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Extra Credit Assignment Ideas that Support Student Learning

Classroom Management , Project-Based Learning , Writing

Close to the end of the semester, you likely get requests from students to complete extra credit assignments. You might be looking for extra credit assignment ideas , or maybe you’re wondering if extra credit should be allowed in the first place. Maybe you find last-minute requests annoying – grading extra credit projects can be frustrating and confusing! In this blog post, I’ll share some reasons to consider extra credit in your classroom. It can be an enriching learning opportunity for your students. You’ll also receive some examples of extra credit assignments , along with some strategies to stay organized with extra credit assignments.

Is Extra Credit a Good Thing?

Not everyone agrees that students deserve extra credit. Many teachers believe in only assigning “regular” credit. Sometimes the top performers in our class request the opportunity to boost their grades. Oftentimes, students who have unfinished assignments or lower grades request extra credit too. Teachers who do not assign extra credit often decline these requests to emphasize the importance of turning in regular assignments on time .

Meanwhile, some teachers do not assign extra credit because their schools do not allow it. School-wide policies may not permit extra credit in order to promote equitable grading practices. Before you decide whether or not you will offer extra credit, be sure to check your school’s policy.

Assigning extra credit in English Language Arts

Equitable Extra Credit Policies

Another place to consult before assigning extra credit is with any staff that teaches the same course as you. If either one of you approaches extra credit differently, your students may interpret this as inequitable . One of the main reasons that teachers believe students do not deserve extra credit is that it is unethical. There are ways to ensure that extra credit is equitable, but you will need to ensure that your colleagues are in agreement .

Students deserve extra credit when it is an opportunity offered to everyone . To ensure that your policies are ethical and equitable, do not assign extra credit on a case-by-case basis. This does not mean that everyone needs to complete an extra credit assignment. This also does not mean that every extra credit assignment needs to be the same. Equity is about access . Case-by-case simply implies that you should not approve extra credit for one student and deny it for another – unless there is a valid reason to do so.

Whether you believe students deserve extra credit or not, be sure to include your policy in your syllabus . If you allow extra credit, you may also wish to note your requirements. These can include when and how to request extra credit opportunities. Mondays Made Easy includes an Extra Credit Application with our Editable Full Course Syllabus Template .

Why Should Teachers Give Extra Credit?

Teachers should give extra credit if they support differentiation for students. When implemented properly, extra credit assignments can be a fantastic way to differentiate for different learner profiles. Many teachers hold the belief that a student’s grade in a course should reflect their understanding of the curriculum. In an equitable setting, there should be several opportunities to demonstrate that understanding.

There are multiple reasons why a student may perform poorly on an assessment. There are also multiple factors that may prevent students from being present in class or turning in work on time. Extra credit assignments, when assigned to correlate with your curriculum requirements and course expectations, provide students with another opportunity to meet course standards .

This is especially true if the extra credit is able to assess learning goals while catering to different learning styles . I saw a great example the other day of a student who baked a literal cake of symbolic elements from The Great Gatsby. Their write-up described the literary elements in the novel in relation to the cake: from rum-flavored icing to pearl necklace piping, this culinary creation fused course requirements with the student’s passion!

How to manage extra credit assignment in High School ELA

Tips for Assigning Extra Credit

One reason why teachers hate extra credit is that it can be a real headache! Keeping track of extra credit assignments and due dates requires additional effort on our part. On top of that, grading additional assignments around report card time is stressful. Thankfully, these hardships are minimized with a simple system in place.

Mondays Made Easy’s FREE Extra Credit Application is a great tool to help you keep track of extra credit assignments and requests. Students typically ask for extra credit in person; an application provides a paper trail for these conversations. Additionally, an application provides space to note assignment instructions and due dates – if your students are anything like mine, they might need a reminder about these details.

Extra credit applications can also double as a metacognitive reflection tool . I often have students explain why they need the extra credit in the first place. This provides them the opportunity to reflect on their performance and participation in the course. If the same student repeatedly asks for extra credit in your class, it can also be useful to have a record of each request . This can provide you both with documentation to discuss the student’s habits and performance.

A final reason why I love using extra credit applications is that they encourage students to be proactive . I introduce my extra credit application with my syllabus at the start of the course. I notify students that I require extra credit applications to be submitted three weeks before report cards. This sets the expectation that extra credit requests should not be made last minute. I also schedule assignments to be turned in before grades are finalized. This eliminates any last-minute grading .

Extra Credit Assignment Ideas for English Class

To simplify extra credit assignment ideas, you can adopt the popular approach of offering an assignment re-do to students. This is the easiest way to avoid additional grading while accommodating extra credit requests.

Another approach to extra credit that requires very little assessment is to implement a pass system . At the start of the semester, you can provide each student with a number of passes. For example, each student might receive three hallway passes and one late pass. In order to receive extra credit, students must have all of their passes remaining at the end of the semester. If your school policy allows, you can give students bonus points for simply showing up to class on time and avoiding hallway distractions.

For novel studies , you can offer students the opportunity to create a movie trailer. This example for an extra credit assignment idea requires a bit of effort, but it is a great alternative assessment for older students . A movie trailer will prompt students to avoid simple plot summaries and establish characterization and theme. To facilitate this assignment, Mondays Made Easy offers a Movie Trailer Project Outline and Rubric .

If your students have written research essays , you can offer them the opportunity to turn their work into a “ real-world resource .” A “real-world resource” is any type of media or document that delivers students’ research to the general public. This example of an extra credit assignment is a great opportunity for differentiation because it allows students to be creative and select any medium they like. Mondays Made Easy also offers a Real-World Resource Assignment Outline and Rubric .

High School ELA extra credit assignment ideas

Aligning Extra Credit Assignment Ideas with Your Curriculum

When it comes to selecting an extra credit assignment idea, the most important consideration should be how the assignment aligns with your curriculum. If you’re not sure what to assign for extra credit, one option could be to review the student’s performance . If they scored low on a particular assessment, it would make sense to opt for an assignment that covers similar curriculum strands .

For example, the Common Core State Standards require students to “write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence” ( English Language Arts Standards – Writing – Grade 9-10 ). If your student requesting extra credit scored lowest on an assessment for this strand, it would not be best practice to assess an argumentative writing assignment.

Mondays Made Easy’s Extra Credit Application prompts students to reflect on their performance in your course. It also offers them the opportunity to suggest extra credit assignment ideas . Oftentimes, students are able to recommend an assignment idea that evaluates similar skills to those that were evaluated poorly on a previous assessment. If their recommendation doesn’t align, you can facilitate a conversation to guide them in the right direction. This is a great way to implement differentiation and student choice . It also enables you to incorporate your students’ examples of extra credit assignments into your curriculum. Students have great ideas, and I’ve benefitted from reusing their suggestions with future classes!

Assigning extra credit in English language arts

Extra Credit Assignment Ideas: Important Takeaways

Assigning extra credit remains a matter of personal preference. You know what works best for your students, and your professional discretion will best determine whether or not extra credit is an opportunity that they need. As mentioned, it is best to check if your approach aligns with your school policy and your colleagues’ practices. If you do decide to offer your students extra credit assignments , I hope that the suggestions and ideas in this blog post support you in your efforts!

How to Make Extra Credit Your Students’ Responsibility

student with backpack

“What can I do so that I don’t have a D in art? Can you give me some extra credit?”

I wanted to yell, “Why didn’t you do the work I assigned!?” Instead, I took a deep breath. Slightly, only slightly, I unfurrowed my brow and agreed my student could write a paper for extra credit.

Later, buried under a pile of extra credit papers, covered in paper cuts, I decided things had to change.

person grading

You may be wondering, why offer extra credit in the first place?

While most of my grading focuses on process, not product, there are always students focused on the perfect grade. Simply put, wanting an “A” holds students back from taking risks. Letting students know that extra credit is an option helps them risk failure.

Having extra credit as an option is also a powerful tool when talking to parents. When parents call, frustrated about a low grade, you’re able to remind them there is a way to raise that grade. This practice places ownership of the grade back onto the student.

But how do you assign extra credit in a way that makes sense for you and your students?

3 Guiding Principles for Assigning Extra Credit

student with backpack

Depending on the age of your students and the nature of your school environment, you may need to make adjustments to the plan below. Use these guiding principles as a way to reflect on your current extra credit procedures.

Principle 1: Extra credit is extra work for the student, not for you.

As much as possible, extra credit should be extra work for the student, not you. Often, you’re the one creating, explaining, and assessing the assignment. Instead, it should be the student creating, explaining, and playing a role in assessment. One way to do this is to have students complete an extra credit proposal in which they have to take the lead.

You can download an example below to use in your classroom.

Extra Credit Proposal

Download Now!

This form makes it the student’s responsibility to come up with an idea for extra credit work. They must explain why it’s relevant, propose how much it should be worth, and how it should be assessed.

Although the responsibility is on the students, you’ll want to make sure they have a few concrete examples to use for inspiration. You can see two examples below.

I would like to create and submit five mug designs instead of only the required two.

This is relevant because it’s forcing me to take the concepts and techniques that we’re learning about and apply them in three new ways. My additional designs will continue to follow the project guidelines and constraints.

I should be able to earn five extra credit points per each completed additional mug. The project is worth 30 points for two mugs, so it seems fair to ask for half of those points for creating three additional pieces.

I will complete all pieces at the same time the overall assignment is due. I plan to spend time working on these pieces during study hall. This will also push me to use my time wisely, and make it easy for my additional pieces to fit into the firing schedule.

I propose you assess this project using the rubric already in place.

I will need access to additional clay and glaze to complete my extra credit assignment.

I would like to come to the art room during my free period to clean and organize supplies.

This is relevant because we all work best in an organized space. It also connects to the National Core Art Enduring standard , ” Artists and designers balance experimentation and safety, freedom and responsibility while developing and creating artworks.”

I should earn six extra credit points. I’ll be spending an hour of my time organizing and reflecting on the best way to use, clean, and organize tools.

I propose you assess this project by my completion of all items on the following checklist:

  • All materials are put back into their proper location and supply sheets are updated.
  • Paintbrushes are washed and put away.
  • Tables, counters, and sinks are wiped and clean.

I plan to complete this on March 5th during my study hall with you. No additional materials are needed.

Principle 2: Extra credit must be completed within a specific time frame.

person holding calendar

Most students wait until the last minute to ask for extra credit. Make students aware of when they can and cannot submit proposals. For example, I don’t allow students to submit extra credit during the last two weeks of a marking period. Throughout the marking period, students complete grade reflection sheets , and are reminded if they are unhappy with their grade, the may want to consider submitting an extra credit proposal.

Principle 3: Completion of an extra credit assignment does not automatically result in extra points.

student work

Students often think that because they completed an extra credit assignment, they will receive points. Make it clear to your students you do not guarantee any extra points, reinforcing that they must earn them.

Explain to your students submitting poor quality work for extra credit can result in them earning zero or even negative points.

When to give negative points.

If a student does a poor job on their extra credit assignment or tries to game the system, it may warrant taking away points rather than giving them.

Here are three examples that may warrant a deduction:

  • A student chooses to write an artist research report. However, it is full of grammatical and factual errors or includes plagiarised material.
  • A student chooses to write a two-page paper about an art-related topic. But, they manipulate the spacing and the font to make their piece of writing seem longer than it actually is.
  • A student chooses to write extra comments during a class critique. However, they don’t follow the critique format or give shallow feedback like, “This is cool.”

Having guiding principles sets clear expectations for your students. From the start, students understand that while extra credit is an option, it is extra work, and is not guaranteed.

How are you currently dealing with extra credit in your classroom?

What adjustments do you need to make to your extra credit policy to make it more effective for both you and your students?

Magazine articles and podcasts are opinions of professional education contributors and do not necessarily represent the position of the Art of Education University (AOEU) or its academic offerings. Contributors use terms in the way they are most often talked about in the scope of their educational experiences.

extra credit art assignments

Amber Kane is AOEU’s Director of K–12 Curriculum and a former AOEU Writer and high school art educator. She believes questioning and a focus on the creative thought process helps students uncover their personal voice and impact others.


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2019 Extra Credit Ideas

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You’ve officially made it past the halfway point of the school year! As we near the summer months and the end of the current grade level for your students, you’re likely to start hearing requests for extra credit assignments. Students tend to get into panic mode around March and April and start stressing about their final grades. While some teachers don’t offer extra credit, it can be a great bonus for some students who are extra hard-working or who might need a little extra help at the end of the year. No matter what reason you have for offering extra credit ideas this year, take a look at some of our top ideas to implement in your classroom this spring.

Current Events Report

This is great for a social studies class especially but can be used in any subject. Have your students research a current event and write a report on it. It’s up to you if you allow them to use sensitive or political subjects, but be sure to lay out the guidelines for them on what you require. You may have them utilize various sources to research it, such as an oral news report, a written news report, an interview, and so on. This could be something that goes along with a unit you’re doing in class, or it can simply be a way to get your students involved in real-world events.

Business Letter

Especially great for language arts classes, having your students write a business letter is a great extra credit assignment. Have them pick a real business and write a letter to them about anything they choose. They can write to a candy company requesting samples for the class, they can write to a corporation about an issue they see with the company, or they can write to a sports organization asking about how they run their company. Ensure they are given appropriate guidelines on how to write a business letter and have them send the letter once it’s graded to see if they get a response.

Children’s Book

Writing a children’s book may sound easy, and students often enjoy it, but it tends to be more difficult than many of them realize. Whether you’re an English teacher or not, your students will gain a lot from writing a children’s book as an extra credit assignment. If you teach science or social studies, have them write about a particular concept they learned in class and explain it as thoroughly to a young audience as they can. It’s up to you whether you allow them to use digital images or if you require them to illustrate the book themselves.

Science Fair Project

Some schools require students to participate in the science fair, but if yours isn’t one of them, you can offer extra credit to your science students when they do a science fair project. Make sure they have the guidelines and requirements before they begin, and make sure their project idea and science experiment is approved before they start the process. It should be graded as an extra credit assignment in the same way that it’s graded as a science fair project, including all the requirements of the scientific method, pictures, and a completed display board.

Off-Campus Lecture

Encourage students to attend a lecture, performance, or conference off-campus to learn about something they’re studying in class. You can have them bring you a ticket stub and have them write up a review of the event and tell you what they learned. You can search your local area for academic events with college professors, authors, and more. Better yet, have your students research some local events that would be beneficial to them and get approval for a particular event.

Test Corrections

This is a common extra credit assignment. It’s easy for you to grade, and it is extremely beneficial for students. Let them take their old tests and go back through and rework the questions they got wrong. If you can manage it, it’s best to have them do this in class, where they can’t just borrow a friend’s test and copy the answers. Even better, have them explain what they did wrong (if applicable) and have them do another similar problem to prove that they’ve mastered the concept and skill that they originally got incorrect.

School Event Attendance

This isn’t so much of an academic assignment as it is a school spirit activity. Your school likely has a number of events going on, including concerts, plays, sporting events, and more. Have your students pick one to attend, bring you the ticket from it, and write about the event. This not only encourages school spirit and camaraderie amongst students, but it might also help students get involved in a club or activity they wouldn’t have otherwise known about.

Movie Review

You might need to set strict guidelines for this one, but this can be a fascinating extra-credit assignment, especially for social studies students. Have students pick a movie based on a true story—the easiest thing to do is have them find one about a historical event. Then they watch the movie and compare the events in the movie to the true events that occurred in history. Some examples might be Titanic, Pearl Harbor, Schindler’s List, Troy, and Gettysburg. Make sure the movies are age-appropriate for your students and that your students have parental permission to see them.

Social Media Profile

Another great idea for social studies classes is to have your students set up a social media profile for a historical figure. Have them create a biography for the individual, including an “About” page that lists the individual’s experiences, favorite things, family, etc. Be sure they include job information, hometown, and more.

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Extra Credit Ideas for Middle School Teachers

Laney Lee

“What can I do for extra credit?!”  ​I’m pretty sure there isn’t a middle or high school teacher that hasn’t heard these exact words coming from a student’s mouth. Students are HUGE fans of the concept, and honestly, who can blame them? Another way to boost their grades? Most students will leap at the opportunity (especially if their grades are suffering.) But what do teachers think about the use of extra credit? Truthfully, it’s mixed. In this article, I’m going to take a (brief) stab at explaining the pro’s and con’s of offering additional points to your middle school science students, as well as offer a few extra credit ideas for middle school teachers. 

Let’s dive in, shall we?  

Reasons to offer extra credit:.

Offering extra credit isn’t just about boosting bad grades or humoring your students’ last-minute requests for a better grade. Fans of extra credit assignments typically view extra credit opportunities as a way to provide students with extra enrichment in addition to their regular assignments. Here are a few reasons you should consider offering extra credit in your classroom: 

  • Extra assignments (even those given for extra credit) are a great way to give greater exposure to the course material. 
  • These opportunities give struggling students the chance to keep trying. 
  • Extra credit work can be a fun way to explore different concepts related to your curriculum that you might not otherwise cover. (Ex: Current events) 
  • Extra credit assignments are a great way to boost student engagement. 


Not every teacher is a fan of extra credit (and with good reason.) Personally, I believe that extra credit assignments can be a helpful tool within the classroom, but like all things, it can be misused and abused. Here are a few extra credit pitfalls to avoid: 

  • Offering bonus points for attendance. In my opinion, just “showing up” is not enough to earn extra points. Students should earn extra credit when they go the extra mile. 
  • Giving too many extra points. Extra credit can be nice to boost the grade of an individual assignment, but it shouldn’t radically change a student’s overall course grade. In this case, their class grade is no longer a true refection of their learning, content understanding, and effort.  (Ex: A student earning a D receives a B after factoring in extra credit points.) 
  • ​Offering extra credit for every assignment or assessment. This may decrease students’ motivation to give a good effort the first time they complete an assignment. After all, why try if you know you’ll essentially be given a “do-over.” Instead, I recommend offering extra credit sporadically and for different types of assignments. 


​Alright, so you’ve decided you DO want to offer extra credit opportunities in your classroom, but you need some extra credit assignment ideas to get you started. Well, my friend, I’ve got you covered. Here are a few of my favorite extra credit ideas for middle school teachers: 


Periodically, you may consider offering bonus points to students who complete their study guides. Not only will this encourage students to finish this important classwork, it’s also a great way to ensure that your students have everything they need to prepare for tests and quizzes. The following items are a few of the study guides I’ve used with my science classes. You might offer bonus points for the entire study guide or just for a specific section. 

Astronomy Study Guide


Test (and other assignment) corrections can be a powerful exercise for students. It teaches the valuable life skill of being able to reflect on mistakes and learn from them. When having students make test corrections, I HIGHLY recommend that you ask for more than a list of correct answers. (Let’s face it…any middle schooler can look up or copy down the correct answers without learning a darn thing.) Instead, I’d recommend having your middle school students give a written explanation for why their original answer was incorrect and what the correct answer should have been. Yes, it’s extra work…but this process helps facilitate true learning. 

It might look something like this:

#1. I answered ____________________. This is incorrect because _______________. The correct answer is _______________ because ____________________. 

INFOGRAPHICS <sh>  Science is a discipline that lends itself well to the creation of infographics! Have your students create an infographic, chart, or diagram that illustrates an important concept within your unit. Having to synthesize the information in their notes and create a visual representation of this information is a great way for students to deepen their understanding of important concepts (and in my opinion, is well worth a few bonus points.) 

For example… <SH4> 

If you are teaching the  states of matter,  you may ask your students to create their own visual diagram or infographic representing how one substance might move between the different states of matter.


Who doesn’t love a good biographical assignment? I like to offer famous scientist summaries as an extra credit assignment students can tackle for homework or free time assignments. Personally, I think it’s a good idea to let students choose their own famous scientist to research. This encourages creativity and ownership over the project. 


If you’re looking for an easy way to offer bonus points, having students complete a science “question of the day” can be a great way to do just that! These extra credit questions could be used a bell ringers or a simple addition to a homework assignment. 


​Incorporating current events and news articles into our class discussion is one of my favorite extra credit ideas for middle school teachers. Having students read and summarize news articles is an interesting way for them to see the “real world connection” of our science curriculum. 

What are YOUR favorite ways to use extra credit in your classroom? 

Let’s Stay Connected!

Continue the discussion in my Facebook Group for Middle School Science Teachers or my Classroom Management Facebook Group .

Or get free science resources delivered straight to your inbox by signing up for my newsletter! I promise to never be spammy. I’m just a regular teacher who likes helping teachers teach and students learn.


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These extra credit assignments are OPTIONAL. You may choose to complete all, some, or none of the following assignments.

You may turn in the assignments at any time. The last day you may submit the assignments is Tuesday, December 18.

You can download the PDF files of extra credit assignments here:

Extra Credit Option 1

Extra Credit Option 2

Extra Credit Option 3

Extra Credit Option 4

Extra Credit Option 5

Extra Credit Option 6

Extra Credit Option 7

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Watch: Huge explosion as Moscow shopping centre goes up in flames

Social media footage shows people running out of the Mega Khimki shopping centre in a northern Moscow suburb

tmg.video.placeholder.alt TnS5-0ZCw3E

A fire the size of a football pitch ravaged a sprawling shopping centre near Moscow yesterday, killing one person. 

"The open blaze was put out at 10.45am [07.35 GMT]," Sergei Poletykin, the head of the Moscow region emergency services, told Russian media.

Social media footage showed people running out of the Mega Khimki shopping centre in a northern Moscow suburb as the building caught fire and partially collapsed in a huge explosion.

Fire at the Mega Khimki mall in Moscow, Russia

Russia's Investigative Committee said it had information that one person had been killed and was clarifying if there were other victims. The fire has since been put out. 

The blaze erupted before the mall opened its doors to customers, engulfing the entire building of 183,000 sq ft.

The shopping centre is about four miles from Moscow's Sheremetyevo Airport .

More than 70 firefighters and 20 fire trucks were at the site, emergency services said, adding that their work was hampered due to the design of the building.

More than 70 firefighters and 20 fire trucks were at the site, emergency services said

"Due to the collapse of the roof, the fire spread instantly to a large area," the Moscow region's emergency services said on Telegram .

Russian news agencies quoted sources in emergency services as saying that "arson" was suspected but state news agencies later quoted sources as saying that safety violations were more likely the cause.

Russia has seen a number of deadly fires at entertainment venues in recent years, some of which have been blamed on poor safety standards.

Last month, a fire killed 13 people at a bar in the city of Kostroma . A drunk man had reportedly fired a flare gun indoors but inadequate fire safety regulations caused the large number of deaths, authorities said.

In 2018, a fire killed 60 people in a shopping mall in the Siberian city of Kemerovo , while, in 2009, another blaze at a nightclub in the Urals city of Perm killed 156 people.

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Street Address:

Ul Bibliotechnaya 7, Khimki-6, Moscow Oblast 141406, Russia

+7 495 570 0444

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Master of Arts. In performance, opera performance, conducting, musicology, ethnomusicology, music education, arts management. Doctor of Philosophy.

Institution Notes:

The University was founded in 1930 as the Moscow Library Institute and gained its current name and status in 2014. Under the control of the Ministry of Culture, it offers programs in music, drama, visual arts, film, journalism, arts management and administration, among others. Foreign students are welcome to apply, and Russian language classes are held. There is an agreement with the Tchaikovsky Conservatorium whereby its teachers may also teach at the University of Culture and Arts. The Musical Institute organises an annual festival of orchestral performance. Students and/or teachers may apply to spend three to four months overseas on exchange programs.

Last Updated:


  1. Sketchbook (Extra Credit Full Page Assignments)

    extra credit art assignments

  2. Crazy Extra Credit Assignments Quarter 4

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  3. Go to the Head of the Class by Getting Extra Credit

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  4. Extra Credit: Is the Art World Racist and What to Do About It?

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  5. 3 Extra Credit Project Assignments for 4-5th grades by Danielle Wentworth

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  6. Crazy Extra Credit Assignments Quarter 4

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  4. SIS Handling Extra Credit Assignments

  5. INTRODUCTION MUS 201 Extra Credit Videos

  6. Credit Union Art Competition Winners 2021


  1. Atelier Extra Credit

    1. Read our investigation into Finding references to art history in nature. 2. View the examples that we present of our own art-in-nature discoveries. 3. Take your own digital camera out on a nature walk and see what you can find. 4. Match up your photograph with a work of art and show them side-by-side.

  2. 49 Art

    Oct 7, 2023 - Explore Katie Hoyler's board "Art - Extra Credit", followed by 174 people on Pinterest. See more ideas about art lessons, teaching art, elementary art.

  3. I need extra credit activity ideas. : r/Professors

    SpicyAbsinthe. ADMIN MOD. I need extra credit activity ideas. In normal semesters, I usually have an optional activity for my students to get some extra credit. Now, here's the thing: I usually have them do something that benefits them or the community (volunteering, running a 5k with a cause, attending a mental health talk, etc.).

  4. Extra Credit Assignment Ideas that Support Student Learning

    Extra credit assignments, when assigned to correlate with your curriculum requirements and course expectations, provide students with another opportunity to meet course standards. This is especially true if the extra credit is able to assess learning goals while catering to different learning styles.

  5. How to Make Extra Credit Your Students' Responsibility

    Principle 2: Extra credit must be completed within a specific time frame. Most students wait until the last minute to ask for extra credit. Make students aware of when they can and cannot submit proposals. For example, I don't allow students to submit extra credit during the last two weeks of a marking period.

  6. Extra Credit Assignments

    W hether you missed an assignment, forgot to turn a project in on time, or just want to improve your Art G.P.A., here are a couple of great ways to earn extra credit for Art! Participate in a poster contest that was not completed as part of a regular art class/homework Amigos for Kids is sponsoring A Blue ribbon Child Abuse prevention poster ...

  7. Art Class Extra Credit Project Ideas

    Aug 11, 2023 - Explore Gail Cope's board "Art Class Extra Credit Project Ideas", followed by 2,388 people on Pinterest. See more ideas about art lessons, art projects, teaching art.

  8. 2019 Extra Credit Ideas

    2019 Extra Credit Ideas. You've officially made it past the halfway point of the school year! As we near the summer months and the end of the current grade level for your students, you're likely to start hearing requests for extra credit assignments. Students tend to get into panic mode around March and April and start stressing about their ...

  9. Art on Assignment Extra Credit Doodles by 3D-PT

    Key features of the "Art on Assignment: Extra Credit Doodles" activity include: Creativity Unleashed: Give your students the freedom to express themselves through art. Whether it's illustrating a concept, visualizing a historical event, or depicting a scientific phenomenon, this activity sparks imaginative thinking.

  10. 25 Extra Credit Art ideas

    Sep 21, 2014 - This is for art assignments in my art journal or extra credit art . See more ideas about art lessons, art, art assignments.

  11. Extra Credit Assignments

    Extra Credit Assignments - MRS. ZOTOS. When you have free time in class you are to work on extra credit assignments. You have three options. 1) Free drawing or painting. Ask Mrs. Zotos for supplies. 2) Drawings from the list provided (notebook assignment file) You can use copy paper for your drawings. Make sure to use all of the space provided.

  12. Art Extra Credit by LaShanda Moss-Hill

    This is an extra credit assignment I created for my High School Art 1 class. Art Extra Credit. 83 Downloads. Previous Next; LaShanda Moss-Hill. 818 Followers. Follow. Grade Levels. 9 th - 12 th, Homeschool. Subjects. Other (Arts) Resource Type. Activities, Printables. Formats Included. Word Document File.

  13. Is There Extra Credit in College?

    In an art history class, for example, visiting the campus museum might earn you extra credit. Other types of extra credit include attending a department-sponsored lecture, taking on a creative project related to class, or completing an extra lab assignment. ... General extra credit assignments may count toward participation or the student's ...

  14. Extra Credit assignment

    extra credit drew kaminski art 100 extra credit december 4th, 2016 lacma museum of art los angeles went to the lacma art museum in los angeles. its awesome. Skip to document. ... Extra Credit assignment. University: Boise State University. Course: Introduction To Art (ART 100) 60 Documents. Students shared 60 documents in this course. Info More ...

  15. 5 Extra Credit Activities That Promote Engaged Learning

    The assignment equates to 15% of the student's course grade. With this grade dynamic in mind, my students could receive up to 10 points extra credit on individual posts by completing the activity below. The language that follows is copied directly from my assignment sheet: Extra Credit: Up to 10 points total. Comment on a classmate's post.

  16. Using Extra Credit Effectively

    Benefits. Well-designed extra credit assignments have the following benefits for students and the instructor. Students engage with the material beyond the assigned coursework, which helps reinforce their understanding of concepts taught in class. Students have more agency in working toward the final grade they want to achieve.

  17. Extra Credit Ideas for Middle School Teachers

    Extra credit assignments are a great way to boost student engagement. EXTRA CREDIT PITFALLS TO AVOID: Not every teacher is a fan of extra credit (and with good reason.) Personally, I believe that extra credit assignments can be a helpful tool within the classroom, but like all things, it can be misused and abused. Here are a few extra credit ...

  18. Extra Credit Assignments

    Museum Paper Assignment; Narrative Art: 4-Icon Challenge; Extra Credit Assignments; Announcements; Discussion Topic; Extra Credit Assignments. These extra credit assignments are OPTIONAL. You may choose to complete all, some, or none of the following assignments. You may turn in the assignments at any time. The last day you may submit the ...

  19. PDF Creating Extra Credit Assignments That Challenge, Inspire, and Empower

    the intentionality of the extra credit assignment. Good extra credit assignments must connect to course content and support the course objectives. They must be clearly explained, stating in the syllabus the maximum range of points that can be earned by doing extra credit in addition to other course assignments and policies.

  20. Watch: Huge explosion as Moscow shopping centre goes up in flames

    A fire the size of a football pitch ravaged a sprawling shopping centre near Moscow yesterday, killing one person. "The open blaze was put out at 10.45am [07.35 GMT]," Sergei Poletykin, the head ...

  21. Khimki Moscow Region / Teams

    The long-time bench boss of Khimki Moscow Region, Rimas Kurtinaitis, agreed to talk with Timur Ganeev of Sport-Express.ru. They touched on different topics, including Sarunas Jasikevicius' stop at Barca, Turkish Airlines EuroLeague transfers, and a situation in Khimki.

  22. Irina A. Viner-Usmanova Rhythmic Gymnastics Centre

    Irina Viner-Usmanova's Rhythmic Gymnastics Centre has opened registration for winter training camps. Your entries can be submitted online (click for details): 1. Goals & Objectives. 2. Venue. 3. Coaches (subject to change) Karina Katiukhina - Master of Sport, Winner and Medalist of mult.

  23. International Directory of Music and Music Education Institutions

    Master of Arts. In performance, opera performance, conducting, musicology, ethnomusicology, music education, arts management. Doctor of Philosophy. Institution Notes: The University was founded in 1930 as the Moscow Library Institute and gained its current name and status in 2014. Under the control of the Ministry of Culture, it offers programs ...