
Essay on Fear

Students are often asked to write an essay on Fear in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

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100 Words Essay on Fear

Understanding fear.

Fear is a basic human emotion that alerts us to the presence of danger. It is fundamental to our survival, making us respond quickly when we sense a threat.

Fear’s Role

Fear helps us make decisions that protect us from harm. It triggers our ‘fight or flight’ response, preparing our bodies to either confront or escape danger.

Overcoming Fear

Fear can be overcome by understanding and facing it. When we challenge our fears, we learn to control them, reducing their impact on our lives.

The Positive Side of Fear

Fear can also be positive, motivating us to push beyond our comfort zones, leading to personal growth and achievement.

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250 Words Essay on Fear

Fear is an innate emotional response to perceived threats. It is evolutionarily wired into our brains, acting as a survival mechanism that alerts us to danger and prepares our bodies to react. While fear can be a beneficial response, it can also be debilitating when it becomes chronic or irrational.

The Physiology of Fear

Fear triggers a cascade of physiological responses, including the release of adrenaline and cortisol. These hormones prepare the body for the ‘fight or flight’ response by increasing heart rate, blood pressure, and glucose levels. This process, while crucial for survival in threatening situations, can lead to health problems if sustained over a long period.

Fear and the Mind

Psychologically, fear can be both a conscious and subconscious experience. It can be based on real threats or imagined ones, leading to anxiety disorders and phobias. Fear can also influence decision-making, often leading to risk-averse behavior. Understanding the psychological aspects of fear is essential for effective mental health treatment.

Overcoming fear involves recognizing and confronting it. Techniques such as cognitive behavioral therapy, exposure therapy, and mindfulness-based stress reduction can be effective. These strategies aim to change the thought patterns that lead to fear and teach coping mechanisms to manage fear responses.

Fear in Society

Fear also plays a significant role in society, influencing politics, economics, and social interactions. It can be used as a tool of manipulation, or it can drive societal change. Recognizing the societal implications of fear is crucial for fostering a more understanding and empathetic society.

In conclusion, fear is a complex emotion with profound impacts on individuals and society. Understanding its mechanisms and implications can help us navigate our fears and use them as catalysts for growth.

500 Words Essay on Fear


Fear is a universal human experience, an essential part of our biological makeup that has evolved over millions of years. It is a complex emotion that can be both protective and paralyzing, serving as a warning signal for danger while also potentially hindering personal growth and exploration. This essay explores the multifaceted nature of fear, its psychological implications, and its role in shaping human behavior and society.

The Biological Basis of Fear

Fear is fundamentally rooted in our biology. It is a response triggered by the amygdala, a small, almond-shaped structure in the brain that processes emotional stimuli. When we perceive a threat, the amygdala activates the body’s fight-or-flight response, leading to physiological changes such as increased heart rate, rapid breathing, and heightened alertness. This response is adaptive and has been crucial for human survival, allowing us to react quickly to potential threats.

The Psychological Aspect of Fear

Psychologically, fear is a multifaceted emotion with wide-ranging implications. It can be both acute, as in the immediate response to a threat, and chronic, as in the long-term fear associated with anxiety disorders. Fear can also be learned through conditioning or observation, which explains why different individuals may have different fear responses to the same stimulus.

Fear can lead to avoidance behavior, where individuals steer clear of situations that they perceive as threatening. While this can be protective, it can also be limiting, preventing individuals from pursuing opportunities and experiences that could lead to personal growth.

Fear and Society

On a societal level, fear can be both a unifying and a divisive force. It can bring people together in the face of a common threat, but it can also be exploited to manipulate public opinion and justify oppressive policies. Fear can lead to stereotyping and discrimination, as individuals or groups are scapegoated as threats to societal safety and order.

Overcoming fear involves recognizing and understanding it. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is one effective method, as it helps individuals reframe their fearful thoughts and gradually expose themselves to feared situations. Mindfulness and meditation can also be beneficial, allowing individuals to stay present and focused rather than getting caught up in fearful thoughts.

In conclusion, fear is an integral part of the human experience, with deep biological roots and far-reaching psychological and societal implications. While it can be protective, it can also be limiting and divisive. Understanding and managing fear is therefore crucial, not just for individual well-being, but also for societal harmony and progress. As we navigate through an increasingly complex and uncertain world, the ability to confront and overcome our fears will be more important than ever.

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The official magazine for TIPsters in 4th–6th grade

Turning Fear into Confidence—A Personal Essay

October 14, 2020

Facing obstacles throughout your life is inevitable, and the obstacles you overcome can define who you are as a person. Not only will this build character and self-confidence, it will show others how strong you remained and inspire them to overcome their own challenges.

But overcoming obstacles is no simple task. Most obstacles are incredibly hard and testing. Yet, by overcoming them, you will come to understand why they are important. The significance of overcoming obstacles in life is to make you more grounded, courageous, and wise. For me, one of these life-altering obstacles emerged during my undergraduate years.

I had a serious fear of public speaking. There were times where I would struggle with presentations and in-class discussions. When these sessions would take place, my fear built up in a pressure cooker of discouragement and convulsive anguish. I felt humiliated before my teachers, partners, and most of all, my close friends. I soon realized, however, that the same people who seemed to be the source of my fear became my lifeline, their inspirational words filling my mind and heart with positive thoughts.

Seeing my struggles, my peers tried to build me up, to increase my confidence in myself and convince me that anything, including overcoming my fear of public speaking, could be accomplished with enough enthusiasm and belief in oneself.

The obstacles we face in life can distort how we see ourselves and cripple our ability to face our fears. By facing these conflicts head on, though, we can completely flip their effect on us, transforming them into experiences that strengthen our resilience and push the boundaries of what we think is possible to achieve.

Taking everything into account everything I’ve learned from this experience and many others like it that I’ve encountered in my life, it’s clear that obstacles are impossible to avoid, and when you do encounter them, you must view them as learning opportunities. You might just surprise yourself at how easily you overcome them.

essay conclusion about fear

This post was written by Duke TIP’s outgoing Marketing & Communications intern, Christina Gordon. Christina graduated from North Carolina Central University in the spring of 2020.

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About Duke TIP

The Duke University Talent Identification Program (Duke TIP) is a nonprofit organization that has served over three million academically talented students in grades 4–12 since it was founded in 1980. Collaborating with educators and parents, TIP helps gifted students assess the extent of their academic abilities with above-grade-level testing, recognizes them for their achievements, and provides them with a variety of enrichment benefits as well as accelerated face-to-face and online educational programs.

Fear: Definition, Effects, and Overcoming Essay

Effects of fear, how to overcome fear.

Webster’s dictionary defines fear as “an unpleasant, sometimes strong emotion caused by an anticipation or awareness of danger” or “anxious concern” Fear is a feeling that causes agitation and anxiety mostly caused by presence or imminence of danger. It is a state or condition marked by feeling of agitation or anxiety. It can also be described as a feeling of disquiet. Fear is an abstract concept and may have different meanings. Holder (2007) adds that fear is more pervasive when there is lack of faith that we have greater significance in the universe than what we own or how others perceive us.

Fear is manifested in many ways in human beings. It may manifest as showing signs of withdrawing or by cowering. But the most profound manifestation of fear is anger and hatred. People acts out their insecurity as anger which shows that they are the most fearful people.

Effects of fear have been documented in many studies. Fear has been documented to case mind paralyses, heart attacks and closure of fallopian tube due to fear of pain during child birth (Jim Rohn, 2004), describes fear, indifference, indecision, doubt, worry and timidness as the five greatest enemies within us which can destroy our lives completely. Fear may manifest itself in physical short term effects or affect your whole life. It will affect both he physiology of the body and the brain. Fear generates stress which manifests itself physically in many signs physically and emotionally. It causes judgmental errors and affects our reasoning that most of time when we are in a fearful situation; we tend to take the wrong action.

According to Sidney B., (1988), fear is a great paralyzer. It will keep you from making positive changes in your life and thus retard your recovery from depression. He continues to argue that fear persuades you to set easier goals and do less than your capability. It will also cause internal defense system fooling you that you have good reasons not to change. Fear of failure reduces the available alternatives you can pursue because you cannot stand by the outcome of what you do. You always feel that you cannot succeed in anything you try. It will keep you away from seeking help because you don’t want others to see you as a failure. Fear has been identified by psychologist as what causes people to give up when they are one step short to their goal. It will keep you stuck or make you develop unhealthy habits and behavior problems. Most of all fear keeps many people from taking risks.

Rim Rohn, (2004), argues that we are not born with courage, neither are we born with fear. He argues that some of our fears are brought on by our own experiences by what someone has told us or what we read in papers and books. Sri Swami Sivananda, (2007), describes fear as an illusion that cannot live. He suggests that to overcome fear we should always feel the presence of a Supreme Being watching us, by meditating and developing positive thoughts all the time. We should devote ourselves to eradicating fear. Since we have seen that fear is developed within our minds, it can also be eradicated within our mind and hence it is just a matter of reconditioning our minds that will help us overcome fear. It is also suggesting that we should share with others our fears. In this way they will help us find solutions to the cause of fears. President Roosevelt said, “We have nothing to fear but the fear itself” hence fearing fear starts and ends with us.

Holder P. (2007): FEAR

Rohn, J., (2004). Build courage to face the enemies within. Web.

Sidney S., (1998). Getting Unstuck: Breaking through Your Barriers to Change . Web.

Sri Sivanand, S. (2007). The Divine Life Society: How to overcome fear. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2024, March 3). Fear: Definition, Effects, and Overcoming. https://ivypanda.com/essays/fear-definition-effects-and-overcoming/

"Fear: Definition, Effects, and Overcoming." IvyPanda , 3 Mar. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/fear-definition-effects-and-overcoming/.

IvyPanda . (2024) 'Fear: Definition, Effects, and Overcoming'. 3 March.

IvyPanda . 2024. "Fear: Definition, Effects, and Overcoming." March 3, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/fear-definition-effects-and-overcoming/.

1. IvyPanda . "Fear: Definition, Effects, and Overcoming." March 3, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/fear-definition-effects-and-overcoming/.


IvyPanda . "Fear: Definition, Effects, and Overcoming." March 3, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/fear-definition-effects-and-overcoming/.

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Essay on Fear [ Concept, Types, Causes & Overcoming Fear ]

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Fear is natural emotion in human being that is typically the reaction of typical feelings of insecurity, danger, loneliness etc. Fear is sometimes unreasonable and threatening. The following essay explores the fear, its concept in detail, types and causes of fear and ways how to overcome fear in Life. This essay is very helpful for students and children.

List of Topics

Essay on Fear | Meaning, Types & Causes of Fear | Ways how to Overcome Fear in Life

Fear is defined as an emotion induced by a perceived threat which causes an individual to experience anxiety and physiological changes such as increased heart rate.

Fear is a feeling that is difficult to describe. It can be described as a feeling of being scared or anxious about something that might happen. Fear can also be described as a sensation of dread or terror.

Experiencing Fear:

Fear can be experienced in different ways depending on the person. Some people feel fear as an adrenaline rush, while others may feel fear as a sense of dread.

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Types of Fear:

There are many different types of fear that people can experience. Some of the most common include:

1) Fear of the Unknown: This is when someone is afraid of something that they do not know anything about. 2) Fear of Failure : This is when someone is afraid of not succeeding or being unsuccessful. 3) Fear of Pain: This is when someone is afraid of experiencing physical or emotional pain. 4) Fear of death: This is when someone is afraid of dying or the idea of death. 5) Fear of public Speaking: This is when someone is afraid of speaking in front of a group of people.

Causes of Fear:

There are many different things that can cause someone to feel fear. Some of the most common causes include:

1) Threats to safety: This can include things like natural disasters, violence, and accidents. 2) Threats to Security: This can include things like financial insecurity, being in a dangerous place, or being around someone who is threatening. 3) Threats to dignity: This can include things like public embarrassment, ridicule, or rejection. 4) Threats to status: This can include things like losing social status, power, or prestige.

The effects of fear can be both physical and psychological. Fear can cause an increase in heart rate, sweating, and trembling. Fear can also cause people to feel anxious and scared.

How to Overcome Fear:

There are many different ways that people can overcome their fears. Some of the most common include:

1) Facing your fears: This involves confronting the things that you are afraid of. This can help you to understand your fears and learn how to deal with them. 2) Exposing yourself to fear: This involves exposing yourself to the things that scare you. This can help you to become more comfortable with them and learn how to deal with them. 3) Practicing relaxation techniques: This involves learning how to relax your body and mind. This can help you to cope better with fear and anxiety. 4) Seeking professional help: If you are struggling to overcome your fears, it may be helpful to seek professional help. A therapist can help you to understand and deal with your fears.

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Fear is a natural emotion that everyone experiences at some point in their life. There are many different causes of fear, and it can be experienced in different ways. The effects of fear can be both physical and psychological. There are many different ways to overcome fear, and seeking professional help may be the best option for some people.

Essay on Fear

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essay conclusion about fear

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Overcoming Fear Essay

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Table of Contents

Introduction on Overcoming Fear Essay

Fear is an emotion that everyone experiences at some point in their lives. It can manifest in various forms, such as anxiety, phobia, and panic attacks. Fear can hold us back from pursuing our dreams, taking risks, and experiencing new things. It is essential to learn how to overcome fear to achieve success and fulfillment in life. This essay will explore the different ways to overcome fear, including facing your fears, changing your mindset, seeking support, and using relaxation techniques, with the potential aid of essay writing help to further understand and articulate these methods effectively.

Facing Your Fears

The most effective way to overcome fear is to face it head-on. It may seem daunting, but confronting your fears can help you gain control over them. For instance, if you have a fear of public speaking, you could start by speaking in front of a small audience, such as friends or family members. Gradually increase the audience size until you feel comfortable speaking in front of a larger group. Similarly, if you have a fear of heights, you could try bungee jumping or skydiving to confront your fear.

Facing your fears can be challenging, but it can also be rewarding. It can help you build confidence, self-esteem, and resilience. Moreover, it can expand your comfort zone and open up new opportunities. For example, if you overcome your fear of public speaking, you may be able to advance in your career, deliver more effective presentations, and communicate more confidently with others.

Changing Your Mindset

Another way to overcome fear is to change your mindset. Fear is often the result of negative thinking patterns, such as catastrophizing, black-and-white thinking, and mind-reading. These patterns can create a self-fulfilling prophecy, where you believe the worst-case scenario will happen, and you act accordingly, which reinforces your fear.

To change your mindset, you need to challenge your negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones. For example, if you have a fear of failure, you could challenge the thought that “I will never succeed” by asking yourself, “What evidence do I have to support this thought?” You may realize that you have succeeded in the past and that failure is a natural part of the learning process.

Replacing negative thoughts with positive ones can help you feel more optimistic, hopeful, and confident. It can also help you develop a growth mindset, where you view failure as an opportunity to learn and grow. This mindset can help you overcome fear and achieve your goals.

Seeking Support

Overcoming fear can be challenging, and you may need support from others. Seeking support from friends, family members, or a therapist can help you cope with your fears and develop effective strategies to overcome them.

Talking to someone who understands your fears can provide a sense of validation and empathy. Moreover, they may offer practical advice, such as relaxation techniques or exposure therapy, that can help you overcome your fears. For example, if you have a fear of flying, a therapist may suggest exposure therapy, where you gradually expose yourself to flying-related stimuli until you feel more comfortable flying.

Using Relaxation Techniques

Relaxation techniques can help you manage your fear and anxiety. These techniques can include deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, meditation, and yoga. They can help you reduce physical tension and calm your mind, which can help you feel more relaxed and less fearful.

Deep breathing involves taking slow, deep breaths through your nose and exhaling slowly through your mouth. This technique can help you reduce your heart rate and blood pressure, which can help you feel more relaxed.

Progressive muscle relaxation involves tensing and relaxing different muscle groups in your body. This technique can help you release physical tension and reduce anxiety.

Meditation involves focusing your attention on your breath or a specific object or mantra. This technique can help you clear your mind and reduce stress and anxiety.

Yoga involvesstretching and holding poses while focusing on your breath. This technique can help you improve your flexibility, balance, and strength while reducing stress and anxiety.

Using relaxation techniques can help you manage your fear and anxiety in the moment, but it may not be enough to overcome your fear in the long term. However, combining relaxation techniques with other strategies, such as facing your fears, changing your mindset, and seeking support, can be more effective.

Examples Of Overcoming Fear

Many people have overcome their fears and achieved success in their personal and professional lives. For example, J.K. Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter series, overcame her fear of failure and rejection by persevering through multiple rejections from publishers before finding success. Similarly, Oprah Winfrey overcame her fear of public speaking by facing her fears and becoming one of the most successful and influential media personalities in the world.

Athletes also frequently overcome fear to achieve success. For instance, Simone Biles, one of the most decorated gymnasts in history, has spoken about her fear of the “twisties,” a condition where gymnasts lose their spatial awareness mid-air. Despite experiencing the twisties during the 2021 Olympics, Biles returned to competition and won a bronze medal on the balance beam.

Why Is Overcoming Fear Important In Life?

Overcoming fear is important in life for several reasons. Firstly, fear can hold us back from pursuing our goals and dreams. For example, if someone has a fear of public speaking, they may avoid giving presentations or speaking in front of groups, limiting their opportunities for career advancement or personal growth. Overcoming this fear can help them unlock their full potential and achieve their goals.

Secondly, fear can lead to anxiety, stress, and other negative emotions that can affect our mental and physical health. Overcoming fear can help us reduce these negative emotions and improve our overall well-being.

Thirdly, fear can prevent us from experiencing new things and taking risks. Overcoming fear can help us expand our comfort zones and try new things that can lead to personal growth and self-discovery.

Finally, overcoming fear can help us build resilience and self-confidence. By facing and overcoming our fears, we can develop a sense of accomplishment and self-esteem that can help us tackle other challenges in life with greater confidence.

In summary, overcoming fear is essential for personal growth, achieving our goals, and improving our mental and physical well-being. By facing our fears and developing effective strategies to overcome them, we can unlock our full potential and lead more fulfilling lives.

What Can We Learn From Overcoming Fear?

Overcoming fear can teach us many valuable lessons that can help us in various aspects of our lives. Here are some of the key lessons we can learn from overcoming fear:

Courage and resilience:  Overcoming fear requires courage and resilience. By facing our fears and persevering through the discomfort and uncertainty, we can develop a stronger sense of these qualities, which can help us tackle other challenges in life.

Self-awareness:  Overcoming fear requires us to be aware of our emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. Through this process, we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves, our triggers, and our coping mechanisms, which can help us manage future fears and challenges more effectively.

Growth mindset:  Overcoming fear requires a growth mindset, which is the belief that we can learn and grow from our experiences, even when they are uncomfortable or challenging. This mindset can help us approach future challenges with a positive attitude and a willingness to learn and adapt.

Empathy:  Overcoming fear can also help us develop empathy for others who are facing their own fears and challenges. Through our own experiences, we can better understand and relate to others who are struggling, and offer support and encouragement.

Gratitude:  Overcoming fear can also teach us to appreciate the positive aspects of our lives and the opportunities we have to grow and learn. By focusing on the positive outcomes of our efforts, we can develop a sense of gratitude that can help us maintain a positive outlook and cope with future challenges.

In summary, overcoming fear can teach us valuable lessons about courage, resilience, self-awareness, growth mindset, empathy, and gratitude. By applying these lessons to other areas of our lives, we can become more resilient, adaptable, and empathetic individuals.

In conclusion, fear is a common emotion that can hold us back from pursuing our goals and experiencing new things. However, there are many ways to overcome fear, including facing your fears, changing your mindset, seeking support, and using relaxation techniques. Overcoming fear can be challenging, but it can also be rewarding, helping you build confidence, resilience, and self-esteem. With persistence and determination, anyone can overcome their fears and achieve success in their personal and professional lives.

List Of Few Topics On Overcoming Fear Essay

  • The role of mindfulness in conquering fear
  • How to overcome a fear of public speaking
  • The benefits of facing your fears head-on
  • The psychological origins of phobias and how to overcome them
  • Overcoming the fear of failure
  • The power of positive thinking in overcoming fear
  • The role of therapy in overcoming fear
  • How to overcome a fear of heights
  • The role of physical activity in overcoming fear
  • How to overcome a fear of flying
  • The importance of support from loved ones in overcoming fear
  • The role of visualization in overcoming fear
  • How to overcome a fear of the dark
  • The role of self-affirmation in overcoming fear
  • How to overcome a fear of needles or injections
  • The role of hypnotherapy in overcoming fear
  • How to overcome a fear of water
  • The role of exposure therapy in overcoming fear
  • How to overcome a fear of snakes or other animals
  • The role of cognitive-behavioral therapy in overcoming fear
  • How to overcome a fear of clowns or other phobias
  • The role of neurolinguistic programming in overcoming fear
  • How to overcome a fear of public transportation
  • The role of meditation in overcoming fear
  • How to overcome a fear of speaking in front of large groups
  • The role of affirmations in overcoming fear
  • How to overcome a fear of the unknown
  • The role of goal-setting in overcoming fear
  • How to overcome a fear of heights or bridges
  • How to overcome a fear of the ocean or deep water

Cooper Robinson

Cooper Robinson

Hi, I am Cooper Robinson. I am a full-time academic writer with expertise in essay writing. Having completed my Master's degree, I worked as an English professor. For six long years, I had been reading hundreds of essays with repetitive content, zero creativity, and full of copied facts. Listing Now, I am on a mission to make all those dull essays sparkle, so that students do not miss out on top grades. I'veI've written a couple of guest posts on essay writing for prominent academic writing sites. Apart from English essay writing, I love coffee and sushi. When I am not making essay warriors out of students, I am probably off to some fishing or biking adventure. 

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Essays on Fear

People’s life is accompanied by an endless variety of feelings, moods, and experiences – you can explore one of them in your fear essay. Most essays on fear describe fear as an emotion that arises in situations of the threat to the biological or social existence of an individual and is aimed at a source of real or imagined danger. Fear essays note that fear varies in a fairly wide range: concern, dread, fear, horror, phobia, etc. If the source of the danger is uncertain or unconscious, people tend to feel anxious – fear essay samples and anxiety essays often study this topic. However, fear can also be very helpful to human survival – it drives us to be cautious and alert. We should learn to contain our fear and not succumb to it. Essay samples below will cover many topics on the rear – give them a read!

Fear in Education Fear is an unpleasant emotion that is brought about by anticipations of change, pain, or harm. Anxiety brings undesirable experiences and feelings at school. Moreover, enrolling in the higher institute of learning poses a significant threat to many students. Sometimes, pursuing a technical course can lead to psychological...

It is normal for many people for most of the people to have performance anxiety when performing speeches or talking in front of small or large audiences. Public speaking is a common fear among the human race, and 75 percent of the population has this fear. We have ways of...

Public Speaking and its Challenges Public speaking is an oratory that involves the art of speaking to a large audience. This form of communication facilitates passing of information to people for education, entertainment, motivate change, and sometimes influence people to change for the better (Coopman & Lull, 2014). However, communicating with...

In the article Fear and adventure tourism in Brazil, the authors have communicated logically, to their audience; people who love adventure, the role of emotions and perceptions experienced during the exploration undertakings, and in the hunt for an ideal stimulation level. The title of the article is clear and concise,...

Public Speaking and Communication Public speaking is an oratory that involves the art of speaking to a large audience. This form of communication facilitates passing of information to people for education, entertainment, motivate change, and sometimes influence to change for the better (Coopman Lull, 2014). However, communicating with a...

Fear of Retaliation, Dependency, and Social Norms Fear of retaliation, dependency on the perpetrator, and social norms are some of the major barriers preventing victims of domestic violence from reporting such incidents. (Payne & Wermeling, 2009, p. 3). The community must be made aware of the significance of reporting such instances...

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Perceptions of Threat: Cultural, Environmental/Physical, and Social Variables While dread is recognized as a feeling brought on by perceived threats and dangers, how each individual views events as threatening or dangerous varies. What then affects and decides whether events are perceived as dangerous? These perceptions are influenced by a number of...

Words: 2278

It is a cross-sectional quantitative study to investigate the utility of birthing fear screening in maternity practice. The research investigates the effects of psychosocial, demographic, and obstetric factors on the birth outcomes of women with varying levels of childbirth anxiety, as well as the benefits of screening women for severe...

Words: 4241

Terrorism is defined as the use of intimidation or violence to instill fear in a society in order to achieve a specific political goal. Terrorist acts by various terrorist organisations target locations of interest and may result in large casualties, primarily among civilians and terrorists themselves. Terrorist groups use various...

Intimidation has been used for centuries to gain control Intimidation has been used for centuries to gain control of an unruly group or to sway opinion in the political arena. Some emperors used intimidation to keep control of their kingdoms, while terrorist groups used intimidation to control the population and gain...

Words: 3160

This letter is made to the department in response to a request for information There have been multiple shootings and acts of terrorism in various sections of the country recently. Incidents like the Vegas massacres have instilled dread in the American people while showcasing the country’s weaknesses. Both American citizens and...

Words: 1824

Emotion is a complicated psychophysiological experience that is influenced by our interactions with our surroundings. Positive and negative emotions are both possible. There is also a link between emotions and objects, experiences, social feelings, and self-appraisal sensations. Some emotions, such as love, joy, rage, and fear, are intrinsic. Personal experiences,...

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Home / Essay Samples / Life / Emotion / Fear

Fear Essay Examples

The moment of fear i will remember forever.

I will never forget that moment in time. It had occurred on a Sunday like any other. The birds had been chirping, the sky was a luminous blue. I had been up on my roof cleaning the gutter. Scrape, brush I did in a regular...

The Role of Fears and Phobias in Our Life

Fear is an emotion or feeling which is felt by humans due to any types of frightening or scary behavior. Fearing for a certain long period of time may cause damage to a person and leads to depression or anxiety perhaps death too. Fear is...

Facing Fear to Overcome It

Fear is a strong negative emotion that keeps a person from doing something and also a signal of danger and weakness. It is considered as one of most powerful emotion where it can change the course of action or make a situation seem more unfortunate....

How I Overcome My Fear of Flying

Sitting rather uncomfortably in my seat while facing the painfully bright light piercing from the window, I fidgeted nervously, desperately trying to ignore the gloominess of the situation. I attempted to focus on staying warm in the bitterly frigid row, but as thoughts of certain...

Fear and Fhobias in My Life

Fear is an unpleasant emotion and it is an emotional response induced by a perceived threat, which causes change in human’s brain and as well as in behavior. Fear can lead to a danger zone were people commits suicide in order to avoid fear. Fear...

Overcoming the Fear of Public Speaking

Fears can be one’s worst enemy, and it hinders you from progressing. But for those who are willing to fight it, it can serve as a gateway to greatness. If you are able to overcome your fears, it will not only help you to grow...

The Theme of Embarrassment in the Things They Carried by Tim O’brien

“All external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure- these things just fall away in the face of death.” This quote by Steve Jobs parallels the ideas depicted by Tim O'Brien about embarrassment in his novel. Not only do most literary characters struggle...

Unpacking the Influence of Fear on Our Daily Lives

In today’s society, fear plays a huge role and influences many decisions of many people. We see this everywhere, politics, media and even our daily lives. In the article, “3 Roles Fear Plays In Our Lives”, written by Donna Labermeier, fear is talked about as...

The Effect of Fear on Communities in Year of Wonders

Fear is a constant reminder that we are human although it can make us believe we’re not. Both Geraldine Brooks the author of ‘Year of Wonders’ and Arthur Miller author of ‘The Crucible’, explore the effect of fear on the seventeenth century communities. While both...

Man Versus Fear in the Red Badge of Courage

Fear is a powerful motivator. A naĂŻve, young man named Henry Fleming decides to join the Union army simply for the glory of becoming a Civil War hero. He quickly realizes that war is terrible and struggles with his conscious as to whether-or-not he can...

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