Top 12 News Editor Skills to Put on Your Resume

In today's fast-paced media landscape, a news editor must possess a unique set of skills to stand out and succeed. This article delves into the top 12 skills that are crucial for news editors to highlight on their resumes, ensuring they catch the eye of potential employers and excel in their roles.

Top 12 News Editor Skills to Put on Your Resume

News Editor Skills

  • SEO Optimization
  • CMS (Content Management Systems)
  • Adobe InDesign
  • Google Analytics
  • Fact-Checking
  • Social Media Management
  • Photo Editing (Adobe Photoshop)
  • Video Editing (Adobe Premiere)
  • Data Analysis (Excel)

1. AP Style

AP Style, or Associated Press Style, is a standardized way of writing used in news reporting and journalism. It provides guidelines for grammar, punctuation, usage, and journalistic principles to ensure consistency and clarity across publications. For a News Editor, it's essential for editing and aligning content with industry standards.

Why It's Important

AP Style is important for a News Editor because it ensures consistency, clarity, and professionalism across all news content, facilitating reader understanding and maintaining the credibility of the publication.

How to Improve AP Style Skills

To improve your AP Style as a News Editor, focus on these key strategies:

  • Stay Updated : Regularly review the AP Stylebook to stay current with the latest guidelines.
  • Practice : Apply AP Style rules in your editing tasks consistently. More practice leads to better mastery.
  • Use Online Resources : Engage with online resources and quizzes, such as those found on the AP Style Quizzes page, to test your knowledge and improve.
  • Join Workshops : Participate in AP Style workshops or webinars to learn directly from the experts.
  • Create a Cheat Sheet : Compile a list of the most frequently encountered rules and exceptions specific to your publication for quick reference.
  • Peer Review : Collaborate with colleagues to peer review each other’s work, offering constructive feedback on AP Style adherence.

By integrating these strategies, you’ll progressively refine your skills in AP Style, ensuring clarity, precision, and consistency in your news editing.

How to Display AP Style Skills on Your Resume

How to Display AP Style Skills on Your Resume

2. SEO Optimization

SEO Optimization for a News Editor involves strategically enhancing online news content to improve visibility and rankings on search engine results pages. This includes using relevant keywords, creating engaging headlines, ensuring mobile-friendliness, and optimizing for fast loading times to attract and retain more readers.

SEO optimization is crucial for a News Editor because it helps ensure the content ranks higher in search engine results, increasing visibility and readership, and ultimately driving more traffic to the news website.

How to Improve SEO Optimization Skills

To improve SEO optimization as a News Editor, focus on:

Keyword Research : Identify trending and relevant keywords for your news articles. Use tools like Google Keyword Planner or SEMrush .

Quality Content : Write engaging, informative, and original content. Ensure it provides value to your readers.

Optimize Headlines : Make headlines clear, compelling, and containing your main keyword. Use tools like CoSchedule Headline Analyzer for improvement suggestions.

Mobile Optimization : Ensure your site is mobile-friendly. Use Google's Mobile-Friendly Test to check.

Page Speed : Improve loading times by optimizing images and using caching. Test your site with Google PageSpeed Insights .

Use Internal Links : Link to other articles and pages within your site to keep readers engaged and distribute page authority.

External Links : Link to reputable sources to add credibility and a source for further reading. This can also encourage backlinks.

Social Media : Share your articles on social media platforms to drive traffic. Engage with your audience to boost shares and visibility.

Meta Descriptions : Write compelling meta descriptions with keywords for each article to improve click-through rates from search engine results.

Analytics : Use tools like Google Analytics to monitor your site's performance and adjust strategies as needed.

By focusing on these areas, you can significantly improve the SEO of your news website.

How to Display SEO Optimization Skills on Your Resume

How to Display SEO Optimization Skills on Your Resume

3. CMS (Content Management Systems)

A Content Management System (CMS) is a software platform that enables news editors to create, manage, edit, and publish digital content easily without needing to write code.

CMS is crucial for News Editors as it streamlines content publication, enables efficient editing and management of articles, and allows for timely updates, ensuring accurate and current news dissemination to the audience.

How to Improve CMS (Content Management Systems) Skills

To enhance a CMS for a News Editor, focus on:

User-Friendly Interface : Streamline the dashboard and editor interface to facilitate quick navigation and content creation ( User Experience Design ).

Advanced SEO Tools : Incorporate tools for keyword analysis, meta tags, and readability checks to optimize content for search engines ( Moz SEO Tools ).

Responsive Design : Ensure the CMS supports responsive design for content to display correctly across all devices ( Responsive Web Design Basics ).

Efficient Media Management : Implement an intuitive media library for easy uploading, editing, and organizing of images and videos ( WordPress Media Library ).

Robust Security Features : Strengthen security with regular updates, backups, and protection against common vulnerabilities ( OWASP Security Practices ).

Customizable Templates : Offer a range of customizable templates that cater to different news formats and styles ( TemplateMonster ).

Social Media Integration : Enable easy sharing and integration with social media platforms to increase reach and engagement ( Hootsuite Integration Guide ).

Analytics and Reporting : Integrate analytics for real-time traffic data, engagement metrics, and content performance analysis ( Google Analytics ).

Collaboration Tools : Facilitate collaboration among editors, writers, and contributors with real-time editing and feedback tools ( Trello for Collaboration ).

Training and Support : Provide comprehensive documentation, tutorials, and customer support for troubleshooting and user training ( Training).

By focusing on these areas, a CMS can be significantly improved to meet the demands of a fast-paced news environment, making it easier for editors to publish timely, engaging, and high-quality content.

How to Display CMS (Content Management Systems) Skills on Your Resume

How to Display CMS (Content Management Systems) Skills on Your Resume

4. Adobe InDesign

Adobe InDesign is a professional desktop publishing software used by news editors and designers for creating and designing newspapers, magazines, flyers, and other print and digital media materials, featuring extensive layout, typography, and graphics tools.

Adobe InDesign is crucial for News Editors as it offers advanced layout capabilities and typography tools, allowing for efficient design and organization of complex news stories and multimedia elements, ensuring professional and visually appealing newspaper or magazine publications.

How to Improve Adobe InDesign Skills

To enhance Adobe InDesign for a News Editor:

  • Templates : Utilize professional templates to speed up the layout process.
  • Shortcuts : Master keyboard shortcuts to improve efficiency.
  • Scripts : Use scripts to automate repetitive tasks.
  • Paragraph Styles : Implement paragraph and character styles for consistent text formatting.
  • Data Merge : Leverage the Data Merge feature for personalized publications.
  • InDesign Plugins : Explore InDesign plugins for advanced functionality.
  • Preflighting : Use Preflight to check for errors before publishing.
  • CC Libraries : Share assets efficiently with team members using Creative Cloud Libraries.

By incorporating these strategies, a News Editor can significantly improve workflow and productivity in Adobe InDesign.

How to Display Adobe InDesign Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Adobe InDesign Skills on Your Resume

5. Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a digital analytics service that allows news editors to monitor and analyze their website’s traffic, providing insights into reader behavior and content performance.

Google Analytics is important for a News Editor because it provides insights into reader behavior and preferences, enabling targeted content strategy and audience engagement optimization.

How to Improve Google Analytics Skills

To improve Google Analytics for a News Editor, focus on customizing dashboards for real-time monitoring, setting up goals for visitor engagement, and using segments to analyze specific user behaviors. Leverage Google's URL Builder to track the performance of external links and campaigns effectively. Optimize content strategy by analyzing the Behavior Flow report to understand how users navigate through your site. Implement Event Tracking to gauge interactions with content and links beyond pageviews. Lastly, regularly review the Acquisition reports to understand and enhance traffic sources.

How to Display Google Analytics Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Google Analytics Skills on Your Resume

6. Fact-Checking

Fact-checking is the process of verifying the accuracy of information in news stories to ensure their reliability and truthfulness before publication.

Fact-checking is crucial for a News Editor to ensure accuracy, maintain credibility, and uphold journalistic integrity by verifying information before publication, thus preventing the dissemination of misinformation and protecting the public trust.

How to Improve Fact-Checking Skills

To improve fact-checking as a News Editor, follow these concise strategies:

Utilize Reputable Sources : Always cross-reference facts with authoritative sources. Websites like Reuters and AP News provide reliable information.

Fact-Checking Databases : Make use of databases like and PolitiFact for political news verification.

Expert Verification : Reach out to subject matter experts via platforms like HARO (Help a Reporter Out) for expert opinions and clarifications.

Digital Tools : Employ digital fact-checking tools such as Snopes for debunking myths and Grammarly for checking the accuracy and clarity of the text.

Peer Review : Implement a peer review system within your team to ensure every piece is double-checked by another editor.

Transparency with Readers : Encourage feedback and corrections from your audience, creating a transparent correction policy visible on your platform.

By integrating these strategies, you can significantly enhance the accuracy and reliability of the news content you publish.

How to Display Fact-Checking Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Fact-Checking Skills on Your Resume

7. Social Media Management

Social Media Management, for a News Editor, involves curating, scheduling, and publishing news content across various social media platforms to engage audiences, increase reach, and promote the consumption of news stories while monitoring feedback and trends to inform editorial decisions.

Social media management is crucial for a news editor as it amplifies content reach, engages directly with the audience, and builds brand trust, thereby enhancing the visibility and credibility of the news outlet in the digital landscape.

How to Improve Social Media Management Skills

Improving social media management, especially for a News Editor, involves a strategic approach to content curation, audience engagement, and analytics monitoring. Here are concise strategies:

Plan Content : Use a content calendar for consistent posting. Tools like Buffer or Hootsuite help schedule posts in advance.

Engage Your Audience : Respond to comments and messages. Use Sprout Social for efficient engagement across platforms.

Use Analytics : Analyze performance to understand your audience. Platforms like Google Analytics and native analytics on social networks provide insights.

Visual Content : Incorporate videos and images. Tools like Canva and Adobe Spark help create engaging visuals.

Stay Updated : Keep abreast of social media trends and algorithm changes. Sites like Social Media Today offer the latest news.

Educate and Inform : As a News Editor, prioritize accuracy and informative content. Use AP Stylebook for consistency in communication.

Implementing these strategies can significantly improve the effectiveness of social media management for a News Editor.

How to Display Social Media Management Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Social Media Management Skills on Your Resume

8. WordPress

WordPress is a popular content management system (CMS) widely used for creating and managing websites, including news platforms, allowing editors to easily publish, edit, and organize articles and multimedia content.

WordPress is important for a News Editor because it offers an easy-to-use platform for publishing and managing content, enabling timely and efficient updates to news articles. Its extensive range of themes and plugins also allows for customization and functionality enhancement, catering to the dynamic needs of news publishing.

How to Improve WordPress Skills

To improve WordPress for a News Editor, focus on:

Optimization for Speed : Use caching plugins like W3 Total Cache and optimize images with tools like Smush . Fast loading times are crucial for retaining readers.

SEO Enhancements : Improve visibility with Yoast SEO , optimizing content for better rankings and reader engagement.

Responsive Design : Ensure your theme is mobile-friendly, adapting seamlessly to various devices. Consider themes like Astra or GeneratePress .

Security Measures : Protect your site with plugins like Wordfence Security to prevent hacking and data breaches.

Editorial Workflow Tools : Utilize Edit Flow for editorial calendars, custom statuses, and team communication, enhancing collaboration and content planning.

Social Media Integration : Amplify reach with social sharing plugins like Social Media Share Buttons to encourage sharing and increase traffic.

Content Delivery Network (CDN) : Use services like Cloudflare to distribute content globally, reducing load times and handling traffic spikes efficiently.

By implementing these strategies, you can significantly improve the WordPress experience for a News Editor, enhancing both the back-end workflow and the front-end user experience.

How to Display WordPress Skills on Your Resume

How to Display WordPress Skills on Your Resume

9. Photo Editing (Adobe Photoshop)

Photo editing in Adobe Photoshop for a News Editor involves adjusting and enhancing digital images to ensure clarity, accuracy, and visual appeal in news media, while preserving the authenticity and integrity of the original photograph.

Photo editing, particularly with Adobe Photoshop, is crucial for a News Editor as it allows for the enhancement and precise adjustment of images to ensure they are clear, visually appealing, and accurately convey the intended message or story, while adhering to ethical standards of journalism.

How to Improve Photo Editing (Adobe Photoshop) Skills

Improving photo editing skills in Adobe Photoshop, especially for a News Editor, involves mastering a variety of techniques and staying updated with the latest tools. Here are concise tips and resources:

Learn the Basics : Start with understanding layers, masks, and blending modes. Adobe's own tutorials are a great resource.

Master Color Correction : Enhance your images by learning color balancing and adjustments. Phlearn’s Color Correction guide is a comprehensive resource.

Understand Photo Retouching : For news editing, it’s important to keep images authentic while cleaning up noise and imperfections. This retouching tutorial is useful.

Efficient Workflow : Learn shortcuts and develop an efficient workflow to speed up your editing process without sacrificing quality. Adobe provides a guide on customizing shortcuts .

Stay Updated : Adobe Photoshop is constantly updated with new features. Follow the Adobe Blog to stay informed.

Practice Ethical Editing : Especially relevant for news editors, maintaining the integrity of the photo is paramount. Familiarize yourself with ethical guidelines, such as those from the National Press Photographers Association (NPPA) .

Join Online Communities : Engage with communities on platforms like Reddit’s r/photoshop for feedback, tips, and challenges.

Practice regularly and critically analyze your work in comparison to industry standards to continuously improve.

How to Display Photo Editing (Adobe Photoshop) Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Photo Editing (Adobe Photoshop) Skills on Your Resume

10. Video Editing (Adobe Premiere)

Video editing with Adobe Premiere for a News Editor involves cutting, arranging, and refining footage to craft compelling news stories. It includes adding transitions, effects, text overlays, and audio to enhance storytelling and ensure clear, engaging communication of news content to the audience.

Video editing, particularly with Adobe Premiere, is crucial for a News Editor as it enables precise and efficient crafting of news stories, ensuring clarity, engagement, and the seamless integration of visuals and sound to effectively convey information to the audience.

How to Improve Video Editing (Adobe Premiere) Skills

To improve your video editing skills in Adobe Premiere, especially as a News Editor, follow these concise tips:

Master the Basics : Ensure you're comfortable with Premiere's interface, tools, and shortcuts. Adobe's official tutorials are a great start.

Learn Color Grading : Enhance the visual appeal of your footage. Adobe offers a guide to color grading .

Understand Audio Editing : Clear audio is crucial in news editing. Adobe's audio editing basics will help.

Practice Efficient Workflow : Use bins and labels to organize your projects and sequences effectively. Adobe's tips for workflows can optimize your editing process.

Stay Updated : Adobe constantly updates Premiere. Keep abreast of new features and improvements through the Adobe Blog .

Use Templates and Presets : To speed up your editing process, utilize templates and presets. Sites like Motion Array offer numerous options.

Edit for Story : Focus on storytelling. Every cut and transition should serve the narrative. Poynter offers insights on visual storytelling.

Feedback and Critique : Regularly seek feedback from peers. Join forums like Creative COW's Premiere Pro forum to learn from professionals.

Experiment : Don't be afraid to try new techniques or styles. Experimentation is key to finding what works best for your content.

Continuous Learning : The field of video editing is always evolving. Platforms like (now LinkedIn Learning) offer advanced tutorials to enhance your skills further.

By incorporating these strategies into your editing routine, you'll improve both the efficiency and quality of your news videos in Adobe Premiere.

How to Display Video Editing (Adobe Premiere) Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Video Editing (Adobe Premiere) Skills on Your Resume


HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is the standard language used to create and design web pages by marking up text to define elements like headings, paragraphs, and links. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is used alongside HTML to define the style and layout of web pages, including colors, fonts, and spacing. Together, they form the foundation of web design, allowing for the creation of visually appealing and structured online news articles and websites.

HTML/CSS is crucial for a News Editor as it enables the creation and styling of web content, ensuring articles are visually appealing, accessible, and easily navigable for readers on various devices.

How to Improve HTML/CSS Skills

To improve your HTML/CSS skills, especially as a News Editor focusing on content with external links, adopt the following strategies:

Learn Semantic HTML: Understand the importance of using the correct HTML tags for content structure ( <article> , <section> , <nav> , <aside> , etc.). This improves accessibility and SEO.

CSS Fundamentals: Master CSS selectors, the box model, and positioning. This knowledge is essential for effective styling and layout of web content.

Responsive Design: Learn to use media queries and flexible layouts to ensure your content is readable on all devices.

CSS Frameworks: Explore frameworks like Bootstrap or Tailwind CSS for rapid, consistent styling.

Accessibility: Ensure your content is accessible to all users, including those with disabilities. This includes proper use of ARIA roles and ensuring high contrast for readability.

Performance Optimization: Learn techniques to minimize CSS file size and improve loading times, such as using CSS minification and understanding Critical CSS.

Practice: Regularly code from scratch and refactor existing code to improve your understanding and efficiency.

Stay Updated: Follow web standards and trends through reputable blogs, forums, and newsletters.

For external links in markdown:

Use Inline Linking : To add an external link, use the format [Link Text](URL "Optional Title") . This keeps your markdown readable and links accessible.

Descriptive Link Text : Use meaningful text for the link description. Avoid vague text like "click here", which doesn't provide information about the link's destination or content.

Check Links : Regularly verify that external links are not broken to maintain the credibility and usability of your content.

By focusing on these areas, you can significantly improve the quality and professionalism of your HTML/CSS skills, enhancing both the presentation and functionality of your news content with effective external linking.

How to Display HTML/CSS Skills on Your Resume

How to Display HTML/CSS Skills on Your Resume

12. Data Analysis (Excel)

Data Analysis in Excel involves using tools and functions to sort, manipulate, and interpret numerical and statistical information, enabling a News Editor to derive insights, trends, and patterns from data to support journalistic research and storytelling.

Data Analysis using Excel is crucial for a News Editor as it enables efficient organization and examination of large volumes of information to identify trends, verify facts, and derive insights, ensuring accurate, data-driven storytelling and decision-making.

How to Improve Data Analysis (Excel) Skills

To improve data analysis in Excel as a News Editor, focus on mastering key Excel functionalities and employing best practices tailored to your role:

Learn Advanced Excel Functions : Deepen your knowledge in Excel functions like VLOOKUP , INDEX , MATCH , and pivot tables. Microsoft's Excel training can be a good starting point.

Utilize Data Visualization Tools : Enhance your storytelling by leveraging Excel's charting and graph capabilities. Understand how to use conditional formatting and dashboard creation to highlight key data points. Exceljet offers great tutorials on various chart types.

Incorporate Data Cleaning Techniques : As a News Editor, your analysis is only as good as your data. Learn to use functions and features for data cleaning like TRIM , CLEAN , and Remove Duplicates . This guide on Data Cleaning is helpful.

Automate Repetitive Tasks : Use macros and Excel's Power Query to automate repetitive tasks, allowing more time for analysis. The basics of macros can be found on Excel Easy .

Stay Updated with Excel : Excel is continuously updated. Stay informed about new features and tools that can aid your data analysis. Follow the Microsoft Excel Blog for updates and tips.

Apply Best Practices for Data Security : Especially relevant for sensitive information, ensure you're familiar with Excel's data protection features. Microsoft's guide to Excel security is a must-read.

By focusing on these areas, you'll significantly enhance your data analysis capabilities in Excel, directly benefiting your role as a News Editor.

How to Display Data Analysis (Excel) Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Data Analysis (Excel) Skills on Your Resume

Related Career Skills

  • News Analyst
  • News Anchor
  • News Director
  • News Photographer
  • News Producer
  • News Reporter

Resume Builder

  • Resume Experts
  • Search Jobs
  • Search for Talent
  • Employer Branding
  • Outplacement
  • Resume Samples
  • Social Media and Journalism

News Editor Resume Samples

The guide to resume tailoring.

Guide the recruiter to the conclusion that you are the best candidate for the news editor job. It’s actually very simple. Tailor your resume by picking relevant responsibilities from the examples below and then add your accomplishments. This way, you can position yourself in the best way to get hired.

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Resume Builder

  • Responsible for independently creating, developing and managing daily content as assigned, including high- and mid-level content
  • Take a point role gathering, verifying and confirming breaking news
  • Nonlinear editing (using Adobe Premiere) of newscast elements including PKGs, VOs, VOSOTs, opens, teases and preproduction material
  • Leading, recruiting and developing a small team of talented writers, both permanent and freelance
  • Proactively researching and collating information on areas/sections covered and constantly developing knowledge
  • Help shape our coverage by contributing story ideas, vetting news leads and compiling daily and weekly publications
  • Relentless attention to detail while multi-tasking in a fast-moving breaking news environment
  • Identify developing or breaking news that warrants deeper reporting and collaborate with reports editors to see coverage through
  • Writing daily content in the form of news stubs and/or morning briefing notes
  • Knowing all major upcoming breaking news and enterprise stories relevant to the region
  • Writing compelling web-friendly headlines to promote stories to the target audiences
  • Liaising with digital video and TV heads to ensure upcoming interviews and packages are promoted in region
  • Coordinating with editors of U.S., Europe and Asia homepages to maintain consistency across major breaking news events
  • As a key part of the newsgathering team you will support the intake desk in any newsgathering requests they may have
  • Frontline manages the desk during shift - story, asset and resource management ensuring the quality, speed and accuracy of our storytelling. Ensures the network goals and planning around a story is reflected in treatment of the story. Serving as editorial gatekeeper for the network, ensuring integrity by giving attention to all elements of a story, words, information, facts, data etc. for all platforms including Digital and Social execution
  • Manage editorial content from concept to delivery; working with audience engagement and other teams to ensure it is engaging and informative for a consumer audience
  • Client communication: Senior News Editors are responsible for communicating out urgent and alerts to all platforms, liaising with the control rooms and Digital supervisors on matters of importance and breaking news. They are responsible for bringing security, legal, S+P and editorial issues to the attention of the DOC
  • Performance Management: Gives regular feedback to direct reports and the newsdesk researchers and producers they work with. Mentors desk employees formally and informally. On-boards, trains and manages temporary employees and new staff they are responsible for
  • Makes recommendations on spending in conjunction with senior managers
  • Performance Management – give regular feedback to direct reports, Newsdesk Researchers and Producers
  • Make recommendation on spending and alerting senior managers on issues related to spending
  • Excellent grammar and broadcast news writing; organized; excellent on-air delivery; self-starter; able to work different shifts if necessary
  • Good communication skills and ability to communicate at all levels
  • Basic knowledge of HTML and social media
  • Able to work in a fast paced, detail-oriented environment with calm, skilled execution
  • Excellent web headline and copywriting skills, with a command of AP Style and a deep knowledge of SEO best practices
  • Ability to work with a multitude of people and personalities while maintaining a professional work environment
  • Ability to work with a multitude of people and personalities, while maintaining a professional work environment
  • Excellent writing skills and ability to create new ideas for features and content
  • Strong news judgment, knowledge of current events
  • Excellent communication skills & professional conduct, especially in high-pressure & stressful situations

15 News Editor resume templates

News Editor Resume Sample

Read our complete resume writing guides

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  • Technical school or equivalent work experience
  • 2 years of video editing experience in a television production environment
  • Must possess strong client/people skills and have the ability to handle pressure due to various deadlines

News Editor Resume Examples & Samples

  • Edit game highlights and news packages under deadlines
  • Edit long form feature stories with creativity
  • Edit show opens and teasers and highlight material
  • Three (3) years of Avid Editing experience
  • Two (2) years of experience editing sports highlights
  • Must be able to provide a demo reel of recent work
  • Capability to edit with working knowledge of Avid News Cutter /Media Composer Editing Systems
  • Proficiency and knowledge of Avid Interplay System
  • Familiarity with analog, digital and HD tape/disc formats
  • Thorough knowledge of local & national sports
  • Ability to follow direction and work creatively under minimal supervision
  • Strong organizational skills with ability to meet tight deadlines
  • Experience with INEWS
  • Candidate must be a quick learner, proactive problem solver, have a strong work ethic and positive attitude

Sports News Editor / Producer, CNN Sports Resume Examples & Samples

  • Coordinating satellites and remotes
  • Prepare alerts going to domestic news and/or social media
  • 3+ years production and/or news desk experience; some digital experience preferred
  • Editorial experience; solid editorial judgment/awareness
  • Sports news experience; competent sports knowledge

Senior Fashion News Editor, Resume Examples & Samples

  • Pitching, writing, assigning and editing stories that cover the fashion industry and its influence on pop-culture
  • Collaborating with the Deputy Editor to help maintain a daily schedule of no less than 10-15 stories
  • This role will also help with scheduling and the planning of weekend and evening coverage
  • Use industry contacts and a network of writers to solicit pitches, break exclusive news, and find scoops
  • Partner with the social media editor to strategize and promote traffic-driving content
  • Generate new franchises, listicles, tentpoles and methods for gaining traffic and developing an engaged audience
  • 5 years’ experience working as a fashion writer/reporter or in a fast-paced editorial role online
  • Must have extensive, pre-existing contacts within the industry
  • Fluent, versatile writing skills—the ability to write sophisticated, funny, smart, opinionated, voice-driven stories
  • Strong understanding of online publishing, social media, and web strategy
  • Must be a fast learner and self starter capable of doing more than one thing at a time
  • Must be experienced at enterprising stories
  • Computer skills and experience with digital editing and social media an absolute must
  • Multi-tasking and good news judgment absolutely essential
  • Must have excellent broadcast news writing skills and the ability to communicate effectively with a solid background in journalism and radio including, grammar, spelling and critical thinking
  • Must have good editorial judgment and able to assess importance, relevance and accuracy of news stories
  • A proven track record of being able to lead a team and work effectively with news anchors and reporters with a passion and curiosity for current events
  • Must be able to work under pressure to deal with breaking news in a fast-paced environment and meet deadlines
  • Willing to work flexible hours and to be on call when assigned
  • A self-starting positive attitude with a passion for radio and current events
  • Typing, computer literate, able to post audio and video, web links and Facebook links
  • Social media fluent
  • Minimum 3 years of experience in radio news as an editor, anchor or reporter with experience writing, organizing and producing newscasts and long-form news programs

News Editor Cnn Resume Examples & Samples

  • Previous news room experience
  • Newsgathering experience in social media outlets
  • Previous Assignment Editor experience preferred

News Editor, Newsource Resume Examples & Samples

  • Strong interpersonal and organizational skills
  • Understanding of CNN newsgathering environment is a plus
  • Bachelors’ degree in Journalism, Television/Film Production, Communications or equivalent work experience
  • Ability and flexibility to work any shift which may include weekends/holidays to accommodate needs of the business

News Editor Newsource Resume Examples & Samples

  • Strong general news judgment
  • Good verbal and written communication skills
  • Ability to make quick strategic decisions in a high pressure newsroom

Breaking News Editor / Reporter Resume Examples & Samples

  • Monitors all sources for breaking news and stories that resonate with our audience ... from staff, breaking news phone, e-mail, wires, Twitter, Google Trends, local and national TV stations and Web sites. Rewrites content from these sources for
  • Displays a strong sense of urgency, high energy and tenacity to get the fastest and most complete report for the digital audience
  • Works without significant direction or editing; generates clean and concise copy that should not require rewrite
  • Flexibility to work nights and weekends
  • Assists in editing copy of weekend rotation reporters. Assigns reporters and photographers to breaking news, using resources carefully and responsibly
  • Has a working understanding of the technologies used to publish digital content
  • Generates work that is balanced, fair, accurate and complete, incorporating where appropriate, a diverse range of sources. Copy should not contain errors of fact or judgment and should not include any issues of bias
  • Stays up-to-date on news, pop culture and emerging trends
  • Able to report and develop sources stories from desk or out in the field
  • Can shoot photos and video with a smartphone
  • Able to aggregate content from sources within and outside the AJC
  • Consistently initiates ideas and executes new ideas to drive traffic
  • Collaborates effectively with others
  • Handles other assignments as needed, showing flexibility and adaptability
  • 3 or more years of digital media experience
  • 3 or more years reporting experience
  • Editing experience preferred
  • Deep knowledge of audience and demonstrated ability to create content to meet audience needs across digital platforms
  • Strong ability to organize, analyze, Interpret and disseminate information
  • Excellent interpersonal and collaborative skills

News Editor, CNN National Content Center Resume Examples & Samples

  • Strong writing and research skills
  • Strong social media newsgathering skills
  • Strong understanding of social media, vetting third party material and utilizing these and other social and digital resources in delivering the news to our viewers/readers
  • Proven editorial judgment, resourcefulness, anticipation skills and forward thinking
  • Proficient in use of the web/internet
  • Self-starter, self-motivated; ability to work in collaborative environment with diverse personalities in what can often be an intense newsroom situation
  • Strong work ethic and efficient work habits
  • Bachelors’ degree in Journalism/related field or equivalent experience
  • Bilingual- fluency in Spanish highly preferred
  • Demonstrates interest for New Media applications preferred
  • Passion and curiosity for ideas and trends of importance to the US public, and a general awareness and understanding of global news preferred

News Editor, State & Local Resume Examples & Samples

  • Work regularly with staff reporters, freelance writers and guest contributors
  • Edit blog posts and feature articles
  • Help manage web operations, social media and other news team functions
  • Monitor news impacting state, county and municipal governments around the country
  • Plan and execute special news projects as needed
  • Work with colleagues at other Government Executive Media Group and Atlantic Media publications to share content
  • 2-3 years of professional experience in journalism, ideally in newsroom operations, web production, homepage editing, content editing or copyediting
  • Strong writer and editor, with an interest in how governments work at the state, county and municipal level and strong analytical skills
  • Capable of shifting gears throughout the workday and managing an assortment of daily multi-platform duties needed for an expanding news operation
  • Demonstrated ability to write and edit timely blog posts and in-depth, high-impact features
  • Experience working with an online content management system
  • Adept at engaging and developing audiences via social media
  • Able to monitor news from a variety of sources across the country to track issues impacting state and local governments and collaborate with the editorial team to find great ways to tell stories and share ideas
  • Oversee daily news coverage during the US business day
  • Help to plan the coverage of major news events and trends in the Americas
  • Commission and edit pieces
  • Supervise the distribution of Economist content on digital channels
  • Update and proofread Espresso, our daily app, working with colleagues in London and in Asian bureaus

Evening News Editor Resume Examples & Samples

  • Lead breaking and developing news coverage
  • Come up with creative ways to tell stories
  • Uphold the standards of ABC News
  • Oversee weekend staff
  • Minimum 5 years’ experience editing digital content
  • Extensive breaking news experience
  • Proven ability to manage teams and guide reporters
  • Extensive reporting experience in digital, broadcast or print
  • Understanding of current industry trends

News Editor, Cnn Atlanta International Desk Resume Examples & Samples

  • This position requires availability and flexibility to work any shift to support business needs; including early am, late/overnights, weekends, and/or holidays
  • 2+ years of experience in a newsgathering or production environment
  • Technical knowledge of satellites and broadband signals
  • Proven editorial capabilities; ability to newsgather in traditional methods and via social media
  • Adept in flexibility, adapt quickly to changes, and be a proven multi-tasker with successful results
  • Competitive approach to newsgathering with exceptional interests in international news required; strong knowledge of international news preferred
  • Multi-lingual fluency including social media fluency highly preferred
  • Video and content editing skills; including a creative approach to presentation highly preferred
  • Writing, programming and field producing experience highly a plus

Digital News Editor Resume Examples & Samples

  • Write and publish daily news articles, including repurposing stories provided by news partners
  • Create and post home page graphic to support lead news stories and key content
  • Optimize all content for search engines
  • Create and publish photo galleries and embed videos as needed to support news articles or key events
  • Produce weekly newsletters for both stations and possibly daily alerts
  • Proficiency in Photoshop or related program for basic photo resizing
  • Proficiency in social media and blogging strategy, using Facebook, Twitter, Google News, Reddit, Tumblr, Fark, News 360, Feedly, and scheduling tools such as Hootsuite, Sprout Social, and Tweet Deck
  • Excellent writing and communication skills, tact, sensitivity, and mature judgment are required
  • Must be self-motivated and work effectively in a fast-paced environment
  • Must be extraordinarily organized and driven, able to work successfully both individually and as part of a team
  • The ability to work with multiple articles and projects simultaneously, and work independently while managing multiple and sequential deadlines is required
  • Excellent interpersonal skills and the aptitude to build and maintain productive relationships are essential
  • Must possess sound news judgment
  • Assign quick-twitch / short-lead news hits to writers and see them through from assignment to publication
  • Collaborate with Bloomberg News editors and reporters on developing stories and daily news
  • Strong business knowledge and experience
  • A high degree of fluency with news gathering technology and social media required
  • Experience of high volume news environments

News Editor, CNN Newsource Resume Examples & Samples

  • 2+ years’ experience in news environment at a major network/local station
  • Previous Assignment Editor experience highly preferred
  • Affiliate newsgathering experience
  • Strong editorial decision-making regarding affiliate content on a regional and national scale
  • Establish a clear and focused set of priorities, and aggressively plan ahead to make the AP the news leader in the states
  • Seek opportunities to work with editors and reporters both within and outside the region, in all departments and in all formats
  • Be responsible for the quality of the work of the staff in Missouri and Kansas, ensuring content is thoroughly reported, well written/produced and meets all AP standards
  • Be responsible for recruiting as well as in-house training, with the goal of helping staffers develop as journalists._ work to meet the needs of Kansas and Missouri newspapers and broadcasters and, where appropriate, collaborate with members to ensure broad state coverage._ understand the changing media industry and work to keep the Missouri and Kansas reports competitive

News Editor, Entertainment, Huffington Post Resume Examples & Samples

  • Work closely with the Editorial Director and a team of 20+ writers, reporters and editors
  • Edit ~20 stories on a daily basis
  • Have an eye for packaging and multimedia opportunities
  • Maintain and refine the HuffPost Entertainment voice
  • Ability to write socially geared, shareable headlines
  • Apply SEO best practices and optimize for social whenever possible
  • Flag issues big and small, recurring mistakes and opportunities for improvement and communicate them to the appropriate reporter/writer/editor
  • Be receptive and adapt quickly to newsroom wide changes and new policies

News Editor Cnni Resume Examples & Samples

  • 2+ years of experience is required in a newsgathering or production environment
  • Knowledge of news logistics and technical requirements
  • Proven editorial capabilities
  • Ability to newsgather in traditional methods and via social media
  • Competitive approach to newsgathering with exceptional interests in international news
  • Strong communication skills are needed to communicate with field teams, show producers and supervisor
  • Ability to handle multiple tasks in a calm organized way
  • Writing, programming and field producing experience are a plus

Voices News Editor, The Huffington Post Resume Examples & Samples

  • Three or more years of copy editing experience
  • Superior headline-writing skills, and a knack for knowing exactly the kind of headline and visual element will make a story go viral
  • A voracious media diet and a strong familiarity with national and international news
  • Familiarity with web writing, SEO and AP style
  • An ability to work independently and be comfortable doing so at a fast pace
  • Superior communication skills

Digital News Editor, Vanity Fair Resume Examples & Samples

  • Assigning and editing short news blog posts for in-house writers on a range of topics, including politics, business, technology, and general breaking news of the day
  • Guiding bloggers and contributors in following on-brand news beats in order to help our online news section develop a distinctive voice
  • Assigning and editing freelance writers on a range of news topics
  • Coordinating longform projects in conjunction with the print side of Vanity Fair
  • A voracious interest in all things news
  • The ability to react quickly in response to the fast-paced internet news cycle
  • Impeccable editorial judgment and strong story and line-editing skills
  • Great headline-writing abilities and a nose for what makes a story go viral
  • Strong multitasking skills, with the ability to juggle the pressing news of the day with longer-term projects
  • 4-5 years experience in digital news writing and/or editing
  • Ability to work out of our NYC-based office
  • Coordinate the magazine’s news coverage with the digital editor and companies editor
  • Interview FTSE 100 chief executives and finance directors, as well as equity analysts and fund mangers
  • Have a remit of about 60 listed companies, including some traded on the Alternative Investment Market. The key sectors in the beat (as defined by FTSE) are Travel & Leisure, Beverages, Tobacco and Food Producers
  • Work Monday to Friday between 9am and 5pm (though we do offer a degree of flexibility around this)
  • The writing skills required to turn technical subject matter into lively and opinionated copy for a private investor audience
  • An interest in the corporate world and investment

Sports News Editor\producer CNN Sports Resume Examples & Samples

  • Calls to professional teams/organizations for information
  • Draft notes to a wide audience; especially at Executive level
  • The work schedule for this position is fluid and may include early/late/overnight shifts and weekends and holidays. Flexibility a must
  • Bachelors degree or equivalent experience
  • 3+ years production and/or news desk experience
  • Digital video production experience
  • Field experience highly preferred
  • Editorial experience; solid editorial judgment/awareness- ability to quickly identify stories
  • Experience with graphics
  • Proficient news writing skills
  • Strong understanding of newsgathering techniques
  • Social media expertise
  • Ability or work independently; ability to respond under breakings news deadline situations
  • Knowledge of CNN systems and workflow preferred

Senior News Editor, Huffington Post Video Resume Examples & Samples

  • Shooting, editing, and publishing 2-10 min videos
  • Collecting archive clips and other visual assets
  • Working with our writers to edit and record voiceover scripts
  • Generating creative approaches to illustrating concepts in the news
  • Operate camera gear, sound recording equipment, lights, studio backgrounds, and other production gear
  • Has the ability to manage multiple responsibilities and projects simultaneously
  • Can keep a cool head in a fast-paced environment with strict deadlines
  • Has strong storytelling skills and is able to envision projects within a larger multimedia context
  • Is excited to experiment with a variety of concepts and different content type to see what works

Video News Editor Resume Examples & Samples

  • Curate videos across Bloomberg Business digital and mobile platforms
  • Coordinate video and live streaming coverage cross platform, including web, broadcast, digital and social teams
  • Send breaking news alerts on social platforms
  • Decorate articles with matching videos
  • Manage the Bloomberg Business YouTube channel
  • Respond to breaking news with video elements
  • Serve as liaison from digital group to broadcast team
  • Two years in a digital news environment
  • Ability to multitask amid fast-paced breaking news
  • Superb headline writing
  • Help manage breaking news coverage
  • Edit content from across the news division
  • Work closely with reporters, producers and correspondents
  • Minimum 3 years experience editing digital content
  • Proven ability to guide reporters
  • Proven ability as an expert storyteller
  • Proven ability to balance priorities, multiple projects and tasks

Fashion News Editor, Teen Vogue Resume Examples & Samples

  • Writing and assigning My World, Fashion at Work, the View section, Fashion in the Family and Last Look stories
  • Conceiving, pitching, and shaping ideas for print and thinking through how they translate to video and web
  • Writing or editing, display for the fashion well stories
  • Minimum 5 years experience in a news environment and previous newsroom experience
  • Able to make quick, strategic decisions in a high-pressure newsroom
  • Good team player with strong ability to multi-task
  • Newsgathering experience in social media outlets desired
  • BA/BS in Journalism, Television-Film Production, Communications or related discipline
  • Edit to scripting visually telling the story
  • Prioritize workload and deliver video and short form packages quickly and accurately
  • Take live feeds and organize them for quick access
  • Use news judgment to choose shots that explain a balanced story
  • Assist with special production projects through planning and execution

News Editor F/T Resume Examples & Samples

  • 70 Functions as an Editor- edits for Broadcast News in ENG editing
  • 10 Set up equipment for and receive microwave feeds from inter-city link, satellite or mobile van transmission
  • 20 Organize material and coordinate with all stations to ensure programs are completed in a timely manner
  • Social media savvy. Able to generate website content and engage socially with audience via station's accounts
  • Medium or large market radio news experience. This is not a position for beginners
  • Minimum 3 years of experience in radio news as an editor, anchor or reporter with experience writing, organizing and producing newscasts and long-form news programs, plus on-air news anchoring or reporting experience as well as proven experience with creating digital news content and use of social media
  • Ability to work accurately in a deadline-driven environment
  • Ability to work independently and adhere to deadlines
  • Strong organizational skills, with proven ability to juggle multiple stories across formats and meet deadlines
  • Demonstrated understanding of or ability to working in all formats
  • Edit news video on Adobe Premier for daily newscasts
  • 1-2 year editing experience at a commercial television station
  • Knowledge and experience with Adobe editing software preferred
  • News experience a plus
  • Communicating with producers about current stories, show rundowns, and plans for feeds and live shots
  • Ensuring proper storage and organization of media files
  • Maintaining standards for all edited material
  • Taking in ENG and SNG feeds
  • Running the feed center
  • Any other editing duties as assigned by news managers
  • Work varied shifts: overnight, holidays and weekends included
  • Be reliable and available for extra shifts to cover vacations and sick calls
  • Edit using nonlinear editing software (Adobe Premiere)
  • Deal with the stress and pressure of time-sensitive newscast production
  • Communicate with producers during newscasts and adjust to changes accordingly
  • 1-2 years of professional experience with nonlinear editing software (Adobe Premiere or equivalent) OR college degree in media or broadcast-related field
  • Videography experience preferred, but not required
  • Nonlinear editing (Adobe Premiere) of video for newscasts
  • Taking ENG and SNG feeds
  • Communicating with producers and managers about stories
  • Other editing duties as assigned
  • Ability to shoot video is a plus
  • Must be available to work weekends, nights, overnights and holidays as assigned

News Editor / Booker Resume Examples & Samples

  • Research and book guests for Golf Channel programs primarily Morning Drive, but, as needed, Golf Central and Live From
  • Assist producer research and book guests for Matt Adams “Fairways of Life” radio show
  • Vet the Morning Drive daily show rundown with producers, pitch potential topics and pertinent guests
  • Act as conduit between players, agents, administrators and producers regarding show appearances and all logistics involved
  • Help craft discussion topics/talking points with producers and talent
  • Provide daily guest updates to producers, public relations, marketing and executive staff
  • Work with producers to spearhead all long-term content planning for Morning Drive, with a special focus on major tournament weeks (majors, Players, NCAAs, Ryder/Presidents/Solheim Cups) and themed weeks (water conservation, junior golf, relaxed rules, etc.)
  • Serve as liaison with Golf Channel partners including but not limited to the PGA Tour, PGA of America, USGA, R&A, LPGA and other key bodies within the golf industry
  • Become a member of the Golf Channel “code red” news group, which gathers, vets, assigns and distributes all news tips and stories to the rest of the news department
  • Strong sports knowledge with special emphasis on golf is essential
  • Ability to work in fast paced environment and adapt to changes easily
  • Minimum 7 years of golf media experience, with extensive contacts/established relationships within the golf industry
  • Edit video on Premier
  • Communicate efficiently with producers, reporters, photographers, assignment editors and news managers
  • Complete assignments under deadline pressure
  • Prior experience with or similar editing software
  • College-level internship or equivalent exposure to a newsroom environment
  • Knowledge of latest digital and social media trends

Senior News Editor Resume Examples & Samples

  • 70% Oversees the video editing process for daily newscast production and online publication. Edits video/audio for use on live news broadcast, pre-produced specials and for publication online
  • 15% Develops and coaches editing team members
  • 10% Coordinates schedules
  • 5% Captures/gathers video feeds from satellite, microwave, and other transmission sources from the field and transfers to the “station news bucket” for potential future content use
  • College degree OR minimum 1 year relative experience in the field is preferred
  • Knowledge of Adobe Premier or other non-linear editing technology
  • Produce daily content on a variety of platforms including, internet, social networking and mobile
  • Operating Camera and Prompter
  • Editing experience and knowledge of non-linear editing is a definite plus
  • This position can require early mornings, nights, weekends and holidays
  • Pitch stories, field assignments and ultimately file a number of articles each day to a variety of Hearst sites
  • Develop second-day and feature story ideas around breaking and viral news
  • Cover big news events in real-time, whether that’s an awards show, major sporting event or presidential debate
  • Comfortable using a range of analytics tools to identify trending stories, track the progress of the stories you file and evaluate their performance after the fact
  • Responsible for the decision-making process of gathering, evaluating, interpreting and packaging news fairly, accurately and consistently across all ESPN entities for viewers, users and listeners
  • Prioritizes and executes news coverage and works with reporters without significant oversight
  • Demonstrates ability to line-edit and approve news entries for digital, print, mobile, television, and social content
  • Uses mastery of sports knowledge and journalistic judgment to determine the agenda, concepts and content of assigned sports news stories
  • A minimum of 8 years of experience in journalism, making editorial and content decisions
  • Recognized as a distinguished content editor who functions primarily as an individual contributor
  • Has a good appreciation of “What’s Now” and assists with defining the tastes of ESPN’s viewers
  • Has a good understanding of ESPN’s editorial policies and strategies
  • Has established expertise to create and write compelling sports news stories; generates and executes story ideas from concept to execution
  • Has working mastery of sports reporting and news packaging processes and the ability to gather, interpret and create assigned sports news stories
  • Has a high level of knowledge of real-time sports news production
  • Strong communication/interpersonal skills

Bloomberg News Editor, Congressional Team Resume Examples & Samples

  • Minimum of three years of congressional journalism experience
  • Ability to edit quickly, concisely and accurately under deadline pressure
  • An entrepreneurial and energetic approach to the job

Technology News Editor Resume Examples & Samples

  • Ability to work in a real-time news environment and exercise news judgment under tight deadline
  • Proven career in business journalism with experience in quick turnaround of breaking news
  • Minimum of three years' experience in business and financial journalism
  • Knowledge of U.S. technology market and companies preferred

News Editor / Photograher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Deadline-driven
  • Maintain a great attitude
  • Excellent work ethic
  • Selecting stories from the Bloomberg Terminal, as well as those produced by website teams, to appear on the section front
  • Understanding real-time and periodic web traffic analytics and tuning content selection accordingly
  • Ensuring stories have appropriate photography assigned to them, sourcing new imagery when needed from media teams
  • Being on daily and weekly calls with bureau chiefs, team leaders and reporters to facilitate the above
  • Proven digital journalism experience and sound news judgment
  • Strong business news knowledge and experience
  • A high degree of fluency with news gathering technology, analytics and social media required
  • A passion for news and digital platforms
  • Planning, devising, writing and commissioning news stories and investigations, ensuring these meets editorial requirements across print and web
  • Ensuring accuracy of content and factual information presented, completed to internal production cycles
  • Ensuring knowledge of relevant legislation is kept up to date and reflected in all news copy
  • Developing a sophisticated understanding of the needs and behaviours of the brand’s target audience
  • Managing news budget
  • Developing industry knowledge and contacts, representing the brand as required
  • Relevant degree or qualifications in publishing and/or writing
  • Ability to research and investigate
  • Proof reading skills
  • Organisation and management skills
  • Excellent IT skills – InDesign and Word and web literate
  • Ability to develop new ideas and implement ideas into content
  • Knowledge SEO
  • Undergraduate degree in journalism or related studies
  • Professional journalism training preferred or may be substituted with work experience in the industry of some years
  • 3 years experience in television or digital journalism
  • 1 year experience directing or managing others
  • Work experience abroad in international journalism with Management experience
  • Digital and Social proficiency
  • Fluent in a second language
  • Will be required to work rotated evening and overnight shifts
  • May be assigned to other global locations
  • Should be capable of acting up to Director of Coverage level

Social News Editor Resume Examples & Samples

  • has a knack for telling interesting stories that aren't yet well-known
  • truly understands modern storytelling and audience behaviors
  • knows how to create and/or identify compelling viral video
  • loves making beautiful graphics, charts and illustrations
  • 3+ years experience in digital journalism
  • Sports and culture junkie that understands what resonates
  • Willingness and ability to use metrics to make data-informed choices
  • Social-media savvy with a good idea of what makes each platform unique
  • Great communicator who can work effectively across teams and departments

News Editor Espn China Partnership With Tencent Resume Examples & Samples

  • Works independently and to make, timely decisions in an urgent manner with minimal supervision
  • Writes and rewrites news stories from a variety of sources and for a variety of presentations
  • Supervises conducts reviews for, and has significant input in employment decisions concerning assigned editorial personnel,
  • Creates, develops, organizes and edits content of assigned sports news stories
  • Determines style, edits copy to meet established tone and theme requirements, enhances assigned content
  • Strong bilingual Mandarin/English speaking/writing skills
  • Has strong experience in journalism and excels at writing, reporting and shaping stories at all stages of development
  • Excels in deadline situations; has regularly demonstrated ability to produce high-quality content under significant time constraints
  • Some management/supervisor experience, preferred
  • Has an established knowledge of several technology platforms and editing software packages; readily applies new development
  • Has established knowledge regarding technological advances in animation, video editing and graphics
  • Has and applies a strong level of knowledge of what story ideas and concepts to use for assigned sports news stories
  • Unparalleled knowledge of the China market

News Editor / Weekend Assignment Editor Resume Examples & Samples

  • Meet with weekend reporters and producers to establish a news plan of action
  • Assign reporters and photographers to weekend story coverage, maintaining constant communication with crews in the field
  • Monitor outside sources, like wire services and scanners, in order to follow breaking news coverage
  • Knowledge of Adobe Premiere Pro CC and Avid NewsCutter XP editing technology is a definite plus
  • Edit stories, videos, and newscasts on tight deadlines
  • Maintain news archives
  • Operate electronic newsgathering equipment
  • Effectively collaborates with producers, reporters and managers to produce high quality stories
  • Ability to work on linear and non- linear equipment
  • Proficiency editing with Adobe Premiere
  • Ability to edit on non- linear equipment, including Final Cut Pro, Avid and Edius
  • Must be able to handle and juggle multiple editing assignments under strict deadlines
  • Knowledge of current television production techniques
  • Familiarity with mass communications law and media responsibilities
  • Communicate effectively with photographers and producers
  • Must be able to record multiple feeds on a digital encoding system
  • Able to search for source materials from multiple outlets and platforms
  • Possess a valid drivers’ license and good driving record
  • Professional experience with nonlinear editing software (Adobe Premiere or equivalent) required
  • Produce content that reacts to news, analyzes and interprets the news, and provides relevant, timely content for the Town and Country audience
  • Focus on T&C core topics: the 1%, American dynasties, society, power and privilege, matters of manners and taste, culture, fashion, politics
  • Use analytics tools to understand and act upon data in editorial decision making
  • Collaborate with photo and editors to generate ideas on how to cover big news stories
  • Understand the voice and audience for
  • Work with social media editor to package stories for social and find new audiences for
  • Working as a member of our "floor crew" during live newscasts, operating studio camera and/or TelePrompTer
  • Cross-training to learn and perform other duties as learned and assigned
  • Knowledge of Final Cut Pro and Avid NewsCutter XP editing technology
  • Assist news producers in all aspects of producing a newscast
  • Non-linear editing of news pieces brought back or ingested in system
  • Other duties as assigned by News Director and/or other supervisors
  • Communicate clearly
  • Valid driver’s license and insurance required

Visual News Editor, Features Resume Examples & Samples

  • A portfolio of excellent data-visualization and design work
  • Ease in a fast-paced environment; the ability to report and edit visuals
  • Front--end developer skills

News Editor & Features Writer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Planning, researching and creating original news content for the magazine, website and social media on time and on budget
  • Keeping the website updated with fresh and evergreen content on a daily basis where possible
  • Monitoring and providing content for MBY’s core social media outlets including Facebook, Twitter and YouTube
  • Planning, researching and creating content for the Used Boat section of Motor Boat & Yachting
  • Contributing to other areas of MBY including but not limited to reviews of books and products, interviews, features, boat shows, events and proof reading
  • Help develop and contribute digital content for the magazine and website with a particular focus on shooting, presenting and editing video

AMP News Editor Resume Examples & Samples

  • Help share stories of business wins, company news and great customer experiences with our own employees
  • Seek out, write and publish compelling, high-quality content quickly
  • Use a mix of written content, photography, videos and infographics, and a range of internal channels, to maximise impact
  • Edit content from a range of internal contributors
  • Devise standards and guidelines for all channels and media within the framework of AMP's brand and writing rules
  • Share your writing and content expertise with colleagues
  • Build an extensive network in the business to identify and publish success stories and other news
  • Lead a team of writers – office based and freelance - to produce breaking, informative, up-to-date news content from around the world, in line with Cycling Weekly’s editorial focus
  • Work closely with CW’s web team to ensure the website remains the go-to site for up to the minute news
  • Liaise with the video team to create entertaining content to complement our written articles and push in to new areas
  • Editing video for daily news and sports coverage, special projects, and sweep period pieces
  • Taking in news feeds from field crews, news bureaus and various news organizations
  • Must be willing to work flexible hours and days as assigned
  • Working knowledge of Avid Media Composer
  • Adobe Creative Cloud, Sapphire software, and Vantage Telestream experience preferred

News Editor / Photographer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Train on Sony P2 cameras for news shooting, when needed
  • Train on microwave units and LiveU units
  • Knowledge of Avid NewsCutter XP editing technology and Sony P2 cameras a definite plus
  • Superb reporting skills and magazine/newspaper experience
  • A deep and well-rounded knowledge of the countryside
  • Proven editing and writing skills
  • Knowledge of social media and understanding of what makes a story fly
  • Strong proof reading skills
  • The desire to research stories, suggest feature ideas and the enthusiasm to turn your hand to anything
  • A clear understanding of what works on social media

News Editor, Nextgov Resume Examples & Samples

  • Working with the executive editor to plan daily news coverage
  • Editing and posting news stories from staff writers
  • Writing occasional news articles and analysis pieces
  • Monitoring other Atlantic Media publications to share content on technology issues
  • Working with web producers to share Nextgov content on social media
  • Participating in efforts to grow Nextgov’s audience through editorial products and events
  • Editing articles from external contributors
  • Helping develop new online tools and mobile apps
  • Coordinating and executing special editorial projects
  • 3+ years of professional journalistic experience as an editor and/or writer, preferably in the area of information technology
  • Strong editing, writing and analytical skills and high attention to detail
  • Experience working with online content management systems
  • Ability to direct the day-to-day work of a team of reporters in a collaborative work environment
  • A positive, good-natured, energetic attitude
  • Assign resources to stories ensuring clear assignment communication to the field. This includes intelligently and responsively assigning Newsdesk Producers and Researchers to the appropriate teams in the field
  • Makes informed decisions based on region, skill, story priority and staffing levels, specifically ensuring appropriate staff levels for breaking news
  • Responsible for assessing and managing hours in the field and supporting where necessary
  • Mentor desk employees formally and informally
  • Onboard, train and manage temporary and new employees
  • Communicate all urgent alerts to all platforms, liaise with the control room and digital supervisors on matters of importance and breaking news
  • Bring security, legal, S+P and editorial issues to the attention of the DOC
  • Financial responsibilities – ensure the desk is fiscally responsible
  • Manage spending by making decisions about story assignments and resources based on the budget allocated

News Editor, CTV Winnipeg, Bell Media Resume Examples & Samples

  • Operating an ENG Camera, including lighting and sound equipment for news and sports
  • Interviewing story subjects
  • Shooting and editing promotion and production elements
  • Studio camera, teleprompter and floor directing as needed
  • The safe operation of all equipment, and formally reporting any malfunctions of equipment immediately
  • Post-Secondary Education in Television Broadcasting as well as 2 years of related industry experience
  • Experience in ENG photography and editing in a newsroom setting
  • Proven ability to use sound and pictures to help tell the story
  • Demonstrated organizational skills with the ability to work unsupervised and make quick decisions
  • Understanding of broadcast law
  • Demonstrated non-linear editing skills
  • Must be well versed in a variety of computer programs as well as having a familiarity with the Internet and social media; experience on iNews an asset
  • ** Please forward your demo link to Karen Mitchell at: [email protected]

News Editor, NBC Owned Stations Resume Examples & Samples

  • Stay on top of all developing national and international news, monitoring a wide variety of sources. Write breaking news stories and summaries
  • Build photo galleries. Edit video for social
  • Communicate frequently with the digital teams at NBC’s 11 owned stations to advise them of developing news and coverage plans
  • Edit and share local market stories with national potential
  • Help plan and execute national editorial priorities. Look for opportunities to contribute to enterprise projects that support local and national news coverage, by reporting and writing in-depth stories and features
  • Fill in as a local editor, monitoring markets and coaching local editors to make sure they have the best product possible
  • Experience as an editor, writer or producer at a major news organization that creates content under tight deadlines
  • Must be able to work odd hours or weekends and other shifts when demanded by breaking news or other editorial responsibilities
  • Experience working with an online publishing tool or content
  • When necessary, file breaking news stories
  • Coordinating news coverage across different teams
  • Making editorial judgments on a minute-to-minute basis
  • Minimum 1 – 3 year experience editing for a digital news outlet
  • Has experience running point on major breaking news

Associate Video News Editor, DS&I Resume Examples & Samples

  • Craft smart, social-media-friendly, timely scripts for daily videos tied to the latest trending headlines
  • Edit scripts into engaging, highly shareable videos that can perform across a network of high-quality editorial brands using standard editing tools
  • Source raw video assets as needed
  • Collaborate with editorial team to pitch and develop new video ideas across a broad range of topic areas
  • Innovate creative, high-performing multimedia approaches to coverage of breaking news and trends
  • Bachelor’s degree in film or video journalism
  • At least two years of experience writing and editing editorial video, preferably for a news-based organization
  • A strong understanding of, and experience working with, Adobe Premiere, Photoshop, and After Effects
  • A proven track record of delivering high-performing, engaging video content under tight deadlines
  • Ability to deliver assets to spec as needed
  • Builds custom local and sales web portal pages/sites
  • Administers controls and maintains media assets
  • Conducts day-to-day website maintenance for radio station(s)
  • Works closely with Digital Content Director, Digital Sales Manager, Graphic Designers and Program Directors to execute creative online promotions/contests
  • Working knowledge of Adobe Photoshop, Premiere, Dreamweaver and Illustrator on a Mac Platform
  • Working knowledge of Doubleclick for Publishers a plus
  • Ability to plan and organize, get things done in a team–oriented environment
  • Stress tolerance & flexibility especially when working under pressure and on multiple projects with tight deadlines
  • Application development experience a bonus as well as knowledge/familiarity with digital video/audio production equipment

News Editor Overdrive Operator Resume Examples & Samples

  • Editing video for daily news coverage, special projects, and sweep period pieces
  • You will be required to learn the Overdrive system and how to proficiently code shows for flawless on-air execution
  • Editing video for our newscasts on our non-linear Avid editing system
  • Experience as a Technical Director or Director is a plus
  • You may be required to produce daily content on a variety of platforms including internet, social networking and mobile
  • Assignments: Assigns resources to stories and ensures clear assignment communication to the field. This includes intelligently and responsively assigning newsdesk producers and researchers to the appropriate teams in the field. Makes a determination based on region, skills, story priority and staffing levels. Ensures appropriate staffing levels for their shift or in the face of breaking news. Responsible for assessing and managing hours worked in the field by teams and supporting as appropriate, working globally with their Senior News Editor colleagues to ensure all assignments are covered
  • Financial Responsibility: Responsible for ensuring the Desk is fiscally responsible. Manages spending by making decisions about story assignments and resources based on the budget allocated. Makes recommendations on spending and alerts senior managers on issues related to spending

Weekend News Editor Resume Examples & Samples

  • Editing video for our weekend newscasts (weekend split-shift)
  • Working in the booth for the anchor with needed
  • Knowledge of Final Cut Pro and Avid NewsCutter XP editing technology is a definite plus
  • Be a solid team player
  • 1-2 years of non-linear editing in a network news affiliate or military broadcast facility
  • Knowledge of Final Cut Pro and Avid NewsCutter editing technology is a definite plus

News Editor, Emerging Media Resume Examples & Samples

  • Managing a small team of editors and designers
  • Working across the newsroom to generate platform-appropriate content
  • Generating story ideas and for snapchat-specific features
  • Ensuring the tone of headlines and articles strikes a balance between WSJ's traditional voice and the less-formal Snapchat style
  • Working on cross-platform strategies with the audience engagement, development and newsroom analytics teams
  • Exceptional news judgment and familiarity with WSJ style
  • A passion for writing pitch-perfect headlines and engaging social copy
  • Deep understanding of and excitement for the Snapchat Discover platform
  • Ability to be both a team player and a team leader
  • Basic knowledge of data analytics tools preferred
  • 4-5 years of newsroom experience
  • Broadcast news experience
  • Proficiency on digital audio editing platforms
  • Experience with computerized newsroom systems
  • Assist in news editing and technical and production requirements for on-air programming, live and pre-recorded. Performs other related duties as required and/or assigned
  • Edit content using Adobe products
  • Provide support for producing content and station projects
  • Operate studio equipment such as robotic camera system, audio equipment including audio board, production switchers, graphics systems, and video servers
  • Operate master control equipment including switchers, automation systems, video servers, EAS devices, graphics systems, and monitoring devices
  • Other duties as assigned by engineering management
  • Experience editing news and sports content using Adobe Premiere products
  • Knowledge of broadcast television operations including newsroom editorial and content systems
  • Experience using production control and master control equipment at a commercial broadcast facility
  • Intermediate experience with computers and PC-based systems required
  • Ability to perform with accuracy while under pressure
  • Ability to multi-task accurately
  • Ability to follow instructions, verbal and written
  • Flexibility to work various days and shifts as assigned
  • Ability to work effectively with other team members
  • Experience working at a commercial television station or production facility preferred

Senior Online News Editor / Translator Resume Examples & Samples

  • Produce stories that matter to the target consumer audiences by translating English stories -- including analyses, columns, blogs, videos, graphics on wide-ranging issues ranging from business to global politics -- into Japanese in a timely, accurate and readable manner, while also editing translation copies done by others in or outside the team to ensure speed and accuracy of the files
  • Manage the re-writing of headlines and/or stories as well as the editing of Japanese-language content for consumer audiences, as necessary
  • Use in depth knowledge of the target consumer audiences to drive content, presentation and packaging on consumer platforms
  • Select, re-purpose and re-package existing Reuters and relevant third-party content according to audience needs
  • Plan and execute “event based content” around critical calendar events for target audiences in collaboration with Reuters journalists/editors
  • Monitor output to ensure it meets required quality standards and to identify further opportunities
  • Maintain up-to-date knowledge of target audiences and their local market needs/trends
  • Use variety of tools/contents to enhance engagement of audience, such as blogs, twitters and newsletters as needed
  • In depth knowledge and deep expertise in online publishing and/or production and/or broadcasting and/or wire service journalism
  • In depth knowledge of one or more of the target audience groups with a proven track record of working in a related environment
  • Excellent news judgment relative to the target audiences, ability to make fast and intuitive decisions around content and presentation
  • Excellent skills to copy taste, translate (English to Japanese) and edit stories, which are relevant as contents for Japan online operations
  • Typically has 5-7 years experience as an editor/journalist with proven track record of effectively working in a team to meet coverage priorities
  • Knowledge of online packaging, design and presentation models and technology
  • Understands and adheres to Reuters standards and principles
  • Native level of Japanese language skill

Medical News Editor Resume Examples & Samples

  • Fact-check and edit a heavy load of stories every day for medical professionals
  • Explain complicated medical research in clear, engaging language for clinical readers
  • Pitch in as needed to support reporters and other editors on the team
  • Assist with training of staff and freelancers
  • Guide reporters in research and sourcing of stories
  • Develop a deep understanding of customers in order to provide the most valuable user experience
  • Prepared to fill in for the Editor in Charge as necessary
  • At least 3 to 5 years' experience editing medical news
  • MD or relevant PHD degree a plus
  • Familiarity with current medical literature in a broad range of fields
  • Familiarity with clinical practice, medical study design and basic medical statistics
  • Ability to quickly read and analyze medical journal articles and synthesize the key points
  • Excellent writing and editing skills, with a keen eye for detail and accuracy
  • Proven news judgment and analytical abilities
  • Ability to prioritize concurrent projects and adhere to challenging deadlines
  • Ability to adapt and change quickly to meet the needs of emerging projects
  • Ability to analyze and anticipate interests of a targeted audience
  • Management experience a plus

Weekend Breaking News Editor, CNN Politics DC Resume Examples & Samples

  • Conceptualize and edit breaking news stories and show an understanding of the nuances of packaging content for the web, mobile web, social (primarily Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, and leading social messaging apps), and apps
  • Make independent judgments and decisions on whether content is native to mobile, and it is suitable for our platforms and audiences
  • Determined to define some of the country's most important political stories for the mobile social generation of news consumers
  • Must possess a good understanding of computers and have the ability to assemble material from multiple sources including staff photographer acquisition and various news feeds
  • Ability to edit quickly and creatively while working under the stress of constant deadlines is a must
  • If you have experience in Final Cut Pro and server based workflow and think of yourself as more than a technician grinding out vo/sot’s, this is your opportunity to CREATE stories
  • Shooting video and experience with web posting a plus
  • Must have past news experience
  • Excellent working knowledge of social media platforms and search tools
  • Experience of verification techniques is essential
  • An awareness of media and copyright law relevant to UGC
  • A deep knowledge of the social media industry and developments in this sector
  • Ability to generate original and exciting ideas to enhance our stories through digitally-sourced content
  • A deep understanding of Sky’s platforms and ideas on how to deliver compelling content to them
  • You may be asked to work on special commissions from time to time
  • Ability to develop relationships with digital partners

Senior News Editor, Nbcots Owned Properties Resume Examples & Samples

  • Create original articles for breaking news and features
  • Be a team leader in assigning and executing national editorial coverage priorities
  • Look for planning opportunities to proactively build content for upcoming events and stories. Participate in broader strategic discussions
  • Work with the digital teams at NBC’s 12 owned stations to ensure they are creating the most compelling local digital news experience possible
  • Help editors on our team and in the markets improve stories, headlines and photo selection as needed to lift the overall quality of the sites
  • Assist local editors covering major breaking news stories, including editing stories, writing sidebars, contributing original reporting, building photo galleries, etc
  • Contribute to enterprise projects that support local news coverage, including reporting and writing in-depth stories and features and contributing to interesting data visualizations
  • Work with our multimedia team to produce compelling galleries, videos and interactives
  • At least five years as an editor, writer or producer at a major news organization that creates content under tight deadlines
  • Must be able to work evening hours, and fill on weekends and other shifts when demanded by breaking news or other editorial responsibilities
  • Must have the ability to coach your colleagues and lead by example
  • Bachelor’s degree, preferably in journalism, political science or English
  • Willingness to follow very specific systems and workflow, while also exercising excellent judgment to know when additional measures are needed
  • Must be willing to work in New York
  • Flexible to adapt to changes in job description
  • Help lead the BuzzFeed News’ 24/7 breaking coverage on the weekend
  • Use strong news judgment to make decisions on coverage, and to find and assign stories to reporters
  • Edit reporters’ copy for grammar, punctuation, style, structure, and tone
  • Work closely with other editors and reporters in across the US and in BuzzFeed UK, as well as the news video department
  • Craft headlines that people will want to share, not just click on
  • Write stories where needed
  • Coordinate with other desks to facilitate promotion of stories across social media, the homepage, and BuzzFeed News app
  • Make sure is delivering all the top news of the day
  • Decide where to place articles on the homepages, packaging art and related topics as needed and adjusting headline tone as needed
  • At least three years of editing experience
  • At least three years of daily homepage management
  • Knowledge of Avid editing technology is a definite plus
  • Must have experience working with non-linear editing systems
  • Experience working in a newsroom environment
  • Taking in news feeds from news bureaus and various news organizations such as CBS Newspath, and CNN Newsource
  • Collaborating with anchors, reporters, and producers on video elements of newscasts such as file video, in-taking video from field reporters
  • Knowledge of non-linear editing required
  • Taking in news feeds from news bureaus and various news organizations including CBS Newspath and CNN Newsource
  • Shoot news video stories when necessary
  • Fill in for other news staff when needed
  • Knowledge of Avid News Media Composer editing technology is a definite plus
  • Knowledge of News Photojournalism

Features & Global News Editor Resume Examples & Samples

  • A passion for sport and knowledge of the sport landscape and important moments is a must
  • Basic knowledge of web platforms and publishing is also required
  • Bachelor's degree in Journalism, English, Journalism, Advertising or similar
  • 7-10 years previous experience preferred
  • Highly advanced application of writing skills

Top News Editor Resume Examples & Samples

  • With the Managing Editor for News, lead news planning meetings and select top stories across the file
  • Sets priorities for coverage on top stories; commissions stories and shapes planning of coverage of future events
  • Identifies running opportunities for stories that Reuters can own from the first headline to the special report
  • Works with other Top News editors, specialist editors and bureau chiefs to ensure a pipeline of front-page worthy stories in development and that reporters get the feedback they need to deliver
  • Liaises with regional leadership and other regional Top News Editors to ensure a global approach and a seamless hand-off for the biggest stories
  • Available to act as an ambassador for news, meeting clients to understand news needs and attending occasional external events to inform news editing decisions
  • Ensures Front Page is timely, well presented and delivers only-on-Reuters insight, breadth and exclusivity
  • Proven skill at picking top news stories for clients in media and finance and ability to articulate requirements clearly to reporters and editors
  • Collaboration - A role model to other Editors and Bureau Chiefs, with a track record of developing effective working relationships with senior managers, general managers, other regional editors, business colleagues and HR/Finance
  • Strategic –Must be able to articulate and implement a wider strategic editorial plan for both day to day coverage and the big stories in their region. Must be able to see the big picture whilst managing competing coverage priorities (understanding Reuters customer base and how clients use news) and show decisiveness and superb judgment to achieve this
  • Using Avid Media Composer to edit video for daily news coverage, special projects, and sweep period pieces
  • Newsroom Intern experience or 1 year working in a local tv newsroom
  • Knowledge of Avid Media Composer editing technology is a definite plus
  • Ability to meet deadlines under pressure
  • Conceptualizes, develops and edits distinct, ambitious, agenda-setting stories for our Front Page
  • Works collaboratively with reporters, ensuring a smooth and rigorous editing process
  • Sets priorities for coverage on top stories; shapes planning of coverage of future events
  • Ensures all multi-media elements of a story have been considered, from graphics to pictures and video
  • Proven skill at developing and editing enterprising stories, strong news judgment, track record in elevating journalists and stories
  • Strong organizational, planning and people skills; competitive streak and consistent ability to secure results
  • Good understanding of Reuters news file across asset classes and geographies; ability to see big picture and think ahead; understanding of the Reuters customer base and how clients use news
  • At least 10 years experience reporting and editing at a major news organization
  • Assist in producing clean and concise copy of varying length under deadline pressure. Publish news briefs and features for S&P Global Market Intelligence's subscription-based website and premium digital newsletters while adhering to our world-class quality standards of clarity and accuracy
  • Check data and graphic illustrations for accuracy and consistency, including mathematical calculations and standard industry metrics
  • Collaborate with senior editors in our different offices to monitor news
  • Exhibit willingness and the intellectual drive needed to dig into documents, research reports, data and other information sources to spot newsy nuggets
  • Make use of in-house tools and training programs to develop an expertise in financial markets
  • Hone your skills as an editor of articles essential to keep our clients informed of the latest happenings and trends in their sector
  • Use your strong training skills to coach and mentor team members, where needed

China Breaking News Editor Resume Examples & Samples

  • Five years news experience
  • Technology savvy
  • Team player and strong communicator
  • Previous team leadership a plus
  • Mandarin an advantage but not a requirement
  • Coordinating and communicating with the senior desk editor, field teams, show producers & editing producers
  • Assigning and managing live requests
  • Updating, editors and field teams with breaking news updates & video
  • Helping to deploy teams on short notice to travel abroad & booking travel
  • Assisting field teams with risk assessments & managers in ensuring safety protocols
  • Working with the senior desk editor or individually to identify and pitch key stories & editorial themes
  • Verifying stories by contacting local sources, government officials, companies or related individuals
  • Working with Sky News partners & affiliates to request video, editorial information or assistance
  • Experience working on the news desk of a leading international TV news organization
  • Capacity to work in a demanding live news environment
  • Excellent communication skills & professional conduct, especially in high-pressure & stressful situations
  • Experience with managing & booking satellite operations
  • Experience of using video agencies, preferred

News Editor, Operations & Change Leadership Resume Examples & Samples

  • Work on the major WSJ2020 transformation initiative to support the deployment of the project, communicating a compelling case for organizational change -- enable, engage and embed change
  • Lead and coach newsroom managers through the annual performance assessment and alignment of goals and objectives. Communicate expectations for management activities year round
  • Own the full-year global WSJ college internship program and activities: visit colleges to assess programs and recruit top talent; manage application, acceptance and assignment processes; create and host events for the cohort
  • Support the newsroom recruitment efforts to search for exceptional editing, reporting and visual talent in the context of the evolving needs of WSJ 2020
  • Set and implement diversity and inclusion goals and priorities and champion those initiatives
  • Act within the News Operations group to Identify high-potential internal candidates and implement career development activities such as stretch assignments, mentoring, external training, fellowships and job shadowing. Help newsroom examine, shape and share career path possibilities
  • Manage the newsroom portion of the employee recognition program known internally as the One Awards
  • Enterprising news veteran with a passion for people
  • Experience with managing transformational change within a media and news environment
  • Experience establishing credibility at all levels in order to be an effective listener and problem solver of department issue

Temporary News Editor Resume Examples & Samples

  • Produce CG’s for newscasts
  • Transfer content to various platforms, including the web and social media
  • Coordinate interviews and greet guests arriving at the station
  • Collaborating with anchor/reporter on video elements of newscasts

Breaking / Trending News Editor Resume Examples & Samples

  • Assist team with covering major breaking news stories, from writing initial copy to live-blogging events to alerting content
  • Find stories through social media and hyperlocal websites to write and publish on before they go viral
  • Morning, evening or weekend work may be required
  • Experience using Chartbeat, Omniture and CrowdTangle
  • Must be a skilled and fast writer with strong AP Style skills

Overnight Breaking / Trending News Editor Resume Examples & Samples

  • Work with editors to assign out trending content
  • Weekend work may be required
  • 3-5 years’ newsroom experience
  • Strong knowledge of news and current events
  • Experience writing at a major news organization that creates content under tight deadlines
  • Five years full-time experience in a multimedia digital environment
  • At least three years working in daily breaking news environment
  • Strong line editing and copyediting experience, with a particular emphasis in quickly turning compelling, quality copy
  • Appreciation and experience with social media, SEO headlines and copy
  • Enthusiasm for working in positive, collegial newsroom setting, under the guidance of senior news editors and multiplatform producers
  • Must be versatile in both aptitude and skill set
  • Ability to work accurately and quickly in high-pressure 24/7 digital newsroom
  • Bachelors Degree in Journalism or relevant experience required
  • Minimum 7-10 years developing and editing interactive or online content
  • 2-3 years experience with content for the health/wellness industry
  • News editing and writing experience
  • Experience leading a team
  • Equally adept at turning breaking news and editing in-depth news features
  • Able to unflappably deliver highest quality work and meet deadlines in an extremely fast-paced, highly collaborative, multitasking environment
  • Capacity for problem-solving and ability to change priorities at a moment's notice. Thrives on attention to detail
  • Able to work independently as well as collaborate as a cross-functional team member
  • Experience using a content management system (such as Documentum/Web Publisher)
  • Please send clips or links to editing samples along with resume

Top News Editor, Asia Resume Examples & Samples

  • Lead coverage of several major themes over a period of months or more
  • Encourage reporters and EICs/bureau chiefs to come up with fresh, smart story ideas, and also contribute some yourself
  • Effectively edit Insights, and occasionally Special Reports, including bullet proofing them to ensure that they are fair to all parties
  • Be able to quickly write or edit accurate, readable and analytical wraps on the biggest stories
  • At least five years experience with a major news organization
  • A good understanding of macro-economics and company accounting
  • A strong team player
  • As this is a critical role in business operations, there may be a preferred internal candidateidentified as part of succession planning exercises

Assistant News Editor Resume Examples & Samples

  • Follow news online from an array of sources including social media
  • Write short, sharp news posts
  • Come up with ideas for bigger features, personal essays, and more thoughtful pieces
  • Create clicky, shareable celebrity galleries
  • Understand the voice and audience
  • Manage some administrative tasks
  • Must have 6 months Avid or other nonlinear experience
  • Candidate should be able to make quick decisions for live news shows, be an excellent communicator and able to deal with stressful situations
  • Videography, digital and web experience a plus
  • 60% - Edit and archives daily general assignments and spot news stories
  • 20% - Assembles voice track, video, and music which results in compelling on-air content
  • 10% - Ingest programs and promos through media client into servers. Also contribute video when requested to outside media agencies such as News path and CNN
  • 10% - Organize material and coordinate with all stations to ensure news content are completed in a timely manner
  • 6 months of experience with AVID editing equipment is required
  • The ideal candidate must have the talent and experience to consistently generate a top notch creative product
  • Candidates must be highly motivated self-starters with a minimum of 2 years broadcast television non-linear editing/production experience on a major platform including Avid Newscutter, Final Cut Pro, Grass Valley Edius, Adobe Premiere
  • Photography, Adobe After Effects, Photo Shop, and SGL or other archive systems skills are a plus
  • The right candidate must be able to work well under pressure and meet tight deadlines
  • Work with in-house editorial and video staff, as well as freelance contributors, to conceive and execute news coverage for SYFY Wire
  • Monitor trades, online press and other outlets for developments within the areas and media silos which SYFY Wire covers
  • Interface and build relationships with industry representatives and talent to enhance reportage. Attend screenings, junkets and industry events as necessary
  • Manage the pitch process for SYFY Wire’s news team to ensure coverage of important stories and a constant flow of news content on the site
  • Proofread and edit incoming news stories for grammar, form, structure, consistency of voice and layout
  • Write news content for the site, authoring at least 3-5 stories per day
  • Monitor site and social analytics to inform future editorial decisions
  • Deep and broad knowledge of, and enthusiasm for, pop culture in the science fiction, fantasy and horror genres across multiple media – primarily film, TV, comic books, games and literature
  • Ability to quickly research and write about any of the above with which you might not be intimately familiar
  • Finger on the pulse of the entertainment world within the areas we cover in order to determine what items are worth covering in our news section
  • Keen eye for good written copy, including an excellent grasp of structure, form and grammar
  • Smart, entertaining, clever and informed editorial voice based in a love of the genres we cover
  • Industry contacts, or the ability to make and cultivate them
  • Ability to juggle multiple deadlines, multi-task and maintain a consistent publishing cadence and calendar
  • Familiar with web-based content management systems and a basic knowledge of markup
  • Ability to actively engage in social outreach and engagement with fan communities online
  • On camera experience such as interviews, videos or Facebook Live initiatives
  • Minimum 3 years experience in a media, news or publishing capacity
  • Deep knowledge and love of science fiction, fantasy and horror TV, movies, comic books and pop culture
  • Superior writing and communication skills with a passionate POV
  • Collaborative attitude
  • Strong industry contacts
  • Strong social media presence
  • Proactive self-starter who is comfortable tackling projects beyond their job responsibility who can anticipate operational and critical issues with the content we publish

Overnight News Editor Resume Examples & Samples

  • Two years proven experience in daily breaking news environment, preferably for nationally recognized news outlet
  • Demonstrated editing, writing and news judgment skills
  • Excellent knowledge of current events and relevant history
  • Flexibility to work various shifts to cover 24-hour new cycle
  • Photoshop experience, knowledge of HTML, video editing technology
  • Ability to both work very closely with others and function independently with minimal supervision, depending on the situation
  • Works collaboratively with reporters, ensuring a smooth but rigorous editing process
  • Works with other Top News editors, specialist editors and bureau chiefs to ensure a pipeline of front-page worthy stories in development and that reporters get the feedback they need
  • Ensures all multimedia elements of a story have been considered, from graphics to pictures and video
  • Strong organizational, planning and people skills; a competitive streak and consistent ability to secure results
  • Good understanding of the Reuters news file across asset classes and geographies; ability to see big picture and think ahead; understanding of the Reuters customer base and how clients use news
  • At least 10 years in reporting and editing at a major news outlet
  • Effectively edit Insights, and occasionally Special Reports, including bullet proofing them to ensure that they are fair to all parties and legally sound
  • Company news experience preferred
  • An understanding of macroeconomics and company accounting
  • Ability to work effectively with reporters and other editors
  • Editing video for daily news coverage, special projects, sweep period pieces, and web pieces
  • Taking in news feeds from the field, news bureaus, and various news organizations
  • Collaborating with anchors, reporters, and producers on video elements of newscasts and for web
  • Knowledge of Avid Media Composer (NewsCutter XP) editing technology is a definite plus
  • Knowledge of file structures is a definite plus
  • Shooting video and operating ENG news vehicles and LiveU devices when needed
  • We are looking for an aggressive team-player who can produce good stories under tight deadlines
  • Ability to edit and shoot general assignment stories and lives shots, when needed
  • Ensures the Desk is fiscally responsible
  • Manages spending by making decisions about story assignments and resources based on the budget allocated
  • 5 years experience in television or digital journalism
  • Work experience abroad in international journalism is preferred
  • Will be required to work morning, evening and weekend shifts on a rotating basis
  • Edit, write and produce the most up to date content for newscasts and news reports for 680 NEWS
  • Incorporate and share content with other platforms including digital and television
  • Five years of broadcasting experience
  • Extensive knowledge of news, including local Toronto news
  • Experience or education as a broadcast journalist

Associate Global News Editor Resume Examples & Samples

  • Has several years' experience in a digital news environment
  • Has a firm grasp of global current affairs, especially in the Asia Pacific region
  • Understands the Business Insider brand, tone and writing voice
  • Has excellent general knowledge on current affairs, foreign policy, technology and business
  • Enjoys working in high-pressure situations and as part of a team
  • Communicates clearly, both verbally and in writing
  • Can write quickly and cleanly
  • Has a can-do attitude
  • Is comfortable publishing on a range of social media platforms

Duty News Editor Resume Examples & Samples

  • Strong experience of video and multi-media production
  • Strong story-telling and video editing skills on Avid
  • An understanding of the latest digital video technologies for filming, editing and transmitting
  • Proactive, flexible and team-oriented with well-developed interpersonal and communication skills
  • Fluent English required, second language an asset
  • Ability to lead newsgathering teams on top stories
  • Strong team building skills, ability to motivate colleagues in a pressured environment

News Editor / Fact Checks Resume Examples & Samples

  • Work collaboratively with the diverse team of journalists at the AP who operate in all formats: text, photo, video, audio, digital/social, interactive and graphics
  • Pursue innovative coverage techniques while maintaining AP’s standards for integrity and objectivity, and use relevant analytical metrics to evaluate the reach of AP's fact checking efforts
  • Have superior design and technical skills, experience visualizing information in compelling ways and a track record of conceptualizing and implementing creative digital projects
  • Have the ability and willingness to work nights and weekends, as the coverage demands as AP is a 24/7 operation
  • Authorization to work in the U.S. will be mandatory
  • Advanced-level professional competency in written and spoken English
  • History of leadership of journalists working in more than one format is a decided plus
  • Edit to script
  • Edit news content from network sources
  • Edit packages and other forms of content from WSOC photographers
  • Edit special elements for newscasts and other productions
  • Prioritize workload and manage the delivery of video accurately
  • Take in and organize live feeds
  • Use news judgment to choose shots that reflect the vision of WSOC-TV
  • 4 year college or trade school degree preferred
  • 6 months Avid or other non-linear editing experience
  • Write breaking news stories that people want to share, matching format to topic
  • Edit and assign stories, working with the head of news and political editor to manage the workflow of multiple reporters in a fast-paced environment
  • Run the news team when the head of news is absent
  • Edit the BuzzFeed Australia home page day-to-day
  • Work with the social media, video and photo teams to package and promote stories
  • Embrace new, innovative ways to tell stories across myriad platforms
  • Work with our global news team on breaking international news
  • Be a tireless watchdog for quality and accuracy

News Editor / Multi Resume Examples & Samples

  • Shoot and edit video; coordinate story development with reporters, producers & assignment editors. Edit, produce and ingest footage for daily newscasts
  • Post texts, video and still images on digital platforms
  • Archives and files new footage obtained on daily basis
  • Gather and edit content from network sources
  • Set up VR to run videos during newscasts
  • Help provide solutions for studio and control room production needs
  • One-year experience preferred
  • Able to operate all production equipment
  • Have knowledge of production techniques, including camera and editing
  • Must be available for all shift schedules, including holidays and weekends

TV News Editor / Photog Resume Examples & Samples

  • Serves as the chief of the television crew during the newscasts
  • In charge of pre-production of topical, news briefs and other elements related to the promotion of the newscast
  • Records network feeds and daily air checks
  • One-year experience as technical director required
  • Ability to edit video, still images and audio for newscasts and web platforms on a consistent and clean basis
  • Ability to edit video for posting on social media and website
  • Communicate accurate information to co-workers in a timely manner
  • Ability to acquire network and live signals using Troll, routers, and Avid Capture Manager preferred
  • Perform regular archiving of video
  • 1 year of experience in a similar role in news is required
  • Working knowledge of Avid editing software preferred
  • Ability to following instructions well
  • Consistently able to utilize resources available and problem solve as needed to execute assigned duties
  • Plan and deliver Building’s daily rolling news coverage online, including daily and breaking news alerts, and weekly news section in print, working with a team of news journalists
  • Manage Building’s news desk to break impactful, off-diary, exclusive news stories in construction, housing, architecture and other areas of built environment business and policy
  • Research, write and break high-impact news stories and analysis
  • Edit the copy of the reporter and finance correspondent prior to publication
  • Under the direction of the editor, ensure Building’s news coverage is timely, relevant and reflects the issues of most importance to the sector
  • Increase the impact of Building’s news coverage online and in print through commissioning timely analysis to accompany major stories
  • Develop and maintain a strong network of senior contacts in the construction industry and built environment
  • Use web analytics and industry knowledge to inform story selection
  • Upload content into CMS
  • Maximise the impact of Building’s news coverage through social media promotion
  • Proactively identify and manage libel risk in articles pre-publication, working closely with the editor
  • Manage workload and resource across the newsdesk of Building and its sister publication BD
  • Attend relevant networking events, including evening events
  • Chair panel discussions and webinars on news-led topics as required
  • Take the lead in defining, producing and managing the delivery of original news coverage for CoStar’s extensive online audience of commercial real estate professionals
  • Collaborate and coordinate coverage with CoStar’s News Team to develop story ideas, diversify our coverage, and ensure timely delivery and coverage across markets
  • Source and develop insightful news content from internal and external data sources and tell data-driven stories in a compelling manner
  • Cultivate and manage a bench of knowledgeable sources and expert contributors
  • Creatively develop engaging imagery to accompany your reporting
  • Attend major industry events and plan and manage special event coverage, (e.g. ICSC’s RECon conference and NAA’s annual conference for multifamily property)
  • Monitor major industry trends, leaders and companies, including news and social channels, for leads and industry relevance
  • Be responsible for the accuracy and veracity of the news you report and follow generally accepted journalism ethics and standards to report the facts, including a commitment to truth, accuracy, fairness and impartiality
  • Use traffic and keyword data to gain a better understanding of the news our readers are most interested in to help shape future news coverage
  • Proven real estate journalist with extensive experience in a high profile editorial news or online content-creating/curating role covering commercial real estate (min. five years.) with regular writing/reporting experience for an online audience
  • Results oriented – with proven ability to prioritize, drive and achieve results through self and others while working to deadlines under pressure
  • Strong journalism background with proven writing and copy-editing skills, ideal candidates will also be experienced writing in a variety of styles, from straightforward hard news to profiles of industry leaders and longer, analytic pieces
  • Candidates should be comfortable in digital media, with a creative flair for images and other visual content to accompany news reports
  • B2B media experience preferred
  • In addition to having a sharp eye for news and exceptional attention to detail, journalists should have high standards for their work product, with superior attention to details and accuracy
  • Strategic mindset and analytical skills with ability to source and develop news from internal and external data sources, including the unmatched property information and data available in CoStar’s proprietary information service
  • Ability to work within a team collaborative environment and manage both up and down management chain
  • Bachelor’s degree or higher required; ideally in journalism, communications, or a related discipline

Research News Editor Resume Examples & Samples

  • Identify stories of wide public interest for news packaging by meeting with campus scientists and researchers to discuss latest research efforts, and reading national science periodicals, magazines and academic papers to keep abreast of the latest national research trends and advances
  • Develop and nurture relationships with journalists covering core topic areas
  • Write news releases and CU Boulder Today stories and pitch them to local, state and national media
  • Shoot, gather or assign images, video and audio, and package stories as appropriate for the website and social media
  • Share media results and metrics for each story package with researchers
  • Examples of coverage areas include: Institute of Behavioral Science; College of Media, Communication and Information; Office of Research & Innovation; Colorado Law; Leeds School of Business; and the CU Sports Medicine and Performance Center
  • Follow trends in the media and pitch related stories to local and national media; write and disseminate expert tip sheets through social media; respond promptly to all media requests; and update journalist resources and multimedia assets on CU Boulder Today website and on media monitoring tool
  • Assist other university departments and business units that need a writer with scientific research writing expertise. This could include projects for Marketing and Creative Services, Research & Innovation, Alumni Relations, Government Relations or other units that need research content of strategic value
  • Provide back-up editing and conduct media trainings and outreach as needed
  • Stay up-to-date on university emergency communications procedures and serve as a member of the emergency response team as needed. (Requires occasional unexpected after-hours staff duties)

Chief News Editor Resume Examples & Samples

  • Deep understanding of the brand values and mission of The Wall Street Journal -- digital and print -- and how our journalism should be selected and presented in line with those values
  • Deep understanding of the audience and membership structure, and how to use insight research and analytics to continually refine this understanding
  • Equally at home in digital media environments and print, with a track record of editing in both. Solid grasp of video and interactive graphics as content formats
  • Know how to select and present the best, most relevant journalism in all formats, know what does not work and make qualified calls
  • Understand modern and innovative journalism and storytelling techniques
  • Extensive experience as a journalist and superb news judgment
  • Sound organizational abilities: setting agendas, managing projects, forward planning for the upcoming days, in conjunction with the longer-range strategy set by the Executive Editor

Related Job Titles

skills for resume news editor

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  • Software Developer
  • Quality Assurance
  • Software Teacher
  • Software Nurse
  • Software Accountant
  • Software Marketing Specialist

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News Editor Resume Example & Writing Guide

News Editor Resume Example

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News editor resume sample.

Experienced News Editor with over 10 years of experience in the media industry. Extensive knowledge of current events and news trends. Skilled in managing teams and creating engaging and informative content. Proficient in various digital media tools and platforms.

Work Experience:

News editor.

The Daily News | New York, NY | 2015 - Present

  • Oversee daily news coverage and editorial content across print and digital platforms
  • Manage a team of reporters, assigning stories and ensuring accuracy and timeliness of all articles
  • Edit and proofread articles, ensuring a consistent tone and voice throughout the publication
  • Collaborate with other departments such as graphics and multimedia to create engaging interactive content
  • Develop and execute editorial strategies to increase readership and engagement, resulting in a 20% increase in website traffic

Senior Editor

The Washington Post | Washington, DC | 2010 - 2015

  • Produced and edited feature stories for the newspaper's Sunday Magazine and Style sections
  • Collaborated with reporters to develop and report on in-depth stories, resulting in several national awards
  • Managed a team of junior editors and assisted with their professional development and training
  • Developed and executed social media strategies to increase audience engagement and reach

Assistant Editor

The Chicago Tribune | Chicago, IL | 2008 - 2010

  • Edited and produced daily news and feature articles for print and digital platforms
  • Managed the newspaper's food and dining section, editing restaurant reviews and coordinating special sections
  • Assisted with the paper's coverage of the 2008 Presidential election, including traveling to several campaign stops
  • Bachelor of Arts in Journalism | Northwestern University | Evanston, IL

Customize Each Resume

Avoid sending a generic resume to multiple employers. Tailor your resume to each job you're applying for by emphasizing the most relevant skills and experiences.

News Editor Resume Writing Guide


A News Editor is a professional who is responsible for managing, editing, and publishing news articles on various websites, newspapers, and other media sources. In order to be a successful News Editor, one must have strong writing, editing, and communication skills. Additionally, a News Editor should be proficient in using various editing software and have a strong understanding of current events and news trends. If you are seeking a career in News Editing, then you need to write a highly effective News Editor resume. Here is a step-by-step guide that will help you in writing a professional News Editor resume.

Step 1: Choose the right format

  • There are three main resume formats you can choose from - chronological, functional, or combination. The chronological format is the most common and highly recommended format for a News Editor resume. This format highlights your work experience and emphasizes your professional growth over time.

Step 2: Highlight your skills

  • As a News Editor, you must have strong writing, editing, and communication skills. Therefore, it is crucial to highlight these skills on your resume. Other relevant skills you must include are your familiarity with various editing software, a keen eye for detail, and the ability to work under tight deadlines.

Step 3: Emphasize your work experience

  • When it comes to a News Editor resume, your work experience is the most important section. Highlight your work history that includes your previous roles and responsibilities as a News Editor, the organizations you have worked for, and the duration of your employment. Additionally, provide details of the news articles you have edited that were published in newspapers, magazines, websites, or other media sources.

Step 4: Highlight your achievements

  • Highlight achievements and milestones from your previous job experience that demonstrate your competency as a News Editor. This could include examples of articles you edited that won industry awards, improved website traffic, or had high readership and engagement.

Step 5: Proofread and edit

  • Finally, before you send your resume to a potential employer, ensure that you proofread and edit it for any grammatical errors or formatting mistakes. A resume riddled with errors may disqualify you before you are even considered for an interview.

In conclusion, if you want to land your dream job as a News Editor, create a resume that showcases your skills, work experience, and achievements. With a well-crafted resume, you can stand out from the competition and land the job you want.

Common Resume Writing Mistake

Typos and grammatical errors.

These types of errors indicate a lack of attention to detail and might give an impression of carelessness. Always proofread your resume multiple times and consider having someone else review it as well.

Resume Examples You May Interested

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Resume Worded   |  Resume Skills

Skill profile, improve your resume's success rate by using these editor skills and keywords ..

  • Hard Skills and Keywords for your Editor Resume
  • ATS Scan : Compare Your Resume To These Skills
  • Sample Resume Templates
  • How To Add Skills
  • Soft Skills for Editor Roles
  • Editor More Resume Templates

Resume Skills and Keywords from Related Jobs

Frequently asked questions.

  • 3. Effective Action Verbs for your Resume

Get a Free Resume Review

Looking for keywords for a specific job search for your job title here., © 2024 resume worded. all rights reserved., editor resume keywords and skills (hard skills).

Here are the keywords and skills that appear most frequently on recent Editor job postings. In other words, these are the most sought after skills by recruiters and hiring managers. Go to Sample Templates ↓ below to see how to include them on your resume. Remember that every job is different. Instead of including all keywords on your resume, identify those that are most relevant to the job you're applying to. Use the free Targeted Resume tool to help with this.
  • Copywriting
  • Social Media
  •  Find out what your resume's missing
  • Public Relations
  • Digital Media
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Creative Writing
  • Proofreading
  • Online Journalism
  • Copy Editing
  • Press Releases
  • Web Content Writing
  • Feature Writing
  • Storytelling
  • Text Editing
  • Content Management
  • News Writing

Resume Skills: Editing Tools

  • ProWritingAid
  • Microsoft Word
  • Google Docs
  • Adobe Acrobat
  • Adobe InDesign
  • QuarkXPress
  • Hemingway App
  • Microsoft Office Suite
  • Adobe Acrobat Pro
  • Adobe Creative Cloud
  •  Match your resume to these skills

Resume Skills: Project Management

  • Microsoft Project
  • Agile methodology
  • Risk management
  • Time management
  • Resource management
  • Stakeholder management

Resume Skills: Style & Standards

  • Chicago Manual of Style
  • Associated Press (AP) Style
  • Language Editing
  • Fact Checking

Resume Skills: Languages

  • Spanish (Fluent)

Resume Skills: Writing & Editing

  • Copyediting
  • Chicago Style
  • Headline writing
  • Technical Writing

Resume Skills: Digital Tools

  • Content Management Systems (CMS)
  • Google Suite
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Resume Skills: Content Management Systems

  • Squarespace

Resume Skills: SEO Tools

  • Google Analytics

Resume Skills: Publishing Platforms

Resume skills: fact-checking and research.

  • Google Scholar

Resume Skills: Markup languages

  Where on my resume do I add these buzzwords? Add keywords directly into your resume's work experiences , education or projects. Alternatively, you can also include a Skills section where you can list your technical skills in order of your proficiency. Only include these technical skills or keywords into your resume if you actually have experience with them.
   Does your resume contain all the right skills? Paste in your resume in the AI Resume Scan ↓ section below and get an instant score.

Compare Your Resume To These Editor Skills (ATS Scan)

Paste your resume below and our AI will identify which keywords are missing from your resume from the list above (and what you need to include). Including the right keywords will help you get past Applicant Tracking Systems (i.e. resume screeners) which may scan your resume for keywords to see if you're a match for the job.

Sample Editor Resume Examples: How To Include These Skills

Add keywords directly into your resume's work experiences , education or skills section , like we've shown in the examples below. use the examples below as inspiration..

  Where on my resume do I add these buzzwords? Add keywords directly into your resume's work experiences , education or projects. Only include these technical skills or keywords into your resume if you actually have experience with them.

How do I add skills to an Editor resume?

Go through the Editor posting you're applying to, and identify hard skills the company is looking for. For example, skills like Blogging, Social Media and Copywriting are possible skills. These are skills you should try to include on your resume.

skills for resume news editor

Add other common skills from your industry - such as Publishing, Writing and Editing - into your resume if they're relevant.

skills for resume news editor

Incorporate skills - like Newspapers, News Writing and Copy Editing - into your work experience too. This shows hiring managers that you have practical experience with these tools, techniques and skills.

skills for resume news editor

Communication is often an important component of the role of an Editor, so when writing your resume, include examples of how you communicated with stakeholders, team members or customers, or produced content.

skills for resume news editor

Try to add the exact job title, Editor, somewhere into your resume to get past resume screeners. See the infographic for how to do this.

skills for resume news editor

Word Cloud for Editor Skills & Keywords

The following word cloud highlights the most popular keywords that appear on Editor job descriptions. The bigger the word, the more frequently it shows up on employer's job postings. If you have experience with these keywords, include them on your resume.

Top Editor Skills and Keywords to Include On Your Resume

Editor Soft Skills

Here are common soft skills that appear on Editor job postings. Unlike hard skills, which refer to tools, software or techniques, soft skills focus on character traits and interpersonal skills. Instead of listing these phrases on your resume, try to show them through your bullet points like in the examples below.

skills for resume news editor

Tip: Do not list these words or phrases on your resume, and instead focus on the hard skills we described above.

We also found variations and further specializations to your job title. Browse through the related job titles to find additional keywords that you can include into your resume.

  • Video Production
  • Broadcasting
  • Marketing Strategy
  • Corporate Communications
  • AP Stylebook
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Publications
  • Account Reconciliation
  • Accounts Payable
  • Accounts Receivable (AR)
  • Microsoft Access
  • Customer Service
  • Bank Reconciliation
  • Bookkeeping
  • Office Administration
  • Financial Accounting
  • Pastel Accounting
  • Pastel Partner
  • Administration
  • Financial Reporting
  • Fact-checking
  • Translation
  • Chicago Manual
  • Academic Writing
  • Media Production
  • Documentaries
  • Academic Publishing
  • Editorial Process
  • Newsletters
  • Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
  • Web Editing
  • Content Strategy
  • Digital Marketing
  • Video Editing
  • Adobe Premiere Pro
  • After Effects
  • Final Cut Pro
  • Video Post-Production
  • Photography
  • Avid Media Composer
  • Videography
  • Film Production
  • Motion Graphics
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Graphic Design
  • Camera Operation
  • Video Color Grading
  • Adobe Creative Suite
  • Breaking News
  • Media Relations
  • Interviewing
  • Content Development
  • Headline Writing
  • Digital Publishing
  • True Colors
  • Logo Design
  • Corporate Identity
  • Poster Design
  • Desktop Publishing
  • Advertising
  • Page Layout
  • Nonprofit Organizations
  • Legal Research
  • Legal Writing
  • Broadcast Journalism
  • Broadcast Television
  • Community Management
  • Digital Strategy
  • Avid Technology Products
  • Short Films
  • DaVinci Resolve
  • Film Editing
  • Feature Films
  • Commercials
  • Music Videos
  • Cinematography
  • Molecular Biology
  • Scientific Writing
  • Life Sciences
  • Cell Culture
  • Western Blotting
  • Technical Editing
  • Technical Documentation
  • Proposal Writing
  • Technical Communication
  • Image Editing
  • Adobe Lightroom
  • Digital Photography
  • Photojournalism
  • Portrait Photography
  • Commercial Photography
  • Event Photography
  • Photo Retouching
  • Photo Mechanic
  • Photo Research
  • Photo Shoots
  • Online Editing
  • Color Correction
  • Content Marketing
  • Magazine Articles
  • Magazine Writing
  • Sports Writing
  • Non-fiction
  • Acquisitions
  • Stevedoring
  • Line Editing
  • Strategic Communications
  • Internal Communications
  • Email Marketing
  • Online Marketing
  • Business Strategy
  • Strategic Planning
  • Commissioning
  • Manuscript Development
  • Medical Writing
  • Medical Communications
  • Medical Education
  • Continuing Medical Education (CME)
  • Medical Terminology
  • Web Content Creation
  • Entertainment Journalism
  • Entertainment
  • Product Assortment Planning

Get your Resume Instantly Checked, For Free

Upload your resume and we'll spot the issues in it before an actual editor recruiter sees it. for free., editor resume templates.

Here are examples of proven resumes in related jobs and industries, approved by experienced hiring managers. Use them as inspiration when you're writing your own resume. You can even download and edit the resume template in Google Docs.

Resume Example Professional

An effective Description of the templates...

Professional Resume Sample

Download this resume template

This resume template is suitable for experienced hires or mid-level hires. The education contains two examples of an education experiences, but only include one (your most recent one) if you're a senior level employee.

Tips on why this template works

   makes great use of space.

It strikes the right balance between white space and content, and doesn't waste space on unnecessary images and icons. Remember, recruiters aren't looking at how creative you are when it comes to your template. Your content is core and should be the focus.

Makes great use of space - Professional Resume

   Strong resume bullet points

This job seeker uses resume bullet points that uses strong action verbs, and most importantly, contain numbers that demonstrate the significance of their accomplishments.

Strong resume bullet points - Professional Resume

Resume Example Highlights (Free)

Highlights (Free) Resume Sample

This template is clean, readable by resume screeners, and is effective at calling out key accomplishments and projects from specific work experiences. This would be useful if you have been at a company for a while, or been in a consulting-type of role, and want to point hiring managers to your most impressive accomplishments.

   Strong action verbs

Action verbs are important on your resume are vital. They evoke strong imagery to your reader, and this resume does an excellent job by using words such as “spearheaded,” “managed,” and “drove.” These words will help you to put your achievements in perspective, in conjunction with measurable results. Use action verbs relating to the skills you want to highlight.

Strong action verbs - Highlights (Free) Resume

   Specific examples of finished projects

Many of your accomplishments will involve your responsibilities in your employer's high-level projects. Recruiters want to see what you’ve completed in previous roles -- such as the Operations Improvement Project and new iPhone app launch highlighted in this resume. The numbers make your experience real, rather than a vague “oversaw several teams for a project.” What did you do specifically? Be specific.

Specific examples of finished projects - Highlights (Free) Resume

Resume Example Modern Two-Column

Modern Two-Column Resume Sample

This two column resume template has been designed and created in Google Docs, and puts an emphasis on a skills section. You can download it in Word, or edit it directly in Google Docs.

   Prioritize work experience, while including other key sections

The two-column in this Google Docs resume template prioritizes the work experience sections, while maximizing the content into the resume. Not all two column templates are ATS-compatible, but this one is when it is saved as PDF and passed through a resume screener.

Prioritize work experience, while including other key sections - Modern Two-Column Resume

   Includes a strong Skills section

Skills sections are a great way to include specific keywords and skills that you have, that haven't been included in other parts of your resume. This helps you get past resume screeners that scan your resume for specific keywords.

Includes a strong Skills section - Modern Two-Column Resume

Resume Example Clean Modern

Clean Modern Resume Sample

If you're a job seeker with a few years of experience under your belt, use a template like this one. It's simple, effective at highlighting our work experience, and minimizes the emphasis on the education section (the dates are omitted which is good to prevent ageism, especially if you graduated more than 10 years ago).

   Professionally-designed template

Minimal templates like this one are exactly what mid-to-senior level recruiters want to see - it shows professionalism, focuses on accomplishments, and makes full use of each page.

Professionally-designed template - Clean Modern Resume

   Resume summary highlights key accomplishments

The first rule about including a resume summary is that it does not repeat accomplishments mentioned elsewhere on the resume. This resume stresses new software engineering and leadership skills right at the top of the resume, and includes an award too. If you include a summary, try to include a mix of both technical accomplishments (e.g. projects you developed or led), as well as career-related accomplishments (e.g. being promoted).

Resume summary highlights key accomplishments - Clean Modern Resume

Resume Example Entry-Level (Free)

Entry-Level (Free) Resume Sample

Use this Google Docs template if you're a student, recent graduate, or a career changer. Right out of college, you may not have much experience in the field. To supplement that, use your experience in clubs and activities, volunteering, projects, and useful coursework to help highlight your knowledge on the subject.

   Emphasis on education

If you're an entry-level job seeker that has recently completed education (or in the process of completing a degree), you should prioritize your education and include it first. This Google Docs template does this.

Emphasis on education - Entry-Level (Free) Resume

   University projects relevant to the job

If you're an entry level job seeker (or a career-changer), you may not have enough work experience to fill up your resume. This is where class projects and university projects come in. This template has a section dedicated to projects, which you can use to talk about volunteering, class projects, or personal projects relevant to the job.

University projects relevant to the job - Entry-Level (Free) Resume

Resume Example Concise

Concise Resume Sample

This is a suitable Google Docs resume template for all kinds of roles, including senior, entry-level and mid-level. Note how the focus is the work experience section only, and the education section is limited. This is what you should do if you graduated a while ago.

   Use a skills section to highlight specific keywords

To get past resume screeners and Applicant Tracking Systems, use a skills section that includes specific skills the job is looking for. This is an easy way to tailor your resume.

Use a skills section to highlight specific keywords - Concise Resume

   Keep you education short, if you're a mid to senior level job seeker

Keep you education short, if you're a mid to senior level job seeker - Concise Resume

What skills should you put on an Editor resume?

The most common skills and keywords we found on Editor resumes and job postings were Editing, Journalism, Blogging, Copywriting, Social Media, Writing, Publishing and Public Relations. Skills like Digital Media, Copy Editing, News Writing, Magazines and Newspapers also appeared on related job postings.

How do resume skills compare between a Page Editor and a Lifestyle Editor?

Popular skills we often see on resumes for Page Editor positions include:

In comparison, skills we see on Lifestyle Editor resumes include:

What are good resume skills to include for different Editor roles and job titles?

Depending on the specific role you apply to, you may need to emphasize different skill sets. Here are a few examples:

  • Magazine Editor : Magazines, Editing, Copy Editing, Journalism and Writing
  • Video Editor : Video Editing, Adobe Premiere Pro, After Effects, Video and Final Cut Pro
  • Editorial Director : Publishing, Content Strategy, Publications, Copywriting and Blogging
  • Marketing Editor : Content Marketing, Creative Writing, Proofreading, Web Content Writing and Newsletters
  • Business Editor : News Writing, Online Journalism, Breaking News, Storytelling and Newspapers

Target your Resume to a Job Description

While the keywords above are a good indication of what skills you need on your resume, you should try to find additional keywords that are specific to the job. To do this, use the free Targeted Resume tool. It analyzes the job you are applying to and finds the most important keywords you need on your resume. It is personalized to your resume, and is the best way to ensure your resume will pass the automated resume filters. Start targeting your resume
Most resumes get auto-rejected because of small, simple errors. These errors are easy to miss but can be costly in your job search. If you want to make sure your resume is error-free, upload it to Score My Resume for a free resume review. You'll get a score so you know where your resume stands, as well as actionable feedback to improve it. Get a free resume review

Scan your skills and keywords.

Creating an account is free and takes five seconds. you'll get instant access to all skills and keywords, plus be able to score your resume against them - no strings attached., choose an option..

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Find out what keywords recruiters search for. These keywords will help you beat resume screeners (i.e. the Applicant Tracking System).

   get a resume score., find out how effective your resume really is. you'll get access to our confidential resume review tool which will tell you how recruiters see your resume..

skills for resume news editor

Thank you for the checklist! I realized I was making so many mistakes on my resume that I've now fixed. I'm much more confident in my resume now.

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Newspaper Editor Resume Examples

When it comes to drafting a resume for a position as newspaper editor, it is important to know what types of skills and qualifications to highlight. This guide will provide readers with tips and examples to ensure that their resumes stand out from the competition. We will discuss what to include in a newspaper editor resume, as well as some key strategies for presenting your qualifications in an effective way. By the end of this guide, readers will have an understanding of how to create a comprehensive, targeted resume to get their desired job.

If you didn’t find what you were looking for, be sure to check out our complete library of resume examples .


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Newspaper Editor

123 Main Street | Anytown, USA 99999 | Phone: (123) 456-7890 | Email: [email protected]

I am an experienced newspaper editor with a passion for telling stories. I have worked in the industry for over 10 years and have a keen eye for detail and an excellent command of written English. My core skills include copy editing, fact- checking, interviewing and proofreading, while I also have extensive experience in writing articles and news stories. My professional experience includes working for various newspapers and magazines, as well as in a freelance capacity, and I also have a degree in journalism and media studies. I am confident that I have the necessary skills and experience to excel in any newspaper editing role.

Core Skills :

  • Copy Editing
  • Fact- Checking
  • Interviewing
  • Proofreading
  • Writing Articles and News Stories

Professional Experience :

  • The Daily Gazette (Newspaper Editor) – 5 years
  • The Sunday Times (News Editor) – 2 years
  • Freelance Writer/Editor – 3 years

Education :

  • Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and Media Studies, University of Oxford

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Newspaper Editor Resume with No Experience

Recent college graduate with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Journalism, equipped with excellent communication and writing skills, eager to begin a career as a newspaper editor. Motivated to work hard, learn quickly, and contribute to the success of the organization.

  • Strong written and verbal communication
  • Proficient in Microsoft Office and Adobe Creative Suite
  • Knowledge of AP Style
  • Organizational and time management skills
  • Excellent critical thinking and problem solving abilities
  • Familiar with newsroom operations

Responsibilities :

  • Edit and proofread newspaper articles for accuracy and clarity
  • Ensure all copy is free from errors and meets the publication’s standards
  • Review and revise stories to ensure they meet the publication’s editorial style
  • Liaise with writers, designers and photographers to ensure deadlines are met
  • Create headlines and captions to accompany stories
  • Coordinate with other editors and staff to ensure that all stories are produced on time and to the highest standards
  • Brainstorm ideas for story topics and sources
  • Maintain a database of contacts for potential story sources

Experience 0 Years

Level Junior

Education Bachelor’s

Newspaper Editor Resume with 2 Years of Experience

Experienced and creative Newspaper Editor with two years of professional experience in the field. Skilled in editing, proofreading, and managing content for digital, print, and multimedia publications. Excellent communication and collaboration skills to effectively work with a diverse staff of writers and editors. Proven ability to produce high- quality content that meets strict deadlines and adheres to AP and company style guidelines.

  • Content Management
  • Collaboration
  • Communication
  • Organization
  • Style Guidelines
  • Edit and proofread written material including articles, headlines, captions and other text before publication.
  • Manage content creation and editing process for print, digital, and multimedia publications.
  • Ensure accuracy, consistency and quality of content published by developing and enforcing strict editorial standards.
  • Collaborate with writers and other staff to produce high- quality content within tight deadlines.
  • Develop story ideas and review pitches to assess suitability for publication.
  • Work with team to create and update editorial calendar.
  • Ensure content meets AP and company style guidelines.
  • Assign stories to writers, review drafts and provide feedback.
  • Identify opportunities to improve current processes and suggest solutions.

Experience 2+ Years

Newspaper Editor Resume with 5 Years of Experience

Innovative and goal- oriented newspaper editor with 5 years of experience in creating and overseeing the production of quality print and digital content. Highly skilled in generating ideas, managing teams, editing and proofreading content, and ensuring accurate and timely delivery of projects. Possesses a deep understanding of media production and editing techniques, SEO, and web analytics.

  • Editing and Proofreading
  • Content Creation
  • Project Management
  • Team Management
  • Media Production
  • Web Analytics
  • Leading a team of writers, designers and copy- editors to ensure timely delivery of content
  • Developing ideas and creating engaging and high- quality content for print and digital platforms
  • Proofreading, editing, and revising content for accuracy and clarity
  • Managing projects and ensuring deadlines are met
  • Developing strategies to increase website and social media presence
  • Applying SEO and web analytics techniques to improve content reach
  • Monitoring media coverage and identifying opportunities to expand readership

Experience 5+ Years

Level Senior

Newspaper Editor Resume with 7 Years of Experience

A talented newspaper editor with 7 years of experience in the newspaper industry. Adept at creating engaging content and maintaining the highest standards of accuracy and quality. Possesses exceptional communication and organizational skills, and a proven ability to manage a team and ensure deadlines are met. Core skills include writing and editing, layout and proofreading, as well as research and interviewing.

  • Writing and Editing
  • Layout and Proofreading
  • Research and Interviewing
  • Accuracy and Quality
  • Planning and Organization
  • Researching and writing articles and features for print and online publications
  • Editing articles for accuracy, clarity and style
  • Assigning and approving proofreading to subordinates
  • Developing story ideas and assigning tasks to reporters
  • Ensuring deadlines for copy submission and page layout are met
  • Preparing and submitting budget and cost estimates for projects
  • Working with photographers and other contributors to ensure visual content is optimized for print and web
  • Developing ideas for new sections and features and overseeing their implementation
  • Managing a team of reporters, editors and proofreaders

Experience 7+ Years

Newspaper Editor Resume with 10 Years of Experience

A highly organized and results- oriented professional with 10+ years of experience in newspaper editing. Experienced in journalism, copywriting, editorial strategy, content engineering, web- publishing and managing a team of freelance writers and editors. Possesses strong communication and analytical skills, as well as a commitment to meeting deadlines.

  • Copywriting
  • Editorial strategy
  • Content engineering
  • Web- publishing
  • Project management
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Time- management
  • Editing and proofreading editorial content for accuracy and quality assurance.
  • Developing and managing editorial content for the newspaper.
  • Establishing and implementing editorial guidelines and standards.
  • Managing a team of freelance writers and editors.
  • Collaborating with other departments to ensure timely delivery of articles.
  • Ensuring accuracy of content in print and online versions.
  • Formulating ideas for content campaigns and special features.
  • Developing keywords and descriptions to optimize content visibility.
  • Researching industry trends and topics to create innovative content.
  • Analyzing traffic statistics and trends to determine content efficacy.

Experience 10+ Years

Level Senior Manager

Education Master’s

Newspaper Editor Resume with 15 Years of Experience

I am an experienced and creative Newspaper Editor with 15 years of experience in the media and publishing industry. I have strong skills in copy- editing, proofreading, and content curation, as well as extensive knowledge of current trends in print and digital media. I have extensive experience in overseeing the production of newspapers from start to finish, from sourcing content to managing deadlines. I enjoy leading projects and working collaboratively to produce high- quality articles and publications that meet the needs of readers.

  • Extensive experience in newspaper editing
  • Excellent copy- editing, proofreading, and content curation skills
  • Knowledge of print and digital media trends
  • Proficient in overseeing the production of newspapers
  • Excellent organizational and leadership skills
  • Ability to work collaboratively and manage deadlines
  • Source relevant content for newspapers
  • Edit, proofread, and curate content
  • Ensure accuracy of newspaper content
  • Design newspaper layout and design
  • Monitor production process and ensure deadlines are met
  • Lead projects to ensure high- quality content
  • Manage communications with vendors and other stakeholders
  • Monitor and assess readership feedback
  • Develop strategies to increase readership and engagement

Experience 15+ Years

Level Director

In addition to this, be sure to check out our resume templates , resume formats ,  cover letter examples ,  job description , and  career advice  pages for more helpful tips and advice.

What should be included in a Newspaper Editor resume?

A Newspaper Editor resume should highlight an individual’s skills and experience in the journalism industry. It should showcase the individual’s ability to take complex ideas and create content that engages the reader. It should also demonstrate the ability to manage staff, lead projects, and manage deadlines.

Here are some essential points that should be included on a Newspaper Editor resume:

  • Experience in news writing and editing
  • Ability to work under tight deadlines
  • Ability to motivate and manage staff
  • Ability to work with a team to create content
  • Expertise in the use of social media platforms
  • Knowledge of digital content production and publishing tools
  • Knowledge of copyright and media law
  • Understanding of SEO and analytics
  • Ability to think creatively and develop innovative content
  • Proficiency in project management and time management
  • Excellent writing, editing and communication skills

What is a good summary for a Newspaper Editor resume?

A Newspaper Editor resume should summarize an individual’s experience in editing and managing a newspaper. It should also highlight their expertise in areas such as news gathering, writing, layout and design, and publishing. Additional skills such as budgeting and managing staff may also be included. The resume should also include the name of the newspaper they edited, the position they held, and the length of time they held the position. The resume should also demonstrate the editor’s knowledge and experience with technology such as digital publishing and social media. The resume should demonstrate the editor’s ability to work effectively under pressure and within deadlines. Finally, the resume should demonstrate their strong leadership, organizational, and communication skills.

What is a good objective for a Newspaper Editor resume?

A newspaper editor resume needs to demonstrate a strong ability to create interest-grabbing stories and to lead a staff of reporters. A good objective should capture the desired skills and achievements that will make an editor an asset to a newspaper.

  • Develop and implement creative strategies to maximize reader engagement
  • Lead and mentor staff to produce compelling content
  • Collaborate with design, production, and sales departments to ensure a successful product
  • Increase circulation, website traffic, and reader engagement
  • Edit and revise stories for accuracy and clarity
  • Ensure content and editorial standards are met
  • Develop relationships with news sources to increase content diversity
  • Ensure stories meet deadlines and adhere to budget requirements
  • Maintain a professional communication style with colleagues and readers

How do you list Newspaper Editor skills on a resume?

When you are applying for a job as a newspaper editor, it is important to highlight the skills you possess on your resume. Listing your skills on your resume is an important way to showcase how you are qualified for the job and demonstrate your value to a potential employer.

Here are some skills to include when crafting your resume for a newspaper editor position:

  • Self-Motivation: Newspaper editors must have the ability to motivate themselves to work independently and without direct supervision.
  • Research Skills: Newspaper editors should be adept at researching facts and information relevant to the stories they are writing.
  • Editing and Proofreading: Newspaper editors must be able to identify and correct errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure.
  • Writing: Newspaper editors must have strong written communication skills, including the ability to write concise and engaging stories.
  • Interpersonal Skills: Newspaper editors should have strong interpersonal skills to be able to collaborate with other writers, reporters, and other staff members.
  • Knowledge of Journalism: Newspaper editors possess a deep understanding of journalistic ethics and practices, as well as a good grasp of the laws and regulations governing journalism.
  • Time Management Skills: Newspaper editors must be able to prioritize tasks and manage their time effectively in order to meet deadlines.
  • Adaptability: Newspaper editors must be able to quickly adjust to changing news cycles and shifting deadlines and expectations.

What skills should I put on my resume for Newspaper Editor?

When applying for a job as a Newspaper Editor, it is important to highlight the necessary skills required to excel in the role. The best way to showcase your qualifications is through a well-crafted resume. Here are some of the key skills you should include on your resume for a Newspaper Editor position:

  • Writing and Editing: Newspaper Editors must be able to craft compelling content for a variety of publications. Demonstrate your writing and editing abilities by including examples of your published work on your resume.
  • Organizational Skills: As an Editor, you will need to be able to juggle multiple projects at once and stay organized. Highlight your ability to multitask and stay focused on your work.
  • Leadership: Editors are responsible for overseeing a team of writers, columnists and other contributors. Showcase your leadership skills by listing any past experience you have managing teams.
  • Research Skills: Editors must be able to conduct research and stay up to date on the latest news. Include any research skills you have acquired, such as the ability to find reliable sources.
  • Communication: Good communication is essential to the role of an Editor. Showcase your communication skills by highlighting any experience you have working with clients or other stakeholders.

By including these essential skills on your resume, you can demonstrate to employers that you are the right fit for the job.

Key takeaways for an Newspaper Editor resume

If you’re looking to break into the world of newspaper editing, you’ll need to make sure your resume stands out. Here are some key takeaways to consider when writing your resume:

1) Showcase Your Editing Skills: Newspaper editing requires a particular set of skills and experiences, so make sure to highlight any experiences that show off your editing skills. If you’ve done any related work in the past, such as copyediting or proofreading, be sure to mention it on your resume.

2) Demonstrate Your Writing Abilities: As an editor, you need to be well-versed in writing. Include any work you’ve done in journalism, reporting or other writing-related fields to show off your writing skills.

3) Highlight Your Leadership Qualities: Newspaper editors need to be able to manage a team and motivate them to produce the best work. Be sure to include any leadership roles you’ve held on your resume, such as managing editor or editor-in-chief.

4) Mention Your Newsroom Experience: Any newsroom experience you have should be highlighted on your resume. This includes jobs such as managing editor or reporter. You should also include any awards or recognition you’ve received for your work.

5) Include Your Technical Knowledge: Editors need to be familiar with a variety of digital tools and technologies, so make sure to mention any technical knowledge you have. This could include proficiency in CMS, HTML, Photoshop or other software.

By following these tips, you can make sure your resume stands out from the rest. With the right experience and qualifications, you’ll be able to land the job of your dreams.

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News Editor Resume Example

Get invited for more job interviews and learn practical tricks for your next resume with our free, downloadable News Editor resume example. Make a copy of this resume sample as it is or rewrite it directly in our powerful resume maker.

Milan Šaržík — Certified Professional Résumé Writer

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News Editor Resume Example (Full Text Version)

Alexandra shelton, resume summary.

Detail-oriented News Editor offering 3 years of relevant experience and a bachelor's degree in Communications from the Princeton University. The Employee of the Month Award winner with excellent analytical skills and the crucial ability to function well both independently and in fast-paced team environments.

Work experience

  • Managed multiple aspects of the content creation for the news section that appeared in print, online, and on social media.
  • Served as a reporter when necessary and constantly monitored and analyzed the media presence.
  • Generated story ideas, maintained and organized relevant documents, and coordinated 2 other employees.
  • Collected and analyzed feedback and executed other tasks as required.
  • Awarded the Employee of the Month twice for constantly performing exceptional work.

GPA : 3.96 (Top 3% of the Program)

Clubs and Societies : Dance Club, Film Society, TEDx Club

Graduated with Distinction (Grade A - 1/excellent equivalent in all subjects)

Extracurricular Activities : Drama Club, Film Society, School Newspaper



Milan Šaržík — Certified Professional Résumé Writer

Milan Šaržík, CPRW

Milan’s work-life has been centered around job search for the past three years. He is a Certified Professional Résumé Writer (CPRW™) as well as an active member of the Professional Association of Résumé Writers & Careers Coaches (PARWCC™). Milan holds a record for creating the most career document samples for our help center – until today, he has written more than 500 resumes and cover letters for positions across various industries. On top of that, Milan has completed studies at multiple well-known institutions, including Harvard University, University of Glasgow, and Frankfurt School of Finance and Management.

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News Editor Resume Samples

This page provides you with News Editor resume samples to use to create your own resume with our easy-to-use resume builder . Below you'll find our how-to section that will guide you through each section of a News Editor resume.

Digital News Editor/Reporter  Resume Sample and Template

Tips for writing your resume

To land the perfect job, you need the perfect resume. In today’s crowded job market, it is more important than ever to stand out among the competition. When you write your resume, it is vital that you get everything right, from the organization of the template to the details of your work experience. To make sure your resume is flawless, here are some tips for writing the best resume possible.

Let them know where to contact you

Your resume should begin with your contact information. It is very important that potential employers, having read your resume, know how to contact you! At the top of your resume, include your name, phone number, email address, and city.

Introduce yourself

A personal summary, though optional, is a great way to introduce yourself to an employer with your resume. This section is comprised of one or two paragraphs where you can feature your notable accomplishments and highlight your most valuable skills. Your summary should give employers a brief outline of your experience and capabilities and intrigue them to keep reading.

What do you do best?

Shorter than a work history section, in a skills section you can efficiently list your core competencies in a way that is direct and easy to read. Showcase the skills and abilities that you bring to the job, focussing on those which distinguish you from the competition. The more useful and unique your skills are, the more you will stand out to an employer.

Showcase your achievements

Display your work experience in reverse-chronological order, beginning with your most recent position at the top of the section. Describe for each job your title, responsibilities, and accomplishments, with a focus on performance and results rather than duties. Use action words like ‘developed, ‘produced’, and ‘delivered’ when describing your work history to create compelling and impactful descriptions of your experience. Highlighting quantifiable information, like performance metrics and revenue, is a great way to demonstrate your abilities.

What did you learn, and where did you learn it?

Your education section should include the name of any post-secondary schools you attended, the degrees you earned, and any academic distinctions you achieved that you deem worth featuring. If they are particularly relevant, you can also include major areas of study and important projects that you participated in. Like the work experience section, your education should be displayed in reverse-chronological order.

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News Editor Resume Samples

A News Editor shoulders the daily responsibility and task of deciding which news or stories are to be printed in the newspaper. A professional News Editor Resume mentions the following duties and tasks – assigning reporters to cover news from all across the nation, checking the accuracy of the news, ensuring fairness in the articles, writing headlines , providing assignment to photographers; managing and editing daily news ; designing and implementing coverage strategies; and providing training to news reporters ; and monitoring all feeds.

Those seeking this job duty should have strong communication skills, and show interest in current events, they should have the ability to work well under strict deadlines and show experience in using publishing software. Additionally, the person should have superb command over English, Grammar and editing skills. Students interested in this career should have a degree in communications, journalism, creative writing or English.

News Editor Resume example

  • Resume Samples
  • Media & Journalism
  • News Editor

News Editor Resume

Summary : Looking for a new opportunity to grow as a person. Interested in working with people to help them find the right vehicle to fit their needs.

Skills : Professional Writing Content, Editing, Project Management.

News Editor Resume Template

Description :

  • Administered the newsroom's use of the P-I's CCI editorial production system.
  • Oversaw software development and testing, working with software vendors to identify and solve programming issues.
  • Coordinated software upgrades, implemented new workflows, and system modifications to accommodate press reconfiguration and other production-related projects.
  • Promoted the P-I's efforts to use technology and strategic workflows to allow content sharing and production efficiencies with other Hearst Corporation newspapers nationwide.
  • Wrote VBA and Pearl scripts to customize applications to accommodate changing workflows and editorial needs.
  • Facilitated and streamlined the export of text and images from the print edition to the website, Created disaster recovery protocols to ensure continuity of operations.
  • Diagnosed problems and repaired errors in XML, HTML, VBA and Pearl scripts.
  • Provided help desk support for software including Microsoft Office Suite, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop and CCI Newsdesk.

Sr. News Editor Resume

Summary : Extensive background in Banking. Very sociable and respectful. Computer knowledge as well as other office equipment.

Skills : Working knowledge of In Design, Photoshop, Final Cut Pro.

Sr. News Editor Resume Model

  • Choose topics for articles and features in the news section.
  • Oversee numerous writers and make all major decisions for the news section.
  • Interview numerous students, faculty, and staff in order to write compelling articles/features.
  • Work in InDesign to place articles and photos for the weekly newspaper issue.
  • Collaborate daily with my assistant, editor, and writers on how to make The Quill news section meet high expectations and standards.
  • Lead a five-person news team and assigned stories to reporters o Collaborated with seven editors to put out a weekly newspaper in print and online o Mentored writers in the process of storytelling v Achievements: Contributed to campus conversations on issues of diversity, race, and identity.
  • Assigned and edited stories; page design; managed news section.
  • Investigated complex issues and interviewed city officials to write news articles Used Adobe software to create the newspaper's layout and enhance photos Member of Clarke County Leadership Academy.

Junior News Editor Resume

Summary : Communications professional skilled at interviewing, researching, writing, editing, designing written material under both routine and unpredictable circumstances. Experienced at public outreach and coordinating projects of all sizes.

Skills : Social media, Basic HTML, Adobe In Design, Adobe Photoshop, WordPress.

Junior News Editor Resume Template

  • Secured and conducted interviews with actors for each issue, authored features and provided original content for multiple sections.
  • Developed weekly content for a senior news editor, as well as ideas for future issues.
  • Maintained consistent contact with show publicists and talent, and coordinated/attended photoshoots.
  • Generated extensive original content for an issue devoted to the event, including actor interviews and coverage of daily happenings.
  • Entrusted to cover 2 shows following the departure of fellow news editor.
  • Monitored and followed up on opportunities for features and interviews to ensure strong coverage of each show and its performers.
  • Created and developed valuable relationships with popular performers, as well as with photographers and publicists.

News Editor/Writer Resume

Summary : Editor and communications professional with extensive experience in financial markets and business news. Skilled writer with expertise in identifying trends and analyzing data for print and social media.

Skills : Administrative, Banking, Receptionist.

News Editor/Writer  Resume Model

  • Edited and wrote real-time, snippet-form commentary and analysis on corporate news, financial markets and economic matters in a fast-paced environment for Dow Jones Newswires' popular Market Talk feature.
  • Wrote posts for Market Talk blog on topics related to markets, the economy and corporate news.
  • Created a training tutorial to enhance reporting and editing staff contributions and productivity for Market Talk items.
  • Regularly offered feedback and training to reporters and editors.
  • Contributed to The Wall Street Journal's MoneyBeat blog, writing posts on the stock market, corporate earnings, and economic data.
  • Provided analysis and commentary for Digital Network News Hub video webcast.
  • Identified and chronicled broad trends.

Associate News Editor Resume

Summary : Experience with writing, proofreading and editing copy has spanned nearly 30 years. Able to work with the written word. Secure a position reading and editing novels.

Skills : Acrobat, Excel, Hiring, Graphic Design, Photoshop, Management, Lotus Notes.

Associate News Editor Resume Example

  • Responsible for design, pagination and overall news-side production of The Saratogian.
  • In charge of the night operation, the point person related to all newsroom operations.
  • Responsible for timely and accurate publication of wire and local news and photos.
  • Supervising staff of editing paginators, including training, assigning and overseeing staff production.
  • Preparation and delivery of staff performance evaluations.
  • Associate Editor and page designer for the monthly glossy magazine, Spirit of Saratoga.
  • Produce varied supplemental publications such as special sections and inserts -- Create and maintain standards for design and design elements, develops ways to improve presentation.
  • Create illustrations for the various publications though composing apparatus such as Photoshop.

Summary : To work at a company utilizing communication, organization and writing skills to increase company profits and overall efficiency.

Skills : Microsoft Office, Adobe Photoshop, CS6 Adobe Illustrator.

Associate News Editor Resume Sample

  • Led 10 reporters to ensure wide-ranging coverage of local, campus and state news.
  • Taught, advised and assisted reporters with stories, including emergencies, student deaths, community activities, university budget issues and state news.
  • Trained and made managerial decisions regarding reporters, including hiring, firing and promoting.
  • Maintained three deadlines per week, with coverage of additional breaking news as it occurred.
  • Wrote a column once a week, focusing on national, state and offbeat news topics.
  • Assigned stories and assisted reporters while maintaining twice-weekly meetings where stories were discussed and critiqued.
  • Worked with campus radio station WASU to publish news briefs over the radio once per week.
  • Published and edited one podcast per week and two blog posts on national, state or local news.

News Editor/Reporter Resume

Objective : Seek to secure a full-time position to compliment my journalism experience. Passion for capturing glimpses of common ground between a diverse audience.

Skills : Graphic Design, HTML Formatting, Social Media, Writing, Creative Writing, Editorial, Blogging, Wordpress, Microsoft Office, Microsoft Excel, Adobe Photoshop,.

News Editor/Reporter Resume Template

  • Posting various stories across our many social media channels; including Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr.
  • Write and edit news features, reviews, opinion features, as well as many other game related works.
  • Publishing video game, television, and movies reviews.
  • Helped train others to write for the site, as well as maintaining articles for the site.
  • Collaborate with a team of writers to produce unique content to draw community support and participation.
  • Engage in interviews with industry professionals, both in-person and over the phone.
  • Attend and cover industry conventions and conferences; including PAX, E3, New York Comic Con, and many others.

News Editor/Journalist Resume

Objective : To broaden writing, copy-editing, page layout and design skills in fields including public relations and publications, and apply organizational and leadership skills.

Skills : Microsoft Office, CS5.

News Editor/Journalist Resume Format

  • Coach reporters as they research and write stories on deadline.
  • Copy edit stories and paginate pages using the DTI system, InCopy, InDesign, and Photoshop.
  • Coordinate editorial page elements including letters to the editor and editorials.
  • Write several editorials each month that are presented to the editorial board for publication.
  • Train coworkers to paginate using InDesign.
  • Oversee the operation of the six-person copy desk.
  • Edited video and packages for live local and national broadcasts.
  • Worked with producers and independently, often under extreme deadline conditions.

News Editor/Content Writer Resume

Summary : Experience with writing, proofreading and editing copy has spanned nearly 30 years. Secure a position reading and editing novels.

Skills : Diving certified, Completed NIMS 700, Type about 40 wpm.

News Editor/Content Writer Resume Format

  • Write and edit copy to follow Associated Press style.
  • Check copy for proper editorial style and content.
  • Verify copy for proper grammar, spelling and content.
  • Distribute copy and photographs throughout allowed editorial space.
  • Place photographs, as well as editorial copy, with advertising to complement each other.
  • Prioritize press releases, along with editorial copy for placement.
  • Edit press releases and editorial copy according to content and time frame of event or deed.
  • Make decisions regarding placement of copy according to elements of time and space.

Objective : Administrative support and office manager professional with 10 plus years of experience in office positions, working independently and as a team member. Time management and extensive organizational skills.

Skills : Word Processing, Computer Skills, Social Media, Data Entry, Customer Services, Staff Support.

News Editor Resume Sample

  • Worked as one of four daily editors for the county newspaper.
  • Met daily deadlines as prescribed by additional departments.
  • Built database of regular news contributors.
  • Trained and oriented new staff to daily procedures.
  • Instituted efficient news gathering procedures.
  • Demonstrated the ability to work alone and as a team member.
  • Presented a profession image Created Word doc.

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Editor skills for your resume and career

Editor Example Skills

A career as an editor requires a range of hard skills, including proficiency in web content, video content, SEO, Facebook, and Adobe Premiere. Proficiency in Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Indesign, and Google Analytics is also important. According to Antonio Martinez , Associate Professor of Photography/Intermedia Arts at Southern Illinois University, "Any Art Director will look for a talented photo editor who can elevate the ordinary to the extraordinary in a timely manner." On the other hand, soft skills are also essential for success as an editor. Martinez also emphasizes the importance of having strong organizational skills, as well as the ability to receive and give feedback in a respectful tone. He advises, "Having an additional tangentially related skill relevant to photo editing will help open a door or, in the least, set one apart from others."

15 editor skills for your resume and career

1. web content.

Web content is digital information published on the internet. Editors use it in various ways, such as guiding and developing web content, introducing content management systems, and soliciting and editing web content for websites. They also evaluate and improve web content to enhance site quality, usability, and security. Editors may also create web content for personal projects, such as instructional videos and advertisements.

  • Guided and developed Web content; consistently received excellent magazine readership survey ratings.
  • Introduced web content management system capabilities to the organization.

2. Video Content

Video content refers to media that is primarily visual, such as videos, animations, and graphics. Editors use video content in various ways, like editing and designing animations for educational videos, reviewing audio and video content for clarity, and creating original video content for online publication. They also handle the day-to-day operations of video-on-demand services, lead video projects, and upload content onto websites and social media. Some editors even produce and create video social networks, assemble media packages, and generate highlights for websites and Facebook pages.

  • Edited and designed graphics and animations for web-based educational video content.
  • Edit video content using industry standard non-linear video editing software.

SEO stands for "search engine optimization". Editors use SEO to improve the visibility and ranking of online content in search engine results. They optimize content to align with SEO targets and ensure the highest quality for search engines. They also use keyword tools to optimize content for SEO and advertising tools to generate revenue.

  • Utilize content management systems and SEO metadata to provide quality finished VOD products to both domestic and international customers.
  • Developed SEO strategies to increase profitability and managed social media to spread brand awareness and bolster readership.

4. Facebook

Facebook is a popular social networking platform. Editors use Facebook to promote events and drive traffic to their websites. They also use it to communicate information and engage with their audience through updates and posts. They may also use it to develop marketing strategies to boost their multimedia presence.

  • Create and maintain breaking news feed linked to Facebook/Twitter and Campus television channel to increase information travel speed and visibility
  • Introduced social media strategies that generated a significant number of Facebook and Twitter followers.

5. Editor-In-Chief

Editor-in-chief is the editor responsible for the overall direction of a publication. Editors use editor-in-chief to review submitted manuscripts, plan literary events, and finalize edits and layout. They also collaborate with the editor-in-chief to organize and publish a bi-annual national literary journal. For example, they might directly manage reporters and supervise news operations in the absence of the editor-in-chief. They also assist the editor-in-chief in selecting essays for publication and research story ideas.

  • Reviewed submitted manuscripts, brainstormed & implemented promotional strategies, tracked community involvement, and planned literary events with the editor-in-chief.
  • Performed as editor-in-chief for an international, English-language, bimonthly magazine on environment and development issues.

Twitter is a social media platform where users can share short messages, called "tweets," with their followers. Editors use Twitter to establish a social media presence, interact with their community, and promote their content. They may write and schedule sponsored tweets, post updates, and answer questions from their followers. They may also use Twitter to gather information, share news, and engage with their audience.

  • Manage Twitter presence including writing and scheduling sponsored Tweets and interacting with the community by answering questions and offering encouragement.

Choose from 10+ customizable editor resume templates

7. powerpoint.

PowerPoint is a presentation software that allows users to create and share presentations. Editors use PowerPoint by developing and delivering presentations to enhance user experience and knowledge. They also use it to create comprehensive supplementary presentations for courses and prepare reports.

  • Compaq-Managed compilation and testing of course documentation developed in Word and PowerPoint and delivered in Acrobat PDF format for Web distribution.
  • Composed sales- and customer-facing technical documentation, PowerPoint presentations, and training guides to enhance user experience and knowledge.

8. Edit Articles

Edit articles is the process of reviewing and revising written content. Editors use this process to ensure that the content is accurate, clear, and engaging. They review articles submitted by writers and make necessary changes to improve the content. They also assign and edit articles by staff and freelance writers.

  • Copy edit articles submitted by student writers
  • Edit articles written for the web, which are then posted on a website where content-seeking web publishers can purchase them.

9. Adobe Indesign

Adobe Indesign is a software that allows users to create and design layouts for various digital and printed materials. Editors use Adobe Indesign to format manuscripts, redesign publications, and create advertisements. They also use it to create visual layouts, place photos and copy, and write captions. They may also train other staff members on how to use Adobe Indesign, and use it to determine the layout of the print editions of the newspaper.

  • Spearheaded effort to move to an Adobe InDesign-based pagination system; coordinated redesign of publications.
  • Revived Renaissance College faculty newspaper, trained and supervised editors, formatted using Adobe InDesign.

10. Instagram

Instagram is a social media platform that allows users to share photos and videos. Editors use Instagram to manage and maintain their company's Instagram account, edit and publish short racing clips and promotional videos, and extend publications' visibility through social media marketing materials and Instagram Live. They also adopt emerging web applications like Instagram to engage with their audience and control their company's Instagram to ensure fresh content. As Jeff Rice Ph.D. , Professor and Chair of the Department of Writing, Rhetoric, and Digital Studies at The University of Kentucky, puts it, "It's one thing to know how to create a movie or poster or infographic or report or Instagram post; it's another thing to have the rhetorical and writing skills to properly use that tool to create information for a specific audience."

  • Managed one to two interns for editorial and image content as well as maintained the Netted Instagram account
  • Edited short racing clips to be published on Instagram and YouTube using Adobe Premiere Pro.

11. News Stories

News stories are articles that report on current events. Editors use news stories by selecting them based on local and national relevance, conducting interviews, and writing original stories. They also format and edit wire news stories, confer with management regarding placement, and research daily news sources.

  • Participated in daily edit meetings and selected news stories corresponding to local and national relevance.
  • Established online political news magazine that produces original weekly news stories.

12. Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a tool that helps track website traffic and user behavior. Editors use Google Analytics to monitor website performance, analyze user engagement, and optimize content. They also use it to track the success of their content and determine the direction of future projects. For example, they might use Google Analytics to identify popular article content and adjust their content strategy accordingly.

  • Provide tracking and metrics via Google Analytics to communicate community activity to internal and external clients.
  • Interpreted weekly Google Analytics traffic reports, examining popular article content.

13. Press Releases

Press releases are official announcements that provide information about an organization's news, products, or services. Editors use press releases to inform the public of their company's latest developments. They write and format press releases, coordinate media coverage, and place articles in relevant publications. They also review and edit specialized pharmaceutical press releases. Editors may also use press releases to plan marketing strategies and create internal and external communications materials.

  • Edited and formatted press releases and corporate financial statements for regional, national and international wire distribution.
  • Created press releases and business correspondence after conferring with company management.

14. Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop is a photo-editing software that allows users to manipulate digital images. Editors use Adobe Photoshop to adjust and manipulate photos to ensure high-quality images. They also use it to create designs for handouts, web banners, and images. They might even use it to design and lay out portions of the newspaper, magazine, or yearbook. They may also use it to develop titles and motion graphics.

  • Adjusted and manipulated photos utilizing Adobe Photoshop to ensure high quality images.
  • Created editorial pieces for daily publication using Adobe Photoshop.

15. Adobe Premiere

Adobe Premiere is a video editing software. Editors use Adobe Premiere to produce and edit video and multimedia packages, as well as to edit video footage. They also use it to review and edit video footage sent in by field investigators. They organize all footage and assets in Adobe Premiere for the editor/animator, and use it to complete the editing process.

  • Produced twenty video and multimedia packages for the newspaper YouTube page using Adobe Premiere, Apple Motion and Final Cut Pro.
  • Filmed and edited over 100+ videos using advanced editing software such as Adobe Premiere, After Effects, and Audition.

12 Editor Resume Examples

Build a professional editor resume in minutes. Browse through our resume examples to identify the best way to word your resume. Then choose from 12 + resume templates to create your editor resume.

What skills help Editors find jobs?

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What type of skills will young Editors need?

Associate Professor of English, California University of Pennsylvania

What hard/technical skills are most important for Communications Specialists?

Ann Bilodeau

Clinic Director - Communication Sciences & Disorders, Butler University

What Editor skills would you recommend for someone trying to advance their career?

Associate Professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies, University of Minnesota

List of editor skills to add to your resume

Editor Skills

The most important skills for an editor resume and required skills for an editor to have include:

  • Web Content
  • Video Content
  • Editor-In-Chief
  • Edit Articles
  • Adobe Indesign
  • News Stories
  • Google Analytics
  • Press Releases
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Adobe Premiere
  • Edit Stories
  • House Style
  • Graphic Design
  • Digital Publishing
  • Content Development
  • Feature Stories
  • Media Management
  • Content Management System
  • News Articles
  • Content Ideas
  • Subject Matter Experts
  • Content Marketing
  • Staff Writers
  • Writing Articles
  • Color Correction
  • News Coverage
  • Real Estate
  • Photo Shoots
  • Copywriting
  • Google Trends
  • Substantive Editing
  • Brand Positioning
  • Trade Shows

Updated February 16, 2024

Editorial Staff

The Zippia Research Team has spent countless hours reviewing resumes, job postings, and government data to determine what goes into getting a job in each phase of life. Professional writers and data scientists comprise the Zippia Research Team.

Editor Related Skills

  • Assistant Editor Skills
  • Associate Editor Skills
  • Content Editor Skills
  • Copy Editor Skills
  • Editor & Producer Skills
  • Freelance Video Editor Skills
  • Freelance Videographer/Editor Skills
  • Managing Editor Skills
  • News Editor Skills
  • Photo Editor Skills
  • Photographer, Editor Skills
  • Production Editor Skills
  • Senior Editor Skills
  • Social Media Editor Skills
  • Sports Editor Skills

Editor Related Careers

  • Assistant Editor
  • Associate Editor
  • Content Editor
  • Copy Editor
  • Editor & Producer
  • Freelance Video Editor
  • Freelance Videographer/Editor
  • Managing Editor
  • News Editor
  • Photo Editor
  • Photographer, Editor
  • Production Editor
  • Senior Editor
  • Social Media Editor
  • Sports Editor

Editor Related Jobs

  • Assistant Editor Jobs
  • Associate Editor Jobs
  • Content Editor Jobs
  • Copy Editor Jobs
  • Editor & Producer Jobs
  • Freelance Video Editor Jobs
  • Freelance Videographer/Editor Jobs
  • Managing Editor Jobs
  • News Editor Jobs
  • Photo Editor Jobs
  • Photographer, Editor Jobs
  • Production Editor Jobs
  • Senior Editor Jobs
  • Social Media Editor Jobs
  • Sports Editor Jobs

Editor Jobs By Location

  • Burbank Editor Jobs
  • Clearfield Editor Jobs
  • Countryside Editor Jobs
  • Del Aire Editor Jobs
  • Fort Myers Editor Jobs
  • Garden Grove Editor Jobs
  • Lincoln Editor Jobs
  • Little Canada Editor Jobs
  • Paterson Editor Jobs
  • River Grove Editor Jobs
  • Saint Paul Editor Jobs
  • Santa Ana Editor Jobs
  • Waldwick Editor Jobs
  • Watervliet Editor Jobs
  • Waverly Editor Jobs
  • Zippia Careers
  • Arts, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Industry
  • Editor Skills

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  1. Top 12 News Editor Skills to Put on Your Resume

    How to Display Social Media Management Skills on Your Resume. 8. WordPress. WordPress is a popular content management system (CMS) widely used for creating and managing websites, including news platforms, allowing editors to easily publish, edit, and organize articles and multimedia content.

  2. Resume Skills for News Editor (+ Templates)

    The most common skills and keywords we found on News Editor resumes and job postings were Journalism, News Writing, Copy Editing, Editing, Writing, Storytelling, Online Journalism and Breaking News. Skills like Content Development, Blogging, Social Media, Newspapers and Proofreading also appeared on related job postings.

  3. 15 News Editor Skills For Your Resume

    15 news editor skills for your resume and career. 1. News Stories. News stories are articles or pieces of information on current events. News editors use news stories by coordinating their coverage, assigning and writing them, and reviewing and editing them for broadcast or publication. They also gather and investigate news stories and select ...

  4. News Editor Must-Have Skills List & Keywords for Your Resume

    The most common important skills required by employers are Communication Skills, Proofreading, Editing, Search Engine Optimization, Journalism, Technical and English Speaking. These skills and requirements are just as likely to be mentioned by employers as well as on resumes of people that held a position as a News Editor, suggesting that ...

  5. 7 Key Editor Skills and How To Improve Them

    Editor skills are pivotal beyond just checking grammatical errors or fixing punctuation. They ensure clarity, consistency, and effectiveness in communication, benefiting businesses in various industries. Editors need to engage with content, understand its context, assess its effectiveness and provide feedback to enhance its quality for the reader.

  6. 7 Best News Editor Resume Examples for 2024

    News Editor Resume with 2 Years of Experience. A highly motivated News Editor with two years of experience in news editing and writing. Highly skilled in journalistic principles, accuracy and attention to detail. Possess excellent communication and organizational skills, as well as the ability to work under pressure.

  7. News Editor Resume Examples & Samples for 2024

    News Editor Resume Examples. News Editors are responsible for improving and rewriting news content. These experts gather data from reporters and correspondents and edit raw materials. Typical work activities listed on a News Editor resume are selecting interesting material, editing the content, and making sure the facts are relevant to audiences.

  8. News Editor Resume Samples

    Weekend Network News Editor Resume Examples & Samples. Technical school or equivalent work experience. 2 years of video editing experience in a television production environment. Must possess strong client/people skills and have the ability to handle pressure due to various deadlines. 2.

  9. News Editor Resume Example & Writing Guide

    Step 1: Choose the right format. There are three main resume formats you can choose from - chronological, functional, or combination. The chronological format is the most common and highly recommended format for a News Editor resume. This format highlights your work experience and emphasizes your professional growth over time.

  10. 10 News Editor Resume Examples For 2024

    Political Science. 5.9%. Show More. News Editor Resume Relevant Education Example # 1. Bachelor's Degree In Journalism 2014 - 2017. University of Kansas Lawrence, KS. News Editor Resume Relevant Education Example # 2. Bachelor's Degree In English 2011 - 2014. University of California, Berkeley Berkeley, CA.

  11. 15 Newspaper Editor Skills For Your Resume

    15 newspaper editor skills for your resume and career. 1. Adobe Indesign. Adobe Indesign is a design and page layout application. Newspaper editors use it to format and lay out content into various formats. They use it to design advertisements, literary publications, and annuals, among other things.

  12. How To Become a News Editor (With Salary and Skills)

    Here are the general steps to become a news editor: 1. Earn a bachelor's degree. As an aspiring editor, it's important to earn a formal education in a relevant field. Pursue a bachelor's degree in journalism, communications or English to best prepare for your future career.

  13. Resume Skills for Editor (+ Templates)

    The most common skills and keywords we found on Editor resumes and job postings were Editing, Journalism, Blogging, Copywriting, Social Media, Writing, Publishing and Public Relations. Skills like Digital Media, Copy Editing, News Writing, Magazines and Newspapers also appeared on related job postings.

  14. 7 Best Newspaper Editor Resume Examples for 2024

    Copy Editing. Fact- Checking. Interviewing. Proofreading. Writing Articles and News Stories. Professional Experience: The Daily Gazette (Newspaper Editor) - 5 years. The Sunday Times (News Editor) - 2 years. Freelance Writer/Editor - 3 years.

  15. Editor Resume Samples, Templates & Guide for 2024

    Student Editor, New York University Newspaper. Led team of 10 to produce monthly newspaper. Awarded Darian Wallace Student News award for journalism excellence. ... Editor Resume Examples [Skills] Right; Managed 7 teams for large media events to ensure complete coverage. Scheduled, ...

  16. News Editor Resume Example

    Resume summary. Detail-oriented News Editor offering 3 years of relevant experience and a bachelor's degree in Communications from the Princeton University. The Employee of the Month Award winner with excellent analytical skills and the crucial ability to function well both independently and in fast-paced team environments.

  17. News Editor Resume Samples and Templates

    Looking for News Editor resume samples? Industry leading samples, skills, & templates to help you create a job-winning professional resume. ... Browse our collection of 200+ resume skills suggestions. LinkedIn Resume Builder. Choose from a collection of premium designs and easily export to PDF. Resume Builder.

  18. Professional Newspaper Editor Resume Examples

    Newspaper Editor. 11/1/2005 - 5/1/2009. Company Name. City, State. Solicited article ideas and ensured that major news stories were covered. Led investigative reporting team and edited subsequent articles. Edited all submitted stories and assigned rework as necessary. Provided constructive feedback to staff members.

  19. News Editor Resume Samples

    News Editor Resume. Objective : Administrative support and office manager professional with 10 plus years of experience in office positions, working independently and as a team member. Time management and extensive organizational skills. Skills : Word Processing, Computer Skills, Social Media, Data Entry, Customer Services, Staff Support.

  20. 15 Assistant News Editor Skills For Your Resume

    For example, 13.9% of assistant news editor resumes contained news stories as a skill. Continue reading to find out what skills an assistant news editor needs to be successful in the workplace. The eight most common skills for assistant news editors in 2024 based on resume usage.

  21. 10 Best Skills To Put On Your Resume (With Examples and FAQ)

    Example resume skills per job type Here are five examples illustrating the different combinations of best skills people may put on their resume, depending on their profession: 1. Data analyst: A data analyst works with large sets of data to pull out meaningful insights.Their work requires a high level of attention to detail and the ability to problem-solve.

  22. 15 Editor Skills For Your Resume

    15 editor skills for your resume and career. 1. Web Content. Web content is digital information published on the internet. Editors use it in various ways, such as guiding and developing web content, introducing content management systems, and soliciting and editing web content for websites. They also evaluate and improve web content to enhance ...