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Last Updated : 17 Aug, 2023 04:42 PM

Published : 17 Aug 2023 04:42 PM Last Updated : 17 Aug 2023 04:42 PM

ஓடிடி திரை அலசல் | Padmini - ‘விவகார’ விவாகரத்து வழக்கும், சில ‘சம்பவங்களும்’!

padmini movie review in tamil

கறுப்புத் திரை. அதற்குப் பின்னால் சமூகத்தின் வெவ்வேறு வகையறா மனிதர்களின் குரல்கள் ஒவ்வொன்றாக ஒலிக்கின்றன. அவர்களுக்கென தனி முகங்கள் கிடையாது. பிரத்யேக பெயர்கள் கிடையாது. இங்கே நடக்கும் அன்றாட திருமணங்களில் பங்கேற்கும் அதே நான்கு பேர்தான் அவர்கள்!. ‘ரமேஷன் இன்னும் நல்ல பொண்ணா பாத்துருக்கலாம்’, ‘நகை ரொம்ப கம்மி’, ‘சாப்பாட்டுல உப்பில்ல’, ‘மண்டபம் சரியில்ல’, ‘பொண்ணு என்ன இப்படி இருக்கு’... இப்படியான பேச்சின் மூலம் வன்மம் கக்கும் சோகால்டு சொசைட்டியின் வழியே படத்தின் தொடக்கத்திலேயே அழுத்தமான கதைக்கான முன்னோட்டத்தைக் கொண்டு படத்தை அழகாக தொடங்குகிறார் இயக்குநர் சென்னா ஹெக்டே.

மேற்கண்ட திருமணம் ரமேஷனுக்கும் (குஞ்சாக்கோ போபன்), ஸ்மிருதிக்கும் (வின்சி அலோஷியஸ்) நடக்கிறது. ரமேஷனை பொறுத்தவரை கல்லூரி விரிவுரையாளர். கூடுதலாக கவிஞர். திருமணம் முடிந்த முதல் நாள் இரவில் மனைவி ஸ்மிருதி தனது காதலனுடன் சென்றுவிடுகிறார். அவர் செல்லும் காரின் மாடல் பெயர் ‘பத்மினி’. 70-கள் தொடங்கி 90-கள் வரை பிரபலமாக இருந்த கார். மனைவி பிரிந்து போன அதிர்ச்சியிலிருக்கும் ரமேஷனை ஊர் மக்கள் கலாய்த்து கிண்டல் செய்கின்றனர். மீண்டுமொரு பெண் பார்க்கும் படலத்தை அவர் தொடங்க, அதுவும் கைகூடாமல் தவிக்கிறார்.

இந்தச் சூழலில் கல்லூரியில் புதிய விரைவுரையாளராக வந்து சேரும் பத்மினிக்கும் (மடோனா செபாஸ்டின்) ரமேஷனுக்கும் இடையே காதல் மலர்கிறது. ஆனால், பத்மினியை திருமணம் செய்துகொள்ள, தனது ஒருநாள் மனைவியிடமிருந்து ரமேஷன் சட்டரீதியாக விவாகரத்து பெற்றாக வேண்டிய கட்டாயம் ஏற்படுகிறது. இந்தப் பிரச்சினை எப்படி அணுகப்படுகிறது, பத்மினியை அவர் திருமணம் செய்தாரா, இல்லையா என்பது தான் படத்தின் திரைக்கதை. படம் நெட்ஃப்ளிக்ஸ் ஓடிடி தளத்தில் காணக் கிடைக்கிறது.

திருமணத்தைச் சுற்றி நிகழும் சம்பவங்களையும், கடைசி நேரத்தில் அது கைகூடாமல் போகும்போது ஏற்படும் தனிநபரின் உளவியல் சிக்கல்களையும் ஒரே நேர்கோட்டில் பார்வையாளர்கள் எளிதில் கனெக்ட் செய்துகொள்ளும் வகையில் எழுதியிருக்கிறார் தீபு பிரதீப். சென்னா ஹெக்டேவின் இயக்கம் அந்த எழுத்துக்கு உறுதுணையாக நிற்கிறது. மற்றவர்களின் வாழ்க்கையில் அதீத அக்கறைகொள்ளும் பொதுச் சமூகம், திருமண முறிவை மனதளவில் எதிர்கொள்ள போராடும் குஞ்சாக்கோ போபனை கொத்தி தின்கிறது; எள்ளி நகையாடுகிறது.

மனைவி ‘பத்மினி’ காரில் காதலனுடன் சென்றதால் ‘பத்மினி’ என நகைப்புக்குள்ளாகும் குஞ்சாக்கோ அந்த உணர்ச்சிகளையும், சொல்லமுடியாத சோகத்தையும் அழகாக வெளிப்படுத்தியிருக்கிறார். நம் கூட்டத்திலிருக்கும் ஒருவரைப்போல எளிதாக அவரை கனெக்ட் செய்துகொள்ள முடிகிறது. சீரியஸான இந்தப் பிரச்சினையை ஜாலியாகவே கடத்த முயன்றியிருக்கிறார் இயக்குநர். அதனால் பெரிய அளவில் போர் அடிக்காத திரைக்கதை காட்சிகளை கடக்க துணைபுரிகிறது. மைத்துனனாக வரும் ஆனந்த் மன்மதன் கதாபாத்திரம் காமெடிக்கு உதவுகிறது.

குஞ்சாக்கோ போபனைப்போல அபர்ணா பாலமுரளி. 30+ வயதைக் கடந்தும் திருமணமாகாத முதிர் கன்னி. இருப்பினும் வழக்கறிஞராக தன் சொந்த உழைப்பில் வாழும் பெண். இப்படியான ஒரு கதாபாத்திரத்துக்கு அப்படியே நேரெதிரான ஆணாதிக்க மனநிலை கொண்ட சஜின் செருக்காயிலை காதலனாக்கியது சுவாரஸ்யத்தை கூட்டுகிறது. இந்த இரண்டு குணாதிசய முரண் கதாபாத்திர ஜோடிக்கான உரையாடல்கள் கவனம் பெறுகிறது. ‘அக்கறை’ என்ற பெயரில் பெண்களை கட்டுப்படுத்தும் சஜின் கதாபாத்திரம் ஜாலியாக எழுத்தப்பட்ட விதம் ரசிக்க வைக்கிறது. குறிப்பாக விளம்பரக் காட்சி ஒன்று இடைவேளையிலும், க்ளைமாக்ஸிலும் பொருத்திய விதம் புது அனுபவம்.

மடோனா செபாஸ்டியன் கல்லூரி விரைவுரையாளராக ஆரம்பத்தில் ஈர்க்கிறார். அவருக்கும் குஞ்சாக்கோவுக்குமிடையிலான காதலின் தொடக்க புள்ளியும் பாடலும் பொறுமையாக நகரும் திரைக்கதைக்கு அழகூட்டுக்கின்றன. இருப்பினும் இன்னும் கூட மடோனா கதாபாத்திரத்துக்கு வெயிட் கூட்டியிருக்கலாம். ஒரு கட்டத்தில் குஞ்சாகோபோபன் - அபர்ணா இருவரும் சேர்ந்து காட்சிகளில் ஸ்கோர் செய்கின்றனர். குஞ்சாக்கோவின் மனைவியாக வின்சி அலோஷியஸ் சிறிது நேரமே வந்து சென்றாலும் திரையில் அட்டகாசம் செய்து கவர்கிறார்.

பின்னணி இசை மூலம் கதைக்கு தேவையான பங்களிப்பு சிறப்பாகவே செய்திருக்கிறார் ஜேக்ஸ் பிஜாய். பாலக்காட்டின் கிராமப் பகுதிகளில் நிகழும் கதையை வெப்பத்தையும், குளிரையும் சரிவிகித்தத்தில் கலந்து திரைப் பரிமாற்றம் செய்திருக்கிறார் ஒளிப்பதிவாளர் ஸ்ரீராஜ் ரவீசந்திரன். படம் இறுதிக்கட்டத்தை நெருங்கும்போது வரும் வைடு ஆங்கிள் ஷாட் ரசிக்க வைக்கிறது.

மொத்தமாக விதிக்கப்பட்டு விலகிச் செல்லும் திருமணங்களையும், பிடித்தவர்களை தேர்வு செய்வதற்கான தேவையையும் ஜாலியாக பேசுகிறது ‘பத்மினி’. மேலும் விவாகாரத்தை ‘நார்மலைஸ்’ செய்ய சொல்லும் இப்படைப்பு, வாய்க்கு வந்ததை பேசும் சமூகத்தையும் சேர்த்து எள்ளி நகையாடுகிறது.

padmini movie review in tamil

அன்பு வாசகர்களே....

இந்த ஊரடங்கு காலத்தில் வீட்டை விட்டு வெளியே வராமல் நமக்கு நாமே சமூக விலகல் ( Social Distancing) செய்து கொள்வோம். செய்தி ஊடகங்களின் வழியே உலகுடன் தொடர்பில் இருப்போம். பொதுவெளியில் இருந்து தனிமைப்படுத்திக் கொண்டு கரோனா பரவலைத் தடுப்பதில் நம் பங்கை முழுமையாக இந்த சமூகத்துக்கு அளிப்போம்.

CoVid-19 கரோனா தடுப்பு / விழிப்புணர்வு கையேடு - இலவசமாக டவுன்லோடு செய்து பயன்பெறுங்கள்!

- வாசகர்கள் நலனில் அக்கறையுடன் இந்து தமிழ் திசை


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padmini movie review in tamil

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பத்மினி (மலையாளம்) - விமர்சனம்

பத்மினி (மலையாளம்),Padmini

பத்மினி (மலையாளம்)

  • Actors: --> குஞ்சாக்கோ போபன்
  • மடோனா செபாஸ்டியன் , அபர்ணா பாலமுரளி
  • Release: --> 14 ஜூலை, 2023
  • இயக்குனர் : --> செரா கலையரசன்
  • பத்மினி : கலாட்டா கல்யாணம்

தயாரிப்பு : லிட்டில் பிக் பிலிம்ஸ் இயக்கம் : சென்னா ஹெக்டே இசை : ஜேக்ஸ் பிஜாய் நடிகர்கள் : குஞ்சாக்கோ போபன், மடோனா செபாஸ்டியன், அபர்ணா பாலமுரளி மற்றும் பலர் வெளியான தேதி : 14 ஜூலை 2023 நேரம் : 2 மணி 15 நிமிடங்கள் ரேட்டிங் : 2.5/5 கிராமத்து பள்ளிக்கூடம் ஒன்றில் மலையாள ஆசிரியராக வேலை பார்க்கிறார் குஞ்சாக்கோ போபன். திருமணமான நாளன்று இரவே அவரது மணப்பெண் அவரை தந்திரமாக ஏமாற்றிவிட்டு தனது காதலனுடன் தப்பித்து செல்கிறார். இதனால் ஆரம்பத்தில் விரக்தி அடைந்தாலும் பின்னர் தனக்கான இன்னொரு பெண்ணை தேட ஆரம்பிக்கிறார் குஞ்சாக்கோ. ஊரில் பலரும் இவரை பத்மினி என்கிற பெயரில் கிண்டல் செய்வதால் அப்படி அழைப்பவர்களை போட்டு புரட்டி எடுத்து விடுவார். இந்த நிலையில் குடும்ப நீதிமன்ற வழக்கறிஞரான அபர்ணா பாலமுரளியை பெண்பார்க்க செல்லும்போது அவரது வீட்டில் பிரீமியர் பத்மினி கார் இருப்பதை பார்த்து கோபமாகி இந்தப்பெண் வேண்டாம் என கூறிவிட்டு வருகிறார். அதேபோல பள்ளியில் புதிதாக கணக்கு ஆசிரியையாக பணியில் சேரும் மடோனா செபாஸ்டியனின் பெயர் கூட பத்மினி என்பதால் அவரிடமும் பாராமுகம் காட்டுகிறார். ஆனால் மடோனாவே, குஞ்சாக்கோ போபனிடம் இருக்கும் தாழ்வு மனப்பான்மையை அகற்றிவிட்டு நட்பாகி, ஒரு கட்டத்தில் நாம் இருவரும் திருமணம் செய்து கொள்ளலாம் என்கிறார்.

அதற்கு மடோனாவின் குடும்பத்தில் உள்ளவர்கள் சம்மதம் தெரிவித்தாலும் மடோனாவின் தாய் மாமா ஏற்கனவே குஞ்சாக்கோவுக்கு நடைபெற்ற திருமண பதிவை ரத்து செய்துவிட்டு வாருங்கள் உங்கள் திருமணத்தை நடத்தி வைக்கிறேன் என்கிறார். இது குறித்து விவாகரத்து வழக்கிற்கு விண்ணப்பிக்க வழக்கறிஞரான அபர்ணா பாலமுரளியின் உதவியை நாடுகிறார் குஞ்சாக்கோ நீதிமன்றம் ஓடிப்போன அவரது மனைவியை அழைத்து வரச் சொல்கிறது. ஓடிப்போன பெண் எங்கே இருக்கிறார் என தெரியாத நிலையில் அவரைத் கண்டுபிடித்து குஞ்சாக்கோ போபன் விவாகரத்து பெற்றாரா ? மடோனாவை கைப்பிடித்தாரா ? இதில் அபர்ணாவின் பங்கு என்ன என்பது மீதிக்கதை. குஞ்சாக்கோ போபன் வழக்கம்போல அலட்டல் இல்லாத நடிப்பில் ஸ்கோர் பண்ணுகிறார். முதலிரவன்று தான் திருமணம் செய்த பெண்ணிடம் அவர் ஏமாறுவது சரியான காமெடி. பத்மினி என்கிற பெயரில் தன்னை கிண்டல் பண்ணும்போது அவருக்கு வரும் கோபத்தை அழகாக வெளிப்படுத்தி உள்ளார். அதன் விளைவுகளும் கலாட்டாவாகவே காட்சிப்படுத்தப்பட்டுள்ளன. வழக்கறிஞராக வரும் அபர்ணா கோபிநாத் படபட பட்டாசாக பொரிகிறார். ஆரம்பத்தில் துடுக்குத்தனமான பெண்ணாக தன்னை காட்டிக் கொண்டாலும் போகப்போக வருங்கால கணவன் என்கிற ஒரு சந்தேகப் பேர்வழியிடம் தான் சிக்கிக்கொண்டு படும் அவஸ்தைகளையும் அழகாக வெளிப்படுத்தியுள்ளார். குஞ்சாக்கோவுக்கு தன்னம்பிக்கை தந்து உற்சாகப்படுத்தும் ஒரு கதாபாத்திரமாக அறிமுகமாகும் மடோனா செபாஸ்டியன் போகப்போக குடும்பத்தின் நெருக்கடி காரணமாக முடிவெடுக்க வேண்டிய சூழலுக்கு தள்ளப்படுவதை மிகச்சரியாக பிரதிபலித்துள்ளார். ஓடிப்போன மணப்பெண்ணாக ஆரம்பத்தில் சில நிமிட காட்சிகளே வந்தாலும் கலகலப்பூட்டும் வின்சி அலோசியஸ், கிளைமாக்ஸுக்கு சற்று முன்னதாக மீண்டும் அதிரடி என்ட்ரி கொடுத்து நகைச்சுவைக்கு உத்தரவாதம் தருகிறார். ஒரே ஒரு காட்சியில் வந்தாலும் நடிகை மாளவிகா மேனன் ஆரம்பத்தில் குஞ்சாக்கோவுக்கு எதிர்பாராத அதிர்ச்சி ஒன்றை கொடுத்துவிட்டு செல்கிறார். இது தவிர சந்தேகப் பேர்வழியாக நடித்துள்ள சஜின் செருகயில் தன் பங்கிற்கு கலகலப்பூட்டுகிறார். மடோனாவின் தாய்மாமா. குஞ்சாக்கோவின் நண்பர் என இன்னும் சில கதாபாத்திரங்களும் நேர்த்தியாக வடிவமைக்கப்பட்டுள்ளன. ஸ்ரீராஜ் ரவீந்திரன் ஒளிப்பதிவு கிராமத்து குளுமையை அழகாக திரையில் கொண்டு வந்துள்ளது. ஜேக்ஸ் பிஜாயின் பாடல்களும் பின்னணி இசையும் இந்த படத்திற்கு தேவையான பணியை மட்டும் செய்துள்ளது. சிம்பிளான ஒரு கதை தான்.. ஆனாலும் அதை எந்தவித தொய்வும் இல்லாமல் நகைச்சுவையாக நகர்த்திக் கொண்டு சென்றுள்ளார் இயக்குனர் சென்னா ஹெக்டே. இடைவேளையில் வரும் ட்விஸ்ட் எதிர்பாராதது என்றாலும் கிளைமாக்ஸ் இப்படித்தான் முடியும் என முன்பே நம்மால் யூகிக்க முடிகிறது. படம் சற்றே மெதுவாக நகர்வது ஒன்று மட்டும் தான் குறையாக தெரிகிறது. மற்றபடி இது ஒரு ஜாலியான பொழுதுபோக்கு படம் தான். பத்மினி : கலாட்டா கல்யாணம்

பட குழுவினர்

Kunchako bhoban

குஞ்சாக்கோ போபன்


என்னா தான் கேஸ் கொடு (மலையாளம்)

Mohankumar fans

மோகன்குமார் பேன்ஸ் (மலையாளம்)

aparna balamurali

அபர்ணா பாலமுரளி

Madona Sebastian

மடோனா செபாஸ்டியன்

Nitham Oru Vaanam

நித்தம் ஒரு வானம்

Veetla Vishesham

வீட்ல விசேஷம்

KombuVatcha Singamda

கொம்புவச்ச சிங்கம்டா

Vaanam Kottattum

வானம் கொட்டட்டும்


திரைப்பட வரலாறு

மேலும் விமர்சனம் ↓.

padmini movie review in tamil

வல்லவன் வகுத்ததடா

padmini movie review in tamil

ஜெய் கணேஷ் (மலையாளம்)

padmini movie review in tamil

ஆவேசம் (மலையாளம்)

padmini movie review in tamil

வருஷங்களுக்கு சேஷம் (மலையாளம்)

padmini movie review in tamil

வாசகர் கருத்து

உங்கள் கருத்தைப் பதிவு செய்ய.


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Padmini movie review: This Kunchacko Boban film had the potential to scale heights, but it chose not to

Despite starting off strongly, padmini, helmed by senna hegde and starring kunchacko boban, aparna balamurali, madonna sebastian and vincy aloshious in the lead roles, descends into a disappointingly convenient ending..

padmini movie review in tamil

Kunchacko Boban’s presence in a romantic film has the magical ability to transport Malayalees back to their youthful days, immersing them in a whirlwind of love. While some may find the comparison a bit exaggerated, a deeper reflection reveals that the actor holds a similar position in Malayalam romantic cinema as Shah Rukh Khan does in Bollywood. Both of them have aged gracefully and despite their numerous appearances in such movies, fans always crave more.

Consequently, Kunchacko ‘s arrival with a romance film, after a considerable period of time, stirred up enough anticipation to maintain the excitement surrounding Padmini. The hype escalated further when news spread that the film was being directed by none other than Senna Hegde , renowned for making the groundbreaking Thinkalazhcha Nishchayam (2021). But, did it meet the expectations? Let’s see…

padmini movie review in tamil

Without wasting any time, Padmini skillfully immerses the audience into its narrative, even before introducing the characters. While displaying the names of the crew members on-screen, the viewers are greeted with background dialogues from various characters discussing Rameshan’s wedding. Soon, we are introduced to Rameshan (Kunchacko Boban), a college lecturer-cum-poet, who just tied the knot with Smrithy (Vincy Aloshious), and they are preparing for their first night together. However, tragedy strikes when Smrithy elopes with her boyfriend on the very same night, leaving Rameshan as a silent witness to the event.

Without delay, we are transported two years into the future, where Rameshan continues to remain unmarried despite his strong desire to find a life partner. He resides with his mother (Seema G Nair) and brother (Ganapathi). Rameshan embarks on a quest for a bride with the assistance of his friend (Anand Manmadhan). His efforts lead him to meet Sreedevi (Aparna Balamurali). However, due to unforeseen circumstances, their connection fails to take off. It is during this time that Rameshan crosses paths with Padmini (Madonna Sebastian), a guest lecturer who recently joined his college. Love blossoms between them, and they decide to get married. However, as they proceed with their plans, another significant obstacle arises, causing a fresh dilemma for Rameshan. The remainder of the film revolves around Rameshan’s journey to disentangle himself from this newfound challenge.

Right from the start, Padmini consistently delivers plenty of laughter-inducing moments in a manner that reflects Senna Hegde’s naturalistic style, without forcing the jokes into the storyline. By skillfully utilising situations that naturally arise within the narrative and incorporating humour that aligns with these scenarios, Padmini maintains an authentic approach without deviating from its intended path.

Festive offer

In Padmini, despite featuring a star-studded cast, which differs from Senna’s previous works, the director has intentionally avoided incorporating elements that align with the established image of these talented actors. Even in the case of Kunchacko Boban, while effectively leveraging his romantic hero persona, the maker has tried to not include too many nostalgic reminders of the thespian’s past movies, though there are a few in that regard. The director has also skillfully ensured that the scenes in Padmini possess a refreshing quality, distinct from the usual tropes found in Malayalam romantic comedies.

While Deepu Pradeep’s script in Padmini offers ample moments to tickle the viewers’ funny bones and provides an enjoyable viewing experience, the narrative, unfortunately, falters towards the end, concluding abruptly. Despite the buildup towards a potentially intriguing climax, the film’s conclusion evokes a strong sense of déjà vu, reminiscent of Senna’s Thinkalazhcha Nishchayam, but not in a nostalgic manner. Instead, it feels more like a low-quality remake of the same. 

Furthermore, although the narrative skillfully depicts all characters as equally petty and desperate, the portrayal of women in Padmini, particularly those with brief appearances, aligns with the stereotype of women being nosy. This could have been easily avoided since these characters contribute nothing significant to the overall story. Additionally, a dialogue spoken by one of the characters that states, “ Ith chayakkada alla, paippin chuvadu aanu (This is not a tea shop, this looks like the surrounding of a public tap),” reeks of misogyny and elitism. If the filmmakers had exercised more caution and refrained from including such unnecessary moments and seemingly harmless quips, Padmini would have shone brighter despite its disappointing descent towards the end.

On the performance front, Kunchacko Boban undeniably steals hearts with his overwhelming cuteness and the way he handles humour with subtlety and composure. This is a notable contrast to his previous over-the-top comedic performances in films like Mallu Singh, Three Kings, and 101 Weddings, demonstrating his growth as an actor in every aspect. Simultaneously, he seldom compromises on effectively portraying the emotional turmoil experienced by his character.

However, it is Sajin Cherukayil’s portrayal of the extremely possessive yet foolish “Raareeram” Jayan that lingers in the minds of viewers even after the film ends. His ability to navigate comedy, seamlessly transitioning between natural and exaggerated depictions as required, continues to impress. Likewise, Vincy Aloshious’ performance as Smrithy shines despite her limited screen time, leaving a strong impression. Anand Manmadhan also delivers a commendable performance, showcasing his value as a supporting actor with his effortless portrayal. Aparna Balamurali excels in her role as the ultra-romantic family lawyer, showcasing her talent. However, unfortunately, Madonna Sebastian fails to make an impression here.

While cinematographer Sreeraj Raveendran has done a commendable job, despite limited opportunities to showcase the full range of a DOP’s skills, editor Manu Antony also deserves praise for his contribution. However, it is music director Jakes Bejoy who stands out among the technicians, hitting it out of the park with his captivating tracks that seamlessly align with the film’s narrative and bring a refreshing quality to it.

In short, While Padmini had the potential to be a soothing and feel-good romantic comedy, the film, which started off strongly, unfortunately, descends into a disappointingly convenient ending, preventing it from reaching its full potential and soaring to greater heights.

Padmini movie cast: Kunchacko Boban, Aparna Balamurali, Madonna Sebastian, Vincy Aloshious, Sajin Cherukayil, Anand Manmadhan Padmini movie director: Senna Hegde Padmini movie rating: 3 stars

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'Padmini' review: Senna Hegde delivers yet another light-hearted, innovative film

Princy Alexander

Senna Hegde, the director of 'Thinkalazhcha Nishchayam', has again delivered a film that is nearly as smooth and innovative as his critically-acclaimed work. 'Padmini' starring Kunchacko Boban, Aparna Balamurali and Madonna Sebastian in the lead, is a fun-filled tale of Rameshan who is jilted by his bride Smrithi on their first night together. Since Smrithi's lover arrives in a Premier Padmini car to elope with her, Rameshan earns the nickname Padmini in his village The taunts subsequently lead to a deep aversion to that name. However, things turn amusing when a teacher named Padmini (played by Madonna) arrives at the same school where he works.

Senna's works, including the 2022 film '1744 White Alto', have a quirkiness that is quite amusing. It's interesting to see how he weaves a narrative from an ordinary setting, which is centered on typical human behaviour and feelings. If elopement amid a wedding function was the theme of 'Thinkalazhcha Nishchayam', '1744 White Alto' had yet another interesting premise, that of a cat-and-mouse investigation involving a man and a car.

'Padmini' too appears as an ordinary feel-good movie, set in a village with the protagonist Rameshan hoping to settle down with a girl who understands him. However, scriptwriter Deepu Pradeep, whose initial work was 'Kunjiramayanam', does a wonderful job exploiting this situation, especially since Rameshan finds it hard to find a bride as it is his second marriage.

Kunchacko Boban, Aparna Balamurali roped in for 'Thinkalazhcha Nischayam' director’s next

Kunchacko Boban, Aparna Balamurali roped in for 'Thinkalazhcha Nischayam' director’s next

Senna Hegde’s next ‘Padmini’ based on a marriage, again? See teaser

Senna Hegde’s next ‘Padmini’ based on a marriage, again? See teaser

The humour initially seems a little silly, especially when Sajin Cherukayil's character Jayan, an entrepreneur who sells mattresses for a living, comes in. However, it soon turns entertaining with each scene complementing the other. Some might wish the climax ended differently, but given that it is an out-and-out entertainer, the quirky ending is fine.

It is also interesting to see how Senna brought in the two elements – a marriage and a car – that were part of his first and second film in 'Padmini'.

padmini movie review in tamil

The performances of all the actors are quite good, but it is Aparna who steals the show. Her character Sreedevi is a lawyer who deals with divorce cases. Her expressions of disbelief, anger and cuteness are spot on. It's good to see her handle comedy, which was missing from her recent characters. Kunchacko, retains that charm he always exhibits when he plays a romantic guy. Madonna looks refreshing onscreen, adding charm to the whole movie. Though Vincy Aloshious has very little screen-space, she does justice to her role.

Some of the frames by Sreeraj Raveendran are breathtaking, capturing the beauty of the lush paddy fields and surrounding hills the film is set in. The music by Jakes Bejoy goes along with the mood of the film.

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Kunchacko Boban, Vincy Aloshious, Malavika Menon, Madonna Sebastian, and Aparna Balamurali in Padmini (2023)

A part-time poet and a full-time college teacher Rameshans life take a standstill when an extremely embarrassing situation makes him the target of all jokes. A part-time poet and a full-time college teacher Rameshans life take a standstill when an extremely embarrassing situation makes him the target of all jokes. A part-time poet and a full-time college teacher Rameshans life take a standstill when an extremely embarrassing situation makes him the target of all jokes.

  • Senna Hegde
  • Deepu Pradeep
  • Anaswara Rajan
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  • Althaf Salim
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Kunchacko Boban, Vincy Aloshious, Malavika Menon, Madonna Sebastian, and Aparna Balamurali in Padmini (2023)

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Padmini Malayalam Movie

Names have relevance in this comedy drama that has adequate potential for burgeoning in various directions. 'Padmini,' also attributed to the car brand in the film, begins the ride by exposing the typical follies and absurd practices in making a marriage fruitful. Senna Hegde-directed film holds a mirror to the vital role of volatile personal choices in materialising nuptial relationships. The director of 'Thinkalazhcha Nishchayam' once again banks on the intricacies of getting married and the dilemma of individuals when traditions and law act as stumbling blocks to their plans.

Intended to be a humorous take on the system of marriage, 'Padmini' accelerates well in the beginning and the ride is progressing smoothly. It relates the dilemma of a poet and Malayalam lecturer whose marriage lands him in a soup. On his wedding day, Ramesan, played by (Kunchako Boban), helplessly witnesses the elopement of his wife Smrithy (Vincy Aloshious) with her lover Siju (Althaf Salim) in a Padmini car in the wee hours of night. This riveting scenario is a perfect premise for the film, giving an impetus to the expectations about the upcoming events in the life of Ramesan. In fact, scenarist Deepu Pradeep of 'Kunhiramayanam' fame falls in the complacency mode while lending creative wings to the promising start in his screenplay and Hegde shifts his narration to a lethargic pattern by letting things go out of his hands.

Ramesan gets the nickname 'Padmini' in his village after his tragically-culminated marriage and he becomes an object of mockery even after two years of that incident. He even hates to see the Padmini car when he bumps into it in front of lawyer Sreedevi's (Aparna Balamurali) house during his first meeting with her. Meanwhile, Ramesan's inferiority aggravates when a guest lecturer named Padmini (Madonna Sebastian) joins the college. This juncture really sets the plot to another level as Ramesan faces a new dilemma in college. By this time, the connection established by director Hegde among all major characters creates a new impression. The hopes of viewers shine at the pinnacle of conflict when the hero gets ready for another marriage, resulting in cropping up of another issue in his life.

In another track of the plot, mattress company owner Jayan (Sajin Cherukayil) and Sreedevi decide to marry even as the latter is quite often annoyed by the possessive attitude of the former. Jayan also exudes shades of patriarchal dominance which is well defended by Sreedevi. With the entry of Jayan, the movie's humour aspect thrives but when he goes overboard in a few situations, it really affects the flow of narration.

Inclusion of the advertisement of Jayan's mattress in the name of novelty at the interval and climax portions really plays spoilsport as far as 'Padmini' is concerned. An unbridled approach by the director in handling the character amplifies the downfall of the film, coupled with a frivolous climax.

Finding an apt life partner appears to be a conflict here and the intended humour hardly blends with the theme consistently. Kunchako with a grave appearance rightly immerses into the depth of the character. Perhaps, Ramesan is the sole striking character who undergoes various emotional layers in the film. While the actor exudes well the mental dilemma of the protagonist, the performances of the rest of the cast appear to be mediocre. Overall, the comedy drama achieves a good start and carries on the momentum to an extent before breaking down due to slipshod writing and execution.

padmini movie review in tamil

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Padmini: Release Date, Trailer, Songs, Cast

  • Release Date July 2023
  • Language Malayalam
  • Genre Comedy, Drama
  • Duration 2h
  • Cast Kunchacko Boban, Madonna Sebastian, Aparna Balamurali, Vincy Aloshious, Althaf Salim, Ganapathy, Sajin Cherukayil, Anand Manmadhan, Gokulan
  • Director Senna Hegde
  • Writer Deepu Pradeep
  • Cinematography Sreeraj Raveendran
  • Music Jakes Bejoy
  • Producer Prasobh Krishna, Suvin K. Varkey
  • Production Little Big Films
  • Certificate U

About Padmini Movie (2023)

A college teacher and a part-time poet Rameshans (Kunchacko Boban) faces an embarrassing situation.

Padmini Movie Cast, Release Date, Trailer, Songs and Ratings

Padmini Movie Cast, Release Date, Trailer, Songs and Ratings


Padmini Movie Trailer

Padmini movie songs, padmini photos.

Padmini - 1

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  • Home » Movies » Padmini Malayalam Movie Review

Padmini review: Senna Hegde’s latest outing makes you laugh and also think

The director conveys a layered story in a subtle way while focusing on the pressure faced by women in marriage.

Bhaskar Basava

Published:Aug 10, 2023

padmini movie review in tamil

A poster of 'Padmini'. (Supplied)

A laugh riot!

Padmini (Malayalam)

  • Cast: Kunchako Boban, Madonna Sebastian, Aparna Balamurali, Vincy Aloshious, and Ganapathi
  • Director: Senna Hegde
  • Music: Jakes Bejoy
  • Producer: Prasobh Krishna, and Suvin K Varkey
  • Runtime: 2 hours
  • Cast: Salman Khan, Katrina Kaif, Emraan Hashmi, and Revathy
  • Director: Maneesh Sharma
  • Producer: Aditya Chopra
  • Music: Pritam Chakraborty
  • Runtime: 2 hours 35 minutes

Expectations ran high for Padmini when director Senna Hegde announced the movie.

The director earlier helmed critically-acclaimed films like Thinkalazhcha Nishchayam (2021) and 1744 White Alto (2022). This time, he came up with a movie that starred a bunch of young actors. Also, he came out of Kanhangad in Kasaragod where his movies are usually set.

Padmini is shot in Palakkad district and is Kunchacko Boban’s first solo-hero movie after his appearance in 2018 (2023) and Pakalum Pathiravum (2023).

Senna Hegde’s signature comedy is the highlight of the flick.

Padmini is directed by Senna Hegde

‘Padmini’ is directed by Senna Hegde. (Supplied)

Padmini starts with the marriage of Rameshan (Kunchacko Boban), a poet and college professor. On his first night, his wife Smrithi (Vincy Aloshious) elopes with her lover in the latter’s Premier Padmini car.

After that shocking incident, Rameshan is teased by the people of his village for his embarrassing situation.

Also, he is called “Padmini” Rameshan by his neighbours and villagers.

Interestingly, a new professor named Padmini (Madonna Sebastian) joins his college. Rameshan falls in love with her.

But he can’t legally marry her as his first marriage with Smirthi has been registered. so, he files for a divorce.

The subsequent events after he files for divorce keep the story moving forward.

At the same time, there is a love story between Sreedevi (Aparna Balamurali) and Jayan (Sajin Cherukayil). Sreedevi is an advocate in the family court and Rameshan hires her for his case.

As the story progresses, Sreedevi’s family also plays an important role in the story.

Meanwhile, Padmini faces many troubles from her family who isn’t happy with her decision to marry Rameshan who, in turn, is unable to get a divorce due to the court proceedings.

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Interesting twists.

Malayalam movie Padmini releasing on 14 July

Malayalam movie ‘Padmini’ releasing on 14 July. (Twitter)

The plot has many interesting twists — at the beginning, in the middle of the story when Rameshan feels love towards his neighbour but gets a shocker (which if revealed now would be a spoiler), and then in the climax part.

The relationship between Jayan and Sreedevi offers us some funny moments.

Jayan is an entrepreneur who is into the production of mattresses. He is portrayed as a man who likes to flaunt his money.

Sreedevi is quite aware that he is a male chauvinist and doesn’t like her working as an advocate, particularly after their marriage.

She initially doesn’t care about this but after a point, she takes her stand and concentrates on her profession deeply.

Fun elements

Aparna Balamurali in Padmini

Aparna Balamurali in ‘Padmini’. (Twitter)

Comedy is the major highlight of Padmini .

Senna Hegde tries to convey a layered story that narrates the feelings of a youngster who faces embarrassing statements from his neighbours after his wife elopes.

There are some refreshing elements like the advertisement of the mattress firm owned by Jayan that erupts huge laughter among the audience in the theatre.

The movie also highlights the pressure faced by women in marriage.

Interestingly, writer Deepu Pradeep discussed marriage and related fun in the hit comedy film Kunjiramayanam (2015).

Also, in Thinkalazhcha Nishchayam , Senna Hegde dealt with a similar theme of marriage and elopement. But Padmini works since it’s refreshing.

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Subtle performances.

Padmini songs were received well upon its release

‘Padmini’s’ songs were received well upon its release. (Supplied)

Padmini’s script gives importance to all the characters and the director gives equal space to every actor.

Kunchacko Boban is noteworthy as Rameshan. For a senior actor who has been in the industry for more than 25 years, Kunchacko delivers a subtle performance and wins our hearts.

Vincy Aloshious is fabulous and her comedy scenes are well-appreciated in the theatre.

Aparna Balamurali and Sajin Cherukayil are a fun to watch.

Both Aparna and Vincy Aloshious are a laugh riot on screen. While watching them, we can’t help but draw references to some of the senior actresses like Urvashi who excelled in comic roles.

Sajin Cherukayil as the male chauvinist is notable. He gets on our nerves with his foolishness on many occasions.

Madonna Sebastian is decent in the title role of Padmini.

Anand Manmadhan as Venu, the brother-in-law of Rameshan, is good in comedy sequences.

Ganapathi, as Rameshan’s younger brother, plays a meaningful role.

The songs composed by Jakes Bejoy are apt and elevate the story.

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Padmini is a fun ride with a thought-provoking theme of marriage and elopement. It is a clean entertainer with a good dose of comedy and songs.

(Views expressed here are personal.)


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padmini movie review in tamil

కున్‌చకో బొబన్‌ (Kunchacko Boban) కథానాయకుడిగా దర్శకుడు సెన్నా హెగ్డే (Senna Hegde) తెరకెక్కించిన చిత్రం ‘పద్మిని’ (Padmini). ఈ ఏడాది జులై 14న మలయాళంలో థియేటర్లలో విడుదలై, అక్కడి ప్రేక్షకులను అలరించింది. తాజాగా.. ఓటీటీ ‘నెట్‌ఫ్లిక్స్‌’ ( Netflix )లోకి వచ్చింది. తెలుగు సహా పలు భాషల్లో స్ట్రీమింగ్‌ అవుతోన్న ఈ సినిమా కథేంటి? ఎలా ఉందంటే? (Padmini Review)..

ఇదీ కథ: రమేశ్‌ (కున్‌చ‌కో బొబన్‌) ఓ కాలేజీలో ప్రొఫెసర్‌. కథలు రాయడం అతని హాబీ. ఎన్నో కలలతో వివాహ బంధంలోకి అడుగుపెడతాడు. తొలి రాత్రే ఊహించని ఘటనకు షాక్‌ అవుతాడు. తన భార్య స్మృతి (విన్సీ అలోషియస్‌).. ప్రేమించిన వ్యక్తితో వెళ్లిపోవడమే అందుకు కారణం. ఈ బాధలోంచి బయటకొచ్చిన రమేశ్‌కు రెండో వివాహం చేయాలని కుటుంబ సభ్యులు నిర్ణయిస్తారు. దానికి రమేశ్‌ కూడా అంగీకరించడంతో ‘రెండో’ పెళ్లి చూపులు మొదలుపెడతారు. ఓ అమ్మాయి తరఫు బంధువులు అధికారికంగా విడాకులు మంజూరైతేనే రమేశ్‌కు ఇచ్చి పెళ్లి చేస్తామనే షరతు పెడతారు. మరి, ఎక్కడికెళ్లిందో తెలియని భార్యను రమేశ్‌.. విడాకులు కోసం ఎలా వెతికిపట్టుకున్నాడు? ఈ క్రమంలో అతడికి ఎదురైన సవాళ్లేంటి? వకీల్‌ శ్రీదేవి (అపర్ణా బాలమురళీ) ఎలా సాయపడింది? అతడు రెండో వివాహం చేసుకున్నాడా, లేదా? అసలు పద్మిని ఎవరు? తెలియాలంటే సినిమా చూడాల్సిందే (Padmini Review).

ఎలా ఉందంటే: కొంత డ్రామా, కొంత కామెడీ మిక్స్‌ అయిన కథ ఇది. మర్రిచెట్టు, కాకి ప్రధానాంశాలుగా తాను రాసుకున్న కథను హీరో తన భార్యకు వివరించే సీన్‌తో ప్రారంభమైన సినిమా సరదాగా సాగిపోతుంది. మంచి కవిత్వంలా వీరి వైవాహిక జీవితం ఉండబోతుందని ప్రేక్షకుడు అనుకునేలోపు స్మృతి తన భర్తకు హగ్‌తోపాటు ‘హ్యాండ్‌’ ఇచ్చి వెళ్లిపోతుంది. ఇది ఊహించని మలుపే అయినా.. హీరోని చుట్టుపక్కల వారు హేళన చేయడం, అందుకు అతడు బాధపడడంలాంటి సన్నివేశాలు ఊహకు తగినవే. హీరో రెండో పెళ్లికి ప్రయత్నాలు మొదలుపెట్టిన దగ్గర నుంచి కథ వేగంగా ముందుకెళ్తుంది. ఈ క్రమంలో తెరపైకి వచ్చే హీరో బావ పాత్ర, పరుపుల వ్యాపారి (సజిన్‌) పాత్ర కడుపుబ్బా నవ్విస్తాయి. సహోద్యోగిని ప్రేమించి, పెళ్లాడాలనుకున్న హీరో.. విడాకులు తీసుకుంటేనే అది జరుగుతుందని తెలుసుకుని షాక్‌కు గురికావడం ఆడియన్స్‌కు హాస్యం పంచుతుంది. ఇంటర్వెల్‌ సీన్‌ ద్వితీయార్ధంపై ఆసక్తి పెంచుతుంది. పెళ్లి చూపుల్లో భాగంగా వకీల్‌ శ్రీదేవికి పరిచయమైన రమేశ్‌.. తన విడాకుల కోసం ఆమెనే సాయంకోరడం కొత్తగా ఉంటుంది. రెండేళ్ల క్రితం వెళ్లిపోయిన అమ్మాయి కోసం ఈ ఇద్దరు అన్వేషించే క్రమం అంతగా మెప్పించదు. వీరిద్దరి ప్రయాణం సోసో అనిపించినా.. వీరికి స్మృతికి ఇచ్చే ట్విస్ట్‌ మాత్రం అదిరిపోతుంది. దాంతో, ‘పెనం మీద నుంచి పొయ్యిలో పడినట్లు’ అన్నట్టుగా మారుతుంది హీరో పరిస్థితి. రెండో వివాహమై అతడేం నిర్ణయం తీసుకుంటాడనే ఆసక్తి ప్రేక్షకుడికి కలుగుతుంది. ఏ చెట్టు దగ్గరైతే హీరోని తన భార్య వదిలేసి వెళ్లిపోయిందో అదే చెట్టు దగ్గర సాయంకోరడాన్ని చిత్రీకరించిన తీరు బాగుంది. ఊహించని క్లైమాక్స్‌ ఎదురవుతుంది (Padmini Review).

padmini movie review in tamil

ఎవరెలా చేశారంటే: కున్‌చకో బొబన్‌ తెలుగు ప్రేక్షకులకు సుపరిచితుడే. ‘నాయట్టు’, ‘2018’ వంటి చిత్రాలతో ఇక్కడి వారినీ మెప్పించారాయన. ఈ సినిమాలో.. లోపల బాధను పెట్టుకుని పైకి నవ్వుతూ కనిపించే రమేశ్‌ పాత్రలో ఒదిగిపోయారు. ఫ్యామిలీ కోర్టు వకీల్‌గా అపర్ణ బాలమురళీ అభినయం బాగుంది. సజిన్‌ కామెడీ టైమింగ్‌ ఆకట్టుకుంటుంది. మడోన్నా సెబాస్టియన్‌, మాళవిక మేనన్‌ కీలక పాత్రల్లో కనిపిస్తారు. పాత్ర నిడివి తక్కువే అయినా.. స్మృతిగా విన్సీ అలోషియస్‌ అలరిస్తారు. కథాగమనంలో వచ్చే పాటలు పెద్దగా ఆకట్టుకోకపోయినా నేపథ్య సంగీతం వినసొంపుగా ఉంది. విజువల్స్‌ బాగున్నాయి. దీపు ప్రదీప్‌ రాసిన విభిన్న కథను తెరకెక్కించడంలో దర్శకుడు సెన్నా హెగ్డే విజయం సాధించారు (Padmini Review).

  • బ‌లాలు
  • + కామెడీ 
  • + కున్‌చకో బొబన్‌ నటన
  • బ‌ల‌హీన‌త‌లు
  • - ఊహకు తగ్గ సన్నివేశాలు 
  • - స్మృతి కోసం రమేశ్‌, శ్రీదేవిలు అన్వేషించే క్రమం
  • చివ‌రిగా: ఈ ‘పద్మిని’.. మంచి వినోదం పంచుతుంది (Padmini Review).
  • గమనిక: ఈ సమీక్ష సమీక్షకుడి దృష్టి కోణానికి సంబంధించింది. ఇది సమీక్షకుడి వ్యక్తిగత అభిప్రాయం మాత్రమే!
  • Cinema News
  • Movie Review
  • Telugu Movie Review

గమనిక: ఈనాడు.నెట్‌లో కనిపించే వ్యాపార ప్రకటనలు వివిధ దేశాల్లోని వ్యాపారస్తులు, సంస్థల నుంచి వస్తాయి. కొన్ని ప్రకటనలు పాఠకుల అభిరుచిననుసరించి కృత్రిమ మేధస్సుతో పంపబడతాయి. పాఠకులు తగిన జాగ్రత్త వహించి, ఉత్పత్తులు లేదా సేవల గురించి సముచిత విచారణ చేసి కొనుగోలు చేయాలి. ఆయా ఉత్పత్తులు / సేవల నాణ్యత లేదా లోపాలకు ఈనాడు యాజమాన్యం బాధ్యత వహించదు. ఈ విషయంలో ఉత్తర ప్రత్యుత్తరాలకి తావు లేదు.

రివ్యూ: ఆర్టికల్‌ 370.. యామి గౌతమ్‌, ప్రియమణి నటించిన పొలిటికల్‌ థ్రిల్లర్‌ ఎలా ఉంది?

రివ్యూ: ఆర్టికల్‌ 370.. యామి గౌతమ్‌, ప్రియమణి నటించిన పొలిటికల్‌ థ్రిల్లర్‌ ఎలా ఉంది?

రివ్యూ: మై డియర్‌ దొంగ.. అభినవ్‌ గోమఠం నటించిన సినిమా ఎలా ఉందంటే?

రివ్యూ: మై డియర్‌ దొంగ.. అభినవ్‌ గోమఠం నటించిన సినిమా ఎలా ఉందంటే?

రివ్యూ: సైరెన్‌.. జయం రవి, కీర్తి సురేశ్‌ యాక్షన్‌ థ్రిల్లర్‌ ఎలా ఉంది?

రివ్యూ: సైరెన్‌.. జయం రవి, కీర్తి సురేశ్‌ యాక్షన్‌ థ్రిల్లర్‌ ఎలా ఉంది?

రివ్యూ: పారిజాత పర్వం.. క్రైమ్‌ కామెడీ థ్రిల్లర్‌ ఎలా ఉంది?

రివ్యూ: పారిజాత పర్వం.. క్రైమ్‌ కామెడీ థ్రిల్లర్‌ ఎలా ఉంది?

రివ్యూ: ఆట్టం.. మలయాళ సస్పెన్స్‌ డ్రామా ఎలా ఉంది?

రివ్యూ: ఆట్టం.. మలయాళ సస్పెన్స్‌ డ్రామా ఎలా ఉంది?

రివ్యూ: డియర్‌.. భార్య గురకపెట్టే కాన్సెప్ట్‌తో రూపొందిన ఈ మూవీ మెప్పించిందా?

రివ్యూ: డియర్‌.. భార్య గురకపెట్టే కాన్సెప్ట్‌తో రూపొందిన ఈ మూవీ మెప్పించిందా?

రివ్యూ:  శ్రీ రంగ‌నీతులు.. సుహాస్‌, కార్తీక్‌ రత్నంల కొత్త మూవీ మెప్పించిందా?

రివ్యూ: శ్రీ రంగ‌నీతులు.. సుహాస్‌, కార్తీక్‌ రత్నంల కొత్త మూవీ మెప్పించిందా?

రివ్యూ: బ‌డే మియా ఛోటే మియా.. అక్షయ్‌, టైగర్‌ ష్రాఫ్‌ నటించిన యాక్షన్‌ థ్రిల్లర్‌ ఎలా ఉంది?

రివ్యూ: బ‌డే మియా ఛోటే మియా.. అక్షయ్‌, టైగర్‌ ష్రాఫ్‌ నటించిన యాక్షన్‌ థ్రిల్లర్‌ ఎలా ఉంది?

రివ్యూ: గీతాంజలి మళ్ళీ వచ్చింది.. హారర్‌ కామెడీ థ్రిల్లర్‌ ఎలా ఉంది?

రివ్యూ: గీతాంజలి మళ్ళీ వచ్చింది.. హారర్‌ కామెడీ థ్రిల్లర్‌ ఎలా ఉంది?

రివ్యూ: లవ్‌గురు.. విజయ్‌ ఆంటోనీ మూవీ ఎలా ఉంది?

రివ్యూ: లవ్‌గురు.. విజయ్‌ ఆంటోనీ మూవీ ఎలా ఉంది?

రివ్యూ: మైదాన్‌.. అజయ్‌ దేవ్‌గణ్‌ కీలక పాత్రలో నటించిన స్పోర్ట్స్‌ డ్రామా మెప్పించిందా?

రివ్యూ: మైదాన్‌.. అజయ్‌ దేవ్‌గణ్‌ కీలక పాత్రలో నటించిన స్పోర్ట్స్‌ డ్రామా మెప్పించిందా?

రివ్యూ: ప్రాజెక్ట్‌-Z.. సందీప్‌ కిషన్‌, లావణ్య త్రిపాఠి సైన్స్‌ ఫిక్షన్‌ థ్రిల్లర్‌ ఎలా ఉంది?

రివ్యూ: ప్రాజెక్ట్‌-Z.. సందీప్‌ కిషన్‌, లావణ్య త్రిపాఠి సైన్స్‌ ఫిక్షన్‌ థ్రిల్లర్‌ ఎలా ఉంది?

రివ్యూ: మంజుమ్మ‌ల్ బాయ్స్‌.. మలయాళ సూపర్‌హిట్‌ తెలుగులో ఎలా ఉంది?

రివ్యూ: మంజుమ్మ‌ల్ బాయ్స్‌.. మలయాళ సూపర్‌హిట్‌ తెలుగులో ఎలా ఉంది?

రివ్యూ: ఫ్యామిలీస్టార్‌.. విజయ్‌ దేవరకొండ ఖాతాలో హిట్‌ పడిందా?

రివ్యూ: ఫ్యామిలీస్టార్‌.. విజయ్‌ దేవరకొండ ఖాతాలో హిట్‌ పడిందా?

రివ్యూ: టిల్లు స్క్వేర్‌.. సిద్ధు, అనుపమ జోడీ మేజిక్‌ చేసిందా?

రివ్యూ: టిల్లు స్క్వేర్‌.. సిద్ధు, అనుపమ జోడీ మేజిక్‌ చేసిందా?

రివ్యూ: ఆడుజీవితం: ది గోట్‌లైఫ్‌.. పృథ్వీరాజ్‌ సుకుమారన్‌ సర్వైవల్‌ థ్రిల్లర్‌ ఎలా ఉంది?

రివ్యూ: ఆడుజీవితం: ది గోట్‌లైఫ్‌.. పృథ్వీరాజ్‌ సుకుమారన్‌ సర్వైవల్‌ థ్రిల్లర్‌ ఎలా ఉంది?

Om Bhim Bush Review; రివ్యూ: ఓం భీమ్ బుష్‌.. కామెడీ ఎంటర్‌టైనర్‌ అలరించిందా?

Om Bhim Bush Review; రివ్యూ: ఓం భీమ్ బుష్‌.. కామెడీ ఎంటర్‌టైనర్‌ అలరించిందా?

ThulasiVanam Review: రివ్యూ: తులసీవనం: మిడిల్‌క్లాస్‌ కుర్రాడి బయోపిక్‌

ThulasiVanam Review: రివ్యూ: తులసీవనం: మిడిల్‌క్లాస్‌ కుర్రాడి బయోపిక్‌

Abraham Ozler review: రివ్యూ: అబ్రహాం ఓజ్లర్‌.. మలయాళ క్రైమ్‌ థ్రిల్లర్‌ ఎలా ఉంది?

Abraham Ozler review: రివ్యూ: అబ్రహాం ఓజ్లర్‌.. మలయాళ క్రైమ్‌ థ్రిల్లర్‌ ఎలా ఉంది?

Save The Tigers 2 Review: రివ్యూ: సేవ్‌ ది టైగర్స్‌ సీజన్‌ 2.. నవ్వులు రిపీట్‌ అయ్యాయా?

Save The Tigers 2 Review: రివ్యూ: సేవ్‌ ది టైగర్స్‌ సీజన్‌ 2.. నవ్వులు రిపీట్‌ అయ్యాయా?

Sharathulu Varthisthai Review: రివ్యూ: షరతులు వర్తిస్తాయి.. సినిమా ఎలా ఉందంటే?

Sharathulu Varthisthai Review: రివ్యూ: షరతులు వర్తిస్తాయి.. సినిమా ఎలా ఉందంటే?


తాజా వార్తలు (Latest News)

ఎట్టకేలకు తెలుగులో ‘OMG2’.. స్ట్రీమింగ్‌ ఎక్కడంటే?

ఎట్టకేలకు తెలుగులో ‘OMG2’.. స్ట్రీమింగ్‌ ఎక్కడంటే?

టెక్‌ మహీంద్రా లాభంలో 41 శాతం క్షీణత.. ఒక్కో షేరుపై రూ.28 డివిడెండ్‌

టెక్‌ మహీంద్రా లాభంలో 41 శాతం క్షీణత.. ఒక్కో షేరుపై రూ.28 డివిడెండ్‌

విశాఖ ఉక్కు ప్రైవేటీకరణ.. ఏపీ హైకోర్టు కీలక ఆదేశం

విశాఖ ఉక్కు ప్రైవేటీకరణ.. ఏపీ హైకోర్టు కీలక ఆదేశం

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యూపీఎస్సీ - 2025 పరీక్షల క్యాలెండర్‌ విడుదల.. ‘సివిల్స్‌’ పరీక్షలు ఎప్పుడంటే?

ప్రీమియర్‌ షోలో మెరిసిన తారలు.. అలియా అలా.. రష్మిక ఇలా..

ప్రీమియర్‌ షోలో మెరిసిన తారలు.. అలియా అలా.. రష్మిక ఇలా..

కాళేశ్వరం ఆనకట్టలపై ఫిర్యాదులు, నివేదనలు కోరుతూ ప్రకటన జారీ

కాళేశ్వరం ఆనకట్టలపై ఫిర్యాదులు, నివేదనలు కోరుతూ ప్రకటన జారీ

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Oru Nodi First Review: Taman Kumar’s Crime Thriller Is A ‘Good & Engaging’ Watch

Oru Nodi First Review

Oru Nodi Review: The Tamil box office is set to witness an interesting box office clash this Friday and the audience can't keep calm. We are talking about the clash between as Vishal's Rathnam and Taman Kumar's Oru Nodi. While Vishal's Rathnam is an action thriller, Oru Nodi is an crime investigation thriller. Helmed by debutant Mani Varman.

Oru Nodi revolves around a cop, played by Taman Kumar who gets a missing case to investigate. However, the case leads to murky details of murders. The movie also features Vela Ramamurthy, Sri Ranjani, Gajaraj, Pazha Karuppaiah, and Karupu Nambiar in key roles. Needless to say, Oru Nodi is one of the most anticipated releases of the year. As fans are looking forward to the release of Oru Nodi, we have got our hands on the first review of the movie

Oru Nodi First Review

In a tweet shared by Sugumar Srinivasan, the movie is touted to be engaging. The tweet read as, "#OruNodi 1st Half -Good and engaging. A challenging crime investigation with many different storylines. Perfectly Staged for 2nd Half".

#OruNodi 1st Half -Good and engaging 👌 A challenging crime investigation with many different storylines. Perfectly Staged for 2nd Half 😎 — Sugumar Srinivasan (@Sugumar_Tweetz) April 25, 2024

Meanwhile, talking about the film, director Mani Varman stated, "This is a crime thriller. I am aware that a lot of films have been released in the same genre previously. The speciality of Oru Nodi is that people, who aren't huge fans of crime thrillers, will like our movie. There is an emotional connection to every character in the movie, which will resonate with the audience. For instance, MS Bhaskar sir's role couldn't have been justified by any other actor. I waited for his dates so that the film could go on floors. The movie takes place in Madurai's Alanganallur. Several real-life incidents have been woven together and the hero's character is taken from one of the incidents and we have made it bigger by connecting it to all of the other crimes in the story".

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Aavesham vs. Varshangalkku Shesham Worldwide Box Office Collection: Fahadh Faasil's Film Dominates

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P.G.D.A.V. College hosts KIIFA Awards 2024

P.G.D.A.V. College hosts KIIFA Awards 2024

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  1. Padmini (2023) Movie Review Tamil

    padmini movie review in tamil

  2. Padmini

    padmini movie review in tamil

  3. Padmini Movie (2023)

    padmini movie review in tamil

  4. Manamagal

    padmini movie review in tamil

  5. Padmini Movie Trailer

    padmini movie review in tamil

  6. Padmini (2023)

    padmini movie review in tamil


  1. എന്താ അഭിനയം! Padmini Movie REVIEW Malayalam

  2. Padmini Movie Trailer

  3. 14 July 2023

  4. padmini movie review troll 😂 #shorts #review #malayalam

  5. Padmini Movie Theatre Response

  6. 1960 දශකයේ ලංකාව සසල කළ පද්මිණී කුලරත්න ඝාතනය


  1. ஓடிடி திரை அலசல்

    கறுப்புத் திரை. அதற்குப் பின்னால் சமூகத்தின் வெவ்வேறு வகையறா ...

  2. Padmini (2023 film)

    Padmini is a 2023 Indian Malayalam-language comedy drama film directed by Senna Hegde and written by Deepu Pradeep. It stars Kunchacko Boban, Aparna Balamurali, Madonna Sebastian, and Vincy Aloshious in the lead roles. The film follows Rameshan's life, which turns into a crisis following an unexpected incident on the wedding night. The film was officially announced in November 2021.

  3. 'Padmini' movie review: Senna Hegde, Kunchacko Boban's comedy just

    The enduring interest of a good section of the population in the personal lives of other people gets a nod from filmmaker Senna Hegde in the opening credits sequence of his fifth film Padmini.As ...

  4. தமிழ் டப்பிங் FANS குடும்பத்துடன் பார்க்க வேண்டிய ஒரு படம்

    #PadminiReview#PadminiReviewTamil#Padmini#PadminiMovieReview#PadminiMovieReviewTamil#പദ്മിനിറിവ്യു#പദ്മിനി# ...

  5. பத்மினி (மலையாளம்)

    பத்மினி (மலையாளம்) - விமர்சனம் : பத்மினி : கலாட்டா கல்யாணம் - Cinema Movie Review , Movie Reviews , Tamil movies , Tamil Cinema movies, Tamil Film Tamil cinema news Kollywood Bollywood Tamil movie Tamil news Tamil actress and actors gallery wallpapers Tamil movie news Tamil movie reviews video ...

  6. Padmini movie review: This Kunchacko Boban film had the potential to

    Padmini movie review: This Kunchacko Boban film had the potential to scale heights, but it chose not to Despite starting off strongly, Padmini, helmed by Senna Hegde and starring Kunchacko Boban, Aparna Balamurali, Madonna Sebastian and Vincy Aloshious in the lead roles, descends into a disappointingly convenient ending.

  7. 'Padmini' review: Senna Hegde delivers yet another light-hearted

    'Padmini' too appears as an ordinary feel-good movie, set in a village with the protagonist Rameshan hoping to settle down with a girl who understands him. However, scriptwriter Deepu Pradeep, whose initial work was 'Kunjiramayanam', does a wonderful job exploiting this situation, especially since Rameshan finds it hard to find a bride as it is ...

  8. Padmini (2023)

    Padmini: Directed by Senna Hegde. With Aparna Balamurali, Madonna Sebastian, Anaswara Rajan, Kunchacko Boban. A part-time poet and a full-time college teacher Rameshans life take a standstill when an extremely embarrassing situation makes him the target of all jokes.

  9. Padmini Movie Review: A humorous take on society with underlying messages

    Times Of India. Gopika Is, Jul 15, 2023, 01.00 AM IST Critic's Rating: 3.0/5. Padmini is the tale of a college lecturer, Rameshan (Kunchacko Boban), whose wife Smrithi (Vincy) eloped on their ...

  10. Padmini Review: An inconsistent comedy drama

    Padmini Malayalam Movie. 'Padmini' relates the dilemma of a poet and college lecturer whose marriage lands him in a soup. The comedy drama has a smooth acceleration before breaking down due to slipshod writing and execution. Jul 21, 2023 By K. R. Rejeesh. Names have relevance in this comedy drama that has adequate potential for burgeoning in ...

  11. Padmini (പദ്മിനി)

    Padmini (പദ്മിനി) - July 14, 2023 [Official Discussion and Poll] ... Share your thoughts and reviews here. Instead of one-line posts, try to elaborate your thoughts so that others can share their opinions and contribute to the conversation. ... There are many supporting artists who performed really well.. i also felt dialogues are ...

  12. Watch Padmini

    After an ill-fated wedding night, a college professor becomes an object of ridicule. To win a second chance at love, he must face an uphill legal battle. Watch trailers & learn more.

  13. Padmini Movie (2023)

    Padmini Movie: Find Padmini movie release date, cast, trailer, review, critics rating, duration on Gadgets 360. Home; Entertainment; New Hindi Movies; ... New Tamil Movies; Upcoming Tamil Movies; New Telugu Movies; Upcoming Telugu Movies; POPULAR MOVIES . Bollywood Hollywood Web Series. 9/10.

  14. Padmini Movie Review in Tamil by The Fencer Show

    Padmini Movie Review in Tamil by The Fencer Show | Padmini Review in Tamil | Padmini Tamil Review Padmini is an upcoming Malayalammovie scheduled to be relea...

  15. Padmini Movie: Showtimes, Review, Songs, Trailer, Posters, News

    Padmini Movie Review & Showtimes: Find details of Padmini along with its showtimes, movie review, trailer, teaser, full video songs, showtimes and cast. ... Tamil Movies 2024; Telugu Movies 2024 ...

  16. 'Padmini' Malayalam movie review

    The movie also highlights the pressure faced by women in marriage. Interestingly, writer Deepu Pradeep discussed marriage and related fun in the hit comedy film Kunjiramayanam (2015). Also, in Thinkalazhcha Nishchayam, Senna Hegde dealt with a similar theme of marriage and elopement. But Padmini works since it's refreshing.

  17. Padmini Review: ప్రేమించిన వాడితో భార్య వెళ్లిపోతే..? 'పద్మిని' మూవీ

    Padmini Review: ప్రేమించిన వాడితో భార్య వెళ్లిపోతే..? 'పద్మిని' మూవీ ఎలా ఉందంటే? | padmini movie review starring kunchacko boban. ... Project Z Movie Review: ఏడేళ్ల కిందట తమిళంలో విడుదలై ...

  18. Premier Padmini

    Dear MotoFam, In this Episode of Iconic Cars in Indian Market, let's Revisit the Premier Padmini which ruled the Roads of India in an era where Cars's are co...

  19. Padmini on Netflix , tell your views : r/MalayalamMovies

    The movie started off nicely and at one point i was wondering why it didn't have a good run at the box office. ... r/Kollywood is a community for fans of Tamil Cinema, web-series, music, and more. Share opinions, news, trailers, designs, songs, videos, reviews, memes, and original content. Members Online. People who are defending Varisu as a ...

  20. Padmini filmography

    Padmini acted in Tamil, Hindi, Malayalam, Telugu and Russian language films. Padmini, with her elder sister Lalitha and her younger sister Ragini, were called the "Travancore sisters". She has overall appeared in 226 films- 142 in Tamil, 37 in Hindi, 28 in Malayalam, 15 in Telugu, 2 in Sinhala and one in each Russian & French languages respectively.

  21. Pannaiyarum Padminiyum Movie Review

    Pannaiyarum Padminiyum Movie Review: Critics Rating: 3.5 stars, click to give your rating/review,In this age of hyper editing and ramping shots, SU Arunkumar's Pannaiyarum Padminiyum shows that the

  22. Oru Nodi Movie Review

    The movie also features Vela Ramamurthy, Sri Ranjani, Gajaraj, Pazha Karuppaiah, and Karupu Nambiar in key roles. Needless to say, Oru Nodi is one of the most anticipated releases of the year.

  23. Pannaiyarum Padminiyum

    Pannaiyarum Padminiyum (transl. The Landlord and Padmini) is a 2014 Indian Tamil-language comedy drama film directed by debutant S. U. Arun Kumar, based on his own eponymous short-film.Arun Kumar was a contestant in Naalaya Iyakunar. It features Vijay Sethupathi, Jayaprakash, and Aishwarya Rajesh in the lead roles, with Thulasi, Bala Saravanan, Neelima Rani, and Mahadevan in supporting roles.

  24. Padmini (actress)

    Padmini Ramachandran (12 June 1932 - 24 September 2006) [1] [2] [3] was an Indian actress and trained Bharatanatyam dancer, who acted in over 250 Indian films. [1] She acted in Tamil, Hindi, Malayalam, Telugu and Russian language films. Padmini, with her elder sister Lalitha and her younger sister Ragini, were called the "Travancore sisters".

  25. P.G.D.A.V. College hosts KIIFA Awards 2024

    Read about the Kashi Indian International Film Festival Awards 2024 hosted by P.G.D.A.V. College, with Bollywood actress Padmini Kolhapure as the chief guest. Explore the celebration of cinema and ...