Powerful Resume Synonyms for Assist – A Comprehensive Guide

Powerful Resume Synonyms for Assist – A Comprehensive Guide

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Resume Synonyms for Assist

A well-crafted resume is a passport to your dream job. It’s more than a bland list of skills and experiences. Instead, it’s a dynamic showcase of your talents and expertise. At the heart of this showcase lies the art of choosing the right words. One such powerful verb that often finds its place in resumes is assist . But are there ways to make it sound even more compelling and impressive? Absolutely! This comprehensive guide will explore diverse synonyms for ‘assist’ and how to effectively implement them in your resume.

Boost your resume’s appeal with our comprehensive guide to powerful synonyms for ‘assist’. Discover 50 impactful action verbs, their appropriate usage, and common mistakes to avoid. Our guide even includes engaging case studies to show the transformative power of the right word choices.

Understanding the Action Verb ‘Assist’

50 powerful resume synonyms for ‘assist’, the impact of using diverse action verbs, appropriate usage of synonyms for ‘assist’, common mistakes in using synonyms for ‘assist’, case study: resumes before and after synonym usage.

The term ‘assist’ is a quintessential action verb used in resumes. It signifies a helpful action, suggesting you have lent your skills to a task or project, often contributing to successful results. However, the ubiquity of this term can also be its downfall.

Imagine reading through hundreds of resumes each day, only to see the word ‘assist’ appear time and time again. It becomes repetitive and fails to stand out. That’s why it’s crucial to break the monotony and offer a fresh take on your contributions. Having a diverse linguistic repertoire can make your resume more vibrant and memorable.

Are you ready to inject some linguistic diversity into your resume? Here’s a comprehensive list of powerful synonyms for ‘assist’, each carrying unique connotations that can match various contexts.

Diverse action verbs in your resume are like different shades of paint for an artist’s palette. The more shades you have, the more vibrant and detailed your painting—or in this case, your resume—becomes.

Recruiters sift through hundreds, sometimes thousands, of resumes, all trying to sell various skills and experiences. In this highly competitive environment, having a resume that can stand out, be engaging and easy to read, can tip the scales in your favor.

“Using a variety of action verbs in your resume not only helps to present your experiences in new, engaging ways, but it also demonstrates your ability to express yourself accurately and creatively. This is a valuable skill in any job role,” says Martina Johnson, a senior HR professional with over 15 years of experience.

Knowing a wide range of synonyms for ‘assist’ is just the beginning. Applying them appropriately in your resume is where the real magic happens. It’s crucial to understand that synonyms are not universally interchangeable. They have unique connotations and are best suited for certain contexts. Using them appropriately can bring life to your resume and create a vivid picture of your skills and experiences.

While diversifying your resume language is beneficial, there are some common pitfalls to avoid:

1. Misusing Synonyms: It’s crucial to understand the connotation each verb carries and use it in the right context. For example, ‘aid’ often implies help in a challenging situation. Using ‘aid’ for a regular task may not convey the correct image.

2. Overstuffing Your Resume with Fancy Words: While powerful verbs can make your resume stand out, an excess can make it difficult to read and understand. Aim for a balanced approach.

3. Inconsistency in Verb Tenses: When describing your work experiences, ensure you maintain a consistent verb tense. Typically, past roles should be described in the past tense, and current roles should be described in the present tense.

Remember, the goal is to enhance your resume, making it a clear and engaging document that effectively showcases your skills and experiences.

Let’s look at the transformation of a resume bullet point with the appropriate use of synonyms.

Before: “Assisted the team in software development processes.”

After: “Collaborated with the team to expedite software development processes, leading to a 15% reduction in project completion time.”

In the ‘after’ example, ‘collaborated’ and ‘expedited’ replace ‘assisted’, adding energy and specificity to the sentence. This version not only sounds more compelling but also gives a clearer picture of the candidate’s role and the results of their efforts.

Here’s another transformation:

Before: “Assisted in the creation of marketing campaigns.”

After: “Played a pivotal role in devising and executing innovative marketing campaigns that boosted customer engagement by 25%.”

In the revised sentence, ‘played a pivotal role in devising and executing’ replaces ‘assisted in the creation of’, which paints a more vivid picture of active involvement and contribution.

These examples highlight the potential impact of word choice in your resume. Different synonyms can provide a fresh perspective on your role and showcase your contributions more effectively.

The power of language in a resume extends far beyond simply filling in blanks. It’s about presenting your professional story in a compelling and engaging manner. Using diverse and appropriate synonyms for ‘assist’ is one step towards crafting a resume that stands out in the crowd.

By understanding the connotations of different action verbs and employing them wisely in your resume, you can breathe new life into your job applications. So, the next time you’re about to write ‘assist’ in your resume, remember there’s a world of vivid, powerful synonyms waiting to elevate your professional narrative!

another word for assist on a resume

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Published by Sarah Samson

Sarah Samson is a professional career advisor and resume expert. She specializes in helping recent college graduates and mid-career professionals improve their resumes and format them for the modern job market. In addition, she has also been a contributor to several online publications.

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10 Good Synonyms For “Assisted” On Your Resumé

It’s good to show that you’re helpful in a resumé. That’s why it’s great to show that you’ve “assisted” on projects and tasks before when applying to new jobs. We’ll also show you some other great synonyms you might be able to use.

The preferred synonym is “accommodated.” It works well in a professional setting because it shows that you made time to help someone with another task (that might not have been related to you). It shows more than anything that you’re a team player.

Good Synonyms For Assisted On Your Resumé


“Accommodated” is the best way to replace “assisted.” It shows that you always find ways to make things work better for someone. This can refer to a project, task, or a relationship with an employee or colleague from before.

Using a word like this in a resumé shows that you have a great character about yourself. It makes you very hirable, which is always a good option.

The definition of “accommodated,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary , is “to give what is needed to someone.”

  • I accommodated the merger in my previous company, which helped to streamline the whole process for my former employer.
  • I believe that I accommodated a lot of changes at my old workplace. I’d love a chance to get to do this again for you.
  • I accommodated them for their decisions. I will always tell management if I have better ideas, but I’m happy to work with them.

“Obliged” is a polite form to show that you are helping people out. You might want to be a bit careful with it, though. Some people think it sounds like you are almost “forced” into doing something that might not have assisted you in some way.

The definition of “obliged,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary , is “used to ask someone politely to do something.”

  • I’m always obliged to help out wherever I can. Let me know when you’ve come up with a way for me to work with the team.
  • I obliged them in their mission to get it sorted. I wanted to make sure the project was completed without a hitch.
  • Of course, I obliged. I love teamwork, and getting involved in the tasks with some of them was the best way to do that.

“Aided” is a simple synonym for “assisted.” It shows that you provided “aid” to someone or something to help it move along. This shows that you work well in a team (or under pressure, depending on the context).

We recommend this one as a solid option if you don’t want “accommodated.”

The definition of “aided,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary , is “to help.”

  • I aided wherever I could. I wanted to make sure that people saw me as a diligent worker and one that wouldn’t quit.
  • I am always happy to aid in the workplace. If you need help from me, I’ll be there to make sure you get what you need.
  • I have aided in at least five successful projects and mergers at my former company. I’m eager to bring the same passion to you.

“Encouraged” is good because it shows that you have a strong, positive character. Usually, you “encourage” things to happen when you want them to happen quicker or more efficiently.

You can also encourage people, which usually shows that you’re a team player. If you can keep everyone encouraged on your team, then new bosses will look at your positively.

The definition of “encouraged,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary , is “having more confidence or hope about something.”

  • I like to keep my team encouraged when it counts. I think it’s the best way to keep morale high while maximizing output.
  • I encouraged my former boss with the new project. That’s how they managed to claim such a large client base with relative ease.
  • I always encourage the people around me to speak up about their issues. I’m happy to run them by you when I hear them.

“Backed up” is a simple one. You should only use this if you’re referring to projects that you supported, even when you might not have been expected to. This shows new employers that you always have an eye for success and delivery.

The definition of “backed up,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary , is “to provide support or help to someone or something.”

  • I’ve found myself backing up many projects in my time. I’d say I have a 99% success rate with these types of things.
  • I back up anyone who I believe has promise. I think it’s important to make sure everybody gets a fair chance in business.
  • I backed up my managers when they needed me. I wanted them to see that there were people on their side.


“Facilitated” usually means you’ve made something easier. You could refer to former projects or tasks as “facilitated” if you offered something to them that made the whole process more reliable or effective.

This is a great phrase when you’re using it in a resumé. It shows a boss that you’re a hard worker and have great problem-solving skills that you’ve already put to the test.

The definition of “facilitated,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary , is “to make something possible or easier.”

  • I facilitated change in my workplace that I believe helped to streamline the working process. I think you’d benefit from the same changes.
  • I have always been good at facilitating change in people. That’s one of my best qualities as a manager, I would say.
  • I facilitated the projects that you see before you. I’ve attached all the best ones to show you what I can do right.

“Expedited” works well when you are speeding processes or projects up. It typically means that you’re good at finding ways to make things more efficient, which many companies can learn from.

It shows that you’re good at finding holes in already-existing systems. An outside eye like yours might be exactly what a company needs.

The definition of “expedited,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary , is “to make something happen more quickly.”

  • I make sure to expedite processes when I can. I believe that faster processes mean faster working days. Efficiency is key.
  • It’s good to get these expedited when it fits you. That’s why I believe my skills are the most opportune for you to take on right now.
  • I expedited all of the projects that my boss used to give to me. I know that I’m worth every dollar of my salary.

“Stimulated” works well when you have helped things in a former business to grow. If you’ve managed to develop an idea from the ground up (and have it be successful), it could be good to use a word like this to show what you’re able to achieve.

The definition of “stimulated,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary , is “to encourage something to grow, develop, or become active.”

  • I have always maintained a stimulated approach to how I see business. I always make sure to bring others up around me.
  • I stimulated change when I needed to. It was my job to find holes in the programming and fix them.
  • I would like to continue stimulating projects and tasks where I can. I hope my new job role will allow me the flexibility for that.

“Furthered” means that you’ve developed something or made progress. It works well because it shows that you’re always looking for ways to make something better in business.

Once something has been used the same way for years, it can be difficult for old employees to let it go. That’s why bosses look for new employees that can “further” their systems, to make sure things are kept as efficient as possible.

The definition of “furthered,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary , is “to develop or make progress in something.”

  • I furthered my boss’s relationship with three of her major clients. I believe I can do the same for you.
  • I furthered many of my former colleague ’s work prospects after meeting with them about what they were capable of doing.
  • I would like to have the chance to further this company’s workload prospects. I think there are some great things to change.

“Helped” is technically the most appropriate synonym for “assisted.” However, we included it last because there are plenty of better options when we’re looking into a resumé specifically. “Helped” should only be a last resort.

The definition of “helped,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary , is “to make it possible or easier for someone to do something, by doing part of the work yourself or by providing advice, money, support, etc.”

  • I helped wherever I could. I like to make myself available when it comes to making sure I impress my bosses at work.
  • I always helped. It’s one of my best qualities, and I’m sure that you’ll find there are plenty of ways to merge me into this company.
  • I love to help. I think it’s important to make sure everybody believes in you, and we all raise each other up.

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martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here .

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Thesaurus Definition of assist

 (Entry 1 of 2)

Synonyms & Similar Words

  • encouragement
  • helping hand
  • facilitation
  • furtherance
  • advancement
  • sponsorship
  • benefaction
  • beneficence
  • hand - holding
  • philanthropy
  • assuagement

Antonyms & Near Antonyms

  • interference
  • obstruction
  • frustration
  • discouragement

Thesaurus Definition of assist  (Entry 2 of 2)

  • bear a hand
  • to stand one in good stead
  • minister (to)
  • inconvenience

Thesaurus Entries Near assist


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“Assist.” Merriam-Webster.com Thesaurus , Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/assist. Accessed 20 Mar. 2024.

More from Merriam-Webster on assist

Nglish: Translation of assist for Spanish Speakers

Britannica English: Translation of assist for Arabic Speakers

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Resume Synonyms for Help

Want to connect with potential employers by highlighting your support capabilities? While 'Help' indicates assistance, more uplifting verbs like 'Empower' convey your talents enabling people to maximize their potential. Let's explore enabling alternatives to 'Help' that can vividly underscore your abilities to unlock success in others.

Table of Contents

Using help on a resume.

In the simplest terms, 'Help' is a word that signifies assistance, support, or aid provided to someone or something. It's a term that embodies the act of making things easier or better for someone else, often in a situation where they cannot do it themselves. When it comes to a resume, 'Help' is frequently used to describe a candidate's role or experience in assisting others, whether it be colleagues, clients, or entire organizations. It is meant to communicate a sense of teamwork, cooperation, and the ability to contribute positively to a larger goal or objective. However, while 'Help' is a useful term, it may not always be the most impactful word to use on your resume. It's a rather generic term and can sometimes fail to capture the full extent of your contributions or abilities. To truly make your resume stand out, it's worth considering the use of other, more dynamic synonyms that can better articulate your skills and experiences. This not only adds variety to your resume but also allows potential employers to gain a more nuanced understanding of your capabilities.

Tailor Your Resume Content to the Job Description

another word for assist on a resume

Strong vs Weak Uses of Help

Examples of using help on a resume.

  • Helped streamline company operations by implementing a new project management system, resulting in a 20% increase in efficiency.
  • Helped develop and launch a new product line that increased company revenue by 15%.
  • Helped lead a team of 10 employees, improving team productivity by 30%.
  • Helped with some projects.
  • Helped around the office.
  • Helped with things that needed to be done.

How Help Is Commonly Misused

"helped with various tasks".

This statement is too vague and does not provide any specific information about the tasks that were helped with. It is better to provide specific examples or details to showcase your skills and contributions.

"Helped customers with their inquiries"

While it may seem like a positive statement, it lacks impact and does not highlight any specific achievements. Instead, it is better to mention the outcomes or results of helping customers, such as "Provided exceptional customer service by resolving inquiries promptly, resulting in a 95% customer satisfaction rating."

"Helped in the development of new products"

This statement is too general and does not provide any specific information about the role played in the development process. It is better to provide specific examples or details to showcase your contributions and impact, such as "Collaborated with cross-functional teams to ideate, prototype, and launch three new products, resulting in a 30% increase in overall company revenue."

"Helped manage team projects"

While it indicates involvement in team projects, it lacks specificity and does not highlight any specific responsibilities or achievements. Instead, it is better to mention specific actions taken or outcomes achieved while managing team projects, such as "Led a team of five members in successfully executing multiple projects, resulting in a 15% increase in project efficiency and on-time delivery."

When to Replace Help with Another Synonym

Assisting customers.

Instead of using "Helped," job seekers can use synonyms like "Assisted," "Supported," or "Aided" to convey their role in providing customer service. These alternatives highlight their ability to address customer needs, resolve issues, and ensure customer satisfaction.

Collaborating with colleagues

When describing teamwork or collaboration experience, job seekers can opt for synonyms such as "Collaborated," "Cooperated," or "Worked closely with." These terms emphasize their ability to work effectively with others, contribute to group projects, and achieve common goals.

Training or mentoring others

Instead of using "Helped," job seekers can use synonyms like "Trained," "Mentored," or "Guided" to showcase their role in developing the skills and knowledge of others. These alternatives highlight their ability to transfer knowledge, provide guidance, and support the professional growth of their peers or subordinates.

Best Resume Synonyms for Help

How to replace help with a stronger, more relevant synonym, replacing help in your resume summary.

Using a Strong Synonym

Replacing Help in Your Work Experience

  • Helped in the development and implementation of a new marketing strategy that increased company sales by 15%.
  • Facilitated the development and successful execution of an innovative marketing strategy, driving a 15% increase in company sales.

Powerful Help Synonyms for Different Job Categories

Best help synonyms for marketing resumes, best help synonyms for customer service resumes, find the right synonyms for any job, frequently asked questions.

Instead of using the word 'Help', consider using more dynamic verbs like 'Assisted', 'Supported', 'Facilitated', or 'Contributed'. For example, instead of saying "Helped with project management", you could say "Assisted in the successful completion of a major project" or "Contributed to a 20% increase in efficiency through effective project management".

It's OK to use 'Help' on your resume when you're describing how you assisted or supported a project, team, or initiative. For example, "Helped develop a new marketing strategy that increased sales by 20%," or "Helped coordinate a team of 5 to complete project ahead of schedule." However, ensure it's used sparingly and in conjunction with more powerful action verbs to avoid sounding passive.

To gauge if 'Help' is relevant for your resume, consider the context and the role you're applying for. If you're in a service-oriented or team-focused role, using 'Help' can highlight your ability to assist others or contribute to a team. For example, "Helped increase team productivity by 20%" or "Helped develop a new customer service protocol, resulting in improved customer satisfaction scores."

Which Job Titles use Help the Most?

Top 5 titles/functions with the most mentions of help on their resume:, related resume synonyms, explore full resume examples to find other improvements.

administrative manager resume

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noun as in help

Strong matches

  • collaboration
  • compensation
  • cooperation
  • facilitation
  • furtherance
  • reinforcement
  • helping hand

verb as in help

Strongest matches

  • take care of
  • collaborate

Weak matches

  • give a boost
  • give a leg up
  • give a lift
  • go down the line for
  • go to bat for
  • grease the wheels
  • lend a hand
  • make a pitch for
  • put on the map
  • ride shotgun
  • run interference for
  • stand up for

Discover More

Related words.

Words related to assist are not direct synonyms, but are associated with the word assist . Browse related words to learn more about word associations.

  • encouragement
  • endorsement

verb as in perform service

  • convenience

verb as in help, support

  • open doors for
  • stick up for
  • straighten out

noun as in help, support

  • advancement
  • alleviation
  • benefaction
  • benevolence
  • deliverance
  • ministration
  • shot in the arm

Viewing 5 / 62 related words

Example Sentences

The FBI has also been searching its records for any information that could assist the French investigation, a spokesperson added.

Not her own—but Landrieu did provide an assist to a man doing a keg stand at Louisiana State University.

Distant cousins of the Bordens are on hand to assist the cast of 20 people, some of whom are very dedicated guests.

Companies across the country donated supplies and equipment to assist him with his expedition.

The social worker will “assist staff and public with counseling and psychosocial support and communications.”

The emperor Nicholas of Russia declared, by ukase, his purpose to assist Austria.

Still another kind of war credit bank was created on the co-operative plan to assist the middle and lower classes.

He stood swaying the umbrella-handle about, looking down at it, as if that would assist his decision.

To assist the amateur and collector in this pursuit is the object of the present little work.

An English battery came thundering down the road to take up a fresh position and assist in covering the retreat.

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On this page you'll find 158 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to assist, such as: abetment, aid, assistance, backing, benefit, and boost.

From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

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Individual Strands Join to Form One Fabric, Network, Business, Family

Looking for Tuesday’s Strands hints, spangram and answers? You can find them here:

Time for a midweek play session of Strands , and this time this is probably one of the harder puzzles I have seen from the game. It took a bunch of hints and actually me Googling something to try and figure out some of the rest of the words. But now I have the answers to share, or just some hints if you prefer.

How To Play Strands

The New York Times’ Strands puzzle is a play on the classic word search. It’s in beta for now, which means it’ll only stick around if enough people play it every day.

There’s a new game of Strands to play every day. The game will present you with a six by eight grid of letters. The aim is to find a group of words that have something in common, and you’ll get a clue as to what that theme is. When you find a theme word, it will remain highlighted in blue.

You’ll also need to find a special word called a spangram. This tells you what the words have in common. The spangram links two opposite sides of the board. While the theme words will not be a proper name, the spangram can be a proper name. When you find the spangram, it will remain highlighted in yellow.

another word for assist on a resume

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Be warned: You’ll need to be on your toes.

“Some themes are fill-in-the-blank phrases. They may also be steps in a process, items that all belong to the same category, synonyms or homophones,” The New York Times notes. “Just as she varies the difficulty of Wordle puzzles within a week, [Wordle and Strands editor Tracy] Bennett plans to throw Strands solvers curveballs every once in a while.”

What Is Today’s Strands Hint?

Scroll slow. The official hint for today’s puzzle is below along with another one that I think could be even more helpful, if you think you want two.

The official theme hint for today’s Strand puzzle is...

Back and forth

And my own hint? Had to think carefully about this one:

What Are Today’s Strands Answers?

Spoilers follow. Now comes the answers, which are ones that may have you kicking yourself once you figure out the theme. The theme which is then best understood when you find the spangram, which is below:

That fits into the grid from one side to the other right here:

Here’s the full list of answers:

Got a full seven words in today. This one was tricky because PALINDROME for the spangram is not actually a palindrome itself, it just describes the other ones. I had to get two hints to give me NOON and then CIVIC. When I got NOON I thought it might be something to do with time at first, but once I got CIVIC I understood what they were going for.

Next up I thought of the most famous palindrome I remembered from when I was a kid, RACECAR and sure enough, that was on there. I originally spelled MADAME before any of this which got me a hint, but MADAM is the right version of it which I got later. ROTATOR is probably the toughest one on the list as it’s not one you’d normally think of, and it’s pretty long.

So yeah, I found that especially difficult to be honest, and generally speaking I don’t think Strands is all that hard. But today and yesterday were decently tough, and I’m wondering how you did this week.

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Pick up my sci-fi novels the Herokiller series and The Earthborn Trilogy .

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The results are massively generic 

Take this summary, for instance:

As a hiring manager, the first thing I'm always looking for is evidence of specific accomplishments. When I scan this, though, my first thought is "Wow — this candidate is great at buzzwords, but not so great at actual marketing." 

That's hardly the first impression you want to make when employers spend seven seconds , on average, reviewing your resume!

ChatGPT and other AI tools are going to make stuff up 

As if that wasn't bad enough, check out what comes next under a single job listing under the experience section:

Not only do these bullet points lack specificity (with no clear projects or outcomes), but the sheer range of skills covered is literally unbelievable. As in, I've never met a marketer in my two-decade career who did all of these things in one job.

So my human BS detector immediately assumes the worst: This isn't a resume, this is a hallucination!

The right way to use AI for your resume

OK, you get the picture: Having AI generate your resume from scratch can be a fast track to rejection. But if we know that human reviewers want specificity and credibility, we can actually leverage AI to help us with those exact things.

1. Start with a draft resume written by a human (i.e., you)

Instead of asking AI to generate your resume, start with your own first draft, even if it's in rough shape. That way, you can at least be specific and accurate about what you actually did, even if those accomplishments need a little polishing.

2. Identify and incorporate missing keywords

Go right to the source of truth. The job description was created by the hiring team to spell out the skills they're looking for — and it contains the exact keywords you want to match.

Here's where you turn to AI. Enter the following prompt: 

  • Which keywords from the below job description are missing from my resume? 
  • Here's the job description: [Paste the job description here] 
  • And here's my resume: [Paste the text of your resume here]

Once you've got a list of missing keywords, identify the ones you have experience with and prompt the AI to help you incorporate them: 

Suggest three ways to incorporate [keyword] into my resume.

3. Quantify achievements and demonstrate results

The best predictor of future performance is usually past performance, which means recruiters and hiring managers want to see real results, not just hallucinations.

So get a little nudge in the right direction with a prompt like: 

Suggest three ways to add more quantitative impact to the following bullet point: [Paste your bullet point here]

Now, it's tempting to copy and paste the bullets your AI platform suggests straight into your resume. But make sure you're editing the text to match your actual accomplishments. For instance, maybe you generated $300,000 in donations, not $500,000 like the AI spit out, or your organization actually measures growth quarterly rather than monthly.

4. Review, review, review!

Always proofread your resume before submitting it. If you've used AI, it's all the more important to review every last word and number to make sure everything's 100% accurate. 

The last thing you want is to be sitting in a final-round interview and have your prospective boss's boss's boss ask you about a resume bullet the AI fabricated and you forgot to update!

Jeremy Schifeling is the founder of  The Job Insiders , which provides career technology training for hundreds of top universities and business schools. He is also the author of " Career Coach GPT: The Complete Guide to ChatGPT Resume, Cover Letter, Interview, and Job Search Success " and shares his latest career and AI hacks on LinkedIn .

Want to land your dream job in 2024?  Take  CNBC's new online course How to Ace Your Job Interview  to learn what hiring managers are really looking for, body language techniques, what to say and not to say, and the best way to talk about pay. CNBC Make It readers can save 25% with discount code 25OFF.

Plus,  sign up for CNBC Make It's newsletter  to get tips and tricks for success at work, with money and in life.

This 28-year-old works 3.5 days a week and makes $189,000

Resume Worded   |  Career Strategy

Resume synonyms for helped.

Want another word for Helped to use on your resume? Our team's compiled the most effective action verbs and synonyms you can use instead of the overused resume phrase, " Helped ".

Kimberley Tyler Smith Author Photo

Recruiters value candidates who take the initiative, and seeing that you've 'helped' your past employers can be positive for them. It indicates that you are a self-starter who can be relied upon in a pinch. It also shows that you have experience working with others and collaborating on projects, which is essential for any role in your professional life. Yet, because it is vague and non-specific, you should avoid using the word helped when describing your experience. It does not provide enough detail about the action you took or how you were able to help someone else. It is better to use action verbs that describe what kind of help was given and how much effort was put into performing that task. Describe your experience more specifically with words such as 'resolved,' 'increased,' or—depending on the type of work you do—'improved.' Using other words for 'helped' that are more specific will provide the recruiter with a better idea of your skills and abilities necessary to do the job. I've compiled some synonyms you can use instead of Helped on your resume, followed by real examples I've written for clients (feel free to use them!).

Resume Synonyms for Helped :

  • Transformed
  • Spearheaded
  • Revitalized
  • Consolidated
  • Orchestrated
  • Streamlined
  • Refashioned
  • Accelerated
  • Reconstructed
  • Co-authored
  • Facilitated
  • Administered
  • Recommended

How to replace Helped with a stronger action verb:

Let's look at examples of how you can remove and replace the overused phrase, Helped, with a stronger synonym and alternative that is more effective at highlighting your achievements.

• Helped to launch new product features by getting involved in user-testing focus groups

After: Using a stronger synonym • Conducted 25+ user-testing focus groups leading to 3 new product features in 6 months.

Replacing Helped with Transformed ▾

• Helped in the rebranding of the company website.

After: Transformed • Transformed the company's old website, introducing modern user interfaces, resulting in 2X increase in organic site traffic within 3 months.

By changing from vague 'helped' to the specific action verb 'transformed', we drive home the point that the candidate was instrumental in the rebranding. Additionally, the measurable outcome further strengthens their impact.

Tip: I've prepared a ton of additional examples for you to give you inspiration. Please click on any of the following to expand and see real examples of how I've rewritten client bullet points.

Replacing Helped with Spearheaded ▾

• Helped in developing marketing strategies.

After: Spearheaded • Spearheaded the development and implementation of innovative marketing strategies, resulting in a 30% increase in brand visibility within two months.

The term 'spearheaded' shows that the candidate took charge and led the project. The additional detail about brand visibility gives a concrete metric that quantifies the candidate's success.

Replacing Helped with Championed ▾

• Helped to improve customer service processes.

After: Championed • Championed a significant overhaul of customer service processes, decreasing response times by 50% and raising customer satisfaction by 20%.

Using 'championed' underscores the candidate's leadership and initiative. Adding specific metrics like response times and customer satisfaction rates gives hiring managers a clear idea of the candidate's accomplishments.

Replacing Helped with Optimized ▾

• Helped in making office operations more efficient.

After: Optimized • Optimized office operations by implementing a new documentation system, reducing retrieval times by 35%.

Replacing 'helped' with 'optimized' illustrates the candidate's ability to improve processes. The specific improvement and its impact provide concrete evidence of their effectiveness.

Replacing Helped with Pioneered ▾

• Helped to build a team from scratch.

After: Pioneered • Pioneered a cross-functional team of 10 diverse professionals that outperformed company average metrics by 25%.

Rephrasing 'helped to build' to 'pioneered' sets the candidate as a trailblazer in their area. The inclusion of team size and results paints a clear picture of the candidate's leadership skills.

Replacing Helped with Oversaw ▾

• Helped in managing a team project.

After: Oversaw • Oversaw a crucial project with a team of 5, delivering 20% ahead of the deadline and under budget.

Using 'oversaw' instantly provides evidence of the candidate's management skills. Including specific metrics such as being '20% ahead of deadline' offers a tangible measure of their effectiveness in overseeing projects.

Replacing Helped with Elevated ▾

• Helped in enhancing SEO efforts.

After: Elevated • Elevated company's online presence by redefining SEO efforts, leading to a 50% increase in organic search traffic over a 6-month period.

Replacing 'helped' with 'elevated' firmly places the candidate as the driving factor in improving SEO. Quantifying the improvement helps to demonstrate the candidate's direct impact on the company's online presence.

Replacing Helped with Supervised ▾

• Helped to lead a team of sales associates.

After: Supervised • Supervised a team of ten sales associates, surpassing quarterly sales targets by 15%.

By replacing 'helped' with 'supervised', the candidate's leadership role is emphasized. Specific outcomes, like surpassing sales targets, further evidence their successful supervision skills.

Replacing Helped with Devised ▾

• Helped to create a new software testing procedure.

After: Devised • Devised a comprehensive software testing procedure that reduced bug occurrence by 40%.

Using 'devised' stresses the candidate's creativity and abilities in problem-solving. The statement's impact is reinforced with quantifiable outcomes, demonstrating a significant reduction in bugs.

Replacing Helped with Revitalized ▾

• Helped to revise the company’s social media strategy.

After: Revitalized • Revitalized the company’s outdated social media strategy, which boosted engagement rates by 30% within 90 days.

Transforming 'helped to revise' into 'revitalized' reinforces the candidate's proactive role. It also quantifies their effectiveness by defining the engagement rates increase in a specific timeline.

Replacing Helped with Consolidated ▾

• Helped to merge two different departments.

After: Consolidated • Consolidated two distinct departments into one cohesive unit, increasing operational efficiency by 18%.

Replacing 'helped' with 'consolidated' affirms the candidate's active role in the merger process. The statement includes relevant metrics, giving more weight to the candidate's accomplishment.

Replacing Helped with Modernized ▾

• Helped to update old company databases

After: Modernized • Modernized three outdated company databases, saving 15 hours of manual data entry per week.

The use of 'modernized' instead of 'helped' emphasizes the candidate's instrumental role in the update. Directly linking their action to time savings brings out the tangible results of their contribution.

Replacing Helped with Orchestrated ▾

• Helped to coordinate team building events

After: Orchestrated • Orchestrated monthly team building events for a team of 20, resulting in a 15% increase in employee retention.

Replacing 'helped' with the term 'orchestrated' illustrates a direct involvement in coordinating team building events. Adding a specific metric like '15% increase in employee retention' further quantifies the impact of these events.

Replacing Helped with Streamlined ▾

• Helped to improve the onboarding process.

After: Streamlined • Streamlined the onboarding process, which reduced new hire ramp-up time by 50%.

Substituting 'helped' with 'streamlined' portrays a powerful image of efficiency depending on the candidate's actions. Coupling this with a strong, measurable outcome further demonstrates the effective impact of their role.

Replacing Helped with Refashioned ▾

• Helped to revise content for the product catalogue.

After: Refashioned • Refashioned the product catalogue's content, resulting in a 25% increase in average session duration and 15% boost in user interaction.

The term 'refashioned' not only replaces 'helped' but also conveys a sense of creativity and innovation. Pairing this action with relevant metrics offers a clear and measurable impact of the candidate's work.

Replacing Helped with Accelerated ▾

• Helped to speed up the sales pipeline.

After: Accelerated • Accelerated the sales pipeline by integrating automation tools, shortening the sales cycle by 3 weeks.

By using 'accelerated' rather than 'helped', the candidate establishes themselves as an active agent in speeding up the sales pipeline. The resume also provides concrete, quantifiable results, making their accomplishment more impactful.

Replacing Helped with Empowered ▾

• Helped to train new hires.

After: Empowered • Empowered new hires through comprehensive training, increasing their productivity by 20% in their first month.

Replacing 'helped' with 'empowered' demonstrates the candidate's active role in new hires' training. Mentioning specific results, like productivity increase, enhances credibility and quantifies the candidate's contribution.

Replacing Helped with Fostered ▾

• Helped to develop a positive work culture.

After: Fostered • Fostered a constructive work culture that improved employee satisfaction scores by 40%.

Switching 'helped' with 'fostered' signifies the candidate's substantial role in shaping the work culture. The included metrics provide a quantifiable measure of their contribution to employee satisfaction.

Replacing Helped with Revamped ▾

• Helped to redesign the company blog.

After: Revamped • Revamped the company blog's design, increasing monthly visitors from 5k to 20k in 4 months.

The replacement of 'helped' with 'revamped' shows the importance and effect of the candidate's role. Meanwhile, precise metrics offer a solid proof of their achievement.

Replacing Helped with Compressed ▾

• Helped to save time on invoice processing.

After: Compressed • Compressed the invoice processing time by 40% by implementing a new automation system.

Changing 'helped' to 'compressed' puts the candidate directly in the driver's seat of the process. Including a specific number quantifies the degree of their contribution, making it more tangible.

Replacing Helped with Mediated ▾

• Helped to handle disputes within the team.

After: Mediated • Mediated team disputes effectively, resulting in a 30% decrease in HR conflict interventions over six months.

Swapping 'helped' with 'mediated' shows the candidate's active role in conflict resolution. Including a metric clarifies the measurable impact of their mediation, offering solid evidence of their effectiveness.

Replacing Helped with Cultivated ▾

• Helped to grow the customer base.

After: Cultivated • Cultivated a loyal customer base, increasing repeat customers by 35% over one year.

Substituting 'helped' with 'cultivated' showcases the candidate's role in expanding the customer base. The use of a percentage growth rate quantifies this achievement, making the impact more tangible.

Replacing Helped with Showcased ▾

• Helped to demonstrate the product at a trade fair.

After: Showcased • Showcased the product at an industry trade fair to over 600 attendees, resulting in a 20% increase in inquiries.

By replacing 'helped' with 'showcased', the bullet emphasizes the candidate's leading role at the event. Coupling that with quantitative data on increased inquiries exhibits the effectiveness of their work.

Replacing Helped with Reconstructed ▾

• Helped to update the company's outdated procedures.

After: Reconstructed • Reconstructed the company's outdated procedures, boosting overall efficiency by 25%.

Trading 'helped' for 'reconstructed' drives the point that the candidate played a significant role in updating the procedures. The provided metrics offer a tangible measure of the success of their action.

How to use these synonyms in practice

We've put together an infographic to give you more examples of how to put this into practice. Note the use of strong action verbs instead of words like Helped.

another word for assist on a resume

More resume bullet point samples that use strong synonyms

How to use promoted on a resume:.

• Promoted to Associate Consultant in 2 years (1 year in advance); the only member in a cohort of 45 Analysts to be fast-tracked.

How to use Prepared on a resume:

• Prepared a 100 page pitch book summarizing findings and presented analysis to managing directors.

How to use Built on a resume:

• Built complete investment pitch books for 4 deals at advanced stages and liaised with 12 prospective international co-investors.

How to use Developed on a resume:

• Developed a prototype to identify key influencers on Twitter using clustering techniques over 100,000 data points in Python.

How to use Led on a resume:

• Led five developers to establish client's ERP system; identified $1.5MM in cost savings, and secured $1MM+ in additional work for Accenture.

How to use Overhauled on a resume:

• Overhauled the company's website by increasing graphics usage by 50% and mobile responsiveness by 100%; generated 70% more leads via email capture forms, reduced bounce rate by 20%.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is another word for helped on a resume.

If you're looking for another word to use in place of Helped, consider using one of these stronger alternatives:

What is a better word for Helped on a resume?

Here are some synonyms for commonly repeated words, like Helped, I see on resumes:

Get a free resume review: Find out if your action verbs are strong enough.

Hiring managers are unnecessarily picky when it comes to resumes, and it's hard to know what they want to see. That's why you should upload your resume to the free resume checker below. It'll check your bullet points and identify any mistakes on your resume that recruiters specifically look out for.

Related resume examples

A software consultant's resume showcasing technical proficiency and problem-solving skills.

Data Analyst

Screenshot of a resume for a financial data analyst job.

Software Tester

A resume for a validation specialist with a degree in business analytics and experience as a test analyst and test engineer.

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another word for assist on a resume

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another word for assist on a resume

Messi has goal and assist before injury exit as Inter Miami tops Nashville in Champions Cup

another word for assist on a resume

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — Inter Miami star Lionel Messi started Wednesday’s match on a tear, assisting and scoring a goal in the first 23 minutes against Nashville SC in the second leg of their Concacaf Champions Cup round-of-16 bout.

But five minutes into the second half, Messi came off the pitch as a surprise substitute. Messi experienced some discomfort in his right hamstring , and left the match as a precaution.

Inter Miami didn’t need him anymore, anyway, defeating Nashville 3-1 – and 5-3 on aggregate – to advance to the quarterfinals of the Concacaf Champions Cup tournament.

Inter Miami awaits the winner of CF Monterrey and FC Cincinnati in the next round. Those teams will play in Mexico on Thursday night , with Monterrey up 1-0.

What did Inter Miami coach Tata Martino say about Lionel Messi injury?

“We didn’t want to run a risk,” Inter Miami coach Tata Martino said of Messi, who has scored five goals in six matches overall this season. “We tried to see if he could go a little longer, but we preferred for him to get out of the game.”

Martino said Messi undergo imaging to see the extent of his injury, and would not be available for Inter Miami’s match Saturday against D.C. United at Audi Field in Washington D.C.

“I don’t want to risk it, but I would imagine for Saturday’s match he will not be available,” Martino said. “Looking ahead, we’ll evaluate. He’ll get some imaging done. And we’ll see how it develops.”

How did Messi perform against Nashville SC in Champions Cup?

Messi assisted on Luis Suárez’s goal in the eighth minute of the match, and scored in the 23rd minute after an assist from Diego Gomez to give Inter Miami a 2-0 lead early in the first half.

Messi joined his teammates for the start of the second half, but walked off the pitch after five minutes with Robert Taylor coming into the match.

Nashville coach Gary Smith’s reaction to Messi’s early exit? “Thank goodness,” he said.

Ultimately, Messi’s early exit did not matter.

Taylor scored a header goal from Suárez about 13 minutes after entering the game to give Inter Miami a 3-0 lead, and secure a major cushion over Nashville.

It was Messi and Suárez who rescued Inter Miami when Nashville took a 2-0 lead in the first leg of their Champions Cup matchup . And it was the dynamic duo who has fueled Inter Miami’s quarterfinal berth.

“They started very, very brightly and we were not able to control the first 15 minutes,” Smith said. “It won them the game.”

Nashville’s Sam Surridge scored in the 92 nd minute to spoil Inter Miami goalie Drake Callender’s clean sheet.

It was the second time Inter Miami beat Nashville in four matches – the most frequent opponent Messi has faced in MLS. Although the previous three matches were draws, the first ended in 10-9 penalty kicks with Inter Miami winning the Leagues Cup tournament on Aug. 19, 2023.

Robert Taylor goal: inter Miami 3, Nashville 0

Robert Taylor rose in the air, and delivered a beauty of a header to give Inter Miami a 3-0 lead over Nashville on Wednesday night.

Taylor received the ball from Luis Suárez, who also scored earlier in the match.

Inter Miami has a 5-2 lead in aggregate, and easing any concern why Lionel Messi was pulled early in the second half.

Lionel Messi subs out in 50 th minute: Inter Miami 2, Nashville 0

Lionel Messi is coming off the pitch, leaving the game after being substituted in the 50 th minute – just five minutes after the second half began.

It’s unclear why Messi has left early, perhaps a precaution with a match Saturday against D.C. United and two matches with Argentina later this month.

But the window as opened for Nashville to jump back into this game.

Messi scores goal: Inter Miami 2, Nashville 0

Lionel Messi thought he got fouled, but didn’t give up on the play.

Diego Gomez penetrated and dished to Messi, who did the rest with his legendary left boot in the 23 rd minute.

Messi found the back of the net , and Inter Miami takes a 2-0 lead against Nashville, and has a 4-2 lead in the aggregate.

Luis Suárez goal: Inter Miami 1, Nashville 0

Inter Miami is on the board, and Lionel Messi’s impact has already been felt.

Messi found close friend Luis Suárez open for a breakaway goal in the 8 th minute of the match.

The score came right after Messi’s first shot on goal was too high. But Inter Miami has an early lead over Nashville, and a 3-2 lead in the aggregate.

Messi gets foul, free kick: Inter Miami 0, Nashville 0

Messi broke away with a head of steam in the fourth minute, and was fouled as he approached the penalty area.

But Messi’s free kick collided into a wall of defenders.

It was a moment where Messi’s acceleration was on prime display, but an early opportunity Inter Miami could not convert.

How to watch Inter Miami vs. Nashville SC live stream

The Inter Miami vs. Nashville match kicks off at 8:15 p.m. ET on FS2 in English and TUDN in Spanish. 

WATCH :  Messi and Inter Miami vs. Nashville SC in the Concacaf Champions Cup on Fubo

TICKETS :  See Messi and Inter Miami in person vs. Nashville SC

SHOP :  Get the latest Messi and Inter Miami gear from the MLS Store

Starting 11s for Inter Miami, Nashville SC

Lionel Messi, as well as his former FC Barcelona teammates Luis Suárez, Sergio Busquets and Jordi Alba, are in the starting lineup for Inter Miami. Alba started Sunday's game, while Busquets and Suárez came on as second-half substitutes.

For Nashville SC, Taylor Washington starts in place of two-time MLS Defender of the Year Walker Zimmerman, who suffered a knee injury in last week's Concacaf Champions Cup game vs. Inter Miami.

Messi arrives for Inter Miami vs. Nashville SC

All smiles from Messi and he walked into Chase Stadium for tonight’s match.

Inter Miami vs. Nashville score predictions

Safid Deen , Lionel Messi reporter, USA TODAY :

Inter Miami 3, Nashville 2:  Messi and Luis Suárez need to lead the way again for Inter Miami, but they won’t trail from the jump like the first leg. Still, Nashville will be persistent and test Miami like they have in three previous matchups. 

Jacob Shames , Nashville SC beat writer, The Tennessean :

Nashville 2, Inter Miami 1:  Why not? Messi or no Messi, Nashville has done a better job defending him than most MLS teams have done, and is starting to get its own attack healthy and rolling.

Messi is a 'conundrum' for Nashville coach Gary Smith

Nashville will face Messi for the fourth time — the most of any opponent since he joined Inter Miami and MLS.

Nashville coach Gary Smith has praised Messi each time, and said Tuesday defending Messi a “never-ending conundrum.”

“You try to set up a group to try and limit what he’s able to do. He’s proved throughout his career, at the very best levels,” Smith said. “No matter how good you are defensively or how organized you are, the caliber of the individual will always find a way.”

Inter Miami vs. Nashville Champions Cup highlights

What happened in the first matchup? Messi scored a goal in the 52 nd  minute , while  Luis Suárez’s header  in the fifth minute of extra time helped Inter Miami storm back to finish a 2-2 draw against Nashville in the first leg last Thursday. Nashville’s Jacob Shaffelburg scored twice in the opening minutes of each half to give his side a 2-0 lead.

What does Inter Miami need to advance in Champions Cup? 

Inter Miami needs an outright win, or a 0-0 draw or 1-1 draw to advance. 

What does Nashville need to advance in Champions Cup? 

Nashville needs an outright win, or a draw with the score of at least 3 goals to advance.

What if Inter Miami and Nashville need a tiebreaker in Champions Cup? 

If the aggregate score, or the results of both matches added together remains tied, away goals will work as the first tiebreaker. 

If Inter Miami and Nashville play to another 2-2 draw Wednesday, they will play extra time. If the score remains tied, it will be decided by penalty kicks. 

What's next for the Inter Miami-Nashville winner?

The Inter Miami-Nashville winner will face either LIGA MX side C.F. Monterrey or MLS side FC Cincinnati , the 2023 Supporters’ Shield winners. 

Monterrey has a 1-0 lead in the aggregate , and hosts Cincinnati in the second leg on Thursday night in Mexico.

The quarterfinals for the Concacaf Champions Cup will be held April 2-11.

What is Messi and Inter Miami’s upcoming schedule? 

Messi will likely play his final match of the month with Inter Miami on Saturday, before joining Argentina for two Copa America warmups later this month. 

Inter Miami visits D.C. United on Saturday. Then, Messi will join Argentina for a match against El Salvador in Philadelphia on March 22, and Costa Rica in Los Angeles on March 26. 

Messi could miss two Inter Miami games: Inter Miami vs. New York Red Bulls on March 23 and Inter Miami vs. New York City FC on March 30 for rest purposes. 


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    another word for assist on a resume

  2. Another Word For Assist On Resume

    another word for assist on a resume

  3. Assistant Registrar Resume Samples

    another word for assist on a resume

  4. Powerful Resume Synonyms for Assist

    another word for assist on a resume

  5. Words To Use Instead Of Assisted On A Resume

    another word for assist on a resume

  6. Another Word For Assist On Resume

    another word for assist on a resume


  1. Job Resume Templates for Word file


  1. Assist Resume Synonyms: Recruiters Prefer These Words Instead

    Words to use on resume instead of 'assist' includes 'diversified,' 'promoted,' and 'ministered.'. When you use power verbs, you can show the recruiter exactly your responsibilities in previous roles and help them understand the impact of your work, which is crucial for getting hired. I've compiled some synonyms you can use instead of Assist on ...

  2. The Best Synonyms To Use for "Assisted" on a Resume

    Using synonyms for "assisted" can help you avoid repetitive language in your resume. Repeating the same word throughout your resume can make it sound monotonous and uninteresting. By using synonyms, you can add variety to your language and make your resume more engaging and compelling. Related: 11 Things You Shouldn't Include On Your Resume

  3. Best Resume Synonyms for Assist

    To make your application stronger, we recommend that you use powerful resume synonyms for "assist" and use the past tense. This shows recruiters and hiring managers how you gave support and how your contributions impacted others. In this guide, we listed powerful synonyms for "assist" you can use on your resume to make your statements ...

  4. The 6 Best Resume Synonyms for Assist [Examples + Data]

    The term 'assist' is a versatile word that essentially means to lend a helping hand or provide support. It's about being there to facilitate, contribute, and make things easier or more effective for others. In the context of a resume, 'assist' is a commonly used term that can be found in various sections, from job descriptions to skills.

  5. Assisted Resume Synonyms: Recruiters Prefer These Words Instead

    Our team's compiled the most effective action verbs and synonyms you can use instead of the overused resume phrase, " Assisted ". The word "assisted" describes work done with the help of others. Using this word in your resume shows that you have worked with someone else to achieve a goal and can work as part of a team.

  6. Powerful Resume Synonyms for Assist

    This comprehensive guide will explore diverse synonyms for 'assist' and how to effectively implement them in your resume. Boost your resume's appeal with our comprehensive guide to powerful synonyms for 'assist'. Discover 50 impactful action verbs, their appropriate usage, and common mistakes to avoid. Our guide even includes engaging ...

  7. The 6 Best Resume Synonyms for Assisted [Examples + Data]

    Best Resume Synonyms for Assisted. Supported. Assisted, backed, or facilitated someone or a task to achieve outcomes. Helped. Assisted or supported others in achieving tasks or goals. Aided. Extended help or assistance, supporting someone in achieving their objectives.

  8. What Are Synonyms for "Assisted" on a Resume?

    Enabled. Joined. Fostered. Inspired. Furthered. Advanced. Served. Promoted. Unless you're describing work you helped with outside of the usual scope of your responsibilities, it's best to avoid the word "assisted" on your resume.

  9. Assisting Resume Synonyms: Recruiters Prefer These Words Instead

    A better word for 'Assisting' include 'Sustained', 'Forwarded', or 'Accelerated'. Action or power verbs communicate that you're an expert in a particular area. If hiring managers read your resume, they will see that you have the expertise and can do what they need to be done at their company. It makes it clear that you can make decisions about ...

  10. 37 Stronger Synonyms for "Helped" to Use on Your Resume

    37 Stronger Synonyms for "Helped" to Use on Your Resume. The word "helped" means that you provided support toward the accomplishment of a goal. Highlighting projects where you gave support, as well as goals that you assisted others in achieving, is a great way to showcase not just your skills, but also your ability to work positively ...

  11. The 6 Best Resume Synonyms for Assisting [Examples + Data]

    1,300+ resume examples and job-specific guidance to help you nail your next resume. Resume Templates. Hit the ground running with an official Teal resume template designed with best practices. ... Therefore, considering other synonyms for 'Assisting' can help to diversify your language use, making your resume more engaging and compelling to ...

  12. Using "Assisted" Synonyms on a Resume to Improve Your Job Search

    Advised. This synonym for "assisted" can be impactful on a resume when you want to demonstrate your extensive knowledge of a particular topic. It allows you to convey your ability to gather information, think critically, and guide others. Highlight your counselling or advisory skills by featuring one or two specific situations in which you ...

  13. 10 Good Synonyms For "Assisted" On Your Resumé

    Aided. "Aided" is a simple synonym for "assisted.". It shows that you provided "aid" to someone or something to help it move along. This shows that you work well in a team (or under pressure, depending on the context). We recommend this one as a solid option if you don't want "accommodated.". The definition of "aided ...

  14. "Helped" Resume Synonyms: Employers Prefer These Words

    Here are 15 examples of synonyms for the word "helped" that may be better alternatives for your resume with a brief definition of each: Collaborated: Worked together as a team, combining efforts and skills. Assisted: Provided support and aid to your team or during a project. Supported: Offered assistance or resources that provided value.

  15. The Best Synonyms for "Assisted" to Use on Your Resume

    Here is a list of synonyms for the word "assisted" that you can add to your resume. Resume synonyms for Assisted : The average salary range for healthcare recruiters is between $58,000 and $88,000, with a median salary of $71,000.

  16. 300+ Action Verbs for a Resume to Make It Stand Out

    Say: "Consulted subject-matter experts to clarify the key aspects of the project" or "Informed project stakeholders about updates and milestones.". The following resume action words are great for describing communication at work: Advocated. Authored.

  17. Synonyms for "Support" To Use on a Resume

    The word "support" is often used on resumes, especially in the work experience section. Learning synonyms for this word can help you add more detail and better highlight your work experiences and skills. In this article, we discuss "support" synonyms to use on your resume and we offer examples of how to use them.

  18. ASSIST Synonyms: 129 Similar and Opposite Words

    Synonyms for ASSIST: assistance, help, support, boost, aid, lift, encouragement, hand; Antonyms of ASSIST: interference, obstruction, hindrance, inhibition, restraint ...

  19. The 6 Best Resume Synonyms for Help [Examples + Data]

    It's OK to use 'Help' on your resume when you're describing how you assisted or supported a project, team, or initiative. For example, "Helped develop a new marketing strategy that increased sales by 20%," or "Helped coordinate a team of 5 to complete project ahead of schedule."

  20. 96 Synonyms & Antonyms for assist

    Find 96 different ways to say assist, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com.

  21. Synonyms For Common Resume Power Verbs

    Synonyms for Learned on your resume. A commitment to learning isn't just an important aspect of professional development — it's also a key skill for jobs involving research and analysis. Try using synonyms like: Attained. Mastered. Discovered. Identified. Studied. Trained.

  22. NYT 'Strands' Hints, Spangram And Answers For Wednesday ...

    Strands. NYT. Got a full seven words in today. This one was tricky because PALINDROME for the spangram is not actually a palindrome itself, it just describes the other ones.

  23. Wordle today: The answer and hints for March 19

    Oh hey there! If you're here, it must be time for Wordle.As always, we're serving up our daily hints and tips to help you figure out today's answer. If you just want to be told today's word, you ...

  24. OpenAI GPT Sorts Resume Names With Racial Bias, Test Shows

    When asked to rank those resumes 1,000 times, GPT 3.5 — the most broadly-used version of the model — favored names from some demographics more often than others, to an extent that would fail ...

  25. Hacked Change Healthcare makes progress in recovery, but concerns ...

    The health insurance billing system in the United States is stabilizing following an unprecedented cyberattack on a key company last month, but smaller health clinics may still need help to ensure ...

  26. Help Resume Synonyms: Recruiters Prefer These Words Instead

    Want another word for Help to use on your resume? Our team's compiled the most effective action verbs and synonyms you can use instead of the overused resume phrase, "Help". Compiled by: Kimberley Tyler-Smith. Senior Hiring Manager 20+ Years of Experience ...

  27. Medical Assistant Resume Examples and Templates for 2024

    How To Write a Medical Assistant Resume. As a medical assistant, you play a vital role in the delivery of quality care to patients. To generate opportunities on the open market, you want to showcase achievements that demonstrate your ability to communicate effectively with physicians, nurses, and patients in fast-paced healthcare environments.

  28. No. 1 ChatGPT mistake job seekers make: Having AI write your resume

    Start with a draft resume written by a human (i.e., you) Instead of asking AI to generate your resume, start with your own first draft, even if it's in rough shape.

  29. Helped Resume Synonyms: Recruiters Prefer These Words Instead

    Our team's compiled the most effective action verbs and synonyms you can use instead of the overused resume phrase, " Helped ". Recruiters value candidates who take the initiative, and seeing that you've 'helped' your past employers can be positive for them. It indicates that you are a self-starter who can be relied upon in a pinch.

  30. Messi has goal, assist before injury: Inter Miami defeats Nashville

    Messi assisted on Luis Suárez's goal in the eighth minute of the match, and scored in the 23rd minute after an assist from Diego Gomez to give Inter Miami a 2-0 lead early in the first half.