JSON Resume

The open source initiative to create a JSON-based standard for resumes. For developers, by developers.

What is this?

JSON Resume is a standard created to empower developers.

Browse our gallery of resume themes made by the community.

Open Source

Every part of JSON Resume is open source on GitHub.

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ishu3101 / sample-resume.json

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notsonoobie commented Oct 16, 2019

Is there any good templates available for representing this json resume ?

Sorry, something went wrong.


ishu3101 commented Feb 7, 2020

Check out https://jsonresume.org/ You will find over there different themes that are available.

Resume Builder v 4.0.12

Resume builder, what is resume builder.

Resume Builder is a free open-source project that allows anyone to easily maintain and build any kind of resume using Google Spreadsheets or jsonresume.org .

Make a copy of this Google Spreadsheet or use your JSON file from jsonresume.org and upload it here .

You know you have the skills for that job you're applying to, and to show that you should tail your resume to match that opening.

For this job, it doesn't matter that you were a Space Police for 5 years, all they care about is if you can be a Professional Dog Carer.

So you open your text editor and start erasing stuff you don't need for this job opening. Cool.

But then you got rejected, and a new opening show up, but this time they do care if you were a Space Police. What now? Did you save the new resume as "resume-final-2.pdf"? Do you still have the old version? OMG what a pain!

Resume Builder for the rescue!

With Resume Builder you can have Spreadsheet or JSON file with all your skills and experiences, and simply toggle on/off the ones you want out via the Resume Builder UI and save your new awesome tailed resume as PDF.

This software licensed under MIT and it is provided 'as is', without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement. in no event shall the authors or copyright holders be liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the software or the use or other dealings in the software.

Please double check all the data on your resume before sharing it with others, I take no responsibility on wrongly shared information.

Source code

Creating your online resume for free with JSON resume

A resume is a document that showcases your career achievements and skills. It is an entry ticket to get you a job opportunity. Find out how you can create your online resume and that for free using JSON resume in this blog post.

February 15, 2021 5 minute read


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A resume is a document that showcases your career achievements and skills. Until recently(2 years ago), I used to create a word document and type in my resume and then convert it to pdf. In the last 2 years, I changed my computer, os and I am not able to edit the Microsoft word document in the Linux/Mac computer anymore. All that I wanted is to have my resume available in a website online and be able to update it without worrying about OS and softwares. But creating an online resume needs hosting and a bit of knowledge of HTML. Since I don’t have too much exposure on HTML and CSS, I wanted to find an out of the box solution

Finding tools to build resume

Resume builder.

JSON resume is an open-source tool that will let you maintain resume in a json format. There are many amazing free themes that you can use to change the look and feel of your resume too. Json resume also lets you import your profile from LinkedIn and creates your resume json using a chrome plugin .

Source control & Continuous deployment

Then I came up with the idea to maintain my resume in github. It lets me maintain my resume json in Git and all I need is a web browser to edit my resume. Github provides many things free of cost. Github Actions is one among them. Github actions specify a workflow with numerous actions to build your project. Learn more about Github actions in my blog post here . I decided to use Github actions to build my resume.html using node.js.

I learnt about Netlify , when a collegaue showcased his side project with a netlify url. Being free and provide many web solutions out of the box, I wanted my resume to be hosted on Netlify. Netlify also lets you provide your own domain name instead of the *.netlify.app url.

Building the resume

Creating content and build resume.json.

Spend some time in creating your resume, that explains the work you have done and skills you have acquired for each role you hold. I maintained this info in my LinkedIn profile and installed the Google chrome plugin ‘ Json Resume Exporter ’ to create the json file needed by jsonresume. You are also free to create the resume json using the sample provided by the website.

Setup the Github repository

Create a Github account and add the resume.json created in the above step.

Setup Netlify account

Create a new Netlify account if you don’t have one already. Usually Netlify needs a Github/Gitlab/Bitbucket account to create an account. Once you have created the account, you need to get an API token as mentioned with this link . Copy the token and add it as a secret to the Github repository created in the previous step. Now create a new site in Netlify. Disable the default builds via Netlify as we will be using Github actions to deploy our resume. The zip file method as detailed here will be used in this post for deploying from Github repo.

Setup Github action to build resume on git push

Now add a workflow YAML file in the repository under the directory .github/workflows and add the following:

In the first step, our repository is checked into the ubuntu machine running the Github action. The second action installs Node 14. The third step installs resume cli and the theme elegant I am using for my resume website. The fourth step creates a new directory called dist and use resume cli to create html files from the resume json file. In the fifth step, we are creating the zip file using the dist directory and uploads the zip to netlify. Note that NETLIFY_TOKEN is the api token generated in netlify and added as a secret in the Github repo. In the above yaml replace <your-netlify-site-name> with the name of your site in Netlify. From now on, whenever you modify your resume json, the website gets updated automatically.

Using custom domain

If you already own or purchase a new domain name, you can use the domain name instead of the netlify url to access your website. The process of adding a custom domain is detailed here .

I will update the post if I find any better options to build the resume. Feel free to post a comment if you find anything not working or express your thoughts!! Thanks for reading.

Your technical resume as JSON

Impress your future employer with a delightful, modern-looking resume generated from a json file in your Github/Gitlab profile. Check out mine (this json file turns into a web page and/or a pdf file ).

Have ideas how to improve it?

How to convert your resume to JSON

CVs have long been ( for me anyway ) a long list of PDFs of v1 . v2-Final , v3 and so on, making it painful to work out which version is the latest and sift through to find the version I’m looking for.

Last year, I migrated my old iWork Pages based CV to JSON to get greater control of both versioning and design of my CV, as well as better compatibility, as Pages files don’t always play nice when converted.

I thought I’d share in this post some of the things I’ve learned along the way, so you don’t have to experience some of the confusing hurdles along the way that I did.

Old and New Comparison

There’s a standard! 📖

The best place to start reading is the standard schema that’s documented here , as it’s just JSON it’s easily expandable you can add categories and take them away to suit your needs. If you’re looking for some examples or inspiration for your design, there’s a load on the site to get you started (although I’d recommend at least tweaking and updating them to fit your brand).

Get Started ✅

For building locally, I’d recommend getting started using the boilerplate theme which gives you a super basic setup with partials preconfigured to allow you to build up easily. The theme uses handlebars to render the partials, meaning if you decide to add a new partial for a new section, you just need to append a {{> partialname }} to resume.hbs.

To build your partials, it’s super nice too as it just uses handlebars conditionals (pretty similar to the ones used in liquid for Jekyll blogs), you can read more about them here and see the example below:

You can then just add all your different sections, style it with CSS as you would a normal site (or SASS if you want to compile it). When you’re going along you can preview it live in the command line with resume serve and when you’re done, preview it in a browser and print it to PDF. I’ve found exporting by print to be the most effective way of exporting, as the built-in PDF export can be a bit flakey.

The boilerplate theme’s getting started guide on GitHub is pretty good, and if you’ve got NPM installed globally - it’s pretty much sudo npm install -g resume-cli and serve.

Image of CV

Git on it 🗂

When you’re done (or as you’re going along), make sure you commit your CV to version control (whether GitHub, somewhere else or self-hosted).

Having every version stored in the repository history is great, as content revisions are only to the resume.json file, you can see exactly what changed in every update as you look back so you can see exactly what version you sent out.

Always have a PDF option 📄

It’s pretty neat hosting your own resume as HTML, I agree. However, if you’re going to distribute it, you should always give an option for your users to download it. Don’t rely on the user printing from the web or saving as a PDF, as web browsers are so inconsistent it almost certainly won’t look as you thought it did when they export it. Control your brand and make sure your recipients see what you want them to!

DEV Community

DEV Community

Abhinav Pandey

Posted on Mar 14, 2021 • Updated on Aug 5, 2021

How I created my JSON Resume?

Recently I found a new way to create my resume with JSON as the data source. The idea was introduced by http://jsonresume.org .

Put your data into a JSON. Use the JSON to populate whatever template you want. Create an HTML or export to other document types. And it doesn't stop there. You can even use the Json in your own personal website.

Fortunately, this is already popular in the community and some hard working people have created a number of themes and an easy way to use them. Let's have a look at how to do it.

Creating the JSON from Schema

You can find the boilerplate schema for your JSON here . You can remove the dummy data and replace with your own data.

Alternatively, you can create your JSON from scratch in Visual Code using the extension JSONResume Editor . It validates your schema as you type and provides features such as code completion and hints.

One important point about the schema is that it has evolved over the years and different themes may use a different version of the schema as their base. We will talk more about this point later when we talk about exporting your resume.

Choosing and applying a theme

The JSON you create will be utilized by a theme to create your visual resume - originally in HTML and CSS but exportable to other formats as well. You can find a few themes here . This is not an exhaustive list. As it is open-source, there are a lot of themes developed and in development. You can look around on Github to perform an exhaustive search for all available themes .

Once you have chosen your theme, its time to add it to your JSON. For this, we add a meta object and add a theme field in it

Your JSON is now ready and theme is chosen. Let's see how we can render your resume now.

The easy way (Online tools)

Step 1: Create a github gist by the name resume.json. E.g., my gist

Step 2: Go to https://registry.jsonresume.org/{githubUsername} and there it is!- Example

Limitation : the website does not support all available themes so the theme you put in your resume.json should be available on the site in order for you to use it successfully.

You can also try out different themes on the website without editing your json using the URL - https://registry.jsonresume.org/{username}?theme={themeName} - Example

BTW - If you checked both examples, check what we discussed earlier - Different themes, different base JSON - Using "eloquent" theme, I lose on some information of my resume. One way to be sure that your schema matches or to adjust your schema, go to the Github repo of the theme and find the resume.json that was used to build the theme- Example for eloquent theme

So this was one pretty easy way. However, we saw a limitation here that there are a small set of themes to choose from. Let's see how we can remove this limitation when we do this through NPM.

The developer's way

As I mentioned earlier, you can create your resume with Visual Code. You can also use some npm packages to create your resume locally with the same JSON.

Package 1 - Resume CLI

This provides a command line tool to export your JSON. Now we need to find our theme. You can find a long list of npm packages which provide a theme for your resume - NPM search results for theme

Package 2 - Theme stackoverflow

Once both packages are installed, move to the directory where your resume.json (use the same name) is present and run one of the below commands: For PDF:

You can only use the theme you have installed locally but you can install as many themes as you like (326 options on NPM currently).

Moreover, you need not worry too much if the schema is bothering you or if you want to introduce a new section. You can always clone the theme and edit it the way you want. You can also feed this JSON to your portfolio website or to other online profile services like https://gitconnected.com .

Top comments (8)


Templates let you quickly answer FAQs or store snippets for re-use.

anonymousm profile image

  • Joined Feb 14, 2020

hmm nice tool, but seems to be buggy somehow... I installed a theme with "npm install jsonresume-theme-stackoverflow" but when I create a pdf with that theme it says: "You have to install this theme relative to the folder to use it e.g. npm install jsonresume-theme-stackoverflow "

abh1navv profile image

  • Location India
  • Work Senior Software Engineer
  • Joined Jul 26, 2020

I faced the same problem. The issue here is that "resume-cli" is installed globally and you are installing the theme locally. If you install it with -g, it will work. Resume-cli searches for the theme in the same scope where it is installed.

ok thank you, but is there a way to use it all locally? I did it with command: "./node_modules/resume-cli/build/main.js export resume.pdf --theme orbit" ..it worked, but I'd like to use it normally, and don't want to install all themes globally every time... is there some simple npx command for that maybe?

You can clone resume-cli and change its code. Adjust the way it looks for the theme.

knadamson profile image

  • Location Cape Town, South Africa
  • Work Software Developer
  • Joined Dec 13, 2019

If you run resume-cli locally, you can use the following command: npx resume-cli export resume.pdf --theme orbit

epstra profile image

  • Joined Mar 20, 2020

I like it but since I tried hosting it on jsonresume's registry i get the error "this is not a valid github username" and can't host the data. Seems to happen to your example urls now too?

Even I tried it two days ago...registry doesn't work anymore. Could be a bug in their website.

Right, I might report it to them

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DEV Community

We're a place where coders share, stay up-to-date and grow their careers.

Updated May 24, 2023

Published February 15, 2022

JSON Resume

An introduction to using JSON Resume and details on how I use it.

An example JSON Resume with the code to generate it.

Recently Stack Overflow announced that they are discontinuing their job board and developer stories. You can read more about it on Stack Overflow Meta . This is rather disappointing because I have found most, if not all, of my full-time positions via the Stack Overflow job board. Additionally, I use the developer story feature to host an online resume. Because it will be going away I went looking for an alternative. I found an intriguing project called JSON Resume .

JSON Resume is a schema for creating resumes for developers. It has a great command line utility to generate a new resume, validate a resume, preview a resume, and export a resume. Once you’ve got a resume.json file created you can preview it in your browser using resume serve . There is a multitude of different themes to choose from. Then when you are satisfied with your resume and theme you can export it to HTML, PDF, or publish it to their registry. Publishing to the registry is very simple. You just create a gist on GitHub, then visit the registry URL with your GitHub username. Check out my public gist with my JSON resume and then see the rendered version at registry.jsonresume.org/bhdouglass .

One thing that is a bit tricky with JSON Resume is using themes from the command line tool. The documentation makes it sound easy, but that was not my experience. I found a GitHub issue that pointed me in the right direction. You need to install the theme locally in order to use it with the resume command. The best way to do this is to install both the resume tool and theme(s) into a local npm project. For example: npm install --save-dev resume-cli jsonresume-theme-kendall .

After jumping through the hurdles with themes, I set up an HTML export of my JSON Resume to host on my website. You can check it out by going to bhdouglass.com/resume . As I mentioned in a previous post my new website is built using Astro . I integrated the resume HTML into my site by placing it in the /public/resume directory. Then I was able to drive my job history on the main page with my resume.json file.

If you are looking for an alternative to the Stack Overflow Developer Story then I highly recommend checking out JSON Resume. I’m not actively looking for a new job, but I will be keeping my eye out for a good replacement to the Stack Overflow Job Board.

Further Reading

  • Make your own JSON Resume
  • JSON Resume Docs
  • JSON Resume Themes

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đŸ’Œ Resume in JSON Format đŸ‘©â€đŸ’Œ 📋 📎

This is worth sharing: Thomas Davies (jsonresume.org) has made a online resume host and formatter, so long as your resume is in JSON format. Let’s check it out…

This tool, jsonresume look quite nifty. It takes a JSON blob and turns it into a well formatted resume that you can share on the web:

The exact JSON schema is available at: https://jsonresume.org/schema/

Here is an example of the output from my resume file: https://registry.jsonresume.org/heyjdp?theme=kendall

There are many themes available too, you just need to change the URL to change theme , which is nice! Also there is a QR code generator.

I did have some challenges getting the node application on the command line to export a PDF file for me. But my thoughts on node and npm and the dependency hell are well known, we don’t need to get into that all over again.

If you would like to play or find out more, the gihub is available from Thomas Davies here: https://github.com/jsonresume

My personal resume is loaded into a Github Gist here: https://gist.github.com/heyjdp/ - make sure that you name your Gist resume.json and it is a public Gist, and then you can great your resume by going to URL: https://registry.jsonresume.org/heyjdp

Getting your resume aka an CV ( ANSI -v đŸ€Ą) straight to your and anyone else’s terminals:

Be warned though, for this is kinda useless and just for fun:

Getting started

Create your resume according to the JSON Resume Schema (see also the schema specification ) either:

Note: for json_schema you can just use the example from here

  • manually (see the heyho sample for a possible starting point),
  • exporting from LinkedIn using Joshua Tzucker’s LinkedIn exporter ( repo ) 1 , or
  • exporting from one of the platforms advertised as offering JSON resume integration .
  • Create a public gist named resume.json with your resume contents.

You’re now the proud owner of an ancv. Time to try it out.

The following examples work out-of-the-box. Replace heyho with your GitHub username once you’re all set up.

with -L being shorthand for --location , allowing you to follow the redirect from http://ancv.io through to https://ancv.io . It’s shorter than its also perfectly viable alternative:

Lastly, you might want to page the output for easiest reading, top-to-bottom:

If that garbles the rendered output, try less -r aka --raw-control-chars .

where -O is short for --output-document , used here to redirect to stdout.

PowerShell 7:

where iwr is an alias for Invoke-Webrequest , returning an object whose Content we access.

PowerShell 5:

where -UseBasicParsing is only required if you haven’t set up Internet Explorer yet ( yes, really ). If you have, then it works as PowerShell 7 (where that flag is deprecated and the default anyway).


All configuration is optional.

The CV is constructed as follows:

In summary:

the template .

Essentially the order of items, indentations, text alignment, position of dates and more. Templates are like layouts/skeletons.

the theme .

This controls colors, italics, boldface, underlining, blinking (yes, really) and more. A couple themes exist but you can easily add your own one.

the language to use.

Pre-set strings like section titles ( Education , 
), names of months etc. are governed by translations , of which there are a couple available already. All other text is free-form.

text content like emojis and newlines to control paragraph breaks.

Emojis are user-controlled: if you want them, use them in your resume.json ; in the future, there might be templates with emojis baked in, but you’d have to actively opt into using one.

  • date formatting, in a limited fashion through a special dec31_as_year toggle. If that toggle is true , dates in the format YYYY-12-31 will be displayed as YYYY only.

lastly, there’s a toggle for ASCII-only output.

It only concerns the template and controls the drawing of boxes and such (e.g., - versus ─ : only the latter will produce gapless rules). If you yourself use non-ASCII characters in your texts, use a language containing non-ASCII characters (Spanish, French, 
) or a theme with non-ASCII characters (e.g., a theme might use the ‱ character to print bullet points), non-ASCII Unicode will still occur. As such, this toggle currently isn’t very powerful, but with some care it does ultimately allow you to be ASCII-only.

If you come up with new templates, themes or translations, a PR would be highly appreciated.

anything about a viewer’s terminal!

Any recent terminal will support a baseline of features (e.g., colors), but large parts of the functionalities depend on the font used: proper Unicode support is needed for pretty output (see ascii_only ), and ideally emojis if you’re into that (although it’s easy to pick an emoji-free template). Many themes leverage Unicode characters as well.

access to your CV: like the gist itself, it will be publicly available on GitHub.

How to configure

Configuring ancv requires going beyond the vanilla JSON Resume schema. You will need to add an (entirely optional) $.meta.ancv field to your resume.json . The provided schema will be of help here: an editor capable of providing auto-completion based on it, like Visual Studio Code , will make filling out the additional configuration a breeze.

The schema will further inform you of the default values (used for unspecified fields). Since everything is optional, a valid JSON resume (without an ancv section) is valid for ancv use as well.


As a library.

Install the package as usual:

This also allows you to import whatever you could want or need from the package, if anything. Note that it’s pretty heavy on the dependencies.

As a container

See also the available packages aka images :

Versioned tags (so you can pin a major) are available.

Local usage

Once installed, you could for example check whether your resume.json is valid at all ( validate ) or get a glimpse at the final product ( render ):


Self-hosting is a first-class citizen here.

Context: Cloud Hosting

The https://ancv.io site is hosted on Google Cloud Run (serverless) and deployed there automatically , such that the latest release you see here is also the code executing in that cloud environment. That’s convenient to get started: simply create a resume.json gist and you’re good to go within minutes. It can also be used for debugging and playing around; it’s a playground of sorts.

You’re invited to use this service for as much and as long as you’d like. However, obviously, as an individual I cannot guarantee its availability in perpetuity. You might also feel uncomfortable uploading your CV onto GitHub, since it has to be public for this whole exercise to work. Lastly, you might also be suspicious of me inserting funny business into your CV before serving it out. If this is you, self-hosting is for you.

For simplicity, using Docker Compose (with Docker’s recent Compose CLI plugin ):

  • Clone this repository onto your server (or fork it, make your edits and clone that)
  • cd self-hosting
  • Edit Caddy’s config file ( more info ) to contain your own domain name
  • Place your resume.json into the directory
  • Run docker compose up

Caddy (chosen here for simplicity) will handle HTTPS automatically for you, but will of course require domain names to be set up correctly to answer ACME challenges. Handling DNS is up to you; for dynamic DNS, I can recommend qmcgaw/ddns-updater .

If you self-host in the cloud, the server infrastructure might be taken care of for you by your provider already (as is the case for Google Cloud Run). In these cases, a dedicated proxy is unnecessary and a single Dockerfile might suffice (adjusted to your needs). True serverless is also a possibility and an excellent fit here. For example, one could use Digital Ocean’s Functions . If you go that route and succeed, please let me know! (I had given up with how depressingly hard dependency management was, as opposed to tried-and-tested container images.)

You will probably not be able to paste its result into a gist and have it work out of the box. It is recommended to paste the export into an editor capable of helping you find errors against the contained $schema , like VS Code. Alternatively, a local ancv render your-file.json will print pydantic validation errors, which might be helpful in debugging. For example, the exporter might leave $.basics.url an empty string, which isn’t a valid URI and therefore fails the schema and, by extension, ancv . Similarly, endDate keys might get empty string values. Remove these entries entirely to stay conformant to the JSON Resume Schema (to which ancv stays conformant).

The exporter has a couple caveats.  ↩

Maxime Rouiller

Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better., automatically generating my resume with json resume in two languages.

TLDR: skip directly to the code

I’ve often touted the advantages of statically generated websites. Security, ease of scaling, etc.

One the point I normally touch is that when you start dynamically generating websites, you often think of the data a different way. You see sources and projections. Everything is just waiting to be transformed into a better shared format.

Now comes the resume. If you guys haven’t noticed yet, I’m a native French speaker from the Land of Poutine. You might think that we do everything in French but that is just wrong. Some clients will require English communication while others will require French. What that means is that when I submit a resume for a permanent job or a contractual work, I need to maintain two set of resume. One in each language.

While most people will only maintain a single Word document that will follow their graduation to their death, I have two. So every time I add something new to it, I have to reformat everything. It’s a pain. More than maintaining just one. I was tired of always maintaining the same set of data so set myself to skip the formatting part of resume generation to a minimum.

Introducting JSON Resume

That’s where I found a JSON standard for resume called JSON Resume

An example of the schema can be found here .

Here’s what a very trimmed down version looks like:

Ain’t that awesome? You have something that is basically a representation of your experience, education and your personal information about you. You can even group your skills into nice little categories and set a proficiency level.

Now we need to generate something out of this otherwise, it’s useless.

Generating HTML from JSON Resume

I’ll be frank, I tried the [CLI tool][JSONCLI] that came with the website. The problem is
 it doesn’t quite work. It works if everything is the default option. Otherwise? The tool looked broken. So I’ve done something different. I picked a theme, and copied its stylesheet and it’s template into my own repository to create my own resume.

I don’t even need to ensure backward compatibility. In fact, you could, easily, reverse engineer any of these theme and have something working within minutes.

My Theme: StackOverflow

While the index.js might be interesting to see how they assemble together, it’s just a simple HandleBars file with some CSS. Nothing easier. Copying those three files will allow you to generate HTML out of it.

The package you might need in your own NodeJS app will be described here . We’re talking HandleBars and momentjs.

Re-importing everything.

The first thing I did, was create my own index.js to get cracking.

With this, let’s get cracking. First, we need some dependencies.

Then you need to get your JSON Resume file that you painstakingly wrote.

I chose to go with a base that set the common values among both resume.

Next, let’s make sure to create an output directory where we’ll generate those nice resume.

Finally, we need a render function that we’ll call with 2 different objects. One for French, the other one for English.

Object.assign is the fun part. This is where we merge the two JSON files together. This is a dumb merge so existing properties will get overwritten. That includes array.

So now that we have this, the render function actually need to generate the said HTML.

That’s it for HTML. Handlebars.compile(tpl) will create an executable function that needs parameters to execute. First, the CSS itself and finally, the resume object that contains the model from which we generate everything.

The write flag is just to ensure that we overwrite existing files.

Running node index.js will now generate two files in /compiled/ . MaximeRouiller.en.html and MaximeRouiller.fr.html .

HTML is great but
 most recruiting firms will mostly only work with PDF.

Modifying our script to generate PDF in the same folder

First, we need to install a dependency on phantomjs-prebuilt with node install phantomjs-prebuilt --save .

Then we require it: var phantomjs = require('phantomjs-prebuilt');

Then you download the rasterize.js file and you copy this code right after we generate our HTML.

Same comment except we’re piping the HTML we just generated into PhantomJS to generate HTML with the Letter US format of 8 and a half inches by 11 inches.

The possibilities

In my scenario, I didn’t require any other format. I could have generated more with something like pandoc and it would be a good way to generate a thousand different version of the same resume in different format.

When creating new ways to make the same old, I like to think of the different possibilities this could get used in.

  • Storing a database of resume and generating them on the fly in a company’s format in a minute.
  • Changing your resume in 25 different themes easily
  • Instead of using Handlebar to generate in node, we could have generate the same resume with a barebone ASP.NET Core with Razor using my Poorman static site generator . This could allow you to localize your template easily too or using a familiar content rendering.

In any case, my scenario was easy and there’s no way I’m pushing farther than is required.

Do you see other possibilities I missed?

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Main-jindal-menu, write a résumé that gets results.

Jindal School student meeting with career recruiters and discussing résumé

Step 2: Write Your Résumé

Our JSOM Résumé templates highlight your academic and professional accomplishments. Write a résumé that beats artificial intelligence within the applicant tracking systems.

Download the JSOM Résumé Templates

Download the jsom résumé examples, download the jsom action verbs, download the jsom resume action verbs & key terms, download the jsom résumé guide to beat ai, improve your resume with quinncia.

Quinncia shows you how to stay on track with a proven process of resume enhancements, tailored mock interviews and personalized engagement tools.

FAQs – RĂ©sumĂ©-Writing

I don’t have any experience; how do i fix that on my rĂ©sumĂ©.

As a student, part of your experience may be gained from student activities/clubs, academic projects and volunteer efforts. Join organizations and volunteer to begin to build experiences which can demonstrate, communications skills, teamwork, leadership and project management.

Can a resume be more than one page?

The JSOM standard is one page, remember a resume is a summary of your experience to prompt the interest of potential employer to give you an interview. For MBA’s with extensive professional experience related for the job being sought an additional page may be warranted.

Should I include high school or other school’s activities on my resume?

College resumes drop the high school information, it is assumed that your professional experience begins at college.

Should I include jobs that I have had that don’t relate to the job I’m seeking?

Your resume should demonstrate not only your direct experience, it should also include transferable skills which you gained from working or volunteering. The more directly you can link your job skills to the job for which you are applying, the stronger your application will be.

Why do I have to use the JSOM Resume format?

The JSOM format was developed with our employer partners, and employers like the JSOM format, in short it works! In addition, the format has been optimized to be compatible with applicant tracking systems which almost all companies use for applicants to apply for positions. Lastly, the JSOM format is part of the UTD brand, employers know that you are from UTD by the look and feel of your resume.

Ready for the next step?

Back to Top


  1. JSON Resume: A JSON Powered Standard For CV Creation

    resume json format

  2. Show DEV: JSON-to-HTML resume generator

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  3. JSON Resume Specification HT @qz

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  4. GitHub

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  5. Resume Builder Json Formatter / Data Scientist Resume Example Writing

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  6. How to Build a Developer JSON Resume 2024

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  2. What Is JSON: Explained In 12 min Beginner's Guide

  3. What is JSON

  4. Understanding Let Property in JavaScript in Just 1 Minute


  6. Technologies and Techniques


  1. JSON Resume

    JSON Resume. The open source initiative to create a JSON-based standard for resumes. For developers, by developers. Read more. What is this? JSON Resume is a standard created to empower developers. Get started. Themes. Browse our gallery of resume themes made by the community. View themes.

  2. GitHub

    This means that you can easily import JSON Resume data into jsoncv and vice versa, as jsoncv data will pass the validation of JSON Resume Schema . ... Once you have finished editing, you can click the Download JSON button to export your CV data in JSON format. If you want to export the rendered HTML in the Preview pane, ...

  3. Sample Resume in JSON Resume Format · GitHub

    Sample Resume in JSON Resume Format. "summary": "A one-sentence to one-paragraph overview text. Do not include any line-breaks.", "Bullet-point list items that you would like to include along with (or instead of) a summary paragraph." "Bullet-point list items that you would like to include along with (or instead of) a summary paragraph."

  4. Json Resume Examples

    Make an impressive resume in 15 minutes. Download PDF for free. View the latest json resume examples shared by CakeResume users to know how to create a clear and convincing resume.

  5. How to Build a Developer JSON Resume 2024

    After your project is set up, install the JSON Resume CLI tool and a theme: npm install--save-dev resume-cli jsonresume-theme-bhdouglass JSON Resume File. Create a JSON file called resume.json and input the following contents. Replace my example data with your own!

  6. Home

    What is Resume Builder? Resume Builder is a free open-source project that allows anyone to easily maintain and build any kind of resume using Google Spreadsheets or jsonresume.org. ... With Resume Builder you can have Spreadsheet or JSON file with all your skills and experiences, and simply toggle on/off the ones you want out via the Resume ...

  7. Creating your online resume for free with JSON resume

    JSON resume is an open-source tool that will let you maintain resume in a json format. There are many amazing free themes that you can use to change the look and feel of your resume too. Json resume also lets you import your profile from LinkedIn and creates your resume json using a chrome plugin.

  8. Your technical resume as JSON

    Your technical resume as JSON. Impress your future employer with a delightful, modern-looking resume generated from a json file in your Github/Gitlab profile. Check out mine (this json file turns into a web page and/or a pdf file ).

  9. Reactive Resume

    Reactive Resume is a free and open-source project crafted mostly by me, and your support would be greatly appreciated. If you're inclined to contribute, and only if you can afford to, consider making a donation through any of the listed platforms. Additionally, donations to Reactive Resume through Open Collective are tax-exempt, as the project ...

  10. How to convert your resume to JSON

    Having every version stored in the repository history is great, as content revisions are only to the resume.json file, you can see exactly what changed in every update as you look back so you can see exactly what version you sent out. Always have a PDF option 📄. It's pretty neat hosting your own resume as HTML, I agree.

  11. How I created my JSON Resume?

    BTW - If you checked both examples, check what we discussed earlier - Different themes, different base JSON - Using "eloquent" theme, I lose on some information of my resume. One way to be sure that your schema matches or to adjust your schema, go to the Github repo of the theme and find the resume.json that was used to build the theme- Example ...

  12. JSON Resume · GitHub

    Website for JSON Resume. 🏡 DEPRECATED - SEE MONO. HTML 437 87. resumeToPDF Public archive. Convert your resume.json into a PDF, it runs through our HTML parser. JavaScript 110 18. jsonresume-fake Public. Fully generated fake resumes using machine learning models trained off ~6000 JSON resumes. Python 202 31.

  13. JSON Resume

    JSON Resume is a schema for creating resumes for developers. It has a great command line utility to generate a new resume, validate a resume, preview a resume, and export a resume. ... into a local npm project. For example: npm install --save-dev resume-cli jsonresume-theme-kendall. After jumping through the hurdles with themes, I set up an ...

  14. Resume in JSON Format ‍

    This is worth sharing: Thomas Davies (jsonresume.org) has made a online resume host and formatter, so long as your resume is in JSON format. Let's check it out&mldr; This tool, jsonresume look quite nifty. It takes a JSON blob and turns it into a well formatted resume that you can share on the web:

  15. ancv

    Note: for json_schema you can just use the example from here. manually (see the heyho sample for a possible starting point), exporting from LinkedIn using Joshua Tzucker's LinkedIn exporter 1, or; exporting from one of the platforms advertised as offering JSON resume integration. Create a public gist named resume.json with your resume contents.

  16. Automatically generating my resume with JSON Resume in two languages

    It's a pain. More than maintaining just one. I was tired of always maintaining the same set of data so set myself to skip the formatting part of resume generation to a minimum. Introducting JSON Resume. That's where I found a JSON standard for resume called JSON Resume. An example of the schema can be found here.

  17. GitHub

    resume-cli is the original command line tool for JSON Resume, the open source initiative to create a JSON-based standard for resumes. It has served the community well for years, but its broad scope and aging codebase has become increasingly harder to maintain. Resumed is a complete reimplementation of resume-cli, using more modern technologies ...

  18. Exporting your resume as JSON

    To export your resume in JSON file format, head on over to the resume builder screen in Reactive Resume and scroll down to the "Export" section in the right panel. Here, you have the option to export as JSON or as PDF. Just click on the "JSON" button and a file should be saved onto your device. You can now upload this file elsewhere for ...

  19. Write a Résumé That Gets Results

    Step 1: Research Companies Step 3: Write Your Cover Letter. Write a résumé that gets results with us. Here you will find all the information you need to build a resume that fulfills ATS requirements and more.

  20. 1.Create your own resume data in JSON format

    Create your own resume data in JSON format, JSON iterate over all for loops,Read about the difference between window, screen and document in javascript Rajarajan_T Follow

  21. Resume Dataset

    Something went wrong and this page crashed! If the issue persists, it's likely a problem on our side. Unexpected token < in JSON at position 4. keyboard_arrow_up. content_copy. SyntaxError: Unexpected token < in JSON at position 4. Refresh. A collection of Resumes in PDF as well as String format for data extraction.