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My aim in life essay in urdu | میرا مقصد زندگی کا اردو میں مضمون

کیا آپ ایک طالب علم ہیں جو زندگی میں اپنے جذبے اور مقصد کو تلاش کرنے کے لیے جدوجہد کر رہے ہیں؟ یا شاید آپ کسی ایسے کیریئر کے راستے کا فیصلہ کرنے کی کوشش کر رہے ہیں جو آپ کے مقاصد اور دلچسپیوں کے مطابق ہو۔ اگر ایسا ہے تو، آپ اکیلے نہیں ہیں. بہت سے لوگ زندگی میں اپنے “مقصد” یا مقصد کا تعین کرنے کے لیے جدوجہد کرتے ہیں، اور یہ ایک مشکل کام ہو سکتا ہے۔

اسی لیے ہم نے اس بلاگ پوسٹ میں اس موضوع پر اپنے خیالات کا اشتراک کرنے کا فیصلہ کیا ہے، خاص طور پر کے موضوع پر توجہ مرکوز کرتے ہوئے اس پوسٹ میں، ہم زندگی میں ایک واضح مقصد قائم کرنے کی اہمیت کو دریافت کریں گے اور اپنے مقصد کو تلاش کرنے اور اس کا تعاقب کرنے کے بارے میں کچھ تجاویز پیش کریں گے۔

چاہے آپ رہنمائی کی تلاش میں طالب علم ہو یا محض معنی اور سمت کی تلاش میں کوئی شخص ہو، ہم امید کرتے ہیں کہ یہ پوسٹ کچھ قیمتی بصیرت فراہم کرے گی اور آپ کو جذبے اور عزم کے ساتھ اپنے خوابوں کو آگے بڑھانے کی ترغیب دے گی۔ تو، آئیے اس میں غوطہ لگائیں اور مل کر موضوع کو دریافت کریں۔

میری زندگی کا مقصد ایک کامیاب انجینئر بننا ہے۔ بچپن سے، میں ہمیشہ سائنس اور ٹیکنالوجی کی دنیا سے متوجہ رہا ہوں۔ میں ہمیشہ سے اس بارے میں متجسس رہا ہوں کہ چیزیں کیسے کام کرتی ہیں اور ان کو بہتر طریقے سے کیسے کام کرنا ہے۔

جیسے جیسے میں بڑا ہوا، اس تجسس نے مجھے انجینئرنگ میں گہری دلچسپی پیدا کی۔ میں نے انجینئرنگ کی مختلف شاخوں اور ان طریقوں کے بارے میں پڑھنا شروع کیا جن میں انجینئرز معاشرے میں اپنا حصہ ڈالتے ہیں۔ میں خاص طور پر الیکٹریکل انجینئرنگ کے شعبے کی طرف راغب ہوا، کیونکہ ایسا لگتا تھا کہ یہ اختراعات اور مسائل کو حل کرنے کے وسیع مواقع فراہم کرتا ہے۔

essay on my aim in life in urdu

اپنے مقصد کو حاصل کرنے کے لیے، میں نے اپنی پڑھائی پر توجہ مرکوز کرنے کا فیصلہ کیا ہے اور اپنے تعلیمی میدان میں سبقت حاصل کرنے کے لیے سخت محنت کروں گا۔ میں فی الحال ایک اعلیٰ یونیورسٹی میں الیکٹریکل انجینئرنگ کی تعلیم حاصل کر رہا ہوں، جہاں میں اس شعبے میں جدید ترین تکنیک اور ٹیکنالوجیز سیکھ رہا ہوں۔ میں عملی تجربہ حاصل کرنے اور اپنے علم کو حقیقی دنیا کے مسائل پر لاگو کرنے کے لیے مختلف انٹرنشپس اور پروگراموں میں بھی حصہ لے رہا ہوں۔

اپنی تعلیم کے علاوہ، میں اپنی صلاحیتوں اور علم کو بڑھانے کے لیے غیر نصابی سرگرمیوں، جیسے کہ طلبہ کے کلب اور رضاکارانہ کاموں میں بھی سرگرمی سے شامل ہوں۔ مجھے یقین ہے کہ یہ تجربات نہ صرف مجھے اپنے مقصد کو حاصل کرنے میں مدد کریں گے بلکہ مجھے ایک بہترین فرد بھی بنائیں گے۔

مجھے یقین ہے کہ اپنی لگن، محنت اور عزم کے ساتھ، میں اپنے مقصد کو حاصل کرنے میں کامیاب ہو جاؤں گا اور ایک کامیاب انجینئر بنوں گا۔ مجھے امید ہے کہ میں اپنی صلاحیتوں اور علم کو معاشرے میں حصہ ڈالنے اور دنیا پر مثبت اثر ڈالنے کے لیے استعمال کروں گا۔

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Urdu Wisdom

My Aim in life Essay: For all Exams

My Aim in life essay is a personal essay that explores an individual’s goals and aspirations. It delves into what drives a person to pursue their dreams and how they plan to achieve them. This essay can be a valuable tool for anyone looking to gain a better understanding of their own motivations and how they can work towards achieving their goals.

Whether you are a student, a professional, or simply someone looking to reflect on your life goals, this essay is an excellent way to explore your own ambition and determination. In this essay, you can explore the values that drive you, the challenges you have faced, and the steps you are taking to achieve your goals. Whether you are aiming for success in your career, personal growth, or a sense of fulfilment, this essay can help you to focus on your aspirations and work towards a fulfilling and meaningful life.

My Aim in life Essay

My Aim in life Essay

My aim in life is to become a successful software engineer. I have always been interested in technology and how it can be used to solve problems and make our lives easier. As a child, I spent hours tinkering with computers and learning as much as I could about how they worked.

This curiosity and passion for technology have only grown as I have gotten older, and I now know that I want to turn it into a career. To achieve my goal, I will need to work hard and stay focused. I will need to complete my education and gain the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in the field of software engineering. This will involve taking challenging courses and staying up to date with the latest technologies and techniques. I will also need to be dedicated and willing to put in the time and effort required to succeed.

In addition to my studies, I plan to get practical experience by interning or working part-time at a software company. This will allow me to apply the concepts and techniques I have learned in a real-world setting and gain valuable hands-on experience. It will also give me the opportunity to work with professionals in the field and learn from their expertise.

Becoming a successful software engineer will not be easy, but I am determined to achieve my goal. I am confident that with hard work, dedication, and a strong work ethic, I can achieve my dream and make a positive contribution to the world of technology.

My aim in life is not just about achieving personal success, however. I also want to use my skills and knowledge to make a difference in the world. I believe that technology has the power to transform people’s lives and make the world a better place, and I want to be a part of that transformation. I hope to use my skills and expertise to develop innovative solutions to pressing problems and to help people lead more fulfilling and productive lives.

In conclusion, my aim in life is to become a successful software engineer and use my skills and knowledge to make a positive impact on the world . I know that achieving this goal will require hard work and dedication, but I am up for the challenge and am committed to doing whatever it takes to succeed.

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میری زندگی کا مقصد | Meri Zindagi Ka Maqsad Essay In Urdu

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ہر شخص جب ہوش سنبھالا ہے تو وہ اپنے مستقبل بارے سوچنے لگتا ہے۔ بہت کم لوگ ایسے ہوتے ہیں جو امیر ہونے کی خواہش رکھنے کی بجائے یا اچھا گزارا کرنے کے ساتھ ساتھ انسانیت کی سیوا کا جذبہ اپنے دل میں رکھتے ہیں۔ خدا مجھے کس حال میں رکھتا ہے یہ تو خدا ہی جانتا ہے مگر میں چاہتا ہوں کہ بڑا ہو کر زندگی میں کوئی ایسا پیشہ اختیار کروں جس کی بدولت ساری عمر باعزت روٹی بھی کما سکوں اور انسانیت کی سیوا بھی کرسکیں۔ کیونکہ ایک شاعر نے کیا خوب کہا ہے؀

یعنی خدا نے انسانوں کو اس لیے پیدا نہیں کیا کہ وہ ہر وقت عبادت ہی کرتے ہیں رہیں بلکہ لوگوں کی خدمت کرنے کے لئے پیدا کیا ہے۔ عبادت بھی ضروری ہے اس سے ڈسپلن پیدا ہوتا ہے اور انسان کا اخلاق بلند ہوتا ہے اور اس کے ساتھ ہی اگر کوئی انسان خدا کی مخلوق سے پیار کرتا ہے تو خدا ایسے بندوں کو زیادہ پیار دیتا ہے۔ ایک خیال یہ بھی ہے کہ ہر انسان کے دل میں خدا کا نور ہے۔ بے شک انسان خدا نہیں اور ایسا دعویٰ کرنے والا کافر ہے مگر انسان خدا کے نور سے جدا بھی نہیں ہے۔ شاعر نے کہا ہے؀

اس لئے میں نے پکا ارادہ کر لیا ہے کہ بڑا ہو کر جہاں ایمانداری سے اپنی روزی کماؤں گا وہاں عوام کی خدمت بھی ساتھ ساتھ کرتا رہوں گا۔ ایسا جذبہ اپنے اندر پیدا کرنے کا درس بھی تو ہر مذہب کے نبیوں نے دیا ہے۔

سیاست کا پیشہ

عوامی خدمت کے لیے کچھ لوگ سیاست کو ترجیح دیتے ہیں مگر آج کل سیاست بد نام ہو گی ہے۔ اگر سیاست میں خدا کا خوف اپنے دل میں رکھ کر ایمانداری سے کام کیا جائے تو بری بات نہیں۔ ایسا کام صرف وہ لوگ ہی کر سکتے ہیں جو امیر ہوں، جن کے پاس اپنی جائداد ہو یا جن کا کوئی کام چل رہا ہو کیونکہ ایماندارانہ سیاست میں آمدنی کی کوئی گنجائش نہیں۔

میں درمیانہ طبقہ سے تعلق رکھتا ہوں۔ جب تک میری آمدنی کا اچھا وسیلہ نہ بن جائے مجھ جیسے لوگوں کو سیاست میں نہیں آنا چاہیے۔ جب عام آدمی سیاست میں آجاتا ہے تو وہ اپنا گھر چلانے کے لیے لوگوں سے روپیہ بٹورنا شروع کردیتا ہے۔ وہ لوگوں سے روپیہ لے کر ان کے کام کرواتا ہے اور جو غریب ضرورت مند ہوتے ہیں ان کے کام نہیں آتا۔ اس طرح سیاست تجارت بن جاتی ہے اور اس کے ذریعے ایک ایماندار آدمی انسانیت کی خدمت نہیں کرسکتا۔ وہ تو ایک طرح سے امیروں کا ایجنٹ بن جاتا ہے اور ان کے لیے ہی کام کرتا ہے۔ اسے سیاست نہیں شیطانی کام بھی کہا جاسکتا ہے۔

دوسرے آج کے بہت سے سیاستدان اپنی طاقت بڑھانے کی چکر میں رہتے ہیں۔ انہیں انسانیت کی بجائے اپنا مفاد اور اپنے گروپ کا مفاد زیادہ عزیز ہوتا ہے اس وجہ سے وہ اپنے گناہگار ساتھیوں کی حمایت کرکے بھی ایسا گناہ کرتے ہیں جسے خدا ہرگز پسند نہیں کرتا۔

ڈاکٹری کا پیشہ

دوسرا پیشہ ڈاکٹری کا ہے۔ یہ ایک اچھا پیشہ ہے اگر ڈاکٹر روپیہ کے لالچ میں نہ آئے اور عوامی خدمت کا جذبہ رکھے تو وہ انسانیت کے لیے بہت کچھ کرسکتا ہے۔ بعض ڈاکٹر ایسے ہیں جو امیروں سے تو پوری فیس وصول کرتے ہیں اور غریب ضرورت مندوں کو دوائی بھی مفت دے دیتے ہیں ایسے لوگ انسان کہلانے کے حق دار ہیں۔

میرے والدین کی مالی حالت اتنی اچھی نہیں کہ وہ مجھے ڈاکٹری کی تعلیم دلوا سکیں۔ اس لئے یہ پیشہ اچھا ہوتے ہوئے بھی اپنا نہیں سکتا۔ دوسرے ڈاکٹر کے پاس عوام میں جاکر ان کی مشکلات حل کرنے کا وقت نہیں ہوتا۔ اگر وہ ایمانداری سے مریضوں کی سیوا کرتا رہے تب بھی خدا اس سے ضرور خوش ہو گا۔

وکالت کا پیشہ

ایک اور باعزت پیشہ وکالت کا ہے مگر میں اسے پسند نہیں کرتا۔ بہت سے لوگ جن کے دل میں انسانیت سے پیار ہے اگر وہ یہ پیشہ اپنا لیں تو بہت جلد وہ اس پیشے سے اکتا جاتے ہیں۔ کیونکہ لوگ انہیں اپنی ضمیر کے الٹ کام کرنے کے لئے مجبور کرتے ہیں۔ہر وکیل کی یہی کوشش ہوتی ہے کہ اس کا موکل مقدمہ جیت جائے اس لئے وہ گواہوں کو بیان یاد کراتا ہے۔ ضرورت پڑنے پر جھوٹ بلواتا ہے۔ اگرچہ اس پیشہ میں آمدنی کافی ہے مگر میں ہمیشہ حق کا ساتھ دینے والا ہوں لہذا مجھ سے یہ پیشہ اپنایا نہ جا سکے گا۔

تجارت کا پیشہ

تجارت کے پیشے میں عزت بھی ہے اور آمدنی بھی واہ واہ ہو جاتی ہے۔ آدمی ایمانداری کے ساتھ کافی پیسہ کما سکتا ہے۔ میں نے بہت سے ایسے دوکانداروں کو دیکھا ہے جنہوں نے اپنی شرین زبانی اور ایمانداری کی وجہ سے اپنا کاروبار چمکایا ہے اور لاکھوں روپیہ کمایا ہے۔ اگر دوکان اچھے اڈہ پر مل جائے تو وارے نیارے ہو جاتے ہیں۔ مگر اس کے ساتھ ایک حقیقت یہ بھی ہے کہ دوکاندار کو سارا دن اپنے کام سے فرصت ہی نہیں ملتی۔ وہ خیرات تو دے سکتا ہے عوامی بھلائی کے کاموں میں حصہ نہیں لے سکتا۔ اگر وہ انسانی خدمت کے پیش نظر عوامی بھلائی کے کاموں میں حصہ لے گا تو ظاہر ہے کہ وہ اپنی دکان کی طرف پورا دھیان نہیں دے سکے گا اور پیسہ ہوتے ہوئے بھی میں اس پیشہ میں جانا پسند نہیں کرتا۔ حالانکہ میرے والدین کی خواہش ہے کہ میں ایک کامیاب تاجر بنوں کیونکہ مجھے لوگوں کے ساتھ بات چیت کرنے کا ڈھنگ آتا ہے اور میں ہر ایک کے ساتھ نہایت ہی ادب کے ساتھ پیش آتا ہوں۔

کارخانہ دار کا پیشہ

یہی حالت کارخانے والوں کی ہے۔ انہیں تو گھر آ کر بھی آرام کرنے کی فرصت نہیں ملتی۔ کئی بار گھر بیٹھ کر خط لکھتے ہیں، اپنے کارخانہ بارے سوچتے ہیں، جن لوگوں کو ملنا ہوتا ہے ان کے گھر جاتے ہیں یا پھر مزدوروں کی تلاش میں کارخانہ بند کرنے کے بعد ان کے گھر جاتے ہیں۔ جن لوگوں کو مال سپلائی کیا ہوتا ہے ان سے وصولی کرنے کے لئے ان کے ہاں جاتے ہیں۔ کامیاب کارخانہ دار اگر محنت سے کام کرتا ہے تو وہ اکثر حالتوں میں خوب تھک کر گھر واپس آتا ہے۔ ایسی حالت میں وہ بھی عوامی بھلائی کے لئے چندہ وغیرہ تو دے سکتا ہے مگر بذات خود کسی تحریک میں حصہ نہیں لے سکتا۔ اس کا عوام سے ناطہ ٹوٹ جاتا ہے، اس کا سماج علیحدہ ہوجاتا ہے۔ ہفتہ میں ایک دن اسے فرصت ہوتی ہے کیونکہ اس دن کارخانہ بند ہوتا ہے مگر اس دن بھی اسے کافی مصروفیات گھیر لیتی ہیں۔اس لیے میں یہ بھی پسند نہیں کرتا کہ کارخانہ دار بنوں اور عوامی خدمت کے جذبہ سے سرشار ہوکر کارخانہ کی فکر کیے بغیر عوام میں پھرتا رہوں۔ اس صورت میں اپنے کام کی طرف دھیان نہ دے سکوں گا۔ جب تک مالک سامنے نہ ہو تو نوکر بھی پوری توجہ اور محنت سے کام نہیں کرتے اور نتیجہ ناکامی کی صورت میں نکلتا ہے۔

ادیب کا پیشہ

ایک پیشہ جو مجھے بہت پسند ہے وہ ادیب کا پیشہ ہے۔ ادیب اپنی قلم کے ذریعے لوگوں کے حق میں آواز بلند کرسکتا ہے، وہ سوشل کاموں میں بڑھ چڑھ کر حصہ لے سکتا ہے، اپنے مضامین سے لوگوں کو متاثر کرسکتا ہے، سماج میں نئی روح پھونک سکتا ہے۔ مگر ہندوستان اور پاکستان میں ابھی لوگوں کا دوسرے ترقی پذیر دیشوں کی طرح ادب پڑھنے کا شوق نہیں بڑھا۔ بہت کم لوگ کتابیں پڑھتے ہیں اور ان میں بھی اکثریت ان لوگوں کی ہے جو مانگ کر کتابیں پڑھنے کے عادی ہیں۔ جب ہم مانگ کر کپڑے نہیں پہنتے، مانگ کر کھانا نہیں کھاتے، مانگ کر گھر کا کرایہ نہیں دیتے تو پھر ادھار مانگ کر کتابیں کیوں پڑھتے ہیں؟

جب تک لوگوں میں مطالعے کا شوق نہیں بڑھتا اور لوگ نقد روپیہ دے کر کتابیں خریدنا شروع نہیں کرتے تب تک ہندوستان اور پاکستان میں کسی بھی ادیب کی مالی حالت اچھی نہیں ہو سکتی۔ادیب صرف اپنی قلم کے سہارے زندہ نہیں رہ سکتا اگر وہ کوئی دوسرا کام کرے گا تو ظاہر ہے کہ وہ عوامی خدمت کے لیے وقت نہیں نکال سکے گا۔اس لئے یہ پیشہ پسند ہوتے ہوئے بھی میں اسے اپنانے سے ہچکچاتا ہوں مگر ساتھ ہی اس جیسا پیشہ اختیار کرنے کی خواہش رکھتا ہوں۔

اخبار نویس کا پیشہ

میرا دل چاہتا ہے کہ میں بڑا ہو کر اخبارنویس بنوں۔ اخبار نویس کا عوام کے ساتھ سیدھا تعلق ہوتا ہے۔چھ سات گھنٹے کی ڈیوٹی دینے کے بعد اخبارنویس آسانی سے عوام میں جاکر ان کے حالات سے واقف ہو کر دوسرے دن ان کی مشکلات بارے اخبار میں لکھکر حکومت اور سماج کو مجبور کر سکتا ہے کہ وہ عوام کی تکلیف کی طرف دھیان دیں یا کسی فرد واحد کی مشکل حل کریں۔

اخبار نویس کے پاس اتنا وقت ہوتا ہے کہ وہ عوامی بھلائی کے لئے چلائی گئی کسی تحریک میں حصہ لے سکے اور ہر روز تین چار گھنٹے انسانیت کی خدمت کے لیے صرف کر سکے۔اس پیشہ میں عزت بھی ہے، روزی بھی ہے اور عوامی خدمت کا اکثر موقع بھی ملتا ہے۔ اس لئے میں نے فیصلہ کرلیا ہے کہ اپنی تعلیم ختم کرنے کے بعد میں اخبارنویس بنوں گا اور خدا کے بندوں سے پیار کرتے ہوئے ان کے دکھوں کا مداوا بن جاؤں گا۔ اس پیشہ میں میں بطور ادیب بھی لوگوں کی خدمت کر سکوں گا۔

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Essay On My Aim in Life

An essay on your aim in life serves as a comprehensive exploration of your life’s purpose, elucidating the chosen goal , the strategies devised for its achievement, and the underlying motivations that fuel your aspirations. Within this narrative, the reader gains insight into the reasons behind your selected aim , delving into the passion and motivation that shape your journey. Furthermore, the essay addresses potential challenges or obstacles that may arise along the path to realizing your aim, providing a detailed plan for overcoming these hurdles. Additionally, the narrative unfolds how your aim contributes to personal achievement and success , detailing the broader benefits it holds for both yourself and others in the future. The essay’s organization may employ markdown elements such as headings, tables, lists, code blocks, and more, strategically utilized to enhance the structure and visual appeal for a captivating reader experience. The meaning of “my aim in life” in Urdu , encapsulated by the phrase “میری زندگی کا مقصد,” adds a cultural and linguistic layer to the exploration of life’s purpose.

Having a clearly defined life purpose is essential for personal growth and development. It functions as a guiding force, leading individuals towards their aspirations and objectives. Determining one’s life purpose requires introspection, taking into account personal interests, strengths, and values. Once identified, this life purpose becomes a source of direction, clarity, and motivation in pursuing one’s chosen path. It facilitates personal growth, professional advancement, and a sense of fulfillment. In academic and professional settings, a well-defined life purpose serves as a motivating factor, enabling individuals to focus their efforts efficiently. Recognizing the importance of having a purposeful life aim is crucial for a meaningful and successful journey.

Essay On My Aim in Life in urdu

زندگی کا مقصد ایک کمپاس کی طرح ہے جو مواقع اور چیلنجوں کے وسیع سمندر میں ہماری رہنمائی کرتا ہے۔ یہ ہمیں مقصد، حوصلہ افزائی اور سمت کا احساس فراہم کرتا ہے۔ جیسا کہ ہم زندگی کے سفر پر تشریف لے جاتے ہیں، ایک اچھی طرح سے متعین مقصد کا ہونا بہت ضروری ہو جاتا ہے۔ ایک مقصد رکھنے کی اہمیت کو امریکی مصنف اور لیکچرر رالف والڈو ایمرسن کے الفاظ میں خوبصورتی سے بیان کیا گیا ہے، جس نے ایک بار کہا تھا، “صرف وہ شخص جس کا آپ بننا مقدر ہے وہ شخص ہے جو آپ بننے کا فیصلہ کرتے ہیں۔” اس مضمون میں، میں زندگی میں اپنے مقصد اور زندگی کے واضح مقصد کی اہمیت کو واضح کروں گا۔

My Aim in Life essay for 2nd year with quotes

Everyone harbors a personal aim or ambition in life, and possessing a clear and specific goal is crucial for motivation and achieving aspirations. Some aspire to become doctors, engineers, teachers, lawyers, or contribute to their country, society, or humanity. Others seek to pursue their passions, talents, or hobbies. Regardless of the objective, it should be noble, realistic, and beneficial for both oneself and others.

My life’s aim is to become a software engineer, a fascination cultivated since childhood through my love for exploring computers and technology. Delving into new software, applications, games, and websites is my passion. I derive joy from learning programming languages, algorithms, and techniques, aspiring to utilize my skills to create innovative software solutions addressing real-world problems and enhancing people’s lives.

To realize my aim, I am dedicated to studying subjects like mathematics, physics, computer science, and English. Actively engaging in competitions, workshops, and software development projects, I am committed to honing my abilities.

Inspirations from renowned software engineers further fuel my determination:

  •  “Software is a great combination of artistry and engineering.” – Bill Gates
  • “The function of good software is to make the complex appear to be simple.” – Grady Booch
  • “The most important single aspect of software development is to be clear about what you are trying to build.” – Bjarne Stroustrup
  • “The only way to learn a new programming language is by writing programs in it.” – Dennis Ritchie
  •  “Software engineering is not only about programming; it’s also about communication, collaboration, creativity, and problem-solving.” – Anonymous

My aim is not only to become a successful software engineer but also a responsible and ethical one. I want to use my talent and expertise for the good of society and humanity. I want to create software that can help people in education, health care, entertainment, communication, security, etc. I want to follow the principles of honesty, integrity, quality, and innovation in my work. I want to respect the intellectual property rights of others and avoid plagiarism and piracy. I want to contribute to the advancement of science and technology and make the world a better place.I believe that my aim is realistic and achievable if I work hard and smart. I know that there are many challenges and difficulties in the field of software engineering. There is a lot of competition and pressure in the market. There are constant changes and updates in the technology and tools. There are many expectations and demands from the clients and users. There are many ethical and social issues involved in the software industry. But I am ready to face these challenges and overcome them with my passion, dedication, and perseverance.

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Essay on My Aim in Life

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  • Apr 15, 2024

Essay on My Aim in Life

Writing an essay is like searching for your inner self. Have you ever wondered why professors or your teachers assign you these writing tasks ? Why don’t they simply ask you to express yourself in oral form? The logic behind their asking you to write an essay is fairly simple. It is easy for you to express yourself more logically when you write an essay. By assigning you an essay task, your teachers are trying to help you develop your writing skills, vocabulary , and your unique writing style. Essays form an integral part of many academic and scholastic exams like SAT, and UPSC among many others. It is a crucial evaluative part of English proficiency tests as well like IELTS , TOEFL , Duolingo , and many more. In this blog, we will learn how to write an essay on My Aim in Life.

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Why Should You Have an Aim in Life?

A man with no career goals in life will never be successful. All of his goals will be shattered or fail at some time. He walks with a limp in his daily existence. In life, it is essential to have a realistic objective or goal. It will give your existence a new layer of meaning. When you accomplish it, you will be able to discover your true purpose in life and set an example for others on how to live life to the fullest. Not only that but completing your objective will bring you and your family a great deal of joy and happiness.

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How to Achieve Your Aim?

The first and most important job is to exercise extreme caution when making a decision. A goal leads to the correct career. So, here are a few steps to remember at every stage of your existence.

  • Be proactive at all times
  • Keep a healthful and balanced lifestyle
  • Keep pessimism at bay
  • Procrastination should be avoided
  • Increase your skills
  • Accept your mistakes
  • Seek professional advice
  • Consider your ultimate destination
  • Keep track of your accomplishments
  • Maintain your concentration

Essay on My Aim in Life in 100 words

The aim in life is really important because an aimless person is like a rudderless ship in the sea and does not know the direction of their destination. Likewise, if we also don’t have an aim in our life, we won’t know where to reach. So if you want to be successful and do something in your life then you just need to pick an aim. There are so many aims in human life. I have an aim also. I want to become a professor. I hope I will be able to become a professor one day and I will study hard for it.

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Essay on My Aim in Life in 200 Words

The aim in life is really important because an aimless person is like a rudderless ship in the sea and does not know the direction of their destination. Likewise, if we also don’t have an aim in our life, we won’t know where to reach. I always wanted to be a professor and now my family is inspiring me to become a professor too. My parents are really supportive and they respect my decision. My favourite subject is English . My teachers are really helpful and they help me a lot to understand everything on this particular subject. They also guide me a lot about future decisions.

Ms. Divya is my English professor and she knows about my future plans. She always inspires me to do better and work harder. The reason behind My Future Plan: I have a few specific reasons for my future plan. I was once explaining some doubts of my classmates and I realized that I really like explaining and teaching. After my English Honours degree, I will prepare for the Master’s degree. I am pretty much confident about that and I know I will work hard to pursue my dream. Everyone should have a reasonable aim in their life that will help them to reach success.

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Essay on My Aim in Life in 500 Words

The aim in life is really important because an aimless person is like a rudderless ship in the sea and does not know the direction of their destination. Likewise, if we also don’t have an aim in our life, we won’t know where to reach. Thus to achieve it one has to overcome many obstacles and setbacks from time to time. I always wanted to be a professor and now my family is inspiring me to become a professor too. My parents are really supportive and they respect my decision. I have seen lots of my friends want to become a professor, and some of them want to pursue an MBA . There are a lot of aims and goals available that students can choose in their lives. Right now in this world, the top trending professions are Doctor, Teacher, Programmer, Designer, Architect, Marketer, Supervisor, Manager, Engineer, etc. Maybe you have something unique in you and you want to pursue that. So different people adopt different aims according to their inclinations, tastes or perceptions about life. My teachers are really helpful and are always guiding and helping me with my future plans. 

They have always inspired me to do better and work harder. I was once explaining some doubts to my classmates and I realized that I really like explaining and teaching. Later, I experienced teaching while doing an internship with an NGO. I went to a slum and taught kids there. I felt a different kind of satisfaction after teaching them. At that time I realized that I had never felt happier than this and decided to become a professor. I am one who enjoys exploring new places and getting to know new cultures, languages, and cuisines, and working as a professor offers many chances for me to develop those interests. After my English Honours degree, I will prepare for the Master’s degree. Then I am planning to take the UGC NET exam . Another big plus is the working hours that academia can offer, which are frequently more flexible than in other professions.

The biggest advantage of being a professor is that I find jobs in many places worldwide. I am really honest and passionate about my aim in life. It is surely a long journey but I will try my best to reach my goal and I suggest everyone do the same. According to me, timely execution of an action plan with a proactive attitude is the key to success. One of the best ways to stay motivated is by visualizing the change and likewise by achieving step-by-step milestones.

Essay on My Aim in Life to Become a Doctor

My aim in life is to grow to be a doctor in the future. I believe that medicine is one of the noblest professions to pursue in the world. I belong to a family of doctors and just like my mother, I aspire to be a neurosurgeon. The study of neurology and its impact on our behaviour, personality, and character is what intrigues me the most about the field. My curiosity towards the medical world and ambition to be a doctor is what motivates me to study harder and more diligently. The study of medicine is not easy but it opens up a whole new world of interaction. Learning about basic cell function to discovering the mechanisms of our brain is a fascinating journey. As a school student, I wish to excel in certain subjects like biology, chemistry, physics, maths, and psychology so that I can pursue my dream of becoming a doctor and a neurosurgeon. I hope to participate in different charities, health clinics, and services to gain the relevant skills one needs to be a doctor. I wish to work upon my social and communication skills because good communication is the backbone of every industry. I have the confidence and hope that one day I will achieve my aim in life to become a doctor.

Essay on My Aim in Life to Become a Teacher

“A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination, and instil a love of learning.” Teachers are the foundation of a good society, they not only facilitate learning but also inspire children to follow their dreams and goals in life. This is why my aim in life is to become a teacher. My teachers have had a tremendous impact on my life, they taught me to believe in myself and follow my path no matter what. I wish to inculcate this belief and nurture it. Becoming a teacher can help me spread this knowledge and belief of believing in one’s ability to achieve their goals, to be individualistic and creative. I believe that I can be a good teacher because of my experience, humility, and caring nature. I possess all the skills and qualities that a promising teacher should possess. I hope one day I get the opportunity to follow my passion for teaching and educating the world in the future.

Essay on My Aim in Life to Become an Engineer

My aim in life is to become an engineer. Belonging to a family of engineers I have aspired to become a mechanical engineer like my father. Efforts anyone puts in becoming an engineer will be the best investment ever. I will face many challenges at work but it will open an array of opportunities for me around the world. My curiosity towards the engineering world and ambition to be an engineer is what drives me to study harder and more diligently. I have started to prepare myself for this journey from the school level. Engineering is all about creating new products and bringing up changes in the existing ones for better functioning. I have started participating in various Olympiads, competitions to level up my knowledge and turn my passion into a career. I hope one day I get the opportunity to follow my passion for engineering and bring a change in the future.

Relevant Blogs

The aim of my life is a common essay topic for students. It focuses on their ambitions, goals, and what they aspire to be when they grow up. It is a great learning and language exercise for school students.

The best answer is to provide a representation of your ambitions and ideal life. Students can talk about why they wish to pursue a particular course or career and how it aligns with their future ambitions.

The aim of a student should be to learn and improve upon their existing knowledge systems.

The word aim means something that you intend to do or a purpose in life.

My life aims to become a pilot.

An essay should be at least 100 words long.

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We hope this blog gives you an idea about how to write and present an essay on My Aim in Life that puts forth your opinions. For more information on such informative topics for your school, visit our essay writing and follow Leverage Edu .

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Nikita Puri

Nikita is a creative writer and editor, who is always ready to learn new skills. She has great knowledge about study abroad universities, researching and writing blogs about them. Being a perfectionist, she has a habit of keeping her tasks complete on time before the OCD hits her. When Nikita is not busy working, you can find her eating while binge-watching The office. Also, she breathes music. She has done her bachelor's from Delhi University and her master's from Jamia Millia Islamia.

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You may be worried that your teacher will know that you took an expert's assistance to write my essay for me, but we assure you that nothing like that will happen with our write essay service. Taking assistance to write from PenMyPaper is both safe and private. We respect your privacy and thus do not ask for credentials like your name, college, location, or your phone number. To pay for the essay writing, you can either use your debit or credit cards to pay via PayPal or use your wallet balance from our website. All we would need is your card details and your email-id. This is our responsibility that your information will be kept all safe. This is what makes our service the best essay writing service to write with.

Benefits You Get from Our Essay Writer Service.

Typically, our authors write essays, but they can do much more than essays. We also offer admissions help. If you are preparing to apply for college, you can get an admission essay, application letter, cover letter, CV, resume, or personal statement from us. Since we know what the admissions committee wants to see in all these papers, we are able to provide you with a flawless paper for your admission.

You can also get help with business writing from our essay writer online. Turn to us if you need a business plan, business proposal, presentation, press release, sales letter, or any other kind of writing piece for your business, and we will tailor such a paper to your requirements.

If you say, "Do not write an essay for me, just proofread and edit it," we can help, as well. Just provide us with your piece of writing and indicate what exactly you need. We will check your paper and bring it to perfection.

Andre Cardoso

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Experts to Provide You Writing Essays Service.

You can assign your order to:

  • Basic writer. In this case, your paper will be completed by a standard author. It does not mean that your paper will be of poor quality. Before hiring each writer, we assess their writing skills, knowledge of the subjects, and referencing styles. Furthermore, no extra cost is required for hiring a basic writer.
  • Advanced writer. If you choose this option, your order will be assigned to a proficient writer with a high satisfaction rate.
  • TOP writer. If you want your order to be completed by one of the best writers from our essay writing service with superb feedback, choose this option.
  • Your preferred writer. You can indicate a specific writer's ID if you have already received a paper from him/her and are satisfied with it. Also, our clients choose this option when they have a series of assignments and want every copy to be completed in one style.

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Professional Essay Writer at Your Disposal!

Quality over quantity is a motto we at Essay Service support. We might not have as many paper writers as any other legitimate essay writer service, but our team is the cream-of-the-crop. On top of that, we hire writers based on their degrees, allowing us to expand the overall field speciality depth! Having this variation allows clients to buy essay and order any assignment that they could need from our fast paper writing service; just be sure to select the best person for your job!

Our team of writers is native English speakers from countries such as the US with higher education degrees and go through precise testing and trial period. When working with EssayService you can be sure that our professional writers will adhere to your requirements and overcome your expectations. Pay your hard-earned money only for educational writers.

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How our essay service works, penmypaper: a student-friendly essay writing website.

We, at PenMyPaper, are resolute in delivering you professional assistance to write any kind of academic work. Be it marketing, business, or healthcare sector, we can prepare every kind of draft efficiently, meeting all the points of the question brief. Also, we believe in 'research before drafting'. Any work without ample research and evidence will be a flawed one and thus we aim to make your drafts flawless with exclusive data and statistics. With us, you can simply relax while we do the hard work for you.

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Alexander Freeman

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Gain recognition with the help of my essay writer

Generally, our writers, who will write my essay for me, have the responsibility to show their determination in writing the essay for you, but there is more they can do. They can ease your admission process for higher education and write various personal statements, cover letters, admission write-up, and many more. Brilliant drafts for your business studies course, ranging from market analysis to business proposal, can also be done by them. Be it any kind of a draft- the experts have the potential to dig in deep before writing. Doing ‘my draft’ with the utmost efficiency is what matters to us the most.

essay on my aim in life in urdu

Essay writing help has this amazing ability to save a student’s evening. For example, instead of sitting at home or in a college library the whole evening through, you can buy an essay instead, which takes less than one minute, and save an evening or more. A top grade for homework will come as a pleasant bonus! Here’s what you have to do to have a new 100% custom essay written for you by an expert.

To get the online essay writing service, you have to first provide us with the details regarding your research paper. So visit the order form and tell us a paper type, academic level, subject, topic, number and names of sources, as well as the deadline. Also, don’t forget to select additional services designed to improve your online customer experience with our essay platform.

Once all the form fields are filled, submit the order form that will redirect you to a secure checkout page. See if all the order details were entered correctly and make a payment. Just as payment is through, your mission is complete. The rest is on us!

Enjoy your time, while an online essay writer will be doing your homework. When the deadline comes, you’ll get a notification that your order is complete. Log in to your Customer Area on our site and download the file with your essay. Simply enter your name on the title page on any text editor and you’re good to hand it in. If you need revisions, activate a free 14-30-day revision period. We’ll revise the work and do our best to meet your requirements this time.

What's the minimum time you need to complete my order?

Gain efficiency with my essay writer. hire us to write my essay for me with our best essay writing service, enhance your writing skills with the writers of penmypaper and avail the 20% flat discount, using the code ppfest20, how our paper writing service is used.

We stand for academic honesty and obey all institutional laws. Therefore EssayService strongly advises its clients to use the provided work as a study aid, as a source of ideas and information, or for citations. Work provided by us is NOT supposed to be submitted OR forwarded as a final work. It is meant to be used for research purposes, drafts, or as extra study materials.

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Types of paper writing services.


  1. SOLUTION: Urdu essay mera nasbul ain my aim in life

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  2. My Aim in life Essay: For all Exams

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  3. My Aim in Life Essay in Urdu || میرا نصب العین اردو مضمون

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  4. My Aim in Life Essay in Urdu || میرا نصب العین اردو مضمون

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  5. My aim in life/Urdu essay/Essay on My aim in life in Urdu/میرا نصب

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  6. Essay on "Mera nasb ul ain"in urdu with poetry||میرانصب العین مضمون

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  1. 10 Lines On My Aim In Life

  2. My Aim in Life Become an Army Officer

  3. Essay on my aim in life to become a cricketer. ESSAY ON MY AIM IN LIFE

  4. Essay On My Aim In Life

  5. My Aim in Life 5 Lines Essay in English || Short Essay on My Aim in Life

  6. My Aim in Life Essay in Urdu || میرا نصب العین اردو مضمون


  1. My aim in life essay in urdu

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  2. My Aim in life Essay: For all Exams

    In conclusion, my aim in life is to become a successful software engineer and use my skills and knowledge to make a positive impact on the world. I know that achieving this goal will require hard work and dedication, but I am up for the challenge and am committed to doing whatever it takes to succeed. He is the founder of " Urdu Wisdom".

  3. میری زندگی کا مقصد

    میری زندگی کا مقصد | Meri Zindagi Ka Maqsad Essay In Urdu. Back to: Urdu Essays List 2. 0. ہر شخص جب ہوش سنبھالا ہے تو وہ اپنے مستقبل بارے سوچنے لگتا ہے۔. بہت کم لوگ ایسے ہوتے ہیں جو امیر ہونے کی خواہش رکھنے کی بجائے یا اچھا ...

  4. My Aim in Life Essay in Urdu || میرا نصب العین اردو مضمون

    In this video, you will Learn to Write an Essay on My Aim in Life in Urdu.Main Topics:My Aim Essay in UrduMy Aim in Life Short Essay in UrduMy Aim in Life Es...

  5. My Aim In Life Urdu Essay Mera Nasb ul Ain Mera Maqsad e Hayat

    My Aim In Life - Mujhe apne mulk se bohat mohabbat aur apni qaum se pyar hai. Meri shadeed khawahish hai ke mulk aur qaum ki khidmat karon. Mere dil main khidmat ka bepanah jazba mojod hai. Is liye mera irada hai ke doctor ban kar mulk aur qaum ki khidmat karon aur masali khidmat, diyanat aur farz shanasi ka muzahira karon.

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    In this video, we have posted My Aim in Life Essay in UrduCheck our website for this post:

  7. 10 Lines on My Aim in Life (Doctor) in Urdu

    In this video, you will learn 10 Lines on My Aim in Life (Doctor) in Urdu. ABOUT THIS VIDEO My Aim in Life (Doctor) Essay in Urdu 10 Lines on My Aim in Lif...

  8. Essay On My Aim in Life

    An essay on your aim in life serves as a comprehensive exploration of your life's purpose, elucidating the chosen goal, the strategies devised for its achievement, and the underlying motivations that fuel your aspirations. Within this narrative, the reader gains insight into the reasons behind your selected aim, delving into the passion and ...

  9. Essay on My Aim in Life in 100, 200, 300 & 500 Words

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