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116 Management Skills Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

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Management skills are crucial for individuals in all levels of an organization. Whether you are a team leader, supervisor, or top executive, having strong management skills is essential for achieving success and driving results. However, with the constantly evolving business landscape, it is important to continuously develop and refine your management skills to stay competitive and effective.

To help you improve your management skills, we have compiled a list of 116 management skills essay topic ideas and examples that you can use for inspiration and guidance:

  • The importance of communication skills in management
  • How to develop effective leadership skills
  • Strategies for building and leading high-performing teams
  • The role of emotional intelligence in effective management
  • Conflict resolution techniques for managers
  • Time management tips for busy managers
  • The art of delegation in management
  • How to motivate and inspire your team
  • Strategies for managing remote teams
  • The importance of strategic thinking in management
  • How to effectively manage and prioritize tasks
  • The role of ethics in management
  • The impact of cultural intelligence on management
  • The importance of adaptability in management
  • How to navigate change and uncertainty as a manager
  • The art of giving and receiving feedback as a manager
  • Strategies for developing resilience as a manager
  • The role of decision-making in effective management
  • The importance of goal setting in management
  • How to develop a growth mindset as a manager
  • The impact of diversity and inclusion on management
  • The role of mentorship in developing management skills
  • Strategies for managing difficult conversations as a manager
  • The importance of self-awareness in management
  • How to develop strong networking skills as a manager
  • The art of negotiation in management
  • Strategies for building trust with your team
  • The role of conflict management in effective leadership
  • How to build a positive company culture as a manager
  • The impact of stress management on effective leadership
  • The importance of listening skills in management
  • Strategies for developing emotional resilience as a manager
  • The role of empathy in effective leadership
  • How to build and maintain strong relationships with stakeholders
  • The art of problem-solving in management
  • Strategies for leading with integrity and authenticity
  • The impact of mindfulness on effective leadership
  • The importance of continuous learning and development as a manager
  • How to build and leverage your personal brand as a manager
  • The role of creativity and innovation in management
  • Strategies for managing conflict in a diverse team
  • The importance of adaptability and flexibility in management
  • How to build and maintain a positive work environment
  • The role of accountability in effective leadership
  • The impact of emotional intelligence on team performance
  • Strategies for building resilience in the face of adversity
  • The importance of collaboration and teamwork in management
  • How to develop effective problem-solving skills as a manager
  • The role of self-care in effective leadership
  • Strategies for managing difficult personalities in the workplace
  • The importance of setting boundaries as a manager
  • How to build and maintain trust with your team
  • The art of effective decision-making in management
  • Strategies for managing remote and virtual teams
  • The impact of technology on management practices
  • The importance of building strong relationships with stakeholders
  • How to develop strong negotiation skills as a manager
  • The role of conflict resolution in effective leadership
  • Strategies for building a culture of feedback and continuous improvement
  • The importance of resilience and perseverance in management
  • How to develop effective communication skills as a manager
  • The art of building and leading diverse teams
  • Strategies for developing emotional intelligence as a manager
  • The impact of inclusive leadership on team performance
  • The importance of adaptability and agility in management
  • How to build and maintain a culture of trust and transparency
  • The role of empathy and compassion in effective leadership
  • The importance of setting clear expectations and goals for your team
  • How to develop effective coaching and mentoring skills as a manager
  • The art of active listening in management
  • Strategies for managing conflict and resolving disputes
  • The impact of effective communication on team performance
  • The importance of emotional resilience and self-care in management
  • How to develop strong problem-solving skills as a manager
  • The role of empathy and understanding in effective leadership
  • Strategies for building and maintaining a positive company culture
  • The art of creativity and innovation in management
  • The impact of adaptability and flexibility on effective leadership
  • The importance of building and maintaining trust with your team
  • How to develop effective decision-making skills as a manager
  • The role of emotional intelligence in effective leadership
  • The importance of technology in management practices
  • How to build strong relationships with stakeholders
  • The art of negotiation and conflict resolution in management
  • The impact of resilience and perseverance on team performance
  • The importance of effective communication skills in management
  • How to build and lead diverse teams
  • Strategies for developing emotional intelligence and self-awareness as a manager
  • The role of inclusive leadership in driving team performance
  • The art of empathy and compassion in effective leadership
  • The impact of setting clear expectations and goals for your team
  • The importance of effective coaching and mentoring skills as a manager
  • How to develop active listening skills in management
  • The role of conflict management and dispute resolution in effective leadership
  • Strategies for building a positive work environment
  • The impact of emotional resilience and self-care on team performance
  • The importance of strong problem-solving skills in management
  • How to develop empathy and understanding as a manager
  • The art of building and maintaining a positive company culture
  • Strategies for continuous learning and development as a manager
  • The importance of building and leveraging your personal brand as a manager
  • How to foster creativity and innovation in management
  • The role of adaptability and flexibility in effective leadership
  • Strategies for building and maintaining trust with your team
  • The impact of effective decision-making on team performance
  • The importance of emotional intelligence and self-awareness in management
  • How to develop strong leadership skills as a manager

By exploring these management skills essay topics and examples, you can gain valuable insights and strategies to enhance your leadership abilities and drive success in your role. Remember, continuous learning and development are key to becoming an effective and successful manager, so make sure to prioritize your growth and improvement in these areas.

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7 Strategies for Improving Your Management Skills

Business team writing on sticky notes

  • 09 Jan 2020

Developing managerial skills is important for all professionals. According to the World Economic Forum , people management is one of the top 10 skills needed to thrive in today’s workforce. Additionally, research by Gallup shows companies with talented managers experience greater profitability, increased levels of productivity, and higher employee engagement scores—highlighting how vital management is to an organization’s culture and success.

Whether you’re an aspiring or seasoned manager, there are actions you can take to improve how you oversee and guide people, products, and projects. Here are seven ways to become a better manager and advance your career.

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How to Improve Your Management Skills

1. strengthen your decision-making.

Sound decision-making is a crucial skill for managers. From overseeing a team to leading a critical meeting , being an effective manager requires knowing how to analyze complex business problems and implement a plan for moving forward.

In the online course Management Essentials , the following components—referred to as the “three C’s”—are presented as essential building blocks for a successful decision-making process:

management skills essay

  • Constructive conflict: This involves engaging team members in the decision-making process. It invites diverse perspectives and debate and stimulates creative problem-solving.
  • Consideration: All stakeholders involved in a decision should feel their viewpoints were fairly considered before a solution is determined. Without this sense of acknowledgment, they may be less inclined to commit to and implement the solution.
  • Closure: This is a function that ensures stakeholders are aligned before proceeding. It requires defining what constitutes a project or initiative as “done” within a set period, determining if anything remains to be accomplished, and ensuring everyone agrees as to whether the outcome was a success.

By ensuring your decision-making process encompasses these qualities, you can become a key contributor at your organization and influence the context in which decisions get made.

2. Cultivate Self-Awareness

A high level of self-awareness is critical for managers, and it’s what separates high-performers from their peers in the workplace.

This core tenet of emotional intelligence requires introspection and an honest evaluation of your strengths and weaknesses. Through engaging in self-assessment and turning to trusted colleagues to gain insight into your managerial tendencies, you can chart a path for your professional development that hones in on areas where you need to improve, enabling you to bring out the best in yourself and others.

Related: Emotional Intelligence Skills: What They Are & How to Develop Them

3. Build Trust

Trust reaps numerous benefits in the workplace. According to research outlined in the Harvard Business Review , employees at high-trust companies report:

  • Less stress
  • More energy at work
  • Higher productivity
  • Greater engagement

Forge deeper connections with your colleagues by engaging in small talk before meetings and learning more about their lives outside the scope of their work. In addition, encourage inclusive dialogue about personal and professional differences, and be open to diverse viewpoints in discussions.

Doing so can cultivate empathy among your team , leading to a greater sense of camaraderie, belonging, and motivation.

Related: 6 Tips for Managing Global Teams

4. Be a Better Communicator

Strong communication skills are a hallmark of any successful manager. Being in a managerial role involves tackling complex business situations and ensuring your team has the information and tools required to succeed.

When facing challenges like navigating organizational change , be transparent about tasks at hand and instill your team with a shared vision of how your company can benefit from the impending transition. Continually provide updates and reiterate the plan for moving forward to ensure your employees are aligned and understand how their work factors into larger corporate objectives. By developing communication and other interpersonal skills, you’ll set your team up for success.

5. Establish Regular Check-ins

Make it a habit to regularly check in with your employees outside of their annual performance reviews. According to research by Gallup , team members whose managers provide weekly feedback are over:

  • Five times more likely to strongly agree they receive meaningful feedback
  • Three times more likely to strongly agree they’re motivated to do outstanding work
  • Two times more likely to be engaged at work

Keep the conversation informal when delivering feedback , and focus on the person’s progress toward organizational goals rather than their personality. In addition, help them chart a plan for moving forward, and affirm your role as a trusted advisor as they tackle next steps.

6. Carve Out Time for Reflection

Beyond regular check-ins, set a consistent cadence for reflecting on and reviewing your team’s work. In one study by Harvard Business School professors Francesca Gino and Gary Pisano, it was found that call center employees who spent 15 minutes reflecting at the end of the workday performed 23 percent better after 10 days than those who did not.

In a video interview for Management Essentials , HBS Professor Amy Edmondson says reflection is crucial to learning.

“If we don’t have the time and space to reflect on what we’re doing and how we’re doing it, we can’t learn,” Edmondson says. “In so many organizations today, people just feel overly busy. They’re going 24/7 and think, ‘I don’t have time to reflect.’ That’s a huge mistake, because if you don’t have time to reflect, you don’t have time to learn. You’re going to quickly be obsolete. People need the self-discipline and the collective discipline to make time to reflect.”

Schedule reflection sessions shortly after the completion of an initiative or project and invite all members of your team to participate, encouraging candor and debate. Hone in on problems and issues that can be fixed, and plot a corrective action plan so that you don’t encounter the same pitfalls in your upcoming undertakings.

7. Complete Management Training

Beyond your daily work, furthering your education can be an effective way to bolster your management skills.

Through additional training , such as an online management course , you can learn new techniques and tools that enable you to shape organizational processes to your advantage. You can also gain exposure to a network of peers with various backgrounds and perspectives who inform your managerial approach and help you grow professionally.

For Raymond Porch , a manager of diversity programs at Boston Public Schools who took Management Essentials , engaging with fellow learners was the highlight of his HBS Online experience .

“My favorite part of the program was interacting with my cohort members,” Porch says. “I received valuable shared experiences and feedback and was able to be a thought partner around strategies and best practices in varying scenarios.”

Related: 5 Key Benefits of Enrolling in a Management Training Course

How Managers Become Great Leaders

While the terms “management” and “leadership” are often used interchangeably, they encompass different skill sets and goals . Yet, some of the most effective managers also exhibit essential leadership characteristics.

Characteristics of a great leader include:

  • Exemplary leadership: Strong leaders often consider themselves as part of the team they manage. They’re concerned with the greater good of their organization and use delegation skills to effectively assign tasks to the appropriate team members. Just as they must provide feedback to their team, great leaders must accept others’ constructive feedback to improve their leadership style.
  • Goal-oriented: It’s crucial for leaders to deeply understand their organization’s business goals. Knowing its overall mission allows them to strategically prioritize initiatives and align their team with a common vision.
  • Self-motivated: It’s vital that leaders are self-motivated and use time management skills to reach their goals. They must accomplish difficult tasks while inspiring their team to follow suit.

By bolstering your leadership skills , you can strengthen your relationship with your team and empower them to do their best work, ultimately complementing your managerial skills.

Which HBS Online Leadership and Management Course is Right for You? | Download Your Free Flowchart

Elevating Your Management Skills

Managing people and implementing projects on time and on budget is a business skill that all professionals should strive to master. Through sharpening your soft skills, building self-awareness, and continuing your education, you can gain the skills needed to excel as a manager and lead both your team and organization to success.

Do you want to become a more effective leader and manager? Explore our online leadership and management courses to learn how you can take charge of your professional development and accelerate your career. To find the right course for you, download the free flowchart .

This post was updated on September 2, 2022. It was originally published on January 9, 2020.

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77 Management Skills Essay Topics

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StudyCorgi. (2022, June 5). 77 Management Skills Essay Topics. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/management-skills-essay-topics/

"77 Management Skills Essay Topics." StudyCorgi , 5 June 2022, studycorgi.com/ideas/management-skills-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . (2022) '77 Management Skills Essay Topics'. 5 June.

1. StudyCorgi . "77 Management Skills Essay Topics." June 5, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/management-skills-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi . "77 Management Skills Essay Topics." June 5, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/management-skills-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . 2022. "77 Management Skills Essay Topics." June 5, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/management-skills-essay-topics/.

These essay examples and topics on Management Skills were carefully selected by the StudyCorgi editorial team. They meet our highest standards in terms of grammar, punctuation, style, and fact accuracy. Please ensure you properly reference the materials if you’re using them to write your assignment.

This essay topic collection was updated on December 26, 2023 .

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Management skills & competencies skills.

"Cancellation, in particular, can have a profound and lasting affect on the organization and its employees." (Hormozi, 2000) Interdependence of Department in Organization The following statement is an excerpt from the work entitled "Knowledge Worker Team Effectiveness: The Role of Autonomy, interdependence, team development, and contextual support variables" written by rian D. Janz, Jason a. Colquitt, Raymond a. Noe: Those studies that have examined teams of knowledge workers have employed samples of research teams (Cheng, 1983; Cheng, 1984; Cheng & Miller, 1985), product development teams (Ancona & Caldwell, 1992; Katz, 1982; Katz & Allen, 1985; Keller, 1986), consulting teams (Ancona, 1990), insurance teams, administrative teams, and information systems teams (Campion, Pepper, & Medsker, 1996; Henderson & Lee, 1992). Results have indicated that interdependence is critical in such teams (Campion et al., 1996; Cheng, 1983)" (as Cited by Colquitt, 1997) Management Skills & Competencies Skills and Competency Grid for the 21st Century Manager Part II Personal Development….


Meredith J. et al. (1995) Project Management: A Managerial Approach, New York John Wiley & Sons.

Hormozi, Amir M. (2000) the Project Lifecycle: The Termination Phase Online at: Questia Library Research.

Drucker, Peter F. (1999) Management Challenges for the 21st Century (Review) September 1999 Online available at Error! Bookmark not defined.

Mallinger, Mark Ph.D. (2004) Management Skills for the 21st Century: Communication & Interpersonal Skills Rank 1st. The Braziadio Business Report - School of Business and Management.

Management Skills and Competencies Personal

This will help me become more aware of effective communication techniques. This step should begin immediately and should continue for six months. To determine if this is effective, I will seek feedback from my team members on my communication skills at the beginning and at the end of the process, to quantify any improvement. To improve my relationship building skills, I will again focus on seeking out written resources regarding emotional intelligence as well as how best to motivate employees. There may also be seminars available that discuss this topic, in detail. This activity should begin immediately after my reading on communication skills, as these form a base for relationship building, and last for approximately six months. I will also seek the feedback of my team members to establish a baseline and to measure improvement over the course of the six months. The primary obstacle to both this and the communication….

Chen, S. & Miller, E.C. (1988, Jul/Aug.). Conceptual ability: A critical skill of management. IM, p. 23-26.

Gaide, S. (15 Nov., 2004). Are technical skills "Core competencies?" How do we Measure them? Distance Education Reports, p. 5 -7.

Hard skills, soft skills. (Oct. 2004). CIO Insight, p. 17.

Peckham, S. (No date). Technically speaking. TechDirections, p. 5.

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"The Academy" culture however perceives training as a benefit to the employees, and offers it as a means of supporting the professional formation of its workforce, increasing their self-esteem and confidence and motivating them. Another important feature which draws interest to "The Academy" culture is given by its emphasis on continuous learning and development. Companies which base their human resource decisions and actions on the principles of "The Academy" are generically defined as learning organizations. This type of institutions offers a multitude of benefits, including the ability to remain competitive and as such ensure a secure workplace or an increased access to resources, which also enhance the quality of the working environment (Easterby-Smith, Araujo and Burgoyne, 1999). All these advantages constitute another reason as to why "The Academy" culture is the most suitable one for me. eference: Easterby-Smith, M., Araujo, L., Burgoyne, J.G., 1999, Organizational Learning and the Learning Organization: Developments in….

Easterby-Smith, M., Araujo, L., Burgoyne, J.G., 1999, Organizational Learning and the Learning Organization: Developments in Theory and Practice, SAGE, ISBN 0761959165

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Although I believe that I have good or average technical skills, I still intend to gain and learn more knowledge from the study that I chose and from the profession that I will choose in the future. To build more technical skills, among the actions that I will take are spending time in learning things that interest me and finding ways where I can practice the things that I learned. Conceptual Skills believe that like most of us, I am also gifted of having conceptual skills. That is, having the ability to use the right logic and thinking, come up with feasible decisions, and find the right solutions to problems. However, despite that I do not lack conceptual skills, I believe that continuous practice and use of conceptual abilities still provides room for improvement. Thus, to build more conceptual skills, I plan to involve myself in tasks that require the….

Management Skills Needed for Quality Management at a Chemical Plant

Manager Interview: Quality Manager for a Chemical Company William Wood is a quality manager for an international chemical company. The company has locations throughout the world, but has a number of chemical processing plants in Houston, Texas and the surrounding areas. As an international company that has multinational suppliers and customers, the company takes a global focus to order fulfillment, shipping, and environmental issues. The company develops and manufactures chemicals for a variety of different industrial uses, including, but not limited to: petrochemical applications, paint, household cleaners, and for use in semiconductors and light emitting diode (LED) chips. Dr. Wood has a PhD in electrical engineering and a background in the semi-conductor industry. He transitioned to the chemical industry after years of quality management in the electrical engineering field. He has worked for this company for two years as one of four quality managers at the company's largest plant in Houston,….

Management Skills in China

International Business To some extent, management can be defined as the harmonization of science, art, practice and implementation. Management takes into account knowledge and skills. On one hand, the knowledge aspect of management can be learned. On the other hand, the skills aspect of management encompasses the internalization and transferal of management knowledge, which necessitates not only time resources, but also incessant practice. Skills employed by managers are in connection with organizational efficiency and have a significant influence on performance (Ping et al., 2012). In everyday practical life, managers ought to lay emphasis on the role of management skills in advancing the performance of organizations and businesses. esearch has indicated that the lack of management skills is one of the major reasons that lead small and medium sized companies into bankruptcy. Therefore, this implies that organizations ought to focus and strengthen their management skills (Pang et al., 2012). From time immemorial,….

Analoui, F., Labbaf, H., and Noorbakhsh, F. (2000). Identification of clusters of managerial skills for increased effectiveness: the case of the steel industry in Iran. International Journal of Training and Development, 4(3), 217-234.

Bai, X., Enderwick, P. (2003). Economic Transition and Management Skills: The Case of China. Business Education and Emerging Market Economies: Trends and Prospects Conference. Retrieved 28 November 2015 from: https://www.scheller.gatech.edu/centers-initiatives/ciber/projects/workingpaper/2003/04-004.pdf

Boyatzis, R.E. (1982). The Competent Manager. John Wiley & Sons, New York, NY

Chunsheng, Z. (2014). What will happen when China becomes largest economy in the world? CKSB Knowledge. Retrieved 28 November 2015 from:  http://knowledge.ckgsb.edu.cn/2014/08/27/china/what-will-happen-when-china-becomes-the-largest-economy-in-the-world/

Identify Main Management Skills Required a Security Manager Explain Important

Management Skills equired for a Security Manager Management is a wide field of knowledge important to everyone at any particular point. Management is not only important to organizations or companies but also to individuals in their day-to-day activities. Individuals require management skills to manage time, finance and expenditures in daily aspects of life. Management is a necessary tool that enables one to carry out activities in an orderly and organized manner. In technical terms, management refers to the organization and coordination of activities in order to attain specific goals. This can happen in a business or an organization carrying out specific activities with the aim of achieving a certain pre-determined goal (Pollo 2002). In business terms, management is one of the key factors of production. Good management skills ensure high and quality productivity. Good management system increases efficiency, reduce, cost and time of carrying out activities in a business organization. Management involves….

Elis, C.W. 2004.Management Skills for New Managers. New York: Printed in the United States of America

Armstrong, M. 2005. Armstrong's handbook of Management and Leadership: Developing effective people skills for better leadership and management. Great Britain and the United States: Kogan page limited.

Rodrigo, V.L. 2010. Management Skills for Leadership Technique: Their Application in Managing workteams. Vigo: Ideaspropias Editorial.

Pollo, G.Z. 2002. Nursing Management Secrets. Philadelphia: Hanley & Belfus. Inc.

Sales and Purchasing Management Skills Required by

Sales and Purchasing Management Skills required by a sales force manager Sales managers must be result-oriented A sales manager must be recruited based on their ability to deliver the desired results. Sales managers must be clear about the results to obtain from the sales force. This must be made clear in the interviews. In some cases, salespeople have been hired with the wrong idea of what the job requires of them. Another aspect of proper hiring deals with the fit between the company and market needs. Some sales employees are suited to a given environment while others are not. The appropriate way to identify the proper fit is for the sales manager to appreciate and like the prospective salesperson genuinely (ogers, 2011). Offer superb sales training Another important skill for a sales force manager is training. This includes identifying the skills that the sales force will require to own in order to generate sales in….

Rogers, B. (2011). Rethinking Sales Management: A Strategic Guide for Practitioners. New York: John Wiley & Sons.

Improving Classroom Management Skills Point

Point #2 -- Clear Explanation of Rationale for Rules and Policies In general, students tend to respond more cooperatively when they understand the logical reason or rationale for classroom rules. Very often, they also exhibit better compliance with rules that allow an appropriate measure of independent self-regulation instead of strict inflexible compliance. One example that struck me as useful is the explanation of why students must ask for permission to be excused to the restroom in conjunction with an acknowledgment that mature students need not necessarily request permission directly from the teacher. The technique that I learned in this respect is to explain why only one or two students may leave the room at a time in conjunction with the opportunity for self-regulation. Specifically, I will allow independent use of the hall key and I will emphasize that it is predicated on mature use without necessitating disrupting the class to request….

Management Skills and Their Definitions

CJA/ v9Effective Practices for Managers and SupervisorsCJA/474 v9Page 2 of 3NumberEffective PracticeCategoryDescribeor Explainthe PracticeSource in APA FormatEx. 1TeleconferencingCommunicationTeleconferencing, or videoconferencing, can improve the efficiency of communication. It permits people at various locations to come together via audio and/or video, saving time and cost of meeting face-to-face.Stojkovic, 2015, p. 120.Ex. 2Supervisory skillsSupervisory skillsSupervisors are more effective when they possess three types of skills: technical (specialized knowledge or expertise), human (the ability to work with and motivate people), and conceptual (the ability to analyze and diagnose complex situations).Stojkovic, 2015, p. 239.NumberEffective PracticeCategoryDescribeor Explainthe PracticeSource in APA Format1.Endorsing leadership developmentSupervisory skillsInvesting in good leadership education programs so as to maintain quality personnel up and down the hierarchies of criminal justice organizationsp. 1902.InfluencingLeadership skillsEmploying different methods to gain compliance and to enhance motivationp. 1923.Emotional intelligenceLeadership skillsUsing emotional awareness and understanding to generate and foster meaningful results from employeesp. 1924.Evidence-based practiceManagement skillsUsing approaches that are….

Copyright 2019 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.Copyright 2019 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.

Analyzing Main Management Skills Required of a Security Manager

Management Skills equired of a Security Manager Loss Prevention Skills Security managers' main responsibility is protecting corporate assets, including premises, finance, plant and personnel. Accidents are costly affairs -- damage occurs to property (premises and plant) as well as people (personnel). Further, the organization has to pay a worker who takes time off for recuperating from sickness or injury. Some injured employees might quit the job and their replacement requires funds as well (i.e., recruitment and training of new employees). Injuries bring negative publicity for the company, which also has to typically pay a large compensation for work-related injury. Another area of concern for security managers is loss of money or property to robbery or some other violent crime (Pepper 2006). Security managers also need to concern themselves with the impact violence has on the workforce. Violence at the workplace has positively attracted labor unions' attention in the hospitality and retail….

ASIS (2003). The general security risk assessment guideline. Virginia: ASIS International.

Broder JF, (2006). Risk analysis and the security survey. UK: Elsevier Science.

Crawford A, (1998). Crime prevention and community safety. London: Longman.

Gill M, (1994). Crime at work: Studies in security and crime prevention, Leicester: Perpetuity Press.

Managing and Motivating Technical Professionals

Giving them the opportunity to participate in the product launch decisions from a marketing standpoint also highlighted an embarrassing point for marketing, and that was engineering often understood the competition and its true functionality better than anyone in marketing. The reason is that the engineers had taken great pride in working on their product features they were responsible for to make them the best in the industry, and it was clear some had taken great pains to make a statement in their work. Creating shared ownership of product outcomes strengthens morale of technical professionals and infuses an entire development team with more accountability (Voss, 1993) and willingness to internalize a strong commitment to the success of the product (Kochanski, Ledford, 2001). The risk of recommending this strategy would be that the more dominant engineers would overrule marketing and turn the entire marketing strategy into more of a features discussion than….

David Baccarini, Geoff Salm, & Peter ED Love. (2004). Management of risks in information technology projects. Industrial Management + Data Systems, 104(3/4), 286-295.

Jain, S.. (2008). DECISION SCIENCES: A Story of Excellence at Hewlett-Packard. OR-MS Today, 35(2), 20

James Kochanski & Gerald Ledford. (2001). "How to keep me" -- retaining technical professionals. Research Technology Management, 44(3), 31-38.

Li, Y., & Zhu, K.. (2009). Information acquisition in new product introduction. European Journal of Operational Research, 198(2), 618.

Management Aptitude Analysis

Management Aptitude Analysis The results of the management aptitude questionnaire were fairly conclusive and useful in regards to my propensity for this particular application in organizational behavior. My scores point out both my strengths as well as those areas in which I can use improvement. Additionally, this information is valuable to see what exact management skills I would be best suited to employ to help a contemporary organization progress. The most encouraging part of this questionnaire was my score in conceptual skills, in which I achieved 25 points out of 30. In some ways, conceptual skills are the most important for a manager to possess, although human skills are becoming increasingly valuable as well (Daft, 2011, p. 11). However, conceptual skills are those in which a manager is cognizant of how the specific parts of an organization coalesce and work together. More importantly, conceptual skills are those which enable a manager to….

Daft, R.L. (2011). Management. Mason: South-Western, Cengage Learning.

Management Theories Historical Records Show That People

Management Theories Historical records show that people always organized themselves in order to work together towards a common objective and they coordinated their efforts to achieve this objective (Accel-Team 2004). It was not until the latter part of the 19th century that the concept of scientific management entered history during the Industrial evolution, but management skills existed long before the 19th century. Ancient Egyptians built the pyramids, ancient Chinese erected the Great Wall of China, the Mesopotamians irrigated their lands and walled their cities and the omans of old put up their roads, aqueducts and notably Hadrian's Wall not without established and superb management standards of their leaders (Accel-Team) and massive obedience and coordination among the followers. The pyramids of Egypt, wonders of the world, each measure 75,600 square feet at the base, 480 feet high and consists of more than two million blocks of stone, each weighing 2.5 tons. Its….

1. Accel-Team. (2004). Developments from Ancient History. Accel-Team.com. http://www.accel-team/scientific

2. Allen, G. (1998). Management History. Supervision. http://allie.dcccd.edu.mgnmt1374

3. Geocities. (2004). Human Behavior. http://www.geocities.com/the sydication/hr.html

4. McNamara, C. (1999). Very Brief History of Management Theories.  http://www.mapnp.org/library/mgmnt/history.htm

need an example essay to help me write mine, in which you discuss the different forms of generic, transferable, core or key attributes that will address the skills gap that currently resides in south African supply chain industry

Below is an example essay to help give you ideas when writing your own paper.

Title: Bridging the Skills Gap in the South African Supply Chain Industry Introduction: In today's rapidly evolving global economy, the supply chain industry plays a vital role in ensuring the efficient flow of goods and services. However, South Africa's supply chain sector faces a significant skills gap, hindering its growth and competitiveness. To address this challenge, it is essential to identify and cultivate generic, transferable, core, or key attributes that can bridge this gap effectively. This essay will discuss the different forms of such attributes....

how do you plan teacher interview

When planning a teacher interview, it is important to consider the following steps: Step 1: Determine the purpose of the interview - Think about what specific qualities, skills, and experiences you are looking for in a teacher. This will help guide the questions you ask during the interview. Step 2: Create a list of interview questions - Develop a list of questions that will help you assess the candidate's qualifications and fit for the position. Make sure to include questions about their teaching philosophy, classroom management skills, and subject expertise. Step 3: Schedule the interview - Coordinate with the candidate to find a....

Do you have any tips for outlining an essay specifically on the subject of Customer Relationship Management Skills and the Business performance of salons in Kidapawan City

I. Introduction A. Background information on the salon industry in Kidapawan City B. Importance of customer relationship management skills in the business performance of salons C. Purpose of the study II. Literature Review A. Definition of customer relationship management B. Benefits of effective customer relationship management C. Relationship between customer relationship management skills and business performance in salons D. Studies on the importance of customer relationship management skills in the beauty industry III. Methodology A. Research design B. Data collection methods C. Sample selection D. Data analysis techniques IV. Results A. Overview of the salon industry in Kidapawan City B. Analysis of customer....

I. Introduction (200 words) A. Background and Context: Provide a brief overview of the salon industry in Kidapawan City, highlighting its importance to the local economy and employment. Discuss the significance of customer relationship management skills in driving business performance in this competitive market. B. Thesis Statement: Clearly state the central argument or hypothesis of the essay, which should focus on the positive correlation between customer relationship management skills and business performance in salons in Kidapawan City. II. Literature Review (300 words) A. Define and Discuss CRM Skills: Explain key concepts and theories related to customer relationship management skills, drawing upon relevant academic literature....


Business - Management

"Cancellation, in particular, can have a profound and lasting affect on the organization and its employees." (Hormozi, 2000) Interdependence of Department in Organization The following statement is an excerpt from…

This will help me become more aware of effective communication techniques. This step should begin immediately and should continue for six months. To determine if this is effective, I…

"The Academy" culture however perceives training as a benefit to the employees, and offers it as a means of supporting the professional formation of its workforce, increasing their…

What appears to be the right way today is often not going to be the right way tomorrow. Because of this it is hard to manage with any…

Although I believe that I have good or average technical skills, I still intend to gain and learn more knowledge from the study that I chose and from…

Manager Interview: Quality Manager for a Chemical Company William Wood is a quality manager for an international chemical company. The company has locations throughout the world, but has a number…


International Business To some extent, management can be defined as the harmonization of science, art, practice and implementation. Management takes into account knowledge and skills. On one hand, the knowledge…

Management Skills equired for a Security Manager Management is a wide field of knowledge important to everyone at any particular point. Management is not only important to organizations or companies…

Business - Advertising

Sales and Purchasing Management Skills required by a sales force manager Sales managers must be result-oriented A sales manager must be recruited based on their ability to deliver the desired results. Sales…

Point #2 -- Clear Explanation of Rationale for Rules and Policies In general, students tend to respond more cooperatively when they understand the logical reason or rationale for classroom rules.…

CJA/ v9Effective Practices for Managers and SupervisorsCJA/474 v9Page 2 of 3NumberEffective PracticeCategoryDescribeor Explainthe PracticeSource in APA FormatEx. 1TeleconferencingCommunicationTeleconferencing, or videoconferencing, can improve the efficiency of communication. It permits people…

Management Skills equired of a Security Manager Loss Prevention Skills Security managers' main responsibility is protecting corporate assets, including premises, finance, plant and personnel. Accidents are costly affairs -- damage…

Giving them the opportunity to participate in the product launch decisions from a marketing standpoint also highlighted an embarrassing point for marketing, and that was engineering often understood…

Discussion Chapter

Management Aptitude Analysis The results of the management aptitude questionnaire were fairly conclusive and useful in regards to my propensity for this particular application in organizational behavior. My scores point…

Management Theories Historical records show that people always organized themselves in order to work together towards a common objective and they coordinated their efforts to achieve this objective (Accel-Team 2004).…

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Writing an Effective Leadership Essay: Tips and Examples

definition of "leadership essay" that is restated in the article

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Whether you’ve led a horse to water or led your team to a victorious championship, you’re probably more of a leader than you give yourself credit for. It turns out, college admissions officers want to hear about that horse and/or championship in your application essay. The leadership essay is one of the hallmarks of college essays, but what’s the right way to do it?

What Is a Leadership Essay?

A leadership essay is a subset of college application essays that help college admissions officers understand your previous experiences as a leader. While that might seem extremely specific, it comes with the understanding that leadership looks and feels different based on the person and situation.

To give you a real world example: The president is ostensibly the leader of the United States. However, the president has a whole cabinet of other leaders for every other aspect of running a country. You might not be a leader of foreign policy, but you might be a leader on the football field or within your community volunteer group.

Leadership Essay Ideas and Topics

While you might see a few variations, almost all leadership essays go back to two main forms:

  • What is your leadership style?
  • Describe a moment when you showed leadership.

There’s inherently a bit of overlap with both of these. You’ll likely give an example of a leadership moment when talking about your leadership style, and you’ll probably talk about your leadership style when talking about a leadership moment.

In either case, the school will want you to use anecdotal evidence that demonstrates the idea. Go with what feels right, whether that’s leading a club or team in school or leading some ducklings across a busy highway. Even if your experience sounds cliché, it’s unique because it involves you.

How To Write a Leadership Essay

Probably the biggest trap that people fall into is “Well, I’ve never been a leader.” Even if you’ve never held some sort of leadership position at school or had an official title, chances are pretty high that you have exhibited some form of leadership at some point in your life. Beyond that, the actual writing of the leadership essay is fairly straightforward.

Formatting Your Leadership Essay

Your leadership essay will include an introduction paragraph, one or more body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Depending on the word or page limits, you can almost treat this like a five-paragraph essay .

  • Introduction - Capture the reader’s interest, define good leadership in relation to you, and directly address the given prompt
  • Body paragraphs - Give some background information using anecdotes to describe your leadership style or moment
  • Conclusion - End with a compelling statement about your leadership qualities and how you hope to apply them to your education, career, and the world in general

How Long Should a Leadership Essay Be?

The length of the leadership essay depends on what the college or application system says. Thankfully, this is the one part of the essay that you don’t need to question. Nearly every school will provide a word limit, typically ranging from 250 words (for supplemental essays) potentially all the way up to 1,000 words.

In the rare event that you don’t see an obvious word limit, stick to a maximum of about 500 to 600 words.

Tips for Writing a Leadership Essay

Unfortunately, we don’t know your personal life, and we certainly don’t know moments where you exhibited leadership. So we can’t write your essay for you, but we can give you some tips to at least guide your writing process.

Define Good Leadership Before You Start

Before you begin writing your essay, think about what qualities make someone a good leader, at least in your opinion. What great leadership qualities do you have? What makes a “good leader”? Make a list before you begin writing your essay. 

Leadership qualities can include:

  • The ability to motivate others
  • Personal integrity
  • Placing a value on relationships with team members
  • Prioritizing the larger good over any individual

Review your list and choose the qualities you want to highlight. Write your own definition of what makes someone a great leader as it relates to the quality you chose. It should be one or two sentences long. Use that definition as the backbone of your essay.

Tell a Story About Your Leadership

It’s time to turn that list of potential leadership qualities into something meaningful and interesting. The best way to do that is with an engaging narrative.

You should obviously state good leadership qualities, but that shouldn’t be your entire essay. Tell a story about your leadership.

  • Did you face a specific challenge?
  • How did you overcome that challenge?
  • How has your leadership style changed over the years?
  • Was there a specific moment or experience that caused that change?

Really ask yourself questions and dig into the concept of leadership as a real thing that has had real effects on your life.

Write With Your Own Voice and Style

Although you shouldn’t be super informal in college application essays, they are also designed to help you display your own voice and personality. College admissions officers want to learn about you, and your writing style is inherently a big part of that, whether that means using humor or puns, maintaining a unique level of sincerity throughout the essay, or being invitingly verbose.

Don’t Be Down On Yourself

Whether it’s your personal statement , a supplemental essay, or this leadership essay, avoid being too down on yourself. Admissions officers want to hear about all your successes, trophies, and kittens saved from trees. They really don’t want to read a whole essay about you saying you’re a bad leader.

Humility is definitely an important leadership trait, but there’s a fine line between being humble and being hurtful to yourself. Even if you’re normally prone to some self-deprecation, try to keep it at a minimum for this essay.

Leadership Essay Example

If you’re not sure where to start, take some time to brainstorm ideas. Even the weirdest idea can blossom into something neat. If you need inspiration, one of the best things is to look at other examples of leadership. That could be from your favorite show, a good nonfiction book about sailors, or the essay below.

full text essay example with labeled parts restated from the article

  • DESCRIPTION leadership essay example chart
  • SOURCE Created by Karina Goto for YourDictionary
  • PERMISSION Owned by YourDictionary, Copyright YourDictionary 

Leadership Essay Introduction Example

The introduction should pull the reader in while directly answering the prompt. When in doubt, try to start with something concrete over something abstract. Or as writers and writing teachers like to say: Show, don’t tell.

The room was filled with the gentle hum of microphones and video cameras, cut only by the occasional cough or cleared throat. It was easy to feel out of place in this room full of wood furniture, leather seats, and powerful men capable of changing not just my life, but an entire sector of television programming as we knew it. I had never thought of myself as a leader, but I also knew that this was about something bigger than me, something that I could actually influence.

Leadership Essay Body Example

The body is where you’ll get more into the details of your narrative and connect it to ideas of leadership. Try not to get too hung up on the exact wording of what makes a leader. That can get far too abstract. Let your story speak for you.

I took a deep breath and began to talk. I wasn’t known to have a particularly commanding or powerful voice, but people always seemed to listen, including these men with their name placards and tall seats. They had been ready to cut funding for public broadcasting, which included programming that they had never seen. I was simply someone who lived in a neighborhood and cared about children’s education, beyond just math and reading. All I could do was be honest.

Leadership Essay Conclusion Example

Your conclusion considers the broader effects of your leadership. How might your leadership evolve or change? How can you apply that leadership to your education, job, or community?

To me, leadership is about connection. I know that I have a voice and an immense dedication to emotional intelligence in children. My ability to focus on other people goes hand-in-hand with my ability to speak through a tiger puppet. Both are about closing gaps and bringing people closer to a basic understanding. I hope to use my leadership abilities within the field of psychology to build more connections between people and communities.

Leadership Essay

27 August, 2020

12 minutes read

Author:  Richard Pircher

As a college student, you must write essays on a regular basis since the latter is one of the most common types of home assignments. All this means is that in order to get good grades and be successful with writing the papers, you need to have a sound understanding of the structure. Additionally, what you should never neglect is the variety of essay types. Indeed, your essay will significantly differ from one type to another: description essay will most likely have a structure that is slightly different from an argumentative one.

Leadership Essays

What you may have already encountered in your academic life is the work on a leadership essay. Although it sounds pretty complicated and vague, it is mostly possible to master an essay on leadership. Below is a guide for you to get an insight into this particular essay type.

What is a good leadership essay?

A good leadership essay is the one in which the essay writer has fully covered the topic of leadership and understood its core ideas. More specifically, to end up with a flawless leadership essay, you will need to indicate what makes a person a good leader. For achieving the latter, you will most likely need to conduct research and trace how a particular person reaches his or her goals. In other words, the task is to discover which actions the person undertakes, what their followers say about him or her, and how the person organizes the work. So, a leadership essay implies providing real-life success examples and further revealing them.

Above all, a good leadership essay is the one that follows a precise, clear, comprehensive structure. Structuring your essay about leadership in the most coherent way leads to a win-win situation: you have fewer troubles and barriers to writing a brilliant essay, and your teacher is able to comprehend the essay easily. This guide is what you will need to refer to to get an insight into how the flawless structure for a leadership essay looks like and how it will let you take a benefit.

How to write a Leadership essay?

To write a leadership essay that stands out, you first need to brainstorm all the ideas that you have and come up with a topic for your essay. If you are struggling with this step, you may think of some of the most influential people, read about them, and find out what makes them unique. Or, you can pick any topic which is mentioned at the end of this article. After you have chosen an issue, it is time to structure your essay appropriately.

how to write a leadership essay example

As you already know, an essay constitutes three essential sections: introduction, main body, and conclusion. Below is the more detailed description of each of the parts.


Of course, your leadership essay introduction will always vary depending on the topic of the essay. However, you can always begin by stating your vision of leadership regardless of the topic. Additionally, to motivate the reader and instantly catch his or her attention, you may use a quote of a famous leader, or simply a quote which you find relevant to the topic. Be aware that you should avoid outlining the essence and the role of the leadership in your introduction; leave it for the body paragraphs.

What you may also do in your leadership essay is ask a question, which will most likely intrigue the leader. Or it will at least give your reader an overview of what you will dwell on  in your essay.

Body Paragraphs

You will need to divide the main body into 3-5 paragraphs to make the structure more comprehensive. What you have to do at this point  is  give your reader a sound understanding of your ideas. Therefore, try to fit each idea in a single body paragraph so that you do not confuse your reader. Do not hesitate to indicate your examples to strengthen your arguments. For instance, you may explain a fact that makes a particular person you are writing about a real leader.

Also, always stick to your thesis statement and don’t forget that the body paragraphs should reveal the parts of your thesis statement.

As you may already know, you need to restate your opinion and briefly summarize all the points from the main body in conclusion. For instance, if you wrote your essay on qualities of an effective leader, state the most fundamental qualities and indicate why they matter the most. Besides, try not to copy what you have already written in the body – it is better to restate your opinion using different words. And, of course, beware adding any new and extra information; indicate only those points that you have already outlined in the text. Finally, keep in mind that it is always favorable to keep your concluding remarks short.

leadership essay

Leadership Essay Examples

Writing a leadership essay requires some research and time. In case you feel the necessity to go through an essay example, below is a leadership essay sample you can refer to.

Is leadership an inborn or an acquired feature?

Is everyone capable of becoming a leader, or is this ability innate? A lot of researchers have been struggling to answer this question. One assumption about leadership implies that the leader is the person who possesses particular characteristics. Another assumption claims that leaders are capable of acquiring specific features over their life span. As the evidence shows, leaders own many features that distinguish them among others and make more and more people become their followers. These might be cognitive abilities, psychological traits, professional qualities, and a lot more, and all of them will be either acquired or innate. Based on the importance of leadership qualities, such as commitment, stress resistance, and the ability to make quality decisions, it is reasonable to claim that leaders are made, not born. 

One can deem commitment as one of the top fundamental qualities of the leader. In essence, such a feature indicates that a person is passionate about the common goal, strives to be a team player, and makes every effort to reach a shared goal. As the history shows, none of the successful companies was uncoordinated by an influential, committed leader: Apple, Amazon, Microsoft – all of these companies are examples of dominant teams led by a dedicated leader. A committed leader also inspires his or her team to achieve common goals and put more effort into the shared activity. Besides, commitment is unlikely to be an innate feature; it instead comes with experience. This is so, since commitment implies dedicating oneself to the shared task, and one can reach it only via learning and continuous self-improvement.

Stress resistance is another incredibly important feature that every good leader should possess. This is because only a stress-resistant leader has sufficient capabilities to overcome any complexity and not let the anxiety and stress prevent him or her from making proper decisions. Besides, such a leader will most likely have a positive influence on the team, as long as leading by example will motivate the team members to attain the same emotional stability. What is so far familiar about stress resistance as an effective leader’s feature is that it can be either innate or attained. However, although some researchers admit that emotional stability is something one is born with, it is not entirely true; many people still put a great effort into self-improvement, changing the attitude to unfortunate situations, and so on. Therefore, being resistant to stress can be mostly attributed to a personality.

An ability to make high-quality decisions most likely determines the chances for an enterprise’s success. In particular, such quality is incredibly fundamental for a company of any size and professional orientation. Additionally, it is one of the top tasks of a good leader to make final decisions. What he or she should do implies brainstorming, discussing various opinions in the group, making forecasts, analyzing all the pros and cons. However, the leader is the one to make a final decision. Thereby, he is in charge of researching the market, discovering all the hidden truths, and analyzing the organization’s potential and capabilities to result in the most effective decision. As it flows logically from the latter, an ability to make sound quality decisions is purely a professional quality. This leads to the conclusion that one has to work hard to become a genuine leader and master the skill of making effective decisions. 

Overall, the leader may possess a multitude of different skills and master them perfectly. However, what has so far become transparent is that any leader, regardless of which team he leads, must possess three essential qualities. These qualities are commitment to the common goal, ability to handle and resist stress, and, finally, an ability to make effective decisions. All of the three qualities are most likely to be acquired over a lifetime. The statement below leads to the conclusion that even though some qualities can be innate, most are not the ones that leaders are born with. Hence, this answers an essential question: leadership feature is acquired, and not necessarily inborn.  

20 leadership essay topics

When coming up with your next leadership essay topic, it is imperative to brainstorm ideas and think of what leadership might be related to. If you are struggling with a topic of the importance of leadership essay or any relevant type of essay, you may quickly take a look at some of the possible topics we prepared for you:

  • What are the main qualities of the leader?
  • Successful Time Management as a feature of an effective leader
  • The role that rhetoric plays in leadership
  • The most exceptional leader in the history of the 20-th century
  • The role of female leadership
  • What are the challenges of the leader of the 21-st century?
  • How college helps students develop leadership skills?
  • Qualities of the leader that motivate people to follow them 
  • Top things to avoid doing to become a team leader
  • Examples of effective and ineffective leadership in the history
  • Top techniques for developing leadership skills
  • The interconnection of creativity and leadership 
  • Is a university’s role fundamental in developing leadership skills?
  • Dictatorship as an anti-example of leadership
  • Liberal vs Authoritative leadership: which one works better?
  • The influence of the leader’s role model on the followers’ mindset
  • Main difficulties that the new leader may face in a new team
  • Leadership of today vs leadership of the past: what has changed?
  • Reasons why I want to become a member if the leadership program
  • The role of cognitive abilities for the leader 

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Time Management Essay Outline: Boost Productivity & Success

Rosie Landry

Time Management Essay Outline

As a professional writer, I know that time management is crucial for achieving success. Without it, tasks can pile up, deadlines can be missed, and stress levels can skyrocket. That’s why in this article, I’ll be discussing the importance of effective time management and how it can boost your productivity and success.

Table of Contents

Time management is not just about making the most of your time, but also about making the most of yourself. It’s a skill that can be learned and improved upon, and mastering it can have a significant impact on your personal and professional life.

Key Takeaways:

  • Effective time management is crucial for achieving success
  • Time management is a skill that can be learned and improved
  • Mastery of time management can have a significant impact on personal and professional life

Understanding Time Management

Hello, and welcome to my article on time management! In this section, I’ll be discussing what time management is and why it’s so important in both our personal and professional lives.

Time management is the process of planning and organizing how much time you spend on various activities. This includes setting goals, prioritizing tasks, scheduling appointments, and making sure you have enough time to relax and unwind.

Effective time management is crucial because it allows us to make the most of our time. When we manage our time well, we’re able to get more done in less time, which means we have more time to focus on other things we enjoy. Additionally, time management helps minimize stress and increase overall productivity, leading to greater success both at work and in our personal lives.

Developing Time Management Skills

Effective time management is essential for achieving success in both personal and professional life. To develop strong time management skills, I recommend the following:

  • Set goals: Clearly define your short-term and long-term goals to ensure that your time is spent on tasks that align with these objectives. Creating a list of priorities will help you prioritize tasks and track progress.
  • Create a schedule: Map out your day and week, allocating time to specific tasks. This helps you stay on track and ensures that you have enough time to complete important tasks.
  • Avoid distractions: Eliminate or minimize distractions during work hours. This includes social media, phone notifications, and even email notifications.
  • Take breaks: Taking short breaks throughout the day can increase productivity and prevent burnout. Go for a walk, practice meditation, or simply step away from your workspace for a few minutes.
  • Use time-saving tools: Automation tools can help streamline repetitive tasks and save time. For example, you can use tools like Grammarly to check your writing, or calendar apps to schedule meetings and appointments.

By implementing these strategies, you can boost your productivity and achieve more success in every aspect of your life.

Creating a Time Management Essay Outline

Creating a Time Management Essay Outline

Now that we understand the importance of time management and have explored techniques for developing effective time management skills, let’s dive into how to create a time management essay outline.

The purpose of creating an outline for your essay is to organize your thoughts and ensure that your content flows logically. Here’s how to structure your time management essay:

  • Introduction: Begin with an attention-grabbing statement or statistic to introduce the importance of time management. Provide some background information and explain the purpose of your essay. End with a thesis statement that outlines the main points you will cover in your essay.
  • Point: Start with a clear and concise statement about the point you want to make.
  • Explanation: Explain why this point is important in the context of time management.
  • Example: Provide an example or anecdote to illustrate your point and make it more relatable to your readers.
  • Conclusion: Summarize the main points covered in your essay and emphasize the importance of effective time management . Reinforce your thesis statement and leave your reader with a final thought or call to action.

By following this outline, your time management essay will be well-structured and easy to follow. Remember to keep your writing clear, concise, and relevant to the topic at hand.

Importance of Time Management in Academic Success

As a student, managing time effectively is crucial for achieving academic success. With competing demands such as lectures, assignments, and exams, effective time management can help you stay organized and focused.

One key benefit of good time management is improved studying quality. By allocating time for reading, research, and note-taking, you can optimize your study sessions and retain information more effectively.

Effective time management can also help you complete assignments on time, reducing the stress and anxiety associated with deadlines. With a clear schedule and specific deadlines set, you can work steadily towards completing tasks and avoid the last-minute crunch.

Furthermore, time management skills can enhance your exam preparation. By setting aside specific blocks of time for revision and practice exams, you can feel more confident and prepared when it comes to test day.

Overall, mastering time management skills can have a positive impact on your academic success. By allocating your time effectively, you can optimize your studying, complete assignments on time, and prepare thoroughly for exams.

Strategies for Effective Time Management

Strategies for Effective Time Management

As a professional copywriting journalist, I know that effective time management is essential for achieving productivity and success. But knowing how to manage your time efficiently can be a challenge. Here are some strategies that have worked for me:

1. Prioritize Tasks

One of the most important steps you can take to manage your time effectively is to prioritize your tasks. Make a to-do list at the beginning of each day and rank tasks in order of importance. Focus on completing the most critical tasks first and work your way down the list.

2. Eliminate Distractions

Distractions can be a major time-waster. Try to eliminate distractions as much as possible. Turn off your phone or put it on silent mode, close unnecessary tabs on your computer, and find a quiet work environment. If you work in a noisy environment, consider using noise-cancelling headphones to help you focus.

3. Use Time-Saving Tools

There are many tools available to help you manage your time more efficiently. One example is time-tracking software, which allows you to monitor where you are spending your time and identify areas where you can improve. Other tools like calendar apps and project management software can help you stay organized and prioritize tasks.

4. Practice Time-Blocking

Time-blocking involves breaking your day into specific time blocks and allocating tasks to each block. For example, you might block off time for email and social media in the morning, then devote the afternoon to completing a specific project. This technique helps you stay on track and avoid procrastination.

5. Learn to Say “No”

One of the biggest time-management challenges is taking on too many tasks. Learn to say “no” to requests that are not essential or do not align with your goals. This will help you avoid overcommitting and ensure you have enough time for your top priorities.

By implementing these strategies, you can improve your time management skills and achieve greater productivity and success.

Effective Time Management Techniques

Balancing Work and Personal Life with Time Management

As a journalist balancing a demanding career and personal life, I understand the importance of effective time management in achieving a healthy work-life balance. It can be challenging to juggle multiple responsibilities, but with the right time management strategies, it’s possible to find harmony between work and personal commitments.

By implementing these tips, it’s possible to achieve a work-life balance that promotes overall success and well-being. Remember, effective time management isn’t about working more, it’s about working smarter and prioritizing what’s important.

Overcoming Time Management Challenges

As a professional copywriting journalist, I understand the challenges that come with managing time effectively. The constant distractions and interruptions can make it difficult to stay focused and productive. However, there are strategies you can implement to overcome these challenges and improve your time management skills.


One of the most common time management challenges is procrastination. It’s easy to put off tasks until the last minute, but this only leads to increased stress and reduced productivity. One way to overcome procrastination is to break down tasks into smaller, more manageable steps. Set deadlines for each step and hold yourself accountable. Additionally, try to eliminate any distractions that might be tempting you to procrastinate, such as your phone or social media.

Lack of Motivation

Another challenge is a lack of motivation . When you don’t feel motivated to complete a task, it can be hard to find the energy to get started. One technique for overcoming this challenge is to focus on the benefits of completing the task. For example, remind yourself of how good it will feel to cross the item off your to-do list. Additionally, try to find ways to make the task more enjoyable, such as listening to music or working in a comfortable environment.


Interruptions are another challenge that can disrupt your time management efforts. Whether it’s a co-worker popping into your office or the constant ping of incoming emails, interruptions can make it difficult to stay focused and productive. One way to overcome this challenge is to establish boundaries. Let your co-workers know when you are working on an important task and cannot be interrupted. Additionally, consider turning off notifications on your phone and computer to limit distractions.

By implementing these strategies, you can overcome common time management challenges and improve your productivity. Remember, effective time management takes practice and commitment, but the benefits are well worth the effort.

Creating a Time Management Plan

Time Management Techniques for Students

As a student, managing your time effectively can make the difference between academic success and failure. Here are some time management techniques that can help you maximize your productivity and achieve better results:

  • Create a schedule: Planning your day in advance helps you stay on top of your schoolwork and other activities. Allocate blocks of time for studying, attending classes, and completing assignments.
  • Use productivity apps: There are many apps available that can help you organize your tasks and stay focused. Some popular choices include Trello, Evernote, and Focus@Will.
  • Practice time-blocking: This involves breaking your day down into segments and dedicating each one to a specific task. For example, you could dedicate one hour to studying for a particular subject.
  • Optimize study time: When studying, it’s important to make the most of your time. Avoid distractions by studying in a quiet place, and take regular breaks to avoid burnout.
  • Manage extracurricular activities: It’s important to balance your schoolwork with other activities. Prioritize your commitments and avoid overcommitting yourself.

By implementing these time management techniques, you can reduce stress, stay organized, and achieve your academic goals.

Benefits of Effective Time Management

Mastering time management skills can have numerous benefits for both your personal and professional life. Here are some of the key advantages:

Overall, effective time management can help you lead a more balanced, productive, and fulfilling life.

Conclusion on Time Management Essay Outline

As a professional copywriting journalist, I understand the value of time management in achieving success and productivity. In this article, we discussed the significance of time management in personal and professional life and explored tips for developing effective time management skills. Creating a time management essay outline is crucial for structuring your thoughts and ideas.

We also emphasized the role of time management in academic success, provided strategies for balancing work and personal life, and identified common challenges in managing time effectively. We discussed specific time management techniques that are helpful for students, such as time-blocking and using productivity apps.

The benefits of effective time management are numerous, including reduced stress, increased productivity, and improved overall well-being. It is essential to master time management skills for long-term success.

Implementing time management strategies can be challenging, but with perseverance and dedication, anyone can achieve success. By prioritizing tasks, eliminating distractions, and using time-saving tools, you can maximize your efficiency and productivity. Remember, time is a valuable resource, and managing it effectively is the key to success.

FAQ on Time Management Essay Outline

Q: what is time management.

A: Time management refers to the practice of planning and organizing one’s time effectively to achieve maximum productivity. It involves setting goals, prioritizing tasks, and allocating time appropriately to different activities.

Q: Why is time management important?

A: Time management is important because it allows individuals to make the most out of their finite time. By managing time effectively, one can accomplish more tasks, reduce stress, and achieve success in both personal and professional endeavors.

Q: How can I develop effective time management skills?

A: Developing effective time management skills can be achieved by setting goals, prioritizing tasks, creating schedules, and minimizing distractions. It is also essential to learn to delegate tasks and practice self-discipline.

Q: How do I create a time management essay outline?

A: To create a time management essay outline, start by introducing the topic and its importance. Then, structure your essay with a clear introduction, body paragraphs discussing relevant points, and a conclusion summarizing your key arguments.

Q: Why is time management important for academic success?

A: Time management is crucial for academic success as it allows students to effectively manage their study time, complete assignments on time, and adequately prepare for exams. It also helps in maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

Q: What are some strategies for effective time management?

A: Strategies for effective time management include setting priorities, eliminating distractions, using time-saving tools, and practicing good organization skills. It is also important to take regular breaks and avoid overloading oneself with tasks.

Q: How can time management help in balancing work and personal life?

A: Time management plays a key role in achieving a work-life balance by helping individuals allocate time for work, personal commitments, and self-care. It enables better planning and prioritization of activities to ensure all aspects of life are given proper attention.

Q: How can I overcome time management challenges?

A: Overcoming time management challenges can be done by addressing issues like procrastination, lack of motivation, and interruptions. Strategies such as setting realistic goals, breaking tasks into manageable steps, and practicing self-discipline can help overcome these challenges.

Q: What are some time management techniques for students?

A: Time management techniques for students include creating schedules, using productivity apps, practicing time-blocking, and setting specific study goals. It is also important for students to prioritize tasks, avoid multitasking, and seek help when needed.

Q: What are the benefits of effective time management?

A: Effective time management provides numerous benefits, including reduced stress levels, increased productivity, improved overall well-being, and the ability to achieve personal and professional goals. It also allows for better time utilization and enhances work-life balance.

Implementing effective time management strategies is crucial for boosting productivity and achieving success in various aspects of life. By managing time wisely, individuals can accomplish more, reduce stress, and lead a more fulfilling life.

About the author

Rosie Landry Profile Picture

I’m Rosie Landry, your friendly guide through the exciting world of practical management here on this blog. Here, I delve into everything from practical tips to complex theories of time management, combining scientific research with real-life applications. When I’m not writing about time management, you can find me with my nose in a gripping mystery novel, creating culinary delights, or out exploring nature with my faithful golden retriever, Marley. Join me as we discover how to take control of our time and enhance our lives together. If you need to reach out, do so here.

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Essay on Time Management

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  • Updated on  
  • Aug 27, 2022

Essay on Time Management (1)

“Time isn’t the main thing, it’s the only thing”- Mile Davis.

Time management is a prestigious topic for budding subconscious minds. It is one of the most crucial skills that you must inculcate from early on. This skill has vital importance when you move into a professional setting. It is extremely important to manage time efficiently as not managing time can create many problems in your day-to-day life. It is also a common essay topic in the school curriculum and various academic and competitive exams like IELTS , TOEFL , SAT , UPSC , etc. This blog brings you samples of essays on time management with tips & tricks on how to write an essay.

Essay on Time Management in 200 words

Time stops for none and is equal for all. Everyone has the same 24 hours in a day but some people make better use of time than others. This is one of the most important reasons some people are experts in what they do. Therefore, time management plays a vital role in both personal as well as professional lives.

Time management is basically an effort made consciously to spend a certain amount of time performing a task efficiently. Furthermore, it is estimated that to have better results, one needs to do productive work. Thus, productivity is the key focus here. Moreover, maintaining a careful balance between professional life, social life, and any other hobbies or activities is a great example of efficient time management.

Time management is also crucial for students from an academic perspective as students require to cover many subjects. Thus, efficiently managing time is an important skill in everyone’s life.  Around the world, there are two views for time management – linear time view and multi-active time view. The linear time view is predominant in America, Germany and England, and it aims at completing one task at a time. Whereas a multi-active view aims at completing a number at once and is predominant in India and Spain. Nevertheless, time management is one of the important traits of a successful individual, students are advised to follow whichever is convenient for them.

Essay on Time Management in 300 Words

Time Management is a key skill for job opportunities as employers recruit candidates who have this efficient skill. Thus, it is advised to initiate inculcating this vital skill as soon as possible. In the academic setting, time management plays a vital role and helps in the accomplishment of tasks efficiently and effectively.

Time management is the process of planning and performing pre-scheduled activities with the aim of increasing productivity, effectiveness and efficiency. Different cultures hold different views on Time Management. However, a multi-active time view and a linear time view are the two predominant views. In a linear time view, the aim is set to complete one particular task at a time whereas, in a multi-active view, the focus is on completing a greater number of tasks at once. Emphasis is given on productivity and effectiveness, but students are free to choose their own view of time management.

Time management is crucial as it is helpful in setting a timeline for achieving a particular goal. Moreover, it also increases the efficiency of the tasks at hand. It becomes necessary for working professionals as they need to balance their personal and professional life. Thus, they do not have time to dwell on each and every detail in every task. In such cases, a multi-active view is one of the helpful methods. Time management works best when a goal or target is set. For instance, a student becomes far more effective at learning when they decide to assign 2 hours for learning a particular concept. This is effectively a method of benchmarking progress. So, every time the activity is performed, one can measure themselves and improve upon various aspects of their tasks.The clear conclusion is that time management is a crucial skill for students and working professionals. Thus, everyone must practise time management to improve productivity and efficiency of tasks.

Tips for Writing an Essay on Time Management

To write an impactful and scoring essay here are some tips on how to manage time and write a good essay:

  • The initial step is to write an introduction or background information about the topic
  • You are required to use the formal style of writing and avoid using slang language.
  • To make an essay more impactful, write dates, quotations, and names to provide a better understanding
  • You can use jargon wherever it is necessary as it sometimes makes an essay complicated
  • To make an essay more creative you can also add information in bulleted points wherever possible
  • Always remember to add a conclusion where you need to summarise crucial points
  • Once you are done read through the lines and check spelling and grammar mistakes before submission

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Lastly, we hope this blog has helped you in structuring a terrific essay on time management. Planning to ace your IELTS, get expert tips from coaches at Leverage Live by Leverage Edu .

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Personal and Management Skills


Managers in the 21 st century should have the necessary skills which will enable them to be effective in discharging their duties (Harrison, 2005, p. 7). According to me, effective management is necessary for an organization to succeed. Management is concerned with getting people together to accomplish goals and objectives that will make the organization succeed in the long term. All efforts by managers should be geared towards the accomplishment of goals. To have good resourcing engagements, managers are supposed to manipulate and deploy the right human resources.

I noted that in a broad perspective, management is a human action that is tasked with facilitating the achievement of good outcomes. For managers to manage others well, they are supposed to, first of all, manage themselves. This will give them a good overview of how they are supposed to relate with employees.

In the 21 st century, it has become challenging to subdivide management into viable functional categories. This is because the process of managing is more involving (Ones, 2008, p. 14). Besides, some various objects and tasks are related to management.

It occurred to me that currently various management approaches have been adopted by different organizations. This has been done about the skills that an organization wants to achieve. There have been criticisms of the management approaches that organizations have taken to build the right skills (Hatch, 2006, p. 14). Workplace democracy is being advocated as a way of involving all employees in management. On the other hand, it is being argued that all workers in an organization are supposed to be involved in management through delegation of activities and duties.

In doing this, each worker is expected to play his/her role well to ensure that the general wellbeing of an organization is well taken care of. These issues are supposed to occur naturally rather than being forced on an organization. The management is supposed to embrace democracy so that workers can give the organization the necessary support (Kenneth, 2003, p. 18). If this is not done, they will on most occasions leave to join other organizations, or still, they can decide to paralyze activities through strikes.

On the other hand, it occurred to me that although there has been a big step towards democratic practices in many organizations, the command and control organizational approaches can still be seen in this 21 st century. This means that the common and most widely practiced organizational structures are still embraced by many managers. To elaborate on this, it is evident that managers today still value the command and control management approach. This is demonstrated from the layoffs that are being done (Robbins, 2004, p. 4). The most affected are those in management levels.

Employees in lower levels of management have not been affected because they are not directly tasked with specific undertakings. In extreme cases, the management has gone on to get rewards through a pay hike after laying-off some of their junior employees (Hoover, 2002, p. 17). To me, this tries to explain various dynamics that managers have to look at in a bid to enforce the right personal and management skills that will ensure that organizations function well. Working in groups or teams is paramount in an organization and, as such needs to be given the attention it deserves.

I feel that personal and management skills should be well nurtured to ensure that an organization does not have any negative issues which will lead to a bad working environment. This is because they define the relationship that will exist between employees and the management (Ones, 2008, p. 17). For success, there is a need to have a good working relationship through personal and management skills. The 21 st century has witnessed various business structure changes, which have been a challenge for the development of personal and management skills.

Personal and management skills are supposed to be well developed. Personal skills are necessary for proper interaction between employees in an organization (Craig, 2009, p. 9). In my own opinion, they are communication skills that employees use as they undertake their activities. They have to be involved as they will include delegation and leadership that form part of an organization. Good personal skills are defined from the way one relates to the other as they undertake their activities within a company (Craig, 209, 13).

To me, these personal skills are aimed at ensuring that one develops skills that culminate into the attainment of certain results or effects. This means that results will only be guaranteed if there is a proper framework to support these endeavors (Kotter & Cohen, 2002, p. 21). Personal skills are supposed to make one comfortably operate within a business organization with good interactions and social communication. On the other hand, the main concern is how people relate to one another. Communication within an organization will reduce conflicts that are bound to exist.

As far as am concerned, this is likely to increase the level of employee participation in the affairs of the organization. It is as far as the completion of tasks assigned to an individual is concerned. There are occasions when someone might want to obtain information from the other within an organization, and, in this case, it is advisable that the right avenues of obtaining information be used (Kenneth, 2003, p. 7). When this is done it will be easy to improve on the way one relates to the other. By using the right personal skills, it will be viable and attainable for an employee to make a good judgment about the issue.

To explain further, tasks should be done more effectively to attain a predetermined goal. Regarding personal skills, priority should be given to the issues that will guarantee employees the freedom to independently judge what they think is good for their work (Kenneth, 2003, 9). The long term effect will be an increase in the quality of interaction among employees. With such a good approach it will be easy to achieve better professional results.

Generally, professional results will make one be referred to as a good professional in the specific area that they are tasked with. This is as far as ensuring that the organization achieves its results are concerned (Rae, 2000, p. 12). Personal skills in business organizations are supposed to be adopted by managers in both formal and informal settings.

With good personal skills within an organization, it becomes much easier to increase the general products that can lead to the organization succeeding. Productivity will be increased in the sense that the number of conflicts will be reduced significantly (Rae, 2000, p. 16). When conflicts are reduced, it gives employees enough time to focus on delivering results that will go concurrently with organizational goals. In informal situations, it will allow for good communication to take place. This communication will be easy to be understood and used by all employees in an organization.

I think that managers are supposed to have good personal skills because they are in charge of the organization. This will allow them to control their feelings even in difficult times and situations that demand a critical approach. Personal skills are self-management skills that each organization in the 21 st century is supposed to have (Hatch, 2006, p. 14). This is necessitated by the role that such skills play in the overall success of a given organization. Various approaches can be used to ensure that the organization has the best and most acceptable personal skills.

From my analysis, management operates within various and different functions that have an outcome on the performance of an organization. This is as far as deciding how the organization will move ahead is concerned. Motivation is a basic function that an organization has to achieve as it will have a bearing on how employees perform their roles to produce results (Hatch, 2006, p. 17). Employees generally perform well when they are motivated as they will be working with a good expectation.

Working in groups and teams has many challenges that have to be met. This is in both frontiers as there are positive and negative challenges that an organization will face because it has many employees. Employees have different characters, and they might be conflicting. This has to be well appreciated by the management as it will help to come up with the right working mechanisms. Handling a team or group is very complex and should be looked at critically (Ones, 2008, p. 21). Even those who are working amongst themselves are supposed to have good ways of relating.

Employees will always find themselves working in teams or groups as this is the only way that results can be achieved. However, while working together to achieve organizational goals they always face challenges as far as personal and management skills are concerned (Ones, 2008, p. 27). Management skills are supposed to come in handy and make working together in groups a very good experience. This will help to build their inner capability and enhance the delivery of results.

As a fact, management skills are needed by managers for efficiency in an organization. These are the skills that a manager has to master in a bid to become successful in whatever they do in an organization. Management skills have the capability of building on each other with the solemn intention of ensuring that there is success in an organization (Robbins, 2004, p. 9). They are supposed to translate into a good working environment that will ensure that the organization is on course of achieving its objectives and goals.

To be successful, there are various skills that managers need to embrace in a bid to ensure that they achieve their goals. This is because they have a bearing on how people work together in teams and groups (Robbins, 2004, p. 12). The approach used to manage workers has a positive or negative impact on their general morale and working attitude. Managers are supposed to relate well with their employees so that they can be able to deal with their experiences in a very efficient way.

In my view, these management skills build up each time an individual moves up the management ladder. This is because at each level there are various tasks that a manager is exposed to (Scott, 2006, p. 5). Skills are always distinct at each level because there are various expectations on how things have to be carried out. Success will only be achieved after the incorporation of the necessary skills at each management level. The main aim should be to ensure that working as a team is more efficient and effective.

I feel that organizations have many expectations as far as the attainment of goals is concerned. In the 21 st century, shareholders have high expectations from employees to deliver results. This has always called for a review of how business is conducted. The main aim has always been to ensure that they are competitive in the business environment (Scott, 2006, p. 8). To ensure that an organization attains its goals, managers have been creative to find out the best ways that employees can harmoniously work together to deliver results.

Working together harmoniously should be guided by principles that will enhance efficiency. Efficiency will be attainable when all employees and the management appreciate each other (Scott, 2006, p. 13). Appreciating each other will be possible if they accept that they have different talents and capabilities. This is the only way that an organization can cultivate a good working environment. A good working environment will be built by the principles that employees stand for in an organization. This is meant to come up with a collective way of doing things.

Personal and development skills are developed in an organization. No one acquires all the necessary skills by knowing. This means that skills have to be nurtured by an individual. Various approaches can be used to nurture skills that individuals need to discharge their roles well. This should be done systematically to ensure that individuals end up with the right outcomes that were desired (Tompkins, 2005, p. 5).

I feel that when one has been given a management role, they are supposed to ensure that they harness employees together so that they can be more creative. Creativity is a result of the right skills that managers will use in an organization. There are various occasions where management skills can help to bring out the right creative capabilities (Tompkins, 2005, p. 17). In extreme cases, these skills can also hurt the creativity that employees can bring out.

In my view, skills management is more concerned with understanding what others are capable of doing. In doing this their capabilities in skills are supposed to be developed to get the best outcome possible (Kanigel, 1997, p. 14). When looking at personal and management skills, various gaps should be noticed and filled. This is meant to ensure that the management and employees relate well in discharging their roles in an organization.

Personal and management skills should be an ongoing process that will be geared toward individual assessment. For managers to perform their roles well, they are supposed to be well endowed with the necessary skills either way that they will attain them (Kanigel, 1997, p. 18). Skill development should be aimed at ensuring that people interact well with each other in an organization. This is as far as working together is concerned.

As much as managers might want their employees to deliver results as organizational goals demand; they are supposed to interact well with them so that they can have a close working relationship (Kanigel, 1997, p. 22). This is meant to make it easy in identifying weaknesses that should be dealt with. An organization is expected to have weaknesses and challenges that impact its performance and that is why these skills are needed for efficiency.

Managers are supposed to understand abstract relationships and then come up with the best way of initiating ideas that they will use to solve problems (Simon, 1997, p. 3). In a broad perspective, skills are needed by these managers to view things in an organization with a broad outlook. Even in planning and coming up with ideas, skills are necessary for overall success. Those in the low levels of management need skills to manage their areas of specialty well.

Even managers are supposed to communicate well amongst themselves so that they can be able to speak in one voice (Simon, 1997, p. 7). This is because the organization depends on its direction to know where it will move to. When they communicate in one voice it will send a good signal that they appreciate each other.

Employees will be expected to follow suit and ensure that they do not become a hindrance towards the organization achieving its goals. For success, they are supposed to know the skills that they are expected to poses (Simon, 1997, p. 15). In cases where there is a gap in skills; they are supposed to come up with the right way of filling it.

Management skills

They are supposed to be well developed for an organization to be successful in attaining results and positive outcomes (Richard, 1976, p. 9). In this case, they are supposed to be well nurtured and developed to their maximum potential. For managers to deliver the best business breakthroughs, they have to think straight and ensure that they develop a fact-based insight.

I think that managers are supposed to be more effective in how they use their skills for a good outcome. This means that they have to do the right thing that will guide them towards the best goals. Emphasis should be laid on the most important issues rather than looking at the urgent ones (Richard, 1976, p. 15). On the other hand, there should be more concentration on coming up with real decisions. This will have a general impact of ensuring that an organization concentrates on delivering its goals.

Management in the 21 st century has become more complex, and managers are increasingly using technology in business (Bradford & Burke, 2005, p. 21). Changes in economic dynamics and globalization have brought in a new trend of management from all dimensions. Managers are therefore expected to act in a strategic way that will help them to establish good values and act in a responsible way that will be appreciated by everybody in an organization.

Generally, managers get things done in the right way by delegating roles to other people in an organization. For them to undertake this role well, they are supposed to poses the relevant skills that will ensure that this is achieved without any problem (Bradford and Burke, 2005, p. 25). They are supposed to associate with the employees and help them to make the right decisions in solving work-related challenges that an organization might be facing.

In, addition they are supposed to ensure that they use the right procedures and tools that will smoothly lead to the attainment of organizational roles (Bradford & Burke, 2005, p. 28). This should also be done by using the right tools that will come up with the smooth running of an organization. The best procedures should be followed to ensure that what had been anticipated is achieved.

From a broad perspective, management skills should be inner built whereby from a personal level one should be able to offer him/herself greater achievements. A personal working method should be embraced for effective management to take place (Smith, 1998, p. 12). It is because it is a standard model that can be used to achieve effectiveness in an organization. In this case, there should be a general belief that everybody within an organization is ultimately doing the right thing. This, therefore, means that managers have to critically analyze a problem to ensure that a decision is critically executed.

These skills are the secrets for effective leadership by any manager in a given organization. Besides, it is an ability that varies in different people who assume managerial roles (Smith, 1998, p. 16). Although skills are readily available to the manager; what varies is the intensity that they will be achieved. To achieve goals and results, a manager has to lead, organize, and control whatever is at their disposal.

In my own opinion, human resource is the most important asset that managers have at their disposal to help them achieve organizational goals. On the other hand, the managers in charge of this resource are supposed to be up to the task of taking care of it (Smith, 1998, p. 22). There are various management skills available to managers, and they must embrace them. They include; leadership skills, technical skills, communication skills, interpersonal skills, and decision-making skills.

Leadership skills

Effective leadership skills are necessary skills for the 21 st -century manager. It is argued that in possessing these skills a person should be able to guide, motivate, and lead the rest of the team (Nadler, 1984, p. 16). This should be enhanced by providing the rest of the team with the necessary resources that they need to be successful. As far as leadership skills are concerned, a manager will have to be aware of all the weaknesses and strengths of the employees.

I think that this will help in ensuring that they are allocated tasks according to their capability. Although they can be members of the same department, they have different abilities about how they can perform their work. To achieve this, employees must be highly motivated and empowered so that they can act independently (Nadler, 1984, p. 23). It is because there are situations that will always demand that certain decisions be taken. A manager must pose these skills to be successful in their undertakings.

Technical skills

Many organizations have embraced technology in their operations. This has redefined how various tasks and activities are conducted. Many organizations depend on software and computers to run their activities (Nadler, 1984, p. 25). It is a trend that most managers have been forced to adopt for them to be competitive in the market. Therefore, it means that a manager should have adequate knowledge and skills in computers.

This should be well fused with the common management skills that make individuals successful in their undertakings as managers. On the other hand, a manager is supposed to have general know-how of using different tools and equipment that comes along as they discharge their duties (Nadler, 1984, p. 26). Technology has brought about various approaches to management which is necessary for an organization to achieve its goals and objectives.

According to me, there are various charting and scheduling techniques that managers need to ensure that they relate well with employees. With these new approaches, a manager will be able to monitor and check on the organizational resources that are needed for proper organizational control (Nadler, 1984, p. 28). This will give them a proper framework to discharge their activities. Employees are also using technology in their activities and as such should also be well acquainted with the current trends.

Interpersonal skills

This means that in management, a person in charge should be well appreciated by employees and fellow managers. They should be capable of working with people who have different temperaments (Landale, 1999, p. 6). The same should be extended on how the manager will deal with them. It is often difficult to deal with people who have different educational qualifications and backgrounds. This is because they have their own beliefs that they tend to understand better.

Therefore, managers have to understand that such employees are bound to exist and should be appreciated. This means that a better framework for doing things should be embraced. Team members have different things that can motivate them to be at their best. It is the responsibility of a manager to try and find out the best ways that they can use to find out what best motivates their employees (Landale, 1999, p. 9). A good manager and team leader should be able to build better relationships with their subordinates.

In my view, these relationships should be able to lead to an outcome of fair dealings with employees. By dealing with all employees fairly, an organization will not have many conflicts. It is understood that conflicts slow down the pace of work, and if they are avoided more energy will be directed towards the perfection of one’s roles (Landale, 1999, p. 11). Fair dealings are meant to eliminate any ill feelings that might arise among employees. Working in groups should be aimed at bringing a good relationship. In the long run, there should be team building in an organization.

Decision-making skills

Decision making is very important in an organization. It is because it is from decisions that an organization can prioritize its goals and objectives (Diane, 1995, p. 4). Although most of the decision making is the role of managers, employees are also supposed to participate in coming up with the best decisions (Diane, 1995, p. 6). It is because decisions bind everybody in an organization and should be followed and complied with in all circumstances. Decision making mostly goes in line with problem-solving.

An organization is bound to face problems in its operation. It is only via effective decision making that such problems will be solved. Problem-solving has to follow an elaborate framework that will ultimately end up with a decision on how the problem will be solved (Diane, 1995, p. 9). Decisions in an organization have to be made from different perspectives. This is because decisions have to be made about people/human resources.

Certain situations and procedures might also force an organization to act in a given manner as a way of working together. This, therefore, implies that the right decisions have to be made as far as these situations are concerned. Managers will be compelled to always arrive at the best decisions as they are in charge of organizations (Diane, 1995, p. 13). A good manager is supposed to weigh various options that are available to him by looking at the pros and cons of certain alternatives. In a normal situation, either option that a manager has at their disposal is bound to have some certain pros and cons. This, therefore, means that there should be a clear analysis that will result in a good decision being made as far as problem-solving is concerned.

A manager is supposed to be a fast thinker in all circumstances. It is because problems cannot be anticipated in advance (Diane, 1995, p. 16). Also, there are cases where a given situation might demand that a decision be made as fast as possible to save the organization from any problems. In such circumstances, it is only fast thinking managers who can be able to act early enough and solve the problem by making the right decisions.

In thinking that for an organization to succeed; it is a requirement for decisions to be made in the right way. In cases where decisions are not made in the right way, an organization is bound to face problems. This implies that managers have to always think straight in the best interest of the organization and also be creative to make the right choices and decisions (Smith & Miani, 2004, p. 4). Tough times in business call for tough decisions to be made and it’s only the right decision-makers who will survive.

An environment that facilitates good decision-making should be allowed to thrive in an organization. Good decisions will be made after everybody has been involved in the process that will settle on the best alternative option (Smith & Miani, 2004, p. 7). By involving everybody in making decisions, there are various inputs that employees will help to put in and thus reinforce given decisions and options. To make this successful, managers are supposed to be critical of how they carry out their activities.

A good employee should be calm in a working environment to facilitate good decision making. Maintaining calmness will mostly be aimed at facilitating the making of the right decision (Smith & Miani, 2004, p. 16). This situation is guaranteed to make one more effective in weighing various options that are available to them.

Communication skills

Communication is the only way through which people can understand each other in an organization. This means that an organization is supposed to have the right frameworks in place, which will promote understanding amongst employees and the management (Harrison, 2005, p. 3). Various organizations have different ways of communicating, which should be incorporated by individual employees. Communication is a skill that individuals have to possess to be more strategic in relating to others within an organization.

A manager who is good at communicating will be able to explain to his/her employees what should be done to ensure that goals are achieved. It is through communication that individuals will be explained their jobs and tasks and in the process come up with the right avenues by which they can increase productivity (Harrison, 2005, p. 6). Working together means that individuals are a team and, as such should work together collectively to ensure that there is success.

For a team to move ahead together they should be able to communicate in the same way. This means that they should not send mixed signals that will raise questions as far as some situations are concerned. Employees are supposed to harmoniously work together so that they can achieve organizational goals (Harrison, 2005, p. 9). As much as a manager has to be a good communicator they are also supposed to pay back by listening to others. This will help them to seek other people’s opinions.

In the long run, an organization will be able to communicate well. This means that a good manager will be able to appreciate opinions that come from subordinates. Subordinates can contribute immensely by giving some ideas that will end up being beneficial to the whole organization (Harrison, 2005, p. 12). When managers develop this important skill, they will be able to earn loyalty from team members. On the other hand, this is bound to motivate employees and make them more productive as they will enjoy their work.

Multi-tasking skills

Multi-tasking is the ability to handle many tasks and roles at a given time. It does not necessarily mean that one will be a workaholic, but it will help to increase efficiency (Hoover, 2002, p. 13). This will help to increase creativity and improvisation. Multi-tasking in a working place will ultimately lead to employees developing their skills by identifying their strengths and weaknesses.

To me, effective identification of strengths and weaknesses will enable employees to come up with the best ways that they can use to capitalize on their capabilities for efficiency. Multitasking is a natural progression and will lead to other levels within an organization. It is also set to benefit employees as they will now be able to do things they were not used to before (Hoover, 2002, p. 15). It is a skill that every employee should seek to acquire as a way of improving quality.

It is a skill that everybody should seek to master and make their roles more effective and manageable. Organizations have more expectations and this is why multitasking should be embraced (Hoover, 2002, p. 17). The pace of life in workplaces has changed considerably. It is one of the reasons why organizations are being encouraged to advise employees to try multitasking. This skill enhances the ability of an organization to coordinate many events at a given time.

Personal skills

Personal skills should be aimed at ensuring that an organization operates effectively. This means that everybody must be aware of the necessary personal and group practices (Miner, 2005, p. 4). Employees are supposed to act by what their work ethics demand of them for a good working environment. Personal management skills demand that an individual is supposed to be responsible.

Responsible behavior is expected of individuals who work in a team/group. This is supposed to set goals and priorities that will propel an organization to success. From a personal point of view, employees are supposed to manage and plan their time well (Miner, 2005, p. 7). This will enable them to use the resources at their disposal well to ensure that they deliver on their expectations.

Working in an organization presents many challenges. Employees are pooled from various areas and as such have different characters. This diversity in characters should be well understood for a good working environment to exist (Miner, 2005, p. 4). As much as this is concerned, individuals are supposed to be accountable for their actions. What is done by a team member should be accounted for by the group or team?

In my own opinion, employees are expected to be socially responsible in their team. Social responsibility helps to make employees more understanding, which enables them to build a good relationship that is necessary for any given organization (Rae, 2000, p. 6). In the course of working together as a team, it is expected that individuals will be able to adapt to any environment. This means that they have to be highly innovative and more resourceful.

It is expected that they will be able to come up with the best ways they think an organization’s goals can be achieved. On the other hand, this will be enhanced by learning from their own mistakes and being able to willingly accept to be corrected. To achieve this, they are supposed to be open-minded in whatever they do (Rae, 2000, p. 19).

This report has enabled me to have a better understanding that managers should be effective in the management process. To attain this, they should understand their employees. I have noted that this will give them a good overview of how they are supposed to relate with employees. In the 21 st century, it has become difficult to subdivide management into viable functional categories (Tompkins, 2005, p. 16). Notably, this arises from the fact that the management process of managing is involving. Besides, some various objects and tasks are related to management.

On the other hand, I have noted that personal and management skills should be well nurtured to ensure that an organization does not have any negative issues which will lead to a bad working environment. This is because they define the relationship that will exist between employees and the management (Scott, 2006, p. 16). For success, there is a need to have a good working relationship through personal and management skills. In the course of the report, I have discovered that the 21 st century has witnessed various business structure changes, which have been a challenge as far as the development of personal and management skills is concerned.

According to my, these skills are supposed to be well developed. It is because personal skills are necessary for proper interaction among employees in an organization. I believe that they are communication skills which employees use as they undertake their activities. They have to be involved as they will include delegation and leadership that form part of an organization (Scott, 2006, p. 26). It is because good personal skills are defined from the way one relates to the other as they undertake their activities within an organization.

Reference List

Bradford, D.L. & Burke, W.W. 2005. Reinventing Organization Development . San Francisco: Pfeiffer.

Craig, S. 2009. Merrill Bonus Case Widens as Deal Struggles. USA: Wall Street.

Diane, A. 1995. Training and Development : Managing Human Resources in Small & Mid-Sized Companies . USA: AMACOM.

Harrison, R. 2005. Learning and Development . London: CIPD Publishing.

Hatch, M.J. 2006. Organization Theory: Modern, symbolic, and postmodern perspectives . Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Hoover, J. 2002. How to Work for an Idiot: Survive and Thrive Without Killing Your Boss. Pompton Plains: Career Press.

Kanigel, R. 1997. The One Best Way, Frederick Winslow Taylor and the Enigma of Efficiency. London: Brown and Co.

Kenneth, B. 2003. One Minute Manager – The World’s Most Popular Management Method. USA: Hyper.

Kotter, J & Cohen, D. 2002. The Heart of Change . Boston: Harvard Business School Publishing. Landale, A. 1999. Gower Handbook of Training and Development . UK: Gower Publishing, Ltd.

Miner, J. B. 2005. Organizational Behavior: Behavior 1: Essential Theories of Motivation and Leadership. Armonk: M.E. Sharpe.

Nadler, L, E. 1984. The Handbook of Human resources Development . New York: John Wiley and Sons.

Ones, I. 2008. The Human Factor: Inside the CIA’s Dysfunctional Intelligence Culture. New York: Encounter Books.

Rae, A. 2000. 59-Second Employee – How to Stay One Second Ahead of Your One Minute Manager . London: Backinprint.

Richard, A, J. 1976. Management, systems, and society: an introduction . Pacific Palisades, Calif.: Goodyear Pub. Co.

Robbins, S, P. 2004. Organizational Behavior – Concepts, Controversies, Applications. New York: Prentice Hall.

Scott, W, R. 2006. Organizations and Organizing: Rational, Natural, and Open Systems Perspectives. New York: Prentice Hall.

Simon, H, A. 1997. Administrative Behavior: A Study of Decision-Making Processes in Administrative Organizations. USA: The Free Press.

Smith, S & Miani, R. 2004. Training and Development: The HR Answer Book . USA: AMACOM.

Tompkins, J, R. 2005. Organization Theory and Public Management . USA: Thompson Wadsworth.

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6 Common Leadership Styles — and How to Decide Which to Use When

  • Rebecca Knight

management skills essay

Being a great leader means recognizing that different circumstances call for different approaches.

Research suggests that the most effective leaders adapt their style to different circumstances — be it a change in setting, a shift in organizational dynamics, or a turn in the business cycle. But what if you feel like you’re not equipped to take on a new and different leadership style — let alone more than one? In this article, the author outlines the six leadership styles Daniel Goleman first introduced in his 2000 HBR article, “Leadership That Gets Results,” and explains when to use each one. The good news is that personality is not destiny. Even if you’re naturally introverted or you tend to be driven by data and analysis rather than emotion, you can still learn how to adapt different leadership styles to organize, motivate, and direct your team.

Much has been written about common leadership styles and how to identify the right style for you, whether it’s transactional or transformational, bureaucratic or laissez-faire. But according to Daniel Goleman, a psychologist best known for his work on emotional intelligence, “Being a great leader means recognizing that different circumstances may call for different approaches.”

management skills essay

  • RK Rebecca Knight is a journalist who writes about all things related to the changing nature of careers and the workplace. Her essays and reported stories have been featured in The Boston Globe, Business Insider, The New York Times, BBC, and The Christian Science Monitor. She was shortlisted as a Reuters Institute Fellow at Oxford University in 2023. Earlier in her career, she spent a decade as an editor and reporter at the Financial Times in New York, London, and Boston.

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Managerial Skills – Essay

This essay will argue that without good managerial skills, a business is far from becoming successful. Firstly, this essay will discuss the importance of: communicating with foreign colleagues, wielding dealt Influence and delving attention deliberately to enhance proficiency of the workers, Secondly, It will evaluate and analyses how effective the three skills are In today's dynamic work environment. Based on some examples, the problems faced by managers will be transparent, and what precautions need to be taken should also be visible to help improve managerial skills.

Communication for managers is the most important skill managers need to adapt fore any other skill because, if a manager is not flawless in communicating with colleagues or workers, then simply a manager has failed to be a manager. Communication is essential for effective functioning in every part of an organization which will facilitate organizational success (Effective Communication in the workplace, 2012). For example, Millions, (2012), a Korean CEO running a software company In Shanghai Is facing difficulties In retailing the Chinese workers.

The mall problem faced by the CEO is language barrier so the decision- making process becomes tough for the CEO. Due to this effect, there will be an unskilled management team and this may result in boredom of the workers, delay in organizations project deadlines, reduced profits and lastly goodwill of the organization will be hampered. Without communication in today's environment, managerial work is not tough, it's merely impossible. Communication may be of two types, it may be verbal or non- verbal, managers need to be effective on both cases.

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Managers should be able to communicate non-verbally as good as they may communicate verbally. This is because sometimes agreements between businesses are sometimes done non- urbanely, In this case managers should be able to set out clearly his requirements and the terms and conditions of the agreement and also understand clearly the opposing terms and conditions, otherwise the manager will cause a great mishap for the business and this will result in an adverse effect on reputation for the manager.

A When all members of a team, department, or organization are able to communicate effectively with each other and with people outside their group, they are much more likely to perform well. The successful manager, therefore, needs effective communication skills in order to have a good workplace, become successful and attain the goals of the organization. Even though communication is the most important factor for a success seeking manager, nowadays digital influence is also one of the main factors which need to be taken into consideration by the managers.

Technology in the workplace allows businesses to expand quickly and efficiently. Business technology such as video conferencing, social networks and virtual office technology has removed workplace boundaries that previously limited business expansion. With business technology, companies can target a wider customer base and grow to higher levels. A manager deeds to be flexible/adaptable to change in different environments (Required skills of a manager, 2012). A manager who is not familiar with latest technology, there will be less room for improvement for the organization.

Most work nowadays is being done electronically, data analysis is done electronically and because of technology, information has become readily available to make better decisions and improvements. Digital influence has actually reduced the per head workforce needed at an organization, this means, a work that used to take two to three people to get done now can be done by one person using a computer. Office technology saves time by speeding up the work flow process. Technology systems save space, paper and printing costs. The use of computer systems allow corrections to be made instantly.

Resources like electronic files and access to information technology are available with the click of a button. By reducing the number of workers and using more technology, expenses for the organizations will fall resulting in increased profits. Technology in the workplace practically eliminates space and time. Video conferencing technology lets businesses on any part of the globe interact with one another. Technology reduces travel costs because businesses can set up virtual meetings and distribute data without the need to be in the same room. Technology allows businesses to establish a global presence at a fraction of the cost.

Cromwell, (2009), sates a very important fact, 'The role that technology plays for the business sector cannot be taken for granted. If we were to take away that technology trade and commerce, the world will come to a standstill and the global economy would collapse'. It is almost impossible to conduct a business without the use of technology. A simple example an be used, Dreamers, the founder and chief technology officer of Hubbubs (web marketing company) has 216,000 Linked group for entrepreneurs and 98,000 twitter followers. How is this relevant to digital influence?

Well, Dreamers uses his Linked members to get multi-rater feedback from other entrepreneurs for Stack overflow and also hosts Q community through where he gets valuable information for improvements. By doing this, Dreamers has managed to build his reputation, specialization and network position to one of the world's best marketing company (3 Management Skills every 21st century manager needs, 2012). This is why digital influence is necessary for every manager to become successful and achieve the Lastly, dividing attention deliberately, in other words attention to detail is also important for managers.

At work places, people's minds normally drift away, this is normal as our minds are meant to multi task. Research has shown that internal factors (business related stress) rather than external factors (social stress) cause distractions. How can this be resolved? Managers need to focus on detail and make a job as less stressful as possible for employers, like when an employee takes a break o use social networks like Backbone or Twitter at a workplace, normally managers don't accept this type of behaviors, they consider it distracting. Actually, a study at the University of Melbourne of 300 students resulted in a really fascinating outcome.

It showed that even though people use internet at workplace for socializing, their productivity increases by 10% (3 Management Skills every 21st century manager needs, 2012). There are other ways managers could actually increase effectiveness to become successful. Managers could have regular meetings with staff members, insult why there is a lack of performance, create pairs of employees so they may double-check work for errors and also managers may provide incentives for toughness (How to improve attention to detail in employees, 2012).

Managers need to create a friendly environment for workers so they are not undermined by stress. Managers need to think from the organizations perspective, how the goals can be achieved and how effectively and efficiently they can be achieved. Managers to have a great skill for dividing attention deliberately, which is known as 'Satisfying sessions', this means choose the first satisfactory alternative that comes to their attention and allocate work accordingly (Shoehorning, p. 75).

Three major abilities managers need to consider in order to become successful: communicating effectively, technology innovation, and attention to detail. To conclude, managers who do not have the skills cited above will have a hard time in coping with the business world today, managers are responsible for making sure that this happens. If a team is working really hard but not delivering what is needed, then they are not effective. Effectiveness is measured by setting out clear objectives before work starts and then evaluating whether the objectives have been met or not.

Managers not only need to be good at what they do, but their level of communication should be high in order to be an effective manager and by acquiring the three key skills, managers are well set off to becoming prosperous. In management, operating in efficient and in effective ways is a key to good performance and to successfully reaching the goals set for the business. Looking at the interplay of the two characteristics can give a clear insight into the ideal behavior for a successful anger when faced with tasks which must be completed quickly, but also completed in such a way that the key goals are attained.

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The concept of managing time might seem fairly simple. In fact, following a schedule is part and parcel of everyday life, from waking up at a specific time to carrying out routine actions. However, when placed in a new environment, people tend to reconsider their plans and adjust it so that a new schedule could be formed. Because of the lack of experience in the arrangement of activities, the experience of managing time is likely to be rather deplorable. However, with a detailed analysis of the issue, the reconsideration of one’s habits, and their further change so that new tasks could be completed successfully, one is likely to succeed in managing time, as my experience during my first year has shown.

I have to admit that my time management skills left much to be desired. I used to have little to no control over the time that I spend on seemingly minor activities, such as playing an online game or taking a snack in the middle of a certain task.

As a result, I used to be late for practically everything, from my school activities to home-related ones. The failure to identify the problem that would not let me focus aggravated the situation to an even greater degree, therefore, creating the environment in which successful use of time became practically impossible. As a result, I was forced to come up with regular excuses about why I was unable to complete a particular task within the suggested amount of time. Asking for regular extensions on school projects was another tool that I used to introduce some modicum of orderliness into my life.

At present, however, I am capable of using a well thought-out time management framework as the means of approaching my roles and responsibilities, including both academic and the ones related to my family and personal life. The class that I have taken has taught me a lot about managing time efficiently. First and most obvious, the skills for getting the priorities straight can be viewed as an crucial ability that the class has helped me develop. Furthermore, essential information about the harmful effects of procrastination as the key factor contributing to a failure in time management has been provided to me. As a result, the opportunities for rearranging the schedule have been created.

Which is even more important, the issue of multitasking has been explored in depth, making it clear that the specified activity is not recommended as the means of improving time management. Particularly, I have learned to focus on a single activity so that it could be completed perfectly as opposed to carrying out several (two to four) tasks the results of which will, later on, have to be improved, anyway.

The identified information has been especially important since I used to believe that multitasking was an important acquired ability that needed to be developed as part and parcel of a successful student and employees’ inventory. However, the course has taught me that there is a plethora of myths surrounding the concept of time management, and bursting these bubbles on time helps prevent further waste of time on engaging the unneeded and often downright harmful training activities.

The information acquired during the course is bound to help me in the future a lot. The significance of time management skills can hardly be overrated in both academic and business setting. Therefore, I will most likely need them not only as a student but also as an employee. More importantly, the application of the relevant time management skills will also help me improve some of the aspects of my personal life. For example, I will spend more time with my friends and family since I will no longer default on my work-related deadlines and, thus, will not have to work overtime.

The specified change is admittedly pleasant as it has had a tangible positive effect on not only my academic life but also personal experience, creating the environment in which I feel much more relaxed and composed. Without the stress factors associated with time pressure and with a strong and positive feeling of control over my schedule, I feel much more confident and, therefore, am capable of completing significantly more complicated tasks.

While adjusting to the new environment and new standards of quality can be rather complicated, a step-by-step analysis of one’s schedule arrangement and the following improvement of one’s use of free time is likely to lead to a significant improvement in the time management strategy, as my first-year experience has shown. It is important to focus on the analysis of the factors that contribute to the irrational use of time and the development of the strategies that allow eliminating the identified factors from one’s life. As a result, a gradual improvement of the time management technique is expected.

Which is even more important, the reconsideration of one’s approach toward one’s roles and responsibilities serves as a powerful impetus for improving the time management approach and using the available time wisely.

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IvyPanda. (2021, May 14). Time Management Skills and Techniques. https://ivypanda.com/essays/time-management-skills-and-techniques/

"Time Management Skills and Techniques." IvyPanda , 14 May 2021, ivypanda.com/essays/time-management-skills-and-techniques/.

IvyPanda . (2021) 'Time Management Skills and Techniques'. 14 May.

IvyPanda . 2021. "Time Management Skills and Techniques." May 14, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/time-management-skills-and-techniques/.

1. IvyPanda . "Time Management Skills and Techniques." May 14, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/time-management-skills-and-techniques/.


IvyPanda . "Time Management Skills and Techniques." May 14, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/time-management-skills-and-techniques/.

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