short motivational stories

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By Christine Ruggeri Leaders Staff

Christine Ruggeri

Christine Ruggeri

Leadership Writer

Christine Ruggeri is a business and personal growth writer for Leaders Media. Previously, she worked as a senior content writer...

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Updated Aug 21, 2023

Reviewed by Hannah L. Miller

short stories to promote critical thinking

Hannah L. Miller

Senior Editor

Hannah L. Miller, MA, is the senior editor for Leaders Media. Since graduating with her Master of Arts in 2015,...

10 Inspirational Stories to Develop Empathy, Critical Thinking, and Heightened Perspective

There’s a reason why we start hearing stories from the time we’re toddlers. The world’s obstacles and inevitable setbacks are portrayed in countless literary works, whether they are children’s books, short stories, memoirs, or biographies. Inspirational stories provide motivation and encouragement while offering a perspective that helps people contextualize their own adversities. 

In fact, research in neuroscience suggests that reading fictional works helps people develop critical thinking, empathy, and theory of mind. 

The best short stories, in fiction and nonfiction genres, inspire people to pursue their dreams and overcome obstacles. They can remind people that they are not alone in their struggles and that others have persevered through similar challenges. Motivational stories can also help foster a sense of community and connection, creating a ripple effect of positivity that encourages people to support one another in their personal growth and development.

Reading and sharing short inspirational stories can be a powerful motivating tool that helps create a more positive and supportive world. In this article, you’ll learn about some of the most impactful short stories and memoirs that are often used to teach lessons and drive motivation. 

Top 10 Must-Read Inspirational Stories 

1. the parable of “the elephant rope” .

“The elephant was conditioned to believe he could never break away. He believed the rope could still hold him, so he never tried to break free.”

Summary: “The Elephant Rope” is a short motivational story about a young man who observes elephants at a circus and is amazed at how they are held in place by a simple rope tied to a stake in the ground, despite their massive size and strength. It was clear that the elephants could break away from their bonds but chose not to because they were conditioned to believe it wasn’t possible. 

Theme: “The Elephant Rope” is a story about limiting beliefs. The young man learns that the elephants were conditioned from a young age to believe that they could not break free from the rope. As a result, the elephants never tried to gain freedom again, even when they were fully grown and capable of doing so. 

Moral of the story: Limiting beliefs can hold us back from reaching our full potential. We may have been conditioned by our past experiences or beliefs to believe that we cannot achieve something, but in reality, we may be more capable than we think. By breaking free from our limiting beliefs and challenging ourselves, we can achieve great things.

2. “ The Gift of the Magi” by O. Henry

“And here I have lamely related to you the uneventful chronicle of two foolish children in a flat who most unwisely sacrificed for each other the greatest treasures of their house. But in a last word to the wise of these days, let it be said that of all who give gifts these two were the wisest.” 

Summary: “The Gift of the Magi” is a short story written in 1905 by O. Henry. It’s about a young couple, Jim and Della, who are struggling to make ends meet during the Christmas season. Despite their financial difficulties, they each want to buy a special gift for the other. They end up making sacrifices to do so, each giving up something they treasure to please the other. 

Theme: “The Gift of the Magi” displays the true meaning of gift-giving, which is about the thought and love behind the gift rather than its material value. The couple’s gifts to each other are ultimately meaningless in terms of their practical use, but their representation of love and sacrifice proves to be invaluable for both Jim and Della. 

Moral of the story: The story highlights the benevolent spirit of gift-giving and reminds readers that the value of a gift is not in how much money was spent on it but in the thought and love behind it.

3. “The Man Who Planted Trees” by Jean Giono 

“For a human character to reveal truly exceptional qualities, one must have the good fortune to be able to observe its performance over many years.”

Summary: “The Man Who Planted Trees” is a short story by Jean Giono, first published in 1953. The story is a fictional account of a man named Elzéard Bouffier, who lives in a remote valley in the French Alps and spends his life planting trees. Over the course of several decades, Bouffier single-handedly transforms the barren and desolate landscape into a lush and thriving forest, which has a profound impact on the surrounding environment and community.

Theme: “The Man Who Planted Trees” highlights the power of individual action and the importance of environmental stewardship. The story emphasizes the transformative power of nature and highlights the impact that even one person can have on the world.

Moral of the story: The story shows that small actions can have a big impact on the world. It serves as a reminder of the importance of preserving and protecting the natural world, and of the power of individual action. It also encourages readers to take responsibility for the environment and to work toward a more sustainable and harmonious relationship with the natural world.

4. “The Three Questions” by Leo Tolstoy

“Remember then: there is only one time that is important—Now! It is the most important time because it is the only time when we have any power.”

Summary: “The Three Questions” is a short story by Russian author Leo Tolstoy that was published in 1903. The story follows a king seeking answers to three questions: What is the best time to do things? Who is the most important person? What is the right thing to do? He offers a reward for the answers to these questions and consults with various advisors and wise men, but none can give him satisfactory responses. Eventually, he learns the answers to his questions through his own experiences and actions.

Theme: “The Three Questions” portrays the importance of living in the present moment and taking personal action. The story emphasizes the futility of worrying about the past or the future and highlights the importance of engaging fully in all of life’s moments.

Moral of the story: The story teaches that the answers to life’s big questions can only be found through action and experience rather than through intellectual inquiry alone. Tolstoy shows that the best way to live is with compassion and kindness toward others. It also encourages readers to cultivate a sense of mindfulness, rather than being preoccupied with the past or the future.

5. “The Necklace” by Guy de Maupassant

“She was one of those pretty and charming women whose infatuation with luxury is their one form of heroism.” 

Summary: “The Necklace” is a short story by Guy de Maupassant, first published in 1884. It follows the life of a woman named Mathilde Loisel, who is unhappy with her modest lifestyle and longs for wealth and luxury. One day, her husband secures an invitation to a fancy ball, and Mathilde borrows a diamond necklace from a wealthy friend to wear to the event. However, after the ball, she discovers that she has lost the necklace and spends years working to pay off the debt incurred by replacing it, only to learn that the original necklace was fake.

Theme: The theme of “The Necklace” is the danger of materialism and the pursuit of social status. Mathilde’s obsession with wealth and status blinds her to the comforts she has in her current life and leads her to make poor decisions that ultimately ruin her chances of happiness. 

Moral of the story: The story is a cautionary tale that teaches readers that material possessions and social status are not the keys to happiness. Mathilde’s relentless pursuit of luxury leads her to a life of poverty and misery, and her true happiness is found only when she accepts her circumstances and learns to appreciate the blessings in her life. 

6. “To Build a Fire” by Jack London

“The trouble with him was that he was without imagination. He was quick and alert in the things of life, but only in the things, and not in the significances. Fifty degrees below zero meant eighty-odd degrees of frost. Such fact impressed him as being cold and uncomfortable, and that was all.”

Summary: “To Build a Fire” is a short story by Jack London, first published in 1908. The story follows an unnamed man traveling through the Yukon wilderness on foot with his dog. Despite warnings from an experienced old-timer, the man sets out alone in frigid temperatures and attempts to build a fire to keep warm. However, when he encounters several setbacks, he ultimately succumbs to the cold while his dog manages to survive.

Theme: “To Build a Fire” portrays the power and indifference of nature. It highlights the brutal conditions of the Yukon wilderness and the harsh reality that even the most prepared and experienced individuals can be no match for the forces of nature. While it’s not inspirational in the traditional sense, it offers an important lesson about human fragility and our role in the world. 

Moral of the story: London’s story highlights the importance of respecting and understanding the power of nature while limiting overconfidence. This is a cautionary tale against arrogance and hubris, and it emphasizes the importance of caution and humility when facing the unpredictable and unforgiving forces of nature.

7. “The Parable of the Good Samaritan” From the Bible 

“But a Samaritan, as he journeyed, came to where he was, and when he saw him, he had compassion.”

Summary: “The Parable of the Good Samaritan” is a story told by Jesus in the Bible, found in Luke 10: 25–37. It tells the story of a traveler who is beaten, robbed, and left for dead on the side of the road. A priest and a Levite, who were both considered to be religious leaders, passed by the man without helping. Then a Samaritan, who was an outsider and often looked down upon, stopped to help the man, tending to his wounds and providing for his needs. The Samaritan put the traveler on his donkey and brought him to an innkeeper, who he paid to look after him. 

Theme: “The Parable of the Good Samaritan” is meant to teach people about the call to love and serve others, regardless of differences in background or status. It emphasizes the importance of acting with compassion, kindness, and generosity toward those in need.

Moral of the story: The parable shows readers that everyone is our neighbor, and we are called to love and serve others without discrimination or prejudice, even to those who are considered an enemy. 

8. The Pursuit of Happyness by Chris Gardner

“The future was uncertain, absolutely, and there were many hurdles, twists, and turns to come, but as long as I kept moving forward, one foot in front of the other, the voices of fear and shame, the messages from those who wanted me to believe that I wasn’t good enough, would be stilled.”

Summary: The Pursuit of Happyness is a memoir by Chris Gardner that was published in 2006. It’s an inspiring story that details Gardner’s journey from homelessness to success as a stockbroker. The memoir describes the challenges he faced as a single father trying to provide for his son while struggling with poverty, homelessness, and no college degree.

Theme: Gardner’s rags-to-riches story portrays a life of resilience and perseverance. Despite facing seemingly insurmountable obstacles, he refused to give up on his dreams and continued to work hard toward achieving them. He showed incredible resilience in the face of adversity and remained determined to create a better life for himself and his son.

Moral of the story: This story shows that with hard work, determination, and a positive attitude, anyone can achieve their dreams, no matter how difficult or impossible they may seem. It encourages readers to pursue their passions, never give up, and believe in themselves, even when others may doubt them.

9 . The Story of Colonel Sanders

“I made a resolve then that I was going to amount to something if I could. And no hours, nor amount of labor, nor amount of money would deter me from giving the best that there was in me. And I have done that ever since, and I win by it. I know.”

Summary: The true-life account of Harland Sanders, the founder of Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC), is an inspiring and motivational story of success despite many rejections. Sanders was born in Indiana in 1890 and worked a variety of odd jobs to support his siblings after his father’s death. At 40 years old, he began cooking and selling fried chicken out of a gas station in Corbin, Kentucky, in the 1930s. He developed his own blend of 11 herbs and spices, and after that, his business grew steadily over the next few decades, leading to the creation of the KFC franchise.

Theme: The story of Colonel Sanders portrays perseverance and determination, even in the face of numerous setbacks and obstacles. Sanders refused to give up on his dream of creating a successful fried chicken business, and he continued to work tirelessly to achieve his goals.

Moral of the story: Sanders’ achievements teach us that success often comes from hard work, perseverance, and a refusal to give up in the face of adversity. Even when things seem bleak or impossible, it’s important to keep pushing forward and striving to achieve your goals. With dedication and determination, anyone can achieve their dreams, just as Colonel Sanders did with his fried chicken empire.

10. Shoe Dog by Phil Knight 

“The cowards never started and the weak died along the way. That leaves us, ladies and gentlemen. Us.”

Summary: Shoe Dog is a memoir written by Phil Knight, the co-founder of Nike, Inc. Published in 2016, this story is an inspirational depiction of Nike, from its humble beginnings as a small startup company to a global giant in the athletic shoe industry. Just out of business school, Phil Knight borrowed fifty dollars from his father and launched what would become one of the world’s most iconic and profitable brands. 

Theme: The motivational story of Phil Knight highlights themes of perseverance and determination. Knight and his team faced numerous challenges throughout the company’s journey, including financial difficulties, legal battles, and intense competition. However, they persevered and never gave up, ultimately achieving great success.

Moral of the story: Shoe Dog shows that success comes from a combination of passion, hard work, and perseverance. Knight’s story is an inspiring reminder that no matter how difficult the road may seem, if you believe in your vision and are willing to put in the effort, you can achieve great things.

What Makes for an Inspirational Story?

An inspirational story is one that motivates, encourages, and uplifts the reader. It’s used to teach a lesson and break barriers of false perception. 

Some key elements that can make a story inspirational include:

  • Overcoming Adversity: An impactful story often features protagonists who face significant challenges or adversity. They may struggle, fail, and experience setbacks, but ultimately find a way to overcome their challenges and achieve their goals.
  • Positive Messages: A motivational story often conveys a positive message of hope, perseverance, and resilience. The story should leave the reader feeling empowered and motivated to take action in their own lives, which is made possible when a relatable character or figure makes their own personal realization. 
  • Realistic: While an inspirational story may be fictional, it should be grounded in reality. The characters, situations, and challenges should be believable and relatable so that readers can see themselves within the story. 
  • Emotional Impact: An effective story should elicit an emotional response from readers. Whether it’s laughter, sadness, fear, or joy, the story should have a powerful emotional impact that allows its message to shine through. 
  • Empathy: An inspirational story should create empathy between the reader and the characters. The reader should care about the characters and their struggles and feel invested in their journey.
  • Universal Themes: When authors use universal themes that resonate with readers, such as love, courage, sacrifice, and self-discovery, they allow for inspirational real-life connections. 
  • Transformation: An inspiring story often features a protagonist or central figure who undergoes a transformation. They may start out feeling defeated or hopeless, but through their journey, they discover inner strength and achieve personal growth.
  • Memorable: Impactful stories should be memorable and leave a lasting impression on the reader. They should stick with the reader long after they finish reading it and inspire them to take action or make positive changes in their own lives.

Telling or reading empowering stories that are grounded in reality and convey positive messages is an impactful way to boost motivation, whether it’s at home, in the workplace, or for your own self-growth. 

To continue reading timeless literary works with powerful characters and themes, check out these top Ernest Hemingway books . 

Leaders Media has established sourcing guidelines and relies on relevant, and credible sources for the data, facts, and expert insights and analysis we reference. You can learn more about our mission, ethics, and how we cite sources in our editorial policy .

  • Seifert, C. (2020, May 28).  The Case for Reading Fiction . Harvard Business Review.
  • Khan, M. (n.d.).  The Elephant Rope (Belief) Story: don’t limit yourself to a belief that You Can’t!
  • A Summary and Analysis of O. Henry’s ‘The Gift of the Magi.’  (2023, March 18). Interesting Literature.
  • Green, C., Green, C., & Green, C. (2020b, April 21).  The Man Who Planted Trees Before His Time . Chelsea Green Publishing.
  • The Three Questions . (2023, February 11). Plough.
  • The Necklace: Summary, Themes, and a Short Story Analysis | Blog . (2023, March 17).
  • Summary Of To Build A Fire By Jack London – 1085 Words | Bartleby . (n.d.).
  • The Parable of the Good Samaritan – Morality  – GCSE Religious Studies Revision – WJEC – BBC Bitesize . (n.d.). BBC Bitesize.
  • Cheng, A. (2020, November 13).  The Pursuit of Happyness Book Summary, by Chris Gardner – Allen Cheng . Allen Cheng.
  • Culver, A. (2019, August 1).  The inspiring life story of KFC’s Colonel Sanders . Snagajob.
  • Shoe Dog Summary: 10 Best Lessons from Phil Knight . (n.d.).
  • Baker, D. (2022, August 9).  How to Make Your Writing Inspirational – Supercharge Your Marketing . Super Copy Editors.


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Short Stories for Critical Thinking

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  • March 24, 2024 March 26, 2024

We all love a good story. But have you ever stopped to dissect why a character made a certain choice, or questioned the author’s motives?

By delving deeper into the narrative, we can sharpen our ability to analyze evidence, identify bias, and uncover underlying themes. This article equips you with critical thinking tools to unlock the deeper meaning within each sentence.

Table of Contents

Building Your Critical Thinking Toolkit  

Pre-reading activities : Prepare your mind for critical thinking before delving into the story.

  • Title and Cover Analysis : Examine the title and cover artwork to make predictions about themes, characters, and plot.
  • Author Research : Explore the author’s background, literary influences, and relevant historical or cultural contexts to understand their perspective.
  • Identify Biases : Challenge yourself to identify potential biases or assumptions in the story. Consider how they may affect your interpretation.
  • Question Generation : Brainstorm questions or discussion prompts to explore while reading, focusing on themes, character motivations, and moral dilemmas.
  • Debate or Discussion : Engage in a brief debate or discussion with peers to share different perspectives and interpretations of the story’s themes and messages.

By actively engaging in these pre-reading activities, you’ll stimulate your critical thinking skills and enhance your ability to analyze and interpret the text effectively.

Active Reading: Become a Story Detective  

Prepare to Engage : Immerse yourself in the text as you embark on a journey of discovery. Before you begin, take a moment to skim through the text, getting a sense of its main ideas and key points. Equip yourself with tools like highlighters, notebooks, and sticky notes to interact actively with the material. This will promote active engagement for critical analysis.

Focus on the Details : Start by paying attention to the details. Notice the language used, the interactions between characters, and the descriptions of the setting. Each word holds significance, guiding you deeper into the heart of the story. Enhances comprehension and critical interpretation.

Ask Questions Ask questions along the way. Why did the characters act the way they did? What might happen next? Asking questions before, during, and after reading helps you better understand and think critically about the text. Stimulates critical inquiry and understanding.

Predict Make predictions based on what you already know and what you’ve read so far. Picture scenes unfolding in your mind’s eye. Create mental images to help you better understand the story. Encourages anticipation and analysis of narrative elements.

Annotate for Understanding As you read, jot down your thoughts and reactions in the margins of the text. Underline passages that stand out to you, and write down any questions or ideas that come to mind. These notes will help you stay engaged with the material and remember important points. Helps contextual understanding and critical comparison.

Connect & Compare Look for connections between the text and your own experiences, as well as other texts you’ve read. How does this story relate to what you already know? Are there similarities or differences between this and other stories you’ve encountered?

Remember, reading is not just about reaching the end—it’s about the journey. Enjoy the process of discovery and embrace the challenges that come with understanding a new story. So, grab your book, get comfortable, and dive into the text. Who knows what secrets you’ll uncover along the way?

Post-Reading Debrief: Unmasking the Clues

Character Analysis: Delve into the motivations, actions, and contributions of characters to the story’s message. Engage in debates about character decisions and question their reliability as narrators. This activity promotes critical thinking by examining character development and the impact on the narrative. Example “How does the story portray a character’s growth or internal conflict? Did they overcome a limitation or learn something about themself?

Theme Detectives:   Identify the story’s central themes and analyze how different elements portray them. Discuss symbolism, analyze plot twists for thematic significance, and explore how characters and events contribute to the overall themes. This activity encourages critical analysis of underlying messages and the author’s thematic intentions. Example “Does the story highlight the potential for humans to overcome adversity? How do specific elements, like symbolism or plot twists, reinforce this message?”

Author’s Intent: Explore the author’s potential message and analyze their writing techniques. Examine the use of language, identify literary devices such as foreshadowing or imagery, and consider how these elements contribute to the story’s meaning. This activity encourages critical thinking by unpacking the author’s craft and intentions behind the narrative. Example “Does the author seem to be questioning the limitations of the human experience or celebrating its potential? What writing techniques support this interpretation?”

Alternative Perspectives : Consider different viewpoints within the story or imagine alternative endings. This activity prompts readers to think critically about narrative possibilities, character motivations, and the impact of different choices on the story’s outcome. It encourages creative thinking and cultivates a deeper understanding of the text’s complexities. Example: What would be the story like from the viewpoint of a different character, or how a change in setting or historical context might impact the story’s message

By engaging in these post-reading activities, readers continue to unravel the mysteries of the story, uncover hidden layers of meaning, and develop a more nuanced appreciation for the text. Whether exploring characters’ motivations, analyzing thematic elements, deciphering the author’s intent, or imagining alternative perspectives, these activities promote critical thinking , creativity , and deeper engagement with the text.

short stories for critical thinking

Put Your Skills to the Test: Analyze and Discuss  

The Critical Thinking Showcase: Analyzing Short Stories  

We’ve explored the tools for critical thinking analysis. Now, let’s put them into practice! Here are summaries of three captivating short stories representing diverse genres:

Story 1: The Necklace (Genre: Realism by Guy de Maupassant)

Summary: Mathilde Loisel, a young woman consumed by a desire for a more affluent life, feels trapped in her ordinary existence with her kind but working-class husband. An invitation to a prestigious social event fuels her yearning for luxury. Desperate to appear the part of a wealthy socialite, Mathilde convinces her friend, Madame Forestier, to loan her a magnificent diamond necklace. The evening allows Mathilde to temporarily escape her reality, basking in the admiration she receives because of the borrowed jewels.

However, disaster strikes when Mathilde loses the necklace during the event. Terrified of her friend’s reaction and determined to rectify their mistake, Mathilde and her husband plunge themselves into years of grueling labor and strict frugality to replace the expensive necklace. The experience takes a heavy toll on their lives, forcing them to sacrifice their dreams and endure significant hardship. Finally, after years of relentless work, they manage to buy a replacement necklace and return it to Madame Forestier, relieved to be free of the burden of their deception. The devastating truth is then revealed – the borrowed necklace was a cheap imitation, and their immense sacrifice was entirely in vain.

Story 2: The Machine Stops (Genre: Dystopian Fiction) by E. M. Forster

Summary: In the far future, people live in underground sterile chambers, depending completely on a massive machine for everything. This machine, treated like a god, provides food, entertainment, and even air to breathe. Communication happens only through the machine, eliminating face-to-face talks. Vashti, one of the residents, is disturbed when her son Kuno expresses a desire to see the forbidden surface world, challenging the machine’s authority. She questions the sterile existence enforced by the machine and yearns for a deeper connection. Vashti is initially dismissive.

However, Kuno’s persistence leads him to escape the underground confines, experiencing the freedom of nature. Meanwhile, the machine begins to malfunction, causing panic among the underground dwellers. As the machine ultimately fails, Vashti and Kuno find themselves facing the unknown on the surface. The story explores themes of technological dependence, isolation, and the loss of human connection, offering a cautionary tale about the consequences of overreliance on technology and the importance of genuine human interaction.

Story 3: The Gift of the Magi (Genre: Coming-of-Age by O. Henry)

Summary: Deeply in love but struggling with poverty, a young couple, Della and Jim yearn to give each other meaningful Christmas gifts. Determined to express their love despite their limited means, Della sells her most treasured possession – long, flowing hair – to buy a platinum chain for Jim’s cherished pocket watch. Meanwhile, Jim sacrifices his most prized possession, a gold watch passed down through generations, to buy jeweled combs for Della’s hair. The irony of their situation unfolds when they exchange gifts, realizing that their sacrifices made the gifts unusable. Though their possessions are gone, their love shines brighter than ever.

The story celebrates the true meaning of love and the sacrifices people make for their loved ones, showing that the greatest gifts are often not material but expressions of love and selflessness.

Critical Thinking Challenge: Sharpen Your Skills 

For each story summary, we’ll delve deeper with critical thinking questions (5-7 questions) that target different aspects of human development and the story’s message:

Story 1: The Necklace 

Character Analysis: How does Mathilde’s obsession with material wealth affect her life and relationships? Analyze her thoughts, actions, and motivations throughout the story

Theme Detectives: Does the story explore the limitations of social class or the dangers of envy? Analyze the symbolism of the necklace to support your answer. Consider how social pressures and desires for possessions influence the characters. 

Author’s Intent: What message might Guy de Maupassant be conveying about societal pressures and human desires? Explore how the story critiques social expectations and the potential dangers of coveting what others have. Consider the use of irony and the characters’ downfalls.

Alternative Perspectives: How might the story be different if told from the perspective of Mathilde’s friend who loaned the necklace?  Consider the friend’s motivations, potential feelings of betrayal, and the impact of the situation on their relationship. What message might the story convey from this viewpoint?

Story 2: The Machine Stops

Theme Detectives : How does the story portray the dangers of uncontrolled automation? Analyze how the machine’s role in society highlights the potential for technology to become oppressive.

Character Analysis : How does Vashti’s rebellion challenge the status quo? What does her yearning for connection reveal about the limitations of a technology-dependent life?

Author’s Intent: What message might E. M. Forster be conveying about the importance of human interaction and the dangers of sacrificing individuality for convenience?

Alternative Perspectives: Imagine the story from the viewpoint of someone who wholeheartedly believes in the machine’s superiority. How would they justify the system and view Vashti’s actions?

Story 3: The Gift of the Magi

Character Analysis:

  • How do Della and Jim’s sacrifices for each other reveal their love and commitment? Analyze their actions, thoughts, and the challenges they face.

Theme Detectives:

  • Does the story celebrate the true meaning of love or highlight the challenges of poverty? Analyze the symbolism of the gifts to support your answer. Consider the characters’ motivations and the emotional impact of the story.

Author’s Intent:

  • What message might O. Henry be conveying about the importance of love and selflessness? Explore how the story portrays the characters’ love despite their limited means. Consider the use of irony and the story’s ending.

Alternative Perspectives:

  • How might the story be different if set in a time of great wealth and abundance? Would the characters’ actions and the story’s message change? Consider the impact of economic circumstances on the themes of love and sacrifice.

Recognizing Bias in Stories

For critical thinking, it is important to recognize the biases in the short stories.

For example: in “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee, we can recognize the bias inherent in the novel’s portrayal of racial injustice in the American South during the 1930s. The story is told from the perspective of a young white girl, Scout Finch, whose father, Atticus Finch, defends a Black man accused of raping a white woman.

Critical Analysis: By critically analyzing the characters, themes, and narrative structure, we can gain insight into the biases and prejudices present in society at the time. We can also explore how the novel challenges and subverts these biases through characters like Atticus, who stands up for justice and equality despite societal pressures.

How to recognize bias? Look for different types of bias:

  • Social Bias: Race, gender, class, sexual orientation – are characters judged based on these?
  • Historical Bias: Does the story reflect the era’s views? Consider the author’s background.
  • Narrative Bias: Who’s telling the story? Does their perspective influence what’s shown?

Unmask Bias with Detective Work:

  • Loaded language: Do words favor one side?
  • Missing voices: Whose stories are absent?
  • Unequal representation: Who gets the spotlight?

By questioning bias, you gain a deeper understanding of the story’s message and its historical context. This detective work helps you challenge biases in stories and, ultimately, in the real world.

Final Thoughts

Delving into short stories for critical thinking has been a rewarding adventure.

Pre-reading activities, active reading techniques, and post-reading analysis become tools to sharpen our critical thinking skills, unlocking deeper layers of meaning within literary works. By examining diverse perspectives , dissecting themes, and identifying biases , we unravel the intricacies of a story. Additionally, we cultivate a more sharper mindset applicable to various aspects of life. This process encourages a continuous quest for understanding, enriching both our appreciation for literature and our broader understanding of the world.

Embracing the challenge of interpretation and the nuances of narratives leads us on a rewarding exploration. This journey enhances our analytical skills and deepens our engagement not only with literature but also with the world around us.

Critical Thinking, Reading, and Writing: A Brief Guide to Argument by Sylvan Barnet and Hugo Bedau

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critical thinking tools & concepts

Miniature Guide to Critical Thinking Tools & Concepts

15 Engaging Short Stories for Teaching Identity

short stories for teaching identity

Identity is an essential theme to explore in the secondary classroom. It’s the perfect theme for stimulating critical thinking as students build connections between the text and their lives. Look no further than these 15 engaging short stories perfect for teaching identity in the secondary classroom.

In a culture where we are bombarded with ideas and images of what we ‘should’ be (I’m looking at you , social media), our students face identity struggles of a whole new caliber. With the constant flow of expectations and social pressure coming from the palms of their hands, they experience a new challenge of discovering and embracing their authentic identity.

I’m pretty sure my teenage years were one giant identity crisis. (Anyone else?) I mean, what middle or high school student hasn’t struggled with identity? With trying to figure out who they are and where they belong? We’ve all been there.

From the early days of childhood, our identities are shaped by the places we go, the people we meet, and the experiences we have. Heck, the groundwork for our identity starts getting laid down before we’re even born, influenced by our parents, family, culture, and society in general.

Simply put, there are identity lessons all around us. However, it’s important to note that our students are in the throes of these defining experiences right now. Luckily, short stories make teaching and talking about such identity lessons all the more tangible and effective.

Essential Questions for Teaching Identity

One of the best things about teaching short stories is their ability to engage students in the plot while stimulating critical thinking. Providing strong essential questions at the start of a unit or before reading a particular text will help guide students toward meaningful and insightful critical thought. These essential questions prompt students to think critically about identity by analyzing characters and making connections to themselves or society as a whole.

Here are some essential questions to stimulate students’ critical thinking as they analyze short stories and the theme of identity.

  • What is identity?
  • What factors define who you are?
  • How much of our identity is a choice?
  • What role does your identity play in how you act, speak, think, and interact with others?
  • What are the implications of one’s identity in their everyday life?
  • How do personal experience, stereotypes, and social norms influence our understanding of others’ identities?
  • What is the author of [INSERT SHORT STORY TITLE HERE] implying about identity?

1. “Secret Samantha” by Tim Federle follows a timid 6th grader named Sam and her journey toward self-acceptance as she searches for the perfect Secret Santa gift for the new, “cool” girl at school, Blade. Ask students to consider what draws Sam to Blade and what it says about Sam’s internal struggles with identity.

2. “How to Fight Monsters” by Sherman Alexie is *technically* an excerpt from Alexie’s novel, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian . However, with some background info, it serves as a perfect stand-alone short story about how “unspoken rules” and expectations of a specific culture, group, or setting can impact one’s identity.

3. “Everyday Use” by Alice Walker explores internal and external conflict by analyzing how cultural, societal, and familial norms and expectations impact individual identity. Told through the eyes of Mama, an elderly black woman, the story explores the juxtaposing identities of the woman’s two daughters, Dee and Maggie, and the meaning of one’s heritage.

4. “Identities” by W.D. Valgardson follows a wealthy middle-aged man who finds himself with a desire to explore something different than his suburban life. Eventually, he finds himself lost in a rough neighborhood where he faces the consequences of assuming the identity of others,

5. “On the Sidewalk Bleeding” by Evan Hunter makes a powerful statement on internal versus external identity. As 16-year-old Andy lies on the sidewalk bleeding from a stab wound,  readers learn he had joined a gang to seek approval, find meaning, and feel a sense of belonging. Unfortunately, what he once thought would give him a sense of identity is (ironically) what leads to his death.

6. “Mirror Image” by Lena Coakley takes readers on a fictional journey of the first successful brain transplant. Following a terrible accident that killed her father, protagonist Alice gets her brain transplanted into a new body. In the wake of this (somewhat creepy) scientific miracle, it takes Alice time to adjust to her new body, struggling with self-acceptance as she tries to stake a claim in her true identity.

7. “Names/Nombres” by Julia Alvarez details the challenges of her first-generation Dominican-American immigrant experience. As she describes settling into New York City, Alvarez focuses on the evolution of her name and how it seemed to define her identity and sense of belonging. By the end of the story, Alvarez makes it clear that names do not define who we are, but instead, our actions and accomplishments do.

8. “My Name” by Sandra Cisneros is a chapter excerpted from her well-known novel, The House on Mango Street . Often taught as a short story, the excerpt explores the theme of identity as the protagonist analyzes her name. As she thinks of all the ways her name defines her, both good and bad, she considers changing it altogether, wishing to transcend cultural, societal, and gender limitations.

9. “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty” by James Thurber follows an ordinary man and his extraordinary imagination as he lives two versions of his life: a mundane reality and an adventure-filled fantasy. While his overbearing wife seems to criticize his every move, Walter Mitty seems happier with the version of himself he has created in his head. Therefore, the story begs an important question—how much of our identity is influenced by the opinions of others versus our perception of self?

10. “Girl” by Jamaica Kincaid is a very short yet powerful story that follows a mother offering advice to her teenage daughter about behaving like a “proper woman.” Students will have plenty to say about gender norms, societal expectations, and the influence parents can have over their children’s identities.

11. “Recitatif” by Toni Morrison challenges readers about race and identity in a creative way. The story follows the developing friendship between two orphan girls. However, Morrison intentionally leaves the details of each girl’s race up for debate. All we know is that together, they look like “salt and pepper.” This intentional ambiguity opens the doors for discussion about race, social constructs, and identity.

12. “Fish Cheeks” by Amy Tan is a short narrative piece that analyzes Tan’s struggles with her identity as a Chinese-American teen. Tan recalls a humiliating experience when her mother invited her crush, a white boy, and his family for Christmas Eve dinner. Initially mortified by what he will think of her family’s lack of “traditional” American traditions, Tan eventually realizes how to embrace the full scope of her identity, including her Chinese heritage.

13. “The Jacket” by Gary Soto explores an age-old question about one’s identity—Do the clothes really make the man? Students can track how the young narrator’s view of his “embarrassingly ugly” jacket changes over time, reflecting his eventual self-acceptance.

14. “So What Are You Anyway?” by Lawrence Hill skillfully explores the themes of race, discrimination, and identity with one interaction between passengers on a plane. Young Carole doesn’t know anything about her racial identity until the overbearing and rude couple sitting beside her pesters her with constant questions like, “So, what are you anyway?” As the questions continue, the young girl becomes increasingly uncomfortable, highlighting her innocence and unawareness of her racial identity.

15. “Winter Dreams” by F. Scott Fitzgerald i s one part love story and one part identity crisis. The story follows Dexter, a young man desperate to validate his worth through social status, financial success, and his pursuit of Judy Jones. Ironically, these very pursuits prevent him from ever finding true happiness.

Why is Teaching the Theme of Identity Important?

In a culture where we are bombarded with ideas and images of what we ‘should’ be, (I’m looking at you , social media), our students are facing identity struggles of a whole new caliber. With the constant flow of expectations and social pressure coming from the palms of their hands, they experience a new challenge of discovering and embracing their authentic identity.

Technology or not, secondary students are at a stage in their life where the theme of identity transcends any piece of literature. It’s a theme of their lives. As our students read about characters who are figuring out who they are and where they belong, they are experiencing these same challenges in their own lives.

Diving into the theme of identity with short stories provides students a safe space to unpack the various impacts on and struggles with defining one’s identity. For many students, it’s easier to talk about the identity struggles of a fictional character than it is to talk about their struggles. Therefore, teaching short stories allows our students to explore their own facets of identity while understanding how others are impacted by their words, actions, and assumptions. Exploring identity through short stories empowers students to better understand themselves, others, and the world around them.

Final Thoughts on Short Stories and Teaching Identity

Short stories have a unique way of engaging secondary students, period. However, it’s like striking gold when students can find personal connections to a short story. That’s where the theme of identity comes into play.

Whether you choose a short story or two (or three) from this post or you find your own, I encourage you to take advantage of this powerful learning opportunity. Lessons in identity teach students the power of one’s identity, where it comes from, and how it can connect us with others in literature and life.

Happy teaching!

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Diverse Shorts

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  • features literature to challenge, entertain and inspire
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short stories to promote critical thinking

Tell Me a Story

Storybooks that teach critical thinking.

Grades: PreK-1

Critical Thinking, Language Arts

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This fun, easy to use picture book is made up of two stories. Students tell each story by analyzing the pictures and responding to the guided questions on each page. The questions are engaging and produce a deeper analysis of the scene and the storyline by encouraging students to provide details, describe events, explain motives, make evidence-based predictions, and use cause and effect leading up to the scene. Each story develops important critical and creative thinking skills.

  • Observation
  • Identifying and evaluating evidence
  • Comparing and contrasting shapes and objects
  • Inference (evidence-based prediction)
  • Cause and effect
  • Identify and describing a sequence of events

These stories also develop pre-reading skills.  Pre-readers progress from “listening” to a story to “telling” a story, becoming more engaged in the reading process as they identify and shape the storyline.  Reading involves more than just decoding written text.  A large part of reading is gaining meaning from symbols—both letters and pictures.

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You are here, unit 5: facilitating critical thinking through literature, introduction.

Literature is an effective tool for engaging students in critical thinking. By teaching children to analyse and evaluate literary texts appropriate to their age and interests, we can help them develop critical thinking skills. This involves seeing relationships between events, drawing inferences, analysing events, synthesising evidence and evaluating both the content of a text and the language used to the express ideas contained within it.

Unit outcomes

Upon completion of this unit you will be able to:


Teacher support information.

The literature class gives a teacher the opportunity to engage students in discussions about the ideas expressed in literary texts. This exercise benefits students in two ways: firstly, it gives them an opportunity to express their own ideas about life and relationships, values and beliefs, and interests and dislikes; secondly, it forces them to use a more complex set of structures and a more “advanced” range of vocabulary. As a language teacher in a literature class, you can exploit this situation by engaging students in group and pair activities to read sections of texts and then give their opinions about characters in the text, for example, or the style of writing — whether it is interesting, humorous, tragic, and so on. This will let students practise expressing opinions, drawing inferences, explaining cause-and-effect relationships, comparing facts and applying ideas they have gleaned from literature to new situations. In addition, they will learn how to analyse texts based on logical reasoning and to synthesise and evaluate the information in the texts.

Activity 1: Using literature to develop critical thinking: Drawing inferences from a text

Activity 2: evaluating a literary text, activity 3: from critical to creative skills: participating in creative writing workshops, activity 4: collaborative creative writing: creating a big book, unit summary, reflections, resource 1: inferring information from a literary text: a sample text.

Inferential questions:

Why do you think Trudy’s mother was shouting at her?

Does Trudy understand her responsibilities?

Is Trudy a tidy person?

Look up the meaning of the word “curious” in your dictionary. Is Trudy a curious person?

Did Trudy’s grandfather finally get to spend his life with Betty?

Do you think it was normal for girls and boys to meet freely during Trudy’s grandfather’s time?

Resource 2a: Critically reflecting on and responding to literary texts: Asking evaluative questions

Resource 2b: how to write a journal entry (worksheet), teacher question and answer.

short stories to promote critical thinking

Five great reads to help teens become critical thinkers

short stories to promote critical thinking

PhD Candidate, Language and Literacies Education, University of Toronto

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Heba Elsherief receives funding from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council SSHRC of Canada.

University of Toronto provides funding as a founding partner of The Conversation CA.

University of Toronto provides funding as a member of The Conversation CA-FR.

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Young adults who are, perhaps, still figuring out their needs don’t need to be overburdened with books they won’t like. The last thing we want is for a young reader to get turned off and lose out on the immeasurable benefits reading provides.

As a researcher looking at diverse representations in young adult literature, I often get asked for book recommendations.

Since I believe all readers are looking for an emotional connection to a story, I start with authenticity as my keystone. In order to form a connection with the experiences of characters, including their travel and journeys to new places, the writing should emerge from a place of authenticity.

Diversity plus critical issues

Author Corinne Duyvis started the hashtag #Ownvoices in 2015 to promote this idea of authenticity and “to recommend kidlit about diverse characters written by authors from that same diverse group.”

Very basically, when an author shares one or more of the marginalities of their diverse protagonists, it is considered to be included in #Ownvoices. In terms of diversity, most publishers use the definition put out by We Need Diverse Books : “…including (but not limited to) LGBTQIA, Native, people of colour, gender diversity, people with disabilities, and ethnic, cultural, and religious minorities.”

The hashtag has taken on a life of its own since Duyvis recommended its use. Many published books now market themselves based on #Ownvoices. And Goodreads lists have taken up this call as well. Readers looking for #OwnVoices will find many suggestions – and many more coming in the new year.

I hope this is a turn in publishing and that the well of marginalized stories written by authors most qualified to tell them never runs dry. It’s the surest way to an authentic, empathy-promoting experience for readers.

The current Top Five

Many of the teachers or parents asking for recommendations are hoping to give young adult readers an exercise in critical literacy to provide them with the opportunity to think about something long after the final page is turned. By “something,” I mean an important social issue or nuanced knowledge about a difficult concept or historical time period.

If a book meets both of these criteria — and if I’ve read it myself or have placed it on my “to be read” shelf — it warrants a recommendation.

Here are five books, very recently published (between September and December of 2017), that have made my list. At the end of each book description, I’ve included a question that might serve a critical thinking discussion once the book has been read.

This list is clearly not exhaustive and I present these as suggestions — ones that may warrant further research. Teachers or parents who know the readers they’re offering books to may need to look up any trigger warnings beforehand.

I recommend adults read books along with younger readers: It’s vital to meaningful conversations. I have left questions in my descriptions to prompt some discussion. Furthermore, I think adult readers may be pleasantly surprised with the rich and important storytelling happening in the young adult literary world.

Starfish by Akemi Dawn Bowman

short stories to promote critical thinking

Starfish (Simon Pulse) features Kiko, who suffers from anxieties. She’s waiting to escape an abusive family situation by getting into the art school of her dreams but when she doesn’t get in, she takes the opportunity presented by a childhood friend to tour other schools.

Kiko, the main character who is half-Japanese, takes a journey that ends up being one of personal growth. The journey allows Kiko to embrace who she is, to learn more about her heritage and to speak up for herself. The writing is lyrical and endearing and we get a lot of Kiko’s internal thoughts and feelings.

There’s a love story here too. I would have liked it if Kiko’s path to self-love was not so knotted up with her childhood friend. But perhaps that’s me being old and young adult readers will like this aspect the best. What will you and your young adult readers think?

They Both Die at the End by Adam Silvera

short stories to promote critical thinking

They Both Die at the End (Harper Collins) is an interesting genre mashup — both speculative and contemporary. With the whole “there’s an app for that” times we live in, it feels very timely.

In an alternate reality, two teen boys spend a day together after learning it will be their last. There’s diverse representation here and definitely a message that seems suitable for young people attached to their phones at the expense of experiencing the world and making real connections.

In my literature classes, we talk a lot about how classic children’s books tend to have “didactic” elements – morals embedded into them and modes of socialization or teaching children how to be in the world. Thinking through themes a writer develops, how do contemporary didactic modes operate here or in young adult literature more generally?

Dear Martin by Nic Stone

short stories to promote critical thinking

Dear Martin (Crown Books) takes up the story of Justyce McAllister, a full-scholarship, Ivy League-bound, Black 17-year-old boy who learns that when it comes to racism, none of these accomplishments matter.

The title takes its name from the letters Justyce writes to Martin Luther King, Jr. while he grapples with racial tensions and police oppression. It’s a story that seems ripped straight from the headlines and has been compared to The Hate U Give , this year’s very successful YA book by Angie Thomas. Both of these books are important and necessary, and sadly, deal with inequalities that plague young adults of colour. How can literature combat systematic oppression and social ills?

Warcross by Marie Lu

short stories to promote critical thinking

Warcross (G.P. Putnam’s Sons Books for Young Readers) has already wracked up a record number of positive reviews from readers. It’s a new series by the author of other YA favourites, including The Young Elites series.

In it, teenage hacker Emika Chen finds herself embroiled in a virtual reality game that’s taken over the globe. It’s an international spy adventure with a diverse cast in a near-future sci-fi world and it’s pretty awesome!

I think this one will organically prompt a discussion about “global virtual crazes” – and while its clear these virtual crazes might be ‘bad’ I wonder if there are positives to be found also?

Whichwood by Tahera Mafi

short stories to promote critical thinking

Whichwood (Dutton Books for Young Readers) is the second book set in the Furthermore world. The first was a middle grade book but this one has been aged up to Young Adult. Inspired by Mafi’s Persian culture, it tells the story of Laylee, a 15-year-old with so much tragedy in her life, tasked with washing bodies of the dead to prepare them for the afterlife.

I’ve long been a fan of Mafi’s — her writing is lush and her worlds are so imaginative. Moreover, it always feels like everything she writes is a metaphor for something larger. But because her plots are so gripping, it’s not always apparent what exactly. Notwithstanding that themes in literature vary depending on individual reader’s responses to content, what do your readers find are the takeaways in this one?

  • Book reviews
  • Critical race
  • Holiday reads
  • Young adult literature
  • Diversity in literature
  • Martin Luther King, Jr. (MLK)

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Classroom Q&A

With larry ferlazzo.

In this EdWeek blog, an experiment in knowledge-gathering, Ferlazzo will address readers’ questions on classroom management, ELL instruction, lesson planning, and other issues facing teachers. Send your questions to [email protected]. Read more from this blog.

Eight Instructional Strategies for Promoting Critical Thinking

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(This is the first post in a three-part series.)

The new question-of-the-week is:

What is critical thinking and how can we integrate it into the classroom?

This three-part series will explore what critical thinking is, if it can be specifically taught and, if so, how can teachers do so in their classrooms.

Today’s guests are Dara Laws Savage, Patrick Brown, Meg Riordan, Ph.D., and Dr. PJ Caposey. Dara, Patrick, and Meg were also guests on my 10-minute BAM! Radio Show . You can also find a list of, and links to, previous shows here.

You might also be interested in The Best Resources On Teaching & Learning Critical Thinking In The Classroom .

Current Events

Dara Laws Savage is an English teacher at the Early College High School at Delaware State University, where she serves as a teacher and instructional coach and lead mentor. Dara has been teaching for 25 years (career preparation, English, photography, yearbook, newspaper, and graphic design) and has presented nationally on project-based learning and technology integration:

There is so much going on right now and there is an overload of information for us to process. Did you ever stop to think how our students are processing current events? They see news feeds, hear news reports, and scan photos and posts, but are they truly thinking about what they are hearing and seeing?

I tell my students that my job is not to give them answers but to teach them how to think about what they read and hear. So what is critical thinking and how can we integrate it into the classroom? There are just as many definitions of critical thinking as there are people trying to define it. However, the Critical Think Consortium focuses on the tools to create a thinking-based classroom rather than a definition: “Shape the climate to support thinking, create opportunities for thinking, build capacity to think, provide guidance to inform thinking.” Using these four criteria and pairing them with current events, teachers easily create learning spaces that thrive on thinking and keep students engaged.

One successful technique I use is the FIRE Write. Students are given a quote, a paragraph, an excerpt, or a photo from the headlines. Students are asked to F ocus and respond to the selection for three minutes. Next, students are asked to I dentify a phrase or section of the photo and write for two minutes. Third, students are asked to R eframe their response around a specific word, phrase, or section within their previous selection. Finally, students E xchange their thoughts with a classmate. Within the exchange, students also talk about how the selection connects to what we are covering in class.

There was a controversial Pepsi ad in 2017 involving Kylie Jenner and a protest with a police presence. The imagery in the photo was strikingly similar to a photo that went viral with a young lady standing opposite a police line. Using that image from a current event engaged my students and gave them the opportunity to critically think about events of the time.

Here are the two photos and a student response:

F - Focus on both photos and respond for three minutes

In the first picture, you see a strong and courageous black female, bravely standing in front of two officers in protest. She is risking her life to do so. Iesha Evans is simply proving to the world she does NOT mean less because she is black … and yet officers are there to stop her. She did not step down. In the picture below, you see Kendall Jenner handing a police officer a Pepsi. Maybe this wouldn’t be a big deal, except this was Pepsi’s weak, pathetic, and outrageous excuse of a commercial that belittles the whole movement of people fighting for their lives.

I - Identify a word or phrase, underline it, then write about it for two minutes

A white, privileged female in place of a fighting black woman was asking for trouble. A struggle we are continuously fighting every day, and they make a mockery of it. “I know what will work! Here Mr. Police Officer! Drink some Pepsi!” As if. Pepsi made a fool of themselves, and now their already dwindling fan base continues to ever shrink smaller.

R - Reframe your thoughts by choosing a different word, then write about that for one minute

You don’t know privilege until it’s gone. You don’t know privilege while it’s there—but you can and will be made accountable and aware. Don’t use it for evil. You are not stupid. Use it to do something. Kendall could’ve NOT done the commercial. Kendall could’ve released another commercial standing behind a black woman. Anything!

Exchange - Remember to discuss how this connects to our school song project and our previous discussions?

This connects two ways - 1) We want to convey a strong message. Be powerful. Show who we are. And Pepsi definitely tried. … Which leads to the second connection. 2) Not mess up and offend anyone, as had the one alma mater had been linked to black minstrels. We want to be amazing, but we have to be smart and careful and make sure we include everyone who goes to our school and everyone who may go to our school.

As a final step, students read and annotate the full article and compare it to their initial response.

Using current events and critical-thinking strategies like FIRE writing helps create a learning space where thinking is the goal rather than a score on a multiple-choice assessment. Critical-thinking skills can cross over to any of students’ other courses and into life outside the classroom. After all, we as teachers want to help the whole student be successful, and critical thinking is an important part of navigating life after they leave our classrooms.



Patrick Brown is the executive director of STEM and CTE for the Fort Zumwalt school district in Missouri and an experienced educator and author :

Planning for critical thinking focuses on teaching the most crucial science concepts, practices, and logical-thinking skills as well as the best use of instructional time. One way to ensure that lessons maintain a focus on critical thinking is to focus on the instructional sequence used to teach.

Explore-before-explain teaching is all about promoting critical thinking for learners to better prepare students for the reality of their world. What having an explore-before-explain mindset means is that in our planning, we prioritize giving students firsthand experiences with data, allow students to construct evidence-based claims that focus on conceptual understanding, and challenge students to discuss and think about the why behind phenomena.

Just think of the critical thinking that has to occur for students to construct a scientific claim. 1) They need the opportunity to collect data, analyze it, and determine how to make sense of what the data may mean. 2) With data in hand, students can begin thinking about the validity and reliability of their experience and information collected. 3) They can consider what differences, if any, they might have if they completed the investigation again. 4) They can scrutinize outlying data points for they may be an artifact of a true difference that merits further exploration of a misstep in the procedure, measuring device, or measurement. All of these intellectual activities help them form more robust understanding and are evidence of their critical thinking.

In explore-before-explain teaching, all of these hard critical-thinking tasks come before teacher explanations of content. Whether we use discovery experiences, problem-based learning, and or inquiry-based activities, strategies that are geared toward helping students construct understanding promote critical thinking because students learn content by doing the practices valued in the field to generate knowledge.


An Issue of Equity

Meg Riordan, Ph.D., is the chief learning officer at The Possible Project, an out-of-school program that collaborates with youth to build entrepreneurial skills and mindsets and provides pathways to careers and long-term economic prosperity. She has been in the field of education for over 25 years as a middle and high school teacher, school coach, college professor, regional director of N.Y.C. Outward Bound Schools, and director of external research with EL Education:

Although critical thinking often defies straightforward definition, most in the education field agree it consists of several components: reasoning, problem-solving, and decisionmaking, plus analysis and evaluation of information, such that multiple sides of an issue can be explored. It also includes dispositions and “the willingness to apply critical-thinking principles, rather than fall back on existing unexamined beliefs, or simply believe what you’re told by authority figures.”

Despite variation in definitions, critical thinking is nonetheless promoted as an essential outcome of students’ learning—we want to see students and adults demonstrate it across all fields, professions, and in their personal lives. Yet there is simultaneously a rationing of opportunities in schools for students of color, students from under-resourced communities, and other historically marginalized groups to deeply learn and practice critical thinking.

For example, many of our most underserved students often spend class time filling out worksheets, promoting high compliance but low engagement, inquiry, critical thinking, or creation of new ideas. At a time in our world when college and careers are critical for participation in society and the global, knowledge-based economy, far too many students struggle within classrooms and schools that reinforce low-expectations and inequity.

If educators aim to prepare all students for an ever-evolving marketplace and develop skills that will be valued no matter what tomorrow’s jobs are, then we must move critical thinking to the forefront of classroom experiences. And educators must design learning to cultivate it.

So, what does that really look like?

Unpack and define critical thinking

To understand critical thinking, educators need to first unpack and define its components. What exactly are we looking for when we speak about reasoning or exploring multiple perspectives on an issue? How does problem-solving show up in English, math, science, art, or other disciplines—and how is it assessed? At Two Rivers, an EL Education school, the faculty identified five constructs of critical thinking, defined each, and created rubrics to generate a shared picture of quality for teachers and students. The rubrics were then adapted across grade levels to indicate students’ learning progressions.

At Avenues World School, critical thinking is one of the Avenues World Elements and is an enduring outcome embedded in students’ early experiences through 12th grade. For instance, a kindergarten student may be expected to “identify cause and effect in familiar contexts,” while an 8th grader should demonstrate the ability to “seek out sufficient evidence before accepting a claim as true,” “identify bias in claims and evidence,” and “reconsider strongly held points of view in light of new evidence.”

When faculty and students embrace a common vision of what critical thinking looks and sounds like and how it is assessed, educators can then explicitly design learning experiences that call for students to employ critical-thinking skills. This kind of work must occur across all schools and programs, especially those serving large numbers of students of color. As Linda Darling-Hammond asserts , “Schools that serve large numbers of students of color are least likely to offer the kind of curriculum needed to ... help students attain the [critical-thinking] skills needed in a knowledge work economy. ”

So, what can it look like to create those kinds of learning experiences?

Designing experiences for critical thinking

After defining a shared understanding of “what” critical thinking is and “how” it shows up across multiple disciplines and grade levels, it is essential to create learning experiences that impel students to cultivate, practice, and apply these skills. There are several levers that offer pathways for teachers to promote critical thinking in lessons:

1.Choose Compelling Topics: Keep it relevant

A key Common Core State Standard asks for students to “write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence.” That might not sound exciting or culturally relevant. But a learning experience designed for a 12th grade humanities class engaged learners in a compelling topic— policing in America —to analyze and evaluate multiple texts (including primary sources) and share the reasoning for their perspectives through discussion and writing. Students grappled with ideas and their beliefs and employed deep critical-thinking skills to develop arguments for their claims. Embedding critical-thinking skills in curriculum that students care about and connect with can ignite powerful learning experiences.

2. Make Local Connections: Keep it real

At The Possible Project , an out-of-school-time program designed to promote entrepreneurial skills and mindsets, students in a recent summer online program (modified from in-person due to COVID-19) explored the impact of COVID-19 on their communities and local BIPOC-owned businesses. They learned interviewing skills through a partnership with Everyday Boston , conducted virtual interviews with entrepreneurs, evaluated information from their interviews and local data, and examined their previously held beliefs. They created blog posts and videos to reflect on their learning and consider how their mindsets had changed as a result of the experience. In this way, we can design powerful community-based learning and invite students into productive struggle with multiple perspectives.

3. Create Authentic Projects: Keep it rigorous

At Big Picture Learning schools, students engage in internship-based learning experiences as a central part of their schooling. Their school-based adviser and internship-based mentor support them in developing real-world projects that promote deeper learning and critical-thinking skills. Such authentic experiences teach “young people to be thinkers, to be curious, to get from curiosity to creation … and it helps students design a learning experience that answers their questions, [providing an] opportunity to communicate it to a larger audience—a major indicator of postsecondary success.” Even in a remote environment, we can design projects that ask more of students than rote memorization and that spark critical thinking.

Our call to action is this: As educators, we need to make opportunities for critical thinking available not only to the affluent or those fortunate enough to be placed in advanced courses. The tools are available, let’s use them. Let’s interrogate our current curriculum and design learning experiences that engage all students in real, relevant, and rigorous experiences that require critical thinking and prepare them for promising postsecondary pathways.


Critical Thinking & Student Engagement

Dr. PJ Caposey is an award-winning educator, keynote speaker, consultant, and author of seven books who currently serves as the superintendent of schools for the award-winning Meridian CUSD 223 in northwest Illinois. You can find PJ on most social-media platforms as MCUSDSupe:

When I start my keynote on student engagement, I invite two people up on stage and give them each five paper balls to shoot at a garbage can also conveniently placed on stage. Contestant One shoots their shot, and the audience gives approval. Four out of 5 is a heckuva score. Then just before Contestant Two shoots, I blindfold them and start moving the garbage can back and forth. I usually try to ensure that they can at least make one of their shots. Nobody is successful in this unfair environment.

I thank them and send them back to their seats and then explain that this little activity was akin to student engagement. While we all know we want student engagement, we are shooting at different targets. More importantly, for teachers, it is near impossible for them to hit a target that is moving and that they cannot see.

Within the world of education and particularly as educational leaders, we have failed to simplify what student engagement looks like, and it is impossible to define or articulate what student engagement looks like if we cannot clearly articulate what critical thinking is and looks like in a classroom. Because, simply, without critical thought, there is no engagement.

The good news here is that critical thought has been defined and placed into taxonomies for decades already. This is not something new and not something that needs to be redefined. I am a Bloom’s person, but there is nothing wrong with DOK or some of the other taxonomies, either. To be precise, I am a huge fan of Daggett’s Rigor and Relevance Framework. I have used that as a core element of my practice for years, and it has shaped who I am as an instructional leader.

So, in order to explain critical thought, a teacher or a leader must familiarize themselves with these tried and true taxonomies. Easy, right? Yes, sort of. The issue is not understanding what critical thought is; it is the ability to integrate it into the classrooms. In order to do so, there are a four key steps every educator must take.

  • Integrating critical thought/rigor into a lesson does not happen by chance, it happens by design. Planning for critical thought and engagement is much different from planning for a traditional lesson. In order to plan for kids to think critically, you have to provide a base of knowledge and excellent prompts to allow them to explore their own thinking in order to analyze, evaluate, or synthesize information.
  • SIDE NOTE – Bloom’s verbs are a great way to start when writing objectives, but true planning will take you deeper than this.


  • If the questions and prompts given in a classroom have correct answers or if the teacher ends up answering their own questions, the lesson will lack critical thought and rigor.
  • Script five questions forcing higher-order thought prior to every lesson. Experienced teachers may not feel they need this, but it helps to create an effective habit.
  • If lessons are rigorous and assessments are not, students will do well on their assessments, and that may not be an accurate representation of the knowledge and skills they have mastered. If lessons are easy and assessments are rigorous, the exact opposite will happen. When deciding to increase critical thought, it must happen in all three phases of the game: planning, instruction, and assessment.


  • To increase rigor, the teacher must DO LESS. This feels counterintuitive but is accurate. Rigorous lessons involving tons of critical thought must allow for students to work on their own, collaborate with peers, and connect their ideas. This cannot happen in a silent room except for the teacher talking. In order to increase rigor, decrease talk time and become comfortable with less control. Asking questions and giving prompts that lead to no true correct answer also means less control. This is a tough ask for some teachers. Explained differently, if you assign one assignment and get 30 very similar products, you have most likely assigned a low-rigor recipe. If you assign one assignment and get multiple varied products, then the students have had a chance to think deeply, and you have successfully integrated critical thought into your classroom.


Thanks to Dara, Patrick, Meg, and PJ for their contributions!

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short stories to promote critical thinking

10 of the Best Children’s Books That Promote Critical Thinking

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Mikkaka Overstreet

Mikkaka Overstreet is from Louisville, Kentucky by way of Saginaw “Sagnasty”, Michigan. She has been an educator since 2006 and earned her PhD in Curriculum and Instruction in 2015. By day she is a mild-mannered literacy specialist. By night she sleeps. In between, she daydreams, writes fiction, and reads books. She currently lives in North Carolina with her husband and cats.

View All posts by Mikkaka Overstreet

If you’re reading a post about children’s books that promote critical thinking, I assume you see the value in raising strong thinkers. Whether you’re a caregiver, educator, or potential employer, you want society’s children to develop complex reasoning and problem solving skills. These qualities benefit us all. 

Unfortunately, there are people and groups more interested in an industrious than a thoughtful population. The general public doesn’t agree on the purpose of public education . Neither, it seems, do education stakeholders. During recent remarks, North Carolina state Superintendent of Public Instruction Catherine Truitt declared 2022 “the year of the workforce.”

Truitt explained, “We have got to redefine what the purpose of K–12 education is. Some would say it’s to produce critical thinkers, but my team and I believe that the purpose of a public K–12 education is to prepare students for the postsecondary plans of their choice so that they can be a functioning member of the workforce.”

While that statement makes my skin crawl, it’s more than unsettling: it’s contradictory. Employers regularly cite problem-solving and critical thinking skills as ideal qualities they seek in employees. According to a study from the Association of American Colleges and Universities , 95% of employers view critical thinking specifically as “very important” or “somewhat important.” Thus, preparing kids to think critically is preparing them for the workforce — and beyond.

Undoubtedly, our society needs more critical thinkers . We have lots of problems, both old and new, that will require innovative solutions. The following books will help encourage the next generation of big thinkers.

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10 Children’s Books That Promote Critical Thinking

Cover of The Year We Learned to Fly

The Year We Learned to Fly by Jacqueline Woodson and Rafael López

The incomparable Jacqueline Woodson has done it again. In this newly released children’s book, readers journey into the vivid imaginations of the central characters. Woodson tells the story of children stuck inside because of bad weather. Rather than succumb to boredom, the children use their imaginations to escape the confines of their apartment. Surely, this will inspire children to dream big.

cover of What do you do with an idea?

What Do You Do With An Idea? by Kobi Yamada and Mae Besom

This inspiring picture book centers on a child with an idea. We get to follow the child as they nurture the idea and watch it grow. Undoubtedly, this simple story will resonate with anyone who has ever been afraid to share their big dreams with the world.

cover of Shadow by Suzy Lee

Shadow by Suzy Lee

This gorgeous wordless picture book is a guaranteed hit. The young protagonist uses her imagination and her shadow to create a fantasy world. Mirrored illustrations show both the true objects and the magical world the girl has built.

cover of going places

Going Places by Peter H. Reynolds and Paul A. Reynolds

I’m a big fan of Peter H. Reynolds’s work. He has a whimsical style and encourages creativity and self-love in his several excellent picture books. In this story, written with his twin brother, Reynolds introduces us to another uniquely wonderful protagonist. Maya enters a go-cart competition and must create a winning vehicle out of one of the identical kits given to all contestants. Of course, Maya doesn’t think inside the box she’s given. This is another fun story with a great lesson.

cover of mistakes are how I learn

Mistakes Are How I Learn by Kiara Wilson

As we all know, mistakes are a part of the learning process. In this encouraging book, Wilson reminds kids to give themselves grace and space to make mistakes. Similar to The Girl Who Never Made Mistakes , this book is a good reminder for little perfectionists.

cover of duck rabbit

Duck! Rabbit! by Amy Krouse Rosenthal and Tom Lichtenheld

This picture book takes the well-known duck or rabbit puzzle and tells a story. Obviously, readers will feel compelled to see both sides of this argument. This is a humorous introduction to considering varying viewpoints.

cover of seven blind mice

Seven Blind Mice by Ed Young

In this Caldecott Honor winner, seven blind mice try to determine the identity of an unfamiliar object. In Young’s take on the classic Indian tale, each mouse only gathers partial information. Of course, it takes the wisdom of the seventh mouse to put the pieces together and solve the puzzle.

cover of what to do with a box

What To Do With A Box by Jane Yolen and Chris Sheban

You can probably guess what’s going to happen in this book, right? Clearly, there’s a metaphor here. Enjoy all the things a child can imagine with outside-of-the-box thinking in this rhythmic tale.

cover of they all saw a cat

They All Saw A Cat by Brendan Wenzel

This book brilliantly executes a creative concept. Using strange and gorgeous illustrations, Wenzel depicts how differently individuals can perceive the same object. Consequently, readers are pushed to consider multiple viewpoints and how our perceptions color what we see.

solutions for cold feet and other little problems cover

Solutions for Cold Feet and Other Little Problems by Carey Sookocheff

Follow one little girl and her dog through the challenges of a normal day in this fun story. The girl asks lots of questions and persists when she encounters problems. This tale will inspire kiddos to see problem-solving as a positive and necessary part of life.

Hopefully, you’ve found something on this list that inspires you to think and dream. If you’d like more content like this, check out 7 Board Books for Woke Babies and 10 Science Books for Curious Kiddos . Read, think, and dream BIG!

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The term "critical thinking" has been defined by numerous scholars in a variety of ways and there is no widely accepted standard definition. It is believed that using critical thinking skills in English classes enhances students' performance. The purpose of this study is to tackle whether critical thinking skills can be enhanced through short story teaching or not. Two high school classes which participated in the study were assigned into two experimental groups, control group and intervention group, and were given Cornell Critical Thinking Test, Level X both as pretest and posttest. In the intervention group, students dwelt upon four short stories through critical thinking skills. Their structured class discussions paved the way for them to be exposed to the critical thinking use through Mr. Loveday’s Little Outing by Evelyn Waugh, Miss Brill and The Fly by Katherine Mansfield, and A Family Supper by Kazuo Ishiguro. The results of the study highlight the importance of the synergy between critical thinking strategy use and short story teaching.

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Girl talking to father while sitting on sofa. Happy parent spending leisure time with daughter in living room. Barcelona, Spain

Want to raise a critical thinker? Try telling stories.

Engaging kids with storytelling skills has real brain benefits.

Like most elementary and middle school-age children, Jennifer Aycock’s four kids, ages six to 13, love a good story. And though reading is a cherished family activity, the Aycock family doesn’t always rely on books.

“When we’re telling stories out loud, you can see the kids engage differently,” says Aycock, a longtime teacher who incorporates storytelling in her classroom. “They listen more intently, and it seems to really spark their imagination.”

Scientific research on how kids’ brains respond to storytelling is relatively new, says Katie Knutson, board chair of the National Storytelling Network   and a professional storyteller. “[But] it’s clear that there are significant cognitive and academic benefits to both story listening and storytelling.”

Telling stories is nothing new and has been around since before the written language. The practice didn’t just communicate information—like that an area was dangerous because of predators—but also preserved history, honored religious traditions, and entertained.

They also create cultural cohesion. “Often stories are told in families to connect the next generation to those who have gone before, or to help kids develop the values that are most important in their culture,” Knutson says.

Weaving this creative tradition into your household can foster cognitive, social, and emotional development, which many parents are concerned has been disrupted by COVID-19-related school closures and isolation. Here’s why storytelling is good for kids—and how parents can make it part of their family life.

Storytelling and the brain

Although all kinds of story forms can provide great entertainment and convey valuable lessons, the ways kids process oral storytelling—whether they’re hearing a story or telling it themselves—elicits unique brain responses that are different from watching a television show, reading a book, or journaling.


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“Using MRI imaging, neuroscience research has demonstrated that when a listener is engrossed in a teller’s story enough to forget about their surroundings—a   state called narrative transport —the functioning areas of the tellers' brains are [soon] mirrored in the listener's brain,” says   Cathy Miyata, a professor at Wilfrid Laurier University and master storyteller. This phenomenon is known as neural coupling, which is unique to verbal communication.

Oxytocin, a hormone involved in social bonding, may also play a role in narrative transport. “When children are told a meaningful or emotional story, their brain’s emotional response triggers a release of [the] neurochemical,” Miyata explains. Researchers suggest that this is because when listeners become emotionally engaged with the characters in a narrative, they are drawn deeper into that story world.

This social bonding experience—between the storyteller, listener, and story characters—can also help facilitate empathy building in kids. “Exposing listeners to emotional and meaningful stories influences their ability to empathize and actually motivates them to demonstrate acts of caring,” Miyata says.

The cognitive and social benefits of storytelling

“When children hear stories, they practice many of the skills they’ll need to be effective readers, writers, and critical thinkers,” Miyata says.

For example, research suggests that listening to and telling stories to an audience (even of one) can boost kids’ cognitive engagement, ability to identify patterns, and story-sequencing skills, or being able to identify the components of a story like the beginning, middle, and end.

Classroom studies in the United States and Canada also show a strong correlation between increased participation in storytelling—both as listener and teller—and children's problem-solving skills both at school and at home, adds Kendall Haven , a professional storyteller and author of Story Smart:   Using the Science of Story to Persuade, Influence, Inspire and Teach .  

Then there are social benefits. During the COVID-19 pandemic, many children have been isolated from friends and communities, and storytelling can help them feel more connected at home.

That’s because sharing stories can help build the relationship between the storyteller and listener. “Reading to a child is a wonderful thing to do that has many, many benefits,” Miyata says. But storytelling without a script can remove barriers and open up the imagination. “When you take away the book, there’s just the parent and child, focused on one another, interacting and sharing in a unique experience.”

How to make storytelling a part of your family life

Storytelling at home can help kids expand their imaginations and develop critical-thinking skills—but they might need some help to get started.

“When we ask kids, and even adults, to make up a story, the options are so unlimited that it’s often a struggle to come up with anything at all,” Knutson says. “When we give a limit to their freedom, often in the form of a loose prompt, it frees them up to get wildly creative.”

Model storytelling. With younger kids, a great way to get started is for parents to model storytelling. You can even make this a collaborative process. For example, Knutson recommends asking your child to think of a person, place, and thing, and then shaping a story around those details.

Help kids practice active listening . Instead of asking children to sit quietly throughout the story, parents can ask kids to predict what’s coming next. (“What do you think she saw behind that big red door?”) Invite them to move their bodies with the story. (“Let’s all tiptoe like Camilla sneaking by the snake!”) Or help them participate in the telling process with simple call-and-response prompts. (“When I say no, you say way!”)

Encourage kids to ask why. When kids are ready to start telling their own stories, Haven recommends encouraging kids to focus less on what happens and more on why it’s happening and what the motivations of the characters are. This is a kind of exercise in empathy. “Give details about why the character is doing what they’re doing, and ask listeners to make guesses as to the why’s in other parts of the story,” she says.

Talk about feelings. Prompts that focus on specific emotions can also help kids incorporate their own experiences and ideas into stories. Parents might ask kids to share about a time they felt surprised, sad, scared, or excited, or to create a story about a birthday, a friendship, or starting something new.

Ask good questions. While storytelling absolutely can be about dragons, fairies, or volcanoes, parents can help kids learn to tell good stories by helping them see stories in their everyday lives. Instead of asking “How was your day?” or “What did you learn at school?” parents can get creative. (“What did the food smell like in the cafeteria at lunch this afternoon?” or “Did anyone do anything unexpected in class today?”)

Get the whole family involved. Especially when kids range in age, story games can spark creativity and allow everyone to participate at their level. Popular storytelling games include retelling games that require family members to use puppets or toys to recreate a story; challenges that involve retelling well-known stories with a new twist (think Little Red Riding Hood, but all the characters are people you know); and round-robin games, in which one person starts a story and others take turns completing it.

Such round-robin games are familiar to Jennifer Aycock and her family. “It’s fun to see each person's personality come out in the part of the story they tell,” she says. “It’s a great way to connect as a family, learn more about what’s going on in each other’s lives, and have fun.”

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3 short stories to replenish your creative thinking

3 short stories to replenish your creative thinking

Believe the impossible.

In 1295, Marco Polo returned from a 24 year trading epic to China. His trip had taken him 14,000 miles (25,000km) around the world, from his birth town of Venice, through Baghdad and all the way across Asia. He visited dozens of great cities, many of which are now lost to antiquity, finally reaching the bustling trading city of Beijing in the east. After his return, he created a great epic of his travels. His epic spread quickly across Europe, each book meticulously and laboriously copied by hand and destined for the private libraries of the rich and powerful European elite. His wondrous tale became the basis for what all Europeans knew about the Orient for many years to come.

In it, he spoke of many weird and wonderful places he had visited. He spoke of creatures so wild and wonderful, they simply had to be seen. He spoke of dragons , unicorns and birds so large they could lift an elephant high into the air:

It was for all the world like an eagle, but one indeed of enormous size; so big in fact that its quills were twelve paces long and thick in proportion. And it is so strong that it will seize an elephant in its talons and carry him high into the air and drop him so that he is smashed to pieces;

a griffon and a girl embracing a unicorn

His stories enthralled all those who read them. People could imagine massive birds, mythical serpents and biblical beasts. His works were entirely believable - except for one story. A story so far fetched that no man, king or peasant would give it credence. One story that beggared the belief of all those who heard of it.

Marco Polo told of how the Mongols used rocks instead of wood for heating and for cooking . He told of how they were collected and how they magically lit up, burning hotter and longer than the dried, dead branches fallen from the oldest trees. “You cannot burn rocks” the people said, and they ridiculed the story.

Marco Polo smirked. He knew, deep inside, that while a great many of his works were embellishments, this one was entirely true. The Europeans did not create industrial coal mines for another 600 years, significantly delaying the start of the industrial revolution and the entry of the West into the modern age.

Understanding problems, not solutions

Sometimes it pays to dig a little deeper to find out what your customers really need.

A young man walks into a hardware store looking to buy a hammer, but they are sold out. “What did you need the hammer for?” asked the proprietor. The man looked at him quizzically. “To hammer in some nails of course. Why else would I want a hammer?”

old books and a jug on a shelf

The store owner persists with another question. What were you trying to hammer in with the nails? “A shelf” the man replied. “Good” said the proprietor. Maybe these will be of use instead - we have a nail free wall glue in stock as well as free hanging shelves - would either be useful instead?

Fear not what the Romans feared

For centuries, Roman military might was unsurpassed anywhere in the world. Their empire spread from Britain in the west, all across Europe to Jerusalem in the east and south to the very edges of the Sahara. Countless more chieftains and kings provided them tribute in an effort to appease their vastly more powerful neighbour. Neither land, nor water nor the gods inspired fear in the Romans - they were the finest navigators since the Greeks, performing feats of seamanship unmatched for well over a thousand years after the end of the empire.

the roman empire around 150AD

In 84 AD in what is now Scotland in the north of Britain, Agricola wrapped up a successful campaign against the Caledonians . For the first and only time, all of Britain was under the control of Rome. Only the land of Hibernia lay further to the west, a fertile land filled with lawless chieftains and savage tribes that would surely be of interest to the empire. But no Roman legion ever set foot on the land of what is now called Ireland.

They never conquered Ireland because they thought the world was flat. The Romans believed they were coming to the edge of the world. They believe that sea monsters lurked in the choppy voyage across the narrow sea between Ireland and England. The creative embellishments of their cartographers made sure of this. They feared falling off the edge of the world. They looked at their maps, and saw dragons and serpents and feared that they would never return if they took just one more voyage.

sea monsters blakc and white

Succumbing to fear and ignorance might just mean you miss the most beautiful opportunities you get in life.

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short stories to promote critical thinking

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Encouraging Critical Thinking in Children Through Storytelling

As parents, we all know the importance of reading to our children. Not only is it a great way to spend quality time together, but it also has significant developmental benefits for our little ones.

But did you know that storytelling can also help develop critical thinking skills in children?

In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of storytelling and how to use it to encourage critical thinking in children.

The Developmental Benefits of Storytelling

Telling stories to your child has numerous developmental benefits. It provides an opportunity for your child to explore their imagination, practice their listening skills, and learn new vocabulary. Storytelling can also help your child develop critical thinking skills, which are essential in later school life, problem-solving, and forming opinions on various topics.

The Importance of Critical Thinking Skills

Critical thinking skills are necessary for interpreting and reflecting on the information. The ability to think critically helps children make sense of the world around them and form their own opinions. Developing critical thinking skills in children from a young age can help them become more confident, curious, and independent learners.

Using Storytelling to Encourage Critical Thinking

To encourage critical thinking in children, Peter Worley, a philosopher and CEO of the Philosophy Foundation , suggests asking certain questions about stories as you tell them. The key is to avoid interpreting the story for your child, but instead, ask questions that draw out their own opinions and guide their thought processes.

The Hokey Kokey Method

One helpful technique to use when telling a story is the “Hokey Kokey” method. This method involves going into the story, then out of the story, then back in again.

For example, using the book “Frog is a Hero”:

a) “In the story” (concrete) – “Is Frog a hero?”

b) Move “out of the story” (abstract) – “What is a hero?”

c) Test what is said by going “back in the story” (applied) – “If that’s what a hero is, then is Frog a hero?”

Using this method can help children develop their critical thinking skills by encouraging them to form their own opinions about the story and its characters.

Encouraging Critical Thinking Through Reading

Reading is an essential activity for helping children develop their critical thinking skills. However, it’s important to make reading fun and engaging for your child. Understanding how children learn to read can help parents make the process enjoyable and effective. Using techniques like the Hokey Kokey method can help children develop their critical thinking skills while enjoying the process of reading.

Resources for Encouraging Critical Thinking

Peter Worley has written several books that can help parents encourage critical thinking in their children. These books include collections of stories that you can tell your child, as well as techniques for making story time interesting and questions like the ones above to help you encourage critical thinking.

  • The If Machine: Philosophical Enquiry in the Classroom
  • Once Upon an If: The Storythinking Handbook
  • The If Odyssey: A Philosophical Journey Through Greek Myth and Storytelling for 8-16 Year Olds

Storytelling is a powerful tool for developing critical thinking skills in children. By using techniques like the Hokey Kokey method, parents can encourage their children to form their own opinions about stories and characters. Reading is also an essential activity for helping children develop their critical thinking skills, and there are many resources available to help parents make the process fun and engaging for their children. By encouraging critical thinking skills from a young age, parents can help their children become confident, curious, and independent learners.

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The Life India

  • Positive Stories from Lockdown Nation

Encouraging Critical Thinking Through Stories!!

It’s evening 6:30 pm. I am sitting on my terrace in solitude wondering whether I am going through ‘akelapan’ (loneliness) or ‘ekanth’ (secluded). My confused brain is soothed with birds chirping and returning home towards this huge tree in front of our house blooming with amazing sunny yellow colors and I feel this surge of enviousness looking at the birds. This is my evening ritual during the last 35 days of Lock-down 1.0 and now in Lock-down 2.0. I have gone through.

I am an Early Childhood Educator for the last 18 years running four early care centers across different parts of Bangalore and that says it all about how busy and chirpy my life is! I begin my day early and get ready and enter one of my centers every day to hear the lovely giggles and noise of children shouting ‘Good morning principal mam’! . I do not realize and sense the time till sunset as I stay back with my children who are with us in the daycare. Since all my early care centers also double up as daycare I would say bye to many children at 6:30 pm and see them off being picked up by parents at the end of their long tiring days, but I would return home not so tired gleaming with joy from the very many experiences and stories of what children would have told me.

I felt the need to use this state of isolation connecting to parents and women sharing my experiences and listening to your reciprocation. My first favorite part of this blog would be storytelling. And I just started with mine!

During the next few weeks, I thought we will exchange thoughts and ideas on how we are going through this situation of self-isolation and social distancing to ensure we are all connected though, isolated and learn from each other on fun ways we are dealing with our day to day life during this period of lock-down.

Encouraging Critical Thinking through Stories

Stories have been narrated to children from centuries in various ways. Helping children to ask, imagine, analyze, evaluate and create their own ideas and thought processes can bring critical thinking and what better ways for a parent to use stories to bring this 21st century skill. Reading stories helps children to develop.

Children apart from memorizing the information learnt needs to analyze, compare, contrast and make inferences which invoke higher-order thinking skill (HOTS) in children. There is no one strategy to bring in Critical Thinking in children. Of course ‘Play’ both indoors and outdoors is so important for children as they understand ‘Cause’ and ‘Effect’ during the play process.

How can we bring this important critical thinking skills in children? Very simple follow the few steps below whenever you tell them a story.

Encouraging Critical Thinking Through Stories!! | The Life India

Anderson and Krathwohl’s Taxonomy (Anderson and Krathwohl’s Adaptation of) Bloom’s Taxonomy of Learning Attainment Levels (Overbaugh, and Schultz, 2010)

Active, experiential learning is an important component in information systems education, ensuring that students gain an appreciation for both practical and theoretical information systems concepts. • Remembering: Learner’s ability to recall information • Understanding: Learner’s ability to understand information • Applying: Learner’s ability to use information in a new way • Analyzing: Learner’s ability to break down information into its essential parts. • Evaluating: Learner’s ability to judge or criticize information • Creating: Learner’s ability to create something new from different elements of information.

The best way of telling stories (even if you feel you are an amateur) is ‘Reading Aloud’ storybooks. This not only helps in their reading comprehension but to become enthusiastic readers and help them fall in love with books.

The first read-aloud should be uninterrupted reading so children can understand the flow of the story completely. Before you begin reading the book, show the cover page of the book and read the title, author and ask them what they think the story is all about looking at the pictures on the cover page. Show the pictures as you read through the story.

Encouraging Critical Thinking Through Stories!! | The Life India

Some fun facts: “Jack and the Beanstalk” is an English fairy tale. It appeared as “The Story of Jack Spriggins and the Enchanted Bean” in 1734 and Joseph Jacobs rewrote it in English Fairy Tales (1890). Jacobs’ version is most commonly reprinted today and is believed to be closer to the oral versions than earlier ones because it lacks the moralizing.

Remember: Help the child recall the story by asking questions like who were the main characters in the story. Why did Jack’s mother ask to sell the cow? What did Jack get in exchange for selling the cow?

Understand: What happened at the beginning of the story, middle and how did the story end.

Apply: Have you seen a creeper anywhere? Have seen different kinds of creepers?

Analyze: Did you see any rhyming words in the storybook? What made Jack sell the cow to the old man and why?

Evaluate: What do you think was going on in Jack’s mind when he sold the cow. Why would Jack’s mother not believe that the beans were magic?

Create: Shall we look around in the neighborhood during our walks to identify creepers? We can make a creeper out of jute thread and paper leaves! If you were to be Jack how would you change the story without cutting down the creeper and hurting the giant?

PS: The answers I got for the last question – If you were to be Jack how would you change the story without cutting down the creeper and hurting the giant was just jaw-dropping.

Child1: Since giant did not have a mother I will ask him to come home and stay with me

Child2: I would ask the giant to come down the creeper and stay home with me as he did not have any friends there.

Child3: I would tell the giant to give me one thing out of the golden harper, bag of gold and golden laying hen!

I bet this is higher-order thinking skills. Enjoy reading stories to your children.

Start TODAY! Start NOW

Stay Well, Stay Safe and Happy Parenting

  • Categories: Positive Stories from Lockdown Nation

short stories to promote critical thinking

  • February 27, 2021

Very well explained with the story narration

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