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Quantitative and Qualitative Research

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What is Quantitative Research?

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Quantitative methodology is the dominant research framework in the social sciences. It refers to a set of strategies, techniques and assumptions used to study psychological, social and economic processes through the exploration of numeric patterns . Quantitative research gathers a range of numeric data. Some of the numeric data is intrinsically quantitative (e.g. personal income), while in other cases the numeric structure is  imposed (e.g. ‘On a scale from 1 to 10, how depressed did you feel last week?’). The collection of quantitative information allows researchers to conduct simple to extremely sophisticated statistical analyses that aggregate the data (e.g. averages, percentages), show relationships among the data (e.g. ‘Students with lower grade point averages tend to score lower on a depression scale’) or compare across aggregated data (e.g. the USA has a higher gross domestic product than Spain). Quantitative research includes methodologies such as questionnaires, structured observations or experiments and stands in contrast to qualitative research. Qualitative research involves the collection and analysis of narratives and/or open-ended observations through methodologies such as interviews, focus groups or ethnographies.

Coghlan, D., Brydon-Miller, M. (2014).  The SAGE encyclopedia of action research  (Vols. 1-2). London, : SAGE Publications Ltd doi: 10.4135/9781446294406

What is the purpose of quantitative research?

The purpose of quantitative research is to generate knowledge and create understanding about the social world. Quantitative research is used by social scientists, including communication researchers, to observe phenomena or occurrences affecting individuals. Social scientists are concerned with the study of people. Quantitative research is a way to learn about a particular group of people, known as a sample population. Using scientific inquiry, quantitative research relies on data that are observed or measured to examine questions about the sample population.

Allen, M. (2017).  The SAGE encyclopedia of communication research methods  (Vols. 1-4). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc doi: 10.4135/9781483381411

How do I know if the study is a quantitative design?  What type of quantitative study is it?

Quantitative Research Designs: Descriptive non-experimental, Quasi-experimental or Experimental?

Studies do not always explicitly state what kind of research design is being used.  You will need to know how to decipher which design type is used.  The following video will help you determine the quantitative design type.

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Key Concepts in Quantitative Research

In this module, we are going to explore the nuances of quantitative research, including the main types of quantitative research, more exploration into variables (including confounding and extraneous variables), and causation.

Content includes:

  • Flaws, “Proof”, and Rigor
  • The Steps of Quantitative Methodology
  • Major Classes of Quantitative Research
  • Experimental versus Non-Experimental Research
  • Types of Experimental Research
  • Types of Non-Experimental Research
  • Research Variables
  • Confounding/Extraneous Variables
  • Causation versus correlation/association


  • Discuss the flaws, proof, and rigor in research.
  • Describe the differences between independent variables and dependent variables.
  • Describe the steps in quantitative research methodology.
  • Describe experimental, quasi-experimental, and non-experimental research studies
  • Describe confounding and extraneous variables.
  • Differentiate cause-and-effect (causality) versus association/correlation

Flaws, Proof, and Rigor in Research

One of the biggest hurdles that students and seasoned researchers alike struggle to grasp, is that research cannot “ prove ” nor “ disprove ”. Research can only support a hypothesis with reasonable, statistically significant evidence.

Indeed. You’ve heard it incorrectly your entire life. You will hear professors, scientists, radio ads, podcasts, and even researchers comment something to the effect of, “It has been proven that…” or “Research proves that…” or “Finally! There is proof that…”

We have been duped. Consider the “ prove ” word a very bad word in this course. The forbidden “P” word. Do not say it, write it, allude to it, or repeat it. And, for the love of avocados and all things fluffy, do not include the “P” word on your EBP poster. You will be deducted some major points.

We can only conclude with reasonable certainty through statistical analyses that there is a high probability that something did not happen by chance but instead happened due to the intervention that the researcher tested. Got that? We will come back to that concept but for now know that it is called “statistical significance”.

All research has flaws. We might not know what those flaws are, but we will be learning about confounding and extraneous variables later on in this module to help explain how flaws can happen.

Remember this: Sometimes, the researcher might not even know that there was a flaw that occurred. No research project is perfect. There is no 100% awesome. This is a major reason why it is so important to be able to duplicate a research project and obtain similar results. The more we can duplicate research with the same exact methodology and protocols, the more certainty we have in the results and we can start accounting for flaws that may have sneaked in.

Finally, not all research is equal. Some research is done very sloppily, and other research has a very high standard of rigor. How do we know which is which when reading an article? Well, within this module, we will start learning about some things to look for in a published research article to help determine rigor. We do not want lazy research to determine our actions as nurses, right? We want the strongest, most reliable, most valid, most rigorous research evidence possible so that we can take those results and embed them into patient care. Who wants shoddy evidence determining the actions we take with your grandmother’s heart surgery?

Independent Variables and Dependent Variables

As we were already introduced to, there are measures called “variables” in research. This will be a bit of a review but it is important to bring up again, as it is a hallmark of quantitative research. In quantitative studies, the concepts being measured are called variables (AKA: something that varies). Variables are something that can change – either by manipulation or from something causing a change. In the article snapshots that we have looked at, researchers are trying to find causes for phenomena. Does a nursing intervention cause an improvement in patient outcomes? Does the cholesterol medication cause a decrease in cholesterol level? Does smoking cause  cancer?

The presumed cause is called the independent variable. The presumed effect is called the dependent variable. The dependent variable is “dependent” on something causing it to change. The dependent variable is the outcome that a researcher is trying to understand, explain, or predict.

Think back to our PICO questions. You can think of the intervention (I) as the independent variable and the outcome (O) as the dependent variable.

The independent variable is manipulated by the researcher or can be variants of influence. Whereas the dependent variable is never manipulated.

the purpose of a quantitative research plan is to

Variables do not always measure cause-and-effect. They can also measure a direction of influence.

Here is an example of that: If we compared levels of depression among men and women diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and found men to be more depressed, we cannot conclude that depression was caused by gender. However, we can note that the direction of influence   clearly runs from gender to depression. It makes no sense to suggest the depression influenced their gender.

In the above example, what is the independent variable (IV) and what is the dependent variable (DV)? If you guessed gender as the IV and depression as the DV, you are correct! Important to note in this case that the researcher did not manipulate the IV, but the IV is manipulated on its own (male or female).

Researchers do not always have just one IV. In some cases, more than one IV may be measured. Take, for instance, a study that wants to measure the factors that influence one’s study habits. Independent variables of gender, sleep habits, and hours of work may be considered. Likewise, multiple DVs can be measured. For example, perhaps we want to measure weight and abdominal girth on a plant-based diet (IV).

Now, some studies do not have an intervention. We will come back to that when we talk about non-experimental research.

The point of variables is so that researchers have a very specific measurement that they seek to study.

the purpose of a quantitative research plan is to

Let’s look at a couple of examples:

Now you try! Identify the IVs and DVs:

IV and DV Case Studies (Leibold, 2020)

Case Three:   Independent variable: Healthy Lifestyle education with a focus on physical activity; Dependent variable: Physical activity rate before and after education intervention, Heart rate before and after education intervention, Blood pressures before and after education intervention.

Case Four:   Independent variable: Playing classical music; Dependent variable:  Grade point averages post classical music, compared to pre-classical music.

Case Five: Independent variable: No independent variable as there is no intervention.  Dependent variable: The themes that emerge from the qualitative data.

The Steps in Quantitative Research Methodology

Now, as we learned in the last module, quantitative research is completely objective. There is no subjectivity to it. Why is this? Well, as we have learned, the purpose of quantitative research is to make an inference about the results in order to generalize these results to the population.

In quantitative studies, there is a very systematic approach that moves from the beginning point of the study (writing a research question) to the end point (obtaining an answer). This is a very linear and purposeful flow across the study, and all quantitative research should follow the same sequence.

  • Identifying a problem and formulating a research question . Quantitative research begins with a theory . As in, “something is wrong and we want to fix it or improve it”.  Think back to when we discussed research problems and formulating a research question. Here we are! That is the first step in formulating a quantitative research plan.
  • Formulate a hypothesis . This step is key. Researchers need to know exactly what they are testing so that testing the hypothesis can be achieved through specific statistical analyses.
  • A thorough literature review .  At this step, researchers strive to understand what is already known about a topic and what evidence already exists.
  • Identifying a framework .  When an appropriate framework is identified, the findings of a study may have broader significance and utility (Polit & Beck, 2021).
  • Choosing a study design . The research design will determine exactly how the researcher will obtain the answers to the research question(s). The entire design needs to be structured and controlled, with the overarching goal of minimizing bias and errors. The design determines what data will be collected and how, how often data will be collected, what types of comparisons will be made. You can think of the study design as the architectural backbone of the entire study.
  • Sampling . The researcher needs to determine a subset of the population that is to be studied. We will come back to the sampling concept in the next module. However, the goal of sampling is to choose a subset of the population that adequate reflects the population of interest.
  • I nstruments to be used to collect data (with reliability and validity as a priority). Researchers must find a way to measure the research variables (intervention and outcome) accurately. The task of measuring is complex and challenging, as data needs to be collected reliably (measuring consistently each time) and valid. Reliability and validity are both about how well a method measures something. The next module will cover this in detail.
  • Obtaining approval for ethical/legal human rights procedures . As we will learn in an upcoming module, there needs to be methods in place to safeguard human rights.
  • Data collection . The fun part! Finally, after everything has been organized and planned, the researcher(s) begin to collect data. The pre-established plan (methodology) determines when data collection begins, how to accomplish it, how data collection staff will be trained, and how data will be recorded.
  • Data analysis . Here comes the statistical analyses. The next module will dive into this.
  • Discussion . After all the analyses have been complete, the researcher then needs to interpret the results and examine the implications. Researchers attempt to explain the findings in light of the theoretical framework, prior evidence, theory, clinical experience, and any limitations in the study now that it has been completed. Often, the researcher discusses not just the statistical significance, but also the clinical significance, as it is common to have one without the other.
  • Summary/references . Part of the final steps of any research project is to disseminate (AKA: share) the findings. This may be in a published article, conference, poster session, etc. The point of this step is to communicate to others the information found through the study.  All references are collected so that the researchers can give credit to others.
  • Budget and funding . As a last mention in the overall steps, budget and funding for research is a consideration. Research can be expensive. Often, researchers can obtain a grant or other funding to help offset the costs.

the purpose of a quantitative research plan is to

Edit: Steps in Quantitative Research video. Step 12 should say “Dissemination” (sharing the results).

Experimental, Quasi-Experimental, and Non-Experimental Studies

To start this section, please watch this wonderful video by Jenny Barrow, MSN, RN, CNE, that explains experimental versus nonexperimental research.

(Jenny Barrow, 2019)

Now that you have that overview, continue reading this module.

Experimental Research : In experimental research, the researcher is seeking to draw a conclusion between an independent variable and a dependent variable. This design attempts to establish cause-effect relationships among the variables. You could think of experimental research as experimenting with “something” to see if it caused “something else”.

A true experiment is called a Randomized Controlled Trial (or RCT). An RCT is at the top of the echelon as far as quantitative experimental research. It’s the gold standard of scientific research. An RCT, a true experimental design, must have 3 features:

  • An intervention : The experiment does something to the participants by the option of manipulating the independent variable.
  • Control : Some participants in the study receive either the standard care, or no intervention at all. This is also called the counterfactual – meaning, it shows what would happen if no intervention was introduced.
  • Randomization : Randomization happens when the researcher makes sure that it is completely random who receives the intervention and who receives the control. The purpose is to make the groups equal regarding all other factors except receipt of the intervention.

Note: There is a lot of confusion with students (and even some researchers!) when they refer to “ random assignment ” versus “ random sampling ”. Random assignment  is a signature of a true experiment. This means that if participants are not truly randomly assigned to intervention groups, then it is not a true experiment. We will talk more about random sampling in the next module.

One very common method for RCT’s is called a pretest-posttest design .  This is when the researcher measures the outcome before and after the intervention. For example, if the researcher had an IV (intervention/treatment) of a pain medication, the DV (pain) would be measured before the intervention is given and after it is given. The control group may just receive a placebo. This design permits the researcher to see if the change in pain was caused by the pain medication because only some people received it (Polit & Beck, 2021).

Another experimental design is called a crossover design . This type of design involves exposing participants to more than one treatment. For example, subject 1 first receives treatment A, then treatment B, then treatment C. Subject 2 might first receive treatment B, then treatment A, and then treatment C. In this type of study, the three conditions for an experiment are met: Intervention, randomization, and control – with the subjects serving as their own control group.

Control group conditions can be done in 4 ways:

  • No intervention is used; control group gets no treatment at all
  • “Usual care” or standard of care or normal procedures used
  • An alternative intervention is uses (e.g. auditory versus visual stimulation)
  • A placebo or pseudo-intervention, presumed to have no therapeutic value, is used

Quasi-Experimental Research : Quasi-experiments involve an experiment just like true experimental research. However, they lack randomization and some even lack a control group.  Therefore, there is implementation and testing of an intervention, but there is an absence of randomization.

For example, perhaps we wanted to measure the effect of yoga for nursing students. The IV (intervention of yoga) is being offered to all nursing students and therefore randomization is not possible. For comparison, we could measure quality of life data on nursing students at a different university. Data is collected from both groups at baseline and then again after the yoga classes. Note, that in quasi-experiments, the phrase “comparison group” is sometimes used instead of “control group” against which outcome measures are collected.

Sometimes there is no comparison group either. This would be called a one-group pretest-posttest design .

Non-Experimental Research : Sometimes, cause-problem research questions cannot be answered with an experimental or quasi-experimental design because the IV cannot be manipulated. For example, if we want to measure what impact prerequisite grades have on student success in nursing programs, we obviously cannot manipulate the prerequisite grades. In another example, if we wanted to investigate how low birth weight impacts developmental progression in children, we cannot manipulate the birth weight. Often, you will see the word “observational” in lieu of non-experimental researcher. This does not mean the researcher is just standing and watching people, but instead it refers to the method of observing data that has already been established without manipulation.

There are various types of non-experimental research:

Correlational research : A correlational research design investigates relationships between two variables (or more) without the researcher controlling or manipulating any of them. In the example of prerequisites and nursing program success, that is a correlational design. Consider hypothetically, a researcher is studying a correlation between cancer and marriage. In this study, there are two variables: disease and marriage. Let us say marriage has a negative association with cancer. This means that married people are less likely to develop cancer.

Cohort design (also called a prospective design) : In a cohort study, the participants do not have the outcome of interest to begin with. They are selected based on the exposure status of the individual. They are then followed over time to evaluate for the occurrence of the outcome of interest. Cohorts may be divided into exposure categories once baseline measurements of a defined population are made. For example, the Framingham Cardiovascular Disease Study (CVD) used baseline measurements to divide the population into categories of CVD risk factors. Another example:  An example of a cohort study is comparing the test scores of one group of people who underwent extensive tutoring and a special curriculum and those who did not receive any extra help. The group could be studied for years to assess whether their scores improve over time and at what rate.

Retrospective design : In retrospective studies, the outcome of interest has already occurred (or not occurred – e.g., in controls) in each individual by the time s/he is enrolled, and the data are collected either from records or by asking participants to recall exposures. There is no follow-up of participants. For example, a researcher might examine the medical histories of 1000 elderly women to identify the causes of health problems.

Case-control design : A study that compares two groups of people: those with the disease or condition under study (cases) and a very similar group of people who do not have the condition. For example, investigators conducted a case-control study to determine if there is an association between colon cancer and a high fat diet. Cases were all confirmed colon cancer cases in North Carolina in 2010. Controls were a sample of North Carolina residents without colon cancer.

Descriptive research : Descriptive research design is a type of research design that aims to obtain information to systematically describe a phenomenon, situation, or population. More specifically, it helps answer the what, when, where, and how questions regarding the research problem, rather than the why. For example, the researcher might wish to discover the percentage of motorists who tailgate – the prevalence  of a certain behavior.

There are two other designs to mention, which are both on a time continuum basis.

Cross-sectional design : All data are collected at a single point in time. Retrospective studies are usually cross-sectional. The IV usually concerns events or behaviors occurring in the past. One cross-sectional study example in medicine is a data collection of smoking habits and lung cancer incidence in a given population. A cross-sectional study like this cannot solely determine that smoking habits cause lung cancer, but it can suggest a relationship that merits further investigation. Cross-sectional studies serve many purposes, and the cross-sectional design is the most relevant design when assessing the prevalence of disease, attitudes and knowledge among patients and health personnel, in validation studies comparing, for example, different measurement instruments, and in reliability studies.

Longitudinal design : Data are collected two or more times over an extended period. Longitudinal designs are better at showing patterns of change and at clarifying whether a cause occurred before an effect (outcome). A challenge in longitudinal studies is attrition or the loss of participants over time. In a longitudinal study subjects are followed over time with continuous or repeated monitoring of risk factors or health outcomes, or both. Such investigations vary enormously in their size and complexity. At one extreme a large population may be studied over decades. An example of a longitudinal design is a multiyear comparative study of the same children in an urban and a suburban school to record their cognitive development in depth.

Confounding and Extraneous Variables

Confounding variables  are a type of extraneous variable that occur which interfere with or influence the relationship between the independent and dependent variables. In research that investigates a potential cause-and-effect relationship, a confounding variable is an unmeasured third variable that influences both the supposed cause and the supposed effect.

It’s important to consider potential confounding variables and account for them in research designs to ensure results are valid. You can imagine that if something sneaks in to influence the measured variables, it can really muck up the study!

Here is an example:

You collect data on sunburns and ice cream consumption. You find that higher ice cream consumption is associated with a higher probability of sunburn. Does that mean ice cream consumption causes sunburn?

Here, the confounding variable is temperature: hot temperatures cause people to both eat more ice cream and spend more time outdoors under the sun, resulting in more sunburns.


To ensure the internal validity of research, the researcher must account for confounding variables. If he/she fails to do so, the results may not reflect the actual relationship between the variables that they are interested in.

For instance, they may find a cause-and-effect relationship that does not actually exist, because the effect they measure is caused by the confounding variable (and not by the independent variable).

Here is another example:

The researcher finds that babies born to mothers who smoked during their pregnancies weigh significantly less than those born to non-smoking mothers. However, if the researcher does not account for the fact that smokers are more likely to engage in other unhealthy behaviors, such as drinking or eating less healthy foods, then he/she might overestimate the relationship between smoking and low birth weight.

Extraneous variables are any variables that the researcher is not investigating that can potentially affect the outcomes of the research study. If left uncontrolled, extraneous variables can lead to inaccurate conclusions about the relationship between IVs and DVs.

Extraneous variables can threaten the internal validity of a study by providing alternative explanations for the results. In an experiment, the researcher manipulates an independent variable to study its effects on a dependent variable.

In a study on mental performance, the researcher tests whether wearing a white lab coat, the independent variable (IV), improves scientific reasoning, the dependent variable (DV).

Students from a university are recruited to participate in the study. The researcher manipulates the independent variable by splitting participants into two groups:

  • Participants in the experimental   group are asked to wear a lab coat during the study.
  • Participants in the control group are asked to wear a casual coat during the study.

All participants are given a scientific knowledge quiz, and their scores are compared between groups.

When extraneous variables are uncontrolled, it’s hard to determine the exact effects of the independent variable on the dependent variable, because the effects of extraneous variables may mask them.

Uncontrolled extraneous variables can also make it seem as though there is a true effect of the independent variable in an experiment when there’s actually none.

In the above experiment example, these extraneous variables can affect the science knowledge scores:

  • Participant’s major (e.g., STEM or humanities)
  • Participant’s interest in science
  • Demographic variables such as gender or educational background
  • Time of day of testing
  • Experiment environment or setting

If these variables systematically differ between the groups, you can’t be sure whether your results come from your independent variable manipulation or from the extraneous variables.

In summary, an extraneous variable is anything that could influence the dependent variable. A confounding variable influences the dependent variable, and also correlates with or causally affects the independent variable.


Cause-and-Effect (Causality) Versus Association/Correlation  

A very important concept to understand is cause-and-effect, also known as causality, versus correlation. Let’s look at these two concepts in very simplified statements. Causation means that one thing caused  another thing to happen. Correlation means there is some association between the two thing we are measuring.

It would be nice if it were as simple as that. These two concepts can indeed by confused by many. Let’s dive deeper.

Two or more variables are considered to be related or associated, in a statistical context, if their values change so that as the value of one variable increases or decreases so does the value of the other variable (or the opposite direction).

For example, for the two variables of “hours worked” and “income earned”, there is a relationship between the two if the increase in hours is associated with an increase in income earned.

However, correlation is a statistical measure that describes the size and direction of a relationship between two or more variables. A correlation does not automatically mean that the change in one variable caused the change in value in the other variable.

Theoretically, the difference between the two types of relationships is easy to identify — an action or occurrence can cause another (e.g. smoking causes an increase in the risk of developing lung cancer), or it can correlate with another (e.g. smoking is correlated with alcoholism, but it does not cause alcoholism). In practice, however, it remains difficult to clearly establish cause and effect, compared with establishing correlation.

Simplified in this image, we can say that hot and sunny weather causes an increase in ice cream consumption. Similarly, we can demise that hot and sunny weather increases the incidence of sunburns. However, we cannot say that ice cream caused a sunburn (or that a sunburn increases consumption of ice cream). It is purely coincidental. In this example, it is pretty easy to anecdotally surmise correlation versus causation. However, in research, we have statistical tests that help researchers differentiate via specialized analyses.

An image showing a sun pointing to an ice cream cone and a person with a sunburn as causation. Then between the ice cream cone and sunburn as correlcations

Here is a great Khan Academy video of about 5 minutes that shows a worked example of correlation versus causation with regard to sledding accidents and frostbite cases:–praxis-math–lessons–statistics-and-probability/v/gtp–praxis-math–video–correlation-and-causation

the purpose of a quantitative research plan is to

References & Attribution

“ Light bulb doodle ” by rawpixel licensed CC0 .

“ Magnifying glass ” by rawpixel licensed CC0

“ Orange flame ” by rawpixel licensed CC0 .

Jenny Barrow. (2019). Experimental versus nonexperimental research.

Leibold, N. (2020). Research variables. Measures and Concepts Commonly Encountered in EBP. Creative Commons License: BY NC

Polit, D. & Beck, C. (2021).  Lippincott CoursePoint Enhanced for Polit’s Essentials of Nursing Research  (10th ed.). Wolters Kluwer Health.

Evidence-Based Practice & Research Methodologies Copyright © by Tracy Fawns is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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3.1 What is Quantitative Research?

Quantitative research is a research method that uses numerical data and statistical analysis to study phenomena. 1 Quantitative research plays an important role in scientific inquiry by providing a rigorous, objective, systematic process using numerical data to test relationships and examine cause-and-effect associations between variables. 1, 2 The goal is to make generalisations about a population (extrapolate findings from the sample to the general population). 2 The data and variables are predetermined and measured as consistently and accurately as possible, and statistical analysis is used to evaluate the outcomes. 2 Quantitative research is based on the scientific method, wherein deductive reductionist reasoning is used to formulate hypotheses about a particular phenomenon.

An Introduction to Research Methods for Undergraduate Health Profession Students Copyright © 2023 by Faith Alele and Bunmi Malau-Aduli is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

Quantitative Research

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  • Leigh A. Wilson 2 , 3  

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4 Citations

Quantitative research methods are concerned with the planning, design, and implementation of strategies to collect and analyze data. Descartes, the seventeenth-century philosopher, suggested that how the results are achieved is often more important than the results themselves, as the journey taken along the research path is a journey of discovery. High-quality quantitative research is characterized by the attention given to the methods and the reliability of the tools used to collect the data. The ability to critique research in a systematic way is an essential component of a health professional’s role in order to deliver high quality, evidence-based healthcare. This chapter is intended to provide a simple overview of the way new researchers and health practitioners can understand and employ quantitative methods. The chapter offers practical, realistic guidance in a learner-friendly way and uses a logical sequence to understand the process of hypothesis development, study design, data collection and handling, and finally data analysis and interpretation.

  • Quantitative
  • Epidemiology
  • Data analysis
  • Methodology
  • Interpretation

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Babbie ER. The practice of social research. 14th ed. Belmont: Wadsworth Cengage; 2016.

Google Scholar  

Descartes. Cited in Halverston, W. (1976). In: A concise introduction to philosophy, 3rd ed. New York: Random House; 1637.

Doll R, Hill AB. The mortality of doctors in relation to their smoking habits. BMJ. 1954;328(7455):1529–33. .

Article   Google Scholar  

Liamputtong P. Research methods in health: foundations for evidence-based practice. 3rd ed. Melbourne: Oxford University Press; 2017.

McNabb DE. Research methods in public administration and nonprofit management: quantitative and qualitative approaches. 2nd ed. New York: Armonk; 2007.

Merriam-Webster. Dictionary. . Accessed 20th December 2017.

Olesen Larsen P, von Ins M. The rate of growth in scientific publication and the decline in coverage provided by Science Citation Index. Scientometrics. 2010;84(3):575–603.

Pannucci CJ, Wilkins EG. Identifying and avoiding bias in research. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2010;126(2):619–25. .

Petrie A, Sabin C. Medical statistics at a glance. 2nd ed. London: Blackwell Publishing; 2005.

Portney LG, Watkins MP. Foundations of clinical research: applications to practice. 3rd ed. New Jersey: Pearson Publishing; 2009.

Sheehan J. Aspects of research methodology. Nurse Educ Today. 1986;6:193–203.

Wilson LA, Black DA. Health, science research and research methods. Sydney: McGraw Hill; 2013.

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School of Science and Health, Western Sydney University, Penrith, NSW, Australia

Leigh A. Wilson

Faculty of Health Science, Discipline of Behavioural and Social Sciences in Health, University of Sydney, Lidcombe, NSW, Australia

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Wilson, L.A. (2019). Quantitative Research. In: Liamputtong, P. (eds) Handbook of Research Methods in Health Social Sciences. Springer, Singapore.

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Published : 13 January 2019

Publisher Name : Springer, Singapore

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Home » Quantitative Research: Definition, Methods, and Examples

Quantitative Research: Definition, Methods, and Examples

June 13, 2023 max 8min read.

Quantitative Research

This article covers:

What Is Quantitative Research?

Quantitative research methods .

  • Data Collection and Analysis

Types of Quantitative Research

  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Quantitative Research

Examples of Quantitative Research

Picture this: you’re a product or project manager and must make a crucial decision. You need data-driven insights to guide your choices, understand customer preferences, and predict market trends. That’s where quantitative research comes into play. It’s like having a secret weapon that empowers you to make informed decisions confidently.

Quantitative research is all about numbers, statistics, and measurable data. It’s a systematic approach that allows you to gather and analyze numerical information to uncover patterns, trends, and correlations. 

Quantitative research provides concrete, objective data to drive your strategies, whether conducting surveys, analyzing large datasets, or crunching numbers.

In this article, we’ll dive and learn all about quantitative research; get ready to uncover the power of numbers.

Quantitative Research Definition:

Quantitative research is a systematic and objective approach to collecting, analyzing, and interpreting numerical data. It measures and quantifies variables, employing statistical methods to uncover patterns, relationships, and trends.

Quantitative research gets utilized across a wide range of fields, including market research, social sciences, psychology, economics, and healthcare. It follows a structured methodology that uses standardized instruments, such as surveys, experiments, or polls, to collect data. This data is then analyzed using statistical techniques to uncover patterns and relationships.

The purpose of quantitative research is to measure and quantify variables, assess the connections between variables, and draw objective and generalizable conclusions. Its benefits are numerous:

  • Rigorous and scientific approach : Quantitative research provides a comprehensive and scientific approach to studying phenomena. It enables researchers to gather empirical evidence and draw reliable conclusions based on solid data.
  • Evidence-based decision-making : By utilizing quantitative research, researchers can make evidence-based decisions. It helps in developing informed strategies and evaluating the effectiveness of interventions or policies by relying on data-driven insights.
  • Advancement of knowledge : Quantitative research contributes to the advancement of knowledge by building upon existing theories. It expands understanding in various fields and informs future research directions, allowing for continued growth and development.

Here are various quantitative research methods:

Survey research : This method involves collecting data from a sample of individuals through questionnaires, interviews, or online surveys. Surveys gather information about people’s attitudes, opinions, behaviors, and characteristics.

Experimentation: It is a research method that allows researchers to determine cause-and-effect relationships. In an experiment, participants randomly get assigned to different groups. While the other group does not receive treatment or intervention, one group does. The outcomes of the two groups then get measured to analyze the effects of the treatment or intervention.

Here are the steps involved in an experiment:

  • Define the research question. What do you want to learn about?
  • Develop a hypothesis. What do you think the answer to your research question is?
  • Design the experiment. How will you manipulate the variables and measure the outcomes?
  • Recruit participants. Who will you study?
  • Randomly assign participants to groups. This ensures that the groups are as similar as possible.
  • Apply the treatments or interventions. This is what the researcher is attempting to test the effects of.
  • Measure the outcomes. This is how the researcher will determine whether the treatments or interventions had any effect.
  • Analyze the data. This is how the researcher will determine whether the results support the hypothesis.
  • Draw conclusions. What do the results mean?
  • Content analysis : Content analysis is a systematic approach to analyzing written, verbal, or visual communication. Researchers identify and categorize specific content, themes, or patterns in various forms of media, such as books, articles, speeches, or social media posts.
  • Secondary data analysis : It is a research method that involves analyzing data already collected by someone else. This data can be from various sources, such as government reports, previous research studies, or large datasets like surveys or medical records. 

Researchers use secondary data analysis to answer new research questions or gain additional insights into a topic.

Data Collection and Analysis for Quantitative Research

Quantitative research is research that uses numbers and statistics to answer questions. It often measures things like attitudes, behaviors, and opinions.

There are three main methods for collecting quantitative data:

  • Surveys and questionnaires: These are structured instruments used to gather data from a sample of people.
  • Experiments and controlled observations: These are conducted in a controlled setting to measure variables and determine cause-and-effect relationships.
  • Existing data sources (secondary data): This data gets collected from databases, archives, or previous studies.

Data preprocessing and cleaning is the first step in data analysis. It involves identifying and correcting errors, removing outliers, and ensuring the data is consistent.

Descriptive statistics is a branch of statistics that deals with the description of the data. It summarizes and describes the data using central tendency, variability, and shape measures.

Inferential statistics again comes under statistics which deals with the inference of properties of a population from a sample. It tests hypotheses, estimates parameters, and makes predictions.

Here are some of the most common inferential statistical techniques:

  • Hypothesis testing : This assesses the significance of relationships or differences between variables.
  • Confidence intervals : This estimates the range within which population parameters likely fall.
  • Correlation and regression analysis : This examines relationships and predicts outcomes based on variables.
  • Analysis of variance (ANOVA) : This compare means across multiple groups or conditions.

Statistical software and tools for data analysis can perform complex statistical analyses efficiently. Some of the most popular statistical software packages include SPSS, SAS, and R.

Here are some of the main types of quantitative research methodology:

  • Descriptive research describes a particular population’s characteristics, trends, or behaviors. For example, a descriptive study might look at the average height of students in a school, the number of people who voted in an election, or the types of food people eat.
  • Correlational research checks the relationship between two or more variables. For example, a correlational study might examine the relationship between income and happiness or stress and weight gain. Correlational research can show that two variables are related but cannot show that one variable causes the other.
  • Experimental research is a type of research that investigates cause-and-effect relationships. In an experiment, researchers manipulate one variable (the independent variable) and measure the impact on another variable (the dependent variable). This allows researchers to make inferences about the relationship between the two variables.
  • Quasi-experimental research is similar to experimental research. However, it does not involve random assignment of participants to groups. This can be due to practical or ethical considerations, such as when assigning people to receive a new medication randomly is impossible. In quasi-experimental research, researchers try to control for other factors affecting the results, such as the participant’s age, gender, or health status.
  • Longitudinal research studies change patterns over an extended time. For example, a longitudinal study might examine how children’s reading skills develop over a few years or how people’s attitudes change as they age. But longitudinal research can be expensive and time-consuming. Still, it can offer valuable insights into how people and things change over time.

 Advantages and Disadvantages of Quantitative Research

Here are the advantages and downsides of quantitative research:

Advantages of Quantitative Research:

  • Objectivity: Quantitative research aims to be objective and unbiased. This is because it relies on numbers and statistical methods, which reduce the potential for researcher bias and subjective interpretation.
  • Generalizability: Quantitative research often involves large sample sizes, which increases the likelihood of obtaining representative data. The study findings are more likely to apply to a wider population.
  • Replicability: Using standardized procedures and measurement instruments in quantitative research enhances replicability. This means that other researchers can repeat the study using the same methods to test the reliability of the findings.
  • Statistical analysis: Quantitative research employs various statistical techniques for data analysis. This allows researchers to identify data patterns, relationships, and associations. Additionally, statistical analysis can provide precision and help draw objective conclusions.
  • Numerical precision: Quantitative research produces numerical data that can be analyzed using mathematical calculations. This numeric precision allows for clear comparisons and quantitative interpretations.

Disadvantages of Quantitative Research :

  • Lack of Contextual Understanding : Quantitative research often focuses on measurable variables, which may limit the exploration of complex phenomena. It may overlook the social, cultural, and contextual factors that could influence the research findings.
  • Limited Insight : While quantitative research can identify correlations and associations, it may not uncover underlying causes or explanations of these relationships. It may provide answers to “what” and “how much,” but not necessarily “why.”
  • Potential for Simplification : The quantification of data can lead to oversimplification, as it may reduce complex phenomena into numerical values. This simplification may overlook nuances and intricacies important to understanding the research topic fully.
  • Cost and Time-Intensive : Quantitative research requires significant resources. It includes time, funding, and specialized expertise. Researchers must collect and analyze large amounts of numerical data, which can be lengthy and expensive.
  • Limited Flexibility : A systematic and planned strategy typically gets employed in quantitative research. It signifies the researcher’s use of a predetermined data collection and analysis approach. As a result, you may be more confident that your study gets conducted consistently and equitably. But it may also make it more difficult for the researcher to change the research plan or pose additional inquiries while gathering data. This could lead to missing valuable insights.

Here are some real-life examples of quantitative research:

  • Market Research : Quantitative market research is a type of market research that uses numerical data to understand consumer preferences, buying behavior, and market trends. This data typically gets gathered through surveys and questionnaires, which are then analyzed to make informed business decisions.
  • Health Studies : Quantitative research, such as clinical trials and epidemiological research, is vital in health studies. Researchers collect numerical data on treatment effectiveness, disease prevalence, risk factors, and patient outcomes. This data is then analyzed statistically to draw conclusions and make evidence-based recommendations for healthcare practices.
  • Educational Research : Quantitative research is used extensively in educational studies to examine various aspects of learning, teaching methods, and academic achievement. Researchers collect data through standardized tests, surveys, or observations. The reason for this approach is to analyze factors influencing student performance, educational interventions, and educational policy effectiveness.
  • Social Science Surveys : Social science researchers often employ quantitative research methods. The aim here is to study social phenomena and gather data on individuals’ or groups’ attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors. Large-scale surveys collect numerical data, then statistically analyze to identify patterns, trends, and associations within the population.
  • Opinion Polls : Opinion polls and public opinion research rely heavily on quantitative research techniques. Polling organizations conduct surveys with representative samples of the population. The companies do this intending to gather numerical data on public opinions, political preferences, and social attitudes. The data then gets analyzed to gauge public sentiment and predict election outcomes or public opinion on specific issues.
  • Economic Research : Quantitative research is widely used in economic studies to analyze economic indicators, trends, and patterns. Economists collect numerical data on GDP, inflation, employment, and consumer spending. Statistical analysis of this data helps understand economic phenomena, forecast future trends, and inform economic policy decisions.

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Qualitative research is about understanding and exploring something in depth. It uses non-numerical data, like interviews, observations, and open-ended survey responses, to gather rich, descriptive insights. Quantitative research is about measuring and analyzing relationships between variables using numerical data.

Quantitative research gets characterized by the following:

  • The collection of numerical information
  • The use of statistical analysis
  • The goal of measuring and quantifying phenomena
  • The purpose of examining relationships between variables
  • The purpose of generalizing findings to a larger population
  • The use of large sample sizes
  • The use of structured surveys or experiments
  • The usage of statistical techniques to analyze data objectively

The primary goal of quantitative research is to gather numerical data and analyze it statistically to uncover patterns, relationships, and trends. It aims to provide objective and generalizable insights using systematic data collection methods, standardized instruments, and statistical analysis techniques. Quantitative research seeks to test hypotheses, make predictions, and inform decision-making in various fields.

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What is quantitative research?

2020-06-30 Market Research

the purpose of a quantitative research plan is to

Quantitative research is the most common research framework in the social sciences. While other research frameworks, such as qualitative research, can be subjective, quantitative research is more objective. It studies processes through numbers, and often, the goal of the research is to produce statistics. The information researchers collect using quantitative methods allows them to perform analyses that can be simple or complex, such as showing the connections made between data, calculating averages or percentages, or using inferential statistics to make generalizations about a large population. Researchers use specific methodologies, such as experiments, questionnaires, and structured observations, to collect the data they use for quantitative research.

Let’s take a closer look at quantitative research methods and data analysis to understand what quantitative research is and how you can use it.

What is the purpose of quantitative research?

Quantitative research aims to help scientists, marketers, and researchers better understand society and people. It often involves the exploration or examination of events or occurrences that affect individuals. An example of quantitative research could involve a hospital that conducts surveys after patients have been admitted and discharged. The surveys’ purpose could be to discover how much time doctors who work at the hospital actually spend with their patients.

Surveys could ask patients research questions about how long their visits with a doctor lasted and how long they spent waiting to be seen. The surveys could also ask patients to rank their overall satisfaction with the care they received on a rating scale from one to 10. The surveys’ goal might be to discover if doctors are spending enough time with patients and how that correlates with the patients’ overall care. Using the data collected in the surveys, the hospital can estimate how much time each physician spends with patients. The hospital may also see a connection between higher patient satisfaction — such as patients giving scores of eight, nine or 10 — and increased patient-physician interaction or shorter wait times.

the purpose of a quantitative research plan is to

Types of quantitative research methods and techniques

Quantitative research design describes how a researcher arranges a study in an attempt to control the variables. At one end of the spectrum is a method to observe and describe data rather than control or manipulate variables. At the opposite end are methods that aim to control variables and establish clear connections between them. The method you might use depends on your overall goals and what you hope to get from your research.

1. Descriptive research

Descriptive research describes situations, circumstances, or variables. The focus of descriptive statistics is the “what” instead of “why.” Usually, descriptive research involves a fair amount of observation. A researcher might ask children to describe how they spent their summer vacation or watch a teacher during a class to see how they explain concepts to students.

When using descriptive research, a scientist isn’t likely to start from a hypothesis. If they develop one at all, it will be after they have collected data. They can then use the data to test the hypothesis through synthesis and analysis. As they collect data, they need to be careful about the variables they measure and the items they study. Descriptive research typically doesn’t end with an explanation of the cause and effect between variables.

Some examples of descriptive research include:

  • A description of teenagers’ alcohol habits:  Researchers can issue surveys asking teens how much they drink, when they drink, and who they drink with. They can conduct the surveys over a period of years to see how teenage alcohol consumption changes with time.
  • A description of how people in assisted-living facilities spend their time:  Researchers can conduct surveys asking people who live or work at assisted-living facilities how much time they spend on certain activities. A researcher might also visit a facility to observe residents and workers, timing their activities.
  • A description of how the housing market in a particular city has changed over the years:  A researcher can collect data on housing prices, sales volume, and time-on-the-market to see how real estate in a city has changed over a defined period, such as the past 10 years. Since the researcher aims to describe the data, they aren’t looking for factors that could have affected homes’ prices, such as economic recessions or new amenities in the city.
  • A description of how opinions on a subject have changed over a period:  Researchers can describe how opinions on a subject, such as climate change or driving while intoxicated, have changed over time. They can collect data by conducting surveys that ask people to rank their feelings or beliefs on a subject on a scale from one to 10. They can follow up with the same people year after year to describe the evolution of opinions.

the purpose of a quantitative research plan is to

2. Correlational research

The goal of correlational research is to examine and determine the relationship between multiple variables or data points. Like descriptive research, correlational research doesn’t attempt to identify a reason for the connection between variables or find a cause for the relationship. Instead, the intent is to discover patterns or trends between the variables by making comparisons. A researcher performing correlational research shouldn’t manipulate or adjust the data.

Examples of correlational research include:

  • An examination of the relationship between depression and diet:  A researcher might ask people to rate their depression on a scale from one to 10 and provide details about what types of food they eat and how much of each food. For example, a researcher might notice a correlation between eating less than one serving of vegetables or fruit each day and more severe depression. They might notice that people who rate their depression as a one or two tend to eat multiple servings of sweets during the day.
  • An examination of the relationship between SAT scores and grades during the first year of college:  A researcher might be curious to see if there is a connection between standardized test scores and grades once a student is in college. They might look at the grades of first-year college students who received scores of 2200 or higher on the SATs to see if there is a relationship.
  • An examination of people’s lifestyle habits and the prevalence of certain diseases:  Researchers can ask people about their lifestyle habits, such as how much alcohol they drink daily or weekly or how many cigarettes they smoke, to see if there is a connection between habits and the prevalence of diseases. People who smoke more might have higher lung cancer rates or more respiratory issues than people who don’t smoke.
  • An examination of types of classroom exercises and the grades students receive:  A researcher might be interested in discovering if there is a connection between the types of exercises a teacher leads in a classroom setting and the grades students earn on tests. The research might measure how much time students spend listening to lectures, performing group work, or working individually, then compare that information to the grades students receive.

the purpose of a quantitative research plan is to

3. Causal-comparative research

Causal-comparative research is also called quasi-experimental research. It has aspects in common with experimentation but can’t be considered a true experiment. The goal of causal-comparative research is to create a cause-and-effect relationship among multiple variables. What sets this type of research apart from true experimentation is that the researchers cannot manipulate the independent variable. Researchers also need to use naturally occurring or pre-existing groups as part of the study and randomly assign individuals to particular groups. Unlike a true experiment, there is no control group during quasi-experimental research.

Examples of quasi-experimental research include:

  • Examining the effect taking vitamins has on children’s school attendance:  A researcher might examine the attendance record of a group of elementary school students who take a multi-vitamin each day to see if the students taking the vitamin are more likely to go to school regularly compared to a group of students who don’t take the vitamin.
  • Examining the connection between gender and scores on math tests:  A researcher might ask students in the same grade to take a math test, then examine the scores the students received to see if one gender scored higher than the other overall.
  • Examining the effect exercise habits have on heart health:  A researcher compares blood pressure levels, cholesterol levels, and resting heart rates of people who exercise daily and people who don’t exercise to see if there is a connection between exercise and heart health.
  • Examining the effect going to preschool has on high school graduation rates:  A researcher might look at preschool attendance rates and compare them to graduation rates later on to see if students who started their education earlier were more likely to finish high school.

One thing to keep in mind with quasi-experimental research is that many other variables, not just the ones studied, can impact the results. Students who take multivitamins might also have other things going on in their lives that cause them to go to school more often, for example. People who exercise and have lower cholesterol and blood pressure levels might have other factors, such as a healthier diet or family history, that make them more likely to have better heart health.

the purpose of a quantitative research plan is to

4. Experimental research

An experimental research approach relies on the scientific method to manipulate and control variables to determine the cause-and-effect relationship. Experiments can take place in lab settings, but researchers can also conduct them in workshops or classrooms. To be considered a true experiment, research needs to have a control group and control over all possible variables except the independent variable, which the researchers manipulate. Participants in the experiment are assigned to a random group rather than self-selected, as they usually are in a quasi-experimental research method.

Examples of experimental research include:

  • Examining the effect of a new medication on chronic illness:  Researchers divide patients with the same illness into three groups. One group receives no treatment, one receives a placebo, and the third receives a new medication. At the end of the experiment, the researchers assess the patients to determine if the new medication was more effective than a placebo or no treatment at all.
  • Examining the effect of personalized instruction on students’ grades:  Researchers divide a class of students into two. Both groups receive in-class instruction. One group also gets an hour of one-on-one tutoring three times a week. At the end of the trial, the students take a test. The researchers examine the students’ grades to see if those who received tutoring performed better than those who didn’t.
  • Examining the effect of race or gender on crime:  Researchers hire actors to pretend to commit a crime in broad daylight, such as stealing a bike or breaking into a car. The experiment’s goal is to determine if bystanders react differently based on the gender or race of the actor.

the purpose of a quantitative research plan is to

Data collection methodologies

Data collection is a critical part of any research study. When you perform quantitative research, you use one or more methods to gather your data.

1. Surveys or questionnaires

A survey or questionnaire asks participants questions to help researchers collect the data they need. Survey questions can be open-ended, such as, “How do you feel after drinking a cup of coffee?” or closed, such as, “How many cups of coffee do you drink daily?: 0-1, 2-3, 4 or more.” Quantitative research surveys usually use closed questions that provide a numerical value as an answer.

Your sampling methods, or how you choose the  people you will survey , are a key part of data collection. You might want to collect surveys from people who fit a certain demographic description or a wider subset of the population. How frequently you collect survey information is also essential. Two general methods of conducting surveys exist:

  • Cross-sectional surveys  gather data from multiple demographic groups at the same point in time. The method lets you compare answers across demographics and also lets you track multiple variables.
  • Longitudinal surveys  gather data from one demographic group at multiple periods. A longitudinal survey might follow up with participants one month later, one year later, and five years later. This type of survey aims to see how habits can change over time or what impact habits have on a particular group of people over the course of months or years.

2. Interviews

Interviews are similar to questionnaires. Instead of having a participant fill out a paper or digital form, the researcher asks the questions while sitting face-to-face with the participant or while they are on the phone. Interviews can be structured, meaning the researcher asks the same questions, in the same order, to everyone who participates. During an unstructured interview, the researcher might ask questions as they think of them or questions in response to what the participant says.

3. Observation

Observation involves watching people and taking note of their behaviors and habits. It’s commonly used to collect qualitative data but can be used to collect quantitative data. For example, a researcher might observe employees leaving work for the day and count those who leave right at 5 p.m., those who leave a bit early and those who stay late. The researcher might observe employees for several days to see if there are patterns or changes when people leave work.

the purpose of a quantitative research plan is to

Advantages of quantitative research

Quantitative research has many advantages for researchers and companies that need to get information on their customers. Some of the benefits of quantitative research include:

  • Reliability:  Quantitative research is objective, meaning the variables and data you collect are reliable and accurate. When you ask someone how many cups of coffee they drink every day, you get a direct, objective answer.
  • Reproducibility:  Since you are collecting numerical or computational data when you perform quantitative research, it’s easy to reproduce the surveys or interviews when needed. Replication is a key component of a quantitative approach.
  • Impartiality:  Numbers and statistics don’t have a bias. There’s no way for a research team to influence the results or otherwise make the results biased when using a quantitative approach.
  • Scalability:  You can scale quantitative research up or down as needed without affecting the quality of the surveys or the data’s validity.

the purpose of a quantitative research plan is to

Disadvantages of quantitative research

Quantitative research might not be the best option in all cases. Some possible drawbacks of the method include:

  • Might not tell the whole story:  The variables you collect through quantitative methods can be superficial or limited. For example, asking people how much coffee they drink doesn’t tell you very much. It can also be the case that other factors you are surveying affect the responses people give.
  • Sample sizes can be small:  Small sample sizes can limit the impact research has. Asking 10 people about their coffee drinking habits won’t give you a good idea of how coffee consumption plays out across the country, for example.
  • Data can be over-manipulated:  It’s possible for the setting of a research study to be manipulated and controlled to such an extent that it affects the accuracy of the results or for a range of other, unaccounted-for variables to affect the study.

Although there can be drawbacks to quantitative research, a well-designed study will account for those drawbacks and seek to eliminate them. For example, ensuring a large sample size and setting representational population parameters can help increase the accuracy of the results.

Secondary quantitative research methods

Secondary data is data someone else has already collected. Secondary research is sometimes called desk research since it involves collecting, summarizing, synthesizing and analyzing existing data rather than collecting data, often to strengthen the results from primary research. Secondary data is available from various sources, including:

  • Universities and colleges
  • Public and private libraries
  • Government institutions
  • Non-government organizations
  • Commercial information sources

What’s the difference between quantitative and qualitative research?

Quantitative research and qualitative research are often compared. While quantitative research focuses on objectivity and numerical values, qualitative research is subjective and values descriptions of feelings or situations. Quantitative research focuses more on establishing measurable (quantifiable) data, while qualitative research is more interpretive and focused on qualities or characteristics.

Some of the data collection methods used during qualitative research are the same as those used during quantitative research, but the end goal is different. A qualitative research study might involve observation and surveys. The survey questions will generally be open-ended. Observation will be to see and describe how people approach situations, rather than counting how frequently they do something.

Another way to look at the difference between quantitative and qualitative research is that one often informs the other — in fact,  they can be used together . Businesses typically perform qualitative research when they want to create a hypothesis. Asking people their opinions on a subject can help a business learn more about its customers’ concerns or the opportunities available to it. The company uses the information gathered to form a hypothesis, which it then tests using quantitative research.

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Quantitative Research – Methods, Types and Analysis

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What is Quantitative Research

Quantitative Research

Quantitative research is a type of research that collects and analyzes numerical data to test hypotheses and answer research questions . This research typically involves a large sample size and uses statistical analysis to make inferences about a population based on the data collected. It often involves the use of surveys, experiments, or other structured data collection methods to gather quantitative data.

Quantitative Research Methods

Quantitative Research Methods

Quantitative Research Methods are as follows:

Descriptive Research Design

Descriptive research design is used to describe the characteristics of a population or phenomenon being studied. This research method is used to answer the questions of what, where, when, and how. Descriptive research designs use a variety of methods such as observation, case studies, and surveys to collect data. The data is then analyzed using statistical tools to identify patterns and relationships.

Correlational Research Design

Correlational research design is used to investigate the relationship between two or more variables. Researchers use correlational research to determine whether a relationship exists between variables and to what extent they are related. This research method involves collecting data from a sample and analyzing it using statistical tools such as correlation coefficients.

Quasi-experimental Research Design

Quasi-experimental research design is used to investigate cause-and-effect relationships between variables. This research method is similar to experimental research design, but it lacks full control over the independent variable. Researchers use quasi-experimental research designs when it is not feasible or ethical to manipulate the independent variable.

Experimental Research Design

Experimental research design is used to investigate cause-and-effect relationships between variables. This research method involves manipulating the independent variable and observing the effects on the dependent variable. Researchers use experimental research designs to test hypotheses and establish cause-and-effect relationships.

Survey Research

Survey research involves collecting data from a sample of individuals using a standardized questionnaire. This research method is used to gather information on attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors of individuals. Researchers use survey research to collect data quickly and efficiently from a large sample size. Survey research can be conducted through various methods such as online, phone, mail, or in-person interviews.

Quantitative Research Analysis Methods

Here are some commonly used quantitative research analysis methods:

Statistical Analysis

Statistical analysis is the most common quantitative research analysis method. It involves using statistical tools and techniques to analyze the numerical data collected during the research process. Statistical analysis can be used to identify patterns, trends, and relationships between variables, and to test hypotheses and theories.

Regression Analysis

Regression analysis is a statistical technique used to analyze the relationship between one dependent variable and one or more independent variables. Researchers use regression analysis to identify and quantify the impact of independent variables on the dependent variable.

Factor Analysis

Factor analysis is a statistical technique used to identify underlying factors that explain the correlations among a set of variables. Researchers use factor analysis to reduce a large number of variables to a smaller set of factors that capture the most important information.

Structural Equation Modeling

Structural equation modeling is a statistical technique used to test complex relationships between variables. It involves specifying a model that includes both observed and unobserved variables, and then using statistical methods to test the fit of the model to the data.

Time Series Analysis

Time series analysis is a statistical technique used to analyze data that is collected over time. It involves identifying patterns and trends in the data, as well as any seasonal or cyclical variations.

Multilevel Modeling

Multilevel modeling is a statistical technique used to analyze data that is nested within multiple levels. For example, researchers might use multilevel modeling to analyze data that is collected from individuals who are nested within groups, such as students nested within schools.

Applications of Quantitative Research

Quantitative research has many applications across a wide range of fields. Here are some common examples:

  • Market Research : Quantitative research is used extensively in market research to understand consumer behavior, preferences, and trends. Researchers use surveys, experiments, and other quantitative methods to collect data that can inform marketing strategies, product development, and pricing decisions.
  • Health Research: Quantitative research is used in health research to study the effectiveness of medical treatments, identify risk factors for diseases, and track health outcomes over time. Researchers use statistical methods to analyze data from clinical trials, surveys, and other sources to inform medical practice and policy.
  • Social Science Research: Quantitative research is used in social science research to study human behavior, attitudes, and social structures. Researchers use surveys, experiments, and other quantitative methods to collect data that can inform social policies, educational programs, and community interventions.
  • Education Research: Quantitative research is used in education research to study the effectiveness of teaching methods, assess student learning outcomes, and identify factors that influence student success. Researchers use experimental and quasi-experimental designs, as well as surveys and other quantitative methods, to collect and analyze data.
  • Environmental Research: Quantitative research is used in environmental research to study the impact of human activities on the environment, assess the effectiveness of conservation strategies, and identify ways to reduce environmental risks. Researchers use statistical methods to analyze data from field studies, experiments, and other sources.

Characteristics of Quantitative Research

Here are some key characteristics of quantitative research:

  • Numerical data : Quantitative research involves collecting numerical data through standardized methods such as surveys, experiments, and observational studies. This data is analyzed using statistical methods to identify patterns and relationships.
  • Large sample size: Quantitative research often involves collecting data from a large sample of individuals or groups in order to increase the reliability and generalizability of the findings.
  • Objective approach: Quantitative research aims to be objective and impartial in its approach, focusing on the collection and analysis of data rather than personal beliefs, opinions, or experiences.
  • Control over variables: Quantitative research often involves manipulating variables to test hypotheses and establish cause-and-effect relationships. Researchers aim to control for extraneous variables that may impact the results.
  • Replicable : Quantitative research aims to be replicable, meaning that other researchers should be able to conduct similar studies and obtain similar results using the same methods.
  • Statistical analysis: Quantitative research involves using statistical tools and techniques to analyze the numerical data collected during the research process. Statistical analysis allows researchers to identify patterns, trends, and relationships between variables, and to test hypotheses and theories.
  • Generalizability: Quantitative research aims to produce findings that can be generalized to larger populations beyond the specific sample studied. This is achieved through the use of random sampling methods and statistical inference.

Examples of Quantitative Research

Here are some examples of quantitative research in different fields:

  • Market Research: A company conducts a survey of 1000 consumers to determine their brand awareness and preferences. The data is analyzed using statistical methods to identify trends and patterns that can inform marketing strategies.
  • Health Research : A researcher conducts a randomized controlled trial to test the effectiveness of a new drug for treating a particular medical condition. The study involves collecting data from a large sample of patients and analyzing the results using statistical methods.
  • Social Science Research : A sociologist conducts a survey of 500 people to study attitudes toward immigration in a particular country. The data is analyzed using statistical methods to identify factors that influence these attitudes.
  • Education Research: A researcher conducts an experiment to compare the effectiveness of two different teaching methods for improving student learning outcomes. The study involves randomly assigning students to different groups and collecting data on their performance on standardized tests.
  • Environmental Research : A team of researchers conduct a study to investigate the impact of climate change on the distribution and abundance of a particular species of plant or animal. The study involves collecting data on environmental factors and population sizes over time and analyzing the results using statistical methods.
  • Psychology : A researcher conducts a survey of 500 college students to investigate the relationship between social media use and mental health. The data is analyzed using statistical methods to identify correlations and potential causal relationships.
  • Political Science: A team of researchers conducts a study to investigate voter behavior during an election. They use survey methods to collect data on voting patterns, demographics, and political attitudes, and analyze the results using statistical methods.

How to Conduct Quantitative Research

Here is a general overview of how to conduct quantitative research:

  • Develop a research question: The first step in conducting quantitative research is to develop a clear and specific research question. This question should be based on a gap in existing knowledge, and should be answerable using quantitative methods.
  • Develop a research design: Once you have a research question, you will need to develop a research design. This involves deciding on the appropriate methods to collect data, such as surveys, experiments, or observational studies. You will also need to determine the appropriate sample size, data collection instruments, and data analysis techniques.
  • Collect data: The next step is to collect data. This may involve administering surveys or questionnaires, conducting experiments, or gathering data from existing sources. It is important to use standardized methods to ensure that the data is reliable and valid.
  • Analyze data : Once the data has been collected, it is time to analyze it. This involves using statistical methods to identify patterns, trends, and relationships between variables. Common statistical techniques include correlation analysis, regression analysis, and hypothesis testing.
  • Interpret results: After analyzing the data, you will need to interpret the results. This involves identifying the key findings, determining their significance, and drawing conclusions based on the data.
  • Communicate findings: Finally, you will need to communicate your findings. This may involve writing a research report, presenting at a conference, or publishing in a peer-reviewed journal. It is important to clearly communicate the research question, methods, results, and conclusions to ensure that others can understand and replicate your research.

When to use Quantitative Research

Here are some situations when quantitative research can be appropriate:

  • To test a hypothesis: Quantitative research is often used to test a hypothesis or a theory. It involves collecting numerical data and using statistical analysis to determine if the data supports or refutes the hypothesis.
  • To generalize findings: If you want to generalize the findings of your study to a larger population, quantitative research can be useful. This is because it allows you to collect numerical data from a representative sample of the population and use statistical analysis to make inferences about the population as a whole.
  • To measure relationships between variables: If you want to measure the relationship between two or more variables, such as the relationship between age and income, or between education level and job satisfaction, quantitative research can be useful. It allows you to collect numerical data on both variables and use statistical analysis to determine the strength and direction of the relationship.
  • To identify patterns or trends: Quantitative research can be useful for identifying patterns or trends in data. For example, you can use quantitative research to identify trends in consumer behavior or to identify patterns in stock market data.
  • To quantify attitudes or opinions : If you want to measure attitudes or opinions on a particular topic, quantitative research can be useful. It allows you to collect numerical data using surveys or questionnaires and analyze the data using statistical methods to determine the prevalence of certain attitudes or opinions.

Purpose of Quantitative Research

The purpose of quantitative research is to systematically investigate and measure the relationships between variables or phenomena using numerical data and statistical analysis. The main objectives of quantitative research include:

  • Description : To provide a detailed and accurate description of a particular phenomenon or population.
  • Explanation : To explain the reasons for the occurrence of a particular phenomenon, such as identifying the factors that influence a behavior or attitude.
  • Prediction : To predict future trends or behaviors based on past patterns and relationships between variables.
  • Control : To identify the best strategies for controlling or influencing a particular outcome or behavior.

Quantitative research is used in many different fields, including social sciences, business, engineering, and health sciences. It can be used to investigate a wide range of phenomena, from human behavior and attitudes to physical and biological processes. The purpose of quantitative research is to provide reliable and valid data that can be used to inform decision-making and improve understanding of the world around us.

Advantages of Quantitative Research

There are several advantages of quantitative research, including:

  • Objectivity : Quantitative research is based on objective data and statistical analysis, which reduces the potential for bias or subjectivity in the research process.
  • Reproducibility : Because quantitative research involves standardized methods and measurements, it is more likely to be reproducible and reliable.
  • Generalizability : Quantitative research allows for generalizations to be made about a population based on a representative sample, which can inform decision-making and policy development.
  • Precision : Quantitative research allows for precise measurement and analysis of data, which can provide a more accurate understanding of phenomena and relationships between variables.
  • Efficiency : Quantitative research can be conducted relatively quickly and efficiently, especially when compared to qualitative research, which may involve lengthy data collection and analysis.
  • Large sample sizes : Quantitative research can accommodate large sample sizes, which can increase the representativeness and generalizability of the results.

Limitations of Quantitative Research

There are several limitations of quantitative research, including:

  • Limited understanding of context: Quantitative research typically focuses on numerical data and statistical analysis, which may not provide a comprehensive understanding of the context or underlying factors that influence a phenomenon.
  • Simplification of complex phenomena: Quantitative research often involves simplifying complex phenomena into measurable variables, which may not capture the full complexity of the phenomenon being studied.
  • Potential for researcher bias: Although quantitative research aims to be objective, there is still the potential for researcher bias in areas such as sampling, data collection, and data analysis.
  • Limited ability to explore new ideas: Quantitative research is often based on pre-determined research questions and hypotheses, which may limit the ability to explore new ideas or unexpected findings.
  • Limited ability to capture subjective experiences : Quantitative research is typically focused on objective data and may not capture the subjective experiences of individuals or groups being studied.
  • Ethical concerns : Quantitative research may raise ethical concerns, such as invasion of privacy or the potential for harm to participants.

About the author

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Muhammad Hassan

Researcher, Academic Writer, Web developer

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Creating a Data Analysis Plan: What to Consider When Choosing Statistics for a Study

There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics. – Mark Twain 1


Statistics represent an essential part of a study because, regardless of the study design, investigators need to summarize the collected information for interpretation and presentation to others. It is therefore important for us to heed Mr Twain’s concern when creating the data analysis plan. In fact, even before data collection begins, we need to have a clear analysis plan that will guide us from the initial stages of summarizing and describing the data through to testing our hypotheses.

The purpose of this article is to help you create a data analysis plan for a quantitative study. For those interested in conducting qualitative research, previous articles in this Research Primer series have provided information on the design and analysis of such studies. 2 , 3 Information in the current article is divided into 3 main sections: an overview of terms and concepts used in data analysis, a review of common methods used to summarize study data, and a process to help identify relevant statistical tests. My intention here is to introduce the main elements of data analysis and provide a place for you to start when planning this part of your study. Biostatistical experts, textbooks, statistical software packages, and other resources can certainly add more breadth and depth to this topic when you need additional information and advice.


When analyzing information from a quantitative study, we are often dealing with numbers; therefore, it is important to begin with an understanding of the source of the numbers. Let us start with the term variable , which defines a specific item of information collected in a study. Examples of variables include age, sex or gender, ethnicity, exercise frequency, weight, treatment group, and blood glucose. Each variable will have a group of categories, which are referred to as values , to help describe the characteristic of an individual study participant. For example, the variable “sex” would have values of “male” and “female”.

Although variables can be defined or grouped in various ways, I will focus on 2 methods at this introductory stage. First, variables can be defined according to the level of measurement. The categories in a nominal variable are names, for example, male and female for the variable “sex”; white, Aboriginal, black, Latin American, South Asian, and East Asian for the variable “ethnicity”; and intervention and control for the variable “treatment group”. Nominal variables with only 2 categories are also referred to as dichotomous variables because the study group can be divided into 2 subgroups based on information in the variable. For example, a study sample can be split into 2 groups (patients receiving the intervention and controls) using the dichotomous variable “treatment group”. An ordinal variable implies that the categories can be placed in a meaningful order, as would be the case for exercise frequency (never, sometimes, often, or always). Nominal-level and ordinal-level variables are also referred to as categorical variables, because each category in the variable can be completely separated from the others. The categories for an interval variable can be placed in a meaningful order, with the interval between consecutive categories also having meaning. Age, weight, and blood glucose can be considered as interval variables, but also as ratio variables, because the ratio between values has meaning (e.g., a 15-year-old is half the age of a 30-year-old). Interval-level and ratio-level variables are also referred to as continuous variables because of the underlying continuity among categories.

As we progress through the levels of measurement from nominal to ratio variables, we gather more information about the study participant. The amount of information that a variable provides will become important in the analysis stage, because we lose information when variables are reduced or aggregated—a common practice that is not recommended. 4 For example, if age is reduced from a ratio-level variable (measured in years) to an ordinal variable (categories of < 65 and ≥ 65 years) we lose the ability to make comparisons across the entire age range and introduce error into the data analysis. 4

A second method of defining variables is to consider them as either dependent or independent. As the terms imply, the value of a dependent variable depends on the value of other variables, whereas the value of an independent variable does not rely on other variables. In addition, an investigator can influence the value of an independent variable, such as treatment-group assignment. Independent variables are also referred to as predictors because we can use information from these variables to predict the value of a dependent variable. Building on the group of variables listed in the first paragraph of this section, blood glucose could be considered a dependent variable, because its value may depend on values of the independent variables age, sex, ethnicity, exercise frequency, weight, and treatment group.

Statistics are mathematical formulae that are used to organize and interpret the information that is collected through variables. There are 2 general categories of statistics, descriptive and inferential. Descriptive statistics are used to describe the collected information, such as the range of values, their average, and the most common category. Knowledge gained from descriptive statistics helps investigators learn more about the study sample. Inferential statistics are used to make comparisons and draw conclusions from the study data. Knowledge gained from inferential statistics allows investigators to make inferences and generalize beyond their study sample to other groups.

Before we move on to specific descriptive and inferential statistics, there are 2 more definitions to review. Parametric statistics are generally used when values in an interval-level or ratio-level variable are normally distributed (i.e., the entire group of values has a bell-shaped curve when plotted by frequency). These statistics are used because we can define parameters of the data, such as the centre and width of the normally distributed curve. In contrast, interval-level and ratio-level variables with values that are not normally distributed, as well as nominal-level and ordinal-level variables, are generally analyzed using nonparametric statistics.


The first step in a data analysis plan is to describe the data collected in the study. This can be done using figures to give a visual presentation of the data and statistics to generate numeric descriptions of the data.

Selection of an appropriate figure to represent a particular set of data depends on the measurement level of the variable. Data for nominal-level and ordinal-level variables may be interpreted using a pie graph or bar graph . Both options allow us to examine the relative number of participants within each category (by reporting the percentages within each category), whereas a bar graph can also be used to examine absolute numbers. For example, we could create a pie graph to illustrate the proportions of men and women in a study sample and a bar graph to illustrate the number of people who report exercising at each level of frequency (never, sometimes, often, or always).

Interval-level and ratio-level variables may also be interpreted using a pie graph or bar graph; however, these types of variables often have too many categories for such graphs to provide meaningful information. Instead, these variables may be better interpreted using a histogram . Unlike a bar graph, which displays the frequency for each distinct category, a histogram displays the frequency within a range of continuous categories. Information from this type of figure allows us to determine whether the data are normally distributed. In addition to pie graphs, bar graphs, and histograms, many other types of figures are available for the visual representation of data. Interested readers can find additional types of figures in the books recommended in the “Further Readings” section.

Figures are also useful for visualizing comparisons between variables or between subgroups within a variable (for example, the distribution of blood glucose according to sex). Box plots are useful for summarizing information for a variable that does not follow a normal distribution. The lower and upper limits of the box identify the interquartile range (or 25th and 75th percentiles), while the midline indicates the median value (or 50th percentile). Scatter plots provide information on how the categories for one continuous variable relate to categories in a second variable; they are often helpful in the analysis of correlations.

In addition to using figures to present a visual description of the data, investigators can use statistics to provide a numeric description. Regardless of the measurement level, we can find the mode by identifying the most frequent category within a variable. When summarizing nominal-level and ordinal-level variables, the simplest method is to report the proportion of participants within each category.

The choice of the most appropriate descriptive statistic for interval-level and ratio-level variables will depend on how the values are distributed. If the values are normally distributed, we can summarize the information using the parametric statistics of mean and standard deviation. The mean is the arithmetic average of all values within the variable, and the standard deviation tells us how widely the values are dispersed around the mean. When values of interval-level and ratio-level variables are not normally distributed, or we are summarizing information from an ordinal-level variable, it may be more appropriate to use the nonparametric statistics of median and range. The first step in identifying these descriptive statistics is to arrange study participants according to the variable categories from lowest value to highest value. The range is used to report the lowest and highest values. The median or 50th percentile is located by dividing the number of participants into 2 groups, such that half (50%) of the participants have values above the median and the other half (50%) have values below the median. Similarly, the 25th percentile is the value with 25% of the participants having values below and 75% of the participants having values above, and the 75th percentile is the value with 75% of participants having values below and 25% of participants having values above. Together, the 25th and 75th percentiles define the interquartile range .


One caveat about the information provided in this section: selecting the most appropriate inferential statistic for a specific study should be a combination of following these suggestions, seeking advice from experts, and discussing with your co-investigators. My intention here is to give you a place to start a conversation with your colleagues about the options available as you develop your data analysis plan.

There are 3 key questions to consider when selecting an appropriate inferential statistic for a study: What is the research question? What is the study design? and What is the level of measurement? It is important for investigators to carefully consider these questions when developing the study protocol and creating the analysis plan. The figures that accompany these questions show decision trees that will help you to narrow down the list of inferential statistics that would be relevant to a particular study. Appendix 1 provides brief definitions of the inferential statistics named in these figures. Additional information, such as the formulae for various inferential statistics, can be obtained from textbooks, statistical software packages, and biostatisticians.

What Is the Research Question?

The first step in identifying relevant inferential statistics for a study is to consider the type of research question being asked. You can find more details about the different types of research questions in a previous article in this Research Primer series that covered questions and hypotheses. 5 A relational question seeks information about the relationship among variables; in this situation, investigators will be interested in determining whether there is an association ( Figure 1 ). A causal question seeks information about the effect of an intervention on an outcome; in this situation, the investigator will be interested in determining whether there is a difference ( Figure 2 ).

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Decision tree to identify inferential statistics for an association.

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Decision tree to identify inferential statistics for measuring a difference.

What Is the Study Design?

When considering a question of association, investigators will be interested in measuring the relationship between variables ( Figure 1 ). A study designed to determine whether there is consensus among different raters will be measuring agreement. For example, an investigator may be interested in determining whether 2 raters, using the same assessment tool, arrive at the same score. Correlation analyses examine the strength of a relationship or connection between 2 variables, like age and blood glucose. Regression analyses also examine the strength of a relationship or connection; however, in this type of analysis, one variable is considered an outcome (or dependent variable) and the other variable is considered a predictor (or independent variable). Regression analyses often consider the influence of multiple predictors on an outcome at the same time. For example, an investigator may be interested in examining the association between a treatment and blood glucose, while also considering other factors, like age, sex, ethnicity, exercise frequency, and weight.

When considering a question of difference, investigators must first determine how many groups they will be comparing. In some cases, investigators may be interested in comparing the characteristic of one group with that of an external reference group. For example, is the mean age of study participants similar to the mean age of all people in the target group? If more than one group is involved, then investigators must also determine whether there is an underlying connection between the sets of values (or samples ) to be compared. Samples are considered independent or unpaired when the information is taken from different groups. For example, we could use an unpaired t test to compare the mean age between 2 independent samples, such as the intervention and control groups in a study. Samples are considered related or paired if the information is taken from the same group of people, for example, measurement of blood glucose at the beginning and end of a study. Because blood glucose is measured in the same people at both time points, we could use a paired t test to determine whether there has been a significant change in blood glucose.

What Is the Level of Measurement?

As described in the first section of this article, variables can be grouped according to the level of measurement (nominal, ordinal, or interval). In most cases, the independent variable in an inferential statistic will be nominal; therefore, investigators need to know the level of measurement for the dependent variable before they can select the relevant inferential statistic. Two exceptions to this consideration are correlation analyses and regression analyses ( Figure 1 ). Because a correlation analysis measures the strength of association between 2 variables, we need to consider the level of measurement for both variables. Regression analyses can consider multiple independent variables, often with a variety of measurement levels. However, for these analyses, investigators still need to consider the level of measurement for the dependent variable.

Selection of inferential statistics to test interval-level variables must include consideration of how the data are distributed. An underlying assumption for parametric tests is that the data approximate a normal distribution. When the data are not normally distributed, information derived from a parametric test may be wrong. 6 When the assumption of normality is violated (for example, when the data are skewed), then investigators should use a nonparametric test. If the data are normally distributed, then investigators can use a parametric test.


What is the level of significance.

An inferential statistic is used to calculate a p value, the probability of obtaining the observed data by chance. Investigators can then compare this p value against a prespecified level of significance, which is often chosen to be 0.05. This level of significance represents a 1 in 20 chance that the observation is wrong, which is considered an acceptable level of error.

What Are the Most Commonly Used Statistics?

In 1983, Emerson and Colditz 7 reported the first review of statistics used in original research articles published in the New England Journal of Medicine . This review of statistics used in the journal was updated in 1989 and 2005, 8 and this type of analysis has been replicated in many other journals. 9 – 13 Collectively, these reviews have identified 2 important observations. First, the overall sophistication of statistical methodology used and reported in studies has grown over time, with survival analyses and multivariable regression analyses becoming much more common. The second observation is that, despite this trend, 1 in 4 articles describe no statistical methods or report only simple descriptive statistics. When inferential statistics are used, the most common are t tests, contingency table tests (for example, χ 2 test and Fisher exact test), and simple correlation and regression analyses. This information is important for educators, investigators, reviewers, and readers because it suggests that a good foundational knowledge of descriptive statistics and common inferential statistics will enable us to correctly evaluate the majority of research articles. 11 – 13 However, to fully take advantage of all research published in high-impact journals, we need to become acquainted with some of the more complex methods, such as multivariable regression analyses. 8 , 13

What Are Some Additional Resources?

As an investigator and Associate Editor with CJHP , I have often relied on the advice of colleagues to help create my own analysis plans and review the plans of others. Biostatisticians have a wealth of knowledge in the field of statistical analysis and can provide advice on the correct selection, application, and interpretation of these methods. Colleagues who have “been there and done that” with their own data analysis plans are also valuable sources of information. Identify these individuals and consult with them early and often as you develop your analysis plan.

Another important resource to consider when creating your analysis plan is textbooks. Numerous statistical textbooks are available, differing in levels of complexity and scope. The titles listed in the “Further Reading” section are just a few suggestions. I encourage interested readers to look through these and other books to find resources that best fit their needs. However, one crucial book that I highly recommend to anyone wanting to be an investigator or peer reviewer is Lang and Secic’s How to Report Statistics in Medicine (see “Further Reading”). As the title implies, this book covers a wide range of statistics used in medical research and provides numerous examples of how to correctly report the results.


When it comes to creating an analysis plan for your project, I recommend following the sage advice of Douglas Adams in The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy : Don’t panic! 14 Begin with simple methods to summarize and visualize your data, then use the key questions and decision trees provided in this article to identify relevant statistical tests. Information in this article will give you and your co-investigators a place to start discussing the elements necessary for developing an analysis plan. But do not stop there! Use advice from biostatisticians and more experienced colleagues, as well as information in textbooks, to help create your analysis plan and choose the most appropriate statistics for your study. Making careful, informed decisions about the statistics to use in your study should reduce the risk of confirming Mr Twain’s concern.

Appendix 1. Glossary of statistical terms * (part 1 of 2)

  • 1-way ANOVA: Uses 1 variable to define the groups for comparing means. This is similar to the Student t test when comparing the means of 2 groups.
  • Kruskall–Wallis 1-way ANOVA: Nonparametric alternative for the 1-way ANOVA. Used to determine the difference in medians between 3 or more groups.
  • n -way ANOVA: Uses 2 or more variables to define groups when comparing means. Also called a “between-subjects factorial ANOVA”.
  • Repeated-measures ANOVA: A method for analyzing whether the means of 3 or more measures from the same group of participants are different.
  • Freidman ANOVA: Nonparametric alternative for the repeated-measures ANOVA. It is often used to compare rankings and preferences that are measured 3 or more times.
  • Fisher exact: Variation of chi-square that accounts for cell counts < 5.
  • McNemar: Variation of chi-square that tests statistical significance of changes in 2 paired measurements of dichotomous variables.
  • Cochran Q: An extension of the McNemar test that provides a method for testing for differences between 3 or more matched sets of frequencies or proportions. Often used as a measure of heterogeneity in meta-analyses.
  • 1-sample: Used to determine whether the mean of a sample is significantly different from a known or hypothesized value.
  • Independent-samples t test (also referred to as the Student t test): Used when the independent variable is a nominal-level variable that identifies 2 groups and the dependent variable is an interval-level variable.
  • Paired: Used to compare 2 pairs of scores between 2 groups (e.g., baseline and follow-up blood pressure in the intervention and control groups).

Lang TA, Secic M. How to report statistics in medicine: annotated guidelines for authors, editors, and reviewers. 2nd ed. Philadelphia (PA): American College of Physicians; 2006.

Norman GR, Streiner DL. PDQ statistics. 3rd ed. Hamilton (ON): B.C. Decker; 2003.

Plichta SB, Kelvin E. Munro’s statistical methods for health care research . 6th ed. Philadelphia (PA): Wolters Kluwer Health/ Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins; 2013.

This article is the 12th in the CJHP Research Primer Series, an initiative of the CJHP Editorial Board and the CSHP Research Committee. The planned 2-year series is intended to appeal to relatively inexperienced researchers, with the goal of building research capacity among practising pharmacists. The articles, presenting simple but rigorous guidance to encourage and support novice researchers, are being solicited from authors with appropriate expertise.

Previous articles in this series:

  • Bond CM. The research jigsaw: how to get started. Can J Hosp Pharm . 2014;67(1):28–30.
  • Tully MP. Research: articulating questions, generating hypotheses, and choosing study designs. Can J Hosp Pharm . 2014;67(1):31–4.
  • Loewen P. Ethical issues in pharmacy practice research: an introductory guide. Can J Hosp Pharm. 2014;67(2):133–7.
  • Tsuyuki RT. Designing pharmacy practice research trials. Can J Hosp Pharm . 2014;67(3):226–9.
  • Bresee LC. An introduction to developing surveys for pharmacy practice research. Can J Hosp Pharm . 2014;67(4):286–91.
  • Gamble JM. An introduction to the fundamentals of cohort and case–control studies. Can J Hosp Pharm . 2014;67(5):366–72.
  • Austin Z, Sutton J. Qualitative research: getting started. C an J Hosp Pharm . 2014;67(6):436–40.
  • Houle S. An introduction to the fundamentals of randomized controlled trials in pharmacy research. Can J Hosp Pharm . 2014; 68(1):28–32.
  • Charrois TL. Systematic reviews: What do you need to know to get started? Can J Hosp Pharm . 2014;68(2):144–8.
  • Sutton J, Austin Z. Qualitative research: data collection, analysis, and management. Can J Hosp Pharm . 2014;68(3):226–31.
  • Cadarette SM, Wong L. An introduction to health care administrative data. Can J Hosp Pharm. 2014;68(3):232–7.

Competing interests: None declared.

Further Reading

  • Devor J, Peck R. Statistics: the exploration and analysis of data. 7th ed. Boston (MA): Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning; 2012. [ Google Scholar ]
  • Lang TA, Secic M. How to report statistics in medicine: annotated guidelines for authors, editors, and reviewers. 2nd ed. Philadelphia (PA): American College of Physicians; 2006. [ Google Scholar ]
  • Mendenhall W, Beaver RJ, Beaver BM. Introduction to probability and statistics. 13th ed. Belmont (CA): Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning; 2009. [ Google Scholar ]
  • Norman GR, Streiner DL. PDQ statistics. 3rd ed. Hamilton (ON): B.C. Decker; 2003. [ Google Scholar ]
  • Plichta SB, Kelvin E. Munro’s statistical methods for health care research. 6th ed. Philadelphia (PA): Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins; 2013. [ Google Scholar ]

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Purpose statement overview.

The purpose statement succinctly explains (on no more than 1 page) the objectives of the research study. These objectives must directly address the problem and help close the stated gap. Expressed as a formula:

the purpose of a quantitative research plan is to

Good purpose statements:

  • Flow from the problem statement and actually address the proposed problem
  • Are concise and clear
  • Answer the question ‘Why are you doing this research?’
  • Match the methodology (similar to research questions)
  • Have a ‘hook’ to get the reader’s attention
  • Set the stage by clearly stating, “The purpose of this (qualitative or quantitative) study is to ...

In PhD studies, the purpose usually involves applying a theory to solve the problem. In other words, the purpose tells the reader what the goal of the study is, and what your study will accomplish, through which theoretical lens. The purpose statement also includes brief information about direction, scope, and where the data will come from.

A problem and gap in combination can lead to different research objectives, and hence, different purpose statements. In the example from above where the problem was severe underrepresentation of female CEOs in Fortune 500 companies and the identified gap related to lack of research of male-dominated boards; one purpose might be to explore implicit biases in male-dominated boards through the lens of feminist theory. Another purpose may be to determine how board members rated female and male candidates on scales of competency, professionalism, and experience to predict which candidate will be selected for the CEO position. The first purpose may involve a qualitative ethnographic study in which the researcher observes board meetings and hiring interviews; the second may involve a quantitative regression analysis. The outcomes will be very different, so it’s important that you find out exactly how you want to address a problem and help close a gap!

The purpose of the study must not only align with the problem and address a gap; it must also align with the chosen research method. In fact, the DP/DM template requires you to name the  research method at the very beginning of the purpose statement. The research verb must match the chosen method. In general, quantitative studies involve “closed-ended” research verbs such as determine , measure , correlate , explain , compare , validate , identify , or examine ; whereas qualitative studies involve “open-ended” research verbs such as explore , understand , narrate , articulate [meanings], discover , or develop .

A qualitative purpose statement following the color-coded problem statement (assumed here to be low well-being among financial sector employees) + gap (lack of research on followers of mid-level managers), might start like this:

In response to declining levels of employee well-being, the purpose of the qualitative phenomenology was to explore and understand the lived experiences related to the well-being of the followers of novice mid-level managers in the financial services industry. The levels of follower well-being have been shown to correlate to employee morale, turnover intention, and customer orientation (Eren et al., 2013). A combined framework of Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) Theory and the employee well-being concept informed the research questions and supported the inquiry, analysis, and interpretation of the experiences of followers of novice managers in the financial services industry.

A quantitative purpose statement for the same problem and gap might start like this:

In response to declining levels of employee well-being, the purpose of the quantitative correlational study was to determine which leadership factors predict employee well-being of the followers of novice mid-level managers in the financial services industry. Leadership factors were measured by the Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) assessment framework  by Mantlekow (2015), and employee well-being was conceptualized as a compound variable consisting of self-reported turnover-intent and psychological test scores from the Mental Health Survey (MHS) developed by Johns Hopkins University researchers.

Both of these purpose statements reflect viable research strategies and both align with the problem and gap so it’s up to the researcher to design a study in a manner that reflects personal preferences and desired study outcomes. Note that the quantitative research purpose incorporates operationalized concepts  or variables ; that reflect the way the researcher intends to measure the key concepts under study; whereas the qualitative purpose statement isn’t about translating the concepts under study as variables but instead aim to explore and understand the core research phenomenon.  

Best Practices for Writing your Purpose Statement

Always keep in mind that the dissertation process is iterative, and your writing, over time, will be refined as clarity is gradually achieved. Most of the time, greater clarity for the purpose statement and other components of the Dissertation is the result of a growing understanding of the literature in the field. As you increasingly master the literature you will also increasingly clarify the purpose of your study.

The purpose statement should flow directly from the problem statement. There should be clear and obvious alignment between the two and that alignment will get tighter and more pronounced as your work progresses.

The purpose statement should specifically address the reason for conducting the study, with emphasis on the word specifically. There should not be any doubt in your readers’ minds as to the purpose of your study. To achieve this level of clarity you will need to also insure there is no doubt in your mind as to the purpose of your study.

Many researchers benefit from stopping your work during the research process when insight strikes you and write about it while it is still fresh in your mind. This can help you clarify all aspects of a dissertation, including clarifying its purpose.

Your Chair and your committee members can help you to clarify your study’s purpose so carefully attend to any feedback they offer.

The purpose statement should reflect the research questions and vice versa. The chain of alignment that began with the research problem description and continues on to the research purpose, research questions, and methodology must be respected at all times during dissertation development. You are to succinctly describe the overarching goal of the study that reflects the research questions. Each research question narrows and focuses the purpose statement. Conversely, the purpose statement encompasses all of the research questions.

Identify in the purpose statement the research method as quantitative, qualitative or mixed (i.e., “The purpose of this [qualitative/quantitative/mixed] study is to ...)

Avoid the use of the phrase “research study” since the two words together are redundant.

Follow the initial declaration of purpose with a brief overview of how, with what instruments/data, with whom and where (as applicable) the study will be conducted. Identify variables/constructs and/or phenomenon/concept/idea. Since this section is to be a concise paragraph, emphasis must be placed on the word brief. However, adding these details will give your readers a very clear picture of the purpose of your research.

Developing the purpose section of your dissertation is usually not achieved in a single flash of insight. The process involves a great deal of reading to find out what other scholars have done to address the research topic and problem you have identified. The purpose section of your dissertation could well be the most important paragraph you write during your academic career, and every word should be carefully selected. Think of it as the DNA of your dissertation. Everything else you write should emerge directly and clearly from your purpose statement. In turn, your purpose statement should emerge directly and clearly from your research problem description. It is good practice to print out your problem statement and purpose statement and keep them in front of you as you work on each part of your dissertation in order to insure alignment.

It is helpful to collect several dissertations similar to the one you envision creating. Extract the problem descriptions and purpose statements of other dissertation authors and compare them in order to sharpen your thinking about your own work.  Comparing how other dissertation authors have handled the many challenges you are facing can be an invaluable exercise. Keep in mind that individual universities use their own tailored protocols for presenting key components of the dissertation so your review of these purpose statements should focus on content rather than form.

Once your purpose statement is set it must be consistently presented throughout the dissertation. This may require some recursive editing because the way you articulate your purpose may evolve as you work on various aspects of your dissertation. Whenever you make an adjustment to your purpose statement you should carefully follow up on the editing and conceptual ramifications throughout the entire document.

In establishing your purpose you should NOT advocate for a particular outcome. Research should be done to answer questions not prove a point. As a researcher, you are to inquire with an open mind, and even when you come to the work with clear assumptions, your job is to prove the validity of the conclusions reached. For example, you would not say the purpose of your research project is to demonstrate that there is a relationship between two variables. Such a statement presupposes you know the answer before your research is conducted and promotes or supports (advocates on behalf of) a particular outcome. A more appropriate purpose statement would be to examine or explore the relationship between two variables.

Your purpose statement should not imply that you are going to prove something. You may be surprised to learn that we cannot prove anything in scholarly research for two reasons. First, in quantitative analyses, statistical tests calculate the probability that something is true rather than establishing it as true. Second, in qualitative research, the study can only purport to describe what is occurring from the perspective of the participants. Whether or not the phenomenon they are describing is true in a larger context is not knowable. We cannot observe the phenomenon in all settings and in all circumstances.

Writing your Purpose Statement

It is important to distinguish in your mind the differences between the Problem Statement and Purpose Statement.

The Problem Statement is why I am doing the research

The Purpose Statement is what type of research I am doing to fit or address the problem

The Purpose Statement includes:

  • Method of Study
  • Specific Population

Remember, as you are contemplating what to include in your purpose statement and then when you are writing it, the purpose statement is a concise paragraph that describes the intent of the study, and it should flow directly from the problem statement.  It should specifically address the reason for conducting the study, and reflect the research questions.  Further, it should identify the research method as qualitative, quantitative, or mixed.  Then provide a brief overview of how the study will be conducted, with what instruments/data collection methods, and with whom (subjects) and where (as applicable). Finally, you should identify variables/constructs and/or phenomenon/concept/idea.

Qualitative Purpose Statement

Creswell (2002) suggested for writing purpose statements in qualitative research include using deliberate phrasing to alert the reader to the purpose statement. Verbs that indicate what will take place in the research and the use of non-directional language that do not suggest an outcome are key. A purpose statement should focus on a single idea or concept, with a broad definition of the idea or concept. How the concept was investigated should also be included, as well as participants in the study and locations for the research to give the reader a sense of with whom and where the study took place. 

Creswell (2003) advised the following script for purpose statements in qualitative research:

“The purpose of this qualitative_________________ (strategy of inquiry, such as ethnography, case study, or other type) study is (was? will be?) to ________________ (understand? describe? develop? discover?) the _________________(central phenomenon being studied) for ______________ (the participants, such as the individual, groups, organization) at __________(research site). At this stage in the research, the __________ (central phenomenon being studied) will be generally defined as ___________________ (provide a general definition)” (pg. 90).

Quantitative Purpose Statement

Creswell (2003) offers vast differences between the purpose statements written for qualitative research and those written for quantitative research, particularly with respect to language and the inclusion of variables. The comparison of variables is often a focus of quantitative research, with the variables distinguishable by either the temporal order or how they are measured. As with qualitative research purpose statements, Creswell (2003) recommends the use of deliberate language to alert the reader to the purpose of the study, but quantitative purpose statements also include the theory or conceptual framework guiding the study and the variables that are being studied and how they are related. 

Creswell (2003) suggests the following script for drafting purpose statements in quantitative research:

“The purpose of this _____________________ (experiment? survey?) study is (was? will be?) to test the theory of _________________that _________________ (compares? relates?) the ___________(independent variable) to _________________________(dependent variable), controlling for _______________________ (control variables) for ___________________ (participants) at _________________________ (the research site). The independent variable(s) _____________________ will be generally defined as _______________________ (provide a general definition). The dependent variable(s) will be generally defined as _____________________ (provide a general definition), and the control and intervening variables(s), _________________ (identify the control and intervening variables) will be statistically controlled in this study” (pg. 97).

Sample Purpose Statements

  • The purpose of this qualitative study was to determine how participation in service-learning in an alternative school impacted students academically, civically, and personally.  There is ample evidence demonstrating the failure of schools for students at-risk; however, there is still a need to demonstrate why these students are successful in non-traditional educational programs like the service-learning model used at TDS.  This study was unique in that it examined one alternative school’s approach to service-learning in a setting where students not only serve, but faculty serve as volunteer teachers.  The use of a constructivist approach in service-learning in an alternative school setting was examined in an effort to determine whether service-learning participation contributes positively to academic, personal, and civic gain for students, and to examine student and teacher views regarding the overall outcomes of service-learning.  This study was completed using an ethnographic approach that included observations, content analysis, and interviews with teachers at The David School.
  • The purpose of this quantitative non-experimental cross-sectional linear multiple regression design was to investigate the relationship among early childhood teachers’ self-reported assessment of multicultural awareness as measured by responses from the Teacher Multicultural Attitude Survey (TMAS) and supervisors’ observed assessment of teachers’ multicultural competency skills as measured by the Multicultural Teaching Competency Scale (MTCS) survey. Demographic data such as number of multicultural training hours, years teaching in Dubai, curriculum program at current school, and age were also examined and their relationship to multicultural teaching competency. The study took place in the emirate of Dubai where there were 14,333 expatriate teachers employed in private schools (KHDA, 2013b).
  • The purpose of this quantitative, non-experimental study is to examine the degree to which stages of change, gender, acculturation level and trauma types predicts the reluctance of Arab refugees, aged 18 and over, in the Dearborn, MI area, to seek professional help for their mental health needs. This study will utilize four instruments to measure these variables: University of Rhode Island Change Assessment (URICA: DiClemente & Hughes, 1990); Cumulative Trauma Scale (Kira, 2012); Acculturation Rating Scale for Arabic Americans-II Arabic and English (ARSAA-IIA, ARSAA-IIE: Jadalla & Lee, 2013), and a demographic survey. This study will examine 1) the relationship between stages of change, gender, acculturation levels, and trauma types and Arab refugees’ help-seeking behavior, 2) the degree to which any of these variables can predict Arab refugee help-seeking behavior.  Additionally, the outcome of this study could provide researchers and clinicians with a stage-based model, TTM, for measuring Arab refugees’ help-seeking behavior and lay a foundation for how TTM can help target the clinical needs of Arab refugees. Lastly, this attempt to apply the TTM model to Arab refugees’ condition could lay the foundation for future research to investigate the application of TTM to clinical work among refugee populations.
  • The purpose of this qualitative, phenomenological study is to describe the lived experiences of LLM for 10 EFL learners in rural Guatemala and to utilize that data to determine how it conforms to, or possibly challenges, current theoretical conceptions of LLM. In accordance with Morse’s (1994) suggestion that a phenomenological study should utilize at least six participants, this study utilized semi-structured interviews with 10 EFL learners to explore why and how they have experienced the motivation to learn English throughout their lives. The methodology of horizontalization was used to break the interview protocols into individual units of meaning before analyzing these units to extract the overarching themes (Moustakas, 1994). These themes were then interpreted into a detailed description of LLM as experienced by EFL students in this context. Finally, the resulting description was analyzed to discover how these learners’ lived experiences with LLM conformed with and/or diverged from current theories of LLM.
  • The purpose of this qualitative, embedded, multiple case study was to examine how both parent-child attachment relationships are impacted by the quality of the paternal and maternal caregiver-child interactions that occur throughout a maternal deployment, within the context of dual-military couples. In order to examine this phenomenon, an embedded, multiple case study was conducted, utilizing an attachment systems metatheory perspective. The study included four dual-military couples who experienced a maternal deployment to Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) or Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) when they had at least one child between 8 weeks-old to 5 years-old.  Each member of the couple participated in an individual, semi-structured interview with the researcher and completed the Parenting Relationship Questionnaire (PRQ). “The PRQ is designed to capture a parent’s perspective on the parent-child relationship” (Pearson, 2012, para. 1) and was used within the proposed study for this purpose. The PRQ was utilized to triangulate the data (Bekhet & Zauszniewski, 2012) as well as to provide some additional information on the parents’ perspective of the quality of the parent-child attachment relationship in regards to communication, discipline, parenting confidence, relationship satisfaction, and time spent together (Pearson, 2012). The researcher utilized the semi-structured interview to collect information regarding the parents' perspectives of the quality of their parental caregiver behaviors during the deployment cycle, the mother's parent-child interactions while deployed, the behavior of the child or children at time of reunification, and the strategies or behaviors the parents believe may have contributed to their child's behavior at the time of reunification. The results of this study may be utilized by the military, and by civilian providers, to develop proactive and preventive measures that both providers and parents can implement, to address any potential adverse effects on the parent-child attachment relationship, identified through the proposed study. The results of this study may also be utilized to further refine and understand the integration of attachment theory and systems theory, in both clinical and research settings, within the field of marriage and family therapy.

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