• Applications

6 Google resume examples (+ tips on optimizing for Google)

The google logo in neon

Getting a job at Google is about as tough as it gets. M ost candidates don’t get past the resume screening. Those that do then face a long and demanding interview process .

To increase your chances of success, use our step-by-step guide to writing a top Google resume.

As well as tips and expert insights, it includes examples of resumes that earned candidates offers or interviews at Google.

We'll also show you a checklist of Google's specific resume recommendations.

Here’s an overview of what we’ll cover:

1. 6 Google resume tips 2. 6 examples of resumes that worked for Google 3. How to write a resume for Google (section-by-section) 4. Your Google resume checklist

Let’s get into it.

Get expert feedback on your resume with Google ex-interviewers

1. 6 google resume tips.

As you'd expect, Google recruiters have the highest standards out there. They also have certain things that they are particularly keen on, so, no matter what role you're applying to, follow these six crucial tips:

1. Use the X, Y, Z formula for your achievements

The "Accomplished [X] as measured by [Y] by doing [Z]" formula is great for structuring your bullet points and really showing quantifiable results and impact on your resume.

You should be using it no matter which company you're targeting, but at Google it's even more recommendable, given it was ex-Google VP Lazlo Bock who made it famous.

  • "Achieved a 40% reduction in critical bug resolution time by leading a cross-functional team and implementing immediate code fixes."
  • "Achieved a 25% increase in user NPS scores by initiating a customer-centric approach based in extensive user research and feedback analysis."

If you're not sure how to use the X,Y, Z formula, don't worry, we'll explain more in section 3 .

2. Demonstrate leadership skills

Google has to be extremely selective about its hires. It doesn't want to hire people who are only good at executing tasks and following established processes. It wants to see that you can have what it takes to be a leader, regardless of whether you're applying for a leadership role.

So include examples where you led a project, took the initiative, or influenced other people. You may want to include a "Leadership and Awards" section in your resume (see section 3 ).

If you haven’t got many strong examples from your work experience, try to find examples from personal projects or university (if recently graduated).

  • "Led a cross-functional team of 15 engineers, designers, and QA analysts, ensuring alignment with the product roadmap and effective execution of mobile app projects."
  • "Student Council Vice-President: Advocated for student needs at the university administration level, resulting in improved campus facilities, increased mental health support services, and extended library hours."

3. Show some "scrappiness".

Google especially love to see evidence of "scrappiness" in a resume. By this, we mean evidence that you have an entrepreneurial mindset, that you're used to getting results despite scarce resources and you've got a history of getting your hands dirty and going outside your comfort zone.

Personal projects often fit this description and including them, when relevant, can be a great way to demonstrate that you have plenty of "scrappiness".

  • "Founder of a domestic urban gardening business as a side project. Ran all aspects of business, from garden design, planting, maintenance, and client interactions. Employed 3 freelancers and made $80K revenue in first year."

4. Include technical skills

It goes without saying that if you're an engineer, you'll automatically be including lots of technical skills on your resume.

But even if you're applying for a role like product manager or program manager , be aware that Google still expects non-technical candidates to have a solid technical background, so try your best to clearly demonstrate yours: e.g. basis grasp of Python, computer science degree, etc.

5. Demonstrate Googleyness

"Googleyness" is the slightly hard to define quality that Google wants all of its employees to have. It comes into play more at interview stage, but evaluating whether your resume demonstrates Googleyness is a good way to make sure you're on the right track.

Does your resume paint a picture of someone who is comfortable with ambiguity, has a strong bias for action, and a highly collaborative nature? If so, you're looking like a Googler already.

For help, check out our guide on Googleyness and how to demonstrate it.

6. Don't forget communication skills

Good communication skills are important if you want to be an engineer at Google, and if you get to interview stage you will be tested on them. On your resume, try to include experience of working with cross-functional teams.

Outside work achievements, skills or interests such as foreign languages can be a great way to show that you're a solid communicator.

If you're applying to a management role, communication skills become even more important - try to demonstrate that you have experience aligning different stakeholders.

Right, now you've seen the key things that Google recruiters and interviewers will be looking for, let's see some real resume examples.

2. Example resumes that worked for Google

Before we start guiding you on how to write your resume step-by-step, take a look at some real examples that got their owners interviews at Google.

You'll notice they follow different formats, and none fully follow the guidelines we set out below. We think this shows two things:

  • there are many acceptable ways to write a resume
  • even for Google, your resume doesn't have to be perfect, as long as it demonstrates your skills and achievements effectively.

Let's take a look.

2.1 Google resume example 1 (PM)

The resume below belongs to Nicolas Lin, and it got him a senior product manager job at Google in April 2022.

Google senior product manager resume

This is a seriously high quality resume. Here's what Nicolas does especially well:

  • Quantifying achievements : Nicolas provides powerful metrics to make his achievements measurable and specific.
  • Action verbs: Nicolas chooses his verbs carefully. For instance, instead of just saying "launched", he writes "Initiated and launched" to show that he is someone that gets things started and finished.
  • Cherry-picking : Nicolas includes the most impressive two or three achievements from each role, no more. This gives him space to sufficiently explain each one.

2.2 Google resume example 2 (PM)

This resume got Imran (not his real name) onsite interviews in July 2023 for a senior product manager role at Google .

Google pm resume example - 1

Again, this is an extremely impressive resume. Here's our feedback:

  • Quantifying achievements: Again, Imran has been very detailed and specific in quantifying his impressive achievements.
  • Length : Imran has decided to make use of a second page and uses the space to go into a lot of detail on the impact he has had in recent roles, as well as mentioning his previous experience as a network engineer.
  • No extracurricular. We think he could have found room for this section in order to add a touch of color and personality to the resume, but clearly Imran wanted to focus 100% on his impact at work, which is fair enough.

2.3 Google resume example 3 (SWE)

This is a great example of a strong fresher software engineer resume. It got "Ana" interviews at Google despite having almost no professional experience.

fresher software engineer resume example

Here's what Ana does well on this resume:

  • Education first: Ana doesn't have much work experience so she starts with Education, detailing specific topics in both her undergraduate and Masters courses.
  • Projects: As a fresher candidate, Ana does well to list some relevant Projects to fill the gap where more experienced candidates would list recent employment.

2.4 Google resume example 4 (Front-end developer)

The resume below is from "Lana". It got her interviews for a front-end developer role at Google.

front end developer resume part 1

  • Skills: Lana lists her relevant hard skills in a way that's very easy for a recruiter to understand at a glance.
  • Languages : Don't make the mistake of thinking languages aren't relevant for a technical job. Lana's five languages signal that she's a strong communicator and helped her get an interview.
  • Impact : Lana doesn't include examples of impact and results that she's achieved at work. Doing so would have greatly improved this resume.

2.5 Google example resume 5 (TPM)

This resume won the candidate, let's call her Nadia, a technical program manager job at Google in 2022.

Google TPM resume example page 1

Here's our feedback on this resume:

  • Explanation: her previous company may not be well-known to the recruiter so she adds a brief explanation
  • Action verbs: the candidate starts each sentence with a powerful action verb that reflects key TPM responsibilities and skill areas
  • Quantifying achievements : she provides metrics to make her achievements measurable and specific.
  • Key skills for the role: Agile methodology was listed in the job description so the candidate made sure to include it near the top.

2.6 Google resume example 6 (TPM)

Here's another (fully anonymized) resume from a candidate who landed a technical program manager job at Google.

resume example for google

While very different in length and layout, this TPM resume has some similar strengths to the previous one:

Action verbs : again, the candidate starts sentences with powerful action verbs that demonstrate key TPM skills.

Quantifying achievements: although the candidate doesn't include many metrics, here he gives the budget he worked with in order to demonstrate the scale of his achievements.

Key skills for the role : these skills were prominent in the job description so the candidate makes sure to list them near the top.

3. How to write a resume for Google (section-by-section)

Now you've seen some examples, let’s go through the process for writing a resume that can get you into Google, step-by-step, section-by-section.

To illustrate our tips at each stage, and to help you visualize our recommended layout, we’ve created an example resume for you to use as a reference.

Unlike the examples listed above, this is not a real resume. It belongs to an imaginary mid-level software engineer called Karl. It's an amalgamation of the many high quality resumes that candidates have shared with us before going on to work at Google.

Even if you're not an engineer, you can still follow this same template, just remove the 'Programming languages" from the top of your resume.

google resume template example full

Click here to download the example Google resume

Right, let’s take the first step in building a resume for Google.

3.1 Step 1: Do your research

Find the job specification , read it thoroughly, and use it to shape your resume in the following ways:

  • First of all, work out what type of profile is Google looking for. Which skills will be most crucial for the role? Prepare to adapt your resume’s content accordingly.
  • Zoom in on a few of the responsibilities in the job description that you think are most important. Search for specific examples from your past that demonstrate experience in doing the same thing or something very similar. Find the numbers to back it up where possible, so you’re ready to include this information in the work experience section later on.
  • Take note of the language used in the job description so you can, where appropriate, match specific verbs and phrases.

You also need to r esearch the company. Google is such a huge part of our lives that you might think you already know enough about it. But to create a great Google resume, you need a better understanding of the company than the average applicant.

  • Take a look at Google's ' Ten things we know to be true " and commitments , and think about which of your experiences or achievements might be relevant to the topics articulated there.
  • Watch the video below where Google recruiters explain "How we hire".

The tips and pointers we've given below align with the advice in the resume section of the video above, so that you can easily create a resume that fits Google's preferences.

Right, once you’ve done the research, you’ll be ready to start writing.

3.2 Step 2: Choose a layout

The design of your resume should have one objective: to convey as much information as possible in a way that is clear, easy to digest, and professional. Use our sample resume as your template, and you’ve already achieved that!

Some people add a second objective: to demonstrate strong design skills in order to stand out from the crowd and impress the recruiter.

However, we recommend treading carefully with this. Recruiters for large companies are unlikely to be impressed by a resume’s design; they’re interested in the content. Some might even be put off by a “creative” or unique design. To avoid this risk, aim to stand out through your resume’s content, not its design.

Google says: "Use simple and consistent design font, spacing and sizing throughout." ( Create Your Resume for Google: Tips and Advice )

3.2.1 How long should your Google resume be?

Many candidates ask us if they should stick to just one page. The answer is not necessarily.

On an engineering resume it’s fine to go to two pages, as long as all the content you’re including is strong and relevant to the role. We can confirm this because many of the engineering candidates who use our coaching service got their Google interviews using two-page resumes, or even three. Engineering resumes are often a bit longer than non-technical resumes, as you need to go into more detail on the different technologies you're familiar with.

If you're a non-engineering roles such as product or program manager, using multiple pages is still fine as long as you have the experience to merit it. If you've only been working for a few years, you should definitely aim to get it all on one page.

Google says: " Keep it short. We don’t have a length requirement, but concision and precision are key — so think twice before letting your resume move onto multiple pages. " (Google Careers: How we hire)

3.2.2 Sections / categories

Google recommends using the following section layout for intermediate to experienced candidates. Of course, there are other valid ways to structure your resume and Google isn't going to penalize you for not following their outline. But if you follow Google's, you know you can't go wrong. Here it is:

  • Personal information
  • Work experience
  • Leadership and Awards

Optional final section

If you're a recent graduate or don't have much relevant work experience yet, Google recommends that you bring your Education section higher up:

Work Experience

  • Final section (e.g Extracurricular)

Whether or not you stick exactly to Google's suggested categories, we highly recommend keeping these general layout/design tips in mind:

  • Choose a professional-looking font: Size 10-12, black and white. Arial and Calibri work well.
  • Save it as a PDF
  • Use bullet points
  • Make sure the formatting is 100% neat and consistent
  • Include enough white space that it doesn’t look overcrowded
  • Include a “summary” or “objective” section at the top (unless you have an unusual profile which needs explaining). Your resume is already a summary in itself, so Google recruiters see this as a waste of space.
  • Include references
  • Pick an unusual font to try and stand out

In the remaining steps, we’ll help you craft each section. Let’s go!

3.3 Step 3: the Personal Information section

This section is not the place to try and impress. Just make sure you get your details across in as few words as possible and avoid mistakes. If you're an SWE or similar, Google recommends that you should include your programming languages here at the top of your resume.

software engineer resume template - personal section

It's a good idea to provide your LinkedIn page so that a recruiter can find out more about you if they wish. If you're applying for an engineering role, you should also consider linking to some open source contributions you've made. This might be on a site such as GitHub, or similar.

  • Use a larger font for your name than for the rest of the section to make it stand out
  • Include your name, email address, phone number, city/county you live in
  • If you're an engineer, include your programming languages and a link to your profile on GitHub or similar
  • Ideally, include a link to your LinkedIn profile
  • Title this section. It’s not necessary in this type of layout, so save the space
  • Include a street address, as it’s unnecessary and unsafe
  • Include a photo, date of birth, or gender, unless specifically requested to do so
  • Don’t label each piece of information e.g “email,” “tel,” etc. It’s obvious what they are, so save the space

3.4 Step 4: the Work Experience section

This is probably the most important part of your resume to get right, and the easiest to get wrong. Many candidates think that their work experience speaks for itself, and simply list their role and a few of their main responsibilities.

However, we recommend a much more powerful approach.

Instead of listing responsibilities, you need to talk about actions. This means starting each bullet point with an action verb. "Executed," "Negotiated," "Led," and "Delivered" are some good examples of such verbs.

Choosing actions that are relevant to the essential tech skills will also mean that your resume contains the keywords that recruiters (and sometimes Applicant Tracking Systems) will be looking for.

3.4.1 Lazlo Bock's X,Y,Z formula

You should also focus on the results of what you did and quantify them as much as possible to highlight the tangible contributions you have made. Ex-Google SVP Lazlo Bock talks about a common method for doing this that you might find helpful, called the “X, Y, Z” formula .

In essence it is: ' Accomplished [X] as measured by [Y] by doing [Z]'.

Following the X,Y,Z formula is a simple way to make sure you are more specific as possible about your work achievements and quantify them where possible. Let's take a look at some examples:

  • "Reduced AWS spending by 15% by designed and implemented resource scaling policies to optimize cloud infrastructure."
  • "Improved user activation by 35% YoY by leveraging data analytics and conducting quantitative and qualitative user research."
  • "Reduced server downtime, resulting in 99% server uptime, by deploying automated monitoring tools and establishing proactive alerting system."

Don't feel that all your bullet points have to exactly follow the X,Y,Z formula but it is a really useful mechanism for making sure you give clear, specific and quantifiable examples of your impact.

Finally, balance can be very important if your target role is multi-faceted, such as engineering manager , TPM or product manager . If so, try and demonstrate a range of skills in the work experience section.

swe resume template - work experience

Notice how the candidate implements the things we’ve mentioned above: using action verbs to talk about their actions and achievements, quantifying them where possible.

You'll also notice that the candidate includes the programming language they used for each project / achievement. This is recommended by Google recruiters as it helps show your level of expertise in each. However, it's true to say that most of the Google resumes we've seen don't do this, so it's up to you.

Ready to start writing this section? Use the tips below to keep you on the right track.

  • Use reverse chronological order, putting most recent employment at the top
  • Use past tense verbs, talking about completed achievements (e.g. "Led, Coordinated, Executed")
  • If you're an engineer, consider including the programming language you used for each project ( Google's recommendation )
  • Describe your actions and what they achieved
  • Include metrics to quantify what your actions achieved where possible
  • Study the language of the job description and where appropriate, match it
  • Make sure you’ve naturally included the main keywords you found in the job description.
  • Demonstrate a balance of skills
  • Be shy and humble. Now is not the time!
  • Just put your responsibilities
  • Go so overboard with numbers that it looks like a math problem. It still needs to be easy to read
  • Include lots of buzzwords just for the sake of it

3.5 Step 5: the Education section

This section should be extremely concise and clear. Hopefully your educational achievements can do the talking for you, as all you can really do here is present the necessary information with the right level of detail.

Let’s take a look at what it should look like.

swe resume template

Note that if you have recently graduated and only have internship experiences instead of relevant work experience, this section should follow the Personal Information section, and you will want to go into a bit more detail.

Google says: "If you're a recent university graduate or have limited work experience, include school-related projects or coursework that demonstrate relevant skills and knowledge. " ( Google Careers: How we hire - resume )

Follow the tips below to make sure you get it just right.

  • If you have multiple degrees (e.g. a BA and an MBA), you should write a subsection like the one above for each degree, starting with your highest level of education first (e.g. your MBA)
  • For each degree, include the name of the degree, university, and dates in the headline. If you’re a recent graduate, you can also list any projects/courses you have taken that are relevant to the role
  • List your grades (e.g. GPA) as well as results of other standardized tests you have taken (e.g. SAT, GMAT, etc.) that demonstrate your intellect
  • Detail any awards and scholarships you received at university level and most importantly how competitive they were (e.g. two awards for 1,000 students)
  • Panic if you don't have a degree. You don’t have to have gone to college to get into Google. Instead put your high school grades and any relevant educational qualifications you gained after school
  • Include high school experience if you've already graduated
  • Include your thesis / dissertation unless you're a fairly recent graduate, in which case you should summarize the topic in a way that's VERY easy to understand

3.6 Step 6: Leadership & Awards

The last section in Google's recommmended template is the Leadership & Awards section.

The more experience you have, the easier it should be for you to find two or three strong bullet points that demonstrate leadership (outside your day-to-day work), or some impressive awards you've earned in your industry or from your studies.

If you haven't won any awards or can't think of any strong leadership examples outside your day-to-day role, then consider leaving out this section entirely.

swe resume template - awards

  • Put awards in context. E.g. "1st out of 22 applicants".
  • Consider leaving this section out if you're lacking content.
  • Use awards from school or university if you graduated more than ten years ago
  • Include weaker achievements (e.g "employee of the week") just to fill space

3.7 Step 7: Optional final section

The final section, often labelled 'Extracurricular", is where you can bolster your credentials by demonstrating traits and skills that you haven't managed to include previously. The more junior you are, the more benefit you'll get out of this final section.

Google says you can include membership in student groups, volunteering, community service, social groups, especially if you have a leadership role in any of these.

You could also link to relevant publications, papers, patents, or conference presentations, or any other extracurricular activities that help you demonstrate skills relevant to your role or the kind of character traits that Google is looking for.

Google resume template - extracurricular

Don't feel that you have to frame this as an "Extracurricular" section. If you have skills with specific software and tools that you haven't managed to mention in the rest of your resume, you might want to label this section 'Additional Skills' and use it to list these.

Additional tips:

  • Include academic content here if you're a student or recently graduated
  • Include tech bootcamps (e.g. General Assembly) and link to your projects, or online courses (e.g. Udacity)
  • If you need to save vertical space, list skills in sentences rather than  bullets
  • Feel free to leave this section out, especially if you're more experienced.
  • Include generic activities that most people like doing, like “watching Netflix” or “hanging out with friends,” as interests
  • List basic skills that almost everyone has, such as "Google Docs" or "MS Word".

3.8 Step 8: proofreading and feedback

Don’t skip this step! Use a grammar checking tool and then proofread until it’s perfect. This is harder than it sounds because multiple reviews and tweaking after the initial proofread can easily create new hard-to-spot errors. The only solution is to proofread again after each tweak.

We recommend saving as a pdf file unless the job description says otherwise, and checking it opens properly (with the correct formatting) on a Mac or PC.

Receiving feedback is also important. Share it with a friend or partner, and they’ll be very likely to see mistakes that you haven’t noticed. Of course, if you can share it with an experienced tech recruiter / interviewer , that can give you a big advantage over other applicants.

  • Proofread from top to bottom and then read it in reverse to check spelling
  • If you’ve tweaked it, proofread again before sending
  • Check the file opens properly on Mac and PC
  • Get feedback on it before sending
  • Send it with typos. Your resume is your product!

4. Your Google resume checklist

Almost ready to send your Google resume? Use this checklist to make sure you’re following the best practices we’ve recommended above.

If you can answer “Yes” to every question, then you’re ready to send it.

  • Does your resume present you as the type of candidate the job description is looking for ?
  • Is it just one page? If not, do you have the experience to merit 2 pages?
  • Is the formatting 100% consistent and neat?
  • Is there enough white space to breathe?

Personal Information

  • Have you checked your contact details are correct?
  • If you're an engineer, have you listed your programming languages at the top?
  • Have you talked about your actions rather than your responsibilities?
  • Have you quantified the impact of your actions, preferably using the X,Y,Z formula?
  • Have you demonstrated a range of relevant skills?
  • If you don't have much experience, have you included personal projects?

Leadership & Awards

  • If you graduated >10 years ago, are your examples post-university?
  • Does what you've listed here have some relevance to the role or the traits Google looks for?
  • If you've included a Bootcamp, is that because you don't have work experience that overrides it?

Proofreading and feedback

  • Have you proofread since you last edited it?
  • Have you received any feedback on your resume from any recruites or interviewers?
  • Have you saved it as a PDF to make sure it displays correctly on all devices?

Did you say “Yes” to every question? Well done! If you’ve used all the tips in this article, then your resume should be in good condition and will give you a fighting chance of getting that interview invitation from Google.

5. Is your resume truly outstanding?

When you're targeting Google, having a resume that's "fine" isn't enough. T o get your Google resume from "fine" to "outstanding" usually requires feedback from someone who really knows their stuff - an ex-Google recruiter or hiring manager.

We know it's hard to get access to those types of people. That's why we've created a resume review service, that allows you to get immediate feedback on your resume with a top Google recruiter/coach of your choosing. Take a look!

Keep reading: Check out our guide to Google interview questions for an idea of what you can expect if you make it to interview stage.

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resume example for google

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3 Google Software Engineer Resume Examples & Templates [Edit Free]

Stephen Greet

Google Software Engineer Resume

Modern google software engineer resume, professional google software engineer resume.

  • Google Software Engineer Resume Writing 101

You’ve mastered the ins and outs of your programming languages of choice, and you’re feeling ready for a new adventure. Setting your sights on Google proves you’re confident in your knowledge of algorithm design, coding, data structures, and Google’s product stack.

Jobs at Google are known for being difficult to get, so to get your foot in the door, you need to create a cover letter and craft an effective resume .

Good news: we’ve helped experts like you land their dream jobs at Google before! Check out our Google software engineer resume examples and resume tips to level up your career.

Microsoft Word

Google Docs

Google software engineer resume example with 5+ years experience

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  • Principal software engineer
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What Matters Most: Your Software Engineering Skills & Experience

Your resume skills and work experience

Whether you utilize your mastery of Java to develop scalable applications, or perhaps your JavaScript knowledge to deploy responsive web apps, you’ve got skills that Google is always looking for.

It’s important to show your diverse skillset in your resume. This is the first thing recruiters scan, so try to hit all of the most important buzzwords.

Be highly specific here. Instead of a vague “programming languages,” dive into what exactly you’re at, such as JavaScript and its frameworks, like Angular or React.js. 

Similarly, talk about the tools you use on a daily basis, be it Visual Studio Code or Git. Don’t forget to flaunt your knowledge of Google’s own systems, like the Google Cloud Platform or Google Cloud Storage.

9 best Google software engineer skills

  • Google Cloud Platform
  • Git Version Control
  • Docker Containers
  • Google Cloud Armor

Sample Google software engineer work experience bullet points

Recruiters now know you’re proficient in Python or familiar with Google Cloud Armor, but how did you utilize those skills? Your work experience fills out the blanks.

Much like with skills, try to get super specific and rely on data to tell the full story. Google recruiters know the intricacies of software development, so simply telling them that you “worked on an SQL project” doesn’t suffice. 

Instead, emphasize the benefits of your work. You can do this by rephrasing that to “Optimized data retrieval operations using SQL, reducing database load by 17%.”

Tie this in with your skills section and create a cohesive resume that tells Google you know what you’re about and that you’ve already got your fair share of achievements to prove it.

Here are a few examples:

  • Led the migration of a critical application from on-premise to Azure cloud infrastructure, reducing operational costs by 32%
  • Leveraged Docker and Kubernetes to reduce errors by 29% by streamlining the deployment process
  • Pioneered and developed a machine learning model using TensorFlow, resulting in a 21% increase in recommendation accuracy
  • Re-designed and optimized a web application with JavaScript, ensuring mobile optimization and improving web traffic by 8% over 3 months

Top 5 Tips for Your Google Software Engineer Resume

  • Many people dream of working at Google, so your skills alone might not get you all the way there—it’s important to also show passion and commitment. Use both your resume and your cover letter to express your intimate knowledge of Google’s products, such as Android, GCP, or Kubernetes.
  • On a similar note, a portfolio that shows that you have a real love for software engineering can go a long way, too. Make sure to put your personal website or GitHub repository near the top of your resume and fill it with relevant projects, like a deep learning model you’ve built using TensorFlow.
  • In a massive company like Google, the ability to work well in a team is important—and yet, you should never put “teamwork” under your list of skills. Instead, use one of your work experience bullet points to describe the cross-functional teams you’ve worked with and the resulting software solutions.
  • You might want to fill your resume with all the programming languages Google usually seeks, which means Python, Go, Java, JavaScript, and C++. However, it’s best to include things you have no problem showing off during a technical interview. It’s better to master two languages than have a slight knowledge of five.
  • If you’re already using a resume template when applying to other jobs, you might be tempted to re-use it. Short advice: don’t. Read the job description carefully and craft a new resume , specifically with a Google software engineer job in mind.

Highlight the projects you’ve participated in! Fill your GitHub repository with projects relevant to Google, such as a cross-platform mobile application built in React.

Your work experience is more important, but certifications are great to add. Google has plenty of certifications under the Google Certified Professional umbrella, such as the GCP-PCA, PDE, PCD, CNE, or CSE.

Make it concise and easy to read, with a strong focus on technical skills , like Java, Python, or MongoDB. Attach relevant data, like a reduction in product deployment time, to show your greatest achievements.

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10+ Resume Examples by People Who Got Hired at Google, Adidas & Others

  • Kaja Jurcisinova , 
  • Updated January 12, 2024 5 min read

Over the past couple of years, we've asked hundreds of our users for permission to share their successful resumes with us. Some of them said yes. And now, we can show these resume examples to other job seekers. 

Because in the end, there's theory and there's practice. There's book smart and street smart. And then, there are resume guides and resume examples . 

Although the two best work together, you don't always need the theory to come up with good practical results.

Sure, you can spend hours reading theory on how to write a resume . Or you can take a shortcut and see how other people actually write their resumes.

A single example is often worth a thousand words!

So, let's draw inspiration from people who managed to land a job in some of the most competitive companies in the world. 

Oh, and once you finish your resume, you can try to compare it to other successful resumes from our database and see what you can improve. Our resume analytics tool can do this for you.

Disclaimer: These resume examples were made using Kickresume's templates. The resumes were anonymized, that is unless their author specified that they wanted their real name and information made public.

1. Google: Manufacturing Supervisor Resume Example

Google receives over one million resumes per year. No wonder they've become famous for their demanding interview process. But John has managed to get the job nonetheless.

First, notice how he used the profile section to emphasize four relevant keywords for the position. They're all in caps and bold. 

Second, the bullet points make the CV easy to read by structuring its contents. Third, John quantified most of his accomplishments. When he improves customer satisfaction, it's by 18%, not just by "a lot" . Do the same, be like John.

Manufacturing Supervisor at Google

This resume sample was contributed by a real person who got hired with Kickresume’s help.

2. NYU: Associate Director Resume Sample

Notice the length of this resume. Although a resume should rarely exceed two pages (or one page in length if you're at the start of your career), “Boby Eduram” was right to make his resume three pages long. 

That's because when applying for a job in academia, especially a career at NYU , you're expected to provide an exhaustive account of your previous professional experiences. Second, he was applying for a senior role. It's easy to justify a three-page resume when you have over 30 years of experience in the field.

Associate Director at NYU

3. ikea: e-commerce operations manager resume example.

This resume is an excellent all-rounder. It could benefit from minor tweaks here and there, but in general, it serves its purpose well. 

It's packed with keywords, clearly structured, and contains little to no irrelevant fluff. In combination with a sleek design , it easily passes the recruiters' seven seconds test . As it turns out, recruiters spend no longer than 8 seconds looking at each resume thanks to lack of time. So by making your resume airy and easy to read, you make their job easier. As a result, your CV will be more likable.

E-commerce Operations Manager at IKEA

4. pepsico: intelligence manager resume example.

We keep saying it again and again—never underestimate the power of past tense! And finally, this is a resume example that does it consistently.

“Hanie” understood that hiring managers don't really care about details of your past responsibilities. Instead, they want to know if you've managed to successfully tackle them. 

Telling someone about that thing you did is infinitely more impressive than telling them about that thing you were supposed to do.

Intelligence Manager at Pepsico

5. accenture: software engineering team lead resume example.

This resume struggled to fill a single page. And it still managed to score an interview with some of the best global consulting companies in the world. How? 

We believe it was the personality it exudes. Notice how it uses the "I". Once you begin your resume with it, it's almost impossible not to tell your story. 

And ultimately, that's at least as important as your hard skills.

In your resume, be a storyteller as well.

Software Engineering Team Lead at Accenture

6. amazon: system administrator resume sample.

This resume example is exceptional in the way it integrates content and design as it makes great use of visual elements to emphasize important keywords. 

Moreover, notice the Awards section . Adding an extra category like this one to your resume can really elevate your chances of being noticed.

Finally, all of its elements work great in unison, providing the hiring manager with an enjoyable reading experience.

System Administrator at Amazon

7. dell: program manager resume sample.

This is one of those resume examples that embodies what a resume really should stand for. But what makes it such? 

Well, first of all, it offers a brief and targeted account of your past experiences. 

Compared to other resume examples that often get too wordy or overly elaborate, Mr. Ghostly's resume remains uncompromisingly efficient. 

A great example of how much can be achieved with a resume that deliberately does only the necessary minimum.

Program Manager at Dell

8. t-mobile: junior product manager resume example.

This resume example has one of the best resume objectives we've ever seen (and we hate resume objectives 90% of the time). It's personable, straight to the point, yet passionate. 

The rest of the resume is equally impressive. So make sure you see the rest of it by clicking on the image below. This will take you to our resume example section . Then, all you'll have to do is to scroll down to see the rest of the text of this resume example. Over there, you'll find an excellent example of how you should list your achievements on a resume .

Junior Product Manager at T-Mobile

9. vodafone: release manager & customer specialist resume example.

“Pedro” has shown us that sometimes it's okay to ditch bullet points in favor of a full-blown narrative. 

Sure, this resume example would look a little bit cleaner if it used bullets, but he did score the job, right? 

Pedro's secret is that via his resume, he manages to absorb you into his story. By doing so he tells you everything you need to know to hire him within only one page. 

What also helps is that the rest of the page is clearly structured, not overcrowded, and offers a fairly well-rounded idea about the person behind the resume.

Release Manager & Customer Support Specialist at Vodafone

10. adidas: sales representative resume sample.

This resume example ties together most of the points we've made about the previous resumes.

It has a great resume summary, clear structure, numerous bullet points , usage of past tense, and makes the most out of a captivating design. 

All of these elements make this resume an excellent example of how a simple career document can get your foot in the door. Even at Adidas.

Sales Representative at Adidas

11. deloitte: finance manager resume sample.

Shalane Flanagan made sure that his resume will be noticed by the ATS. He has done so by using plenty of ATS-friendly keywords throughout his whole resume. 

He also wasn't scared of a little bit of color, so we're sure his resume stood out in the sea of black and white documents once it got into the hands of a recruiter. 

Finally, the number of detailed bullet points used in this resume may be a little overwhelming. But at the same time, it shows that the candidate is skilled and highly experienced.

Finance Manager at Deloitte

12. air france: team manager resume sample.

This final resume is proof that a nice design can indeed get you far. Especially if a creative template is complemented by a clear structure and enough free space between the sections. 

In the end, it creates an orderly, yet original impression. 

Finally, notice the Skills section. This is a great one to include in your resume —especially if you work in IT. It paints a clear picture of your abilities and experience.

Team Manager Resume Sample at Air France

13. amazon: data analyst.

Amazon's workforce has more than doubled in the past five years. As of 2023, Amazon had 1.5 million  full- and part-time employees according to Statista.

To match its rapid expansion, Amazon developed a recruitment process designed to swiftly and efficiently onboard numerous candidates, ensuring they consistently hired top-notch talent.

To do so, Amazon is using advanced tools to help hiring teams sift through many applications quickly without missing out on great candidates.

These programs check the skills and experience of the applicants, as well as references automatically. What does this mean?

It means that you should pay extra attention to these resume sections. Just like the following person:

Data Analyst at Amazon Resume Sample

This article was recently updated. The original article was written by Martin Poduska in 2018.

Kaja Jurcisinova is a junior copywriter at Kickresume. Kaja completed her undergraduate degree in Art History at the University of St Andrews in 2018 and graduated with a Master’s in Arts and Culture from the University of Groningen in 2021. She was an intern at multiple cultural institutions across Europe, including the Dutch Museum Association in Amsterdam, the Matter of Art Biennale in Prague, and the European Cultural Centre in Venice. At the moment, she resides in Visby on the Swedish island of Gotland.

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  • Google Software Engineer Resume Example

Resume Examples

  • Common Tasks & Responsibilities
  • Top Hard & Soft Skills
  • Action Verbs & Keywords
  • Resume FAQs
  • Similar Resumes

Common Responsibilities Listed on Google Software Engineer Resumes:

  • Develop and maintain software applications using Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
  • Design and implement software solutions using Google technologies such as Java, Python, and Go
  • Create and maintain unit tests and automated tests for software applications
  • Collaborate with other engineers to develop and maintain software applications
  • Troubleshoot and debug software applications
  • Develop and maintain documentation for software applications
  • Participate in code reviews and provide feedback
  • Develop and maintain automated build and deployment processes
  • Monitor and optimize application performance
  • Design and implement software solutions for scalability and reliability
  • Research and evaluate new technologies and tools for software development

Speed up your resume creation process with the AI-Powered Resume Builder . Generate tailored achievements in seconds for every role you apply to.

Google Software Engineer Resume Example:

  • Designed and implemented a new automated testing framework, resulting in a 50% reduction in testing time and a 25% increase in test coverage.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to optimize application performance, resulting in a 30% reduction in latency and a 20% increase in user satisfaction.
  • Developed and maintained documentation for software applications, resulting in a 40% reduction in onboarding time for new engineers.
  • Developed and implemented a new build and deployment process, reducing deployment time by 60% and minimizing production issues by 50%.
  • Designed and implemented a new microservices architecture, improving system reliability by 40% and supporting a 25% increase in customer base.
  • Collaborated with other engineers to troubleshoot and debug software applications, resulting in a 30% reduction in bug-related delays.
  • Developed and maintained software applications using Google Cloud Platform (GCP), resulting in a 20% increase in application performance and a 15% reduction in operational costs.
  • Designed and implemented software solutions using Google technologies such as Java, Python, and Go, resulting in a 25% increase in team productivity and a 20% reduction in development time.
  • Participated in code reviews and provided feedback, resulting in a 30% improvement in overall code quality and a 20% reduction in production issues.
  • Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
  • Microservices architecture
  • Automated testing frameworks
  • Application performance optimization
  • Software debugging and troubleshooting
  • Build and deployment processes
  • Cross-functional collaboration
  • Code review and feedback
  • Software documentation
  • Application scalability
  • System reliability
  • User satisfaction

Top Skills & Keywords for Google Software Engineer Resumes:

Hard skills.

  • Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
  • Algorithms and Data Structures
  • Software Design Patterns
  • Database Management and Optimization
  • Cloud Computing (AWS, GCP, Azure)
  • Distributed Systems
  • Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
  • Web Development (HTML, CSS, JavaScript)
  • Mobile Development (iOS, Android)
  • Debugging and Troubleshooting
  • Test-Driven Development (TDD)
  • Version Control (Git)

Soft Skills

  • Problem Solving and Critical Thinking
  • Collaboration and Cross-Functional Coordination
  • Communication and Presentation Skills
  • Adaptability and Flexibility
  • Time Management and Prioritization
  • Attention to Detail and Accuracy
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Leadership and Team Management
  • Decision Making and Strategic Planning
  • Active Listening and Feedback Incorporation
  • Emotional Intelligence and Relationship Building
  • Continuous Learning and Self-Improvement

Resume Action Verbs for Google Software Engineers:

  • Implemented
  • Collaborated
  • Streamlined
  • Architected
  • Orchestrated
  • Troubleshot

Generate Your Resume Summary

resume example for google

Resume FAQs for Google Software Engineers:

How long should i make my google software engineer resume, what is the best way to format a google software engineer resume, which keywords are important to highlight in a google software engineer resume, how should i write my resume if i have no experience as a google software engineer, compare your google software engineer resume to a job description:.

  • Identify opportunities to further tailor your resume to the Google Software Engineer job
  • Improve your keyword usage to align your experience and skills with the position
  • Uncover and address potential gaps in your resume that may be important to the hiring manager

Complete the steps below to generate your free resume analysis.

Related Resumes for Google Software Engineers:

Google software engineer, backend developer, front end developer, full stack developer, junior software engineer, senior software engineer, software developer, software engineer intern.

  • • Led a team of 10 to strategize and deliver software resulting in a 25% increase in user engagement.
  • • Implemented user feedback to improve product design leading to a 15% increase in customer satisfaction.
  • • Reduced project timeline by 30% by streamlining processes and increasing team efficiency.
  • • Increased app downloads by 40% by leading the development of new product features.
  • • Improved cross-functional communication resulting in a 20% increase in project completion rate.
  • • Managed a product portfolio of over $5M and ensured timely delivery.
  • • Identified improvement opportunities leading to a 10% increase in product performance.
  • • Conducted regular competitive analysis and shared insights with the product team.
  • • Collaborated with the marketing team for product positioning resulting in a 15% increase in market share.

5 Google Product Manager Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

Your Google product manager resume should clearly highlight your expertise in product development and user experience design. Demonstrate your ability to lead cross-functional teams to drive successful product launches. Incorporate specific metrics to quantify the impact you've made in previous roles. Show how your strategic vision and data-driven decisions have led to concrete outcomes on your Google product manager resume.

All resume examples in this guide

resume example for google

Resume Guide

Structuring your google product manager resume to engage recruiters, the experience section of your google product manager resume: your professional journey, spotlighting your google product manager hard and soft skills, choosing the right certifications and education for your google product manager resume, summary or objective: maximizing the impact of the top third of your resume, extra sections to boost your google product manager resume, key takeaways.

Google Product Manager resume example

A specific resume challenge faced by a Google Product Manager is effectively showcasing their diverse range of skills and experiences in product development, marketing strategy, and team leadership within the concise format of a resume. Our guide can assist in this challenge by providing clear strategies and practical examples on how to highlight your key achievements, demonstrate impact through quantifiable results, and tailor your resume to highlight relevant experiences that align with Google’s values and business objectives.

Stay tuned for more ideas on how to write your google product manager resume:

  • Find different google product manager resume examples to serve as inspiration to your professional presentation.
  • How to use the summary or objective to highlight your career achievements.
  • How to create the experience section to tell your story.
  • Must have certificates and what to include in the education section of your resume.

Recommended reads:

  • Senior Product Manager resume
  • Junior Scrum Master resume
  • Junior Product Manager resume
  • Agile Product Manager resume
  • Amazon Product Manager resume

The presentation of your google product manager resume is crucial.

Is it easy to read and well-organized? Does it have a logical flow?

Avoid overwhelming recruiters with a cluttered document. Instead, follow these best practices to ensure a consistent resume format :

  • Include a header in the top third of your google product manager resume for easy contact and quick access to your professional portfolio or LinkedIn profile.
  • In the experience section, start with your most recent role and detail your career in a reverse-chronological order .
  • Unless specified, submit your resume as a PDF to maintain its layout. Some companies might request other formats.
  • If you're applying for a senior position and have over a decade of relevant experience, a two-page google product manager resume is acceptable. Otherwise, aim for a single page.

Upload your resume

Drop your resume here or choose a file . PDF & DOCX only. Max 2MB file size.

Prioritize clarity and organization in your google product manager resume. Use ample white space, choose readable fonts, and clearly delineate each section.

Recruiters' top picks for google product manager resume sections:

  • A header with essential contact details and a headline showcasing your current role.
  • A summary or objective that aligns your standout expertise with the role's demands.
  • An experience section that delves into your key responsibilities and achievements.
  • A skills section that intertwines job requirements with your unique capabilities.
  • Education and certifications sections that bolster your professional credentials.

What recruiters want to see on your resume:

  • Proven record in managing all aspects of a successful product throughout its lifecycle.
  • Demonstrated ability to work cross-functionally, particularly with engineering and design teams.
  • Experience working with Google's technology stack or similar technologies.
  • Track record of delivering products that meet business requirements and drive significant customer impact.
  • Strong understanding of user experience (UX) principles and data-driven decision-making.
  • Types of Resumes
  • The 23 Most Creative Resume Designs We've Seen

The experience section is your platform to narrate your professional story. Recruiters scrutinize this section to gauge your unique value proposition.

Here are five steps to craft a compelling experience section:

  • Highlight relevant roles, including the company, role description, and tenure, supported by up to six bullet points per role.
  • Emphasize tangible outcomes of your contributions, using quantifiable metrics where possible.
  • Integrate positive feedback or endorsements to bolster your claims.
  • Ensure verb tense consistency when detailing responsibilities.
  • Summarize significant achievements relevant to each role.

Explore how seasoned google product manager professionals have crafted their experience sections to secure roles at industry-leading firms.

  • Led cross-functional teams to develop and launch innovative products, resulting in a 20% increase in user engagement.
  • Collaborated with engineers and designers to prioritize features and improve the user experience, leading to a 15% reduction in customer complaints.
  • Analyzed market trends and competitor offerings to identify new opportunities, resulting in a 25% growth in market share.
  • Managed product roadmap and backlog, ensuring timely delivery of key milestones and meeting project deadlines.
  • Conducted user research and gathered feedback to drive product enhancements and address user pain points.
  • Defined product strategy and vision, aligning with business goals and driving a 30% increase in revenue.
  • Evaluated customer needs through surveys and data analysis, resulting in the development of a new product line that generated $5 million in sales.
  • Collaborated with sales and marketing teams to create effective go-to-market strategies, resulting in a 40% increase in product adoption.
  • Managed the full product lifecycle, from ideation to launch, and conducted post-launch analysis to inform future iterations.
  • Identified and resolved key product issues, resulting in a 50% decrease in customer support tickets.
  • Developed and executed product roadmap, driving the successful launch of multiple mobile apps for iOS and Android platforms.
  • Conducted A/B tests and analyzed user data to optimize app functionality, resulting in a 25% increase in user retention.
  • Collaborated with engineering teams to prioritize feature development and resolve technical challenges.
  • Led the integration of third-party APIs and services, expanding product capabilities and enhancing the user experience.
  • Managed relationships with external partners and negotiated agreements, resulting in a 20% reduction in operational costs.
  • Defined product vision and strategy, aligning with company objectives and driving a 35% increase in annual revenue.
  • Managed a team of product managers and coordinated cross-functional efforts to ensure timely delivery of product milestones.
  • Identified customer pain points and market opportunities through user research and data analysis, informing product roadmap decisions.
  • Developed pricing strategies and conducted competitive analysis to optimize product positioning and maximize profitability.
  • Implemented agile methodologies and improved internal processes, resulting in a 20% increase in productivity.
  • Led product planning and development of web-based applications, resulting in a 40% improvement in user satisfaction.
  • Collaborated with UX designers to create intuitive user interfaces and enhance overall usability.
  • Conducted usability testing and gathered user feedback, iterating product features to address user needs and preferences.
  • Managed vendor relationships and negotiated contracts, reducing procurement costs by 15%.
  • Developed and executed go-to-market strategies, resulting in a 30% increase in product adoption.
  • Defined product requirements and prioritized features based on market analysis and customer feedback, resulting in a 25% increase in customer satisfaction.
  • Collaborated with data scientists to implement machine learning algorithms, improving product personalization and driving a 20% growth in user engagement.
  • Analyzed user behavior and conversion funnels to identify optimization opportunities, resulting in a 15% increase in conversion rates.
  • Managed agile development processes and facilitated sprint planning and retrospectives for efficient project execution.
  • Developed and maintained strong relationships with key stakeholders, ensuring alignment and support for product initiatives.
  • Researched and evaluated emerging technologies and industry trends to drive innovation and inform product roadmap decisions.
  • Led the development of a cloud-based platform, resulting in a 30% reduction in infrastructure costs for enterprise clients.
  • Collaborated with sales teams to identify customer needs and develop customized solutions, increasing upsell opportunities by 25%.
  • Managed beta testing programs and collected user feedback, iterating product features to meet customer requirements.
  • Developed pricing models and conducted financial analysis to optimize profitability and drive revenue growth.
  • Led the development of a mobile advertising platform, resulting in a 40% increase in ad impressions and a 20% boost in revenue.
  • Collaborated with data scientists to implement predictive analytics capabilities, enabling targeted ad campaigns and improving conversion rates by 30%.
  • Managed relationships with advertising partners and negotiated contracts, expanding the platform's reach and increasing monetization opportunities.
  • Conducted competitor analysis and market research to identify product differentiators and drive competitive positioning.
  • Defined and tracked key performance indicators (KPIs), providing regular reports to stakeholders and driving data-informed decision-making.
  • Defined product vision and strategy for a subscription-based SaaS platform, resulting in a 50% increase in customer acquisition.
  • Conducted market research and competitive analysis to identify target segments and develop effective marketing campaigns.
  • Managed cross-functional teams and facilitated agile development processes, ensuring timely delivery of product releases.
  • Implemented user feedback loops and conducted usability testing, iterating product features to enhance user satisfaction.
  • Developed pricing and packaging strategies, resulting in a 20% increase in average revenue per user.
  • Led product planning and roadmap execution, driving the launch of a new e-commerce platform that resulted in a 35% increase in online sales.
  • Collaborated with UX designers to create a seamless user experience and improve conversion rates by 25%.
  • Implemented data-driven decision-making processes, leveraging analytics to optimize product performance and identify growth opportunities.
  • Managed vendor relationships and negotiated contracts, resulting in a 15% reduction in procurement costs.
  • Conducted customer research and analyzed user behavior to inform product enhancements and drive customer satisfaction.

Quantifying impact on your resume

  • Highlight the number of products or projects you've managed, showing your breadth of experience in overseeing different kinds of work.
  • Showcase the size of teams you've managed, reflecting your leadership capabilities and team management skills.
  • Specify the percentage increase in user engagement or customer satisfaction under your product management, proving you can deliver results.
  • Include the revenue generated or increased from the products you've managed, illustrating your direct impact on business growth.
  • Indicate how much project timelines were reduced under your management, demonstrating efficiency and time management skills.
  • Quantify the number of new features or improvements you've implemented in a product, to show your innovative thinking and problem-solving abilities.
  • Mention the number of market research studies or user testing sessions you've conducted, suggesting your data-driven approach to product development.
  • List the percentage improvement in key performance indicators (KPIs) for products you've managed, showing your focus on measurable outcomes.

Strategies for candidates with limited or no experience

Even if you're light on experience, other facets of your google product manager resume can resonate with job requirements:

  • Education: Detail skills acquired that dovetail with job expectations.
  • Internships & Temporary Roles: Spotlight roles that underscore your relevant expertise.
  • Skills: Address both foundational and nuanced job qualifications.
  • Strengths & Achievements: Illuminate the distinct value you bring, even if you're newer to the industry.
  • Resume Action Verbs
  • How Far Back Should Your Resume Go

When detailing your career journey, there's no need to delve deep into early roles. Prioritize what resonates with recruiters. For senior positions, a decade-long retrospective can effectively illustrate your evolution.

Hard skills denote your technological proficiency and expertise in specific tools or software. These skills are often validated through certifications and hands-on experience.

Soft skills , on the other hand, reflect your interpersonal abilities and how you navigate workplace dynamics. These skills are cultivated over a lifetime and can be more nuanced.

Why the emphasis on both? Hard skills demonstrate your technical competence and reduce training needs. Soft skills suggest adaptability and cultural fit.

To optimize your skills section:

  • Forego basic skills like "Excel" in favor of more specific proficiencies like "Excel Macros".
  • Highlight core values and work ethics as soft skills, indicating what you prioritize in a professional setting.
  • If relevant, create a distinct section for language proficiencies.
  • Balance hard and soft skills by crafting a strengths or achievements section, illustrating outcomes achieved through both skill sets.

To assist you, we've curated a list of skills highly sought after by recruiters. Ensure you integrate those that resonate with your expertise and the prospective employer's needs:

Top skills for your google product manager resume

Product Development

Data Analysis

Project Management

UX/UI Design Principles

Market Research

Strategic Planning

Knowledge of Google's Products and Services

Technical Proficiency

Business Acumen

Agile Methodologies



Critical Thinking



Time Management



Consider dedicating a separate skills section on your google product manager resume to showcase your technical proficiencies, especially if you want to highlight specific software expertise.

Your education section can highlight skills and experiences perfect for the job.

  • List college or university degrees with the school name and dates.
  • If you're still studying, mention your expected graduation date.
  • Think twice before adding unrelated degrees. Space on your resume is precious.
  • Discuss educational achievements if they boost your job relevance.

There are many certifications out there. Which ones should you include?

  • List your main degree in a separate section with the school name and dates.
  • Only add certifications that highlight your skills and experience.
  • Place unique or recent certifications near the top.
  • Add a brief description to certifications if it helps show your skills.

Remember, it's not about quantity but relevance.

Best certifications to list on your resume

  • Certified Project Director (CPD) - Global Association for Quality Management
  • Certified Innovation Leader (CIL) - Association of International Product Marketing and Management

If you're in the process of obtaining your certificate or degree, list the expected date you're supposed to graduate or be certified.

  • Incomplete Degree on Resume
  • How to List MBA on Resume

The top third of your google product manager resume is crucial. It's often the first thing recruiters see and can set the tone for the rest of your application.

Whether you choose a resume summary or a resume objective , make it count. The former is great for showcasing career highlights, while the latter balances your achievements with your future aspirations.

Both should be tailored to the role, as there's no universal approach to crafting the perfect google product manager summary or objective. Use the examples below as a starting point.

Resume summary and objective examples for a google product manager resume

  • Seasoned Product Manager with over 10 years of experience in leading technological products. Proven track record of managing large scale products at Microsoft, leveraging strong engineering background and analytical skills. Drove a 30% increase in product usage by optimizing the user interface.
  • Dynamic leader with 8+ years experience as a Product Manager in the financial industry. Successfully launched and scaled B2B products at Goldman Sachs, utilizing data-driven decision-making skills and an ability to collaborate cross-functionally. Instrumental in boosting revenue by 45% within two years.
  • Transitioning from a successful tenure in marketing, bringing 12 years experience at Procter & Gamble. Acquired robust set of transferable skills including strategic planning, stakeholder management, and analytics. Spearheaded campaigns that resulted in a 20% market share increase for flagship products. Now seeking a challenging Product Manager role at Google.
  • Experienced Sales Manager moving into the tech sector, with over a decade spent at IBM. Demonstrated prowess in client relationship building, project management, and budgeting. Led initiatives culminating in a 35% sales growth. Passionate about applying these skills as a Product Manager at Google.
  • Eager to leverage my Master's degree in Computer Science and internship experience at Tesla towards a rewarding career in product management at Google. Combining technical proficiency, keen understanding of AI, and commitment to implement effective product strategies.
  • In pursuit of a Product Manager position at Google, where I can apply my Business Administration background and internship experience at Apple. Strong foundation in market research, business strategy, and customer-centric design. Committed to contributing to the success of Google's product portfolio.

Add more sections to show off your unique skills and personality.

  • Projects - Include any impressive ones you've done outside of work.
  • Awards - Show off any industry recognition.
  • Volunteering - Share causes you care about and skills you've gained.
  • Personality - Hobbies or favorite books can give a glimpse into who you are.
  • Your resume should be a curated narrative, highlighting your alignment with the role's requirements.
  • Strategically position your skills, balancing both technical and interpersonal strengths.
  • Be selective in detailing experiences, focusing on relevance and impact.
  • Utilize the summary or objective to offer a snapshot of your professional essence.
  • Across all sections, prioritize authenticity and clarity, ensuring your resume resonates with the google product manager role you're eyeing.

google product manager resume example

Looking to build your own Google Product Manager resume?

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A data specialist shares the 2-page résumé that got him a $300,000 job at Google — and explains 3 details he got right on it.

  • Ankit Virmani made a career switch from consulting to tech.
  • After a full day of work at Deloitte, he would spend hours every night teaching himself how to code.
  • The résumé that landed Virmani a job at Google is two pages long — a decision he defends today.

Insider Today

Ankit Virmani had spent five years in consulting when he began eyeing a shift to tech.

"I always thought in my heart that I wanted more technical depth. I wanted to build things rather than sell them too much," said Virmani, who first moved to the US from India to pursue a master's degree.

In the first half of 2020, he dove right in.

After wrapping up a day at his full-time job at Deloitte, Virmani would spend three to four hours practicing coding every night, and another two hours reading up about the industry. He also began spending time with people in the field, asking them about real-time scenarios and what challenges they face in their jobs.

"I didn't want answers from them. I wanted their thought process —how do they navigate through these complex challenges at scale," he told Business Insider.

It didn't pay off right away. He was rejected by Microsoft and Amazon at different stages of their application processes.

Six months after deciding to switch careers, he landed a role as a data and machine learning specialist at Google's Seattle office.

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Here's the résumé he used to apply for his job at Google, which pays more than $300,000 a year. BI has verified his employment and compensation.

Sacrificing the 'one-page only' résumé rule

Looking back on his résumé four years later, Virmani said he would make some formatting changes.

"This résumé is giving importance to everything equally, which is what I don't like," he said. "I would have a gradient of importance, like executive summary on top, achievements so far, and then I would go to professional experience, education, and technical skills."

But with more insight into what employers like Google appreciate, Virmani said he would keep several things the same — including the length of the document.

Sacrificing the "one-page only" rule to improve readability: Virmani broke the "one-page only" rule and prioritized having an uncluttered résumé. "It has very neatly structured sections and high-level themes," he said about using subheadings like "data architecture" and "cloud strategy." His manager at Google later told him that style helped them pick up on his responsibilities without having to decipher the lines below.

Highlighting team effort: Virmani said some people overly highlight individual contributions on their résumé: "It's never that way, at least in my experience — it's always teamwork." That's why he focused parts of his résumé on his teams' accomplishments. "In my experience, Google highly, highly appreciates honesty and humility. That's the culture of the company — we know that nothing great gets achieved by an individual," he said.

Saving some details for the interview: Virmani said he was careful not to over-explain his past projects so that he could build curiosity and have a good conversation during the interview: "If you put everything in the résumé, you'll run out of points to talk about in the interview."

Virmani is not alone in choosing to sacrifice "typical" résumé decisions. For Shola West, that came in the shape of breaking the "no résumé gap" idea.

West is part of a growing group of Gen Zs who are trying to destigmatize the résumé gap — a period of unemployment between jobs or between education and work.

West previously told BI she took a yearlong break at the start of her career to understand what she really wanted to pursue. She embraced her résumé gap and now works at an advertising agency and runs a career advice side hustle.

For Mariana Kobayashi, breaking from the résumé norms meant abandoning the written format altogether.

Kobayashi landed a role as an account executive at Google after she curated a video about why she should get the role.

She sent her video résumé, which took her 10 hours to create, to the hiring manager directly, Kobayashi previously told BI. A Google recruiter saw the video and reached out to her, and she eventually landed a role at the tech giant.

Do you work in finance or consulting, and have a story to share about your personal résumé journey? Email this reporter at [email protected] .

On February 28, Axel Springer, Business Insider's parent company, joined 31 other media groups and filed a $2.3 billion suit against Google in Dutch court, alleging losses suffered due to the company's advertising practices.

Watch: Lorraine Twohill, chief marketing officer at Google, says inclusive advertising is just good business

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Customer Success Manager Resume Examples: Proven To Get You Hired In 2024

Hiring Manager for Customer Success Manager Roles

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Customer Success Manager Resume Template

Download in google doc, word or pdf for free. designed to pass resume screening software in 2022., customer success manager resume sample.

Since CS is still an emerging specialty, little distinguishes a Customer Success Manager (CSM) from a Customer Success Operations Manager (CS Ops) Manager. Nonetheless, a CSM's primary role is to guide customers through the sales process focusing on value proposition. Customers contact the CSM when they have issues with a product. Consequently, the CSM must have a thorough understanding of the consumer's needs and share this with the product, sales, and marketing teams. This is generally a senior role, so hiring managers focus on experience and achievements. Demonstrate your expertise in working with customers and any notable achievements.

A Customer Success Manager Resume demonstrating provable experience and achievements

We're just getting the template ready for you, just a second left.

Recruiter Insight: Why this resume works in 2022

Tips to help you write your customer success manager resume in 2024,    show you are a strategic planner.

Top CSMs teach customers how to use a company's products to achieve both short- and long-term goals. Not all products are used similarly, and customer usage depends on their unique needs. Identify your customers’ bigger goals and share with them ideas on how your products can help them achieve those goals.

Show you are a strategic planner - Customer Success Manager Resume

   Project Management skills

CSMs work with many clients simultaneously. Knowing how to handle several projects at once is a desired qualification. Customers don't know each other, so missing a deadline because you were on another project won't really hold with them. Staying on top of your deadlines is non-negotiable.

Project Management skills - Customer Success Manager Resume

Client Services Manager Resume Sample

Customer experience manager resume sample, client relationship manager resume sample, customer support manager resume sample.

We spoke with hiring managers at leading companies like HubSpot, Salesforce, and Zendesk to understand what they look for in Customer Success Manager resumes. Based on their insights and our analysis of successful resumes, we've compiled the following tips to help you create a strong resume that will capture the attention of employers and land you an interview.

   Highlight your experience building relationships with customers

Hiring managers want to see that you have a track record of successfully managing customer relationships and driving customer success. Use specific examples to showcase your ability to build strong relationships with customers:

  • Built and maintained relationships with 50+ enterprise customers, resulting in a 95% retention rate and $2M in upsell revenue
  • Developed a customer onboarding program that increased product adoption by 30% and reduced churn by 15%

Avoid using vague statements that don't provide any context or results:

  • Managed customer relationships
  • Responsible for customer success

Bullet Point Samples for Customer Success Manager

   Showcase your problem-solving skills

Customer Success Managers are often the first point of contact for customers when they encounter issues or challenges. Employers want to see that you have strong problem-solving skills and can effectively resolve customer issues.

Provide specific examples of how you've helped customers overcome challenges:

  • Resolved 200+ customer issues per month, achieving a 98% customer satisfaction rating
  • Collaborated with product team to implement feature requests based on customer feedback, resulting in a 20% increase in product usage

   Demonstrate your ability to drive customer success metrics

Ultimately, the success of a Customer Success Manager is measured by their ability to drive key customer success metrics like retention, upsell, and product adoption. Use data and metrics to showcase your impact in these areas.

Grew customer base from 100 to 500+ accounts, increasing ARR by 150% and achieving a net retention rate of 120%

Don't just list your responsibilities without any context or results:

  • Responsible for customer retention and upsell
  • Managed customer success metrics

   Tailor your resume to the specific role and company

Every company has different needs and priorities when it comes to customer success. Research the company and the specific role you're applying for, and tailor your resume accordingly.

For example, if the company emphasizes a particular customer success methodology or framework, highlight your experience with that approach:

  • Implemented a customer success playbook based on the TSIA LAER model, resulting in a 25% increase in product adoption and a 10% reduction in churn

   Include relevant certifications and training

While not always required, certifications and training in customer success can help you stand out from other candidates and demonstrate your commitment to the field. Consider including relevant certifications like:

  • Certified Customer Success Manager (CCSM)
  • Gainsight Certified Administrator
  • HubSpot Inbound Certification

You can also highlight any relevant training or professional development you've completed, such as attending industry conferences or workshops.

   Emphasize your communication and collaboration skills

Customer Success Managers need to be excellent communicators and collaborators, both with customers and internal teams. Use your resume to showcase your skills in these areas.

For example, you might highlight your experience collaborating with cross-functional teams:

  • Partnered with sales, product, and marketing teams to develop and execute customer success strategies, resulting in a 20% increase in upsell revenue and a 15% improvement in customer satisfaction scores

Avoid using generic statements that don't provide any context or results:

  • Strong communication skills
  • Team player

Writing Your Customer Success Manager Resume: Section By Section


A resume summary for a Customer Success Manager position is an optional section that sits at the top of your resume. It provides a brief overview of your professional background, key skills, and career goals relevant to the role you're applying for. While a summary isn't strictly necessary, it can be a useful way to provide additional context about your experience and highlight your most relevant qualifications.

However, it's important to note that you should never use an objective statement in place of a summary. Objective statements are outdated and focus on what you want from the employer, rather than what value you can bring to the role. Instead, use your summary to showcase your strengths and explain why you're a great fit for the Customer Success Manager position.

How to write a resume summary if you are applying for a Customer Success Manager resume

To learn how to write an effective resume summary for your Customer Success Manager resume, or figure out if you need one, please read Customer Success Manager Resume Summary Examples , or Customer Success Manager Resume Objective Examples .

1. Tailor your summary to the customer success manager role

When writing your summary, it's crucial to tailor it specifically to the Customer Success Manager position you're targeting. Review the job description carefully and identify the key skills, experience, and qualities the employer is looking for. Then, incorporate those elements into your summary to demonstrate that you're a strong match for the role.

For example, if the job description emphasizes customer relationship management, you might include a line like:

  • Experienced in building and maintaining strong customer relationships through proactive communication and problem-solving.

On the other hand, avoid using generic or irrelevant statements that could apply to any job, such as:

  • Hardworking professional seeking a challenging position in a dynamic company.

2. Highlight your customer success achievements and impact

Your summary is an excellent opportunity to showcase your most impressive achievements and the impact you've made in your previous customer success roles. Focus on quantifiable accomplishments that demonstrate your ability to drive customer satisfaction, retention, and growth.

For instance, you might include a statement like:

Proven track record of increasing customer retention rates by 20% and expanding account revenue by 15% through the development and implementation of personalized success strategies.

Avoid making vague or unsubstantiated claims, such as:

Skilled in customer success with a passion for helping clients achieve their goals.

By highlighting specific, measurable achievements, you'll give employers a clear understanding of the value you can bring to their organization.


The work experience section is the heart of your resume as a customer success manager. It's where you show the impact you've had in previous roles, and demonstrate your ability to drive customer satisfaction, retention, and growth. Use this section to highlight your most relevant and impressive achievements, and to show how you've progressed in your career.

1. Showcase your impact with metrics

Whenever possible, quantify your achievements with hard numbers. This helps hiring managers understand the scale and impact of your work. For example:

  • Increased customer retention rate by 15% through implementing a new onboarding program and regular check-ins with at-risk accounts
  • Achieved a Net Promoter Score of 85, surpassing the company target by 10 points
  • Managed a portfolio of 50+ enterprise accounts, with an average contract value of $100,000

If you don't have access to specific metrics, you can still provide context for your achievements:

  • Responsible for customer retention
  • Helped improve NPS score

2. Highlight your progression and leadership

Show how you've grown in your career by highlighting promotions, increased responsibilities, and leadership roles. This demonstrates your ability to succeed and take on more complex challenges.

For example:

  • Promoted to Senior Customer Success Manager after 18 months, managing a team of 5 CSMs and overseeing our largest enterprise accounts
  • Selected to lead a cross-functional project to develop a new customer health scoring system, resulting in a 20% increase in at-risk account identification

Avoid simply listing your responsibilities without showing growth:

Customer Success Manager Acme Inc. | 2018-2022 - Managed a portfolio of 50 accounts - Conducted quarterly business reviews - Collaborated with sales and product teams

3. Use strong, customer-centric action verbs

Start each bullet point with a strong action verb that demonstrates your customer success skills and mindset. Some examples:

  • Collaborated, partnered, consulted
  • Onboarded, trained, educated
  • Retained, grew, expanded
  • Analyzed, identified, solved
  • Communicated, presented, facilitated

Avoid weak or vague verbs like:

  • Helped, assisted
  • Worked on, participated in
  • Was responsible for

Action Verbs for Customer Success Manager

4. Demonstrate your technical and industry expertise

Showcase your knowledge of relevant tools, technologies, and industry trends. This could include:

  • CRM and customer success platforms (e.g. Salesforce, Gainsight, ChurnZero)
  • Data analysis and visualization tools (e.g. SQL, Tableau, Looker)
  • Industry-specific software or methodologies (e.g. ITIL for IT service management, HIPAA for healthcare)
Implemented Gainsight across the organization, leading to a 25% increase in CSM efficiency and a 10% improvement in customer health scores

Avoid simply listing tools without context:

  • Proficient in Salesforce, Gainsight, and Tableau


Your education section is a key part of your customer success manager resume. It shows hiring managers that you have the knowledge and training to excel in the role. Here are some tips to make your education section stand out.

1. Include relevant coursework for entry-level roles

If you're a recent graduate applying for your first customer success manager job, your education is one of your biggest selling points. In addition to listing your degree, school, and graduation year, consider including relevant coursework that showcases skills applicable to the role, such as:

  • Business Communication
  • Marketing Analytics
  • Customer Relationship Management

This helps demonstrate your readiness for the position even if you don't have direct professional experience yet.

2. Streamline your education section for senior roles

When you reach the mid to senior level as a customer success manager, your professional experience should take center stage on your resume. Streamline your education section to just the essentials:

  • Bachelor of Business Administration, University of Michigan

Omitting the graduation year can help avoid potential age bias. There's no need to list coursework at this career stage.

In contrast, avoid taking up too much space with extraneous details:

Bachelor of Business Administration, Ross School of Business, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI Graduated: May 2010 Relevant Coursework: Intro to Marketing, Business Statistics, Organizational Behavior, Operations Management, Financial Accounting

3. Incorporate CSM certifications

Customer success manager certifications demonstrate your expertise and commitment to the field. If you have completed any CSM certification programs, include them in your education section:

  • Certified Customer Success Manager (CCSM), Customer Success Association, 2022
  • Salesforce Certified Administrator, Salesforce, 2021

Listing certifications along with your degree creates a robust education section that will catch a hiring manager's eye.


The skills section of your resume is a critical component that highlights your abilities and qualifications to potential employers. As a customer success manager, it's essential to showcase a diverse set of skills that demonstrate your ability to manage client relationships, communicate effectively, and drive business growth. In this section, we'll guide you through the process of crafting a compelling skills section that will catch the attention of hiring managers and help you land your dream job.

1. Identify relevant customer success skills

When creating your skills section, it's crucial to focus on the skills that are most relevant to the customer success manager role. Consider the key responsibilities and requirements outlined in the job description, and tailor your skills accordingly.

Some essential skills to include are:

  • Customer relationship management (CRM) software
  • Data analysis and reporting
  • Product knowledge
  • Problem-solving
  • Project management

By highlighting these relevant skills, you demonstrate to hiring managers that you possess the necessary qualifications for the position.

2. Avoid generic or outdated skills

When crafting your skills section, it's essential to avoid including generic or outdated skills that may not be relevant to the customer success manager role. Hiring managers are looking for candidates with specialized skills that directly relate to the position.

Skills: - Microsoft Office - Communication - Teamwork - Multitasking

Instead, focus on skills that showcase your expertise in customer success:

Skills: - Salesforce CRM - Gainsight CS software - Churn analysis - Onboarding and training - Account management

3. Organize skills by category

To make your skills section more visually appealing and easy to read, consider organizing your skills by category. This approach helps hiring managers quickly identify your areas of expertise and ensures that your most relevant skills stand out.

  • Customer Success Tools : Salesforce, Gainsight, Zendesk, Intercom
  • Data Analysis : SQL, Excel, Tableau, Mixpanel
  • Project Management : Agile methodology, Jira, Trello, Asana

By grouping your skills into categories, you create a more organized and effective skills section that highlights your strengths as a customer success manager.

4. Optimize for applicant tracking systems

Many companies use Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to filter resumes based on keywords and skills. To increase your chances of passing the ATS and landing an interview, it's crucial to include relevant keywords from the job description in your skills section.

For example, if the job description mentions 'churn analysis' or 'customer onboarding,' make sure to include these terms in your skills section:

Skills: - Churn analysis and prevention strategies - Customer onboarding and training - Salesforce CRM administration - Data-driven decision making

By optimizing your skills section for ATS, you improve your chances of being noticed by hiring managers and progressing to the next stage of the hiring process.

Skills For Customer Success Manager Resumes

Here are examples of popular skills from Customer Success Manager job descriptions that you can include on your resume.

  • Salesforce.com
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
  • Strategic Partnerships
  • Customer Engagement
  • Software as a Service (SaaS)
  • Enterprise Software
  • Customer Support

Skills Word Cloud For Customer Success Manager Resumes

This word cloud highlights the important keywords that appear on Customer Success Manager job descriptions and resumes. The bigger the word, the more frequently it appears on job postings, and the more likely you should include it in your resume.

Top Customer Success Manager Skills and Keywords to Include On Your Resume

How to use these skills?

Similar resume templates, customer service.

An exemplary resume for an Entry Level Customer Service Representative role.

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An Onboarding Manager resume template showcasing business experience and technical skill set.

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Car Sales Rep resume emphasizing sales record and customer service skills.

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Resume Guide: Detailed Insights From Recruiters

  • Customer Success Resume Guide & Examples for 2022

Improve your Customer Success Manager resume, instantly.

Use our free resume checker to get expert feedback on your resume. You will:

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It's instant, free and trusted by 1+ million job seekers globally. Get a better resume, guaranteed .

Improve your resume with the Customer Success Manager resume checker

Customer Success Manager Resumes

  • Template #1: Customer Success Manager
  • Template #2: Customer Success Manager
  • Template #3: Client Services Manager
  • Template #4: Customer Experience Manager
  • Template #5: Client Relationship Manager
  • Template #6: Customer Support Manager
  • Skills for Customer Success Manager Resumes
  • Free Customer Success Manager Resume Review
  • Other Administrative Resumes
  • Customer Success Manager Interview Guide
  • Customer Success Manager Sample Cover Letters
  • Alternative Careers to a Manager Of Customer Success
  • All Resumes
  • Resume Action Verbs

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These professional templates are optimized to beat resume screeners (i.e. the Applicant Tracking System). You can download the templates in Word, Google Docs, or PDF. For free (limited time).

   access samples from top resumes, get inspired by real bullet points that helped candidates get into top companies.,    get a resume score., find out how effective your resume really is. you'll get access to our confidential resume review tool which will tell you how recruiters see your resume..

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I had a clear uptick in responses after using your template. I got many compliments on it from senior hiring staff, and my resume scored way higher when I ran it through ATS resume scanners because it was more readable. Thank you!

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Thank you for the checklist! I realized I was making so many mistakes on my resume that I've now fixed. I'm much more confident in my resume now.

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New Google Vids product helps create a customized video with an AI assist

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All of the major vendors have been looking at ways to use AI to help customers develop creative content. On Tuesday at the Google Cloud Next customer conference in Las Vegas, Google introduced a new AI-fueled video creation tool called Google Vids. The tool will become part of the Google Workspace productivity suite when it’s released.

“I want to share something really entirely new. At Google Cloud Next, we’re unveiling Google Vids, a brand new, AI-powered video creation app for work,” Aparna Pappu, VP & GM at Google Workspace said, introducing the tool.

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Image Credits: Frederic Lardinois/TechCrunch

The idea is to provide a video creation tool alongside other Workspace tools like Docs and Sheets with a similar ability to create and collaborate in the browser, except in this case, on video. “This is your video editing, writing and production assistant, all in one,” Pappu said. “We help transform the assets you already have — whether marketing copy or images or whatever else in your drive — into a compelling video.”

Like other Google Workspace tools, you can collaborate with colleagues in real time in the browser. “No need to email files back and forth. You and your team can work on the story at the same time with all the same access controls and security that we provide for all of Workspace,” she said.

Google Vids template screen.

Image Credits: Google Cloud

Examples of the kinds of videos people are creating with Google Vids include product pitches, training content or celebratory team videos. Like most generative AI tooling, Google Vids starts with a prompt. You enter a description of what you want the video to look like. You can then access files in your Google Drive or use stock content provided by Google and the AI goes to work, creating a storyboard of the video based on your ideas.

You can then reorder the different parts of the video, add transitions, select a template and insert an audio track where you record the audio or add a script and a preset voice will read it. Once you’re satisfied, you can generate the video. Along the way colleagues can comment or make changes, just as with any Google Workspace tool.

Google Vids is currently in limited testing. In June it will roll out to additional testers in Google Labs and will eventually be available for customers with Gemini for Workspace subscriptions.

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Google Cloud Next 2024: Everything announced so far

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A collection of guides and examples for the Gemini API.


Folders and files, repository files navigation, welcome to the gemini api cookbook.

This is a collection of guides and examples for the Gemini API, including quickstart tutorials for writing prompts and using different features of the API, and examples of things you can build.

Get started with the Gemini API

The Gemini API gives you access to Gemini models created by Google DeepMind . Gemini models are built from the ground up to be multimodal, so you can reason seamlessly across text, images, code, and audio. You can use these to develop a range of applications .

Start developing

  • Go to Google AI Studio .
  • Login with your Google account.
  • Create an API key.
  • Use a quickstart for Python, or call the REST API using curl .


Learn about the capabilities of the Gemini API by checking out the quickstarts for safety , embeddings , function calling , audio , and more.

Official SDKs

The Gemini API is a REST API. You can call the API using a command line tool like curl , or by using one of our official SDKs:

  • Dart (Flutter)

Open an issue on GitHub.


Contributions are welcome. See contributing to learn more.

Thank you for developing with the Gemini API! We’re excited to see what you create.

Contributors 8


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  8. 5 Google Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

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  11. 28 Free Google Docs Resume Templates Built for 2024

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    6 Google resume tips 2. 6 examples of resumes that worked for Google 3. How to write a resume for Google (section-by-section) 4. Your Google resume checklist. Let's get into it. Get expert feedback on your resume with Google ex-interviewers 1. 6 Google resume tips. As you'd expect, Google recruiters have the highest standards out there.

  13. How to Use the Google Docs Résumé Template

    To get started, open Google Docs and click Template gallery, then click the template you want to use as the basis for your résumé. You can choose a template and create a résumé using the ...

  14. Google Resume Example & Writing Guide

    Google prefers a one-page resume, unless you're targeting tech roles (where two pages is perfectly fine). When exploring our many resume templates in our resume builder, start by selecting the resume layout that fits your situation best. Find inspiration with our over 100 available resume examples. Copyable Google resume example

  15. Google Docs Resume Examples and Templates for 2024

    Google Docs comes with five resume templates you can use to help format your document. To view them, start at the Docs home screen and click "Template gallery," then scroll down to the "Resumes" category. All five templates (Swiss, Serif, Coral, Spearmint, and Modern Writer) are simple and easy to edit, so use whichever one appeals to you.

  16. 3 Google Software Engineer Resume Examples & Templates [Edit ...

    3 Google Software Engineer. Resume Examples & Templates [Edit Free] You've mastered the ins and outs of your programming languages of choice, and you're feeling ready for a new adventure. Setting your sights on Google proves you're confident in your knowledge of algorithm design, coding, data structures, and Google's product stack.

  17. Google Docs Resume Templates

    Professional resume templates you can download in Google Docs. When you open a resume template in Google Docs, click on 'File then Make a Copy' to be able to edit it in Google Docs directly.Alternatively, click 'File then Download' on Google Docs to download the Microsoft Word version to edit it on your computer. Some of these templates are free to download, while others require a small one ...

  18. 10+ Resume Examples by People Who Got Hired at Google, Adidas & Others

    This resume sample was contributed by a real person who got hired with Kickresume's help. Use this sample as your first draft. 8. T-Mobile: Junior Product Manager Resume Example. This resume example has one of the best resume objectives we've ever seen (and we hate resume objectives 90% of the time).

  19. Google Resume Builder

    © 2015 Google, Inc. · Privacy Center · Terms of Service · Feedback? Contact us: [email protected]@gmail.com

  20. Google Product Manager Resume Example

    Common Responsibilities Listed on Google Product Manager Resumes: Conduct market research and analysis to identify customer needs and trends. Develop and maintain product roadmaps and prioritize features based on business goals and user feedback. Collaborate with cross-functional teams including engineering, design, and marketing to ensure ...

  21. Google Software Engineer Resume Example

    The ideal length for a Google Software Engineer resume is typically one to two pages, depending on your experience and career stage. As a general rule, entry-level or early-career Software Engineers should aim for a one-page resume, while experienced Software Engineers with extensive accomplishments and a longer work history may require two pages.

  22. 5 Google Product Manager Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

    Resume summary and objective examples for a google product manager resume Seasoned Product Manager with over 10 years of experience in leading technological products. Proven track record of managing large scale products at Microsoft, leveraging strong engineering background and analytical skills.

  23. 500+ Free Resume Examples: Sample by Industry or Job (2024)

    Beautiful ready-to-use resume templates. Win over employers and recruiters by using one of our 25+ elegant, professionally-designed resume templates. Download to word or PDF. Top Resume Examples 2024 Free 500+ Writing guides for any position Resume Samples written by experts Create the best resumes in 5 minutes!

  24. The Résumé That Landed a Data Specialist a $300,000 Job at Google

    Six months after deciding to switch careers, he landed a role as a data and machine learning specialist at Google's Seattle office. Here's the résumé he used to apply for his job at Google ...

  25. 7 Software Tester Resume Examples for 2024

    The education section is a key part of your software tester resume. It shows hiring managers that you have the knowledge and skills to do the job well. In this section, we'll cover what to include and how to format it for maximum impact. 1. Put your education section at the top if you're a recent graduate.

  26. Tell Me Something That's Not on Your Resume (Best Answers)

    1. Choose a focus. When an interviewer asks you to tell them something that's not on your resume, it's best to pick an answer that's authentic to you, and something you're proud of. Once you've chosen your topic, craft an answer that conveys how much it means to you, as well as what you've learned or how you've grown as a person.

  27. Customer Success Manager Resume Examples for 2024

    Developed a high-performing team of 8 support agents leading to a decrease in average hold time by 50%. Resume Worded - Dallas, USA March 2016 - July 2020. Senior Customer Support Manager. Implemented customer satisfaction surveys, which led to an increase in support satisfaction rating from 75% to 92%.

  28. Health Care Resume Skills: What to Include (+ Examples)

    For example, you could begin with "Organized care coordinator with five years experience in….". 3. Weave skills throughout your resume. Your health care resume should have a section devoted to your skills as a professional in health care with brief examples. It's also vital to integrate skills throughout your resume.

  29. New Google Vids product helps create a customized video with an AI

    Examples of the kinds of videos people are creating with Google Vids include product pitches, training content or celebratory team videos. Like most generative AI tooling, Google Vids starts with ...

  30. GitHub

    Get started with the Gemini API. The Gemini API gives you access to Gemini models created by Google DeepMind. Gemini models are built from the ground up to be multimodal, so you can reason seamlessly across text, images, code, and audio. You can use these to develop a range of applications.