed regarding climate alternations and their influence on human health and food security .
  • Microbial diversity: How much did we lose due to the effects of monoculture, and why this issue is so essential for our future?
  • Epidemiology: Human immunodeficiency virus .
  • Agriculture and microbial ecology: The adverse long-term effects of agrochemicals and antibiotic usage on microbial communities’ farming.
  • What are the potential ways that the microbiomes found in wildlife and can be used for health enhancements and disease treatments ?
  • Microbe covered in the news: An analysis .
  • The network theory and its potential applications in the prediction and management of infections in animals and plants.
  • Microbial ecology: The importance of the internalization of bacterial pathogens with the help of protozoa regarding their survival and spread rates?
  • Infectious diseases: The virus of Salmonella .
  • Microbial ecology and hosts: What evolutionary changes in microbiomes can help hosts adapt to environmental change while the host is alive?
  • A case study: What is the potential use of the associated microbiota for the effective risk assessments related to invasive and non-native species?
  • The coronavirus infection: Impact on the World .
  • Climate change and microbial ecology : The cascading effects of ocean acidification, rising sea levels, and temperature on microbial diversity and its function?
  • Manipulation of microbial succession as an effective way of repopulating soils with poor species diversity by flora and fauna.
  • The public health and the Omicron virus relationship .
  • What is functional redundancy, and how is it represented in microbial communities regarding its effects on diversity and niche overlap measures?
  • What are the ecological rules and principles of microbial communities’ structure, and do they follow the same ones found in other organizations?
  • Epidemiology: Zika virus .
  • The benefits of creating an open-access database or integrating the existing ones as a centralized way for data sharing in microbial ecology.
  • Hepatitis B virus in the United States .

Population Ecology Topics

As we all know population can either grow or decrease. The study that deals with the levels of species populations is called populational ecology. It tries to explain how they interact with the environment. One of this sub-field aims is to track and examine such aspects of population rates as birth, death, and migration processes. The dynamics of species are constantly changing in different areas, and it is essential to track and analyze them. Dive into this study!

  • The importance of plant populations for conservation biology : The most effective ways to study the functioning for future conservation plans.
  • What is the correlation between dispersal and population ecology aspects such as habitat quality, connectivity of local populations, and population regulations?
  • The effect of sampling short and long distances and its frequency on the quality of capture-recapture data used for dispersal estimation.
  • Density dependence: Competition for resources between multiple organizations that occupied the niche as a determining and obligatory force for survival.
  • What forces influence specific plants’ fecundity, and how is it related to the fitness of different population variants?
  • Why do populations that delay reproduction tend to have better survival chances than those that try to leave offspring early?
  • The main reasons for high mortality throughout the first year of life and lower rates in the following years among passerine birds .
  • What rates do population ecologists use to analyze population growth and estimate the possible effects of conservation on endangered species?
  • Except for food availability and predation, what other environmental factors influence geometric and exponential growths of populations?
  • A case study: Observe a link between the regularity of fluctuations in population size and specific predators’ activities.
  • How much can populations of weeds and pests expand with their enemies’ absence after being released in the new environment?
  • The impact of river water on wheat plant growth .

Organismal ecology focuses on specific individual organisms and, more importantly, their interactions with the physical environment. Researchers of this field study how particular organisms interact with each other and change their behavior over time.

Evolutionary Ecology Topics for Research

Evolutionary ecology looks into how species evolve and adapt to environmental changes. Mainly it focuses on predators, prey, and mutualists. Evolution studies how species change genetically over generations but rarely attempts to question the underlying mechanisms. Evolutionary ecology is what aims to find those answers. Therefore, if you’re fascinated by how prey adapts to avoid death from predators, this section is for you! Find some of the finest topics in ecology below.

  • Climate change and evolutionary ecology: The harmful effects of too high temperatures in deserts on male and female ostrich fertility.
  • Climate change impact on business activity in Malawi .
  • Risk management in evolutionary ecology: What adaptations have female sea turtles made to prevent large clutch losses?
  • What may be the role of a tsunami in promoting a gene flow and improving genetic diversity regarding endangered plant species?
  • Air pollution: Causes, effects and solutions .
  • The impact of humans frequently feeding wild birds on their transition to urbanized environments and its effect on population size.
  • A study of marine invertebrates and resilience: Does protecting their offspring increase their chances to overcome ocean acidification ?
  • Global warming: Causes and mitigation strategies .
  • The first northwest Chinese farmers exploiting grain-fed pheasants and the effects of such management practices on animals’ domestication.
  • Coexisting cryptic species: The study of evolutionary ecology forces that play a role in coexistence and coevolution of the fig and pollinator.
  • Environmental health and health effects of environmental change .
  • Dietary plasticity: What kinds of competitive pressures may have caused the signs of dental caries to appear in the fossils of an extinct bear?
  • Fruit flies and predator-specific responses to olfactory cues: What are the costs imposed on general activity and reproductive behavior?
  • Climate change’s impacts on the Arab world .
  • Incomplete dominance on an amphibian model example: What are the best ways to study the genetically determined tolerance?
  • Global warming as costs of environmental degradation .
  • What may be the phylogenetic implications of crocodilians’ response: Skin color alterations regarding environmental color conditions?
  • Climate change & global warming: Universal mitigation strategies .
  • Climate change and evolutionary ecology: The case of adaptive evolution of a sexually selected trait in a specific wild bird.
  • Global warming: Future summers .

Behavioral Ecology Topics for Research

This sub-field of ecology might seem hard to understand. However, we always know how to make things easier! Behavioral ecology studies how organisms interact with each other and the environment. In most cases, it concerns evolutional processes . Long story short, if you choose this area, you will be analyzing how species cooperate and compete with each other.

  • What pattern does the chosen species follow to transmit vital information, navigate, and respond to environmental variables effectively?
  • The differences between the males’ mating strategies within a chosen species and the effects on their chances of producing offspring.
  • The main reasons why the life cycles of migratory birds’ species are greatly affected by the cycles of habitats they choose as targets.
  • Why are fluctuating resources exploited more efficiently while species migrate between trophic levels to look for food and better breeding environments?
  • Studying animal neural processes and communication: What is the importance of such traits as participation in cooperative activities within animal groups?
  • What are the main reasons for animals to make signals and attract the attention of the direct members of their species and share the food source?
  • The correlation between the choice of parenting style and population: the example of invertebrates that have no parental care and produce many eggs.
  • What motivates cuckoos to be such an aggressive parasite since they eject all the hatchlings out of the nest?
  • Infanticide among male lions: How to prove the theory that killing the cubs in the new pride helps females start reproducing faster?
  • Economic dependability as the central aspect of behavioral ecology: The imbalance in the costs and benefits as the cause of territorial behavior.
  • Desertion as the main parental care pattern in most birds: how much do population and environmental factors influence desertion rates?
  • What are the examples of highly altruistic behavior in the animal species of your choice that increases their fitness levels?
  • Foraging as the most common technique to find food: The correlation between the efficiency of social foraging and ‘intelligence’ in animals.
  • Studying behavior in invertebrates (sow bugs) .
  • The impact of deforestation on biodiversity and the environment.
  • The effectiveness of different renewable energy sources in reducing carbon emissions.
  • How does urban planning promote sustainable and eco-friendly cities?
  • Marine conservation and its impact on the oceans.
  • The relationship between pollution and public health.
  • The challenges and opportunities of sustainable agriculture.
  • The effects of climate change on global wildlife populations.
  • How does indigenous knowledge help preserve ecosystems?
  • The environmental impact of single-use plastics and potential solutions.
  • The intersection of gender, race, and class in environmental justice.
  • How does climate change affect food security?
  • Government policies in addressing environmental issues.
  • The future of eco-friendly transportation.
  • The relationship between human population growth and ecological sustainability.
  • What is the connection between water scarcity and human conflict?

🚵 Human Ecology Topics

  • Is there a relationship between human health and ecological systems?
  • The effects of globalization on human ecology and the environment.
  • How does technology shape human interactions with the natural world?
  • The effects of cultural practices on environmental sustainability.
  • Biodiversity loss and its consequences for human societies.
  • The impact of industrialization on human-nature interactions.
  • The psychology of environmental behavior and its impact on human ecology.
  • The role of education in promoting sustainable human-nature relationships.
  • The relationship between food systems and human ecology.
  • What are the effects of human migration on ecological systems?
  • Technological innovations and their potential to address environmental challenges.
  • The future of sustainable cities and their role in human ecology.
  • How do consumer behavior and material culture influence human ecology?
  • The intersection of environmental justice and human ecology in marginalized communities.
  • The relationship between mental health and nature in the context of human ecology.

🪵 Ecology Topics for Presentation

  • How does climate change influence polar ecosystems?
  • Bees and their contribution to ecosystem sustainability.
  • The conservation of endangered species and ecosystem health.
  • How does deforestation influence global climate?
  • The effects of ocean acidification on marine ecosystems.
  • The role of ecotourism in conserving ecosystems.
  • Ecological footprint and its impact on ecosystems.
  • Ways of engaging communities in ecological monitoring.
  • The role of predator-prey interactions in ecosystem dynamics.
  • The importance of wetlands in ecological conservation.
  • The patterns and significance of ecological succession.
  • Strategies for rehabilitating degraded ecosystems.
  • The future of ecosystem conservation in the face of climate change.
  • Ecological implications of renewable energy development.
  • The impact of noise pollution on terrestrial ecosystems.

🌳 Plant Ecology Topics for Presentation

  • The role of fungi in forest ecosystems.
  • The effects of climate change on plant communities.
  • Mutualistic interactions between plants and pollinators.
  • Plant-soil feedback and their ecological significance.
  • The influence of herbivory on plant community dynamics.
  • Evolutionary adaptations of plants to their ecological niches.
  • Plant-soil interactions in ecosystem functioning.
  • Plant community assembly and succession in ecological systems.
  • The ecological significance of seed dispersal mechanisms.
  • Plant-pollinator coevolution and its impact on ecological communities.
  • Plant adaptations to fire-prone ecosystems.
  • The ecological significance of plant-microbe interactions.
  • How do plants mediate ecosystem carbon and nutrient cycling?
  • Ecological implications of plant phenology and seasonal dynamics.
  • Impacts of urbanization on plant ecology and biodiversity.

🕵️ BONUS: Interesting Ecology Topics Resources

In case you cannot find anything that catches your attention, there are other sources of inspiration. The best ideas usually come from the themed magazines and scientific journals. They have fresh materials to help you navigate and check the most recent discoveries on your interest topic.

  • Nature ecology & evolution
  • Collection of Top 100 Most Downloaded Ecology Topics; nature. com
  • ScienceDaily; Ecology News
  • TheScientist; Ecology & Environment
  • World Wide Fund for Nature
  • The Ecologist
  • Earth Magazine
  • The Environmental Magazine
  • Discover Magazine
  • Mother Earth News

Wow! You are a hero if you read all topics.

Hopefully, you were not scared with the complicated language of some of them.

Did you manage to find your theme? Or did you get inspired for writing?

Anyway, this was a helpful paper, offering multiple ways to explore ecology and its wide variety of questions.

That’s it, dear friends.

Good luck with all your writings 😊

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100 ecology topics for academic papers.

January 28, 2021

Ecology Topics

Some students struggle to find the best ecology topics to write about due to the broadness of this study field. Ecology entails studying how living organisms interact on earth. As such, ecology is a study field with a very huge scope. This explains why some learners struggle to pick or generate brilliant ecology project topics.

Nevertheless, learners should focus on finding interesting topics by evaluating their course content. That way, they can determine what they should research before writing their papers. This should also be the case for ecology lab ideas.

Students can check news items and pay attention to the events that happen in their daily lives. That way, they can be inspired to come up with impressive ideas and topics. But, if generating topics for ecology research is still a problem, consider some of the ideas from our professional writer service .

Analytical Ecology Topics

If your goal is to compose an analytical essay or research paper, this category has the best ecology project ideas for you. Here are some of the best analytical topics in ecology that you can write about.

  • The application of social ecology
  • Social ecology- Describe its origin
  • An analysis of the major gastric microbiota components
  • Describe sustainable agro-ecology
  • Discuss the direct and indirect biodiversity values
  • An analysis of the major biodiversity values
  • Using the best technologies to treat hazardous wastes
  • Population ecology- Describe its major principles
  • How did the magnetotactic bacteria evolve?
  • What ecological problems is the African savanna facing?
  • How does natural green affect an ecological system?
  • What is the role of natural green in the ecological system?
  • Describe the environmental and ecological issues that some countries ignore
  • How a country can protect ecological systems from air pollution
  • Explain the causes of air pollution and its impacts on the ecological systems
  • Describe marketing strategies that can be used to produce eco-friendly products
  • What measures should species-rich countries take concerning community ecology?
  • How can a teacher help learners understand critical ecology issues?
  • How has the ecology of polar bears changed over 40 years
  • Why countries embrace technology in preserving ecological systems

These are great analytical topics for ecology papers. However, they require extensive research and analysis of information to come up with solid papers.

Interesting Ecology Topics

Maybe you’ve been asked to come up with an interesting topic for your environment and ecology research. This section comprises some of the most interesting ecology research project ideas that you should consider.

  • How have magnetotactic bacteria evolved over the years?
  • How effective can people use the moss to determine the North?
  • What is the ecological footprint?
  • How many bugs are under a person’s feet at any time?
  • Describe diversity in an ecosystem
  • Explain how diversity functions in an ecosystem
  • How important is completion among species?
  • Is competition a major cause of evolution?
  • How does vegetative reproduction differ from sexual reproduction?
  • Explain how wolves facilitate population control within a forest
  • Explain the role of sleep in evolution
  • Describe the causes of black holes
  • What are the effects of black holes?
  • Explain how human activity affects glaciers
  • Explain the causes of new infections
  • Should endangered species be protected?
  • Describe the potential impact of the reintroduction of extinct species
  • Describe how the latest technology can be used to make hazardous waste safer
  • Ways to make a home eco-friendly
  • Explain how a compost heap functions

Pick a topic in this category and develop it through research and analysis of the available information to come up with an awesome paper or essay.

Human Ecology Topics

Human ecology research topics are largely focused on the influence of humans on the environment. Here are some of the topics to consider in this category.

  • How safe are megacities for human habitat?
  • What are some of the methods that ecologies use to protect the marine species that are at risk?
  • Explain how overconsumption impacts the environment
  • What problems does the fast-food industry pose to the environment?
  • Describe agrarianism from an ecological point of view
  • Define physiological ecology
  • Explain the importance of physiological ecology
  • Explain how social ecology can be regulated within a classroom
  • Describe the origin of media ecology
  • What are the methods of media ecology?
  • What is the purpose of media ecology?
  • What are the key principles of the agrarianism philosophy?
  • Discuss humans as a part of the ecological world
  • How can you make your business eco-friendly?
  • How is cultural evolution similar to genetic evolution?
  • Describe human microevolution
  • What is the future of human microevolution?
  • How humans can use technology to control greenhouses remotely
  • How public transport affects natural ecological systems
  • How the use of manure affects natural ecological systems

If you love studying the interactions of humans and the environment, this category features some of the best ecology research project ideas for you. Just pick a topic that you find interesting and write about it or develop it further before you start working on it.

Evolutionary Ecology Research Topics

Maybe you are looking for ecology project topics that touch on evolution. In that case, consider some of these topics for your ecology project.

  • How does climate change affect evolution?
  • The role of material structures in the offspring’s survival
  • Describe transcription changes in a species’ transition from aquatic habitat to a terrestrial habitat
  • What is population variation?
  • What are the effects of the invaders of the soil fungal communities?
  • Discuss the evolution of human social complexity
  • How does climate change affect managed biodiversity
  • What are the impacts of climate change on natural biodiversity?
  • Why is human social complexity a difficult topic?
  • Explain how microorganisms are adapting to climate change

Any of these ecology research paper topics is a great idea for a project if you’re interested in evolutionary ecology. But, you must be ready to research extensively before writing your paper if you want to score the top grade.

Ecology Experiment Ideas

Maybe you need topics for your ecology experiment. Your educator may have asked you to find ecology topics for presentation and you must experiment first. Here are some of the topics that you can consider for your experiment.

  • The effects of acid rain on aquatic life
  • Types of plants that grow in a backyard
  • The growth of invasive plants in the backyard
  • Effects of fertilizer on the aquatic environment
  • How does roundup work?
  • Is roundup effective in killing weed?
  • The effects of hydrogen peroxide on the roots of a plant
  • How to measure tap water quality using a water plant
  • Effects of light on the growth of a plant
  • How parasitic plants survive

These are brilliant ecology paper topics for students that are interested in experiments. Nevertheless, some of these topics require specific materials to perform experiments or make presentations.

Ecology Project Ideas for College

If you’re in college, you might be looking for something more complex. In that case, consider this category of ecology topics for research paper.

  • How climate change affects the tundra- A detailed analysis
  • Define eutrophication
  • What causes eutrophication?
  • Ways the environment uses to break free from toxins
  • Can sources of nonrenewable energy be eliminated?
  • How natural green benefits the world
  •  How is the phosphorous cycle different from the nitrogen cycle?
  • How does the green roof works?
  • Why every house should have a green roof
  • Using examples, explain the competitive exclusion principle

College papers and essays require in-depth information. Pick any of these topics and then research it extensively to impress the professor with your work and earn the top grade.

Argumentative Topics for research in Ecology

Perhaps, you want to argue an ecology concept. In that case, consider a topic in this category.

  • Volunteer organizations can prevent ecological catastrophe
  • Non-renewable energy sources can’t be abolished completely
  • Deep ecology movement is a religion
  • The media does not cover ecological issues sufficiently
  • Ecology is an individual responsibility
  • Consumerism is a serious ecological problem
  • Students should be taught eco-friendly behaviors in school
  • Ecology as a government responsibility
  • Humans have done irreversible damage to planet earth
  • Filling the unoccupied ecosystem niches artificially is unethical

Students have many topics to consider when it comes to writing research papers on ecology, recycling essays , etc. Similarly, learners have many ideas to explore whenever they want to experiment or make presentations about issues that relate to this subject. This list of ecology topics provides some of the ideas that are worth considering. Use them to come up with a topic for your academic paper or essay. Alternatively, pick one of these topics and then take a unique perspective in your research and writing to come up with a paper that will earn you an A+ grade.

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100 Best Ecology Topics for High School and College

Ecology Topics

If you are reading this blog post, it means you are looking for ecology topics. The good news is that we have a list of 100 ecology topics for you. Furthermore, we have a lot of information about ecology topics that we are certain you’ll appreciate. We will show you why finding great ecology research topics can land you a top grade and where to find said topics. Of course, you are free to choose any of our 100 ecology paper topics. You can reword them and use them any way you like. And remember, the list is updated frequently so that everyone can get original topics from us.

Table of Contents

Great ecology topics really make a difference, where to find excellent ecology research topics, 100 free topics for ecology papers, evolutionary ecology research ideas, ecology research project ideas, marine ecology topics, environment and ecology research, interesting ecology topics, ecology topics for presentation, argumentative ecology topics, ecology project topics, complex ecology topics for research paper, human ecology topics, ecology topic ideas for definition essays, ecology project ideas for high school, cause and effect ecology paper ideas, ecology project ideas for college, ecology lab ideas, ecology experiment ideas, topics about ecology issues.

Did you know that interesting topics in ecology can get you some very nice bonus points from your professor? It’s true. Your professor is most definitely bored of reading essays on the same topics over and over again. This is why he or she will greatly appreciate an original, interesting idea. The problem with interesting topics is that you need to know where to find them.

Doing ecology research can be pretty difficult, especially if you pick the wrong topics. Here are the best 3 places where you can find some great ideas for your next essay:

  • The Internet. One can find a million ecology research project ideas online, but most of them are not original nor interesting. Be careful what you choose.
  • Offline sources. You may be able to get some interesting ideas by reading newspaper articles and journals that discuss ecology subjects. Your local library may be a source of inspiration and a great place to do homework .
  • Our list of ecology topics. We have a team of writers who work tirelessly to update our list of ecology topics. This means you will always be able to find something interesting right here. It’s the easiest way to get a great idea.

If you don’t want to spend a lot of time working on your ecology project, we suggest you take a look at our interesting ecology research paper topics.

Looking for some evolutionary ecology research ideas? Our experienced academic writers have put together a comprehensive list for you:

  • How do maternal structures help their offspring survive?
  • Analyze transcriptomic changes of a plant species of your choice.
  • Negative effects of invaders on soil fungi.
  • How did the human society evolve over time?
  • Climate change and its impact on biodiversity.
  • Population variation in the population structure of herbivores.

In case you need some excellent ecology research project ideas, just take a look at the list below and choose the topic you like:

  • How are microbes produced in the ocean?
  • The evolution of polar bear ecology in the last decade.
  • How does the environment resist toxic chemicals?
  • The Siberian tiger and its population ecology.
  • Why is social ecology so important?
  • What are magnetotactic bacteria?
  • What is gastric microbiota composed of?

We have some marine ecology topics that you will surely appreciate. Use any of the topics below as you see fit (they’re all free to use):

  • How does the United States handle marine ecology?
  • Discuss the Atlantic salmon from an ecology standpoint.
  • What are black smokers and how do they affect marine organisms?
  • Does conservation ecology really help aquatic life?
  • Latest problems with the Great Barrier Reef.
  • Methods by which we can protect sea turtles.

If you need to write an environment and ecology research paper, we have some of the best ideas right here (updated this week):

  • Minimizing the damage caused by fracking on the ecosystem.
  • Wind mills are the best way to save our planet’s resources.
  • Analyze the ecosystem in your area and explain 3 of the main changes.
  • How can we reliably measure climate change?
  • Solar power is a green way to protect the environment.
  • How did the Siberian tiger population change over the course of 10 years?
  • Changes in the Monarch butterfly migration patterns caused by climate change.

Of course, you want to impress your professor and your classmates. This is why we recommend you pick one of these interesting ecology topics:

  • Do our water consumption habits affect the environment?
  • Analyze stream diversity in your area.
  • Analyze the ecological problems in sub-Saharan Africa.
  • How can professors help students understand the importance of ecology?
  • What is the “natural green” effect?
  • How do we adequately treat hazardous waste?
  • The 5 main sources of air pollution in the United Kingdom.

When you need to write a presentation quickly, you probably don’t want to spend much time searching for topics. Just pick one of the ecology topics for presentation below and start writing now:

  • Explaining the main types of reefs and their formation.
  • Factors that lead to the apparition of dead zones in seas around the globe.
  • Salt marshes: what are they and how do they appear?
  • The African savannah and its 3 main ecological issues.
  • Negative effects caused by human consumerism on the environment.
  • Describe magnetotactic bacteria and their role in ecology.

Our writers have put together a list of the best argumentative ecology topics they can think of. All of the ideas are original and fresh:

  • The government should be responsible for the ecology.
  • We can’t completely get rid of nonrenewable energy sources.
  • Do the news cover ecological issues adequately?
  • The danger posed by humans to our planet is real.
  • Volunteers are not enough to prevent ecology problems.
  • Why I support the deep ecology movement.
  • All schools should introduce ecology in their curriculum.

Setting up and managing an ecology project takes time and effort. Save some time by choosing one of these simple ecology project topics:

  • Analyze and explain the phosphorous cycle.
  • Analyze and explain the nitrogen cycle.
  • Analyze eutrophication and explain it.
  • Experiment with a green roof and explain why it’s useful.
  • How does competitive exclusion work?
  • Analyze the climate change impact on an area near you.

Do you want to impress everyone in your class? Pick one of the following complex ecology topics for research paper and start writing:

  • Analyze the damage caused by non-indigenous species in the United States.
  • What are the indirect values of biodiversity?
  • Devise a marketing strategy for an eco-friendly product of your choice.
  • The 3 ways the environment can counter toxic chemical compounds.
  • How can we prevent wildfires in the Amazon rainforest?
  • Explain, with examples, the main types of symbiotic relationships.

There are many things to talk about when it comes to human ecology. Of course, we have some great ideas for you. Check out these human ecology topics:

  • Define physiological ecology.
  • Human overconsumption is devastating to the environment.
  • 3 ways we can protect marine species that are on the brink of extinction.
  • The dangers posed by megacities to their residents.
  • Does fast food cause climate change?
  • The agrarian philosophy explained.
  • Can water plants be used to measure the quality of our drinking water?

We have some ecology topics ideas for definition essays as well. These have been updated for 2020 and will be updated in the future as well:

  • What is biodiversity?
  • What is “tragedy of commons”?
  • What is “ecological footprint”?
  • What is “Columbian Exchange”?
  • What is “sustainable manufacturing”?
  • What is “mutualism”?
  • What is “factorial ecology”?

If you are a high school student and you want some relatively easy and fun project ideas, check out these ecology project ideas for high school students:

  • Explain eco-efficiency and its implications.
  • Describe the competitive exclusion principle.
  • Reasons why birds migration is negatively affected by global warming.
  • Can we completely eradicate mosquitoes?
  • Describe the seven biomes present on Earth.

We managed to create a list of the best (original) cause and effect ecology paper ideas on the Internet. Choose one now:

  • High levels of CO2 cause negative effects on plants.
  • The cause and effect of global warming.
  • The cause and effect of wildfires in the US.
  • The cause and effect of rising temperatures in our oceans.

Are you a college student? Do you want to get an A+ on your next ecology project? Just check out our ecology project ideas for college students then:

  • Analyze the effects of global warming on bees.
  • Analyze the effects of climate change on a species of your choice.
  • How do plants react to polluted water?
  • Ecologically-friendly ways to protect an endangered species in your area.

Setting up lab experiments takes time and effort, of course. However, you can save a lot of time simply by using one of our ecology lab ideas:

  • How does acid rain affect marine life?
  • How do plan roots react to hydrogen peroxide contact?
  • What happens when fertilizers enter a marine ecosystem?
  • A great way to neutralize chemical waste.

Working on a cool ecology experiment will surely be a fun and engaging activity. Here are some of the best ecology experiment ideas you can get:

  • Analyze the efficiency of the Roundup weed killer product.
  • Tell us more about the invasive species you’ve found in your area.
  • Analyze the ecosystem in your backyard.
  • Making your house sustainable.
  • Are bird feeders good or bad for birds?
  • Reversing the effects of pollution in your area.

There is a lot to say about the various ecology issues that are going on right now all over the world. Here are some excellent ideas for your next academic paper:

  • Does climate change make important resources even rarer?
  • Can we really conserve our rainforests?
  • The negative effects of air pollution on our health.
  • Should we all be held responsible for global warming?
  • Our inability to protect plant and animal species from extinction.

If you can’t find the topics for ecology papers you are looking for in our list, don’t despair. We can still help you. Just get in touch with our homework helpers and tell them what you need. They will quickly put together a list of original ideas for you to choose from. And remember, they can also help you ace your ecology project. After all, we are here to help students get the top grades they need.

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A List Of Interesting Ecology Term Paper Topics For College

Ecology includes studying various concepts related to living organisms. This subject matter tends to explore elements that make up the ecosystem. Topics related to ecology for your term paper can be found through a number of sources. Your textbooks can be a good start along with any notes from in-class discussions and lectures. For paper writing you want to keep in mind you are presenting findings based on what you know. This means your term topic should be something you know well or willing to elaborate more about. Here is a list of topics to help you develop your own ideas for you next ecology term paper.

  • What factors contribute to possible changes in an ecosystem from a person’s backyard and their neighbors? You can write a term paper about different elements commonly found in backyard environments that vary based on what they do or their purpose.
  • Which extinct animal do you think should be brought back and why? What animals are close to extinction that may have more of a purpose than we think?
  • What are some of the most significant elements of an ecosystem? A term paper assignment could offer detailed information on most important parts of an ecosystem or what is necessary to define one.
  • What similarities does a forest ecosystem have with a desert ecosystem? You can compare two different types of ecosystems of your choice.
  • How did manure develop? What is it used for and how did it become used for that purpose?
  • How is manure good for the environment? Why is it considered bad? A term paper can review and compare pros and cons of manure.
  • Why do so many people like sushi and how has it made a positive impact on the earth’s environment? How does this help the environment and what does the future look like for sushi products?
  • What eating habits people have that can be considered harmful to the environment? People like to litter, eat food that is part of another ecosystem and waste products that could be recycled.
  • What happens when acid rain comes in contact with nature? How does acid rain form and can we do something to reduce its affects?
  • How is air determined to be clean? Why can one town have cleaner air than another?

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The Ultimate Guide to Writing Ecology Research Papers with 80+ Topics

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Have you ever gone on a walk into a forest and been struck by the astounding variety of living things there – from seedlings to trees to the fungus of the size of dinner plates? Or, have you witnessed the scenery outside your window change from an oak forest to big pine trees to grassland plains as you drive? These are a few classic examples of ecology, studying how organisms interact with one another and their environment.

Every habitat, from densely populated cities to isolated wilderness areas, supports a complex web of connections between living things. They also provide intricate interactions between living organisms and their environments. Being a vast subject, it is very difficult for a student to find the correct topic for doing research.

You’ll find it simpler to choose from this article’s list of ecology research paper topics. You can use these ecological questions examples or project ideas to inspire your ecology research, presentation, etc.

But before that, let’s know something about ecology!

The Definition of Ecology

Ecology is the discipline of biology that explores how species communicate with their surroundings and other creatures. Each organism has a complex relationship with members of its own species as well as members of other species. These intricate relationships impact the living beings, which drives the Evolution of species populations. Ecology is the study of such forces, what causes them, and the intricate interactions between living things and their non-living surroundings.

There are a number of sub-disciplines in terms of environment and ecology research. Let us now dig deep into the types of ecology in the next segment.

The Types of Ecology – An Overview

  • Molecular Ecology

Ecology at the molecular level focuses on protein production, the effect of protein on organisms and how the environment influences the development of protein. DNA generates a variety of proteins, which interact with one another and the environment to duplicate the DNA in all known species. The result of these interactions is some extremely sophisticated organisms. The creation of these proteins, their effects on organisms and the environment, and the effects of the environment on them are all topics of study for molecular ecologists.

  • Organismal Ecology

Individual organisms and their interactions with other species and the environment are the focus of the study of organismal ecology. Even though it is a branch of ecology, organismal biology is a vast field. It is impossible to study every contact that an organism has over the course of its lifetime. Numerous researchers that study organismal ecology concentrate on a single characteristic of the organism, such as its behaviour or the way it uses the nutrients in its environment.

  • Population Ecology

The next level of ecology is population ecology, where organisms of the same species together make a group or organisation. Different selective forces than those found in animals that compete with conspecifics result from the complex interactions these species have with their environment. In fact, scientists surmise that humans’ growing success in society may have been what inspired their propensity for communication. A population ecologist studies populations of organisms and the intricate relationships that exist between those populations and the environment.

  • Community Ecology

Communities of organisms are made up of various populations residing in the same habitat. These communities produce a variety of areas, or niches, for organisms to live in. Community ecologists research these intricate relationships and the resulting selective forces. Communities of organisms occasionally start to experience coevolution, in which two or more species change in reaction to one another. This is seen in various animals, including predators and the prey they consume, as well as bees and the flowers they pollinate.

How to Pick the Best Ecology Research Topic?

Whenever you are doing an ecosystem research project, if your topic is too complicated, it can reduce the motivation and energy you are trying to put into your studies. So choosing an interesting ecology topic is very important to keep you engaged and enhance your interest. At this point, you can also ask for examples of ecology research topics from the experts, who will help you give you the best.

Hence follow these steps wisely while selecting ecology topics/subtopics for the research paper.

  • Brainstorm your topics
  • Choose a topic of interest
  • Collect enough data for analysis
  • Gather relevant sources for citing
  • Look for the depth of the subject

Now that you have a basic idea about ecology and how to select the topics, let’s dig down into the list of ecology topics we have listed for you.

Are you ready? Let’s go!

An Updated List of Ecology Research Topics

Latest ecology topics for 2023.

  • The growth of economies and carbon emissions
  • Humans are destroying natural environments.
  • The role of the transport sector in global warming
  • Why is recycling only 10% of all plastic ever produced?
  • How can the seas’ microplastic pollution be reduced?
  • How can the rate of deforestation be lowered?
  • What are dust storms’ impacts in Europe?
  • Allowances for pollution in corporate responsibility accounting.
  • The dangers of COVID-19-related fatalities and air pollution
  • How much freshwater is required to grow one hamburger’s worth of meat?

Taxonomic Ecology Research Topics

  • Historical analysis: What function did the classification of Chinese medicinal plants in later hydrological studies serve?
  • Why are so many living things and the groups that they belong to remain poorly known and studied?
  • Are you predicting the EvolutionEvolution of a specimen: How successful is the taxonomical method’s final step typically?
  • Why did the code for cultivated plants need to be established separately, and how does it differ from the other codes?
  • The challenges of observing two groups of your choice of species and the variations in collection and preservation methods.
  • Why do some taxonomy and genetics experts claim that a genotype is required in order to classify an organism?
  • Phenetic classification of fossils: If little is known about a fossil, what seem to be the primary problems, and how does it result in phenetic categorisation?
  • The most useful categories for viruses are organisms whose EvolutionEvolution and ancestral forms cannot be accurately defined.

Applied Ecology Research Topics

  • The issue of air pollution and solutions.
  • A major obstacle in applied ecology to making wise management decisions is a lack of knowledge.
  • Global warming: Facts, Issues, and Potential Solutions.
  • How effective are diatoms as a tool for analysing and exploring challenges in applied ecology?
  • The soft-path strategy for environmentally friendly water management
  • The Cape York salty bores’ water treatment system
  • An analysis of a particular pollutant’s effects on pollinator activity in roadside vegetation and how it affects other species.
  • Gas production that is sustainable in the UAE.
  • An overview of environmentally friendly goods.
  • Sustainable development and renewable energy.

Conservation Ecology Topics for Research

  • The impact of framing, both positive and negative, on efforts to support ecological conservation projects
  • The effects of global warming on animals and conservation efforts
  • During conservation initiatives, alterations in animal reactions to climatic and environmental disturbances should now be seen as common and expected occurrences.
  • What role does thiamine play in preserving and protecting various species in the northern hemisphere?
  • The use of genetic pesticides and the possible risks they pose to non-target species.
  • Laser beams were developed to help catch ocean fish and solve the problem of how quickly fish populations refill.
  • The debate over conservational ecology’s new and traditional perspectives and how it affects other academic fields

Functional Ecology Topics

  • Functional ecology: The significance and applicability of using functional diversity to understand ecosystems.
  • The contribution of people to climate change in explaining climate science in contemporary society
  • In functional ecology, what are the advantages and downsides of utilising screening and empiricism to explore species traits?
  • The effects of genetically engineered animals
  • Functional ecology is a field that combines the advantages that genetics, ecology, and evolutionary biology have to offer.
  • The use of GM crops in Canadian agriculture
  • How are plant species attributes are analysed to assess resource production capacity in nitrogen-limited grassland?
  • Darwin’s Finches: natural selection and EvolutionEvolution
  • In ecological preservation and restoration based on a chosen species deemed by ecosystem engineers, what is functional ecology?
  • How does functional ecology vary from other methods, and how does it aid in identifying and classifying species?

Terrestrial Ecology Topics

  • Tall trees: When will redwoods completely disappear, and what will be the main reasons for this extinction?
  • Climate change and extreme weather phenomena
  • The relationship between the status of the carbon sink and railway building in the Amazonian jungle
  • The Brazilian government is minimising deforestation in the Amazon.
  • What are the main reasons for the land elevation build-up in the floodplains, both natural and man-made, and how is this process explained?
  • The best method for defending the Amazon rainforest from the risks posed by the development of oil and gas blocks
  • Wonders of terrestrial ecology: How do the Madrean Archipelago’s distinctive geography and elevation fluctuations maintain its biological diversity?
  • Environmental effects of disposing of medical waste
  • Deciduous trees in the severe northern taiga: How does the larch withstand high temperatures?
  • Investigating plastic debris that ends up in terrestrial habitats in the US and using the findings.

Aquatic Ecology Topics

  • Environmental economics: Australia’s water shortage.
  • How does aquatic biota respond to factors while considering both small- and large-scale climatic factors?
  • What are the primary environmental quality disruptors that can have an impact on freshwater bioindicators, and how reliable are they likely to be?
  • Diatom functional biogeography in the Baltic Sea region: a trait-based approach
  • The assessment of the diversity of the arctic pond ecosystem and the major factors that affect it, such as the climate and catchment
  • The rapid economic development of China and its effects on water resources
  • The problem of ocean pollution from plastics
  • The key distinctions between water cycle fluxes and compartments, as well as the many types of units frequently employed to characterise them
  • Analysis of water contamination types and causes
  • A case study of aquatic resource conservation in the US and the risks it poses from an economic standpoint.

Microbial Ecology Research Topics

  • The distribution of microbial species in relation to climate change and their impact on human health and food security
  • Microbial diversity: How much did we lose due to monoculture, and why is it so crucial to our long-term survival?
  • Human immunodeficiency virus, epidemiology
  • Agriculture and microbiological ecology: The damaging long-term impacts of using agrochemicals and antibiotics on the farming of microbiological populations.
  • What possible applications for improving health and treating diseases exist for the microbiomes discovered in wildlife?
  • Analysis of a microbe mentioned in the news
  • The network theory and its potential use in managing and predicting diseases in plants and animals
  • Microbial ecology: What role do protozoa play in the internalisation of bacterial pathogens in terms of their rates of survival and spread?
  • The impact of the coronavirus infection on the world
  • Using microbial succession manipulation to repopulate soils with low flora and fauna species diversity effectively

Those were some of the best topics you could consider for writing research paper on ecology.

In the next segment, we have tried to address the most common queries students have. Read on!

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Most Popular Questions Searched By Students:

What is ecology & why is it important.

Ans. Ecology is the study of how living things interact with their surroundings. It offers fresh insight into these crucial systems’ current state and potential future developments. It also improves the planet and is essential to the welfare and prosperity of people.

What topics are covered in ecology?

Ans. Topics of ecology include various subjects such as human science, ecosystem, population, and biosphere.

What are the types of ecology?

Ans. The different types of ecology include:

  • Landscape Ecology
  • Global Ecology
  • Ecosystem Ecology

What are some current issues in ecology that researchers are studying?

Ans. Ecologists may research a variety of issues, such as:

  • Life-cycle activities, relationships, and species-specific adaptations
  • Environmental factors’ impact on organism populations
  • Progression of ecological changes
  • An environment’s biological diversity and abundance
  • Ecosystems featuring a variety of life forms

What are some common methods used in ecology research?

Ans. The three ecological research techniques are

  • Observing – It involves using observations to address ecological concerns
  • Experimenting – It is putting a notion to the test in a lab or outside environment
  • Modelling – It is the process of using models, including mathematical formulas, to provide answers to ecological issues.

What are some ethical considerations in ecology research?

Ans. Ethical considerations are the set of guidelines that serve as a guide for your study ideas and procedures. When doing ecological research, ethical considerations must be given top priority, which include:

  • Informed approval
  • Voluntary involvement
  • Avoid damage
  • Confidentiality
  • Only evaluate pertinent components

How can ecosystem restoration benefit ecology and biodiversity?

Ans. The possibility to successfully stop and reverse degradation, enhance ecosystem functions, and restore biodiversity is provided by ecosystem restoration. The efficient restoration of 15% of transformed areas is likely to prevent 60% of projected species extinctions.

What is the role of ecosystem services in ecology research?

Ans. Ecosystem services are the direct and indirect ecosystems that offer to improve people’s quality of life and general well-being. This might include cultural issues like lowering stress and anxiety as well as practical aspects like supplying food and water and controlling the environment.

How can international collaboration benefit ecology research?

Ans. International collaboration enables researchers to acquire extra, frequently specialised expertise, obtain fresh perspectives on their study, and for early-stage researchers, form ties with people in the field that can be crucial for career growth.

What are some promising areas for future ecology research?

Ans. Ecology has practical applications in conservation biology, wetland management, natural resource management, urban planning, basic and applied science, community health, and human-social interaction.


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Top Ecology Topics to Nail Your Paper

Ecology topics

Finding unique ecology research project ideas is a challenge. You need to make sure that the topics that you choose are relevant and interesting. In addition to that, you don’t want the topics you choose to clash with ones chosen by other students in your semester. With a subject as diverse as ecology, there is definitely scope to get the best ideas to make your paper substantial, with a lot of data and discussion.

Here are some ecology project ideas for college that explore the current trends and important subjects in this field of study.

Best Ecology Topics

These ecology research paper topics have been used successfully by many students. All you need to do is find your unique angle to present an intriguing paper:

  • What are the functional roles of maternal structures in offspring survival?
  • The transcriptomic changes occur in plant species when they are transitioning from an aquatic habitat to a terrestrial one.
  • Population variation related to the population structure of carnivorous animals.
  • How did the social complexity in the human population evolve?
  • The effect of invaders in communities of soil fungus.

Ecology Project Ideas

Here are some ecology paper topics that will help you carry out extensive research and earn a top grade:

  • The impact of global warming on managed and natural biodiversity.
  • The five major areas in the ecosystem of the current area that you live in
  • The role of wind energy in saving resources
  • How the migration of Monarch butterflies has been affected by climate change.
  • The trends in the growth of black bear populations over the last decade.

Ecology Research Topics

Here is a list of ecology topics that will make the process of researching and writing your paper extremely rewarding:

  • What is fracking and how can the damage caused by it be minimized
  • Five best options to measure climate change across the globe.
  • Ecological implications of mega cities and how safe are they for people to live in?
  • Describe the philosophy of agrarianism
  • Where do human beings stand in the current ecological structure? Are they above the regular framework or not?

Ecology Project Ideas for College

The topics provided below can become a starting point for an interesting ecology science project or exciting ecology club ideas to carry out discussions and experimentation:

  • What are the effects of overconsumption on the environment?
  • How has the growth of the fast food industry affected the environment?
  • What are the common methods used by ecologists to protect marine species that are at risk?
  • The huge impact of oil drilling and related processes on marine life as we know it.
  • Global climate change is not a reality. Discuss why this concept came about and provide arguments for or against it.

Ecology Experiment Ideas

Experiments are a wonderful activity to help you get a complete understanding of ecology concepts. Here is a list of ecology experiment ideas for college students:

  •  The major impact of acid rain on aquatic life.
  • How can the quality of tap water be measured using water plants?
  • How effective are popular weed killers and what is their impact in soil and crop quality?
  • Study the top five invasive plants in the area that you currently live in and test the effects of popular weed killers on them.
  • What is the effect of hydrogen peroxide on the roots of different types of plants?

Ecology Topics for Presentation

If you are preparing for an important presentation for your ecology club or semester, here are some ecology research project ideas that can help you nail it:

  • How has climate change impacted the tundra over the last decade?
  • Provide suitable examples to explain the concept of competitive inclusion.
  • The positive impact of green roofs and why all houses must have them.
  • What does eutrophication mean and what are the primary causes?
  • Interesting ways in which the environment eliminates toxins from itself.

Human Ecology Topics

Human ecology topics present the most impactful and relevant discussions. Here are some topics that are always interesting to write about:

  • What are the primary aspects of physiological ecology and why is it important?
  •  Describe the ecology in Chinese megacities and related safety concerns
  • What are the origins, purposes, and methods of media ecology?
  • How can restaurant businesses become more environmentally friendly?
  • What methods can be used to regulate social ecology in a classroom?
  • Is ecological balance the responsibility of each individual or that of the government?

Restoration Ecology Topics

Restoration ecology discusses how we can reverse the negative impact of human activity on the environment. Here are some intriguing ideas:

  • How can we reverse the effects on the environment caused by overharvesting?
  •  Is it possible to completely eliminate the use of natural energy resources? What are the alternatives available?
  • What are the negative impacts of the eradication of mosquito populations from a given ecological environment?
  • What does preventive engineering strategy mean? How is it important in industrial ecology?
  • How the concept of metapopulation can be used in conservation ecology.

Current Ecology Topics

These ecology project ideas for high school discuss the latest topics that are not just impactful but also quite pressing:

  • The negative effects of consumerism on the environment.
  • What are the five major ecological issues that are currently affecting the African savanna?
  • The current status of coral reefs in the world.  How does the natural green effect benefit the ecology?
  •  The best restorative policies have been established by governments globally.
  • What are the latest technological advancements that have made hazardous waste completely harmless?

Good Ecology Project Ideas

The following ecology topics for research are easy to research. They also help you find ample data and material to present in your paper:

  •   What are the best ways to market eco-friendly products?
  • What does the terrestrial ecosystem mean? Compare and contrast two types of terrestrial ecosystems.
  • Draw parallels between a society that is sustainable and one that is non-sustainable.
  • What does the term “factorial ecology” mean? What are the main tools of factorial ecology?

Microbial Ecology Topics

Microorganisms have a huge effect on our ecology. These ecology project ideas for college explore their impact and benefits:

  • Describe the ecology and evolution of magnetotactic bacteria
  • Describe the role of the microbiota in the human gastric system.
  • What is the role of microbial ecology in the changing world?
  • Why are microbes the key to understanding the global genome question or the evolution and ecology of the human population?
  • What are the impacts of avian virome on ecology?

When you write on any topics in ecology, it is important to use a simple five-paragraph structure. This will help you put your ideas together coherently and present the best papers:

  • Start with an introduction that contains the hook for the topic along with a thesis statement and relevant background information.
  • The body will consist of three paragraphs. Every paragraph will discuss a separate and important point of view for the thesis statement. Make sure that the transitions between the paragraphs are smooth.
  • A conclusion sums up the important ideas and can even provide a call to action when discussing current and important topics.

These interesting ecology research project ideas along with the structure mentioned above can help you get great grades. However, make sure that you start writing your project early and gather accurate and quality information.

If you need professional writers to assist you with your ecology papers, write to us today. With years of experience, each writer provides you with well-researched papers that are structured as per detailed guidelines provided by your college or university.

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Richard Ginger is a dissertation writer and freelance columnist with a wealth of knowledge and expertise in the writing industry. He handles every project he works on with precision while keeping attention to details and ensuring that every work he does is unique.

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term paper topics for ecology

Term Paper Topics: 150 Ideas for Academic Excellence

term paper topics for ecology

Upon entering university, the multitude of responsibilities that accompany your studies may catch you off guard. The pressure to write and submit research papers on time can be overwhelming, leading to feelings of exhaustion and anxiety.

Many students find themselves stressed and unsure of how to navigate assignments and exams, particularly when it comes to selecting the best term paper topics that align with their writing style. The process can leave individuals feeling lost and in need of guidance or an essay service .

where to find good term paper topics

In this article, you will find a collection of 150 excellent topic ideas in Philosophy, Sociology, Micro and Macroeconomics, History, Ethics, Medicine, Chemistry, Biology, Education, as well as Media and Communication.

From History to Biology: Intriguing Term Paper Topics to Spark Your Creativity

The provided topic suggestions are organized based on subject areas, offering a diverse range of options. Our goal is to provide a balanced scope and complexity, catering to various academic levels, courses, and interests. Feel free to tailor these research topic ideas to align with your specific educational needs when learning how to write a term paper .

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Whether you choose to narrow down the topics or approach them from a different perspective, the list is designed to be adaptable to your unique requirements and preferences. Should you lack time to explore any of these topics, go for custom research paper writing at any time on our website.

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Philosophy Term Paper Topics

Embark on a philosophical exploration with these compelling topics in Philosophy that delve into the fundamental questions of existence, ethics, and knowledge. From classical philosophical inquiries to contemporary debates, this curated list offers diverse avenues for contemplation and intellectual discourse.

  • The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence: Examining the Moral Implications of AI Development.
  • Nietzsche's Ubermensch: A Critical Analysis of the Concept of the Overman.
  • The Trolley Problem: Ethical Dilemmas in Utilitarianism.
  • The Philosophy of Mind-Body Dualism: Descartes vs. Contemporary Perspectives.
  • Existentialism in Literature: Analyzing the Existential Themes in Kafka's Works.
  • The Epistemology of Fake News: Truth, Trust, and Information in the Digital Age.
  • Eastern Philosophy: Comparing Taoism and Confucianism on Ethics and Society.
  • Feminist Ethics: Deconstructing Gender Bias and Inequality through a Philosophical Lens.
  • Environmental Ethics: The Moral Obligations in the Face of Climate Change.
  • The Philosophy of Language: Wittgenstein's Linguistic Investigations and its Impact on Analytic Philosophy.

Sociology Term Paper Topics

Dive into the complexities of societal structures and human interactions with these thought-provoking topics in Sociology. This curated list explores a diverse range of issues, from the impact of technology on social dynamics to the examination of cultural norms and their influence on individual behavior. If Sociology isn't your jam, buy term paper from professional writers to keep up with the workload.

  • The Digital Divide: Analyzing Socioeconomic Disparities in Access to Technology.
  • Social Media and Identity: Exploring the Impact of Online Platforms on Self-Perception.
  • The Influence of Gender Roles on Career Choices: A Sociological Perspective.
  • Urbanization and Social Change: Examining the Effects of Urban Development on Communities.
  • The Sociology of Deviance: Understanding the Social Construction of Criminality.
  • Intersectionality in Feminist Theory: Addressing the Interconnectedness of Social Categories.
  • The Role of Family Structure in Shaping Educational Attainment.
  • Globalization and Cultural Homogenization: Assessing the Impact on Local Cultures.
  • Social Movements and Political Change: A Comparative Analysis of Historical Cases.
  • The Sociology of Health Inequalities: Investigating the Link Between Social Factors and Health Disparities.

Microeconomics Term Paper Topics

Explore the intricate world of economic decision-making and market dynamics with these engaging topics in Microeconomics. This curated list offers a diverse array of subjects, from analyzing consumer behavior to exploring the implications of market structures on resource allocation.

  • Behavioral Economics: Investigating the Psychological Factors Influencing Consumer Choices.
  • Market Failures and Externalities: Assessing the Role of Government Intervention.
  • The Economics of Information: Examining the Impact of Asymmetric Information on Markets.
  • Game Theory in Business Strategy: A Microeconomic Perspective.
  • Labor Market Dynamics: Analyzing Wage Determinants and Unemployment Trends.
  • The Elasticity of Demand: A Comprehensive Study of Price Sensitivity.
  • Monopolistic Competition: Understanding the Characteristics and Implications for Industries.
  • Environmental Economics: Evaluating the Economic Cost of Environmental Degradation.
  • The Role of Microfinance in Alleviating Poverty: A Microeconomic Analysis.
  • Health Economics: Exploring the Economic Factors Influencing Healthcare Access and Outcomes.

Macroeconomics Term Paper Topics

Study the broader economic landscape with these compelling topics in Macroeconomics. This curated list delves into key issues such as fiscal policy, monetary systems, and global economic trends, offering diverse avenues for in-depth analysis and critical inquiry.

  • The Impact of Inflation on Income Distribution: A Macroeconomic Perspective.
  • Keynesian vs. Monetarist Approaches to Economic Stabilization.
  • Globalization and Income Inequality: Analyzing the Macro-Level Effects on Nations.
  • The Phillips Curve: Examining the Relationship Between Inflation and Unemployment.
  • The Role of Central Banks in Monetary Policy: A Comparative Analysis.
  • Economic Growth and Sustainable Development: Balancing Progress with Environmental Concerns.
  • Fiscal Policy and Economic Stimulus: Assessing the Effectiveness of Government Intervention.
  • Exchange Rate Determinants: Understanding Factors Influencing Currency Values.
  • The Business Cycle: Analyzing Phases and Implications for Economic Policies.
  • The Macroeconomics of Public Debt: Evaluating the Impact on National Economies.

Economics Term Paper Topics

Discover a curated selection of topics in Economics designed to foster a deep understanding of economic principles and their real-world applications. From exploring market dynamics to evaluating the global impacts of economic policies, this collection provides a valuable foundation for in-depth research, allowing students to delve into critical economic issues and enhance their analytical skills.

  • The Role of Entrepreneurship in Economic Development: A Comparative Analysis.
  • Behavioral Economics and Nudging: Understanding the Intersection of Psychology and Economic Decision-Making.
  • The Economics of Renewable Energy: Assessing the Viability and Impact on Energy Markets.
  • Economic Consequences of Technological Innovation: A Historical Perspective.
  • The Circular Economy: Exploring Sustainable Business Models and Resource Management.
  • Income Mobility and Economic Equality: Analyzing Trends and Policy Implications.
  • Trade Liberalization and Global Economic Integration: Challenges and Opportunities.
  • The Economics of Healthcare Systems: A Comparative Study of Models Around the World.
  • The Impact of Economic Policies on Income Distribution: A Case Study Approach.
  • Financial Crises and Regulatory Responses: Lessons from Historical and Contemporary Perspectives.

History Term Paper Topics

To maximize your historical research experience, consider selecting a good research paper topic in History that aligns with your interests and offers ample primary and secondary sources, ensuring a rich and nuanced exploration of the past.

  • The Silk Road: Cultural Exchange and Economic Impact.
  • The Renaissance and its Influence on European Art and Science.
  • The Berlin Wall: Origins, Division, and Fall.
  • The Role of Women in Ancient Civilizations: A Comparative Study.
  • The Cold War Space Race: USA vs. USSR.
  • The Crusades: Causes, Consequences, and Historical Impact.
  • The Age of Enlightenment: Intellectual Movements and Social Change.
  • The Partition of India: Examining the Aftermath and Legacy.
  • The Harlem Renaissance: Cultural Flourishing in African American History.
  • The Industrial Revolution: Transformations in Society, Economy, and Technology.

Ethics Term Paper Topics

When tackling interesting research topics in Ethics, ensure to thoroughly define the ethical issue at hand and provide a clear rationale for your chosen stance. Engage with relevant ethical theories, present counterarguments thoughtfully, and strive for a balanced analysis to demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the complexities involved.

  • Ethical Implications of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare.
  • Environmental Ethics: Balancing Human Needs and Ecological Responsibility.
  • The Ethics of Genetic Engineering: Navigating Moral Boundaries.
  • Corporate Social Responsibility: Evaluating Business Ethics in the Modern Era.
  • Bioethics and Human Cloning: Moral Considerations in Scientific Advancements.
  • Ethical Issues in Animal Testing: Balancing Scientific Progress and Animal Welfare.
  • The Morality of Capital Punishment: A Critical Analysis.
  • Cyberethics: Addressing Moral Challenges in the Digital Age.
  • Ethical Considerations in Medical Research: Lessons from Historical Controversies.
  • Ethical Dimensions of Globalization: Examining Fair Trade and Social Justice.

World History Term Paper Topics

When working on topics in World History, focus on developing a clear thesis that addresses a specific aspect of global history, ensuring it is both compelling and well-defined. Support your arguments with a thorough examination of primary and secondary sources, offering a nuanced perspective on historical events and fostering a deeper understanding of their global impact.

  • The Impact of the Silk Road on Global Trade and Cultural Exchange.
  • The Age of Exploration: European Expansion and Its Consequences.
  • The Industrial Revolution's Global Impact on Societies and Economies.
  • The Ottoman Empire: Rise, Peak, and Decline.
  • Decolonization Movements in Africa: Struggles for Independence.
  • The Renaissance in Italy and Its Influence on European Art and Thought.
  • The Haitian Revolution: A Landmark in the Fight Against Slavery.
  • The Boxer Rebellion in China: Resistance to Western Influence.
  • The Berlin Airlift: Cold War Tensions and Humanitarian Efforts.
  • The Cuban Missile Crisis: A Critical Moment in Cold War History.

Medicine Term Paper Topics

Contemplating interesting research paper topics in Medicine, prioritize selecting a specific and relevant subject to explore, ensuring it aligns with your interests and academic goals. Additionally, integrate critical analysis of current research, consider ethical implications, and emphasize the practical applications of medical advancements to enhance the depth and breadth of your research paper. Since writing about health research paper topics is often challenging, consider learning how to write a nursing essay to be better prepared for such a task.

  • Precision Medicine: Tailoring Treatment to Individual Genetic Profiles.
  • The Ethics of Organ Transplants: Balancing Supply and Demand.
  • Pandemics Throughout History: Lessons from the Black Death to COVID-19.
  • Mental Health Stigma: Addressing Barriers to Care and Understanding.
  • Advances in CRISPR Technology: Implications for Genetic Editing in Medicine.
  • The Impact of Vaccination Programs on Public Health.
  • Global Health Disparities: Analyzing the Root Causes and Solutions.
  • Telemedicine: Revolutionizing Healthcare Delivery.
  • Alternative Medicine: Examining Efficacy and Integration into Mainstream Healthcare.
  • Medical Ethics in End-of-Life Care: Balancing Autonomy and Compassion.

Tackling topics in Philosophy, carefully define your thesis statement and ensure it reflects a clear and specific argument, providing a roadmap for your exploration. Engage deeply with primary philosophical texts, critically analyze different perspectives, and construct a well-structured argument to demonstrate a nuanced understanding of the philosophical concepts under consideration.

  • Existentialism in Literature: Analyzing the Themes in Kafka's Works.
  • The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence: Examining Moral Implications in AI Development.
  • Nietzsche's Ubermensch: A Critical Analysis of the Overman Concept.
  • Eastern Philosophy: A Comparative Study of Taoism and Confucianism.
  • Feminist Ethics: Deconstructing Gender Bias and Inequality Philosophically.
  • Environmental Ethics: Moral Obligations in the Face of Climate Change.
  • Theories of Truth: A Comparative Analysis in Analytic Philosophy.

Chemistry Term Paper Topics

When approaching topics in Chemistry, focus on clearly defining the research question and highlighting its significance within the broader context of chemical science. Integrate recent advancements, experimental methodologies, and real-world applications to showcase the practical implications of your chosen topic and engage your readers with the dynamic and evolving nature of the field. If any topic is too difficult or doesn't resonate with you, try term paper writing services for better results.

  • Green Chemistry: Sustainable Practices in the Chemical Industry.
  • The Chemistry of Drug Design: From Molecules to Medicines.
  • Nanotechnology in Chemistry: Applications and Future Implications.
  • Environmental Chemistry: Analyzing the Impact of Human Activities on Ecosystems.
  • The Role of Catalysts in Chemical Reactions: Mechanisms and Applications.
  • Supramolecular Chemistry: Exploring Molecular Assemblies and Interactions.
  • Quantum Chemistry: Understanding Molecular Behavior at the Quantum Level.
  • Chemistry of Food Additives: Safety, Functionality, and Regulations.
  • The Chemistry of Brewing: From Raw Ingredients to the Perfect Pint.
  • Bioinorganic Chemistry: Investigating the Role of Metals in Biological Systems.

Biology Term Paper Topics

With topics in Biology, carefully define your research question, ensuring it addresses a specific aspect of biological science with relevance and significance. Utilize a combination of current research, empirical evidence, and critical analysis to construct a well-supported argument that contributes to the broader understanding of biological phenomena.

  • CRISPR Technology: Revolutionary Advances in Genetic Editing.
  • The Microbiome and Human Health: Exploring the Gut-Brain Connection.
  • Evolutionary Perspectives on Human Behavior: Insights from Darwinian Theory.
  • Climate Change and Biodiversity: Impact on Ecosystems and Conservation.
  • Stem Cell Research: Applications in Medicine and Ethical Considerations.
  • Epigenetics: Understanding Gene Expression Beyond DNA Sequences.
  • Conservation Biology: Strategies to Protect Endangered Species.
  • Neurobiology of Addiction: Unraveling the Molecular Mechanisms.
  • Synthetic Biology: Engineering Life for Biotechnological Applications.
  • The Ecology of Infectious Diseases: Interactions between Pathogens and Hosts.

Political Science Term Paper Topics

Approaching Political Science topics involves clearly articulating your research question and its relevance to political theory or contemporary issues. Thoroughly engage with diverse perspectives, incorporate relevant case studies, and critically analyze empirical evidence to construct a nuanced argument that contributes to the field's ongoing discourse.

  • The Impact of Social Media on Political Campaigns: Analyzing Communication Strategies.
  • The Role of International Organizations in Global Governance: A Case Study Approach.
  • Populism in Contemporary Politics: Causes, Characteristics, and Consequences.
  • The Evolution of Political Parties: A Comparative Analysis of Party Systems.
  • Human Rights and International Law: Addressing Challenges and Controversies.
  • The Influence of Political Economy on Policy Decision-Making.
  • The Arab Spring: Examining Political Change in the Middle East.
  • Environmental Politics: Policy Approaches to Address Climate Change.
  • Electoral Systems: Comparing Proportional Representation and First-Past-the-Post.
  • Nationalism and Identity Politics: Impact on Statehood and International Relations.

Term Paper Topics About Education

Ensure your Education research paper topics are specific and relevant, focusing on an aspect of education that aligns with your academic interests. Support your arguments with a blend of empirical evidence, educational theories, and practical examples to offer a comprehensive analysis and contribute meaningfully to the discourse surrounding educational practices.

  • The Impact of Technology on Classroom Learning: Opportunities and Challenges.
  • Inclusive Education: Addressing Diversity in the Classroom.
  • The Role of Standardized Testing in Education: Pros and Cons.
  • Early Childhood Education: The Foundation for Lifelong Learning.
  • Online Learning: Exploring Effectiveness and College Students Engagement.
  • Education Policy Analysis: A Comparative Study of Global Approaches.
  • Special Education: Meeting the Needs of Diverse Learners.
  • Teacher Professional Development: Strategies for Continuous Improvement.
  • The Influence of Socioeconomic Status on Educational Attainment.
  • Education and Social Justice: Bridging Gaps for Equitable Opportunities.

Media and Communication Term Paper Topics

Meticulously define your research question, emphasizing its significance within the realm of Media and Communication studies. Employ a critical analysis of media theories, incorporate real-world examples, and consider the social implications to construct a well-rounded argument that reflects an in-depth understanding of communication dynamics.

  • Media Influence on Public Opinion: Analyzing the Power of Mass Media.
  • Social Media and Political Discourse: Impacts on Democratic Processes.
  • The Evolution of Print Journalism in the Digital Age: Challenges and Opportunities.
  • Media Ethics: Balancing Freedom of Speech and Responsible Reporting.
  • The Role of Advertising in Shaping Consumer Behavior: A Critical Examination.
  • Media Convergence: Integration of Platforms and its Effects on Content.
  • The Representation of Gender in Media: Examining Stereotypes and Progress.
  • Fake News and Misinformation: Challenges in the Era of Information Overload.
  • The Impact of Streaming Services on Traditional Media: A Market Analysis.
  • Media Literacy Education: Enhancing Critical Thinking in the Digital Age.

It's always crucial to begin researching term paper topics by thoroughly understanding the assigned subject matter or selecting one that aligns with your interests and experiences. Engage in thoughtful brainstorming to identify key themes or personal anecdotes that can add depth to your essay. Establish a clear and compelling thesis statement that guides the reader through your narrative or argument, providing a roadmap for the essay's structure.

Be sure to strike a balance between personal reflection and broader implications, showcasing both your individual perspective and an awareness of the topic's significance. Finally, revise and edit your essay diligently, seeking feedback from peers or mentors to ensure clarity, coherence, and an impactful presentation of your research paper ideas. If you ever happen to require any help with finding the best research paper topics, simply say, ' write my paper ,' and college curriculum helpers will give you a hand. 

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  • Huili Chen Postdoctoral Associate
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Researchers from the Personal Robots group, including Huili Chen, SharifaAlghowinem, Hae Won Park, and group head Cynthia Breazeal, won Best Paper: Theory + Methods at the 2024 Human Robot Interaction (HRI) conference . Their paper is titled "Integrating Flow Theory and Adaptive Robot Roles: A Conceptual Model of Dynamic Robot Role Adaptation for the Enhanced Flow Experience in Long-term Multi-person Human-Robot Interactions."

This year marked the 19th annual conference and was held in-person and virtually in Boulder, Colorado. The conference theme for HRI 2024 was “HRI in the real world” and focused on key HRI theories, designs, studies, systems, and technical advances that aim to bring HRI out of the lab and into everyday life.

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  • Published: 22 March 2024

Multicellularity drives ecological diversity in a long-term evolution experiment

Nature Ecology & Evolution ( 2024 ) Cite this article

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  • Evolutionary ecology
  • Experimental evolution

Long-term experimental evolution in brewer’s yeast reveals how the transition to simple multicellularity can drive ecological divergence and maintain diversity.

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term paper topics for ecology

Bonner, J.T. The Evolution of Complexity by Means of Natural Selection (Princeton Univ. Press, 1988). This book explores the evolution of complex life, with a focus on the role of organismal size.

Bonner, J. T. Why Size Matters: From Bacteria to Blue Whales (Princeton Univ. Press, 2007). This book focuses explicitly on the role of size in ecology and evolution.

Ratcliff, W. C. et al. Experimental evolution of multicellularity. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 109 , 1595–1600 (2012). This paper reports the de novo evolution of snowflake yeast from unicellular relatives in response to selection for larger size.

Article   CAS   PubMed   PubMed Central   Google Scholar  

Bozdag, G. O. et al. De novo evolution of macroscopic multicellularity. Nature 617 , 747–754 (2023). This paper describes the first approximately 3,000 generations of the MuLTEE; in one treatment, snowflake yeast evolve to be 20,000-fold larger.

Article   CAS   PubMed   Google Scholar  

Bozdag, G. O. et al. Oxygen suppression of macroscopic multicellularity. Nat. Commun. 12 , 2838 (2021). This study explores the trade-off between large size and fast growth created by oxygen.

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This is a summary of: Pineau, R. M. et al. Emergence and maintenance of stable coexistence during a long-term multicellular evolution experiment. Nat. Ecol. Evol . (2024).

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Multicellularity drives ecological diversity in a long-term evolution experiment. Nat Ecol Evol (2024).

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Published : 22 March 2024


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term paper topics for ecology

'I certainly can't get behind Donald Trump': Lisa Murkowski declines to say whether she'll leave the GOP

term paper topics for ecology

Sen. Lisa Murkowski, Alaska's Republican senator for over two decades, criticized the Republican Party's direction and former President Donald Trump's GOP control, not ruling out leaving the party.

Murkowski told CNN she thinks she is "very independent minded," indirectly answering a question about whether she would exit the GOP to become an independent lawmaker.

“I just regret that our party is seemingly becoming a party of Donald Trump," Murkowski added.

The Alaska senator said she would "absolutely" not vote for the former president in this year's race for the White House.

“I wish that as Republicans, we had … a nominee that I could get behind,” Murkowski told CNN. “I certainly can’t get behind Donald Trump.”

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Murkowski was one of seven Republicans who voted to convict Trump in the final days of his term for allegedly inciting the violent Capitol riot. She has long criticized the former president and regularly broken with her party.

A veteran conservative lawmaker, Murkowski separated herself from the GOP in voting against Brett Kavanaugh's Supreme Court nomination in 2018, and later for Ketanji Brown Jackson's 2022 nomination. She went against many Republicans in Congress by backing Trump's longest-running 2024 Republican presidential opponent, Nikki Haley, before the former South Carolina governor dropped out of the race.

Murkowski in her interview with CNN avoided saying whether she would remain with the party that has come to center more and more around Trump .

“I am navigating my way through some very interesting political times," she said. "Let’s just leave it at that.”


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    Long-term experimental evolution in brewer's yeast reveals how the transition to simple multicellularity can drive ecological divergence and maintain diversity.

  26. Lisa Murkowski addresses Donald Trump, leaving the Republican Party

    Sen. Lisa Murkowski, Alaska's Republican senator for over two decades, criticized the Republican Party's direction and former President Donald Trump's GOP control, not ruling out leaving the party