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8D Report – free Excel Template

By chance I stumbled across an 8D report in an online article. Professionally, I have rather less to do with it, but I could imagine that one or the other visitor would appreciate this as an Excel template.

Therefore I publish a template for the 8D report.

In an 8D report, everything necessary is stored to document errors and anomalies in a product of any kind. In addition, measures can be introduced and their successes monitored. The fact that all this is possible in a single worksheet on a letter-formal is something I personally find fascinating and surprising.

With this simple tool, you can record, optimize and monitor discrepancies in your own operation.

Table of Contents

How does the 8d report work, 8d report excel template screenshot, here comes the download of the 8d report, other sources for 8d reports.

First, download the template as a PDF or Excel file at the end of the article. Then you edit the report either digitally on the computer or printed out (analog).

In the various columns, you enter the appropriate data. At the beginning, only the general things are recorded. For example, supplier, item number & name, version number, delivery quantity, order number, etc. You should also assign a complaint number in order to be able to assign the 8D report uniquely.

The process of 8 then follows with the appropriate numbers preceding it. First, the team is assembled and the problem is described.

Immediate measures are then considered and the causes of the error are determined.

Permanent corrective actions are selected and implemented, replacing the immediate actions.

To prevent the error from recurring, measures against repeat errors are defined.

In the end, it is released by the customer.

8D report with MS Excel

If you like my templates, I’m looking forward to a little donation 🙂

  • 8D report in German
  • https://www.techiequality.com/2019/01/28/8d-report-free-download-of-8d-template-format/
  • https://www.qimacros.com/quality-tools/8d-report-template/

2 thoughts on “8D Report – free Excel Template”

Good site toknow and use

Thanks for the info, should be usable

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What is 8D? A template for efficient problem-solving

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How you respond when problems arise is one of the most defining qualities of a manager. Luckily, there are tools you can use to master problem-solving. The 8D method of problem-solving combines teamwork and basic statistics to help you reach a logical solution and prevent new issues from arising.

You’ve spent months overseeing the development of your company's newest project. From initiation, planning, and execution, you’re confident this may be your best work yet.

Until the feedback starts rolling in.

There’s no sugar-coating it—things don’t always go as planned. But production or process issues are hardly a signal to throw in the towel. Instead, focus on honing your problem-solving skills to find a solution that keeps it from happening again. 

The 8D method of problem solving emphasizes the importance of teamwork to not only solve your process woes but prevent new ones from occurring. In this guide, we’ll break down what 8D is, how to use this methodology, and the benefits it can give to you and your team. Plus, get an 8D template to make solving your issue easier. 

What is 8D?

The eight disciplines (8D) method is a problem-solving approach that identifies, corrects, and eliminates recurring problems. By determining the root causes of a problem, managers can use this method to establish a permanent corrective action and prevent recurring issues. 

How do you use the 8D method?

The 8D method is a proven strategy for avoiding long-term damage from recurring problems. If you’re noticing issues in your workflow or processes, then it’s a good time to give this problem-solving method a try. 

To complete an 8D analysis, follow “the eight disciplines” to construct a statistical analysis of the problem and determine the best solution.

The eight disciplines of problem-solving

8D stands for the eight disciplines you will use to establish an 8D report. As you may notice, this outline starts with zero, which makes nine total disciplines. The “zero stage” was developed later as an initial planning stage. 

To illustrate these steps, imagine your organization experienced a decline in team innovation and productivity this past year. Your stakeholders have noticed and want to see changes implemented within the next six months. Below, we’ll use the 8D process to uncover a morale-boosting solution.

[inline illustration] D8 problem solving approach (infographic)

D0: Prepare and plan

Before starting the problem-solving process, evaluate the problem you want to solve. Understanding the background of the problem will help you identify the root cause in later steps. 

Collect information about how the problem has affected a process or product and what the most severe consequences may be. Planning can include:

Gathering data

Determining the prerequisites for solving the problem

Collecting feedback from others involved

[inline illustration] D0 Planning (example)

If we look back at our example, you may want to figure out whether this decline in morale is organization-wide or only applies to a few departments. Consider interviewing a few employees from different departments and levels of management to gain some perspective. Next, determine what knowledge and skills you will need to solve this lapse in productivity. 

D1: Form your team

Create a cross-functional team made up of people who have knowledge of the various products and workflows involved. These team members should have the skills needed to solve the problem and put corrective actions in place. 

Steps in this discipline may include:

Appointing a team leader

Developing and implementing team guidelines

Determining team goals and priorities

Assigning individual roles

Arranging team-building activities

[inline illustration] D1 Team members (example)

From our example, a solid team would consist of people with first-hand experience with the issues—like representatives from all departments and key people close to workshop-level work. You may also want to pull someone in from your HR department to help design and implement a solution. Most importantly, make sure the people you choose want to be involved and contribute to the solution.

D2: Identify the problem

You may have a good understanding of your problem by now, but this phase aims to break it down into clear and quantifiable terms by identifying the five W’s a and two H’s (5W2H):

Who first reported the problem?

What is the problem about?

When did it occur and how often?

Where did it occur (relating to the sector, supplier, machine, or production line involved)?

Why is solving the problem important?

How was the problem first detected?

How many parts/units/customers are affected?

[inline illustration] D2 Problem statement & description (example)

Use your team’s insights to answer these questions. From our example, your team may conclude that: 

Employees feel overwhelmed with their current workload. 

There is no real structure or opportunity to share new ideas.

Managers have had no training for meetings or innovation settings.

Disgruntled employees know they can achieve more—and want to achieve more—even if they seem disengaged.

Once you answer these questions, record an official problem statement to describe the issue. If possible, include photos, videos, and diagrams to ensure all parties have a clear understanding of the problem. It may also help to create a flowchart of the process that includes various steps related to the problem description.

D3: Develop an interim containment plan

Much like we can expect speedy first aid after an accident, your team should take immediate actions to ensure you contain the problem—especially if the problem is related to customer safety. 

An interim containment plan will provide a temporary solution to isolate the problem from customers and clients while your team works to develop a permanent corrective action. This band-aid will help keep your customers informed and safe—and your reputation intact.

[inline illustration] D3 Interim containment action (example)

Because your findings revealed workers were overworked and managers lacked training, your team suggests scheduling a few mandatory training sessions for leaders of each department covering time and stress management and combating burnout . You may also want to have a presentation outlining the topics of this training to get key managers and stakeholders interested and primed for positive upcoming changes. 

D4: Verify root causes and escape points

Refer back to your findings and consult with your team about how the problem may have occurred. The root cause analysis involves mapping each potential root cause against the problem statement and its related test data. Make sure to test all potential causes—fuzzy brainstorming and sloppy analyses may cause you to overlook vital information. 

[inline illustration] D4 Root cause & escape points (example)

In our example, focus on the “why” portion of the 5W2H. You and your team identify six root causes:

Managers have never had any training

There is a lack of trust and psychological safety

Employees don’t understand the objectives and goals

Communication is poor

Time management is poor

Employees lack confidence

In addition to identifying the root causes, try to pinpoint where you first detected the problem in the process, and why it went unnoticed. This is called the escape point, and there may be more than one. 

D5: Choose permanent corrective actions

Work with your team to determine the most likely solution to remove the root cause of the problem and address the issues with the escape points. Quantitatively confirm that the selected permanent corrective action(s) (PCA) will resolve the problem for the customer. 

Steps to choosing a PCA may include:

Determining if you require further expertise

Ensuring the 5W2Hs are defined correctly

Carrying out a decision analysis and risk assessment

Considering alternative measures

Collecting evidence to prove the PCA will be effective

[inline illustration] D5 Permanent corrective action (example)

Your team decides to roll out the training used in the interim plan to all employees, with monthly company-wide workshops on improving well-being. You also plan to implement meetings, innovation sessions, and team-coaching training for managers. Lastly, you suggest adopting software to improve communication and collaboration. 

D6: Implement your corrective actions

Once all parties have agreed on a solution, the next step is to create an action plan to remove the root causes and escape points. Once the solution is in effect, you can remove your interim containment actions.

After seeing success with the training in the interim phase, your stakeholders approve all of your team’s proposed PCAs. Your representative from HR also plans to implement periodic employee wellness checks to track employee morale .

[inline illustration] D6 PCA implementation plan (example)

To ensure your corrective action was a success, monitor the results, customer, or employee feedback over a long period of time and take note of any negative effects. Setting up “controls” like employee wellness checks will help you validate whether your solution is working or more needs to be done. 

D7: Take preventive measures

One of the main benefits of using the 8D method is the improved ability to identify necessary systematic changes to prevent future issues from occurring. Look for ways to improve your management systems, operating methods, and procedures to not only eliminate your current problem, but stop similar problems from developing later on.

[inline illustration] D7 Preventive measure (example)

Based on our example, the training your team suggested is now adopted in the new manager onboarding curriculum. Every manager now has a “meeting system” that all meetings must be guided by, and workloads and projects are managed as a team within your new collaboration software . Innovation is improving, and morale is at an all-time high!

D8: Celebrate with your team

The 8D method of problem-solving is impossible to accomplish without dedicated team members and first-class collaboration. Once notes, lessons, research, and test data are documented and saved, congratulate your teammates on a job well done! Make an effort to recognize each individual for their contribution to uncovering a successful solution.

[inline illustration] 8D Team congratulations & reward (example)

8D report template and example

Check out our 8D report template below to help you record your findings as you navigate through the eight disciplines of problem solving. This is a formal report that can be used as a means of communication within companies, which makes for transparent problem-solving that you can apply to the entire production or process chain.

Benefits of using the 8D method

The 8D method is one of the most popular problem-solving strategies for good reason. Its strength lies in teamwork and fact-based analyses to create a culture of continuous improvement —making it one of the most effective tools for quality managers. The benefits of using the 8D method include: 

Improved team-oriented problem-solving skills rather than relying on an individual to provide a solution

Increased familiarity with a problem-solving structure

A better understanding of how to use basic statistical tools for problem-solving

Open and honest communication in problem-solving discussions

Prevent future problems from occurring by identifying system weaknesses and solutions

Improved effectiveness and efficiency at problem-solving

Better collaboration = better problem solving

No matter how good a manager you are, production and process issues are inevitable. It’s how you solve them that separates the good from the great. The 8D method of problem solving allows you to not only solve the problem at hand but improve team collaboration, improve processes, and prevent future issues from arising. 

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Here at Sanzubusinesstraining.com we love tools that help us solve business problems ( if you’re the same you might like to take a look at our Problem Solving guide that includes further tools like   A3 Problem Solving Template or our Kaizen Card Template )

We believe that if you choose to follow a standard process for resolving problems the battle is already half won, I’ve lost count of the businesses I’ve seen who approach this sort of thing ad-hoc with each problem being targeted with a unique process/perspective with ahem….varying results.

So, standard methodology/consistency wins every time, especially where the audience is one that is multi-disciplined (i.e. consists of Engineers, manufacturing team, Quality, Supply-chain for example).

In previous posts we’ve covered Problem Solving Tools  like the A3 report, another tool that’s commonly used to solve business problems is the 8d report.

While it’s often called an 8d report, 8d is, in fact, a methodology. There is an 8d process where the report (the 8d report) is the output.

When your business faces problems with its products (either finding this out yourselves or being informed by your customer) the 8D method provides an invaluable starting point in driving improvement in Quality

What makes a good problem-solving tool

One of the challenges for selecting problem-solving tools is what exactly do you look for? In Lean the best tools for problem-solving tend to have the following attributes:

* They facilitate team-work to solve problems and help create an open dialogue between those participating. * They have a structure (a regimented process to follow) * They use data and facts and root cause analysis to drive the process rather than supposition and guesswork. * They make problem-solving (and remedy) as efficient as possible * They support better selection and implementation of the final corrective action. * They help with building an archive/database of problems coupled with the corrective action (i.e. they make a great learning archive).

The 8d method builds on all of these and is an excellent yet simple tool to deploy.

What is an 8D report

As we described above, the 8D Report is a problem-solving tool, that follows a series of pre-defined steps, that can be used as part of a continuous improvement methodology.

The business that’s utilizing the tool usually has someone (typically a quality engineer) familiar with the tool that can coach the other members of the team in its deployment.

Like many lean tools the 8d originated in industry, this one within automotive but as with many of the other lean tools it can readily be deployed in most businesses.

The 8D tool is often used to identify and remedy recurring problems, and is especially useful in an environment where there are “products” and an environment that has established processes.

As with most lean tools the “products” don’t necessarily have to be those within a manufacturing environment (although the tool excels in these, anywhere where there are processes that result in some form of output will benefit from an approach like 8d.

The other thing to recognize with 8d is that it doesn’t look to solve the issue temporarily rather than the method targets a permanent corrective action (eradicating the issue).

As with the best lean tools 8d uses a combination of statistical evidence and root cause analysis, and anyone familiar with that approach should be able to utilize the 8d method fairly quickly.

As described above the 8d tool follows a series of steps in order to work –

The 8D are:

1/ Establish a team 2/ Define the problem statement 3/ Define interim containment actions 4/ Undertake root cause analysis 5/ Define the corrective actions 6/ Implement the corrective actions 7/ Implement preventative actions (so it doesn’t happen again, typically this is closing the loop updating processes, FMEA etc) 8/ Close the project and congratulate the team

Using a step-based approach has a number of benefits

1. It facilitates a team approach where the whole team is aware of the process and their role in it. Problems are rarely solved by individuals and usually require a cross-functional team. By having a structured methodology this team has a process to follow with a designated output.

2. It can be deployed rapidly, indeed 8d has much in common with the Analyze, countermeasure, root-cause, fix approach that is similar to many lean tools.

As with any problem-solving project, the chance of success is greatly enhanced if you prepare first, jumping straight in without knowing the facts is likely to result in reduced success.

Ok so let’s look at how we produce an 8d report in Excel.

Creating an 8D report template in excel

As a template to create this is a fairly easy one, there are no calculated fields, so it’s just a matter of devising the report and formatting it.

You can see the 8D template below:

8d problem solving excel format

Let’s cover each section – I’ll include screen-shots showing the columns/rows so you can copy and create your own.

This reports been formatted to be able to be printed on one side of A4. To assist with this I’ve had to think about how the report is structured, place each “D” on top of each other produced a report that was too long if printed on one piece of paper so I’ve found by placing two “D’s” next to each other, you still have enough space to capture what’s required while producing a printer friendly report.

Header The header of the 8D is used to capture background information (for example the date the 8D was raised, some generic information around the issue

8d problem solving excel format

Section a) – Team Members & Probelm statement

Fairly rudimentary use of columns to capture the team members, you could expand on it to include contact details if required.

The Problem statement is just a group of cells that’s been merged in order to capture free text description of the problem.

8d problem solving excel format

Section b) – Interim containment actions & Root Cause Analysis

This section captures interim actions via a table (I’ve included spaces for 10 actions but again you could expand as required).

For the root cause analysis out of personal choice I’ve used a table to capture the 5 Why (together with a notes block at the bottom of the section). I like 5 why as a process, but you could use a decision tree or other if required in this space.

8d problem solving excel format

Section c) Corrective Action(s) & Implementation

For the corrective actions, I’ve used a merged cell for free text entry.

For the implementation, I’ve used a table with 10 lines to capture the implementation steps.

8d problem solving excel format

Section d) Preventative actions & Project Closure / Team recognition

For the 7D Preventative actions, I’ve used a mix of a table to capture actions and a checklist of things to do. In the checklist I’ve included things like an FMEA, procedure update etc, this is personal preference but I like the use of a tick box here as it ensures the user follows some sort of process to go an update documentation or other following the “fix” being implemented.

For the project closure section, I’ve used merged cells to create a text box for free text entry.

8d problem solving excel format

So there’s our example 8D report – got some comments or ideas? Use the feedback section below – we’d love to hear from you.

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To create an 8D Report:

  • Use Find Tools to locate the "8D" template
  • Enter your data into the template.

Why 8D Matters: Structured Problem Solving Delivers Thorough Solutions

The 8D is deceptively simple. It's a sequence of boxes in a template. It helps people structure their problem solving:

8D template in QI Macros add-in for Excel

8D report template in Excel Steps 0 and 1

8 Disciplines (8D) for team-oriented problem solving and its structure create a logical improvement "story". While made popular by Ford, the 8D has its roots in MIL-STD-1520. 8D's power lies in a consistent way of identifying problem and solution, and it's ability to create organizational learning. The 8D and  Toyota's A3 report  serve the same purpose: structured problem solving.

8D Template Steps

  • Establish the Team
  • State the Problem-Who, What, When, Where, Why, How Much
  • Containment Plan
  • Root Cause Analysis (RCA) using fishbone or Love Bug Diagram
  • Permanent Corrective Actions (PCAs)
  • Implement Corrective Actions
  • Prevent Recurrence
  • Honor the Team

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Love Bug Diagram

The 8D template uses a version of the "Love Bug" diagram to analyze cause-and-effect:

Love Bug Diagram 8D

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8D Problem Solving: Great for Process Improvement【Excel Template】

8D Problem Solving, Process Improvement【Excel Template】

The 8D Problem-Solving is utilized in process and product improvement. I made a template for the 8D Problem-Solving. This post shows you the comparison between the 8D Method and DMAIC and explain each step of 8D on the template.

(Duration: 7:30)

DOWNLOAD   ← Click this to download the “8D Problem Solving” template file.

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  • 【What is DMAIC?】 The Kaizen Projects’ Winning Pattern (Lean Six Sigma)
  • 1. What’s the 8D Problem-Solving?
  • 2.1. “D0: Prepare and Plan for the 8D.”
  • 2.2. “D1: Form a Team.”
  • 2.3. “D2: Describe the Problem.”
  • 2.4. 5W2H questions that clarify a problem
  • 2.5. “D3: Conduct Interim Containment Actions.”
  • 2.6. “D4: Identify the Root Cause.”
  • 2.7. “D5: Develop Permanent Corrective Actions.”
  • 2.8. “D6: Implement and Validate the Permanent Corrective Actions.”
  • 2.9. “D7: Take Preventive Measures.”
  • 2.10. “D8: Close and Congratulate the Team.”

What’s the 8D Problem-Solving?

Hi, this is Mike Negami, Lean Sigma, Black Belt.

This topic is a request from one of my viewers:

8D Video Request

“Please make videos on 8D Problem-Solving procedure and root cause analysis 5w1h.”  Thank you, sekhar for your request.

8D’s D stands for ‘discipline’, and this method has become widely used in process and product improvement, especially in the manufacturing industry after Ford began using it companywide.

All Steps of 8D Problem-Solving

These above are the steps of the 8D Problem-Solving method. It’s similar to Lean Sigma’s DMAIC, but it’s simply and clearly described so it’s easier to use. It’s suitable when you want to start a problem-solving project immediately.

Comparison of 8D and DMAIC

Compared to DMAIC, up to D2 is the Define Phase. In 8D, there is no content of the Measure Phase. It’s good for improvement projects of service operations which don’t use the Measure Phase much. D3 is “Conduct Interim Containment Actions.”. This content is not included in DMAIC.  D4 has the same purpose as the Analysis Phase. Up to D6 is the Improve Phase and the rest are the Control Phase.

8d problem solving excel format

Explanation of each step of 8D Problem-Solving Method

Some of you may have noticed that since there are D0 to D8, that is 9 steps, so it should be 9D. This is because “D0: Prepare and Plan for the 8D” was added later. Preparation and planning are always important.

I made a template for this 8D Problem-Solving method. Let’s see each item of 8D on the template.

“D0: Prepare and Plan for the 8D.”

The first step is “D0: Prepare and Plan for the 8D.” Answer “Why did this project need to start?” If you write this answer down, you can start again from that point when you get stuck somewhere in the project.

Also, please write drafts for steps D1 and D2 here. In addition, write a rough plan on how to carry out this project and conduct necessary preparations.

“D1: Form a Team.”

Next is “D1: Form a Team.” Write the team leader’s and team members’ names here. They are responsible to attend when there is a meeting. SME, Subject Matter Experts are those who have knowledge and experience necessary to solve the problem so they will become advisers. Then, gather the project team members who were selected.

“D2: Describe the Problem.”

Next is “D2: Describe the Problem.” Please don’t write people’s opinions here, just write the facts and information based on data if possible.

5W2H questions that clarify a problem

At this time, 5W2H questions are useful, such as: Who is affected by the problem? What is the problem? When did the problem start, and any other time-related information? Where did it happen, and any other location-related information? Why does this happen?

How, and in what situations does the problem occur? How many, or what is the scale and other quantitative information? Please write these answers here. The problems will become quite clear.

“D3: Conduct Interim Containment Actions.”

“D3: Conduct Interim Containment Actions.” In this stage, we’ll look into the issues to see if any important stakeholders, especially our customers, are getting negatively impacted by the problem. If so, we have to deal with that quickly to eliminate it or minimize it. Please write what you’ll do here and execute it.

However, this is a temporary solution, so discontinue this solution later when the permanent solution is implemented.

“D4: Identify the Root Cause.”

“D4: Identify the Root Cause.” With surface solutions, the problem will reoccur over time. Be sure to find the root cause and always deal with it.

There are a few useful tools for this stage. It’s effective to make a Value Stream Map and conduct the 7-Waste analysis. Using the Ishikawa Diagram and 5-Why Analysis is very common practice for this purpose. There are articles and templates about these tools. Please utilize them.

8d problem solving excel format

“D5: Develop Permanent Corrective Actions.”

“D5: Develop Permanent Corrective Actions.” Since you’ve found the root cause, solutions will come up naturally. Write them here.

Effective tools in this step are Brainstorming, the 5-How Analysis, FMEA (Failure Mode Effects Analysis), and so on. In the near future, I’ll make a video about the FMEA and the Control Plan tool.

8d problem solving excel format

“D6: Implement and Validate the Permanent Corrective Actions.”

“D6: Implement and Validate the Permanent Corrective Actions.” In order to transform the current situation to a permanently solved situation, we’ll make and execute a transition plan with the Control Plan tool.

In this stage, having good communication with stakeholders is the key to success, and validate that this solution solved the target problem. Usually, you’ll repeat from D4 to D6 until the problem is solved.

“D7: Take Preventive Measures.”

Next is “D7: Take Preventive Measures.” Consider why this problem could not be prevented beforehand in the current system, and make a preventive action plan and execute it.  Also review the upstream or downstream processes and create a situation where similar problems can not physically occur in the future.

“D8: Close and Congratulate the Team.”

The last step is “D8: Close and Congratulate the Team.”  Summarize all project materials and lessons learned, in order for other project teams in the company to refer to or reuse them.

Lastly, publicly recognize the project team for their efforts and success. This will not only motivate them, but also motivate other employees and the entire company.

Once you complete this 8D template, it gives a big picture of the project. You can give this to your stakeholders and use it as the final report.

This is the end of the explanation. Please utilize this template to start problem solving or a process improvement project.

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8D Report and template

8D Report - Toolshero

8D Report: this article explains the 8D Report in a practical way. Besides the explanation of what this concept is, we also the 8 disciplines and the importance of teamwork. Next to that we also provide a template to get strated. Enjoy reading!

What is an 8D Report? The meaning

The 8D Report or 8d corrective action report is a problem-solving approach for product and process improvement. Furthermore, 8D Methodology is used to implement structural long-term solutions to prevent recurring problems. The 8D Report was first used in the automotive industry.

During World War II the 8D Method was used in Team Oriented Problem Solving (TOPS) in the United States under Military Standard 1520. It was later used and popularized by car manufacturer Ford .

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In the 1990s Ford continued to develop the 8D process as a result of which the process is said to have found its origin in the automotive industry. Today, the 8D Method can be used to write formal reports and it can be applied as a working and thinking method for smaller problems.

The 8D Report is also used as a means of communication within companies, which makes the problem solving method transparent and can therefore be applied to the entire production chain. The 8D method is also known as: Global 8D , Ford 8D or TOPS 8D .

8D Report: eight disciplines

The 8D Methodology mainly focuses on solving problems and comprises 8 steps or disciplines. It helps quality control staff find the root cause of problems within a production process in a structured manner so that they can resolve the problem(s).

In addition, it helps implement product or process improvements, which can prevent problems. The 8D Report is about mobilizing a good team that has sufficient expertise and experience to solve or prevent problems. The 8D Report consists of 8 disciplines that describe corrective measures based on the statistical analysis of the problem. This results in the following eight process steps:

8D Report disciplines - Toolshero

Figure 1 – 8D report: the eight disciplines

D1 – Create a team

Mobilizing a good team is essential. The team must preferably be multidisciplinary. Due to a varied combination of knowledge, skills and experience, one can look at a problem from different perspectives.

Besides having an effective team leader, it is also advisable to record team structure, goals, different team roles, procedures and rules in advance so that the team can begin taking action quickly and effectively, and there is no room for misunderstandings.

D2 – Describe the problem

Define the problem as objectively as possible. The 5W2H analysis (who, what, when, where, why, how, how much) is a welcome addition to the problem analysis and can help to arrive at a clear description of the problem.

D3 – Interim containment action

It may be necessary to implement temporary fixes. For example, to help or meet a customer quickly or when a deadline has to be met. It is about preventing a problem from getting worse until a permanent solution is implemented.

D4 – Identify the root cause

Before a permanent solution is found, it is important to identify all possible root causes that could explain why the problem occurred. Various methods can be used for this purpose, such as the fishbone diagram (Ishikawa) which considers factors such as people, equipment, machines and methods or the 5 whys method.

All causes must be checked and/ or proven and it is good to check why the problem was not noticed at the time it occurred.

Take a look at our article on Root Cause Analysis , a method of problem solving that aims at identifying the root causes of problems or incidents.

D5 – Developing permanent corrective actions

As soon as the root cause of the problem has been identified, it is possible to search for the best possible solution. Again various problem solving methods can be used such as value analysis and creative problem solving.

From here, permanent corrective actions can be selected and it must be confirmed that the selected corrective actions will not cause undesirable side effects. It is therefore advisable to define contingency actions that will be useful in unforeseen circumstances.

D6 – Implementing permanent corrective actions

As soon as the permanent corrective actions are identified, they can be implemented. By planning ongoing controls, possible underlying root causes are detected far in advance.

The long term effects should be monitored and unforeseen circumstances should be taken into account.

D7 – Preventive measures

Prevention is the best cure. This is why additional measures need to be taken to prevent similar problems. Preventative measures ensure that the possibility of recurrence is minimised. It is advisable to review management systems, operating systems and procedures, so that they can be improved procedures if necessary.

D8 – Congratulate the team

By congratulating the team on the results realized, all member are rewarded for their joint efforts. This is the most important step within the 8D method; without the team the root cause of the problem would not have been found and fixed.

By putting the team on a pedestal and sharing the knowledge throughout the organization, team motivation will be high to solve a problem the next time it presents itself.

The 8D Report is also about teamwork

A strength of this method is its focus on teamwork. The team as a whole is believed to be better and smarter than the sum of the qualities of the individuals. Not every problem justifies or requires the 8D Report.

Furthermore, the 8D Report is a fact-based problem solving process, which requires a number of specialized skills, as well as a culture of continuous improvement. It could be that training of the team members is required before 8D can work effectively within an organization.

The team must recognize the importance of cooperation in order to arrive at the best possible solution for implementation.

8D Report template

Ready to start with the 8D problem-solving approach? Start describing the different disciplines of 8D with this 8D Report template.

Download the 8D Report template

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More information

  • Behrens, B. A., Wilde, I., & Hoffmann, M. (2007). Complaint management using the extended 8D-method along the automotive supply chain . Production Engineering, 1(1), 91-95.
  • Krajnc, M. (2012). With 8D method to excellent quality . RUO. Revija za Univerzalno Odlicnost, 1(3), 118.
  • Possley, M. (2016). 8D Team Based Problem Solving – 2nd Edition: An Instructive Example . CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform

How to cite this article: Kuijk, A. (2017). 8D Report and template . Retrieved [insert date] from toolshero: https://www.toolshero.com/problem-solving/8d-report/

Original publication date: 11/03/2017 | Last update: 11/02/2023

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Anneke Kuijk

Anneke Kuijk is a text writer who has the qualities to analyze information and to extract the core message. This converts them into understandable and readable texts. In addition to writing content, she is also active as a teacher (language) integration and in many ways active with language.


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3 responses to “8d report and template”.

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Nice information it is very useful

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What stands for D in 8D…?

8d problem solving excel format

The D in 8D stands for 8 Disciplines / Eight Disciplines.

Kind regards, Tom

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Eight Disciplines of Problem Solving (8D)

– Eight Disciplines of Problem Solving –

⇓   Introduction to 8D

⇓   What is 8D

⇓   Why Apply 8D

⇓   When to Apply 8D

⇓   How to Apply 8D

Quality and Reliability Support | Quality-One

Introduction to Eight Disciplines of Problem Solving (8D)

The Eight Disciplines of Problem Solving (8D) is a problem solving methodology designed to find the root cause of a problem, devise a short-term fix and implement a long-term solution to prevent recurring problems. When it’s clear that your product is defective or isn’t satisfying your customers, an 8D is an excellent first step to improving Quality and Reliability.

Ford Motor Company developed this problem solving methodology, then known as Team Oriented Problem Solving (TOPS), in the 1980s. The early usage of 8D proved so effective that it was adopted by Ford as the primary method of documenting problem solving efforts, and the company continues to use 8D today.

8D has become very popular among manufacturers because it is effective and reasonably easy to teach. Below you’ll find the benefits of an 8D, when it is appropriate to perform and how it is performed.

What is Eight Disciplines of Problem Solving (8D)

The 8D problem solving process is a detailed, team oriented approach to solving critical problems in the production process. The goals of this method are to find the root cause of a problem, develop containment actions to protect customers and take corrective action to prevent similar problems in the future.

The strength of the 8D process lies in its structure, discipline and methodology. 8D uses a composite methodology, utilizing best practices from various existing approaches. It is a problem solving method that drives systemic change, improving an entire process in order to avoid not only the problem at hand but also other issues that may stem from a systemic failure.

8D has grown to be one of the most popular problem solving methodologies used for Manufacturing, Assembly and Services around the globe. Read on to learn about the reasons why the Eight Disciplines of Problem Solving may be a good fit for your company.

8D - Problem Solving Format

Why Apply Eight Disciplines of Problem Solving (8D)

The 8D methodology is so popular in part because it offers your engineering team a consistent, easy-to-learn and thorough approach to solving whatever problems might arise at various stages in your production process. When properly applied, you can expect the following benefits:

  • Improved team oriented problem solving skills rather than reliance on the individual
  • Increased familiarity with a structure for problem solving
  • Creation and expansion of a database of past failures and lessons learned to prevent problems in the future
  • Better understanding of how to use basic statistical tools required for problem solving
  • Improved effectiveness and efficiency at problem solving
  • A practical understanding of Root Cause Analysis (RCA)
  • Problem solving effort may be adopted into the processes and methods of the organization
  • Improved skills for implementing corrective action
  • Better ability to identify necessary systemic changes and subsequent inputs for change
  • More candid and open communication in problem solving discussion, increasing effectiveness
  • An improvement in management’s understanding of problems and problem resolution

8D was created to represent the best practices in problem solving. When performed correctly, this methodology not only improves the Quality and Reliability of your products but also prepares your engineering team for future problems.

When to Apply Eight Disciplines of Problem Solving (8D)

The 8D problem solving process is typically required when:

  • Safety or Regulatory issues has been discovered
  • Customer complaints are received
  • Warranty Concerns have indicated greater-than-expected failure rates
  • Internal rejects, waste, scrap, poor performance or test failures are present at unacceptable levels

How to Apply Eight Disciplines of Problem Solving (8D)

The 8D process alternates inductive and deductive problem solving tools to relentlessly move forward toward a solution. The Quality-One approach uses a core team of three individuals for inductive activities with data driven tools and then a larger Subject Matter Expert (SME) group for the deductive activities through brainstorming, data-gathering and experimentation.

D0: Prepare and Plan for the 8D

Proper planning will always translate to a better start. Thus, before 8D analysis begins, it is always a good idea to ask an expert first for their impressions. After receiving feedback, the following criterion should be applied prior to forming a team:

Collect information on the symptoms

Use a Symptoms Checklist to ask the correct questions

Identify the need for an Emergency Response Action (ERA), which protects the customer from further exposure to the undesired symptoms

D1: Form a Team

A Cross Functional Team (CFT) is made up of members from many disciplines. Quality-One takes this principle one step further by having two levels of CFT:

  • The Core Team Structure should involve three people on the respective subjects: product, process and data
  • Additional Subject Matter Experts are brought in at various times to assist with brainstorming, data collection and analysis

Teams require proper preparation. Setting the ground rules is paramount. Implementation of disciplines like checklists, forms and techniques will ensure steady progress.  8D must always have two key members: a Leader and a Champion / Sponsor:

  • The Leader is the person who knows the 8D process and can lead the team through it (although not always the most knowledgeable about the problem being studied)
  • The Champion or Sponsor is the one person who can affect change by agreeing with the findings and can provide final approval on such changes

D2: Describe the Problem

The 8D method’s initial focus is to properly describe the problem utilizing the known data and placing it into specific categories for future comparisons. The “Is” data supports the facts whereas the “Is Not” data does not. As the “Is Not” data is collected, many possible reasons for failure are able to be eliminated. This approach utilizes the following tools:

  • Problem Statement
  • Affinity Diagram (Deductive tool)
  • Fishbone/Ishikawa Diagram (Deductive tool)
  • Problem Description

D3: Interim Containment Action

In the interim, before the permanent corrective action has been determined, an action to protect the customer can be taken. The Interim Containment Action (ICA) is temporary and is typically removed after the Permanent Correct Action (PCA) is taken.

  • Verification of effectiveness of the ICA is always recommended to prevent any additional customer dissatisfaction calls

D4: Root Cause Analysis (RCA) and Escape Point

The root cause must be identified to take permanent action to eliminate it. The root cause definition requires that it can be turned on or off, at will. Activities in D4 include:

  • Comparative Analysis listing differences and changes between “Is” and “Is Not”
  • Development of Root Cause Theories based on remaining items
  • Verification of the Root Cause through data collection
  • Review Process Flow Diagram for location of the root cause
  • Determine Escape Point, which is the closest point in the process where the root cause could have been found but was not

D5: Permanent Corrective Action (PCA)

The PCA is directed toward the root cause and removes / changes the conditions of the product or process that was responsible for the problem. Activities in D5 include:

  • Establish the Acceptance Criteria which include Mandatory Requirements and Wants
  • Perform a Risk Assessment /  Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) on the PCA choices
  • Based on risk assessment, make a balanced choice for PCA
  • Select control-point improvement for the Escape Point
  • Verification of Effectiveness for both the PCA and the Escape Point are required

D6: Implement and Validate the Permanent Corrective Action

To successfully implement a permanent change, proper planning is essential. A project plan should encompass: communication, steps to complete, measurement of success and lessons learned. Activities in D6 include:

  • Develop Project Plan for Implementation
  • Communicate the plan to all stakeholders
  • Validation of improvements using measurement

D7: Prevent Recurrence

D7 affords the opportunity to preserve and share the knowledge, preventing problems on similar products, processes, locations or families. Updating documents and procedures / work instructions are expected at this step to improve future use. Activities in D7 include:

  • Review Similar Products and Processes for problem prevention
  • Develop / Update Procedures and Work Instructions for Systems Prevention
  • Capture Standard Work / Practice and reuse
  • Assure FMEA updates have been completed
  • Assure Control Plans have been updated

D8: Closure and Team Celebration

Teams require feedback to allow for satisfactory closure. Recognizing both team and individual efforts and allowing the team to see the previous and new state solidifies the value of the 8D process. Activities in D8 include:

  • Archive the 8D Documents for future reference
  • Document Lessons Learned on how to make problem solving better
  • Before and After Comparison of issue
  • Celebrate Successful Completion

8D - D0 Reference Card

8D and Root Cause Analysis (RCA)

The 8D process has Root Cause Analysis (RCA) imbedded within it. All problem solving techniques include RCA within their structure. The steps and techniques within 8D which correspond to Root Cause Analysis are as follows:

  • Problem Symptom is quantified and converted to “Object and Defect”
  • Problem Symptom is converted to Problem Statement using Repeated Whys
  • Possible and Potential Causes are collected using deductive tools (i.e. Fishbone or Affinity Diagram)
  • Problem Statement is converted into Problem Description using Is / Is Not
  • Problem Description reduces the number of items on the deductive tool (from step 3)
  • Comparative Analysis between the Is and Is Not items (note changes and time)
  • Root Cause theories are developed from remaining possible causes on deductive tool and coupled with changes from Is / Is Not
  • Compare theories with current data and develop experiments for Root Cause Verification
  • Test and confirm the Root Causes

Is Is Not Example

Example: Multiple Why Technique

The Multiple / Repeated Why (Similar to 5 Why) is an inductive tool, which means facts are required to proceed to a more detailed level. The steps required to determine problem statement are:

  • Problem Symptom is defined as an Object and Defect i.e. “Passenger Injury”
  • Why? In every case “SUV’s Roll Over”
  • Why? In every case, it was preceded by a “Blown Tire”
  • Why? Many explanations may be applied, therefore the team cannot continue with another repeated why past “Blown Tire”
  • Therefore, the Problem Statement is “Blown Tire”
  • Why? Low (Air) Pressure, Tire Defect (Degradation of an Interface) and High (Ambient) Temperature
  • Counter measures assigned to low pressure and tire defect

This example uses only 4 of the 5 Whys to determine the root causes without going further into the systemic reasons that supported the failure. The Repeated Why is one way to depict this failure chain. Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) could also be used.

3 Legged 5 Why

Learn More About Eight Disciplines of Problem Solving (8D)

Quality-One offers Quality and Reliability Support for Product and Process Development through Consulting, Training and Project Support. Quality-One provides Knowledge, Guidance and Direction in Quality and Reliability activities, tailored to your unique wants, needs and desires. Let us help you Discover the Value of 8D Consulting , 8D Training or 8D Project Support .

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8D Methodology | Problem Solving Method | Example | Excel

8D Methodology Problem Solving Method Example Excel

What is 8D Methodology?

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Eight Disciplines of Problem Solving:

  • Establish the team
  • Describe the problem
  • Develop interim containment actions
  • Define and verify root cause & escape points
  • Choose and verify permanent corrective actions
  • Implement and validate permanent corrective actions
  • System prevention actions to prevent a recurrence
  • Recognize team contributions

8D Methodology

8D Problem Solving Example:

D1: establish the team:.

8D Problem Solving Training Presentation

D2: Describe the Problem:

D3: develop interim containment actions, d4: define and verify root cause & escape points:, d5: choose and verify permanent corrective actions.

  • Elimination
  • Replacement
  • Facilitation

Six Mistake Proofing Principles

D6: Implement and Validate Permanent Corrective Actions

D7: system prevention action to prevent recurrence, d8: recognize team contributions, related posts, 14 comments.

8d problem solving excel format

Very detailed explanation on 8D. Thanks

8d problem solving excel format

You are most welcome!!!

Hi, clear and detailed explanation. Thanks for that.Just want to know how to download the excel template. Could you pl support

Thank you for your kind words. The download link is mentioned into this article itself so you can easily download from it.

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Some of the topics are available for download for other we are working on that and the download link is available inside the article.

Great website! Thank you for sharing your knowledge. This is a great learning source

Thank you very much for your kind words!!!

Very useful

Thank you very much!!!

Great Information, Thank you!

Welcome and happy learning

Thanks and happy learning

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What is the 8D Problem Solving? And How to use the 8D Report?

The 8D problem-solving process (also known as the 8 Disciplines) is very different from previous processes we explored previously, such as the Double Diamond process or the IBM Design Thinking. The 8D process works in a rigid standardised nature to address the crisis caused by problems. The 8D process aims to walk with the team to highlight the problem, its root causes and propose a long-term solution. The process is documented in an 8D report which includes details of each of the eight stages. At the end of this article, we will explore an example report, and you can find a free 8D report template to download.

In times of crisis, companies face the challenge of analysing and solving problems efficiently in a short time to save developed projects. Problem-solving techniques such as the  TRIZ method  and  Hurson’s Production Thinking Model  allow companies to overcome crises and solve problems using less effort and time.

  • Stage Gate Process: The Complete Practice Guide
  • The Double Diamond Design Thinking Process and How to Use it
  • A Guide to the SCAMPER Technique for Creative Thinking
  • Design Thinking Tools: Reverse Brainstorming

Brief History of the 8D Problem Solving

The 8D method was first implemented by the US government during WW II as a military standard and was referred to as the Army Directive 1520, “Remedies and disposal of nonconforming materials.” In 1987, the demand for a team-oriented problem-solving method increased among the management organisation in the automotive industry to find a way to eliminate recurring issues.

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Ford Motor Company published their manual,  Team Oriented Problem Solving (TOPS),  which includes their 8 Disciplines of the problem-solving process. The process was initially used to deal with quality control and safety issues inside the company but later expanded its role to a team approach problem-solving method. The 8D process is employed by engineers and designers to identify, analyse, and correct problems by eliminating the primary source that caused the problem.

So, what are the eight steps in the 8D methodology? The 8D problem solving process includes 8 Disciplines. In the mid-90s, a D0 step for planning was added to the process. The 8D steps include the following:

  • D1: Team formation
  • D2: Describe the problem
  • D3: Develop a temporary containment plan
  • D4: Determine and verify root causes
  • D5: Verify the permanent solution
  • D6: Implement the permanent solution
  • D7: Prevent recurrence
  • D8: Congratulate your team

The 8 Disciplines aim to achieve the following targets while solving the specified problem:

  • Think as a team while solving the problem
  • Isolate the situation and understand its causes
  • Identify the factors that contribute to the problem
  • Provide a temporary solution to halt the impact of the problem
  • Eliminate the causes of the problem and the factors contributing to it
  • Prevent the problem from recurring

When Should the 8D Problem Solving be Used?

Based on the above targets, the 8D problem solving process is designed for complex problems whose solution exceeds the ability of one expert. Also, it aims to establish communication for problem resolution through different levels inside the company. In some situations, the consumer or the management team requests the application of the 8D process through several forms or documentation.

While 8D problem solving is suitable for recurring problems that may repeatedly occur within a project or company, it is not ideal for simple issues that can be solved quickly by individual efforts. The process is unsuitable for a problem that can be solved with a straightforward solution. The 8D process is designed for complex issues, which require several weeks to solve and the involvement of at least four people.

8D problem solving provides a systematic process to find and solve problems. Therefore, if the situation requires choosing between alternative solutions, 8D acknowledges that other tools may help solve the problem better than the 8D process.

8D problem solving

How to Apply the 8D Problem Solving Process?

The steps below form the 8 Discipline process to achieve targeted problem solving through the eight steps.

This discipline is also known as the Pre 8D because it aims to understand the problem and determine if the 8D process is the correct method to use. At this stage, the team aims to answer general questions such as:

  • Is this a new problem, or has it happened before?
  • Is this a recurring problem?
  • What is the history of this issue?
  • What was the method used to solve the problem before?

At this stage, the target is to learn about the problem’s history and decide if the 8D process is the best tool to solve the problem.

D1: Team Formation

Thinking as a team can produce more efficient solutions than trying to solve a problem alone. The team includes all the stakeholders involved in the situation. The team communicates with each other and performs brainstorming to solve the problem (check  Design Thinking Tools: Reverse Brainstorming ). If the team does not know each other, the brainstorming time can be used to learn how to teach members to explore ideas together. Methods can be used in brainstorming sessions such as mind mapping , Six Thinking Hats , and  Lego Serious Play.

D2: Describe the Problem

After team formation, the second step is to understand the problem and its risks. This stage starts with a risk analysis to identify the situation and how it can affect the project flow. Several methods can be used to analyse the problem from different perspectives, including  SWOT analysis ,  SCAMPER technique , and similar tools. This stage is essential to building a clear vision of the problem and ensuring all stakeholders have the same understanding of the situation.

D3: Develop a Temporary Containment Plan

While solving the problem, there should be a temporary containment plan to prevent the problem from affecting the rest of the project or the final product. This temporary containment solution is a short-term operation such as adding more labour, increasing the quality measurements, applying a risk plan, etc.

It is essential to understand that the containment action is not the real solution and can only be used for the short term. Therefore, this action can be applied internally and not affect the process of reaching a permanent solution.

D4: Determine and Verify Root Causes

This stage aims to investigate the root causes of the problem; it can be considered the core of the 8D problem solving process. In many problems, what we see as causes are symptoms of other root causes. This misunderstanding can lead to inaccurate attempts at solutions that can have negative consequences in the future and leave the underlying problem unsolved.

An intensive investigation should be implemented because, in many cases, the root cause is hidden inside the process and covered by many symptoms, which is confusing. Some tools can be used to define the root causes of the problem, such as  brainstorming , statistical analysis, flow charts, audits, etc.

D5: Verify the Permanent Solution

Once the root cause is defined, the solution becomes apparent, and the team better understands how to solve the problem. However, the symptoms and other related factors may create difficulties deciding how best to apply the solution. So, these other factors should be considered when determining the permanent solution to the dilemma.

When choosing the permanent solution to the problem, it should meet the following criteria to ensure it is the ideal solution for the problem:

  • The solution should be practical
  • The solution should be feasible
  • The solution should be cost-effective
  • The solution should not fail during production
  • The solution should be implemented in all affected facilities in the company

D6: Implement the Permanent Solution

Once the solution is approved, this step tends to work as an action plan. This plan aims to outline the steps to implement the solution. It is common to ask questions in this stage: What should be done? Who should be involved in the correction plan?

More documentation and detailed plans should be created if the solution is complex and needs further procedures. The method may include training the team and checking the plan’s progress for further development and improvement.

D7: Prevent Recurrence

Once the action plan is set and ready to be implemented, the team should establish a plan to prevent the problem from occurring in the future. The action plan should be tested and documented as part of the process to avoid the recurrence of the problem. Some of the tools that can achieve this goal are Control Charts, Capabilities Analysis, and Control Plans.

D8: Congratulate the Team

After completing the task and implementing the solution, the team deserves an acknowledgement of their work and a celebration. This event will positively impact the stakeholders and reflect recognition of employees’ efforts from the management inside the company.

How do you Write an 8D Report?

The primary documentation used in the problem solving process is the 8D report. Korenko et al. (2013) presented an example of the 8D problem-solving application, Application 8D Method For Problems Solving . After this example, you can find a free 8D Report template that you can download and use for both commercial and noncommercial applications. The first part of the report, D0, includes information about the problem and the project details related to the project. D1 section contains details of the team involved in the project, roles, titles and contact information. D2 part of the report includes a detailed description of the problem and possible visual images to show the problem clearly. The report can consist of the type of damage of the failure and the function where the problem occurs (Figure 2).  

8D Report example

D3 includes details of the temporary solution for the problem required to stop the damage rapidly. In this part, the temporary remedy is described, particularly the symptoms affect, the responsibility, and the validation of the action. In D4, the team uses a root-cause method such as the 5WHYs or the Cause-Effect analysis (Fish Bone method). These methods help the team to identify the root causes of the problem. In Figure 3, the 5WHYs method is used several times to identify the root cause of the problem. 

8D Report example

D5 of the report provides details about the permanent solution to fix the problem. Unlike the temporary solution, this aims to element the root causes of the problem. This section includes the procedure’s name, the reason to use it, the responsibility, the management approval to apply it and the expected date of completing the utilisation of the solution, as seen in Figure 4. In the following stage, D6, the team provides details on the implementation and validation of the permanent action.

8D Report example

D7 provides details about preventing the recurrent problem, such as the name of the action after the validation process in the previous stage. Also, this stage provides details of the cause behind this action and elements about its responsibility and implementing details. Finally, in D8, the report includes a summary of the procedure and the proper approvals related to the procedure implementation (Figure 5). 

8D Report example

Free 8D Report Template Download

Free 8D Report Template

You can download the below 8D report, which you can use for commercial and noncommercial projects. Don’t forget to mention Designorate as the source of this free 8D report.

The 8D Problem Solving process provides a reliable and systematic method that ensures that the problems inside a company or project are solved by eliminating their root causes and preventing recurrence. However, it is most suitable for complex problems that can take weeks or even months to solve. Therefore, the first stage aims to determine if the 8D process is ideal for the problem or if more straightforward tools should be implemented. If the 8D problem solving method is appropriate for your business problem, you have a step-by-step template to guide you through your attempts to find a suitable solution to the obstacle you need to overcome.

Dr Rafiq Elmansy

I'm an academic, author and design thinker, currently teaching design at the University of Leeds with a research focus on design thinking, design for health, interaction design and design for behaviour change. I developed and taught design programmes at Wrexham Glyndwr University, Northumbria University and The American University in Cairo. Additionally, I'm a published book author and founder of Designorate.com. I am a fellow for the Higher Education Academy (HEA), the Royal Society of Arts (FRSA), and an Adobe Education Leader. I write Adobe certification exams with Pearson Certiport. My design experience involves 20 years working with clients such as the UN, World Bank, Adobe, and Schneider. I worked with the Adobe team in developing many Adobe applications for more than 12 years.

8d problem solving excel format

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8D Manufacturing Report: Your Guide to Effective Problem Solving

  • Written by Brecht Plasschaert
  • Compliance , Lean Manufacturing
  • Updated on January 10, 2024
  • Published on August 16, 2022

Manufacturing companies are the backbone of any economy. They produce goods for local or international markets, employ people, and keep their customers happy. 

That’s why manufacturers often use 8D reports to identify and solve problems before they impact their production and business to ensure the quality of produced goods. The methodology was developed by Toyota Motors Manufacturing (TMM) in Japan in the 1960s to help the company achieve better performance. 

For companies who want to compete with other manufacturers around the world, it’s essential to identify and track root causes of non-conformities or problems in a production environment. This helps them achieve a high level of product efficiency and quality, which translates into lower costs and higher profits. 

In this article we cover the ins and outs of 8D reporting, how to use it, and the advantages it may offer to your workforce.

Download our 8D template as well to make your problem-solving process simpler.

The 8D method structure

The 8D problem-solving method is a systematic approach to problem solving that emphasizes team participation. This method generally covers:

  • Identifying the Problem — You must first identify what is wrong with the process or operation.
  • Determining Causes — After identifying a problem, you will have to determine its root cause(s). This may not be easy, but it’s imperative if you want to fix your processes and prevent future problems from arising again.
  • Developing Corrective Action — Once you’ve identified the causes of your problems and analyzed all possible solutions, it’s time to develop corrective actions. Create a plan for how each possible solution would work (i.e., “if we use this part instead,” or “if we add these people,” etc.). You’ll also need metrics and checkpoints throughout this process to ensure that everything is working as intended.

The 8 disciplines

The eight disciplines (8D) follow a logical sequence of eight steps. It’s one of the most common methods used in manufacturing because it’s a structured approach, but it can also be applied to other industries.

D1: Create a team When using 8D, it is important to have a cross-functional team with individuals from different disciplines to assist you cover more territory. There should be two subgroups for the team members:

  • Core members: people who are more data-driven and typical product, process, and data experts.
  • Subject Matter Experts (SME): members who may contribute to brainstorming, research, and process observation. Bring in fresh SMEs without hesitation to assist with any step of the process.

These team members have to be equipped with the knowledge necessary to identify the issue and implement solutions.

D2: Describe the problem

The problem description is a narrative that describes the issue in detail and should be understood across the team members. It explains how the issue happened, what impact it had on your business, and why you need to fix it. The problem description should include:

  • The underlying causes of your problem (the root cause). Why did this happen?
  • What’s the impact of this issue? How much money are you losing because of this? What other problems does it cause within your company?
  • How will fixing these underlying causes help solve or prevent future issues related to this one?

Here are some techniques and tools to identify and formulate the problems:

  • 5 Why’s formulation
  • Affinity Diagram
  • Fishbone Diagram
  • Is / Is Not method

D3: Develop a containment plan

Once you have identified, isolated, and controlled your manufacturing process problems, it’s time to create a plan for containment. You need clear descriptions so that everyone understands what they’re supposed to do in order to solve this issue. Be aware, an Interim Containment Action (ICA) is a temporary plan and should only be replaced with the Permanent Corrective Action (PCA) after completing 8D.

D4: Root Cause Analysis (RCA) and Escape Point

You might find yourself wandering down several rabbit holes before reaching this point. Be patient and methodical as you work through each step in your investigation process. This process should always be guided by facts rather than assumptions or guesses about what could be going wrong behind closed doors at your company’s factories overseas!

Review your results, then talk with your team about potential causes of the issue. Each probable root cause is mapped to the issue statement and any associated test results as part of the root cause analysis. Be cautious to rule out all probable reasons; hazy brainstorming and careless analysis might lead you to miss important details.

Some methods during this step include:

  • Comparative Analysis
  • Development of Root Cause Theories
  • Verification of Root Cause Theories
  • Review Process Flow Diagrams
  • Determine Escape Points, the closest point in the process where root cause could be found

In addition to determining the underlying causes, attempt to remember when and why you first discovered the issue in the process. This is called an escape point, and there can be more than one.

D5: Formulate Permanent Corrective Actions (PCA)

Corrective actions should be based on the root cause analysis. The first step in formulating corrective actions is to determine the root cause of the failure mode. To do this, you will need to analyze all of your data and identify which potential factors contributed to the problem. Once you have determined what caused the failure, you can then come up with ways of preventing similar failures from occurring in the future.

For example, if an assembly line stops due to an electrical issue with one machine, it would not make sense to fix just one machine; rather, you should look at all machines on that line and make sure they have proper electrical connections so that they are able to function properly.

So when something goes wrong, you will have a plan for fixing it before it causes even bigger problems down the road. There are several steps involved in creating an effective corrective action plan:

  • Plan out how long it will take before implementing any changes that can help fix whatever issue has arisen;
  • Create an actionable plan detailing exactly what needs changing;
  • Check in at regular intervals on progress made toward completing this project so that no one gets forgotten along its path until completion (this includes monitoring by both parties involved)
  • If necessary take appropriate steps like adding more resources or reallocating existing ones when delays  arise from unforeseen factors such as weather conditions etc .”

D6: Implement and Validate the Permanent Corrective Action

Interim measures are temporary solutions to a problem. They can be used to prevent further damage or to allow time for a permanent solution to be implemented. Interim measures can also be used to reduce the impact of the problem until it is solved.

When you have identified an issue in your business, create an action plan that includes interim measures as well as final goals and expectations. If there is some sort of delay in implementing these interim measures, report back on progress at least monthly so management stays up-to-date on what is happening within your department and company at large.

Some activities during the 6D step include:

  • Creating a project plan
  • Share the plan with relevant parties.
  • Use metrics to verify progress

D7: Monitoring of corrective measures

Monitoring is a key part of the 8D method. Monitoring is a way to check if a corrective action is working, or if it needs to be changed or completed. It’s also a way to check if the root cause has been addressed, and if your company has learned anything new from the incident that could help prevent future errors.

Your team needs to retain and document the shared knowledge that was gained while identifying, resolving, and preventing this problem. It’s important to review existing documents or procedures and update them accordingly to improve future outcomes.

Activities you need to keep in mind during this step are:

  • Reviewing comparable products and procedures to avoid other problems.
  • Creating or updating work instructions and procedures.
  • Capturing new industry standards and procedures.
  • Confirming the most recent failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA).
  • Confirming the revision of control plans.

D8: Recognize team and individual efforts

Giving feedback to ensure a good outcome is crucial for any team to flourish. Recognize the efforts and labor that each person has put into what they have brought to the process at this moment.

The tasks in this stage consist of:

  • Archive 8D for later use.
  • Keep track of your learnings to enhance your problem-solving techniques.
  • Comparisons of the before and after
  • Celebration and acknowledgement of the group

How to Write an 8D report for your company when you have a product defect or a problem to solve?

An 8D report is a tool for managing a problem. It consists of eight columns and four rows:

  • The first row, called the title row, lists each column’s name.
  • Define the Problem
  • Determine Causes
  • Develop Solutions
  • Verify Solutions
  • Control Risks
  • Document Your Improvements and Lessons Learned (optional)
  • Closeout (optional).
  • 1a through 7a include action steps related to 1 through 7 above; 
  • 6b includes an optional section that can be used if it becomes necessary to document lessons learned from this process at some later time (e.g., after you implement Solution 3b).

8D Report Pros and Cons for manufacturers

8d report advantages:.

More awareness of the root cause (s)

It improves your quality control processes by identifying the potential causes of nonconformance at each stage of production and prioritizes corrective action steps based on their risk level, priority, impact, probability, etc., thus ensuring that you address the system issues first before they result in incurring costs due to rework/scrap or adverse customer response or regulatory intervention.

Enhanced quality control strategies and plans.

8D enables you to reduce lead times by identifying where bottlenecks are occurring within a process so that resource allocation can be adjusted accordingly in order to improve throughput while maintaining quality standards (i.e., having sufficient workers available at all stages). This can also help with preventing employee burnout by covering more shifts so there is less overtime required from employees who might otherwise be tired from working too many hours without breaks when there is high demand for their services during peak times (like Christmas shopping season).

Avoid future problems

The 8D report can help your manufacturing company avoid costly mistakes, as you can see exactly where problems may occur and take action to prevent them. 

Team-based approach

An 8D report gives you an opportunity to check if everything is running smoothly and confirm that everyone understands their tasks and responsibilities. With this information at hand, it’s easier to make improvements based on what works best or needs improvement in different areas of your business. In addition, it’s easy to access historical data on procedures and products.

Better communication flows

Finally, It also allows for better communication flows between teams responsible for different processes in the manufacturing process and reduces the amount of time spent investigating issues that aren’t really problems.

8D report Cons: 

Extensive training

There aren’t many cons to applying 8D problem solving techniques. The most important one is that it will require that people who take part in problem-solving activities obtain the right training and instructions on how 8D operates.

They will also need to comprehend other closely linked concepts related to 8D issue solving methodologies. Examples of these may be pareto charts , process maps, fishbone diagrams, and more.

Lack in flexibility

In addition, an 8D report is not a good tool when there are several problems at once or when an issue in the manufacturing process needs immediate attention. 

Dedicated budget

An 8D report also has requirements that smaller enterprises with fewer resources can find complicated and costly. For example: you need to have a dedicated budget to provide extensive training so your team has the right knowledge to do the job right. 

Technology to Assist in 8D Reporting for manufacturers

There are a number of software solutions available to help companies implement 8D programs and manage their Supplier Quality Management (SQM) efforts. 

Why should you digitize your 8D processes?

Automating the 8D report process will ensure that all problems are captured and reported consistently, with no one falling through the cracks.

It facilitates collaboration across teams and departments. All stakeholders will have access to information on the status of every problem as it progresses through its lifecycle, so they can respond quickly if an issue arises or make suggestions for how best to resolve it. This saves time and allows everyone involved in a particular issue to feel more connected with one another than they otherwise would be able to do without this kind of technology at their disposal.

8D Solutions

8D reporting is a powerful tool for monitoring progress and identifying issues in manufacturing. This can help you improve your processes, reduce cost, and increase profits. With the help of technology, you can easily keep track of your 8D reports. Here are some solutions to assist manufacturers with this process:

A program like SAP or Oracle ERP allows you to integrate 8D reporting into your system. This way, all information is in one place and updated automatically.

A no-code software tool like Azumuta allows you to integrate 8D reporting into your system. This way, all information is in one place and updated automatically. Easily capture data with your phone or tablet , while offline from the field at any time! Create an 8D report right away and distribute it to your stakeholders and coworkers and track corrective actions to team members through a single app.

With real-time data, companies can improve communication among team members, improve problem solving skills for individuals on the team (including managers), and develop new solutions for existing issues based on past experience with similar problems at other locations or companies.

Microsoft Office

If you don’t want to invest in new software at this time but still want an easy way to manage your project issues and progress, consider using an online database like Excel for managing risks, defects, quality assurance methods, etc. This will allow you to access information from anywhere with a laptop or mobile device. This way is rather tedious though and important information can be lost.

Digitize your 8D Processes

As you can see, there are many benefits to using a software for 8D reporting. While it may seem like a lot of work initially, once you get the hang of it, it will be easy to maintain and manage your 8D records. The most important thing is to start now! Make sure that your company gets started on an 8D reporting software today so that your team can begin documenting problems as soon as possible!

See how our platform can help streamline data collection, increase productivity, and increase quality assurance with a demo of Azumuta.

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  • 8D (8 Disciplines)
  • Learn Lean Sigma
  • Improvement Methodology

8D short for the 8 Disciplines, is a globally recognized problem-solving methodology . It is primarily used as a quality tool where customer complaints of faulty or defective products are needing to be addressed.

However, it is not exclusively used for customer complaints; it is well suited to these situations, and many large organizations would expect a framework like 8D to have been followed and documented to demonstrate what actions were taken to solve the problem and reassure the customer that it will not reoccur.

Looking for an 8D Template? Click here

Why use 8D?

8D is a methodology used in problem-solving that sets out 8 clear steps to follow to ensure the correct actions are taken in the right order to minimize disruption to the customer as well as effectively address the root cause of the problem and sustain the solution to prevent it from happening again. 8D formalized the process to do this.

What are the Steps in 8D?

D1 – team formation.

The first step in 8D is team formation, this is an essential step if you want to solve the problem you are looking to address successfully. A Project is unlikely to be successful if you do not have the right team supporting it. The team selection should be cross-functional and include key stakeholders from different parts of the organisation that have a relationship to the issue or its process. This should also consist of internal/external suppliers in the process and internal/external customers of the process.

D2 – Define and Describe the problem

Once you have your project team assembled the next focus is ensuring the project team has a good and consistent understanding of what the problem is. To achieve this the team should collect details about the problem and completely understand the depth of the problem. The details used for this understanding should be based on data and facts and not hunches or experience.

D3 – Contain the Problem

Now that the team has a clear understanding of the problem based on data the team’s focus should be on containing the problem. This means putting into place short-term containment actions to prevent the effects from continuing in the process and especially preventing them from reaching the customer.

This could be done by taking action to isolate a bad batch of products from further progressing through the process or ultimately stopping the production altogether if the process continues to produce defects until the root cause of the problem is addressed.

It is important that this step is done as soon as possible to reduce any risk of defective products or parts going to the customer which could result in returns, complaints or loss of customers.

D4 – Root Cause Analysis

Once the problem is contained the next task is to identify the root cause or causes of the problem. It is important to treat the root cause of the problem and not just the visible symptoms to ensure the problem is effectively solved. If the symptoms are addressed it is likely the problem will reappear in the process in a different form simply moving the problem from one place to another.

For this methods and tools such as the Cause and Effect diagram (also referred to as Ishikawa Diagram , Fishbone Diagram or 6Ms) 5 Why or Why-Why, Pareto Charts or Box Plots may be used to identify the root causes using data and evidence to verify the root cause.

D5 – Corrective Actions

When the root cause has been successfully identified the next step should be for the team to identify suitable corrective actions to solve the problem. This is where a cross-functional diverse team is useful to use brainstorming, groupthink and affinity diagrams to identify, group and prioritised solution actions.

D6 – Validate Corrective Actions

Once the corrective actions have been decided, the team should then validate if the solutions are effective. This can be done by testing or simulating the solutions in the process and collecting data to identify if the solution and solve the problem. Any testing or trials should be done on a statistically significant sample size before it is confirmed the solutions are valid and have solved the problem. Steps 4 to 6 should be repeated until the problem has been completely eliminated.

D7 – Identify and Implement Preventive Actions

Once the corrective actions are validated the systems and processes should be updated to reflect the change, such as updating standard operating procedures (SOPs), policies, methods, technical drawings or work instructions. This should standardise the solution and ensure it is the new or updated way the process is conducted engineering out the old process and preventing a reoccurrence of the problem.

D8 – Team and Individual Recognition

Finally, once the problem as been solved the team should be rewarded and recognised for the contribution and support of the change. This is especially important is 8D and general problem solving is new to the organisation as it will allow those involved to see they are valued for their input and are able to support solving business problems making it more likely they will be actively involved in future problem-solving situations or be more aware of other business problems and highlight them to also be solved. This, in turn, increases the effectiveness of the business, employees and its processes.

When to use 8 Disciplines?

As mentioned above 8D is a great tool to address problems with processes that are producing rejects or defects in a process that might cause customer complaints. 8D is an ideal problem-solving methodology to use where it is fairly complex to understand the problem and the root cause and corrective actions are needed. It is also recommended that 8D is used where the PDCA process methodology would not be efficient in resolving the problem.

Finally, the 8 Disciplines (8D) is a well-known problem-solving methodology that is primarily used as a quality tool for addressing customer complaints about faulty or defective products. It is not, however, used solely for customer complaints, and many large organisations expect a framework like 8D to have been followed and documented to demonstrate the actions taken to solve the problem and prevent its recurrence.

8D is useful in problem-solving because it specifies eight specific steps to take to ensure that the correct actions are taken in the correct order to minimise disruption to the customer while effectively addressing the root cause of the problem. Team formation, defining and describing the problem, containing the problem, root cause analysis, corrective actions, validating corrective actions, identifying and implementing preventive actions, and recognising the team and individuals involved are all part of the 8D process.

Overall, 8D is an excellent problem-solving methodology to employ when it is difficult to understand the problem and its root cause and corrective actions are required. It is also suggested that 8D be used in situations where the PDCA process methodology would be ineffective in resolving the problem. Organizations that follow the 8D process can effectively solve problems, improve processes, and increase customer satisfaction, ultimately leading to increased effectiveness and success.

Subramaniam, M., Noordin, M.K. and Nor, H.M., 2021. Eight Discipline-Problem Based Learning in Industrial Training Program to Develop Future Proof Skills Among Graduate Engineers .  International Journal of Online & Biomedical Engineering ,  17 (12).

Riesenberger, C.A. and Sousa, S.D., 2010, June. The 8D methodology: an effective way to reduce recurrence of customer complaints . In  Proceedings of the world congress on engineering  (Vol. 3).

Kaplík, P., Prístavka, M., Bujna, M. and Viderňan, J., 2013. Use of 8D method to solve problems.   Advanced Materials Research ,  801 , pp.95-101.

Daniel Croft

Daniel Croft is a seasoned continuous improvement manager with a Black Belt in Lean Six Sigma. With over 10 years of real-world application experience across diverse sectors, Daniel has a passion for optimizing processes and fostering a culture of efficiency. He's not just a practitioner but also an avid learner, constantly seeking to expand his knowledge. Outside of his professional life, Daniel has a keen Investing, statistics and knowledge-sharing, which led him to create the website learnleansigma.com, a platform dedicated to Lean Six Sigma and process improvement insights.

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8d problem solving excel format

Examples Of 8D Problem-Solving

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8D Report Example

Product defects are not uncommon but an organization must act quickly to eliminate them. This will ensure customers have a good experience and the brand doesn’t suffer. In the event of a complaint, an organization can rely on the analysis of an 8D report sample to address errors and improve quality.

The 8D methodology is a structured and systematic approach to problem-solving. From an 8D problem-solving example it’s clear that it not only identifies a problem but also recognizes the weaknesses in the system. Analysis of an 8D report example prevents future occurrences of similar issues.

Examples Of 8D Reports

8d problem-solving report example, 8d problem-solving example.

An 8D problem-solving example shows the strength of this model lies in its methodology, structure and discipline. Organizations can effectively use an 8D report example to analyze defects, its root causes and ways to implement corrective actions.

Let’s have a look at these 8D reports.  

An organization had a problem with holes appearing in its metal cast toy parts. They found that about 3% of their last batch received complaints after operations due to pin-hole defects. An analysis was submitted after the purchase head asked for a full 8D report example . Here’s a look at the 8D report sample that was submitted.

D1 : Names of team members, team leader and manager.

D2 : The problem reported by the customer is described by answering the following questions:

  • What is the problem? A pin-hole defect
  • Who reported it? Tulip Pvt Ltd
  • When did it occur? Seen in the last batch
  • Why did it happen? Due to a defect in the casting base
  • How much production is affected? 3% of the products are defective.

  These questions aim to simplify their approach to problem-solving.

D3 : Once the problem is defined, the defective parts are segregated.

D4 : The root cause of the problem is identified by answering the following questions:

  • Why is there a pin-hole defect?
  • Why are core problems arising?
  • Why wasn’t the core cured properly?
  • Why was drying/curing time not modified?

These questions reveal that curing time was not validated and that was the root cause of the problem.  

D5 : A permanent corrective plan is recommended to the quality assurance engineer. It is proposed that product and process should be validated for new drying time.

D6 : Permanent corrective actions are implemented. 10 samples are collected. Product and process characteristics of each sample are checked.

D7 : Preventive measures are recommended to ensure the problem doesn’t recur.

D8 : Team and individual contributions are recognized by the manager. The team leader and team members are rewarded for their efforts.  

An organization received customer complaints about shrinkage on an automobile part. The management demanded a thorough analysis based on an 8D problem-solving example . Here’s the 8D report sample that was submitted:

D1 : A team is created with supply team members, team leader and manager.

D2 : A customer complaint is used to describe the problem. The problem is established by answering the following questions:

  • What is the complaint? Shrinkage on sump.
  • When was it seen? In the last batch.
  • Why did it happen? Due to a defect in the entrance area.
  • Who reported the problem? Albert D’Souza
  • How much production is affected? Nearly 2%

These questions allow the team to devise a containment plan.  

D3 : As a containment action the team decides to stop consignments and segregate the good parts immediately.

D4 : To identify the root cause, the team has to answer the questions defining the problem. They are:

  • Why was there a shrinkage at the ingate area?
  • Why were high pouring temperatures used?
  • Why was the pyrometer reading incorrect?
  • Why was the pyrometer condition not checked?

The root cause of the problem is revealed to be a faulty pyrometer.

D5 : As a permanent corrective plan, periodic checking of the pyrometer is suggested to the maintenance supervisor.

D6 : Permanent corrective action is implemented and pyrometers are scheduled for weekly checks.

D7 : Periodic checking and proper maintenance of pyrometers are factors to prevent a recurrence.

D8 : The team effort is recognized. The manager and team are praised for solving the problem.

An 8D report example will show that Root Cause Analysis (RCA) is an integral part of the 8D process. It helps managers establish problem statements, identify potential causes, compare theories and confirm the main cause of a problem. You can establish the root cause in an 8D report example by asking the most relevant questions related to the defect.

Harappa’s Structuring Problems course equips learners with frameworks to strengthen problem-solving skills. Explore the various causes behind a problem before solving it. Learn how to simplify problems, manage them better and scrutinize them in depth. The course helps professionals, managers and team leaders master logic trees, impact analysis, MECE principle and PICK framework.  Take the team to newer heights with Harappa.

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8D Report, Format, or Template is ready for you just click on Download. Here we will describe the 8D Report with a Manufacturing related example. 

DOWNLOAD -( 8D-DMN Report Template /format /form in Excel Format)

Basic Info. of 8D Report:

It’s a Problem-solving approach followed by Eight Critical Steps. This is used to provide excellent guidelines to identify the Root cause of The Problem or Issue. Moreover, an 8D approach is used to implement the solutions to prevent recurring problems. It was first used in the automotive industry.

Generally, Customer asks their Suppliers / Vendors / External Providers to submit the 8D Report as of and when they find the Defective material at their ends as BOP, Raw Materials, etc.

Eight Steps of 8D Report:

  • Team Formation
  • Problem Description
  • Implementing Containment Actions
  • Identify Problem Root Causes
  • Developing Permanent Corrective Actions
  • Implementing Permanent Corrective Actions
  • Preventing Re-occurrences
  • Congratulating the Team

8D Report

D1:- Team formation

A Cross-Functional team with multi-skilled Members needs to be selected. 

D2:- Problem Description

Describe the Problem in the form of 5W 2H as Who, What When, Where, Why, How, and how much.

D3:- Containment actions

Temporary Action needs to be implemented until a permanent solution is implemented.

D4:- Identify Problem Root Cause

After the implementation of Containment Action, We have to do the Root Cause Analysis to find out the Root Cause for the implementation of the permanent solution. The common tool used for RCA is Why-Why Analysis.

D5:- Developing permanent corrective actions

After getting the Root Cause of a Problem, we have to prepare an Action plan for the Possible solution. From there Permanent Corrective actions need to be selected.

D6:- Implementing permanent corrective actions

As soon as possible, Developed Permanent Corrective Actions need to be implemented. Implementation Plan / Activity Plan / Milestone Plan will help you better monitor and track the status of Activities.   

D7:- Preventive Re-occurrences

Here Preventive Action needs to be taken to minimize the Reoccurrences. In doing so, a review of the Management system, SOP, Control plan, FMEA, and Risk Management, so that it will prevent the Reoccurrence.

D8:- Congratulating the team

Now, it’s time to congratulate the Recognize your team for the joint effort. It is the most important step among All steps, which will help you to improve the moral part of people’s engagement. 

Example-1 Customer asked 8D report for casting pin-hole issue.

8d report example

Details of the above Example:

D-1: Supplier team member name: Organization is supposed to form a team with a Team leader and Champion.

D-2: Problem Description: You may describe the problem in a 5W1H manner or 5W2H.

8D Report

D-3: Implementing Containment action:

Immediate action needs to be taken so that the defective product will not be dispatched to the customer.

8D Report

D-4: RCA: You can find out the Root cause by why-why analysis, hypothesis testing, etc.

8D Report

D-5: Corrective Action:

Action to eliminate the root cause of the problem.

pin hole corrective action

D-6: Implement CA: here in this stage we have to implement the action of the corrective action plan.

implement permanent corrective action

D-7: Preventive action:

Action to eliminate the potential cause of the problem. according to the new ISO 9001:2015 standard requirement, Risk analysis is there. but in the above example we have mentioned the PA as;

preventive recurrence

We have discussed here another practical manufacturing example for your better understanding, For Example, At the customer end, 80% of the last consignment material found a machining problem, so the customer asked their supplier to submit the 8D report. That 8D report has been described below, kindly go through it to know the details.

Illustration of above example-2:

D-1- SUPPLIER TEAM MEMBER NAMES : There should be a team member, leader, and champion. so choose team members smartly covering the several functions as CFT, so that your team’s technical strength will be enhanced.


This is the vital step where you have to confirm the problem and similarly need to describe it.

D-3- IMPLEMENTING CONTAINMENT ACTIONS : Take immediate action so that your customer will not receive a non-conforming product/ material /item. In the above example, the supplier has stopped the consignment of the mix-up item ( Good and NG material) to the customer.


You can use several techniques or tools to find out the root cause , the commonly used technique is the why-why analysis .

D-5- PERMANENT CORRECTIVE ACTIONS : An action to eliminate the root cause of a problem, so whatever the RC will be found by root cause analysis then you have to take action on it. SO here covering the CAPA part is the important part.


Refer to CAPA .

D-8- TEAM AND INDIVIDUAL RECOGNITION : Congratulations to your team members.

What are the 8D steps?

The 8D is [1] Team Formation [2] Problem Description [3] Implementing Containment Action [4] Identify Problem Root Cause [5] Developing Permanent Corrective Action [6] Implementing Permanent Corrective Action [7] Preventing Reoccurrence [8] Congratulate the Team.

What is the difference between CAPA and 8D?

The CAPA and 8D are problem-solving approaches. During the RCA (Root cause analysis) of the problem, we generally develop the Action plan and represent it in different and different formats/templates like CAPA, 8D, G10, etc. The main objective or purpose of both methods is to develop the action plan, implement the action plan, and measure the effectiveness of the action plan. I meant to say that both are problem-solving approaches/ methods.


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The Author is an Expert in Quality Management System, Operation Management, Business Excellence, Process Excellence, IATF 16949, ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 17025, TQM, TPM & QA. He is Certified as an IA for ISO 9001, IATF 16949, ISO 14001, ISO 17025 & ISO 45001 Standard.

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  1. 8D Report

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  5. 8D Report Template in Excel

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  9. 8D Report and template

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  11. Free 8D Report Templates

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  22. 8D Report

    DOWNLOAD-(8D-DMN Report Template /format /form in Excel Format) Basic Info. of 8D Report: It's a Problem-solving approach followed by Eight Critical Steps. This is used to provide excellent guidelines to identify the Root cause of The Problem or Issue. Moreover, an 8D approach is used to implement the solutions to prevent recurring problems.

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