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Sharing Is Caring Paragraph Writing Example In English For Students

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Sharing Is Caring Paragraph Example For Students

Sharing means taking care that students share their essays with others and help them with their needs and get a positive outcome through those actions. This is the only path to success and prosperity because it makes us strong, courageous, and open-minded people. Sharing means taking care of everyone who has ever achieved something they wanted to achieve at least once in a lifetime.

We all remember our childhood when we were full of happiness, joy, desires, and longings that we wanted to fulfill immediately. We used to blame our parents for not giving us what we wanted or buying less than we needed. Then came the time when we had children ourselves and realized that there are some things you can’t buy, no matter how much money you have.

They come from the heart, they are given with love. We make our children understand that sharing is important, keeping track of the things you have at home and not using them without permission. It’s honest because even if the little kid doesn’t tell you what they did to your phone or favorite t-shirt, that person will later start lying to you about everything else too.

It is difficult for adults to share their belongings because we often think that none of us need to be generous and generous. And one day, when life throws something unusual across our path, all these material goods will no longer play a major role . Then these words will repeat in our head, sharing is caring again.

Conclusion paragraph

Sharing is caring means that we should help and share our things with others without expecting anything in return. We should remember that this is the best way to be happy and content as a person.

There are too many people these days who just don’t care about their surroundings. They don’t think about their family members or friends , they only think about themselves. This selfish behavior puts a person into a circle of loneliness and robs them of happiness. Instead, you should work on your relationships and improve them every day as this makes you and other people around you happier.

essay on sharing is caring for class 6

Essay On Sharing is Caring For Class 6 Students


Sharing, a simple yet significant act of kindness, is a cornerstone of human interaction. ‘Sharing is caring’ is a timeless phrase that teaches us about the importance of sharing and its effects on our relationships with others.

The Concept of Sharing

Sharing is not merely limited to tangible goods or material possessions. It encompasses sharing of emotions, experiences, knowledge, and time. When we share, we are offering a part of ourselves to others, demonstrating our compassion and empathy. Sharing fosters trust and mutual understanding, strengthening our social bonds.

Benefits of Sharing

Sharing helps inculcate positive values and shapes our character. It teaches us to be generous and selfless, reducing our tendencies towards greed and selfishness. For instance, when we share our lunch with a friend who forgot theirs, we experience a sense of fulfillment and happiness that can’t be matched by keeping the entire meal to ourselves.

Sharing in Various Aspects of Life

Sharing plays a crucial role in various aspects of life. In education, sharing of knowledge and resources promotes cooperative learning and mutual growth. In families, sharing chores and responsibilities creates a harmonious environment. In communities, sharing resources can alleviate poverty and promote equality.

In conclusion, ‘sharing is caring’ is more than just a phrase; it’s a way of life. By embracing this principle, we can create a caring society where everyone feels valued and supported. Sharing can bring about a positive change in our lives and the world at large, one kind act at a time.

Sharing Is Caring – 300 Words Essay for Class 5

Sharing is an act that equates to caring. This is a very simple and straightforward fact that we should teach our kids. Share things with others and you’ll notice a sense of joy inculcate within you. For instance, sharing your sandwich at lunchtime with your friend who forgot theirs will make you feel happier. Sharing is a divine virtue, a key to true happiness and fulfilling life. It teaches us empathy and opens up our hearts toward others. So remember, every little act of sharing, adds up to a big pile of caring!

Sharing Is Caring – 250 Words Essay for Class 4

The phrase ‘sharing is caring’ is a vital one in our life. It refers to the act of contributing what we have for the benefit of others. It does not necessarily mean sharing materialistic things. We can share emotions, knowledge, and experiences as well. When we share things with others, we show them that we care. Sharing also helps to build strong relationships and foster a sense of community. It’s a great way to show kindness and make the world a better place.

Sharing Is Caring – 200 Words Essay for Class 3

‘Sharing is Caring’ is a well-known saying that has a profound meaning. It means that when we share things with others, we are showing our concern for them. Sharing can be about anything – toys, books, food, feelings, and much more. When we share, not only do we make others happy, but it also gives us a sense of satisfaction. So, always remember, sharing is not only caring but also making the world a happier place to live.

Sharing Is Caring – 150 Words Essay for Class 2

We have all heard the saying, ‘Sharing is caring.’ It means when we share things with others, it shows that we care about them. We can share many things like toys, food, and even our time. When we share, it makes us happy and it makes the person we are sharing with happy too. It is a good thing to do and it makes the world a nicer place.

Sharing Is Caring – Ten Lines Essay for Class 1

  • Sharing is a good thing to do.
  • It shows we care about others.
  • We can share many things.
  • We can share our toys.
  • We can share our food.
  • We can also share our time.
  • When we share, it makes us happy.
  • It also makes the person we are sharing with happy.
  • Sharing helps to make friends.
  • Sharing is caring. Let’s share and care.

Best Speech On Sharing Is Caring for Students

Good day everyone,

Today, I’d like to talk about a simple yet powerful phrase we’ve all heard: “Sharing is caring.” But what does this truly mean? At its core, it means that when we share, we show that we care about others. This transcends the mere act of giving away material things. Sharing is about empathizing with others, understanding their needs, and acting for the betterment of everyone involved.

Think about when you share a chocolate bar with a friend. You’re not just splitting a treat; you’re creating a bond, a moment of happiness that you both can enjoy. It’s a small act, but it shows that you care about your friend’s happiness just as much as your own.

Now, imagine if we applied this principle on a larger scale, like sharing knowledge or resources with those who lack them. The impact could be enormous. We could help lift others out of poverty, foster a sense of community, and create a more equitable world.

So, let’s remember, sharing is not just about distributing what we have; it’s a way to show we care. It’s a means to foster relationships, build stronger communities, and make a significant difference in the world. So, the next time you have something—be it a chocolate bar, a piece of knowledge, or a resource—think about how sharing could make a difference, and just remember, sharing is indeed caring. Thank you.

In conclusion, the phrase “sharing is caring” is not just a catchy saying, but an ethos we should strive to instill in our daily lives. When we share our possessions, our time, and our hearts with others, we give a gift far more valuable than material possessions — we impart a sense of belonging, love, and community. Truly, sharing creates a caring world where empathy and understanding thrive, building bridges of compassion that connect us all.

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Essay on Sharing is Caring

Students are often asked to write an essay on Sharing is Caring in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Sharing is Caring

Understanding sharing.

Sharing is a simple act of kindness. It means giving a part of something you have to others. It can be a toy, a book, or even your time.

Why is Sharing Caring?

Sharing is caring because it shows we think about others. We share because we want others to be happy. It’s a way of showing love and friendship.

Benefits of Sharing

Sharing teaches us to be generous and considerate. It helps us make friends and build strong relationships. It also makes us feel good about ourselves.

So, remember, when you share, you care. Let’s make the world a better place by sharing and caring!

Also check:

  • 10 Lines on Sharing is Caring
  • Paragraph on Sharing is Caring

250 Words Essay on Sharing is Caring

The essence of sharing.

Sharing is a fundamental concept that we are introduced to early in our lives. It is more than the act of distributing resources; it is a gesture of goodwill, a demonstration of empathy, and a means of promoting social cohesion.

Sharing as Caring

The phrase “sharing is caring” is not just a cliché but a profound truth that signifies the essence of human relationships. When we share, we are not merely giving away our resources; we are expressing our concern for others, acknowledging their needs, and showing our willingness to help. It is an act of caring that extends beyond material possessions, encompassing our time, knowledge, and experiences.

The Social Impact of Sharing

Sharing cultivates a sense of community, breaking down barriers and fostering a sense of unity. It promotes mutual understanding and respect, essential for harmonious coexistence. By sharing, we encourage empathy, as it compels us to step into another’s shoes, understand their perspective, and respond with compassion.

Sharing in the Digital Age

In the digital age, sharing has taken on a new dimension. Information, ideas, and experiences are shared instantaneously across the globe, promoting cross-cultural understanding and global collaboration. This digital sharing culture has the potential to bring about significant social change, fostering a global community that is more informed, empathetic, and interconnected.

In conclusion, sharing is not just an act, but a philosophy that embodies the spirit of caring, empathy, and community. It is a powerful tool for social change, essential for building a more empathetic and interconnected world.

500 Words Essay on Sharing is Caring

Introduction: the philosophy of sharing.

Sharing is an intrinsic human practice, deeply ingrained in our social fabric. The act of sharing transcends the mere distribution of physical resources—it extends to the sharing of time, knowledge, and emotional support. In its essence, sharing is a manifestation of caring, reflecting our capacity for empathy and altruism.

The Social Significance of Sharing

Sharing is a fundamental social behavior that shapes our interactions and relationships. It fosters a sense of community, promoting solidarity and cooperation. Sharing resources equitably can mitigate social inequalities, creating a more harmonious society. Moreover, sharing knowledge and experiences facilitates collective learning and growth, enriching our understanding of the world.

Sharing as an Act of Caring

Sharing is a profound expression of caring because it reflects empathy, the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. When we share, we demonstrate a willingness to put others’ needs and happiness before our own. This selflessness is a testament to our capacity for compassion and love. Sharing also involves a degree of vulnerability, as we open ourselves up to others, fostering deeper connections and mutual trust.

The Psychological Benefits of Sharing

Sharing has significant psychological benefits, both for the giver and the receiver. For the giver, sharing can instill a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment, strengthening self-esteem. It can also alleviate feelings of guilt or discomfort associated with having more than others. For the receiver, being on the receiving end of sharing can reduce feelings of isolation and helplessness, reinforcing their sense of belonging and self-worth.

In the digital age, the concept of sharing has evolved and expanded. Social media platforms have made it possible to share thoughts, experiences, and creative outputs with a global audience. This digital sharing culture has democratized information access, fostering global dialogue and cross-cultural understanding. However, it also raises questions about privacy, authenticity, and the potential for misuse of shared information, highlighting the need for responsible sharing.

Conclusion: Cultivating a Culture of Sharing

Sharing is caring, a simple yet powerful truth that resonates across all aspects of human life. By fostering a culture of sharing, we can cultivate empathy, promote social equity, and enhance collective well-being. As we navigate the complexities of the digital age, let us strive to share responsibly, ensuring that our digital footprints reflect our commitment to caring for others. Sharing is not just an act—it’s a philosophy, a way of life that can help us build a more compassionate and inclusive world.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

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Happy studying!

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Sharing And Caring (Essay Sample)

Sharing and caring.

Sharing is an act that equates to caring. This is very true in how we build and function within our social relationships. When we share, we are also imparting part and parcel of ourselves in order to signify that we are secured enough to give to others. When we share things that we have to others, we showcase a sense of humility and empathy to those in need. The simple phrase “sharing is caring” speaks in volumes for it illustrates a trait that everyone understands and that seems pleasing to all.

In the society, being able to give to others is sometimes tagged as “charity” but it is so much more than that. Being able to share is being able to understand the situation that others are in and through sharing, we are able to do more than just give; we take part in the experience of others. The social environment we are in also clearly dictates the current condition of the society which goes to show which communities share more compared to others.

As a trait and virtue, sharing can also be riddled with negative implications. Sometimes, people see sharing as merely generosity but it is much more than that. Sharing is cultivating a mutual relationship; both the one who gives and the one who receives shares but only in different ways. As individuals, learning how to share also means learning how to more efficient members of a community.

Sharing happens in different levels. To start off, it is important to understand how sharing automatically presents itself within the familial setting. In a family, sharing happens naturally because the familial bond implicates a deep sense of connection. In the family, sharing is more about emotions and values rather than material things. This strengthens the bond within the family for this highlights the value of collective understanding which is where the act and virtue of sharing is anchored on.

Aside from family, we also build social relationships through especially in significant friendships. Important friendships in our lives are all about sharing life experiences. The more we share, the stronger the bonds of friendship become. Once we share, we are able to show our full capacity to others with how we can care more about others than ourselves. In truth, sharing to more than our family and friends is the measure if we can truly share. It already takes a lot to give part of ourselves but to give this part to people that we don’t fully know takes a lot of us. In the community we are in, the act of sharing can sometimes be seen as a necessary activity but the real challenge is in knowing how to share at times that may not be convenient for us. In light of this, we should know that sharing is not about convenience or feeling better about ourselves, it’s all about being emphatic in a society that tends to selfish to many.

As an individual, it is much easier to share material things rather than intangible things like the values that we hold close to ourselves. This is why sharing would always be equated to caring; it is not a passive activity. It takes strength for many of us to share things that are dear to us. Through this, we are also able to measure how we are as members of the society, from our family to the community that we are members of. Sharing is not simply giving away things that we don’t need; rather it is a way of sharing things that we need to people who also need them because we understand them.

sharing is caring essay for grade 3

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Sharing and Caring

Learning to share is a process based on children&s developmental stages..

"That must have really hurt." "Are you upset?" "Do you want some of mine?" "I know how you feel." These are comments from 6- and 7- year-olds! Older children begin to develop empathy – the ability to understand the feelings, motives, and experiences of other people. No longer in the egocentric "Me" stage, school-age children can begin to look at the social world from a larger, more global perspective. They can imagine what another child is feeling or experiencing and relate to that child's experience through their own. Although empathic assumptions may not always be exact, the important process of acknowledging feelings has begun.

Sharing Grows Developmentally, 6- and 7-year-olds are in the delicate process of creating individuated selves within the larger world. Their expression of feelings and opinions shows a stronger sense of self and others. They may come to school talking about an event that happened on the bus or something they heard in the news - relating to the experiences of others and demonstrating a developing sense of justice and rights for all. In a sense, as children realize their separateness, they begin to understand the collective experience as well.

So children develop a broader perspective. Instead of simply involving toys, sharing also includes feelings, understandings, and experiences. And children's range of emotions – from happiness, to sorrow, to downright outrage applies to personal experiences as well as to more complex issues such as fear and violence.

What You Can Do Help foster children's growth as they are beginning to understand life and emotions from other perspectives. Try these suggestions:

  • Stop, look, and listen. When a problem arises between children, encourage them to stop for a minute, look at the situation, and listen to each other's side of the story. This empowers children to utilize their perspectives in assessing a situation.
  • Model empathy. For instance, when you notice a child is uncomfortable in a situation, quietly ask about his feelings. Being careful not to label feelings that are not there, you might say, "Jon, it seems like you're sad. Is that right? Are you afraid that you won't get a turn?" After the two of you have determined the child's feelings and the possible cause, let that child know he's not alone. "I know what you mean. I've felt afraid that I'll miss out on something important, too. Once when I..." This demonstrates an understanding of and respect for children's feelings as well as their desires.
  • Use literature and/or current event stories that engage children's minds and hearts. Encourage children to express what they think the people in the story or event are feeling. Invite them to share what they would do, or hope would happen, in each situation.
  • Start a Sharing and Caring Community Project. Together, figure out some things you can do for others. Your group might like to donate used toys to needy children or make cookies to send to a local shelter. Pitch in cleaning up a park, or plant bulbs to enhance the beauty of a particular spot. Involve children in activities that inspire them to share their caring with others.
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Happy Home Fairy

Helping Moms Build Happy Homes

Sharing is Caring – Teaching Kids to Share

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I teach a class of nine 2 year olds and we spend a large part of the day navigating the treacherous waters of sharing.

At any given moment throughout the morning, there is probably a tug of war going on somewhere in the classroom over a beloved item – like a pair of pink plastic sunglasses.

Because what 2-year-old can live without a pair of pink plastic sunglasses?

Or the purse that looks like Todo.  Or the Snow White dress-up dress.  Or the talking tea pot.  Or the Dora the Explorer Lift-the-Flap book.

Often the parents of my students come to the classroom hoping I will teach their kids the alphabet and Mozart and how to appreciate a dictionary.

While we are are busy learning about colors, shapes, and numbers, one of the main benefits of preschool is learning how to simply  LIVE LIFE ALONGSIDE OTHER PEOPLE .

So as I encounter students fussing over a toy in my classroom or my own boys in a squabble over a small bar of soap in the bathtub (sharing is slippery business, people), I like to have a few key phrases to help them learn how to live life alongside others in a way that pleases God.

You might be surprised to learn that teaching our children about sharing is NOT about who had the wanted item first, it’s actually a matter of the heart that needs to be addressed.

Over and over and over again.

Here are a few key phrases I use and some ideas that I have found to work when it comes to sharing.

God’s Word

When it comes to behavior, I look to the Bible for wisdom on how to address it with my kids.  Usually I will share a verse with my boys and then make up a song for it so that it will get into their hearts quicker and hopefully for forever. 🙂

It also comes in handy if they are in the middle of an escalating argument because I can interrupt with a cheery little tune of correction and we typically end up laughing (or the husband ends up rolling his eyes because he is a professional musician and thinks my original songs are sub-par).

This verse from Hebrews 13:16 is especially helpful as I am training my boys about sharing.

“And do not forget to do good and to share with others for with such sacrifices God is pleased.” Hebrews 13:16 .

Here is a little video of the song so you can learn it too!  (Email subscribers click HERE to see the video).

*Key phrases to encourage sharing –

Recite the verse together and then say, “It pleased God when you gave that toy back to your brother,” or, “It pleases God when we share.”

Treasures in Heaven

What we really want is for our children to develop a generous heart.   Luke 12:33 says, “Sell your possessions and give to those in need.  This will store up treasure for you in heaven!”  I love encouraging my kids to think about eternity and live with their eyes focused on the bigger picture – with the bigger picture here being that in light of eternity and the glorious gift of salvation we have been given through Christ, our stuff doesn’t really matter .  As we get overwhelmed by the love we have been shown by our Father, then our grateful hearts want to overwhelm someone else with the same love and generosity.  And that is how treasures in heaven are acquired.

When we fight to keep the toy we want, we get the treasure on earth.  But when we sacrifice the toy and give it away, then we are blessed with the treasure in heaven.

“Who wants the blessing now, and who wants it in heaven?”

“People are more important than things.”

“Who are you loving most right now?” (this gem I picked up from Brooke McGlothlin and her book Praying for Boys: Asking God for the things They Need Most )

 Great Expectations

I like to give my boys a little pep talk before we go into a situation where a potential sharing problem could arise.  We make up scenarios and practice how we would respond.

Say we are visiting Luke’s house.  I might say to my boys in the car on the way, “What would you do if Luke grabs a toy out of your hands?” or, “What if Luke has a toy that you would like to play with?”

You can get silly and make light of the bad behavior by saying, “Would you turn into a scary monster and roar in his face??” or “Would you snatch it away from Luke and then bop him on the head with it?”

Then I try to direct conversation to the encouragement of Luke 6:30-31, “Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back.  Do to others as you would have them do to you.”

It’s also a good idea to set up a consequence in advance if your kids fail to share well.

“May I have a turn when you’re done please?”   * HERE is a good article about these magical 9 words.

“I see how upset you are right now.  It’s hard to give up something you like a lot.  But you are a kind and loving boy/girl.  I know God can help you make the right choice here.”

“How would it make you feel if someone wasn’t willing to share with you?”

“Remember, if you make the choice to not share well with Luke, then we will need to leave the play date early.  Let’s make the right choice so we can have fun and bring glory to God!”

It’s SOOOO unbelievably easy to fuss about our kids’ behavior but what about OUR behavior?  Are we being good examples?

When my husband has a plate of fries in front of him, do I swoop over and grab a handful without asking?

When my child is using the bathroom, do I command him to get out or do I politely ask for a turn?

When your kids ask for a bite of the chocolate chips you are wolfing down by the handful do you snap and say, “NO!  These are MOMMY’S!!!!”?

When one of my friends asks to borrow a book or purse or cute top and then they don’t return it, do I talk about it in front of my kids with frustration?

It might not always seem like they are paying attention to how we, as adults, share, but those little boogers are and we need to be humble and willing to grow as Share-ers, too. 🙂

“I am happy to loan you my ___________.”

“I love sharing with you!”

 Super Share-ers

In my classroom, when someone remembers to love a friend well and sacrifice something or handle a situation without screeching like a banshee and lunging for the other kid’s neck, I make a big deal and give them the title of, “SUPER SHARE-ER.”

So when your kids get it right – THROW A PARTY.  Seriously.  Woop and holler and toss confetti from your pocket.  We want to reinforce this behavior, right?  So lavish your little hero with praise.

And possibly some glitter.

“I LOVE the way you shared your toys with Luke today!   I see God working in your life! “


“Super Share-er Alert!  Super Share-er Alert!  This kid is awesome!”

“I’m giving you a hug this instant for the beautiful way you just loved and served your brother.”

A lot of these concepts are hard for small kids to grasp, but you just keep singing it in their ears and one day they will be so great at sharing that you will have to bribe them to ‘pretend fight’ over a toy for a photo shoot about sharing for your blog. 🙂

Lol, just kidding.  3 seconds after I was done taking the photo, the Happy Buddy abruptly let go of the toy which sent the Happy Baby flying backward and onto his bottom which made him so angry that he stood up and slugged his brother.

Next ‘parenting’ post will be called Helping Hands, Not Hurting Hands .

– Julie

*I found a TON of great inspiration for this article from Jodi , over at Meaningful Mama .  I really love her counsel on parenting!  Check out her precious blog and tell her I sent you!*

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About Happy Home Fairy

Julie Brasington is a Preschool Director, wife of a South Florida Worship Pastor and mom of 3 boys. She writes at Happy Home Fairy where you can find easy craft ideas, FREE printables, simple recipes, holiday fun, thoughts on raising kids, and encouragement for moms.

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sharing is caring essay for grade 3

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November 4, 2014 at 3:46 pm

Hi sweetheart! Great post!

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November 4, 2014 at 4:35 pm

Hey girl. Was having a rough day with my attitude and with my kids. This was just what I needed. Thanks and xx Tiff

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November 5, 2014 at 6:24 pm

Julie, I love the way you’ve broken this down so clearly and given practical, real-life tips and encouraging words that parents and teachers can implement immediately. And I love that you keep the big picture and big goals before us. Thanks for using your gifts of teaching and writing to help “equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ” (Eph. 4:12)!

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November 5, 2014 at 10:15 pm

I love your perspective on this and your advice. I think sometimes as a mom I get stuck in my own head and forget to be silly and get on my daughter’s level to help her understand something like sharing. Thanks for this!

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sharing is caring essay for grade 3

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sharing is caring essay for grade 3



A lesson on sharing and good citizenship. Includes printable teaching reading comprehension lesson worksheets.

Suggested Grades:

Adaptable to Preschool - Kindergarten - First Grade - Second Grade


By completing this lesson, students will learn about sharing and good citizenship.  Older students will demonstrate their reading comprehension skills, including reading strategies, inference, literal meaning, and critical analysis.



Print the Sharing is Caring reading comprehension passage and questions ( see below ).

Teachers may use the text as part of a classroom lesson plan. Older students should read the passage silently, then answer the questions.

Teachers have the class prepare for a show and tell day. Instead of just asking the children to bring in a special item, explain to them that this item should be one of their special items. The day before show and tell have them draw the item they wish to bring in and write a few sentences about what the item means to them. Have them discuss it with the class and inform them the next day they can celebrate by all having their most special possession with them in class.

Lesson Excerpt

When you were little you probably did not like to share your toys. You might not have even understood what sharing meant. As a toddler you knew that your toys were yours and you didn't want anyone else to play with them. Why should you? They were yours, after all. However, as you get old you learn more about kindness and being good to the people around you. This is what sharing is all about. Sharing is when you have something that someone else needs or wants and you offer to let them use your items.

Sharing your things and offering help to people that need it is something known as good citizenship. All people should strive to be the best citizens they can be. If your neighbor needs a pencil and you have an extra one you should offer to give them your spare. This will help them and they will remember the favor you did for them. Chances are, they will make sure to help you when you need help.

Some children do not like to share. You might know some children that will have enough supplies, but if someone needs them they will never offer to help. These types of people are called selfish. A selfish person only thinks of themselves and never looks out for the people around them. You should not let this type of person bother you. If you want to be a good citizen you should ignore the fact that there are selfish people and if they need help you should still help them.

Sharing is something that you do to make yourself feel good as well as the person needing your help. It shows the people around you that you are a good person and that you are mature and understanding of the needs of others. This means you are an excellent citizen. (continued...)

sharing is caring essay for grade 3

Sharing is Caring

Print this science worksheet for this lesson.

 Includes reading passage, questions, and answer sheet.

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sharing is caring essay for grade 3

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Mulberry Learning Preschool

Your home is bursting with toys, from building blocks to toy trains, yet whenever a friend’s child comes over, your little one wants that once neglected toy the other kid reaches for. Your child whines and shows an unwillingness to share, and the supposedly fun play date turns into a tragic disaster of tears and tantrums!

Does this situation sound familiar? Have you wondered if it is normal that your child finds it difficult to share even when there is an abundance of toys?

The good news is that struggling with the concept of sharing is a natural part of a child’s development. Yet, sharing is a crucial social skill for children that helps kids succeed socially, personally, emotionally, and even academically.

Why Is Sharing Important For Children?

Gain friends.

Would you enjoy making friends with someone who is unwilling to share? Even for adults, sharing is important to help maintain friendships. Likewise, sharing helps children make friends easily as they offer a book or a snack to another child, and doing so offers opportunities for them to interact and communicate with their peers.

Studies have shown that childhood friendships are advantageous for children’s mental health and social and emotional skills development in their preschool years are the biggest predictors of success in their future.

Learn to Compromise

Sharing inherently requires one to learn to compromise. When a child shares a piece of fruit with a friend, a parent, or a caretaker, they will be left with a smaller portion of fruit. If they allow their friend to play with one of their favourite toys for a few minutes, it means that they will temporarily not be able to play with it. It also helps them to understand turn-taking.

Yet, because children were on several occasions generous with what they have, they learn that their friend will be more willing to share what they want in future.

Why Won’t My Child Share?

Children take time to learn the concept of sharing. In the first two years of a child’s life they will need to first develop a sense of self. You’ll hear things like, “Ma ma mine” or see them point to an object and then to themselves. This is an important developmental stage as toddlers are trying to detach themselves from their parents and discover their self-identity.

After that, they may start to form attachment to things around them, like a blanket, pillow, or stuffed toy. Sometimes, children may also perceive these items as part of themselves. Can you imagine asking them to share that ragged teddy bear they drag everywhere they go? You’ll find that it will be more difficult for them to share these items but remember that it is a process!

A child only starts developing empathy, the ability to see things from the perspectives of others, and the concept of sharing when he or she approaches the age of three. To help speed up the process or to encourage them to share, read on to learn the tips!

Mulberry Learning Things to Do at Home

Tips for Teaching Children to Share!

1. start young.

Even before your child starts to grasp the idea of sharing, you can always provide opportunities to share. Perhaps, asking your child to give you one bite of the cookie he or she is having every now and then or practise turn-taking by passing their favourite toys back and forth saying, “now it is my turn, then it is your turn.”

2. Give Compliments

Children learn best through praises and encouragements. Compliments should also be descriptive of the behaviour and specific. Instead of saying, “Wow, you’re such a good boy,” try “Did you see the smile on Colin’s face when you shared your truck with him?” This helps your little one make connections between his or her behaviour with the compliment.

3. Role Model How to Share

Parents are children’s first teachers and they watch, listen and observe you all the time! It is important for them to witness you giving and taking, compromising and sharing with others. Vocalise actions of sharing whenever your child is watching to show and point out to them that you are sharing. For instance, you can say, “Mummy is sharing my apple with daddy, do you want to share your apple with daddy too?”

Use the word “share” often and vocalise what you are doing. Let your child know that they can also share a feeling, a story, or an idea aside from material things.

4. Teach Them to Ask for Permission

As children learn about sharing, they also simultaneously learn about having ownership of items and should be taught to ask others for permission. Instead of snatching the toy away, they need to ask for permission, “can I borrow your toy car to play?”. Role-model that when you wish to get them to share their items with you and you’ll find that they will start correcting you and their friends for not asking for permission.

This is extremely crucial for the safety of children as well. They need to learn that people need to ask for permission before they hold their hands, hug them, or carry them.

5. Get Children to Think

Instead of telling children that they should share, you could instead question and get them to think in the perspectives of others. You can ask them, “What if your friends refuse to share their toys with you?” Whether they feel upset or angry, recognise their feelings and share with your child that their friends will probably feel the same way when he or she doesn’t share with them too.

6. Pre-empt your Child In Situations Where There Will be Sharing

A playdate or a meeting with their cousins where they’ll need to share? Let them know in advance to mentally prepare them for the situation. “Daddy’s friend and his children are coming over tonight to play with you. Do you think you can share your toys with them?” By telling them what is going to happen, they’ll not be caught by surprise when someone takes one of their toys temporarily.

7. Allow Your Child to Not Share In Some Cases

As you encourage your child to share, it is important for them to also learn times where they should not share. Children should also have the option of saying no. There may be more personal things like that important blanket or teddy bear that they have formed strong attachments to which are difficult for them to share.

Just as how you would prepare them for situations that require sharing, allow them room to not share in some cases. For instance, you could say, “Your cousins are coming over later on. I know you don’t like Hazel to play with your red fire truck, would you like to keep it somewhere and share other toys with her instead?” Children should be able to say “no” in situations they feel uncomfortable.

All in all, the road to teaching children to share is a long process; it is a marathon and not a sprint. It will take time, sometimes they may get frustrated and fail to share, but through lots of encouragement, role modelling, and patience, your child is set for the road to success!

Learn Good Habits Through Habits of Mind TM !

At Mulberry Learning, we have specially curated 12 habits that are mindfully infused into our curriculum, utilising teachable moments and daily routines to teach children positive behaviours such as sharing! While the Habits of Mind TM  framework has long been adopted by Singapore’s Ministry of Education to groom the top 1% of students under its Gifted Education Programme, Mulberry Learning is the first and only preschool network globally certified by the  Institute for Habits of Mind TM .

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Sharing is caring – or is it?

Do as I say, not as I do, is an old adage.  Has it outlived its time in a children’s learning setting? How much should children be expected to share their toys, for example, when adults prize ownership and privacy above many other values in our community?

sharing is caring essay for grade 3

By CELA on 10 Sep, 2018

By CELA writer Margaret Paton

One of your colleagues asks to borrow your car. It’s not a work car. She wants and needs your personal car and she expects you to share it with her. Your eyebrows go up and you say, politely we hope, ‘no’.

Hearing this conversation, children in your service might be confused. They have to share their cars, why don’t you?

sharing is caring essay for grade 3

Forced to share

So, why encourage children to share objects and experiences which are precious to them when we don’t and won’t share ours as adults?

Psychology lecturer Rachael Sharman wrote about the issue in  The Conversation , saying: ‘On the surface it seems like a fair point – it makes little sense to teach a child to follow a value system that will not be required in their adult years.’

Her story talks about a trend in parenting – dictate less and let children behave naturally with the law of the jungle prevailing, so to speak. No modelling or explicit teaching needed here. It’s even  policy in this US preschool .

But how would that work in practical terms? And isn’t sharing one of the outcomes we hope for in social and emotional skills development?

sharing is caring essay for grade 3

Why we need to share

So, yes. Sharing is ‘good’ for children’s social and emotional development.

It’s a lifelong skill they need to embrace to fit into society, work, relationships, recreation and play – in short, life.

Being able to share resources is critical to co-operating with others and indeed our survival in social groups, say Nadia Chernyak and David Sobel in the  Social Development  journal [1].

Sharman says: ‘Sharing appears to be a human trait  rooted in evolution , probably to ensure the  best possible chance of survival  of a whole group. And research has shown that children who display “prosocial” traits such as sharing demonstrate better outcomes in terms of  academic achievement  and  popularity .’

Sharing through the ages

So, when do children get a grip on the art of sharing?

Typically from age three, children will be developing their understanding of sharing, although many still find it a challenge, according to the  Raising Children website . There may be some innate traits that shape our personal ability to share, too. Some children are able to exhibit sharing from as young as eight months old [2].

Regardless of calendar age, most children are capable of learning to share. Children with social delays or deficits can learn sharing behaviours and ‘these behaviours may generalise across contexts and maintain over time’, says a study in the  Journal of Behavioral Education [3].

There are lessons to be learned from sharing, but there are lessons to be learned from missing out, too.

As  Dr Laura Markham says on her site Aha! Parenting , perhaps the empty-handed child should be encouraged to work through their emotions, even cry if they need to, to help them deal with it and develop resilience.

Sharing, taking turns, and cooperation

Sharing is just one way children learn to balance their own needs with those of another child or a group.  Taking turns has many of the characteristics of sharing but relies more on patience than altruism, while learning to cooperate with others teaches children that some things can best be achieved by combining resources and skills rather than working alone.

The KidsMatter resource on  Learning Positive Friendship Skills  has this list of ways adults can help children learn about sharing, taking turns and cooperating:

There are many ways adults can encourage children to take turns, some examples are:

  • Presenting give and take interactions with babies (eg when the baby smiles, smile back; when the baby makes a small sound make the sound back and then wait for the baby to take a turn). This is the beginning of the give and take of social interaction talk and then I wait and listen and you talk, then it is my turn again and so on.
  • Older babies love to play peek-a-boo (eg hold up a rug in front of your face and then look over it and say ‘peek-a-boo’, as the baby gets the idea give them the rug to take a turn).
  • Rolling a ball backwards and forwards between you.
  • Blowing kisses to each other, giving your baby time to take a turn.
  • When you are playing a game with your baby leave a space for them to signal you that they want to go on playing, then respond.
  • Take turns feeding each other.
  • Take turns putting blocks on a tower.
  • Join in your toddler’s game. Make some of the car or rocket noises, then wait and see if they want to take a turn.
  • Sing songs and leave a space for the toddler to put in some words or actions.

Values-driven approach

Not being able to share things will create major bumps in a child’s future life, but it’s not black and white. Sharing, we can learn, is about making a value judgment about fairness, appropriateness, and timing.

So rather than a blanket policy of  you always have to share  or  you never have to share,  we can look at when it’s good to share and when it’s all right not to share.

One way to figure that out is to focus on the perceived value of the object. Chernyak and Sobel’s study found that as adults ‘we often translate our concept of value (eg, a new car) into number (eg, money), but our findings suggest it is possible (and perhaps likely) that children view these dimensions as separate’.

What comes into play for children when sharing is the subjective and objective appreciations for the value of objects. And of course ‘value’ is a minefield in itself.

sharing is caring essay for grade 3

Who decides?

And this is the crux – who decides when children  should  or  shouldn’t  share? Are educators creating more work themselves by judging which child is entitled to the much-coveted object? Alternatively, are educators putting too much responsibility onto children who aren’t yet ready to make value judgements about sharing?

And what about the ‘obliging’ child who is always willing to share, are there some lessons for them about when it’s ok to be a bit selfish?

The quantity of conflicting advice and research available on the topic, as well as the personal experiences and values each educator and parent brings to the issue, suggests this is a subject that deserves solid discussion in the educational team at your service.

Have you got a policy on sharing? Share it in the comment box below!

[1] Chernyak, N & Sobel, DM. [2016].  Equal but not always fair: Value-laden sharing in pre-school aged children.   Social Development, Vol 25, No 2, pp340-351, May 2016.

[2] Lane, JD & Ledford, JR. [2015].  A Review of Interventions Designed to Increase Sharing Behaviors in Children with Social Delays or Deficits.   Journal of Behavioral Education. Vol 25, pp69-94, September 2015

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Fill in the form below and receive news in your email box, sharing is caring: definition, meaning, and origin.

"Sharing is caring" is a popular idiom that expresses the idea that giving something to someone else is a good and beneficial act. It implies that we can positively impact ourselves and others by sharing what we have.
In short: It means that giving is good. It promotes generosity, kindness, and cooperation among people.

What Does "Sharing is Caring" Mean?

The idiom "sharing is caring" has a simple and straightforward meaning: when we share something with someone, we show that we care about them. Sharing can refer to any action involving giving something to another person, such as material things like food and clothes, knowledge such as skills and information, and emotional attachment such as time, attention, and support. The idiom suggests that sharing is a rewarding experience.

Some related expressions that convey a similar meaning to "sharing is caring":

  • "It is better to give than to receive."
  • "The more you give, the more you get."
  • "One for all and all for one."
  • What goes around comes around .

Where Does "Sharing is Caring" Come From?

The origin and history of the idiom "sharing is caring" are unclear. However, one possible source is the Bible, where the concept of sharing as a form of caring can be traced back to the teachings of Jesus Christ.

Historical Example

"The Prudential Insurance Company of America has produced a film entitled "Sharing is Caring" which traces the activities of a group of college students working with Newark, N.J. inner-city youth on such problems as educational and recreational deficiencies..." - Youth Reporter, 1973

10 Examples of "Sharing is Caring" in Sentences

Here are some examples of how to use this idiom in different sentences:

  • Even in trying times , remember that sharing is caring .
  • Sharing is caring , so I'll save some of the popcorn for you.
  • Real talk : In our family, we always say that sharing is caring .
  • For God's sake . Sharing is caring , so let's split the pizza evenly.
  • Yes, please . Sharing is caring , so pass the crayons to your classmates.
  • Great job . The teacher reminded the students that sharing is caring during snack time.
  • Grandma taught me that sharing is caring when we share our talent with other people.
  • About last night , we followed the golden rule: sharing is caring . So, we shared a potluck.
  • When you have extra cookies, remember that sharing is caring . Give some to your loved ones.
  • The camp counselor emphasized that sharing is caring while distributing the campfire marshmallows.

Examples of "Sharing is Caring" in Pop Culture

Here are some examples of how this idiom has appeared in various forms of popular culture:

  • In the children's book The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister, the main character learns that sharing his shiny scales with other fish makes him happier and more popular. The book teaches the value of "sharing and caring" to young readers.
  • In the movie The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, the protagonists Katniss and Peeta share their food, warmth, and protection in a deadly competition. Their sharing shows that they care for each other and their survival.
  • In Sesame Street's TV show, the characters often share their toys, snacks, and experiences. The show educates children about the importance of "sharing and caring" in a fun and engaging way.
  • In Animal Crossing, the players can share their items, resources, and designs with other players online. The game encourages social interaction and cooperation among players.

Synonyms: Other/Different Ways to Say "Sharing is Caring"

Here are some synonyms and alternative ways to say this idiom:

  • Giving is living
  • Sharing is loving
  • Sharing is happiness
  • Sharing is friendship
  • Sharing makes you richer

10 Frequently Asked Questions About "Sharing is Caring"

Here are some common questions and answers about this idiom:

  • What does "sharing is caring" mean?
  • What is the origin of the phrase "sharing is caring"?
  • What is the opposite of "sharing is caring"?
The opposite of "sharing is caring" could be "hoarding is harming" or "selfishness is sadness." These phrases imply that keeping everything for oneself is an evil and harmful act that leads to unhappiness and isolation.
  • Is "sharing is caring" a proverb or a motto?
"Sharing is caring" can be considered both a proverb and a motto. A proverb is a short and wise saying that expresses a general truth or advice. A motto is a quick, catchy phrase describing a principle or goal. "Sharing is caring" can be used as a proverb to teach or remind people of the value of sharing. It can also be used as a motto to inspire or motivate people to share.
  • Is "sharing is caring" just about material possessions?
No, "sharing is caring" extends beyond material possessions. While it can refer to sharing physical items, it also encompasses sharing emotions, experiences, information, and support with others. It emphasizes the importance of being selfless and compassionate in various aspects of life .
  • How does "sharing is caring" relate to empathy?
"Sharing is caring" is closely related to empathy as it encourages individuals to consider the needs and feelings of others. By sharing, we demonstrate empathy by recognizing and responding to the emotions and needs of those around us.
  • What are some practical examples of how "sharing is caring" can be applied in daily life?
Practical examples include sharing food with someone in need, helping a colleague with a task, sharing knowledge or skills with others, or simply lending a sympathetic ear when someone needs to talk. It can be applied in numerous ways to show kindness and support.
  • Does "sharing is caring" mean we should always share everything without reservation?
No, it doesn't mean sharing everything without consideration. "Sharing is caring" encourages generosity and empathy, but it's essential to use judgment and consider context. It's reasonable to have boundaries and not share when it may be detrimental or unsafe.
  • How does "sharing is caring" apply to parenting and teaching children values?
It is commonly used in parenting and education to teach children the values of kindness, empathy, and cooperation. Parents and teachers often use this phrase to encourage children to share toys, help their peers, and develop a caring attitude.
  • Can "sharing is caring" be used professionally or in business?
Yes, the concept can apply in professional settings. It can involve sharing knowledge with colleagues, collaborating on projects, and being considerate of coworkers' needs and ideas. A caring and sharing attitude can foster teamwork and a positive work environment.

Final Thoughts About "Sharing is Caring"

"Sharing is caring" is a simple but powerful idiom that teaches us the value of giving and generosity. We can positively impact ourselves and others by sharing what we have.

To summarize:

  • The idiom means that giving is good.
  • It promotes positive values and behaviors.
  • It can be used in various contexts and situations.
  • It has some synonyms or alternative ways to say it.
  • It has some common questions and answers about it.

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Sharing is Caring

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“Love only grows by sharing. You can only have more for yourself by giving it away to others. ”― Brian Tracy

Why sharing is important?

To share is to spread joy. Sharing is also a critical skill that comes in handy when kids play and learn with other kids. It sows the seeds of empathy and helps in building the social skills required for a well-adjusted adult. The habit of sharing is developed over several years. Hence it is never too early to start introducing the concept of sharing is caring to your child. It says if someone shares something with any other person, that means they care for the person.

Children under the age of four might not understand how sharing works but are sure to follow the examples you set them about sharing and caring. Show them how you take turns as an adult in situations like waiting in line at the supermarket or stopping at the red light. Get them familiar with turn-taking initially by sharing a toy with them frequently using the phrases “my turn” and “your turn”. Use a timer to ensure fairness and make them more aware of sharing is caring.

Sharing could prove challenging to toddlers who grab their toys and exclaim “Mine!”. In that case, do not force them to share. Instead, nurture an environment that fosters sharing. Respect your child’s right to the possessions they consider precious. Sharing is a fine balance of respecting ownership and being considerate of others. It’s a valuable life lesson to encourage kids to think about others.

Like other skills, sharing requires practice and support to master. To create opportunities for your child to share using the following ways:

Five ways to teach your child that sharing is caring

sharing is caring essay for grade 3

1.Turn-Based Games

Play simple turn-based games like Hiding and Seek or Snakes and Ladders to demonstrate turn taking

2. Giving Flowers with Smile

Give your little one some flowers and ask them to share it with everyone in the room. People’s smiles and thank-yous will teach them that sharing spreads joy.

3. Puzzle Games

Complete a puzzle while taking turns adding the pieces.

4. Sharing Toys

Before playtime with friends, help your child choose toys they’d like to share.

5. Activities

Choose activities like building blocks or arts and crafts that involve sharing of resources.

Help your kids to learn about sharing

sharing is caring essay for grade 3

Furthermore, ask them to share a sapling from the garden to emphasize that sharing could be caring not just for someone else but for the environment too. The holiday season is a great time to show children the joy of sharing with others less fortunate. Pick out clothes and toys that they want to donate along with your child. This will impress on them that it’s not how much we give but how much love we put into giving. Children are just learning that it can be fun to share with others. The values of patience and tolerance go hand in hand with sharing. So keep these in mind while you get your child sharing away.

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Tips for Happy Life.

Sharing is caring essay

Sharing is caring essay.

Another name for love is sharing and caring. Sharing is a divine virtue, a  “Sharing is caring essay” is given for all levels for their inspiration and love.

sharing is caring essay

The greatest art of living happily and peacefully is caring others and share ones belonging with others without any hesitation and worry. Caring is a divine property, It is said that Almighty Allah cares a person more than a 70 mothers. So what is care it is nothing then love, passion and kindness for others. One can share only his articles and things if someone finds other lovable. The most caring relation in the world is of parents, who cares most for their offspring.

That items and belongings are shared with other which are not available to him/her, and an owner of any property will share only if he/she has a thought that such belonging may also be available to his loved one, so at once he decides to give it for their use.

So sharing is only done if someone has a love for others and in other way he will care only if there is some room in his heart for that person. So it is absolutely right that we can share the things if we have no more love for others. Once we are affectionate with others we will readily share our stuffs to others.

Sharing brings love, care, passion, tolerance, interdependence, empathy, responsiveness, gratitude and harmony not only among the families but as well as in the societies and countries. We find a person, a society and a country more lovable and friendly if it shares his things and helps us in the time of distress and hardship.

 A patient will not forget a person who have donated his blood when no one was ready to donate, he will  surely remember him whole the life as he has shared his dearest belonging with him and thus he is the only persons in the sea of people who cares him.

This manner of sharing and caring flourishes development among the masses and is a great cause of inner peace in the minds and hearts of all entities.

Love share is actually love between two partners, love between parents and children and other relationships. The golden principle for increment of love is to give your own thing and right to the person whom you love. In other way it is type of sharing… only cares for other if ones has a love and respect for other.

In fact, we can only share a thing for other for whom we have a space in our heart and mind. Parents care for their offspring as they have love, and each time they show their love with their kids by feeding them, by giving them gifts, by providing them protection and shelter and by providing them best opportunities to succeed in life. In response good manner and moral trained kids returns the care and love of their parents in the same way as their parents have cared for them during childhood. in this way journey of “sharing is caring” continues.

Not only human cares for one another but animal do care for their family and community. Lion, hyena and sharks live in a family and hunt in shape of groups and share their hunted animal.

Almighty Allah also do care for their creatures, by accepting their prayers, by blessing them and rewarding pious and good manner creatures. but Allah care is not confined to one sect, species and creatures, GOD do care not only for HIS followers but also for sinner and disbelievers.

We should care people all around the world in event of natural calamities, war, famine and disease.

Sharing happiness quotes

When you find a person without smile, give one of yours.

Great satisfaction comes from sharing with others.

No time is better spent then that spent in the service of your fellow men. (Bryan McGill)

Friendship ends when you stop sharing.

I don’t care what you say to me. I care what you share with me. (Santosh Kalwar)

Another name for love is sharing and caring.

Sharing is base for a relationship.

Sharing builds up relationship.

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Lesson Plan 3: Sharing is Caring

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Sharing with others is an important part of building relationships. In this lesson students will learn the benefits of sharing with others, be challenged to put themselves in someone else’s shoes, and practice recognizing other people’s needs. 

Grade leve l: 3 - 5

Prep time : 10 min

Lesson Duration: 60 min

Learning Outcomes:

It is expected that students will:

  •   Recognize the impact that sharing can have on the person they share with.
  • Identify ways that they can share the good things that they have with others.
  • Demonstrate the value of wanting good things for other people and not just themselves

Lesson includes:

  • Activate, Acquire, and Apply Activities 
  • Sample Journal Entry Sheet ( Printable )

Reading Comprehension Questions include:

  • Why does Jeremy want a new pair of shoes?
  • Have you ever shared something with someone even though it was hard for you?

Materials required ( not included):

  • Those Shoes by Maribeth Boelts
  • Paper and pens

NB: Purchase includes access to downloadable resources for 6 months.

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Bennie Hawra

sharing is caring essay for grade 3

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Did you know you can win a $1,000 scholarship just by sharing Scholarships360 with your friends? The Sharing is Caring Scholarship is open to all Scholarships360 users who refer their friends to Scholarships360. The more people you refer, the higher your chances of winning! To apply, just send your personal referral link to your friends. For every person who creates a Scholarships360 account using your personal referral link, you’ll gain an entry to the Sharing is Caring Scholarship. Get started by visiting the Scholarships360 Referral Center!

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Winner of the Scholarships360 $10,000 “No Essay” Scholarship

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Winner of the "Commencing at Community College" Scholarship

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Jack Furman

Winner of the “Tuition Solution” STEM Scholarship

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Morgan Breitschuh

Winner of the “Follow Your Own Path” Scholarship

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Connor Godoy

Winner of the “Commencing at Community College Scholarship”

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Kyamani Atterbury

Winner of the “Outstanding Undergraduate” Scholarship

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  2. Few Lines on Sharing is Caring

  3. Sharing is caring 💓💓| Short story for Kids

  4. 10 Lines on Sharing and Caring

  5. Caring and sharing l when it's sunny song l talking about feelings l unit 3 lesson 1Grade 5 English

  6. Sharing is Caring I Short Story in English


  1. Sharing is Caring Essay, Paragraphs & Speech

    Essay On Sharing is Caring For Class 6 Students. Sharing Is Caring - 300 Words Essay for Class 5. Sharing Is Caring - 250 Words Essay for Class 4. Sharing Is Caring - 200 Words Essay for Class 3. Sharing Is Caring - 150 Words Essay for Class 2. Sharing Is Caring - Ten Lines Essay for Class 1. Best Speech On Sharing Is Caring for Students.

  2. Paragraph on Sharing is Caring

    Essay on Sharing is Caring; Paragraph on Sharing is Caring in 250 Words. Sharing is Caring is a well-known phrase that teaches us about the importance of sharing in our lives. When we share, we show kindness and generosity to others. This could be sharing our things, like toys or books, or it could be sharing our time, like helping a friend ...

  3. Essay on Sharing is Caring

    Sharing is an intrinsic human practice, deeply ingrained in our social fabric. The act of sharing transcends the mere distribution of physical resources—it extends to the sharing of time, knowledge, and emotional support. In its essence, sharing is a manifestation of caring, reflecting our capacity for empathy and altruism.

  4. Sharing And Caring (Essay Sample)

    Sharing is an act that equates to caring. This is very true in how we build and function within our social relationships. When we share, we are also imparting part and parcel of ourselves in order to signify that we are secured enough to give to others. When we share things that we have to others, we showcase a sense of humility and empathy to ...

  5. Sharing and Caring

    Instead of simply involving toys, sharing also includes feelings, understandings, and experiences. And children's range of emotions - from happiness, to sorrow, to downright outrage applies to personal experiences as well as to more complex issues such as fear and violence. Help foster children's growth as they are beginning to understand ...

  6. Sharing is Caring

    This verse from Hebrews 13:16 is especially helpful as I am training my boys about sharing. "And do not forget to do good and to share with others for with such sacrifices God is pleased.". Hebrews 13:16. Here is a little video of the song so you can learn it too! (Email subscribers click HERE to see the video).

  7. Child Sharing and Caring Lesson Plan, Teaching Elementary Life Skills

    SHARING IS CARING LESSON . Directions: Print the Sharing is Caring reading comprehension passage and questions (see below). Teachers may use the text as part of a classroom lesson plan. Older students should read the passage silently, then answer the questions. Exercise. Teachers have the class prepare for a show and tell day.

  8. Sharing is Caring: Tips for Teaching Children to Share!

    1. Start Young. Even before your child starts to grasp the idea of sharing, you can always provide opportunities to share. Perhaps, asking your child to give you one bite of the cookie he or she is having every now and then or practise turn-taking by passing their favourite toys back and forth saying, "now it is my turn, then it is your turn.".

  9. Sharing Is Caring PowerPoint

    Learning to share is an important skill for all children. This lovely PowerPoint introduces the concept of sharing in a friendly, accessible way for Kindergarten and KS1 children. The PowerPoint is based on the wonderful Twinkl Originals story, 'Don't Hog the Hedge'. It introduces the concept of sharing through situations which the children will be familiar with, such as sharing toys and ...

  10. Sharing is caring

    Blowing kisses to each other, giving your baby time to take a turn. When you are playing a game with your baby leave a space for them to signal you that they want to go on playing, then respond. Take turns feeding each other. Take turns putting blocks on a tower. Join in your toddler's game.

  11. Sharing is Caring: Definition, Meaning, and Origin

    The idiom "sharing is caring" has a simple and straightforward meaning: when we share something with someone, we show that we care about them. Sharing can refer to any action involving giving something to another person, such as material things like food and clothes, knowledge such as skills and information, and emotional attachment such as ...

  12. Caring vs Sharing: When And How Can You Use Each One?

    While both words involve a sense of consideration and generosity, they manifest in different ways. Caring implies a deep emotional connection and concern for the well-being of others, while sharing involves the act of distributing or giving something to others. More specifically, caring can be defined as the act of showing empathy, compassion ...

  13. 56 Top "Sharing Is Caring" Teaching Resources curated for you

    A Caring Eid al-Adha - Writing Activity. Explore more than 56 "Sharing Is Caring" resources for teachers, parents and pupils as well as related resources on "Sharing ". Instant access to printable and digital teaching resources, lesson packs, worksheets, eBooks, interactive games, PowerPoints, and Google Slides. Ready to download.

  14. Sharing is Caring

    To share is to spread joy. Sharing is also a critical skill that comes in handy when kids play and learn with other kids. It sows the seeds of empathy and helps in building the social skills required for a well-adjusted adult. The habit of sharing is developed over several years. Hence it is never too early to start introducing the concept of ...

  15. Sharing is caring essay

    Sharing is a divine virtue, a "Sharing is caring essay" is given for all levels for their inspiration and love. The greatest art of living happily and peacefully is caring others and share ones belonging with others without any hesitation and worry. Caring is a divine property, It is said that Almighty Allah cares a person more than a 70 ...

  16. Few Lines on Sharing is Caring

    Want to have a Few Sentences about Sharing is Caring? You are in the right place! This video provides you with 10 Lines on Sharing is caring in English. It...

  17. Grades 3-5 Lesson Plan: Sharing is Caring

    In this lesson students will learn the benefits of sharing with others, be challenged to put themselves in someone else's shoes, and practice recognizing other people's needs. Grade leve l: 3 - 5 Prep time : 10 min

  18. Sharing Is Caring Essay For Grade 3

    Sharing Is Caring Essay For Grade 3. You are free to order a full plagiarism PDF report while placing the order or afterwards by contacting our Customer Support Team. EssayService strives to deliver high-quality work that satisfies each and every customer, yet at times miscommunications happen and the work needs revisions.

  19. Sharing is Caring Scholarship

    This scholarship is open to all high school, college, community college, graduate, technical, and vocational students who are U.S. Citizens or Permanent Residents. Grade Level. All Grade Levels. Citizenship. U.S. Citizens, Permanent Residents. Apply to these scholarships due soon. $10,000 "No Essay" Scholarship. 1 award worth $10,000.

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