Home Blog Business How To Create a Project Presentation: A Guide for Impactful Content

How To Create a Project Presentation: A Guide for Impactful Content

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Corporate, academic, and business meetings share one common factor: successfully delivering project presentations. This is one skill professionals should harness in terms of articulating ideas, presenting plans, and sharing outcomes through an effective project presentation.

In this fast-paced reality where new tools and frameworks make us question the human factor value, we believe there’s much to be said about how working towards building presentation skills can make a difference, especially for making a project stand out from the crowd and have a lasting impact on stakeholders. We can no longer talk about simply disclosing information, the manner in which the narrative is built, how data is introduced, and several other factors that speak of your expertise in the subject.

This article will explore the art of project presentation, giving insights to presenters to deliver a memorable project plan presentation. Whether you are new to this experience or a seasoned presenter, this article promises to give you valuable information on how to build and present a project presentation that resonates with your target audience and will convert into your expected results for the project. Let’s get started.

Table of Contents

  • Who is the audience of a project presentation?

Executive Summary

Project overview, the project process model, the project scope, the project resources, the project roadmap, the project activities plan, the project risks, quality control, project execution and monitoring.

  • The Project Team

What Is a Project Presentation?

A project presentation is a business activity that brings together stakeholders and team members to oversee a project from execution to completion. During a project presentation, one or two people present a document or slide deck with an overview of all the project’s details.

During a project presentation, the project manager highlights key data about the project initiation and planning activities, like the project scope, requirements gathering, a deliverable list, timelines, and milestones.

The first instance of a project presentation is right before the execution of the project itself. Then, during the project process life cycle, you present it again with timely updates and news about the progress.

Who is the audience of a project presentation? 

A project-related audience is made up of stakeholders – all individuals and entities that affect or are affected by the project’s existence.

Discuss the project presentation with team members that’ll work on the project so they know what’s at stake and what’s expected of them. They’ll need information like requirements, the roadmap, the work breakdown structure, and deliverables.


Present your project to the stakeholders that can authorize resources and expenditures. Show them how the project will offer the solutions they want under the conditions they impose in a set amount of time. 

Stakeholders want to know details like project scope, budget breakdowns, timing calculations, risk assessments, and how you plan to confront these risks and be ready for changes. 

The Structure of a Project Presentation

Project presentations follow a standard structure covering all critical elements. Follow this guideline to ensure that you cover everything with the slides, the speech, and the discussion.

In the next section, we describe a project presentation structure you can build with SlideModel templates or working with our AI PowerPoint generator . As you will see, most sections in the structure are summaries or overviews of project management practices completed during initiation and planning. 

At the start of your presentation, add an executive summary slide . This section is meant to welcome the viewer to the presentation and give an idea of what’s to come. To differentiate your executive summary from the project overview that comes right after it, use the opportunity to place the project into context. 

In an executive summary , show how this particular project fits into the overall strategy for the company or the section it belongs to. If, for example, your project is about TikTok Marketing, offer information as to how it fits in the overall marketing strategy.

Continue the presentation with a project overview to show the audience what to expect. This section covers one slide or a combination of slides depending on the layout. The project overview slide serves as the introduction to a project presentation and what’s inside.

Include these items:

  • An Introduction with a brief background about the project. 
  • A short explanation of the project’s objectives and completion goals.
  • A quick overview of the timeline with start and end dates.

Project Overview representation in a Project Presentation

The project life cycle is the series of phases that a project goes through from its inception to its completion. The project process model is the group of knowledge areas, processes, and their relationships that will guide the activities along the project lifecycle. The next slide should display the chosen project process model and explain how it’ll be carried out along the different lifecycle phases. Project process models examples include Waterfall, Scrum, and V Model for software development, and Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) and Swimlane for general business-related projects.

Process models are important for the team to understand execution processes. Stakeholders need to see the process model to understand the systematic process of activities and how long they will take. 

Use one slide for the model, show only high-level components, and offer details during the presentation if the audience asks for them.

The scope is a crucial element of any project and needs its own section in the presentation. The scoping process begins with requirements gathering and includes the creation of a work breakdown structure , an analysis of what’s in and out of scope, plus validation and scope management plans. 

One or two slides are enough to highlight key scope details in a dashboard-style layout mirroring the information on your project scope statement. Preferably, place the scope slides towards the start of the project presentation close to the process model and project resources.

Stages of a Project Scope

Every project needs resources, and that assessment must be included in the project presentation as well. In a general sense, all resources are what make up the overall budget for the project. In turn, you’ll need to show a budget breakdown that shows high-level resources.

Like many aspects of a project presentation, what you include depends on the industry you’re working for. Construction projects use constructors, materials, machinery, etc. Software projects use programmers, designers, software licenses, computers, etc.

Budget breakdown slide in a project presentation

Time is the main resource of any project. During project planning, the project management team estimates the required effort needed to complete the defined scope. Using the Project Process Model, Scope, and Resources, a plan is built. Present a roadmap to highlight the expected time for project completion and where each milestone falls along that line.

Roadmaps can be constructed with an infinite variety of visual layouts, from highly creative and illustrative to structured formats resembling spreadsheets and tables with color-coded roadmaps across the cells. Use one slide to show the roadmap highlighting time estimates, constraints, and projections. For updated project presentations, mark where the project is on the roadmap at that particular moment in time.

Project roadmap

Every phase of the roadmap is broken down into action plans . Action plans list activities, their duration, allocated resources (human, material, and financial), and the relationship between activities.

Present your project activities plan with a Gantt Chart and a Costs Report. The Gantt Chart will show the activities to execute, how long they will take, and who (person or team) will be responsible for them. The costs reports will show how much the execution of activities will cost.

During the presentation, you’ll spend the most time on this section, as this is when and where your entire plan is outlined. To show more detail than the roadmap overview, use a few slides to show specific sections of the main Gantt chart and show key activities per phase or milestone.

Project activities plan

All projects present risks, and to control them, they must be identified, assessed, evaluated, and mitigated . Visualize your risk assessment with a risk matrix and include it in the project presentation. 

Use this slide to explain to stakeholders how you plan to mitigate the identified risks. Share with team members what’s expected of them in order to keep the risks under control. Risk management is a critical component of project management and something stakeholders will always be looking at.

Risk matrices formats

Controlling the quality of project deliverables is critical for positive project outcomes and continued success with the deliverable. This process is called quality control or quality assurance.

The project process model includes which quality control techniques the team will use and when. Some quality assurance (QA) techniques include statistical process control (SPC), Six Sigma, ISO 9000, and Total Quality Management (TQM). Use one slide to visualize the process and your plan to execute it.

Once the project starts, the project plan is a living entity and evolves over time. This section will need to be regularly updated with progress reports, performance KPIs, and status updates.

Across these slides, explain how activities will be monitored and deliverable outcomes measured. Show exactly how you will determine if the project is on course or has deviations. Visualize all execution activities with a Gantt chart to show the current progress. Use big numbers and data points to highlight performance metrics. Use a comparison slide to visualize the completeness percentage vs. planned progress and budget consumption vs. planned budget.

Explain all monitoring activities for the execution phase using a calendar or schedule that shows on what days activities will take place and who is involved.

project presentation expectations

The Project Team 

When presenting a project, include a stakeholder map to describe the management team, the sponsors, the main stakeholders, and the implementation team or teams. Depending on the size of the project, this will be an org chart or multiple org charts across a few slides.

Why is it important to present the project team to the stakeholders and vice versa? So that everyone involved knows the other parties and their responsibilities.

Another use for the team slide or slides is to present the next person who will speak during the project presentation. This gives the audience some background on that person’s role in the project.

Visual org chart of the project team

Case Study – Project Presentation Example

Using the structure we present above, we outlined a case study of a realistic project and how the project manager puts together the project presentation using SlideModel templates. The project presentation example is based on a complex project of building a bridge (Cline Avenue Bridge). For the educational purpose of this article, we are not delivering all the elements of the project presentation, as it is out of scope. Still, we illustrate the more representative slides of each section, show how to prepare a PowerPoint Presentation for a project and how simple it is to adapt the templates to the content that needs to be presented. As a disclaimer, all information we present is an adaptation and reinterpretation of the real project, modified by SlideModel to fit the use case learning goals. This information and presentation should not be considered a source of information related to the Cline Avenue Bridge Project.

In this slide, the presenter summarises the project highlights in a project charter style. The Project Manager can extend this introduction all over the project lifecycle, and the speech can jump from different knowledge areas without the need to change slides or get deeper into details. Specifically, in the Cline Bridge Project, the objective is narrated, the location is just mentioned and linked to a map for further details, and a set of important facts are presented (Building Information Modelling Process, Budget, Duration, Sponsor, and Constructor). Key Highlights of the final deliverable are listed (Segmental Bridge, Material Concrete, 1.7 miles of length and 46 feet of width)

Project Presentation Project Overview Slide

Process Model

The Process Model slide illustrates the framework for the project lifecycle, processes, planning, and execution. In this slide, the Project Manager will describe the model and how it is tailored to the specifics of the project. In this case, for the development and construction of the Cline Bridge, the builder has defined the use of BIM (Building Information Modelling) as the process model. During this slide, the presenter can describe the lifecycle phases (Design, Production, Construction, Operation, and Planning) and drill down one level over the knowledge practices involved. For example, the initial stage consists of “Design”, which has two main knowledge areas, Conceptual Design, and Detailed Design. The project manager is able to explain this definition without the need to outline detailed processes and activities within them.

building information modelling project process model

The Scope section of the presentation generally involves several slides, as the content layout is a list of “requirements.” Based on this fact, a table layout is suggested to make good use of space. It is important to avoid abusing the “list” and present the group of requirements rather than specific requirements. Otherwise, the project manager ends up transcribing the requirements document.

In this project presentation example, we present 10 groups of requirements traversing different stages of the project lifecycle. 

  • Design Standards: Bridge design must comply with local, national, and international design standards, including relevant engineering and safety codes
  • Load Capacity: The bridge must be designed to safely carry a specific maximum load, which would include the weight of the bridge itself, traffic, pedestrians, wind, and other factors.
  • Seismic Design: The design must account for seismic loads. 
  • Aesthetic Design: The bridge must be designed to meet certain aesthetic criteria aligned with the artists and architects.
  • Accessibility and Use Requirements: Requirements for pedestrian walkways, bike lanes, vehicle lanes, load restrictions for vehicles, clearance heights for boats if over a waterway, etc.
  • Regulatory Approvals: The project must secure all necessary permits and approvals from relevant local and national regulatory bodies.
  • Environmental Impact: The project must take steps to minimize its environmental impact during construction and the operation of the bridge, including implementing erosion and sediment controls.
  • Materials Simulation: Materials should comply with regulations and usage expectations for current and future expected requirements.
  • Site Preparation: The project must include preparation of the construction site, including any necessary land clearing or grading.
  • Foundations Construction: Foundations will need to support materials weight and traffic expected for the next 30 years.
  • Site Acquisition: Acquire site and terrain for building and logistics.

build bridge project presentation scope slide

Building a bridge involves a high level of resource usage. In an executive meeting of a project presentation, the recommendation is to structure this section as a Financial table with only one level of detail. Further details are delegated to specific resources and cost analysis presentations.

The resources list presented is:

  • Professional Services
  • Construction Labour
  • Quality Assurance
  • Contingency
  • Waste Disposal and Cleanup
  • Subcontractors

In order to break the style of table after table during the project presentation, we suggest using visual elements as icons and colors metaphorically related to each of the elements listed.

project presentation resources slide template

Project Roadmap

As explained earlier in the article, the project roadmap serves to offer a comprehensive overview of the significant milestones that will happen over the course of time. Given the magnitude of a bridge construction project and its prolonged duration, it is advisable, particularly for such extensive endeavours, to present a roadmap that aligns milestones with corresponding lifecycle phases in a discernible manner. This approach enables the audience to mentally envision the sequential progression of the construction process.

Aligned with previous slides, in the example we created a roadmap with the following high level milestones, and sub componentes:

  • Project Budgeting and Financing
  • Land Purchase & Renting
  • Conceptual Design
  • Detailed Design
  • Access Routes
  • Waste Disposal
  • Simulations
  • Materials Tests
  • Seismic Tests
  • Fabrication
  • Preparation of Modular Pieces
  • Build and Assembly
  • Test under Acceptance Criteria
  • Stress Test
  • Operation and Maintenance

As you can see, the Project Manager decided over a sequential roadmap, presented with little detail in timings, with start and end dates to picture dimension over the diagram.

project roadmap template case study build a bridge

Action Plan

In the bridge construction project of the example, there will be plenty of activity plans. All along the project several of these slides will be created and updated. The most suitable option for presentation tasks, durations, precedence relationship and resource allocation is the Gantt Chart Template. We present the first Quarter of the project, over the Conceptual Design Activities. 

As displayed in the PowerPoint Slide , the subtitle clarifies the number of slides that will be used for this purpose.

The activities presented are:

  • Site Analysis
  • Feasibility Analysis
  • Design Concepts
  • BIM Model Creation
  • Model Revision
  • Environmental Impact
  • Present Design

action plan conceptual design project presentation

Project Risks

Risk management is an iterative process all over the project life cycle. When presenting your projects, the risks will vary depending on the progress over the roadmap. For this specific example we decided to present the risks being discussed during the Ideation stage, where the developer is exchanging risks with contractors and the company that will build the bridge.

Our suggested layout for this kind of information is a simple table, where the risks are clearly readable and visible, while the description is a hint for discussion rather than an in depth explanation.

It is very important to classify the presented risks, at least with two dimensions; “Impact” and “Probability”. This will generate quality conversations around them. 

Outlined Risks during the Initiation Phase:

  • Design Errors
  • Construction Delays
  • Budget Overruns
  • Regulatory Changes
  • Site Conditions
  • Equipment Failures
  • Health and Safety Incidents

As the reader can spot, the risks outlined, are very high level, and each of them will trigger specific Risk Analysis Reports.

project presentations risks outline slide powerpoint template

The quality control section of the project presentation may vary depending on the quality process adopted. For large scale companies with a uniform portfolio of projects , it is common to see a continuous improvement quality model, which iteratively builds quality over the different projects (for example software companies) For construction companies like the example, the situation is not different, and the quality control model is aligned with the specific building process model. In this specific case, the project manager is presenting the quality control process to be applied over the BIM model and the Quality Control process to be followed for the physical construction of the bridge:

project presentation case study quality control BIM process model

Execution and Monitoring

During the project, several status meetings will be carried out. During the project presentation the manager can establish the pattern to be used along the project.

For this example, we set a basic progress dashboard where the project manager can present : 

  • The current timeline
  • Top 5 issues
  • Current Burndown
  • Top 5 risks.

project presentation case study PowerPoint dashboard

The art of project presentation goes beyond listing data in random slides. A project presentation is a powerful tool to align stakeholders and foster an environment of trust and collaboration over factual information.

With a structured approach, all members involved in the project design and execution can understand the direction that’s being taken and the importance behind certain decisions. We hope these insights can turn your project into a powerful presentation that inspires and deliver results.

project presentation expectations

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4 Need-to-Know Tips to Make Project Presentations More Effective

Regardless of the specific nature of your industry, if you’re a supervisor or manager working in a large corporation, your job may at times involve delivering project presentations to employees and clients.

These presentations need to be engaging. If you’re delivering a presentation to employees, you want to ensure you’re motivating them to take action and dedicate themselves to a project. If you’re delivering a presentation to clients, you want to give them a reason to commit to a project instead of giving their business to one of your competitors.

When it comes to creating a successful presentation, project management, presentation ideas, creative thinking, and planning are key. Treating your presentation as a project and creating a project plan can help you stay organized and on track. Brainstorming creative presentation ideas and incorporating unique elements can make your content more engaging and memorable. This doesn’t need to be as challenging as it may seem.  Read on to discover practical presentation tips that will help you achieve this goal:

Allow Yourself the Freedom to Go Off-Script

When it comes to developing a presentation, preparation is essential. You need to practice, plan, and think carefully about your slide design and presentation topics. Writing a script can help you deliver your presentation smoothly and prevent any unplanned mistakes. Practicing your presentation beforehand can help you feel more confident and prepared, giving you the freedom to deviate from your script if needed. Additionally, choosing the right presentation topics and designing your slides to support your content can help you effectively communicate your message to your audience. 

However, it’s also important to allow yourself the freedom to go off-script when necessary. Going off-script can make your presentation seem more natural and authentic, which can engage your listeners more effectively. That’s why some experts recommend adhering more to an outline than a script. 

When you stay on script, it’s possible you’ll unintentionally come across as too stiff to genuinely excite your audience. If you follow an outline while giving yourself the freedom to go “off-script” when doing so seems appropriate, your presentation will feel more natural. Generally, a conversational style is ideal when delivering a presentation. This simple presentation tip can make a dramatic difference in your ability to engage listeners. You might also want to research  body language tactics  that can improve presentations.

While using slideshows during project presentations has been a fairly common means of engaging an audience for years now, generic PowerPoint presentations can actually have a negative impact in some cases. People have become so accustomed to watching these types of presentations that they sometimes lose interest the moment one begins. There’s a simple way you can overcome this hurdle. Consider adding video to your presentation to help break up the monotony of slides. Video can add an element of storytelling to your presentation and make your content more engaging and impactful. For example, when presenting a project proposal, think about creating a video that showcases your project in action, or includes interviews with stakeholders or team members. Video content allows you to share a lot of information and ideas about a project in a fairly short period of time and organizes your ideas while expressing them in a dynamic way. By incorporating video into your presentation, you can capture your audience’s attention and ensure that your message is effectively communicated in a way that’s both interesting and memorable.

Video also helps you deliver consistent project presentations when you need to give a presentation multiple times to multiple audiences. Again, while some spontaneity during a presentation is often helpful when you’re making your most important points, you want to be as clear as possible. This project presentation tip will help you achieve that goal.

Set Up Realistic Expectations

Part of delivering a project presentation may involve explaining to clients or employees how long it will take to complete a project. It’s important to be realistic during this step of the presentation and avoid making unrealistic statements about a project’s timeline. 

This is understandable. However, you’re better off being honest about how long it may take to complete a project. If the members of your audience can sense that you’re not lying to them or exaggerating how quickly you can complete a project, they will often be more likely to work with you on it. This is true whether you’re delivering a presentation to employees or clients.

Similarly, you should address certain practical factors when delivering a presentation. Discuss the estimated cost of a project, talk about how you will staff it, and speak about how you will handle potential challenges or roadblocks that may arise throughout the project’s duration.

To make your presentation more engaging and informative, consider using visual aids such as charts, animations, or visual roadmaps to help illustrate your points. For instance, a chart can help you show how long each step of the project will take, while animation can help you explain complex processes or concepts in a way that’s easy to understand. By incorporating these elements into your presentation, you can help your audience better understand the project’s scope and potential challenges.  

Use Analogies

This is another common presentation tip that’s very useful when the content of a presentation might confuse some members of your audience. Depending on the type of project you’re describing, there may be times during your presentation when you’ll be explaining ideas that might be somewhat difficult to understand for someone who doesn’t have the proper frame of reference. To ensure everyone understands what you’re attempting to describe, use analogies when explaining complex ideas. Strong teachers  often use analogies  for this purpose. When delivering a presentation, you shouldn’t talk down to your audience, but you should think of yourself as an educator teaching a lesson to students who might not be familiar with everything you’re covering right away. Using analogies the way a teacher would, can help you make an otherwise confusing topic much more understandable for everyone in the room.

Additionally, it’s a good idea to make your presentation interactive and inspire your audience to participate. You can use tools like polls, games, or videos to captivate their attention and keep them engaged. A well-designed deck with visually appealing graphics and animations can make a big difference in how your presentation is received. 

Perhaps most importantly, remember that developing certain  leadership communication skills  can take time. However, if you consistently apply these tips, you’ll begin to find that delivering effective project presentations doesn’t need to be as intimidating as you think.

Enhance Project Presentations With Video Content

You might be reluctant to incorporate video content into your presentations because you suspect that creating it is time-consuming or expensive. Using video content is a great way to avoid boring infographics and bring creativity and eye-catching visuals to your presentations. While producing videos for presentations may have once been a challenge, thanks to online video editors and templates (such as those we offer at Powtoon), even those with minimal experience can now quickly create videos that will boost the impact of a presentation. Not only can videos improve communication and engagement, but they can also help to explain complex topics more effectively. To begin experimenting with video content for presentations, sign up for your free account today!

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How To Deliver a Project Presentation Like a Pro

Gary Froniewski profile picture

Gary Froniewski

Use this guide to wow your audience with a project presentation that’s both engaging and effective..

Planning a project from beginning to end is already a huge endeavor, but what about presenting it to stakeholders or clients to get their support?

You have to be informative and engaging all while delivering your presentation as concisely as possible—that, or you risk losing the attention of your audience (and potentially their buy-in).

To that end, it’s imperative to cover the most valuable aspects of your project plan and do so in a way that resonates with your specific audience. Below we’ll share what an effective project presentation entails and outline a step-by-step process to delivering a creative, show stopping one of your own.

/ What is a project presentation?

A project presentation is a presentation designed to convey the details of a new project to stakeholders or clients. This includes information such as the goals of the project, the overall project plan, and the specific phases of the project. Effective project presentations are meant to be persuasive, informative, and engaging.

Steps for delivering a project presentation

Delivering a successful project presentation can be intimidating, but—with some preparation—it doesn’t have to be. Breaking the presentation down into its component parts to map out details and rehearse ahead of time will leave you feeling confident and ready when it’s time to step up to the podium.

Step #1: Set SMART goals

Setting SMART goals means setting goals that are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound. In the context of project management, SMART goals will help you go beyond merely stating your final objective and instead outline how you’ll get there.

SMART goals infographic for the blog article "How To Deliver a Project Presentation Like a Pro"

For example, let’s say the aim of your project is to increase customer retention. That’s a worthy goal, but what actions will you take to achieve it? By how much do you want to increase retention? On what channels will this take place and over what timeframe?

Here’s how SMART goal setting can help answer some of these questions.

While increasing your customer retention is a worthy goal in and of itself, a SMART version of that goal would include more detail e.g., “Increasing customer retention through improvements to our website’s user experience.”

Making your goal measurable ensures you have key performance indicators (KPIs) that you’re tracking towards. This allows you to map all your actions back to increasing those KPIs which, if selected properly, will feed back into your now-specific goal.

Examples include:

Increasing website traffic by 30%

Achieving a 25% bounce rate

Attracting 500 email signups from home page calls to action

Making sure your goals are attainable is an important aspect of SMART goal setting as it ensures you’re working towards something you can actually achieve. This helps you better track progress along the way and avoids wasting time and effort on unrealistic objectives.

For instance, it’s much more attainable to say you will grow your website’s traffic 30% through user experience improvements than it is to say your website will become number one in your vertical or industry.

The first goal is a metric to track towards whereas the second goal is a pie in the sky ideal that may be possible but isn’t the most useful for goal setting.

Do your project goals ladder up to your organizational goals? This question is especially important if you’re seeking buy-in from internal stakeholders. You need to be able to demonstrate that what you’re doing will contribute to their interests and, more importantly, the business’ at large.

Revisiting our example, a time-bound goal would be to “increase website traffic by 30% year over year through user experience improvements, targeting a 3% uptick in traffic each month.”

This is a good SMART goal because it states what you’re trying to accomplish, how you’re going to do it, over what time frame, and it also builds in a micro goal to shoot for over the course of the overall project. This micro goal—if you notice—is also slightly more aggressive than simply dividing your yearly target by the number of months.

Give priority to important individual tasks within your project plan to be even more specific in your goal setting. This will give folks working on the project milestones to work towards and help them prioritize effectively.

Step #2: Lay out your project plan

Now that you’ve set SMART goals, the next step in presenting your project is to determine how you’ll lay out your project plan. This plan will take the form of the three main sections of your presentation:

Introduction and thesis statement

Conclusion and key takeaways

This will allow you to clearly communicate the overall goal of the project in the beginning, preferably with a hook that captivates your audience. Following this with a snapshot of your main points will let your audience move into the body of your presentation interested in what you have to say and aware of the key takeaways right from the beginning.

You’ll follow this with the bulk of the presentation dedicated to details e.g., micro goals, the project scope and methodology, milestones, deliverables, the schedule, and things like necessary resources and budget estimates.

Your conclusion will restate your main goal and also reoffer the key takeaways that encapsulate the most important and compelling parts of your presentation. If the goal is to earn stakeholder buy-in or approval from a client, this final step is crucial. You want your audience to leave with the sense they know exactly what you’re trying to do and what it will accomplish for them.

Utilize visual aids like charts, infographics, and even gifs throughout your presentation to support the key points and keep your audience engaged. Visuals are also a great way to add clarity and reinforce what you say verbally.

Step #3: Introduce cross-team dependencies

In a complex project, things often need to happen in a certain order to pave the way for subsequent tasks. One way to help determine the most optimal order is to map out your project’s critical dependencies. While there are various types of dependencies, we’ll focus on cross-team dependencies here.

A cross-team dependency is the relationship between work created by different functions that determines the order work tasks must be performed i.e., tasks that need to be completed for other tasks to become possible. Examples include developing and creating assets before they can be posted to social media channels or writing web copy prior to a site being published.

The reason this is important to be aware of from the outset is that it helps stakeholders better understand the project timeline, allows contributors to appropriately prioritize tasks, and establishes a dialogue between key players of the project before it gets started in earnest.

Ladder these cross-team dependent tasks back up to the SMART goals you set and align them within your project plan as well. This lets people know how their role, team, and department will work together to contribute to the success of the overall project.

Step #4: Review project phases

Having laid out your project plan and determined critical team dependencies, you can now review the phases of your project and map out how you’ll cover them in your presentation.

These phases include the following:

Initiating: The bulk of your work so far has been in the project initiation phase, including determining SMART goals and identifying dependencies. This also refers to details like project scope and clarifying budget and time constraints.

Planning: The planning phase covers the “how” of your project. As part of your presentation it’s important to outline project milestones, a proposed project timeline, and when and how stakeholders will communicate during the project.

Executing: This phase covers how your project will be executed e.g., ongoing costs, incorporating feedback, and communicating with team members. This is where tools like a Gantt chart come in handy (which we’ll cover shortly).

Closing: This is when you’ll track and report results then conduct an after-action assessment to see how your project performed against your goals. This phase will likely receive the least amount of time during your presentation.

It’s not necessary to cover each of these phases explicitly as part of your presentation, but it is important to discuss the elements that will help clarify details, answer questions, and relay information that’s relevant to your audience.

Focus on the Initiating and Planning phases of your project during the presentation. Also be prepared to answer questions around the Executing phase, which we’ll cover below.

Step #5: Leave time for Q&A

Lastly, make sure to leave time for questions from your audience at the end of your presentation. You’ll have covered a lot of key details, and—while the way you’ve laid out the presentation ensures you shared everything relevant (right?)—there will likely still be clarifying questions.

Try to anticipate these questions and have answers prepared or at least be ready to address them with next steps you’ll take to determine the answers. If you’ve done a good job, people will be excited to engage with you on these details.

Make a bulleted list of potential questions and answers which you can break up by phase of the project or by stakeholder/team. Have these ready during your presentation and make sure to note new questions that arise for follow-up.

Creative ways to present a project

Just as important as the content of your presentation—perhaps even more so—is the way you present it. Here are some of the more creative and effective ways to visualize your project presentation.

Gantt chart

A Gantt chart is a type of bar chart that helps visualize a project schedule, including elements like dependencies, the current status of the schedule, and how task timelines overlap with one another. Activities are listed in a column on the left side of the chart and along the top of the chart is a suitable time frame for completion [ 1 ] .

While this is perhaps the most recognized way to display a project timeline, you may or may not have all the elements ready by the time your presentation is set to occur. If you do, however, this is an informative and visually appealing way to relay your project plan.

Screenshot of Gantt chart from Instagantt for the blog article "How To Deliver a Project Presentation Like a Pro"

An example of a Gantt chart from Instagantt ( Source )

A simple and elegant approach to slide deck creation is using Guy Kawasaki’s 10/20/30 approach i.e., 10 slides over 20 minutes with a font that’s at least 30 points [ 2 ] . This method ensures you’re not overloading your audience with information while presenting it in a way that’s easy to view and understand. Make sure to leverage visuals to support your text as well.

Presentation software

Lastly, presentation software is an excellent option to consider especially if your presentation will be delivered remotely. Many solutions include tools to pin the presenter’s camera, present content of any type, or highlight and draw attention to on-screen elements in real time.

Many presentation tools also feature practice modes which allow you to rehearse your presentation ahead of time, recording and timing the result for review. This is especially important if you’re speaking in front of a large group or have a lot of information to cover in a short amount of time. 

Screenshot of presentation software from Reactiv SUITE for the blog article "How To Deliver a Project Presentation Like a Pro"

An example of presentation software from Reactiv SUITE ( Source )

Capterra tools & tips: Putting it all together to deliver a stellar project presentation

Project presentation steps infographic for the blog article "How To Deliver a Project Presentation Like a Pro"

Following these five steps and choosing an engaging presentation method that works for you will nearly guarantee that your project presentation is well received by your stakeholders or clients. Armed with the actionable tips at the end of each step to get you started, you’re now poised to create and deliver a project presentation that’s sure to earn you the buy-in you need.

Interested to learn more about how to project manage like a pro? Visit the Capterra blog regularly for new content or get started here:

What Is Agile Project Management? An Expert Guide

Top 7 Project Management Tools To Unlock Time and Efficiency in 2022

How To Build and Implement a Project Transparency Plan in 4 Simple Steps

Note: The screenshots of applications included in this article are examples to show a feature in context and are not intended as endorsements or recommendations.

What is a Gantt Chart? , Gantt

The 10/20/30 Rule of PowerPoint , Guy Kawasaki

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About the author.

Gary Froniewski profile picture

Gary Froniewski is a Content Writer at Capterra, covering all things digital marketing, with a focus on emerging trends in experiential marketing. A recipient of multiple AMD Spotlight Awards for flagship product launch campaigns, he has a wealth of experience creating compelling copy to support Fortune 500 companies and small businesses alike. In his spare time he loves to enjoy food experiences, play tennis and disc golf, and explore nature in his home base of Austin, TX.

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How to present a project? Ultimate Guide

Project success belongs to the way you adapt to present it. If you present your project in an effective way that you grab the intention of your client and take him/her to an agreement but if you create blunders and skip important points that you need to discuss while presenting your project .

project presentation expectations

Importance of properly presented project. 

Presenting a project effectively is crucial for several reasons. It can significantly impact the project's success and your ability to communicate its value to stakeholders. However, here we have some key reasons why you must present your project correctly:

  • Proper presentation helps ensure that your audience understands the project's objectives, scope, and goals. It reduces ambiguity and confusion.
  • Project presentation will align all stakeholders, ensuring that everyone is on the same page regarding the project's purpose, deliverables, and timelines. This alignment will ultimately lead to project success. 
  • An engaging presentation can capture your audience's attention and keep them interested throughout. So, you can expect better feedback, buy-in, and support for the project. 
  • Effective project presentations provide the necessary information for decision-makers to make better choices. Whether it's approving project funding, adjusting the scope , or making strategic decisions, clear project presentations are essential for everything. 
  • By presenting your project properly, Stakeholders will know who is responsible for what. It will ultimately help to prevent misunderstandings and finger-pointing. 
  • Presenting the project can also help identify potential risks and issues early on. Stakeholders may raise concerns or offer insights that can help you address problems before they become major roadblocks.
  • Project presentation helps in resource allocation . It allows stakeholders to see the project's resource requirements, helping them allocate personnel, budget, and other resources accordingly.

In short, presenting a project correctly is not just about creating a visually appealing slide. It is also about conveying information and aligning stakeholders. You must ensure that everyone involved has a clear understanding of the purpose, progress, and potential challenges of the project. Therefore, effective project presentation is a skill that you must learn. 

A complete guide on how to present a project?

Do not panic, and be confident about the content and visuals you have prepared to present your project. You should have command of all the information about your project, and you should also know each word you have included in your presentation so that you can explain it deliberately and confidently. You should follow some important steps to present your project:

First of all, know the goals of your project.

You should know the goals of the project you are doing as a project manager or being an owner of the project. First, you should discuss the project and fix its goals by having a warm call-up meeting with your teammates and the owner of the company or the client for whom you are doing the project. It is important when it comes to how to present a project.

Goal setting and owning are most important to make a project successful. It is the winning spot you set to win the race. If you do not do this, it means you do not have directions for where you will go, and all your efforts are useless.

Explain the goal of your project.

After setting the goals, you need to convince the audience by sharing the goals of your project in a way that they could have a better understanding of it. You can explain your project by

  • Verbally presentation
  • Documentations

If you explain the goals very well, you have done half of the work .

Organize the steps on a paper to present your project

After setting and explaining the goals of your project, you need to convince the audience or your client by explaining the ways to achieve these goals that seem. For that purpose, you should prepare well. You should make a layout of your presentation in which all the steps are organized and explained.

It will provide you with backbone support in presenting the project in an organized and ordered way. This organization will help you remember all key points and give you confidence about what you are saying. You know its meaning.

Prepare a rough sketch of the words you are going to speak

It is just like writing a speech. The delivery of words plays an important role in convincing the audience. If you know how to play the game of words well, you will easily take the audience to your platform. Therefore, before speaking in front of a crowd, keep in mind that you will be judged based on the words you deliver.

So, prepare for speaking and know the meaning of every word you have included. It can prove your strength or your weakness. It all depends on your preparation.

A healthy discussion with your team

When you work with your team, the pressure of work is minimized, and the moral support of your team also encourages you to give your best. While presenting your project, make your team ready to collaborate with you; you can divide the presentation into chunks and share it with your team members asking them to explain that specific part.

Team collaboration encourages success step-wise with the best quality in a short time as the work is divided and you are not burdened. Have trust in your team and get unique ideas by having a healthy discussion with them. Show value to others' ideas by considering and appreciating them.

Prepare your team-mate on standby if there appears to be a need to get their services while presenting the project. They provide you support to answer some critical questions asked by the client if you have pre- planned with your team members . You should keep this in mind when you are talking about how to present a project.

Prepare a presentation on PowerPoint

Another effective way to present the project is to put your ideas on the slides and mention the most important content about them. You can use the images to clarify the concept of your presentation and its purpose, as the images also describe the stories behind them. The images you use for visual description should be very clear and easy to understand.

Several tools in a presentation can help you present your project in the form of image illustration. You can play these slides automatically by setting the time duration. Do practice over these slides after fixing the duration for playing the.

You can present your project not only in the form of words or images but also through videos or graphics. The message you want to convey should not be lengthy or complicated. It should be simple and perfectly visible. Video audio presentation can be of more advantage in this regard.

Create some humor for the audience

If you talk a lot and change slide after slide, this will cause boredom among the audience. Here, you need to engage the audience while conveying your serious message in such a way that it seems entertaining. You can relate the bullet points or images with funny day-to-day activities to create humor, or you can also add some funny pictures or illusions to make fun of during heavy, serious discussions.

You will indirectly and silently decently engage the audience. If you do so, you will not feel the need to ask or make a request to the people to listen to you. They will do so willingly . It is an art, and if you know how to do it without realizing the audience you are doing this intentionally, you are a successful speaker.

In this way you will easily grab the attention of the client of your audience, they will love to listen and understand you, and even they will wait and expect the next bouncer from your side.

Adopt a confident body language.

It is human nature that we feel hesitant when we address a crowd who is sitting to judge us and ready to argue with us when it is our first time. But slowly, you will learn to deal with such a situation.

No matter if you are a beginner, you do not need to get worried. Just stay confident that you have prepared your presentation and practiced as well, and you can answer every query raised by the audience.

Focus on your body language; avoid doing the things that reveal your nervousness, like pressing your hands and playing with a pen by producing the sound of a tick-tock. It looks so odd and leaves a bad impression on your audience.

Make sure you have presented all the aspects.

Keep a checklist with you on paper or a computer slide and check with it whether you have explained important parts of your project, your client must know about them, or one of them is left by mistake. If it is left, it is okay; make a turn and explain it in a way that it seems you did not explain it before to maintain the surprising effect of your project.

I will say again that practice is the key to making your project presentation successful and completed within the expected or allocated time limit.  It is important when you come up with the question of how to present a project.

Present everything without getting nervous. 

Project presentation can sometimes be a real headache, even for pros. However, when you are presenting your project presentation, you must explain everything you have prepared without getting nervous. 

It would be better to keep these steps in mind to make the most out of this experience:

  • You must keep your presentation concise, but don't forget to cover any of the essential points. 
  • When you are presenting your presentation, you can take a quick pause to gather your thoughts. Slowing your breathing will certainly calm your nerves. 
  • Take notes of what you will cover in your project presentation. It will help us to look more confident in the presentation room. 
  • Above all, practicing your project presentation more can also make you feel less nervous. For perfect results, it is always better to practice throughout the time. 

Answer the relevant questions

When you present your project, there will be many questions among the audience that are mostly related to the project type, but some of them will ask such questions just to confuse you or let your morals down. Here, you need to play the mind game; do not let these questions disturb you, but answer them with patience whether you know the answer or not.

If you do not answer, simply tell them you do not know about it but want to know and ask for an explanation in the sense to add up your knowledge. If these questions are shits just to disturb you, they will not be thrown towards you next time.

You must be prepared for your question-answer session during and after your project presentation. It is because your audience may ask you some difficult or tricky questions. Regardless of what you have been asked for, it is always important to take proper time and answer their questions with the information they are looking for. 

Wrap up with a project

After discussing every aspect of the project with the client in detail, answering the queries, and getting suggestions, you need to end the session by wrapping up the project presentation in the form of a summary and giving a short review. In this way, all important parts of the projects will be recalled and finalized.

Common mistakes to avoid in project presentations 

When presenting a project, avoiding common mistakes is essential for ensuring clarity, engagement, and effectiveness. So, here are the common mistakes that you must avoid in your project presentation:

  • Lack of Preparation

Inadequate project presentation can affect you in multiple ways. For example, you may stumble over your words during the presentation, lose your thought process while explaining some concepts, or even don’t have your project material ready to present. 

Effective preparation is key to a satisfied audience. Therefore, you should also focus on preparing your project presentation. The process involves researching your topic thoroughly, creating a structured outline, and practicing your presentation multiple times to build confidence and fluency. 

  • Information overloading

When it comes to presenting a project, people usually make the mistake of overwhelming their audience with the overload of information. They add excessive data, statistics, and technical details of the project that may be hard to digest for the audience. 

The best practice here is to focus on adding the most important and relevant information only to your project presentation. Additionally, you can also add some statistics to support your key points. The best practice to simplify complex or technical project information is adding visuals in your presentation. 

  • Not clearing your project purpose. 

Without clear objectives, your audience may leave the presentation unsure. It is because they don’t get what actions they should take, the scope of the project , or what they will get from the project. 

You should overcome this problem by stating the purpose of your project early on. Moreover, it would be better to outline what you want to achieve with this project and what others will get from it. 

  • Poorly designed visuals 

Visuals in your project presentation should complement your spoken words. The visuals in the presentation should not distract your audience from what you are saying. 

Remember that cluttered or confusing slides can lead to disengagement.

You must keep slides simple, with clear headings, bullet points, and visuals that reinforce your message. Use a consistent design template and appropriately designed visuals for improved engagement. 

  • Skipping the introduction 

An engaging introduction sets the tone for your presentation. It gives you an opportunity to capture the attention of your audience and increase it consistently.

For this, you have to craft a compelling opening, such as a relevant story, a surprising fact, or a provocative question. These practices will certainly help you to draw your audience in. 

  • Not defining the problem statement. 

Failing to clearly define the problem your project addresses can leave your audience wondering why the project is necessary. As a presenter, you must provide a concise and relatable problem statement early on. It should demonstrate the relevance and importance of your project. 

  • Poor storytelling 

Stories help make your presentation memorable and relatable. They add a human element to your content. Therefore, it would be better to incorporate relevant anecdotes, case studies, or real-world examples into your project presentation. These will help you to illustrate your points and connect with your audience emotionally.

  • Disorganized presentation structure 

A disorganized presentation structure can confuse. Even your audience will find it difficult to follow your thoughts. So, you must create logical sections with clear sections, transitions, and signposts. These will help you to guide your audience through your content seamlessly.

Final thoughts

If you are new to project management and do not know how to present a project to your client or the crowd of the audience, please do not be worried and panic at all. It is not a big deal. You can do it by maintaining your confidence level, organizing the order of steps you are going to discuss, practicing and being tricky about grabbing the attention of the audience.

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How To Start a Presentation: 15 Ways to Set the Stage

By Krystle Wong , Jul 25, 2023

How To Start A Presentation

The opening moments of your presentation hold immense power – it’s your opportunity to make a lasting impression and captivate your audience. 

A strong presentation start acts as a beacon, cutting through the noise and instantly capturing the attention of your listeners. With so much content vying for their focus, a captivating opening ensures that your message stands out and resonates with your audience.

Whether you’re a startup business owner pitching a brilliant idea, a seasoned presenter delivering a persuasive talk or an expert sharing your experience, the start of your presentation can make all the difference. But don’t fret — I’ve got you covered with 15 electrifying ways to kickstart your presentation. 

The presentation introduction examples in this article cover everything from self-introduction to how to start a group presentation, building anticipation that leaves the audience eager to delve into the depths of your topic.

Click to jump ahead:

How to start a presentation introduction

15 ways to start a presentation and captivate your audience, common mistakes to avoid in the opening of a presentation, faqs on how to start a presentation, captivate the audience from the get-go.

project presentation expectations

Presentations can be scary, I know. But even if stage fright hits, you can always fall back on a simple strategy.

Just take a deep breath, introduce yourself and briefly explain the topic of your presentation.

To grab attention at the start, try this opening line: Hello everyone. I am so glad you could join me today. I’m very excited about today’s topic. I’m [Your Name] and I’ll be talking about [Presentation Topic]. Raise your hand if you’ve ever felt overwhelmed by [Challenge related to your topic]. Many of us might have faced challenges with [Challenge related to your topic]. Today, we’ll explore some strategies that’ll help us [Solution that you’re presenting].

Regardless of your mode of presentation , crafting an engaging introduction sets the stage for a memorable presentation.

Let’s dive into some key tips for how to start a presentation speech to help you nail the art of starting with a bang:

Understand your audience

The key to an engaging introduction is to know your audience inside out and give your audience what they want. Tailor your opening to resonate with their specific interests, needs and expectations. Consider what will captivate them and how you can make your presentation relevant to their lives or work.

Use a compelling hook

Grab the audience’s attention from the get-go with a compelling hook. Whether it’s a thought-provoking question, a surprising fact or a gripping story, a powerful opening will immediately pique their curiosity and keep them invested in what you have to say.

project presentation expectations

State your purpose

Be crystal clear about your subject matter and the purpose of your presentation. In just a few sentences, communicate the main objectives and the value your audience will gain from listening to you. Let them know upfront what to expect and they’ll be more likely to stay engaged throughout.

Introduce yourself and your team

Give a self introduction about who you are such as your job title to establish credibility and rapport with the audience.

Some creative ways to introduce yourself in a presentation would be by sharing a brief and engaging personal story that connects to your topic or the theme of your presentation. This approach instantly makes you relatable and captures the audience’s attention.

Now, let’s talk about — how to introduce team members in a presentation. Before introducing each team member, briefly explain their role or contribution to the project or presentation. This gives the audience an understanding of their relevance and expertise.

Group presentations are also a breeze with the help of Venngage. Our in-editor collaboration tools allow you to edit presentations side by side in real-time. That way, you can seamlessly hare your design with the team for input and make sure everyone is on track. 

Maintain enthusiasm

Enthusiasm is contagious! Keep the energy levels up throughout your introduction, conveying a positive and upbeat tone. A vibrant and welcoming atmosphere sets the stage for an exciting presentation and keeps the audience eager to hear more.

Before you think about how to present a topic, think about how to design impactful slides that can leave a lasting impression on the audience. Here are 120+ presentation ideas , design tips, and examples to help you create an awesome slide deck for your next presentation.

Captivating your audience from the get-go is the key to a successful presentation. Whether you’re a seasoned speaker or a novice taking the stage for the first time, the opening of your presentation sets the tone for the entire talk. 

So, let’s get ready to dive into the 15 most creative ways to start a presentation. I promise you these presentation introduction ideas will captivate your audience, leaving them hanging on your every word.

Grab-attention immediately

Ask a thought-provoking question.

Get the audience’s wheels turning by throwing them a thought-provoking question right out of the gate. Make them ponder, wonder and engage their critical thinking muscles from the very start.

Share a surprising statistic or fact

Brace yourself for some wide eyes and dropped jaws! Open your presentation with a jaw-dropping statistic or a mind-blowing fact that’s directly related to your topic. Nothing captures attention like a good ol’ dose of shock and awe.

project presentation expectations

State a bold statement or challenge

Ready to shake things up? Kick off with a bold and daring statement that sets the stage for your presentation’s epic journey. Boldness has a way of making ears perk up and eyes widen in anticipation!

Engage with a poll or interactive activity

Turn the audience from passive listeners to active participants by kicking off with a fun poll or interactive activity. Get them on their feet, or rather — their fingertips, right from the start!

Venngage’s user-friendly drag-and-drop editor allows you to easily transform your slides into an interactive presentation . Create clickable buttons or navigation elements within your presentation to guide your audience to different sections or external resources. 

Enhance engagement by incorporating videos or audio clips directly into your presentation. Venngage supports video and audio embedding, which can add depth to your content.

project presentation expectations

Begin with an opening phrase that captures attention

Use opening phrases that can help you create a strong connection with your audience and make them eager to hear more about what you have to say. Remember to be confident, enthusiastic and authentic in your delivery to maximize the impact of your presentation.

Here are some effective presentation starting words and phrases that can help you grab your audience’s attention and set the stage for a captivating presentation:

  • “Imagine…”
  • “Picture this…”
  • “Did you know that…”
  • “Have you ever wondered…”
  • “In this presentation, we’ll explore…”
  • “Let’s dive right in and discover…”
  • “I’m excited to share with you…”
  • “I have a confession to make…”
  • “I want to start by telling you a story…”
  • “Before we begin, let’s consider…”
  • “Have you ever faced the challenge of…”
  • “We all know that…”
  • “This is a topic close to my heart because…”
  • “Over the next [minutes/hours], we’ll cover…”
  • “I invite you to journey with me through…”

Build connection and credibility

Begin with a personal connection .

Share a real-life experience or a special connection to the topic at hand. This simple act of opening up creates an instant bond with the audience, turning them into your biggest cheerleaders.

Having the team share their personal experiences is also a good group presentation introduction approach. Team members can share their own stories that are related to the topic to create an emotional connection with your audience. 

project presentation expectations

Tell a relevant story

Start your presentation with a riveting story that hooks your audience and relates to your main message. Stories have a magical way of captivating hearts and minds. Organize your slides in a clear and sequential manner and use visuals that complement your narrative and evoke emotions to engage the audience.

With Venngage, you have access to a vast library of high-quality and captivating stock photography, offering thousands of options to enrich your presentations. The best part? It’s entirely free! Elevate your visual storytelling with stunning images that complement your content, captivate your audience and add a professional touch to your presentation. 

Venngage Stock Photo Library

Use a powerful quote

Sometimes, all you need is some wise words to work wonders. Begin with a powerful quote from a legendary figure that perfectly fits your presentation’s theme — a dose of inspiration sets the stage for an epic journey.

Build anticipation

Provide a brief outline.

Here’s a good introduction for presentation example if you’re giving a speech at a conference. For longer presentations or conferences with multiple speakers especially, providing an outline helps the audience stay focused on the key takeaways. That way, you can better manage your time and ensure that you cover all the key points without rushing or running out of time.

Pose a problem and offer a solution

A great idea on how to start a business presentation is to start by presenting a problem and offering a well-thought-out solution. By addressing their pain points and showcasing your solution, you’ll capture their interest and set the stage for a compelling and successful presentation.

Back up your solution with data, research, or case studies that demonstrate its effectiveness. This can also be a good reporting introduction example that adds credibility to your proposal.

Preparing a pitch deck can be a daunting task but fret not. This guide on the 30+ best pitch deck tips and examples has everything you need to bring on new business partners and win new client contracts. Alternatively, you can also get started by customizing one of our professional pitch deck templates for free. 

project presentation expectations

Incite curiosity in the audience

Utilize visuals or props.

Capture your audience’s gaze by whipping out captivating visuals or props that add an exciting touch to your subject. A well-placed prop or a stunning visual can make your presentation pop like a fireworks show!

That said, you maybe wondering — how can I make my presentation more attractive.  A well-designed presentation background instantly captures the audience’s attention and creates a positive first impression. Here are 15 presentation background examples to keep the audience awake to help you get inspired. 

Use humor or wit

Sprinkle some humor and wit to spice things up. Cracking a clever joke or throwing in a witty remark can break the ice and create a positively charged atmosphere. If you’re cracking your head on how to start a group presentation, humor is a great way to start a presentation speech. 

Get your team members involved in the fun to create a collaborative and enjoyable experience for everyone. Laughter is the perfect way to break the ice and set a positive tone for your presentation!

project presentation expectations

Invoke emotion

Get those heartstrings tugging! Start with a heartfelt story or example that stirs up emotions and connects with your audience on a personal level. Emotion is the secret sauce to a memorable presentation.

Aside from getting creative with your introduction, a well-crafted and creative presentation can boost your confidence as a presenter. Browse our catalog of creative presentation templates and get started right away!

Use a dramatic pause

A great group presentation example is to start with a powerful moment of silence, like a magician about to reveal their greatest trick. After introducing your team, allow a brief moment of silence. Hold the pause for a few seconds, making it feel deliberate and purposeful. This builds anticipation and curiosity among the audience.

Pique their interest

Share a fun fact or anecdote.

Time for a little fun and games! Kick-off with a lighthearted or fascinating fact that’ll make the audience go, “Wow, really? Tell me more!” A sprinkle of amusement sets the stage for an entertaining ride.

While an introduction for a presentation sets the tone for your speech, a good slide complements your spoken words, helping the audience better understand and remember your message. Check out these 12 best presentation software for 2023 that can aid your next presentation. 

project presentation expectations

The opening moments of a presentation can make or break your entire talk. It’s your chance to grab your audience’s attention, set the tone, and lay the foundation for a successful presentation. However, there are some common pitfalls that speakers often fall into when starting their presentations. 

Starting with Apologies

It might be tempting to start with a preemptive apology, especially if you’re feeling nervous or unsure about your presentation. However, beginning with unnecessary apologies or self-deprecating remarks sets a negative tone right from the start. Instead of exuding confidence and credibility, you’re unintentionally undermining yourself and your message. 

Reading from Slides

One of the most common blunders in the opening of a PowerPoint presentation is reading directly from your slides or script. While it’s crucial to have a well-structured outline, reciting word-for-word can lead to disengagement and boredom among your audience. Maintain eye contact and connect with your listeners as you speak. Your slides should complement your words, not replace them.

project presentation expectations

Overwhelming with Information

In the excitement to impress, some presenters bombard their audience with too much information right at the beginning.

Instead of overloading the audience with a sea of data, statistics or technical details that can quickly lead to confusion and disinterest, visualize your data with the help of Venngage. Choose an infographic template that best suits the type of data you want to visualize. Venngage offers a variety of pre-designed templates for charts, graphs, infographics and more.

Venngage Infographics Templates

Ignoring the Audience

It’s easy to get caught up in the content and forget about the people in front of you. Don’t overlook the importance of acknowledging the audience and building a connection with them. Greet them warmly, make eye contact and maintain body language to show genuine interest in their presence. Engage the audience early on by asking a show of hands question or encourage audience participation. 

Lack of Clarity

Your audience should know exactly what to expect from your presentation. Starting with a vague or unclear opening leaves them guessing about the purpose and direction of your talk. Clearly communicate the topic and objectives of your presentation right from the beginning. This sets the stage for a focused and coherent message that resonates with your audience.

Simplicity makes it easier for the audience to understand and retain the information presented. Check out our gallery of simple presentation templates to keep your opening concise and relevant. 

project presentation expectations

Skipping the Hook

The opening of your presentation is the perfect opportunity to hook your audience’s attention and keep them engaged. However, some presenters overlook this crucial aspect and dive straight into the content without any intrigue. Craft an attention-grabbing hook that sparks curiosity, poses a thought-provoking question or shares an interesting fact. A compelling opening is like the key that unlocks your audience’s receptivity to the rest of your presentation.

Now that you’ve got the gist of how to introduce a presentation, further brush up your speech with these tips on how to make a persuasive presentation and how to improve your presentation skills to create an engaging presentation . 

project presentation expectations

How can I overcome nervousness at the beginning of a presentation?

To overcome nervousness at the beginning of a presentation, take deep breaths, practice beforehand, and focus on connecting with your audience rather than worrying about yourself.

How long should the opening of a presentation be?

The opening of a presentation should typically be brief, lasting around 1 to 3 minutes, to grab the audience’s attention and set the tone for the rest of the talk.

Should I memorize my presentation’s opening lines?

While it’s helpful to know your opening lines, it’s better to understand the key points and flow naturally to maintain authenticity and flexibility during the presentation.

Should I use slides during the opening of my presentation?

Using slides sparingly during the opening can enhance the message, but avoid overwhelming the audience with too much information early on.

How do I transition smoothly from the opening to the main content of my presentation?

Transition smoothly from the opening to the main content by providing a clear and concise outline of what’s to come, signaling the shift and maintaining a logical flow between topics.

Just as a captivating opening draws your audience in, creating a well-crafted presentation closing has the power to leave a lasting impression. Wrap up in style with these 10 ways to end a presentation .

Presenting virtually? Check out these tips on how to ace your next online presentation . 

Captivating your audience from the very beginning is crucial for a successful presentation. The first few moments of your talk can set the tone and determine whether your audience remains engaged throughout or loses interest. 

Start with a compelling opening that grabs their attention. You can use a thought-provoking question, a surprising statistic or a powerful quote to pique their curiosity. Alternatively, storytelling can be a potent tool to draw them into your narrative. It’s essential to establish a personal connection early on, whether by sharing a relatable experience or expressing empathy towards their needs and interests.

Lastly, be mindful of your body language and vocal delivery. A confident and engaging speaker can captivate an audience, so make eye contact, use appropriate gestures and vary your tone to convey passion and sincerity.

In conclusion, captivating your audience from the very beginning requires thoughtful preparation, engaging content and a confident delivery. With Venngage’s customizable templates, you can adapt your presentation to suit the preferences and interests of your specific audience, ensuring maximum engagement. Go on and get started today!


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Project Confidence in Your Next Presentation

Many of us feel anxious when we’re speaking or presenting at a big meeting, but there’s lots of research on what you can do to look confident and competent in front of an audience. The key is to pay special attention to your body language. Make eye contact and avoid looking at your slides. A […]

Many of us feel anxious when we’re speaking or presenting at a big meeting, but there’s lots of research on what you can do to look confident and competent in front of an audience. The key is to pay special attention to your body language. Make eye contact and avoid looking at your slides. A few glances are OK, but not at the beginning of your presentation. Also, keep an open posture with your arms uncrossed and your palms turned up. Remove any barriers — such as a lectern or a laptop — between you and the audience. And find areas of your presentation where gestures would help highlight key points or emphasize a concept. For example, if you’re listing a number of items, use your fingers to count them off. The last step? Practice until you get it right. Don’t be hard on yourself if it takes more time than you expect. There’s nothing more influential than the power of your presence matching the power of your ideas.

Source: This tip is adapted from “How to Look and Sound Confident During a Presentation,” by Carmine Gallo

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10 Best Project Management PowerPoint Templates

Presenting project details in a form of presentation sometimes can be an exhausting and time consuming process. To ease that process and help you elevate your presentation style, we have listed the best PPT templates for project presentations.

10 Best Project Management PowerPoint Templates

Project management is the heart and soul of any new project initiated by the company. It outlines every aspect of your project or services, right from the ideation phase to implementation to the final product. With the help of an effective project presentation, businesses can better communicate their initiatives to important stakeholders.  

Planning, organizing, controlling, and managing a project’s objectives, goals, and resources are all part of project management, which aim towards successful product delivery. SlideUpLift has the best PowerPoint (PPT) templates for project presentations, with numerous options available to suit your needs. Let’s look deeply into project management presentations.

What is a Project Management Presentation?

A Project Management PowerPoint presentation is a visual representation about your project in its entirety, from product/service to the process to performance review. It contains slides presenting all five project management phases including: 

  • Project Initiation
  • Project Planning
  • Project Execution
  • Project Monitoring
  • Project Closing

A professionally designed Project Management PowerPoint template can help partners and collaborators align on project details to ensure all deadlines and expectations are met. These templates can be used for projects under different departments  including Business, Marketing , Sales , HR , etc. 

Importance of Project Management Presentations

The importance of a project management presentation cannot be undermined during the project duration. Stakeholders across all industries make use of PowerPoint and Google Slides templates to highlight its planning, implementation, timeline, roadmap, reports, etc. Now, here are the top five reasons why Project Management presentations are important:

  • Project management presentations ensure that everyone involved in the project knows their goals, tasks, status, and specifications.
  • It helps with aligning stakeholders’ expectations for securing support for the project’s success.
  • Project management presentations also offer information and insights to help you decide what to do next and how to prioritize your duties wisely.
  • These presentations also help to identify and mitigate risks before it becomes a genuine threat. 
  • Management presentations promote transparency, fostering credibility and trust among stakeholders as well as inside the project team .

With the help of our collection of best PowerPoint (PPT) templates for project presentation, you not only enhance the quality of your slides but also boost self-confidence and communication skills. 

10 Best PPT Templates for Project Presentations

Below is the list of our best PowerPoint templates for project presentations to help you make your efforts shine in front of your audience: 

Agile Project Team Structure PowerPoint Template

Project Kick-Off Presentation PowerPoint Template

Roles and responsibilities powerpoint template.

  • Project Executive Summary PowerPoint Template

Project Scope Summary PowerPoint Template

Program Governance Circular PowerPoint Template

Project Planning Presentation PowerPoint Template

Project Status Review Deck

Project Closure Presentation PowerPoint Template

Isometric Office Working PowerPoint Template

Let’s understand each of them in detail.

Agile Project Team Structure PowerPoint Template

  • The template makes it easy to communicate complicated information interestingly by providing a dynamic visual of your team’s structure and duties.
  • It is versatile enough to work for various situations and audiences, whether you are presenting to stakeholders, clients, or team members.
  • It can be utilized in project meetings to introduce the project team and their roles.

Project Kick Off Presentation PowerPoint Template

  • The template includes a well-structured format covering timelines , Gantt charts , different project phases , and key project highlights, making it one of the best PowerPoint (PPT) templates for project presentation.
  • This template can be used in project-kickoff meetings to discuss every aspect of the project.

ALSO READ: Best Professional PowerPoint Templates

Roles and Responsibilities PowerPoint Template

Roles and Responsibilities PowerPoint Template

  • This template has a very structured and well-organized layout, clearly highlighting every role and responsibility of the team member.
  • It encourages consistently presenting roles and responsibilities across multiple teams or projects.

Animated Project Executive Summary PowerPoint Template

  • This template includes dedicated sections for the project team, background, action taken, and the previous year’s results.
  • The Project Executive Summary PowerPoint template makes communicating the project’s essential elements easier, allowing stakeholders to understand its key points.
  • One of the best PPT templates for project presentation from the list, project managers can use it to give project updates to stakeholders, executives, or team members.

ALSO READ: Best Animated PowerPoint (PPT) Templates

Animated Project Scope Summary PowerPoint Template

  • This template lets you include all the details of any project beforehand, i.e., goals, background, implementation strategies, teams, budget, and finally, in-scope and out-of-scope things.
  • It can be used in project meetings to provide an overall project overview.
  • What makes it one of the best PPT templates for project presentation is that managers, team members and stakeholders can refer to the template to remind them of the project’s established scope.

Check out our vast library of Project Management Presentation Templates

Program Governance Circular PowerPoint Template

  • The circular design of this template divides the circle into 3 components: Resource Management, Program Management, and Project Management.
  • Program governance can appear complicated, but the template makes it easier to explain all its elements in an organized way.
  • The template can be used to present the overall structure of project governance to stakeholders or team members.
  • This template provides the project brief and milestones to help you better understand your project.
  • The template helps project managers and stakeholders better understand the project’s key aspects, enabling better decision-making and planning.
  • It can be used for post-project evaluations, progress reports, and project status updates.

ALSO READ: Best Business PowerPoint Templates

  • This template examines how a project progresses over time and evaluates how it compares to the project plan.
  • The deck promotes informed decision-making by providing crucial information in a simplified manner.
  • The deck is used in project review meetings to present the project’s current status.
  • Project managers can use the deck to present progress and achievements to clients.
  • This template helps you systematically present every portion of the project closure process.
  • This presentation template has various segments like project background, RAG status , learnings, and administrative checklist.
  • The template can also be utilized to showcase the execution of a project.

Isometric Office Working PowerPoint Template

  • The template presents 3D visuals of an office environment to create a visually appealing and engaging look.
  • The template can be used for various purposes, such as team meetings, training sessions, or any other corporate meeting, making it one of the best PPT templates for project presentations.

With the help of these templates, you can enhance the overall project presentation outlook without compromising on the key details and objectives. You can also choose to browse from our wide range of Project Management templates for PowerPoint and Google Slides to boost your visual appeal.

MUST READ: Best Websites for PowerPoint Templates

Presentation Tips for Project Management Presentations

The following advice will help you succeed in your upcoming project management presentation:

  • It’s usually a good practice to arrive early for your presentation.
  • Organize your speech and slides as a brief introduction must outline the presentation’s goals and purposes. 
  • Make it interactive with the help of icons, animations and visual graphics.
  • Spend more time on the topics that your audience may find most relevant.
  • Before diving into the presentation, take a quick glance at your audience, know their roles, why they are there and how they will benefit with your presentation. 
  • Keep your slides minimalistic and avoid information stuffing in a single slide. 

Project managers and team leaders need project management presentations to communicate and manage projects effectively in any professional meeting. SlideUpLift comes to the rescue when it comes to the best PPT templates for project presentations. 

We have excellent Project Management PowerPoint templates available, from project initiation to its closing, specially designed to meet the demands of project managers and professionals. In addition to this, in case you need any professional support with customization, we also offer custom-slides services on the basis of client’s specific needs and requirements.

Where can I find the best PPT templates for free download for project presentations?

 SlideUpLift offers the best PPT templates for project presentations. You can easily browse the free templates and download them in just a few clicks.

What are the elements I need to use to present a Project Management presentation?

 You need to include the following elements in your Project Management presentations:

  • Project Planning & Strategies
  • Project Roadmaps and Project Timelines
  • Project Dashboards
  • Performance metrics, reviews and evaluation  
  • Project closure 

Are the templates customizable?

 Yes! All the best PowerPoint templates for project presentation provided by SlideUpLift are fully customizable, which allows you to change font, colors, and alignment as per your needs.

Do I need any design skills to use the templates?

Not at all! Regardless of design experience, anyone can alter the SlideUpLift templates since they are user-friendly and simple to use.

In what industries can I use the Project Management presentation templates?

 We provide a wide selection of project management presentation templates which can be used in various industries, including marketing , finance , technology , education , and more.

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21W.785 Student Work Responsibilities

This document gives an overview of what is expected for each of the major student assignments in 21W.785. Students should follow this guideline closely when doing project work. Questions should be directed to Prof. Ed Barrett ( [email protected] ).

Relevant sections include:

Project Proposal Presentation Expectations

Students are required to create either a PowerPoint presentation or Web slide show with visuals to communicate their project proposal simply and directly. Time limit is 15-25 minutes (max.) The presentation should include:

  • Introduction: background motivation for the project. This section establishes the need for the project and states the primary and secondary audience.
  • Description of project: makes us “see” the project by describing proposed look and feel, design strategies you will employ, technical requirements, tools needed and how you will acquire them, platform/browser dependencies.
  • A preliminary mockup.
  • Project timeline and/or Gantt chart.
  • List of deliverables: what you can realistically finish by the end of the semester.
  • Project team roles.

In addition to the oral proposal, students are asked to submit a ten-page written proposal. Although a single student may be serving as editor and content gatherer, all students in the groups are required to author sections of the proposal related to their chief area of responsibility.

Front Matter

  • Title page: name of project, names of team members, group email address, type of report (proposal), and current date.
  • Abstract: one paragraph, ca. 150 words; state the problem, methods, expected results; no figures or references in abstract; do not use first person pronouns.
  • Table of contents
  • List of figures, if you have four or more. Figures should be numbered and labeled.

Introduction: background motivation for the project. This section establishes the need for the project; state primary and secondary audience.

  • Statement of objectives: the clear objectives set for your project, purpose of the service/site; its scope.
  • Tasks and milestones: show a Gantt chart which divides the life of the project into definable tasks (vertical axis) over time in weeks (horizontal axis). Punctuate the horizontal axis with important milestones you are expected to meet.
  • Roles each team member will perform.
  • Overview of the technical implementation plans (if applicable)

Final Oral Presentation Expectations ( example )

Students are also required to assess their project in a final oral presentation. The final oral presentation will be largely in the form of a progress report that details what you have done, what you have changed, how you attempted/reached your original goals, what the results of usability testing were etc. Another big part of this presentation is the project demonstration where students will show their final project to the class through a live online demo.

Time limits: Max. 5 minutes speaking time per group member, up to 10 minutes for project demonstration, 5 minutes for Q&A. Max. 25 mins total.


  • State title of project and names of presenters.
  • Reiterate motivation, scope, and statement of objectives (tell us if your original objectives or scope of project has changed since the proposal, and why). Brief restatement of motivation; objectives are more important.
  • Current state of activities. Two key questions: What have you accomplished so far? What remains to be done?
  • State any changes in technical requirements for project development or for intended audience to view it.
  • Identify key problems encountered, and explain how they were solved. If problems were not resolved what effects did they have on the project and its design?
  • Management/group dynamics. How did you organize your project?
  • Changes in your proposed look and feel.
  • Changes due to results from usability testing.
  • PROJECT DEMO: show us the current state of the design. Explain changes from initial proposal.
  • Show the progress achieved by reference to a revised time chart.
  • Indicate what looming problems you expect and how you hope to resolve these crises.
  • Mention extensions to your project and possible future improvements.
  • Group members invite and respond to questions from the audience.

Final Written Report Expectations ( example )

Students are required to write a 10-15 page final report that should build upon their final oral presentation, and fill in extra details about their projects.

  • Title page: name of project, URL, type of report, contributors, location, and date.
  • Abstract: ca.150 words, problem/need, methods, results/conclusions/recommendations (the whole report in miniature; no figures or references).
  • Table of contents (all headings in the report appear here).
  • List of figures & their corresponding labels (if more than four).
  • Introduction: background/motivation and intended audience(s) for your project. Leads to a statement of objective and general description of your overall design.
  • Technical approach: design choices; tools used; platform dependencies (if any); what you needed to implement the design. Accommodations for different browsers. Performance issues.
  • Description of design: (with figures in written report instead of demo as in oral presentation); overall metaphor for the design; look and feel; how it works; user scenario(s); navigation; links to sites and reasons for those links.
  • Evaluation of design in light of motivation: problems; what you had to leave undone; what didn’t work and effects on project; studies of users; project management – were your time estimates realistic?
  • Conclusions/Recommendation for future work: what still needs to be done if the project were to be continued; how best to maintain the project.
  • Acknowledgements (if any).
  • References: hardcopy and Web references.
  • Appendices (documentation of programming when appropriate – no need to print out code or Javadocs etc. – an overview of modules/classes designed will be sufficient).

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Project Management Presentation templates

Say goodbye to chaos and disorganisation and take control of your projects with selection of templates on project management. with these designs, you can easily track the progress of your projects and access relevant information at a glance. plus, with its fun illustrations and visuals, your ideas will be sure to make a big impression. get your projects off to a flying start with one of these templates and have fun doing it.

Business Project Management presentation template

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Star Wars: KOTOR Remake Is Coming Along Just Fine, Says Saber CEO

Studio head matthew karch said he hopes the project will 'exceed consumer expectations'.

A Force user wields  a red lightsaber with their body cloaked in darkness.

A lot can happen to games that get stuck in development limbo. They can get passed around like a hot potato, stopped and restarted several times, and even canceled. Saber Interactive’s Knights of the Old Republic remake has experienced many of these trials and tribulations, but has eluded the worst of them: cancellation. According to studio CEO Matthew Karch, the project is still “alive and well” despite the myriad challenges it’s faced after six years in the oven.

Speaking to IGN on April 2 , Karch clarified that the ever-elusive Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic - Remake ’s heart is still beating in the development infirmary. He didn’t elaborate any further about how far along the project is, when we can expect it to release, the nature of its PlayStation 5 timed exclusivity —nothing. Karch merely told IGN that, yep, the Knights of the Old Republic remake ain’t dead yet.

“It’s clear and it’s [obvious] that we’re working on this,” Karch said. “It’s been in the press numerous times. What I will say is that the game is alive and well, and we’re dedicated to making sure we exceed consumer expectations.”

Saber Interactive recently escaped the clutches of Embracer Group, with the latter selling the former to a private investor group for $500 million just this past March. Given its long development period and the fact that it has changed hands in the past , some fans have speculated that the KotOR remake may never see the light of day, so Saber’s recent change of ownership may have seemed like a good reason to reassure people that it’s still in the works.

Kotaku has reached out to Saber Interactive for comment.

Formally announced during the PlayStation Showcase in 2021 , Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic is a full-fledged remake of the beloved 2003 role-playing game. The project was originally spearheaded by Aspyr, the Texas-based developer behind the remastered ports for Star Wars: Battlefront , OG Tomb Raider , and Star Wars: Jedi Knight . However, the road got rough for the project after it was shuffled from Aspyr to Saber Interactive in 2022, with Embracer Group saying at the time that the reason was “to ensure the quality bar is where we need it to be for the title.” Though it was originally slotted for a 2022 release, before it got shifted to Saber, developers at Aspyr said that a 2025 release was looking more realistic . While Saber may have effectively started from scratch after taking over the project, if things are “alive and well” as Karch said, then maybe we’ll actually see the remake next year. Fingers crossed.


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    The Project Risks. All projects present risks, and to control them, they must be identified, assessed, evaluated, and mitigated. Visualize your risk assessment with a risk matrix and include it in the project presentation. Use this slide to explain to stakeholders how you plan to mitigate the identified risks.

  2. A Complete Guide to Creating Project Presentations

    Tips to Ace Your Project Presentation 1. Open with a Strong Title ... It also serves as a clear focal point, giving them a preview of what to expect and guiding their expectations. For instance, if you are delivering a presentation on a Solar Project, instead of saying, "Solar Project Presentation," you can begin with, "Powering the ...

  3. How to Create a Successful Project Presentation

    2 Lay Out Your Project Plan. Once you've set your goals, the next big step is to outline how you'll achieve them. An excellent place to start is by organizing your project into an actionable plan and steps for execution. You might wonder why this step is important for creating a successful project presentation.

  4. How To Create A Successful Project Presentation?

    A project plan is an official document that follows a set format and flow. Your presentation should follow this flow for maximum impact. To present a project plan, you should go over the following eight steps: Give an overview. Provide a brief overview of the project, outlining its goals and rationale.

  5. What It Takes to Give a Great Presentation

    Here are a few tips for business professionals who want to move from being good speakers to great ones: be concise (the fewer words, the better); never use bullet points (photos and images paired ...

  6. What Are Effective Presentation Skills (and How to Improve Them)

    Presentation skills are the abilities and qualities necessary for creating and delivering a compelling presentation that effectively communicates information and ideas. They encompass what you say, how you structure it, and the materials you include to support what you say, such as slides, videos, or images. You'll make presentations at various ...

  7. 4 Tips to Make Project Presentations More Effective

    This project presentation tip will help you achieve that goal. Set Up Realistic Expectations. Part of delivering a project presentation may involve explaining to clients or employees how long it will take to complete a project. It's important to be realistic during this step of the presentation and avoid making unrealistic statements about a ...

  8. How To Deliver a Project Presentation Like a Pro

    Step #2: Lay out your project plan. Now that you've set SMART goals, the next step in presenting your project is to determine how you'll lay out your project plan. This plan will take the form of the three main sections of your presentation: Introduction and thesis statement. Body.

  9. A project is--a series of critical presentations

    A critical part of managing projects is making project presentations--via one-on-one conversations, team meetings, and executive briefings. This paper examines seven strategies that can help project managers improve their ability to deliver project presentations. In doing so, it describes why project managers need strategies for delivering project presentations. It then details the seven ...

  10. How to present a project? Ultimate Guide

    First of all, know the goals of your project. You should know the goals of the project you are doing as a project manager or being an owner of the project. First, you should discuss the project and fix its goals by having a warm call-up meeting with your teammates and the owner of the company or the client for whom you are doing the project. It ...

  11. How To Start a Presentation: 15 Ways to Set the Stage

    Use humor or wit. Sprinkle some humor and wit to spice things up. Cracking a clever joke or throwing in a witty remark can break the ice and create a positively charged atmosphere. If you're cracking your head on how to start a group presentation, humor is a great way to start a presentation speech.

  12. Project Confidence in Your Next Presentation

    The key is to pay special attention to your body language. Make eye contact and avoid looking at your slides. A few glances are OK, but not at the beginning of your presentation. Also, keep an ...

  13. Talking points

    All too often, project presentations fail because the presenter failed to either clearly define the message or logically organize the supporting details. Even more commonly, the presenter failed to create a concise narrative that visually engaged the audience. This article discusses how project managers can develop visually engaging project presentations that clearly and concisely outline the ...

  14. How to make a project plan presentation for clients and stakeholders

    1. Simplify your presentation for impactful communication. When presenting to project stakeholders, it's crucial to move beyond mere data and offer a compelling narrative. Rather than drowning in the details of a project charter, consider crafting a visually engaging project roadmap.

  15. How to Use PowerPoint for Project Management: Detailed Guide

    1. Introduce the Project with a Project Plan Slide. PowerPoint is powerful project management software! You can use it to build an array of project management slides on any topic. The first step is to introduce your project with a project plan slide. Slide #2 in our template is a great choice for this.

  16. Presenting a Project to a Client: What to Include and How to Deal with

    Presenting a project to a client is a critical task for any business. It provides an opportunity to showcase your ideas, expertise, and solutions while aiming to secure the client's interest and approval. The success of a project presentation hinges on effective communication, engagement, and the ability to address potential challenges or concerns. It requires […]

  17. Tips for Setting Project & Client Expectations

    Give these creative tips a go if managing expectations in project management is a top priority for you and your team: 1. Try Gantt charts. Use Gantt charts to create a visual representation of your resource breakdown and project timeline. Communicate limitations and add value with creative solutions already baked into your Gantt charts.

  18. Free Project Presentation Template

    4. logo. Provide background information. Outline the purpose of your proposal. Define your goals. Accentuate what sets you apart. Briefly state the budget. Finish with a call to action and ask for a follow-up. Represent your project idea in several statements.

  19. How To Make A Project Proposal Presentation?

    3. Structure Your Presentation: Create a well-organized structure for your presentation to maintain clarity and flow. Begin with an engaging introduction, followed by a detailed overview of the project, the problem it aims to solve, proposed solutions, and a compelling conclusion.

  20. 10 Best PowerPoint (PPT) Templates for Project Presentations

    Below is the list of our best PowerPoint templates for project presentations to help you make your efforts shine in front of your audience: Agile Project Team Structure PowerPoint Template. Project Kick-Off Presentation PowerPoint Template. Roles And Responsibilities PowerPoint Template. Project Executive Summary PowerPoint Template.

  21. Alpha Presentation Expectations

    Final Oral Presentation Expectations Students are also required to assess their project in a final oral presentation. The final oral presentation will be largely in the form of a progress report that details what you have done, what you have changed, how you attempted/reached your original goals, what the results of usability testing were etc.

  22. Project Kick-Off Meeting Presentation: Tips and Considerations

    Here are the steps to take when conducting your own kick-off meeting presentation: 1. Invite stakeholders. Kick-off meetings are a critical opportunity for stakeholders to learn about and discuss a project's details. Ensure you select a meeting date and time well in advance so that invitees can make necessary arrangements.

  23. Free Google Slides & PPT templates for project management

    Download the Project Review Meeting presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. When it comes to outlining roles and expectations, a meticulously crafted job description can be an invaluable tool. With this comprehensive and finely detailed template, creating job descriptions becomes a simple and straightforward task.

  24. PPTX www.protective.com


  25. Star Wars: KOTOR Remake Is Coming Along Fine, Says Saber CEO

    Studio head Matthew Karch said he hopes the project will 'exceed consumer expectations' By. Levi Winslow. Published 35 minutes ago. We may earn a commission from links on this page.

  26. PDF Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP)

    Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP) - Expectations of Partners for Project Outcomes Data and Reporting . Background Historically, RCPP partners have been required to report on project deliverables, activities or ... Once a project is selected for funding, the lead partner and NRCS will work collaboratively to ...