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How to Narrate a PowerPoint Presentation (Step-by-Step)

  • PowerPoint Tutorials
  • Shortcuts & Hacks
  • October 29, 2019

In this article you’ll learn how to narrate a PowerPoint, with either just your voice or using the new video narration feature.

Firstly, there are two different tools you can use to narrate your PowerPoint slides.


#1: Record Audio  is the legacy PowerPoint narration tool. Although this tool doesn’t have as many features, it is faster to open and use, and is handy if you want to drop a voice note on a slide.

Features of this tool include:

  • Voice narration only
  • Adds narration to one slide at a time only

#2: Record Slide Show  is the NEWEST (and best) narration tool in PowerPoint, giving you two different types of narration options plus a variety of other options.

The features here are:

  • Voice narration
  • Video narration (so your audience can also see your face)
  • Allows you to narrate an entire presentation in one sitting
  • Automatically sets slide timings for you if you later want to convert PowerPoint into a video

And before you get lost in either tool, let’s cover a few things which will help you out (trust me).

Narration definition in PowerPoint


In PowerPoint, narration simply means recording your presentation as you walk someone through it, so that you can easily share the whole thing with someone else.

On top of that, if you get creative, you can use your narrated PowerPoint files to:

  • Share your presentation with team members around the world
  • Create a library of best practices for your company
  • Build training materials for new hires

1. You don’t need fancy recording equipment

Don’t let fancy equipment or a professional recording studio hold you back from narrating your presentation. For most situations, using the built-in microphone on your personal computer is enough.

For example, if you are doing something relatively informal, such as walking a colleague through something in PowerPoint, the quality of your audio doesn’t need to be extremely high.

If you are creating training materials or giving an important presentation, I recommend getting a decent USB microphone (you can see a list of top rated microphones  here ).

That’s because they will help remove any background noise.

2. Find a quiet space and tell people you are recording

Regardless of the quality of your microphone, I recommend finding the quietest place possible to record your narration and let everyone know not to bother you.

When evaluating a quiet place, here are some things to be careful of and to spot check:

  • Noisy air conditioners or refrigerators
  • Street noise (cars, planes or pedestrians)
  • Loud background office or cafe noise
  • Cell phones, doorbells or other pinging noises
  • Your kids playing in the background

For instance – imagine you are in the middle of narrating your presentation. All of a sudden a colleague knocks on your door or the doorbell rings, and you’re interrupted. It’s not the end of the world, but it will throw you off and likely annoy you.

In addition, if there is too much background noise (like a running air conditioner), the noise can be very distracting to whoever is watching the recording.

3. Check your microphone

The last thing you want to do is walk through your entire presentation, and then discover that your microphone wasn’t working.

Therefore, before narrating your PowerPoint, I recommend double-checking your recording equipment every time before you hit record. This includes ensuring that your equipment is properly plugged in (it happens).


  • Right-click  the speaker icon in the task bar (lower right-hand corner of your desktop)
  • Select  Open Sound settings
  • Choose your  Input  device
  • Click on  Troubleshoot  under  T est and troubleshoot

Note:  If you don’t see the audio bar filling up with color as you talk, that means that your input device is either not selected or not properly connected.

powerpoint presentation with narration

  • Connect all your audio and video equipment to your computer
  • Restart your computer: Start, Power, Restart

#1. Record audio (audio narration only)

While this is the legacy narration tool in PowerPoint, I want to cover it first.

That’s because even if you decide not to use it to narrate your PowerPoint presentation, it is extremely useful for dropping voice notes on your slides.

When used this way, you can quickly capture your thoughts and ideas about a slide without having to get bogged down editing or building it out on the spot.

Below I’ve detailed how to use this tool to narrate PowerPoint slides.

1. Open the Record Sound dialog box


To open the  Record Sound  dialog box, simply:

  • Navigate to the  Insert  tab
  • Open the  Audio  drop down
  • Select  Record Audio

Keep in mind that you can only narrate one slide at a time using this tool. Hence why it’s great for dropping voice notes on a slide, one by one.

2. Record your audio narration


Inside the  Record Sound  dialog box you can narrate your PowerPoint slide. Simply:

  • Type in a  Name  for your Audio Clip
  • Select the  Record  button (the red dot) to begin narrating
  • Click  Stop  (the square) to stop your narration
  • Hit  Play  (the triangle) to listen to your narration
  • Click  OK  to save the narration to your slide

As a result, you will see a little audio object added to your slide that you can move around and resize if you like.


The audio file can also be played (simply click on the play icon) in both the  Normal View  and  Slide Show View  of your presentation.

In this way, you can work your way through your presentation, adding voice notes to your PowerPoint slides that you or your colleagues can play back from within your presentation.

To learn all about adding music to PowerPoint and how to loop your audio files,  read our article here .

3. Playing your PowerPoint narration

By default, your audio file will be set to play  In Click Sequence  (explained below).

That means it will be added at the end of any animation sequences, trigger actions, etc.. If you don’t have any of these on your slide, it will automatically play when you to to advance to the next slide.

All you need to do is advance your slide (click, hit the space bar or arrow keys, etc.) and it will play.


To change when your audio file plays, simply:

  • Select your  Audio  file
  • Navigate to the  Playback  tab
  • Open the  Start  drop down
  • Choose either  In Click Sequence ,  Automatically  or  When Click On

In Click Sequence  means that your audio file plays as part of the click sequence of actions that happen on your slide. This includes animated sequences, trigger actions, and videos, all of which you can set in the Animations Pane.

If you do not have any sequences set up on your slide, your audio file will play right before you advance to the next slide in your presentation.

Automatically  means your audio file plays as soon as you get to that slide in your presentation, instead of playing right before you advance to the next slide.

When Clicked On  means your audio file will only play if someone clicks on it during the presentation in Slide Show mode. For example, you can use this option for a piece of audio that you may not have the time to play, allowing you to choose in the moment whether to play it or not.

4. Delete or overwrite a previous narration file

To delete an audio file narration, simply select the object on your slide and hit  Delete  on your keyboard.

If you want to overwrite or change an existing narration, simply use the  Record Audio  dialog box again (as described above). Doing so will overwrite the existing audio file on your slide.

Warning:  Two narration audio files cannot exist on a slide at the same time. That means that if you narrate a PowerPoint slide a second time, the first recorded file will be overwritten.

To be clear, that means you will need to start over – from scratch – for the individual slide where you want to change the narration.

While you can trim an audio file in PowerPoint, you cannot split apart or merge different audio files like you could if you used dedicated audio editing software.

#2. Record Slide Show (audio + video narration)

The  Record Slide Show  command is the NEWEST and BEST way to narrate a PowerPoint presentation for a few reasons, including:

  • Record both audio and/or video narrations
  • Narrate your entire presentation in one sitting (you are not limited to creating slide-by-slide narrations)
  • You can use the pen, highlighter and laser pointer commands and have them captured in your narration too
  • The tool allows you to pause and restart your recording
  • All your slide timings are automatically recorded, allowing you to use them to turn your PowerPoint presentation into a video (see how to do that  here )

In short, unless you have a really good reason not to use the  Record Slide Show  command to narrate your presentation, this is what you should be using.

As you will see below, there are a lot more settings you can toggle on and off, but don’t let this stop your from recording your presentation.

1.  Open the Record Slide Show dialog box


To open the  Record Slide Show  dialog box, simply:

  • Navigate to the  Slide Show  tab
  • Open the  Record Slide Show  command
  • Choose  Record from Beginning

If you simply click the  Record Slide Show  command in the Ribbon (instead of opening up the drop down) it will begin recording from the current slide.

Wait a couple of seconds, and the  Record Slide Show  commands will load, and you can start narrating your presentation.

powerpoint presentation with narration

2. Record your  slide show narration

There are a lot more options you can choose from in the  Slide Show  dialog box that that I will explain below, but recording your narration is still pretty easy and straight forward


To start recording your slide show narration, simply:

  • Choose your  Camera  and/or  Microphone
  • Make sure your  Camera  and/or  Microphone  is turned on
  • Use the  Record ,  Stop  and  Replay  commands to start and stop your narrations
  • Use the  Arrow  (or use your arrow keys) to advance to the next slide

Once you start recording, you get the option to pause the recording. This allows you to pause and collect your thoughts whenever you need to, and continue narrating your presentation when you are ready.


When you are finished, the individual video and/or audio file narrations are added to the lower right-hand corners of each individual slide, as you can see below.


As you can see in the picture above, your audio and video narrations are recorded and saved on a slide-by-slide basis. That means you can review and record narrations on any slide within your presentation.

Warning:  You can only have one narration file per slide.

If you re-record an audio or video narration, it automatically overwrites any previous narrations you had on that slide.

The only way to have two different narration files on the same slide, is to record one with the  Record Slide Show  dialog box, and record the second with the  Record Audio  command.

3. Set your narration to Play

Your  Record Slide Show  narrations are set to play  Automatically .

That means that whenever you run your presentation (from beginning or from current), your audio and/or video narration will automatically play.


To change when your audio or video narration plays, simply:

  • Select the  Narration  file on your slide
  • Choose either  In Click Sequence ,  Automatically  or  When Clicked On

4. Record Slide Show options


Record (or hit R) to start recording your narration.

Pause  (or hit I) to pause your narration and collect your thoughts. This button only displays once you’ve started recording.

Stop  (or hit S) to end your narration. If you hit Record again, your new narration will overwrite the existing one.

If you want to stop narrating your current slide before starting on the next one, don’t use the Stop button. Instead, simply navigate to your next slide using your arrow keys or the forward arrow on screen.

Replay  to replay your narration for the current slide. This button only becomes active after you have recorded a narration for that slide.

B. Speaker Notes options


Notes  (or hit N) to open or close your speaker notes for that slide. The Notes window is fairly small and you cannot resize it very well.

Your action of opening and closing the speaker notes pane will not show up in your recorded narration.

Font Size  commands increase and decrease the font size of your speaker notes so that you can see them better.

In my opinion the speaker notes pane is too small and not flexible enough for reviewing lots of speaker notes.

To learn how to print your speaker notes in PowerPoint,  read our guide here .

C. Clear Recordings options


Clear Recordings  allows you to clear your previous recording on either the current slide or on all the slides in your presentation.

You can also overwrite your recording and slide timings by simply recording over the top of your narrations.

Note:  Using Clear Recordings removes both your slide timings and narrations.

That means that if you want to remove your narrations but keep your slide timings, you will want to clear recordings outside of the  Record Slide Show  dialog box. See how to clear timings and narrations below.

D. Input options: Camera and Microphone


Microphone  allows you to choose which microphone you want to record with. So if you are using a microphone other than your computer’s built-in one, this is where you want to select your microphone before you begin recording your narration.

Camera  allows you to choose which camera or webcam you want to use if you are recording video narrations. If you are using a camera other than your computer’s built-in one, this is where you want to select it before you begin your narration.

E. Advance Slide options


Next Slide  advances the click sequence of your presentation, the same way hitting the right arrow key or clicking your slide with your mouse does.

If you have animated sequences or music that is supposed to play, clicking forwards will trigger those sequences, and eventually advance you to the next slide.

Previous Slide  moves you back one slide in your presentation, but it is only available to you when you are not recording.

That’s because re-recording a narration automatically overwrites the previous narration. So once you start your recording, you can only move forward in your presentation.

F. On / Off: Camera and microphone


Microphone  (on/off) turns your selected microphone on or off. You can turn your microphone off and still click through your presentation if you want to mute your sound in the recording.

Camera  (on/off) turns your selected camera on or off. This allows you to add or remove video recording in your narration.

Camera Preview  displays what your camera is recording during your narration. If seeing yourself onscreen while you narrate your presentation bothers you, simply turn camera preview off.


G. Ink options: Eraser, Pen and Highlighter


The  Pen  (Ctrl + P),  Highlighter  (Ctrl + I),   and Eraser  (Ctrl + E)   allow you to draw and highlight things on your slides during your presentation.

To change the color of your ink, simply click on one of the colors at the bottom of your screen.

Anything that you draw on your slides during your narration will be recorded as you draw them. That means that someone watching the recording will see you draw on the slide, as you narrate your presentation.

H. Slide Timings options


Slide Timings  show you how long you have spent on each slide, and which slide you are on within your presentation.

Therefore, if you are converting your PowerPoint presentation into a video, these slide timings determine how long you spend on each slide.

To learn all about how to convert PowerPoint to video,  read our guide here .

I. Close / Minimize options


Close / Minimize  allows you to close out of (or minimize) the  Record Slide Show  app.

Use the  Close  icon (the x) to exit out of the  Record Slide Show  dialog box and return to the Normal View of your presentation. You can also hit the  Esc  key on your keyboard to close out of the dialog box.

#3. How to clear your Timings and Narrations


To clear your  Timings and Narrations  from the Normal View of PowerPoint, simply:

  • Open the  Slide Show  tab
  • Open the  Record Slide Show  drop down
  • Select  Clear
  • Choose the  Timings  or  Narrations  you want to clear

If the  Clear  command is grayed out when you open the  Record Slide Show  drop down, that means that you do not have any  Narrations  or  Timings  (same as for transitions) set for your presentation.

Clear Timing on Current Slide  removes the set transition timing for the current slide.

Clear Timings on All Slides  removes the set transition timings on all the slides within your presentation.

Clear Narration on Current Slides  removes any voice or video narration you’ve recorded on the current slide.

Clear Narration on All Slides  removes any voice or video narrations from your entire presentation.

Note:  You can also clear the  Timings  and  Narrations  for your slides at the same time from inside the  Record Slide Show  dialog box.


Inside the dialog box, simply click the  X  and choose to  Clear Recordings on Current  or  Clear Recordings on All .

#4. How to compress your PowerPoint narrations


Adding audio and video narrations to PowerPoint significantly increases the size of your presentation as you can see in the picture above.

powerpoint presentation with narration

Therefore, I recommend compressing your file after you’re done recording narrations.

After narrating your PowerPoint, you can compress your   audio and video narrations. To do that, simply:

  • Navigate to the  File  tab
  • Select the  Info  group
  • Open the  Compress Media drop-down
  • Choose  a compression quality

PowerPoint automatically uses the Full HD (1080p) when recording your voice and video. So if you are tight for space, you will need to choose either the  HD (720p)  or  Standard (480p)  options .

To learn a variety of other ways you can reduce your PowerPoint file size,  read our compression guide here .

That’s how to narrate a PowerPoint, and the different options you have using the  Record Audio  and  Record Slide Show  options.

If you have the latest version of PowerPoint, I highly recommend using the  Record Slide Show  option as it gives you the most options to work with.

Just keep in mind that narrating your PowerPoint with audio and video can greatly increase the size of your presentation. Therefore, you may end up needing to consider compress it.

If you enjoyed this article, you can learn more about how to improve your PowerPoint skills by  visiting us here

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How to record voiceover narration in powerpoint.

If you're not able to physically present your slideshow, record a voiceover narration to make sure no points are missed.

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Preparation, record a voiceover for your presentation.

If you’re sending out your presentation instead of giving it in front of an audience, but you feel adding a vocal explanation would better help to deliver the message, record a voiceover narration. Here’s how to do it.

Before you begin your PowerPoint narration, you’ll need to make sure you’ve made the proper preparations.

Set Up Your Mic

First, you’ll need a microphone. Most modern computers have a built-in microphone that gets the job done, but investing in a USB microphone will increase the audio quality of the narration by quite a bit.

The built-in microphone will be set as your input device by default, so if you plan on using it for the PowerPoint narration, you don’t need to take any additional steps in setting it up. However, if you plan to use a USB microphone for the narration, be sure to set it as the input device.

To do this on Windows, right-click the volume icon found on the right of the taskbar. In the menu that appears, select “Open Sound Settings.”

The “Sound Settings” window will appear. Here, scroll down to the “Input” section and click the box under “Choose your input device.”

If you’re using a USB microphone, it will appear here. Select it to set it as the input device.

The steps for Mac users are extremely similar. The only difference is you should go to "System Settings" and select "Sound" instead of right-clicking the volume icon like on Windows. From there, the steps are the same.

Take Notes and Rehearse

With your mic set up, you’re ready to start recording, right? Well, not quite. While you may not be physically standing in front of the audience delivering this presentation, you still need to treat it as though you are. This means going through the basics---taking notes and rehearsing your delivery.

One thing you can do to help you record a successful narration is to write out a script. As with a live presentation, though, you don’t want to sound like you’re reading straight from your notecards. Practice reading through the script a few times so that it sounds natural and fluid.

Once you’re confident in your delivery, it’s time to start recording.

Open the PowerPoint presentation in which you would like to record a voiceover narration. Head over to the “Slide Show” tab and, in the “Set Up” group, select “Record Slide Show.” Once selected, a drop-down menu will appear. Here, you can choose to start the narration from the beginning or from the current slide. If you choose to start recording from the current slide, make sure that you’re on the slide you’d like to start recording from.

Related: How to Record Your Screen with Microsoft PowerPoint

In this example, we’ll choose “Record from Beginning.”

Now, you’ll be in full-screen mode. You’ll notice a few extra tools appear, including a record button at the top-left corner of the screen. When you’re ready to start recording, click this button.

When you select the record button, a countdown timer will appear, giving you a three-second delay between clicking the button and starting your recording.

You can now start recording your voiceover narration! Continue through the presentation by clicking the right arrow to go to the next slide.

You can pause the recording at any time by pressing the pause button in the top-left corner of the window. The recording will automatically end when you make it to the last slide. Alternatively, you can press the stop button, also located at the top-left corner of the screen.

If you want to play your narration back, you can select the replay button.

A speaker icon will appear at the bottom-right corner of each slide that has a recorded narration. You can also play your narration back on each slide by hovering over the icon and pressing the play button.

If you’re not satisfied with the narration, simply repeat these steps to re-record.

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How to Record a PowerPoint Presentation with Narration

Can be helpful in creating a dramatic narrative

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Microsoft PowerPoint has a built-in recording tool that allows you to narrate your presentations using recorded audio. You can export and share recorded presentations as video files.

This tutorial covers everything about recording PowerPoint presentations on Windows and Mac computers.

How to Record a PowerPoint Presentation with Narration image 1

Record PowerPoint Presentation with Narration

Open the PowerPoint file/presentation you want to record and follow the steps below.

Record PowerPoint Presentation on Windows

  • Select the slide you want to start recording from on the slide thumbnail pane.

How to Record a PowerPoint Presentation with Narration image 2

  • Head to the Record tab on the ribbon and select the Record button to start recording from the current/selected slide.

How to Record a PowerPoint Presentation with Narration image 3

To record from the first slide, select the down-facing arrow icon below the Record button and select From Beginning .

How to Record a PowerPoint Presentation with Narration image 4

You can also record a presentation from the Slide Show tab. Select Slide Show on the ribbon and select Record , From Current Slide , or From Beginning .

How to Record a PowerPoint Presentation with Narration image 5

That’ll open PowerPoint’s presentation recorder in a fullscreen window.

  • Select the Record icon and start speaking after the three seconds countdown.

How to Record a PowerPoint Presentation with Narration image 6

PowerPoint records the presentation window and captures your voice and webcam feed as you navigate the slides. Select the left-facing and right-facing arrows to move to the previous and next slides in the presentation.

Record PowerPoint Presentation in macOS

  • Open the Slide Show tab and select Record Slide Show .

How to Record a PowerPoint Presentation with Narration image 7

  • Select the Record button on the toolbar to start recording your narration.

How to Record a PowerPoint Presentation with Narration image 8

Use your keyboard arrow keys to move back and forth between slides. Press N or Space Bar to move to the next slide or animation in the presentation. Press P or Backspace to return to the previous slide or animation.

Select Tips in the top-left corner for more keyboard shortcuts and other presentation tips .

How to Record a PowerPoint Presentation with Narration image 9

Note: The narration tool doesn’t record slide transitions. When moving between slides, wait for the destination slide to appear on the screen before speaking.

PowerPoint Recorder Control/Settings

You’ll find a handful of controls and options on the recording tool. We’ll show you how to use these controls to include voiceovers or audio recordings in your presentation.

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Using Presentation Pointer Tools

PowerPoint provides several tools to mark up your slides when narrating your presentation. There’s a pen tool, eraser, laser pointer, and highlighter.

With the Pen tool, you can draw on slides during narration/recording. Press Ctrl + P (Windows) or Command + P (Mac) to use the pen tool. You can also select the Pen icon to convert the pointer to a pen.

How to Record a PowerPoint Presentation with Narration image 11

The Laser pointer tool converts your cursor to an onscreen laser. Use the laser pointer to draw attention to something on a slide/presentation.

Press Ctrl + L (Windows) or Command + L (Mac) to use the laser pointer. There’s also a Laser pointer icon on the toolbar.

How to Record a PowerPoint Presentation with Narration image 12

Pressing Ctrl + I (or selecting the Highlighter tool ) converts your cursor to a highlighter.

How to Record a PowerPoint Presentation with Narration image 13

Use the Eraser tool to remove inks and highlight from slides. Select the Eraser icon or press Ctrl + E and select the ink to erase.

How to Record a PowerPoint Presentation with Narration image 14

On macOS, select the Erase Pen icon (or press E ) to erase all drawings and highlights on the slide.

How to Record a PowerPoint Presentation with Narration image 15

You can change the pointer tools ink from the color selection boxes. However, one major limitation is that you can’t change the size of these pointer tools.

Pause and Resume Your Recording

In Windows, press I on your keyboard or select the Pause button in the top-left corner to pause your recording.

How to Record a PowerPoint Presentation with Narration image 16

Press I again or select the Record icon to resume the recording.

How to Record a PowerPoint Presentation with Narration image 17

If you use a Mac, select the Pause icon in the top toolbar to pause the recording.

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Unmute or Mute Microphone

Check that your microphone is unmuted before recording. Select the microphone icon in the bottom-right corner to mute or unmute your mic.

How to Record a PowerPoint Presentation with Narration image 19

PowerPoint for Windows allows you to mute and unmute your microphone in real time while recording video/audio narrations. The macOS version of PowerPoint only lets you configure your camera and microphone settings before recording.

Switch Microphone or Camera

Want to record your presentation with an external microphone or camera? Press Ctrl + M or select the audio/camera settings icon in the top-right corner and choose your preferred microphone/camera.

How to Record a PowerPoint Presentation with Narration image 20

In macOS, select the microphone icon to mute or unmute your microphone. Select the arrow-down icon next to the microphone or camcorder icons to switch input devices.

How to Record a PowerPoint Presentation with Narration image 21

Enable and Disable Camera

The recorder displays your camera or webcam feed in the bottom-right corner of the presentation slides.

Select the camcorder icon to remove your webcam feed from the recording. Select the icon again to display your webcam feed in the presentation.

How to Record a PowerPoint Presentation with Narration image 22

You can also use the Ctrl + K keyboard shortcut on Windows computers to enable or disable your camera.

On Mac computers, you’ll find the video control icon on the top toolbar.

How to Record a PowerPoint Presentation with Narration image 23

Note: The recording tool greys out the camcorder icon if your microphone is turned off.

Enable or Disable Camera Preview

PowerPoint allows you to disable the camera preview without turning off your camera or webcam.

Press Ctrl + J (Windows) or select the Camera Preview icon in the bottom-right corner to disable or enable the camera preview.

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End a Recording

Press S on your Windows keyboard or select the Stop icon to end the recording.

How to Record a PowerPoint Presentation with Narration image 25

Replay or Preview Your Recording

When you end a narration, press V on your keyboard or select Replay to preview or watch the recording.

How to Record a PowerPoint Presentation with Narration image 26

The recorded narration will include all pen inks, highlights, and laser pointer gestures made during the presentation.

You can also preview/replay the narration outside the recording tool. Open the Slide Show tab and choose to watch the playback From Beginning or From Current Slide .

How to Record a PowerPoint Presentation with Narration image 27

PowerPoint allows you to preview the playback on individual slides. A speaker/audio icon appears in the bottom-right of PowerPoint slides with narrations.

Choose the slide you want to preview, hover your cursor on the speaker icon in the bottom-right corner, and select Play .

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Delete Current Narration/Recording

Did you spot an error when previewing your presentation? Want to delete the current narration and start from scratch?

Select the Clear existing recordings icon and choose whether to Clear Recordings on Current Slide or Clear Recordings on All Slides .

How to Record a PowerPoint Presentation with Narration image 29

On Mac, select the Bin icon to delete the entire narration/recording.

How to Record a PowerPoint Presentation with Narration image 30

Close the Narration Tool

Select the X icon on the title bar to close the presentation narration tool and return to Powerpoint.

How to Record a PowerPoint Presentation with Narration image 31

Select End Show in the top-left corner to close the recording tool on a Mac computer.

How to Record a PowerPoint Presentation with Narration image 32

Delete Narrations from Slides

Want to delete the narration or timing on an individual slide or the entire presentation? Select the slide with the narration you want to delete and follow the steps below.

  • Open the Record tab and select the down-facing arrow below the Record icon.
  • Select Clear and choose to clear timing or narration on current or all slides.

How to Record a PowerPoint Presentation with Narration image 33

Export Recorded or Narrated Presentation

You can export a narrated PowerPoint presentation as a video file. The video output includes ink strokes, recorded audio/video, laser pointer gestures, and webcam/camera recording.

  • Open the Record tab and select Export to Video .

How to Record a PowerPoint Presentation with Narration image 34

Alternatively, open the File menu, select Export on the sidebar, and select Create a Video .

How to Record a PowerPoint Presentation with Narration image 35

  • Choose the quality of the video export in the first drop-down box—Ultra HD (4K), Full HD (1080p), HD (720p), Standard (480p).

How to Record a PowerPoint Presentation with Narration image 36

  • Choose Use Recorded Timings and Narrations in the next drop-down box and select Create Video .

How to Record a PowerPoint Presentation with Narration image 37

  • Give the recorded presentation a file name and select Save .

How to Record a PowerPoint Presentation with Narration image 38

Narrate Your PowerPoint Presentations

The Microsoft PowerPoint web app doesn’t have a recording tool. As a result, you can only record presentations with narrations using PowerPoint for Windows or Mac.

You might meet issues recording a slide show if you use an outdated version of PowerPoint. Also, the recording tool on older versions of PowerPoint has a different interface and lacks some controls. Update PowerPoint and restart your computer if you cannot record a slide show.

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How to Narrate a PowerPoint Presentation

Similar to doing a commentary to videos, you can also add narrations to your PowerPoint Presentation . It’s an interactive way to provide information to your audience instead of letting them read all points on the slide, with the added value that helps people with visual impairments.

This guide will cover how to create a narrated PowerPoint presentation using Microsoft PowerPoint on Windows.

cover for how to narrate PowerPoint presentations

System Setup

Before going straight to narrating a PowerPoint presentation, make sure that you’re in a quiet environment and free from unnecessary background sound. Noises from air conditioners, fans, street noise, and people nearby can be heard on the narration recording, leading you to start over again. Investing in soundproofing foam for better sound insulation is an expenditure that pays itself over time, you won’t regret such action.

Another factor to look out for is checking if your computer’s microphone is working properly. To double-check the microphone on Windows, follow these steps:

  • Go to the Start menu and select Settings > System > Sound .
  • Under Input , make sure that it is set on your computer’s default microphone .

selecting default microphone on Windows

3. Also, try speaking near the microphone and check if the audio bar is moving (under Test your microphone ).

testing microphone's volume in Windows

4. If you’re experiencing mic problems, click the Troubleshoot button and follow the on-screen steps. Then, restart your computer and see if the mic issue is solved.

troubleshooting microphone issues on Windows

Finally, and as extra caution, be sure to properly place your microphone in the scenario that you use an external microphone (not a handset). Dynamic microphones, thanks to their affordable price, are an option these days for many users, but they do count with a “recordable” side: this means that according to their polar curve, there is a side on the microphone that will record sound in proximity to it, and there’s a side that won’t capture sound at all. Refer to the manufacturer specs prior to blaming any potential issue. In this link , you can find more information about different microphones and their accessories to ensure the best result.

Method #1: Narrate a PowerPoint Presentation (Audio-Only)

This first method to narrate a PowerPoint presentation is ideal to add audio narration to those already-made presentations.

  • Open your PowerPoint presentation, navigate to the Insert tab, and click the Audio dropdown icon.

accessing the insert audio options in PowerPoint

2. You can add audio using two ways; if your audio is pre-recorded and saved on your computer, select the Audio Browser option and select the narration recording. Whereas if you want to record a new narration, click Record Audio .

options for inserting audio in PowerPoint

Note : You can only narrate one slide at a time using the Record Audio option, which makes it suitable for narrating key points.

3. After clicking Record Audio, a new window will appear on the right side of the screen.

Microsoft PowerPoint displaying the record audio panel

4. To record, click the red button; the audio bar will begin moving as you start narrating.

Record audio button to narrate PowerPoint presentations

5. To stop the recording, click the Stop button. You can listen to the narration right after by selecting the Play icon.

Stopping an audio narration in PowerPoint

6. If you want to start over, click the Discard button.

discarding an audio narration in PowerPoint

7. When it’s ready, you can add it to the slide by clicking the Insert button.

Inserting the recorded audio narration in PowerPoint

8. A white audio icon will appear on the slide. You can adjust the icon by selecting it and dragging one of the points on the border. You can also see the play, forward, backward, and volume icons on the playback bar.

positioning audio narration in slide

9. To set the timing of when the audio will play, go to the Playback tab and find the Start option ( Play icon with lightning ). By default, this will be set to In Click Sequence , but you can also change it to Automatically , or When Clicked On .

timing options for playback in PowerPoint

  • In Click Sequence – The audio will play based on the click actions or animations that are set in the slide. You can adjust this by going to the Animation Panel . If you don’t have any animations on the slide, the narration will play before you advance to the next slide.
  • Automatically – The audio will play as soon as you arrive on the slide. 
  • When Clicked On – The narration will only play once the audio icon is clicked on Slide Show mode . This works great for audio that’s only optional to listen to.

different playback options in PowerPoint

Method #2: Record SlideShow 

The second method to narrate PowerPoint presentations may seem more taxing, but it can be done when creating the assets to include in the presentation.

1. Navigate to the SlideShow tab and select the Record SlideShow icon. This will let you record the presentation from the beginning.

narrate a PowerPoint presentation with the Record Slide option

2. The Record SlideShow window will soon appear. Here are its parts:

  • On the top bar, you’ll see the recording duration, the trash, record, and pause buttons. You can also toggle the camera and microphone by clicking their icons on the right edge of the bar.

window showing the different parts of the Record Slide menu

To blur your background on the camera, click the Camera dropdown menu and select Blur Background .

Blurring the background

  • Below, you’ll see the current and next slide previews. You can also add notes under the Next slide preview. You can adjust the font of the notes by clicking the buttons on the bottom-left.
  • If you want to move to the next slide or go to the previous one, use the arrow buttons below the Current slide preview.
  • To create illustrations or drawings, use the drawing tools that are beside the forward and previous buttons.
  • You’ll see all slide thumbnails on the bottom of the screen.

Note : To know more about keyboard shortcuts on the Record SlideShow window, open the Tips button by clicking it.

tips button on the Record SlideShow in PowerPoint

3. To record the entire presentation, make sure that the camera and microphone features are switched on. Then, press the Record button when you’re ready.

4. You can choose to pause the recording by pressing the Pause button.

pausing a narration in PowerPoint Record SlideShow

5. To stop the recording, click the Stop button. You can check the narration by pressing the Play button; once you want to delete it, click the Trash button.

stopping a narration in PowerPoint Record SlideShow

6. Once it’s ready, select End Show . You can see the narration on each slide, indicated on the slide thumbnails .

screenshot showing how to stop narrate a PowerPoint presentation

7. To set the timing of when the narration video will play, select the narration thumbnail on the bottom-right of the slide and go to the Playback tab.

adjusting playback timing in PowerPoint

8. Similar to the first method, navigate to the Start options. By default, the timing is set to Automatic . You can also change this to In Click Sequence , or When Clicked On .

screenshot showing timing options for Playback in PowerPoint

9. To clear timings and narrations on all slides, go to the SlideShow tab and select the Record SlideShow dropdown arrow.

options to clear timings and narrations in PowerPoint presentations

10. Under the Clear options, you can choose if you want to Clear Timings on Current/All Slides or Clear Narrations on Current/All Slides .

Final Thoughts

Adding narration to your PowerPoint presentations is a great strategy to keep your audience engaged . You can use these methods to point out the brief points on each slide, besides letting your audience read the content on the slide.

Keep in mind that narrating is not an alternative to inserting videos into your PowerPoint presentations since they target different objectives from a content perspective.

powerpoint presentation with narration

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How to Narrate a PowerPoint Presentation (And Record Your Voice)

For a presentation that you aren’t actually giving in person, you can narrate it within PowerPoint, recording your voice so that others can play it back when they watch the presentation.

It’s a nifty trick that popular with slide shows and presentations on networks such as SlideShare, YouTube, and even individual websites. And it can even help you when rehearsing your presentation as well.

Here’s how to narrate a PowerPoint presentation by recording your voice, in a few quick steps!

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Create and Design Your Presentation

The first step to preparing a narrated or recorded PowerPoint presentation is to design the presentation and refine the content. During this step you may even want to think about how you will script the presentation so that you are designing with a flow in mind.

Make sure to include any specific transitions you want to use from slide to slide, and don’t forget to read our guide on how to design a professional presentation for tips and pointers.

Prepare for Recording

Before recording a narration, it is advised to write out a script and check your computer microphone to ensure that the sound is correct and that recordings will be at an appropriate volume. You can do this with a short test recording.

Now it is time to record the narration. You can record narration for all slides or select slides.

Open your presentation and navigate to the Slide Show tab.

how to record a powerpoint

If you are recording narration for all of the slides, you are ready. If you plan to record a voiceover for only some of the slides, you want to hide the slides you won’t have a recording for.

You can do this by selecting the slides you don’t want to include, right- or ctrl-click and then Hide Slide.

how to record a powerpoint

The other option is to create a custom show. From the menu select Custom Show > Custom Slide Show > use the + to add slides. You will need to know which slide numbers you want for this option because you can’t see previews.

Record the Narration

how to record a powerpoint

Now you are ready to record. (Good luck!)

In the Slide Show tab, click the Record Slide Show Button from the first slide in your presentation.

how to record a powerpoint

Recording starts automatically. (You’ll notice the screen shifts into full presentation mode.) As you record the narration, you can use the navigation tools on the screen to advance slides. This will override any previous timing settings so that slides advance in tandem with your voice narration.

When you are finished, click End and you will be prompted to save the recording. Only one recording can be saved at a time. A new recording will override any previously saved recorded narrations.

You can preview the recording using the start button.

Helpful Keyboard Shortcuts

Using keyboard shortcuts during recording can make it a little easier.

Some shortcuts you might use include:

  • Click, spacebar or right arrow: Advance to the next slide
  • Delete or left arrow: Go back one slide
  • B: Toggle to black screen
  • Esc: End slide show recording

Choose a Playback Option

how to record a powerpoint

Finally, you’ll want to determine how the presentation will be played back for users.

Click on Set Up Slide Show from the menu and make your selections from the options on the screen. Then you can save or export to a desired file format.

A PowerPoint presentation with a narrated recording can be a useful tool to help get your information in front of more people. All you need to do it is a quiet room to record and a microphone attached to your computer.

Don’t forget to take a look at our full PowerPoint templates guide , or our collection of the best PowerPoint templates for your next project!

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How To Add Audio Narration To a Powerpoint Presentation

Useful way to create stand-alone content

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PowerPoint is an app that enables you to create and deliver an engaging presentation to an audience. But what if the audience is not in the same room or you are sending it as a link or attachment?

This is why adding audio narration to PowerPoint slides timings is helpful and useful. You can record the narration from inside your presentation so that it plays while viewers watch. Adding voice-over narration to your Powerpoint presentation or video will turn it into evergreen stand-alone content.

How To Add Audio Narration To a Powerpoint Presentation image

This article will discuss how to add audio narration to a Powerpoint presentation for Windows 10.

Test Your Default Microphone

The first thing you will need is a working microphone. Most computers today come with a built-in microphone. If you plan to use your computer default microphone, you don’t have to take additional steps to add a microphone.

However, you do want to make sure it’s working and loud enough to hear. To set your default microphone, test it to make sure it’s working. To customize the properties, follow the steps below.

  • Start by typing Settings in the search bar.
  • Click on System > Sound .

Test Your Default Microphone image

  • Look under Input for options to configure your microphone. Click the dropdown menu under Choose your input device to assign your default microphone.
  • If you only have one microphone, there is nothing to select. To open additional microphone settings, click on Device properties > Additional device settings .

Test Your Default Microphone image 2

  • Enable or disable speaker and access audio driver information under the General tab.
  • The Listen tab enables you to allow or deny your mic to listen to the speakers.
  • Adjust the microphone volume and balance settings under Levels .
  • Change the default sample rate and bit depth under the Advanced tab.
  • If enabled on your computer, Spatial sound can enhance the audio experience. 

To test your microphone, go back to the Input section. If it’s not working, you can use the Troubleshoot button to try to resolve the issue.

Test Your Default Microphone image 3

Install a USB Microphone

  • To enable your microphone , first, plug in the USB microphone to your computer. Then right-click on the volume icon on the taskbar. 
  • Click on Sounds .

Install a USB Microphone image

  • Under the Recording tab, choose the microphone you want to set up and click Configure . 
  • Under Configure your Speech Recognition experience , click on Set up microphone .

Install a USB Microphone image 2

  • When the setup wizard starts, choose the type of microphone you are installing and click Next.

Install a USB Microphone image 3

  • The next screen you see will provide tips for using your microphone and some text to read to test your settings. 
  • Follow the instructions from the wizard and test the microphone to make sure it is working correctly.  

Set USB Microphone As Input Device To Use

If you want to use the external USB microphone you just set up to record your narration, you need to set it as the input device.

  • Right-click on the volume icon on the right side of the taskbar and click on Open Sound settings.  

Set USB Microphone As Input Device To Use image

  • From the Sound Settings window, scroll down to Input and tick the box under Choose your input device . 
  • Select your USB microphone as the input device.

Rehearse & Take Notes

Now that your microphone is set up and tested, instead of jumping right in and starting to record, take the time to practice what you are going to say.

Take notes, write out a script, and rehearse the timings to save time, minimize errors, and ensure that your audio sounds fluid and natural.

Now you are ready to start recording.

Turn On the Recording Tab (Office 365)

  • To turn on the Recording tab, navigate to File , click Options > Customize Ribbon > Recording > OK .

Turn On the Recording Tab (Office 365) image

How To Record An Audio Narration For One Slide

The easiest way to add audio to your PowerPoint presentation is to record one slide at a time. 

  • Start by selecting the slide where you want to add the audio.
  • Navigate to Insert > Audio > Record Audio .

How To Record An Audio Narration For One Slide image

  • Choose a name for your voiceover and replace Recorded Sound with the name.  

How To Record An Audio Narration For One Slide image 2

  • To start your recording, click the button with the red dot. Read from your script and click the stop button when finished. 
  • The stop button is the middle square and will be highlighted in red while you are recording.

How To Record An Audio Narration For One Slide image 3

  • To hear your recording, press the play button. If you like how it sounds and want to keep it, click OK .

How To Record An Audio Narration For One Slide image 4

  • You can also hear the audio by clicking on the embedded audio icon on your slide. It will open a bar underneath where you can play your audio.

How To Record An Audio Narration For One Slide image 5

  • You will now have a visible audio icon on your slide. To hide this icon for your final presentation, click on it. 
  • Click Playback in the top bar navigation, and tick off Hide During Show .

How To Record An Audio Narration For One Slide image 6

Record An Audio Narration For An Entire Slideshow (Office 365)

  • Click on Recording from the top navigation, and then Record Slide Show . 

Record An Audio Narration For An Entire Slideshow (Office 365) image

  • Choose either Record from Current Slide or Record from Beginning . The slideshow will open in the Recording window.

Record An Audio Narration For An Entire Slideshow (Office 365) image 2

  • There are buttons on the top left for recording, pausing, stopping, and playing. Click on the red, round button to start recording. There will be a three-second countdown for you to get ready.
  • The slide you are recording will show up in the main pane of the window. To advance to the next slide, use the arrow on the right side of the window. To move to a previous slide, use the arrow on the left. Powerpoint with Office 365 will automatically record the time you spend talking on each slide. This includes any animations you have set up.
  • Use the buttons on the bottom right-hand side of the screen to toggle your microphone, camera, and camera preview on or off. If you choose to re-record part or all your narration, Powerpoint will erase the old version to enable you to record again.
  • When you finish recording, click on the square button at the top left-hand corner of the recording window.

Record An Audio Narration For An Entire Slideshow (Office 365) image 3

  • The timings for each slide will show up in the Slide Sorter view. To see your timings, click on View > Slide Sorter .

Record An Audio Narration For An Entire Slideshow (Office 365) image 4

  • See the timings under the slides from the Slide Sorter view in the image below.

Record An Audio Narration For An Entire Slideshow (Office 365) image 5

Preview Your Slide Show

  • To preview your slideshow with your narration, animations, and timings (set up before you started recording), click Slide Show from the top bar navigation. Make sure you are on the Home tab.
  • Choose From Beginning or From Current Slide .

Preview Your Slide Show image

  • To hear the audio for a single slide, go to Norma l view, click on the sound icon and click Play . Note that recorded animations won’t show up when previewing from a single slide.

Preview Your Slide Show image 2

Manually Set Slide Timings

  • You can also manually set your slide timings to sync with your narrations. To do so, select the slide from Normal View and then click on Transitions . 
  • From the Timing group , select the After check box under Advance Slide .

Manually Set Slide Timings image

  • Enter how long you want the slide to stay on the screen before moving onto the next. Do this for every slide you want to use manual timings.

Publish Your Presentation For Sharing

You can save your presentation as a Powerpoint Show (.ppsx) or a video to share it with others. When a viewer opens a slideshow file, it will immediately open in slideshow mode.

To save your presentation, go to File , Save As and select the format from the dropdown menu.

Publish Your Presentation For Sharing image

If your presentation is huge and you want to send it as an email attachment, you might need to compress the file. A better option is to upload it to Dropbox, OneDrive, or Google Drive, and send the link to the desired recipients.

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David has a background in small business and lives in Australia. He is a WordPress and Ubuntu Developer who enjoys design, CSS and tech tool integration. Read David's Full Bio

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How to Record Narration in PowerPoint

A laptop with a powerpoint presentation open on the screen

Are you looking to add a professional touch to your PowerPoint presentations? Recording narration can bring your slides to life, providing additional context and explanation for your audience. In this article, we will walk you through everything you need to know about recording narration in PowerPoint, from choosing the right microphone to troubleshooting common problems. So, let’s get started!

Table of Contents

Why Record Narration in PowerPoint?

Recording narration in PowerPoint can help you to deliver a more dynamic and engaging presentation. By adding your voice to your slides, you can provide additional information, context, and commentary that cannot be conveyed through text alone. This can help to better engage your audience, improve comprehension and retention of information, and make your presentations more memorable overall.

Another benefit of recording narration in PowerPoint is that it allows you to create self-paced presentations. This means that your audience can go through the presentation at their own speed, pausing and rewinding as needed. This can be particularly useful for training sessions or educational presentations, where learners may need to review certain concepts multiple times to fully understand them.

Additionally, recording narration in PowerPoint can save you time and effort in the long run. Rather than having to deliver the same presentation multiple times, you can record your narration once and share the presentation with others. This can be especially helpful for remote or distributed teams, as it allows everyone to access the same information regardless of their location.

Choosing a Microphone for Your Recording

The first step in recording narration in PowerPoint is choosing the right microphone for your needs. The quality of your microphone can have a significant impact on the clarity and overall quality of your recording, so it is important to choose wisely.

There are several types of microphones to choose from, including built-in microphones, headset microphones, and external microphones. Built-in microphones are convenient but may not provide the best audio quality. Headset microphones can be a good option if you need to move around while recording, but may not be as comfortable for long recording sessions. External microphones, such as USB or XLR microphones, are generally considered the best choice for recording high-quality audio. They are available in a range of prices and can provide excellent sound quality even in noisy environments.

Setting Up Your Audio Recording Equipment

Once you have chosen your microphone, you will need to set up your audio recording equipment. This may involve connecting your microphone to your computer, adjusting your microphone settings, and testing your audio levels.

In general, it is best to record in a quiet location to minimize background noise and interference. You may also want to use a pop filter to reduce popping sounds when recording vocals. Additionally, you should check your audio levels to ensure that your recording is not too loud or too quiet.

Another important factor to consider when setting up your audio recording equipment is the room acoustics. The sound quality of your recording can be greatly affected by the size and shape of the room, as well as the materials used in the walls, floors, and ceiling. To improve the acoustics of your recording space, you can add sound-absorbing materials such as acoustic foam or curtains.

It is also important to consider the placement of your microphone. The distance between the microphone and the sound source can greatly affect the quality of your recording. For example, if you are recording vocals, it is best to position the microphone at a distance of about 6-8 inches from the singer’s mouth. Experiment with different microphone placements to find the best position for your specific recording needs.

Preparing Your Script and Presentation Slides

Before you start recording, it is important to prepare your script and presentation slides. Your script should outline what you will say for each slide, including any additional commentary or explanations. Your presentation slides should be visually appealing and effectively convey the information you want to communicate.

When recording, it is helpful to use the Notes section in PowerPoint to keep track of your script and timing. This can help you to stay on track and ensure that your narration matches up with your slides.

Additionally, it is important to consider your audience when preparing your script and presentation slides. Think about their level of knowledge on the topic and what information they may need to better understand the content. You may also want to include interactive elements, such as quizzes or polls, to keep your audience engaged and reinforce key points.

Tips for Delivering a Great Narration

Recording narration can be intimidating, especially if you are new to it. Here are some tips to help you deliver a great narration:

  • Speak clearly and at a steady pace.
  • Use inflection and tone to convey emotion and emphasize key points.
  • Take breaks as needed to rest your voice and avoid fatigue.
  • Rehearse your narration beforehand to familiarize yourself with your script and timing.

Another important tip for delivering a great narration is to pay attention to your breathing. Take deep breaths before you start speaking and try to maintain a steady breathing pattern throughout your narration. This will help you to sound more relaxed and confident, and will also prevent you from running out of breath mid-sentence. Additionally, make sure to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water before and during your recording session, as this will help to keep your voice clear and prevent dryness or strain.

Recording and Editing Your Audio in PowerPoint

Once you are ready to start recording, you can do so directly in PowerPoint. Simply click on the Record Slide Show button and select Record Narration. From there, you can start recording your audio.

If you need to edit your audio after recording, PowerPoint provides several editing options. You can trim, adjust the volume, and add effects to your audio to improve its quality.

It is important to note that when recording audio in PowerPoint, you should use a high-quality microphone to ensure the best sound quality. Additionally, you can use the built-in audio playback feature to listen to your recording and make any necessary adjustments.

Another useful feature in PowerPoint is the ability to add closed captions to your audio. This can be especially helpful for viewers who are deaf or hard of hearing, as well as for those who may be watching your presentation in a noisy environment.

Adding Background Music and Sound Effects to Your Presentation

In addition to recording your narration, you can also add background music and sound effects to your PowerPoint presentation. This can help to set the mood and add interest to your slides. You can find royalty-free music and sound effects online or create your own using a music production software.

When adding background music and sound effects, it’s important to consider the volume and timing. You don’t want the music to overpower your narration or distract from the content on your slides. Use the audio tools in PowerPoint to adjust the volume and fade in/out the music and sound effects at appropriate times. Additionally, be mindful of copyright laws when using music and sound effects in your presentation. Always make sure you have the proper permissions or licenses to use the audio files.

Saving and Sharing Your Narrated PowerPoint Presentation

When you have finished recording and editing your narration, you can save your presentation as a video or share it directly from PowerPoint. You can share your presentation via email, link, or social media. You can also export your presentation as a video file, which can be uploaded to video sharing platforms like YouTube or Vimeo.

It is important to note that when saving your presentation as a video, the file size may be larger than a regular PowerPoint file. This is because the video includes both the slides and the narration. Make sure to check the file size before sharing or uploading to ensure it can be easily accessed by your audience.

Additionally, if you plan on sharing your presentation via email, it may be helpful to compress the file to reduce the size. This can be done within PowerPoint by selecting “Compress Media” under the “File” tab. This will reduce the file size without compromising the quality of the video or audio.

Troubleshooting Common Recording Problems

Recording narration in PowerPoint can sometimes present technical challenges, such as low audio quality or syncing issues. If you encounter any problems during the recording process, try adjusting your microphone settings, checking your audio levels, or recording again from scratch if necessary.

Best Practices for Creating Engaging Narrated Presentations

To create effective narrated presentations, it is important to follow best practices. Some of these include:

  • Keep your slides visually appealing and easy to read.
  • Use images and graphics to enhance your presentation.
  • Avoid clutter and unnecessary text.
  • Practice your narration beforehand to ensure a smooth delivery.

Advanced Techniques for Enhancing Your Narration Quality

If you want to take your narrated presentations to the next level, you can experiment with advanced techniques. Some of these include:

  • Using multiple microphones for improved audio quality.
  • Adding closed captions or subtitles to your presentation.
  • Using animation and special effects to enhance your slides.
  • Collaborating with others to create a multi-perspective presentation.
  • Customizing your presentation with interactive features and quizzes.

Comparing PowerPoint’s Audio Recording Features with Other Tools

While PowerPoint provides a solid set of audio recording features, there are other tools available that offer additional capabilities. Some popular alternatives include Audacity, Camtasia, and Adobe Audition. These tools provide more advanced audio editing and mixing capabilities, which can be useful for more complex narrated presentations.

How to Use Voiceover Narration to Enhance e-Learning Modules

Narrated presentations can be particularly effective for e-learning modules. By adding your voice to your slides, you can provide a more engaging and interactive learning experience for your students. When using voiceover narration in e-learning, be sure to follow best practices for effective instructional design, such as chunking information and providing learners with clear guidance and feedback.

Examples of Effective Narrated Presentations in Different Industries

To give you some inspiration for your own narrated presentations, here are some examples of effective narrated presentations in different industries:

  • A healthcare provider giving a presentation on diabetes management to patients and their families.
  • A software company explaining the benefits of their product to potential investors.
  • A museum providing a guided tour of an art exhibit.
  • A non-profit organization showcasing the impact of their work to donors.

Now that you have a comprehensive understanding of how to record narration in PowerPoint, you can start creating engaging and dynamic presentations that will captivate your audience. With the right tools and techniques, you can take your presentations to the next level and achieve greater impact and success.

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How To Record a PowerPoint Presentation With Audio

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Table of Contents

powerpoint presentation with narration

3. Select Record from Beginning if you want to start right from the beginning of a presentation. Select Record from Current Slide if you want to record from a specific slide or wish to re-record a particular slide.

Record from current slide or beginning

4. By default, PowerPoint records both video and audio. If you don’t need a video in your presentation, turn it off by clicking on the camera button. That way, the tool will only record your microphone along with the presentation file.

The camera and microphone buttons

5. Click on the Record button to begin recording. PowerPoint will count down 3 seconds in the recording window to allow you to get ready, then you can start speaking.

The Record button

6. Record your narration for a particular slide or the entire presentation. Use the directional arrow buttons to switch slides. You might want to make a one-second break when you go to the next slide, so that nothing will get cut out. Click on Pause if you want to stop and then resume speaking. When you finish, click on Stop in the recording window.

The pause and Stop Recording buttons

7. Save the file as a PowerPoint presentation. Then go to the File menu and click on Export . Select Create a Video .

For Mac users : You will be directed to the settings menu right after you click Export .

Create a video

8. Set the desired video quality. Select Use Recorded Timings and Narrations to maintain slide timings for all of the slides. Then, click Create Video .

For Mac users : You can select the desired video format at this point. Once you’ve set the parameters, click Export .

Video timings and narrations

9. Select the video format and the PC location where you want to save your video presentation with narration. Then, click Save .

Save the video on PC

Congratulations! Once the export process is complete, your video with the complete presentation will be ready.

How to add an existing audio recording to a PowerPoint presentation

Follow these steps if you have an existing audio file with narration that you’d like to add to your presentation.

1. On the main menu, click on the Insert tab.

2. On the sub-menu, select Audio .

Insert a pre-recorded audio

3. Choose Audio on My PC . 

4. Then, browse your audio files, select the narration, and click Insert .

How to Record PPT Presentations with Narration in iSpring Suite Max

MS PowerPoint allows you to export presentations with narration in a video format. However, PowerPoint does not offer any audio editing options, so it can be challenging to get good-quality sound and a clear recording without unnecessary breaks, volume differences, and other problems.

If you don’t have time to re-record your audio narration and want great quality with minimal efforts, you might need a more advanced tool like iSpring Suite Max. It works as a PowerPoint add-in and is extremely easy to use. iSpring Suite Max offers many audio recording and editing options for your slide show. 

For example, you can synchronize narration with slide animations, remove background noise, and improve slide transitions in your PowerPoint file. You can even create voice-overs without ever recording your own voice by converting text to lifelike AI-generated speech.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to record presentations with narration in iSpring Suite Max:

Step 1. Install iSpring Suite Max

Download a free 14-day iSpring Suite Max trial and install it on your computer.

Step 2. Choose your presentation

Open your PowerPoint presentation and go to the iSpring Suite tab.

iSpring Suite tab

Step 3. Record slide show with audio narration

The next step will vary depending on your needs. iSpring Suite offers 3 recording options:

  • Create a simple recording with preset parameters like noise removal and volume options
  • Record audio that synchronizes with the PowerPoint slide and animation timings

Convert text to speech

Let’s look at each of these options.

Record audio with preset parameters

Follow this approach if you don’t have any animations or effects in your presentation and just want to add high-quality narration to your presentation.

1. Click on Record Audio  in the top left corner of the menu.

The Record Audio button

2.  Use the intuitive menu and record your narration.

Please note that you can apply some settings before recording. For example, you can set noise removal and volume, which will make your narration more comprehensible and easier to edit. Click on Options to set the desired parameters.

Recording options

3. Once your recording is ready, click OK to save it.

Synchronize audio with animations

Use this approach if you have animations in your presentations and want them to appear at specific points during your speech.

1. Click Manage Narration. 

The Manage Narration button

2. Click Record Audio .

The Record Audio button

3. Now, you can start recording, save, or cancel the changes you’ve made, and preview your presentation. When you click Start Record , that button will change to Next Slide or Next Animation , offering you an easy transition between slides – as though you were delivering the lecture live using a projector. Each of your live clicks will automatically preserve those specific timings for slides and animations.

iSpring Suite Audio Editor

4. Click Save & Close to save your recording.

Use this approach if you don’t want to record your own voice or that of a voice-over artist, but need to record and play narrations for your presentations.

1. Click Manage Narration on the iSpring Suite Max toolbar.

2. Click the Audio button and choose Text to Speech .

powerpoint presentation with narration

3. Select the language, speaker, and type of voice.

powerpoint presentation with narration

4. Add the text that you wish to convert, and click the Insert button. Then you’ll be able to choose when to start playing narration: right after you open the slide or later.

powerpoint presentation with narration

5. Click Save & Close to save your recording.

Step 4. Save and export your presentation with audio narration

No matter which option you had selected earlier, you now have an audio file. Your next step is to export your presentation. Click Publish on the iSpring Suite toolbar.

powerpoint presentation with narration

Step 5. Publish your presentation

Select where you want to publish your presentation and in which format. You can either publish it as a video or in one of the different online formats. Select:

  • Video – if you want to upload your presentation to YouTube. 
  • SCORM or xAPI – if you want to upload your presentation to an LMS and track learner progress as they study your presentation.
  • HTML5 – if you want to upload your presentation to a website. 

Then click Publish .

powerpoint presentation with narration

Congratulations! Your presentation with narration is ready.

Useful resources

We’ve selected some tutorials that can make you a more effective PowerPoint user.

  • How to Record a Voice-Over for PowerPoint Presentations
  • How to Create a Video Lecture
  • How to Add Narration to a PowerPoint Presentation
  • How to Create a Video Presentation
  • How to Insert a YouTube Video into a PowerPoint Presentation
  • How to Convert a PowerPoint Presentation to an MP4 Video on Windows and macOS
  • The Ultimate Guide to Lecture Capture

Fast eLearning authoring toolkit

Have you ever searched for a way to create a course but found the tools and resources too complex to use? What if you could design and produce courses in a familiar environment like PowerPoint with full audio or video narration?

The eLearning authoring toolkit by iSpring allows you to create courses from within PowerPoint with just a few clicks. You can also convert your Word and PDF documents into interactive e-books. 

Some of the other features include:

  • Content Library
  • Adaptive player
  • Extensive LMS compatibility
  • Video Editor
  • Interactive assessments
  • Screen recordings
  • Conversion of PowerPoint slides into mobile-ready courses
  • Combination of videos with slides
  • Course localization in 42 languages with text-to-speech capabilities

There’s so much more you can do with the iSpring Suite 11 fast eLearning authoring toolkit.


Recording PowerPoint presentations with narration and audio is pretty easy if you follow our guide. And your recordings will sound great and synchronize with your animations perfectly when you use iSpring Suite Max. 

The tool also allows you to:

  • Create complex online courses
  • Build engaging online quizzes
  • Create interactive dialogue simulations
  • Record video lectures
  • Collaborate with your colleagues on simple courses and quizzes right in a browser
  • Use over 81,000 ready-made eLearning assets (templates, backgrounds, characters, and icons)

Download a free 14-day iSpring Suite Max trial and start designing engaging learning content right away!

Fast course authoring toolkit

Create online courses and assessments in record time.

Fast course authoring toolkit

Content creator:

Helen Colman

She enjoys combining in-depth research with expert knowledge of the industry. If you have eLearning insights that you’d like to share, please get in touch .

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How to Create an eLearning Course

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  • Create a presentation Article
  • Add and format Article
  • Design a presentation Article
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powerpoint presentation with narration

Create a presentation

Create a presentation in powerpoint for the web.

Your browser does not support video. Install Microsoft Silverlight, Adobe Flash Player, or Internet Explorer 9.

With PowerPoint for the web running in your web browser, you can:

Create presentations that include images, videos, transitions, and animations.

Get to your presentations from your computer, tablet, or phone.

Share and work with others, wherever they are.

If you're using the desktop version of PowerPoint on a Windows PC, see the PowerPoint Quick Start .

If you're using the desktop version of PowerPoint on a Mac, see Office for Mac Quick Start Guides and PowerPoint for Mac Help .

Create, open, and name a presentation

Go to .

The app launcher icon in Office 365

Select New blank presentation , open a Recent file, select one of the themes , or start with a presentation template .

To name the presentation, select the title at the top and type a name.

If you need to rename the presentation, select the title and retype the name.

Create a presentation

Add a slide

Select the slide you want your new slide to follow.

Select Home > New Slide .

Select Layout and the you type want from the drop-down.

Slide Layouts in PowerPoint

When working in PowerPoint for the web, your work is saved every few seconds. You can select File > Save a Copy to create a duplicate copy in another location.

Or choose File > Download As to save a copy to your device.

Use Download a Copy to save the presentation to your computer

When you're online, AutoSave is always on and saves your changes as you work. If at any time you lose your Internet connection or turn it off, any pending changes will sync as soon as you’re back online.

The AutoSave Toggle in Office

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