Great Barrier Reef

The biodiversity of the Great Barrier Reef is threatened. Scientists are working to find ways to protect it.

Biology, Ecology, Earth Science, Climatology

barrier reef

Coral reefs like the Great Barrier Reef off the coast of Queensland, Australia, support diverse marine populations in unique underwater ecosystems.

Photograph by vlad61

Coral reefs like the Great Barrier Reef off the coast of Queensland, Australia, support diverse marine populations in unique underwater ecosystems.

The Great Barrier Reef , which extends for over 2,300 kilometers (1429 miles) along the northeastern coast of Australia, is home to over 9,000 known species. There are likely many more—new discoveries are frequently being made, including a new species of branching coral discovered in 2017. This richness and uniqueness make the reef crucial for tourism and the Australian economy—it attracts at least 1.6 million visitors every year. Yet the reef’s true value, its biodiversity, extends far beyond dollars and cents.

The Great Barrier Reef consists of about 3,000 individual reefs of coral, and the biodiversity they contain is remarkable. There are animals you would probably recognize, such as dolphins, turtles, crocodiles, and sharks. There are also venomous sea snakes, brightly colored worms, and large algae. These species interact to form a complex and delicate ecosystem dependent on the coral reef for survival. Yet today the coral—and therefore all the organisms that depend on it—is gravely at risk.

Coral is made up of many small animals. These tiny animals build a hard external skeleton to make the vibrant structures that we recognize. When healthy, coral has a symbiotic relationship with algae. The coral produces fluorescent chemicals that protect the algae from bright sun—almost like a sunscreen. The algae use photosynthesis to harness solar energy to make sugars. In this way, the algae provide food and oxygen (a byproduct of photosynthesis) for the coral, and the coral protects and provides nutrients for the algae. The algae also give coral its many colors.

The coral and algae have evolved together to survive within a particular temperature range. As sea temperatures rise due to climate change , the algae begin to produce products toxic to the coral , which in turn expel the algae. This process is called bleaching because the coral becomes white. A 2018 study showed that about one-third of the Great Barrier Reef had experienced substantial damage from bleaching. The researchers also found that large amounts of coral had died in the warming water almost immediately—even before there was time to expel their algal partners. This suggests even greater risks from climate change than scientists had previously thought.

Climate change is not the only threat to the reef. Chemical runoff and other forms of pollution , coastal development, and overfishing all can harm coral and reduce biodiversity. So can large storms such as cyclones. Species that live in the reef can also cause damage. One major pest species is the crown-of-thorns starfish (Acanthaster planci) . A starfish may sound harmless, but these venomous creatures voraciously eat coral. Every so often, their numbers spike. Some scientists think these starfish caused over half of the reef damage from 1985 to 2012.

Fortunately, many people are passionate about protecting the Great Barrier Reef. National Geographic Explorer Dr. Erika S. Woolsey conducts research on coral reefs. Dr. Woolsey is the CEO of the nonprofit organization, The Hydrous. (The adjective hydrous means “containing water.”) Woolsey and her colleagues use virtual reality to create 3D versions of specimens that can be viewed in a laboratory. Scientists can see damage to the reef over time and take detailed measurements of every nook and cranny—without having to get wet! People around the world can access images of reef structures to study, thereby contributing to our knowledge of the reef.

So, is there still hope for the Great Barrier Reef? People are making a determined effort to help, and there are things that you can do right at home. Because climate change is an important cause of damage to the reef, efforts to fight it matter. In 2015, 195 countries signed the Paris Climate Agreement, committing to work to reduce carbon emissions and taking other steps to address climate change. You can contact your representatives in Congress to urge the United States to rejoin the Paris Climate Agreement.

You can also make changes in your own life to use less energy, produce less waste, choose environmentally friendly products, and be informed. Even your diet can make a difference: eating locally sourced foods that don’t have to be shipped to your neighborhood reduces carbon emissions. You can even be a citizen scientist and collect data for scientists if you visit the reef.

In a 2017 presentation, Dr. Woolsey explained why it is so important to protect reefs: “ Coral reefs . . . provide food and livelihoods for hundreds of millions of people around the world, they protect shorelines from erosion, and they contain compounds that are used to treat human ailments. . . . Even though they cover less than one percent of the sea floor, they harbor about a quarter of all marine biodiversity.”

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Great Barrier Reef Powerpoint Template

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Great Barrier Reef.

Transcript: By: Dana N. Morgan S. Jeremy A. Location Off the coast of Queensland Australia. Visiting the Great Barrier. Geograpgy of The Great Barrier reef It's the only living thing that can be seen from space. Has 900+ islands. It is in shallow water. World's largest reef system. 300,000 km (1,800 mi.) Great Barrier Reef.

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Great Barrier Reef

Transcript: Question 4 Blue Whale Map Question 1 The Great Barrier Reef is an ecosystem because it contains specific plants and animals that my differ from other reefs. Also it is a specific ecosystem. Biotic: Whale Shark, Corral, Clams, Mollusks, Tiger Sharks, Manta Rays, Cardinal Fish, Firefish, Gobies, Blue Tuskfish. Aibiotic: Trash, Boats, Water, Sand, Sunlight Question 6 The difference between an ecosystem and a biome is that an ecosystem contains all the plants. animals, and micro-organisms. where as a biome are groups of ecosystems that are geographically and environmentally similar The Carribean Tube worm attaches itself to hard surfaces such as boats and slows them down and brings up maintenance The way that we can controll invasive species is to not bring creatures here for starters and try to remove all invasive species from the ecosystem. The Asian green muscle is a threat because it grows rapidly and covers everything. Question 7 A. If krill started to die off it would remove the food source for the blue whale B. Water, Krill, Sunlight, food source for the krill, and space C. Stopping Whale hunting and try to avoid polution that kills krill and blue whales. Question 2 By: Tom Girardin The Great Barrier Reef 1. People that drive boats around the great barrier reef are poluting the water around it and the air by burning fuels on their boats. 2. People that dump trash into the ocean in and around the great barrier reef causes polution which causes fish and the plants to die. 3. Illegal fishing and trapping of the fish and other creatures causes a slight decline in numbers. 1. The great barrier reef is being protected quite well with all of the authority there. But one way is to try to remove some invasive species. 2.Trash is one thing that polutes the reef, so basically stop throwing trash in the ocean!

the great barrier reef powerpoint presentation

Transcript: cyclones destroy the Coral in the water Look at this great beauty but these creatures are destroying our Coral Reef The Great Barrier Reef is so BEAUTIFUL you can see it from space l Great Barrier Reef

the great barrier reef powerpoint presentation


Transcript: Great Barrier Reef It is off the North-East coast of Australia in the Coral Sea, and it is located in the coral sea off the coast of Queensland in North-East Australia. The Great Barrier Reef is the largest reef system in the world. It is composed of over 2,900 individual reefs and 900 islands streching for 1,600 miles. It is off the North-East coast of Australia in the Coral Sea. The Greatbarrier Reef can be seen from otter space. It is also the worlds biggest single structure made by a living organism. How it was built What they do is protect and limit human use such as fishing and tourorism The great barrier reef is home to many Vulnerable or endangered species including dwarf minke whale, indo-pacific humpback dolphin, andhumpback whale. Other problems with the reef are enviormental pressures.Some of these include runoff and climate change Also there is mass coral bleaching and cyclic population outbreaks of the crown-of-thorns starfish. Due to its vast biodiversity and warm clear waters it is a very popular destonation for scuba divers. Conclusion Also there is mass coral bleaching and cyclic population outbreaks of the crown-of-thorns starfish Just by tourist the reef generates over $1 billion dollars a year About It By: Conner Welch and Hunter Smith The reef was built from by billions of tiny organisms known as coral polyps. How much it makes SCUBA DIVERS Where it is at Problems with it How its protected A large part of the reef is protected by the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park. What they do is protect and limit human use such as fishing and tourorism. Other problems with the reef are enviormental pressures. Some of these include runoff. Just by tourist the reef generates over $1 billion dollars a year A large part of the reef is protected by the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park. Endangered Species

the great barrier reef powerpoint presentation

great barrier reef

Transcript: The Great Barrier Reef is located off the east coast of Queensland The Great Barrier Reef is the worlds biggest coral systems. Made up of over 2,900 individual reefs, and 900 islands Great Barrier Reef is one of the seven natural wonders of the world the Great Barrier Reef can be seen from outer space the barrier reef is the largest stucture made by living things snorkelling is a popular way to see the reef. another way to see the the reef on a glass bottom boats There are 125 species of sharks and stingrays in the reef There are thirty different species of whales, dolphins and porpise Great Barrier Reef by Max Geronimo

the great barrier reef powerpoint presentation

Transcript: The Great Barrier Reef The Great Barrier Reef is Australia's own Coral Reef, and is the largest in the world! It is one of Australia's most visited attractions. The Reef is a fantastic touring spot for divers, snorkellers, sight see-ers, and anyone else who wants to have a look at some of the world's most endangered, and beautiful species! The Great Barrier Reef is located on the Queenland Coast and stretches for a massive 2600km!! What's the threat? The Great Barrier Reef is located just off the coast of Queensland and is 2600km long. Where is it Located? The Reef stretches to regions such as the Whitsunday Islands, Cooktown and lizard island, Hinchinbrook, and Mackay. The Great Barrier Reef is home to many fish, and corals, most of which are endangered due to overfishing A quick intro on The Great Barrier Reef The Reef is under constant threat of oil spills, over tourism, and global warming.

the great barrier reef powerpoint presentation

Great Barrier Reef!

Transcript: TOURISIM! These 3 things are what create the foundation of my presentation to conclude, next time you go on holiday consider the great barrier reef because it is a beutiful calm place where there is alot to learn. Member The Great Barrier reef is the largest coral reef in the world, covering roughly 2,600 km over 900 beautiful isands. The Great Barrier Reef is composed of and built by billions of tiny organisms, known as coral polyps. an organism is any contiguous living system such as animals, fungus' or plants. The Great Barrier reef is a home to thirty diffrent species of whales and doplhins, also seventeen species of sea snakes and six diffrent species of sea turtles come to breed at the reef. the animals are gaurenteed to live happily due to their protection. Member Member THE GREAT BARRIER REEF Member GEOLOGY! TOURISIM HAS BECOME HUGE PART OF THE GREAT BARRIER REEF. BILLIONS OF DOLLARS ARE CONCIEVED YEARLY FROM TOURISTS. AFRAID TO HAVE PUT THIS BEAUTIFUL CREATION OF NATURE IN JEOPARDY A LARGE PART OF THE REEF IS PROTECTED BY "THE GREAT BARRIER REEF MARINE PARK" TO UNSURE THE LEVEL OF HUMAN IMPACT IS MINIMIZED. MARINE LIFE!

the great barrier reef powerpoint presentation

Transcript: Located in the Coral Sea, off of the coast of Queensland in north-east Australia. The Mesoamerican Barrier Reef-Isla Convoy at the tip of the Yucatán Peninsula down to the Bay Islands of Honduras The New Caledonia Barrier Reef—new caledonia south pacific The Andros, Bahamas Barrier Reef— following the east coast of Andros Island, Bahamas, between Andros and Nassau The Red Sea—coastline a seawater inlet of the Indian Ocean, lying between Africa and Asia 68 Degrees in the winter, and up to 90 degrees in the summer 3.5% average salt concentration Nutrients- phosphorus & nitrogen kelp is becoming over abundant which can overrun coral eventually this will make the water less clear then it will kill the algae that grows on the coral and animals that live in the coral will slowly die because of not having enough nutrients The depth can range from 30-120 feet. Most of the nutrients entering the Great Barrier Reef comes from catchments in major pastoral areas like the Burdekin, Herbert and Fitzroy Rivers. Coastal catchments that provide a continuous flow of freshwater to the Reef from small catchments that support farming like the Tully River and Pioneer River Large catchments that drain large inland grazing areas and tend to be seasonal and influenced by flooding like the Fitzroy River. water in the great barrier reef is standing and flowing. nutrients circulate from floods and other different natural things By 2050, 95% of the coral could be gone. Coral reefs are fragile , they can die in temperature change and coral bleaching. Tourism also hurts the reefs. But for now it is the fastest growing and contains a lot of life. The reef serves as a protective habitat for many other forms of marine life. The outer edge of the reef receives the full force of breaking waves, protecting the inner Australian shore. The space between the shoreline and the inner edge of the reef acts as a kind of nursery for growing fish and other marine life. Also, the calcium carbonate in coral helps maintain the pH balance in the ocean needed to have life. Another thing is, medicine has also made important discoveries within coral reefs. Some hard coral is being experimented with as a possible bone replacement, and treatments for diseases such as cancer, AIDS, asthma, arthritis, and various infections have been developed from organisms in coral reefs. boat, fish, sail, dive, snorkel and swim Coral is a useful product Olive Ridley Sea Turtle (Lepidochelys olivacea) Habitat- bays and estuaries food chain- they are towards the top Biotic- boats, destruction of habitat, pollution Abiotic- sand, temperature, natural disasters Predators- whale, etc. Prey- different fish and algae Spinner Dolphin (Stenella Longirostris) Habitat- deep ocean Food chain- top of their food chain Biotic-smooth skin, human interaction, food Abiotic- water temp., surrounding environment, natural disasters Predators- sharks Prey- fish, jellyfish, squid, krill, etc. Dugongs (Dugon dugon) Habitat- shallow coastal waters Food Chain- in the middle Biotic- big, heavy, food Abiotic- population, slow moving, disasters of their habitat Predators- Killer whales, crocodiles, etc. Prey- seagrass Seagrass (Posidonisceae) Biotic- nutrients, sand, animals Abiotic- water current, temperature, light Coralline Algae (Corallina officinalis) Biotic- animals, nutrients, coral Abiotic- nutrients, water, temperature Sources 1. - location 2. -major locations around world 3. - average temp. 4. -coral reef outside pic 5. -sky pic 6. -fish pic 7. - salt concentration 8. -nutrients 9. –limiting nutrients 10. -water depth 11. -drainage 12. -structure and growth 13. -environmental values 14. -turtle pic 15. dolphin pic 16. -dolphin factors 17. -dugong pic 18.

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PowerPoint Presentation - The Great Barrier Reef

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the great barrier reef

The Great Barrier Reef

Apr 02, 2019

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The Great Barrier Reef. Sara Ibrahim. What is a Coral Reef?.

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Presentation Transcript

The Great Barrier Reef Sara Ibrahim

What is a Coral Reef? Coral Reefs are a huge component of a larger eco system. In warm climates and clear waters. The colorful underwater rainforests are made up of tiny animals called polyps. They gather in colonies and over time become hard skeletal forms.

What is the Great Barrier Reef? The Great Barrier Reef is the largest coral reef on earth. It is located on the coast of Australia and is larger than the Great Wall of China, and is also the only living thing visible from space. It is composed of 2900 individual reefs, and over 2500 species of fish, dolphins, whales, turtles, and other animals that live or visit the reefs. Although 1/5 of the reef has been permanently damaged, they are taking action to prevent further harm.

Where is it?

Abiotic Factors Climate is tropical and warm all year round, as there are only two seasons. In summer, there is higher rainfall, and in winter, there is less. Yearly, there is around 2010mm of rainfall. Average minimum temperature: 21 degrees Average maximum temperature: 30 degrees

Dugongs Dugongs, also known as Sea Cows, are huge grey mammals, that can grow up to 3 meters long. They are herbivores and feed on sea grass. Dugongs are very slow moving, but because of their large size, only sharks and saltwater crocodiles and very few other creatures feed on them. Humans also pose as a threat to dugongs.

Dwarf Minke Whales Dwarf Minke Whales are very curious. In the northern parts of the Great Barrier Reef, they are known to come very close to divers and boats.

In early 2010, researchers found that the seaweed was actually harming the Great Barrier Reef. There was so much seaweed that they say the coral was choking on it. Seaweed

Sea Grass There are around 60 species of sea grass, around 30 of them can be found in Australia, and 15 of them just in the Queensland waters. The are different from seaweed because they have true roots and are flowering plants, and they are also food for turtles and dugongs.

How are humans affecting it? Pollution, over-fishing, and global warming are slowly but surely destroying the Great Barrier Reef. Global Warming is affecting it with the rising temperatures of the oceans will have adverse effects on the eco-system. Over-fishing will cause a domino effect in the food chain, which will mess up a lot of things. Pollution is affecting the refs because all of the waste being thrown into the seas will damage the reefs.

Oil Spills Because of many laws, people are not allowed to pollute the reefs or harm them in any way, and they do not exactly affect the economy, but they are affected by many things, such as oil spills. In 2010, a Chinese-owned coal carrier, which was 230 meters long, ran aground, just on the edge of the reefs.

How does it affect the Economy? The Great Barrier Reef makes around 6 billion dollars from just tourists, which is pretty impressive.

How have the reefs affected Society? I think that the Great Barrier Reef has taught us to appreciate the natural beauty of the world, and to protect it as well as we can. Although laws are being passed, there will always be a few rebels who will attempt to break the rules. The reefs help us in many different ways, such as removing CO2 form our air, and it has also helped scientists learn new things about marine life and such.

The End! (:

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    The Great Barrier Reef is the largest reef system in the world. It is composed of over 2,900 individual reefs and 900 islands streching for 1,600 miles. It is off the North-East coast of Australia in the Coral Sea. The Greatbarrier Reef can be seen from otter space.

  13. Great Barrier Reef Presentation

    This Great Barrier Reef presentation is a fantastic resource to use to teach your children all about the wonderful ecosystem. Told over eight slides, this Great Barrier Reef presentation includes lots of fantastic information such as its size, environment, animals and the connection between the reef and Aboriginal Australians. This Great Barrier Reef presentation can be used for lots of ...

  14. The great barrier reef

    • The Great Barrier Reef is an important part of the Aboriginals culture and religion. • The reef is a very popular for tourists, especially the Whitsunday Islands and Cairns. • The reef is very important for tourism and it generates over $3 billion per year.

  15. The Great Barrier Reef Presentation

    This Great Barrier Reef presentation is a fantastic resource to use to teach your children all about the wonderful ecosystem. Told over eight slides, this Great Barrier Reef presentation includes lots of fantastic information such as its size, environment, animals and the connection between the reef and Indigenous Australians.This Great Barrier Reef presentation can be used for lots of ...

  16. The Great Barrier Reef Presentation

    This Great Barrier Reef presentation is a fantastic resource to use to teach your children all about the wonderful ecosystem. Told over eight slides, this Great Barrier Reef presentation includes lots of fantastic information such as its size, environment, animals and the connection between the reef and Indigenous Australians.This Great Barrier Reef presentation can be used for lots of ...

  17. PPT

    The Great Barrier Reef. Presentation The Great Barrier Reef is the biggest coral reef of the world. It is situated off Queensland, in Australia. It extends over 2600 km and covers 357000 km ². It is formed by islands, by small islands and by atolls and represents the eighth wonder of the world: natural marvel which draws a turquoise blue line ...

  18. PowerPoint Presentation

    PowerPoint Presentation - The Great Barrier Reef. advertisement The Great Barrier Reef by: Dawn N Location The Great Barrier Reef is on the north-east coast of Australia. Weather Jan Temp Feb Mar Apri May Jun l July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 89 88 87 84 81 78 78 79 82 85 87 89 Rainfall 15.7 15.2 15.4 8.9 Inches 3.6 2.2 1.3 1.2 1.0 1.3 2.7 5.0 ...

  19. Great barrier reef.

    The Great Barrier Reef lies off the northeast coast of Australia and contains over 600 types of corals and 1,000 species of fish and other sea life. It is the world's largest coral reef system, spanning over 1,400 miles and varying depths from shallow waters to deep ocean. However, the Great Barrier Reef is threatened by pollution, coastal ...

  20. PPT

    The Great Barrier Reef. Basic Facts. Located off Northeastern Australia 1,240 miles long More than 2,800 reefs 1,500 species of fish 359 types of hard coral 33% of the world's soft corals 175 bird species 6 of the 7 species of threatened marine turtles Slideshow 3275876 by armina

  21. PPT

    The Great Barrier Reef is the largest coral reef on earth. It is located on the coast of Australia and is larger than the Great Wall of China, and is also the only living thing visible from space. It is composed of 2900 individual reefs, and over 2500 species of fish, dolphins, whales, turtles, and other animals that live or visit the reefs.