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Top 10 Software Engineer Research Topics for 2024

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Software engineering, in general, is a dynamic and rapidly changing field that demands a thorough understanding of concepts related to programming, computer science, and mathematics. As software systems become more complicated in the future, software developers must stay updated on industry innovations and the latest trends. Working on software engineering research topics is an important part of staying relevant in the field of software engineering. 

Software engineers can do research to learn about new technologies, approaches, and strategies for developing and maintaining complex software systems. Software engineers can conduct research on a wide range of topics. Software engineering research is also vital for increasing the functionality, security, and dependability of software systems. Going for the Top Programming Certification course contributes to the advancement of the field's state of the art and assures that software engineers can continue to build high-quality, effective software systems.

What are Software Engineer Research Topics?

Software engineer research topics are areas of exploration and study in the rapidly evolving field of software engineering. These research topics include various software development approaches, quality of software, testing of software, maintenance of software, security measures for software, machine learning models in software engineering, DevOps, and architecture of software. Each of these software engineer research topics has distinct problems and opportunities for software engineers to investigate and make major contributions to the field. In short, research topics for software engineering provide possibilities for software engineers to investigate new technologies, approaches, and strategies for developing and managing complex software systems. 

For example, research on agile software development could identify the benefits and drawbacks of using agile methodology, as well as develop new techniques for effectively implementing agile practices. Software testing research may explore new testing procedures and tools, as well as assess the efficacy of existing ones. Software quality research may investigate the elements that influence software quality and develop approaches for enhancing software system quality and minimizing the faults and errors. Software metrics are quantitative measures that are used to assess the quality, maintainability, and performance of software. 

The research papers on software engineering topics in this specific area could identify novel measures for evaluating software systems or techniques for using metrics to improve the quality of software. The practice of integrating code changes into a common repository and pushing code changes to production in small, periodic batches is known as continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD). This research could investigate the best practices for establishing CI/CD or developing tools and approaches for automating the entire CI/CD process.

Top Software Engineer Research Topics

1. artificial intelligence and software engineering.

Intersections between AI and SE

The creation of AI-powered software engineering tools is one potential research area at the intersection of artificial intelligence (AI) and software engineering. These technologies use AI techniques that include machine learning, natural language processing, and computer vision to help software engineers with a variety of tasks throughout the software development lifecycle. An AI-powered code review tool, for example, may automatically discover potential flaws or security vulnerabilities in code, saving developers a lot of time and lowering the chance of human error. Similarly, an AI-powered testing tool might build test cases and analyze test results automatically to discover areas for improvement. 

Furthermore, AI-powered project management tools may aid in the planning and scheduling of projects, resource allocation, and risk management in the project. AI can also be utilized in software maintenance duties such as automatically discovering and correcting defects or providing code refactoring solutions. However, the development of such tools presents significant technical and ethical challenges, such as the necessity of large amounts of high-quality data, the risk of bias present in AI algorithms, and the possibility of AI replacing human jobs. Continuous study in this area is therefore required to ensure that AI-powered software engineering tools are successful, fair, and responsible.

Knowledge-based Software Engineering

Another study area that overlaps with AI and software engineering is knowledge-based software engineering (KBSE). KBSE entails creating software systems capable of reasoning about knowledge and applying that knowledge to enhance software development processes. The development of knowledge-based systems that can help software engineers in detecting and addressing complicated problems is one example of KBSE in action. To capture domain-specific knowledge, these systems use knowledge representation techniques such as ontologies, and reasoning algorithms such as logic programming or rule-based systems to derive new knowledge from already existing data. 

KBSE can be utilized in the context of AI and software engineering to create intelligent systems capable of learning from past experiences and applying that information to improvise future software development processes. A KBSE system, for example, may be used to generate code based on previous code samples or to recommend code snippets depending on the requirements of a project. Furthermore, KBSE systems could be used to improve the precision and efficiency of software testing and debugging by identifying and prioritizing bugs using knowledge-based techniques. As a result, continued research in this area is critical to ensuring that AI-powered software engineering tools are productive, fair, and responsible.

2. Natural Language Processing


Multimodality in Natural Language Processing (NLP) is one of the appealing research ideas for software engineering at the nexus of computer vision, speech recognition, and NLP. The ability of machines to comprehend and generate language from many modalities, such as text, speech, pictures, and video, is referred to as multimodal NLP. The goal of multimodal NLP is to develop systems that can learn from and interpret human communication across several modalities, allowing them to engage with humans in more organic and intuitive ways. 

The building of conversational agents or chatbots that can understand and create responses using several modalities is one example of multimodal NLP in action. These agents can analyze text input, voice input, and visual clues to provide more precise and relevant responses, allowing users to have a more natural and seamless conversational experience. Furthermore, multimodal NLP can be used to enhance language translation systems, allowing them to more accurately and effectively translate text, speech, and visual content.

The development of multimodal NLP systems must take efficiency into account. as multimodal NLP systems require significant computing power to process and integrate information from multiple modalities, optimizing their efficiency is critical to ensuring that they can operate in real-time and provide users with accurate and timely responses. Developing algorithms that can efficiently evaluate and integrate input from several modalities is one method for improving the efficiency of multimodal NLP systems. 

Overall, efficiency is a critical factor in the design of multimodal NLP systems. Researchers can increase the speed, precision, and scalability of these systems by inventing efficient algorithms, pre-processing approaches, and hardware architectures, allowing them to run successfully and offer real-time replies to consumers. Software Engineering training will help you level up your career and gear up to land you a job in the top product companies as a skilled Software Engineer. 

3. Applications of Data Mining in Software Engineering

Mining Software Engineering Data

The mining of software engineering data is one of the significant research paper topics for software engineering, involving the application of data mining techniques to extract insights from enormous datasets that are generated during software development processes. The purpose of mining software engineering data is to uncover patterns, trends, and various relationships that can inform software development practices, increase software product quality, and improve software development process efficiency. 

Mining software engineering data, despite its potential benefits, has various obstacles, including the quality of data, scalability, and privacy of data. Continuous research in this area is required to develop more effective data mining techniques and tools, as well as methods for ensuring data privacy and security, to address these challenges. By tackling these issues, mining software engineering data can continue to promote many positive aspects in software development practices and the overall quality of product.

Clustering and Text Mining

Clustering is a data mining approach that is used to group comparable items or data points based on their features or characteristics. Clustering can be used to detect patterns and correlations between different components of software, such as classes, methods, and modules, in the context of software engineering data. 

On the other hand, text mining is a method of data mining that is used to extract valuable information from unstructured text data such as software manuals, code comments, and bug reports. Text mining can be applied in the context of software engineering data to find patterns and trends in software development processes

4. Data Modeling

Data modeling is an important area of research paper topics in software engineering study, especially in the context of the design of databases and their management. It involves developing a conceptual model of the data that a system will need to store, organize, and manage, as well as establishing the relationships between various data pieces. One important goal of data modeling in software engineering research is to make sure that the database schema precisely matches the system's and its users' requirements. Working closely with stakeholders to understand their needs and identify the data items that are most essential to them is necessary.

5. Verification and Validation

Verification and validation are significant research project ideas for software engineering research because they help us to ensure that software systems are correctly built and suit the needs of their users. While most of the time, these terms are frequently used interchangeably, they refer to distinct stages of the software development process. The process of ensuring that a software system fits its specifications and needs is referred to as verification. This involves testing the system to confirm that it behaves as planned and satisfies the functional and performance specifications. In contrast, validation is the process of ensuring that a software system fulfils the needs of its users and stakeholders. 

This includes ensuring that the system serves its intended function and meets the requirements of its users. Verification and validation are key components of the software development process in software engineering research. Researchers can help to improve the functionality and dependability of software systems, minimize the chance of faults and mistakes, and ultimately develop better software products for their consumers by verifying that software systems are designed correctly and that they satisfy the needs of their users.

6. Software Project Management

Software project management is an important component of software engineering research because it comprises the planning, organization, and control of resources and activities to guarantee that software projects are finished on time, within budget, and to the needed quality standards. One of the key purposes of software project management in research is to guarantee that the project's stakeholders, such as users, clients, and sponsors, are satisfied with their needs. This includes defining the project's requirements, scope, and goals, as well as identifying potential risks and restrictions to the project's success.

7. Software Quality

The quality of a software product is defined as how well it fits in with its criteria, how well it performs its intended functions, and meets the needs of its consumers. It includes features such as dependability, usability, maintainability, effectiveness, and security, among others. Software quality is a prominent and essential research topic in software engineering. Researchers are working to provide methodologies, strategies, and tools for evaluating and improving software quality, as well as forecasting and preventing software faults and defects. Overall, software quality research is a large and interdisciplinary field that combines computer science, engineering, and statistics. Its mission is to increase the reliability, accessibility, and overall quality of software products and systems, thereby benefiting both software developers and end consumers.

8. Ontology

Ontology is a formal specification of a conception of a domain used in computer science to allow knowledge sharing and reuse. Ontology is a popular and essential area of study in the context of software engineering research. The construction of ontologies for specific domains or application areas could be a research topic in ontology for software engineering. For example, a researcher may create an ontology for the field of e-commerce to give common knowledge and terminology to software developers as well as stakeholders in that domain. The integration of several ontologies is another intriguing study topic in ontology for software engineering. As the number of ontologies generated for various domains and applications grows, there is an increasing need to integrate them in order to enable interoperability and reuse.

9. Software Models

In general, a software model acts as an abstract representation of a software system or its components. Software models can be used to help software developers, different stakeholders, and users communicate more effectively, as well as to properly evaluate, design, test, and maintain software systems. The development and evaluation of modeling languages and notations is one research example connected to software models. Researchers, for example, may evaluate the usefulness and efficiency of various modeling languages, such as UML or BPMN, for various software development activities or domains. 

Researchers could also look into using software models for software testing and verification. They may investigate how models might be used to produce test cases or to do model checking, a formal technique for ensuring the correctness of software systems. They may also examine the use of models for monitoring at runtime and software system adaptation.

The Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is a software engineering process for planning, designing, developing, testing, and deploying software systems. SDLC is an important research issue in software engineering since it is used to manage software projects and ensure the quality of the resultant software products by software developers and project managers. The development and evaluation of novel software development processes is one SDLC-related research topic. SDLC research also includes the creation and evaluation of different software project management tools and practices. 

Researchers may also check the implementation of SDLC in specific sectors or applications. They may, for example, investigate the use of SDLC in the development of systems that are more safety-critical, such as medical equipment or aviation systems, and develop new processes or tools to ensure the safety and reliability of these systems. They may also look into using SDLC to design software systems in new sectors like the Internet of Things or in blockchain technology.

Why is Software Engineering Required?

Software engineering is necessary because it gives a systematic way to developing, designing, and maintaining reliable, efficient, and scalable software. As software systems have become more complicated over time, software engineering has become a vital discipline to ensure that software is produced in a way that is fully compatible with end-user needs, reliable, and long-term maintainable.

When the cost of software development is considered, software engineering becomes even more important. Without a disciplined strategy, developing software can result in overinflated costs, delays, and a higher probability of errors that require costly adjustments later. Furthermore, software engineering can help reduce the long-term maintenance costs that occur by ensuring that software is designed to be easy to maintain and modify. This can save money in the long run by lowering the number of resources and time needed to make software changes as needed.

2. Scalability

Scalability is an essential factor in software development, especially for programs that have to manage enormous amounts of data or an increasing number of users. Software engineering provides a foundation for creating scalable software that can evolve over time. The capacity to deploy software to diverse contexts, such as cloud-based platforms or distributed systems, is another facet of scalability. Software engineering can assist in ensuring that software is built to be readily deployed and adjusted for various environments, resulting in increased flexibility and scalability.

3. Large Software

Developers can break down huge software systems into smaller, simpler parts using software engineering concepts, making the whole system easier to maintain. This can help to reduce the software's complexity and makes it easier to maintain the system over time. Furthermore, software engineering can aid in the development of large software systems in a modular fashion, with each module doing a specific function or set of functions. This makes it easier to push new features or functionality to the product without causing disruptions to the existing codebase.

4. Dynamic Nature

Developers can utilize software engineering techniques to create dynamic content that is modular and easily modifiable when user requirements change. This can enable adding new features or functionality to dynamic content easier without disturbing the existing codebase. Another factor to consider for dynamic content is security. Software engineering can assist in ensuring that dynamic content is generated in a secure manner that protects user data and information.

5. Better Quality Management

An organized method of quality management in software development is provided by software engineering. Developers may ensure that software is conceived, produced, and maintained in a way that fulfills quality requirements and provides value to users by adhering to software engineering principles. Requirement management is one component of quality management in software engineering. Testing and validation are another part of quality control in software engineering. Developers may verify that their software satisfies its requirements and is error-free by using an organized approach to testing.

In conclusion, the subject of software engineering provides a diverse set of research topics with the ability to progress the discipline while enhancing software development and maintenance procedures. This article has dived deep into various research topics in software engineering for masters and research topics for software engineering students such as software testing and validation, software security, artificial intelligence, Natural Language Processing, software project management, machine learning, Data Mining, etc. as research subjects. Software engineering researchers have an interesting chance to explore these and other research subjects and contribute to the development of creative solutions that can improve software quality, dependability, security, and scalability. 

Researchers may make important contributions to the area of software engineering and help tackle some of the most serious difficulties confronting software development and maintenance by staying updated with the latest research trends and technologies. As software grows more important in business and daily life, there is a greater demand for current research topics in software engineering into new software engineering processes and techniques. Software engineering researchers can assist in shaping the future of software creation and maintenance through their research, ensuring that software stays dependable, safe, reliable and efficient in an ever-changing technological context. KnowledgeHut’s top Programming certification course will help you leverage online programming courses from expert trainers.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Ans: To find a research topic in software engineering, you can review recent papers and conference proceedings, talk to different experts in the field, and evaluate your own interests and experience. You can use a combination of these approaches. 

Ans: You should study software development processes, various programming languages and their frameworks, software testing and quality assurance, software architecture, various design patterns that are currently being used, and software project management as a software engineering student. 

Ans: Empirical research, experimental research, surveys, case studies, and literature reviews are all types of research in software engineering. Each sort of study has advantages and disadvantages, and the research method chosen is determined by the research objective, resources, and available data. 


Eshaan Pandey

Eshaan is a Full Stack web developer skilled in MERN stack. He is a quick learner and has the ability to adapt quickly with respect to projects and technologies assigned to him. He has also worked previously on UI/UX web projects and delivered successfully. Eshaan has worked as an SDE Intern at Frazor for a span of 2 months. He has also worked as a Technical Blog Writer at KnowledgeHut upGrad writing articles on various technical topics.

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Software Engineer Research Paper Topics 2021: Top 5

software engineering term paper topics

Whether you’re studying in advance or you’re close to getting that Software Engineering degree, it’s crucial that you look for possible research paper topics in advance. This will help you have an advantage in your course.

First off, remember that software engineering revolves around tech development and improvement.

Hence, your research paper should have the same goal. It shouldn’t be too complex so that you can go through it smoothly. At the same time, it shouldn’t be too easy to the point that it can be looked up online.

Choosing can be a difficult task. Students are often choosing buy assignment from a professional writer because of the wrong topic choice. Thus, to help you land on the best topic for your needs, we have listed the top 5 software engineer research paper topics in the next sections.

Machine Learning

Machine learning is one of the most used research topics of software engineers. If you’re not yet familiar with this, it’s a field that revolves around producing programs that improve its algorithm on its own just by the use of existing data and experience.

Basically, the art of machine learning aims to make intelligent tools. Here, you will need to use various statistical methods for your computers’ algorithms. This somehow makes it a complex and long topic.

Even so, the good thing about the said field is it covers a lot of subtopics. These can include using machine learning for face spoof detection, iris detection, sentiment analysis technique, and likes. Usually, though, machine learning will go hand in hand with certain detection systems.

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence is a much easier concept than machine learning. Note, though, that the latter is just another type of AI tool.

AI refers to the human-like intelligence integrated into machines and computer programs. Focusing on this will give you much more topics to write about. Since it’s present in a lot of fields like gaming, marketing, and even random automated tasks, you will have more materials to refer to.

Some things that you can write about in your paper include AI’s relationship with software engineering, robotics, and natural processing. You can also write about the different types of artificial intelligence tools for a more guided research paper.

Internet Of Things

Another topic that you can write about is the Internet of Things, or more commonly known as IoT . This refers to interconnected devices, machines, or even living beings as long as a network exists.

Writing about IoT will open a huge array of possibilities to write about. You can talk about whether the topic is a problem that needs additional solutions or improvements. At the same time, you will be able to talk about specific machine requirements since IoT works mainly with communication servers.

In addition, the concept of the Internet of Things is also used in several fields like agriculture, e-commerce, and medicine. Because of this, you can rest assured that you won’t run out of things to talk about or refer to.

Software Development Models

Next up, we have software development models. If you want to write about a research paper(or maybe you decided to purchase custom research paper ?) relating to how one can start building an app or software, then using software development models as a topic is a good choice.

Here, you can choose to write about what the concept is or delve deeper into its different types. You can look into the Waterfall Model, V-Model, Incremental, RAD, Agile, Iterative, Spiral, and Prototype. You can choose either one or all of the models and then relate them to software engineering.

Clone Management

One of the most important elements in software engineering is the clone base. Hence, using this as a research topic will help you stay relevant to your course and its needs. In particular, you can focus on clone management.

Clone management is a task that revolves around ensuring that a database is free from error and duplicated codes. What makes this a good topic is its materials are still limited in the field of software engineering. This is compared to other clone-related topics. Hence, you can ensure a distinct topic for your paper.

To land on the best topic, take your interest into account. Look for the field that makes you curious and entertained. In this way, you can build motivation to actually know more about it, and not just for the sake of submitting.

Another good tip is to choose a unique topic. The ones we discussed above can be considered unique since they are some of the latest software-related topics. If you’re going to use a common one, then make sure that you put your own little twist to it. You can also consider seeing the topic in a different light.

Anyhow, your research paper, its grade, and overall quality will greatly depend on what you choose to write about.

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software engineering term paper topics

150 Best Research Paper Topics For Software Engineering

Software Engineering is a branch which deals with the creation and improvement of software applications using specific methodologies and clearly defined scientific principles. When developing software products, certain procedures must be followed, the outcome of which is a reliable and reliable software product. Software is a collection of executable code for programs with associated libraries. Software that is designed to meet certain requirements is referred to as a Software Product . This is an excellent subject for a master's thesis, research, or project. There are a variety of topics within Software Engineering which will be useful to M.Tech and other students studying for their masters to write their software thesis.

What is the reason Software Engineering is required?

Software Engineering is necessary due to the frequent shifts in the requirements of users as well as the environment. Through yourch and thesis, you will learn more about the significance of Software Engineering. Here are some other areas in software engineering that are needed:

  • Big Software: The massive dimension of software makes it necessary for the requirements in software engineering .
  • Scalability The concept of scaling Software Engineering makes it possible to increase the size of existing software rather than develop brand-new software.
  • Cost Price Software Engineering also cuts down the manufacturing cost that is incurred during software development.
  • The dynamic nature of Software - Software Engineering is a crucial factor when the need for new features is to be made in software in place, in the event that the nature of software is fluid.
  • Better Quality Management - Software Engineering can provide more efficient software development processes to provide superior-high-quality services .

Best Research Paper Topics on Software

  • Software Engineering Management Unified Software Development Process and Extreme ProgrammingThere are a lot of difficulties with managing the development of software for web-based applications and projects for systems integration that were completed in recent times.
  • The Blue Sky Software Consulting Company Analysis
  • Blue Sky Software Consulting Blue Sky Software Consulting company has seen great success over 15 years. The company is not as well-equipped for the current market.
  • LabVIEW Software: Design Systems of Measurement
  • LabVIEW is a software program that was created to design systems for measurement. LabVIEW gives you a range of instruments to control the process in an experiment.
  • Software-producing Firm Reducing Inventory
  • The link between the reduction in inventory levels and the number of orders is evident. An organization that produces software may think of increasing the amount of software to a lower level.
  • Moet Hennessy - Louis Vuitton: Enterprise Software
  • The report will demonstrate how the introduction of ERP will help LVHM Group improve its results by improving its inventories, logistics and accounting.
  • Virtualization and Software-Defined Networking
  • The goal of this paper is to analyze the developments in the field of virtualization, software-defined networks and security for networks in the last three years.
  • Computer Hardware and Software Components
  • Computers that were developed at the time of the 40s of 1940 have evolved into complex machines that require software and hardware for their operation.
  • Applications, Software and System Development
  • The usage the Microsoft Office applications greatly enhance productivity in the classroom as well as at work and during everyday activities at home.
  • PeopleSoft Inc.'s Software Architecture and Design
  • With the PIA architecture, any company with an ERP application can access all of its operations through a Web browser.
  • Co-operative Banking Group's Enterprise Software
  • The report demonstrates how the implementation of the ERP system within the Co-operative Banking Group will help in improving the company's accounting, inventory and accounting practices as well as logistics processes.
  • Software Testing: Manual and Automated Web-Application Testing Tools
  • This research is an empirical study of automated and manual web-based application testing tools to determine the best tool for testing software.
  • JDA Software Company's Services
  • JDA Software is a company that has proven its worth in the development of services in areas like manufacturing, wholesale distribution, retailing and travel.
  • Data Management, Networking and Enterprise Software
  • Enterprise software is typically developed "in-house" and thus has an inflated cost when contrasted to purchasing the software from another firm.
  • Software Workshops and Seminars Reflections
  • Most seminars inspire participants to use their potential as they strive to attain their goals.
  • The Various Enterprise Resource Planning Software Packages
  • This paper's purpose is to provide an overview of the various Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software applications that are widely employed by companies to manage their business operations.
  • Explore Factors in IBM SPSS Statistical Software
  • The "Explore" or "Explore" command in IBM SPSS generates an output with a variety of stats for a single variable, across the entire sample or in sections of the sample.
  • Split Variables in IBM SPSS Statistical Software
  • It is the IBM SPSS software provides an option to split files into groups. The members of cases within groups can be determined by the values of split variables in this particular instance.
  • Syntax Code Writing in Statistical Software
  • The process of analyzing quantitative data by using IBM SPSS software package IBM SPSS software package often involves performing a variety of operations to calculate the statistical data for the information.
  • Data Coding in Statistical Software
  • Data coding is of utmost importance when a proper analysis of this data has to be conducted. Data coding plays an important function when you need to make use of statistical software.
  • Software Piracy at Kaspersky Cybersecurity Company
  • Software piracy is a pressing current issue that is manifested both locally with respect to an individual company and also globally.
  • Hotjar: Web Analytics Software Difference
  • This report examines Hotjar, which is a web-based analytics tool that comes with a full set of tools to evaluate. This paper examines its strengths and advantages, as well showing how it can aid in the management of decision-making.
  • Avast Software: Company Analysis
  • Avast Software is a globally well-known multinational company that is an industry leader in providing security solutions for both business and individual customers.
  • Project Failure, Project Planning Fundamentals, and Software Tools and Techniques for Alternative Scheduling
  • From lack of communication to generally unfavourable working conditions, Projects may fail when managers fail to prepare for their implementation.
  • Computer Elements such as Hardware and Software
  • Personal computers are usually different from computers used for business in terms of capabilities and the extent of technology used within the equipment.
  • Review of a New Framework for Software Reliability Measurement
  • This study draws upon the in-depth study of the software reliability measurement methods and the suggestion of a fresh foundation for reliability measurement built on the software metrics studied in the work of Amar as well as Rabai.

Good Software Research Topics & Essay Examples

  • Task Management Software in Organization
  • The goal of the plan for managing projects is to present the process of creating task management software that can be integrated into the context of the company.
  • A task management software plan's risk management strategy
  • The present study introduces us to the techniques for risk identification as well as quality assurance and a control plan and explains their significance.
  • Computer Software Development and Reality Shows
  • The growth of software in computers has been at such a fast rate over the last 10 years that it has impacted all aspects of our lives and every fibre of our being.
  • Scrum - Software Development Process
  • Digital systems and computerized systems have brought life to many areas. Scrum is a process for software development that guarantees high quality and efficiency.
  • Distribution of Anti-Virus Software
  • Numerous new threats are reported every fortnight. Cyberattacks, viruses, and other cyber-related threats are becoming an issue.
  • Marketing Plan: Innovative Type of Software Product
  • This paper will create an advertisement plan for the new kind of software, which will help to define the segment of clients and the price and communications platform.
  • Marketing System of Sakhr Software Co
  • The principal objective of this paper is to examine the marketing process in the same type of organization, like Sakhr Software Co.
  • Managing Information of Sakhr Software Co
  • This paper will examine the ideas of managing information for Sakhr Software, which is a well-known language software firm.
  • CRM Software in Amazon: Gains
  • The software for managing customers that developed is, from the beginning, one of the latest technology.
  • Neurofeedback Software and Technology Comparison
  • MIDI technology helps make the making of, learning or playing more enjoyable. Mobile phones and computer keyboards for music, computers etc., utilize MIDI.
  • PeopleSoft Software and Enterprise Software
  • With the help of HRIS software, HR employees are able to manage their own benefits updates and make changes, allowing them to take more time to focus on other important tasks.
  • Business Applications: Revelation HelpDesk by Yellow Fish Software
  • "Revelation HelpDesk" is an online Tracking and Support Software that facilitates seamless coordination to occur between the most important divisions within an organization.
  • 3D signal editing methods and editing software for stereoscopic movies
  • 3D editing for movies is one of the newest trends and is among the most complex processes in the modern film industry.
  • ERP Software in Inventory Management
  • Management of inventory ERP applications will be useful when a business has to manage the manner in which it gets goods and cleans up the merchandise.
  • The Capabilities of Compiere Software and How Well It Fits Into Different Industries
  • It is the ERP software Compiere can be used by a wide variety of users, including governments, businesses as well as non-governmental organizations (NGOs).
  • Software Tools for Qualitative Research
  • This paper reviews software tools to solve complicated tasks in the analysis of data. The paper compares NVivo, HyperRESEARCH, and Dedoose.
  • Data Scientist and Software Development
  • Data scientists convert data into insights, giving elaborate guidance to those who use the data to make educated decisions and take action.
  • IPR Violations in Software Development
  • The copyright law protects only the declaration but not the software concept. It prohibits copying code from the source without asking permission.
  • Health IT: Epic Software Analysis
  • Implementation and adoption of Health IT systems are crucial to improve the efficiency of medical practices, efficiency of workflow as well as patient outcomes.
  • Agile Software Development Process
  • The agile process for software development offers numerous benefits, such as the speedy and continuous execution of your project.
  • Project Management Software and Tools Comparison
  • The software is used by managers to ensure that there isn't any worker who is receiving more work than others and also to ensure that no worker is falling behind in their job.
  • Visually impaired people: challenges in Assistive Technology Software
  • Blind people suffer from a number of disadvantages each day while using digital technology. The various types of software and software discussed in this paper have been specifically designed to help improve the lives of blind people.
  • WBS completion and software project management
  • The PERT's results resulted in the development of The Gantt chart. This essay provides an account of the method of working with the Gantt chart.
  • International Software Development's Ethical Challenges: User-Useful Software
  • The importance of ethics is when it comes to software development. It helps the creator to create software that will be useful for the user as well as the management.
  • Achieving the Optimal Process. Software Development
  • The industry of software development is growing rapidly as the requirements of users change. This requires applications to meet these needs.

Innovative Software to Blog About

  • System Software: Analysis of Various Types of System Software
  • The paper provides opinions on the various system softwares using their strengths and weaknesses from the personal experiences of the creator.
  • Sakhr Software Co.'s Marketing System
  • The principal goal of this paper is to study the uniqueness of the system of marketing in such an organization as Sakhr Software Co from Kuwait, which specializes in NLP.
  • Program Code in Assembly Language Using Easy68K Software
  • A typical scenario is described in the report to write program code in assembly language with Easy68K software. The appropriate tests were carried out with success and outputs.
  • Benefits and Drawbacks of Agile Software Development Techniques
  • The use of agile methodologies in the software development process contributes to the improvement of work as well as the effectiveness of performance.
  • The use of agile methodologies in the development of software contributes to the efficiency of work and efficiency of performance.
  • Large Scale Software Development
  • This report gives information on this Resource Scheduling project. It can be useful to an advisory firm that offers various types of resources.
  • Penguin Sleuth, a Forensic Software Tool
  • The primary goal of this paper is to examine the various tools for forensic analysis and also provide a comprehensive overview of the functions available for each tool or tool pack.
  • System Software: Computer System Management
  • Computer software comprises precise preprogrammed instructions that regulate and coordinate hardware components of the computer.
  • Ethical Issues Involved in Software Project Management
  • Ethics within IT have been proven to be very different from other areas of ethics. Ethics issues in IT are usually described as having little.
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Software Suites
  • Computer software comprises specific preprogrammed commands that control and coordinate computer hardware components of an info system.
  • Descriptive Statistics Using SPSS Software Suite
  • This paper focuses on the process of producing the descriptive statistical analysis by using SPSS. The purpose of this article is to make use of SPSS to perform an analysis of descriptive data.
  • Software Development: Creating a Prototype
  • The aim of this article is to develop an experimental software program that can be utilized to aid breast cancer patients.
  • Software Engineering and Methodologies
  • The paper explains how the author learned the software engineering process and methods as an outcome of his experiences at BTR IT Consulting Company.
  • Information System Hardware and Software
  • Information technology covers a wide variety of applications in which computer software, along with hardware, is employed.
  • Software Development Project Using Agile Methods
  • The report will provide reasons behind why the agile methodology was chosen, the method used, how the team applied this methodology, and also the lessons learned from the massive project of software development.
  • Flight Planning Software and Aircraft Incidents
  • Software for flight planning refers to programs utilized to control and manage flights and other procedures while the plane is in flight.
  • Hardware and Software Systems and Criminal Justice
  • One of the primary techniques used to decrease the chance of criminal activity is crime mapping. This involves collecting information on crimes and their causes and then analyzing it in order to identify issues.
  • Why Open-Source Software Will (Or Will Not) Soon Dominate the Field of Database Management Tools
  • The research aims to determine whether open-source software will rule the field of the database since there is an evolution in the market for business.
  • Business HRM Software and the Affordable Care Act
  • The Affordable Care Act has its strengths but also flaws. The reason is the complex nature of the law that creates a variety of challenges.
  • Antivirus Software Ensuring Security Online
  • Although it's not perfect and fragmentary, it can be seen as a supplement and not the sole instrument; antivirus software will help protect one's privacy online.
  • Evaluating Teaching Instructional Software for 21st-Century Technology Resources
  • The software for teaching Joe Rock and Friends Book 2 is designed for third-grade students who are studying English as an additional language to read and learn new vocabulary.
  • Britam Insurance Company's Sales and Marketing Management Software
  • Britam Insurance Company needs to implement the latest marketing and management software in order to keep its place at the forefront of the extremely competitive insurance market.
  • Software Programs: Adobe Illustrator
  • With Adobe Illustrator, users can quickly and precisely create various products, like logos, icons as well as drawings.
  • Strawberry Business: Software Project Management
  • Although the company has an established management strategy as well as a team of employees and efficient information systems, it lacks a standardized workplace culture and customer relations systems.
  • Value of Salesforce Software Using VRIO Model
  • Salesforce CRM software is created to help managers manage their businesses effectively. It connects all teams and managers and collects and manages customer information.
  • Agile software development, as well as popular variations like Scrum, are the foundation for the work of a variety of testers and developers. No matter what team or method you're currently using, you can get expert guidance on process structure and the skills required to use Lean, Agile, DevOps, Waterfall and more to help you implement it for your business.

Most Interesting Software Research Titles

  • What Are the Essential Attributes of Good Software?
  • How Computer Software Can Be Used as a Tool for Education
  • Accounting Software and Application Software
  • Online National Polling Software Requirements Specification
  • Building Their Software for a Company's Success
  • The Role of Antivirus Software in Protecting Your Computer Data
  • Intellectual Property Rights, Innovation and Software Technologies
  • Software Piracy and the Canadian Piracy Act
  • For the development of software projects, agile methodologies and their Waterscrumfall derivative are used.
  • Software Tools for Improving Underground Mine Access Layouts
  • How Software Can Support Academic Librarians' Changing Role
  • Using the Untangle Software to Overcome Obstacles for Small Businesses
  • By employing travel portal software, online booking sales will increase.
  • Analysis of Network Externality and Commercial Software Piracy
  • Accounting Software and Business Solutions
  • Analysis of Key Issues and Effects Relating to International Software Piracy
  • The Distinction Between Computer Science and Software Engineering
  • Modulation: Computer Software and Unknown Music Virus
  • Math Software for High School Students with Disabilities
  • Keyboarding Software Packages: Analysis and Purchase Recommended
  • Basic Software Development Life Cycle
  • India's Problems with Software Patents, Copyright, and Piracy
  • Why Has India Been Able to Build a Thriving Software Industry
  • Does Social Software Increase Labour Productivity
  • The Role of Open Source Software for Database Servers

Simple Software Essay Ideas

  • Human Capital and the Indian Software Industry
  • Input-Output Computer Windows Software
  • Business Software Development and Its Implementation
  • Evaluating Financial Management Software: Quicken Software
  • Which governance tools are important in Africa for combating software piracy?
  • Distinguish Between Proprietary Software and Off-The-Shelf
  • Does Social Software Support Service Innovation
  • Ambulatory Revenue Management Software
  • Difference Between Operating Systems and Application Software
  • Leading a Global Insurgency in the Software Sector are China and India
  • Call Accounting Software for Every Enterprise
  • Technology Standards for Software Outsourcing
  • The Importance of the Agile Approach for Software Development
  • Application Software: Publisher, Word, and Excel
  • Employee Monitoring Through Computer Software
  • Software Development Lifecycle and Testing's Importance
  • Tools for Global Conditional Policy to Combat Software Piracy
  • Software for Designing Solar Water Heating Systems
  • Open Source Software, Competition, and Potential Entry
  • Indian Software Industry: Gains are distorted and consolidated
  • Software Programs for Disabled Computer Users and Assistive Technology
  • Agile Software Architecture, Written by Christine Miyachi
  • Software Development: The Disadvantages of Agile Methods
  • Computer Software Technology for Early Childhood
  • Developing Test Automation Software Development

Easy Software Essay Topics

  • Growth Trends, Barriers, and Government Initiatives in the Indian Software Industry
  • How Does Enterprise Software Enable a Business to Use
  • Integrated Management Software the Processing of Information
  • Computer Software Training for Doctor's Office
  • Software Intellectual Property Rights and Venture Capitalist Access
  • Computer Science Software Specification
  • Software Projects and Student Software Risk Exposure
  • Why It Is Difficult to Create Software for Wireless Devices
  • Affiliate Tracking Software Your Payment Options
  • How Can Volkswagen Recover From the Cheating Issues It Had Because Illegal Software Was Installed?
  • Principles of Best Forensic Software Tool
  • The American Software Industry: A Historical Analysis
  • How Peripheral Developers Contribute to the Development of Open-Source Software
  • Agile Methodologies for Software Development
  • Key Macroeconomic Factors That Affect Software Industry
  • The Software Industry and India's Economic Development
  • Improving Customer Service Through Help Desk Software
  • Enterprise Resource Planning and Sap Software
  • Antivirus Software and Its Importance
  • Hardware and Software Used in Public Bank
  • The Effects of Computer Software Piracy on the Global Economy
  • Using the Winqsb Software in Critical Path Analysis
  • General Information About Interactive Multimedia-Based Educational Software
  • How Affiliate Tracking Software Can Benefit You
  • Computer Software and Recent Technologies

Frequently asked questions

What are the main topics of software engineering .

software development.

  • Introduction
  • Models and architecture for software development
  • Project management for software (SPM)
  • Software prerequisites
  • Testing and debugging software

What makes good research in software engineering ?

The most typical research strategy in software engineering is coming up with a novel method or methodology, validating it through analysis, or demonstrating its application through a case study;

What projects are good for software engineering ?

  • monitoring of Android tasks.
  • Analyzing attitudes to rate products
  • ATM with a fingerprint-based method.
  • a modern system for managing employees.
  • Using the AES technique for image encryption.
  • vote-by-fingerprint technology.
  • system for predicting the weather

What are the research methods in software engineering ?

We list and contrast the five categories of research methodology that, in our opinion, are most pertinent to software engineering: controlled experiments (including quasi-experiments); case studies (both exploratory and confirmatory); survey research; ethnographies; action research; and controlled experiments.

Is software engineering a research area ?

A relatively recent area of research, software engineering is derived from computer science. Its significance has been generally acknowledged by more and more academics in the field of computers throughout the course of six decades, from 1948 to the present, and it has developed into a vibrant and promising division of the computing profession.

Is software engineering easy ?

Yes, learning software engineering can be challenging at first, especially for those without programming or coding experience or any background in technology. However, numerous courses, tools, and other resources are available to assist with learning how to become a software engineer.

Who is the father of software engineering ?

The "father of software quality," Watts S. Humphrey, was an American software engineering pioneer who lived in Battle Creek, Michigan (U.S.) from July 4, 1927, to October 28, 2010.

What do you do in software engineering ?

  • roles and tasks for software engineers
  • creating and keeping up software systems.
  • testing and evaluating new software applications.
  • software speed and scalability optimization.
  • code creation and testing.
  • consulting with stakeholders such as clients, engineers, security experts, and others.

Which is better it or software engineering ?

IT support engineers cannot build sophisticated solutions, while software engineers can. In a word, they are in charge of creating and putting into use software. Knowing the distinctions makes it easier to choose the right individual to handle our tech-related problems.

Are junior software engineers in demand ?

Yes, there is a need for young coders.

Is software engineering going down ?

Software experts and software goods are oversaturating the job market for software engineers.

What degree do I need to be a software engineer ?

undergraduate degree

Can I be a software engineer without a degree ?

Many software developers lack a degree from a reputable university (or, in some circumstances, none at all).

How many years can a software engineer work ?

An engineer who wants to work in IT has a 15–20 year window.

How many hours do software engineers work ?

Software developers put in 8 to 9 hours each day, or 40 to 45 hours per week.

software engineering term paper topics

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188 Software Essay Topics

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  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Software Suites
  • Program Code in Assembly Language Using Easy68K Software
  • System Software: Computer System Management
  • Helpmewrite.AI Software’s Business Feasibility
  • Moët Hennessy – Louis Vuitton: Enterprise Software
  • The Principle of Software-Defined Networking and Intent-Based Networking
  • Software Engineering Management: Unified Software Development Process and Extreme Programming
  • Hardware and Software Systems and Criminal Justice One of the main technologies used to reduce the risk of criminal activity is crime mapping, which includes collecting data on criminal incidents and assessing it to detect problems.
  • Software Workshops and Seminars Reflections Most seminars motivate the participants to make use of their inherent potential as they seek to achieve their excellence.
  • ezyVet and AVImark Veterinary Management Software This paper explores AVImark and ezyVet veterinary management software while comparing and contrasting their specifications, benefits, and cons.
  • Visually Impaired People: Challenges within Assistive Application Software Blind people face several disadvantages daily when using digital technologies. The types of applications and software considered in the paper are designed to improve the situation.
  • Stereoscopic Movie Editing: 3D Signal Editing Techniques and Editing Software 3D movie editing is one of the latest tendencies and is one of the most demanding processes of the contemporary movie industry.
  • The Best Presentation Software Although when the matter concerns the presentation software, PowerPoint is the first thing that comes to mind for most users, there are many available and free analogs.
  • Traditional Kantianism and Its Relation to Software Engineering Ethics The first and second principles of software engineering ethics represent the first formulation of the ethical theory of Kantianism as they call to act in the best interests.
  • Value of Salesforce Software Using VRIO Model Salesforces CRM is software that is designed to help managers organize their businesses efficiently. It connects all of the teams, leaders, and systematizes customer data.
  • Computer Hardware and Software Components Computers, which were invented as far back as in the 1940s, are highly complex machines that need both hardware and software for their operation.
  • Rawls’ Social Contract Theory and Software Engineering Ethics John Rawls defined the characteristics of a just society through his social contract theory. Rawls’ social contract theory relates to the ethics of software engineering.
  • Ethical Issues Involved in Software Project Management Ethical issues in IT have been found to greatly differ from ethics in other areas. Ethical issues in IT are mostly characterized by little.
  • AutoCAD Software’s Benefits and Disadvantages The paper argues the combination of AutoCAD’s benefits and versatility makes it the leading design and engineering model software in the current environment.
  • Britam Insurance Company’s Sales and Marketing Management Software Britam Insurance Company has to adopt the new marketing and management software to remain at the top of the highly competitive insurance industry.
  • CRM Software in Amazon: Gains The customer related management software that has developed was since its launch one of the most advanced technologies.
  • Hardware and Software Components of Computer Network This report focuses on the hardware and software requirements for James Otis Tax Associates’ new office computer network among certified public accountants (CPA).
  • Talabat Company’s Major Changes and Software Solutions There are numerous software solutions that are available to Talabat, although the focus will be placed on several of the best-rated ones.
  • Information System Hardware and Software Information technology involves a wide range of operations where computer software, as well as hardware, is utilized.
  • E-Commerce Software and Its Basic Functions E-commerce software is the operating system of an online store. With the assistance of e-commerce software, it is possible to distinguish among the representatives of the industry.
  • System Simulation and Modelling: Arena Operating Software The paper discusses the implementation of the Arena Operating software for this case study, and the results exceeded the expected outcome.
  • Software Programs: Adobe Illustrator Using Adobe Illustrator, users can efficiently and accurately develop various products, such as icons, logos, and drawings.
  • Split Variables in IBM SPSS Statistical Software The IBM SPSS software provides an option to split a file into groups. The membership of cases in groups is determined by the value of a split variable for that case.
  • Co-operative Banking Group’s Enterprise Software The report illustrates how implementation of ERP system in Co-operative banking group will help in improving the firm’s accounting, inventory as well as logistics practices.
  • Ethics in Cybersecurity and Software Engineering Ethical philosophy as a whole implies a search for definitions and mechanisms for the systematic distinction between right and wrong.
  • Evaluating Instructional Technology Resources for 21st Century Teaching Instructional Software The instructional software Joe Rock and Friends Book 2 is selected for third-grade students studying English as a second language for reading and practicing new vocabulary.
  • Flight Planning Software and Aircraft Incidents Flight planning software refers to programs that are used to manage and execute flight and other processes undertaken when the plane is airborne.
  • Agile Methods: Benefits and Drawbacks of Agile Software Development Agile methodologies used in software development contribute positively to the optimization of work and effectiveness of performance. Agile methodologies used in software development contribute positively to the optimization of work and effectiveness of performance.
  • Software Tools for Qualitative Research This paper evaluates software tools for solving complex tasks in the qualitative data analysis process. There is a comparison of NVivo, HyperRESEARCH, and Dedoose.
  • Scrum – Software Development Process Computerized systems and digital solutions have added life to a number of fields. Scrum is a software development process that ensures high quality and performance.
  • Avast Software: Company Analysis Avast Software is a globally recognized multinational company and leader in the area of providing cybersecurity solutions for individual customers and businesses.
  • Accounting Software for Business This research paper examines the four accounting programs for business: QuickBooks, FreshBooks, Xero, and Wave.
  • How Banks Can Use Open Source Software Banks can utilize OSS as consumers either internally or externally. Consuming open source means using open source components in a bank’s applications or facilities.
  • Why Open-Source Software Will (Or Will Not) Soon Dominate the Field of Database Management Tools The study aims at establishing whether open-source software will dominate the database field because there has been a changing trend in the business market.
  • Descriptive Statistics Using SPSS Software Suite This paper discusses producing and interpreting descriptive statistics using SPSS. The task of this paper is to use SPSS to carry out a descriptive analysis of data.
  • Managing Information of Sakhr Software Co This paper would consider the concepts of managing information of Sakhr Software, which is a popular language software company.
  • Risk Management Plan for a Task Management Software Plan The current work introduces to us risk identification techniques, quality assurance and control plan, and tells about their importance.
  • Data Coding in Statistical Software Data coding is of paramount importance if a proper analysis of this data is to be carried out. Data coding plays a critical role when it is needed to use statistical software.
  • The Various Enterprise Resource Planning Software Packages The purpose of this paper is to discuss the various enterprise resource planning (ERP) software packages that are commonly used by businesses to manage their operations.
  • PeopleSoft Inc.’s Software Architecture and Design With the PIA architecture, a company using ERP application could access all its business functions on a web browser.
  • The Software Development Life Cycle The essence of the Software Development Life Cycle methodology is that developers are constantly testing their projects, quickly identifying small bugs before they become critical.
  • Curriculum Implementation With New Software The process of implementing new software is multi-faceted and complex, and its effects are yet to be noticed. The doubts on the subject, however, might be addressed separately.
  • Software Development and Evaluation To understand how to develop software for an organization, it is important to compare and contrast commercial, open source, and internally developed software methodologies.
  • Antivirus Software Ensuring Security Online Although deficient and fragmentary, if viewed as a complementary and not principal tool, antivirus software helps ensure one’s security online.
  • Penguin Sleuth, a Forensic Software Tool The key aim of the paper is to analyze the forensic software tools available and, give a detailed description of the functionality range for each software tool or tool pack.
  • Large Scale Software Development This report provides information regarding the Resource Scheduling project. It is useful for a consultant company that provides resources of different types.
  • Project Management Software and Tools Comparison The software can be used by managers to make sure that no worker is getting a greater workload than others and also that no worker is lagging behind with his or her work.
  • Health IT: Epic Software Analysis The implementation and adoption of Health IT systems are crucial for the improvement of medical practice, workflow efficiency, and patient outcomes.
  • IPR Violations in Software Development The copyright law protects the statement and not the software idea. This regulates people from copying source code without seeking permission.
  • The Crucial Role of ERP Software in Business Operations With ERP, SCM, and CRM applications, businesses find it challenging to innovate and participate in the marketplace because technologies take time and money.
  • Image Processing With MATLAB Software The paper presents the Matlab code for three questions. The first question tackles image processing mechanisms. It touches on average, Gaussian and medial filtering techniques.
  • An Equity Markets Software Company Proposal The paper states that learning how markets work and where to begin may seem intimidating, but this is where IT software like StarEquity is helpful.
  • Internet Technology: Software Maintenance and Evolution More and more organizations depend on trends in the IT market. Now one can see how even small companies hire employees who can create a website.
  • The Use of Network Mapping Software in Statistical Research In this paper, NodeXL is used to study the interactions of five competing companies in an industry market to estimate the parameters of their Twitter communication.
  • Hardware and Software for Health Tactical Health Tactical company plans to use Amazon Relational Database and MySQL as the key software components in delivering products to their customers.
  • Computer-Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis Software Researchers are increasingly relying on computers to run qualitative data analysis software (QDAS), particularly when working with digital media files.
  • Open-Source Software Culture Open-source software offers multiple benefits for all members of the information technology industry. It is cost-efficient, flexible, readily available, secure, and easy to use.
  • Software Engineering Principles From an Agile Point of View Abstract—Agile methods have emerged due to the vast emphasis on tools and the non-interactive nature of software engineering.
  • Developer and Software Project Manager: The Importance of Interaction The interaction between the developer and the software project manager is a prerequisite for successfully implementing a project.
  • Discussing Different Software Development Methodologies There is an extended number of software methodologies that have their advantages and disadvantages. First, organizations can use the Waterfall method.
  • Ethical Dilemmas in Software Engineering: Volkswagen Ethical Dilemma The Volkswagen controversy is a portrayal of how engineers have compromised the company, stakeholder satisfaction, and regulatory norms by engaging in unethical behavior.
  • Abstract Painting: The Use of Software Today, painters can use computer software to create pieces of art. Using the computer does not require knowledge about complicated techniques.
  • Customer Relationship Management Software Implementation Customer Relationship Management software is one of the most effective approaches to improving the management of customers in an organization.
  • AutoCAD Software Properties and Interface The properties dialog box of the AutoCAD Software has a central location for viewing and allowing modification of the graphical and physical properties of an object.
  • The Issue of Ethics in Software Systems This paper focuses on issues and devises remedies for ethical lapsing in online job boards as one of the software systems.
  • Swipr Software Company’s Entry Into China Swipr is a software company that runs a microblogging platform. This paper aims to study the viability of the company’s entry ambitions into China.
  • Software Technologies in Healthcare Analyzing the process of introducing software technologies in healthcare, it can be said that there are more transparent processes due to these novel enhancements of medicine.
  • Urban Planning Software: Network Analysis Toolbox The paper analyzes the Network Analysis Toolbox – software that was created to model the traffic of bicycles and pedestrian routes in the cities by modeling them.
  • Software-Defined Networking and Intent-Based Networking The paper discusses about Software-Defined Networking and Intent-Based Networking from aspects of utility and its advantages and disadvantages.
  • DJ (Disc Jockey) Controllers and Serato DJ Software DJ controllers and software such as Serato DJ are tools that assist modern musicians in creating and mixing their compositions.
  • OnePoint Software’s Strategic Marketing Plan This document entails the OnePoint Software Strategic Marketing Plan. This is a new open-source software company that seeks to come up with a sophisticated operating system.
  • Strawberry Business: Software Project Management While the business has a well-developed management strategy, employee team, and reliable information systems, it lacks defined workplace culture and customer relations system.
  • HRM Software for Business and the Affordable Care Act The Affordable Care Act has its strengths, as well as weaknesses. The reason for it is the complexity of the law, which causes different challenges.
  • Software Development Project Using Agile Methods The report will discuss the reasons why the agile method was chosen, how the team managed to apply this method, and lessons learned during the big software development project.
  • Software Engineering and Methodologies This paper describes how the author did learn software engineering and methodologies as a result of his work experience in BTR IT Consulting Company.
  • Software Development: Creating a Prototype The purpose of the article is to create a prototype software that will be used in the process of helping patients with breast cancer.
  • Sakhr Software Co.’s Marketing System The main purpose of this paper is to analyze the peculiarities of the marketing system in such an organization as Sakhr Software Co from Kuwait that specializes in NLP.
  • System Software: Analysis of Various Types of System Software This paper makes judgments on the different system software, basing on their strengths and weakness, based on the personal experience of the author.
  • Achieving the Optimal Process. Software Development The software development industry is fast growing as user requirements change-requiring applications that can address these requirements.
  • Ethical Issues in International Software Development: Software That Is Useful to the User Ethics is important in software development. It will enable the developer to produce software that is useful to the user and the management.
  • Software Project Management, the Completion of the WBS The result of the PERT led to the formation of the Gantt chart. The present essay serves as a description of the process of working on the project.
  • Agile Software Development Process The agile software development process provides multiple benefits, including timely and continuous delivery of the project.
  • Data Scientist and Software Development Data scientists transform data into insight, giving elaborate guidance for users of such information to make informed decisions and take action.
  • Compiere Software Capabilities and Its Suitability to Various Industries The ERP software Compiere applies to a wide range of users such as businesses, government agencies, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs).
  • ERP Software in Inventory Management Inventory management, ERP software will come in handy as the business needs to coordinate the way it receives goods and tidies away the goods.
  • Business Applications‏: Revelation HelpDesk by Yellow Fish Software “Revelation HelpDesk” is an internet based Tracking and Support Software that allows a smooth coordination to take place between some of the most vital divisions of an organization.
  • PeopleSoft Software and Enterprise Software With effective HRIS software, human resource employees can do their own benefits updates and address changes thus enabling them to have more time to perform other strategic functions.
  • Neurofeedback Software and Technology Comparison MIDI technology makes the creation, learning, and playing of music easier. Devices like cell phones, music keyboards, personal computers, etc., use MIDI.
  • Marketing System of Sakhr Software Co The primary purpose of this paper is to analyze the marketing system in such an organization as Sakhr Software Co.
  • Marketing Plan: Innovative Type of Software Product This paper aims to create a marketing plan for the innovative type of software product, which would clarify the potential segment of customers as well as the price point and a communication venue
  • Distribution of Anti-Virus Software Dozens of new threats are being raised every fortnight. Viruses, hacker attacks and other cyber threats are now becoming a nightmare.
  • Computer Software Development and Reality Shows Computer software development has grown at such a rapid pace over the past decade that it have invaded every aspect of our lives and ever fiber of our being.
  • Task Management Software in Organization The purpose of the project management plan is to introduce the framework for integrating task management software into the setting of the selected organization.
  • New Framework of Software Reliability Measurement Article Critique This report draws on the detailed analysis of software reliability measurement processes with a suggestion of a new groundwork of reliability measurement based on software metrics examined by Amar and Rabai.
  • Computer Elements: Hardware versus Software Personal computers usually differ from business computers in their capacity and the level of technologies applied in the hardware.
  • Project Failure, Basics of Project Planning & Alternative Scheduling Software Tools & Techniques From a lack of communication to overall unfavorable work circumstances, projects can fail if managers do not plan into their execution.
  • Hotjar: Web Analytics Software Difference This paper analyzes Hotjar, a web analytics tool that has a complete set of tools for evaluation. The report addresses its features and benefits, as well as shows how it can support managerial decision-making.
  • Software Piracy at Kaspersky Cybersecurity Company Software piracy is an urgent contemporary problem that manifests itself both locally in relation to an individual organization and globally.
  • Syntax Code Writing in Statistical Software Conducting an analysis of quantitative data using the IBM SPSS software package often requires performing numerous operations to compute the statistics for the given data.
  • Explore Factors in IBM SPSS Statistical Software The “Explore” command in IBM SPSS produces an output that includes several statistics for one variable either across the whole sample or across the subsets of the sample.
  • Data Management, Networking and Enterprise Software Enterprise software is often created “in-house” and thus has a far higher cost as compared to simply buying the software solution from another company.
  • JDA Software Company’s Services JDA Software is the company that demonstrates good results in developing services in such fields as manufacturing, retailing, wholesale distribution, and traveling.
  • Software Testing: Manual and Automated Web-Application Testing Tools This research performs an applied study on the manual and automated web-application testing tools to evaluate the right tool for software testing.
  • Applications, Software and System Development The use of Microsoft Office applications greatly enhances productivity in educational matters, at work, and in various everyday activities at home.
  • Virtualization and Software-Defined Networking The purpose of this paper is to review the trends in the areas of virtualization, software-defined networking, and network security during the past three years.
  • Software-producing Firm Reducing Inventory The connection between the reduction in inventory and the order quantity is quite obvious. A software-producing firm may consider bringing the number of created software down.
  • LabVIEW Software: Design Systems of Measurement LabVIEW is software that was developed to design systems of measurement. LabVIEW provides an array of tools for controlling the course of an experiment.
  • The Blue Sky Software Consulting Company Analysis The Blue Sky Software Consulting company has recorded great success in a period of fifteen years. Currently, the firm is lesser adapted in the contemporary market.
  • What Are Essential Attributes of Good Software?
  • How Computer Software Can Be Used as Tool for Education
  • Accounting Software and Application Software
  • Online National Polling Software Requirements Specification
  • Building Their Software for a Company’s Success
  • The Role of Antivirus Software Protecting Your Computer Data
  • Intellectual Property Rights, Innovation and Software Technologies
  • Software Piracy and the Canadian Piracy Act
  • Agile Methodologies and the Use of Its Waterscrumfall Derivative for Software Project Development
  • Improving Underground Mine Access Layouts Using Software Tools
  • How Software Can Help Support the Changing Role of Academic Librarians
  • Using the Untangle Software to Deal With Small Business’ Hurdle
  • How Travel Portal Software Increases Online Booking Sales
  • Analysis Network Externality and Commercial Software Piracy
  • Accounting Software and Business Solutions
  • International Software Piracy: Analysis of Key Issues and Impacts
  • The Distinction Between Computer Science and Software Engineering
  • Modulation: Computer Software and Unknown Music Virus
  • High School Students With Disabilities and Math Software
  • Keyboarding Software Packages: Analysis and Purchase Recommended
  • Basic Software Development Life Cycle
  • Software Patents, Copyright, and Piracy Issues in India
  • Why Has India Been Able to Build a Thriving Software Industry
  • Does Social Software Increase Labour Productivity
  • The Role of Open Source Software for Database Server
  • Human Capital and the Indian Software Industry
  • Input-Output Computer Windows Software
  • Business Software Development and Its Implementation
  • Evaluating Financial Management Software: Quicken Software
  • Fighting Software Piracy: Which Governance Tools Matter in Africa
  • Distinguish Between Proprietary Software and Off-The-Shelf
  • Does Social Software Support Service Innovation
  • Ambulatory Revenue Management Software
  • Difference Between Operating Systems and Application Software
  • China and India Leading a Global Insurgency Within the Software Industry
  • Call Accounting Software for Every Enterprise
  • Technology Standards for the Outsourcing of the Software
  • The Importance of Agile Approach for Software Development
  • Application Software: Publisher, Word, and Excel
  • Employee Monitoring Through Computer Software
  • Software Development Lifecycle and Testing’s Importance
  • Fighting Software Piracy: Some Global Conditional Policy Instruments
  • Software for Designing Solar Water Heating Systems
  • Open Source Software, Competition, and Potential Entry
  • Indian Software Industry: Distortions and Consolidations of Gains
  • Disabled Computer User Software Programs and Assistive Devices
  • Agile Software Architecture Written by Christine Miyachi
  • Software Development: The Disadvantages of Agile Methods
  • Computer Software Technology for Early Childhood
  • Developing Test Automation Software Development
  • Indian Software Industry: Growth Patterns, Constraints, and Government Initiatives
  • How Does Enterprise Software Enable a Business to Use
  • Integrated Management Software the Processing of Information
  • Computer Software Training for Doctor’s Office
  • Intellectual Property Rights for Software and Accessibility to Venture Capitalists
  • Computer Science Software Specification
  • Software Projects and Risk Exposure Among Student Software
  • Why Developing Software for Wireless Devices Is Challenging
  • Affiliate Tracking Software Your Payment Options
  • How Can Volkswagen Recover From the Cheating Troubles It Had Due to the Installation of Illegal Software
  • Principles of Best Forensic Software Tool
  • The U.S. Software Industry: An Analysis and Interpretative History
  • How Peripheral Developers Contribute to Open-Source Software Development
  • Agile Methodologies for Software Development
  • Key Macroeconomic Factors That Affect Software Industry
  • The Software Industry and India’s Economic Development
  • Improving Customer Service Through Help Desk Software
  • Enterprise Resource Planning and Sap Software
  • Antivirus Software and Its Importance
  • Hardware and Software Used in Public Bank
  • Computer Software Piracy and Its Impact on the International Economy
  • Using the WinQSB Software in Critical Path Analysis
  • General Information About Interactive Multimedia-Based Educational Software
  • Affiliate Tracking Software How It Can Help You
  • Computer Software and Recent Technologies

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StudyCorgi. (2021, November 12). 188 Software Essay Topics.

"188 Software Essay Topics." StudyCorgi , 12 Nov. 2021,

StudyCorgi . (2021) '188 Software Essay Topics'. 12 November.

1. StudyCorgi . "188 Software Essay Topics." November 12, 2021.


StudyCorgi . "188 Software Essay Topics." November 12, 2021.

StudyCorgi . 2021. "188 Software Essay Topics." November 12, 2021.

These essay examples and topics on Software were carefully selected by the StudyCorgi editorial team. They meet our highest standards in terms of grammar, punctuation, style, and fact accuracy. Please ensure you properly reference the materials if you’re using them to write your assignment.

This essay topic collection was updated on January 9, 2024 .

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Metric-centered and technology-independent architectural views for software comprehension

The maintenance of applications is a crucial activity in the software industry. The high cost of this process is due to the effort invested on software comprehension since, in most of cases, there is no up-to-...

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Back to the future: origins and directions of the “Agile Manifesto” – views of the originators

In 2001, seventeen professionals set up the manifesto for agile software development. They wanted to define values and basic principles for better software development. On top of being brought into focus, the ...

Investigating the effectiveness of peer code review in distributed software development based on objective and subjective data

Code review is a potential means of improving software quality. To be effective, it depends on different factors, and many have been investigated in the literature to identify the scenarios in which it adds qu...

On the benefits and challenges of using kanban in software engineering: a structured synthesis study

Kanban is increasingly being used in diverse software organizations. There is extensive research regarding its benefits and challenges in Software Engineering, reported in both primary and secondary studies. H...

Challenges on applying genetic improvement in JavaScript using a high-performance computer

Genetic Improvement is an area of Search Based Software Engineering that aims to apply evolutionary computing operators to the software source code to improve it according to one or more quality metrics. This ...

Actor’s social complexity: a proposal for managing the iStar model

Complex systems are inherent to modern society, in which individuals, organizations, and computational elements relate with each other to achieve a predefined purpose, which transcends individual goals. In thi...

Investigating measures for applying statistical process control in software organizations

The growing interest in improving software processes has led organizations to aim for high maturity, where statistical process control (SPC) is required. SPC makes it possible to analyze process behavior, pred...

An approach for applying Test-Driven Development (TDD) in the development of randomized algorithms

TDD is a technique traditionally applied in applications with deterministic algorithms, in which the input and the expected result are known. However, the application of TDD with randomized algorithms have bee...

Supporting governance of mobile application developers from mining and analyzing technical questions in stack overflow

There is a need to improve the direct communication between large organizations that maintain mobile platforms (e.g. Apple, Google, and Microsoft) and third-party developers to solve technical questions that e...

Working software over comprehensive documentation – Rationales of agile teams for artefacts usage

Agile software development (ASD) promotes working software over comprehensive documentation. Still, recent research has shown agile teams to use quite a number of artefacts. Whereas some artefacts may be adopt...

Development as a journey: factors supporting the adoption and use of software frameworks

From the point of view of the software framework owner, attracting new and supporting existing application developers is crucial for the long-term success of the framework. This mixed-methods study explores th...

Applying user-centered techniques to analyze and design a mobile application

Techniques that help in understanding and designing user needs are increasingly being used in Software Engineering to improve the acceptance of applications. Among these techniques we can cite personas, scenar...

A measurement model to analyze the effect of agile enterprise architecture on geographically distributed agile development

Efficient and effective communication (active communication) among stakeholders is thought to be central to agile development. However, in geographically distributed agile development (GDAD) environments, it c...

A survey of search-based refactoring for software maintenance

This survey reviews published materials related to the specific area of Search-Based Software Engineering that concerns software maintenance and, in particular, refactoring. The survey aims to give a comprehen...

Guest editorial foreword for the special issue on automated software testing: trends and evidence

Similarity testing for role-based access control systems.

Access control systems demand rigorous verification and validation approaches, otherwise, they can end up with security breaches. Finite state machines based testing has been successfully applied to RBAC syste...

An algorithm for combinatorial interaction testing: definitions and rigorous evaluations

Combinatorial Interaction Testing (CIT) approaches have drawn attention of the software testing community to generate sets of smaller, efficient, and effective test cases where they have been successful in det...

How diverse is your team? Investigating gender and nationality diversity in GitHub teams

Building an effective team of developers is a complex task faced by both software companies and open source communities. The problem of forming a “dream”

Investigating factors that affect the human perception on god class detection: an analysis based on a family of four controlled experiments

Evaluation of design problems in object oriented systems, which we call code smells, is mostly a human-based task. Several studies have investigated the impact of code smells in practice. Studies focusing on h...

On the evaluation of code smells and detection tools

Code smells refer to any symptom in the source code of a program that possibly indicates a deeper problem, hindering software maintenance and evolution. Detection of code smells is challenging for developers a...

On the influence of program constructs on bug localization effectiveness

Software projects often reach hundreds or thousands of files. Therefore, manually searching for code elements that should be changed to fix a failure is a difficult task. Static bug localization techniques pro...

DyeVC: an approach for monitoring and visualizing distributed repositories

Software development using distributed version control systems has become more frequent recently. Such systems bring more flexibility, but also greater complexity to manage and monitor multiple existing reposi...

A genetic algorithm based framework for software effort prediction

Several prediction models have been proposed in the literature using different techniques obtaining different results in different contexts. The need for accurate effort predictions for projects is one of the ...

Elaboration of software requirements documents by means of patterns instantiation

Studies show that problems associated with the requirements specifications are widely recognized for affecting software quality and impacting effectiveness of its development process. The reuse of knowledge ob...

ArchReco: a software tool to assist software design based on context aware recommendations of design patterns

This work describes the design, development and evaluation of a software Prototype, named ArchReco, an educational tool that employs two types of Context-aware Recommendations of Design Patterns, to support us...

On multi-language software development, cross-language links and accompanying tools: a survey of professional software developers

Non-trivial software systems are written using multiple (programming) languages, which are connected by cross-language links. The existence of such links may lead to various problems during software developmen...

SoftCoDeR approach: promoting Software Engineering Academia-Industry partnership using CMD, DSR and ESE

The Academia-Industry partnership has been increasingly encouraged in the software development field. The main focus of the initiatives is driven by the collaborative work where the scientific research work me...

Issues on developing interoperable cloud applications: definitions, concepts, approaches, requirements, characteristics and evaluation models

Among research opportunities in software engineering for cloud computing model, interoperability stands out. We found that the dynamic nature of cloud technologies and the battle for market domination make clo...

Game development software engineering process life cycle: a systematic review

Software game is a kind of application that is used not only for entertainment, but also for serious purposes that can be applicable to different domains such as education, business, and health care. Multidisc...

Correlating automatic static analysis and mutation testing: towards incremental strategies

Traditionally, mutation testing is used as test set generation and/or test evaluation criteria once it is considered a good fault model. This paper uses mutation testing for evaluating an automated static anal...

A multi-objective test data generation approach for mutation testing of feature models

Mutation approaches have been recently applied for feature testing of Software Product Lines (SPLs). The idea is to select products, associated to mutation operators that describe possible faults in the Featur...

An extended global software engineering taxonomy

In Global Software Engineering (GSE), the need for a common terminology and knowledge classification has been identified to facilitate the sharing and combination of knowledge by GSE researchers and practition...

A systematic process for obtaining the behavior of context-sensitive systems

Context-sensitive systems use contextual information in order to adapt to the user’s current needs or requirements failure. Therefore, they need to dynamically adapt their behavior. It is of paramount importan...

Distinguishing extended finite state machine configurations using predicate abstraction

Extended Finite State Machines (EFSMs) provide a powerful model for the derivation of functional tests for software systems and protocols. Many EFSM based testing problems, such as mutation testing, fault diag...

Extending statecharts to model system interactions

Statecharts are diagrams comprised of visual elements that can improve the modeling of reactive system behaviors. They extend conventional state diagrams with the notions of hierarchy, concurrency and communic...

On the relationship of code-anomaly agglomerations and architectural problems

Several projects have been discontinued in the history of the software industry due to the presence of software architecture problems. The identification of such problems in source code is often required in re...

An approach based on feature models and quality criteria for adapting component-based systems

Feature modeling has been widely used in domain engineering for the development and configuration of software product lines. A feature model represents the set of possible products or configurations to apply i...

Patch rejection in Firefox: negative reviews, backouts, and issue reopening

Writing patches to fix bugs or implement new features is an important software development task, as it contributes to raise the quality of a software system. Not all patches are accepted in the first attempt, ...

Investigating probabilistic sampling approaches for large-scale surveys in software engineering

Establishing representative samples for Software Engineering surveys is still considered a challenge. Specialized literature often presents limitations on interpreting surveys’ results, mainly due to the use o...

Characterising the state of the practice in software testing through a TMMi-based process

The software testing phase, despite its importance, is usually compromised by the lack of planning and resources in industry. This can risk the quality of the derived products. The identification of mandatory ...

Self-adaptation by coordination-targeted reconfigurations

A software system is self-adaptive when it is able to dynamically and autonomously respond to changes detected either in its internal components or in its deployment environment. This response is expected to ensu...

Templates for textual use cases of software product lines: results from a systematic mapping study and a controlled experiment

Use case templates can be used to describe functional requirements of a Software Product Line. However, to the best of our knowledge, no efforts have been made to collect and summarize these existing templates...

F3T: a tool to support the F3 approach on the development and reuse of frameworks

Frameworks are used to enhance the quality of applications and the productivity of the development process, since applications may be designed and implemented by reusing framework classes. However, frameworks ...

NextBug: a Bugzilla extension for recommending similar bugs

Due to the characteristics of the maintenance process followed in open source systems, developers are usually overwhelmed with a great amount of bugs. For instance, in 2012, approximately 7,600 bugs/month were...

Assessing the benefits of search-based approaches when designing self-adaptive systems: a controlled experiment

The well-orchestrated use of distilled experience, domain-specific knowledge, and well-informed trade-off decisions is imperative if we are to design effective architectures for complex software-intensive syst...

Revealing influence of model structure and test case profile on the prioritization of test cases in the context of model-based testing

Test case prioritization techniques aim at defining an order of test cases that favor the achievement of a goal during test execution, such as revealing failures as earlier as possible. A number of techniques ...

A metrics suite for JUnit test code: a multiple case study on open source software

The code of JUnit test cases is commonly used to characterize software testing effort. Different metrics have been proposed in literature to measure various perspectives of the size of JUnit test cases. Unfort...

Designing fault-tolerant SOA based on design diversity

Over recent years, software developers have been evaluating the benefits of both Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) and software fault tolerance techniques based on design diversity. This is achieved by creat...

Method-level code clone detection through LWH (Light Weight Hybrid) approach

Many researchers have investigated different techniques to automatically detect duplicate code in programs exceeding thousand lines of code. These techniques have limitations in finding either the structural o...

The problem of conceptualization in god class detection: agreement, strategies and decision drivers

The concept of code smells is widespread in Software Engineering. Despite the empirical studies addressing the topic, the set of context-dependent issues that impacts the human perception of what is a code sme...

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Identifying Non-Technical Skill Gaps in Software Engineering Education: What Experts Expect But Students Don’t Learn

As the importance of non-technical skills in the software engineering industry increases, the skill sets of graduates match less and less with industry expectations. A growing body of research exists that attempts to identify this skill gap. However, only few so far explicitly compare opinions of the industry with what is currently being taught in academia. By aggregating data from three previous works, we identify the three biggest non-technical skill gaps between industry and academia for the field of software engineering: devoting oneself to continuous learning , being creative by approaching a problem from different angles , and thinking in a solution-oriented way by favoring outcome over ego . Eight follow-up interviews were conducted to further explore how the industry perceives these skill gaps, yielding 26 sub-themes grouped into six bigger themes: stimulating continuous learning , stimulating creativity , creative techniques , addressing the gap in education , skill requirements in industry , and the industry selection process . With this work, we hope to inspire educators to give the necessary attention to the uncovered skills, further mitigating the gap between the industry and the academic world.

Opportunities and Challenges in Code Search Tools

Code search is a core software engineering task. Effective code search tools can help developers substantially improve their software development efficiency and effectiveness. In recent years, many code search studies have leveraged different techniques, such as deep learning and information retrieval approaches, to retrieve expected code from a large-scale codebase. However, there is a lack of a comprehensive comparative summary of existing code search approaches. To understand the research trends in existing code search studies, we systematically reviewed 81 relevant studies. We investigated the publication trends of code search studies, analyzed key components, such as codebase, query, and modeling technique used to build code search tools, and classified existing tools into focusing on supporting seven different search tasks. Based on our findings, we identified a set of outstanding challenges in existing studies and a research roadmap for future code search research.

Psychometrics in Behavioral Software Engineering: A Methodological Introduction with Guidelines

A meaningful and deep understanding of the human aspects of software engineering (SE) requires psychological constructs to be considered. Psychology theory can facilitate the systematic and sound development as well as the adoption of instruments (e.g., psychological tests, questionnaires) to assess these constructs. In particular, to ensure high quality, the psychometric properties of instruments need evaluation. In this article, we provide an introduction to psychometric theory for the evaluation of measurement instruments for SE researchers. We present guidelines that enable using existing instruments and developing new ones adequately. We conducted a comprehensive review of the psychology literature framed by the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing. We detail activities used when operationalizing new psychological constructs, such as item pooling, item review, pilot testing, item analysis, factor analysis, statistical property of items, reliability, validity, and fairness in testing and test bias. We provide an openly available example of a psychometric evaluation based on our guideline. We hope to encourage a culture change in SE research towards the adoption of established methods from psychology. To improve the quality of behavioral research in SE, studies focusing on introducing, validating, and then using psychometric instruments need to be more common.

Towards an Anatomy of Software Craftsmanship

Context: The concept of software craftsmanship has early roots in computing, and in 2009, the Manifesto for Software Craftsmanship was formulated as a reaction to how the Agile methods were practiced and taught. But software craftsmanship has seldom been studied from a software engineering perspective. Objective: The objective of this article is to systematize an anatomy of software craftsmanship through literature studies and a longitudinal case study. Method: We performed a snowballing literature review based on an initial set of nine papers, resulting in 18 papers and 11 books. We also performed a case study following seven years of software development of a product for the financial market, eliciting qualitative, and quantitative results. We used thematic coding to synthesize the results into categories. Results: The resulting anatomy is centered around four themes, containing 17 principles and 47 hierarchical practices connected to the principles. We present the identified practices based on the experiences gathered from the case study, triangulating with the literature results. Conclusion: We provide our systematically derived anatomy of software craftsmanship with the goal of inspiring more research into the principles and practices of software craftsmanship and how these relate to other principles within software engineering in general.

On the Reproducibility and Replicability of Deep Learning in Software Engineering

Context: Deep learning (DL) techniques have gained significant popularity among software engineering (SE) researchers in recent years. This is because they can often solve many SE challenges without enormous manual feature engineering effort and complex domain knowledge. Objective: Although many DL studies have reported substantial advantages over other state-of-the-art models on effectiveness, they often ignore two factors: (1) reproducibility —whether the reported experimental results can be obtained by other researchers using authors’ artifacts (i.e., source code and datasets) with the same experimental setup; and (2) replicability —whether the reported experimental result can be obtained by other researchers using their re-implemented artifacts with a different experimental setup. We observed that DL studies commonly overlook these two factors and declare them as minor threats or leave them for future work. This is mainly due to high model complexity with many manually set parameters and the time-consuming optimization process, unlike classical supervised machine learning (ML) methods (e.g., random forest). This study aims to investigate the urgency and importance of reproducibility and replicability for DL studies on SE tasks. Method: In this study, we conducted a literature review on 147 DL studies recently published in 20 SE venues and 20 AI (Artificial Intelligence) venues to investigate these issues. We also re-ran four representative DL models in SE to investigate important factors that may strongly affect the reproducibility and replicability of a study. Results: Our statistics show the urgency of investigating these two factors in SE, where only 10.2% of the studies investigate any research question to show that their models can address at least one issue of replicability and/or reproducibility. More than 62.6% of the studies do not even share high-quality source code or complete data to support the reproducibility of their complex models. Meanwhile, our experimental results show the importance of reproducibility and replicability, where the reported performance of a DL model could not be reproduced for an unstable optimization process. Replicability could be substantially compromised if the model training is not convergent, or if performance is sensitive to the size of vocabulary and testing data. Conclusion: It is urgent for the SE community to provide a long-lasting link to a high-quality reproduction package, enhance DL-based solution stability and convergence, and avoid performance sensitivity on different sampled data.

Predictive Software Engineering: Transform Custom Software Development into Effective Business Solutions

The paper examines the principles of the Predictive Software Engineering (PSE) framework. The authors examine how PSE enables custom software development companies to offer transparent services and products while staying within the intended budget and a guaranteed budget. The paper will cover all 7 principles of PSE: (1) Meaningful Customer Care, (2) Transparent End-to-End Control, (3) Proven Productivity, (4) Efficient Distributed Teams, (5) Disciplined Agile Delivery Process, (6) Measurable Quality Management and Technical Debt Reduction, and (7) Sound Human Development.

Software—A New Open Access Journal on Software Engineering

Software (ISSN: 2674-113X) [...]

Improving bioinformatics software quality through incorporation of software engineering practices

Background Bioinformatics software is developed for collecting, analyzing, integrating, and interpreting life science datasets that are often enormous. Bioinformatics engineers often lack the software engineering skills necessary for developing robust, maintainable, reusable software. This study presents review and discussion of the findings and efforts made to improve the quality of bioinformatics software. Methodology A systematic review was conducted of related literature that identifies core software engineering concepts for improving bioinformatics software development: requirements gathering, documentation, testing, and integration. The findings are presented with the aim of illuminating trends within the research that could lead to viable solutions to the struggles faced by bioinformatics engineers when developing scientific software. Results The findings suggest that bioinformatics engineers could significantly benefit from the incorporation of software engineering principles into their development efforts. This leads to suggestion of both cultural changes within bioinformatics research communities as well as adoption of software engineering disciplines into the formal education of bioinformatics engineers. Open management of scientific bioinformatics development projects can result in improved software quality through collaboration amongst both bioinformatics engineers and software engineers. Conclusions While strides have been made both in identification and solution of issues of particular import to bioinformatics software development, there is still room for improvement in terms of shifts in both the formal education of bioinformatics engineers as well as the culture and approaches of managing scientific bioinformatics research and development efforts.

Inter-team communication in large-scale co-located software engineering: a case study

AbstractLarge-scale software engineering is a collaborative effort where teams need to communicate to develop software products. Managers face the challenge of how to organise work to facilitate necessary communication between teams and individuals. This includes a range of decisions from distributing work over teams located in multiple buildings and sites, through work processes and tools for coordinating work, to softer issues including ensuring well-functioning teams. In this case study, we focus on inter-team communication by considering geographical, cognitive and psychological distances between teams, and factors and strategies that can affect this communication. Data was collected for ten test teams within a large development organisation, in two main phases: (1) measuring cognitive and psychological distance between teams using interactive posters, and (2) five focus group sessions where the obtained distance measurements were discussed. We present ten factors and five strategies, and how these relate to inter-team communication. We see three types of arenas that facilitate inter-team communication, namely physical, virtual and organisational arenas. Our findings can support managers in assessing and improving communication within large development organisations. In addition, the findings can provide insights into factors that may explain the challenges of scaling development organisations, in particular agile organisations that place a large emphasis on direct communication over written documentation.

Aligning Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence With Transdisciplinary

Study examined AI and SE transdisciplinarity to find ways of aligning them to enable development of AI-SE transdisciplinary theory. Literature review and analysis method was used. The findings are AI and SE transdisciplinarity is tacit with islands within and between them that can be linked to accelerate their transdisciplinary orientation by codification, internally developing and externally borrowing and adapting transdisciplinary theories. Lack of theory has been identified as the major barrier toward towards maturing the two disciplines as engineering disciplines. Creating AI and SE transdisciplinary theory would contribute to maturing AI and SE engineering disciplines.  Implications of study are transdisciplinary theory can support mode 2 and 3 AI and SE innovations; provide an alternative for maturing two disciplines as engineering disciplines. Study’s originality it’s first in SE, AI or their intersections.

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49 Software Engineering Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 best software engineering topic ideas & essay examples, 👍 simple & easy software engineering essay titles, 📌 interesting topics to write about software engineering.

  • Facing Ethical Issues as a Software Engineer Applying the Kantian theory of ethics the software engineer will have to inform the stakeholders including the investors of the company and the clients that there will be a delay in the launching of the […]
  • Software Engineering Online Learning Center However, it is not easy to tell what the website is promoting just by the look of the homepage and thus, visitors with less time might not be interested to click to the sub-sections and […] We will write a custom essay specifically for you by our professional experts 808 writers online Learn More
  • Computer-Aided Software Engineering Tools Usage The inclusion of these tools will ensure that the time cycle is reduced and, at the same time, enhances the quality of the system.
  • Software Engineering: Data Modelling and Design It may be physical e.g.a toy car representing a real car or it can be conceptual, only represented on paper to bring a good description of the operation of the real object.”A data model is […]
  • Software Engineering: Running Android on the Altera Board 1 software, quartus was installed on Linux and instantiated on the NIOS processor with the IDE and Quartus tool ported to the software port to run on the FPGA hardware board.
  • Systems and Software Engineering Processes Trends These challenges should be addressed by the management and the organizational large before the adoption of the external technology to avoid problems that may arise as a result. Another challenge is the skills that need […]
  • Software Engineering Career Information Software Engineering is a field in engineering that requires the practitioner to apply the principles of engineering in the design and development of software products.
  • The Software Engineering Debate The second reason the author adduces to his view that software development is not an engineering activity is the lack of standardized approaches to software development.
  • Majoring in Software Engineering One of common types of motivation is promotion and software developers are likely to see the opportunities they have in this or that company.
  • Dual Application Model for Agile Software Engineering
  • MITS5002 Software Engineering Methodology for Cloud Computing
  • Quality Assurance Through Software Engineering
  • Software Development Methodologies for Software Engineering
  • Information Systems and the Area of Software Engineering Analysis
  • Software Engineering Spiral Model and Combining Paradigm
  • Software Engineering Ambiguities and Omission Computer Science
  • The Fundamental Software Engineering Activities
  • Key Principles and Problems of Software Engineering
  • Engineering Models and Software Engineering Life Cycle Models
  • Problems Associated With Privacy in Software Engineering
  • The Past, Present, and Future of Standards in Software Engineering
  • Getting Started With Software Engineering: Beginner Tips
  • Comparison Between Five Process Models of Software Engineering
  • The Distinction Between Computer Science and Software Engineering
  • Software Engineering: Scrum and Plan-Based Approaches
  • Game Development Software Engineering Process and Surviving in Tough Situations
  • Software Engineering: What Makes It Run?
  • Factors and Issues That Influence the Behaviour of Software Engineering Groups
  • Software Engineering Productivity: Concepts, Issues, and Challenges
  • Failure Prevention and Development Problems Associated With Software Engineering
  • The Reflective Practitioner Perspective in Software Engineering
  • Learning Software Engineering With Global Teams
  • Object-Oriented Programming, Software Engineering, and Enterprise Applications
  • Learning From Achievement: Scaffolding Student Projects in Software Engineering
  • Towards Understanding the Relation Between Citations and Research Quality in Software Engineering Studies
  • Artificial Intelligence Applications for Improved Software Engineering Development
  • Computer Science and Software Engineering: How It Impact Law?
  • The Capability Maturity Model: Quality in Software Engineering
  • Combining Software Engineering Elicitation Technique With the Knowledge Management Lifecycle
  • The Boehm-Waterfall Software Engineering Methodology Analysis
  • Software Engineering and System Engineering: Functional and Non-functional Requirements
  • Methodology: Software Engineering and Requirements Gathering
  • What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Agile Software Engineering?
  • Software Engineering and Inventions of the 20th Century
  • The Pros and Cons of Object-Oriented Software Engineering
  • The Reasons for the Difficulty of Fulfilling Requests for Successful Fill-In-The-Blanks Software Engineering Technology
  • The Use of Process Improvement Models in the Software Engineering Industry
  • Open Source Software Engineering Theory Intelligent Educational Tool and Research Methodology
  • Theoretical and Empirical Studies on Essence-Based Adaptive Software Engineering
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IvyPanda . "49 Software Engineering Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." January 31, 2023.

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Research Topics in Software Engineering

software engineering term paper topics

This seminar is an opportunity to become familiar with current research in software engineering and more generally with the methods and challenges of scientific research.

Each student will be asked to study some papers from the recent software engineering literature and review them. This is an exercise in critical review and analysis. Active participation is required (a presentation of a paper as well as participation in discussions).

The aim of this seminar is to introduce students to recent research results in the area of programming languages and software engineering. To accomplish that, students will study and present research papers in the area as well as participate in paper discussions. The papers will span topics in both theory and practice, including papers on program verification, program analysis, testing, programming language design, and development tools.

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Institute for Programming Languages and Systems

Research topics in software engineering.

This seminar is an opportunity to become familiar with current research in software engineering and more generally with the methods and challenges of scientific research.

Each student will be asked to study some papers from the recent software engineering literature and review them. This is an exercise in critical review and analysis. Active participation is required (a presentation of a paper as well as participation in discussions).

The aim of this seminar is to introduce students to recent research results in the area of programming languages and software engineering. To accomplish that, students will study and present research papers in the area as well as participate in paper discussions. The papers will span topics in both theory and practice, including papers on program verification, program analysis, testing, programming language design, and development tools. A particular focus will be on domain-specific languages.

General information

Tuesday, 14:15-16:00 CHN G 46

  • Peter Müller  (PM)
  • Ralf Jung  (RJ)
  • Lea Brugger (LB)
  • Thibault Dardinier (TD)
  • Jonas Fiala (JF)
  • Johannes Hostert (JH)
  • Nick Klose (NK)
  • Felix Wolf (FW)
  • Isaac van Bakel (IvB)
  • Max Vistrup (MV)

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Language: English

Credits: 2 credits

Course catalogue

How it Works

  • In the beginning of the seminar, every student will get a research paper and presentation date assigned (see schedule above). Please register your choice of paper here .
  • Understand the paper (motivation of the work, what they do, what the results are,   what the limitations are)
  • study the paper carefully
  • obtain and study relevant background material such as other papers that are cited; you may need to include some of this  background material in your presentation
  • create a presentation
  • try to follow the guidelines given in the first lecture
  • clear motivation for the work
  • maybe briefly provide some necessary background
  • clear explanation what the paper does; this means using, as appropriate, examples, well-designed visuals, code examples
  • do not trivialize the content, go deeper where necessary
  • understandable (by your fellow students) presentation of the content and the results
  • do not try to cover everything in the paper, just the key parts; be ready to explain any technical term used
  • brief critical discussion in the end of the contribution: strong and weak parts including limitations
  • strive for high visual quality
  • acknowledge any external material (graphics, anything included by copy-paste from other sources) on the same slide (bottom right, small font, gray is usually a good way)
  • If possible try out the tool/code that comes with the paper
  • Have one meeting with your advisor at least a week before your presentation for clarifications and feedback. Bring a complete draft of the presentation.
  • Presentations are 30 minutes + 15 minutes for questions
  • The presentation time will be enforced (as in the real world) but much too short is a negative

Academic Integrity

Avoid copy-paste as much as possible. For material (especially graphics and anything included by copy-paste) not created by you but used in your presentation you have to provide an acknowledgment of the source on the same slide.  

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📚 A curated list of papers for Software Engineers


Folders and files, repository files navigation, papers for software engineers.

A curated list of papers that may be of interest to Software Engineering students or professionals. See the sources and selection criteria below.

Von Neumann's First Computer Program. Knuth (1970) . Computer History; Early Programming

  • The Education of a Computer. Hopper (1952) .
  • Recursive Programming. Dijkstra (1960) .
  • Programming Considered as a Human Activity. Dijkstra (1965) .
  • Goto Statement Considered Harmful. Dijkstra (1968) .
  • Program development by stepwise refinement. Wirth (1971) .
  • The Humble Programmer. Dijkstra (1972) .
  • Computer Programming as an Art. Knuth (1974) .
  • The paradigms of programming. Floyd (1979) .
  • Literate Programming. Knuth (1984) .

Computing Machinery and Intelligence. Turing (1950) . Early Artificial Intelligence

  • Some Moral and Technical Consequences of Automation. Wiener (1960) .
  • Steps towards Artificial Intelligence. Minsky (1960) .
  • ELIZA—a computer program for the study of natural language communication between man and machine. Weizenbaum (1966) .
  • A Theory of the Learnable. Valiant (1984) .

A Method for the Construction of Minimum-Redundancy Codes. Huffman (1952) . Information Theory

  • A Universal Algorithm for Sequential Data Compression. Ziv, Lempel (1977) .
  • Fifty Years of Shannon Theory. Verdú (1998) .

Engineering a Sort Function. Bentley, McIlroy (1993) . Data Structures; Algorithms

  • On the Shortest Spanning Subtree of a Graph and the Traveling Salesman Problem. Kruskal (1956) .
  • A Note on Two Problems in Connexion with Graphs. Dijkstra (1959) .
  • Quicksort. Hoare (1962) .
  • Space/Time Trade-offs in Hash Coding with Allowable Errors. Bloom (1970) .
  • The Ubiquitous B-Tree. Comer (1979) .
  • Programming pearls: Algorithm design techniques. Bentley (1984) .
  • Programming pearls: The back of the envelope. Bentley (1984) .
  • Making data structures persistent. Driscoll et al (1986) .

A Design Methodology for Reliable Software Systems. Liskov (1972) . Software Design

  • On the Criteria To Be Used in Decomposing Systems into Modules. Parnas (1971) .
  • Information Distribution Aspects of Design Methodology. Parnas (1972) .
  • Designing Software for Ease of Extension and Contraction. Parnas (1979) .
  • Programming as Theory Building. Naur (1985) .
  • Software Aging. Parnas (1994) .
  • Towards a Theory of Conceptual Design for Software. Jackson (2015) .

Programming with Abstract Data Types. Liskov, Zilles (1974) . Abstract Data Types; Object-Oriented Programming

  • The Smalltalk-76 Programming System Design and Implementation. Ingalls (1978) .
  • A Theory of Type Polymorphism in Programming. Milner (1978) .
  • On understanding types, data abstraction, and polymorphism. Cardelli, Wegner (1985) .
  • SELF: The Power of Simplicity. Ungar, Smith (1991) .

Why Functional Programming Matters. Hughes (1990) . Functional Programming

  • Recursive Functions of Symbolic Expressions and Their Computation by Machine. McCarthy (1960) .
  • The Semantics of Predicate Logic as a Programming Language. Van Emden, Kowalski (1976) .
  • Can Programming Be Liberated from the von Neumann Style? Backus (1978) .
  • The Semantic Elegance of Applicative Languages. Turner (1981) .
  • The essence of functional programming. Wadler (1992) .
  • QuickCheck: A Lightweight Tool for Random Testing of Haskell Programs. Claessen, Hughes (2000) .
  • Church's Thesis and Functional Programming. Turner (2006) .

An Incremental Approach to Compiler Construction. Ghuloum (2006) . Language Design; Compilers

  • The Next 700 Programming Languages. Landin (1966) .
  • Programming pearls: little languages. Bentley (1986) .
  • The Essence of Compiling with Continuations. Flanagan et al (1993) .
  • A Brief History of Just-In-Time. Aycock (2003) .
  • LLVM: A Compilation Framework for Lifelong Program Analysis & Transformation. Lattner, Adve (2004) .
  • A Unified Theory of Garbage Collection. Bacon, Cheng, Rajan (2004) .
  • A Nanopass Framework for Compiler Education. Sarkar, Waddell, Dybvig (2005) .
  • Bringing the Web up to Speed with WebAssembly. Haas (2017) .

No Silver Bullet: Essence and Accidents of Software Engineering. Brooks (1987) . Software Engineering; Project Management

  • How do committees invent? Conway (1968) .
  • Managing the Development of Large Software Systems. Royce (1970) .
  • The Mythical Man Month. Brooks (1975) .
  • On Building Systems That Will Fail. Corbató (1991) .
  • The Cathedral and the Bazaar. Raymond (1998) .
  • Out of the Tar Pit. Moseley, Marks (2006) .

Communicating sequential processes. Hoare (1978) . Concurrency

  • Solution Of a Problem in Concurrent Program Control. Dijkstra (1965) .
  • Monitors: An operating system structuring concept. Hoare (1974) .
  • On the Duality of Operating System Structures. Lauer, Needham (1978) .
  • Software Transactional Memory. Shavit, Touitou (1997) .

The UNIX Time- Sharing System. Ritchie, Thompson (1974) . Operating Systems

  • An Experimental Time-Sharing System. Corbató, Merwin Daggett, Daley (1962) .
  • The Structure of the "THE"-Multiprogramming System. Dijkstra (1968) .
  • The nucleus of a multiprogramming system. Hansen (1970) .
  • Reflections on Trusting Trust. Thompson (1984) .
  • The Design and Implementation of a Log-Structured File System. Rosenblum, Ousterhout (1991) .

A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks. Codd (1970) . Databases

  • Granularity of Locks and Degrees of Consistency in a Shared Data Base. Gray et al (1975) .
  • Access Path Selection in a Relational Database Management System. Selinger et al (1979) .
  • The Transaction Concept: Virtues and Limitations. Gray (1981) .
  • The design of POSTGRES. Stonebraker, Rowe (1986) .
  • Rules of Thumb in Data Engineering. Gray, Shenay (1999) .

A Protocol for Packet Network Intercommunication. Cerf, Kahn (1974) . Networking

  • Ethernet: Distributed packet switching for local computer networks. Metcalfe, Boggs (1978) .
  • End-To-End Arguments in System Design. Saltzer, Reed, Clark (1984) .
  • An algorithm for distributed computation of a Spanning Tree in an Extended LAN. Perlman (1985) .
  • The Design Philosophy of the DARPA Internet Protocols. Clark (1988) .
  • TOR: The second generation onion router. Dingledine et al (2004) .
  • Why the Internet only just works. Handley (2006) .
  • The Network is Reliable. Bailis, Kingsbury (2014) .

New Directions in Cryptography. Diffie, Hellman (1976) . Cryptography

  • A Method for Obtaining Digital Signatures and Public-Key Cryptosystems. Rivest, Shamir, Adleman (1978) .
  • How To Share A Secret. Shamir (1979) .
  • A Digital Signature Based on a Conventional Encryption Function. Merkle (1987) .
  • The Salsa20 family of stream ciphers. Bernstein (2007) .

Time, Clocks, and the Ordering of Events in a Distributed System. Lamport (1978) . Distributed Systems

  • Self-stabilizing systems in spite of distributed control. Dijkstra (1974) .
  • The Byzantine Generals Problem. Lamport, Shostak, Pease (1982) .
  • Impossibility of Distributed Consensus With One Faulty Process. Fisher, Lynch, Patterson (1985) .
  • Implementing Fault-Tolerant Services Using the State Machine Approach: A Tutorial. Schneider (1990) .
  • Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance. Castro, Liskov (1999) .
  • Paxos made simple. Lamport (2001) .
  • Paxos made live - An Engineering Perspective. Chandra, Griesemer, Redstone (2007) .
  • In Search of an Understandable Consensus Algorithm. Ongaro, Ousterhout (2014) .

Designing for Usability: Key Principles and What Designers Think. Gould, Lewis (1985) . Human-Computer Interaction; User Interfaces

  • As We May Think. Bush (1945) .
  • Man-Computer symbiosis. Licklider (1958) .
  • Some Thoughts About the Social Implications of Accessible Computing. David, Fano (1965) .
  • Tutorials for the First-Time Computer User. Al-Awar, Chapanis, Ford (1981) .
  • The star user interface: an overview. Smith, Irby, Kimball (1982) .
  • Design Principles for Human-Computer Interfaces. Norman (1983) .
  • Human-Computer Interaction: Psychology as a Science of Design. Carroll (1997) .

The anatomy of a large-scale hypertextual Web search engine. Brin, Page (1998) . Information Retrieval; World-Wide Web

  • A Statistical Interpretation of Term Specificity in Retrieval. Spärck Jones (1972) .
  • World-Wide Web: Information Universe. Berners-Lee et al (1992) .
  • The PageRank Citation Ranking: Bringing Order to the Web. Page, Brin, Motwani (1998) .

Dynamo, Amazon’s Highly Available Key-value store. DeCandia et al (2007) . Internet Scale Data Systems

  • The Google File System. Ghemawat, Gobioff, Leung (2003) .
  • MapReduce: Simplified Data Processing on Large Clusters. Dean, Ghemawat (2004) .
  • Bigtable: A Distributed Storage System for Structured Data. Chang et al (2006) .
  • ZooKeeper: wait-free coordination for internet scale systems. Hunt et al (2010) .
  • The Hadoop Distributed File System. Shvachko et al (2010) .
  • Kafka: a Distributed Messaging System for Log Processing. Kreps, Narkhede, Rao (2011) .
  • CAP Twelve Years Later: How the "Rules" Have Changed. Brewer (2012) .
  • Amazon Aurora: Design Considerations for High Throughput Cloud-Native Relational Databases. Verbitski et al (2017) .

On Designing and Deploying Internet Scale Services. Hamilton (2007) . Operations; Reliability; Fault-tolerance

  • Ironies of Automation. Bainbridge (1983) .
  • Why do computers stop and what can be done about it? Gray (1985) .
  • Recovery Oriented Computing (ROC): Motivation, Definition, Techniques, and Case Studies. Patterson et al (2002) .
  • Crash-Only Software. Candea, Fox (2003) .
  • Building on Quicksand. Helland, Campbell (2009) .

Thinking Methodically about Performance. Gregg (2012) . Performance

  • Performance Anti-Patterns. Smaalders (2006) .
  • Thinking Clearly about Performance. Millsap (2010) .

Bitcoin, A peer-to-peer electronic cash system. Nakamoto (2008) . Crytpocurrencies

  • Ethereum: A Next-Generation Smart Contract and Decentralized Application Platform. Buterin (2014) .

A Few Useful Things to Know About Machine Learning. Domingos (2012) . Machine Learning

  • Statistical Modeling: The Two Cultures. Breiman (2001) .
  • The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Data. Halevy, Norvig, Pereira (2009) .
  • ImageNet Classification with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks. Krizhevsky, Sutskever, Hinton (2012) .
  • Playing Atari with Deep Reinforcement Learning. Mnih et al (2013) .
  • Generative Adversarial Nets. Goodfellow et al (2014) .
  • Deep Learning. LeCun, Bengio, Hinton (2015) .
  • Attention Is All You Need. Vaswani et al (2017) .
  • Von Neumann's First Computer Program. Knuth (1970) .
  • Computing Machinery and Intelligence. Turing (1950) .
  • A Method for the Construction of Minimum-Redundancy Codes. Huffman (1952) .
  • Engineering a Sort Function. Bentley, McIlroy (1993) .
  • A Design Methodology for Reliable Software Systems. Liskov (1972) .
  • Programming with Abstract Data Types. Liskov, Zilles (1974) .
  • Why Functional Programming Matters. Hughes (1990) .
  • An Incremental Approach to Compiler Construction. Ghuloum (2006) .
  • No Silver Bullet: Essence and Accidents of Software Engineering. Brooks (1987) .
  • Communicating sequential processes. Hoare (1978) .
  • The UNIX Time- Sharing System. Ritchie, Thompson (1974) .
  • A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks. Codd (1970) .
  • A Protocol for Packet Network Intercommunication. Cerf, Kahn (1974) .
  • New Directions in Cryptography. Diffie, Hellman (1976) .
  • Time, Clocks, and the Ordering of Events in a Distributed System. Lamport (1978) .
  • Designing for Usability: Key Principles and What Designers Think. Gould, Lewis (1985) .
  • The anatomy of a large-scale hypertextual Web search engine. Brin, Page (1998) .
  • Dynamo, Amazon’s Highly Available Key-value store. DeCandia et al (2007) .
  • On Designing and Deploying Internet Scale Services. Hamilton (2007) .
  • Thinking Methodically about Performance. Gregg (2012) .
  • Bitcoin, A peer-to-peer electronic cash system. Nakamoto (2008) .
  • A Few Useful Things to Know About Machine Learning. Domingos (2012) .

This list was inspired by (and draws from) several books and paper collections:

  • Papers We Love
  • Ideas That Created the Future
  • The Innovators
  • The morning paper
  • Distributed systems for fun and profit
  • Readings in Database Systems (the Red Book)
  • Fermat's Library
  • Classics in Human-Computer Interaction
  • Awesome Compilers
  • Distributed Consensus Reading List
  • The Decade of Deep Learning

A few interesting resources about reading papers from Papers We Love and elsewhere:

  • Should I read papers?
  • How to Read an Academic Article
  • How to Read a Paper. Keshav (2007) .
  • Efficient Reading of Papers in Science and Technology. Hanson (1999) .
  • On ICSE’s “Most Influential Papers”. Parnas (1995) .

Selection criteria

  • The idea is not to include every interesting paper that I come across but rather to keep a representative list that's possible to read from start to finish with a similar level of effort as reading a technical book from cover to cover.
  • I tried to include one paper per each major topic and author. Since in the process I found a lot of noteworthy alternatives, related or follow-up papers and I wanted to keep track of those as well, I included them as sublist items.
  • The papers shouldn't be too long. For the same reasons as the previous item, I try to avoid papers longer than 20 or 30 pages.
  • They should be self-contained and readable enough to be approachable by the casual technical reader.
  • They should be freely available online.
  • Examples of this are classic works by Von Neumann, Turing and Shannon.
  • That being said, where possible I preferred the original paper on each subject over modern updates or survey papers.
  • Similarly, I tended to skip more theoretical papers, those focusing on mathematical foundations for Computer Science, electronic aspects of hardware, etc.
  • I sorted the list by a mix of relatedness of topics and a vague chronological relevance, such that it makes sense to read it in the suggested order. For example, historical and seminal topics go first, contemporary internet-era developments last, networking precedes distributed systems, etc.

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Computer Science > Software Engineering

Title: the general index of software engineering papers.

Abstract: We introduce the General Index of Software Engineering Papers, a dataset of fulltext-indexed papers from the most prominent scientific venues in the field of Software Engineering. The dataset includes both complete bibliographic information and indexed ngrams (sequence of contiguous words after removal of stopwords and non-words, for a total of 577 276 382 unique n-grams in this release) with length 1 to 5 for 44 581 papers retrieved from 34 venues over the 1971-2020 period.The dataset serves use cases in the field of meta-research, allowing to introspect the output of software engineering research even when access to papers or scholarly search engines is not possible (e.g., due to contractual reasons). The dataset also contributes to making such analyses reproducible and independently verifiable, as opposed to what happens when they are conducted using 3rd-party and non-open scholarly indexing services.The dataset is available as a portable Postgres database dump and released as open data.

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Understanding peer review of software engineering papers

  • Published: 17 July 2021
  • Volume 26 , article number  103 , ( 2021 )

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  • Neil A. Ernst   ORCID: 1 ,
  • Jeffrey C. Carver   ORCID: 2 ,
  • Daniel Mendez   ORCID: 3 , 4 &
  • Marco Torchiano   ORCID: 5  

647 Accesses

6 Citations

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Peer review is a key activity intended to preserve the quality and integrity of scientific publications. However, in practice it is far from perfect.

We aim at understanding how reviewers, including those who have won awards for reviewing, perform their reviews of software engineering papers to identify both what makes a good reviewing approach and what makes a good paper.

We first conducted a series of interviews with recognised reviewers in the software engineering field. Then, we used the results of those interviews to develop a questionnaire used in an online survey and sent out to reviewers from well-respected venues covering a number of software engineering disciplines, some of whom had won awards for their reviewing efforts.

We analyzed the responses from the interviews and from 175 reviewers who completed the online survey (including both reviewers who had won awards and those who had not). We report on several descriptive results, including: Nearly half of award-winners (45%) are reviewing 20+ conference papers a year, while 28% of non-award winners conduct that many. The majority of reviewers (88%) are taking more than two hours on journal reviews. We also report on qualitative results. Our findings suggest that the most important criteria of a good review is that it should be factual and helpful, which ranked above others such as being detailed or kind. The most important features of papers that result in positive reviews are a clear and supported validation, an interesting problem, and novelty. Conversely, negative reviews tend to result from papers that have a mismatch between the method and the claims and from papers with overly grandiose claims. Further insights include, if not limited to, that reviewers view data availability and its consistency as being important or that authors need to make their contribution of the work very clear in their paper.


Based on the insights we gained through our study, we conclude our work by compiling a proto-guideline for reviewing. One hope we associate with our work is to contribute to the ongoing debate and contemporary effort to further improve our peer review models in the future.

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University of Victoria, Victoria, Canada

Neil A. Ernst

University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL, USA

Jeffrey C. Carver

Blekinge Institute of Technology, Karlskrona, Sweden

Daniel Mendez

fortiss GmbH, Munich, Germany

Politecnico di Torino, Turin, Italy

Marco Torchiano

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Communicated by: Romain Robbes

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Ernst, N.A., Carver, J.C., Mendez, D. et al. Understanding peer review of software engineering papers. Empir Software Eng 26 , 103 (2021).

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Accepted : 16 June 2021

Published : 17 July 2021


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Research Topics in Software Engineering

Postgraduate course, course description, objectives and content.

The course covers advanced theoretical and technical issues of software engineering. It will focus on some selected topics, such as software requirements, software design, software construction, software testing and management, software configuration management, software engineering management, software engineering process, software engineering tools and methods, and software quality. Each seminar is focused around one major topic.

The students shall acquire advanced theoretical knowledge and technical competences about the topics covered in the course as well as some research methods that are relevant for these topics. After the course the students shall be able to perform research projects within related topics in software development and shall be able to take advantage of this knowledge in design, development and evaluation of complex systems.

Learning Outcomes

A student who has completed the course should have the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence:

The candidate

  • knows central concepts and principles within selected software engineering topics.
  • knows current research within the selected software engineering topics.
  • can apply software engineering concepts and principles in a concrete software project working in teams, as well as how software tools and techniques that are currently used within the field of study.
  • can identify relevant research literature for the selected software engineering topics
  • can select a sensible set of tools and techniques to start a software project that involves a group of people.
  • can work in a software team of a realistic size using partly unfamiliar technology and tools and in using state-of-the-art technologies used in the IT industry today.

Semester of Instruction

Compulsory participation: Attendance at 80 % of course sessions is compulsory.

Compulsory requirements are only valid the semester they are approved.

Group software project, portfolio assessment (30%):

  • Development of the software (programming assignment).
  • Presentation of progress and results in class during and after the development. Assessment includes quality of the final software, as well as the development process, efforts, progress and learning of the groups.
  • Group term paper related to the software project (20%).
  • Oral exam, individual (50%).

The exam assignment will be given in the language of instruction in the course. The exam answer must be submitted in the same language as the exam assignment.

Assessment in teaching semester.

Students with valid absence as defined in the UiB regulations § 5-5 can apply for an extended submission deadline to [email protected]. The application must be submitted before the deadline for submission has expired.

Contact Information

Software engineering topics

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This list complements the software engineering article, giving more details and examples.

For an alphabetical listing of topics, please see software engineering topics (alphabetical) .

  • 1.1 Applications
  • 1.2 Disasters
  • 2.1.1 Programming languages
  • 2.1.2 Programming paradigm, based on a programming language technology
  • 2.1.3 Databases
  • 2.1.4 Graphical user interfaces
  • 2.1.5 Programming tools
  • 2.1.6 Libraries
  • 2.1.7 Design languages
  • 2.1.8 Patterns, document many common programming and project management techniques
  • 2.1.9 Processes and methodologies
  • 2.1.10 Platforms
  • 2.1.11 Other Practices
  • 2.1.12 Other tools
  • 2.2 Computer science topics
  • 2.3 Mathematics topics
  • 2.4 Life cycle phases
  • 2.5 Deliverables
  • 2.6 Business roles
  • 2.7 Management topics
  • 2.8 Business topics
  • 3.1 Pioneers
  • 3.2 Notable publications
  • 3.3 Professional topics
  • 4.1 Related fields
  • 4.2 Different languages
  • 4.3 Miscellaneous and to do
  • 6 External links

Influence on society [ ]

Software engineers affect society by creating applications. These applications produce value for users, and sometimes produce disasters.

Applications [ ]

Software engineers build applications that people use.

Applications influence software engineering by pressuring developers to solve problems in new ways. For example, consumer software emphasizes low cost, medical software emphasizes high quality, and Internet commerce software emphasizes rapid development.

  • Accounting software
  • Data mining closely related to database
  • Decision support systems
  • Airline reservations
  • Automatic teller machines
  • Cheque processing
  • Credit cards
  • Auctions (EBay)
  • Reverse auctions
  • Bar code scanners
  • Compiler optimization
  • Interpreters
  • Instant messengers
  • Calendars - scheduling and coordinating
  • Contact managers
  • Special effects for video and film
  • Post-processing
  • Cryptography
  • Databases , support almost every field
  • Automotive software
  • Avionics software
  • Electronic warfare engineering
  • Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) software
  • Medical device software
  • Computer Aided Design (CAD)
  • Electronic Design Automation (EDA)
  • Numerical Analysis
  • File sharing
  • Bond market
  • Futures market
  • Stock market
  • Multiuser Dungeons
  • Video games
  • LIS Management of laboratory data
  • MIS Management of financial and personnel data
  • Supply chain management
  • Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM)
  • Distributed Control Systems (DCS)
  • Music sequencers
  • Sound effects
  • Music synthesis
  • Domain Name System
  • Word processors
  • Spreadsheets
  • Presentations
  • Multitasking
  • Image processing , encoding and interpreting visual information
  • Signal processing , encoding and interpreting signals
  • Speech processing
  • Text recognition
  • Handwriting recognition
  • Engineering , A software simulation can be cheaper to build and more flexible to change than a physical engineering model .
  • Air traffic control
  • Ship traffic control
  • Automotive traffic control
  • Architecture
  • Engineering

Disasters [ ]

Software has played a role in many high-profile disasters.

  • Ariane 5 Flight 501
  • Mars probes
  • Denver International Airport
  • TAURUS - UK share settlement system and dematerialised central share depository .
  • Therac-25 - A radiation therapy machine responsible for six overdoses due to faulty software.
  • Airbus A320 - The Airbus A320 , while a highly safe and successful aircraft, was highly controversial in software engineering circles, being the first civilian Fly-by-wire aircraft. In the Airbus flight control systems, the computer has the final say on all decisions, meaning the safety of passengers depends upon the accuracy of the software specification, and the competence of the engineering teams producing the (multiple, independent) software stacks. Other than the crash of the original plane (in which a demonstration of stability outside the envelope went awry) whose cause is still not fully known, the sole crash which has been attributed to software was the Strasbourg A320 crash of Jan 21, 1992. In this crash which killed 87 people, the pilots had the flat panel display in the wrong mode. It is believed that the pilots had a console in flight path angle mode, instead of vertical speed entry. On entering a vertical speed, the aircraft descended into the mountains, without issuing any kind of warning. This accident shows a fundamental problem of software engineering: even if you implement the specification perfectly, an error in the specification (here, what constitutes an effective user interface), can still be lethal. It also shows another problem with computer controlled vehicles: there is vested interest by the manufacturers to attribute responsibility to the (often deceased) flight crew/drivers, rather than in the design of the vehicle.

Technologies and practices [ ]

Skilled software engineers use technologies and practices from a variety of fields to improve their productivity in creating software and to improve the quality of the delivered product.

Software engineering topics [ ]

Many technologies and practices are (mostly) unique to software engineering, though many of these are shared with computer science .

Programming languages [ ]

  • List of programming languages
  • Visual Basic

Programming paradigm , based on a programming language technology [ ]

  • Aspect-oriented programming
  • Functional decomposition
  • Object-oriented programming
  • Post-object programming
  • Structured programming

Databases [ ]

  • Hierarchical

Graphical user interfaces [ ]

  • GTK toolkit

Programming tools [ ]

  • text editors
  • word processors
  • Yacc / Bison

Libraries [ ]

  • Software componentry

Design languages [ ]

Patterns , document many common programming and project management techniques [ ].

  • Anti-patterns

Processes and methodologies [ ]

  • Agile software development
  • Extreme programming
  • Lean software development
  • Scrum (in management)
  • ISO 12207 — software life cycle processes
  • ISO 9000 and ISO 9001
  • Rational Unified Process
  • CMM and CMMI
  • ISO 15504 (SPICE)

Platforms [ ]

A platform combines computer hardware and an operating system. As platforms become more powerful and less expensive, applications and tools become more widely available.

  • Cray supercomputers
  • DEC minicomputers
  • IBM mainframes
  • Mac OS and Mac OS X PCs
  • Microsoft .NET network software platform
  • Sun Microsystems Solaris
  • Windows PCs ( Wintel )

Other Practices [ ]

  • Communication
  • Pair programming
  • Refactoring
  • Software inspections / Code reviews
  • Software reuse
  • Systems integration

Other tools [ ]

  • Decision tables

Computer science topics [ ]

Skilled software engineers know a lot of computer science including what is possible and impossible, and what is easy and hard for software.

  • Numerical analysis
  • Hash tables
  • Halting problem
  • NP completeness
  • Computational complexity theory
  • Proof of correctness
  • Program synthesis

Mathematics topics [ ]

Discrete mathematics is a key foundation of software engineering.

  • Number representation
  • First-order logic
  • Higher-order logic
  • Combinatory logic
  • Combinatorics
  • Domain knowledge
  • Decision theory
  • Type theory

Life cycle phases [ ]

  • Requirements gathering / analysis
  • Software architecture
  • Computer programming
  • Black box testing
  • White box testing
  • Clear box testing
  • Quality assurance , ensures compliance with process.
  • First development
  • Major release
  • Minor release
  • Bug fix release
  • Maintenance
  • Obsolesence
  • Gold master
  • Waterfall model - Structured programming and Stepwise refinement
  • Spiral model - Iterative development
  • Chaos model - Chaos strategy

Deliverables [ ]

Deliverables must be developed for many SE projects. Software engineers rarely make all of these deliverables themselves. They usually cooperate with the writers, trainers, installers, marketers, technical support people, and others who make many of these deliverables.

  • Application - the software
  • Database - schemas and data.
  • Administrator
  • Administration and Maintenance policy, what should be backed-up, checked, configured, ...
  • Upgrade from previous installations
  • Upgrade from competitor's installations
  • Support info for computer support groups.
  • White papers , explain the technologies used in the applications
  • Comparisons with competitor products

Business roles [ ]

  • Administrators
  • Programmers
  • Consulting - customization and installation of applications
  • Legal - contracts, intellectual property rights
  • Support - helping customers use applications
  • Personnel - hiring and training qualified personnel
  • Finance - funding new development
  • Researchers

Management topics [ ]

  • Communication , SEs easily ignore this
  • Vision , SEs are good at this
  • Example , everyone follows a good example best
  • Hiring , getting people into an organization
  • Staffing , getting people onto a project
  • Goal setting
  • Customer interaction (Rethink)
  • Risk management
  • Change management
  • Software development processes
  • Methodologies

Business topics [ ]

  • Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award
  • Total Quality Management (TQM)

Community topics [ ]

Pioneers [ ].

Many people made important contributions to SE technologies, practices, or applications.

  • John Backus : Fortran , first optimizing compiler, BNF
  • Vic Basili : Experience factory .
  • F.L. Bauer : Stack principle, originator of the term Software Engineering
  • Kent Beck : Refactoring , extreme programming , pair programming , test-driven development .
  • Tim Berners-Lee : World wide web
  • Barry Boehm : SE economics , COCOMO , Spiral model .
  • Grady Booch : Object-oriented design , UML .
  • Fred Brooks : Managed System 360 and OS 360 . Wrote The Mythical Man-Month and No Silver Bullet .
  • Edsger Dijkstra : Wrote Notes on Structured Programming , A Discipline of Programming and Go To Statement Considered Harmful , algorithms , formal methods , pedegogy .
  • Michael Fagan : Software inspection .
  • Tom Gilb : Evolutionary processes .
  • Grace Hopper : The first compiler (Mark 1), COBOL , Nanoseconds .
  • Watts Humphrey : Capability Maturity Model , headed (founded?) the Software Engineering Institute .
  • Jean Ichbiah : Ada
  • Michael A. Jackson : Jackson Structured Programming , Jackson System Development
  • Bill Joy : Berkeley Unix , vi , Java .
  • Brian Kernighan : C and Unix.
  • Donald Knuth : Wrote The Art of Computer Programming , TeX , algorithms , literate programming
  • Bertrand Meyer : Design by Contract , Eiffel programming language .
  • Peter G. Neumann : Computer risks , ACM Sigsoft.
  • David Parnas : Module design, social responsibility, professionalism.
  • Jef Raskin : Developed the original Macintosh GUI
  • Dennis Ritchie : C and Unix .
  • Winston W. Royce : Waterfall model .
  • Mary Shaw : Software architecture .
  • Richard Stallman : Founder of the Free Software Foundation
  • Linus Torvalds : Linux kernel, open source development.
  • Will Tracz : Reuse, ACM Software Engineering Notes.
  • Gerald Weinberg : Wrote The Psychology of Computer Programming .
  • Jeanette Wing : Formal specifications .
  • Ed Yourdon : Structured programming , wrote The Decline and Fall of the American Programmer .
  • List of programmers
  • List of computer scientists
  • List of software moguls

Notable publications [ ]

  • About Face by Alan Cooper , about user interface design. ISBN 0-76452641-3
  • The Capability Maturity Model by Watts Humphrey . Written for the Software Engineering Institute , emphasizing management and process. (See Managing the software process ISBN 0-201-18095-2 )
  • The Cathedral and the Bazaar by Eric Raymond about open source development.
  • The Decline and Fall of the American Programmer by Ed Yourdon predicts the end of software development in the U.S. ISBN 0-13-191958-X
  • Design Patterns by Erich Gamma , Richard Helm , Ralph Johnson , and John Vlissides . ISBN 0-201-63361-2
  • Extreme Programming Explained by Kent Beck ISBN 0-32127865-8
  • " Go To Statement Considered Harmful " by Edsger Dijkstra .
  • The Mythical Man-Month by Fred Brooks , about project management. ISBN 0-201-83595-9
  • Object-oriented Analysis and Design by Grady Booch . ISBN 0-8053-5340-2
  • Peopleware by Tom DeMarco and Tim Lister . ISBN 0-932633-43-9
  • Principles of Software Engineering Management by Tom Gilb about evolutionary processes. ISBN 0-201-19246-2
  • The Psychology of Computer Programming by Gerald Weinberg . Written as an independent consultant, partly about his years at IBM. ISBN 0-932633-42-0
  • Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code by Martin Fowler , Kent Beck , John Brant , William Opdyke , and Don Roberts . ISBN 0-201-48567-2
  • Important publications in software engineering in CS.

Professional topics [ ]

  • Demographics
  • Intellectual property
  • Consumer protection

Odds and ends [ ]

Related fields [ ].

  • Computer engineering
  • Electrical engineering
  • Domain engineering
  • Information engineering
  • Knowledge engineering
  • User interface engineering
  • Mathematics
  • Computer science
  • Information science
  • Information systems
  • Programming

Different languages [ ]

  • In Chinese , software engineer is called ruan jian gong cheng shi —— 软件工程师
  • In French , software engineering is called Ingénieur logiciel .
  • In German , software engineering is called Softwaretechnik .
  • In Norwegian , software engineering is called Programvareutvikling .
  • In Spanish , software engineering is called Ingeniería del software ,

Miscellaneous and to do [ ]

  • Complexity or scaling
  • Software brittleness problem
  • Second system syndrome
  • Software specialists share common language, terminology, certification, and so on.
  • Traditional engineers frequently resort to a balance of factors to achieve optimization .
  • Biology and biological engineering have other issues.
  • Source code escrow
  • Feature interaction problem
  • Certification (software engineering)

See also [ ]

  • SWEBOK Software engineering body of knowledge
  • CCSE Computing curriculum for software engineering
  • Computer terms etymology , the origins of computer terms

External links [ ]

  • British Computer Society
  • Association for Computing Machinery
  • IEEE Computer Society
  • SE Code of Ethics
  • Professional licensing in Texas
  • CCSE Undergraduate curriculum
  • IEEE Software Engineering Standards
  • Internet Engineering Task Force
  • European Software Institute
  • Software Engineering Institute
  • Organization to promote Agile software development
  • Test driven development
  • Online community for software engineers
  • U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics on SE
  • David Redmiles page from the University of California site
  • Full text in PDF from the NATO conference in Garmisch
  • Computer Risks Peter G. Neumann 's risks column.


  • 1 Engineering Wiki
  • 2 Wankel engine
  • 3 Switched-mode power supply

CS302: Software Engineering (2021.A.01)

Enrollment options.

  • Time: 41 hours
  • College Credit Recommended ($25 Proctor Fee) -->
  • Free Certificate

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    This paper discusses producing and interpreting descriptive statistics using SPSS. The task of this paper is to use SPSS to carry out a descriptive analysis of data. Accounting Software for Business. This research paper examines the four accounting programs for business: QuickBooks, FreshBooks, Xero, and Wave.

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  12. Research Topics in Software Engineering

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  13. Research Topics in Software Engineering

    This seminar is an opportunity to become familiar with current research in software engineering and more generally with the methods and challenges of scientific research. ... The papers will span topics in both theory and practice, including papers on program verification, program analysis, testing, programming language design, and development ...

  14. Papers for Software Engineers

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    knows current research within the selected software engineering topics. Skills: The candidate. ... Group term paper related to the software project (20%). Oral exam, individual (50%). The exam assignment will be given in the language of instruction in the course.

  20. PDF Current Research Topic In Software Engineering

    This paper describes some factors that Reseaech in Software engineering firm or industry.There are much more topics and fields in software engineering senario. Research in SE was concerned with supporting human beings to develop better ... Germany [52, 71] where the term "SE crisis" was coined. Its main concern is the efficient and

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    2. Reverse Engineering - Extracting models from code. 3. Automated or semi-automatic bug localization. 4. Use of probabilistic models for semantic search and retrieval. For instance, Semantic Search Tools, to allow a developer to be able to pose questions like: - "I have written a new piece of code. Is someone else already implementing.

  22. Software engineering topics

    This list complements the software engineering article, giving more details and examples. For an alphabetical listing of topics, please see software engineering topics (alphabetical). Software engineers affect society by creating applications. These applications produce value for users, and sometimes produce disasters. Software engineers build applications that people use. Applications ...

  23. CS302 (2021.A.01)

    CS302: Software Engineering (2021.A.01) ... Learn how to apply an engineering approach to computer software design and development by focusing on topics like life cycle models, software requirements, specification, conceptual model design, detailed design, validation and verification, design quality assurance, software design/development ...