Filmmaking Lifestyle

How To Make a Movie Poster: The Complete Guide [With Examples & Tutorials]

make a movie poster assignment

You may not have ever realized it, but the movie poster is one of the most important marketing tools for any film. The right design can make or break a film before it even hits theaters.

Making a movie poster is not as simple as making a good one. There are many things to think about, from the image of the main character to what type of font you use for your title.

Here are some tips on how to make a great movie poster that will capture anyone’s attention and get them excited to see your new film!


How to make a movie poster.

The first step to making a movie poster is coming up with an idea. The most important thing to remember is that the poster needs to be visually appealing and it should capture the essence of what’s happening in the movie.

You need to use creativity because there are many different genres out there, so you have more freedom with what you can do.

It’s also important not to neglect other aspects of your life when working on a project like this- get plenty of sleep and eat well! It will make all the difference in how productive you are while working on your design.

Creating a movie poster is an art form that combines photography, graphic design, and marketing genius to capture the essence of a film in a single image.

It’s the first glimpse viewers get, sparking curiosity and excitement.

We’ll guide you through the key steps to create a stunning movie poster that stands out, from conceptualization to the final design touches.

Whether you’re a budding designer or a filmmaker looking to market your next blockbuster, we’ve got the insider tips to make your movie poster pop.

Brainstorming Ideas

The initial phase in our movie poster creation is often the most abstract yet crucial stage – brainstorming.

make a movie poster assignment

We gather a diverse team to ensure a variety of perspectives and start by discussing the film’s core themes.

It’s about diving deep into the narrative and identifying the elements that make the story unique.

Our aim is to echo the heart of the movie through imagery that resonates with potential audiences.

Brainstorming is not just about creativity; it’s also about strategy.

We consider the target audience and the marketing goals of the movie.

Are we aiming to entice a younger crowd with bold visuals, or are we targeting fans of classic cinema with a more subtle approach?

This strategic thinking guides our creative decisions throughout the process.

By analyzing past successes, we learn what captures attention in our genre.

We look at iconic posters from films like The Godfather and Pulp Fiction to determine what made them stand out.

It’s not about mimicking but understanding the principles behind their impact.

One productive practice is to use mind mapping to organize ideas visually.

This allows us to branch out from the central concept of the film, exploring:

  • Visual symbols and motifs,
  • Color scheme s that convey the film’s mood,
  • Typography styles that match the era or tone.

We consider where the poster will be displayed – online platforms require different considerations compared to physical billboards.

Horizontal layouts might excel in digital spaces, whereas vertical formats are traditional for theatre displays.

This logistical aspect plays a significant role in shaping our design approach.

make a movie poster assignment

Gathering Visual Inspiration

After pinpointing the core concept during our brainstorming sessions, we jump into the world of visual inspiration.

Gathering inspiring material informs the aesthetic direction of our movie poster.

We turn to a variety of resources – art galleries, photography, and iconic film posters – to immerse ourselves in compelling visual language.

Our creative process involves rigorous research.

We analyze the imagery that resonates with our movie’s theme, dissecting the use of light, shadow, and composition in works like The Godfather and Pulp Fiction .

These classics provide foundational lessons on creating attention-grabbing visuals.

To capture the essence of our film’s narrative visually, we curate mood board s.

make a movie poster assignment

These collections are teeming with potential:

  • Colors and textures that evoke the right emotions,
  • Typography that fits the movie’s era or genre,
  • Symbols and motifs aligned with the story’s overarching themes.

We scour through recent award-winning posters and industry trend reports.

It’s essential to understand the current visual landscape to ensure our poster stands out.

We take notes of what’s working well and consider how to apply these trends while staying true to our unique vision.

Social media platforms like Pinterest and Instagram are invaluable tools in our quest.

They offer a wealth of real-time insight into what’s capturing the audience’s imagination.

We also engage with online design communities to gain fresh perspectives and ideas that might align with our creative brief .

Throughout this journey of visual exploration, we’re on the lookout for the idea that clicks – that one image or style that perfectly encapsulates the story we’re going to tell through our movie poster.

We’re building a visual arsenal, one from which we’ll craft a design that not only captivates the audience but also remains faithful to the movie’s soul.

Choosing The Right Typography

Typography is the visual component of the written word.

It’s crucial, as it affects how an audience perceives your movie poster at a glance.

Selecting the perfect font for your movie poster can be as impactful as the imagery itself.

Fonts convey the tone and essence of the film before a single scene is watched.

When we consider typography for movie posters, we look for fonts that complement the film’s genre.

Horror movies often use sharp, edgy typefaces, while romantic films may opt for elegant, cursive styles.

We also keep in mind the legibility of the fonts from various distances.

The title needs to be clear when viewed both up close and from across the room.

Here’s what we usually consider while choosing the right typography:

  • Readability from different distances,
  • Compatibility with the movie’s genre,
  • Distinctive character that sets the tone of the film,
  • Current design trends without compromising the film’s feel.

Remember that the choice of font also reflects the era in which the film is set.

A period drama might need a typeface that resonates with the time period it portrays.

Many blockbuster films create custom fonts to ensure uniqueness and branding.

This approach might be worth considering if you’re aiming for a distinctive feel that off-the-shelf fonts can’t provide.

Typography shouldn’t just tell the story – it should be an integral part of the film’s marketing strategy.

Effective type choices can make all the difference in a poster’s ability to draw an audience.

Selecting The Perfect Images

After ensuring the typography on our movie poster grabs attention, we then focus on selecting the ideal images.

Remember, the images are usually a potential viewer’s first impression of the film, so their impact is crucial.

They should encapsulate the film’s essence and intrigue the audience without giving too much away.

We understand that striking the right balance requires a mix of creativity and strategy.

We consider the theme of the movie and choose images that align with the storyline.

Often, a single powerful image can tell a story more effectively than multiple ones.

Take The Godfather , for instance – its iconic poster with a simple puppeteer’s hand conveys power and control without a single character’s face featured.

Below are key considerations for selecting poster images:

  • Emotional connection – Images should evoke the intended feelings in the audience.
  • Genre consistency – Ensure the imagery aligns with the expectations for the film’s genre.
  • Symbolism – Use elements that represent larger concepts of the film’s narrative.

The images must also complement the chosen typography.

We avoid crowding the poster with too much visual information.

Instead, we keep the imagery clean and focused.

It’s essential to leave some space for the imagination.

A poster for a mystery film may benefit from shadows and silhouettes, which tease the enigma without revealing key plot points.

It’s all about creating anticipation.

Our choice of imagery is designed to resonate with our target demographic.

We look at current trends and successful posters in similar genres.

What resonated with audiences in Inception or The Matrix ?

We analyze these aspects carefully, applying what we learn to our unique concept.

Aesthetic appeal is vital, but practicality is also key.

We ensure the images used are high-resolution and can be scaled without losing quality.

This ensures the poster can be used across various platforms and sizes, from a large billboard to a small social media post, while maintaining its striking visuals.

This adaptability is especially important in a rapidly evolving digital landscape.

A movie poster is a herald for what’s to come.

It’s a promise of the story unfolding behind the curtain.

We Try to harness the power of that first impression, imbuing it with a sense of wonder, curiosity, and anticipation.

Through careful selection and placement of images, we strive to craft a visual bait that’s impossible to resist.

Adding Catchy Taglines And Quotes

Once the compelling imagery of a movie poster grabs attention, it’s the tagline or quote that seeps into the viewer’s curiosity.

It’s the hook that often resonates long after they’ve glanced away, encapsulating the theme in a succinct, memorable phrase.

Crafting a powerful tagline takes a deep understanding of the film’s core message – it’s our chance to distill the essence into a single line that’s both provocative and enlightening.

We understand that taglines can make or break the interest generated by a poster.

Think of The Dark Knight – “Why So Serious?

” not only captures the film’s tone but also became an iconic catchphrase.

Here are a few pointers for brainstorming effective taglines:

  • Reflect the mood of the movie – taglines should match the emotional journey the audience will experience.
  • Keep it short and impactful – brevity is key to sticking in people’s minds.

plus to taglines, strategic quotes can also elevate a poster’s appeal.

These can be from critical reviews or directly from the film’s dialogue, offering a glimpse of the story’s depth or a character’s allure.

When selecting quotes, we aim for those that evoke curiosity without revealing crucial plot points.

They should give audiences a taste of the narrative’s flavor but leave them hungry for the full experience.

We pay close attention to placement and size, ensuring that these texts support the visual elements rather than compete with them.

Legibility across various platforms and sizes is crucial, so we choose fonts and colors that stand out yet harmonize with the overall design.

Through this process, we create a cohesive and enticing package that speaks volumes before the audience ever steps into the cinema.

Balancing Colors And Composition

Balancing colors and composition in a movie poster is crucial.

It’s the first thing that captures the audience’s attention and sets the emotional tone.

To achieve harmony, we carefully select a color scheme that aligns with the movie’s genre and theme.

For example, warm colors often suggest romance or comedy, while cooler tones may hint at mystery or drama.

We pay close attention to the psychology behind colors.

They have the power to convey messages without a single word.

So it’s essential to choose a palette that not only looks pleasing but also tells a story.

Here’s a brief rundown of how certain colors can impact the viewer’s perception:

  • Red – indicates passion, intensity, or danger,
  • Blue – evokes calmness, trust, or sadness – Yellow – represents energy, joy, or caution – Green – suggests growth, freshness, or envy,
  • Black – conveys mystery, elegance, or death.

Combining colors effectively is p art art , part science.

We ensure the main elements contrast well to remain distinct, yet complement each other to create a visually cohesive poster.

The layout and structure are just as vital, guiding the viewer’s eye through the poster effortlessly.

This could mean aligning the lead character with the title to reinforce their importance, or strategically placing a villain in the shadows to suggest menace.

Effective composition balances various aspects of design such as symmetry, framing, and the rule of thirds.

Each element of the poster from character placement to background images must serve the overall narrative.

We leverage these principles to bring about a sense of unity.

Whether it’s a character’s dominating presence for an action-packed feature, or a subtle balance for an indie film , it’s all about creating the right feel for the target audience.

Incorporating Graphics And Effects

When designing a movie poster, graphics and effects are pivotal in establishing the film’s branding.

Key visuals and effects should not merely complement text but actively convey the story’s essence.

Creative use of photographic and digital imagery can set the tone for the anticipated film.

Inception , for instance, uses distorted cityscapes to suggest its mind-bending narrative.

We aim to Use effects that enhance but don’t overwhelm the poster’s message.

Selective use of shadow, light, or color gradients can direct the viewer’s focus and create depth.

Typography is another element where effects can make a significant impact.

We consider font styles that resonate with the movie’s theme, ensuring legibility across various sizes and media.

Incorporating motion elements into online poster versions can grab attention in today’s digital-first world.

Animated posters have the power to engage and intrigue social media users at a glance.

We often leverage the following design elements – – Iconic symbols or motifs from the film

  • Layering to create a sense of depth,
  • Textures that reflect the film’s genre or setting.

Brilliantly executed effects can transform a simple image into an evocative and memorable visual.

Posters for Jurassic Park use its dinosaur imagery to create instant recognition and curiosity.

Striking a balance between graphics and effects ensures the poster doesn’t become cluttered.

Our focus is often on simplicity and evocative imagery that hints at the storyline without revealing too much.

Finalizing The Design

As we jump deeper into crafting the perfect movie poster, it’s essential to touch on the finalization process.

It’s the stage where all the elements come together to form a cohesive image that will captivate audiences.

After implementing graphics and effects that capture the essence of the movie, we’re now ready to tighten up the details.

We always ensure the poster reflects the genre and tone of the film.

For a thriller like Se7en , darker colors and a foreboding design set the right expectation.

Similarly, a romantic comedy’s poster, such as Crazy Stupid Love , typically has a lighter, more playful tone.

This harmony between the poster and the movie’s content is crucial for creating intrigue and connecting with the target demographic.

A crucial aspect to consider is the scalability of our design.

The movie poster needs to look equally impressive whether it’s displayed on a massive billboard or shrunk down for a smartphone screen.

This means we focus on:

  • Optimal resolution,
  • Visibility of key text,
  • Logo and tagline placement.

Attention to detail is paramount .

We meticulously review every inch of our draft, from the leading actor’s eye color to the sharpness of the title font.

If any detail is out of place or doesn’t resonate, we rework it until it fits seamlessly within the overall design.

We’re also mindful of copyright and licensing laws.

We have to confirm that every image, typeface, and graphic we use is cleared for usage in a poster.

The last thing we want is a legal hurdle just as the poster is about to go live and create buzz for the film.

finally, testing the poster in different formats and on various platforms is a step we can’t overlook.

How it looks in a theater lobby versus on an Instagram feed can differ greatly.

We want to ensure that our poster has the adaptability to shine in every environment it’s showcased.

How To Make A Movie Poster – Wrap Up

We’ve walked through the critical steps to create a movie poster that captivates and resonates.

Remember, it’s all about aligning the design with your film’s heart and soul while keeping an eye on the practicalities of different display formats.

Our final word?

Invest that extra care into the details and legalities—your poster is more than just a design; it’s the face of your movie to the world.

Let’s make sure it’s a blockbuster hit before the opening credits even roll.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is crucial in ensuring a movie poster reflects the film’s genre and tone.

A poster must capture the essence of the film’s genre, such as horror or comedy, and its tone to effectively entice the target audience.

Design elements like color scheme , typography, and imagery are tailored to reflect these aspects accurately.

How Important Is The Scalability Of A Movie Poster Design?

Scalability is vital for a movie poster design as it ensures the poster maintains its visual impact across various mediums and sizes, from large billboards to small digital thumbnails.

What Should Be Considered Regarding Attention To Detail In Movie Poster Design?

Designers should meticulously consider every element, from the placement of the title and actors’ names to the imagery used, ensuring that the poster is aesthetically pleasing and professionally represents the film.

Why Are Copyright And Licensing Considerations Important For Movie Posters?

Copyright and licensing are legal requirements that protect the intellectual property of artists and studios.

Proper licensing ensures that all assets used in the poster, such as images or fonts, are used legally.

Why Is Testing A Movie Poster In Different Formats Necessary?

Testing the poster in various formats is essential to verify that it effectively communicates the movie’s themes and looks appealing on both large-scale prints and digital displays, ensuring a successful marketing campaign.

How To Make a Movie Poster

Matt Crawford

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Great guide on movie posters, thanks

make a movie poster assignment

Thanks, Daryl.

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Make a Movie Poster Free

🎬 how to make a movie poster design, do you want to make  a movie poster design use our movie poster generator and create an eye-catching design quickly. .

Designing a movie poster can be a fun and creative project, whether you are a professional movie poster designer or just looking to create a movie poster school project. 

Choose a pre-made online template or create a movie poster design from scratch just like a movie poster designer would do. 

Horror Movie Poster

In this tutorial you will learn how to create images like these using all the cool features that our free online photo editor has to offer. 

Play with photo filters, adjustments, effects and overlays to edit your pictures.  Try the text styles and choose from over 800 free font types.

Make a Movie Poster

It’s important to pick a cinematic font to highlight the title. MockoFun has lots of free movie poster fonts to choose from. Then, add stock photos from our gallery to complete the design.

The image from the preview is the movie poster design that we are going to create with MockoFun.  So make sure you read this article/tutorial till the end.  

🤖 AI Movie Poster Generator

With the MockoFun’s AI image generator from text , you can now create a personalized AI movie poster . If you are looking for an AI movie poster generator free, you are in the right place.

With MockoFun you have 10 free credits/months as a free user or 100 credits/months as premium user.

AI Movie Poster Generator

The AI movie poster maker uses text prompts like any other AI generated image. The prompt that you can use can be something simple like:

  “Star Wars movie poster”

Or, you ca try more complex art prompts like:

 “retro-futuristic sci-fi style star wars cinema movie poster . futuristic, technological, alien worlds, space themes, advanced civilizations . vintage sci-fi, 50s and 60s style, atomic age, vibrant, highly detailed <<sdxl_1024px>>”

AI Movie Poster

Another way to make custom movie posters is to use the MockoFun’s  face swap online tool . 

What is a Movie Poster?

A film poster is a poster used to promote a film primarily to persuade paying customers into a theater to see it. film posters usually contain an image with text..

Cool Movie Posters

The history of movie posters begins in 1895 when the first movie poster was was created to promote the showing of the Lumiere Brothers film L’Arroseur arrosé at the Grand Café in Paris on December 26, 1895. The first poster design was based on an illustration by Marcellin Auzolle.

Since then, millions of official film posters were created. Not to mention that each design has hundreds of fan art and alternative designs. 

🎬 what is on a movie poster.

So, what information is on a movie poster? 

Movie posters usually offer basic information like the movie title, the tagline, the names of actors, directors, the producers and so on.  The movie poster background is an image (photo manipulation, photo collage, illustration, etc.) that represents the movie.  

The most important movie poster design elements that you should consider adding to your design template are these:

  • Movie Poster Background.  Use   an image that depicts the movie.  Usually the main characters are added on the background.
  • Movie Title.  A great movie title captures the core essence of your story. Actually, the movie name sets the mood of the whole story and establishes expectations for the audience.
  • Tagline.  A movie tagline is a short text like a motto or slogan of the movie. It can be a phrase from the movie for example. Movie taglines must be short, concise and memorable.
  • Name of the director.  A movie director is in charge of the creative and technical aspects of a film. There are famous movie directors like James Cameron, Martin Scorsese, Quentin Tarantino, Cristopher Nolan, etc. who can sell their films by their names alone. The movie director’s name is sometimes the biggest thing on the poster, taking priority over movie stars, movie title or other visuals.

What is on a movie poster

  • Names of actors & actresses.  The leading actor(s) plays the role of the protagonist of a film, television show or play and they are usually mentioned on top.
  • Studio Name & Logotype (symbol) of a movie studio
  • Movie Release Date.  The teaser posters don’t have the release date; instead a text like Coming Soon, Soon in Cinema, etc. is added.
  • Nominations and Awards movie received.
  • Age Restriction. Rated G: General audiences – All ages admitted. Rated PG: Parental guidance suggested – Some material may not be suitable for children. Rated R: Restricted – Under 17 requires accompanying parent or adult guardian. Rated X (no one under 17 admitted)
  • Contacts (film website, social media, etc).

You don’t want to add too many elements on the design? Add only the most important film details to the movie poster content, details like: title & tagline, director’s name, awards, cast and studio. 

How to make a movie poster design online [tutorial].

In this movie poster tutorial you will learn how to make a movie poster out of a picture. Let’s see how to make your own movie poster online with MockoFun in just a few steps.

Step 1. Set the Movie Poster Size

The 27×40 inches (686×1016 mm) poster is the standard size for movie posters. Also called a one-sheet size, this recognizable movie poster format is used inside cinemas to promote new films.

The movie billboard posters have a different size and ratio. The billboard size is 106 X 234 inches .

Movie Poster Size

Open the  MockoFun movie poster maker app .  Go to the  New menu  and make a new document by setting the  Custom Size  in pixels, inches or centimeters. 

For school projects choose the A4 or A3 paper for your film poster size. Both A4 movie posters and A3 movie posters are much easier to print and frame.

Create New Document

In MockoFun you can easily create A4 size posters and A3 size posters. But, due to the limitations regarding the size of the images a browser can handle, going for  full size movie poster dimensions   (27×40 inches) requires magnifying the image as a post production step. 

Step 2.  Make a Creative Movie Poster Background

With mockofun you can create movie poster background images free in just a few easy steps. let’s see how.

  • Go to the  Elements > Photos   menu
  • Search for words like  “photo manipulation”, “sci-fi city”, “fantasy”, “fantasy background”, “horror background”,   “galaxy background” ,  “Photoshop”, etc.   You will find lots of movie poster background templates for your projects.  These movie poster stock images are really cool looking.

Movie Poster Background

  • Go to the  Elements > PNGs menu and choose a cutout image. To create a movie characters poster place the main character(s) on the background image.  
  • Go to the Elements > Photos menu and add another stock photo as a background to create a photo montage. 
  • Choose photo overlays & photo effects to complete the look. For this action movie poster background I used fire effects from the  Elements > Effects > Fire & Smoke menu . In the the Effects menu there are lots of other effects like smoke, rain, clouds, light, lightning , etc. Try all of them!
  • The sci-fi look was made with the Anaglyph Filter from the Filters (top menu) . There are many filters and adjustments that you can choose for this editing movie poster background. 

Creative Movie Poster Background

🚩 Do you want to put your face in a movie poster? To put yourself in famous movie posters free, its quite easy.  Here is how you can make face in hole movie posters:

  • Copy and Paste a famous movie poster in MockoFun . You can also use the Upload menu . 
  • Go to Filters > Mask on the top menu. Click on the Hide button . Set the Feather to 30 and hide the face.
  • Click on the Lock icon  to lock this layer.
  • Put another photo behind this one.  Resize and rotate such that the new face to fit in the hole.
  • Use Filters and adjustments to match the color, contrast, etc.

Put your face in a movie poster

As you can see there are lots of cool photo edits that you can do with our free online photo editor , you just have to try all the cool features.

MockoFun has Blending Modes and Smart Photo Filters similar to Photoshop. In fact our tool is a great Photoshop alternative. 

Step 3. Movie Poster Fonts

All film posters must have text. The movie poster text includes the film name , actors, director and other details. It’s important to choose the right movie poster font, especially for the title. 

What fonts are good for posters?

Sans serif fonts are considered the best fonts for posters mainly because they are easy to read especially from a distance. Popular sans serif fonts (available in MockoFun ) include Arial, Helvetica and Verdana . In comparison, the  Serif fonts are more difficult to read plus, they have a more traditional and formal look.

Movie Poster Fonts

Best Movie Poster Fonts Free

Well-chosen  movie poster typography  adds personality to the design, and can make your film more memorable. 

Hollywood has always used interesting  cinematic fonts . The movie fonts and especially the  movie title fonts  are more important than people realize.  Use bold fonts, fancy fonts and fonts that have an unique design to stand out from the crowd.  

Typographic movie posters have their design based more on text than images. Here are some good examples of typography film posters. 

Typographic Movie Posters

In movie advertisement t he title is very important but so is the Tagline .

Movie taglines  are slogans or catchphrases which can include a clever pun, a short phrase, or a sentence.  here are some  famous movie taglines  that you can use for inspiration:.

  • Tommy Boy. “If at first you don’t succeed, lower your standards.” 
  • Titanic. “Nothing On Earth Could Come Between Them.”
  • Jaws. “You’ll never go in the water again.” 
  • Jurassic Park.  “An Adventure 65 Million Years in the Making”.
  • Shutter Island. “Someone is Missing.”
  • Double Indemnity. “From the moment they met it was murder.”
  • Chicken Run. “Escape or die frying.” 
  • The Truman Show. “On the air and unaware.” 
  • Mars Attacks! “Nice Planet. We’ll take it” 
  • O’ Brother Where Art Thou. “They have a plan but not a clue” 

Free Movie Fonts Generator

The mockofun movie title design maker has over 800 free online fonts to choose from. .

  • Stranger Things Text Generator  [FREE]
  • Superman Font Generator  [FREE]
  • Top Gun Logo Generator  [FREE]
  • Peaky Blinders Font Generator  [FREE]

Stranger Things Text Generator

Movie Poster Credits Template

Movie Poster Credits

Step 4. Movie Poster Download Free

Make a Movie Poster

Now you know how to create a movie poster online free. To  create a film poster is quite easy if you have the right tool. Yes, you can make a movie poster in Photoshop but our tool is also a good choice.   

If you want to learn more things about movie poster making ideas, read the entire article not just the movie poster tutorial. You will find new & interesting stuff!  

Movies are more popular than ever so each country has its own film industry. the top film industry in the world is lead by:.

  • Hollywood ( the biggest part of the U.S. cinema) is by far the oldest and most influential movie industry in the world. Hollywood makes only 800 odd movies per year. Box office earning is around $7 billion dollars.
  • Bollywood is the unofficial name of the Hindi cinema which is in India. It is known for creating the most number of movies per year which is on average 1200 per year. Box office earning is around $1.8 billion dollars.
  • Cinema of China has the largest movie and drama production complex and film studios in the world, the Oriental Movie Metropolis and Hengdian World Studios.  Box office earning is around $6.78 billion dollars. 

🎬 Movie Poster Types

Want to know more details about film posters here are 10 types of movie posters that are available:.

  • One Sheet Movie Posters.  The design is printed on only one side. The  double sided movie posters  are printed on both sides. 
  • Original Movie Posters.  An official movie poster is a poster printed by a film studio in limited quantity, for display in movie theaters to promote the film at the time of the films original release date. Many of these posters are highly valued by collectors. The original poster for 1927’s Metropolis was sold for a record-breaking $690,000 in 2005.  (  Source: Most Valuable Movie Posters  )
  • Fake Movie Posters.  The  alternative movie posters  are not part of the original advertising campaign of the film. These designs are considered fan art, they have different styles and are usually high-quality artworks. For example, a fan created an  alternative Drive movie poster  in the 80’s “OutRun” design style. The poster became super popular and was adopted as an official movie poster.
  • Re-Release Posters.  Sometimes a movie studio may decide to re-release a film at one, two, ten or even twenty years after its initial release. When this happens, the movie studios will issue a new series of posters that are either identical to the original design or completely different.

Film Posters

  • Teaser Movie Posters.  The coming soon movie poster or the movie promo poster is printed for announcing the release of a new movie.
  • Anniversary Posters.  These are usually printed to mark a milestone for a classic movie.  An example is the poster issued for the 20th anniversary release of the  Star Wars trilogy . 
  • Award Movie Posters.  The movie has either been nominated for or given an industry award such as an Academy Award, Golden Globe Award or BAFTA. 
  • Limited Edition Posters.  These items are released/authorized by movie studios, issued in limited numbers  and released to the public for sale. 
  • Digital Movie Posters.  The printing and distribution costs for movie posters continue to grow. So,  many movie studios choose to promote their films through digital media that is starting to overtake printed media. 

Film Genres

  • Sci-fi movie poster template
  • Horror movie poster template
  • Romance movie poster template
  • Action movie poster template
  • Adventure movie poster template , etc .

Best Movie Posters

A great film poster must have an eye-catching design that depicts the movie up to a point, leaving room for questions and curiosity. .

The  movie poster  must have unique design elements, fonts, style, etc. and most of all it must be hard if not impossible to forget. Now you know what makes a good movie poster and below you have some excellent examples.  

make a movie poster assignment

In this  top 50 movie posters  collection you will find some of the most iconic designs of all time that will for sure inspire you. The list below shows the  top 10 movie posters which are considered the best ones :

  • Vertigo (1958)
  • Everything Everywhere All at Once (2022) 
  • Mean Streets (1973)
  • Pulp Fiction (1994)
  • The Man with the Golden Arm (1955)
  • The Godfather (1972)
  • Jaws (1975)
  • Attack of the 50ft Woman (1958) 
  • Breakfast at Tiffany’s (1961)
  • Silence of the Lambs (1991)

The movie poster trends  are constantly changing. Certain trends in poster design need to go, while others need to be explored more. 

Movie poster analysis.

In the  movie poster analysis worksheet the design is deconstructed and all the elements are explained in detail to better understand the entire process.

make a movie poster assignment

Netflix Template [FREE]

Watching movies at home using movie streaming services like netflix , hulu, amazon prime video, hbo max, etc. is becoming more and more popular. so, you might also be interested in trying this netflix template. .

Netflix Template

How to make a movie poster for school?

To create a movie poster assignment, you may want to consider using a fake movie poster generator like ours. A movie poster template for students must include movie poster credits and billing blocks to be genuine. 

For many school projects the students need presentations and videos. With MockoFun you can make video overlays and PPT presentations.  

Minimalist Movie Poster

In Conclusion

A film poster maker is a tool that allows you to make a movie poster template quickly with the help of a wide range of options to choose from, including different fonts, colors, and background images. , with the help of a movie poster generator anyone can become a movie poster designer online. .


75% of marketers use visual assets

Unleash your creativity and make awesome designs. You don’t need to be a graphic designer to create something amazing!

Related ​ Tutorials

Learn MockoFun from these quick tutorials for beginners. It’s quite easy!

make a movie poster assignment

How To Highlight Text Online

Do you want to highlight text online? Use MockoFun it's free and easy to use! Create an awesome highlighted text in one minute.

Text Effects Online

Text Effects

Create awesome text effects & font styles online with MockoFun . Learn how to do it!

Curved Text Generator

How To Create a Curved Text

Create curved text and circle text using MockoFun text editor. This curved text effects is available online.

What Binder Education Logo

What Binder Education

Digital resources for your classroom.

make a movie poster assignment

1.16 – The Movie Poster Assignment (English Lesson)

Designing a movie poster requires attention to detail, use of symbols and symbolism, an understanding of how to merge text with visuals, and how to appeal to an identified target audience. Through the prior lesson that focused on looking at movie posters , as well as the one that saw students learning about the Media Triangle a strong foundation has prepared your class to participate in this culminating project that will release responsibility to them.

What will the focus of your movie poster be? A short story you have read, a personal choice reading text that your students have been engaging with, or something else entirely? That’s up to you. But, once you’re made your selection, they are free to work on this task to the best of their abilities!

English Course Pack: Unit One – Literacy Skills

make a movie poster assignment

This assignment is part of the The Full English Course Park . This piece is part of Unit One: Literacy Skills , which focuses on creating a strong foundational understanding of literacy skills, PEE paragraph writing, and embedding quotations as textual support.

If you would like to say thanks, consider buying me a coffee . But that is neither required, nor expected.

1.16 – The Movie Poster Assignment

make a movie poster assignment

Step One: Explain the Movie Poster Assignment

This is the first step. Hand out the assignment sheet, and have the class focus on page one. Sometimes I like to tell students to read over the page indepenedly, and then circle the most important word on the page.

Once two or three minutes have passed, I ask them to all shout out their circled word at the same time. Instantly there is a lot of valuable feedback that shows what they were focusing on, and where you should target your teaching. Plus, it’s fun. Kids like to yell. Constructive chaos is great.

You can then have each student quickly say their word one at a time, before you highlight the four check boxes at the bottom of page one:

  • Detailed visuals: Visuals that fully convey the theme of your text
  • Text Title: Your text’s title must be prominently integrated
  • Three symbols: Select three objects that have symbolic significance
  • Tagline: Think of a brief line that relates to your text, and entices readers

These four things are what is required, and what will make up the bulk of the evaluation. These also happen to be the four things you looked at in the exemplar poster during the Introduction to Movie Posters Slide Deck in the last lesson.

Step Two: Select the Subject of the Movie Posters

Here is where your own teaching style will point you in one of many directions. You could direct students to create the poster based on any of the short stories you’ve looked at during this unit:

  • The Swan as a Metaphor for Love
  • Taylor Swift
  • Made Out of Meat
  • Alligator River

But, you may have been asking your students to engage in Personal Choice Reading throughout this unit. In that case, you might also offer them an option to use that text as the subject of your movie poster.

What I tend to do is allow my students to choose a graphic novel from our class suggestions, and demonstrate their literacy skills based on that text. This often happens during the beginning, or end of a class. The graphic novels are organically woven throughout the entire unit, and they scaffold an understanding of Literature Circles which will become integral to our course as the units progress.

But, if you want to be completely hands off, you can have them invent a movie and create a poster based on any of the following ideas:

  • An autobiographical piece
  • A childhood television show
  • A favourite video game
  • An app they enjoy, converted into a movie!
  • (Or, something completely different. It’s up to you!)

Once you’ve given them that stepping stone to focus their creative endeavour, it’s time to move forward.

Step Three: Planning the Poster

It’s your time to step back. This first unit has been very teacher-centric, and hands on. But now it’s time to start training students to be autodidacts and create for the pleasure of creation.

Indicate to them that there are some planning questions on Page 2. Suggest that they complete those before moving on to the next step. But, ensure they know that this is optional. With any luck, students will see the benefits of using graphic organizers to complete their task, however they should see that the rubric – unless modified, which you’re free to do – is focused on Media alone.

Step Four: Planning the Design

Here we go: Page 3. Suggest students complete four sketches, and then show them to elbow partners to garner feedback before choosing which of the four to focus on. Let them know these sketches will help them plan the tagline, the title, and the layout of the symbols.

Remind them of the video clips that highlighted the different styles they can draw from.

Step Five: Planning the Explanation

The final graphic organizer will set their course for the presentation of their poster. If students fully fill in these four boxes, and simply read what they created, they will demonstrate full understanding of their media piece. This explanation, coupled with the created poster, is all they need to ensure they fully demonstrate all the requirements outlined in the rubric.

But, again, you are releasing responsibility. Let them know that this is an optional task, and that filling it in will benefit them.

What you don’t need to say – or what you might want to explicitly state – is that this is an informal demonstration of reading and writing skills. Students who failed to demonstrate some of those skills earlier can use the submission of this piece, with four strong paragraph responses that highlight the importance of key details, can be used to fill in gaps in their demonstrations of learning.

This might also enhance their existing grades in a prior piece with similar curricular demonstrations, as it is a more recent, and possibly more consistent, demonstration of learning.

Step Six: The Poster Creation and Presentation

Students have now been provided with everything they need to succeed, except for the most importnat resource: time.

Provide as much time as you think they require. Two hours, spread out over one or more classes should be more than enough time.

When it comes time to present, I like to ensure that my students have access to technology, and then request that they create a video-presentation of their assignment. This ensures that they are aware of the length (Normally 1.5 – 2.5 minutes is more than enough) and you can ask them to trim their presentation video to meet your expectations.

Additionally, this demonstrates an opportunity you will present later in your course – oral presentations can be submitted as videos that the class will watch, to honour the effort and creation and so that everyone can benefit from the piece. But, by presenting as a video, it’s a quick way to scaffold supports for students who feel uncomfortable speaking in front of the class. Not a problem – they can challenge themselves to present live, one day, while still providing you with demonstrations of oral skills.

No, there isn’t an oral mark for this. It’s just a media mark. But notice how you, as the teacher, can pull demonstrations of learning from all four strands?

With just one unit down, you should have enough grades to provide students with an understanding of their learning. You should have a strong understanding too. You’ve also demonstrated that you’re willing to give multiple assessment opportunities, so that one assignment isn’t the only option for success or failure.

Additionally, you’ve provided students with a chance to grow as autodidacts and have set them up with an understanding that they will be presented opportunities for learning, and success, but that it will be up to them to take advantage of them.

You provide the tools, and it’s up to them to create.

What a unit, jam packed with resources, direct teaching, and foundational structuring.

Don’t worry. It’s not all like this. The hard work is behind you (for students and teachers). The real fun is just around the corner!

English – Unit One: Literacy Skills

1.17 – RICH Reading Log (English Lesson)

1.17 – RICH Reading Log (English Lesson)

RICH Reading Log honours Personal Choice Reading. Reading Indenpendent CHallenges is a form a Personal Choice Reading that students engage in during almost every class.…

1.15 – Movie Posters: Slide Deck (English Lesson)

1.15 – Movie Posters: Slide Deck (English Lesson)

Movie posters are incredible media texts, because they combine both art theory, and advertising. They can be appreciated as pure visual texts, but also as…

1.14 – Teaching the Media Triangle (English Lesson)

1.14 – Teaching the Media Triangle (English Lesson)

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English Course Packs: Full Units

Unit One: Literacy Skills Unit Two: Poetry Unit Three: Literature Circles Unit Four: Creative Writing & Choose Our Way Tales (In Progress) Unit Five: Essay Writing (In Progress) Unit Six: Culminating Tasks (In Progress)

make a movie poster assignment

Written by…

Michael Barltrop has been teaching since 2006, integrating comics, video games, and TTRPGs into his classroom. He has been the head of English, Literacy, Special Education, and Assessment & Evaluation and Universal Design. Feel free to reach out through Twitter @MrBarltrop ! Feel free to support the website hosting by buying him a coffee or sharing this post on facebook, twitter, or whatever social media is trending these days.

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Cool Cat Teacher Blog

My Amazing Movie Poster: Free Project Plan to Teach Graphic Design

Home » Education Trends and Topics » Project Based Learning » My Amazing Movie Poster: Free Project Plan to Teach Graphic Design

  • By Vicki Davis
  • April 8, 2020
  • Subscribe to the 10 Minute Teacher Podcast

Students can be filmmakers in this fun, engaging project that teaches graphic design, photography, the prototyping process and more. I’ve created the unit plan, lesson plan, and rubrics for this project-based learning experience that brings together the graphic design concepts I teach in my class. They are uploaded to Adobe Education Exchange and make a perfect 16-day unit that you can adapt for your class.

movie poster project - vicki davis

Project Overview

Milestone 1: brainstorming list and ideas.

Students will gather in groups by genre of film and brainstorm pitch ideas and movie names. They will collaboratively create at least 20 ideas for film names and some plot ideas.

Milestone 2: Pitch document

Students will create a pitch document with a movie title, plot overview, and ideas for movie titles to secure the “green light” for their movie idea.

Milestone 3: Mood Board

Students will create a mood board with 20 inspirational artifacts for the graphic design of their movie project.

Milestone 4: Photograph

Students will take photographs using three-point lighting techniques to accurately portray the mood and genre of the film project.

Milestone 5: Movie Poster

Students will create a final movie poster to use for marketing their movie to a target audience. 

Milestone 6: Oral presentation to Potential “Movie Goers”

Students will present to an audience of peers. Each audience member will have a limited number of movie tickets they can use to “purchase” to see the movies pitched at the event.  

Students learn by reflecting, so I’ve included a document that can be adapted and put in your Google Classroom or can be printed for reflection purposes. This integrates the project with the writing curriculum as well.

Key aspects of project-based learning with this project

This is a fun project as students discuss everything from film genres to plots. But from my perspective, I’m teaching the design process, graphic design, and I even use it to teach green screen/ chromakey in Photoshop (although this is optional.) Adobe Spark is a powerful tool that underlies what happens in this project and makes it simple. The tool is a web and smartphone tool that is simple to use as you teach more complex topics. This project can be adapted for many ages.

movie poster 2

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Vicki Davis

Vicki Davis

Vicki Davis is a full-time classroom teacher and IT Director in Georgia, USA. She is Mom of three, wife of one, and loves talking about the wise, transformational use of technology for teaching and doing good in the world. She hosts the 10 Minute Teacher Podcast which interviews teachers around the world about remarkable classroom practices to inspire and help teachers. Vicki focuses on what unites us -- a quest for truly remarkable life-changing teaching and learning. The goal of her work is to provide actionable, encouraging, relevant ideas for teachers that are grounded in the truth and shared with love. Vicki has been teaching since 2002 and blogging since 2005. Vicki has spoken around the world to inspire and help teachers reach their students. She is passionate about helping every child find purpose, passion, and meaning in life with a lifelong commitment to the joy and responsibility of learning. If you talk to Vicki for very long, she will encourage you to "Relate to Educate" or "innovate like a turtle" or to be "a remarkable teacher." She loves to talk to teachers who love their students and are trying to do their best. Twitter is her favorite place to share and she loves to make homemade sourdough bread and cinnamon rolls and enjoys running half marathons with her sisters. You can usually find her laughing with her students or digging into a book.

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Movie Poster


Select a fiction or non-fiction text. Depending on available technology, decide whether the poster will be created electronically or on paper. If electronic, select a tool (Word, Publisher, other Web 2.0 tools). If paper-based, gather materials (magazines for image searches, drawing paper, pencils, markers, rulers, and glue). Create an assignment sheet and corresponding rubric. Collect sample movie posters that include taglines and critical reviews

Activity Steps

Introduce movie poster and the design concept..

Introduce the purpose of the movie poster as a tool for attracting new people to the text. Review the assignment sheet that includes the expectations for the poster (graphic image, tagline, critical review). It is important to emphasize to students that the design concept (the decisions they make as they are designing the poster) is a crucial component.

Review sample movie posters

Provide sample movie posters for students to analyze for the key elements. Discuss the purpose of movie posters and the role of the image and text on the poster. It is important to select posters of movies that students have seen so they can provide deeper analysis. Have students label and critique the central image, the byline, and a critical review. If they have trouble critiquing you can ask them guiding questions like “How does this part of the poster affect you as a viewer?” or “Does this part of the poster make you want to go see this movie/read the text?”

Brainstorm themes of the text

Students can work individually or in pairs to brainstorm the key themes of the text.

Rank themes and justify the ranking with evidence from the text

Students can rank the brainstorm list in order to narrow down to the essential theme that should be included on the poster. The thought process behind the ranking is the key element in this step. Students should defend their top three rankings with evidence from the text.

Select and defend the theme

Students will select their theme from the top three. They should justify that selection. This is a good opportunity for students to practice the design concept explanation. “Why did you select this as your theme? Defend your selection.” This could be done in written form, verbally with a peer, or during a student-teacher conference.

Brainstorm a list of images that reflect the theme

This step will help students start to focus their image search. This should be a very quick, independent activity. Use a timer and ask students to write down in one minute everything they picture in their heads when they think of the theme they selected.

Gather visual images

If creating a paper-based movie poster, students should flip through magazines to find images that reflect their theme. They can scroll through Google images if using a computer-based design. This initial image gathering is a time for students to be creative. It should be a fluid process between looking at images and generating ideas. As they look through images, they add ideas to the brainstormed list they created earlier. Logistically, it is helpful for students to have an envelope for magazine clippings to help keep track of the images. If working electronically, students should copy and paste images into a Word document or a compile a list of the image links.

Rank images and justify the ranking with evidence from the text

Students rank the brainstorm list to narrow down the image that should be included on the poster. Students should defend their top three rankings with evidence from the text. A sample sentence-starter could be: “This image reflects the theme because throughout the text …”

Select and defend the most compelling images

After students have narrowed down to three images, they will select one image to include on the poster. They will defend that selection. This could be an independent step or students could take their three images and theme and ask for feedback from their peers before making the final decision.

Related Resources

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Finish Me Stories

Question Sort

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Quote and Comment

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Reading Guides

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Responsibility Pie Charts

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Generative Summarizing

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Three Types of Questions

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Town Hall Circle

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S.P.A.C.E. for Narrative Writing

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Save the Last Word

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Say Something

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Inner Voice Calender

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I Wonder Poem

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TREE for Persuasive Writing

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Guided Peer Questions

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Word Scramble Prediction

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Word Problem Roulette

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Word Trees


Say\Mean Chart

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Second Chance

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Semantic Mapping

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Sentence Imitation

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Setting Graphic Organizer

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Socratic Seminar

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Star Lessons

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Storyboard Your Visualizations

Storyboard Your Visualizations

Theme Triangle

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Thought Bubbles

Thought Bubbles

Oral History

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Visual Timeline

Visual Timeline

Attribute Sorts

Attribute Sorts

Closed and Open Word Sorts

Closed and Open Word Sorts

Concept Maps

Concept Maps

Connect Two

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Connection Graphic Organizer

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Feelings Annotation

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First Lines

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Gallery Walk

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Iceberg Diagrams

Inner Voice Conversation

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Inquiry Charts

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Photo Drop

Poetry Connection

Questioning the Author

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The Action-Feelings-Setting Strategy

Text Feature Grid

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Poems Put to Use

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Tap and Count

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Business Card

One-Sentence Summaries

One-Sentence Summaries

Beyond-the-Lines Questions

Beyond-the-Lines Questions

One Comment One Question

One Comment One Question

Newspaper Connection

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Anticipation Guide

Adjusting Reading Rate

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Movie Poster

Acronym Mnemonics

Sketch to Sketch

Sketch to Sketch

Most Valuable Idea

Most Valuable Idea

Using Media to Generate a Topic

Using Media to Generate a Topic

Showing not Telling

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Sing Me a Song

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Morpheme Mapping

Mini Summaries

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Spider Maps

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Mind Mapping

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Sentence Combining

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Memory Bubbles

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Math Process Logs

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Guided Imagery

Draw To Remember Summaries

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Exemplar Jigsaw

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Costa’s Questioning

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Drawing Conclusions Thinking Guide

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Coding the Text

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Book Pass

Author Interview

Audience Analysis

Audience Analysis


Author Says, I Say, So

Design Your Way logo

  • Superhero Fonts
  • Gaming Fonts
  • Brand Fonts
  • Fonts from Movies
  • Similar Fonts
  • What’s That Font
  • Photoshop Resources
  • Slide Templates
  • Fast Food Logos
  • Superhero logos
  • Tech company logos
  • Shoe Brand Logos
  • Motorcycle Logos
  • Beer Brand Ads
  • Car Brand Ads
  • Fashion Brand Ads
  • Fast Food Brand Ads
  • Shoe Brand Ads
  • Tech Company Ads
  • Web and mobile design
  • Digital art
  • Motion graphics
  • Infographics
  • Photography
  • Interior design
  • Design Roles
  • Tools and apps
  • CSS & HTML
  • Program interfaces
  • Drawing tutorials

Design Your Way

Lessons To Learn from Notable Rebranding

make a movie poster assignment

The Wegmans Logo History, Colors, Font,

make a movie poster assignment

Event Advertising: How to Make a

make a movie poster assignment

The Walmart Logo History, Colors, Font,

Design Your Way is a brand owned by SBC Design Net SRL Str. Caminului 30, Bl D3, Sc A Bucharest, Romania Registration number RO32743054 But you’ll also find us on Blvd. Ion Mihalache 15-17 at Mindspace Victoriei

[email protected]

Hollywood Style: How to Make a Movie Poster

  • BY Bogdan Sandu
  • 4 March 2024

make a movie poster assignment

Here’s the deal: crafting a movie poster that captures the essence of your cinematic creation is an art in itself.

This article is your backstage pass into the world of  movie poster design , a space where typography, imagery, and colors collide to birth iconic film memorabilia.

By the final curtain, you’ll be equipped with the prowess to transform a blank digital canvas into a mesmerizing  promotional movie artwork  that does more than just announce a film—it tells its very first story.

Dive into the nuts and bolts of selecting  high-resolution images , marrying  visual hierarchy with cinematic poster art , and navigating the nuances of  legal requirements for movie posters .

Ready to channel your inner  Drew Struzan ?

Let the show begin.

Preparing for Poster Design

Selecting the right tools and software.

So, you’re ready to jump into how to make a movie poster. Awesome! First things first, let’s talk tools. Think of it like painting; you need the right brushes, right? In the digital world, our brushes are software.

  • Digital software options like Adobe Photoshop are your go-to. Why? Because they’re like the Swiss Army knife of design. You can cut, color, texturize… basically, whatever you need. For those intricate movie poster graphic designs , Photoshop is your best pal.
  • But hey, not everyone’s a Photoshop geek, right? That’s where publishing software steps in. Think of these as your simpler, more straightforward tools . They’re great for getting those creative poster layouts and typography just right.

Understanding Standard Poster Sizes

Now, size does matter… in posters, I mean. Knowing your poster size is crucial before you start designing. Why? Because you want your poster to fit right where you plan to show it off.

Common sizes for different display locations vary. A poster for a theater lobby is gonna be a lot bigger than what you’d print for, say, a school bulletin board. Here’s the thing: the size influences your design. Bigger posters can handle more detail, while smaller ones need simpler, bolder designs to stand out.

Wanna get a grip on all the different sizes out there? Check out these insights on various poster sizes . It’s a handy guide whether you’re making a massive billboard or a neat little flyer.

The Design Process

maxresdefault Hollywood Style: How to Make a Movie Poster

The Chicago Blackhawks Logo History, Colors, Font, And Meaning

15 fonts similar to trajan that you can use in your designs, you may also like.

make a movie poster assignment

Captivating Jazz Music Posters: 21 Examples For You

  • Bogdan Sandu
  • 4 July 2023

make a movie poster assignment

Motivational Fitness Posters For Positive Living

  • 5 July 2023

How Do I Make a Movie Poster on Canva?

How Do I Make a Movie Poster on Canva?

Getting Started with Canva

Choosing the right template, customizing your movie poster, final touches, in conclusion.

Making a movie poster on Canva is a simple yet powerful way to create visually appealing designs even if you're not a professional graphic designer. With its user-friendly interface and extensive customization options, Canva empowers anyone to produce stunning movie posters that capture attention and convey the essence of their film.

  • Choose a template : Select a template that suits your movie's genre.
  • Customize : Add text, images, effects, icons, and illustrations.
  • Review : Check for errors or inconsistencies.
  • Save and download : Choose file format (PNG or PDF) and resolution.

Now that you have all the tools you need at your fingertips, go ahead and unleash your creativity with Canva! Create eye-catching movie posters that captivate audiences and leave a lasting impression.

make a movie poster assignment

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How Do You Make a Movie Poster in Canva? Are you looking to create a stunning movie poster for your next film project? Look no further than Canva, the popular online graphic design tool... October 5, 2023 canva -->

How Do I Make a Vintage Poster on Canva? Are you looking to add a vintage touch to your poster design? Canva is a great tool that allows you to create stunning posters with ease. In this... September 24, 2023 canva -->

How Do I Make a Good Poster on Canva? If you're looking to create a visually stunning poster, Canva is the perfect tool for you. With its user-friendly interface and vast collection of... October 4, 2023 canva -->

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How Do I Edit a Movie Poster in Canva? Are you looking to edit a movie poster but don't have access to professional software? Look no further than Canva! With its user-friendly... October 4, 2023 canva -->

How Do I Make a Poster in Canva? Creating a stunning poster is now easier than ever with the help of Canva. This powerful online graphic design tool allows you to unleash your... September 8, 2023 canva -->

How Do I Make an Academic Poster on Canva? Welcome to this tutorial on how to create an academic poster using Canva! Academic posters are a great way to present your research findings,... October 4, 2023 canva -->

How Do I Make a Retro Poster in Canva? Creating a retro poster in Canva is a fun and creative way to add a vintage touch to your designs. With Canva's user-friendly interface and a wide... October 4, 2023 canva -->

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How to make a movie poster? Everything You Need To Know

Movie posters speak volumes about the film in their first look. The theme, setting, mood, and genre are disclosed, inciting your expectations and pulling you out of your seat to watch them. Ready to know more about the design and features that make up the movie poster? Glide down to learn more.

make a movie poster assignment

A movie poster signifies the release of a film and attracts the viewer’s attention to arouse their curiosity. In this sense, a movie poster is said to be successful when it has enthused a set of audience and led them to the theater to watch the movie it portrayed. Although a movie poster is not an absolute necessity, it still makes a difference in improving your film’s audience awareness. Hence, this article outlines the basic steps to make a movie poster in addition to the tools required. 

make a movie poster assignment

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What Is A Movie Poster?

You design a movie poster to entice potential filmgoers to watch a movie. Hence, it furnishes certain significant information about a movie to its viewers. They include:

  • Movie title
  • Names of actors and actresses who feature in the movie
  • A visual that represents the movie 
  • A ‘tagline’ or teaser

Movie Poster Expert Explains Color Schemes | Vanity Fair

Benefits of a Movie Poster

There are several benefits you can derive from designing a movie poster. However, the most commercially important function is to:

  • Promote a studio’s movies
  • Attract the audience’s attention to make them watch a specific film. 

Apart from these, a movie poster serves as a powerful communication tool in conveying the  following information to your viewers:

  • Find the movie genre.
  • Broadcasts the main idea.
  • Introduces the main actors.
  • Demonstrates the director’s statement. 

Every Marvel Movie Poster, Explained | Vanity Fair

A Brief History of Movie Posters

Movie posters have been an integral part of the history of movie-making. In the beginning, short films were projected using film posters. Hence, they were often cramped with information regarding the cast, directors, list of titles, and producers. However, the evolution of movie posters began when hand-drawn pictures enhanced their commercial potential. As a result, several movie studios began to employ artists and graphic designers who created hand-drawn posters. Later, these posters were reproduced using lithographic printing. Further, the following years saw a drastic change with the help of technology. 

The History of the Hollywood Movie Poster

Today, movie studios continue to use the brand-marketing approach. However, the posters are distributed across print and online channels. 

A Look at Some of the Most Iconic Movie Posters in the History of Film

How to Create a Movie Poster? 

Pick the right tools.

Before creating a movie poster, you must have the right tools to ensure your work emerges successfully. Some of the must-have tools include:

  • It is always best to start your career with a tablet like a Wacom Cintiq . 
  • Alternatively, you can also use an iPad and install apps like the Astro pad to make it a Cintiq.

make a movie poster assignment

Choose an Appropriate Software

With the evolution of technology, poster artists began using digital software to design their posters. Although there is no specific program for creating one, you can use Adobe Photoshop or Affinity Photo for photo-dominant designs.  

Adopt the Two-Way Thinking 

When it comes to creating a movie poster, you always have to think in two ways:

  • The ideological way is when you have to observe and analyze to get a clear picture of your wants. 
  • The technical way deals with knowing how to fit your wishes into what is available. 

Here are some steps to thoughtfully craft your poster: 

Understand the main idea of the film and gather important information

To begin with, you need to be clear in understanding the movie’s vision. This will help you generate fantastic imagery to fill your poster. In addition, you must maintain a clear list of the cast crew and the list of producers and directors.  

Decide on the poster style

An appropriate poster style will project your story through your poster. Hence, choose your style based on the purpose. Some of the reasons for which posters are designed majorly include the following:

A teaser poster is something that announces the coming of a movie. Consequently, it creates a stir about the film among its audience. Generally, teasers are released during a movie’s development and may indicate the tentative release date. They may feature some of the styles mentioned below:

  • Teaser posters contain only the title or a symbol associated with the film.
  • They may be devoid of movie credits.
  • Words like “coming soon,” “In Theatres This Summer,” or the abbreviation “Adv,” “Advance,” or “Teaser” are prevalent.
  • The main character is portrayed as looking at something in the distance.

make a movie poster assignment


Pay Off Key Art 

The final movie poster is released once the shoot for the movie is completed. As a result, it furnishes more information than a teaser. Some of the details that appear in these posters include: 

  • Names of the film stars 
  • Movie Tagline  
  • Production crew information 
  • The distributor’s information 

Sometimes, the main poster for a movie comes in more than one style. Still, it varies depending on a movie’s title and budget. 

make a movie poster assignment

Source: Wikipedia

Character Sell

Character posters are designed when the movie studios or distributors decide to produce them. It highlights a specific movie character, usually displaying the actor’s name and the character played. In addition, these posters may also contain a tagline associated with the character.  

make a movie poster assignment


Decide on the Poster Size

To decide on the movie poster size of your choice, you must first be aware of the standard sizes available. They include:

Once you are clear about your purpose, you can select an appropriate size and work on it further.  

How to Design the Perfect Poste

Select Auxiliary Images

Additional images help you convey the essence of a story through the poster. To decide on the right pictures, you must know the film’s genre. In addition, you have to be clear about the mood you wish to convey. The different types of the genre include the following:

Types of Movie Genres

Comedy / romance.

Comedy or romantic films must feature amusement and humor to entertain their audiences. Hence, a poster for a comedy film must use bright and optimistic color palettes in its typography, graphics, and costumes to instill these feelings. For this purpose, you can adapt expressive photography and character photographs. In addition, the presence of laughter or humorous facial expressions will enhance the mood of the poster. For romantic comedies, pastel colors are well-suited. 

  • Fonts: You can choose rounded fonts like  Cooper Black and Stripes. 

make a movie poster assignment

Action/ Adventure/ Family 

Action, adventure, and family movies are filled with moments of urgency and energy. Hence, the posters for these movies must emphasize movement and color. However, it is essential to understand the significance of the color red for action movies as it indicates passion and energy. To make your poster immersive, you need to move to look realistic and dynamic. 

  • Fonts: Textured, haphazard, or condensed fonts can further reinforce these feelings. 

make a movie poster assignment

Movies of the drama genre are pretty diverse and emotionally appealing. These movies may be portrayed in different periods or settings. Since this genre is unique in its diversity, they offer room for creativity while designing. To enhance the emotional mood of the poster, you need to refer to its cinematography or characters. Once through, you can photograph dynamic character portraits or dramatically photograph from a film still to achieve atmospheric designs.  

make a movie poster assignment

Murder/ Mystery/ Horror

The horror/ mystery/murder genre posters should evoke a terrifying sensation. This will make them more memorable and impactful. They must also contain symbols like blood, weaponry, silhouetted figures, and ghostly shapes to enhance a sense of mystery. To make your design more enticing, you can also refer to the plot or theme of the film. It would help if you opted for dark, moody color palettes with white or blood-red text. 

  • Fonts: Period-type styles or bloodied lettering

make a movie poster assignment


Sci-fi movies require a minimalist poster design. To impart an ethereal feeling, you must include neon-colored palettes combined with inky blacks and blues. In addition, you need a space or planetary background with robotic-inspired graphics. Finally, to portray the atmospheric lighting that mimics the luminosity of the stars, you can include glow and other light effects in your designs.

  • Font: Ultra minimal fonts like Futura.

make a movie poster assignment

Therefore, based on the different film genres, you can choose the right fonts, background, and design to portray the right mood for a specific movie.

Ordering the Information on the Poster

Once you decide on the images to feature on the poster, you must add other vital information. Before venturing to order the information you wish to display, you need to understand a billing block.  

Add a Tagline

A tagline conveys the gist of the story with a few words. Hence, it has to be memorable the moment your viewers see it. In addition, it has to tell the story of the entire images that follow it. 

Poster Title 

When preparing a movie poster, your poster title will be your movie name. However, to retain your audience’s interest, you need to keep the text as simple as possible without any effects.

Title Design: The Making of Movie Titles

Movie poster design in photoshop | Photoshop cc 2022

What are Billing Blocks?

A billing block is usually found at the bottom of the poster featuring the name of the cluster of movie credits. They are often found in condensed fonts. The billing block represents those who have worked for the movie and their contribution level. The billing block is placed following the mandate from The Writers Guild (WGA) and Directors Guild (DGA)that movie credits must be at least 15 percent of the size of the movie title.

How to create film poster billing in photoshop

Add Billing Credits To The Bottom of the Poster

Presentation credit.

Initially, you have to include the presentation credit that belongs to the distributor before the title. 

  XYZ Films Presents 

In case another company partners with you to finance your movie, you have to add them as: 

XYZ Films Presents 

in Association With XYZ Industries    

If one of the key producers owns a production company in that case,

in Association With XYZ Industries

A Will Smith Production

If there is a director with additional movie credits, then you must include them with “A film by” or “A so-and-so film.”

A Will Smith Production of Jack Lee film

The list of cast members follows the presentation credit. You have to start by listing the prominent actors. This is because audiences will select a movie based on their interest in the star. Some stars even negotiate to prioritize their names to feature before the title while you list. This process is termed top billing. You can typically feature around 2 to 3 actors after the title in the billing block, and these locations are referred to as the first position,” “second position,” and “third position.” In addition, there may be an introduction label.

The crew members include the people who worked on the movie. They are often listed in a standard order as follows:

  • Costumes by
  • Production Designer

Some of the other members who are often negotiated and placed include:

  • Director of Photography
  • Original score by

However, in case of an absence of negotiation, you can first place the people who contributed the most in order. In addition, certain unions or societies mandate their mention following the crew member’s credits. Hence, please keep track of those memberships and mention them appropriately in your billing block.  

You can feature the producers of the movie in the below order:

  • Executive Producer
  • Co-producer 
  • Associate Producer

Any film features several writers. If your script is based on a novel, you can include it as:

From a novel by J.K.Rowling

Based on characters by J.K.Rowling

Writing Teams

Writing teams may consist of members who wrote the screenplay or produced material without a screenplay. For example, if Roddy and Gary wrote the script and Richard and Daniel developed the story, you might include them in a below-mentioned way.

Story by Richard & Daniel

Screenplay by Roddy & Gary

The last movie poster credit in the billing block is direction. If the director of the movie is also the one who wrote it, you can put it in your credit as:  

Written and Directed by Bob Kensey

What’s the Other Stuff at the Bottom?

  • The official rating from the M.P.A.A.
  • Your website 
  • Social media accounts
  • Release date

billing block tutorial

Publish the Poster

The final step in creating your movie poster is publishing it. For this purpose, you require publishing software like Adobe InDesign or Affinity Publisher. They are  advantageous because:

  • You can establish control over both typography and images
  • You can adapt your poster to various page sizes. 

Final Thoughts

Apart from being a fun activity, poster making for movies has to be cautiously done as it decides a movie’s reach to its audiences. However, ensure you convey all the turning points without spilling the climax. In addition, movie posters carry a good amount of information regarding the cast and the crew who worked on the movie. 

How to design a movie poster

How to make an epic movie poster

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  • Movie Poster Maker


Promote Your Film Project with the Picsart Movie Poster Maker

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Click-to-Craft-the-Perfect-Movie-Poster-Design "> Click to Craft the Perfect Movie Poster Design


So, you’re finally done making that documentary you’ve been working hard on. You should be proud. But now what? People need to see it. Which means promotion. And promotion means poster design. That’s where Picsart comes in. There’s no need to panic though, with the super easy movie poster maker, you can do it yourself. Yes, that’s right. You can create a custom movie poster even if you’ve never designed a thing in your life. All it takes is a few powerful photo editing tools and you’ll have a poster to match the quality of your movie-making in no time. Don’t dismiss movie poster design as an unimportant afterthought. All that hard work and effort deserves a poster that demands an audience. Let Picsart take care of it and you’ll have the best supporting role in the game in your corner.

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Create a Movie Poster Design with Plenty of Star Power

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Make Custom Movie Posters with Easy Tools

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Save Some Dough with the Free Movie Poster Maker

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Speed Up Production with Pre-Made Movie Poster Templates

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How to Make a Movie Poster

  • 1 Open the Picsart Editor
  • 2 Choose Templates and search ‘movie poster’
  • 3 Upload a photo, choose one from the free-to-edit library to edit your template
  • 4 Add effects, stickers, fonts, and more to customize your poster
  • 5 Export your final movie poster design

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Film Poster Project

To this activity.

  • Activity Overview
  • Template and Per Instructions
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  • This Activity is Part of Many Teacher Gurus

The Stars Beneath Our Feet Motion Poster

Activity Synopsis

Make posters been a entertainment way for student to boil downhill the most critical aspects of one novel. After reading a book press play, students can create a movie poster that showcases the setting, characters and a chosen scene or crosscutting themes of the story . Students can include the title and author of the book, a catchy tagline, and a "critic's review" notifying the audience why person have geht till see the movie and briefly describing and compelling story. Such example showcases the popular middle grade novelist, The Celebrity Beneath Our Foot , but any story could be used!

To build this a class assignment, consider how each learner a different chapter with scene to focus the. When students complete their posters, they capacity be printed out and strung in the my. Students supposed be prepared to currently on the choices they made during the creation operation. Movie posters are a amusing way for students to boil down the most important aspects of an novel. For reading ampere book or play, students can create a cine poster that showcases the setting, characters both a dialed scenario or overarching themes of who my.

For additional books to add to this assignment, check get our picture posting templates !

Template and Class Instructions

(These installation are completely customizable. After clicking "Copy Activity", update the instructions on the Edit Tab of the assignment.)

Due Choose:

Objective: Create a movie poster forward our book that shows you understanding of the most important aspects starting a novel.

Current Guides:

  • Click "Start Assignment".
  • Identify scenes, characteristics and/or items appropriate toward yours story and set her knavishly on who poster. You may choose to showcase a particular scene in the book or an overarching theme. Mar 9, 2015 - This Needle was discovered by makinley barczy. Discover (and save!) your own Pins on Pinterest
  • Add this title additionally author is the book in well as a catchy slogan or tagline.
  • Add a "critic's review": one to three sentences write why the audience should go to go this movie real what is compelling about the story.
  • Save or exit as you're done.

Movie Poster 1

Lesson Plan Reference

Grade Level 6-8

Difficulty Level 2 (Reinforcing / Developing)

Type of Assignment Individual press Join

Type the Activity: Movie Posters

  • [ELA-Literacy/RL/7/2] Ascertain a theme oder central idea of a texts and analyze him development over of class of the textbook; provide an target summary for of text
  • [ELA-Literacy/RL/7/3] Analyze how particular elements concerning a story or dramatic interact (e.g., how setting shapes the characters or plot)
  • [ELA-Literacy/RI/7/1] Cite several pieces of textual proof to supported analysis of what the text says explicitly in well as inferences drawn from the text.

(You can also create your owning on Quick Rubric .)

More Storyboard That Active

Middle school projects.

Middle Train Projected - Social Media Project

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  • My Storyboards

Create a Shakespearean Movie Poster for Hamlet

In this activity, activity overview, template and class instructions, more storyboard that activities.

  • This Activity is Part of Many Teacher Guides

Hamlet Movie Poster

A fun way for students to express their understanding of a story, its themes, and main characters, is to create a movie poster. As students read Hamlet , they may have a favorite stop on his journey or perhaps they enjoyed the entire story. Have students create a movie poster, complete with a title, casting, and an image that conveys important information from the story.

To make this a class assignment, consider giving each student a different act or character to focus on. When students complete their posters, they can be printed out and hung in the classroom. If you'd like to extend this to your entire Shakespeare unit, students can complete different posters for each play.

For additional templates to add to this assignment, check out our movie poster templates !

(These instructions are completely customizable. After clicking "Copy Activity", update the instructions on the Edit Tab of the assignment.)

Student Instructions

Create a movie poster that evokes the theme, story, and other relevant information about Hamlet .

  • Click "Start Assignment".
  • Create an image for your movie poster using appropriate scenes, characters, and items.
  • Add any additional information, like a tagline, actors, directors, etc.
  • Save and exit when you're done.

Movie Poster 1

Lesson Plan Reference

Grade Level 9-12

Difficulty Level 3 (Developing to Mastery)

Type of Assignment Individual

Type of Activity: Movies

  • [ELA-Literacy/RL/9-10/2] Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze in detail its development over the course of the text, including how it emerges and is shaped and refined by specific details; provide an objective summary of the text
  • [ELA-Literacy/W/9-10/6] Use technology, including the Internet, to produce, publish, and update individual or shared writing products, taking advantage of technology’s capacity to link to other information and to display information flexibly and dynamically

(You can also create your own on Quick Rubric .)

How To Encourage Brainstorming Ideas For the Movie Poster

Introduce task, individual brainstorming, group brainstorming, exercises for divergent thinking, introduce mind mapping, frequently asked questions about creating a shakespearean movie poster for hamlet, how can i make sure that the poster honors both shakespeare's work and an individual’s originality, how can i incorporate the unique ideas in "hamlet" into a single poster, what color scheme should i pick for the poster, tragedy of hamlet, prince of denmark, the.

Hamlet by William Shakespeare - Five Act Structure

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Example of using the storyboard Creator

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Create a Storyboard


  1. Creating a great film poster, a template that works. : Filmmakers

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  4. Blend Photos and Sharpen to Make Movie Poster in Photoshop

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  3. Movie Poster Photoshop Tutorial

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  1. Free Online Movie Poster Maker

    Engage and lure in viewers with a captivating movie poster that sells your story. Start your design project by browsing through our collection of pre-made, fully customizable templates. Or open a blank layout and create a movie poster from scratch. Go to poster mockups (opens in a new tab or window) to see how your design looks like. Then, add ...

  2. How To Make A Movie Poster: A Template For Students

    5. Choose a movie poster template or design one from existing examples. You also need to decide if you're going to draw one by hand or create it digitally. 6. Use the key information identified above to 'fill in' the template or create the poster from scratch. Top: The names of actors and actresses.

  3. Movie Poster Project

    Use images that best convey the ideas behind this movie title. Assignment Choice #2: Create a convincing movie poster for a movie adapted from *classic literature. Like the first assignment, it will include all the text elements required for a movie poster. Come up with new, hip title. For example, Shakespeare's titles for his plays lacked ...

  4. How To Make a Movie Poster: The Complete Guide [With Examples & Tutorials]

    Here are a few pointers for brainstorming effective taglines: Reflect the mood of the movie - taglines should match the emotional journey the audience will experience. Keep it short and impactful - brevity is key to sticking in people's minds. plus to taglines, strategic quotes can also elevate a poster's appeal.

  5. Movie Poster Templates: Design Your Own Movie Posters

    A movie poster maker is a software tool that enables users to create their own stunning movie poster. These tools have design elements that typically provide a user-friendly interface and a range of customizable templates, images, and fonts that can be used to design unique posters. With a movie poster maker, users can upload their own image to ...

  6. Make a Movie Poster

    Here is how you can make face in hole movie posters: Copy and Paste a famous movie poster in MockoFun. You can also use the Upload menu . Go to Filters > Mask on the top menu. Click on the Hide button. Set the Feather to 30 and hide the face. Click on the Lock icon to lock this layer.

  7. 1.16

    1.16 - The Movie Poster Assignment (English Lesson) June 29, 2022. Designing a movie poster requires attention to detail, use of symbols and symbolism, an understanding of how to merge text with visuals, and how to appeal to an identified target audience. Through the prior lesson that focused on looking at movie posters, as well as the one ...

  8. Free Poster Project Ideas for Middle School Students

    Due Date: Objective: Create a movie poster for your book that shows your understanding of the most important aspects of a novel. Student Instructions: Click "Start Assignment". Identify scenes, characters and/or items appropriate to your story and arrange them artfully on the poster. You may choose to showcase a particular scene in the book or ...

  9. Movie Poster Design 101: The Anatomy of a Movie Poster

    While this gives designers a level of freedom in designing a movie poster, it's wise to be aware of these commonly used sizes: One-Sheet (27 by 40 inches, or 686 by 1016 mm) —this is is the size used to promote movies in theaters. One-sheets have an aspect ratio of slightly more than 2:3, or a width that's 67.5% of the height.

  10. My Amazing Movie Poster: Free Project Plan to Teach Graphic Design

    Milestone 5: Movie Poster. Students will create a final movie poster to use for marketing their movie to a target audience. Milestone 6: Oral presentation to Potential "Movie Goers" Students will present to an audience of peers. Each audience member will have a limited number of movie tickets they can use to "purchase" to see the movies ...

  11. High School Movie Poster

    Movie posters are a dynamic and creative way for students to boil down the most important aspects of a novel. After reading a novel, poem or play, students will create a movie poster that showcases the setting, characters and a chosen scene or overarching themes of the story..Students can include the title and author of the book, a catchy tagline, and a "critic's review" informing the audience ...

  12. Free Online Movie Poster Maker

    First, click the button "Make a movie poster" to go to the poster design page. Go to the "Templates" on the left dashbord, and choose the "poster" catalog. Enter the keyword "movie poster" in the search box. There're genres of movie poster templates for you to choose from. Pick template that match the theme of your film, and customize it as ...

  13. Movie Poster

    Movie Poster is an activity where students create a poster about a text that includes a main graphic image, a tagline, and a quote from a critical review. Each element of the movie poster should be selected carefully and deliberately to accurately represent the text. This activity is used to gauge a reader's ability to make sense of the material.

  14. Hollywood Style: How to Make a Movie Poster

    To cap off: Remember, your poster is the visual handshake of your film. Make it count. Marry imagery and text with the grace of a movie dance scene. Always, always, ensure the legal side of image use is buttoned up tight. The curtain falls here, but it's just the opening act for your poster-making journey.

  15. How Do I Make a Movie Poster on Canva?

    Choose a template: Select a template that suits your movie's genre. Customize: Add text, images, effects, icons, and illustrations. Review: Check for errors or inconsistencies. Save and download: Choose file format (PNG or PDF) and resolution. Now that you have all the tools you need at your fingertips, go ahead and unleash your creativity with ...

  16. Movie Poster Maker

    Make Movie Posters Online in 3 Steps. Choose a Template. Choose from dozens of movie poster templates to start. Edit. Add photos and customize your movie poster freely. Save/Share. Save your poster as image or share it online via social media.

  17. How to make a movie poster? Everything You Need To Know

    Understand the main idea of the film and gather important information. To begin with, you need to be clear in understanding the movie's vision. This will help you generate fantastic imagery to fill your poster. In addition, you must maintain a clear list of the cast crew and the list of producers and directors.

  18. Free Movie Poster Maker

    How to Make a Movie Poster. 1. Open the Picsart Editor. 2. Choose Templates and search 'movie poster'. 3. Upload a photo, choose one from the free-to-edit library to edit your template. 4. Add effects, stickers, fonts, and more to customize your poster.

  19. Novel Study Movie Poster

    Due Date: Objective: Create a movie poster for the book that includes the title, author, a catchy tagline and a critic's review as well as compelling art and design. Student Instructions: Click "Start Assignment". Identify scenes, characters, items, and/or animals that are appropriate to the book and arrange them artfully on the poster.

  20. Free Online Poster Maker: Design Custom Posters With Canva

    Canva's free poster maker has thousands of templates designed by our team of professional designers. Templates are your shortcut to great design: You'll have a custom poster in minutes. We've got poster templates for every need—from concerts to retail, conferences and quotes. Or design from scratch to create something entirely unique.

  21. The Great Gatsby : Create a Movie Poster

    Objective: Create a movie poster for the book The Great Gatsby. Student Instructions: Click "Start Assignment". Identify scenes, characters and/or items appropriate to The Great Gatsby and arrange them artfully on the poster. You may choose to showcase a particular scene in the book or an overarching theme. Add the title and author of the book ...

  22. Movie Poster Project for Middle School Students with Storyboard That

    Objective: Create a movie poster forward our book that shows you understanding of the most important aspects starting a novel. Current Guides: Click "Start Assignment". Identify scenes, characteristics and/or items appropriate toward yours story and set her knavishly on who poster. You may choose to showcase a particular scene in the book or an ...

  23. Hamlet Movie Poster Activity

    Student Instructions. Create a movie poster that evokes the theme, story, and other relevant information about Hamlet. Click "Start Assignment". Create an image for your movie poster using appropriate scenes, characters, and items. Add any additional information, like a tagline, actors, directors, etc. Save and exit when you're done. More options.