movie reaction essay

How to Write a Reaction Paper: Guide Full of Tips

movie reaction essay

Imagine being a writer or an artist and receiving feedback on your work. What words would you cherish most? 'Amazing'? 'Wonderful'? Or perhaps 'Captivating'? While these compliments are nice, they tend to blend into the background noise of everyday praise.

But there's one accolade that truly stands out: 'Thought-provoking.' It's the kind of response every creator dreams of evoking. Thought-provoking pieces don't just passively entertain; they stir something inside us, lingering in our minds long after we've encountered them. In academic circles, a work isn't truly impactful unless it prompts a reaction.

In this article, our research paper writing services will delve into the concept of reaction papers: what they are, how to craft a stellar one, and everything in between. So, let's explore the art of provoking thought together.

What is Reaction Paper

Ever found yourself deeply engrossed in a book, movie, or perhaps an article, only to emerge with a flurry of thoughts and emotions swirling within? That's where a reaction paper comes into play. It helps you articulate those musings to dissect the themes, characters, and nuances of the work that stirred something within you.

A reaction paper is a written response to a book, article, movie, or other media form. It give you an opportunity to critically evaluate what you've experienced and to share your insights with others. Whether you're captivated by a novel's narrative, moved by a film's message, or intrigued by an academic article's argument, it allows you to explore the depths of your reaction.

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How to Write a Reaction Paper with 8 Easy Tips

When learning how to write a reaction paper, it's important to keep an open mind. That means being willing to consider different ideas and perspectives. It's also a good idea to really get into whatever you're reacting to—take notes, highlight important parts, and think about how it makes you feel.

Unlike some other school assignments, like essays or reports, a reaction paper is all about what you think and feel. So, it's kind of easy in that way! You just have to really understand what it's about and how to put it together.

Now, we're going to share some tips to help you write a great paper. And if you're running out of time, don't worry! You can always get some extra help from our essay writing service online .

How to Write a Reaction Paper

Understand the Point

When you're sharing your thoughts, whether in school or outside of it, it's important to have a good grasp of what you're talking about. So, before you start writing your paper, make sure you understand its goals and purpose. This way, you can give readers what they're looking for—a thoughtful, balanced analysis.

Knowing the purpose of your paper helps you stay on track. It keeps you from wandering off into unrelated subjects and lets you focus on the most important parts of the text. So, when you share your thoughts, they come across as clear and logical.

Read the Text Right After It Has Been Assigned

When you're asked to write a reaction paper, remember that your first reaction might not be your final one. Our initial thoughts can be a bit all over the place—biased, maybe even wrong! So, give yourself some time to really think things through.

Start diving into the material as soon as you get the assignment. Take your time to understand it inside and out. Read it over and over, and do some research if you need to until you've got a handle on everything—from what the author was trying to do to how they did it. Take notes along the way and try to see things from different angles.

When it comes to writing your paper, aim for a thoughtful response, not just a knee-jerk reaction. Back up your points with solid evidence and organize them well. Think of it more like writing a review than leaving a quick comment on a movie website.

Speaking of movies, we've got an example of a movie reaction paper below. Plus, if you're interested, we've got an article on discursive essay format you might find helpful.

Make a Note of Your Early Reactions

When you're diving into a topic, jotting down your initial thoughts is key. These first reactions are like capturing lightning in a bottle—they're raw, honest, and give you a real glimpse into how you're feeling.

Your paper should be like a mirror, reflecting your own experiences and insights. Your instructor wants to see the real you on the page.

Understanding why something makes you feel a certain way is crucial. By keeping track of your reactions, you can spot any biases or assumptions you might have. It's like shining a light in a dark room—you can see things more clearly. And by acknowledging these biases, you can write a paper that's fair and balanced. Plus, it can point you in the direction of further research, like following breadcrumbs through the forest.

Select a Perspective

Your perspective shapes how you see things, and it's like a roadmap for your reaction paper. It keeps you focused and organized and helps you share thoughtful insights.

Before you start writing, think about different angles to approach the topic. Figure out which perspective resonates with you the most. Consider what it does well and where it might fall short.

Putting yourself in the author's shoes can be really helpful. Try to understand why they wrote what they did and how they put it all together. It's like stepping into their world and seeing things from their point of view. This helps you analyze things more clearly and craft a solid paper.

Before we jump into the nitty-gritty of reaction paper templates, there are a few more tips to share. So, keep reading. Or if you're feeling overwhelmed, you can always ask our professional writers - ' do my homework for me ' - to lend a hand with your coursework.

Define Your Thesis

Defining your thesis might feel like trying to untangle a knot at first. Start by gathering all your ideas and main points. Think about which one resonates with you the most. Consider its strengths and weaknesses—does it really capture the essence of what you want to say?

Then, try to distill all those thoughts into a single sentence. It's like taking a handful of puzzle pieces and fitting them together to reveal the big picture. This sentence becomes the heart of your response essay, guiding your reader along with your analysis.

Organize Your Sections

When you're writing a response paper, it's important to organize your thoughts neatly. Papers that are all over the place can confuse readers and make them lose interest.

To avoid this, make sure you plan out your paper first. Create an outline with all the main sections and sub-sections you want to cover. Arrange them in a logical order that makes sense. Then, for each section, start with a clear topic sentence. Back it up with evidence like quotes or examples. After that, share your own opinion and analyze it thoroughly. Keep doing this for each section until your paper is complete. This way, your readers will be able to follow along easily and understand your argument better.

Write the Final Version

Writing a reaction paper isn't a one-shot deal. It takes several tries to get it just right. Your final version should be polished, with a strong thesis and a well-structured layout.

Before calling it done, give your paper a thorough once-over. Make sure it ticks all the boxes for your assignment and meets your readers' expectations. Check that your perspective is crystal clear, your arguments make sense and are backed up with evidence, and your paper flows smoothly from start to finish.

Keep an eye out for any slip-ups. If you catch yourself just summarizing the text instead of offering your own take, go back and rework that section. Your essay should be original but also fair and balanced. So, give it that final polish until it shines.

Check Your Paper for Spelling and Grammar

No matter what type of essay you're writing—whether it's argumentative or a reaction piece—grammar matters. Even if you've got a strong reaction statement and unique opinions, they won't shine if your sentences are hard to read.

Before you hit that submit button, take a moment to check for grammar and spelling mistakes. These little errors might seem minor, but they can really drag down the quality of your work. Plus, they signal a lack of attention to detail, which could hurt how seriously your paper is taken.

Remember, good grammar isn't just about following rules—it's about clarity. If your paper is riddled with mistakes, it'll be harder for readers to grasp your ideas. On the flip side, clean, error-free writing boosts your credibility and ensures that your thoughts come across loud and clear. So, give your paper that final polish—it's worth it.

Reaction Paper Reaction Paper Outline

Now that you've got all those handy tips and tricks under your belt let's talk about the big picture: the outline. It typically consists of three main parts: the introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. Each section has its own job to do and is equally crucial to the overall piece. Each part needs to meet the basic requirements of a written assignment, make clear points, and properly credit any direct quotes using the appropriate citation style, like APA format.

Reaction Paper Reaction Paper Outline


Getting started with writing can feel like trying to climb a mountain. But fear not! It doesn't have to be daunting if you know how to start a reaction paper.

The introduction is your chance to make a strong first impression. It sets the stage for what's to come and gives readers a glimpse of what they can expect. But keep it snappy—nobody likes a long-winded intro!

To craft an effective introduction:

  • Provide some context to get readers up to speed.
  • Give a brief summary of relevant background information.
  • Clearly state the purpose of your paper.
  • Explain what you're hoping to achieve and why it matters.
  • Wrap it up with a thesis statement that sums up your personal take and outlines the main points you'll be covering.

After your attention-grabbing introduction, it's time to keep the momentum going in the body paragraphs. This is where you really dive into your thoughts and opinions on the key points of the text.

Remember our top tip: divide your ideas into different sections. Each paragraph should kick off with a topic sentence that sums up the main idea you're tackling. Then, give a quick rundown of the specific aspect of the book or article you're discussing. After that, it's your turn to share your honest feelings about it and explain why you feel that way. Back up your ideas with quotes from trustworthy sources, and make sure to cite them correctly. And don't forget to tie your reactions back to the bigger picture.

Wrap up each paragraph by summarizing your thoughts and feelings and linking them back to the main theme of your paper. With this approach, your body paragraphs will flow smoothly and keep your readers engaged every step of the way.

As you wrap up your reaction paper format, don't overlook the importance of a strong conclusion. This is your chance to bring all your thoughts and feelings together in a neat package and leave a lasting impression on your reader.

Kick things off by revisiting your reaction statement. Remind your reader of the main points you've covered in the body paragraphs, and share any fresh insights you've gained along the way. Just remember—keep it focused on what you've already discussed. Your conclusion shouldn't introduce any new information.

Finish off your paper with a memorable closing statement that ties everything together. This is your chance to leave your reader with a final thought that resonates long after they've finished reading. With a well-crafted conclusion, you'll send your paper off on a high note and leave your reader feeling satisfied.

Reaction Paper Example

Sometimes, seeing is believing. That's why we've prepared a reaction paper example to show you exactly what a stellar paper looks like and how paying attention to small details can elevate your essay. While you're at it, you can also check out our pestle analysis example .

Final Words

Our tips and tricks on how to write a compelling reaction paper will get you an A+. Reflect on your thoughts and feelings, be clear, support your ideas with evidence, and remain objective. Review our reaction paper sample and learn how to write a high-quality academic paper.

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What Is a Reaction Paper?

How to make an outline for a reaction paper, how do you write a reaction paper, related articles.

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How to Write a Reaction Paper About a Movie

Films are often used as teaching tools to provide variety of media or an alternate perspective. Reaction papers are used to ensure that students understand the material and see how it fits within the context of the course in which it was shown. Unless it is part of the assignment, you don't need to give a plot summary or provide your opinion. Instead, focus on the movie as literature, or how it fits into the context of what you are learning.

Treat the film as literature in an English class. Write about how the themes and motifs come across in the course of the movie. Write about characterization and dialogue, especially if you are watching a film version of a novel. Compare the novel to the film in terms of story and style, and how the portrayal of characters met your expectations or surprised you. Give your opinion of how the form impacted the story -- does the story work better as a book or a movie? How are the two different?

Select the appropriate focus for your paper. Writing about a film in a history class could entail identifying where the film is historically accurate and where it takes artistic license. If you felt more connected to the characters than you would if you had read about them in a textbook, explain why. Talk about how the characters are portrayed and who is the most sympathetic. Did this meet your expectations, based on your knowledge of history, or did it surprise you? Talk about how the historical period is portrayed. Include elements of the film that tipped you off as to the period in which is was made.

Determine what elements to include. Write in a film class about how you think the production elements worked to tell the story. Was it effective? How could it have been better or worse? Differentiate between the screen writing, the cinematography and the acting. Were all of these elements working in harmony? Is it typical of this director's body of work? What about the film was predictable or surprising?

Review your essay after it is completed to be sure you have included enough detail to explain your thinking and your language is clear. Examine punctuation, spelling and format for consistency since mechanical errors make your ideas more difficult to understand.

  • It can help to do research about the making of the movie, the director's vision, the source material and the setting.
  • Regis University: Guidelines for Writing Film Response Papers
  • The University of Texas at El Paso : How to Write a Reaction Paper or Reader Response

Brittany Bookbinder has been writing professionally since 2010. Her work has been published in "Helicon," Northwestern University's literary magazine, and the Daily Northwestern in the form of a satirical online column. Bookbinder holds a bachelor's degree in theater and creative writing from Northwestern University.

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How to Write a Reaction Paper to a Movie

Get homework help on this topic - check the quality of writing from this sample, if you are looking for assignment help on this topic or similar topic, click on order now button to submit your details. once we have your order details, your assignment will be assigned to one of our best writers, who will then proceed to write your paper and deliver it within your specified deadline. thank you for choosing us today.

As a student, it is imperative that you know how to write a reaction paper to a movie. This is a paper that clearly explains your reaction to a movie or film. It can be like a review based on the fact that your reaction goes ahead to involve evaluation, judgment, and a bit of analysis. Your reaction will further focus on a specific character, scene, film technique, and relationship.

Reaction essays to a movie may also appear like a journal entry because it presents an author’s personal reaction as opposed to making an attempt to offer detailed analysis or definitive judgment. It also develops one main perception or order supporting it with solid evidence.

How to write a reaction paper to a movie guide

With the right guidelines on how to write a reaction paper to a movie, you are guaranteed of a successful paper. You will also save a great deal on time by employing the right outline and these guidelines

Do not repeat the story

The rule of thumb when writing a response paper ton a movie is to focus on the major theme or themes in the film. Avoid retelling the story because it will be hard for the reader to understand what the film is all about if you do so. The point of a good reaction is not the movie itself but the message.

Therefore, your first paragraph should be the introduction of the topic. This should include issue or issues that you are going to focus on. Ensure the introductory paragraph is brief, four to five sentences and discusses clearly the issue that will be revealed in the film or movie you are writing about.


Provide a bibliography based on the writing format that is recommended. However, avoid copies of the entire reviews in your paper. As a matter of fact, you only need a bibliographic reference to respond to a movie. Most importantly, cite references in the body of your essay using a standard format.

Use proper paragraphs in your essays. Ensure good transitions between the paragraphs to help the reader follow up on the story line. Do not run all your ideas in one paragraph but emphasize the main points in different paragraphs.

Focus on basic grammar and punctuation

Emphasize and focus on issues that are available secondarily in the film but do not lose focus in the main theme of the essay

Do not be a critic

Master how to write a reaction paper to a movie without being a critic. The performance of the actor or actors should not worry you. Insofar as subtleties of direction and editing should be a concern because they count a lot in any kind of reaction paper.

Be precise and straight to the point

Ordinarily, it is imperative to write your response to a movie in three pages. Follow the above guidelines and make solid points to cover important issues thoroughly. It is good to note that if you do not write clearly, it will be very hard to develop your arguments.

Outline for your essay

  • Write a plot summary briefly
  • Write the movie’s theme and purpose
  • explain how the themes were brought about
  • state any filmmaking technique
  • compare the movie with others silent or sound
  • Write your overall reaction, was the movie successful? Did it achieve its goals; was it worth recommending to others? State good and bad points etc.

How to write a reaction and techniques to help you avoid retelling the story

For practical and writers who have mastered how to write a reaction paper to a movie, retelling the story is usually a problem. It happens naturally as you focus on the plot of the film, describe events and scenes as they occur, or even weave your analysis into the structure of the film. Without your knowledge, you have restated the story thus, putting off readers.

The purpose of a reaction paper is to help the reader understand and appreciate ideas and elements that are less obvious. Therefore,

  • Narrow down your thesis; focus on a single scene or a secondary character. Avoid focusing on a central theme and main characters because you will most likely follow them and retell the story.
  • Emphasize on topic sentences in body paragraphs
  • Limit your summary to a single short paragraph (this is a mechanical approach that suits learners and competent writers)
  • Assume that the reader has already watched the movie or film therefore, no need for you to retell what he or she already knows.

Steps to help you master how to write a reaction paper to a movie

Reaction papers are mainly used to gauge whether you understand the film content or material. Tutors also use the paper to determine whether you know how film content fits the context of the theme. For this reasons, you do not need a summary or personal opinion. You ought to focus strongly on the movie as literature and see how it fits into the context of what you are studying.

Hence, you need to

Treat the movie as literature

Focus on the themes of the movie and motifs you come across in the film. Write about dialogue, characterization and especially if you are watching a movie that is novel based. Try as much as possible to compare the novel to the movie in terms of story line and style and the manner in which the characters match your expectations or surprise you. Ask yourself whether the story works best as a book or a movie and how are they different?

Choose the ideal focus for your paper

It is essential to select the ideal focus for your essay to understand how to a reaction paper to a movie. For instance, identify where the film is accurate and where it assumes an artistic license or so. If you feel more connected to specific characters than you possibly thought, talk about it.

Additionally, talk about how the characters are portrayed with special features of each character. For instance, who is more charming or sympathetic? Based on your knowledge did the characters surprise you, how is a certain period portrayed and so forth. Remember to include elements of the movie that truly tipped you off to the period it was made.

Choose the elements to include

It is essential to choose elements to include in your reaction paper. For instance, you can determine production elements to tell your story. What is effective, could it have been worse or better. Try to differentiate between cinematography, the acting and the screen writing. Did these elements work in harmony in your essay or is it the case with the director’s work? Let the reader understand whether the film was surprising or predictable.

Review the essay

Once the essay is complete, review it to be sure that you included all details explaining your thinking or thoughts. Is your language clear? Evaluate spelling, punctuation and the format of your paper for consistency. Proofreading and editing is essential for your essay because a paper that is full of mechanical errors is very hard to understand.

TIP: A little research on the making of the film you are responding to, the vision of the director, source of material and content is essential. It helps you to write an effective reaction.

Reaction paper to movie examples

Example 1: Movie, Jose Rizal

The movie, Jose Rizal focuses on the story of Jose Rizal, a state hero of the Philippines. It is a 3-hour epic on the life and struggles of his patriotism and poetry. It also focuses on his life from childhood to execution at the hands of Spanish forces who occupied the Philippines in late 19 th  century. We are also thrown into Rizal’s world of novels and we get a glimpse of the way he viewed the society of the Philippines under Spanish heal.

Read the  reaction paper   above and see how the author employs different writing strategies.

Topic: Marriage Material

The movie, Marriage Material is a close look at the relationship between two people, Andrew and Emily. Due to a simple friendship gesture, they are forced to take a serious look at their relationship. In this case, the unexpected happens, and the consequences come out when Andrew and Emily offer to baby sit their friend’s son who is seven months old for the day. After doing so, it is quite novelty for the two and is even more for Emily than Andrew……………………………………………………………………………

The reaction paper to Marriage Material above will help learn more on how to write your reaction paper.  Here , you will also get more guidelines on how to draft your essay.

  Example 3

Movie: Gandhi

Gandhi, ‘‘an eye for an eye in the end only makes the whole world blind’’. One of the most popular quotes by Mohandas Karamchand Gandi or Mahatma Gandhi was born in 2 nd October in 1869, in Porbandar Kathiawar Agency, British Indian Empire. When Mahatma was 13 years old, his father and other, Karamchand and Putiblai respectively arranged his marriage to Kasturbai Makhanji………………………………

How to Write a Reaction Paper to a Movie: References

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How to Write a Reaction Paper

How to Write a Reaction Paper

movie reaction essay

Guide for Writing a Reaction Paper

A reaction paper is a common assignment in most high schools and universities. It gives students the chance to show their understanding of source material by asking them to summarize, analyze, and give their personal opinion. A reaction paper requires critical thinking as well as creative writing skills, so it can be a challenge to write. Whether you were looking for the answer on how to write a reaction paper about a movie, how to write a reaction paper example, or how to write a reaction paper to an article, you will learn everything you need including a step-by-step guide and an outline here!  

What is Reaction Paper?

A reaction paper is a written assignment that asks a student to briefly summarize and then give personal opinions about a book, article, video, etc. Unlike a critique or review, the main focus is on the personal opinions, thoughts, feelings, and reactions of the student.

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How to Write a Good Reaction Paper?

Writing a reaction paper takes time and effort and there are several steps to take before getting to the actual writing. These steps will help you understand the source material as well as help structure the eventual paper. 

What is the purpose? 

Not all reaction papers have the same purpose. While all of them ask you to analyze and give opinions about the source material, the focus of the analysis can be different. Make sure you carefully read the guidelines of the assignment and if you have any questions ask your professor for clarifications.

  • Figure out whether the emphasis should be on the analysis or on your personal opinion and reaction.
  • The professor may ask you to react to the source material in a way that relates to the course that you are taking. For example, a reaction paper for a sociology class will be different from a reaction paper for an economics class even if the source material is the same.
  • Sometimes you may be asked to compare one source material to another piece of writing similar to a compare and contrast essay. 
  • A reaction paper can focus more on objective analysis or subjective opinion
  • Remember that the goal of a reaction paper is not just to state your opinion. Any claim you make must be backed up by evidence from the source material.
  • The purpose of a reaction paper is not to say whether you liked the source material or not, it is to analyze it and connect its deeper meanings to larger themes. 

Go over the source material several times

Just because it's called a reaction paper doesn't mean you can get away with going over the source material once and then quickly writing down what you felt about it. Even if you are trying to learn how to write a reaction paper to a movie, you can't just watch the movie once. Make sure that you give yourself enough time to go over the source material at least a few times. Not only do you have to understand every element of the source material, but you also need time to process, think about, analyze, and make connections. 

While it's good to think about deeper concepts when going through the source material for the first time, just focus on getting a general feeling about the article or movie. Focus on your specific insights and reactions when going over the source material for the second and third times. 

What to do after your first go through

After the first time you read the article or watch the video, spend some time writing down your initial reactions. Think of this as a brainstorming session where there are no bad ideas, write down whatever you want. This can include opinions of what you thought the strengths and weaknesses were, what you liked and didn't like, deeper meanings and connections that jumped out at you, connections to your course,  etc. 

The importance of notes

After you have your initial reactions down, it's time to go over the source material again and take in-depth notes. If it’s an article or a book, print it out so that you can take notes in the margins.  Highlight important quotes or pieces of information, draw arrows connecting different sections, write yourself notes and reminders in the margins, draw diagrams that help you understand the structure of the article, do whatever helps you understand the material better. No one else is going to see the notes you make so be as creative as you want to be. The more time you spend taking notes the better you will understand the source material and the easier writing the reaction paper will be.

Craft a thesis statement

Think of a thesis statement for a reaction paper as the main takeaway from your analysis. A good thesis statement is concise and focused. It should help guide the rest of your paper with every paragraph lending support to your thesis statement. You can come up with a thesis statement by asking yourself what the goal of the author was, how the source material impacts the world, what are the motivations of the main characters, what was the purpose of the source material, what were the major strengths or weaknesses of the source material, etc.

Paragraph Structure

Making a reaction paper outline is a useful endeavor because it helps organize your notes and understand the flow of the paper overall.  A reaction paper follows a typical five-paragraph essay format with an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. The next section will go in-depth into how to write a reaction paper section by section. 

In general, the first introductory paragraph should contain a brief summary of the source material. The body paragraphs should start with a clear topic sentence followed by evidence for the claim that you are making, and the conclusion should reiterate the thesis and main evidence.

When making an outline, write down the topic sentence and then a quick list of evidence that backs it up. Make sure that each paragraph connects to your thesis statement so that you don't lose focus during the paper. A useful way to structure each paragraph is to first elaborate on something from the source material and then give your opinion backed by evidence.

Using quotations

Once you have an outline and understand how the paragraphs will be structured, go through your notes and find specific quotations from the text that back up your claims. Don't just list quotations, make sure you analyze them and explain why they are important as evidence.  Depending on the word count of the assignment you should limit the length of quotations and paraphrase when necessary. 

Revise and Edit

Once you're done writing your paper make sure that you go over it a few times. This is to get rid of typos and other silly mistakes, but more importantly to check for flow and clarity. You may find that certain paragraphs work better in a different order, or even that certain topic sentences don't back up the thesis statement. This is your chance to make your paper the best it can possibly be, so make sure you spend some time reviewing and editing. 

Double-check your assignment guidelines

It's always a good idea to check your assignment guidelines once you are done with any type of assignment. You’ve put in all the hard work and you don't want to get a lower grade than you deserve because of something silly. Question what the assignment guidelines are asking you to do and make sure that you have followed all the rules.

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A reaction paper follows a typical five-paragraph format structure of essay writing. Let's take a look at each section. 


Like any type of writing, the first sentence of a reaction paper should engage the reader and make them want to find out more. Write a catchy hook by making a provocative statement about the source material, hinting at an interesting conclusion or reaction, stating an interesting fact or anecdote, etc.

Next, give some background information about the source material including the name of the article, the author, where and when it was published, any awards won, etc.  

Follow this up with a concise summary of the source material. Remember, the goal of a reaction paper is to objectively analyze and then give personal opinions backed by evidence, so don’t take a lot of time on the summary in the introduction. The goal of the summary is to give readers an idea of what the source material is about, so highlight the most important elements and skip details. Specific information about the source material will come up as quotations and evidence in the body paragraphs. 

End with your thesis statement.

Depending on the purpose of the assignment, your first body paragraph may be an expanded version of a summary or evaluation of the source material. 

More typically the body paragraphs are where you talk about your reactions to the source material and back it up with evidence. Make sure that each body paragraph talks only about 1 claim you are making and that each body paragraph relates to your thesis statement. You can ask yourself the following questions to come up with ideas for specific body paragraphs.

  • What were the main themes of the source material and how do they connect with your thesis statement?
  • Is there a connection between the source material and real-world events?
  • How does the source material relate to your course?
  • What are the major claims that the source material is making?
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of the source material and why?
  • Did the source material impact your emotions in any way and how did it achieve it?
  • Did the source material change your perspective on an important issue?


The conclusion paragraph should restate your thesis as well as the topic sentences of each paragraph. Concisely explain the main pieces of evidence you have used to support your thesis,  and briefly speak about any larger implications of the work. 

You may be required to have a brief work cited page. This will usually be quite short because the main source is the specific source material. Just make sure to know what citation convention you need to use. 

A reaction paper is one of the most enjoyable assignments for a student because it allows you to experience and give your opinion about something you like, if you were given the freedom to choose the source material, or something interesting if it was assigned by the professor. The most important thing to remember is to stay as objective as possible while expressing your opinion by backing up any claim you make with evidence.

If you have any more questions or need any help with writing a reaction paper, the experts at Studyfy are always here for you. They offer various academic writing services, including sociology essay writing services , help with argumentative essay , write my thesis for me , and college essay writing service . Their team of experts has vast experience in writing high-quality academic papers, and they can provide you with the necessary guidance and support to excel in your coursework.

Don't hesitate to reach out to Studyfy for any writing or academic support you may need!

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How to Write a Reaction Paper: Format, Template, & Reaction Paper Examples

A reaction paper is one of the assignments you can get in college. It may seem easy at first glance, similar to a diary entry requiring your reaction to an article, a literature piece, or a movie. However, writing a high-quality paper often turns into a challenge. Here is a handy guide on how to write a reaction paper, with examples and topic suggestions.

  • ❓ What Is a Reaction Paper?

✍️ Reaction Paper Format

  • 🤔 How to Write a Reaction Paper

💭 Reaction Paper Questions

  • 📋 Transitional Words

🔍 Reaction Paper Examples

  • ⁉️ Questions and Answers

🔗 References

❓ what is a reaction paper assignment.

A reaction paper (or response paper) is an academic assignment urging students to explain what they feel about something . When crafting a good reaction piece, the student should aim to clarify what they think, agree or disagree with, and how they would identify with the object regarding their life experiences. The object of your response may be a painting, a book, an academic publication, or a documentary.

This task is not a simple summary of the text or film you’re assigned to. Neither is it a research paper; you don’t need to use external sources in a reaction paper. Thus, the writing process may seem confusing to newbies. Let’s clarify its main elements and features to help you out.

Every academic assignment has a specific structure and requirements to follow. Here we discuss the major elements of the response paper format to guide you through its components and the composition algorithm. As soon as you capture the structure, you can write stellar texts without a problem.

Reaction Paper Template

Every critical reaction paper follows the standard essay outline, with the introduction, the main body, and the conclusion as to its main parts. Here is a more detailed breakdown of each component:

  • Introduction . You present the subject and set the context for the readers.
  • Body . This part is a detailed analysis of your response to the subject. You should list the main points and analyze them, relating to your feelings and experiences.
  • Wrap-up . Here you recap all major points and restate your opinion about the subject, giving it a conclusive evaluation.

Reaction Paper: APA Format

Depending on your teacher’s preferences and the academic subject, you may be given a reaction paper assignment in various referencing styles. The APA format is one of the possible variants. So, please don’t get confused about the writing approach; it only means that you should format your reaction paper according to APA conventions . These are:

  • A standard APA title page
  • One-inch margins on all sides
  • Double spacing between the lines
  • An author-date format of referencing external sources (if you use any supporting evidence)

The rest of the requirements are identical for reaction papers in all referencing formats, allowing you to choose.

🤔 How to Write a Good Reaction Paper Step-by-Step

Now, it’s time to clarify how to begin a reaction paper, what steps to take before writing, and how you will compose the entire assignment. Use our universal step-by-step guide fitting any reaction paper topic.

  • Study the prompt inside out . You should understand the prompt to craft a relevant paper that your professor will grade highly.
  • Clarify all instructions . A grave mistake that students often make is assuming they have understood everything in one go. Still, asking questions never killed anybody. So, we recommend inquiring your tutor about everything to be 100% sure you’re on the right path.
  • Study the subject of your paper . Watch a movie, look at the painting, or read the text – do everything you can to get to the depths of the author’s message and intention.
  • Make notes . Your reactions matter, as they will become the main content of your written text. So, annotate all feelings and ideas you have when studying the subject. You’ll be able to use them as writing prompts later.
  • Make a reaction essay outline . The outline is the backbone of your content, which will serve as your compass during the actual writing process.
  • Compose the draft . Use the outline as a structure and add details, evidence, and facts to support your claims. Then add an introduction and a conclusion to the final draft.
  • Edit and revise . To err is human; to edit is divine. Follow this golden rule to submit a polished, revised paper without errors and typos.

How to Write a Reaction Paper About a Movie?

When the subject of your reaction paper assignment is a movie, you should consider the context in which it was given. It’s probably a supporting material for your study course dedicated to a specific learning concept or theory. Thus, it would be best to look for those links when watching the assigned movie – “ Women’s Rights and Changes over the 20 th Century ” is an excellent example of this technique. It will help you draw the connections in your reaction paper, showing your professor that you understand the material and can relate theory and practice.

The steps you need to take are as follows:

  • Watch the film . It’s better to do it 2-3 times to capture all the tiny details.
  • Take notes . Record the film’s central themes, messages, character traits, and relationships.
  • Focus on a relevant element of the film in your response . If it’s a Film Studies class, you may write about the stylistic means and shooting techniques that the director used. If it’s a psychology class, you may write about characters and their relationships. If you need to compose a Sociology or Politics reaction paper, you may focus on the context of the film’s events.
  • Revise the draft . Careful editing can save your grade, helping you locate minor errors, typos, and inconsistencies. Always reserve some time for a final look at your text.

How to Write a Reaction Paper to a Documentary?

Documentaries are also frequently chosen as subjects for reaction papers. They present valid, objective data about a specific event, person, or phenomenon and serve as informative, educational material for students. Here’s what you need to do if you get such a task:

  • Watch the documentary several times . Watch it several times to understand everything nicely. It’s usually a much more data-rich video piece than a fiction film is, so you’ll need to take many notes.
  • Present your documentary in the background of your reaction paper . Set the context for further discussion by naming the author, explaining its topic and content, and presenting its central claim.
  • Talk about the documentary’s purpose at length . Please focus on the details and major claims made by the director; present relevant facts you’ve learned from it.
  • React to the documentary’s content and explain how you felt about it . State what points you agree with and what ideas seem controversial; explain why you agree or disagree with the director’s position.

A vital aspect of a response to a documentary is comparing what you knew and thought about the subject before and after watching it. It’s a significant learning experience you should share, showing whether you have managed to progress through the studies and acquire new information. Look through the “ Alive Inside: A Story of Music and Memory ” reaction paper to get a clear idea of how it works.

How to Write a Reaction Paper to an Article?

Once you get a home task to write a reaction paper to an article, you should follow this algorithm:

  • Read the article several times to understand it well . Make notes every time you read; new shades of meaning and details will emerge.
  • Explain the key claims and terms of the article in your own words, as simply as possible . Then respond to them by evaluating the strength of those claims and their relevance.
  • Assess the author’s stand and state whether you agree with it . Always give details about why you do or don’t support the author’s position.
  • Question the evidence provided by the author and analyze it with additional sources, if necessary.

Please don’t forget about the following writing conventions:

An excellent example of a response paper to an article is “ Gay Marriage: Disputes and the Ethical Dilemma .”

Tips for Writing a Psychology Reaction Paper

If you were tasked with writing a reaction paper for a Psychology class, use the following tips to excel in this assignment.

  • Identify the subject you need to react to . It may be a psychological theory, a book or article on psychology, or a video of a psychologist’s performance.
  • Study the subject in detail . You need to understand it to form specific reactions, give informed commentary, and evaluate the presented claims effectively.
  • Think about the topic’s relevance to modern times . Is the theory/book/article consistent with the ideas people hold today? Has there been any criticism of these ideas published recently? Did later research overturn the theory?
  • Form a subjective response to the assigned subject . Do you agree with that position? Do you consider it relevant to your life experience? What feelings does it arouse in you?

By approaching a psychology piece with all these questions, you can create a high-quality response based on valid data, reflecting your reactions and opinions. Look through “ Peer Interaction in Mergers: Evidence of Collective Rumination ” to see how it can be done.

Reaction essay writing is a process that you can start only after answering essential questions about the content and your feelings. Here are some examples to ask yourself when preparing for the writing stage.

  • What is the author’s key message or problem addressed in the piece?
  • What purpose did the author pursue when creating this text/movie/sculpture/painting? Did the author fulfill it successfully?
  • What point does the author intend to make with their work of art/literature?
  • What assumptions can I trace throughout the subject, and how do they shape its content/look?
  • What supporting facts, arguments, and opinion does the author use to substantiate their claims? Are they of high quality? What is their persuasive power?
  • What counterarguments can I formulate to the claims made by the author?
  • Is the raised issue relevant/interesting/significant?
  • What are the author’s primary symbols or figurative means to pass their message across?
  • Do I like or dislike the piece overall? What elements contribute to a positive/negative impression?
  • How does this piece/subject correlate with my life experience and context?
  • How can the reflections derived from this subject inform my life and studies?
  • What lesson can I learn from this subject?

📋 Transitional Words for Reaction Paper

When you write a reaction paper, you express a personal opinion about a subject you have studied (a visual artwork or a text). However, the subjective nature of this assignment doesn’t mean that you should speak blatantly without caring about other people’s emotions and reactions. It’s critical to sound polite and use inclusive language.

Besides, you need to substantiate your points instead of simply stating that something is good or bad. Here are some linguistic means to help you develop a coherent reaction text:

  • I think/feel/believe that
  • It seems that
  • In my opinion
  • For example / as an illustration / as a case in point
  • In contrast
  • I think / I strongly believe / from my point of view
  • I am confident that
  • For all these reasons
  • Finally / in conclusion

It’s not mandatory to squeeze all these phrases into your text. Choose some of them sparingly depending on the context; they will make your essay flow better.

Here is a short reaction paper example you can use as practical guidance. It is dedicated to the famous movie “Memento” by Christopher Nolan.

Memento is a movie about a man with a rare neurological condition – anterograde amnesia – seeking revenge for the rape and murder of his wife. He struggles to remember the recent events and creates various hints in notes and tattoos to keep the focus on his mission. Throughout the film, he meets different people who play weird roles in his life, contributing to the puzzle set by the director in the reverse scene presentation.

My first impression of the movie was confusing, as it took me half of the film to realize that the scenes were organized in the reverse order. Once the plot structure became more apparent, I opened many themes in the movie and enjoyed it until the end. Because of the severe brain damage, Leonard could not determine whether the story of his wife’s rape and murder was real, whether he had already been revenged for her death, and whether he was a hero or a villain. Thus, for me, the film was about a painful effort to restore one’s identity and seek life meaning amid the ruining memory and lost self.

The overall approach of Christopher Nolan deserves a separate mention. A unique design of shots’ sequence and the mix of chronological black-and-white and reverse chronological colored scenes is a puzzle that a viewer needs to solve. Thus, it becomes a separate thrilling adventure from the film’s storyline. My overall impression was positive, as I love Christopher Nolan’s auteur approach to filmmaking and the unique set of themes and characters he chooses for artistic portrayal.

Another example of a reaction paper we’ve prepared for you presents a reaction to “Night” by Elie Wiesel.

The horrors of World War II and concentration camps arranged by Nazis come to life when one reads Elie Wiesel’s Night. It is a literary piece composed by a person who lived in a concentration camp and went through the inhumane struggles and tortures of the Nazi regime . Though Wiesel survived, he portrayed that life-changing experience in much detail, reflecting upon the changes the threat of death makes to people’s character, relationships, and morality.

One of the passages that stroke me most was people’s cruelty toward their dearest relatives in the face of death. The son of Rabbi Eliahou decided to abandon his father because of his age and weakness, considering him a burden. This episode showed that some people adopt animal-like behavior to save their lives, forgetting about the cherished bonds with their parents. Such changes could not help but leave a scar on Elie’s soul, contributing to his loss of faith because of the cruelty around him.

However, amid the horror and cruelty that Elie Wiesel depicted in his book, the central message for me was the strength of the human spirit and the ability to withstand the darkness of evil. Wiesel was a living witness to human resilience. He witnessed numerous deaths and lost faith in God, but his survival symbolizes hope for a positive resolution of the darkest, unfairest times. Though reading “Night” left me with a heavy, pessimistic impression, I still believe that only such works can teach people peace and friendship, hoping that night will never come again.

The third sample reaction paper prepared by our pros deals with the article of David Dobbs titled “The Science of Success.”

The article “ The Science of Success ,” written by David Dobbs in 2009, presents an innovative theory of behavioral genetics. The author lays out the findings of a longitudinal study held by Marian Bakermans-Kranenbug and her team related to the evolution of children with externalizing behaviors. Their study presents a new perspective on the unique combination of genetics, environment, parenting approaches, and its impact on children’s mental health in adulthood.

The claim of Dobbs I found extremely convincing was the impact of mothers’ constructive parenting techniques on the intensity of externalizing behaviors. Though most children learn self-control with age and become calmer and more cooperative as they grow up, waiting for that moment is unhealthy for the child’s psyche. I agree that parents can help their children overcome externalizing behaviors with calm activities they all enjoy, such as reading books. Thus, the reading intervention can make a difference in children’s psychological health, teaching them self-control and giving their parents a break.

However, the second part of the article about “dandelion” and “orchid” children and their vulnerability caused more questions in me. I did not find the evidence convincing, as the claims about behavioral genetics seemed generic and self-obvious. Children raised in high-risk environments often develop depression, substance abuse, and proneness to criminality. However, Dobbs presented that trend as a groundbreaking discovery, which is debatable. Thus, I found this piece of evidence not convincing.

As you can see, reaction paper writing is an art in itself. You can compose such assignments better by mastering the techniques and valuable phrases we’ve discussed. Still, even if you lack time or motivation for independent writing, our team is on standby 24/7. Turn to us for help, and you’ll get a stellar reaction paper in no time.

⁉️ Reaction Paper Questions and Answers

What words do you use to start a reaction paper.

First, you need to introduce the subject of your paper. Name the author and the type of work you’re responding to; clarify whether it’s a film, a text, or a work of art. Next, you need to voice your opinion and evaluate the assigned subject. You can use phrases like, “I think… In my opinion… My first reaction was… I was touched by…”.

What Is the Difference Between Reflection and Reaction Paper?

The main distinction between reflection and reaction essays is their focus on the subject. A reaction paper approaches it from the viewpoint of your evaluation of the content and message of the assigned topic. It deals with how you felt about it, whether you liked it, and what thoughts it evoked in you. A reflection, in its turn, deals with your perceptions and beliefs. It focuses on the transformational experiences of either changing or reinforcing one’s views upon seeing or reading something.

What Is the Purpose of Reaction Paper?

The primary purpose of writing a reaction paper is to communicate your experience of reading, watching, or to see a subject (e.g., a movie, a book, or a sculpture). You should explain how you captured the author’s message, what you felt when exposed to that subject, and what message you derived. You can cite details and discuss your reactions to them before forming the general evaluation.

Can You Use “I” in a Reaction Paper?

Students can use the first-person “I” when writing reaction pieces. The use of the first person is generally banned in academic research and writing, but reflections and response papers are exceptions to this rule. It’s hard to compose a personal, subjective evaluation of an assigned subject without referring to your thoughts, ideas, and opinions. In this academic assignment, you can use phrases like “I believe… I think… I feel…”.

  • Reaction vs. Reflection Paper: What’s the Difference? Indeed Editorial Team .
  • Response Paper, Thompson Writing Program, Duke University . Guidelines for Reaction Papers, ETH Zürich .
  • Film Reaction Papers, Laulima .
  • How to Make a Reaction Paper Paragraph, Classroom, Nadine Smith .
  • How to Write a Response Paper, ThoughtCo, Grace Fleming .
  • Reviews and Reaction papers, UMGC .
  • Reaction Paper, University of Arkansas .
  • How to Write a Reaction Paper, WikiHow, Rachel Scoggins .
  • How to Write a Reaction (Steps Plus Helpful Tips), Indeed Editorial Team .
  • Response Paper, Lund University .
  • How to Write a Reaction Paper in 4 Easy Steps, Cornell CS .
  • Response Papers, Fred Meijer Center for Writing & Michigan Authors, Grand Valley State University .

Your Ultimate Guide to Writing an Exceptional Reaction Paper (2023)

Reaction Paper

Introduction: What is a Reaction Paper?

Tips on how to write a reaction paper, understand the point of a reaction paper, read the text right after it has been assigned, make a note of your early reactions, select a perspective, define your thesis, organize your sections, write the final version, check your paper for spelling and grammar, reaction paper outline, reaction paper introduction.

  • 1.      What is a reaction paper?
  • 2.      How do I start writing a reaction paper?
  • 3.      What should be included in the introduction of a reaction paper?
  • 4.      How should I structure the body paragraphs of my reaction paper?
  • 5.      What is the purpose of the conclusion in a reaction paper?
  • 6.      Can I get professional assistance with my reaction paper?
  • Final Thoughts  

Writing reaction papers originated in the early 1900s as a form of response to literature. Initially known as a “response paper,” this writing style gained popularity among scholars and educators as a way to encourage critical thinking and engagement with written works. Over the years, the format evolved, and it became known as a “reaction paper,” emphasizing the writer’s personal reactions and opinions to the material they encountered. Today, writing a reaction paper remains a valuable academic exercise, enabling students to articulate their thoughts, feelings, and insights while analyzing various texts, films , or experiences.

In the realm of art and literature, creators often aspire to evoke profound thoughts and emotions in their audience. While receiving compliments like ‘Amazing’ and ‘Wonderful’ is gratifying, the true mark of a successful piece lies in its ability to be thought-provoking. These thought-provoking works embed themselves in our minds, eliciting reactions and discussions that linger long after the initial encounter. In academic settings, this concept holds true as well. A piece of academic work becomes noteworthy when it evokes reactions from its readers. In this article, we will delve into the essence of a reaction paper and explore how to write one effectively.

At its core, a reaction paper is a written response to a book, article, movie, or any other form of media. It goes beyond a mere summary, delving into the writer’s thoughts, emotions, and analysis of the work’s themes, characters, and other elements. The primary purpose of a reaction paper is to provide a platform for the writer to reflect on and critically evaluate the work, as well as to communicate their insights and opinions to others.

When assigned a reaction paper, it is essential to carefully follow the given instructions, which can typically be found in the course syllabus. Paying attention to the structure, grammar, and citations is crucial to ensure the paper meets the required standards. It is vital to fully grasp the specific requirements to avoid inadvertently writing a reaction paper in the wrong style, such as confusing a Chicago-style reaction paper with an APA reaction paper. In this article, we will offer valuable tips on crafting a flawless reaction paper, accompanied by a sample to serve as a helpful guide.

movie reaction essay

When it comes to writing a reaction paper, approaching the task with an open mind and actively engaging with the material are essential. Unlike other academic assignments, a response paper allows you to express your personal opinions, making it a relatively easy task. The key is to master the essence and general structure of a reaction paper, enabling you to effectively convey your thoughts and feelings about the subject matter.

To guide you through the process, we have compiled some helpful tips on how to write a reaction paper. However, if your due date is fast approaching , don’t hesitate to seek assistance from our reliable essay writing service online. Our team of expert writers is always ready to lend a helping hand.

Beyond the confines of academia, sharing unstructured opinions about unfamiliar topics is unlikely to leave a positive impression. When you express your personal opinion, it is expected that you have a solid understanding of the subject matter.

Therefore, before delving into your reaction paper, ensure that you fully comprehend its purpose. Whether you are writing a psychology reaction paper or any other type, the key is to deliver valuable and balanced analysis that resonates with readers.

The primary goal of reaction papers is to foster critical thinking skills among students. As a writer, your task is not merely to react to the text but to meticulously analyze its strengths, weaknesses, the author’s intentions, and whether the text accomplishes its objectives.

Understanding the essence of a reaction paper ensures that you remain focused on the assignment’s scope, avoiding any tangents or irrelevant content. It also enables you to concentrate on the most pertinent aspects of the text and present your personal opinion in a clear and logical manner.

While a reaction paper naturally invites your immediate response, it’s crucial to resist the urge to react hastily. Initial thoughts can be ambiguous, biased, and even inaccurate. To form well-founded opinions, you need time for thoughtful consideration.

As soon as you receive the assignment to write a response essay , begin immersing yourself in the material. Dedicate ample time to read, reread, and conduct additional research until you grasp every aspect of the text, from the author’s objectives to their execution of ideas. Take meticulous notes and maintain a balanced perspective.

Aim to develop a strong and thoughtful reaction statement rather than an impulsive and emotionally charged one. Supporting your arguments with gathered information and structuring them coherently will give your paper a more professional and review-like tone, rather than sounding like a casual comment on a movie website.

Speaking of films, below you will find an example of a movie reaction paper. For additional guidance, feel free to explore our article on discursive essay format.

Remember, writing a reaction paper is an opportunity to express your unique perspective and insights, so embrace the process with enthusiasm and a critical eye. Mastering the art of crafting thoughtful and well-structured reaction papers will not only enhance your academic skills but also equip you with valuable tools for expressing your thoughts effectively in various contexts.

As you begin your journey of writing a reaction paper, don’t underestimate the significance of your initial reactions. Jotting down your first thoughts and emotions about the subject matter can be invaluable. These early reactions often represent the rawest and most honest expression of your feelings, providing valuable insight into your perspective.

Noting your early reactions also aids in organizing your ideas and identifying key points to explore further in your academic paper. As you delve deeper into the subject, continue writing down your thoughts to observe how your ideas evolve and progress . This process helps ground your text in your personal experience and ensures a clear and meaningful thesis, meeting the expectations of your instructor for an authentic reflection of your thoughts.

Understanding how a specific piece of art or work evokes emotions and why is crucial to the writing process. By recording personal reactions, you can also recognize any biases or preconceived notions you might have. Acknowledging and examining these biases allows for a better understanding of your perspective and enables you to present a more balanced and nuanced paper. Additionally, noting areas where further research is needed can enhance the depth and credibility of your response.

In writing a reaction paper, selecting a perspective is pivotal as it guides your analysis and provides a structured approach to your response. This ensures that your paper remains focused, well-organized, and offers insightful thoughts.

Before you commence writing, explore different viewpoints on the topic and determine which perspective aligns most closely with your feelings and understanding . Consider the strengths and weaknesses of the selected perspective to gain a comprehensive perspective on the subject matter.

Stepping into the author’s shoes can be enlightening. Reflect on the motives behind the piece, the author’s intentional structure, and their objectives. Such insights will help you analyze the work more clearly and leverage your analytical skills to craft an exceptional reaction paper.

A well-defined thesis statement serves as a roadmap for the rest of your reaction paper, providing clear direction and purpose to your analysis. Crafting a compelling thesis is pivotal as it concisely presents the main idea of your response and helps you stay on track throughout your writing.

Defining a thesis statement might prove challenging, so begin by gathering all your ideas and main points. Identify the notion that resonates most powerfully with you and evaluate its strengths and weaknesses in effectively conveying the central message.

Strive to express your thoughts in a single sentence that blooms into a meaningful response essay, capturing the essence of your analysis and argument.

To avoid confusion and maintain readers’ attention, proper organization of your response paper is essential. A well-structured reaction paper ensures that readers can easily comprehend your argument and follow the flow of your analysis.

Create a coherent outline that provides a clear framework for your response paper, including main sections and sub-sections. Arrange them in a logical sequence, commencing each section with a topic sentence supported by relevant facts, quotes, or examples. Subsequently, present your personal opinion and back it up with a comprehensive analysis. Repeat this approach for each section, culminating in a cohesive and well-structured reaction paper .

After several revisions, your initial draft will evolve into a powerful final version of your reaction essay. Ensure that it encompasses a strong thesis, exhibits a well-structured flow, and radiates polish.

Take the time to thoroughly review the final version, ensuring it aligns with the academic assignment’s requirements and fulfills the expectations of your audience. Revisit your response paper to confirm that your perspective remains clear, your arguments are logical, and they are substantiated with supporting facts. Verify that your paper follows a cohesive structure, presenting your thoughts coherently and persuasively.

During this review, identify and rectify any sections that may veer into mere retelling of the original text, as your goal is to offer a critical analysis infused with your personal opinions . Aim for uniqueness while maintaining an unbiased approach, providing a distinct voice that reflects your genuine reactions and insights.

While the task of writing reaction papers might initially seem tedious, we strive to facilitate the process by offering a valuable how-to-write-a-reaction-paper example, which you can explore in our site.

Grammatical accuracy is paramount, be it for argumentative essays or reaction papers. Your compelling reaction statement and unique perspectives may lose their impact if the sentences lack readability.

Before submitting your reaction paper, meticulously check for grammar and spelling errors. These flaws can detract from the overall quality of your work and undermine your intended message. Moreover, they may hint at a lack of attention to detail, jeopardizing the seriousness and impact of your paper.

By maintaining proper grammar and spelling, you elevate your credibility and ensure that your thoughts and feelings on the subject are effectively conveyed and comprehended. Polished writing, devoid of grammatical mistakes, enhances your reader’s perception of your analytical and communication skills, thereby strengthening the overall impact of your reaction paper.

Incorporate these tips into your writing process to craft a compelling reaction paper that resonates with your audience and showcases your critical thinking and writing prowess. By staying true to your personal reactions and diligently refining your paper, you will produce an engaging and thought-provoking piece that leaves a lasting impression on readers.

Reaction Paper

As you’ve now become well-versed in the valuable tips and tricks that elevate the art of crafting a compelling response, let’s delve into the fundamental foundation of a stellar reaction paper: the outline. An essential tool in organizing your thoughts and guiding readers through your intricate reflections, the reaction paper outline ensures a seamless and coherent flow that captivates your audience.

The reaction paper outline comprises three key components: the introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. Each section carries its unique purpose and holds equal significance in the overall structure of your response essay . Embracing the essence of written assignments, these units stand as pillars to present your specific points with clarity while appropriately crediting direct quotations following formats such as reaction paper APA style or other citation guidelines. So, buckle up for an enlightening journey as we embark on unraveling the intricacies of crafting an impeccable reaction paper outline.

Embarking on the journey of crafting a reaction paper can be both exhilarating and daunting. However, fear not, for we have the perfect guide to master the art of writing an engaging introduction. The opening paragraphs of your reaction paper serve as the gateway to your readers’ hearts and minds, making it essential to leave a lasting impression from the very beginning.

To start your introduction with a bang, focus on providing relevant context for the topic at hand. Enlighten your readers with a concise summary of the background information pertinent to your analysis, setting the stage for a deep exploration of the subject matter. Clearly express the purpose of your paper and articulate the objectives you aim to achieve with your thoughtful reflections. And here’s the key: Conclude your introduction with a powerful thesis statement that encapsulates your unique perspective and the main points that will guide your readers through the captivating journey of your response paper.

Having conquered the introduction, it’s time to dive into the heart of your response paper—the body paragraphs. In this crucial section, your thoughts and feelings take center stage as you explore the major points of the work under scrutiny. Remember, organization is key to maintaining a coherent and impactful presentation.

To master your body paragraphs, divide your ideas into separate sections, each beginning with a topic sentence that reflects the central theme. Provide a brief summary of the specific aspect of the book, article, or media you’re about to delve into, followed by a thoughtful expression of your emotions and explanations behind them. Reinforce your ideas with well-crafted quotes from reliable sources, ensuring proper citation to maintain academic integrity. Aim to connect your reactions to the broader context, showcasing the depth of your understanding.

As you conclude each paragraph, offer a succinct summary of your thoughts and feelings, skillfully tying them back to the paper’s main theme and creating a seamless flow of ideas throughout your reaction paper.

Now, as you reach the culmination of your reaction paper, you’re armed with the power to leave a profound impact on your readers through an impressive conclusion. This is your chance to consolidate your thoughts and emotions, leaving a lasting impression on your audience.

Begin your conclusion by restating your reaction statement, anchoring your readers to the core essence of your response. Reaffirm the key points you eloquently presented in the body sections and provide newfound insights you’ve gained through your analysis. However, it’s crucial to refrain from introducing any new information at this stage. Instead, offer a memorable statement that artfully ties together the main ideas, providing closure and resonating with your readers.

With these invaluable tips, you now possess the tools to craft a remarkable reaction paper, capable of captivating hearts and sparking minds. Whether you’re writing a response to a thought-provoking book, an enlightening article, or even a gripping film, these techniques will elevate your writing prowess and ensure your reaction paper shines bright. So, let your words flow with passion, and leave a lasting impression with your compelling reflections.

FAQs – Writing a Reaction Paper

1.      what is a reaction paper.

A reaction paper is a type of academic assignment that requires students to express their personal thoughts and feelings about a specific book, article, movie, or other forms of media. It goes beyond merely summarizing the content and involves critical analysis, reflection, and thoughtful responses to the material.

2.      How do I start writing a reaction paper?

To begin writing a reaction paper, approach the task with an open mind and engage actively with the material. Start by understanding the purpose of the reaction paper and identifying its main goal – which is to develop your critical thinking skills . Make notes of your early reactions to the content and take the time to explore and form well-rounded opinions before crafting your response.

3.      What should be included in the introduction of a reaction paper?

The introduction of a reaction paper sets the tone for the entire piece. It should provide relevant context, a summary of the background information related to the analysis, and clearly state the purpose of the paper. Additionally, the introduction should present a thesis statement that encapsulates your personal opinion and the main points of your paper.

4.      How should I structure the body paragraphs of my reaction paper?

The body paragraphs should be divided into separate sections, each starting with a topic sentence that reflects the main theme of the section. Summarize the specific aspect of the material you want to discuss, share your thoughts and feelings about it, and support your ideas with evidence and proper citations. Connect your reactions to the broader context and conclude each paragraph with a summary of your insights.

5.      What is the purpose of the conclusion in a reaction paper?

The conclusion of a reaction paper allows you to summarize your thoughts and feelings, reaffirm your key points from the body paragraphs, and offer new insights you’ve gained from the analysis. It should not include any new information but rather provide closure for the readers and leave a l asting impression based on your raw emotions and thoughtful reflections.

6.      Can I get professional assistance with my reaction paper?

Yes, absolutely! GradeSmiths offers top-notch essay writing services, including assistance with reaction papers. Our experienced writers can guide you through the process and help you craft a compelling and high-quality academic paper that will earn you excellent grades. Whether you need help with reaction papers, research papers, or any other type of academic writing, our team is here to support you every step of the way.Top of Form

Final Thoughts  

As you embark on the journey of writing a reaction paper, GradeSmiths is here to be your guiding light. Our expert tips and tricks will equip you with the knowledge to produce a compelling and top-notch response essay that will surely impress your professors. So, brace yourself to dive deep into the realm of reflection, clarity, and objectivity, as we unveil the secrets to securing that coveted A+ grade.

With our insightful guidance, you’ll learn to channel your thoughts and feelings into a well-structured paper that captivates readers from start to finish. Supporting your ideas with solid evidence, you’ll craft a persuasive argument that resonates with your audience and showcases your analytical prowess. Plus, our exclusive reaction paper sample will serve as a source of inspiration, helping you master the art of academic writing.

At GradeSmiths, we don’t stop at reaction papers. Our skilled and experienced writers offer a comprehensive range of academic writing services , including nursing essay writing and research paper assistance. With our unwavering commitment to quality, reliability, and academic excellence, you can trust us to deliver outstanding results. So, why settle for less? Experience the GradeSmiths difference and elevate your academic journey today by reaching out for our high-quality essay writing services. Your path to success starts with us!

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How to Write a Reaction Paper About a Movie

How to Write a Reaction Paper About a Movie

What is a Reaction Paper?

The main purpose of a reaction essay is to give an evaluation of a piece of art. Our article will help you to write a reaction paper about a movie, but actually, the structure of all kinds of reaction essays is the same - to give your own perception and feelings which the piece of art evoked in you.

How to Start a Reaction Paper About a Movie

First of all, you should select a motion picture to be analyzed. You may choose it from the option list given by your teacher or find it by yourself. Anyway, choose the one that you like most. You are going to spend some time with it, that is why you should enjoy the process.

You can find and choose the movie here:


How to Write an Outline of Your Essay

There are several elements which have to be covered in this type of an essay. In a reaction paper about a movie, these elements are the following:

  • The director and the scriptwriter
  • The title of the movie and its genre
  • The setting: time and place of action
  • The main topic of the movie and its main message
  • The system of characters: main characters and minor characters
  • The system of conflicts in the movie
  • Music and sound arrangement
  • Special effects
  • Your own impressions about the movie                              

Reaction Essay Format. How to Write a Reaction Paragraph

Organization of the Reaction Paper

A reaction paper should be well-organized and structured. It is advisable to present it as a 5-paragraph format:

  • The first paragraph is an introduction that presents the main point of the paper.
  • The three main body paragraphs should contain ideas or concepts derived from the movie, - your personal opinions and feelings about them.
  • The final paragraph should offer an overall summary of the whole paper, - a conclusion.

5 Things to Remember

  • The review tests your ability to describe and give your opinion. Try to show the best result. Ask yourself what you liked most and explain it in your work.
  • Imagine that you are giving a recommendation for people who haven’t seen the movie.
  • Before you start writing your own review, read as many reaction paper templates as you can.
  • Find interesting facts about the movie to make your essay unique.
  • Be inspired by what you are doing and you will succeed.

Overall, enjoying the process of writing will surely help you to make a perfect essay. Remember, in case you have no inspiration our specialists can always help you to write a unique reaction paper in a short period of time.

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How to Write a Movie Response Essay

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For more than a century, people of all ages have enjoyed watching a good movie. However, watching a movie purely for enjoyment and writing a critical response to one are different experiences. Acting, directing, cinematography and other elements all contribute to a movie's success. In writing a movie response, your goal is to explain to readers why a movie is worth seeing by evaluating its strengths and weaknesses in these areas, providing essential background information and giving an overall evaluation.


The opening of a film response usually includes the movie's production information, including the title, director, genre and actors. This information can be used to build an introduction that will grab readers' attention and provide essential background at the same time. For example, a response to the film "Lincoln" might read, "From 'Schindler's List' to 'Munich,' Steven Spielberg has built his career on films that dramatize history, and 'Lincoln' is no exception." The reader is likely already curious to see the film, but an effective review makes him or her read on to discover more.

Plot Summary

Since your primary audience may be people who have not seen the movie, you should usually provide a brief plot summary before moving into your evaluation. "Brief" is the key word; it can be easy to get carried away with a summary. When writing a plot summary for a movie response, the author includes the most essential plot points without revealing any information that could spoil the film or its ending for viewers. Austin Peay State University suggests mentioning at least five events in order to cover the broad panorama of the story.

Identifying Strengths

Once you orient the reader to the basic plot of the movie, you can begin your evaluation by sharing the film's strengths. To do this, you can choose one or two aspects that worked well, such as a particularly effective performance, the cinematography and how the director uses music and lighting. Your examples will work best if you specifically state how each element contributes to the movie's success. For example, if you were writing about the strong acting in "Lincoln," you might say, "Daniel Day-Lewis' portrayal of Lincoln lends historical authenticity and humanity to the iconic president's character."

Identifying Weaknesses

Even if you felt the movie was successful overall, the best movie responses provide a balanced assessment of weak points as well as strengths. Just as you considered what made the movie most effective, you should consider things that didn't work well, such as unrealistic dialogue, plot development and inconsistencies in the storyline. Weakness are best described tactfully, using a neutral tone. For example, a weakness in a response to "Lincoln" might read, "While accuracy is one of the film's strengths, many viewers may find it hard to follow because of its slow pacing and focus on dialogue rather than action."

Overall Evaluation

In any essay, a good conclusion summarizes the main point while adding some new information for the reader to consider. Therefore, one way to conclude your movie response is with an overall evaluation that synthesizes the different cinematic conventions you've considered. In the case of "Lincoln," you might write that while it is an excellent depiction of Lincoln's Civil War diplomacy skills, viewers who expect battle sequences and intense war action might be disappointed. Because of this, the film is better suited for audiences who like strong, dramatic performances and intense scenes between characters.

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Kori Morgan holds a Bachelor of Arts in professional writing and a Master of Fine Arts in creative writing and has been crafting online and print educational materials since 2006. She taught creative writing and composition at West Virginia University and the University of Akron and her fiction, poetry and essays have appeared in numerous literary journals.

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How to Write a Reaction Paper to a Movie: Easy Steps


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Such a popular question nowadays – how to write movie review for college? Yeah, writing a film review can be a really interesting assignment. Why? Well, for starters, one of the tasks you would have to do is to watch the movie, and who does not like watching movies for fun?

Afterward, it will be delightful to write a movie review for your academic curriculum and especially if this is for a job assignment, something for which you would get paid.

Writing a reaction paper on a movie is a great way to explore how you feel connected to the content. A movie review should be entertaining, thoughtful, and balanced. If you write a position paper , you should be able to narrate that you have not only watched the movie but why you are asking someone else to watch it, for good and bad reasons.

The fun part is that if you are really passionate about entertainment, you would thoroughly enjoy writing film reviews. Of course, there might be some genres or films that you do not like, but that’s the beauty of the art.

It gives college students the chance to explore different concepts, make students be aware of different creators, writers and actors, and so much more. Overall, this is an exciting assignment to do when done in the right manner.

Before we give you tips on how to write a  good reaction paper  on a movie, let’s first understand what a movie review or response papers are.

What is a Movie Review?

When you evaluate a movie and then share the summary of it with an opinion and analysis, that is what you would call a movie review. Film fanatics would always read movie reviews to determine whether they should watch a particular film or not – or even sometimes read reviews to draw conclusions from a movie that may have a controversial storyline.

Now, when it comes to writing a movie or documentary review, it can be either your personal reflection sharing what you gathered from the content, or it can be an in-depth, complete analysis.

There are different ways of how people usually go about presenting a movie review. The modern-day approach is releasing podcasts or sharing on streaming platforms, making blogs about it on Instagram and YouTube.

On the other hand, the way that never goes out of fashion (or trend) – reviews on websites. For instance, one of the most trusted platforms for movie reviews is a website called  Rotten Tomatoes

Some important points you need to keep in mind:

how to write a movie review writingmetier


Yes, don’t be one of those. There is no need to spoil for others. Give them some sauce, but not the juice.

When you are watching the film you have to review, make sure you keep notes of the important events. When you start writing up the article/review, you do not want to go back to the film again and see it. It will be a waste of time and you will forget or might not even remember what you were trying to say in the review.

Of course, you know this. Edit and proofread your content. It is always helpful for you to make sure it is free of errors.  Proofreading  also helps in coming up with a point you thought you might have missed before. It is always nice to read the review with a fresh mind. It helps in adding updated information.

Now, let’s focus and move forward to the block on how to write a movie review and what guidelines you need to keep in mind.

Guidelines for Writing a Movie Review

Ready for hints? Now I’ll be sharing a list of tips and tricks, to make your movie response paper a top notch!

Yes, you need to watch the film to complete a film review

We started this article by saying that watching movies is a really fun activity and we stay true to that. And for movie reviews writing process, you need to watch the particular movie you wish to or are told to review. For the review to be thoughtful, honest, and thorough, you need to watch the movie.

If you are given a sufficient amount of time and flexibility you might want to watch the movie more than once. In the notes, make sure you include the narrative arcs, plot development, themes, music/background score, the cinematography, and finally, the acting. When view more than once, note that you may see the things you might have left the first time you saw the film.

Begin you review with a hook, ALWAYS!

Starting the response paper with a strong hook in the first paragraph will capture the attention of your readers. For the hook, there are numerous angles you can focus on, which essentially helps you in being different from other reviewers.

An insight of the film (maybe don’t give away too much just in the start – should have a nice balance) or a controversial opinion about the film which a lot had speculated about. You should take this moment to shed some light on the things people had been talking about so they read the rest of the review as well.

Make sure you add a summary in reaction papers

You need to be sure that the review has not only main body paragraphs but also a plot summary in it as it will allow the readers to have a general idea of the story, characters and the storyline of the movie.

Be sure that you talk about the names of the actors, the release date of the film, touch some basis on the genre and of course the director and writer names. Make sure the readers know everything they need to know regarding the logistics of the movie in your response paper.

Form your opinion

To be a successful reviewer, you need to have a firm, established opinion. Your thought needs to be well-informed, enticing and should provoke the readers to watch the movie for the sake of it.

Take particular scenes and characterization from the film as evidence to support the claims you are making. Talk about plot holes. Talk about the gripping bits of the film. Speak about key points and what stood out the most prominent to you and why. Talk about what failed or lacked in the film.

Like with a  comparison essay , to make sure that you round the reaction paper nicely, you should consider comparing the film with something. Now, this could be the work of the same writer, or the same director, or even the same actor. It should depend on what your major selling point is.

Let’s say that a director who did really well on one movie, failed in this one, then you should compare it with this. As an example, you can also compare two movies that had similar events or themes, or genres.

Now is the time to evaluate the film

After you have stated the analyses, thesis statement, and the facts surrounding the film, now is the time to critically evaluate. You talked about the facts before. You mentioned the factual information regarding the content and presented the evidence to share some bits of the opinion to give the readers an idea of where the view is headed.

Now in this part, you need to share your idea and verdicts. Do you think the movie was a hit? A flop? Where it lacked? Where was it superior to be a blockbuster hit?

Here’s where all the juice comes from. Let the audience know why or why not they should invest their time in this film.

Spend some minutes and sentences on conclusion

Most of the content should be covered in the above-mentioned paragraphs. In the conclusion, you should present the central ideas that tie the entire review together. Keep in mind that an anxious reader may skip to the conclusion part to get what they are looking for.

The idea is that they should ideally go through the entire review, right? So, make sure that you do not give away too much in the conclusion. The analysis needs to come together in a cohesive, constructive way. If you want, give a percentage score or a grade at the end.

Ready to Write Movie Review for College?

Writing a movie review is not just an academic assignment, but a journey into the world of cinema. It allows you to connect with the content on a deeper level, explore different concepts, and share your unique perspective with others. It’s a process that can be both entertaining and enlightening, especially for those who are passionate about the world of entertainment.

However, we understand that not all college students may feel comfortable or have the time to craft a compelling film review. It can be a challenging task, requiring a keen eye for detail, a deep understanding of cinematic techniques, and the ability to articulate thoughts clearly and persuasively.

That’s where Writing Metier comes in. If you’re a student in need of a professional movie review writing service, look no further. Our team of experienced writers is well-versed in the art of film analysis and review.

movie reaction essay

We can help you craft a thoughtful, balanced, and engaging review that meets your academic requirements and reflects your unique voice and perspective.

So, whether you’re grappling with a complex film or simply short on time, remember that Writing Metier is the place to go for all your film review writing and other academic papers needs. We know all the academic writing criteria for any paper and how to catch a reader’s attention.


Get help with your movie review assignment from expert writers

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Vasy kafidoff.

Vasyl Kafidoff is a co-founder and CEO at WritingMetier. He is interested in education and how modern technology makes it more accessible. He wants to bring awareness about new learning possibilities as an educational specialist. When Vasy is not working, he’s found behind a drum kit.

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How to Write a Reaction Essay

How to Write a Reaction Essay

Writing a reaction essay can be a challenging task, especially if you’re not familiar with the process. In this guide, we will walk you through the steps to help you write a perfect reaction essay. Whether you’ve been assigned a book, movie, or any other text, this guide will provide you with the necessary tools to organize your thoughts and express your opinions.

The first step in writing a reaction essay is to understand the prompt and the text you’re about to discuss. Read the text carefully, making sure to highlight important sections and take notes. After that, you should start thinking about your initial reactions and feelings towards the text. What did you like or dislike about it? What examples or evidence from the text can support your thoughts?

Writing a reaction essay can be a rewarding experience, as it allows you to express your thoughts and feelings about a particular text. By following this step-by-step guide, you will be able to write a well-structured and thoughtful reaction essay that demonstrates your understanding and analysis of the material. So, don’t hesitate to start writing and enjoy the process!

Understanding the Assignment

In some cases, the prompt may provide a sample text or ask you to respond to a specific reading or topic. If this is the case, make sure to read the assigned text or topic thoroughly. Take notes, highlight important points, and identify any key themes or ideas that stand out to you.

Keep in mind that the prompt may also ask you to compare and contrast multiple texts or theories. In such cases, it is important to carefully consider how the assigned texts relate to each other and whether they support or challenge each other’s ideas.

Once you have a good understanding of the prompt and the assigned texts, it is helpful to create an outline or a plan for your essay. This will help you stay organized and ensure that you address all the necessary points in your response.

Identify the key points

As you read the assigned texts, pay attention to the main arguments or points made by the authors. These points will serve as the basis for your response. In order to clearly understand them, it may be helpful to write a summary of each text or chapter. This will ensure that you have a solid grasp of the material before you begin writing your reaction essay.

It is also important to identify any supporting evidence or examples provided by the authors. These examples can be used to strengthen your own arguments and demonstrate your understanding of the assigned texts.

Formulating your thesis

Your thesis statement is the central argument or main point of your reaction essay. It should clearly state your position and guide the rest of your writing. To formulate your thesis, consider the main points you identified earlier and your reaction to them.

For example, if you are writing a reaction essay about a book you read for a college literature class, your thesis might be: “The book provides a thought-provoking representation of societal issues and challenges the reader to think outside the box.”

Supporting your thesis

Throughout your reaction essay, it is important to support your thesis with evidence from the assigned texts. This can include direct quotations or paraphrases, as well as citations to other sources that support your arguments. Make sure to properly cite all your sources and follow the assigned citation style (such as APA or MLA).

When supporting your thesis, it is also important to consider different perspectives and opinions. Don’t be afraid to engage with other writers or theorists who have written on similar topics. This will help you develop a well-rounded and well-supported argument.

Choose a Topic that Excites You

Once you have a good understanding of the text, it’s time to start organizing your thoughts. Consider what ideas or points stood out to you the most, and how they made you feel. This will be the basis of your reaction. Take these feelings and fully analyze them, critically evaluating whether they hold up under scrutiny.

Next, think about how the text relates to your own experiences and knowledge. Do you have any personal stories or examples that connect to the ideas presented in the text? This “outside thinking” can add depth and personalization to your reaction.

Throughout the writing process, remember that a reaction essay is not just a report or a summary. It requires critical thinking and analysis. Your ultimate goal is to synthesize your own ideas and the ideas of others, showing a deeper understanding of the topic.

Avoid poor representation of the text or weak synthesis of ideas by staying organized and on point. Make sure your paragraphs are well-structured and that each one focuses on a specific idea or point. Use transitions to guide the reader through your thoughts and make the essay flow smoothly.

Finally, consider the prompt or assignment guidelines. Make sure you are addressing all of the required points and fulfilling the intended purpose of the assignment. This will help you stay on track and ensure you are writing the kind of reaction essay your professor is looking for.

In summary, choosing a topic that excites you is crucial for writing a successful reaction essay. It helps you stay engaged throughout the writing process and allows for a more genuine and thoughtful response. So, take the time to find a topic that sparks your interest and enjoy the writing journey!

Read and Analyze the Source Material

Select and define the source material.

First and foremost, select a source material that you are genuinely interested in or that relates to the topic at hand. This will ensure that you stay engaged throughout the reading process. Once you have chosen your source material, define its purpose, main themes, and argument, if applicable. This will help you approach the material with a clear understanding of what it aims to convey.

Read Actively and Take Notes

Analyze and Evaluate

Once you have finished reading, analyze the source material to identify its strengths and weaknesses. Consider the effectiveness of the author’s argument or the impact of the movie’s storytelling techniques. Evaluate the credibility of the information presented and assess whether it aligns with your prior knowledge or beliefs. This critical thinking process will allow you to form a well-rounded and thoughtful response.

Synthesis and Representation

When writing your reaction essay, it is important to synthesize the main ideas from the source material and represent them accurately. Avoid simply restating what the author or director has said, but instead, strive to provide a personal perspective that adds value to the conversation. Incorporate examples from the source material to support your opinions and strengthen your arguments.

Stay Organized

To ensure a cohesive and well-structured essay, organize your thoughts and notes into sections. Consider the order in which you want to present your ideas and arguments. This will help you stay focused and prevent your paper from becoming a jumble of thoughts.

Check for Understanding

Before starting the writing process, double-check your understanding of the source material. Make sure you fully comprehend the main points and arguments presented. If something is unclear, take the time to review the relevant sections or seek additional resources to fill in the gaps in your understanding.

Consider Different Perspectives

Take into account different perspectives and interpretations of the source material. Consider other books, articles, or movies that touch on similar topics. This broader consideration will help you develop a well-rounded understanding of the subject matter, allowing you to present a more comprehensive reaction.

Note Your Initial Reactions

Lastly, don’t forget to take note of your initial reactions to the source material. Your immediate feelings and thoughts are often the most genuine and can serve as a strong starting point for further analysis and reflection. Include these initial reactions in your essay to provide a well-rounded and personal response.

Develop a Strong Thesis Statement

One helpful guide for crafting a strong thesis statement is to focus on the main themes or ideas that stood out to you in the text. For example, if you are writing a reaction essay on a Netflix series, you could focus on how the show’s representation of certain topics impacted your understanding or opinions. Your thesis statement could then analyze the effectiveness of the show’s representation and provide examples or evidence to support your points.

When crafting your thesis statement, it’s important to think about whether you are taking a subjective or objective stance. Are you simply summarizing the text and stating your personal reaction? Or are you applying a particular theory or framework to analyze the text? Both approaches are valid, but they will shape the focus and content of your essay.

To ensure that your thesis statement is clear and concise, avoid vague or general statements. Instead, define the specific aspects of the text that you will be addressing and the reactions or opinions you will be discussing. This will help guide your writing and make your thesis statement more impactful.

Keep in mind that your thesis statement is the foundation of your entire essay. It should be specific enough to guide your writing, but broad enough to allow for a comprehensive exploration of your reaction. A well-crafted thesis statement will not only make your essay stronger, but it will also help you stay focused and organized as you develop your ideas and arguments throughout the rest of your essay.

Structure Your Essay

2. summary and critical thinking.

In the body paragraphs, provide a brief summary of the text, focusing on the parts that are relevant to your reaction. Use specific examples to support your understanding of the text and incorporate critical thinking to analyze the author’s ideas and perspective. Consider whether the author’s arguments are supported with evidence and whether their writing style is effective.

3. Support Your Claims

To support your claims and ideas, use citations from the text or other outside sources. This shows that your thinking is not only based on personal opinions but is backed by evidence. Be sure to properly cite the sources you use in your essay.

Particular to a reaction essay, it’s important to check the prompt or guidelines given by your instructor. The prompt may ask you to focus on specific topics, such as the representation of gender in a movie or the use of symbolism in a book. Make sure to structure your essay accordingly, addressing the specific aspects asked for.

4. Organize Your Thoughts

Organize your essay into clear sections, with each paragraph addressing a specific idea or argument. Use topic sentences to introduce each paragraph and ensure a smooth flow of thought throughout the essay. Consider using transition words to connect your ideas and make your writing cohesive.

Remember to proofread your essay, checking for grammar and spelling errors. Grammarly is a useful tool to help you with the editing process. Also, consider seeking feedback from others or checking sample reaction essays to see how they are structured and written.

By following these guidelines, you can structure your reaction essay effectively and ensure that your ideas are clearly conveyed. Enjoy the writing process and let your thoughts shine through your well-structured essay!

How is a Reaction Essay Structured?

3. Body paragraphs: Divide your essay into several paragraphs, typically three to four, depending on the length requirement. Each paragraph should focus on a specific point or reaction. Start each paragraph with a topic sentence that identifies the main idea or reaction you will discuss.

4. Supporting evidence: Throughout your body paragraphs, provide supporting evidence and examples from the assigned work or other texts to strengthen your reaction or argument. This evidence can be in the form of quotes, summaries, or personal experiences.

5. Analysis: After presenting your evidence, analyze and evaluate the meaning and significance of the chosen texts. Explain how they relate to your reaction and support your thesis statement. Consider what the author’s intent is and how effectively they convey their message.

6. Personal reflection: Share your personal feelings and reactions to the work. Reflect on how it made you feel or what it made you think about, both in relation to your own experiences and to the wider world or society. This is an opportunity to express your perspective and provide a unique insight.

Remember to carefully proofread your essay for spelling, grammar, and clarity. Grammarly is a useful tool that can assist writers in identifying and correcting any mistakes.

By following this structured approach, your reaction essay will be well-organized, coherent, and meaningful, allowing your readers to fully understand and appreciate your thoughts and reactions to the assigned work.

Summary of the Source Material

The ultimate goal of a reaction essay is to provide a summary of the source material, taking into consideration the writer’s own thoughts, feelings, and opinions. It is essential to state the main points of the material in a concise and organized manner.

Steps to Write a Reaction Essay:

  • Identify the main points of the source material and select examples or evidence to support your reactions.
  • Organize your thoughts and feelings in a logical and clear manner.
  • Write clear and concise sentences that clearly state your thoughts and opinions.
  • Consider the grammar and structure of your writing to ensure that it is coherent and easy to understand.

It is also important to check for any grammar or spelling errors before submitting your essay. Feel free to use online grammar checkers or ask someone to proofread your work for you.

Keep in mind that a reaction essay is a critical analysis of the source material, so it is important to show your critical thinking skills in your writing. Evaluate the representation and key points made by the authors and provide your own analysis and opinions.

Overall, a reaction essay requires the writer to carefully read and analyze the source material, consider their own thoughts and feelings, and write a thoughtful and well-organized essay that effectively presents their reactions to the material.

What is a reaction essay?

A reaction essay is a type of academic writing that requires you to analyze and discuss a particular text or topic. In this type of essay, you need to provide your personal response or reaction to the text, backing up your opinions with evidence.

How is a reaction essay structured?

A reaction essay typically consists of an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. In the introduction, you need to provide some background information about the text or topic you are reacting to and state your thesis or main argument. The body of the essay should consist of several paragraphs, each discussing a different aspect of your reaction and providing evidence to support your claims. Finally, the conclusion should summarize your main points and restate your thesis.

What should I include in the introduction of a reaction essay?

In the introduction of a reaction essay, you should provide some context or background information about the text or topic you are reacting to. You should also clearly state your thesis or main argument, which will guide the rest of your essay. Additionally, you may want to include a brief summary of the text or topic to give your readers some context.

How important is evidence in a reaction essay?

Evidence is crucial in a reaction essay because it helps support your opinions and arguments. Without evidence, your essay will lack credibility and will not be persuasive to your readers. When providing evidence, you can refer to specific examples or quotes from the text you are reacting to, as well as provide any other relevant supporting information.

Alex Koliada, PhD

By Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD, is a well-known doctor. He is famous for studying aging, genetics, and other medical conditions. He works at the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics. His scientific research has been published in the most reputable international magazines. Alex holds a BA in English and Comparative Literature from the University of Southern California , and a TEFL certification from The Boston Language Institute.

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How to Write a Response (Reaction) Paper?

14 August, 2020

11 minutes read

Author:  Tomas White

A response (reflective) essay is used in different university and college programs. It is assigned by professors, so you need to study thoroughly what you feel about a specific topic. This type of writing takes time because you need it for interpretation and analysis. Generally, creating a response paper does not differ from creating any other academic assignment. The only difference is that you should look back at what you learned and reflect this on paper. If you want to find out more about a response essay and learn how to write it correctly, just keep reading the information below.

Reaction Paper

What is a Reaction Paper?

A reaction paper is a form of essay in which you reveal your thoughts about a play, book, article, or any other literary work. This kind of academic writing has many parallels with a reaction paper because it contains your reaction to the reviewed work. While giving a written response to something, feel free to include your personal perspective and overall understanding of the subject matter. To make your statements and arguments sound reasonable, support them with sufficient evidence and examples. A reaction paper should be written in a concise and clear language, so it can be easily understood by the reader. This kind of assignment is evaluated based on the writer’s competence in writing and only then on the original content. Similar to most academic essays, a reaction paper consists of introduction, body, and conclusion, which should not exceed 2-3 pages.

It is understandable that most writers are scared of writing this kind of essay. Thus, it is highly recommended to use some guidelines throughout the writing process. And here is the right place to get some of them.

How to Start a Response Paper?

When you start the creative process, you may wonder how to write a reaction paper accurately. The main thing you should think about is your feeling about the intentions of the analyzed work. You should also understand and distinguish the major intentions of the author and their feelings about it. To start your paper properly, you need to represent a topic first by providing the primary information. By explaining every detail of the analyzed book, movie, article, or speech, you introduce the topic for further discussions. To attract your audience’s attention, you need to highlight the significance of your opinion and its practical importance. That’s where you should mention the main objectives of an analyzed work. Don’t forget to include a thesis statement into the introduction to specify the main focus of your reaction paper.

Reaction Paper Outline & Format

When you work with a reaction paper on a book, movie, article or speech, you need to highlight every point of it. You need to identify the main topic and distinguish its major subjects and objects. Once you have watched or read the particular work, you need to provide your reaction to the main story and express your own opinions on it. At the same time, you have to stick to your professor’s instructions and requirements. Depending on the initial assignment, you might be asked to write a reaction paper about the whole work or its particular section.

A response paper format should be based on personal opinions about a particular topic in the book or movie. You should use your personal experience and knowledge to express those opinions on paper. In some cases, you can be also asked to create a paper about the author’s opinions, so you will have to react to the author’s thoughts expressed in the work. When you need to analyze your reaction to the author’s thoughts, you are not expected to address the topic.

When it comes to the actual writing process, you should be as specific as possible. Thus, it is important to develop an outline and use it as your working plan. It will help you structure your future paper by including all the significant sections in your paper. So, what should a response paper include? In general, a reaction paper consists of the introduction, body, conclusion, and citation list. Here are some more details to know:

  • Introduction: This is a crucial part of a reaction paper that turns out to be the face of the writing piece of work. To make it effective, you should fill it out with numerous hook sentences. Generally, it should include a clear thesis statement and a small description of the main ideas.
  • Body: This part contains the main ideas, arguments, and evidence. You should start every paragraph with a clear topic sentence reflecting the main idea. Don’t forget to use only relevant and up-to-date sources to make your paper look credible.
  • Conclusions: This part aims to connect a thesis statement and summary of main ideas. You need to wrap up your major points and clarify your opinions in the summary.
  • Citation list: This part should contain relevant and up-to-date sources to be used throughout the paper. Thus, you should use only credible sources to persuade your target reader.

Response Papers Examples

If you want to improve your writing competence, you can look through various examples on the Internet. You can check multiple reaction papers on movies and books to come up with the individual writing technique. By encountering high-quality samples, you will take your knowledge and writing skills to the totally new level.

20 Reaction Paper Topics

If you want to submit a response paper, reaction paper, or a mix of two, you should definitely think of creative topics. Here are some examples that you can use for yourself:

  • Square Enix’ Kingdom Hearts as a child-centered online content.
  • Assumptions of children’s literature as seen in Tumble Tower.
  • Your analysis of a Harvard study that reported that watching 4th of July parades makes people support Republican.
  • Resisting interpellation of Beauty and the Beast.
  • Your response to Chris Adrian’s article Under My Skin from the New York Times.
  • The backside of the fashion industry in the movie The Devil Wears Prada.
  • Reader response to Let’s Stop Scaring Ourselves by Michael Crichton.
  • Response to Sticks by George Saunders.
  • Reaction paper on Maslow’s Theory.
  • Reading response to why we crave horror movies by Stephan King.
  • Reaction paper for City Ordinance City Dog Pound and Appropriating Funds.
  • Reaction paper on Food, Inc . – a Robert Kenner movie.
  • Reaction to Hitchcock’s Birds movie.
  • Fighting for love in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet
  • The cultural and historical context of Boccaccio’s Decameron .
  • Pick a book which you did not like and describe why you did not.
  • Is Julius Caesar’ death in Shakespeare’s play worth it?
  • Ernest Hemingway. How did the author’s life influence his works?
  • Your reaction to the tragedy of Shakespeare’s Macbeth .
  • Choose your favorite novel and describe it and your impressions in detail.

Useful Tips for Response Paper

Writing a reaction paper can be a complex task that requires much time and effort. Therefore, you may use some high-quality samples to learn more about this type of academic writing. Here are some tips that can help you in creating a decent response paper:

  • Keep the knowledge of the addressed work on which you are writing your response or reaction paper. While reading a book or watching a movie, make a note of the areas that encourage you towards writing. Specify the main ideas that you want to discuss.
  • Show your point of view and support it with additional information where you feel it’s necessary. Support the analyzed piece of work with sufficient examples.
  • Conduct thorough research and find resources that can prove your arguments and statements.
  • Submit a draft in order to minimize the most common errors. Of course, it will take extra time to write a draft and then transform it into a well-structured essay. In your draft, you should not express the same thoughts again. The reader won’t be interested in reading the whole story again and again. Instead, they expect you to thoroughly analyze the information you receive and read. If you don’t know how to do it, you can always use some online samples or templates.

These are some simple and useful tricks that can help you master the response paper writing process. You should also know the most common mistakes that reduce the quality of your response paper. First, you should not place the summary of the analyzed work in the very beginning. The reader will lose interest in your paper immediately. And you will lose a chance of expanding the depth of the book or movie. First, you should develop and express your own opinions, not the overview or basic layout. Second, you should not make a statement without providing any supporting information. Producing examples that are hardly related to the topic also won’t do any good for your paper. With all the above-mentioned information in mind, you will be able to create an excellent piece of work!

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How to Write a Reaction Paper

Last Updated: September 15, 2022 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Rachel Scoggins, PhD . Rachel Scoggins is a Visiting Assistant Professor of English at Lander University. Rachel's work has been presented at the South Atlantic Modern Language Association and the Georgia International Conference on Information Literacy. She received her PhD in Literary Studies from Georgia State University in 2016. There are 9 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 1,138,339 times.

A reaction or response paper requires the writer to analyze a text, then develop commentary related to it. It is a popular academic assignment because it requires thoughtful reading, research, and writing. You can learn how to write a reaction paper by following these writing tips.

Prewriting and Actively Reading

Step 1 Understand the purpose of a reaction paper.

  • When you respond to the text, back up your ideas with evidence from the text along with your own connection of ideas, texts, and overarching concepts. If you are asked to agree or disagree, you have to provide convincing evidence about why you feel this way. [2] X Research source
  • If responding to multiple texts, you must analyze how the texts relate. If responding to one text, you probably should connect the text to overarching concepts and themes you have discussed in the class.
  • The same assignment may also be given to films, lectures, field trips, labs, or even class discussions.
  • A reaction paper is not a summary of the text. It also does not state, "I liked this book because it was interesting" or "I hated this because it was boring." [3] X Research source

Step 2 Figure out what the assignment is asking.

  • If you are unsure, ask the teacher to clarify what they expect from the assignment.
  • You may be asked to react to the text in light of another text. If this is the case, you will want to use quotations from both texts in your writing.
  • You may be asked to react to the text in the light of the class themes. For example, if you read a book in a Sociology of Gender Roles class, you will want to read, annotate, and react based on how gender roles are described in the book.
  • You may be asked to react personally to the text. This is less common, but occasionally the teacher simply wants to know if you have read the text and thought about it. In this case, you should focus on your opinions of the book.

Step 3 Read the text you are assigned right after it is assigned.

  • One of the biggest mistakes that students make is waiting until the last minute to read and react. A reaction is a thoughtful consideration after reading and rereading several times.
  • You may need to reread the text multiple times. First, to read and familiarize yourself with the text, then again to start thinking about the assignment and your reactions.

Step 4 Write down your initial reactions.

  • Try completing some of the following sentences after you read: I think that..., I see that..., I feel that..., It seems that..., or In my opinion...

Step 5 Annotate the text as you read.

  • What issues or problems does the author address?
  • What is the author's main point?
  • What points or assumptions does the author make, and how does she back that up?
  • What are strengths and weaknesses? Where are problems with the argument?
  • How do the texts relate? (if multiple texts)
  • How do these ideas connect to the overall ideas of the class/unit/etc?

Drafting Your Essay

Step 1 Freewrite.

  • When you finish, read back over what you've just written. Determine what your strongest and most convincing reactions are. Prioritize your points.

Step 2 Decide on your angle.

  • Think about why the author has written the article or story as they have. Why did he structure things in this particular way? How does this relate to the outside world? [7] X Research source

Step 3 Determine your thesis.

  • Your thesis will be one statement that explains what you will analyze, criticize, or try to prove about the text. It will force your reaction paper to remain focused.

Step 4 Organize your paper.

  • For example, if you are reacting to a theme in a book, you can split the paragraphs into how the setting, antagonist, and figurative imagery communicate the themes successfully or unsuccessfully.

Step 5 Gather quotations.

  • Draft paragraphs that introduce quotations, analyze them, and comment on them.

Step 6 Structure your paragraphs.

  • A good way to think about structuring your paragraph is: detail, example/quotation, commentary/evaluation, repeat.

Writing Your Final Draft

Step 1 Write your introduction.

  • The last sentence of your introduction should be your thesis.

Step 2 Reread your reaction paragraphs to ensure you make a stance.

  • Look for places where you simply report what the texts says instead of providing a critique or evaluation of what the text says.

Step 3 Explain the greater implications of the text for the class, author, audience, or yourself.

  • If you have been asked to give a statement about your personal opinion, the conclusion may be the best place to insert it. Some teachers may allow you to state the personal opinions in the body paragraphs. Make sure to double check with the teacher first.

Step 4 Edit for clarity and length.

  • Read through for clarity. Are your sentences clear? Have you supported and fully argued your points? Is there any place where you're confusing?

Step 5 Proof and spell check your document.

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movie reaction essay

Community Q&A

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  • Look for things the author leaves out or raise counterarguments when an argument is weak. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Don't wait too long between reading the text and writing the paper. You don't want to forget important details. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • This paper is not autobiographical. It's not about how you feel, how you were in the same situation, or how this relates to your life. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

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About This Article

Rachel Scoggins, PhD

To write a reaction paper, start by carefully analyzing the thing you're supposed to be reacting to. Then, write down your initial reactions and thoughts. Try to come up with an angle for your paper, like that you disagree with the subject or that you think it has a deeper meaning. Once you've got an angle, summarize it in the introduction of your paper and use the body paragraphs to support it. Remember to use direct quotes and specific examples to back up what you're saying. When you're finished, reread your paper to make sure your angle is clear. If you want to learn how to set up topic sentences in your paragraphs from our Literary Studies Ph.D. co-author, keep reading! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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Reaction Paper on the Film “A Beautiful Mind”

A Beautiful Mind is a movie about John Forbes Nash Jr. who is notable for his contributions in Economics and Mathematics. It was evident in the film that he has an outstanding talent and showed it by performing at a remarkably high level of accomplishment. With a superior intelligence, I can say that Nash is truly a brilliant man.

I strongly believe that these delusions are from the feelings and memories he repressed in his subconscious that liberates in the form of imaginary friends and such. Lucky for him that he has understanding wife, because if it wasn't for her love and support, he wouldn't be able to get through one of the hardest trials in his life. Although she nearly lost her faith, Alicia didn't give up the hope that Nash will someday overcome his disease. This quality of Alicia is something I admired: standing by and staying committed to the person she loves the most.

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Granted all the struggles, Nash didn't give up the passion to learn and share his learnings as well. He came out on top of this illness by declining therapy, living a normal life with Alicia and his child, and also by persisting in educating eager young minds.

After watching this film, I am in stack of awe with the way Nash conquered everything that stood in the way for achieving his dreams. I guess, the learning we can take from his story is that we should see our disabilities not as hindrances rather, as challenges to make us strive for more. There may be times that we trip a little, we may even fall, but we must stand up and continue walking towards fulfilling our goals.

Rosewood Movie Review

Rosewood A great story based on real example, which happened in small town of Florida. This movie was directed by John Singleton, and based from real incident, that took place in 1923 in Florida. It is a story about how middle class African-Americans were living and enjoying life, until an incident happens in town. A white female is accusing colored person in raping her. From this point main goal of three main characters is to save people from mob attack, and lynching of colored people.

This is a great example that we can relate to what he have learned in the class. As we know the main problem of this story is that a white female who had sexual intercourse with her lover, provoked him and he got in a fight with her. Leaving marks on her body and a clear mark on her face, witness of this event were colored people who were working outside and heard everything that was going on. Women was accusing that African-American men raped and beat her. She went outside screaming, and making a tragedy, hiding the truth.

This is a great example of what was happening in 19 century, where lynching escalated to a new whole level. According to Jessie Ames, lynching was happening 29% in the North and 71% in the South. And what is the worst that all this killing was happening because of the women that excuse what made in South. Even though that we are knowing according to Jessie Ames that 71% lynching in the South that was happening, this event was instigated against white male, not against female. That said that lynching were happening for no reason, and excuse for it was white women.

This move have related and showed us that no one was protected at that time. Living in this small town in Florida, having colored people everyone in middle class, leaving peacefully a knowing everyone. It still didn't help to solve the problem. In the movie was one important scheme when sheriff of the town asked women, if she is sure that it was African-American person or not. It gives us a hint that sheriff does not belief what she is saying. Knowing that she is capable of not telling truth.

White people are getting mad and are crushing and killing African Americans, they re mad and are following each other, while sheriff was trying to make everything fair and find the one who is guilty. But everything collapsed and they started killing and hanging African Americans. The only person who tried to stop and save their lives was owner of the shop. He didn't believed that someone couldn't done this to her. And he was certainly sure that colored people couldn't do that. He tried to save them from their death.

He and a new guy, who came in town, team up in order to save kids and women, which ended up being a successful plan. This movie is a great example of what and how was going during mob attacks and racist killings. It showed up that there was a fear of white people to have and realized that colored people are getting educated and are having a better life style. That they are gaining power little bit by little bit. And we could see how white people were scared when "Major" came in to town, and knowing that he is wealthy. This is a story how white folks were scared of colored people, and were doing everything they could

The Patriot Film Analysis

The Patriot is an American historical film starring Mel Gibson and directed by Roland Emmerich. It is set in South Carolina, one of the thirteen British colonies set in America. The film follows the story of a “Patriot” named Benjamin Martin. This character is a portrayal of American Revolution War hero Francis Marion. In the film Benjamin, is recognized as a war hero from the French and Indian War. However he has retired from a life of battle and is attempting to follow the virtues of pacifism, until his family becomes the target of war.

After the death of Benjamin’s son and capture of another, he is thrown back into the life he thought he has left behind. The rest of the film portrays the drama and action that leads up to the climactic battle depiction of Battle of Cowpens and the victory of South Carolina in the Siege of Yorktown. Although the story of Benjamin is compelling and inspirational, it is based off of inaccurate historical assumptions. The American Revolution portrayed in The Patriot was more about the war America wanted it be rather than what it was.

The film glorifies American victories as well as American war heroes, while portraying “the redcoats” as sadistic, brutal, and abominable creatures. A perfect example of such bias is the film’s antagonist, Colonel William Tavington, who is a fictional representation of General Sir Banastre Tarleton. The film uses misconception and inaccuracy to portray the victory of America over the British, as a representation of a sanctified glory of angels over demons.

The film starts with simple inaccuracies that can be excused, however these simple inaccuracies domino into great blunders that cannot be ignored: Some minor mistakes made by the film involve errors such as the materials used during the time period, do not actually belong to that time. For example in several action sequences of the film, weapons such as exploding projectiles or bombs are presented. Although canons were invented in this time period, none of the projectiles ever exploded (Canon link).

Another flaw involves a major societal misunderstanding, when Benjamin goes to war, he sends his children to a slave colony for shelter, for which the slaves are honoured. In the Colonial Era, slave colonies, like the ones portrayed in the film, were secluded and protective from the “White colonists”. Therefore it was highly unlikely that a character such as Benjamin would send his children to a slave colony, let alone being treated kindly for doing so. One of the major inaccuracies is the slave and owner relationship portrayed by the film.

For example during the colonists’ stand against the British Army the Continental Congress states an order. For any slave that serves “12 months” in the Colonial Army, will gain freedom and “5 schillings” per month served. When comparing this claim with other sources, it was discovered that no such claims were extended by the Continental Congress. Infact, The Patriot ignores slavery in total. Director Spike Lee was one of the many critics that were disappointed with the films inaccuracies. “For three hours The Patriot dodged around, skirted about or completely ignored slavery,” he wrote in a letter to The Hollywood Reporter. The Patriot is pure, blatant American Hollywood propaganda. A complete whitewashing of history. ”  The director of the film, Roland Emmerich, misguides his audience into thinking that the British troops are monsters sent from hell. The film portrays the character of William Tavington as a merciless villain who commits intolerable atrocities. For example, a scene in the film depicts the redcoats gathering the entire village including women, children and unarmed men.

They force all of them into a church for an interrogation about Benjamin, after which they lock the church from the outside and set the building on fire. Looking back into the American Revolution, such atrocities were never committed. Although the Sir Banastre Tarleton, portrayed by, William Tavington, is no saint, he wasn’t as evil as the film potrays him. A film critic and a historian, Stephen Hunter, told the Telegraph (magazine) that “Any image of the American Revolution which represents you Brits as Nazis and us as gentle folk is almost certainly wrong” (Cite this).

The German director relates the actions committed by the Nazis in World War II, to those of British in the film. Another major flaw of the film is the protagonist, Benjamin Martin. The movie depicts Benjamin as symbol of goodness, a beacon of hope and a human vessel for an angel. However the character Benjamin Martin tries to portray Francis “Swamp Fox” Marion, a militia leader during the Revolution, from South Carolina. According to The Guardian, there were records of Marion persecuting and killing many Cherokee Indians.

He hunted them as a source of entertainment and he raped many of his female slaves. However the movie simply depicts Benjamin Martin as the untainted hero. Finally the movie’s greatest flaw lies in its climatic battle, Battle of Cowpens. Where the tactics used by the militia were similar to that of the movie, however the results were nowhere in comparison of reality. During the Battle of Cowpens, militia was asked to play decoy. Although the film portrays General Nathanael Greene giving the orders, he was never present at this battle.

The militia charged the battle, and after firing two shots retreated back to the hill, where the British troops were overwhelmed by the American Army. However the film portrays the militia firing more than two rounds before retrieval. Lieutenant-General Charles, Lord Cornwallis, commands his men to fire at the crowd of both British and American soldiers as a last resort to defeat America. However in reality Cornwallis never took such actions against his soldiers.

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on Reaction Paper on the Film “A Beautiful Mind”

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Movie Reflection – “Contagion” by Steven Soderbergh

“Contagion” is an electrifying medical film that was produced in 2011. Throughout the plot of the movie, it is vivid that fomite is a dangerous agent that transmits and spreads a deadly virus. Besides, public health officials and medical experts make every attempt to control the rapid spread of the epidemic. It can also be observed that the pandemic causes gross social disorder among the affected communities. Towards the end of the film, the spread of the disease is halted after the discovery of a vaccine that can counter its effects. Steven Soderbergh directed the film.

From the outset, the film is largely ultra-realistic owing to its overrated and graphic nature. It attempts to depict how the scientific community can respond or react to an epidemic. It is evident that whenever a mega disease outbreak affects a community, it might lead to mass panic. In fact, ordinary people, government officials and healthcare professionals are all caught up in a state of unpreparedness leading to poor response. Disease outbreaks may also collapse social order. Hence, it is quite cumbersome to control a novel pathogen. Scientists might struggle for a long time before concluding their findings. It is also yet another challenge for health experts and government officials to strike equilibrium between professional responsibilities and personal motives.

Public health response to pandemics and epidemics is usually affected by a number of factors and limitations. As already hinted out, lack of preparedness is a major setback in the management of disease outbreaks. However, there are some instances when scientists may take surplus time before inventing a proper vaccine owing to the complex nature of the primary pathogen.

Both Hurricane Katrina and the September 11 attacks must have inspired the creation of this movie bearing in mind that the film features a phenomenon that is a threat to public health and the poor response mechanism to address the calamity. The film can also be closely compared to the 1997 Malaysian Nipah virus and its devastating effects especially after viewing the pigs and bats’ chain of contagion.

Themes such as collective behavior and crowd psychology have also been presented in the movie. In fact, the serious disruption of social order and mass hysteria depicted in the film are a result of group behavioral tendencies when reacting to emergencies. During such disease outbreaks, both medical experts and government authorities often find themselves in a state of helplessness, outrage, and utter surprise. Contemporary public emergencies are also worsened by conspiracy theories and various forms of new media like social networks and blogs. Members of the public tend to obtain ready and misleading information from such channels while others lack the necessary information altogether. These factors lead to fear and disinformation.

Any form of the unknown virus requires adequate time for identification and reaction. Avoiding panic and facilitating full disclosure of available information should be the main role of Cheever in the movie. Hypocrisy, selfishness, and greed have been indirectly criticized in the film. These vices can indeed lead to negative consequences whenever there is an outbreak of a disease. Worse still, social networking in modern culture is quite compelling to an extent that it hinders social distancing from issues affecting members of the public. As much as healthy individuals might be isolated during epidemics in order to limit the spread of a given virus, the state of preparedness among key stakeholders is still below the expected standards.

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Purdue Online Writing Lab Purdue OWL® College of Liberal Arts

Film Writing: Sample Analysis

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Summary: A sample analysis of a filmic sequence that makes use of the terminology on the OWL’s Writing About Film page .

Written by Kylie Regan

Introductory Note

The analysis below discusses the opening moments of the science fiction movie  Ex Machina  in order to make an argument about the film's underlying purpose. The text of the analysis is formatted normally. Editor's commentary, which will occasionally interrupt the piece to discuss the author's rhetorical strategies, is written in brackets in an italic font with a bold "Ed.:" identifier. See the examples below:

The text of the analysis looks like this.

[ Ed.:  The editor's commentary looks like this. ]

Frustrated Communication in Ex Machina ’s Opening Sequence

Alex Garland’s 2015 science fiction film Ex Machina follows a young programmer’s attempts to determine whether or not an android possesses a consciousness complicated enough to pass as human. The film is celebrated for its thought-provoking depiction of the anxiety over whether a nonhuman entity could mimic or exceed human abilities, but analyzing the early sections of the film, before artificial intelligence is even introduced, reveals a compelling examination of humans’ inability to articulate their thoughts and feelings. In its opening sequence, Ex Machina establishes that it’s not only about the difficulty of creating a machine that can effectively talk to humans, but about human beings who struggle to find ways to communicate with each other in an increasingly digital world.

[ Ed.:  The piece's opening introduces the film with a plot summary that doesn't give away too much and a brief summary of the critical conversation that has centered around the film. Then, however, it deviates from this conversation by suggesting that Ex Machina has things to say about humanity before non-human characters even appear. Off to a great start. ]

The film’s first establishing shots set the action in a busy modern office. A woman sits at a computer, absorbed in her screen. The camera looks at her through a glass wall, one of many in the shot. The reflections of passersby reflected in the glass and the workspace’s dim blue light make it difficult to determine how many rooms are depicted. The camera cuts to a few different young men typing on their phones, their bodies partially concealed both by people walking between them and the camera and by the stylized modern furniture that surrounds them. The fourth shot peeks over a computer monitor at a blonde man working with headphones in. A slight zoom toward his face suggests that this is an important character, and the cut to a point-of-view shot looking at his computer screen confirms this. We later learn that this is Caleb Smith (Domhnall Gleeson), a young programmer whose perspective the film follows.

The rest of the sequence cuts between shots from Caleb’s P.O.V. and reaction shots of his face, as he receives and processes the news that he has won first prize in a staff competition. Shocked, Caleb dives for his cellphone and texts several people the news. Several people immediately respond with congratulatory messages, and after a moment the woman from the opening shot runs in to give him a hug. At this point, the other people in the room look up, smile, and start clapping, while Caleb smiles disbelievingly—perhaps even anxiously—and the camera subtly zooms in a bit closer. Throughout the entire sequence, there is no sound other than ambient electronic music that gets slightly louder and more textured as the sequence progresses. A jump cut to an aerial view of a glacial landscape ends the sequence and indicates that Caleb is very quickly transported into a very unfamiliar setting, implying that he will have difficulty adjusting to this sudden change in circumstances.

[ Ed.:  These paragraphs are mostly descriptive. They give readers the information they will need to understand the argument the piece is about to offer. While passages like this can risk becoming boring if they dwell on unimportant details, the author wisely limits herself to two paragraphs and maintains a driving pace through her prose style choices (like an almost exclusive reliance on active verbs). ]

Without any audible dialogue or traditional expository setup of the main characters, this opening sequence sets viewers up to make sense of Ex Machina ’s visual style and its exploration of the ways that technology can both enhance and limit human communication. The choice to make the dialogue inaudible suggests that in-person conversations have no significance. Human-to-human conversations are most productive in this sequence when they are mediated by technology. Caleb’s first response when he hears his good news is to text his friends rather than tell the people sitting around him, and he makes no move to take his headphones out when the in-person celebration finally breaks out. Everyone in the building is on their phones, looking at screens, or has headphones in, and the camera is looking at screens through Caleb’s viewpoint for at least half of the sequence.  

Rather than simply muting the specific conversations that Caleb has with his coworkers, the ambient soundtrack replaces all the noise that a crowded building in the middle of a workday would ordinarily have. This silence sets the uneasy tone that characterizes the rest of the film, which is as much a horror-thriller as a piece of science fiction. Viewers get the sense that all the sounds that humans make as they walk around and talk to each other are being intentionally filtered out by some presence, replaced with a quiet electronic beat that marks the pacing of the sequence, slowly building to a faster tempo. Perhaps the sound of people is irrelevant: only the visual data matters here. Silence is frequently used in the rest of the film as a source of tension, with viewers acutely aware that it could be broken at any moment. Part of the horror of the research bunker, which will soon become the film’s primary setting, is its silence, particularly during sequences of Caleb sneaking into restricted areas and being startled by a sudden noise.

The visual style of this opening sequence reinforces the eeriness of the muted humans and electronic soundtrack. Prominent use of shallow focus to depict a workspace that is constructed out of glass doors and walls makes it difficult to discern how large the space really is. The viewer is thus spatially disoriented in each new setting. This layering of glass and mirrors, doubling some images and obscuring others, is used later in the film when Caleb meets the artificial being Ava (Alicia Vikander), who is not allowed to leave her glass-walled living quarters in the research bunker. The similarity of these spaces visually reinforces the film’s late revelation that Caleb has been manipulated by Nathan Bates (Oscar Isaac), the troubled genius who creates Ava.

[ Ed.:  In these paragraphs, the author cites the information about the scene she's provided to make her argument. Because she's already teased the argument in the introduction and provided an account of her evidence, it doesn't strike us as unreasonable or far-fetched here. Instead, it appears that we've naturally arrived at the same incisive, fascinating points that she has. ]

A few other shots in the opening sequence more explicitly hint that Caleb is already under Nathan’s control before he ever arrives at the bunker. Shortly after the P.O.V shot of Caleb reading the email notification that he won the prize, we cut to a few other P.O.V. shots, this time from the perspective of cameras in Caleb’s phone and desktop computer. These cameras are not just looking at Caleb, but appear to be scanning him, as the screen flashes in different color lenses and small points appear around Caleb’s mouth, eyes, and nostrils, tracking the smallest expressions that cross his face. These small details indicate that Caleb is more a part of this digital space than he realizes, and also foreshadow the later revelation that Nathan is actively using data collected by computers and webcams to manipulate Caleb and others. The shots from the cameras’ perspectives also make use of a subtle fisheye lens, suggesting both the wide scope of Nathan’s surveillance capacities and the slightly distorted worldview that motivates this unethical activity.

[ Ed.: This paragraph uses additional details to reinforce the piece's main argument. While this move may not be as essential as the one in the preceding paragraphs, it does help create the impression that the author is noticing deliberate patterns in the film's cinematography, rather than picking out isolated coincidences to make her points. ]

Taken together, the details of Ex Machina ’s stylized opening sequence lay the groundwork for the film’s long exploration of the relationship between human communication and technology. The sequence, and the film, ultimately suggests that we need to develop and use new technologies thoughtfully, or else the thing that makes us most human—our ability to connect through language—might be destroyed by our innovations. All of the aural and visual cues in the opening sequence establish a world in which humans are utterly reliant on technology and yet totally unaware of the nefarious uses to which a brilliant but unethical person could put it.

Author's Note:  Thanks to my literature students whose in-class contributions sharpened my thinking on this scene .

[ Ed.: The piece concludes by tying the main themes of the opening sequence to those of the entire film. In doing this, the conclusion makes an argument for the essay's own relevance: we need to pay attention to the essay's points so that we can achieve a rich understanding of the movie. The piece's final sentence makes a chilling final impression by alluding to the danger that might loom if we do not understand the movie. This is the only the place in the piece where the author explicitly references how badly we might be hurt by ignorance, and it's all the more powerful for this solitary quality. A pithy, charming note follows, acknowledging that the author's work was informed by others' input (as most good writing is). Beautifully done. ]

Reaction Paper on the Movie ‘Crash’ Essay

The Crash movie belongs to a group of movies that has been thriving in recent years. In the movie, Americans from diverse settings are brought together by societal values that force them to recognize their unique identities. Though these movies are not as realistic as they appear, they tend to portray the vivid picture of how different races relate and co-exist.

It has been observed that racism and stereotyping do not exist anymore. I do not agree with this view point. This is largely due to the fact that the degree of racism in recent years may not be as intense as it was in the past. However, this notion does not disqualify the practice of racism even in America. It is possible that people belonging to other ethnic groups are not treated in the same way as it were in the past. However, the practice of racism and stereotyping can still be executed in different ways. In the past, black people were treated as slaves.

Currently, there are jobs or positions they cannot be given. The practice of stereotyping is also common in America as depicted in the description on how black people generally behave. When the whites posit that black people are liars and thieves, it may be out of racism. In one of the scenes, a grumpy Iranian retailer was insulted by a proprietor of a gun store who referred to him as Osama.

There are at least three reasons which I suppose have contributed to stereotypes, racism and sexism. One of the reasons is prejudice. Secondly, discrimination has been instrumental while the third reason is attached to different belief systems and values. Those who have practiced various beliefs and values do think that racism should be a way of life. Prejudice contributed to racism in such way that white people have negative attitude towards the blacks.

In fact, prejudice is the negative attitude towards another person based on personal comparison in which an individual’s preference is taken as the point of reference. It is clear that discrimination was used to separate one sex from the other when one gender is seen as superior than the other (Kendall, 2012). Women were discriminated by being isolated from important events. In the movie, it was not hard to figure out who was being supported by Mr. Haggis.

The film is also characterized by language barriers. These barriers have played significant roles in communication. The actors who played various parts in the film experienced communication barriers. For instance, what could be expressed by one actor could not be easily understood by another.

The characters were seemingly pretending to understand each other. There are some ways that could be used to overcome these language barriers. For example, it would be necessary to appreciate each person regardless of individual background. In addition, the mode of communication used should be uniform and understandable to all the characters.

There are two scenes that have impacted me a lot. Firstly, the scene in which the owner of a gun store insulted a bad-tempered Iranian shopkeeper calling him Osama was indeed disgusting. What happened later was quite astonishing. They pulled guns, stole cars, put the lives of children in danger, cars flip over and exchanged angry and hurtful words. These acts were executed within a very short time. The scene was one of many scenes that had expressed racism and stereotypes in a drastic way.

The second scene that had an impact is the one in which characters demonstrated themselves in two different personalities in the film. For instance, the racist white police officer turned out to be physically brave and dedicated to his ailing father. This police had a perceptive white partner who liked engaging in undesirable racial practice. There was a young black man who turned out to be a carjacker after witnessing rampant racism.

Consequently, a rich and easygoing black man pulled out a gun and started screaming as if he was innocent. It is not appropriate to ask someone about his or her ethnic background. This is because such a question and approach is basically the foundation of racism. The question can result into ethnic clashes among people of different backgrounds who are staying together. Ethnic clashes interfere with cohesion and disintegrate any form of unity.

If a person asks such a question and realizes that the other person is of different background, there is possibility of creating some hatred. Many people are not interested with one’s ethnic background. They are more concerned with what can assist in bringing about cohesion than ethnic division. Hence, these vices seem to be losing place in modern world.

In conclusion, it is not possible to prove that racism, stereotyping and sexism do not exist. What is important is not whether they exist in modern world but to find ways and solutions to counter them. People should not practice racism or discriminate others just because they are from different ethnic or gender backgrounds.

Kendall, D. (2012). Sociology in Our Times . Belmont: Wardsworth, Cengage Learning.

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IvyPanda. (2024, February 23). Reaction Paper on the Movie ‘Crash’.

"Reaction Paper on the Movie ‘Crash’." IvyPanda , 23 Feb. 2024,

IvyPanda . (2024) 'Reaction Paper on the Movie ‘Crash’'. 23 February.

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IvyPanda . "Reaction Paper on the Movie ‘Crash’." February 23, 2024.

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Now Presenting: (Mostly) Naked John Cena, Messi's Hollywood ascent, and the Kenification of the Academy Awards.

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The Oscars kicked off with a stellar monologue from Jimmy Kimmel . Rest assured, the comedian covered a ton of ground, including Greta Gerwig's snub, Madame Web 's failure , and Robert Downey Jr.'s presumptive Best Supporting Actor win. (Spoiler: RDJ did, in fact, take home the award.) The ceremony began with Da'Vine Joy Randolph winning Best Supporting Actress for her turn in The Holdovers . The star thanked everyone who encouraged her to act. "I didn't think I was supposed to be doing this as a career," she said. "I started off as a singer and my mother said to me, go across that street to that theater department. There's something for you there—and I thank my mother for doing that. I thank all the people who have stepped in my path and have been there for me, who have ushered me and guided me. I am so thankful to all you beautiful people out there."

Randolph's win was the first of many historic feats this year. For her work in Killers of the Flower Moon , Lily Gladstone was the first Native American woman to earn a nomination for Best Actress. Meanwhile, for the first time in history, three of the Best Picture nominees ( Barbie , Anatomy of a Fall, and Past Lives ) were directed by women. Elsewhere in the ceremony, Cillian Murphy won Best Actor for his performance in Oppenheimer , Emma Stone nabbed Best Actress for her chaotic turn as Bella Baxter in Poor Things , and Oppenheimer took home the Best Picture trophy.

So, what's the temperature of the fans at home? Thanks to Ryan Gosling's delightful rendition of "I'm Just Ken," a bit involving a nearly-naked John Cena, and a mercifully on-time ceremony, consensus is that the Academy put on damn good show. Here are the best reactions to the 96th Academy Awards.

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Hamas Took Her, and Still Has Her Husband

The story of one family at the center of the war in gaza..

This transcript was created using speech recognition software. While it has been reviewed by human transcribers, it may contain errors. Please review the episode audio before quoting from this transcript and email [email protected] with any questions.

I can’t remember the word, but do you know the kind of fungi connection between trees in the forest? How do you call it?

Mycelium. We are just — I just somehow feel that we are connected by this kind of infinite web of mycelium. We are so bound together. And I don’t think we really realized that until all this happened.


It’s quite hard to explain, to me in a sense, because some people would say, oh, I’m so hoping your father will come, and then everything will be OK. And it’s very hard to explain that really this group of people decided to bring us up together, shared all their resources over 75 years, grow into each other, fight endlessly with each other, love and hate each other but somehow stay together. And their children will then meet and marry and make grandchildren.

And there’s so many levels of connection. And I’m sitting here in the room, and I see their faces, some of them. And we are incredibly — it’s hard to explain how much these people are missing from our kind of forest ground. [CHUCKLES SOFTLY]

From “The New York Times,” I’m Sabrina Tavernise, and this is “The Daily.”

It’s been nearly six months since Hamas attacked Israel on October 7 and took more than 200 people into Gaza. One of the hardest hit places was a village called Nir Oz, near the border with Gaza. One quarter of its residents were either killed or taken hostage.

Yocheved Lifshitz was one of those hostages and so was her husband, Oded Lifshitz. Yocheved was eventually released. Oded was not.

Today, the story of one family at the center of the war.

It’s Friday, March 29.

OK, here we go. OK.

Good morning, Yocheved. Good morning, Sharone.

Good morning.

Yocheved, could you identify yourself for me, please? Tell me your name, your age and where you’re from.


OK, I’ll translate. My name is Yocheved Lifshitz. I’m 85 years old. I was born in 1938. When I was 18, I arrived at kibbutz Nir Oz. I came alone with a group of people who decided to come and form and build a community on a very sandy territory, which was close to the Gaza Strip.

And my name is Sharone Lifschitz. I am 52 years old. I was raised in kibbutz Nir Oz by my mom and dad. So I lived there until I was 20. And I live for the last 30-something years in London.

And, Sharone, what do you have next to you?

Next to me I have a poster of my dad in both English and Hebrew. And it says, “Oded Lifshitz, 83.” And below that it says, “Bring him home now.” And it’s a photo where I always feel the love because he is looking at me. And there’s a lot of love in it in his eyes.

And why did you want to bring him here today, Sharone?

Because he should be talking himself. He should be here and able to tell his story. And instead, I’m doing it on his behalf. It should have been a story of my mom and dad sitting here and telling their story.

The story of Oded and Yocheved began before they ever met in Poland in the 1930s. Anti-Semitism was surging in Europe, and their families decided to flee to Palestine — Yocheved’s in 1933, the year Hitler came to power, and Oded’s a year later. Yocheved remembers a time near the end of the war, when her father received news from back home in Poland. He was deeply religious, a cantor in a synagogue. And he gathered his family around him to share what he’d learned.

And he said, we don’t have a family anymore. They’ve all been murdered. And he explained to us why there is no God. If there was a God, he would have protected my family. And this means that there is no God.

And suddenly, we stopped going to synagogue. We used to go every Saturday.

So it was a deep crisis for him. The shock and the trauma were very deep.


Abstention. Soviet Union? Yes. Yes. The United Kingdom? Abstained.

Yocheved’s father lived long enough to see a state establish for his children. The UN resolution of 1947 paved the way for a new country for Jews. And the next spring, Israel declared its independence. Yocheved remembers listening to the news on the radio with her parents.

The General Assembly of the United Nations has made its decision on Palestine.

We had a country. So now we’ll have somebody who’s protecting us. It’s a country for the people, to rebuild the people. This was the feeling we had.

In other words, if God could not protect you, this nation maybe could?

Yes. But the next day, it was already sad.

Israel was immediately forced to defend itself when its Arab neighbors attacked. Israel won that war. But its victory came at a great cost to the Palestinian Arabs living there. More than 700,000 either fled or were expelled from their homes. Many became refugees in Gaza in the south.

Suddenly, Yocheved and Oded saw themselves differently from their parents, not as minorities in someone else’s country, but as pioneers in a country of their own, ready to build it and defend it. They moved to the south, near the border line with Gaza. It was there, in a kibbutz, where they met for the first time.

The first time I met him, he was 16, and I was 17. And we didn’t really have this connection happening. But when we arrived at Nir Oz, that’s where some sort of a connection started to happen. And he was younger than I am by a year and a half. So at first I thought, he’s a kid. But for some reason, he insisted. Oded really insisted. And later, turned out he was right.

What was it about him that made you fall in love with him?

He was cute.

He was a cute kid. He was a cute boy.

What’s so funny?

He was a philosopher. He wrote a lot. He worked in agriculture. He was this cute boy. He was only 20, think about it.

And then I married him. And he brought two things with him. He brought a dog and he brought a cactus. And since then we’ve been growing a huge field of cacti for over 64 years.

What did it feel like to be starting a new life together in this new country? What was the feeling of that?

We were euphoric.

And what did you think you were building together?

We thought we were building a kibbutz. We were building a family. We were having babies. That was the vision. And we were thinking that we were building a socialist state, an equal state. And at first, it was a very isolated place. There were only two houses and shacks and a lot of sand. And little by little, we turned that place into a heaven.

Building the new state meant cultivating the land. Oded plowed the fields, planting potatoes and carrots, wheat and cotton. Yocheved was in charge of the turkeys and worked in the kitchen cooking meals for the kibbutz. They believed that the best way to live was communally. So they shared everything — money, food, even child-rearing.

After long days in the fields, Oded would venture outside the kibbutz to the boundary line with Gaza and drink beer with Brazilian peacekeepers from the UN and talk with Palestinians from the villages nearby. They talked about politics and life in Arabic, a language Oded spoke fluently. These were not just idle conversations. Oded knew that for Israel to succeed, it would have to figure out how to live side by side with its Arab neighbors.

He really did not believe in black and white, that somebody is the bad guy and somebody is the good guy, but there is a humanistic values that you can live in.

Sharone, what was your father like?

My father was a tall man and a skinny man. And he was —

he is — first of all, he is — he is a man who had very strong opinion and very well formed opinion. He read extensively. He thought deeply about matters. And he studied the piano. But as he said, was never that great or fast enough for classical. But he always played the piano.


He would play a lot of Israeli songs. He wound play Russian songs. He would play French chansons.

And he had this way of just moving from one song to the next, making it into a kind of pattern. And it was — it’s really the soundtrack of our life, my father playing the piano.




So one side of him was the piano. Another side was he was a peace activist. He was not somebody who just had ideals about building bridges between nations. He was always on the left side of the political map, and he actioned it.


I remember growing up and going very regularly, almost weekly, to demonstrations. I will go regularly with my father on Saturday night to demonstrations in Tel Aviv. I will sit on his shoulders. He will be talking to all his activist friends. The smoke will rise from the cigarettes, and I will sit up there.

But somehow, we really grew up in that fight for peace.

Yocheved and Oded’s formal fight for peace began after the Arab-Israeli war of 1967. Israel had captured new territory, including the West Bank, the Sinai Peninsula, and the Gaza Strip. That brought more than a million Palestinians under Israeli occupation.

Oded immediately began to speak against it. Israel already had its land inside borders that much of the world had agreed to. In his view, taking more was wrong. It was no longer about Jewish survival. So when Israeli authorities began quietly pushing Bedouin Arabs off their land in the Sinai Peninsula, Oded took up the cause.

He helped file a case in the Israeli courts to try to stop it. And he and Yocheved worked together to draw attention to what was going on. Yocheved was a photographer, so she took pictures showing destroyed buildings and bulldozed land. Oded then put her photographs on cardboard and drove around the country showing them to people everywhere.

They became part of a growing peace movement that was becoming a force helping shape Israeli politics. Israel eventually returned the Sinai Peninsula to Egypt in 1982.


Whenever there is a movement towards reconciliation with our neighbors, it’s almost like your ability to live here, your life force, gets stronger. And in a way, you can think of the art of their activism as being a response to that.

And why did he and your mother take up that fight, the cause of the land? Why do you think that was what he fought for?

My father, he had a very developed sense of justice. And he always felt that had we returned those lands at that point, we could have reached long-term agreement at that point. Then we would have been in a very different space now. I know that in 2019, for example, he wrote a column, where he said that when the Palestinians of Gaza have nothing to lose, we lose big time. He believed that the way of living in this part of the world is to share the place, to reach agreement, to work with the other side towards agreements.

He was not somebody who just had ideals about building bridges between nations. Two weeks before he was taken hostage, he still drove Palestinians that are ill to reach hospital in Israel and in East Jerusalem. That was something that meant a lot to him. I think he really believed in shared humanity and in doing what you can.

Do you remember the last conversation you had with your father?

I don’t have a clear memory which one it was. It’s funny. A lot of things I forgot since. A lot of things have gone so blurred.

We actually didn’t have a last conversation. The last thing he said was, Yoche, there is a war. And he was shot in the hand, and he was taken out. And I was taken out. I couldn’t say goodbye to him. And what was done to us was done.

We’ll be right back.

Yocheved, the last thing Oded said was there’s a war. Tell me about what happened that day from the beginning.

That morning, there was very heavy shelling on Nir Oz. We could hear gunfire. And we looked outside, and Oded told me, there are a lot of terrorists outside. We didn’t even have time to get dressed. I was still wearing my nightgown. He was wearing very few clothes. I remember him trying to close the door to the safe room, but it didn’t work. He wasn’t successful in closing it.

And then five terrorists walked in. They shot him through the safe room door. He was bleeding from his arm. He said to me, Yoche, I’m injured. And then he fainted. He was dragged out on the floor. And I didn’t know if he was alive. I thought he was dead. After that, I was taken in my nightgown. I was led outside. I was placed on a small moped, and I was taken to Gaza.

And we were driving over a bumpy terrain that had been plowed. And it didn’t break my ribs, but it was very painful.

And I could see that the gate that surrounds the Gaza Strip was broken, and we were driving right through it.

And as we were heading in, I could see so many people they were yelling, “Yitbach al Yahud,” kill the Jews, slaughter the Jews. And people were hitting me with sticks. And though the drivers on the moped tried to protect me, it didn’t help.

What were you thinking at the time? What was in your mind?

I was thinking, I’m being taken; I’m being kidnapped. I didn’t know where to, but this decision I had in my head was that I’m going to take photographs in my mind and capture everything I’m seeing so that when I — or if and when I am released, I’ll have what to tell.

And when I came to a stop, we were in a village that’s near Nir Oz. It’s called Khirbet Khuza. We came in on the moped, but I was transferred into a private car from there. And I was threatened that my hand would be cut off unless I hand over my watch and my ring. And I didn’t have a choice, so I took my watch off, and I took my ring off, and I handed it to them.

Was it your wedding ring?

Yes, it was my wedding ring.

After that, they led me to a big hangar where the entrance to the tunnel was, and I started walking. And the entrance was at ground level, but as you walk, you’re walking down a slope. And you’re walking and walking about 40 meters deep underground, and the walls are damp, and the soil is damp. And at first, I was alone. I didn’t know that other people had been taken too. But then more hostages came, and we were walking together through the tunnels.

Many of whom were from kibbutz Nir Oz. These were our people. They were abducted but still alive. And we spoke quietly, and we spoke very little. But as we were walking, everybody started telling a story of what had happened to him. And that created a very painful picture.

There were appalling stories about murder. People had left behind a partner.

A friend arrived, who, about an hour or two hours before, had her husband murdered and he died in her hands.

It was a collection of broken up people brought together.

So you were piecing together the story of your community and what had happened from these snapshots of tragedies that you were looking at all around you as you were walking. What’s the photograph you’ll remember most from that day?

It would be a girl, a four-year-old girl. People kept telling her — walk, walk, walk. And we tried to calm her down. And her mom tried to carry her on her arms. It was the most difficult sight to see a child inside those tunnels.

What were you feeling at that moment, Yocheved?

Very difficult.

Where did they lead you — you and your community — from Nir Oz.

They led us to this chamber, a room, that they had prepared in advance. There were mattresses there. And that’s where we were told to sit.

I saw people sitting on the mattresses, bent down, their heads down between their hands. They were broken. But we hardly spoke. Everybody was inside their own world with themselves, closed inside his own personal shock.

Yocheved was without her glasses, her hearing aids, or even her shoes. She said she spent most days lying down on one of the mattresses that had been put out for the hostages. Sometimes her captors would let her and others walk up and down the tunnels to stretch their legs.

She said she was given a cucumber, spreading cheese, and a piece of pita bread every day to eat. They had a little bit of coffee in the morning and water all day long.

One day, a Hamas leader came to the room where she and others were being held. She said she believes it was Yahya Sinwar, the leader of Hamas, who is believed to be the architect of the October 7 attack. Two other hostages who were held with Yocheved also identified the man as Sinwar, and an Israeli military spokesman said he found the accounts reliable.

He came accompanied with a group of other men. He just made rounds between the hostages, I suppose. And he spoke in Hebrew, and he told us not to worry, and soon there’s going to be a deal and we’ll be out. And others told me, don’t speak. And I said, what is there for me to be afraid of? The worst already happened. Worst thing, I’ll be killed.

I want to say something, and I spoke my mind. I told Sinwar, why have you done what you just did to all of the same people who have always helped you? He didn’t answer me. He just turned around and they walked off.

Were you afraid to ask him why Hamas did what it did, to challenge him?

I wasn’t afraid.

I was angry about the whole situation. It was against every thought and thinking we ever had. It was against our desire to reach peace, to be attentive and help our neighbors the way we always wanted to help our neighbors. I was very angry. But he ignored what I said, and he just turned his back and walked away.

In this entire time, you had no answers about Oded?

What was the hardest day for you, the hardest moment in captivity?

It’s when I got sick. I got sick with diarrhea and vomiting for about four days. And I had no idea how this will end. It was a few very rough days. And probably because of that, they decided to free me.

They didn’t tell me they were going to release me. They just told me and another girl, come follow us. They gave us galabiya gowns to wear and scarves to wear over our heads, so maybe they’ll think that we are Arab women. And only as we were walking, and we started going through corridors and ladders and climbing up we were told that we’re going home.

I was very happy to be going out. But my heart ached so hard for those who were staying behind. I was hoping that many others would follow me.

It’s OK. Let’s go. It’s OK. Let’s go.

You go with this one.

Shalom. Shalom.

There was a video that was made of the moment you left your captors. And it seemed to show that you were shaking a hand, saying shalom to them. Do you remember doing that?

I said goodbye to him. It was a friendly man. He was a medic. So when we said goodbye, I shook his hand for peace, shalom, to goodbye.

What did you mean when you said that?

I meant for peace.

Shalom in the sense of peace.

An extraordinary moment as a freed Israeli hostage shakes hands with a Hamas terrorist who held her captive.

I literally saw my mom on CNN on my phone on the way to the airport. And it was the day before I was talking to my aunt, and she said, I just want to go to Gaza and pull them out of the earth. I just want to pull them out of the earth and take them. And it really felt like that, that she came out of the earth. And when she shook the hand of the Hamas person, it just made me smile because it was so her to see the human in that person and to acknowledge him as a human being.

I arrived in the hospital at about 5:30 AM. My mom was asleep in the bed. And she was just — my mom sleeps really peacefully. She has a really quiet way of sleeping. And I just sat there, and it was just like a miracle to have her back with us. It was just incredible because not only was she back, but it was her.

I don’t know how to explain it. But while they were away, we knew so little. We were pretty sure she didn’t survive it. The whole house burned down totally. So other homes we could see if there was blood on the walls or blood on the floor. But in my parents’ home, everything was gone — everything. And we just didn’t know anything. And out of that nothingness, came my mom back.

It was only when she got to the hospital that Yocheved learned the full story of what happened on October 7. Nir Oz had been mostly destroyed. Many of her friends had been murdered. No one knew what had happened to Oded. Yocheved believed he was dead. But there wasn’t time to grieve.

The photograph she had taken in her mind needed to be shared. Yocheved knew who was still alive in the tunnels. So she and her son called as many families as they could — the family of the kibbutz’s history teacher, of one of its nurses, of the person who ran its art gallery — to tell them that they were still alive, captive in Gaza.

And then in November came a hostage release. More than 100 people came out. The family was certain that Oded was gone. But Sharone decided to make some calls anyway. She spoke to one former neighbor then another. And finally, almost by chance, she found someone who’d seen her father. They shared a room together in Gaza before he’d gotten ill and was taken away. Sharone and her brothers went to where Yocheved was staying to tell her the news.

She just couldn’t believe it, actually. It was as if, in this great telenovela of our life, at one season, he was left unconscious on the floor. And the second season open, and he is in a little room in Gaza with another woman that we know. She couldn’t believe it.

She was very, very, very excited, also really worried. My father was a very active and strong man. And if it happened 10 years ago, I would say of course he would survive it. He would talk to them in Arabic. He will manage the situation. He would have agency. But we know he was injured. And it makes us very, very worried about the condition in which he was — he’s surviving there. And I think that the fear of how much suffering the hostages are going through really makes you unable to function at moment.

Yocheved, the government has been doing a military operation since October in Gaza. You have been fighting very hard since October to free the hostages, including Oded. I wonder how you see the government’s military operation. Is it something that harms your cause or potentially helps it?

The only thing that will bring them back are agreements. And what is happening is that there are many soldiers who have been killed, and there is an ongoing war, and the hostages are still in captivity. So it’s only by reaching an agreement that all of the hostages will be released.

Do you believe that Israel is close to reaching an agreement?

I don’t know.

You told us that after the Holocaust, your father gathered your family together to tell you that God did not save you. It was a crisis for him. I’m wondering if this experience, October 7, your captivity, challenged your faith in a similar way.

No, I don’t think it changed me. I’m still the same person with the same beliefs and opinions. But how should I say it? What the Hamas did was to ruin a certain belief in human beings. I didn’t think that one could reach that level that isn’t that much higher than a beast. But my opinion and my view of there still being peace and reaching an arrangement stayed the same.

You still believe in peace?

Why do you believe that?

Because I’m hoping that a new generation of leaders will rise, people who act in transparency, who speak the truth, people who are honest, the way Israel used to be and that we’ll return to be like we once were.

I go to many rallies and demonstrations, and I meet many people in many places. And a large part of those people still believe in reaching an arrangement in peace and for there to be no war. And I still hope that this is what we’re going to be able to have here.

Bring them home now! Bring them home now! Bring them home now! Bring them home now! Bring them home! Now! Bring them home! Now! Bring them home! Now! Bring them home!

Yocheved is now living in a retirement home in the suburbs of Tel Aviv. Five other people around her age from Nir Oz live there too. One is also a released hostage. She hasn’t been able to bring herself to go back to the kibbutz. The life she built there with Oded is gone — her photographs, his records, the piano. And the kibbutz has become something else now, a symbol instead of a home. It is now buzzing with journalists and politicians. For now, Yocheved doesn’t know if she’ll ever go back. And when Sharone asked her, she said, let’s wait for Dad.

So I’m today sitting in this assisted living, surrounded by the same company, just expecting Oded, waiting for Oded to come back. And then each and every one of us will be rebuilding his own life together and renewing it.

What are you doing to make it a home for Oded?

We have a piano. We were given a piano, a very old one with a beautiful sound. And it’s good. Oded is very sensitive to the sound. He has absolute hearing. And I’m just hoping for him to come home and start playing the piano.

Do you believe that Oded will come home?

I’d like to believe. But there’s a difference between believing and wanting. I want to believe that he’ll be back and playing music. I don’t think his opinions are going to change. He’s going to be disappointed by what happened. But I hope he’s going to hold on to the same beliefs. His music is missing from our home.



I know that my father always felt that we haven’t given peace a chance. That was his opinion. And I think it’s very hard to speak for my father because maybe he has changed. Like my mom said, she said, I hope he hasn’t changed. I haven’t changed. But the truth is we don’t know. And we don’t the story. We don’t know how the story — my father is ending or just beginning.

But I think you have to hold on to humanistic values at this point. You have to know what you don’t want. I don’t want more of this. This is hell. This is hell for everybody. So this is no, you know? And then I believe that peace is also gray, and it’s not glorious, and it’s not simple. It’s kind of a lot of hard work. You have to reconcile and give up a lot. And it’s only worth doing that for peace.


After weeks of negotiations, talks over another hostage release and ceasefire have reached an impasse. The sticking points include the length of the ceasefire and the identity and number of Palestinian prisoners to be exchanged for the hostages.


Here’s what else you should know today. Sam Bankman-Fried was sentenced to 25 years in prison on Thursday, capping an extraordinary saga that upended the multi-trillion-dollar crypto industry. Bankman-Fried, the founder of the cryptocurrency exchange, FTX, was convicted of wire fraud, conspiracy, and money laundering last November.

Prosecutors accused him of stealing more than $10 billion from customers to finance political contributions, venture capital investments, and other extravagant purchases. At the sentencing, the judge pointed to testimony from Bankman-Fried’s trial, saying that his appetite for extreme risk and failure to take responsibility for his crimes amount to a quote, “risk that this man will be in a position to do something very bad in the future.”

Today’s episode was produced by Lynsea Garrison and Mooj Zaidie with help from Rikki Novetsky and Shannon Lin. It was edited by Michael Benoist, fact checked by Susan Lee, contains original music by Marion Lozano, Dan Powell, Diane Wong, Elisheba Ittoop, and Oded Lifshitz. It was engineered by Alyssa Moxley. The translation was by Gabby Sobelman. Special thanks to Menachem Rosenberg, Gershom Gorenberg, Gabby Sobelman, Yotam Shabtie, and Patrick Kingsley. Our theme music is by Jim Brunberg and Ben Landsverk of Wonderly.

That’s it for “The Daily.” I’m Sabrina Tavernise. See you on Monday.

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Hosted by Sabrina Tavernise

Produced by Lynsea Garrison and Mooj Zadie

With Rikki Novetsky and Shannon Lin

Edited by Michael Benoist

Original music by Marion Lozano ,  Dan Powell ,  Diane Wong and Elisheba Ittoop

Engineered by Alyssa Moxley

Listen and follow The Daily Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Amazon Music

Warning: this episode contains descriptions of violence.

It’s been nearly six months since the Hamas-led attacks on Israel, when militants took more than 200 hostages into Gaza.

In a village called Nir Oz, near the border, one quarter of residents were either killed or taken hostage. Yocheved Lifshitz and her husband, Oded Lifshitz, were among those taken.

Today, Yocheved and her daughter Sharone tell their story.

On today’s episode

Yocheved Lifshitz, a former hostage.

Sharone Lifschitz, daughter of Yocheved and Oded Lifshitz.

A group of people are holding up signs in Hebrew with photos of a man. In the front is a woman with short hair and glasses.

Background reading

Yocheved Lifshitz was beaten and held in tunnels built by Hamas for 17 days.

There are a lot of ways to listen to The Daily. Here’s how.

We aim to make transcripts available the next workday after an episode’s publication. You can find them at the top of the page.

Fact-checking by Susan Lee .

Additional music by Oded Lifshitz.

Translations by Gabby Sobelman .

Special thanks to Menachem Rosenberg, Gershom Gorenberg , Gabby Sobelman , Yotam Shabtie, and Patrick Kingsley .

The Daily is made by Rachel Quester, Lynsea Garrison, Clare Toeniskoetter, Paige Cowett, Michael Simon Johnson, Brad Fisher, Chris Wood, Jessica Cheung, Stella Tan, Alexandra Leigh Young, Lisa Chow, Eric Krupke, Marc Georges, Luke Vander Ploeg, M.J. Davis Lin, Dan Powell, Sydney Harper, Mike Benoist, Liz O. Baylen, Asthaa Chaturvedi, Rachelle Bonja, Diana Nguyen, Marion Lozano, Corey Schreppel, Rob Szypko, Elisheba Ittoop, Mooj Zadie, Patricia Willens, Rowan Niemisto, Jody Becker, Rikki Novetsky, John Ketchum, Nina Feldman, Will Reid, Carlos Prieto, Ben Calhoun, Susan Lee, Lexie Diao, Mary Wilson, Alex Stern, Dan Farrell, Sophia Lanman, Shannon Lin, Diane Wong, Devon Taylor, Alyssa Moxley, Summer Thomad, Olivia Natt, Daniel Ramirez and Brendan Klinkenberg.

Our theme music is by Jim Brunberg and Ben Landsverk of Wonderly. Special thanks to Sam Dolnick, Paula Szuchman, Lisa Tobin, Larissa Anderson, Julia Simon, Sofia Milan, Mahima Chablani, Elizabeth Davis-Moorer, Jeffrey Miranda, Renan Borelli, Maddy Masiello, Isabella Anderson and Nina Lassam.



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    Reaction Paper on the Film "A Beautiful Mind". A Beautiful Mind is a movie about John Forbes Nash Jr. who is notable for his contributions in Economics and Mathematics. It was evident in the film that he has an outstanding talent and showed it by performing at a remarkably high level of accomplishment. With a superior intelligence, I can ...

  16. Movie Reflection

    Movie Reflection - "Contagion" by Steven Soderbergh. "Contagion" is an electrifying medical film that was produced in 2011. Throughout the plot of the movie, it is vivid that fomite is a dangerous agent that transmits and spreads a deadly virus. Besides, public health officials and medical experts make every attempt to control the ...

  17. Film Writing: Sample Analysis

    The film's first establishing shots set the action in a busy modern office. A woman sits at a computer, absorbed in her screen. The camera looks at her through a glass wall, one of many in the shot. The reflections of passersby reflected in the glass and the workspace's dim blue light make it difficult to determine how many rooms are depicted.

  18. Reaction paper on the movie 'Crash'

    Reaction Paper on the Movie 'Crash' Essay. The Crash movie belongs to a group of movies that has been thriving in recent years. In the movie, Americans from diverse settings are brought together by societal values that force them to recognize their unique identities. Though these movies are not as realistic as they appear, they tend to ...

  19. Movie Reaction Paper: The Circle

    This movie was all about a woman who lands a dream job at a powerful tech company called "The Circle", only to uncover an agenda that will affect the lives of all of humanity. She is encouraged by the company's founder, Eamon Bailey, to engage in a groundbreaking experiment that pushes the boundaries of privacy, ethics and ultimately her ...

  20. The Movie 'Legally Blonde': Reaction Paper

    1. This essay sample was donated by a student to help the academic community. Papers provided by EduBirdie writers usually outdo students' samples. Cite This Essay. Download. 'Legally Blonde' is a 2001 American movie directed by Robert Luketic and starring such amazing actors as Reese Witherspoon, Luke Wilson, Selma Blair, Mathew Davis, and ...

  21. Film Reaction Paper: The Blind Side

    Views: 3615. Grade: 5. Download. The Blind Side is a movie based on the true story of Michael Oher, who was once the offensive lineman of the Baltimore Ravens' (Smith, Bourne, Stoff, Netter, Kosove, Johnson, & Hancock, 2009). Michael Oher, a black teenager, grew up in an impoverished part of Memphis known as the "projects" (Smith et al ...

  22. Essay on 'The Blind Side': Movie Reaction

    In 'The Blind Side', the protagonist Michael, a black individual, overcomes the common perceived racial stereotypes associated with the color of his skin; further the movie exemplifies common ideas of how whites, unlike blacks, are always the 'saving force' in a situation. The movie has brought many different common racial perceptions ...

  23. 30 Best Reactions to 2024 Oscars: Ryan Gosling, John Cena, More

    Robert Downey Jr. Completed His Awards Sweep. The Best Dressed Men of the 2024 Oscars. Randolph's win was the first of many historic feats this year. For her work in Killers of the Flower Moon ...

  24. Hamas Took Her, and Still Has Her Husband

    Hamas Took Her, and Still Has Her Husband. The story of one family at the center of the war in Gaza. March 29, 2024. Share full article. 6. Hosted by Sabrina Tavernise. Produced by Lynsea Garrison ...