• What is Strategy?
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The big picture on sales strategy.

Conceptualize, measure and understand the opportunities to improve your customer pipeline and journey.


Growing Customers with Sales Strategy


Sales is simply a series of interactions & conversations.

When you strip out all of the noise, from a customer's point of view, their journey to purchase is a series of interactions and conversations. A customer is trying to solve a problem, and in their journey to solve it, they may become aware of your potential solution, show interest by seeking more information, consider the solution versus other competitors, and hopefully convert into a customer and a loyal repeat customer.

These interactions could be through a company's website, app, online content, stores, salespeople, partners and distributors, and other customers. You can conceptualize this series of customer & company interactions in two ways. From the perspective of the customer, you can codify the interactions in a customer journey map. From the perspective of a sales team, you can conceptualize the interactions in a  sales pipeline.

The first step in developing a strong sales strategy is to abstract the performance of the sales pipeline by applying a series of longitudinal metrics to each stage of the pipeline. How many potential targets are there, suspects, prospects, customers, or repeat customers? How long do they stay in each stage? How many drop off in each stage? How valuable are they in each stage? How have the metrics evolved over time?

Like any process , if you can't measure it, it becomes challenging to improve it. High-performing sales teams automate much of this data through a well-utilized and updated sales CRM system. If your company can't systematically report on the sales pipeline, then developing the capability, infrastructure, and discipline to measure and improve the pipeline should be an initiative in your sales strategy.


The 4 ways to grow sales.

There are four ways to grow sales through a customer pipeline:

  • Increase Addressable Market - put more people through the mouth of the funnel
  • Accelerate Deal Velocity - make each step/stage shorter for the customer
  • Improve Stage Gate Success - have the customer say yes to the next step more often
  • Increase Deal Size - upsell and focus efforts on the larger deals

Understanding how these four growth metrics evolved over time is a good starting point for diagnosing customer pipeline issues and opportunities.  These four growth metrics are outputs of the sales growth drivers, which we go into next.


Sales growth comes down to better customer interactions and conversations, more of them, along with a better value proposition and marketing . To make these things a reality, there are three main components to a strong sales strategy:

1. Improving the alignment between the target customer , the differentiated value proposition , marketing, and distribution

2. Incorporating corporate growth strategy initiatives in the sales strategy

3. Developing a strong sales team strategy to improve the sales process and interactions executed by the salespeople, infrastructure, and partners


Many CEOS misdiagnosis their weak sales by concluding, "it must be the sales team."  

A strong sales team is important, but the most important driver of sales is a killer value proposition that creates more value than the competition for target customers. Once you have a killer value proposition, then you need the right messaging, marketing, and distribution that clearly amplifies the value proposition to the target customers.

So, the first thing any sales strategy should address is to make sure there is a clearly defined and articulated target customer, a killer value proposition for the target customer, and impactful messaging, marketing, and distribution focused on the target customer. Alignment on a target customer will make everyone's efforts more focused, efficient, and effective, while differentiation will make customers say yes more often.

Seriously, don't overlook this point. Pretty much every company that grows for decades and becomes a leader in their industry has and continually improves a killer value proposition that creates more value than competitors for the target customers. It is the heart that makes the sales flow for any strong sales team.

Now, we often hear, "well, that isn't under my control."  Well, you better figure out how to influence it, because, without alignment and differentiation, the customer will more often than not choose not to do business with your company.


Hopefully, you have a killer value proposition and aligned marketing and distribution, now what? Well, you need to think through how the high-level corporate growth strategy is going to affect sales and the sales team. Is the company expanding into new markets , customer segments, and geographies? Are there new and improved products , services, and pricing ? Are there new distribution channels or marketing campaigns? While it may be a lot to think through, growth expansion initiatives can have a significant impact on sales and the sales team.

Now, a few words of caution. First, be careful not to go after too many options , which can quickly overextend the sales team and the entire company. Companies that fail often go after too many new markets , customer segments, and geographies at the same time. Inevitably, the ambitious agenda creates fragmented efforts, massive complexity , opportunity cost , and ultimately failure. Second, while sales leadership should have a sizeable role in shaping the corporate growth strategy, it should not lead the effort. We see too many companies that try to say yes to everything sales wants to do, which often leads to a lot of running in place and going nowhere. Successful companies have a strong and balanced leadership team stewarding the big decisions and execution around corporate growth strategy.

Growth strategy initiatives are significant inputs into the last part of sales strategy, which is the sales team strategy. The big question is how growth strategy initiatives will affect sales and the sales team. Is there a need for new processes, people, partners, and technology? What is the expected impact on sales, quotas, customer metrics, and pipeline dynamics? This is one of the reasons why sales strategy is so complicated since there are so many dimensions that ultimately need to be addressed by the sales team, with the ultimate goal of having better customer interactions and conversations and more of them.


Now to the heart of sales strategy, which is the sales team strategy. Any team, including a sales team, is simply a collection of processes executed by people, infrastructure, and partners. And, strategy is simply the goals we choose and the actions we take to achieve those goals. So, sales team strategy comes down to the sales team goals and the portfolio of initiatives to improve the processes, people, infrastructure, and partners to a level necessary to achieve the goals.

Below are some options to focus those sales team strategy initiatives on. We'll go over the high-level framing of some of the strategic options .


Everything every member of a sales team does is a process, whether acknowledged as one or not. Has your sales team documented their processes, measure them? If not, that is a great place to start.

There are four main levels of a sales process outlined below.

At the highest level is the sales team governance , which includes the processes that strategically manage the sales strategy, forecasting, opportunities, overall pipeline, and sales operations. It typically involves weekly or monthly pipeline reviews, quarterly business reviews, and annual strategic planning , budgeting, and forecasting. The better the governance , the better the accuracy of forecasts, sales strategy, performance, and understanding of cause and effect.

The next level of the sales process is the customer journey, which includes every aspect of the journey customers take through an organization's processes to discover, evaluate, purchase, and consume the company's services and products. Strategic initiatives typically target reducing customer effort (e.g., self-help, automation , digital enablement), leaning out the customer processes, and increasing the rate of success on prioritized pipeline stages.

The sales methodology is one of the most critical processes for a sales team. The sales methodology is the overall sales approach between sales team members and customers to drive deal velocity and success. Most sales books focus on sales methodologies, such as spin selling , solution selling , MEDDIC , key account selling , GAP selling , and many others. We'll go a little deeper and synthesize all those books into a handful of important questions to quickly qualify and accelerate a deal.

The last level of the sales process to solve for is the daily, weekly, and monthly activity at the team and individual levels, which typically includes the day-to-day activity management and reporting to drive productivity and deal velocity through the pipeline.


There are hundreds of good books on sales methodology, but most of the methodologies come down to answering the basic 5 Ws (who, what, where, why, when) and 1 H (how) questions of a deal to qualify, accelerate and close the deal.

Once again, sales growth is driven by better customer interactions and conversations, and more of them. Weaving these questions into customer interactions, and recording and addressing the answers will help deals get through the pipeline. If you don't have a strong sales methodology, then start developing one that asks and answers the basic customer questions necessary to get a deal done.


For many B2B companies, sales expense, in the form of salary and commission, is often their largest financial expense, making it especially important to elevate and realize the potential of salespeople and the collective sales team.

There are many questions to answer about the people part of a sales strategy, which all fall into the various categories of our people strategy framework:

  • Org Design ( Mission , Corporate Strategy, Structure, Roles & Competencies)
  • Employee Journey (Recruiting, Hiring, Onboarding , Development, Evaluation, Advancement)
  • Culture (Comp & Benefits, Environment, Norms, Values )

For a complete overview, visit our entire section on organizational strategy , hr strategy - org design , and hr strategy - employee journey & culture . Below, we'll cover some of the more unique elements of sales team strategy.


A challenging question that typically comes up is, "what should the sales org look like?" 

There is a lot of art and science in answering this question. Regarding the size of the sales org, utilize benchmarks on revenue productivity per sales team member and percent of sales spend to revenue. You should also analyze the span of control, where each manager should have 8-12 direct reports. You also need to solve for the right amount of levels to the org, the fewer, the better. Finally, there are the actual roles and accountabilities , which we'll get into a bit more next.


For many sales teams, better customer conversations and interactions necessitate a high level of specialization to address the needs of specific customer segments , markets, geographies, or stages within the sales funnel. This specialization leads to sales teams organizing around one or more of these dimensions (customer segments, markets, geography , sales funnel stages). What dimensions to organize around is a function of the customer experience, specialization, economics, and complexity.

Many companies are constantly reorganizing their sales team from one dimension to another, such as reshuffling the team from a segment focus to a geographic focus. These reorganizations often fail, due to the ensuing chaos. Most existing sales teams have optimized and refined their multitude of internal and external processes based on their existing organizational dimensions. When a sales team reorg happens, a sales team has to reconfigure its processes, infrastructure, and partners. If the change management of the sales reorg isn't stellar, often the customer journey and sales team devolves into a bit of chaos.


The adage goes "it's all about the people."   We like to expand that to it's all about the recruiting, hiring, onboarding, development, evaluation, and advancement of the people. Improving the employee journey is essential in any sales strategy. The first place to start is to establish best practices in recruiting and hiring. The lowest hanging fruit is typically increasing the number of candidates you recruit and interview while professionalizing the interview and hiring process with standard interview guides and scorecards, group and immersive interviews, and team decision-making .

When it comes to the rest of the employee journey , one of the most impactful exercises is to survey team members about their employee journey, which not only creates a baseline but also solicits good ideas while providing built-in buy-in to improvements. Furthermore, there are a ton of established best practices in each stage of the employee journey.


Creating a sales strategy.

In developing a sales strategy, always keep in mind you are solving for two things: 1.  the goals the sales team will strive to achieve, and 2. the strategic sales initiatives necessary to achieve the goals.

Whether it takes a few days, a few weeks, or a few months, there are typically four steps in developing a sales strategy, which is:

  • Generate insights into the sales pipeline, customer journey, corporate growth strategy, sales team, and overall alignment & differentiation.
  • Develop opportunities on how the sales team can improve the processes, people, partners, and infrastructure.
  • Prioritize the potential initiatives based on value & benefit versus cost & effort.
  • Set the goals and roadmap of the portfolio of sales initiatives

Given the breadth of possible analyses, gaps, opportunities, goals, and initiatives, it is imperative to assemble the best possible internal strategy team to develop and execute a very focused and impact-oriented project plan .


In developing a strong sales strategy, there are five main areas to generate insights on 1. the sales pipeline, 2. the customer journey, 3. corporate growth strategy initiatives, 4. alignment & differentiation, 5. the sales team (processes, people, infrastructure and partners).

A focused set of hypotheses and analyses will generate a ton of insights, otherwise, a team can "boil the ocean," wasting precious time and resources on things that don't matter. Focus on answering the key questions below, utilizing some of the typical strategic analyses and tools. By doing so, the team will generate the big "aha" insights that will guide the entire strategy project.


Once you have foundational insights for the sales strategy, then you enter the "create options" phase, where you need to come up with and develop the improvement opportunities that will drive sales to the next level. This phase drives the overall value of the strategy, since the number and quality of options limits strategies. Make sure you solicit ideas from as many places as possible and get the most creative and knowledgeable people involved to push the thinking.

There is always the opportunity to improve the customer journey, internal sales processes, and cross-functional processes. The lean toolkit , automation , and digital strategies will help sprout and nurture the best ideas. Solicit ideas and feedback from the entire sales team. A simple survey with both structured and open-ended questions will do the trick. There are also hundreds of best practices to improve the maturity of the sales processes , methodologies, people, and infrastructure.


Hopefully, at this stage of the project, you have more improvement ideas than resources and budget to execute.  Now, we are in the prioritization phase of the project. Before diving into prioritizing the ideas, you first want to see how much you can simplify , rearrange and combine the ideas into some larger potential initiatives.

Now, we get to the fun and collaborative stage of decision-making. Utilize some sort of prioritization or decision matrix to problem solve and debate the potential value/benefit , and cost/effort of each initiative. Get the right leadership and stakeholders in the room to have this robust debate, and potentially have a few rounds to refine and improve the thinking. In the end, focus the strategy on those "no brainer" ideas that are high value/benefit and low cost/effort with a shorter time horizon (3 months to 1-2 years).  For the "big bet" initiatives, figure out the timing, budget, dependencies, etc., before making a decision.

One of the most difficult challenges for sales team leadership is deciding on the right portfolio of initiatives. The first part of this challenge is getting enough skilled talent mobilized to successfully execute the initiatives and change management . The second part of the challenge is understanding the amount of change the sales team can realistically handle.

Whatever your decision-making governance , by the end you should have a strong portfolio of initiatives, budgets, owners, timing, and a pretty clear idea of the potential impact on the core metrics of the sales team.


Strategy comes down to setting goals and executing the portfolio of improvement initiatives necessary to achieve the goals.  You should distill all of the strategic analyses, problem solving , collaborating, and decision-making into one page of sales goals and initiatives. Of course, there should be a lot more detail (e.g., project plans, resource plans, change management plans, budgets, spreadsheets) behind the one page. However, as you think about communicating the big sales strategy to upper management, the internal sales team, external stakeholders, and partners, one page is always best.

One last thought, invest the time, resources, and commitment to change management . The hardest part of executing any strategy is the necessary behavioral change at the individual level. Thinking through the change management framework for each initiative will pay dividends in driving the change you are seeking.

If you want to talk about your sales strategy with an experienced strategy coach, set up some time with Joe Newsum , a Mckinsey Alum, and the author of this content and website.


Download the 100-page Sales Strategy Plan PowerPoint Presentation . The fully editable and professionally designed deck will give you a jump start on your sales strategy and plan.

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Home Blog Business How to Create a Winning Sales Plan Presentation

How to Create a Winning Sales Plan Presentation

Cover for how to create a sales plan presentation

As sales professionals, you are used to writing sales plans, but presenting them to stakeholders is a different story. People in your organization, including executives and decision-makers, often possess high-level industry knowledge and business acumen. They are also incredibly impatient and don’t have time to sit for long presentations. Therefore, your sales plan presentation should go beyond mere information-sharing; it should be about aligning your sales plan with their existing understanding concisely and time-efficiently.

In this article, we will guide you through the process of creating a presentation material based on your sales plan. Expect useful presentation templates along the way!

Table of Contents

Key Elements of an Effective Sales Plan Presentation

Executive summary, goals and objectives, market analysis, sales strategies and tactics, financial projections, contingency plan and risk management.

  • Tips for Sales Presentations

Preparing your sales plan presentation parallels your steps when writing the document. After all, your goal didn’t change; that is, to spell out the objectives, strategies, and implementation measures guiding your sales efforts.

Your sales plan presentation should cover the following elements.

Let’s discuss each component in detail.

An executive summary is the preface to your larger sales plan document, so it should also precede the body of your sales plan presentation. This slide provides a concise overview of the entire sales plan, including your objectives and strategies, setting the stage for what’s to come.

Normally, executive summaries are written in paragraph form proportionate to the report’s length. But it is different when it comes to PowerPoint presentations. Executive summary slides should be visually dynamic to draw the audience’s attention to the most critical information of the report. 

Here’s an example of a sales plan presentation’s executive summary slide . Note that the following slides outline a hypothetical sales plan for FreshBite Delivery, a fictitious company. The data and market trends presented in this example are for illustrative purposes only and do not reflect actual market conditions.

Executive Summary sample slide for a Sales Plan

Following the executive summary is a slide/s that outlines the goals and objectives you want to achieve with your sales efforts. Depending on the size of your organization, this part might cover the specific goals of each department involved in the sale. Imagine being in a larger company; different groups might work parts of the sales process. So, you’d discuss the goals for each of those groups. 

You may talk about when you expect certain things to happen as well. Like, when do you plan to reach certain milestones? For the employees, this helps create a clear line of sight between the goals and their day-to-day work. For decision-makers, this shows where the sales plan is taking the company.

Let’s continue our FreshBite Delivery sales plan and see what a Goals and Objectives slide may look like.

Representation of sales goals in a slide

Presenting the findings of your market analysis activity holds significant importance in proving the validity of your chosen sales goals and strategies. Your market analysis presentation builds confidence among decision-makers that your approach is grounded in a solid understanding of the market’s realities. Through this section, you can also address a crucial concern they often have: whether there’s a genuine demand or space for your products or services.

There are several market analysis templates you can use, but the best ones should allow you to do the following:

  • Assess available market factors (e.g., volume and value)
  • Identify and quantify target customer
  • Identify competitors

For example, FreshBite Delivery’s market analysis presentation could include a slide dissecting the market segments they can turn into customers.

TAM SAM SOM analysis for sales plan presentation

Another option presenters can consider is using a Perceptual Map to present the company’s position against competitors in the same market.

Perceptual Map in a Sales Plan Presentation

Now, it’s time to get into the nitty-gritty of your presentation by talking about your sales strategies and tactics. This part is the heart of your presentation, where you’ll outline the key activities you intend to implement to achieve your sales goals.

So, what should a sales strategy slide include? It should typically answer the following questions:

  • How will we reach our target customers?
  • Who is responsible for what?
  • What’s the timeline for implementation?

Reaching Target Customers

This section zooms in on the methods and channels you’ll use to connect with your intended audience. Can you leverage social media, email campaigns, direct sales calls, or a mix of these approaches?

For example, the sales and marketing team of FreshBite Delivery may launch targeted advertising and search engine marketing campaigns to reach potential customers. They may also offer subscription discounts for long-term commitments to encourage repeat orders. All of these strategies are in line with their sales goal of increasing their monthly revenue.

Representing target customers in a sales plan presentation

Presenting the Team

In your presentation, it’s also important to identify the individuals or teams who will be accountable for different aspects and execution of your sales plan. You’ll want to showcase the connections between individuals and their driving strategies. This demonstrates the coordinated effort that’s underway. Whether it’s the marketing team spearheading digital advertising or the customer support team nurturing customer relationships, this alignment of roles is the backbone of your sales success.

Setting Timelines

In this timeline slide , you will outline the actionable tasks contributing to achieving your sales goal with a clear completion timeline. Each task would be accompanied by its responsible party, a brief description, and a specific completion deadline. You may also list the activities in a way that assumes logical dependencies between tasks. 

Setting timelines in a Gantt Chart for a Sales Plan Presentation

When presenting your sales plan to stakeholders, you outline your company’s growth roadmap. However, numbers speak louder than words, and a well-crafted financial projection serves as a quantitative validation of the strategic path you are advocating. This projection offers a calculated glimpse into the financial outcomes your sales initiatives are poised to generate.

In this section of your presentation, you may include the following:

  • Sales Revenue Projection – an estimate of your expected sales revenue based on your sales strategies, market demand, and historical data.
  • Sales Growth and Market Trends –  anticipated market growth rates and trends that could impact your sales.
  • Cash Flow Projection – a breakdown of the inflow and outflow of cash over a specific period.
  • Break-Even Analysis – the point at which your total revenue equals your total expenses.
  • Churn Rate – the proportion of customers who are leaving.

A sales plan aims to provide your organization with a systematic approach to achieving your revenue goals successfully. However, unforeseen incidents may catch you off guard and disrupt your plan’s progress. It’s paramount to let the stakeholders know that you have a “Plan B.”

According to Forbes Advisor , a contingency plan is a plan that will guide how your team should react to factors that interrupt the normal course of business. On the other hand, risk management is a broader approach focused on identifying and mitigating potential risks before they materialize into disruptions. Both concepts are crucial components of a sales plan.

Here’s a sample presentation of a contingency plan and risk management strategy for our made-up organization, FreshBite Delivery.

Contingency plan slide for a sales plan presentation

Tips for Sales Plan Presentations

1. keep your presentation concise.

When you present a wordy slide during a sales plan presentation with the stakeholders, a lot can go wrong. They may inadvertently read ahead or, worse, lose interest in the presentation altogether. Hence, you need to make a conscious effort to prioritize brevity and clarity in your slides.

One technique that can help you in this regard is the 1-6-6 rule, which suggests that there should only be one main idea for each slide, a maximum of six bullet points, and six words per bullet point.

Guy Kawasaki, on the other hand, suggests that an engaging presentation consists of no more than 10 slides, lasts no longer than 20 minutes, and is no lower than 30 points in size. This is known as the 10/20/30 rule of presentation .

2. Use Graphs, Charts, and Infographics

Sales plan presentations often include data-heavy information that visuals can convey more effectively than words alone.

For example, you can use a bar chart to compare revenue growth over quarters or a pie chart to showcase the percentage distribution of customer segments. You may also utilize a sales funnel to visualize the customer journey and the strategies you must implement for each stage.

Visual representations can simplify complex data, enhance comprehension, and make the information more engaging for your audience.

3. Create Narratives to Connect with the Audience

Stories are one of the most engaging ways to grab an audience and gain support for your strategies in the context of a sales plan presentation. A well-crafted story can illustrate the rationale behind your proposed plan and emotionally connect stakeholders to your vision.

Instead of directly stating your resource requirements, for example, you can weave a story highlighting employees’ challenges in completing a transaction. This demonstrates how these challenges affect revenue and explains why you need more resources to do better.

4. Anticipate Objections

Facing objections during a sales plan presentation can be nerve-wracking, but you can also use them to strengthen your case and increase stakeholder buy-in.

When faced with customer objections , what you need to do is to respond to the real issue. Shift the conversation towards potential solutions and showcase how your strategies address the concerns. Support your response with concrete evidence to add credibility to your arguments.

So, if a stakeholder objects to the potential risks of entering a competitive landscape, highlight your risk mitigation plan and cite market trends to prove that your strategies are grounded on tangible data.

5. Send Follow-Up Info

The next crucial step is to maintain momentum and solidify the impact of your presentation, which you can do by sending follow-up information.

You can start your follow-up email by thanking your audience and concisely summarizing the main points discussed in your presentation. You may also further address objections and reiterate how your strategies solve those concerns.

Don’t forget to attach the complete sales plan document to your email so your audience can revisit and study the content.

Crafting an effective sales plan presentation is paramount for achieving support and buy-in from your organization’s decision-makers. By meticulously analyzing market trends, setting clear goals, and transforming them into insightful presentation materials, your presentation becomes a potent tool for engaging stakeholders and realizing organizational objectives. Our presentation templates can help you level up the clarity of your proposals necessary to secure the backing you need for successful implementation.

1. Simple Executive Summary Slide Template for PowerPoint

sales strategy sales plan presentation

You don’t have to go overboard to express the Executive Summary in a Sales Plan Presentation. Work with this visual one-pager slide with three colorful sections to showcase the main business objectives. Clipart icons help to add value to your presentation as visual cues of what the objective is oriented.

Use This Template

2. Executive Summary PowerPoint Template

sales strategy sales plan presentation

The Executive Summary slide used in the case study of this guide can be part of your upcoming sales plan presentation. This highly visual template is intended for QBR presentations, as it summarizes the business plan’s milestones, a market analysis, and strategies, and you can even include the company’s vision and operational processes.

Work with the included icons, and resize or reorganize the elements listed in this 100% editable executive summary slide deck.

3. Perceptual Map PowerPoint Template

sales strategy sales plan presentation

A selection of 3 layouts to express a Perceptual Map in your sales plan presentations. Using this tool, you can instantly map companies in how they rank according to two key attributes – such as price and quality.

This perceptual map template helps companies understand where their product or service stands in the market compared to other industry actors. Edit the included icons in terms of size, color, and positioning in just seconds.

4. Brand Positioning Map PowerPoint Template

sales strategy sales plan presentation

An alternative to express a brand’s stance in the market, use this Brand Positioning Map PowerPoint template to analyze and present your brand against competitors in the same niche according to two ranking metrics. This two-axis map is expressed through multiple formats, such as a simple map diagram, a 3×3 matrix, a multi-map layout, and more. You can edit all details in this template, such as shapes and colors used to represent brands and their overall position.-

5. Member Profile PowerPoint Template

sales strategy sales plan presentation

Introduce your team in a detailed format by highlighting their core skills in relation to your company’s sales plan. Using our Member Profile PowerPoint template, we can ditch the dull org chart slides and get your team closer to stakeholders in a layout resembling a website or social media profile.

Try and edit these 3 creative meet-the-team slides, and tailor their color scheme to your branding requirements in just a couple of clicks.

6. Editable Gantt Chart for PowerPoint

sales strategy sales plan presentation

Express deadlines, overlapping tasks, and dependencies by using an elegant and simple Gantt Chart Template for PowerPoint. This fully editable template shall help you represent your tasks by using three main properties: Start Date, End Date, and Task Curation Percentage.

This template allows full customization of color, shape sizes, task count, time period, etc., to help presenters narrow down the core areas of their projects in an efficient format. Using a two-tone bar, this Gantt Chart stands out as a sort of 3D graphic, making it an attractive visual asset for your presentation.

7. Financial Projections & Key Metrics Template for PowerPoint

sales strategy sales plan presentation

Represent the numbers managed in your financial projections in a visual format. This Financial Projections & Key Metrics Template for PowerPoint uses a table format that is fully editable to cover as many years as required or even lists other metrics than Customer Number, Revenue, Expenses, and Cash Flow.

Easy to update, the pre-made slides cover 2-year, 3-year, 4-year, and 5-year plan projections.

8. Sales Action Plan PowerPoint Template

sales strategy sales plan presentation

Use this Sales Action Plan PowerPoint template to turn your sales goals into an actionable plan. The template features two slides with 3 columns for different sales channels: In-Store, Online, and Wholesale. Each slide is a variation of the layout, either in vertical or horizontal format.

List down the core elements of your action plan according to your KPIs, and measurement parameters like projected sales, deadlines, distribution strategy, and more.

9. 30 60 90 Days Plan Timeline Template

sales strategy sales plan presentation

Your sales plan presentation can feature a 30-60-90 days Plan Timeline Template to express short-term actions and when is the expected deadline for them. We list five different layouts for this purpose, so presenters can easily adapt these slides to their graphics style.

10. Creative TAM SAM SOM Slides Template

sales strategy sales plan presentation

An alternative to this article’s TAM SAM SOM slide, this pyramid format presents the market size subsets in a funnel layout. The usage of this tool is relevant to any business size but particularly relevant to small business owners to initiate their operations with the right selling strategy.

Use this template today and smartly create lead-generation strategies with these insights.

sales strategy sales plan presentation

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Home » MTD Sales Blog » 13 Steps For Creating Your Sales Strategy Presentation

13 Steps For Creating Your Sales Strategy Presentation

office diagramm

But where do you start when it comes to putting one together?

We’ve got 13 useful steps to help you create an effective Sales Strategy Presentation that your stakeholders will love! From start to finish, we’ll cover everything you need to make it a huge success. Let’s get started!

  • What Is a Sales Strategy?
  • What Is a Sales Strategy Presentation?
  • How to Create Your Sales Strategy Presentation
  • Effective Sales Strategy Presentation Template
  • Wrapping Up


A Sales Strategy is a plan which aims to maximise sales whilst coordinating the plan across your whole sales team and aligning it with the corporate strategy.

Research giant Gartner defines Sales Strategy as “an organisation’s detailed plan to drive sales performance, innovation and growth by better penetrating existing markets and growing share of current customer wallet.”

This definition downplays the corporate alignment aspect and focuses on sales performance. However, a Sales Strategy does not merely consist only of delineating your sales approach.

In brief, a well-written Sales Strategy can be said to have three main aims:

  • To ensure all reps are working to the same playbook and adopting a uniform approach
  • To ensure that sales methods, messaging, and media reinforce corporate priorities
  • To maximise sales revenue, within given targets and KPIs

The above list is not ordered in terms of priority—all three aims contribute vitally to your Sales Strategy.

When we’re talking about a presentation, it’s important to distinguish this from the pitch you’ll give to your clients. A Sales Strategy Presentation is where you obtain corporate buy-in for your sales approach, making sure that messaging, pricing, product specs, sales media and other details of your campaigns are clarified and agreed across the board.

In this presentation you’ll describe your target market, competitors, sales techniques , and the composition of your sales team, amongst other information. The aim is to secure support for your strategy, which may include budget approval. It’s important to include enough detail to convey the main information, without overburdening your audience.

Below, we’ll look at how best to go about preparing your presentation, alongside some tips for maximising audience attention and approval. If you can nail this presentation, you’ll be off to a flying start with your strategy, so it’s worth putting the hours in to get it right.

The most important thing to get right is your structure. This should be logical and narrative-driven, leading the audience from big picture to fine detail. It should be compelling and as brief as possible, without short-changing your audience. Remember that you’ll be asked plenty of questions when your presentation is complete!

1. Start with an Overview of Your Company

Begin by outlining the current state of play within the company. If you are an agency selling your strategy to a company, here’s your opportunity to demonstrate a rounded understanding of the company and its priorities, as well as giving a summary of your agency, and what it does.

If you are heading up an in-house sales team, you have the chance to maximise corporate buy-in, and ensure your strategy is fully supported with the necessary resources.

Don’t go into exhaustive detail – offer the sort of brief “executive summary” you find at the front of annual reports. Do use bullet points and figures where these are impressive enough to support your case. Highlight the opportunity your Sales Strategy will address, whether it’s a gap in the market, the chance to cross/up-sell a new product, or some other benefit you’ll bring.

2. Touch on Your Target Market

Here’s where you identify who your ideal customers or clients will be, and really hit home that you understand your customer.

You can use buyer personas , which may include graphics depicting “typical” customers, to help your audience visualise who you’ll be selling to. In terms of aggregate markets, you can include Venn diagrams or other graphic means to delineate core customers and subsidiary consumers.

For instance, if you’re selling an app for video editing, your core customers may be corporate content producers, but your subsidiary audience may be far wider, touching upon anyone who regularly uploads content to YouTube or other social media platforms.

You’ll need to describe how you’ll approach all your significant markets elsewhere in your presentation (see step 5).

Sales DNA

3. Discuss the Value of Your Proposition

USP or Value Proposition (VP) is a concise statement of what makes your product stand out in your chosen marketplace. It’s a vital concept for sales reps to grasp because it’s the main reason why a consumer would choose your product over a rival’s. It’s important that all stakeholders buy into the value proposition because it’s a key factor in building brand identity.

For instance, some footwear brands stress comfort as their USP, while others highlight value, durability, style, or exclusivity. Your VP could also be a combination of factors, i.e. going back to the app for video editing example, “we offer the most accessible, best value for money and most fully featured video editing app on the market”.

Key to your VP is describing the “problem” a customer might have and how your product is the perfect solution to that problem. How will your customers uniquely benefit from the product you’ll be selling?

You can use comparisons with rival products, and data taken from market research, showing what consumers want, and how your product addresses those needs. Literal quotes taken from review sites can be helpful, revealing how real customers feel about their purchases.

The main takeaway is that your sales team are enthusiastic about the value they are offering customers, and that they understand how to characterise the benefits and features of the product.

4. Consider Any Competitors

It’s essential at this stage to factor in your competitors. Unless you are first to market or are offering a very niche product, the chances are you have a host of rivals eager to bite off chunks of your customer base. Here you need to emphasise that your sales team have the answers to the question “why us?”

Differentiation is key! What solutions does your product offer that rivals cannot? It’s important not to underestimate the competition and respect the successes that other players in the sector have scored. Much can be learned by studying the achievements of legacy brands, while offering something that builds upon previous offerings.

It can be a good idea to tabulate your top three or five competitors and show how their success provides an opportunity, rather than a threat. Remember that competitors should be understood in the broader context and can help you turn your weaknesses into strengths.

For instance, Netflix hasn’t only got to worry about Amazon Prime TV, Disney Plus and other streaming services. It must compete with cinema, social media and podcasts too. These are all popular draws upon customers’ leisure time.

5. Outline Your Marketing Strategy

Now you can summarise how your product will be marketed. Will conventional advertising be used? Will social media play a significant role? Is this a B2B campaign or will the product appeal to individual customers? Will buyers be targeted at work, or at home?

Perhaps you have partners working on marketing campaigns. If so, introduce them, and their best work to date. Provide examples of finished campaign materials if you have them or works in progress if that’s all you have at this stage. This is a good opportunity to use dramatic visuals or video, rather than text or graphs, which can become boring if overused.

Your marketing strategy should include the following five elements:

  • The target audience for the campaign
  • The goals or objectives
  • How your brand will stand out against competitors
  • What content has or will be created
  • Any KPIs that have been agreed

You can finish by briefly describing how marketing and sales departments will cooperate and coordinate their efforts.

6. Go Over Your Sales Process

Here you can drill down into the specifics of the sales process. What does your sales funnel look like? Where are you getting your leads and how are you qualifying them? Will cold calling or email drip campaigns be a major part of the process? Will you have a presence at any trade shows or events?

Do you have scripts that you can share to offer an example of a typical sales contact? Provide concrete examples to help your presentation feel solid. If you have incentives planned for your sales team, or KPIs you expect them to achieve, then outline them here too. You can break down your sales activities into:

  • Prospecting (including lead sources)
  • Lead segmentation and qualification
  • Research processes – market research, customer surveys
  • The sales pitch – a typical call or contact
  • How your team will handle sales objections
  • The process for closing .

Once you have outlined what you’ll do to make sales, it’s time to explore who will do what.

7. Review the Current Sales Team Structure And Roles

Begin with an organisational diagram of your sales team, so that your audience will get a clear picture of command structure. Outline the responsibilities of each role, lines of reporting and (if relevant) base salaries.

If you are creating a sub-team for this project, then show the diagram for that sub-team. There’s no need to reinvent the wheel with an organisational chart since everyone understands the traditional flowchart model. Use that, to save valuable time.

Explain any unfamiliar roles or unexpected team members. Perhaps you have an in-house social media researcher, or a CRM specialist . Make sure you highlight and explain anything unexpected. You can also identify roles that are not filled yet, which will help when it comes to steps 10 and 11.

8. Summarise Any Sales Materials Used

If you have leaflets, landing pages, product listings, demonstration videos or anything else that will be key to the sales process, then here is a suitable time to hand out samples or give demonstrations. If you’re offering a free demo version of a piece of software, you can quickly run through its features and how you plan to convert free users to paid subscribers.

Remember that if you provide handouts, your audience will lose eye contact with you while they pore over them, so use this option sparingly. You can always provide supplementary handouts or follow-up emails, after your presentation is over.

9. Talk Through Goals, Sales Metrics and KPIs

All goals and objectives expressed should conform to the SMART principle, being specific, measurable, achievable, relevant , and time-based.

Try to be specific with sales targets, without promising more than you can reasonably deliver!

You can have nested targets—fair, good, and excellent anticipated results—while stressing that you’ll always be aiming for the latter. You can also express goals in terms of short, medium, and long-term. This is especially relevant when you’re launching a brand-new product, or entering a new market, where it would be unrealistic to achieve full market penetration immediately.

It’s very important to obtain buy-in on your goals and targets, so that there’s transparency across the organisation, and you can be held accountable if you fail to deliver. That’s the downside of getting specific with KPIs, but it’s also a great motivator for sales teams. On the plus side, you can also mention any incentive or bonus structure you’ll be offering your sales team for achieving ambitious goals.

10. Explore Training and Development Requirements

If you know you’ll need to train up staff to understand a new product, software system, or working process, then it’s valuable to admit this upfront. Training needs affect the bottom line, as well as your process timeline. You have the opportunity here to demonstrate that you’ve thought through all human resource requirements and researched training opportunities. You may already have Sales Training Providers you’ll partner with (mention them now) or if you’re still looking why not check out our Essential Selling Skills Training or Telesales Training Course.

Spending time on this aspect of your Sales Strategy will also build stakeholder confidence. They’ll know you aren’t throwing your reps in at the deep end. Instead you are preparing them properly for success.

11. Consider Any Budgeting Needs

With resources in mind (IT, human resources, content creation, research costs and other expenses) outline what you expect your operating sales budget to be. There is no point in understating your anticipated costs, since overruns may occur, and senior management will often try to make cost savings. It pays to build in a little wriggle room for negotiation.

Don’t blind or bore your audience with spreadsheets; just give the headline figures. Highlight any areas of expenditure that are loosely estimated, or unclear. Remember to allow for hiring costs for any unfilled sales team roles you described in step 7 (see above), and for staff training.

Remember also to include cash flow, as well as overall expenditure. How much money will you need and at what milestones? Sometimes success can be more expensive than failure; for instance, when it necessitates a sudden recruitment drive to expand your sales team. It’s vital for stakeholders to appreciate key dates when funding must be made available.

12. End With Next Steps And Future Action Plans

If you’ve prepared a simplified GANTT chart, you can show where in the project timeline you currently sit. Explain what your next actions will be, and what the future holds. Here you can build further confidence by demonstrating that you’ve thought everything through.

Remember to build in a little more time than you think you’ll need for more flexible stages like research, training, and lead prospecting. Make sure you highlight any immovable deadlines, like sales events or product launches, and how you’ll ensure you’re prepared for them.

You should also be building excitement and enthusiasm here, so don’t make it too dry. This is a thrilling time—you’re about to hit the go button on a brand-new sales campaign. Get your audience to feel your enthusiasm and you’re halfway to achieving buy-in.

13. Don’t Forget To Use Engaging Visuals Throughout!

The cliché is true – a picture is worth a thousand words. Sometimes a short video or meme can make a more dramatic point than yet another set of bullet points, facts, or figures.

There’s a popular rule of thumb with PowerPoint slides, called the 7 x 7 principle. This states that no single slide should contain more than seven lines of text, and each line should contain no more than seven words. How many presentations have you witnessed that fail to pass that test? Too many, most likely!

Avoid this issue by preferring visual content over words. After all, you are there to deliver the verbal component of the presentation. You can do this so much more effectively with your communication and interpersonal skills. You already know this — you’re a salesperson!

Finally, make sure you leave time for questions (and prepare some answers to likely ones in advance). Thank your audience for their time… and relax!

Now you know how to create your presentation, it’s time to have a go at making it! Here’s a PowerPoint template you can download to kick you off.

The deck includes 13 slides covering all the sections we’ve touched on. Just customise the template by adding your own branding font and colours – and don’t forget to add some of those engaging visuals we’ve spoken about!

ppt download

Perhaps it’s worth leaving you with a simple thought – you can enjoy this moment! After all, it’s the culmination of a complex sales planning process, and now you get to share your vision with everyone who matters. That opportunity doesn’t come around very often. So, take a moment to congratulate yourself on your hard work, and have fun!

Finally, here are some parting thoughts on presentations, from writers and speakers who’ve been there:

“They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel.” –Carl W. Buechner, politician and church leader.

“The first 30 seconds and the last 30 seconds have the most impact in a presentation.” –Patricia Fripp, Sales presentation expert and speech coach.

“You are not being judged, the value of what you are bringing to the audience is being judged.” –Seth Godin, dotcom executive and bestselling author.

Hopefully, this article has reminded you of some principles you already understand and has given you the inspiration to really smash your Sales Strategy Presentation!

If you need any extra sales support for you or your team, please contact us for further information on our Sales Management Training and Account Management Training solutions, also take a look at our popular portfolio of Sales Training Courses .

Happy Selling!

Sean McPheat

Sean McPheat Managing Director MTD Sales Training

  • General Sales Skills

Updated on: 13 June, 2023

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Sales Strategy Presentation Template

A sales strategy helps sales teams achieve their sales goals and close more deals.’s sales strategy template enables managers and sales reps to prioritize and engage with potential customers, while developing different selling models to reach prospective clients. 

Our customizable template has everything you need for a sales strategy like key performance indicators (KPIs), sales process, and product overview. A thoughtful sales strategy presentation can help teams understand things like target market, response time between inbound leads and first sales touch-point, and how to properly demo the product.  

Our sales strategy template can also help you:

  • Identify objectives and provide guidance to your sales team 
  • Create product positioning guidelines  
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Use our template to create an effective sales strategy presentation

A sales strategy presentation is an integral component to your sales team’s success – one that requires a concise format, clear layout, and seamless flow. That’s why our template includes everything you need to create an effective presentation. Whether you need to establish ways to improve the sales cycle or share target clients with key players, you can quickly bring your visions to life with slides such as:

Title slide

Tips to create a memorable sales strategy presentation

As you use this template to craft your sales strategy presentation, keep these do’s and don’ts in mind:

Sales strategy presentations are meant to hype up internal sales teams and set them up for success. Lead by example and tell a compelling story with your strategy so that they’re client-facing pitches are compelling, too.

It can be easy to get caught up in target logos and sales goals, but first you need to identify your value proposition. Make sure that is front and center of your sales strategy.

Remember: Sales teams are busy, and they don’t need every detail of their pipelines in a visual presentation. Limit the amount of content and data you add to each slide to only the most need-to-know information.

Sales strategy presentations don’t have to be boring and repetitive. Liven up your presentation with video clips of sample demos, logos of prospects, and infographics explaining the sales process.

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How to Conduct an Effective Sales Strategy Presentation

Anthony Iannarino

As a sales professional , you’re used to selling to customers, but selling to stakeholders in your own organization is a different story. When you conduct a sales strategy presentation, that’s exactly what you’re doing: Demonstrating what you expect your team to accomplish to benefit the rest of the organization.

Your sales strategy is written. You’ve got all your numbers in order. Now, all that’s left is to present that strategy to your leadership team. 77% of people have a fear of public speaking, but that’s never applied to you… until now. Conducting a sales strategy presentation can be a lot of pressure.

I’ll give you my top tips for conducting a sales strategy presentation that is guaranteed to align your organization and excite the other stakeholders in your business.

New call-to-action

What Is a Sales Strategy Presentation?

Before we provide the steps to conducting an effective sales strategy presentation, let’s first outline what a sales strategy presentation looks like.

A sales strategy presentation is your opportunity to ensure your sales goals and strategies are aligned with the goals and strategies of the other stakeholders in your organization. You will use this time to outline opportunities you see for the business to win new customers, as well as outline your plans to structure, train, and develop your sales team.

RELATED READ: How Long Does It Take to Develop a Modern Sales Force

It is my experience that sales leaders don’t spend enough time or energy teaching, training, and indoctrinating their sales force in their strategy—if they have one at all. This is one of the reasons that sales managers find themselves continually telling certain salespeople they are not allowed to match their competitor’s pricing or offering some concession that would break the strategy.

There are three groups that should be included in a sales strategy presentation. First, your senior sales leaders should be included in the strategy and the presentation. Second, your marketing team should also participate, as it will be important to acquire their help with things like market research and positioning, as well as the content the sales force will need. Third, and finally, the sales force needs to understand what their strategy requires of them.

Your strategy is a tool to create alignment within your sales force and your organization. It provides a structure that keeps everyone on the same page and helps you reach revenue growth goals. It’s a mistake not to use it for this purpose.


Start With Goals and KPIs

Your first step in conducting an effective sales strategy presentation is to nail down goals and KPIs . In your presentation, discuss performance over the past period. In a modern sales approach, we tend to spend a lot of time working on helping our clients answer, “why should I change now?” In this case, you are going to ask and answer this question yourself.

When you introduce your strategy or an update, data around your past performance helps to make the case for change, something John Kotter of Harvard describes as “a burning platform.” By answering “why change” first and enlightening your audience with the data that proves you not only capture their attention but also provide a justification for what comes next.

Establish goals your team will be shooting for over the next period. Even if you have to make a conservative estimate of the better results you are going to create in the first quarter you use your strategy, start with the goals and the KPIs you will be tracking.

business team pointing at strategies

Outline Your Market Strategy

What markets will you be targeting? Sometimes it makes sense to target a single vertical, but in many more cases, your strategy should be targeted to address the needs of customers in multiple markets, increasing the number of customers that will benefit from what you sell and how you deliver customer value.

When it is possible to identify the companies that spend the most in your category, putting forth the time and effort to pursue them will create greater net new revenue, speeding your results, provided you get your strategy right and your team properly trained and enabled.

How did you establish this? You want to help your leadership team, your marketing team, and your sales force to understand why you made the decisions as to who and why you have chosen these targets and how your strategy is going to improve results.

Present data to support your strategy. Presenting the data that is driving your decisions not only helps you inform your team about your choices, but a conversation with your teams can identify other considerations and modifications that make your plan even more powerful.

sales team in training session

Describe Training & Development Efforts

Plan for team training and development to hit key metrics. Most sales leaders don’t recognize the connection between their sales force’s effectiveness and their ability to execute the company’s strategy. Without being trained to execute the strategy, you risk failing to execute the strategy well enough for it to produce the results you need. This is critical if your strategy requires a consultative approach, as most salespeople have never been taught to use a modern sales approach.

Our training and development on the Sales Accelerator Platform provides the curriculum to train salespeople to execute your strategy and provide them with a culture shift, one that reinforces your strategy and one with proven results.

Discuss Budgetary Needs

Lastly, a strategy shift comes with expenses. Some of these expenses include training and development, marketing assets and tools, and in some cases, hiring a number of new salespeople who have a track record in executing your chosen strategy. Ensure you’re making your budgetary needs known during your presentation.

working on a business budget

An Effective Sales Strategy Presentation is Only the Beginning

Conducting an effective sales strategy presentation is a vital step to aligning your team with the rest of your organization, and securing the budget you need to move your team forward in the next period. Following the steps outlined here, you should have all the tools you need to conduct a sales strategy presentation that everyone can agree upon.

But the sales strategy presentation is just the beginning! To get the results you need and hit those metrics you’ve outlined, you’ll need some help. Our Sales Accelerator can help you level up your team’s skills, giving them the ability to crush the goals in your sales strategy. Check out Sales Accelerator today!

Written and edited by human brains and human hands.


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10 Best Sales Presentations To Inspire Your Sales Deck [+ 5 Tips]

Meredith Hart

Published: August 17, 2022

While many salespeople focus on making their sales decks flashy, fun, and exciting, they do little to ensure that their presentations address the prospect's top concerns and offer an irresistible solution.

sales rep uses sales deck during presentation with prospects

As a result, many presentations are met with wishy-washy responses that drag along the sales process and waste valuable time.

Download Now: How to Perfect Your Sales Pitch

What does a great sales deck look like? We'll take a look at some of the best, and provide tips for creating your own stellar sales deck and presentation.

What is a sales deck?

A sales deck is a slide presentation (e.g., PowerPoint, Keynote, etc.) used to supplement a sales pitch. The sales pitch, given by a salesperson to a prospect, often includes an overview of the product or service, offers a value proposition and solution for the prospect, and includes examples of success stories from other clients.

The primary purpose of a sales deck and presentation is to introduce a solution (ie, your pitch ) that ultimately leads the prospect to purchase from your company.

If you've done everything right during the discovery process — digging deep into your prospect's challenges and understanding exactly what they need — only to get a noncommittal response, then your presentation needs some major adjusting.

sales strategy sales plan presentation

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Sales Deck vs Pitch Deck

A sales deck is a pitch meant to convince a prospect to make a purchase by showcasing your product features, benefits, and value proposition.

A pitch deck , on the other hand, is usually created for investors who want to learn more about your company, vision, products, financials, and target audience. Think of the pitch deck more like a synthesized version of your business plan.

Ready to see some sales deck examples? Here are a few of the best, in no particular order.

Sales Deck Examples

  • UpstartWorks
  • Attention Media

1. Leadnomics Sales Deck by Katya Kovalenko

sales deck examples: leadnomics

Leadnomics has done something few companies successfully do in presentations: Showcase their brand identity.

The internet marketing agency hired a designer to create a sales deck that reflected their sleek, techie brand.

So while prospects learn about Leadnomics and what it offers, they can also get a peek into what it represents as a brand.

2. UpstartWorks Sales Deck by BrightCarbon

This slide deck for UpstartWorks starts with an image of the road to success, followed by a value proposition and a list of benefits buyers can enjoy from working with the company. They provide an overview of what they deliver to customers, who their clients are, and the results their customer base has seen.

The sales deck touches on all the key points a sales presentation should cover. And when it includes graphics and logos, they are clearly organized and not cluttered.

3. QS Sales Deck by BrightCarbon

QS , a platform that ranks colleges and universities, effectively uses icons and visuals throughout its sales deck to communicate its messages. At just a few slides, this is one of the shortest sales decks featured on this list.

If you’re going to make your sales deck short, make sure the information you include gets straight to the point, and be sure to front-load the most important information.

In terms of content, QS showcases its features, value proposition, and client impact.

4. Attention Media Sales Deck by Slides

Attention Media , a B2B creative agency, hired a presentation design agency to create a sales deck that features statistics and reasons businesses should work with them.

Key figures and messages are either in a bold, large, or bright font to make them stand out from the rest of the text.

While their slide deck is on the shorter side (the typical presentation is around 10 to 15 slides ), they include intriguing visuals and statistics that grab attention and keep viewers interested.

5. Freshworks Sales Deck by BrightCarbon

Freshworks is a B2B software platform that promises an all-in-one package for businesses. Its sales deck emphasizes simple text and organization. The problem and solution are introduced using graphics, which makes the text easier for readers to prioritize.

They include a dedicated slide to their mobile app, one of the product’s key differentiators and most salient benefits. The following slides provide a step-by-step walkthrough of how customers are onboarded and what they can expect on a regular basis.

Since the slides aren’t text-heavy, the salesperson can easily elaborate and answer any questions the prospect might have.

6. Soraa Sales Deck by BrightCarbon

Soraa , a lighting company, starts its sales deck with a visually appealing table of contents that contains three items: “Quality of light,” “Simply perfect light,” and “Why Soraa?”

The brand then dives into what its prospects care about most: How the light will look in their spaces and how they can apply Soraa’s offerings to their specific use case. It sprinkles in the benefits of using Soraaa as a lighting supplier. And it does this all while maintaining its strong branding.

7. Planetly Sales Deck by OCHI Design

The first thing Planetly does in its sales presentation is present an eye-catching statistic about customers wanting more eco-friendly brands. Then, they present the reasons behind that data.

The deck doesn't overwhelm prospects with too much text, opting for more graphics and visuals instead. It introduces a hard-hitting stat about the problem their prospect is facing, engages them by asking a question, and provides a solution to the issue.

The slide deck continues to outline specific product details and what sets the solution apart from others, ultimately leading to a slide that represents the expected outcome for the prospect.

8. MEOM Sales Deck by Katya Kovalenko

What you’ll first notice when scrolling through MEOM's sales deck is that it’s straightforward and easy to scan.

The brand kept it simple with their deck, making it easier for consumers to take in the information. Too often, companies overload their decks with information, and by the end of the presentation, consumers can’t remember anything.

On every slide, MEOM has one main message with supporting information in smaller font. In addition, the brand incorporates a detailed look at one of its staff members — a powerful tool when trying to attract consumers.

9. Sales Deck by Paweł Mikołajek

Sometimes, the best way to explain a concept is through a series of process maps and timelines. In this sales deck, takes this approach to explain its product process and onboarding process.

This method helps consumers visualize how this software will help them reach their goals and how they can adopt it at their business.

10. Accern Sales Deck by Katya Kovalenko

Similar to Leadnomics, software company Accern puts its branding at the forefront of the sales deck.

In addition to the use of design to make the sales deck stand out, Accern also highlights customer case studies in its deck, another form of social proof that shows the success other customers have found with this tool.

Each of these presentations provides a general overview of the products, problems, and solutions, and they can easily be tailored and customized to each prospective company. A custom presentation not only piques the prospect's interest but also increases the likelihood that they'll buy from you.

Curious as to how you can word your presentation during your meeting with prospects? Below, we go over the best examples we’ve seen so far.

sales strategy sales plan presentation

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Example Sales Presentation

While there are plenty of videos online on how to deliver a sales presentation, there aren’t quite as many live sales presentations to watch.

That’s because sales presentations are delivered in the privacy of a meeting between the sales rep and the prospect, and are often not recorded with the intention of sharing online.

As a sales rep, though, you have an excellent resource for inspiration: explainer videos. Companies publish explainer videos to pitch their products to qualified leads. (Sound familiar?) Use the below examples to hone your own pitch to buyers, and pay close attention to the structure of each video.

This explainer video for Leadjet starts with an urgent problem: Finding leads on LinkedIn and moving them to a CRM loses valuable time and minimizes lead opportunities. Leadjet then presents its product as the solution.

The video jumps into the benefits users can enjoy, such as synchronizing conversations over both your CRM and LinkedIn, keeping the lead status updated, and adding custom details. In this video, Leadjet follows the ideal sales presentation structure: problem, solution, and benefits.

2. Node Influencer App

The Node influencer app allows small business owners to connect with influencers on social media. It starts its video with a simple question: “Looking to promote your brand with social influencers?” The presentation effectively identifies and addresses the target market before pitching the product to viewers.

This presentation is more tutorial-based, making it ideal inspiration if you’re creating a sales deck for someone who’s closer to making a decision. People most often want to see actionable demos when they’re ready to choose a provider.

This explainer video from Upsend, a former customer service software, begins with a problem: Most customers want instant responses to their queries, but customer service systems can be expensive for new companies. Enter Upsend.

The presenter addresses the target market — startups and small businesses — while assuaging their concerns about budget. In addition, it covers the most important features of the platform and the end result for the user. If Upsend were still available, this would be a product a new business would immediately want to add to their tech stack.

4. Algoplanner

Within a few seconds of the start of this presentation, Algoplanner drives home the critical urgency of adopting a supply chain software. It uses a scary number to pull your attention, citing a possible “loss of millions of dollars” if you fail to adopt the right tool.

It then introduces its product with a breakdown of what the software can do for users. Plus, it provides powerful stats to back up its claims, including that users can reduce automation development costs by 80%. The call to action at the end is powerful and simple, telling viewers to schedule a demo.

Sales Deck Presentation Tips

Ready for your presentation? Sticking to these five simple sales presentation guidelines, recommended by Marc Wayshak , will help you blow your competition away while dramatically increasing your chances of closing the sale.

1. Lead with solutions.

Have you ever met with a prospect who was excited about your product or service – and used your presentation to keep on selling? This is called over-selling, and it's the leading cause of death for sales presentations.

When you start your presentation, first lead with solutions. Don't talk about the benefits of your product's features or tell the prospect how great your company is.

Simply dive into how you're going to solve the deepest frustration your prospect is facing right now.

2. Incorporate case studies.

Once you've addressed the specific solutions you can provide to the prospect, it's time to add some color to your presentation.

Turn your sales presentation into an engaging story by sharing case studies of similar prospects and the results they've achieved with your help.

This step is important for building trust and credibility with the prospect. At the same time, case studies bring your solutions to life in the real world, making your presentation more engaging.

3. Ask for feedback throughout.

Most presentations are a one-way monologue by the salesperson. This approach is boring – and it's certainly no way to connect with a prospect.

Instead, ask short questions throughout your presentation like "Does that make sense?" or "Can you see how this would work for you?" Asking for feedback periodically ensures your prospect stays on the same page.

4. Welcome interruptions.

If you want to close more sales, you have to care about what your prospect is thinking throughout your presentation.

Any interruption is the perfect opportunity to find out. Whenever a prospect interrupts you – either with a verbal remark or subtle shift in their facial expression or posture – stop immediately.

Acknowledge the interruption, and welcome the opportunity to explore it with the prospect. Never ignore signals just to stay on a roll and conclude your point. Invite prospects to ask their questions or share their concerns.

The opportunity to respond to those concerns is always more valuable than whatever you were about to say.

5. Wrap it up quickly.

Your presentation should be ASAP: as short as possible.

It's natural for salespeople to get excited about what they have to share, but this causes most of them to ramble on for far too long.

Prospects only care about themselves and their challenges. Present the information they'll be interested in and nothing more.

Practice your next sales presentation with a colleague or friend and ask for their honest feedback on its length.

Sales Deck Template

Ready to start creating your own sales deck? Get started with these free templates .

It includes ten Powerpoint templates, each with a different focus.

sales presentation template by HubSpot

hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(53, '2d0b5298-2daa-4812-b2d4-fa65cd354a8e', {"useNewLoader":"true","region":"na1"});

How to find a sales deck template.

Haven’t found what you’re looking for? Here are additional resources to find a sales deck.

This presentation platform allows you to pick from hundreds of templates and fully customize the template you choose. The best part? It’s free and offers premium packages for teams who want analytics, multiple users, and live video collaboration.

On this graphic design platform, you can search through countless presentation templates and customize them. Canva also offers extensive collaboration features, such as file sharing and commenting.

Get Inspired With These Sales Presentations

When delivering a sales presentation to a prospect, you can do so with the knowledge that thousands and millions of others have been in the same position as you. Luckily, we can see their work online to guide our sales deck creation process. Use these decks to structure your own, and you’ll be well on the road to closing more deals and exceeding your quota.

Editor’s Note: This post was originally published in April 2019 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

Sales Pitch

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Pro Tactics For Mastering Every Type of Sales Deal

Powerful and easy-to-use sales software that drives productivity, enables customer connection, and supports growing sales orgs

Ecosystem Kalinka

Luxury real estate in Russia, Europe, Asia and Middle East for a comfortable life and profitable investment. Our team — it is an association of market professionals, innovations and digital technologies, traditions and continuous development.

In the premium real estate market

Share of the moscow market, clients, including the forbes list, objects in the company's database., market experts work in the company, cumulative revenue, company turnover per year, the most expensive penthouse sold, ekaterina rumyantseva.

CEO of Kalinka Ecosystem

sales strategy sales plan presentation

Our Mission: Tradition & Innovation

sales strategy sales plan presentation

Pre–sale preparations

  • Examination of competitors' sales
  • Securing our sales plan
  • Creation of a sales office
  • Product training for brokers
  • Development of efficient financial instruments
  • Developing sales incentives

sales strategy sales plan presentation

  • Implementation of sales plan
  • Premium brokerage/ brokers school
  • Own client base
  • Sales funnel management
  • Mortgage broker services
  • Legal support
  • Monitoring of all stages of implementation

sales strategy sales plan presentation

After–sales service

  • Working with accounts receivable
  • Informing the customer about the project status
  • Working with customer reviews
  • Loyalty programs
  • Recommendation deals

sales strategy sales plan presentation

International recognition

Aldar Properties

TOP Performing Dubai Agency

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TOP 15 Performing Agency

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Envoy Category

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AZIZI Developments

sales strategy sales plan presentation

TOP Performing Agency New Grade Reached

sales strategy sales plan presentation

Select Group

TOP Performing Agent Runner Up

sales strategy sales plan presentation

#1 Agen Newcomer of the Year

sales strategy sales plan presentation

TOP Performing Sales Agent Ambassador Category

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New grade reached Consul Category

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2021 – 2022

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Awwards Winner

2019 – 2020

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sales strategy sales plan presentation


2018 – 2019

sales strategy sales plan presentation

2017 – 2018

sales strategy sales plan presentation

official airline partner

The Telegraph

2016 – 2017

sales strategy sales plan presentation

Rolls–Royce motor cards

2014 – 2015

sales strategy sales plan presentation

in association with

Virgin Atlantic


sales strategy sales plan presentation

2013 – 2014

sales strategy sales plan presentation

Best real estate company for high price category real estate according to the magazine «Novyy Adres»

First place in the Forbes rating № 4 (25). Leader in the number of closed deals in the segment of high-budget real estate according to the survey of NVM Business Consulting.

First place in the real estate market records award in the category of «Professional pride» with the project «Dvoryanskoye Gnezdo».

Only Russian company to win in three «International Property Awards» nominations.

Best real estate agency in Russia according to the «Premio Internazionale Le Fonti» award. Winner of two «International Property Awards» nominations.

Best real estate agency in Russia according to the «International Property Awards» with the presence of representatives of The Daily Telegraph.

First place in the «European Property Awards» in «Real Estate Agency Marketing for Russia». A high appraisal of an important part of the company’s work — management of marketing and sales of real estate developers.

First place in the «European Property Awards» in «Real Estate Agency for Moscow, Russia»

Best company in both Real estate and Marketing according to the «European Property Awards»

sales strategy sales plan presentation

Solutions for developers, investors and buyers

Urgent buyout of distress-assets, apartments trade-in, accurate assessment with ai, investors club, apartments for sale, investing in redevelopment.

«Working daily with buyers and sellers of real estate. We know everything, from the customer’s first call up to the final sales.»

Ekaterina Rumyantseva,

our own full-time team of analysts and investment advisors

Created and implemented more than 200 consulting projects, analysis of the target group behavior utilizing a modern crm system, analysis of 1,000 customer requests and 300 transactions per year, own real estate database, updated daily, purchase and support of related databases, data on real estate lots in “closed sales”, information about the actual transaction sum and bargaining, kalinka realty.

Buying, selling and renting real estate

Kalinka Consulting

Complex solutions for developers

Kalinka Legal services

Legal support and audit

Kalinka Design

Professional selection of architects and designers

Kalinka analytics

Reviews of the real estate market in Moscow and MO

Kalinka Media

Current webinars and  situation in market

Kalinka International

Profitable investment. Citizenship and residence permit

30% of real estate transactions are not done after the purchase decision has been made. That’s why we maintain a constant dialogue with the buyer, lawyers, mortgage brokers and designers, to study the needs and implement the solution.

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Our Partners

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  • AB Development
  • ANT Development
  • Capital Group
  • Central Properties
  • Insigma Development

sales strategy sales plan presentation

Investment companies

  • Capital Partners
  • Hines International
  • Absolut Bank
  • VTB Capital
  • Gazprombank
  • Sberbank Capital
  • Otkritie Capital

sales strategy sales plan presentation

Design and architecture

  • Andrew Martin
  • Artistic Design
  • Aukett Swanke
  • Candy & Candy
  • Helene Benhamou
  • Jade Jagger
  • Kelly Hoppen

sales strategy sales plan presentation

Kalinka International (UAE, Turkey)

Programs for any purpose:

  • Visa-free travel
  • Life and business abroad
  • Tax residency
  • Cross-border movement under restrictions
  • Education and career of children abroad

Kalinka Dubai

  • Buying property in the UAE
  • Sightseeing tours of the best residential complexes in Dubai
  • Capital transfer (urgent purchase of ready-made companies in the UAE, opening an account)
  • Long stay apartments
  • Yacht charter
  • School education
  • Restaurants, shopping, household matters
  • Flight organization.
  • Assistance with international itinerary planning

Simplified visa system

No income tax, high return on investment, full ownership.

The Ritz-Carlton Residences

Collection of luxury residences

UAE, Dubai, Dubai International Financial Center, Al Sukuk Street, 9/1

The complex is located on the coast of the picturesque bay of Dubai Creek, where the world-famous Ras Al Khor flamingo and wildlife sanctuary is located. A unique location among mangrove forests, small lagoons and lakes combines peace and tranquility with the advantages of a large metropolis.

Rent – Start of sales.year

DAMAC Lagoons

Family low-rise residential complex

UAE, Dubai, Dubai Land, El Hebia Fift

Family low-rise residential complex in the spirit of the Mediterranean cities in the depths of Dubai. Convenient location allows you to get to large shopping centers, business clusters and offices of international companies in 20 minutes. Nearby are medical facilities, schools, an equestrian club, golf courses and the Dubai Sports City multifunctional complex.

Rent – year

DAMAC Cavalli Tower

UAE, Dubai, Dubai Media City

Elite residential complex on the west coast of Dubai, in the prestigious Al Sufuh area.

Atlantis The Royal Resort & Residences

Complex in the center of the Palm Jumeirah crescent

UAE, Dubai, Jumeirah, Palm JumeirahUnited Arab Emirates, Dubai, Jumeirah, Palm Jumeirah

Luxury residential complex in the center of the crescent of the Palm Jumeirah in Dubai. The developed infrastructure of the man-made island is impressive: gourmet restaurants, modern fitness studios, luxurious wellness clubs, shops and boutiques in Nakheel Mall. Well-maintained walking and jogging paths stretch along the many kilometers of beaches with snow-white sands.

Canal-front luxury serviced apartments

UAE, Emirate of Dubai, Zabeel, Business Bay

Luxury canal-front serviced apartments in the heart of Dubai.

W Residences Dubai Downtown

Complex in the prestigious Downtown area

UAE, Dubai, Zabeel, Burj Khalifa

Elite residential complex in the prestigious Downtown area, in the center of Dubai.

Kalinka Turkey

  • Elite real estate
  • New buildings and secondary offers
  • Investment property
  • Sightseeing tours
  • Second Citizenship by Investment Program

Get a selection of foreign investment offers

Moscow exclusive properties, 6 unique projects, popular areas of moscow, secure business transactions, developed infrastructure.

Sociocultural cluster with modern apartment buildings

Zvenigorodskaya 2nd st., 12

The residential quarter is located on an area of 4.5 hectares, 200 meters from the Ulitsa 1905 Goda metro station, surrounded by parks: Krasnaya Presnya, Krasnogvardeyskie Prudy, the December Uprising Park and the Presnensky Childrens Park

Poklonnaya 9

Premium apartment house

Poklonnaya st., 9

he complex is located in a prestigious location in the west of the capital. Panoramic windows offer magnificent views of Victory Park, Sparrow Hills and Moscow City towers.

Victory Park Residences

Elite family residences in the west of the capital

Brothers Fonchenko st., vl. 3

he complex is surrounded by green parks and iconic sights of the city. Panoramic windows offer magnificent views of Poklonnaya Gora, the Triumphal Arch and City skyscrapers.

Capital Towers

Residential skyscrapers 500 meters from Moscow City

Krasnopresnenskaya emb., 14, building 1

A 10-minute walk from the metro stations "International" and "Vystavochnaya", a little further - the platform of the MCC "Business Center" and "Testovskaya" of the first Moscow diameter. For motorists, convenient exits to the Third Ring Road and the Garden Ring are located 6 minutes from the complex.

Neva Towers

Complex on the territory of the business center Moscow-City

Krasnogvardeisky 1st pr-d, 17-18

Panoramic windows offer direct views of the legendary Ukraina Hotel, the Government House and the embankments of the Moscow River. Residents have access to the entire infrastructure of the business district within a 10-minute walk. Afimall shopping center, multiplex cinema, cafes and restaurants, fitness studios, beauty salons and viewing platforms.

Club city on the river

Volokolamskoe sh., vl. 71/12

Moskvoretsky Park is a 5-minute walk away. In 10 minutes by car - the parks Shodnya, Pokrovskoe-Streshnevo and Stroginsky. A grandiose sports infrastructure is planned on the territory of the peninsula: more than 30 types of activities in one location and three yacht clubs in the neighborhood.

Community participation

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PR and Media

Kalinka is in the TOP-3 in terms of citation in  the media in the elite real estate market and in the TOP-5 of business class and investment segment. Monthly number of publications mentioning Kalinka  — 250-300. Main sources: RBC, Forbes, Vedomosti, Kommersant, BFM, Joint analytics and press releases with leading Moscow developers: Insigma, AEON, Level Group and others. The Kalinka press service is always open to the media: journalists can be sure of comments, interviews and expert opinions. We promptly respond to requests and help the editors in the preparation of objective and high-quality materials.

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A fifth of the entire interior improvement in the premium segment is created in the area of Minskaya Street

According to research of the Kalinka Ecosystem, the total area of internal landscaping in 40 projects on the premium real estate market in Moscow is 43.5 hectares.

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Russians remain the leaders in buying Turkish real estate

Russians still occupy the first place in the demand for real estate in Turkey among foreigners. However, compared to 2022, there is a decrease in demand from our fellow citizens by 17%.

sales strategy sales plan presentation

"Obydensky No. 1" became the best-selling club house in Moscow

According to a study of the Kalinka ecosystem, sales in 11 club houses started in the capital in 2023. The leader in sales was the club house "Obydenskiy No. 1", in other projects clients purchased on average four times fewer apartments.

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The Kalinka ecosystem has summed up the results of its first year of operation in the UAE.

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The Kalinka ecosystem has strengthened its top management team.

In two regional divisions of the company - Kalinka Turkiye and Kalinka Middle East - new sales directors have been appointed.

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Kalinka Middle East has received several awards from a leading developer in Abu Dhabi.

The company won in several nominations as a developer of Aldar Properties and has been included among the best real estate agencies in Abu Dhabi.

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CEO of International consulting company Kalinka

Alexey <br>Chumalov

Alexey Chumalov

General manager of Kalinka Moscow

Alexander <br>Shibaev

Alexander Shibaev

General manager of Kalinka Middle East

Yulia <br>Kovaleva

Yulia Kovaleva

City real estate manager

Polina<br> Medelyanovskaya

Polina Medelyanovskaya

Denis <br>Trusov

Denis Trusov

Dmitry <br>Mezhinsky

Dmitry Mezhinsky

Mikhail<br> Dolgov

Mikhail Dolgov

Head of Country Property Department

Executive Office of the Mayor

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  • Request the Mayor

Mayor Bowser Presents Fiscal Year 2025 Budget Proposal, A Fair Shot: Strategic Investments and Shared Sacrifice

(Washington, DC) – Today, Mayor Muriel Bowser delivered her Fiscal Year 2025 (FY25) Budget and Financial Plan, A Fair Shot: Strategic Investments and Shared Sacrifice, to the Council of the District of Columbia as part of the District’s annual budget process. The FY25 budget represents strategic investments and shared sacrifices to address a confluence of post-COVID factors and drive economic growth.

“Never bet against Washington, DC. We are a resilient city. We never give up. We know how to make a strong comeback. But our wins are also not accidental. We’re smart, creative, and strategic. That is the spirit of my fiscal 2025 budget. This is a smart budget, it’s a responsible budget, but most important, this is a budget that will keep DC the best city in the world,” said Mayor Bowser. “I know that by continuing to work together – by striking the right balance between investments and sacrifice and by prioritizing investments that will kick off more revenues for the District – we will get back to the economic growth levels that have fueled the renaissance of modern Washington.”  

The FY25 budget and financial plan is made up of $21 billion in operating funds and $11.8 billion in capital improvement funds. The post-COVID economic factors include: slower revenue growth; the end of federal stimulus funding; significantly higher operating costs, including an additional $200 million in WMATA funding; and the impacts of the remote work environment. The District’s budget is also unique because DC Government is required to have a balanced financial plan across both the current fiscal year and the upcoming four years of the financial plan. The result of these factors is a widening gap across the financial plan that requires prudent investments now to change the trajectory of our out-year revenue estimates. 

Mayor Bowser shared her guiding principles for creating the budget:

  • Maintaining and enhancing core services and preserve investments that protect health and safety.
  • Prioritizing programs with track records of success that advance equity.
  • Resetting spending to align with resources for long-term fiscal stability and focus new spending on catalytic investments, with a focus on public safety, education, and Downtown.

Below are highlights of investments and initiatives in Mayor Bowser’s FY25 budget proposal.

Downtown Prior Investments We’re Maintaining

  • $5 million for DMPED’s Vitality Fund, which provides grants to businesses in high-growth sectors like technology and life sciences to encourage them to locate in or remain Downtown
  • $50 million in incentives for building owners to convert underutilized Downtown office space into housing for DC residents
  • $68 million for major streetscape initiatives, including the I Street Greenway, a new green boulevard connecting Farragut Square and McPherson Square; the Dupont Crown Park deck over of Connecticut Avenue north of Dupont Circle; and completion of the Pennsylvania Avenue NW streetscape between 17th Street and Washington Circle

New Investments for FY 2025

  • $515 million for the Chinatown Revitalization Fund to support sports arena renovations, streetscape improvements, public space activations, and/or expanded green space
  • $64 million to build additional permanent supportive housing and congregate shelter space on the site with the existing Federal City Shelter
  • $32 million in federal tourism grants and marketing, supporting activities for families and workforce development for the hospitality and tourism industries
  • $26 million to implement the Business and Entrepreneurship Support to Thrive (BEST) Act that will streamline business licensing
  • $13 million to support a new program that will freeze in place property taxes for conversions of office buildings into new uses Downtown
  • $5.25 million to support DC’s hosting of World Pride in 2025
  • $5 million to create a new Downtown Arts Hub, a flexible, multi-use space for theatre, dance, music, and visual arts organizations
  • $3 million for DMPED’s Festival Fund, to continue making it easier for organizations to host festivals and to support the attraction of art fairs and go-go music festivals Downtown
  • $2.6 million to activate the Gallery Place Festival Plaza, Dupont Crown Park, and I Street Greenway
  • $2.5 million to support pop-up and short-term retail in vacant commercial spaces
  • $1 million to establish a comprehensive transportation vision for Downtown
  • $564,000 to host more cultural events and programs at the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library and serve more residents and tourists in Downtown DC
  • $500,000 for new planning initiatives to identify public space improvements to the Penn West and Downtown West/Golden Triangle neighborhoods in Downtown
  • $300,000 for ongoing operation of the new Chinatown Safe Commercial Corridor Hub providing added public safety and human services agency presence
  • $300,000 to support the installation of murals that celebrate the history and culture of the Gallery Place/Chinatown neighborhood
  • $250,000 to market Penn Quarter as an arts, culture, and entertainment district

Education Prior Investments We’re Maintaining

  • $7 million to maintain ARPA-level funding for DC School Connect which provides safe transportation to more than 350 students and boosts school attendance
  • $6.8 million to maintain ARPA-level funding for support of out-of-school time educational and enrichment programs for children and youth
  • $4.8 million to maintain ARPA-level funding for High Impact Tutoring supports for our most vulnerable learners
  • $4.3 million to maintain ARPA-level funding for career and technical education and internship opportunities for the District’s youth, including investments in the District’s first Advanced Technical Center in Ward 5
  • $1.9 million to maintain funding for nutritional and food curriculum supports at DC Public Schools
  • $1.8 million to continue collecting data on the classes offered at schools to ensure students have access to rigorous coursework
  • $1.7 million to maintain a scholarship program at the University of the District of Columbia for residents who seek a career pathway within behavioral health
  • $1 million in sustained support of community-based organizations and schools who provide workforce preparation and training to adults in the District
  • $700,000 to maintain ARPA-level funding for the District’s dual enrollment program, empowering youth in high school to earn college credit 
  • $669,000 to maintain ARPA-level funding for commitment to students with special education needs and their families through the Special Education Hub, which provides residents with tools, information, and one-on-one support
  • $668,000 to continue support for the Office of Education through Employment, which provides key insights into how education and workforce investments are impacting residents and their families
  • $375,000 to maintain investments in “nudge technology” to address chronic absenteeism at the District’s public schools
  • $300,000 to maintain ARPA-level funding for virtual course offerings for more than 200 high school students across the District
  • $2.2 billion to support full modernization of 33 schools across the District 
  • $349 million to support a 12.4-percent increase to the Uniform Per Student Funding Formula (UPSFF)
  • $255 million to support small capital improvements to DC Public Schools including HVAC replacement, roof repairs, field replacements, and other important upgrades
  • $52 million for facility renovations and upgrades at the University of the District of Columbia to ensure facilities are kept in a state of good repair
  • $42 million to improve the safety and security of DC Public Schools through enhanced lighting, fencing, and access control
  • $17 million to expand the Advanced Technical Center at Penn Center to include a healthcare employer partnership, providing career and technical education to the District’s students and healthcare services to residents, and $600,000 to support the opening of a new Advanced Technical Center at the Whitman-Walker Max Robinson Center in Ward 8
  • $10.2 million to bring greater transparency into students’ PK-12 education and workforce data and outcomes
  • $7.5 million to support more efficient ways to transport eligible special education students to school
  • $5 million to upgrade the audio-visual equipment in auditoriums and other large spaces in schools 
  • $2 million to implement high quality instructional materials for teachers based on recommendations from the literacy task force
  • $1.1 million for additional academic advisors to support student success and outcomes at the University of the District of Columbia
  • $581,000 to expand access to career and technical education programming in Ward 8
  • $550,000 to continue investments in expanding the teacher pipeline in the District by establishing a teacher apprenticeship program and enrolling 50-100 residents in the first year
  • $500,000 to support educator wellness grants to ensure teachers are well supported in the classroom and can bring their best selves to work

Public Safety Prior Investments We’re Maintaining

  • $9.7 million to maintain ARPA-level funding for Safe Passage to support students getting to and from school safely and expand coverage through roving teams in neighborhoods experiencing short-term increases in crime
  • $21 million to fund increased costs of the Department of Corrections health care contract due to increased population
  • $11.7 million to maintain ARPA-level funding and accommodate increased needs for SAVRAA and Victim Services
  • $8.9 million to maintain ARPA-level funding for expanded Violence Interrupters
  • $4.5 million to maintain mandated academic programs for the increased number of Department of Corrections residents with individualized education plans
  • $3.5 million to maintain ARPA-level funding for the Pathways Program helping participants gain job training programming and assisting them in navigating available services
  • $2.1 million to restore funding for 12 testing and support staff in the Public Health Lab following expiration of federal grants
  • $637,000 to maintain funding to support returning citizens as peer navigators so they can help others navigate available resources and opportunities
  • $2.3 million to expand Safe Commercial Corridors and Private Security Camera Incentives
  • $1.8 million to support the implementation of Secure DC changes to pre-trial detention
  • $322,000 to increase private security camera incentives for businesses
  • $160,000 to the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council (CJCC) to stand up a new diversion task force
  • $13 million to increase the Metropolitan Police Department’s crime-fighting capabilities by nearly tripling the department’s CCTV camera footprint and replacing end-of-life license plate readers
  • $8.7 million to create 40 new community safety officers and fund new civilian positions in the Metropolitan Police Department to free up 46 sworn officers for more critical crime-fighting tasks
  • $7 million to increase capacity to serve 500 additional youth through PASS and 180 youth through ACE
  • $463 million to build a new correctional treatment facility annex, which will provide a secure environment for evidence-based practices that support residents’ safe return to the community and reduce recidivism
  • $157 million to purchase new ambulances, ladder trucks, a new fire boat, and other critical lifesaving apparatus 
  • $4.8 million to fund procurement of critical life-saving equipment for fire and emergency medical response personnel
  • $4.8 million to plan and design a new state-of-the-art joint training facility for FEMS and MPD
  • $3.4 million to procure and maintain important crime-fighting technology, including upgraded software to support license plate reader technology
  • $3.2 million to expand processing capacity for fingerprint, drug, and DNA sample testing
  • $3.1 million to hire additional staff at the Department of Youth Rehabilitation Services to provide supervision and positive engagement with youth residents and to evaluate and improve DYRS processes and programming
  • $1 million to hire additional 911 call takers and dispatchers at the Office of Unified Communications
  • $841,000 to continue the development of the District’s premiere paramedic school, which will train up to 70 local paramedics per year
  • $400,000 to fund hiring, retention, and wellness programs for correctional officers to provide sufficient staffing for the increased resident population at the Department of Corrections
  • $358,000 to fund hiring and retention incentives for forensic scientists and analysts that increase the District’s capacity to respond to crime scenes 24 hours a day, 7 days a week 

Recreation & Libraries Prior Investments We’re Maintaining

  • $129 million to modernize and construct recreation and community centers, including $13 million for Emery Heights, $14.5 million for Fort Davis, $7.5 million for Crummell, $17 million for Randall, $17 million for Harry Thomas, $3 million for Marvin Gaye, $11.9 million for Douglas, $12.4 million for Langdon, $20 million for River Terrace, and an additional $8 million for Fort Lincoln to support space for childcare facility seats
  • $87 million to modernize and renovate our public libraries, including $25 million for the Shepherd Park Library, $24.7 million for Rosedale, $20.5 million for a new Northwest Library, $6 million for Chevy Chase, and $5.5 million to complete Parklands-Turner;
  • $1.1 million to maintain ARPA-level funding to bring more recreation offerings and opportunities to neighborhoods without recreation facilities
  • $576,000 to maintain ARPA-level funding for Late-Night Hype and Late-Night Drip at recreation facilities across the District, providing safe spaces for youth and children
  • $6 million for a playground equipment blitz, to include refreshes at Hobart Twins, Langdon, Lovejoy, Westminster, and North Michigan
  • $5 million for preventative maintenance to ensure DC public libraries are well-maintained
  • $2.6 million for an athletic field and basketball court blitz, to include refreshes at the Marvin Gaye Rec Center athletic field, Joy Evans Therapeutic Rec Center basketball court, Ely Place basketball courts, and Fort Stanton football field
  • $2.25 million to replace synthetic turf at Joe Cole playground, Guy Mason playground, and Riggs LaSalle
  • $2.1 million to modernize technology infrastructure across the DC Public Library system, ensuring residents have continued access to online information sources
  • $1.7 million for a playground surface blitz, to include refreshes at Guy Mason, Raymond, Ft. Stevens, Newark, Hamilton, Benning Stoddert, and Mitchell Park
  • $1.25 million to renovate the KC Lewis Playground
  • $1 million for a tennis court blitz, including refreshes at Harry Thomas Recreation Center, Kennedy Recreation Center, Ely Place, Fort Davis, and Fort Reno
  • $886,000 to address necessary building and children’s slide upgrades at the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library
  • $825,000 in FY 2024 to replace the windows at Anacostia Library
  • $750,000 in FY 2024 to deliver a boxing annex at the Ferebee Hope Recreation Center, as promised to the community
  • $663,000 for enhanced security and mental health services throughout the DC Public Library system, including additional special police officers and mental health workers
  • $500,000 for a fencing and gate blitz to replace and repair fences and gates at DPR facilities
  • $500,000 to begin planning and design efforts for a new state-of-the-art, multi-level sports complex at or near RFK stadium campus

Housing & Economic Development Prior Investments We’re Maintaining

  • $59 million contribution to the Housing Production Trust Fund (HPTF), providing financing for developers to create new affordable housing units in the District
  • $85 million to support continued infrastructure development at the St. Elizabeths, Hill East, and Fletcher Johnson sites
  • $7 million to continue Great Streets, transforming emerging commercial corridors into thriving and inviting neighborhood centers
  • $2.5 million to maintain ARPA-level funding for the Commercial Property Acquisition Fund, providing down payment, closing cost, and other assistance to help equity impact enterprises buy commercial property
  • $4.2 million to help low-income homeowners make critical upgrades to their homes
  • $4 million to help DC government employees become first time homeowners
  • $1 million to maintain the Heirs Property Legal Services, to assist multi-generational families in maintaining their family property after the death of the original homeowner
  • $1 million to maintain funding for the Strong Families, Strong Futures pilot, providing cash assistance to low-income mothers in Wards 5,7, and 8
  • $101 million to rehabilitate and modernize public housing units managed by the DC Housing Authority
  • $66 million to complete DMPED’s New Communities Initiative at Bruce Monroe and Park Morton, including 117 public housing replacement units
  • $28 million for Home Purchase Assistance Program (HPAP), to help first-time homebuyers with down payment and closing cost assistance
  • $10 million to support planning and initial development of the Poplar Point site
  • $4.8 million for project-based vouchers to support new affordable housing units coming online

Transportation & Environment Prior Investments We’re Maintaining

  • $16 million to continue the Kids Ride Free and Adult Learners’ Transit Subsidy programs
  • $12 million to maintain new overnight Metrobus service launched in 2023
  • $5 million to maintain ARPA-level funding for the District’s Public Works Employment Program, a job-training program that will also fill critical gaps in the DPW’s workforce and provide a pathway to permanent employment
  • $3 million to continue the District’s curbside composting program, providing at-home organic waste pickup for 9,000 households
  • $2 million in maintained investments at the Department of Buildings to reduce permit issuance timelines and strengthen overall customer experience 
  • $900,000 for installation of floodproofing upgrades for homes in vulnerable floodplains, especially in Wards 7 and 8 
  • $217 million in additional funding for the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) to support Metrorail and Metrobus service levels
  • $3 million to support the operating and maintenance costs of Capital Bikeshare’s continued growth, including more stations, e-bikes, and traditional bikes
  • $1 million to update IT systems at the headquarters of the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to avoid critical service interruptions
  • $750,000 to help restaurants comply with forthcoming Streatery design regulations by providing free consulting services and construction materials
  • $620,000 to explore new “microtransit” services in select areas affected by proposed changes in Circulator service

Major Capital Investments

  • $289 million to reconstruct the H Street Bridge, providing needed repairs to the bridge and enabling the future redevelopment of Union Station
  • $210 million in local and federal funds to support the planned extension of the DC Streetcar to Benning Road, including replacement of the Lorraine Whitlock bridge, improvements to the interchange of Benning Road and I-295, and streetscape improvements in the corridor, including to improve pedestrian and bicyclist safety
  • $206 million to plan or implement the redesign of 14 road segments to improve safety for drivers, pedestrians, and bicyclists, focusing on segments with the highest rates of crashes and injuries
  • $193 million for paving and maintenance of local streets to maintain a state of good repair
  • $115 million for maintenance of the existing sidewalk network and construction of new sidewalks in areas with gaps
  • $109 million for the Bus Priority Program, deploying strategies to improve bus speeds and on-time reliability, including bus-only lanes, priority traffic signal installations, bus bulb-outs, and more
  • $98 million for rehabilitation of alleys throughout the District
  • $77 million to build or rehabilitate seven multi-use walking and biking trails, including multiple new connecting segments on the Anacostia River Trail, another portion of the Metropolitan Branch Trail, and rehabilitation of the Suitland Parkway Trail
  • $56 million for construction, maintenance, and hardening of quick-build traffic calming and safety interventions
  • $54 million to replace street trees and continually replenish and expand the city’s tree canopy
  • $50 million for a third entrance at the NoMa-Gallaudet Metro Station to improve pedestrian access to Union Market and areas east of the station
  • $47 million for remediation of hazardous materials in the Anacostia River to make the waterway safe for swimming, fishing, and recreation
  • $47 million for the 11th Street Bridge Park, a transformative pedestrian bridge and park that will connect the Anacostia and Fairlawn neighborhoods with Capitol Hill and Navy Yard
  • $44 million for design and construction of traffic safety improvements near 75 schools
  • $32 million to expand the District’s network of protected bike lanes and make pedestrian safety improvements
  • $30 million for the Traffic Safety Inputs program to install traffic safety interventions in response to community requests
  • $16 million in federal funds to conduct stream restoration and stormwater management projects
  • $11 million to deliver the new pedestrian and bicyclist bridge connecting the Anacostia Metro Station to Barry Farm
  • $10 million for Capital Bikeshare to build additional stations, replace stations at the end of their useful life, and to refresh and expand the fleet of traditional bikes and e-bikes
  • $1 million to continue planning and design for future dredging of the Anacostia River to expand boating and other recreational opportunities 

Health & Human Services Prior Investments We’re Maintaining

  • $30 million to support rental assistance through the Family Re-Housing Stabilization Program (FRSP) for families at imminent risk of homelessness
  • $18.9 million to continue ARPA-level funding for the Career Mobility Action Plan (Career MAP) program, which will help 500 District families avoid losing public assistance benefits as their careers advance and incomes rise
  • $13 million to continue providing long-term housing and intensive case management to individuals and families who are chronically homeless or at imminent risk of becoming homeless
  • $7 million to continue ARPA-level funding for 24/7 operations at six homeless shelters in the District
  • $4.8 million to continue ARPA-level funding for diversion of some 911 calls for residents experiencing mental health distress to the Department of Behavioral Health’s Community Response Team and Access HelpLine
  • $4 million to continue ARPA-level funding for transitional housing and drop-in centers that provide meals, showers, shelter, and case management services to youth experiencing homelessness 
  • $2.3 million to continue residential support to individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities
  • $600,000 to provide workforce development services for transgender and gender non-conforming residents who are experiencing homelessness and housing instability
  • $600,000 to continue the substance abuse pilot and behavioral targeted outreach pilot in Wards 1, 5, and 7
  • $23 million for renovations to DHS’s Naylor Road, V Street, Emery, and Madison shelters, as well as various small-scale improvements at other shelters in the system
  • $39 million in funding for the Office of Migrant Services to ensure migrants arriving in the District are treated humanely and have the resources they need to reach their destination or resettle
  • $22.5 million to build a new city-owned animal shelter replacing the current shelter facility on New York Avenue
  • $21.3 million to create a Behavioral Health Alliance benefit that will provide funding for DC residents who do not qualify for Medicaid. This coordination with the Department of Health Care Finance will provide District residents who do not qualify for Medicaid with complete healthcare benefits.
  • $12 million to support the Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP), supporting District residents who are facing housing emergencies and evictions
  • $20 million to fund required cost-of-living adjustments for recipients of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
  • $13 million for operating costs for two new non-congregate homeless shelter facilities—The Aston and 25 E Street—that will soon come online
  • $6.8 million to ensure compliance with a new federal mandate requiring the District to provide 12-month continuous eligibility for children under the age of 19 in Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)
  • $6.3 million to support the rising cost of complete care for children in foster care and their associated placements in Family Based Settings and Congregate Care Settings
  • $750,000 to support the expansion of the Safe at Home program providing in-home adaptions for seniors to reduce the risk of falls
  • $450,000 to support the Dementia Navigators program supporting older adults with dementia by linking them to community resources, providing education, and managing behavioral symptoms
  • $350,000 to increase funding for Senior Villages, neighborhood-based nonprofit organizations that help seniors find useful community resources so they can continue to live safely, comfortably, and actively in their homes
  • $300,000 to establish a pilot program for emergency childcare needs for birthing parents

Government Operations New Investments for FY 2025

  • $48 million to cover increases in the District’s rising costs related to leased office space, building security, and utilities, especially electricity
  • $29 million to support critical infrastructure and roof replacements at DC government facilities
  • $22 million to support building needed improvements at the Marion S. Barry, Jr. building and John A. Wilson government buildings
  • $17 million in capital funding to further protect against cybersecurity threats by replacing outdated network hardware and security applications across District government
  • $6.8 million to support energy retrofits at DC government facilities 
  • $1.7 million for the new Office of Artificial Intelligence, launched in FY 2024 and housed at OCTO, which is responsible for developing an AI strategy for District government as well as tools for agencies to use to make the most of available AI technology
  • $1.5 million to continue the development and support the ongoing operations of the new DC Business Portal, which streamlines various licensing processes for District businesses
  • $575,000 to add new staff and contractual capacity for the design and rollout of 2.0, a redesigned website for District government 

Shared Sacrifices To ensure we are able to invest in our comeback and remain fiscally prudent, we need to jointly contribute to filling gaps, across the government and across the community, to move forward, together.

In FY25, DC Government closed $500 million, more than half of the budget gap, through:

  • Eliminating positions, rightsizing spending, and focusing on moving forward with programs we know are working. 
  • Cutting duplicative or lower-performing programs and resisting starting new programs that would only add to longer-term financial pressures. 
  • Looking across government for savings by eliminating mobile devices and phone lines no longer in use, rebalancing the capital portfolio, maximizing federal reimbursements, and consolidating licenses and software purchases. 

To close the remainder of the gap in FY25, or approximately $300 million, the budget identifies new revenues that will be shared across the community:

  • Businesses will help through an adjustment to the Paid Family Leave tax back to fiscal 2021 levels to support DC’s human services safety net.
  • And guests will help through a small 911 fee on hotel room stays to support increased public safety hiring.

If, after FY25, there is still a gap to close, then beginning in FY26, consumers will help through a modest sales tax increase to support increased Metro costs.

See the full budget presentation at .   

Mayor Bowser X:  @MayorBowser Mayor Bowser Instagram:  @Mayor_Bowser Mayor Bowser Facebook: Mayor Bowser YouTube:

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Introducing Sales Strategy PowerPoint Presentation Slides which is helpful in making effective sales presentations. With the help of this strategic sales plan PPT templates, you can improve your sales performance. There are some factors included in customer conversion strategy PowerPoint presentation slides such as identifying your customer needs, direct marketing, follow up with the consumers, describing your product, ask for their reviews, etc. You can use reports, charts, and sheets given in the sales mission statement PPT deck to present data in a visual manner. The customer acquisition PPT slideshow helps to build a customer relationship management plan in order to acquire new customers. The sales business plan PPT slides are helpful in presenting topics like setting sales targets, sales forecasting, demand management, and execution of a sales plan, etc. Therefore, download this ready-to-use sales tactics PowerPoint presentation deck and accomplish your objectives.

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PowerPoint presentation slides

Presenting this set of slides with name - Sales Strategy Powerpoint Presentation Slides.  This deck comprises of a total of twenty-six slides. It has PPT templates with creative visuals and well-researched content. Not just this, our PowerPoint professionals have crafted this deck with appropriate diagrams, layouts, icons, graphs, charts and more. This content ready presentation deck is fully editable. Just click the DOWNLOAD button below. Change the color, text and font size. It is easily available in both standard and widescreen. Can be converted into various formats like PDF, JPG, and PNG. You can also modify the content as per your need. Get access to this well crafted complete deck presentation and leave your audience stunned.

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Content of this Powerpoint Presentation

Slide 1 : This slide introduces Sales Strategy. State Your Company Name and begin. Slide 2 : This slide shows Content of the presentation. Slide 3 : This slide presents Last Year Summary - Marketing Channels which includes- Emails, Referrals, Trade Fairs, Telemarketing, Online Media, Print Ads. Slide 4 : This slide presents Current Year Campaign Options describing- Print Ads, Telemarketing, Canvassing, Trade Fairs, Referrals, Online Advertising, Direct Mail. Slide 5 : This slide displays Campaign for Customer Acquisition with online and offline marketing. Slide 6 : This slide represents Sales Campaign Budget in a table form. Slide 7 : This slide showcases Marketing Roadmap describing- Social Media, Paid/Organic Search, Content, Email Marketing. Slide 8 : This is another slide on Marketing Roadmap in a table form with categories as- Expand advertising, event sponsorship, update website etc. Slide 9 : This slide shows Marketing Growth Strategy describing- Marketing & Sales, Customer Service, Product Development. Slide 10 : This slide presents Sales Promotion Calendar with- Events, Sales, Major Holidays, Minor Holidays, Fun Observances. Slide 11 : This is an optional slide for Sales Promotion Calendar. Slide 12 : This slide displays Word of Mouth Promotion as positive, neutral and negative. Slide 13 : This slide represents Sales Performance Dashboard with graphs and tables to show related information. Slide 14 : This slide displays Sales Strategy Icons. Slide 15 : This slide is titled as Additional Slides for moving forward. Slide 16 : This is Our Team slide with names and designation. Slide 17 : This is Our Mission slide with imagery and text boxes. Slide 18 : This is a comparison slide to compare between commodities, entities etc. Slide 19 : This is About Us slide to state company specifications etc. Slide 20 : This is a Puzzle slide with text boxes. Slide 21 : This is Our goal slide. State your important goals here. Slide 22 : This is a Bulb Or Idea slide to state a new idea or highlight specifications, information etc. Slide 23 : This slide shows Magnifying Glass with text boxes to show information. Slide 24 : This slide showcases Clustered Column with two products comparison. Slide 25 : This slide displays Donut Pie Chart with data in percentage. Slide 26 : This is a Thank You slide with address, contact numbers and email address.

Sales Strategy Powerpoint Presentation Slides with all 26 slides:

Use our Sales Strategy Powerpoint Presentation Slides to effectively help you save your valuable time. They are readymade to fit into any presentation structure.

Sales Strategy Powerpoint Presentation Slides

The marketing channels used by the company in the previous year included Emails, Referrals, Trade Fairs, Telemarketing, Online Media, and Print Ads, as shown in slide 3.

The current year campaign options available to the company include Print Ads, Telemarketing, Canvassing, Trade Fairs, Referrals, Online Advertising, and Direct Mail, as presented in slide 4.

The Sales Campaign Budget of the company is presented in a table format in slide 6.

The Marketing Roadmap of the company covers categories such as Social Media, Paid/Organic Search, Content, and Email Marketing, as shown in slide 7 and slide 8.

The Sales Performance Dashboard of the company is presented in slide 13 with graphs and tables to show related information, such as sales trends and performance metrics.

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    The customer acquisition PPT slideshow helps to build a customer relationship management plan in order to acquire new customers. The sales business plan PPT slides are helpful in presenting topics like setting sales targets, sales forecasting, demand management, and execution of a sales plan, etc. Therefore, download this ready-to-use sales ...

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