
Take the Break You Deserve with These 7 Annual Leave Application Letter Examples

Annual Leave Application Letter Examples

  • Post author: Meet
  • Post published: April 8, 2023
  • Post category: Leave Request

Taking a break from work is essential for employees to recharge and maintain their productivity levels. Whether it’s for personal or medical reasons, an annual leave application letter is a formal way to request time off from work. However, not everyone is comfortable writing one. That’s why we’ve put together a list of seven sample annual leave application letters for employees that can help guide you in writing your own. From short and sweet to detailed and formal, these samples cover a range of scenarios that might require taking leave. So, whether you’re a new employee or a seasoned professional, read on to find the right sample letter for your needs.

Basic types of annual leave letters Samples

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I am writing to request annual leave for [number of days] days, starting from [start date] and ending on [end date]. I have completed all my current projects and tasks, and have made arrangements for my work to be covered in my absence.

I understand the importance of ensuring that my absence does not disrupt the operations of the company, and I have made arrangements with my colleagues to ensure that my work is covered. I will also be available via email or phone during my absence in case of any urgent matters.

Thank you for your consideration, and I look forward to returning to work after my leave.

[Your Name]

I would like to request annual leave for [number of days] days, starting from [start date] and ending on [end date]. I have not taken any annual leave this year, and I would like to take this opportunity to spend time with my family and recharge.

I have made arrangements for my work to be covered during my absence, and I have discussed my leave request with my colleagues to ensure that my absence does not cause any disruptions to the company’s operations.

Thank you for considering my request, and I look forward to returning to work after my leave.

I am writing to request annual leave for [number of days] days, starting from [start date] and ending on [end date]. I have been working hard over the past few months and I feel that it is time for me to take a break and recharge.

I have made arrangements for my work to be covered during my absence, and I have discussed my leave request with my colleagues to ensure that my absence does not cause any disruptions to the company’s operations. I will also be available via email or phone during my absence in case of any urgent matters.

Understanding the Different Types of Annual Leave Available to Employees

Here are seven types of annual leave that employees should consider taking advantage of. From Travel/Family Vacation and Volunteer Work to Health and Wellness and Rest and Relaxation, each type of leave offers unique benefits that can help employees destress, recharge, and pursue personal interests. So whether it’s celebrating a personal milestone, immersing in a different culture, or furthering education, there’s a type of leave for every need.

  • Travel / Family Vacation : This type of leave is taken for leisure purposes, usually to travel or spend time with family members who live far away.
  • Volunteer Work : Some employees may choose to take time off to participate in volunteer work or charitable activities.
  • Health and Wellness : This type of leave is taken to attend to personal health or wellness needs, such as a retreat or a wellness program.
  • Personal Milestone : An employee may take leave to celebrate a personal milestone such as a birthday, wedding anniversary, or other significant event.
  • Cultural Immersion : An employee may take leave to immerse themselves in a different culture, such as by traveling to a foreign country or participating in a cultural exchange program.
  • Educational Pursuits : Some employees may take leave to further their education or attend training courses to improve their skills.
  • Rest and Relaxation : This type of leave is taken purely for relaxation purposes, such as to recharge or destress. This could include activities like taking a spa day, reading a book, or simply lounging on a beach.

7 Sample Annual Leave Application Letters for Employees

Employee requesting leave for Travel / Family Vacation:

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I am writing to request annual leave for [number of days] days, starting from [start date] and ending on [end date]. This leave is for a family vacation to [destination name], which has been planned for quite some time.

I have made arrangements for my work to be covered during my absence, and I have discussed my leave request with my colleagues to ensure that my absence does not cause any disruptions to the company’s operations. This vacation will provide a much-needed break for me and my family, and it will allow me to return to work with renewed energy and focus.

Employee requesting leave for Volunteer Work:

I am writing to request annual leave for [number of days] days, starting from [start date] and ending on [end date]. This leave is for volunteer work with [organization name], where I will be participating in [mention the nature and purpose of the volunteer work, such as community service or disaster relief efforts].

I have made arrangements for my work to be covered during my absence, and I have discussed my leave request with my colleagues to ensure that my absence does not cause any disruptions to the company’s operations. I believe that this volunteer work is an important way for me to contribute to society and fulfill my personal values, and it will ultimately benefit our team and the company as well.

Employee requesting leave for Health and Wellness:

I am writing to request annual leave for [number of days] days, starting from [start date] and ending on [end date]. This leave is for health and wellness purposes, as I will be undergoing [mention the nature and purpose of your health-related activities, such as a medical procedure or a wellness retreat].

I have made arrangements for my work to be covered during my absence, and I have discussed my leave request with my colleagues to ensure that my absence does not cause any disruptions to the company’s operations. This time away will help me prioritize my physical and mental health, which will ultimately benefit both me and the company.

Employee requesting leave for Personal Milestone:

I am writing to request annual leave for [number of days] days, starting from [start date] and ending on [end date]. This leave is for a personal milestone, as I will be celebrating [mention the nature and purpose of your milestone, such as a wedding or a graduation].

I have made arrangements for my work to be covered during my absence, and I have discussed my leave request with my colleagues to ensure that my absence does not cause any disruptions to the company’s operations. This is a special occasion that I want to fully enjoy and share with my loved ones, and it will allow me to return to work with renewed happiness and motivation.

Employee requesting leave for Cultural Immersion:

I am writing to request annual leave for [number of days] days, starting from [start date] and ending on [end date]. This leave is for a cultural immersion trip to [destination name], where I will be exploring the local culture, trying new cuisines, visiting historical landmarks, and interacting with locals to gain a deeper understanding of their way of life.

I have made arrangements for my work to be covered during my absence, and I have discussed my leave request with my colleagues to ensure that my absence does not cause any disruptions to the company’s operations. This trip will allow me to broaden my horizons, learn new perspectives, and bring back fresh ideas that could benefit our team and the company.

Employee requesting leave for Educational Pursuits:

I am writing to request annual leave for [number of days] days, starting from [start date] and ending on [end date]. This leave is for educational pursuits, as I will be attending [mention the name and nature of the educational program or course, such as a training workshop or a conference].

I have made arrangements for my work to be covered during my absence, and I have discussed my leave request with my colleagues to ensure that my absence does not cause any disruptions to the company’s operations. This program will help me develop new skills and knowledge that will benefit our team and the company, and it will also provide me with valuable networking opportunities.

Employee requesting leave for Rest and Relaxation:

I am writing to request annual leave for [number of days] days, starting from [start date] and ending on [end date]. This leave is for rest and relaxation purposes, as I will be taking a break from work to recharge and rejuvenate.

I have made arrangements for my work to be covered during my absence, and I have discussed my leave request with my colleagues to ensure that my absence does not cause any disruptions to the company’s operations. This time off will allow me to prioritize my physical and mental health, which will ultimately benefit both me and the company.

Some Basic FAQs for Taking Annual Leave 

Q: How many days of annual leave are employees entitled to?

A: The number of annual leave days employees are entitled to depends on their employer’s policies, the country they work in, and their length of service. In some countries, the law mandates a minimum number of annual leave days, while in others, it is left to the discretion of the employer. It’s important for employees to familiarize themselves with their company’s policies and relevant laws.

Q: Can an employee take annual leave during their probation period?

A: This depends on the company’s policies. Some companies allow employees to take annual leave during their probation period, while others may require employees to complete their probation period before being eligible for annual leave. Employees should refer to their employment contract or company policy handbook for guidance.

Q: How far in advance should an employee request annual leave?

A: The amount of notice an employee should give before requesting annual leave depends on the company’s policies. Some companies require employees to give a specific amount of notice, while others may be more flexible. It’s best for employees to check with their employer’s policies and plan accordingly.

Q: Can an employer refuse an employee’s annual leave request?

A: In some cases, an employer may refuse an employee’s annual leave request if it conflicts with business needs or if the requested leave period has already been allocated to another employee. However, employers should have clear policies and guidelines for annual leave requests and communicate them to employees.

Q: What happens if an employee does not take all their annual leave days?

A: This depends on the company’s policies. Some companies may allow employees to carry over unused annual leave days to the following year, while others may require employees to use all their annual leave days within the year. Employees should refer to their company’s policies to avoid losing their annual leave entitlement.

Q: Can an employee be paid in lieu of taking annual leave?

A: This also depends on the company’s policies and applicable laws. Some countries and companies allow employees to be paid in lieu of taking annual leave, while others require employees to take their full entitlement of annual leave. Employees should refer to their company’s policies and relevant laws for guidance.

These are just some common questions and answers about taking annual leave. Employees should always check their company’s policies and relevant laws to ensure they are fully informed of their rights and entitlements.

In conclusion, taking annual leave is an essential part of maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Whether it’s to travel and spend time with family, engage in volunteer work, attend to personal milestones, or pursue education and cultural immersion, there are many types of leave that employees can take advantage of. Additionally, requesting time off through a well-written and professional annual leave application letter can help ensure that the process runs smoothly and without any misunderstandings. By utilizing the sample annual leave application letters provided, employees can communicate their leave requests with confidence and clarity. It’s important for employers to encourage their employees to take time off and for employees to prioritize their well-being and take advantage of the various types of leave available to them.

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Annual Leave Email/Letter for Office: How to write and Template

annual leave request

Starting an annual leave request is a significant part of harmonious professional life. Taking every year, besides regular breaks, is essential for overall health. It allows employees to rest, reduces stress, and promotes better balance in work-life. It is vacation, personal obligations, or time with the family annual leave has a critical function.

In this article, we will cover the importance of annual leave, discuss what a notice letter or email for an annual leave should contain, understand how to write effective requests and share some useful tips on smooth application. So, let’s travel through the yearly leave world with faith!

Why Annual Leave is Important?

annual leave request

Annual leave request is a mechanism through which employees refresh, promote well-being and increase output upon resumption. Also, leaving for a time off work is essential in ensuring a productive healthy life. It gives chance to people to rest, rejuvenate and communicate with their loved ones.

The annual leave meaning goes further the paid time off work to grasp its significance of concentrating on one’s personal wellbeing. In Saudi Arabia, as in most other places, annual leave is a symbol of both balance and enjoyment.

  • Through annual leave, mental health is maintained because there is relief from stress and therefore burnout.
  • Additionally, it improves the post-work place return satisfaction and overall job performance.

To this end, taking annual leave in Saudi Arabia is encouraged and it helps in propagating a culture which respects the mental and physical well-being of employees. So, it coincides with the idea that a satisfied and relaxed workforce will lead to positive results in their official obligations.

To conclude, the significance of annual leave is crucial. Indeed, it is one of the vital elements of an organized work setting that ensures employee satisfaction and general efficiency.

What is annual leave notice letter/email

Annual leave which is a time that employees value helps people relax, de-stress and attend to private duties. A formal absent letter or email is the standard way of preparing for a long holiday.

  • Annual leave request is the official process of asking for permission to take time off.
  • What is annual leave? It is a dedicated time off for workers, unlike other forms of leave.

Writing annual leave email or letter requires a straightforward approach. First, use a formal tone to address the recipient with an indication of what your communication aims at doing. State the period desired and commencement as well as termination dates. Additionally, make a short reason for the leave, being transparent.

The most important is to convince the employer that all obligations will be properly handled during the absence. Where there is a standard form for such requests, make sure that the same attached or is referenced. The communication should conclude politely, and thanks for the request consideration should be noted.

Basically, the said notice is a formal application for an extended period off from work. Moreover, it allows employees to report and ask for time off allowing organizations to maintain a clear, organized workflow in the workplace.

Keep in mind that as you are writing your annual leave email or letter, make it clear, transparent and formal. Also, this guarantees easy workflow for the employee and the employer promoting a good workplace atmosphere.

How to write an annual leave letter/email

Creating a convincing annual leave request will ensure that your absence is effectively managed. Here is a concise guide:

  • Introduction : Start off with a beautiful greeting, for instance; “Dear [Mr./Mrs.] [Recipient]”. Clearly name your position and department.
  • Clear Purpose : Specifically, declare the goal of your letter: an annual leave request. State the beginning of the leave and its end date.
  • Reasoning :  Please provide a short rationale for your annual leave request while respecting the proper communication which shows professionality. However, ensure the rationale supports company policies and is appropriate for open conversation.
  • Task Coverage : Present a draft of the outline on plans for task coverage during your absence. Report team members or your colleagues who will take up these responsibilities.
  • Contact Information : Provide contact information for emergencies. So, be sure that you inform of your availability throughout the leave.
  • Polite Closing : The last sentence should be a polite closing phrase such as “Best regards” or “Sincerely”. Express gratitude for the consideration of your annual leave request.
  • Signature : Sign off using your full names professionally. Also, state your job title if necessary for better understanding.
  • Formatting : To have a clear and precise format. So, use space and font to make it look more professional.
  • Proofreading : Check the letter/email for mistakes. Ensure that the details and dates of all important matters as well as names are correct.

In summation an annual vacation request letter should be crafted with a high level of accuracy. So, following these steps ensures a proper writing of the letter which increases chances for an approval request.

Tips to keep in mind before submitting an annual leave application

Indeed, smooth annual leave request requires a careful preparation. Consider these essential tips:

  • Plan Ahead: Plan your leave in advance enough to allow for appropriate planning and processing.
  • Check Policies: Become familiar with the corporate policies to write a successful annual leave request letter.
  • Communicate Early: Inform your team and supervisor early fostering bonds of understanding and collaboration.
  • Reason Clarity: Make it clear the need for leave, thereby encouraging honesty and easy approval.
  • Work Handover: Design and carry out a detailed handover of work activities to cover your absence.
  • Follow Procedure: Follow the process of company for which it can be an email or formal letter.
  • Consider Team Impact: Be careful of the dynamic in a group and too much pressure on colleagues.
  • Professional Tone: In general, have a formal attitude in your request annual leave email or letter for better effect.

To wrap up, your annual leave application success relies on the attention to detail and effective communication. Therefore, following these tips promotes smooth and acceptable leave request.

When it comes to requesting time off, consider Pittant, a leading HR and Payroll software in Saudi Arabia . It brings innovation to simplify processes, enhance employee experiences, and ensure secure data access. Easy to learn and equipped with strong security measures, Pittant stands as a helpful companion in managing leave applications.

Annual leave request email template

annual leave request

A good annual leave request email is important when one wants to apply for a leave as it will help them in communication.

Subject: Annual Leave Application

Dear Mr./Ms. [Recipient’s Name],

I trust this email finds you well. I am writing to submit my annual leave request for the period [start date] to [end date].

In the period I plan to [reason for leave], and assure you of a full accountability of my responsibilities handed over my colleague [colleague]’s name.

If necessary, you can contact me using [contact details]. Your knowledge and consent of this request is much appreciated.

I appreciate your immediate response to this issue.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

In general, this template is a structure to a balanced and polite annual leave application. Adapt it to your unique circumstances while keeping a seriously thankful tone throughout.

Annual Leave Request Letter Template

Writing a precise and structured holiday letter is essential for prompt approval of vacation. Let’s explore a helpful template:

Dear [Supervisor’s Name],

I am writing to formally submit my annual leave request. As an [Your Job] in the [Your Department], I wish to have authorization for [X] leave days starting on from [Start Date] to [closing date].

In my absence, I have delegated to [Colleague’s Name] the duties that had fallen upon me. This guarantee flows smoothly as the project ceases workflow. I assure you of proper control while in my absence.

I have calculated my leave balance used to date and this corresponds with the annual credit remainder available. Also, I am sure that this will not affect our operations in the team.

Thank you for considering my request. I am convinced this would not affect the team negatively, and also promise a smooth ground before during as well after my leave.

If any other information is needed, please approach me on [Your Contact Details]

[Your Full Name]

[and Your department]

Remember to personalize the template with your specific details, maintaining professionalism and clarity throughout.

Annual Leave Request Email Example

Subject: Annual Leave Request

Dear Mr. Johnson,

I hope you’re doing well. Please authorize my annual leave from June 1st to the 21st of June. The reason for this holiday is spending more time with my family; I need a basic break and Rest to gain strength.

In this period, I have liaised with Sarah and she will manage the aspects of my daily routine that are in need of her attention.

All pending work needs have been addressed and I have written a document describing current projects. This guarantees a seamless transfer which results in minimal disturbances to our work pattern.

I double-checked to make sure that my annual leave request is consistent with the balance of remaining allowances. Also, for any important issues taking place while I am away, you may contact me via my personal email [John Smith’s Email].

I value your comprehension and swift attention to my appeal.

Annual leave request letter Example

Dear Mr. Davis,

I trust this message finds you well. I’m writing to formally request my annual leave.

I plan to take a break from June 1st to June 15th to recharge. To ensure a smooth transition during my absence, I’ve coordinated with Mr. Andrew, who will manage my responsibilities.

I’ve organized my workload to complete pending tasks, aligning with my available annual leave balance and company policies.

In case of any urgent matters, feel free to reach me at [Emily’s Phone]. I appreciate your understanding and swift consideration of my request.

Emily Johnson

Sales Associate

Sales Department

15 May 2024

In conclusion, learning how to write good annual leave request is essential for a smooth process. Thus, as you develop your request ensure that you are clear and specify the dates of your leave and whether an alternative arrangement was made for your duties.

Writing a structured annual leave request helps to prevent disruptions in the normal work routine. Indeed, it undoubtedly speaks for professionalism and respect towards your team members.

Furthermore, knowing your company’s rules and what leave you have left over is important. So, this assures that your request for annual leave complements the set rules.

In addition, provide solutions for the time you will be away throughout. Either in recommending a fellow to take on your tasks or stating what you intend to finish before your annual departure, proactive communication reinforces your leave request.

Finally, thank them for giving your request a consideration. A pleasant and thankful tone helps to sway the decision-making process. Therefore, the best-made annual leave request proves your responsible attitude towards keeping workflow in balance while you are away.

Need more details about annual leave request? Reach out to Pittant . email us at [email protected] for assistance. Connect with our representatives for any inquiries!

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  • How to Write a Leave Application Letter [+5 Letter Samples]


The need to write a leave application letter could arise for a number of reasons . So your son is ill and you need to stay home to take care of him. Would management even let you go? How do you get this drafted? It’s not like anybody is allowed to just travel right? 

The truth is, at some point during your employment, you may need to request a leave of absence. This could be for a variety of reasons ranging from personal or family health problems, the birth and/or adoption of a child, to rest from excessive job stress. It could also be the loss of a loved one or the pursuit of a hobby or a desire to travel. A leave of absence in your case is not a luxury, but a necessity.

What is a Leave Application Letter? 

A leave application letter is a letter written to apply for a leave of absence from the office for a certain period.

The concept of a leave application centers around a formal way of asking for a break/leave of absence from work for a specified time period.

A person writes leave application letter they’re unable to perform their duties for a stipulated period of time.

Types of Leave Applications 

  • Sick Leave  

Sick leave is basically a leave of absence due to an illness. Sick leave is granted under a number of scenarios; for personal physical or mental illness, the care of a sick child, spouse, parent, or parent of a spouse, regular health checks, and/or to address the physical, psychological, and legal effects of domestic abuse. 

At the moment, there are no federal legal requirements for paid sick leave. For companies subject to the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), the Act does require unpaid sick leave. The U.S. government ensures that federal employees get 13 paid sick days a year.

  • Study Leave 

Study leave is basically a leave of absence from work granted in order to allow a person time to study or carry out research. In the case of a school pupil, it allows them to study at home, usually in order to prepare for examinations.

According to the labor laws in the US, Study Leave with or without pay is a matter for arrangement entirely between the employer and the employee. By law, the maximum length of study leave granted in the same employer’s service is two years. 

  • Sabbatical 

By definition, a Sabbatical leave is a period in which a person does not report to his regular job but who remains employed with that company. Also commonly referred to as ‘career break’ or ‘adult gap year’, It is a period away from work, agreed with your employer.

The truth is, there are no laws that cover taking a career break or sabbatical; as such employees have no statutory right to take leave. A sabbatical will in most cases be an authorized, unpaid leave of absence.

  • Maternity/Paternity Leave

Maternity leave is basically a period of absence from work that is granted to a mother before and after the birth of her child. The US government doesn’t guarantee for paid maternity leave, employers may, however, provide paid leave if they choose. If you have worked at a company for at least a year, you are entitled by federal law to take up to 12 weeks of unpaid maternity leave.

Paternity leave is a period of time that the father of a new baby is allowed away from work. Usually, a company provides up to eight weeks of paid paternity leave. When a man takes time off because his partner is having a baby, adopting a child or having a baby through a surrogacy arrangement he might be eligible for: 1 or 2 weeks’ paid paternity leave, paternity pay and/or shared parental leave and pay.

  • Vacation/Holiday Request Letter 

Vacation leave is ideally available to all eligible employees for the purpose of rest, relaxation, and to attend to personal affairs. It is strikingly similar to annual leave which is paid time off work granted by employers to employees. Although not stipulated by law, many employers nonetheless offer paid vacation, typically around 10 workdays, to attract employees.

  • Emergency Leave Application 

Emergency leave is necessary to cater to unforeseen circumstances such as the death of a loved one/family member. A funeral leave, which is leave of absence with pay, must not exceed three days and can be granted for absence from work. You qualify for an emergency leave if; there is a verified death, a life-threatening condition due to an accident, illness, or major surgery, or to visit a terminally ill person in the immediate family.

5 Top Leave Letter Format

Sick leave letter format.

The Manager,

(Insert company name)

Subject: Leave Application due (Insert illness)

Dear Sir/ma’am,

Respectfully, it is to inform you that I am suffering from (Xyz’s illness). I am an employee of your firm for the past (x years). I recently have been diagnosed with a (insert illness). Due to this sudden illness, it would not be possible for me to make an appearance at the office for a month. 

This critical condition has deteriorated my health a lot. I cannot eat properly and have a really bad body rash. It is impossible for me to concentrate on anything. I can attest to have been a dedicated employee and did not take any additional leave from work ever. 

The employee regularity record would serve as evidence of this claim. I would be able to come back after my complete recovery and serve your firm again with the same vigilant and attentive inclination. I hope you take my plea into consideration and allow me a leave of absence for a month. I shall remain indebted to you for this kindness.

Yours Truly,

(Insert name),

(Insert date)

Study Leave Letter Sample

The Manager (Authority name),

Institute Name…

Institute Address…

Sub: Leave Application for Further Study

Dear Sir/Ma’am,

The Higher Education Commission, (Country name) has recently offered a free six-month study program (Another country name) for the candidates fulfilling the criteria. For government and private servants, it is a prerequisite to get approval from the relevant authority. 

Sir/Ma’am, I fulfill the criteria of this study program. I believe it is a once in a lifetime opportunity for me to fulfill my dream of studying abroad.

I am committed to continuing my services to the department after receiving higher education in (Country name). I shall be indebted to you for approving my leave application for the study program.

Thanking you in anticipation.

Yours faithfully,

Job Designation…

Contact no…

Sabbatical Leave Letter Sample

Dear [Recipient Name],

My name is [insert name] and I have been working in the ICT department for the past decade. I have recently found myself stuck in a loop, doing the same things over and over again. My learning process stopped and I haven’t improved for a while now.

Feeling the need for self-development, I would like to request for an extended leave, sabbatical, in order to continue my studies and earn another degree. 

I am committed to [company name] and I am happy to work here. I am planning to resume my work at [company name] once I earn my degree, by then, I will be more knowledgeable, motivated, experienced, and more committed.

I do believe that this move is beneficial for both me and the organization. I plan to enroll in late September. The program will take no longer than nine months, so I should be back by May. I have briefed the head of the department and he assured me that coverage is available and that workflow will not be affected much.

I kindly ask you to consider my request and I am hopeful that will approve it. Attached to this letter are the program acceptance letter and other related documents for your reference.

Thank you very much.

Best Regards

(Insert name)

Maternity Leave Application Letter

Subject: Application for Maternity Leave

Dear Mr./Mrs. {Recipient’s Name},

I write to inform you of my intention to take the allotted {Number of weeks} of maternity leave available to me. I hope to start my maternity leave on {Starting date} and return to the office by {Tentative joining date}, barring any unforeseen issues regarding my pregnancy and delivery arise.

If my plans change for any reason, I will let you know as soon as possible. A letter from my doctor confirming the relevant details have been attached to this letter.

Please do well to contact me if you need any additional information.

Yours Sincerely,

{Your Name}

Annual Vacation Request Letter  

Subject: Annual Leave Application

Dear Mr./Ms. {Recipient’s Name},

I write to inform you that I will be traveling with my family for a period of one month, between {start date} and {end date}. Due to the fact that my entire quota of annual leave sanctioned by the company is pending, I request you to adjust my leaves accordingly.

Following my earlier discussion with my team lead, I have requested my colleague, Mr./ Ms. {enter name} to take over my project while I am on leave. I have already handed over all material regarding the project to him/ her, and expect there to be no exigencies in my absence.

Due to the nature of my travel plans, I may not be available to take phone calls. I request you to address any urgent work-related matters to my email address {enter email ID}.

I will be grateful for a positive reply to my leave request.

Thanks and regards,

How Employers & HRs Can Receive Leave Application Requests

With online forms, Formplus provides a flexible way to store your received data in the cloud storage of choice. You also have the option to opt-out of storing your data on our servers

With unlimited file uploads , users can submit online forms without any restriction to the size or number of files that can be uploaded, Formplus is a great tool to manage employee data. 

Form analytics and reports also give you an insight into an overview of the data submitted to your form.

 Top Leave Application Template for HR and Employers

  • Maternity Leave Application Form 

This online maternity leave application form is for a pregnant employee intending to apply for maternity leave as the delivery period nears. This request will help you plan ahead and help solve challenges that may arrive as a result of an employee leave which might be up to 6 months, depending on the labor laws in your country. 

  • Paternity Leave Application 

Form Formplus’ online paternity leave application form allows your employees to apply for paternity leave when expecting a baby. That is if the labor laws grant prospective Fathers paternity leave when expecting a child with their partners.

  • Sick Leave Form

This sickness notification form template allows your employees to formally notify you of their illness and unavailability to work. With this form, you can track all sick notifications from employees.

  • Travel Request Form 

With the online travel request form template, you can let your prospective customers, employees or ward request for a travel package for business trips, holidays, honeymoons, pilgrimage, etc. This travel request template is perfect for travel agencies, employers and tour consultants.

On the whole, a leave application letter should contain a valid reason for your leave application, which should convince the employer and make him grant you leave. 

If you are having a reasonable enough claim for leave application then your request will not be declined without any justification, particularly, when it is due to some personal reasons, could be an illness, urgent piece of work or for visiting sick parents, etc

Most importantly, the leave application should not sound friendly or casual; rather it must be formal and professionally-written.


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  • Annual Leave Letter

Last Updated On February 25, 2020 By Letter Writing Leave a Comment

Annual leave is given to an employee once a year where they utilize their paid lave accrued over time to request for a long leave. Annual leave is calculated in addition to sick leave, maternity leave, paternity leave, national holidays, and casual leave. The annual leave request is written to the employer or the higher authority in the institution you are affiliated with. Such a letter can be written to take time off to go on a vacation, spend time with family or personal commitments.

An annual leave letter is important for documentation of the accrued leave days remaining after the request is approved. It is a formal document to notify the relevant parties of your absence from the office and when you are returning. It is also used as a reference to make changes in the work schedule and delegation of work among the staff. This letter is also used to distribute leave days to all workers evenly to ensure fairness.

Tips for writing an annual leave letter

  • Read through the annual leave policy before submitting an application
  • Submit your request early enough
  • Use polite and professional language
  • Ensure that the content is formal
  • Enclose a leave application form if possible
  • Mention somebody to cover your post in your absence
  • Keep it short and straight to the point

Annual Leave Letter Templates

Is it too long since you took a break from work? Here is an annual leave letter template that you can customize to draft a professional leave request. Free sample letters are also available below.


Date (date on which letter is written)



Dear _________________,

With regard to my accrued ____________days’ of annual leave, I wish to submit my request for  leave of absence to utilize these days. I wish to take this leave to spend with ____________ back home in ____________ since I have not visited them for ____________ since I joined organization. I am hoping to start my leave on ____________ and resume my duties on ____________.

Since my workload will have lightened by ____________ I don’t oversee any problems with my work while I will be away. I recommend ____________ to assume my duties in my absence and handle clients’ proposal. We have ____________ in our department and I will train her on normal office workings before I leave.

I will not be available on phone and I propose that you address my email ____________ about work matters. I have sent the leave application form to ____________ department and I herewith enclose a copy for your reference. 

Given my impeccable record with your organization, I hope that you will approve my leave of absence.

Your Sincerely,


__________________ __________________

Date (Date on which letter is written)


Dear ____________,

I would like to officially inform you regarding my absence from office for _________ weeks. I would be going to __________ in order to avail my annual leave allowance provided by the company. I am moving on ___________ and returning on ____________.

In the meantime, my projects will be taken care of by ___________ in my absence which will be submitting the weekly reports to you on regular intervals. I am always available on my phone if you need to contact me.

I hope you will consider my request and grant me leaves for the above-mentioned dates.

Thanking you,

Yours sincerely,


Annual Leave Letter Samples

If you need a rest after a busy year and have no idea how to request for leave, we help you write a formal and polite leave request with our free sample annual leave letter that will earn you an approval.

Zachery Downs,

505 Shady Ave.

Gwynn Oak, MD 21207

United States

Date:____________ (Date on which letter is written)

Terrance Ho,

39 Oxford Road

Providence, RI 02904 

Sub; Application for annual leave

Dear Mr. Ho,

I hereby write to inform you that I have sixty days of accumulated annual leave and I wish to utilize them. I wish to request for annual leave to spend with my parents back home in Australia. I have not been in a position to visit them since I joined the company two years ago. My proposed dates for the leave are to start on 12 th December 2019 to resume work on 13 th February 2020.

Since it is the end of the year, my work schedule has lightened and I have requested Sybil Barret to step in for me while I am away. We also have an intern in our department who will help with the extra workload. I will not be in a position to take phone calls and I prefer you address work matters to my email [email protected] .

I hope for a positive response to my request.

Yours Truly,

Zachery Downs

Edward Florence Project Manager ABC Associates Atlanta

Mr. David Hilton Senior Hr Manager ABC Associates

Sub: Annual leave application

Dear Mr. Hilton,

This is to bring to your kind attention that I have planned a family trip to Vancouver to avail of my annual leave allowance. I would be absent from the office for one month. You can check my records also that I have not taken a single day leave in the whole year. I would be leaving on 1st September and returning on 29th September.

In my absence, Mr. Henry would be working on my projects, and if needs any clarification, he can contact me via mail or phone. I will extend my help to him.

Yours sincerely

Edward Florence

Annual Leave Letter Email Formats

It is time to catch a breath after a tough and tight year. Here is how to write a convincing email to your boss with the guidance of our annual leave letter in an email format that your employer will approve.

Dear Ms. Young,

I hereby write to request for a leave to handle a court matter regarding a family property back home in London. I wish to avail of my annual leave for this purpose. I apply for thirty days’ leave starting from 16 th March 2019 to 14 th April 2019.

My entire quota of annual leave sanctioned by the company is pending. Kindly adjust my leave days accordingly. I have forwarded my leave application form to the human resource department and attached a copy herewith for your reference. I hope to be back to work on 14 th April 2019. 

While I am away, I recommend Nathanael Silva to assume my duties and respond to my work emails. I will ensure that my work will not be left behind because of my absence. Moreover, I do not oversee any problems arising with my work while I am away. Since I may not be able to respond to work phone calls, please address any work-related matter to my email [email protected] .

I hope that you will sanction my request for annual leave.

Thank you in advance.

Best wishes,

Dear Mr. Peter Nicholas,

I am writing this letter to inform you that I require a long term leave, and I wish to avail my full annual leave allowance, as I have my full annual leave allowance. I may take leave for one month as I am planning for a national tour with my family.

I have assigned my present work to Mr. David. He knows well about my work, and he can handle it without any problems, as the only the final part is left to be completed by him.

I will return to the office on 2nd April 2001. If there happen to be any changes in my plan or if I want to attend the office earlier or later than the mentioned date, I will inform you well in advance. Thanks for considering my request.

Thanking You,

Yours Sincerely,


Lewis K. Buckman 3997 Pickens Way Longview, TX 75604

Every employee is entitled to annual leave and it is recommended to submit a request for leave when you need it. Annual leave is longer than other kinds of leave so it is crucial to be specific about all details like when you are leaving, the day of returning, and a genuine reason for the leave request. Keep the content formal and use polite language.

Megha Kothari

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annual leave application letter

Annual Leave Application Letter

Dear [Manager's Name],

I am writing to request [number of days] days of annual leave starting from [start date] to [end date]. I have completed my work assignments and made arrangements for my colleagues to cover my responsibilities during my absence.

I have been working diligently for the past [number of months/years] and feel that it is time for me to take a break to recharge and rejuvenate. I believe that taking this annual leave will enable me to come back to work refreshed and with renewed vigor, which will enable me to be more productive and efficient.

I have attached a leave request form with this letter, which outlines the dates of my requested leave and the reasons for my absence. Please let me know if there is any additional information that you require.

Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

[Your Name]

annual leave application letter

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12 Leave Letters For Work (With Examples)

annual leave application letter

When you need time away from work for any reason, you will need to provide your employer with a formal leave letter. A leave letter informs your employer of your absence from work and provides details of your expected return. Depending on your particular situation, you may need to write an annual leave letter, a maternity leave letter, a paternity leave letter, a sick leave letter, or a study leave letter. Whatever your reasons for needing time away from work, it is important to know how to write a leave letter that is professional, clear, and concise. In this article, we will provide you with templates and examples of different kinds of leave letters to help you get started.

Leave letter for being unwell

Dear [Name of manager],

I am writing to inform you that I am unwell and will need to take a day off from work. I am feeling very weak and have been experiencing mild fever and body ache. I am not in a position to come to work today, and I apologize for the inconvenience this may cause.

I am taking the necessary precautions as suggested by my doctor and will be back to work in full health as soon as possible.

[Optional] I have also requested my doctor to provide a sick note for the same, which I will submit to you as soon as I receive it.

Thank you for your understanding.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

Leave letter for a family event

I am writing to request a day off from work on [date]. I am planning to use this day to attend a family event that has been planned for some time. It is very important to me to take part in this event and I am confident that I am able to make up the hours missed by working additional hours over the next week.

I am aware of the workload that needs to be completed and I am confident that my absence will not negatively affect the progress of our projects.

[Optional] I am also aware that I must provide proof of the event, and so I am including a copy of the invitation.

Thank you for considering my request. I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Leave letter for a doctor’s appointment

I am writing to request a day off from work on [date]. I have scheduled a doctor’s appointment for a medical issue that I have been having for some time. It’s necessary that I now visit the doctor to have it looked at.

I am confident that I can make up the hours missed by working additional hours over the next week. I am also aware of the workload that needs to be completed and I am confident that my absence will not negatively affect the progress of our projects.

Letter Letter for attending a volunteer event

I am writing to request a day off from work on [date]. I am planning to use this day to take part in a [volunteer event]. I feel it is important to give back to the community and I believe that this event will be a great opportunity to do so.

Leave letter for a surgery

Dear [Name of Manager],

I am writing to inform you that I am requesting a leave of absence from work for the next two weeks. I am having surgery for a medical condition and need to take the necessary time to recover.

I am hoping to return to work by [date]. Thank you for your understanding, and I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Sincerely, [Your Name]

Leave letter for a family trip

Dear [Name of Manager], I am writing to inform you that I am requesting a leave of absence from work for the next two weeks. I am going on a family trip to [location] and need to attend. I will to return to work by [date].

Thank you for your understanding, and I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Leave letter to complete a professional course

I am writing to inform you that I am requesting a leave of absence from work for the next two weeks. I am taking a course to further my professional development and need to attend the classes. I am hoping to return to work by [date].

Thank you for your understanding, and I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. I am confident that the course will help me do better at my role once I’m back.

Leave letter for a vacation

I am writing to inform you that I am requesting a leave of absence from work for the next two weeks. I am taking a much needed vacation and need to take the time to relax and rejuvenate.

I will return to work by [date]. Thank you for your understanding, and I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Sincerely, [Your Name]

Leave letter for the death of a relative

I am writing to inform you that I am requesting a leave of absence from work for the next two weeks. I am attending a funeral for a relative and need to travel out of town to attend.

I am hoping to return to work by [date]. Thank you for your understanding, and I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Leave letter for visiting a government office

I am writing to inform you that I will need to take a day off from work on [date] in order to visit a government office. The purpose of my visit is to [explain details of why you need to visit the government office]. I understand that this leave is short notice and apologize for any inconvenience.

I will try to be available on phone while I’m away.

Thank you for your understanding and support.

Leave letter for maternity leave

I am writing to inform you that I will be taking maternity leave from [start date] to [end date].

I have been with the company for [length of time] and I am excited to start this new chapter of my life as a mother. I am grateful to be able to take this time off to spend with my new baby and family. I am confident that I will be able to return to work on [end date] and I am committed to providing the same high quality of work that I always have.

My team will be in good hands while I am away and I will be available to answer any questions via email or telephone. I am looking forward to coming back to work and continuing to contribute to the success of the company.

Sincerely, [Your name]

Leave letter for paternity leave

I am writing to inform you of my intention to take paternity leave from [start date] to [end date].

I am expecting a child and am looking forward to welcoming my new addition to the family. I am grateful for the paternity leave policy that the company offers, and I am taking advantage of it to spend time with my family.

I am confident that all of my work will be completed before I leave, and I will remain available to answer any questions that may arise. I am happy to provide more information or provide assistance with any tasks that may be needed while I’m away.

Leave letter for the death of a pet

I am writing to inform you that I will be taking a few days of leave from work to grieve the death of my pet, [name of pet]. I was very attached to [name of pet], and I need some time to process and come to terms with her passing.

I hope you can understand the importance of this time for me and that you can grant me this leave.

Leave letter to take care of a sick family member

Dear [name of manager],

I am writing to inform you that I need to take a leave of absence from work in order to take care of my [relation]. My [relation] has recently been diagnosed with [illness], and I need to take some time away from work to provide them with care and support.

I understand that this may cause some disruption for the team, and I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. I am hoping to return to work by [date].

However, this may be subject to change depending on the situation. I will keep you updated on any changes and provide any information that you may need. Thank you for your understanding.


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Annual leave application is a common occurrence in any business or organisation. Whether planning a holiday, addressing personal matters, or simply needing some rest, it’s important to know how to craft an effective leave application letter to seek time off work professionally. 

This all-inclusive article will help you draft an ideal leave application letter, outlining its format, examples and essential tips.

Understanding Annual Leave

It is often known as vacation leave, a benefit employers provide that allows employees to take time off from work for personal, recreational, or family reasons. Writing an effective annual leave application is important when taking time off work.

Annual Leave Application Letter Format

Your annual leave application letter should be concise, clear, and professional. Here’s a format to follow:

1. Date and Contact Information

Start with the date at the top left corner of the letter. Below it, include your contact information: your full name, job title, employee ID (if applicable), and your department.

2. Employer’s Contact Information

Skip a line and then include the contact information of your employer or HR department, including the recipient’s name, company name, address, and contact number.

3. Salutation

Address your employer or HR representative by their name (e.g., “Dear Mr. Smith” or “Dear [HR Manager’s Name]”).

4. Subject Line (Optional)

Include a brief subject line that highlights the purpose of your letter, e.g., “Annual Leave Request.”

5. Opening Paragraph

Begin with a polite and concise opening statement. State the purpose of your letter: to request annual leave for a specified duration.

6. Main Body

In this section, provide essential details:

  • The specific dates of your intended leave.
  • Mention if you’ve made any prior arrangements to ensure workflow continuity during your absence.
  • Highlight the reason for your leave, if necessary.

7. Closing Paragraph

Express your gratitude for considering your request and mention your willingness to discuss further details if required.

8. Complimentary Close

Use a professional closing, such as “Sincerely” or “Yours faithfully.”

9. Signature

Leave space for your handwritten signature above your typed name. If sending the application via email, a digital signature will suffice.

Tips for an Effective Annual Leave Application Letter

Crafting a persuasive annual leave application is crucial for work-life balance . This brief guide offers important information to help you write a convincing letter for your time off.

  • Plan: Request leave well in advance, especially for peak vacation periods.
  • Be Clear and Concise: Write it, indicate the expected dates for your absence, and specify why you are going on leave.
  • Check Company Policies: Look at your company’s leave entitlement scheme to see how annual leave is granted.
  • Provide Adequate Notice: Be sure to submit your application in good time to enable your employer to prepare for your absence.
  • Offer Solutions: Suggest solutions or arrangements to ensure minimal disruption during your leave.
  • Follow-Up: Once you have submitted your request, check in with your supervisor/HR department to verify that it has been received and processed.

Annual Leave Application Format and Samples

Discover practical and user-friendly annual leave application samples to assist you in crafting your leave request with professionalism and ease.

Sample 1: For Vacation Leave

A vacation annual leave application is a formal written request submitted by an employee to their employer, seeking permission to take time off from work specifically for a planned vacation. 

It serves as a means of communication and documentation between the employee and the employer to ensure that the leave is well-managed and approved according to company policies.

Annual Leave Application Format for Vacation Leave

Here is a sample example of annual leave application for vacation:

Annual Leave Application Example for Vacation Leave

Sample 2: For Personal Reason

A personal reason annual leave application is a formal written request made by an employee to their employer, seeking permission to take time off from work for reasons unrelated to vacation or specific events like bereavement or medical leave. 

These personal reasons can vary widely, including attending to family matters, personal appointments, or handling urgent personal affairs. It allows employees to balance their work responsibilities with important personal obligations.

Annual Leave Application Format for Personal Reason

Annual Leave Application Sample for Personal Reason

It’s important to have a correctly written request for an annual leave. Whether it is vacation or any other reason, you need to follow the right format and offer helpful information so that your request is considered professionally and timely. Try planning, communicating clearly, and offering solutions to help smooth this process.

FAQs on Annual Leave Application Letter

Q1. what is an annual leave application letter.

An annual leave Application Letter is a formal request for a worker who may want to take breaks from their job, probably due to holidays or any personal matter that requires his physical presence.

Q2. How Should I Format an Annual Leave Application Letter?

The sender’s address, the date, and the recipient’s details are necessary. Have a subject line; use a transparent opening paragraph; have tips in the main body; be grateful in the closing paragraph; close professionally and sign.

Q3. Is There a Specific Format for an Annual Leave Application Form?

The format may change, but an annual leave application form usually comprises personal details, leave beginning and end date, purpose of leave and supervisor’s consent.

Q4. How Do I Write an Effective Annual Leave Application Letter?

When writing a leave approval letter, specify the leave dates and reasons, give recommendations for ensuring smooth processes while you are away, and always adhere to company rules.

Q5. What’s the Importance of Using the Right Annual Leave Application Format?

Doing so converts a request into a clear, properly structured proposition that is easier to grasp for the employer and likely to result in the granting of leave as soon as possible.

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Home » Letters » Request Letters » Request Letter for Annual Leave – Sample Letter to HR Regarding Annual Leave

letter requesting for annual leave, sample letter to company for annual leave vacation, annual leave request letter

Request Letter for Annual Leave – Sample Letter to HR Regarding Annual Leave

To, The Human Resource Manager, __________ (Company Name), __________ (Address)

Date:__/__/____ (Date)

Subject: Request for annual leave

Respected Sir/Madam,

With utmost respect, I would inform you that my name is __________ (Name) and I have been working in your company i.e. __________ (Company Name) for last __________ (Months/ Years). My employee ID is __________ (Employee ID) and I work as __________ (Designation) of ___________ (Department).

I am writing this letter to you in order to request you for issuance of annual leave beginning from __/__/____ (Date) till __/__/____ (Date) for _______ (Number of Days) days. Reason being ______________ (Personal Reason/ Health Issues/ Family Issues/ – etc) I will not be able to continue with my duties for the above-said days.

I request you to kindly look into the matter and sanction leave for the above-requested dates. I shall be highly served.

Thanking you, __________ (Signature) __________ (Name), __________ (Contact Number)

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  • All Purpose
  • Business Template
  • Welcome Letter from Company
  • Business Memorandum
  • Business Introduction
  • Business Meetings
  • Easter Egg Hunt
  • Death of Employee
  • Holiday Work Schedule
  • Job Opening
  • Announce New Clients
  • Announce New Employee
  • Announce Special Meeting
  • Announce a Layoff
  • Resignation of Company Executive
  • New Business Location and Address
  • Summer Employee Picnic
  • Change In Employee Benefits
  • Closure of Business Location
  • Retirement of Employees and Party
  • Monthly Birthday Party
  • An Added Location For The Company
  • A Year-End Bonus for Employees
  • Business Party
  • Training Session
  • Web Teleconference
  • For New Store/Company Location
  • General Cover Letter
  • CV Cover Letter
  • Cover Letter for Travel Agency Job
  • Cover Letter for Dental Job Application
  • Collection of Invoice Letter
  • Dental Office Requesting Payment
  • Inquiry Regarding Past Due Amount
  • Payment Reminder
  • Collection Letter Alternate
  • Credit Extension and Collection Letter
  • Payment Reminder from Company
  • Advise Customer/Debtor Late in Paying
  • Letter from Creditor/Collection Agency
  • Legal Action for Late Payment
  • From Creditor for Demanding Payment
  • Appointment
  • Lead Generation
  • Instant Sale Letter
  • Latest Products
  • Networking or Informational Interview
  • From Financial Planner to Client
  • Employee Referral Letter
  • For Employee
  • For Student
  • For Co-worker
  • Scholarship Letter
  • For Eagle Scout
  • Personal Reference
  • Letter of Character
  • Professional Capacity
  • For Business Contacts And Leads
  • For Business Gift
  • After Job Interview
  • For Interview Letter
  • Declining Job Offer
  • Personal Thank You
  • For Personal Gift
  • For Volunteering
  • For Tutoring Help
  • For Speaking At Event
  • After Dinner Party
  • Thank you After Internship
  • General Thank You Letter
  • For Teacher
  • For Church Visitors
  • Charitable Contribution
  • For Scholarship
  • For Memorial Donation
  • Business Meeting Minutes
  • Business Open House Invitation
  • Holiday Bonus Letter to Employees
  • Holiday Letter to Business Contacts
  • Work Hours Letter to Employees
  • Business Holiday Closing Schedule
  • Holiday Pay Rate Letter to Employees
  • Holiday Pay Schedule Letter
  • General Letter
  • Special Meeting
  • Announce A Layoff
  • Announcement of Training Session
  • Announcement of Web Teleconference
  • No Smoking Policy
  • Vacation Leave
  • Letter Granting Credit Terms
  • Letter Denying Credit Terms
  • Slow Payments Termination of Credit
  • Credit Information Letter
  • Explanation of Credit Terms
  • To New Board Member
  • To New Customer
  • To New Account Holder
  • To New Employee
  • From Creditor Demanding Payment
  • Letter Regarding Corporate Contract
  • Company's Intellectual Property
  • Set Lease for Company's Office Rental
  • Cancel Contract with Other Business
  • Venue Business Reserved
  • Order Placed by Business
  • Contract with Another Business
  • Reschedule Business Appointment
  • Vendor Complaint
  • For Poor Customer Relations
  • Tardiness Letter
  • On Probation Candidate Termination
  • General Intent
  • Construction
  • Purchase Business
  • Master's Program
  • Graduate School
  • Letter of Intent to Buy Property
  • Letter to Landlord of Intent
  • Notice of Intent to Rent Property
  • Termination of Lease Letter of Intent
  • Letter of Intent to Accept Job Offer
  • Intent Letter to Attend Medical School
  • College Admissions Letter of Intent
  • Legal Letter Stating Intent to Sue
  • Letter of Inquiry
  • Letter of Application
  • Pre-Interview or Pre-Screening
  • Interview Confirmation
  • Post-Interview Thank You
  • Job Offer Clarification
  • Job Offer Acceptance
  • Job Offer Declination
  • Cover Letter
  • Termination Letter Sample
  • Employee Poor Performance
  • Lease Termination Letter
  • Rental Agreement
  • Medical Treatment
  • Subscription
  • Response to Complaint Letter
  • Invoice Inquiry Letter Template
  • Financial Aid
  • Job Decision
  • Academic Suspension
  • Health Insurance
  • Credit Decision
  • Termination
  • Toy Drive Letter
  • Neighbor's Noise-Music
  • About Barking Dog
  • Company's Poor Product Quality
  • Company's Inadequate Service
  • About Problematic Co-worker
  • Manager's Questionable Behavior
  • Company's Low Quality Services
  • Vendor's Low-quality Service
  • Offensive or Lacking Content
  • City/Town Policy
  • Offensive Content on TV/Video
  • Errors on Credit Report
  • Error on a Bill
  • Unacceptable Decision
  • Product/Services Price Hike
  • Change in Company Benefits
  • Complain to Business
  • For Better Business Bureau
  • For FCC Template
  • Unfair Treatment
  • To Auto Mechanic
  • About Doctor
  • About Teacher
  • For Discrimination
  • Letter of Appreciation
  • Appraisal Letter
  • Accepting Job Letter
  • All Purpose Acceptance Letter
  • College Acceptance
  • Scholarship Acceptance
  • Acceptance of Invitation
  • Payment Arrangements by Creditor
  • Turning Down a Job Candidate Letter
  • Rejection of Credit
  • Employment Verification for Credit
  • Credit Collection Letters
  • Interview Acceptance
  • Interview Thank You
  • Acceptance of Job
  • Thank you Declining Job Offer
  • Rejecting Job Offer Letter
  • Job Application Letter
  • Unsatisfactory Service from Company
  • Substandard Product Quality
  • Apologize for Damaged Shipment
  • Forgetting About Appointment
  • Misunderstanding Between Friends
  • Late Payment, Business to Business
  • Late Payment, Person to Business
  • To Spouse/Other After Argument
  • For Individual Misbehavior
  • To Employees for Late Paychecks
  • From Student to School Staff
  • Company to Customer for Billing Error
  • For Backordered/Delayed Shipment
  • For Not Completing Work on Time
  • Parent Apologizing on Behalf of Child
  • To Family Member for Hurtful Behavior
  • Damaging Someone Else’s Property
  • Apology Letter for Late Shipment
  • Billing Error Apology Letter
  • Apology to A Doctor
  • Apology for Being Late
  • Apology for Missing Date
  • Apology for Stealing
  • Apology for Cheating
  • Apology to Customer for Bad Service
  • To A Friend for Not Paying A Debt
  • Apology for Drinking Too Much
  • Apology for Lying
  • Sunday School Teacher
  • Brother or Sister
  • To Customer
  • General Invitation
  • Guest Speaker Invitation
  • Conference Invitation
  • Family Reunion Invitation
  • Anniversary Party Invitation
  • Special Event Invitation
  • Invitation to Fundraiser
  • For Visiting Foreign Country
  • Visa Invitation for Business
  • Visa Invitation for Personal
  • Get Well Soon
  • Loss of Pet
  • Death in Family
  • Address Change
  • Broken Engagement
  • Baby Announcement
  • Class Reunion
  • Death of Pet
  • Death of Family Member
  • Milestone Anniversary
  • New Pet Announcement
  • Retirement Announcement
  • Moving Long Distance
  • Sample Love Letter
  • Letter to First Love
  • Young Child to Parent
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How to Write Leave Applications for the Office? [with Format & Samples]

Leave Application for Office

Taking some days off work is undeniably important because everyone needs to take leaves at several uncontrollable times. In fact, research shows that employees who make use of their annual leave tend to be 40% more productive. This is because they’re less prone to irritability, depression, forgetfulness, and fatigue than those who don’t take any time off. It just goes to show you that sometimes it pays off in terms of productivity when you give yourself some rest. In this blog, we’ll help you get your well-deserved time off work by showing you how to write a leave application for office that cannot be rejected.

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How to Write Leave Application for Office?

To ensure your leave application for office is written professionally and includes all the key information, follow these guides on how to write a leave application for office. Additionally, to learn how to communicate professionally in a corporate office, you can pursue a business communication skills course . 

1. Understand Your Organization’s Policy on Leave

It is important to review your company’s leave policy and rules carefully before planning a vacation or any other activity that requires taking time off. Understand your entitlement to various types of leaves offered by the company, including earned and casual leaves. Also, understand their eligibility criteria.

2. Add the Subject (Purpose) of the Application

This is where you state why you are submitting an application for leave. You should specify what type of leave it is, such as a vacation or sick day request.

Also Read: Application For Sick Leave

3. Include Salutation and Receiver’s Name

Here, include who the letter is addressed to, which could be your boss or a specific individual in the Human Resources team.

4. Mention Reason for Taking Leave

Explain in detail why you require this time off from work including events like medical appointments/treatment that require absence from the workplace etc. This way, your superior understands fully without leaving any doubt the reasons you’re requesting this time off.

5. Specify the Number of Leaves Needed

Employees should indicate the dates that they will need to be away from work. This includes both the start and end date of their leave period.

6. Include a Work Plan During the Absence

Employees can create a plan for their absence, outlining tasks to be completed before they leave. They should also provide detailed instructions on how to execute daily duties in case of emergency when not present at work and offer training and knowledge transfer to any substitutes during the period away from duty.

7. Add Contact Information

Employees must supply their up-to-date contact details in order to be reachable by co-workers during any emergency situation. To ensure minimal disruption or loss of productivity due to said absences, employees should remain available via phone/email if needed.

8. Use Polite and Professional Language

Express your request for leave in a respectful and professional way. Be sure to keep an appropriate tone throughout the conversation, using phrases such as “Please,” “Thank you” and other polite words that demonstrate respectfulness.

Ask politely rather than demanding support, being mindful of how decisions might affect both parties involved. Show appreciation if granted permission by expressing gratitude with statements like “I am very grateful” or “I would be most obliged”.

9. Conclude Professionally

End your leave application with a polite closing phrase such as ‘Warm Regards’, or ‘Yours Sincerely’, followed by your name. If you are sending a hard copy of the leave request make sure to sign it at its end for added authenticity.

10. Proofread Your Leave Application

Review your leave letter for any mistakes. It might be helpful to read it aloud as this can help pick out typos, grammar issues, and anything else that doesn’t sound quite right. Additionally, check that the dates you have specified in the document are correct and make sure all of the information is accurate before submitting it. Make adjustments where needed so that there are no errors in your application.

Also Read: Half Day Leave Application

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Sample Leave Application Format for Office

This is a sample format of a simple leave application for the office that works for different types of leave applications.

1. Sample for Annual Leave Application

Everyone deserves a break to recharge and rejuvenate. Use this sample annual leave application letter for office to request time off from work, to get your well-deserved vacation or personal time.

2. Sample Maternity Leave Application

If you’re going to have a baby soon, it is necessary for you to take some time off work. Here is a sample maternity leave application to inform your boss about your absence.

3. Emergency Leave Application Sample

Emergencies are usually unpredictable. An unexpected circumstance can arise at any time, requiring immediate time off from work. Here’s a sample emergency leave application for office to notify your employer about your urgent absence.

4. Sample Leave Application for Office for Personal Reason

If you wish to take a leave of absence from the office due to a personal reason you do not want to disclose, you can write an application in the following format.

5. Sample Medical Leave Application for Office

If you are suffering from an illness or sustained any injuries and are unable to work for some time, you can submit a medical leave application. Here is a format for the same:

6. Sample Three-Day Leave Application for Office

Here is how you can write a three-day leave application to attend a wedding:

You can check out more marriage leave application samples to write an application for different scenarios. 

When you need time away from work, it is essential to submit a well-crafted leave application for office. Make sure your request follows all guidelines given by the company and includes vital information such as why you are requesting time off, etc. Employ polite language in your letter and make certain that everything has been checked twice so there are no mistakes present.

Are you ready to write a professional leave application now? Share with us in the comments below some other scenarios where you can use the above-mentioned leave application samples. Read more on leave applications, get to know what is privilege leave to check if you have it as part of your benefits package.

If you are taking a leave due to an illness, injury, medical condition, medical emergency in a family, or childbirth, you should provide a medical certificate with your leave application.

You can address the leave application email to your manager by writing, “Hi [Manager’s Name], I am writing to request leave from [date] to [date] due to [reason]. I have completed most of my current tasks and have coordinated with [Colleague’s Name] for pending tasks. In case of an urgent matter that requires my attention, you can contact me at [email address]. Thank you for your understanding.

If you plan on taking a leave of absence, submit an application well in advance, four or five days before the decided date. If it is due to an emergency, try to inform your manager or supervisor as early as possible.

To draft a leave application for personal reasons write, “Dear [Manager’s Name], I am writing to request a leave of absence due to personal reasons. Please grant me a leave from [date] to [date]. Thank you for your understanding.

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Harshita is an English Literature graduate from the University of Delhi with 3 years of experience in Content Writing and Editing. Dedicated to her craft, she loves creating magic with words. She is a big fan of hoarding cute planners and journals and can be seen watching FRIENDS (almost EVERYTIME) in her spare time. Her meticulous attention to detail makes her stand out from the crowd. A typo epidemic is her worst nightmare!

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5 Steps to Write an Annual Leave Application Letter

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Annual Leave Application Letter

Working professionals are required to submit an online email to their respective employees when considering taking any type of leave. To write an annual leave application letter, you need to highlight the cause of your leave, the dates on which you will not be available, and other necessary details. The duration of annual leave is long and they are also at the same time paid. Are you also planning to take an annual leave and are struggling to write an annual leave application letter? If the answer is yes, then this blog will surely help you! 

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This Blog Includes:

What is an annual leave application letter , annual leave application sample  , format of the annual leave application letter, things to keep in mind while writing an annual application letter .

The leaves accrued by an employee over some time and used together for personal reasons like – travelling, attending a function, etc. is called annual leave. The annual leave is paid in nature and the employee reserves the right to use the leaves according to their will. However, before deciding to take annual leave it is generally advisable to go through the company’s policy and know the rules and regulations when it comes to annual leave. 

Must Read: Application for sick leave – format, and sample 

To write a good application letter it is very important to know its format. Therefore, make sure while writing an annual leave application letter you follow the following format: 

Date – It is the first thing you need to write while writing an application. The date is always written on the top left corner and remember it has to be of the day you are going to send the application to the concerned person. 

Receiver’s address- After the date, you need to write the address of the receiver. This is also written on the left-hand side of the application without leaving any space between the margin. In addition to the address you also need to write the name of the company. 

Subject line – The subject line has to be very concise, not more than 5-6  words which should summarise in a few words what the application is about. Also, make sure that you capitalize each word in the subject line leaving the joining words like – and, the, etc.

Salutation – The next thing is to greet the concerned person with the words – Respected, Dear, Hello, etc. which will depend on your rapport with your manager. Remember if your company asks you to address your manager by their first names then avoid using sir or madam. 

Introductory paragraph – The introductory paragraph should not be more than 3 lines. Make sure you mention details like your name and the position you are working at. Simply put, the introductory paragraph is all about telling basic details about yourself and the reason behind writing the application. 

The body – The middle paragraph or the body of the application should contain a few more specific details about your leave like the dates you will be taking a leave. Make sure you don’t write any unnecessary information. 

Concluding paragraph – The concluding paragraph of the application is all about humbly requesting your manager to grant you leave. Remember to always use a professional tone in order to avoid being rude. 

Sign off- After completing the application make sure you sign it off with words like – yours sincerely, yours faithfully, best or you can even use the word- cheers, following which you need to write your name and mobile number. Remember you should use informal words like cheers if you have a little informal bond with your manager. 

In order to write an effective annual application letter one should always keep in mind the following things:

1) First go through the policy of your company in regard to annual leave and then write the application accordingly.

2) The tone of the application should be such that you are asking for the permission of the manager instead of telling them about the leave.

3) Make sure you also speak in person about your leave with your manager and confirm whether the leave has been approved.

4) Don’t forget to keep a copy of the application for future reference.

5) Remember that while writing the application you shouldn’t expect beforehand that your leave will be surely approved as your boss reserves the right to deny your request if the working of the team is going to get affected due to your absence. 

Must Read: Casual leave application – Format and Examples

Must Read: Leave application format for school, college, or office

Ans: A formal leave application is a letter written in a professional and formal tone to inform the concerned authorities about the leave one is planning to take.

Ans: To write an application for annual leave one should keep the following points in mind- a) Avoid any unnecessary information and keep the application short. b) Always write in a professional and humble tone to avoid being rude.  c) Do not write more than 3 paragraphs and each paragraph should not be more than. d) Remember you don’t need to share personal information if you are not comfortable just stick to the specificity of the details.

Ans: Refer to the format for writing a formal leave application. The two things that you should always keep in mind are that firstly the application should be concise and second, always maintain a professional tone.

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Prachi Gupta

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Application for Annual Leave for Office (with Samples & PDFs)

I have listed sample templates to help you craft an effective and professional application for annual leave for office.

Also, I would like to point out that you can also download a PDF containing all the samples at the end of this post.

Application Requesting Allocation of Annual Leave from Office

First, find the sample template for application for annual leave for office below.

To, The Manager, [Company Name], [Company Address],

Subject: Application for Annual Leave

Respected Sir/Madam,

I, [Your Full Name], working in the position of [Your Position] at [Your Department], am writing this letter to formally request annual leave.

I wish to avail my annual leave from [Start Date] to [End Date], amounting to a total of [Number of Days] days. The reason for this leave is to attend to personal matters that require my immediate attention.

During my absence, I have arranged for [Colleague’s Name], [Colleague’s Position], to oversee my responsibilities so that the workflow is not affected in any way. I assure you that I will complete all the work assigned to me for the period before I leave, and I will also ensure a smooth transition of work to my colleague.

I hereby request you to kindly grant me leave for the requested period. I am hopeful for your understanding and positive response to my application. I will make sure to check my emails periodically for any urgent matters that may require my attention.

Thank you for considering my request.

Yours sincerely, [Your Full Name] [Your Position] [Your Employee ID] [Today’s Date]

Below I have listed 5 different sample applications for “application for annual leave for office” that you will certainly find useful for specific scenarios:

Application for Maternity Leave in Office

Application for Maternity Leave in Office

[Your Supervisor’s Name], [Your Position], [Your Department], [Your Company’s Name], [Company’s Address]

Subject: Application for Maternity Leave

I hope this letter finds you in the best of health and spirits. I am writing to officially inform you that I am expecting a child and, as per the Maternity Benefit Act 1961, I am entitled to take a maternity leave.

My doctor has confirmed the due date to be on [Expected Due Date], hence, I would like to start my maternity leave from [Start Date of Leave], which is approximately a month before my due date. I plan to return to work after [Number of Weeks] weeks, approximately around [Expected Date of Return], considering everything goes as planned and the health of both the child and myself are stable.

During my leave, [Name of a Colleague you Trust], has kindly agreed to take over my responsibilities and I trust that they will handle them with utmost diligence. I will ensure to provide them with all the necessary information and guidance before I go on leave to make the transition smooth and seamless. I am confident that my absence will not cause any disruption in the work process.

I kindly request you to forward this information to the Human Resources department so that all necessary arrangements can be made. I am also attaching the medical certificate confirming my pregnancy along with this letter for record purposes.

I appreciate your understanding and support in this matter. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any further information or clarification.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name] [Your Employee ID] [Your Contact Information]

Application for Office Leave for a Family Vacation

Application for Office Leave for a Family Vacation

Subject: Application for Leave for a Family Vacation

I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am writing this application to request your kind permission to grant me a leave of absence from [start date] to [end date]. The duration of the leave would be [number of days] days.

My family has planned a vacation during these dates. Since we live apart due to my work commitments, we don’t get much time to spend together. This vacation will allow us to reconnect and enjoy some quality family time, which is essential for our overall well-being.

I have allocated my responsibilities to my colleague, [colleague’s name], who will handle my duties in my absence. I have ensured that my absence will not affect the workflow or the productivity of our team.

I assure you that I will make up for any lost time by working extra hours before my leave starts and after I resume work. I will also be available on phone and email in case of any urgent requirements or emergencies.

I kindly request you to consider my application favorably. I am looking forward to your positive response.

Thank you in advance for your understanding.

Yours sincerely, [Your Name], [Your Position], [Your Department], [Your Employee ID].

Application for Leave due to Medical Treatment in Office

Application for Leave due to Medical Treatment in Office

To, [Recipient’s Name], [Recipient’s Position], [Company’s Name], [Company’s Address], [City, State, Zip Code],

Subject: Application for Leave due to Medical Treatment

Respected [Recipient’s Name],

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. My name is [Your Full Name], and I am employed in the [Your Department] department of our esteemed organization.

I am writing to inform you that I have been diagnosed with a medical condition that requires immediate and thorough treatment. As per the advice of my doctor, I will need to be hospitalized for a couple of days followed by a few days of rest at home.

In light of this situation, I am requesting a leave of absence for [Number of Days] starting from [Start Date] to [End Date]. My intention is to return to work on [Return Date], health permitting.

During my absence, I would be more than willing to delegate my tasks to a trusted colleague, or I could assist in finding a temporary replacement, if you deem that necessary.

I am attaching the medical certificate and other relevant documents provided by my doctor for your reference and record. I understand that my health situation may cause inconvenience, and I apologize for the same. I assure you that I will make every effort to ensure that my duties and responsibilities are taken care of during my absence.

Thank you for your understanding and support in this matter. I look forward to your positive response.

[Your Full Name] [Your Position] [Your Contact Information] [Date]

Application for Office Leave for Higher Studies

Application for Office Leave for Higher Studies

To, The Manager, [Company Name], [Company Address], [City, State, Zip Code],

Subject: Application for Office Leave for Pursuing Higher Studies

I, [Your Full Name], working as a [Your Position] in our esteemed organization since [Joining Date], am writing this letter to formally request a leave of absence for higher studies.

I have been accepted into a [Type of Program – e.g., Master’s, PhD, etc.] program in [Subject] at [University Name], which is scheduled to commence from [Start date of the Program]. The duration of this program is [Duration of the Program] and I anticipate needing a leave of absence for the same duration.

Pursuing this program will not only help me gain deeper knowledge and expertise in my field, but also it will allow me to contribute more significantly towards the growth of our organization in the future. I assure you that I will put my best efforts to complete all pending tasks and delegate my responsibilities to my colleagues before my departure.

I understand that my absence might cause some inconvenience, but I assure you that I will make every possible effort to ensure a smooth transition during this period. I am ready to assist in finding and training a temporary replacement or reallocating my tasks among the team, if necessary.

I kindly request you to consider my application and grant me leave from [Start Date of Leave] till [End Date of Leave]. I will be much obliged for your support and understanding in this regard.

Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to your positive response.

[Your Full Name] [Your Employee ID] [Your Contact Information] [Date]

Application for Bereavement Leave in Office

Application for Bereavement Leave in Office

[Recipient’s Name], [Recipient’s Position], [Company’s Name], [Company’s Address]

Sub: Application for Bereavement Leave

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to inform you about a tragic incident that occurred in my family. Regrettably, I have lost my [Relationship with the deceased] on [Date]. It is a profound loss for my family and me, and it requires my immediate and undivided attention.

In light of this unfortunate event, I kindly request you to grant me a bereavement leave for [number of days] starting from [Start Date] to [End Date]. This time will allow me to attend to the necessary arrangements, participate in the rituals and ceremonies, and provide support to my family during this difficult time.

I assure you that I have delegated my immediate responsibilities to [Colleague’s Name], who will ensure that the work proceeds smoothly during my absence. I also promise to compensate for any lost time upon my return to the office.

I understand that this sudden leave may cause some inconvenience, and I apologize for the same. I am grateful for your understanding and support during this difficult time.

[Your Name] [Your Position] [Your Contact Information]

How to Write Application for Annual Leave for Office

Some writing tips to help you craft a better application:

  • Start with a concise and polite salutation.
  • State the purpose of your application in the first sentence.
  • Specify the dates of your proposed leave clearly.
  • Give a brief reason for the leave, if comfortable.
  • If any work needs to be managed in your absence, mention a plan or suggest a colleague who can handle it.
  • Provide your contact information for any emergencies or queries during your leave.
  • Express your gratitude for considering your application.
  • End with a professional closing and your name.
  • Proofread for errors and clarity before sending.
  • Always keep a copy of the application for your records.

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I am sure you will get some insights from here on how to write “application for annual leave for office”. And to help further, you can also download all the above application samples as PDFs by clicking here .

And if you have any related queries, kindly feel free to let me know in the comments below.

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Leave Application Letters

Jobs come with their own employment benefits and perks. One of them is to avail leaves. But you do not get leaves just like that. Every company has its own leave policies and to avail them the employees must use formal ways to apply for the leave.

For this purpose, a leave application letter must be written. The process comes out to be easy, you write a leave application letter and submit it to the human resource department. They will forward it to the respective manager for approval or rejection.

With research and advancement in workplaces, the companies have very well-defined policies. The concept of verbal and unannounced leaves has been abolished.

Writing leave application letters can be more beneficial. Documentation is the core of any business/work. If it is not written or documented, it doesn’t even exist. For this reason, a written application will always be proof that you applied for the leave stating any reasons.

Writing a leave application is just not enough. A well-written leave application can result in the leave being accepted.

It is very important to write a very clear leave letter stating all the reasons for the leave. The application should include the dates for the leave period. This helps the employer to arrange for a cover in the absence.

The letter should be formal and maintain a very polite and requesting tone. Emergency contact details should also be mentioned in the letter.

It is a very good practice to attach supporting documents. This makes your leave decision stronger for the employer.

If you have arranged for any fellow employee to look after your responsibilities in your absence, that should be mentioned in the letter.

Leave application letters can be used for various circumstances such as sick leave, travel purposes, annual leaves, personal/carer’s leave, and compassionate leave. For all these leave types, it is best to apply for the leave in advance.

This will make you appear more professional. If the reason for the leave is related to health, it is best to attach the medical reports with it.

Transparency is very important and keeping the letter as clear as possible would be very helpful. Showing your plan to provide a cover and how your work will be handled in your absence increases the chances of the leave is approved.

Providing alternatives like working remotely and taking up any emails should also be a part of the leave.

Sample Leave Application Letters

Due to sickness.

leave application due to sickness

This is to inform you that I have been diagnosed with typhoid. My health condition does not allow me to attend the office and perform routine tasks. I have been advised by my doctor to take a rest for at least one week. I have attached my medical certificate and the doctor’s prescription as proof of my illness. Kindly grant me leave for one week starting on 13th July. I hope to recover fully during this time so that I can resume office activities as soon as possible.

I shall appreciate your kind consideration.

Family emergency

leave application due to family emergency

I regret to inform you that I shall not be able to attend office for the next 2 days due to a family emergency. Kindly grant me leave for the 26th and 27th of November. I have guided my assistant to reschedule all due appointments with our clients. I shall take care of all the pending work as soon as I return to work.

I shall be much obliged to you for approval of my leave application.

Accompany father at the hospital

leave application to accompany father at hospital

With due respect, it is stated that I need to accompany my father to the hospital tomorrow for his routine check-up. I, therefore, request you to grant me leave for one day, 4th May 2018.

I have already completed tomorrow’s due tasks. You may also contact me on my phone in case something urgent comes up.

I shall be much obliged to you for granting me the requested casual leave.

Hospital assistance

leave application for hospital assistance

I am working as an assistant accountant in the company. With immense grief, I want to inform you that my father is hospitalized due to a [REASON]. The doctor has suggested bed rest and until he gets discharged from the hospital, I must accompany him. I would like to apply for a three-day leave starting from 26.06.XX till 28.06.XX.

I have requested and guided Mark to cover for me in my absence. He is happy to take up my work. I can be contacted via email and call when needed. I can assure you to look after my pending work as I come back. I would be very grateful if you could approve my leave request.

Due to bad health condition

leave application due to bad health condition

With due respect, I want to mention that I have been working in the company as a [mention designation] for the last two years. I have always been a diligent workforce & for that purpose, you can check my record. I was feeling a real discomfort for the last week. Yesterday I paid a visit to my doctor & he told me that I am suffering from a bad stomach which has badly affected my gallbladder.

He further told me that I need a proper examination done followed by some blood tests. To follow the instructions of my doctor I need to take a break from the office work so that I can spare some proper time for my health. By keeping in view, the above-narrated situations, you are requested to grant me leave for a minimum of one week from [date] to [date].

I shall be utterly obliged if you consider my plea.

Due to bad weather

leave application due to bad weather

It is respectfully submitted that I come to the office from a great distance. I have learned about the forecasting of bad weather for the whole coming week from [date] to [date]. Unfortunately, the company didn’t provide me pick & drop due to many miles. I come on my own on daily basis via public transport which on normal days is manageable somehow but in such a rainy & stormy week I am afraid that I won’t be able to make sure of my regular presence in the office.

That is why I humbly request you to allow me to have off days when the weather is too averse to cover such a big deal of distance. I assure you that this rare absence in the coming week won’t affect my official targets to be completed on time. I shall be highly obliged for this act of kindness.

To attend sudden death

leave application to attend sudden death

It is requested that I have come to know the very sad news of my grandfather’s death in my hometown some time ago. I am in extreme grievance for the news.

I request you to kindly grant me leaves for about a week from [date] to [date] so that I may go to my family to console them & attend his funeral ceremony. I will appreciate this act of gentleness. Thanking you I remain.

To accompany a wife who’s on maternity leave

With much honor, it is stated that my wife is on her maternity leave & is only three weeks away from her delivery of our first child. This is the time when my wife & my child need me the most to take care of them in every possible way. Keeping in view my current situation I plea you to allow me to leave for at least three weeks from [date] to [date] until my child safely comes into the world as this is my right & obligation both at a time.

I knew that I will have to ask for these leaves which is why I have completed most of my tasks beforehand & have submitted them to the concerning authorities as well. During my absence, if you need any clarification or discussion to be made, I will be available on the video call to explain whatever the matter is. I will be highly indebted to you for this favor.

Annual leave request

leave application for annual leave

Most respectfully, I would like to apply for my annual leave. According to my work contract with you, I can go on annual leave for a period of 21 days. I believe this is the right time for me to avail of this leave since I have just completed my recent project and there are no more ongoing tasks now. I, therefore, request you to approve my application. I wish to start my leave period from Monday 5th April.

I would like to thank you in anticipation.

Family unforeseen situation

leave application for family unforeseen situation

With due honor, it is stated that suddenly, my family got trapped in some unforeseen problems. Being the sole wage earner, I must reach there as soon as possible. For that purpose, I appeal to you to kindly grant me leave for at least three days from [date] to [date].

I am on the lookout for your generous approval for this application. I hope that you will recognize the unusual situation & show your consent to leave. I shall be absolutely gratified abundantly.


  1. Annual Leave Letter

    annual leave application letter

  2. Annual Leave Application

    annual leave application letter

  3. Leave Application Letter Template for WORD

    annual leave application letter

  4. Application Leave Format for School, College and Office In English

    annual leave application letter

  5. How To Write An Annual Leave Application (with Template and Sample)

    annual leave application letter

  6. How to Write a Leave Letter [+29 Sample Letters for Work & School]

    annual leave application letter


  1. leave letter for sick / sick leave application/ leave application for headache/ #leaveapplication

  2. Leave Application

  3. Pongal leave application// leave letter for Pongal holidays in English// how to write leave letter

  4. Application For Leave For Company/Office Staff || Sick Leave Application For Office/Company Staff

  5. Application for leave || Sick leave application || Letter writing for exam || How to write letter

  6. sick leave application letter #sorts #shortvideo


  1. Annual Leave Letter: Definition, How To Write and Example

    Here are some frequently asked questions about annual leave letters: What are some tips for writing an annual leave letter? Here are some tips for writing an annual leave letter: Keep the letter short and concise. Include a leave application form if your company has one. Make sure the content is formal and not too personal.

  2. 7 Examples of Annual Leave Application Letters to Make Your Request

    Basic types of annual leave letters Samples. Sample 1: Dear [Manager's Name], I am writing to request annual leave for [number of days] days, starting from [start date] and ending on [end date]. I have completed all my current projects and tasks, and have made arrangements for my work to be covered in my absence.

  3. Annual Leave Email/Letter for Office: How to write and Template

    How to write an annual leave letter/email. Creating a convincing annual leave request will ensure that your absence is effectively managed. Here is a concise guide: Introduction: Start off with a beautiful greeting, for instance; "Dear [Mr./Mrs.] [Recipient]". Clearly name your position and department.

  4. How To Write An Annual Leave Application

    Learn how to write a formal letter requesting time off work for your annual leave. Find out what to include, how to format, and see a sample and template.

  5. How to Write a Leave Application Letter [+5 Letter Samples]

    Learn how to write a leave application letter for different types of leave, such as sick, study, sabbatical, maternity, paternity, vacation, and emergency. See sample letters and tips for each type of leave.

  6. Annual Leave Letter

    Learn how to write a professional and polite annual leave letter to your employer or higher authority. Find free sample letters, templates and email formats for different purposes and situations.

  7. How To Write a Leave Application at an Office (With Example)

    Leave application example Use this leave application letter sample to guide you in writing your own: Dear Ms. Stevenson, I am writing this letter a few months in advance to request paternity leave as my partner and I are adopting a child, and we would like to spend time together to help our daughter adjust to life at home. I would like to take 30 days of paternity leave, starting Monday, June ...

  8. Annual Leave Application Letter

    Annual Leave Application Letter. Dear [Manager's Name], I am writing to request [number of days] days of annual leave starting from [start date] to [end date]. I have completed my work assignments and made arrangements for my colleagues to cover my responsibilities during my absence. I have been working diligently for the past [number of months ...

  9. Annual Leave Application: Expert Tips & Samples

    Format to Write an Annual Leave Application Letter. Here are the annual leave request formats for writing a leave application letter. Format 1 - Application Letter Format to Submit a Physical Letter. Some companies require you to fill out a form of application or might have guidelines for writing the application on paper and submitting it.

  10. Application for Annual Leave (with Samples & PDFs)

    First, find the sample template for application for annual leave below. To, The Manager, [Company's Name], [Company's Address], Subject: Application for Annual Leave. Respected Sir/Madam, I, [Your Name], working as [Your Position] in the [Your Department] department, am writing this letter to formally request your approval for my annual leave.

  11. Annual Leave Application

    Annual Leave Application: An annual leave application is a formal letter written by an employee addressing to his/her manager or boss requesting annual leave or for a long leave. These leaves are the paid leaves, that have been accumulated by the employee over a period of time. The annual leave application can be written for many reasons, such as when going for a vacation, or to attend a ...

  12. How To Write A Leave Application For Office (Samples)

    3. Annual Leave Application Letter Sample . Manager's Name Company Name Date . Subject: Annual Leave Application. Dear Mr. /Ms. [Recipient's Name] I am writing this to let you know that I will be taking my company-sanctioned annual leave for a period of one month, starting on [start date] and ending on [end date].

  13. How To Write An Annual Leave Application (Samples)

    Learn how to write an annual leave application letter with four samples for different purposes. Find out what to include in your leave request, such as dates, reasons, and contact details.

  14. How to write a leave request email (With examples)

    The standard rules for writing a formal letter typically apply to a leave request email. Here are some basic steps to take when asking your manager for some time off work: ... Subject: Annual leave 2021 Hi Sophie, As we discussed in our meeting last week, I'd like to confirm that I'll be absent from the office for three weeks in December. The ...

  15. Leave Application Letter for Office: How to Write, Format and Samples

    What is an annual leave application letter ? An annual leave application is a formal request made by an employee to take time off from work for a specific period, typically for vacation or personal reasons. It outlines the dates of the intended leave and provides details about the employee's absence, such as the reason for the leave and any ...

  16. 12 Leave Letters For Work (With Examples)

    A leave letter informs your employer of your absence from work and provides details of your expected return. Depending on your particular situation, you may need to write an annual leave letter, a maternity leave letter, a paternity leave letter, a sick leave letter, or a study leave letter. Whatever your reasons for needing time away from work ...

  17. Annual Leave Application Letter

    Your annual leave application letter should be concise, clear, and professional. Here's a format to follow: 1. Date and Contact Information. Start with the date at the top left corner of the letter. Below it, include your contact information: your full name, job title, employee ID (if applicable), and your department. 2.

  18. Request Letter for Annual Leave

    Request Letter for Annual Leave - Sample Letter to HR Regarding Annual Leave . January 15, 2021 April 10, 2023 Annual leave application, Leave Application For Office, Leave application to hr, Leave letter to office. To, The Human Resource Manager, _____ (Company Name), _____ (Address)

  19. Annual Leave Request Letter Sample

    Annual Leave Request Letter. [Date] Sub: Annual leave. Dear [Ms./Mr. Last name], I am writing to inform you that I wish to redeem my annual leave entitlement. As the records will tell you, it's been just about a year since my last annual leave. As I have been a full-time employee of the company for more than three but less than 15 years, I am ...

  20. Leave Application for Office [with Format & Samples]

    1. Sample for Annual Leave Application. Everyone deserves a break to recharge and rejuvenate. Use this sample annual leave application letter for office to request time off from work, to get your well-deserved vacation or personal time.

  21. 5 Steps to Write an Annual Leave Application Letter

    Ans: To write an application for annual leave one should keep the following points in mind-. a) Avoid any unnecessary information and keep the application short. b) Always write in a professional and humble tone to avoid being rude. c) Do not write more than 3 paragraphs and each paragraph should not be more than.

  22. Application for Annual Leave for Office (with Samples & PDFs)

    Application Requesting Allocation of Annual Leave from Office. First, find the sample template for application for annual leave for office below. Subject: Application for Annual Leave. Respected Sir/Madam, I, [Your Full Name], working in the position of [Your Position] at [Your Department], am writing this letter to formally request annual leave.

  23. 10 Leave Application Letters for All Situations

    For this purpose, a leave application letter must be written. The process comes out to be easy, you write a leave application letter and submit it to the human resource department. ... Most respectfully, I would like to apply for my annual leave. According to my work contract with you, I can go on annual leave for a period of 21 days. I believe ...