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சுற்றுச்சூழல் பாதுகாப்பு கட்டுரை | Sutru Sulal Katturai in Tamil


நாம் மற்றும் நம் சந்ததி ஆரோக்கியமாக வாழ்வதற்கு மிகவும் முக்கியமானது நம் சுற்று சூழல் ஆகும். அப்படிப்பட்ட இயற்கையை பாதுகாப்பது பற்றியும், பள்ளி குழந்தைகள் மற்றும் கல்லூரி படிக்கும் மாணவர்களுக்கு பயன்படும் வகையில் சுற்று சூழலை எப்படி பாதுகாப்பது என்பது பற்றிய விழிப்புணர்வை கட்டுரை வடிவில் இந்த பதிவில் அறிந்து கொள்ளலாம் வாங்க.

சுற்றுச்சூழல் பாதுகாப்பு மாணவர்களின் பங்கு கட்டுரை – அயல் சூழல் பாதுகாப்பு

சுற்றுச்சூழல் பாதுகாப்பு கட்டுரை in tamil:.

சுற்றுச்சூழல் பாதுகாப்பு கட்டுரை

சுற்றுசூழல் என்பது இந்த பூமியை சுற்றியுள்ள இயற்கை மற்றும் செயற்கை  பொருட்களின் ஒரு தொகுப்பே ஆகும். இப்பொழுது இருக்கும் அறிவியல் வளர்ச்சியில் ஒரு பக்கம் நன்மைகள் இருந்தாலும் மறுபக்கம் தீமைகள் சற்று அதிகமாகவே இருக்கிறது என்று சொல்லலாம்.

Environment Composition in Tamil – சுற்று சூழல் மாசடைவதற்கான முக்கிய காரணிகள்:

  • நாம் இந்த பூமியில் வாழ்வது எவ்வளவு முக்கியமோ அதே அளவிற்கு  தாவரங்களும், விலங்குகளும் இந்த நிலப்பரப்பில் வாழ்வது அவசியம். பாலிதீன் மற்றும் பிளாஸ்டிக் கழிவுகளை நிலத்தில் கொட்டுவதாலும், புதைப்பதாலும் நிலம் மாசடைகிறது.
  • நாம் தயாரிக்கும் ரசாயன பொருட்களிள் இருந்து வெளிவரும் ரசாயன கழிவுகள் மற்றும் தாவரங்களில் கலக்கப்படும் யூரியா, பூச்சிக்கொல்லிகள் போன்ற செயற்கை உரங்கள் நிலத்தின் தன்மையை மாசுபடுத்துவது மட்டும் இன்றி அதை உண்ணும் மனிதர்களுக்கும் பல நோய்கள் உருவாகிறது.
  • இப்புவியில் நீரின் அளவு 1.386 billion km³ அதில் 97.5% உப்பு நீர் மற்றும்   2.5% நிலத்தடி நீர் ஆகும்.  நீர் மாசுபடுவதற்கான முக்கிய காரணம் நீரை சேமிப்பதற்கான வடிகால் வசதி இல்லாமல் இருப்பதே ஆகும். தொழிற்சாலை கழிவுகள் மற்றும் வீட்டு கழிவுகள் குளம், குட்டை, ஏறி போன்ற நீர் நிலைகளில் கலப்பதனாலும், விவசாயத்திற்கு பயன்படுத்தப்படும் நீரில் கிருமி நாசினிகளை பயன்படுத்துவதாலும் நீர் மாசு அடைகிறது.

உலக சுற்றுச்சூழல் தினம் கட்டுரை

  • பெரும்பாலான ஒலி மாசு மனிதர்கள் பயன்படுத்தும் வாகனங்கள், பேருந்து, தொழிற்சாலைகளில் பயன்படுத்தப்படும் ஒலி பெருக்கிகள், வீட்டில் உபயோகப்படுத்தப்படும் இயந்திரங்கள், பொழுதுபோக்கு இயந்திரங்கள் மற்றும் மனிதர்கள் பேசும்போது வெளிப்படும் ஒளியென இப்புவி பல ஒலிகளால் மாசு கொண்டு இருக்கிறது.

சுற்றுச்சூழல் பாதுகாப்பு பற்றி கட்டுரை – Sutru Sulal Katturai

  • சூரியனிடமிருந்து தேவையான ஆற்றலை பூமிபெறுகிறது. கார்பன்-டை- ஆக்ஸைடு, மீத்தேன் மற்றும் நைட்ரஸ் ஆக்ஸைடு போன்ற வாயுக்கள் வாயு மண்டலத்தில் பரவியுள்ளன.
  • இந்த வாயுக்களை கிரீன் – ஹவுஸ் வாயுக்கள் என்று அழைக்கப்படுகின்றன. இதில் வெளிப்படும் வாயுக்களை பூமி பாதி அளவு எடுத்துக்கொள்கிறது.

Sutru Sulal Pathukappu Katturai in Tamil:

புவி வெப்பமயமாதல்:

  • இப்பொழுதெல்லாம் அந்தந்த பருவநிலைக்கு ஏற்ப மழை பொழிவதில்லை அதற்கான முக்கிய காரணம் மாறிவரும் வெப்பநிலையை ஆகும்.
  • வெப்பத்தின் அளவு அதிகரிப்பதால் நில வறட்சி, கடல் மட்டம் அதிகரிப்பது, வெள்ளம், பனிக்கட்டி உருகுவது அதிகரித்துள்ளது. அதனால் புயல், சூறாவளி போன்ற இயற்கை சீற்றங்களுக்கு காரணமாக உள்ளது.
  • அதிக வெப்பத்தின் காரணமாக கடல் நீர் மட்டம் அதிகரித்தால் நில அரிப்பு, வெள்ள அபாயம் மற்றும் நீர் நிலைகள் உவர்ப்பாவதற்கான அபாயம் உள்ளது.

ஒசோன் படலம்:

  • ஒசோன் படலம் விரிசல் அடைவதற்கான முக்கிய காரணம் காற்றில் வெளிப்படும் குளோரோஃபுளோரோ கார்பன், மீத்தேன் ஆகும். இந்த வாயு குளிர்சாதனப்பெட்டி மற்றும்  Automatic vending machines போன்ற இயந்திரங்களில் இருந்து வெளிப்படுகிறது.
  • புற ஊதா கதிர்களில் இருந்து பூமியை பாதுகாக்கும் ஒசோன் படலத்தில் ஓட்டை ஏற்படுவதால் தோல் புற்று நோய் போன்ற நோய்கள் உருவாவதற்கான வாய்ப்பு உள்ளது.

Sutru Sulal Pathukappu in Tamil Katturai:

  • சுற்று சூழல் மாசடைவதற்கு மனிதர்களாகிய நாம் தான் முக்கிய காரணம். ஆதலால் இந்த பூமி மாசடையாமல் பார்த்து கொள்ள வேண்டியது மிகவும் அவசியமாகும்.
  • அறிவியல் வளர்ச்சி எந்த அளவிற்கு முன்னேற்றம் அடைந்துள்ளதோ அதை பயன்படுத்தும் நாம் சுற்று சூழல் மாசடையாமல் பார்த்து கொள்ள வேண்டும்.
  • தாவரங்கள், பறவைகள், விலங்குகள், நீர் நிலைகள் ஆகியவற்றை நாம் பார்த்துக்கொண்டால் இயற்கை நம்மையும் நம் வருங்கால சந்ததியையும் பார்த்துக்கொள்ளும்.
  • மேலும் பல நாடுகள் குளோரோஃபுளோரோ கார்பன், மீத்தேன் போன்ற வாயுக்கள் பயன்படுத்துவதை குறைத்துள்ளன.
  • செப்டம்பர் 16-இல் சர்வதேச ஓசோன் தினத்தையும், ஜூலை 28-இல் உலக இயற்கை பாதுகாப்பு தினத்தையும் மற்றும் மார்ச் 22-இல் உலக நீர் தினத்தையும்  சர்வதேச அமைப்புகள் கொண்டாடுகின்றன.

Sutru Sulal Pathukappu Katturai in Tamil 

  • வளர்ந்து வரும் சந்ததியிடம் மற்றும் மக்களிடம் சுற்றுச்சூழல் பாதுகாப்பு அவசியத்தை எடுத்துரைப்பது மிக அவசியம்.
  • நாம் செய்யும் எந்த ஒரு செயலும் சுற்று சூழலை பாதிக்காமல் செய்து நம் வருங்கால சந்ததியிடம் ஒப்படைப்பது நம் அனைவரின் கடமை என்பதை நினைவில் வைத்து கொள்வது அவசியம்.
  • மரம் நடுவோம்! மழை பெறுவோம்! மாசு இல்லா சுற்று சூழலை உருவாக்குவோம்!

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ஊடகத்துறைக்கு இளையவள். Pothunalam.com இல் ஜூனியர் Content Writer ஆக பணியாற்றுகிறேன். எனக்கு வங்கி சார்ந்த பயனுள்ள தகவல்கள் மற்றும் வேலைவாய்ப்பு சார்ந்த செய்திகளை உங்களுக்காக எழுதுகிறேன். நன்றி!.

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Rebecca Geach

What is the best essay writer?

The team EssaysWriting has extensive experience working with highly qualified specialists, so we know who is ideal for the role of the author of essays and scientific papers:

  • Easy to communicate. Yes, this point may seem strange to you, but believe me, as a person communicates with people, he manifests himself in the texts. The best essay writer should convey the idea easily and smoothly, without overloading the text or making it messy.
  • Extensive work experience. To start making interesting writing, you need to write a lot every day. This practice is used by all popular authors for books, magazines and forum articles. When you read an essay, you immediately understand how long a person has been working in this area.
  • Education. The ideal writer should have a philological education or at least take language courses. Spelling and punctuation errors are not allowed in the text, and the meaning should fit the given topic.

Such essay writers work in our team, so you don't have to worry about your order. We make texts of the highest level and apply for the title of leaders in this complex business.

Customer Reviews

We hire a huge amount of professional essay writers to make sure that our essay service can deal with any subject, regardless of complexity. Place your order by filling in the form on our site, or contact our customer support agent requesting someone write my essay, and you'll get a quote.

All our papers are written from scratch. To ensure high quality of writing, the pages number is limited for short deadlines. If you want to order more pages, please choose longer Deadline (Urgency).

Once I Hire a Writer to Write My Essay, Is It Possible for Me to Monitor Their Progress?

Absolutely! Make an order to write my essay for me, and we will get an experienced paper writer to take on your task. When you set a deadline, some people choose to simply wait until the task is complete, but others choose a more hands-on process, utilizing the encrypted chat to contact their writer and ask for a draft or a progress update. On some occasions, your writer will be in contact with you if a detail from your order needs to be clarified. Good communication and monitoring is the key to making sure your work is as you expected, so don't be afraid to use the chat when you get someone to write my essay!

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Finished Papers

Progressive delivery is highly recommended for your order. This additional service allows tracking the writing process of big orders as the paper will be sent to you for approval in parts/drafts* before the final deadline.

What is more, it guarantees:

  • 30 days of free revision;
  • A top writer and the best editor;
  • A personal order manager.

* You can read more about this service here or please contact our Support team for more details.

It is a special offer that now costs only +15% to your order sum!

Would you like to order Progressive delivery for your paper?

Can I pay after you write my essay for me?

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environmental pollution essay in tamil

Finished Papers

Don’t Drown In Assignments — Hire an Essay Writer to Help!

Does a pile of essay writing prevent you from sleeping at night? We know the feeling. But we also know how to help it. Whenever you have an assignment coming your way, shoot our 24/7 support a message or fill in the quick 10-minute request form on our site. Our essay help exists to make your life stress-free, while still having a 4.0 GPA. When you pay for an essay, you pay not only for high-quality work but for a smooth experience. Our bonuses are what keep our clients coming back for more. Receive a free originality report, have direct contact with your writer, have our 24/7 support team by your side, and have the privilege to receive as many revisions as required.

We have the ultimate collection of writers in our portfolio, so once you ask us to write my essay, we can find you the most fitting one according to your topic. The perks of having highly qualified writers don't end there. We are able to help each and every client coming our way as we have specialists to take on the easiest and the hardest tasks. Whatever essay writing you need help with, let it be astronomy or geography, we got you covered! If you have a hard time selecting your writer, contact our friendly 24/7 support team and they will find you the most suitable one. Once your writer begins the work, we strongly suggest you stay in touch with them through a personal encrypted chat to make any clarifications or edits on the go. Even if miscommunications do happen and you aren't satisfied with the initial work, we can make endless revisions and present you with more drafts ASAP. Payment-free of course. Another reason why working with us will benefit your academic growth is our extensive set of bonuses. We offer a free originality report, title, and reference page, along with the previously mentioned limitless revisions.

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Don’t Drown In Assignments — Hire an Essay Writer to Help!

Does a pile of essay writing prevent you from sleeping at night? We know the feeling. But we also know how to help it. Whenever you have an assignment coming your way, shoot our 24/7 support a message or fill in the quick 10-minute request form on our site. Our essay help exists to make your life stress-free, while still having a 4.0 GPA. When you pay for an essay, you pay not only for high-quality work but for a smooth experience. Our bonuses are what keep our clients coming back for more. Receive a free originality report, have direct contact with your writer, have our 24/7 support team by your side, and have the privilege to receive as many revisions as required.

We have the ultimate collection of writers in our portfolio, so once you ask us to write my essay, we can find you the most fitting one according to your topic. The perks of having highly qualified writers don't end there. We are able to help each and every client coming our way as we have specialists to take on the easiest and the hardest tasks. Whatever essay writing you need help with, let it be astronomy or geography, we got you covered! If you have a hard time selecting your writer, contact our friendly 24/7 support team and they will find you the most suitable one. Once your writer begins the work, we strongly suggest you stay in touch with them through a personal encrypted chat to make any clarifications or edits on the go. Even if miscommunications do happen and you aren't satisfied with the initial work, we can make endless revisions and present you with more drafts ASAP. Payment-free of course. Another reason why working with us will benefit your academic growth is our extensive set of bonuses. We offer a free originality report, title, and reference page, along with the previously mentioned limitless revisions.

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Customer Reviews

Parents Are Welcome

No one cares about your academic progress more than your parents. That is exactly why thousands of them come to our essay writers service for an additional study aid for their children. By working with our essay writers, you can get a high-quality essay sample and use it as a template to help them succeed. Help your kids succeed and order a paper now!

Our Top Proficient Writers At Your Essays Service

Finished Papers

Gombos Zoran

Types of Paper Writing Services

I work with the same writer every time. He knows my preferences and always delivers as promised. It’s like having a 24/7 tutor who is willing to help you no matter what. My grades improved thanks to him. That’s the story.

Experts to Provide You Writing Essays Service.

You can assign your order to:

  • Basic writer. In this case, your paper will be completed by a standard author. It does not mean that your paper will be of poor quality. Before hiring each writer, we assess their writing skills, knowledge of the subjects, and referencing styles. Furthermore, no extra cost is required for hiring a basic writer.
  • Advanced writer. If you choose this option, your order will be assigned to a proficient writer with a high satisfaction rate.
  • TOP writer. If you want your order to be completed by one of the best writers from our essay writing service with superb feedback, choose this option.
  • Your preferred writer. You can indicate a specific writer's ID if you have already received a paper from him/her and are satisfied with it. Also, our clients choose this option when they have a series of assignments and want every copy to be completed in one style.



Hire experienced tutors to satisfy your "write essay for me" requests.

Enjoy free originality reports, 24/7 support, and unlimited edits for 30 days after completion.

Standard essay helper

Some attractive features that you will get with our write essay service.

Grab these brilliant features with the best essay writing service of PenMyPaper. With our service, not the quality but the quantity of the draft will be thoroughly under check, and you will be able to get hold of good grades effortlessly. So, hurry up and connect with the essay writer for me now to write.

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Customer Reviews

Adam Dobrinich

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How to Get the Best Essay Writing Service

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Customer Reviews

(415) 520-5258

Is buying essays online safe?

Shopping through online platforms is a highly controversial issue. Naturally, you cannot be completely sure when placing an order through an unfamiliar site, with which you have never cooperated. That is why we recommend that people contact trusted companies that have hundreds of positive reviews.

As for buying essays through sites, then you need to be as careful as possible and carefully check every detail. Read company reviews on third-party sources or ask a question on the forum. Check out the guarantees given by the specialists and discuss cooperation with the company manager. Do not transfer money to someone else's account until they send you a document with an essay for review.

Good online platforms provide certificates and some personal data so that the client can have the necessary information about the service manual. Service employees should immediately calculate the cost of the order for you and in the process of work are not entitled to add a percentage to this amount, if you do not make additional edits and preferences.

Finished Papers

Eloise Braun

Finished Papers

Customer Reviews

As we have previously mentioned, we value our writers' time and hard work and therefore require our clients to put some funds on their account balance. The money will be there until you confirm that you are fully satisfied with our work and are ready to pay your paper writer. If you aren't satisfied, we'll make revisions or give you a full refund.

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Can you write my essay fast?

Our company has been among the leaders for a long time, therefore, it modernizes its services every day. This applies to all points of cooperation, but we pay special attention to the speed of writing an essay.

Of course, our specialists who have extensive experience can write the text quickly without losing quality. The minimum lead time is three hours. During this time, the author will find the necessary information, competently divide the text into several parts so that it is easy to read and removes unnecessary things. We do not accept those customers who ask to do the work in half an hour or an hour just because we care about our reputation and clients, so we want your essay to be the best. Without the necessary preparation time, specialists will not be able to achieve an excellent result, and the user will remain dissatisfied. For the longest time, we write scientific papers that require exploratory research. This type of work takes up to fourteen days.

We will consider any offers from customers and advise the ideal option, with the help of which we will competently organize the work and get the final result even better than we expected.

Essay Help Services – Sharing Educational Integrity

Hire an expert from our writing services to learn from and ace your next task. We are your one-stop-shop for academic success.

Well-planned online essay writing assistance by PenMyPaper

Writing my essays has long been a part and parcel of our lives but as we grow older, we enter the stage of drawing critical analysis of the subjects in the writings. This requires a lot of hard work, which includes extensive research to be done before you start drafting. But most of the students, nowadays, are already overburdened with academics and some of them also work part-time jobs. In such a scenario, it becomes impossible to write all the drafts on your own. The writing service by the experts of PenMyPaper can be your rescuer amidst such a situation. We will write my essay for me with ease. You need not face the trouble to write alone, rather leave it to the experts and they will do all that is required to write your essays. You will just have to sit back and relax. We are offering you unmatched service for drafting various kinds for my essays, everything on an online basis to write with. You will not even have to visit anywhere to order. Just a click and you can get the best writing service from us.

Finished Papers

Who can help me write my essay?

At the end of the school year, students have no energy left to complete difficult homework assignments. In addition, inspiration is also lacking, so there are only a few options:

  • do not write a scientific work;
  • write it badly;
  • delegate these responsibilities to other people.

Most often, people choose the latter option, which is why companies have appeared on the Internet offering to take full responsibility.

When you visit the site, the managers clarify all the details in order to correctly design the article. They select a person who is well versed in the topic of the report and give him your task.

You will not be able to personally communicate with the writer who will do your work. This is done to ensure that all your personal data is confidential. The client, of course, can make edits, follow the writing of each section and take part in the correction, but it is impossible to communicate with the team.

Do not worry that you will not meet personally with the site team, because throughout the entire cooperation our managers will keep in touch with each client.

We do not tolerate any form of plagiarism and use modern software to detect any form of it

How can I be sure you will write my paper, and it is not a scam?

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Customer Reviews

How does this work

1035 Natoma Street, San Francisco

This exquisite Edwardian single-family house has a 1344 Sqft main…

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Extra spacious rarely available courtyard facing unit at the Lakeside…

Sophia Melo Gomes

environmental pollution essay in tamil

John N. Williams

Is my essay writer skilled enough for my draft?

Allene W. Leflore

How to Order Our Online Writing Services.

There is nothing easier than using our essay writer service. Here is how everything works at :

  • You fill out an order form. Make sure to provide us with all the details. If you have any comments or additional files, upload them. This will help your writer produce the paper that will exactly meet your needs.
  • You pay for the order with our secure payment system.
  • Once we receive the payment confirmation, we assign an appropriate writer to work on your project. You can track the order's progress in real-time through the personal panel. Also, there is an option to communicate with your writer, share additional files, and clarify all the details.
  • As soon as the paper is done, you receive a notification. Now, you can read its preview version carefully in your account. If you are satisfied with our professional essay writing services, you confirm the order and download the final version of the document to your computer. If, however, you consider that any alterations are needed, you can always request a free revision. All our clients can use free revisions within 14 days after delivery. Please note that the author will revise your paper for free only if the initial requirements for the paper remain unchanged. If the revision is not applicable, we will unconditionally refund your account. However, our failure is very unlikely since almost all of our orders are completed issue-free and we have 98% satisfied clients.

As you can see, you can always turn to us with a request "Write essay for me" and we will do it. We will deliver a paper of top quality written by an expert in your field of study without delays. Furthermore, we will do it for an affordable price because we know that students are always looking for cheap services. Yes, you can write the paper yourself but your time and nerves are worth more!

Finished Papers

Yale Economic Growth Center

Aerial view of farms in an arid landscape

The 2024 Kuznets Mini-Conference: Agriculture and Development

A mini-conference spotlighting the work of early-career researchers on topics related to the 33rd Kuznets Memorial Lecture, hosted by the Economic Growth Center.

The 2024 Kuznets Mini-Conference, Friday, April 5, 2024

Held in conjunction with the 33rd Kuznets Lecture, the Kuznets Mini-Conference on Agriculture and Development will highlight current work in these areas.

The 33rd Kuznets Memorial Lecture: Structural Change & Declining Agricultural Productivity

Christopher Udry of Northwestern University will deliver the 33rd Annual Kuznets Memorial Lecture on April 4, 2024.

environmental pollution essay in tamil

Program Schedule

87 Trumbull St., B120

Papers are linked as available.

7:30-8:00 Breakfast

8:00-8:10 Opening Remarks: Christopher Udry (Northwestern University), 33rd Annual Kuznets Memorial speaker

8:10-9:40 Session 1: " Technology Adoption"

  • Kyle Emerick (Tufts University): " Targeted Subsidies for Water Conservation in Smallholder Agriculture "
  • Hope Michelson (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign):  " Misperceptions About Input Quality: Fertilizer in Tanzania ”
  • Brian Dillon (Cornell University): "Technology Adoption After Relaxing Supply and Demand Constraints" 

9:40 - 10:00 Coffee Break

10:00 – 11:30 am Session 2:  " Input Markets and Rural Poverty"

  • Lorenzo Casaburi (University of Zurich): " Land Markets and Land Allocation: Evidence from East Africa" 
  • Namrata Kala (MIT): " Mechanizing Agriculture "
  • Leah Bevis (Ohio State University): “Soils, Stunting, and the Green Revolution in South Asia" (Work in progress. Sources: " Soil Zinc Deficiency and Child Stunting: Evidence from Nepal ", " Soil Micronutrients Linked to Human Health in India ," and a third source in progress

11:30 – 12:15 pm Lunch

12:15 – 1:00 pm Plenary Panel: Doug Gollin (Tufts University),  Mark Rosenzweig   (Yale University), and  Christopher Udry (Northwestern University)

1:00 – 2:30 pm Session 3:   " Intermediation and Supply Chains"

  • Meredith Startz (Dartmouth College): " Search Costs Intermediation and Trade: Experimental Evidence from Ugandan Agricultural Markets ”
  • Eleanor Wiseman (Stanford University): “ Border Trade and Information Frictions: Evidence from Informal Traders in Kenya ”
  • Jie Bai (Harvard University):  "Demand-side Incentives and Quality Upgrading in Uganda’s Coffee Supply Chain.” 

2:30 pm: Concluding Remarks

Watch 32nd Annual Kuznets Memorial Lecture: Changing Harmful Norms

Eliana La Ferrara of Harvard University delivered the 32nd Annual Kuznets Memorial Lecture "Changing Harmful Norms" on March 2, 2023. She discussed new research on how values, beliefs, and biases affect individual outcomes.

environmental pollution essay in tamil

Learn more about this research

  • Christopher Udry's website
  • The Kuznets Memorial Lectures
  • Watch the 32nd Kuznets Lecture


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