Welcome to tutorial no. 29 in Golang tutorial series .

What is Defer?

Defer statement is used to execute a function call just before the surrounding function where the defer statement is present returns. The definition might seem complex but it’s pretty simple to understand by means of an example.

Run in playground

The above is a simple program to find the largest number of a given slice. The largest functions takes a int slice as parameter and prints the largest number of this slice. The first line of the largest function contains the statement defer finished() . This means that the finished() function will be called just before the largest function returns. Run this program and you can see the following output printed.

The largest function starts executing and prints the first two lines of the above output. And before it could return, our deferred function finished executes and prints the text Finished finding largest :)

Deferred methods

Defer is not restricted only to functions . It is perfectly legal to defer a method call too. Let’s write a small program to test this.

In the above program we have deferred a method call in line no. 22. The rest of the program is self explanatory. This program outputs,

Arguments evaluation

The arguments of a deferred function are evaluated when the defer statement is executed and not when the actual function call is done.

Let’s understand this by means of an example.

In the program above a initially has a value of 5 in line no. 11. When the defer statement is executed in line no. 12, the value of a is 5 and hence this will be the argument to the printA function which is deferred. We change the value of a to 10 in line no. 13. The next line prints the value of a . This program outputs,

From the above output it can be understood that although the value of a changes to 10 after the defer statement is executed, the actual deferred function call printA(a) still prints 5 .

Stack of defers

When a function has multiple defer calls, they are pushed on to a stack and executed in Last In First Out (LIFO) order.

We will write a small program which prints a string in reverse using a stack of defers.

In the program above, the for range loop in line no. 11, iterates the string and calls defer fmt.Printf("%c", v) in line no. 12. These deferred calls will be added to a stack.

The above image represents the content of the stack after the defer calls are added. The stack is a last in first out datastructure. The defer call that is pushed to the stack last will be pulled out and executed first. In this case defer fmt.Printf("%c", 'n') will be executed first and hence the string will be printed in reverse order.

This program will output,

Practical use of defer

The code samples we saw so far don’t show the practical use of defer. In this section we will look into some practical uses of defer.

Defer is used in places where a function call should be executed irrespective of the code flow. Let’s understand this with the example of a program which makes use of WaitGroup . We will first write the program without using defer and then we will modify it to use defer and understand how useful defer is.

In the program above, we have created a rect struct in line no. 8 and a method area on rect in line no. 13 which calculates the area of the rectangle. This method checks whether the length and width of the rectangle is less than zero. If it is so, it prints a corresponding message else it prints the area of the rectangle.

The main function creates 3 variables r1 , r2 and r3 of type rect . They are then added to the rects slice in line no. 34. This slice is then iterated using a for range loop and the area method is called as a concurrent Goroutine in line no. 37. The WaitGroup wg is used to ensure that the main function is blocked until all Goroutines finish executing. This WaitGroup is passed to the area method as an argument and the area method calls wg.Done() in line nos. 16, 21 and 26 to notify the main function that the Goroutine is done with its job. If you notice closely, you can see that these calls happen just before the area method returns. wg.Done() should be called before the method returns irrespective of the path the code flow takes and hence these calls can be effectively replaced by a single defer call.

Let’s rewrite the above program using defer.

In the program below, we have removed the 3 wg.Done() calls in the above program and replaced it with a single defer wg.Done() call in line no. 14. This makes the code more simple and understandable.

This program outputs,

There is one more advantage of using defer in the above program. Let’s say we add another return path to the area method using a new if condition. If the call to wg.Done() was not deferred, we have to be careful and ensure that we call wg.Done() in this new return path. But since the call to wg.Done() is defered, we need not worry about adding new return paths to this method.

This brings us to the end of this tutorial. I hope you liked it. Please leave your feedback and comments. Please consider sharing this tutorial on twitter and LinkedIn . Have a good day.

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Next tutorial - Error Handling

go defer assignment

In-depth implementation of the Go language defer principle

Table of contents.

This article explains the rules for executing defer and introduces the defer type. It explains how defer function calls are done, mainly through heap allocation.


Defer execution rules, the order of execution of multiple defers is “last in first out lifo ".

In the above example, the string Naveen is traversed using a for loop and then defer is called. These defer calls act as if they were stacked, and the last defer call pushed onto the stack is pulled out and executed first.

The output is as follows.

The defer declaration will first calculate the value of the parameter

In this example, the variable i is determined when defer is called, not when defer is executed, so the output of the above statement is 0.

defer can modify the return value of a named return value function

As officially stated.

For instance, if the deferred function is a function literal and the surrounding function has named result parameters that are in scope within the literal, the deferred function may access and modify the result parameters before they are returned.

An example is as follows.

However, it should be noted that only the named return value (named result parameters) function can be modified, and the anonymous return value function cannot be modified, as follows.

Because anonymous return-valued functions are declared when return is executed, only named return-valued functions can be accessed in the defer statement, not anonymous return-valued functions directly.

Types of defer

Go made two optimizations to defer in versions 1.13 and 1.14, which significantly reduced the performance overhead of defer in most scenarios.

Allocation on the heap

Prior to Go 1.13 all defer s were allocated on the heap, a mechanism that at compile time.

  • inserting runtime.deferproc at the location of the defer statement, which, when executed, saves the defer call as a runtime._defer structure to the top of the _defer chain of Goroutine.
  • runtime.deferreturn is inserted at the position before the function returns, and when executed, the top runtime._defer is retrieved from Goroutine’s _defer chain and executed sequentially.

Allocation on the stack

New in Go 1.13, deferprocStack implements on-stack allocation of defer . Compared to heap allocation, on-stack allocation frees _defer after the function returns, eliminating the performance overhead of memory allocation and requiring only proper maintenance of the chain of _defer . According to the official documentation, this improves performance by about 30%.

Except for the difference in allocation location, there is no fundamental difference between allocating on the stack and allocating on the heap.

It is worth noting that not all defer s can be allocated on the stack in version 1.13. A defer in a loop, whether it is a display for loop or an implicit loop formed by goto , can only use heap allocation, even if it loops once.

Open coding

Go 1.14 added open coding, a mechanism that inserts defer calls directly into functions before they return, eliminating the need for deferproc or deferprocStack operations at runtime. This optimization reduces the overhead of defer calls from ~35ns in version 1.13 to ~6ns or so.

However, certain conditions need to be met in order to trigger.

  • the compiler optimization is not disabled, i.e. -gcflags "-N" is not set.
  • the number of defer s in the function does not exceed 8 and the product of the return statements and the number of defer statements does not exceed 15.
  • the defer keyword of the function cannot be executed in a loop.

defer structure

The parameters to note above are siz , heap , fn , link , openDefer which will be covered in the following analysis.

In this article, we will start with the heap allocation, we will talk about why the execution rules of defer are as described at the beginning, and then we will talk about the stack allocation of defer and the development coding related content.

The analysis starts with a function call as the entry point.

Named function return value calls

Let’s start with the example mentioned above and look at heap allocation from function calls. Note that running the following example on 1.15 does not allocate directly to the heap, but requires you to recompile the Go source code to force the defer to allocate to the heap.

File location: src/cmd/compile/internal/gc/ssa.go

Print the assembly using the command.

First of all, let’s look at the main function, there is nothing to say, it is a very simple call to the f function.

The following subparagraph looks at the calls to the f function.

Since allocation on the defer heap calls the runtime.deferproc function, what is shown in this assembly is an assembly before the runtime.deferproc function is called, which is still very simple to understand.

Because the argument to the runtime.deferproc function is two arguments, as follows.

In the function call process, the parameters are passed from the right to the left of the parameter list stack , so the top of the stack is pressed into the constant 8, in the 8(SP) position is pressed into the second parameter f.func1-f function address.

See here may have a question, in the pressure into the constant 8 when the size is int32 occupies 4 bytes size, why the second parameter does not start from 4 (SP), but to start from 8 (SP), this is because the need to do memory alignment caused.

In addition to the parameters, it should also be noted that the 16(SP) position is pressed into the 40(SP) address value. So the entire pre-call stack structure should look like the following.


Let’s look at runtime.deferproc :

File location: src/runtime/panic.go

When calling the deferproc function, we know that the argument siz is passed in as the value at the top of the stack representing the argument size of 8 and the address corresponding to the 8(SP) passed in as the argument fn.

So the two sentences above are actually a combination of the address value we saved in 16(SP) above into the next 8bytes block of memory immediately below defer as the argument to defer . A simple diagram would look like the following, where the argp immediately below defer actually stores the address value saved in 16(SP).


Note that here the argp value is copied by a copy operation, so the argument is already determined when defer is called , not when it is executed, but here the value of an address is copied.

And we know that when allocated on the heap, defer is stored in the current Goroutine as a chain, so if there are 3 defer s called separately, the last one called will be at the top of the chain.


For the newdefer function, the general idea is to fetch from P’s local cache pool, and if not, fetch half of defer from sched’s global cache pool to fill P’s local resource pool, and if there is still no available cache, allocate new defer and args directly from the heap. The memory allocation here is roughly the same as the memory allocator allocation, so we won’t analyze it again, but you can see for yourself if you are interested.

Let’s go back to the assembly of the f function.

Here it is very simple, write constant 6 directly to 40(SP) as the return value and then call runtime.deferreturn to execute defer .

Let’s look at runtime.deferreturn :

First, note that the argument arg0 passed in here is actually the value at the top of the caller’s stack, so the following assignment actually copies the defer argument to the top of the caller’s stack.

*(*uintptr)(deferArgs(d)) What is stored here is actually the address value saved by the caller 16(SP). Then the caller’s stack frame is shown below.


Go to runtime.jmpdefer to see how this is done.

Location: src/runtime/asm_amd64.s

This assembly is very interesting, the jmpdefer function, since it was called by runtime.deferreturn , now has the following call stack frame


The arguments passed to the jmpdefer function are 0(FP) for the fn function address, and 8(FP) for the SP of the call stack of the f function.


So the following sentence represents the return address of the runtime.deferreturn call stack written to SP.

Then -8(SP) represents the Base Pointer of the runtime.deferreturn call stack.

We will focus on explaining why the value of the SP pointer minus 5 is used to obtain the address value of runtime.deferreturn .

We return to the assembly of the f function call.

Since the runtime.deferreturn function needs to return to the 0x45defd address after the call, the return address in the stack frame corresponding to the runtime.deferreturn function is actually 0x45defd.

In the jmpdefer function, the value corresponding to (SP) is the return address of the runtime.deferreturn call stack, so subtracting 5 from 0x45defd will give you 0x45def8, which is the value of the runtime.deferreturn function. address.

Then when we finally jump to the f.func1 function, the call stack is as follows.


The location of the call stack (SP) actually holds a pointer to the deferreturn function, so after the f.func1 function is called, it returns to the deferreturn function until there is no data in the _defer chain.

Here’s another short look at the f.func1 function call.

The call here is very simple: get the data pointed to by the 8(SP) address value and do the arithmetic, then write the result to the stack and return.

Here we have basically shown you the whole process of calling defer functions through heap allocation. The answer is that the defer argument passed during the defer call is a pointer to the return value, so the return value is modified when defer is finally executed.

Anonymous function return value calls

So what if anonymous return value functions are passed? For example, something like the following.

Print the compilation below.

In the output above, we can see that the anonymous return value function call first writes the constant 100 to 24(SP), then writes the address value of 24(SP) to 16(SP), and then writes the return value to 48(SP) with the MOVQ instruction, which means that the value is copied, not the pointer, and so the return value is not modified.

Here is a diagram comparing the two after calling runtime.deferreturn stack frames.


It is clear that the famous return value function stores the address of the return value at 16(SP), while the anonymous return value function stores the address of 24(SP) at 16(SP).

The above sequence of analysis also answers a few questions in passing.

how does defer pass arguments? We found in the above analysis that when executing the deferproc function, the argument value is first copied to the location immediately adjacent to the defer memory address value as the argument, if it is a pointer pass it will directly copy the pointer, and a value pass will directly copy the value to the location of the defer argument.


Then when the deferreturn function is executed, it copies the parameter values to the stack and then calls jmpdefer for execution.

How are multiple defer statements executed?

When the deferproc function is called to register a defer , the new element is inserted at the head of the table, and execution is done by getting the head of the chain in order.


What is the order of execution of defer, return, and return value?

To answer this question, let’s take the assembly of the output in the above example and examine it.

From this assembly, we know that for

  • it is the first to set the return value to the constant 6.
  • then runtime.deferreturn will be called to execute the defer chain.
  • executing the RET instruction to jump to the caller function.

Stack allocation

As mentioned at the beginning, defer on-stack allocation was added after Go version 1.13, so one difference from heap allocation is that defer is created on the stack via deferprocStack .

Go goes through the SSA stage at compile time, and if it’s a stack allocation, then it needs to use the compiler to initialize the _defer record directly on the function call frame and pass it as an argument to deferprocStack . The rest of the execution process is no different from heap allocation.

For the deferprocStack function let’s look briefly at.

The main function is to assign a value to the _defer structure and return it.

The Go language was optimized in 1.14 by inlining code so that calls to the defer function are made directly at the end of the function, with little additional overhead. In the build phase of SSA buildssa will insert open coding based on a check to see if the condition is met. Since the code in the build phase of SSA is not well understood, only the basics are given below and no code analysis is involved.

We can compile a printout of the example for the allocation on the heap.

We can see in the assembly output above that the defer function is inserted directly into the end of the function to be called.

This example above is easy to optimize, but what if a defer is in a conditional statement that must not be determined until runtime?

The defer bit delay bit is also used in open coding to determine whether a conditional branch should be executed or not. This delay bit is an 8-bit binary code, so only a maximum of 8 defer s can be used in this optimization, including the defer in the conditionals. Each bit is set to 1 to determine if the delay statement is set at runtime, and if so, the call occurs. Otherwise, it is not called.

For example, an example is explained in the following article.


At the stage of creating a deferred call, it is first recorded which defer with conditions are triggered by a specific location of the deferred bits.

Before the function returns and exits, the exit function creates a check code for the delayed bits in reverse order:

Before the function exits, it determines whether the position is 1 by taking the delayed bits with the corresponding position, and if it is 1, then the defer function can be executed.

This article explains the execution rules of defer and introduces the defer type. The main purpose of this article is to explain how defer function calls are made through heap allocation, such as: function calls to understand “ defer argument passing”, “how multiple defer statements are executed”, “and what is the order of execution of defer, return, and return value”, and other issues. Through this analysis, we hope you can have a deeper understanding of defer.


  1. Go Defer Simplified with Practical Visuals

    go defer assignment

  2. Go Defer Simplified with Practical Visuals

    go defer assignment

  3. Go Defer Simplified with Practical Visuals

    go defer assignment

  4. Go语言教程:Defer

    go defer assignment

  5. Go Defer Simplified with Practical Visuals

    go defer assignment

  6. Go Defer Simplified with Practical Visuals

    go defer assignment


  1. माँ शारदा धाम मैहर


  3. GP Minute Loan Code

  4. EDU DEFER, EDU Public Hearings 3-18-2024



  1. The Complete Guide to Using Defer in Go

    go. Run in playground. In the program above a initially has a value of 5 in line no. 11. When the defer statement is executed in line no. 12, the value of a is 5 and hence this will be the argument to the printA function which is deferred. We change the value of a to 10 in line no. 13.

  2. In-depth implementation of the Go language defer principle

    Open coding. Go 1.14 added open coding, a mechanism that inserts defer calls directly into functions before they return, eliminating the need for deferproc or deferprocStack operations at runtime. This optimization reduces the overhead of defer calls from ~35ns in version 1.13 to ~6ns or so.

  3. Go Defer: Advanced Concepts. Learn advanced concepts like

    Go executes deferred functions in a last-in-first-out (LIFO) order. This means that the most recently deferred function will be executed first, followed by the rest. Let’s see an example to illustrate this: package main import "fmt" func main() {defer fmt.Println("First") defer fmt.Println("Second") defer fmt.Println("Third")}